The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 01, 1850, Image 2
- - TAE rITIBBIPGH GAZETTE. alil;contian pnltmg piTTbuunau. FRIDAY MORNIbiG, MARCH 1..1850 re irrAvostracts are earnesny requested to nand IS nets Cavort before sr. K., and as nue) tbo dusts p makable. 'Advertisements not matted for a sa. ed time sell lova:inlay be abused unul ore, red out Cerscrinari—C.'W. Junes, No. rieurson strut, aio.ll, au agent lot tho • < ity. sue errisernee • earl ootoriptiono hauled W him VCRs receive p romp ane--18113.. PHILADELjPIIIA NORTH ATIICRICA I I' lavertiscmciats Kaditutnenpunne to the Nonll Amer an and United States Philadelphia, received ad forwarded from %OW aka. FLEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL :RAY rEa. TF.LEORAPIOC NEW • Whig Neste Central Contra Klee. ErThe members pi the Will Suite Central Cols- Mittae are requested to awl:Hite t Harrisburg, on the IT ho( Much Pusernal ndmee ir earnerily requested. inst. H. Chairman. Om. H. Harr, In our antele, yesterday, in reply to the M ae nmerication In the Seem/ and Ras, signed " Phi the composnor made ye my, in on plate, than Mr. Curtin" did nee the miliuuy pow ler," &c. We wrote," did ron use." The North Amman most indignantly and just )7 rebukes the craven epint of the resolutions pared at the Locolocc; Convention in Philadeli• phis, on Friday last. Nothing could be better cal• culated to encourage the Southern disUnieniets than the parsagin,of such thorough doUgh-foced anlintiom. gr. Bunke:tan keg ago declared the Democratic pains of the North to be the natural sfly of slavery, and he is proving it now. secured the Locofoco nomination fir the Presiden eh as seems not unlikely, he will be known as th • tough-foced candidate! Toe Danger. SOme days since the Nation:l.i leteiligeacer pub lished *communication which attacked that Item was a thorough preparation fur disunion, on the put of those southern men who entertain this trea sonable project—o draft of a constitution was pre., pared, and all the plane warned for an emergency which they were endeavoring to promote. We have not the te le ast en ha doubtve tha staked their , t this is the cute. These despera m lei/taking, political sdvancemeut, historical fame, sad every thing dear to a true patriot, on the mic ewe of their mad project. They have gone too fa, already, to recede, without a loan of character. They will ever be looked open tut traitors to Coun try and to true liberty, _whether they recede or not, and their treasonable speeches and acts will ilreTer cause their memory to be held in otter ex. iteration. We are not surprised, then, to hear ; that they persist in their folly, and prepare, with desperation, to rush upon their terrible fate. The following extract from a private letter to the editor of the New York Tribune, thew. that the correspondent of the Intelligences is Got alone possessed of startling information on this subject 'Wesariscrroa, February 24, 1820. • • • •lt to understood here that thirty four members trom the slave States have signed an agreement to persevere in staving off all transom non of business, in the House. emit the slavery q *elation shall be settled to their liking, by calling tie yeas and nays, moving adjournment., calls of the Haase, dee., den., whenever there shall be an effort to do any thing. The northern members ale c rgibuing plans to baffle such minimisers, and 010 proposition considered to that of adjoriening . and having a Special Session called, at the begin' sing of which such new rules may be adopted as are adapted to the aces state of things. " is alarmed and confident that Mood trill a, vat on Ns floor of the House before the Session closes. He says he known many members who g s to the Home armed every clay in anucipation of a general fight. W— is confident that die onion Is now inevitable. He knows intimately nearly all the Southern members, is familiar with their views, and sees the letters that reach them from their constituents. lie gays the most nitro tee well butted ity by eilsoces Irmo home. What toe end is to be we cannot nusgice." • This is gloomy ecough, bat we nee opt at all alarmed. An effort may be mode, but it will moat decidedly, end overwhelm the traitor, with lain. Gen. Taylor, although a southern man, is devotedly attached to the Union, and will eine getically use the tremendous power placed in his j hands, as President, for its preservation. Another private letter to the New York Tolonne, does no ;sore than jetaLce is its exhibition of his unshaken s esolutiani WASUENtrrOS, Saturday, Feb. 23, r. 15. • •• • "The President is very firm, gri so ddle • tkruthern Members we in full possession of h. .xteigra A committee of them !notated in an ir • iervlew with bite, if be had expressed hinkel ready to maintain that Union et nay eced. He re i plied that he had—that he should bloakside every Southern port in ease of en armed sea:stance to ! Ihe collection of the customs—that he .should mil I tote:pose the regular Army, but should call f ir volunteers from the Northern and Western States, putting himself at their head, and should pour mit • ids blood [(needed, in detenee of the Ultimo. He s coefident that W= People of the Southern Motes would themselveanut down any attempt to break forcibly,out of the Union.. When , toldthat the Southern members would, In a certain cons t instancy, secede and go home, he quietly remark s d that there would be ceourte more goad Men ready to come in their places." The traitors have other causes of discourage. meat, besides the meolution of the President. Maryland and Virginia base refused to send deter ' 'pates to the Southern Convention, and Kentucky sands firmly by the Union.. Bat the molt tits. :martening circumstance of all for the dimmioniats Xs the proud position taken by Tennessee, which most forever endear that gannet State to every friend of the et:rotary. - Nashville M appointed as the seat of the traitor's convention, bat the gallant Tennesseesns repel the Invitation to unite in its proceedings, with proud and withering scorn. The fifilhovring.resolutionz, among others, pass ed tho Senate et Tennessee; towards the close eil the late Session of the Legislature : Resolved, That as "it is Understood that the peas ple of the Western part ol Caifornia hav ee formed plan of a state government, l and i son sub mit the game to the judgment of Congress, and • apply far admission an a State, if the proposed coastitation shall, when submitted to Congress, he Pound to be In compliance with the requisitions of • a the Constitution el the IJulted Statea,” ehe should 4 be admitted as one of the States of the Union, with suitable hen darn, Resolved, Th it a is n , p e rt of our delegat e d trusts, as merntrere of. th. General Assembly, 16 aid in organising a Southern Cthvention, or any ether Convention of the people; and that, If such Convention be desired by the people, it belongs to . ' teem, is their primary assemblies, to select the delegates, and not to this General Assembly onto the Governor of the Stale. Very sound doctrine, this. The other branch el the Tennessee Legielatme, just before adjourn ment, adopted the following resolutlons,by a vote almost unanimous Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the chief source of happiness and prosperity of the people of the United Suttee, both as individuals and ae a nation, has been con.' fared by and through the Uoioa of the States aad the adoption of one sacred umstitution--the edop ' tion of which was effected by the compromise. and COUCCSIiO23 of our patriotic sires, both of the '•-• ?North and South. And, 'SA Itemised farther, That the continuation of that lit ininess and prosperity, end even liberty itself, - a s 3vtajlaiur. perpetuity o f r. 01, l i g: 6 " c u u s: of Ifire*prin our own beloved land will not confine Us effector c;ders of the home of Washing. ton, but wo nil the death knell of liberal go sernment e ery part of the civilised world. Revolved further, That the patriotic pimple of the State of Tennessee, deprecating the sad ef. {seta of • disunion *.cllll States, to themselves, to their children, 3.6.loAke:lworld; end also feel. km • sacred regard to the cry end services of their revolutionary lathers, will stand by nod atifindthe Union, "at all Amitsile, and re rho lan "We are glad," says the Nanpunwmin en, peak. - log of the Southern Conventionnallmlll,fari Ten name has impair nor lot in titts.atattet Pike has refaced, by her legislature, ID feeCIMPIF it nod . wisely, tier, and it is for the people • herd to fawn upon it oh it deserves. In the purl:V n. (vowed.., Wits projectors she can have no tio Her State capital, it is true, may he de • COy. men who, under the ieduence of mieekea zeal, or. .11/01110, parricidal wishes to blot out the Natimal existence. may come here: but she, we mama doubt, will, in all possible ways, enter her solemn protest against the whole movement: and we envy oat the ftiturepf those who, forgetting the devee non of the great men whore lest resting place is beneath her mod, shall he found enumaing with those wile would rend in pieces the glorious flag tinder whieh:hifrpataiotie dead mined the laurels which now oldster shoat their tombs" Cicazu on Tne hlncomirri.—The cholera broke out on hoard the steamer Moe, during bat last trip (row Nes Orleans to Camden• When , she reached Hearne, eight at the passengers had Abed; of these who landed thcre,..thirteen have dace died. • . Goon senate YLAI3 urx.—g Washington letter Write' ',under date einem:lay, tapr—ult is agree. • • '- oble to F name the . popular interest toward Mr, Chap. - When he took the door this morniog to peasant hls petitions, there were several valet* S. gong the people in the galleries to recognize D . —olloes hi& Clay." .Thars old harry of the ii._ . gigeK49s/-Pr tW .....iFt:."... Q .. , - Labezdatts' Eirteesited Printweetwoo. The planning Post, ..lkirtest crane," what -q7 fomenting strikes, aid everlastingly about the gimpy of capital, and the low price of labor,' is at the same :time otriving with 'all the influence it can exert over a corrupt politi cal party, to put it out of the power of the mann , factures to give high wages. It is continually op posing a tariff which will protect home industry, sad enable the manufactures to give fine wages, and then berates the capitalists as avaricious and tyranical, because they cannot keep up the prices of labor to a Protective Tariff standard. Wes' . ever greater injustice, folly,' and mendacity ex hibited i Is any better evidence warded to show the (be Putobergk lifoarnig Post is no enemy to American Mumfacturce, - and the true prosperity of American workmen I To show that American Manufactures cannot :Compete with tareign, without ether a great re duction of wages, or a Protective Tariff, we make the rillowing tinotations from an article on the' subject, by the editor of the New York . Tributie: 'ldr..l. S. Young., of Portsmouth, N. IL, who went to Europe in 1645 **the agent of the Ports- mouth Steam Factory, an eaterpries originated 1 under the impolite of the Tariff of 1112, for the fabricatiou of flue COttene, but since prostrated by the Tender 1840, hoe tossed an Address to Con glass on the subject of Protection, in which the question is practically and tormbly elucidated. It shows wherein end why the finer fabrics cannot be produced without lose under our present sys tem. The average earnings of the ployed in the Linen facries of retreat, Ireland, to are 111 44 per week; in. the Cotton Mills of Scot land, Si 80-, in the .Wooleo mills of Leeds, Eng lend, S 2 16 per week; in the two largest and moot expensi. Cotton mill, of British Manchestm, 62 66. But the wages paid•tnithe Laymmee blan- 1 doctoring Compass of kuveil for a quarter 01 lee year, amounted to $B l ,633 far op og;:fregitte 01l weeks' work, equal to St 03 per week. (The workers board themselves in etch case.) Thin is believed to be below-the average earniuge of all the Free labor employed in American fac tories, yet it is one third higher than the highest average paid la aldrittah factory, and considers. bly more than double the wrens. wages of Brit 11sh factory labor. --r \la Meals, the contrast is atoll greater. The \aavned"wgeojeareralisveryof th ne e 4ti me o ri rg a r a „ . e l Tl n p m er 'i ra7 sad wits higher under the lotloence of the Tend itof laccouot642. Du of the Fricioauthor,* y's `qt.:malt of the miner," in its tear of obeerontion 'through Me mines and metal works of Eoglaod 'gives ra cents as the highest Nyaptt paid to the beet workmen in mines or smelting llarilacea, 38 i cents per Inv 1544 Dance per annum) . !he 5.... ace aragetl'orthe Sauer class of magma is three large localifica, with 26 cents no the eyeless , earn , ngs of the common and more numerous clam, et I workmen. The average cannot exceed 91 coats per flay, or about one third the earnings of Amer- 1 teen Iron workers. • • f , 11 , r , 0 0 * • 1 That Free Trade and American rates of Wages, are incompatible. it would. ilardy Stern to need no argument to prove, any mare then to argue to a 1 goner at Niagara Falls that Lake Erie lies igher' than Lake Ontario. . Whoever argues thn h t the pit:ear/I American limn, fa example, to too high, implies that Iron makers are paid too high wages —for the price of Iron and the weir. of Don ma-' ken must and do conform the one to the other.—'l Let doges rise too high (or Iron to let so iow. 4 which is toe same thing) and the productions must' step; let Iron bring a price which would justify Maher Wages to the producers, and mom capital and talent will be attracted to Iron working, new 1 ore bed* opened, new foredo and furnaces con. atrneed, Sliming away the beet workmen trom 1 the old works by the proffer of better positions I and larger earnings, until an equilibrium is mato red between the production and the market prior, by a large increase of the product, oatmeal:is the demand. - True, all this will not be elected in a day, and meantime the men engaged in the bunt. near have an advantage and reap a large benefit; but let the laws be but steady and the Protection I against the importntion of foreign Iron, produced 1 underpaid Labor, certain and efficient and the home production will be so extended and int... ad, under the stimulius of the enhanced price,lhat veantof cheapneas nod very moderate profits will inevitably coerced months of high prices and forge profit*. Stich is e well known Illa , of Trade, in view of which a combination of Iron Masters t, enhance price. nod increase their owo profits be couse of a Protective Darr would Ist just as sh ard and ottile ass combination of Farmers to sell their Indian Corn (of Welch there is none imported) at four or five denim per bushel. When edvocateo of Free Trade therefore, talk flippantly of Protec tion es Monop oly, and is calculated to bnild op a class atthe ripen. of the whole, they maifest nth. cr gross rt e ignorance cr • willingness to pro fit by the ignorance of others. -- - PaMare. of the Messrs. Ellicott. We leant, from the Howard Gazette, that in consegnence of the depre,aid c.militlortief the iron trade, the well known firm of Ellicott Si Bro., at Eskridge Landing, he, failed, and a taro num ber of workmen thrown out of employment. The erect& this failure is represented to be moot dui• narrate, as the furnaces niforded a market for the surplus of produce of the surrounding country. They were also consirably in arrest to Iho worloiten fiw wasea—Bdeolt. San. Here In another evidence of the remises effe of the' Brithb Lrooforo Tariff of '46, upon She menufactaring and industrial pursuits of the country. . Hot only are the proprietors ruined, having last • capital, probably the earings of form er years, end the workmen thrown out of em ployment, but the agricultural interest suffers al. so—s market for their surplus produce is lost' The shove WWl] also shows the stern nee.. sity oar iron manufacturers are under, of adopt ing a vigorous retrenchment to enable them to hold out egainst the depressing effects of a large importation of foreign iron. It is impossible for them to give as highweges under the;twiffof '46, as under that of '42. They have held out four years, under great disconragements, while, the Mills at the gisthave nearly all suspended, and nos: they only sst s slight redaction in the price of that labor which I. paid for the mos... liberally, to enable them still to go on safely, and compete with the foreign production. With this reduc tion, through - the, great advantages of position over the Eudora Mills, they csu proceed. and thus he the means' of vast benefit to all the Inter eats of the city, so well as to the workmen. We appeal to the good sense of the workmen, and .k them to weeder whether they think it reasonable to suppose that our iron man can 'give as 'high wages under • tariff which invites such large importations, as the tariff of '46 does, es on. der one which gave the American market to the American manufacturer! Can as high wages be afforded when the market is stocked with a fors Mgt article, and the prioe has fallen from Xtto .7S/ per cent, as under a reversed state of effairs! And, farther, we ask the workmen whether this Pittsburgh /Morning Port, notwithstanding all lie profawions to the contrary, caa be the true friend of the working .6120, when it industrioualy and pertinaciously advocates a policy which produces iii the evils under which they tabor! Tao RICHMOND Carsaarnots—Leyrng of Ms Career Stonc—The Richmond papers come to ne wiih detailed accounts of the ceremonies attend-• ing the layieg of the corner stone of the Waah ington Monnment, on Friday last, and of the hoo ois extended on the occasion to president Taylor, as the finest of the city. The pageant was more brilliant than hid ever before been seen in that city, and the precession required thirty Rd:lutes posing n given point. The Military, the Ma sons, the Odd Fellow., the Firemen, and the various societies of the city, were all out in gr.. l tome. Th. Rapiblican thus alludes to the Pr. dent ,"Next lbo Present, Es-President Tyler, and Govern°,Mowed Floyd, se id ated In an open be. Touche. drawn by four splendid looking horse.— The carriage was surrounded in his progrese, by crowd. of persona, cheering, and huesaing; many of whom, as opportunity offered, would run up and shake hand. with 'Old Zack.' The Indict wand their hadkerchiofs with much enthutiwina, and the •Old General,' was kept busily engaged in reepooding to the salutation with which he was greeted on all sides. His cheerful and ensiling countenance beaming with good nature indicated that his heart was gladdened with the cordiality of his reception." A dna collation was given after the sere. =Mita. were over, at - which the President re. encoded to • sentiment drank on the occasion. The oration was. delivered by Brand Ideate Robert Scott. Gov. Floyd also pronounced .Leautiful and imprenive address.' In the evening, brilliant tire works - red in Capital equate, and at night a good ohic ball was given at the Union Hotel, at whrehl President was also preeeht• ThWtti i rieutts Republican, of the 10th instant, states that di'Atintlee and 'laymen de Montesquieu were broughtlizenrrt on that day, and entered a plea of "not itutiltY"of the murder of Therein K. Barndin; and Albert Jones, on the night of the of October last. The prim:mere were then remanded to jail to await their trial, whlch,the Republican says, will probably not take place na -1 la the March term of the Court. Paulo= Tciarr.—The following tout was dralk at a sapper given to the United Ameri cans, from Boson, at New York, on Pedsy last: . Tho Ocura—One and indissoloUs.—May the execration of all mankind, and of all posterity, hr• ever rest upon the head of the Mator who dares to lay violent hen& upon the political ark °roar beloved country, the land of Washington. the morning star of freedom, the only. hope of liberty throughout tbe PROM WASHINGTON Curerpcmd.ce of the aucuu %%mama - mi., Feb. The Wheeling Bridge Case -Argunient• of 'Messrs.Darragh d. gianteh-.Prores- Willy ors Decision to favor of Penn •ylvasia.-Alleged division• in the Cabinet..oThe Treaty—Mr. Web• This morning the ease of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, against the Wheeling and Belmont . Bridge Company, wee taken op for argument. — The counsel on the part 01 the Commonwealth, were Hon. Cornelius Darragh, Attorney Gceeral, Hon. B. I. Walker, and E. M. Stanton, EN., of Pittsburgh, lion. A. H. Stuart, of Staunton, Vs., , end Hon. B. Johnson, Attorney General ot the United Staten, appeared for the Company. Toe irepornmceof thin great case, n6t only to the par ties litigant, but to the whole country, and the high reputation of the counsel employed, imptrted an interest to the discussion greater than hos st tsched to any other cane tried Mid terns. During the ivhole period of the argument to dsy, the Cones Room was dandy crowded, and among the audience were not a few ladles. The case had evidently been prepared with great care and caution on both glee. The argu ment wea opened by Mr. Darragh, for the Com monwealth, who gave a clear and Weld mete• moot of the Cretan; showing with precision the in terest the State had in 1!. Mr. Dsrrogh rend to the Court the mob trualle of the c:stenee given in the Courts 1.1,r, and stated, s,) far wield 1. , d3 without i,.1i1.11 , g LIV4II the parts iist,.saed to his associate,, the (..vt4t, hf isw en which t he plaintif f rented. Mr. Darrah wn iolloar.d by Mr. qtalooll, tato went s',7 Folly Into at, PAM argoborab Mr. tuldrcat tq collutieb on it .1 h4na!s to irgureent el eras! paver. lie Was tented to throuobolo, wuh imd tmetag nit-twice the Court, and the legal portion of the awl, roe apenk of the MIMI, as OUT winch the great.. 1' e..e. counsellors of the Cour. might Imre been proud. Safar i the interests of ?coney ivenia Lave been auswitied with equal azat sad ability by both the distinguished Counsel who have spoken. I regret that, through a :moist° ne to the hour if commencing the argument, which war eleven, nsteud of twelve la the morning, I did out arriv e Illtilnear the close of Mr. Darrtgli'e opening rid dtev to the Court, bat of Mr. eartutun's speech, t toot pretty fall Doter, and may CelMMUMettla a ay Dopers in my next letter. The opinion of some good lawyers, ,with whom I hove con.ersed, is, that the Wheeling Bridge will be declared • nuisance, and as such abated by the decree of this Court. Mr. Smart opened the case for the Bridge Com pany. The greater portion of his argini... t toyed tipoa the richt of the State of Pen nay' Vac. to'be• come a plantain this action, 00 000100401 g that she wart not properly • party. Ho was certainly very ingeniur, if not convincing. To morrow siri; alien hear Mr. Walker and Mr. Joliaison. There was another petition presented in th, House to any, proyin; the peaceable dissoluticr the Union. Tao a:testae of reception ire , the petition was denied admiration rotes being found in favor of receiving s from Ptlllifrkre, denied, by what must be considered :liable authority, that there have been any as at all in the Cabinet upon the negptias 'relative to NicaraguK This is a gratifying stmetnelit for those numerous friaTas the ability and pIIVIOVIIM of Mr. Clayton, legether with the delicacy and sensitiveoesn which aro known to form a part of his public character. In reference, however, to the new story of a treaty, Whila I am not MapOsed to Le dogmatic in a case iu which lam n particalariy informed, I am yet of opinion that no treaty has been made, Mr. Webster is preparing hirotell for a area speech on the Slavery qu-stion. It 11 surmised that he will propose eome concessions to the South, but that he will main on the prompt admit. Bir- The personal correspondence between CoL ell, of rlinois, and Jeff. Dials, Col. of the M Issio• sippians et Baena Vista, io enll ia_procresa The 'Mississippi Colonel took offence at tho exceeding- Iv emphatic manner In which Col. B. stripped Denis of same of the brilliant plumage in which his adulators have clothed him an acrount of ha Road luck and good conduct at Buena Vista. Col. Davis and hia hfialissippians, no doubt did their whole ditty, and that gallantly—bot Col. ,Bissell was right in tearing from him the laurels that he has warn for three years, though earned by north. ' ern troops, and crammint the Inaolent detraction of northern courage, with stern vehemence, down the Oros! of the last person who made it. Whoa Davls'o noti.rupiiringexplanatiool, tette, Cu!. B sent' him • copy of his speech, and added that if anything further were required Gen. Shields might be consulted. Styllll. PROM HARRIS' , H CorresponJenee of the rillehateh 001ette. Flaitaispoicau, Feb. 2.5, 1550. This was petition day in the House; and et course nothing of general interest was done. D. McClintock read a bill in place for the . :o• corporation of the Printers' AellOciallOO of Phut, delph:a , the Senate, several private bills wore taken up and finally passed; none, however, in which your readers are particularly interested. The motion of Mr. Streeter, made on Saturday last, to rewnelder the vote on the queeton as to the erection of the new County of Monongahela again coma up, and Ito motion to re.consider was adopted, 17 to 13. , Mr. Lawrence then moved to postpone the for. they considerahon of the 'enact- far the present, v ,, upon the ground that the question had been forced to a vote when the Senate as not fall, and seve ral members who were kno n to be in favor of the bill were not present. e desired to have a fall Senate whet, the quest) should be again to. ken up. The motion to prtstpone was strenuously empti— ed by Mr. Deride. He thought the Senate was as well prepared for the question now asshey ev er would be; end ho desired to beets - the matter settled. It wee a question In which the interests and feelings of his cortatiteents were deeply in volved. And he desired Mil - they shored no longer be agitated in regard to this question. He hoped that the Senate would not agree to nostPotle, hut that It would pot the &object et rest, at least for the present session, lay a vote not insa'decided than that by which they had dimposed or it a few days ago. Tho question on the postponement was then taken, and resulted in the glaciallye. I do not think that the vote upon thew prelim,. nary questions to any indication of the future no- tion of the Senate upon this bill. The meausure will certainly ba as signally defeated upon the 'mind trial as it wee upon the fire. Tat Wain. or Frotaxes.—That rearnstreases an• c toiloresses, in all our tercet cities, are inadequately l s .a paid, has long been known to the becevolent.— ' i Bet that the prices r eci red by these female opera mires were en miss, Me on they really are, few, we suspect, have elicved. The Philadelphia Bulletin of Saturday contains an appeal to the I public from a coral:titre appointed at a Wrteling of the" ecamsircases of that city, to aid them in establishing a ready made clothing emporium of their own, so that they may sell their own work, and receive all the profits accruing tram their own labor. We extract the fallowing facts from their appeal, and doubt not but that they are equally applicable to female labor in this city t A great many of ns are Amerman widows, with feelings that will not allow no to become a public chanot—but what can we do ! We Cannot alarlte in this oar nouns land—nor can we live and, lite Open Oltrt. Wn ere aide/101 1 MA and willing to Werk, but pact ar ars remnant ger winsigh 'tampion bfr. If we c ruet become beggars, we would be- COMO so in a body, and entreat our whole commu nity to make one effort for ua. and if this is sue caw fel, we aball be able to take cared ourselves Our industry will become lin dueuve, and thou , sands yet unborn, will derive benefit from it. We would commence our eaterprise prudently and on , 1 a small scale. Our object is to lam ourselves in ' to en Association—LO open a shop, and to become our own employers . but we are too poor, without assistance, to take employers; first step. To show the oppression under which we have groaned. ee ePOtemich which ffibles heavier eve ry year, wo aubiefu a lister theofirices actually tee ceivod—an w d, whoichchang under the present spates we have no power te. Thick, heavy men's satinet mats, each 371 to 75 rte.; heavy blanket coats, 50 to 621 eta; coaxes flushing coats, 374 to 50 rd !men ick coate 25 warp s a ; pants, extra 101 l mmed, ouble milled - ,,,, a ,,,,, , 5, 3/1 to LO dui pants, summer, 10 to 15 c u.; plan, satinet, full trimmed, 15 to 25 cis.; eau., all Linda, 15 to 50 CIL' shirts and drawer', ((Israel) 5 to 124 eta; shirts :linen and muslin, 16 to r 0 eta. Intuany cases, the trininalogs furnirbeil ate In. sufficient to make up the garment, and have to be Intimated by the tailoterweathemselves. wan any woman find breed for hen children at such rims?. PeassaylsosstaLegitslotoore•l The 111.24 of Dough. Houossuron, Feb. 22, IMO. The greet Becbanan Meetin g in favor of the Ed. F 1 Pewit—The Senate onte nissd et yo A . H.— tenaloa of Slavery, held at Philsdelp h' le, on 'd in ay The resolutions relative to the integrity of the .werlih.. was presided Over by Chester,_,aß,77°, Union of the Slate , i o n s ,drieed by Me. !m a w., i (CO M. C., who dined deeper too p crest pun were tisken opted adopted,ae fallow,: end came up needier then nov ether man in the • W''"rttbeMembe"°ft4° General An' m last,l C°:')"dodd' ved Ly John Cad w 'lla byOl PersylValiaheve seer, with deep regret, der, CPeg%,Rob.rt Tyler, Flseect C Bradford, in *trend sections Of uric happy and gMnons Re. B. S. Brewster. and Danl. Dougherty. Among mthlis, Indicetioes et daratusfaction with our 100- the ~,,aotonooa adopted were i n, L o ion i ny _.,. a . y . decoct.] organizetton, es embraced in our C0b01,..." . toil., end en apparent dins:Milton upon the pert tautly the most object ever pasted by am" meeting or some to effect a radical change; and whereas, held m a Free State: In these doings of ...Urfa.on toward that aria Resolved, That the Constitution of the United aced Instrument the peopled Pennsylvania do not states 00 ,,,, i n c onvoro no power to ma k e l ow , parucipete .. therefore for the people of the Territories acquired by or Rewired 6y the Smote and Ho w+ of &prams- annexed to the UM., but only to dispose of end's °elle " Of th ' s C"'"" c "" mrathrf Peee ' r f le°°i°, -l. make needral riles and regulenons reepteung the ' 1 General .4torany wet, That the Union is identified i territoryor woo. property belongiog to the Unit ed with all the glorier of the pact, all the Meetings of i Stales. the mew. and ell the hope* of the figure; .d i floaoloodt That, ai , „ ton , e of a natural nod to.l that Peunsylvattisorne to the conettion .11. i nitenoble riot of self gooart . roa too people of to Prhoieles, will never waver a bee fidelity le 1 1, ih e separate Territories, when politically meant- 1 toot noble charter. I ted, have the power of making their own laws, Resole., That the Governor of thi. Commons i and of executing thetu., no far as they do not cut- wealth be requested to forward a copy of Melo.' 1 diet widt the Conatituoon end laws at the Uetted I going to the Get.eree " . of each of the Slates and tales; and, therefore, here titen excluetvety the I Territories, and to the Pr.idenl of theSenato and . , , right to prohibit or allow Slavery in such 'feria.- I Speaker of We Route of Represent... ol tee riot ,. United States. Resolved, That the principle of the Wilmot Pro- ) Immediately after the edoptionof the resolutions, i vise is not • harrateee pnlit,enl speculator. or lab- I the Members of the Sento proceeded to the ball : straction,excused, if euremolle, by tt , alleged.fb!' thropte iutent, but is ate Dante tincietil, atOt,- a the if"' of n'itt°.°°thtivett when, after'; l e 3rltic, pernicious., and powdent political heresy, the " Farewell Address" had been read, they ed. I „ too , ropotittooti and der ,„ n „ eo d by We w en o e ssi. 1 journal'. 1 is party a: the Union,) which seeks, by means of w, ea oupherittan of power of C.v... gradually to METODDIST Mission IN Cauvonsui.—The Now , Unna ertrafte Stale sovereignty, destroy [egad.. I York C0...t0il path.. a letter from the Rev. in the repeetive Sat., conseitdrac the Union, and I Isaac Owen, one of the Methodist mit...mai eaaitrlatt.har,°,ilant.laremtertattSadlell aßratz7,l by the M California. It is written from Sacramento city. I tow a , 7,,, , ,,.,„:„ of the. .. a ,. After giving a full account of Maj.:l.y overlaud, ! Resolved , That it to centre. to the soint iii he says': wirteh the constitution of the Union was framed. ti. ,,,, 1 . and by which oboe it eats be perpetuated.. abota u We reached thin' place " the 20th of - -- ' Oh. by act el Congress, an. inslatilton of slavery her, and were Litoily"reedved by Ur. Deal, of Bala i._ „._.,_._. __,„ _,__ , a. af ,. __ _ ~ a tta .att _ a . timore, and that excellent toiti devoted man, Cap. 11l th e p... 7 1 .." , . a .:L l a • r_ o r l d " t l i,a a 10 a 0 , , ,, ,, , .. ,, _ th, O , mtu l a,, , , coinst. Gelsion, of the city of New York.— ..". vititah ceded the District for the use at the Ga -1 aura °thvi°°° the a Pi"e in the e'4 ter' verument of the United States known ns 'Suter's Fort.' This wee the ably place : ~., , , ..,, ne•oireu, a hat We call opoo our Stale Levt obnunable: the ' b 6" neither a meeting acme Inters to repeal ell law frontline& will, that rem tier parwrisge.One United Suites in rs• church: ° i s ° e ' n ' t t to°l3Wlvo' aver, ' s o : c a l mi d' ° li n y g ° et r The Baltimore °' 't i son , F a ed o io n th tie: e rit , ,ii i it : L : l i g ?, i 7 l 7: d Y i : g l. 7 p ,. s. , n .. „ l a ' a n y ] frit-tide wassent to tins place by order of our su. 1 "" citizen of the Union, and the law of Csitoren perinteodent, tte Rev. Mr. Roberts. paased to cony it into cited, may e., longer ho set I PreattMe° my 6°4 'mat" outer th" ceding te at datiance„in Soothe . d the rights of our Sooe. hr., blenches 01 an ova tree, and after I hell finished a. raa.i,tal ander 1 . ,,,,,t. . my &w toed ont., I m'erew the liOnnirgalitin that Resolved, That we rennet la the Volta in the I hoped 10 prence be our new clench the the next Sabbath. This promise I was ettabled to . N w a i t e o e r i pr . H. tr e i L e ttertfooßrehlala.lbt.atetaisveao,o laying a t a . , e . fallii. r hoT °hutch in Lew ...Alf eneleleed ; .e ., ° ,, a , fo , r ; I ate disposition of et measure wi t iich did so much to nobed ith a good bell. Our Porahnell... "r ''''" ' menstruate the wile with Mexico, end lo eirbsts neatly enclosed. We are at this Cane occupying a part of it. Whey completed it will embrace.. I :_ tte __" . t. ll _ . 2_ ,. .. l i Liktv . , _,if.n..A_d_..l , T... , ,i_on , ___n_d..7.h:_t . rooms and three porches; meloding the porches, it 7,1`,4; a0 " rort'"pa''rrao'r.a.`"alafa'tear'facla`l'rtr4alra"ourl teeny. wavers twenty three rest hoot by thirty eight in Ill"' daft , Tn . ono,. ate story Odnaore, Mann, Rabbi., Melanahan, Roes end " a° R ne nth "' Ttt° cost te. this butidthg will be Dimmlck, six of the eight Demnerats from this about five Mooned dollar. The church cost . Stole a‘ caan„, voted Ito ~,taaaa.t, 0,, rim. in vatting up ebout me thousand dollars ; this, It brand which her been productive of so much dins w ig be borne le mind, is exclusive of its ant cost „tar end oat .. . floor ,. to one friend, s ',. Resolved, That we heartily approve Anil relieve a Saves forty persons here joined our enure., ~_ vole* _,. ___,.. _,. ... .. _,__.._ members chi c dy by letter. Directly niter organising our ',.`lllort,aao"olat.yuillaati,"al Calact,railrar:aaraalatla,laia, Oficial board, It was resolved that ell current ex. , "" the conaideration of certain Abolition instruntieg pens.. shou l d be met tip concise. „ I boa , boor. mentioned on , lo , a , of cloth i ng, resolutions, offered by a Whig memberfroco Craw , terd ; and that we earnestly invoke them and their Ste. lb now gives me pleasure to taw political strudel. in both branch. to adept such lass hoe been II ertially met by the kind th ol t srof ~,, measure.. may be worthy of the key that Nods r rs'e . , eds- Mr. l '" tCm r, e tt it „, M . f ,":" 3 ,`,,,,",:1„„ t" .1":".": the noble nub, and to twist ell attempts to give mate this glorious imbibe of Freedom. 11 ° e ' ,:reell t ilfoolula're':nrn'd'U-r.—D4eal, oi-B;IUM.Ore-;to-tte aid nail ellltet..rt to the 04°51050 Who ''''id under ' I Amount of sixty dollars. To thew ; . must adiloth• er ',remota Warn other gentlemen let this oily. There! we defy Gee. Castro drum op a meat ll'• You will, douhtlets, read conflicting accounts trig in Michigan that will put the lan.or ltioNorth i l of this le y, tint this I will say, that I find goM don , n so door , to the grovel as that' You may joel to re plead: nod the society much better than I es well stand quietly tack, General, end let Old .oected, but the country lees healthy." --...------ Bach take 1',., next nagging—N. F. Tribune. Gm TM!. Ann ru■ Unton.—ft letter desorilt, in; the President's visit to :op the earner •toes of the ytrgiuta Monument to Washington, winter a not worthy of observation which Gen. Taylor made to a gentletrian. He said, " I can be absent turn Washingtui. " ut three days. I have ;slew, bete to partake in thit e7,leing ee.eutony. At a how I t. this, I hope the sot, and the .110C121.101 1 connected with the name and character of Wash-' Mgt., will arouse all the Letter feelings of our nature, and make tot more disposed to adopt his ...sande on the subject of aeuttonal divisions. He mast have been gifted with almost t prophetic spittoo Love turerem and guarded as against the danger of sectional feeling." l'avags Earnarrosx —We area great pi. that is a fret sad the Yankees are nO small J um of the, nation, an the following account i. Musachuvetts Legislator, which we copy fro A CARD. the Ilute3 lice, will prove" Wuntrorrert, Fab. 23, 1550 ; i Sawyei, a member of the hlawarburetta Le - g. To the Eilaore 4 fito RerAitc isleture from Berlin, a the stage driver (coin that u p ,,,,,,,,,.._:perrerr me to state in your nn ioni. : lowa to Acto n . He leaven Berlin everyevry Morning that nay dine. in Coltran and subsequent bug l l with his °mg°. mid reaches Acme s°. for ....rationed d ine, numerous -preurog ms the first Bomar cars tram Foehburgh, which nr geom.:ow since my arrival span hers... e effects ven m this mil' about 9 &cinch. giving him two urn recent mds e which has paysed my hones to enliven bin Pachefee , (for t ie it nnowe, he allergies tor same day., have delayed, much longer run. oe e.p . ...e in currier ,Ull with hi. 'tag, I Al than I intended Or o f l one my report cn Cali. , eleven Inc us always found in his Beat, ready to forlorn. Kai I cannot longer permit the public I evecd to the mi.. cr State, an far vs Berlin ia ' mind to be autoleu, perhaps wawa, by insima. I micivrocd. He Is nit c.melltisiog Leffialotor. noes, it:quirk* and einueddfies, which.. it DM 1 monaptly numered, may be comadered traleetpu. i Dundee la vat curt or Maa GAMED —A den. ii ',b., p ~,,i 0 n I patch Sem New o . ilems stales that Judge lideCa ; orb, on Thursday loot, gave r. deemen slvers', to esced in; or hold userttana, has emulated that form, to pass macoatradieted. I therefore assert that I ' did not, irk were with . the evil orm , •• Gaiaa , mva!aiaz a claim to a I my deities to California, one have I at any time, i Large sweat of propene which bee been in Mike received :mere instructions, whether verbal or ' tan 1c" ... limo. Judge McKinley, 't agleam, I dot not coincoide In the opinion given. The reuse op th e p oi, or , will probably be Umtata before thelSeprernetlerat writtec, from the Pre•ideut of the United Suomi. cr my member of his Cabutet, slavery, or my ether subject. 1 did hot auempt I, Saes or Castrrinura—Tae cell:I - awed tem., to tad um re rh people of Catilorola to decide too' wry of La Chaise, new Parts, mntains 95 wires , queenaa of slavery nun way or the other, and say 1 Maur. I Auburn, Reston, 10, baltimore, hil l ; Laurel Hil, Phum haft:Mon that 1 did receive each instrucuous, or ; eelphia. 21 1 Orem' MountGr auemtt to exercise such influence, Is alts. Any i wand Now York, 185, inattluallon• or inaideou• Inquiet.* which alt e° VIM. CIA - vra.hy tell • good yoke. In Para Mooed or intended as to 'edam lhe people In be. lof the French police, who, acorns two Pone I,, se that th e ity.mdeet, or any member or h 1 ; fierily& interposed, and asid—Li No Ii Ming in the Cabinet, dul give, or that I could be tome enough ; streets, Too blackguard , ; go inside the Chamber, lo receive, such loatruenons,l declare to be total- if ~,,,, one ', to d e r o p „. ly without foundation tu fact, and without the . moor. the year 1679 onei hundred sad twenty an d el truth. . I conVict• lure discharged from the Massachusetts beg leave to call the attention of Ore Shim to , ~0 00 pato. ... come facts which will Mow what was done by . .. '" the late Ado p po p. p o o p to i n d uce the , op i. o f IfICirr , CILT hen ordered a blnek of notice marli'e California to Sorel • State government. I in to tic Placed to the Washington Monument, lo in r p, ' scribed with the iollawing 'en:meet: ° Under Me at San Fratinno on the Eurh of June, 'ph . ., ipp . o , PoemsPoemsdid pot i tp i , , ,,t ag e mpr e y. ; autocue! Heaven and the precepts of Washing nor did I *W. colloid aay columunication with Geo. I ton, Kentucky will bathe. last to give up the Un real Riley, until Mout the middle of that month, 1 kit , " when he came to San Frmsco. IL. proclaim. Upwards of fit ly •co et vie are now in course of Loa, collies a Convention of the people at Celitin• loading at New York for Caloortria. Tweets for ma to form a State mostlostieu,l3 dated at I Mon• I ot pausal", by Mcursull Howland at •St ANiowall Three 'a line terry, 130 miles from San Franciaso, 50 third of steamers aing ilrcnuunt. June. The bat paragraph of thoi pCoclantit l oll IS Vellaell cleared te trona Bastin for California on m the following word,: f Thuraday. ° The method here indicated to attain what in I The fare oa the rail roads !rum Albany to Buffs. political °,,e• I I.• is to be reducertio two cents • mile—about 56,:i0 desired by all, via., • mare perfect gaWastillm, is deemed the most direct sod rate for the whole distance. This is dono to secure the that eau be adopted, and one fully suthonaell by trnv el which i• in danger of being diverted to the law. It is the coarse advised by the President, Erie Karl Road: Two boons are Mu, Lobe ran doi ly from Annul' to Poughkeepaie, to comsat with and by the Secretaries of Stale and of War °Ma ' Coded State, and is calculated to ,told the Moe- I the Hudson River Rail Road. tractable evil+ which toast neceisarily result from Accarding to ii Cies Advernur. . p..l.lished at 'my attempt illegal local Icglaill'n' It is three " Cincinnati, there were 1,096,931 . hags killed in the fore hoped it will meet the approbation of the yea- valley of the West during the put year. Mr. Cot tie of tialneria, and that all good citizens will I adhere, to the opiniort, i het w hut the entire returns 01100 in carrying it into carnation.° I are in , and correctly given, it will ha bound there The steamer le which I was a passenger to Sato , ~. ( .1 00E 0, from last year. Franck.' was the drat maw:prove to carry to the i, '' ' " people of California the intelligence of the luau- I Monsieur Retool, was a (amens Parinian many guratian of Preaideat Taylor, and the appointment ' lender, and when no his death bed hie isonfe•sor of Ins Cabinet; an that, at the dote of Gaped Rai- , resented a saver crucifix to him with n view to awaken biro toe geese or his situation, the dying ley's prulamatma, it was not possible that be could have received any communicatim from' tbe mi. , ' efiee examloing the erou with the el. preaent Admnistration. The President of the I meat aueottoo, soddenly exclaimed —•Slr, I ran United States li, whom he tees' was Mr. Polk, lead you but a very small lOW on ouch a pledge.' the Secretary of State Mr. BilOhattnan, the &CCM - 1 Sir Albums Morton died in 'the prim' or life; tarp of War Mr. Marcy. 11 wan 111 accordance ; Lady Morton, from the effect of grief, only Fur with the recommendations of this proclamation, I vived him a week. The following liner, from the sort... Med as they nee ia President Polk i a last an- en nf one of the best of under the ( o p nimbi, are csta noel mereage, ghat the poopleof California acted l p ved on the monument which they teee, in forming their States constitution, Lalways sri• in Southampton church, Englmdi—• dressed tee people of California In fey private 'lle first deceased, she for a little tried character, and never W 1. 11 1 1 1 .11 Ely. ognial ll 1. 04 . 0 To live without him. liked it not, and died.' among them. Interested aid mom slave tabor as a Georgian and a southern eilinen, I was prepared te expect that the objects cf my mission would be LOGAN, WILSON & Co., perverted in the North; sad I End accordingly , not WOOD STREET, ABOVE nem, that, durimg the t.t rAIL ellectiona to that quarter, 1 M.l PORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, la re re I w., there as it uutheruidaveholder, Ask the mention of purchaser" to their lent to California to indoctrinate tbe people in my , opinions about eleven, Thin Yeas a bare (dye , l PiIIESH SPIELING' STOCK., hood; but ;Lis not half ao base as an attempt to' Which they think mull compere favorably, both I, iMpreall an the public mind that I was sent to .o eatvnt and etwatrocu, with that of any . me or influence California to exclude slavery.' ether house, either hem or in T. BUTLER. KING. . the Eastern Vines. (chin JawlyT Rams or Maestro Woxwa-lAr. Townsend 1 /HARRIED, I llti N nns in his bill ' b'inin the /411111""" °l.' On Seth ton, by the Rev. Mr. Bryan, Mr. Man Manachuseta.., to amend the third section of that' stegisany, to Min N,t3C.l Win, ants( thisciiy. act as follows: b ee i n il,,i. a aiIIaNTITY OF OLD TvrE: FOIL S&LS, A Pri.y. "Any married female may had by _ AT THIS OFFICE lance or by gill, great, devine or bequest,. from 1 any other person other than het husband, and T ity,WF, this day assonated with me, tu the Whole may otherwise acquire and hold to hoe so...sand . e rr rule Grocery, C.oirstleetioni3,4nd. Serenading heti. separate U4O, and convey and deyaw_real and per- i , 1 ,„'...n".:,.0,4,111 he comlaClett tr:v3o l' , ' lTo *". II "`" , meal propetty,uud any interest orenint,,therein i, .;! w ..„,,„ ~, s,„" , ~ ~,,,, o ld ~,,,,,, N . „ ii ?„.:. and the rent., inner, and prothis thereof, In the . ter and 64 Front street. 1.. S. 33'.4.TERMAN. same manner, and with the like effect as if she i Fittelaitgli. March let. two. were unmarried' and the stole shall not be' sub. Ei7ip,;;,,,0„,,,.,ELN.w„,„,,,„,,, . ,v_ B . w.,,,,,,,,,,. lent to the diapered of her husband, nor ho liable 1 . ,, ta, WATICSISI 13 al & 0015113, :for his debt*. . ' j lICILEISAI.F. onocilts, Cemmiasion and' e . w .,.,1,,,,, ut,,t,m‘ur, dealers in all awl... A subject which bad been buried 6 6 e -61i'itil does A. raliburgh Slanufaetund Article.; ~,, years, woo taken up a few days since, says the tor sale of lltclatioud and Lynchburg, Mr HOUSum, Odin.) Republican, of the 26th ultimo, 'lobscrs..___._...,•!„_..._._.------------------- for the purpose of removing :o diliercrit location ii. • To Let and found in a high elate of petrifacten. It re. !Ti ROM In of April neat, ibe'WAHEIHIUSE lately roved the strength of all men to raise the coffin ,! I: rwsumed by Tat . se n y th a nesi. No 33 Weed at. In. JOHN BEST Dom the vault—this enured them to open it, to diir ! V.2l . L . L.___ cover the cause of the weight; when, to their sur- Wee ants, LARGE Safe, Platform Seals, Ceuta.. Tenet, tav prise, they found it to contain a Infra of same. — r other .abates necessary In die Wholesale (a With the ezecption or the fingers, part of one ei. ~y he4nesa. 101lUite 4.1 35 wood el JOHN HEST. the feet, and • small sportinder the position ti the ' p,, ------- band., Which bed decayed before petrifaction had taken place, the body was apparently a solid stone. This circumstance °mewed in this .3‘ln l Y, "yea I or eight miles north of this place, tied presents a problem hot scientific relation. Ma. LIVAUDAM — The late Stab Tresaureu of Louisiana, attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with ■ razor, on the 12th Mauna. at Ba- UM Rouge. His accounts had been examined and build to be correct, and it is supposeni tharnitt appointment In political ambition_indaced the tow minutia of the rash act. Ha was mill,aliva on dm lath Instant, but ao hopes were entertatned lot his recovery, as he refined all aid. G 001). -A shrewd old gentlem his dam atm, "Be GUM my dear, ry n poor men, but remember t mnu tu thn world fa one that hat thing elm" CMMILD SIVAIMES.—Tirt Bunton Mei' veyv that the Government of Nova Scotia have recto• ed tecouration that the 'Cunard viemeni will not be withilutwu from tu order to run direct to New York. 11 , 4 0 N CALMOIMIA fuarr.—The whole now. ber of vessels cleared from Poston for Califs/um, ainca the Srst t flisacvory of sahl, is RM. Probably thew vetarly have earned out some 500 peas gaugers, nod shout 91000 000 w frogbas. HAMS as SIIOIII.DERS--00,000 lb• very j) bernlsrene cot, panted to new Wrenn the., sellable for sbapping anal, re arrive ouni fur vale CO, 1 DICKEY CO Front st BACON 111,1d—'U hhd l on hand and for m mf, nicKEY & CO, Fr m. c" I ' IWIAN d tr..(73 TOBACCO -0 bra EN, 6'n, add lb lump; gkr":7ol7 Z1V444 6tiEATIIS-4231liudyas, btainturnolg,vrsorkToby In by' PIG 1•"°--"",40%-°.1..;74T.A1,. PUI2iO SPASIIIO9. akiTllls Leauoial .tyle of lULTS it now ocrted, and oral be introtlated on . ..Mt , urdby,Mszch 2d, by DIeCORD 6 CO, tett Corner CA b. Woodh., onto In lon neve,' Mr, that the omit mondy and po• LIST 0 . 9 LUTTIGILS , E-lIALNING in the Pittinurgit Patt °Mee. from thc -15.h to tbe`l 4 l6 a( FebrantY• liirtd. Perrino enitinc for theta will please alp they ere ndeertin Ladles . List Atter Cath'ne Adam. S.. ti Atebinsns Mary Agar Mary Allen Jane Awn. , Mary Agnew:Staab Anderson Martha Avis Eats Adams Amy App'.eby Batty rdn Semen lloarerb.d Info Brywn Satan !taker Mary Roger Wady G Brawn M Banton E Boyd Mary Banton ?dd.,' H. IllneAssa Ann Brady !Sarni E BarnsM Bnokley Al Johnlen • Barr loam! Barnarnp Mr. rs Blakely Mara Brokaw Sarah Waller Sarah Y Blacks. Mott Briant Fanny llianghato Ju..y C Camat Maria P Canrcidde Rosa Gotha Nina) . Jane Cameron Ellen Clannhy Mrs Grady Candna idanselbtabolla Elan lindget Craig Elul. • Caulfield lb I Clements Jane S Creighton C a li ne Chopp!ln Anna,' Coleman Sandi A Creppea Chnity /Teo Conner PAVE, Curren Mel Robs Eari•do Mans Conrad Elln'th Chriu.y Martha J Cooper Isabella • Day Rachel Date/hare Mare 6112ti11l 5t11 , 113 Deokert 'gen 1337.1 Bridget Daman Jane Derhaann ts. 1. Dennellir Kate Sarah I Da Mary Davall Laura Eadia Ehith FA:yards Sarah Evans Una E E.lwards Ulan English Signsy Fahneiaaek Mary Fleming name Fortune Olen Finnian E Ford Mena& FITAV r.!ixrt ti Forge g r aldhire Jaaroagna Valhalla Frantz allay Glllerpre Marikairlordon Ann II Gtahara Elcancr cc, Nancy Gordon MstiLn L. OraLcm lieu um Girt Marfaret Gor tout Nn linttsull) licslitt ads.), griry Haulm Caroline Hoffer ?dory F • ollii Kiddy Hawker Rachel 11011 Mont waren M C Hays Elix'th Holeabaugh loon , • r knees Ellett A Ilayes Kate Honeywell Ao'r A man Alll, Hays Pasty Hopper Sorel ii.vonAlralVlleuryMrs LlTborHOoraer Sorel J wto en Elia l ib Hiller Emma Ilettehlmm Nary Mrr CW Money lam F. !logo DrueilLa ire Marie L Hooker SCVIIII. Igor M. John Ivory C J 4nn Rot' Mlotlas hlorlha Johnston PAMIR J•trs y nvarallo Jane Mary Johnston £ Cos'no Jones hire Kennon Barbnra Korean INl•ry Knox Jew' litely Cotten., liefflaSl Emus Knox Mary 1.0.11 x linchel KirkatttekSahkgriowlsrun Mx. li,suy haan Kto. p ey Eli.ltt brit It S Leonard Lome E LovrryLooia 1111C7 Mergt Lioghern amnia Lovrry Mar v e rpm Coth'incErovvor Margt 31 Mariolu Mary A Mandfoholll.ydiaMounhon Nancy Marta 'lentil:Oa Miles Sarah Moony C A Macs C Plias Helen • Alooio Satoh hlntonCorohno I.llonta'nlery a Mary:qt.., A C Isunl Mks L Mealy Sarah Marlin ?dory Mandl.ll Oconor Morrell ;in hiollhk Mrs Jog Martin Awl E Monon y Horny Elral`a Etc Mettride Tnbitha McCallough9nlahMeKee E'irs McCarrn. Martel Wt ., }aia•h't McKee elleth McCandless MartyMe'lioley 131hdy McKnight Nancy McCloskey M. ry Mc. lknloy BridgetMoSettoncy JenCa McCombs Ca. Ilnehtr lowan Betty Mel... Vrcatt'n McCoy Snral Mc Ctann Ann Mc:icily Ann McCrory Aare McimashlsabellaNteCtAconlObella McCurdy L.. 13 l'ilcKtute Ann C Nec•on Caits'ne Nichols Elita O'Brien Cmiene 0 Donne ItuutratO'Keefe Friltch's O'Boonel Jute • • Patldes Mary Patte Neey Ilanash Patterson Ctott MPatterrsosonn SarahMPrioßrhillisnard Mary Vameraon Phillip in MalyPrase Pusan Rohm nlitrot It RAtitrils Mon Robin+ 141111 Ron Marni Richard+ Mary Robiwoo Mrs M RafrotyMrattonryltichardronMary Row Inn I Raw wy Mid& Riley Margt Itow Matilda RitionY Kiwi* Rowland Ann Rood ;slit, Rwher lAailitit Ryan Enza Itetaley Math Its itigcr Mr. Jo. Rico Masoella Riticonouse 5 Supple Mrs S H Shipton Sarill Smith Nast ands Jane Studer Eltxtb Stank Marl' L. SMwS Augartn Shoot Marl S mith Sarah ntr Ararkt srlkey Ens& I Spears Amanda!' :Soon Charlotte SUSUMU L .. Margt Strata Matti D Sella r. Mar, Anatitrams udas tr Stems., Mara r'eth M A So:apron Sarah Sephenr Claris, Shafer Mary Qtriing ee er Carrillo Stepaetw Miry Shulman Sarah Skn Claim., Stewart Carolin- Shaw Fl'talbeth Small Catana S swan Matti,la Shaw Sarah J Smith Eliza ri•xwrry Ann 10 . 1 . Sere/ 'rdompi'nrhabOnntile }ZVI T.lll, LOU,* T u nnpoonSarahElTrruner Mn Thutniown It+• 1 Telnp:etnnße.euThomplon lamb Thompeonlir:JonTormhz.t RlintC V lVakeleld CateeWeller Wilean Marion A eli Ellen "to Alta 1.4 Windel Mary Wn.ker Klteth F Alnry R Winters %y a w, Wii.y Ann Winters Walion Ann Wliktaon Jane Wondybang6 Wardell Pauline Williain.odlllasiaW.4idlienlll./ iu Lauretta W.lron Ells. Worth Matins Al A %Vikton Woitninglan AI A Wanali Unita Wil•on - - Gentlemen's List no , s I . A mes Fess Andrewi T.4os Adam. Rol, Am'g PhlLp lip A.hrnlyn Woe A4.10 , 0n Ales Alextualer IVr, ATfrl Jon Adlintton Etin - All/ton orison Fred Aston its. A William Anthony Ch. Anita Jal AlletkOn John Andresuct Alex AtelLA Thoy Ann , Alygn•tos Anker Mach. ArtUilien John 13 Benin Fray Breford Jas Boyle Hugh ala , Jr , tit Drugs Jos Brown Jainea L B‘dry David Benedict Carr 0 Drown Beni F Batley Tbeis J Dcllnve Jno !ince W Itailey4rio 6,1411 Jasper Itraig Jacob B Batley J a y Bibisverth S dl lintervell Liaao Ha nett AII Bennet Job Ranker Rota Itnreett Zeribarnaßinghvin War Breen liernsrd Bates D C Thai, las Brant Beni l.Barronaran iflolob ire o Melon - asd Brusly Ilebt Brady John li E Brady ittl Barrer Wren thiefird Simeon Bender Jar Moreau lea Black Tina Breve, El/I,lex , "'flop Ftrra Mack Wm A lirmmen .11t, .J no id A !back WmT lirosh A Framer i.e /Back Woe Brooks G Mhoßlack Ales EIODDIIIhIO Dant is gob, Black in. Broadaione kl E urn•amt Dolce Dr 1 T Br.ksbank Joo II Jan Bolden it. Bra•torhera Jas ,ekt, John Boyle Ch., B lity.Sgtml eat,' Wolter W Boarmiul hl MOTO.* George terrYUeeDayle loW Burk ion lIDDO 11,. Booth Thos Jr Bob. lit Rendre:3 ml Voice 13 Bair, Win J Met. Jas Boot Jonathan Borns Pat Benson David Boden B B Bader Ander Behancinuis Boyd Jos Donkey Dap Bower Geri C Bowden Sarni J By ßurgess ers Jos Cahill Richt Clanton Simon P Contralti P Cahill nos Collins David Cox Albert CR.I Alex Coßlx Abel Cox Capt ht Cartwright It 11 Coots Wm rbrwilt 11 F Cavanagh John Coatallenj Corwin Homy W. Canon Matthew Colrain/1 Isaac Corbett T Carnahan 011 Cole Wm - Covert Joseph flornobno H Cole 1t F Craeruft Jos 11 Rano,. Hash pl Colo Jsbra Cregg The. Canton 'rho. Cole Chas Craft Cristopn r Carson Jno All Cochran Lewis Crum /sutra Carer her Danl Ft:Moly J. Creo James hl Carlin Thom Cook C W Crawford John Caner Fxlsrd C Connor Corn'. Crawford /no C Carlisle /as Connor Crawford J Cameron Alex Coney C Crawford Ands. Caropli - 11 CapiCJConaen rho. Crawford Jae 0 Carophrli Mr Conned Daal Coco Henry Chew Wm Conway Taos Crocker Ono P Charlton Wen C Conway John CrothersCapttlW Charton hVm C Conolly Martin Curtis Henry Chldiater tyro Conolly H Curarin Geo Chedwick 111 Coolly Sethi Carry Saml Chapman Sand Conynghara 3 0 Cummings Sand Chester Coital lomph Curtis Henry Chive" Geo Corns Jas Curtis Chas Chalfant Frank Cowlick J Canninhuramse Clark NH Covilla Cunningham J. Clough John Coyle Neal Cunningham nos Cotton Sampson Dowling Win MoabaDY Mich' Davis Mr Deilit-Chrini. Daugherty Joseph Davie John Dean J a y Dieu. ettiisti. Davin Jos Dt. Doffr Taos Davis Win De Cr.. J Daffy Martin Davi. David Ft Dickey Jno II Dyer OltVer Davis Jos D Dilltniniuytt ffuniftortioron Al] Davis Wattle Doolortilardin Duni., Ednid Davis Tilos DobbensTlial Donn Geo Deopel Henry Dooming Jon Dann Win Drool C F Donner J. W Dam FranCil °W v IC h JMaslc ht D lne l. l 4 lN oo S J t o e n p h l ` l n lD D anc e . . J W c . k son Dei. ThLovino us DitoSbertylrEvans g • • Etthlat Arllhan Flelson Boost Erma Si. bl'Pher - Pone W II Robin Wm A Flourn Michl Oiled Loughlin Fyster C S i - divard. Forinii , l Eilory Jinn Doing Won II I,,irtoodi Won Friuli Cos' hvons Won 1:11.1. , s Jackson Etironfilo Fred N fivatir C oapien Ileory Ellaberry Char Evan. Joae ph Irish Palk • V Rinieil Irlin Fl rserabl John Forbes Aler Porno 1,0 Fallon Coy J P For , . John 1: Paull Won I. I-I son Jooali Fortyth John Pshi Abraham Faingso Jan Forsyth Soon! R Volh Geo I' blarair Jae I, , F r y lAN j Frihnenrnek Allin Flamm Won i CoFraneisSobantio , erell J W Pistoling, Lail F renr j, Eh r ij 'rgnatio Win Fleming Kola H Froverfeli F. •erguson Pisani Flanigan Fran C Fruitier amain. fenwiet David Finnigan Pot Foal Psi mino. ChnPrFoarnain Jan 11 Franklin Amor , 0 „ u r a, posse Win Fuller Won R 'orris Mn Ford Enoch Font James Fidel Sostil Vorali Fred Funk Simon 'orb 811 Fmtamer Jos Vahan N inch John Foote. Jrici Folkerson Wm Gallaghur Jas Qill.m Eta Co Green Sarni UvddtY W G triliddon DenCarloGreen John tiatilegni Pat Glass Ales I Green Alfred M Goartinn CAI Oil lima Grove Jonas Geist The.: (11.0 Timothy Orono David tin re Iltram J Gordon Ezetiel limn John George Knbt Goml John Grua. Stephen Geyer John Gould Copt E W Grime John D Gently _Jacob Gormely Copt Gruber Lewis Gams Mich! Coals Jacob: Grillen Pask Garret Juo B Grams Wm Gribbin Pony 1111:1 Tilos Geary Capi Jean Grobh kali. Garlick Thoa Grady p e a . Gitiont Aarou Gress John ' Graham Jim tillieno We, in Greet Jap Gralmut Wm Intmore Arohd N Green Geo E Graham Saint tY Gillespie Wm 11 11.aulton Ju. llanlimorn J Heller,/ D Hull Penal liar.. Chas W Ilearialma Doll las MI'S. Wm Il Ilasketh /no flab 'Wm Ilatlsaw 01 }tartan /no F IlaraiDon Edwardlime Oa Brauer Ilarring Hear. Al Ilatarm Al Jae Ilailswa.DreAP.lllanaersen Rabt ll.Awa Henry 11a16a13 Chas A Hinds Joan Madden Goo Ilear3 11110 Hq A P Lewis Ilisalie Daus ' 11111 tldml llandstuon Hugh llarper John Hyland Mr I. Hamer Ales kisslett es Frew litltewdel D klaman Chas llayasona Wmlisreabungh Oro' RCM Hoary :Flawkiss Jul blimps Jul Hanna Wm Ho /ao D Ho Hann Copt Jno Hoyden es Chas A Ho ne Kan Hamra John J IlnYs John Ilambaker Dann Dylverzer Ho, Chao Me Holler Auto. Mantel) Jas neneni Ja• Holman John nut*. John Hecker Henry L Housisit Rey J K II !orison Alfred I tennerle Neal Dolmas. Hartland lino • Hew. Jas Den Hartman Jllellortinston Mord Itauboo AVar Holmes (Pnr Ilmann G Hutehluut John Holm,* Blehd Hoehn° Marhant Hatcher. Vey Hun Job Herber John B honor WIO 'l3"/". Goo it /140 r-oleo. Humphrey Jas I engem John Hunt A Itomphrey Jno W , Llq Fretlerkek E Jssf Stephen J”essesy J Johnson Henry S Jedltgli Wal W /knee, Wm Johnson Gee V: James John E . Jbe Amos Johnson Thos R looses And. Jianuon Thos Jones Jno E Jonsson Ando Jennings Bepj JO/ISi & Dodos Jalmy To. JennungsJno James Geo F J4CilsOn Stephen Johns T C Jones Hugh Josses Sena JOntdan Wm 0 Jones Jno lemes , Stephen Johns S Jones Lissa Jorkmssy Seth ClOhmon Isslah Jones Jesse 51 Jackson Janson Cdpl T JO.? Mr Ka:*lsr inn P Kelly Jllls T Keyser Jno F Kelly Philip Keregno Kerr Wm Kemp Andw Kelly AMOS Km:inny Alen Kelly R Kenning Jon Knox J H Kelly Andw Klrkpanlek Jao C Kerr Then R Knox Jno A Kerr 1) Knowles LeVael K.y esisca Kaye 1 o‘sph Keenln Francis Cenras Teets Keegan Joseph Keene inlln Kenny ilobt Kelsey Arms Kennedy Thou. Leaven , Wm Luker Jan Le wta Thou Ludington Z hewts David A Lynch Illinsi Leaner JL s 1.000 Jee Lewis Jot Lors tt Linton lion Lynch Wm etloeyJjaes„. lLsr,,era„evjeJ:he Little Thou Lord to Co e, Little Dastl Lupler Barn_ erLlndany L Lynn Into Litmanth Pad D Lloyd Abel l, little Ties M Lawn r;oo ,ed Lonsmere Jos LYssh Ea_ L.ow /no w 11113yRtiGegh Wan. Jno Leorimri Lewis Isaws Lfitra. Lambert W Lawson blame Larkin inn Landty !ucted Harvey Law lotto P Lomehue Prawn Levnte Henry Lanham Wet Leader lea ft Leeetalbreedphe !dewy Geo Lee ltdard I.ewit Wm Lewis .10361 M Lehi° F StudJockr Thor Almon P Mentlinghallka alatiot Arthur Almon PoI Meredith Jno 1. Alsenhan John Mason Inn Merriman Jno Guo Almon SII Nomt Alahoor IJtrid al ambling Win ',lesser Nathl Shinn Jon Mathews Edtad Murphy Edthd Monty Wur Matthews Robt llMurylm Mr hienufrty Maxwell Jon Pater Mandl' nahan Maxwell Oro Maryhy Moses Mania Jno II May Jon Murphy Miehl Allyn,. Fred Meet:hog loons SAlnryhy Henry Marks IT . Neigh. Andra -Murray Jos North Jae Id Miller Chao 'Murray Path MAZIOTLI JOWStilltriMillinger Martin Mornay Amity . Martin heodoth Melville Philip Nthrroy Wm lle. , NPAninch Etisha 111`CoIly Wm Mtgelvy AI bl'Adarns Geo hlPorey Hoge MlCakey Wen Hemp II MlDanough Med hlDarrity J. APAIM Mich! MDissals Dant brAnulry Jno hPElreah Thos M`Gabas Jul hPßea Thos bPDonald Jneeph lit'HoghFAwd AlUsies (loch Dl'Dennou Jno P hPHvrh Mehl HlCatlntarb Jas AhrEwenJas W hlTilarry /no Wel. Th. Plays° Capt hVGIII Hugh 10Elnro R hPllroy Wra MIMISok /no hPrarty FAlsrd Milroy Jaz B 10 - Govern Jae IBDlarrn Jan M'lmes Ander AfTigho Stephen bllctallistsr C blimy David bl'Halry Wahl NlVesor Robt NIT.? Rota APHoll%lararta lll*Carty Henry Palmyra D.I M'Snone Jaa reather; Fras Itl'Onne P MlMaileaW k LC at'Clorn Ander Illtelean Jay D B 701tormiek is Dbl'Cleart S Whiles Th. HCotkor P bllKenua lee brNansea ht'Coy Chas APEnight Robt MlNalty Wash hlCollom Jaa httlinight Jo.. hlTiaaghten I C lll'Cov S bl'Keig Oro Ars itherl Hugh IPCavy Jas Al,Krarort Wm Mrrink Mr Intently Alex rd'Kelvy PII Mich • N. Newland Woo Noormo John Norman Jr.. A Newton Joseph Natlan Mina Nelsbet Jae Newmand F Nice°ls John Nicholson A& F Nelson Jas Noble Wm Noscut Geo A Neidle 0 Nicholson Oscar Naiung Saud F ' Olivet G R Omood Alfd P Warm!, Doll O'Brien Jos o'llonnell Mum. owen Nr Ochner Levi. ttYDootiell F Ort Pionimon O'Neill Path OlCane nry .1 F O'Brien Fl 4 Cogood L O'Donell l He ovas p Page Jos Patton W R Paton John Parrett JD ' Pains Johli Paton Fnml Patterson I M PerminOon G W Palmer Hanoi Park Alcsauder Pierce F W Pollock David Parks Jr. Tierce Fmoch Poke Mr Park John W Pambarton Israel Parlor Mr Park Henn . L Phillips 1 Pommy Mr Patterson J Plant Jos Pon. Geo Fierce FtanclaW Phillips R& W Potter A Peters John H Plunkett Jas Pope Remy T Peek Jas M Phillip. Riehd Pone ResJ Pram Phillip. Lake, Price Gen Pierce. John Phillips Aleir Proctor Jas Quigley Ins Goner Win Quest Jos a Rankin Wm Reed las Rolls hue Ralston David Reed Wok C Rom Pam D Reynold. 9AI Robb Jos Renkir. J D 'lteillv Thos Robb A Si Ramer Jos Rea) Oman Roeaesor Ju Reyna. H P Riddle John Robinson J Ralston Jon Rtainger Jacob Robinson Dr I Raymond F A Ricbardson H 9 Robinson tretml Roe. John Rigg Junes Robinson Robs Reese Tbro Richubuk Dan Robinson Writ 0 Iteorcen C D Roberts Morrison Robertson lienmenJohn _Robert* E%V Ryan John frisingetßemeassßotiert. Coo %V Ryan Fram Rabble Hobert Ross Hen Ryan Thos Reed Ana ROM Idichl W Rhyn Wm Reed Dr Chas. Rosswell Was Radpard C W Read John Reed Goo Roll Sant 8 Sala John !Murat Mr Boulez Ju Sample Madhor Sheppard Henry Snyder Geo Flan. Am. Skelton Jan Sproat Mr davage Francis Singleton Nam Spencer Paul Fnvilt 54 U Singlet. Ed Spencer J M Faro Ira Sloyntaker Thor Sprawl Isaac Scarborough 3 Dines John Starr Geo 1) Scott Jar K Smith Rtehd Stapleford RI) Seim Trios Smith Win J Staley Hugh beard Peter stuhla W A Eitnnley Abram Sell Jod Smith Isaac ' &train John P to:el). Chun 13 Smith /numb. Smile llenrY Seiner Jan N Smith Beni Stephens Peter Seam. Wm Smith Wm Stephen Jae Settlemoyers D Smith Thor tiiewert Jar E Stmt. John U Kurth Mr Stout N A !Oat lkirnord F Smith Tharnton ASCU J W Shanefelt Hen A Smith J. Jr 81argeon J K Sharp John Smith Geo Stoat Robt Strander Riehd Simpson lieo S Sour Eliatna ghost Valentine Simla.. P W Strobridge T Sheeler Peter Rnaer John Swain Lewis Idbenfeld Jos Sitwell., 11 B Swaney . Andre 0.30 I . ' II SorSr Geo Swell:lTh. B Sweeney Jae *weeny Joha 131rotgery C B Swords John T.a las Tapkiu Ern 'Thomas LAari s Turn rG. TAYllllg st JOIM Thomas Len.ld Tomosll Josh. Taylor Robs Thumps. Riski Truedly Fredls 'nut Gobi Thumpluml P Tyler rental Thi 'fhos Thompson W Turner HourrodA Thum. America Tony 3011 n Tremor Ow. Thompson AVsn 8 litthits John P Traynor Owen Tenny Henry Timall John Tasny John Thspp Frans. Tortisly Henry Ttylor John W Thompson Riehd Torrence A II Taylor Jos 'Thomas Pa* Taggart John Urb.AlGad Usterman Pmd Vigor Francis Veatch Jos W Vail Ge Varner J. Walsh M Waters Jae Wdliams J II Magner Philip Watkins Adorn Wildman J D Nagley Mr Weaver J J Wtlliame Wash Walter Soml Weiser Christi Williams 13 A Nagisoncr David West Rota. Williams Wmla Walsh 11 It West ?Janheor II Wslliams John Walser Geo 51. Wearer John ft B Waeggstiff W H Wendt Geo W Wilson Athos IVallazeJelln Weston Chas Wilson Jae Wallace Antler Welch David 0 Wilson John Wallace G - West Jas Wither Zibooo Walker John Whipple Henry DWilson Ben &CO Wafer Walker Whiteman Wns kVdkio.J %Valises J on While Jo. Witham Peter Walter Jacob White Hugh Wickersham W o n.. Feho White Mr or MossWingard Adam Waters John While &Co WA.) Joseph Watt Janus Whiten= H Wade Frsveis Watterstione 0 Williams 8 Wiskem Char Waroninghten W Witham. A Wickersham W Watt Wm Williams Laois Wicmer 0 W Warren C P Williams John D Woodcock lien Ward Alfred Williams lid. Wyndham 11 i. Winter J a s Woods Edwin Wright Lc lne Wilkinsona Woods Jos Woad. Wm Mi Wilkins Wm W Woods, Jae Youg Jortathm Young NY 7 Yeaur JO W Young Juo Young A M Yonfing Fran• Ram, Charles Steamer North River, or Owner, Steamy West Newton, Of ORIIM sto ,te llosa Wyoming J W R Publioation Office, N W Dia= end Click steamer West Newton hill (Wove Lodge • Zucca Lodge, No :NS Non City Lodge, N 0241 Ilneaviston Dirtsion, No S.Ve Lawremeeville Divhston, N.,173 Ureon W.O Dmision, ei of T, P. 7,1 Perremmon, March 7, 11840. H. A. Fahneatock & lATID/LESALP; DRUGGInTeI, corner of RIM and VT tCoodattests, oder for saleyon favorable terms: MO buts Whiting, 590 Ihs Crab. A611.10/linj 00 do Mom; Sou do Aasecnida; • 300 do Dye Woods; dad do Crude rartsre s 5 do Itsroptanct; 500 do Immortce 110 C 6 70 do Vets lied; MO do Irish aloscd. 11 do camphor; 150 do fled PrectpilMe; to do Span. Brown; 100 do I:W=10 Amer.; 00 do Itellow °clue; 03 do do Fmk.: tu du Ltrinrtasse; 000 do Booboo Leaves; odu Cueos.,• MO do Rhubarb Rook 3 3 dn Chum. Pioesercird do Marano. do; 14 MIL, /1.1. B o ras; 000 do Merman do; 0.5 in Csa•ne 000(0 11101 do. Sal Rocheele; 13 do Prosman eine; MU do Peidlitz 511ktare; 10 0,, 0 1,, ne e0k-omo do Pow'd FUmbarb; 13 do Cloome t ir es 6 M do do Slip. Elm; do do ye 11..; Flo do do G.Arabie sdo Ant Vensilton; 11. m do do Lig. li on , It terms :Sand Pnper; 100 do do /amp; :10etly Sumac; =it do do Af Coy.. 05 1.10• 1101110 Corks; YAM do Solph. Zinc; 75 ex Stalpb. Morhia; MM do Dar Tin; 1010 he Cape Aloes; 0061 do_ Tamarinds; PAM do Deetaora Potalib; 15D do Quick Silvan 001 do Pink Root; *So do °make Peel; Irri do 'flukey Umber; 75 do Cochln oo 4 001 do Cream TATUIr. VI do Hid POlaah; 50 0 do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Mare; - inn tin Uve Ur*, 15 do Qralawillo Lotto !ChM , disvpdos To the Public. ' ' 'CIF. tr,, 7 coglifirorrer 2 n bli Ve d g t.o held Promdcnoe Hall, on the eyenieg o iTh u l d , ,;.y, uSill of March nett, to which the friend. of Ins end the pahlic generally era respectfully Levi l;d THOS. ARAePRONG, A. U. 11A111:11.13. GEORGE HAYWARD, J. P. IsCOIT, Commlttce. I enouilerg, .treeret EleMere at Pelf rpcom the PAtettutet Ns.4stion 0.114 Fere In • r acted Co=pal, will Wane tnotaenre its CM. Lion of the tagllt; 'Munn other Ironies. We 25•31 R0PT.E1V1V,134.41 AMUSEMENTS 011,103 HALL SI: Piled. and Twig afternoons Morel SIGNOR BLITZ. CONAMENCINO ON MONDAY, February 21.71 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Scoria) Aftemmoci, Feb. Vlb and March 54 at 3 o'clock. tcrrh. Learned Canary thrdii beautiful mseri. menu in Modern Magni and laughable menmin yen. trUoquismi, illustrating the woneetial powers of the human omen Admission 515 cents; Children half price. Door. open at-7; to commenceat,l o'clock. 'Tickets can be procured at the prilseial Howls, ard at NY 6.5's Mat Wore fehO _ EMPIRE ,MINSTRELS. iIfiLILLES HA/SIowSBOOND PLOW'S. 1. , 1,7 1 1 . 0 L zgy 5 , , , ,,0 0 11 . 1 . G.1 . N . ,,A h L OPERATIC TROUPE- fully mcooece to the ittiltem of Pittsburgh, that P timy iropose giving a sericaof their popular CONCERTS. antatencing on Mona Emma, ESSIIIMS. lh. and atiunaing every cunning durin g, the muck, at WU, SONS LULL, issWitit ROOM, ou whisk, rocusionthey ell introdace their own original NI usictogetrer wall ail the popular Ethiopian !gelatins of the day. Mr. Director•-- • -.51r. J. F. TAUNT. Mr. 0. O. DROWN, to champion Donn Player of he vemla, is attached so this Mono, and will appear soh evening in Solos, Duals, Sic., in ail of which he stands unrivalled. Mr. O. O. EINIDERAIiao Jonontssa the Dutch Daity, will appear nightly in one of bin ohligitoca 0 - Doors open at fil o'clock; to comroncn at 74 precisely. Tickets, IS consi, to be hod at Me prole , pal Howls, and at the door ,1,70 - _ • - ______ ____ AllOllOll4l natal tor /tent. rpolgt—hlratrl American 1st: 1 11 o :1 1 ; 4 V ATtl ' ne n .l .. . A ply at this office. labia I:NOOND—A OM of Money arse NW N, which, upon r proof of oamerahip, can be had by applyi. to 0 LI MILTENBERGER, No 67 Fro , . al CIAOSIERES-5 mos Fsetcy Caimmeter, put U ...yea from mstatfactomrs. on consignment, mail to. sn'e by LI LEE, Liberty Iree4 felcS optictette Fit% ITIWES.D.-4 sues i weeds, olive, brown, a•d gold la led, just reold 011 smarmiest, for sale by H LErr.:l7bert • et CLAN ALPMES—JaIIt reed, ,4 eases Clan Alpine "OPCItt, • new article, for sprite talcs. (ab II LER, Liberty in roLvsicErs---1 rases Gray Drab 6.1%' Canada; do Ido 111. Bp d, tar 1 do aupariaagesal° by 49 11LEE L LtlrtY at THERE—A run lo more And mr sate by. ARMSTRONG fc CROZER bbla vadoue b • di.- a nre an. f, •e by &198 ARMSTRONG & CROZSR- AdON-10,0C0 lbo to doy_tee'd and far oak by ARMSTRONG & CROZER - - bbl. Lmusvillejtreat, for No DT ARMSTRONG 6 CROZER. M O MES-7 1: PiorLldoo; pO " Suirahlouse, C3O id bbls " " 15 do Gold. Syrup; ilbbla do . do; reed and for we by og nur.v, AIATTIIEWS A. CO , IR—°l•] bhdo new erop, jun reed .d CO onl ROEX, 51ATTHEWS & CO, 77 .d 25 Water n • WL DOW GLASS 675 la. las& for wile by I' I Ater RIMY, MATTIIEWSk • - SODA A. 911 —3l casks beet quilt,' glass suke; Prim. Seorchlngx; In snore and for sale by Rl' V, MATTHEWS ft CIS OU. M per steameOLASSES—off. tads Ground, ruciv inr r Complunon. mud for sale by fetr JAMES DALZULL WINDOW OLABS-509 bX• curs'a 'lces, Mc ' c AAA & 0.141 brand, for salby_ &MS • JA MI DALZEhI PLASTER PARI S -1/1001,8.tgor; On band and or _ asT j, CO, OF YON BO 0 fla Frnyn nt -- - S A n UXS bIANIJFACTriRED TOBACco_. ‘l-0../ L Rm Jobu ker As.; Pew L DogleHare g n ili rerntam lb.; I' Dadloy Wir, Jg , ' A Thomas ii's; Jahn s & Lewis lbg' , norms A Archer 6s; Robert Morris ling t Tam Metcalf s'g Oscar Baca lb. i Danicligunrivaliad Sig R King lbs; Pickwick b's; • Lainarilm ibn w m Smith s's; Richard Mcrae lbs; G W Ring Sr, A UTYlve itt; A imk.oo s's; Wm Milier lbr; :1 Hart A Cox Ss; Wm Sponewoni lbs. The above, including some of this mina popular ',rich:Ana and Richenond bran& Tobacco, au Foil. eignairent hem manufacturer., sod for miic by I. S WATERMAN, (0,64 31 W our and 60 Rout eu - OkLEakTl3l3-7 outs Saleratns; 14 do — do P. , i PA do do WICK k 41eCANDLE , " corner Wood and 417rinr wb For wee by febx. ptivviriblWMVMMErinneef! —__--au CIODSIBII-300 0 lbs just reed and fir sala by WICK & Mee sISI)LrfIq mss e k". No 1 ' %t e a IdeCJINDLMS bbls N C I .I C 21 f 22 r feV9 hIeCANDLSI 1b the Hentortale the Judges ur tie Court of Gene ral Quarter Session, qf the Tema, in and for the County te darghany. tytßE t in itre.titioc rJan.ll:,.P.lnr,tl your petitioner lath provided tionelivria riteial• tor the MCCOIII3IOIIIIIOII or wasters and others, et hi. dwell house in the Weld aforesaid. end 'preys Plat year bantam will be,plested to grunt v peddpner,PbindHtyuound, willpay. Add your We, the subscribers, eitimos of the Ward afore said, do certify that the above petitioner is of good re • pats for honesty laid temperance, and is -won provided with home room and conveniences for the acoommo dation and lodging of mrarcara and travellers, snd that said tavern is nor-emery. . John Fleck, M. U. Shep!ar, F. Vier boiler, C. ',Tart, LI. Cummins. C. McCormick, T. Fegeo, F. iNieholson I'. ht. Laughlin, W. Mendelson, A. Guppies, E. Ili ar, febte.di To the Hamra Us, the Judgsa of the Court of Gen, rat Quarttr Sessions pith Pout, in mud for the County of dillefLasi i H j Pln tulth'uth: humbly wo! eth, that your pedtimmr hate promued himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and oth ers, al his dwelling house, in the township aforesaid. and pray s that poor intimors will he pleased to rant him a license to keep Public House tof ratermio mut. had your peuttoner, on in duty bound, will p We, We, the subscriber., Mtnm of the aforesaid town. <ugh do certify, that the above petitioner Is of good re pine for honesty and temper:men, and is well pros. ded with honse roam of consomme.. for tbe meow modation and lodging of mangos. and travelers, and that said tavern is neCeasarl. Thomas Gibson, Ilea.) Elliott, John Grubs. George Shaffer, John Idelrioney, John Good, Henry Good, Jr., A. Schaefer, Peter Moser, W.B Shields, John J. Cer n., Jamb Grabs. tetiatgn• QREAMS-429 din Shinto - idmatas GI nem and 1.7 common gallium, for sale, at manufacturer's prima, by 1.9 WATF.RMAN, 1'627 No. 31 Water and 6g rewash Hoes—_o do: ban qoodity Coot Stool oes. for sole by febl7 L. S WATEMAN. F ORK 9-50 doz ben Cot fiteel Hoy Fork% Si doz . do Alzrarre Fork% 20 doz 'do 3 lined Fads • forkile by leb27 L 8 WATFAIBAN. CRADLEi-55dozGroko Cradles imoorejor ado by fcbt7 L 9 SVATEILNIAN:.: HOVELS-47dos polishedsteelpointesnal shovels 30 dos do do Devonshire do 16dos groin shovels, In more, fonpale 9 WATERMAN. febN OLDEN SYRUP—ibifstre rre4;e 7 ul for sale by C 01Di PALZELL MANNER'S 01L—Z brio are recciredjood for xx,le- DALZELL • TO Lira.: THE House at present adapted by iut Moor kddd, house thatoond and of An:7; 111,1, the second from earner of &waded an eau: alloy. For terms, apply to ROFLF IRWIN. feeds-Ilm • • • doy reoelved, and for sole IdEM°NB:-2i nis th at . VihiSTRONG &St_t_OZE . & : - ~,ty dry yyrober reed and for rale d ‘ u,MTRONC &910ZER. p fen ce JOUR WALLOIiVIRIL & FORWARDING COMMISSION ME HANTS, EijaIIZZEOH, out,D solicit the 0, 'agment of V Hltrisbargh height, from Wasters Merchants, as they areamPumd any unt. Line and Suction Roars marling night and day, the freight will not be detained, as they will tutleml a eh beats as all hours.f cluttran Ilarristaargb,Feb.W.l63o. Tvratatriftwo DoHaig Roaratrd. 4 T • Spezia! Hectic; of the AIIICriCAO Literary In held on Monday evening, it was want menly Resolved, That tearer! of twenty Got angers Ise paid (or the recovery of the betty at 004i1.1:ne:skd lel -100, member, John voppmed to hove been drowned Irma a yawl atilt on a plea... , eyeurAitnn. on :Shinning, th e T4l MAL, in the litho rivi.r, 0 (0000 e the Slicikeld loon \Folks. Toe above inward wool M. paid, on application to the Iscalarer, at F. H. ristun . ... :there, on Fitnitti at JOHN D: CARLISLE, Preet. W. It EWINGI, Feey. Fo.93thoeso.—lftb%4l Coo iStl—m i=. on naaa ana r c .air ty t bY6 15A1A14 AlC6ey t CO IVEELING It a duty we Owe to oureelves and our T (deeds, we deem it proper Mt publish the follow. leg *solid facts" regarding our ranaol.ruttion Line. It has been generally claimed by_tntereated parties, that there were but font regalar responsible lanes en the Cattal,oamelyt Ther''Limen Line," "Leech's Liao," “Bingttam's Line, and uPennsylvanta arid Ohio lane." We elatro In be a Efilt molar responstbte Luta, and have as liege a stock at Boats and Cara, Ratan:al Captains, us commodious depot nod otremmtunchdlr Tame, reapontlbilny , macaw, to attippert. any !JO , on the Canal. Oar "Pittabargh Tnomponation Line" was End established by Jame. 0 31 : ." years later the atyle was chanted to Mat of the "Pat ent Portable Carho 1y We!' The old style ditto "Attsbargh Transpenatleto Linn was reformat's MIS, end has bees saccesslally carried on since that dote and atm gram. O'CONNOR, who are the Roes and emcee's.. in burin... to JAMES O'CONNOR MO who are the mac tIVCONNORtS curer nicativ in the 'flaw pa nation truainess. Our arrangements ills sea son Are very estenstve, - and we fuel confident that who favor car '.onginsl old "O'Connor'. Plastergh ra I rttiporoulon Line" with their business. will him M. transacted to their enure satisfaction. Than/dal Or pest favors, we hope by strict anendontethe interest! of our pstr.ns, to merit and receive a teatinusace aan lamas" of Me lama. Ail curcurtarticattona addressed to as will men nth, prompt attention PIAOII2IO/O: O'CONNOKNS CO. ra . r ATKNS, R COTNOR & CO, .. i • LGICI= OCONNORS & CO tialusttrci USU. 1., Cu., - Ctoitturatii; ti tII.•CK.New ELLIOT r & ORP:10, Orman; &KEA, h6NaY & CO., St. kat& teas amtip)