The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 28, 1850, Image 1

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conn sxn jjuioa, thhuj btkztt, hxxt soot to
Daily pa r—— —.57,00 per annum.
Tri-Wee .y———— SJ» «
Weekly, inadvanee)-—55,00 “
Do. o Club*, at a reduced me.
sal C 8 OF ADVERTinsa
One Pqe* te, (Ml lines of Nonpareil or less)
one 1 iienion—•••
One Squr-'Oycach additional insertion--- (V#s
1 Do. one week 1,75
Do. twoweeks- —3.o*'
Do. three weeks-—— 4,W>
Do. one tnoDth-—AO°
Du. two months—
Dt. three menus —B,oo
Do. four months ■ IUOO
Do. -six months —• l!l,W
i Do. twelve months ——• •
Standing Card (6 line* or lei*,) pet annum- U>iWJ
One Inquire, changeable a: pleasure (per an
num) exclusive ol the paper— —•••••••• USsW
Foreaeh additional sqaara, inserted over one month,
UU for each additional square inserted under the ye Al
ly rates, half price.
Advertisements exceeding a equate, and not over
fifteen Uoei, to be charged aa a square and a half.
Publishers net accouoiable for legal advertitenieaia
beyond the amount charged fbnheirpublication.
Announcing Candidates for office, to be charged the
tame aa other advertisement*. - -
Advertisement* not marked on the copy lor a speei
tied number of irvniuos, will be continued UU forbid,
and paymentexacted accord.
The privileges of veariy advertisers will be confined
rigidly to tbeir regular business, and all othtr adver
tisements no! pertaining to their regular business, as
agreed for, to be paid extra. , r i ■
Ait advertisements for charitable m*iilotions, fire
companies, ward, township and oiber public meetings,
and sach like, to be charged half price, payable strictly
la advance.
Marriage notices to be charged SO cents.
Death notices inserted without charge, unlesa accom
panied by funeral invitations or obltnary notices, and
when to accompanied to bo paid fbr.
Regular advertisers and sIU others sending comma
nietuaos, or requiring notices designed to eall atten
tion 10 Fairs, Soirees, Concerts, o? nny public enter
tainments. where charges are made .lor admittance—
all uotict* of private associations—every notice de
sigacd to call aacmion to private enterprises' calcula
ted or intended to promote individual luierest, eau on*
ly-be inserted with the understanding that the time is
lobe paid for. If intended to be inserted. In the Inca
column, the eame will be charged at the rule c-t.not teas
than Ibci taper line.
Dishop sr FiaiNoiiccs to be charged triple price.
. . Tavern License Petitions, £i each. and hledica) advertisements to -be charged at
full pricos.
Itcal Estate Agentsand Auctioneers’ Advertisement*
not Ms be classed under yearly rates, bntto be allowed
discount'of thirty three undone third per cenu'fromthe
amount of bills.
One Square, three insertions—••••••-
Do. each additional insertion-
One Square, (10 lines.) one Insertion-•—Wets.
Do. each additional inseruon--?5 "
Ail tisusient advertiseoenis to be paid-in advance.
W UITE & CO., Gazette.
JAMES P. UARR A CO., Chronicle.
JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury.
JAMES W. DIDDLE, American.
HIRAM KAINB, Evening Tribune.
Pariauanß, Dec. 1, i£l9.
Benjamin Patton William Bakewell.
A. TOBNEVB AT LAW—Office in Tiighmau Mali,
Grant street,juear the Court llousc. feba
ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street,
above Smithfield—Lowtie’s Building*—upstairs.
jan9»y ;
LkXaNDER FKANKLLN, Attorney at' Law,
Fourth st. . __ novl-t-ly
Attorney at law and commissioner
All communications promptly answered. octSMy
ARM STRONG A CRO2ER; Commission Me rebuilt*
and Dealer* in Produce, No. £1 Market street'
Pittsburgh. dect) _ '•
ATTORNEY and Law. and Commis
sioner for the State of Pennsylvania, St. Louis,
Ho. (late of Pittsburgh.)
Sxrraiicza.—Puifburgin Hon. W. Forward. Damp
ten A Miller, M’Candless A M’Ctnre, John E. Parke,
•i.sseUs t Semple, M'Conl A King. - augU:diy-
t. M. miiisp. r. r axattuerr.
Attorneys and counsellors at law,
Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant,
•Mtsbnrgb, Pa. . julS
HIH y. Tjiaa m.ariiiaii.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street, nearGjanl.
... axtzEßSTiifiirß;;
A TTORNEY •AT LAW.—Offiee on Fourth be
tween. Smithfield.and Grant st, Pittsburgh..
sptlfcdly •" ~
. w. i. woodwaxs-—— aaeinsr. •
cer* N 0.221 Market street, Philadelphia, aonff
. Pittsburgh Alkali \Vorks.
“DENNETT, BERRY A CO, Ma nulaeuuers of Soda
n Aah. Bleaching Powder*, Mb nstic und Sulpbeiie
Aeida. Warehouse No. Waleraucct, below Ferry.
oovSkly • __
r»KSXu ci itson, __ a •*»*•* *“*“•
ORAUN A REITER, Wholesale ami Reuul Drug
|> risuu (truer of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pius
barat, fa
ioH* a. caaja. w.».»auiaa»-
CRAIG A SKINNER, Forwarding and Commission
Merchant* No. s» Marketat, Pittsburgh. tptf
A. MeANULTY A Co., Forwarding and Com
• misaion Merchant*, Canal Batin, a
C~ M Wholesale Grocer. Oonmussion-and
Forwarding Mcrchcni.No. 41 Water at. au!2
frwqwea »U«1 mad iroa
COLEMAN, r HAILMAN A Co, manufacturers of
Cotfh and Elipuo Springs, Hammered Axlna,
Spring and Plongh Steel, Iren, Ac. Warehouse on
Water and Front streets, Piusbargh. .
dealers ini Coach Trimming* and Malleable
Castingi. ~ ocUa
”s**. a. _ uan j. ikisiit.
ENGLISH a BENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
k Co.I Whole*ale Grocers, Commudoa and for
warding Merchant*, and dealera in Produce and Piui
borgtt Manufactures, No. 37 Wood sL, between td and
3d streets.
T 1 J. HENRY, Attorney and Councilor at Law,
Hi. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio,
and In Indiana, and in Kenmeky. promptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner for the Siam of Pcna
rylranla, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments,
*Rmri»Tß—Hon. Wm. Bell A Son, Curtis, Ckureh A
Carothcrs, Wm. Hay, Esq., Wiliock A Davit. aSS _
lta ■••'R. K- Fleming.
FOR the talo of Domestic, Woolen and 'Cotton
Goods, also, Dealers in all kinds or Tailors’Trim
mingt, No. I*7 Wood street, fourth door /nan Filth,
ginuscr: Mettra. Wm A. Hill A Co., Bankers.
_janiß • !
J.C. Breytogia—— A. M. Claiac.
§4 A NTS, and dealers in Window Glass, While
fiad.A«. No. IOS Second*!. i<n'»-y
JH Na> ua Second street, Pittsburgh. dc!4
.. uaiaii. yaanu.
w. SMITH A CO, Brewers, Mauter.
It and Hop Dealers Piuat, Pittsburgh- !T l *_
?S rjTß'6tTClsCfitfANTComiiuuiou and Forwarding
tT Mereliaat, No. 20 Wood street Piiuborgh. myl?
AJirtaui Woolen* Utoror, oppo»il° «■
ini. nf» tß t Baltimore.
: a. j. arcaaoa, DtriU hiald, ipMiada.
iPSf* uSSS*Kw «. *»« '“"“‘ST
Phila. J .
a aaanr • ji/hm.
JH Jones A Co.) CommtMion and ■
ehurta, dealera. in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods,
Piusb»T*h P. *
——- u. Mcvsy.
North East earner of Wood ond Third
janl PmsTPasn. P*.
IV. P, a&RSUALb,
(secesnot to fatten c. hiix,)
IMPORTER A Dealer la Freneb and Americas Pa
per ilangiags and Borders, Window-Shades, fire
l oard Prints, Ae. Also—WrUiag, Printing and Wrap
ping Piper, No. 87 Wood streei, between Fourth street
ana Diamond alley, west ride, Pittsburgh, Pa.
fcbia ■ ]_
is* tan bicunr, zoimtr idcxbt, i»,
ISAIAH DICKEY A Co- Wholesale Grocer*. Com
mission Merchants, ana dialers in Preduce, Noa.«9
Water;and ltft From streets, Pituburgh. noyfl__
Jfru. A.CAUGHEY, Arenl lor the Lake Eric and
Michigan Line to Bearer and the Lakes.— Office
on the corner ef Water and Bmlthfield sis. Jan*
Joha tf. Ihlwonh.— ■■■■'— Dilworth
TS. DILWORTH A Wholesale Grocer*, and
• Agent* for Hazard Powder Co n No. 27 Wood eb,
PtUalwigh. dc^r
roßif AjraMrwnL lossra oiiwosru.
JH. DILWORTH A Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro
• doce and Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the llaxard Powdar Co. of N. Y n No. 27 Wood st,
Pitlsharth.. ' , rotd
JOHN M. TOWNSWIiI, Dntggm atd Apothecary
No. 45 Market sL, three doors abore Third st Pitt*!
burgh, will have eonsuntly onhand a well selected ns*
•ortmentoflba best and freshest Medicine*, which bo
will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians
•ending order*, toll be promptly attended in, and gap
blind with articles they may rely nnon as genaice.
Rn-Physicians Prescriptions wilt he aecaritely and
sJi2y p;-.pared from the besiasierials, at any hsarof
ha dayornight.
Also lot sale, a largo stock of fresh god gtoAPerfoJ
nary. • )u!3
JOHN WATT, (sneoessor to Kwait A Gebhsn,)
Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant,
dealer in Prodnee and Pittsburgh ftlcnn/seurrc*.- cor
ner ofljb«rtj_and Handstreets, Pittsbureh Pa. j*2fi
tf Lewis Hutchison A Co~ Commission Merehonu,
and Agenis ef the 8l Louis Steam Bsgar Refinery.
No 45 water and W front atrefta, Piusburgh.
\. iant ' •:
1 T oilN IL hIELLOR, Wholesale anil Retail dealer
|.. (J )n Music andMnsiea! Instreme'Bis, Sehobi Boots.
Paper! Blates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers’ Cards, and
BUlionary generally,No.WlWocdsh, Pittsburgh.
L. XTO NO. 174.
b"CANFlKLD,ilataof Wanen,Ohio,) Ceiatai*-
. aton and Forwarding Merchant, and wholeaale
dealer In We»tem Re*erre Chee»e, Batter, Pm and
Pearl Ath, and 'We«em Produce generally, Water
. treet, between Smlthfield and Wood 7 Plttsbargh. ap
J gCHOONMAIsKB k Co. Wholesale Druntista,
. No. MJWomT street. Pittsburgh.
JOHN D. MORGAN, WholesaleDraggist.uiiddeal
er in Bye Sniff*, Palnu, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., N 0.83
Wood street, one door Soma of THsaend-Alley. Pin*.,
burgh. . ' Jan!
YUIIfTI). DAVIS, Auctioneer, eomeifith’
»I sueeu, Pltubnrgb. •
and Paper ManulaeDirer*, No. 44 Market su, Pius
burgh. . ' . jell
~ JoUW PIQIP. femitiiPiiini
Jt K. PLOYD, Wholesale Grocer*, Cotntniubn
• Uercbxnu, and in Produce, Round
Chmch Bailding*-, fronting on Liberty, Wood'and <tih
menu, Piuslmrjtb, Pa. myd
JAAUv Wholesale Grocer, Ccmnii**Jo“
Mcieheni, and deafer La Produce aod Puuburn“
Manufacturer No. 84 Water t, Pittsburgh- janld
JH SWKITZKR, Attorney at Law, office 3d »l,
a opfoaiteSL Chtulea Hotel, Plu*bttTflb, willnlao
attend promptly te Oollectiona, in WaaUniton, Fayette
and Green cooniiea, Pa.
Blaekatock. Bell A Co., ")
dwelt ft Carotheia, >Pra*bw*h.
D T. Morgan, j ocl3dlr
KIER ft JONES, Forwarding and Commintoa Ver
ehaata, Dealer* in Produce and Piiuburgb'ms au
facuired aroelea, Canal Baain, near 7th at. _d; l_
TT'ENNEDY, CHILDS ft CO, Manafoctarera ofr
|v aaperior W: Sheeunga, Carpet Chain,
Twice and Bauinf. ja3My?tou
Vtiaaiu Iron 'Work*.
LEWIS, DALZELL A Co., mannfaxtaren of el! ai
sea Bar, Bhoel, Boiler Iron and Nails or the l*e«t
•juality. Warehouae, 54 water and 105 front at.
janlfl ___ __J,
L 8 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward*
• in* and Commisakm Merchant, Denier in ruts*
tmr/bManufacture! and Produce,Noa 31 Water st.»
end Cd Front at. ] cL .
Hfißpßß * ABTKLO,
Liberal advancea made on consignments.
wm. kills*,' Philnda. c.w_*ic**i«oi*, Pittsburgh.
Mp.y.Pß & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer*, and
importers'of Brandies, wine* and Begar»,No*,
and 171, corner of Liberty and lnnn streets, Pitts
burgh,Ta.- Iron, Nails, Colton Yarns, Ac. Ac. con
stantly on hand.’.
McUILLS 4t ROE, Wholesale Grocer* and Corn qua
aion Merchants, No. m Übeiiy «t, Htulmrgh.
\A UKPHY, WILSON * CO- (late Joae», Morphy k
tVX Co.) Wholesale pealen ui Dry Goods, No. w
Wood street riiuborgh- noYttt^
MAI*TUftW ty ILSON,' Portrait andMlniatare Pain
ter. Roomr, comer of Post Office Alley end
Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market
* Holmes & son, no. » Mutet *ecoud
« door Crttm comer of Konni. deaJen in Foreign
I i)omc*tic UUl* of Kichangt, Ocrtibcue* of Pcpo*-
it, Dank Notes and Specie. . . ,
Collection* mod oa til the principal ctue*
‘-hrongbout the United State*. decl/
Nmir kmYstv.r, Aummi-Oflce. Forth SU
• third door tbore Smilhfield, sosth aloe.
Uonveyancing of ail kinds dono «uh the pea-cat
core and lets! accuracy.
Titles te Real Estau examined, ko.
: Pitov. fiUEJKJtiT EOUBOOK,
PENS STBEKT. Wlweea’WaTne and Hand, baa
resumed hu professional duties, emny Instruc
tions on the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Music.
aacUaltf ' .
< «=^fiiojri , fi,XB i rOHic--^Sor7o tforr&
Riitia m_ near Wood—All quantities of Green toid
wSaL Black' Teas, done op In quarter, halt, md
NO. 27 M«ket*tteel,PitttbnTjh, Pa., keepeoamat-
Iv oa hind tend 'mike to orderallkiaflJof.Vn<i«,
Bottle#,Ac. Porter and Mineral Water Bottle*, of .a
perior qnality. ' _ , „„ • .
Particular attention paid to Prints Monica.
. iOBISoN, UTTUK * CU., No. 193 Uteny »ir tet.
rv piuabunh, Wholeidle Grocers, Produce ..nd
Conuaiaiioa sod deslecs- ic'.PiUjbu iU
Manufacture*. iv?
> , U UEli’F UOtilLiSi’AWi
XV,Distiller, defier m Pi
ihtcs, anil all kipds oft F<
wd Liquor*, Njf. 11 L&et
urge stock m superior
yiuch will b^soldlo—'
. amx mft- »• wkq:
.../tolcsole Grocer, Rectify jjj
Jer in Produce, Menu «-
id. eft Foreign and Domestic Wi »e»
.11 Liberty street. On hand a-» try
•uperiflr old Uonoofahela whiik ey,
lid low forctuh. apl&l
\jUUERT mo
iutcs, anil all>
and Liquor*, f’
large stock '
•tuch will »■
l. a. unoua, 3. u wan -
REYNOLDS fcSHEE, FerwaidlnjrandC#num**i>n
Merchants, for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, at &l
tr* In Gro eerie*, Produce, Pitubarjh Menofsewre*
u»d Chloride of Line.
ThchijheM price*, in cash, paid at all time* for e oon
ry rpg»- Corner efrenn ana Inrin ate laniO
DBERT DiLLXELL fc~Ca, Wholesale Grocer*,
OomHimicm and ForwaMinj Merchant*, dea er*
uiitodoceand Piuaborth, Mamtiaetaru, Liberty at.
Pitubiinrb, I'a. .
ROUT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grxetr,
Dealer in Prodace and Picsburgh Uanufactu e*
'«.144 Libmv st. JY»*
b . BB9OUL.
SMzS'*™ ■•Kssar” 1 *
and Commission M er •
chant, has removed to No. 8» Front, between' \Y.«d
•nd SmiihScld streets. ■»'*_ __
SINGER, HARTMAN a CO.. Sheffield ftcn «ind
Steel Work*—Mauafacinrert of Am. Spt-ng
and IMoagh Steel. Al*o-Spi»ng*, Axles, Viee», .m*
Tii>, Ac They invite U»e attentionor Merchants »nu
container* to their itoek. before porehMinseltewfaere.
Taey warrant their article* to be equal to any niidriD
tbit cpantry or imported. 1*
r |">, ___ 7BO*. t WMtb
SIIACKLEIT 'it WHITE, Wholesrie Dealsrs in
Foreign ud Domestic Dry Goods. No. 99 Wooo *t
f'.»uiiur*a. *.
—t 'w. HABBAUGH, Wool Meichsnu, Beal :r»
_ m Floor and Produce generally, and Forward ng
Commission Merchants, No. 63 Water it., P us.
ourth. ;
r nTTSsrsoH. Joan maiots, rn.
SHJLEBS A NICOLS, Produce and General C< m
mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty Piusbsogh.
spcnu, Linseedand Lard Oils.
*\ VON UONNUOKST, iCo., Wholeaalc t*ro*
. cm, FcrwanUrt* and Commiaium Mercba u»,
Dealers in Piotbarrh Mannfaemra and Wrsumil »■
dace, have removed to their new wtrehcnae,(nla tit w)
So. 05, corner of From ft. and Chancery Lane.
A. O. KIQbUB * co„
Til ILLOGICAL, Classical, end Bonday Seh »l
Bookseller*, and dealer* in all kind* of W rui ig,
•Window and Wrapping Paper, No. 79 Wood etreet, o «•
tween Fourth and Diamond alley, Pmibargh, Pa.
TItAfcSEY A BEST, Wholesale (iroeer* and Commit-
I iioa Mercbantt,aod dealers in l’rodace. No.»
Wood aL.Pittsbargh. P 1 **
WOOL DEALER A Oonunusian Merchant for the
sale of American Woolen Good*, Liberty street,
opposite fifth. feoW : v _
w*. baoal**- 3. coaomaTE.
w. il woodwa*h aatra aiOAnxi.
WM. ILiGALEY A CO., Wholesale Grocent, IB
and, IB Wood street Pittsbnrgh. i10v27
ANTS ju»o—lmporter* of Soda Aah and Bleaching
powder, No. 160 liberty at, toppo*iie Sixth au,) Pitta*
burgh. , * C H°
10118 S WICK. BAVZ9 .
lines k JI'CANDL.ESS, («neceJJOXt to k. J. D.
W Wick,) TOole*aleGroehr*, Focwapiu* end
Couuaixjioa Merchants, dealer* In In>n,Tletl*, GU*s>
Loiian Yarn*, and Pnub*r*b Manafattaret jcnoraJly,
paw* of Wood andjtYaier -treet*. Fiiuborgb.
Vir w wjuTi./nK, Mill ttona mad MU) Fanuah-
W * in?establishment, No.!M4 Liberty st-, nearthe
W , and Military Goods, corner of Mniketand dth
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa- N. B.—Wait he ■ tad Clocks
cartfaliy repaired. > —
VrriST BOWENf-Commusloaand Forwarding
W Merchant,No.9o Front st. between Wopdand
Market streets. V _
WH. anditrtail dealer in
* Foreign. andjDotnettie Dry Goods, north east
corner of MarketandiFonTth sts. **d*r..
"was/Yocsih f tno. a. ifcowa.
WBL YOUNG & <io—'Dealer* In. leather bidet, ft*.
143 Liberty «L_ _ ijmWY.
«. v* Wholesale CiroeerMcii
• lers In Produce, Iron. Nail*, Ola**, and-aHJ*
liar*b Uaaofaeiares g enoralijr, Ifil IJbei ty *t, * lll **
bnrih. decJ —
—*— wsmuhUN, “
Sutler, Pa
■nTXLL also attend to collections and aJI other bn*l*
W nrnentTMteduihlai.ln Waller an<. Arm*irony
W.w. Wallace, do .. h ;
James Marshall do f Pittsburg
dly Kay A Wood ft i • J* n ~
oSpiaßa ocrtl No. 43 Water street
w, 4j. oifBSB» Book Btad«fi-
are atill encored in the above be-iinea*, corner
. VVof Wood end Third »treeu, Pittsburgh, where
wV.r o rr«.£d to do any work ia our Une with dea-
P We attend to oar work personally,’ and •**»-
ffiSn will be given laregardwlu neatne and du
”nS Book* ruled to any pattern and bound *ab-
Bookela number* oroldbookibound eare-
Name* put on book* in gill letter*.
faavo work in our Une are *«£<»«“■
MASSSfUbertt and Wood itrcau, ja*m:fM:tun>
53W f « fl xksr r F SU?i
Bujjwucb f“£;“i"„ h f
*■ “SSS,* 1
tbo citiicna m*d ihp public
I °*PALaSB, , nAHMA I «.
» "d ^ e J l'"
nearly opposite ihe Bank of Pitubnrgb. Cwrenl «w*
ney ae.eelved on deposto—Bight tibeeka for**le»*Bd
collection* made on nearly all the principal point* ut
the United Sum. .
| The premium paid tor Foreign and Ataenian
l Gold i
Adea«e*jn*da©neon*iftuneoti «f Prodne<>*hip>
ped Eatj» oh liberal tone*. ap2
HAVE now in (tore tt.Urpe'xnii *<*neral aswTtnem
or DRY GOODS, wkfehahey offer W-Citf and
Uonnty Merchant* at reduced price*; and which they
will sell a* it tl iadueemeniß to caih boyen. or for
approred etc -
UFEENSWaRE manufacturers,
fllrralathutijßißr PltUbnißht]P*»
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
«MBf\WlLLeonstantly keep on handarood uion.
BEUmtnl ol Waras of<»r *wa manufacture, and
fB9> luper.orquality., Wtoleaale and country Ner-
W ehaau are re«pectfu3ly invited to call and ex
amine for themeelvea, as we are determined to aell
cheaper than baa ever oefora been offered to the pub-
E r Orders less by cell, »eeomp*nled by the e«*h or
»y reference, will be promptly mttondfd tn._ mylg_
P*nn BlacMn* ihop.
WlGHTMAN—Mantfaclurer orall kind* of eot
too and woollen -aactidery. Allegheny city, J»a.
iboTe works being now ia fail and wieeeatftl co
in, I tin prepared to tittiu out'* wit* diioateh
11 iindi of machinery in*TbM,s*eh a* willow*,
•rt, spreaders, eards,grinding asahines, runways,
ing Cremes, speeders, thteisils, looms, woolen
,*,double or (ingle,for merehantor country work,
*es, jacks,&e.; slide am} hand lathe* and tool* in gen
*l. All kinds of shafting mude to order, or Plan* gi»-
a for gearing factories’ or mills at reasonable charge.
J2e7K( to— Kennedy, Child* A Co., Blackstock, Bell
A Co„ King, Fennock Co-, Jsj- A. Gray.
A AFVLTONiSellandßnus Foiui4er,hi* re;
built and commenced business at his old stand
where he will be pleased to see his old custom
ers and friends.
Church, Steamboat,and Kelt* ofevery site,from 10
to 10,000 pounds, east frompatterns of themost approv
ed model*, and warrauted to be of the beat materials.
Mineral Water Pump*, Counter*, Railing, Ac., toge
ther with every variety of Brass Casting*, il required,
earned and finished in the ncateat manner.
A.F. i* the sole proprietor of Baa&n'a Aim-ArTai
non Mttal, ao justly celebrated for the redaction of
friction in machinery. Hie Boxes tfnd Composition
ean be bad of him at all time*. jnittuly
VB. S.BLAIVB. • “ • • ••—"••••
Rs axr. mwus Wood 4xo Maun, Pmnavußn,
/VSNTlNUEusmanufacture all kinds of COPPER,
intaboilt tool
Special attention given to steam boat work.
Have on hand* anno assortment of Copper and Brass
Kellies, Tin Ware, Ae. Ac; Steamboat Cooking Stoves,
Portable Forges, various stirs—n very convenient or-
Oele for steamboat*, California emigrants, or rail mad
We would respectfully invite steam boat men end
others to call and tee our articles and price* before
parnhasinx eUeerbere. tvtl?
“TojvSll FLEtcilkU,
K*iu<V4trrvasa or
nconei and puttii spirits,
Comer Front and Vine streets. Cincinnati, O.
ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Spirit*.
Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly at
eniied to at lowest mnrkct pnc«-. jiiebt&:dtv
noaongahsia Lfverr stable.
ROBERT 11. PATTERSON ho* opened
/.*ys»the Urge stable on First at, running through
to Second st, between Wood and Smtihficld
the rear of the Mouongahcla.House,
with an entirely new stock of Horse* and Carriages of
the best quality and latest style*. Horse* kept at live*
ry In manner. IvWly
RANCE COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the
Exchange, Third street. Philadelphia.
F«x fieutaltc*—Buildings, Merchandise and other
property In town and cocaTET, insured against lo*i or
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
Minna I’tsttsshtt They aUo inure V eseels, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured may desire.
iKLaroTiaJOfoiraTtos.— They also insure merchan
dise transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal
Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lake*, on the
most liberal term*. _. „
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Bouder.
John C Davis. Rol-ert Horton, John R Penrose, Sains
el Edwards. Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac
B Davis, William Folwell, John Newliit, Dr R M Uus
ton, James CHaxd, Thcophilus Paulding, 11 Jones
Brooks, Henry Sioan, Hugh Craig, George Serrltl,
Spencer Mellvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, VYU
li«m lUy, Dr SThomas. John Sellers, \\ m. r.yre, Jrr
ffßi. Baealey, Joo, T. Logan.
Ricb**d S. Nav.'MUijSecretary.
ID* Office of the Company. No. W Water street
Pittsburgh. janSStdtf P. A MADEIRA, Agent.
Trenton fintnnl Life Inssranre Company
BATI3 OF r&SMttn ASDUCKS 2fj re Ct>T-
Capital, 9100,000.
JAMES DURNU A CO., Agents at Pittsburgh, »'«.
aoaao or DtxiCTtojr, AT tbcttox, xsw j*xset.
James lloy. Jr. I Joseph C. Pous n Pres*L
Benjamin Fish. U. A-Penlirans, V P.
John A. Wean. I Eh Moms, Secretary
Jonathan flak. Treasurer.
I Hon. James Campbell.
1 David U- While.
W. J. P- White, P. M.
Comptroller of New York.
George Wood.
JohnT. Itraektt. _
David Dudley Field.
Joseph Hoxie.
I Ex-Got Vroom.
Ifuc Wildnrk, M. 0.
Wm. A. Newell. M. 0.
Hon. 8. R. Hamilton.
W. W. Gerhard, M. D.
301 Walnut »L, PliiPa.
11. R. Cell, 3L D,
Ailceacny city, Pa-
Ilia Exe. Gov. Heine*. I
W-, L. Dayton. U. 8. Sen. I
O. U. Wall, Ex-U. 8 Sen.
Ex-Got. M. Diekrr»on. |
A. Sidney Doane. M. D
W Warren *l, N. \.
Wm M’K. Monfan, M. D.
George hTCook, AL D..
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The Agent* o< thi* Comp*
onxed to take every first c
lion of invnlf-fiti prr ttnt !
miun a* charged by oibrr
my, ai I’maUurfli are *uth
;N.» riak nil Unr «1 a TtUut
!r<jm the uraal rate* °l prv
A nan 30 year* of n<r, laai.ig a Policy of liuureure
for One Thouyar.d Dollar*—
To run tor one year, pay* only W,&o.
do *even *• M “ *H«O-annnni:>.
do Lifetime, “ “ ' **
And in the aame proportion for any »am ap to
which U the extent taken on any one life.
Thi* company commenced operation* on the »«<>et.
19J9, and iu monthly business op to the l*n»ct.,
show* a progrea* ezettding lAat of any other Life Lora-
P Tbe° Srrtdiridend of profits will be declared to the
aa*uredon the I*l January, 1550.
Pamphlet* containing the various taWc* of rate*,
and ail the neee«*ary inloctnaiion on the important
snbieet of Life Assurance will be famished on appti-
Odeon BiuMingi.
pin RISsCTUS C K. .
1 BURA.NCE COMPANY will u*ue 1 ohete. ofio
reran ee agaiustLow o* !>***«* by Pa*. Us
ings and Furniture, Swrc*. G<mtK Ac., on PI
HEALTH ISiOBAKCB.iI plltibajrgh.
The Spring Garden Htalln lnmranee Co n
OF SI 00.000,
INSURES Hale* and Female* again** the
-»nd Lou occasioned l»v Siekne* or, b>
__ ijnaeduUa allowance of from S 3 to Sr per wwlr,
for one, two, three, or four year*.
The method of effecting tht* Instance, and Ac
nanne'r of awarding the »iek allowance, will be fully
explained by the Agent.
r TfiaPLt
A peraoa eaa inaare against Sirkneu of Accident
whieVwill detain him Irom hi* ordinary l.u«mea<, a*
Fofone y«»r, by paying *nd receive S 3 V * r * ck -
Fortwo “ “ *-~V» u „ I
For three * jJJf u u « u
Off fora period of four year*,’ the •um.of_*lW> P=» J
■ finally, r wlT »ecure per wtck whilr «u-k.
ETCfy reecMary infonamuoii will Uc afford'. d °» ih
■“•““'S'lTu&'iJ * CO. Ar-».,
JA "* Odentt Holdings.
Llf* ud Health Insurance*
THE Mutual Life end Ileailh Insurance Company \
ef Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature i
PeartrylTanfa, March, IBM. Charter perpetual.
CmoitaL •100,000. Ratib Lowaa tuaAienr Pkhxul-
TtnAcSaUAirf, and full SO pur cent JoweMhen the
££llits oMife ln»urande, a. the following «m
-pahaon will abows Thai, a peraon of <hc age i of m
**JC; New Yorklife. Ai
f. Boon., n ll ’ch«‘o“u'c’.* f wi;
p.Uwm, M. M. *««. e. 11. Boiler, lidonn
D. Wick; Vico Pre.i-
P. Kinei SecretorY-Froncl. Blueklmrne.
K o, office, Commerclel Room., eoiner of
oec?7-dIT Wood end Tinrd bib, Pmeburgk
fire juib habise isdWidficE,
T UE INSURANCE CO. of Noith will
meke pemeornt end limned Inenrenee on pie.
Deny Intbie city end vicinity, end.jn Bbiptnentß by
?W1 Klrere, lekee. end by Sen. Tbe proper.,., o.
doVccmpecy ere w3l in.e.led, end fnrni.l. no .veil
eble (duo for tho emple indemnity of ell peon. »bo
’“■‘S." be p^.Von‘eTm.
““ iBDKamiTV.
Ths Franilin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
DIRECTORS.— Charles N.Bancker, Thomasillarl,
Tobias Wagner, Bnmnel Grant, Joceil. R Smith,
Ueo W Richard*, hfordeeat D. Lewi*. Adolpho L.
B«ie, David B. Brown, Morn* Patterson.
00,1 1 CuaiLu N. Banana, President
Charles 0. Btneker, Secretary. .. ,
Continae u> make Insurance, perpetnaVor United,
on overr description of property in town cr country,
at rate* os low n. ore consistent with security.
To Company have reserved a largo contingent Fund,
>Thlch with their Capital and Premium*, aafoly invcit
afford asiplo protection to the assursd.
* The asseu of the company, on January Ist, Iflta,
pabUshcd agreeably to an act of Assembly, were
Fallows, tU:
Beal Estate
Temporary Loan*
Stocas ■
Cash, &c.
Since their Incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
Bince meir K m uiisn foar hundred thous
h*ro pwd upward* or one mut« Bficrdinß evidenee
anddoUart.loJSMby abUuy
meet with,promPine»* all liabilities.
'aul-Or office SB WOJM *“•“*“
Tha Psnttiylvanta Company
T porp ' , “‘-
‘ BXKJKHs>.‘ 'into.ißnd « «.«.« .PPI.-
according to tbotr proposaJ* *na Wood
made known to upphcaiit* ©EO. COCHttAiY.
I ‘vr!DitSTnTTPRI NTO^fiaudsomc klacai'wfite
I M. antTblaek and dote colored Prints, for Mourning
!»<*“!* *' th ’ UrV °° vt ‘ H ° U "’ w R BURPHV
I noli
JC. BREYFOGLE, having associated with him
• A. IL CLARKE, for the purpose of
the Forwarding and Commission business. wtU con
linue that husines* at the old stand of “Lope *
fogle," and respectfully asks a' continuance of toe
former patronage of his friends and the public Rcner
ally. The basinesswill be condacted under the name
“ d *'r le ° f 1 CL “ I c. ureyfogle.
Pittsbargb, Jan, *,
DlMolotlon of Oo*Partner»blp*
THE Co-Partnership existing between the under
signed, under the style of “P. H. Eaton A -o
was dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. SOth- *• •
Eaton, having purchased the entire interest 01 » -
Marshall, who retires, wiU attend WJhe seUement ol
the business of the late firm, at the old viand, No
DEALFaR in Gloves and Hosiery. Trimmings, Fancy
Good*, Ribbons, I aces and Embroideries. Zephyr
Worsted. Patterns and Canvas*. No 03 Fourth street,
Pittsburgh. A full supply of Fine Shirts and Genu
Under Garment*. s IcM-tro
THE Partnership heretolore existing between Elliott
A English, m the Book and Paper Business, was
Unsolved on the lltb Inst., by mutual consent TM
businCM will be continued ut the old stand, No. 7U
Wood street, under die firm of “A. H. English A Co,
by whom the business of the former partnership will
bo settled. 9AM (JEL LLLIO IT,
tebl3 A. IL ENGLISH.
DM- LONG, basil.g purchased Ibo interest of
• James Ketr. Jr., in the firm of James Kerr, Jr-
A Co., ltc Ship Chandlery and Boat Slore bu'' ri ''**
will be carried on as heretofore at the old stand, No 3®
Water street, between Wood and Market, under the
style of* febS-ltn GONG, DUhF A GO.
THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under we
style of “Cope A Breyfogle,” is this day dissolved
by mutaol consent. The business will bo fettled by j.
C. Rreyfogle, at their old stand. No. 1W Second slrecL
L. 8. COPE,
' Diuolallon.
11IIK Co-ParineT»uip heretofore existing tinder tne
itylo of "J. 11. Clause A Cn," i* tin* Jay dissolved
by iDuiaal consent. The business of the firm w«» «'*
willed by 1.. 8. Waterman, at their old sland. «"'
Liberty street. L- \ , ' AIKKMA.N,
01,9 J. **• LIAJUSr-
Dissolution of Partnership.
fore existing under the sfrle of BU9IIMKI.D k
LEADER, ho. been dissolved by Henry I* ado' *el -
■ lie bn enure interest in said firm to John Mcuilr. All
tiu*iort* connected with the firm of Itßslifirld A lead
er will be nettled by 9. 15. Uusbfield t Co- »‘>o are
duly authorised to make all collection* 1
-I‘uubnrgh, (>ct- S 7, IMS*.
N H—S R RFSiIFIELD A CO. will continue the
rholrsale and rotall Dry GoodanndGrncerr businel*
t the old store room, No. «5‘ Liberty at, where they
.-ill be pleased to have their friends and eueiomors
nil and examine their stock of Roods.
,*.,31 s B. HUS I [FIELD fc CO,
THIE partnership heretofore existing nnder the firm
1 of A. AC. BRADLEY, i» dissolved by the decease
of Mr. C. Bradley. Tbo busiicesa will be carried on by
A. Bradley, who will settle the boniaesa of Ihe lale
f Ri!MQVAJ —A Bai»un baa removed hu Foundry
Warehouse from No. lt» Second street, to No.l#
U'cyjd street, between First and Second street* >o the
Warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where be
will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of
Casting*. Grate* Stove*. Cooking Stove*, Ac. jyU _
" ’Dissolution*
milE co-partnership berelotore exist! ug between the
X subscribers. in the name of Constable, Burke A
Co it this day dissolved by mutual consent Messrs.
Burke A Barnes will settle llir business of the con
cern, for which purpose tboy are authorised to u*e the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned *■ are this day associated themselves
in the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose
of manufacturing Fixe Proof Sates, Vault Door* Ac.
Ae., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burse
A Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage of the customer* of that fioore p
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co,
1 with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Butte A
Barnes to the confidence of my friend* and the public.
j, &, j. Tardos, Comxnlaalon Mcrehaatu
VIO. til Old Levee it.. N. Orleans, keep oo
hand a large assortment of Brandies of the follow
ing brands, which they oser for sale as agents for J< Du
rand A Co , Bordeaux, vi*: Maglory, J. Eruud, J.Darand
ACo, Larochelle, J. J. Durand Cognac, A da Montour,
A. E Uleville, A-de Moadorc, Jean Lorn* tOiabofAn
chor Gin, Bordeaux Bed and White Wine* incaskjand
case* selected wnh care by John Durand A Cts be*»de»
Champagne Wine A Sweet burgundy Fort. (feb7»ty*
A. 3. stcist. tho* *. utU- •
STUART A SIL4 Grocer* and l*rodnee andDMS
mission Me reheats, No. 118 Wood-str—WtwWlJA,
Dealer* in Groceries, Flour, Wheal, Rye, (hit* Com,
Barley, Fork, Bacon. Butler, Lard. Cheese} Clover,
Timothy and Flax Seed* Iron. Nails, Glass, Ac. Ae.
Aa. (’.reticular attenuou paid to the sale of Western
|lxT*ix.Nct»—Messrs Myers A Hunter, RoUl Dal
tell ACo.. M’Gills A Roc. Hrunnton, Smith A Co.,
I James May, King A Moorhead. nttsluirgh. Fenner
I A M'MiDuit. Massillon. Jos. S. Morfuon, Esq., til.
I Louis.' spnrtily
>0,1,4 CUAI«, latr ot N. Lisbon, <>. "\v. a ntnbt*
GENERAL AGENCY. Commission liml Forward-
UIK .McrriiouU. .No. SO Market St.. I’msburgh, Pa.
13* Prompt aticntii.u Riven to the purchasp auc salt
of nil Linda of Produce.
Ketkm to —John Wall A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Cn.
Pittsburgh, Pit.:. Lawxiu A Hill, Mail on Martin,
Wellsv.ifr, O.; John H. Hrown A 0«., litigg, Elliott A
Co_ Philadelphia; U \V. Snodgrass A Co., Gre« A
N*oe, New Lisbon, 4>., Fr. Skinner, Him. C. 0. Coffin,
CinciuuaUi J. P. Keiler, Youngstown, W 1~ Bian
dnru Cleveland, O wngU4_
Comxalailon and Forwarding Horehant,
CONTINUES to transact a general Commission bust
ueati, especially in the purchase and sale o( Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, and in rccervtng and
forwarding Goods consigned to hi* care. As Agent fur
the Manufactures, be will be constantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowest wholesale paces. Orders and consignments
are 'respectfully solicited, J 97
CftTHIH establishment long and widely known as
Efl being one of the most commodious tn the city of
jfcai. Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten
sive alterations and improvement.*. An emire new
wing has been added, containing numerou* and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
Tnc Ladie*’ department ha* also been completely
reorgauil*:! and iiUed up in a mo Auimjoe and Ik-buU
fui style. In fact the whole arrangement oi the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of
the proprietors, toward* the comfort and pleasure of
their Oursu, and which they confidently a»«ert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel ui the Union.
Their table wtll always be supplied with every sub
•unial and luxury which the market affords, served
ap in a superior style; while In the way of Wines, Ac n
they will not bu surpassed.
In conclusion ike proprietors beg to say. that nothing
will be lefl uudons on their part, and on the part of their
assistant*, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
Tha prices for board have also been reduced to ute
following rate*:
Ladfci* Ordinary, *1,73 per day.
Gentlemen’s u IfiU ,
S. IS.— The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Hteumbo*: Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge. mayw_
LAjaAHTIiIK llOtislC,
co*sxx o» topstu aim ox**7 mim nmMton.
jbA THE subscriber respecUully announce* that
he has now opened hi* new and excellent Hotel
accommodation of travelers, boarder*,
aod tho public generally. Thr hou*o ana furniture
arc entirely new, and no pains or expense hrfv* bees
spared to render it one'of the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber Is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronage.
ocUd-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
_ O'CORD 4k CO., 4S!3b
Bm (Successors to M’Cord A King) WfiA
A Ftlblouabls Uatteri, 'T*®
Comer of Wood and Fifth Streets.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and
Caps from our establishment of the star materials and
wouMAMUir, of the latest stile*, and ut the imwjar
f "country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to call and examine our block; as
we can say with confidence that as regurds QrsLrrt
and rate*, it will notjufferin a comparison with any
house in Philadelphia. _ _ .
—’ Ttri'iuSTiiiis.
JOHN D. M’CRKAKY, Printing Ink Monufarturer,
Nos. 331 and 33.1 Stnnton siren, NK'V UHUv—De
pot No. 3 Spruce street— Would call the attention of
Printers to his improved Printing ink* cf various
kinds and orders, at the following pricey,:
Extra line Jet Black, for Card and \\ uod
Cuts - - - g*J 00 and 3WI per lb.
SS - ;;
: •*> r.
F.neß-aiiik ■ IS- A, ‘ I'J,
Blue, Yellow, Green and \\ hue «5e 1 00 1 »)
Gold size at ft* per lb, and Bronze at 50, 75 cl* and
•I per ox. .
A specimen of News Ink can l be *- * l ’ , “ |CI , P er '
1 Fmsburgh, Fa.
44 Water si.
• •1,047,433 41
. 94,7*34 33
. 90,001 83
SU’JO ’33
. 37
C. Morgan fc Co. Cincinnati. Ohio.
Morion AGnswould. Louisville, Ky. octO-ddm
MA. WHITE A CO., would respectfully inform
• the public that lW have orecied a shop on
Locockybetween Federal and Sandusky street*. 'They
TtZnlm m.wins and are prepared to receive orders for
Phsuins.Ae., Ar., wlneh from'.heir
riinFlcd to do «o.k on lie mort rcooonoLlo torio. >»»U
-""T of “r;
Uirrefore a*k tho attention of the public to tht« matter.
Repairing done In the best manner, ando-ilho
most reasonable term*.
Eru r niriTF.R—3 bbls in store and tor sale by
Daily u the Baltimore,
Young MEN in wholesale ami retail stores, i» w«
respectable business, lo act a* Book-keepers, sale*-
men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiter*, Farmer*. Coaen*
men, Car Agents. Book and Map Agent*, CoUeclor*,
Overseer* in ail branches of business, Ac. *ve nave
at all time* a large number of good situation*ton hand,
which pay from 300 to per annum. Those in
want of situation* of any kind would do well to five
04 alcail, as we have agents in each of the a’jove ci
tie*, which will euabie us to plaeo every applicant in
a * unable situation at the *hone*l notice. We nave a
large acquaintance in all the above named cities,
which wo trust will enable os to give entire satisfac
tion lo all who may favor u* with a call.
TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. fi# Second sl,
between Bouth ami Gay.
N. B.—Persons living in any part of the 0. State*,
and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei
ther of the above cities, will have their want* imme
diately attended to by addressing us a line. Ipnst-paiu)
a* by so doing they will curtail both troublo and ox-*
pease, which they otherwiso would incur by coming
to the city, and seeking employment for themselves
No.£9 Second street,
Baltimore. Md
THK attention oflhe public U respecUiuiy called ic
the following certificates:
>U. 8. Fa sms—Having lasted a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer. I find thereeull proves
yonr instrument correct; end recommend Uio use ot n
to those going to California. as the best method for ob
taining the real value of Gold. Resp. _
j. ||. DUNLEvY, Cold Dealer.
Pittsburgh, March il, 1840. >
PrrrotnieH, March 7,1849.
Mu. Earnt*—DearSin Having examined l'ie“ Areo
meter,” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate
u> commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are
about removing to California in aearch of ucld.
it gives a close approximation to the itiecuic gravi
ty of mentis, wid wul certainly enable- the adventurer
to useenain when bU placer is yielding Cold. __
marl'J ' Yours, rasp's. J. R. M'CLIN TOCK.
1' NDIAKUUHEB CLOTHING—Ju*t received for the
California Expedition, a complete nasortmeiit oi
Uum Elastic Clothing,-at prices ranging from to
fllpMi for suit of eoat, pants and taL tor sale at the
'Biuta UrleltWor6ifor*ils. ’
THE subscriber offers for salnf thc’JJTIJAM BRICK
WORKS, ul>ove I»awrenPcyille,*C(rtnprising a
Steam Engine,» Boilers, S Mould Machine, capable of
manufacturing *.11,01)0 .Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay,
n« taken from the bunk,) per day; with three acres of
land on the Allegheny over, on which are 4 kiln* and
sheds, machine and.clay tbedV, wheelbarrows, trucks,
shovels, spades, Au., every thing requisite to com*
mence operations at an hours notice. Price, including
the puleut right to use said machine, *7,000 —n>n»_ of
•payment tniule easy. Without the land, >5,000. tor
particulars, address HENRY llEßßlrfi
nuyiT-Utf* No 119 Moaongahela Houve._
Wronghrsnil Cast Iron Railing.
THE subscribers beg leave to inform the publie that
they have obtained from the Kan nil the late end
fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both far houses
ana cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please call and examine, pad judge
for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the sban
est notice, and in the beat manner, at the comer ot
Craig and Rebecca street* Allegheny cily.
augig-dtf A. LAMONT A KNOX.
BURKE A CO'S Daily Express Is now regularly de
livering Can and Snell OYSTERS, which are of
fered toCdealert and families at the lowest prices.
Quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar
ket, and for sale by . .
J. C. BIDWELL, Art, Water «t.
Also—At the following depots:—Reis * Berger, cor
ner Southfield and Second »u; E. Ueaxleton, Diamond;
Mercer A Robinson, Federal^ st oetl&
WE have some'PUMPS, made on an improved
plan, so as not to freeze in the coldest weather.
Persons wanting such articles, are invited to call and
see them at SCAIFE A ATKINSON’S,
mV 23 Ist. between Wood Market *U_
THE Coiistitution and Standard or the Assoeiate
Reformed Church in North America: Svp, bound
iu sheep.
The Other Side., or Notes for the History of the War
between Mexteo and tho United Stales, written in
Mexico, and translated froth the Spanish, wnh notcs:
By A. C. Ramsey. , „ .
Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain
and Ireland: By H. U. Slantoo.
The Works of President Edwards, in 4 voU; a re
print of the Worcester edition, with additions, and a
copious general index.
The Mountoios of Egypt-«r Egypt a Wrtncsafor the
Bible: By F. L. Hawks. D.D..L.L.D.
Memoirs of David Hale, Isle editor of Journal of
Commerce, with selections from hia Miscellaneous
W-tunas: By Rev. J. P. Thompson.
The Puritan and His Daughter by J. K. Paaldiiig.
Gnngos. or an inside View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia: By Lieui. Wise, U. 8. Navy.
Familiar Letters to Young Men. on venous subjects;
designed as a Companion toihc Young Men’s Guide:
By Wm A. Aicoii
The Poems and Prose Writings ot R. A. Dana: 2 vs
Ninsveh and its Remains: By Layard.
For sale by ELLIOT 1' A ENGLISH,
junta No 79 Wood «t
A'PsaaVmtYor Vour vamily.
Prausnso Wsxilt —$4 rxa asxnt.
‘•The best paper in the Union.” {Evening filar.
’-Rather get in coal than go wilhoulif 1 ’ [Boston Post.
New cubsenben can be supplied from Jan. I, IsSO,
tf immediate application be made (either personally or
by letter) at the Office of Publication, 63 Wood *fc
junto J. U. LOCKWOOD.
Naw Dooka Just Arrived-
Deadly, with original designs by Barley.
The Poems and Prose Writings of K. H. Dana.
Physician and Patient, or a Practical View of the
Moral Duties, Relation* and Interest* of the Medical
Prole.Mon and the Community; by W. Hooker, M 1).
The Puritan and Hi* Daughter, by J. K. Puuldiug,
authorot the Dutchman's Fireside.'
Lo» Grmgn*. or an Inside View of Mexico andTal-
Mforma; with Wanderings tu Peru, Chili and Poly
by Lieut. Wue. For sale by
deal BIXIOTr A ENGI.ISH, tv Wood -t
BROWN’S Amencan Angler’* Guide; foil of illus
trations. K*mo.
Paulding’; Puritan and lira Daughter, Lbn-v
-ftr Hooker’* Physician and Patient; tano.
Mrs. Kilt*’ Hearts and iicmeij Bvo.
Neander’* Life of Christ; *vo.
N’eaudef'* History' of CbrtsUan Church; 3 volt, Bvo.
Rev Dr. Spring’s Memoirs of Miss Murray; evo.
American Almanac, lrsd, Bvo.
janlO Bnokarller A Importer, 63 W«w»d
Mow la th* Una* to gubstrlh*
OFFICE of Scott's Reprints of the Four Quarter
lies and Xlaekwood; tlO per year.
Moms A Willi*’Home Journal, published in New
York weekly; 8a per annum.
Downiug'i Horuculturaltst, monthly; 83 per year,
Ttie Cultivator, monthly; SI per annum.
The Agriculturalist, monthly; Si per year.
The Democratic Review, monthly; 83 per ani;nm.
The Danker*’ Magaxlne, do 83 do
land Bookseller A Importer, ifcl Wood «t _
Pitt Uachiai Work! aud Pauutlry.
J, 1 / nrrsßcxsn, fa.
OHN WRIGHTACo, are prepared to build Cotton
and Wooleu Mnchincry of rvvrv dr«rription. *urb
os CardibW Nlaehinc*, Spiiuung Frames. Rpeeder*,
Drawing Frames, Railway IleaiJ*, Warpers,Cinders,
Dressing Frame*,l«oojna, CardUnnders; Ac. Wrought
Iron Slrnmug tururd; all sixes of Coal Iron, Polite* and
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathe*,
ami loots of all kind*. Ca*ting* cf every description
furnished on short notice. Pattern* made to order for
Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ae. Steam Pine for heal
ing Factories, Oust Iron Window Saab and fancy Cas
ting* generally. Order* left at the Warehouse of J.
Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atien-
UO Refor to Blaekitock, Bell A Co., J. K. Moorhead A
Co.. O. K. Warner, John Irwin A Sous. Pittsburgh; G.
C. A J. H. Warner! SU-übenvillc.
THE suhteriber offer* for sale a large and splendid
assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ae
timt Piano*, with and withoat Coleman’* celebrated
Avoltan Attachment. The above instrument* tire war
ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coun
try, and will be sold lower than any brought from the
Eak F. BLU.UE, No lid wood st,
£d door above Sth
N. B,—City Scrip will be taken at par. for a few of
he above assortment. myd v * _
WR. MURPHY coutlnues to keep on band u full
. assortment of tbe Welsh Unshrinkable Flan
nel*, and ha* recently received a supply of tnc finer
Qualities. Also Bwan«down Flannel*, a scarce arti
cle and well adapted for the wear of invalid*, and
others wanting something warmer than usual. Also,
Persian and Cause Flannels for Infant* wear ; to
gether with a fall supply of American ntutoiaclured
Flannels, of different qualities. Also, SHROUDING
FLANNELS, of alt the different widths, at the North
Eo*t comer of 4th and Market si*.
IQ-Wholesale Rooms up stwrs, where dealer* wur
always find a good assortment of new style goad*.
j*n4 _ _
Diaphragm Filter, for liyvirawt Wator.
* THIS i« to certify that l have apj
JBl pointed Livingston, Roggen A Clo,
Bolc Agents for the aulo of Jennlne'*
wpjcy Paunt Dtanrabgm Filter, for the ci|
Ira tiesof Pittsburgu and Allcgh-my.
for Walter M Gibson, 34b Broadway
X Vt 10, IMS-
We have been using one of the above articles at t! •
otficc ofthe Novelty Works for three months, on trial,
and leel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention,
and we take pleasure in recommending them aa A use
fut article to all who love pure water. Orders wtll be
thankfully received andpromptlv executed.
—, • Just received, ono elegant Rosewood
iBLLUBW oj| octave Plano Forte, from the cele*
braird factory ot T. Gilbert & Co,
II v I r l< lloiton. Thi*lnurementfi remarka
ble for brilliancy and sweetness ef lone, and elasticity
uf touch. The above dm Is considered one of ihe
very first in Uonon, ahd ihcir Pianos, for elegance o
exterior, beauty of lone, and duration, are sol surpass
ed by those of any oihcr make. For sale on rcasoaa
ble terms by 11. KLERKS,
Jan 34 _ at J. W. Wood jell's.
'll«rt«7i Uo.,
Uavk roa fljxx,
ao aid superior Family Blanket*, 10 by Id qr»i
200 pur tiieatnboai do 5 by 7 ft;
duel do do ' do 4by " Ui
ISO do red and white Horse do
100 do colored California do
50 piece* o*4 while Piannel, warranted all wool,
luo do 4*4 do do do do
I(K) do 0-4 do do do do
150 do 0-4 red do do do
75 do 0-4 yellow do do do
Satinetu, Tweed*, Jeans and Woolen I arn, at ea*i-
Cr 3l^Wa«hoo*e I 'rio , i P a7 Wood *l, 4lh door froa Fifth.
jan» .
WMeCLINTOOC I* now opening ibe hand*otnc»«
• and most aunerb Imported Velvet? l !f flViVwa
ever before offered in tbi« market, to which he tnatiei
the attention of pnrehaaer*. v .
C3*Carp« Ware Room*, “ 5 tot»«h iL J«MI
recommeodation is socdmpleiely satisfactory, as
to the exeelleueo and complete success of any inven
tion, as the united testimony of thoae who have expe
rienced Its benefits- During the last fifteen year*, in
oil puna of the United States, our most talented tad
einmentphysieitns, have dailv born teaiimeny 10 the
superiority, ease, and comfort of Mrs. BEIT’S inven
tions for Ladies’suffering. They donotoompresa by
steel pressure, which is now proved to be attended by
bad effects, censing more difficulty than before exist
ed. Her long standing in Philadelphia, and large and
Iceressingbusiness bdth Wholesale and Retail, la a
guarantee of the correctness of the above.
To procure her Genuine Supporter, apply only to
WM. THORN, Druggist, S 3 Market st, Pittsburgh—
Agent, Philadelphia.
fet>9dheod ... . .
SEED—II bbl,
Oyaterat Oysters!
Raw Planeii
Valval Plla Carpal*
28,. 1850,
INFALLIBLE for renewing, Invigorating, and bean
tyfying the Hair, removing Scarf, Dandruff, and all
affections of the Scalp, and enrlflg Eruptions on the
Skin, Discuses of the Glands, Muscles and Integu
ments, and relieving Stings, Cats. Bruises, SpraLna,
Ac, Ac. With this preparation, “there U no sueh
word as fail.” The first journals in America, medical
men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of all
pr ofessions, and ladies who nave ased it for year* in
their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with one ac
cord, that, tor imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and
curl u> the hair, eradicating scurf and dandraff, heal
ing wound*, curing contusions, sprains, stings, Ac.,
and relieving diseases of thelskin, the glands, and the
muscles it has no equal among the multitude of com
pounds advertised in the puhlie prints, or used in pri
vate practice. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Bar
ry’sTneopherons is unrivalled.
Tho affinity between! the membranes which eonsti
stuto the skin, end the hair which draw* iu sustenance
from this triple envelope is very close. All diseases
of the hair originates in of the head. If the
pores of the scalp arc clogged, or if the blood and
oilier fluids do not circulate freely through the small
vessels which feetTthe roots with moisture and impart
life to the fibres, the result is scurf, daudrsA shedding
of the hair, grayness, dryuets, anil harseneu of the
ligaments, and entire baldness os the ease may be.—
Stimulate the skin fo healthful action wiih tho Trleop
hcrous. and the torpid vessels, recovering their activ
ity, will aunihilalß the disease.
In all affeenons of the skiu, and of the substrata of
mascles sod integuments, the process and the effect
arc the sain*. , ,
It Is upou the skin, the muicular.ubre, and the
glands, that the Tricopherous basJts'*peciiTc action,
■ud in ait affections and injuries ef. these; organs, it is
a sovereign remedy. , . . ,
Sold, in large bottle*, Driee 23 cents, at the principal
Office, 137 Broadway, N.Y. .
trj-For sale by R. E. SELLERS,
jan2l Pittsburg. _
KNOW ait men who are siek and afflicted with dis
ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rheamaue
pams in baek or limbs, stiff joints, oldaores, running
ulcers, Ac, that they can be cured by taking the Pe
troleum! Voomayjtalk abouviubcntg a nostrum at
much as you please, but this does not make it so, for
we proclaim in the face of an honest community, that
it has virtues which *re noiconiained in any other
remedy. The rann who is racked with pain and suf
fering from disease, cun for fifty cents, get relief from
any of Uio ills ennumorated above. Reader! it coats
very Uttle to make a trial. Tbii Petroleum Is no mix
ture —no eompond, put up for the purpose of imposing
on the community; but it is a remedy elaborated by
the master band of nature, and bubble* up from the bo
som of our mother earth in Us original purity, and of
fer* lo suffering human! y a ready remedy, a certain
and cheap cSfre. • , ,
It haa cured Piles after other medicines have failed
lo render any relief It has eared Rheumatism of long
standing, amF'of the worst and most painful character.
It has cured Cholera Morbus by one or two doses; It
has cured old cases of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy has been of no avail A* a local remedy In
burns and Mtlds, it is better than any medical com
pound or ointment that wo know of. It will cure chil
blains or frosted feet, in a few applications; undoubt
ed testimony can be furnished of the truth contained
in the above statement by ealling on Stmuel M. Kier,
Canal Baain, 7th street; or either of the agents.
Keyaer A McDowell, corner of Wood suact and
Virgin Alley; R. & Seller*, 87 Wood street, D. A. El
liot A D. M. Carry, Allegheny city, axe the agents.
Caution extra
A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has engaged
with a young than of the name of S. P. Townsend, and
uses his name to put up a Banaparilla, whieh they
call Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, denominating u
GENUINE. Original, etc. This Townsend u no doc
tor and never wa* but was formerly a worker «i rail
roads, canals, and the like.' Yet he assumes the uuo
ofDr-fortheparpoae of gaining credit for what he is
not. lie is sending out cards headed “Trick* of
Quacks,” in whlehhe says.l have told the use of my
n«me for V * week. I „Hi |i.e 8. V. TowoKnd \
If be will prodnee one tingle solitary proof of this.—
This It to cautionihepubllenot to bo deceived, and
purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend's Saiaaparilla. having on It Uio
Old Dr.’s likeness, his family coat of arms, and his sig
“UrS “ cre ” ,te """LcOBTOWNSESD.
Principal Office, 102 Nassau st. New York CHy.
jicoß B|*n towns™,
Old Dr. Townsend u now about TO rear* of age, and
bat loaf been known at the AUTHOR and DISCO*
SARSAPARILLA.’’ Being poor. he wu compelled
la hnm its manufacture, by which meant it bat been
kept out of market, and Ihe sale* circumscribed 10
those only who had proved lit worth end known lit
value. Tbit Grass ajn> Utreqcxitxe PKsraaaTtov is
manufactured on the larger; scale, and it called for
throughout the length and breadth of the land.
Unlike young S. P. Townsend’*, it improve* with
age, and never change*, but for the better; because it
it prepared-on scientific principle* by a acientlfic man.
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest
discovegie* of the Art. have all been brought into re*
nuitiuon in the manufacture of the Old Dr.’t Sarsapa
rilla. The Saraaparilla root, it la well known to med
ical men. contain* medicinal properties, and tome pro
perties which arc inert or utelett; and others, whieb,
H retained in preparing it for use, produce fermenta
tion and acid, which it injurious to the system. Some
of the propertlet of Sarsaparilla are to volatile that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepara
tion. if ihey are not preserved by a scientific process,
known onlv to those experienced in its manufacture.
Moreover these volatile principles, which fiy off in va
por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very et
wirtiial medical properties ol'tho root, which gives to
it all it* value. The ■
it to prepared; that all the inert properties qf the Sar
saparilla root are first rempvcd, every thing capable
ofbeeoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and
rejected; then every particle of medical virtue it secu
red in a pore and eonecntr&sed form; and thus it it
rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable an t
hcanng properties. Prepared In Ibis way. iu» mane
the rno-l powerful agent in the .
Hence Ihe reason why we bear commendations on
every side in it* favor bv men, women and children.
Wc find it doing wonders m tbe cure of Consumption,
Dyspepsia, and Livet Complaint, and in Rheumatism,
Scrofula and Piles, Costsvenets, all Cutaneous Erup
tions. Pimplcv, Uloiches. and all udeetinus uiistng from
It possesses a marvellous effiraey in all complaioli
arising from Indigestion, from Aridity of the Stomach;
from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the
head, palpitation of the heart, cold icct and eold,handi
cold chilis and hot Hushes over the body. It baa not
had its equal in eougks and colds; and promotes ca»y
expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing a trie
tare of the lungs, Uiioul»iuhtl every oihor part
But in nothing Is its excellence more tnamlcsily teen
and acknowledged than In all kinds and stages of
It works wonders in cues of fluor albas or whiles,
Fatting of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pain
ful Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and
the like; and is effectual in cunog all funds of the Kid
ney Diseases. Dy removing obstructions, and regula
ting Ibe general system,' it gives tone and strength to
ihn whole body, and cures allformtol
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety or other
diseases, ss Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, SL Vitas
Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ac. Is
not this, then, the Mantcm* too Pas-KmmnrTLT N stn?
But can any of these things be said of 8. P. Town
send’s interior article! .This young man’s liquid is not
beesose of*lhe Grand Fact, that the one is iuoqpaMe
of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er DOES; It soar*, ferments, and blows the bottles
containing it into fragments; tits soar, acid flauid ex
ploding and damaging other goods! Must not this hor
rible compound bo poisonous to the system! What!
pot acid into a system already diseased wth acid!
What causes Dyspepsia but add! Do vfP Detail know,
ihul when food sours it) our stomachs, what mischiefs
it produces!—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the
heart, liver complaint, diarrhma, dysentery, cholic and
corruption of the blood! What is Scrofula but an acid
humor m the body! What produces all the humors
which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head,
Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,While Swellings,
and all ulcerations internal and external! It is noth
ing under neav«n but an aeid substance, which sours,
and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or less.
Wbal causes Rheumatism hot a sour acid fluid, which
Insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir
ritating and iuflamingjthe lender and delicate tissues
upon which it acty! S>o of nervous diseases, of impo*
rtty of the blood, of delanced circulations, and nearly
ail the ailments whicbalmct human nauirc.
Now, is ll not horrible to make and sell, andtnflnile
|y worse to use this i
nnd ytlho would faln havo u understood that Old Ja
cob Townafod'* Opninue Original Sarsaparilla, U an
imitation of his inferior preparation!!
Heaven forbid thaijwa should deal In an article
whieh would bear the:mort dibtar.t reseinbtanco to S.
1' Townsend’s article! and which should bring down
upon the Old Dr. suehia rnountaiu load of complaints
and crimiuations from agents who have sold, and pur
chasers who have acrid 8. P. Townsend’s Ferrocnung
it nndentood, because it is the absolute
truth, that B.l’. Townsend’s article nnd Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend's Sarsaparilla arc heaven-wide apart, aud
Infinitely dissimilar; that they art unlike in every par*
ticular, having notone single Unngta common.
It Is 10 arrest fraud! upon the unfortunate, to poor
balm Into wounded humanity, to kindlo hope in the
despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi
cor'into the crushed and broken and to bsuushinhrnti
uid FOUND the opportunity and means to bring his
within the reach, nnd to the knowledge of all who
need it. that they may lenrn and know, by Joyful ex
nenence its TaxlwticiOKnr ruwna To WUL!
P For sale by J KIDD & CO., Wholesale Agent for
Western Pennsylvania; J. (SMITH, Uirmlngiiam; Dr.
J.SARGKANT, AUegbeuyi Dr. J. CASSELL, Filth
ward. O'. W. GARDNER,Hih ward, Pittsburgh. spei
LIVER COMPLAINT.—Another cureperformed by
using the original, ouiy true and genuine LA —
Aicnmi, Brown to., (X, March 20, iStT.
Mr. R. E. Seller* —In April last my wife wax attack- |
rd with Liver Complaints, and had the advice of two '
physicians, who tried various remedies without pro
ducing any good effect. Having heard of your cele
brated Idier Pills, 1 concluded to giro them a fair
trial. 1 purchased one hex of Mr. Scou, of Aberdeen,
and gave them according to the directions, by which
•he was greatly relieved. I procured a aeeond box,
which entirely eared her, ana she now enjoys excel
lent health. 1 have used them my sell, and pronoance
them ths best family medicine 1 ever tried.
Yours, he, Msaatx Built.
! Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS. 57 Wood iti
| sold aurflry Dntfgista genurally in the two cine*.
> isnlS
Ceniauimz no MsTatry, nar\ odor MisxraL
THE following testimonial waagivenbyiho.ceJe
b rated Dr. Wooster Beach, thejauthorof the great
medical wort: eiuhlad -Xto'Aiatftean Pfacuce of
which OinW>ent«
and haring prescribed and tested it in several care* in
ay privaie practice, I hare no bes&tlloB in saying or
certifying that it 1 a a "Vegottble Remedy, containing
no mineral substance whatever, that ita Ingredients,
combined as they are, and sk< ad directed by the
1 Proprietor, are not only harmless, but of great value,
being a truly scientific Remedy of great power: and 1
cheerfully recommend ii as a coapoand which ha»
done onebgood, and which U adapted to the care of
a great variety of cases. Though I have never either
recommended or engaged in the sale.of secret medi
cines, regard for the trelv honest, conscientious, hu
mane character of the Proprietor of ibis Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige, me to say ihus
much regarding it. W. BEACH, D. D. n
New York, April S2d, 1546.
BURNS.—It is one of the best things in the world
for Burns.
- PlLES.—Thousands are yearly cured by this Oint
ment. It never fails in giving relief. \
For Tuners, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has
no equal.
If Moihors! and Norses knew its value in cases of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply it.
11l such eases, if used according to directions, it gives
relief in a very few boars.
Around the box are directions for using MeAluster’s
Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Tetter. Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat, Bronchtiea, Nervous Afleeuoas, Paine,
Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
E*r Ache, ltare*! Co mi*, dl Di«uoj ortho SI
Lins. Pimples, ke n Swelling of ibe Lunba Sores,
RhenmaUm, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelledor Bro
ken B rcast/tooth Ac lie, Ague in the Face, Ae.
There w.. Mm, ‘perhept^HeSieine broogbi be
fore tbe public, Ibu bu lb «> Ml tone “eh.
repßlbliou M MeAllulcr’s All-lleblmg or World
Salvf. Almost every person (bat baa m»»le * ml ® f .
■peak* warmly in Us praise. One *>»• been
it of the mostlminfu rheumatism, another or the piles,
. Iblrd ofo u&blr.ome pto In tie .Ido. n tor* of .
.welling In the limb., Ac. Ir u doe. not pee tone
diate relief, in every case, it eon do no injury, being
* P A* MothTrevifcnee of the wonderful heaUn* pow
er possessed by this •alve. we subjoin the followtae
certificate, front a respectable citizen of Maidenereek
iown»hip, in this county:
Maidenereek, Berks eo, March 30,1547.
Messrs. Riuer fc Co:-I desire to inform you that I
was entirely eared of a severe pain in the buck, by the
use of McAllister** AlMletlin* Salve, which I pur
chased from yoa. I suffered with it for about JO years,
and at night was unable 10 sleep. During that ume I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed tor me
by pbytieiansand other persons, without receiving any
relief, and at last made trial of this Salve, with a re
sult favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire
ly free from the pain, und enjoy at night a Peaeefsl
and sweet sleep. 1 have also used the Salve sines for
tooth M he end other complaints, with similar happy
j^wsssr ;
Sole Proprietor of ice above medicine.
Principal Office, No 33 North Third street, PhJtadel
Aoxnti in Prroacaoa.—Braun & Reiter, comer of
Liberty and St. Clair streets; and L. Wilcox, Jr, cor*
ner of Market etreet and tbe Diamond, also comer of
Foortli and Smithfield •treeu; J. IL Cosset, comer of
Walnnt aod Penn street*, FifUi Ward; and told at the
Bookstore in Smithfield street, 3d doorfrotaSecond.
In Allegheny City by U.P. Schwartxand J. Sargent
By J. O. Smith, Druggist, Birmingham; D. Negley,
East Liberty; 1L Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander
A Son, Monongahela City; N. B. Bowman & Co, wid
J. T. Rogers, Brownmlle; John Barkley, Bearer, Pa;
John Walker, Jr, Elixabcth. fcblloodly
Judd's H(dle»t*d liquid Cuticle.
THIS is undoubtedly the best preparation ever dis
covered, 'or dressing Burns, Scalds, Cats, Chil
blains, Braises, or any kind of fresh wounds, also for
torn Nipples a remedy unMualed. .
This article is Intended for fomllr use, and shoal d be
focad in the possession of every family- in the land.
Meehanies who an tn constant danger oT injury Vo
their persons through accident, and the improper or
earaleu use of tools, will find this article to be invalu
able to them, and after a fair trial will consider it In?
dispensable. ....
It is an excellent substitute for adhesive plaster of.
all kinds, without any of its inconveniences, and is so
medicated as to allay all pain immediately and most
perfectly. v , •• •
A. very little applied any whore on the cunace of the
■kin, immediately toms a firm, smooth coating, very
similar to the natarai cuticle or enter skin; which may
be freely washed with water and soap, without any in*
jury to the wound. , ,
The artiele is freely used and highly recommended
by the most eminent physicians of New England, and
outer nans of the country.
For sale o.vlt hy .BE SELLERS, 57 Wood st
jryN. B—The trade supplied at the manufacturer's
price*. ,
Sellars' Ytnulfags,
IT HAS NEVER, in a single instanoe, foiled to ex*
pel Worms.
Cate. Co car Hoes*, July IN, 1547.
Mr. R. K. Sellers: Vou will recollect that when we
were in Pittsburgh, in November last, you prevailed
oa us to trv to your Vermifoge, to test its virtues. We
did io, and through the winter we sold what we pur*
chased, which gave it a fsir reputation. In May last
we purchased more, which was disposed of framed!*
aiely. We «h>n ordered more, which reached us on
the 13th of the present month, and on yesterday we
sold the lust of two dozen bottles. We find it so vul*
uuble ‘a medicine, that every person of a family wish*
es to have it in their possession.
Those who have jiarchased it would be perieetly
willing to give certificates of its excellency. Oat of
the quantity we have vended, it bus never, in a single
instance, filled to expel worms.
Your friend, Wu. C. MtUJta A Co.
Prepared ud told by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st,
and sold by Druggists generally in the two cities.
feb'JJ - A
few doors below Wood street, ts-
DIL SBOWI, haring been
regularlyedneatfid no the-medical
profession, and been for some time
in general practice, now eoafioea
bis attention to the treatment cl
these pnrate and delicate com*
plaints for which Kis opportunities
and experience peculiarly quality
him. 14 yean assiduously devoted
to study dr treatment of those which
tme he has bad more practice aha has cored more pa*
tents thsn can erer fail to the lot of any priraie prac
titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory ears to ait afflicted
with aeUeats diseases, and all diseases arising there*
Dr. Brown would Inform those afflicted with pnrate
diseases which hare become chronic by time or ag*
graveled by tbs ass of any of the common nostrums of
ute day, that their complaints eon be radically and thor
oughly cured; he baring giren his earefh] attention to
the treatment of such cases, and succeeded in hundreds
of tnslanoes in euring persons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those eases where others hare oonsigned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly lorues such
u hare been long and unsuccessfully treated by others
to consult him, when every satisfaction will be given
them, and their ease* treated in aeareful.thoroQgiiand
intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience,
study, and inve»tigaiion,which it ts impossible for there
engaged In general praetiee of medicine to gits to
one class of disease.
U3*Herniaor Rapture.—Dr, Brown alto Invites per*
sons afflicted with llenuaio eall, at hs has paid parse*
alar attention to this discaqf.
CANCERS also cured.
Skin lUrewos; also it *, Palsy, sic., speedily sued
Charges very low. '
N. IL—Patients of either sex living atadistanes,hy
stating their disease in writing, giving all the symp
toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by
addressing T. BROWN, Iff. D>, postpaid, and enclos
ing a fee. •
OSes No. Cfi Diamond alley, opporitotha Waverly
RuxtnUTOx.—Dt. Brown’s newly discovered reme
dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy lor
that painful trouble. It never falls.
Once and Private Consulting Rooms. No. S 3 Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at
. try No care no pay. D .8. IMS
ANEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable
Kingdom-*** sure and permsuent egre for aii
Rbettmano Complaints, such as
Indammatory, Chronic, Acute and Mercurial
Rheumatism; Gout, Lumbago,
Spinal Affections, Ae.
This medicine has long been sought for. It has been
said that Rheumatism eould not be cured; but there is
a remedy designed by nature for the cure o' every dis
ease that the human system is subject to. At last n re
medy has been found that cures Rheumatism of the
worst form—one of lire most valuable vegetable pro
ductions of the earth—the greatast and most important
discovery of the age, and a wonderfhl blessing to the
human family. It eurea without sickening or debilita
ting, and renews strength and vigor to the whole ays
tem. 1> has eared, during the past three months, over
hU> eases that were considered incurable.
Certificates of the curative properties of this medi
cine can bo seen by calling on the Agents.
None genuine unless put np with an engraved label
upon the outside srrapper, signed by tho proprietor, R.
*Sr‘ h “°' N Y - BMYBEB,
corner Third and Market et, Piusi'urgh.
' Sold also by O. F. THOMAS,
No 109 Main si, Cincinnati, O.
SAVED HER LlFE—Sellers’ Vermliuge is tho arti
Lxxitwtos, 80,1519.
Mr. J. M. Wilson—Dear Sir, The vUI of Sellers’
Vermifuge i bought from you, some time ago, brought
from my girl five years old. the astonishing i,umber ot
five hundred worms. I believe she would have lived
a very abort time, but for this medicine.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood tt;;
sold sis', by Druggists generally in the two cities.
ianSS J ' ~
Thomas Fukluon,
Machinist and manufacturer—Lathes,
Tobacco, Ilousin and large Screws of all kinds;
Brass Castings and Brass Works generally. Corner
of Ferry and First streets.
THE subscriber, having purchased the Factory of
games Paiterzon, Jr , beared at the above stand,
would respectfully inform his friends anti the public
thai'be isprcpared to fill any Offers ut hia line, ou the
most reasonable terms ana with dispatch, and swill
feel grateful for their patronage.
Pittsburgh, Jaa. 1,185 a
HAVING disposed of my establishment to Mr.
Thomas Parkinson, I take the liberty to solicit
for him tho patronege of my friends and the pubbe,
: feeling confident that any favors conferred will be
■lily >Prn*M Jr.
Pittsburgh. Jan. I,lsSO—{jan7-d3m
WR. MURPHY keep* constantly on hand »n »».
. kcrtmentof Bleached Linen lat.k Otapers’of
fltnereot widths and quajiucs. Also—Tab e Cloth*
and Napkins. Toweling Diaper. "' ll ' l J . a
full assorunenl ofjion*" furnishing *W»dfc L e,,l _L
HAS Just returned from the Eastern Cities, and I*
receiving • large variety of seasonable Good-, l J
■ii he resueeifutiy Invites the anetllion of ircrcb-
No SI Wood St. feblt
FriSTING PAPER—A fl*U supplr of 911 the dif
f, on baud and made to order.
A Great Natl anal Work*
■Dagntrrrotyf*s if J*-
Avignsa Bdiitd If, an Auoaation <f JMararf
■ffTNDER this title will be published, daring the year.
U 1850, twenty foar Portraits and Biographical
Sketches of American citizens, who have bocom# U* .
lastrleu* in the service of thecountry. Every portuff
of the work will receive the moat careful attention,
and nothing wilt be spared to render it a worthy ana
enduring monument to the great men of .the Republic.
• The Typography wilt be executed as carefully and ,
in as superb style as the engravings themielve*. The:
eniirowork will be on the freest imperial folio paper,
Ifl by SI inches, made expressly for this -.
' Thu work has nothing sectional in its scope; It will,
keretere, be comprehensive in it* spirit- The ; names
pf those men only will be admitted, whose talentaand
buhiie service* have won for them an honorable fame
Ihroughopttho nation. Eachofthogreatdepanipenta
of life will have iu representative*. Art and juiera
lure are universal in their spirit, and thisGafleryulai.
lauded to be a worthy and enduring monument to the
great men of the Republic, whose achievement* and
fame constitute tho chief glory of tbe nation. w»
hope that every lover of art and fnend of our gtoneau-
Cnion, will respond to our appeal /or encouragement,
and aid in to commendable an undertaking, that it*
publication may make an era in the progress of Am* j
erieau Art, and, by grouping the illustrious man ot
Union together, consolidate it still more firmly.
A* ro work of this kind has appeared in Atnegiee,
and the prices theyisustain in Europe wouldplaee «
beyond the reach of most ol our citizens, the publish
er* have resolved to merit a large circulation, by ;
charging a very low price, vim f l per No., or •*> for
Ute entire series of 44 Not. ' ' '
TwoNds. are now published, containing Portraits of
President -Taylor and Hon. John C. Calhoun.
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood tt,
faMl Agent for Western Pennsylvania. ■,
A CIRCULAR sent us by a friend, annoaneiegUm
formation of a new Transportation Company, by
our late Agents at Baltimonl and Columbia, inwi us
tbua early to apprise our fnend* and the pubue that
such makes no alteration whatever iu aux business,
save the ehauge of onr agents and location of our
warehouses at those points, both of whieh we have
effected advantageously for ourselves and out custom
r, With the experience of fifteen years in the Trans
portation business, self respect, as well as % regard for
the-intelUgeneeof our patrons, forbid us to tax tho
credulity of the public, or cater for iu amusement by
lengthened professions in print. We begJeave, there
fore, to say, in general term*, that our arrangemeau
are considerably extended; the convenience and ca
pacity of our warehouses, at Pituburgh, Philadelphia
Baltimore, and Columbia, unsurpassed; our facilities ,
for regularity and dispatch increased; and uur tanas as
Ibenu at that of any other responsible line; and that
our freight, whether in depot or in transit, is always
insured free of expense to the ownen. „
We appeal to our past conduct as an earnest of our'
Tulare, and confidently look forward to a continuance
of that patronage which has ever been our ctudy to
deserve and our pleasure to acknowledge. Under
such impressions, we shell be prepared at all times to
meet honorable competition; those resorting to any
other we tlinlf neither envy nor imitate. _
will be conducted as usual, by the proprietors,
comer of Penn and Wayne sis, Pittsburgh}
i 273 Market st, Philadelphiu;
And by the following Agents:
JOHN McCullough ago, 09 North'll, Baltimore;
P. B. BURK A CO.2S Doane at, Boston;
W. A J. T. TAPSCOTT A CO, M Booth st, N. York;
JAMBS WHEELWRIGHT, Cincinnati. . . [feb7
Sow BXnole,
0 LEMUEL* or, Going down to tho Cotton Field; a
new and very popular Ethiopian Bong, as sung
by Christy’s Minstrels, New York. Composed by 8.
C. Foster, Esq., author of “Uncle Ned,” “O, Susanna,”
Nelly was a Lady, by 8. C. Fester.’
Ben Boll—the genuine copy; by Nelson Katas*.
Speak Gently; a very popular song: by V.- Wallace.
Indian’s Prayer; by tho author of “Be Kind, Ac.”. j,
. Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home.
Thou hast wounded the spirit that loved thee.
Flirtation Potkfc; by Strakosch. • ,
Alice Polka; by Spraus.
Carol Welti by Professor Rohboek.
Aliqulppa Waltz; - • “
Atalanla Waltz; “ Kleber.
La Pfoce do Perles* Grand Waltz; by Osbourne.
The wild flowers soon will shed iheu bloom; from
the opera of Loeia de Lammermoor.
Corlna, or May Day' in the Olden Time; by.C. E.
Easy Variation* to “The Last Rose of Summer,” by
Hera. r
Thou An Gone; soog from the opera of Amelia.
The Groves of Blarney; front Bethovefl.
When the Moon on the Lake is Beaming.
A Voice from the Waves; duetto by C. Glover.
Joys that We*ve Tasted. ' ' -
Make me no gaudy Chaplet; from Lneretia Borgia.
Low Backed Car.
Dearest Mae; with easy variatipk* for beginners.
Bonaparte’s Grave. , ,
We are Happy and Free. *
Fashion Polka; by J. U. Hewitt
Rec’d and for tale by JOHN H. MELLOR,
janiM No. 81 Wood street
N.- B.—A large itock of new PIANOS, to arrive this
week. ____
Atackireod'i Qtguln* and the Bratia*
TTIJfc Ths Loxdos Qcaxtxxlt Eimw;
Y Th» Ebimomb Raratwj
Tbs Noant Ramin Rxvtxw; ~
Th* Wutjobito RStuw,
And—BLaeawoos’a Kdisstxoh fiiieazm.
For any one of the (oni Reviews, 53, 00 per annum.
For Biaekwood end the 4 Review*, 10,00 “
Payments to be tnaHe in ell cuti in-idvence.
Pabluhed aimaltaneouily in *few York and Pitts
burgh; Office,O'Wood street. - ;
|Er*Blackwood and Edinburgh Review for January
are now ready.
Orest Arrival of 9to Goods*
THE tnbseribers are now prepared la offer still
greater inducements lo purchasers of Dr; Goods.
Their established low prices and immense receipt ot
Goods, (having received over 100 packages of new
and desirable poods,) comprise in pan:
105 dox French Wrought Collars and Capes;
16 ps Hich Dress Silks:
IUO ps Atpaccas, from ‘JO to SO cents per yard;
S cases Mouxlin D’Lams, from 10 to tide per yard;
25 “ Merimae Prints, nil Styles; __
5 u Mourning u from 10 m l2Jc per yard;
10 “ Ginghams, good styles, 13le per yard.
Sheetings, Shirtings, and Housekeeping Goods, in'
great varieties, all ot -which will be offered at extreme*
ly low prices, U
fcb2 A A MASON A CO'S, CO Market st
aatsiiro nox as ntrusx stats or m blood
Scrofula or Kiug’s Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pnatules on the Face,
Bloiebea, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Sing Worm
or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of
the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Sypbiltie
Symplons, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and diseases
arising from aa injudicious use of Mercury, Aci
lites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life;
Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, Ac.
In this preparation arc strongly concentrated all tho
Medicinal properties bl S&Rapanlfa, combined with
the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions,
the most potent simples of the vegetable Kingdom: and
it has been so fully tested,' not only by patients them*
selves, but also by physicians, that it has received
their unqualified recommendations and the approba
tion of the public; and has established, on its own
merits, a reputation for yalub and Kmcicr far supe
rior to tho various compounds bearing the name of
Sarsaparilla. Discuses have been.cured, inch as are
not famished in the records of time past: and what It
has already done for the thousands who have used it.
it is capable of doing for the millions still snflering anil
struggling withhduease. It purifies, eleanses, and
strengthens the fountain ‘springs of life, and infuses
new rigor throughout the whole animal frame.
The following striking, and—as will be seen—per
maneatcureof un Inveterate case of Scrofula, com
mend* itself to all similarly afflicted:'
Sodthtoxt, Conn., Jan. 1,1843.
Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy forthe afflict
ed induces me to inform you of the remarkable care
effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the care of my wife.
She was severely afflicted with ths Scrofula on differ
ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were
greatly enlarged, and bet limbs much swollen." Afler
suffering over a year, and finding no relief from-tbe
remedies used, the disease attacked one kg, and be
low the kree suppurated. Her physician advised it
should be laid open, which wot cone, but without any
permanent benefit In this situation we bearief. and
were Induced t>< n«e. Sands’ SarsApanlia. she fir»i
• bottle produced a decided arid favorable effect, reliev j
' log her more than any prescription she had ever takes
- and before she used-six the astonishment
’ and delight of her friends—she fonnd her health quire
restored. It Is now over a year since the core was ef
fected, and her health remains-good, showing that the
disease was thoroughly eradicated- from the
: Our neighbors are allkitowingrethesefacU,aßdthinK
,OThl,h!y of Suii.’ Saiujninlli
k ours with respeci, {»«„
r Extract from a letter received from-air. n- «*■ Har
ris, a gentleman well known in Lonuiana co^vec
I “Gentlemen, 1 have cured a negro boy of mure with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula,
I and of a scrofulous family.
1 “Yours, truly, N.W.IURHIS.
“Fredericks Hall, Vil, July 17,1849-”
Sssta’SASSATAnitiA.—lt seenij almostnnnneeessa- ,
ry redirect attention re an article so well knowrqand
so deservedly popular, as this preparation, butpaueau
[ often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induetd to try worthless compounds bearing the name,
I but containing little or none of the virtue of this valu
able root; and we think wo cannot confer a greater
benefit on our readers than in'directing their attention
to the ndvertiseme't of the Messrs. Sands, in another
- column. The bottle has recently been enlarged re
held a quart, and those who wish a really good artieto
. wilt fiuu concentrated In this all the medicinal valae
( of the root. The experience of thousands has proved
, ut efficacy in curing the various diseases for which n
k 1* recommended; and a» the present time more than
any other, perhaps, is this medicine useful. in prepa
ring the system tut a change of season.—{Heme Jour
nal,Sept IB4S. 1
* prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A- B. A
o D. SANDA Druggist and Chemist, 10U Fulton street, -
- comer of Willi*®; New York. BoW also by Drug
gists generally throughout the United State* and Css
- ada. Price >1 ner bottle: siitboulcs for 56.
r- For sale i*v L. WILCOX, Jr-iILA, FAHNESTOCK
A CO., and EDWARD FENDEIUCU, Pittsburgh. At
io, by Dr. 9. SMITH, Bridgwater, * {delS4eod*wT