The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 04, 1850, Image 1

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    • _
T - 4
D. a WW2!] [s. ..torr.
earns 1111.D414, *quiz, vr.“ noon To
an/17 en r•—•—• / • —37,00 per as
Weekly, 1 dranee)•••••••—• •••• 2,E1 "
On. o lobs, et • reduced raw.
AGREES 11/1-.51'
E . / r.
BY TI riTTsounan PRESS. .
One SOW re DeSnee'of tioriP;r4:ll; Irri)
one / r ' ....,......—.--- 50/5 0
One Sew re each addltional assernon •• • //rn s
Do. one week 1,75 ,
_ •
Do. nue alet
Do. two mondis•—•—••••
lea tow months UM°
Da mx. moral's. • • ••••••• 12 1 1 X 1
Do. twelve months— • • -- ••
Pleading Card (ft Imes ar lee.) per amtum• Inito
One Square, changeable molest... (pee
num) each/arm of the paper•-•—••• *Pa
For each additional square, Inserted overeat month,
and fur each additional square inserted ender the veer
ly rues, half price.
Adverlimments exceeding a ski
nueut end tot over
fifteen WI., to clasped al NOM. and • Milt
—Publishers not a...tamable for legal advertisements
beyond the 600001 charged for their publiccio..
Anneancing Candidates for dace, to be charged the
.one as other advernsements.
Advertisements not malted on the copy
for a speci.
bed Anytime of inserions, be continued till Imbul,
and paymentaxacte: accord.
The privtletes of yearly advertisers atilt. confined
r'g,dly to thenregular business, and all other advs..
net panainlng - unbar - regular badness, as
aetced has, to Ire paid mots.
All advertisements for cismitable mutations, firo
companies, ward, township andantes public mecums,
and such Itko, to be chatted half price, payable suicuy
in advance.
- -
Nlairtago waleaa to be eitarged SO tents. ".
Death mines inserted withouschargeohnlens accom
panied by funeral invitatlani or obituary notices, and
when so accompanied to be paid for.
lirgadas advertiser. and all othen sending comma
nientmus, or leguirirg notices devigned to . aialt atten
tion to Fain, Some., Concerts,' or any public enter.
matzo... where charged are made toe taimitiance—
all °olio, of private associations—every 'notice de
imure m mill attention Co private enterpnien coleaia
red or iivended to promote indivilnal interest, eau on
ly be thaemedNvith the umiczatamling that the samw is
Co Le paid for. If Intended to he inserted an the Men
eolumn, the aurae Will be charged at the rate of not lets
than to e. 1.• per line.
litshoparVistliottees wire charged tnple price.
Tavern License Petitions, Ali each.
local and Medical adverthor eina to be charged at
fun prices.
Aral Estate Jtgents and Artationtere Advertisements
nut to be clawed under yearly tales, bet le be allowed
domino:l el thirty three and onAthild per cent. from the
•nvit, of bill.
wsuJA oIA rm•wuar rt. DAILY Tarns.,
One 2.4411kam, three insenions— -• ••
Do. each ooldiuonol Insertion
Uapbyuure, DO boesj one insertion.• • 40 en,
Du each nchluional inoertion• •
VI trancent sAve niIIeBICIIDI to be IWO: advt..
Wllll% CO, Goattei.,...
11A111% Post,
110117 IL RIDDLE, Journal.
JAMES P. DARE & CO, Chronicle.
VOCTIJI. k BkOT111:11,
. JOS I.‘NOW MIN, Mercury.
1111 LAM 114.1NE,I,ening Tabun,
Yorr.sonon, Deo. 1, ItHIL
13 'Rester esalen Weeato Lieteweil.
' 01tAk..113 LAtte l --telee io Teshmen'
Grua sueet, tear the Coin Goose. fete
TTOILIVET AT UM-02m on Fourth StMet
üboac Satithhaltt—Loartin's Etuihttngo—op loot.
A LLAANULit FitAhliLLN, Attorney at Law,
A Fa
"LkAlfritiT -- TTI.aCc
FOlt PENNSYLVANU4 $t Larlt, ua
All eroarnanicadostaprontpq_aniiverect. orteO4Y
AItAIATIOUNO AClLOZEkt,Cosonnsalon Itlerenanta
and _Dealer, in Produce, N. IN Marko - otrece
Pittsburgh. e-co
'T6ri~Aiit. - usi7t~Ya;
ATTORNEY nod Counselor m Lem, Commis
aio - tos for WO Slate of gensulaana, tit. Loots
(Int: of Pittaltuagh.)
ttarkatacks.—Yon. Fo rwa td, !lamp
ton k hltCandless Breture, Joh. E eatitc
44 well. a Semple, AL , cord a Kintr. attgl4:tily
T. It. eu ?
BAIIID 411‘;19T*1311.3iTT,
- • • •
11 Poach Ono, between Sme.fiald add Gram
, ItOblugb, P. _ it 11,5
man -
A . 1701/NEWS AT LAW, Foont3 meet, near GranL
A 7TORNEV AT LAW.—Orfiee ou Fourth s, be
toreen atheld and Grant st, Parthurg.
W. B. IBOODY1,99•••••••-...— BIUALLT.
BAGALEV. WOODWARD 4k. Co, Wholesale
Bets, No.lll Market street; Philodelphso.
Pittsburg:a W - Oilca.
OIS: Mn ' ritre ' and " St B
Acid, Wszehoo. No. Water sooty below Ferry .
uoY2tilY •
ISM= El .1.1.1. • •1.01100 111.1..
DRAWL & RFIITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug.
ikel matm, gamer of Llberty and Dl.. Clair stream, Dalo
r_r_sk..ra arayl4
/mugs- Cluto. w... 1 11100..
('RAID *. DILINNER, Forwarding . and Coinatissio
1,..) Merchants No. gd Market at. Ptitabaigh. sel3
..- .llc AN fILT Y a Co., Forwarding and Coe
mission Merchants, Canal 13.121, Pittsburgh P
URANT, SVbnlc..ale linnet Conaussino and
. ForaranAug Ide . rehtmn No. C'Water rt. ;019
elud r - o -
COLEXA.N,' lIAILMAN Co, manafaeta.rara of
. Coath and FLpne Mprugs, Ilmunered Axles,
S . , ,lnng and Plough Steel, Iron, tr.e. Warehouse on
Winer and Freon streets, Pittsburgh.
Also, d talon 14 Coach Trimmings and Malloalda
Casting, 00112
L. =mom Ml= 1. SWINE:T.
V i dr.l l kaot -N Oroe ' n, Co E.*. trSt c r i :
warding Merchants, and de.lers in Pro duce
doce and Pitta
b urge, Uanurnetures, No. 37 Wood at., between Id and
ld meets. flea
EN J. HENILY, cad Caswell. at Law,
Oldo. Collections sicntouthern Ohio,
and iu Indiana, cad in Kentucky, promptly and ease
folly stranded to. Commissioner for the State of Pew.
sylsuoia, tor taking Depositions, acknowledgments,
Usk. soon. Wm. Bell & Bon, Canis, Church &
Carethert, Win. Hays, Eq., Wtilock & nIZ
Ira iiiroeyAntleeor flooliaS K. IC- niaming •
II `On Mae tote of D.ouettie Woolen Cotton
.00.10, alto, Male-ram all ' tindrof Tol t ora
d lsm.
lionize, No. 117 Wood slice:, fourth dabs from Firth,
kt.reetocr. Mowers. Wen. A. Mill &CO* Bankers.
J. C. I.llEytaglo. A. N. tattrae.
FANTS, and dealers 10 Mfludear . . (asa Wane
Lead, &e. Second at magi
170111rl .1111516.1.0 N.
X_Na. DJ Peeved street, Pittsburgh _ dell
no•Nli W. 06111
GE„).,GE SMITH & CO., Scream Malawi,
and Ho Dealers, Pat at, Patabareb.maga
• N DAM& CODDRAN - .l — attartelteVatia Fn
ftS Weal etre.. Patabargb. mel•
starax. L amittiCiatTaitA. c.
17 ANIL/ ON STEWART, manufsteturer of Heavy
libirttrgs, Checks, &a, Rebecca atnet, city et
1H LE. to Murphy & Lee,) Wool Ilea).
er and Commission Merchant, for the sale of
Mocricatt Woolens, Ltnerep.oppothe 6th et._ fcbl7
Lt. erratum, Erratum ours,
D. C. x'cateatort, 70101 L. w.s.nza,
11 mu) re BUCKNOTI, Tobacco Comorlaeine Mor
a I coarts 41 North Water at, &IC North Whsrves,
. , .onv:a,tr
•.L. HAIM. . IVY F. loam
yintaw, solves & co., Nooomor. to AA .
~,,& c 0) C0M161.10 12 WA Forwarding Mari
alma dealers in Pittabargh lilainafactwed (Mod.,
P. 'wall
16 Ot • 1. S. MeVo:
lions Eon corner of Wood 2.0 Third strnoto,
11111 ra,
UPORTEI & Denier In French and Ainerienn Po•
Pu(Hangings and Borders. Window Shades Fire
I COMO Prints. tee. Alto—Writing, Plinth:s and Wrap•
ping Paper, No. 67 Womlstreet, between bourth street
and Diamond alley, west aide, Pittsburgh, Pa.
1(9 ,. /..t.k . i os rtli:MY•Co., Whol;;;Zia;;;;:aain
&.X. L nd and dna:, at Produce, Nn..51
Emu. Piagb•
• rrh• "nr_
Nu. NO. A.CAUlillEY,Agem tot Alm Lake LrieTnnti
61 !Monts. Lino to !leaver and thwitten—Offiec
on the comer of Water and Smith:widow Jack
• • --Joseph Notre
r 9 DILWORTH k CO., Wboleeale Groce Lel r' , end
rj r Agents for Hulot Powder Co., N 0.27 Woo , , G.,
101. r. 1 , 11M01111• /01711tliLICWWirrif :
1 N. DILWORTH t Co, Wbolowde Grocere Pre
.1 . deco and Commistlon Merchant., end Airent
(r Cat tuell,e, Powder Co. of N. y., No. Id 7, Wood e .
Patellorsh. • mond
SS Market at., three doora above Tlurd
Ova loom) have constantly on hand a well sclested arC
.nrrseut of the beat and frostiest Medwlocs, which be
will sell on slit west reasouable tennsi Pkylielaos
Trill be proceptlyanwaled to.and sup
elled mat autreles tlsoy alay rely Upon ae tensing.
i i
raystelans Presertpuous wilt he accurately and
aeauep from the bealaralertals, at say hear of
ae day or
Net ter sale, a tarp stock of Creak and good Vert.:
• • •
051NWATT. Gelilmrt,)
of W 54145514 Grocer and Coitialasion • Meretineti
d ts ier in Produce artiLYinsburgb Illanaketare• ear
ner nt litliFriy tad Band stxre,ix.Pittabar4h
ent Ilotehniin a. 05, Colimi4lion Merchants.
~,5 ~,, of the St LOWS Papa Ite.incrt
N 045 weer and 92 tront rases, Pittalicrrh.
is .1
. •
J(1/1" , ; IL idif .ne
in ' Muria wad bitarierd, Schad Boot
PRP.t, SISEff,Ye." ,
, Qults., Printers , Cord+, a
sttasida.try seaerri/Ytha. al trod -I..patrburga.
Logo lamed or ratan 'at trade. se pl 5
1. ~.._... .~i..... ~.~. tn`
XOA9OO.9ON9IIWELL, Counaellor at I.oiro.—rigi.
. tine on Faun: , it., above graithfield. nosy-ly
Wanren,lM) Commis
. D -C
ma d Foranardliag Mr:Lebo:a. andorholciale
d .o .tor in Weitern Roger,. Cheese, Butter. Pot and
Pearl Ash. and Wearers. Produce generallyi Water
item. het'ween Sraithfuld and Wood, Pittsburgh. •op
J:iiffIOONMAKER Wholesale Dnuietani,
o. or Wood erne,. Pitobrineh.
- •
. . •
11011 N D. .11ORGA:1,•Wholesslo Dimagigt, and deal
.) or is Dye Stufs,Panati, Oils,Tarnialses, tic. N 0.93
Wood street, one door Routh of Diamond Alley. Pitts
- _ lout
IbirN - D:DAVli,kialli;lec:, comer Silk andVA - 7:e
sirens. l'itsbarrh
j ° 111 14 ;1 '' ;Ipe (IN T ?titroc e
ttr T e ° l,,, N iio. 44 k I n
r7c r el e i t . . " gt. "
bury!, le6
J ours ' , Loan. • Racc.... 'tom
- 1 R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission
sP. hlerchnuts, Dea l / 4 -1 in Produce, Round
Church (MI frontota on Liberty, Wood and nth
erects. Pittsburgh. r. e
JDALZkiLL, Wholesale Grocer, Commomion
11 !lei chant, and dealer in Produce and Pi nburan
Ranalactures. $0.21 Water .L. Pinsbcrgh. jultin
JD. SWEITZER, Attorney at Lear, odic. sty
. opposite AL Charles Pittsburgh, seal also
attead•promptly to Collections, in Washington. Fayette
and Greta coonties, Pa..
Dlaekstack, Dell tr. Co.,
Church tr. Carothers, }Plltsbuiet.
D. T. ore..
Tr MR kr JONES, Forwarding and eornmission
ebanta,Belders in Product .dridoborgh mono
foctured ornelcs, enrol Basin, neat 7th Tt..
KENNLTV, CHCC.,ILDS & e, Manufacturers of
superior 4-4 Sheeting:, Carpet Chain. Cr ury
Twine nod Boninu. n:0-1: won
Vesu — vius Iron Works.
LEW!S, DAI.ZELI , k Co., manufacturers of of ru
nes •Bor, Skeet, Boiler Iron land Nails of the best
Warelloure, 51 seater and WS from
" l' rd.
L 9 WATERMAN, NVlrolesalc brneer, Forwan
in; and Commission Merchant. Dealer In l'te
burgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. 81 Water nt.
and 9: Front
IrflJ]ir .wa..,l.rTi!mß4lll
thceerethl, Blar.l,arg h.
11/f ILLEK ae ItICKETSON, Whol.slo Grocers ' end
in imparters of Brenth., Wtnes :keen., N..
171 and 174, corner of I.lberLy sea I,4in strce,
1,44 6 1 4 , Be Icon, Netts, I.7otthll Var., 14e
'Beatty on bend. + 2 o! -1
11,11.11.. UAL 1.1.-16,11.. WALT. C.
e Grocers .4 Coltaul A
in non llcreithats, No. 11.4, I...erty at, Ith.l.arett.
A,11.141 . 1111 - ,WILSON & CO., Date lune, Murptly &
MI. Co.) Wholesale Dealer* iu Dry Cued*, No 4t.
Wuoil *treat, Planburelt. nunrt
dArniEW wil.sus; Yort•urtatiMinatturel'ut , )-
Of. ter. Roar" corner of ru..t Otbee Alley alai
Fourth gut...entreat" au 4Ut treat . Market
f .1101011.1:, - 3 Jt. et):.. No. 3.5 hlartet Ft, ..rroltd
, door from eonr, •.' rouctin, doolers Fort w.
awl Domcs, of Certaf..otuet ri
;tank. Note. and
It , - Cotlection, ct=
the prinrifm,
br , •t,,l.An I :41.
Clarerytutcimr. i k
twit do:. tax st , xlc ,
ure and 'ern' niceurney.
Tiltea to Feel FAiato cztrained,
1134911 A 11.011110014., •
mfftur-ol profcsaloutl ,hire., .Lmc•
001.0 0 ,, 010 VI.O, ut Vocal NlLtatc..
nap Matt
711 I.ourth
• s', - '
tic= NVoc-2111 quar.tatc.: c: -0,00
L'ozeS Tral, fore quLtrtcr. 4.n.:
•.etc rPCII from al CU. p•ur...l
1,2 A: •: Afl. IC/ l'ekt% [4
WELLS ar.. CO..
51.1 , ,suvAcruhEr...4 OF (int.:Ex GLASS wAr.F
icrti. 27 iarket l'ie• , P., keep one , :
111 I) on and mit, oriier le,r.dr el V,- -
I:catica....c. l'orter amt IV:tier liotiles, 0 41:
rutilva..” a paid to Pr'.7l%[..lToalde.:
100 I.Lert, •.•ert
Cumsat,Lca"ainuJ I,dcalcra urc
elt.t mg%
511... Z., UM, r4.11i-e
0131.-111' t.‘tnr:tE., Whole-a:e Grocer. ltcct.iy top
.ter nal o f
Forelgtl tuld NVI.•
Zio. 11 I..beny ..:1 l34141:1 -a verF
rje uock or. st,erior Dal 31o3ongabelu wobuscy,
will be lboW low
___ior caol..
L. a. liVinsuLD, . J. L. "lir&
D FerftfrrHing..,l Con on
La a Manila.; for the Allegheny Itiver Trod, ..
rro evil(aroc, Patahurgh Mannfocturra
.:orolo of Lime.
The itigheat prices, in cash, pard ail tunes for eoun
ly roe, Corner Porn win Irwin sta. innt3
1561:1-MT7)ALZEI.L h Co.,‘Vbnie.•
Coniniiii‘iti aLd Forwarding Merchants. ilrater•
Progince end Yihilrargh hlannia.cuirca., Liberiy at.
.;L11::.;r_;-% CPUrCYL'fTtl,ll.l:ll.b‘uV,ghti7alr'.uf:r7;:-.r.
•4 , • 441.1ioriv at
x. 1 3 AGENT,
F. Counousetott S.ler
chant, ha. removed to No. el' Frnct, I,e; wect, M. owl
and ScrathEeld street..
SI 'ZEE& HARTMAN Shefhold Iron net:
Steel Works--Maunfaciarers of Am. It. St. .1 eg
and Slough Steel. Also—soilage, AM., V icc., An
a, de. They invite the anent.. of Merchant* and
niumers to their ems k. before pu reties in g . elsearbe re
They warren: their [uncles to be equal wavy made ni
this country or imported.
umniverr a WHITE, IVlrolesale Dealers to
Q Forelpi and Dommue Dry Goods. No. fro Wood st.
enninurch. • • febllsf
A W. HARD - AL:EH, Wool Merchants, DCUIC
nri Flom ozd Produce pencrelly, end I' orwar•ling .
Uri Commission Merchants, No. a 3 w Mc" as, Dim.
, REF h
rsiaiiisirrii - rmrsett Jo.
Q ELLY:RE , & NICOLL+, Produceand General Cam.
ma Merchants, ha. 17 Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
..!or on, Idnaeod and Lard Oils.
~'. .i ,.,vOit.u.ur.ii°22Tdott- 2 0';,"1:''.1.6 n t,
CM-al,rs in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Wearer. Pro.
dace, hued removed to thou new ware finu sc Auld stand)
N 0.55, conger of Froot st. nod Chancery Lame.
otor7 •
a. u. ENGLISH /16 Gdz,
Clarmeal, and Sunday School
T Booksellers, and dealers to all kinds of Wrtunk
Window and Wrapping Payer, No 71s Wood sire, be
tween Fourth and Diamond aney, Dtarbargh, l'a.
eir,,raTta, Wholesale
nn K
pod gtt, Picsborzh
1117 t/01. DEALER h commisßlßßltlerv.sakt for th•
V V Bale of Immesh I.sroolenCioode,L,berty ttmet
opposite FMB. lcul2 V
Wi't- 1 1 . 61;),;';,..;t-,''‘','; . ..,.':' , ..„'„'"" -i ' "';:';,77 . I .
ANTS. Also—Repot Leo of Soda Mb diet ineatbing
Powder, No. idd Liberty st, loryorite lizthPitt*.
burgh. "pel
Mill s
Witt. • harm OtSOOLDM
y y wicto 'Wholesale Groccre, Forwarding anJ
Commission Merchants, desists in Iron, Nails, G/,
Lotion Varna and Pittsburgh Alanafactures generally,
anstWalor strocts, Pittsburgh.
W stone and
V e Lai Gatabbelonent, N Mill o. 21.1 Liberty alsl
at., l
nearFutio be
Alr\VllVlESON7VValthcr•Ji . 'ilrY , Sum
Y and 1411 !diary Goods, career or Market and Ws
I'tltaltur,glt, Pa. N. I.l.—Watcbea and Coacks
easefully repaired. area
VirEtlT Bt.tWEN—Cosetot.nor x.a FS - mar/mg
11 Mombasa, N 0.120 Frout brotoren Wood sod
'forked streets. lendi
finale wui
r in
V • FOtetea end Deme.die Dr/ Utoda, north east
drner of alaekot and Poorth eta aor;dl
30, RV>
PrCo.—Deal!rs Ic 'miner hide. tr.o.
• r: wrlrrcnix , N, Innlv& . Grocer, a! , a
torn in Proeuce. Iron, Nails, Wars, ~,a rafts.
Ii`„! Ltl.erl7 , PoO,-
r.lbrr La
Wet"tra :14Wida17..dI
eo.ace, a. Wee or
It. Fiord Ll' ,wy AL
W. W. Wallace, do
:entre YittsoaraL •
dIV liay Wia.d
,17;lcc Arun; N.
21 \O. 17 Water rut-wt.
. -
& J. GLErill, Book Binders.
WE art, 4 tlll engaged in the .hour humors., corner
of Wood snd 11:rd ntrecta, ritcsburgh, where
we axe Negated to do any work in oar line otitti Jr.-
p.m!, NV,‘ enrol to oar work pertonally, nod amts.
faction wilt be given In regard to as neut.?. and da-
Wank Woks 'sled to any pattern and bound rub
. Wank
Book. nionlicro orold books bound mire
(Oily. or repaired. NIMICS Anton hookn io,gilt
Those that Imre work in our lino are !owned to call.
Prices Ins..Sessla7 Scove —'— a aLlr — a,r:a L at Ud
wu.f.Ac,l.: CO., n 0.02
at, c.
owner Litwin and , mein, mano.acture
and otter for .ale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales,
of the 1111.0 improved quitlim Cooking Stoves, for wood
loud cook. Erg Stoves of various riser Parlor and
common Crater, Hollow Vote, free. Lin. Taey also
manufacture the Nitehen Range, which kus poen ouch
general satisfaethin to hose hoein • aro, to ol
which they would resptectfully g
the attention all of
the eitimus end the public generally. oct27-dif
1 - 4;611 , 4 HANSA- WX.L: Wirt
(occeotiors to Hussey, Hanna Le Co.)
1) an Forelcii and lkimentie Exchange, Certifeates
of DePoslte, Bank Notes, and SpceicFordi street.
iteaion opposite the Nook of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney renewed on deposits—Sight Cheeks for sale, and
collections made an nearly all the principal poh.ts In
the halted Nate,.
71er. bighesi premium paid rot Foreign and Amer...A
. .
Advanees made on consignments of Produce. ship
.ped Essto on liberal tams. son
HAVE, rata to store a large and general assortment
of PRY GOODS, which they offor to Car and
County Merano:its at reduced price.: and velockshey
mill sell tt Kr a Maurer:len sto rash buyer., or for
approved roe fi`iq
filradagttam,(nasz Plttablsrrch,) Pa.
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood sired, Pittsburgh.
. A WILL eonetantly Lisp on hands good ars.ort
- _7. ;° ment of Wani of our own manufacture, and
' superiorqualny. WWll:male and country Mer•
allows are respectfully invitzd to call and ex
amine for themselves. as weare Octet-muted to
cheaper than has everhefore rep accred to th• put,-
irr Orders UM by seeil,acconspanied by 11. e ennh or
g reference will be protept!v cnend•nl inyla
- --
Penn Soriano Shop.
WlGllTMAN—Ationfacturer of all kind.. of not.
ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa.
The above worts hem now in full and succeeerel
oration. I ton proposed to excrete metre with dicatch
for all kinds of machinery in nylon., each at willows,
picker., !Treaders, card, grindtag machine., runway.,
drawing frame, speeder., theOmile, looms, woolen
cants, double orMagic, for hant or country wait,
mulcs,jacke, &es; slide and hand lathes end is in gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plane mv.
en (or gearing (intones entail'. et reaeonablc charge.
Rm.. to—Kennedy, Co„ Illachttock, !kit
& Co.. Rine, Pennock & Co., in.. A. limy •
..._ . . .
AND BRAS FOUNDRY. A FULTON, Bell and Braas Founder, has red
built and commenced businmsat his old stand
where he will be pleased to ate hi. old ..tom
ers and friends.
Church,Steambeadomd Belle of every tier, from In
to 10,000 peels, cast from patterns of Um most anima
ed =dela, and warranted to be of the beet materoala.
Mineral Water Pumps,Counters. Ratline, ho.. loge.
thee with every variety of Brass Casuist's, it remtired,
turned and Stashed in the neatest manner.
. .
A. F. I. the sale proprietor Of BASSIT‘I.
'RON Must, so Justly celebrated for the mammon at
friction is machinery. Tha Doses sod Comptiiimon
can be hada( him at atrium.,
. •.
P. 2 wee., orrvezmi WOOO l'retucr boo
GWNTINUIi to manufertore all bools of cw.rniz.
-omit \Vial.
Straw Bowe built to order.
Spreialmtention given to stram boat mot.
lave CPI hands a One assortnient of Copper and Braes
Kenire, Tin Warn, & c. hr.O:ecreil.MlCooking Sloe.,
Portable Fora., vanou• etres—n very convenient a,
nolo for stcarnbodneiCal,fornia emigrants, or rail rend
camper - ice.
11, wouldre:per:redly invite el-at beet man and
others to cal( end ace our it
and piece , ben , .
pun-halo. elsewhere. 111 7
Cotner Front end Wm. streets, Cnico , natt. O.
OBOERS from Ptttsburrt. for Alcohol, Pure Spun.,
Raw or HectAcd Whiskey, will be promptly at
rnded 10 at lowest market pr.,. c,ht3 di,.
--'-- .1 totmiriliiiiiiiirety Elta.bla.
ROBERT H. I'ATI , :RSON hla opened
the large stabie otz Flot et, running thiough
to eecond st, between Wood and ,r , i,:lifirld
1 the .ear of the Slonenzabrla llont.e,
ss- , th n emir , : nov ..toek ally's,. and Carriage , of
4v1 , , qua. . .r,ll.ltest .. , ylr. k, 1 , 1 , 1,11,-
~o , -;....t *encl.
- -•.-
'r t 'ift! DI-11,n WARE MITTI'AL rrrs' INTSC ,
• Neli 0 \IA
l'Nl%—tllco. Nortl, Room of nie
Eliot tot, Third :tree, Phiiad..;phia.
P.ts IrmouYtt - 1,-11.Altling i, hirtejtan.ll, Doi owe ,
proor rty TOWN and CuVNIZT, Laced neattot :••••
dorm , f to by fire at 12, rain,. ererkita.
`.Parr. INSC4 , O", --"rhoy al , o • ire Yr •,1,, Co•
cor• and Fretgho., fore.ct or con,qoato.o.untlet opor or
treetal pc hetet, et• the •-yso 00l rosy d-,vim.
Ist alao loot;tot
11. e tntotzirttot by Wsolona, ItaOro.o! ea , .
113 alt and MLA= goals, titers and ro: the
mcoo lOwor.l tern,
. .
DIRECIORS—..IoscoII 11. :47.1.‘1, Edo; and A.: , ad.,.
John C Ihair, Rci.ert
Leipor, Forinivaril Dinriirgioot. Lanc
It Dan,, Enivrell,Jobo NelTilll, Ur IR M H
:nu. intorn V Tbropkulua Pnulding. 11
"11,14,,C1i Geo•ge •sernii,
:poser iMollrano. nrocr Kelly. I ro
Jlicann. it
jinni Dr .9 TtiovutroJio,to Selig rr, Wm J •
ftEbT(.I.R.S 11 i'IT TSUI' 11(111-1 , T. ?it oi,
Win.ollagatey. J no. T. looti,:o.
lITIN. l'reoler 00l
Itocuroao F. N tiro roriary.
Olce of non C0,..-iparty, No 11 Wi,irt •urri
inn ?IA Agcsit
Trenton Mutual Life Itiouranee Comploy
Capital, 0150,00 o . t
JAMES DUFLNO it to.cnLa Pitittournii.
110 OF TORCSTION. I, nO3, NOW J..,
Inm , a
llot}'. T•F
Jr. Jr.... 1.11 l'. I,W, 1:1...,
lirnpurnn VW, Ir A Jertlrrurr, V I r
/Om A. Wean. ' i J . jii Mort., e.c..m:ary
Jeneth. Flat, Tretsurra.
new TOui rtillADV-1 . 11.
Comptroller of New York'. I lon. J az:e• C.u•pw.:
lieorre Wood. Da ,4 H. Wb..c
ho F. Mll‘elce. A!eXl.l.ler CUltiatrur
Duval Dudley neld. IWJ. F. W!tsor I'. Si.
1,, , c0h 110. e.
Hlll Exc. Gov. flames. E.a.Gov. V room
W. L. Dayton. U S. :a.m. Door m a ",z. Mc.
G. D. Wail, Yyn. mA N. Ni C.
FA-Gov. 51. irf 'qt.. . Mao. K. I lemol to.t
A.Solney Doane. V. U W. W. Gerhard. MD.
J 1 Warreo at., W. V. ~
m. M'S Morgan, Al D., 11. R. Bell. Al. It.,
George M'Cook, Al. U. Allegheny coy. to.
POlyborgh. Pa.
The Agents of IL,. Company. a: Potaborgh. are •uth
ormed w take every I.:•• rYM on Lot at la r•daec
lion a/openly:fir< m thr utaal rate. of pro
main at. urged by othrt Comp.:nes.
forA man 30
'thous yeanrs f age, u
nclog a Policy of Insurance
One ad Dollor
Tar nn (or on
sevene year, pay. only NACU.
do b •• SI 0,20--annual:y
do Lifeumo. •• b
And in the mune proportion fur any 102a5 up to eue.o.
widen. is We citron taker. on Any ore Id,
This company commenced OPowbnns or , the
Indn, and its monthly business up to the lot Oct.. I+lo.
shows a progress exceeding that of ally other Life Com
pan Tay an reit crd.
Tae fa dividend of probia will be deZlaied to the
toured on the ist Junary, 10511.
Pncriptileta containing the various or rates.
and all We nceeuary information on In important
subject of Life Assurance well be furnishnd Go apple-
Ca JAMKS D41:.\0 &
deon ! ge nts.
a Agents.
dot? Oding..
issue Po D
licing. of I li .
against Lasso,. Dastsiou by Pzim, upon DAell-
Inds uilndsd Furniture, Stores, Gotnly&e., ell.. on unpin
eution In JAMES DURNO tr. CO, Agcnt,
dell Odeon llailnings.
The spring Garden Heald Insurance CO.,
NZURES Slain, and Fenaolc , against Or F:zoonsc
I and Lois es.cnsioned by knee
at, imenedtals allowance of from SI to S. , pct
for one, two, throe. or four
The method oi effecting this Insurer., and the
mann.. of awarding toe sick .10 . 0.1 MC, bo
explainul by the Agent.
A person can,thsere gnst Sickness or Accident
whieb wi,l detain him fr a o ai m Ins ordinary business, as
follows, v.
For Ode 5 ear, by paying S4,1:11, and teccivelkl, week.
For four
....hod of fin
fie atm of E 14,4. p•td
Or, fora period of Ow Y^• r , 1p •••-•
nnally, will vecurc per "trek while ste,
Every necesanr/ tninnuattnn v.lll L. , on the
auldectof Inrerapeo vencra , ly, Loy
del7,lCro (Mew, Pu,.dp,got
LAIN and Il•alth league oate••
'rim Mutual UM rind Health Inturnarn Comnlny
I. of Philade/ploa, Incorporated by li. Leprllllll/C
of Permaylyania, Mar. It, H.4‘ , Ow or per,rueo.
Capital.llllAWlA) Horn tow., Ilion CV, 1 . ....,
rams ColiPilT, and fu11,.....0 per rem. lower that ihr ,
word talcs of Life /nrurancr, ell the following min. I
Fortson will allow: Thus, a person of .tou ago fo 30 in
ng for Sltal for life, ni , Pay m th e 11 , arel Mir—
?ennsylvania, Stl:3o, Po Mutual, air;rl, F„,,,,n 0 r,,,,,
52.01; Nry Ergland, efl,tal New York Lifr, bY.,01, Al
bion, ezAY; Life rod Walt . Plolndrlphoe.ol,Ol
DtTee...yoite.—Srertistrt 1) Orrick, Chita., D. Holl, W
r.ll,ene, Hobert I' Kinr,lCltorlret P. Barra, 01 W.
8a1e1v.,.1. 11.'.1. Rrevr, 01. LI.. Chat 0 II Canipbell,
L,VIII Cooper, I. R 1.11,111113 trier, , 11. Butler, 1,1w31.
It Cop, Preaideol—,xmoel 1) twrack; Vice I'm
d., , t—kohl. l' Hoc Sretrtary—Poona Blackburn,
4 pplieutioll. will ha re,l veil, and evrr, information
glvco by SAl niniTtetTlßl .11.. FAHN
H 1.,,f0CK., All.
Olce, Coaxes. corner of
otttL7.el IV Wood and 'lliad sta, P borate
itts bora
THE 11t.,11.111ANCE CO. ot 151111 Arierrva will
0100 c. per andmid limited Ineuraseyo rte. pro-
Olio in Olio city vi propene a:. and • o prope at. by
1 Ctenal, Hoerr*, Lakes. and b Si a. be pro,roce or
Veit Company nro well invested, and turmoil an a yr. el.
able fund for the ample I tWetrlntly Of OH I.CrPOIII 4.11,0
dratre to I, prat., rd by mato:tile , .
nryll W i ll. I'. JONES, A oriel, it Wee, di
77. Franilin Fare hartrtrruy Go. of J'Atlaklylnn.
D I !it.F.t:T.OZn-f,7...„1it-;, c , ‘ , .. •r j
rice. MI Richard., biotite,/ 1) Lew
none, Duch' S. Itrown, Mari,
eosin.), N. 11)seavr, Pwvalerit.
Charles rt. Ilaheker, San rctary.
Continue to wain Insurance, perlarianJ or hawed,
on every dew:notion ot property in tow, r.r
at 'animas low as ore einhasiciit with wt . ertl1••
To Cur pang have reacrand u Intr. nt Fund,
which with thew Capital nod Premiums, saiely 111 Yr..
ad, afford ample protection to the assured.
The wasclo of the ecutopooy, oo January let, 1,413, o•
published agreeably to an act of Aver -tidily, w ri ,
(shows i ha:
Rohl Estate
Temporary Lost.
Stocks •
41.11d7,102 71
Since Weir incarporntior, It period of Iv loam, they
hove paid upwards of one million four hundred Woos-
and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording e ride II C C
cf the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability
and disposition to meet with promptness all liabes.
J. (JARIMN ER Agent,
marl.lly Office N corner Wood and :Id au
Thai Pestßuylsriansta Ciartapwisy
FOR Jartearcaoe Item Lan thurrstaa AN.PfPn.
WM: brat Life InrUrance Camp.) in the U. Stoics.
1 Incorporated March lo.lbld—coa.ter perpetual.
Capital .5b00,001,—a1l paid in.
Having •atborwed the undersigned to receive oppli.
canons fur itteuranec, on which policies wili be issued,
cordimp to dime proposal , and rates, which will be
moat known lo applicants CA bin office, No. 211 %Vuod
Wee,- spa till) COCIIItAN.
,f RN, INC; PRINTS---Ilanrisenbr Woes 7. wl
J , l and Misch - and doer colored Prth:i, for Montt:4
be found at the Dry tioods.llo use of
T C. BREVFOGLE, baying n.dri.ed 00th h:ro
1/ A. 11. CLARIig. for the parpo.• of tran.ocuas
thc Forwardlng and Comsais.on will
nence.. b.... al the old ,tand ..,:ope (trey
and rccpretfu:l) r.llr.t connanaucc of the
Innate ttatrostmge of Ma (rico& and the publ, feller
The locmac.. will be conducted under tot n,rae
and style of Llatttrocut 3 CL/lIIVA.
A. 11.
Pittebaran. dal, T. IK.l.—fj,rf
Dissolution of Co:Partnership.
TIIE Co-Yorinetanip earner; between the outer
111,11 ed, end. the styli: of -17. 11. ERMA & r. 0."
chwolveil by mutest eonssnt, /kn. tlith. F. 11.
Eaton, having reredoses' the C7i111.: duettist of NV P.
Marshall, who retires, will attend to the settlement of
the business of the Into 4M, at the old 11111111& NO 62
Fourth street. F. Ih EATON.
F. 11. si:ATON,
TIFIALE:ft in Gloves and fluttery, VriFunvy
hand.,, Riiibotts,l aces and Firntirottivnetnmin2s Y. Zephyr
Worsted, Pattern, and Canvass. No 62 Fourth Grvet,
Pittsburgh. A full supply al Fine Shif tivnte
Color Garment...
frtitit sit
rim rnrtnimhip immolate emoting belVe<4,l tStiimt
A F.nglish, in Me Hook and Paper Itunnws. Wrtl
dissolved on the 11th inst., by moron' consent The
Maine. will beeontinued at too old nand. N 0.79
Wood. sweet, odder dm firm of -A. 11. Kngloh A. Co
by wham Mc filminess of the former parmerollip
he smiled. SAMUEL EL1.11117,
fehln A. tl. ENGLISIL
71 Al I.Utili, Itaalt.g purchased the of
L. Joints Kerr. Jr. ' to the firm a Jones Kerr. Jr
& Co '
the Slop Choudlery and Bost Store ',ult.,.
will he earned on as heretofore at the old stand, \e 36
%Voter street, beteeeen NVoo4 sod Mullet, urrter the
style of feh,lm DUFF&
THE Co-Partnerstr.p herctofor , rn•tiuC optic r
.Yloo , "cop , • rots
1•y mutual roosen... 11, ouuren. wt!l oft twtt!rd I.? I.
C. Ilreylogle, at thou. old .tond. No. It. ,er0nd..... ,
I. S
anJ J. C. lIREITIV-1
'UNE herciolore rx.ating
iityleof "1. 11. Couto & dr: ~.1
com.eiii. of die firm e
iieitleit by I. S. Witty-rm., at ibeir old mind. N ISA
I..ilivity etre, L. S. WATERMAN.
it WI
DI•solotion of Partners , hip.
. 1 1 ‘ f?r i cC i x t im j t ' ;n L g ' Us ' t . c. '' r " I T' s h „ ' In " o y f . IVIITI . F 7 . 1-,Ln;
nom bet, aln...nivntt try Henry Lredrr
ho, rultn. IlaCtri,lllll l oti firm to Jona 'll,lllel,[ollneCtrd<nthit , firm of 80., he id I ,•
tvni tor arttled by I,l2.taficia .k. Co., who are
t.oy nuthort,d to untie .11 coll.:nun. Ind 411
cant_ 1.1:611F1b:Llt Lr—kpb:lL
l'itt.buryb. Orb Y 7, 1949.
11.—S. It. DUI:4WD:LI) h CO. wl3 cocintoe
:1,1,1.1 Dry Do. - .J4 ant Grocery uuctle , ..q
etroan,Linen.) . nt. Asbt. ,
lo have thcir inend. :and cuDorntis
eel; Ted eismune th.rit Dark of tood..
TUEportu,rsht , hrTetofora ext.:, under the term
of A. & Ia:AL/LEY, to dissolved by the
of Mr. 0. Brisdle,. The I•oso.ess anti t e•coiried ot , ey
A. Wadley, n•he "rid .ettle the busincs: of Cie
. Inte
—A. I:rts.ut.u . r has I.emn,d et. Voug ,, ry
Warrhoe..e !mot Nr• 110 stn., to 10
sue, twivre,n Mr, and t+c-ond Rove n
wriehou.... by A.
le.cp con sot tsv hand u
S•br , c.. Cooking ,
• . -
cit-pYtlter•b, lirretotore fortsting betyrt.,, tt.e In t wane of f - ..tyyttttf.c, h.
••• , . 11 tht. tiny .ttarc , v•tt by mat •• con.m. s.
I ,, kt Sam. , Vel• ra-,Zt• ~yrty ot Ott
ttr- •n•
...sac a Itle tit ANIV.!
." 11,.
The 1a1dr:5.,..••.1!",er
tlO, .rne
V 7,1 ' , sit , Vault 7
r! • .tz,4l t.: Grin
Ir reur:l.:! from thr
I tlre
tn coulidrzter 0' f.r.Le•
FUllWilii.OlNli & 1:0!4MISSION
J. ot. J. 1'•xdo•. CommY•slots M•rahenl•.
Mel. al Old . N irreronatnol.j
.1 , 11 hae • large ae,er•rent we m:luu.
the br•iu arlech they oder fur s:Or no uganta for J. th.
1,..1 A. Ca Llotdr•ua, Mae., y 1 I Duch.
C. I ..•roehelir,l ay. A de Md.,
A Illeyrlle, Ade hloednre..lrey, I.vuly, a'•o. A I.•
•Cor la tn. Horde./ Red aria Wkfe in -a.•• •na
tea Wlh cam by Juba I V.. ,
Cilitri4p,l2c Wale
'IU.A.IIT ,II 1., Groot's. and I' tr.du •d 1:4•11-
1.3 No Wned •t tut.,
l•ettico• to Ctrn Pont, o", t.orn.
gunny, Port, Itordn. Hauer. I.and. LI.••••• , ditt•cr
Tduotny and Fill! ,egia; okr
Sr undlodon rod to no. ni ‘l, < own,
r lt
•tran•or,-.! , Inl•r• !•1•••t• R".
le: Itn
.de . •A. lion. •1-• don, t•rnon OCo
!moms •1 ay, Ktrid 2 Moorhead. l'ot•totrnh Futtnnt
It M'Nittilon M1L.41 . 041, J.. Esti ,
Lout,. •pttAdly
10a15 C••1011Ce 01 N., 0 w ut,c
G .
F.NERAL A.:ENCV. ,nmnlts , ,mt and For,. Ar.l-
Merlialtt., N 0....% Mark• t st ,
-I,Snmnp o y 7. 7l , 7 ,.. tprvn to the purelta , c eme. s.alo
arr. to--.lottn ‘V•:t ft Co., lurphy. Waison A Co.
Pittstwrgb, LrosSort A. ILI: Mahlon :SLIM.I.
; Jowl /I :Irown eo
Co.. Fl.Atadelph,a, It W Sno,,eras. Gre,c
Nacr. Nvor Fr. :Amor, lot C n. V.A.,
Ctuetsulatt, J. P. M 1.•
dart. Cievcoul. O. aux-,
Cammlrrinn and Forwarding Merchant
0.26 Avon sT., ri - rast . a , ll,
IONTINU ES to tran•act • gertrro.ll;ntearanntnn 1.e•,•
, especally an the pstrellsseetol.lle of Anwr,
an Ninn ne.s ofsacture• RIO Produce. and in reectvlng and
(nrwartling Gwris rot,t;Tnod la lain care. A. A gel.t ins
UT Alm...tures, he wall be con. artly ann , lied ullh
thr prtnr.ip:d stuck , el l'utaborgh Manufactnr , It the
lowest who!, ^ale prices. Ovlct. and Clellgitlne
are re.Dectlui,Y 1101/CItC,I.
Gay Tilly c.aohlarlonent long and widely anrovs. RP
being out of the most rumonhot. an the nay of
Baltimore, hos rceeutly undergone very exten
ive alteratonia and improvement , An enure neve
twang bun been added, contenting num.... and en y
sleeping apartment+. and extrt.ive butbiog
The th•portment has nlao 'wen runtpiniely
renege:mei end unrd e n in a ;no g athque and lothoin
On style. In tact the •1/1101.: •Irllnlrlr.[lli or the llou,
Leg bor. tongdeled„ with! a rallK:n. eye Oh the part or
the propraelert, toward. the COM I.Tt plea.ure
the. Mesta, and ...hieh they confidently g+aert wad
ehalleage kimparmon.vgath any Hotel an ant V1•1..G.
. Their table and always auppned with evert salt.
vat and luxury winch the market atrord, neve,.
dp 110/ sapertur style, while in the vnir of Win.,
igt 6,11 not ho sartmaged.
I . enneg.ton proprthlors beg thy tr.a , nothh.-
mail be aril 1171,1.1oratheti pri+ g and YU LIM pert of Inca
...lama., to render tins Hotel worthy the con:toned
patronage of their (Rends and tlic public gencrallt
TIC ;inner Inn board have also been reduced to the ran.:
Lathe , Ordinagy, 111,73 per they
Gentierace's " 1,0
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon or the Ilooae will al.
7.. ' l ‘ tr:lt b o. ' t[l " e ' en d ve .'
of. charge
• .. .
nn of' runcili AND arserrs,
Till. subscriber r•specililliy HO:loon:en mut
hr hes opened his new nazi exec', et
for the aceonimodaiOn of t.r. vele, lezetzr•,
and the outdid generally. lite hoe, and 1131'111311M
arc entirely new, and nor eadier el pvtlAr v”,
spared to rendez it nne of the mood coroldrinidc and
plcatrant Hotels in the city.
The fahreritat if deletiained to dereive, aid Inert•
fore solicitz, a share ofpuidio prtizeeure.
oetll-d1 1/10011 1101,11, rtohrl,hit.
fiI'COILD 11. CO..
tiftlSuece..or , to M'eurd Lo:i
V••talooabl• lit it,cs, •
Con, el Wood Yrs.A
IDAICTIOULAR 6,1.14,120 e loud to our i; IrrA
I,at'setnen van re) , upon c .•
Co, i• nurtuld,hteent nt P. 4,
vmseveacedire. oof the taveat neTte..,td •
Conntry Merchants, rurehroon.• I.y wente.:,,,
re.p.rtluily U r:/.. and emutuele , e) , St.
IVt, eau nay cer.ll erneadence read2 , l• , • •
1 and mr. tt not :n h
I /OW , In I.llliallf,ol,lh
MIN 0. M'CREA I% Prn: /,:c
N. :Lll and LL.III-nrourn•it,..... 11111 1: dr
por No.:I Sproco . 1 1 -,11 :0 •
rint , " to l Inpr..v.•ll 1:41.• 4.f
kind• nod ardor, ul t!:r.
Eirrn lnl<J nl 111,ti.1,,.f0r 1 . , 0 Mlr't 11
- • . , 1.0 4,11 per
Fnc Una[lnk . .• I
Ink .
rmc It'd Ink • 1, 1- • LW I on •
Yellow, Gro., n,,,1 Wort,- 7..• I 1, / :• 11
Goat ',lx: ut 02 pc r :,11.1 .71, 7., ••,. nll,l
1 NI per ea.
A soccunct , rot \ I t••• res:r, 0:111o.
Put., byl. &.!'"1,1,7.1,T1,:`..
ft.U17,4 41
1 4, 7:1 1
Jli I /I KJ
. 51 .1 -J
C :11, , rgno &Co. Clortnnn, 0100.
Morton &
M. "&";'.9:l. l ,' .l :„l"ilc7r , '. l vc — x , '! , "-t".. 1,.,1 :; , "".
acok, hetweeit Federal d Atreeta. I hey
the now making and are prepared to reecive order., foi
every deacriptlon n( velitch, Chachca. Chanot . ..
roaches, Metrics, Timidly, Cc.. , Windt: from ill.,
longexperience In the inanui - oh ,7e orate above wort..
.41 the factlanto they Intve,thnY ieci confident they are
cnahltd to do work on the cla“ noble terms
Leese wanting emelt , on their note
Paying particular attention to the ithieddian of mate.
!Mid, and hithilia nonenut competent w.rtmro, ibioy
have nn heathillan In Wal..aithlifthur mouth.
therefore aelt rho allctillein of the iikddir to tln• untier
N. It. Repnoringdone on the beet manner, and on
moat reason:ll,le term,
"DOLL 111:17ER—Ibtols.i rune and for rAir tF t
130 to bli b.:NULL:aI DENNEIC
Youitg,hl.E.,N in wholesale and wail storCs, tattl odd
respectable buslnen, to act as tfook-keepers. Sales'
meet, Poners, Dar-keepers, Waiter, Farmer, Coach
n, Car Agents. Book and Map Agelitt, Cartieeters,
Overseen In rill branches , of beanies, tce. We hove
et all times a Inge number of good situation on brod,
which pay from :MU to tg,ooo per annum. Those In
went of situations of any kind mould - do well u, give
us a roll, as we have agents in each of the a ovc et
ties,which will enable ts to plate every applicant in
a minable situation at the shortenV ,, imtice. have a
large aegrusnaance in all the above named cities,
winch we trust wiilenable us to give entire attune
tion to all who may favor us with a call.
TAYLOR h TATMAN (w , N 0.50 Second at,
b., e= :loath and Gay.
N•l3.—Perstino living in any pan of the U. Suns,
and wishing to obuni a 'intuition in Baltimore, ore,
thee of the above cities, 'will have their wants num
' , lately attended to by addressing no is line, (pon-Paidl
so lop so doing May will curtail both trouble and ex.
penile, which they otherwise would inn by miming
to the city, and reeking employment for theloselve*
Address, TAN LOR & TAY3IAN,
N 0.19 :Mend street
Baltimore. 3ld
r 11111: Lueution of the public isrespectrulty curtol
the following certif:race:
M. P. Est:Os—Haying tested quithUty of ttold
weighed by your dreorneter, 1 End the result proves
your thstrionent correct; and recommend Um Orr of It
to th ose going to Guntiothia. at the beet method for ob
taming the te di value of Gold. Rey?. Toot , .
J. B. DriNLEVY, Cola Ithattir.
Pittsburgh, Match 0,104 D.
l'rrnltebon, Match 7,1642.
hit Eastm—Deer Str: Haan¢ un=ood ate - A OO . -
Ir.ete, ,"luathlad.rod at your rooms, I do not :',..11a1t
to eotornend it to th., use of Chore gentleroth -who axe
about removide ealtinmia in Keareh of Gold.
It P.en u Anse laPplOSitaftion to the npeetqc Pra•l
tY of reetoh., one will certathly enable We ad‘co•hria
theortant 00:1011 Id, planer Is yiel , itng Cole.
e“,rl'4 2 F. Mrt,l7 , TC)rii.
:VIDA RI 13/11 , ./I rdcetyed l'or the
C.thforota o complete ty•oroo,,t
Gant I.2aAta Csoitdit, 111 rteeu lang.o fz/ 43 Al to
Iho for coil ofnot hot Fornal< at the
1,141., Itul , h, .%.1 W0c..1 at.
.1 It 11191i1.1,11'S
tit.aetta ltric la Works for ital..
sulco neer otters for aale, the hTEAhI CRICK
Wtt it a-t, Lawrcurcrillc, cortivr , 46 u
• 1616:6.4, 14616 n, 6 Mor'd Nlarbiac, empal..• of
sathinfneturtng l•rcs4e6 1.116 ks (Lut of dr, e'al t
• ca I,unk.) per thrreof
fond 616 A 116166., romr. I.4larhurc 4 1 , 110.
, 141 e :m tioey 4116 :•. WhOtib44ll 4 6, tract.,
• copera , .6. .1 an boa,. ruviec. lucluutug
thr 16616.“ rt6to 16 u.u. .61.1 in. s344)—vron, of
payms66 ....66 ea,.. ate, the 5.5,16 , 9. for
/11:1•4111 . Mt.:Ram,
. hio ;.fonongaltcla lIoL
Wrought nod Iron asaling•
THE 461 , 4rr1btr4 lace leave to Inform the public the
they have obtune.t: from the East all the tie - awl
ta,nonahle deetana for Iron flatting, both 667 110.1” ,
.1.1 cceleter,“ ...4 rri4hing to prn6ure 16,d•
4 , 6r.r 1,661,64 non and examtnc, ;wire
'for thern46l464. 4.6111163 furnished at W.. • ,ors..
cat 114tle, sr:111101u 16.41, at the corner of
Cr., col Reheeett sheets, AlteattenY 69.
aug..4-dti A. LAMONT k KNOX.
°vete ral Oysters:
Dnaa: & Expw, Is nuw tegularl,te.
lwertng Can ut: I 01%, rEIL+, whwh •r!
, c. and faraitten at th e,
low 1 , pt..
eit,y brought to ,
kch rot
Agt, --
A ko—At ~,, ~,,,ng depot , Et, g
bet t,w.llBr•J ,[Ollll.l, Itcns:cw ,
@re r.,
•-• • hot to (r•••-, .. tto: • 01.113,‘
-„,. .‘,
3/..:V1; LtUOILN: :1111.11 1301)1Clot
Tlll. Cu...04i,, .1 0,
Nora: So
1 he Inn, 11 , •tory Wnr
Uct Intrk,Atrtt voI
tt,, ttA tto, - •
Hy A. It on
1.11 , 1:ND
Toe ,Vor, vt V/ 4 cot, •,
erlot of Itio (4:10/' 21111/11/4011. WI a
,1 , 10112. tonerti oolca
Mut0..11.• to 1., ..t n " . .nn
tt.t.1..• 1.. IN*" I/ I/ . I. II
oteinott•i lluJ,e Iln.c. .nt.• .Joor Jo.lra•tt
c, •etr0......• own Ins 'too: no.
~ 1 I' Theo./ono
Tlte Yontna ural oneo. t., J. V:.
nr e••1,i.V0.0 , 0( Melton. at..l Cat
./010 Vow. I ‘avv.
1 0., er Mc, oa
Von., Me :'•
f. •f• ovi•aaafff
,Vra. A.
FL , Foeto , 4o„1 of I: A .
N01 ,, ,h 4 , d o. llroos v • Its I.nyard
For sale I.y I'i' K.stiz.i,i I,
No 79 %V.,,rFer
A Psesont for 'four /lam Hy.
Praustima W.mucts—sl rcu ..arv.
ben paper r U Un.a.' }:ewe `Mr.
“ilmthrr pct It rani than ,o without Ito' tßa.ton
ti-er •131,,, ,, Cfffi van scpplzed from
t( 101111<diitIV Iti,tielll4.ollSernade Icalerpersonas..
1 , , itner; a: Oa lArc 01 Pli,l.catsou, 6,1 Woad
ja.,sCo 1 0 LOCK,VotJO
New books Ju.l. Arrived.
ACIIEL/ AM , 01.1.11aCre.RS, by J. T
winoortg.nal by Noley.
The ond Progie - W doe,' of R, 11. Dana
l'hy.icialt end l'auent. o$ PIJCIICIC. Vtew tit,
Nlntel Daues. Relst:oni and loteted4 of ..he Nictiewl
Pt00...•10n and the Comynuary, by W. lioottr,..l:.
The Port.. and 111.13..5.1.1tey, by J K I , ;St!dior.
author of tb.c Ihttchnish , Fdeltde.
Lox Um., or no Imaide line. of Mexico and Cal
l:prom wdo Waodcrine di Peru, Chthand 1,1 rem,
I.rtd. 3tlift b.y
dell ELMO rr & ENGLIsii. W,.od
BKOWN'I+ Angler's Guide, wo of i:hts
mum. 'lmo
rurit. or:4 ritto
1)1 r'. aml Yaii6uti
Mrs. FA,' [karts !balms, boo.
IA:, Chri, non.
—.Neender , Ilktoky nl ehrottan Church. 3 ottn.
• Row Dr. bprolo, Memoirs at Moll Murray, You.
Amman Alakanao, rod.
parrs Rook... Per .t Imparter. Cl Wood et.
Now Is tla• tau. to Nobsorlbe.
SFFICK ne Reprint. of the Tour quarter•
ki Iles awl Da. k:wood . , SRI per ken,
Morns k Mitre Home Joornal, published in New
York ureeklk; $J per annum.
Downeu;'s Iloroculturaluq, monthly; t 3 per yeti,
Toe Cotton., monthly; SI per xnnunt
The Aereraltarale.t. monthly; 1.1 per year
The Democrat.. Review, monthly; S. per mknam.
The D.lere Maramte, elo $ do
jam! ❑ookorller t GI W 0 .4 al
rut Ittstehttl• INez Us Wild Feun dry
TOIDI WI:WEST &Ca, are prapar , d :a build Canna
and Wnoko Mac hnery of every de.ortimon,
as Cardtor slartnnes. Sredrrs.
Maw.; rrarm, Railway Wads, Warporsoacumlrrs.
11rr...1114 Pram,. Looms, Card linnder,. to,lst
Iron a , aaltirt turned, all %tact of 1:/ot Iron.
Ilanga” of tae sltde and
and to of all 10:t. - 1, Casn.,ga ar rar.ry .Ic..ertptmn
" liii Nrolat , d on aho-, non,. made In or
Granola, Iron Minna. titrant Pipe 101 . heat.
.115 Factories, Cast 1.111 Wl.^ll an,i r.they Car
t/op generally Urgers IM. at ofi•
I, mei' d. Co., Liberty street, a , !i IdaVe prompt anon-
It..frr to 111ack,,A,13.e1l & Ca.. I. K 3loorchend &
t... E John Irm: , ektte , urr. , ;G.
oJ. II WI. pier. ,teubrilvOlt,
r tjti eunacriner odor, for vain a large and %feet:did
n,tutmotit of ruocerood and tnaliogan i cram' A•'• non It anos, with and without Coleman , n, nriacd
Median Attachment. The ninon inaramrnu nro .vor
rented to be equal to any roanuierteted ties noun*
try, and will no wld lower then any brought o-ein the
Lost F.I.ILUME, No Ind w.ael .t,
donr anove Soh
1. 1.1.--Ctly Scrip wal ho taken at par fat a few of
ho above a,oortott,. rtnrl
U1SIIRI1KA111,1 . : FLA 4 \1.:1.5.
IVR 10
. M1:.11V t• 0,41:1131 , 10 kreL•
V of.eommytt of trr L 11.1.f.nt •
uoti ions acer , ,tly srot, . Ili, o
E,Lull,s. Alto t.ll,
LI II.IIIN . ‘14,3, V
nn.l rt-a rdLpt. tor irt,.OLL
°Oaf. , L,Ltiolg 5011,0 .14 w 4,1 1 ,..
I'cr.ifot Arid 1;1111., i161111t..5. 10f
pftlo, with n f I supply Amu. ,
tl.ltl, tiLlfiill.ll , 6 A/00, •t.
dideteot MMus, at ;,.• I,
Last ,ro., of 411... J f.IL,L•L •... 11.
.4J - •Ziie ILar.n. up ^
w,. I.rd goo 4 /.0 .V y • ..
. 1r
Dlap!lras a Filter. (or Ilydrart eti airy.
11116 IA n crrun' ' v
So , r Agcnt.th7 J ~. L•
iLwaltr,fn Fi..•
Ursa YI nod .y
1011, 6111,0%,
thr Novelty".`. t.ttc torthree ta
t.... ltittiyouts•tte•o. Illott ta n • t
a• t. vat ~. stten.ttra r.trotztu.eutting tt.ottp,o. tut..
It. yr. ul . wltrt• ay.!, !e
ttattattluily rex...lye.: total prom,
I 1V1N....40•1 Wit ;,.l t Cat
OPPJ ti , t r , r, Org.! llo•evro , a
. w
111 a, ve Pa o Ftr m
or. got the r, a.
I.rated factory o. T. ..411 , ett .1 Co , I
1..• en. Ifot iantzusoes, , erns,..•
Mr for I.7oltastry MI/ .. ,, vectolcss of Wo.. and rlaMo - oY
al t0,t0.11. 'I he. ...ore' firm is cowOlered ma! of ~
ver) lir,. to iloctoo, told thrto Yornon, tar etc..., onve o
yawl : tor, hcoary of roqt, and Minttion,^r , or , '"r a. t , .y t 1.0., Cli any other make. 'for tale on ren-ohn
hie tern, by , II I:I.F.IIER,
nt..l. W Wn0.1.x..11,.
literacy, Fleming' " 0e..•
ewr • uperinr Faintly titaic°le, IA I.y gro,
tIX , pair StennyLoat 4 0 by 7 It,
vtl do do do 4by 7 II;
ILO 110 rrthand wyite ilnr.o do
WO do colored Calrfornin do
50 piece. 04 oiddie rinnotel, wirmrsted all Wool'
110 do 44 do do do d.
100 do 3 d
-4 du do o do
100 de sed do 40 do
75 do 04 ye. 0 0,0 d 0 do do
Serinette,Toomds, Jenne and Woolen Vern, .t
ern noon ‘ urnetorre,
CrOP , % orr home, :No 14Wood et, ith door irGeo Fifth
NIT N . I n e , FI .; I o N . 7 . uCK
i ts now or
Imn nnv7:,ll,egir:.dpconurett
ev,rl7.lfore :which he
lb. 6.11110t1 or purchase..
la7Carpet Wan Rooms, 751 , mirth nt.:=Aal
g, L 4.,.
.I,ADic..5 ANTI). Plll. - 11.:1AN3 —No
recommen lotion is so entupletity satisfactory, as
l ase ernellonee and crimpled.. ammo. of auy invent
lion, to the united teattmouy of Mose who hove copes
r p,need its benefits Dtir.tot Dm flat fifteen year., i n
all peril of the Celled timosa, our most talented and
Anii .cnt . plmattians, ham; daily born testuunny to Um
sapetionty. ease. and comfort of Men. IIETT , c Sweet,
flood for Ladies' antreming. They do nos compsess by
Mee! prescarc, "loch In now 'proved to Ire mtendsd by
bad etrects, eausl..? more ll:oultsMan before anis,
li ce A , manning in Phdadelp6m, and lartm and
Increeentic ustnesa Who;csa e nod Stettin, la a
guarantee of the correctness or Atte Shove.
To procure liar Gcsuune suppsrmr, apply only to
WM. TIIORN, ?meets , li.l dlmtet at, Fatal/a:sh—
all other, ure counterrelis.
jAMEzs ISEXPA, tVholeattle Agent, Plailadelphla.
CLOVER SE11)-11 hbls reed and toe sole by
(slat; .l.strslES
I NFALLIBL E:for renaming, invigorating, and !mau
tyfying the flair, removtog Scurf. Dandruff, and all
affections of the Scalp, and.ettring Eruptions on the
sk,n, Diseaaes of We Glands Muscles and Integu
ment, and relieving Sting, ' Cat, ItonSes, Sprains,
ac . /Lc. With this preparation, "there is no snob
word es fail , ' The Lest Muth.. In America, mcdtcal
men of the nighest convene!, prominent of an
Pr0f...1011 , and ladle. who have used a for years
their (twilling tmoms and numeric, admit with rise te
em., that, for Imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and
curl to the hair, erahlwcorth .cur( end de ndrutf, heal
tog wounds. eurang conamens., stinga,
Res t
end relieving dile.. of 'moosin, mo lt gmilrl.i4, an ca
muscles it beano egad aetc Mth , 01 .
pounds advertised in the public prints. no used in pil
-1,. nattier. In cheapness as won elLoaci,
ry's Tocophcrous munrwalled.
The affinity 'membranes which cons&
sane the skin, and we hair which draws/is...e.t.a
from this triple envelope ,very' claw. - All diseases
of the hair origin titea in the akin of the head. If the
itores of the scalp are riegged, or it Pm bleed and
other fluid. do scalp
circulate freely through the small
Teasel. which feed the roots win f1101“111. and nowt
lilt to the fibre ,tin result is scurf, dandruff, xi/editing
of the With grayness., dryness, and Itesseners of the
ligament, and enure baldness as the row ntay he.—
Stimulate the ski-. to healthful action with the Trieop
hero., and the torpid vowels, recovering Weir activ
ity, will annihilate llae thsel"a.
In oh ellection• of thin, and rif the amus°. of
muscle, end intecurneths, the prance.. and ni the edit are the same.
It in upon the skin, the muscular - fibre. and the
elands, that the Tneupheroas has t
an , Pt all affeettinth and injuries of omit
aovereign remedy.
Wild large bottles, pride :45 cent, at the principal
Office, 107 Broadway, N. T.
For sale by ft. I , - SELLE.
. -
re°W • ant oith disc
o a f ' th n e ' t . ;:.:V;!:rl C,-. L " .
pains In hart Cr I.zob,..falt lot
ulcers. ter. I:, 'Airy r
troleuml may, jilt :•hou.i.. a no ...tram nr
n uch as you pier.a, this due. •oL •-•,, for
are proclaim in Ma fha lion t—mirmiaty, riot
it 11.18 Virtues which -•re hot C011.1 . .ed 0: on, other
remedy. fn- moo who is rocked with pale and sul
fating from fat fifty rent, pet react front
any of the 11, conomaretcd shove. Reader coala
vary little to malt- a trial. Petroleum is flit Intr.
turc—no compond, pat up for tic porpo,e of impo,ine
on the community; hat n i• a reramly claLornled
the rusatorband of rialUr, and ItUtOtter tot from the !w
-arm °tour re ..her mit. ortgir.u: fumy. nod al ,
(err to vuffer.ife humani y •ready renn,y, a certain
and cheap rate.r Pi e,:. It
It has c0..41 le+ after Other meelerines hgve failed
to re- tier any hot eared Itheeirmu.m ,
stand:ag. nod of 'm arpret and most nsf..ial arse, r
It ha cared rhoirr, Morbil. tonn- nr two d 0.., it
lie. cored ca.-. c: ("forme, ,n every Other
rril..! or en t•A• .v:I.
no or 1r0.,0 srp"eri .”.•• endow. te ,
ternow-, r tho to th routt
ille al.orn e.o . .eote.ttl) ott 50..C1 tti
llaain, 7th -tree: rc.1,4 t Inv
Krr.o.r lort.lett
Vow. y. It. A. 1.4.
A ...'.,
Corry.,eherf. • :tr sr. tip' ea,.
• •
Amen by the of HL f.L t haa • azage4
young mat. of iltit mom. of Tow and
ants M. name," potup a ebtraapanlia won, they
nit Totatt-tet..l • Salttnnabiltt. tic:tontine:mg it
tiFiNtilNlit Or, anal. e, oo doc
or nett., Ira, Lai mon torrueity tontiticr on bolt
ratia i .eanabt. anti itiit tti •umr , :ht. bile
Dr W. for the itnitto o o nr ratWng f4r
tin: ort he i.
tie I. totnotre out , coral tt'..tntiot nt
• Lo tt •ori. 1 . • ot
a: on , it. Si won, I will gio• lb bt•tt.lPsoo
ahr W.ll mod., •.41. 00,
i mil—
T... it % it, tit t•. dc , utt.l
'to , hot Otc GENL: I , It: Di: oii L OLD
Ur. int tn. I ltsl...llll.zet. W
rnt lir !. I •4 !le, to. family -coat c: Urn.. an.! L.r siy
natant the coat ear.,
j.krißt To':.
rf,11,11 , LI, New Vora Co).
.- -1,
, .- gnscovEnErc
-,,. _..„,
Old Dr. Tcrxn , nd is now nbcrat 70 year,. of ai!... and
ha. lon, b,n kn, : ywn rts thr A UTIIOII ard DISCO
VE:11:11 o:thela... , s t",./P. , I!!i,INAL nTOWNSFIND
SAR.S.SPATIII.I..A.. " lic:r.c 1 ,,, . L. wnA rnm.P. , l!ed
to . .irmt 1. ntmnelacture !..s . , .vh tl hnt beet/
.ff r.
1.0 ov. or t 0,0., .1.. “td T.l• 'I ; .r:raa....crtocd to
tio.[ . oulT sr h..t..! pro .4, , at sad linowl, It.
1,.. . 1 kas tims. •ND r.r...r. • 1.... l'alz•sar,i sp
. acturo 0.1 the ..., I,{ .• r,:c. •.,.d is [O.Lr.ll for
thr,..:.31,at lt, 'tn.:, t^ , l brr. , Mtl. aft:, la,d.
U. iIS , yOill", :' I . 7.,:n.:::tki S, LL :1.1431,Vt3 with
Mlt: •.. ~" C.. 41 r''. 1 ut for ih,tte; !mesa.: it
pr-oar,lpenclol.t.y a , cientifir loan.
Tin Jasacst tnr.veindge ..5 C.itenaissry, and the ir.r.;
th,e‘....-ne• of the Art, LI., ..+!1 bee, t•rought licit/ 7,
• . .
. . _
. .
cnieroon in thelartneentern at the Old Dr., Parrot..
e.ta.. Ineapare puro.s. root, aI. wtti known to med
., ..l men. cm; -is medleinal oropertien. and some Na
pe-re. waledt are inert or useless; and othr , S7 whleth
if . •.atned in ,l for aro. produce ferment.
tron ha Rent, witch I. ittlYriOES to the ,poem. Some
of 1. • rroperttes of Bariapardla are so volatile thet
they . ..lrely evaporato Kind are lost in tlhe prepara
tion. irthey are not preverved by a setenutie process,
known only to throw. experienced to its iroTulacturc.
Moreover ihn,e relahle principles. which fl' off in va
por. or ne an exhalation, ruder heat, are to . very e.
sctroal nth-heal propernn. it the toot, which elves to
It ail . %tine. The
is PO prepared. that alt the incr. prapernes of the bar.
saparil:n root are Mat removed. every tho.g er.pable
of breonting acid or of fermentation, is extracted and
rejected; then every particle armed:cal viteeter
red In path and cor.centre.d form: land thee ti
rendered ineapaMe of loatc.c wy of . rahlabie ao
healing pral , erties. Prepared in ILLSway, it ta mace
the moat vo , rerful agent in the
Ilene the reason why we hear eararnendationv on
every side in its favor try Well, women Red children,
We find it doing weeders in the cure of Consumption,
pripcpsta, and Loci Cumpintitt. and in ith.I11. , •1•111,
t , crotala and Piles, Costiveness, ell Cutaneous Erne
l'implee, Blower., rind all affections anent; frein
It nor.aossea a marvellous elficury , complaint,
arniing from Indie-stloti, from Aridty t o o th e . 3:OtttOr , h;
/TOM unequal circulator, determination or blood to thr
bend. pail:outwit ut the heart, cold ket nod cold.,,and•
cold rhnb. and Ant grahes nver tto tinily. It hail not
ttr qualcoughl nod colds; andPrnm.r` cony expeeuration, gen :0 p,raptration. relaxing itile•
tune of the lus.ew throat, turd every other part
/3ut to ,thanit In a. excalleurc err. mantle:ill' neon
and acknoarninged titan an all itiittet natal nose. of
.. , t
, rke seentderA in eases of lluo: wr lutes,
0 , Womb. ,ed, Or rAttl. I
NI Men., Irre,e. 4,11 of the meow , I pe , -,ilcstsd
the lite; end etteeturd ..1 curs I st the Kle.
fey 01c, , •. Its re,. vow 0 1 ., 4rlk 0 • 1.1 r- alto.
0 give. In t. , 1 It to I
the whoie ...Our 01. a, tun,' .O
and thus rreveots or rett..vse • grout vitrety of other
thaenscs, frt . ...10n, Nett t St. Vitul
Donee, Swoot,in., Ertlrotle Oonvul,oonc, Ay_ Is I
not tAlo.thett,TsnMirolciSK Ton Piusklntretorrt, Noun! I
But eon any „pi [Lore dung* bo soot of S. I'. Town- I
rondo tntertor ortt ins This young mun's lottod to not
to tke COMPARED WITH THE OLD pit. 3,
become , • of the Grao.i Feet, th at the one to toeunable
of Detenornoon and NEVER SPOILS, wide Inc oth
er 00E. , i; „. sours. foments, mud bk. lhe 11.411ce
contail,inf fra g ments ; NOW, mold co
olo.ling tlutnesta* other goals: Stunt not this hos
rldcectenvottnd t . pui,nsiov. to the sy.tette WIISU
out ~..11 two 1 , or , o n 1 ntreaey tticenceo with 10,01
Why. cruse, lt,•;kl , ,alUut urn :. Ito tre not WI know,
tr. • .our , lit oUr 6lnntari., ruls'lne,
tt -t: , ollistatitta of Ow
hour, ortnota , ol. atur-h,r0,d3x , t , 0 , ,,, 0,11, u.,tl
••lv tan nerd
0 h0,! , ~ r the • 11 - loot prodnn the Remo,
„. 3 ,0, bong on of rhoo. It, Seolti Dead.
• Itheum,Erystpelo,% , att.. su.ell,c ,• revet
nod all uleernmoot suo.ron , nod exit tt I. at th.
log ender nee+, tott .o• a•tan moor',
no.: thus coo". nll too littws ..f , n. Into. sr
Vibe cool" , Rh...03n., tor. tour seal thud, whien
'winnows itself I.K.tween o,e old ckelohe,t.. tr
1,1,0, and the vntler . . tt—o..
erhteh oetal So of ts-rvott.ot
,t• ~. deratt,ott s .... . Milli overt)
• .1,011 , •nt •911,:,1fit..1 }1.41n emiu re
Is 11111, nntritse In e 1.., ACit. and Infinite.
• 'et Lc taut, lam tt .t
on" t,IIIIII .1: 1,01 t.
• wsitid Iwo: the ono a .•:. • • •
P I "..vtorete's Wati •
1 tl, lg IDr u . , • ~
mtuntionc inn,. n
,r wtho so Its.,
tose,t toms: P. Tst oen.• tt.
t; ~,,,W e •
it und..r.ttno, 1., nu, it
truth, that 1 . . I t ,ient..
'I owtt,wl • --tr,:nwtHa 4.k-A ,1.•
wttunely tu.ti titey are uni.k c 111 evrrl - p.-
ucr.o nolllll mu 4... tang, r.nntaton. -
l/ 10 Ottlr at trautt• upon the untntlunatr tn
bnita into wounded nuntatitty, to Linl.r Ittt
~,toce tie ttith mount and vi-
It van rrughrd .:nd two., ..0.1 luuttsl . l. mar:Tu
t, —tam c. 14!S 'IOWNSI,, , D Las
and F 1.1: 00, 00 , n , . be , tl
ek•NA!IiN LIU VF.I.)
wawa the reach, .0.,1 14 tta hnosvict,,,
red it, th thn, et,..; I .ttrn 1,7 et
t .e..1.A.) , row.
1:01tutIn Agent (or
Western rii, Nrmingno,t,
J. Sititt:il2.ANT, .., , Z,.;hanyi Dr J. CASSELL, na.
1,. W. Li., t1qN!..R.,11 ward. l'ittOurolt
I I bld g R COMPLAIN - I' perrorloed Up
j thena.y true cud genuine Liver
ASEAT,G'. Mown , Smolt :A yo.p.
Vr R : , ..her.—.ln Aptir Hitt my wile WOO attack-
• .1 wL.a I.:oer and ilad tip MlVice of two
ph, olio - ,:z, who ansioye tentedien wttbout pro.'
duo j oi r ha, etor.l ileorct of your role.
Lratc.l t..rot rrnr , , I Concluded In groo Memo fair
rr.t I I , qteltm.ed one Lis of Mr. Scott, of Ate rdeen,
and Rare lOcift sceorditl3 tO the direottooc, by orruen
en , tr.. I procured Second Lox,
tolath enntety cored Our, and slur ram crLoy.
or nodal, I hive sued them myaesl, pronoonec
cm to•• Lest (aunty :dedicate I ever Med.
t h our , me., 111J.Sais
I . :opmed amigo:a U It. SELLUKS. 51 Wood
I soul .1.0 6y ihnggrrts generally in ore two mt.,
Cantolnnis , so Mercury, we other Mines/.
rr I followine testimonial was given by the
1, WAWA Dr. W.ltitl Beach. thgauthor of WORT..
medical work monied The' American Practice of
ditedie t ae and Panel P; ysielan
be anthills aeitnaimedsvithr the !nun:bents
which muntorie All.llealing Chroment,
and having viruses:M..l.d tested it in seventh ell., In
my paves* pracime, l have no he:Malian in saying or
citifying that it in a Vegetable Kennedy, contairons
uo mu
Incinend bstance whatever, that Its ingredient',
coniblithd as they y and need an ditectcd by the
Priipnctor. arc not only r.,
harmless, but of grestrivulac.
bng a truly scientific. Remedy or greatpoweri and I
pheerfulty memo:nem! it as a compound whitth has
door notch timid, end whith is adapted to the arc of
a grem awaits of roses. Though I have never etcher
recommended or cognised in the sale of secret use&
eines, regard fur the truly tome.t, el:instil:orients. hu
mane character of the Proprietor of OM Obstineith
and the eolith of ill! dl!COVery, Oblige me to say thus
mush regarding it. W. BEACH, lb D."
New Vora, April Vsl,l-10.
BURN —lt oue of the hest things in flit - world
for Fiore,
• • •
Pll.ES.—Thousaniln are yearlycured by Mi. Oint
ment. ft never fads in giving relief.
Fed Tamers, Ulcers, and oil Muds of Sores, luta
na if
en mil.
hfoihors7 and Norton tees us value IS dares of
Swollen or Sore Breast, dry would always Pout, It.
Tri such cases, if used according to directions, It gives
relief In a very . Into enure.
Aroand the bin ore directionefor using litenilistees
Ointment mr-SeroOdu, Liver Complaim4 Erysipelas,
Tenor. Chilblain, Scald Dead, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat, Broinclittes, Nervoult Affections, Pains,
Disease or Mr Spine, Brad Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear Sehe, Barns, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore
I ips, Pimples. So., Swelling of the Limbs,' Spree,
Rtmarnau•ni. Dile*, Cold Feet, Crou Swelled or Bro
ken Bream, Tomb Ache, Agoe in the p,
Fnce, Se.
From the Reading Eagle
There was nese., perhaps, a Alealcine inveght he.
fore the public, that has in no abort tidos* won sects a
repaint°. as -.ltlcAllistefe 611-/loating all World
Salve. Almost every petsurt that has toadetriarof It
spina. prcise. One tas been tilted by
it of the mot painful thrnmheism.
, bird of o troublesome pun In the ride, a (mirth, of a
...welling in the Ennis, inc. If it &MA not girt imme
diate rote,, in every ease, Ile. do on injury, being
arrilicit outwardly.
Pe mother evidence of-the wonderful healing p . a.
er possessed by this salve, we subjoin the follovirmß
certificate. from a respectable citizen of fdaidencrtek
township, in this county:
Maddenereek, Rooks co., March 311, 1847.
Messrs. Ritter IL —I deeire to inform back,
that 1
se. entirely cored o ffs severe palish:l , le back, by the
us. of 11cAllizicre ARllcalinr Salve, which I pur
chased from you. I panted viriMit anon. O tt leers,
and at et° was unable to amen. Doting th at I
tried lotions remelt , s, which were pr-se Med mr me
by physictims and other persons. wsthotts • cit y
relief, and at ins: rdide tti.ll of this Satre, Alb are
snit favorable , eyonl expeetanon• lam now reuse.
free from ibe porn, and enjoy at night a gesci.fai
aid sweet steep. 1 have al. used the Haler inner fee
molt ache and otter complaints, with atm( ar happy
results.. lour friend, Join tioI..OI:OACIL
Sole Prr.prietor of toe ahoso medico,
Principal Chiles, No North Third street, Phdadet•
Accers to PierLienotr.—Brtecn /c Reher, comer of
Linen) . and FIL Clair aireeoe and L Wdeon, Jr., ear
ner or Market street and the Diamond, also comer or
Fourth and Saint/hold stICC,O J.IL Cumi, comer of
NVa'nut and Peon sirrem, Filih.,Ward; and cold at rho
I3ceMstore ut SmtlnGeld street. 3d door from Second.
In Allegheoy City by If. P. Sehmartz and J.Sargent.
By 1. ft. Smith. Dump., I! =lngham: D. Begley,
Eon Liherty; IL Itamlnad, Me Knesport; J..lLlciander
it Soo. Monongahela City; N. 11. Boansum Co, nod
J. 'f. flora. Brawactilte. John Barkley, Beater, Pa;
John Walken!, Eli mheth fentloodl
• - •
Judd'. lledlented Liquid Cutlet..
r Plus to udoa:nedlr to. beat prgnnt!on veer dl..
ann. !train., VT :tny [tin of freelt mounds, also for
taar, •io,ea remedy unequaled
ar p ti•lr •
Le ion-oder , for family t.e,andrllnulothe
OW,/ )11 lite !WOW •0011 Of every manly In rho tsnd.
Mori - Lava , who ore at cons:not don;rer osit;ory
,cr•one thrown nreident rind the improper or
ee,•• of lOW, find thia riatleletn be tovala.
We to The, awl after n lair trial vetll confider it til•
Ott ttier;ttlll sor adhesive platter of_
Lind, toil:OIL. ill) Or 11, incoavemenree, and it to
soad:ennal u• to ni:ay p.m immediatey and mart
A very i.ts'e arpned nay whet eon the r or&ec ante
AL:Ln. , orra• a firm, eoatio, vreY
tr ‘L , t: antOr raoere yr 011ier akin; ertechnur
1•.• water ond soap, Wlltlolll any In•
ft. to It, Ireetld
I t.l ague.: , ,/. giv nava end highly to ended
py 010, a rhyrinas et New Englanrtamtcd, and
p., , t• of V,
41 . :4 It F. AELLEILS, TFocal et
N 1:(1. :rale ,applied at the ettapatact ,
Selz rot Verailfnge.
I T lIA , NEV Ell.. tr. tingle Inztaoc,, to e.x.
re Worm.
CA Cot". {ions, , July CI: l°l7.
Seliers: lon welt meoliect that when we
wure in i itimmreh,;n Neveudier last, you prevailed
od us in try to your Verrn.fuge, Wrest its virtues. We
4,! to and thremili Miu winter we sold whit we pur
chased, 'shies s tave it a low reputation.: In May Met
we purchased more, wilirS was disposed of immedi.
mel9. We then ordered more, which reached a. on
dieall of t h e present month, and on yesterday we
sold Ms lost of two dozen bottle.. We find it so Val.
tack a medicine, taut every person of a family wish
es lo have it in their perseecon.
Thai, wee Imre perehased it would be perfectly -
Willing to :rive certificate, of li. excellency. Out of
the yi,antity we hove sended. it has never, tn a eingle
romance. (died to expel worms.
Veur friend, Wm C. ft! Luis Co.
v Ilea and •n 1.11),. R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood gt,
Ltrogluas generally in tbo two cures.
lft" . l/lIATIT BOTTLES.
Tlll 11010V/O, /OD PILiOIiNSTF
•6:36 IMO a. 4 filT OP TOO "4" EL00 " : "'
OS ...BLF OF SHY 100130, TM
Scrofula or King's Evil, 1n100.01.1110M, Obstinate Cum
. ...tor Eruptions, Pimples or Post:deli:mete Poet,
Clutch., Chmoic Sons klyes,lFting Worm
nr Tenn, Scold Head. Enlargement and Pain of
the !tones .d Joints, Stubborn 'Meets, Syphiltie
Syniptonu. Sciatica or Lronhogro,—and diseases
eating ham . unudieloos use of Mercury, *M
utes or liropsy, Exposure or Imprudence Lb Life;
'o,o—Chronic Constitution' Dimple.% Pee.
In Mt. preparation aro otronglYdoneodi.idd all the
bledietnol properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with
the most effectual aids, the oto 0 solutr.r/ productions,
the most potent pimpl. of thovegetab:e kingdom; and
it bus been so fully mated, not only blPidtenl. 'hem
redoes, bat ahm by physicians, tout it has mired
their utquithhed recommencoriors on.he apptob••
non of the pn him; And hos eetoblishecl, Oct to own
merits, repumtion mr rasa and 13111,AC1 fa moo •
curio the various compounds beartnid-qc name of
r ilin M.S., have been 'eared, I.lch us are
no, furnished In the records 'ol" aeon posh, and what it
,• hn. simady dons for the thouiandt who have tared it.
it m capable of doing for the millions still wEerin!..l
I 00th diseare. It poriGes, <ileum, and
( •Ireitethcris the fountain springs of life and
new vigor throurbout the whole animal 'came.
The. lobo striking. end—as will be secn—yer
menrin core of inveterate case of com
mend, itself elfto ell similarly A ff licted:
Sourtmcorr, Conn.. t en. t, ISte.
Menem. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy ior rho
en 'daces mo to inform you on the remarkable cure
effected by your Sarsporilln, tithe on of my wife.
tt - P, severely afflicted with the Sernfola on differ
s part. of the body: the glands of the neck were
,reaLly erhireed, said her limbo much 11T/ellen. APer
rtitlenag over a tear, and finding 110 rklief from , he
nedie4 need. the dt.,, , e :attacked oneand e
kiee ;venue' Iler phyniclan advised it
.i,l in laid oven, which was done, bat without any
•-rent bir,eßt avi
lin this snaatioa lad heard of. d ,
Iwv• incluce.L ter um, ;lands' Sarsaparilla. The first '
home prodcleed a decided and favorahlo effect. reheat
in; her more dtion nay prescription she had ever taboo
anal I , for, - rho mud 411 bottles—to the astantritment
nip , i1e.,41,‘"1f her friends—alio found hpr
Ir, 1, 1100 . 0Ver a rear sinattea: our was of.
sort her health remains good, thinning thut the woo , thoroughly efailicated tram den system,.
r nregilhor• are all It aooritig la these Paetii,.l think
very highly of Sinai.' S'arusportff
Pont , with respect,
...010 0 leverreceived from Mr. INkl.....‘Vflar.
I rt. Kt.nuranan wail known to /40401011.1 O.
I have cured a negro boy of pima with
who war attacked pith ti,lpfulg y
• 1 our, artily. N. W. lIARRIS.
-reeldre ha t'. - ,IL 1.., yo, it. hely!,
eeh.. 'A ,--.. •11121-ha —lt acetaa almost connect ssaa ~
t' an Mae , : altetatott to an Drunk! so 'wall known, and
rii a
s da..thryvalla mender, av this preparation, lampanents '
:••1i. , : ~. ..o ~ .v.., u Iv v. , the extract of Sat ispartlln, arei.
Irmarqd an try worthless entnpoitedn beard,: the Junked
but rdleattenz link or none of Ma virtinicartloa 'Sala
n and we think eve ennent center a stetter
te.elit nat.( tenders than in claret:tug' their ctirauan
In the advett...ener tof the Messrs. Sand„ In attanter
etivean. The lassie has tweedy been enlarged to
heal a quart, and thoscleho with a really goad article
will find concentrated in this all the seed/anal value
." the toot, The egperacacc of thousands has proved
Its clllers:l .- i. caring the various diseases lot seldch it
is rethentraendedl and at the present thee :note than
any other, rothaps, Is this mealtotne useful, an prepa.
ring thd system lore change of wawa — ltionle l out '
ana,Supt. 101 -
Prepared mil sold, wholesale and retail. by A. a e.
U. SAXDS I) u,, , aiht and Chenegt, len Fallen *thee,
eothre of al am, New York. Veld all. by Dr.g .
att. denerallf thentld heat the Unned titan , and Can
ada , Price 31 per both. eta boillse to , rBA.
Por sale by , W1L(3):(.....1r.. B. A. h AIINFAIUsa
& IN), and 1V15V.1.511) FF.NDEnICII, eh. Al!
, , a.rtar. Fa. S I ria. Mids.:sae. . (delta deo,'&.WT
• - -
lir It. \I Li It l'ltY kexpa gooslonly
rs , on 11/111(1 an
. +mune,: BIGYCLIO II Ltd. table Ihope of
dgletrot WWII% 00.1 coaling , Ai:a—Table Cloths
faNapkin.. Toweling thapert and Towels, au - d — s
M•liP01111.1.1l 110111 C fIIIIIII.III I K good. febll
TT Alft returned from the Exetere Ciorr,and i 4
nt large canary of seexOnahlseode.te
~h,ohreccoe ~peettelly inseies the atterthort' - ot - wench'
an dpe•ller.. No O•t Wood K. fetal
szty et all the ail ,
fe!teeh . ATYNO6: O 3 A MEE.
VOL. XVII. NG. -477.
MIZE Second Session of QM Insliteden. ander the
care.of de. and Mrs. GoanontA tar the pra,enl
academic year will commence on this day, Monday,
February same buildings, No. 30 -=liberty
street ;
Arrangements have been mat by valets they edil
be able in furnish yomor India, facilities equal mi any
In the West, for olumnice a Moron 11 Fluglisla CI•811.11
colon., Ornaments: education. A fell course ofu
isoßltice: and Chemical Leeturcs 'Rill be delivered
daring the winter, illultrated by apparatus. The de.
cam/mita of Vocatund Instrumental Music, Modern
Languages, Drawing And Pawing, winced. be ender
the cam era competent Frofeeror, dose attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pa- •
Ole the Principals hope to anent a continuation of the
hhatalt patronage Amyl haw thitbertn:Satured. For .
term, see cireular or apply re the rrincipahs
COAL WOUKS Nog .lials/Ca
Mt§ property lica at the upper end e( Llseestmen=
a attest Maumee below the moth of Allege Omsk.
Toe rail road and the neonatal braidings era new,
and the eoee lunatics. worked Just entomb to pat It in
goodonier. The Pit opens within 2$ yardoof the ele
m. and Ste Inclination from Ids lust Maci as - te carry
We can to the beats. The water , at .theltatrultstg Is
good--permining boats to be loaded et altsessems,aod
the month of M W
fngo a ert distatice S ao
ample hasher; to steam thato_frons the deeds sad lee
or winter. The Tract connected with these works
consists of MX/ Xeres Coal, lying in the neck of land
between Mingo , Creek aid the Efeetougahela All
things considered, this property cosoblaw,petbsPh
many ed•eatavee, and holds oat &ohne indatementito
the capitalist, as say on the river. The . °Mao tract is
offered (pr sale; hot, to amt parr-hum. a porilink may
be reserved. Price reasonable and terms very easy.
For farther information eremite of 1
fob Voral, street near Wood.
Susan /3471atCilonsers and llaaat►otarers
by steam
ARE respcmfolly stormed that a,saving of about
one fourth of their fuel may , be effected by tiring
HEATERS. the operation of the, Beam
Blowers, the dren of the furnace eta be inege.ed to
Amon any extent, without regard to the Beighth of
chimney, or in *sty way depsndon on the natural
dish, whilst the Air HOLM rotten:is a large portion
of the waste beat prom the dues, and remelts it to the
famais to bested which she us great degree
centralizes the d
e .den.. affect of %bonito:wen in the
dr which seppltthe dealt, thereby predeelen • wow
perfect combustion, and a re sts zonebisker bow:afire.
In boning coal, it will We the ban from being
burnt out. by keeping them Clean nod free of clinker;
Fed the fire
ruen i a r lees raining or .shaking op."
For further parueniars refer to Capt. Gntion,ofeteam
boat Ware No. tr, Cep; Sterling and tie. Joseph Tay
lo. Engineer of ate= boat J. J. Crinenden; Captain
boat Issue NearthAand Setae&
sinson, Front
he Pittsburgh.
NOTICE hewers. given to those who have been
Blowers, in ignorance of the rights se
red under my Patent, Anse an appellant:7 41117
11.41:4 10 0Z92111.13111 the Patent itself, by eeilics eti •
Itch to Bennett, Wood at, oppotite St. Charles Hotel,
iabnst, and parehesing the privilege of ening dd.
improvmentll wbo di not avail Iconel of
this, will be proceeded Against, without exception, tf
they continue to infringe on mild_pasent sight
MITE Partnership heretofore exesung between the
subseribers, in the Maw business, seas dissolved
by mutual consent on the 113th' last. The business of
We firm will be sealed byJohn Parker, al. the old stand,
corner South Common and Federal
OH Street.
Allegheny. Feb. 21.1, 1550.-Ifeb2S-tre'
* Great Natgotta Work'
Darerrrsown by Brady.—En-grareed by IY-
Aeirson.—lilitsd by aas Aasmatiam .j literary
Typaittk th, title will he pobltshed, during the year
L) Ic2o, twenty four Portraits and Biographical
, tetchy, of Amatcan citizens, who have become tli•
lastrio. in tho service of the country. Every periled
of the. work ,1.11, IttAiVel tilt troll careful ttleiltitil.
and nothing will foe
to reader It worthy and
enduring anourunc. to Mc great men of the Repablie
The Typography will be ueettted as carefully cad
in as superb style us the engravingethemselves. 'the
enure work will be on the lingo imperial Jblio paper,
16 by 21 Inches, made expressly for this p.p..-
Tins work hen nothing sectional in Its wpm- it will.
therefore, be comprehensive m its spirt Toe names
of those torn only will be admitted, whose talents and
public centres have wen for them an honorable font
throughout the nation. K n ob of the greet dePettnteots
of life will have its representatives. Act end Los.-
tore are universal to their spirit, ind thisCiallery m
tended to be a worthy end enduring truunozokut to the
green Men of the Republic, whose achievements arid
Como constitute the chief glory of Ike nation. We
hope that every lover of ostatal (Omit of our glorio.
Union, Win respono to odir appeal for encouregem at it ent,
ion os embrornuable an eutertaking, ths
motion way wake art era in - the progress of Am-.
ellcan Att, anti, by grouptng the illustrious men of the
km on ingot/4er, toosolidate it still more firmly. _ •
As es, iv, rk of thin kind has appeared in America,
and the pile,. they &Watt werald place it.
beyond the reach of most of our cinsenz, the point..
ers baud resolved to merit u large etrettialtert, by
cheroot a very low price, em 5t per rio, or tilt for
the ent,lo 5001011 of 24 Nos.
Two NO, are now published, containing Portraits of
President Taylor and Itan-John C. Coßmau.
JA.51412 D. LOCKWOOD, al Wood at (
fetell Agent for Wesiern Pennsylvania
ACIRCULAR sent us by a friend, announcing the
formation elm new Traniportauon Company, by
oar late Agents aillablutord and Columbia, impels us
nuts early to apprise our friends mid the pabile that
tacit makes no alteration whatever la our bosinese,
save the champs of our agents mid locators of oar
were:lousea at those points, both of which we have
effected advantageously for ourselves and our ensiont.
With the experience of fifteen , ears in We Trans
portation basin., self reap.t, as wet; as &regard for 7
the intelligence of oar patrons, forbid on to tax We -
credulity of the public,, or cater for its amufemeta by
lengthened prefesabsos m print. We bog Leave,there
fon, to say, in general terms, that our arrangemeaw
are considerably extended; the convenience and ca
pacity of oar anirebouses,. - Pivansugh, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Colatobi. unsurpassed; our Weil/nes
for regularity and dispatch increased; and war tauten]
Itberel as that of any . other responsible line; and that
our freight, whether in depot or in transit, Is always
turned free oil expense to the corm
We appeal to our past conduct as an me. of • our
frump, and cortEulently look forward to a continuance
.ar-thk,patmmge winch huceer been oar wady to
des.'ee and our pleas., to acknowledge. Under
wick impreasions, we Khan he pirpared at all Woes to
meat honorable competition; those resorting to any
other we shall neither envy nor imitate.
will be conducted as areal, by th e proprietor.
corner of Penn and
THOMAS BORB sts, /quartlDGE:er.;
t7B kdarket st,Philadelphts; -
And by the renewing Agents:
JOHN IdeCIILLOUGH &CO, t 8 North et, Baltintore;
P. a BURR & CO. x 3 Doane sit BOMA;
W J. T. Terscorr C 0,96 South la, N. 'Vern;
ESE 3=2!
OLEMUEL; or, Going down talkie Cotton Field; o
new and very pods, Ethiopian. Song, no sang
by Chrisry's Minstrels,..Oleve York- Consped by S,
C Foster, Esq., author of 'Uncle Ned,...%Eltwanssa,"
?icily was a Lady; hy S. C. Foster.
Bee Bolt—the rename eopyi by Helmet Kamm
Speak Gently; a very popular mu; by V. Vilollitoo.
Indian's Prayer, by ihe author of 'lle Kind, de ".;;;,
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home.
Thou bast wended the eptnt that loved Met.
Flirtation Polka; by Strako.h.
Allen Polka; by Sprott.
Carat Waltr, by Professor Hoh „ boek.
LILT ir tgl ai tm t'' • 11 • Leber.
La Veen de Perks' Grand Wert; by Claboorne.
The wild dowers soon will shed thou bloom; from
the operaof Lad. de Lammermoor. •
Coma, or May Hoy. in tho Olden Time; by C. K.
Euy Variorums to "The Last Rom of Sommer," by
Thou AM Gone; song Isom the opera of Ameba.
The Groves of Blarney; from Bethoven.
•When the Mato on the Lake Is Bea.
A Voice from the Waves; deem by Clover. -
Joys that We've Tasted.
Make me no candy Chapter, from Lneratla Borg k A
Low Backed Car.
Dearest Me; with easy eariadona for beginners
Bonapane's Grave. •
We ars floppy and Free.
' Festoon Poika; by J. IL Hewitt.
seen and for .ala by JOHN
atat No.ood stree i.
N. j 8.--A large sleek of new PIANOS, to awls. this
Blaelcwood'a Magazine and tl`• Bttttt k
quarterly Ilealaws.
VIZ: Ltnrson Qc•ussats Itsvmr;
Tat Tstiinsrsoa Itssugw;
Tat Nana evil= Rsvnral
Tns Wrsnnxralßtvass;
And—Elkacavroonkr tinuaeranit name.
Foe an ram of four Review.. MX* per annum,
For Bla y
ntyre.] anni the *Reviews, IRMO
- PaYinents to be made in all ease. in &thence
Published simultaneously in New York and Pins.
b' elllackerit>d W and ood Aliebtirgh Review tor.lanuary
me now ready.
Urea. Arrival:of DIM GOodS.
rpm , . vabseribers are now prepa4l to otter still
Freer inducements to pose/taw or MT Gem's.
Tnear established low prices mull elm me 'pt of
Goals, (having werived over. PM pa haps sf new
and desirable goo1a,) emulsion in part:
lilt dos Fteren Wrought Coilars and es;
ICI pa Rich Dress Stlltsi_
too p s hiparr as / from Mi in 50 tents r yard;
saws Sloostin 01..a1tn , , from 10 ! tOr. per yard;
•2 •• literiume Prim., all styles;
1 s Mourning sfrom to m 2le per yard;
•• soigne., good sty/es, lr•Je per yaw. •
nimenttes, Shirtineyzod 11 ekes sg Goods, in
! ;Teat all 01 WaCh bowfin at Gitreale
ty low ;1,01, at
A A MASON a CO'S, Market et
AVED-1.6H Vertni eiu to,
Lasustruns, Vu, Jan 20, 1849.
su. J. NE- Wilson—Dear sir, The vt of Sellars"
Vsrintliagr..l bought traroloaomMe time bruited.
frcns lil y g o bye years old, the tunnizishi g bomber or
dre9tandied a l!beleve ve e r
wOn d have lived
it ve
*sort t fin (WS prtedletne.
npered and sold by R. eSilf.LtifL. /57 Wood st;
sold slur by Oraggists generally I. th/t taro elites.
Tobacco, 'lowan and large sew., or all bads;
Drum Calabria and lime Work. werally: Corner
of Icily and First streets.
- '
Tl' subscriber, having parchatest the Facto of
James racemes, Jr., located at the above nand,
would respeeifully inform ltta Wends rind the public
that he le prepared to all toy osiers Lulli. lute, on the
moo reasonable mot and' with dispatch, and will
reel grateful for their patronage. ..
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, IESO.
!LOVING diopoie . , of hotiment io:
Thoiliao Pad:taunt, take. the Liberty to solicit
forhimthe patriivaa,af my friepdi and the public.‘ that any favonl aeoferred will be
dais. appteehaed acid prouiptir 'Located Lo.
, ..., - JANUES , MTER.ZON. Jr.
Pittabatei, 'J
0 111 iilo 611.•