The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 04, 1850, Image 2

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irrinvarruros are earnestly requested to hand to
Aar avors before 5 r. and as early falba dues
practicable. Advertisements not inserted for • so
Red dam will invariably be charted until Ordered oat
thaaancuato—C. W. lame;, No. ”vir , ono vuee f S
Cincinnati, Is our agent for city. Auveratiemen
and sabariptions handed to tau oral. receive prompt
eta.: mu.
Advertisements and subienpuons to the North dso.t
in and tlnited States Guste. Philadelphia, ecived
nd forwarded from this ME.,
Whiff lusts Central Committee.
MI . he =engem of the Whir Stun Central Con.
itillee am requested to assemble at Ilarrisbum, on the
lib 'et Karel Inst. Puoitunl astendenee is earnestly
requested. M. AIehIICILItEL, Chairman.
Gee. U. Elora, Seel.
The Glut Railroad Convemion, in Stenben
♦ille,te tube held on the 6th of Mareh,rezt Wed
rieeday, to promote this interests of the Indiana
Sumbenville, and Pittsburgh Railroad.
Thequettion is hourly asked, who is " Philatr
dont" The people seem 111Xi01:111 to make the
estuantanee of OM "Christian Citizen," who to
oppistunely threw the weight of his legal knowl.
edge into the scale of the abettors of riot. It is
understood that he is a lawyer, bat which of the
Fiera:en of our respectable bar has the honor,
we (=not imagine. We eat think of no 0 Christ.
lan Citizen" and "Steadfast Whig" emong them
who would write such an article. We Melina to
the opinion that he is not a citizen of MI" county
at all.
We trust that " Christian Citizen " and "Stead
firm Whig," who signs himself" Phi!Andros," in
Me Journal mad Post, feels quite combrtable tin
' der the protection of the "pars annicatus —the
Common Law power!" }firm beautifully it pre.
tads the right. of citizens, when their lawful pup
suits and property are interfered vrith, and their
Ikea are endangered. Rio ineendiary article had
its fellow In the Ledger, of Saturday, in the de..
armiption given of what the editor ‘cetiously calls
woman's frolic," in which he " some bun
ddad women Site fits to the Yankees at work !
leaving .the vomit in full possession of the mill
to celebrate a Thennopylw victory over =my,
=newt, and eastern braggarts!" "Philandros"
Amid make the acquaintance of this editor.
Nsw Nears Evritters.—We understand that
a new pae.ket express line is abnut to be started
between this city and Erie, by Tray of the Erie
Extension Canal, and to be mincented with the
Express Lines of Livingston and.Eargo, and Wells
ac Co., East and West. The gentleman, who will
underlike this enterprise, is Mr. U. D. Spaffordi
who has a practical knowledge lof the business,
And can give the most undoubted references. Our
citizen will find the line of great convenienoe.
for speedy communication with the Lakes, and
with New York.
On Saturday, another riot dirraced our city. i
the particulars of which will be ound under our r
local head. The some, this ti e, was the Roll- ,
tag Mill of Menus. Barley, B r o ra & Co. The .
rioters, composed of warner, and di, backed by I
crowds of moo, nulled into the mill, and pig a
Cop to its operations, driviog the. men from their 1 ,
work, badly inicring one of the prnprielons, and
for the time being, taking full posseasion of the
premises. Thus la another added to the many
deeds of lawlesimds which have disgraced the
annals of this city.
. Mob law thus reigns triumphant among us; the
nghts of the citizen, are daily trampled upon,
their mills entered bylumdo of lawless desperadoes.
'and the proprietors, no well or workmen, driven
eat and Waled. Under ouch circumstances, what
Is to Le done' to the taring arm et the law to be
paralysed, became a few fanatic, fear to see its
Doted properly exercised, or is the Sheriff to be
deterred tram doing hid duty, because he thereby
subjects himself to the abuse of the editor of the
Post, that great abler and abettor of theme who
created the mob? We trust not.• We believe he
. will not be found wanting. But is it not time to
show to those who violate the laws, that there is
a sufficient power in the hands of the proper an
thorities to maintain them, and that the rights
every citizen scat be protected , Without this is
dole, and done speedily, there will ben continued
succession of events similar to those of Friday
and Saturday last, only this each !succeeding one
will be productive of more aggravated rosulur than
the previa..
The editor of the Post, in his article of Wednes
day, declared that the peddlers were determined
not to violate the law in any manner, during their
present strike, "all that they intended to do was
to maintain their rightv.". How truly this has been
minied out, we leave that wrathy fraternizer with
mobocracy to answer.
We are pleased to learn that health of Mr.
Power, out late Canal Commissioner, is Mlieb
better. He - has returned to this country, and is
now in Florida. We trust be will soon be restored
to his family with invigorated and established
ArTICAPATID Riot To DAL—There are rumors the intention of the faddism to m
ak the mnie to day, and that they have boldly
declared that there shall not be one mill in operir
titan by to night. We feel it our duty to place our
eitimms on their guard, although we trust the rat.
mar may prove unfounded; but from what occur.
red on Friday end Saturday last, sae are disposed
to believe that there is a desperate determination
on the part of these meat, to carry out their on
lawful designs. Sheriff Curtis is fatly apprised of
their intentions, and in ease of any further attempt
being made to disturb the peace of the city, is
prepared to see the laws folly vindicated. In this
he will be sustained by the cumniceeus voMe of the
• The St. Leah. atot.
On On 'Monday evening sueemding t 6•
St. Lortit,by which Rev. Mr. Leabey vu prevent
ed from proceeding with hrt lecture, and his life
endangered. an immense public meeting was held
in the Rotunda of the Court Roue, which vu
fined to overflowing. After the meeting was
organized, and several speeches had been made
In defence of the right of free speech, the follow
ing ',solutions were adopted,.
fecotted, That as American freemen we
advocazen of unrestricted liberty of speech in
broadest sense, and to mare thin right
reedy to make our sacred honors acid our lures.
Esseiterd, That we recommend Rev. Mr. Leahey,
to whose person the etoresaid tight has been grim.
ly invaded, to deliver auctt lectures on such sub
jecta as to lobe may appear adviaahle end proper;
and we do hereby pledge perfect afirty to hia per
son in so doing, and guarantee to him a fair hear
int without the hitoderance or molestation of any
paw or pnrers on anti.
Saeleed, by a gentleman, That we, as kmeri,
cgs citizens, native sod adopted, ore to favor of
(modem of speech, and we regard it as the sheet
anchor of our libenies, end will claim the name
till every link and cable gives way.
Remand, to effect, That a committee of two be
appointed LO place the two books referred tohefore
the Archbishop, and by him to be pronounced 1110
or false translations.
Mesas. Wm. S. Stewart and A. W. &hand
Were appointed such committee.
Sapient, That we, the citizen. of St. Laois,
are determined to suetain the Rev. E Leahey, or
nay other citizen of the United Steles that may be
is. or hereafter miter our city, in the full exercise
of his religions or political rights, as guaranteed
him by the moustitntion of the United States and
the Suite of Minoan.
The Bt. Louis Intelligence , says that the coat.
mince appointed ander the fourth resolution, wett
ed upon Archbishop Kenrick at his residence, to
give him an opportunity (as the molotion ex
pressed It) of endorsing or repudiating the works
InNeestion. The committee were received with
marked kindness, and explained with brevity the
'tidied of their mission, to which Bishop K. return
ed substantially for answer, that he did sot recog
nise the right of the meeting to appoints committee
• to question him upon the subject, but regarded it aa
• personal insulti however, he would receive them
as gentlemen, end impart soy information they de
sired. In the converoillon which followed, Bishop I
Kentiek endorsed the works of Bishop lienrick end
Rushee is being the same used by Mr. Leahey in
his lectures; these works were not only authentic,
bat he' approved of them morally: lie farther-
I mourtitaterd, that the - were designed for the clergy
• rif 'the Catholic China, and not for publication
lad diatrlation among the lay members.
We rejoice that the people of St. Louis have
vindicated the right of public speech, which has
been assailed in the person of Mr. Leahey. For
hiateelf, personally, we feel no sympathy. Wo
question tine propriety of his course, and , believe
good. We also disapproved of the conduct
of our late street preachers. We think that m
neither ease was the proper and best course taken
to combat error. But when we see the rights of
- _
free speech, and of public consultation and con
troversy invaded, whether in the persons of Mr.
Leahey or Archbishop Karuick—ofJoe Barker or
Bishop O'Colutor—tve are ready to stand forth to
their defence. The people of Pittsburgh and Bt.
Louis have shown that the right of public speech
cannot he invaded, in this country, with impunity.
Speeell of Mr. Baker, of Illtnols
Oa Wednesday last, in the Honse of Represeu•
wives, Mr. Baker of Illinois, made a speech on
the generalanestionef slavery in the territories.
After a (ow preliminary remark., he said he was
glad that, very soon, the flag of the republic
Would wave over the State of California, to re
tory acquired that was interfered with. Hare hi
was interrupted by questions put by Mr. McLean
and Mr. Colcoek. Mr. Coleock declared that if
Cowen passed a biil incorporating the Wilmot
Proviso, or abolished slavery, he would introduce
is resolution declaring that the Union ought to he
dissolved; and the gentleman and his friends
would be convinced that the South are in earnest.
Mr. Baker. I take this so more deciareterY
than preparatory, and the resolution has so often
been passed in the minds of gentlemen, that it will
do no great:harm. Oh, ye Godd if that abould pus,
would that be a_dissolation of the llama? I want
to know how You are going beyond the resolution.
I have heard a description of gleaming swords,
abounding in wit, beauty, and eloquence; but no
One has said he would use the sword against the
constitutional p ower of the government. nor how,
and when. doubtful whether the Nashville
Southern convention will assemble. I I have heard
that some of the Stetes have refused to endorse it.
I repeat, bow are you going to dissolve the Union,
if the Wilmot Proviso pass to morrow? We were
not snxilttl at the North for more territory. ;I was
as reluctant to Nee'rexas cora, la as I am now
glad to see California come intend twelve millions
of freemen ought to be heard as well as five milli
ons, let them speak as brilliantly as they may.
I will go against the admission of a State
which tolerates eleven , . If they threaten no be•
cause we do not yield a comp rom , se, is their own
language, "Let them come!' I hold that it is de.
moralizing to the great American republic—in the
I name of Washington, under the booed shadowy
wing of our eagle—in the name of freedom and
constitutional liberty—to compel slavery where
freedom has always existed. Slavery is against
the opinion of the eivilivtd worldi and I tell gen
demon that when the day comes to cut them
selves off from the North, they army those who
are now at the South—five millions of whiten and
three millions of slaves—against the whole civil
ised world. lam willing to stand by the compro
mise. of the Constitution; but when you tell us we
moat lend our power to extend and increase alas
very,. representation In Congress based upon it,
I deny—l denounce--I won't do it. I won't fight
for any such purpose. II disunion comes it will
thefault, and not our and we will abide
result. It is t re e that s;
Illinois would furnish
nine regiments to protect the Uoior, If necessary.
If a hundred colonels are necessary, we have got
them. The gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Toombs
bee thrown a sneer neon my colleague, Mr. Ba
sel, Milling him smiline colonel." I have always
understood that the militia were the bulwark of
American liberty. I understand that Southern
gentleman who will fight would be militia offiCers
at lest. If the gentleman leads the advance, I
doubt whether any better colonel than my col
'eagls would be found. He was on the field of
Beene Vista. There never was a braver man al
the head of a regiment than his colleague. First
n the fight, where there anis the moat danger he
au in the midst. They went where the boldest
night hold their breath. They shouted for Illinois,
he Union, and Old Zack, and they fought like
men who punotinally give their energies and their
ices to their country.
There were some demonstrations of applause at
the conclusion of the speech, of which the above
re ontlite.
ng Fredericksburg, on his return from Richmond '
he President was received at the depot, amid
an immense concourse of citizens, by a fine
soldierly. body of military, and the committee,
headed by its chairman, Honorable R. B. Seem
pie, andnddressed by one of its number . , 3. M:
Forbes, Esq.
The President (we quote from the National ln
tedigencer) briefly replied, tendering his thanks
for, the welcome given torn, and the eloquent
and kindly exprosaions cc , zasp , syi.g it; remark
ing that to all his war derings - and amidst ell the
toils of hie long period of public service, he had
ever remembered with ihat Virginia ias
his native State, nud had never ceased to regard
her with the liveliest filial feelings; that of the miti•
tary aeidevments to which allusion had been
made, the glory belonged in a large degree to the
brave into whom he hail had the honor to com
mend, and amongst whom Virginians had ever
been conspicuous; and responding to the allosiens
of the address, in =next to the Union pill. Suter,
"la the sentimento respecting the inestimable
value of our National Union, jest now so eh:•
queotly uttered, I fully concur. In regard to my
duty and determination to employ my best efforts
to preserve it, it aught to be oufficient to any that
I have taken before the world as oath they:?
to the beet of my ability, preserve, protect, and de
fend the Constitution ofthe United States. This
require me to do all that I am empowered to d.
to gaud and maintain the Vision: for the lining,
and Conatittnien exist and fall together. In Eva,
therefore, a necessity—which I trust never to ex•
perfectos—shall' require me to act, I cannot neg•
lect to employ, fur the preservation of the Union,
all the powers entrusted to me without committing
perjury; and that I assure you, fellow citizens, I
hovel:tot the slightest intention of doing."
gate fierceemploged herby war ninth Id, •
100,451 me 0. as fulloaro
Aggregate of regular army,
Volunteer Fame—General staff,
Regiments and corp.,
Total regulars and volunteers, 106,44
Of the 15,736 men of the old line, SOO were
either killed or mortally wounded. Of the 73,260
volunteers 607 only were killed or mortally
wounded, showing a difference of five to one. At
Malmo del Bey, in Iwo hours, 706 men were kill.
ed and wounded. At Baena Vista, which lasted
two days, Gen. Taylor's loss was 673. The former
wax by far the most ebseply contested fight of the
The following is a condensed view of the con.
dition of the volunteer forces.
Tun= hinters% birt—The strength, when
mustered into service, 1.390, and when die.
charged, I,264—being loss ofl2l. Discharged
before the expiration of he term, e 2; of which 3
were for disability. Deaths, le ,—ordinary, b;
killed in battle and died of wounds 10. Dever.
lions 22
Six hilorrens' Mrs, (but [held only for three
mouths, the legal term 1 ---Strength when money
ed into Service, 11,211; and when discharged,
9,620, loss, 1,591. D3charged before the expira
tion of the term, 915, of' winch 370 were for disa
bility. Deaths, 127--ordroary. 107; killed in bat
tle and died ofwohnds, 6; accidental. 14. Deser
tions, 524. Mount!' Mrs.—Strength ;when mus
tered into service 27,053; and when discharged,
19,201; loss o,Bs2.—Discharged before the expire.
lion of the term, 4,530, of which 4,004 were for
disability. Dea ths, 2,299—ordinary, 1,792; killed
in battle and died of W ounds, 439; accidental 67.
Desertions COO.
Vows -yens 101 VIM Wart—Strength when
mustered into service, 33,596; and when ducting.
ed, 21,474; loss. 12,122 Discharges before the en.
piration of the term, 3132, of which 2,763 were for
disability. Deaths, 4,572 -ordinary; 4,309; killed
in baulk and t 1 e d of wounds,ls 2 ; accidental, 111.
Desertions, 2,736.
Recapitulation of thin \ casualties incident to the
whole number of volunteers, under various peri •
ost of service, is as follriws •
Discharges before the; expiration of the term,
9,169, of which 1,200 were for disability.
Deaths, 7,015, to wit :—Ordtuary, 6,21 6; killed
in beide end died of wounds, 607, accidental, 192.
Resignations, 219.
Desertions, 3,076.
!tat the feelings of our whole community were
shocked by a report ME Mr. George Byers, a citi
zen of our borough, had been acridentally killed
by the discharge of a gtm, a mile or two trout
town. kb. friends,on repairing to the apot, found
the report but too true. It appears that Mr. B.
was on his way to Monticello Mills, with a small
wagon, accompanied by bin little son nod another
and had taken hie inn With bet In tepee
tation of shooting INDLIO game. A pheasant was
started, and, to attempting to take the gun from
t h e wagon, it tens, by sours accident. discharged,
sad the whole load lodged an his right breast,
causing almost instant death. Mr. B. wu in the
prime of life, and leaves a wile and five ur six
children to mourn his sadden death.—Cittaning
Tua Sousa Tows or LOVISIAJW — Tbe sugar
culture has increased vary rapidly in Louisiana.
Tho quantity raised m 1649, was 220,000 tads.
and 11,000,000 of pillow. of molasses. The growth
in this branch of business within the last 20 years
ma be aeon in the fact, that in '1629 there were
but y
83,000 bbds made, and in 1829 only 19
They begin to plant the cane by the mid •le of
February, and tomtit:Amen , the sugar in °caber,.
although In average stsuatlone the cane tattesitio ,
ri • .0 until November.
A Convention of noir:era recently arsemtded
at Syracuse. torment: deooonced the
gree of D D. as a mark• of di•unction, and resole.
ed that the tide belong. to all teachers of cheat,-
/nit', They recommend, therefore, ittat all min.
' •
Co!sespandeoce of the Paublargh carer.e.
Waxmanres. Feb. 26, 1650. I
Supreme Court—A short . shrift for the
Colon—tights talked 01 , amportapt
Movement —Mr. Webster'. Plan--Capt-
BehaambOrg's Came.
The Supremo Court was engaged to day, till a
late hoar, in delivering °outlet., to that no greet
progress was made in the bridge case. Hon. R.
J. Walker will close the caste, on the part of the
State, to morrow. I learn from the distinguished
Counsel on that side, that the chief point ageing
which the opposing lawyers will direct their bat
teries, to, that Pennsylvania is not the party which
can properly be considered the plaintiff. But even
on this ground the weight of authority, and the
precedents, are believed to be againet them—
However, this fact indicates that the bridge com
pany prefer to rest their defence upon a qtr.:non
es to the lone of action, rather than upon that of
nuisance or no nuisance, an indication of their
lean as to the result of an argument upon the
to the death of the distiognished and la.
merited soldier, Gen. McNeill, both Muses ad
journed to day, at en early boor. This math of
respect to his memory is highly appreciated, by
the friends of the deceased. His funeral wan cel
ebrated with military honors, to day, at three
o'clock. Ilis remains will be conveyed from the
Congresaional burying gronni to his late resi
• It wan well that both HOLlifee should adjourn
over, even for a G.M. hours, for the excitement and
hostility of feeling, between members from oppo
site diviaionsweem to become more marked every
day. It may be hoped that the solemnities of such
melancholy occasion will hove a tendency to al
lay the bitterness which seems to prevail, and to
increase among onr grave and peaceful legialators
with each hour's prolongation of the controversy
between them. To hear the scents et Foote and
Clemens, predicting violence and disunion, the
first within a week, and the last allowing only
three weeks, for the operations of compromising
mil adjustment, seemed like standing over n den
sf .• goblins damned," so (cartel were the intima
tions they gave out of approseiting dianter and
crime. Foote gavo his word of honor that, un
less something decisive were done, this very week,
towards a settlement of the existing dilliculties,
the timo for peaceful action would have pwsed.
His reason was that, at the bratinung of next
week, some horrible occurrence was to take place
which would produce so giest a chock upon the
public mind that nothing further would be listened
to on either aide. Mr. Foote was auppowd to
hold out; by way of warning and premonition,
that, tuOtinday next, Doty's resolutions, which
produeea such a miens on Monday. the t sth, would
come up agate, and that the attempt, on the par ,
of the majority, to paw them, would lead to a gen•
real fight upon the floor. le fact, the thong is quite
boldly and openly threatened, out of doors, by
southern men, and, among them, at least, the
expectation of a collision seems gone decided.—
The extent of the proposed phlebotomy may be
judged atom Clingusan's aemrofficial declaratam
that the conflict would alit leave on the floor a
quorum to do buoine.. Your readers am invited
to ponder on them thtngol and to reflect that it to
no representative ofis, free State who throws out
such infamous and bloody allusions to anarchy,
disorder, and massacre. ° Barking dogs don't
bite," is an old awing, and "threatened men ItVn
long," is soother, of extensive acceptation.
You will see and bear a great deal of Mr. Web
ster's intended movement for a compromise. That
he will prepare one, and support it by a great
speech, is asserted by all his friends, sod is, no
doubt, true, but, in respect to the details, I do not
toe to tweak, because„ .111 truth, I know nothing of
them, and cannot belie‘e the rumors I hear eels
to the contemplated proceedings of the great
New England Senator. He does not intend to
speak until Hr. Calhoun shall have done no, in
person or by proxy. For be intends to answer
him, as well as all the other soother. leaders:
The Senate bad en Executive Stern n of an ,
hour and a half, to day, which was concerned
.nsidcring n resolution for restoring Capt. Scheele.
bare, formerly, I believe, of the second dragoons,
to the anima rank and median he, would have
held bed he not resigned. It is a—cerious ease.
and has been pending eight or ten years. I will,
some future letter, give an abstract of it. Capt.
S. will eventually be legated. dome.
Wumuscrres, Felt. 27.
believe I trierred vest...deg to the • awful die-
closure . of Foote, in reward to the her:dile catas
trophe which was to take place certainly as
early no Monday next, and beside other painful
consegneaces which were to follow, was to temp
the Unmn asunder like pack thread. It was g.e.
en out that this tearful event would come upon us I -
about "early candle lighting" on that day el sill I. The pate plank reads origlnated
other, in the year, only in case the wicked nen h. ."
ray et oar north*. elates entaely 'suet:ceded the
ern members of both Houses did not magoani- McAdam and Te.ead rock, or gravel rends. The
measly come in to an arrangement proposed by ' greet sneerma and valor of the plank road e,irialni ,
himself, in the meantime. , in the che•pacsa, in care of draft, in speed, and
:Under these eimunost.ces, the country will be omfort te
Y. Toteo:p.preFivoe,,d4loefiannu4ciu.ol.t.h.ereo,
delighted to hear that means hu been provlden
tinily hit open of preventing so :prodigious an ex- pie, hemlock, oak red dm, Want walnut or sweet
pimeon. Foote did not distinctly specify the par- !. gum) should
hi .ny
ek—ihe y eight feet l
ould ong sa d from
across three to
oettoo. Item ot in th e eete th e , f contingent e ttet fewr inches t b laid the
road st right angles to it. hue. These planks are
rots he referred to, but a seems agreed that the ri. rest en two longitudinal rills or steepen, once
idea which harrowed up eta amiable soul, wan. four 'nen-. %game, bedded in the earth to their
that on Monday next there would be an interne• full thickness. The earth should lK fully kept up
doe eon det in the House of Repre.ntatives over ' fi o ,, t :deaParef. oat m srry l ink . at der lee P b‘. " . 7: h ' i ' r o "
Doty'n resolution coocerning the aditurnion of Gal.pun `;: t ' o t ee L d to coeliac to:
iforuin, a struggle so deadly 'es 'not to leave a plank to the sleepers, their weight being teibmebt
querua of the Hoese to do heehaw." in the dn. to keep them firm._ These should be placed ou
eased fancy of the mercurial ,little Mississippian, .
there was to be a game of generel knock down out placce—and to effect this an earmen road lour:
and drag out played off epos that day, with a MO- t tainted up ten or toroive root wiao o
ne onsaido
otog oet „ peot , teet , p i eth e the, lb ', th e, , and two or three on the root
should maid< flush with the ends of the plank,
gouging, 8,, See., which would utast, e Um., and thence steatite.. arils to ae to carry off the
no well as the lives of some of those engaged water, as perfect Oraionire is the great ...met in
the coloaruemon of any kind of reed. The plank
should be laid even with pert thereof protecting
two or three inchaa beyond the general line of the
road, to order to prevent ruts made by wheels et
the Junction of the plank end each turn out. And
if the bed on which the Mauks are to be laid is a
new ene, ii would be better to be traveled one sew
on before they art laid down. One track well
the supplementary road thus termed, will he amb
cleat for all ordinary travel. And if the toting°
transported on the road ba chiefly in one direction,
the track sholild lei laid en that aids of the road
which will enable the loaded lemma to ucep it, and
thereby force the unloaded ones to do all the turn•
ins out.
3. To make • doable track, all that is needed
will be to make two tracks, each eget lent wide,
or one sixteen feet wide. The former is prefer
red. For the sixteen feet track three or five lon.
gitudieal sills are required, each to be four by nix
inches, and laid edgewise and embedded in
bench. eta inches deep. Those timber. should
be from fifteen to twenty feet long. Great ad.
ventage Is obtained in the eouttruction of the
double track with long plank, by giving the road
bed a slight convexity of two or noes loch. la
the centre, and Sprinting the planown i the
outride sills, and aitachtng them k „reto by half
I:Leh era., OT natln three inches ions.
4. The dteatioe of plank roads is l lost eight to
twelve years; this mallet, however, depends en.
erely aeon decay from rut, end not by the surface
wear of the plank—the mind which a spread uuon
the track when finished, protect. the wood from
the shoe corks of the burets, (which cairein marl
of the wear) and soon penetrates tee grnin 01 the
plank, until with the woody fierce and the de
posit. on the road, n tough elastic covering in
termed, whereby the Wank la saved from furtner
wear. Experience tenches that nue half weer
and lent of seven years occur, in the first year.—
Therefore, it is a matter of groat mapOrtance on
these roads to have small Menge in order to in
vite curb en amount of travel na will promote
their wearing oat instead of rotting.
5. The coat of a plank road ereatly de pond's en
its locality. Bet it will he found the following
estimate will approximate to an average value
tion, to wit
For one mile of road with a single track, (m ado
with plank eight feet wide and three inches thick,)
will require 120.720 feel, board incrinOre or plank.
and Metes 4 by 4.14,0h0, making to all of lumber
140,800 feet, and costing ray 85 per thou/teed,
would equal the num of 5704. Tile toying and
grading will cost from 30 cents to El per roil, or
from She to 5320 per mile. The earth work,
sluices, bridges, soil cOutomencier, admit of no
average estimate. Therefore without them, and
adding $lOO per mile nor pi:go:Tiering. superin
tendence, and 3100 rem gale hoorer. we have the
total oast per mode from 51000 to 51221.
m it.
lam happy-to say that this timely warning Las
had its stied. The provocation ,to the row will
be removed. The South bare given way so for
as to permit Mr. Doty to introduce • bill of the I
same character which his resolution directed the
committee on Terntories to prepare. Thar wm
done this momtng. Of course there will be no
farther occasion for the resolution. Nest Monday
will paws on quietly, and the Union will stand m
heretofore, after terrible shocks.
The city i• fall of rumors of au intended duel
between Senator ]elf. Davis, and Col. Biwa of
Minot., steering out of the (mom speech of the
latter, in which ha vindicated so eloquently and
powerfully the northern volunteers from the arro
gant aspereione of Seddon and others, and denied
the claims of the Mississippi regiment to a monop
oly of praise for the events of that day. It is re
ported that the parties will m''-et to morrow morn
ing. Ifthey do, you will hear of it, end the result
by telegraph. ifCoL Bissell fights in this quarrel
of Davls's seeking, I have only to say rtethat e has
been badly advised. la vmdmating, am has
done, the truth of history, he hen given Dsvis no
jug conic of offence, and as to his own reputation
for bravery, that is too well established by deed.
performed in his country's service, to need math,
We have had a speech from Mr. Toombs to day.
That notorious equator, and apparent leader of
the disunion faction in the H. , ,ase, astonished '
by his moderation. His argument was respect
able but nothing remarkable. Ile took the very
extretnest ground, but indulged in ao rant nor Ins.
Lion, no menace nor gasConeide.
Col. Baker, of Illinois, made a serf ndie ale,
bold, and able speech on the Other side; one o the
beat, indeed, of the session, exposing with a re•
tentless hand, and opposing with powerhal argu-
ment,the inconsistencies and pretensions of the
slave Staten in the present emergency.
I behove the whole talk about Webiter'a COM.
prom;se, to be sheer summery, That he has
prepared himself to make a speech upon the sla
very question, I have good reason to believe. But
be intends to bring in no such comproanee as has
_ been attributed to him.
A most remarkable and deplorable accident has
happened to the building of the Smithsonian Ina
%UMW. Last night,: Professor Aggasslx lectured
there, before a crowded audience. Hardly a quar
ter ot an hour had elapsed alter their departure,
when the foundation of a considerable portion of
the central division of the edifice gave way, ow
ing to the sinkieg of ironed, and it fell In,
making a total wreck of the beautiful Interior.
Mr. Calhoun matinees very much indisposed,
and it is believed that his active political life hoe
eland. Jenne.
Goland Lewis V. Bogey, of St. Genevieve, Mi.,.
noun, [imputes m furnish, In hen of o blxlr of
marble fir the National Washington 1 ,1 •••. 0 .4 •
solid piece of iron ore from the Pilot Knob, one of
the iron mountains of Missouri. Its dinseuelons
are to be eta &set long, two feet wide, and two feet
Aamtaaton of Csltforans.
Wedue•day tut, in tee Lion•e of Repre•
scantly., Mr. Dory, be general Consent, intro.
dotted the tollowicg bill, which was referred to
,Ctorninittee of the Whole on the etete of the
- - •
Whereas, the people of California have seated
for themselves a constitution and Sine govern
meat, and applied for indentation into the Union cn
a State; and whereas, the said constitntion has
been otficially communicated as Congress, and it
iepubliean; therefore,
Br it entrees' by the Senate tool Howe of Repro -,
sevantioes rf the United States if Ainerm m Con
grey mumbled, That iho Stale of • California,
with the boanderies described in said commo
tion. shell be one, Is hereby declared to be one el
the United States of Arnerica.and admitted info the
Union on an equal footing with the original States
in all respects whatsoever.
Six. 3. That the said State of California is never
to interfere with the pm-et - notary dispositon of the
sod within the some by the United States, nor with
any regulation Uangreas, may make for a ieurioc
the title in the soil to bowifitk purchasers , creal;
and no tax shall be Imposed an 1..15 the pr-perty
of the United States; which said provision. urn de•
Blared to be the fundamental conditions upon
which the said State is admitted into the Uu.on•
The Republic secs in this a cheering sign of a
boner state of feeling. That paper sayr—,
'This course veto, adopted to avoid a recur
•nce of tne strife nod confusion which prevailed
in the Haute last Monday week, when a perriu
tory reasiutiod, instructing the Committee on Ter
ritories to bring In end - a bill, was naught to be
forced through by meal. of the previous quere
Lion. That there area no ebjeltion urged to the
introduation of bill yesterday. betokens a de : y/1341g
desire, on all alder, to ovoid cdnfliet and col nlb l / 4 /[l.
to its prahent shape, the b.II ts subject to debate
and amendment, and it is to be hoped no effort
will be made to,take it out of the committee, and
put It under the °pentium of the.previeus question,
beforelt has been debated to the satisfaction of all.
This wart the understanding of the parties who per
muted the bill to be premnted at nil, and It is
cheering sign that the House can come to sn
understanding in record to thii question, or a ,
preliminary step towards its settlement..
A [lonic Tirauirr.—A great deal of interesting
discussion has talterk place in the U. S. Senate
within the last ten days. We have found it ut-
terly impossible to keep pare with it.
propose as soon a., we can to give, such portions
if it WI will convey to nor modern a fair view of
he more important pointy. pn Iron Wednesday
a very exciting debate on tlic one great topic,
took' piece. In the course it, Mr. Dodge, of
lowa, is reported in the Linton to hove acid es fol.
"The mission to Celitorn•nbi the Hon. T. But
ler King, of Georgia, figures largely in this din
ension, and other mete rt. and legged In, to chow
that the people it Ca',forma Live formed their goy.
eminent under some curt dt military duresee.
Sir, ie n grove ne , unaticr.; Rad loose who make
or hint n, it they it to Mu true, might
mediately to move an -Impeachment of Zschery
Taylor, in the of itspresentailvmq and, On
IL majority of that li.Ay and alibis aro opposeetto
him pellucidly, th• re would be no reason to ap
prehend the, he mould by treated with. undue
leniency The charge:to a criminal our, and, if
made, should be holtlymnde, and B&irmpaoird
by action in the right quarter.
Ido not I,ieve v. Ido not think that any
power abort of Gad ...lid influent. by dictation
such u commonly as that constituting a majority
or the people of Callfornia. 1 have not a shadow
of doubt that the conattution which they barb
promoted us is their own spoof:mentor week—
the embe :mem of their own sovereign wilt.
Sir, as a friend in the whole Union, and the
conitkution in all its , parts, I deeply reEret the
course token by the South in relation to the ad.
I mmaion et Colifnrois. Now that the question of
slavery has been decided within her kends, by that
tribunal Tom whith, under our Into, of govern•
meta, there is no appeal, every active of the
Boom ought, at my humble judgment, t o Itcqut.
This is a blow by a Democratic arm, Leary
enough to gagger the whole Democracy. We
defy any man of that party to resist it. it there
lie nor truth in the chargers" often made of illegal
action by General Taylor, in relauon to Caltfor
nut, why don't they Impeach tuna it the charge
is true it is susceptible of proof—lf it he false,
let the fact be prods:med.—That it to false, to
man who talku at the cir,,umatancer. eau doubt.
Torte (bonito of the populatti n in California are
I said, by DOMIOCTIitI, ?V Le Lueotrieor. That of
fleet ahouid anfficent to acquit the Admin.
Istrkuon- CI Om ,aluinulaus tmputal*a.—Etth
Wit• •
So greet la ne inlcrert now taken at Ors and oth
Slater, ta the roast:v.:boon:p..l k, as well az rod
rnadv,taat we are plramed lo he able to coldish a lull
deacripbon of plank rood, their duration, coat,
ttx. Th. a furnished man r tlini•l cominunr-a.
ban from the office of lice Board of Iraproverevat
of Kentucky, by O. G. Calor. It cult... Mel every
thing nerereary to be known an tbis torpmtant
aubject; and any 000 coo, rifler 1,1413 e a I.e pro.
pared to judge of the propriety of trier... , ruction
of a rend In any d1r.:n..1, and tire larbaide dry.
The E.ev. Henry M. Denison, of Vl,lliamsliurg,
Va., has been elected assistant minister or Christ'
Church, Brooklyn. The are. Dr. bone, the rector
of that parish. having been long nod urgently
premed tn accept the place ol general [G,Itet•IT
M the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Nihon
tion of Evangelical Knowledge, has yielded to the
Gally and, althongh be continues to hold kis rector
.thip, will henceforward devote his time and la.
lore, mainly, to the interest,. of that society. The
Edv. Mr. Deniion hoe accepted the cell, and may
be expected to eater on he labors about the mid-
April.—Tl. 1 Com. Aden -
A Atotrraoosauter. — Ayoung girl named
Susan Davis boa recovered a verdict of $5,400
against her farmer employer, a Mr. Smedley, a
chattels e.tarer of worsted shawls, are., In Kensieg.
LOChPladadelphia county. It appear that air she
left hut employ, he commenced a series of perse
canons, and on three ocens,as had her arrested
on t h e charge of stealing, roe being in each in
tenon boaors.bly disobareed by tho magistrate
Sir. Beaton on Slavery in the "isle , Ter
In the Senate, on Wednesday Mat, Mr. Clay's
compromise resoluta." being under discositaa,
Mr. Rook being entitled to the floor, Mr. Heaton
rose aed made the following remarks :
Mr Benton said that before the Senator from
Tele, proceeded with the discusaion, he deetted
to need the - Sl:tauten law upon kite anbdret 01 s :are
ry. Tire resolutions contained a pint which had
been coutrevertedsby several Senators; it was that
davery wan aboLtilied to Mexico. Ile woo one of
mom. who believed that nievery Wl,l abiledied in
Mexico. Tee Mexican laws had been eolected
for ham and he desired to read ad of them heanag
an the Fait.
Mr. d. then rend the acts of the extraordinary
governmeht in existemm in Mexico in 1525 in
eludtair the decreer of Guerrero, the nets or Can. Another Wit nes• on the Stand.
greener the year 1531, and of 1h37 which reocg-CHRONIC RHSUMATISM.
nised end affirmed the decree of Guerrero tagl
- s. n. g r ,,,,,...mt0m me to expresn to yen my
ishtog slavery to Meu'eo. ,He also real from tin heartfelt thank for the great benefit I "Se received
aothcctic copy of the 1,15 . 11 `" , nn C°°"thutisns pub. from an article shed PETROLEUAL or Roca On, of
hilted to 1513, that "no one ia a niece is the ter. . t rose I had ...isles to
rotaries et the Republic." Ths clause does not wmc „ ,j o k e , at of
air e , but recogniees an a nettled fact that me it about int of Jimact7, boot
no one in the territories at taat tare wan u slave. hteh was very "lam ,
He uteri reed, as confirmatory of thin view, limn from Place to seer, away with mart 'weeniest
a Spanish and a Mexican edition of a lam diction- so as to keep cin constant torture. I nird the Pe
ary. trolenm enter ally, a few applications rt: which re•
rle also read nuthos‘es to show that. even it moved MI pa it, and every symptom ofal.; disease•
the laws of Moment recogniaing slavery were in I s o, no w ei , ely well, and would take dos m'ettnion
lull force and operation io California and New to reemrimen the Petroleum to all whom" be surer.
Mexico, no milt reerding in the United Stet" tag under the starring pains of Racaminam or Itin•
would carry his eleven there. One of the author..
tired diseases IStaned) Gums Wine",
ties stated that in Mexico the condition of the inane near Perry House, Fhttabargb.
was very tide:eat from any other country. A
lave, under lha lama there, 7,lsie e
master to h. erau c to teal tolverusement In another column
equal to three or four hundred dollars. The poli
cy of the
,Spanish laws was in favor of menet"-
con, the policy of the laws of the United States
the reverse. He also read that, under the laws of
Spate, a slave wan entitled to his treed., to the
lour hallowing caws Find, if lie inform upon a
counterfeiter; second, if he Worm titsm a military
chieftain who abed abandon his post; third, if he
shall Convict the murderer of his master; nod,
Mural, if hp "MI discover tremolo against the
King or Qaten. In all these caner, the emitter
loses all elatinOT right to the slave. lie read
these entreat with the role purpose to show,
first, that slavery was abeinhed m idexice, but, if
not abolished, alnvery wan recognised acre by
ouch lawn that no min could easel his sliver
there, and that in either care there was notiong to
be gained or lost by preening the Wilmot Prove..
He rend, ales, the Spanish legal definition of the
term slavery. "Slavery in the state of man, held
no the property of another, agaiont natural right"
He said that he read this definition . for the pur
pose of mowing that, an tar an the Spanish law was
concerned, them was nothing to be gamed or loot
by pressing the existence of a law abolishing or
-organising slavery ill the team:nes.
Admission of States.
The modes by which &Mem have been admit
ted lot, the Union have been tO various that they ,
scam to be 00 specific lute upon the nut pet
The Colllll.llotioo prenerdes no formula. li empty
says that •• new Stands may he admitted liy Con
genes into this Union; but en new Site shall he
tormild or erected within the of any
other Slate; nur any State to be formed by the
Juncten of two or more State. or par. 01 Sites,
without the consent Mike Legislatures of me
Stales concerned, as well es ef the Conyers,"
There is in implied condition that the form of gov
ernment of every State shall be repabltesn—an
tmplicatton which grows ,tot of the provision of
the fourth section ol Arta. Fourth, winch 41e•
dares that `-The United States shall guarantee to
every State in this Union a rept...end 101121 01
f507,001cu1 "
We find In the New Orleans Pmaynae a partie•
ulur no aunt of the admission of coon new
• State
since the establishment. our natural nb:peed
onc —Vermont wee the tint. She was r.
e oesVco
In 1791 No consuictiou was subruitted C in
green or inquired for by that body. In tact Ili
permanent consul.. of the now Stile was en
made until 1793 Keetucky came neat. Her.
'dory onee belonged 10 Vann... kit San. tichiclJ
ed by act ofthe Legislature of Virginia in 1769 1
1791 an act of Cowers directed that Kentucky
should on the first day of lune, 1712, 4 .tic receiv
ed and admitted into the Union a a new and en
tire member of the United Staler ot America.,
The State commun. was 001 framed when the
act ct adromion was plated.
The third State war Tennessee, formed out 01
territory ceded by North Carolina to the United
States, on couditam that it should:become a State.
The -people nt the Territory fron t ed a ene wtn,n
in 1796, rolitottled a In Congress , and the State
admitted- This was the first State eons.° •
non once submitted to Congress 'rah an •W -
eaion tar admission.
Ohio vsit the fourth Mike new Sides—“the
my: the P-cayme, 'formed of territory to en:eh
tioundrrics were ilißarti and pruvieu. onvern
nle,ll ....lotted by the exelumve auftrerty rf itc
United State , " It emiciieted the ti titre les.
the North Wcqmrri Trivitory, tri /41i 01
.whets ma 0.41:010to 01 3161 appeed. Toe art ct
admi . rlt.•ll, which wu passsd in ISO 3, reede• mat
the peerle of the Eastern Iliosiet of tee honk
Well Tvrrttnry hoe mimed for metr... , s a Can.
sad State GoveruitieLt. "whereby the
cud State her become one 'Titre Uri t,l StalcO."—
Th.t phraseology Ia noted as picnics. L.therans, ludiane Ibtuoie and
Abtoaros, were adulated scveratiy the aril,
named, and in the case 01 e
fe aeb, there wee a
tel Coogre-s., nur.eve., the I
.1 a convehturn to orger...e 0 thialc go, re.
Maine, remotely a part cf Manwtohoscre, tame
II an the tenth new State. It appiostra that there
tea ,. tte lon at eon, o-nt pre. 1.111. bee Olken . ;
hot tLe Leaisiatute of Sias* achicatin goon coitsctit
in that tho people of the D totn e t of :W an ta
should Gem • State Ganatituttoe. Trott wan done
and the State of Maine waaadruttled t a ISM.
Mt-sourt, the 11th ceder formed out of the
Louts:Ana terntory, appbed Lir leave to lain a
Stele Cone:Winton; and itwas
upon this aPplica
non that the realm:rye clause concern:tag • lasery
was attempted to he applied. hts t ypyr nee to
the Missonn compromise, and upon MC, adotat
toeut ash cam:tins matters, the State was de
elated tt Stag of the 12111011 to Ih2l by the Prem.
dent' , pis, Itmation.
Arkansas mud Michigan were admitted ha one
act of Clansman in I la3h- the lowlier without cisn.
anion, the latter prospectively—there t gt arr some
pest:one el bouodatv Involved. Too canaille
nen i 3 of both State. were made by coaveattons of
the pimpte, Without ally previous net of Congress.
Ten sang was the ewe *llll Fatilds, which wait
admitted along wttblowa a ISIS. The d
ran was
cimtwitt relative to tioosidarY applie it
which rho did not comply with in rata, but did
anh• tat - totally, ty presenng a new COnlnnlnOttant,
whirl, betty accepted by Conarcsa she came into
the lino. in ISO. The mode of the admtamon
of T . , sas is famtliarily known. Wigensin, the
of the new Staten, went grouse the molar
of Territorial organisation and panned its
Slate 01.911.111011 outlet authority of an net of
(linters ,
Wt, Lave e.ondenectl those particulars from the
PI-settee sad have no doubt of thew accu easy.—
It will ha seen that the application of Caltfornta,
under the etreunastances of her ease, is not with
out precedents. Gingiva, has sen•ralty been ve
ry liberally disposed toward. the new States ap
plying fir admissiun,elgong a willingness to re•
cognise and ratify the doings of the petty r in the
This question seems to be exciting more inter.
pt them say question has Mace the organization of
or ( t.tveroment; and no patriot. no friend of
e, esti look for a moment upon the present tasty of
Ssus without trembling for the fate of our trio,
. -
our country. Northern lanatics, fauatica of the
South, weal to tl erign and contemplate with per..
feet etionpiAure'Ahe dissolution of Obi Union, ce•
merited by the blood of the bravest men that ever
died io defence of the rights of men. They seem
v 3 have (introvert the cost at which it war erected
—to have forgotten the struggle that our father"
wade to aehieyn it. It retina to tie, unless they
arc dead to every noble impulse of the human heart
it the would royiew the hiatory of their country, and
to their Minds the hcenesul the rev, talon
-ee their fathers march through eteeplese night,
. •
and anxious days, through blood and dewh, from
battle field to hattin field, with nothing' to animate
tam but the love of liberty and the boot that their
children might be free—lt would .Three them to
[inure to their wild and heedless cowrie of ruin
end destruetiUn, and sheet: bear aghast at the idea
of laving their esertlegioun hands un the bands of
this Union, the prlda and glory 01 every true Amer-
ican cititets.
They may talk of a oorhern republic, a southern
republic, hut, whenever thtsUninn I. dissolved,
the last hope of man it guile. The Rubicon is
crossed, and; Rome will lie tree no more. Anarchy
will sit upon the tomb of American grealne,s end
'ring the requiem of human Itherty. Tie deeds of
our l'et tors will lio blotted from rho annals of history
by the minion ofaheir sons—the proud monuments
taut hove been erected to their valor will be torn
down and mutilated The goddess of Itherty tell
dcloo, in ....thing, with tears in her eyes, for her
home at whieh she reeled during tho middle aura,
end late sacred I.lhi br desecrated lay the het.
Itch ors ie. of the fields of anarchy and despotism.
pace it not in Ike the blond tour rapidly through
tho y ea ,s 01-every tree Tennessean, id reflect that
his own cadent S.nie Is the place appointed. by the
enemies or hie coulitri, at which to moot for the
pu rpo , of otrrytt,g out their wicked designs'
against this Raton? 'Yes, the jell dirtorganizers of
the autk i ju the fullness or their profanity, have
selertel the graves of Wthtc and Jackgon as the
most suitable phase to imminence a crusade avinst
the only hope of man. And may they, as they
s wot:tilt the bordcre of our Stair, read upon the
t o i ntuddach of our heroes and patriots a laugusge
nines tereitio then that which appeared on the wall
beige the eyes of the trembling Belshazzar. We
'mire but one hotel 0 is the hope that tie God
who m s,,,d by nut rather. in the days of the Revco
lotion will not Octet , us at this hour. We heti, vet
shit Using tlm eame great instrument • in 1050
tore:cone lc et divideditimple„ that he lured in 1520
and in .1b32. We I,telid,vc that or tutus rent the
rem ofiXifiland into.. the Satiate with holy relic
ofst4, waist with • part or the coffin ot Washinadon
in'tiVimod, as lie sent Moses in the days of old,
with the serpent that healed then Matted that look
'ed upon it. Leborkon Ten... Jut Packa.
Coto—Cerfreratert.—The two (louses have fi•
nallg agreed on o day for choosing Delegates to
the Constitutional Convention. 1: is the Mat
Monday lo April, nod the Convennou is to as
atieble on the first Mooday lu Ilddy . We pre
some the will b., itutanitted for
rstihnstioa by the regular Stole Election on the
.stood Tuesday Outabar.
1.771-a-mt Plus—These Pill., discovered by Dr
Mehl's& and which bear his name, were firm used in
his own peaCtice. In a law year. they stemmed the
altenuon of other physicians, and thence ye‘sed into
reneral use. For curing all stisensesof the Li :•r, tory
art.nib certainty and Teculanty. The pattent soon I
reels the removal of disease. sinless he I. weP. The
effect is almost magical; and alter swallowing drugs
and medicines of another description, the sufferer finds
himself relieved at onue. Disease* of the Liver me
very common this country, and are as Inghtful to
' character es they ate ( in ocefirallcw Arc Yon
tr d with any of the numerous complaints welch
orig , ate in a disemed state of the Livery Pulchrue
De. slcLane's rills, end be relieved at once.
For rain by J. KIDD & CO., No. a, comma( Fourth
and Wood at., Putsbnegh• (
Denial. Comae nfVourra
and Decatur, between
;vv.:L.ocm. in Lent...try.
rf EARNS, late of Boston, Ls prepared to
and met Owen Tarn in whole and rate
Sue:loner Aunoepheric Suction Plates.—
moan n review:wring, where the nerve w
fier nod resulence next door UP the May.
. mirth street, Newburgh.
V. Ratima.
of %etit ui on
azronett /
0, F
ryomr, I.xxoN by 1. H'. Kelly
V tllmn,trert. N. V , r,nd for wale by A. Jaynry., No.
Fol.mll gircet. rta• will be found a delledul ay,
.1r fanullt., nod parocolarly for sick
De Ken's 11,10:1.1.—An unproved Ch.',lran preplan
, heap a etantnnauto4 of Conon nag tnnodent, id
..edranne end palatubte, bahlyyeeommeeded pseud
'al, for Prep:teed by W Baker.
the Nine, nnd for •ale by A. lAtreeE.S, at the PAID
en Store. No. 70 1,011,111 Liable
A.k the attenunn of parche«err to their
Watch they think will compare favorably, bath m
ctent and chenenecs, with, that of .0(1
other house, either here or to
the EllllEro
March Yd. the New York Sp l's Style
YR t, which, Or beauty of style and broth. cannot be
Santo.ed S. MOORE..
rklet w3t9 No 75 Wood eitect
March-2.1. ' 4 50. Mrs. MAE.I.LIMTI, wire
Mr James IT ir,ree.
The friend , of the ere tusked lo etlin.l her
torierel, (twit the re,:tlrrice. of her ..on in law, FAlwerii
Miller, l'etl,ral street. A Ursheny, an Vondey , ti.•
to., et
()111,06‘.T/".:U:nC=lo.ll.:l=.3k:ll,'t p
I/Mee—Fourth creel,
above Smithfield.
rptiE Retatl Dry Goods huatnraelerctofore conduct
ed hy W. R Murphy. at North Ea,teorner Fourth
and Market eta, Pittearah, lte rafter he earned
on by the near h.m of
Who teat etf .11 , y , olont n ronattance of the calls of
the o'd ab r
stoto.o• of the retabitsnent, ad the pu
Lz blic
, genera , A large and carefully 'elected stoek of
Good• will always be krpt o had. and every
a, mat ofirrvi on the way of It prteca
• ti —W. it MURPHY Inn c 0. ., t Who!e
rale Laths, is br a, in the room, lip Stairs,
entrance Itcro Fara, It. nor 2
Ly. , X r
uke \ c ':r d t h r Ze:
Log thetr stve• DrY Goods. They bays
opened • choice amm,. of Soli.. Loco.: ••tres,
other Ire Also—liono.t. 0000 f
Pk,.,,ons, hand•oute •••ortrn•St of French Worked
og rind.—a ensaplcul .sortzuzat
the loam. ot. ate •
NThe Dimon h
' iterlels Cast dicee Hone. and Strops ,
FILE'S Vast Steel Hones and slirops for lilac
Li and Surate, Instroinenta;, artle , a iniPer'ar
ic.s . s
hine or the kind off-red to the publtc, both for
and ni•i..n a Line and perfect. edge. as well
• •,siset: y
TO • 00000 c t an be had,
and poriainupplied lnc
•aull• Ow Methodist Boot DePosilag ,
Vossrth et. between Wood and Marko, - 471.
Notice to Shippers, St•assellthat Owra'llrit
and others
CAPTAIN SA , CEI. 11. ,i&IITHER:. 4 . having beet
s ppainted In..peetmot Steam Boats for the utver
stows Irsuranee nos - env. aelstssifies
hell r , totde.,..4d rale. or Prendan
charged sr eoplingly shipm-nu under rpeu P6it
cies sul•senurni to ints date. sejll be antle‘ied to rue!.
raies and resulabon. inty be .dor ,, d coder stieb
Inspeetauo Esery infornialinn will be. Oven at the la
w ctivr offices J FINN Jr ,Secrealry
Wen. 11, ln•nranro C,inpiusy.
I'. A:MAIM - lAA, Anent
Del M. S Phdadeiphita
P /Mini, Anent
'lne. Co of Need, A113.111C.
CKiu,:S. Secre ta ctis' Ins.CO.
l'ituNurOz, ]arch VAL
ttONIE YKLLOW—d ebb.. gb,...d0 b y
KIDD tc. CU. O Wood si
1111.110AIEliFIEEN-6 eases for wee- AT
.1 61W/ft-CO
PULU F.-3 rAses for Balc LF
1 TERMILLION- 3 muter extra Am, tart reed e l
for 'ale by Itar4l .
f - lIII 7 N - C,St: wurrn--1 ease tor rale by
1,,, tart J KIDD tc. CO
11,1 - At - KFRV.l.—µr bbl:. Nn I 'Korn.. hand and Mr
FroT at
for sale by
FE,, , ,4"ER'' - " j"l:47,lllllf`A`n by co
AllD—Ylhl3l 4 N
II hl Lblo NI; 1.. , lead end for 4. 1 Y by
B ROOMS -150 d. Poneroy'r oitr,;
Jo `. Diu thethoto;
70 `. Cloth Ilmther, for sale by
Ari..NI:dON RAMO-caul I[4 Extre Cured, for .I.
i ~y _ 1r.,41 J D WII.LIAMS
( ILOV FAL SEI.II-31 bbla oaetore and for see by
/IA N DL.r.i.l-5.e3-61. Cin.Noia, for saie bY
~, / nal J D WILLI ANS
goliA ~s)r—T.2 c..k o m.) to :more per Cr.
Ceorge Wallonglon, Cor main by
•__ —' Liberty Inftell
_._. I6U
W01.0.D most earnestly sorcit all persons to read
Ithe plain. eavarnothed etatement mode by Mr. T.
N. Bingo, of the most remartnble core on record.
This wonderful cue was mired slate, by the use of
BOLL'S SARSAPARILLA, and the cure war previa'.
red lip the blood being ell - echo:try purifier Tine role
lunette , : elope will eatablur the reputation or Bull'.
Sareeperilln beyond compention. u the beet or
of the [lined de world ever produced. The original
",, m g e eie, wiM the Clerk of 'Graves county official
real attached, eau be seen at coy office, hl Fouth st
1p Tenet. A. Ringo, of Grave. county, Kentucky,
for the benefit of mankind generally, do hereby ecru
fy, thst on or
Haut the Iffilf day of Octoher, 1811,1
eras attacked vo a very eevere pale tbe lower
pan of the abdomen. which lamed but a few minutes,
end moved into the ler hip, and continued ascending.
ly patella for shout fire days, during which time freer
eccr ,, hi g h e ver; at the cod of Rut time the
ki and the pain abated for day or.tetru, alter
which it agent returned and was much worm than bee
fox, Our lig ell the time I pea Under
mcnt. From a ehort time alter war taken ill. Iwu
w en to walk or en up; the hip which the polo
wen co bad, commenced ruing autil some time in Jan
came when it hunt, and a tternber of
homef bone
ow—a• tunny as twenty at least. of the
emcee were three Murtha erns inch long. home time
atter this a hard knits ppeared on my right lop, also
()peon my right t o nod one on my leg, below the
hint I continued to get wenk and wen, and a paln
made its appearance In my right ehoulder, and would
in cope reast and stomnch. At thw mu all per•
gone i ce op he y , A , phyeseti then told my
mat, tie a Inn remed, I hail belies urn Mn mpe
id Extract of hurapsnlta. After thg nu' of the ice
and bottle, the knot on my ViriSi eidnininoca getting
1 reed I. and day or two all, a piece of
bone came me My wriet Win got well, and I cunt,.
ued to gam meelorth. Afterf o und the third uttl, I.
could got no mote for rome ek. Ulm which
tinie I eacceeded in getting three more bottles. Af er
unity Oa Stu leer bottles, the knot on my hip became
loft. I wits ooentil, and tome corruption for, tent, id.
gother with n email roue of bone, nod the tare soon
gm well. and the knot entirely disappeared. The
care on say leg oleo opened, and a piece of bone
raw. out. 1 continued lee use Of the Soros:Wills On
ti, I hod used twelve nettle,, and I now am minty
well And Ow te do daily labor. It may seem stronse
to „ met i ot , I wilof l here state that, ourtug the impact
le tu b I m melied tp r esh i ps eer of hon which.
rovo t. ?wen St tire ro of my uncle, Thomas
Neal, w h er e:lstow lire, nod If any perrou double - Ode
stottleit. I tail he happy to contr. with them ti
du, call
ire e ms
d,ty pereonally chew liefn-e ea the ander - mg.
ed, an among Junco ef pie Nue in and for maid
now.. Mush, and made oath In du form
~f taw that the above matement la true.
Sur cruet and unite id this 15th May of February,
leso. S. P. 'MORSE, J. P. for G. C.
I Erwin Anderson, Clerk of the County Corn 'of
GtnTfticonnly, Stale of Kentucky, do cean(y that S.
e' , More , whom oar * , is signed 10 /10 above centr
es ais now, nod was t the num of signing the tame,
a /vette , of the Peace in and for meld Grayel county,
duly commissioned and qualified as mach, god dab
faith mid credit are duo all his aloha actin. wit.
In testimony whereof I have Immune eat my
° hand, tut cum! the 1 aline Count! Conn
of raid comity to be heycantd affixed, Ws 18th day Of
February, deffit.
ItrAil Porta PebtAkg Ely spirt...twat. well
plea iititert atm to the Impel , * of ISS each, .1 pia.
.an their bills to MT emus to their tOOlll5 for pav =nt
nare-Irsir JOUN NULL.
WHEREAS, there t '
has recently been manifes, (4
coin evilldisposed persons, a 1 . 101.0 US and di.-
orderly diapontion, and on two several occasions des
tutees to a considerable extent have been done, as
well to the property of one citizens, as Injury to their
persons And where., 'rhe civil autbority has been
unable to rune the violence of such evil dneosed
persons, and rend .
er doe protection la th e property and
persons of one citizen. Plow,l, Caner Carus. High
Sherif of Allegheny County, do, by virtue soy
toe and or the authority Invested oth by the
request all good einseus to refrain tromunrichling to.
'ether in the streets in crowds, and upocially at any
of the Iron or Rolling MI. Of 'Pittsburgh and vty,
and to old me in preursing the peue.. Parent. are
requested not to unlit their ehildren to congregate in
the slum, or to be exposed to any apprehended dans
I hose received infant:Lotion of further outrages
intended to be perpetrated Or the pars ins and proper
o!' our citizens, hereby require the Malta!): of the
e hos of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and adjoming di r
trims. to hold themselves in rendlnenn to obey my call
at a moment's araining, to aid the civil authority In
preserving the public
"- m
~A peace, Ran to quell any 'taigas
of evel disposed email.
or disorderly a 4
bI RrER CURTI* Hlgh P Bhetiff.
Pitiaborgh, March 4.
CLOVER HEED-72 bbli prime new, oo h.d
for sale br JOHN WAIT k CO,
r= Liberti street
XyLW , BACON-3DOONts p c , f4ir , vm n fr ..lo cz and
m ib rt tale by
Liberty Meet
drACKEREL—Nos 1,9, and 3, to bbls sad bf bbls,
.V/ for Sato by JOHN WATT k. CO,
mrd Liberts street
TIMOTHY SEED-20 bbla extra prime, on hand .ro
for .ale by JOHN wATTA CO,
Liberty wart
R 00512-3 02 dos used Com Bosouts, for Ws by
mr2 JOICV WATT k CO, Liberty n
O. CO Market meet, ate daily receiving new and
desirable Goods front the leading manufactories
of this countey, and of the latest buiwirtatione. The
facilities which they enjoy, In bong connected with a
house in the east, enables them to purchase good. at
the lowest valuation, and keep their stock full sad de.
Parable .t all ILLLOBL.
They haws a fine LlMOllttlatit of House fineable
Goods, to which they eolicit the early attenti on of
their frienda and the public. 'cry
Sellars , Imperial Cough Syrup.
Tate man be • preparation of much merit, when so
many of our own eltiaens willingly and voluntar
lir canny m m curative propertire. An aged and
highly verpected clusen, after min it, exPrereed his
npnlion of thio. very . popelar cough remedy by miring,
"it Is worth its we ight in gold." An editor of one of
or doily papers states in • noto—"I alwaye keep it In
my house, and would not, on any 'secant, be without
,t" An old country man say.—•l am satisfied, after
a tnal of three or fear years. that it i. the best cough
medicine I have ever tried, either in the Old or New
World." II yen hove a cough, get • bottle and WY in
.rut Spring and Ilassraor aledlatao.
Dr. S. P. Iblenenuf• Barsaperals.
150 DOZE N of the genuine Dr. Townsend , . Bar.
implant. for sale wholesale and retail by R-
E. Selina, No. 67 Waxl sweet, nod by D. M. CuW7,
Allegheny city. of
THE' eatest Natural Curiosities in We World, are
nobeing exhibited Day and Evening, at
N 0.77 Maria Strorlorus dwo from &ma
And Queen of all Sheep Kind!
This Mammoth Specimen girls 8 feet!. Inch. and his
wool on her from 15 to 25 inebee long. Her Lamb can
alto be eeen, being only 18 ulnae's old, and weighing
t-S lbs., woh wool from 11 to IT inches long.
The Wool on these Stinepth y angs all In roil., ready
for innin It nas said b the best Judges at th
New ep York g.
State Fair, that thie Sheep Inotlls lb.. Weed
an her.
These Sheep are et the Boatmen breed, and raised
by JAMES BICKNELL, Ewa., of Aurora, Er& noun
ty, N. Y
The onlyA
LILL ane nn th
IPUTION e Continent of
COW! America.
Which is smelter than the Lamb, being any 30 inches
higl, weigning 22) ibe., and the mother of two Calves.
Thane wonders base been exhibited tooter 111,000
persons In New York, Philadelphia, and Wublurson
Coy. The Animals have been vietted by the Ron.
Henry Clay, and navy other distingnishOd member.
or Congress, sod have been pronounend the greatest
Natural Curioattiet in America.
Satisfaction warranted beyond all—itxpectatlon, or
the money refunded.
Admin.., only 12Ie. Ladies Free.
Persons dee:rens of purchasing Sheep of this de
scription, will please apply to the exhibnore.
POTAI3II-10 casks on note and for .ale to elope
consignment. lmrll MeGILLB & ROE
NTOLABSES—SIOO bbls superior oak cooperage,
more and for We by
tan •
UOR—tdi kited* prime N and for ule by
0 1 NeGILIdi & Nor
OAP-100 bss COI. No I, for sale by
mr2 • 0
DRIED PEACHES, Lard, .d Erldactrifill k ROE
CIOFFEE—EO bagsprima Rio. to arrive this dm., f.
o_l sale by L WATERMAN k SONS.
mr2 31 Watered 009 Frani st
• __
F LOUR -213 bbls shines brands Saperine;
:0 Fins; for sale by
L ARD -20 bbls Latino L Lean
213 kegs do
1. d4, 1 4 . 4 E = rsoNs
,i -ti] bb.l N C, Otr
it l o by e b
1 /" — l 2 bb , Ludt Oil, (Burkhardt I CO;)0
- 10 " LiO/r-Cd;
BACON—+aOO Els usMiilldll.Sides,sad Shoulders,
for sak by
r ARD-40 bid* Na I Leaf;
iJ 48 kegs do de; for sale by
SIMNGLES-103 M.Rblrigle& for rale by
luT2 17i and (MlL:Deny n
bbl. for
Is b . 4 U It a ; by
BULK SHOULDERS-40EO pieces now landing and
(or .ale by
me 2 HARDY, JONES & CO, Water at
MOULD CANDI-10-3Mb. now landing and for
sale by (ma] H&RDNIJONFS &CO
BACON -4 cask; Side.;
V do Ilton;
2 do Sbovdderr,Mday reed, for sale by
M . 0174 . 135E5-7.5 NO, =V and
e fgr . le . b
C L o ALtIFIED SUGAR-10 bbls for sinaL
1) ULi PORK-13,00u lbs ovtrc e igrzand
(Jrsale by
.11. A C1 1 7 - t - le f:gn . 4l .. a l lfrar i* :::tr " 84"
myl 144 Libeny It
BACON—Id bed. Cirteirmul Cured Rm.;
10 do do do Phou'ders;
5 do do do Ptdes;
Ululate per steamer Sewell.. for sole by
UO4R-39 bhd• N tlt7 and for AigaoArFiez
MOLASSES—SO bats N 0-,
3U " Simla Ground Sugar House;
Landlnt and for sale by
BITITER—Ie bbl, Fresh Roy, reed .od for sale b
-SO kegs No I, in Oens .od for vale by
C. VOA 8-40 N 0, /q .a and for Ws by
0 mr2 8 k. W EIARBAUGH
UTTER— 1u bbl. prime Roll, reed and for sale b 7
YORK-10,630110 rec i p e a . r t, / littriajou
ORSE COLLARS-10 do: b core ant for sale by
RS Law Partnership of Meg - raw& lileKnight was
this dap dissolved hy_thutual consenL The ut.
finished baseness of the firm war receive the suited ah
tendon of both of the undersigned.
1- 41 THIS beautiful style of HATS la now
received, and will be introduced on Sat
urday, March 21, by PdeCORD to CO,
icogd Corner Rh A, Wood so
- 11 I IAY F, this day assoclated with ma, In the Whole.
sale Grocery, COMlCAllintl. arid Forwarding bolo
11.1 t, my two sons, R. N. and R. Waterman. The
boobies. In mule will be outdated abler the Nile of
S. Waterman & dons, at me old stand, No. St We.
ter and di Front street. L 8. WATERMAN.
Pinsburgb, March Is 1870. •
L 9.Waternimi. • R.N.Watennan..W.D. Waterman.
WILO . LMAIg ig g em ORO i E d RI Colinm . l u ssi k ajt d r o gg:
duce Pittebutth Manufacturer:nide.; an 2 &gents
for talc of Richmond and Lynchburg Yarnifannamd
FROM lat of Aprll T nelt, l llbo h iP N VlMU voc rll 7 .
by TILSI4II .1..t7 joHN Best
Fier Salo,
T AWE Safe, Platform Scale, Monter, ma, *xi
LA other articles nomisarT Ma VeSO I O.L•AI O.
eery b,inera. Imure! at 33 W at.ood
- DULA IbAAj9is aKciiii — okits—eAcce lb• very
lJ haadisine eat,.packed trl neer bee°. abds,astitable
for ablzpirc east, to arrive and for sale by
DICKEY & CO, Frau ti
GTO. F la k
w - 110L17. 4 ALF. DRUGGISTS, COMO or First and
Wood airnr., Offer (or taloom (*ramble terms:
Rol bhlo Whaing; Oda lbe Garb. Ammonia;
GO do Alum; 3/0 do. Aosafaalda;
300 Itv Woody 047 do Condo Tutor,
p4Loomblaell; 46 do Idaaorilor Rom
do en. Red; kW kio4 Ilium •
odo d T oppboll 108 45 Red Prettphara;
In do Span, Snow; 4 5 11 do, Calomel Amer.;
20 . do 1, OW OChmi. 1 3. O. do Eag4
10 do srkaogne; 12611 do Bucher Leave%
d 3111 do Rhubarb Root;
445 Cocoa. olvarr,loo do Sarmo.
14 caw. Ref. Dons;RCO do Genntai dl
23 do Casale Soap; PIM do ens Rochdale;
15 do Proemial. Blum &MUM Millard;
lu do Cale. bladocta; bad do Pow'd Rhona*
13 do Chromo 31reera IMO do do
5 O d• 1 Oki.; 1011 do da 6dd Am. Xeradlion; 104 do 'do N J , Rool;
50 demos/Una Paper; 1011 d y . p;
b. Sind Elamam de do ALCayearl3;
TAO owe. Donk Cztal UM do Ralph. Zinc.
oe satoh.Nospl44 3431 do 800
MO Car,e Alain Ira do Tarawa* .
IMO do 13,-Chrom Poluklso do Gala Sil os;
nao do'
For ROM; en aa oi poet;
1503 do Turkel Umbary 73 do ,d;
1530 do Cm= Tartac 10 do 144 Pam*
GM do Tanaria Acid; 60 do Alma;
112 do 1,1•44.11r* 13 do GraaviDo
(Ova dtortm
r% IL C LO T S—Tbs largest assorment of MI
Cloths, In sheets, to eat to any size repelled, is to
bo femd at . W IIeCLINTOCKA
fetal 'fl Fourth st
Positively the Last Performanee.
SIONOII BLITZ mill rye a Grand Entertainment
for the Benefit of the Orphans, on &loaner Err,
ma, Misch lth r et
Admission 2S cents, CUldren ICS Doors open st 7;
commence at 71. • .
ur1914 KRAFT would reapeetttilly Worm the public
WA that the will glee a Cancan or vocal
Ear. bth, at WILKINS HALL; on winch ...O.
the will be twitted by SIGNOR GIAMHONI, HRRR
VOGEL, M. KLEBER, and 4..11 dlattagaiiited
I,l7lletem Macaw to be had at L Wilcox, Smith
field.tG H. Richardson, Market sx; udt tr. Ell oil,
Wood st ; and at the Door. ren:
formerly known as the EMPIRES, respect
fully anonnee to the arisen, or Pittsburgh, that they
propose giving a aeries of their popular CONCERTS.
ommencing on Monte Le 1211.30, Falsooty .25:h. end
continuing every evening doting the week, et WIL
KINS HALL, towns noon, en which occasion they
will handsee their own Original Music, together ma
all the popular Ethiopia Melodies of th• day.
Musical Director-----•--Me J.P.T tUNT.
- Mr. 0. B. BROWN, the champion Ilea Pierer of
the world, is attached to this Troupe, ad will appear
ark evening in Solos, Due., Re., in all of we're Le
Maas unrivalled.
Me. 0. O.SNIDER,aIiu Joetcans,the Data Dark),
will appear nightly to one of his obliratoch
UT/hmes open at di o'clock; to commence at :I
Falsely Tickets, cats; to Le had at the princi
pal Bowls, and at the door. 10.22
1., AM BOA T
-. ~~
ENCOURAGIED by the liberal patronage emended
to all mauler and well conducted Ltnes, the own
ers of the following fine steamers bare arranged Mesa
hue a Lire between Fiusburah end Louieville.
On of the boat& will pestuvely leave Powbuseh on
every Moran. WOmant, tend Fame , Drama%
at el.e'elock—fall or not tall.
The first boat of the Line will start on Monday,
February 11th.
Steamer Genesee.— —.l
" Hambang
Mt. Vernon.—
Fairmont: •--.
For freighter passage apply to
Captain Watmual J. Knurls
TUs splendid boat was bunt by the
omen of lite .trainti haoc.NwtOrt,
and others, for the Cincinnati and
Pittsburgh Packet trade, and tit
commence snaking her molar nips in the tine, on
SUNDAY, the 17th um.
For freight or plunge apply on board, nr to
. leb9 fi 11 ni uuriOdiEhGEß. As,
-- -- - -.. . .
MtThe splendid fast raffling striate ,
LiLWIS McLONE, W. S. wain.
master, (baring undergone n ,
°ugh repair,) writ run hereafter . a.
regular packet between Pittsburgh
and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Meader,
Wednesday and Friday odernino, at 0 o'clock. Fos
freight ex passage apply on board. or to
ien4 .. W. B. WHEELER. Arens
• .
The splendid fast running Ito am e r
Benedict, muter , It Innen for tke
re and all in termediate posts ou
Monday, the 4th bluely at lu o'clock, A. M.
tarl n'lsht or passage
0p 4311 BFBG ER
The splendid packet steamer
, ]lack En,
Capt. 1 P Gregg, !saves for the above.
and all Intermediate ports on Nor.
'day, the gilt March, in 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or pumas., apply on brood.cssr l
The splendid fast passenger packet
Illaciery, muter, 1.111 leave Or
e above and all intermediate ports
.= this day, MN/o'clock, A. 11.
For =gra or pro . • apply on board. .ter/
T. splandld steamer
Capt. James 11. Hallett, will !save .
ve, on this dry, the 4th blare , ,at
4 o'cloek..P. AL
For freight or passage apply on board JONES
:mal J NEWTON Agl
__ __—
— AiR. ctice4tirri.
nte splendtd.steamer
Ca t. Cape, will leave for ..he ahoy.
all intetmediate ports. on Chit
day, the 4th into, rag P. AI, positively.
For freight or passage aPeIY on hoard. mat 1
The splendid steamer
Capt. tilincfelter, Marc torsthirothr
and all intermediate pons oo uns
at 6 o'clock, P.M.
For freight er passage apply an. board. •
filo.l,Fr—Tho Moeda. kl/C l,4kr li"6
Oft Penn s:reel,
lin of Aprti ntit.
BACON HAMS-03 lAdi on hand and for solo by
out I DICKEY it CO, Prom pt
IJOLCON SIDES-16 outs on •and and for onle .
I - ) mil 13106 & CO, Front o
u I f tik; ItiNklkrit..,--iu .31 bOst Q.:11); 611 a...e•
0 teal RILEY, MD:I7IIEIVA a. 01_
rBACCO—iO S'l4 lump;
VD 456 mut, prime gala's; locale by
PlO LEAD-1470 ylga Sort Galena my aate by
earl RUE?, 51 tor rit' VyS co
OUNDA rasa of Money any found, are.ea, apao
proof of ownership, e.n be had by apply inn to
feblB No 87 Freq.
ems Vaacy Coremeree, Just re
-I,j• ee...e4 from manufatinter., ops cannumenc, teal
eVe by II LEE, Liberty street
le en opposna FYfis
WEEEIS—. 4 cues ewecds, olive, brown, u•d g Yd
mined, just teed on consignment, for sale by
LEE, L'bertv cc
CLAN ALPINE :3—Jun reed, 4 caws elm Alpha
Cana :norm anew article, for opting sa'e•,. .
febn3 H LEHI Itilierty no
B LANKETS -2 caw Gray Coiirbruia;
C do Drab do;
I do Blue do;
1 do superior 8e...(h,..b, by
feb9.9_ II LEN, Liberty B
F EATHERS—:.acts is atomand for anbs by
FFLOUR—mO bbla varlooa brand*. in store and for
*W. , by feleM ARMSTRONG I< CRoZSR
Bfeb2AC:ON-10,0(9 Ibs t. a. reed a fee sale be
1111 E--ail bhla LsTarsville, fresh, for sale ha
MOLASSES -740 tads Plantation;
100*" do;
00 " Sugar Honaei
la) ht labia "
16 do Golden SraPl
• 4 bats do • do;
Jo meld and for Bale by
fob% RHEY, eurrEfErrs & cu.
QUOAR-212 bbda new crop, JUN( nrd and ter axle
febl9 aad 23 Water ex
WWINDOWOfot9B-4575 bra rad. For sake by
S ODA ASII—t: elks be,..:o2=ss.7l,k,Ttc'i,,.
and for Itale by
Q MOLASSES-4M bblr Basle Oroond, receiv
I , 3• h o i ll e r {mr Menmer Companion
. arAd for pt e tzu.
VXTINDOW CiLLSS-6te bxr ur ' d aim., Mr A t° ,
T wn & CO, baw4 fer rule by
fob* JAMES 1)!ILZ
PAIIIS-15 41.1 s Plaster Per*
Blllet 0 Plast..rt;
Oa load end WWI , by
I:MU John Rucker 5* P L Dad!, „ mi ... , b .,
T L Polley Vs; Jeare II An , th..
A Thomaa Tr, J,,,_.'h^ `k. Loan. lb*
lion. A Amber • * • Robe 4 hi,,,,,i. ib. ;
Tha• UMW( 6* Ore , 8... l b.,
Danlonanosivele4 5* R Eine lbs;
Ptokadek IN I.Artanloc•lbr;
Wm Elogth 5* Richard Ulmer lb.;
G W King 34; A El Trree ll*
A /seta= /Ps; Wm Miler lb n
HMI& Cog 51; ' '
Wa SfpOoumood 116. The above, lullainW trr
Lrolharrsod R'Alnond brano maman
OR eon
.lgnm_ent Us= nlonafacturera, and for sale by
al Water and de Pram •t•
SAUZBATUB-7 cooks Silent:li;
14 do do hmiset
1:0 do do pon
corner Wood stn rt Winer .t.
For We by
bbl. Fresh Roll. Jut wed, for rale by
f44,Z4 WICK H.
pEFILING II e,ldaty we owe to ourselves acs .r
friends, we eloen z ixper to publish the show•
log u selid-faetav ng our Treesportatin ci Li..
It Oa been gene y clamed by interested pusses.
• there worm bat fear ffelkiallt responsible. L at as on
the Canal, namely: The "Union Line? "Le. ; eh's Llne.7
e ßinghans`eLlwe s . and “Perinsylvaula ntr% °hi. Liao
We elahn to hot fiftleregular responti o !,, L i me, and
have as large a atock of Boat. and l - ,eho t e cede ,
Carlin', as eentinodions depots, and offer ...itch do .
Welts fesPertsiblilty, sad ease to skip per. h s soy
on the Cool. Oar aPittebargh Tro t i s p i s4a.,, Lise
was Innesteblisled byJantes o'f:teener, in
years water the style was elan, od to that of the "
ant Portalths Barbel) Line." The old style of ar e
Pillsbargh Trenspertation Line' was resented to
awl has been anseessfully carried on since Of . War :
by ova Mears. O'CONNOR,. who are the So ent
neeesson In bast.. le JAMES O'CONNOSi
who ate the oast O'CONNOR'S; cow awls is ibo
Ttaroportation badness. Our serangemoner.
see are very C. 1101111" we feel confiden n r !!!
who fay. trer montrel old O'Connor% f l t i. .%erf
Tronsportation Loa' with their baseless, n 2!
transacted to their statiro .tislacuon. Thee.: l".!
past Boors, we hope by ante& utentioertirthe
afro patrons. to were and receive • eooiinnui ee sad of the MU.
All wantoWneations addressed to sea will rose; with
prompt allention
OCONTIOR,_ATKINB k CO* Ttimbtuf bi
ATKINS, O'CONNOR & l'lnladel a.
O'CONNORS &CO , Baltimore:
BALL & CO 7 Cincinnati; .
E. BLOCK, New Vert;
BAKER, HENRY & CO., et Lam.
WS dilatant
SOAP -43 boxes .w boa. for ula bt
.CaPnin T. Moore.
• " AL Lae..
• "J. Elinefeher.
H Kelm.
• " W. Elbert.