The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 07, 1850, Image 1

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7, 71. 0.-nrrir) IL 'warm.
.urn, am .DINCOI, ITIIRD gram . , Na? DOOR TO
p. r•---•—• —VA per
..... 500' "
Weekly, in advaner).--- ..•• ;00
Do. o Clam, ot a reduced rata.
Ellt) Utig•
07le Saito i e,llulmo. of Nonpareil or les.) '
000 1 torrtion•--- ..... ••—• • ---•Ser , a
Ono Syne re, cook addiuonal surorttoa• • • tr,ti
Do. one week 1.75
Du. two weeka• IVO
Do. three weekot•••—• 4.1 0
Du.e month.•
Do. t wo month.-- 7,00 .
. three omontrot•• • • ••- ... ••••
Do. lour months
110. oil' month ••• • - • 1.2•00
fn,. twelve ruouths.• • • • • • l ,°
Wending Card Os bone or lewd per annurn• 10,4*
true square, changeable al pleasure tper•n
namy exclusive of We paper tChfit.o
Fur each additional square, Inserted overone mouth,
sue for each additional square inserted under WV year
ly rates, ball price.
Advertisements exceeding aand not over
bitten trne..deho charged as a sqmare and a hall
Publrshers not accountable for legal advertisements
bey and the amount charged los their publicatten.
Arounturrog candidate,. for office, w charged the
same as other arlventrements. •
Adverusearents net walked on the copy fat a rap el
bed number of left 'thins, will be continued till forbad,
and payment exacted accord
The privileges of yearly advertiser. will be confined
rlctilly to these regale...butane., mtd all mi. miner
lot per to Weir regular basilicas; us
agreed ha, In be paid •Ilt.
Al) advertisements for charitable restitution... Ere
camomile, ward. lownsbip h al f
other public meetings,
tied weir like; to be charged half price, payable tunny
In advent....
Mut !lege Minces to be charged SO ciente.
Dewitt noneea reverted without charge, unlem serum-
peeled by funeral luittatiott. or obituary nutmeg, and
when FO erroutpOnsell to he pod for.
Itr,tutor adrentseu and all others rending comma
or relairing halite, designed In Cali alter,.
lion to ruin, Sates, Concerts, or any public enter
mailmen. where charges ure made lor admittance—
all noasemat of pirate mimeiations—evcry notice de
mesel to call 011entian to pri, an enterprises calcula
ted of unleaded to promote individual 'Merest, au oil.
ly be inserted With the undermaiideog that
the woe
la I.e paid tor. Unleaded to be irtarrto in the hnia
column, the sale will be charged et the rate of not lean
tliss to m la per line.
Bohanor rim Notices to be charged torte price.
Tavern License Pennons, SS each. ,
local aiol.fdediral adverusemenie to be charged al
hill poets.
neat Fatale Agents and Auctioneers' Adernisements
not to I.e mewed under yearly Tama, not to he allowed
devout° 011,41. y-three end one third per rent from the
monism of bills.
u. a ` .
02 TIT-RtitLY TN 1,1.1. rerrln.
.npnitre, threr
DO. rich add i Liana] ingenton• •• • •••
One Flom (10 one inscrtion• • • .56 els.
Ito each addltiontil in.e.rttitn• •••tti ••
all transient 1141•0111.0111enn1 to be ll:Strome
• ' •
%V II ITV. ea CO ,Ite:
I. lIARPP.I2, Mon,
uoirr M. nIDDLL,'
J AM EP P. DAMN & W., Chronicle.
PtlSlk:lt Y. nntrril R, DIMIIIM+,
JAhIFS W. BIDDLE. American.
• lIIItAhI &UNE, Arming Tribune.
Dec. I, /Sll.
ltenieuvin Luton Itateevell.
Groin meet, near On Goma Male. tele:
TM RNLI' AT LAW—Oftver, on Iroartb lames, S.nthhfield—L.ovrrie'n Ituildmg•—ap stairs
.11. FOR I.ITithWLVANIA; Do. Loom Mo.
All ; ~,,,, muninstiono,pnitoptly_noryoried. n0ni3.19
AA RID , TRO;;LACILOZILGonuninoton Alerenonts
ntill Donlon in rroilanc, Nu. Z Silarkyl mine
• ---- aciritrii. - Itsfißlis ,
ATTORNEY and Co onaellor at Law, an 4 Como:n.-
Wither for the State of Pennsylvania, St. Lena,
Mo. (late of Pataburgh..)
Tar advt.:a—Noah tug ht Ilur. W. Forward, Ilamp
ton re Miller, DUCAndless & ht'Clare, John E. Parke,
well* I Sample, APCord iKR T. .
—"r77:-Saritk. 37? irrx.c.T.
Pouch street, between Southfield .11 Ursa,
Altuburgh, PA
ATTORNFVit AT LAW, Foot= strcet,near Gran!.
A TroasEr .AT LAW:An:Gee on Fourth rt., /m
-il. Moen 'Smithfield und Went st, rittsbargh.
tout. uotruhur JOHN
W. U.v}ppowam.--------^• lauu ,„„
'h ld
, .pni t b Are „ . . llar t l d l.
B ZriTlLielang Powder.:lllr Titti ' C ' n=pbro ' c
Acid. Watehouto No.— Water atrot , below Forty.
IFILKTIItiIItI turn, 111[011.1131 arm.
OFILUIi t. REITER., Who'comic and Retail Wog
JJ giq., .tmer 01 Lanny and 85. Clair ante , t v l . ll ,
AMA •..
l&IS .reins wsCmm.lot..lßAere tottM N NFF, Fore
V Mll. 0.r6%1at. t. l'toborxh. W%
A. I , I6ANULTIL tr. CO., Forwarding and C
ll oilwian Merchant., Canal COsill, Pittsburgh
1L 11111CNI, Wholesale tiros., Commas,. and
Forwer,dAts IlEsehals, No. 41 Pieter es wilt
Alaquesse Speliv=:, Steel an 4
CIMAI'N..4IV/Itlne pAg.:.'lll7:l6:7l"xle.f,
Spring and Plough Steel, rron, ' Ac. Wuehosiso on
Water and Front swear, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers Is:Conch TrilMallsgl snd Malleable
N 61.1811 x ISENNWIT, (late Euglish, Gallagher
t Co.) Wholemde Groner., Collllll.PiOn and Ft. ,
,1 dtnr, 111enhanta, nod dealers in Produre sod Pam
burgh kraut, lemma, N 0.17 Woad .t, lietween uod
'al comma.
J. 11Ef4KY, Awirney and Conorellor at hoar,
Cincinnati, Moo. Collections in eciuMern Moo,
and in Itidiana, • amd in Kentocky, promptly soil care
fully uncoiled to. Coos mi”ioner (or the State of Pe on
•ylvania, for taking Depaiitions, acknowledgments,
an. at.
Herta ro—llon. Wm. Bell le Son '
Curtis, Choreh ek
Canilhers, Wm. Gaya, Can., %%Gluck es &ATI. MIS
Ira Ilmacy Apikelir Meming•••••lL IL ficmloo•
Fl F i ' oo t a h s e , al 'Wt lZa r l D* eroTra 6 l ' eltln V :o7 " Tr:Wo d ra f°""'
wing+, No. eV Wood erect, fourth door Boot Fath,
Ram a.= Masao, Wet. A. Mill & Co, Bankers..
J. . Stay togla• ..........
E ANTS, and &otters in "Window Glass, White
lansil.Ac. No. IM Second janlby
N 0.112 Second Wert, Pittabargh. debt
oaotiiii W. IMMO. • rattan' . vitaiTaa.
GwituE, V. SMITH
.& CO., Drawes, Ms...
and Ilop Desierit,'Pill st. Poutliurgh. sprat
x tfiF,,,R(igtghijlna.N7 - aiomTisuan and liii - tidanig
h.rehunt, N. Wood street. Pittsburgh. mul7 ,
, E u r e tT s , rr, , lae.:et,?""lenty. : ,
novl 11v
Ooree.anr to Matore,) Wool Deal.
,11-1.• or and Corambistoo Morahan*. far the sale ot
American WPOININ oloptwite fith st. .1,17
WO, POLLS, 8a110t...
a. t.orrysint, ntnaan fr.O.D, maw..
p.c.:thong., Jona a. Wotan,.
uPALO h MUCKNOIL, Tobacco C.oatmistion Mot
eatints,4l North Water at, S. ID North WvAldr harves,
Phila. no
it.11.114.T. WV. P. WI..
i1ik , 117 . , JoNr.R & co., (necituots to d Ml.=
eh..t.. dsaterC4ilCgttaburV .bllarthetssrreterto.,
I . 4l.lkorrh. Pa.. ' . ' • metov :
North Ent comer of Wood and Third street',
w. F s . et Amen*
i.CCDOIOII TO 111•ZDItt. C. WV,/
- I !it PORTKIt lc Dealer In French and ii , rl ... n i c7 e
1 per Ilaagioas and Borden. lypp.
hoard ke. Able—Writing,
Cape r, Noel Wood street, t?etereen h
li atrcet
o n d g "..... l .neT.svest side,,Pluakorg r •
- 111 it 01.31, 214
iSAIAII DICIRY & Co, Whignii.le rimints, Con'
to inien Merehanni, and denten in Proiliinni ri0% 56
nnillo7 Front stmt. nth. 0013.
JNtr. A.CAUGNEY, Agent for the Lake Erieand
Michigan Line to Lland the Lakes.-00lee
nn the corner of Water and thultbfield re.. her ,
John ti ....
8. DILWORTH &CA Wholesale Nrneerr, and
tP decals for Ilasord Borrder Co. No. W'Wenal
therburah___ de& y
/DPW V; 1.114W0.11. 011T.I. OILINWITtl•
R. DILWORTH & Who l esale
, GCCill, Pro
a . dare and Commission Merchant. and Agents
for the Ilaxaid Powder Co. of N. Y, No. 27 Woad al,
JOHN. N. TOWNSFlNL i braggist and ApOlbtalltri
0. Ills rket thf.lll doors above Thin' w Pitts;
booth, wits have oinstantly on bawd a well selected afC,
isorttueni of the best and freshest Hedfcineaorkieh ha
grill cell on the 'most reasonable took Physicians
sending orders, will be Ponft/0 1 1 attended UN and sop—
pld with articles they mat rely soon as genuine.
Illy melons PlatatiMions uviu Le atettrately
eraJv 'pared from Rio hen marshals, at any limo
,a day et
Alto lot sale, a large stock of Rash and Rood Perim:
iseeeeasot, to - Ewalt & Gebban,)
J Wholesale Ocoee? and Conunision Merchant.
dealer in Prod.. atuLPittabargh Alansfaeteres, swe
ets of I.ihelty_eoll Iland,ltteete_,tiltsb!sgh
VOINE nurcrimpf, 4
Lewis Ilutehison & Co, esenvaisslon elemhants.
d &rents of the EU LosusEtease Het. RefieerY-
No is waier'imitH from onetuaittaburgh.
MIN 11. )4F.l.t.Ol . 4 — tirtioiliinie
a In Millie owl Mooted Instrument', School too.,
80P5,, Pd.l kodlo, Printers' c. 0., and
eutooo et Wood st.,lVittsbargb.
v• Mae bought or taken in trade. so OS
IIaItHIPASN 13SAVELL.Donrisellm afiLam.—( , f.
j. (me on Fauns an. above Smithfield. liovNly
s—riTANATIV.r.D., Data of .Warren, Otani) antrece-
J. sion and FOOVlErilli rig Dierehant, and wholesale
Sealer in Western Reserve Cheers, .Pot and
Pearl Ash, and Western+ ?roasts generally,. Water
treet. between Smithfield and Wood, Pinsburgh. ap
iitiNgth.h.T.lllCdo W`hole
. • • Draggists,
'Ws 81 Wood street. Pius lirgh.
CAIN D. hiORGAN, Wholesale MMs,. d
es In the Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Va No ' 93 -
Wood meet, one door South of Diamond Alley, n .
o•ro. , • jeinl
Tryfifins AVIS, uefinnee:, comer 6th end Wu
treet, Pittsburh. . ond
TWINN Kii/CHTUN, Booksellers, Printers
if sod Puttee Manufacturers, N 0.44 Markel st, Pant.
burnt , ieG
k IL FIA)11), Wboleiale Grocers, Commission
hterttinnts, and Deilees to Produce '
Chord. Buildings, frommg on Liberty, Wood and 6th
arems,Piusbareh, I. mid
JAM EV. DALZELI, WE:airhale Grocer, Cetorrnmemn
Alm chant, and dealer ln Praluee and Pareburgit
Idanulnetares. No.e3 Water aL, Pitmburgh. Prate,
intend Vrouiptly to Collections, in Washinguan,Fityktta
and Onxn taunting.. Ys..
Blactstock, Bell h. Co.,
Church A Carothers, } '
D. T. Mogan., oellilly
. . -
jr DT & JONl , l9,Vorwarding and COMAIitAIOA Mar
a. ehanu, Dealer. in Produce and Pittsburgh mann.
faetured eirilelca, Canal frasin,'near 7th sr. dal,
P ICBM aim., rryrsisuacm, PA.
K. l4 sii N pe " r?il l r - 1- I t i i lir S e : u & ng C s .° , 'L "" l ' vm ,- , 1,:,,
Twine no Uniting . . ja.:Al.i ,
. Vesuvius Iron Works.
LMB, D U: /.t:1 . 1, A CA, manual/unwell of all al
sea Bar, tilicel, Collor Iron and Ands of the be,
Inality. Warehunso, ai 'rater and IL front as.
L 8 WA'rElthiliPil, Wholeitalo Grocer, Pocono , '
lognod Cninirnicoion Dealer in Pitt , burgh rilaiinforoures end Produce, No, 31 Witter st.
sod 61 Front' K.
.. - 1111:11LCIltit. s ANTUL"
137 . 1dberal aJrnurc• made an eanamnmenta.
;anti dm •
xtud.a., rbilada. , w
M& ItICKETSON, Wbuleaale Gra..., an.
kumnrwts ot Itrundt,.., WAIN, aild began. N
1:2 and li4, rani, ni lAberay and Irsku qtreect,
bur,b, l'a trod, Nail,'Counn Vow, &c. &c. ron
stunt)) .no
baud. eat; 14
11111 h )11,10.4 )•% 34,11.1. W•LIMIt µoh
rGILI.S RIIK Wholcsaiallroccra mod Colon".
121 TlOll AltrPh.l6,
N. 1.1 Lthcny ah, Ihtishatgh
IVJILC 111 , & CO., (Imo /ones; Ifiltaphy h
/ co. lWholoale Deniers ,o, Ihy Good., No. 44
Alley and
FOUllkl e S4CCl, R''rn
Clalltletl cc 9th near Market.
I\TuirCJll a. SON, No.
duos from turn of • d r '".""
, r
a„,tl/onlettie Ital. of " "h."
haul gotta and t: 'kr"-
ID* Coh..eticn
ix wad On all tba principal rates
tLi Yaattaut ow Untied 4Zat , dr.cl7
110 - • tillegldebTEß, ALt.....—Offtea, Fourth 1:
third door above 111 l south auk.
Currycyanci . ug ul all toiLla done 1.11 Ma pasta
rare legn. at,rtricy.
Tllit, le UV.' oxamiavd, Se.
PllOirt SIMORN 11.0111100li.
31'.7eN htVtlEl7l', lettotren Wayne and 'Hand. h
rt•uined hit profetunieitil dunes, giving 'Amu
Yon., ou the Pisito, Guitar, and in Vocal Munn
UP.L:II4.IAi TWA I4TORl7 7 —ltio. 7u Fou ,
01_, new' Wood—All quantine, of Green
Black Tens, done op in quarter, half,
one pound ponhagea, running front si, cis. 'per pow
Jy2 A. JAVIVF- , , AV. tor Pekin Tra
-- • - • • •
kausiuscml4 &Co..
0..1.7 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., keep coils=
on hand and make to ender all kinds of Vie
!bides, hr. Porter and Miner al Water Fsittles,
penile !reality.
rflrtatlllat attention paid to Private Moulds.
" tr '' u l tr y , • • - rub aCO N . .
11. , lint Uvr tar. ,
I•Zilttee 'r e. ' n ' .l
Gommis.vion Itlcrehants, and dealers In . l'itonutsh
Manufactur es. ,yr
soar. anoson. os. urn.. assn. a:.
Disoller, dealer in Naloce, Pittsburah
alms, and all knots of Vorogn and Dronosuu Ines
and Liquor, No. II Lawny cora. On band a .I..ry
large Mock of supcnor old Mononsahala whickry,
which roll Lc bolt low forcntsh. • apt:Kitt
'"'" 7lS ' Frw di .d ' esit
LL ft',r
ir. in Groceries, Fruitier, Illanufactsre
tad Olduride of Lime. --
11w timbal prices, in
n ash,pld t all times tor rorin
ry tar,. earner of Pen and Irwin sis- tatr.l
1:1 " 1 -L in Forwarding n g W re i re ea le
. e Gmmieaion
nsguic emilPittsburgh hlssuiseturt., Littg.ty st
I • e r tlalS'wrghloDittlslrin Prseettirial hlansfacturca
t ury
at. tyilt
SiIGEO I.lrUl al 4E 11
S. U. AtrtiNT,
Po o nod Comonevion
el/v[loms removed to No. b 7 Front, betweco V. nod
and Southfield streets. ape
_ _
SINGE:It. HARTMAN A. CO.. Shellirld Iron
;Ace! Works—atannfeeturco of Am. ut Sprisic
and Plough Steel. %%CC, An
vils, 5.e. They invite the unention of and
r. Mei r stew k. before purchasing elsewhere.
They w aaaaa it Mc it anieloa to be equal n , L imy made in
thin country or imported.
4.:! , 11m:4.47n & WHITE, Wholesale 'Maier, In
0 Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. VU Wool st..
- .V. W. lIARLIAUGII, Wool Merekttim. Des en
Q iu Flour and Produce geurrally, and For-wan
awl .
Couloarmion Alcrehants, No. 53 Winer st., I itni
• •
r KZU.K.% TITY3III7{GII. .1"11,1 aienou,
4.2 tidgitS & • NIMES, Pm/Uwe and' General Com-
SJ mission Merchants, No. SY Liberty ea., Vorsborati
...peon, Linseed end I.kril Oils.
S F. VON •DONNIIORST, k. Co., Wholesale tir
a, a ' rem, Forseanling - a n
Ih•slcrs in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Weatern
lave reninvnl to their nese vrarelionsekold stand
No. :Ir., corner of Front sl. and Chancery Lane. .
nes, .
A. /I: inNaLtan a CO.,
Cla•ainal, -and Sunday flahnol
I Ilnakdetiara, and dealer% a all kind , at Wthlun
IVindow and Wrapping Paper, No. 11/ Wooal swat, La
mean Fourgi sod Igamand alley, Pg.tabingtt,
1 stun klerchaula, and dealers In l'rallina. Nd. :
Wood al..,l4ltlabarga, ZI
I'NTOOL DEALER. A. eontionslon 111nrcbant for tbo
Pale of Asocitean %%Winn Goods, Mem
oppo vitt GA GALICIIU LLN N. M....
W It o !: ~1,,11LKY.,/c....lCtOkltt'alto.rehs.slo 1ir n 0 0 n: . 7 7 ., IS
W 'l'i I.LY . it:l, and \VIN h : and I.tllli ( IItAIM.FCl1-
MTV: , Al-o --Importers of So..a Asia nod Illcarlolkg
l'ot ,: at I', No. 1.0 I.ll,Clay (oppoAto Sixth Fgt..
AAr - !me. MVANPLFSS, (seecessars to L &
Wirt,) Wholf male (tracers, Forwarding and
einarninslon Merchants, steaks. in Iron, Nails, Ninny
,Conan yisms, anirPiusburo Manedartates
senses tif Wood and Water struts. Pinsharn&
1 14:21 - 4271N4411. 1 :4V '',Tt
04,121 um .4
W .N1117,1713C-i-re:lti-1,
VT • add Altlitary Goode, enrnet pr Plarterand
meets, Pitleburalt, Pa. N. B.—Watches earl elects
carefully reparred. . dee
Vi i rcrri l l '‘ l, C ffi:! - P - L/Ir7377lth ' nu nd ecn i'c iZtl d u in„
Market Ahem.. f 01.21
W. fj ; 2 l lt) ifl . . ,, il d li - b lV m l, r o s i t e , :a ~I rr t r ii•t . • , ll . l; tte c r:
owner of tlsthon and Fourth nu. auFll
'out. Tonna, rou. I. ovum ,
UT 81. YOUNat Co.—Dealer• in [rather hider, lo
v‘ ITI Liberty in. ,111.5.4
NM. lIVVIVIIFFM. MOOT. leClTlril Ir. -
Wrt.. It M'CINCIVF.ON, Wholes:6lr Groreth,rl
• loth ill Produce, Iron, Nall., Ch.., roul h
barn!, Mllllll6lf LOMA generally, 112 I.thOn9 r.., .'
Butkr, Pn
WILL also attend to collections and Mt other hog
'nets animated to him In Metier and Al'ollolloo
Count e,,FL NrFl 3 ord, tan
• • W. W. Wallace, to .
/mew Marshall do Pittelmrah.
ally Kay ea., Wood st,_) rata.
s ai m
PUT T1G1L...._ - = . r.
""". ST KA M BOAT All F.h TS.
0 own - s non hi. Aux,. h CO,
hail ' No. 4d Wmier meet
. .
VV. L]. OLUNN, Book t
ort roll engaged In the • above busitlf" corner
or M Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, ,
we are prepared l 0 do any work in am line with de,
paVh. attend to our work par - penally, and mos-
Mellon will he given in regard in ma neutnecs and du.
Wank Bookaruled to any pattern •and bound sob.
atantially. Cooks in numbers mold hooks bound cares
fatly or repaired. Names-put on book• lit gilt lenses.
These Cab hove work la our line are hmtrd . lo coll.
UL,elrefiCiel=l., Ruud Church,
Bia corner Liberty and Wand streets, panufacture
and Mier for sille Platfortn, Wolf and Counter Scales,
of the mostimprovedqualityi CookingStoves,for was 4
and coal; Egg Stoves of various sixes, Parlor and
eownson Grates, Hollow Ware, drai tee. They also
manufacture the Hitcher Range, which bas given meek
general satisfaction to those baying It in use, to ell e'
which they WOuld vespeethilly Invite the atoms
the citizens and the public generally.
W1LT.31•111,6-IRIL frames trastriu. war. '.dfairr
1./LT.IINR, lIAONst 0. CO.,
iSareesaors tO • Unreel, & Cody .
Foretn and•flortiestie Fiehonge, Certificates
nnk Notes, and Specie—Pieria rue.,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current °lce
my veneered an depovin—elight Cheeks for sold, and
.eoneetions vitae on nearly the principal points in
the United Maass.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameritn.
Adsnnees Imade on consignments of prodo.. our.
ped Far,. ot,liberul tort., •
HAVE now in atone a large and general assortment,
of DRY GOODS, which they odor to City and
County Merchants at reduced prices: and which they
Will sell as gr SI iadueemen•s to cash buyers. or for
approvedeno jaitto
Penn Ilselane /hop
licr wicarrmAN—m....f...ror of all kinds 0(.1-
.1.1. ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny eity, Fa.
The being now in fall and averesstO op
eration, I am prepared to exegete radars walk diepaieb
for all kinds of machinery in cy hr... .h .. willow.,
packers. spreaders, etude, grinding mantLines, rail ways,
drawing frames, speeders, datasails, looms, woolen
cards, double or single, for merchant or country work,
mules,jacks,lceisnde and band Indies and tools in gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans gay-.
en for gearing factories or 111i111. at
,ro—Fennedy. Childs A Co., Ularkstock, Bell
& Co. King, Pennock &Co, J.. A. Gray.
ALA FULTON, Bell and Deane Foamier, bas rei
cbui here b ande
will b commeenpleasedced bounces ail& old mend
wto see hi, old cusiom
era and friends.
. .
Church.Steambonnud Bells of every siar, from In
to Innen pound., cut from patterns of the most approw•
ed model. '
and warranted to be of the hest materials.
Mineral Water Pumpinentinters, Railing, to., toge
ther witheacty varlet) , of Mona Castings, tl required,
turned and finished in the nosiest manner.
A. F. lathe sole proptimor of Manner's Ann-A iT,
non Munn, so justly eelAoated for the reducto•n
friction in tnaclastery. Moir, tlompirwinon
can be had of him at all times. in•Yaty
. .
Wool, ALKY M.nanr, rrrnolczoo
GrwmINUE to tnaaufarlore all k mai% of COPPER
at. built to ord.,
blrillirn lo stram bust wprk.
and. &Cow e....ortniedd of Copper and Bra.
Woo- s he. hr. Strun*oat CookindStove.,
rx,51105—0 vrry nr
outboate, entirorma emgronlit, or rail road
IVe would reapeetfully invne atenm bont men pnd
others to call and are our arocies and pnres
porrhaming 0f,17
Corner Front end Vine strrem. Cincinnati. 0
0 R CFAS from Ftimborgli for Alrobol, Core Spith•
Raw or Certified Whiskey, will tie promptly Cr
al love. mart. prier. Mrat,..llr
111011011KAdOla LIVOry Stable.
1:1111-IRT 11. PATrgitsoN hat °ached
the large stable on Ftrat •t, running through
to Second at, between ,Voral and Suatha.,ld
si..nt the .car of the Mononeahehs !loose,
thean entirely Klock ,of and Carriage! ,
thr 1,,t quality larnilatrlt qtyle.s. teat at live
v . v . in the snamier sty
RANCKCOMPANV.-01Gen, North. Imam or the
Exchange. Thad street, Flolab‘lphta.
Frun licenntsrn—lnliblotg•r Merettendi , and °the
properly In t o wn *O4 ogniml to* ,
damage by fire ot the lowevt rate of pro um.
!Tian* Involuting -.Tbry 1.1.11, mi
gor. nod Freight, forergn or co:11mm, ender open
greelol ponetr, nu the *nand may &sat.
111LA1Nt.11111.041.1,103.—Th05,,,N0 tn.o re merrhan
tltne tran.porte. , hy Wagon, Itailrond Car, Coo
f loat. anal ;I:ozo nowt, on riven and lakes, on th.
al ten r
DUI OR. Japerdl Edmund A. Sonde
Salm C 1 ari I: ',en gerlon,Jaturß Penrose, SGtill
el E11wa.,14.1:e.. Edward Dathotton, Iran
R 1/..enr. Will
II Falwell, John Neyel,n, Dr II Ilus
tan, lamer II Ma td, Vuuldmg, II Jane
Ilroat., henry Sloan, Ilugh Craig, Geol., Semi
Speurer Cloak.. Kelly. 1 Johnban,
linen hi. John Seller., Wm. EY, J
Wm fluealey, Jun. T. Logan.
Rirna an S. Nirw - har.l., secretary.
(D trMee et the Company. No 41 Water air e
Ftelmrgl, jun 24,1111 V. A. MADEIRA. Agem.
Trenton Mutual Life Insurance Coupon
Capital, 0150,000.
/AMES MUM() CO., Avills at CillnbUrgb, P
ittrA Hoy, r. I JoNeph C. l'oo, r....
14,1pcmn 11,11. it: A. l'rr.locar.-. V I
Jolt,' A. Ikea,. IJ, Alorris, li , cretary
JAnnUsan Fi.t, l'rensuret.
. -
3ZW TO.. 211111...111E1.1 in•
Compttollero(Nror Vosk. I I lon. J ton,Cutopt.ell.
Geo; a,e lVoal. Iht•141 11. Who,
John I,...Mmette.l A Iriander eloluings.
Meld. David Dudley W. J. P..Whae, V. M.
Joreph Maxie.
- . .
•. . .. .
Ma rze. Gov. Raines. F:
W. L. Dayton. U. S. Isaac Wlldnek, M. C.
G. D. Wall. El- 1 1. ii Sen. Xi M. A. Newell, M. C.
Ex-Gov. M. JAckauott. - lion. S. 11.1trusuluus--
A.Sidney Doane, M. Si. IW. 'W. Gerhard,
M. M.
32 %I; arreu ow, N. Y. 1 MI Walnut Phil . .
Win.llPK. Morgan, M. D., I li. R- Bell, N. G.
George Itl`Cook, M. D. Allegheny city. Pa.
Pittsburgh, l'a
The Agents of Ili. Company, at Pittsburgh. are !Lath
or.xrd tom e every first eta,. ris e
kon laic n reduc
tion rf swy-fity tore rani. trout W usual rale aA .
of Ne
wnan as charged oy other Comp...use.
A matt al year. of age, tasting a Policy of Insurance
for One Thod Dona es—
To ron for one year, pay+ only gro,o.
dod o ae•en - .. o nit,-annually.
do Idforms, o o tstr,..
And to the name proportion for ours nuit up to 3.,000
Is the extent taken on any nne lite.
Thin compattreommenced operation. on the Int on,
'ere, and Its monthly bo o
ness up to die 1., too
shoot. u progrea. err in, that to nny other LAI. Com
puny on record.
'rho fart diindend of profits rain be declated to th. on die In January, tv.S.O.
Pamphlet. caudal:l.Fllt , v..... M ,
b' of f.. -
and all 111 C necessary on the traponan
soluert of Life Ann:trance will be furrnaned on rep!,
cation to !AIRES GllllO5l k
Banding. Agent-.
FMK. IlligtlitA NC..
TTREN rON rum. i.trE AND FIRE I.
rum., scam.. Um. ex DIWAOR by Fn.. opob Dwr
and Furatture.*lctrer,Goodir,lce...r., an ei.p
cat'. io JAN V UILNO it. o, A, g
Odeon Iluildloo
The Spriug Carden health Insurance Co,
va , tIRES Male. smut Few*le. t wititt.t thr geitett..e
Ullli hose n.tooril 1414111 G% I%f 'Arnolent, by
itu antneiliaw it twe ilouruore nr 01111 53 leer week.
for one, two. three, or four yezr.t.
The method eifeetior. Ineurunee. unit the
minuet of awnrtling the mink whientnee, will be Wily
explatned by the Aarrn.
Armon ran arato, ~ , kneel or Arcoleni
which will,lrtttn hint (roan bin ordinary bultne , ok, ue
follovr, vrr
For O. yrar,by paying 1.k4.2 t . and receive VI week
For two " G. - 4
For darn
For (ar " " "
Or, for (oar sum of it 4,40 pool
monually, wall strum poly week whslr
Forry oreessaay nfirm:mho., wall be lama.' on the
'el of Moamar , ornerally, by
JA1.11.11 PUIINO
°droll k CO, solding....
Life and Health I.3”nrance.
lIIK hlutual Idle and Ileaith Ink:anent , eompany
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature
f Pennsylvania, March, Charter perpetual.
Carole], 15100.00 n. Items twinge viltte k!IT
VAT/IL CoIdFANT, WO full 01 (or vent. Insect than the
twuel rates of Life Insurance, to the following Item.
purison mlll chow: Thus, a person of the err of no
lomat for 111101 for life, must Per in the (bard Pennsylvania, COI:, Penn Memel, 014/6;' Equitable,
$I,114; New Enoand, stt;rc New York Lite. $2,30;
-8.1,40; hile and Ilraltri,
DIXICCILIM—SsmucI D. Orrick, Charles 11. Hell. W.
IL Hoene, Robert P. King Churl , . P. IlnYee , M. W.
Ilaldwin, 11. M. Recur , , h i. IL, Clam Cl. It Cempbell,
Litnent Cooper, I. Rodman Maer, F.. 11. Hurler. FAINVOI
IL Cope. President—Samuel Orrick; Vier Prow.
delll--ItOlit. I'. iiiP4Z(k . C , .. 1 7 — r ,....
Applieutlenn will be received, and every interns:tuna
given by FAIIPIE.WrofIf , Agt,
Voniniercial Hammy...flier of
oerrLdly Wood and 'rbad l'illetsurgh
rf%a1k.15,,U,..1/A.Ntr;nl,; C .0 0 ,i f ‘ f i rl h n
u A ra M n eLle ,
Connin thin city .0,1 end en nblionrapi by
eennl, !whet, end by Sea. The properbet , 01
this Company are well invested, sinsl furnish an nvnil
ebb, t o for the ample indemnity of all ruenuis who
desire to be roweled byinsurance
Lay I* Whl. P. Jr/N4- Ags
The Fran Via Fans insurance Cin of PhiLodelphirs.
tiItEC'EORS.--Cloarles N. Usu.:Yes, Thomas Ilart.
JJ Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, litenli II Smith,
(icy. Rirliard., Monter:id It. Idiwis, Adolph° K
hone, David S. Brown, hlorriii Pattetson.
Citaatia, N. Rant:sus. President.
Chart... G. Usnekr, r, Secretary.
Contiour to Man too. orance, pereetani of limited,
On ovrry . desciription property its town or ',natty,
at ralca. low as am conalatirtil with security.
To Company have reserved a large contingent Pond,
which with
ample Theo protection to IiIC misused.
assets oi tar coMpany, on dammil Ist, telt., as
puldished ton act of Assembly, arsrs ss
viz: .
Real Estate
Tiimpoisrir Loans
Cull, he
1111,225, , 19.: 71
Soler their Inrorporateon, • rened or la year., they
have pool op.:eta. of one toilette foor'llonelred 11100 V
and Jolla,, Iwo , by fire, thereby affording evidence
If the edvaetageo of
isg,artoce, as well as the anlety
"d"'""""' 7 7 :Z7 o /'rg ;ll '"" 4- '
24 ,.
N1.: , 0r a1,1,.
°ro cner
Wool sou of as
- • --- - -
The Pennsylvania Company
II 'IIP. hell Life invariance Company in the U. 11121..11.
I Incorporated SI arch 111, I,42—chai ter peipctual. CiOn,ll4o-L all paid in.
Having autlionvied the undersigned to receive
far Insurance, on which malicies wilt he
will be
according to their propolal.. arid rate*, which
made known to appliennta at his office, No .28 Wood
'trees. spit GM COCHRAN.
L A Oil ItNiNiiPRINYR-.-Ilitnisorric black I white
be fore ndt the Dry blacke
Dry Good , unJ dove col lto riseored Prints, for Mourning
fetill W R MURPHY_
T WILL MD elhall-L MT ajUhITZ.
VT • II. hIURPHY has received a further i mpair
• • of 'Parked Red Twilled Oil Chlot, for cartel.,
at lowed prier, at the North Enat corner of Fourth
and Martel eta.
11a9 , :i V tuitui ts trAli, at SO
A. A. MAN - a CO'S
another large invoice of those deatralik , ' , learn
Wrought Cape., Collar, and Cubs. Alim—nlou riling
Collars and Cols, tad 110 pieties rich ti lt
b 26
lave. all widths. fe
I IN gti iluictlfaiii,iir....ii-,.. rind b tint 't Linen
'L, Cambric Hdlrfa Mao—A small lot of Ladtet'
Choice Hatted do, reed per express at
ON a, Co'S •
LE, having associated with him
h , A. H. CLARKE. for the purpose of transacting
the Eorwarding and Commission bosiness will con
tinue that 'testae. at the old stand of 'Cope k tiny
fnele.n. and respectfully asks a continuance. of dm
former patrol:lege °Plus (needs and the public gene.
ally. The business will he conduct.' under the name
and style of BIZT/Pl. &
Pin..., Jan.', yi.sO 4Usta
Dissolution of ComPartsisrship.
Co-Portnaystiip existtna ilLtlrtell 1111 d. ••
.tgood. ander the style of F. IL Eaton C 0.."
seas dissolved by mutual consent, J.. 20th. F. 11.
Foam, basing porettued the entire interest of W P.
Marshall, who retires, will attend to the settlement of
ter - busiaola of the Into arm, at the old wand, No 62
Fourths:meet F. 11. EATON,
leb2 W. I'. bIARSIIALL.
TVERLER Gloves and llosiery,Trinualnirs.Faney
ILP Goods, Ribbons, I arra and ` F
Worsted, Pattern. and Canaan , No
SotsFonh Gre
Pittsburgh. A full supply of Fr. rts and Gen
Under Garments.
rlpillti. Partnership heretolore existing between El' bow
j l'an9tall, an the Ilona and Paper Berfinew, emu
do-,,!0n the 11thinst., by mutual consent_ 'The
liumacise will beeontinued at the old mond, N 0.79
Wood sweet, under Ma firm of "A 11. Einglish fa Co
by whom the busmen of the (owner paymerrablp will
be settled. tiAhtlileAr ELLIOTT,
febl3 A. 11. ENOLIBII.
TA Id LONG, havisg purchased the interest of
James rime, Jr.on the firm of James Kerr, Jr.
& the Slispettuldiery and Boat Store husiness
will be carried eel Lrretn(Ore at the oldstand, No On
Water street, Leloreen Wood and Market, under the
sole of fete -Int LONG, DOFF it fet.
MILK Co-llartnerstur heretofore existing under the
style of "Cope A Itreyfrigle," is tbis day dissolved
by mutual comma The business will be settled by
C. Ilreylogle, ut their old stand No. 10'8 tteeondstreel
S. WPF.,
•ao J. C. BREYFO6I.I"..
TIIE CenPartnersetp heretofore existing ender too
style of "J. IL Clouse & to this till, dtssolved
by melt:tat consent. The business of the 6rm will b,
willed by 1.. S. Wetrman, at their old stand, No 151
Liberty start. 1.. S. ‘VATERMAN,
M of Partnership.
TIY surrun L CONSENT thin day, the ton hereto
-111 fore esintsig under the oyle of ELISIO-ULU &
I.b:A DER, ho. been ilio.olved 1.7 llnnty ',oiler .11-
tug hin enure inlngezt to naid Goo to Jobs
slefill. All
lonnurna connected mai the km of thohbeb.l ) ho d will be nettled by S. 11. Histlillehl & tea.,w are
July aullAnnand In mote
B all eolleetinne and adjuoi all
Pittsburgh, liet. tr 7,
N B.—S. B. BUSIWINLD it CO. will continue
linienale and reil Do Goal, and rnebatieet,
he old niore roo ta m, N0..21. I.lhercy stew n
here they
be pleased to have their friend. and Customers
II and examine their stock of gooda,
o et.ll S. U. BUSIIEWLD CO.
of hlr C. Bradley. The boafnons be tartiott on by
A. Wadley, who will nettle the bash.. of the Into
RFAIOVAL.—A. IlaataXl has removed los Foundry
Wareboow front No. vd streets 10
Waal street, between Fir. and Second *tweet, to the
worehnithe lately occupied by G. A. Herrin where he
will keep constantly on band a general assortment of
tlasunps. Grath, Stoves, Cooking Stoves. be.
__hr 13
rw Dissolu re ti re on.
b: epartnerthm hetofo existing between the
subsenhers, in th e name of Constable, Burke re
et,• I. this day dissolved by mutual roarer. lieut.
Bathe k
which . Home will acute the butane. , of the e -
rem for pw. they aro authorised to see the
name of the concerti. NATIIANIEL CONISTAI3LE,
The andemimted 'aye this day ...xi ated themselves
in the name of CUSICK b. BARNKS, Mr the pumom
01 manufactusng Piro Proof Safes, Vault Doom, Ate
Ae., at the stand al the late firm or Constable, Burk
& where they mill be pleased to recniire the r•
tronaga of the casurmen of that !loam and their friends
In renrtng from the firm of Constable, Berke it Co
with sinc
the ere plea
1C111191111.11.1 Meagre. Mar L antes to cunfidence of my friend' , and tbe pubtie.
Feb. 0.1,40. NAT:I...NIEL CONSTABLE..
J. a J. Tara... Comm Hutton Merchants.
o. at tilt Levee at.,N.Orleang,krep constandy en
111 hand a Nide essertment of Brandies of the fallow
hrande, which they oder for ie.!. as agents for J. De
land/a-C., Honied., viz:hlaglory, J. litand i l "Yarded
It C., Lvoatiele,J.J.D.Rms.lCorm., hteedeada,
A. 1.. Ellaville, A. de Mon tore, J can liaiii,ke; alas, An
her ti sn, Bordeaux lied end Whste W ince in cask• an d
r macs, selected with este by John Dandid & be•ide •
Champarno Wine & Sweet liaraoady Pon. (feb7-Ii•
. „
711014 IL SILL.
Q'PUAIPP NMI., Grocers, and Produce and Com
° mission Morahan., No. Me ‘Vood sit. Pit.bargh.
1.e... (Ili:Kane, Flour, Wheat, Rye,Oats, Corn,
Barley, Pork, Beano, Butter, Lard, Cheese . ; Closer,
Timothy and Plas Deeds; Iron, Net., hlses, &e. &c.
ac. Particular attention pule to the .le of Western
Irsraawww , —Nlessra. ?dyers & Muter, Robt. Dai
ren & Co., & Roe, [tampion, Smith & Co.,
James h
King & Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner
I. Massillon. Jos. Yl. Morrison, St.
loon s. exam, late of N. Lisbon, 0. w. a stitelza
I ENERAI. AGENCY, Crooinlssion and Forwaril.
15 no Merchants. No. thi Market et., Pittsburgh, Pa.
ITjerompt intention given to the purchase and sale
of all kinds of Pr.aleee.
ULT.yo-.-Jobn Watt & Co., Murphy, Wilson &Co.
Pitleburgh, Pa.; Lawson & Mahlon Alaruq
Wellsville,ll.l John Brown & Co.,'Grigg, Elliott &
Philadelphia; W. Snodgrass &Co., Greg &
Co.,oce, New Lisbon, CI ; Fr. Skinner, lion. C. D. Co . rtio,
Vienne.; J. F. Youngstown, O.; W. 1.. Stan
dar, Cleveland, 0. aturll
Couirolsolon and Forwarding llarobant.
- • • •-
uo. as wool, rt., orrnranium,
IONTINUFS to transact a general Comattasion btwi
ljneva, eapecially in the parebaze awl sale or AGICII.
n Manufacture. anti Produce, and inreceiving and
forwarding tiowla conuigned to his care. As Agent far
the alnnuinctere, hewi ud ll he constantly supplied Av:th
the prinripal article. of Pitiurgh alanufarinre at the
hewer, wholesale price*. Orders and consignments
are trApectiully policiterL
rimednts estarteron, leinettirles.
lishment long and widely known .
being One of the moat commode". in the coy of
Baltimore, h. recently undergone very exten
sive alterations and improvements. An enure neat
wring: ha. been added, containing numerous and airy
sleepism apartments, and extensive bathing roan..
Than ndies . department has Mose Leen completely
renrgned nd tined up In too asunique and beauti
ful style. In a fart the whnle arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
die proprietors, towards the comfort end pleasure of
their thin., and which they confidently assert will
challenge eon:spasmn with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub-
Mantel and luxury which the market deed., served
up in penstyle; while in the way of Wines, nes,
they w i ll not ha earp.sed.
lb rottenness Me proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their
esistents, to render this Hotel wonby the continued
patronage of their friend% and the pubis generally.
The price* for board have also been reduced to the
following rathas
Indies' Ordinary, 11,75 per day.
Gentlemen's. I
N. 11.--11 e Itsggage Wagon of the Iron. will al
ways be found at the Car end !Steamboat handlings,
winch will convey baggage to and boo. the Hotel, free
of charge. issaythf
LAM AISILTI a t 1 Wings
Man. el 1000711 • m altalte alum, rivreerreen.
/ILTHE aabstenber respectfully •nnounces that
he lies now opened bin new and excellent Hotel
for the
of travelers, boarders,
and the pohllc generally. The theme-arid surniture
arc entirely new, and no pains or expense liave beta
seined to render st one of the most eomfornotoba and
pleasnat Hotels to the city.
'the subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore aolicith, a thereof public patiOnage.
oetl4-aly JAM!' 110Utill, proprietor.
I 1
111 , CID 110.,
Itiuccemors to hr eord & King) ft,
Va•blosabl• ti•tt•ein,
Corner of Wood and F.jth sa.u.
DARTICULAR Feud to oar Retell Trade.
P tientlemen can rely upon getting dim! llats and
Cape from our establishment of the amy tier octets and
wolcuAzow, of the LAMITIII,II3, and at the row.,
Country hlerebants, parehaalng by wholesale, aril
andlntoned la call and examine oar Smelt; as
we ran any
ennbdenee that us tetanal. uu•LITT
and rules. a will not seder in a comparison with any
bona , in Philadelphia. 10.17
TO kr.11%.
TOON D. kI'CIIKAILV, P ri nting Ink,
ey No.. 331 and .Tlll4tantest street, NEW .VOICE—IIe•
pat No. 3 liptere street—Weald call the attention of
?tinter. to hi. improved Printing Ink. of various
kinds and orders, Si the following 'triers:
Extra hoe Jet iikek, for Cord and Wood
en. 0.1 Ire told :1 00 per lb.
Fine Hook Ink • - ti 75 t. lon
Boos • • ti In • 050 o
New . Ink • • 019 u ml "
Fine Red Ink - 75,7 100 1 30 0 oh ti
Blue Veriest, firren sad White 750 I 010 150 "
Bold star: at 715 per lb, and Bronze at 50, 73 ets and
SI per no.
A sperrinen of New. Ink con he seen on this paper.
For sale by JUIINSTI)N & STOCK - Ti
h ng,
Vituburg, Ps.
11.047.4 H 41
rbi,:r I
. • ;et r
C. Morgan k. CO. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Norton & KY. Patnnifint
- ..... . .
al.M.lrl .
OrdWWIIITR & CO., would . respectfully inform
ii i ly
• the nblie that they have erected a shop.
hefdet. ederel and Sandusky wee.. They
are now m d are peepe] to receive orders for
every de.[2 f. vehicles, Conches, Chasiot , , Re
toucher, lluggi , Phictons,&e., lee, which from their
long expenenee to the inanufeeturn of the above work,
and the facilities they Leve,thel , (eel eenrident they are
enabled to do work on the mart reasonable terms with
these wanting articles in their line.
Paying particular altenti c o mpetent mleetion of mate
rials, and bloom none bat workmen, they
Love no hesitation In welcoming , their Work. We
therefore ask the attention of thin public to thin matter.
N.ll. Repairing done in thc beat manlier, and on the
moo realLonabin term. laWdf
bnis In store and for onle to•
DArtiviazga."TWAFßDWArdl i llita
MEN in wholesale and retail store., and other
respectable badness, to act as Book-keepers, Sales
men, Pones, Bar-keepem, Waiters, Fanners, Coach
men, Car Agents, Book and Map . Agents, Coßettors,
Overseen in all branches of beameas, to. We have
filctimes a large number of good %Bastio unbend,
h pay from WO to 12,000 per annum. n.
Those in
want of Wearies's of any kind would do well to give
as a Call, es we have agents in each of the above el
des, which will enable aa to place every .198...1 Ift
suitable allusion at the shortest notice. W
e havea a
large acquaintance in all the above named Gilles,
lien lae to all who may favorh we trust will enables with a e us to give
call. entire amiafac-
TAYLOR &TATMAN, No. w Second at,
between South and Gay.
N.B.—Persons living In any part of the U. Butes,
and wishing to obtains altuauen.ln Baltimore, or el
thee of the above cities, will have their wants imatr.
dituely attended to by addressing us a line, (post-paid(
as by , so doing they will curtail both trouble and ex.
pease which they otherwise would inenr ...deft
to the city, and necking
_employment for themselves
Addrou, TAI LOR & TAY MA N,
No. Sit &mud meet,
Baltimore, AM
rllE attention of the public is respeetMUy called ta
tbe following nortlficatswi
Eailits—ilairing toned a cmin) , ofiCold
weighed by your Aretaliolor, I find the melt proves
yOar iliatrument correct; and recommend the ore of it
to those going to California, as the boil method for ob.
mining the reel value
3. IL of Gold. Itiesvyaam,
DUNLEVY, Gold Beater.
Piosbargh, March 9,1E49.
-Prmmexati, March 7,1049.
Ms. Eastas—rkiarStr: Baying examined the "Arco-
manesetured at your rooms, I do not hesitate
to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who am
about removing to Califomia in search of Gold.
It Rives a close appnaimetion so the specific areal
ty Of metals, and wilCcertainly enable the adventuto
to ascertain when his placer isyieldMlr Bold.
Inert? ?hers, ricapM. J. R. MOLINTOCK.
INDIA RUBBER eurriuNG—Jost received Inc ice
California Expedition, a complete asmrtment
Gam Elastic eldthing, at prices ranging from 44,50 to
411 AD for suit of cost, pants and hat. For sale at the
India Rubber Depot, Nob Wood et
duke, J k H PHILLIPS
Swats Brick eta tOr - ifilso
wbseribet offers_ for mle, the STEAM BRICIK
WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprising •
SM.. Engine'? Boilers, Moidd Machine, capable of
manufacturing Premed Bricks (out of dry elay,
as taken from the bank,) per tiny; with three acres of
bend on the Allegheny river, on which arc 4 kilos and
sheds, machine and - clay sheds, wheelbarrow., truck.,
shovels, spades, kr., every thine relmilite to..coin.
Mellre Orwfllllnn. ei{ an hour. umire.
• the pabent rigid to use said machine 17
',"alleraessys. Without the
No lie Mouongahela noose.
Wrought and Cast Isom Dulling.
TIIE subscribers beg leave to inform the public that
they have obtained from the East all the late and
fashienable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses
and cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
some panirm will please call and examine, and fudge
for themselves. Reding will be furnished at the short.
at notice, end in the beet manner, at the efiroer
erea .. g r land:lte beer.. areas, Alleeg i y o ra. k
Oy I 0 aaaaaa
10URKE a CO'S Daily Esprit.* Is nor/ regaled) , de-
Imenng Can and Shell OYSTERS, which aro of.
Qoolity Weed to dealers .d families ar the lowest prices.
warranted equal to any brought tbss rote.
het, and for sale by
J. C. BIDWELL, Ago, Water at.
n ' e A S —At e theandll ow c ngdep E —lReiSs B n e , M e . r A o ad . ;
Mercer A Robinson. Federal st .Alkse bony. 00115
WElasave some YUMMY, made on . Improved
= not to free in the coldest weather.
Persons wanting seek erticles, are located to call and
see them at I:CUTER ATKINSON'S,
mwri I st. between Wmad Market sts
TitE Commotion and Standard of the A”oeiste
Reformed Church su North Amerteas Wm, bound
an sheep.
Ttu, Other Side, andotes for ate Stites,
Of Me War
be Mein., the Uanted States, +maim in
Mexico, and translated from the Spanish, with notes:
fly A. C. Ramsey.
Sketches of Beforms and Reformers of Great !Inman
Tlreland: DT 11. B. Stanton.
he Worts of President Edwards, in 4 vole; a re
print of the Worcester citation, with addulon, and a
crania:dm general indet.
The Mounimes of Limb or Erni a Willlo/11fot the
Bible: By Hawks, D. D. L. L. D.
tinware Of David Bale, late editor of Journal of
Commaree, with selections true has Almanac°.
%Wattage= By Rev. J. P. Thompson.
L o sh Puritan sod Hu Danghter residang.
s Gringos, or an
hunk, View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia: lip Lion. Wise, U Navy.
Familiar Letters to Vomit Men, on van., attbjeets;
dotimed as a Compaulon'to the Young Men'. Guide:
Lay Wm. A. Alvan.
The Poems and Prose Wntings of FL A. Dom 2 vs
Ntneveh and Its Remaluid By Layer&
No 111 Woad st
•A-Pireisiemat k war raireilly.
Prcram Wcrum-,-14 rya Amami.
Wither g at
ioso n l
tthhea n U nioo w n. i " t iont it" [(EBvenongPt
Neat tabacribers .3. be supplied from Jtm. 1, ISO
if immediate application be mad* le 61.'3.f...el I' of
by [war) al die Office of thabiteation, 63 at.
i.dtl J. ix LocKwo Wood
. •
- Mawr BOOKS vain Alrli Wad.
Ileadly, WWI °simnel designs by Marley.
Tbe Poctosood Prose Writinge of FL M. Dana
Physician and Patient, or a Vraetical View , of the
Moral Darien, Relation. and Interests of Me tinedwal
Frofewleo and ties (demo:miry; hy W. Ilooker,ll. Lk
The Periwig and Ilia Daactiter; Ly J. R. P. 4%
molter of the Ihnohown's Fireside. •
Los thing., or an Inside View of Mexico .03 Ca
ifornie; with IVaaticrings in Vera, Chin arniP01111Clil;
14 Lieut. Wan. For sale by
deal ELLIOTT & 79 Wood st
GOWN'S American Antler's 466da; NU a HI.
f nations, Ithuo.
Paulding's Puritan and His Dough.r, 1 9 0 0 .
Dr. Ilmaker's Pllgsiman and rollout; 10100.
Mr*. Kate Hearts and Homes; non.
Noander's I.ifo of Chnst; tem.
Neander's History of Christian Churote, 3 gala deo
Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoirs of Miss Murray: biro.
AMOrle. A101313110,115W Kro.
.1110 Bookseller Amp larter,lM Won't at.
Sow Ur the time to Subsribe.
OERIC} of Peotes Reprints of the Four gllllne
hes and Blackwood; SIU per year.
Alorris re. Willis` nor. Journal, published in No
Tart weekly; Alper annum.
Downing's llorticalturalist, monthly; It 3 per yc
Invaluable. •
The Culttvator, montblY;Al per annum.
The Agriculturalist, monthly; 11l per year.
RevMwne,, monthly; LI
pot &Room.
Thu Bankers' Magazi do $3 do
land llookuller k Importer, CD Wood ft
111111.1011, PS.
TORN WRIGHTk Co., are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Maehinetl of every descriptian, such
as Cardink Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders,
Inewing "ramps, Railway Ileads,'Worpers,Spoolerr,
'Creasing Frames, Looms, third nrindere, Lee. Wrought
Iron Shelling tamed; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pullies and
Ilabgers alba latest patterns, slide and hand teethe.,
anJ tools Mall kind. Castings of every description
furnished on abort notice. ?anent, made to order for
Mill Gcanng, Iron Railing, he. Stem Pipe for beat.
ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Can.
ti, generally. Orden Len at the Warehouse of J.
Palmer It. Co., Llheny loran, will have prompt alma.
Refer to .Blac &nook, Bell & Co., J. K. bloorehead
Co., O. E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons. Pittsburgh;
C. & J. 11. Warner, Steubenville.
Tsubmither offers for wee a large and splendid
assortment of rosewood mid mahogany arsind Am;
ton PiLOOS, with and venthoet Coleman's weleMatst
Mohan Mischa:Lent. The above instraments am war
rilised to be equal to any manufactured in this Routs
try, end 1•111 be sold lower thar any brought from the
Ems. F. BLUME, No tiwood
MI d oo r shoat fith. ,
N. B.—City Berm will be taken at par for • feir of
he ribose assortment. myt F. B.
T/Lr hIURPHY cortUnumilo toep on hand a fell
V • assortment of the Welsh Unshrietable Flan
nel., and Mu recently received a supply of the beet
qualities. Also Swansdorrn Flannels, a meter, artlw
to and well adap ted far the went of invalide, and
others wanting something warmer than total. Also,
Persian ; And tisane Flannels for (Menlo wear ; to•
S ether with a fell supply of Amoebae manufactured
Flannel , of different qaalities. Alio, SHROUDING
FLANNRLS, of all the different width., at the North
East comer of 4th and Market so.
tr ywk g ,d g rip mejth, where dealer, will
airways and goad ILSOOTOSeIIt of new style Goals.
J• 114
Dittphragoa—if liter. tOr Ilydistot Waiiil
THIS is to certify that I have am
t n eVi la nts vi rtra ' lo7o l o g ilent ins%
Patent Diaprahgm Pater, for the ell
ties of Pinahorgh and Allegheny.
30101 GIBSON, Agent,
for Walter M Gibmo, 349 LI tuailway.
Oct.lo, ISIS.
We beef, been ming one or the above abreleo at the
office of the Novelty Works tor three months, on Cr,.!,
and feel perfectly mantled that it is a ambit invent...a,
and wc take plertsorc in reeuntmending theta IS • liee
rut muck , to all who love pore water. Order. wall ba
llizalifully lerelVed mid prontptly executed. .
ocklll liIVINGSTON. IttNitiM h. Co
Mt.l ma reeeived,onealegant Rosevroed
Si octave natal Torte, from the colt.
boated factory of T. Gilbert Si Co.,
Como. Th
Instrument Is remark.
hie for brilliancy and meetnele of tooe, and elaetlelty
of roach. The above finale copsidered one of the
vary first on Holton. and their Pianos, tor elegance o
exterior, beauty of Moe, and duration, are Net name..
ad by those of any other make. For sal. on toucan
hie term. by H. KLFJ3Eit,
Mali • ot J. W. Woadvretile.
U•rsey. - 91 . .st6ag 0.,
Nava Tot Wl,'
SI ea.. imparted Family Wankel., IL by Id qm;
MS pan Steamboat do 5 1.) , 7 ID
MS do do , do 4by7 DD
100 do red and While florae do
IW. do colored California do
SOpieces 64 while Flaarld, warrantediall
do 14 do do do 0 .
•100 do 3-1 do do do 4 ,
100 do 34 red do do 4
73 do 3-1 yellow do do d
Bennetts, Tweeds, J...., at east.
ern mwolietwees ;mess.
WV...h.... No It 7 wood st, Ch door from Finn
M r y M aga• Li o N r e . j( !t . .11: °"Ttrtthi NM "
Wore °rem ruas ' anaske4 "
raa ausegiao at para., rs.
arOarpet Wars Booms, 75 roaruh at loan
recommendation is so eomplesely eausfeeteryom
to the excellence and complete sateen of any inven
tion, as the united testimony of those who have cope.
Mooed ID benefits. Dosing the last fifteen years, in
all parte of the United States, our most talented and
minnentphysietans, have daily bent testimony to the
auperionty, ease, and comfort of Alta. BETTS Inven
tions for Ladles , suffering. They do not comps.n by
steel pressure, which is now proved to be attended by
bad Keels, causing more difficulty than before exbu
ed. Her long standing in Philadelphia, and large and
Increasing business both Wholesale and Retail, Is a
guenutice of the correetvems of the above.
Top her Genuine Sappotier, niipl7 only to
WM. THORN, Druggist, 59 Market Pt, Pittsburgh—
all others are counterfeit.
JAMES BETTS, IYholcsale Agent, Philadelphia.
fei'L bbls ree
TNFALLIBLE for renewing, invikorating, and beak.
tyfying the Hair, removing Scurf, Dm/Oa:end ell
tfee lions of the Scalp, and coring Eruptions on the
Skin, Diseases of the Glenda, Mastics and Integu
ments, and relieving Stings, Zang, Bruises, Spann,
With this preparation, .there is no ouch
word a. fail. The first }enamels In Anuales, medieel
men of the highest eminence, prominent dawns of all
pr °tertian., and ladles who have used i tier years in
their dressing roonts'end wineries', Wont with one es
cord, den, for imparting mgor, Inxnriaoee and
curl to the hair, eradicating wed end dendreff, heal
ing wounds, Coring sprains, stings, Ac., end relieving diseases of the skin, the glands, and the
muscles it has no cowl among the multitude of com
pounds advertised in the public prints, or amid In en
... practice. In cheepness w well WI efftency, Ba
rr arpherous to unrivalled.
The affinity between; the membranes which rons
woo the skin, and the halr which draws its sustenenee
from th is triple envelope is very Owe_ All diseases
of the .haf the ir or sc i enalp tates in the gged, or skin nf
if the the head
blood the
res o are cloan
other fluids do not etreulme lowly through the smal d l
vessels which feed the roma with moisture awl unnan
life to the fibres, the result is wurf, dandruff, shedffint
of the haw, gray.., dryness, and karmic!. of the
ligesuents, anil enure baldness aE the case may
Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the Trienye
heroes, and the torpid vessels, recovering Iheireleon
ity, will annihilate the disease.
In all effectiona of the skin, and of the substrate of
muscle* and uneguments, the process and the effect
are thi
l• upon the .kin, the mo.eniu:Sure, and the
glands. Wat the Trutopherous has Ito specific action,
nd in all affsetions and injuries or these, organs, it is
It sovereign rowdy.
Sold, In large bottles, price 25 cents, nt the principal
Offine,l97 Itrondway, N.Y.
Far sale by R. F. SELLERS,
isrdit Pittstiorr.
IT NOW all men who ore slob and afflicted with dire
MA ease of the bladder and ksdneys. with rheumatic
puns in back or limb., stiff rernts; aid sore* running
ppkers. he, thar they can be cured b aking e Pe.
tkroleare! You onky,talk about its being. nortr M um
week at you plane, Lot this does not make it •n, for
we proclaim in rho face of an honest community, that
It has virtue. which are not couterned in any other
remedy. The man who is racked with mein end mt
tering from disease. can for fitly routs. get rebel from
any of the ids enumnarated above. Reader! it CO.
very little to Make • trial. This Petroleum is no mix
ture—no corapand, pat op for the purees., of imposing
on the community, but it is a remedy elaborated by
the master hand of nature. and bubbles op from the. La
som Moor mother mirth in its original purity, and of
fers to guttering humani y e ready remedy, a certain
and cheap cure.
It has eared Piles after other medicines have failed
to render any relief. It Ir as eared Rheumatism of long
standing,stalng, anding, of the worst and most pliOnlieharaemr.
kirks eared Cholera Marbus by one or two dose.; it
has cared old east, of Dmartura, in which every other
remedy hue been of no avail. As a Meal remedy in
burns and scalds, it is brace than any medical eons
pturnd or ointment that we know of It will cam club
Maine or frosted feet, in a fear applleattaie, undoubt
ed Maritime) can he furnished of the truth contained
lo the above statement by calling - on Samuel M. Kier,
Canal Basin, 7th street: ere either of the •genl••
Keyser A. McDowell, corner of Wood nr•M and
Virgin Ailey; R. E. Sellers, fil Wood morel, D. A. El
liot k. M. Corry, Allegheny city, Me the eget. ,
A man by the name of DUEL CLAPP has engaged
so th • paling man of the olitle of el. P.Townsend, and
toes his name to pot ap • darsaparilla, which they
call Dr. Town end's Sarsaparilth, denominating it
CIENULTF. Ong in.!, etc. nue Townsend is no doc
tor •itil never was, but wad formerly • worker on rail
roads, canals, nail the like. TO he assumes the tide
of Ur, fur the purpose of gaining emdit for whet he is
not Ile is .ml/flu out cards beaded "Tnck. of
quarks," in which be says, I hails sold the use of my
name for S 7 • week. will give A. P. Tovmsend SAN
if he will produce one single solitary proof of this.—
Tlus is to caution th e
GE not to to deceived, and
Purchase mine luit the GENUINE ORIGINAL
Jacoh Te
n s , Party
coat having on it the
oid Dab likeness, Ins family coat of Irma,
and Lis Fid
uciary across the coat of alma ,
Principal Office, 102 Cassell it, New Toth City.
Old Dr. Townsend is now almost 70 years of age, .rid
has long been known az the AUTIIOR and DISCO.
APAiIILLA. ° Being poor. ha was enmpelled
to it t t t.• menufacturc, by whi le means it has been
kept oat_ of market, and the sales eirearemribed to
Mom wit. who had proved as worth and known its
valve. This Olsen 01. Unetiosugo Peersumon r.
manefsetered on the largestmale, and Is called for
thronghout the length and breaddt of the land.
Unlike young S. P. Townsezd'a, it improves with
me, and never chmges, hot for the hetto; becanm it
I. prtpared on scientific principles by a scientific man.
The highe s t knowledge of .'hernistry, and the Iciest
thscoveries of the An, have ell been brought into re.
quoinao in the manufactere of the Old Dr's fitarsepa.
rill. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to med•
teal men, contains medicinal properties, and route pro
perum which are awn or useless', end others, which,
retained In preparing it for use, prtniure fermenta
lion and acid, which is injurious to the system. Some
t' the properties el Sarsaparilla arc so volatile that
they entmely toreporate and are lost in the prepare
nen, If they are not preserved, by a scientific process,
known only to those experienced in its numufeeturc.
Moreover them volatile
, ples. which gy odin va
por, or es an exhalstion under Mat, are the very es
medal medical ptoperum of the mot, which gives to
it all Ito value. The
15 so prepared; that all the inert properties of the
st ar
rapardla root are first removed, every thing ethble
•oftieceming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and
then every particle isf medical virtue is ace.
red in a pure and concentrated form; and th. it is
rendered incapable of losing any of ns valuable tut:
healing properties. Prepared in this way. it is those
the most powerful agent in the
H e nce the reason why we. hear yommendations nn
omer7! side in its favor by men, women and children.
We had It doing wonders in the cure of Consumpt . ion,
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rhennisosm,
Scrofula and Piles, Comieeness, all Cutaneous Erth
gems, Pimples, Blotches and all atifeethins ansaig from
It possesses a mathelloussifficacy in all complaints
arising from Indigestion, froth Acidity of the stomach;
from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the
head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and colditsands
'cold chills and hot dashes over the body. It ht not
had its equal in coughs antrcolds; and promoteleary
expectorant's and gentle perspiration, relaxing sum
ture of the lungs, throat, and every other part
Bat In nothing is int excellent' more mandirtly seen
and aoknowlalged than iu all kuals and stages of
It works wonders In eases' of Rune altos or whites.
Failing of the Womb,Obstameted,Suppressed,or Pain
ful Menses, Irregularity of•the menstrual penods and
the tar and is ePectual in:curing all forms of the
ney Dithams. By removing obairoctions,and regula
ting the general system, It gives tone and strength to
the whole body, arid ewes all forms of
and this prevents or relieves a great variety of other
diseases, ZS Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, tit Vit.
Dance, liwootang, k4utepde fin, Convulsions, ke; Is
not this, then ' s. filthsthe TOO PamEmsamerth Ncthl
But can any of these Botha be said of S. P. Town.
sand's interior article? This 'sung man's liquid is um
bee.= of the (nand Farb that the one ts theanahlt.
of WM11041114. and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er IVIES; it soars ferments, and blows the bottles
containing it fragments; the sour, acid liquid er
plthing and dame:mother goods! Must net this hor
rible compound be pommies to the systems, What!
pat acid Into • aystem ;already diseased with acid!
' What causes Dyspepsia hut acid? Do we not all Snow,
that when food sours in our sto m a chs , what tnisehtefs
; It produeesl—datulence, heartburn, palpitation el the
I beam, ricer complaint, ditarhas dysentery, chalk and
t corruption of the hloodr_; What uScrofula but an acid
; humor in the botlyl What produces all the humors
whim, bring on Eruptions of the Skirt, Scald Head,
1 salt Rhenot,thryaipelas,White Swellings,Fever-Seres,
' and all ulcerations internal and extorts.? It is now
, ins under heaven hut anacid thbstanee, which soars,
' and thus spoils all the Maids of the body, more or less.
What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid Maid, which
insinuates itself between the Joints and elsewhere, ir
ritating and tndanusig the tender and delicate
upon which it acts? tin of nervous diseases, of imp..
nty of the blood, of deranged weals..., and neatly
all the ailments which algal human nature.
Now, is Ii rust horrible to make and eell, and Infinite
ly worse toll44 this I ,
lltilllUNU. FERMENTING ACID "compouND.
op S. P.3I)I4ISEND!
end yet he would fain have It understomt that Old /a.
rah Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is en
suntano of his inferior, preparanong
nearest forbid that we should deal In an aniele
which would bear the moot distant resemblance to S.
P Townsend's ascend tend which should bring down
upon the Old Dr. each i mountain lend of coutple int.
and crumaations nom agents who have Rohl, and par!
chasers who bare coed S. P. Townsend's Fermenting
• We wish It understood,
It 14 the &monde
'truth, that S. P. T0.47111114/'• stuck and Old Dr. Jacob
Towasend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and
infinitely diminiilar, that they are unlike in every pas
lieut., having not one Lingle thing in common.
It is to arrest frauds bona the antortunam, to pour
balm into wounded hiimanity, to kindle hope int the
despairing bosom, to risible health mid bloom •nd vi
gor loin the crushest and broken and to banish infitati- '
ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has suutarr
and FOUND the opportatuty and means to bnug Ins
within the tenth, and tante knowled of all woo
need it; that they may learn and know, by joyful ex
perience, its ilitneleathatir row. ro nub I
For male by J. KIDD!, CO., Wholesale Agent for
Western 1•4711.4y1•2111Mj JilibllTll. Inrminsham, Dr.
J. SARUEANT, Alleeeny; Dr. J. CASSELA., Firth
ward. O. W. VIA Kiln Ellash ward, Painted.. *ma
!VEIL COMPLAIN Another T;!,- core peiforsiedii
L ! 1111114 the original. ' only true and genuine Liver
sellers-1n eos 0., March M, DO.
Sellers-1n Alin, I.t my wife's. attack
ed with Liver Comptiontsi and had the adince of two
physteitha, who tried 14130411 4419Ed1e 4 without pro
dating any good effedt flaring beard of your eel,
heated Liver Pills, I embiluded to g , gc , th a gun
trod. I putchased one boxof Mr. Seth., of Abe eta
anJ gave them according to the direetions, by which
she was greatly regaled. I procured a second boX,
wLich entirely curetther, and she mw enters exec"
lent health. 1 have used them myself, and pronounce
them the best leanly medics. I ever tried.
boars, Ac., ' Marie 114441.1.
Prepared and sold by R. V. SELLER/1.57 Wood at,
Yob' ...' by Innallials generally us the two nines
Coniorning no Mereury, woe .sloe Mineral.
M . . following teatimonial was given by the cote
' brated Dr. Wanner Reath, the authorof the great
medical work entitled The American Practice Of
Medletar and Panay Physician."
'gloving been made acquainted with the ingredient"
which comp.. , MeAllmtees All•llealing Ointment,
and baying predwribed and tested it Relferlll COAGliirt
my private practice, I have no helitatien in saying or
certifying that it in a Vegetable Remedy, conmitung
no mineral suliataate whatever, that its ingredient',
com Line d as they Itee. and urea as directed by the
Proprietor, are oat only barmier., but of great value,
being o truly scientific Remedy of great power: and I
cheerfully recommend it aa rempound which has
done mach good, end which is adopted to the gored!
a great safety of ease.. Though I have never eithe
recommended or engaged in the sale of .egret medi
cines, retard fur the awn, honest, conecientieus. ho.
tune character of the Proprietor of thin Ointment,
and . t r
he value of hm discovery, oblige me to say than
much retarding it. W. BEACH, D. D."
New Tort, April 'lid, tFA
BURNS.—It is one of the best things in the world
for Burns.
PlLM—Thousands are yeoly coned by this Oint
ment. It never fails in giving relief.
For Turners, Ulcers, and all kinds of 901..
II has
f Mothorei and Nurses knew its value in cases of
Swollen or Sore Meant, they would edam,. apply It.
In each ens., if used eccording to ilirecumm, it /oven
tact in a very few hours.
Around the boo are directions for using McAllister's
Oinlizont for Scrofula. Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Triter, Chilblain, !timid Henn, Sort Bye, Quincy,
Sore Thionl, Bronehites, Nervous Adecuens, Pains,
Direaso of the Spine, Dead Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Urn. Aelbt, Burns, Corns, all Diseases or Ilan Skin, Sore
Lips, hinnies, be Swelling of the Limbs,
91.1Innite,e, I'lles, ' Cehl Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro.
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague In the Face, eve.
From the Reading Raile.
There was never, perhopa r a Medicine broogitt
fore the public, that hits in no short a time won seek a
reputation . MeAllister , All.llealine or World
Salve. Almon every person that hw wade trial of it
speaks wanly in its prole. one has been eurrt.ltiy
it of the mon painfol theem.s. another oftite pile,
third of a traubledorne pain in the aide, n fourth Of a
welling in the tie. It at doesnot are lowne•
din. relief, in every ease, It con do no injury, being
applied outwardly.
da another e.drnee of the wonderful healing pow.
er“ed by this salve. we sublein the follaunns
certificate. frota a respeethbla eitthen of Msideuereek
township, in thia county:
l'ilaillcitrreelt, Bet. eo„ March IBM
hirer. Ritter & Co:—I dente to Worth you that
vrancniirrly cured 01 r•evere pain int. bark, by the
nee of '
All4lettline Salve, which I par
ch.. troth you. I nilfewd yeah it for about Pp
and at hied seas unable to sleep. During that time I
tried wt.. were prescribed tor ma
by phypie tans snit o th er perthns,withaat receiving soy
relief, 41111 at last wade trial , of dos Salve, with a re
sult favorable Isiyond exeet.thltoti. lam now enure•
ly ftee troth the pain. and ettloY atnight a Peneelul
and sweet steep. I bran also used the :Wire..en for
tooth ache and other conlplaii., with moil. happy
results. Yalu friend, Joon Ito.t.seit.
Sear Proprietor to. nbirre medicine.
Principal (ace, No Y NortlL Tbird strechrbiladel
Prrroorto faun & Itc , ter, corner of
.1 St. CiPlf stteelr; owl 1,. Wilcox. Jr, cor-
tel street and LW Maitland, also corner of
Fourth and Smithfield meet, J. H. Cassel, earner ni
Walnut and Penn streets. not, Ward; and sold at the
11/10kRICITG in 141611.116e1.1. , 1, 3diloorirom Second.
In Allegheny City br 11. P. , . J.SargenL
Ity J. 11. Stahl,. Dn.gratt, Birmingham: 11. NegleY,
Fiat Isibeoy. IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. Ategander
a Son, Alon.g.hela Coy; N. B. llosstuan s Co., and
J. T. Rogers, Brownsville: John Ilarkley,licaver, Pa;
John Walker. Jr., Elisa.heth. fettlfeadtll
Judd's Medicated Liquid Cutlet..
undoubteilly the limn preparation eeer
j . red, or dreamt,: Boron. Scalds. Cuts, Chil
blaincoves, Bruise, or any kind of fresh wounds also for
own Nipples • remedy unequaled.
Tb.. !stuck m intruded for feande ate, and should be
found in the prislecsion of every family in the land.
Mechanic. who arc in eonstaut danger of injury to
their persons dolma!, accident. and the improper or
earoles t urn of tool, will find this article to he on valu•
able at them, and idler a lair trial Will consoler it to
an excellent robstitnto tar ailhesi•e plaster
kindo. without any o as 1 ntonvonionnes,and is to
diratrd al to allay al f l
rain antordlately a W.
A very applied any tube:e on the ferrate of the
Ain, immediately lone. fine, %wroth coating. very
lar to the natural cattele or outer akin: which may
be freely waked with water and soap, without any in•
jury to the wound.
The article If freely oroil sod highly recommended
by the :aunt eminent phymenuts el New Enetmul, and
other part• of the country.
For pale ONLY by It E SELLERS, 57 Wood rt
tf - N. 11—The trade aupplied at the manufacturree
IT lIAS NEVER, in a single instance, failed to ex
pet Worms.
Cara. Coeur Souse, Vs., Poly VS. 1917.
Mr. R. E. Sellers: boo will recollect that when we
were in Pittsburgh, in November lost. you prevailed
on as to try to your Venuifuge, to test its virtues. tVe
dad so, assil through.tho whuer We cold slat we pus.
chased, which gave it a fair reputation. IP May last
we purchased more, which was disposed of immedi
ately. We then ordered more, which reached us on
the 12th of the present month, and on yesterday we
sold the lust of two dozen bottles. We find it so val
uable a medicine, that every , person of a family its
to have it in their possession.
Those who have purchased it would be perfectly
willing to give certificates of Its excellency. Out or
the quantity we have vended, it has never, in a single
nistmce, (tiled to expel worms.
Your friend, Wm. C. Wu.= k Cn.
Preared and sold by FL E. SELLER:SP( Wood st,
and sold by Drugpsts gram:ally tho two eines.
OK /1111•1010C/IL /151, TIAILLIONI CITI4 0/ .41.2.1511/
AlltalNo iltoll ALM MTh'. FUT/ 07 TIM 10.0013
• ON ItAlli 0/ viii eliil3l, Vl7
erefuls or King's Fad, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cute
f 'mem Eruptions, Pimples nr Pustule...the Fac
, Itlotehea, Biles, Chronic Sore Flea, Ring Woe
' en Teller, Scald Head, Felargement and Pain
the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, IS yphilt
1 Symptone, Sciatica or lwmbagoe—and duces ,
arising from an intudiciona use of Idereary, At
time or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence to Lit
Ann—Chronic CODahtetiereal Disorders, An.
In ibis preparation are strongly concentrated all thb
filedleinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with
the. most effectual aids, the must ..letit7 Prodnrikeren
the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and
it has been so fully tested, not only by , patients them•
selves, but also by physicians, that It has received
their unqualified mcomruendations and the approba
tion of the public; and has .tahlished, on ap proba
tion own
marks, a reputation for vat. and anus far wipe
nor to the various compounds bearing the name of
Sarsaparilla. Discuses have been cured, ash MI are
not furuisbed In the recoles of time put; and what it
his already done for the thousands who have need it.
4 la catralde of doing for the milli*ns still sat:tering and
struggling with disease. It purifies, einem., and
strengthens the fountain spring. of life, and infuses
new vigor throughout the whole animal frame.
neVe e nf ' e ' rt 'c' re7f g an ' fet . :te r. rare d e — am ” ' d
1 I c. '' roll ' sfa, com e. -
mends itself to all similarly afflicted:
I Sorrnmosv, Conn., J.. 1,1.9 11
lenses. Sands; Gentlemen Sympathy for the afflict
ed induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure
e etad by your Sarsaparilla, in the case of my wife.
S was severely afflicted with the Seraffila on differ.
en parts of the bads, the glandes of the neck were
g any enlarged, and her limbs mach swollen. Alter
. enew over a year, and finding no relief from the
. wiles used, the disease needled one leg, asal be
the knee suppurated. Her physician advised U
shaahl he laid open, which was done. but without any
pefManent benefit In this situsuou ver heard of. and
wer'e:inditeed ta ww, Sands` Nersapardin Tha fire
Dottie r praed a decided and fasomble effect, lichee ,
Ind he mem than any prescription she aeffect,
had eve/ tetea;
and before she used six boldes—to the astonishmeet
and delight of her frienehe—she found her health quite
restored. It is now ow, • yeersinee the ten Waller
lifted, and her health remain. good, showing that the
disease was thoneughly eradicated from the Gretna.
Our neighbors are all
to these (Aetna. dant
very Mehl), of Sande' Sarsaparilla.
Yours with respect, JULWS PIKE.
Extract from a actor tete.. from AIL N. W. Har
es.. gentleman well Imo , . In Louisiana en, Vaf
utientleoletl, have cured .rut with
your gargapefil l a, who w attacked with fferefala,
.d of a scrofulous , Ismtly.
'Wotan, truly, N. W. HARRIS
.Frederteks hall, Vi, July I7.IStA"
Sands' neevaretainta.-14.enis almost mutated.-
ty to direct intention In an article an well known, and
to dreervedly pep alit, 11. WS p repetation, but patients
on. who vetch to reso the extract of Sariapetilla, are
t a d e r e cel S. try worthless compounds Iwo ring the nen.,
but coniamiug little ar nom of the /Mee Of. Ike. Vele
obi, rim, nod we Mink we anal Mae/ .!meter
benefit on our readers than in directing their attention
to the edger:mem. , of tile Mews. Sands, le another
The bottle has reeently be. enlarged to
h e ld a quart, and Mose who wish a really !mod ankle
earl find emecatrated In this all thatinedwittal value
of th e , rant, expenettee oftheellinde hoe proved
its effieeey in Vining the vamp! diseases for *high it
is recommended; and at the present time more than
any other, perhaps, is this atedmine useful, in preys-
Wee the system far a change of season.—Blame Jou,
naSept. IS.
Prepared and sold, wholesale .d retail. by A.B. &
D. SANDS. Druggist end Chemist, Ino Fulton etreet,
corner of William, New verb. Sold able by Drug
gists generally termatioat the tinned State, .4 Can
ada. Price St per bottle; ens bemire for IS.
For tale by L. WI ILCOX,Jr., U.A. FAlllikNanfK
ACO., and EDWARD RENDRRlCll.l.inkbargh. A1..110
..110 Do. A. SMITH. Bridgwawr. . idellndead&wT
m. MURPHY keeps roaidantly on hand an
rf • softtnent of flieaehed Linen Table Diapers . o
different Ivaliba and qualities. Alias—Talila Cloth
and Napkins, Taira!lna Diapers and Towels, and
fall neaortniela of kelvin farnittana goals. (*all
11 ASjaat retorrted froze the F:aatarn Cate*, nail,
1l receiving a large variety of net...table G00d... -
which Le trareetfully iii•itna the attention of r.
• and pedlar*, No MS Maul at.
IT PAYKII—A. fall pupply of all the Yllarent an band and made to order.
WIVE Second Session of this ender ins
I um or Mr. eml 11 s Oceisase,' for the present
academic year, win commence on this day, Monday.
February nth, in the same buildinp, No. xLiberty
Arrangemenm have been made by which they will
be able to furnish young Indies facilities equal I. eny
In the West, for °lntoning a themegla English, ClasMj
eal, and Ornamciaul education. A full occouse of Plat
isopldee: and Churnscal Lemma .rill be delrecied
during the winter, illustrated by pp razes. The do-
Curtments of Vocal and Instrumental Motto, Modem
mMtageth Drawing and Padmig,,vrilleach be ender
the use of a competent Professor. Ey close attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pm
pits, the Principals hope to intuit •millnuation of the
liberal pain:mace they have hitherto - cujoyed. Per
touris t one circularor apply to the 'Principal.
foId:LAP •
catizenand hasinees men of Pilmbargh are
respentally Ink/laud that the Hone Telegraph
Wes ace Mow 14 eninplainepo/4111vi between this city
and Baltimore. Wasiton, and other Fluters Cities,
connecting at Weithingten City with the Morse Una,
the only one Spurt to Itichentnd, Raleigh, Chi - Amnon,
Auguta Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans—and
connecting in ties city with lines naming West and
North to the principal towns and Giant in Ate valley of
the Uiaiedppb iirid on the Wats. These Lines will
receive end send menage+ a. cheap SS any ether
Line, and the operators and elects will be found gen
tlemanly and accommodating.
W-thbee in the lower story of the ST. CIIAILLIN
'tom. Wood street. loot
ACIRCULAR sem es by a friend; uneouneing the
formation of a new Transpertation,Compsay, by
ear 11114 Agents m Ilanimord end Columbia, impels as
Thos early to apprise our Mends and the public that
mull makes no alteration whatever la ear bast:ems,
cave the rhsnee of rear nee!. and Mennen of on
mareheates at there wen., both of which we have
effected advanumeously for mares°. and ilareantena-
With the erperlenee of fifteen yeantln the Thm
pollution basinera,self es-soma:as es a regeed fee
the intelligenee
out patron., forbid ei to tag . the
credulity of the MOM, or rater for its eunmement by
•lengMetted per:femur. in print We breg.leave,there
lore, to nay, in ventral terms, that oar Oranges:mull
Etaconaiderahly estainted; the convenience and ca
pacity ad. one warehouses, at Pittelough, Phlledelphia,
Bale:mom and eblefuhia, unsurpewed; oar facildics
for regulanty arid dispatch increased; and our terms.,
liberal an that of any other responsible line; and that
ourfreight, whether in Jr POI at In transit, if always
sensed free of espease to the owners.
We appeal to our past conduct w an earnest of our
o r
hat confidently look forward lo a coatinuanee
the patronage which has ever been Oa, study to
derenre and nor plesaure to acknowledge. Under
such impressions, we shall be prepared at all times to
meet honorable competition; those resorting mostly
other we shalt neither envy nor imitarc.
will be conducted as await, by the proprietor,
corner of Peon awl Wayne its, Cilohurelt
trit Ajnftet at, Philadelphia;
And by the following Areinat
Nell& iti to CO, Gi Not tit et, Baltimore;
P. It. BURK A C 0,15 Doane atlletten;
IV k. J. T. TAPSillerr .t co, fIG South at, N.tiores,
A Alliet JVI I EEL W Ulf:11T. Cie:rim/an. [kW
• -
Siloam Boat Owner. andillaanfactowera
by Steam
ARE respectfully informed that a saving of about
A one fourth of their tel may hoetrecteJ by smog
AIR HEATERS. Ity the operation of the Beam
Blowers, the draft of the furnace can be iner.sed to
almost any extent, without regard to the helghtb of
ehierney, or to .sty way dependant on the natural
draft, whilst the Ate Ranters reclaims a large portion
of the waste best from the Ours, and returns It to the
furnace In heated au, which also in a great dryee
rcutrelizes the deliWriour effect of the nitrogen m the
air which supplier the draft, thereby producing a more eombustion; and a much brisker andhotter Are.
In burning coal, it will save the erne bars from being
hurts nut. by keeping them Mean and free of clinker;
and the fire empiric. less stirring or oahating up."
FonFor further particulars sterling apt. rdon, of Meson
t Wave Nu. Cern and M r. Joseph Tay
lar, Encloser of steam boat J. J. Crittenden; Captain
Ilutehrion, Men. best 1.. Newts., and Senile& At
kin., Front street. Pittslitrigh.
NOTICE is hereby given to those who have been
aging ehmint Blowers, to ignoranee of the rights ea
red under toy rowel, that WI opportunity is given
them melamine the Cutent itself, by calling on Eng
lish In Bennett, tVood st, opposite St Charles Dow',
Putsburgh, and purchasing the privilege of atlas Cris
Improvement. All who do trot avail themselves of
this, will be procee4a4 against, wtthent exception, tf
they continue to ininny on raid patent right.
ritltE Partnership heretofore enstlng between the
I saber r.., in the Shoe business, ants dissolved
by mutual consent cm e Intl inst. 'am business of
the Gnu vnll be settled byohn Parker;ht the old .toad,
corner South Common and Federal street
Allegheny. Feb. ut1.1.9.50 —(feb2S.lm
A Gros. National Work.
nava-morays, by Brady.--Enifraved by Dt•
AtliglUM.—Edited by an A150C36601. Libtra.ry
INDER thin tole will be published, during the year
-I.) In4U, twenty, leer Portraits and Btograpitteal
Saetehes of A 1.1.1 1 ,111 citizens, who have become P
lasm°. to the service. the Country. Eyed], portion
. . .
.f the work will receive the most careful attention,
arid nothing will be spared to render it a worthy and
endunng monument to the great men of the Republic.
'The Typography will be eXecuted no Cltreftlfly and
in ea ropmb etyle as the engravinge themselves, the
entire work will be on the finest imperial folio paper,
In by 23 niches, made expressly for this ransom.
This work has nothing sectional in its scope; it will,
therefore, be comprehmtsive m its spirit_ The names
of those men only will be admitted, whose talents .1.1
public services hare won for them an honorable fame
throughout the nation. Each (tribe peat departments
of life will hose its representatives. Ara and Lttcra
lure are untvertal in their Fran, and thia Tindery ii in.
tended to lie a worthy and endurnig monument to the
great men of the Republic, whose achievements and
Mine constitute the chin glory of tin nation. We
hope that every lover of an and friend of our glorious
Union . , will respond to our appeal for encouragement,
and NA in so commenontile an undertaking, that its
publication may make an era in the progress , of Am
erican All, suit, by grottping the Mu stnou• men at the
Union together, coneolittate it still more firmly.
Aa ro week of this kind 6u appeared tat America,
and the priers the) lama. to F.ropo wrold place It
beyond the reach of most of our eitrtena, the habitats
era have resolved to men! a large circulation, by
charging • eery low price, van it per No., or t2t tor
the entire ranee of hi Nos.
Two Nos. are now publiehed, containing Portraits Of
Tresideut 'Taylor and lion. John C. Calhoun.
febrt Agent for Western Pennsylvania.
OLEMUEL; or, Going down lathe Cotton Field; n
new and very popular Ethiopian Song, or .ung
Chriny's Minstrels, New Vora. C01171,0F.V1 Mi en," C. Rigel, F,et, author of "Uncle Neil,""o, Seeman,"
belly sees a by S. C. Foster.
Ben bolt—toegenuine ropy; by Nelson Kneass
Spent Gently; a very popular snug-, by V. Wanace.
Indian's Prayrn by the author of "Be Kind, Are ".=
Ile Kind to the Loved Ones nt Home.
Thou butt wounded tbe spint that loved thee.
Flirtation Polka; by Strukosett
Alma Polka; by Sprees.
Carol Wahl; by Professor Rehboek.
Aliquippa Want; "
Atalanta Walt:: • " Klemm.
La Plane de Perla.' Grand Walt.; by Ottioumw.
'The wild flatware soon will shed their bloom; from
the opera of Lucia de Lammermoor.
Carina, or May Day in the Olden Time; by C. E.
EssyrViitiatiens to "The Last Row of Bummer," by
Th. Art (lone; 1.11311 r from the °pentad Amelia.
The Grovesiod Blarney; from Belhaven.
Ida the Mob° on the Lake ielleaming.
A Mee (rout Me Waves; deeps by U. Glover.
.leyitiot-We've To
bloke me tee gaudy Chaplet; from Luetetia Borgia.
Low Braked Car.
Dearest Mae; with ern variations (or be/Deems:
Bonaparte's firlire.
We are Happy and Free.
Fashion Polka; by J. 11. Hewitt.
Hecht end for sale by JOHN H. PIF.LLOR,
AV= No. 81 Wood lUnet.
N. IL—A large Mork of new PIANOS, to missive this
Olaetw Ragaxisie wad the Owlish
quarterly Review'.
VIZ: Tux
moanQ AtOti ILL.Y Renew;
Tux Forwn Raman,
Tu. down Limo" Rummy;
Tux Wmummraa Ramo , :
And—likummeooo'sr.l2(llC TE1441"IIIIIII ilanammx
For any one of de four Review., RION per annum.
For Ulackyrood and Me 4 "mews IROU
Payment. to be made in all ease, in advance.
PuLLrhed mmultaneouvry is New York and
burgh; Ohre, GI Wood aired.
ID-I.llwkwooil utd kidanburgh Review forianini , 7
are now ready.
Great Arrival at Now 'Goods.
allb.ribell are now prepared to otter Pill
greater Inducements to putehpers or Dry Goods.
Teelr establirhed low wires lad imuiense IleCtlpt 01
Good., (haying received over 101 paeltages of mew
and &gosh& goods,) comprise in pant
dor. French Wrought Cotton. and Capes;
1G pa Rich Mess :Max;
Wu pa Alparena ; trout 131 to to Crate pet yard:
5 • breathe 111.anis, front 10 10 Ze P. , yard;
. Mnnoo.n I•nats, all Pyles.
3 Mourning •• from 10 to 010 per yard;
10 •• (Anglian., rood rifles, Isle per yard.
Shearing., Shounua, and Hos...keeping Goods, in
peat ...tem., all in which will's, offered at extreme
ly to price•, at
fel& A A MASAI& & CAS, GO M•Tkat al
IrPnvoF;V:Zll;',.: And we ench Carpet
of Zps " ;1:
graul enrpna Al.—Vine Ingrain, irlarnlk we o ff er to
parrt.,:s ehaap as any eastern Imam
SAVED UFA LlFO—Saar.' Vermitogn Ix tie gni
Laminas, Va., January 20,1849.
Ms 7 , M. Wean—Dear :Fir, 'the rill of Sellers'
Verunfuge 1 bought from you r some tiont mot; brought
from my girl Ire yea:s obi. the unourshing namber of
ire hundred worms I believe elm would have lived
a very short mem. 1105 for thla medicine-
Prepitreel and sold by It. E. ttELLEKEI, 57 Wood sr,
odd Alen by Druggist. geuendly in the two eines:
tau% • •
Thomas Parklasoa,_
w i critsr• o t , ND a yc n UFA4TUßFf . l.oc. ,
ilnw Ca= i n ' nd Isms tirrk; arrn a t
of Ferry and P.M Wee. • •
THE entisrellier, having parthesod the Factory of
Junes Patterson, Jr, located at the above stead,
would respectfolli inform his friends and the pablie
that he is prepared to fill any seers in his line, on the
ust' reasonable ten. Mid witit dispatel, nail Ina
tool gratefal for their pat ms
HAVING thapnerd — of r . estatdiohnundVdt.
Tian... rat k MI., I tate the hbetal tob..t
Go hits the patronage of noylrinadd.nd the publ.,
Iteltut tonfoletu that any layors conk-MA-Ann be
promptly attended ok
JAMES pArretaoN, Ir.
Pittsburg It, Jas. t,