MISt ELLANEOUS. - - • . DCIOKIN BoOKIO • ' glisrTc t cid tithe PR Est RYTKRIAN iOOR. *Kos, * Sci , l9 Wood tircotowd car oak at Pattern price. iihnealas' Hebrew Lesion, Tim o tentlis Amorist:mat of the bible. Neandei. Ittnety of the ebristimilicle. Mort and Church. Alillea's Treatise on Ceoistian LIC.C. Whit, List of Jere Anal Knott/in.. Itoideson's Greek VirM, of lett ' =int o Itallit 13 ' 4 ' 1 ' rgtti a c i r - , HisdhArWaMmt auil im I' rushee iit. Hr. Wood's Le, tame on timcdontiorgnissa. iloitsshitssionas7 Ain's. inch; sad matey miter interestms works, is addition te no Mom. all at ..111.12 Taldia. nnlr= rrilirlairtir -- 'll.lcortintrnalL, ATE: .41413IltiVilY, AND ‘ICINI CY, will be Toady for i• egravar in le days. Vent:spawn! may wish to In mourn their coantry teats put on the n= en e• by making appßcation to th e mtdcm , any before the PAM To deny , the expense ot 04 ' 6 ". .•••• ."--, in be required in addition MI tkaEteit Of this In noel* RE hIcHOWAN ___ , TO T PIIBLIC. AI . N:UT fuer yea .)rt es, I was traveling through this bran Si Ohl while spending a few days in , I discovered annular Piletsbe sabssactoe. and nbinguently lea non it hod been known for Plii=sind supposed t be of to the or 'Mee, but from tts really of Mil and mosaic, appearance. I was led to tmlsove it might be made meal, but for what mamma I had tot the lent fines I commenced my expenannts by burning A. boiling it. and Pulver ...lJ it and compounding a with vanes subsumes; x cam so strong was my confidence theaters. Was Talon IT It, That I gave up my entire that. and Means it the preaKon of Mose expecte:wa; ard hoot amt time o OM ali , I have !Mended to no other business, at tho rat tiraue of about two years. I nimbi discorered, net. be be Waddi st ng fib a too pernler fa end ratniig win seed ell to about the consistency of Mint (ut. and smirk; this compound math a Came. thatiMs Mang; an a few mown mean nen. • to rsiset stem or slam; that the 'Minnie. whoa annest was notedly sine its a liquid tiro, owl no too l . sonosnt of ultra, alagnins, suagnewOned h. nil oltdis ed toot On it can monad, modend it !ma seemOsst sad ern erect as the _ - Warr earKaarl, the ttr: . ol t,d 1.4.1 e patestartent it man to bocomo, end at no CVNA.4 lager II ton to SUFFERING CHILD. slam) bi or itse!( tedemraeor'• Cr ern corisesimany it roomoy. c ertify that one of my children, when no protect! the won.! eiss , "'id well ti crow the air, and - test, (ell into a lute fat trine cons, and wan barna when there to no sire, them is oe Wm* t****,bisitilioni sevesely from heed to feet. The Lest of medical sod therelontbe wood will actuung elite, Lebo the slam ant attention was given to the child for four or five werming will give way. days without c omb f—eh day's• sufferingettic maw I considered the discovery of the memo. imposts od till his groans be heard at • meat distance, at anew. and applied to (30•Ottt•tOtO fen • Pam*, far my which critical period one of toy ncighbom recommen someone or discovery, fondly hoping that I mould ded and presented to me a boo of Sloan's Ointment now be remunerated for all my outlay in time and mos and In less than hnoon minute otter the ~,,tk,,,, , ,,„ .g, Th e neises e i .mii, anthem any peas... tau, gram- of th ,.. 1. „„,„,,.., u , the aggravated nets of die suffering nil he See, Leine. Ihm. , for the win right to .**.f . i n " child, the psi ceased en t irely , and he speedily began tote, tn. sod use tinT intemnoinsnt *i th..**** ,. * ..n to recover. My residence 11 in Hell township, Ver. of a ' , Weather and Fin Proof Compnaton or Aril• n yilll oc county, and State of Indiana. honk Slate.. ler fourteen leers. THEODORE L. TAYLOR. August 14,10.9. WM. BLAKE. Chicago, Amami 04,124 A WE, the inhabitants of Sharon, hey earl the atom statement of Air. BIM, and believe tb be man. nag carnet, as we are knowing to MAR of the ante manta therein conminedi and we will farther Mate, that are do not believe that there ever sees a patent more honestly and lab:mainly anned, or morudemrvedly gr.tedi ea be punned hit erpenments with the most indomitable perseverance under the mom dmisearegMir circumstances, as the public had not the least confi dence thou them could he any thin valaeble made Grow the alabstelleM Ile therefore ha lo encounter for years the Jaen and aeofis of nearly the whole comma. ab Notwittimeading all this, wan indefatigle la the preeecoticefof Ns eirrtlnents, and we do our believe them there Is ono man to a thoumndwho would have persevered ander all the arcusintaticea. Bot he hm et last relomphod over all ohimelee, ead we be. liter there Is now but out opinion In awarding Into the merit of this -saleable discovery. GEO. W. CRANE, Justices of HORACEGIBB, the JONATHAN EVE-SHARI; peace. LEWIS C. CHATFTELD, Trustees II- W. snu., of BENJAMIN /ONE, Township. EVF.RETY, To ip Clerk ALLEN HOWE, Tremarer. • CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. To: lha Meenatned that therolualudividuelsengegal rmtgrgrthding, and preparing for l, the above iel Mama, to be mixed with ell, end used pre- V I use my patented article. - I lame been m those persons and shown them my patent. They way • Mel ' they do net Intend to ;arms* or irespann upon me t% that hare a right to ,hg, grind, and nil the powder, If they e. find parchment that th ey ere.. aoand to know whet they are to do with Itt that It is no infringement mill n Is mixed with the oil to make theconapoundt and that tame who buy, mix and mo it, mart take the responsibility. Mena of them say that they beileve that the potent is good against those that mix and me the compels., and tome have stud that what they wanted to me they Mudd certainly parch of Me t Mg they did not intend to make thernselvm noble In and wars. Nnw I feel myself in dray - boun e d to l tan c ell by no n ottra d , whe re tW a s P r ' m ' a bli s r Air selves pay . for an article. the use .[which he well knows subjects the purchaser Lai Mer to L paw. , don and fine. Some of those sT.D ate engaged - mil. nefarious trigs, unquestionebly contend to the ablie than my patent not stand, and that I dare not proacente. Now, to take this ergument away from atent, I went to some of More who Were that my patent was of no might, and male Um follow propoiltiont emu they might select &judge md two "Aryan who have had some practice in patent casee and we would submit the patent to them, -and if they decided that the patent wen good, that they thoold seep all farther proceedingsin the business; bat if they Mould decide that it not, la their opinion. hold, would wise to let thorn go on and sell Whitey could, without toying any tang to, pane aboat them. This' proposanon they would not accede to. So far as the validity of my patent Ls concerned. do net de• pond entirely upon my ovenjudgmcm, although I have m e ? ullest confidence to it; bull have sahtnitted it le en of the judges. and several of the .most eminent patent loaners, who have, withoat exception, decided tau In them °Mk= it wan good, end woeld protect me in soy thscovery. grind the snide ton fine power, end put ti g barrels, the which ore marked. "Burt's Par= Mx ADD WxoeeOe Plear Aletenttat Star." I thero(ore give nonce to all woo buy and Me the above mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in ml Pete.; ealcept from ma ar m 9 ; authorized agents, tam- wiswil An. Mew ts. • ateisa Wlln and shall eomtnallea mils at law agamM those who p thus ;fringe upon my right WIL -BLAZE. ' Stows, Medina Co., 0, Aug. 1.1, 1440. I]TWO TONS of the above Fire and Weather Proof Anificiel Slate on hands and for sale. The slave we can recommend, for we have been using it fat some 4 vases, and know it to be what It to set forth in every particular. J. fr. H. PHILNI.I.FSSkytn, EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., Se. 02 S'otart.tk Street, Pilulelamb Have now In Store their full nesortment of Trinuitiogs,,Oloves, llpsiery and Lace toads p DAPTF.D to tee wan of every class of Mere leads Da. and Consumers. Pin paitie have been spared w present the newest and moat faisluonalde style of (foods in Weir line. TUN r stock consists In put of tin follovrinet DRESS TR.IIII.SIINGS. . . Fano. and trlmps. of every variety; nevr styled figured Galloons; Algerine and Imperml Braids; ande and narrow ;rally and Wonted Embroidering Eralds; =art opnl'atVn'Zl.Ri=s,T;ol'ir C°rad'4i, canto and colored Salk Laces; extra wide dodo, far Counce with a full assortment of Drelbilattons; Draws si nuked, Stomped or Embroide red to order. LACE GOODS. &aroideated Lace .d Muslin Capes, Ch.:Meet., Breakfast end Retiring Caps and Half Sim... French Worked Collars endears, in great oaricth Laos Vets. Lappeln and ()pen Tie, Sloortung Chentmettes, Wl lar, Cads .d Half Sleeves; Lmen Lawn {ldes, plant embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do, reel thread Laces and Edgings; Im. do do; Bobbin, Lille, Lace Masao .d Cotton eldgmys and Itiertimst. zioNNET TRIMMINGS. Rich war style Menet lb.-or.. French Face Firrist ers, }onne! Tab, Velvet, Sail. SW Ficirencest, Silk W¢dens and Tarlatans, Bonnet Frames and 'Flys. - - ICE 3 GLOVES. Bert manufacture. adth most approved faatening. and thvineat rotors. An emenarve maoruncor twat - Oa baud. rtEEZOI A great variety of 6111, Wool, Croon, Monza and Cmere, for 'JAM. and Misses; Tart. Plaids. and a foil assortment other nyles fanny and piton Child ren's Dose; nearest styles infants' Hoot. and Sorbs; Gents' tirainpum, %%pain Merino, CC.. and Anc Wool Half Hose. s. GLOVES. A fell assortment for men, women and children, among which are Derby Nabbed, Foloselle and plain ball ribbed and plain Cashmere; CharnotaDioed lier• Ito; CoaxiMere; Menno, Fur-hard Deaver, heavy ltd hue Leak kin, Military and Lisle Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, Scab at Ladles' and CMlCrenta Hood?, rituldren'a Woolen &eta, Knit chtartr rind Baas,!Wren's ma and Long kilns, Worsted Cuirr;Cattung Worsteds d Woolen Yams, CaMoms Comforts; also, doe Caskorare Scarfs, for Ladle., LADIES' DEPARTMENT, -• Zephyr and Tapestry Wormed., Oman.. Patterns, Floss and Ruth" Silk, Brutal and Pert'd Boaara, ra per Flower Materials, Lamp Nato, Tidies, and Em broidered Wort. Also—Ladies , Silk and Merino Vests and Drawers:Embroidered Sack. and Flannels, French Worktd Caps and Walsh. for Infants:and Swari'veown Trimmings. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Fine Shins, Cravats and Cotters; Mariam, Silk and Conon Wrappen and Drawers; Sadtpereisra, Shoulder Brae. and Dressing (owns; Silk imd tides; Gloats and Boum. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PE/WM:ERE French panams carved and plainlihell Back Combr • Bagele and Ina de; Shah Side and Long COMP% 1131: do. Bakal, Satin and Rosewood flair Brushes; Shen, agora and . flora Wetting and rum ivory Combs; WA lit4FO I. r Mg lilatlit of 5.41 and Teethirmarma Wotherilths Kiold blade. forrershvg, VARIETY, GOODS I Needles, Piro, Tapes, 9. reel Bags land Puma, Button. and Suet Goods, Berlin Wird. Duke,. rano Twist mot Sensing. n.. itowsrood Desks and Coat Bindings k. Galloon. Vanes Work Balky. Cloak Cord and 'Yawls, l'onfolusa, Papiertica and Blind tk Shade Trosionoril wk., 8 .,,,, rjr. a Pulpit Danner Tassels, French Cork Soles, • Lipka:mars Fridges, dtlk er-Ging'm Vascsilas, Bar Liner, ass'd widths, I . aperlslastins it I tolland, English tai CiOth., P.lWltte Dandy fr. Webbing, Fla'd Chia. Cindirra, Comet and Stun I.lstata. '-I Ch TIIIATLY.- ailn- IllrOrb! C,Co.l4:ft:i—keed Uus as. lu CV a . ' y, . - 4 „ Gerput Warehouee, No. 75 Eolith at, a Nab.. eepply 01 Carpels, of th e I meat LW d most ap proved styles, to which we Invite the attention of Steamboat men, and Soave wishinipn famish Houses, call and examine the Ingest ammo:neat la the city, wWeb we will sell cheaper than ever below oferid in he western mark , nov73 ..W APCLINTOCH 1:109•1110ff Leong Shawl . 11(4 R. MURPHY u. reed a supply five article, of rho beat quality; also, Ul.k ' gems Shawls; black laambertnrs,lllourtueg Al. Persian Cloth, black Coburg*, rarturnas. Ciahmema, Mons de LhlEts and French/tempo, black Cr”uts and Illonrning tedlarsohlourtung Bon.tßib• bona, neck do, -.Lad a full assortment of Plummet Goods generally Also: PLAIN MACK. SILKS, • large llssarlsneut, metuding a few pieces very aide ane soperict. Buten are invited to look at them, at North Batt comet of Fourth and re SU. Wholesale Rooms up sates, where a large amain mcs of eor tined+ hos tatty beton recce/rd._ Itv2o JA 1' NEB AL'ilillATlvr.. Ws base been Informed by al rt. Rose of 00010 W ien:tied oak's by Dr. Jayne , . illtOratlVossois:oh prOves ita sap-mot:re hoer every °Met...tuff Y of the kind: the has leer for the lout sateen yews with NECROSES nr tV 11 frE sty ELLINGIS, with ulceration. and er.fobation of canoes bore, do. 'tog which [UDC many bier Leen duiclas,Vd a.= the mental bone Cl I>o crumum, from both hoe atm., srtlnts and hand. .sra! war. I.,rthr.Kl.l sop Eseio ,hc l et femora. bone sod :b . isles . betide. t il ulcers on outer part I. Our perrtn, which bore baffled the skill of *ureter s tte TV.3leu . ..ent rhyaicars of me, el 0 000 her sullen:As have ban exerourang nr.d deplorable. About three muntbs slue she woo indeeed to try Dr. Jayne's Alleratt•s, Watch his had an aiwo:chiarly happy elect two her, b tomoeui all pain and swelling', and easing the glee. to beal,whilc at the same time her aereulhealth has beanas eompletely !steered, eo that she now weigh. MI Me more than she NO before die commenced the ue or this traly valuable prepattoa—t. Ore. Poet. For farthei latorenvaa,incieira ofllty.Rou,No.l23 Filbert or s Ph/haat:4m ' tar We in risumwsk. alike PAIN TEA IMRE, snribit. telt WroS, •ITO SLOAN'S COLUMN. ET AL the Maiden advertised by W. B. mbl by • R. E. SELLERS, Wood area, and JOHN P. SCOTT 1.0.31 Y a 4 Pinabargh. Birmingham, by JOHN G. t33LITH. idielkbmrY City, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an D. bt LORRY. • The Hest wad Cheapest Horse Medicine IN TIN WOEIJD. EILOANO3 OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, Ens farad a you wino. For Purity, MiMoan, 6a/ Ey, and Thotoughototh SLOAN'S OINTMENT lllcoodo And It rapidly superseding all other Oinonenta and Ural:Mgu near in PM for the core of We following dL Fresh weund, galls of all kinds, sprains, Images, tracked heels, ringbone, witulhone, windgalls, pol evil, Callus, speces, swseney, fistula, Maass, stream Inane., and crack, foundered feet, scratches or gnaws men or bone distemper. 'The Powder will remove MI inflammation end fever parity the blood, loosen the skin cleanse the water and strengthen every pan of the bodr, and has proved a sovereign remedy for th e following disease.: Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, Ismaili !emir!, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from bard ascetic; also, rheumatism, (commonly cal led miff complalnwhich proves so fatal to many val uable hers. in Usla country. It is also a safe and ear min remedy (or coughs and colds which generate so many fatal diseases. W. B. SWAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake st, Chicago, Illinois. Tim PROOF. Extract from the .. GSLI;11. borth Western • Garettatt, try the me of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow det I have entirely cured a fistula no my horse and otlk;nealon Improved his condition more time pe erns. 00 the cost of the medicine And a cow 'What yr. no feeble as to to considered worthless by email add neighborsoras restored to good health and strength by the use of less then half a package of the powder, amt to now oin ti an sn r thy other cow hare. Mall Pox d . bla g y 13, lug. WAL VINCENT. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. • April 13, 184.9. Friar es north of Chicago ion the roa to lawartkiet,) Co ok e coanty, Mr. d Sloan—Dear Sin One of my home. bed a Iv bony tumor on his breast bone, immediately under cedar, which Mated him and rendered his services of very little value. I fai th fully applied several bottles of Di. Taylor's Nerve and Done Liniment, without the least benefit. I Men procured Wilder's Celebrated Rome Ointment, end used that until I became fully satisfied that it would never relieve die animal. Fi nally I obtained a box 01 your truly valuable Oint ment. end In km than 60 days from the first e rn the tumor entirely disappeared, and the horse was well.1(0111", EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popear opinion u my criterion of the worthof article, we Invite the incredulous to read no least a fess of the many voluntary certificates that appear in OUT column's respecting the great variety of table cures elleovA.by the One of "Sloan'. Celebrated Oint went and Condition Powders.* These remedies no longer remain among thaw of doubtfld utility, they have passed from t h e tide of penmen, and now stand higher to reputation and are Local:mug moo. lIIIVADILVOY Welt than all other Sm etas of the kind.—lthel. City Nowt. THE HALF NAB NOT BEEN TOLD. Fez Itrenh, June Li, IE4B. Dear Sloan—Sir Please send by the bearer a new supply of yore Slone es. They are the best articles of the kind that I have ever used, never haw. log been diseppoutted in tbrair effect, 0.1 hove been in the nosed others, oven the mom celebrated tnnonsnts. Lintintents, Er., of the day. I like very punch ea. nob tore in theta, Or.: that they do that Is pronased, and upon a thorough trial one Is contrained to eild, that `%alf has not been told.' Essiusentally, THE DIFFIIELLNCH. The ordinary ointments and liniments It Is well known are severe end pertial In their operation.— Sloaahr Ointment is mild yet thoroagh—it readies end remove. the cause, hence lt gives real and permuient relief. For purity, =lianas% safety, certainty, and thirroughnssa Stoart's Ointment excels, and rapidly earpereeduig ell other Ointments and Liniments now MUM, WE CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT T. ficrish's Guars, 111., 00-514,1949. M.r. Sloan—Sin I have reared the virnie of you Ointment is the tura of raulernake bites, sore Giro, harps, sod many otherlanuies, an in every ease i has siargasseil our expectation.. As • faintly Om meat, I have meet seen its eguslotAii for bows 's can't get &tang mvittiogi It Yours, MILES M. JOHNSON. FACELLLNT OINTMENT. Mr. Sloan—Dem Sin Fora conaiderable length Cl ime I was se ri ously afflicted with the rimummic com plaint, and applied fraely the various liniments, paint killers, fr vnthout obtaining any relief. After which your. attune at thin piece influenced me to try foto Ointment, and within two weeks from the time I cam. menced using it. the pain ceased, and 1 wueffectually cured, and shall recommend all who are similarly at tuned with the distreksing complaint, to prmiure your excellent ointment without delay. F. Itesp'y Iron°, Princeville, Peoagm, May 1, 1619. CA.R hi°ll' 1r.7 From the Hon.. H. V. 9. Brooks, Agent of the lalmots and Mir4irran Canal Packet Bowl Comm.] , Cameo., lore 24, Will Ir. vv. r. rtmen—ucar wre. roe ta.• ee poem have had occasion to use many horses. and have need the great variety of liniment , ' and ointments ut nee, bet have never found any thing equal to yoga onno meet for Inlaries on horses. W: thin the last two 610/111111 I have applied your Lentmeux eome 80 horse a, for venous injunea, and In every Inman. , it taw pro ved • sovereign remedy. A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFF. Two milts south of Chicago, Sept. 1a,1819 Dr. Dloam—Sint On the eth instent my eon had a In ger bitter entirely off by a bone. We tmmotliataly sp plled . yonr celebrated ointment, which relieved turn of pain in a few minutes. end prevented the linger from welling the Maw particle, and the wound is healing aptdly. ' Reepy yours, tr. BROCKWAY. DOCTORING IN GALENA Mr. Sloan—Dear Ste About three years *aro I was severely imured in one of my legs by the fallmg of a pile of arum] which occasioned large running akers. 'early entry doctor in linlen• tried to cum them; but trwd in vain, until from sympathy and improper treat. mem my other leg becamees bad as the one original. ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well amain— but In order that I =gar neglect no means within my reach, I purchased of your agent to Galena 0000 oi your ointment. and you eaniudge of my surprise an I gratitude better than I can expreas it, to find myae if entirely well before I had finished using the second la These facts I make known that others riffitetrd they believe and not delay using an valuable au ointment as porn has proved to be. Reply your grateful It'd, Galena, 111., Dec. 19,171 S EVAN DAVIS. ONLYxO DAYS Before the following r, Messrs. Vaughn Cs Co. purchased large pl y sup of Sloan's preparations. Iy scimis, Mich. Feb... 14, 144.9. S. K. Itibblipt—Dear Sir. I am out of . Sloan's Condi tion Powder and Horse Ointment_ The - gale lor es. eeeds my expectation. If you e. manage to seed con 4 dozen Ouitmeat, I will pay for them the (trot lion that you are hem, and presume I shall be obit to sell a; arge quantity in the course of the year. It will be an object to you, ILI well so to myself, to keep me eon. scantly supplied. Very retry years, S. S. VAUGHN t CO. MISSISITIPPIRIVE/ 3 • t.sr. Loris, Feb. 21,1319. Dr. About two years ago, while ratting on the Mtaiimappi river. In passing aver the rePlds. wan plunged Into the ',aler t and by th e Taft dashing ItglltiSt rock, croaking my left leg and otherwise ae• neusly inpinng me, so mach that I lost all.nsibillt7. When consclenrness returned I found . m to r. . Goals, surrounded s by my weeping family Good na ng and medical aid, enabled me m abOnt two months urbobble around with We e assistance of crutch. The wounds only partially heatd, leaving large Tumung sores at the knee, which for many months dischmged blood and matter of the moat offensive character. It plum were inexpreasible. at times my wafering was so great that death would have received • hearty web come. FS/1111.0y Mr. \Warm, (once( my neightant) advised toe to try your Oiattmeni. I obtained • boa applied n according to direetion—the in soon began to assume a healthy appearance, and in three mouths I wt. entirely mood, and enabled to do hard labor. Your Obedient serVal, WHO! W. THOMAS. We, the anderaiped, neighbort of IL W. Thomas, were avittaittmd with the ea.e above stated, and know ing the eirottotanees, most cheerfully confirm said Tooroas` otateraent. REV. J. DOUGLASS, J.kItLEN' WILSON, GOOD NEWS. • e[ Calcaoo,-Jan.Eth,l B4 D W. D. Plum—Sir . One ofvey horse. Imo hoof bound and also womded an the suite, in which he took cold, and becalm, to crippled that he could scarcely travel. By the free application of your valuable ointment, his hoofs were soon eonened and the wine permanently mired. I have also used the Ointment in the ease of PolbEvil and on severe pals with equal menew On • 'tubed Engel that velks very painful, it opera. vet like • chasm. Years, ter A. VAN ORDEN. TMIMONT FROM LITTLE FORT. Moan , . Ointment and Condition Powder are aei knowledged by all who have noted th be e n disc t cvl remedy for horses and cattle that hasovered.. Fresh wounds, falls, Romans. bruiws, ringlione, poll evil. and in hen every outward disorder or away can be eure4 by this wonderful remedy. The Powder is deaigned for inward larlillll., diSICELIper, htde bound, (stigma from hard OXeffile, discaired eyes, Isc.— Colt County Chronicle. 'RATHER DOUBTINGLY, BUT I THOUGHT WOULD TRY IT." Wtor.mers, Cook Co. Feb. 13. 1613 Mr. Sloim—Ein I have a fine young horse that we. taken with the ',crutches last MIL I paid oat about three dollars for medicine cure him, but he grew worse. I then boright a boo o to f your Ointment at yo office ur oce when in Chicago rather doubtingly, but I thought I would try it. Judge of my !surprise and my opinAn of , its beneficial quatifies, when I found my horse's legs 'month and well inkier day. from the time I commenced applying it. Your obedient, E. F. COLBY. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. More Man fifteen yrars totrivalled success in the cure of every variety of external diseases and ndonce each as spramsbrinses, cats, bums, cumneous.erup. ons, SOT* lips,- no ; breast., chspped hands, chin. blunts, biles, Meets, corns, pates in La back, aides, CI u other pans of the system. rattlegnake bites, Sc.. Lean ample testimony duo Ploan's 0/131IIICHL In mat the Ming for the hour. CeruLeatea without number have been received by the Proprietor from disinterested indamd s , giving details of remarkable Caren 1.1 ill tm. A WIRCONSIN WTINF•R. (Manville, Itilvrnekie co. Wis., Oct. 13, lvta. Mr. Sloop—Dela Sir. Recently soy horses ran nwal vial log ebain attached, which cal mid ache:vele stylised them seriously, so much so dim I -minvderee ruined for business. Fontmately a friend commendednss - use &vol.. Cilitmenu went to Mil sintakie and purchased n boz. It soon removed thi inflammation, end in • few days the wounds healed The great liniefit deciVed from the 0 , 5 e o r goon thnb moot, on , h o rses, induced inc to acquaint you situ the racy believing its publicity weak/ benefit you am Me public. RA•pectfullY Von., (IFJ;(II.GE COX...STOCK' IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, And ha. become a 0110101011 saying, that Sloan% Ointment and Condition Posrderart rapidly ettperee ding all other remedies for ill timelines of bones and cattle. The beano, of the medicines ennsist. in thea parity and nafety, to win they May he used ever as finely initbratt fro rof taking cold, or may other Luicry reseletni trout thsir (request use, awl weer WI IS win If ttkarsoctons a» tolWwra, , trUnilys MISCELLANEOUS iaaad.~saaul /G Is St Dri sr SIM on Mace lion or A. A. MASON 4 CO., WriL commenee on Now Year's Day, VW, and e . ontinne through Hin Mesa of January, during which time the whole of their immense establishment, (Including alllheir Whole sale ItoorosJ will be thrown open for Retail Trade. and their entire Wholesale Stock will tic offered at . Retell, on this occasion, ii folly nee secure me .so il prices. Ttieir Shawl Saloon coalmine more than MOO Shawls, cotripriabig every desorption of Long mid Suave WWool Shawls, Cashmere, Broche, rte. Also, Voeuss, Cloaks, Mantillas, Sacks. to., at an immense mime Got front usual DIEJS AND CLOAK GOODS. Their stock comprises more than 1000 piece. Thibet Clotho Merinos, P 1111.1.11114 Alpaccas, Lyme., OP" ers and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold from al to 40 par cent. lea than coal prices. Alwu-300 pieces rich plain and Seri SILKS, redu ced 39 per cent. 110 cues Cashmere. end De Loins entire now style& Also—White Goods, • Mourning do., Embroideries, Kibbe., Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, to 'Ol caws Flannels, 70 eases um style Calicoes, GO ea. ses Illesehed Mali., 100 bales Bros. do., 30 bales Tickino. Also, Cloths, C• 11411.57., Jeans, Cussineue, Au, at extremely low prices. Together with an immense variety of other Goods, mating an usonment one of the most extensive in the country—ull at which have been marked down nt Jlower prices than their ea:unease arum l sale in January task They invite an early call, as many of their GIIO,CC6I Goods will be sold. .. r irrThe lowesi price named at unit A. A. MASON t CO., Go Market Gt. "Norway PlAbas. 111thaket. WIL MURPHY, at Montt East corner er Fourth and Market streets, hag lately received a sup ply of . th• above superior make of Blankets, and nt thes those in want of the article to lenik at them be fore baying. Ile has atm on hand Home Made Man kets, a good heavy article, which het s selling low. Also—Home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and white, of a superior quallry. Also—Twilled !Amulet FLANNELS, to which he Invite Ike attention of buyer., Its large supply of Goody facet:llT opened to the Wholesale Booms, op stows, moken his thsaftment very full and worthy the thr_ntion of-dealers. nosl7 "h 3.1 VIPS' IdArtarla T- B crt , Pa., Sept .25, Inl9. Mr. lt.ll:Sellers—Dem Om I eel It is a duty I ow. to the public, as well as to the teeth of your Liam Pills, to wale the good elle., produced by litelF use ir my own ease. During the mouth of June, latS, I took very unwell, my appetite fatted, and mystreegth was ti rely prthwateA with wthere ran In my Wile and shoulders. I was told by medical men that my disease R. a severe attack of liver complaint. I took sew,- rill bases of APLancie /AY. Pills, and some straps, which I was told yeas good for that disease, but aver all I was petting wor th . I finally conetedlail to place. myself under the care of • physician for better or wane; be; fortunately, lust at this time, I was told by the nen. I. Niblock, of this place, that a friend had sent him a boo of Sellers' Liver Pills trom Pittsburgh, which had benefitted him reap much. I forthwith sent for a box of your Ltver Plta, and by the time was done using them, I was sattafted that It was Pat the medicine that mined my case. I aeth for more, and took five or six boxes, and Wand myself almost entirely cured; but in March but I caught cold, which brought back the disease, and In a short time I was as bad as ever. I wrath had teethes° to your Liver Pdls, and took them every other night for sis weeks, and occasionally since and I can hearsay, that I can now thy, that I feel little if h e a lt hlens of the Liver Complaint, and my general hi as good now as it has been for the last 10 yeast. My neighbors thk me who sins my doctor. I tell than that Sellers' biter Pills was my dthtur, and by the blessing of Divine Providence the means of ca ring . confident dud when the public become ao. Ith the value of your Liver PULA, the de ta Intl motels.. Mee) , of nay neighbors, I bete =commented the pills, cut testify to as well as to the (acts above stated. edgily yours, • Gene. Mut.. me lam • gummed mould for th to whom I their Talon Respee To .2 Prum—The Original, only iron and lent of nn Liver Pills are prepared by H. F. cod each his nat. rtamped in black wag upon thc 11.1 ch Rot, and hut signature on Rot entaide (Er All others are connterfetts, or base, imitations. OW R. E. SFLI c'll.l, Proprietor, 57 Wood at _ JayntoW rixpaotorast. Columbiana c0.,0., Apr. 24, IP4I. DR. M R. D. JAY Duo Btai—l feel honed to you 15 and the Ciliated public, to avail sayuelfof this op. portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effect of your Expectoront on ruyself. Daring been Ciliated for several year. wills a severe cough, beetle fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger our • short but miserable existence, until the fall of 199, when, being more severely atta c ked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre. rancion. C.. of the most respectable physicians in the neiyhborhood without deriving any benefit, or tha solation of surriviur let a few days or weeks al art l hest—when the 15.% gleam of hope was about to Var.!, I lied recommended to me your ElpectOraht— ului blessed by that Being who does all things in the use of the ineans--lad contrary to the arpeciations of nay physicians and friends, I was in • few days rsiord from my bed, aril war enabled by the use of • bottle, attend mY hcinecrenloying sow. boner health than I bad fur ten years previous. Respectfully yowl, to., Jar. W. Ecru. For sale m Pirtsburgh, a the Pekin Tea Store, 79 Fourth Urea. mar 4 1111=Ea Ih;f R. Et.IJAII EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR jjj, JAVICIL—Ttim ceruftes, that touriethately after haying mended my brother, who Used of consumption to March, Ink!, I Mr. taken Lick with th e Coosomption or Liver Comploint, and wall reduced so low with the diseore, that for (oar years I woo unable to attend to my business; either at home or obroad, being for the moot tone confined to my bed. Dining the above pen od of time, I had expended for medical attendanee o regular Physicians and =dimes, to the amount of lOW, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1 , 34.3, I oommonewl taking Di. Jaynes Medi cine. end have token them mom or lest .t e, and believe that it onto by persevering m their see, that t can now May say that I have completely moo-. yered uty health. believe that Jayne banative Pills wid 1.1r,...an..ant ate the best (*golly medicines stow lo se. reside in Springfield, Otsego ecianty, N. Y., and carry on a furnace and machine .hop tbat place, and irtin not interested In toy ern[neith the sale of the above medicines, and make this certificate lot the ben efit of those athiethcL ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept. IC IB4E. ja4 -RICH FALL GOODS! LEXANDF.II & DAY, comer of the Diamond and AMarket street, notify their blends .S the public dim they have received their stock of Fall and Win- Mr GOODS, direct from the importers, manuf.turers sad auctions as the... Their stock of new sty le and fashionable Goals is huge and presents strong aurae none to purchasers. lo ' Lath. Dress Moods and Shawls, the MO. oplendid and rartuonable Goods of the season are now offered, at remarkably law prices consisting in on of the following LADIEw DIIFSS GOODS. New style Bench. 4'd C 11.1011013 Cold and Blank Satin Do Chenes and Tare Sant.; Cord Cantelian Groderhuths, of the best finalities . Black glossy Oroderic. of the celebrated Ea gle manuf.ture. The above named Black Silk. are warranted not to ern lit the wear; for dresses and tourtlllu they are the best Imported. Nest bg'd Camehan Satin Do Cheor, the handthmest Silks of the .canon. cew style Bloch. Silk figured French Merinos, n and splendid article for nob.' walking dresses. Silk Embroidered French De Lathes, for dresses and packs, an entirely new article. • Cashmere., De Lain., Merinos, Alpaccas and For menus, a large assortment SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Drocha bong and Square Shawls. of the best quail- les Plaid Long Shawl., of the newest designs, remark. ably cheap. Splendid Terkeri Simon., at greatly reduced prices. Camehon Brod. fie'd Silk Shawls, in great variety. Crape_Shsurls, white and colorod, in great variety. CLOTHS, CASIMERES ANDNESTINGS' Cent Solon real French Twilled Cloths, all prices; beat Sedan real Fre Satin Ves nch Casaimeresting..; new style Ames. wan Cons me al super _ LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Belgian Bladk and Bier Cloths, for Lai dies' Cloaks. BLANKETS! A splendid Assortment of American and =ported Blankets, at remarkably low priers. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large end complete assortment now on hand.— Many of our present stock of Staple Goods were bought from the manufactures previous to the present advmce in prices. A principal pan of our stook of French and English good. have been purehawd nt the great Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New York, which enables as to offer decided bargains in time. every dcwripnon of gands In our line of butane.. Country Merchants, Merelmot 'Tallinn, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an natty esarrdnation of our mock and prices. ALEXANDER*. DAY, 75 Market in, wulti north west corner of the Diamond. TO Binirif — itla Or OUT 4100 Dal AXT R. klilltPilY, at north east corner of Fourth Tk • and Market ate, Is now receiving hi. second supply for the season, and C. offer Inducements to Layers rarely to he met with. His assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS I. very full, consisting of French Merinos, Cashmeres, Coburg., Lynne.° Cloths, Japer Printed French Cash meres, at pricesconsideral.ly lower than they could be bought early to the season. Ills Mock of LONG SHAWLS - - Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles now oxhlbltion at Franklin Insulate, MOW.. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim mings, kc. SACKING FLANNELS, 11101 ammo styles nog qualittes, plun and embroidered Laces, Needle Worked Callan and Culls, llonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers. - HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, - Of the newest styles, and at lower priers than usual; and Ruh etngenble !Nike and Batt., blarullo, ' S'IVt PLE P INg cIOUSEKEEPIN GOODS, st lowest prices. And in the gentlemen's department will be found (reek FRENCH 11.1,ACK AND FANCY COL'D cum's, Black Lkte.kins Winter Youngs, Fancy Cassimeses, Undershirts Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pokket Hand kerchiefs, fee. (ifichlerchmo tire myna! 0 1031 the Wholesale Rooms, upstairs. wick, VERY viiisuEtteut. cuelk.!--0 a:1.1. t, 11. VERMIFUGI - 0i blrann,-Mercer co., Pa, Dept. IEI4O. R F.. Seller,. Dear Sir, I bought one bottle of your Verratfuge at the Iron City Furnace store, st Ods place, toil it has performed what wceousidet out beret woo. derful core on one of say boys eight years old; he had been unwell fpr some tears, so mach so that 'bud en op all hopes of his recovery. I way advised by cioe et my neighbors te try a bottle of your Vertnifuge— and I aro happy lo intone you of it haying tbe desired edbet of relieving my eon. Ile posed, In the short space of 04 hoots, VII worms, seine of them 1111 , Y.r. log !k• much gluesll and II inehes long. feel bound Pollee tn you lise above statement, so as (num make any use of my name that you think proper. Vhoo, very respectfidly, JONLIIIAN S. Lt IrMELVI irrprepared and sold by R. E.6ISLLEBEI,S7 Wood Woe; and sold by iDraggless gencsallY io tho saw dues. sovIS HADI ILK D .LJLE.RB LOUGH Sk ty ItUP—From W. X. hod., Esq., fllttk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Deaver Coon Mr. FLY.. Sellers: Sir, Some time in the winter ray wife was afflicted with • severe and distressing cough, asil hearing of lour in Cough Syrup, pub chased a bottle from 8. T. Trouble, of ltridgewater,' and Orr taking • portionof it two or three evenmes on !tome to bed, she fowtd immediate Yellen as also I several friends hale been relievok In severe caws. I am therefore sattsSed that his a safe and valuable me dicine, end woold recommend it to those who may be afflicted with severe coughs and colds. March 29,1913. W. K. BODEN. tp - Sold by It. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street,. and ° by Dr* silos g enerally in the two cities-mod vicuiltY , deb okair ClAfru.S.—.3 ours B d Drab I' r ree'd and (or We by MURPHY, WILSON & CO, nnyla ds Wood st MOUS. DK IiSINB—W. & hOsPhY 6. Shat reed '' a lot of high colored Moos. Se lwinm Cher'. Scarlet. Be, ihe low price a ss f . per yard. Aldo Plain Drab, Brown, ks.. al al to Ibi cent.per yard; and a large lliOrtenelli Of neat style. gfigured Mons. de Lain., at various prices , together wath a choice assortment of Dwell Goods generally, Coch as Fancy Bilks, French Merle., ,Ceskuswres, isis and Lyouse Cloths, at the N. Learner of IThanh and Market sIM Who lark Boom ap man. sarla RNMMUDTIFM mato-n*7.i a co,. ArrittlN :CO. consume to bring ol".. na Mos ope n art of England, Irsland. Scotland of Wales, the most terms , with their usual pellet : Way and =anion to the wants and moo fon of entreuirrams We do not &bowels, passengers to be robbed by the twtedling scamp that Infest the sea ports, as we take charge of them the moment they m oon themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch th em without any detention by the firm ships.-. We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passe. iron to show that they were desisted 49 bnliss by no in Liverpool, whilst thousands of other. • 410 detained months, until they could be zeroth eome sA erall, M • eh: p rale, which too frequently proved their coll.. VVe attend to perform our contracts mmrably, met what it may, and out Lot OA C 1.14 1<1.306, with t e l offtera—who either performed not all, or when it Imbed their convenierica Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for MY wore from II to Lol44=ataof loiviscid Hanka in Intr I dose, pa 1013 HUS. ROMMON, Emma ace Clem Agen4 f.btßah sweat eas done below Weed: BEAVZIL PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9—Capt. Gilson. o LA *E ERIE, o Gordon. THE above regalia and well known Beaver Pack ts, have contracnood making their doily trips to and trout Heaver; caul:mac to ran between Pitubargh and Beaver regularly daring tho sensory as follows: Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, L. 'uld Banter at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie looms Beaver daily ail o'clock, A. IL, and Pittahutah at 3 o'clrulk, P. M. These steamers will run In connection with O Parks' Express ewk.t Ilne for Eris; Taylor St Letrtingwell's Warren Packets; Union Line Freight Boats for Clevolaad; Clarke ts Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Froighl Boats. Parks dolly New Castle Packets. CLAR.ar, PARKS In Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN L. CAUGHEY, Agent, Pittsburgh, .yeegi CUI Wass, and Smitheold ant 1849. nig= PITTSBURGE AND CLEVELAND IE3 ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietors aline old established and popelar dad , ' line, consisting of SLYTEEN first elm Canal Boas, t he by themselves and running at HALED COPE, svitla the steam boats DEAVER AND CALEB OOPE, are enabled to o ff er auequalled lodine s for the transportation of freight and pusengers, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn. sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lake. F_ M. PITtiH & Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL la BROTHER, C. ulowilaTer"' mar 2 J. Water strict. Immure. 1. C. PIDIVIIII.., Pinzburg Ulmer. BIDWELL 41. BROTHER. Forwarding Mordants, DEAVER. ?A., Agents for the Putsburesandeltsaterad Lane, Pitt* burgh and -• Lana ata Sns, and for ems* boats De- Cope. _ .noKr _ dining purchased the large and substantial Win Boat Just both for the Monongahela Packets, bar. with the addition of a %Vernet:me, the most ample ac• ccommodations for reeentng and forwarding, end pledge their utmost attention, promptness and dnpateb to consignmoom to their care, and rely on their friends fora tool. mant-dly bl. tBRO. Second Woad Piazzas. rINE second ham! Nano. 6 uctaves, Pdce kir I " " • SI 4S. " " " fai " 40 For sato for rush at the above pridro, by 4014 ' JOHN 14 hIELLOII. 01 Wood at ltsriNital.lia Ph.% &thud, altered and connected from the last Fau edition, to eortootiond with Spoheo Onguat any oi Violin air spaying, by ha pupil U. C. 11111. "If any ornaments required to reeommend this wort, It may be observed that Spahr hanself adheres wrictly to the system told roan In the above work, and that he has by the came mode of instraction, produced • timer number of thwart/gnashed pupils than any other muter in Fain " A supply of the •I•ove laV r i c r liatte ai liTi c : i nd „ ide wle by de tT giVcI , N3SO - $l2 - :• " WW - FMLP r'fyß A N EMINENT and elpstienead Pkyalcian from the I. East, of 'Si yeam mending, offers to tern alines. of a Delicate Brume with promptness and ireereby. His rote.. in Buda. mid other large ones hae been pnrierbial. ilia charges tee moderato, and hie ewe commences. Old cares of Obey &Ream, Bert fain,Fluor Fluor Albus, Rbeumatism,Ague,Srphille, or any elicitor or, ittreterale'eases solicited. A ewe warrante4.or chaise relimded. Orem., St Clair street, V ere from the Bridge. Teeth PAR - acted. Advice to the poor gratis. N. ll—Dr. A. solicit. the worst ease. of any disease in Pittsburgh to call. rtolibilr . PETROLEUM; 011.MODIM Olin. "There .There are more Ilene, in heaven and earth • Than are dreampt of in philosophy.. , ritHE V LRTIM , of this remarkable remedy, and .I. the Constant application for it. 10 the proprietor, Wu induced him to have 0 pat ap in bottles with. lw hats and directions for the benebt of the paid.. The PETROLEUM is pr.omii from a well to Ihts county, nit depth of foal bend.d fermis aloe ate' atOtetwed mtotts, ammo., •og elmotiuM strange, bat put m howl from Natura's Great Latina., II That 0 contains propertier te.hing • • lumber of ilsmisesos no longer • matter of uneortunty. 7h - see many things In the Amin& of nature, whieletf km:.4=4kt be of • an usefulness in alleviating catering, and re ap:it-mg the bloom of health and Uttar to Many • SM .., Long - before the proprietor thought of putting it op in bottles, it bad • reputation for the care of du ce.. The &instant and daily increasing calls for it, Mid recent remarkable, cures it has perffmned, is a rare indication of its future ;oopulanty and wide greed application in the ..ore of disease. We do not with to make a long pared , ' of certik- Miles, as we are eotmetoull that the medicine cane ton work to way into the favor of those who surertand tenth to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a, eel application in overr disease, we anhesite 4 tingly.ay, that m a number Of Chronic We i h is is annvelleti. Among the. may be enumerated—all diseases of the mucous ernes, such as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ekiNSUMPTION lin its early stage,) Asthma and all disease. of the air pp agog, LIVER .000IPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Dimhas, Dmeases of the Bladder and Zdneys. Paun in the Beek or Bide, Nerve . Diermises.Nearalzif, Rheumatic Patna, GOM, Erystpabrs. Tenet., rom, BUR* braid., )miss Old Sore., &e,ke. o eases of debility re seiner from exposure, or bag and protracted coat. of disease, thin mmlieme will bnag relief It will act as a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such emus, fcg P rb t l ' rt e t t one lOns, "' o d pe ' nut " g la t h o e a th li:grer fit ' n fi rilon ' s7w "'" hiel; ri.e th.ase and a broken consthation, and giving ' maned and renewed energy to all the organs of . ant The proprietor knows of several earns of PILES, that reeisted every other treatment. get well udder the use of the PETROLEUM for a short time. . proof eau be given to any person who desires it tole g enuine Withal°. the Mgt:Ware of the proprietor. ' l '' by S th' . hi. p r lfTelt. w C r anal , Basin, neat Seventh or. Also by R E. BEL-lA:RS.3 7 Wood at; and—KEYSER &MIX/WELL, corner Wood tand Virgin alley; who are his , novr-diy _ re.g.l!..!ly.llPPle_4.l.'.ff!!l. ' TUBS AND CUURNI. 'PINE AND CEDAR WARE ALANUFACTORY. No. SI, eater 61 aaaaa and Fifth—or 40 Malkin, ,tween Thril and Fourth au... Tll,l;.,:itanlir retail, s , te l p io s u e . o w n i . n tan . t.l , 3 , r ,c o i n es, han , wt.!. Wash Tub., StollChurns, Meat Tuba Darrel Chants, Mali Tabs, Half Boabela, Wooden Bowls, Peeks and Hall Peeks, Wash blonds, Brass Dolma Bartow, Cloth. PIC., Towel Rolla., Wooden Ladle., Bread Roller., Clothes Baskets, Market lia.kets, fee., PAADIEL KROESEN, 1 n 0.4 No 63 Diamond alley, Pit.borgh .1. llnspratt& Home Patent Soda Ash. 3259 ASK S GSA and Soap meter.' Soda AA, imposed AAA from the abort Celebrate d manulacture re, A per Ant Moose. tent, arrimong and for sale by novil W A 5l MITCHELTREE POW DER—II: kdr 310 " Ey. yer doi 250 do doi Igo rerdiving sad S DILWORTH h. CU ktds w drove dinar raleby DIM WAI H JOHNSTON EOLiII-4 bOls ree' . d uld feb2l VjowiNFIGAR:- - lits — Cair, t07 v .14 17 sros febVi for rata by WM II JOHNSTON ":"—""" '"` wzd JouNsTon .eO/1 io IJUAR-10 kbds prim new, recd end tar cate bl a Irbl4 ARMSTRONG it cauzE, 15,THEITAHLL - S 7 - - - -6- Wais ben heavylinfolt - and Burk Blue Dlls, opened and for sale ' fool& lIJIACKLE - 17 & WHITE • SCNAL SODA—Souks for solo by tobilO JOHN D MORGAN LUttl—Ari oats double riline d, for sale low by A robLI OURDRIDGE, WILRON A. CO ALOES—OW ILN pr o one — Rry Cap, 110 d SocoLdno; for rale by frLIS R ESELLERS Fr'""" 'To ,47WAVVia, 144 Liberty fiII.A3RM--TXTLAsinV 8 IR Nor reed, for sale b) 40 BROWN to KIRKPATRICK SOAR -IW I, •NO r or • • y (elO6 BROWN fr. KIRKPATRICK BROWN kIRKPATRICK, 130 . ..- IN Liberty Ft 14'L°Uft—I ____. ` Ros lt b". ts a . .;;:ls Superfine; PS barrele fine, on hand and for sale by , rebid BROWN & EIRKYATRICk. e - ORN—Bal saciaVelloviiaiTale by febid ;BROWN & RI REPATRIeK GfiCIRN-96 sae ks teeiFring psi v il lef i rl a.. ..ia,rf sale by_ iebis MTiNBOW GIiSS:-.500 bag aii.dAn stow and for dale by ( ably JAMIT DALZLL 4 BLOOM -115 was KeityTao. Ten& Blooms, we win by febts JAMES DALZELL BurrEß's..-10 bbl. and 4kes. floW;r4 0 .' Lard; 4 sacks Feathers, for rode by JAMES net..i.t.t, ... 7'4' fl.111.‘I"I; JaLIN D HOLMAN i ' OSE PINK—Ufa, superior, for Isle bY i feblB ' JOHN D ISORGALi_ LENNY - SAGS—MO ion reel indlor sale by r j. 116 • BLIEYFOGLE IL . 9IAILK! . soer—no Las Roca, In Hare and far saleby_ ENGLISH a BENNETT, labia No 37 Word si OCK-r - iidon Woolen, in store and for sale b y) _ 0 Wild' ENGLISH & BENNETT TITHITE - BEANS:-2 Lble in store and . for role by Ty rebid tiNUGISII LIP.NNt7IT d for saieby Irfe r l; 7 ll I"LL' ENGLISH EIEPMErr 1313P11t 7Sl7oDold piliNrrig Legging.; ho. [no% pair Sklrred-Ledirrn.Pld 12 poir Stirred 9 AlrCsohions, round and Komi 19 Poo Cows; 1 pm; No 1 Ringo; I do No t d o; 1 do No 3 d_ J o• reed and for solo al ths Robber Depot, No 3 Wood at. febl9 J L II PHILLIPS A LOODUL-0. bbls teoNl and On was y JOHN D DORGAN MEDICAL. O=XF/13-FAMILY MEDICINThe, are w Med:noes at the day.” , littunan• Prams, Ohio, May P., ado. 11. E Sellers: I think It right for tin , benefit of others to state some facts in relation to your excellent Fatal. ly bledleines. I have used your Vennitage largely in my own Cam. Sy, one vin, frequently ansurenng for expellinyi : rge quantities May Ito 200) worms from two ehiletta 1 have also seed year ill and Wash yrn my Wally, sad they have v inevery Mame p rod uced the Mimi Mired. A. I em engaged in merchandising, I am able to na that I have yet to hear ef the first failure where your medicines have been used In my action or the country. In conclusion, 1 may state that they are tho medicines et the day, and are destined to have a very extensive papaderny Vous, 1121. Mlttley, .P13A11 , 41—• Prepared and wild by IL 37 Wood mart, and soli by Drama ...molly in the two ci ties and vicinity.. myftl . bfl tE original, only tme, and amine Liver Pill. Boone Cam, Ohio county, Va. March Mph, Ma. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and to the public water& ly, to slate that I have been afficted vllO3 Ma Liver Complaint for a long tone, and so badly that an shoes. formed and broke, which left me Ma very low state. Having heard et your celebrated 'Liver Flits being for line by A R Sharp, in Wen Liberty, end recommended to me by my phyncian, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give them a fair trial. I parekssed one box, and found them to what they ace recommended, •THE DEBT LI. VLB. PILL EVER UREA god after taking four boxes I find the dimes has entirely left me, and I am now perked) , well. RespectfellY yens. CO LEMA N . Weed Liberty, March 26,184% I rectify that I cm personally acquainted with H Calm. toad can bear othumorty to the truth of an above rerttfiente. A R SHARP The genuine Liver PIM are prepared and sold by RE S LLEftB, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists lathe •wo tides. TO TIIE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pill. are prepared by RE Sellers, mid hate ins name stamped in black was upon the lid of molt boa, mid his signatere on the outside wrapper—.ll others are ecninterfens, or base Imitations aplO R E R S. Did. JAY II WS OARED( ATIVE DAMAIIi 0 RUM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop E ular Clew/menet the ProthstantldethodinChurth The andermined bruins been allicted during theorist • toter with • disease otthe stomaeh.sommthim Oro duc,n a grempain in the comach for tenor twelve hours without interns •thisoand after having tried musing rentethei walk gem- was furnished watt a bottle ofDr DJaynelCl mauve Balsa. This b,e used.. cording to the threeLons mid found Invariably that Ili m 1 ondiathe caused the pa th to alive in three or four man , Ines, and in fifteen ef Mein, mmetee.mrs' tin e / serdiatlon ' , macabrely quitted. The medicine. wa s s terwardsueed tenons.. Indleetkonsel Me ayproach I palnwerepercelved,andthe pain h oe r. thereby prove l. ed. He contained to see the medicine every eve, g and aomotimea to the morning, and in a few ere a health was so farrestored, that the outer. was re l, • mlfrom • large amountof oppressive pato. From ri intricate, the rofore. n e sea conlideutly recommend 11 teS=.-0rg.n:r....itrd.....: , ....'"Ti ,, T1TAT 11 ; Allegheny eity, tylt Far Bale in Pittsburgh at luP ERIN lEn 8T , 1 , V 72 Fourth moat, near W o a and ebio al MO Store of ll P SCHWARTZ V• ...al meet /klieg , . r VALTIABLIIIIIISCOVERVI 1- CONSUMPTIVES, BB 01V YOUR GUARD. DR. SWAYNES CONFOUND SYRUP OF Vilbil CURREY. , Tel elMe REMEDY rut Ootautufdlon, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchiti., Liv er Complaint, Selman Blood, Dtsculty of 'Demi, tokr i ain to the 1111.dexdsDreapastikroakintsit,toonn.or miradon,Sere Chea t, Debili nnullied of the Throat, ty U a s dD Ln. thmoat at (muat minispeedy curs aver kn.. lar any at the ab4m , raw.- .. la Dg. SV/ A VNE , S Compotami Syrup of Wild Obiervyt Thy medicine ts no longer among Mow of doubtfel atthey. It has puma away from the thodaands doily laanetheal upon tern , a of experiment, and moo meads higher m reputation and tit/neon:Rog more estenstsc ly sled than any other s teparathen of medicine ever prodaced for th• relief softened man. It kas been tatratuced very generally thibuk the United Sums aad Europe, and them are few newt. of ipost.. but ythst contain thine remarkable .1. dar n tee of it s good admits For proof of the foregoing suftemetithould of the yens and elfin.) of manme um, the proprietor orill Insert • few of the Tiou :thiwumonials which have been presented to by men of the firm respectabdity—aten who have hi b et maws of more: respOnaibility and jnallee, than to eet• tify to fams, because wenn de another a favor, and poly, no injustithe Seer tesumorty proves eon. olumthdy, that its thrprng excellence w establlthed by Its laninsm merits, and the unqueistlonable authen tl of public opinion The mstantancous relief ic af fords, and the soothing inihmece diffused through the whole frame by lia use. tenders It a mow agreeable nobody for the afflicted. REMEMBER! "When men, acting from eonselentiou. impulses, voluntarily beat testimony to the truth of a Meer, . parties:der fact, such testimony, being rentrarf to teeth oglah,...iner===%enoe:scai.sonmv.lo.:: 11 usilstrsalendenes e--O'llogan's Moral filaames READ THE HOME CERTIFICATiN Serthr. AMMO. CURS we Putstentany Constonwneg— Thera Wirer Wu a remedy that km bean as successful in despermo maws of Conaumpton, ea Dr Swayjae. Cociumand ft ymy of Wild Mem, It strengthens the cyan., and appears to heal the aker• en the Dips, eresat g now mid nee blood, pawer possessed by .1 other ethane. Caw= Ca., April Eth., trip . Dr 9a, ayne—Deer Su : - . I verily De the mean. of easing my Id w a. I caught a yerercold, which grade. aftygrow worm, attended 'nth a Nevem cough, 1 1 ramrod all the remedies Which I hail rogoaragito, lall increaung nntll my ease ashilmod all the symplonts bf eltee.y Consumption Every.V...l tined tweeted to havens Wht, and my compli , e .1 se rapid ly chat blonds es well as inyoat gave up I hope. of my recovery At this taws 1 Walt ntheinmended to try your Invathstile medicine I did so with the most Sap py remits. not fora bin. bad the affect u> looms the cough, mambas cue ox expectorate freely; mad by , th e n ew I had used Its hordes,' ism entirely well, and am new as hearty a man as 1 ever was m my Ufa, and would be happy to gems soy Informationsespasting my case, that other thlerers may denve•the beneath for which lam re grateful. For the bath of th. above sthownent, I refer y. , :b re. , Rooh, Omar, West Chaster, Pa o of whom I purchased the medicine. RatthMoßY 70oro, .1 att. hicitaat. Wonderful Corr of • Mstkodiat Dr. Sur•lnearDeu Sir I feel a debt of Krasitad• .100 Ike afflicted ge P nerally, to ofer my humble ttailTtelly 113 fa• 01 TO( tli s zeleara ai . nz hich the b rew aceo.r,mpditielwi.tht. • dia . irezias f;r:ilselits/le of offensive mucus from thi7i Ittnica '' ape n" . Itila.l,llltAnoentitangumesol ve t fiytheeotLeTvbeur, walLh9t.,,,,Aut soon crouirineed that I was rapidly going into constrain. o pow dally weaker, and at length was n.ce ly able to walk Pima, or speak above • whisper, sorb was thee:cowling !weakness of my lung. Danngthis time I had tried various preparations 0 00 pfNeriptems, but found no relief—growing all the e worm , Joel hero I wee...aid and persaaded by a dear friend in WW.igtan nate trial of your Syr. of Wild Che rry. I mast eothess that previously I had been pre,. Mead comin g patent medielnes, and lain still against these coming out of the hands of Papeete+, but under atanding your claims to the profession and•pfaenee Og medicine, and having =when faith in the raying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr7Bhaw,one of 7001 aget • few bodies, and commenced its 050. fig , tho. ease waa at thsi time of 20 or 25 months' !minding, eon. aequently a was deeply seated. I bond, however, eonsiderable relief trona the use of the first four or live bottles. ltht ham • publiespeaker, I freqiiently et reF"ydho to "'.fhthwiosethamesyseta'ili"ani2L'",..l,rz."'" to re:li in 9 1:17 limy; doubtless, my ear. was atusii; retarded. In eoPequenee of' acting thus impmdentt I had to use twelve or fifteen bonles before I was pe.• featly restored I have have eition, • mood, number oftiontua would made me bi the above lndiserenon. 'No Syrup alloyed the aor. habit, took away the damning cough, put as. to the ...tarps of matter from the I.gs, and gay them and th e cadre 'piton good health. I have drier red offering this certificate until.ne for pe rma ne ncy pope., of being path... satisfied with the of tt a , =re, and now dull feel perfectly well Yellr wah phs.are. Rue. JJoutan. Doblin county. N.O. baralaSS Ca laSOM— There is but.. a geunine prepsranon of Wild Cherry h , and that is Swarm*, the first ever ogered team public, which eau been told largely through°. the United Butes and some parts of EuropeL arid oil pre paration. canoe by the name of of Cherry have boon put ma sire this, ender cover of same deceptive ircustatmes, is order mote eurtency their sales. p m y alittle obshrtiewou, no pewee need mistake the 103141110 from tlt balm. Each bottle of the gename is enveloped wit. a beautiful steel engraving, with the like..of Witham Ditteoo; else, Dr. Elortlyne's tignsturei and .0 further wicurrty, the portrait of Dr. Swayne will L. added hereafter, so as to distiugnish hl. preparadoo 'tom all others. Now, it it wee not lot the goons