:7 1- ' . ..1' ., 1. , :;t•H'± ......•:._: , .. - ;': . L ,.. :::-'..''....'...'fi-:.' - ' ' L:IBSCELLAMMS , • BOOM: SooKli • - 1-trArcTrer PRES.,l27gratratfmßrM.t jeseniu , Hebrew LexicTowasendhiArtstokketent of the Bibloilitudefl History of the Christian Hell gitotSort Cturreh, Isaac •Trea . sise on Cetisnan UM- Mort'. 1 LiSe of Jeremiah Hurts, Lim. , Robinson's Greek H try of the Gelpel7. do FSnatelt do do, S en n' . Bi biis, Boston edition; Parish's Bible Gautterr, China and its ['tweets, Dr. Wood's Let tssseedeoborgiani,sm, R n oitts Idisslottay !she:- t i ' M riti h rurrall e r 7 n ia lcv ' or ' ' '''' .roalfr °, , oicolirtintryraif, -- i.a - e; 1 t. • Dl', AND,VICMITY; will be reedy ter t Vet 1r5.1.0 day'. Cements who may' wish to ha wowsof their country seats put on the piari coo do by Making spplicaSon to the undersigned, nr, , before tho2thisurt. !To defray, tht e . p: d nz io t tal • hos • --,.. ~.. .71 • Ijo requited !GALS p h Tlte of the ma. . nor aR H McGOWAN - ' TO TUE PVILLio. -- 1 A E : T. four yes.. ant c, I wee elftrag through the State of Ohio; w Ile spending st days in R I discovered a a Oar bletalic substance. and eabeetteently Warned at it Is . od o llez h, th= n r , o z . ft:nt,: y i' stf e a tor ' e b' 'fll7l:goar appear... I was led to irelle t v: it mialit lw sonde 11114(0,1mi Mr ' wind impose I had not the Mast 0 . 5.. .1 p.n . n, u npr:... ospexpermants by bunneg a..t!ontoßl4.tr? .. t, , _. '' ng l '' nnd ''''P''"""'"' "Y.r.,. - :.7 , and .e ....g Ira mr eel '''''''',''''' in It. in it, that 1 save up my coure time and f mull time , prommatioa of thost cape amat:grr.d...; rom : 0,‘. .. , o br o "1 l'fal'ng:T:Cdl: dyeawrsn,Yftetaly dacovered.that, by =clog it to Ant powder and oozing it with lin seed an .to about the consistency of thick plan, and', applying this componnd with a brush, Mat i hts costing in • few months would bernme a perfect stone or, slide; so that the substance when applied was amenity alido ina bqaid state, and the large amowlt of *Cies, alumina, instrusis and block oxide of iron that It con tained, rendered it both smasher sod Bee onset' to the letter tXPered, Under and more permanent It teems labour., and as toe coating MOW It Mass to ohlloi il of itself mdestroctible by far, esatteqatolly is Protean the WOOd cOicred with it from the sii, and where there L wood r, Write Iss op blaze ot v0[0,069091 Itiewsioro the wi ts actuady char, before thethite caudal; will give way. - I Mouldered the discovery of the greatest import ance, and applied to Government for a patent for my ~... .ion at di...v.1, foull y hoping that./ or now be mumntrata far all my outlay ti, time and ma tey. 'The government, without arty hesitation, gram me so roe Letters Pattot for the sole tight to mams, ate, tell end ese my en .improvemt in thernansfaci a are aft nWeather and floe Pr.( Composition or •Lati• . field filalo.” fa fueled year. • ' - Angara 14, tb4h. WM. 'BUIE , —..—.' • Wali - dic irdutbitenie of nem, be . nod We abler slinzatesilt of Mr. Mete, sod believe .be semi.- tially ea - rea, a we are hating.to roust Of the Woe menu tho, tin contoined; and weer;ll farther en., that nre do not beiherc that were neer par.., ,that I *neatly and blimeloosly earned, or morn rier.ervedly liolnted . as he plagued his experiments with toe Wall rtdomltilrlopersovirritriconnder dm most diaeounsens ' i"ng"""".. " '''''' r' ROT Long Va sae S. ,awe tiaras tat there coals C h' holP°` thf i'';'°' tiara dm substance. ills therea.rv, hod to encounter for men., the Nen old scoffs of nexrii kh.s whole commo iity. Notwithstanding all this, ho WWI swiefaugable it; the prosecution of his espnomonts, arid we Lie pre I.elleve that there loupe MSS la a theaGand War...SW Lave persevered under t o the eirenmstoneeti Bat he 1.1. WlDWSPialaphed Onto dl ohrtaeles, sad we be- LOTS time is now but ono opition in awanliug him lam merit of this valuable, discovery. 1700.W.CIANE, • 1 Justices of ua 1101LACEGIBB, JONATHAN EVEIHIARD, 5 per. I.P.Wltd C. CHATFiII 0,1 Trustees R. W. MILL, of p lea. ]ODIC, Township. wea. EvElegrr, T.,.. 'p C.-t , ALLEN HOWE, Thar:Lint. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I Lowe wicerutitmd dust them ere individatila engaged disging, grinding, rad preprang for sae, tbe above I.MMIIIeW Mineral, to bc mixed arab oil, and used pre t may 5 ISM any patented traichs. I have been to thos parsons and drown them Icy patent.' They say limy e do not 'lntend-to nfringe or mous upon are vett% that they have ai right to dig, mod, and sell the to.dcoblf they ran hurl purchaserti that they are not Lonna to snow what they are to do withit; that it is 40 infringement omit It is mixed with the oil to make tho compotoodi and that those who buy, mix sad eine bake the responsibility. !dolt of theta hay that Lary -believe that thesputenvis goal agst *one that adz and tut th e compound, and some eve.sai that hat they Wanted to use .hey should certainly parch w.. or mo, of they did not intend to mate themselves liable in my }. .Now (eel myself in duty bound to expose this barefaced (rood upou the public; ea 1 elm Con It by no milder name, where a. Men sena mud re. &elves pay for art article, the sea 115 C OC WhiChille k norm faubjette the purthrter and met to wproxen c, von and fate Seale of Mom wham copied in this nefarious traria, othrtmera, contend to the Pablie that my patent until not Mud, and that I due not prosecute. • Note, to take this argument uwayfrom air., I Went to tome of those wko wore proclaiming taxi my patent wits of no virtue, and mode the follow ing proporttiont that they ruirfhtactect ajudge aoid Iwo Aftwyers veto have hod some puce in patent cases, end we would submit the patent to them, and if they decided that the patent rats good, thatthey ahmitil atop all farther proceedings in the business but if they Ehould decide that it would not, in their opinion, hold, I would agree to IM them go on and sell Mi they could, 'without saying any tone to the public abont theme 'llls proposition they would not accede to. So far as Vie validity of my potent is concerned. I do notdo prod entirely noon my oarnjedament, although I have tie fullest confidence In it; but I have annuinted It to stray of Um Judaea. and several of the most d eminent patent lawycrtherlio have, without exception, Hooded lam In lietreptilien It was good, and would protect noe 10 my discovery. Larind the article to n line power, aidi pot it up in barrels, the which are marred: -lit-Ames Paton Han 4Xo Woaetto Pamir Ammo.. Sutra.' therefore goon notice to all ram buy and use the above mentioned mineral (or th e purpose fret forth so thy patent, except frorn no or my authoriseal agents vial I shall laid them to a strict acountability, his , stall commence IGlts at low agranit thane who thief Lifnogo upon my rtght. WM.. SLAKE. Saunas, illedinn Co, 0., Aug. 14, IS-1.1. YD"TWO TONS of the above Fire and Weather Proof Artial &ate on hands and for sole. The shove we eau a n d far we hove hero tieing it lor some 4 years, and know it to tai what it is set forth It every particular. J. d: FIILLLIPS. Am, • nort74l.llri Not Wood st STOR! F. Ii: EATON' & CO., 81e:45 - I , ,paTtlx Street, Pittsburgh, - Race now in Store their full unmusical of Glocts; Hosiery and Late Goods % DAPPED to the wants of every cinu of Merchants and Consumer , ' No fame have been 'pared in +resent the newestend most fest...chic smic tioods in Moir 14ne. Motif stock constsm u, part of the istlowingi DRESS 'TRIMMINGS. cti F VGltt n lVin t i 'l = r o n f c r cri e Tial ' p ' s r rt v aTil n ' tTrs; %TIC rod narrow and We tiobraideriug Muds; o =.l.ld7ut Y'I tin sv:J,,T= . ‘i.e,"fi d . e't‘',L&7 l , ',hire and coiomd Silk Laces; extra wide do do, vir glances; with -a full assortment or Dress Buttousi Dreads Pinked, Stamped or Panbroiricrod to order. - - - - • LACE GOODS. • Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chemlrene, lireakisst and Retiring Caps and Half ittlecires,Freneb, lVorked Collura and OMB. ui great variety;Lnee Veils, Lappets and Opera Ties; Mourning Chen:usenet, Col lars, Ca& and ii r Sleeve.; Linen Laren 1111.&, plain embroidered and hemstitched do, piaia Linea de; real thread Laces and Edgings; InL do do; Bobbin. Lisle, Lace bliunin and Cotton Edgings and Inserting, = BONNET .TRLII/MiNGS. Ridings , style !Linnet Ribbons, French Face Fl oila rg, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Saline nindyiorenees, lUasions and Tarletons, liodnet Flumes and lips. KID GLO mo VES. d fa3teniz Best mariefattnie, with m opprove gr , 'sad choicest colors. An eXtentuVe IL.Orteaent *letup, 'Oa band. HOSIERY. A great varicry of Stlk, Wool, Cntton, Merino and IS-Au/mere, for Ladles' and nlisies; 'rartso Plaids. and n tall anonment other styles fancy and plain Child. lea's time; newest styles Inf..' Boots IMO e`; Gents , Grampian, Vigonts, ItlerinO, Cotton and fan Wool !ILK Hose. GLOVES. A fall. assortment for men, women and children, Ontang Idlien are Derby Ribbed, Foloullc nod plain rEk; ribbed and plain Cashmere.; Chamois Lined Bev 111,C.O.:nem, !Irmo, Fur-tined Beaver, Lean and Imelackskin, NlCinrr ant Lien Tiles:lst and Cotton. Wil01,1::: GOODS, Snob as Ladtcs' sad Cat! , ren's Mode, Children's Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarfs and Bost, Cttlldrenls Gau en and Long Mills, Worsted Cutts, Raining Worsteds .and Woolen Tams, California! Comforts, also, fine Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Caravan Yatterni, Floss arid Entlr'g Oak, Bristol and Perin Boards, Fa' per Flower Materials, Lamp blau, Tidies, and Eas broldered Work. Also...Ladies' &IS and Mean° Vests and Drawers; Emlilloidered Sacks andFLanuels, French Worked Caps and - Waists for Infants; andtiwan , s.shron Trinandrign GENTLEMEN'S WEAR.. Pine Pio Eitalits Cravats and Collars; :Serino, Silk .Iml Conon Wrapper. mid Drawers; Sosperders, Shoulder Orates and Dressing Croatia Silk and' Linen Hdkfs; Glares !sad Mastery. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. "French patterns carved and plain Shell Back Combo s Ikuo and Ins. do; Shell Side and Long Combs; Ica. do; flinfalo, Sala and Rosewood Hair 'Rashes: Shell, !DUDS° and Eng. Rom Dressing audit= Ivory Combs; with art assortment of Nail aud Teeth Brushes. Wstberill's 'Gold Medals Perfarnery. VARIETY GOODS. 1 NeedlmPies, Tapes, Steel Bags and Parses, Bosom and Steel Goads, Berlin Wire Baskets, Parse Twist mad &swings. nne Rosewood Deski and Coat Dialog. &Cabo., Sauey Wark Baskets Cloak Cord and Teasels, Sortie',' Papienres and Ulind & trkadeTeimselap, Ladles''Stanollary, Palpli &Banner Tassel, French Cork Sales, Gptiolaterer's nieces, Silk lc Ging'in thsalnelLas, Rat Lien, ats'd miths, il'aper Titian,. & Ilallawls, kiaglise Oil Cloths, 'Unsay Bands& Webbing, Ingiatt Odors Binding, Corset and nine Ince,. CZUDiSrMtlrkW.:—Stne'd Sas nay, sr W.ne- Glinlank's Carpet Warehouse, N o. 75 rOVITIIt sr, a !trill= sspSly of Carpool, of the Intc st end moil ap peared mien, to watch we wane the wren:ion of Steamboat man, and WOW wistung to fawns& Sloane. SO eall and examine the largest /12AlItIlitin In the city, width we Will sell cheaper ibex ever before offered tt the western noo. 4. k nov=l W ItI'CLINTOCK ---- —_ _ _ Nostraillo Long Sit - awn.. . IL MURPHY reed a oopply of the above Sof the .1 quality; al.°, plain Black t Lon Shawl.; bl k Smbasine blooming 4 par-ea% Persia.. Cloth bloat Coburg., l'umettas, Cubsaeres, bloat tlo tt and Frollel laminas, Mack Cravats and Mourning ' liars, blooming Bountittb• • meek do, arid a full awonnteut of Mourning 7. Also PLAIN lILACB SILKS, • large asaortmentf ine °ding a row pieces very wad , superior. !layers a, e ted LO loot ..them, r Moth East corner of Filer hand Market Wholesale Rooms up moist, where a large se sac= at NOW Goats has lately beau received. Dli. JAYNF a ALTI L IIIATIVF— We have been Inform d by hlra. /tufo of a emri pat: formedon her by D. J yneit Alterative, arnica =lre rtreelltlt.ct.Lci Vt=t*TVlarei! with NEGROS/az or' I •••.N. I:LLlNthl, alicnded with akendiont an d en:3:+.1.... of vetionebenen,da• roastoltiebtrateman) rneet• beendaebaried Nei Ibe MAUI] bone of be cremate...front both bet arms; Wane turn hands • frum horn legtotadfront the kll femme, bone. and f •at the right. knee, beside. painful dears on inner part of her person,•whoch hoed baffled, the skill of a annab•r of the ineetetnineen Ors/tin.. of oar edy—denne • at of the tane bet soferurna hat been ezeratanag e. 4 deplorable. " About three mon th s liana she wan • COW la trY prasyne's Which has had an Icalshinaly boppy effect upon her, by remoeing all p 12 and awellingt, and emoting the liken to he morn at the sante tiote her general brAjd, has Warne eampl rely restored, to that *be nole weighs *be more than e rnd before Ihe commented the of *lonely trnloa le prepaten.—{tiat.-Eve,Aott. • For farther info oboe, leg tare of Kra Brno, No. IV3 • Fabert or, Fkal VW YU Pitta ; unbolt the PEKIN TEA ISTORE,' • . • l'- - .SLOAN'S COLUMN. - ntr '..u: the biklitylr Utreybred by W. 8. - 13L.0. 0 " Ire sold by IL IE. S IMLEE.S,.. Wood Vann; and 501114 r. scari . 1,..1,17. mpullh. . r NC .. "ATTU. ' All ally C.lti, brll6. ' 'FL ' Y l'. SC lIWA RTZ an D. bei:URRY. . ,: , ~, , ,- - . •• - - •, The Nest aski,Clisspest MDI* Iledletni iN 108 WORLD. • .. SLOAN'S OINTIIONT AND CONDITION Hare earwid e great name. Fete Purity, Atildrusv,Safe sy,inut Tisrosteltiat, SLOAN'S OINTMENI' , Exerts An d la rapidly .perscdiog el ailter Ointment. and Liniment. nava in oaa teethe, non of tee fittiontin,i di. .. , , . ew ' t Fresh wranda galls of all kinds,. aprair, hratseet erected heels, mitemern dhonei winegraJLs,. pel evil, canna, spavinsotweney, ftsmle, sitfatt, Winn* lameness, sand etack., .thanderel feet, =rattles or m olly t h e or horse distemper. • The Powder will remove all inflammation fryer molly the blood i ioosen thetskin, b ody- the water and strengthen every paw of this.bodr. and hes proved o innrereign remedy for e , following dseases: Diatenaper, bide boud, you of appetite. Invert. strain, yellow water, inflammatine eyes, Wien , from bud exercise; also,rheu madam. (commonly cal. led stiff einnplainy Willekproves No to want' cal• ethic. hems In thn downer.' It IS vile naafis ..I ter pin remedy for roughened colds- which generate or many fatal diseases. R. til.o.aN, - Granpltat., 90 Lake at, Chicago, Illinois. . . ITE PROOF. Extract from the othilenn North Western Carette't Yly the eke of Ointment and Calditiftll r..- der, 1 have entirely eared SI *fistula en my bor. and otherwise jtanthved his condition more than flan Pr reel. on the cord of the medicine And tola whico won to feeble is to be considered wn rthfens by mysen and ncighborawas restored to good health and strength by the use diets than half a packer of the 110. 4 1 ,, , and la new doing hewer than any other cowl bane_ Small Poi, May !7,le9. W.% • THE SUFFERING I hereby certify that One of my children, when 11l lied, fell into e large fire of live coals, and waabornei eaverely from head- to ft, Theltrust at mediettl aid ond attention was given to the child for four or live duy ithoot tiny ',lief—each day'ssitlfering•tveretob ad till his-groans eould be heard at a ;weal distance, at which pp period one of sny IN Van, MVO:piaci, red arid tha n tome ; bog of Woon's Oinpneut and Id less than fifteowatinates atter the applicanut of the ointment to the agmavatcd sores of the casein, thltd, The pai n eeieed entirely, and he epoedily begat to Ittovca. fily residence la in Heir township, intllian bet, eculty,imd Sweet Indium. j • TILEQUORE L. TAYLOR Chicago,Augat 2di I°4B. ' • d. t' rxtrumiumNAßY CURE. April tit Ina:.. Eour Rain', hOrth of Chicago. ton the ad to MilwaukiAl Cook vainly, 4144. .. Mr. Rloan—De. Sin (Wed.., honer hair &large .1. ram , on bin b.:ant bone, intrAdienly under We p oiler, which lamed him and rendered his aervina, or leery Rule value. I fattldnlly applied mnorni bottle. 1' L;. rtylOr's Nene and BOW, Lmiment, without the lean bederd.. - .J than procured Wilderin 'Celebrate(' pores Olowtenr;R:nd l o on 4 Wet until I Locum* ihilr aatirGed net It would never rrßece It,.- nillinnl. Ft. holly I obtainad a for of your truly . valeable. Cini ruentand in lean than GO days from We lint amino.. iron We tumor entirely disappenrcil, arid the horse woe .voll. - Yours,. FIAVARU AMISTROriII. i•pyrl.ntt OPINION. IC Flo Polo °Pluton Mum' gitterion of the ',anti of's,' article. we Loynd the tucreaulilas tG ;W.; .eta m a fen of the tawny voluntary cortateutes that fluter /..a oat colnanas respecting the rest variety o remarkable cwasnleeted by, the ore at "Sloan's Celebrated Mut moot Condtuon Powders." Thus rentatLe} no iongerxersoin annoy More 0. doalttful utility. they oar,: caned from 010 tide of ex• pertinent, and mar stand higher ho vannstion and err becoming mom extensively used thin sal ether aril' cies of the lan—Mich. City News. TUE HALF W.s NOT' /WIN TOLD. Votirtyck /two Id, Iced. Deer Stout—SlD raw. DC 14.4 Lenrer a : eet supply of your Durso Madinat... TUT aro dtalies , uticles of the kind that I lieyo everored, t‘ever key. ing been disappointed In thrlraffeet4 a, I nue been it We use of others, era:lie most calehread Oinnuente Lirthaente, Seni, urea day. I Dec yeti mateh &- We In thent,atet tbst . thoy do all Oita Pt pronal.ll, ant upon thorough triel ono Is coutremid to add, the' '-pall' has not peen told" Iterpectfully, r..PLEIT: THE DIFFERENCE. The otillnary ointment' and liniment. it Ir tong known are severe and partial in their operatkok.— Sloan's Ololntent is mild yet tenches eni removes the caw., beams it gives raid and penna...n. relief For purity, residua ...1, safety, ehrthinty, or. thoronglinitruf.Skosn's Menne hi eierP., 11114 : t^ mplilit eurperceding,all oast Ointments and I.lr....ienni noes in am. WE, CANT or: ALONG INTIHOLT IT. Dames Ginnie., 111., Wt.:A, lett. Mr. 510ar...-Sin I have tested the striae of ton: Ointment in die tare of rattlesnake hoe", sure, throat burn., and many other Stinnes, and in evert' bas• surpassed oar expectancies. iks a funny "am meat, Inave never wen its equal, atw L4r keno.? R. vial get along withron MILES M. JOHNSON. . , 4.....xcEz.tr cirmavr. lilr.Slosn—Dear Sin par a orderable lenol. of ha a I was seriously atllised 'knit tan Meamalic p sod .opt.a freely . the vaginas Ilninicati, psi": a., wallow ontatna,. any =net". Atter pour ago at at this place influenced me to try your ointment, and within two weeks flora the time I Coin meneed axing it, Pie pain eens-d, and I waseflectuelly caned, and shall recommend all who are sirmintly a. flirted with the distressing complaint,' to procure you. excellent ointment wklpiat delay Mops,' yours. OSCAR .3101 T. Princeville, Peerin co., Ntsy 1, Hart From the Bon. 11. V.'S. Thanks, Agent of the llhoots and r hlleistran Canal Pnekat Coot Company. Catcso. Juno 24, thij Do. W. B. Sloan—Dent Sir, F..: 11, loot an yeate I have land ohcasion to use nutty horst, and have used the great variety of liniments and ointments ut oss, but have never found any String mord to your Dint ment for Injuries on h•rses. Withla the Iron two months I have , utsplied your ohante nt mate EA/Lorna , (or nlid tearer), instance it has pro ved avovervign remetty., A FINGER/111'17.N ENTIRELY OPP. Two miles south of Chicarc,Sept . llilEGS Sloan—Sir:: Lie rth in.itant ism fi sua. had a fin ger Liter ehuse.y by a horse. Yir.• utei , n,. plied }our a:richt...id °dna. nt, reileyra pain iit few midutes. and prevented the Linger doe. least particle, and the woand apidly. gest'''. yours, 8. BROCKWAY. DOCTORING IN GALEN a Slo.—Dear. kicrt. About three yew-, acuk Cis! severely stunted in one of my Ice• by rho tutting m pile of wood which oecasmised uorge runr.ine utter. l Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to chic d...tn; hp. turd In vain, anal &nat. : sympathy end Improper, teca , nicatmy other leg became as bad as the one engine, I y wounded. I despaired orover being well. het le order that I might neglect no 12l en t,3/9 well, tay reach, purchased of, your agent in Gala sun, ointment-and you ran judge of my seq., up I gratitudet tie... than I tan express it, to 6nd ley el age, A. 8., Prunuipdt of the State Sonnet Sghool, Albanv, N. V. Ftunkr FrlrWrlera Fish .d Fishlog of the 11. Snarl Will ' linualt rzulLnce, id Nord. Amette, by Benxi . W.. Ilvstscrt. JOIINS'EON A. STI)CKTUN, c i nch I Lunn, Tnird and 31itzkitstn_ Th. Olden Time+ JAAIEI.I 0. LOCK-WOOD,kjonkseller and Importer, J'.‘ o. Ca Wood sticek boo fur +ale a tow copies emu piete, ,the rammed. ol the edition,/ of title valunide Ant 1. ikontled to tee Pre.crVittloll of I.euments, and OUII.I nothenor intorrounon r4lattitp, to 00 early ex. .toned the and unproventeut et the cematy stoned ihe bead of the Ohm. By Neville B. Crate, F. 01., of Pittsburgh, ILI ,t cols avo. nevi. ! 1 1/ LoCKWIX/D. . . , 11,031 J -i& LIJERTI: A Ili Wry. 0,1, a view ut the Ali Liberty ot tuber A UCicra Batons. By Bowatei 1.111011. EN I lIIIALLULGII tetth twelve ctiginvings, exe cuted at Roma. tt Vols.,ovon 0 drone wtat I'lvvel/ll s, Ilistorteol Worts. Jett published mil for sale by JAUES IX LAICKIVUOD, Bookseller and ocodu ! Importer. G 3 Wood at fIiNNY'RIiVIIILF. IN ITALY:nottiortied milli in, trll,. 75.4 MRS. FANNY KFAIBLE'S YEAR OF CUNCUI.AIIII.I.N. 'The reading of Oda book!hus impressed us wall a mach higher opinion or iu nuttier Men we Lad formed front penistng her miss virtungs, It displays &deeper tne or (000,11, muted to total , pare wonmitly c,rocc of te u e Ong than tiny other pra..t. ot Ilia femaleinit. wins in wi win we ere itenat uuted.n—Eve. Mirror. `lt is ii very tdtrecable mid soaduble book, written In lunnyklien,bleh, best slym—holik spirited mai mart+ touttic,. tVe recommend it to oar rcadera so tile best pub lc, ntigoi cf . . LILO seasolt.l—Rg add% ti ro x. -It chr..llo the !Jourattl of. travel tuugh Europe, Find residence In Italy; 111111 is one 01 the isiC,Slitrll unil most interesting book+ of the seacon. , —Cour. tool Erntutrer. °A very Oiltirfletrrirtie book. We have rend It from mix page to Colophon with imbued inter., A +I. +id pietor- of life in ROLLIE. In all resperts etuttently resdable.—KmeiCertmeter. ! For 0410 by JAMES D Lf ICKWOUD, tY! I novls DOM:Seller 2C. Importer, 03 Wood ndo Lltbographla gstabiliAment / - IF W3l. OCIIUCIIMA NN lUnI st, opposite rho k_y Post•Otbeo, PiosLorgrt*Maps, LattOsestpes, bonds, Pbroarbiltd, Lo bctd,Atohittentrol :nod Machine Itrawl:4a, itustoots nud Vitlung Cards. 6a dblin , vod nr draw u Ltd atone, and pnnted m color., Cold, Sm... or HULA, iu the most approved style, and of the molt • • oetlStly KE;; o 4 1 r}l' — ' 3"g4,l,Tcrl,:leAriDL,F2rl • IDLOUR—sU bbl. Family MOLLY, for solo by drl7 WILI/. fr. AIoCANDIAISS ,TUTIVN lIANIS+4I. ,- OLS for J try .1 der/ CANFIELD ij (111 Farr rlii/US. OF. LAINS-3 caeca eked style. lee colored M. de LO.M.,at the extremely row price of tic. per Yard. . A MALION sr. CO, dcl4 ' Go Merkel Elel4 1-9117) rit - -a dos. ounn tiona'resteks!, " battiest do. " " Pi. Apples; . 3 " . Cherries; 3 " odnosrbonieni 3 " " Tomatons; a a half nal. hoiden Pickles; 1 " quart • do. " booty " do. Reed and for nalo at the Pekin Tea Stele, 70 Fourth tenet. dad/. I) TV. F1.0U11.-13 bble mod and for ...to by de2l W4l 11.JOILVS1'ON.11 2 Second .1 triaßztt/e .t lt wra t ial.. , sl.ros l 111eirs 1 Mo. s o leatbeeboled a All of which will he eohl. wholesale or ret dem at wty ttou.e to the city. . 1c II • No 5 Wow! etrert newel Dunlbt, vs/wilt-sty:. owd7o. • de), W 11 . .411104:11 ‘A,INUOAV V 1 for setlrby SA. W 101.1111ACtili ouTrEtt-I3 1:121.17,n,t-t.l packed, lu pnadk order for for male by L 4 WATERM)N iorr—so 1.0 1/17111C bar Ernsantrtior • mac Ly .2% TAr I SEV !lar • LACK WALIIJINso iara - Forze 13 root res'd snAcitua - r 4111Irli, No 93 Wood rt Viz,a4is...e-2 eILSS:2II;4;i YI setter, extra uttruothago, reed per express , of dedo A A MASON tr:CO'S SUN D I 311:9-0 boles Colton; - sa bias N. I L ord, 14 boas Foram; 1 ricrac lo socks Wool; GdooLomb wull wool( 3 dos :Sheep 3 dos • droserd; To arrive on steamer Pert Vitt, and fur rake by del4 IriALKII DYCK UT CO Front ft issFoNti-4 bags Chstirseic fai”le ay _V . /CU WICK Sr MeCANDLIbab ILI Elt&•—•18 surf& prlale,_ for rale • 1,177 • & ii.'„Tr - ;', - . 6 4Lanro 1"6:411k9,w"""V°°4 II P 1111.1.1 es c Azyv. lib! In atura and ar i co E j.. 3.01 tor rine . . den) , & 3.14 , b 9xe - dAlrattnakiilT;;Ce.. , iei , ., fur Lu k cririprught, which nt will pleuc call lot. Ulf lII.ILTENBIXGENA No 137 Front si 1161LINGE BROKEW A. 1101.2IUMS SONS, Daaa a EZO:thaillf• Brok•vst, ' AND NtYPEat,IO:LaFTS,ACCEP TANCES,GOLD,SILVER AND BANK NO'fFs. COI.I;CCTIONS.—Dtatts, Notes and Aceeptattees• PaY ab le to any part of the I%nm:ballasted on the roost [as/noble tams. " F.XCHAN6S on New York, Philelphia and Bed tinlear; alsorCineiC2l64. S OIeI LOttli New Orleans constnialy for setie. SANK NeYll;l4.—Notes on all ialvent bank H ei nl e United Statesdisenanted at theloweat rate. nd of Forma and Gad WWI Silver Cain bought and sold. Odwe No. dd M 02C13 artet street, between 3d and at h, • • Pinsherekt, Pa. rtszuraois DILLS on. Ealiond, Ireland, and Seollold Lanbnr JI any ammult at Ilse Current Batts of EXChLII . S Also, Drafts payable In any part of the Old cloanlP from to AIM, as the Tale 01 ea to tb. Stqtql withal:Wahl.. es discount, by JOb.IIO.A.- ROsi - SON, European and Oatmeal Agent, aloe till et one - oetlOl Ont.ge3to ....._ _......_... _ 3.itailitif — Tharl — r3sounit ICELMIL72II. i ELATIBIA .__.__. ANXE4I§ AND EXCHANGE HR0XE55 , .......T X/3 in Forewn .od Domestic Buis of EsensnS , .-nr. , tificates of Deposits, Sant Notes sod Con, sornee_ni 31 and Wood meets, directly opposite St. antics Ho tel._ . es . rse.dlY .r!rated MDl3 - • U" indlitaaSanla blmoa, Bank NoUir, ,orehas:d It dm lowest oaks, by N. 11OLME1 a SONS, sepl3 - blaster street. 17 New New York, Philadelphia. and Settimors, Connantly for tea by N. 1-10 4 111. & SONS. ..013 Masker n. MISCELI NEOU;S. De.lnoss Oared. From she New York 'Tribune. • A 1: 2 11 , 1:•; . hi p D o , e vvre 1 7 0 3 . 1 I n s i nr e l3 , 7l . inh le t , awes:ha gratitude,.3 u ' v ' tn " any, that 0e l ' alV4en " ca o ce n d " o ' t VriL., deafness, hy the Inca .333earpa'aColopow3 31 Athooatle MO a Philatinilatin medicinerot for erne In ibis city, but which be think. [might to he. or the 7.4 of We allbeted. tie has a antler who hat aiso 13000 eared by h. Ile urgently, advises all who 333 e slid - eric th a inna deafness, to ten this remedy, with an assaranCc at, unless the cue be extraordinary; .1131 experitueut willprone nbuntlantly aneeewful. For sale at THE PEKIN TEA FTORF, 70 Furth et, Pittsburgh Coml.! Combs! ;-)n °Ross imp, Voted; l 0 do do very Loeb" seed Redding; 12 ." super English Ham fleddleg; • rocket Coml.; fAM Weed 1020 dov niv'd Fine lvOr au " Shell Side Comb e r Kuper lenge Haßillo; of grove aged Side Combm tee'd and for se by Ides C YEARS:II,MS hldike a t l et Buff llollandl Muff Holland! TAKC . iIiOTICE—That W. McClintock lam this day removed ...nal cases of the finest nod best Butt Winnow lioll.d, to whicu he would most respectfully call the noeution of his customers and the public to LO — C.M.t W... P00r... 73 Fourth it. Guitars. A FEW i:lade ry roru ve fine GUITARS, just reed (tern yd mfactory of C. F. Martin, toad fo 1.10 et jooß S R. MELLOR, SI Wood at. Boole Just Reeetved TiTILE Complete Works of John Bruayan; 2 trots, 6., le I vol, Illustrated; marlin an d gal .4 6 .. glue - hell , . Uibheal and Sabbath School Geography row •ork; Pao!, Mao. Tawn'r Anarrvis and trpelez. lac .1 John Q. Adv.; by Wm. 11. Seward; I v, `me; mu the Poems by r•Trs. P.n.s; 1 vol,l..,'musltre gib. Sou;Ws assmorto—Sermons preached upon several casinos. by Robert Sot., D. D.; Anew edition; Mt; melodies Petaluma. boo .DisiCollfees `Same o gle. M sheep, extra; . For sole by It. 110PKIDIS, 1.21 Apollo Duildmss, Fourth at. AULE FOCE,R na W 10.10.03 a. W. O. PPMa rf undoreigned, saccomon to Arthur!, ' J. tun, beg leave to inform the enizenu of Piitcburgh and public generally, that they have rebuilt the KA HLE PoUN DRY mad are bow in fall operoticn. end have punof their patterns ready for them arket:— Analog. which are Cooking :Hoy., Coal and Wood Stoves, with a uplendid air-tight Coal Stove, wide/L.ls w Haw-reeding m other cities the common round Stove. Aim, n cheap coal Cooking Suave, well adap ted for smolt fain:llea with a full assortment of egret o a td mantel Grates We would pariicularty to vim the attoution of persons building to call at toe ....ebony. beforepurchasing, and examine a eplendid article of eumnatelled Gratca, (unshod in fuse style— eitUrcly new in this market. Warehouse. N 0.161 Llborry et, opposite Wood st aintahrdti NICHOLSON kr. PAVNI , , . PITTBLIIIIIGEL IMPORTATIONS. (ry a YEAGER, Importer and Wholeeale Dealer to Va g FANCY AI)N VARIETY GOODS! Sign oi the Gilt Comb, 103 Market et, sburgh, Pn. We3trril Merehtlats Pedlar', and others SUMO Pius;mist , putraac ' Goods, are respectfally invimd to it and examine the eirellinlin aSsorl.Meat of Eng hsh, /*Mello., French and German Fancy Goats. All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, andp rcahasem may rely on get ting goads from first hands. 1 have the largest assort ent 01 rtrlielen, In We candy line, in the city of ataPborgli—all of which wil l besold law (sr cask or ally accoplanerl. The Stock consists, in part, of Lace Goods, llama, Gloves, Ribbon bilk Cret.u., Sh“ and Patent Et re ade; Sewing Silk, spool 0011011, Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Fine, :ace • en and Cutlery. d Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of es, Combs and Ravers. cusition Caps, Revolver., Pistols. Clocks, Silk A sin Purses, eyectaelea, Stool Pens, Music Bores, tepee Rags ad Baskets. Bindings, Findings and Trimmings. Toys and Fancy Goode; together with a lash-vette ty of Fancy ad S taple DRS GOODS. C. YEAGER S to oleo agent for the celebrated Lan• ester Goethe. noel? Groat English Remedy C The •F •STA: . .\T 87 tztr',SPITL - ,;`,T,„'tg of oh. shove discover , is the IIUiIiCARIAN BALS4 LIFE, discovered by the celebrated /sr. Buchan, 01 London. England, and introduced into the United Suites node the Immedisit sUpetintendenc e of the inventor. Tim extraordinary facer. of this medicine th. care of Pulmonary thwarts, 1111111103 the /kinetic. Agent in wile/nag for treatment the worst possible ca. re s lot eon be found in tho community—cases that seek lief on vain foam any:of the common reit:edits of the lay, aid have been sawn up by the most ihstingnithed phytumaits ins confirmed and incernhlu. The ilunguii. sit Ittaitimhse cored, nod will cure, the mesa of Cored. It to no quack nOrtillllh but a standard Eng. lienmedicine, of known and established eittcaey. Every family 0111i0 Boiled States should be eupptiee with Buchan's Ituttgluiati Balsam of Lire, not only to counteract the comas:motive t o of the climate, be. to he 001 011 preventive medicine in all eases ot cold., coughs, opining of blood, pain to the stile nod chest, letitsuon and . soreness of the lungs, bre/duds,' di/Beatty of brenting, hectic Over, night vacate, mac. lakel nod general debility, asthma, intitteasa,woooltin/ tough an troop, Sold 'tillage Loules, at 511 per Louie, with fall direr bons tot th e restarrition of health. Pamphlets, couthining a maw of English and Amer. can certilicates, and other evidence, thawing the 110. equated tactile of this great Engllth Remedy, may he °loomed of the Agents. gratuluansly. For sale by II A FAIINI=OCE: b. Co!, earner o et and Wood and Wood and Gth 4 , • VENIETIA.N BLINDS. g r. rea m te:rn . o d n b4s e t m vnr: n tr v e r la , ro d trallti m l r b , is . eity nod most fashionable Eastern potter. md colors.. AP THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSPON BLIND, on br —ride to- •-• of ell sltcooad at &Hoton. . • toade to order of au, Country . Merchants and others are invited to call and examine the above for themselves, as all will bo sold wholesale or resul t and a liberal &Auction mods Is wholesale p orchestra. TUE STAR OF Title. WEST . 140. • virirruiri BLIIIDALOWFAITTORY Eon aide of the Diamond, where Vernon. Blinds of all dm different ghee and coin not kept on hand or made to order atte the latest andmost approved &atm rash iods, az the shorten notice nod an Can most reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Easton roll or split Blind Transpa. reney and Paper Curtains elan the different then and patterns, on hand itrA for sale low for cash. Old Veal. uan Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in part payment for env It Id WMTERVELT, Pro'pr. N. arms done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most la.. i Mons. . angldMp Allegheny mty, Aug. 10, Md. SIAX.IIS' 131PERIAL CORGI/ SYRUP—Taxan'. 0 IV arm!. Lug lrt Pressor/mil, March 97,1547. Mr. R. E..Sellera—lti justice to you and your lacuna parnble Cough Syron, / beg leave to sate, for the ben efit of the continually that my wife has been Voromi e.t times nalicted' .a a must thatreming tough. 1 par- Chased, to January last, tt bottle of your Syrup, which cured a conga of two niontbrd standing. About out ..iolb diver, the ettnh returned, and was ro wvero that ..fie.tonld hurdly move. from went." in tie Moo.; Vann (or one bottle of yner Cough Syrup,. 1 it part of one Louie curd the cough I govetan tr 4 n journeyman who woo revcrety offhand, who hod, to tow his own words, ennuch cough candy to turn all 9.e people in Starbusgh," af the candy mid heen a. good es represented. Worn, rmpeetfully, Stifle D. bum.. Prepmed and sold Cl R. 01 Wfldti Street, aid sold by Druggists generally it s the two