if:M=!l2= A.MtiSEMENTS. RiIIIZIEBEIM TIM POOR! N EVI T FOR THE ORPHANS! Peettivety the Last Pertermases. • QIONOR BLITZ will rive • Grand Eriteridetzwm la - for the Benefit of the Orohene, on Korea Eras- Etio, Much 4th, at SVILICINS Adad mien IS mt.% Ildrea Iti• Doan to commence at 71. mr2 GRAND CONCERT. VOG,AL LSD INIVIMUISEINT•Ie• M ISIB or luurr...mid a .c.tUully Worm the public that K s will he give C.encert Vocal and b , R• mental !dusk, on TUESDAY EVENING NEST, Xarch bdt, at WILELNS UALLi on which occaeion she will be easicted by SIGNOR aumßorii. HERE VOGEL, Ur. ELEBER, sont several diatiogairbed =SWUM - Tickets Metals; to be had at L. Wilcox,Smotb• Seid.glandclardeon, !Jacket sci Ettilich .fit Wood at the DIM. nue_ • WILIINS BILL L: Nights awl Two eft.rnoons form SIGNOR BLITZ. OMMENCINO ON MONDAY, Febroary 23. at 7i Co'clock, and on Wedoesday and Saturday Afternoons,' Feb. 270 k and March 2d, at 3 o'clock. 135:11te Learned Canary Birds; beautifal experi ments an Maine Mack; and taachablo scene Von olloquissa illustrating Ma wonderful powers of the hinaan yoke. dZia.L.l 96 cent; Childten half price. Doors open at 71 to commences .1710' 6 . 36 . Tickets can be procured at the trincial Unte r l:altd on Mr. Mop's Doak Store. EMPIRE MINSTRELS. wu.Kiugs,u.u.L...lllCOOND ITLOO6. TrYILLIAMS, ORIOINAL • OPERATIC TROUPE, VT formerly known as the EM Pill ES, respect fully announce to the urban. of Plusbergh, that the. p. op. giving a wins of their pannier CONCERT*. commencing on Nonnsv Ematmo,Pmettax.2s4, and condoning every oreping durin which , at WM INNS HALL, town socat,on occasion they will introduce their own Original Mmic,logether with ell the popular Ethiopian Melodies of the day. Musical Ildreeter....---. —Mr. J F. TAUNT. Iltr. 0. 11. D, the ohamlon Done Player of the world, is a tt a ched to Oda Trou p pe, and will appear each evening In Solos,Dnetts, Ac., in all of which be steads unrivalled. SNlURilyalies J0...1M the Dutch Duky, ill will appear nightly mane of hLs obligates.. , LIT/soots' open at el o'elock; to cotemence at 7 precisely Tit ketil, no ba k...t panel pal Hotel', and at the deer. fetal __ AUCTION SALES. - ii, Joh.D. Davis. Austi oullar• Bear at Atta4o7. On Satanlsy evening. March 81, .17 o'clock, 11 the Dalmatia! Salm - Roma, corner of Wood and mod' wrests, will he sold -a saleable et/Heerlen el wand . miscellaneous 8004, among which are: fklydell'e eylendid Irlasuations of Shasspeare, and I Me later press,l vol. folio; Hardsnek's Indian Soo , logy, L el. Mho; Ure's Die et Ans, Atansfse. tares, and Minds, I so* Llama' Works, 4 vole; Ss bine% Am.rlean . Loyalis i lt i ßewalers=,,r ras i n k le di el i tttelms ' re ' WI Ill ' aty 'e eT' Jesuit * ' l st; Baelrinahron's America,* volt; hiaegillteray% British Blythe , Chalmers , Works. *veto Hellish EMagkat% saw Paley Elndenten Donk'. Voirages,3 eels, Dab. lin; Goldsmith's Esnh and Animated Noire, 8 sow, London; Poetical Worts of Lkseer. Milton, Shelley, Iditford, he.; rustily and Potter Bibles. Catalopes <Le be obtained, and the Books C 3112110• a, on Salads). JOHN D DAVID, *set Sherif', Sale ff s Moriai Sent Slam Tbis (Fridsol naming, at 10 o'clock, and on eater day morning. at 0 o'cicck, the store, No 100 Martel street, near /Adel), will be sold, by order of. Carter Carus, Vag , Sheriff—Om entire atoek of Dry Goods, cosaptislag rimy abate° and desirable Ooods,se, 'acted with earl for ruttomer sales. Terms, rub, par fonds. met• JOHN D DAVIS, And AlSClrlaan fetal far neat. L aff=i" ri op- Tootj tni f. A I at this alboe. ' 120iiiiND—A own of Money Trees found, wien, upon J: proof of ownership, eon be bed by a ..plylos to • r : • : r • . fob or CISTIMEIf.E.S-5 ours y' Coorimeros, rt tomed from otanulatuvon.ort cormlgnment, amt for Into by H LEE, Liberty meet feb:f3 opposite Fifth feh23 LE lebenT rt • LAN reed, 4 cues Clan Alpta • caulatans, a ac+ ameba, lca'APja4rb,:z. BLANKETS—It caw roi cour sz i. 1 do Y do Woe do; • 1 do inperior nod; for Pala by IIILEE. lab,,,Y fl pX.~Yl4NS:~3~~m~....~ ,l fF•r~+ 4. i~ F' • FT.lißby-ng.'"raqr-r&f,:valt AOON-10,040 Rs to day reed and Or tale by BfebN ARMSTRONG & CROZFM MES-60 Latunwe. (rub, for Wet by ifeb99 ARM EITH ON 0 CROZER • ArLASSE.4-4Stb? PlartiotK %o v a - gig. Mown • . 130 bbls la do Golden Syrup; 6 ObLs do - Just reed and ['twin y, buernizwi k CO Sobs ..., aMLR- 8 1 8 bard. bor. ...V, jrat roe'd , mod for olio 10 bY RtiklV, MA 27C0, letrN 27 .819 Plato, at IN DOW GLASS-875 bzs ass'd. iLNEY, MATT lebtel I f I n ETIT rtc h C O song ASFI—SI easks best ma guniite 11 Pri ilearetunge; in and (brisk by febiti MIEN, MATIIIIEWS & CO R. M0LA.3903-4 0 bbla Sudo Ornand. reeriv 5,&6 per ateawarnerCompanion, aud (Err s . l e by a 10., &WM ;Ayes DALZuLL WINDOW GLASS-5 1 * bin lined Una, lieiCa • an I Ws brand, far sale by WAS lES DALZELL perms PAHIS-15 do Plaster Parig 5 do Btoeco Planer. hind and ranee by Ch' 8 F VON HONNIIORST 8. CO, ffi F.ont 840 818 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO John Rocker P L Dailey premium lb.; D P L adlay Pr, - Jews Hare p re mium A Thome.. Ir.; Alto & Leona lba; Horace & Archer 6.; Robert Mont. lbs; 'rho. Memel' Vs; Omar Baca lbs; DardePaantivalled Cog lb., Ptelnoick Lamartloe Wm Smith 51; Richard Bawer lb.; W Ring 31; A D Tyree lbs; A laelvon,sl; Alley lb.; Ilan & Cox 31; Wm Spotimmed lbs. 'fbn above, including roam of tba most papal., Lynebbarg and Richmond brands Tdbacco, on eon. rtgromeat neat mmotactorors, and for; rale by LS WATF.RMAN, 31 Water and 63 Prom sts SALLICATUSiIVe Elekfautcp;iiminai go do dd WICK & IdeCt&NDLEEIS, corner Woad lad Water as For oule by fab2d uvrrEß.-3 bbls Fresh Roll. loot need, for sale by fobRI WICK k McCANDLRSS LARD -30 kegs No I, (or sole by 1 febtil WICK ,r 2 11-41 bbl. N C Tar; .I 44 do (or s.le b feb23 WICK 710 fie Moran lda Of Triggs of die Comet of Gau ls/ Qatorter Bassionre dui' ' in and for Lfis - (;nerd n Al o l lerti TT, ' ra u.... .a.. i ra N J,, " . 71 " o i liL t eti ta M y oar petitioner hint providea hi u with matorials tor the accommodation of travelers old mien, m his dwelling bone hr tie Ward do said. and pun thopyntir honors will be pleased to ot him allonym to heap a Public HOW! of Eatenaltimenh And your Pen:loner, as Linty bound, will y. ... We, the subscribers, einsens of e Ward dam ned, do certify that the shore MOO neeis of good re - pas for honesty and teroperaneo, dle well provided 1111. h hone room and convenience:lot tle acCoomo drain and lodging of strangers travellers, sod that sold tavern to necessary. . John Meek; H. H. Sheeler, F. vierhener, C.A. Kirk, M. Commin. C. McCormick, T. Fog., F.Nicholson P. M. Idoetilin, W. Henderson, liar, feblit. .._._ ._. ht . ._ __ .. ._ —,_ -- To au Ilasunatir, ids Jsuiger of the Court pf Gnu. ref QMPUT Burka' Vdo per Or and for do Como of .y. . • Tiril Pot of W. Mennrisci. of the townehip of Kw, in the moony aforesaid; bloat? rho?' eth,. Ikea your petitioner has provided himself yeah materials for the accommodationof traieleprrerd.oth: .sxhi pny ki gr Ter ro74s I' j' he ri....a to gnw m • urea. Lo keep • rohlie House of Hotenain meat. And your poUttorter. as in dry bound, tit pr.x. • Nse, the sobscribent, citizen of the aforesaid won. *ugh do nen*. that the shove petitioner is of good re.. pmefor bunny and tempentoes, and in well provi. did with boom room and conveniences for the memo. soodation surd lodging of stronger. and travelers, and that sald avers Is necessary. Thomas Ginn, Henry ifilian, John Grubs. Geoge Sheller, John hioltioney, lobo Good. Henry . Good. Jr, A. khalifs, Voice Maur, W. A. Shields, John S. Car on, Jaeon Grabs. fen2d 30 0 SNEA L Tllts—esedoi ricyth agoest common nation, for sale, at manufacturer's prices. by I. a WATS:IO4C% fetal No. CI Winer and 01 Fora .. IT .4.005--2=o do: best qualny Cast Steel Rees-for Al. lode by . tebl7 L 8 WATERMAN. , k lOilCB-.50 do, but Cast Cue Hay Forttc St dos, do Monism Forks; SO doss - do alined Pork.: is, slila by SOW L 8 WATERMAN. CRADLEY-63dob Grabs Crsdles Wow, ior . le by WAR L 8 WATERMAN. 8 11-611-.s4. rf iiii de ii t i r onl-:tiret 15 deb polo shovels, in stor., fie sate by . febo7 L S W.TERMAN. Gleg,B 6171818--d"bris axe B•ed, and lot nolo by _ JAMEA DAL7B3,L. _ . 11111.4N - f r a Allen - • TO LET. IRE Boon at !mount occupied by El m & Moor. bead. comer of Osmond ata Osmond Alley; also. second boue from corner of Osmond in raid alley. For terms, apply to BOYLE IRWIN. ~ .91-dtm, • -------- LEMONS - 7 1 bale %kis day ree.laed, and for sea WI ARMSTRONG t GROZP.R. "rafakCilt.l3-20 V----. _pr ► il bet reet trn ---, ..le -a an n 2RJTe RONG & CROZER. , • jour WAELOWAR i SON, VORWARDINO & COMMIEZION PdERCIIANTS , 111111.11111:31011 TA, WO DL respeetfollf solien the emnienment or Iturianntin n,Mant, from Westean Dlerchma , ,th they ere VITPOT. tn metre any aount. Line and Petal= roue numbs al& wa day, Ma Ended 6! mai ma be detained, as they will anloalsaah Man a all Wawa tabla.lar , --Hurisbiugt, Fcb.lo, IMO. . d&Pet&T&l7. & ?MASORA NUM POR THE PITTRBURtiIi DAILY GAZETTE MMME3 CONGRESSIONAL. WAssourron, March Scars—After the transaction of the regular routine of business, which was of no general ins t."4,11th0 Senate went into Er.stiltiVe Session. Ent:sr.—The House resumed theconsideration of the reeolutioo requiring the Secretary of the Nn. try to purchase American rotted hemp, &A., to connection with which some debate ensued. The resolution already reErred to above would give the Contract for supplyiug hemp to Billings, who you'd monopolise the carve make!, if the lut resolution is passed. The morning hour having expired, the HOMO went into Oconcoittee of the Whole, for the first time this swop, on of The Commi4ee dually arose, - sad the Rouse, without taking the quemtion on bille reported, journed over till tdunday. SUPPOSED REMAINS OF Ba DE. PN rron, M AB arch 1 KMA. The body of a matt bu been discovered in the velar, near Rexbary, supposed to be the remain. a Dr. Parkmart. Courristra, March I Mr. Broadmell, Whig member from Hamilton county,4as admitted to a seat in the Senate, yea• tetchy, by one majority. OPENING OF LAKE NAVIGATION tam, March 1. The Lake is open from Etanduakn to Buffalo the paehet leaven the alter plane to minnow. CINCINNATI fd ARliteri Colorants's, Feb. 29. The river bas riaen one ftrol within the last 24 hoer.. Linseed Oil —Sales of Lb:Liaised Oil at St 100. Other articles are ancharged. Cnrciana et, Much 1. Flour—Sales 2000 brla at St 50 (iiriet 08 per b for near, and $3 for old. Whiskey steady at 191. Proeisiona are inachve,but no change in piece. • Greeeriea—Sugar, Cotree, and !dames, are itniet, bur priors are steady. The liner has risen 20 Inches in the last 24 tours. NEW YORE MARKET• =0 SISrOILI No You, fdareb 1. .Flour--The demand is. moderate, 'nth no change. • Grain—Wheat is in moderate request. Corn—Tbe market le in favor of the buyer. Park is unchanged" Lard is dull. Groceries—Coffee , is quiet, but prizes are lima. dy. Sugar and Molasses are dull, and drooping Naar 'Lou. March 1. Cotton—The market is. qaiet., and priech ore b feebly sustained . Flour—Wo bare no ulterstion to notice is the mar , ltet. ilolders am firm, and the demand moderate, with sales of common State and mixed western at 51673415, sales of mud western md straight brands St 55; alley Ohlo at 155 005 at Graht--Whwel—The demand continues limited on account of the inactlisty of the dom market- Coni— ne muter is heavy, with salea of yellow at 65050; . mixed, 5150 Provisions—Them is not much movement In tho ' market. Bales wets made - lei a moderate ertsni; meat irk, 51057; prime, 53 a: eh 00 per brl. Whiskey—We have so obsolete note either as en garde prices ar demand. Tyrant, *lwo Dollars Raveszd. T a Special Meeting aT tha American Literary la mimic, held en hlanday evening, U yeas tenant m Vetived, Iltat a 'reward of twenty h. dollars be paid or the recovery of the body el our lamented fel low member, John, \Fauns, supposed to have been drowned from yawl while on pleasure core ureic , . au Saturday, Otte Sad Inst., in the Oluo Aver, orwim the Shedield Iron Won ks. The above reward sent be paid, on application to the treasurer, as F. H. E.... 0 Cur., oo Foarth sr- lons D. CARLISLb, P W. 11. 1:mm144E4'0 . . Pitubarg Feb. 251 h, IE,Rt.--1feb21144 • . PITTSBURGH STEEL WORK; ANTl — Rift/NG AND AXLE FACTORY. cum: rte'JonA V. 1031118. J 0 II i 4(110 0 , ltki=gglitEll rted ? of sprls4 tlisgez va ltl: Ile somtga, humeral ipm ales, and deslen la mal loWle cistngs,flre engune. lamp. and mach u=np Vtterally, corner dB., and FIVIA 415., 0. IrEAGIMIG .. .. /081 "' allß C aler in FAEmi-Ji'eaniltghb'stl, ilanmrlreer!. man Fancy Goods, Hosiery, itibhons, Lacer, Gloved, Threads, Cmer, Bacons, Suspenders, &e., all% Pow and Parley -Veranda, Blank .d• Fancy sak Cravats, Pongee, Pandanns, ad Lawn Itandterehidts,ls , w' r. , mrorlallent of Fans, and every ',artery or mer, ehaedire. •• • NOD AP..bf.lti KO THIS LAN, at'A. A. Itiet - OPS & CO'A, another huge awoke of Nose desuable Punch lfronght Capes, Coitus, and Cola. Alro--Moornlng Collars and Cali, and ISO 'penes rid. battle. Salt Laces, all width. feb26 Fk—J era - adlea' and lientstVnen 1.617.C"-.4britien•ifidkN Ala A mall lot of Ladle.' Choice Egab4l do, reed per adoA A at re. MASON k CO'S yeti Peter ctiangekala auk Oriental AFoams, an enure now SISICie. Ast ran , d per. fast lola at A A Al AACN & kW. 60 Market it rp-ifkailltarlMUGHTCOLTri a lovr at r fetdsl - A A MASON & CO, 60 Market at LAILD-laTilb-G-L—aarcar di 5 Grease Lard; reed and for oak rob26 C 111:150515.1ido ant'd, in store and fiir salify knit ISAIAODICKSF k CO, Front st "L'ILTFIIEI - C15 7 - 750 ,ati0 - tb • r ms •Intiono and _.—PSMAH DICKEY . /o bi C/± VIVI Obis No 1, in soamond foisailn y 19/LIAN DICKEY k CC VirAaairs byCKKII6I.—Qr bbIaISAIA E H a DICKEY &No I u. on had and tor Ili Cil, tato% Front al CODFIBII-1. 1 7 tea on hula Allk and for soda ha , 4...1 fab% 12aeolvad this Day. PIECES woe Ohre Prenett Mu; 26 do do Bieck do; do - Fancy Coopieneres; 6 do Fanny Bilk Veering', entire) , ne. MUM ai of "thick lona make to order in die Lantern. id 10w prices. • WM. D1G8Y,13 6 Liberty rt. 'The Opting FaslrJans just received. feb2s. - )!Cit .COPIIVA-150 re: mis, G 7 Woodst. eirgaN IT...meriNa&=-&di..ror bj -- • R RLLF.II9. B for Sala b Arl./MM .PERU—Sihuranii eA I. for t R Y R E BELLERR eCANDLPItS M!=l ICOIII-1315XES-111.7- 4co do paper, 1. 43 do English willow; for solo fobl3 R E SELLERS. T 1 004 4 .- .------'-''---20".'"'""' , o store and for tarb - e y 13 141,23 AounSTRONO CROZ R IE WOOORYNITS fib smr il4'rl4-Trallioli-lr7 Istefl ARMSTRONG; & GILMER QUE-Al4-131114ElniMr140-UND-6---44-0-15a7-llait 0 from smoke, bright end dry, for solo by ' feb43 SELLERS & N1C0L4 . 4 - .--i T INSEED 01 7 bd. ii.‘ . ' ai4n ._,•ale by RA &WS • ..1 KIDD & cr, GO Wood rt. - li V E Y' ZR "*.l. "" - - 'r.i 6. rev r j rA r it . 1 itiNTlbilgi'l--23 lbs liV i tieglor i de o nbd - 11104/DER LIQUORICE—LW lbw; for sale by 1 - fablS J MUD Ir. CO , i EXTRACTb-LIXSWOOI3-4) a ascii ; ( K os D an D le k by co. DA :XL -3 I---, . , iiiifie . *a c o um.... , • .na fog rij thi E iUd AN . • I it ,. t . ; ,... 2i vrwr 3 I m ... r ia l d---'" ." "Ir r c;,..17t s t li fob VS I smelt imitrrl6. y MIEiTHERS—vo acts Dim' illm—F-V..aern for L ..i. by L SVI ATERMAN,_ 'WRITE li .L,,,N,Wh'in — tiiii.n. in Ante, RR and for sea by L. S WAllRiiiiliZl,_ .13,754/5-TVRS:--61;71.3i Iliiikols. 8 dos Tabs, for sale by L S WATERMAN. I:l2___----...----__ _ 8 K0051.13-45 doo Fancy-JA Handled ßroom., 60 dos good common do. for sale by L lil WATERMAN. fFb2S__.--....—.----------- __ FUCK-11hr a received porp.A", , , arid for sale by fee 2s , Ardr-I , , - I A RD-4 , Las asid4 Iregi Ally 6-r J ' lt i tu - Ka . D ALZELL. II4CBISCO--lir—ollo 0 -. .0 - •:. _ANN_ it z ro i ned 1 and t o aale by fot4l,rl.,iils DA BACON - - - 2Caskil4 sos ; 2 do Bader, • . ~b,. 1 tt •"'''''';'Vl_Argrar i rV . .0f 6.---. L. 25— ,-- ti L . li p for sole by SOAT"-- 93 bozo. CLELeleol.. feb23 . • . waIceGFOAD A CO. -- riTaoVEDTOßD4tb.nittliia-d 11 to Pie 45 45rater a. betlTLe!! lied. N 0 VoirHir, §- tirAll. U 217 barrels Illolossr*, for op l.. by fae 25 _____Victig-P.,#L e C - felg itiEkl3-23 BEER-231' ( it BAjALEY A CO. TaYTTDA.:---ID tiarroli Sill Bader for 'ale by 2_, kW . WIC DAOALEY .12 CO_ llNsEEDClibgiisiiii•eind forsifo ire feb22 ROBISON, LITTLE. k. c 147 BRIZItsr-A 4... f..., a .111dortor Mae by A CULBERTSON C111:110E111 , 07 . 11) . 1 - C1 . 019 0 1 thi .1 a by kba 1.1111,11.17A1111 110 I *ool ll h a ssiirB46 ll ria LPetvk eine Mina, opened and far nale by 41Y211 111111011LETT k. A•w &trio Carpet*. • 1177 M received , saw handsome new style Velvet tlf Pile and }swam, Carpm, direct from F.n.gland mid will be sold , sis low as the same quality c.e paramedic the Astatnie W McCLINTOCA, fetal 75 Fourth et, Pieshwlth O 1 c 4,OIIIIB—TM tamest attormoot of thl OLOOtta ihects, tomo to soy Ilit• Mt _sued, is • to.forr . , W FITTIIIIIRISH BOARD Or TRADZ COMMITTEE FOR MARCH. WM, • • AR r. VII 1.0,1.0111 , • • .OW. 000111 arm, glrrianastt (artrri, I Bateau morning, FebroarY The weather yeaterday was cold and stonsy, and cry unpleasant for outdoor baldness. Every thing as quiet, and nothing transPited showing any saris- tine in quouitio.. The river continoesle fine mulgabla ordor,and bus. teem to that wattee is quite fair. PLOUR—The quantities totaled forward are very light, and sales have bean moderate. Sala from Arm hands for the past few days have ranged from 14.45 to 51,56, .d from store at 51,5204, 75 i bbl. GRAIN—In Me Crain market very little la doing} the receipts being light, and the demand moderate As a fail range of the Markel la present, we may ow the following quotations, with small sales t—Whcat. 090 c; Rye, 552; Bar lay, 750600; Corn, 45, and Oats a 110350 . ? be. SUGAR-N 0 Sugar continues steady, with sale. i lots of sto 10 hhAs, at 410, Misll. Loaf Spear is sold a a range of tI to lOs for the diererent Not. MOLASSES—ldobuses remains quiet, at H fatly q. to t. ted rote.--say, for NO, 271 e, and Sagas ouse 3h 41:10 • gall BACON—The market yesterday was a 1101. dull bat prices are unchanged. The receipts of Bacon ate (.11, and supplies have Increased. Transactions which were:moderate, have been done at the following sate:—pinto hams 6 1 , sites 51, gladden 41c; alma" need canvassed barns, by the tea, at tO • E. DRIED BEEF—Sales of Clatiaaall cured, in tree, at 13 . e • B. DRIED FRUlT—Apples are scarce and In demand, at 41.4061,50 p by, as in quality. Peaches are senkig at 5e,1201645 • bu—sapplics (air. TALLOW—We hear of no sales to any large la tent, but may cantinas oar qamadons, to cis for skimp, and 1071 for beef tallow. WHISKEY—BaIes of Beatified, at 27e • gall. ASHES—The market conSonses steady, mil. piss have been on a limited scale during the week, with ee dosterial . change lo quotations. Soles of Soda Ash at 41041 e, of Pearl Ash at 5c.; of Saleratus .5111161 e; of Potash at 4105 c, .d of Scomblads at 34040 • lb. OlLS—Linseed Oil has :adv.eed since our last weekly.review; the arucla Ignore held fins, atlllol,o ll No I Lard oil it sold at 55e, and No 4 at 45050 e IS gall Sales of 'humors' Oil at 1111601119 p bbl. Bleached winter sperm oil le wld at 81,4501,50 ►galL Fall do, at 51,3501,40 p gall. Bleached Imam:whale od, Moe; crude whale at 60055 e • gallon. SOAP t CANDI nw--Sales of City and Ciachtastl ...Matured rosin soap, at 404}0 per O. City man. ufacurred Star Candles are In fair request, at elOtele; of mould allo w]at lee, and of common dipped at 90 #A }l3}l—The market emosnues true, with quite a good demand, at the following rat.:—No 3 Mutual, at 97.25 #bbi; No 9 Is selling at 5t0,50, awl No 1 M $ l4, :D U 5 1$ bbl. Otber &weeds. of bah are Ana, at fully ouuded raten—eay, for Salmott,llfleabbl, and SD le duce. Sales of Salvador Hening OOP, and COM. mon Eaters, 95 P bbl; Lake PIA may be quoted at 57,533398; Gad fish, 51,50 V' dram; and MA, Tma SIM BOOis. O o F e 11111 bto fhe emss syo tiger The e; The follosrieg x etthis daring the "sect audios Sabinlay, Feb d 3, 1950—also from the L. Sepumbes, lel% lathe Chi Feb, 163% inelasivi Sow, bbis Wk end. Feb. 111. &or .. Ml . 1 . Middlings it ijsus, n. 1,3 M Corn, Closer l‘'Vklb4h:lr se al , b:ll" s • ' WI. I : — 6" : .• 1 i .• ": IWI V '10: Plitkumu....crreAe,dpd.p,b,,,,,..bil,s,ub/gbis.lis 39 g,r4; 2,719 _ 466 9,010 31AM tined 94 i....d .r. th ' i ; 4 i: ''...5.:- b 30,., 6,010 }iiir,,miiiii:::9.:17...64:6,61.101.0r.5.,b• bbribd..011..b.......__. Doges, n . —.............. 1. 1,601 601 S eel Lard, b.ko:l"biL- —..---....: .2:33: 16114 1 049 7M , 1,379 3903 Do kr '''''''' .".. Di Fab, bb it.-- 6531 M,C6O Tallow, bbis•--- 196 106 1,166 ..... .... -.. Poop, " ---- - 1,607 3,903 Dawn, kkdk . , I,Re 3,511 1,0:1 Sta Do rch, " 5,317 8.16r6/0/, et,. 1 US rougk, Hods Ask, Pearl A*l. " • Tobueo. Mids.. .... D s tas•-- -- Wkl•tel, bbls- • • Alcohol. " -- VU.l4".' . : . I . la ................. 83 CoCee, sks• -- Dengsraz, bbl. Wool I, it . • • • --- 11 so 9 1 1 /..4 m ... 11" u sir s, s g... .. ---- ".'" :-- .. Hap.. .. . MI Cotton, " •-•— • 13 !inse nai.vill &g, e Lime d bb1. ..... 012 *Is an bbl. ~ Cl , bneksis, dr Brooms, " Cheep., el , . .... Do bk. 11140. Forniioni, lb. Diuslisone• pt P 7.27 04 VARdnw 01M.P,b211 m. a ,,,,,0, buss. • • Copo.',l l . M:07L•1 6 lelo , Powder, kp Pig iron, lop kgs Le.a. "" B. do kg.. Shot, kgs Bouds.teet-• • Cigoien,hbis Brick. t• ••• ...... 8.14 btds---- R0.d0," area, for Dry d, 4r Dyprinn, tan.. 1L1167,V . Da Pkt. I Tin, tar Holzman, Ph, 2S Castle—TM lowly of Beeves &tuns scales onto day Was considerably terser than that of last loose, and prises ruled mossething higher. The stock genera i lly eras good. The offerings reached 700 head , ers, and ao of whch 100 were sold to packers. 240 to city bacth were driven to PhiladelphL Priem ranged Hoes Irk 73 to 01 Ci co the hoof,corial to 13 60• 59 23 net, menv gin g 5230 gross. lion—Tue recent mild weatheihm had a depress ing effect on the market. We goose from $3 M to 11370 , - VsltAd States Patent Ois thth, 1 Pagarthav 19, 1140. O N the petition of James Ceithrcil, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, praying foe the extenrion el a pa tent !tooted to said onogrell for an improvement in preparing oleaginous weds far pressing, for seven years from then xaltation of *aid palGol, which ashes place on the lltst day of July,lBsl: It Is ordered that the gad petition be heard at the Patent Wiesen the first Moeda no tified y nez4 01 19 .'clock IL; and all persons are to appear and ellew ...NU elth they have, why said petition ought not to be ranted. 0te.... 2 L., Wu this notice be published in the Republic, ' Intelligancer, and Raton, Wa•hington; Korth American and Duette, Philadelphia; Tribune, New York; Jonmal, Providence, R. I ; and Gasgue, Pittsburgh, Pa; once a weels for three saccessirg weeks yearlong to the first Monday in Nay neat. THOMAS EWHANK, Commissioner of Patents. 2:11:=1 BAYLIS i BROOKER , ucroNEEas, No. a North Third Street, three Adoors above Market, PhlladelPhl. Pa. Large sale af /forams's, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Bazars, Whips, Trace MMus, Shovels, SIAM books, Welters, h. e., it., ovary eming—Comerisiog •.Imits usartment of locks, bolts, binges, tacks, knives and forks, Packet knives, ramps, blank books, wago and gig whit's, table mid Sea spoors., ssaiMm , nuys, b roon candlesticks, screws, pistols, trace sod halms chstns, slams, pencils, anthills girths, shovels and tongs, steal pens, smelling trunks, powder flasks, Oates, accords ons, guns, cum combs, needles, beads, ivory and bmtk combo, braes. sod blts, pearl to gilt goods. hand and back saws, thread, Sat and round busant film, handsaw do, fish honks, snuffer. and sra7s, Pouter's b oxes , placers, roles, measuring tapes, shoo black. mg, snuff boxes, trap squares, fry pool, butcher sca table steels, shot belts, cork sm.., carded cutlery febtercodytt /Le. -- -- —.-- (FOR RENT, the Mansion Hoare and Warm, on the I eleuircovpla Turnpike, now occupied by Gen Won Nark. The Farm contains 215 aerre, and bee an Orchard of grafted apple tree , en il. llama within ail mile. of the city, we ll in n 'fere' P1...n, ...don• th e bout would suit for a tavern Mr the accomoda• Urn of travellers andW IC 'lettere from the city. Z EIZINGTON - -. Manager Ciminero Coal Co. _— ea= NSW Ihlop les lleledt•s. (IWINE to Roo all Night, Dolly Day; Lawey Jane.; (Jo down to do Cotton Field; Nally was a Lad), dtc. Beito.,Kitheditbootohteitrboeyd; QTnmes.:4.l,Lowbey: T. (loud; Out $Yw across the 1tt0.,r,;1i... rt , A newt mediel 01., w r e r" ' jelly vir t .doiwi blarelt; Joy. that wen eronit, schs, W. 1 ., God blew the hard,' 0,•jr°,4.. C. Glower, co . Coowdee. s u q....kiw u bp Sounds mot wow.; wt Ron lintmd yht o tes B P u clit m a. e! Llo "ll ..7!2 - IFIN -'. l, b/ Y1:: : Llnn Ceeeher OW.dtal.; .IdAdik.l74so".i(to,,,lrtutsely.:oreo,f7Nirr. Most ly _eoto_osehT...‘dito.awh..iel: WADDING -1 0 bales Alfred, impeller, 13 do common, ' , 2 do Ix Diie. ~ The undersigned basin been appointed 114000, by the mannfsetarers, inte ndkeeping • Ouse suPPII *I llatrl are par their Wrolding constantly on hands, and will be pre pared to Oil orders to key extant. De prices of the aboventpply other mar k ,erblek we dank ewit.ll eompare favorably with those of ally . WICK tr. MeCAN WASS, .' fetstd Garner of Wood end Water greets. 1. 7.RD: :-11 0 irprime; mg and for sale by let4s ARMSTRONG & CROZER sGTIODARRIIabIi Dog meld ieitor sale by C021.911_ ARMSTRDNO ILCROTER_ it b fe l l, .11M,MR ."4"7:10134af AV'trall Ilakllll4l, TWEI—rFErGAUVRY--Ta—st ree.d J. onristhe tstanntaer..o,=, . OF PITTSB ern.—Thera were n feet 0 Inehat in the .►.nntl t evening, and eking. . • • Caleb Cope, Muedoek, Bayer. Michigan, Hnea, Heaver. Beaver, Gordon. We%twilit. Viroqua, Galloway, Movongabela Guy. Pa.loon, Peebles, Elizabeth. Susmu, Putt.% 13roartsi0u. Baltic, Jacobs, Groworedle. Camden. llontleicksoa. klellocapowt. eluvial:tart, Kowa:, Cineinhad. Buckeye State, Bost, Cincinnati. lames Nelson, Moore. Whee lies Empress, Cog, Zanesville. Fasmount, blitbeel, St Loots. DEPARTED, Caleb Co Alardoek, Beater. Beaver, Lord., Weßeveller. Michigan. Bytes, Beaver. • V eroa, Galloway, alortonaalle a Cu r Camden, tlendriehau, Mrkeevporb Fasboan Peeblea, Elizabeth. Balue,Jacob., 1401•111.•1110. BTOWDII,II I I. Cleprr No.l, Duyol, Quat:emu. Lady Medlar, Ctueennau. Loom MeLanaConnel. Whets tog. 'lamented, Colwell. Lautmalls. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY ST LOUlS—Jewen, ID k. r. NASHVILLE—LoyaI Hanna, IA A. Li TO LEAVE ON SUNDAY, CINCINNATI—Cinch:Amy IL L. LL. ILllackey. , &ate, IL L. ■. Tee Cc:comm.—Chu aelmosrledgmeau are dee th Stet Wert of the fine stsur Cinelonau, Cast John Bir minghate, foe files of Cl.lltUtli papers, eight haunt advance of the mall Pacers STS.OI{III eille1101•11 —This maguifieent lotting palace, arrived at bet landing at the foot of Wood meet yesterday, haring midi the nth:from Ctn• eirmati in 51 hears, including all & tummies. The, we believe, is the best ran ever performed by any steamer on her first dip out, and when her machinery shall have be. it thoroughly limbered by use, her speed, of centrist, will be increased. The Cincinnati will leave at bed regular hard, 10 o'clock, to morrow morning. . Tat Becsase Beata—The Bnekaye Wale had not arrived op to a late hour last night. We learned last warning that this steamer passed Wheezing four boors ahead of her time on her Gut trip, is which rasa she will have reached this city at 12 o'clock law night. The Buckeye State will lease to morrow morning at LO o'elock her regular bow of departure, for Cineil IMPORTS BY 12.1VILIL. Chwhanatl—Pis C.l2lll6ll—Lelmst, 3 ehdo .0. gar, 6 Obis molanns, 1,6 do do, 1 do pontoon. 20 .wool 245 cartooned shoolden,4 7 oks 60606, 16 mut. wool, 5 Inds whiskey. Zawwwrillo—Pn Foracw-23 61.10 e seed, 7 en bo bs os Itp. lard, 4 blrls whiskey, 80 hOds bacon, 311 bo p. pork, 12 Obis lard, 31 do peaches, bbi copper, 4 onvii, 1 bbl ens. 1 60,11 bbla wrap iron 1567 pc. ppo ork, 47 66 bbis beef, b 6 bbd , we, 3 croon r ag., el an apple., 3 bbla do, 1 by batter, 411 pea b meat, to 6 fann ers 61 butter, 01 wool, In bacon, hi bbis lard, hi do 060,3 bel better, 11 bes cadge. 14 sn, 01010 rw.., I bole non, 1 be, Ipa r, Db.. bran, 495 b. brim, 115 sks d 0,175 dot brooms, 55 ok. eon, 110 bb 4001, 34 wk. oats. 3 bbl. beef. Locals—Pka Fnastorner-117 d hides, 6 eks, 1 alusyrare, 6457 p. b meat, 310 b. candles, 5 Pelotas *. oil, I do old coverer, 76 WI. green bides, 7 wagons, 50 hlrds bacon, 43 bbls lard, 130 bet bacon, 50 torn klo p moral, 4 b. mdse. BPICCIAJJ BOTIOM TO TILACIIMILII. PROFF.t.-SOR CIIARLEO DAVIh hoe rust pre pared a new arithmetical work, a copy of which wilt be presented to each and every Teacher I n the United thate&entheet charge, upon their application to A. H. English & 00.,71 Wood street, IPituburgh, (poet paid.) The work to entitied, GRAMMAR OP figures and An Analysts el th e Longasige of figures and Sot' ; enee of Numbers. The followietitotice to copied from the New Tort Tribune of ian.llid,P 4o . "GRAMM 01, Alirtalitrit, at Ca.. Dint% L.L. D. (thmo, pp. 144.1-10 this work the lengaege of Uuret, md eni , sifted., of numbers, are fatefully anadmed. The Aphabet, composed of tee figures—Me words de rived trout the alphabet. and Me laws by which OM figures an or with each other,„are clearly ezplained. ''ltte analysis th oles that there are but four dyed and and eighty eight elementary cialabitation• it Alithisetie. each corresponding to • word of our com mon langtiage; and that them combomtion. are so connected together a. to be all expressed by only s c i fet y m th ,‘ ` ; ` ;.::. `7„ T. 7,l ! .—Tho4,7:Lt".l.l7`Z results instead of spelling them, es now proctised. "In another respect the system propose. an import ant change, namely to et nudes and treat all fraction. twenties things, having trivet militias to the unites; from which they were t h at We *tamely need say that the Stile work evince r the tagenuity d Millet analyt& for whims Pia latifir Dative writing an on this season a re MAO celebrated. We commend t oo rto willAason of practical teachers. belteving that they il find It crowded with new and valuable suggestions" Frees in. Preassors at Wed Point. "'lke AcatillariWen' Pours, Jan 17. "'lle li t h o m of Arithmetie, by Professor Denim, premno h subject the • new bed It ea analyses *Ailment , as to mores. the mind of the learner with the first prtemples of mathematical mien. tn Lew eight order and cos and the new rules for Me reading of heroes are of great pmetteal salon . Signed, W.Bartlett, Prof. of Ey P&L A. F.. Church, Prof of histbeetatics. " D. H. Mabee Prof. if Engineering ." Zia Pros. LB BARNES &Co. would reArectfally ennemee to teachers, and or all interested in mathematiesl struerion, that they will pablish, on or before the Ist ? r c i 'VTAIrioI;',II7IIW w ZgATATIIE NIATICR ; Or, an Analyses of the Principles of the Science—of the Nature of the masoning—and of Me MA ?timbals of Imparting Instruction - By ce... Dories. 1.-1... D., Anther of "A Complete System of Matbeensues N. B.—A. S. Barnes A Co.. are Me publisher. of Davies' System of Matbecomins. For tole in this a n y by A. U. ENGLISH A Co, No. 70 Wood street. felift_ 9,921 1,441 115 1466 1411 3 , 795 446 4,111 - 7 9.011 9,474 139 47 WO 766 8;r1 CAUTION. OnaLLENGE BLACKING. THE immense end nudity Incrusted demand for L the celebrated Mssoe's Cub:Anal Bi-nricl•a, has indaced Miner*. unprincipled persons to attempt an Inuteuen of ids Box Label, varying It slightly, 'nth a view to evade the law, bast the acme unto deelgeed to impose upon the urrersal could.. of comm ent, in favor of Mason's Blacking; and as th e coun terfeit bears no ruesibluee us the anneal, except to Atke label, and ha none of ha good propertiehould' s, Country Merchants, wben erdarlwr s be careful to ast (or "MASON'S OitIOINAL caste LENGE BLACKING,. which is cold by all teepee. table Wholuale Dealers, In every city tu the finned Stales. JAhltZ te MASON t CO _February tee, th3o,—feh4l2tlltndia_ de gels Caoal—lLloolloa of Wlllooro. HE Butekboldere of the Ent, Canal Company are notified that en Election .11 be held at the of. T of said Comp.), in Erie, on Monday, the eth day of Much, to choose &wee Directors tor the ensuing year. lebll.43yr lie s W. REED, Seel. am • I the first of salt April, a TEACHER to Oil the BoSce of Principe/of the FIRST WARD PUBLIC H SCOOL, Wheellng, V. The euccessful applicant mast satisfy the Trustees of his ability to teach leading breeches of a Collcgiatiseducatien, and to ma nage suceesafally the affairs of a lam school A per son le dulmil who intend. to make men hint his bed• and who wishes a permanent aitution A liberal wan will be Ifiien Applications accompanied 'hy VA , addressed to the undeleigned, Wheeling, VA, will be, received until the hut of March. Com munications most be postpaid. THOS. O.CULBERTSON,I T WILLSON, 5 rustace. WM. GEORGE, Wheeling Feb 417—Nebtl _ . — 7 years Dallas* Reward. S T poRRP.,OLEN,I. HORSY., on dlSundry Oth Februasoy, ld, ab IPSO, out 1 11 RED or II hands high, star In his forehead, racks ender the sad; dle, trots to hairless, a switch tail, clean limbs, no blemishes on them that I recollect of; bad on a saddle, double reined bridle, martingale and head halter.—. Taken hit lew d heavy set German, talks pretty good Finglish, about flee and a half feet high, dark complex , lon, heavy blatk whiskers, black and black fa kat, black or bine black cloth dreu coat and pants. Any vermin encoring the alan and horse will be entitled to the above reward—or TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS for the lbw. Saddle b and Bridle s tweeted no me lathe ' city of Wheeting, or ygving information where they can be het, JESSE WHEAT. Wheeling, Feb. 111.—Ifeb Is3o. 1880. IPUIZGI DEIN 000011 WEaresuc'T.Tryttl,TENVOOter hit ve ere prepared to;vell .1 the , lowest market prices to cuh buyers and prompt businese men. We would fele ettenucin of City and %Vectern Inducements to our st , et, believing we can offer many to purchase from as. SHACKLETT & WIIITF, Cabal Dry Goods Jobbers, PO Wood It *OBE NEW GOODS. 60 PIECES MWot:71'11"ITI"g4old-irai;17sh,. P"'S so- -Mourning (roods, Lion!, French Wsoughl Capes, Collars end Cuffs, Dreo Maniillo, Ale ra• gam' Kid 010101. Fine Punch and Amen Ging. hams, all of whieh ' have been selected with greateare Gild will be found al low prices at A A EASON A CO'S, lU2IOO Marklit z. W R. Re d Tw i lled received a bar supply TT• of Tucked Red Twilled Oil Minty foe enrol., 01 lowest price, at the North East corner of Fourth and Market ma ti If Partnerslit heretofore exisng between Joni. Tassel and Jo p hn U.; in tho Grocery, Produce and Commission business was dissolved bywonstal consent, on the 14th inst. Mr. John But homy par. ehoed the entire taterest of Jules Taoey, in. the boo, the bu illote vei eir oli No. dJ Wood .be settled j uz 4 rut fetal .1011 N BEST. SONDRII3S-1 sacit - PatiTitra; :raj ditillar POO; 50 doe Woolen Socks, 30 eats do Yarn', I piece White Flannel; 20 dor. Pegs; 10 " Zinc Wobboa rds; for sale by rebel ,r WILLIAMS gffEntlls—to doi - l'atent ScYdr ;ire by fele.) /AS A HUTCHISON k. CO 11aspiCiait 3448 CASKS will shortly arrive, direct, from the wo manufacture., via New Orleans, Pet el Am., Beadle., Jessica, and which will he sold, on arrival, at the lowest market pries ? be IV tr. M rciimasis:E, feblo 100 Liberty or [l,7•They will Gm receive large supplies during the spang els P64E11115). and 0/IIIIIIOTe. APPACEltiOlkiNgro ( rro -- on) bdls Biagio Crown Ragged Straw Wrapt lot Paper, 1000 bd. Medium Reg end Straw Wrap. Paper, 50) " Double Crown R and S. do do; OW reams Rated Cap and Lotter Paper, all geld. idea; NO reams Medium Tea I.per, 100 " Bawler,. do: - 1m truss superior White 1100000 Boards; • 300 teams 010 Facto. P..; 160 " doe Ca do. For taloa? REYNOLDS A WEE • Goods. JUST RECEIVED-14ddCeau." 4 °. 11 ° , 4. flan Cam of the Macintosh make, rploodtd ar• We, for to at the lam Rabbet Moot, It Wood ot. febtO J PHILLIPS BkOON—loa biol.prim.eaftrox,:gmiltratletti r: BAN B _Toira & +sa Ills C Dried Beef tobla seuz=ooLs AL HATTERS. . - 11001 TAD IP/5 TIM TITTADDIGII DAILY QAMITII -----____ stet-1a the Iron MM. We were witnesses, yeeterdsy. of one of the [OOlll disgmeefid riots which hu ever °ruined In , des country. A number of women, wives and STEAM PAtKET LINE. p. t e tetanus of the oile r lives, now on a woke, at- ENc2,11,a4.1.2,,,b1.aTiN0711Zrar,t,,....n.V. '..ke d ' l r ° w"" or e..... Gear , LA.a.Ttc Co, noire e and took eircilde Won, driving the puddle • qn"LotolTheberaut` velr ' po=el ' y lea t fee n rkgi:utch on and boiler.. before, t em like nheep. They thee every Moonar, WTTILINZIAT, {Gut Ft/DAT Evuou, gave vent to their maluous spirits by throwing '4,'„, 0 1i 5 r ,,1 - b f o t i t ° ,,, r i n , L b t e t.e will atop 0a Monday, dirt, &c., into the furnaces, and someeded in February tan. epollieg several hundred dollars worth of iron.- 1 "1%.;r.;::. They were followed by a large reowd of men end o Hambors• •• •• :,• • al t VernOti“-••-- boys who urged them on, sod were evidently pre- I / ti v o , em oont .-.-.. pared to defend them agamst any resistance. Fn io r l e . r l 7 .. sb,: or 117,27VILTENDERap,u, 5, The rioters neat proceeded to the works of - RE _, Gu .. LAR SUN-DAY YACKFIT Mews. Shoeubcrgen, and endeavored to play the CINCINNATI , same game there, hot the police managed to keep Captain Wiurau J. Koontz. them from entering. They walked nand the out. This splendid boat was built by the jainowncrs of the steamer laa. Newton, aide several times, whooping and yelling, and and others for the Cineinnatt and throwing heavy missiles at the workmen. Oar ' Pittsburgh 'Packet trade, and wit Id her 'anoint uips in the line, en worthy and e ffi cient Sheriff, Mr. Curtis, made vz:N...z.,-i1g,.... many faille attempts to prevail wean them to dee ' lor freight or 13 . INNBER passage a *pig on beard s , or D ti g tolin 'Sr Mt, in the courirp of which be received • severe kg , blow on e s creek from • weapon m the hands of ! rii3u-UIIaII.A.ND,,,,W,e,,,EAUEnjf..N, ° ,,,„„ P j A n C ,I, Kr „, * e , one of 16e enraged women. LOUIS MeLANE, W. 11. Contrail, Mt matter, thIIVIZIF undersell. a th ee Thing, were proceeding to this manner when tomb memo and run heretttlet as k Mayor Harker arrived on the ground. if, was ..4 Ivb,i,...7giorng l'ir4",rteturib°r.°:,,er',4,:rdr:yl rtettived with an enthusiastic about from the bele - wedneay and Friday mornings, alit o 'clock. For Wawa rabble, and mounting • pile of blooms frl"ib: or Passage aPply;tvbet.lTlVi.E.Eß.Aeyoo i which stood neu, proceeded to harangue them, FOR CINCINNATI, MADISON, AND LOUISVILLE. frequently inern:mini by their cheers and linens. The splendid fast }unplug steamer Finally, he proposed to them to adjourn. This , FARMER, propositkm was carried by acclamation. His Benedict, taatiter, will leave for Me honor then descended loom his restnins, and W. ' Mond., the 4th hraZit, 'd st Dr o ' 'elo " IT, 4... ai lt‘ ' . ' """' thronged on all &Idea by the rioters, eager for the [ For freight et' Pure'. attiLoi . l i tt i " . 4Z i oj E t o ßGEß. Co honor of gating hands with him. The crowd . -,-. - FOR SAINT LOUIS. trooped alter him as he lett the ground, and fol. The • leudid packet steamer P JEWF-SS, lowed for soma distance, when they gradunlly ' dispersed. I C' iser all P ul G to re mi g e g Ma . t " p.ortsf" the S .bo aurr• Thus ended this ridiculous farce of an antbreak..; d'APT:di,:ii‘,",'',4t,l,":.,`,l7,:. A . a 1 ,i,. 4. ram wich, coutempuble as it may appear, threatened , - ---- ---- FOR tkiiiiiiVi n t.t.E. - at 0 00 bate to cause no small lose of property, if The sPieglirtfre.rtmer,r Nuke, noted lik. With the exception (Ade injury done jr,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,r e, w ill i e .., c o , to the metal in the furnaces ofMaun. Mesas. Graff, Liu& 1 an this, day ..,„„Icti7r.t.." imr.mrdi°' por" say fic Co., and • few hard knocks which some of 1 P oT , T y,O4 or r y..., orr i y on booed . ~,, tie workmen received, they were prevented from accompluthlng any serioU t rlschiet. Dariterawm;2llsturbance;Ok place, yes terday, at one of the fanlike over addle s, orgahe. la, between seven of ou Y Ince sod an caste's operative, who was Coolingln compsny with his re and another female. Boneßonewords wife mono between them, when one of the Pittsburgh. ere struck the wife of the Eastern man with a stone, bruising her back very severely. A revol ver was then drahrn by some of the party, and other disorderly conduct ensued. We hope that mu pollee will find out the perpetrators of this ,wardly outrage, and bring them tojustice. Dran.—We are sorry to learn that Mr. Downey, the old gentleman who was ran Over I day before yesterday, by a buggy, at the end of I the de. Clair Sued Bridge, died of bumnds about nine o'clock the same evening. ver spoke after the accident. Be sou 64 years of age, sad seems to have been very highly respected by these who knew hum He has left a family to mourn his loss. Hifi faunal will take place to day, from bfa residence in Allegheny. Montane"licaest.—it poor laborinit ono in the ploy of Mr. Dycr, Bacon Merchant, coa Liberty &met, came to a stocking end yen.., - eon, by the fall of a smoke house in the roar of the warehouse. Ile was at work Uvalde the build- , Mg at the time, add was crashed to death instant. l •— " -- --- LAW NOTICE , . ly, his breast being broken , in. We wore unable ; E oppointment of Mr. McCI.URE, as pomade T. 1... of the Fifth Judietal District of Pennsylvn to ucertain his none or ConttectOrth, an they ' woe both unkeown to his employer. nth, dthsolvw the long cawing partnership of Ale ', Cordless & McClure. 'I be ottheislied boathess will Violeta% Gatos be Moulded to by Mr. AlcCandiess. I WILSON tdrCANDLESS, -The stormy March has mime at last.' WM. U. AIcCLURD. The monk of March was nehered in, night be- bre lot, by a terrible atom of Mender and Ugh- i tong, accompanied with a heavy wind, which In. A. creased towards morning to a tornado, doing • -r- OP.ST & 81.1IIN, large amoral or damage to property in the two' _ AUCTIONE it CONIMISSION MERCHANTS, cities and their vicinity. So ler uwe have learn- ; No. M orro or., CINCI2I.II, Onus. lia l• Conagmarnts from thr. cd, Allegheny has strtfered the most severely from . WiT.L,riLige,,e,ittihani;;lciimm,..,,,,,ift.b.,,,,,.., its devutatione The following Maumee , have ; weal , i,rcf. , lo , • I Mews. W. a. R. R. thilltps. Pittsburgh.. come under our DeUen— , •' Crown, Phillips 3 / 4 . Co., The Beaver Street Methodist Church wit very job 7, i , 5,;,&;_re,,,r,..,&:4Z., & coal 'moon shattered, the - gable end bong blown down , iame._Data . eo. KN.. and about one half the roof torn away- The in. j W API TIC.D. FURS! FURS!—The announce. will ay Lelia . of the braiding is also considerably injured 1 F U f U r S . RrA by the falling *rat/Jena. and timber. The el.: i and all It ' irviii r'ett.ppl'i'll'g"Fn,' Yi n l . gt i st east= wage is catenated at from 1000 to 1200 defer.. l teeLsi;,.., m' liacouni & co, 'rner raft and Woo so. The roof of Dr. Swift Swift's new church, on Beaver' -i . ., e ; .. ,00 BAS:Is Cod Wanted. -- aireet, Allegheny, was minsiduably injured, part' 0 guru ALS Oraeeelv by C. A. Ille•NUfei of the "' jag being earned away' It ii an aP iweg 1 c i n uftin k ei C a n reh e' ne ' .i n .rora i neail iiili P tn".:.hentilb: that &fel or 1160 will repair the damage. albeit, lost bet quality, for Gee evpoeee. , ei be de. A frame °bomb In Manchester, belonging, we lge n t . e 1.,,0,0,15ing..Cj17,,t Bona t i t , e th;l4 .. • 7 . hr:is; , believe, to the Lutheran denomination, was day, daring the coming sennon,)reminenring obout Pt; blown down to the grotiod. May writ . The Dial mew be ire ed free from slate and A new frame house being erected by Mr. l dirt, and welghthe notjew than eu ihr to th e basheL TLI9III of pnyment rein tia cash. Pierce, on Cato ut% plan of lot., di the reserved C. A. hIcANULTV te CO., Canal febit .til Basin, liabliorgh tract above the 3d Ward, in Allegheny, wan i - _ . , .. _ i blown entir e ly off the hill upon which It nod, in. MOTIO. to • stone quarry beneath. C . ,13,,;Lt4lil,Ultols91..cirt.fit.h,ayi.ri,g wen proper h Inc replevied Several other houses in Allegheny have elan, i ear goods out of hot heads, and raw notice m his rt• lost their gable end., part. cd their roofs, acc. ~ ~,.„,,,.. .I',.P.V,,:27,,..""X:2`Tte::,g`nk'dy,:fr::::l; among which we have heard of • brick house on I .mar d 7nerm, that iortasons aatisfactory to Oar maths Fleming Street, in the 3d Ward , belonging to Bile. : rItA=! 1 :1 TV. a lr Ot u d. * kr ' 4ll.7l:, ' ll . lrai th ia 7 erlt Damon, and • building known as Straub'. Brow- ' r comber . lionse..yryek wo hove do m . , The pro m, also lathe 34 Wod. Several old tree. on ,:::,,,..,..'",,,::::::, c ' t l ar „KV° :'d at n : , . .1, " :: ' aide b y ' the beak of the Allegheny river, which have ea. him; leaves hen only booed for the unpaid romp ' tone., which have been goaratheed to born by a re iated beyond the memory of the present genera , ' spareable house in Cincinnati. lion, were blown up by Me roof..Plualair. HENRY HANSEN CO. • Oa the PiUsburgb side of the river the dams'. - - ha not been so extensive, so , far as we are in. formed. SYLOIDID Sean.—We saw yesterday the guest specimens et the sheep kind ifir have ever seen. They are of the Bakewell breed, and were raised by los. Bicknell, Eq., of Erie county, New York. One of them gins 8 kat 1 inch, and has wool from 1510 20 inches fir length. They can be seen'at No 11, Market at. Persons triable' to purehnte sheep of this fine breed can hove an opportunity on application to the exhibitors. They have also en exhibition a specimen of the Icelandic or four , horned sheep, and a Lilliputian Cow, only 30 in. In height, weighing 220 lbs, and the mother of two A specimen of the wool of the above mentioned sheep can be seen at this office. It Is of very boo. quality, and hasp on the sheep in wile, ready for spinning. Tao &Milli aro in tho full tide of success, at Wilklo's Hall, second story. Suntoz Butz—itto good Signor, it will be seen, by advertisement, gives an exhibition on Monday evening next, for the benefit of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphan's Asylum. Blitz is ever ready to contribute his aid for charitable purposes. He advertises two performances to day, one In the afternoon and another at night. VALUABLY Boon AT Atm non —We aro reque.d. call the stimuli= door readers to a talus• ble collection of books, comprising some splendid. ly illustrated English editions, to be sold by cats lope, this evening, at Davis' Auction Rooms. Abnottnv Poucs.—John Hughey was brought up yesterday morning, for an Illegal speculation In poultry. He was a stranger to the city, and Ind tog himself hud up for cash, relieved* few hey roosts in the neighborhood of the caul, of than o=upants, about d o'clock to the rooming, and ob fend them for sale, &amanita It was daylight, io the market plume. He had disposed of all Lxcept same four or live, won ho was detected. He procured bail for his spf canine in your:. Tat whole number to drams in New ut during no week ending ou Saturday tut, is rt, ported to be 253, including the 18 fetal ease. ol cholera, among the immigrants ou Ward's Island. Otto. number, 33 were from consumption. la Mhers dorms the 211610 period, the number of deaths , was 89—children under five years„4B. SIINDAT Tuna:Lug Camps—Two wagons and their ennui, were Wield meanly on the Cant. da side of the suspension bridge, at . llte Niagara Palls, it bong Illegal to take any rehantable commodities over the frontier an Sunday. Istocrate.—The New York Sunday Thus lays that the grand Jury have indicted Bennett. of the Herald, for his libel on Major Noah, with raters once to the jewels of the rtleiVz.-9 of Orange. Count SITWIDOLT ACCIDENT —Oa Saturday bat, • crate contention tho baggage of the on from Now York my Paladelphis, on board the steamer New Philadelphia, was aecidenully I rue overboard, and Ike winks and baggage tithe puss:igen fished out in a soaking condition The ca .,pgny promptly paid tomb passenger the sum u which he estimated his lieu, amoanting in the somaate to $l,lOO. The passengers have pub - hatted a card retuning thanks for this promplama on the put of the company. The Europa sad Hermann steamersuiled from this port together on their last trips. At the es• pindion Cl tho third day, the laber was atilt to eight el the EurePe, but on the fourth the Her. maillt wadi stanced. She is nal a slow boat. at ur all, if site mold keep up with the swift Con. uder oven for three days out of post—N. link Jaw. if c m . ' A ad iron building, aimposiog dimensions, is to be erected at the path east eorner of Tend and pock Streets, Philadelphia, for sae of the prosupel 'asuman Compton.* ti will he the first ails° of the poet ta Philadelphia. gTEAM BO.ATS LouusviLLic ATsfi. •Cnptun T. Moore. • I. li AL nlj g f e&(ler. It. Keontr. u HI, 6GLerL FOR WABA , I4 RIVER. The splendid meaner ca, H CINDERELLA , . Capt./M. H. Hulett, vao _l_ta r vo 1 04040 n Solon - 1 , 4,M0 51 41 eki I &elixir. P.M. board, or to F. fi.T h '" P"" g*. it4TON JONES, AV_ lOW '- - -- AnißlNculskrf. • , Tlm Plilendid steamer RINGGOLD, jailitCopt, Cope. will leave for rhea abut nd all intermediate Mr. an . dav,tha n dl Met. at 4P. H. pc...iv: ~w rOt freight or paasage apply Go boara. ---- • FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE The 0, Capt. Klinefelter, mill leave toe above and all interraeduste ports oo this day at 4 o'slosh, F. 01. For height -or passage apply oa board. marl U MILTENHEFILiF.D. Arent FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUIBVILLE. The L. fast re.lng steamer 01110, gatVesers.taaslci, will le eve for the above Rad alltetermediate Illealallv an lb , . day, the tiArd inst., at 4 o'clock, P.M. to, f freight or passage, `DDT W y bean], or to ettgl W. HMER, Agent ''oh L/JUISTILLE. 1 , 1 The line ems Ilebt draught steamer KENTUCKY, MaeleLn, ntametr, arta leave (or the boot hod all Mutrateidlate porta on Monday, the SAE Inn, at 4 &el.], P. M. For freight et palms apply on based. OOP ARMSTRONG a. CROZER, AIM MISCELLANEOUS. WILSONpIeCANDLESS , TTOU.NEY AT LAW, Office Foanb n•:=IL • burgh. VOll DAL'S. rrilE undersigned often for sale the enure stuck of Groceries or the late firm of TAPPET & BFAT, with the store fixtures and every thing ignitable to lc. commodore the transheuen of a heavy I:arsine., which has been built up by five years close attention, and • largo 01151010 obtained, the goad will of which will Fro transferred to the purchaser. ond possession of the warehouse given on. the first day of April next, or sooner If required. The .trek will be reduced if re quired, and payments mad e easy (or geod paper. Bo good an opportanity of an establishen bosinesa Is sel. dam offered, and but f oe other engagements requiring my attention, would PI be given up. I datisfactory information non be obtained on the pre misc., No. at Wood tweet. term Portable Parlor Greeaboaee. THF aubscribcr offers for sale, a suitable ud conve nlent cue, for preserving and blooming Winter and Siding Plants, being entirely tree from the dry st mophem and dust, an inourious to the successor keep mg Pleats with salety on sm. Tee public an ro. apectfelly Invited to call and examine the cue, filled PI with PI is, at the warehosse of S. N. Wickersham, corner Wood and Sixth ste, from the collection of JAMES WARDROP, fele eil2w Manchester Nursery. TI IF wmaiti'..rov.v afficiiiikrisst. vaii AMERICAN RHEUMATIC IS A LS• MS A 147 remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable gdom—a tare and permuent cure for all Rheum la Complete% each as Inflammatory, Chronic, Acute ud Mercurial Rheumatism; Goat, Lumbago, Spinal Affections, fee. This medicine hat long been sought for. It has bean said shot Rheumatism could not be cared; bet there Is a remedy designed by mince for the cure of every dis ease that the haulan system is sublcet In. At tut • re medy bat been found that cures Rheumatism of the worst fonn--ene of the 131041 valuable vegetable pro. duenand of the earth—tho greatest and moat important , discovery of Ma age, and a. wanderfal blesaing to the human family. It cures without sickening or debllita. ' tang, and renews Crength and vigor to the whole eye ; tam. It ha. cured, dionng the put three months, over Soo Cases that wareiconsulered Incurable. Cfallfl.lol of the curative propertiesof this =di mar can be seen by calling:, on the Agents. Nona genuine unless pat up with an engraved label virt.Tattilitdcßavo,r,2.4 6 6ved Sy the proprietor, R. told by . H. SW/BER, corner Third and Market at, Pluseargh. Sold also by , G. F. THOMAS' No IMO Main at, Clecirinati 3 O. feb7.dkvaGruS 1 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE. , No. !lb s DIAMOND ALLEY, a ire,/ doors below Wood street, te- wards market. DRs EROWI, having been regularly edurated to the medical • ti r t ' ae r ,`°,le„ somec nr his e Emotion to the treatment of too., private sod delicate com les plaint* for which his °ahem:nide. • * and experience peculiarly quality . ( 4 Tema assiduously devoted stagy & treatment of those eamplainis,idarnt whine time be has had more lignetlce and has cued more pa. tens than can ever fall te the lot of tiny' private prat titi inert) amply qualifies; him to offer untruecs of wint, and satiefactery cure to all afflicted Virell ' Ca n lffseares, and all diseases arising there from. Dr. Drown word& inform thou salmi with pnvatc &scams which have beeline 'entente by time or ag grunted' by the au of arty of the corium nostrums of the day, that their complaints can be radically and thor oughly cured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of rich cans, and succeeded in hundreds of instances in curing parsons of iogammation of Me am)* of the bladder, and kindred distraitcs whieh once rnerat from Mose cues where others hare tonaigned the hageinen despair, Ile parte rawly invites ruck byre hnen lone nod inlay eces•fillly treated by others to cOnnalt hem, when every satisfaction will be glean rote,end their ease% Mined in eareftil,thorouga and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long expertence, mady,and invertherhwkwb ‘ l l l 7P o ll ie roe thma Irmne pumice of m diem tut „. eellirelgeTellw"ir hernia to as he has l p n ilir pa= al. attention to lbw disease. . CANCERS also cum& bk divozses; also e, Palsy, ete,spludily eared GUIs very lo;. N .—Petien of either sex living et n dietaries, by stating their disease in among, giving all the gimp• tome, can obtain medicines with directioas for nee, by addreming T. DROWN, D. D., post paid, and gnaw infi;lles yes. DMA:tend alley, appoints the Waverly it lee. ILA Brown's newly discovered moo dy for Rheumatism le speedy and Chinon remedy tor that painful trouble. It never fails. °five and Private Censalting Rooms, No ILS Die. mend alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tbs Doctor is sleety. at n e , two off No "'" "kr-1 a RICL;10 0 'trees wm ammuct& WBSTEBN INSURANCI COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPFUL WWI J. Froze, Jr., Bee). I R. Mama, Jr. t Frost Will insure against all kinds of risks, . FIRE AND MARINE. ALL tomes will be liberally adjusted and. promptly paid. A home thstltntion—managed well by Direcbsto who are known in t h e community, and who are determin ed by procaptnese and kbersitty to maintain Ma char• stater which they have assumed at oferiny the hem protection to those who maim te be (neared. Inascrone—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Beget, N. Holmes, Jr., Wet. D. Rolm. C. Ihmsee, Geo.. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lytat, J. lapPiecati , The. R. Limb, Jam es WAulay, Alex. Nimice, Thos. Scott. Ornee, No. 3O.Water street, lwarehotme of Spent k Co., no seam! Fiusbarsh. totally City Smokehouse., M BE subscribers, having taor largo Prtukekonses, aro on at alt times, to souk, bang and smoke Pork on reasonable ter ms . w JONES, Proprietors, soli Canal Basin, near 110 /VIE subscriber& having been appointed agents for 1 the rale of flalt, by several of the von best mans ufeeturers, have new on hand and will continue to keep • COMM?. supply. Orders left at our filed nse, OT with s., will be pnamptly filled at all times. Peter Peter "JOON tdePACEN & CO, Peon at, Canal Basin, Pittsbursh. 011ie Wad Pemissylvamla 11.11 Road. 11111 E Stockholders of the Obirrand Penneylvenle HMI Head Company aro hereby notiled no pay the (earth lestalment of FiselDollars on each Mare of neck, on or before the With day of March next, et the lams et the Company, in Third at, as heretofore. erbIS:tdII.4ILIMCR, iiiern and tithing Murnlfiru - _ JJLIKEII W. WOODWICLL. Tman Be., Errnatinia J.W.W. Respectfully informs the pubc Smles bee am ittlied his i Pining stock FURNITURE. the largest and mos:varied aatounent ever offered Inc ale in this city, ecoopriaing amid setla of Rocrwoon, Mammas and Elam Weimer, carved, antaatental and plain ' , imitable for Perform Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will In sold at the lowest price. Forma desiring Fort Itara of any deseription, are tetralli Invited to call and examine him gal, which em pe braces every description, Sem the cheapest and plainest to the Mad elegant and costly, of which the following comprises apart Tete a Tee Sofas; Tata a Two Divanlir, Convervation Chain; Elicabetbian cl.r.; Reception do Louie XIV de Extension do Barret Mope; What Not Toilet Tables; Louis XIV Commadorm Date of rock's Conch; 60 Sofas with Plush and Rale-cloth amen 60 Divas, do do dq V c i 11= rylor Chain; II " Bit Walnut do dm 40 " Cams Seat Kalan, Rocking 44 do Piano Stools; 60 Marble Toy CenUeaab Tables; go o o W Staab; 99 Ma d hogan d y Bedsteads; 1.4 do d"dr'.; do; B Many A very large assortment of Common Chairs and nth. or Filillllo3o too 10111011. to 0101311011. " Steam Bonn fan:Allied on the shortest Whoa. Alt ordn PramPtly attended ta. P. IX—Cabinet wakens can be supplied with all sorts - ol Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneer% at considerably seduced price. rebid CAUTION—About the ONLY ORIGINAL AAND GENUINE WISTAR'S ITALBAAI OF WILD CHERRY, the peat remedy (or cossuarztonn And UM best medmine known i i to m. for Asthma of every stage, Ter Complaints, Bronchitis, Influenza, Cones , Colds, Bleeding of the Lungs. Shemness of Breath, Pat. and Weakness in the did, Breast, An, and all other disease& of the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very Important &seam over which this.Balmm ex erts a very pewee's' influence, is Mat of a DISRAELI:. LIVER. . In thin complaint it has undoubtedly rived more clic-neinas than any remedy hitherto map ed, and in numerous intones when patients had en wed long and lea n affeng frees the diseases,without reed, leg Om benefit from various remedies, and when Mercury has been masted to in vain, the use of this Balsam has restored the Giver to a healthy entioniand In many bosun. effected permanent cares, after very well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect. Besides Its astonishing elleacy in the disease shove mentioned, we else find It & very effectual remedy in Asthma, a complaint in winch it has been extensively i cued with decided success, even in eases of Tests , standing. With the Mersa. of Intelligence has grown up • knowledge of the elements of health, and a re .o for them, and commensurately with the snide, of mt.ee have we acquired the means of arresting dis ease, and averting Its rays... Notwithstanding the progress we have made, mutates show that even now, one sixth of the whole population die annually of consumption. Gee of the most important discoveries of the oge, In ameliorating the coh4tion of this large class of suf. Jenne humanity, Ls DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. .Pours Balsam of Wild Cherry is a fine Herbal Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Batt .4 the genuine Iceland Moss. Oho lanes inponod tmPlul ly for this parpose,) the we medics:lel virtues of which ve also combined by a new chemical owe., with the extract of Tar, rhea rendering the whole compound the most certain and efficacious remedy ever discitry!red for • -- "ION OF THE LIJNOS. coliamimol Still limber evidences of the remarkable curative - 1 properties of this inestimable prepalatiore litmestaxtun. Brows co, 0, Aug. 41.18411. - Meant. Sandford A. Park: Gentlemen, About six weeks ago I received the agency of Wistaes Balt= of Wild Cherry, bat with some rebut.ee on my part. for the reason that I had been the agent of to many Fills andother nostrum, winch were cracked up to be something wonderful, but whith tamed oat in the end to be of no accout whatever, except to de man uacturer. Rut I candidly adult thiu this Cate I have been deceived, for the extraordinary urea affected by Wistaes Balsam have convinced ma that "good ean come out of Naureth.. Your agent left ate one doe. `.7 `"c„1r`i 1 ,7,; . .." , ,t ° ,:a =IL — . h " th „ (V.' t h ep"" end cm mistake; tor what I tee and know I am bound to belteve. One ease In particalart A youna gentle mu in Winchester. Adams county, 0., to miles Prow this Vacs, was cared of Cassompuee when the doc tors as green him op. or at least could do nothing for kiss, and it was the intention of his friends to convey hire to year city, and pineal= ander the cam of sonm , eminent phyaieten there. Rat &friend told him of Nista'. Selena, and that he enald obtain It of am. He sent for it, and before @emend bottle was he was sound and well, and the amending table every g d one oy Cullom. As there are several Jemmies for,themodi eine, it would be well to forward an additionalsupply ',nitwit delay. TerlfgEtLVAga i „, 1 The above, tram L. Newland, Esq.,ot highly cur able country merchant, commands null foreib to the candid attention of all those who have don ,e the great merit of Wistags Wild Chewy Bataan. Remember the origirtal and only genuine Water's Bets= of Wild Cherry, was mtrodemed in the ye. ISM, and has hem well tested in all complaints for which It to recommended. For 57 years it has proved more efftemloas as • remedy for Coughs, Colds, lode mss, Bomehitis, Asthma, and Consumption in its in. cipteat Magee, than an other medicine. LOST VOIC E,RESTORED! Damao, ce Aug. le, 1940. Mr. IL W. Ftivilet Raving men many mime's published In relation to DT. Wiser'. Balsam of Wild Curry, I tike thb opporumity of offering a word in Its fever, which you are also at liberty to publish. A few months Sore my wifes lungs became so much footed with a sodden eold, that she lost bee mice, and suffered severely from psias in the breast Her silos. Pon ceased her friend. mach alarm. Having heard ' your Balsam strongly_remormended by those who used it, I purchased a battle from your agent in this place. She took it according to dimeWma, and it pro dueed a wonderfal effect le fore aging one bottle she had completely recovered her yoke, they aha setbsid- ed, and her health was mon folly raestablisbed. Yours, traly, HENRY 0. BRIGHTMAN. To Daemon men Duval a blestram—Thl col anted and infallible remedy for theatre of Consump tion, Asthma end Liver C,omplaint, has by its mm me rits, Men rapidly, .setre and safely worlrum haw.) , through the oppostion °Comets and counterfeluen, mail, by Its true value env iable eic meallome, It gained for itself a meet env popalatity, and Web- Dished itself in the confidence of ro e inuliment and en lightened public, from one end of th continent to the other: The testimony of thousands +lathers teen re lieved sad cured by this valuable article, will Maw that it stands meivelol—at the head of all ether me.. dicinea for the earn of diseases for which it ts rem.. mended. The genulnefr. Whin% Bala= of Wild Cherry is now for sale duly appointed Agents, and all respectable dealers n medicines, in ell lame eines and all hmortant worm throogleout the United Mmes. Plum SI per Bottle Biz Bottles for 113. Bold by J. D. PARK, Daceemor to Sandford &Pare,) Fourth and Wilma streets, Clincinnati, 01M, General Agent for the South sad West, to whom all orders most be addreesed. Wileox, Jr: Jams k. Jou; J. IDI4 & Co; _B. A. Pahnestook & Pittsburgh L. T. Remelt, WIL•11. Myron; W. 11. lamberten, Franklin; L. B. Bowie, Utuenume; wehy. Oreensbargh; B.RountauSolner see Seal & —Redford; Reed & Bon, don; Mr. Orr, Hollidaystramr Ml6= I & sfts tat - - ma; J. K. Wright, Kittanning; Evans es Co, Brook ville. Wilms & Son, Way - embers& DPFuland & Co, IC Weeder, Meadvillm Hamm Col FAM Magoelkldereer; James, KOUT& CNElftler; S. &nub, Beaver; 3. D. Summertert, Worms; F.L.& C. S. Jetts& Coudersport; P. Croaker, Jr, Brervmsvillo. fet4.IMMTILOT IMO= • PROOLUILTION. MO VIRTUE of • precept mkt the hands of Hon. BWm. D. McClure, Presldent of th e Court of Cwt. : mart Fins, in and for the IA Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Judas of dm Coma of Oyer and Tennlner, and General Jail Delivery in and for Bald Instriet, and Samuel Jones sad William EMT, Esqrs Associate Judges of the same Comm, In and for the County of Allegheny, dated theUM day of February, in the zear . t ou Lord on .theassad eight ► hundred y to me Greeted, - for bolding Coon of ry d er a mil Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at the Conn mom, In the Cloy of tiusbargh, on the Fourth blondoy blareth neat, at 10 o'clock, A. Id. Public notice h hereby gluon to all doge.. of the Posee, Coma, and Constables, of tier County of Al. legheny, Mat they be then end them, la their proper persons, with their rolls, reeardg, Inqulsllloon, e nand umlaut, and Caber recitetabraaces, to do those thisgs yoniehos their respeetive offices in Mete behalf, ap. rear to he done—toad also, theme that will presence the patients that now are, or may be, to the Jail of said County of Allegheny, or be then and Me re, to p ro • aeon* against them as shall be Mat Given under my hand, at Pittsburgh, thh lath doy of February, to the year of our Lot! 1010. aad of Me Commonwealth the 74th. CARTER CURTIS, febln.divrlAT Sheriff. Kleettea. A N ELECTION for Officers for the .Cestpani for -M. creating a Bridge over the Allegheny LW, op will psite Plerburgh, In the (booty of Alleghenyr be holden en the 'Poll House of the Company, .4 the Pittsborgh end, on Id oadly, Mara Ilth. sto'clock, P. fd. JOHN HARM% • ruttetrer. lan.ll4,terldT 1 ES -- NI/1 1 CW JAMES BAILIE le.o:ldareapeelatlllf.ert that abeeenfirtirases.leVrE and LIQ . COR business at the old awe, bt, Chestnut street, Pbtlad aonop at neelpbia;.- where eau be,ofeand, LP= trot Vadat*, aa. t - ra i, Gen, plonengabelts, and Dish iiskey, St 'gem, end Jamaica dotrits; Brown gloat lad Veatch Ale. Also, very "atteerint" tat of anoneurtle. from pot ten by special ruder. ell of *bleb :rill be sold at love prime HAILIF.. SI, Chastuat -••— Next door to Congress Hall Hotel. VELV ET CORDS—e O Wets, at ratans mks .a In 1" I"4 %Lamm wOrrE HOUSES, LOTS. FARMS, THAT large and earautedietas Wetter fleet. nearrdenentil, h Present xpa bypied by Mr. Ps. Yank - irk. Pernession is to be greener the ht April. Inquire on he P1h01...°' °( Il LOWRIE. Walk al, near Chadun. =DM •, - - ALOT OP GROUND, tid feet fronton Bail[ Lane nutting beet to Itebeeba si *CI feet; n Cottage Howe and elltllll,, Souse to atoll repair. Tlda pm. tinny it beautifully titualcd On the Rank of the Alle gheny neer, end is censitered one of the mottdetirs• ble and pleasant ti.uationt in the 'City of Allegheny. File rice end term* applyW S. SCIIOYER. fetal No 11U Second et FOR SALL THREE ACRES OP LAND, situate abet f} miles from the City, nese the residence of Hoe. Rtehant Lee. on the Orecusburgh Turnpike, ealtable for Coun• try Residence. Also--17.0 Acres of Lend. Situated in Franklin town. ship, about 16 miles from Pittsburgh, near the Fronk- lin Road. Also—A Lot of Ground, none the uew Basin, in the Seventh Werth -being No fret riteste, on which is a two story . rick Dwelling, Hour. For particulars and terms Of title, enquire of , DAVID D. URDU& Manner at Law, feldrbim Ftithst, bet% Cfoodund Smithfield. VALUABLY. PARR FOR HALL SITUATE in Moon township, Bailee,. Coenty el . eon. lathing about 150 ACRES., 75 of wideb oro eer ed, and the residue Peach . mb There is large _ Orchard of Apple. viid Cherry Trees, of good - quality on It; Moo, n comfortable Dwelling Boone and but The land is in good Order, well watered. nod . butl9 utiles below Putsburgb; 11mtles from Phillipa burgh, on the Ohio river, and only I miles fro m the depot, no Rochester, of the 'PeittolDstuia Ohio Rail Road. The title is indisputable, mid the londwdl - be sold on reasonable term .. Fainermen given. if ue cessary, on theist of April next. This tract of land, irem its 000000M:10e ...Met, and situation inn part of the errantry where real en. site is rapidly riwng in value. makes d desirable for the investment of ettrital. and for gardening and oifri . cultural purposes. For farther partteulars enquire of N. P. A. U. In IL FETTERMAN, fcbsn Atternics at I.sw.4th sr. Pittsburgh. WEt offer for sale, en moderate term: lab That lot of ground on retutzylvanit An elute, near Cosy . ... et, being about 155 feet in depth by about di feet 7i incite. in width. 'M. That Lot on Denney lyttniti Avenue, Diet beyond Mr. Wanters'a property—being 112 feet deep by XS feet 71 inches In width. 31 A Lot on the Hint into behind the 201 Lot above unwed—being 130 feet feet deep by 2.2 feet 71 inebe• wide, extending (corn (ribbon to Loewe St. D. W. tr. A. S. 11F.LIo Attorneys ut Lnw, ono in Fourth at, feb2l-3w above ScuithSeld. To Let, A • COUNTRY RFAIDI.22CE, situate within o mile. of the city, in the vicinity of idmerseilie, contain ing SIX ACRLS of Ground, on which is erected %two story lIRIUR HOUSE,' Stabling, &e. Also--An Orch ard of excellent Fruit. This propcny to desirable, either to a place of residence, or (or gardening_ par pos.. Enquire of 'W. 11. M. PUSHY, At the Lumber Yard Office of Lkathe & Peaty, ear ner of Hay and Liberty stA TE large time story Brisk Wavehogse, on Water, below Forty street, running from Water to Vast street, on reasonable terms. PosseSsion given luau: Enquire of rstll64 F. LORENZ. - FOB. SALM, A DRSIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, MILE forssubertber, mrshing to reutevo to the city, fen sale hit desirable Ermine Residence shu nted on the Eastern Turnpike, in the Borough of 'lam rencevillr, 1$ minutest ride from the city- The' above property is pleasantly located, and improved in the most modem style, with every convenience necessary Welt. For fa RO BERT apply to T D-THOMESON, No 110 Market at Itosedele To Let. rrIIAT beautiful situsoion fora PriVlitl. Rtgidelle, on the hank of the Ohio river,. et the borough of Manchestor. Far term. opply to tebl2 _ GEO COCIIItAN,2B Wood at • TN 1 1 3 FatIENY, within a square of the market, a IN number of three story Brick Dwellings, with back building. There are eight rooms in emett home; and the yards are paved, with hydrants in the sans. Rent ery FORRALF—Three Pumps. in good order, weuld newer for wells from 65 to n feet deep. r e quire of JAMES RAY, Sandusky st, near Bapust Ceara For Sales • will sell at a bargain, one or NAYSSIITH' I 3 WDiann' ACTING STEAM HAMMER, wlth - Merrick & Tonne's improvement attacked. it is In good order, and eau be seen Si our works. It ad- mirably adapted to drawing iron, and shingUng bloom For further iorotmation spill to fella SINGER, He TNIAN & CO. For ROM. r E SECOND AND THIRD STORIES of Ware. I boas* No 5 Market street. next door to Maisons _ dlia's Glass Store. Enonna of febs JOHNSTON & STOCKTON I A. Bursa for Ba., W ooNTAINING 160 ACREB., oboes half of which k Vis cleated, sttuated in asbindton county, MP, about 5V1:1 mile. green the Ohio Weer. Possesslon riven imeneatately. Enquiry of ROBERT DALZELL le CO,. Libertulr_em__ For Rout or Salo. TIIE ut , .gcriber or oell or rent his very desi rable Citatory Residence, id Allegheny city, att aeon! on Ohio Lane and Allegheny Avenue, j at of the Common. The httest is a large double i brick linden:A, to ente.pl , •te order. There to a Car- Rage House,Rtnlite, and good Water as the grounds, which yomprisn two acme, well unproved, containing every description in—Fmit. silting house and M bonne. Poiscalion given ditrig .J ta n e month of March. • lebl.tf JO HN done; (at ST, Alot ApnL— EA' 14 a), Rota ;it; , STORE TO RICAT—`2I feet front by 40 deny uNo7 Front a rossossrott goes Ist April. 0.11:04 ISAIAH DICKEY In CO Front st To Let, itA desirable Residence. situated on the RITZ/ Rank, Mil Ward, Alleheny City. &gotta at this Office, or Mrs.o MeAltrayn, ott the ' FOR SALE, on very liberalterma—Fifiy Nine Lou Greand, smutted on Penn, Wayne ‘ and Pike ate, aa the Duquesne Way, itecordine to n plan robe seen at this office, where terms and conditions writhe made known. li•or Rent, FROM the first day of April nexi-- our .large two storied BRICK DWELLING DOUSE; handsome ly situated on the Ohio River, adjoining the borough of Manchester, with about fool acres of Mad; a number' of Fruit Treesi one large brick Don and Stable, ad other gut bulb:hugs. APOT to JAMMS A. HUTCHISON & CO. A 05uA1t.",,..c21.7.12E10Y,a,;.10V,1,7E-4°l?`"Y' [ *Mg TASSEti A 111ZT.33 Wood sr. Brick 'Yard fa. lEL•nt. ALOT OF'GROUND, suitable fora BHA Yard, and situated near the city line, in the vicinity of Bobo Bridge, will be rented fora term of yours. Ap ply to E. 0. BABB 01. Third street, BAN Office o ter the Post Office._ Pas Rime. ROOM on the second wy of the Warehouse rd. vs Wood street. J. 16 Per Rent, A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on Liberty creel, between O'Hara and Walnut swans, Fifth Want, et present orn.ipted by the sub.riber . Parses given on the let Sprit. Enquire of tes( WM. SOLING. - LW bnberty_ uL rrlIE BASEMENT nor- jtho'Dinntemel Union sueets,vrell adspin has It tiu been occupant as • u.ir.3 meet, far • number of year. ALSO—Several Offices and AGiethe - ooft Ugh t 6 ttetblltebnlort'SlL'efell fiTr'lllthereeft4eTnl"edr'ol7lfor mond andMerkel streeL Appio to juold ALEXANDER Is DAY. OR 111. - N T, two pleisontly utnae3 . itnet .L• Dwelling Houses, with the grounds adjoining, at °Aloud. Possession ten be given on 'the Brat of April nag. jaud HARDY, JONIZ & CO. ror Rest. T. — 118 Beek ran of W e Warehouse now oecup4el hY mp~ell, ant nungo'TfoiynE=4lWaler toot To Lot. AGOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, Stolddleld street, four doors from Saveuth, west .14. Ingram of d. SCIIoYEIL 110 Second at, FOill.lllMBEgw•A STORE. well fined rp for Dry Goods, on Market Sr., between Thrill and Fourth. Postman , on given on rho lst of April next. Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Possession given hater.diately. E. D. GAZZAM, dole °See over the Post When Tina it -- ALFUEL 13.1CNT.—Tbe WAREHOUSE at pre. seni occupied by Messrs. Bailey, Brown a Co.. on Water street, from first of April neer. noVal JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO FUR SALE—A Brink House, (bra onirfelra . Abuilt,) and Lot, on •Robinsort Allegheny.. near old Bridge. Price low and Lenny cup-- Inquireof 1 1k5 S SCHOYER,IIO Second 0 KOR SALE—Five lots eligibly ummeo to - me ~..0 ishing town of)4lrmingbam. The lots arenints. on DORM= street, numbered in FlllausmanN eta& 70,70,00, 81 and ts— Lot No 75 fronting Ye lemon Ma ry ion street. 70 feet deep tint other four so feet front each, by 00 feet deep. - Terms—Greater part of purchase money may re! mein for six youth scouted by marlamge. Fo_r_Pertol Mara twine of S mylo llO seconds 'VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN slim? y FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between Ilay and Merbury streets, adjoining the house and lot now imeapied by Riebnna Iblvrardh having. front of% feet, and In depth 150 fen, wile be sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptioneble. For quire of C. 0. L005119,4:15 s 4 nom Wood. ocal.dtf NSW TEILEORAPII OFFICE. IIE citizens and brutiness men of Putsbargh era renpectfully informed that the Morse Telegraph Una. are nowtn complete operation between this enty and Baltimore, Wmhington,and other Eastern Cora, eormeeting at Washington [tip with the Mores Line, the only one South to Richmond, Raleigh, Contioston, Augusta, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans—and conitectmg to due Oily' .4111404 s running West end Norte to she principal towns and cities in Inn valley of the Mooltanpot, and ou Lakes. There Lines will receive and send messages no cheap , asap other Line, and the operators and clerk/ will be found gels. tlentanly and areolarnothiting. ...IW))fic:t ... in , l i h: tm lo . r t . er story of the ST. cittatun "' lard-Ym SELLING OWE , AT lELEDUOICD ALEXANDER it DAY, corn e r-of-the Diamond and Market street, are now selling tie c o nn i v in g prices, their stock or Winter Goode, of Shawls and Lodi. , Dress Goods. to great toothy. 411.0-111anketa and Flannels,Cloths,Cosaimes, Satin et., void a fall ...Moen of heavy Cotton Goods. Confident Wax better bargains cannot Go hail Gao -1 where, we invite die attention or borers. ALEXANDER ft DAY, 7S Market street Qtuirr and *bort nate HILLS Ka Or ttiteNtiinPnl allte sn Cineinnatt, Loatnvilla and tit. Loan, Istd chund on the most lawstrable term, sta. N. 1101,11P.51 SONft. INGRAM - CALLPEWN. VEll tam day, at the Carpet Wu...Annan, No 111, 15 Fourth vt, • near and rich style of wiser Ist. grain Carpet+. Alta—Fine lagtain, which we atm to webs.. as cheap as any eaatern balsa- I labia W blet.SLlNlbeg- Oil Cloths. MeCLINTOCIE 1. now receiving the omelet IT • larle Tapestry Oil rnottu, which we will-oat tO fit any sire Tom, ball, or v ostibrae. We 0.0. 41 . telly Invite an exterinelion of our essortsocel OW Curl Wareham, 75Yourrti street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers