The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 01, 1850, Image 4

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    :7 1- ' . ..1' ., 1. , :;t•H'±
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• BOOM: SooKli • -
1-trArcTrer PRES.,l27gratratfmßrM.t
jeseniu , Hebrew LexicTowasendhiArtstokketent
of the Bibloilitudefl History of the Christian Hell
gitotSort Cturreh, Isaac •Trea . sise on Cetisnan UM-
Mort'. 1 LiSe of Jeremiah Hurts, Lim. , Robinson's Greek
H try of the Gelpel7. do FSnatelt do do, S en n' . Bi
biis, Boston edition; Parish's Bible Gautterr,
China and its ['tweets, Dr. Wood's Let
tssseedeoborgiani,sm, R n oitts Idisslottay !she:-
t i ' M riti h rurrall e r 7 n ia lcv ' or ' ' '''' .roalfr °,
, oicolirtintryraif, -- i.a - e;
t. • Dl', AND,VICMITY; will be reedy ter
t Vet 1r5.1.0 day'. Cements who may' wish to
ha wowsof their country seats put on the piari coo
do by Making spplicaSon to the undersigned, nr,
, before tho2thisurt. !To defray, tht e . p: d nz io t
tal • hos • --,.. ~.. .71 • Ijo requited
!GALS p h Tlte of the ma. . nor aR H McGOWAN
- '
-- 1
A E : T. four yes.. ant c, I wee
elftrag through
the State of Ohio; w Ile spending st days in
R I discovered a a Oar bletalic substance.
and eabeetteently Warned at it Is . od o llez h, th= n r , o z .
ft:nt,: y i' stf e a tor ' e b' 'fll7l:goar appear... I
was led to irelle t v: it mialit lw sonde 11114(0,1mi Mr
' wind impose I had not the Mast 0 . 5..
.1 p.n . n, u npr:...
ospexpermants by bunneg a..t!ontoß
.. t, ,
'' ng l '' nnd ''''P''"""'"' "Y.r.,. - :.7 ,
and .e ....g Ira mr eel '''''''',''''' in It.
in it, that 1 save up my coure time and f mull
time ,
prommatioa of thost cape amat:grr.d...; rom : 0,‘. .. ,
o br o "1 l'fal'ng:T:Cdl: dyeawrsn,Yftetaly dacovered.that,
by =clog it to Ant powder and oozing it with lin
seed an .to about the consistency of thick plan, and',
applying this componnd with a brush, Mat i hts costing
in • few months would bernme a perfect stone or,
slide; so that the substance when applied was amenity
alido ina bqaid state, and the large amowlt of *Cies,
alumina, instrusis and block oxide of iron that It con
tained, rendered it both smasher sod Bee onset' to the
letter tXPered, Under and more permanent It
teems labour., and as toe coating MOW It Mass to
ohlloi il of itself mdestroctible by far, esatteqatolly is
Protean the WOOd cOicred with it from the sii, and
where there L wood r, Write Iss op blaze ot v0[0,069091
Itiewsioro the wi ts actuady char, before thethite
caudal; will give way. -
I Mouldered the discovery of the greatest import
ance, and applied to Government for a patent for my
~... .ion at di...v.1, foull y hoping that./ or
now be mumntrata far all my outlay ti, time and ma
tey. 'The government, without arty hesitation, gram
me so roe Letters Pattot for the sole tight to mams,
ate, tell end ese my en
.improvemt in thernansfaci a are
aft nWeather and floe Pr.( Composition or •Lati•
. field filalo.” fa fueled year. • '
- Angara 14, tb4h. WM. 'BUIE
, —..—.'
• Wali - dic irdutbitenie of nem, be . nod We abler
slinzatesilt of Mr. Mete, sod believe .be semi.-
tially ea - rea, a we are roust Of the Woe
menu tho, tin contoined; and weer;ll farther en., that
nre do not beiherc that were neer par.., ,that
I *neatly and blimeloosly earned, or morn rier.ervedly
liolnted . as he plagued his experiments with toe Wall
rtdomltilrlopersovirritriconnder dm most diaeounsens
' i"ng"""".. " ''''''
r' ROT Long Va sae S. ,awe
tiaras tat there coals C h' holP°` thf i'';'°'
tiara dm substance. ills therea.rv, hod to encounter for
men., the Nen old scoffs of nexrii kh.s whole commo
iity. Notwithstanding all this, ho WWI swiefaugable
it; the prosecution of his espnomonts, arid we Lie pre
I.elleve that there loupe MSS la a theaGand War...SW
Lave persevered under t o the eirenmstoneeti Bat he
1.1. WlDWSPialaphed Onto dl ohrtaeles, sad we be-
LOTS time is now but ono opition in awanliug him
lam merit of this valuable, discovery.
1700.W.CIANE, • 1 Justices of
I.P.Wltd C. CHATFiII 0,1 Trustees
R. W. MILL, of
p lea. ]ODIC, Township.
wea. EvElegrr, T.,.. 'p C.-t ,
ALLEN HOWE, Thar:Lint.
I Lowe wicerutitmd dust them ere individatila engaged
disging, grinding, rad preprang for sae, tbe above
I.MMIIIeW Mineral, to bc mixed arab oil, and used pre
t may 5 ISM any patented traichs. I have been to
thos parsons and drown them Icy patent.' They say
limy e
do not 'lntend-to nfringe or mous upon are
vett% that they have ai right to dig, mod, and sell the
to.dcoblf they ran hurl purchaserti that they are not
Lonna to snow what they are to do withit; that it is
40 infringement omit It is mixed with the oil to make
tho compotoodi and that those who buy, mix sad
eine bake the responsibility. !dolt of theta hay that
Lary -believe that thesputenvis goal agst *one that
adz and tut th e compound, and some eve.sai that
hat they Wanted to use .hey should certainly parch
w.. or mo, of they did not intend to mate themselves
liable in my }. .Now (eel myself in duty bound to
expose this barefaced (rood upou the public; ea 1 elm
Con It by no milder name, where a. Men sena mud re.
&elves pay for art article, the sea
115 C OC WhiChille
k norm faubjette the purthrter and met to wproxen
c, von and fate Seale of Mom wham copied in this
nefarious traria, othrtmera, contend to the
Pablie that my patent until not Mud, and that I due
not prosecute. • Note, to take this argument uwayfrom
air., I Went to tome of those wko wore proclaiming
taxi my patent wits of no virtue, and mode the follow
ing proporttiont that they ruirfhtactect ajudge aoid Iwo
Aftwyers veto have hod some puce in patent cases,
end we would submit the patent to them, and if they
decided that the patent rats good, thatthey ahmitil atop
all farther proceedings in the business but if they
Ehould decide that it would not, in their opinion, hold,
I would agree to IM them go on and sell Mi they could,
'without saying any tone to the public abont theme
'llls proposition they would not accede to. So far as
Vie validity of my potent is concerned. I do notdo
prod entirely noon my oarnjedament, although I have
tie fullest confidence In it; but I have annuinted It to
stray of Um Judaea. and several of the most
d eminent
patent lawycrtherlio have, without exception, Hooded
lam In lietreptilien It was good, and would protect noe
10 my discovery.
Larind the article to n line power, aidi pot it up in
barrels, the which are marred: -lit-Ames Paton Han
4Xo Woaetto Pamir Ammo.. Sutra.'
therefore goon notice to all ram buy and use the
above mentioned mineral (or th e purpose fret forth so
thy patent, except frorn no or my authoriseal agents
vial I shall laid them to a strict acountability, his ,
stall commence IGlts at low agranit
who thief
Lifnogo upon my rtght. WM.. SLAKE.
Saunas, illedinn Co, 0., Aug. 14, IS-1.1.
YD"TWO TONS of the above Fire and Weather
Proof Artial &ate on hands and for sole. The
shove we eau a n d far we hove hero tieing it
lor some 4 years, and know it to tai what it is set forth
It every particular. J. d: FIILLLIPS. Am,
• nort74l.llri Not Wood st
F. Ii: EATON' & CO.,
81e:45 - I , ,paTtlx Street, Pittsburgh,
- Race now in Store their full unmusical of
Glocts; Hosiery and Late Goods
% DAPPED to the wants of every cinu of Merchants
and Consumer , ' No fame have been 'pared in
+resent the newestend most fest...chic smic
tioods in Moir 14ne. Motif stock constsm u, part of the
cti F VGltt n lVin t i 'l = r o n f c r cri e Tial ' p ' s r rt v aTil n ' tTrs; %TIC
rod narrow and
tiobraideriug Muds;
o =.l.ld7ut Y'I tin sv:J,,T= . ‘i.e,"fi d . e't‘',L&7 l ,
',hire and coiomd Silk Laces; extra wide do do, vir
glances; with -a full assortment or Dress Buttousi
Dreads Pinked, Stamped or Panbroiricrod to order.
- - - - •
Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chemlrene,
lireakisst and Retiring Caps and Half ittlecires,Freneb,
lVorked Collura and OMB. ui great variety;Lnee Veils,
Lappets and Opera Ties; Mourning Chen:usenet, Col
lars, Ca& and ii r Sleeve.; Linen Laren 1111.&,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, piaia Linea de;
real thread Laces and Edgings; InL do do; Bobbin.
Lisle, Lace bliunin and Cotton Edgings and Inserting,
Ridings , style !Linnet Ribbons, French Face
Fl oila
rg, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Saline nindyiorenees,
lUasions and Tarletons, liodnet Flumes and lips.
mo VES.
d fa3teniz
Best mariefattnie, with m opprove gr ,
'sad choicest colors. An eXtentuVe IL.Orteaent *letup,
'Oa band.
A great varicry of Stlk, Wool, Cntton, Merino and
IS-Au/mere, for Ladles' and nlisies; 'rartso Plaids. and
n tall anonment other styles fancy and plain Child.
lea's time; newest styles Inf..' Boots IMO e`;
Gents , Grampian, Vigonts, ItlerinO, Cotton and fan
Wool !ILK Hose.
A fall. assortment for men, women and children,
Ontang Idlien are Derby Ribbed, Foloullc nod plain
rEk; ribbed and plain Cashmere.; Chamois Lined Bev
111,C.O.:nem, !Irmo, Fur-tined Beaver, Lean and
Imelackskin, NlCinrr ant Lien Tiles:lst and Cotton.
Wil01,1::: GOODS,
Snob as Ladtcs' sad Cat! , ren's Mode, Children's
Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarfs and Bost, Cttlldrenls Gau
en and Long Mills, Worsted Cutts, Raining Worsteds
.and Woolen Tams, California! Comforts, also, fine
Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Caravan Yatterni,
Floss arid Entlr'g Oak, Bristol and Perin Boards, Fa'
per Flower Materials, Lamp blau, Tidies, and Eas
broldered Work. Also...Ladies' &IS and Mean° Vests
and Drawers; Emlilloidered Sacks andFLanuels, French
Worked Caps and - Waists for Infants; andtiwan , s.shron
Pio Eitalits Cravats and Collars; :Serino, Silk .Iml
Conon Wrapper. mid Drawers; Sosperders, Shoulder
Orates and Dressing Croatia Silk and' Linen Hdkfs;
Glares !sad Mastery.
"French patterns carved and plain Shell Back Combo s
Ikuo and Ins. do; Shell Side and Long Combs; Ica.
do; flinfalo, Sala and Rosewood Hair 'Rashes: Shell,
!DUDS° and Eng. Rom Dressing audit= Ivory Combs;
with art assortment of Nail aud Teeth Brushes.
Wstberill's 'Gold Medals Perfarnery.
NeedlmPies, Tapes, Steel Bags and Parses,
Bosom and Steel Goads, Berlin Wire Baskets,
Parse Twist mad &swings. nne Rosewood Deski and
Coat Dialog. &Cabo., Sauey Wark Baskets
Cloak Cord and Teasels, Sortie',' Papienres and
Ulind & trkadeTeimselap, Ladles''Stanollary,
Palpli &Banner Tassel, French Cork Sales,
Gptiolaterer's nieces, Silk lc Ging'in thsalnelLas,
Rat Lien, ats'd miths, il'aper Titian,. & Ilallawls,
kiaglise Oil Cloths, 'Unsay Bands& Webbing,
Ingiatt Odors Binding, Corset and nine Ince,.
CZUDiSrMtlrkW.:—Stne'd Sas nay, sr
Glinlank's Carpet Warehouse, N o. 75 rOVITIIt sr, a
!trill= sspSly of Carpool, of the Intc st end moil ap
peared mien, to watch we wane the wren:ion of
Steamboat man, and WOW wistung to fawns& Sloane.
SO eall and examine the largest /12AlItIlitin In the city,
width we Will sell cheaper ibex ever before offered tt
the western noo. 4. k nov=l W ItI'CLINTOCK
---- —_ _ _
Nostraillo Long Sit - awn..
IL MURPHY reed a oopply of the above
Sof the .1 quality; al.°, plain Black
t Lon Shawl.; bl k Smbasine blooming 4
par-ea% Persia.. Cloth bloat Coburg., l'umettas,
Cubsaeres, bloat tlo tt and Frollel laminas, Mack
Cravats and Mourning ' liars, blooming Bountittb•
• meek do, arid a full awonnteut of Mourning
7. Also
• large asaortmentf ine °ding a row pieces very wad ,
superior. !layers a, e ted LO loot ..them, r
Moth East corner of Filer hand Market
Wholesale Rooms up moist, where a large se
sac= at NOW Goats has lately beau received.
We have been Inform d by hlra. /tufo of a emri pat:
formedon her by D. J yneit Alterative, arnica
=lre rtreelltlt.ct.Lci Vt=t*TVlarei!
with NEGROS/az or' I •••.N. I:LLlNthl, alicnded
with akendiont an d en:3:+.1.... of vetionebenen,da•
roastoltiebtrateman) rneet• beendaebaried Nei
Ibe MAUI] bone of be cremate...front both bet arms;
Wane turn hands • frum horn legtotadfront the kll
femme, bone. and f •at the right. knee, beside. painful
dears on inner part of her person,•whoch hoed baffled,
the skill of a annab•r of the ineetetnineen Ors/tin.. of
oar edy—denne • at of the tane bet soferurna hat
been ezeratanag e. 4 deplorable. " About three mon th s
liana she wan • COW la trY prasyne's
Which has had an Icalshinaly boppy effect upon her,
by remoeing all p 12 and awellingt, and emoting the
liken to he morn at the sante tiote her general brAjd,
has Warne eampl rely restored, to that *be nole weighs
*be more than e rnd before Ihe commented the
of *lonely trnloa le prepaten.—{tiat.-Eve,Aott. •
For farther info oboe, leg tare of Kra Brno, No. IV3
Fabert or, Fkal
VW YU Pitta ; unbolt the PEKIN TEA ISTORE,'
. •
l'- -
- ntr '..u: the biklitylr Utreybred by W. 8. - 13L.0. 0
Ire sold by
IL IE. S IMLEE.S,.. Wood Vann; and 501114 r. scari
. 1,..1,17. mpullh. .
r NC .. "ATTU.
' All ally C.lti, brll6. ' 'FL ' Y l'. SC lIWA RTZ an
D. bei:URRY. . ,: , ~, , ,- - .
•• - -
The Nest aski,Clisspest MDI* Iledletni
iN 108 WORLD. • ..
Hare earwid e great name. Fete Purity, Atildrusv,Safe
sy,inut Tisrosteltiat, SLOAN'S OINTMENI' , Exerts
An d la rapidly .perscdiog el ailter Ointment. and
Liniment. nava in oaa teethe, non of tee fittiontin,i di.
.. , , .
ew ' t
Fresh wranda galls of all kinds,. aprair, hratseet
erected heels, mitemern dhonei winegraJLs,. pel
evil, canna, spavinsotweney, ftsmle, sitfatt, Winn*
lameness, sand etack., .thanderel feet, =rattles or
m olly
t h e
or horse distemper.
• The Powder will remove all inflammation fryer
molly the blood i ioosen thetskin, b ody-
the water
and strengthen every paw of this.bodr. and hes proved
o innrereign remedy for e , following dseases:
Diatenaper, bide boud, you of appetite. Invert.
strain, yellow water, inflammatine eyes, Wien ,
from bud exercise; also,rheu madam. (commonly cal.
led stiff einnplainy Willekproves
to want' cal•
ethic. hems In thn downer.' It IS vile
naafis ..I ter
pin remedy for roughened colds- which generate or
many fatal diseases. R. til.o.aN,
- Granpltat., 90 Lake at, Chicago, Illinois.
Extract from the othilenn North Western Carette't
Yly the eke of Ointment and Calditiftll r..-
der, 1 have entirely eared SI *fistula en my bor. and
otherwise jtanthved his condition more than flan Pr
reel. on the cord of the medicine And tola whico
won to feeble is to be considered wn rthfens by mysen
and ncighborawas restored to good health and strength
by the use diets than half a packer of the 110. 4 1 ,, ,
and la new doing hewer than any other cowl bane_
Small Poi, May !7,le9. W.%
I hereby certify that One of my children, when 11l
lied, fell into e large fire of live coals, and waabornei
eaverely from head- to ft, Theltrust at mediettl aid
ond attention was given to the child for four or live
duy ithoot tiny ',lief—each day'ssitlfering•tveretob
ad till his-groans eould be heard at a ;weal distance, at
which pp period one of sny IN Van, MVO:piaci,
red arid
tha n tome ; bog of Woon's Oinpneut
and Id less than fifteowatinates atter the applicanut
of the ointment to the agmavatcd sores of the casein,
thltd, The pai n eeieed entirely, and he epoedily begat
to Ittovca. fily residence la in Heir township,
intllian bet,
eculty,imd Sweet Indium.
Chicago,Augat 2di I°4B. ' • d.
t' rxtrumiumNAßY CURE.
April tit Ina:.. Eour Rain', hOrth of Chicago. ton the
ad to MilwaukiAl Cook vainly, 4144. ..
Mr. Rloan—De. Sin (Wed.., honer hair &large
.1. ram , on bin b.:ant bone, intrAdienly under We
p oiler, which lamed him and rendered his aervina, or
leery Rule value. I fattldnlly applied mnorni bottle.
1' L;. rtylOr's Nene and BOW, Lmiment, without the
lean bederd.. - .J than procured Wilderin 'Celebrate('
pores Olowtenr;R:nd l o on 4 Wet until I Locum* ihilr
aatirGed net It would never rrßece It,.- nillinnl. Ft.
holly I obtainad a for of your truly . valeable. Cini
ruentand in lean than GO days from We lint amino..
iron We tumor entirely disappenrcil, arid the horse woe
.voll. - Yours,. FIAVARU AMISTROriII.
IC Flo Polo °Pluton Mum' gitterion of the ',anti of's,'
article. we Loynd the tucreaulilas tG ;W.; .eta m a fen
of the tawny voluntary cortateutes that fluter /..a oat
colnanas respecting the rest variety o remarkable
cwasnleeted by, the ore at "Sloan's Celebrated Mut
moot Condtuon Powders."
Thus rentatLe} no iongerxersoin annoy More 0.
doalttful utility. they oar,: caned from 010 tide of ex•
pertinent, and mar stand higher ho vannstion and err
becoming mom extensively used thin sal ether aril'
cies of the lan—Mich. City News.
Votirtyck /two Id, Iced.
Deer Stout—SlD raw. DC 14.4 Lenrer a : eet
supply of your Durso Madinat... TUT aro dtalies ,
uticles of the kind that I lieyo everored, t‘ever key.
ing been disappointed In thrlraffeet4 a, I nue been it
We use of others, era:lie most calehread Oinnuente
Lirthaente, Seni, urea day. I Dec yeti mateh &-
We In thent,atet tbst . thoy do all Oita Pt pronal.ll, ant
upon thorough triel ono Is coutremid to add, the'
'-pall' has not peen told"
Iterpectfully, r..PLEIT:
The otillnary ointment' and liniment. it Ir tong
known are severe and partial in their operatkok.—
Sloan's Ololntent is mild yet tenches eni
removes the caw., beams it gives raid and penna...n.
relief For purity, residua ...1, safety, ehrthinty, or.
thoronglinitruf.Skosn's Menne hi eierP., 11114 : t^ mplilit
eurperceding,all oast Ointments and noes
in am.
Dames Ginnie., 111., Wt.:A, lett.
Mr. 510ar...-Sin I have tested the striae of ton:
Ointment in die tare of rattlesnake hoe", sure, throat
burn., and many other Stinnes, and in evert'
bas• surpassed oar expectancies. iks a funny "am
meat, Inave never wen its equal, atw L4r keno.?
vial get along withron
. , cirmavr.
lilr.Slosn—Dear Sin par a orderable lenol. of
ha a I was seriously atllised 'knit tan Meamalic
p sod .opt.a freely . the vaginas Ilninicati, psi":
a., wallow ontatna,. any =net". Atter
pour ago at at this place influenced me to try your
ointment, and within two weeks flora the time I Coin
meneed axing it, Pie pain eens-d, and I waseflectuelly
caned, and shall recommend all who are sirmintly a.
flirted with the distressing complaint,' to procure you.
excellent ointment wklpiat delay
Mops,' yours. OSCAR .3101 T.
Princeville, Peerin co., Ntsy 1, Hart
From the Bon. 11. V.'S. Thanks, Agent of the
llhoots and r hlleistran Canal Pnekat Coot Company.
Catcso. Juno 24, thij
Do. W. B. Sloan—Dent Sir, F..: 11, loot an yeate I
have land ohcasion to use nutty horst, and have used
the great variety of liniments and ointments ut oss,
but have never found any String mord to your Dint
ment for Injuries on h•rses. Withla the Iron two
months I have , utsplied your ohante nt mate EA/Lorna ,
(or nlid tearer), instance it has pro
ved avovervign remetty.,
Two miles south of Chicarc,Sept . llilEGS
Sloan—Sir:: Lie rth in.itant
ism fi sua. had a fin
ger Liter ehuse.y by a horse. Yir.• utei , n,.
plied }our °dna. nt, reileyra
pain iit few midutes. and prevented the Linger doe.
least particle, and the woand
apidly. gest'''. yours, 8. BROCKWAY.
Slo.—Dear. kicrt. About three yew-, acuk Cis!
severely stunted in one of my Ice• by rho tutting m
pile of wood which oecasmised uorge runr.ine utter. l
Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to chic; hp.
turd In vain, anal &nat. : sympathy end Improper, teca ,
nicatmy other leg became as bad as the one engine,
I y wounded. I despaired orover being well.
het le order that I might neglect no 12l
t,3/9 well,
reach, purchased of, your agent in Gala sun,
ointment-and you ran judge of my seq., up I
gratitudet tie... than I tan express it, to 6nd ley
<purely *ell before I had finished winglike second to
Thee( ts I make known thes others aMlcted
believe nod. not delay tang so valuable an 41111TI•nt:
as pones has proved to be. Eerily your grateful
Galena, 111., Dec. 19, INS. . EVAN DAVE..
• •
Before the followiat order, hlwers. Vaglthrtfr. Co
pored/used ... a large suppty of &oast. prsostottnas
• r
lot O, Abell. Bet, ht, tale.
S. K. Illbbard—lkor Sir I am ow. of Sloaals Conth
lion Bowler and Horse (hutment Ti.e. &ale Br et •
coeds toy eipectutbu. - lf yotreon manage caw ale
4 ‘lo2co thlstalerli, 1 will ray for them the a
that you are nerd, 0.1pm...5 1.'1.11 he able to ' 1.
a large iaantity in the roarer, of the year. It wilt I.e
an 01.10 c; myou as well as to myself, 10 keep me rod.
stemtly wappliod. ,
Very resp'y your.,
- Fs; torts, Feb. ird, 130.
Be Sloan—Sir. yenta ago, while rultint
on the Masi...nom river, in passing ever the rapids,
ten, plunged LOW the tinter, and by the raft durioor
against a rota, crushing my left !eg and otherwise ss
newly in ring nit, en mach that I lost all scnsibilit e.
When eommicarnesii returned I found myself in
Lomb, surrounded by my weeping family. Hood nut
lag ned candied aid, enabled me in about two [llootlu
to hobble around with the assistance of crutch. The
pentads only parnally
fordheate, Daring lge ar nano.
toms at the knee, which many months discharged
bloat and Matter Of tbolnuatoactoive character. lily
pasta were titexprexible. (MICA ray magenta; was
o great Madera would have received abeam wet
coma• Fortatmtely tone or say neighbors)
advised rein to try your Ointment. I obtained a tem
tlPPlied Daccordirus to direction—Me sore* soon began
to assume a healthy appearmiee, and in niece Moines
t Wu entirely cured, and enabled to do hard hada.
Your obedient sermon,
We, do underslpied, neighbors of H. W. Tbonms,
are acqueloted yeah the case uteMe stated, and LTIOVV.
Mg the circumstanced, most obeerfulls confirm smd
Ttadmis . USU./12.M REV 3. 1)011Glotss,
YETER Lakbll.l..
Cameo°, Doh bib, lel9.
W. D.Sloac—Sir. One of my harms washed bound
and also se coded the rode, In which he toot cold,
and became so crippled-that oe could scarcely arnvel
Hy the free Opplicatten of your valuables, Ointment, his
tIVOSS,Atre soon,atened, and the rude permanently
mired. I have also anti the
(Northam the vase of
Poll-Evil and on micro rolls 'with oal success.
On a'meshed Ungar that was verypalatal, it opera.
ted charm,. bouts, A. VAN ORDE.N.
Sloan's Ointment and Condition rtimder are ac
knowledged by all .who have nerd diem to be Ste i eft
remedy for homes owl cattle Humus hs been dt-eovere.l.
Fresh wounds, enils,spuouns, s, ringbone, pod
era 4 pod in abort beery unheard disorder° , Lowry eon
be eurrA by this wonderful remedy. The Powder d is
desigaed fur Inornid strainn, distemper, hide boun,
fatigueom harde zereise, diseased eyes, 'rse.—Lake
County lr
Coble Co. Feb. IBM
Mt. Sloon--S0 I hnoe a gine yet:u:lleum Wet um,
tuten with the !crutches Wit lull. I pith] out nheal
three dolluts for medicine to cure hint, hut he grew
worn. I then bought ri boo olyour ointment al your
Mama when in Chieugo • lost, tether ileoblingly, but I
thought I would try it. Judge of mY mniirbic mid uil*
Inman of Ili beneficial tioulltie.,, when I found my
buried lege *mouth and well in loon day! from the nine
commenced !applying It. Your obedient.
11. P. COLT'''.
Moto than Eileen years of unrivalled success In the
cure of every variety of external discuss, and hone*
'met. as aprons, beaters, cuts, burn., cutatteou s oft:d
ucat., sore hp., sore breasts, chuppod hand., ann. ,
Mans.. biles. ulcers, corns, pains hflhe buck , odes, or
other : parts of the 'part, rattlonnalte Gnu., &n., Leans
re.uniony that [Joan'. Ointment i. Just the thins
bout. Certibeates without anscabor havo omen
received by the Proprietor from disinterested Indianan
al., giants delete of remarkable cures by its nun.
Granville, Illinraukie Co. Wis., Med 13,1.43.
hfir.,ficau—ear Sir Recently my Maw, ran
with a the chain
nnavMed, widen eat rind mberwim
Injured them. seriously. !ma much to Mat I eerie demi
my team ruined for busiums. Fortunately a friend re.
'commended the like of your ointment I went io
Imitate and purchased a box. then removed Mr
lutleatMatihrn.dut a fess days ' , snow!. healed
The great benefit derived front the use , of your Ilna.
Ment, on my hems, induccd moo acquaint you twat.
the poet: believing its
sronld benefit yea and
the PaEGa ' Reopectfally vows, .
GE° Rat comstocu.
Andboo become • commie itaying, As! Sluen'o
0113takent. and Cordition Yet ceder Ore npldl7 super..
dins pOnWer remedies for all diseases, horses and
attle. Int Otaimpf ,themcdicim cimists to their
ty. and solely, to wit . they utay be atril ever se
treetY without ally danger of taking cold, or
taistry rfsuhins two frequezi use, peerund tail
jo. OF
.o,4'lloi:intl.:du ars followal. lflrtrlyß
Eamt-ittosoott lola of Dry Duodo,
A. A. lAA ,SON & CO • s
WILL common. , tn New Year's Dry, ISIO, and
continue Mom, .tithe month of January . , marten
M. eh time the What• rof their tuimenaa establishment,
lineluding all their V flioleaale Rooms,/ will he thrown
open. for Retail ode; and their armee Wl:picnic
vek•will be offerr at Retail, on f vacuum, at
folic gee toreryt7. not than tonal priori.
Tneir Seoul Sal eon commnamore than3ooo Shawls,
alprivmg carry'description of toes and Square
Wind Shawls, C Ashmere,Droche,tic. Also, Vireuer,
Cloaks, Nautili A, Seeks, trai, at an immense relate.
Lion fromages! mice,
Their alock Xampriees more than lIMO preens Minim
CISMs, Poramettss, Alps cells, Lyonme. op
era and Pet Ise he add from:alto ru per
cent. legs then useal pages. ''
Alms-1M pieces rich plain and fight BILKS, redo.
emit 30 per cent.
SO roses Cashmeres end De Lain., entire... styles.
Alm—Whim Goods, Mourning do., Emortideries,
Laces, !DLL ant, Gloves and fluttery, Trimming. Me.
Mimics Manila 7u eases new style enlisfies, ,
DM bale, Crown .10., 70 titles
'rocking , Also, Cloths, Consomme, Jeanr, CaVinett,
.ket ,nt extremely low prtoes.
an immense 'relicts of other Goode,
m.tkiog no 6•401021.1 one of the Moat extensive it
the country—all ot which have hero marked lowa nt
nisch loner prices Vow their extentae anounl rile in
latuary last. gr
Invite an early call, a. many of Sims chutcent
Goods will tio sold.
ID — The townst price named at first.
talon A. A. 51ASON A ea, COI 5 n: let at
--tsNaroray BialaiS
sltilltril V, at honk East rum of Potted,
„ and biotite! Mere.. Ina lately reee ved a sub
ply o f t he taco •tiperlOr wake of Blooke t,
wait at the uncle to look t Dieu, bet
Mre nuyttin , lle liria also en livid Game a ode 131.•
it., a gintl heavy article, aki,: he to sill, , t• r ow .
Al...—theme Matte FLANNELS, home, to red and
white, of a scrim' quality,'
Also—Twilad ssurlet FLANNELS, 13 onion he
mane. the attentoos Of buyers.
I loten, large supply of Goods ref...any rtuttel in the
NVlselegole Moms,
very foli and worthy the attention of dratas.
13,.iif,, Ltilv}s fait—
s -PL tag.
r R. F. scilari—Dent S it t :cal it to .t buoy I owe
to the public, tu tie 110411 al your Laver
fill., In gala the good eflecta bet:Mato/ by their use ID
my own also Daring tin mouth of Jane, 1011, I took
eery toy appetite - noted, and nay qltilKth tent
entirely prostitied, with revere plan In qty aide mid
&boulders. L WAG told by medical men flint my disease
macre attack of liner eptapielm. took love.
rot boxer of Mititne's Liver Pill., and ALISCI gyrepi,
Ammo I was told wn. thst
ell I wag acliill,lVot6a; annily condo to place.
rtygelt miter tho are e. a phi:Germ, rob _he ml o
but, fortunamly, a.t tothis than:, I war kohl
by the Res. I. flintlock, of tb@ 1110.00, shot a itiend had
sent him n box of Bellew' Liver Pills rivet Pittsburgh.
whien had benefited him very much. I forthwith
seal for it taix of year Loser Pills, Iva by the time I
an done using Ulna, I was natieftettlll it was lust
that the medieor soiled my easel - I silt for more,
mid we: five or AIL boxes, and found: ysolf alsoott
ent i rely cured; but in Litton len eita3kt Letters
cold, which brought Lack We diseosi, and in a abort
wootime Iw• as tad as ever. I avant bad ICCO.V.O to
star Loser Pills, and took diem evert other night for
its week., and occasionally Once, and I can now tan,
Iwo I C3ll now say, that I feel little if any spool/sag
of the liver llomplatut, and my general health is us
void .to, it hag been for the lost 11l yeara
My . rleigthoorsits we who was my tomtit. I tell
them ilint Seners' lover Pills Wflirrti Y d ,, eur,tAd by
the blesstog of Divine Pratilettee the Matta, 01 cants
me.l sou confident that when the public become ant
iittainted wall the value of your Liver Pills, the db.
mend for them will Melees,. Many of tot oeschlites,
to whom I hare recommended the palls, sat testily to
yolne. at well as in the forte above stated. -
'fence:luny pause,f tarmac Moine.
To 1 . 21, I'4,l.lC—The Qrigiunl only true and geha•
mon Liner Pill•• nee ptcpared E:Sellere, nut
h 4 .ice h!, nerve stemped In black eraznivein the lid of
ruch iipaturn on the eittside wrapper.
Ii.PAI I other. net counterfeit., Of Laos f.if.fidfdn
port: It. F. SELLEItS, Proprieusr, 57 Wood Ft
Jaynes: liLapootoriam
P.txx y Columbiana e0.,43.; Apr. ft, IE4I
1 - 111. a JAYNES: (boa Srat-1 feel booed to yea'
LI 1.1 the adhered public, to avail layself of this op.
poronetv of ~vine pot:lm.y to the extraordinary edeeto
of ybut Etude:p..l on myself. Having been rawidd
for soderal yearn with a. sovote ooragn, hectic nets
tortd us toneouutent ai1..., and seemed only dootadd
to Poem . out a short hat miserable existence, umil the
Mil of Itllsd, when hying mote severely attacked, net
ir3o,lt, retorted to all my for:nest...Met, and the: pre.
mripuour of two of the most respectable physicians :a
ate neighbor:teal without deriving any benefit, et the
consola.m En surviving tot a few days or weeks ma
farine6—trhen the Is ,t gleam of hope was about to
vanish, t ban mer,mmoaded to WI your Elapeetorant—
and Messes by that tiihg - 51,40 “cf. all bongs ip tLi
use or the means—sad contrary to the
et or
pliraJCl.l 4 and friends, I was la a few days raided
from ray tred,ond was enabled by the ate of. boulo,
t , k.l. mY bustoesu,coroyteg elute better health Moe
1 00.1 for ten years prevrous.
st,..ocetfully yours, he., Jo. W. F.ent
goi tone ti, I'lot:burgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, :0
Fourth street. marts]
11 JAXNE.—Tho certifies, that imbedintely' aft
having. aitended my brother, who died of consurepta
kla.oh, 104'4, I wgs tasen rtek with the Corwateptit
or Laver ComL•larni, and was reduced, to low with th
dtecr,,, thal for four vearr I wn tineble to attend
my I.:Dimon, caber at hump or abroad, being for th
ost time confined to my bod. During the above peri
od of - .Oar, I had expended for medical attendance o
FA:4l2r l'hysiemns and medtets, to the amount
trril witout receoring Ir ne eeLt therefrom. In
July, ,
1140, I cmmenced n u kingtil Dr. Jaynes Ned,-
mber, sod have MlLen 0110111 more or less ever since,
Ofd eelluve tint j't s'a tor •^ ring in their nor,
thatl call now truly say [hit huge completni
Terre nay hen:th. I belleVC that Jayne' s Sanovo
ad llspeetorat ere the best family medicines now Ln
I rend , In Springfield, Otsego county, and
terry on a forum , and machine rhop to that plan,
end nr4.001 interested In any manner In the tale of the
07.00 dl
and make this cortificate tor the bolo
edled tneoe ntllieted. ILLIJAII RATON
Striagfirla-N f or• gept IN PA ' - Is l .
11. 1 C . ll SAL - A. - 0001 3,6 1 .
A L.F.XANDILIL k. DAV, canter of the Diamond and
it. Hooker 1111 . 001, 1101110 their friend! and the nubby
that they have rocerved their stock of Fall and Win
ter I, ital. the importers, rannfernmer ,
and ancorm. ALI Toe ' snick of I,v, style and
faniontodo hoot, is Inge, and ptew•no nem, at rat •
ones to porches,. Ladies Dren Ijoistis nit
Shawl% o mon solorand and Osti , tot,Llld Lnrols of
the tr.3qoll ard ottered, remark ably 'lute prmeg
coons:me in part of tbe inflaming
New -tyle Liruelia ti 'd Camelia Silks;
1.1,10 korl Magic Satin Du Chew , and Tura Sad,
rold Cemeirm. grad-chine.. of the lint qual.ce,
Snack glossy Grodelneus d; tee celebrated Eng',
ve % abo named Illnek Silks are warlanted at to
eta In the wear, for dresses and muddles they are the
loot imparted.
Next fig'd Carnelian Salm Du Chen., the handsomest
Rigs of me season.
New tote React, Silk frgured French Hennas, a
cow nod ipiratlitl for ladies' walking duets..
eat Fribroulered French De Lain*, for Orestes W:4
sack t, on entirety new article.
Cashmere% be Issiums, Merinos, Alpacas sod Vim
metro:, a large a....ortlnent
Progen Lang and Square Shari% of the Gastritis:l-
Herd Long ['diesels, ot the newest designs, remark
ably cioM.
splendid Torken Sha7ls. trfe•TlO.ld'lc."lp ices.
Itorn' on ilmcba fie'd edk Shawls, in great variety.
owe Shavrla. white and colored, or great variety.
Urn Sedan real Fieng.4 Tgrined awls, all pricer;
boot Sedan real Frn . neh Caltainar,cw, ucy 51710 Amor •
Mau Car...micros . , supor Sarin Vostings.
Frenen and Legion Black sod Olive Cloths, for La.
din' Cloaks. '
A splendid u-sortio.t of American and importe I
Blankets, at remarkably low popes.
A large mad complete assortment now bend.—
Witty large
our pre , ut neck ,stoplc. wern
bueght from 1.4 e manufactory:l previous to the prownt
advance in prier.. ppecipal part of out stuck of
French and kluglish geode fusee been purchased et the
great Auction "Sale* in Philadelphia and New
which instils us to offer decided in must
every description of goods tit our line of busineas.
Caantry Mere/men, Alerehatit 'Fedor., and all
wtottesele and entail buyers, arc invited to an early
C31.111;401100 of om stock and poets. •
ALEXANDER& DAY, 73 /Market st,
creed/ north west corner
of the Diamond.
ou.initiaircii --
ixr R. SIURPRY, nt north mut corner of Fourth
‘ll and Market rot, is now receiving his mound
supply for the Season, end can offer inducements to
• buyers rare/7 to Ire met with. /ifs assortment of
Is very full, emulating of French Merinos, Cashmere,,
Coburg., Lyoucm Cloths, super Printed French Cluh.
mcres, nt prices considerably lower than they could
1.1300011 early in the season. His stock of
Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles
now .onBO exhibition at Franklin InSlltUte,
Of neve end very handsome styles, Velvet Trim
tauten, thm.
Of various styles end quelthes, plain and embroidered
DIRCE cos Lacer, Needle Worked Cullarp and Cods,
Rennet Stases and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers.
Of On newest styles, ~td at lower ptitts+ than usual;
and rich eneeseeldo Silks and Satins, for Manillas,
&c.; snit a large muck of
at loners peter.,And in the gentlemen's depa,m,ent
will he found fresh
/hack Dre•skins, Winter Vesungs, Peony Ca...lmre,
Underplay and Drawers, Sari Cravats, Pocket Hand
ketch., ,te
, ..are invited o visit the Olho ne leln . lc
V WONDERFUL Glatt-2—s r.uur.n
Alters., licence co., Pa, Sept. I st , .
lr I. Seller. Deer tor, I lenight one bottle of von
Vernafoge ut the leen City Furnace store, Whig•
and a hue permeated what we ronsider out here • won
derful core ou one of my boys eight years old; he had
bet n unwell for who) ears,. much so that I hed giv
en op all hopes of his recovery. Lwowdvised by roue
of my neighbors to try a Olathe of yo Vennifuse—
and I am nappy to inform you of It having the desired
etreCt relloVilig
Mu. 110 passed, In the short
efface of 21110 Ors, 104 worms, scone of them element-
Eng 1. much .12 and I 4 inches long. Ifs
}Wafer to give you the above statement, so as you may
make any use of ray name that you think proper.
Yours, very respectfully,
EErrrepored and sold by R. /4.I3ELLER r I
S,hV , •
q ergmid sold by Druggists gencrnily to tlie - 1
'fl, rjrultV Clerk of the
Court of Quartet Stations of Hester wanly:
Mr. R. Sir
a , /RPM time lri the winter my
wire was afflicted with macre and diatreming colter,
and 1,,,,r1n, of your invaluable Cough S i rup, I par
chared a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of ridgewitter,
nod anon taking portiontif it two or three evening.
on gain, to bed, she Maud immediate relief; es alto
see therefore
friends have been relieved in severe mows. I
therefore eattssed flint it. a safe and valuable me
amine, and would recommend it to three who may be
irdlieted with acvere coughs and
blab , ttld. W. K. SODEN.
I[r - Bold by IL E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street, and
by O nitslui generally the two aided and vkinitv.
Blue aisDrib — Fil
Clothe, just recd sod for tale by
novl3 40 Wood at
ARLI,:x hit ICS. I*. th
I.AIN—W. If. Murphy Oa,
Sfait reed a lot of lush colored' Mous: de Ltuns
such as Cherry. ticarich &a, at the tow price of
per ya rd. Alto, Plata Drab, Droartya.e, et 111 to tel
am pet yard; sad a large war:pent of Deal style
Gerrit :Nova. tie Was, et various Flcra, togethe
Troll a chola* 01,11,1T,I,of,J)tals generally
1.-aelLaa,faa a a, h Cashmeres
Cobarga audLyadesa Cloths, at .-
N. E. earner of Foy* and !(slier sta.
Whalesala BOGUS gpaudis. asyLt
- I - GAB:` 7 EN A Cfre
...7 .
Pass ' r auu B.arsittaate• Oldest.
EN A CO. coutmue to Ming per..
frazo y part of Fh•aland, IrYland.Seat/.d or
Wale , upon the crow liberal ten.. with their
usual poncho an y sad corgi. to the wants and ram
fort ore o 14e do not allow our pasyengere lb
be robbed by e sitnedling scamps that infest the sea.
Ports.. we take charge of them the moment they re
po. themselves, and Fee to Cheir well being, and de
ypaseh them without any. ;Mood. by the first ships.—
'We say this fearlessly, MN we defy one of nail passim
give to show that they were detained 43 hdiu. by as in
Liverpold, whilst thotoands of °them • tee detained
months, until they could be seta m some ad -daft, et a
eh ,Ip ram, yr y pi . ch too founently proved . ..heir co3ms.
We intend perform our ebuoaco artoorably, colt
what it ma and not setae was the ram last season.
with ether aikcena—who either performed not all, or
when it suiteld char cativerdenee.
Drafts drawn at Ihttsburgh for any son from IL to
now. payable at any of the prorate:at H.. In Ire
land, England, Seotl.d and Wales. . .
308111.1/. ROBINSON,
European •s.d Gent Lei Agent,
NM ..
~3 PIM street. alai door totem Wood.
--- 4.:
Sm..' blICIllt; A N No. a—Cam-G.l.n.
•• : LAKE ERIE, " Gordon.
ri,fiE abode regular and Well Imam Beaver Yach
t eta, have commented making their doily tripe to
tad from nearer, and will eontnue 10. roe bciWel2ll)
rotsbargli 'tut Deaver regularly during the see-on, fLP
hbolug. No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh lady ass oiciack,
A. M d Eli
~ . Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. NI. Lake .
leases 13. er dally alp u'cl.k, A. DL, andEihsburch
at It o'clock , E. hi.
The. • tuner. will ran in enrmeetton with
I RG Parka. Expo. Packet Line, Mr Este;
Taylor &LciEinrwett•F %carton }lockets,
Union Line of Frei/tit Boats for Cleveland,
Clarke & Co's lhusbately oud Cleveland Was Fiat&
E G Ora dully New Castle Packets.
CLARICE, PARRS & Co, UetvtirAgent.
OIIN A. CAUGILEV, A.:, ?Eh...burgh,
moist - col
t -Wan(; Said Smitithelil eta
"is * MIMI
THE Pmprieturs of nos old establasha antepottlia
dntle line, voinneting of SIXTEEN fast class Cana/
Boats, Lerner' by tbervrelees and onus so ennnee.
Oen with the moron boonIIEATER AND. CALEB
COPE, are enabled to oder nnequnded (nature lot
the transportation n 40.1 sard thv
orrennis of
Ca jol t isnari!..von, to all points on tge 4.epn
• r 4,0 GA:. .s. York earsals and the Lakes.
F.. I. FITCH 3 Co, Cleveland.
o HI wax & BROTHER,
Mann, Tkieer.
row/ J. C. BID WELL, Agent,
Wt.., street. Pittsburgh
. [HAVEL!,
Pittsburgh. Beaver.
ttianfuNtlig Mtrthanis,
AgentsfirsgAa Mt...bare. amiele rolond Lmn, Pitt.
burgh-art./Ens Line ea Erie, and fore . arca
boats /Wrier and Caleb ewe.
Having purchased thu laiSe inthsuntial Why
Boat pat loon for the Moulin:rd.'. Packet-1, liar
with the addition of Warehouse, the moat apple
earathodatirner for r•ncnhiy and forwarding, nu
Wedge litho audwi ioidoiloin, promptness and despate
to cons/guinea. to their earn, and rely on nigh (rico,
lon a trial. inaradly B. & BRO.
a „fire
.s. _
•,4 :e7' '!.1• 7- -e• • - 4
TUST HECEWED, a new ...mein of PIANOS,
0 irnm Me ravinufaetonee of Cnicpukiza, Uusiou,
and Baron k. Rance, New Vuis•
.11.SCJ"fev; bleb-sadly +toyed lANO STOOLS,fob salo at manufactorres pricer, by
JOHN If. MELLOR, hl Wood et.
Sole Agent lur Chickenng'r Pianos,
dapt (or Norma Pennsylvania::
second Rand Pianos::
O NE second hand Piano, it octaves, puce EQ.
" " "
" 5 "
Fur tole for Colt O elidtr pane., by
MCI VIor.INPL.Ai HRH —Henna s Gunn Vioch
Salon, altered and connected horn lam n
lish rdnion. no norm-mood I.iyinhni e
School p l. V io li n rhyme, by his pupil U. C.. lulu. "II
eny are amen. am enquired in recommend this 'rode,
it any he observed Met Spahr himself adhere. Mrietly
to the system Imd own in rho above work,' - eal ths I
he nos by the same male of matmetina produced a
;Healer uanibcr of d.sungal Med pupils toll 0 . / othen
Master of prope."
mipply thr ritnye
110111 - ? : S
r. . .
A ana
N F rj. E. ll i ' s C f l i ' o . 7e s ' tTrda Vri ' g - ofie Yo h iiPtrie 'M a t lir7T the,
OP a Delimit Nature with pro:none:es and racier?.
His 'access to Butledo nilid other laisro 'cit ,2, bar
bier proverbial. Dascharges are moderate, and Ws eures reitnnent. Old eases of (Beet, Bei,
turevider - A.leas, kosiruisusol, A cde,Sytiiiitis, or an,
chnithe or layette , . OftStA'..heArA.
A cure warranted, or chgairs crowded.
Orrxes,,t. Clair street. 7 coins from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor
N It —Dr A. solieits the cunt rases of any disease;
u Pasibursh to call. spll,lls_
re. - ruat.r.un, OK ROCK 011..
room wing. m nenyan an 4 earn
Than me drduropt of in philuiophy..
VII;TUVis et tom 'commode remedy, and
0.0 COIIIIIIII appilCSllol4 Mr it, to the proprietor,
has Induced him to have it put up in hordes with is.
bet. and three.. for the benefit of the pthlte.
The PETItOLEUNI to ocured nom a welt in
canon . four death of hundredfo feat, a gore un'.
duhrrideil arudic, wrudht any filitnicar change. but
lust.' now. front la uturea Great Lahrathr That o
cunt.* properties reaching a nenther of disease.,
SO loader a matter of uncernonty. There are many
thing• to the arcane of °Atom, whieh,if kithwn. might
be of van a:Mohler. rn .liewtnung eufferine, and re •
mitring the bloom of health and vigor to many a cur.
three. lam; .l.efore the propnetor thought of pottill
it up in Imules, it nod a repoott, far (Zr chic of do•
tom and'en4 liicreastng calls far
mod tievdrai rtmartable Calm it ha. performed, Is a
cure indication ol Ito future populunty and wide
sp We d read application In the ours of ducat,
o mot cinch to make a long parade of menth
e:lde.. at ate• sae contemn. that the medicine MI now,
wort its way into die (.Tor then. who suit - and
a , rh 44 be Wei% •,,to clwilit tar m
universal •ppliCau. Orate ' dmeate, onliettitui
angry ca, that tn a number honi Inseam. st
arinade y & Among these Qt lym he enumerated —all
discern or the netts. 11.1:C4, much Sr CHRONIC
et.ditSllalgTiteN (to ita early atege,l
Aalhena. and all doormen of the air pantages, frail
etlMl,LAihret IIYSPEPSIA, lhmaida L frodotant of
me illatider anti Kninel A. Vain. in the Hach Or Side,
hiervonadhcecoms, Neut.-do. daisy, Itheumatic
Goal, I.eye:print. Toter, Ito:. worm., Maio, Sealde,
ton re o d Sore., At., At,. In en.., of debility re•
oohing front exposure, oriong and protracted cases or
docaae, dn. medicine bring relict. It will act at
a gene at TONIC and AI.TERATI VF: In etc:; rust,l
imparting lone and eneigy ton., alio. frame, T•nloa..
ob,tructione, opening the alaggieh Inaction, arbien
.use dime.. Ind a broken enostiunwn, odd giving
neresaed and renewed energy 10 WI the organ.
Idler The propnor hums of reeve of -cures o
I of
PILES. tIfT.I reel,ied ever/ outer trenmoenl, a - C , /
under the roe nay phi gRUIALIC 31 far nLort
The pfoot run he oven to any pecan who desires it.
None genuine the aiguature of We poptiend.
Sold by the proprietor.
9. XL KIER.. Canal Ilan& near Seventh rd.
Aleo by It L SELLERS, 47 'Wood at
and--EgYSlig A SI'DOWELL,
corner - Wl:tail. and Virgin alley; who are ht.
mord•dly regularly oppoluthdAgeols
T 111721 .4131 D 0111.1.111V8.
• .
No. 117, comer Market and Firth—or 4U Ststket,
tweets Third nod Fourth OA
Tl L.lllc r citg i r t tr; c ep , s ai e . o w n i s n tan n tn i a , hung, whple•
Nest Tube , Tube, ntoi I.lhurnt 7'.
Nest Tub:, Barrel curn ' s,
Rant Tuba,. Half Bushels,
Wooden Bowls, • Pecks and Ilalf reds,
Wash Boards, Brats Bound Buckets,
Clothes Pins, Towel Rollers,
Wooden Llodles, Bread Boners,
Clothes Rusks& M ark
illskets, lee., he.
, --ncreth No RI Diem - m.l alley, Pittsburgh
~77110•Ftrott. & Boas , Pot•nt. Basta A.h.
325 ISupoiirteSdGoll'neet."tlotSon a tte ' ttlo7e! ' Rods A' t
manufacturers, eV per cern Amens/to test, &riving sod
for sale hi
_nova V; .4. ra NIITCIIELTRER
_._ _ . • - --•--
A 41.131-30 01,14 dle tame,
fcbl4 s BURBRIDGE.
A LUR3-523 lor . prirno thy Cop.;
Ll. 419 .do &ocoirluei for sole by
fetal GI C SEM , 4AI S
COFFEE—Mop lilillotgozau,„,Aza.
MULA96FI6-: - t501444'f4 0,-- -- I . 4ALiborty at .
4. " 6 11, I..tree 4, for solo
. t . , T
fcbls BRoliq4 k KIRKPATIIit
4 , ,.;TU;64 I!=1 - 0.ThhT1 4N ,
4 5 11;4C% h i b liIRKPATRICIC.
RI - CO.—b. - 4 bescor fm.h. arrivinE - ond fOr Hilo by
febls 444 1.1b0 , 14 •t
FL:OUR—III/ 1./Mit F..ur.;
120 barrel. Sapeanc;
febls MS Lauds flan. on hand and for rale by
('BORN—tUto sacks Yellow; far main by
febli ,11ROWN
OV4-2d insets Iceciviilgpei cr 0101.0 n. 00,110
Wl:it/64V ti . ;..A.C3-34V01, we'd, In P.O and to
4'14 by febin JAMES DALZELI.
BLOOIL4-415 m Jr. e Kelly Co. Tenn. bn
4•ln by labia JAMEi DALzr.t,t.
B VITEIL, bbl, and :15;rg. Uuncri
• 4 snok• E . G•111Gr o ; Inr .pie b e
* ,--•
" ..11r rot yole by
o ßft, : ttr lNK--2.3t/ supenor, 14
r fn
.1011 I N b li MORGAN
GR I. NIVi LlAGS—WOO i ll t sgvd : •
md t fztal i e by
SOAe-2601As Rosily In oiori and-foyoole. by
k:NOLISHAnavgrr ,
febl4 No S 7 Wood 4.
SOCKS—In dor. Woolen, zn sore and Int salrThy
(ebb{ ENGLISH & DEN N F:l7
W i n% 'BEA"
—"b Ea l it;rlVten d EVNTlT 'y
HOPS—I bale In n2llolLLdfaTi.sle by
D UDDER 111K/D,-12 - pats Long Leggings;
D.• Ihpnrr Shirred Legging , :
9 Air Cashion*, round and .5.10;
'VTOL Coal;
1 gross No I Dingsi
I do Nod do,
I Is Noln, last rend and for sale at the
Robber Depot, No h Wood LL
(chin • ). I& I! PHILLIPS
LCOHOL-4 bbls reed and (at tale by
teblO JOLLN molvAN
lMedicines outhe any.
Camtaw's t , O.LTION• Ohio, May 1 11 a, thip,
R. R e pellent: 1 dunk it right for the beneftof otters
to al.r some foam in relation us year excel' nt Fa/116
ly Medicates.
I have used your Vermitage !argosy in ray own (wa
lly, one gin, frOCOIMIT arowennz for expelling,- egg
yawn:ties asst, Ito to worms from two child .% 1
urn acrd your Liver Dills and Cough Syrup in
m y family, and they have in every 034 , • ,,, 0 produced
the client desired.
As I am engaged in merchandising, f an a bl e to
.tald that I have yet to hear et the brat fans, where
your Itlollientef have been used in my reetton of the
couutri. lit repeat:mon, 1 may smto that racy ute ths
m e d i a: t ee of the day, and ore dev.incd have a very
extvoive popularity Vaors, fet
s.. 11. l'ootru..
PrePared end sold by R. • ' 1-101. No 57 Wood
street, and told by Druggt•.• emailBl4 in the two.Ci
q. mval
V sa) — POT. — .Apf fie
I)Pgermate Liver Pill. Y
Sim. E.., Ohio county, Va.
• • Mach %th, 1849. S -
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a Mail I owe
to you and to the. public goners p , crate taut I have
been atbeted with the Liver .mplaint for It 1011 r
time, and on Ming that an abcem tanned and broke,
which left ate at a very low state. Having heard 11l
your relehmted Liver Mho being for sale by A R
ll'est o lath i cny,.•l , d r i e , ca m m x trZe i d to sot by.
fair trill. pu r t l ega..Z . Ti t one bog, and Hand them o
, Just what they are recommended, THE 111: - .ST
V ER PILL EVER and after taking Thor ItOSGS
t lied the disease baa entirely Intl and I am raw
prelnatly well. Ra nlxevuLL yours,
West Liberty, March Uti t ltl4 t t
1 gently that I am personally acquainted cloth lit
utent • , and can bear testimony to the math of the
coeve .-ernficte A IL 511411.11
Tu canto, Laver •ro prepased and sold by
E a I.LEIIS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
to tae or o eates.
fliE mic.—Tterudgaud, only Dar and gen
uine Liver nil , . are prepared by It Il Sellers, and have
me name stamped in black w. upon the Int of cull
1.a., and his rinnamte on the eumide scrapper—all
others are Caulite feiU, or bane IiAttaLLOO 6.
• .1.0 11 E SELLINI4,ProptteMiL
L0gr.7.11-IlliY (DS_RMINATIVIC
i.,j/Rifil the Bee AeA a well know a and Pop
Ale: Clergyman or the ProtestentMedhaiist Church
Inc undersigned 'timing been afliereil during the past
...niter with n disease oithe stomach, mnutilites nes-
I .si 1 gccup , n lit the stomach for ten or tir tlv htiurs
without • nits tit on,nati idler having trio ' •armus
entedter with elect was furnished with a hauls
tit It, D Jaynes , / . mats, Dalin:in Thu he used at.
cording to the direst ens. at , ti found Invariably that hut
medicine eartscdthe paw in Ila, in three or four sels
tact, and in fifteen or twenty minutes eve. y uniess
tsensation was entirely gaieted. Ilse medicine yea s
teewar ds used whenever oldie ntions of the approach el
iinhewetepercetlyed, and the na., was thereby prevent.
ed. lie. continued to are the medicine every evenin
and sometimes ih•lw to mod tit a few weris
health was ist InTte,tored, hat tha sneerer was
(.4 friim large amon la el oppreestrie Print, ex
rancher, therefore. e ran confutes:oy rectioinieiid
D /spie l s Care:lna:we I. alttaln. St'selittary nithrw
for disarms orliattoni;cli and Lessets. A SLILY/Nl'
Allegheny city. lytil
For sale In Ifittfitnrysii AZ, /Ist :Trot
72 Feurth street, near No and toe/true
,tar of fi v- attn..
Vla TO *Bur. visc:ovziLiel
COMPOUND BY RIIP OF Wlhll cituasl.
TILL titan fintalnOl run
Cons:implant - P, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, DrenchttLerLly•
CT ConfrilLUlL Spittmg Blood, It. dult.; of 'kende.
toe, Fain in the Fula tool ILTenn. Palphstlou
bac Iltert, latbrehas, Croup, Droten t`sn
%limb., Sem Thruest,Nerrons Ut'
ty,told ell Disetbses of dm Throe,
Bream and Lnagri the most eb
feetualrind ,spectly of
•ver known .r any of
the *berm diabee••
DR. SM 3
Coarpowend Igyaste Et of NV list Gbarbyl
This methetne. is no longer urno.p. then , of din:heal
Malty. It ' i mpede:el ewe? (mkt the thedrunds
it illy
ed u ponthe ,Ids m elrtnenret, anti now titer:is
higher to fern:Ulan. end m /mem.alr taffne octet:awe
ly 111;04 Cann Uny other preparation of maimne once
posh.ed for the robe! OT suffering men.
It hen been ,Itenlucell test generally through the
Va. Slates and Itiurrpo,. l l there etc !tee towns of
Importance but what contain reuse reatarnehle '
deuce of its gum/ effects. For proof of the ...gut.
statements, and of the value and edfe.y of tlits tried:-
eine, We proprietor will insert n tow of the suahy Mots.
tend telftlmonialn which here presented to Myatt;
wen ooho first reapectebility—men who have lagn•r
views fAr feValvainnly std ;toffee, Won to err.
It w in (env:, bed.. it well de number favor, nod
no ...eve Foch le.flourny proftcet eoff-
Olcsicely, that iw fmrprsing. excellence ts rstahltmed
by Its intrmste merits, and the untmestionublr ent
ty al public opinion. The OSlnntanCino rear: a af
ford', is. the soothing Influence ilithwed ...nigh the
whole frame by tie use, render. a a mast agreeeltle
wearily for the allheted:
oFa t en men, action eCnceillunew, impulseso,
voluntarily hear tettbstortY to thvtr
I porbeslny fact, suchtchtimony, being ronary h utrheir
wertify interests sod parpoves, coat ses r onetettou at
ita roth, and comintends twelf in a •peetal tonnner
univiaral credefbreatts Morel Ltisxime.
F „„_
Cult.l. tau..
en. or PC1.0711.1t1. COnntA4 enntro—
lime, ,ever Wall • remissly that hen bail ettecesscd
desrwrate e.t.a, ns Dr. trwarneh
Comeound tl.yrup
Crea .u.4of
tilted re
moors e n t he
en nu
sYst n , opt PPenf 4
blood; Power Po , e o, ssi tr it
other td.....Alft
Cowen Co, April 25th, 101.11.
Dr. o, eine—Dear rim t verily belleve emir
ro lln
pound 'lamp of Wild Chewy hies been the ner.•
waving say life. lest& a ec,scre cold, which grade
ally grew worse. attended with eevere tha
reso .red ow mitten,. winch I had recouree to, mil
flee:mewing moll my woe cred:vied MI the eyed
rule/scary ettneautpuau. F.very dung I sled eu—wed
to have no effect and ray compleant inereaeed so raped-
ly that friends OA well no myself, cove up hopes
m menelest to sty
y recovery. At this time I Svc, rte
your invaluable endtpuse. I Met eo with the toes hop.
rectlut 'the first Imille bad the elect none t ag
,ut.ezh, reusing me to egret-tutu., frite,y; and by the
Mae I had used six boulev,l we. entirely well. .we to
now , botany a M. as 1000 r 0:11 In my life, axed
would he happy to peve limy information ecepectirg ml
ease, that other sufferers may derive the twistt for
vested, I are no grateful. Foe the moll of PO banlft
tletcteent, I refer you M Vmer n ee, Wert
/".. , :geter. Ig., of whore 1 pasiataleo tuts =retrials.
lielweUerinelY /mew
IVonetsrfra Curs of a Dfrehrerfist 111.7,7-usr.
Dr. ilwayne—Dray Icir. I Wei re debt or get:dada due
you—road a dory to rt. atilusicel genera-IX, M oder
my humble tevuenany ot (veer of yoor cpwciound
rap ta IVila Cherry Score retire shiers I anis
inlettl; srs‘cks.l with cold aud lidrinamatrun of the
Longs. White 'at. aecantranted with o ConriderLfectica
touch, pain in the breast mod head, "very co.
Ole discharge of offeristere macro , from the long, cry..
ei , llly upon change or weather; however elseht At
I (urine alarm about my ctuttlOson, Lai Rah
woe cc:self:era that I was rapidly rota cons: imp.
11011. I grew daily weaker. guei se length wan aCaTC.
able to walk •bc.:4l, urcpeak ribose a whisper, etch
vet, Poe exereeleng we say lungs. INring thi.
time I had t o r e and preecripteons.
mat (p ut t D e relief—growing MI the limo:mire, duct
here 1 WWI advi-rd and pewanded by a attt frietelin
Wilmington to wrike total of your Syrup id' ill Cher.
ry. I mint coo , . that pp
dos e
I tad herb previa.
dewed against patent 111e41170.7, 701;111= still agaitet
those costing out tithe band/v.:reap...rice, cat u ,„l gr .
ittunilioy ypdr 011 t the profeaseen and practice of
11/eLLIGIne, and hAVIIII7 implant faith WC 1717
friends, I fOrtheerlth purth weed of Dr. &law 0110 of your
agerd., few b.t117.2, and col di..
tller WOO at the. time of OD or 25 months' ensiedingod
regocoily yes. deeply
tad. I co l yza, ranee Intel the aa. first four no
bottles. gue, testi •to speaker, I frequently et
trrapted holiceach writ inerewing strength, and I
thereby repmred those yowls that had already reedy
to heal, in this way, eloolerievi, my care was greedy !
mearded. In comcquettee of wing dins can't:loot`
I had to tree iceme , or fifteen hurries teefoo I loco p r . !
(roily reetored I have noguesilael, a muck motif
negates ofdicipts wooed have made me sotiod, b )
tie suuyelirdiscrettou The. Syrup
cou ed the tee, ' !
hateli, to ...ray the dieriweing gh, put _
o the docka of matter from Um lunc.t. sod gas
fen 01'01 the cadre system goo ‘I
have dein:
Al °Caring 'lt* ecrtiErtte want caw,
"brine neUgp•ir sauefied vrith the perincowncy ett the!!
w now .tatl-fccl perfectl ß ywe
/. pa ll I oder It ith
ay. JrAnssi
Dublin canary, N.O.
Imporutli (Irstaex—Rrarif lived'
Tbery t-f • genuine prop...tows of Wald Cher c)
and that la DT. KTVATNI'T, the Cast ever offered to the
(Abbe, whieh "as knelt sold' largely atioughout the
United Sumo. Lod tome pens of Europe.; find pre
aeration. eats by the nanto of Wild Cherry hove
been put hut slawr 1111., under cover of decupove
eirewnstancca, 0 order SO gtve corrency to their sob,
fly a hole obn:trete:dm CO p e rs. need onstake
yertniue Soca ti t false. Each houle of the geniuses is
cuyelopod it • beautiful steel engraving, witii the
actual. bond thm, Dr. Sevoynes
munatoret a security, the , Dr.
SVropie will V.:added hercatter,so as tO distbususti
prcparatias •cont all ocoera Now, it was rot for
the hie
gtokt euyousti proper.. and known virtoos of Dr.
would Syrup of Wild Cherry, perrons
would not be sodeavonng to Ore currency to their
"fictitious noat-ants" by stealing the Tonne of Wild
Cherry.' Renumber, always bear la maid the name
C f Dr. Sway. nd be not deceived.
Principal Ofb.e, corner of laghW and Race glace.,
For sale,whd. male and retell by OGDEN &SNOW
' DEN, coo ad sat Wore! as; II A FAIINESTUCH &
Co, nor is.. Wood, end Mit and Wood eta; Wti
THORN, at ht Wket st; b iON.M, lob Marty fin /AS
A JONES, rot stand and Pc. Info ena ble atacll
gq, Alickbech. city, and by all rcepee dealers in
NV. P. Inland's; PromlstPalt•r.
roli. W. P. IldlolND, of the Medical Colloga bf Phil•
1.1 ardelphi, oden to Iho publio boo loulan veg
etable PAdosum I l,wler, the qualities of which. abet
longand tiled expenenee, has beast satisfactorily no
taldished. To all women who may In satins,' with
PrOlept.o% UtErin or Fallen Wornb, reconsrocons
nnrt er, rourantering
w sure and .pendy cure in
p o r n spoon of front tu to limo Weet. ,, , ti aprthed wish
aura and tZtl-dieratning oil the countless. its.wsoommi.
and expensive baudage ,. au long or .11sis Ird . STeis
c0n„1,,,,j,u, unisnlll.lllns boiras nut soled
in ono case out of dim. tossidrcd nod 6SY:Ss.tic ga.
Also forlitieuumuwa assil Weak Brenta or Bork. at
tended with pain, Mare w notions tu excel this Pinater
adurstuserelief or of tering 6, aunt For sale by
Mlcax. corner of Diamond and glaihebst
Braun k Rosser," Liberty and St. Clsor sts
1), I.rgont Federal at and Dsun3os it, Arta•
gbeny coy
lasugles Co, " Denman and nnlinOnd
, o 4
E X pTsgy h s ni O ng F s n e so "l cil E s i n '- a A er c ho= l :::
ti s h or Is
oo 4 d a„ll,io..beVClA;n,l,clug more pleissan7arid
stable titan common Coffee, mid tar
go a dselsenes as a wnoll
gages costing may Ito cent., will far ws tour
pounds of C ogdee.
jo hlau m u s faAr i t.. l4, lll , ... , y
Sold at wholesale by II A I:OHNE...STOCK S. Co,
corner of First and Woad non Sixth and Wood streets;
• _..ort
/ lALIFORNIA 13.111:11ES 000116-jo., g 0,00,00,
ll l i e Camp Rlankcwi 2tlaffienr rin; 12 pro runts;
to pears nett fined Idson,g !loots; in;
1.1. gisi
water Tanks, 6 and Id gallons each;' 00 ctn. sts. 1
, o g o n oaclo I dr llockako biotic/ Salto 1 do soled
~...m b g j o , d o do, goods for sale at. the Cali
(rain OroGting EataLltshmer Nos Wood at.
mob% " A KULL PS
"i.VIL.S-Wisirsgit lean Artois, fr- -•
aneevtlle wont., warranted;
Ou hand and applied us order, tip
.ea GErs Crls:sinos
LIQUOR 7 hf irtgee - lik'nodg.:Tji
la pipets Itlllantl Coal
5 ors N Soot;
dOU tibia
a. yi m
Soul' brand, s uperior erdele, is
nocc W Ni nin
CAW.," all.prllll4l woh;
anislcaciliug Powder, crrircd
a 1 to per sl
and now 000000 d
W N l ll
N. IL—They will receive, dunes lk
sopplits via Naw Orleans. I
wr rii MEXICO, by E. S. Ripley; 2
T ITE, Wll.ll
Moments or Rhetoric, comptieing en Analysis in
the Leto et Moral Evidence and
. 01 rocuesitub by
Richard Whewly, D. D.
Fasay an Chritadoi Deptiecc by Dapiret W. Neel, Al
The Ogilvirs, a.NovOL •
Fmry Tales. from sli.NaMonc, 49 Ambony B. Moo
MR.; wirb dliimarrationa rdr Doi
Jur, I:1011 tyy JOLlfirirmNl ,STOCKTON,
.P.O • earner Toxni and Marko. our.%
New And 'Elegant Ma. nookst
17 ifetttney, with envco asiginsil designs by Parley.
Poems mai Prose Wrimaga, ay 11.1=4 U. Simla;
vols., muslin
Mumma,: (isms of Seeted - Viiely,i - 111siiillostrrt
tines engraved ,teel, by John Sartain.
Jus. rtttetvett by JOIINSTON't. STOCk'TON.
d 02.1 corner Tbinl hod Market et
D . ,
11YSICI4N ANDPATIENTi or a Practical View
or um matelot ditties, relations and ituermas of the
Medical No:Tenon sad Um Community; by Worth
icrn Ilcoevr, M. D.
iul ri
‘‘0,14. of Michael Do ftfOrdatollet m4PtMind
N. EiYa7.l.Letecte, be. By Wm. Ilsaletre
Nta.v.:Th and ne Komaina.: By Avalon Ileaty
IfTo , D
Glimpfies or Spain; or Notes of on Uaratelehed Tour
in Nit By Wallie.
Topper'e Proerb:al Philosophy, now eihuon, Mos
traced. Just rooms:eel by
corner blarkto and Thera etreme
.i.j rimmed B.lll.l—Liooks bi rib a! nursed L(riDnr
illuminuted and illustrated-110ot+ ~.jr& i oiy bound IF
Velvet, ea.', Morocco, nod Cool i osltion, an amisnuo
n( the Middle Ages—Mble9 and Frayer Monte, Dr.
.1 - oily bound in VeleelantlMoroceo.roavigeetelyot
Lnmcnled and /humiliated. For sale t.y- -
der' gookloilor A Importer_ 'Wood
Oitilstmas and Rfew Year ApirreisehluS
In Magnificent hatiquesßineting,fut - the Holiday
TAMES Eh lA/CI - MOOD, Bookseller ked Impart.,
teal Wood street, has screwed a beaillifal colleen.
•nt ltlastretrd Books, bound Jr. thesookt ipleedishur
111:r 14 Mc Ilerasaausa sod 21111criCzta
them May h.: Iooott
Pearls of ;Lame; • Poetry; magnifierallyßlutahl
Lays of elc rm Watld; illtaninated in acid and
Words wortb'4 Citeecei Tlebly Illitetrated.
Tieeaeberi illumuuted by Oaten June., land
bound • evrred
• Tot, Song of Snag.; illuminated Jones.
—news" sold their-Kiralrest Thoegiswillumismted b
; Jo:. s. •
•. .
mine. of Shnimpeurm Illustrated.
Ml.t. 'meson's Cho meterimm or Women . 'Mist
For mlle. by .1.11-M E 5 D LOCK WOOD,
nel.3 . ¢t Wood Mere.
Ih Vino voyage by HEM. llei
JR, nil: 'o nof 'Type," , •Ortioo,” &,. • • •
11i...10re of Kin,•Alfred of tngland,f yJacob Abb.
onto fine engravolge. '!
Solonio the Soreesem; by Wm. 7flenhold.
,over comer Third ohd Market erne
"Otte of sit Mast Remarkable intl.., ofdm Ago."
"WINE - 5 7 E11 AND ITS Dr-MAINS" veldt an iteinton4
IA or a omit to the Chandma4 Chrivtiann of
tun, end the Tevidtv, or Desill•Waraltippersi and nni
Inquiry into the Mooney. and Arts, of the Anetent As
ily Austen Henry Lnyntd, Eeq., It C. L.
With I.2o42e:city Note by Prof.T. RofrlnFon, H.
D. litarleted with Id platen and mom and all
wood emit 2 val. Soo. cloth, t , ..1,50.
"The hoot has a rrre amount of graphic, wield, pie-,
teravrine nurative " -Tribune.
"Thy 'wort of La: .ird ip the meet prominent ennui.;
linden to the dlncly antiquity, that has appeared lot
tunny yearn. —Clar
Not one e reels in interest the tigeonnt of rribeedb
mot Ito Rub a, given by Mr. Laya.d."—Wa.bmylou
"As son follow the digger( milt! breathless interest
In their cleave:ht., cant Fadden!) , Gra ourralvest
iota a nestles figure carved with minute acenveaYt
now lifting ds gigantic head irbra the dam of anal
yenta, vve. are ready to ery astonished
Arab) tWatlah, ut. wonderful, bat It latrueti"—lto
novt6 h 3 Weed si
Nem DOOkai
THE W031E2 of the Old .4 New 'restore
Edded by roll. Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. Dup. liii.
eiegninly 110611141 j IR exqutniely finished engravings,
unts desenptioes by celebrated American Clergymen.
PuESLS 111 ANIELI A, (Mrs. Welby, Of KY,) a new
end enintgethe , Ottmo; illustrated lby citgeedirtitten from
niteinnl denicos, by Wier. I vol. !tone Oro., rug 1-
ty boned and cht Also—A vidlstyo( splendid Aiken
aLs and 001 Book/.
.; ! ik
Sewell's Child's Firm Doak of the tistory Of R e.
I vol td .. f
THE PIBCIIANICS AssisTin , tulupteglftir the
nye of C.arpenters,Shiliwright. IVI leertglits; law.
) erg, Lumbermen, Students . , and An on+ genciallyt
lieiug IL thorough ntoi protocol *leatil, CM 510Aurs.
tiun and the Sloan Rule. By 1k M. hi' , gyA.thl. -
Boise's Trenton on (leech Praia ConiptiAtihn.
OltendoveN Elemenlary French lirnmener. By Prof.
Greone, of /Imam Lfittecraltx. I vol. 10. P. !.
Hoedigor's a earning' Ilehrew Or, ommar, by Conent.
Ge.ctous . Hebrew Lexteon.
Lootnis"rAgonoutexy nod Ltlgaridsoliet Wades. I
sign. lidiceltil
'Foe EIIgIiShOLISILIS firtal"Concordance. 1 trOl..(einci
bad -
Antbon's Closniest Series. ,
Webster's Diettonary, rensedecl. 1 vol. Ben;
do do .11 , 1 - Aged. I vol. 410..
Bidue`a Pintas and Questions on NosarTettakamtl.
%Vitiate ty's )MrIC.
510.001.11 . 14 ECelesuutical History. 3 yid. and I
vats ob, e t i i
Vestiges of Creation. I vol. Viso.
Notrusop among the Jesuna 01 Rome. 1 vol. (cloth
and papell
Seen. , wuere the Tempter Lab Triumphed. I vol.
telsolt and paper.'
Bodurrhi Theolugleal Lecture. I vol. rIo. (eloAd
Alitsrht Pronottogrocl/130..
Boyer's Fcench ILWILOILL11) ,
,II ciis Bernet. For axle hy. R HOPKINS,
Lurid ! Apollo ,111,10 i ex Fourth +I
MEW noilt6 itjwrag:C:rav KU:— c . w.:,.., .
1.1 hlotottiene, edited py IL 11.00, co prtking his
I +snys, Letter., am: Joutio, ;through Germ.) , tied
Italy, with autc. hen WI the Cuiamendibre,lltingruplv
teal Shit Battlsographicol Boned+, See.
Frac., of nr, Mr !q.v..
F., Statltuds of Gonad SelioooKeeput, by Dove>
el age, A. 8., Prunuipdt of the State Sonnet Sghool,
Albanv, N. V.
Ftunkr FrlrWrlera Fish .d Fishlog of the 11. Snarl
Will ' linualt rzulLnce, id Nord. Amette, by Benxi .
c i nch I Lunn, Tnird and 31itzkitstn_
Th. Olden Time+
JAAIEI.I 0. LOCK-WOOD,kjonkseller and Importer,
J'.‘ o. Ca Wood sticek boo fur +ale a tow copies emu
piete, ,the rammed. ol the edition,/ of title valunide
Ant 1. ikontled to tee Pre.crVittloll of I.euments, and
OUII.I nothenor intorrounon r4lattitp, to 00 early ex.
.toned the
and unproventeut et the cematy
stoned ihe bead of the Ohm. By Neville B. Crate,
F. 01., of Pittsburgh, ILI ,t cols avo.
nevi. ! 1 1/ LoCKWIX/D.
. .
11,031 J -i& LIJERTI: A Ili Wry. 0,1, a view ut the
Ali Liberty ot tuber A UCicra Batons. By Bowatei
1.111011. EN I lIIIALLULGII tetth twelve ctiginvings, exe
cuted at Roma. tt Vols.,ovon 0 drone wtat I'lvvel/ll s,
Ilistorteol Worts.
Jett published mil for sale by
ocodu ! Importer. G 3 Wood at
fIiNNY'RIiVIIILF. IN ITALY:nottiortied milli in,
'The reading of Oda book!hus impressed us wall a
mach higher opinion or iu nuttier Men we Lad formed
front penistng her miss virtungs, It displays &deeper
tne or (000,11, muted to total , pare wonmitly c,rocc of
te u e Ong than tiny other pra..t. ot Ilia femaleinit.
wins in
wi win we ere itenat
uuted.n—Eve. Mirror.
`lt is ii very tdtrecable mid soaduble book, written In
lunnyklien,bleh, best slym—holik spirited mai mart+
touttic,. tVe recommend it to oar rcadera so tile best
pub lc, ntigoi cf . . LILO seasolt.l—Rg add% ti ro x.
-It chr..llo the !Jourattl of. travel tuugh Europe,
Find residence In Italy; 111111 is one 01 the isiC,Slitrll
unil most interesting book+ of the seacon. , —Cour. tool
°A very Oiltirfletrrirtie book. We have rend It from
mix page to Colophon with imbued inter., A +I.
+id pietor- of life in ROLLIE. In all resperts etuttently
resdable.—KmeiCertmeter. !
For 0410 by JAMES D Lf ICKWOUD,
tY! I novls DOM:Seller 2C. Importer, 03 Wood ndo
Lltbographla gstabiliAment
/ - IF W3l. OCIIUCIIMA NN lUnI st, opposite rho
k_y Post•Otbeo, PiosLorgrt*Maps, LattOsestpes,
bonds, Pbroarbiltd, Lo bctd,Atohittentrol :nod Machine
Itrawl:4a, itustoots nud Vitlung Cards. 6a dblin , vod
nr draw u Ltd atone, and pnnted m color., Cold, Sm...
or HULA, iu the most approved style, and of the molt
• • oetlStly
KE;; o 4 1 r}l' — ' 3"g4,l,Tcrl,:leAriDL,F2rl
IDLOUR—sU bbl. Family MOLLY, for solo by
.1 der/ CANFIELD
(111 Farr rlii/US. OF. LAINS-3 caeca eked style.
lee colored M. de LO.M.,at the extremely row
price of tic. per Yard. . A MALION sr. CO,
dcl4 ' Go Merkel
rit - -a dos. ounn tiona'resteks!,
" battiest do.
" " Pi. Apples; .
3 " . Cherries;
3 " odnosrbonieni
3 " " Tomatons;
a a half nal. hoiden Pickles;
1 " quart • do.
" booty " do.
Reed and for nalo at the Pekin Tea Stele, 70 Fourth
tenet. dad/.
I) TV. F1.0U11.-13 bble mod and for by
de2l W4l 11.JOILVS1'ON.11 2 Second .1
.t lt wra t ial..
, sl.ros
l 111eirs
1 Mo. s
o leatbeeboled a
All of which will he eohl. wholesale or ret
dem at wty ttou.e to the city. . 1c II
• No 5 Wow! etrert
Dunlbt, vs/wilt-sty:. owd7o. •
de), W 11 . .411104:11
V 1 for setlrby SA. W 101.1111ACtili
ouTrEtt-I3 1:121.17,n,t-t.l packed, lu pnadk
order for for male by
iorr—so 1.0 1/17111C bar Ernsantrtior
• mac Ly .2% TAr I SEV !lar
• LACK WALIIJINso iara - Forze
13 root res'd snAcitua - r 4111Irli,
No 93 Wood rt
Viz,a4is...e-2 eILSS:2II;4;i YI
setter, extra uttruothago, reed per express , of
dedo A A MASON tr:CO'S
SUN D I 311:9-0 boles Colton; - sa bias N. I L ord,
14 boas Foram; 1 ricrac
lo socks Wool;
GdooLomb wull wool(
3 dos :Sheep
3 dos • droserd;
To arrive on steamer Pert Vitt, and fur rake by
del4 IriALKII DYCK UT CO Front ft
issFoNti-4 bags Chstirseic fai”le ay
ILI Elt&•—•18 surf& prlale,_ for rale •
1,177 • &
ii.'„Tr - ;', - . 6 4Lanro
1"6:411k9,w"""V°°4 II P 1111.1.1 es
c Azyv. lib! In atura and ar i co
j.. 3.01 tor rine . .
den) , & 3.14 ,
b 9xe - dAlrattnakiilT;;Ce.. , iei
., fur Lu k cririprught, which nt
will pleuc call lot. Ulf lII.ILTENBIXGENA
No 137 Front si
A. 1101.2IUMS SONS,
Daaa a EZO:thaillf• Brok•vst,
COI.I;CCTIONS.—Dtatts, Notes and Aceeptattees•
PaY ab le to any part of the I%nm:ballasted on the roost
[as/noble tams. "
F.XCHAN6S on New York, Philelphia and Bed
tinlear; alsorCineiC2l64. S OIeI LOttli
New Orleans constnialy for setie.
SANK NeYll;l4.—Notes on all ialvent bank H ei nl e
United Statesdisenanted at theloweat rate. nd
of Forma and Gad WWI Silver Cain bought
and sold.
Odwe No. dd M 02C13
artet street, between 3d and at h,
• •
Pinsherekt, Pa.
DILLS on. Ealiond, Ireland, and Seollold
JI any ammult at Ilse Current Batts of EXChLII . S
Also, Drafts payable In any part of the Old cloanlP
from to AIM, as the Tale 01 ea to tb. Stqtql
withal:Wahl.. es discount, by JOb.IIO.A.- ROsi -
SON, European and Oatmeal Agent, aloe till et one
- oetlOl
Ont.ge3to ....._
_......_... _
3.itailitif — Tharl — r3sounit
X/3 in Forewn .od Domestic Buis of EsensnS , .-nr. ,
tificates of Deposits, Sant Notes sod Con, sornee_ni
31 and Wood meets, directly opposite St. antics Ho
tel._ . es . rse.dlY
.r!rated MDl3 - •
U" indlitaaSanla
Bank NoUir,
,orehas:d It dm lowest oaks, by
N. 11OLME1 a SONS,
sepl3 - blaster street.
17 New
New York,
Philadelphia. and
Connantly for tea by N. 1-10 4 111. & SONS.
..013 Masker n.
De.lnoss Oared.
From she New York 'Tribune.
A 1: 2 11 , 1:•; . hi p D o ,
e vvre
1 7 0 3 . 1 I n s
i nr e l3 , 7l . inh le t , awes:ha
gratitude,.3 u ' v ' tn " any, that
0e l ' alV4en " ca o ce n d " o ' t
VriL., deafness, hy the Inca .333earpa'aColopow3 31
Athooatle MO a Philatinilatin medicinerot
for erne In ibis city, but which be think. [might to he.
or the 7.4 of We allbeted. tie has a antler who hat
aiso 13000 eared by h. Ile urgently, advises all who
333 e slid - eric th a inna deafness, to ten this remedy, with an
assaranCc at, unless the cue be extraordinary; .1131
experitueut willprone nbuntlantly aneeewful.
70 Furth et, Pittsburgh
Coml.! Combs!
;-)n °Ross imp, Voted; l 0 do do very Loeb"
seed Redding;
12 ." super English Ham fleddleg;
rocket Coml.;
fAM Weed
1020 dov niv'd Fine lvOr
au " Shell Side Comb e r
Kuper lenge Haßillo;
of grove aged Side Combm tee'd and for se by
Ides C YEARS:II,MS hldike a t l et
Buff llollandl Muff Holland!
TAKC . iIiOTICE—That W. McClintock lam this day
removed ...nal cases of the finest nod best Butt
Winnow lioll.d, to whicu he would most respectfully
call the noeution of his customers and the public to
LO — C.M.t W... P00r... 73 Fourth it.
A FEW i:lade ry
roru ve fine GUITARS, just reed (tern
yd mfactory of C. F. Martin, toad fo
1.10 et
jooß S R. MELLOR, SI Wood at.
Boole Just Reeetved
TiTILE Complete Works of John Bruayan; 2 trots, 6.,
le I vol, Illustrated; marlin an d gal .4 6 ..
glue - hell , . Uibheal and Sabbath School Geography
row •ork; Pao!, Mao.
Tawn'r Anarrvis and trpelez.
lac .1 John Q. Adv.; by Wm. 11. Seward; I v,
`me; mu the
Poems by r•Trs. P.n.s; 1 vol,l..,'musltre gib.
Sou;Ws assmorto—Sermons preached upon several
casinos. by Robert Sot., D. D.; Anew edition;
Mt; melodies Petaluma.
boo .DisiCollfees
o gle. M sheep, extra; .
For sole by It. 110PKIDIS,
1.21 Apollo Duildmss, Fourth at.
na W 10.10.03 a. W. O. PPMa
rf undoreigned, saccomon to Arthur!, '
J. tun, beg leave to inform the enizenu of Piitcburgh
and public generally, that they have rebuilt the KA
HLE PoUN DRY mad are bow in fall operoticn. end
have punof their patterns ready for them arket:—
Analog. which are Cooking :Hoy., Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a uplendid air-tight Coal Stove, wide/
w Haw-reeding m other cities the common round
Stove. Aim, n cheap coal Cooking Suave, well adap
ted for smolt fain:llea with a full assortment of egret
o a td mantel Grates We would pariicularty to
vim the attoution of persons building to call at toe
....ebony. beforepurchasing, and examine a eplendid
article of eumnatelled Gratca, (unshod in fuse style—
eitUrcly new in this market.
Warehouse. N 0.161 Llborry et, opposite Wood st
aintahrdti NICHOLSON kr. PAVNI ,
, .
(ry a YEAGER, Importer and Wholeeale Dealer to
Va g
Sign oi the Gilt Comb, 103 Market et, sburgh, Pn.
We3trril Merehtlats Pedlar', and others SUMO
Pius;mist , putraac ' Goods, are respectfally invimd
it and examine the eirellinlin aSsorl.Meat of Eng
hsh, /*Mello., French and German Fancy Goats.
All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import
ed direct by myself, andp rcahasem may rely on get
ting goads from first hands. 1 have the largest assort
ent 01 rtrlielen, In We candy line, in the city of
ataPborgli—all of which wil l besold law (sr cask or
ally accoplanerl. The Stock consists, in part, of
Lace Goods, llama, Gloves, Ribbon
bilk Cret.u., Sh“ and Patent Et re ade; Sewing Silk,
spool 0011011, Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Fine, :ace
• en and Cutlery.
d Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of
es, Combs and Ravers.
cusition Caps, Revolver., Pistols. Clocks, Silk A
sin Purses, eyectaelea, Stool Pens, Music Bores,
tepee Rags ad Baskets.
Bindings, Findings and Trimmings.
Toys and Fancy Goode; together with a lash-vette
ty of Fancy ad S taple DRS GOODS.
to oleo agent for the celebrated Lan•
ester Goethe. noel?
Groat English Remedy
•F •STA: . .\T 87 tztr',SPITL - ,;`,T,„'tg of oh.
shove discover , is the IIUiIiCARIAN BALS4
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated /sr. Buchan, 01
London. England, and introduced into the United Suites
node the Immedisit sUpetintendenc e of the inventor.
Tim extraordinary facer. of this medicine th.
care of Pulmonary thwarts, 1111111103 the /kinetic.
Agent in wile/nag for treatment the worst possible ca.
re s lot eon be found in tho community—cases that seek
lief on vain foam any:of the common reit:edits of the
lay, aid have been sawn up by the most ihstingnithed
phytumaits ins confirmed and incernhlu. The ilunguii.
sit Ittaitimhse cored, nod will cure, the mesa
of Cored. It to no quack nOrtillllh but a standard Eng.
lienmedicine, of known and established eittcaey.
Every family 0111i0 Boiled States should be eupptiee
with Buchan's Ituttgluiati Balsam of Lire, not only to
counteract the comas:motive t o of the climate,
be. to he 001 011 preventive medicine in all eases ot
cold., coughs, opining of blood, pain to the stile nod
chest, letitsuon and . soreness of the lungs, bre/duds,'
di/Beatty of brenting, hectic Over, night vacate, mac.
lakel nod general debility, asthma, intitteasa,woooltin/
tough an troop,
Sold 'tillage Loules, at 511 per Louie, with fall direr
bons tot th e restarrition of health.
Pamphlets, couthining a maw of English and Amer.
can certilicates, and other evidence, thawing the 110.
equated tactile of this great Engllth Remedy, may he
°loomed of the Agents. gratuluansly.
For sale by II A FAIINI=OCE: b. Co!, earner o
et and Wood and Wood and Gth
4 ,
g r. rea m te:rn .
o d n b4s e t m vnr: n tr v e r la , ro d trallti m l r b , is . eity
nod most fashionable Eastern potter. md colors.. AP
—ride to- •-• of ell sltcooad at &Hoton.
. •
toade to order of au,
Country . Merchants and others are invited to call and
examine the above for themselves, as all will bo sold
wholesale or resul t and a liberal &Auction mods Is
wholesale p orchestra.
Eon aide of the Diamond, where Vernon.
Blinds of all dm different ghee and coin
not kept on hand or made to order atte
the latest andmost approved &atm rash
iods, az the shorten notice nod an Can most
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap Easton roll or split Blind Transpa.
reney and Paper Curtains elan the different then and
patterns, on hand itrA for sale low for cash. Old Veal.
uan Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in part
payment for env It Id WMTERVELT, Pro'pr.
N. arms done with the best material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the most la..
i Mons. . angldMp
Allegheny mty, Aug. 10, Md.
0 IV arm!. Lug lrt
Pressor/mil, March 97,1547.
Mr. R. E..Sellera—lti justice to you and your lacuna
parnble Cough Syron, / beg leave to sate, for the ben
efit of the continually that my wife has been Voromi
times nalicted' .a a must thatreming tough. 1
Chased, to January last, tt bottle of your Syrup, which
cured a conga of two niontbrd standing. About out
..iolb diver, the ettnh returned, and was ro wvero
that ..fie.tonld hurdly move. from went." in tie
Moo.; Vann (or one bottle of yner Cough Syrup,. 1
it part of one Louie curd the cough I govetan tr
4 n journeyman who woo revcrety offhand, who hod,
to tow his own words, ennuch cough candy to
turn all 9.e people in Starbusgh," af the candy mid
heen a. good es represented.
Worn, rmpeetfully, Stifle D. bum..
Prepmed and sold Cl R. 01 Wfldti
Street, aid sold by Druggists generally it s the two
•' (/‘ er h ,
AI dal
• j•-• Lily inform the ppuhlle, dint he
• seems on hand at fascination the
west men et the Diamond, "We
i.: fa b c ' n ' t Y oMli I[l :Mira I ' s ' : ' Ye. '
Te " rl3 4 . SI) le n' W '''l lll:llll ',s i
equal te ant' lathe enited tate.
His Ithnds can be retrieved with
ost the ald or screw driver.
Having parchaoed the stork,
oots, anti wend cabinet co
tahlitliment of Hammy& PIT:lel.
lord, I mu prepared to tarinth
theth old cynaMelli, u Wen as
the public at larce.wSh ovcrl grt , g in thou
Agencyta, Na AWood street, u
J. A. ba
t:sT read, an el , 7 , ltithriplain . lt . reurwM , dec. [hinter
i:larcl.ori. cesn'kperfrdtune,ouldt4Ytno?lerttr",„:`rr,,4l,,
Vor thle by IL KLEIII7.It
lrta ,
at W. Weadwells.
V V thr traumas% Tartar, tkOrlry, Caziker, en.).oil
.eboionces deotrucuve to the Teeth. leis
the Imte, cleausing the mouth, healing and stiengthen.
"I,:roftr7tiltsto sPartgrehbrbr.
Jai) R Emil, Stal.r.RS, 37 Wood et
W — •
Jost res'd, an invoice.or 1 U icYcalicd Intect
ver Watches, IS carets fine eases, which I can sell as
: o w titiro and thirty dye dollars, actl warranted to
Seep good unie.
npo—a'splep7id amiunent of JENVELAYi COW
ppiwti#7 l l : lll,4lo. l = l l=mgs.
045 cow liaqica ant Y oga itpx6.
1 7,71;01 CO
DE G kV .n a rD .a
111•67.... en Smithfield tlmet s rra. Mar beiaw
stub truant. arthansereC firm one •
to an entire set, on the ItClittn twilriritt, with Feat..ern% retmasentation of Me natural th,
original sham. ofthe face,
N, B.—Teeth extraincil with lititt. r nn paid
D s , s ayad Teeth pertatthritiir stweil.hyptatx.tig,m,
reams the troth ache, whir ininoch lietter timirts
. ram it. thennh it rhonabc 'Jane in Eve -minnot.;.n;
LUNGS--The unprecedented rotten which has
Headed he use of the -
o all the tattoos forme which Irritation of the hang",
aches, has Judi:cod the proprietor scout to all %Zits
Hen to Sale
The dierieetae weather which inttila_titt.:
winter months, is always a fraiithi /mur k
nese, If nigloctrid, are, bat the r =canc. of that hal
Its quesdon, then, how shall we sty thadeatroyar
the bed! hew shall we get Clear clear noughts and
olds? it of ;vital impormnrottstae
nut Itt.
will be found In the Giniten' Panacea In presto( this
we bare Detainee
knownt I:•nhe.l the etre-halite of
4Arens of o ar , beet eatrenr, who harem !red
encedjis Curative powete. These, with a mass of toe
away from aline:Ls of the ceantry,—frorn • •
Mi misters of the Gospel, At., tegethe r with etvares or'
ices frog the •, ••
we have enthodleil tr. pamphlet (atm •ed mar ba hal
Trans of any of OUT Kea. thmualatta castarY.
bare been used in thin r,iy•
throaKhout the UrAte& SLVC3 16.1,1 C. 1 ,1 , ana Rs Cis
least anylnan to point outs
SIMILE INS r.exts,
which, when taken aceonliatt ditariii‘t , x 4 be. —
tore tab lanes had lartuotaa fatally tilazintAtted, it .hau
ever titled to
then, need the afflizted Why,. reto rt tr
rati.crattle nostrucaa f gattcn up, by cai own individ•
gels u ler the assumed nar..c of some co :heated phy
tteiaa, mid patfed into noturicti by certineuto ,, r: Da,
sons equally
NFA unkn RALLELISown?. WhilS
st FIFFIOACY n arridinint et
is to be bad, whore vouchers arc at lunar,--car naigla
ears,--many of whom it has
In order.that this invaluable muliaine may be plated
within the reach bf the poor as well the nub, we keys
put the price at
Nat one half the usual cost of cough ructhaince. st to
for sale by one agents in nearly every own and village
oval , the west, who err Fr:part-A to nitro fall informs:-
don relative tort .T. SALTER, Proprietor,
lltuadway, Hulett:land, Man—
.:.,.._ CO VAININCI . N 0
;,...,.,..-:;.m.,11,1....1.1...,,, nit:11 1 1J r 6 or ot . b . e , r o hl , u ,D I
-i-l7i. Sc f • ... esuCe nil 1,:dlii:N.111.
\ '/Zsottes...scaoruaous
~.- - IllifiloltS, tSI:IN MS
- .., ..,, , , EnsEs:, rt4ONO:: ,
i.• - ' ~ .'2, 1 WoIINILI to dischmg.
i..j . " , 1 . , 5,._......,- 3 their p t .:rid - matters, mid
't..1., li .....2'h' l ' l " inn ' lM : termed
. fi 1 . , ..:::.:" . I. . ...--. AL L • IIL:ALINO, for
~.;;,;, .. , ~,, ...0, is is scarcely a di5t."•‘....h.:,.,..!,,,..c,
t."•‘....h.:,.,..!,,,..c, ,;, ...--' ease extern al or Internal,
.1.-..,,,. ....! , , , ,...-3. - .. that It will not benefit.,:e.:-_, ...... I baye nada it for the last
sixteen years fer ell discuss of the chest. Involving
the =est danger and responsibility, and 1 declare
before heaven and man, that not In one case bas it
failed teoliermfit ' the patientwes within the reach
oftenrisi mesas. .
lure ministershy learned La the profs taloa. 1
of the gospel, lace, a of the benelL..l
- lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition,
and mulfitades of the poor ate It In every variety of
way, and !here has been bat cce voice—Citenniver , ..a
voice anyinfi— , l,o-11.1.10 lift, YOUR. tIiNTAIINT
IS 600111" . .
1111SUALMSfil—It removes almsyt taxnedlitely
the Inflammation and melting, when the pain amens.
(a .. the directions monad thrbox.)
IIt•ACIIE—Tba setae hes cnrod ptPrOle. of the
hi:ital.:mho of. Twelve ye.. standing, and who had n
Slr r, week
7TA'°IPYa. i,g:UrkC`E, CrVi;l Illgl
titaVll"Milel.Ve'rar''ecme.l case: thst entaelly
,leico everything known, es swil ea the
of fit
teem mulct:ly doctors. One men told tts he had spent
X. 1 ,1 on his chl:drYo riitSo3 any banbt, when a few
W . . , of Ointment eared them.
Tblll7,ll—Then is nothing baler (or the cars of
one of thobAst things la the world for
PILV--Thensartele are yearli cured by th/s OLnt ,
mesa. It 'mina faiLs Ln Fides relief for the Pika.
0 - Around the box are directions for using LPAl
lisuds Ointment ler Soy f Wet, Lirer ConpLune, •Erysiy. 4
las, Tater, CJltilblaile, Scat Has d, tiara Eyes, Q. 219,
Se' e Tamar., Dennehans, Nervous diOnimu. Pains, Ihs.
atm the Sens, Mead arh;liSaVlC. Drafism, Rea ante,
Bumf, Corns, cal Discos. qf am Skin, Sere Lips, iNts.
Pia, Sundng of the Limes Sera, PAsteziattars,
Pad, add Foot , C r ow, Sere I4RI in ? ratan .611.154 . 7 Fa
sea, alms in dee Fats,
COLfI FEET—Liver Complaint, pain in the Chest
end Side, falling off of the hair. or the other eccompas
ales cold feet.•,(This Vital:U[lU IS the iron remedy.) It
is a sure sign of disease to hove cold feet.
CORN:A.-Occasional use of the Ointment will 61-
Irayrkeep cents from growing. People need never,
be troubled antis them it they use it frequently.
Cry- This Ointment is good tea say part of the body
or hush. when inflamed. -In some cases it should be
applied 0n0... -
CAUTION—No Ointment will be unless the
name 0f.1.411FS bIeALLISTER is •gertittellnuine
with a pen
tin every label. •
Fbr sale thee
gents in all the principal cities and
..0 , 4113. the United States
Bole Proprietor of the above medicate.
g h ' i truicipol Oilier, _ North Third street, Phil.
A ra ern m Prcracnon—Brarm React . , corner of
horny and Si Clair as; and L Wilcox, fee earner of
Mattet st and the Dtamond, also corner of 4th and
semiatbeld au; J It Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn
,ls, sth wont; and sold Lt the bimketere' In Smithltehl
n e gd door from Second En . in Allegheny city by II P
Schwan: and J Sargent; by J D Sundt, Druggist, Dir
minghami D Negley, East Liberty; Realised, Mc-
Keesport; J Alexander in Son, lonougshelei City; N
a Dow.. A. Co, and I'V Sobers. ItrownsvillerJohn
11.1eley,,Ileavet, Pa; arc nikoleanle agents.
Pacts for the Public.
la relation ta that unrivalled laualy Solve,
fITIDIONY of a rrepectahle Phytieinu—Read
the lelbvr ng, addreued la my Arra, Mt.F. Aler
rywaster, Cinetnnati'
Cmexhiravi, d'eb.1.2,1C19.
Sir. A sense of dory compels me to gave my iribate
us Dailey's ram Extractor. Bring opposed to vitae
cry and all nostrums having for weir object sinister
motives—narreutiaing much good from the "King of
Pam Ks' Ilm,"-1 an induced to tender you this eeinh
eat, '1 have aril it in toy family, in my pramice,nad
with all the happy and wonderful edests that coald
possibly he imagined. 11. J. Daoran, lit. Di
Dr. Bombe Is the senior partner of !rode, &Lem,
liylimmuctory P.Ar r ame.mon.
The following testimonial comes from a ream fa)
miliar to many of those raveling on our Western vie
tern Me Glcee, the well and favorably known pro
prietor of the -Perkeraburr, Hotel, is ..tombaad to sip'
lady whose letter L annex
Puttusimecen, V., dipiill3,l24D.
'To Henry.. IMliey. Chemist. Ae..,—sir awing for •
merly beta long atlidoled vain 'violent infliuumantrY
[Omuta ism, which appeared so firmly rented as is
defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
atmoding 141 was induced to ty your Nark.; rain
Extractor; and it basing talented, almost as if by ism
' gle, an immediate relict, rind also, to all appearances
att entire aut. poriec t cure, I am induced fur the bene
fit Grethen who may be afflicted with pain,eaured by
any kind of inflammation, to write to you, dee..i.g
that in My opinion, founded ou serial experience
your Maimed rain Extractor is the must valuable dr- •
eovery oldie present ego fee the immediate extinctiou
feesodiy pain. It is an almost immediate ead e
etre for Burns mid healds, and all external in
Having many acquaintances formed by Men s'ion , s
an my husband's hots! in this place, I have miptimit
by your thawing them those few lanes, it may Passible
be of benefit both to them and yourselt.
ramantien Gunn.
II entertain the hope that Alm Dined 'eclipse:ton iSv
publicity !give to her tenet. serail on the sere of
humanity as of its being the surest mode of bringing it
to the notice of Ler
lon Curd.
•• attract of ,letter, dated
=non, Ky. Nov. fha,.l2lS.
Dir. H. Dailey: "I have tried you; rain Exinictor
IL cant Of felony In my 01.14miraiy, which it relirved
aniltured in a very short le
nsed, [tte yrors re.
speetfully, Timso.
1.1: , Barna and Scalds, Sore Nipple., Broken
Em , sono , so , Cats, Wounds. and all Ili
tbutimation, yields readily to the wonderful Pro p ro - _ e
of this unrivalled family salve. But it, the same p
portion the you win receive benefd from the genuine.
you will bra injured by the deleterious thews of th e
CAUTION—De sure and apply only to the
IL DALLII, AO Broadway, New York, nr to - um aa
*Seat, JOIN it blitilbAN,
tLouxcd Crecral Depot, rinadmin,k.
t ft rehr-actx, Allegheny, Ag,r,
Vv.; James NV Johnston, Maysville,
Ej. er,
hicryweather, Cincinnati, (tone.'
N. a—la the severest Bums and Scalds it extracts
she pain Its a air reintites7itticvrr faits jai
10.1“.11•611.II VICIIISUGE.
li...Act .A
IN order to afford all possible security to the . pubhc,
at 10311 as 1.0 thcmseleal, against flown ens invo
lution from counterfeiting, the proprietors Lave mode I.
a change to the careelor wrap ror table ot twr v c,- 1
tainue. The new label, which le a steel engraving of . •
L b ! , vest exquisite design and woriowodinp, hop hr. I
introduced at. a very great expoo.c, :int M MOM MC , !!
brain of art artist of the first talent 'lle devign is new,
nod the execution elabrirma iSsvend horns and n I
portrait are most pronnincaL ten the word "Vv.., r
root.. printed sn ahltri letters . a red sod finely co-
craved gonad, should be p oracularly examined.— t
Whim Lehi onto the light the leers, attaching of the
letters and every line, however Imo ote, thronsboot the -
whole arida part of the engraving match quatoed} - l'
as it the impression had been mash apart:one side on
ly, although it is ...Malty pruned en baltAideasof the
P aper. This should laolkesees be otinerien.' A Ls-
Lel apart each down to doe prin.! in root L UIS. both
sides, and should be examined MlL te antnekaanner. i
This preparation has nowanwl the lett ref mane
years trial, .1341 is confidenslysr rect.:coded os rt P. ' I
luti ethereal ra.theillo - for edpellice,.,o[lll.s from /11.
anima. 'llie, unconmpbel veccu shut •hos. at
its orlosinisltatioo in every trot Where thc noncoms*
really atflieted with worm.. rierrtatoly rendersit We !
thT the trumnion of Overman. • • t -
Cho proprietor hai undo ,it d Mint ie tr155V,... ° .„..,- -
result of .its use in such eases OA cove, crime ---
knowledge slid observatiori=•sid he invorichlY 0 .1,
i' V:r " ne c o ' rl ' ir ' 72 . lV ' oNit7r; ' ; `,`, l ,— , ,n otat = d
mended for wouns hod loom ptcYlooly . r 1 ,- V,' ,.
Williout .4114 pennaneut nd fennel, "Ins} fact is a
ord e r testd by the erro deems and SUilk•Aatigil or b=rLm''
eecolile rietroons.ln different parts 'OF the er!!...;
try, sad &horrid indeed Coatilire along* to kwel'!..;,
of the preposation in their twisci.ioA. 111 , t ,d ..,..
open - atom, and may be adMlni....kl with Per . .
ty toe he moot do-ilea/a Infant. . ,
• The only as:mantels prepared by' • --. ~ ....,
qv:7 IL A FAIRIES }OCR. re.. l " . "'
_ r _.......--
.. • Stead! Bead' ' ~ ~,,,,.„,
OELLE.RS' COL:WI h vrtu L.: enent ‘ 5 7,,, , tr - ,„„. -- ia
t. 7 Eon., Clcr ,t.t 'Zona of Quand s's . '" —
Llhaver Cour
wi a was alliletsi arm &severe wddistrowng s ~..._
Mr. R. E. inc.}, a -ii Some time in the iri, siteLMJ
we hearing af your -ovals:table
SWAP, I r 4
abased • boatel/4m 5; T. Trimble, of p0d,v, , ,a ,„ ,
end after laktrio a portion of It two or Areltre . , L _C , ::
on going to ben, she found immediate reasf, , .
severs: (needs have been relieved in severe cared. y..f .:
eon therefore sanded that is a' tufo ad tl.
unit would recommend it to those w
be &Meted with severe Coughs oad Cold,' __,
March 23, 1941 . • %%A 1301 A ,...
Prepared ead sold by li.X.• mi5.A...__57,L0rAT
,.........,..0...<.-4,..47-Mme,,irlyipa '
I 4, 0 0 4. !