,_-.•,--.4;.6--..;:,-,.-,7l'i-,,,:-.k-i..7,-.',:i'.i1:7,7-,z..T-1Z:?,4-7;';;'4 ~-,.:i,.,;,..-,',-..?':;.,;._.:;,.,,,TL._..,::,4:!-,i.:-.;,:.'::,,,.77:•y.::-•:.t;-:::,:---:;,:::.:•.z:,:,_.:-::.,,r:,::.:;;,,,..:.-:,,,,::::.1f:.:..:.....-,--,:i;:i.-:.-.,, THE PI ;BIP4I-11.0AKTIE PUR SHED IlYINVIIITeXg•O ••;- • • • • PITT 10 BU -prampilvir AcrI44IIO,,rMAILONOOM. Mer Anus are etsraestly requested to nano In 4,3,.....4Z..11141011,0111 a!fgenll4-ree sadaarlatte.irribedaves p r eetieette me e nierments not weaned fora b e d intowi be etarged um:tiered red oat , , ,-.-- IMBED Nifir PAGE FOR LOCAL' MAT Oran v..-T - c. ~ - ~. .•72LEITUFHICNISW. 4 , .lgi.' ' r; : ' ,.':!: 7 .: *nag ital. a...ft_ .1 us.. , ;,:, ity-Tbe. members of dm Whig B. Central Cow - ' alittme are requested to assemble at II rriaborg, an the .- , 1211, of Mack lat. Ponetnal *mad I. elipnestli , • .- attlaared. H. hiehllCll Chairman. Gin: IL Has; Beer. • - ' Thegmggeslions of our coneopondent "C. a are irottliy of attention, and we should liko to sae a - :: 'them' untied 'cat Who will move in the met '', '.' ter 1 'We observe It announced, in the Presbyterian Advocate, that the Rev. Wm. Speer, son .et our loWasman.Dr. J. R Specr,latissionny in 'China; aboto w return home, let the purpose of rc.es• tiblishint; his health, in which event he expects to ovR RAIL ILOADB Coattacts bays been made, within a few days fox: the ciao/action of that part of the Pommy!. again gait Road, east of Pittsburgh, gad the work is to be completed thisacason. On Monday itexl,,a general meeting of the Ntockbol. don is to biheld . ln ao take . mea n afro putting th e remaining elections of the West. eia ;Division nudes - enamel immediately. The interests of conxmed imperatively demand that there shall be no delay in this matter. Prompt ness and boldness see the parents of confidence -end hope, and recent events in New York show that Pennsylvania has no time to lose. Gen. Robinson:4 the President of the Obio. and Permaylvanta &ail Road'Company, ear gone east, ...taking with labia the bonds of Pittsburgh end Al. . leeway cities, for negociation. They are coupon bonds, ind are exempted from all local taxation, !silks they will no doubt be disposed elan favor. . able terms. The recent law limiting the debt of Pittsburgh must Improve the crettaf..tha city.— As iota as this business is arrange), the line dpwirs to Peeves will bo put under contract, and It is expecili that the letting will btabont the mid. die bf April The distance is twenty five miles, and the Hie is remarkably level and straight.— • . :When the roadie done, it will be run in en hour. .• The Birmony Society, at Economy, whose lauds extend along the river for between four and five mica, have given the right of way on very favor* able le a. •• Their lands will be greatly increased and it is hoped that their. liberal example willbe imitated by others. . is believed that.the line through Columbium - anatity,will be let nbant the twenty Sills of April. One hundred thousand dollars have been atttiscrib '- • ed &that County, which will grade and bridge the • . :rood front the State • line to Salem. Fifty thous -- —. and dollar, will be needed to complete the cons . . =Mien with the Cleveland road at .Alliance" . neer. Mount Union, which will make up the cleft. - • ty • tides of the cement division of oar wet* toad. The farce now employed on our line west Plustaulti,ia about nine hundred ran, but le' • a diorttima it will be greatly increased. Thet.Patt,true to itiovoruion, is endeavoring to in. . Justin" elutrieter of the Pittsburgh iron manufactu , rari, by the eastern Paddlers. A temporary ans. petulant, enuring some inconvenience and injury, snij in this way be created, -but it will taro no permanent influence. - The iron will soon !peak for. ttielf. So far flout the eastern peddlers beinginfeiior to tbastrlkars,wa are informed that they are snpen. or. They tiro better sego:Li/Led with all the la e reforms and Improvements, they worl[ more sec t ind are gencinfiy more intelligent-- introdaction oftlicia new workmen will breoic the old . monopoly, and will give n chance to . on - equal terms,to compete for these vnlttablesdnui '.' 14sts., The . reualt will, therefore, Moat ecuildioli, be ngreatimprovement in the manufacture of irtin in our midst. The Wlleeling Bridge "Snligan.Ca. ilnlearned,yestenlay, that the Moaday Cincin nati pilef!et, frgistone Sete, met with a aerie:as ao :eident In the errata to pose the obstmetion canned by, thieWheeling Bridge, on Monday - In Lowerlig her chimneys, to enable ber to' cleat. the Bridge, some of 'be apparent give way, arid the chianneysfell on deck, breaking it down, and ,Aveidly layer* her cabins: ... : Sappily no 111F3 . were List, although the boat waselowded with pas , tengeri. This is another bcrcpg =awn, added to =new= others, of the obarnetion to the natl. gallon aimed by this Bridge. The Bridge. vfl -have heavy damages to pay, end the Striehbold• era would do well to =udder ibis rue ' • Oniss.—..The Stabs Satirist congratulates', readers that • better nate of affairs exists in the • Ohio Legislature. It sayr—rThe celebrated Orii-1 cionati =weed election ease hae been disposed of. ' Low and order hive triumphed ovei lento and mob rule. The patty sad men that vowed opPcsitloir b Broadwell, to the “bitter end° leave been compelled to glee way, and perils the l'aw to be vindieatid.' -Mr.. Johnson has kayo to • return 'to the shades of private life, *id 'Mr. Broaden 13 the Senator from the first •Dirtrik of fantftoo Catnip.. Thbye a great Unapt.," - ..Sour= or • Locuarivz Bonaa.—The boil. :et of the loccorialliei of the 12 o'clock tine, be tween Thibulelphla and Now Yoe k, exploded on .rsiclay but, killing two of the engineers, and fem. Vesely wounding the (annum and breakmm t who . am not expected to saivire. The explosion act , a abed, a bun, and a sloop on fire. Tho engine aew one, known as ono 'of the eight loot driven, and wu bat in - • For the Patufasrgi Gtf tate, 'tlTaafilagton 'Monument. Iperealve that different . puts of do eceintry ate &nava* Web of Etpae for this great !true if:3llo=l,f do pot pemeivetimt the coutrihutions_ ate Mailed to entire States. It hai, therefme, - 'counted to me that there ieiMput of this union, Midi* could with mop, propriety elaim to be rep . resented he the monument than sumo portions of • Western ' Pennsylvania. Say, foe inztance, - Friolittekil Field, or Fort Necesaity, or Franklin, 1 , *awl _Washington first met in necotiation . the gents of that Govaiiiment, with whose army, he, • Tarter of a century later, anteceded be estab lishing the Independence of this country, by the • capture of Lard Cornwallisind his forces. • Washington's services here, wet"? none. of ' severe Utah and reverses!, of fatigue, czpestue, • .a. privarkina, and it has been 'remarked; that the difficulties he encountered here, to early life; Aimed an ailmirable school, to prepare him for the keg and arduous straggle of our rovolition. &rely, than; there mast-be manifest propriety in . placing a block from Washington'a grest:ilig •idiot nos in Washington's monument. Virgin, fa having given him birth, claims him'as More Virginian; but Western Pennsylvania, having fin. • labial his schooling, we think we hero a pretty loge kite:satin him. • Alettlag In raver of the Union. • Diaaaws EDT/DU—Treason online abroad in the lani—threutentor the deetrirclion of all that has beard:lre beat held dear to American frocirman. _ ' &trend 'meetings have been held to preacitagelast Intl the citizens of Allegheny courity be be hind in their attaciment to the Union I Shall her ettioreareinain unmoved when traitors are abroad both Jo awl out, of Congress' No! no! I hose too high as opinion of the Intelligence and pat ' &Liam erfliee citizens to think' an Bat tie° is • . she, as well as the whole Union, . should rpm out, u one man, and Imam down traitors and their sinister wbemes. - Aa one having no end to anbservo but the fr.ter estoof his oldie bod,the writer would suggest that . a mann of the discos be held, wlthoot lion of party or creed, to exprozs, hr Wa ry lan. guar, their attachment to the Union; and the compromises of the CoostNition. Let nine mid ' : Ands or bolter oo .this oceseion.. Hz that is net arcs, at thin hour of necil,'ls against no, no hist ‘- r What his pTorestioas may be. . r ! .A,„a , to cunning, politic:zoo let . me aay—be curial bow yen act, at Ibis time, for It , may be, die dark Hoed, which - now rest upon th e ,Teenphter Melly hive been divsipttell, 'tan the 'fright inn of Fre:admit shines , ont again 1.4013 d. i • rrecesti; Pz4-.w.bF,!9c? this .11.4itcrich and everitittig shame sit titockbts ott your pima." UNION 'i l i'i - :; , ::iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiwrik: 7 - - - Pit."4r.ndeitigoutnt,rlisthiuth ram - 3.•.;., - , :7.llAicuOves!:. 14./012,35:50. 'Who 410tiiii,taasj, bti tiaigi, trats.2"ll.l Wm-r.,l*tr...o...9RPivlncr,s,,tsprts4,n,..bill, te.seenll.lbq.i rmarriige contract between Males and his wife,' late of Allegheny county. • Mt. Putletter,frincirkescommiuce an Eltt c.ti°° .• ' reported the ce i bill for l, enotinuan and regidation of common. SelOots, 'Which was made the fleet order of the day ikor this day week. - .I me,.Evans, from the Ciim i iiittee on Corpora. .t ont;, reported a bill to incorporate the Borough of ' listown into a city. -' ' Mt. taker. from th e pionomittee on Internal' prove. cats, reported a i ial, a 'EctppleMent to fLaw the act iO.lncorporatna company to improve the • 'Youghiogheny River: Mr./Biller. obtained ieave to withdraw the pe !Aloft-and documents of. Jane Myers, the widow ors wilier of the Indian Ware, and a pensioner.' Mi.Lecituird road, in hie place, a bill to restrain the sale of intoxicating honors to taverns and Other houses of pifolia entertainment. , On motion of hir.Conynghom, the bill in relation Ito the collateral inheritnnch tax woo taken up in Coctimittee of the Whole, Mr. Espcy in the Chair, and passed through.fust, second, and final reading. • The bill for tho relief of the sureties of Robert Moody, late collector of tolls at.Northamberland, was then taken np, and after a long debate, nega tived--yeas 19, nays 59. - In t he i Senste;Mr. Mulenberg read in hit place, a aupplament withe act relating to proceedings in 1 the Orphans' Courts, and (dr other purposes. On motion of Mr.'Packet, the bill to annul the montage contract between Oliver Elliott and Joho i Ain his wife, was taken' up, and passed final rending. • i ' The remainder of the day was consumed in the discussion of the bill, the autoanco of which I sent you a few days ago, ''a 'supplement to an act concerning divorces" Before - the final vote was 1 taken, the beta of one havitig arrived the Senate ad)onnted. .. Mr. Dwain called my lineation, this morning, to i a very gross inaccuracy ,In one of my letters of bar mere days age, in reference to a petition pre- tented by him in reference to tilling up a portion 1 of the canal, and the .constraction of a sewer in your city. The following is a corrected copy : pi l l ~ the title of the petition so really presented:— i "From a Committee of the Councils of the city of Pittaburnh,praying that mid city may be anther iced to fill np that portion of the canal lying he. I tureen Seventh street, in said city, and the Mon. ongabctst River, and the maveraion of a portion of the same into a sewer?' . There in difficulty, sometimes, in catching tbo words of Senators. Hence the tuiautke alluded to. COBDEN. FROM NEW YORK. Correspondence of the Pirthbargh Carom. Now You., March 2, lea. Thera Is little of Interest to record at the close. blithe week, which Joules the city it the midst or mete than the usual press of business. Oar fide walks are blockaded with dry goods, and obi ho- isle absolutely crammed with the country mer chants quartered upon the complaisant landlords. A taiga amount of goods are waning the opening of the Pennsylrivie Canals, which will, usual, reap a month's harvest while our more coldly sit uated "ditch " remain* quiescent. As usual, cur merchente have been obliged to make an allow ante open these early sold Ifoodaralilacielai tv PST their transportation to Philadelphia, end thus keep the trade from Philadelphia. This, however, time will cure, in crinneetlon with nil roads, which will make dry goods independent of the serious, end saleable the.year round. the alarm /beat =dere, among the emigrents et Ward's island, proics to have been premature- An =nomination has been made by a " Cmanais soner" of the 'Gimlet and 'Enquirer, (after the plan of the London Chronicle) and the report is general health; not only so far as cholera is =o mitted, but in movet to ether diseases. home cases of thOlerahivccieenthed, but not one orig- hated on bard an American ship, or bet been fetal to an American. - Oar city is cleaner than usual, and thn epprouti of warm weather need cause no (car Of the •raturn or development of dyne!". A Whig piper, called Ac "News: gave up tho ghost this week, after a very brief existence., in which It acremplished nothing but the deple tion of its manager's pockets tette extent of eight thousand dollars in hard money. The people who made this nestspaPeimperiment had nothing but ; money, and, of conote, won came to the bottom of basin Mis thin which every iihipal - Alaher knows none is More dependant topin a knowledge of less craft, combined, 'to be • tiore, with capital. An inveatigniion is now inpropess, of the too' end Mate cf the iteaseer Rhode 4lmod, reported, es you are well aware, Mt:tide:id: at ma, His story is not; very connected, modisi is tot genera •1 sly beliciud that she memo* lthe tu'it fair Trila. oer. She wee not, to nice going ship, bur woo stauncher' than many tooth that have I rounded the horrtisafely. Suspicions are strongly in avtir of piracy, and the.socend mate will not goon - escape the obaerratimit of the authonticc. An "Ant Wilnicit Portia° . Democratic Meet- ing is called at Tathritany Hall, to nigh; and an other row may lot reasonably expected. Tito Hunkers" cannot thus cavalierly get rid of.i their old Mende, theßomburncre, who have hard heads lad knuckles, and Will be heard. The i.Btunnsa" have not beet ieViied, but they will attehil, and New York city will not give much aid and comfort to mimicry. •• A "Land Hokum" Meeting was held last night, and a sainted meeting it proved to be. Lewin; in Aver of tette snit of - reform, lathe &visitant of the nubile ;lands; were reeeivekfrom Senators Webate.r, Cam, Seward, and Houston, and Bishop Hughes. The pith of the resolutions adopted lien In the first one, which sayS: "That k is the duty .or Congress tepees such a law as shell he Bailer preclude the purchnte tir title to the public lands of the Halted State% by a non resident, and that this domain be resorted for the frce and exelu. sive use of actual, settlars.only, to limited quasi. Utica." No one who looks; upon this subject In a proper light can relies, bus assent to a meat= like this, which would, in the long run, be Mite advantageout to the tovernment than the inttan taneous; sale of every nese cf the public domain, at awe maximum rate of them:di:tem! land.. • • In taarketti 'not ninth change. Anita arc am changed. Colton ha firm, at the recent redaction, with a fair anoccint of sales for export. All kinds of northern Floor are Annoind in fair home des caned, but southern fa In poor requmt. Grain ie without change, except Cora, which ells higher In coesequenceofiffiort present supply. Barrelled provisions hate not changed in price sufficient to make quotations necessary. Lard Nu for prime. Cheese fa wanted s t n 610 b ; Feathers arewanted at Mr.; Whiskey. heaper, and 2110. is the top of the market. In Metals, no change, or tales of consequence. . C. I MATH room prekrroirtiviVer. — The Philade!. Generic .Iphia Son relates site following distressing case:— A day or two since no accompliehed puma lady of this city, who was admired by a wide spread circle of friends. died from the. rupture of a blond enrol, adored by cirenconaoces almost indescribably peinfuL It appears that • voting gentlemen (a widower) had been paying his ad. themed to bet for reveral months, and finally the day was set sprat when the nuptial ceremony was to take plate. It appears, however, that the widower had promised hie first wife, on her death bed, that he never would get married emtin ; but when time had • withed hie feelings 'carmen:tint I upon SO painful an a illeition ae her death, be for. got his vow, fell In love with the young lady, and went so lay se to area up., a final engagement with her. On redaction, the‘eath of his wife and the sacred vow be bad ado, 'lashed on hi s memory. Accordingly, with feelings best known to himself, he wrote a letter setting forth the facts, and expressed his determination not to comply wi th the migegcroent which ho had made with 100 100 i the young lady in question. She received the leo 200 imissive, cefelly perused it, read it over and • --.- t ever again ar ; horror chilled tier frame, she sad.. Total 52 00 02010 I deftly became' raving crony, and, alter living a f e fur only three hourdi soar the receipt of "The Syrecuao plank road cost, Goa single mirk S feet wide, 51,M197 per talc—hemlock plank the letter, she bunt a main blood geese, pad at $5 20 Ma. per hl. Upon the Bret! eight miles • of this toad, the toles during the two firecycarr, ThO Easton, Md., Star in Tuesday telatee the ending July, ISI9, amounted to 512,000, and the following incident: expense , for safeties and repairs to 51,500; I.v- ft oppress that's young man, who resided in lag $ll,OOO for dirge.. sad ~,hmiew,g, This ! F.aston a tow years ego, by the name Of F-- amooel of tro.Y.I sad worn theplanks olio-lees. and relier Words removed to the village of .A nether inch could tarworn down 10,f0tE a re• „. w mi t, I r on, o became enamored al's newal would be ilecesswy, and the road would in the r,eightarbood, th e daughter of then. have earned 522,500, above expense', or I •- widow. CL.---, to whom he ellerwarda Isdestme F. 52550 per lade." fengaged lobe untried, but Irmo opposition on the r, -The road from' Pittsburgh to Turtle Creek is to 'pan of the parcrits- - both of whom were then le a double track, or rather two tracks, each Oft. j living—°r "mooron other cause, the COISILLImIathert of ?L e , eptighied vows" was deferred. Thus wtde h ' ml " l ;netters ...a aid a few weeks agoi when the' lumber $5 50 per AL, SStO, or . 51760 for doable sviiy mother Rent the confiding and unsuspecting Wack, Isyiug and .ehaMne,the road ai the highest daughter on a short visit to and . during drovei lowain iambic Style in rata of $1 per red , over no old toed $320.- Gate her F ° 6 .• j company wilo an ten 4,-ongwis ken, i'm,i!!!'l4Y,lr*—E"l"er'ag and a"n n ain- I keno!!! , The netoundinte hews . her :mother's linitcriet . ,sloo per clll4—Cintitgenexis, 5100 per marriage threw the poor girl into !poems, ®d at mile, 52530 per mile, add $470 per mile fotbridg. 1 one time her If a...despaired of, lidoverpower- ing, Nealenafiding • 53,000 pee mile. The distance from rag w" the area the: tell upon her' yoong and heart. Iles mother is geld to be about the'cityline to the tacit of Tattle Creek hill is from I 45' years tillage, and has been a widowonlyabout 110 to 12 miles, the cost will be from 535,000 to ats.. months. Straugh trot/a this! ' For do Pio.Stop PLANK SWAPO. In your paper, of thc . 208 , 1 ultimo, tome extracts I are give as tratke durability, cost, and profit. al Plank Saadi. • • Irlm planking Will require per mile, Bsi3 it 5V0,--.226,120k1and the idea:ion (2)s, t o 3 ,45250 —51,690a.1n'a11159,4001., or say 160,0008. board measure, shaping the road bcd, and laytng tha : aleeperv,and plaaklug, coat foot 30 cants to - SI per rod, according as the line is now, or old bed; • end the *On easy' or bard to work. Gam house, arc., eontinenciei, WWI per . Wile .850 to $l 5O . Plank: 160 hi, it to 810 per M. $640 to 81800 Swping and laying; 30ctx to 51 Far at 1' aut., gh Geu. per rod • Gde homes, per•ml!e, -Engineering gold Superintend Coatmgenciee, tx. ; 1 ~4.d` '~' 'l'a ^iT:4^,T~_c - ro" 'y 6F ~I . n TA"K,N`!C~^ f~ _TPI°, ~'J',Z ~ lf~~j s- .. .. S 26*Clils .6 01,0 m ait re:*.ii:4..iii,7 .- ,‘;Loc,11:40 .4.4 t. - ii 6fr ttO. b rum Sae been MIA as'.iiitinielli; - -: t . nt,-- .-: ..,., ii , .. l ',•iii. - O ti. ,- L - ft .. . e ... t ot act fortk in find. papeithikiso2 . o6' has subscribed itt New. Yothsio there spear., and the report's of the Boards eitisubfoo, Works in Canada, New York, and 'keen:m.lm, fully mbar' Jia4thle.4lsui sdatoutaces of, plank made, whieli. ' have been portly called thre:Firsthre• Rail Rome, for it lussibecaNemoniirmed,by experiment, that two heroes draw . two tons upon them with rare, and on a Canada Mad of 52 miles, always carried le betels of flour—en a level plank road they easily drew fratior fire tons. "Bat the Pzmuliar advantage to the community, of plank mode is their continuing In perfect order ' and affording undiminished Gicildiga for travelling at all seasons of the year, whit; common roads are retained impassable by the continued rains of I autumn, the ocaasional thaws of, midwinter, or the I•hreaking up' in spring. They thus enable thee - lamer to carry his produce to market. at ma tolls, and in weather when be would otherwise be imprisoned at home, and Could not attend to his work to advantage. His Luna will therefore I be made more valuable to him, and it has accor- I I dingly been Mind that the value and price of lauds contiguous to these roads have been enhanced by I their operation to ouch a degree, as to excite tba l - ewiry and complaints of those living off theirline. ' The aloe keepers carry on no active !Irate with itheir coypury customers at a time when, were it not for these made, they would have nothing to do. It Is one of those few business arraogements by which/di parties gain, and which, therefore, in Ihe - words ofainton actually "augment the Pub- Ito wealth."—.Essraesafross Gillespie an Homle. . tizarrnsz STEOLLUIr TOO TWO Pacine.—George Law, Esq. of thin city, 1115:., learn by Telegraph from Baltuitore, bee , purchased the' new steam ship Republic, which has been ruantog on a pac ket between Baltimore nod Charleston. She is represented oa 11 fine, anbstantint vessel, befit to Baltimore a Short time since. The price paid for her, it is said,was 4175000 She lain sell tomcats ately to New York r whence she will proceed to Panama,to ran in :connection with the steamships Columbus and Isthmus, composing Mr. Law' a Line between Panama and San Franeanen, to coo. neat with hie lied en the Atlantic side—the Geer. we, Ohio, and FalCon. Messrs Rowland t& Aspinwall's Pacific line of steamships is now composed of ail, the California, Kentucky and the Union: • ; Panama,Oregon, Tennessee, Unlearn and Caro- Tie following article, from the Janos lion. On the Atteinle side, the Cherokee and spenke the sentimente of theprople of Ken- PhilltlelPhia.auneo . wlththit'llne• Messrs:Howard & Ssn's Pacfitt line consiais tacky in relation to the Nashville Convention.—" of the Sarah Sands nod Now Orleans,. the 'Ulan- Thal gallant State repudiates the trenton nod the tic line of the Emptre City end Crescent Goy. -hnitore By the first of May the line of *imitates on the Pacific Milt, will be in auccessfill operation, and • Tea Union—The very decisive vole by which theresOlithiona of Mr. Amt. - veva were 'ejected in the Senate of this Statr, on Tueulny last is a ee ry gratifying sign of the times. It will Ito semern• bored that Mr. Anderson's revolution. provided for rending delegates from Km:ducky to the Nash ville convention. Th. resolutions were danced:lig. ly mild in their tone, hot yet they recognized the necessity of auch a collimation. The vote in the Senate on laying the resolutions on the table wan an toll:tan t 26 yens, 9 nays, or nearly three to one. Disunion sentiments dad no place in Ken. tricky, tad we are glad the Legislature has given . so many unequivocal evidences during the pre:. CA.L...AC.riCiplltidtat at ibe,Bafralo Coma ' eat session of the fact that the members have no misread Advertiser, thus • clitatiat.i the population 1 tolerance for any project which, even ever so of !, „ ._ , ,„, , remotely, contemplates the breaking op of our.surt: great and glorious Union as a remedy for any ':l.. the Upper Canada population of 730.000, "ce' l fT7 64o.lib.sorort'l4oiool lhusatless fire of the alaveholdingStates lah7oooo2eocbtadlas, 3 Ot' l rtsh, have declared that they will" not saection the c.,,di,,,,,,. 800 0 Germans, . 33.000 4 , 0 , t i c .,,,,, Nashville convention. This (antis decisive against and 11,000 non deactim fourth the More than one erth the proceedince of that jeonvention; for if now, of those ..Britiatt_Gariaditins being of Amerman des when the professed object of MC convention is to ;scent, [nay beblessed with the Americans. Of the nova the Union and with it Sol:ahem righti, the Irish; folly one ball ate Catholics, who see any People of five of the alaveholding Staten rePridi -. thing but "true Britton;' and consequently the ales it, how much favor is any treasonable scheme per , ' u .,a,,i1 c ,,,, 0 d o ld country, 6,,,,im, moat he. which the convention may hatch ant likely to re-_ : song. among the 200,000 Irish Protestants, gag. cried? The pee iticiams, nullifiers, and traitors, who, liah and Scotch: Or the 1,500,000 inhabitants of for purposes of self atottanisametat PrGeeted Min the two provinces, leas thou 250.000, cr one sixth, convention folily, will be soon convinced that they ware born abroad, rind n goodly portion of these hive been miming far ahead of:public sentiment. imported when children, have grown up among That aentimene will hereafter react au them and tie. I consign them to the shades of oh`euritY, to sham Fully 200.000, or one seventh, are natives of the fate which erno.heined upon the members Ofl. UnitedSenten, or their d.oendants. The ear. ' the Hutford convention. I liestrettlere,old Tory raftree• of year revolution, The people of all sections ere very generally were exceedingly bitter spinet every thing re- resolved that the Union of the Statennhall be main- publiCan, and the children urbented moth of this ' rained. It would be trcuon to posterity to permit happy virtue, but woe has worn away the angles the precious legacy of Union „Netitch the preemie of their prcjodice., for alter all they are Amert. generation received use moat 'acted Immure from ram with no sympathicstor Europe, and the con. the dying hands of the good and * grew men •who , tined developenrent of greater•+ in the United , formed it to be shattered in its passage tram the ; 800,,,, ; h oe warmed et , e ~,,,,c , t 1., t h e 1,,,,,b, -nestle , the taton sclera on our onurit'7'n stage — I from whom they have been politically separated. The noisy and shallow declaimers and traitorsl Americana who in latter times have made Can. North and South rook. • good deal of noloe with 'dallier residence, hive cenctally looked upon ! - their Usitetena lungs it is true, while rite • mow , I thereat levies sojourners, who had no right to in. , who are heart whole on the subject of Union are !meets. in polities, - unless array- d on the side of quiet. Let the occasion arise in which the people i the government, andhence. in Lower C. arta es. anal be called on to decide whether the Union j pecially, we have toned them mostly ranked with ' shall be shattered or preserve% and such anover• , the party opposed to the extension of popular. , wbelmiag response on the aide. of wisdom, Puri.- j rights. It only required a recognition of the right edam, and common settee Will tea the heavens I of thannexatian.” by the old government party, to as has not herenikee been heard. We Meai it. i emboll.an all 'these to declare themselves eon. the people of all parties, of all ellaseti arid of ; e e,t,, all . sections, are true as steel to the Union, and will visit a stern sod withering rebuke on all ' ~,0 0t 80m_43., Man .— Tho oar... of those godly beads that have plotted its dentine. . ' - i Uniontown, Peonsylvania, gave a dinner on the lion. 17th of Janney, to the Hon. Robert S. Flenniken, a"."'""4l'''''t its N''' leek 11 :," 1 . i. ' ; 1.0 Charge d'Alfaires of the United States to Dem . • rimuttottlif's Feb. `", / . 111 ark, on the OCiagatt of Weldon to this errantry. • As I informed you by telegraph, yonriftstinguish... ed cibsen Edwin Forrest, E rg ., has presented to in a speech, tbelion.'Anerew Stewart gnve . the the Legislature a memorial oTa peculisrly . vague , , ollow;a8 s t re t c h of their great: i character, on m exceedingl7 grave subject. It la : e , „ game twenty one . twenty two years ago, nothing m 7.. 1 '" k ' ztb ' n . memorial guying far taken taken travelling among the bionnongalela hillwin the passage of a law to dissolve the marriage coo- i Greene, sad sterol a,, man Iretc t betweabi himself and wife. The memorialist ... to ,!, pi,•., ~,, L og .. ]ro use.,_ seta forth, find, Matte was horn in the nit or Phu- ! (, , i l , ;":, ,, nnr ninLog o ngnil c i r ‘ ,,,......,,, ~,,,, , t:-.F., , ...0 , edophi-°.th.. 9 ihc't M ' cb ` l s°s ' 'h resided to direet ' ille way to the t. acpulittran Ferri •" He j° B ' l4 cit y ' i t.,.,• nule ` " ' 6°"d hi'll." New Y " h ' t , mw dome his axe and said," Sir I will * mirth , in the year I,;where ha hes resided up to the , . , , ,_ ~, ~ ~. , ._ C.. . ~,,_,„ first ofDicateber, 1649, when'he renamed hist.. 1. ..... , t7,:: e c1 w Y 1 711 , ..7 1 ' n h - ~,, ,,,, ,..: :. :,,,.,...r.i li! Men. in the wiry of Poiladelphia. Second, That , he is now R resident or Philadelphia, in the State 3 . 'n' oi c h e f l wth rti o i:•.:"i' e so F o s i ! if re tp id o ' k i o m o tf i l e , o w yo rt , ei ,, d ,e r , , ,,T . uf Priiet7ivi , obr i b‘.4.1 ha. ,‘" re 1 b .,,.,.. 4 . Th e ~Y , lr . He modestly thanked - me, and promised to think, ~7"0 . 111 1 7 5 „ U " . ' ,1 1 ,,...° '. ....". L ....,h. ..4.u .4 , - --n — , ,, - ----,-,-,--- • of it, edam; he would :tat consult his mother, as ''''' `'°' "".---- ."... -- —" . tither being deadj an biaregoekint friend new st , in -Lend., England , that %tiny have lived tintetn I efinitil January I St 9 ; ttiat Mere is noticing tame '; _b 4 _, l , tt ie le a w ki h r,: e " i ton , 6 . , '*. p .ei' ...o a, o gte e ,f _t w o _i, ii . o h !, , ,.“_ rt , .cf Said maniage; that . bars,lolslled• the done, i '"`". '''"; •?'" ai . o „ kt 0 ,.„ ~,0 0, ,,,„ ;at violate bit 0t,,,,he I :tenths allutsf ards_he , ICA , in .. eto . trav e cifl . .—t• in . ! condors of hire hat to far violated that co. i 2 : 1,5 iu: c7 1 :0,,,1m r , .... ~.. 11 ,. 7. , 44 d 0 , ,, ' ' to : , p.m . .. tract, . to constrain him to appeal m the Legista. t "... tore for a divorce. Third, that he makes neap. '; lea ,oeroTi""leso:Fe,...od'oebe.treror:tylfeo joetormjoe,:rtire,r-toierue: Peativ'errieg eaten la " m P' tibdit Y °l. '" ° P"‘"" 3 I sett (Cheers. ) Ile i.... or my household fa i feelings, and tho otter impossibility of, hapyittem 1 Wea n_ . „,,,-,___ ~_ _ ~ _ , I to either party in the continuance of the mate. i . mitf.o w le Ve b7, s; ' Ato ' d ror k irev P e7 ' al ;el ' ai r' :a r in w rie “ al .. , toonir I connection - and thst hissifo h. commit- ' , ' ' sad be eligrew thrOstlier of my .. 11.19 , 0 teal crialtnel ems tooonsisteet with the dotty: . and purity of the marriage state. The. memorial I..i. v"gt b e ee." 4 . ed e. mi 6 thte iiin ni.i Patin.* in ~, ,L.:_..:-. . i. _,. MI.. is verified, in the Ronal loves,. on the 16th of Fe „ ''' "Y ' 1830 ' bcr'' Neil any, C°'''j"''a or ', Davin M. ktlcesslszt Pm:an—Yes. Deeds. _ a • terday forenoon tne moraine or Dace H. McCall L. Mn.. Gay, ~p has. D esag ,,.—Aven.eapea.. t% carriage arniih, snursiag since the 3,1 of De- dent. of the Buffalo Comir.ercial writ. asRI. i.' ne "' ber h ";"''' r"unelle•lleg to '''' . '"" e ' ne . ." , garlierry beach lie &appeared a few ,taya alter Iowa:- . . - I his late employer, Mr. Wilder, in Howley swot, "A see it stated in harm of the rapers that n pew i gave up butinces. Ile said ton friend We -day be. 'claimant to the immense mantes of “the tare Den- (ore he was towed. that he "tied Ovine , . Wive id Clarke"—forty years doad--oppo.. the pre- , tor." and he mght la. well Cep .iter—a . very tensions of Mrs. Myra Gains. Tars is a mistake. common expreasion with him. lite remains Were Tee ttneve claimant," Mrs. Barnes.the wife of en idecutied by memorised. in his wallet; haviaghia able New Orleans physicien, entered her claim mune on them, and showing that ho hod worked and protest against MS. Gains' demasid more .in Cambridge 'end Claremont. Ileahoy) 36 than twelve years ago. I know all the survlving years of age, an. .. 1 . .. hi,. H. .... a ~,.. parties in this matter. Mrs. IL is • lady elec. • Slaskspesuarin reader, and mooh *dashed by his gaol and attract'. satertor, to Not what ha some- friends for ready wit sad excellent hamar. A I times called ..a magnificent woman" She is , wad report. ants nirculamil through.' the city generally lielieved to be the daughter of Daniel ; yesterday afternoon that the ' , eras.% hail been Clarke, by a French woman to whom be was nee- identified as those ofDr. Putman. allltuenit ••• er marrieds but sue alleges, with outrot .hew of t deceased hid' on a biro 'griped ishiit.—Lauer truth, that bee mother, nowidecensed, had had a 1 Pau, Friday. : ecrtificate of her legal onion to the said Clarke. -1 It is a queer sun. The history of Daniel Clarke and his wive, or concubines, would make nn in- I wresting novel, without any embelliahment. It seriously compromises the character of SCVCIIIi families, not only in Local.. but in. Philadel. phia she Daniel Clarke emigrated to this corm. try bum Irelond in the tatter part of the last cen ttury, and settled in New Orleans, u a clerk In a , mercantile house. A few years subsenneutty he went into partnership with his employers. For. tonna were sore cosily made in those days than at present, and by his contracts with the United I Stales Governmen t, Mr. Clarke grew rich. An [ ticipating the rise i n the veld. of property in Lou- Went as soon at it should home into rho ~..... Won of the Untied Slates, Era made extensive pure . chases of land, especially in and amend Bayou , Rouge. In the meantime, he lived with two di. three women, it is believed, illicitly; bpi the Ohl. dren of two of them allege that he was privately married to their mother . In his will he makat no mention of Myra trlairtest nod leaves only a few hundred dollars to Caroline, (hm.) whom he styles his linters/ dauglher. The bulk of his property was left to Ina mother and sisters. He was said no how been concerned with Anton. Burr and Bleanerhanet in the conspiracy in wreat Louisiana from Spam, and . I have soon a pam phlet which ho published to excultutte himself from the charge. , ' 96 co 32 -4 ,?' , ""' lhoAtijoatfitii!eMtalitirg the ennetioe.of H 6 tia,:iife.ln iahlts(fielle lost no time is &cup* otilbe.Ylati to be adopted for another egi)gailit4 to•Tviia tho - deettion of Davia's Strait; Ulla eveslarvUln4a. au4,50p.a . 4 teidvitilluvialaatl, its search of Cvatain Sir John Frmakiie sad the a l& art and crew. ot. the Erebus no &Tenor, and en mevvenfei wai &snatched from the Ad mualty to Woolwich, s' .vrith ordera to Commie' 'Tfetity Eden "gerAcorli; 12 'Acct . .; and Min; •eiin vessel, Kay fur tea at tbe. abortes: notice. , The me:meager was also bearer of dispatches for Captain S'r Sohn Jilillonimnititendeat of the vie. tuntlingyard. Dept4ird, to have aeceasegv prOvis• loos ready to be cent to Woolwich and put on board of those vessels. The Acorn is, nt prevent at Chatham!, but the eau soon be brought to Woolwich and made ready for sea. The Minx is a steam vessel propelkd by the lunar, and the last trial she had when .fitted with the die , ' en eines, gave a remarkably favorable result. with a very small conatimption of fuel—au object of the greatest importance in a voyage to the arctic regloaa. . during the Summar, and theioafter wo may look for arrivals every week. Besides the above, a number .1:4 other steamers have lett this City 'on their own book," to trade in the Pacific Ocean. Their names arc, the New World, Gold Hunter, West Point, Hanford, Ku. Jura, Sob Gull, W. J. Posse, Tobago, Spii fire,. Anode Island, (ninee lost,) Chesapeake, (arrived at Panama) Senator, (now running between San Francisco tied Ssommentl cloy,) and Ann hte. IKim from New Ortetunt.—Nero York emitter. , aut.' Arruts.an ARTICLE or HINAN FootiirThe importance CI apples, at food, hoe net hitherto. been sufficiently eetbraisted is this country, nor understood. idesidrat contriboting a large trinket of sugar, mucilage. and other nowiiive, minter • in the fano at Shodrthey contain sorb a floe cowl:Una tine of tregetable: . adds, alatrscilre Sobstancen. nod aromatic princinlekwlth the IltllfitiVl melee, .A. - 10 act poiresloDy .o the capacity of rattier: anis, tonics, and eminent:the; and, when freely used at' the immune of ripener.; by rural laborers and other., they' prevent debility, strengthen di. oration, correct tbo, piarefsetive tendency of al. 1 trogenana food; avert marry, and probably mein. lain and strengthen the powers of pradootiiis lan bor. The operators of Cornwall, in England, consider 1 ripe apples pearly lui . nourwhirm as bread, Anti more to thenpottitor_i. little year 1801, a rear l of seemly. apples, instead of being converted in• 1 to eider, were told to: 'the pun?, and the laborer. annerted that they could stand their •wort eel Ink. , ed apples, without meat; whereu, a potato diet re- I quired either meat or bah: ' The French and Germans use • tipple's eaten. !lively; indeed, it la rare that they sit down, in the rural districts, withollt theta is 1101310 shape Of other, even al the best tables. The taborery and mechanics depend on them, to a very great en. tent, as en article or !nod, atuKrequently tilde on sliced apples and breed. Stewed with rice, red cabbage, carrots, or by themselves, with sugar and milk, they Mae both a pleasant and nutrition, dish—American Agricalturalut. Tao Essig Itomoorarbove tondo `tor ecnlroots to complete thole:crud front IloraelltOEle to trrke Erie, which Is the loft section of thejowl. The contracts hove been, too to rearelosible men, end the root will be cow plete4 to. Liaker - Erie,-4 hlistanee of 125 miles boor - gtrotellOOille,—in 14 months, or by Msy IE4I. 'Tber toed will be epee !between Corning • sad Hornollseille, In Septem ber, oe gre4t progreat iris made . .durlog the fine woollier of the port Exprew. , Pow= or Pamoinh—Prayer to a heaves to tim shipwrecked mariner, an Cuellar unto them that are stoking is t.e, loaves, a stair to limbs that tots ter, a wino at jewels to the poor, a security nettle rich, a healer of disease, and a gtthrilian of health. Prayer at *ace seethes the eatitiouunce :of our_ blessings, and fflesipatea the'cloid of our ealanos ties. Prayer ft an efflegiCient panoply. a treasure undtadrushest, a mice which never us exhaUsted, a sky utiobsoured by eland, aeaven• unruffled by the storm; it to the root, tl b e tcnottaio, 'arid the mother Ora amazed bleating,' I spank ant of the prayer , whick m bold, and feeble, end devoid of energy; at that which is the child . or a =trite aPra, • tue ;Offspring- of h Lord enhearted, born in a blase of sutencremble laspiratiou, and winged like lighthiug teethe eklee.' The potency of prayer bath subdued the alieagth 'Zan , . it bath broiled rho Mee of lands, hoahed auareby to mat, extinguished mars, appeased the elements, expel led demons. burst t h e 'chains of death, imploded the geed of heaven, assuaged dtbeaset. repelled frauds, rescued cities from destructieu; Abatable)* 'ed. the sue in its coarse, and encased the progress of tho thunderbolt; la a word, it bath destroyed .wgedever Is no enemy to man: I again repeat, that I Teak not oftha • prnyer eingeudercd by t4c hpsibut ofthit which meth& Irma . the 'recesses et the heart. Astureally, there in nothing MOTU rellat than prayer;.yes,there Is nothing camper. abl to It. A .monarch sewed goreiecitiif 'manta is far less innswinos than a kneciinopttp& antjenutVed and 'adorned . by couiututlinni his God. „liner ie:Oguth a ,pAitiClisge, ji;lFLiai i aegnie arc present, and at:barer. Soma a toned —when cherubim had asraploto encircle with their blaib;thanthrone — tho mammal may approach 1 with nnitensincd COXIMIDUCC, and convene with heaven's dread Bovereigni—argartalis. ~;~ IL-uvas dims - p e lead, own Prgeat. u5. , 7.a. tbe7. litlraefeel the astandhn of other physielana, and Mame palmed Dm; General use. For curia:gill /Deems of the Liver, they act with certainty and mildefirf• Ttle fn eat scan ' feel. sale .removal mf disease., unless he is welL tree Thu sliaoatinagmal; and other mammy drags and medicines of another description, the sneerer find, himself retitled of once: 'Diseases of the Liver'are very acenstoniuMit country, tad are as frightful ' m charnmer zed.) , are frequent In occurance. Are you aonbied with any , of tie numerous complaints which originate Inn diseased stare of the Liver! Purchase Dr. b/cLane's eilis, and be relieved at ones. For Bald by J.-KIDD t CO., No. a), comer of Fourth arth s lCood at., Pittsburgh. ImeAlifewlwfi e!==;3=m; . , CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Ma. 8. M. Kreat—Allow me to express to you my heartfelt thanks for the great benefit I have received firm an article called PETROLEUM. or Rocs Ott, of . vitileh . yen are the sole Proprietor. I had OCcallaa to ate it alaut the lit of January, in a violent snuck of Rheumatism, which woo very painful, flying about from place to place, accompanied with much swelling, so as to keep me in eonatant torture. I used the Pe. tiolcenti externally, a few applicatiaus of which re moved all pals,' and every symptom of the disease I ant now entirely well, and would take this accasio to recommend the Petroleum to all who nay he milder ing under the agonizing pains of • RheaMallsel or Wmur kin dred diseases. (Signed] 6111.03 near Perry House, Pittsbargh. lt,l7See general advertisement in anotbar column tebtB ' LOGAN, WILSON A. CO., 129 WOOD STREET, AIIOIIE FIFTH, 111 PORTERS OF OfIRDIVIIRE, CUTLER!, ke. Ark the attention of purchaser. to their FliE 211 SPUING STOCII, Which thoy think - will compake fovorsbl Loth in exteut CheRPGICiO. thot.of toy other house. either here or in the Firtoro edit. DR. Di PUNT, J. Decatur, Corner of Founh Deeitll:4ublr.ll febZ dkvelyT Inlyrovementii in Dentistry. DR. U. 0. STEARNS, late of poston, Is papered to Mina - beton; sod set if uxt 'rxria wet. and port. °rm.. opoa SOCtion Of AlMosphefieSelso o n ToOnticiltCCESS Itinvt[S, where the none te zOooed. Mee st re e t, 4fCe nell door to the .2day or', ofEee, Fourth Pi tiohungh. nista 70.—J. 73.1.1,Fwiden.P. H. PALM Intoutuuto Luaus no..AIL—Or opu uy J. W. 'folly WllLicot wool, N. Y., and fur gala b a A. Jayne., Nu. 70 Fourth stropt. Thu VII be d deliafu arti cle of beverage in fordlies, I and foun ponlculorly gl ior l vet roomy. Boan'a Ilamta.—An 'moray." Chocolate cocoa , tion,Aemg a norablnatiom of Caron non mawent, t ymorailog and palatable, tughly recommended part , ',holy for Invaltds. Brep.cd by W. Baker, Burch ter, Mary., and for sale by A. JAYA' FtS, . Pei 14. Wont. o. 70 Fourth rt. meta,' A QUANTITY OF OLD TYPE FOR SALE, APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. JOU2I , IIIeFADEII FORWARDING A. COMAIWSION AIERCIiANTA, Canal B.* Penn ,IreeL Yatsburetk. nitG JANDES.II2.:DAVIS & CO, PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. VP Market, .0 PA Commerce at, Philadelphia Ade... made, by either of the above,. consign• menial Produce 'n caber Ilottea toril SXCLIANOM AND BANNING 11101715 S A. WILKINS & CO., . E. CORNER OF DIAREIIT k TIIIRD STREETS GRAND CONCERT! • VOCAL AND INSTRU3IENT•L. " "i ift""r'' Vocal sod l ' itr e rt_tp " sr ` o. e r 7na THURSDAY EVENING. mArccii 7th, 1,00, Ar {VlL[[b {I.W (uwn roar.). lien occasion they - 7.4i1 - 14 , arciate:t . ny an Or of erporarea of Tor/NTT 1 . 1030 , 11; Mr. ii sad other vocal vino, and amateurs ocuranent On wb chemist DER, a talent. Among tee instraruents in tee o:cheat...are two Kettle Itrunis, pit/dining an erect never yet ecroalled In thia eity. _ Mr: SULZ.MER will hove the honor to perform on the cerebrated LLEIIM FLU IL, introduced for tee first dine iedo tt it country. Mr. LANDOIAN mitt rdso pluj on the Vielistins or iginal variation on the an "Rome, Sweet ilortisee end [ other pleccs. Tickets 50 rent.; to be had at Stet, Mune Store in Market at., at the ynnetpil nouns: end at the mnSite Lasten . ..3l:abant• Wasitod. ANO rho digAest phoc paid for same, at the Ex A obazgo 0.4 /lurking I:on'Ar A WILKINS P. CO aura Letti3l4 Erect Pia Lest. T CI T, on Thar•da6, the *A ult.. on H, d , Übe or. ...F..4enth. or Wy e etteet, a lady's 'sue CAS: CO MIEAST PIN. The fitoler will be seytably roworeed by !carte; it at thin DUO. notl-411,_ 104)LniD-44 Lasirs new 11011 T. en the 4th Slarylt, j: which the owner tan calling at the eon< of the sotolenber, and Guying fnethis 4iverlkeriebl. ntilitsUN.jarrix k 00, • • k .192 Linear St - • 11DENNETT & IMOVIER, geeenswate Mane . j) wren., have removed to ho 37 lA:war meet, L. twee. hbv-tet. end..l9oenlalitshareh. eve Im -* AO ML:SPItAIT & f , OllS' SCIDA ASII, 1•0110 g from ytemcner J J Crittendeb, and for su , by N & M MITCIIELTRIIO.I. to 0 NOlOO Lit.ertv .‘ IMI2E= F OR SALE—I 6 ohm. odds, PAlotmagh Cu Stuck. Apply at this oltim, nark ---__ . FOR SALE--36 kooks Smoked :Mott:dens WS do do llarmi mg EDWARD I.II..AZELTON TItSGAINS—Lamms Ciny haw, md ile Disco, sell: arv.7, , :tig',T4,l„.dobigkl.°,ll,7-tar. mr'''' ro4 • MURPHY & DURCHEIEI D IDl.llderlED.k. UNBLEACHED . MUALIN, bough J( before dd. advance, and venni at the old pneca no. Cast -.MCI FdOrtil and Market std. 8 .Y.P..91E EU!. - MOURNINU A LYAMAS, B eaombazine and a Is asiontucnt .z north east rner FOlatib and ME ket stotet. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD , i dto C o L r. ° co l o n liro - 11 ( jl ' octr . orralr north r•o4tl come., of VOuTth and Market at, nok MURPHY k ItURCILF/ELD The Brownsville Titter Cure Estoblithmont, UNDER TIIE CARL OF DR. C. DAELZ, fIONT s Oidl . F.l to be open for the the :cesion's; of myn a% e l its . for M , an is ' e ' efsTm " vidaTion Do7,,L ° 4,l'eriti a s!to" enables with the Success attune sir oar,' eiperience, enables Dr. Ratio to give the assurance to the pubhe that his estaislishraent shall still continuo to tent tne aircuinge of s than who may place tomaelves unde h r care. Ilan daily Intercourse between Pittsburgh and Urowstrille, with boat, stints eery items from the South and Wen. Kix teasels, two cotton sheet, three cottons, and linen for bentagaa, arc necessary to undergo the tnalletent ianasMatz Dolton pee work, payable weekly. unecdtaurnwainT Slum Saw Mill for lloot. IT voirseriber office to recta Steam New Dill, etempieto running order. Matte on the Dank o Al',when, river, within ono nine' of Tarentu •• Engine and other Lemma ate all in good order repable of doing a large business. • e Coal is convenient vs the :dill, ♦nd there is fortanto Dwelling Roose attached to the vremites Mt Is sufficiently :mammalians for the use of th ruttier wheelers enquire of the subscriber, , h4 it P tre r' {t ' aiel ' n r ture t tno r lt i. n . g;Fattn w r CaTe l' a. lie Pittsburgh. LEWIS PFTHRSON. • rents tranning Free Fres., and Allegheny (Warren) cnpy :ft. each, anti ch. sdattrtisecl 'ENNETT it BROTHER, QUEEN:M ARE MANUFACTURERS, rase segham, lam PI ttaburgh.) Pa. ehanu, Na. 37 IVatar st. deism» Muriel and Wood, Pittsburgh. WlLLconstently keep on hand a good aeon. 1, ;^.p of ?Van{ of nur own manufacture, and V. imeriorquality. Wholesale and country Afer• , chants are respectfully invited to cal land e. ',a for themselves, ae we are determined to sell : par than Weyer before been offemd to the pub- !Orders cant by tatil,secomp.led by the cash • re'reeee, 1•41 be pre;EAty2..tlend.ed_le,_nyt IllolOka•rtILA B • Pittsburgh, Match la, lean President and Mows.. or the Ceeteany for meting . Bridge over the River Monongahela, ,site Pittsburgh, le the coemy of Allegheny, have day decimal a dividend of 3 per cent. on the el Said 0141111.40, 1011E4 will be paid to the 11 , Jers or their legal representative...on sod er• JOHN THAW, Treasurer. 414 env ts uo'd, .to aniro oo reamer En. for olio by DICKEY k CO, From •t 614 4 tow II stands Not, to Rome Euphratco, for We ISAIAH DICKEY & CO trade, tin Jadgct qr . the Court of Gen" trr &mom of the .Portett, in and for Ma r . JO of les. Cos.satooo, of the township , in the county afonweel, humbly show.. trytie- 011er both provided hleLtelf with to p secononieliihon of traveler. sod $ dwelling botow, in the toentothip Rion, ways that your honors will be pletwed to license to keep Public Mott of En. a And your petitioner, as in duty bbund, We, the subionibera, citizens of ilia toornahip afore.not, do certify, pa the iliore petitioner is of good repute for honesty said temperance, and is Well provided with house rootrand convenionees for the aerMininnitailnit nod lodging of pimp. told travel. cis,lllllill.l said tavern is neeimancy. Itabrit votrow, JOller l ll Grder, Thal:Mom., B e n Dilworth, Aii.licw W. iinChanan, John Crid m e m r, d J ,, ohn , lilmikinion, thigh Brook, Plunkinton, P. From W; Deed. lIISTORICAL AND ILEYIGIOUS LECTURES. rIEV.•D. S. WELLING will lecture. in the M. FL. Munch, corner rif Smithfield and Seventh streets on Teerday and Thutsclay evenings, at 7 &clock. The Leetares are made Instrairtva and einem/Mtn; by 41 appnista Paintiture each :or which------ Cram 75 to so rou square leer, which all can see a. These pictures illustrate the country and vas en!ruin through which the Israelites travele Fr) Vt to the promised Lund. , .LlT.so4.tiance 15 cents esell tdokt; C4lllll 'dents:' Entrance on Seventh It. novae Wanted. TATANTF.II—A two or dn. V V doubln nwhas, within 4.ivares of the maxim A. goal telmot non be dag byApPlylog to : .1 , IL LLB, Libartrst. ItESS i 7.7,2:, -,, - a jutiLtir .. ...,, ~.. AIICTIOI SALE& :1 . . 4i .... iliq ' r ~,,,,„ . .. ,;),... ailigE2lBs6:-/- la es J.I. R.D, , n..411'1'0 • • H. ,. ..' PENNSYLVANICROUTZr - - . gr„,jr, Rata (.1 • Largo Suck .I,lM . ,,,gaids Tea Daily-Lintre"Exynns'Paciartbdrici.4 .1h,,--prellieliiiiiii,ldsterttisitOe'eloek, at flak Rom! Cars, the mare No.losl9arket st, between Fifth cod Libel , TO -PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Hs, will he sold, wittnttmeetve 4, ne. 1 . 34 . 1 r.r .t i1; 1 : Via the Great Central Rail goad and Penn'. Canal etc. , of umPle ea 15001 p " " las-Fir/ Beam , prouly for the city Walks whieh e ars ta rutue anon, 'F'"-Te" Tk ' ll. " ' 1.4 "/ h. ---. ' ' 4- '-'''' Ltaibitgeltarlireetlets andelhari. Sete petiole, and .; . . 986 miles Rail Road. will be continued until the whole stock is tinted. 150 .do Canal. EXCLUSIVE:LT FOIL mss T.... , outs Par (soda on all Illanums atrlloo,,, ft 10 5 .5. 5 r .„ 55 ... 1 .. 0.i .. h t if,, d i hh " fo r' Xproved ortdoreed THE P9OPRIETOS have built an additional Line .`....' er "" . 4. W -- ..'''' e,,, coati% Sheriff of meatier cow and comfortable Packets, to coneeet PEP.. • • wan the new Central Bail Road. On the opening al . 0 .. .., Jour! p iavis;Aset navigation, a packet will leave every morning at six o'clock, and every evening at . nine o'clock; -croaking the Portage Rail Road in daylight: at Jackstown take the apiendld Cars of the Can Roll Road. 910 miles to PhilepeJohla. A limited number of peHtertgery only will be earrid on thew packets,so ante Insane confers This Taste, Mr...army. speed, and comfort, te eat equalleo by •ny now in use to the Eastern Chios. Poi passage or information apply to , W. BUTCH, Menotatn lime; or to D LEECH & CO, Oa! Ratio. N. 8.-Cto the lat May next the Contrail Rail Road will be open to Huntingdon, whieh will shorten the time through several hours. • , mare . - -- .------,----- - malt INEZ2M 1850. Merchants , Transportialota Waite For the Tranaportadon 0 .. .,_ 1111:{C..... A.. fleecesßON irrilalrioll 10 71211.• itrinPlllo. 5250 natrotoax4_ _ , VIA PENNHYLVA an NIA re. CAN CANALpIng. & RAM 110 AD, Mua 'l • . TIME-I 0 Days. Rates of Freight elways'as low I 3 any other responsible Line. C A AIeANULTY &Co., Idsouriesoii. Carat Ruin, Penn at, Pittsburgh: Aueurs-R.0.9$ MORRILL & Co, Baltimore. CHARLIE'S RAYNOR, Philadelphia. IIIinCUANTS , WAY PILEIfiIIT LINE, Exclualvely for the accommodation of the WAY FREIGHT RUSIJOH44 Between Pittahargh,Johnatoaya. Heat daysburgta and all Intermedia.* alaeca Shippeys by this Line run siways depend open hat. nig their on the t: iprom anal or ptly Rail Road. at forwarded, and fair delivered at Y taint rates for fympat. JOHN MILLER, FroWirt. , Aoartva-11 H OANAN,Johnnovro, JOHN HlLLER4Holltday.borg, my* 0 A M'ANULTY yt. CO, PHOg • _ . 1850; as suoyl.orronoa or aracaizons •mesas PITISBDRGII AND PUILADELPHIA. T libk PROPRI F3ORS of We old• established and slam Yoriable lloat Loth, are 110Wfa111PmPimed in receive goods for thionsent ou opening of.thinar Having reach liicreated their fealties, their row, for storage is soave and cc nipletc. j No transhipment mites place On this Une the good. being pot Into a nation portable boats, am not disturbedi mill arrival at their destinauon,--thaa avoiding hand; et the three points of Johnstown; llollidayabarg, trim made for receiving or forwarding, or ad• arms good. fotheanled promptly, and Open as fair ae by any other Line. Oar ncighbori litm differ es to theilr'resPenisibiliiY• We have, for th last in year., been "lie Reliance an.lhave never forfeited ate title; and vim think ne have earne dthe privilege of NOW changing our to the avadarws of 'sllllRlMPOloasus Lam.. • S • JOHN !deFasiniLDElN CO, - Centel B, Pitishar JAMM4IOI'DisifIS &CO, gh. No 2dfl Market at Pbiladelptor, Morgan', Cough Syrup.- rIMIOSE who oast lidericanis Coitsh Sri. tan con. Jl. ricieniinusly recommend It.. ' From the Evening Tribune, Feb.lo, Iffid. Alososns Comm STOOP —We ea/i consesentoonsfq recommend this toulleine for eoliths, as ft hai owed • iis of a most aggravated attack. 10 le a very different affair' from the ordinary patent mullein.. tryoa have a cold ov ?reputed mot .Id. wholesale add retail. bp JOHN D. MORON, Druggist. mr3 Weal st,l door below Diamond alley. Dwelling Donee, Third, aboie Smithfield, now occupied by Itto. MO. LIN.KEVreII. Atie—For one or mote yen., some large Lobo o Ground, in the Ninth Ward, on 'and near the river, auttelh!e for L.archer Yacdv. Factureof 300:4 DARLINIZTON,or of Inrfi.tf U. DARLINGTON, Fourth Bt. To Plato. Cremn, Shwa. or VP('/ ANTED,' an encsamment a. condemn , or mum. ' r • get, in an establishment in nay of .the above branches, by one mho perfectly understandi the Wide In all Its brandies, with all its latest iMprovemnerna. having had fourteen ysams capmence in one ssf the lammt manalamones In England. Can have ut an , excepunnable character from his present employers, and has • knowlesge of the French Letters, poet paw, ea Mr Gem: Archbold, Dement Dank, Smethsrick, near Dinntogharn, England• nets gle Dridasburg Machina Bleumfaetorys THE subscriber Informs his friends and the public. that at his extensive estabdatunem, (culpable of employing from ewe to Woo hundred woillmen, and where he always keeps a bane number of the best macklinst• engasedo he is prepared to estimate, ix the be...manner, and with areal desphicts, all orders for MILL WORK and COTTON I.lld WOUI.KN MA CHINERY. of every ilasesimien.. For the workman ship and style of his Machu.", he would refer to the numerous manufacturers in the Western and Southern Stales, as well as the Middle SIMIN, sobs are Dowels. clungduns. He has recently Made great improve mews, Lodi tu the sire 6114 1:111.0s of his Machinery, si hien will he frindslied at reasonable prices by sp • plying to Insigne ALFRED JLNICe, Redestitim. Pa. • NOW NO TEA-1 , hi elicits just reed uid for sale I. min C H GRANT . CFPUN—Ei hales Batting, for isle by !mrS. C ti GRANT )I.A3blDarsbulti4--31 May .d li far ab ,ndidg e b from y mu, i JASIRS _ . _ _ N • ES-obLlUtsalztMAtibtr4c:V Yft SUGAR -50 Was prime NO, la . :mast by 5,,7 m. 5 TyUN itI V VI iglu roc'd and forlsle by • :“ CULBERTSON DU ern e -IV. tee 11410 arZ and •010 II tar; A CUltUb l itT9l l N 76 lAa iloweralds bin cf: the re! Queries &melees of the l'irwa, in !Indies. th Comity of Allegissny: TUE pration of Porn lbw:tate, of Peebles tow, ship, In thecounty tioresaidi Inn:ably sheweth, dist your petinoner ban provided himself with mole rilk for the OCCOVIIIOAULLIOO ottiarelers and others r et his dwelling boar, in the township atoresald, and prays that your LOOMS will be pleased' to grant Lou • license to keep • Public ki0240 Or Eatertiliqurelli Mut your pettunner, as in ditty bond, will pray. . Wei' the laboeribers, cittgeos a the Umtata slate. said, do ceittfy, that the above pettatisteilt of good so lute tor honuty and testpetantie, and la well provided walb •Itaime room and enasenieuties for the aeco dation nod lodging sigangers an atott. d traveler, aeolthat • . . .dl tavern a wont...try. i • Gen. 42nrr, Wm. Johnston, FL M. I ratn.John 8011. J. it Rankin. Waller /IRVIN Henry. italii, Ju. Cla That It Finley, Win. McCall, W. Wilkinv,Jk.liark FIRO3IIG REEN-6 <kw; foc isle by I KIOD4. CO PRUSSIAN BLUR-3 tans 147 ma i t icoi co VLIIMII.I.IO fox _ Davi) DINES?, WIIITE-1 nuo #ale by vorl J KIDD& CO ACKEREIr—Qr bbla No I Extra. on hand and for 171 sato by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, From at BACO X-21 bbd. to 4, o , Marb . abd for =to by Earl IsAIAII DICKEY k. CO, Croat st UF.ATIIERS-111kajast rred ind for sate by J: nitt ISAIaII 'DICKEY I CO LARCI—a3 bbln N. 11 11 hr pm. No 1; }aft rensl and fay rain by mei 111A1AH DICKIW & CO D'EANK-4 OW now Wolin sod for oohs by 13 tool 11131311 DICKEY lh CO 13 "("4-4 1VP. "" g1 . 7 ", =n; 10 " C(Od Droshok for Polo by D Vir ILL! AMR, rnr4 corner Fifth told Wood sts ENISON lIAMS--15C0 lbs. Ex us Cured. for sal b I,[mt4f J D WILLIAMS C I.O: 4 IER SEED-1 iu siora j a p utat i s , sl7 B C AN. r r-4—.4bL C'n.3 "I ' a ' rIMItiLIAMS AskiTA i — 6larsak taws rails') 1.0 arms per •AVI4CIIELTREE, ' CLOVER SEED -74 btda prime now, on hand and for want,' JOJIN WAIT .t CO, rd , Liben* =WI and instate end I\yKtil ISACON-3000 IttAt*WekTa C 1.1 for sale by tart Liberty steer ifACR tiff EL—Nos IA and 3, to bbin end hf bbl., a.l. for 010 by JOHN WATT & CO, mr.l 1 , Lawny street IMOTHY SEED-30 bbl • Mr. prime, o:T3 I for salo by 301!!, , f WATT CO,, tort , ' , Litmrty 'Mir Cr Siff TE CLTAV::-, M I S I:Toffy , . 1 i. ________ P., )HOtf lisihd.All2"-40 cot in store Iwo tor sale tor ItARNAU Ay turd • 8 & rrif 11.9M6thou prepatnibein of emelt znecit.arlien to runny of our own citizens willingly nod voluentr. Ipr canny to its curative properties. An aged and highly respected eitisen, after Using It, expressed his 21ins"woocttIta"VelPgrIn4; An Our tinily papers states in n notc— . l always keep It in my house, and would not, on any account, be tsarina, it! , An old ceuntry man my s —"I ion &Waned, iner s trial of 'three or feur lenge, that it is the hest cough medicine [have sa ve tne either In the Old or New World.. If you ha a cough,' get bottle and 16.1 t; it Costa htil mri WOIIDECIL Or worrnsas: TH,EowPt!"" Wes!diesel 14.27 4 /Via Sued, ons:dran . jnass g go r. nd TILE LARGEST SHEEP IN THE WORLD, And Qteen of all Sheep Kind! i Mammoth opeelmen gins 8 feet I. inch, endings wool on her from Lite 15 inches long._ /ler Leta tan also be :cep, being only IS months old, and wingliteg «I the, with wool (gam 10 to 17 itch. long.'. The Wool on these "there hangs ell le ,sei n A,. Nowannie. It wes wed by: the hest jodgee.,y.. o York State Fels, that then Sheep ha 80 lbs. Wool on her. Theme Sheep ens of the Seawall .Isteed, end rd by JANES BICKNELL, Ese,of Aurora, trio an tYIatIeHORNED OE ICELAND SHEEPI The onlrioniajalliifigin(t:getolytmereoz... Which in Waller then the Lamb, being only 30 itt4es I"it'l;e7:roVe2sr l'slatte'qg:l=lOrOs7et never.. ur New York, Philadelittle,sed Wµhieeton City. The Aninaels bra ban van ed by Iten Henry I.ley, and many othee plelintllaod ?Warn of Conine'', and, bale been prma ' nnend A. yeelrell Natural canonins fu'Ankanai. , • SelfsfeetionBentrented boyeed eireeretioe,oe the money selended. --. • AdonnsAce may Ladle. Free. penman dewiness ettpercluiWag pof thie:eleBj accirisoonll pleas! apply to the alibi as. , • • ..Rema cardßatF Boad Stock at Auction. Oa .Flidar avail:(. Hsieh 6th, C S o'clock. at Ma Commercial Salm Rooms, comer of Wood and WM' them., will bo sold wuboot reams, • tor csatt, Pct MI scams Stock in Bt. R. M. flak of Pittsburgh; • 17 1. • lictiango ddd do Pena. sod JOHN R. R. Me glO5 JOHN I) !AVM, Met J. amtaiiio's szwirota.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AIM STATE COMMISSIONER fo akin' g Depd- NJOnn., Acknowledgments of Deed.. AV OtEce—Ponrek sweet, above entlebneld. • and-daw A NEW AUILABIGILILICRITe W. IL MURPHY J. U. DURCRFIELD. THE Retail Dry Goods betinese heretofore conduct. byal hierPhY. NonhEeitcorner Fount. and Mar et s Pittsburgh, will hereafter he carded MURPHY .!c BURCHFIELD, Who reapectfully eoliclt a coadineauce of the calls of the old easterners of the ealabhahmeat, aud the to general. A large and carefully selected met of 600011 .all always be kept Ott hood, and ivory Le enel men! ofered m the way of low prices. N. /A—W. IL MURPHY will ormorma the Whele• . • . . . - safe bust.",a. nareofore, is the rooms Up Stain, ttar•UCC. from POzll l / 1 •1. put lIIM SPRING .GOODS • LEXAtiDER DAY, 76 Market in, North we., corner of thio Dimond, have ecantneneed tient:- Liu their .lock of spring Dry &hoods. 'rimy have opened a COOlte 1.1.011131G01 of Bilks, Linen, LASUDO, and other Drees Good, alaia—Banneta and Bonnet Ribbon., abandsonao anomie* of French Wanted ke: epieudni French Clothe,Maianneres,and2a+sc . int. Noose Furnialdni Gooda—a complete ISSORSOCIa Wa '"". !a= Mat DAY. Nark% sr, mid N W corner of the Diamond.' - A• IiAIIION di CO., • . NO. 60 Market street, are daily receiving inn . St ' desirstneGoods from the leading •mansfactorles 'of thee/sentry, and 'of do !awl lawman.. The facilities winch they enjoy, to bens connected with a house in the east, enables them to pastimes goods at the tomcat valeatlani and keep their sleek fall and do strahle at ill *cameo. They. hare lt.fitm assortment of House geepins cos,God It ',Walt they solicit the early attention of their friend. and the puDtie. - and EarIVA; Cast ***** Hose. sad Illtatigen. TI,ARLPS Cast Steel Hones and Strop. for Razors Li` and Sinaloa! Instrateents; an article sootier to tuay . tlang of the kind ofeted so the patio, both for te stoing and giving a fine and perfect edge, as well as • for tts d •ra bti ay. :The above eaa be had, and persona supplied Ia aO7 reasenablelgaanthy,at the Methodist Soak Depository, Fourth 14; t.c.reen Wood and Martel.' , 1014a1 - r• L HOPKINS. Mottee to Shippers, Omani Datil ORM' altar amid others.. • _. pIIAPTAIN SAMUEL. H. 8111THEED3," having been 1,0 appointed Inspector of StesairDosm for th e aver. si peen Insurance Cm: souk* In MU ell, slassificv non of Deals will be mad ,e ends ates of pntmlam °barged ueontingly. All shipments ander ewe Poll ak* atibsequent to sal date, .111 be scatdeeted to such noes 'and regulations as may be adopted ander inch inspection." Every infoimatlen will Jr , gimo the le apective offices. I. PINNEY, Jr. ReenimaY Western Inoarance Company. • P. A. MADEIRA, /Lop Del. M. B. Ins. C. Plalsslalphia... WM. P. JONES, AReal Ins. Co. of Nonb America • A: W. MARKEL Bee • Citizens , Pinsborsh, Much 21;1850.—1rnr4 PliglOLailitT/ON WTEREAS:thero bas recently been manifestly by - medry milplisposed persons, a Mown and di,- orderly di:pardon, and on two amoral occasions da mages. to a mraidemble <ll3oot We been done, Jla oral milts property of oar citizen., as injwy to their ponces: And whereas, The civil authority has been unable to manta to violence of melt cad disposed persons, gel render dm promerlon to the property nod persom of mu Mittens. Cuter Carta, .11 1 gb Slowiß of Allegheny Cathy, do, by virtue Of myttf dee and of the sabot* invented te ma by the (We, teqaelit all good cilium to refrain hem astemhling naMerdn the crow in ortmrda,and especial at say of the Iron or Rolling o f of Piusbergh and 'kinky, and to aid ma In presorting tho M.am. Pan= We 1rT4.111.1110t to peruilt thou ehllto + in ! the meets, or to be cipmed m soy apprehaidW Le gs I have received informatioriMl farther antrum intended to be perpetrated on the pees ms and wooer ty of ow . citizenry hereby require the Wintry lit the tides of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, tad titalsting dis tricts. to bold themselves in reedit:ma to obey my all et *moment's miming, to aid the civil .11thnty In preserV i tl y ie public_ felt'Lll4 to quell any rime. °T 6" ."" i n triff.. 11Z111=i 4 gtraU Pituaturgh, March L. • - . . . Groat - Oprtug 3:14411CMII. E r Manva.r.•Sarsapartils. • g, DOZlKref titi*wiror Dr.'"toorrourod's Bor. sairatilla. for sale`yrkoltrale and ratan. by R. K No. g 7 Woaden, gral by D. •.11.. Carry, AlirthooY • .am - • - oft DOTASII=Ip *cora sod for oda to ohm, coosiirturefird.,; - &leirli McGILLBk. HOE ILIOLASS.IO-400 Obis superior oak cooperate, .111.. SUM sad for sale try . - me:mm*4oz -Dnoome—ow weal Caro Brasess, las sale by mg • • NMI %YAWNS LI • al •...•••••••• ••••••-•...IVA•••••,-- Pffiiiiimi 'tl4sjll OAP—ICKI bz• Cita. No I, isaleby 0 ma hieOILLB &ROB DIED PEACHES, Lout, sa4 Bolter, for sale hr Pati • DieGILLS t ROE C . ovvre..—so bsis pease Rio , to wire Ws day, f. sale by L WATIMLAN it WINS, oat %Wows sad OS Frost st FLOUR-241 , 141s g r at!* btod i tag k SONS LARD -20 bblo pir N 4 0 0 11.r . . 4 by - Earl kt" l• 11•WallaMAN EON• TAR 20 bbl e N C, Wr data by ma L 8 WATERMAN & SONS • OIL-1110.4 Lard Oil, (Burkhardt & Co;) .Liasend; 17 Tanners': for ule by rad RUBY, TIASTIIEWS & CO BACON-8000 lb. geed Ilaat&SlA es, and Shoulders, (or sale by sort . RUBY, _' r AlLO—r d bbli No 11.011; IA ' , Mktg,. do do; Gar sale by nun HUEY, MATTHEWS a. CO - - sm .. Nottics s m it i te g ii . f l ige i tg rsoN, • • • mrt " "- 171 and 1.74 1.41,8117 . . Lit AI-50 6A6 for tial, • • -••- mt 2 mitztit& 9ICICEIi4II SUOJkit- 1 14 Its l i ll i ingc nia tor: lIIILLEB =lmm/ix It. am. r . ml renal tad J DD.t.no B MX SHOULDERS-40N pieces niiw Isadingand • ml • 'HARDY, HSsOI3 & CO, WWI. st • MOULU CANDLES-3C° bin now landing end for note by itoril 11 JONES & BACON --- 1 cults Blde4 • 2 .do • flamg • g, 4.11 . Shalllderg to day' tesq, far sale by ' WALLINGFORD& 0:10 &LASBES-73 bide N 0, reed osid for site §t_ ms - J C II 01/10, CLARIFIED SUGAR-10 bbis for saSsipLluNi. - 133ULK PORK-55,000 les 110/ Rcmad rebeivitor an • jll for sea by ROBERT IW-sax, utrll • Liberty et • HAMS-10 tab John T. Martin's =Krim . Raw . Cured Hams, landlar bra for tal4 by DROWN gr. RIRICPATRICK. lad 144 Liberty LOON-10 do Cincinnati Cued lloottr,• 10 do do do Stoordo 5 do d do Bides; Landing per steamer Jewels. for sale by sort BROWN a-KIRKPATRICK Uo R-30 Nln stove and tor sale loy mfl (MOWN & NIRCPATRICSIC - . moLessnac. 3o bri EL. Otouna 54.410, Landing and for tali bi mr2 • BROWN KIM?, ICO Library itre lIIITER-10 bbl, FICA ROU read and for W e try >nry . BROWN & KIRKPATRICK T A RD-60 kriro No I, IA Atm sad far Welly L. roN • BROWN KIRKPATRICK BTTER-10 bbl . prima 1011, reed and for nal. by ma 8 k W HARUAUGH Byl , l POTIE- , lp,oooths.ret;t r an 4 arillgtitwoll Ilrrk BEANS—Akw bbla fn more and for sale .by 8 {V HARBAUGH TH6 Law Partnership of Ategraw Moltsligllfirsi •thls day dissolved by mutual convent. The bft tottsbed haylofts of the.forft will receive the united'ab. tendon of both of the anderslpled. _ : t -HENRY lit: 114AGRAW, Feb; 2..18.5 0 —serT•lnt It. Me KNIGHT. • 414•Shquiontsick • • TVIIIOLUSALE DitUG(llB2B,_ comae of Mot end Wood streets, offer for ndo, on favorable term= II tibbis Whiting; 500 log , Carl. Ammonia; 10. Ido Moro; 660 do Aare:odds; 300 :de Dye Woods; 000 do Crodo Tartar; :5 do Immpblock; .600 do Lromi. Rook -do Ven. Fled; "WO do In. Moss; 8 'do Camphor; 130 do Red Precipitate; '• 10 do olio,', 130 do Calomel Jtmoo4 15.) do lOchry; 30 dO , do EOll4 10 do brimstone; OA do , }helper Leaves; el' 'do Choicer, SO' do • ithabarb Root; 3 do Chatn.Ploweria 400 do SolooP• dta t - !I cateo Ref. Borax; 200 do Good.. do; I ;3 do Caottle Spam - UM do Sal Itochealr, 13 de Prma:lao'111001 MO do acidlltz bligtork; 10 Jo Cole. Idernosia; 300 do Poled Rhablork; • 1 U do Chrome Oreen• COO do.' Slip,Elm; do do Yellow; 100 do do 'o...lLTalde• Gdo Am. W.1111011;1 0 0" do d0'11....1 no reams Sand Paper; lAA do, do Jalap; 00 La, Sioilplegroooi SOO die do ALCayenui 00 1.,. Iloula Corkso • . ROO do Stilpk. Zion m ; :Sot sop. Moohlog 2E O do- BA: Z.; F - • IrAlt lb. Cap. d*:9".llag' jI 1200 do uoihrom 'Oink IN do. Wick Miami tkio do Pink Hoot; , • 000 do .U.Ogo Peed; ; toOD do Totrey Umber Id do Co4lll.ak' 10e0 do Cream Ta...z 40 do .117 a youud q ., 500 do Tartaric Acid; GO , do_ Napo .• • 100 do U. Ural; AG As .ararmilhoLoothen. C. IntAtilta, 1081 nd Dente; 17. Aeistge i ; re. Fatter Good., flogierf. 1ab..., u 1...ie.. Wove., Thy t‘ d, combs, Etateee,easpenders, At. alto, Bath F.oey Verind,• Black and Feeley Bilk Cravee, Peeve, lieoleamt., and Linea flandkerel?lefe,agrent• eel'assoneteut, rata, &ad tem emery et me. 0110./zs' Jetert FOR FT. COUIS AND ILLINotS RIVER niakat apleradol waxier Ca liatierdan, will leave far a ore taalladlalaltara on Thiel%lan till claim , For freight at ptasage apPIT ea board. .ra 11#113TLikR Letup LLE. PACIMT. The spleidld fast astnalag : • " taaatar for k • attd all intermediate pan:a: , y. the Silt March' at , 4 o'clock, P.M. — Fo tbt 4r pasitago apply on board, or 0 a MII:IIINBFAGER. FOR NASHVILLE. smil p , TM splendid fast passeincer wk., L.. . LOYAL HANNA, Klaney, ;muter, will iellla fee 00110 and all interracthate pan, an this Y. at IO o'clock, A. Id. . Formatter •,,,,,,,,,. • apply' on bond. Vllrt . . . • • ,FOR WAIUki II FIVER. .. . ,,Tb q k sp *said siroatri CINDERELLA,. Caln.James lL Hasten, *all leave e t . re, on this eisy, the Gth Match, at 4 o'clock. P.M. . . . .. . r For freight or ;twirls 'apply on Loud, or to thars ..I NEWTON JON El, AO • • • • • FOR CINCINNATI. . Th"Pkna latlLD, Cant:. Cone; will Icaye for the Rbovs ad 11.11 la i ermnd i un llorts: on ihia . 41gZat e l t in or l.; at 4 apply op hoard. . . -----.-- - . - FOR NASHVILLE. , • • . The splendid - warner' ' , , - GENEVA, ' ' . Wilkins, MU= win leap for Cm, nu , intannedinie QOM an Satardny t - • • . • D. WiLinN3, Ag." f PI IC:INV 4 rf= ar Capt. Hatelitaanites!es (Or the above and all intinneiriate vortaan Than,. dim, the Ch Mandl, arid o'clock; £ 51. For (zombi or passage. apply.'on board.,:•luar.s EON CINCINNATI. AND LOULiVILLE. The apl 111 ueamer Capt, a merelteri will lave tor abowt sod all traumata% pram oo this day at a Welook, P. M. • ' , For (retell Or mp, opply 00 b o ard. na po l GED DIaLTENDF.RUER, Area . . FA.M7rI , O-( , 01F.orIll 'l3 - T E A' M .P A E.T. - 1. I N E ENCOURAGED bir the liberal patronage extended mall regalee and well eenduetrd Lines, the own ers of the following Ane steamers hive saran gad then Into .line between Pittabanetrayri One of the boots will poonvely leave Pittsbenth on every , . MOULT. WiDalataT, lead Fiume ~ Enmetto, ate o cloak—fell OT not MIL • - The neat boat of the Line will mast on Monday, February MIL SWAMI T. ignore, Z. Tayler•—• ••• " Alines. . u Ilaroborg••• ••-• 'larcener. Mt: Vernon.-- " IL Seam. - Fairmorot .—. 0 W. Fey freight or passage apply' to rabll-asa OEU. D. MILTENBERGER, *at - . r - REGIIII.AL suNDAy, PACKET .• .... , - , CINCINNATI, ChplithS WlLLtax J. Koviri - 2 - - This splendid boor wsa built by the owner• or.the steamer haze Newton, . and others, for the Cincinnati and Pittshurgh Packet trade, and wit commence snaking her regular trips in the Una, on SUNDAY, the 17th inst. --. FOf fre17,14 or passage apPil an board. arto ' tag . G UNDJPENBEIWEE, Agt - PITTB9UIIOII AND"-9F7IEEL/NO The splendid fest fleeing steam er bteLANF.;. W. S. CenTeril, giat=seer, Staving , eindergone- a thor ough repalra untrue hereafter ea a • , regular ~packes beSmien Pittsburgh andWheaillot„, - leasing. PiUshurgte every Monday. Wednesday and Friday tnemingei nt 9 ...Ina- Fe. freight CT IV,SnOrliT ninny On bolt/. or in —,W.B.WIIEELER,Airent Armorloam lista' (or Hayti . • rro brr—TheArniie. Hotel, on Penn street, op pooh.. the Mud Basing from the let of April neat. A 2 .1 r at this cab. • ISPOING , . THlSbeastiful. style of OATS 11'144. .teesiss& and Inn be introduced antic " arday, Muth by bIeCORD & CO, • • ' Comer Lth tc. Woods 'IIAVE this day associated with me, lc the Whale ..ll. sale 9roee,ry, Cotemtleices. w ith Forseardice busi ness, my viro,Sons,4l. N. and W. A Windup. The hostiles* is haus Will be mauled ander , hosiTle of 9.liiratartead Cora, at the o'd stand, N0t..31 Wa— ter acid ILlPreld street. . L. S. WATERILA.N.. Pitisbarsh, iLarch Lt. . • , 415. Wateniat—W.N.Wateralan•AV: /1.: Waimea. •Es WAMIZEIRLAFI 4 SORB, • rinouteaLt GROCERS, Coirtunisalun and Poe warding. Merehantq dealers la all kiadsof Pro duce& Pinsbargh Manufactured Artiste, and *gents for sale of Richmond ..d Lynelsburs plaunfactared IErE.IIOYER—WALINGIFIALEI re Co keie removed AL be Igo 43 Water et- between Weal awl Market. ACON'HANS—.:II 4 on hind and fo , 1121 1 . _by awl I IDIOM" 1. CO kin= • !WON eIDFI3-1.5 auks ea bled and for tale elt . aul• 1 DICEEVA CO,Froot at s t: w a ne. 'TEA " . 1,1 batg a tWa s cri c e o . by biz 8%, lb kurap; - .1 •r , , 1014041•Vitimv.Itirv i V •hl VIA r. ROR ,UND:—/A. roar of Money was rourur, whieb;opor. proof of Owrionhip, con be had by apptyloo to aD foILTENIIIrIitOSE, fobs • Nn'Rl From or - -WE cam. kwer IMo-61110e1M4J1414 mt viand from tommtlicrommon comignmem, and lot sn'a by , •• ' LEEjlaborky meet. TWEEDS -4 enni'firsedr, olive, bras mixed, jai& ree'd on conLinnxqnA . , (ILAN ALPINES—Iout 'ea; 4 calm Mg Alpios Caisimerca r a new artiele, Wr sprnm H LEH, Libras, at, LANIZETS,:oog . a . Gray Colilgolo; B j 1 doßias • „ do; 1 do . eoperior Hod; for solo by H LEE, Libe rt y al INan:TiNlf:Cl.titi.l.+ol.lrE.T.l:lo +AI ILOfiCO bblayarloas stiniied Alt X tale by feb2S ARAISTRO CROZkla BEIPX,MATTIIEIVEI & 8Acx.,._..0c0 lbs to day_ reel and for ludo by feloß . ARMSTRONG & CROZEW .A •I- •Z).l , Toi .NDLABEasir c e ad. PIT!! 105 i - " 16. a SoptlllOoser • -15 do • Golden Snap; • , .6 Mils 4,0 Joie rea'd saefor side by' ' (an' - RUE'? MATTLIVAII&CO .8910A.9-219 ,bbas new even. Owl ww.'d and no ea. by , .1911GV, bIATIGIMs it GO, • 97 and Y 3 Wore it IXTINDOW GIASS:-05 bxaaal.ll, for de by 11/ f ebb IitHEY, MATTHEWS k-00 50D4,4111111941kar i. rttY . V.4.4.1,./. "adfo". l"/ ' , ur ,H r , NATTifewsa-coL_ 11. 110LAS903-:-8 . 0 hhl! &min Groliat, reerir, SC"""PV:ItrDINILI, W OLASSSO9 tar asithi Cestread, for wee by_ • •. fable • .. . • JAMES LIALIELI. DLASTISR pALtr . . is- - t a bed t'arl4' • • •• • 6do Phi.kri Oa hand nof fat ude• • . , • . • BENTON itigtilllOlLWllt CO, • LL HUNCHWHOUO lIT coLC6II6I - 116iiii - iski ki.2 6 .&• ILSI3O:i & CO,a Dfarket rt LARD 6blTaid - l&N; 6 & Orem Lair, tech 1 sad for aaa fisb93 , CIIOItANT , TIODPI9II—SOtra sal an• fassaO by kr (eta .IRAUII DICKEY Zs CO I..)ALSAiI 1111.-Visnanted gandur.pr. i. ltCy fatol2l _ E U r ialaSTEoaoifirig•yr ki tb 111. fob% tg= Wain Mlll_ • nILL BOXS3-rix°lPV.--1797,,. ~• ' . In win arul for .44 W HARM • faIORICNIkrEn • S bb1r•D.111.411t11111./1.ki by• II & us , : . A.RIIISTRONO &CROZER 011ralt - Ct 0 tram molts, Wert sad, dry, ferule by -foss •• r- - - "-• SELLIERSIVNTCOI.9. IL-7 Ws jut tuthandow eby d lot sal ,• 6o.vsraa balk stoitaleriiiileTti ,T,W4--fib - , , ultare&rd ttnE . L1C . 01,170-1.51 CflbStabtiatf' E==3 IDACON•••.3 , 3oaskspncon byoonshoolders. ryiiiyed oa .e.0wyn333313, sad for solo by '•' • • • ; .WATEY,VAN, 31 Water. ynd 1C FIYWIT bTXI (.10,szEs--43kba• • •. I:l7lurroh M0b..., for ulO by .f • •. •- SY33:II3.OALEY i CO. riLOPMCBEEDZki3 aliblitotic.eor Sred, _at Dale N - -1 WA* W3l UM:I4I4W &CO. DOTTl3l.7 l lobityrebralie - tyr fetiTilo LI/ febl3l • •'-- LSYbt D a AO.l.l.f.Y CO. iniZzaPett°,4, Gtaigieus-ami Itu}ast . fso33 ; „ WICI4 k-31eCA7.1)1X3f1 - 1 3.C0N.-1133iiiii 'bung , „(.... - Ido Shad den, • very ~.napperlorntlle3B. Port istaby , 162.5 • • AYMI.IPIC:FORD CO. ,LARD -0 1 bet* /43. 1, yrnmo; rtevo yad ror ado blr : kV.% ' • ARMSTRONCY.Y. CIYOZIOt DULIC CUBA-94M1lbs Jo ot reed and tor weft by ! . „ muds - mom; fr.cßuzsra ; S ie:taiLs-4.a. Patent s..eirre townie; •for -11.-b7:-ITI16k1:161-irfrio2'-iii;:l.L,"" • Alltiar'R‘ONG;lllll7Ztß MATCHES7IU 6r ask for ••14. Di • feb4o • • 1" JOHN, 1:i MinitiAN r dio — Ms-2,1d . or Corn, la itorr Alltoast: arrEEStli bils dat w kW* • i w vu .• Soft lialena. lot Wei ary RIMY. MATTHEWS & iVd goli t talc by L birlY st 'l"'b7 R E BEI4IBB. rnoci_ nett lin • Garislirb 1. ffSTSTRONfrk CIN!ZIEIR `` . 7fAl'.l, l c"gioPiftc .b FIYIB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers