MZ=Si MISCELLANEOUS. .. BOOKS! 1100101: - iteTrse'd la th e PROIOVTEK [Ali NCO% lIOOM, . it._Np, yg Wood atm., and for . sic at Eastern ;incest icomous Hebrew LenicOn.ToW two•P• Allyngenient of the Bible, Neonate: History id the Christian kelt glonsnid (larch. Milton'. Treatise on Ce.thruse Doe uthillsldla of Jeremiah Evans, Evis.,.gutausoies Oreek Ilaremey of the Cwspels., do English do do, Scon's Eli :NI yog i Elosto.n../tirf4.Panth,L's flrl,ev=r, meg oo e t,,,yeardwit, (lolls MiraitlnalT Ape:: dOteig sad many edict lnleicaling works, in addition to the above, all at URlua ram._ nook! timmr-mar-oir-prrTtutacon, A LLE, LEGliEvy, AND VICINITY, will be ready for engraver la to days. Per sons who may wish to ban Mews of *Mr ementry seats pat on the may coo do pro by making ep atlon to the undersigned, err dam before the With ; detra the eaPenee of the Mew. +• --.... 111 To Le resta y ired in addition to titmice of the novIS It P. XMLIOWAN TO T PICIBLIO. • ' ic,:, four ye .lore, l was traveling throagh **State of 0 • • whil, spending a few days su , I discovery a singeler bletalic thtimanise. sad eubeerptemly lc ued that it bad bare known for reethrand supposed to be of no use or •ahw, hot from to Ingnintsolty of texture and Itingnizr appnanance. / was led to believe it might be ra t io metal,. but for ..I'll pa I had t the lean idea. I commenced ...l ie al a ems by inning it, boiling it, and pulse,. malt ids Led tiding a with raftoOs glib.: &dB SO SllSOng was ; y noufidenno 11.1.1 th ere was•value to it, that Leese u my entire time and me.* in the promotion of thew experiment.; end Gam that time 9 O.*/ have attended to mother h ltsine sr, al the ex pired. of about two years. I finally dionovered, that, iry rara.pir lt to . hoe powder and taming it with lin seed all Co Menu ,bed of thickaint and applying thia comption with bro ad , thatt bi t ro oting In a few mood. would beronle • perfect atone or Wmso that the Sen helk Implied W. mit sally WU In a lipoid state, dip large amount of silica, Mamma s msgneus and black oxide of inn that It con tained, rendered it both weather end her proofi as the Moor expend, the harder and more permanent it mans to become, and as the coating laud it turn , to Wale) Is of itself indestructible by fire, consequently it pnneeth the mod covered with it front the Mr, and whore there Ls no ale, there is co blare or combustion: therefore the wood will &milady char, before the slate severing will pdve way. I considered the discovery of the greatest import. atm, and applied to Germaine= for • pathut for toy tithession or discovery, fondly hoping that I anould now be rennuserated for all my outlay In time and mo ney. The govemetent, without any hesluttion, grant ea to me Letters Patent for the sole right to manillas tore, tee end use my Improvement in the tathethetur of a ' , Weather end Fire Proof Companion or Art held Slam.fir Linemen years. _ . _ . hereb certify that one of ley cluldren. when na ked, fall Into a large Me of live coals, and was horned se rely from head to feet. The best of medical aid and attentionwas given to the child for four or five days without any relief—each day'. orderings mamas. ed till hit groans could be my at a great distance, e at which critical period one of ar my mightier. recommn. dud end presented to me a box of Sloan'. Ointment and in lees than fifteen ounoles after the opplicatim of the ointment to thenoggravated sores of the anderina child, the pain erased entirel, and he speedily began to recover. My re.idencm lain Melt township, Vei• million county, and Sumo( Indiana. THRODORE. L. TAYLOR. WM. BLAKE. - Chicago, August 24,1E48. =f2= WE, the inhabitants of Sharon, hey mid the above statement of Mr. Blake, and believe no be substan tially correct, as we ate It noviang to earn of the State ments therein contained; and we wiil farther store, that we dm riot believe that there ever 'was patent wore honeerly end laboriouey entiled, ot wore deservedly wanted;w be pursued hi. experiments With the mom saloadtablo perseverance under We most discouraging eimilitUtany.te, so the public had not the least confi. dance that there weld be any thing saleable tondo tram the eubstanee. Ile therefore had toencounter for Jena the leen and mots of swirly the whole comma. PRawithstandlng all be was iniLsfangallie is the prom-cation of hill experiments, and we do not bellow that there Is one man la a thowand veto woald have persevered wader ell the circumstances. Bot b be Uttig.ol. l oven all obstacles, and . .re ~ Ulan WWI IA now but one OpIPIOn 10 award i ng h im the merit of this valuable discover/. OhO. W. CRANE, . rastices of HORACEGIUJJ, the JONATHAN EVF.RHARD, ,Peace s LEWIS C. CHATFIELD, Trustee. MILL, of BENJAMIN lONE, Township. WM. F.VEREVltßiarinviip Cloth. • ALLEN ROWE, TreaMtrer. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I bans aseertained that there am Individuals eng eget! wre otet 'th t a nd bc P no T igd i rur o r , Sa lo, il,s l et molly os I use my patented article. 1 slave been to thomo.porsooo and thown them my patent. They say Mel do ant Intend in ge or Melissa Ulan 3111 i•gibtei that they have a night rigt to dig, grind, mod sell the powder, kno w l can and purchasers; that they are not bound to kno what they .e to do with tt; that It is no lohlogentent until it is mixed with the oil to make Me compound; and that those who buy, mix and.. it, they take tha responsthility. Most pi theta say that they believe that the patent is goal igninst those that mix and use the ewers:math and some have said that what they wonted to we they should certainly purch ase of nist, as they did eat Intend to make themselv. liable in any way. Now I feel myself in duty bound to tkla batefaced fraud upon the public; as can , It by no milder name, where • man sells and re ' ttv 3 l , * pay for an article, the use .t winch he well MthoJects to and user to a prosecu tion and Ina Some of those who ate engaged la this of:WPM traffic will unquethimthbly contend to the Public that my ' patent will not rani, sod that! dare not prosecute. New, to take this argument luny from [went to some of them who were proclaiming Mainly patent oras of no raise, and made the follow log preposition: that they might aeleet &ledge and two Lawyers who have had some practice in patent cases, and we ovoid cobalt the patent to them, and if they decided that the patent was good, St:abbey sboold atop oil farther gs the besinms; bat' if they atroald docl=r vsnald not, in their opinion, hold, I would agree to let them go on and sell all they coal& without saying say Song to the public about them. This propectiose they would not accede to So far as the validitrof my patent is concerned. I do not de pend entirely epee my own judgment, •Idoeugh 1 have Stonyconfidence in it; bat I bare submitted it ta f the judges, and several of the Most elettnent palatit balayets, who have, without exception, decided that in their opinion Sires good, and would protect me :a . thscovery. Imud the article to • ram power, and put it hop in Oalialie, the which are muted: uthskp's Poi= Fax arm Wzaars Pm. A sintruttax Smirk!' I therefore give notice to all wbs buy and are the shove mentioned miner.' for the purpose net forth on imy Went, sloop, (tom me or my amborthed agents that 1 shall bold them to a strict accountability, and shell commence Wits at law against those who thus taftlage soon my naht. WM. BLASK. Masson, Medina U., Aug. It, tell/. U:TTWO TUNS of the above Fire and Weather Seca Artificial State on Woods and far We. The above we can recommend, fur we have been using • for wow 4 nears, and knew it to he what it is lief forth Co scary. articular. J. S. It. FIULLIFS, n0e174.3na Na h W= alai F. H. EATON & CO KS. 611 Dearth Plamblargti HM 1,1011/ ill IS lore iLvir fW 1 assontnent of Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Lace Goad' A DAPTED to the emits et" r very els.* of Mere lidote I/. and Censaater.. No peon hare been spared to present the newest and most fashionable style of Quads la War line. Their clock connate rn panel' the tullosriar DRESS TRIMMINGS. • ai=k • and Gimps, of every variety; new styles Galloons; Algeriao and Imperial Braids; widd nod narrow Balk and Worsted Embroidering Braids; hgarad gad tot Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded Hands and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; black, walla and colored Bilk Late.; extra wide do do, fur Pined, Ra mped all or of- Dress Barions; Dram. or Embroidered to LACE GOOD& • -•- - Embroidered Lane and Magna Capes, Cbeatirens*, Breakfast sad Retiring Caps and half Sleeves, Free< Worked Collars and Cads, in great varietri Lace Wits, Lappets and Openlser Mourning Chenurettes, Cuffs and Hag Sleeves; Linen Lawn plata embroidered and hen:witched do, plain Linen do, mai thread Laces and Edgingy lm. do do IkMbin, Lace Mamie and Cotton I:dgtogs and lemmings. _ . BONNET TRIMMINGS,. UM nem style Memel Ribbons, Pictish Fit c Flow ers, Bowles Tabs, Velvets, Satins and Fiortmes, tilt Illusions and Tarletorts, Bonnet Frames and Tips. SID GLOVES. But mannhtetwe, with most approved faateninp and choicest colon. An extensive ILPSOIIII.OIaI ,-.- on hand. lIOSIERY. A peat variety of ;ilk:Wool, Cotton, Menne and Gahm:a, for Ladies and Misses; Tartan Nada and a tall amorunent other style. fannyand plain Child ren's Hose; newest styles infante Boots <d . :ha-Vs; Geo& Grampian, Viands, Merino, Corson and fir. Weal Half How. GLOVES. . • A fall assortment for men, women and children, among 'which ate Derby Ribbed, Folosella and plain BLitt ribbed and plain Casnmeret Chamoialined Bee. lia Cll.l4OlMr. Morino, Fowlined Bearer, heavy and Ana Bankskin, Military end Lisle Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, Back as Ladies' and Children's Hoods, Children's Woollen Banks, Knit warty and Boas, Clnldrco's Ush ers lead Long Mitts, Worsted Cad. Knitting Wowed., sad Woolen Yarns, California Canaan., also, Cwt. Cashman Scarf., for Ladies. LA.DI ES' DEPARTMENT. Fitrara.FlT'a.Pef:ll7l..i.:to"rat ="ki.o="111! per Plower Material, Lamp Mete, Tidies, and Esc. bredderod Work. Also—Ladles' Mk and Menuo Vests and Drawer, Ealtoidered Sant s an dFlannela, /rent n Woaked Caps and and{ (or lowly; andlimul , ...lovi Trimmings. • GENTLEMEN'S -WEAR. FUN Shins, Cravats and Collars; Merino, Silk and Conan Wrappt•ra and Drainers; Saapendars, Shot Oder Brae. and Dressing ()owns; Silk and Linen Gloves and Roamq. _ _ . . .. .. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. Fe pok patterns carved and plain Shell Sack Combs; BMWs and Imo do; Shell Sitte and Long Combs; lm. do; Buffalo, &Would Softwood Hair Brothes Shell, lialfsha and Bog. Born Dressingand hno Ivory Combs; milk an assortment of Nall and Teem Brushes. z WetheraPs Warild Medal" Perfumery. VARIETY GOODS. Neale', Ping, Tapen, Steel Bags and Purses, 13.1.111 and Steel Goods, Beni. Wireßeakers, Pane Twist and Sowings. Piro Rosewood Nobs and Coat Diudings it liallimas. Parley Work Lukas Cloak Cord and Tassels, portfolios, pap ernes and Sand It, Shade Trimmings,l Ladles , Stalkinsm' i Palpit i an.. Tassels, French Cork Solos, Upholsterer's Fringos S ilk it UMW... Umbrella., 801 l Unite, ass'd 'nabs, Paper filesinisk, lionised s, Matti= tni Cloths, Elude Bands tr, Webbing, Pird Chintz Binding, Car.. aye Shoe Lacers. CUPRIW - CiliPSTittl—ftee'd Our Jay, at Vi. TA, u hmckia Caper Warehouse, No. IS Polis si h , a farther supply of Carpets, of the latest and =at op proved styles, to which we invite the a'tendon of Steamboat men, and those wishing to famish Homes, to calf end anticline the largest assortment in the city, which wo will sell cheaper than ever before offered In the winte-n market nor& W IIPCLINTOCK Mourning Long Shawl., iL MURPHY too reed a supply of the oboe. . untie, of the beat qoality; also, plain Mack 1/49,1r Shawls; black Sion barium, Mourning A/- Penton Cloth, block Cobargs, Parmeum, =ma, Moss de Lains and Iteneh ptrnroa, black Craws and ?dooming Collar., blooming Rennet Rib• ttrii=nee.ek nod a , fall latortamat of Mourning . " P r LAIN BLACK SILKS, A logo assortment, including a tew pieces very wide and si ..tgoarior. Boyers ate invited to look at them, it MIMI Zan .411. rof oonh and Martel stn. Wboimabe Rooms pug, where it he t ile Maio( Now Ocrodi la/e) , been 'teemed. tor Su DR. JAYSES ALTERATIVE. Ws Wive btetk informed by hint. Rove of a cam par. formedOnher by Drs Jaras's Altaratlvamorhith proVas superiority over every other remedy of the Mad. glidcflo She has !wen ofilieted tor the last maim , . years dES GS, WIIITE SWELLIN attended With okeratione and CLI1013•110/1 of VIROOIif bOll.l, do• [ll4 WiliCh trine Many pieces have been discharged from Oa inlaid bone of Cho erallll.l, alm both bee Ems, drrans sad kande And front both legs, o from the. let frelOrl.. bone. and (non the right knee, besi sides panda! ideation outer parts of her pitman rwt.h r barbed it. skill of a number of the roost citing.. physicians of oar coy—Monti nom of o the Mile h er mir threee rings hoes been clermaung and ilepirable.t months OiLICO .he was mulartil to try Dr.Jayne'a Alterative. walek dad had an astunithingly happy effect of her, hn and ma become domp3nelradodedoe that the cow 'mists SS IDS more aten the id before elm commenced the ove of tile truly valuable nrepatton.--00t. Eve. Poet. Ihrr tether infogsnauaa,iagau• ALL NA. it, N.. lit Allnrt yin Marr s Pt lust, at thi PEON /RS WORK, . atirWoot 011 IM=EM SLOAN'S COLUMN. thaidockelnesadadrilata by W. B. 1114:1.0. ere sold by IL K SELLERS, Wodd meet, and JOHN P.SCOTT Pnotrurgh. I Birmingham, by JOHN H. SMITH. Allegheny City, by 11WIRY P. SCHWARTZ an 0. M. CURRY. Th. nett had Cheapest Morse Ei.nicam. IN TRH WORLD. SLOAN'S OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, • Pro tarowda Lear wane. For Mild..., , Safi. ty,and Tlonsuganar, SLOAN'S OINTMENT Esce And is rapidly superseding all other Chou:none and Liniments new in use for dm outgo( tbe followine dls ' • Freshands, galls of all kinds, sprains, timid, ... cracked heels, nuglione, windbone, witidgalk, pal vii, ca lh o , e pavius, decency, final.. sitfrod, strata, larneuesr, sand crack, laundered feet, scratches or grease mange or horse distemper. T k e powder will remove all Intignimnuop and fever purify the blood, Mason the akin. /CUM . ; the koelse a nd drengthen every part of the hotly; and has priored a aovereigu remedy tor the following driedesi Dudemper. hide brand. lon of appeure. inseam strain, yellowlwaier, Inflammation of the eyes, fatigue ( tom b e ep eke/nisei - also, rheamatism.reommonly cal. tear diff complaint.) which pro•es eo fatal to mealy val. usble boron in this country. It is also a safe and rem sate remedy for ceughs and golds which generate so dray fatal diseases. W. H. SLOAN, Wand Depot, 40 Lake rat, Chicago. Illinois. M=MCIME:=I By the use of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have entirely cured a fistula on my horse and otherwise hoorayed hts condition mare than :AO ye cent. on the cost 01 die medicine And a caw which was so feeble az to be considered worthless by toyer'. and neighbors,wan restored to good health and strength by the sae often than half a package of the powder. Is now doing better than any other cow I knot. Small Poo, May 19.15.43. WU. VINCENT. =II EXTRAORDINARY CURE April 13, lett. Four onle. null of Chicago tun tbc road to Itliberaultied Cook roomy, Mr. Slootn—Deac Sir: One of my berms had a Imre bony tumor on his breaat bone, immediately under tioc coll., whiob lamed him and rendered his wrvices no vry hale value. I fanitnally applied icverat bottle. Dr. Taylor'a Nerve and Bone Lenin..., without the tenet benefit. I teen procured Wllder'a Celebrated florae Ointment, ond used that until I became fully satisfied that it would never relieve the aubool. natty 1 obtained a boz ot your truly valuable Onot• on; and in ler. then GO days from the Bret applieo. non the tumor entirely disappeared, nod the horse wee well. Yours, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion any eriteriod of die worth of few article,vre Welts the Me reduloui read at lmot • few of the many voluntary cercates that appear in ous columns respecting We grout variety vf remarkable cares ellected by the use ul t•Ploan's Celebrated Unit ment and Condition Powdery." These remedies no longer amoeg thole cr doubtful utility, they have pawed from the tide of e e . periment, and IVOI• stand lugher to at and NM becoming more extensively used then all ottse ern ales of the klnd.—blic h . City News. THE HALF HAS DOT BEEN TOLD Phu RIVI,II, Jona 12, le4e. Dear Sloan -Sled Please send by the Lesser • new supply of your Horse Madiaires. They are the Lem articles of the kind • that I have ever pied. never haw. lug Leen disappointed in their affeet,las 1 Lave been iv the use of others, soon the must celebrated °muumuu, Liniments, de.., of the dey. I nice very much this fee tuneln them, alr that they do all that and upon thOtOligh Ma] one Is 0011tratiteil to add, Mal "half Lai not been told.' Respectfully, IS DUDLEY. THE DIFFEBI:NCE. The ordinary ointments and liuiraeits it is oral. known are severe and partial in their almost/ea— /goat's Ointment is mild yet tharough—it tracheal/int' removes the .1143, henna it gives real and pormanent relief. For parity, mildness, safety, certainty, age thoroughness, le Ointment muerte, and is repidl) eutPereeding all other Ointments and Liniments now Muse. WE CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT a. Elms 's Goers, 111., Oct, 21,1912. Mr. 'Sloan—Sic I have tested the virtue of yam Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore throat. harns,•and Many other in and in every case is has maritassed our expeetations. mem, I have never seen equal, and foe Naas we can't get along without It. Tones, to., MILES M. .101INSON. i:SCELLEVT OINTMENT. Mx Sloan—Dear Sin. For • considerable length ol line I was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic cone plaint, and applied freely the vartona liniment., paint Ulna, /cc, without obtaining any relief. After which Ointment, ant at this place tridneneed me to try your and within two weeks front the acne I eon, meneed acing tt. the pain canard, and I wasedectually cured, and shall recommend all who are unitlarly ut dieted, with the &amusing complaint, to procure pow excellent ointment WitilfAll delay Reap' y yours, OSCAR F. 310 - IT. Princeville, Peon. en, May 1, IRS. 117 . From the lion. 11. V. Yl'. Brooka Ager.t of the Illinois and Michigan Canal Vacket Bow Company. Cumaoo, June 24, le4 Dr. W. O. !Moan—Dear Sic Fat the ie. 30 yea:. I Wive had.ocesetun ny use many hortiea. rad have need the great variety of batmente and onnotatm in use. but have never found one Ming equal to your amt. went for niAMICE On h•rarn. Within We Ines two mouth. I have -applied your utni nt to tante cal home, fur aerie. imams, and au every auatanea It hat pro. ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER 13ITTPIN ENTIRELY OFF. T. 401111. moth of Chicago, Sept 14, 1.546. Dr. Sloon—Sir. On the 81.11 inmunt my .on bod fin. ger Amer entirely of by shone. We ammealiamly ap pLwAyam celebrated ommirm, mltieh relieredlum CI p.m in s Pw minute. and pruruMel the 6rutr. 1 , 41. Man pmucle, owl the woundso heuL.l limp'y your., S. UROCKWA • DOCTORING IN GALENA - Mr.:Roan—De. Sirs About three years ago I ow, severely iltoured in one of my lees try the failing y le or wwe voact, huge retiring al,. Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to cure them; List tried in vain, until from sympathy and improper tree , meat nay other leg became as bad as the one gingival. ly wounded. I despaired of ever Genie well, aistin but in order that !might neglect no means wthin iny reach, I parehased of your agent to Galena sou,. ur your ointment. and you canjadge of my s rpnee •. I gratitude better than I can express it, to End myself eutirely well before I had finished usingthe them! Cs Thee facto I make known that others athicted mat believe and not delay away so valuable an fr et .o year, he proved to be. Resp'y yoer gr.eful fr'd, Galena, 111., Dec. 19, 1949. EVAN DAVIS. Borate the following order, hTessn. Vaughn & Co purchased a large supply of Sloania preparations. Jantson, Mich. Feb. 24, 1e44. X. Ilibharil—Dear Sin I =oat of Slosn's Conde bon Powder lad Horse Ointment. The sale tar ez. eeeds my 'erphetation. If you can manage to send me 4 dozen Ouament, I will pay for them the Etat tam thation are here, and pigeone I shall be able to tell n large quantity in the course of the year. It wilt be on object to you, an well as to myself, to keep me roe. 'Lanny supplied. Very resp'y yours S. S. VALTULDI & CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER — . Fir. Lucia, Feb. er, 1349. Dr. Sloan—Sir: About two years ago, White ratting on the klissmaippl river, In pausing over the rapids, was plunged into the water, and by the raft dashing rgiunst a rock, crarning tell leg and otherwise te ainly injuring mc, mach that I lust all sensibility. When consciousness returned I found myself in St Louis, attmounded by ray weeping family. Gard Burr hobbl'e l oa c. r l id ou 4lfi n th b e l' as d ers e ttn n ee 'th ora ' c ' ro w tCT. `" P: woonli only partially heated, hearing large running sores at the knee, which for many months discharged blood and matter of the most offensive character. My puma were inetpremible. at times ray suffering woo fa great that death wield have received a hearty wel come. Fo rt unately Mr. Wilson, lone of my neighbors; advised rne to try your Ointment I obtained a box applied it according tb direction—the yam soon began to assume a healthy eppearance, arid in three 111011:ii• was entirely eared. and enabled to do Lard labor. Vora obeibent servant, HIRAM IV. THOMAS. We, the, neighbors of 11. W. Thema, were acgoainioil with the ease above stated, sill know. ing the firroo9l•llM.,most cbe , thally confinn roil Thomas' statement JA ME REV J. DOUG WILSON,LASS, S PETER LAMB. I=l •• Cmcsoo, Pan. Eth, 1 4n W. D. Sloan—Sin Ow of my horses seas hoof hound and also wounded M the mile which he took cold and became to crippled that he m ould scarcely navel Ily the free application of your valuable ointment, his hoofs were won softened 'and We tune permanently oared. I have also ased — the Ointment In the Case 0 and on severe rails with equal success. On • mashed finger that was very painful, it opera. led hke a chute- Yount, See , A. VAN ORDEN. TESTIMONV FROM LITTLE FORT. Moan's Ointmentand Condition Powder arc ac knowledged by all who hove used them to be Me I esi remedy For horses nod cattle that has been dimovcre.l. Fresh wounds, grills, spavins, bruises, rumboise, poll evil. and in short every outilvard disorder or Unary ran be.eared by Min wonderful remedy. The Pointer ir designed fur inward stratus, distemper, .hide bound fatigue from hard exercise, diseased eyes, /tr.—Lake County Chronielv. 'BATHER DOUBTINGLY, Y BUT ^ I THOUGHT WOULOTR IT Wtescore, Cook Co. Feb. 13,1,10 Mr. sloan—Sir I boor a fine young bor e that woe taken With the scratches last tall. I patd out about three dollars for medicine to cure him, but be grew worse. I then bought a hos of your comment at your office when In Chm ago last, rather doubimely, illll I thought I would try it. Judge et my sorrow , ,•rid my ociamon of It. Leneheial /manor, when I found rut hOne's leg, smooth and well in tour day .1.112 utur I commenced applying tb Your obedient, • L. F COLBY. I=l Mort than fifteen yearn of untividlra sneer...on Ike care °revery variety of external ili,ea,r• and 111,11 e• sot Ir. spraona, eat, burn, eutabeou• rrup. NOTC Ilya, rove I.reaal*, chapped hands, Llama, biles, ulcers, earns, ram. on bank, other parts or the symem, ratoleri,•ke , bed. sample , teol anon) , that Sloan'. Ointment Jam the thing fur the hour. Certilieste. without number havetocen receivN cy the Proprretor ororndliflnicrrated Ind ttdo' ll.,sivono, details of remarkable rure• L 7 Ir. time. I=l Granath, hOlsesokoi co IViu , Ircl 11 I-40. Mt. its.rimn —Dearlissomly my horse. rim away with• log chain a r ched. cameo cat um 0114etWi.." Ittjured them renoucty, so much co tillll my team mined (or buctursc. For:untiely a friend cc euoimended the use of your l'iromout. 1 sacra to Wangle acid purchased • bog. It soon remove,/ :helnflammation, and in • few day. Me woe/alit hauled The great benefit denved wont Mc -o•c of your thii, Merit, mu my horses, todueed rue to acquaint you an the (het, believing Ito publicity would 'benefit you and the public. Respectfully your', GhlltlGE COMiert WK. IT 19 A POSITIVE' PACT, And has become a common raying that -mono'. and Condition Powder an tinnily sown , . ding all other r em ed ies for dl gm-inset at Lorne. and vault. The hiaary of the menhelnea conristt in then parity and nafety, w/1.: they amy itheJ o n c , &eery without any danger of inking eold,•or any °thee inhuy rankly{ ingather frequent ise,' and never tall ft, aas tleArsenone ars !amoral. 1114rW/Ytl MISCFLLANI.OIJ6.!- 11.mi-Ailugasll.l. of Dry goads, =EI A. A. MASON 4 CO., - IV - ILL commence New Tear's Day, ISA, land ff continue Mimosa the month of Ja.nouy, oozing winch time the whole of their immense establlshment„ Ihicluding ell their Wholesale Roomy) will be thrown open for Retail Trade, and their entire Wholesale stock will be offered et Retail, on this oem,..ion. at (ally atm £OOO5O me than usual prices. Their Shawl Saloon Contains more than3oooShawls, ettniprisingtevery desertption of Long and Square Wool Shawls, Cashmere, 'Noche, tbe. Also, Yuen., Cloaks, blantitlas t Saeka, te., at an immense red.. bon from tweet prices. DRE.I•I4 AND CLOAK GOODS. - . . . Their nook comprises more than IMO pirees Whet Cloths, Merinos, Paramettas, Lyorteie, Op cr. and Pelisse Clotho, will be sold from Milo 40 per cont. less than nsualprioes. Alva-300 pieces rich pain and 1) 'd 9/131,9, redo. ced,:n/perrent. 7.0 caste Cashmeres and De wins, entire new styles. Also—While Goods, Mourning do., Embroideries, Lacen, Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, ac. easel Flan:Iola, 70 cases new style Calicoes. al r a d Bleached Muslin, 100 bales Brown do., 70 bales Ticking. Al., Cloths, Cusainere., Jeans, Cassiuctia, airs, at extremely low prices. Together with an immease variety or other Goods, mnking an assortmcni one of tin: 11100101121111110 to the country—all of which have bera marked down at much lower pncea tlian their ex:otiose annual sale in January lart. They mane an early call, as many of their cho.cest Goods will he sold. • • • • • • • ... lr.j'fhe lowest prise named at first. Ann A. A. !EASON k DO- 60 Marken st. l IsNolWelly Ptlatns” Blankets. WIL MURPHY, at Noah East corner of Fourth a and Market streets, has lafely received • map ply o f the above superior make of Flanked, and M ean those In want of the ,article to look at them be fore buying. lie has also on hand Homo blade Elan. kets, • good heavy article, which he is selling low. Mao—Home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and white, of • superior quality. Abe—Twilled Scarlet FL.ViNEL4, Id %slosh be inVata the annnuon of kip.. IrrA twin> supply of Cowls recently opened in the Vi e w,Jesuit Room.,up stales, •mat', aviotunent very full and worthy tie attention of dealers. nosh ERDIU:6 \Ci 1.3 Itmua, Pa., Sept 15,11119. Mr. R. E. Sellers—Deis So I heel it is a duty I owe In the public, as well ins to the credit or your Lives Pills. to stale the good effects produced by Melrose in my own case. During the month of June, 101 l 1 took very unwell, my appetite 01.d hly strength was entirely prostrated, with severe pain in my side sad shoulder. 1 was told by medical we 1111/11/3) , diwaee ....revere anitek of liver complalnt. !took sere. cal boxes of Mlatheir Liver Pills, and some syrups, which I was told was good for that disease, but aver all I was netting worse. I finally concludedlo place myself under the earn of a phygician for better ur worse; but, fortwately, pat at di., time, I woe told by the Rev. I. Nibloek, of this place, that 14 friend . ka,d the , bird hoe of Sellers' Lire: Stith Dwelling...ea, which bud uenefuted hint very roach. I forthwith sent fora boo of you Liver Pills, and by the time I was door using them, I was °umber that it ma. )art the medicine that suited my Mlle. I sent for more, and took five or am bores, and Mondmyself almost entirely cured; but In March lagf I caught • severe cold, which brought bark the disease, and In a than num I Ivu as bad as ever. I aealn had cocoons to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night Pt sir weeks, end inewonally slow and 1 ago now iv, that I can imw say, 11111.1 I ?Nal Mire if any eytawN. of the Liver Complaint, and my general health Is as good now as it has been for the last 10 years. My neighbor. aak me who was my doctor. I tell them 11,51 Sellers` liner Pills with my doctor, and by the blearing of Divine Proeideuee the mew of caring me. lam confident that when the public bowleg ao. quainted with the value of your Liver Pills, the de mid for them .11 illelCll.4l Marty of my neighbors, to whom I have recommended the palls, ew testily to their value, as well as to the Diem etosyr Wised. vs µmood:folly your*, 17COUBIllitl• To run Youte.—The Os tenni, only tree Cad gem. no Liver Pill. era preblnek pared by HA I. ?labors, cud have hie name stamped in w. upon the hd of 'each 1300, and Itie signature an the outtude *rapper. ay - All cabers art, counterfeas, or base *ottomans. 0117 R. IL SELLERS, Proprietor, g 7 Wood gt Jaynes' Espoteterwat. Columbiana c0.,U., Apr. 94, 1841. DEL D. JAYNES: Dean BM—I feel ErdPPil id you end the riffildl Bl to avail myself - 41115*p* portunity of givinipilllifdity to the extraordinapy effect* of your Expertormat ou myself Having been nflilebed for several years with a severe cough, bacilli fewer and its concomitant Mimeses, and seeme d onlyjdoomed to linger out a short but miserable existence, timid the fall of IRV, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, ancEthe pre. script... of two of the most respectable phystrians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit i lln the consolation of surviviur init • few day, or weeks aj farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about te vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant— rind blessed by that Itemg who does all tinnia Ito Ilse urn at the menns—and •Wrdlt°'. ol my physicians and friends, I Ina in a few day seised iron; my bed, and was enabled by the use of-a-bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying same better health Lis. I had for ten years previous. Respectfully yours, ter., Jan W. Fired. Far eala in Yinsbutigh, at the Patti Tea Store, NI Fourth street. Clara Ni .t i . A VALASl r f i l . l7NO ,.cr iN t : fi S c. Clit a TlFlCAT immedi. r ; ; y lO .N l ! having attended my brother, who died of consamptron in March, I,IS, I was taken ark with the Consumption_ or Liver Complaint, and was reduced ap low with the thsease, that for four year. I wail %suable to attend to my business, either at borne or abroad, being Mr the most note confined to my hod. During the above peri od of time, I had expended foe medical attendance o regular Physicians and medietnea, to the amount or Clue, without receiving any benefit therefrom. to Jul), DatS, I commenced takmg Dr. Jayne's Sled, eines, and have taken them more or less ever atone, and believe that l was by persevering in thew one, that I can now truly say that I have completely 'MT°, voted my health. I believe that layer'sSnativeJilin and Especial am art the best famtly medtcines mar in ute. I testae Springtleld, Otsego county, N. T., and merry on a furnace mid machine shop m that place, mid ern not interested in any manner in the sale of thd above inedieince. and make this CerlifiClLlC tor tie tim e'. of 1101 , V afflicted. ELIJ All EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept IS Ibld. tat 11.10/1 WALL ISOODII A LEXAN DER it DAY, corner of the Diamond and A Market street, notify their friends and the public that they Live received their stack of Fat/ and :Whi ter GOODS, direct from the importers, manufacturers and ancoons at the east. Their slat of new slyte d fu,hisnithte Goods is Mrs., lied pimiento strong tiaras.- bobs to p e urraarrs. Ladies Drying Goiudi and 1 Shawn, thy snort splendid aril faslornatile Goads of to warm are now offered, at remarkably low prices part of itic following LADIES' DM:SS (rOODS. Ne Drle Mocha (led Carnelian Silka Cord and Bleck Salo Du Chanel. and Tare Satins. Co.') Camelran riruderlunes. of the best quoting.: glossy Groderiens of the celebrated Eagle Inautacture. :shove named Black Silks ore warranted not to cot 10 the wear, for dresses and mantilla they are the beet Deported. Neu fig'd Camelien 5.00 Du Mena, the handsomest Silks of the season. Ne and w sle Mocha thlk fiured French Merinos, • neve splendid article for g ladies. walking &ernes. ne9 Fimbroidered French De Leine., for draws and uet., an entirely new article. Cailunere., Ile Laine% Merinos, !slimmers. and Par me., • later monnient SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Broeha Long and Square Shawl. of the boot grant/. ues Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark ably cheap. splendid Terkdri Shawls, at greatly reduced prices. Camelion Broeha bg'd Stllk Shawls, m grearrarlery. Crape Shawl., white and colored, to t sane y, CLOTHS, CASSEMERES AND VES gre TINOS' Best Sedan mai French Twilled Clotho, all prices; Lest Sedan real French Camimeres; new style Lowr ie. Ctil•juneres; soper Satin Vesting. 41.ADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Belgian Week and Olive Cloths, for La. M.' Cloaks. IMIMMIII A splendid assortment of American and imported Lliankets, at remarkably low prieee. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and complete assortment now on hand.— Many of our present stock of Staple (hoods _were bought from the ritanufaciarent previous to the present advance in price.. A prinelpal part of our stock of French and English goods have been purchased at the great Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New York, which enables us to offer decided bargain. in almost every description ofood gs in our line of business. Country 51crehants, Merchant Tailors, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early examination of our stock and view. ALEXANDER Is.DAY, 75 Market at, .122 north wrest corner of the Diamond. MLR outwit -- it. AIUIII . IIV, at north east corner of Fourth Tll . and Market me, and receiving los second ouppl, for the season, coo offer indlteeLUCUIS billet , rarely tri assortment of Lirii-gFLatEss . ."lll of of French Nterinos, Cushitic res, Csburg4,l+very lull, I...yoteso Chub, super ranted French Cash ews-es, at prmea conatacrobly lower than they could Lc bought tarly io the ataaott. liis stuck of LUNG SHAWLS lar,, and rmbmceo toanyoflhe bc!nfolstyl owon ralnlanon at Franklinlnettlute t Ptalad'a: BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, tt ocw and very handcome atylea, Velvet To Imre, ac. SACKING FLANNELS. 01 various styles and finalities, plain and elabroldered Dlack Silk Luce; Needle Worked Collars and Cads, bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Fenthera HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of the newesi styles, and at lower prices than algal, and rich chutgeablo Silks and Satins, for Alaitillaa, tee., and Blare stook of STAPLE' . AND HOUSEKEEPIN GOODS, at wore. prices. And in the gentlennn's depatUncal will 1.0 found fresh FRFINCII BLACK AND FANCY COL'D CLOTHS, Mock Doczkinv, Winter Vesungs, Fancy Damn:terns, undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Hand. tochtets, t arOlorottonto aro invited o visit the Whole. loom., up moms. orttO A vgiti . WiItiDEMFUL VEII3IIFUGE: Munn, hlrreer eo., Pa., Sept. VI, 1049. it K. Sehem pear otr, I bought one bottle of your Vermlfuen at the Ism Coy Furnace atthlsrlate. ar.d It carpe rformed what we comider out here• won derful cure on onc . of boy., to uc h years old; he had been unwell fur me ; ) earl, en uc so Smut hod giv• en op all Immes'o terover. I war 11104 Ni by Jot. of my neighbor , . intry a bathe of yam' Verroduee— and DID happy to inform. ou.of it having Me dewed o f of relievinemy lie passed, the 'Matt gulf e of at bouts, 141 mono., mom of them ...I. MI uch melt! and'l4 inebel long. I mei bound in moire l ily_ give you Mc above auttetneut, 401.11 you may make unyuse nt name that you think proper . VIMIA, very reapeetfully L Jonammil N. Lin.. ILelfrepared and aold by R. E. SP.LLEIttI, 57 Wood Merl: rind sold by Itruggiets generally in' the 4 two novl 'F"rotEu 1 ,711L,r1,'„,ev1:u„: 1 011t; Court of lit:tarter Setioon• of BCIPICI County: Mr. It. L. cellerch :tome time the winter my wife torn. afflicted wlth a severe and dontersing rough, um ! into., of your tovalueltln Cough 8) rut', I par eloffld bottle from ht. T. Touble, ot Brulgewater, sod often mime a portion ol it two or three evening. Of, to bed, she (mind immediate relief, as alto never.' friend. hue been relieved In severe emu, I am Met/fore ...het! that tit. a safe mud valuable me. dicitte r tmd would reerourecod it to those who may be 011iotsd ',soh revere - cou ghs and efflda. Morel: ad. lon. W. K. BODEN. u . yµuld by K SELLERS, 57 Wood deer, and by Laulafflas genehally in the two elite. and vieiltdlV. I,l d fr CLoistS-3 elwes DlC; — it - od Diet, Fcl r ,Noth•,,uct reed nod for sale by PIURPIIY, WILSON &CO, rwris 48 Wood st gC ARLIN . WAS. LAINtI.-.W. K. Murphy hoe Jo , reed o lot of Woe calmed Mona do Laos, ~,eh paerey, BC 11iCk 4 44., the low pile Of 23c. per yard. also, Plain an, Brown, fee, at 121 n/ 121 rano, pee yard, and singe assonzhent of neat olyles Lamed Mons. de Lain., at Yoram. pricey together wah a ebolee assumes. of Oran Goods gonefoMY, Oas Fancy. tells, French Memos, Coaheseres, Moberg* and Lyonese Cloth, at the N. E. emote of Fault, and Mast-et it.. Milli task , ROOMS lip SW" .4,11 &, co Prnalor tuzi a3mi lammaittane& Ogle. &IX). wilco. to bring persona any part of England, inland. Scotland introles, ~port the most ea liberal moms, with their ontalfpanotaality and attention to the wants and com fori of malign:lu We do not allow ourpenengets to be robbed by the mending scamps that Infest the semi Mik l os we take charge of theta the moment they re port themselves. and see to their well being, and de mak then without any detenuun by the Ent ships.— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen gers to show that they were detained 413 P.m, by us La Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • 'en detained months, wail May could be sent in some sil non, eh ;israte, which too frequently prover:, .heir niffme. We intend to perform our contract, oononbly, cost what It may, and not act as was the cue lost se IttOrt, with ether olleers,—who either the not ail, or then it suited then convenience. Drafts drawn at Yataburgh forwaysaot from .LI to I LLla d r , :t i l g a i Lt . e stony ofrho i t r lo i Ll . artal Hanks ill Ira JOSIIUJ. 17.0111tiSON, . . Ewapeau soul le street Arent, WOWad. Fietli sweet on. tlnor balers Wad: • BEA VEIL PACKETS. Steamer LASE ERIE, MICLIWAN No. 2—Rem Cord . Gilso on. n. " " lIE above regular arid well known Ileaver Sack ," as, time commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, sod will continue to run between Sitmborgh and Ream regularly during the season, as Michigm No. 9 Worm Pinsburgh dally at 9 o'clock, A. M., tos4 beaver et 2- eakick, P. M. Lake Ewe leaves Beaver daily aid o'clock, A. 91., and Pitteburgb et 3 o'clock, P. M. Thee weenters will run In comedian with II O Parks' Fluprese Yeekes Line, for Erin, Taylor A Lefftingmell's Warren Peekeu• Union Line of Portent Boats for Cleveland Clarke tCokiPittakurgh Lleveland LIAM Fess& Bow. . ta Parks WIT .liass Castle Packets. MARY) s A. PRKS Co,Co, Beaver, Ams. deq.M A. C AU A taIEY, Agent. Pitburgh, t Istatalear Water and Batithrteld au _ . isiati 1849. Wan PII7BDURDD AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON TILE PENNSYINAMA AND OHIO CANALS. TUE Proprir 6.. or tnis old established and penal. dailYeDlllliMillig of SIXTEEN first elms Canal Basta, awne d by themrelyea and tanning in connect unit with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of frMslit and I...angers, an the opening of Canal navigation, to Of points. Me Penn aylvataa and Oblo and N. York amide wad the Wes. E H. FITCH I A Co, Cleveland. lIWWELL .k BROTHER, Beaver. 1. C. BIDWELgents.,L, Alma, matt ' Water street, Plttabtugh. D. V. C..11M10-1, Metier. c la wal , " 1 . Itsburgh. BIDWELL 4 BROTHER. Forwarding Merchants, BEAVER, PA., Ageras for thaPatsburgAgitwiCatuatanti lawa,Fith+ buret and Frol Lids vie, Erie, and f steam 4,44 e bwieer an4eVeleB Cop. Maytag pareltweil the large wid wabstantial Wharf Boat just built` for the Monongahela Paelteu, have wah the addition of a Warehouse, the and ample ae• . . . . , tommodatiatta for receiving and forwarding, sad pledge their uutanat attention, prienptneas and despateh to consignment* to their care, and rely an their frtends for a trial. tuatti-dly B. le U HO. 1600314 pawl riano2. ONE scoop:, haAA Pasnu, octaves, plea Wu. St " " 45. " 51 " ID. w 5 " " to. For ule for castfirlihe above priors, by dolt JOHN II hIELLOR. ol Wood st rro — V7Ol.IN PLO t EltS.;-Scoun's intiamVtairtra I &root, altered and connected from the last Ens. !irk .edition, to correspond with Spokes Original School of Violin playing, by his pupil V. C. Hill. "If any ang ;meow err wrtittred to remounend thus work, It may be observel ttmt tgohy blmself adberes strictly to s mid Coven in the above wok, and that Mboa fp the same mode of Inwood°. r produced • trotter number of dietingnlslted pupils than any other master in Europe A mpply of the above Just reed,ipfice IRO and for mile by dcl7 J H MELLOR.% %fond st A N EMINENT, and orpscienced Phisleran from the ea. Ea.; of 20 Timm standing, offen to tree sile arcs of • Delicate Narita with promptness and secrecy. Ills sweets in Bartel* and other large eider hay mi res roverbial.• charges lan moderate, Per ry mipermanent. • Old cases of (Beet. Buie tarot fele Floor Alban, ilheurnetiern,Ageritityphills, or any chronic or Lovetenme ease; salmitce A cure :sinned, or charge refunded. Orme., fit. Clair stnvet,2doom from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor grails. N. IL—Dr. A. solicit. the worst cases of any disease an Fambargh to call.aol4bily pwrooLsr.on, oa - obte 014. • - Than are theorem of in philoomphy." N VIRTLIF.S of Una remarkable remedy, and T the constant application for it, Up the proprietor, das induced him to have It put op in bottle. with la bel. a n d direction. for the benefit or the public. The PKr/lOLKIMI is pd from a well to thus vaunt), at a depth of four h undred feet, ts a pure abut article, without any chemical change. but Nal dome (rem Piatutc'a Gukat Labratoryll That gt sontaiue preperues re/wiling a number of diseases, re no longer a niter elle...minty. There Ore M., Wog.. the arcane of nalure,vvidati, if kaolin, might be of tame.. in •Iterialleg Wren:lg, and re. storing bbe bloom of health and ergot to many a suf-' fere, Long biotite the propneuir thought et pontos it op tu bottles, it had a reputation tot the cure of fortd.. ease. The , in the United SlMca should be supplied with Became* 'Centel. Balsam of Lite, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, be. to be used an n preventive medicine in all eases Of colds, coughs, spining• of blood, pain In the side and chest, trillotiOrk and soreness of the lungs, homilies. difficulty of breads.", hectic fever, night sweats, enaei mina and general debility, asthma, infirmness. wLoopitar cough and - crimp. Sold in large bottles, at RI per bold., with fall dose lions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a DU. of English and A men - an cettificacce, and other evidence, showing the no ninelled merits of thin rent English Remedy, may be obtained of We Agents. gratuitously. st a n d Wood a sale by nd W B A and FA and Gth HNKSTOCIE Co., Eute re plan. and most fazhionable Euteta patterns mud Cedar. Al. THE CIICAP ROLLi Of BOSTON BLIND, au hand err made to order of &liaise. and at all pleas. Country hlerehanta and others are invited to tall Ma examine the above for theniselves,as all will he sold wholesale rerad, and a liberal dad made t• wholesale purrhasers. coldly • • WESTERVELT THE STAR OP THE WEST 4* VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY Eat aide of the Diamond, where Wattled Minds of all the different elves and colon we kept un hand or made to order aft* the latest &advs.! approved Eastern Cash. ions i at the shortest notice and ou the um assailable terms. Also, the chap Boston eon orsplit Blind Trwispa eeney end Paper Canal. of all the iltderent aloes and pastern*, on hand and for tole low :area.. Veni. u. Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken la pan payment (or new ft fd WF.TTERVII.LT, Preepr. N. /I—All wo.. 4.0 with tho beet material and vrorkmanahip, and unnamed to Please the mom laa• i chow. anglU-dly Allegheny eity, Ana. ID, rbot. SELLEIRS , IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Tet ra 's Norsiew Ltze Pr! _ - Pre m..; March 17, Mr. It. If. Selleri—ln Justice to youand year neon- Parolde Cough SYrnr, I beg leave to state, for the Pew raj of the community, that my with boo been several tones metaled wile a mast dtotrewing cough. I pur chased, to Junttory 11131, a bottle of your Syrup, which cured a room, of two month& standing. About one tomb im ire, the cough returned, and was so the that she could hardly move, from welkueos to th e brram; I sent for one bottle of your Coogh Syrup, arid a port of one horde eared the cough Igo. the other to ajourneyman who WWI severely Maimed, who had, to uer hoiown wordo, 'mot. enough cough randy to care all the people in Pittsburgh,” if the candy boil been no good es represented. Vilma, re, pectfully, A Moen It. Moms. Prepared and sold by R. F. SEL.t.EILS, Or mood street, and sold by P.rugmeteL generally to the tem mum. del, A 1 LE TN I i lI v l , r }I:V LTILN BLIND, VA.' EICOONI. J. A. IllittlV7l would respect. klly mforatpublic, but be eps on hand at his to on the west side in the Diamond, Ake f.b:.'`,),,W4112:11.`;`..7.M.,`: eqitim Shutters are made to or, r he best style, warranted ualequ anynse United States. Ilie nett coo be removed with.. oat aid ef • screw Snack. Having purchased i h e stock, tools, and wend of the cabinet es irtllLabmcnt of Itaussay fr. APCiel lamd, ant Prepared In facsink, then old customers, as wCII as the panne at lar,re• with every thing 41 their lice. AgettcY, No h Weed Creel, Pittsburgh. suchaal I. A. unows. T lii.T reed, ink clegant plain Ruseweed b oci. pi..., ce./4..T:liiims; b lii . 7 . , c . e u l r , b , r r a i . 1 c;, 1 un in . 7 . n ., :i t a ,.. :1 rr o w ry ... 7: ,: :... p,, ,, ,, ,: ,„ 4„,:r . i 1 ,. IL KLEBEIS, . '. .— -- - __ .... IV I I.LIAlis'iVUr.V PK/4M TOOTII POIVDF.III, s ter rrmerteg fart's, hewn, Canker, auJ all substswes dwittuctive to the Teeth. It is delicious to the tasic,cicaaseig the mouth, healing and strengthen ing the galas, mid putifying the bretuli. For sal, wliolenale soil retail, by - desu It Id SELLOIS. 57 Wood et ATIC ta-CIIKAPER THAN EVER i rts r rued, an Invoice of full Jewelled piuma le er Wit 'her, IS carets Luc cases, which I can sell 1.4 lOW ms thirty mid thirty live dollars, and warranted to keep good ume. riptcadld awartmeal of,EW heat axty, PL com- W. 608 • • wow Kuhl end Pc.rani straw MEDICAL. CisAVe ISEDDLIB„ Deratist,e IIF.MOVED to a newer.. itcry brief 1g j S.hhr , oo street, ore door below Sixth rtscet. Teeth inserted from one to en a act, on the ruction pnotirle, with repreignestlen of the retreat ~,,„ eum—e e , , „ I , • •• r original dame orate face. N.-IL—Teeth ea - bruited wird, little or no pain. Decayed Teeth ireekomMlTT oared 6 Y Dirk; ge •r- venting the tooth oche which is much Letter thane: rhne it, though It should be done ID five' mime. NALTEIVS • GINSENG PANACEA: TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH tor.AsED LUNGS—The aimmtericnted success which hue needed the am or the GINSENG PANACEA ual the callous forms which Irritation et the lanes., suoncs,qtas induced. the proprietor egainie effll ens.. Port to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. i The ettangable weather whichmuss ear hit sz,l whiter months, is always a fruitful innocent COLDS AND COUGHS. These, if riellected, we but the pocourors of that fall destroyer, COSUMFIION. _ 4O The-question, then, how shed we nip the Le ygri,„ the bud? how shall' we get cleat of oar combs and olds? is of vital importance to tee putthe. • THE GREAT .AND r•rbiLY REMEDY will be found in th e Idnien; Panacea. to pro4f °Olds we have from tome to time oar Lobed the cortifteates yf dozens of one best known cAirens, who besets-pen *need Ps curative powers. Thetre,yeith a mass of tee downy from Lill! of Me countey,—from MEDICAL MEN Ofs,TIIE FIRST STANDING. Ministers of th e Gotp - el, Re., together wi th coping, n ag ices from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, ere have embodied m pamphlet form, and may he Lai grads . of szy of oar mmnts throughout the country. 'SUNDRESS OF "RYMER have Dean used in this dry. • THOUSANDSAND 'TINS OF THOUSANDS throaghout the United MUG and Canada, and we eke lenge any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE - which, whin taken aceording to dlotetione, and be.; fore the lunge had become fatally Rome:used, It has scat faded to EFFECT A PERFECT CURB.. Why, then, need the afflicted lealtata Why es= et to the tolietable nostrum,, gobs. sp or'n ihßylas eels teethe assumed name of seam re derits.l phy, skim, and puffed into notoriety by certificates to per sous equally unknown! ISSata oncßeine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY la to he had, whose vouchers art at homer-ear nalaki Iserk—souny of whom it has SNATCHED FROM TIIE GRAVE. . In order that this invaluable mcine may Ms ;laud within the reach of the poor ee mull the rich, we have pat the price at _ ONLY NIFTY CIENTE, lust one half the usual cost of cough medicines. tt for sale by our agents in Ready every town and 'Mtge over the weir, who are prepared to glee fall informs don relative to It. T. sAvriut, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 , MERCURY,or other Alin &; 4 . - • efto — t i ttl b rCit:n r ti. SORES, SCROFULOUS HUMORS, REIN DIS- H -:77,c EASE 3, POISONOUS • WDUSIUS to discharge • •••ii their putrorruatters, ani th lY " hi 'h rie h l e' ll; termed •:5 ALI. - DEALING, far • ". there h scnrcely ease este roe 0, 0001,01, .thatit vitt' u of benefit. . I h. i vo used t for the last 'lateen lean for all diseases of Pat chest, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, null I declare before heaven and man, that antis, one retie has It failed to bents when the patientwee wittlit the reach ofmortal means. 'have had pliyeic tam learned Inthe protection. heave minis.. of th e gospel, J edges of the bench, al I dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erndluon, Lad multitudes of the poor nee it In every variety ot wa i y e aeadc thet—h a ' A b L ee L n S b T at E o ß n , e ,YvoOic U e ß —one universal OINTMENT IS 6001 E. RIIEUDIATISfifIt almost Immediately the tudarnmatlian and rwelling, when the pain emus. (R the direction , . around the Load • D-ACIIE—The salve hes cared parrot. of the hesdieche of twelve leen .tending, and who had it relater every_week et that vomiting took plata EAR &CH ,TOOTII-ACIIE, and &flue IN VIE FACE, are Wiped with like succeas. • SCALD DEAD—We have cured cases that actually deSeslevery thing knusen, One well as the ab of war .0 twenty doctors. One man sold us he be d spent Lint an. hie children withon any benefit, when few Wits of Ointment mired them. • - - • TETTER—There is nothing better for the cum or Tenet. DUR.NS—Iris one of the best things it, the world for Items. • PlLES—Thousands are yearly cared by this Cint. meat. It area tln giving relief for the Won Br Around the M boxnre directions fat using ?CIF liste's Ointment fors Serofsda, Liver Cennytaint, Slysipt. WI, Tina, Clablain, Me Mead,' 'Sm. So,. 'Throat, Bronelitas, Nervous Affeetions, Pains, - Du am tha•Spins, Raid ache, nuke., Doafitect. Ear mar, Pants, C 0,.., all Dissent of the Skin, Sore Lip, Piet. plea, 4c. Smelling of that Limbs, Soul, Elimination, Pile, cold Feet, Croup, Swine or B.keos Arm; Tame seta, dims in the Fes., 4.e. •COLU FEET—Liver Conapielia, pain in the-Chen and Bide,fall...afro( the haw, or die other nreampe , •dies colifeet. (This Ointment it the true remedy.) It 'is a sure sign of disease to have cold feet. • CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointment will ei ys keep coma from growing. People need nese: Le troubled with them if they use it frequently. This:Ointment. good for any part of the body or limbs when Inflamed. In some eases it ehonid has applied often. CAUTION—No Ointment wilt be genuine unless the name of /MM.: McALLISTER s wrinen with is pen ou ovary lebeL Foe sale by my Agents in all the principal cities and towns to the United ntatos. JAMES 111eALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. f i c hi l:nnelpal iNNonb Third street, Phil a _ PRICE :5 CENTS PER ROM /10.110 , Cl Reiter, corner of Liberty and-31 Cl . air err and L %Vilma, Jr, 'tomer ut Mathes at and the Diamond, l nlvo corner , of nth and Smithfield suit , It Cassel, comer of Walnut and Penn eta, Rh ward; end sold at the bookstore in Smithfield st,ild dour from &mond sq in Allegheny city by MP Schwan: and Sargent; by 1t: Smith, Drage...olW minghem,• D Negley, Eons Libeny; 11 Rowland. jao - Recommit .1 Ale:seder & Son Monongahela Car; N Et Bowman & Cu, end T Ro sin, Brownsville; John Barkley. Beaver, Pe; are wholesale agents. ftlrO•decitly Faints far the Pablle. In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, DILLSI'S MAGIC.IL Plit3 EITEACTia. '111:ST1510NY of • respectable Physician.—Read IWe wing, &daned to ICY Agent, Mr. F. th , Walattlie r, Ca ICl6l.ltim Ctrietreasirt, J'eb.ll,l2-11 SID A sense olduty compel. ma to give my tribal. to Diallers Pam Extractor. Doing spooned to quack ery and all nostrums having for tacit. object sinister motives—hat realising much good train the "King of Pain Ktllen.-1 am induced to tender you this certifi cate. I have used it in ioy, family, in my prat:tie:nand with old the happy and wonderful acct. than eintkr possibly be imagined. 11. J. Iluints, 31.1/. - Dr. Drake is the senior partner of Itreehe Jc Len a Druggist.. bytarnmatory Rh.c.tatinr, The following testimonial cornea frt. a source fal miliar us many of those traveling on our Western am ten. Mr. (Dime, the well and favorably known pro lrietor of the , Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to Mu* ady whose letter I annex Paaaassaamo, Vs , A pri112,.1:49: To Henry Dailey, .Chemist. llairmg fore merly been long afflicted with violent indmama Rheumatism, which appeared an firmly seated asto defy all ordinary appliances to allay she .evere ppain attending it, I was induced to try your Magical Pain .Extraelori and it having edretrd, elipost as if by tua _,ar immediate relief, and oho, to all appearance. ma an etriire Lou perfect cure, am induced fur the ben, Moll/then who may be inflicted with pain, caused by any kind of inaturonation, to write to you, declaring that in ray °Fenno, founded on .nod experience. your Magical Pain Extractor M the most valuable die eosery of the present Nee for the linmerliate extraction of bodily pain. It is an &Impel immediate and a feet cure for Dams and tcaldsi end all extern:a in . ...„ Hating many acquaintances foamed by Mat viiti;s at my hmband's hotel in this place, I have mppused by your showing thent theta few Inter, it may portably be of benefit both to them and yourself. I.:museum Gems. 11 entertain the hope that Mn. Clime will pardon the publmity 1 give to her letter. as well on We score of humanity as Mita being the mum! mode of bringing It to the notice of her friends..-11. lte.afilt • Fria. eta a. Extract of a letter, dated - 11ciatenv, Fr Nev. 1.90. Mr. IL Dailey: have tried your Yain l'Nc.mor in • ram or felon, In my own family, which it relieved and cared in a very short time.. In h.. , speethally, onto._ Cr Buena and Scalds, Piles, Porn Ntrples, Broken s ore , cow, itoutide, and nil im- Ilarnmairoy yields readily - to the tvetileoul properties of this unrivalled family salve. Ilan, in the same pro portion that you will receive benefit ormothe genuine, you will be Injured by tho-dekteriou• edema of the counterfeit salves. encrioN—lie sure and apply may to the inventor, H. Daum', 415 Drowdivay, New York, or to hit au. thorised agents. JOll5l LI MRLIAN, General Depot, Dittaboreh. Henry D. Schwarts, Allegheny, •Aeent; J. flak, Wheelom, Vt.; Dunes R' tobnidon, Alayaville, Ky.; P. blerryvveer, Cincinnati, O. General Depot. N. B.—ln the severest Burns and Sealds it curtails the pain in a few minims—it never fells' 101 l CURE FOR WORMS. B. A. PAIINESTOCK'S VTGAIIIIIRCOEs casein OF irrounali wiarerri. order to afford all powible security to the . puldie, II u m awl:mires, agantstsraud. ot& Imp°. 'anion from counterfeiting, the propnelort have - made • Change M U. wrapper or is tile of their Ver. ea i rage. The new label, which is a rued engraving. of th ...„,„ t exquisite design and workir.w.hip, has been introduced et ft very great eXperke , and is from the lawn Wen artist ofthe &trident, The desigitis and„ the executien elaborate. Several as rem and a gertralt are mod P.m:anent, but thew eird*Vercuto pouted tit aerate letters on a red and finely en. raved ground, should be panicutorly exwoned.— Whce held up to the light the totem, crivdine of the letters and every line, however mutate, thresfihofl, the whole of this part of the wig ray mg match as exactly as d the imprceatou bed been • mule upon One elle On. ly, although t is *dually printed on frith sides of the Cepiper. Tots ithonld in all eases be observed. In* bet upon cosh dosed Is also printed in red upon both sides, and sheeld be examined in the tame Manner. Tole preparation has now stood the test of malty yews Intl, and is confidently teaorurnended as a safe ned erected resdiethe (or expelling manta from the ay dem. 'I he aneximpled armeess that has attended its adminlitraten in every euse where die:patient was really afflicted with worms, Certainly renders it wor thy the attention of phymeiws, . Tins proprietor has made it a point to ascertain the :result of its sue In such caws as mime within kin 'knowledge and observation—and he invalidity than,. • 'it to produce the most salutary eflerth—nor unfrequentr ,ly after newly all the ordinary preparations renew- ' ,mended for worms had been prevt.nuly mooned to. . without any permanent ad•oulegc. This fact !a ahr .tested by the certificate% and .atamenents of handrsde Of respectable persons In dilTerent pans of the 0011,0 , :try, and shOldd Induce families always to keep and of the preparation in their pemessiOn. It Is mild is la operation, and may be ellounistered with perfect as* ty to the most deticateniftud. The only genuine is prepared be • • spit, It A FA FIN ESTOCE, Pntalmillth ELLERIP COUriJi SYSSP.—From W. K. Bader4 Ewl.• Elea. vies :ens of Quarter Se,sions off lk.ver Coo/ A 4.11 IS Set.., it . -41 Sense time in the winter el 'lake was adlle:r.l out a severe and distressing eenSbr lend hearing at sour .rivalnable Cough Syrup, I ru thosed a busk S. T. Trioiblq. of `ley, p, and suer tattog a portion of It two or three... ll V on going to bed, — she feted lc:tete/ism rebel; lull. severs:friends have been relieved in mom eases.' t ars therefore .ached that it id 1. role 0114 V11.16114i 0 meMritte, end orousd recommend it to those who elegy be &Slimed onth severe Coughs and Cates. St•lett 12,1943. IP S. SODEN. ' Prepared and sold byR. E. SELLESS,SLWood and sold by Snaggurts generally, in Paulnalln gala •