• _ T - 4 A `ESTABLISHED YN 1756 • .PUBLISBED By WHITE & CO. D. a WW2!] [s. ..torr. earns 1111.D414, *quiz, vr.“ noon To an/17 en r•—•—• / • —37,00 per as 1/ Weekly, 1 dranee)•••••••—• •••• 2,E1 " On. o lobs, et • reduced raw. ICAI C OP ADVERTISING AGREES 11/1-.51' E . / r. BY TI riTTsounan PRESS. . One SOW re DeSnee'of tioriP;r4:ll; Irri) one / r ' ....,......—.--- 50/5 0 One Sew re each addltional assernon •• • //rn s Do. one week 1,75 , Ilt==let==tt:l It=t==l _ • Do. nue alet Do. two mondis•—•—•••• 9,00 lea tow months UM° Da mx. moral's. • • ••••••• 12 1 1 X 1 Do. twelve months— • • -- •• Pleading Card (ft Imes ar lee.) per amtum• Inito One Square, changeable molest... (pee num) each/arm of the paper•-•—••• *Pa For each additional square, Inserted overeat month, and fur each additional square inserted ender the veer ly rues, half price. Adverlimments exceeding a ski nueut end tot over fifteen WI., to clasped al NOM. and • Milt —Publishers not a...tamable for legal advertisements beyond the 600001 charged for their publiccio.. Anneancing Candidates for dace, to be charged the .one as other advernsements. Advertisements not malted on the copy for a speci. bed Anytime of inserions, be continued till Imbul, and paymentaxacte: accord. The privtletes of yearly advertisers atilt. confined r'g,dly to thenregular business, and all other advs.. net panainlng - unbar - regular badness, as aetced has, to Ire paid mots. All advertisements for cismitable mutations, firo companies, ward, township andantes public mecums, and such Itko, to be chatted half price, payable suicuy in advance. - - Nlairtago waleaa to be eitarged SO tents. ". Death mines inserted withouschargeohnlens accom panied by funeral invitatlani or obituary notices, and when so accompanied to be paid for. lirgadas advertiser. and all othen sending comma nientmus, or leguirirg notices devigned to . aialt atten tion to Fain, Some., Concerts,' or any public enter. matzo... where charged are made toe taimitiance— all °olio, of private associations—every 'notice de imure m mill attention Co private enterpnien coleaia red or iivended to promote indivilnal interest, eau on ly be thaemedNvith the umiczatamling that the samw is Co Le paid for. If Intended to he inserted an the Men eolumn, the aurae Will be charged at the rate of not lets than to e. 1.• per line. litshoparVistliottees wire charged tnple price. Tavern License Petitions, Ali each. local and Medical adverthor eina to be charged at fun prices. Aral Estate Jtgents and Artationtere Advertisements nut to be clawed under yearly tales, bet le be allowed domino:l el thirty three and onAthild per cent. from the •nvit, of bill. wsuJA oIA rm•wuar rt. DAILY Tarns., One 2.4411kam, three insenions— -• •• Do. each ooldiuonol Insertion Uapbyuure, DO boesj one insertion.• • 40 en, Du each nchluional inoertion• • VI trancent sAve niIIeBICIIDI to be IWO: advt.. Wllll% CO, Goattei.,... 11A111% Post, 110117 IL RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. DARE & CO, Chronicle. VOCTIJI. k BkOT111:11, . JOS I.‘NOW MIN, Mercury. 1111 LAM 114.1NE,I,ening Tabun, Yorr.sonon, Deo. 1, ItHIL IiUMNL66 13 'Rester esalen Weeato Lieteweil. & BAKM WELL. ' 01tAk..113 LAtte l --telee io Teshmen' Grua sueet, tear the Coin Goose. fete ALMIADIDEA. M. 'WATSON, TTOILIVET AT UM-02m on Fourth StMet üboac Satithhaltt—Loartin's Etuihttngo—op loot. innr-y A LLAANULit FitAhliLLN, Attorney at Law, A Fa "LkAlfritiT -- TTI.aCc A TTORNLV AT LAW AND CALAINISF.IONLII A FOlt PENNSYLVANU4 $t Larlt, ua All eroarnanicadostaprontpq_aniiverect. orteO4Y AItAIATIOUNO AClLOZEkt,Cosonnsalon Itlerenanta and _Dealer, in Produce, N. IN Marko - otrece Pittsburgh. e-co 'T6ri~Aiit. - usi7t~Ya; ATTORNEY nod Counselor m Lem, Commis aio - tos for WO Slate of gensulaana, tit. Loots (Int: of Pittaltuagh.) ttarkatacks.—Yon. Fo rwa td, !lamp ton k hltCandless Breture, Joh. E eatitc 44 well. a Semple, AL , cord a Kintr. attgl4:tily T. It. eu ? BAIIID 411‘;19T*1311.3iTT, - • • • ♦ 7TORNEiS ANS COUNSELLORS AT LAW 11 Poach Ono, between Sme.fiald add Gram , ItOblugb, P. _ it 11,5 man - . A . 1701/NEWS AT LAW, Foont3 meet, near GranL ittl“nt A 7TORNEV AT LAW.—Orfiee ou Fourth s, be toreen atheld and Grant st, Parthurg. _uparUiSly • W. B. IBOODY1,99•••••••-...—ux.ru BIUALLT. BAGALEV. WOODWARD 4k. Co, Wholesale Bets, No.lll Market street; Philodelphso. Pittsburg:a W - Oilca. OIS: Mn ' ritre ' and " St B alphenc Acid, Wszehoo. No. Water sooty below Ferry . uoY2tilY • ISM= El .1.1.1. • •1.01100 111.1.. DRAWL & RFIITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug. ikel matm, gamer of Llberty and Dl.. Clair stream, Dalo r_r_sk..ra arayl4 /mugs- Cluto. w... 1 11100.. ('RAID *. DILINNER, Forwarding . and Coinatissio 1,..) Merchants No. gd Market at. Ptitabaigh. sel3 ..- .llc AN fILT Y a Co., Forwarding and Coe mission Merchants, Canal 13.121, Pittsburgh P 1.11:112 URANT, SVbnlc..ale linnet Conaussino and . ForaranAug Ide . rehtmn No. C'Water rt. ;019 elud r - o - COLEXA.N,' lIAILMAN Co, manafaeta.rara of . Coath and FLpne Mprugs, Ilmunered Axles, S . , ,lnng and Plough Steel, Iron, tr.e. Warehouse on Winer and Freon streets, Pittsburgh. Also, d talon 14 Coach Trimmings and Malloalda Casting, 00112 L. =mom Ml= 1. SWINE:T. V i dr.l l kaot -N Oroe ' n, Co E.*. trSt c r i : warding Merchants, and de.lers in Pro duce doce and Pitta b urge, Uanurnetures, No. 37 Wood at., between Id and ld meets. flea EN J. HENILY, cad Caswell. at Law, Oldo. Collections sicntouthern Ohio, and iu Indiana, cad in Kentucky, promptly and ease folly stranded to. Commissioner for the State of Pew. sylsuoia, tor taking Depositions, acknowledgments, &e. Usk. soon. Wm. Bell & Bon, Canis, Church & Carethert, Win. Hays, Eq., Wtilock & nIZ Ira iiiroeyAntleeor flooliaS K. IC- niaming • UICELSIGY. VLEFIIIIO Are Cu., COMMISSION II `On Mae tote of D.ouettie Woolen Cotton .00.10, alto, Male-ram all ' tindrof Tol t ora d lsm. lionize, No. 117 Wood slice:, fourth dabs from Firth, Pitteborgh. kt.reetocr. Mowers. Wen. A. Mill &CO* Bankers. J. C. I.llEytaglo. A. N. tattrae. LIOSTVOGLE L CLARKE, 0111 , ARLINE: AND COMIIIICSION MERCII FANTS, and dealers 10 Mfludear . . (asa Wane Lead, &e. Second at magi 170111rl .1111516.1.0 N. 110RWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANT, X_Na. DJ Peeved street, Pittsburgh _ dell no•Nli W. 06111 GE„).,GE SMITH & CO., Scream Malawi, and Ho Dealers, Pat at, Patabareb.maga • N DAM& CODDRAN - .l — attartelteVatia Fn ftS Alereltant.No.tl Weal etre.. Patabargb. mel• starax. L amittiCiatTaitA. c. 17 ANIL/ ON STEWART, manufsteturer of Heavy libirttrgs, Checks, &a, Rebecca atnet, city et Allegheny. same,, 1H LE. to Murphy & Lee,) Wool Ilea). er and Commission Merchant, for the sale of Mocricatt Woolens, Ltnerep.oppothe 6th et._ fcbl7 nitainTltalttuto.nr. Lt. erratum, Erratum ours, D. C. x'cateatort, 70101 L. w.s.nza, 11 mu) re BUCKNOTI, Tobacco Comorlaeine Mor a I coarts 41 North Water at, &IC North Whsrves, . , .onv:a,tr •.L. HAIM. . IVY F. loam yintaw, solves & co., Nooomor. to AA . ~,,& c 0) C0M161.10 12 WA Forwarding Mari alma dealers in Pittabargh lilainafactwed (Mod., rwAvnb.P P. 'wall 16 Ot • 1. S. MeVo: WIS. U. WILLIAMS do BANKERS AND . EXCHANGE BROKE,RS, lions Eon corner of Wood 2.0 Third strnoto, 11111 ra, w. Pp OTATUMALLI . MCC... TO S.LETIL C. IOU") UPORTEI & Denier In French and Ainerienn Po• Pu(Hangings and Borders. Window Shades Fire I COMO Prints. tee. Alto—Writing, Plinth:s and Wrap• ping Paper, No. 67 Womlstreet, between bourth street and Diamond alley, west aide, Pittsburgh, Pa. lebt.l _ 1(9 ,. /..t.k . i os rtli:MY•Co., Whol;;;Zia;;;;:aain &.X. L nd and dna:, at Produce, Nn..51 Emu. Piagb• • rrh• "nr_ Nu. NO. A.CAUlillEY,Agem tot Alm Lake LrieTnnti 61 !Monts. Lino to !leaver and thwitten—Offiec on the comer of Water and Smith:widow Jack • • --Joseph Notre r 9 DILWORTH k CO., Wboleeale Groce Lel r' , end rj r Agents for Hulot Powder Co., N 0.27 Woo , , G., riorl.tirek dc.sl, 101. r. 1 , 11M01111• /01711tliLICWWirrif : 1 N. DILWORTH t Co, Wbolowde Grocere Pre .1 . deco and Commistlon Merchant., end Airent (r Cat tuell,e, Powder Co. of N. y., No. Id 7, Wood e . Patellorsh. • mond -• SS Market at., three doora above Tlurd Ova loom) have constantly on hand a well sclested arC .nrrseut of the beat and frostiest Medwlocs, which be will sell on slit west reasouable tennsi Pkylielaos Trill be proceptlyanwaled to.and sup elled mat autreles tlsoy alay rely Upon ae tensing. i i raystelans Presertpuous wilt he accurately and aeauep from the bealaralertals, at say hear of ae day or nixtt. Net ter sale, a tarp stock of Creak and good Vert.: warylattl • • • 051NWATT. Gelilmrt,) of W 54145514 Grocer and Coitialasion • Meretineti d ts ier in Produce artiLYinsburgb Illanaketare• ear ner nt litliFriy tad Band stxre,ix.Pittabar4h ePIr ent Ilotehniin a. 05, Colimi4lion Merchants. ~,5 ~,, of the St LOWS Papa Ite.incrt N 045 weer and 92 tront rases, Pittalicrrh. is .1 . • J(1/1" , ; IL idif .ne in ' Muria wad bitarierd lemma...at., Schad Boot PRP.t, SISEff,Ye." , , Qults., Printers , Cord+, a sttasida.try seaerri/Ytha. al trod -I..patrburga. Logo lamed or ratan 'at trade. se pl 5 1. ~.._... .~i..... ~.~. tn` CARDS. XOA9OO.9ON9IIWELL, Counaellor at I.oiro.—rigi. . tine on Faun: , it., above graithfield. nosy-ly Wanren,lM) Commis . D -C ma d Foranardliag Mr:Lebo:a. andorholciale d .o .tor in Weitern Roger,. Cheese, Butter. Pot and Pearl Ash. and Wearers. Produce generallyi Water item. het'ween Sraithfuld and Wood, Pittsburgh. •op J:iiffIOONMAKER Wholesale Dnuietani, o. or Wood erne,. Pitobrineh. - • . . • 11011 N D. .11ORGA:1,•Wholesslo Dimagigt, and deal .) or is Dye Stufs,Panati, Oils,Tarnialses, tic. N 0.93 Wood street, one door Routh of Diamond Alley. Pitts - _ lout IbirN - D:DAVli,kialli;lec:, comer Silk andVA - 7:e sirens. l'itsbarrh • j ° 111 14 ;1 '' ;Ipe (IN T ?titroc e ttr T e ° l,,, N iio. 44 k I n r7c r el e i t . . " gt. " bury!, le6 J ours ' , Loan. • Racc.... 'tom - 1 R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission sP. hlerchnuts, Dea l / 4 -1 in Produce, Round Church (MI frontota on Liberty, Wood and nth erects. Pittsburgh. r. e JDALZkiLL, Wholesale Grocer, Commomion 11 !lei chant, and dealer in Produce and Pi nburan Ranalactures. $0.21 Water .L. Pinsbcrgh. jultin JD. SWEITZER, Attorney at Lear, odic. sty . opposite AL Charles Pittsburgh, seal also attead•promptly to Collections, in Washington. Fayette and Greta coonties, Pa.. REFER TO Dlaekstack, Dell tr. Co., Church tr. Carothers, }Plltsbuiet. M D. T. ore.. Tr MR kr JONES, Forwarding and eornmission ebanta,Belders in Product .dridoborgh mono foctured ornelcs, enrol Basin, neat 7th Tt.. PUNA' MILL, PITTSBUSCASH, PA. KENNLTV, CHCC.,ILDS & e, Manufacturers of superior 4-4 Sheeting:, Carpet Chain. Cr ury Twine nod Boninu. n:0-1: won Vesu — vius Iron Works. LEW!S, DAI.ZELI , k Co., manufacturers of of ru nes •Bor, Skeet, Boiler Iron land Nails of the best Warelloure, 51 seater and WS from 'fa) " l' rd. L 9 WATERMAN, NVlrolesalc brneer, Forwan in; and Commission Merchant. Dealer In l'te burgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. 81 Water nt. and 9: Front MERCER £ ANTELO, GENERAL COMMI.AION MERCHANTS, IrflJ]ir .wa..,l.rTi!mß4lll thceerethl, Blar.l,arg h. 11/f ILLEK ae ItICKETSON, Whol.slo Grocers ' end in imparters of Brenth., Wtnes :keen., N.. 171 and 174, corner of I.lberLy sea I,4in strce, 1,44 6 1 4 , Be Icon, Netts, I.7otthll Var., 14e 'Beatty on bend. + 2 o! -1 11,11.11.. UAL 1.1.-16,11.. WALT. C. I.Veoirßa7 e Grocers .4 Coltaul A in non llcreithats, No. 11.4, I...erty at, Ith.l.arett. A,11.141 . 1111 - ,WILSON & CO., Date lune, Murptly & MI. Co.) Wholesale Dealer* iu Dry Cued*, No 4t. Wuoil *treat, Planburelt. nunrt .. dArniEW wil.sus; Yort•urtatiMinatturel'ut , )- Of. ter. Roar" corner of ru..t Otbee Alley alai Fourth gut...entreat" au 4Ut treat . Market Accd-dif. f .1101011.1:, - 3 Jt. et):.. No. 3.5 hlartet Ft, ..rroltd , door from eonr, •.' rouctin, doolers Fort w. k awl Domcs, of Certaf..otuet ri ;tank. Note. and It , - Cotlection, ct= the prinrifm, br , •t,,l.An I :41. Clarerytutcimr. i k twit do:. tax st , xlc , ure and 'ern' niceurney. Tiltea to Feel FAiato cztrained, 1134911 A 11.011110014., • DENN ST3ILLT, mfftur-ol profcsaloutl ,hire., .Lmc• 001.0 0 ,, 010 VI.O, ut Vocal NlLtatc.. nap Matt 711 I.ourth Jr+ • s', - ' tic= NVoc-2111 quar.tatc.: c: -0,00 L'ozeS Tral, fore quLtrtcr. 4.n.: •.etc rPCII from al CU. p•ur...l 1,2 A: •: Afl. IC/ l'ekt% [4 WELLS ar.. CO.. 51.1 , ,suvAcruhEr...4 OF (int.:Ex GLASS wAr.F icrti. 27 iarket l'ie• , P., keep one , : 111 I) on and mit, oriier le,r.dr el V,- - I:catica....c. l'orter amt IV:tier liotiles, 0 41: reerior rutilva..” a paid to Pr'.7l%[..lToalde.: 100 I.Lert, •.•ert cre, Cumsat,Lca"ainuJ I,dcalcra urc elt.t mg% bhutentittr,• 511... Z., UM, r4.11i-e 0131.-111' t.‘tnr:tE., Whole-a:e Grocer. ltcct.iy top 111..ALmst1.1,- .ter nal o f Forelgtl tuld NVI.• Zio. 11 I..beny ..:1 l34141:1 -a verF rje uock or. st,erior Dal 31o3ongabelu wobuscy, will be lboW low ___ior caol.. _apt:l.ly L. a. liVinsuLD, . J. L. "lir& D FerftfrrHing..,l Con on La a Manila.; for the Allegheny Itiver Trod, .. rro evil(aroc, Patahurgh Mannfocturra .:orolo of Lime. The itigheat prices, in cash, pard ail tunes for eoun ly roe, Corner Porn win Irwin sta. innt3 1561:1-MT7)ALZEI.L h Co.,‘Vbnie.• Coniniiii‘iti aLd Forwarding Merchants. ilrater• Progince end Yihilrargh hlannia.cuirca., Liberiy at. Irotahurch. .;L11::.;r_;-% CPUrCYL'fTtl,ll.l:ll.b‘uV,ghti7alr'.uf:r7;:-.r. •4 , • 441.1ioriv at IiE3OVAL.• 13.511LTZSBERG1r.1i x. 1 3 AGENT, F. Counousetott S.ler chant, ha. removed to No. el' Frnct, I,e; wect, M. owl and ScrathEeld street.. SI 'ZEE& HARTMAN Shefhold Iron net: Steel Works--Maunfaciarers of Am. It. St. .1 eg and Slough Steel. Also—soilage, AM., V icc., An a, de. They invite the anent.. of Merchant* and co niumers to their ems k. before pu reties in g . elsearbe re They warren: their [uncles to be equal wavy made ni this country or imported. a A SIIACILth,, umniverr a WHITE, IVlrolesale Dealers to Q Forelpi and Dommue Dry Goods. No. fro Wood st. enninurch. • • febllsf • A W. HARD - AL:EH, Wool Merchants, DCUIC nri Flom ozd Produce pencrelly, end I' orwar•ling . Uri Commission Merchants, No. a 3 w Mc" as, Dim. , REF h rsiaiiisirrii - rmrsett Jo. Q ELLY:RE , & NICOLL+, Produceand General Cam. ma Merchants, ha. 17 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. ..!or on, Idnaeod and Lard Oils. ~'. .i ,.,vOit.u.ur.ii°22Tdott- 2 0';,"1:''.1.6 n t, CM-al,rs in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Wearer. Pro. dace, hued removed to thou new ware finu sc Auld stand) N 0.55, conger of Froot st. nod Chancery Lame. otor7 • a. u. ENGLISH /16 Gdz, Clarmeal, and Sunday School T Booksellers, and dealers to all kinds of Wrtunk Window and Wrapping Payer, No 71s Wood sire, be tween Fourth and Diamond aney, Dtarbargh, l'a. frbla eir,,raTta, Wholesale ;7'; nn K pod gtt, Picsborzh • Immo 1117 t/01. DEALER h commisßlßßltlerv.sakt for th• V V Bale of Immesh I.sroolenCioode,L,berty ttmet opposite FMB. lcul2 V BB:.yr *: II VIVIDVI.... Wi't- 1 1 . 61;),;';,..;t-,''‘','; . ..,.':' , ..„'„'"" -i ' "';:';,77 . I . • W. Jr. Pl. NITCEIELTIIX E, A7llOl-ESALK GROCKRti, ILECrIFYING DIF- V v TILLERs, Keil WINE. mild LIQUOR IRERCII ANTS. Also—Repot Leo of Soda Mb diet ineatbing Powder, No. idd Liberty st, loryorite lizthPitt*. burgh. "pel Mill s Witt. • harm OtSOOLDM rircANDLEss, y y wicto 'Wholesale Groccre, Forwarding anJ Commission Merchants, desists in Iron, Nails, G/t.to, Lotion Varna and Pittsburgh Alanafactures generally, anstWalor strocts, Pittsburgh. =X;MI W stone and V e Lai Gatabbelonent, N Mill o. 21.1 Liberty alsl at., l nearFutio be s au tn Alr\VllVlESON7VValthcr•Ji . 'ilrY , Sum Y and 1411 !diary Goods, career or Market and Ws I'tltaltur,glt, Pa. N. I.l.—Watcbea and Coacks easefully repaired. area VirEtlT Bt.tWEN—Cosetot.nor x.a FS - mar/mg 11 Mombasa, N 0.120 Frout brotoren Wood sod 'forked streets. lendi tZi finale wui r in V • FOtetea end Deme.die Dr/ Utoda, north east drner of alaekot and Poorth eta aor;dl 30, RV> PrCo.—Deal!rs Ic 'miner hide. tr.o. • r: wrlrrcnix , N, Innlv& . Grocer, a! , a torn in Proeuce. Iron, Nails, Wars, ~,a rafts. Ii`„! Ltl.erl7 , PoO,- mre Thi AT LAW, Mat r.lbrr La Wet"tra :14Wida17..dI eo.ace, a. Wee or It. Fiord Ll' ,wy AL W. W. Wallace, do :entre YittsoaraL • dIV liay Wia.d PSC:T/GILWaI 6 CO., STEAM tOAT All ENT ,17;lcc Arun; N. Ar.r.ms 21 \O. 17 Water rut-wt. . - & J. GLErill, Book Binders. WE art, 4 tlll engaged in the .hour humors., corner of Wood snd 11:rd ntrecta, ritcsburgh, where we axe Negated to do any work in oar line otitti Jr.- p.m!, NV,‘ enrol to oar work pertonally, nod amts. faction wilt be given In regard to as neut.?. and da- Wank Woks 'sled to any pattern and bound rub . Wank Book. nionlicro orold books bound mire (Oily. or repaired. NIMICS Anton hookn io,gilt Those that Imre work in our lino are !owned to call. Prices Ins..Sessla7 Scove —'— a aLlr — a,r:a L at Ud wu.f.Ac,l.: CO., n 0.02 at, c. owner Litwin and , mein, mano.acture and otter for .ale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales, of the 1111.0 improved quitlim Cooking Stoves, for wood loud cook. Erg Stoves of various riser Parlor and common Crater, Hollow Vote, free. Lin. Taey also manufacture the Nitehen Range, which kus poen ouch general satisfaethin to hose hoein • aro, to ol which they would resptectfully g the attention all of the eitimus end the public generally. oct27-dif 1 - 4;611 , 4 HANSA- WX.L: Wirt I'ALISI.IILII,IIANNA: a CO" (occeotiors to Hussey, Hanna Le Co.) 101INNKERS, EXCHANUE IIiLONERS, and dealers 1) an Forelcii and lkimentie Exchange, Certifeates of DePoslte, Bank Notes, and SpceicFordi street. iteaion opposite the Nook of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney renewed on deposits—Sight Cheeks for sale, and collections made an nearly all the principal poh.ts In the halted Nate,. . 71er. bighesi premium paid rot Foreign and Amer...A Gold . . Advanees made on consignments of Produce. ship .ped Essto on liberal tams. son BEIACKLETT £ NO. 99 WOOD STREET, HAVE, rata to store a large and general assortment of PRY GOODS, which they offor to Car and County Merano:its at reduced price.: and velockshey mill sell tt Kr a Maurer:len sto rash buyer., or for approved roe fi`iq SENN ETT & BROTHER, SIFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS", filradagttam,(nasz Plttablsrrch,) Pa. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood sired, Pittsburgh. . A WILL eonetantly Lisp on hands good ars.ort , - _7. ;° ment of Wani of our own manufacture, and ' superiorqualny. WWll:male and country Mer• allows are respectfully invitzd to call and ex amine for themselves. as weare Octet-muted to ll cheaper than has everhefore rep accred to th• put,- e. irr Orders UM by seeil,acconspanied by 11. e ennh or g reference will be protept!v cnend•nl inyla - -- Penn Soriano Shop. WlGllTMAN—Ationfacturer of all kind.. of not. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa. The above worts hem now in full and succeeerel oration. I ton proposed to excrete metre with dicatch for all kinds of machinery in nylon., each at willows, picker., !Treaders, card, grindtag machine., runway., drawing frame, speeder., theOmile, looms, woolen cants, double orMagic, for hant or country wait, mulcs,jacke, &es; slide and hand lathes end is in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plane mv. en (or gearing (intones entail'. et reaeonablc charge. Rm.. to—Kennedy, Co„ Illachttock, !kit & Co.. Rine, Pennock & Co., in.. A. limy • ..._ . . . FOUNDRY. AND BRAS FOUNDRY. A FULTON, Bell and Braas Founder, has red built and commenced businmsat his old stand where he will be pleased to ate hi. old ..tom ers and friends. Church,Steambeadomd Belle of every tier, from In to 10,000 peels, cast from patterns of Um most anima ed =dela, and warranted to be of the beet materoala. Mineral Water Pumps,Counters. Ratline, ho.. loge. thee with every variety of Brass Casuist's, it remtired, turned and Stashed in the neatest manner. . . A. F. I. the sale proprietor Of BASSIT‘I. 'RON Must, so Justly celebrated for the mammon at friction is machinery. Tha Doses sod Comptiiimon can be hada( him at atrium., . •. SCAIFE 6 ATKISSON, P. 2 wee., orrvezmi WOOO l'retucr boo GWNTINUIi to manufertore all bools of cw.rniz. TIN AND SIIRET IRON WARE. AI.A, I•!s.k -omit \Vial. Straw Bowe built to order. Spreialmtention given to stram boat mot. lave CPI hands a One assortnient of Copper and Braes Kenire, Tin Warn, & c. hr.O:ecreil.MlCooking Sloe., Portable Fora., vanou• etres—n very convenient a, nolo for stcarnbodneiCal,fornia emigrants, or rail rend camper - ice. 11, wouldre:per:redly invite el-at beet man and others to cal( end ace our it and piece , ben , . pun-halo. elsewhere. 111 7 LOWELL FLETCLIEIL, ALCOHOL AND PUDE 8 VIRITS, Cotner Front end Wm. streets, Cnico , natt. O. OBOERS from Ptttsburrt. for Alcohol, Pure Spun., Raw or HectAcd Whiskey, will be promptly at rnded 10 at lowest market pr.,. c,ht3 di,. --'-- .1 totmiriliiiiiiiirety Elta.bla. ROBERT H. I'ATI , :RSON hla opened the large stabie otz Flot et, running thiough to eecond st, between Wood and ,r , i,:lifirld to' 1 the .ear of the Slonenzabrla llont.e, ss- , th n emir , : nov ..toek ally's,. and Carriage , of 4v1 , , qua. . .r,ll.ltest .. , ylr. llor..et k, 1 , 1 , 1,11,- ~o , -;....t *encl. INSURANCE - -•.- LIirSUILA ACE. 'r t 'ift! DI-11,n WARE MITTI'AL rrrs' INTSC , • Neli 0 \IA l'Nl%—tllco. Nortl, Room of nie Eliot tot, Third :tree, Phiiad..;phia. P.ts IrmouYtt - 1,-11.Altling i, hirtejtan.ll, Doi owe , proor rty TOWN and CuVNIZT, Laced neattot :•••• dorm , f to by fire at 12, rain,. ererkita. `.Parr. INSC4 , O", --"rhoy al , o • ire Yr •,1,, Co• cor• and Fretgho., fore.ct or con,qoato.o.untlet opor or treetal pc hetet, et• the •-yso 00l rosy d-,vim. Ist alao loot;tot 11. e tntotzirttot by Wsolona, ItaOro.o! ea , . 113 alt and MLA= goals, titers and ro: the mcoo lOwor.l tern, . . DIRECIORS—..IoscoII 11. :47.1.‘1, Edo; and A.: , ad.,. John C Ihair, Rci.ert Leipor, Forinivaril Dinriirgioot. Lanc It Dan,, Enivrell,Jobo NelTilll, Ur IR M H :nu. intorn V Tbropkulua Pnulding. 11 "11,14,,C1i Geo•ge •sernii, :poser iMollrano. nrocr Kelly. I ro Jlicann. it jinni Dr .9 TtiovutroJio,to Selig rr, Wm J • ftEbT(.I.R.S 11 i'IT TSUI' 11(111-1 , T. ?it oi, Win.ollagatey. J no. T. looti,:o. lITIN. l'reoler 00l Itocuroao F. N tiro roriary. Olce of non C0,..-iparty, No 11 Wi,irt •urri inn ?IA Agcsit LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life Itiouranee Comploy LIAM Or PROMO( REDUCED 2 rms. r. Capital, 0150,00 o . t JAMES DUFLNO it to.cnLa Pitittournii. 110 OF TORCSTION. I, nO3, NOW J.., Inm , a llot}'. T•F Jr. Jr.... 1.11 l'. I,W, 1:1..., lirnpurnn VW, Ir A Jertlrrurr, V I r /Om A. Wean. ' i J . jii Mort., e.c..m:ary Jeneth. Flat, Tretsurra. =CM new TOui rtillADV-1 . 11. Comptroller of New York'. I lon. J az:e• C.u•pw.: lieorre Wood. Da ,4 H. Wb..c ho F. Mll‘elce. A!eXl.l.ler CUltiatrur Duval Dudley neld. IWJ. F. W!tsor I'. Si. 1,, , c0h 110. e. Hlll Exc. Gov. flames. E.a.Gov. V room W. L. Dayton. U S. :a.m. Door m a ",z. Mc. G. D. Wail, Yyn. mA N. Ni C. FA-Gov. 51. irf 'qt.. . Mao. K. I lemol to.t MEDICAL EX AM INF.IIB A.Solney Doane. V. U W. W. Gerhard. MD. J 1 Warreo at., W. V. ~ m. M'S Morgan, Al D., 11. R. Bell. Al. It., George M'Cook, Al. U. Allegheny coy. to. POlyborgh. Pa. The Agents of IL,. Company. a: Potaborgh. are •uth ormed w take every I.:•• rYM on Lot at la r•daec lion a/openly:fir< m thr utaal rate. of pro main at. urged by othrt Comp.:nes. forA man 30 'thous yeanrs f age, u u.— nclog a Policy of Insurance One ad Dollor Tar nn (or on sevene year, pay. only NACU. do b •• SI 0,20--annual:y do Lifeumo. •• b And in the mune proportion fur any 102a5 up to eue.o. widen. is We citron taker. on Any ore Id, This company commenced OPowbnns or , the Indn, and its monthly business up to the lot Oct.. I+lo. shows a progress exceeding that of ally other Life Com pan Tay an reit crd. Tae fa dividend of probia will be deZlaied to the toured on the ist Junary, 10511. Pncriptileta containing the various or rates. and all We nceeuary information on In important subject of Life Assurance well be furnishnd Go apple- Ca JAMKS D41:.\0 & deon ! ge nts. a Agents. dot? Oding.. rI MIE FIRE INSUILANCE• TRE NIITTCAL AN I. SURANCF:NTON COMPANY wiII LIVE issue Po D licing. of I li . against Lasso,. Dastsiou by Pzim, upon DAell- Inds uilndsd Furniture, Stores, Gotnly&e., ell.. on unpin eution In JAMES DURNO tr. CO, Agcnt, dell Odeon llailnings. REALTII INSURANCE, •t Plusburgh. The spring Garden Heald Insurance CO., OP PHILADELPHIA—CAPITA L NZURES Slain, and Fenaolc , against Or F:zoonsc I and Lois es.cnsioned by knee at, imenedtals allowance of from SI to S. , pct for one, two, throe. or four The method oi effecting this Insurer., and the mann.. of awarding toe sick .10 . 0.1 MC, bo explainul by the Agent. A person can,thsere gnst Sickness or Accident whieb wi,l detain him fr a o ai m Ins ordinary business, as follows, v. For Ode 5 ear, by paying S4,1:11, and teccivelkl, week. Fur For four ....hod of fin Pear+. fie atm of E 14,4. p•td Or, fora period of Ow Y^• r , 1p •••-• nnally, will vecurc per "trek while ste, Every necesanr/ tninnuattnn v.lll L. , on the auldectof Inrerapeo vencra , ly, Loy JAMES DU KM/ del7,lCro (Mew, Pu,.dp,got LAIN and Il•alth league oate•• 'rim Mutual UM rind Health Inturnarn Comnlny I. of Philade/ploa, Incorporated by li. Leprllllll/C of Permaylyania, Mar. It, H.4‘ , Ow or per,rueo. Capital.llllAWlA) Horn tow., Ilion CV, 1 . ...., rams ColiPilT, and fu11,.....0 per rem. lower that ihr , word talcs of Life /nrurancr, ell the following min. I Fortson will allow: Thus, a person of .tou ago fo 30 in rl ng for Sltal for life, ni , Pay m th e 11 , arel Mir— ?ennsylvania, Stl:3o, Po Mutual, air;rl, F„,,,,n 0 r,,,,, 52.01; Nry Ergland, efl,tal New York Lifr, bY.,01, Al bion, ezAY; Life rod Walt . Plolndrlphoe.ol,Ol DtTee...yoite.—Srertistrt 1) Orrick, Chita., D. Holl, W r.ll,ene, Hobert I' Kinr,lCltorlret P. Barra, 01 W. 8a1e1v.,.1. 11.'.1. Rrevr, 01. LI.. Chat 0 II Canipbell, L,VIII Cooper, I. R 1.11,111113 trier, , 11. Butler, 1,1w31. It Cop, Preaideol—,xmoel 1) twrack; Vice I'm d., , t—kohl. l' Hoc Sretrtary—Poona Blackburn, 4 pplieutioll. will ha re,l veil, and evrr, information glvco by SAl niniTtetTlßl .11.. FAHN H 1.,,f0CK., All. Olce, Coaxes. corner of otttL7.el IV Wood and 'lliad sta, P borate itts bora FIDE. AND MADAM liC 12181/D.ANCN. THE 11t.,11.111ANCE CO. ot 151111 Arierrva will 0100 c. per andmid limited Ineuraseyo rte. pro- Olio in Olio city vi propene a:. and • o prope at. by 1 Ctenal, Hoerr*, Lakes. and b Si a. be pro,roce or Veit Company nro well invested, and turmoil an a yr. el. able fund for the ample I tWetrlntly Of OH I.CrPOIII 4.11,0 dratre to I, prat., rd by mato:tile , . nryll W i ll. I'. JONES, A oriel, it Wee, di INDEMNITY. 77. Franilin Fare hartrtrruy Go. of J'Atlaklylnn. D I !it.F.t:T.OZn-f,7...„1it-;, c , ‘ , .. •r j rice. MI Richard., biotite,/ 1) Lew none, Duch' S. Itrown, Mari, eosin.), N. 11)seavr, Pwvalerit. Charles rt. Ilaheker, San rctary. Continue to wain Insurance, perlarianJ or hawed, on every dew:notion ot property in tow, r.r at 'animas low as ore einhasiciit with wt . ertl1•• To Cur pang have reacrand u Intr. nt Fund, which with thew Capital nod Premiums, saiely 111 Yr.. ad, afford ample protection to the assured. The wasclo of the ecutopooy, oo January let, 1,413, o• published agreeably to an act of Aver -tidily, w ri , (shows i ha: Mortgages Rohl Estate Temporary Lost. Stocks • she 41.11d7,102 71 Since Weir incarporntior, It period of Iv loam, they hove paid upwards of one million four hundred Woos- and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording e ride II C C cf the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabes. J. (JARIMN ER Agent, marl.lly Office N corner Wood and :Id au Thai Pestßuylsriansta Ciartapwisy FOR Jartearcaoe Item Lan thurrstaa AN.PfPn. WM: brat Life InrUrance Camp.) in the U. Stoics. 1 Incorporated March lo.lbld—coa.ter perpetual. Capital .5b00,001,—a1l paid in. Having •atborwed the undersigned to receive oppli. canons fur itteuranec, on which policies wili be issued, cordimp to dime proposal , and rates, which will be moat known lo applicants CA bin office, No. 211 %Vuod Wee,- spa till) COCIIItAN. ,f RN, INC; PRINTS---Ilanrisenbr Woes 7. wl J , l and Misch - and doer colored Prth:i, for Montt:4 be found at the Dry tioods.llo use of (obit Si IC MIIRPIII- PITTSBURGH, MONDAY 2tiORNING, MARCH 4 ; i bO COTARTN ERS 11 [PS T C. BREVFOGLE, baying n.dri.ed 00th h:ro 1/ A. 11. CLARIig. for the parpo.• of tran.ocuas thc Forwardlng and Comsais.on will nence.. b.... al the old ,tand ..,:ope (trey and rccpretfu:l) r.llr.t connanaucc of the Innate ttatrostmge of Ma (rico& and the publ, feller The locmac.. will be conducted under tot n,rae and style of Llatttrocut 3 CL/lIIVA. J. A. 11. Pittebaran. dal, T. IK.l.—fj,rf --- Dissolution of Co:Partnership. TIIE Co-Yorinetanip earner; between the outer 111,11 ed, end. the styli: of -17. 11. ERMA & r. 0." chwolveil by mutest eonssnt, /kn. tlith. F. 11. Eaton, having reredoses' the C7i111.: duettist of NV P. Marshall, who retires, will attend to the settlement of the business of the Into 4M, at the old 11111111& NO 62 Fourth street. F. Ih EATON. \V. P. MARSHALL F. 11. si:ATON, TIFIALE:ft in Gloves and fluttery, VriFunvy hand.,, Riiibotts,l aces and Firntirottivnetnmin2s Y. Zephyr Worsted, Pattern, and Canvass. No 62 Fourth Grvet, Pittsburgh. A full supply al Fine Shif tivnte Color Garment... frtitit sit DISSOLUTION rim rnrtnimhip immolate emoting belVe<4,l tStiimt A F.nglish, in Me Hook and Paper Itunnws. Wrtl dissolved on the 11th inst., by moron' consent The Maine. will beeontinued at too old nand. N 0.79 Wood. sweet, odder dm firm of -A. 11. Kngloh A. Co by wham Mc filminess of the former parmerollip he smiled. SAMUEL EL1.11117, fehln A. tl. ENGLISIL Dl•wlntlon 71 Al I.Utili, Itaalt.g purchased the of L. Joints Kerr. Jr. ' to the firm a Jones Kerr. Jr & Co ' the Slop Choudlery and Bost Store ',ult.,. will he earned on as heretofore at the old stand, \e 36 %Voter street, beteeeen NVoo4 sod Mullet, urrter the style of feh,lm DUFF& DIRSOLUTION THE Co-Partnerstr.p herctofor , rn•tiuC optic r .Yloo , "cop , • rots 1•y mutual roosen... 11, ouuren. wt!l oft twtt!rd I.? I. C. Ilreylogle, at thou. old .tond. No. It. ,er0nd..... , I. S anJ J. C. lIREITIV-1 'UNE herciolore rx.ating iityleof "1. 11. Couto & dr: ~.1 com.eiii. of die firm e iieitleit by I. S. Witty-rm., at ibeir old mind. N ISA I..ilivity etre, L. S. WATERMAN. it WI DI•solotion of Partners , hip. . 1 1 ‘ f?r i cC i x t im j t ' ;n L g ' Us ' t . c. '' r " I T' s h „ ' In " o y f . IVIITI . F 7 . 1-,Ln; nom bet, aln...nivntt try Henry Lredrr ho, rultn. IlaCtri,lllll l oti firm to Jona 'll I.lt,lllel,[ollneCtrdd W and ood Aliebtirgh Review tor.lanuary me now ready. febno I/NSA D. LOCKWOOD. Urea. Arrival:of DIM GOodS. rpm , . vabseribers are now prepa4l to otter still Freer inducements to pose/taw or MT Gem's. Tnear established low prices mull elm me 'pt of Goals, (having werived over. PM pa haps sf new and desirable goo1a,) emulsion in part: lilt dos Fteren Wrought Coilars and es; ICI pa Rich Dress Stlltsi_ too p s hiparr as / from Mi in 50 tents r yard; saws Sloostin 01..a1tn , , from 10 ! tOr. per yard; •2 •• literiume Prim., all styles; 1 s Mourning sfrom to m 2le per yard; •• soigne., good sty/es, lr•Je per yaw. • nimenttes, Shirtineyzod 11 ekes sg Goods, in ! ;Teat all 01 WaCh bowfin at Gitreale ty low ;1,01, at A A MASON a CO'S, Market et AVED-1.6H Vertni eiu to, ale/ Lasustruns, Vu, Jan 20, 1849. su. J. NE- Wilson—Dear sir, The vt of Sellars" Vsrintliagr..l bought traroloaomMe time bruited. frcns lil y g o bye years old, the tunnizishi g bomber or dre9tandied a tone.to l!beleve ve e r wOn d have lived it ve I'r-.pored *sort t fin (WS prtedletne. npered and sold by R. eSilf.LtifL. /57 Wood st; sold slur by Oraggists generally I. th/t taro elites. AWUNIST AND MANUtACTUREE—Laahea, Tobacco, 'lowan and large sew., or all bads; Drum Calabria and lime Work. werally: Corner of Icily and First streets. - ' Tl' subscriber, having parchatest the Facto of James racemes, Jr., located at the above nand, would respeeifully inform ltta Wends rind the public that he le prepared to all toy osiers Lulli. lute, on the moo reasonable mot and' with dispatch, and will reel grateful for their patronage. .. TIIO3I.h.B..PARKINSON. Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, IESO. !LOVING diopoie . , of hotiment io: Thoiliao Pad:taunt, take. the Liberty to solicit forhimthe patriivaa,af my friepdi and the public. ..af‘ that any favonl aeoferred will be dais. appteehaed acid prouiptir 'Located Lo. , ..., - JANUES , MTER.ZON. Jr. Pittabatei, 'J Laa.J,IE43.-41104311 0 111 iilo 611.•