THE PITTSBII 1 1311 GAME. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO, PrTT 7011SDAY. 10:ORNING, MAMA b. 1950:, rmas- FOR Local. isAtiLits NEtVek A 4 Stan Central ecnoadtta• 44 sembern etlL Whir Stale Central Cosa• s relines ant tegiented us assemble, atliuri.bars,oa ale " Mot Karel Lim Panetaalaneadeaels Is earnestly M. !Self ICHAEL, Cblallllllll. Os. H. Ma, Seely. \ " . ,iv• •xmainsaact iballiato or two more of the .--) ... 1 ....* 111 14 Will 110 - to Work • ~..Windanstt 'me dally 'Myles OI A - ..AllaafAttllt - ' ' • 'are enthel ~s able bill ta their mills In s '.ciwitpiloYienea one of the :'' rannam, ho are anxious I ' May will be protected in i coma in • at numbers , ~..-. T sTSISS,..-Ti . r ..._ ..1r happily Petted . tam open the laws, ','eciabinstdty. Tae - Precut. tad the fat, which was gene „.., t, aims & were Under Snag. , WNW of disorder at • mom. : inagsibMed at produced this • do it Is imposallde, bowel . ' lig &Nos 'consternly, and id the same dine toehnur,onr t !•;11thi Mather talc 'minus wonsi .. ~wissican beitiosie to Preserve , ';'•amtgltf.,the city in this ewe ' .sompalted. io us by the at ;''„pearee would be to bold t take istasurei to enroll all ':.` *datilcitatas; to be SWor , ' orpollee, a condo number -',llifikand to take tams'' in . . !lla famished with arms and ammunitioe- in this ,iiEfii constant and effective Oros could be kept , till, always rtstoly . at a moment's warning, to march ~.ta..theauppression of an outbreak. Such a torte wail' be; required to be kepi up only a few . .. walks, when the danger will most probably be ',_ paled. -It would not come veil bard upon any t all parson, while It. would be lees eipensive to !thsi'litinati than any other plan. We throw out the ogre:non (or the coneider.. - illon ef ;car damns, and:hope that it, or 'soma cabisredlleacions plan, Will bis,ar r edlly adopted to ' Prelims. the ream and totAij of our citizens, whose 'rights' have been . invaded, and are • .till , lt,is of,the Very Mania importance that this tiptoes aphitehould be overawed and permanent, :It euggeesauLts Mass his, the city most greatly , infer In allitaintertets; it Will retrograde in place of advaneing;and instead of being the great man. ! .. utlietailitg elty ‘ ot the West, ' it , rill 'beeome a .. ertintkllisgmannutent of the folly and madness of '.: ittoirulikslaants., • . ,I,e oar =Ma are widely scattered, being miles 1 • , spiel, and separated by rivers, it is Impossilde for - - 'the Iltbeztlf to oppress a riot at ebort waning willtont a knee constantly under arms, and ready, a minute's notice. -He caner tell where the ''.iiitterimartniur strike. and they may bane per. . ..termed theis work of despenuton, and! dispersed ..',Vedinalre can Miserable • force, and 'Maria to the 'seem of lawless vielence. Unless soiniithlng,is 1 .-alears, then, to keep a -force constantly in • reads. 1 ,; atea, there will be no neenrirg ior life and proper ,.• sy 'ldle the strike lame • r,',flmtengthe appellatives given to the peddlers sigehave arm on herb trim the Easters States, imesnehaeptsbrott Interlopers,' "Eutembragg. rarts,"Yeeibra, ° ;!mr. Who are these isurfrgem, •grwerra end Duthie We are informed that,inal: seout . every instance, they are - Mem* ISOTX Aseri. . iliciao Who are resisting their , right come here and work, are nearly all for a:mem and very many of them have.never been oatandized. They have hitherto, wenedermarid, marl pr!et'titsefously resided the itMorineticm of Itifinaglire! born rasher from the Eastern States, end have Continued to keep sip; sort of =nom. : a Ifof the business. lt. heosrou men who have bees bat lately welcomed m our shores, to attempt to santrain American citizens from exercising their USW:able right,, in working where and when _limy please, and at such wages u they pleaie. These Writers having refusal to work at the price orsred them by the mall ownen,whlch, at the me. sesturalne of iron, is a liberal one; let them step ants and permit others to work who are glad . 15( the oltportnity. To ny Martian have the pow. ;L: ft to orsonl the mill owners to , yield to their die. tains, by errata and coercion, la to yield op erten isehro oftodividnal right tOn combination. They .lbstra a right to regime to Toot*, at the price otreied • Stilts" ehoose to do so, and there their right emit. Aiother tiny, and they encroach on the rights of • othsr.,and should be sternly resisted. For intir iga, wet ire glad these "rartiver" are coming in mood{ U. } They will nuke good citizens, and ',.. . LiZertztu citizens they have too accurate* lormiedge6f th o nights of otheriiOnd too grew a • inspect for the laws of their eeonuy ever to be band Mfrioging them. . _ The new Canard steamer Asia Irma launched e Gtesiook, gixitland, a few days before the slang of the America Amu Liverpool, and may be es. wad at Newolfork in the now et a few weeks. The-Ash 14203 feet in length, 31 hi debth of hold 21 feet, and me:mutes 2,220 teas. 'l!saarz appears by the report made tho Secretary. of the State of Now York that thorn ara artidosi of association filed his of. Ees ommtempLating the eons:motion of more than 2000 mites of Plink mad, and involving the ex pellant* of about $3,000,000 of money. • l'assr ihorrwr, ott no Mom's Cuoicr..— " 'Was . rs Long and Brother of New York have sent . tll3l- a eepy of this new arid popular rurvel.— 'An English Press sre loud In their praises, and sposkof it ss one of the best fictions of the dap. Octorr's L►ar's Boot, for March, to a little be hind the time, this month, a rare - thing with this beauttltal palladia!, whieb is looked for with so iamb Interest' by its numerous readers. The litstralkins and embellishments of this number are very tine, and its reading matter keeps op Its well *weed reputation. Thai ii#o bad canety suatensive days of spies- . . did alelghing teMsamehuseits,withoot one severe 4ttits — - civil lake) fall of snow, one natreme de. pee ot 'cold; one tweaking up of the ground, with Its attendant of mud and Auk or one nigh' when the sleigh hells have not made mimic to the bdghi spi{its swains' and maidens, bound " for woe festive gathering'. Whet merry lives they - mot tairel . bad.. sts.Coins Co —We are glad to see that it is • .. . tot theelntention of Congresa to abolish copper Cats and halt cents aro a very Sots:nil:Si 97lledidm . 01 curtsey' for the poor, and the greater tbestossreit Sn'ebestatien, the greater will be the bends iteekvsed ou paitlenlat class. A milli . ate , two of them (only • tow thousind dollus,) verliald sive the porn elaaaes;a quarter or half a Wiliest a year, perhapa'By all means let us bare hall goats. The old saw, utako care of the peeve sad the Facade twill take ease of themselves, Mai wood here as hi the old svostd. &ammo Elstmxzw.—The National Intelll - publishes the R 11101,114 letter Which, the *Oars my. WU mat , * by 6 a gentleman of the' - in the &ato of Virginia, whose , game wouldoognaiand DoiVergid attention to whet (Vnicurna) Feb. 8, 1830. ~.Tou s k what I think of the way Congress 1a going 00, and, especially, about the aegro goer' •Why, sir, as old Sato Johnson would say, rimy • • Asada lot behave worse if they' were to try ; and, ff 1 , were an 111/31ill0Biel and desired a Nam of - Wept St promote my ea/, by destroying the valour slaves themselves, I would wish the South '. eel 'southern of Congress to act precisely VS many tithe's ate doing now to lienti OftOe They are ..themselves now silently , endetintaiag the slave grtgivolYitliud the owner who does not see it at home le wanting In common tense. ' Why, sir, the people in the slave Stalea—tis eitieultv-mben't know yet what are the merits of this question. They have viewed it up to this time at halo care than a theme for stomp orators, tad that he was the smartest fellow who mold asks the most noire about U. , Thu has been per • WSW go forth to the world as ueiversidSoatti. era 'sentiment: Bat who are the slaveholdenti 4Lrei theywragWy, to the South.? Oae would sup. 'poeti; when, itt truth, and as fact, they are not Wf— se a. not Doe,hlrd—ot the rultstanual citizens ot any man of sense sue, pest that **Latter, when they see their danger— , , when th ey see their glorious Union about *to be •" - Ws tai plecui—seal not eternise into the merits tids nese& question? yes, they will; any toga alaveholder, "When your property is preteded it how, you have got all you ought to ask, and with this you most bs satisfied." It b sided, by the Intelligeneer, in a subsequent , Ines, that the writer of the letter is himself a slave Szxtedslutrit.Boar.,Tistri Sari mi Protium , "IL --Tb'i:***lo6l,6 Of the thirtY . fourtn seta 7 . 113 a 1 mdierbooks and stationery , to:be tel 4 in / 11 .iial 31 Pkia =the 15th of March, comprises two hundred :Um fourteen Minis* pages. sad braces firmness from most of the principal pub lishers and stationers inrite Union. The sale will no do 'Urger a 'fall attendance of Did- den.. ' • The sale lam commence with the stationery, 'on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th of March, and op Monday the 18th the sale of books wdlbegin with the Invoice 'efldessra. S. Anima dr Son, the well known publishers, of Hartford,' Concealer:l, to be followed by those of Mamie. G.P. Putnam and J. C. Riker, of New York; - Munroe de Francis, and Phillips, Sampson dc Co., of &CON and li..Perkins and others, of Phila delphia; and so on,aceorditts to the order, as sta• tcd in tho catalogue. \ • • Omo Currie tette name of a nereemo per jam anutisd,in Richmond, Jeffenon county. Oldo; by John' Pcirter,.Faq. It Ls a respeetable and 4:detesting \ The National Intelligences'. states Shellgtllols Le o:maple, appointed Envoy ExttUordlniry and Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic, has been unexpectedly detained in Paris, in eon sequence of the Severe and. dengeroui Ulnas of his father, and that, until his amval.. M. Bow. beaten, former Secretary of Legation, has been appoinhcd Charge d'Affaues ad smarm "m repro. sent the French Government at Washington. pi....!Boarbotilen arrived at Boston in the last 778.011 WASEIESOTON. Conespandenee ot the PituVuryth Chmtle. WAeauverroN. Feb. 28 • Mr. Walker concluded the argument in tine bridge cane to day. it sleek marked by great to search, Ingenuity, andgeneted ability. I omitted to mention, as I should base done on Monday, that in view 01 the great importance of this cause, the Court extended the time allowed by Its rulee to each °ousel, from two to three hours, so that the speeches of the five ffistingasherilawyere engaged in it have occupied !bur days of most Indeauuma talking. i perceive that wertographers were In at• tendence taking notes of all that was said, so that I have no deubt that moat of the .speeches will be reported In full. lam not informed when a de• anion may be expected. Attorney General Du. nehaeems sanguine of success, As Judge Mo. Matey, however, is absent, there may be some meter to fear an equal divisioncif opinion among the eight siding. Judges, or, what would be as bad, Reinder fora re•argament. If the bridge is to be decided a nuisance, nls important to 'litho vast interests involved, that the decision should come promptly. The affair of honor between Colonels Dina and DaViD is settled. It would appear from the mires. pondenoe published under the authority of the "friend? of the parties, that it never wu very se- Woue—but it Is well understood that whatever they may puldiah, the fact is that the affair was found a pretty difficult and trosiblaiome one, and was not settled until a good deal of negotiation had taken place. Now that the story of dissennions in the Cabinet have been exploded, new rumors itarebeen stat ed that Mr. Clayton is anxious to retire from his post. In due time, this, like its predecessor, will be found destitute of foundation, and will die and be iburotten. Mr. Bell, of.Tenneesee, btought j o a tow propo. lido° for the settlement of thealavery question to day, and supported it in the 'molt'moderate and etalesmanlate speech, after. Mr. Clay e, I have heard from the South at this amnion. -Mr. Bell proposes Ist. Admit California now with her present boundaries 2nd. Divide Tazae—make another State out of her teiritorry, to be admitted It once, and provide for the admission of a third, when the territory set apart for it shall eonuan population numb to jus tify it. aid. Purchase Gem Texas all her right to tem. tory north of latitude thirty four; and provide civ il goveniment for it, prior to the 'adiniasion of Staten. 4th. Seek in term no connect= with these ter. 'Wrist engin:nut, and other disputes growing out ofslavery. Mr. Bell argues that the revilutionsofannexation were ft campus by which we stipulated that Tex as should be at -a fame day derided Into too States. if this be so, ot, coarse the North yields note ins in consenting to the proposed division now. Beside he says, he thininfit very doubtful indeed wbether this third Suite will be • slave State,tion Hat, be emphatically . and - impresamety said, shisonll ha the last of her' ince. Bat Woe tho North, Oregon, Califontia,lisar diesieo, blia eaaa, Nebraalta, and otheif ittariated and antlevelloped regions eflbe Notch WWI sre um' expect ten more free &ilea. He theist - ore de. needy abandons the idea of the maintenance of any equildninca between the free and alive &am% ad mitting that the lattermost yield. Upon the whole. it switch me that the speech we, a very moderate and aipifteent one. vane maw vols. Co m uponderes of diet:limbo:go limits. • Firm. Yes; Feb. TA 1810. The lost Pali. meeting With which the city has been ir.itieted is one to take into consideration the authnogs of the dry goat retail clerks, who, by the present mode of doing businew, keep rather late hours at their wares. Thicall for the memw log, which was held at the Tabemacle, waggly:red by some of the respectable remileta,,but, generally, OW names were new. eieept so-far as they have been made at:iction' by being appended to flaming advertisements of " wet goods from auction."— The meeting, alio; • deal of speed:drying, pawed a resolution requesting proprietors to close at eight o'clock, this summer, and then adjourned. This -meeting is all humtmg, and, with here and there in honorable exception, there is not a shadow of doubt that the clerks are better on' behind their counters, and • more respectably employed there than in any other plate. As teethe devot ion of the =scoot the two thousand clerks, who want the erelong for intellectual improvement—it is moo.. shine. The theatres, oft,, bowling, and billiard es kens, and resorts of less doubtful benefit to the mom. ale of jolting menstreirupporied by clorks,and those who would froe them from the tyranny of late shop hours had better consider whether there is not • bondage ot vice greater than that. Sympathy ties run mad in the cue of there cleft, people who are not too busy With Granary al. Gin are specitlating upon the 'pritspem of the dis solution of the thrion,on Monday nem. Thence en! oPlaion Is rather unfivotable to the accent. plishment of such an event, and every body in Now York will be surprised when they hear the news read. Capitalists, in view of the ahrstimg crisis, are buying all the sound State and Govern. meat Stocks to be had, at an advance, on 'the lat ter, of one per cent, whiob does not 41haw much few of the detriment to be caused by the with. dessert of Senator Foote ) and other endorsers of the national debt. The "Huntington Gallery of Paintlege," on es, hitation at the Art Union Rooms, athlete ows visitors, who, by their nUention, reward the lutist most liberally. The collection bas Jut been enriched by the addition of the ”Commuruen of ~the Sick," and the Christian Prisoner," sent from New Orleans, by Mr. Robb, the most munitScant pawn of the not in the United States. A jlibel.loo has been made, by the Hudson River Rail Road people, with the Erie, by means of ■ terry, connecting the roads opposite Piermont.— Under the new arrangement, a traveller froM the Irving House can take his luggage • few amps down Chambers Street, and go from thence, by the ears, to Buffalo, with no water conveyance othpr than erasing the Hudson. The Hodson Road Is daing an Immensely profitable busmess, and the Erie, with only twenty Oar working days, has earned over one hundred (boasted dollars. Money co:Ulnae* very abundant, with the pros pect of still lower rotes of interest than thou now current, which should satisfy soy borrower. Thew Is ■ perGtiot shit or money, for tiny rewash'," h net 'cm, and the city never saw the period whom it was In a better oondition, so far as the crummy Is concerned. to moat estacles of produce them - fit a rood de pee of, activity. Athos are telling at $ Ittl, for Tots, and $6 for Pearls. Cotton, ander the 111411131- - aes news, is full I cent cheaper, with a disFewition, on the part otholdfn, to realise. Flour Is hardly to active, and price' are without change. The tumid shawl no sigtur of weakness, ezuepl In 'Miami, which Litt lade muttest. p rain kinds dull, with a mud for harm onsamptlon . only. Coffee Ls aty. In mettles; inch natty gar' and molasses, there is quite a revival 'Of bu: - nem, and 101 l :aware obtained. C. nwat fusaisucmia. forfesoonderose of the POloiofish Huuomos, Feb. 49.'1850 .. , Het. • r the Senate nor House did soy th ing 'yesterday hejoidihti . i;e - Wititition ' Or bithh - ow ports, end petitions, and the pewsge of a few pi- tate tins And the only thing to the Hanle day; Mr. McClintock. offeted a joist racked= in structing our Ileganws, and iTotAdair t g oar Rept sentatives in:comes', to use their lagnence is mewing the pusage of a law providing for an elective Indic-hay for the Gertend Onvemment The project seems to be supported by teen of In telligence. Bat it is so new to the mass of the people, that them Lino generale:Prentice afapitt• ion on the ',Alegi. Nothing else of the slightest interest to the people of your section was done in the Home to day. Indeed,wo litas of general in• threst occupies the attention of the Tingthhattio., that I gad it extremely Macult to make on a dal. ly letter The - Apportionment, Appropriation, and 'other bilheof a general chaitzter, however, most, of neoesaity, soon come op. The great contest will bo upon the Apportionment Bilk and I think hdr.Potter, of Northampton, will dud that he has greatly eierestiouded Miming* when he comes to the 'fagot WU . upon this subjeci,l have no fears whatever for the result. The Shame will malts titer 14 • ' . , lln the Senate, today, the Speaker presented the annual statement of the Mount Carbon rail road company. Mr. &Omer, a bill giving the assent of this Commonwealth to the ¬ation of a certain sot pawl by the Legislature of New Jersey, In tele tlon to the COUITUCtiOII of an aqueduct or bridge over the river Delaware. Mr. Cribb, a bill to change the Washington Volunteers, from an Infantry to an artillery com pany. _ M. Darsie, ■ bill relati se to the settlement of accounts for mileage, and iu reference to merman tile taxes. Mr. Fenton presented a communication 60T11 OLIO Nth., firm of Norris and Mahon, of Phila. delphia, in reply to the answer recently ocomeni cated by the Skate Treasurer in reply to resolu tions of inquiry previously linseed by the Senate. The communication vas read, and Mr. Ferron moved that the anal number of topics be printed • for the use of the Senate. MY. King said that he did not wide niand what right Mews Norris de Brotbem had to trouble dm Senate with their private grievances. Trap had any difficulty with Mr. Ball they could settle it with that gentleman, himself, ontaide of this Hall. It was a matter of which the Senate could take no cognizance. He hoped, therefore, that the motion to Print would not prevail. Mr. Fermi said that Mr. Bali, is his answer to the inquiries of the Senate, bad taken occasion to travel out of the record, and charge Messrs. Nor riedo Biotheys with malpractices. In Justice to these gentlemen, he hoped the Senate would agree to print the communication. Mr. king slid that these gentlemen never had any jaat curie of complaint mains: the State Tea. surer. He had understood that it had never been the practice of the Treasurer to pay these claims immediately, and It vu one of the established facts in this cue that the locomotives in question had not been delivered mote than n month, when, the demand was made open the Treasurer for payment. The charge they,had presented wand the Treasurer did not necituuOy involve a de reliction of duty on the part of that officer. Ev ery body who knows any thing whatever of the operations of the Treasury, moat know that it of. neecuarily occori that there ate en funds in the - Treasnry to meet the demands that are made opals it. It was trifling with the dignity of this body, therefore, to trouble it -with any fruiter communications on the gabfest. Mr. Walker said dui he haired thee:rotten weeld prevail, fie desired that ail the papers substaued In this case should go out to the peepl of the whole State. The State Treasurer was a citizen of Erie County, where he sustained a reputation far honesty and airbus in ill his deabep, equal to that of any MllltiPer Of this body. If there tad been any thing wrong, therefore, in his admirals truism of tivs Treasury Department. be desired bit own unaredlate eoutiteeeta, u well as the peo- E2==ll On the contrary, Bahia was nothing mom nor kw than ■ puerile conspiracy to i13j1215 the character of Mr. Bell, is he appreheaded Items, and indeed, gs all the traimony in the case proved 'it unmans. tiouably to be, he wanted thepoopio of every mu tton of the commonwealth to be eddied of that alai. The State Treasurer, be Wu atislied. bad nothing to leer from •ny eammenicatient that Web , be presented to Una body, from Ike Mesas. Nor ris,' the Canal Commissioners, or any body clse. , 7 That offleM did not shrink from the SLOW moil nation of his nondoet„lmin the day be notated the °Mee to the present time. Indeed he coniad such examination; and desired to expose every trim. =Con of the Treasury Department under Ms ads minisuation, to the full gate of the people. He desired that nothing whatever *mkt be with. held. The motion to print wan then agreed to. The following bill has passed the Rouse of Representatives, and will no doubt pals the Senate at an early day. AN ACT Car securing .tho Mlles of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and • the neighborhood thereof from dengue by gun and took Powder. Sac. I. Bo it sandaiip , Smassaed Roux cf Repreentrativet, e Cemstiestettulel J Penny!. =nu to 01148,01Assmair wet, and it u hasty moue! by theautiontyethe sew, That, from and atter the pentane of this act, it shall not be lawful for any merchant, shopkeeper, or any other per. ton or persona whatsoever, to keep, deposit, or store, any greater quantity of gunpowder than thirty ponds 'ought to any boat, uk, wore, atop, warehouse, house cellar, ar other apartment_in the cities of Pittsbargh or Allegheny, or the neigh , borboad thereof, within Ave mks of the new Court House, at any One tinge, except, In such mangier ea shall hereinafter be provided by this ant. Sec. 2. To avoid any Wary to the merchants and forwarding rut of the bounty of Allegheny, it will be lawful for them to erect a magazine 10e common use at any point, one mile out of the cities and borovets of said unsay, which *hall be well secured and superinteaded, the locarieu,con , solution, and superintendence of which shall be 'object to the approval of the lodges of tie Court of Common Plots of said County, whose orders and directions shall be strictly complied with by the person or persons erecting, superintending, or tune the eeme, and who alien be subject to all the penalties of this act for any Infraction of the orders or directions of said Conn, la the tams manner as if the said moguls° had not keen au thorized. Sm. 3. That the aforesaid quantity of gunpow der allowed to be kept within said city, or within four miles of the now Coast House aformmul, shall be deposited an a place by Itself, separate from other goods and commodities, and 'hall be secured by lock and key, or in some other safe winner. Sic. 4. That, for the purpose of supplying retail. art of gunpowder within the limits hareinbefora prescribed, LL shall and may be lawful to introduce the amens kegs well made and anfielettly tight, containing twenty live pounds nub, cariMUS en closed in round woollen or leather hap, and laid to a close terdied neurone, cart, or wagon, shall not contain at any time more than minor the before described kegs of gunpowder. Sac. 5. Thet, d any quantity of gunpowder shall be kept, deposited, scored, er introduced, within the cities of Piusborgh orAllegtrony, or any put of Allegheny carroty, nearer thatillne miles from the new Court HOnse aforesaid, except in einot• ty and mutter haul .before eat forth; er =troy to the provisions of Ibis act, the person or persons owning such gunpoWder, shall, for each and ev cry such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollen, to be sued EJ/ and recovered as the like eums are recoverable by law, to be appro. related, the one moiety for the use of the city. bos ough, or township, where the °fence shell have bran committed, and the other to the person cuing for the same, and the occupant or occupants, owner or owner. ape:petty, who knowingly std. for or allow his, her, or their, property, tenements, or premises, to be used he keeping, depositing, or aortae gunpowder, contrary to the provisions. of this earshot! be liable lathe IMMO penalty mantra. ed this section to be remora/ad end appropriated In the manner aforesaid. Sec. 6." That the United Stales anenallocated in dlieggeny County aforesaid, be and the same is hereby exempted from the operation oleo much of the provisions of rola act as would exclude the keeping, deposit, and stoma of gut powder at sold aracnid, and on the grounds thereto attached, belonging to the United States, and furthermore, mat the provisions of this ant shall cot extend to the stomps house or booms of inanatactxtrors already erected. itamataintou, Much I, 051. Much came upon to to day, like atom lion, and aalotod us wnh a tenible Matto, lo the Men of, teal oldrsabieeed,genulno northwester. It Wee with the mama difficulty Mambo members could make Melt way to the capitol against the tremendonagest that pottered down the hill and through all the avenues of the public buddlona. The proceedings of the colainltlee appednutd to censure Mr. Bill , the Slats Treasurer, for paying the interact on the public debt without • loan, ap. propriating $150,000 to the North Branch Canal, and for paying . MOM thin $500,000 of 'the pried. plc of the potato debt, since he took c►arge of the 1i""7. hillY fair drags its slow length !dung, wiihout eliciting a single fact to toe Claws agettant of Mr. Ball In auyparticolu. What the hum G continued to r !cutlet we, unless the &lei , fftillOe ate putreularly anziou ustaske the for tune of Mr-Bell by their groundless and vindic tive Perrceurion• They may kw assured it'd all their proceedings will 11ave no other effeashan to Az the Stab Treasurer, still 14CIDIV firmly in the es teem and asuldenco of the people, whose inter cos he hu en successfully guarded in the osmoti c:Med and &Dealt operukrne of the Truism du. ring the present year. The Benito, on motion of Mr. Drum, proceeded I lathe eonsideutkna of the bill entitled a further sapplement to an act concerning divorcee. which was taken op and passed second read. , ` 4,_ * - On motion of Mr. Biagi the ,Senate proceeded to thereinsldenuion of the MU exemptingthe Set• emit day Baptists from the penalties of the Sabbath law■; which was taken up and puma first and second reading. Ia theAocuse;the General Banking Rill was taken up. All the remaining sections of thebill passed through second reading. Propositions of amend. meat, made by Whip, were uniformly rejected, though very apparently beneficial to the people.— Meißefd, of Erie, offered the following, whim, was rejected. Sect. 17. That upon the inning of the charter of my Bank, hereafter Incorporated, the siockhole. era iu said bank shall deposit°, in the once of the Auditor. General of this State, State or United States Stock, equal to the amount of the capital Mock of told bank, to be held ea collateral security for the redemption of the notes tuned by said bank. The ottieetuntable features of the bill ere the fel lowing, among gross absurdities of a n leas prom. mut character. The forbidding all banks, hereof. ter chartered, to issue notes of • denomicatton li less than •1000, while all the surrounding States WOO notes Of SS 00 and less. New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Maryland, all issue small tuner; and sea currency is like water, whenever a vacu um in from the aurround lug States will rush in to Oil the place, while the law strives, by penalties and jails, to shut it au. The Imposing upon banks for paying out the notes or banks of other States, of a denomination Ims than ten dollars, of a penalty of a thousand dollars, and upon individuals, committing the /141110 efrace, • tine, not leas thin fifty dollars, and iree. prisonmeninot more than three months. The authorising the Lune of notes to three times the =Mat of capital, without any ode. I quite security for their redemption, except the firer of the jail and other penalties of the law. On the question-Of its finsl'passage in the House, the vote stood as follows: Your—Menu. Beaumont, Black, Brlndia, Gass us, March, Conynsham, Crldland, Dobbins, Dow ner, Dana, D. Erato, J. C. Evans, Fesiber . , Fin• latter, abboney, Trade, Duffey, Haldeman, Hots Rknigl4lra, Leech, Leet, M'Colloch, kreardy, blare, block, Moyers, Molloy, Muni, Nicklesee, Packet`: Porter, &hey, Rob- bens, Robinroa,Seelleld, - Sentles, Shaffner, Sirup. inin, W. e. Smnk, Sander, Steward, Stockwell Trope, Winona, Welh, Zerby, 611.Calmont,7SP; Nara—Mesius. Acker, Allison, Baker, Haldane* Bent, Biddts, Bowen, Brower, Bo Men, Como, Da ,id, Dolman, Epary, W. Evans, Ewing, Dairen, Fortner, O. H. Han, L. Hui, Jonas, Kinkead, Leonard, Lewis, Little, //Mane% lin. Miller, Niasly, O'Neil, Powell, Reid, Ruthintard, Slifer, W. Smith, Bmyanr, Steel, Walker, Williams, . . COBDEN. Dues or Loan Immurrr-Thbr distinguished writer and jute, died - at Edinburgh, on the evening of/actuary 28th, the 77th year of his age. Few men have Ailed alarger eyees at the Werra world than this gentleman. ' For a long course of years he was the Editor of the Edits. burgh Review, during which time it occupull a position in politics and literature far ahead of any .of us emenaperaries. After his retirement from ha editorial duties, he was chosen-Dean of the Factfity of - Advocates In Path and - lo 1830 was elected to Parliament, and was elevated from thence to • 'canyon the &welsh Bench. Lord defray was twice married; the second time is the year 1833, to Charlotte, daughter of Cherie. Wither, Ern, of the city of New York, sod rand niece of the celebrated John:Vince., of London, this lady has one cad, a daughter, who lamented to Willem Damson, Ewa, the protract able editor of the Edinburgh Review. The Brownsville Rag eentsins t h e proceedings of two meetings held at tlial the a h?z eg iad't simeasmihnein the - Maio of Tessa, of theraiol3rando territory. Tie meeting in Wm of SettitiAll passed resolutions oaten fora terraria! organization,. and recommended • convention, (=posed of delegates from the diikrent sections of the Wintery, to devise • providocal government, with intspended tone dons, mad their claims can be urged before Cows grecs by • delegate choice by the people. HTD11..C42/1371 6u.—The proprietors of the Baltimore Clipper are now manufacturing their ono gas. It arras a ballot light and Is produc ed at a low cow. They thus speak M it in dub .• papist CC./ and Seas—Mitch has been said reiatire to the recent discovery of Christopher F.llrown, of this city, of his Hydro-Carrion pas, of, as sonic have been pleased to call it, .Wester Gm." On or about the fast of October, 1849, on the repreeente. two of Mr. Brown, we were induced to try so ex. parbucal with Wages, by introducing it into lb. Upper Ofrioa, having an until robber bag u s pa holder. This experiment, which we fully teat. ctliar two months, proved err entirely satisfactory, that we determined to procure a ragtime iron gas omeder. This is now finished, and in full opera• than; and although a moroing paperhas elated th at "there were several In operation in thts city," we take the liberty to correct that statermeet,by miring that we are the only persons In the city who beer els superior gal in operation. The National Ho tel, in Washing= pity, has recently had put up a fixture altrular to ours, and that immense estate figment is brilliantly lit up orrery night, pelting all other lights entirely In the *bade. The great Crrecbett, of gas memory, who hats spent the best • :Sion of his life In the search of fight, and who • s ahead, acoompllsbcd wonder. In in produc tion, en the philanthropy to acknowledge 'hoe Is the great desideratum for which he has so bog la bored, and yields the palm to Brown for the great. eta drscovery of the ago. A model apparatus re now la progress of erection here, with a view of yet:teems it fa the city ofNew York far ey.bibitioa, and we bole no.donht tbst we abrill soon be able to record the foci Mot miry of the hues buildings of that great city will be illuminated , by the came Wilma light which miens firth moistly hem the odloe of the Baltimore Clipper. All Interested me Invited to call cod ass for themselves. We hope the Baltimore Clipper will inform th • public orate cost of the apparatus; ma of the gar. The high price of gas In this city, where h Gogh to bo sr cheap ar itt arty Pee In lac !Jailed Stater is a stimulant to ieek for soma other modo of oh tabling light., Nolan! Csnaumt.—The Gallowiag iesolutions, lotrodeeed by el Gov. Mombend, a 4 a mamma in Guildford enemy, North Carolina, will cam. mand attention abroad as well as at home. The Rakagh Reglmer says that they embody the .a t• titnents of a large majority of the People of North Carolina : Resolved, That the interest* of every pottiest of the Ualon, ea guarantied by the Constitution, oaeht to be respected and moat be maintained. Rasamar, That the Union of these United Slates la Indispensable to the happiness end welt.. of theAmerieen People, snd to the ..ellfirf of political. liberty to the world, and It moat be maintained Parrotvrtvaina RaititOßD.—.lle Philadelphia North American states libel the drug' of the mltree—eppointed of meeting of the atockhold era of this company, held at the ekee of last year —to solicit antraeriptlons fin the road, have thor far been highly aureetofel. It says: "Tho blanks and Insurance Companies have in moat Instances doubled their eubseriptlona. Two gentlemen of the committee hare obieured, by thee own personal application, aubecriptione amounting to more than la tenth of all'tbiat re re quired, and others have been ddivat and active. the time is epproirebiog for the adjrinrued meet log In March. If the auto naked Fir by the Die rasters—say-31.033,000—is obtained before the adjourned meeting takes place, the whole of the Western Dorielen will be put under contract at once, ma the girl) , coprietion of the Ware work will be placed beyond all peradventure." emery:ea.—The Jefferson ((n) °melte of the Bthult. has the krilowinr— The cholera has again made its appearance on the plantations on the apporito aide of the river. Mr. James Snedgnisa on hearing that one Ohio no. grow woo atta4edi immediately hurried to hie re ! lief. This Was on Sunday evening, the 2711 alt.; on the following Wednesday morning, at ntriont b ymoulr, be was suddenly wised by the disease, and by 3 o'clock ha was dead. &me Wu or eight of his names/ WO died. Mr. Warren Dent has airo, and w arn, lost some ell or seven valuable na mes, and one or two are now lying ill, of the re eoverrytif whom but alight hopes are entertained. Two or there white men have died of the disease, whose name we have not loaned. .M_Mi.VE=Ma The New Liao olStelaters between Niwerburah sad New Yotir, have covasoeaead mania.' The -ealiodid near attorney, the British Qua`l4 virp leave klaiiitiugh, for New' 'fork, oa the let of Wm. or 180'..The lolimvlsg, to the. Will of Daniel Clark, the reigned • (killer of Mn. Gaines, made in 'lBll, tinder which defendant, cold, and Wu admhted to probate:— Stets of lastiriana Pond. if Orleans, (Allot cf Pre&Ftst-4* of es judir2.4,, Ne Variant. (.9qined,)9B. PITOT3 Jodge. In the mama of Clod, Amen. I Daniel Clark, of New Orleans, do make this my !at will aid testament. /serums:. I order that all my jot debts be paid. Strowd: I leave and bequeath unto my mother, Mary Clark, now of UermantowoOn the Beale of Pennsylvania, all the estate, Whether real or pen. soca, which I may die possearmi.ort Thin* I hereby nominate and Appolnt my friends, Riehard Reif' and Beverly Chew, layemectitors, with power to settle every thing relating to'my estate. New Orleans, 20th May, 1911. (B'B=4) Dana. CLIME. No Varietur. (Signed,' Je. Error, ledge It may interest members of the Methildkt Epls• enial Church to know, says the New York Com• mended of the 28th of Feb., that slaty years ago, this day, the Rev. ;oho 'Wesley alined the cue "Deed of Declaration," which is the constitu tion, so to speak, of the Methodist Church in Ens. land. j Tux Wnincuito pupae Cue.—The arguments of the counsel engaged in thin important suit were hronght to a close on Thursday Inst. The press and others speak in terms of high commendation of the able counsel Who appeared on behalf of thin • State. We shall now await, with great satiety, the judgement of the court. The Republic soya "The motion for an injunction came on ar gument on Monday last, and was opened by Mr. Darragh, the Attorney General of Permsylvanis, end Mr. E. M. &eaten, for the complainant. Mr. A. H. Stewart and Mr. Reverdy Johnson appear ed in opposition to the motion, no the past of the Bridge Compaan sad the argument in behalf of the appUcatert was clawed by Mr. Walker. The ease has excited great Interest liom the magni tude of the interests Involved, and the character of ono of the parties, as well as from the etelnenee of the counsel engaged. It has been argued on both aides with consummate ability, and the de. Malvin of the court will be looked for With great The offerlola of blocks (or the National Wash ington Monument appear to be =drg in rapidly. We learn from the Newark Daily Advertiser that the bill providing kw the New Jersey block has been signed by the Governor of that State, and the following inscription decided on : 'To the immortal memory of George Washiag ton, the Father of his Gauntry, the founder of • hemisphere of freemen the State of New Jersey, the battle ground of that war of Independence which ho an gloriously conducted to each a alerts one issue—the State of Trenton, and of Prince ton, nod of Monmouth—Gratefully consecrated this votive atone." The Washington Ufa= state* that. during the past month of Febmasy, Mena were received at the mint of Philadelphia, ituee and ■ third was or gold from California—mating about two millions of dollar,. Duriag the week ending February 23, the Post master General established twenty am new pout offices, discontinued tern, and changed the names Wain. others In the Ides or Patents, issued at the Patent of = at Washington, fo! the week ending Febru ary 2641550, we Ind the follotking : John C. Parry, of Pittsburgh, Pa.—For maths od cf giving a rotary motion to metal in casting Chilled Rogs. Au. Hsu., LOIMLL.N.'—An au paned the See• ate of LoaieOuta on the 19th satimo (and wifi ileololeas become a law) the title of welch is as act toprovide a block of alone iev . the Wantiiegtair Monument, bele nag the toliosiing vcription: “The Stau rf Lesirienia—son Opel Joao Ganstnntsan and the Mum." Garman W. Wamstionza.—Yeaterday we Wed/ announced the access.: of our Gum) George W. Weisslnge'r, ore of the editor. and proprietors of this paper He left bemoan l'oerday of last week mad picwe/filed to Frankfirtto amend the conven tion which met them on Friday lest. On &too ' day motothg he lea Frankfort la the wage, end before reaching Shelbyville, he ems seised with oncieccie chilL He got to thin city on Satur day medical aid Was celled to. The attack wait most violent, end he struggled with rho Maas° until Monday, when, about two o'clock in the allerficoo, he was released from Me suffer ing* and "Ceased to be mortal. Mr. Vietisinger was born io Gam sit on the Cow day of Mitch 1807, and, at the time of his des arm was w it hin a lc* day. ef th e completion,. of • laity third. gear.. •earlyeg o his tutu removed erith his family to the State of Alabama, where ourlriend remained until the eighteenth year of his age, when he left home and proceeded to Leib:shin, fa this State, with n view to the completion; of his education. Fin removed to Louisville its the year 1628. and bee he punned his prole...sign as • lawyer until 1835, whoa he be came one Ur the editors end proprietor. of this paper. ' Fir that time to the period a hit &- mime, he we n his uudiaided attention to this establlatima t lie has lett a most intermits's and lovely family to mourn the fora done of the noblest men that ever adorned the marriage relation. .. • The bad tweet we are now notleing was wholly unespeeted. Last week our friend was apparent. ly 101 l of health, and this day will see his mealy Sono cons4ned to the bosom of the earth. Hn decease is ono afloat, events that appal a eon, tenuity. Sock events cause theground as which men waadj to erect ouerly leseenre. They pro. claire with Itho tonne of a thieve% the great troth of man's mortality, and every b,roto in thrilled and every naiad is shocked. Doe Mend was well known throughout this city, and thousand. were struck aghast as the most sad and sodden an. nouncemeat of hie death pawed from tie , ghbor to neighbor.=Lvaate✓b Awned. Sun • Courr.—The Boston Traveller sayt-- ..Dr. Web et's trial before the Marsh term of this Court, ram s eers the session on the sth of neat month, wit a fell bench; (ho first two weeks of Which unit occupied In the settlement of ques tions of law' alter Which thu trial of Dr. Webster will be taken up by assirrometit. This trial will probably tette place in the Supreme Court Rona. A PArLI Nesamatb—The prospectus for a new paper ;Limy up to Nebiark• Territory Ma been waned by Etta A.Clitappel, a lady pronounexd by thorn whet know, to be so sound and enceftent arruer.• The paper or to he called Ma Mountain Bugle; to bolpubliehed al Conozil Yiebras. ka Territory Ato be neutral in public., but devoted tolreform. morality, and tenaperattee. The terms aro three dollars per year in advance. Lint the Grit of Much, addreo the edirreas at Doboone, I ,we., and after that at Council Bluff.. A woman meat patron a good deal of nerve and determin ation to else e all the danger." of estahlistaun a new paper in the far of ellmesof a new Territory —no far of thtt oat morn than half of the people have heard of ill estatence. Success to you, atatert—Sandualy Clarion. P.tatoo ors us • Fions.—"A Waskington c. miponneut" thus relates • capital anecdote no floating in Washington circle,: "Yon will remember to have read a debate of ibis melon, in which the gallant Davis, of Mit a:n*lpol, in 'peaking of the pea/dile conflict of VMS betwenn the North mud the Smith, salt, In sebstebre, 'that It such 'a Mug moat come, let it begin itt the HoDolof Cciusthaa." nos reMolk was the subject of car,yertathio, In • merry company, •7fow eventap since; and someone turned to Mr. Winthrop, who was present, and said, "well, Winthrop, what will you do in,avalt a ell,e YOII, come front Boston, and can't tighil'.) . oh, said the i witty Bostonian, I can arrange that without any Wfileulty ! rig /air dr with Ilifliard " Pohlad (din a agar as nch idea. We are in fever of it decidedly. Vial. 11. Fry, Esq., late Manager of the Astor House Opera, whone judgment In musical matters Is entitled to consideration, thus speaks of the Swedish vocalist,— ..1 linvr never heard hut oue soprano, an pure, refined, Ifeautlini and poetic. It is not very ex, rgosfs4being two octaves, nil very ekong,beriug nntgunt to purely declamatory music, and is bcvs sty hdaid to the latest written Operas; but it is ea fresh as an American ruse, and sheds and show. ere apsyohological fragreeee, when hoard on the stag, . . . Sawn a the rnidway c ompanies uow Ir aue luandmee ticket,. to their pumnogers. A find claw pamaoger, may on koylug hie betel, by pay log three, pence °Mtn, have his Uto intored for the journey to tho extent of £l,OOO, payable, If he la killed. to Ma legal reprerentative—and compouga lion bar immortal injury If life In not low. A me. wed ohm paasooger may Insure in 4:500 for two penco, and a third claws £2OO for pun penny. bleeps Snm Buummenon.—Tha treasurer of MI. lend Inform. no that 529,600 have already been paid over to Meat. Brooklyn and Williams. burg subscriptions, yet to be received, will being the total up to Caere than 57 000. , About 30 wince were made widows, and the number of &Martell children will reach nearly 100. Re. iierhasimen granted to over 70 pavans, who were imiriediste sufferers by this appaling dams ter.—N. .1". Jour. Come. Partionc—The Board of Aldermen of Now York city, adjourned on Mead., evening last, out of sympathy with the great Unto]; Meeting then in &mien at Culla Garden. The Q. 13 Work, at Lancaster (Pa.) me ie epees mien.' The pipes wore filiedoa Wedlltray test, and a number of atoms, totals, and pnv le dwell- Olga are now Ut with it. Tut Bairtsu Navr.—The Board of has had under conaideratton, the pro abolishing spirit Ma:dubs the navy. AXILILICaIaI xst: Aramak—A ktbri /rota Prague Awed 18thimanary. peNtshed ir(ghst Gum, Ala "Toe difrerencn with has visa betwesto the Auatrian Government, and the Oil:bit of Wuha (neon, appears likely, to grow to open roputro.A North American basin applied to the Miamian Ambassador at Dresden, (or a paasport to go to Prague. it was refused ; mad the reply made that inttrnotions received hoot the Cabinet at yiena l , arbide to American :eit.Orta entrance iota Auso triatidorainfona." him stated on the I sathnriry off the Austrian hand's that the Axistilan GosernMent had given Ds Ambasmilirsat foYeign courts cadets to refine signing' passports of all Americans from the Unit ed States for Attetria: Aannucal Amery he Dams.-4mong the or. este from the United States; now in Paris, there is Mr:A. Gotteehalk; trim New (Means. anal . the "lion pianiet" of oil the concerts. His etimpos6 doss are =slit for, With a elf rage, Dylan the mama publishers, and paid for with great gamer pally. A Mlle Ftoger,,Creole from Wow Ors leans, also, has bes.a:vmy socoeslfal. at the Italian Opera. Shots said to be not only • wary splendid woman, but also postessea a nerybriFaut method and a slob voice. An net of the Irish , Parliament In 1184,0 n the =tient of franking, Contained the following lees- Imiva bull :--" That llama Ameanber be unable to write, ho may authorise sunder person to Lank for him, provided that on the bank or the letter franked, the member give a mitignate, nada hal Asa, of lua inability" to Write.' . 1 The priaelpal difiCrenee between tendon milk and London water, after having been anbjeatedle a careful analyvis, appears to be pretty way ns fullows:—ln theme or London water, yon expect to dad water et the bottom of the chalk' where* in th e tele of Louden milk, yon may, be Bare to Ind chalk at the bottom of the water; :I A knontiotive is Rom in cause Ot.isionstrnolion at Cambridge, lidasuchusetts, mindful wastinned to draw a passeogei tinin at the rate of fdly =llea en hour. Tux world omimedes , moo by thou access in life; nod by generol coniarti, ortecoss Is evidence or ooporiorty. , . ilizmysnystbst , Tesidon le Gentility nim. .iog witty from Vulgiuity, and afelid of being vertalienbyit. ii proves the two to be new fir , . Lord DeLIGOSL U ill; said by Loudon papers. has consented to retire.from the Beach he has so low adorned, and will be succeeded by !Lord Camp. EsitaEfillT TiLLTOIbILD.—Th6OIO Noon TllOO9O. the eminent lawyer, sad author of ha been knighted by (uaee Vittoria.. i Tnz Wzozsor LLSOZZILL-A billbai born it teodoced into the Legislature of New York, to re. quire the Canal COmmiuloners or other edict= having thocharga letting . the public work, lo take an approved bona from each contractor, that ho will pay his labiiiren punctually, once • month. Upon this bond sot May bit brought In case of failure to pay. "I wonder how iboy make loam mrdelies, said a young 'ldyll° her husband, with whom she was always quarreling: "The procesu my simple"- once mode one., bar answered. "How did you manage tiP' "By leading you to choreh. 7 „, A Nsw Desentruce or Brum Vim:L.—For come days pent great excitement bas prevailed as Manellies by the 6rrlvel in that port oleo entirely cow 4 000, i0ca crale.a+Par. and wpiab.,ffanaoala• fol, cause o ernoplere revelation In the-pre sent plans of beildirg abeam vessels. The vessel is named tb,. Port ea Marseilles, and was built by •M. Livia. or. di has not tho alighteat sprites ante of macs or Inoue; in fact, them la: nothing to thole whether sba be propelled by wind, or steam, or ou. Bbe glides through the arum as if propelled by wine invisible agehey. The pro. pelting power MI by a simple level, of sufficient power.—La Marine. .Smovux Corizenon.—An cdd 4dy. more than eighty yams of ego, died ruditly at Sr. Omen, m Pranee. She bad tad de similar mama of preserving all the clotbea.jeweLl, bead dream. above Emil stocking', ornamonts, girdles, abe had mewl owned or wom boor her bean to the preset time This lade had never or sold, or given slimy any thing "Ida had Irma her for diem or amateur. When a fa/Aka had passed away or in Milian was out of ase,in bar opinion, mho putln away in wudrobee made for the purreme. • Tam wardrobes are now my aus lamas, and overloaded. In may be imagined wbat a collectioo of dream'', puffs, booneis and caps would be bond m Ibis museum of fasidaff, prelareed by • lady who data from the reign of Loma XV.,whe began with harps, powder lad highbeetetthoee, mid who, lifter having gone draugh the epode of the Ilevolntice, the Con. read and the Earner, wheat decode= of ladies was eo env:l44ll,mnd herself again in • Repub.! he, atter three monarchical reign. • hinds= Pi warned the ladies and gentlemen. her heirs, wbo are ea relatives,lwhat they would ffnd lo her dos* eta at brr dealt; she deadened to deco all this singulnr only begging them not .to laugh tea conch when they camp to appraise this put of of her inherdancis. irr Lon itias.—Titese Pills, discovered by Dr Hanna, nod which beer hi. tame, were inn used in tab two lea few yeah they aureded the attention of other physicians, and Owen pawed into gem nal as. Forienriror all diseasee of the Live, they net with certainty utd regderiy. The patine loon feels the removed of disease, unless he la welt • The erect initiatornsnittel; end aftenierallOWini drags lederedleinne if lestother desdripsion, the saner Snide hinted( relieved at once. Menem of the thrti ors very nom= In tide conary r and ire 141 hightfal le character as they are frequent in ocearance. Aso you troebled with arty of the macrons eewplaints which originate lea dine:teed state of the. Ling Alias:* Dr. McLane'. Pill., and be relieved at Once For sale by 1. KIDD& CO., No. NI, cooler of Pooch nod Wood at, fl'pabernit. fotrYtikerireS LOGAN, WILSON 4 CO., Ise WOOD STREET, ABOVE IFITTB, IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLER!, ae. Ask the aitenton of poiehisers to the ralasksritizia.evroos, Whteh they thiik will compare 'favorably, both la meat andi chestiness, 'will. ths. of Lor ' othetjt b o . lN F l e w ithe m s ci tere . os leb26 dksrlyt 111STORIDAL AND lIELIGIODS I r ECTURES. 'DEL D. S. 1 ELLIND will lacono ill the M. ' 1 , .. Ay Church, co er of Sm i thfield and Seventh .item., Trecede) , mid barony . overdo/0, at T o'clock. he Lecturer m made sostructivo awl eruartaialag by 41 ammo • Paintings, each of which coven tom 75 to tO sou re !aunt{! which all mut see at emelt. Them eteturce i !mutate the ad and vedette 10. chitties throe:6 lalloc .o . l k the laraelitea traveled floe 14 rj; 1 .:d l t b juiatuT 16 " cet each night; Dhildrert 11 cents. Entrance On Seventh it. mr3.31 lUlorgada Omagh Syrup, T il i u meLt7y e r n ee "'" e " eee- From kbe b.Ne ion Tribune, Feb.lo, IMO. Mona... Conon Brame—We eats mictelitiossly recommend dam medleiee for cocai', as It has eared as of a most aritattsted Snort. is yeti different arc,. from the ordinary patent medicines. 11 . you ha. Prepared and bold. wholesale and retail, toy JOHN D. mononzi, %Tal.[. mr.S_ Wood et,l done below Dreamed otter. ZIEM=I:3 • or three story Holm, will within I skeane of tie eeszett. Thad by epplytot to I • H.,ta:tr LiLerp e 6 IX/ ANTED—A WI VI dant. park. A good truant can be cars *Let. • , Third, above Sidithaeld, no . Ir, , Bakearelt. • TIrE Roo!, occupied by goo. I Also—For dub or Ground, In th e . birodsl ; aultabbt for loirober GARLINUTON, or of makif • ore years, some large Lots of Ward, on and near the river, ands. Enquiry of JOllll M. DARLINGTON, FOllllll U. Shwa or V/Irit allasa akar. wANTED, so eag Mont as conductor la Mena ger, in sh eite • (ohm , . hi icy Or the above branches, by ore who Weedy understands Um we in ell Its branch.. wt • It tie latest insproeccaccue, having hed feaCcen Ve Isierpenence In One of the hoe.% nlalnicaelarles I. 'England. Can have an On• exceptionable Cheracte from hie' present emploYers, and ha. a Irntrieledge 0 the French !known. Lenten; post paid, I. Me. Geo. Atehbofd, Stun., -Erairdc Smethwier, net Ellsweagharn, DEIdOSE/11gE.EI lIE subleritor' info that at his exteesi employing from two to where be etweys tee • machinist, englyeiLl h best manner, and with Mil I. WOKE: rool C CHIN or rem a shin end style of its hl numero.anufaatere Stoics,•alp wed the A crating them. Ili ha s meat:, both m the styl clinch will be farm. plYinx to rerl44o DOWCHOriai I pile lop .bllsto nailaWfoOtrarys tni his friends and ihripubdo, a establishment, (capable of hrra hundred...roamers, and • • large number of the bast is prapsiad to caner/Rh in R. rant despatch, all orders lot ITON and WOOLEN MA. caption For the workman. chine., be would refer to the in the Western and Southern Wale States, who WV now op, ecentl) made peat rroproxe and 1/11141 of his atachiocri. I 4 ot re asonnbla prize, by ap• ALFRED AFARS, Bridashorr. Pa. aI h( ehogs ituit reed snd tar .y! 0 II QRANT tang, for sale bj u GRAN riOTrUN —8 tle.• nos ' bbli inearmt sball, .4 tor aale by 1 JAMES D&LZELL ❑. MULASSF. 4 ', ehLel indica Mal ettr3 n i.uvEn ka for clale by JAMES DALZELL N 0, h. , teed and for sale by LIIKRTIWN, bt3 Libtrty la N O. in etanignd fat .I.lts by A culAwaor4 an 4 for .alo by A OULDEFITSON IL fOLASSI.I4—ao bbl 9 SWAIF-50 hhda , c; IA pc ' tore aud fur Web y I 1 tr; • I f t CA. Pette.d r is and for Ni Bu cynic—la/Mg. mr3 tke llvno ats-a! eat Quarter Swim , ~,, Comlay of dlUepiat . LIE pennon of Pares 13mortax, of Peebles town; In ship, too comity ormald, hombly ithoweth, Tat your petitioner hub sided himself with Mal* risk tot the scowl:anon= of travelers and oaten, at his dwell:or boom In th towneldp aloresaid, and prays dust plot honors he ;domed to grant hem a license to keep a rehire Holm of Eatonainatent. and your petitioner, se in nty bound, will prey. Na, the sobse titters, citi ns of tho township, afore, said, do ecnify,Sll.l the ss petitioner hot lord ~,,,. pout tor honesty and leMPOranoar hate vvell Providod with imasaroom and convenience. for Ole enemata. lotion and lodging of grangers bad travelers, and ated 'mid tavern Is nerteseary. Gen. Grier, Wm. Johnston, 8. hl. Dwin,John Ether, J. 8. Rankin, Walter Davis, Henry lindil, la. Clark, Thoa li. Finley, Wm.laeCall, W. Wain., Li. Hark Sr. 1 enr3 kte i . AIICTIOIi BALE& Dir Jab* D. Dairla‘Aliellslosin. • -9.644• .f a Lap Stool V Dry Ocadr Wedoarday Mara tee atom NalOillarlon et, between MAY sad Mena modd be welorithaat mane-era 'Pisgah, ware; nt of atrial& and Panay Dry Oro% Wawa! ad. Poraaly for Ow air, trade, whist eras • rara claws lot brarldr• to &Ware and Oben. - Salo peddvoited grill be unabated anal the erbole Med bo aloes/. Tenor, rub par duds pa all sams moan lOW, SOO w 8 20 d,ndapa creii• and as all sass over MO • credit or PO daye will to {lran for approved exakoved Met cuansolastia JOHN DAVI% /loot Beak ad Bail Rini Meek at Mom. On 371da7 ~ Mama eb, sr &al**, al Oa Gouge:derinlan nonor of Wood and 111111 rao, .m to sold, mans, !or WAN 1. 73 30 arm Mork in M. a M. Bank of PiOsbaraia 37 do do , Fooloop Onl3. ' 10 do do Pena. ea Olds R. R. raPraY• au` JOHN D DAVIS. Awl RIPILLItik PLIORION-1111101 LLIW/IL INTRODUCE.= ITORDAE. k ta. Ok New Yozk. eptka t Cle r, =kb, for =Law et =Oa sal klklnd imam= • . B. RR: oakdivrEB • Ne 7i wad soon TO the balls and legal mamma's/Ise et William Eltantort, laze of the Coma? of Latoteneet man, dee , d,vim To WWI= Emme t Nary Ann Jane, Him.tatermarrtal • Ammo Divicalna karasearrted with OM. llar W o man Hannah Nada libation; Math* Wet' slurried with Joseph Crain; Homy Amami; end Ed• mkt *dolphin Stamm—, • Thel the seld Iptlllam etatt r usdical Waal is his de reera as of fee, of and In Mar sae We foliestin 44 . scribed Real Emu, to min AU ibis i s troteb :l 4f Let 1p vest of Om dassansm situ' sled in the Comm ot Levremse, sad Ms , sylvan's, La the seeped Martel of donde* Nast al bounded es billows, vim Iktgiasiog u• tamp gni in soak tree email Ueda =sr, and Uoll by I.ot No 110; to Mons in the noddle et Sneak* Creak; Wanes north Witty delmea Mate bt lin sled. die of said Omsk M.s Vasa thirty onsperehost thanes mush fluty dogma we., by the middle et geld Creek, thirty Sae patches to a sumac Winne north Way men derma we; by the LACe of add Creek, thin M a Mow Amos no rt h Illy dm deglem; rub e toiddhr of mid Creak, meaty four perches to a sem% amass north forty Mat der grecs; mut, by the middle of said Omsk, nen MA' es o s nom; Agnes north start' thnts argraat Ina; by the middle of mid Omsk, Moray am oat SIMS tenths perebel to II themm sem* these itegmeg east, by. load of John one loathed sad al=e ty Moe webs@ to the piste lost —aestainins seventy eight acres, sad one 'ad tea melee l the mins, *MI less, lastag - pert of Lai No: letly . And Wm, by virus eft miter partition •ta Mdse• eon, leased est of the Court of Lemnos Cosarkil w ore dite s euld, tor V w, mr pa:taloa of sold meet of or sold William Leamowdoommed, yid U•sMy,,Eigh Sherf of the mid tftono of Lawns 'ILL bol d itaisrta on the pres Wes, Or the aptahateentsasi Pr. onof the Reel Emmet Wallas Nintos,doessMdp on Friday, Nth day af Nan* VOA at le A. AL, where yes and seek of yo n mai • II ye* Wink proper. - • Y/0 R., Nigh Shedd' of latannetCoes Pat ' Rszczies emu, New Celt* Rob. CI, aubwirT --- • r.• • J. U• 8811101 111WSMot ATTONNETAT LAW, - ' 01110 STATE collimator= ro Dspo atlons,Acknoirledposatss We Deady Se. Mee—Potash west, above Ebblllo4. - ♦ WSW 41.11841111011=1111% . • •• , -;-.W. IL MURPHYIL BUSCH:FIELD. TBE Retell Dry Bons benne hand= eandui. abyW. IL nap ,by Neck Eta earn. Porn an aunt roe, Finnan, vat bander be nand on by as nes In of I MURPHY & 111711 CH Who nepeeddly =Una annaneat i GUS a the old enem a a the anbllshman Mno Fan In men • large end earebdhr seleeted eon a Coon SW awe be kept ea Yak en antry ts nevem abral In tbe an of kne alas. N. IL MURPHY tall GUMMI MI WWII* solo buena% es beretlawn >o th. tam. Up Etagrar .entanat tram Furth a. NSW SPRAY GOODS. A =ANDER 111 DAY Marta st, Noah War A. emu a Da las amsosaaall rash , lag adr suak or Bran Thy Gads Mom Am rased a Oda alma Mar Wash Liam 1= and abar Daus Grads. Alao—Drausas aid Albtaa i llantacas aseroaais r Yana Warta Saadi& lama Calm Dasamsna,a.a Sada Yea iara. Homo lardarag a streGtroca . 4 raspng srmnnmtr la o'n ara LAAND_M• DIY. Marius, a X NW arm a As Num& CIIROXI2 011EM-4 cuss foe a-co S:c4 'NA; ikwel-r -,-- ET - r - vi D!CO Vit iall tsaL °N-4 "a" "4‘ 1 Usit alliaotrcr =BBTZ-4 ewe mew 1111 _ _ 0 I . lg . CO likfACY.Ellsl.—Qr bbls No 1 Mom as hand lai for al Ws by ISAIAH DWELT h. OD, Fnat ICON-11 hitt oat, la awn arul Er sale try B • arrt ISAIAH DICKEY & • • haat et 1 1111+:. , =•=kr7, - 747n..rrwl LABD-41b1a4 No 1; . • • ' • it Id ibis Rs 1; u=ll*sa br Y & es& by mmwlllCll.ll CO pg. ,- pnr7rrr. mryt,l Tin? in B it("3-15441.4"30714 dime MN tad Wood sts 'HA' '3slofritfir Charge Wahlarba t hr rah by W DI MITCHIELIII2B. oart Mem wort Pariah Oast illtsel a4e Ilksopb, WARM!. Casi hart him and hr Rams ,Cr sag Introarry, ardith asperfer any Wog et ebb kW Wand bp do palls, be* tor rir• oth( sad &Log a Ise and perfect edge, as robll so fonts dambilltr. • ,•• • Tito atone era be bad. 11 , 1== tetiodable quarbyattbe Penh beaten Wood is/ NM= WZ;iii;ZEE;ai;iiiGl fume; 11411117111. IL &MUM. Living boa 1,-• • awn Boats Ibr Nadu .4•••=aabia=ta UM Or. a elasidasi• as • asM taut of atealapa . bat or Bola _ quied siricerdln 6 ; AU lain, °"-- - =t ea r°l4. dei subsequent te dim. dill toe is se nab ralas sad esotesinas es asp W edema ander mit nspanloa. Every utibronstea will be dm d dew speeds. attoes.._ W J. PLllKETar.,Peezentry ed= Inausaes Gempany. P. MADEInti. Abed Del. N. It Ice. Co wtr P. JOIWI3. Agra Ina. Cs. et !tank Antedei. it- W. MAMA Minn emdll7 • " s` La. Oe. ab r a as, un0.4.1s :li=! v ir im m t s, d u . km rieulty ben manidistlY b 7 Ifilf waft totilbileposed pawn% a Mean end dbl. orderly dimmithook sad o• tme nermalesamtheis riss mum to • monsidemble Mont balm teen dome, as ..0 . to Um mesa) of oar elllsons,zy to their persons: AM whereto. Tito eillii lum been onablet to rostrata W Malone of in k dueled persons, and tender dee proteelisa to the mei reruns of oat sigmas. ,Now,ll. Caner Pub, dW Sherd of Allotberf eirall% do. bytirtes of op of. doe and of Me authosity invested in nu by the lam, recant ell good eldneas to nods Dom asecsabling be. ram Goer Meets la Was especially at any of tbe floniog Was of rMI and vidnity, mtd to aid win presenino du pease. Nimes is. requested ace to permit tear aldi to Isla Ms woos, or to boatload to lay opWSYYad dos, ire its I has soothed inittemmient of Clutha eatrodai intended to be papetroted on the parents sod il . of mar eititrem, I bulk, regal» tba Ws Sties of Pirtsbasitit and Alkibmy, sod meta to hod throuelves in teatimes to me w az a moment's morale& is aid dm civil la preemies Me public peace, lug to mil sai or dlsordo.ty asseatboUsirliAtgaie4 parsons. CART= CUUTI6, High aberif. Plumb , !dwelt 4 111.0 W; 11811.0 . ...11 IRAs prise mew, an 'Ma sal 4..) for ate .JOILN WMTIII OD, mri NEW BARON-4000 fit . HOE itserefl i 4A mare anA motsale by JO lall WA AO% sari attest IAraCIIEREL—Nos LS, sal %ha bb and kr bbbli, LYL for Ws by Jog,3 Warr& 00; LAboty sum IMMIX illiMo.lo Mgt sim AWN wAw .ca ulink um o w e fez ale or • . etri • W-4 mule for ' JUDO it • 40 Wood tt Isllersk. loardstol crap simiN Tins I max l :I !Pla props:nada uj i melt o maj i t, wilts so us sanity to Us cumin pomades. as aged and highly tespeated alftes; OUT win it, expressed Ills O pinion of Ws Tory popular MAO roods b 7 “tt ls wank its 1.141 t sahl dit 66. O. OW dully Mots stabs la always bop Is my bans, lad itgabl •01, as guy woos" bo,sisbelo n ^ As WA AMAMI IMMIICIA-4 OM MAMMAL Oa • Idol at , h•• si wat))PM ass 111 s W bod asset ...Wiz. 1 kayo trise ossd, slew Is Os Old es-Hots It sad lass a codes, pl abatis sadv} ill It costs but Iti seam sod Groat Opting SIM :Muaiser U Dr. 3: P. Thesirmare DabgraN6l6. 150 rmilnarlith" V. aitift:i. F. ,wilters, No. $7 Wpm ruse; =1 by D. 74 Is7+7, Alkilany oily. _ _ wommio of woo • e • Tllrs rein. Matsui Cursiliktil d! new being taklblil Val ...I oaf at • • Ti2 , i's Xv.k. SPidops dew Om vamo , TUN v i egourr sane IN THE' WAILIA. k i. al.o wi l s . .l ix . ffin*"l4,lollllsieliong, , bri 6t Lamb saa 1 „,. 0 , galag only *i s wooglidag tog wuk woos from II to Midi lig. Th. Wool on thou Elm, kip In TWIN tidy for spinnini. ipr ne ben WMI4 Now York Slate that tats Bikelpluo an hen These Sheep ar. el 11.1WswaV breed, sad Obis by JAMEh lIICXNELLs IMs. ofAim% Ea. Nis, ty, N. Y. goUIt.H(LBXED OR =Wm 9E1V,04 th. wily we on Ito Corniest of Asigiga,; /1.11 , 17/101 , 1 COW Mach L. miles an the Li% Was ow l so labi. h tc . : 4 4 141 4.14:::be1a= "7"911" nom In New Tos •no Atalmaii be; Outy. sad may Ow mp.. gitrtletit a giarZ e .” l " th. FM"' Alulafiketlos varizzald beyond expectzsloy of the money refansind. Adllntlnntl•nni7 11M, Lame Pia. Pawns astirosi louldisdltir Map of dile*. Ani=iittl pious apply le Oa atiablam AMUSEMENTS. nasitunsea. wiz pupal. BiNEFIT FOIL THE.OELPHANS I;ait QIONOII BUTZ 'win give . .. Gnarl tYa.t forUs• Besi.ft a the Orpluits, 434 * um, Blink 4.1 k, . • dmliian ti; ceay CbUde= Hi. Dome open eVe, to commence M7ll. • =lva GRAND CONCERT.- 700► L ►IID evs NitAIPT tabl eneye . ctl ally Wenn dielabd. 11/rltu she vrill glees Concert et - Vocal and I t . manor Math!, oft TUESDAY EVENING NM. Wank !kon WILIGWB HALL; en es bleb OCCLWII alto vlll bo wined by SIGNOR OIdbIEGNI: HERR— VOGEL, Ur. ELEBEE, and several dlstiaraid,d Doors open ai 7; Concert to csusuneace at 8 o'clock. leEZikat, 00 coax ko be bad at L. Wilcox, Smith • liEktkeldscroe Marta st; English k Mott, Wood ski and in tles Door._ , earn STEAM , BOATS FORCINCINNA.I7,I6ADISOMAND famsvrtaz •• - - •- m Oat . d fan ranniatataamar , VAGUER, ElastAlet, Ata6er, ,orill lai,o far thy Hand allhuctinedlue ports on tide dar t *, Al Kaely Eta cfeladt, A. m. For fr 01416 or pumpand! an board. or to null_ G 6 IdII.TENBERGER. 1L t~pDenQ6d Oat ppmenßer packet .•••/Eltiorty, :Master. will loavo for abovy and An iatonaerltato punt Oil Ulla das,al reolook., J. !IL • Fortes:guar .. • • cm bOlud. ' mrS FPI VaßlialUVEll. • • ajit.iiiihs . U. Maslen. will leave u Tat mu the dth March, ai 4 ,P a =l;paiiageiV i t v, - Mi . 1,.;1rd; or to . ' lON JONES... 4, 'I?OR CINCI ad ste w RINGGOLD, tbvpi," - arlll leave for the above, 'III intermediate pone. co Ihli day. the ft toy; at/CeeeeelY• rai4 64l4, Pelmee NWT on el ' beent savo3 Ma=;M Its w h sald Weemer • • GENRVA, Vilakina,Morwr, will leave far abnve Inlwzoilwe_JlOTWlcrliatutd.r. • - , •The aptemda picket steamer . • . •-: ISAAC NEWTON. Czto2 larka for the above dam W illawallatacla a n Than . VOR,IIrOUX.II AND LOUISVILLE. te OI l etelruitl le ° ' tomboys 1111 dote ports oo els day • FrlasdiStOta kortoleßpllpa_boud. marl 6EO B 1111.1:31.(MIt AgtOt ilt e 4 19,,1:01.1._201.1.14-il•nnsl Ara . . STE AM PAC !CET - LINE. ENCOMI.AI3II2:O bit the liberal penrovage extended to saltwater and set/ eendeeted Woes, the cren ated Yee IbUinting ins stamen nave manged them Ws a Lae between Ptosbangh and Laninina • Onset the boats will poeinvely knee bagman on every , Wxoseotergand . ranee Erstento, ate ekteek—fall or net M. • • • nit boa; of.l4a.UJaa , WLl.auui at Masi, Fobrurt rfet. !Osamumeaa...:....:. C.Mpjp T. Z. Taflof.•-• •• • • " llLLocao " litsibmo " 3. Minded*. • " Mt. Nowa. ", Fairmont V ' ' lO, Ebbs". itarfra gi ."Pul a s TL. to -0 B. TENUERGEI4 . Ago. asouLAft 'SUNDAY' PAGICET ' OZZOISII'dIOrie Captain Wawa' J. -&warn, maim This syleadirtheat ante bath by the roamers al the warner ha= Newton, AM Where, for the Chtelnestl - altd Amber& Packet trade, and i t earmaratert Makin,' her regalar Idiot le bac, ela IMINDhIr, the Mabel. trafila av passage itoply_oriboaig, tete • G MIIMENBERGEL Nat PITIEBURGH AND WHEELING DACE:67. Thu aplemdld fait. running enamor LOLDECIAeLANE, AV.• 8 Ceusteli,_ , moist, fluvriz. undergone a abor• each 'sputa, I vea hereafter n a . • regain pacbet between Putsburgh, andWheeling'leaving Putabluil, esery. Mender... Wednaday,awl Friday tannings, at lh o'clock. Fon Deign cr pawn apply on beard. or to megKau foul tee Real.: fro lAT-IL. Amok. Rotel,on Pem meet, op. • do anvil Redo, nom tbo ln of Apol nen. Aj..4 eltido ed. • - • . fable ~~~, ~~a~~~T~Q~ ,r 1... 11111MALSBEIS-91:0 bbla iaparkii - - is _ Wm WA tor b ."Lk *"4"*" " mealus t SO tri bT SIIGLIZ-111 ktob prhaqi . 0,.0n hand iTelei y -00.11.P.401:1 las 12471 a I,'Gn en 2 • DILE I D PUMA Lead > and Bow dn. sala tdaGILLS ROE (7=47 . " "AwN.lglepm.. FLIMI,-111 . 41t1s Or e t= art f. El WATERMAN IC SOt4 j JLED-01 bblspthas No 1 Leal; ' .La 2113teasdev da:. . sale by art L WAT ft ERMAN SONS or sale • tan LS IV. TEILMAN & SONS nti.=ll bta, Clll,lllarktardt /r.Coi) Ur 10 " Llastied; : • 13 - s TaanatV: for by • AO lIIIEY.II4II7IIECM* CO 'IV= u" Hams, Biles, mod showim, nwrrnEws& on 2. 110111 Nit. r-Auta—sibbb, No" I Leaf; , . • 48pke FIRM de da, _foi sale eat % !MATTHEWS SHINGLES -109 M. /Allude% for rola by • MILL 17 1 ni M cic ON, rot • • md 174 Übarty Ite A LIM7 10 bb , is for tale l MILLER (IRUSUED SUGag-40 bbla Loiretialm . 19 B tt. K; for ...le by. . MILLER & RICKETSUN BBULLS BOULDERS-440 plepes now landOg and tar ala Dy. . . HARDY; JONES is. CO„.wate; ..IMn .4 !Flirtittr,7l DAOON~ eut. Blde+i . D . ~*:do f 1... * do Bb i4.y rcdd,( ..h by ld o‘ll/3110-41 6bL N o.reett end GM' Azle is ili spzi ... ~ , - C GRANT et41:111 . 11D BIJOAII-10 Mb, tor Wes br C BOLY YOIIG - Igooolptr H Bnnnd~ neeisinl aidt ~NtrE~ • 110 DL k fIT HAINIS-40 to .Toko T. Itiatib's superior . Pond landlay awl fu rade by BRAWN itttIIVATRICK. , Libeny B""1: h r q"rit'ard,llr4.„,.' liitrwrltt'A*r°s6. 111 0 4= 2 9 0 ,1• 11 44 Ground Soar ilawe; Laziku sutras r male b ut nowN a iIaRYPATHICK BUTTER—"LeuIea4 reeNl mil for We Dgott ry & KIRKPATRICK Li MID-110 keg. No I, in nr..4 for *Ali, by Ent Haovvri KIRKPATRICi UOAR-40 Od. N 0, is - Pine and for sale by 7- 0 LA BA NV ILVIERAUGFI VITER.4OIb/s prim Hz teo'd iind (pistils by psi • & W 11&11.HAUGli Raz "si've""Vauwa PPE litakriS—A for bbL m store wild for .4o t foul) • • 8 ASV: HATIKAUGH C°144115"44" 81 ' 411 . 11,1t r itf 11 . . Dissedutlosi Lsubig Lew Portnenblp of blugraw dc diel , :gi.t rt w. „, day dissolved by merniu conte s t Tier I.ln bulana of ilui fires unli receive, sy,„,,i, d ~.. tendon or boil of Ike undersigned. . . narkurs; 311 grlfinVii, Feb. 93.16.111.—atr9tm 'B. me,,r,4 form _ . VEIII:70 it a:daty we turd-to °urethra and our friuridu, gnu dam to pmcar,ta publish 1111,1,04 n, let feareo .: %7 out TlACltponetion Lour. Ir kw b. , r 4 Le Claimed by iAtereuted p•rtius. Mat Mora crate bat sender responsildemWu Li s sa Canal, namely: Ito °O Um," . Lree Wirl%Lbw," "Pannsylvma mei Ohio Line r" egi ba a flab mates responsible Lim, sea Mrs tar NOV Mak Of Bute and Canots eardal Captabsoadeolamodione depotsand de: ued% dis mak, megamdbuity, Wean to shippers, as any Lime entire ChruL . Our “Pluebaryll Trussacardion Uwe was erstamebilabed by James 04Moner, Me a few years Walks style - was dimmed to that of Me Put. sob Portabba embody [ A wl The old style of use. rptcabamtb Lane" was rammed in 1844 ami barsbata y : carried on sine, Mu due. by on IlLsamt NOR, wile are Me Bons and oftras, miaow to JAMES . CPCONNOR, and wk, aw mh oar OVONNOWS now avatar to tho Itarcyortedmi bedlam, Om amingemerds Mb sow wan or, eery lutenalve, andsre feat ambient Mat wito facet mu Waselmal olds.OrCentior's - Pittabargb Trammmtedaa LAW Ica Mel; badness, will bwo it %mums wad, anti* satisfaction. Thankfol for gut (motioni Appel auentiento the interests af mix mum% be wiesitand mods. o eeddinuance and bantam of Ma, same. paw mosuamdcmions addressed to pa will meat wok muneus - O'CONNOR, AT m KINS k CO, Pittahattlq, ATKINS, O'CONNOR a. CO , C ONXIIINOICS it CO , naltlithmi HALLCO,'Clachmlul; 8:BLOCK, New Tod-, ELLIOTT 4. OREM, Now HAKIM HENRY & 00.; at, beim MEI Oit CLOTHS—Tut lamest assa mount of oir awn, elluquk, IA Gus to *ay Sin reclaim,. it to baud at W MeCLINTOCHS, TS tom