- _ MISCELLANEOUS , DOOM% 1100ELS 1 illflrl'ree i d at th e PRESDN'TERIAN KOOK 110011, • • N 0.70 Ditoodattent, and for rale sat...stem priers: 3 Penitts' Hebrew Towesend's Arrengerne ß nt of the Bible, .Ideender l a History of the Christian en gt.= and Church, Milton's Tleati. on Celia.. Doe. nine, Ilk of Jeremiah Everts. Esq. Ro do binwin`a Greek lilirMany of th e Gospels, do English do, Seouls Die ble,g Ms, Boston edition: Parish's Bible Cia-warer, hledharat t s Ghana sail Its Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lee tares on Baredenborgbanitin, Mitts bisionary Ariec. dotes; end May oher interelithth mocha, in Menton to the above, all at laarrah tote.. novt.l oir-rivritinfittiu, IMP, LEGIICNY, AND VlCllirrl, will be ready lot . e engraver in 10 daps Petsons who may wish 0 have.views of their criantry seals pm on the mar esa do se by making applicanote to the andethigneu , am time before thaelth WM. To defray tbc etnene".., trth'icy7ri';e7oFtti;;;;;. 401010111 r‘}il."filet„V/Aqi',.. TO TELV. P . IIBLIC. 4 B .: UT four years since, 1 wes traveling through the State of Ohio; while pending a few aerate I discovered a eiogulay hlccalie entiettinee•' and setisequently learned that it had been tnevirs, fiti . r )eist and supposed to he 4f no use or 'Moe, but ro Mforwdry MM. end singular apogee/nue, was led to believe it might ler Made mfol, for whoa Purpose 1 tad not We scut Idea. .1 cotatneti v e , eiL my expr_rsmenta by timung tt. eta? P•t DUNI it, and no it with venous aubsthne , and ect strong was oty confidence that there unis value in st, that I gavo up my entire time and menns In prosecution of *ow experiments; and Can that time o this, I have attended tor, other business; at the ex pbiration of about two yeal finally dzscovercilLthat, redaelng it to a fine powder and aimin C r oss.!, att Kati oil ail to about the eonsisthecy Lic ti and rf mottle monad w ith b e a iicrfe i ct atone or slide; we that the substance when ripened was seta idly slate In a lipid mate, and the leap amount of silica, alumna, magnesia and black oxide of iron that It eon tuned, modeled it both weather and fire proof .t he longer exposed, the harder and more perma it seems to become, and no the (after it lame to elate) Ls of itself thdestractible by fire, consequently it prothem the wood cove red with it fonsithe ate. and Where there Ls on air, there la no blase or com the shim bustion; I therefore the wood will actuady eh mbefore <orrice will give way. I conaldercd the diMOVery of the greatest impert. • mace, and applied to OovernMent for et paient for my a...40n or discovery, fondly bootee thew I arould sow be remunerated for all Ouy outlay In time and Moe ory. The goverment, without Py hesitation, grant ee ure a , me Letters Patent lin the sole right to rumitfoe. tare, sell end use my Improvement in thernmefacmc of a. "Weather end Fire Proof Cogipositiotf or Arti ficial Slate. , far fouricenyeinn , Augwit le, ISO. Wll. BLAKE. we, the inhabitants of Shame., her wed the above soreeicat of Mr. Blake, and believe int he subteen tinily eared, aa we ate knowing lei mire* or the stair !lolly menu thereat contained; and we will staid,that we do not believe Wm were ever was a patent moth honestly sad laboriously earned, or more deservedly Credited; MI be pursued his experiments with the moot te peredVenence paler the mosidisonitraging eireawstatiner, 1m the peddle had not the ab le l denee that there corild be any thing , valub made Irani th e eabsiatuce. Ile there lo a th l had tee:mu/inter for narsy. todeen.r.d.:coilfes t the prosecution of has experiments, and we So not believe that there is one Mau la a thoutandwho would have persevered under LB the circumstances. Inn he hov e at last triumphed over all obstacle., tint we be. hov there Ls now but t oe opinion in awarithig Win the tactile( Odivalueblo dtncovery. .6PO. W. RANE, Justlees of 110RACEGIBB, th e • JONATHAN EVERIIARD, :ace. • LEWIS C. CHATFIELD, Trustees FL W. MILL, of T BENJ.-AMIN /ONE, cwnelup. Wll. EVERETT, ip Cinch. ALLEN, HOW E, 'rectum, CIAHT101( TO THE PiiBLIC , I have ascertained that Were are individuals engekged Le' ginedgl'undiePm"=.l;orldthas'elb;t'e! merely en I use Iny 'petented ranch , I Lace been to. thaw pecaritur and shown them my patent.• Tney the y do not Intend to infringe or levy , . opee MY 'ISM.; that they have a right to grind, acid sell tan y med., ir they ean End purchasers; that they are not Lound to kuow what they are to do oi that It Ic so infringement nntll It is mixed wan ate on to make the eempomud; and that those who buy, mil add ...nit. must take the resp,onsiblbty. blast a( them eay ;bat they believe that the patent is goo meate. those that bus and use the con:postal, and s hue! et! Oar wh e at that neon. to use they rhould certainly parch of rue,. they did not intend to make themselves hable in any only. Now I feel myself In duty hound to e mom tWa barenteell (run) , upon the public ,us l. c all it by tut milder none, where a midi sells and re ceives pay for an aktlele.,,tto tow of 1 , 1. 4 " Wall i vows subjects the pus chaser end outer to er laccereo eon and lute. Some of t h ose who ore engagesi in the tenure. mac, will unquestionably contend te the Sabha that say patent will not stand, and :hot dare not prosecute. Now, to [Om tins argument ewes ;rem .nem, I went to tome a( those who w ere pruclamong that my patent was of no vale,- and nthele the (cheer tad tern ing proposition: that they ouglitKlect atudge twyerr who have had some practice In comet c tee, cod we would submit tar pawn: to them, end if they rtop rieeided that the patent wee gred,thruthey Woold odl farther proceedings in U r. buneces; but if they t honld deride thst it would art, In teem orricion, Loh:, I Woald, agree to let them go cri and sett all they could. without eaying any thtne to the pulite about them. This nu dity they 'would Pot accede to en tae toe validity of my patent 13 :oneernce. I 4.. de Fend entirely upon my have I IXIV , the fullest conkdehee but I have !taws it In thomy of th ejudgee, and ,everrrl the Inert einineut tom ihofY cm, who ha. c, without exec:pun, decider; Imo in their opt.. it w.is, good, awl W/111.1!C pr”textmc to my &moven'. I grind the article to s no prover, and pet u lee in barrels, the whieb are marked: •litidinit's Pere. bias s. Wortniti Parma Anyancoo. eheee" I therefore roro notice un who. nay and date the Ithaca mentioued mineral tic the porpo, re: forth in my patent, except teem MG or my authorised agents that I shall hold them to 'a stria ascountsLtlny, and rtrell commence suns at !awarding W , . tho-e who mu/ tufting., span my nabs FILLEF- Suidaon, Medina. do., 0., Aug. 14, WV. . . • C7ITTTO TONS of the ;thieve Fire and 17:either rt.( Artificial plate tat hands and for Stat.. The "hove we can recommend. for we have been wing h • tor soma d years and know It to be what tae tat mob ta every-Partici:At. J.& IL 1.111L131.5. Act, norl7-31.3m d:ty_ocidyt_; EICE S u F. H. EATON & C U. No. 6$ Noartl. Street, Pittsburgh, Have now in Store their fall avartnicin of TfiMMIDES, Glovu, llogeiy and Late Goods AA nerrnn to the wants of every elam of Merchant. r.A. and Consumer. No puns have been spared to liniment the newest and roost fashionable style of slants in their hoe. Their mock nano. , m part of the tollownog. DRESS TRIMMINGS. gFn'tler.dWallTodn 11"rlpg Gimps, rue creep ironponv"ioanrilreinetr.tf`a et: nod'narnOw Stlk cod Worsted Embroidenun Braolg hawed and cot Velvet Ribbons; plain do do, Corm.] /Amnia and plant Patin Ribbons, for tmotrame, black, •rtutc and colored Silk Laces; extra wide do do, :Ln llomem; wilb a full assomment of Dress Haunt.; Draws Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to onder, LACE GOODS. Embroidered Lace and Monfoi Copf SleeC e. ve. Freohem:retie.n h Breakfast and Retir i ng Caps and Ihd Werktd Collara and Cos, itreatonneryi Dice Veil. Lappet. and Opem Tie.; 3loortung Chernmetteo, Cso. an, Cuffs and Half Sleeve.; Linen Lawn Ildafs. plain embroidered cud hrtaNtilthed rho, ple.M Linen ,10, c a l thread Lanes and Falgulgot Ira. do do, Bold.. . Lisle, liCO Mown and Cotton eidipuge and Inserting BONNET vumilinvas. HMIs new inyiellonnet Rltibons; Preach Face Flow. iv*, Bonnet Tabs, Velvet. Satins and FiDienres, Bilk llhatoisa and Tank..., Donlon Frames and 15 t .,. EID GLOVES. Deft atanaractare, with nutot approved fumaings , and choicest colom. AaeMenrlee arsortment always on hand. HOSIERY. A great variety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Mentor and Cashmere, (or Loultest and Mimes; Tartan Plaids, and so. la amortment other styles fancy and 0.. 0.,,1- (hats Hose; newest styles Infants' Boats and Nmik.; Galata' Grampian, "'moon. Merino, Cotten and ot e Wool Half Hum. GLOVES. A fall among whi u ch a rt r a e en Dy M me i n t , e dw, omleon eaned iebildtni filllr, ribbed and plain Castancre:Bet. tor{ Classunere, Memo, Far-lined Beaver. Ircalty am: taw Haeltaktn, Maury and Lisle Thread and Conan. WOOLEN GOODS, Sorb as Luber , laza C.4,lurcli's floods, Children', Woolen Backs, Iliad seam. soil Was, Chlterivis Gan. enand Long Mid., Wor•trti Cade, hotting Worsted , oat Woolen Yarns, Calor.. Comforts, also, Roe Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladles. • LADIES' DEPARTMNT. hyr and Tapestry Waromds, C/131111.. Pancrea , and Emb'g Pitt, Bristol and Peril Boanis, Pe nmen Matenals, Lnirip Mato, Tidies, and Sm. ered Work. Alts.—Lattier.Sdlt and Mentor Vesta smears; Enna elected Snots auollannels,Freneb iCsp. nal Waists for ',slung md Swan's-down GENTLEKEN'S WEAR.. Fina Shins, Q.v... and Collars; blerino ; Silk and Cotton Wrappers and Diavinia;• rs, zdsooldor litotes and 1/rasing tiara; nag dud !Ando Ildkiv; alovca add Hosiery. L'ONTBS, BUD.SHES AND PERFWIERY: Preach patterns carval ail plain then Sack Cant.; Sadao and Ina do; Shell Sift eat Long,ComliN do; kintfaio, Sasaki./ R.isevrood liar lirdibes; aural° and Eng. Ilona Dreaing sad brio Ivory Combs; tan an armament of Nail ond limas& Watterill's "Gold blesta r rerfoinery. • VARIETY GOOLIS. . Needles, Pins, Tapes, Sorel Rags and rittlief Banana and Steel Goods, .I..rtto Desks and Porio Tann inA Sern,,gis Eon IlLssou owl Buks arid Coat lading. &G 11..., Pitney Wart Bashers Cloak Cord awl Taasel., Nano:los, Paplariret mad 1111nd & Shade Trintlabijr i Ladies , Stationary, Palpit /a Banner Tusols, Preach Cork Soles, - Upholsterer's Pringoa, Silk A. Gionan Umbrella., ISaff Linea, &Med Mee Caper Muslin. & Holland., English t ail Clothe, Eismdc liamia Si. Webbing Istg'd Chintz Binding, Cor.et and Shoo Lacs.. ' CA7SiTarti.lliTall—l ietecn this tall et sr , :m , . ci ar rioak.a carpet IVareboase, No, ;Z. f. ouch at, 3. fattharsupply of Carpets, of the latnst awl moat ap proved loylea, to watch we inane the natation el staaratgetanen, end to oeo wishing to faroiLls Maui tO .11 and exam.. tbelargest asiotuacht lothe car,' which Via will sell Chllll.llC/ than toot lenimrad k., .the western marten novel IV AICLINTOCK ifUrartalcsiir Long Shawl.. B. AlUitlifii tors reoid a suply of the above Warticle, of the host n,aitiity; Otto, plain Waal et ion; etraerlm; Work tionionciwa, Mourning al paca., Persian Cloth, blank Coburg.. faro.. rluttreeres, Moos Co 1.. n. and Fteoch A1cm.1.1 ,1 .0 1 Cravabr and t o , Coll,r.,ltioutninc Ronan liab• 160,ZT_C.C.k,.do, .alci , c lull a...oilman Of Aloutoom Ba k 11:11 . : ‘, :14. iGn SI LKS, . urgestaseruarint, Ilif.C.ll, g A 1.. M" plcce, vcry wade Boyers ara ;waited to 10 , 1( at them, at Noint gut center of 1 oorth and NI ..r.l .s. NVltolcrale ROM: op .taus, wlicre a Inc;, assort meat 01 NOW floods iiae.ii s latt,ac 'scarred. Ic7 CU -- ---. . . DR. la I'P F.' , l AL'I.II,IIA.TiVI - hlao been inforrord by Mn. Kase of acorn tar )wordOnher br DS, Jaynass Alterative, wt..-1 NV., Its snperioray osexarry other remedy oi aw glad. tßie has been allbot fn. CO laq saloon .c. withiIkICROSES o a IV it : SiVILL.I.INGS, attends. With olecintion. cad c. 0 ., ;1..' rario. hone.. 40 - the novo,' p: .J fI, :t. ~..,th a t z• , C ix c . the norital I..t= ol Y.. rt.4,cr..,fccc; t,c;; ; ;,, t ~,,,,,,, lariats and hands .aud bons bcaly tdc.,Codico;,;;; ,- lc'; . fkunora. bone. portsafrol/ • ,110 t L;Llce ; idel , p elicit ; ,1111 era On omer o f h e ron MCA, Valneb haat Sala. i the skill of a uswaller of alto most tallacin ph yaims. o I ..,,,,,t7...l.fing UP. of the timelier actrerf nag have serene rmarnag cud de plorable. &beat three sonata sines she We t induced to try Br. Jayns'a Altereare , -.Watch has had an CS(oll2iSbalay h.ppy ,ff.,,,,,0,3 ~,,, IT ... all pain Aral strolling., and dwlnig the „. gasea to heal, while l ye* the sametiraibergoneralkoulth 'L.', issairreOraiseoraplete alOyed,solbal slit weighs ^! 13 lbs more , tau sbp Sid jxforeuhe cor . queneed the int of this troll valuable preputiol. ...It. Isre. Pon • ' For further infonzmuon, Ingo. of Mrs. Rose. Na. IV Filbert t, Plilladelplta. oh.. &a a lai. Pittabargh, al the PEKIN TEA ISTOBE, lea E M 81 4 0AMIS.COLUM N.-. ED — AL ale Medicthes advtrutc4 by W. D. E1..0 , ••N _ F.gs, Wood +vitt, JOHN P:SCOI. VARTZ BArlegTeCnire4Y, by •H Vg RY P. SCDA D. M. CURRY. The Beet and Cheapest Horse Medicine IN TFIR ITORLD. • ' SLOAN'S OINTIPIFENT AND comorriora POWDEtt, yry...,,,..dts peat 'ISOM I,oAfin For Purity TME ., AELd NT riess, bait ty,anzt noTaLigEnelif, t... OIN And IS rapidly mparredinn al' other Ointment. and loiniu.n. BOW In use forth., Cue of the following macs: Fresh wounJr, galls of ell kinds, wind,bronco r rifbone windbone,lls, .t. l g'p s, nreeney , hada.. titian, Warm' lameness, sand crack, tooodeted feet, ecratches or f r hone ante:otter. The I'osdcr orbit remove onto amniati on an t freer purify the blood, loosen the skio, cleanse the wale' and strengthen every part of the body; and has proved a soverelga remedy for the following diseasea: Distemper, lode bound, loss of appetite. inwetn strain, yellow water, inflammation - of the eyes, fatigue from bard tzetebiel alto, rheumatism. (come:moll cal. l es t•,rigeomptaint.jarbich proves so fatal tomany val uable hotter , in this country. It is also a oafe and ear lain remedy for coughs and colds which generate so many fatal disease, W. B. SLOAN,. Grind Depot, 40 'Ate st, Chicago, Illinois. .TIIE PROOF. Extract from the "Galena. North Weaterti Cmyttt.', By the am of Sloatis Ointme.nCend Condition Pow. der, I have entirely cured a Armin on my tone and otherwise imoroved his condition more than MM tee cent. on the co oflba mehreine And cow white was so feeble aa to be considered worthiesahr coyer It and neighbors,was remosed to goal health and strength by the ow of less thea half a package of the powder, end la now doing beater than any other cow I have. Prasil Pox, May Ia,N.M. WM. VINCENT. • THE SUFFERINU 011110. • I hereby ceillfy that one of my children, when es hod, fell Into w lame Me nibre ends, and wa s burned severely from head to teet. The beat of meilleal dd and attentionmas Riven to the child for. four or five daya without - airy rehrf—cateh dera sufferings meccas. ed till Martians could habitant at a etc at di recom m stance, at Which critical period one of my at iglihors ew ri dcd no Presented to me 0.. xof tilos ntment and in n less than fifteen minu bo tes niter thr app Oi licatiod of the ointment to the oinwravnted sores of tbe suffering child, the pain ceased merely, amd he speedily began to recover. fily - residence la to Hell township, Ver. million county, end State of Indiana. THEODORE L. TAYLOR. Chicago, Auctut U-45. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. April C. lola Four miles north of Chicago lon the I n od to hlllamukiod Cook county, Minot*. Ur. Sloan—Dear kin. Ono 01 my homes had a large bony Minoron hi* Inviist bone, immediately under tho nodes tim and rendered hi. rervlces .01 vary hale Value. Fladlafally applied f+VICII bottle* of De. Taylor'. Nerve and Done lemmata, oridaidt tha least _benefit. I then _procured Wilder's Celebrated I lime ,Ointment. and lived that until I beasmn• fully coddled that it would never relieve tee animal: Ft. 104 I obtained a bilk of Tow truly valuable Omh a l eat,.ld id Ids. than lib days from the first applim - Oon tine tumor ..acq W....ha...red, and thobor*o war Vow*, Etitymtu LKIPTI2-0No• PON:LAP OPINION. If popular opinionu .y criterion elle worth oleo red Invite the ineredulona to read at tenet a tett of the army ynlrmtary certifieamt that appear in one column. reepee'lliiff rest semeery nf trmarkable mires adected by the non Celebrated Oh l meat and Condition Poreden." • There reettedie• nolonger ammo( Move tr denbtful utility, they heroin...A from the tide Mar. eriment,ao4,ltow rt.flugher to reputation end art bcomi mom emenaively need then all other era ecoming Irind —Mich. City Newt. THE HALF Hi; NOT DEM TOLD. Fox ILltta,7arai Bear Sir:sr.—s.lll Please'eeaa by the bearer a Rev itapply of your Home nay are the hes anielea of the -kind dint I have ever bred, never hay biien ilivappointed in Ater elect, as I hove Leto b Lico of other, even the raevit.erithoted innuntati Ltaiatentv, of the ttty. / at, InUcla foe Mtn In them, <lO on Ilia IS en, upon a .I.tioatugb trinlybrte 4 otiVrairied to sitt4 tllt "half lig , not bern • ' Retiiectrattl, TILE DriIERENCE. . • TLC ordinary oimmerde end Intone,. it wit. ailment art severe and partial in their operation— Shma Ointment inmild yet thorough—it teethes ant remover the coast hence it give.real and permanent relict: Foe purity, mililne_es, eafety, certainty, excel, and Is rapid earpereeding all tinter Ointment!, and Liniment , na ly l. in nee. WE CAN'T GET ALONG wreaorr IT. Bmais Gam's., 111., Oet. 2e, buid. Mr. Sloan—dim I have temed the virtue of yew Ointment in the cure n: a n ima pi n r rues tiamti. hurt., and men) other (mune:, sud i every rare it bee euroassed our expeemunci. fwaily Ottin went, I haw erect seen int egnal, wad for Leaser we cant get along without it: Yours, he., MILES M. JOUNSOIIi. • EXCELLENT OINTMENT. Mr. Sloan-11 1 v - Sin POT • constacruhle length of tarot yr. re rioutly . n.ilietrol wait the rtemuctlo eon, oln tot. and ttpplicd freely die vorinut , liniments, polnt ko , to.S• u-ountliout uhteinnig uroi reo"cf. nt tlitu Auer Intlueneed me ,'fry gout our ug , at and wlthin two w,-ck• train tie time ...to mowed aringit. the pain ern•Nt, and orauedeetuntiy eure-1, shill recommend nil rutin ore carat :y ILerlewoh the di4treft.ing complaint, to procure your e.cullent ointment willow 41,tui Resp'T your; F. 1 Prineectlle, Peonn. eo., May From De lion $ Brit*lig, Agent of Pa IIliom• uod Canal Panket• Dam rompony. thricitoo, Jane $l, LA4,Z Dr. W. B. Slout—Dear Sir: For the DMyearf have had occasion to m ma, and have tined the great variety of 1 to lnottenia ttn.t otattnent. mo, but hove never fauna nay thing ~ q ue 7 00, meat for in i gaina on harm, Within the lam tort months I hove applied your on:Dam:lto POO. 1:111 gorse, for various injunes. and in curry h., Pro. ,ved a ativermgn remedy. A FINGER BITTEN EN7TRF,LT OFF. . 13. Two unt. eouth chicago,Sept.l 4 , Dr. St.:4—Si. On the howtunt toy eon hada gni. ger ap bluer entirely °Kb,: u We unmedlately your elelirnted women:, which relieved Min. , 3.111 In • few 111,-CteS, nod r , 'eve titc.l the f.:l;er lint gieekorignio• lout paltieie, die. wound i: h•atm_ opidly. Reney.yours, lIROENXT. oo DOCTORING IN G ALENA .All. Snw—Dear Sim About Mo. , ears ago Iwo. severely Injured to one of my legs by ~ the [siting of u ofpue wood which occasioned Large running sitcom. Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to cure them; but tried in min, until Item sympathy sod improper tiro , went my other leg became as had as the one original ly wounded. -I demaired of ever being well 'mam— bo t in order that I might neglect no mums within toy ouch. t parehemoA of your agent Goleta some of your ointment, mid you cmnia.iga of my Surprise nu I gratitude , bettor thou I can cameo it, to find toys: If entirely well before I had tinisholusingShe outwit! In Theselikets I make known that others noosed may beficee and not delay uszug so •Gualsieouomen : as yours has proved to he. Resp'y your grateful It'd, Gramm, 111., Dec. 19, Inti. EVAN DAVIS. • ONLY :9 DAYS. Before the folio 10 order, bremn. Vaughn & P '" """i'ge S. le. Ilibbord—Deas Mr I am out of Stoatt's Conti Lion ponder and Bone Ointment. The rate tir [medic nay expectation. If you coo manacle to .end 4 dos. Otnenent, 1 wal ~my. for Mete 0e firo t fl.l that 015 0111 pert, sm lpre•wor I 11101 T . be able to eel a large quuttity to the (Mum of Me Yee, It tI. rut object torte, as well as to opeir, to keep me env Jointly *applied. Very resp'y your., ' ' B.li. VAUGHN & CO. • • 111.125112512111 DIVER Sr. Loco, Feb. 21,131. Dr. PlOan-21et V.ll two yeurrk.gth. white ratung an the Dliesisappi rarer, la passing haver the rapi., I was plunged lota the cream and e raft dashing ag-atniu a rock, entshiog my left leg and otherwise F , rionsly truuring me, ma much dna 1 low all renriliplity When conscious... returned I found my telf itt. Lout, siwodnded by my tamping family. Good mus ing and medical awl, ettabledruc to about two mantas in hobble around...lh the At.i.itarice of e mtrye wounds only partially henied, leaving large running Imre. at the knee. wch for many month. discharged blood and matter of she must atfcrwive clueracter.• Sly tratariressible, at tunes my safari:4 wc. so re. that death have received hcarty we' earn.. ,FordleawlY Mr. Wilwm, (one af tux neighbor.' adviato MA to try •yallS thnUtleat. obthtued B brit applied it actoraing to daection—the.ore. soon begun to a.m. • healthy appearance, and in three ruoicitt Ivens entirely cured. and enabled do bard labor. ' Volif Obedultlt etrvaut, killtesAl AV. THOMAS. AVe, the trmterpigned, neighbor!. at IL•VV. ihn .. .... utt, WetC. µunit:led wab the note above rtatztl, anti% titg the eircuenttantek, moxt cheerfully. ettnfittit tm.l Thomas , sour-weat RES .I.I.II:GLASS, ,lATE WILSON, PF:TEtt LAMM GOON NI IVA thecae. .1 aa. ptii, In 4J AV. 11. Ploan—Sir One of ray horses was hoof tawny and also wounded die rile, in which ha took cold, and-became F., enpplad that he scarcely tina.l By the free application of your valuable cantata:thin, hoof, vecrosoon softened rind •ria stine• prnltuls,nll, cured. 1 have also nsed Ole OintOICRI 10 POII-E•ii WO on 'carte rails with equal aurae. . it enrohedfinectrias was vary painful, maser tedlike a etrivre. Vann, tr i o, A. VAN ORDEN. I'ESTINIONY FR63I LITTLE. 'Sloan's Moment and Condition rawd.cr err ec. knovriedgcd by ell who haVe used them io be dte ...I remedy far horses end mode that has been th,norerr.... FreoLh temauds, spitvins, bruises, ronehone. 'pod evil, end in short every outward ill.or.ler or 011110° min be cured by . thin wonderful remedy. The Powiwr 13 designed for inward strains, distmper, hido bowie, folic , e from herd exercise, diseased eyes,•b.e.-I.see Cowell Chronicle RA . Tur.re DoraTINGEs. Tarr 1 THoblitrr WOULDTRY WX,LairL, Cook Co. Feb. la, Re t ie Mr Sloan—Silt I have a line ppm% horro that w ov ken with the votatehos tine I gohd oat •hoto rec. aollara Cot metheine to cure Mtn, but tu.u,,u worn. I thou bought a boo of Tour nattment at g our ewe when in Chicalo ritiber doubtingly. Lot I thought I would try it. /nag eof my ...twice to opluout 811 tplaboat, when I faded mt horse , legs puirunlt WWI well In Mor day. from the pate I commenced applying it Your oh...heat, P COLBY. IACTS FOIL Tiir. • BL^ro tom. fine..n yeat• of ouriv.lleil Kucce. , o the eu eery variet., ex rstal 01,4,10,} iind two nne q u o 4 •pr ..111.1[ 1], erOl. ,ore I,pa. elcipo.l Gond, chili. aieer, eons, pul. othee Pans or the. eptem. onnfqe te•tooOoy 'bet eq , •a ~.unueotrl u S COr.tne boor. CeroLcutre wlthout numtorr .btr'~:.n,uJ reeetteed by the Psopi...tot In.o illter...rd ol•, detaLis rcluaritable cure. • • -- NVIE. ; CONnIN WITNL;i,s. Gotnu,ll.,fddornakle co. ort dloon-41Or att: Res.. y tau so or rota • s etsato adtschcd, woich oar owl oroorwo, Irdsral them ouriatrelyt so touch so that I con-dro , my warn mood for b 00.... rOMI. , tII , iy rorsiscalle4 tar sr. of pour. Coltawat. wont to :dd. and .a 1.01; It Wu red . ood !he and o few ,Isys the Wound healed Tht resa Otosfo. docistui from Ors of your tint a wat,oaroy horse!, itolusud ma ric e you the fart, bairvitig pubdttly would boneGt you an. the pablte• ilsepetriolly yourrE GEORG-I:COMSTOCK. .•. . . •. rr i 8 A POSITIVI: PACT, And boo betioni a eosomon .soying, .Chat Eflono , l Ointment nod COnditiOn Po order Loy ;opal; ittlperat ding all other remedies for .11 dlteires: of bones !hell and mole: ,Teo boality of th niedwlnes Cool in minty and safety, to wit: they agay'bei opedievor freely wnhout arty diutr.r , of taking cold, or any other dear rerulun s e from their frequent me, aid =Vet tab io ears if tio &motions ore follows/ iyltiolyS oags L A N 10118; sagniqUannorl Sale. or Dry Goods, =3=l • A. A. M ASO N eY. CO., New Yeara Day, lea., and anomie titrough the month of Jueary tome( whteh time the whole ortheirooteenseeautoleahlaret, (includitig MI their Wholesale gooms,kwill be thrown open for Ratall Trade; and their entire Wboiesale Stock will he offered at Retail, on this occasion, falls 050 OIiCATII LOSS titan usual prices. • Their Shawl Saloon comants more man 3000Shamla comprising every description of Long and &mare Wool Shawls . , Cashmere, Brodie, ac. Also, Vise Cloaks, Matt,boa Sacks, ire, at at immense fed.. non (Mat runral prices. DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS. TI eir gunk comprise.re • mo ... than llirdOroties Ttabid Cloths, Merinos, Caramelise, Alpween, 44one4,0p em mud Prthree Clo th s, will be .old from ~. ~• 40 ,0 cent less than urinal prices. A. 1.0-300 pieces rich plain and hg'd SILKS, redu ced :At par cent. 20 cases Cashmeres and De Lain., entire new style.. Alsa--Wlate Good°, Mod:rains . do., Fabronlertea, Laces. Rsbitons, Gloves and Dummy Trimmings, tie. noses Flannels, 74 eases new style Calicoes. do rt es Illeached hlualuta, 100 bales brown do. 70 bale. Ticking*. A bto,'Clotha, Cnssunerca, Jeans, Castioetts, Ac at eattemelY lew Pn 4 ctl - Together with an Immense variety of other Goods, Mating nn assortment one of the moat catenate° in the country—all of which have been Marked down at much lower peters than their extensive manna' sale In January .a.t. The) invite an early call, as many of their choicest GOOtts Will be sold. 117 - The lowest price named at fir.. Jan.! A. A. MASON A. CO., 60 Market Cl. • -4-iiiiimarks" Blankets. WR. llllRplls, of North East comer of Fourth and Market streets, has lately received a sup ply of the above soparioy male of illaukols, and in vites those want of the article to look at them be lore happy. Ile has also on hand name Slade 131.• keta, n good heavy article, which he Is selling low. Also—liumc Shoread FLANNELS, broven, hatred and white, of e equality. .Al.o—Toilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which be lagbas the attention of buyers. oTA' largo supply of Goods recently opened in the esale Fontes, op stairs, makes hi- assoruneut very full and worthy the attention of dealer noGsy __ 7 --.. sr:I:I:ITS , Ll l 5ll PILI..S M'itt• Mc 66; t . ,A= itrchoz, 1 . .., Sept. 3, I+l9. Mr. R. 11:Sellerti—Dem fine I reel it in a duty lowa to the pobtle, as well es to the eredit of ynar Lives Pills, to mate the good enema produced by their tose at my own cue Duriog the month of J one, lel3, I toot very unwell, my appetite foiled, and my *Routh wan entirely prostrated, with mum pain to my aide and shoolliem. 1 WV, fold by medical men Malloy disease 1 was a revere titin4li of fiver complaint. 1 took see.- to! boxes of M`Lonekt Liver Pills, and some syrops, which I was told was good for that disease, bat after gr ' •CruZ•V ' tfe7t7 . ol :71! l y r d:faUfWi d bl o ni: nn :t worse; but, fonunately,jut . at this time, 1.. told by the Rev.!. ICiblock, of this place, that a (mad had sent hint a box of hollers` Liver Pills from Partsbargl; rebel, had iteneattkil bloc .11 Much. 1 forth lent for a box of poor levee ?Mtn and by the go. I woe done using diem, I was satiated that it was Mgt the medicine that suited my ease. 1 sent for more, and took five or six boors, find bond myself almost entirely eared; but in March last 1 caught in sortie cold, which brought but Ike dlseue, and in a short time 1 vr. as bad an ever. I Again bad 00000110 to ur Liver Pins, lug ton.. th em every other ni g ht fog sinweek*, ltd occasionally , since, and I cannowatY, ' tha Uwel a ir ot+ nay, that 1 feel little if any ayraptella Cl er Complaint, and my general health is u ' good now .it has been for the last In years. lily nelghbors ant me who was my doctor. I tell them that hollers' i.i.er eine was my doctor, and by the blaming of Divine Providence the means of caring me. "I am confident lbal wino toe publle banotrta Vt. quailed wfill Mof e valor Tone Live r Pins, rite ••• . cloud for them volt inotesse. Many of my neighbors, to whom I have recommended the pill., eon testify to their video, as well as to the facts above stated. Respectfully yours, tines , . MILL.. To roe Preuc.—The Original only sue and gellll. ansia 1.1113: Pills are prepared by 0- E. Sailers, and hese his nhane 414.9.1 V,F,CI , wad. aped the lid of ta4:ll HOZ, and has mg - nature on the eetsida Yrappo+• LL , AII others a= counterfeits, or blue imitations. aped: E SELLERS, Proprietor, hi Wood st - --- Jayne.' Expectorant. j la s t . . 4 .lNCo . Lumblyst 1141, I.) R it . Z l l . the titiltC - ted ptile. i to m— av•rllayself of this p Ops pununtly tiwtor publicity Nth. extraordinary effect. of yuur ingeetorint °oxde:. Having been afflicted for several years with IL severe rouge, frorl and It. voneotnitarst dis.ses, and scented only doothed to licit er Oat wh e n , hrt bat miactable ...bite-nee, until the fall of whnDein. more severely numbed, aid Lavirc 1 , -arlea 41.11 fr e )' font. , temedtra, null toe litir teriptiors of two o Rheumonespectale phyairtutis trimithortmod wnhou deriving any benefit, tha ctri to oc vtivinnt .urvivinr tut a few days or weeks al fanhest—whet, the Iv .1 gleam of hope waa about to I bed recommended to me your Expeetorinu— soul blessed by that Brute who does all things in the use et tbe ad...as—cad contrary to the expectant:on of pirigivinns rindlientas,. in a few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the bett er of • rattle, tn M.:end my busines., enjoying store health dish I hod frr ten years previoux Ilespeetfully yourt, /a.. W. Earn , For sole to Yittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea litore,7o Fourth street aura M. DLIDU-7 Nlili A Vtit.Agrl',„T.:';;X„eli,".. , `.. ir L i a'i m, ...i ., ' °2l latemis attend , ' my brother, who died of consumption in Mittel:. 1 , 4 a. I wait taken licit with the Consumption or Liver h at and was enlaced so low with the tlatale, that fur roar year. I wan exat.le to attend to ' my ,4i.j4 , .., caber at home or abroad, being Tor the ancea tam - eont..x.d to soy het: During the above peri od of tone, I bud expended far medical attendance o regular , Dhystetaxi owl naedieniev, to the autu“t of S>g , . without rccetving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1,13, I commenced taking Dr. tome' , Meth ' cue, 'and have taken them more or less ever since, \and mal,e‘e thnt it was by persevering in them use, to= I ran none truly ..e that I beve completely teem. erred my health. I blevelhat Jyne'. Ilanutive Dias nod F.lrCelar. l lart , the bet; Inanity Inadielni no In I reside in Springfield, Otsego coanty. N. V., and carry on a furnace and machine shop In that place, and am tun interested in any mooned in the sale of the above medictnes, and make this certificate tor the ben efit of those afflicted. ELIJAII EATON. dices, N.Y., Sq. 16 1641 i. jai IL lODI - VALLGOOD BI"-- I.FZANDED & DAT, comer of tho Diamond and AllarketUtidet. natiq 'their ff leads and the public that they have received their sistelt erred/ and Win te 000Dut, direct (rain the importers, matinihetaers . and Indian. e G E oti:d h s o I. eau . la r ri Th' , • ntc p . re se ' I f s " siro it g t Y e t n ' r ' s ed bons to purchasers. In Ladles , Die tZ ?Cutts and Shavels, the moot splendid and frisli.ciisti a Goods of the recede nee now offered, at remarkably low prices con:bung in part of the tottowit4 LADIES' DREIS tiOODS. New style Bnicha 40 Carnelian Silks; M Cord and ark Senn Du Charles and Tore Satinc Cod, Carneltan tirriderhines. of the best quaintest -Wai l s grotty firaderiens of the celebrated Eagle manufactu re. The above named lifisek _milks ado i,p,,,,p.ed ~,,, to cut in the wear, for dresses sad nufaullasiltay'atethe best imported. Neal fif'd Carnelian Satin De Chace, the handsomest I Silts of toe season. New style Bench& !tilt figured French Hermon, • now and splendid artiste for ladles' walking &eases. sit Fvnbtnidered French Del.nes, for creases and ...kilo. courtly neigrartick, d Par Carnmerev, De LAinvs, lActinns, Alpaccas an e. mUoi, • large assortment SIIAWLZ AND SCARFSI !troche Lang and ttquare Sh(cWlri. of the hest q•all- rimed Long Shawls, of We newest designs, remark lity cheap. Splendid Tetkett Shawls, at greatly tedneed prices. Carnelian 'troche fetl Sat Shawls, in great variety. Crape Shawls, white and colored, in great variety. CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES AND VESTINGS! t3ssi Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices; hest Sedan teal French Cassunercs; new style Amer ces CIIF•1111,1,1; Pllper Stun Vesting. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOVIS! French and Belgian Wink and Olive Cloths, for La dies Cleats BLANKETS! A splendid usertment o of American and imported Blunkefs. at remarkably low pnces. IxIMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large ob.! complete alistirliatill now on !tondo—. Many of out pretent stock of Staple Goods mate bought from Vie intuniacturers previous to the present advance in prices. .k prineipol part of ore stock of French and I:polish 'food% hove been purchased at the great Auction Sales an Philadelphia and New York, which.enable.. us In offer decided bosomy in alMost every description of goods to our line of bustnea. Conntry Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all wholesale and retail buyers• are invited to an early egommation of our stock and price. DAY ALLI7:ANDEN. En 75 Market St, or t 4. north West corner of the Diamond. - Tti-DtifiCia' iii , iiiiK ttou — vot Iv-. I.l2l:7.!l!:olllY.,n,t,lri.o.rinweam„..t comer of . F:t c u . rt n h i u it, for the onion, •o coo oder inducements to buyers 'rarely to be met with. Hu ossortment of LADIES' DILESS GOODS Is very full, cnnsisting of French klesino.,Cashrucves, Celanese., I.yonese Cloths, surer loweredPrin Preach Cash meres, nt prices cnosiderobly Mn they could be bought early in the seuon. Ilts atock of LONG [SHAWLS Is large,ar.d embraces many of the beamtlful styles exhibitien at Franklin Inonate, Ptilladta. now on BoNNE.T AND NECK 1111113()NS, Of utter Old vcry handsome styles, Velvet Trim smug., /la. SACKING FLANNELS, Or valorous styles mad qualitica, plain an d embroidered Mars :Ilia lonees, Needle %Perked Collars and Cods, Pernict Santos rand Velvet Flowers, Cope and Feathers. HANDSOME DEESS SILKS,' Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than urcali e nd nee changeable Silk. and Satins, for Morellos, fee ; end a large stock of e,rn PLC AND HOUSEKEEPIN GOODS. rat lowest prince. And in the gentlemen's department will l.e found fresh FDENCII 111.ACK AND FANCY CG:A) CLOTHS, Clerk Doeskins. Winter Vesting, Panel Gastitinere., Undershirts und Drostes. ; sill ciescate, Pocket ((tint . . kerchiefs, .7, KrcAlercionco a rc invited to Till" she Wilfileliale Raain, Up slain, . cell/ A VERY WONDEKbiIIo. Clittk2.—Sbla. 0050 .7' ..Pi. If laK:111 FUGE! kl Alcacrat, ercer ro., Pe., Sot. 29, 1949. II C. Seller. Deer err 1 bought one bottle of your VermilpEt tit Om Iron City Furnace storeoelthis place, and it toe imfo rated what we conxide r out berets won derful cure oo one of ray boys eight years old; be heal lieocr unwell tor some ) cora,so ratueh so that 1 had eve Liii 4it hopes of his recover,. 1 wax advised by our to to y ii.gettarra to try a bottle f vette Yermilague— dl am happy inform you of it having the desired eevaf relievingmy son. Ile passed, yr the short space of 21 hem. VII worms, some of them crteasur• pit el mtt.....h .12 awl 14 inches long. 1 feel bound in )utaacc to cave yeti the above statement, 151:1 all Y. IDZY nale any use of my name that yea think proper. Vett., very tetopectfillly, JONtirliam B !hyena. lirr Prepered tad sold by 11. P.SKI.LEKS, 0' Wood rcert; lanai sold by Drugelsm generally in the two 3111. onvls All I ribrdlriLEll.S . CMG I I ,y- LI, lit 1.--.FrOlit W. K. linden, Emb, Clot of . wa Court of quart , ' Seavor Someca Coanty: Mr. D. ,rlierm Pm, ume to the winter my lann• NVIV , allbetr d wllll .Ve le and distremlng cough, tool hmlsom of your Invaluabla . Cough Syrup, I par elnumt n Warm Irma S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, n on Karr 11 k.np. boon., of it two or three e•enands il loin, In tied, km Mord iMmediate relief, at alto wabral foetal , 1/00 , 1 been reltcyor cavern coca I ton lbc re lore .altabod Ilval It 15 IR no and Valuable me- Lk, tar. u,,al would ...rommend it to Mow. who may bo ntllletel WO seven: coo and colds. Mare , M., Int. W. K RODEN. by It SELLERS, 57 Wood Amer, and by Irrurson. generally in the two more Mid alert:MY cno. Blue luta DriO Fi 'd ran I for Anlc ily MURcil V, WiLSON a CO, 48 Wood st hoINS—W. K. Murphy bas reed a let of high coldVed Mona de Leh., ouch as Caerry, Seatiet, Lc, lathe loss price of 250. per yard. Also, Plain Drab, Drown,ke ' Et 121 to per ,ard; and a huge dsortment of neat styles hauled alt•us. de Laths, at rodeos pried, together with a chyme easnrultent of Dress Goods generally, ideh so Fancy' edts, Preach • Merinos, Cashmeres, Cativo' and ileum Cloth., at the corner or Fourth and Watt Dm Ina leisle Rpm/ wsorlf TRANSPORTATION LINES. liAfia'r'o4 . Coc • Pasullawinr awn awn Mango Oat.. imer,RAWIDEPi /s. ea canonise to bring pee... from shy pre, er Ergluet, Ireland. Setitland oe Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with them usual punctuality and attention to the wants and corn fort of envolgrants We do not allow our passengers to be robbed by the mnedliag scamps that infest theses ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch them 'without any demo:inn by the onehipsWe sat this fearlessly, so we defy one of pawn geis to show that they were detained 48 Mme by Ili in LITerrODI, whilst thousands of others • nee detained months, until they could be sent in some -raft, at • oh; p ram, which too frequently prover: dmir ui•Lisa. We intend to perform our contracts oonorabiy, east what it may, and not act as was the ease last season, with ether or:teem—who either perforated not all, or when lt suited their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for Iltly NMI from to 110 A payable at any of the provismal Hanka m land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSIViIi. EOII7OISOk Ermopean std 6onend Agent, fob' Fifth meat ono door below Wood; _ BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer fiIiCHIGAN No. 4—Capt. LAKE ERIE,. " Gordon. TIIE above regular and well known Beaver Pack ets, have commenced meting their daily trips to and 'from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly airing the Wu., u Michigan N. leaves Pittsburgh dairy at 9 o'clock, A. M., and Dearer at I' .o.clook P. Pit. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily etc o'clock, A . MouldPittsburgh at 3 o'clock. P. N. „, Thesesteemms will ran in connection with I/ 6 Parka' E 1111231 Packet Line, for Erie; Taylor A.Lettintwell`s Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke In Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boum. R U Parks dally_New Cantle Packets. CLARKS, PARKS i Co, Beaver, Agent. /WIN A. CAUGIIEr, Agent- Pittsburgh, mah3l COT Water and Smithfield era 1849. nom IMMO &ND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND 01110 CANALS THE Proprietors of this old established and potmlay daily line mynaLsting of SIXTEEN Inn class t.,avid Boats, cwne o by themselves and ranninit rennet.- 100 "fah thy Ilk= boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, ate enabled to oiler unequalled facilities fot ;he transportation of freiclit and passengers, en the opening of Canal narkation, m all points oa the Penn sylventaand Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. E. hi. PITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL tr.. BROTHER, Agents„Beaver. 1, C. lIIDAVEU. , , Meal, marJ Water street, Pitoberah. t. CL 1..0.C. 1161W111.1, Pittsburgh. Beaver. , BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding merchants, DEAVER, 'A., dents for Lioa PittAvrgh anclCleveland Law, Piets burgh and Erse Ling via Roth, dad Air Awn basis Ettavrr sad Calsb Cope. Having parehued the large and substantial Wharf Boat t built for the Monongihela Psekete, have with th p e as addition of a Warehouse, the most ample .- cominodatione for reccorlog arid forwarding, and pledge their utmost attentiou, promptness and &spawn to consignments to their cane and rely co their (needs for a trial mitraelly. 11. & BRO. JUST FIECEIfa,• re;f •- •;;;Ws•ent of PIANOS, from the manufactarier of Cntoszsom, Boston., and Brom Rano, Neve York. ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO ST(tOLS., for tale at rualtgacryttrfa w„vi at. Sole Agent far Chlekenng's Planes, der! for Western Pennvylvania. tHecond ONE weund hand Piano, 4 swtaves, price 500. °Si" " 40 " " 20. For sale for moat al the above prima, by dold JOHN 11 htELLOR, el Wood to T° V I pcioirasMZ'S °Yarn Niacin to and connected from the laat Eng lieh to rOrtevNimd t; , P o Lr'i Or , ttnsi Sella, of Violin playing, by bit Pupil 1.1 . . C. MIL -If any arguments to required to recommend iltii - work, It may tic observed that Spohr himself adhere•s d to that ctly I to the system eown in the almse wo rt, J thus be hae by the same made of instruction. produced • greater number of disunguished pupils than any other mat .appl yarOpa.. bare just reed. fence 47,) and fer by dety J H mcuma. h wT_Lt • 'ling i t ! tae . WAITe !De .41 e „ :13 - - -..- -- 1 -- ----, - A N EMINENT lanoltruperieneed Phlerolan from the :I Rub of 20 years standing, offers 40 treat all eases of a Delicate Nature with proathusese .d barony. wee.. in Buffalo and other large cities hat been proverbial. Ilia elemn are tneslerats,.d the mirea permanent. fill/ewe. of (Beet, Stricture, Per. ft., Fluor AR., Rheamatism, Ag4lo,Byphills, or any chronic or neeteette eases solicited. A Core warranted, or charge refunded. Omens, St Clair street, 2 doors from the Bodge. Teelh ',Austad Ad.en to the poor gra. N 11-Dr. K. solicits the worst covey or ad) &wow in Pittsburgh to cull .14-dly - PRT21,01.81 11 1, OR ROCK OIL. "'them ate more Edna. In Veero mid earth Than are doencurn of in p osophy. 4 ID: VIRTUES or thu remarkable remedy. and T 0 e comaa application for 11, to the proprietor, h. induced h. to have it nit op in hottles with la bele and doreettatis for the benefit of e panne The PETROLEUM la procured fro th m • well in this county, at a depth of four hundred feet.. a pure VW, MOOOOl4OO article, without any chemical change, but root as flows from NaturesGreo.Labratory' Theta monolith properbee reaching 0 number of 1.e.., la no !auger • Mg. r of hnerSinnif T 44000 aye many things 01 the secant of moue, which, if knosion, might In of •est useful.. in alleviating suffering, and re storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a er thier tame before the proprietor thought of putung it up in bottles, a had a reputation for the mire of dio cese The constant and daily increasing eels rot it, and reser. remarkable curet it hos performed, ir a sure inathothen of Its future popularity and vr'de ...mid epplicabon In the bore of i 115... We do tot with to mate a logg Pkrude of cornfo rates, as we are COOOCIOIIO that the mcchelne cense. work its way into the favor of thaw woo ruder and with tro be healed. NV hilon we do not claim for it um I epyilmuttion In even ' giumt2 6, we 2. 1 1 ,1106- ungly say, that wa number of Lurowe lowa.. it is ansthilled Amon( these may bee numerated-all Ramo. of the m.o. unties, such as CIIIIONIC BRONCIDTIS, CONSUMPTION on its early staged Milano, end all disease., of the ate pawages, LIV hit COMINJJNT DV SPIYPSIA Diarbeea, Dowases of the Bladder an , d K 10067 , Pains in the Bark or Side, therSol.ll:4o4o.ol,Nearalta,Paiay.Rheemstie Paths, Gout. ti rout, Triter, lugV/ eau, Bums, Scalds, Bro.. 0 11 Roger, ho., Ice In cases of debility reo salting from exposdre, or long sod protracted caws of dime., ails Idedlelair Will bring relief It will abt lia a geueral TONIC and ALTERATIVE In mien eases, it tone .d energy to the whole frame, 00010,- tog oh.rernonui oPeimili,the alaggieb function., which canto dupes. and a bre en constitution, and giving Inerewed and renamed er.ergy to 911 thP e 161 14 4. 6, Idle . The proprietor knows of several cures of PILES. that of every other tromment, get welt ander the use of the eIIIREM for 0, short tune The proof eau withoutg any parr who &ores 0 None genuine wi the signature of the prom... Ithid by the proprietor, S Al KIER, Canal Basin, near Seventh et Alw by N B. BELLEW:I.V Wood eu, .d-KISYSER & AVIDOWELL, earner Wood . and Virgin alley. who ore h. _ ..vtd/1. IrrTIT-"T"2.3.alg`±. rips /opt) viwworto. f l PINE AND CEDAR WARR al ANIIPACTORY No. KT, corner filarleht end Filth' rs 9 Ream, lween Third and Fo elm. T".L'?„r.'ti - L,t7 , ,50ir.,;,11,'",- ,,1 ',1 b t• • -bole . Wash Tubs, Ploy slthr ' n; ' , '' Meat Tubs, Barrel Chums, Bath Tobs, Half Rushee, Wooden Boyle, Pecks-and half Pests, Wash Boards, 8e... Bound Backe., Clothes Pies, Towel Roller., Wooden Ladle., Ike. Rollers, Lluthes Baskin, Zolathel Ila,keds & e ,he :0011UEL KROPISU.N, rovt4 No 6l Ihanniud alley, l'ambilogh _ Jral I F ta tg rsli s t . / 1 Ir a a' Fos P o r t o v o C. seers' i b rt a co Ib: 11 . . , • 1 4.4-1 Impoted (' 7ect front the ev celebrated re ' r ' U ' • f le c tr . zr -n\',',l,7vv,vc‘iftrard _ , LI/hl-30 bids double relined, tor sale low by fulit4 BURBRIDGE, WILSON & C.O A L ° .kh4',o-Ib. og 'i too } t ' , ' o r o, c :ire: foe ..le by febls R E .04.LLERS_ I C ° FF Ei:-- " "" BROWN k la, ~,,,4 1 11 1,0 1"1" EviotA9Ar.26 , 3 bin' Id ts, Old* rued,b• 40 "Illoi:VP }R 1 . 1;r at/GAR-m-07N 0,70r - wie bi -- - o_, febli BROWN & KIRKPATRICK ItICE-22 1 herou fresROWN h, a'rriaing and for nee by B & KIRKPATRICk, fable 144 l_ilroLe , t ilsOLR-lIN 414(40141 0.24;4, 100 barrels Suporfine, 00 barrels fine on hand and for sale by febl3 BROWN & KIRKPATRICK CORNTE try 6 Vellowifor sale feblu i BROWN In KI RIP ATRICK. CORN-Il sacks receiving per ate. Nes., and rot I'ela by thiolS JAME* DALZIZ.. WINDOW 4 M.- -4141tp .s'd, in more and for sale by Limbs LAMLA DALZELL Bikomt+-11:. to. Kelly kco Tea. Maims. tor sobe by febln J AMP. 4 DALZELL B UTTER, be -Itilifi , l4 a d„ 3 l,: k. us Butter, 1 Ah.xiv ... u., 2l s s a a l e i k fo e r y T e a ru k h b e , o, lir nee I 1 : .1 ANIFS DALZF.' I. /LJ •••• f JOIIN 111 MORGAN -- _ ItInfINK-250 salmrsor, for role by /01IN 13 aIORDAN GT:t .,,,,-BAGS—...WO Met reed end for rile loy lIIIEVFOOLE Oh CLARICE SOA tl-2*o lth Rosin, in store mid the ~he be - ENGLISH A BENNETI, 0.4/C frb li t S-. lN awlPidoa Women, in rater ' r' Wand tOrl4:ll. .1 y u) febl4 Y.P.61.2414 & BENNY:IT lir 111 - PE, IIaNS-Y Mils . In Cote and for rile by ifylobll4_ YoN! i lLISII & BEN ET I'_ H°47,1 - it"‘"L'"°"°i-.;`,N.g.11 7 . ,,, .. , rr , 'tout* thiJUDS-12 palr Long Leggings, - DI pale Shirred Leggings 9 Alr Carl:nano, round and square, 12 Pea COals I emu No t Rings; 1 do Not do, 1 do No Z. do, Jou reed and for Bala at the Itribber Depot, No 5 Wood rd., kW_ .1 . A 11 PHILLIPS A I:CCHOL- 5 bbla reed mid for sale by prebid JOHN D MOROAN MEDICAL. ELLF.R9 FAMILY MEDICINES --"they are Os Q liledicines of the day." • tOurox's iii 04210,. Ohio, May It 149. W E. Sellers: I think it right for the benekt of Where to state woe facts in relation to year excellent Fami. ly Aledietrisa I hare nerd your Verstatuge Dorm,' in my awn fam ily, one von frequently answernig for expelling. rge - quantities Posy Ito 200) worms from two childrsa I have also tired your Liver Villa and Cough Syrup faraily, and they have In every instance produced the elect desired. As I am sngsged in me isms. I Ron able to stale that liaise yet to tearer lhefins fruluois where your medic ties have licen used in my agenda of the you r la eoneluriton, I may state Out tarry are Mr medicines el the day, and are dosuried .n hare n very extensive pspularay Yours. rot vr dully, io dull y , art. Prepared and sold by R. i• ItS,No .57 Wood street, and sold by Dmtior • a mierally in the M tseo gri lles and vicinay. YTI `jAeIAT euRF, tyre LIVER coatrLit fiver Pa .. , lt - bi lid. LT original, only r, and genuine Lil. scam, dual, Ohio county, Va. March $ MIER. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l tirmk a duty I owe to you and to thn publm roper.. ly, stare that I have been algieted with the Liver Complarra for long tune, and no badly that an abet. tanned and broke, which led me in a very low state. llavht i b i rth/ rl Itlin'a.'rpocrr:l44"Le's't a Weer r:ll.l.rchr'ougmfeonede7 t e r, me by Toy priyaream Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to grv. to a Dor trral. purchased one box, mod found them to ••ie just what they are recommended, THE livsr Ll- • VER PILd. EVER USED; vld oboe taking four boxes I Mid the disease Ins entirely len me, and I am now pealed 01 well. R''Pc"fia' T' lnl COLEMAN. West Liberty, Mara:, vti,ISI I. 1 realty that I am personally acquainted wadi 010 I.leur and can bear teatunony to the truth at the am s :o rates. A R SHARP rho e ,1111111 i, /M Liver Pills •re prepared and mid try R I.LERS, No 57 Ward street, and by druggists Intelwo Mama. TO TIIE pUDLIC.—.The Original, only true and gen. nano Liver Dills are prepared by R Sellers, and have bos name moaned in black wax upon the lid of earn on, and his signatore on the outside wrapper—Ml others are counterfeit, Or base laniumona. Kau Ft E SELLER?, Proprietor UtI..JA SAWS CATAIIIIPIATIVV, BALSAM !PROM the Rev ACA SHINN, a wed known and Imp alai Clergattionn 01 the Protestant Methodist Chsob pate undeolgnell hamng been afflicted during the wrmet with or disease a: the stomach, sometimes pm dye , great pv in in the stoinach fur ten or twelve Harr without inter. orLand etc, having tried Vail,. remedres with, rile" was furnished with roads rolls DJayne'sC mauve Balsam: This he used tm• rding to the diree.rns,as .1 found luvariab ly that ihoi medicine oat:sedate:pion tooliVe an LI/ me or four min aloe; led in filleen or twenty minutecevery x at. moutem yr. entirely quieted. Sloe medicine was al terwardavied whenever indica:iota/A the asprosch or pahlwereluereelymi, &addle pain we a :hereby prevent. rd. Ile continued muse the page every evening and sometimes •ne naorntng, and in a few ct.l health was en Carr -.omit flirt the stature wits r eliesr ed from • large amoubtorOppreherge pan/ Irmo pot:knee, therefore. se eau Conitlentty recOmmt...l U Jayne a s Cardinal 00 lb./Manz, as a as tar Inedieth dimilmell of the atounaet. and bowe All lsgheny . A 5111 71 ND e mo Fos Call in Pittsburgh m it to E iLIN IFA .'COIL 79 Forath street, near WO rand also •t turibus Store aril P SCHWA A.C"scy9 coNsunirrivE ß s , SBEA OA YOUI: GUARD. COMPOUND SYRUP OR MILD cuEnra. tintyy i na.... - nv 0.01 Cloutitaptiort, Coagiw, Colds, Artltmru BronahMis, LlV at Onoinlaint,Spdong Blamed, Piffieblry of Broom. Ing, rob di the Side sod Brea., P . ols-taboo 146 ilcati,llatlyeniet, &tandem, bore 'Macmb Nervous Dell sy, and all DistlOte a of thc ilreset nntl Itungt: the rnur Naiad ntal ever kAowu/okAk.i,y, La. • the ,t,lnfo Stress- DR. CI% AYNK'S DOMpolnad gyr•p of NV Ltd cherry! Thht medicine is no tourer anions titora dbaltlfhl attloy. It has the awsy from Me Utourands dnity lannehed spon the dde o: esperiaand, aid 1,011 higher in reputatin...n.l t,,beataniutt more extra-L.... ly used nu any other preparation of toed:re:no ever inflamed for the telt.. sarteents man. It Lao Leon ntrodured very generally through the United States and Viorpe. awl there Ire few towns of impiety' bra what torn roare rentarkaLle donee or Rs good effects. For prow of the foregaiog ...mutts, trod of the 'pita Ord CEirsorf 0( t!os eine, the to logrlnsort a Jew it the mat y thoo land te.monills which have been prevented to hunt to) vert of Me Gest rettpecutbility—inett who hove hiser vie.. of-main: rerpoorthany rind ruinee, duo to cw tify to farts, becauee it will do another a favor, add no injustice. Snell teramottY Prot , be eon . elnovel'efly; that I. tadynteing eveclleuce estaldiuhed by Its intr.*. merits, and the unqitranottuble unthoto ty of public Nand.. The russidstar.o. rd.( it he WV's, lual Boothiros trolusoce didured through the whole fre,C,l hy n., render. it a mod agreenble rsiandy far die edllined. RK.IIIIMBFR! "Ctrhen men, acting from con...diem imputte. voluntarily bear teedutetty to blot Rem of a MR., or worldly Net. reel. testimony, being contrury to their worldly inletesto hod ripoSet, 0001,p4. 001101000 n of to: and [newt [eel-sOll a ova illmoner tO ~,,I,,,c.^loKan'a Moral Maxims. • r.AD twat CF, STILL Adotrarna 0001 of MOOOOll 111.1,41. Thera poor!, woo remedy that Iwo been or Luc..dal In oLvtoornte crow of itetwampuon Dr i;orttyne t . Command Syrop nova. cherry, •Orc,,gthe a 1.,0 not th , r% Ihe tom— rolau It Oro/ Ind rich blood; (river porsorrrd h . , no 'der rdtmaa --. CILIFTII3 CO.. 'p l "lbtlt, Isla. Dr. On wne—Dess Sin I verily .6.11,, , , y•ur 0.1. pound Sirup of Wild aerry bus bven the mean , hi laving my L.. I clAbght a ilevere cold. winch gradu ally grow worse. attended with a severe coach, hut rests....l all tho reutedtes which tee ad me tan sull inereneiny until say cuss c eslin all the symptoms ~ Dulroonary Consumption. Every thing I tried .....-ened to haves no effect, uhd my complaint tnereased so rapid ly that (muds as well W oeysel gave up all hopes ot morecovcry• Inc thts I was recommended to try yr Invaluable medicine: I did so with the most hap py results. The but bottle had the freely toldo tite eons, eaustng me to expectorate freely; aby dm ante I had wad siz as wets wa s elt, ar..l am now as hearty • man as I ercr was uti my lir, ,uil would be happy to ewe any Informaboo.respeettbg my case, that. other sufferers may donor the ber.c.El too which I mat Sc gratutal. For thy trutS tli ma above .87tetimat: I tuffuthyolsom i to Leit,:nr.cldttt., Ca . oeee, West 'estl74lekteliewyssts,P' as :a.m... _ .. .. . _ Wavelnyful Cure of a iifelhOdist :isnuts, Dr 51rayne—Dear Pin I feel anent of i nested& dso .6 you-send • duty to the alliteded genet. lly, to od r e my humble tt•tilnony in facer of year Compound :sy rup of Wild Chem. Sense three yea. s.nee I was colently attacked with cold and intluomanon of the e l f, gT, p w ai l" rt t h n tb ' e *.' newt :Sc.'rod heal, . 4 w ut r a y d e ‘ o . n r e ' i til7. ' ,V. hie discharge of offetutve uterus from the lungs, es),- 4 6 i n .U t I f`N."„bl";.r.Z,lm",'''.`,`,:dih..ll,7,7, ',..l.T.'',r4tt; soon cony:me l d that I was rapidly gotitg Into ennorm) , hon. I grew daily wreaker, and at length 11,1 , score, ia's7c'exlc'eltall'ion'ettoin7:S"ofru";l".'ysw. V.11:;c0= nine i had tried starimulPreparationstotr d pre,,i ,'. but found no rcluf—grovriac all thu nurr wrote Just" here I seas t o ma et d persuaded by a deer friend nt Watuungton to make trial of your sly 01 Wed diter. ry. I most cent ess that previously I had l/ep ma. ' i l' t c ore Astffigt gt:T:e.i..,:.-.12t etdpeirr'es,'fi'unr7trt": standiag your e.lloa. to toe profession and nature medicine, and hootng impliett faith in toe rayte.s) of my friends; I furthaoth purchased of Dr• Khoo., one 01)00 . 0 agents, a ha, bottles, ma eon:I/lewd. use. Sio4tss case was at rho , sone of tat or 25 month: standmr, ion requently it was deeply .tree. I foohti, heruever, considerable mug from the tues of the first four orfere beetre, pot battle a public • speakes , I Ire/penny, Olt tempted to preach onto toy islereaTing ittrengill. 4.1 thereby ruptured those vessels that bad already begun to heal; In this way, doubtless, m Yea re Ira. greatly Warded. In estasequence of acting th. insproticar . I had to use titmice or fifteen bottle* before I venison. reedy restored I have no quesuon, a touch small another of.laqtas would hobo made me sound, lot the above todlsoretanL Thh ...:Inip allayed the few. tAlt habit. took -tray the t runcating cough, psi a s , to the them of moues from the May, mut pre mom and the noire system good health. I have defe red sant*? thi. ettlfiCale Mini now, teethe Owl., of being rfee...6 annofted wail the permanent . ) it the cure, an now tiled I feel perfectly well I oder it .10t pleasure. Ran. J. P. JO/WAAL Dabbn coom!. N. C - --- _ _ _ ineporfealth Ceration-..Rearl. Rod! There is bat ni e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, -, and dad is Dr. h/Wavnles, tho first evet offered to the . po bbe, gekth-/i —as been void Minty throughout did United btliten o.rul some partrol Ithropm and ad per. / p a v a n canes by the name of Wild Chcirry have been put out time dila, under cover of mute deceptive threat...aces, .4 order Yu give eurvendy todied eel,. fly a %tale obtoevatiOn, no proton need he the genuine from d e (alse.. Rae beltie 0( the Keee,lie I. enveloped wit u beautoul eel engravitg, wlth w e denote pf Witham Roan thereon; also, 11r. tivrayne`e elpal4re. and .. v further senoritY. fltv P0r1(0.1 1 or Or Sul - V . l O . NAP 1. , 444.1 lietcwllClL,,Oo h. ta ttivilegooth his preparatioh 'rota all (inlet.. Now, if it was not for die peat curatthepropernes and known virtues ot Dr. Anrayriels ealiowund Syrup 01 Wild Cherry, person. would not lie endeavoring to give ourtrittly 1.0 their "fiedittoos nos , /Mee by stealtug the edam of. Wild Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the Mete Of DI. Swayne net be not deceived. principal 011ise, corner Of Eighth mad Iliac 'teen., Duladelphia. For vole who , male and retail hy °GDR:4 A SNOW DEN, er r Yht may Woml str, 11 A FAIINFSTOCK A , Co ; Cot let U. ' , Wood, and bth mid tYthel .m; NV hi ruouti, :a 11-thket vt; 9 JON/19, toil Liberty st,• JAS A .10111ES,clot Aland out Faun los, JOIIN 1 , 11'FCII• ELL, Allegheue city, and by all rexpeethble dealers in modtine,___ octld . Dr. W.P. 11.11.10,4 Premium Plaster.. Dg - W. F. INLAND, of the hletheid College blush . 1.1 odelphin, now ollera to ilth public M. Indian Veg etable Premiuna l'lneter, We t qualmes of which. i t liatt,An,dd.trie.i.d. eUrn.e.a.ce,,,,,,b,bobe.cialvstitteniesonly ec lic aillleti.d .1111 \ Prolapves Uter'' or Fallen Woinfi, he reed . olthendi plisetthAnatthlthe:olX a sdro s ou xpoody ttlic in the short emice of Dorn two to thee weeks, t( applied w ee none and reet—dimording lall the imunl.ltdroment• and expensive bandages sn long hi use. ThIA he feel. constheithous of JIIILLAIIe, inuetnueh ne he hith not failed hi our OM oat of three hundred and filty-thred pn• Alt twat ditch pain told Wttilt att or Batik, at. tend ed nnadentin7 WlT,iour Wilcatinotne r ai Reiter,. Liberty end Choirrrtt Dt Surgent Fedttul at and Mamma, A 1,,. 'bogy cit yltrmumd lacque r h. ON Ittrunan andiron, r 3 • • • .... . _. •-- -RICTSACT in , t1f,FF151•:..-An woe,. winch 14 re• s wog 1010 ow ns o sholesione, Hour...sow .1.4,1„,t107/,‘beserogr., limns more rC434111 nod pol • r ioblr titan rinotowl Co,Ter, s ond far r woper, , os . s itowl pap ., of onlikitosro,lti:•:,dir.ll.l w 1 Ito ill el 10ar pounds of t ' adre. Jl ' llls S " . A111.1,F.11, hoilmrsh, I`.l Sold at Slioleside.by LI A 1.7.11A15 . 5 1..11 A ,o, corner of First and Wood owl ;Oath dill W,solssrw , I , l_ ‘;111;-:'.171'51A RU11111.31 t;50,11,--lull rOvt•Ored. V 3M CYonitp.lllediteis, 20 °lacer wlts; la pri F.oos, IS pair. Heil lined Diarist; Bootsi 1 . 1 Isthmus Oro.; r ,,,,,, "bulks, 5 sod 12 50110 1, 01 rash, SO eunicio:„ .4 l Xll ,Cl'o; I do. Ilacksk,o lons, &Ws, 150 o c i. , 1 copa./ric do do. 'L'Or shove roads Int LAO: nt ill,: ... I fornin Oulating Fotoblishment, No 6 %%owl It. oichill _ / A 11 1.1111.1.11'S . -- , — A - NI vjUt—WroughTlrun Auvil., how tho 1 . 5114 . 0 , .11.snervillo works, Sorrowed; will o r r0 ,,,,r,,,,y MI hand and supplied to order, by, ..v., 11.1,11f:1)141RA N. 00 li. ana . 1.. 7pipe. IlritOdi=sltwit, lOilwy, fon, L'Llu''Ks--',,,,p al "ii ~,.., .; , s et is 15 l. Hum; 4L ' a "L. VLl' N ' i!'l i n f l7,lll " :' ' Jl ' iTi.Tur.r. soya CA 1 - 117=1 - tieli;ii . td.Trgrstiir , 8 1 1t. '? g 57.-"vr.t.;° ,l,. " l l' Ac o l s .l ' l l' l by. R E F. nova 77 - 1-, siASKA. jr.io7litlltl4l &A. Ash, Wid 10 roils (a) litract , los reorder, arrived prehp Oxenb,idp, I" sd 4°"`°""4 an b t s ": , Nifi r j l VllEL ' Tlik N. lie,They wavreefee, during the wuter, large supplies tie New Orieuas. ' lao•30 ti IV TRADE.. BOOXSI ern,: WAR WITH MEXICO, by H. S. Ripicy, 1. ols. Ed“nenin Rh rick compriving A nsive it of the Loot, of Moral Evidence and ot nn Richard Whamlv, D. D. - Ezsay on Christ:inn Daytime; by.Elapost W. Noel, M A. The Ogdvies, n Novel. Fatry Tales, from nil Nonons; I,y Anthony Mon thdbn, wtthl.l illa.thothon• by nuT JOIFINSIOI STOCKT, &In corner 'r T. .ord nnd s. O .c N oth _ • New and Elegant WE Bookel ACRED riCENEt•AN I, CHARA CTERS; 4y J. T Silmdley, won elevca original designs by Parley. Poem* and Prose M rinugs, by Rtchard / Dana; v 01... ma.ltit Illuminated fittnt of st.eved Poem, with eis Muslim bans engraved 011 steel, by John Sawa.. Just rem.ved by JOHNs.:TON tr. fiTOCKTO, dr22 comer Med and Market ars =E:= Trig lIYPICIAN AND I'ATIIIINTy or a Prnetical View of the mutual duties ' relations and interssta of the Mrdieal el of the Community; by Worth ington 'loos,. M. D. liVori.• of Michael De Montaigne: comprlslag In. Esrey., letters, &c. Ily n%m. linslett. Nincvell and us Remains_ lly Austen Henry Lay. aid. Eoy , C ramp,. of Ponta; or Notca of all Unfinished Tour 1,347 ity S. T. Topper's Prrn,Fhial Philosophy, now edstion; illus trated. lust received by IN:TON & IZTOCICTON, nova roriMr Market nod Third !Wert! 1840.601 L°DI:WOOD'S ILLIISTRATFI: I WORKS-1110 outlined tlont.-13note m licitly entered tanthnd illuminated and illuatrated—llootio superbly bound Velvet, SM. Moroi:o°,lnd Com, osoinu, 111 mita:ion of the Middle Age—ltildre and Prayer 11001 4, beau Wally bound in Velvet and Moroceo,mognificently or itantental and illuminated. For rale by JAMES D. JA:SWOOP, dedl Donktellor A Importer- Wood 41. Chrletmas and Neer Year eipproachthg! EL.E.C4A.NT AND SLAISTA Wrfh.L. BOOKe, In No gnijiTte druryne Binding, fur the Eolith:v. T Aft Et 1i I,tICKWOOD, Booichener and Importer, Wood circa, hae received a beautiful colleetwo of. rtinhlreird Mock•, bound in the most epTradid r hy the bent Landon and American bindare—ninosig them may be lanai: I•nrlty; magnificently illunii Yearly or Amer. blur& Loysnt the tn World; illottionied at gold and colors. Woretiwortled. liter crt richly :iluitroted. The.• carier, dlunamitted by Osegn Jones, and Bound carved wood. I, Song of Songs; Illontionted Lpp Jona, Potrero, and their Erndrcti lritought.s, illuminated by Jo Dr...lies of Simkspenre; lilogtroted. Oho setessuro of Women; illostra. ted. For role by. I D X.OOK WOO, deli rgl Wood sour! 1311=:: DEDIIURNI lit. Fitst Voyogr, by Henault/11c'Indic tumor of -Typee." "Otnoo." &e. fit.tnry of Knig Alfred of Frptilrtod, My Jacob Abbott, vtth floe cup ',top.. Snlonia tbn noreetenn; by Wm. blentbold. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON , nonll _ . corner Tined end Harlot 'tweet Ores of tie Area: ArmorLae Works of the Age" IVINEVF,II - AND ITS REMAINS; with an account AI of a vl,lllo.ltie Chant!men Christian! of Kurd tw lan,. Cad the Yezidie, or Devil , ,Voratuftpera; and au Ingot? into the Manner. And Ana of the Anclent A.-A.- rms.. Anetoo Henry Laynni, Eeq., C, t lutrodeeton K. • Note by Cent' Rohm.. D. D. LL. D Mott - vied with 1:1 phinie toil mane, am'. Chi wood cult '2 Tel. Cvo. cloth, HAN. - The latch has a rare amount of sreithie, vivid, , tarewitte - wol: of Le Ant le the Taft prominent tontri button to tin • .mdy ' niaiquity, that hes iiiiiice.red for 'l..r i l loy ' a " e ". • ;72 ' 11 ' Lll t te " ? . egt the n c' oat o' Nineveh anal we It. t, .1 by Mr. tv•ltlngtott Irarl/wenct 'Ac we ft...lw the One,. with toredlieet tow Fe.. 141 etleaViltionB, old sudilooly tad oareelveA On fore a measly, brute coved wee moos accouter, tow lilting we eigootte heed trout tee duo of r ic e yreter, we or Teady to ery out wills tit. ex:oohed Audi, '‘lirellith. a • wonderfel, but it se true!' D , tov JAMES D. LaCKWOOD, .1 Woad st New Rooks. Tell WONIKN of the Old and New Tenlnment. I,y l R. ,prnetac, It. It. I vol. Imp. evo.. •Icgoolly bound, C.Slitll , llCly tink.hed Cll,ravings; wito de,ermtne ,, I.y eeteltrated AMl,lol.lllClergymen PI ANIFILIA, l Mee. NVelby, of Ky.„ko ne and enlarged odam.,, oneravinr,fro nr.s mai derrgo. by Wler. 1 vol ~bare Iv !.nand and Al.o—A yar,oty .p ca Alum alt and Cia I'l,l gook of the History of Rom vv..) TUE AssisTANT, oalapterl for A. .e of CalllMlllett. ,e.hlovenehln, Wheolserothts, Slilv re et, Lotabernket, Caaleti, awl Arularor gc Loran) loam, a therongh nod pracural Treate.c on 31eneut• nod odd the tenting 11010. hap,. A. Al. More , 'r 111 root Proge COUMVSII:I4/11.. Ol.rudortr• Klement], From, tiramotal. By no ot Brown 1 'Ave r voi.l,van. Nocdiger. I MIUMILIfI 1101,100 thammar, hY Cotton ll.tMCM111• • Itenrcer Loom, Trwmoinctry and Logurtthrme vo. Tlor Crrcr CO/ItOra:111CC. 1 VOL (11all ..” r Sole , cl.strr. ll,ct.n..ary, It ed. I vol do 410 111.1.rielge,t. I voi..ito. Htrt'. Ltue,ttonot New Testaaucla. Whairsy• Logs, o‘hc”u , Kcescore..ncrd Votary. 3 vols. anti rr VcatsgrK of Creat , n I vol. I -re.. Aloretng• anionc the .W.ll l -I et ILOIZIn. I vol. (cloth Pal'er I snea t," b. , the Irmo, hoe 'lrsothldsCd• 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) H. Thenlogsc al lA...tares. I vul. boo. (cloth.) ProtKg 11.1de. IWyer • noune Hotooary. Stnar't Huta , c. For SIC IL HOPKINS, nool3 A n.blio Hutlelnze. For,. at Wr Hot /I, J1 , .. 4 1' HI • I-, VC33.—Tae wurc• o 111 Mont:soot, 01111,0 by II slaztat, coo/prom* . Li• Loteo, end Jour , , , r thron,b (Jerntany and loly. wrth from a,i 01r Comsnentatore, Utogtaph oll anal 11.insogravalcal Ac. • 'llwory and Pramlec 11l Tee,. or, the 17 c. and Nolo., of Srlsnol-it by David I,nec, A. Al Pain , ipm nt the 01:, Normal Sclwol, A:bany, N , Frank ror...ter , F 1•11 and FP•hlnc al the U. SIMICA 1•ro.l In,. of North Alllf fie. 1 , 0 Henry WA Herbert JOHNSTON A, sTot:KI'ON, coro, Thad r.. 1 Market els_ The Olden Time. /01E4 4 IA11'01;000, Roolt.-seer and Imporcr, e) N 0.1.1 Wei,ol ..dect. toe Pam lesv eopme coin ,..orroder ev: tne edisiony of .14.1* valuable ock. d. ve to ire I'm •.'",M10 , 1 01 I /ooployni, awl other ssr.,..^eeso. ;, at sd to too eery ek p.0rau0,e,..,,,11..111,1 mtp,,mum'lll 01 Min C , ,mmry Ilerca , t ..1 tee Own lip 11 Crow cy i., oflll rarer, ktL Y volp. Sno. 1110 Y U. LOCKW(R)D. ii vi1;57.....0.f lb' Ins, 11,,trated with tweln . e oeraetrea. exc . cuicel Ihnue uomortn nil Prescutt's !Intone:II nod,. Just puzoisheci and for sale by /AMP. D. LOCKWOOD, Ds:de-eller and novo. Importer. CO Wood la VANN' ITALY. authorized ninon, E I'S el, MOS. FANNY RF-Mlll.rd YhAlt coNSOI.ATION. 'The Pooling el shoi book has iraprrosed in with a murk oplloon nkautkur dolt see bad formed Irmo perits.ne her ether w thud f. It displays adeeiser lone of umwgla, muted to mark pun womanly grate Of er.ellog Wm, (1.4 other production el the lERMIIc iniud veMP : lllMacii Inc ars MIMOT. "It ran very apccable told resitsdlc book,Written la Fanny hcioblehil.oo4 —Cott, spirited and enter . t.ioung. the recommend it to our readers tbe hest publuono,, seasou.'—lleadlid Gem dooniusne Jourunt ' of thivel through I:l3rope,' ati , l g•••••,...... In Italy; ic one IVI mad 1114.1.“ lam...rUus hooks of the seasois''—Uour.and • p. 'A . very characteristic hook. )tie have read it from 11)1e IO Colophon with totahated Intense A VI. • pleidire lac in Rood; lo all respects eitullellll reaumble:—Knickerboe ker. Fur sale by /AYES It IA uovIS Bookseller & Importer, U 1 Vinod al Li thographlc 'last* bit/amts.:Li WAY. SCIIDCIINIANN, Thiel Rh opposites the kJ Voal.-011iee, Laidscapes, Bill. • StombaM, Labels, Archilertural and Mrwhitio Dhostugs, Dullness !slid Virdlng etildu ko d of d'art; on um, awl prlMestl in colors, hold, drone or Black, tit die non apploved style, ikt4l lath! MOM renouublu tote., oettruly - . ll"fg—'n)"l* Z Vet A b t&hlSS ior male nTC'f PUN UA~t5- - 1 help I'D l'.L toll CANFIELD I illEAl• 010111' DV. LA IN:`-7 cexex poor stiie ! colored II de Loin, or he extremely ios prom ul Ile. per yoo A A N M tr. CO, or. arket rt am. cax c l . reenZ o. coroes, 5 b " pine Apples; • " Cherries; • " " otrawberrier, , " torn 3 " half gal. bottles Fickler, 3 " 4uart do. :I `' Macy do. lice'd and fur sole at the Pekin Tea Stem., 70 & Foorill nit I FLOUR-13 reljd an Otleby de3t. Av.; 1 JuilwrtlN d . 11/ :leered ct hloo'l Sandal., " louder . Dver.hoes, AI: of which will be ...OIL wholesale or retail, iowca_ IL. a. , • holm° in the city. N l os XII I'IIILLI AttCt'l tll e.o .% clod Ico I.y 4015 1101111\14.1 1'4 11."1 - I I rerkoo, of primel3 10b 1 tot stopping, for mate der;tt I,R WATF.M. , N ,:zri...„l• arr0.;;,...a4111,M:L.1,40, gu t .1-I;Au.....Arsce.d by 8...K4.4;rr A 05 111 Th:, dll N. D. Wood mt 141.0 toipor brooch 13.nrk oiik Vi V cone, extra tronotine, reed per exprecs, at dOOl A A NlAlitn &CO'S `sUM/ ta.Lit, Cotton; V& N . LI.I , id 44,010 Fcalbera; 1 tierce Cr sac ko Won:, 0 do. " " nreelen; .wive on stennS IAI lF l i 4l t c anol or CO ie Front et dell - 11Ns ItAtt —4 4.'64 Clarified. for sale by VT 101 l , WICK tr. hteCANDLESS 16 &ebbs ram tor mile by _,,,, l',i-i,:;"'3L--- tt - Ick x. 31rCAND1.1.____ k g (nisi; IA ii/Lier6-411, - 0 - 161,Tati . ue ii:Ot IN CL .:, a DIL 0/ry hoary and epleudtd article, pot he'd to lot ,ile love, at N. 6 Waal atreeLpi. . _ ....„„ , 4 vs do . 00 r- -- ' --- ' ICI nine ii;rl for telet ay , co Ctiali — OTE7 l, bat j io oil AiletTiltil.-1•! lusteed and 10 . , :y, i ; D bl , co ..--- , a nd.',„" o O,OVOy fibleCi''—'3 bbl, i.''''''''' r" STUART Se •41LI, L 111* UKE CARTNRI6-1 '' Ca pet 114 - 17 , 'wire Lake C,.0,t, iehletib. v.Wpl...."aueb*"elaoll'kieh". "' lot I' Gll DILL TE ,. N N0 1162 , 07 er. GER I a ,RORER .• EXCHANGED crir s_somis, Ws HOLM— Basak•r• , nuL Egobasag• cati NOTF- , t, D RAFTS, ACCEPT/LNG ES,GOLD,SI EVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLCTIONS.—Drafth Notes and Acceptances P, at - able in any part of the Union, eollected on dm most sorable terms. EXCHANGE on New Vork, Philadelphia and Bal timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisvalle, Saint-Louis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANKNOTE:S.—Notes on all solvent banks In the Foreignn discounted at dm lowest rite.. 'All kinds of and American Gold and Silver Gain bought, and sold. °thee No. 55 Market street, between ad •nd FA, Pitishargh, Ps. cora 1 , 01.151GH .EOBIA. D ILLS on I,sButd, Ireland, and Scotland nought XII any mount at the Coned Rates of rachattita. Alsq D.DsPsTable in any part of the, Old Ctantnes, froN 11 to .E.BIOO, at the rata of 11.5 to the I:Sterling, without dedoction or dtsconnt, by JOSHUA ROBIN. BON, Itaropean and General Agent, Whoa sth at ono door reset of wood. octIEW aiiictsiis - TEC— "`vetann ttEITIZO MS. sum, BANEERS AND EXCHANGE BOORMS. deniers la Forcipt and Domestic Dills a Pletllkgd. Cot. tamales of lkpodte, Boni Notts and Coin, comer of and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Mules Ho tel. • (A,°. builwaN wacky, Mumomi, Dank Nova; • purchased at tha 101.1. Tates, by N. ItOLNEZ k. SONS, 15bluket mat B igh% New York. Phlladalphht, and Baltimore, Constantly for .1. by N. HOLMES tc•SONS. Mdn. MI6CEL Derstiofil Cased. From the New Task Trilme. A FRIEND, whose wont is most rediabla, land who Il hos no possible interest in the matter, bat one of gratitude, deem , us la sag, that he has been cured ol oment. itenfuess, by the steal “Sesspes Command Amts.:b. Oil. " a PhitadetPhia medlcine, winch is not for sale ibis city: bet which he thinks onght to be, lot the good of the tainted. tie has a stater wbo bas also hteit cured by It. Ile urgently advt.. all who me suffering Insat deafness:to to this tamed!, with an ;mosso , . that. unless the ease.be citraordinary; the ~.ittte etret wilt prone abundantly Wlneasafal. Foe UP, at THE PEKIN TEA STORE, laha 70 Fourth at., Pittsburgh - - - Combat Combat 20GROSS super Polka; 10 00.10 very_line; 50 ass ',l Redding. It super tnglie6 Horn Reddiasl " Pocket Combs, Wosd 1000 dos axe' 41 Fine ivory; 30 11 Pluell-oida Combs; 10 " roper large Rufroloi 13/0 gross coed Srde Combo; reed tmd for .010 by c YEAGI•RLIIO Market 01 Buff itallaudl Buff Tlellandt TA,Kt no b d iu b t e ti i . r d. Window ilnliand, to winch he areand meat reapectially call tic LUIZ dUOII of 14i. castor." and the public in 6. 117-Carpet Ware Rearita,7s Foutih rt. janal • • • A LE,tczedrymteur.licliwriFitSrEttiEß,ltiini:%ndv..4l..ronmd:fi; antr ['opt* Jest Raostvad. m....,,,,,131b1teel end 9nbhisth School Dau4PhYl ucw work; vol t IMI:Lo. Town's Msty.. eml Speller. I.tfe of Jobo I f. Actium; by NVM. IL *Ward; I vol t Mao; tnustm Pc.alt Ly,ID , Duman.; I vol, larum South's. Sermons—Sermons presaged upon several occasions, by Robert South, D. D.; e uesevelittoe, 4 vols; including Poethumous Duteoutme. Saute— , l vole. to t cheep, extra; Bvot • For sale by FLROPAINS, Apollo Duildiuge,Patteth st. • EAGLE FOIIIII one NICISOL6O3 -a. W. 0. I,TIR. rI , IIE undetsigned, succesaors to Arthur*. Nichol- I 1 so, beg lean to infonnthe citirsens of Pittsburgh and publ n ic !iniquity, that they have rebuilt the-RA GLL Fells N DRY and are now in full operntion, and hove past of their patterns ready for the market:- Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and. Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-bgbt Coal Stove, which is now supereeding In other eine. the common round Stove. Also, a clicry coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small famllias, with a fell assortment of eau mon and mantel Grates We tumid panicularly in v. the attention of possum building to call at our warehonse before purchasing, and uomine a splendid article of enommelled Grates, finished In fine style entirely new in this mane, Warehouse, No. Idi Liberty!t, opposite Wood st attaintal NICHOLSON & PAYNTh P ITV! WORGII I.2IPOH.TATIOISS. C . YEA(tp.R., c lf !ge l ; varkiWhole= Demler to Sign of the Gilt Comb, 109 Aluket st, Pittsburgh, Pa. nehtsso Alerehuts Pedlar. and 'others visiting Pit:sherd! to purebase ' Goods, arc respectfully invited to coil uud unanthithe exteuive esautinent of F.3tlg- Ugh, .kineitean„Frenoli and German Fancy Gude. .111 Furman binds at dos establishment sue import sal dime: by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting geods 1,01211 boot buds. I have the largest assort : meic of tinielcn. in the variety line, in the city of Pittsburgh-nil of which will be sold low for cub or gay ace-into:me. The Stock consigns, In past, of Lane Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. , Silk Cravats, Shea and Punt Threuls,Sevring SSA, Spool Cuten, Tapes, Supenders, Runes, Nein i.e. and Cullen.. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold jewelry, ..11ktruis of Brushes, Coons and Roloo'. sold Ceps, Revolver!, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Cotton Puree., Spectacles, Steel Pena, Alum Boxes, Carpet Bags andllaskem. Btntiums, Findings and Trimmings. iI Toys and Fumy Hoods; together with large nise ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. I C. YEIAtiBR is also agent for Um cedebseted Lan. ter Comb. 151;gat EmigMb B.m•Q7 Tgoll. Coughs. Colds,Asthroa and Consempuord The 12 GREAT AND ONLY ILF—VEDY for the mire of the ve diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Dueled, -of Leadon, England, and Inteodaced into the United Stine, ander th e immediate superintendence of the Inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, hi %h. cure of Pulmonary diseases, 'warrants the American Agent in soliciting foe treannent th e worst possible es. ems that eon be fonnd in the community—cases thee etch che( in vain from wry of the common remedies of the day, and hoes been green up by Me most distinguished phy omens Is conf.emed and Incurable. The Ilanguri. se Uhler, ',tient . ..it, end will ears, the most desperate f ratos. .• no quack nostrum, bat. a ,ststedard Eng. hsh viddtelnd. of knownand established efficacy. Every family en the United Stems should be supplied with Heaven's Ilitagunin Balsam of Life, not only to ceenteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, Ile to be need as a preventive medicine is all eases climate mittle, coughs, splint's of blood, pale in the side and chest, Dritation and soreness of the lenge, brochitin difficulty of licensing, beetle fever, night sweets, enact. sone and general debility, asthm a , inffuensa, ',lament cb amt croup. Reid in Dego bottles, ea 111 per bottle, with full dints dour fur the renDreallsll of health. Pamphlets, contenting a mass of English and Anted. can certificatse, and other evidence ' showing Re us. minsfied merits of this - greal linglteh Remedy, may be olds or the AMmtle. grateitnasq• For sate by IF A FAIINESTOLK .t. Co, corner o st and Wood and Wood and OM sm. je9dfids9 "7- YIIitiMISTIAN /MIND& • - 11 I , Pg , reatestr o tb e e , :i m var . l i etreear: d tf= 1 1 1 t elt y and most fashionable Eaate n pattern. andeolort. Also TIIE CHEAP ROLL, (11' BOSEON-lILIND, on band Or made to order of all sixes, and mall prima. Country Merchants and other. are invited to tall and essuranc time almse (or themselves," all will be old wholerale or retail, and a liberal dadandon mad, It wholesale ibtllfil/SOlll. aoldty TEE STAB. OF THE WEST *VENMA . C4 BLINDELNUFACTORV East ride orate lhammoud, sr hetoNeoiliaa Blinds of all thadiferent slur and °atom ate kept on hand or made to order , Idle the Latest and taostapyr . usell Eartern Soh- Wesel the shortam aohce and on the moe reasonable tenms. Also, the cheep Boston roll or split Blind Transpa ency and raper Curtains of all the diliment sizes and pattern., on hand and for Bele low &leash. Old Veni tian Blind. painted man and repaired, or taken in pan prTmertt far new it ra ly &ST lilt V ELT, ProVr. B —All we done with the beet material and workmanship, and warranted to pleas. the most fas t MOOS. auglo-dIY Allegheny any, Aug. 10, 1.84F1. 4.7.1 ELLER .9' IMMIRIAL Col.7Gll6vgue—Trastr's 0 Norio. Lick Iv! errlmMie March 27,1617. Mr. 11. E. 'ere—(n ;mime to you and your 'zoom parehle Covzh poop I beg leave to 15.1 e, for the bee eta of the Community, that my wife has been several hetes *Meted with a moat duntessiug cough. I tar. chnocd, January but, • bottle of your Syrup, w 'eh cured a cougit of two mouths' Mending. Abool ode tooth ranee., the cough returned, and urns ea revere Mot rho could hardly move, from weaknees in the br, art; I Petit for oen bombe( youiCough Syrup, arid a part of one bottle et : 17,146i, cough !gave the other lo o rourneyska who war severely e Meted, who had, to use his own worde, ''eaten enough , cough candy to ..ttre all We people to l'itishurgh, , if the catoiy hod been ae good ss renresonted. Your., rmpectfully, Abrarn Prepared and sold w God street, and soli by Lerwstats generallyl w ° dere ALL AND C LINE V T AYAVERO ENITIAN OM. BLIND, A . •tallp inn nn the olilia, thus he - -.....- - .te-lej . keeps on bond at hts stand on the weal side of the Dtunentil gheny city, a ooroplete issort man of Vann. Ilhals; al.. niu. Shatters arc acts \sop !, i 74" der in We a t 7 I. 4l„lravg piivuil co' - dib:sappaattatikt. out lOO . t.idt of a e.i'm da•er. t o l til.`fol ' wtiVia:tat:ft `k, t aldahrentof Hgaso l y ft !trete.- I ' h " .; i d ; old co p al:M . :s e a, ars well as .he onion: at I.ageovla ovorY littltP theta halal , Ageney, No oal Plnahatlyh, J. A. BROWN Uf'roTtnr'll'lde, aane'eirtiTe'd°l7stant R oractory ewood O l f ° lV t il l a t li n T Clock, N. V., of sopettor tallegUoloopyaektgg . w I Foe talc by iL 1:1.1:11RH. sail. • at J. W. Woo.thwells. ov PRARE.TOOTItPOW, kVitadArils• IVORY P EARL 'TOOTH POWDEId, (or removing. Ocarty, Canker, Ludt all .ohntzatee destroetne to the-Tooth.. It is dclipions to thc ismo, cleaving the math; teal* and litrangiboto Log the gums, and purifying the bream. 'For 00101 whop:Lola and retail, by . , . , E SELLERS, 57 Wood In. Iv/maims It...CHEAPER TlIeN: V V deemed, do loveless of fall jewelled latent fe vex Welcher, 111 tiktal tee CPACS, which <WI tell SW tow 68 filmy and chitty five dollars, and vruradled to keep good nets. splendid .azabildieer ewe; P a rareitr.,ll;4lZ t r.r . 4 .- Afilfl won blartet and Falb o. NV. toi n at; t _. RP-MOW:Dry s neer three sty, brine leg,. _ _ ott 9 raithstdd street, one door beim at. apph spent Toth Inserted from are to an entire act i on the .oClic.ll it:dactyl.. With a beat. tltol rezresettatlon of the natural gate—ntstormg ,tas 111.11.3etidnoef=ted with Role or no pain. • thpednanegar coned b 7 Plaie•hei Pre; venting the tooth ache, which to to nn h better than Co ring though it shoohl be done in Ore otinotra, o even Instantly. APMAT fiALTEP29 • • GINSENG PANA CEA! TO vthsE - strmariu - WITIC DISEASED LUNGS.- - be unprecedented success which ken &tended the are of the ' • • . GINSMO - PAN ACEA alp e • rs asioue forms which Irritation of the lump... ttT t f . itte thdueed the proprietor again to cell ester.. 7 'WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The ohamseble weather which marks • our NI cul winter months, is always • fruitiol source of COLDS AND COUGHS. these, If. neglected, are bet the precursors of that WI aGltrOyf OONMPTION. The question, Men bow shall we nip , the dertromm the' bud? law shalt:wgm Alcar at met% ponds and °lda is of vital importance to :no plate. TUE GRE A T AND e REMEDY will be band to the Gtaoc nrace.. la pro.f of this we have from tonc to time cur.:shell the certificates of dose as of our bust known rattans, who mesa per enced ite curative powers- These, w:th of tee timotty Dem all parts at the conntry,—trom MEDICAL MEN OF TIM FIRST STANDING. Mintstere of the Gospel, A., toa-Mhar with coplou not ices Dena the • JOURNALS OF TAG DAY, we Late embodied ptaplitet forts , end may le kat Trade r, ozl ia ce; ei . teitWA eeently. "It'rr used icthls ct~t]y ~ D'7ltouD4iius, ,hrmighcmt the Umted Stew; and .Canade, sc lenge any enaa to point eat SINGLE INSTANCE which, whoa taken aceonllntt In dinGtloll , , and ba the the lenge had become Wally atiorg.tred, it has ever failed to - EFFECT A P.....nFECT CV RE. Why, thee, cited the alAimcd hetttatrY Why resort to khe mi. , rable nostrum., gotten bYaci. ura tale o Jer the untamed name of eons cc !fraud py aitianotod puffed into notoriety by cora:etas eJ pee, was emtelly unknown? Whilst • medleir., el uNvmsea.u...Lat EFFICACY Is to he had, whom, vouchers are at home,—oux aelsti ban, --many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM TEE GRAVE. in order that riot invaluable medicine 1.1 y be placed within the reach of the pool u well the rich, vralfaele pot the lriels at haIfONLYTIFTY 01ENTS, '- oar agents In nearly every town and Village lett arse f the anal cost of conghniedicineg. •tt ts for said by Over die W.f. will , are prepared to gm< (all informs. lion relative to it. T. PALTER., Proprietor, -11retivra: Cloninnati.Oluo LLISTER'S OINTMENT,. CONTAINING N tv. MERCURY, orother Mill oral. —lt hav power to mom. .11 .ErrgfoiAL SORES, PCItOFULOUS 11G51011.3, - SKIN :MS KA 3ES POISONOUS Niti woe to discharge , 'F./ their potrid:motters, and b then heels them. ' . It it nehtly termed A L I...IIbALING, for there if sonreoly a dis. earn external o r internal, that it will not beught. have used is for tbn last sixteen yearn for all disease. of the short, involving the errnost danger mid repo t et end I declare before heaven and an, that emir, one cue has it Gilled to benefit wheat]. patina was witnie the reach of inor.al meant. I bine had physicians turned in the profession havendlnisten of the gospel, }ridges of , the bench, at. dermerh lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor ore It In every variety of wayi and there has been bat one voice-one uniumal IRTER, YOUR 'OINTMENT IS tiOODM EREIIKATISM-11 yei Simon Immediately the inflammation and swelling, when lie pain ceases. In . the directions amend the box.) D.ACHE—Tbe salve ham eared persons of the Iteuktelle of twelve, years standing, end who had it resraler eye:7 weal so that vomiting took place:EAß- All KVOOTR.ACHE, =I AGUE IN TIIE FACE, are arlped with like tutees. SCALD READ—We have eared eases that uni allY WWI every thing known, as well as the ability of tun .0 twenty doctors. One man told at he ilco had spe fentw 1.04 on his children 'whoa any bench; w sous of Ointment enrol them. TETTEE—Tbere is nothing better for the ram of .: _-• '....;.;- ' 4..,.., •.-t• i .... 7 l e";1 7 .•• ...---. 7.,‘ '" 3 ,7t 7, ‘ .. . ( ' ___ - '.li, : . 1 .. 1 ' ir --:,- „.),,,,,,,.., ...:„.....,:_,,,:„....,_ Tette, 131JRNS—It lo one of the bort win o in the world for rns tbPlLES—Thouriands are yearly cured by this ORIN Meet. It Irma fails In giving . relief for the Piles Irr Armand the box see drection. for asins Oases Ointment fat &mini., Lievannglaint, Alsyrips. las, Tens", CAM/4in, Spell Heed, Sow Ern,Quincy, Sore Threes, Brenda/as, Nervous Affections, Pxies, Dn sore of D. Spina Head oche, eationa,Dattness, Ear oat, Burnt' Corns, al Diseissm ej Skin, Sem Lips, Pim ples, te.., Swelling ell the Liinto ; SOM, /0,117110i3711, Pik, cold FetuCrouyi, Snaellsd soßeeken Bram; Teeti. "Ctfir FELT— F L7Sertoll;lailiti P.m. J. tn. Cheat and Side, Wiling ago( the heir; orthe other accompa. ales cold feet. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) In M a sure signof dimwit , to hate cold feet. CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointnttint will al- ways keep COlll5 from growing. People tired never be troubled witlathent if they use it (reticently Fq- This Ointment is good fee poet of the body or limbs when Monied. In some coon it should be applied often. BADE - MN—No Ointment will be genuine artless thn came of JAMES ScALLISTER in written with a pen ; on every label. For sale by my Agents In all the principal deka and towns in the United States. JAMES 'ES Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Eg. Pnneipal Office, No 211Nurth Third street, Phil adelphia. PRICE 23 CENTS PER BOX. Aerars PITTS..4--.131111611 h Reiter, earner of. Liberty and St Clair sts; and Wilcox, lr, censer of Market at and the Diamond, also comer of Rh a nd Smithfield cm; I 11 Cassel, corner ofTL'alinit and Penw' eta, sth ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield st, lid door from Second st; in Allegheny city by II P Schwartz mad I Sargent; by 3 O BMW. Ornaglatillir - Mingham; D Kegley, East Liberty; II Rowland, 31c !Leesport; 3 AleSsiuder h Snit ; Alonongalicla City; N 13 Bowman /a Co, and I T Rogers, Brownsville; /Mtn. Barkley, Beaver, PE arc wholesale agents. "Itiladeudly . - -. Pacts for the Public. In fr lotion to that uortvalled family Salve, DALLEI'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. frF3TISIONY of a terpretoble Peystriottr—ltetet I. the follwing, toldreseed to my buy. M. F. tywenther, Cuteuntoti • Cromarotrt, Ze.b. 111,1919. In,, A-eoeeo of duty compels me to give my tribute to Dailey!. Pam Extractor. Deny; oppromi to attack , ery and all nostroms having for their abject mruster motives—Out fOI.IIKUIr mock good from the °Xing at Pais Killers"—l am induced to tender pro this certifi cate I intro used it in my family, in my practice, and with - rot ..be happy and woadertul elite. that could possibly be imagined. D. J.13m00tx,31. D. Dr. 'Dottie is the seater partner of irrodto to Levi, Droggists. Infiattoratorg Rheum...row. The following testimonial come. from • .oeeee fel miller to many °ribose traveltaft on our Westearawa tens. Mr. Game, the well and tavorably known pro prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, as hmfbond to the lady whom letter 1 annex Y. 1.3011310, VB., Aprill3, To Henry Dalley,Chentaft. tce.—Dir: Having ion merly been long Maimed with violent rollamnatoty Rheuraraism,t; which ..ppearod so frontirtscauro no to defy all ordinary epplifinces to allay We 0000 TV pain attending it. 1 was Induced totry • yonr Magical Pain. Extractor; and it butte; elected, almost If by ma gic, ar rams-roam relict, and ulro. all alTeameemi an entire ant. perfect cure, 1 am intineeti for the beta fit of OlhCre site may be afflicd with palatalised by any kind of inflatammuon, to lentO 10 11.0, dechinar that In my opinion, founded am actual expatiates. your hlateal Pain F.urattor it the most valuable dis covery ofilepreroot age for the inn:Yea/Ate .traClit. (bodily pain. it to ten almost- item there and a pro feet cure for. Dams:and ;scald., and all external to- Iltounatima- \ iltronag many acquaintance. formed by their Mans at my kusband's hotel in,this place , I have sapposnl by your showing Neon Mete few lIR[S, n may possibly be of benefit boat to them and younteta Eatasartat Gums tI entertain the hope that Mrs. Glicue wile pull. , the publicity 1 give to bet letter. no well on the .coto of hatuanity as of ha being the talent mode of bringing Ii to the notice of her frietroa.-11: Felon Cora Extract of. feller, dated • nrraron. gy...X.r. 2'414 1- . • to Mr. H. Dailey: "I' hove tried Toni Pain Eranctor a care of felon, In uty own I family which, to relieved and cured in very shoo hearse n tissisy7T un re. tixetfully,J sr. *4-11 - orsu, Ur Burns and Scaldr, Piles, Sore NtPfile'ir Woken - Breast, Eruptions, Sorer, Cots, Wounds, and all in , liamenation, yields retidily to the weisierful proper:les of Site unthillititi Dimity salve: ,Etet, in the same portion that gun will receive benefit Iron the heiniins - ; , ou will be injured by the deleterious edects of tisc counterfeit salver. CAUTION—Iie sere sad apply only to tbc . inventor, it. Didans, Ensadway, Now l'urs, or in thorrud rqjettl.RElN D TIOREAN, Gene-rut Depot, rittsbarch. Reuel P. Seliwarts, Allegiteny, JT,g,,uj; j. uo , Wheeling, Va.; Tamer W Johnston, Maysville, Ky y. hicrrywenther, Cincinnati, D., General Depot. N:11---to the severest Our. and Sealda n 112 MIC. Cie Narita a few _Malt:aft-1A acre= fail. , TuTT CURE. FOR' TWE-MS ' II; A. FAH* ZSTOCWS ryas:atie InIMINAL tailmatexa TN cedes to alford all poselble enevity to the.ie ,, e ,„ , µwell as to thereselves, ageing& fraud .4 tropo. Mu. from CountellfelUng, Om proprietors have mode, e eltertge so the aainiier stlXelppee or table of their Ver. opfage. The nets WIN, Which is a steel engraving of the most exquisite, duago and workmanehip. has been - introduced at weary groat expense, and is Irons t h e w e n, pf 4e, matte( tee Int Went. The dssign Is uew, pg 4 gloo oleo:non elaborate. teeval figural end pliMinit are moat prominent, bat t he e cord "Team imou,".ptinted m Venda letters nit a red and finely lo - F porneolarly crununed.—. 'Weep b Teri ad Iso to th e light the iCIIO4I, shniting of the letters and every line, however minuae,Utrenshout nut whole pith's part of the engraving mama exect/T ty it the Impresmon had been rondo upon eve side mr ly, although it is a ctually pruned en loth Rides of the paper. Tim, should in all easas be eliserreiL A la bel open each domes is aleagrinteil in oil inieri soles, and shenlit egosumcd is ths sotto raomm r Thta prq , ..licsk Nu now sated Ine tor r . at , n y yeare WO ill ell efidetlay ittOMllt.dee j k n e t c and edeetee,lardleine fat expelling wore. .rp'm doe ys I. anctompled . tonne. teat 11-,,,, o e t it ett o e e L reVity_ d'i agi ' ereiMith fs s o ' r ' r ) o. e . o e r e e ttai n n e ly " th .,;'„r e n o wor- ME me isanallori of ntlyste,en,„ The proprietor bas mode it a . t h e i Torah of its Ut in such cane.... co m e oehlve 6 .d in and observatam— and he Invalidity four.d t produce the most anlntogy enetts—uolunfecgoent ly oiler really 01, tho eldinary preparationa.reeern tuendadi fur mimes Ilea been previounly reliertect to lemma uty pcnAhee4 ativuntege.,ffnis fact is at tested by the egreiceles and midmost. of, handrcda orreepeetattle peeeent dierctety P 311.3 of the no umd .iould indeed families olvcitve to keep viol .apron prepatalion in their peen it le mild i nto epertuort, en 4 may bo adnunistered with perfect safe ty to the most delicate infant. • •The Only getntioe in prepared by • eta/ BAP AIINMerOCK, Pitteburgh - iteadt — ELLEIatT lotpurvi hl'llUP.—Frons W. C.l2loden, 13 Esq., Cer otot :port of Quarter. Seine-one of Beaver Coo • • ' . . Mr. RE. Sets a —.i Some tiros in the taint.r my was Meted wen &severe ani distressing cough, nod Dearing of four.avalnatde h Syrup, I per eh,aed a bottle had S. T. Trimble, of liridgewmcr, anti anti takoj i i :polio of it two Or three evenings .ntaltrW b ligdzirootodiilte relief; no alto scene Siouan ali.blMn rolleVert in ...carcasses. am therefore satisfied that it is if ma' end Solusblo malt illei and wotild teem:mend It to those who may be sillisted with severe Coughs and Cold.. PADDE. Proposal end sold by 11... E. SWAMIS, 57 Wood N at, 1 and wildby ingests gonorally, in Pittsburgh and AI, ago
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers