The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 04, 1850, Image 3

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The resolution appoiatins delegates to the Net
epic Convention, was e6em.llly killed in the
Eentneky Sentoe, by the deceion vole of 29 to 9.
Ottly one 'Wh g vote • for them—only two Como.
meta egnium them.
Ciacrram, Matcti 2 .
ket ie quiet, and prices are
withott change.
Ylh , .key--Sat •
st 191 per gall.
asetive. Side of bulk sboelders
per lb.
ee Ia drill. Sago end molasses
Provieoow. are
3ci haamat
Grocer : el — C. l
am, fazt.
New Yale, !dumb 2.
Cotton—Tito market Ids been rather doll I.lile
morning, but we do not observe noy material
change In pri ces. Sales cf middling upland . end
Orleans at 111, ct blobllo at 11l 0121 as ger lb.
Float—Ti been a fair demand fur the
Eastern parts. Q ntatienebor the various deserip.
rial change in quotations. Sales
and mixed corn at 54h ao 56 ct.
ti 0135 OM without'
of oouthera whit •
per babel.
Pt OVibiOrtf., if
ChlW4o to prices.
at 61 is hogs
Rio at pi a let;
Butter and Ch •
Lead--B.lle oil
Tobacco his •
week, with salsa
prices :—Ken!tt
410 6 e 1 sPer I'
Whiskey hid.
;.y thing, are duller, with no
Lard Is quiet. wtth rtguiar sales
is dull, sod little don. Sales
(Java at 13; per lb.
!Spanish at St 31 per 100 •
n inactive demand through the
,t" 1200 hhdi., at the following
y5O 91—Idarglaud and Ohio
II 241 823 ets per gel"
Nzw OaissiortFeb.
sses—Prires me without shoo ;a.
Per lb. Molasses is ;snag
Bogor gad Me
Seco of fur et
et 176320 e per g
FlOat is GlieTi
sides at SC.
in largo kts a $5 2%i* 58.
eta pork la selling atsll37; bacon
d In kegs, Elio per lb.
les rectified at 2tc; raw at 23e per
Whilkey—sa .
"I panty ' • Me Dollars Seward.
AT n r.,"pecial Eleetinr Or the American Literary In
4titatc, held ea EliandAy evening, tie sawn
Resolved, That a reward of twenty five dollars be
geld for the recorery of the body or ear lamented fel
low member. John William, *owned to bane been
drowned from u yowl while on a pleurae GS.CIITOOTI
on SAirritay, irld la the Ohio river, oppemite
the Sheffield Iran tVork• The above reward will be
paid, en application to th e treasurer, at P. IL Eaton'
Store, OA Fourth vt.
Bills and Nome di•eaunted• • • •• • • •
Honda • -• • • ....... - • • • ........ • • • •
Ground Tent
Real e•late and banking houses • • •
Ilndge mock
Erie canal bends —• • •
Loan to the city of Pot, hargh•
Loan to the Commonerenith• •••• -
• Protest account • .
Amount doe from other ban Ls • • •
JOHN D csaust.r., Frost No il t ver and goldes and checks of other l. Tots
W. 11. Ewing. Feel.
Pittsburgh, Feb. dads, 1E50.--IfebDl-ltr
aaaa A
/01,4, unit
JONICA 6 qutoo,
itjrANUFACTURERS of spriag and blister steal,
AL plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and ehrg
Re springs. hammered iron axle., and dealers in mall
ortmlege, fin engine (mot% and comb triturated"
renerally, corner of Ross and Front sts., Plutbureh,
.IfiIDIMARKET STREET , . Pinsbingb, Inspcner
IVOR and Dealer is /mond...Eng and Ger
an Fanny Goods, Hockey, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves,
Thread*, Comb., Butions,Salpenders , As, also, Sane
Lid Fancy, Black and Fancy Cravats,
c.onsec, Lnu,danna, and Lanett Handkerchiefs, a icrne
cal annulment of Fans, and every vinety , ot foe .
cbandian febt.7
D OLL BUFTEIL—AiIIs moved legme.. sole by
VEATIIER9 7 ;2O ileis primer LUnois Feilberg fa
2.1: gale by L S WATERMAN.
UCREES Aril) TIJLid—.Go dos Raoketo.
• 8 dal Tut., for fa!, by
B ROOMS -15 dos Fanny Gilt llmsdlett Limnos,
60 detract' common do. for sale by
fsb 23 L. S WAIL:MILAN,
1, 7 1,01/11-24 brla maeled per &tumor Louis 31 , Latte
and for sale bT fe I ts JAMES DALZELL.
T ARD-6 brie and 4 kegs for ealihy
rIPODACO.7-'27lE2Fatiies No 1.6 twin, receivid
„Land tor sale by feb23 JAMES DALZELL.
thla Day.
h' PIECES sopa: Ohre French Clara,
6.d0 do 111406 do;
• 3 do do Fancy Caesium's - 1g
6 ' - do Fancy Silk VemmiKeatirely row rile.,
all of which I will make to order le the Imam style. at
low prlccis. . Wet. DIGEW, 156 Liberty at.
Thu Spring FultionveAinatlecbc.isfed. felt 23
..-itrel.4biftlas, •
• feb2S 37 Wood st.
TFT.C2i I ITL:£3 FLA NTTND 3-30 deTi.Wr sa fe by
V fetc4 • IL E LpER.R.
austber lure Invoice of those destrable French
Wr0ar,11 , 1% , ••, Collars, and Calf. Also--Mournicg
Collftra at , ' Cuffs, and IN/ pieces rues. black tita
Laces, all wid th s. febn.o
Clud o r L;reo
ea Emb% do, t r eed r ' zrex A pret at . • L.
• felfla A A MAFftN & CO's
A FEW very depenor chargeable Sirir umenil
Vaeurs, en enure new uncle mast reed per fast
Line ' A A 11.60 N & CU'L‘,
feb26 60 Market at •
iii. at
r feb24 A A MASON Isqq,
LihlTL,Tif . Lardi
.AJ " theme Lard; ree'd and
I for sole
eOtiFliH—W too on hand and or rale tg
esuble, far sale b)
{awl RAM PERU—
"GrUE MA:id-43W for sale by
tetra .R E SELLERS.
p.k.LCalta ES-1:60 papers eldp;
400 do puller,
id do Erglish willow, f,r.o! ,
S nore end foT ELLER S.
161.1—dos Co AMTRONG i r CROLIR
1011 , 3X1i
i.'tjti:Tch E. EP - I d lolllqD
i a *i.
t a f l!t;l '
tiSir.FF4-01L--7 tuts just Ou hum/tutu/ ust nnie by
(nb IS : I KIDD & C 0,60 Woad wt.
— i - ll b i.rWDZiLIZ-111. owls in gore, .nd for ;ale by"
1/ f-b J Kipp & C 0 ...
iiVill.l - & - D7tirillili.ilif l ; ll3l6l l ntcad
1 fur *Cell -
.__ , _ _
___J KIDD & CO._
-15-OWDED LIQUORICE —IN lb., for sale by
kbgs _ _ 1 KIDD& Co.
"UXTRACTLOGWDCLI-7311inWei for - nale by
Ld' febtS J KIDD & Co.
13' ACUN3O enrill pr m.bananilddirdits. inieivid
1 " ) On ""'''''''' ." 4
'l ll t'I!' ' ATE:RSI&N ,
fel. dd 31 Water. and C 1 Front .1
1830. 1830.
W r : e :tie no rn r d " A i rrsi ou jir lFtiCTl%.p,lirhioeh
ate prepared to wit at the lowest market prices to
cub buyers and prompt ',coolness men.
w o al
ask the attenuen ot City and Western
Merch c
ants to oar sr ek, believing we ran offer many
ioduFrmenuP'"h";lllTVlELTl & W HITE,
11421 Dry VoodsJobbers,99 Wood it
CO /12,,CFp2,bene.tdiofalavyleosgarretIch Fracas;
Also—.l'Grg Goods, looms, Fro%h Mrsongbt
CcPcs,Collats and Cars, Dress Salts, Mantlflu, Alex.
'enders' Kid Gloves Fine *Vouch and Scotch Oing,
law, an of whichlT been seiceted sylth great eats,
And wilt be found at to prices at
lAN • LO Marketer
WlCElafiGs—a—a•--ITT-716 Wait
1,17 MURPiirtias manioc:ll,a Caliber topnly
• of parked Re4T•rined On Calms, for east...,
llama price, at the North' East corner of Foortb
a m
and Maker ont • feb2l
- 11: 0 il-r-''‘47Pg.T.d.. :. .
milli Pannership heretofore existing Women James
Toney and John Best, in the Grocery, Produce
and Commission business, was dimmed by . mutual
CO:ISCA; 04 the lith lout. Mr. John nest Wormy pep
chased the entire Interest of lames Tammy, In the ,
tam, the business 4EIII be sealed by him. at their old
steed. Ise. 35 Woodt. JAhIVS TASOEY, •
fehld al
Si tigGltitekiiigers; . :II dos Tow Yarn;
ao deajToolest Socks;
30 eats do YAIII;
Ipm White Flannel; .
. 03 doe Pegs;
10 o Polo Washboards; for sale by
(own .: I _
-- J D WP.L.I/.3 19
ko,'sAllie—le dos '!teat Septic Swattoo for ea 0
oby feb2l • JAS A HUTCHISON ik
iluspratt A S sks , Pst. 5555 oda Ash.
328 f 0 1 n 13 , 5 . 8 :i m il
..shoZy.Naer,r,rivislidt,,Lrenztjrftorra.hi .
Ataladloadiei:J. ea, and Anstria, whiek•will ros
sole., on arrival, at the lowest market pried, by
v. , : a bl MI ICHELTREE,
l'eht_ 1 ' 100 Liberty et
Ip — toey will s led receive large moire. daring the
wow .Wadbilelphia and.Balumoro.
• INFLA *TORY 1112130111/iTIBBI.
A NEW revue Maly disamered In the Vegetable
iiingdont—a s e
permanent Mid rmanent eon for all
Rtwammte ComphrinU, each as
Ictlalosnatory, Chronic. Acute and NereariAl
' Illmenaktutng Gaut, Lumbago,
=NAM At:Nebo., be.
This medicine has long been stinted for. It has been
Slid the, Ithiticomtlirn could not be cured; but there is
a rem, temsned by nature for the cure eery
e titot the bunintl system Is satdect to. At tut s re
medy bus been bind that cares Rheumatism of the
worst form—ono of the clout valuable vegetable pro
isirtlesse of I.e eart
greatest and mess sear orient
wevecry of th e a wonderful blewsug to the
totissa n s anal,. It cures without sickening 0,
nog, and renews strength and vigor to me whole ...-
rem. tile. eared. dursngthe cut three months, ever
Ueases that were' onsidered incumlite.
rtibettes of the, curettee properties of this mull.
eine no be wen byeelling on Ulu rents.
None genuine miles% put up with as engraved label
upon the rupide wrapper, Waned by the propnetor, IL
lletlYtto, F.
Sold bY It. WAIYEEM.
comet rit and Market Si, Pius . veleta
.Sold alto by G. F. THONIAP
Main et, Cincinnati. U.
467-41kwisifEl -
lr.,~`~"ate" _ s- ~`.._.,.~:~^:-.=:~_'
" ANTI sla =mot..
Ir. vox stwissour. • • .51 , 06.75.
Monday Morning. 'March 4. INS, s
The weather Wal quite pleasant Ottlllllday COT Out
door business, hat a general galemms Veva leg in this
market, and we heard of no heavy transections. In a
general way, howeVer, a fair healthy Dullness was
doing, with hot aide, II aal eh4.4e from oar last quo-
FLOOR—The flourmarket exhibits no change- Very
ile i s c”iving,and sales have been entirely coedited
to the regular home demand. Small sales trmispired
from first heed, at UP; and from store in dray lota
lot., at $1,6014,7 5 fis bbl.
An Eupc—Supplies continue very limited, and fair
brands are in good Invest, at 4,25
BCCIMILit —We note sales:of Buckwheat done, to
a moderate extent from store, at 5476082 Is 100 be
Corr hlasn—Reeelpts have been limited, and sup
plies are light. We may quote nominally from store,
at SODS& IP bus. .
Glll,lN—With the exception of Corn, the receipts of
Grant have been very light. The following ate the
rates from store, In 'limited Quantities:—wheal, 153
Net 8ar1ey.734160c1Ry0,'58060; Corn, 43018 e; and
Oats at 340350 Y he.
• •
GLASS—For the various articles of window , glus
we notice no change. The following list of prices may .
be given on about the taling figures for the various sacs
of city and eountry.branda:
orn 124210'.
—..131,75E4 I 10 by 12--
Other sizes In proportion
Bby 10 ,--,- 43,25 It by 16.--1 1 4, 73
lu by lb II by 17' ,73
10 by 14 •—•---.3,73 12 by 16
10 by.l3 4,50 12 by 17 • - —•—•4, 5
to bY'46 4.50 12 by to
10 by 17 24 by 30 7,00
COTTON YARNS--ne following is • corrected
Patel the carious alleles under this head:
tOC - 51 ,
NO:0, CIS per lb tg
N0..2)0, eta per lb
Carpet Mato,•
Coverlet Vem.
We crimes from the Auditor General's Report, the
following exhibit of the mac of the several Gaeta of
Pittsburgh, showing their respective me:Whim:la on
their second discount days in the mouth of November,
Bank of Pittsburgh.
Nov s, Mach day.
.11L ;31.2.C49 33
3.603 00
47,293 to
970 09
03.000 Co
643,9 04
5,749 01
43 49
252,0 Ce 31
106 5.92 64
Coortt I 'toe
It:remota 'and Pr... Wm.
Contingent fund
Unpaul divtdends••— • • • •
earn.. !accounts --
Doe to other honks
Indiridunt deposits
Dividends declared dOrin the year,B# et• 01,401. Go
No moneys of the Commonwealth on deposit.
Exchange Bank.
Caphri stook ..... -• .....
Conungeri (ma
Pro not exiled fo r —
Pr ri ofits
Notes In eitenlatton .....
D. m Boaz
31,565,901 671
'CR.Bov. 5, MN.
Notes &samosa and loans 6400,343 97
Bills of ex... . 516,478 Os
Loan to Commonwealth of. Peonsylv.ia 76,55) Hi
H Bl
ollidaysburg oee . as:ss 3!
Real estate • ..... 57.0.0 tO
lOtseallaneiles 12,958 92
Spec...rid 179,022 77
Boned Shoes government bonds at cos, • 10V-83 75
Notes mid attacks of other banks• •• • • • G 3,555
D. • ' other b.ks 34 74 959
Tins bank has declared rare dividends this year, of
leer te cent.eaeb.
Merchants , and Mastufnetarers, Dank.
DR. N. 6,1E49.
Capital atonic —• •• •• • Vioo,ooU 10
Notes in to aznpo to
17,57:1 Dr
Asivont tnn to other bank. , -
y141E41 41
Autoant doe to depositor
Amour due to Coutroontrealth• 51i432 PO
sspa ze
.{dead. Unpaid
nt. and exchange---• •• ..... ••• 6
Canon/ ni fond• •• • ...... -•-••••
Noies n , .d b...llref exchange discounted
Bonds and rannarcr
surerth oer :welts
tr)uold and micro .
Nom, on cheeks of nthr: bunko
McCord due by ether banko•-----•
Real erten:
lienkinc bunco
.Espeose account.—
Srmi annual dividand,daela on the firm Temsdaya
• f May sod Nov, 4 41 , et E1,..V1,401 46
Farmer. • Deposita Bank.
N04.13.1E14 0
44-1)3,•2i 41
ISO 85
Note• and bills dinoiinted
, .
Interest paid
.Thie from eastern banks
CR. .
Contingcni fund and interest dae•
linscounis and eachatiges retailed
Dipotits at interest
Transient depwita
001 for sate Inv, 11 - y
ft 225311 50
Dividend+ of 4 41 , cet each we declared by ILL
in !day and ce n t( fl WE year. re _
Largroot. Pas R— , The poce of India. Corn 11.
tide. vioy to Ireland end the consul:wino fallen o ff
materially. Wheat of all hinds b.. been e very Clew
Mtle, and prices farther gave • Id to .1 ir 70 RN ,
without any improvement in ttetaral.•
Flo., of which tbn impnly i s,
ye. heavy, has been
esild at lower rates, particularly Cans Ctn. wveral
thousand Dbl. banjo Leto sold at ,2132•415 del I.' bbl.
Other sorts 6410 ld lower. and the sale, quite in retell
Indian Car
fair quantity having errived ehle ll 7
from New Orleans, writhe. dull accounts from Ireland,
emowl the holders to be tern firm, Ind prices have 'n
eeded Cd in it r qr, on all sorts.
Item blest (run to plies. sod live denortd improving.
F. el -..1 4 .1e , our report 112 the OW, oro twee experi•
encell ule mem:est.' airman i for Deer, oil having to - sod
purchasers to the extent of 2006 tes, end new IND le.,
the farmer at priers varying from SOS to Ott, and the
latter 65. to Bin, as to quality.
Bacon—The sleek of old is now nearly exhit.ted,
and with • good demand, seller, have been enabled to
obtain an eityanee of Is to 2s f , ellet, St/30 having been
paid for pareds in good condition, • nd holders now re
quire a faitlier odellelee. New corn. to sparingly, and
hods buyers at 35s to 37s aid 4. cart
Hama-•••Old have realised from NM to Ms. snd now
Us to DU IP cwt. Shoulder s ere moth Inquired for,
land considerable sal. made of old at 18..
I.ard—The fortnight , . sales amonat to 150 ton., Um
market erasing heavy, et a redaction of lid101•11dil..
evt. •
'There Is not moth change in the trade; the order. M .
the.last skinner were not considered to be large. Thg
Seeteh. since the recent speculative purchases,
had receded, the pteieSt MOn Plugger is 498 fr too,
each. The quotations in Liv e r pool at pn-sent are :
Merchant Bar Iron 15 It.; Nail Roads, 4z Io.; (loops,
X 7 IN; Sheets .E 9 se, Scotch Stg,Li
The following too prices current at Iflasans, from
Drake, Brothers & Co'. circular. dated Ith inet
Purars—Cocumehos, 4105 nal.; ordinarY Sow`t
41 051, middling d o, 500; fine do, 51061: Mimic do. 7
081; Ordinary whites, b; middling do, e 1 6; fincs. No.
raw do, 910101
Molasses sa • rial., enrital to ICIe p
Cott. Is warm., and in mach demand. Ordinary to
good second., 610011 at 10 NO meal 510014
rd cwt. f lifline 611,2501 g a p t r 10 em.
rta rw,i to
equal to
iChleillid • cwt, fob.
Beef—Nos I and 2, prime and men bb1,1113,501514, 50 ,
U S, 50,8501,50, the •rmbe.
Batier— • quintal, 615018 for Western.
Caceso—Amenean, quint if, 61.000,80.
1 F10ar , ...N Pr. WSW and Cie in97El.
0,15,5608051ig9P00•50. stock on hand,
Itoi bbls. and 570 0 kr ,
r o ,k D 1.1050,50011; prime 81.2,51012; clear
6 . 10.15
Ibs ""'is• for su=b,
/628 WICK & IfiIeCJ.NDI,EfP
Araii Haile; .
'ld: Idldzre„.a 1im.a.p?1,,2,. ,
,' salela &1320- _. e .• As.timors ualf & Co. ' '
itg.' d ______° rgiv -1 : ale VC ITA bare
81.iliVra and NOL.ASSIZ—Vrs N Off o ngru.;
10 hl lams, for
sale Lir
__' fetal - . VIADL.O_IOLCY k CO. .
rICOVEII—SCtD—ad brie %iritedrlthaea,rc&ale
V feb*
1372R="bl ii 'l l n i 'Veikagle.. ,
LINSEEDISII.--iild-it for sale by
0 1 1 CS ‘ C et yS-2 3 dcrCr , n3p.RTSON
Cifi:Esg—dil bis Crel9 s l ... , b •
75 6 . •Enrll.s D al sof ode y
d, ,
Ll 2
fetal yL11.2.4..L.M oo
S. 110 Wm _
ISEDE - TiffiLLS-5 bol r.
es boa heo 3- 4/ 1 00,
Stark Clue Drills, opened and for, eels 01
BACON - 1 c
Seer Style Carpets.
TUST received, acme handier.. M. stylly:e.t.
e V
Pilo and Tapestry Carpets, direct froth
end all newad as lerw as the same guilty can he
pnrehased in the Atlabile Cities. v
7,1 NTocK,
feh23 73 Fount at, Plunlinith
MnRING-70 MA* In mom and for sale hi
M A It~~3utrou for agile by
HEAP SW* for sale by
re ler swe by
..,-40 11 10 D MORGAN
Rm.—Metewere 10 lees 0 tnehea in the e
t evening, and f . 11114.
Caleb Cope, Mardoek, Helmer.
hliehig.. Brim eaver.
Beaver, Gordon, Well.'llle.
Vitriqns,'Golloeray, Monongahela Cay.
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Atlanlm, Par.... Brownsville.
Jacobs, Brownsville.
Caraderi. Hendrickson. McKeesport.
Geneva, Wiliam., Na.hville.
Hibernia, Bachelor, Cincirman.
Lydia Collins, Ilanter,Noshville.
Jeffenon, Cincinnati.
Louis McLane. Gonne', Wheeling.
Silas Wright, O'Neal, New Orleans.
Monongahela, Stone Cincinnoli. •
Isaac Newton, Hutchison, St Lads.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver.
Beim., Gordon, Wellsville.
Miebipm, Brice, Beaver.
Camde n , lendorinkaonl,~MeKeweport. n.
Fashion, Peebles,Ensabeth.
Batons Jacobs, Brownsville.
lanue, Part moon, Brownsville.
Cincinnati, Koontz, Cincinnati.
Buckeye Suite, Reno, Chic.nnati.
Junes Nelson, Moore Wieetins.
Messenger No. 1, Woodward, Cineinnat I.
Pioneer, St Loom.
Empress, Con, Zanesville.
ST LOUlS—Jewess; 10 a. x.
SUSIIVILLE—Loya Hanna, 10 6. x
LOUISVILLE—FdiermnaI, 6 r. st.
LOCISVIL4sE—Farmes, 10 s.. x.
CINCINNATI—HIagaIb, 10. m.
WHEF.LINO—LsaIs McLane. 0 L. 0.
Fox Er. Lorts.—The splendid Inflamer Jews', twill
leave as per advertiaement, this day.
FOR LOCISVIRIA:—.FRO fine stet FirOler, love.
ebony, this der.
Tho cigar Flirulount, leaves on her fins tnp, to
the reinlar I.enisaille Line, et 6 r. M.
Beater & - Pc9 Cer3ta Core-1
bbl`rutl bunco. 10 no bestos, 02 10 poik, 3 abls. 1 boo
endge, 109 p. pork 10 be. ben, bbl • door knobs. 4
eandries, 51 Wilt door, 11 Les pmaries, 4 empty bbl., I
0 , 92.
Poe B • —lOl9 ps b Melt, l eiove grate, 4ct a pot
osh. Its patients, 1 be batten, 2 bbls do, 27 nos paper,
1 bg, 6 Win paper.
Beater—Ptln Micasoals-6 bbls pot ash, 2 bags
110 . 1 S, lo pa perk, 6 keg t bbl. lord, 1 eke bacon. 3 .90
612,177 ps bacon. 20 bble bolter. 3 do salersid., 11 bee
d0..1 do cheese. 7 beg door, 47 Lida potatoes, 8 t,g, 0.,
20 Mil apple., 6 lenther.
Wheeling—Piga lAA. NtIAON-1 ars.hing ma•
chine. desk. be. 51.61. apple., 49 Re. lord, boo tom,
13 bbl rd,1•37 bdle pmpe*, paper.
Pu 1.063 6dcleaSS-42 Ps hams, 0 sk. wool, 13) bbls
tk• peaches, 5 bbls b seed, .1.0 butt,r, Iregs
Jo, 4 boa do, 9 aka potatoes, 6 droned hog,
Clastinnati—Psz Id/ No. 2-1 be rod.,
bbl sopa', 145 tas fruit, bbls . craps , 3 oaks pot est,
la tes 111=0,1E9 Was mehrekey. 1 bdl rags, I roll letlt.
cry 10 eke. les bacon, 10 by orolasles, 10 licks t o
esog, 2 Olds orae,l do 011,10 bra loop.
Bocerra Brate- 61 1 .ks wool, 1 boo veneer.. 3
do mdse, 24 hbde soca. . VD trot nee, 50 bids
10 do 61 11 110, 10 do syrup, 7do cored ham., 2Y ba
cool irbble hardware, 3 bog mdse, ck.baron,l
be mdse., 24 Wale lard, 39 Pas, kgs lard. •
New Orleans—P/9 SewstWama/- 105 pr bees
arrn eltatr, 302 W. molstams, 1.5 half do do, 31
aka *ado nab, 50 blade sugar, 06 bble do.
Lentsvill9—Pas tolith COLOOII-31 ck. should
eta, 117 yes hams, 1211 kg. la o 4, bes wdse shoed. l
bacon, 10 bad s bacon, 29 lA. !cotters, 9 bl.'fors. Li.
cotton, 5 ton. p mo. I. 2 calls rope, %I hhdn ihoolders,
0 6o ham', • 1,1 do.. ors sample., 5 eke bacon.
Nashyt :10 —I . Georra--27 lies (cube /11,99 blds
lard, 13 tab . bob.:.. hnds bacon. II pkgs td, 6 1.01.
beans. 2 bait mdse. 2.773 ps pork, t ens 15 b rags, I
be, 1 .1.0 111 bides, bg.,s6) b ar 6 pork, .110
do molls., 46 eke shoolders, 011,010 lard 011, 10 kg.
No. 13 els per lb EN,
o 33
14 "
-‘, " "YI
o 10
" 17 "• • ^
11 "
" 10
Stn, ca peso: F 2
I a... 1.001.2,3-0.12,11
474. EM
Nov. 2, d ise't d.,.
...... 3.50,.47 un
•• • • • ItC,Cra7a
I IN 90
O,an9 51
7Z,06.0 74
roinveranrio k commisssoN MERCHANTS,
WOULD respectfully solicit We consignment of
Darrisnorgh freight, from Western Merchants.
at they me prepared to receive any amount. Li.
and Section bloats canning night and day, the (neigh ,
be detained, au they will unload such
tams a ,
L -
EMONS-21 Lae this day received, and for s
ACIIES—SO bobs dry peaches reed and for sale
LA RII-3 , liege No 1, for rata by
TAR -22 bbls N C Tem;
211 ble do fot sale by
SNEATIIS-44 0 dos Scythe
le. sneaat
ot t
acturer'seat si3;l
common qualities, for va
No 31 Water and 60 Front ss.
lI I= ' 4l
40 00
0,934 E 4
144,610 LX/
130498 38
63,630 06
dos best quality Co, Stort Hoes. for'
MEI sale by feb37 L 8 WATERMAN.
FORK-3:4o—ifiiiiiesresst Steel Hay Forks;
ni dos do Manure Forts;
132 dos do 3 Tined Forks:
for sale by kb27 L 9 WATERMAN.
nItADLE3—.S.Sdoz Grain Cradles initore. lora
f01i37 .1.8 WATERMAN.
9' .x 1.403 41
Nor 10.
5e53,700 14
91 jdo it;
10,01 11"'
I.len 43
a 8,6 0S 110
17,E.541 41
5,2 11
Nov 11, 1819
892:49 01
Worlds . " Markets
do Ucmnteire do
Lidos gram alavelt, in *ldyl., fnr .ale
/OLDEN BYRUP-5 brit are tde'd, and for axle by
feb27 IMO DAL 4 V i ELL. ,
TAIZE'R"3 ri*
"0 .17;r4 . 1 . 1:11.Z tn.T.
Caste.l-361eMalon of OlLLortes:
THE Stockholder% of th e Erie Canal Company are
oonfied thnt an Intl tion will be held at die of
fice of rod Company nt, on Nlondny, Me 4th day
ofeloc h,
klatch, to cnonz.e. Sevcn D.rnthors for h. coming
year. febilid3w sy SI. W. REED. Seri,
V the first of next Aped,:' I EACHER to fill the
Poffire of Principal of the Ft /LsT H, ARID PUBLIC
SCHOOL, Wheeling, V. The reeeesafal applteant
m.O yau.fy the Trusters of his ability to tenth Inc
leather. ramie,. of a Colleßietectle,mion, nit in ma
nage successfully the affairs of a loran achool. A por
ton is desired who Intends to make tench. hi. but.
ens. end who wisher, pones."( rlins'ion A Lbersi
~lary will be give. Ane I•. 'h , secOmpnaties by
trwttenniale, addressrd to it, u.bosictied. SVhcalinc.
recraved anol the first of :Burch. Com
munications must bs post paid
THOS. U CtILBERTt:OI , I,} r.,
WM. P. WILLSON, tera.
Whetting Feb 20.—IfebBI
Duilars Reward.
OTOLENi on Sunday. 10th February, 4 3.50, a RED
fSDRIISI, HORSE. 6 or 7 years old, afoot I4i
hands high ; tier In hit forehead, ranks under the sad
dle, trots in hatless,switch lath Siren limbs, no
blemishes oar teem that I recollect of; had on a soddle,
doable tem. bridle, marungale end head halter.—
Takeo by a low. Leavy net Dennst talk , . pretty go.
English, abbot Der and u I.:llfeet high dark cnteph7e.
ion, heavy black whiskers, bbick hue, black for het,
black or blur black cloth din -ca t and inw Any
penon 'sae ring the mar and ,too will he entitled to
the aha • e reward—or TWF.NTY FIVDOLLAR S
for the Hon.. Beadle, and Bridle, :reared in e
city of Wheeling, or by giving in E
where they
San ha had. J E• 35
wheeling, Feb 16.--IfebV7
11110FEeSOR CHARLES DAVIEN has pet pre•
h pared a .vr nrithmeneal work, • copy of which
ill be presented to earth and every Teacher
. in the
United waits. anthout charge, upon their anotteation
to A. 11. Fruglialt A Co ; 72 Wmd street, Pittsburgh,
(poet paid 1 The work Is entitled,
Or, An Analysis of the Lmgmge of figures and fici
enec of Numbers
The following veni copied re is from the New York
Tribune of Jan. _ e n
"Gnaltholl cre aIIITSWITIc, AT COWL Dawn, I.- D
Gfip. 144.1—th this work the langithge of figures,
and cocoastraetlon o f numbers. are carefully amlyred.
The .10.1.4 Coroposed of ten figures—the words In.
rived loom the alphabet, and the loses by winch the
figures are connected with each other,Are clearly
ilThe malysis shows that there are bat four bu d
deed and eighty eight elementary combinations in
Arithmetic, each corresponding to • word of our corn
moo langusge; and that these cocatmatione are 00
connected together ar to be nil expressed by only
three thicrent words. The system proposes to
commit these wards to memory, and thew - send the
results instead of spelling them. as now pracud.
"In mother reer et the system proposes an Import.
ant chmge, name yt to cr nsider and trea t
all femme.
menhirs things, having a given rebate'''. the unites. ;
from which th ey were derived.
hWe thercely need say that the little work evinces
the ingenuity and skilfel analysis, for whlen Professor
Davies' willing on this nOothel are Joetlf celebrated.
We commend it to the attention of practical teachers.
believing that they will find It crowded wi th now and
valuable suggestiom
From tha Prewar , at Watt Faint.
hfiluereur A n Or U.S. Wart roller, Jan. IT.
"The Grammar Of thnelie, by Profethor Davie.,
presents the subject In a new light ' It so analyses
Arithmetic to to Impress the mind of the learner with
the first principles of matifesnmical science ts, weir
right antler and connection, and dm new rules for the
reading of Gant, are of great practical value.
Signed, W. 11. C. Harnett, Prof. of Nat A P.O. Phil.
A. F. Church, Prof of Matliemeties
D. 11. Sleben Prof. ol Engineering."
irs Pao.
A.S. CARNES A, Co. would respectfully mnounco
Le teachers, and to all interested In Ma th es:nonce! in.
%Unction, that they wfil publish, on or before the Ist
f Aux.!, larm. the following work:—
Or, an Analyse. of the Principles of the Nele.a
the Nature of she reasoning—and of the bon( bleollod.
of Imputing Instruction. fly Cho. Davies L. It
Author of "A Complete Cistern of Mathematics
N. 11.—A. S. Donee & Co.. atn the publishers o
Davies' System offilathem•dos.
Poe ode in this city by A_ 11. I:NUM/111d r .Co., No
79 Wood street bri
10.5411.4 Sew Inisiopllgn MbOodlom
ri WINK to Ran all Night; Dolly 4yl
woo Joney,• Go down to dc Cotton F,41,1;
ell • Lad), he.
Be Kind Lotto Loved Ones at [lmam
Oow thy best lightl Trao Love, by T. Hood;
ar way across ttso s ea,
A new medley song, by 11. Covert;
Jenny Gray, ramie by . lllaller,
Joys that ware mowaing, Wadding klaroh;
God bless the hardy martael FehaYiklit
Conscript's Departart, by W. C. I:Iowan,
Sounds Iron Home; Waltzea, Stryorramkisebo CA;
Last Hose of Kummer, earl variations by Herm
Idalted emms yolks; Ladies. !Souvenir Potts;
Corn Cracker Quadrille; M
Laantia Qoadritle;
Mantras of Italy; Diens, Trioz, tr.e.
A large assortment of New Musts on band. to which
additions too made weekly. For Sale by
febdJ J. H. MELLOR. at Wood rt.
WADDING -10 baton gls red, superior,
13 do common;
• 3 do whits.
The nedergemed having bsen apponned agents, by
the lasoufseturers, intend keeping a large supply of
their Waddiug constantly on hands, and will be pre.
pared to orders to any orient; Dealers are par.
Ocularly Invited to examine ow viand. and prices
of We above supply, which we think will compare
favorably willilkose of any other market.
fehes Comer of Wood and Water strews.
-r - AR kegs No 1. prime; teed andier tele bi
OLOYErt SEV 3 -. 7 fiThITS Jou ree'leiglareJeTy
ULK PORK—SIOW lb. just we'd and for sale by
=Wke alanafari;..ugircsatil mlwoporroes,
WorTID Vol. Tar riTislvlan DAILY aiatTra
CONCSItr.—We beg leave to direct the attention
of oar readers to an announcement in our laver
tieing columns of a mincer; to morrow night, by
Mies Khali, a young lady of this city, assisted by
several distinguished amateum.
We have heard this lady ling repeatedly in pri
vate, and can say with pleasure, shot she peeresaes
an exesedlogly powerful and highly cultivated
voice. We are confident that her audience will
'be gratified by her performance.
Tot Ar.txonsinsits.—We are pleased to see it
announced that this celebrated bond of vocalists
are shortly to aprar in this city. They are artists
of the first claiss,and the eastern critics are lavish
in their encomia= upon them. •
Sussex Br.rix,—This gentleman advertises en
exhibition this evening. far the benefit of the or.
phew, and positively his last appearance in the
city. Who:would miss so agreeable opportunity
of contributing his mite m behalf of so charitable
as object.
Another fiat.
On Saturday morning we were informed that
the women who were engaged in the riot of the
preceding day had made au attack upon the mill
of Messrs. Batley, Brown do Co. Hurrying to the
scene of action, we fined the lower ender Wayne
Street, in the vicinity of the mills, blocked up by
a promiscuous crowd of men, women, and chil
dren, end a few women, assisted by a number of
half grown boy., endeavoring to drag the grating
rem under sumo of the furnaces next the outride
of the works, in order - to let the tires out. A num•
bee of other. were throwing miniles at tho opera
tives, who were at work inside. A large crowd
of men whom, from their appearance, we judged
to be iron workers, stood behind them ehoutiog,
cheeeng, and urging them on. Mayor Barker ar
peered at this junotere, with a pistol Mlle hand,
threatening to shoot the riutersiown If they dud
not denim and leave the ground. He addressed
himself more particularly to the men who were
ornescreging the women end boys Tho firm and
resolute conduct of toe Mayor, at this moment,
had a alight effect upon the mob, but it was„ot I I,
Very short duration; they speedily rallied, and '
, eIt,NNY LlatiS.-60 in atom uld for onto by
rushing into tie interior of the mill, with shouts , iji (chit _ BRKYfiVOLStr. CIARIKE
and yells, drove the workmen before them, and i..TOD-ACCOtu iihdeXy7f.elig Tel:?, forge CI
gained complete I:amnion. Several pedant con- ' rea Ira Labertyexect
[meted with the establishment 'were severely i lESlP—suiertaan Dew Rotted atilld, at.
beaten and breised; we saw one, in partiadar, 1 - ' . .M Y '"' ""'St'aTCIIISON ACO
whose head and breast were n.rekming with blood. I tsANCY CASSIMEILES- -3 cues new spriirg wins
Out worthy and esteemed fellow einsen, Samuel ! (!:,‘„::!,?....1..i21":,:,?;',,,ti,8gn.r,.,drr. L.'d
Bailey, Erq., one of the proprietors of the works, fob= IHIACILLKIT A NIAIITE, 90 Wood at
received a iievere cat upon the aide of he, bead, : Q1.A1 , e . : . LIN ENS— Ca s ti l e , / t k t a. r . 49l , ed
N l G i t sis g, Jett •
while endeavoring to matron the fury of Die aas... kj r 7,4 'Y k eSI Wood st _
salient', but we are LappY to say that hr. wound . I Hance me hes dtieesie Dame,
was not of so serum. a mature as we. generally Le Sate by ." 4 I, ...;;ar ia t E le I . .. i t i crAtlV" l
reported. fetal 112 and 174 Libetty st
Dorian the course of these events the Mayor 11M-2."---""'"MILTIVIACtISON
made an address to the mob, but with very little cs
&Xs& HOLASSE3—itto bbd' N 0 Began
effect. The rioters were much more reckkes CCO blob Plantation Ma
thew on the preceding day, and many of them
were evidently affected with liquor. After they
had rote, possession of the mill, Mr. WILLtasX
Matures, a puddler, addressed them. He urged
them to retire, and enured them that they were.
pursuing the very course meet maculated to defeat
their object. He was loudly cheered, and his
remarks produced a very consitterabk impres
sion upon the men, bat the women, who were ex.
cited beyond all power of cannel, immediately
proceeded to the mile of Messrs. Graff, Lindsey de
Co., end, of course, were followed by the crowd
Oo unveil; there they found the work. stopped,
and the entrances closed and guarded by police.
Before they had made any forcible dernonstraboo
here, the Mayor made another address, begging
them to desist. After he hod concluded, Mr. Mar
thews again attempted to induce them to disperse
and finally succeeded.
Two or three hundred dollars worth of iron
ma/ bum and destroyed, Ly tee loternaption, at
the mills of Messrs. Bailey, Brown de Ca.
Mr. Griesmer, the manager of this teelish
meet, we learn, received a very severe wound.
One of the rioters, a puddler, named Brett, was
arrested by the Mayor's police, and pat in con
Such Is an alnico of the events of the day,
The law basbeen trampled under foot by a reek.
less mob. There was no ridequate force, either
civil or military, to maintain it, and it was only by
their own fro soil! that .tho rioters dispersed.
The peace nod order of the city were placed en•
tirely at their mercy. • The Iron Mills, we under
nand, ere to commence operetioos tme. this
morning, and unless protectien Is afforded them,
the enure scenes will lupin be exacted.
A 118.11—We are Informed by Mayor Barber,
that seven persons haie been err:estee for arsittiott
in the riots of Friday and Saturday. They mere
held to ball far their appearance before the Mayor
this morning at ten o'clock. Warrants have also
been issued far several other..
Meeting of the Paddlers and Hollers.
The Puddler,' and Boilers held ■ meeting at
Lhitry's Tavern, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Wm.
Mathews was called to dui Chair.
Mr. Griffiths moved that a committee be aps
pointed to draft resolutions disapproving of the
conduct of the women, in the late riot, and that
every Peddler .d Boiler, of Pittsburgh, sign his
names thereto.
Several members spoke at come length in favor
of this motion, and deprecated, in strong term.,
the use of any violent senores, after which the
queetiso was put and carried unniscoaly.
The following Preamble and Reto!sloes were
drawn op and adopted.
tlincanas, There has been considerable ezeite
meet in the city, In reference to three of the Mills
being fried with men from the east, representing
themselves to be Peddlers and Boilers, and who
•e working at tbo reduced wage•, and have been
attacked by a party , of women and driven from
be Mills, and an the (we msatere ere eireolming
■ report that the Puddler. and Boiler. at Pitts
burgh are the instigator. of said riot, we otter the
following ranolutiorro contradicting therm state.
mento, therefore
Resolved, That we, rudd:cro nod Boilers. of
Pittsburgh, wish to show the venal...oily that we
know nothing of it till eller the act was committed;
And, further, (het We disapprove of such con
And, further,that we will use our influence and
strength to aid in preventing such proceedings.
Raolra, That wo challenge ■ legal Inveigles
non Into the cams of the disturbances, and we
pledge ourselves that we will never defend, nor
regard as a friendousy person who rhell he proven
to have been concerned, either directly or indi
rectly, in the riots.
These Resolutions were signed by all present.
alley which the meeting adjourned, to meet at the
same place, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock.
Pomos.—There were three person. brought
before silo Mayor yesterday morning, for drunken.
nus. They were disposed of as stun,.
Ftosa the National Intelligeneer
A wirsuLow in the spring,
Came to oar granary, and 'Death the eaves,
Essayed to make a nest, and there did tiring
Wet earth, and straw. and lease,
Day after day alus Wiled
With patient heart, bat ere her work was crowned,
Some sad mishap the tiny fabric spoiled,
And dashed It to the ground.
She fauna the ruin wrought,
But noteast down, forth from the place ghe dew,
And, with her mate free! earth and graze. brought
And built her nest Item.
Bat scarcely had she placed
The lad son feather on Its ample bet,
When wicked band, of etiarice, agma laid waste
And wrought the ruin o'er.
But still her heart elle kept,
And totted again, and last night, hearing calls,
I looked, and lot three lidla earalioant slept
Withirithe earth made walls.
What truth to here, 0 man !
}lath hope been smatea in its early dawn 1
Have clouds o'ereast thy purpose, trust or plan 1
Have varru end straggle on.
eo en-
A Ptrznr..—We find the following in
ehaurt paper, with a request to know what the
deuce it [acute:—
A lady esked • gentleman ter his wiser, and he
!tent her the following reply:
Von 0•0 hat 10 thee
-00 no 0 but 00 me—
Then let my 0 thy 0 he,
And give 0010tbee.
• We think wa eau translate timeless. Per eo
You sigh for.,• coin, but I mei for thee,
sogit Jor no erpArr. but 0! metier me.
Then let my cypher thy mitre ha.
.And gtye sigh for rigir,, far 1 MgA,for thee.
W* TD.
UMW'. FURS! FURS!—The subscriber. unit pay
f for Coon,Mink, /dust Rai, Gegy and Red lon,
and all kind of slipping Fa the bigite: eastern
Pgitbliffn comer 1 11 b a ß nr Wood it,.
— I - 00.040 =bolo o Wonted.
to will be received by C. - A. MeANVI.•
1 - Ti to CO., Canal Basin Pe stn.', Pittsburgh,
anal let M"ok cent, for ab ort 1 poo bushels be
umbel& Coal, b. tualitv. for Gas p.n...... W b. 4..
livered on board Canal Boats t their Warehoue,
PeonSiTel,[....4o•E in the d leen , Egelbushels per
• - -• !Oculist
dfifrng 4 tro v c=ifo i elso th' rt, d i e mmengmg gl—
Ma ili n e " C L eal maw be screened ree from slate and
dirt, and weighing not lees the; lbs to the bushel.. l l."
Terms of payment mill be cash
C. A. Ple NULTY & CO,
6+154d Canal Wn, Pittsburgh._
MOE undersigned offers for sale the entire stock of
.1. Orocerico of the late grin of TASSEW k BEST,
with the store fixtures and every thing mtlable to gg'
date the inumaction of a heavy which
hag been built op ill five Scan close attention, end •
largAcusem °Mewed, the good will of which will be
traidfferrsd l to the purchaser, and P.P.'''. 01
Wolehoun given an the first day of April next, or
sioner if required. The stack will be reduced if re.
qatrvd, and payments ramie easy for good paper So
odod an opportunity of an established bootee's is set •
doe" offered, and but for other engagements requiring
my abandon, would not be given ep .
satisfactory information can be obtained on the pre
mises, No. 95 Wood street.
Portable Parlor • reeahottee.
TE subscriber offers for sale, a soitable and co '
nient case, for pceserring and blooming Winter
and Spring Plants, being entirely tree ftom the dry at
mosp em and dust, so inarlons to the successor keep
ing P l ants] , safety in rooms The public are re
spectfullyinuited to call' and examine the case, filled
with Plants, at the warehouse of theWcsinitt
corner of Wood and Sixth sts, (rum collection of
lA.,rS WkRD2OP,
feb2D-dfrir ,Fixlchey?yNtirserc:..
fehlr..l.3toA GIJRDO:
IJ of tel. celebrated brand. post tee'. and for solo by
40012t181,13ERS & NICOIB
DRIED APPLES-40 ba in more and fri- .aln by
febtl 3 & K 1 , 1.0113
DRIED PEACIID3-30 In on mere or I for me by
. . -
i.,11.11V:) . ft
Et LER: NOS—For sale by
. DALLELL & CO, I.ltxrti et
, ' -` l
LAMIE, bza superb's . , on band and
for sale by DA.LZELL t CO,
rebel Liberty meet
( - 10.F.EN APPLES-5n Mita in Core and bar sale ay
• •
RIED YEACIIES--10 tibia in Cora and Armin, t,
Li"'fa%l." axle
ime Care• • r y
f ll or UTT ..l. E b ß— y 8 .
ü bb ß l El a fre .F ah ot„ iz E el a oth c a LA N E. ree l d
1'eb23109 Second et_
1261211.-4 bills rGi ( .ii - sire. by
DECREE:F-7S dos kr.iiier,Tn store . -- Fro - bi
CCORNIIiROOIIS-000 an for sale by
FIRE MUCK & CLAY—We eau sappl
for Me Brick anil Clay. !lit .11 team.
NtCrLIE - CiI — TOWILAS if —4obdliTsi l Zfor Vaie — b — Y
oni . ,
40 Sr Jam e + 0 . Rua reed and
febt3 and 170 Liberty nOTT
ON YARN—ICOU Ulba on band and fer gala by
Cabgl J k fl FLOYD
w earns°er,g—t. ma ¢ fA y h d
fetal J k Frovr,
end for sale by
Ik4OLWYEEI- 7 [lbis new crop Plantation,
11l ree'd per Mullin W.aunron, for sale bY
f!biD J& 8 FLOYD
p o r wli—t3 cask. on hand and foul r4 .O3yD
ALFJLATUe- 25 cash. Ad Kis F
ana', for by
0 feba & .OYD
Bl=Elli-10 by, prima Farail7, fo - &ale by
kW/ & WAR_
'LOVER 23E.10-40bbls io sure awl (of sale by
'kJ &la/ • J A IIUTCHI4ION &CO
( 623R=i411,1 MIIIION &CA
MACI,."FirkIL-1 00 els Large No 3, Mass. napeetton;
30 " No3
indo do.
febn J A nuicsori & 61
L2E"' aIIUT-7
pigs Galena Lead;
kegs ased Sho, .or sale by
,e 1023 ' I A IlUTglilSl/N a CO
lIICE- 73 tea Caroarli.”77da.• .1-7 , 1 An sale 6'l
1., 1e..,U I A 111.71CIIISON &COI
DRIED FRUIT-50 by prima Peaches:.
5 bu do Apples; (or sale by
labdl J D WILLIAMS,I3 Wood 0
11 l - 51.5T0kM-2 dos /Jostles, for sale by
1 fr',l3 J D WILLIAMS
BUCKWILEIAT FLOUR—A gum aLlif:AtE L 7 7 l , 7 9 by
11j IArti;bI3IATIJITREWINSI-12qr eaals lass reed
.1 - ..Ld (or rata by . MILLER & RICKETSO3I,
feL2an.l In and 171 , Liberts at_
SUGAR -03 Ws New Oilcan.:
30 bbls Non 4 and 7 L 044
40 0 Loretings Crashed;
do 4EI Penna.:ea;
In and for wan by
MILLER & 11161417774C1N
AiiciarlL-d bbla IioTII,R--i '
an 6 Ea tanle b
I y
feb2l Ibl
LTlTCiitELYbiih - di - jlisi rye'. a.a.o fn. mala by - -
0 feb2l Lk 07,9 DALZI
____ _ ___—_ _
FLrar-16 bbla basum, ra.c . ,l
j a.;;AL /VA b , t,
ir - Vii.r.k..D 6 -- WiT-3 bbl./6. rec, l / 4 1 - . 7as l, Thr
fohl.lben at
Ohio, h:l i t: l ii.i ],
10 Liberty .‘
.07, 1:71,
JOHN D 1.40510 A.N
r (or ..1e by
Pll A—l
UNORY—aud .... aded, for sale by
Ed feb2l. JOUN D MORG AN
ZRONGE—ilbiled ll .e .d coarse, far sale by
GRIPER BERRIF.R-1 bale for .181:4 ,
J. Alnaseas, Mr Absenting, to be fooad at the Dry
Goods Doom of W IL MURPHY.
febtil comer Fourth and hluket ets
Scene of REV JOHN WESLEY, published by
boolption, engraved by Wm. ()strand Geller, of
London, from the anginal painting by Marshal:
ion, has jinn been received, and is nom for sale by
.. . .
NMI Apollo Buildings, Foarth •
LI t r :t . I , I , ED 011.-1 p ti=lag ii tw e i. , :t o
Iflag BEANS--31) Olds In stern and I. dale. by
SOUL' -lal boo No I Din:liosin; for side by
LT feb2t RIMY, Id ATTI ‘ lEWS koo
COV: I I I :R-5 clots doil i t i ttsp , seti r oistgr i s r Ar
BA,c,,X — "'"'"'"' cn a bil:Valfe.e i o
L A fo ß tgi -g' bb
k" rfr LffOnIMI 11111-O4
DOTTER-30 deg. in store
D reb2l _ J rt,tv„tiar.,
_ _
pii,VVER - -2iktga D l , a3: r iii n ti ;
340 o Ky. do;
2 50 1' u do do; just receiving and
for sale by roton J S DILWORTII NIIIL
jrterll4bbllln•laTlTtri by
Ir - YI ltNsrw
bbl. reed and for s
, s4e N n i
Xe teen
INE6AR-8 6.1"' ' r
WNI u Junti3TON
b2l .
LAD—k 9 kegs for eels
sur,tzr - in""-",ugrftrzaNt . t.wig.l7ll
..... . . . . ...
• - - -ri
ak few doors below Wood street, to. i
wards market
,— Oils /BOWL , having tern
— l. regnierly educated to the medical ,
1. ' profeasion, and been fey some time '
el, • "•' •in general practice, 110. confines ,
.t'li,.. , his attention to. the treatment ei I
, -,,,A ~ 7 those pence and delicate corn , '
1-. . ~,r plaints for which hls oppottunitim
• . a' • and experience pectliarly onelity
• - . him. 14 year. autdurinely devoted
to wady & treatment of those complaints,(during which
time he has bad mere Proenee and has cured meth pr
tents than can ever fall to the
m oblf any private prac
titioner) amply gnalifice offer assurances of
speedy, permanent, and satfactory cum to all afflicted
with ,thr,,,,, disc.., and .11 diseases arising thane
Dr. Drown limed Intone thpse aMlcted with ;mute
climaxes which have become' chronic by time or is
geordl7,lo7l ttirel'r"cosmrpratyn'afenaVf"'redienul7=Lor!
°uglily cured; he having given Mr carefal attention to
ire of such casts, and succeeded in hundreds
of instances in curing persons of inflammonon often
neck of the bladder, and kindred dieeases which often
result front those cases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He pattioularly invites suet
as have been long and unenecematally treated by others
to 000111111 him, when every Batista:Moe will be elven
them, end their ewe. treated In a eyeful, thorough and
Intelligent runntier,souned opt by a long experience,
, th dp, and investigation,whleii it Is imposuble for those
engaged in general praetins of ll:Mt:attar. to glee to
one Class of disease.
Itrilernia or Rupture—Dr. Dm- .. alsolnvltas par
sons Chimed with Hernia to call, as he has paid parts•
alai attention to thts disease.
CANCERS also cored.
Stile diseases; also I! %Palsy, eta., apathy eared
';barges very log,
-N. 11—Satients of either age living at &distance, by
deg their disease 'n writingorivlng all the gym,-
w ad m diC .74 T. ITS I A " , ;17 1 D tb ., re c t
raid ' , std r d
a eWs 7 ,
litille k allo. 48 Diamond allay, opposite the Waverly
Hmecourrou—Dr. Brown's newli discovered reme
dy for Rieurnatimai Ss speedy and certain remedy fill
d'a ed:P . . t' d - gte h d= ,. . r" .."_ • ,
_ i .....
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Dotter s N aterals at
home. I
ITTNe van en etaV. 0 .pass
eiKl --- 1 01 . 1 tierces Irish Ctcos Ina Riee for sale ITY
Do. frhg , , .4 DADAIST & CO.
foal. EL Maur, Jr., Pllll%.
.tare stra/rua all kinds of nab,
A ... . ..., . ,
LL lamas tori/I be liberally adjuthd ...d promptly
A home insthation—managed by Directors lobo tr*
Wel known in the commusdry, d 'rho are determin
ed by promptness and hberelty to maintslo the char
a ter which they have usumed.' as offering the best
p motion to these who desire to be Insured.
If. Mier, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Bader,
te mhaga, Jr., Wm . B. Holmes, C. Diemen, Geo. W.
,kson, Wm...2d. Lyon,. Jas. Lippincott, Thos. K.
tell, James WArdey, Alex. Niielek, Thos. Scott.
Ounce, No. 31 Water meet, (warehouse of Span
1 d Co.. up stairs,) Pittsburgh. to
Otty ■aokokottstt.
prim e ioheerthers, keying four large Smokehouses,
j. aro prepared. at alt times; to mash, hoop and
smoke Pork on rresenable term.
JONES, Proprietors,
- /MAI' - Cimal Basin. near Oth st
TIM subscribers, having been appointed agents for
the sale of .it, by several of the very best num.
uranium's. hue as, on band and will comm. to
keep a constant ripply. •
Orden left t our warehouse, hr with Peter Peters
son, will be promptly kited at tel times.
JOHN hieFADEN & CO, Penn st,
fabin.if Canal Balky Pitteburgh.
Ohio sad Pommy'veal& Sall D.oad.
'MIR Stockholders of rho Ohio and Palmy!wools
1 Rail Road Copy aro horst) noitilod to pay the
(north instaltnent of Fleet Dollars on cant. share of
stook, on or before, the %kb day of March next, at the
office of the Company, in ThinVso as herechfare.
loblEtcd Wit LARIMER, Jr, Than_
modern tad Antique: Vlifilltillea
83, Tin. ft., Prrrammaz.
J. W. W.
Remecttally lefonne the
lift Public that he hd cr...
pleted his ming dad
PIIRNITUAE, the largest end mated'. -.enflame'
settr offered for ado in this dry, comprtx advert l
s of Balllloo% lolanda., and Bunt lVatircr,
calved, ornamental and Omits, suitable for Parlors.
Drawing and Bed Booms, ali of which will ho sold at
the loirest pried.
Persons desiring Furniture of any description, are
medially invited to c =deadline his dock, which
embraces every deteription, from the cheeped and
plainest to
c r ap most elegant and curtly, of which Be
Bowing prises part
Tete a Tate Bold; Tete a Tate Dyed.
Slecepuon , d
Cnevereauen Chai
bode X IV n; ElLdbeC hairs;
o do
Extension do Buffet node'
What Note-. Toilet Tablet
Louie - XlVComenadore; Bake of York's Cnuch;
60 WWI era Plash and Ilairmlotb covers;
do do;
Divans. do
10 do: Mahogany Parlor Chairs;
lo Rosowoal do do;
14 " Bl'Jr Walnut do do;
10 " Cana Seat do,
, ,
4 " Mahogady Rocking do;
50 V do Piano &pals;
Marble Top Curdle Tables;
ILI do do Wash Staid*
ya Mahogany aedsteads;
IV do, Wardiatiu;
IS OM Walnut do;
ti Cherry do.
A very large guard:neat of Common Cha:rs end oth
er Furniture coo tedious to :Damon.
can to.
the shortest nodes.
P. 5.--Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all .orb
of ?debase:l, Wahint, and Veneers, at enealdelnblY
reduced prim.
WILD CHERRY, the great meetly for
And the hest medicnte known
to man for Asthma of 'every stnge, Liver trd
Complaints, Bronchitis, lan •nza, Coughs, Colds, B.
Bleeding of the Lim, Shames. of Wen*,
Nuts and Weans.aa in the side.
Breast, of the
all other
detentes ef the
A very imprints% disease over which this.Dalsnm ex
cru a very poi:eerie! influance, in that of a
In this complemt It has undoubtedly proved more
efftereioustb. any remedy hitherto employed, and in
cent , m instances when patients had endured long
uld errs safe rine from the diseases, widtout IVCCi••
ing h , least benefit from sirloin remedies, and when
Mercer has beenreaorted in vain, the use of this
Balsa, 'es restored the Liner to a healthy action, and
t(9.Vinshore. CireCLed pernuntent nuns, altar
every v:,' known remedy' had failed Us prodnee this ;
desired Keit.
Besides Its astonishing efficacy in the disease above
mentioned, we also find it a very effeetsal remedy in
Amine, a complaint In which it has been extensively
used veldt decided success, even in case. of years'
gentling. With the Increase of intelligences has grown
p • knowledge or the elements of health. and a re
gard (ordeal, and commensuramly with the strides of
science hese ws acquired the means of arresting dis
ease, and averting Its ravages. Notwithstanding ens
progress we knee tame, Mattvlos show thin even
tow, one sinth of the whole population die annually
of consumption.
One vf the most Imponant dmocreries of he sae. in
ameliorating the eohdrtion. of this large class of refs
DIL knot humenity, is • .
Alumni Balaton or W PSA iId Cherry is a fine Herbal
Medicine, composed chiefly of WIM Cherry Hark and
the gttilline ICelnand la.,lthe 1.00, Imported
IT for thin pernm,) tita yore wdianal strums of
which ore elm cowhand by a new chemical proems,
svidt the eXtrast of Tar, thus runderies the whole
compound the most certain and efficacious remedy
ever discovered for
Still further evidences, of the remarkable caratme
properties of this Ineetintible preparation:
lirsouaute, Broom me, O, Aag- .
Messrs. Sandford & Fort: Gentlemen, Afloat
Pao I received theMgeocy of Wistafe Balthra
of Wild Cliche, hilt with eons. relactenee on my pa.n.
or the reason teat I hail been the agent of so many
pills and other nostrums, which were cranked op to
be something wonderful, !bat whi-h tonne not in the
end to he of no BCGJIIat whatever, COCCI the men
uacturer. Bet I candidly admit that this rim I teen
been deceived, 'or the extraordinary ^urns cffeciod by
%Voter's Balsam base convinced me hat "awl an
come at of Nazareth. oar oar agent left toe are doz
en bottle., which ate all gone—h tying been the menu.
of curing several obstinate ease of Consumption—
Ltd ob mistake; tor what I see and know I am booed
to believe. One case in particular. A yam; gentle
man la Winchester. Marne county, 0., 10 aide* from
this pWee, was clued of Couseraption ashes the doc
tors has given him op, or at least could do nothing for
him, and It Was the Intention of his (fiends to convey
him to your city, sad plaeohnstander the care of some
eminent phymetan there, But a friend told him of
Wistarss Balsam, and that he Mild ebtaln it of me.
He seat for it, and before th e second bottle well gone
• he was sound and well, nod amending Mills every day
! business. A. there ate emreral Inquiries for the moth
cum, it would be wen to forward en additional supply
The above, teem Nasiland, Ent. a blabillmeProt .
••!: country merchant commarde Itself forcibly to
c candid grennon ol at: thane icve doubmd
he greet merit of Wider'. Wild tlitern, _snot •
l` Umd only gennin Wistar'e
was introduced in De year
iS73, and has been well tested in all complaints for I
'stitch it M recommended. For 17 years n has proved
more of icaelons as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, lode
-011.6 BrOptbilis, Allan* and Ceturuntption in its in
cipient stage*, than loner reedici.e.
LOST vow ittsroastr.
flaw BICIIVIID, Aug. In, 1539.
Mr. S. W. Feline: Having seen may cenlficaten
published in relation Dt. Wlntar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry, I take the, opportunity of offering a won! in
Its favor. which you me also at libenr to publish. A
few months duce my wife's longs became so much a
-1 firmed with a sod len cold, that shit lost her nve, and
I suffered severely from pains in the breast. Her into.
non caused her friends much elan. Having heard
Your Balsam stionglY recommended ly thous who
toed it, I purchased a battle from roc- • -sot to this
I plater. She took It according to dim. and it pro.
dated a wonderful effect. Ifefore o. bone she
bad completely recovered her voice, the p.... Beheld
; ed, and her health was soon folly re-established.
To Datesinns no Dasums blamcin.—Thi cel
ebrated MI infallible remedy for tbe of Gartma
non, Asthma and Liver Complsbn, hrareull - Its own me. n..
rite, been rapidly, sure and safely wo nting its way
e o n tra h y re
o r f sirtrn 1 11 r" col cu ` l7 ' , " 1 " 4
ginned dot {tun e ni c eet n enviatne po'psuant;'anc'elab
lished itself in the confidence of an Intelligent and en
llghtened public, from one end of the continentals the
other. Ths to of thousand. who have been re.
Ileved and cured oy this valuable article, will show
that It stands unrivalled—ut the head of all other me.
diet... for the care of diseases for which it ts rams.
mended. Thegenuine Dr. Winer'. Italsam of Wild
Cherry Is now for sale by duly appointed Agents, and
all respectable dealers In medicines, in all lame roles
and all lemons/it Mans throushout the United Smuts.
Fuca R 1 per Bottle I SIS Bottles for S.S.
Sold by J. D. FARE, isuccesser to Sandford &Fast,)
Fourth and Walnut Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General
Agent ,for no South and %Tem, to whom all orders
mast Ito addressed.
• "-' -
L. Wilcox, Jr; Janice A. Joner, J. Kidd & Co; B. A.
Fiehnelnoek & Co, Illie,borgh. L T. Roasell, Wash
inFion; W. IL Lembetion, Franklin; L. B. Benoit,
Uniontown; 11. Welty . , Greensburg/I; Pt. Koonta,Soaler•
set; Ikon & Gilmore, Beel , -.1; Bona a:Soo, BuntlAge
don; Mrs. Or!, Itlldebrao I & Co, LUth-
Wt.; J. K. Wfight, Klitennlng; Evens .00, Brook.
ville; A. Wilson &Son, Waynesbungin BUR:land k
Co, 1. Calkodet, Meadville; Button k Co, Erie; J.
Mn, Mercer, Santee, Kelly & Co, Boller; &Smith,
Eke , t; J. D. klkalkeilok, Warren; F. L.A.C. S.J ones,
Coodo.gon: P. Ctooker, Jr. Brovrnsvilla
k dkvolyßalT,
DI( Y. AWE of *precept under the kande of Hoi.
D Wm B. McClure, President of the Coon of Com
mon Pleas, in and for the sth Judicial Disuiet of
Pennsylvania, and Janice of the Coon of Oyer and
TeMlirler, and General Jail Delivery in and for acid
Diluter, and Peronel Jones and William Ken, Earns.,
Azbeille Judge. ',rifle auee tourtir in and for Me
Comity of Allegheny, dated the lith day of February,
In the year of our Lent,ne thouband eight hundred
and fifty, mid to me 'Chaise, for holding a Court of
Oyer and Terrainer,Oil General Jail Delnery, at the
Conn House, in the City of Piusbargh, on the Fourth
Monday in.hlarch next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Public notice is hereby given to all Justices of the
Pease, Coroner, and Constables, of the Conan of Al.
legheny, that they belt= and there, In their proper
persons, with then rolls, records, Inquisitions, exami
nations, and other remembrance* to do those thinge
which, to their respective offices to their behalf, ay.
year to be done-and also, those Mat will prosecate
the prillOMIS that now are, or may be, In the Jail of
amid Counq of Allegheny, to be then and t4ere,to pro
secute against them as shall ballast.
61.00 under my hand, at Pittsburgh, Mil Ilth day of
February, in the year of our Lord, 0850, and of the •
Comnortwodth the Tath. •CARTHE CUILTIS,
febl94erldr ShanfL
A N ELECTION fat °Meer. for thr So,
41- etoptine Briar. otter the Al l River, oe•
petite Plusburgh, In the Connty of A ll egheny,* will
be holden In the Toll Ileum of the Company, at the
Phtleburgh onAlonday. Muth 4th, at 1 &elate;
P. N. t_ JOON HARPEIL, f reuse/tr.
MES. JAMBS BA IL4E would reepe.o.l. y tnferm
the friends and customers of bar husband,
that she
o r
t}e WINE and LIQUI PR lisoness.
at the old wore, Ed, Cliestmit sweet, Phltade,phla—
where can be Fund, a great variety of Wines and
pimors, of natEui grades and vintages, consisting in
p ars ot Shuts', Port,. Madeira, Claset,__Hoel, *.e.
Brand). Oin, Norwegian:lla, and Irish Whiskey, Bt
Croix Mum and Jansalea Spathe Btown Stoat and
Snatch Ale.
Abe, • COT . soberkit" lot at. Ka mp agne, from
Tiny awls, put tip by special ,ell or wallah
will be told at low prices. hi. BAILIF.
nd, Chestnut fe u ,
E ,
Next doer to COMIVOSII flan HOW.
VELVET QEDS—oO pioeco, of various op and
toqb9:3i" recd l/lACKLEIT &,,WRITE
BEB, LOTS, gams, k,
IcHE Ilene at present mewled by King fr. Doo r ,
bead, corner of Diamond sad Diaatoud Alloy; also,
second lame from corner or Diamoud •ald
aley. For team, apply le BOYLE IRWIN.
Gabl7-111m -
To Lot,
THAT large and commodious DWELLING HOUSE
on Webster street. Mar StVeRN at protein occu
pied by Hr. L. Vankuk. Poriession is to be plan on
tha In ApeiL Ingolnit on the premises. or of
, 11. B LOWRIE. Wylie at. near Chatham.
A LOT OF GROUND, SO feet from on Bank Lone:
running book to Rebecca st, gft feet; a Cottage
douse and Carriage Hasse in good repair. This rm•
.oerry is beantdolly situated on the Bank of Om Alle
gheny river, and Is eonei4ered one of the most &sir:l
-bis and pleasant-situations in the City of Allegheny.
For price and terms apply to n o R
10 Second 01 •
from the City, 130oe the residence of Rev. Richard
Lee. oc the Grecnsburgb Tampae, suitably for Coon
try Residence.
Also-19d Acres of Lund. situated In Franklin men
lin ad
ship, about 'Smiles from Finalists. mar the Frank-
Alse—A Lot of Ground, near the new Latin. in the
Seventh Word. being Ilio km square, on which is a
two story I rick Dwelling Home. For particulars
and TAMA of sale, enquire of
DAVID D. BRUCE. Attorner at haw.
(Manes Fifth at. Witte Wend and untithfislit.
• - •
SITUATE In Noon township, Beaver County, con.
mining about 160 ACRES, 25 of which are clear.
ed, and the residue well timbered. There to n large
Orchard of Apple. Peach, and Cherry Trees, of good
quality on it; luso, a comfortable Dwelling llome and
Sam. The land is In good order, well watered, and
but 28 miles below Pittsburgh, If miles from
burgh, on the Ohio riven and only 2 tallei from the
depot, at Rochester, of the Pennolvaata kind C:iio
Rail Road. The title is indispatable,and the land will
be sold on reasonable ten.. Possceston given, if ne.
. ry, on the Ist of .April next.
Tins trey of land, from its convenienee to market,
and it& ttion to a part of the country where rem es
tate I ,Idly titles in value, makes it desirable for
the in wastromeof capital. and for eardening,and agri
cultural p irposes. For farther particulars enquire of
feb22 Anomie. at Law, 4th at, Pintail:mi.
WE offer for sale, on moderate terms:
Ist. That lot of emend on Pemis3lmmia Av
enue, near Cosignn at, bring about 152 feet in depth
by about 21 feet lfi Meherla width.
2d. That Lot on Pennsylvania Avenue, just beyond
Mr. Wataon's property—being 11.1 feet deep by Y.. feet
Le t o
th intim. In width.
3d. A. n the Hill, jest ballad the 2J Lot above
wamed—being 122 feet feet deep by 23 feet 73 indica
ide, emending from Gibbon id Lamm% st.
D. W. k A. S. HELL,
Attorneys at Law, office In Muth at,
feb2l.3ve above Smithfield.
To Lot,
ACOUNTRY RESMENCE, situate within • mile
of the city, in the vicinity of Misery:vine, eoutain•
ing SIX ACRES of Ground.on which is erected • two
story BRICK HOUSE, Stabling. fre. Also—An Oreb
ard of exesilent Emit. This property Lc desirable,
either as a place of residence, or Tor Kardeming pur
poses. Enquire of \V. It. ed. PUSET,
At the Lumber Yard Office of Soothe & Parry, cor
ner of Hay and Liberty at.. fcble-Ser•_
TIIE large three story Brick Wa.rensese, on 'Wets,.
below Ferry street, rennin from Water to. Foil
street, on remenable terms. Possession given imme.
dialely. Enclaire of
'VIM subscriber, 'cubing ea recooreto the city, of
1, fees tor tale As desituble Private Reeidepee, situ
ated au the Ea.itern Turnpike, in the Borough of Law
renceville,l3 minutes. tine from the city. The above
property el' pleasantly located, and improved in the
- lam style, with every eenvenience necessary
For terther viroeulers appty to
No 110 Market at
n the br
TN ALLEGHENY; within a square of th e [(Mika a
J. climber of Wee story Brick Dwellings, with bac%
buildings. There are eight rooms in cue lt house; and
the Yard. are paned, wish hydrants Inlets acme. Rent
sty low.
VOR SALP—Threa Pumps, in good order; wnuld
walls from to 10 feetdeep. Enquire of
JAMES RAY, ilzudnziry st,
near Baptist Church
For Bales
WE will sell eta bargain , one of NAYSMITH'S
Merrick & Tonne's imporecnient attaebed. It is in
grad order, and can be sonnet oar work& It is a&
mitably adapted to drawin, Iron, and shingling
blooms. For further Information apply to
TLS subscribers, haying . suspended their crated op.
rmions until the openatg of the Spring, Nevis*•
bon, have establiehed tin Express Line by Railroad and
Wagon between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by
which they me prepare.: to forward GDR pounds cue
day, eyed for ihe deilyery of the sanedays.
They beg kayo to Fissore their friends and the pub
lic that their ornagemenk regarding rates, regaltady
. I and despatch, cannot fail waive satisfaction to di who
A Farm for 6416, ' (mar them•aith their t .
ONTALNING 160 ACRES, about half of which TAAFFE Zr. O'CONNOR. '
Cis cleared, Mutated in. Washington county, Ohio, coma Pena end Warns rot. Pitaborp.
about IT, miles from the Ohio River. Possession THOMAS BERRIDGE,
given imakdosiely. Require of , do? Mb NicaLet Cruet, Philadelphia.
CO, , - -
kb? Liberty street I GEE, WO! GEE,
For lima or Bala. WINTIIII aftamccuraczaT.
,Ib il it z er.. neelib igl e a ll = l selllrfr e lga n T r e e rl:::: ,
I I,lskgia 1850.
mud on Ott Lane and AllegLaty Avenue, ,
wee of the Grumman. The bonze is a Large doable , nat. comas TOE OLD cassrroas.
1 brio( I!aildlak tll somplas . order. Time is n Guy I BINOH A 51'S EXPRMS WAGON LINE,
Vor Iterate
boon No 6 Market mav next door to Mulvnny
lk6l"l3l°". 3l!lfiliSTCg & STOCKTO'N_
ii . :iii,..:,lwa.,:fig'7;ewivir ,7,1.
.pounds, ; TO AND TROIS
wan comprise two acres, well improvvd a
r e
even( desenptiati of Fruit. Also-a spring kin use and i Pittsburgh rind rhiladoltra.
k s i_isi boamess on the canal Is shout lug closed
smoke boa.. Pwiamnion given durintthe month of A p o , , 1. ,. . ‘ ,.. 30n would inform the pu bli c thus
Marett. lehl•tf JOHN uESHATr ' we have imein brotight the Connstoga Wagons into re
rIVFICII TO RENT-On second awry, No fid (0 4 1 000 ... 4 wiP li . PSe
IIJ Warr v. Powessain given Ist April. _ ~d - iI S, (commencing on Monday. e-t in
ci, .
_lusty ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front si i leaving Philadelphia duifftry the moll tram for dm
I erdi4rg, wad the Wagons traveling dety and night.
IZTORIG TO RENT-20 fent front by 40 ilegli- - ~,,,,,, the delivery 01 (4 0 c.ds in boo day's. Apply to
1.3 No Ill? Front sk Possession gives Ist dpril. 1 WM. BINGHAM, PidshniTti,
lan% ISAIAH WOKEN 11. CO, kW.. i BINGHAM &DOCK, No. ON Market stivet, '
- - . 1 ndirdii Philadelphia.
il . A desirable Iteihicnee, situated on the River I WINTER. ARELAISCIEBIIIN T. •
Desk, Fir•t Ward, Allegheny City. Earinire
at Ulu Office, or of giro hlcAlarayn, on the
i'"" 1850. *AA
FOR SALF., on very liberal terms—Fifty Niue Lo. TO LOD elate
of liroand, eireatedon Penn, Wayne .d Pike 10/' PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA.
and the Duquesne Way, according to a ilios to be seen
• [hie omea, .hc.u....duaani...nli b. made I Mir - kive flays , (5....d.p.u4114 ...ins I,ll l'
1.1.1 and Ni g ht. ,
~ MIIE public. is respectfully informed diet this Line,
1 .I. srhich has been in suceessful oper.on the two
previous winters, and again commence running on
' illeusdey, the Sedth of November.
A C. will leave Philadelphin and Chambersburgb
daily each ...y pith the Mail Train, .d from Chem
bersbergh with relays of banes running day and men.
We are prepared to lororard WOO lb. 'might daily by
the above Line. Aprly to
U. LEECH & CO. Pitletash,
or to—HARRIS & LElss.:ll,
No 13 Sea. Third street, Philadelphia.
For Rant,
FRONhe fins day of April itert—one large two
storied BJLCK DWELLING HOUSE, handsome
ly_ Mit.Sad on the Ohio Eitner, adjoining the borough of
Alw—heater, with *bout four sere* of land; it number
of I Trues; one large b. let Barn and Stuble, and
other out huilHop. Apply to
ASnSAI L COTTAGE. HOUSE, in Allen-cony:can
on 1 ~eanado meet. Rent low. Inquire et
Icain TAB. 9 A. EMT, 34, Woon.n.
a W HAFLDW A 21.17 8T
Ws. 78 WoodPALI Imre h.
CDER AND LAUFfiIdN, Import , • and•slers
[jin Foreign con Demesne BAWD WAH.Ie, in
all its varieties. are now prepared to sell as low sr,d
on as reasonable terms moan be porchr.s elelsewheth.
We solicit our friends, and the public ~encrally„lo
call and ckunine-nor Sock, which ennui...ln part of
such so Looks, Latched Hinge. and Screw , together
with every uncle tanallykept in D_dw - Fthe Stored
We invite-the atlenuon of Carninthrs and .s...what:tics
generally to our assortment of Tools, which titvelsocu
selected with great care, and which we are a ~..ertnin.-
. ed in sell So as m El.° satisfaction. aptlikarT
I -- b" '..11 - SNS ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST 1.1. -
They arc notmeare hoer fright-tab' ilidarioe it is
tan skin! how conne d how mctch, haw sal-
yuliew, and unhealthy sinn ap•
peard aner asingprepared chalk!
. Wm it is 'nano., contoinir,g a
~-antity of Lead:
:Me have prepared a beautiful vecetabio ar els;
vakindaro call JONES' SPA:USE' LILY Willi's.
/tilt Ithrfectly,inentent, being panted of albdol•cri,
thy ' oe, rual Simnel - Ls to the skth • Titlttiria, <al.
y, ellbaster. clear, living acute; at the uce :Woe
m il
as n eenructth on the skin, main- it son and
( smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACILiON, to Lin
•erlyjl. Enttslearult.. Priml
ears2nlte .T
Ail wet. aims ereomoty 115.1111 , 2
the fallowing are the actual quali non ties of ala bolas of
Jones's Coral lisit Restorative. If they doubt oar
To Let. word, they cancel UK. highly respectable charity
Aon Smithfield oreet, lour d oom from
tit, B.v. ‘ th, I Mr. Gm. Becket, 41 Elm at, New York.
west aide. limalse of . S. SC littY bin. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle ay, Brooklyn.
Dut7 la Second st,_ Mr. Wm. Tompkins, tut King Cl, New York.
L's OR ligna..A STORE, well fluid I s
piorDry Mr. Thos. Jackson, Montours Island, near Pittesu. gh
V Goode, on Market at, between Thud and Fourth. lt. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S. America
Posseason given on the In of April next. . And more than • hundred others state; though . as
Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICE.. Postenion I most gyre,
t h a t
a will force the hair to grow on dw,
given immediately. E. D. GAL SAM,
head e mill it falling ed; strengthen the re to,
dots °dee over the PostOfEco.Thad at. 1 removing scull and dthtdruSfrous the mots, awl ant
, red, or grail h
arsh air arenme a fine dark mots,
tin ocenpied by Mew. Halley, Brown & Co, I t. u l dr Yr hpr
0a Water street, fona first of April nem t ealditel, a very, very bag tune.
nordn JAMES A HUTCHISON d: C 0 by the Agent, Wfil. JACKSON, E 9 Liberty sd.
Pinetrgh. Pace tri, SU came, and ono dollar.
Brisk Yard for. Rear.
ALOT OF GROUND, suitable fora Brick Yard,
and situated near the city lino, In the •ietuy of
&Oa Badge, will he rented for • term of years. Ap-
PIT t. E. A OAZZ i.ld, Third street,
Ante Odtee Ofer Out Peet Office.
Vol tient.
A ROM on tho sed.ud /ft' of the Wdrohohdd
N O . 2d Wood infect. ' Wan
on Liberty street, between Oliva and Walnut meets;
Fah Ward, at present ore...pied by the eubeeriber
Poesesrion xiven on the I ApriL Enquire of
1.164 WSJ YOUNG. 143 Liberty It
for Wst
T?, BASEMENT earner of ' t e•Diernond an
Union stmets,well adapted to any public bnainess
It has been occupied as e Vane, or Sating galenite',
meet fin, • amber of years.
ALSO—Sevand Offices and Artt.t' Rooms, well
lighted, with entrance from the Diamond, over the
ewe of the minima.= north west cornet of the Dta7'
mond and Market street. Apply to
F 0 a ," t
tam Two pleasantly slusainl. fine[.
Dealing Ileaws, with the grounds adieinicg,
Oakland. Possession can be given en tho,Wst of
April next . Jean 'LARDY, JONES M
" • •
For font.
THE Daek Fan of the Warehouse noor oteupierl.hy,
myself, arm fronting on-Front street•
fang C H GRANT, 41 Water st
•artful situation for Private Resident. ,
ank of the Ohio river, in the beroegh
ter 7G . 26 Wood at
IibFOR SALE—A Brick How, (bat one year
uilt,) end Lot, on Robinson street, AlLegheny,
near old Bridge. Price low and terms easy.—
Ingram of Iyal 13 BCI 3O YER. Ito Setond •••
VIOR SALE — Five lots CILKIbIy masted to 1...., .\
r (Wag town of alnalngbam. The lots are ILIUM.
teed on Demon meet, numbered to
. F Bettunan's plait
73, 79, 60,61 and 83—Lot No 73 fronting 00 lemon Ala.
r 7 Len street, 70 feet deem the other four 20 feet front
each, by 80 feet deep.
Tenns—G maim part of purchase money may re
mkt for six years, seemed by mortgage. For partial
stars, Impure of 13 SCIIOVER,
myle 110 second st
FORSALE.—A. Lot of Ground situate on Penn
street, between Hayed Marbury streets, adloining
the Imam and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
basing • front of 23 feet, and in depth 130 feet, will be
sold on favorable terms. Tide auerteptionable. En.
quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, Sith at, near Wood.
THE canons and business men of Pittsburgh are
respectfully interned %has the Morse TelnaraV
Lutes are now in complete operation between this ellY
amlltioloreWnhington,d other Eastern Linea,
cconnecting at Wandngton n
City with tho Moms Line,
- the only one South to Richmond, Raleigh. Charleston,
Augusta, Batrannals,,dobtle and New Orleans—and
14 On On with lines running West told
- North tot= priaeipal town and chin in the Talley of
Ole Mississippi, and on the Lakes. These Lines yid!
receive and ma menages ea cheap as any ether
LA., and Me °pennon and clerks smll be found deo•
ilemanly ant ncommodning.
W. — Office in the lower story of the ST. CHARLES
EIOTEL, Wood linnet. jann-the
corner A of Oa Osmond and
Mar peer ke nhaw t their
ws "' toe .:k:o n f ia., " W n in:7 3 6.o.d r "n fir ti"Lg to s,° : 4e x: sis : t r d : n : o :f -
Also--liihotliets and Flannels, Cloths, Cal/119. Saito.
ell., end a fult assortment of honey Canoe Glints.
w here, that better barest...cannot he ease.
where, we invite. the auenUon of buyers.
75 Sherbet street
agXilastrr'4:rd—u.sCat—fFikvoLcalmt"istrille:m..Fant7tlL Loats,U.Y7PpstrY:
N. WAXY& ktitINIS.
-----nititafail-UiPia a. •
RECOVEO Wu day at the Carpet Pareboase,No
is poah, c 111,alleat pad nett et .e raper In
ea., Carpets. Aiwa—rica lattraitt,atitlea we <Jetta
parehasen a a / 1 .V LS &Trf a!kitita twat&
(011 • NY P4eCLINTOCI.
. . .
. .
~ .. : :;.ii -,, ,i.'. : i....a
,' ,1;
akiiiM 1850. liatia
Tno Doily L4 . IiCS Erpress larger Roar, ma
Rail Road Cars,
Via the Great central Rail Road and Penni& Canal.
Tray—sixty Hamra
Fath—Ten through.
236 miles Rail Road.
100 do Canal.- -
THE YttOrRIEVORS have built an additional Llike
of superior new set ecnifortable Packets, to eminent.
with the new Cannot Rail Road. He the opening of
cavigstuon, a packet will leave every morning at id
°Vier k,thd every evening_ et nine o'clock; ironing
the Portage Rail Roadie daylight; at Jackatown take
the splendid Cara of the Central Rail Road, 200 milth
ps ?inland*. A Death number of passengers cull
will te thrill on these packets,thth to insure waifera
Thin ',tie, for gaiety, speed, thd comfort, ia cot
cnurdl o env vow In nth to the y Eastern Chita.
For pan 6n ge or inthrination applto
• W bIiTCII, Monongahela Howe;
I) LEECH CO., Lang Ruin.
N. IL—On the let May out the Conr
ail Rail Road
will en open to Huntingdon, which will MDRon the
lime through several hours. fehll
Inca $lOlO Jun CTR.IIII.T, 1113W1 121 --
Gool4h. forwarded by this Line are earned Is Oka
mail train to Cbambersba,ge, and aro itastoadatte-
Iv loaded in Wagons going night and day through to
The hbrees are rationed every 15 miles, tobtel,
Insures the prompt delivery of goods within thgStme
The Wagons vid leave our warehouse daily, (Sob.
days exerpty. ) at v. o'clock. P. M.
Shippers are assured that no more goods will , hs,
taken each day uan can he mosebtalti marled
through. ,
Dr Market street, P sladelplaa.
Canal Mufti, Piusbarglr.
oe Mlacutarrs, Cnnal, Penn .trees, Viusbargh.
• -
JAMES M. DAVIS h CO.Fume Foote= a.lO CU■•
IdIVIZON MiSICIIAMS, 921 Market, end CI Commerce at
AT, A ttroTe; e ' o r t th . ig " n b er *t!'ter: Flo a t.
ela. krtne
1850. r-
PPM suburibers, now having to successful opens
'. tion an Express Wagon Line between Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia are prepared to receipt tor nOtlo iba
freight &lit. Farb way deliverable through is sia
days, ndays eseeptdd.
Canal B l asin. Pittsburgh.
DUTILLI: tiChIPIW 1..48 lc CO..
107.Virket at. Phil'.
IF. suhsenliers aro prepared to receive WO rounds
Freight dolly. a 0 r tiOndas, itnit inst. to forward
to or font Philadelphia tad Pio:burgh, by Wagon,
through Five Rays. Eatea tw low as by any other
eaaveyaui e at this seesson of tie year.
.10111131ePADEN 3 CO,
ca.! Basin, ?womb ,
J /OM+ hl DAVIS it CO
defl 14o.:: Market sh Philadelphia.
gmakaa mat.
Unly 73 7111 e• Staging.
Via Bre:vetiverlle anJ cumberlaiidp Baltimore and
morning bunt leaven the wharf, above die
bridge daily, at c o'clock pineively. 'rig. W
Baltimore:4 . Z boom; time to Phililetplita,4oltortra.
The evconag boat leaver. daily, (except Sanday a,'
evenin g ) ot 4 o'clock 'arenizera by beetling' on Oil
evening. boak i leill crass the 1110./2.1. in Magee cell
day, md thus avoid night travel.
Secure your
at the Office, .I.4onongaltel
done, or SnCharles Hotel.
0ct.13-13" J. Itla'ilaNTEN, Agent
— wissirds — All.ll.B u.VJILJEZIrI.-
;;;Igi r Stlit 1850, Ml lac
Er, Tug /WIZ 07 ♦ sum fterMA a ammo. rapist
stye than a L4l, putrid breath, or dare, yellow dtee ,
ed teeth. litters.. haSe these it le their own raid
they ean, for two shillings, buy . article that will
make their breath pare and sore.. the Sinekdir •
It cures di ienses of the Gran, spuogy or ulcerated ,
and for the Teeth it is uneo azalea, recaostag the ma.
lammingthe teeth lit the gams, and clean theta Di
white se the maw of A. /rm. Nor..
Sash, relger, are the properties of Jones'. Gimbel
Tooth Paste, end, without praising -it ourselvce, her
what or. at our tacit teepee:able and scientific Der.
Usta, Mr. E. Field, ot Noes Tore, says t
ut hare both used and anal...has besitufal and let
palpable article, (Jones' Amber Toe pieto
e. recommend WI possess.; alit!. qu.. el.,
,g far iy.r. header, we can say no snare to_conmete
only that If you try thts nce. ycIL 1711 La well please
pat Up in beautiful Enech CAM tor
cents. by the Agent, WA. JACKSON, MI Labe Pittsburgh. eutrecrlkmq
kmanrflOas •en palm Miami wl.-+ON . ILm
,- - in,emteal :Map canaes a free penanuatum, •od
ss. ---.- „,-- ~,o n fiev, !miter., and wonens um Mt
e 4 ih e ' , "' a f the'teelture and beauty Of an Want'.
w's - m. % - mjyy, sear Durum r ` e, are soon no , onl
healed, but eared by its WM, to al lama seven 1 .7.
Maas in New York snow, who am it in such ease
mid find It unfailing-as also
COMMA. ISLOVnILML, Or any other Si 11 di
maw. The reader is assured manias is oo u r01e..,,,, ~ir u m, as one trial will proms. I could en
Clem. , n least SU persona cored of
:roue 117.., Sou LAOS alllf Sots ilosaa-, gy
'T o ot s
~e it ; and the reeds Is twain assured I mos
'Tot ,Toelly pelt it for die above unless I knewrto
ad t vii..s. those who Ito habitat
c,,,,,, c......, on Cuarsto Puma, will fin Oaf
core. row one alllmtedwah any of the above. lean
itar dism,ses, will find this all and even more (• mil
' We in V. ploPertimlthan I slim
Dot reader, the stores are doodad with holistic
ssadbe'' ant , you ask for JONESni Italian CI eon
i soap. Hold by WM. JACK!ON, E 0 Liberty no '
rauturgh angebdut ,e'r
Pi-Opera, ii - ,alloglimaSay city for ,f mit
m t ,
' SLID so/members otter for a number o ch/
Lots, aimate to the &sou Ward,,frontin , or
1 ' mman ground, on easy to 1. , foot...mot
I W. 4Y/L DOWNS' ON, at Law,St D air
4 ak roLIA m SRODINSO. sou thapremia
. a
ozO.w. o. 1 o is co..
/ 713 Ra t
I..garthat7to d' ot "' n . i s i r d?li k r t . - t aatilj ,
- wallet Yedastreel, haws a_ d.... V if:sharp .. . OM
litila remand their out a bUalbSSi 10 , e rt . !
UMW Pig' moot. my ]d*