The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 04, 1850, Image 4

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,-, . ' 8001E111 BOOMIIII.
1 3 - 09ree'd Mike PRESBYTERIAN BOOR BOOM,
• Bro. 79 Weed streec and foe sale atEasternpricem
sies.los , Hebrew LeMeent, Towasendl Arnommomn
of the Bible, Neendees History of the oMirtbut Bell
on so d curdy Milton's Treadee on Ceti.= Doe.
tn., Lite ofJorendah Evens, Ees,Robleson's Greek
IDramory of the Gospels, do Entthsh do do, Seett's el.
ble,IS vole, Boston edition; Rahsh% Bible Ossetteer,
hfothunith China aud its Prospeets, Dr. Wad's Lee
n.. on Swedeaterglanimn, HolPs Ilisaionary At.-
- dome and nasty mher interesting works, in addition
• to the above, all at as IMEns. n0r..0
' - lE.:BUNT, AND VICINITY, will be reedy for
tea engraver In 10 drys. Persons who may with to
.• have stews of their mann, seem pm on the map can
'del so by soaking application to the ....examen. .“, can
dm. borers the 111th tam. To defray the In
I the views .s., --.....-• - ill be .a. 1 .4 I...bat''''
t. the poles of the es. novlo RP, MeDOWIII
d i/10M four rears since . I was trandbm ti
• . the Bute of WM; while spending o few days
' baron, I discovered • singular blend. substanoe.
and saber...end, Waned that it bad been known for
rtare..d reprised to be of no use or rake, bot Bee?
tan ortifernaity of nave
,and esolniM, •pf?, . -., 1
was lot to believe it ought be mad e .ent, but for
what wpm,. I had oot the If 4 est b, lt g a i4 L tillet i
p r i g: .
' 2 . .ci=rg 1, etsuMosbyuldln;kwith vane. xabstanen;
.allo strong... tay coaddenonhatthere was value
. is -a, that I gave up my entire deco mad means in the
prosecutors of those
ex and from that thee
o thls, / have aurndol to no other Mutants al tbe ex
intlen of a le o two iinallY dthernend, that,
by rodents( to a fine powder .d mining It within'-
. sold oil te about the consume) , of thick paled., and
. • ,applying this coupe.od with a broah,therthla coming
in a few mon th s would become a perfect sums or
510001 we that the subsum. when applied was aitually
- • slam in a Liquid state, mid the large amount of alllea, ,
abonma, amperes and blank oxide of tron that it eon- I
mined, rendered it both weather and Ere proof, es the '
longer calmed, the. herder .d more perni.ent It,
won to beeome, .d as the coating latter It =MS to
MOM) Le of itself, inestrctible by fire, consmo.tly it
pierces. the wood d cove u red w it it from the Mr. and
. where there is no els, there Is no blase or condomdem;
-therefore the wood will unsay cher, before the slide
coveting will give way.
I considered the discovery of the greatest import
ance, .d applied to Governm a patent for my
• ...merlon or tueovery, fondly hoplog that I Mould
mem be reennerand for all my cern. in time and mo
ney. The government, without .y hesitation, gnat
-ea to me Lours Patent for the sole night to timi d. are, gall end am aly improves.ntin thelasnafactare
of a °Weather .d Fire Prod' Composid. or Ald•
belal Slate.. fa fourteen years.
i Anemia, 11:4).- vna. BLASE.
• WE, the Inhabitants of Sham, bey. end the above
statement of Mr. Blake, and belie. uo be Indio.-
Wily correct, as we are knowleglo sa.m.of the mate
meals theme contained; and we will (ember mate, But
we do not believe that were ewer was annual more
honestly end laboriously eanotl, or more deservedly
grante mt he pursued tie experimente the soost
~ eadotaltable perseveranee.d. the most't'ding
- einnutsunen, so the public had not aw e ewn
den. th at there could be any made
Dora the wabstence. Inc thereforeaato encounter for
yean amines and mots Meanly the whole comma
sin. Notwithemothog ell this, he was indefatigable
s the proweetion of his experiment., Red we do not
relieve thee there is one men in atheism:ld who would
have peneveved ender ell the eirelaurtatices. Bed he
. bee at Lut triumphed over all obstacles, sod we be
dlr. there to row but one opinion la awarding him
- . lie Merit a this seeable discovery.
GEO. W. CILANE, Jars . of
IL W. MILL, of
WTI EVERETT, To p Clerk.
I have znenalned eau there WO Indi es engaged
il:tulea =traP="i'llOilollhueseti.b*pg
' ether as I use my patented ardele. I ". been to
. . tho so perm. and,shown them my t. . They =7
ththeey7d.o net Intend to =fringe or an epos mr
Out they have • right to dig, mind, soul sell the
.Wdm,if they can find porehmeng that they ant not
' homed to blew What they are to wi th wi ' ir,•that it Ls
ao laftingement until it is mixed od to rule
the eampoundi and that those who tray, and use it,
Meat MU the Teapensibllity. Most of cal my dun
they belle. that the patent is good dime
toix and me the compound, .d some h . said that
what they sewed to use they should c 1 Penh
am of me, es they did not intend to mak thenthenes
liable in .Llal. Nowl feel myself in bound to
=lrby no utilder '* n d aine, 'I AT; • th elialllrett l et o-w'
edam pay for . article. the nee B
userhih he wel
Memo .11mbittets the parcheser .4 to ap'
don sod fi ne. Some of th ose who are emitte d Win`
: nefarious trate, will unquestionably to the
.-. ' VOIR' that my Endent will not sm.,. that I dale ,
.., .. eat prom:elite. D.r, to take this ergament away from I
. •
thatl watt to some of dime who NM* I:proclaiming
that my patent was of no val., sod made tbs follow-
leg preposition: that they might select a ludge sod two •
lawyers who he_ e had some pravace In patent eases ;
and we would submit the poem to them. .d if lite
decided that the patent was good, that they should stop
ell [amber preeeedinge in the betenesm bet if they
,- should deride that it would not, in their gothic.. h0.1a.,
1 would agree to let them go on sod sell all they coma.
withent saying my thing to the pubbe , shoot the.
This proposnien they ovoid not accede to. So far
' ' the ..ildin of my patent is concerned. Ido not d as e •
• peed entirely upon my own judgment, ehhough I have
' the fallen Iconfidence in it; but I have submitted it to
. mar of. the led.% and seteral of the most eminent.
patent tampers, who have, without exception. decided '1
that in thus opinion it was good, .d would prol.t roe
in my thseoven. .
I grind the article to a fine power, and pot it 1111 In
barrels, the which are marked: •Nitacts Par.v PlOO
san WMlllat rimer Aortmotat. Sams,"
. ' ' ' • I therefor* give notice to Mir.° buy and use the
• she. mentioned mineral for the renpose us both in
my Word, except from rue or my unlashed
that I shell hold them to • vela ....thanho thus
shell commence suits at , Taw against WM. thew w
forum upon my nen '
. • Ittalton, Medina Co., 0., Aug. - 14, 184.9.
II:TTWO TONS of the above Piro .d Weather
proof Artificial Slate on hands sod for sale. The
kbaris we can recommend, for we have been wing it
for some 4 veep, .4 knew it to be whet it is set fonh
haver?tetrerticular. J. IIL P ,
__ p • Sitcy . _
F. H. EATON & CO.,
do. Fourth street, Pittaboorgb,
Ravi sow in Store their fall , surattnent of
Trimmings Gloves, llosieryand Lace Goods
HAFTED to Bo wants °revery clamor Merchants
Aand Coosumers. No pains have been spared to
presets the' newest and most fashionable style of
Goods in Meer line— Their stock consists no part of the
Hinges and 'Gimps, of every variety; new adds
• Awed Galloons; Alserine and Imperial Braids; wi
and narrow Silk slid Worsted Embroidering Hid ,
li t =l anddeitit.ilelzaeit, Ri E ttris . Li g i b lairgli i i n rg C h er:
white Llt'eoptored'SilknLaess; caul wide di g s ; dot far
floancer, with a fall usonmerit of Drem Banana;
Dresses Finked, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidetod Lace and Media Capes, Cheinizettes,
Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French
Worked Collars and Cuffs, in great variety; Lace Veils,
Lappets and OperaTles; Moaming Cher:emcees, Col
lars, Cads and 1123 f Sleeve.. linen Lawn Mies,
plain embroidered and heavititeled do, plain Linen do;
real and Laces and Edgi n cr. lot. do do; Bobbin,
• Lisle, Lams Muslin and Cotton Wends and Inserting , .
Rick new style Bonnet Ribbons, French Fair Flow
en, Emmet Taba Velvets; Satins end Flinellees, Silk
Illusions and Tarletona, Emmet Frames end 'rms.
Best marinfaettue, with most approved fastenings,
and choicest colors. As extensive assonmem always.
on hand.
A great variety Of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merles; mad
Cashman", for lisdioi and Misses; Tarian Plaids, and
a Mil assortment other stYles fanny mid Pisin Mild'
real Hose;
newest styles Wants. Boots and Sockr,
Gents , Gramplag Vigerds, Merino, Cotion and See
Wool Ralf Hos.
E g liti assortment far men, women mid children,
amon which are Derby Ribbod, Poloselle and plain
Silk, rd and satin Cashmere; Chmanis Lined Ber
lin; ..Misalmre, Menno, Foolltied Bearer, heavy and
gam Direloikin, Military and Lisle Thread and Conon.
Saeh no Ladies' ,
and Children's Hoods, Chlldren's
Woolen Sacks Knit Scarfs and Boas, Cbil4mn i s Gait.
eand Long Idles, Worsti,d Cads, Knitting Worstols
and Woolen Yarns, California Coreforls: slim. Son
Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tspesuy Worsteds, Canvas. Patterns,
Floss and Entb's Silk, Bristol . nd PerTd Bos
1, als Pa- Al I =es , Silk rill; Vests
and Dravrerr, Fnahroldered Sacks andllannels, Presets
Worked and Waists Insider:Om and fivran`s.down
Pine Wry, Cravats astd Collus; Merino, Silk awl
Conon Wrappers and Drimeenr, Baspendsrs, Stioalder
Brazes and Dressing Gown; Silk and Linen HAN
Gloves and Hosiery.
Prepch pasterns carved and plain Shell Back CombA
lialfaM awl Int. ds; Shell Side and Long Coml.. len.
do; Snare Satin and Rosewood Ibis Brash= ftell,
Babas and Eng. Horn I/ressing and fine Issry Combs;
with an amorunsat of Nail and Teeth Brushes.
Weiherllrs itGold Medal" Perikettery. •
Moak., Pins, Tapes, 81001 Bags and Parses,
Batumi soul Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Bastes,
Huse Twin and 04.6. PT Fine Bosesrood Desks and
Co, $lO4lOO A Gal:none Fancy Work Baskets
Cloak Cord •La TasselS, Pontliosi Papiertres and
Blind &Etude Tlimmings,l Lakes' Stationary,
Pulpit &Banner Tassels, French Cork Soles,
Up/taste-Mr% Flingea, rills it Giorm Umbrellas,
Brig Linen, amid widths, Paper Mmainsesilollands,
English Oil Claihs, lauds Ikons A Webbing,
',red =Bin Corset and Moe Lazers.
cal—Recd this oar, W fa ,
Clintocles Carpet Watchease, N. 76 Feuth.t;
fartheriapply of Carpets, of the latest. and man ap
proved style., to which we invite the attention of
Steamboat men, and those wishing to famish Howes.
to call and examine the largest assessment in the city,
which we will sell cheaper than ever betonNTOCK offend ix
thesuk's. nova WCLI
Moansleg Loa( Shawls!.
R. MURPHY um reed a supply of rho abos,..
of the best quality' also, plain Slack
• Long Shawls; black BOMOOTIOCSOkIogrning Al.
Persian Cloth,. black Coburg., .Pernimum,
Cashmeres, Wawa de Lams and French Merinos, black
Cnmas and ?domains Colton, Moaning Boman Rib
lte=neek.,:om, assonnient of Mounting
• farms assortment, including., few pieces very mole
and superior. Sows are owned to lock at them, at
North P.ast comer of Fourth and Wacker sub
wp o wesje Roma. up stairs, when, alaze assort
et of New CDß oods has lately been nicely (no co
tiVit have been informed by Mrs. Rose of dem per
fOrmedanher bypr. Jaynes illtsrative, which
P WC s ill supers, rity ores every other remedy of the
haul. She has been afflicted for the last sixteen years
with ulcerations Lad enfobation of various boors da•
nagwhich mac many pieceshavebeen disehtuged from
she medal tame of the cranium, from both. her arms,
w a ste sad hands .and lion both legs, sad oi left
femora. bone and front the right Mee; facades palatal
ulcers on Muer parts of her personossuch sm. bow
medical of anmberof the mem emmantphysiciam of
par; eay—during most of the rime her laminas have
been atcnuabbir and deplorable. Atom thrtempathi
. LILCO she wax Inddeed to try Dr./a7tOdAlteradvs ,
which had had an amodishiddly_hdppy pm het,
by rtmanag all paht and onll!dr, end camas the
• Meer. LO at the santeumetor geartraihrtalti ,
his beams, ecznidetelyresuredos ihat she Dow weighs
lb. snored= she din baste She cadmettlat•tho
• of this trul saleable prepahoz—Pat. Eve. Post.
For C,[agave orHrs. R oo ., No. no
Filbert st, Ingo &
FOr WS in • anb, at the PElialirti
AL the Nedietnei L adverfised by W. EL SLOj..N
ere sold by
R. E. staimws, Wood mica, and JOIN P. PCJYTt
/ACHY 4 Pinsborp:h.
,Binaingbara, by JOHN G. 13MITII.
AlleiEbony Pay by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ in
. -
The Oast and Cheepese Hoene !Medicine
Hires salsa • real seam For Parity, Eildrws, ;ere
ty i and Therogigluaii SLOAN'S OINTIIIDIT Etats
And la rapidly superseding an other Ointment. And
Liniments mw in me for the cure of the following di.
Fresh 'rounds, Lally of all kinds, prates, braises
crooked heels, nubooe, windbone, veindully, pol
evil, callus,species, cou, fistula, sitfaxt, strums
lameness, sand Macke vre , foundered feet, scrutiny or
greue mango or horse distemper.
The Powder will remove all inflematation and fever
purify the blood, loosen the skin, clause the water
and strengthen every part oldie bdr, awl has preyed
a sovereign remedy for the following disease=
hide bound, loss of appnite.
f r o m yeMow swum, infiloonslion of the era, fatigue
from hard exercise; also,. cheumadsou (commonly
ladle ce:01.1ot ' ) which proves so fatal to many vat•
sable homes in this moinUy. It ls slso •We and eer
min milady for coughs and colds which. generate u
many fatal disease. W. B. SLOAN,
• Grand Depot, 40 Lake a Chicago, Illinois.
Film% from the "Oaten. North Western Gazette.%
Hy the nee of Sloan'. Ointment and Condition Pow
der I have entirety cued • hands on my bone and
otherwise ism:moved his condition more than 500 pe
cent. on the eria er the Medicine And • cow vetueo
Ina so Amble as to be Considered worthlms by else' ,
and ne.ghbonsprasreatored to good health and strength
bribe am alma ems half a package or the powd e
end is now doing boner than any other row 1 bare.
Small Pox, Mgr La. /MI NM. VINCENT.
themby certify that one of my children. when ria
had, Cell into a large fire of live coals, and was burned
semanty from bead to feet. The best of medical aid
adattention ma given to the Nadur four or five
days without any relief—each dffenugs
ed till his groans mild be heard at %treat distance, at
which Mika periml ono of my ne bars reeommeiv
dad and presented to me a box of ItiaM Ointment
and to less than fifteen mimeaa after the application.
of the ointment 10 the aggravated sores of Me suffering
child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily begm
to recover. My residence la in Helt township, Ver.
MUM county, mil State of Indian.
Chicago, hugest 41, Haan
Aril 13, 949. mile. north or Chicago (on
road to fild l Poor wankle,l Cook county, Illinois. the.
Mr. Blown—Uttar Sir. One of my homes had a Imes
bony tumor on his breast haute, immediately under the
cellar, which locoed him and remlered his services ot
very little value. I truthfully applied several bottles
of Dr. Tayloeetierre and Bone Lirnment, meant the
least benefit. 1 turn procured Wilder'. Celebrated
time Ointment, and owed tat until I became folly
masfied that it would never relieve Me animal. Ft.
nally I obtained box et your truly valuable Otni.
ment, ul in less tn. iso day. from the first septic.
tine th etamer entirely disappeared, and the horse was
If popular opinion to any criterion of the worth of
article, we Invite the ineredulous to read at Icon a fear
of the many voluntary certificates appear in our
colmont respecting the great variety of remarkable
cures elected by the one
of "Sio.s Celebrated Oitat
meat end Condition Powers."
Them remedies no longer remain among_those
doubtfal utility, they have passed from thellde of ex.
pertinent, and now eland higher In reputation and are
becoming mom
umd as all other and
elea of the kind.—lYUch. City Non.
Fox Erma, Juno 12,1.43.
Ow Blau,-Sin Flew sera by the bearer a nen
supply of your Horse Medicines. They are the beat
aruelos of the kind that I have ever used, never hay
leg been disappointed ie Wir effeet, no I bare been te
the use of others, even the mast celebrated Otntutentn
Liniments, Ata., of the day. 1 like very web this fee.
tare In them, rtr. that they do all that to proinieed, and
upon a thorovigh trial one •
la contrained to add. that
"half has dally inn been unite
The ordinary ointments and liniments it is, era
Renown are severe and partial in their operation.—
Slean's Ointment I. mild yet thorongh—it reaches and
removes the came, home. it gives real and permanent
relict For purity, mildness, safety cenistray, ant
thoroughness, Swans Ointment esselsttts rapidly
mrpereeding all other Otrantents and nu now
In sue.
Rent'. Gaon, lIL. 0et.•24, td49.
BD. Sloan—Sir. I have tested the virile ,of yore
Ointment in the mire
ranlesnake bites, sere throat,
barns, and maey on e. injuries, and In every ease it
has armlaseti . onr espeetatimm a family nn.
mem, I have never seen to equal, and for beasts we
caret get along without It.
Yours, 6.6., NILES IL JOHNSON.
Mr.Slorm—Dear. Parr. For a considerable length or
into 1 was serimmly atlileted "rub the rheumatic cor,
piaci; and applied freely the vatic. , liniments, paint
killers, & ...iamb/nu obtaining any relief. After whiek
your agi. at at this place influenced me to try Tom .
Ointment, and within tam weeks from the time I coal.
meoced using it, the pain ceamd, and I anis effectually
cored, and shall recommend all who are similarly at.
led with the dirtmsaing complaint, to procure year
excllent omtment withran delay
Req.!? your., OSCAR F. MOT T;
PlInE0•11/0, Femur re., May 1, Flat.
Tr Prom the Ilea FL V. S. Brooks, Agent of the
Illmom and Michigan Canal Par k.t Dam Company.
Cams., June 2.1, Iota;
Dr. W. 8.-Sloan—Dear Bin For the last 30 years I
have had oiteasitra to use many horse~ and have used
the great varietyof liniments arid ointments in use,
but have never Young eny•thingaqual to 70. r
went for Injaries , on horses. Within the last two
months I have &oplied year unto:troth , some to horses,
for various
remand in every instance it has pro
ved a sovereign edy.
' Two miles tooth of Chicago, Scpt:l4,
Dr. Sloan—Sin Oa - the lith instant my son had fin•
ger bitter entirely off by &horse. We unmediately ap
plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved hart a
pain in a few Minutes, and prevented the finger from
swelling the least particle, and the sward i s
healing ,
&Willy. Reap'? years, S. BROCKWAY.
hir.Sloan—Dear. Sir. About three year. aso I
severely laiscreditt one of my legs by Me falling of a
plle of wood which ameanoned large miming •
Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to enro them; but
tried in emu, mall from sympathy and tmproper mew.
mem my other leg became as bad as the one ofigtnal
ly wounded. I drepained of ever being well again
but itt order Mat I might neglect no means with. my
reach, I maimed of your agent in Galena some 04
713111 ointment, and you ran judge of my fllrprtse no I
gratitude better than I can it, to find emu it
entirely wellbefore I had finished using the second br
Them filets I make known that others allicted may
believe and not delay mein so valeable an oinunent
asyours bee proved to be. Beep')' your Omelet fed,
Galena, W., Dec. tO, ISM. EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order, Meas.. Vaughn & Co
purchased a large gangly of Sloan's preparanons.
Jscawno, Minh. Feb. St. 1514.
S. R. Hibbard—Dear Sir I cos ens of Sloan's Condo
don Powder and Horse Cdoustent. The sale tar es•
teals toy expernation. Ilya can mumps to send me
down Ototment, 11411 pay for them the fast time
that you are hens, and presume I hall be able to sell
l'effre ,T,t,tt h we7."7.* w
e ars thepea.
r r. .eel!to will
k r.
randy supplied. 'Very reaply y '
S. S. veucim & co.
Sr. Loma, RIVER..
g 1,1349.
Dr. Sleen—Sin About tue years ago, while railing
on the Mississippi river, in passing aver the midi, I
was planned Into the water, and by the raft daslung
against a rock, crushing my left leg d otherwise u.
natmly Injuring am, so mach thin I l out all sensibility.
When consciousness returned I Amid myself in 'ht.
Lou* surrerarded by my weeping !Judi,. Good nue.
Ins and medical aid enabled me in about two months
tohobble around with the assistance of • crawl. The
monads only parttally tested, leaving. large running
tom g
aude knee, which for many months discharged
bland matter edam most offensive character. hip
pains were inexpressible , at times my safe-ring IVY
to great that death mould have received a hearty wel
come. Formtudely Ur. Wilson, lone of my neighbors)
advised ma to try your Ointment. I obtained a box
wiled It according tope ection —the sores soon began
to assume a healthy stapes:nue, and in tares momlui
I mu entirely cured, and enabled to do hard labor.
Your obedient servaut,
we the andellikned, neighbors of H. W. Ttnimu,
were iretitnsinted 'nth We case shore stalled, and know
ing tho drernitstanees, most cheerfully confirm .54
Thomas' statement. RF.V. J. DOUOLASS,
• Crucatro, /an EM, ULM
Sloan—Sin Ono of my rses sruheof bound
and also wounded in the stifle, m whlett he molt cold,
and bees= so crippled that he could 'naively onvel.
By the free applicauou of your valuable ointment, his
hoofs were soon softened and the gide permanently
owed. 'have also used the Ointment in the ease of
Poll-Evil and on severs gulls with equal success.
On a pushed Mum llott was eery painfal, it opera•
ted like a chamr...Yefors, ke , IL ;VAN OLDEN.
, - ---
Sliracji Ointment 11.111 A Condition Powder are c
knowledged by all wbo have used them to be the lent
remedy Gm hoses and cattle that has been discovered.
Fresh wounds, galls, spavins, bruises, ringbone, poll
evil, and In short every onward disorder or Injury eon
be cured by this woaderfol remedy. The Powder Is
designed . Inc inward strains, distemper, bide bound,
fatigue front hard exercise, diseased eyes, /c..—Lake
County Chronicle.
IT. . I TROT:011T
, Wicsurtm, Cook CA. rab.l3, 100
Mr: Sloan—Sir I have a fine Toning horse that wee
taken with Oa scratches last talL I paid out about
three dollen for medicine to care him, hut he grew
wone. I then bought • box of 010 nt your
°Dee when in Chicago huit, ra ther doobtingly, oat I
thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my
opinion of its benelleist.quaLities, when I found my
horse% lop smooth sod will ink= days from the time
le4matefa•ed applying it. Your obedie t,n
E. F.
_Moroi than fifteen yews of unrivalled sneer•. In the
earn of every varieq of eXterrel diseases Injuries
po pram•, sprains, brWses, cuts, bunts, cutaneous erup
tions iota. lips, sore breasts, chapped hands, chill
blsluishiles, 'ricers. cures, veins in the back, sides, or
other parts of the ay stem, rattlesnake bite., bears
ample teem:may that Sloan's Ointment is test the Wing
hour. Centrmatcs without comber have been
received by the Proprietor from disinterested individu.
,de, giving Oetalls of reinarkable cams br its use.
o r szyille, hfileratAlo eo. WI., Ocxl3, 1649.
Mr. Sloan—Dam Sim Recently my horses ran naval
'esitn n log chain attached, whicb eel and mberms:
Wand them sertoesly, so much eo that I cons demo
my WPM fiara.l for businesa. Fortunately g (rimed
commended tins me Of yam dement. I went to
winkle and purclimed-• box. it mon imerred
irdlararitii., and in a few days the wounds healed
The greet bench derived from the eve of your Otot
mention Anne!. indeced me to acquaint you with
the Sloth_ tas ,ttblicuy would benefit you and
the Pe'''. Crawl Ocousrocir.
'And his o a common wing, that Slam%
Obattoem ad Coediting, • Powder are mysdly.sapasa
tga nti ;bo be Poe
e o
Vedbieirsis: of
Ones tt
miry owl safety, to wit they may' b. used ever so
AWy wittalmt= mty(wt. dangerof fr teldng eold , arid
=re or aey ohm
Warr rea Amy z me, r fa
hoUggdinmWoean k.Wirsd, jyamos
A. A. MASON &. CO.,
INTILL commoner on New Year's Day, t , ,40, and
candour through rho month or /estuary, artring
which r u ne the whole or their onteruse esitiblithrocut,
(including all their Wholesale Cocas,) will be throve
open for Retail Trade, and their entire Wholeaslo
Stock will be offeredat Retail, on this occasiou,
fully_ nt
oat roman taw than osual prices.
Then' Shawl Saloon contains moth tbanffnoo Shawls,
.eomprinog every desorption of litong and Square
Clank.talWilt, Cashmere, Droche,ffic. Moo, Vthenes,
Mantillut, Sacks, /cc., at an immense redde
n'. from usual prices
Thar stock comprises mom than DM pieces Thibu
Cloths, Merinos, Penmen., Alptuteas, Lyonete. Op
era uid Pelisse Clubs, will be sold from Int SO per
cent. less than asual prices.
Also—MW pieces rich plain aud hod SILKS, redo.
red 30 per tent.
%l eases Cashmere. and De Lunn enure new styles.
Also--Whim Goods, Itloarnine Entbroidenes,
Leoes, Mho., Gloves mod Ho u iery,Trlmininci. ee.
cases Flannels, 70 eases new style Cahoots. Olt ca.
liteached Mash., lek bales cro do 7U bales
Tic kings. &loc. Clotho, Cnso ues, Jeans,CM Wens,
J[ e. Si extremely low prates.
Together with an immense vanon of other Goode,
res.kmg an assertment one of bee most extenstve
the eanntry—all ot which have been marked down at
much lower {moos mail their even•ive annual sole
January lout. ,
They invite an early earl, as ninny of their otnuoest
Goods will be sold. •
rirThe lowest price named at first.
ian2 A. A. MAtION h 0 !dna. AI.
IrNorway Plain - a" BfiliYeas:
WIL MURPHY, at North Ear, Corn, ,fFourth
. and Market strerta, ha. lately receivea o eau
ply of tho above superior make of Wankel, and to
yttektlatian a. WILIAM the anal, to look of tbnin b.-
fore baying , kle - has also ort hind Herne made
aralie, of a aupertor quality.
- Also—Tanned nearlet w:oolt
finale. the arteuttoo of halata
CrA largo supply of GottJe reerotty oneoLd ta the
Mtholuale Rooms, up stairs, tuuhr• hi. ti,onntont
very tall and worthy the etelttirot of de/11,1
11c - stra, Pa.„ Sept-2r, lea.
Mr. R. E. Sellers—Dem tart i iced n IS 4 duty I ow.
to We public, as well as let the credit of your IA ter
Pills. to mate the good clients prodimed lip melt use in
my own case During the InOntli el June, MIS, I ion:
very unwell, my appetite Wird. end my strength and
entirely proatrated, with severe. pion in My side and
shoulders. I was told by medical men that my dim,.
wes a aevere arm. of over complaint. I took mem:
eel boxo of t ol d.
was Lmcr HD, and some sruPl,
which I w. told was good for that dimase, but alter
all I was geuing worse., I finally concluded to Place
myself outer the care of a phyaician for better pr
tee; but, fortunately, jest at thin time, I was told
by the Rev. I. Niblock, of this place, that a friend had
sent him a box of Sellars' Liver Pills from [forthwith
which had benehued lam very much. I forthwith
sent for a box of your Liver Pills e mil bythe lima I
was done using them, I was molded that it waa Mat
the medicine that salted ray case. I sent for more,
and took five or alt boxes, and bond myself almost
entirely cured; but in March last I caught a severe
cold, which brought hack the diteam, and le a short
tom I was as bad as ever. I again had recourse to
wont Liver Pills, and took them every other tight for
eeks, and occasionally rime, and I c. now say,
that I eau now say, that I Mel hole if any symptesas
of Me Liver Complait and my general health is as
good now es it has Intofor the last In years.
IMy neighbors ea me who was my doctor. I toll
Wee that stellar,' Liver Pill. was my dam., and by
the bleasing of Divine Providence the means of curing
me. I am confideitt that when the public became so.
quainted with the value of your [doer Pilh, We de
-1 mend far them will teem... Navy of my ltolgabotat
to whom 16 o me recommended the pills, cm testily to
their valve, a well as to the facts above stated.
Reepectfully yours, Gaussanuaza.
To ll= Pone—The Original, Only true and ye.-
nine Liver Pillsare prepared b 7 E. E. Plidielvt and
have his name stamd in back w. upon the lid of
each Dos, and his signature on tho ouWde wrapper.
GrAu others are counterfeits, or bare imitations.
spur kL Er SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood et
Cotembiana c0.,0., Apr. 24, 1641.
TNILD. JAS NES: Dais du:-1 feel bound to )oa
mud the afflicted public, to avail myself of dus op•
pormmtsLiving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of your lonia onmyself. Riming been adliedd
for sere years with a severe congh i hectic fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomcd
to linger out ashart but miserable existence, until the
fall of 04.19,1 when being more severely anaeled, and
having remitted to to all ray former remedies, and the pre•
scrip.. of two of the most respectable physieimis
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation survivinir but a few days or weeks al
farthest—when the Is .t gleam of hope was about to
mush, I bend recommended to me your I.Ypectoratit—
and Dimmed by that Being who does rill Muir , in the
use of the means—mid cond./ to the expected°. of
my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised
from my bed, issid was miablod by the use of a Louie, to
attend to my emoying Inn en better health than
I had (mien years previous.
Respectfully years, lee., Ju. W. F.srss.r.
For sale in l'insbargh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70
Fourth street. 111,111:2
171 JAVNtl.—Thin ceruSca, that immediately •trot
having attended my brother, who died of consumpuen
Alureh i Ist.l, I was taken r e d uce diwiththe Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and vim' r so low with Me
Um axe., that for four yearn wea r unable to atten my dto
huaineas, either at home or obrould. beteg for the
most time confined to my boil. Donna the above peri
od of time, I had expended toe medical miendatre o
regal. Physicians and mediemcs, to the amour, of
COI, without receiving any tieneSt therefrom. In
July, lishb, I commenced taking Dr. JaToe' s Medi.
Mar, and hove taken them more or leen ever
mid ticheve that a wee by persevering in their use,
that I eon now trail. say that I have completely reeo-.
cored my health: I believe that Jay tie Sanative 1 , 14
and Expecterson are the best fitfully medicines now in
I reside to Springfield, Otsep eounty, N. T., and
carry on a famace and machine shop in Mut pine,
and vim not interimed In any manner in the sale 0, the
above Inediemes, and mote this certificate tor the tier.-
cfm of those afflicted. ELIJAII EATON.
Springfield, N. Y., Sept.l6 jot
— ll - Idll - PAL Ll3lO dri s I
L.F.I.ANDFIL fr. DAY, corner of the Diamond and
AMarket street, nouty them fricr.ds and the piLlitie
that they have recoved their stock of Fall and Wol
ter GOODS, direct from the importers, trotttufactur,rs
aud nocuous at the east.
Their striek of new st ‘e
foluonable Goods is larfcC, acd presents strum 6/111.•
unit to purchasers. In Loud Drees CiljOdg and
Shawls, the most splendid anre d fashierianletwoda of
the sermon are now offered, at markably low pile.
consisting la part of OneDR following
ES. 5t.001.13.
New style limbo (mid Cametion Silks
Colic! serf Itinek Satin Du Che Lies and Tare titan.;
Cold Camaltu firoderhines. of the hest ;towlines.
13Lack glossy tiroLie.rtens of the celchramd
Too above named Mack Sae arc warranted not to
cot tn tbe wear, for dresses and atannllas tiny are the
best Imported
Ncaofig'd Caraeltan Senn DdCber.e,tbe nand...nest
;files of um seuon.
New style Brig,h/ belt fivarrd French hferlb••• •
DOW and spierdlid article tel ladies'. wallrdoa ......
Mlle E.mbroldered French Da Laines, for dresses nod
tacks, an entirely new article.
Cashmeres, De Laines, hlerinos, A:peeves and tar
1.131 N, a largeassortment
Manila Long and Square Shawls. of the beet yrmll-
Pt/1.1 Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark
ably cheap.
Splendai Terkeri Shawl s , as greatly retlncer armee
Carnelian Mocha flg'd Silk Shawls, ut veal ear. ty .
Crape Shawls, white and colored, in great v•rtety.
Bt. Sedan real Irrairch Twilled Oath, all prices
but Sedan teal French Caastmerea; new style Amer
ican Catarina:mai super Sarin Vesture,
French and Belgian Blank and Olive Cloths, In
dies' Cloaks
A .plebiL3 assortment of AMfilt. and imported
Blankets, at remarkably low prices.
A large and complete assortment now on band.—
Massy of our present stock of Maple Goods
bougut from the manufactaremprevioos to the present
advance in pries.. A pancipal pan . of our emit of
French and English goals hash !men purchased at the
glom Auction Sales to Philadelphia rind New WM,
enables Otto MB, Jemdml bargains in almost
ovary description of goods in our line of business
Country Merchant., !Merchant Tailor., end all
wholesale and retail boyem, are invited to on
examination of tote stork and price..
A.LEXANDER GAY, 73 Market st,
octV north west corner of the Dinrougl.
WR. AI ORPIIV, at nor UY
th east corner of Fourth
and Mulct ems, hi now receiving his remind
supply for the season, and can ober Inducements to
buyen rarely to be roe, with. Ills assortment of
Is very NB, consisting of French Merinos, Cashmeres,
Cohorts, Lyoneso Clothe, super Printed French Cub-
Mere, at prices considerably lower them they could
bo bought early in the scums. His stock a f
I. Mate, and embraces many of the beautiful styles
sow on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Philarra.
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim.
=lngo, Pt.
01 voloas styles and quahtles, plain and embroidered
Black Silt Laces, Needle Worked Collar. and Cults,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers Caps and Feathers
Of the sewn' style., and at lower prices than usual,
and etch changeable Silks and Sadao, for Marrlih,
he.; and a large stock of
at lowest priee4.-`llod in the gentlemen's deparunent
he found th
sh h`l,
Black Doeskins, Winter Voodoo, Funny Castanets:,
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, he_
00.51erchmts are invited o visit the Wholesale
Rooms, Room up stairs. 4,31
, 4 , g4 , v,..
,i;61. / f ratfUL SUALt—n Lt. o'
Mooch, Mercer co., Ps_, Sept. tlie,
R E. Sellers DO. sir. I bought one bottle of your
Vendible at the Iron City Funiace glossal this place,
edit has 'performed what we considermahere• won
dodol earn on one of soy boys eight yeas old; ho g had
been unwell for some >ears, in much so that I hod
en up all hopes of his recovery. I was advised by oi,s:
fey neighbors to try a thane of your YormiMge--
end am happy to intone you of it having the desired
.diet of relieving iny son. He phsed, in the s
space of 01 hours, In worms, some of them meows.
tog as much au to and 14 :niches hog. I (eel bound In
justice to give you the above stateumm, so gas you may
make any use of my name thal you Oink proper.
Yours, very sosPootfollY,
lry-Propitrod and sold by R.I.LSELLERS,6 7 Wood
.treat; and sold by Druggist. generally in the twe
D EADr 1LED1.... :LLEIts , * MUUII
1.16 IMP—From W. IL Esq., Clete of the
Gout of Quarter Seesions of Reimer County;
Ir. FL. li.fellcre: firy Sometime the winter my
ask was afflicted with • severe mut di eremtne cough,
abil Manna of your lavaluable - Cougn Syrup, I pur
chsed* bonier G em Trio:Sic, of ttridgevrater,
and after taking a portion of two or three evenings
on going to bed, sbe Maud immediate relict an aim
I lumen! friends have been relieve/ in severe easel. I
ma therefore satiefted that kw a auk and valuable me:
Moue, and would Teeettittlend it to Wow who uteij be
afflicted with severe cough• and golds.
Starch td 1E43. ' W. E. RODEN.
Ip:.S,old.hy U. E. SELLERS, Wood street, amd
by Li d :emus genet:illy in the two cities and mei—.
s-3 Si
.e . Ciath C s,ilast reed oral rot sale
W l
4e Wean! st
OCAILLer fda/115.:1W. raINB—W. IL kliaphy has
fa Jan}Leg a lot el high co:orad aloes. de Laing,
:OA as Chew, Starle, We, at die low pada of afw.
pet yard. All*, Plamnraii, Brow., fae, 01,4
cents per yard; itod large an•ortreent of neat .Lyle.
Spred Moue. do -Lalnt, at - various prices; together
math a eitolce assortmeni,of Drag Goods generally,
'inch 10 Fancy Silks, o_nch Idetihos, Gitabtartiel.
Colmar and Lrimem Cu,al thel " •
N. E. Canal Of YO9llll and Mute' us.
Vntolsesk Rooms gpagars, !wits
Pamasagar auto Ileentttastee 0111 ea.
dfiANEWEN is W. continue to bring persons
.from any port of kb - gland, Ireland_ Scotland or
Wales, upon the most fi beral terms. with their
usual pmetuallty and altentton to the wants and com
fort of emmigrants We do not allow oar pattactaers to
bo robbed by the swindling scamps that infest Die sea
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well being, wid de
patch them without any defend. by the first s
sny - thre . fearlessly, ns we. defy one of nor passen
gers to show that they were detained .1± P•tuss by us in
Imvertiool, whast thousands of ethers • sre dammed
months, until they could be sent iu wane •4 nt a
ch p rate, which too frequently provea Men. coTtne
intend to perform our conirttett aonoiably, cost
what it may, and not art no was the close last season,
with ether olfirets,—who either performed not all, or
anon it suited their cnovsnicuce.
Drafts drown nt husburgh for way sow. from LI to
14000. payable at any auto proridcial Banks 40 Irs.
land, England, Scotland and Woks,
Eu - ..opean •Ld Gans nv Aactn,
foal Fifth 'Ecotone dons Wow Wond..
Bled.ll - En PM:MR:Fs.
'Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Copt.
LAKE Enir., Gordon.
THE above regular and well know. Heaver Pack
cm, have commended making Chew doily tripe I •
and from Beaver, and will gelatone t6 - mo between
Sittaborgh and Deaver regularly during the masa,
Michigan N 0.9 le.,' l'ainburgh Alrtrly at 9 o'clock,
A. M., cad Benner nt o'clock, Lake Erie
leaven lienver at 9 o'clock, A.M.,and l'iluburgh
it 3 o'clock,
These ntramcrs will run in connection with
a ft Ports. amt. ev'eacket Ulm fnr Eriei
Taylor & LeMinnysell , West. racketst
Umort Late Fretvht 13oat: Mr Cleveland.
Clarke &.Co'd ritt.uurGh and Glevehmd IJas anal&
G Paths daily Now Castle Packets.
ma'am YA lucs t t%a, Leaver , Agents.
JOIN A. CAtit MEV, Agent. PutsbuMnt
tnehfil ear NVever and Smithfield sts
IS-19. aim
THE Freprietors of lion oil .-tablinhed and yooular
IL daily line, cons:row.; of St:ill:EN Urn .noal
Reels, r. caned by thenvieivet n.I running .n erne.
Ann with the Pinata boat, BEAVER AND CALEB
COl%, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the.trannporiation of oeight and pogeni on the
opening of Canal navigation, to Ali !win enise o, onthr
syl Ram awl Ohio and ß N. York tw H ain and the
la Lakes.
. M. FITC & Co. Clevend.
BIDWELL & 13ROT111111,
Agent, /leaver.
J. C. Dlnwria., Arrnt,
,iter street. l'ivAliurgh. •
r. c. emwau., D. W. c.
I.o.oburgh. Mover.
Forwarding Merchants,
BKAV Etc. PA.,
4.131/4 far the Pitts4nrgh'uwilCievelabui Ltne, Pitts
burgh and Ern • Linn v. Erin, and for steam
boats Berm,. and CedAs Cope.
Bering perebwed the large and •trtistantial Wharf
Boat rust built for the Monongahela Packets, have
WI h the addition of a Warehouse, the mow ample ac
commodations for reer wing and forwarding, uld
pledge their utmost ettennon, pr.:mimesis and despatch
to a...tram . to their care, and rely on their (needs
for a mini martlidly Lt. O. BRO._
v-• -,--,,,,r,-,..,„
.: -,._,--- - -iy. -r.- - ",-
,- ..,... , 47 ,,..„,: e .- 4 4 ..,, :: .,,, • ,
.‘• : .=.17-N:--
TIIST RECEIVED, n now awe:went of PIANOS,
ofoam the rna
Vn., nfoNr.,ne etos
Cate:an:3o, Boatoo,
an d the
a UW 'fork.
ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS,
for Sale at manufacturer . . arteee, by
JOHN H. MELLON , hI Wood..
Sole Agent for Chlekenng's Ylutoti
d 09.4 for Weatern PennryPean,..
Hesoard Ulna Pianos.
ONlEsefand hand Piavo, 2 l ocut . lre•, }ny sf 4 ii,
" " "
For rule for cash at the tt , ove prie , s, by
der/ 201I\ 11 NIELLOR. Weal at
To VIOLIN Mal EILS —Sroum's Vto
Scitoot altered and oonneeted (rem the tact line
110; edition, to rorre.,Pend t ap hYa °nem
Schou,. of Violin playing, by Ms pupil U C. ••
m are required in recommend this wor
It m ay be idAerved that Spahr hiup,elf adhere,: etric
to the ryavrn :own iu the ol , ove work, and th
he hr. by the same male of in.trociton, produced
greater nurol,er b.ung.o , 4 pupils than any at-h.
sun.ter in Europa
•apply of the at ore ,u.t.ree'd, fork, rt.) ard
sole 1.1 de 7 1 H hIELIAIR• el Wood at
• 1
77 , ,,, : . 1 7 ::4 17 .•": 71%
1 2. i iti( t', 1 1?1 , 31
.AiNFT.:':,,;',T72c!"';llPs7ll7 P ro h l:le cuL a n t fil 'rn'b e
• 1 a Delicate Novo" with protuptnesi tad secrecy..
11:c tiara en+ to Nadal° anal robe( terve cnirr be
man proverbial. chore , are modente. and in
curet pert:anneal.. Old rcw , of Glee:, c ,, inconc, .
rule, Fluor Artois, lectrnicom. Actie.,4ypbtlis, or an
chrontr or inveterate• aolieionl.
A tor. WIIITAAIrd, VASIRE itAlAard• •
Orr:c., St. Clair aneet. from bn.
Teeiti Fayette...l. ad•irr to the poor ,reno
N. B.—Dr. A
wont cams ol ary dte.•
in t'lliabarieb eon. not 4,11
`Therearc more Ikon,* In Leaven wed ear th
lhon are dream of In phdolophy..
'll Ilh: VIRTUES of Pa! realer :fa:lc reenc y. and
1 the cox...application (Of tl.l proprteto. ,
tolluecd hbn tie have al pot up an bottle. won u
ci. nod dtrecoon• for the LulUf.f/t of plod ,
'Flie PI-TROLL:CM la or rural ierm a well iu flip.
earl, ,al O:pth of four ' hundred 4,t, a pure {MY.
uncra.ed artie,...1.011 11:y c,enoz..l c an go. Lut
tpt so fluor. Iron, Nature • tire at Lantatcrl: . . That.;
Imtaiis prorwcur• reserung ant euLr r . .
40 r.
longer a 1119:‘ • r of tr.:eerie , r . Timm orl
•tAAr.r, th e scan of wool., , wn.
of vas. orellfine.• allesnatp.g safforin,.,.. sod re.
.top I•.••• 1,..1C1 UrtalUl And rigor to many a,
erer Lona t•tuot• on pr,f•rietor thought any
aup in Write., nod ret•Qtat...“ /or the onto of di..
ease The rooster" And daily inereavng caos iOr it.
..nd renre.rlvinie run , it ha• permeated, I.
uure anal , anon ot s:. 100 re popularity end as.d.,
spread application to^ B are. f dims,.
We do not mph to mke long parade of eerufp
cat,. u• .c
hot the iutuisetor can wren
work Ita way onowe ,luvor of th aw. who suffer and
tette to hashed. W.sll•l we do not Cava, for it
C 1.1,1,110. •pplrean.o every .I..sease. vac outicaltu•
"trey ay, that nil numb" r Chronic ,IX•ea•..• is
anetralleil. Among woo. mat
dvaaws of the mLeou....t.sace., math es Cfl/lON
BRONCHI FIS. t oIcCM PTION up 0.• early stage.,
Asnona, and a ft of the rm . i.a•sag•••
COMPLAINT, IrisPF.PSIA. 1.1111C,1•11. Diutusc• of
the Bladder and lintne• a Pain. in Ow Leek o• Sole.
Nervous Lh•concs,Neirrai.tra, Pars), ItOrotauut I'm nu.
Vont. Kryarpelaa, 'Fetter, it", worms, Burn, Scalds;
prenscs,.hd Sore, In cum o of delnisty r e .
Inn, from exposure, or long nd protracted case , . of
disease, this medicine wall bring relief. It will act of
o general TONIC and ALT KIIATI %'l - : In such 05•00,
runparurig tour and energy to the whole frame, Rune.
rug obatrunnous, opeuntgthe elogaish function , which
eau. tinware. and a bre ken coauutution, sod hiring
toorcuu , “ osui renewtd rocmy to bit the orguou of
Lak: Th, pr0 . ,,, , 0r know. of rcverei cures of
curry other treatment, get well
ender th e nun :he for • short time.
The pilot can Sr given to any person who &lures It.
None ccougor wort
the sliputtotc of rho proprietor.
b. M. KIER. Canal Ilevin, near Seventh at.
Mao y E. ST Wood at,
corner Wood us and Virgin alio), who •re
regularly appointed agents
• • • ,
No. H 7, corner Mariam and Fifth--or 49 Market,
tweet Third odd Fourth vm.
91111: sub•crilier keeps constantly on hand, ..Me
. I sale and retail, the lollowing mucks, du:
lash Tube, Mot! Churns,
Meat Tuba, Darrel Churn*,
hate Tuba, halt Huehele,
Wooden Wiwi., Peels mid Rolf Pecks,
Wash Hoards, Brom Bound Rackets,
Clothes Pica, Towel Rollers,
Wooden Ladles, limed Holler.,
Clothes Llasheas, Market Baskets, He., the.
Hwrit No nitl Inannind alley. ri d ttsburah h
•!3 : .-7 5 ‘•cP., i :fh t . s . 0.7,1' :=P-1.".",:i 7 50,..,"1.h . ,
- imported direct from the at celebrated
otatinfacturers.Mt pee cent emetic.° test, arriving told
for sale by cook I%' &AI AtITCHEI:FItEE
_ . - - --
d for sale tow by
A'',.`T., — " 5 ° 6 " 1.d TiV;;;1T , z , i , , ,,,, L.N.1 ,0
pi i.,,Egig it,. f , r , lito th- ?;12 ,,
(0615 ' '. .t It SELLERS_
ta....'rY.• .&ATtla,
144 Labatt,' 01
N iGLAS - SESL4t , n o bbjif 3 1 11 A - 7. o — ed for ~I, I,
kb] 5 ' ' . lIRClif IT & MIIL11!A7'I4 1 19 1 c.
Q.1./GAM-1•20 hlul. NIT i'EF;;liily
SJ (ebb) 1111(41VN & kiltKl'A'rltlCK
1 - tere. , frc.lf, nirivinteAnd for 'Art 1.,
BROWN & 14111.10A'CRICK.
101,13 1.44_ 1 ar,tiv .t --
I,ll..olJlCLM3lurtiiplt ticii.;
r-Nnnard 4 Sr/pert : are,
..,1 LU' IriS fin, on Heed nett for 'tele 1 , 1
fr 1.13 lIIIOWN & lilltlit'ATlllCK
COll N—fUtr excl. iiellow, (or r ule by . .
C ORY—:d mt. 1.015 ,IIROWN k 4:111141'A rill. 1,
'Alo by 0.016 JA1 , 113 , DALZ4I..
k. receiving per blf . Neb.., mrtsl rol
WIN DOW ti t Al(6-7,06x. 14.0 d, In •fU' and for
p LUOM S-1 If. num Melli - & ., % ^...r '”'' i"0 " "". ""
LI . 1,1 . by 1.4.13-.. JAME ., DAYZELL,
B UITEII,&4-10 &do und3;krgs flutter;
G ~ laud; r
, ~,
fabli 4 .'''"
F'''' .( ' Llb i -: ' t4 ;;.1 1 1.Z.1*.r.1.
1.,4 * .:, 1 . F r .::
E.II for
"l'. . i gllN 1 , 510110,01
. 130: , 14 l'lNK—= superior, for nib by
1.1. tebl.s JOIIN If 4.ORGAN
CI CNNYIIAGIL-31Aln pr.l rec`u and for rade by
1611111 DILI; Y 131 G Lb: & I:LAMM .
S°A'..-.."'" n''''l(.:"Nirlfrirl&f;rbZ::4r,
1,144 No 17 (food tr
S OCKS - 12 - do. * - 001,1, 111 ;11.1 0 II Itti fOr r•he by
1'0014F:Nril.1101 N. 11E:NAP:IT
Wlll re - np.AN 0410 re Vole 6,1 for lair by
icbll KNu1.1,411 R. 11P-NNKIT
... ....
I_FOYS-1 bola in gore or .4 for ~.tlt. by . .
1L1.1.11 1'..N01..1i411&1 14 .N:!.ETT
12 pair ribitred Legging.;
El Air Cionionti, round anditgonlni
12 Pea Cont.;
I gm.. No 1 Ring.•
I do Not
I do No 7 no, illm ren'it nod for solo at On
Rubber D.P. 1 1 Nor Wood ot.
AL,C,201,-S D M
ELLEIRe FAMILY 11111131CINI-N—"Tber are the
hletheinea ol the day!'
Gattetaaes ..reetott, Ohio, May e 4,1819.
R. E. Sellers: I thine It {tato for the benefit of others
to Orate some recta In relation to year excellent
l; -Me:dimness
I have usul your Vent:arise largely in my own Nos
ily, one vim frequently answering for expelling: tge
qu.tioss (nay to nnii is • rrns from two chili:rag I
Moe also used your Live Pill , and tiough Syrup to
my family- and they have in-every instance produced
the 'fleet desired.
Katie d in meychandoung, I ant able to
.clam that I nave yet to heft. of the find fallout where
mcdnsties buve Ixen mod in my martian of the
I n oo hove nu,
concl.rou, lima! state
tney are da.
irs! the day, and ore destined in have a very
• tt. J II. Puttold
Prepared .d sold by R. r• I RS,No 57 Wool
torch and sold by DlUggl 4'. enetelly in thet,
two ai
des end vicinity. mr3l
d..X original, only gene L aid genuine LAVer rut.
Seem Caw, Mao county, Va. 1
• March 20th, DEP. S
Me. R. E. Seneca: Dear Sir-1 Minkduty I owe
to you' and to he public irriera ly.
In stale that I have
been alEicted with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, mil no badly that enthrone to avid broke,
which left me in a very (Pillse Raving heard ot
your celebrated darer being for sole by A R
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physic-ran, Dr. hi. Smith, I conducted to glee theca
a fan inst. I pureliksed•ritfe box, and found them to
'n jot what they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking fou boxes
Perfectly well. hnd die Reeve hßespectfulas entirely
ly yours, left me, and I ant now
Went Liberty, March 20,114• r.
I eenny that I am personally acquainted with Mt
,and eat bear testimony tothe nuth
e Toe ..rtificele.
',name Liver Ply. ant prepared and sold by
ft E S I.LERS, No 57 W.d Street, tald, dmggiiita
in the wo clime • -
TO peer, UULIhe normal only One and gen
lane Liser aredirepared by RESellers, and bane
1/'i , nano= stamped in black wax upon the bd of each
100. and Ma sminstare on the cumide wrapper—all
others are counterfeits, or bue imiLEß3,tations.
E SEL Proprietor
[PROM the Rev A=A SIIINN,I well known and pop
C ClergsmandittheProteatantMethodinCharch
Inn undersigned haying been alkieted daring thepasi
r with a discs. o :tire stomach, sometimes pr.
ltic stein parn in the Inomachfor tenor twelve hours
witliontatermi ou,and after baying tried 'Mir , .
temrdics with meet was furnished with a limns
or Dr Itlisyne'sC 1111111013•ISRM: Thisbe need me.
cording to the direct ous.amil found insatiably Malian
medSciar cau.dthe pain to abare in three or four min.
ars. .1.1 in fifteen ors:M] T I E' teed
sensation was entirely quirded. The medicine w.
terwardsused whenever indications o I the appmaith ol
palnwerc perceived,.dthe two was thereby present
ed. Ile continued to use the medicine every averung
and aometimes , r. •be morning, and in • few week.
health WI! MI fart etinred, that the suderer was ICH,
cd (idiot a large ism. blot oppreoisc pain. m
perience, therefore. can confidently
11• re
11 c .7 men rn ommend p
D JaynehiCanninalive balsam, 11J1 11
for diseases ofthestomace anil.borels. A RIIINI9
For sale in Pittsburgh Xt iralltntElnit-71711
711 Fourth Meet, near Wo t and also at then - rug
Store of SCIIWARTI. 'etal risco, Altolarny
rut 011.5./.7.001.1 Fel
Oovamption, CdoE,hss Cohls, !isthmus Bronchitis, Liv
er 00Mplaint, Spitting Wood, Difficulty of Breath
ir_g, Prdi in rho Side and Breast, Pitipitancm of
the llear,lntluensa, Cenip, Draken Co.-
s. ittlllo°, Sore Throat, Nervous Debili
ty, and ell Menages of the Throat,
peewit andsungs: the MC/Me
r1...1 d rpeedy our.
aver known lor any of
this ale-We ammo
s. Is
DH. A is C.'S
Compoetredll,llllp of 'Wild Chveyt
Thin reedictne is no longer menu of doubtfal
ltd. , It has passed away hum Inc thousands daily
launched upon rho tided experiment, and now stands
higher in reputation, and is/incoming more ennuis:re
ly other fep1.1.4013 of methodic ever
produced for the rebel us soden - Sag mao.
It boo been •atrodneed very generally through the
United States sail Eurepenand there are few towns of
importance but what eontain some remarkable eer..
detICO Of Its goo Ear proof of the foregoing
S ULLe.I9.III., and of the card efficacy of this meth-
‘ c thau
‘he aetiPnr‘:''ffir.` et; 'il'eb . oe f on'p r o o f son d' te r r
.nod wen of the beta respectaldlny—men who have hitter
glows of mons. responsibility and justice, than to cer
tify,so facts, ticrauwi it will do another paver, and
therricelvra no Inustice- Such testimony co
uly, that as surprising excellence is reiblished
by I7A intrioNlC merits,rind the iniquesuonable alimon
y/. ot public opinton. The Instantaneous relief it t, and the goothing Influence Dowd through the
who!el frame by Its use, renders Its most ancenble
remedy for Mc afflicted.
When men, toting 'from conscientious
, i i,rdy bear testimimy to the truth of a Mit,
pantrular fact, such t esumony, being contrary, to met
worldly Interests sod purposes, viewer conviction
its truth. commends itself in a special mciner
1,1111,,T1441 credence Moral 3litaims
: , TILL ANOTlrril C.Ct. or PLl.l.o.l{kliV
none, erlo. It remedy that bag been as surer .4
d<SpfraVi iiLtes of Dr Swaine
Comnound Syrup of %VII,' Cherry. It ttr , Tia , lieb ,
systin, nod ears to heal the ti.e. c ts on the tune
weans g h a nd rieh bloat, imwer po sss . s ~g
ikher r bet..
April :nth. tYI.
C 71111.. Cu.- 1
)'Kent co..
1.., . c7: !,;" ,..: :: .,,,r 1 " ,; : :::7 ::: „... . r ,:; , p i? ;;; ,,,..,,, : 1 N ..n 1 cy :: :,,a i t : 1 : d *n. :: : 1.; : tvr .:. ..: vvi r z i : }7 1:; ,: : : ' ,1 5 i 0 1 4 . 4: i t. :17 : :: 1 :7 ,...k, r, ::: : : 0r.i n : :: :: : :: ,,,: d L,,,, ,, ,: : 1:
i . ,lltellari t'......-4 my comptainttne ,
ll h
0 ,
. h . `' . 2° ' log " IL or ..n. ,, 1t. g." ur • th s c w try
"'mi..' ''''
otne I lane ee„temon ,
B most ay
v„., At Mt.. „ I 4 ,d so vrttri tS oth
I 'th.lig'gg. - lee) lo leo. c
'" ggigg'. t ' rut 1.. 1 . h" three I
by the
n rezolts. Tl` h
:ougb, cistia.toc :i?_ .
nr,t . t.4 . '-• „.. i Ill , " :,' oung =7
now 1.• 1....7 ....T, .„,,, t r ,form... th. il .fi, rbt
•.::. be bat r . l t ., A er,_,.
m, tepee ,e I
...”. e‘ . ' '' ..-releful. F., the "'— ~,,,, Wes ,
"'bleb I em . 2 oo to Peter Re', •,
1 "(''''''' I " """' leTe ' u a. Miaute
Cherter,Sk, oc'e ,
~,n , ,,z1¢1.1 Y.."" - .
It'trnarrful Curs of a Ateshootsdi Akiimter,
Dr Swayiss--Dear hir. I reel a detd aim antoda due
• you—and a ditty to the articled generally, ns hilts
ser bumble With:tool to favor of your Cmpound Sae
of Wild Cherry rSosie three years sore I ay.,
~,,,,,ng s umedted with cold eat s ollammultpri of the
Latest', whieti was a,entormhie with s dlatressing
sough. pain in the bre. , and head, a •ery ccosid,..
tie discharge °rode/Aire mucus from the lungs, erl,c
-<lmlay upon charge ot weather, however slight- At
first I felt no alarm esnit my oalition, bet w. pretty
soon cormineed that I was rapidly 1005 e ",,,, roam:bp
-1 grew daily weak. mid 01 !rock was sear , e
-1, able to walk about. or speak aLove ft veLmp,r,
w. dieueccedme weskuum of mY nnf:• toting Mi.
neat I had tried various preparatrons and prescriptions, •
h ot g ou „,, ~,, venei—ggrovetaig all the tone worse. lust
hem I arts ado sod and perstmdml 1., • dear friend in
liVariunglon to ausks trml of your nyrup ot Wild Cher
, ry• I muid.con.ess that o rnviously I And teen preen.
diced imams , patent nu-themes. and I um stall &gal.,
Mose coming out of the hands of
scion but under-
Zleridng your risim• to the profession and procure of
inedudno, and hsving implicit faith in um •aying of my
burn is, I forthwith purshased
Dr. Show, 06C Of your
agcx,g, a kat twolcs, and commenced iu, use. My di*.
gme was alu ms s, wee of ...nor ef. mouths' standing, eon
moue:any a deeply scams!. I found, however,
coorelderable roue! trout the use of the first four or five.
tties. nut being a public speaker. I trainently at.
lernpled to preach with my increasing wreneth, and
Mcrehy ruptured Mow vessels that had already tiepin
to hell; to Ibis way, doubtless, my lure w greatly
lln masequente of acting thus imprudent'
I had to non Mama or lateen boutes befom I waspe.
lectly resumed I have no qursuon, a much email
number of .botusa would have mode me soiled, ha
the above militate°. The t3yrup allayed the fee
nh habit, took _way the &stressing cougb, p ut ~,,,
to the timelier/0 of matter Dom the lungs, and env ,
hem and the ea
system good health. I have ilr. ,
retl mitring this eeruhoute until IkOVI, 101 al! pllepea..
!,`,:lo`,'ZfiT',lo`;,`-',1.`,Tg,'1d074h..?1'; r'..;711m";;;;;,',),,,,,,t
than. I. I'. Juana.
. '''' D . :l " .lt ' r; county. N. C.
h-4.mons Camoon—liewl! Read!
There la but e. e genuine preparciort of Wild Cherry,
and t 10,401(Ir% the firm ever offered to the
public Initeh ..*e been ..111 largely throughout the
United ' Snte. arid
perm of F' .a rod ell pro-
penmen& by the of Wild Cherry have
b an . put thts, under COI", 0( Wale 40[00000
circumstances, order bo eurrency to their rates.
By n little obastmation, no person need roisteke
gernune from false. Each bottle of the genuine is '
enveloped t wit & beautiful erect engraving, with the
nkenens of Witnam Penn thereon, also Dr Swnynes
4011100(eI and •-• further moony, the, ortrait of Dr.
Sway. wall.: melded herodurr, sO to nistingutert
his preparatios...ora all others. Now, it it was not for
Me rent curative properties and known virtues of Dr.
Gorny no's Conomind tlyrup of Wild Cherry, person.
would not be endenvoirms to give etarcncy to their
"Gonna. noa...ams" strlding Wenumo of Wild
Cherry. RE10011(01., always hear in mind the uome
of Dr. Swayne orbbe not deceived.
Principal trillmeAtorner of Eighth and Race steects,
For rat inlarmsnle and retail by OGDEN SNOW
DEN, cur tal ant Wood Ind It A I'AIININTOCK
Co, roe Ist an. Wood, and 6th rind Wood eta; WM
T 1101171,53 111...ket ail B JONES, let Innerly at; JAG
A JONES, rot sland and Peon
- Allegheix. city, and by all respectuble dollen in
Ur. W• P. Inland's Prominm Plaster.
1 hit. W. P. INLAND, of the Gledical Cntlege bf Phil
now infers to Ma public hi. Indim Virg
cubic Premium Planer, the qualities et
which, after
long and tried expenence, boa been satufactorily
uthltshed. To ell women who may be nillieted with
Prolapsus .com et r Pollen Wornh, he recommend. t he
pincer, gusmuteng a sore aid speedy cure In the
Mort mace of from two to awn week., if applied with
care end rest—ihmurnlng comates. insf
and expenslve handily:es so lon 11l &se. Thi. tie feel,
c ome...ions in armee, initatauch he lin. not fluted
to one
Out of three hundred and Iney-three
Alin for Rheumattem and Weak l:11,1.1 or Back, at
tended with ruin - them nottung excel dui 'l , tstel .
In adordmg relief nr effecting it cure. Fan inle try
L. %Vileoz, cornered Diamond and Market it
!Dann & Kriter," Liberty and St. atm eta
{lt) Sargent 0 federal it and Inamond, -
gneny city
Jaeqam & Co, ° Denman and Diamond Inman&
ham._ _
, ..
'(TRACT OF COFFEE—An article which is on-
Jpldly earning into ore as • loboLosotoc,,notu.Oolit
und denim:Ws beverage, t.wg morn p1e..1 nod ',ta
stable than Common Coffee, and or r r be.,
r,oftenri.Coolts)s only m t . e , : u i e=ilil. l 10as tar ma four
" 'JOHN B. fiIICLA, Pirtsbirrelii INt•
wholesal b A Er,:INYNTOCK tr. CO,
Gnlner oi Fart and Wool and Sixth Intl Woodstrec.,
PIC...Mk _ npill
fiAIrIFORNIA RUNUP* MOODS—Just received,
%_,/ 3'112121p 12..t0i 1211312 c. COI K,
12 pro Plotoi
tv'oPirr"lfZlLko,linVahnir haling
!1 . 1 0"' 19 I,thn'''' Raga ; 7
dos Ducksirm * l ' ir '"h '
'• ''"‘"'. l.!
grn"b"r(r*doh;dol. The ahoy:goo:4 ' Z
t i lr'at i t ' h W e ':' 1.
fo „vgifobilitabltatzment, Nis i b ik Nil i s i t
sollit iurs
Az i , vlLL—Wrought Iron Anna', from We Temper
onr.o2ll23 Worls, warranted, will Le Constantly
nd bond and supplied to order, by
WV. :F:I1 00,911100. 22 I V. I . 1
LIQUirPS-17 111 pipes Itrendy_bia,d. Li,,,,,,y7y,:c;
, 1 pipes llollrind ton,
6 c.a. N E Rum,
4110 bbls Whokey; for sale lry
i-iiy A cyliglilaPPlirit — itu costs J. Aurproll te
15 Sens' brand, a superior article, for sale by
— ny r „ r • -- i.I - .. 61($ INTl4ratt's :doors Aell 01. 10 ciete
• led Iti‘eactilng Powder, arrived per;hlp Oxenbridge,
I and now coming on by canal, for sale by
yr LE—Mey will receive, daring the unlatch, large
supplies via, Now Chlcant, riavaLl
THE: WAR WITli MEXICO, by B. S. Ripley; 9
nm of Rhatorici comprising an Analysts of
the Lawn at Moral Evidence and t Pm—U[olole by
Richard Whately, D. D.
Emmy on Christian Baptism; by Baptist W. Noel, hl
The Ogilvie*, a Novel.
Fairy Tole., born all firnion , ; by Anthony R Mon
tallini%rah 24 illogical - ion , by 4/ ir lc
doll/ corner Tiard end Martin
New and Elorrant Gift Elooiur
i Headley, relib eleven original &oily. by Darloy
Pacing and Prose Wriunge, by Richnni H Dana,
vole., =dm
, red Panty, with sa illustra
r Jahn hartnin
truer Third and Alarkct au
.IF2hIT;. • Practical Vicar
relations at. interest 4 of the
Comranatty; by Worth.
ingion thicker, ht. D.
Pm. Worn. or Michael He idenitaltne; comprl , ing
hlways. Letters, &e. Ity Wm. Him
Nineveh rind it. Reclining. fly
Amteu Henry Lay.
ord. E•q., D. C. L.
Limpws or Priain,• or Notes of on Unfinished Tour
in lUD. By S. T. WOOL
PNV.1,11.1 Philosophy, new edition; iliac
tinted. Just received by
novnt corner Merkel and Third streets
LI mewed Books—Books in richly curved Media.
illuminated and illestrnted—Booes Mineral) , Wand
Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Com, osidon, in mood°
al th e Middle Agee—llibles and Prayer Rooky, bee
&Idly bed A in VelvetandMoroccoimagnifimutly o
nemented ud illuminated. For sole by
de?) Bookmller A Importer Wood M.
CI x as and New Yells ApprosiclalsOgl
/n Ala, naificent Antique Bbuling; for the Holidays.
TAM D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller md Inumrter,
el n 3 WWant street, has censored atiematinal collection
of Uhmrated Boots, bound in the most splendid man
ner hest London and American bintidtP—among
themmay be Munk
01, 5 10.1, • • Poetry: magnificently ilharnime
Lnys at the We ~e in World; illuminated in gold and
Wrdavrnrilt`s GreteCi richly Illustrated.
The •• cacher, illuminated by Owen Jones, and
hound • carved ;rood.
Toe Song of Sams; Illuminated by Jones.
Flowyrs and their Kindred Tbougnun illcutoinated by
of Shakspeare; illustrated.
Mrs. Jameson's Charactertsuc• of Women; illostro•
• Ted. For gala by JAMES Lk LOCKWOOD,
Wood .wet
13 ED BURN: Ilia First Voyage, bY !Inman fifellville
JA, author of '•Typee." "Omoo," he.
Dietary of King Alfred of England,Ly Jacob Abbott;
with fine engraving..
Sidonto An Sorceress: by Wm. hleinbold.
novll corner Third and Market streets
"One ate Mast Remarkable Nark aof eke Age?
IV2INEVIIII AND ChanKMAINS; with an account
1 ' of a visit to the ean Christie. of Kariba.
tan, and Ae or DeCii-Vir.e.hipperlli and 11-13
Inquiry into the Manners and...•ris df An Ancient Aa
moans. Ily Austen Henry Liy,ri, Peg., D. C. L.
With Introductory Note by Prot, Robtmon, D. D.,
LL. D. Illustrated with 13 platese and mope, and Op
Wood cuts. 2 eels. "no. ninth, 163,66.
“The boot has a • are amount of graphic, vivid, pies
Arc:slue na retire' —Tribune. '
"The wen:, of La rand Is the most mccoinent contri
bution to th • many of antiquity, that has appeared for
many yeah "--Chrott. log.
"Not onn • reels in intermit the oact nf Nineveh
and its Reins, Given by Mr. Idward."—Washingum
A. are follow the diggers with bieallheas interest
in their excavations, 61141 sadde aly 011Inehelt be
lore a massive firer. carved Mite .I.IIIIIC accuracy,
now lifting Its gigantic head from the dust of Si
years, we VC ready to cry our with No astonished
Arabs, h is vrondcritd,.bat h Is true "—ln
For sale Ly
ta ood at
New 800 100.
rrial WOMEN of the Old and New TestonnenL
1 Edited by E. 11. Sprague, D. a I voL Imp. evo..
elently bound, la olqunntely hrtialacd on graving .,
with d venom.* by celebrated Ito.onoan ConTroo.o.
PULMS 131 i AMELIA,(SIrn. Veiny, of a new
and entargod cantina: nluttrated by engravtuga from
demo. by Wier. I vol ago are deb ~elegmn
ly bound and gid .nlont—A variety aptendul Antos
DO mod Gift Hooka
SedelP. Chisd's First Donk of the Moony of Rome
I vol. Irmo. -
TIM MECIIANICI 4 itSSISTANT, ndnred for the
use Carpenters, ...Sh:parriehts, Witt elwrghte, Saw
,et ~, .unit.crevrit. Student, end Ar.trAns generally
betel:. a thorough and pmetteel Treatise on MenNtls3-
11011, II 14 the ShOing Rule. Ito I) M. linper, A. hl.
Bosse , Treatise an Greek Pro‘c Cr. roPow ,oo.
Olinntiotd's Element& r; Fren c h rimantuar. 137 Prof.
Gre , .of Brown enreerrno. 1 vol. teem.
B ,Gee's lieeentu , rie , •rew t.t mut tsar, 1.7 ConanL.
lie mu, Hebrew 1..-.l.enn
Lou ."frt,onutnetry end Loganthanic Tahle -
on! I. ' " t ens
The Knuaennteu's ti:rok Censrar ler., . I Sol 11S110-
Antl on'. Cles.s.r et Sett,.
Wel +tree lArneruary, revturd ed. I red. In.n
J do onalardged I o rtl
Bars Cr Slat. euil Lide.uons ..., Nos TAeuatount.
wn. tel:, I.Aglr
Mo. eati'• kle . .c.J•.orel Ili. art. .i wok eod 2
Vol,. t.hrep )
Vcsoges ol creautut 1 oni. INao.
hlnclungs A1.131011{ toe /cunt. At :tome. I enl. %riot ,
and euPerl
Scene. where the Tempter hen Tnotriphe.l.. 1 vot
leloth and pap, 4
boaue's Thco.ope I snl
Alder* PlnllotlllflPg Htnle.
IMyer'. French In 411naary.
S.4ntart`.. Horace. Fur hale by It Ill)PKI: IS,
r. 0.13 Apollo Ilutlel•:i.4, mt. 4114. at,
¶E\\' I:01MS JUST 11l ii.1V14.0.--71.5Te4 o
Nlont.ogne, edited by 11. Harlot, comprin+y; bit
1,....ty5, ',ter., and Jourtwp through tiClllllll r 0111 i
Italy, anal note. from oil Pm Commentators, U.ogeop.t
cul 00.01 LtthltournPloeal N01 , ee" 4 4 ,0 4
Torory and Prim:Pee of 'reaehanr, or, We Motive.
and Method. of Good School-Kecpuni, by David
y,A. M., Patoeiti of the State. Norinal g9usol,
Alha , N
F 41k FOrf.ff . • Fed% and nalting of the U. Slaw.
and 13rdtmit Provinces of North Americo, 1.7 4
Wet 11c:1 , m JOIINsTON A. rat/t:KTONT,
urea ..oroer Third and Market eta..
The Olden Ti me.
JAM F. 3 LE LOCKIVOI)D, Rookseller end Imponcr.
No. 54 NVood .Ire t, has for Fair a tew eroinea eom
10a tie
Fen P ocnder o the cam e,, than
h, 41.4,0104 to the Pre.orvation of Document, and
ot,er 4.1411:01.11C tclaPtir Ps 0541 catly
Anttletoeut and improvement n. trP: ematt,ery
around the head ..f the 11010. by Nevitle U. Cro
F,..141 . I . l.Pnargh, in 1 rota dto.
slob/ J. D. Lot. - .:WOOD:
Rottibt.srvuoi?u.erry:A.LlilorrA,72.4 Vrag ; of
. tte ,
lubott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve engravings, exe
cuted at Rome. 2 vols., Mao, umfonn with ITescon's
Maumee] Works.
Just published and for sale by
JANIk. Bookseller and
male Importer. ..I Wood
DANNY rirALY. ,4.l edtton.
J: 17Aeo. cu. SIRS. FANNY K.E.8.3.4:2 YthAR
I.Ttre rendtng . of this boot has Impressed us with a
meek hien, ootozon of as .blear than we had I , retert
from Ilermung her other writings. It display s a deeper
tone of thought, united so more pure womanly erne. of
feeling Blue any other produbdon of the tclania mina
with which we ere acqumusral.”--Eve. Mirror.
is a very agrecahla nod readable book, writtertln
Fanny liemblela heat style--bold, spirite ;sad enter
t.aine. We recommend to oar reade d rs as the but
puldi4anon of the reesen, , —Reading trek.
'lt commas the Journal of a travel through Burept,
land rrlulonce In Italy; and 'is one of the pleesatueat
and most Interesting Looks or the wasou."--Cettr. and
-.ifs very characteristic book. We have reiul from
'tic page to Colophon with unabated interest. A v
ol piciure of life in Route. In all irespee &malty
euablii. , —Knickerboeker.
For sale by J &NIBS DLOCKWOOD,
noirts Bookseller& Imponer, ood
Lithographic patablaaltmena
O . . .
F Wht. SCIIUCIIMANN, Thud st, opposite Me
Port-Other, Plusbargh.—Maps, lamdseatsets, Blit
hest., ttlhotvaills, Labcts,Arehneetural and Machine
Drastmgs, )111.1110.6.11.1 Vltiting Card., Ac-, cog need
or rats on gillle, and prtated lit colors, Gold, groom ,
or act, m the most apprOved style, and I. the most
' ,table ' t...( iii P.
t r • '
r ' t - .1 t- x .1 . kegs for sale by
.1 1 .
dell WICK tc MettA: l l:::Stt
ii Ld"2;;!'---al""l' for.. by
LIPTON L'ulr for
OHEAP MOUS. OF. LAINS-3 casts good style.
%,..../ WI relorctl M. de Lain, at the cztrentely low
pnca of lle. per yard. A A MAISON Es CU,
dell No CA) Market sr
FRF24II viruer-3dniTiaga treats pantiles,
a " bottles do.
5 " Pine Apples;
I •• - Cherries;
3 " " Strawberries;
3 . . Tomatoes;
3 0. ball gal. battles Pickle.;
3 . quart do.
3 . tancy do.
Roe'd and for auto at the faun Toe 511000,70 Fourth
j YE ri.OUlt-13 laud ildelitt by
dory_Wst II intiNsToN. Int t.cond •
1 J,ECEIVED THIS DAtiott the India Ildbldt II
A, Put -1 cane Uleelt'S Alehnthe Ildbber hundand
-" "
" Allstee " :tappets;
I " n
Me's "
" leather edict! " °veva,
All of which will he gudt, : wholrmle of 011011,1010
than a ee y hum, u 1 the,eily. J
No 5 Wood creel
LP f'
i,I } Fb...AC11C.,-5 obi. j..lnt EI:C‘11.10t solo WI
Yael;' S 6 W liARIIMO:11
. _ . .
ENDOW I.:LAOS- 64 M bao, a0 , ..1.1K, ...,..! ~,,.
' 101 mole by deO. SO. W
BtrITKR-13 bolo and 6.11 to
by gs, pocked, le prone
order for Monolog, for male
, __4. IV A'FER6I6 N
---- OIIAASII-'.., east% to aroma ~.., 11,,,,,,.,,,, sex
0 4ole by deOl TASSLA lt lIII6T
LAVICWOIN6-tU bolos lorpe 4,xen - a iicsi y
just reed by iill&ClU.a:rr &Will 114
detl No by Wood 41.
ArraTTE.,--2 00.04 tdper Frrueo Black Oda VT
zettca, Cilia trorading4, wed p.••• exprom.nt
dell, AA MA:MIN it CO'S
l ONLIRIE..--6 - 1,4 ' .1;4 - 3.7•=.711. - .4 I' Edda No 11.1.0,
U ' 44 begs Feathers; I demo
re 'me ktk!Wooli
6 dox 1.41 M. Skin., welt won:, .
dox Fberp :Awe, •• '•
dos th,.,,,,
To erre. on Mourner Fort Pet, and tor sato by
dell ISAIAH DICKKV 6. CO. Froot st
0 INSENG -4 bag. thLlifitlL-rb-rllll3, .4
1, - nut i liiills-:itele, for tole by -
1. - .. del. , %VICK A. tdoCAF4OLD4 ,
HOILOC COY EtteiL•4 ' , Ilium 666400 Ilona Coven,:
very Onomy and Milendtd amok, wit reed 01 , 4
for sole low, at No. 6 Wood street 7 H
r,ll ~...,_
dr.l) 12.12_
i ilißttnclll6-1. bill'iTs muse
drayneiTaillaily &
1„/ 1 KIDD CO
_ -_-_---
taila pat ren'iliwn fo i r i gt s ll
EUdUxt .bbi. Frnnn, Pam rnn n d V u "V.M; y iLt,
MU: 01 in ,sune;
sAlvet to 011.0, GA IA
llntiwnighL,whteb 4.3
will plea. call tar. BEILTENDERGE I 4
4.1e31. Na ErlFrOxit'te '
Banker•, Mzehaag• Broken,
ajy w"")Nig6 GOLD 411 VER
COLLECIIONS.—Draftex plots? and Acceptances
Dave In nay part of the Gruen. collected on the moat
favorable menu ,
EXCHNGE on Near York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore: ali Cineinuno, Leonora's, Saint bout. and
New Orleans,constently for sale.
BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks ik the
ited Stateatimonted tho lowest rates. All kinds
I.oreign and Ameurman Gold and Silver Coin bought
[Mee Na Market street, between 3d andtirs 4th,
Pit“bu o.
rgh, oc
ILLS on Enetand YUFiYld ,
Ireland, and Scotland bought
Bons amount at
Current aof Exchange.
Also,lintrts payable in any pan o thu Old Countries,
from At to ft
on at the TVA ol &Stu the Sterling,
voakiat deduction or dioeonot, by IOSIIIJA 150111N
SON, Europe. and General Agent, otheo 3Mt at one
door West of wood. oetlEitl
nuns artmeral [amain &nun
JO in Forcian and Domestic 13ills Exchange. Car
&water of Dermaite, Rank Notes uri Coin, Canine lid
3.1 and Waal streets, dimetly opyosite.fik Charlet Ha
pack NoteE
carehased at We loWast
04113 2.5 Market alt.
I sl3lllllalphlaill
C.r.stanUT for sat. by N. HOLMVP it SONS.
reply 2511tarkstst.
Desists'. Cured.
From the New York tribune.
AFRIEND, %Those word is mor e reliable, and who
hat do passlble interest in the matter, but oned
gratitude, deeiree um to say, that be has been o
inveterote deafness, by the !taco( ';Sco t Cal:wound
Amnia OiL" Philadelphia medicine, which Is not
(or wale in ibis city, but which he thinks ought to be,
for the good of the eWtetnl. • lle latter who has
also been cured by it. Ile urgently adages. all who
ar e suffering from drainers, to tic this remedy, with an
atourance that, union the case be extraordinary, the
exporisnent prove ationdanily successful.
Fee •titc nt , THE PEKIN TEA STORE,
10611 70 Fourth et, Pittsburgh
Combat Combat
. mopes Polka; 10 do do very Ewe;
I go &sit Redding;
IV " super English Horn Redding;
Prmket Comb.;
500 Woad "
100 n doo aiss'd Fine 10011;
" Shell Sole Combs;
to " super large lleffnlo;
RIO gross ass'd Side Combs; meld and for snliby
tebs C YEAUFR IDS Ma get st
Buff Ilellandt Halt Holland l
TAKE NOT/CE--iThat W. McClintock has Xis day
received severalcsaim of die -finest and Den
Wit%low llol:eindto which he roost respectfully
cull the attention H
of his customemmould
and the public In
IrCarpet IVara Name, 75 Fourth at- land'
A FEW very fine GUITARS. just reed (tom Me
celebrated manufactory of C. F Martin. and for
akin by Jana iH. MELLOR. at Wood at.
Books Jost Asosived.
TIT. Complete Works of John Bunyanj St volt, 800,
01 I vol, IL:LinTlaGilj muslin gilt and gilt edges.
Alochall's and 'Sabbath School GeograPhyi
a wort; t vol, Waal.
Town's Analysts and Speller
Life of John Q. Adsrus; by Wm. fl. Seward; 1 vol,
1.2m0; moehn
Puente by Mrs. Dakotans; I vol, Mao' muslin; gilt.
Sookh's Serroons—tlermons preathe ' d upon several
Gaon:don, by Robert Solan,_ D. D.; a now odium:, 4
vobr; inelodlng Posthumous Discourses. vols. in '2; sheep, extra; Discourses.
For rale by R. HOPKINS,
Apollo Duildings, Fourth sl.
-- -----
Marl McnoureinMTV... I
Mill; undersigned, weetamors to Antlers Xs Nichol- I
I. son, beg leave to inform the tithensofPittsburgh
and public generally, Menthe) , have rebuilt the Els-
til..Y. Ft/ENDRE and are onw In full operation, end
horn port of their patterns ready for the market:—
AMOtig6t which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Steer, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is
new supercediug to other china the common round
Stove. Also, It cheap coal Conking Stove, well adap
ted for small families, with a full assortmentof com
mon and mantel Orates We would parnieular!y in
vite the attention of persens building to call at our
before purchasing, and examine • splendid
article of enaminelleil Grams, finished in fine Milo—
' entimly new in this marls,
Warehouse, No. ltil Liberty vi, opposite Weal at
eurEmltt NICHOLSON ik. PA 1(1%6
(1 Y KAGFAUTPAI7;I7374IIZIt I Dealer
rag , . of Me hilt Come, lie Market et, Piusbargh, Pa.
W.—tern Alsrelimns, Peale., andeta visiting
l'illsbargli to puretasehooda. aro reaper:Sally invited
!a tall and staining tee extensive e n ent of Eng
'•sx Amerman. French and
Fancy Goods.
A ' il FOrelf 31 heads at the astablisbancia are import
eit ilierm by myself, and purchaser. map rely on g.t .
(001., 'I am firm hands. I have din Merest...t
int, al neigh . .., in me variety line, in the airy et
Paistairgh—nil of widen will be sold low for conk or
ci) at:sista - acts. TOO Stock connate, to part, of
i, , r litgx!, Hosiery, Gloat., Ribbons.
silt Cravats, Shea and Patent Threads, Sever, Silk,
Spool Cotten Tapes, Suspenders, Bunn., Eire, Noe
il lea mid Cadery_
hold and Silver Watches. Gall detach!, all kinds of
, Crushes. Combs and Rimers.
Permission Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk a
Coltvn Parma, spectacles, Steel Pens, Montle lioxev,
Carpet Bags and Baskets.
Iliedogs, Findings and Trimmings.
Toys and Fancy Goals; together with a large anxie
ty of Fancy and Staple ORS' (HYPOS.
. C. V EfiliEll. is alio agent fog the celebrated Lms
easter Comte. t, env
G r•at. Saelnn Reasay
FOR Cough.. Cottle, Aralnca and Consumption: The
GRUAT AND ONLY RiikIEDY for the humor the
Om-we Macaws, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM
LIFE, diecovered by .Me celebrated DL or
Lot.don, England, and int roduced into the United States
under 11 ntedime serintendence of the inventor.
The ex.. .Unary f this medicine in Ur
cure of 1. ulmonary direace, warrants the Aluericia
agent ut whetting for treatment the worst possible cm
thataan be a
l l y u Um VlCAninuity—caites that *grit
Cele Art won (rem al of the common remedi. of tft,
any, end nave been given up by the moor disurptiehr,
yoy..mions im confirmed and incr.mble. The 'longue
jlatiam I, 65 cureireand CUR, me most desperate
of ca. li is no quick nostrum, but a star.dard
m r . Eta
Itch dinine, of knoWn and crania:Lobed elfin:my.
Ereri family in theGnited States Mould be supplied
wit h s us •han'a Ii sign Balsam of Life, not only to
go .,gct the consumptive tendencies of tie climate,
bu. to be tie ed ea a preventive medicine in all caeca o f
colds, conga.% pitting of bloce, pain, in the side and
cLeer, Irritant., and sorenms of the hinge, brochiria
didieulty of breoting,hectie fever, night roma., mond
anon and genera! deollio, asthma, inflnensa,whoolini
i ns croup.
Sold in lugs bettlei, at fl per bottle, with fall dims
Wm. foe the restoration of health.
umphlets, ...mining a masa of Er.glish and &merl
. cm...then:se, and other evidence, showing the en •
equaled =mac of this pent English Remedy, may be
obteined'of Menu. greduito cc' y.
For cola by 13 A .FAIINISTOCIL A. Co., corner o
st and Wood and Wood and Oth
Ore—made %III , moat approved Exeter. plan.
,st fashionable Eastern patterns ro and colors. Al.
ROLL, or sosroN BLIND, on hand
Ao to order of all sines, and at all prim.
_merry Morehants and others aro invited to earl and
Axone the abase for themselves ,as all will be sold
rboteselo or retatLutd a lib•ral dadacton made
rholdarje purchasers.
---- •
Egon side of the Leinwand, where Vanden
Blinds dell the different sizes and colors
are kept on hand or made to order ene
the latest and most approved Eastern faith.
ions, et the shortest notice and on the ewe
reasonable terms. ,
Also, the. cheep Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and keeper Curtains of nil the different tilAn end
patterns, on hand and for sale low formal, Old Veal.
use Mindy painted over end repaired, or taken In part
K 7 2i "" t
l K lTirteT VELrr e' ` 7la, nt d
worstrxxahlp, and WWI - 112142d to, please the west fate
i thou. ausltedir
Aneeheny city, Aus.lo,lEttle,
0 Null.° Wax IT!
Premium., March 27, 1147.
Mr. P. C. Sellers—lnjustice to you and your lacono
paratilei Cough Syrup, beg leave to slate, for the ben
efit of the community, that my wife has been seseral
n chased. ua
ew, is Mimed with a mast distressing cough.. 1 Pur•
to Jan last, a bottle of your Syrup, which
oared &cosign of two months' standing. About on.
tooth 01000, ths cough returned, and was so revere
oust site could hardly move. from weakness in the
hrcuti I sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, awl
a part of one bottle enrol the cough I gave the other
to a merneyoun who was severety s Meted, who had,
to smelt's own words, 'oaten enowth couch candy to
ewe all the people to Pittsburgh," if the candy aid
been at goal es represented.
Yoe., respectfully, Awar. 200011..
Prepared and spld Ly R. E. SELLERS, Al Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
J. A. ItRUNVN would ...mart
fully inform the public, that hn
keeps on hand at Ms stand on the
west side of tbe thamond, Alias
ghcny city, a complete mounts
eat of Vetutianlilinda, also yes
nbuttcar. ore made to ors
der in the beet style, warranted
equal to any in the United Staten.
Hr. Illimdienn be removed with
oht the tad of a semis' driver.
t tineica purchased the stock,
tools, and wood of the enbClel
labdchmentof Rasromy
ttheir i dr ets ' " re r ra d ath's wallah
a A s
the public at large, with every thiug in their hue.
aFencY, No o Wood nuec4 f
an slogani plain ROMAT.II3 Oct.
rtte the celebrated manufsetory titmos
Cloak, N. Y. , of soprrior tune, and Yen' moderate , price.
l'or sslo by iI. ELEDEIt, .
dolt —at L W. Wowlwelli.
VII for marring Tartar, Yearn,' Canker, sad all
asthma n,ca desunethe to the Teeth. It is dehetousio
the coat, clesisslnk she month, healing and arc nglhen•
ing lac gams, and porifylng the breath.
For wale, wholesale and retail, by
doW R IS SELLERS, 57 Wood at
VI/ • Jost rec 7 invoice cf full jewelled patent le
ver Watches, IS carets Eno co Ma t ' which I can eell
low Co./Early and thief hen dollars, Lad orarranted Co
keep good tune.
dlao—at splendid ...fitment of JEWELRY, coat
patting shams-flans and Lomat stylea, and but patterns.
• -R. W. WILSON, Wautlunakar;and Jeweioo
dattl paw /Lukst ka4 Youth &air
0. WIIEDDLIg, De 3.04,1—
...-- - REAIOVED to • new three wary bwe
i h se,
.... %IV . = 14 . 1 .,t ttaz der be !Our
to en entire 104 on the ruction principle., 7witflnTen n t ' il
lifirl representation or the natural gum— rh ,,,,,, thtg the
original shape attic Gee.
N. 11.—Teeth extracted with tinte or no rain.
Decayed Teeth permanrdtly saved by plugang,r-.:
Ve fi. n g u:or t.oh tb o e .g tort h tooth
. rie h Le i . d we d li oo is ,. .tn i,, ne h h e bvlelthan ,,,,,, C o a;
even instaraly. _...APZJAy
.. ... . _ .
I%t'ena lfg 5 S
Ldedtheai,no,f h„; . ud ~..=L
o ro.gge earious form' vehteh irritation al the hinge as.
surcieg - has itilac - 1 the proprietor again to call attm•
ti on to this
The chstagablei weather which marks ens fall and
winter M 0111.119.0 refit ..ys a fruitful source of
Thera, If neglected, are but the precursors of that fall
The question,- ihen,-how Mall tee nip th e dose to
the bad! hew shall we (get clear el cur C. 41111 and
olds! le of vital Importance to toe pu • blic.
NL RE.:ll.ail *
will be found In the Ginseng Panacea In proof of Ms
we have from time to time aut.:tailed the certificates of
dozens of ear but known o.osens, who here experi
enced Its curative power.. These, with a L . 111.33 of um
tlmooy from all pane of the cornarry,—from
Ministers of the Gospel, An., together with cep lotm eel
ices from the
we have embodied m pamphlet fond. a-vi nava* had
gmlis of enYAIIWM.IO spirk t at timer:in:try.
have been used in title eity.
throughout the Coned States end Canada, end we eke
lenge any mane point oat a
o which, when taken according to direction.; and be.
fore the loop bad bine= fatally &serge:dud, it has
ever failed to
Why then, need the sAlleted Maim.? Why resort le
the miserable nesstrests, gotten up by en c • °nu ialTid
irela u ler the assumed nama.of none es shrated phy
sician, sad puled into notoriety by curtibeeton err pert
sous cosily unknown! whiln E FFI CACYf
ism be bad, whose vouchers are at home,—roc rtingkji
kers,--Many of win. Dime
' In Weer that this invaluable medicine may be pieced
within the reach of the poor as well the etch, we have
put the price at •
lust one hal the usual cost of cough cr.cdmines. to is
for sale by o agents in nearly ercry . tocrn andvillaga
OVCI the we who arc' prepared to k.ivc full informa
tion relative t it. T. SALTLII, Proprietor,
• MERC to URY,. other Mtn
cral.— It has power to
use all EXTERNAL
4 WOUNDS to diacharar
4 their putrid manors, end
then heels them.
'l' - It is -rightly , termed
II for
Jere is scarcely e
external or internal,
that it willnot benefit.
_ - have need it for the putt
sixteen years for nil diseases of the chest, obang
the utmost danger and responmbility, sad I declare
before heaven and man, that not In one case hoe it
galled to benefit when the Patient was within the reach
of mortal means.
I have bad physicians 'manned in the profeesioa.. I
have ministers of the gospel, judges of the bench, al
dermen, Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition,
and multitudes of beanoo nee it in every variety of
-way, and ltitell has but one 'lake—one traversal
IS 000Ig n
RIIEUALATISfiI—it removes eltut , t immediatel m.. y
the inflemmation a.; smiling, when the paiu te
IR tiredirections mound the hes-)
D-ACIIE—The salve Mat ouood penalty of the
healsetche of twelve years etssultng, and who had it
toolbar every week so that vonthiagletuk plane. LAE:
are mtlped with like enema..
READ—We have cared caper tht actually
(lira %descry thing kILOWII, as well on the nodal of fif
teen o twenty doctors. Oct men told al ha Ind spent
Fun on his children vrithou my benefit, when a few
vases of Ointment cared them.
_.bElTEß—Thcre In nothing bettor for the care of
...- •••‘ , „ r , •
7 , -.... , , , •-t , „,,.
,- ••• ,
~., f-- ;• ,.., ,
.. .
. . -. •.
sf , - .. t k - ---.:, ‘•‘.
• ,-,.., , ,4,,,ftv , •-•••••.
- -
BURNS — It is owl or the best tbings,ll the eroeld fee.
13'PlUn—Thousands are yearly cored by this Oint
ment It ersvux Milo in giving relief lot the Pile ,
1.‘7. Around the box are directions foraxing IPLI.
li Ointotent/or, Litre Complaint, Erirfpr•
MS, Testa, ChiLOMM, Scald hood Seer Eyes, Quinsy,
Sets Throat, Eronefotos, Novo. Affretions, Pains, Do
MN. of Mt Spins, Head arks, wamorDenreas. Ear orbs,
BUMS, Corot, oil Damao f oe Skin, Sore Lepr, Parl
ehr 4c Swaing of As Limbs, Sara, Earnstatinn,
Pik', mid Fon, Croup, Smelled or Broken /haul, Teet h ate, Ague Ws tits Fom,
COLL FEET—Liver Complaint, pain in the Chest
and Side, falling of o: the bait, or the other ACCOM,sI
- cold feet ?This Ointment it the tre remedy.) It
m a sure of , ilisetme to bane cold mot
CUENS2-Chional are of the Ointment till al
ways bacp catlt4 from meartuc. People teed never
be troubled with them if they use it frequently.
Ow This theiltiatt is good (
s oreo part or the body
Or limbs when inflamed. In IMIe CMOS 11 eltoold be
applied often.
CAUTION—No Ointment will Le trcnnitia unless the
name of JA3IES MeALLISTER is written with a yen
on every label.
For .ale by oty Aents i elf the principal cities and
towns in the United Buttes. ,
So, Proprietor of the above no-Bet,.
(i7' Pnncipsi ttOce,No ',North Third-en - eel, Phil.
.d tphta.
Asir= PMMSLISMI—LIettiI Corner oi
Liberty and St Clan. siJs arid L Wilcox, It, rn^r of
Marketat and the'Diamond, also earner of 415 tad
Smithfield Mai J II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn
sw, sth ward; end sold al the bookstore in Smithfield
st, 3d dour from 9e4ond at; in Alleghcoy city by
ilir- and J Sargenti :q by 3 Smith, Druggist
ONceicYT Last LtbertY; lion-inlet. 7,le
liscspOrin J AltiaMier Sna, !ilonot, , MHS N
U Iboman A Co, end J T Power,. elm
' lop, Better, Pa; art ce%OlcAsle. Age:lM
Fatty for the Pnbllle.
In reilltiOn to that antaralled featly Salve,
TESTINONY of n respectable Eliprician.—ltead
the following, addressed to my Agcat, Mt. F. Mess
Clam-ALM 1C1,12,1540.
Sin A sense of duty compels me to give my tribute
to Dalley's Pam Extractor. !king opposed to quack
ery and all nostrums having (or meir ofiect sinister •
tuouves—out resitting mown good from In, ••illing of
Pain Killera"—l ado induced to tender you this ecotifi
uto. I have need It in my family, in my practice, and
with all the happy and wonderful effects that could
possibly be templed. H. J. Bernie, bL D.
Dr. Deadly is the senior partner_ of Sortie Levi,
Lsffantmostory Rheructoason:
The following wsumontal comes front a intone fa]
wilier to many of thom traveling on onr Western wa
ters. Idr. Glime, the well and tavorubly !mown pro•
prietor of the! Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the
lady whose letter I annex: -
• • ' Paammactess, Va, April 13,1549.
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. in.—Sir. Having for
merly been long alliletnol with violent onflammatory
Ithe¢matism, which appeared en Gently seated as to
defy all oodinary appliances to allay tho severe pain
attending NI was induced to try your hlunical Pain 7
Extracn and it having elected, almost as . of by ma
gic, to uncaeoliate relief, and also.• to ail appearances
an entire enn perfect mire, l am Induced for the bene
fit of others who may be Maimed with pain,caused by
any kind of intiammanon, to write to you, declaring
that in my opinion, footnoted on actual experience
your Magical Pain kixtractor is the mutt valarthle dis
covery on the present age tor the immediate ex:Unction
of bodily pain. It Ls no almost .immeolitt per
fect cure for Hums and soil ellexternal in
Having many aegitaintances formed by the. mans
at my husband's hotel In this place,. I bow toi•Poted
by Yottx 'bowing them them few lone-sit may imvsobly
be of benefit both to them and-yoortelf.
[I entertain the hope that Mrs Game will pardon the
publiory I give to - her letter. as writ Oro the score of
humanity as of its being the wrest mode of brmgong it
to the notice of herfriends Curd. —LI. Dux...)
Emile °la Lauer, dared
ihroloar, Ky. Noe. m,
Mr. IL Dealer
. "I have tried yOn Caul Butrastur in
ease et felon, to my own (Gaily, winch it rctleved
and cured ins very , short time." td yours re.
veetfully,la, X. 'rOOCO.
CT Burrs null Bella, Vitas. mum Nip*,
~,,,,o,tea tta ta, Cuts, W:ttand., and ail tn-
Bamenntioes, pada readily to the worelarral yropertiat
a(this unrivalled famtlY But,nt nut sae ,. „ e d..
Rotten that you will receive benefit irons the ret./11e.
y e n will be injured by the daletennus enema of tin
etturderfett dies.
CAUTION—Ite sure end apply only to the le.,intnr
H. DALL.Ir, GS Broadway, New York, or ut !Tit an
Bloated thrusts. JOIIN It MORGAN,
Ganeral Dat* Pittsburgh.
Henry P. R 1.... Al , KhertY. goat; J. Baler
nr,,,ehag, Va.; /Gnat StV Jobs:Goa, - Nlarsvittc,
marryareathee, Cutclanati, 0., Dep.-
N.ll-40 the se mat limns arid ...anti, a extent
the pain in • Cr.' eninuies—it ut vet v.,:,' taut
C 117761 07 117767.77. t. V..i7..
---- -- -----__ ..._..._
M ardor to alford all possible accuritt to the public,
I. well no to themselves, hgainst freol..uti impo
sition from counterfeiting, the proprietors Love no-de
a change tn the entries o w rappe i r or hello of their Ver.
' lll i e fi go c it e n sti e uift: dPslg t it a bi n h wo e rtgiZit ' n ' t K , Tn a n " S n ce. a
introduced at a very great expense. and id fots the
brain of an must attic tot to!,-,t The der4rn w oe w.
and the execution elaborate, Se,r7:.: t.g.a.e. ntdd 5
portratt are mast plonititrr.t. lt, t..,: lent
- V Litter
std.," printed tat White I, • ten nr, a red aol tort.; en
'craved ground, rhetild . r.rt.e,l.lrly elaunned,
wh e n bad up to the light the Intlem, rdmdtra of. thi
l e tters and every line, however calm., thrueshout
I .
ohole MD& part of the engraving month a., oxen I.
it the unpresston had been read,: Upon o , c .1,1.- on
ly, althorn. it is soually primed en bent cdes of th
paper. TM, should in MI caeca 1,0:., ervud. A 1,1
ltd upon each dozen is .1,43 PI .1,1 la tee area loot
I- sides,
. r e d h. e.e pr, a p to , l . d o t e e h... xard ,, t a n „, ed . i w n ,, ili d s ,, . , s r, :ii; ,, ie ,l in o s i dti ms er. ,
years Um!, and is ennsdently rcrecomsoled as a sa
and eteetall gOodielite far eil.ethnX worho from at
ejrltertt. The Ulteletaplrd tai-re. that ?vas anent'.
it, adminlotratioo in Carry cane tahere the patient wl
really Willard with Wort., certainly renders ti wo
thy the allehtton of phystetans.
The proprietor Iris note It a point to ascertain f
result of tts use in cue. caves a, enter smut. I
IrinOviledge nail Obserealina—lnd he larnriMily Mu
it to reduce Be mosteadutaryclicett—cm LIM:I:quo
ly alter nearly all Ma' ordinary preparanans reco
mended fur worms had been previously resorted
without any advmpage. Tnio fact is
Metal by the cm:theaters and elite:Lents of hamdn
of respectable persons in dufccent parts of the con
ere, and should Induce always to keep Sr
of t h e p“. p ...ion in their pea:ass:On. It .e. mild .
operation, and may be nthamittcrul with perfect at
ty to the istost delicate Mud.
The only genuine li prerored liy
Ipt27 li A FmtNEsrocK, potshot."
liLaadd Remit . ' '
Q ELLFiIt9 , COL:0 ‘ll SYRUP.—t'tous W. K. Bon
0 Doe., Clet tea ;part of quartet Senn.
Denver Om. -
Mr. a. y.. de-B. • -51 Some time in the winter
relit was aitlieiLl adz •Divele and itistreasing co
and bearing of year Available *dough Syrup, I
chased a berate hero S. T. Tritohle, of Bridger,
and after taking a portion of it two or three rvet
ongoing to bed, she found immediate relief; at
several friend. idiom been relieved in severe case
am therefore lattlfitti that it is a safe and anti
medicine, and wood recommend it le those who
be afflicted with severe C.ouglts ard Colds.
Marsh SS, len. W. K. BODt
Prepared and sold by R. E. 5ELL5:13.5,57 WOl
mid sold by draggists generally, in Pittsburgh an
lisilibay. *et;
I -