The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 27, 1850, Image 1

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o. 5. wtiit* 1 I (l UAiaxr.
oizrrrx sui jaitlas, thjxd amn, rear doo* to
ITBX tort 0771 CE.
Dally pa t—— .f7jooper annum.
Tn-Wee .y ; fi,t» “
Weekly, in advance) s tfO u
Do. o Clubs, at a reduced rate.
One s(jo' .routines of NoiiptirHOT less) . .
on*j i -tenion- —... .•...••0,50 - T«
One btjuf re, eaeb additional insertion-•• 0,v3 | V
Do. one week —•— 1,7#
lb. two weeks- - XW
Do. three week* 4.00
Do. one month--—• ■. A,OO
Jlo. two months————•*•* 7,00
D*. three 04*°
Do. loor month* ■ 10.00
I)o. — ia,oo
Do. twelve month* ••H?,QO
Blending Card (0 line* or lei*,) per attnaa- 10,00
’lino Square, changeable atpleamre (per an
num) excuuive ol the piper-.-- —**••* 23,00
For c*eh additional square, Imertedovrroue month,
and for each additional square inserted under the year
ly rate*, half price.
• Advertisements exceeding a square, and not over
fifteen tine*, to be charged a* a square and a half
I’abluiitn not accountable for legal advertisements
beyond the amount charged tor their pnblieaiicn.
Announcing canduiiue* (or olhee, to be charged the
lama as dtlier advertisements.
AUvcrtlrrmeuu not marked on iba copy for a speci
fied number of inwrliuna, will be coauuacd uil forbid,
nnJ I'uyincmrjßC’ci aceord.
The privileges of Yearly advertisers will be confined
rigidly w tbtir regular business, and all other advcr*
n*emrni» noi pcrminitig to their regular butinesa, aa
agreed for, to l>« P«U «*nra.
All advenirrmenis for charitable institution*. fire
eompßitiee. ward, township and other public meeting*,
and furh like, to be charged half price, payable alrtctry
in adtaiice.
Manage nolire* to be charged SO cent*.
pcxili notices inserted without charge, unless accom
panied l*) (uncial invitation' or obUsory notlcea, and
«l.rn «o accompanied to bo paid for.
Ketular adverttaera and all other* lending comma*
Biciiiiaiit, or inquiring notice* designed Urealt nuen*
i»«ki in Fair*. Soirees, Concern, or any public enter*
li;uniruis whi rr charges are made tor admiuanet--
.ailuotirt* of privato association*— carry uouce de
sisted to call atienuon to private enterprise* ealculi
ir*i nr upended to promote individas! Interest, can on*
If !<e mscrird with the understanding that the same is
to l-c.paiu lor. II intruded to l« inserted in the locs
roliio>n,ilie ran.e will be charged at the rate of not less
Uian lu <• taper line.
lli'liop ir Km Notices to bo charged triple price.
I nvent license J*euuon*, S 3 each.
la-uui and Medical adveniiemenia to be charged at
full pnets.
Ileal h>tntr Agent* and Auctioneer*’ Adverti*ement*
not to be rtosred under year It rates, but to he allowed.
onc» um o! tinny ihtec and one third per cent, from the
tlttOUliflii Ulls.
wsrni on TSi-wmiT cr sau-T rsrm
Ond Njuare. three insertions 9l&>
Do. ’ rach addiuanaUusertion**-- 37
ai rxEfumaaT* in unxiLTfirrh
One Square, (10 hnesj one Insertion* •• *5O cl*.
• Dn. each addiaoaai inMruon-'kfl u
All transient advertisements to l>o paid-in advance.
\V MTE A. CO., Gaxeuo.
L. HARPER. Post,
HOBT M. RIDDLE, Journal.
JAMES P. UARR A CO., Chronicle.
JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury.
JAMES W. DIDDLE, American.
111 RAM KAiNE, Evening Tribune.
Pirmunon, Dec. 1, le4fl.
Benjamin Patton WiUlim BekowelL
A TURNEYSAT LAW—Uflieo in Tilghman Hall,
Grant street, near the Court House. fcbsl
AITOBNEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth »treet,
above Smiihheld—Lowrie'i UoUdinju—up Main.
ALKXANUbU FRANKLIN, Attorney af Caw,
>‘uonh»l. _ j_ h poaKMy
Attorney at law and commissioner
All commcmcatlont promptly antwcred. ogtO-lT
'l RMSTKUNG ACROZER,Commission Merchant*
j3L and 1A: alert in Produce, No. 23 Market ttreet*
Piugliurgl- ° eCJ 3
j omnnaiißisr
ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Commtt
' slower for tbo Stale of PamtylTama, du LouL,
No.(iatJOfPiutbufjth.) •_ • . „
‘Uraaaicaa.—PitLbßr*li:l!oa.W. Vorward, Ilamp
ton A Miller, M*Can<ileM Ail’Ciare, Joio t- Parke,
i uells A temple, M’Cord k. King. amHtdiy
T. U. BAl2&* J. T RIUUi.
Fourth itreet, between SmltnSeld and Omni,
-Muburgb, Pa-
jovK a. L*aaa. WTL«.*aissa.
AT LAW t Fo«rth»ueet,near Gjant.
-jXtfUinKittiui, L t
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on Fourth it, bo
tween SoitMleld end Grant it, Putsbargh
wSTnaoxtiT —johii a.a*«*AV*.
W TL aiArtt £aoalst.
BAGALKYi WOODWARD A Co., \Vhole*ale Gro
cer*. No. at Market meet, Philadelphia. opv.?_
. pitubnrfb Alkali Worta. ,
BENiffETT, BERRY A CO, Ma nutaetarera of Sod a
Aik. Bleaching Powder*, Mo n»ue and Sulphene
Acidi. WarebouM No. Water ««eet, below berry.
novSMy • :
1 raKUtll 11 IKACXi BEUI6I ftKlTtft*
B' ■ RAUL A. REITER, Whole*ale and Retail Drug*
mu*, t »rner of Liberty and tit. Clair atreeu, Put*
burch. Pa
joim a cams. w. s siijssk.
CIKAKi A BKINNEB, Forwarding and Uimiuiss.o
j Merchants No.•JGMarkctst, Pittsburgh- spw
V't A. .McANULTY A Co., Forwarding aud Co, 1
V,/« mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh^!
■-» u.uitANT, Wholesale Grocer, Uomnusaton -a
i, Forwarding Merchant,Wa 41 atcrat.
Oaqatia* AiJ«i Btaal aad Iron
COLEMAN, 'HAILMAN A Co, manufacture!* af
Coach and EUplie Bpnag*,Uammered Axle*,
Spring and Plough SieeL Iron, Ac. Warehouse on
Water and Front meet*, Pittsburgh. m.ilmM*
Alto, dealer* inj Coach Trimming* and Malleablo
Carting*. ■-
“iff** a. anoum, iiart *• ■*"'****•
l/NtiUSM A (lata English, Oallaeher
K * Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, Commiwioa and bor
irarduig Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce and Pittt
burgii Manufacture*, N 0.37 Wood .u, between *1 and
hi «treet*.
mi • .- ~- —*
"Lv’jT'iTENRX, Attorney and OoanceUor at Law,
Hi. Cincinnati,n>hio. Collection* m Soathern Ohio,
Slu in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care
fully attended to. CommiMumer for the State of Penn
tyivuna, for taking Deposition*, acknowledgment*,
to—Hon. Wbl Bell A Son, Curu*, Church A
C* rather», VVm. Hay, Esq-, WiUock A PaTW. «-*
iia Mersey Andrew Flc«|ig---'-A. K- Fleming.
ItOR the sale of DsmMiia, Woolen and Cotton
4 G.iods, *l*o, Dealer* in all kind* of Tailor* Tnm
n,ing*, No. I*7 Wood meet, fourth door front P»uh,
Htun. Wm» A. IliU A Co., Banker*.
J. C jTreyiogie*—— -..---•• A. IL ClWka.
, tior warding and commission' merch*
Tt aNTS. tad «Jc*lef» in Window Glut, Wliiie
Jte No. lin>S«on<i «.
u ’ ' wnrH7JoiraiBTl>a,
i Jpn„ 112 Second Hfcct, PwitrarKb. deH
7- wTro jinn b. nwu. !
AIiiHUK ft ™, Ureocu, Witter.
(T „/, ll« Delicti, rat wu I'.iutarth. s'»_
“ am!?i“n BTEVHt.rr
fSTeJicut Woolen*, Li!*ny. cPf^L 6 *!^-^-
' wtf ntJuraoK. .
A. J. fcCCHSOR, fpUJtd*.
■•.*>• r< ° r ‘ h £, k £',?'
— l,- —— me r. :o3tM
TJAEDyV'joSBS * Co-1 (tootonorj 'o Atw^l,
H lorn fc Co.) Comnutiion ul Fo'JJSraSS,
etantf, Mt-uftctß/cd
P»B5?T«l», P«. -
Wm. 11. William# McV * r
' WM. U. WIIUUU * OQ.. _
Nona Eaat come# rfAVood and TUrA •ttMU,
iant . I’m.*ca-li. '
W. P. N&BSnALb>:
IMPORTER 4c. Da tier id Prenei and A®”**" l r»
per lluging* and Border*, Window
..card Prinit,4m. AUo-Writinc. Prinun* WMp
mug Paper, No. 67 Wood aUrel, between Fourth aired
and Diamond altcY. weal tide, Piuaburgb, Pn.
feMl L
vutut sicxn, tetai atwi--,
TBAJAH DICKEY A Co, Whsleitle GroMtt.Coffl-
JL Britton Mertlunu, at doilcn in Pr®d*e*> ««•»*
VY«mT.>nd IE7 Front itntu. Pimbanrb. - no ,T°
Jf*u. A.CAUUHKY,Agent* (or the Lafc# Bn**" 4
Wiclii>w Linets Beaver and the Lake*/—Office
on the conitr of Water and Baltkfield it*.
Jolm a. . Uilworlh
Ta DtLWOnrn k. CO, WfcoUuU Gre«ser», and
• Agrau toriJtnrd Powder Co., No. 37 Wood
pitubontb- tdc>)f_
jon*a.trawo*r*. joatro on-wornt.
JP. DILWORTH k Co, Whole **le Grocer*, Pro
* duee mad Ooatßlnion Merchant*, and A*cnu
for the Iluttd Powder Co. of N. Y., No. *7 Wood at,
piiulianrh. ' "P*
J No,4*M«jket*t^threedoor«»b©ToThtrd*t.Hu*sl
burxV,wiil have eon*untlToniuBd « w*N reletwdi«
•ortmentoftlu bottud freihest Medicine*, which M
will ten as the moil retsoiublo term*-
MtdiAf crien,will be promptly- euended u>, end rep
elled with utiek* they but »ly opott« ftanrne.
SB- rtjdduu Proeripuon* wiU b. -““““.'I “ 4 .
Smut pnpered from the, beetnuteriel*, »t **7 h * ,ro ‘
‘IIX ItlJ. ROCk cl »■"> f** KJW
•JOHN WATT, (eoeeeieoe >» 1 sVcreS
•I Who'.rrala broeer and Co””!*"' 6 ,"
dealer. In Prodace and Piuaharrt Man«&»'!"*e; r
net of l.llrertr and Hand aun«a. WjeMrrt -
YSMtsTniDtomsoK, * m “hSnu,
ll LawieHttchieon BonarßcAncrf.
JSiS, , irJS.SA‘-
T (HiN H”MKL,lXllfTs^hont'
«| in Music mid Mu«ienl Prinwr** Card*, awl
P.per, Slate*,
JHaRBISON'SEVVELL, Ccuorcllor at Law.—Of
fice on Foonb »t-, above Scnithfietd. novMy
—iT’CAN FIELD, (late of Warrelu
. «ion nnd Forwarding Mtrchant, andwholceaW
dealer in Western Re»cr»r Chceie, Butter, Pot and
Peart A*k. and Wcetern Produce generally, Water
treei, between Smiilifield and Wood, Pittibnrgh. • ap
"f TCHOONMAKER A Co- Wboleiale DmagiJU,
J . So. Wood MreeL, Pitutiurgh.
JOHN D- MORGAN, Vfholeiale Dra*Ki*Uii,iil deal
er tn Dyo Stall*, Faints, Oil», Varcietc*, tc-No.OJ
Wood itreci, one door South of Diamond Alley.Fmi»
burgh. jknl_
TonfTD. DAVIB, Anenonee:, eorncrStb and \Vo •<!
*" MTpgf. Pntahnrrh m.-
'OHNSTON VbWCKTON, Bookiellcro, Primer*
_ ajii> taper Manufacturer*, No. 44 Merkel *v, titiM
l>ur*H._ jefi
jot!lt FhOTD. RlCtiaßl) Ku>Vlr.
Jk R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Comnuerlnii
• Merchants, and Dea ! e r i in Produce, Hound
Church. Building fronting on Liberty, Wood and Gth
firms, Pilisburrh, Pa.
JAM 1-5? PALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, CeTnmi.«**oj|
Meiehahl,and dealer in Produce and Pittsburg?
Mannflic lures. No. "J 4 Water*!., Pitulmrgh.__
JB. BWTJITZER, Attorney at Law, office dd «i.»
« opposite Su Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also
attend promptly to Collection?, ia Washington, 1-ayetie
and Grech coantiea, Pa.
Blackstodrj Bell A Co., *)
Church A Carolhers, '
D T. Morgan, } . oclttty _
KIP.P AJONF.S, Forwarding and Commission Mer
chants. Dealers in Produce andPiiulnjrjh imiW
factored articles. Canal Bu«in. nearTlh *t._ '».]
KENNEDY, CHILDS a CO., Manufacturers of *
superior 4-1 ShecUnga, Carpet t.haui. L®ry
i-wmu and Baiun*. _ >?*':}£}?"
VesuTltae Iron Work*.
LEWIS, DALZKLI. A mauutac Hirers of all fi
xes Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Noils of the belt
lualny. Warehouse, it "Cvatcr and Itti froiit st.
lanlO • - i ...
jfWATERMAN, "Wholesale Grocer, Forward
. ir.r and Cornmistion Merchant. IValcr in 1 niv
burgh Manufactures arid PrhJucc, No*. M ”* ,arT ,
and «y Front St. .... .. J_ .‘.
(£7* Liberal advances made on consignments.
w* Miixah, Philada. c. w. kicurrson, Piu«l»ur«6.
MILLKH A UICKETSON, WtiolesalfeGrocere, -lid
importers ot Brandies Wine* and Segars, N'<<.
IW and IT4, eomer of Liberty and lrwm streets, l itt--
bureh.ra Iron, Nails, Colton Varus, Ac. fcr. roii
(lanily on hanih ~f tUK"
ICUfi a'SOL. JJJt. I>. H’filU. WaLTKHC. U<»«-
MCGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocer* and tomml.-
sioa Merchant?, No. 1M Liberty st, Pittsburgh
lafi __
MURPHY, WILSON A CO.,(late Jones, Murphy A
Co.J Wholesale Dealers m Dry Goods, No. 4s
Wood streeL Pituburgh. . novL
MATTHEW' WILSON, Portrait andMiumiurePain-
U*r.- Room*, eomer of Post OtTiee Alley and
Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market.
Kr llOLSiijy*'fc SON, No. 53 ’ Murfcei «L, jcrimd
. door from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
iLd Uomestle UiUs of Kxchausc, Ocnihc-ucn of
.1, lUuk Note* and Specie.
K 7“ Collection* mad on all the principal ciUea
throughout the United Stales. ° e *~ l, _
NUUCKALASTKO, AUnaxan—Office, Fourth *L.
• Utiid door above Snmli&eld, eouJi siac.
Couvef anciug of all lentil dottc with Uts grealesi
cue and legal accuracy,
Title* te Real Estate examined, Ac.
PENN STREET, beiwcftti Wayne and Hand, uQ-*
resumed his professional duties, Riving ia»truc
ttoca ou the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Music.
augUidtf .
S r fOßF**-No 7<J Fourth
R?}H it, near Wood—All quaamie* of Green and
-12a2*-&laek Tea*, done Up in quarter, hair, ;and
one pound packages, ranging from 60 cu. per pound
Jyi. Au JAYNES, Age for Pckm Tea Co.
iueisingeh, wklls * co., :
manufacturers of green glass wake,
NO. S!7 Market street, Pittsburgh, Fa- keen eonsUr.t
|v oil hand and make to order ah kinds of Vial.*,
Houles, Ae. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of »n*
periot quality. ~ „ . ~
Particular attention paid to Private Moulds.
ufilSON, LITTLE A CO., No. iwa Liberty rtreet.
Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce ana
Commission Merchants, and dealers lr. Pmshurgi*
cost, aoaisox tho*. little. aaxL. a. aosifp*. _
R“ OBERT MOOKETWholcrale Grocer, Rccbl>tug
Distiller, dealer ui Produce, Pittsburgh ALum/ac
tures, and aUkinds of Foreign mid Dowe-uc «mcs
%nd Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. On band u very
large stock of superior oid Monongaheln wluskej,
which will he sold low for cash. _aptv:iy
u o. asrnoLoa, l l.
11EYNOLDS A BIIEE, Forwarding and Commis-ao
IV Merchants, for .lhe Allegheny River Trade, deu,
m in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manuiucmrc
tad Chloride of time; , -
The highest prices, in cash, paid at allumeafof cour
ry rags. Comer of Perm and Irwin *t*. tan—i
T>fIrUERT DaLZell A'Co., 'Wholesale GJoccn
K Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealci
n*Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty »
ihusbarch. l*a- . 1 .
fTiTBT. A. CUN.MNUHA.V, Wholesale Ut*xt.
tv Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture
-o. M 4 Liberty at. - - 1 ---
. . iurj_ K&BOVAL.
and Commission Vrr
chant,has rrnyoved to No. e 7 Front, between .oo’
and tfmilh&cld street*. 1 _
SINGER. HARTMAN A CO. ghettrtl Iron ”r.d
Sled Work*—Manufacturer* of Am- -l» »P""K
and Plough Steel. AUo—Spring*, Allas »***•» *'**;
Ti's Ac. 6 They invite die attention of Merchant* nco
consumer* to their stock, betore purehn>ingei4rwlirr^
They warrant.their article* to be equal to *ay
tins country or imported. ' -
-r-r- iSTcilSi; xuos. a. wun a
cj HACKLBTT A WHITE, Wholesale m
Q and Domcetie Dry Good*. No.
Pitiaburgk. . . ' ; . ..
S~& W. HABUAUGII, Wool Mercbim*, D«aW»
. in Flour ami Produce generally, a«d Forwarding
and* Commiation Merchant*, No. S 3 ttaitr r1.,1n •
borvb - - • -- -
r rtU.o* mrocaoH. tout*
O KLI.F.RS A NICOLS, Prodace and Orm.rai i.otn
O mbuon MerebanteTNo. 17 Liberty it-,! maburgh.
Sprrrn. Linreed and l-ard Oils.
Cv“Ti* VON~BONNHORST, a Co., WLuWni'*
fter*. Forwarding and Commission .Merchants,
dace, have removed in their new warehouse,|(>ld Hand)
No. ill. corner of Front el. and Chancery Lane.
HGt? _ .
A. n. KHOLISU * CO.,
Theological, cubical, aud Sunday school
Bookseller*, and dealers in of txuue.
Window anAWrapping Paper. No .U \\ ood street, be
tween Fourth and Diamond alley, l lusuurgn, .1 ••
ftbl3 ' . - •
riIXSSEV'VBerr, WboteVate and Carom*-
1 iio3 Merchant*, and denier* in 1 toduce. N >
Wood st-, Pittsburgh. .. p
WOOL DEALER A Oommi*-ion Merchuntior iho
sain of American WoolenGooda, Liberty
opposite Kiflh. ___ _____
”i,:::::: .
Wil. 11AGALKV A CO., 16
and 20 Wood ftrect Pittsburgh. noi.,
ANTS. Al*o-lmporter» of Soda Aah ai.dJikJH v,
Powder, No. ICO Liberty *U, (opposite Sixth d.M “•*-
burg A , pavrii w*c*.*ij i.i^s
r & T M'CANDLESB, (Mceeiiors to L. A J. O
a/V Wiok.) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding at.d
Coffiiamion Merchant*, dealer* in Iron, Nails Liars.
Conan Yarn*, and Piuaburgb Maonfactureil generally,
cirue, of Wnod and Wnier ■ treat*. Pittsburgh
vvr"w. WALLACE, Mill •lone Furm*h.
W • ing establishment, No. 214 Liberty
W” \V^WlLsSN7\Vmd J ce p jewc^r v Sil*er W are.
. and Military Good*, corner of!Markc arid 4th
street*. Pittsburgh/ Pa- N. B.—Watches nndCJoeks
carefully repaired. ‘ ; _ _
TXrEST BONVEN—Commiinon and Fori-«rdir.s
W Merchant,No.M Front *L between Wood am.
Market street*. __ feba4 .
W— K: MURKiIV, Wholesale and Retail dealer u
, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north ea*
corner of Market ahd Fourth »u. . .. * u ' r -' 1
“wiT*JOMB ~ jnoi u- Vt’
Will, YGIjNG A Co.—Dealers In leather bide*. Ac
143 Liberty k. _ . I .. i
' ' uow.k’COTUttw!;
\X7 kR. MKJUTCKEON, Wholewlc Ororers.dca
W . leta in Produce, iron, N.ila, Uiaaa, uad Puti
burch Manufacture* generally, IM liberty »i, l»u<
barsbj * re *
— l vm-fiMBuST*:-
attorney at law,
Buiter, Ta \
W« L also attend U) collections aad-411 ether bu«U
new entrusted to him in ISuCer end Annstrons
cooMMhA^FJoyd,liberty «. 1
W W. Wallace, do I
Junes Marshall do f Pittsburgh.
Kay A Co., Wood it. J_.
Orjics asovx W. Allk{<&Co,
ocltt N0.4tl Water street.
int Bwn,jir
W A. jVol-K-’V>, Book
4 „il euunl in ill. oliovo Lusinesr, enter
Wooll .nd Ttnrd •lreo», l*iU.UorKh, where
.re .reporod to do any work t. .nr line with do«-
’?• r wS attend U) oar work por.onnlly, and onto.
ln retard to lu n.atn... and do
rfck‘,l‘,yw' ruled to aiijr pattern and bound »ab-.
SffirSSta" work in »t lino or. i«iw»
Price! lot-
MARbHALU #wcel( ,. m^iul^L-iurfl
corner Libo [‘X. f _ pioor'aud Counter Sealeiu
and offer for »«tfe 1 Utform, ri ( wood
of the motf improted quolti). Coo*‘ n ß Jj/ , d
and coaJi fcc* They rJ*
common Grate*, llollow'ware, , =
manufacture the Kitchen nan^V^ ,C “ t ft £*» iof
general u» Uto« * ” u ß £ n “ ol[ o(
which they would ie#pecUuliy inr*w u ....-a,/
I thecitizeoi end the putdic-generally- ' _ .. _____
(Succc»»or» to Ilu««ey, ,
io Foreiru nnd Dome«lic Exchange. Cer.ihciitei
ofDcporite, ilank Note*, ««nl specie—Fourth atieci,
neatly opposite the Hank uf I'ltutiurph- Current iao
ikt received on depo«lle—Hseht Obedta for »ale, and
eollrcuon* mode ou nearly all the principal poicu in
tlje United State*.
The biglit*V premium paid for Foreign and Amer> tan
Ailtaceei made on ee:t«ignmenu of Ptodore. •hip
ped Eat,* on iibetal term*. ap'd
HAVE row in r.ore a large and general assortment
of DRY GOODS, which they offer to City and
County .Mcrrb.nt. «t r.J.tcl ptloc; ui.J »U,ch Ihoy
Will tell:« ,1 m .ndueements to cash buyers, or for
approved ere- . ja '- 1
Blrmlaghao,l»«« P , ll V b ? r i
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood strut, tdtsburgh.
wnf\WlLLcoiutenily keep on h-nd a-good o**on
/KEsJ-senio! Ware; of our own manufacture, and
B 2» superiorqoaluy. Wholesale and country Met
ekunts are respectfully invited to call and ex*
amine for tbemselves. as we are determined to sell
cheaper than haseveibdforo been offered to iii« pub*
in» Orders sen! by'mail, accompanied by thicash or
roierence. be promrtlT vi'en.lfl.l lo Jmylß f
PeDn siachJnoßhop. f /,
HWIGHTMAN— Moniioclurer of all kind* of cotii
. ton and woollen mactuienr. Allegheny city, Pail
The * bove works being now in full ar.d saeccMfil op*
eration. 1 am prepared to cictsW otftr* wt.h ditpaiehl
for all kinds of machinery in u.y line, rt«a os wnllowi,
nickers, spreaders, cards, grincicg natllnef, railways,
drawing frame*, speeders, thiassJ*, loom*, woolen
cards, double or single, for merrhmilor country wurk,
mules jocks. Ac.; slide and band Inthcs and tools m gen
era!. All kind* of shafting made to order, nr plan* giv
en for granns factories or mills at TCn/onable chnr K e.
Itkfeb to—Kcnnudy. Child* &. Co-,R!acL?toek ( Bell
A Co.. King. Pcnnock Ja*. A. Gray
A A FULTON, Bell and Bros* Founder, bn* re*
built and commenced business at his old stand
where he will be pleased to see hi. old eusuim
er* nml iVieml*.
Chnrcli,Sirnm!>ooi. and Bells of every •!«, trom 10
to JO, WOO pounds. cu«t from patterns of the mo*t appro v.
edmodrj*. and warranted to be oflhr best materials
Mitierxt Wnier Pump*, Counter*, Railing. Ac., toec*
ther with every variety of itrn*» Cn*.tin<*, il required,
turned and fir.r*hed in the neatcM manner.
A. F i« the «ok- proprietor of B/vHUtThi A?iTl*AtTsl*
Tuiv Mft*:. so jii-ny ,*rii t.rated for ilie redueuon ol'
friction m mal'ini '.-ry. The lloic* ami Omnpositina
w-a ahcsirt jamb* aieivwn.
F:M sktwvus Woob atn> Msuust, Pins»»ckuii,
i‘W>tNTlNi;i; to iiinnulacture all kinds of COPPER,
simih Work.
f-U'inn ltout* order.
Speeial atleniinn civeii to i.tcam boftl work.
Have o:i liniid* a hue assortment of Copper and Bra*»
Ketllrs. Tin Ware. he. Ac. Swnn.tinnl Cooking Hmvi *,
Portnbie Forges, Ynnuus sue* —a very convenient Ar
ticle for Mramboau, Caliinnna cmmrnnts, or rail road
We would respectfully ir.viie steam bont mm and
other* to cull and see «nir articles and prices Viefbre
purrlmsinc el»**w|ierc. __
HANrracrvuLx or
Corner Front and Vine street*. Cincinnati, O.
ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Spirit*,
Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will lie ptorapUy nl
rndeil to nl lowest market priee. mrhKe.dlv _
Uanoueihri* Livery Stable.
large stable on Fin-i *t.running lliri'uuli
to Second st, between Wood and Mnithfirld
in the .eur of the Monotitahelm H<m*e,
with an entirely new .lock of Hor.e* and Ciirriaijrs of
llie best quality and latest *tyle«. Honre* kept ot live*
rv 111 ihft he«t limnner »V vJIT
I RANCH COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the
Exchange. Third rtreet, Philadelphia.
Finn lr^CEJL.vca —lJutldlngs, .'lcrchamli'e *a'! other
property iu rows and coesrav, insured ngamst lo*« ot
damage by Cr* at the lowest rnte of premium.
Maaiirc IssCßxSct.— They also insure \e*«el«. v,ar
goea and Freights, foreign «r eoastwirc, under open or
tpeeial polieie*, as the n*?ured niav desire.
'l!«I-iSt>Tc*?!sroBT*Tios.—Thev insure merchan
dise transported by Railroad Cars, Canal
Boat* and Bteain Boats, on nver* and laiea, on ihe
mor.t liberal terms. .. „ .
DlRJvCTOlli—Jo*eph 11. heal. FAttrand A. Sonde'.
John C Davis, Robert Burtor, John R Penro«e, bauri
tl ULTUds. lies r. I.ciiTt. KJ-j.J »ur,„.Blan.
R Davi», Wiliiain Folwell. Jolii Newlin. Dr K M 11a.-
ton, James C Ha id. Tlienphilu* Paulding, H Jmie*
Brook*, Henry S.oan, Hugh Craig. Geo.gc Scrrill,
Spencer Mcilvain. CJiarle* Kelly, J O Johnion. Wil
bnm Hay, Dr S Thomas, John Sei.e.r*, '• tn ‘■o' re v Jr
DIKbXrHHD* AT PirrsBURGH-D. r. Morgan,
Wm. Rafale*. Jno T _ . .
WILLiAM -MARTIN, President.
RtmuabS N*wiou.,Seen-iiiry.
try OJjcc of the Company. N“. W " nter street
Pifobur*!.. jauattdtf P. A MADEIRA, Agent.
Trculon Slnlnil Lift lusnrante Compaoyl
■ iTtr* or PEXIIU.'.'U BEDt'CKP tSU. CENT.
Capital, SISO.OOO.
JAMES DURNO A CO, Agent* ui Pituburgh, la.
Jamr* Hoy. Jr. ] Jov-ph C Pom. Preset.
Benjamin Fith. 1 *»• A. Icr 't!l^retarv
John A. Wear.. I !ji Morn*. ..eercury.
Jonathan Ft»«. Treasurer.
. rtrw To ,i. j rauA«iiaj-«i4.
fiSWSia*. j«3S«BSnt
Juicpli lloiic. I
.•rew ;r*sHT.
His llzr. «<*v. Haim-*. I >*•<»«»*• Vroam. .
\V. U. Dayti.i., t; S S'n. 1 ‘on. '' jlJrii-k, M. C.
C I) Will Kl*U 8 ?*ei». I *V in A. Nrwcll, .'!•
«• ®BKi. tes>&hBr*~
S^’g^SjS.o. 0 ’ “•
IMuburch. Pa- , , .v
TbP ArcrUol ltn» Company, nt IMuburpb. »*■»«*•
orisrdio uike ever)' 6r*t clm» in* «u Lire
Von A «** treii. the n-ual nurs of pre
xniurn ns elinrßed by o'.b'-f ii.r;pn:iiet>.
n Policy of Iniuronoi
A man 3t» year*.of o:
for One Thou*iiu-‘DoMif'—
To ran lor one year, pay>t only M.?O.
r ,»o irtrn | - SIIWO-annoally.
do Lifetime, u \ "
And Id- nuic pn,,..mion Yu, «■ »P '»
which i* ibe extern taken ort any o»c
Till .company commenced operaUonaon thi 1 t *e •.
l-1 3 , and Ha monthly hu.n.qi* «|> to the.t(>« ;;
,how* a ~«*«*• vending liU oi any other Life Cora.
P 'rii(:' , firA C dividei><l «t pmfiia will be declared to the
a**oredon ihe I*l J tnu4ry,i»*'Sb. .
roftUimPi: if **"»»» “V",
„.j a ii ,» n-»p«.*rr '''.'“'i™
pirb iS’jiticANOfc;.,
in* ««
iuga and Furniture. '
HKAZiTn ISSUKANCK, »t plttibor«t»«
Tlic Spring Garden O' o
■eVKI.'HfS Male* ami female* apani’t lti«? Kll«n«e
TNMjKKS Male* H, r bne* nr Acci'lent. by
I ami lA*» oeea*ioii'«J n> * »• »
USX immediate ftllowai re ol fwn S 3 U.,
‘‘"r- ...d Urn
explained l»y the Agent.
r ArnJent
SS’S yZ'M l»n« 1
for two •• “ 'JJ SS V' .. 1
“ l ,iio « “ « -
ST£T. ot «*•*• r ” J
I.lf« ud HiiHb laiurMCi.
i of l Imadeljmin. •i.jj Charter perpetual.
JUiw’ £ w “ "l^iiwer
jianuon te.U .bow: Tbu*. a Pfl*” „ .hMi.ror'l
««inR for «inoft» f l>fe. moil J r^.iianle,
• IVr.nrTlvnmn, J e "“ ' Y .1. i,ifi\ A • New Knjjland, **36; Now >«« »>»■• .
bion, SMS Lil« «nd 1 ‘ C ,>*V>r^ek Cliar^cs D. Hall. \V.
, Dtaw.T'B»--Snmur! l)-Orne*.*-M"' M w
W. (leone, Robert I* Kme. l '!‘ o U Campbell,
rfinl.lwm, M. M. f*ll Ua.ler, iSlwio
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman ,sj . r m e*7nek- Vic.- Vre.i-
R. Cope. I‘residejH-PamuclL, Hiarkburnc.
Oent—KoU. 1. Kmei an j ever)’ information
Application* VaIINKSTuCK. Agt,
Kwen by offic?* ommerria! Rooms, c-rucr of
OCO7JI, '«»<■ «>*■
T U m^ S p“«.
pcriy in tins cur and Tbr properties oi
Cana ,Hirers, 1 , un .l furnish an arniU
1,Cr,0, “ W “°
b ” l *«&«■ Act* » "Wr .1
m c ‘mnltiit Fire Insurants Co. of Philadelphia.
The tranilin rire j nicker, Tiiomu* Hun,
KS" CS President.
ChurlPsO-UanrktiS a[ Qf limited,
»» lownrrrcutury,
* l 'ralM aa low a« an j'“jjfd Sm*! Sn/mt Fund,
-To Onmp»r,y ‘ ln j oplJ p frnl! uin». safely invu*i-
S“ &rtL c .v .«, iio,..
" crt "
Temporary Loans • • •*'
Catb, 4c.
|,. r a pw>rd. 0r....c " fctiiul , „Uo„™
and dulir.T*, lo««c» t’> urc.iu j w«-ll u•> llir* aliitity
Of the ol »!l i.00.0U00.
aad <ttrpo*mo» •"l» N KR CUFFIN, Agent,
0.1« N Kc.‘r,:er Wood
rrHB hm Li'" >* l *r' :, ( "; m* peVpitSL
1 Inconw'rutcd Maim ‘M- 1 - cu “ 1 r
i,; 1 "', 'grs.wlis
«>•*;•)■• l[! ' own 10 p „',u umi. cocMRAN.
\ lr 7t*iL'US»Mi' bla-* ft- w»"le
M and black and dove r..l«n-d Prints, lur Mo««lug
bP ar " 11,8 “"““w K MURPHY
luai ft/ULY tft
Dissolution of Partncratilp*
BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the fnm hereto
fore existing under the style of BU»HFIELD A
LEADER, hu been dissolved by Henry Leader sol •
ing hi* entire interest in »nnl firm to John McGi.l- AU
busmeu connected with die firm of Uushueld A Ueao
er witl be settled by S. H- BusbGeld A Co n who are
duly authorised to make all collection* iand wl'igt ail
Pittsburgh, Oct. 27, IMS.
N. B.—S. B. BUPHFIKHD A CO. will continue the
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery
nt the old note room. No. «5> Liberty si, where they
will l>e pleased to have their friend* and customer*
cull and examine their stork «f good*.
octal 8. B- BUdHFIF.LP fc.CO,
TIfE partnership heretofore existing under the nrtn
of A. AC. BRADLEY] is diitolvedby the decease
of Mr. C. Bradley. Tho business will be carried on t»y
A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late
REMO VAL-—A. Baantxt haa removed his Foundry
Warehouse from No. 113 Second street, to No-1
Wood street, between Tim and Second street* >o thd
warehouse lately occupied by G. A- Berry, where ae
will keep conrlantly on hand a general assortment o
Casting*. Grates, Stove*. Cooking Flgvca, Ac- __ jy w .
THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, in the name of Constable, Burie «
Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent >les*{*.
Butke A Barnes will settle the business of tbe con
cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the
nnmc of the eoneem. NATHANIELCONSTABLE,
The undersigned h ive this day associated themselves
in the name nt BURKE A UAKNKS, for tlic purpose
of manufacturing Fire I‘rouf Safes, Vault Door". * c -
Ac., at the sianu of the late firm of Constable. Baric
A Co., wheru they will lie pleated t.» receive Ure pn
irouaKe of the customer* of ilia’ house and their friends.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A
I with sincere pleasure rrcommend Messrs. »!ut«c b.
Homes to the confidence of my friend* wtd the public.
j, sk. •>• Tardoi, Commission nerebaatm
NO. at Old Levee «., N. Orleans, keep constantly on
hand a large assortment uf Brandies of the follow
ing brands, which they offer for sale as mgcnis for J. Du
rand A Co, Bordeaux, rls: Maglory, J. Fraud, J.Durand
A Co, l.arochrllc, J. J. Durand Cognac, A. de Montesun,
A. L. Ulevitle, Mondore, Jean Louia,Ac;al»o, An
chor Gin, Bordeaux Red and whilo Wine* in casks and
ciibcs, selected with care by John Dutand A Co; beside*
Champagne Wine Afweet Itargundr Hon lfeb7-lv
s.i.stcsot. . „
STUART A SILU Grocer*, and Produce and Com
mionon Merchants, No. 116 Wood *l. Pittsburgh.
Dealers in Oiocorie*, Flour, 'N heas Kve, Oat*, tom,
Harley, Pork, Hacou. Butler, Lard, Cucc*r; Ulnver,
Timothy and Flax Seed*; Iron, Nulls Gin**, Ac. Ac.
Ac. Particular attention paid to the sale of western
Produce. „ , .
iIrrEBSXCES —Ucun. Myers A Hunter, RobtDal
rcll A Co.. WXiill* A Boe, Hampton, Smith A Oo„
June* May, Kuig A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner
A M’Miiiuu, Massillon. Jos S. Morrison, F.vj, St.
l«ouis . _ .
loiiN a. coaiu, laic of N. Lisbon, O. vr. *. osirixsa
GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward
ing Merchants, No. *JB Market *L, Pittsburgh, 1 a.
(□“Prompt attention given to the purchase aud sale
of all kind* of Produce. „
lUrui to—John Watt A Co., Murpnv, Wilson A Co.
Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lawwn A Hill, Mahlon M«m,
Wrllsviße, O.; John H. Brown A Co., Grtgg, fclHou A
Co, Philadelphia; D. W. Snodgrass A Co, Gregg A
Nace, New LJ<hon l O.; Fr. Skmncf. Hnn, 0.1). uofltn,
Cincinnati; J. P. Keller, Youngstown, O.; W. L. Stan
daru Cleveland, O. angtM _
CommlulOß sad Forwarding Hsrchaati
so. -JG wooo ft., rrrmohou,
CONTINUES u> transact a general Commission busl
nes*. especially m Die purchase and sale or Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned te liis care. A* Agent for
the will he constantly supplied with
the principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowest Wholesale priee*. Order* and consignment*
are respectfully solicited.
, roco aits Tncasro.v, rsundxroaa.
mTIUS estahlishmcul ioug and widely known as
being one of the most commodious in the city of
Baltimore, has recently undergone very enen
sivc alterations and improvement*. An enure new
wmg ha* been added, containing namcrcu* and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing room*.
’Hie Ladies' department has also bceu completely
reorganise'! and fitted up in a mo r unique and beauti
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement oflhe House
has l*eea remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietor*, toward* the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table wiU always be supplied with'-evefy sub
•uunai and luxury which the market affords, served
up ui a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac.,
they will not bo surpassed.
lu conclusion *he proprietors peg to say, that nothing
will be left undone on their part, And on thejart of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
psironuc of their friends and Uic public generally.
The pnee* for board have also been reduced to the
following rate*:
Ladies' Ordinary, tl.iS per day.
Gentlemen’* “ , l* s ** .. .
N. D —The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways he found nt the Car oud tHeunboat Landing*,
which will convey baggage u> and troa the Hotel, free
ef charge.. _ "»>•*» -
coKun o? Foirsrii ahd oaarrr mnn.. riTXsariftiL
MTHE subscriber respretlolly announce* that
he lia» now opened hi* new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of: Travelers, bonrder*,
utd Uio public generally. The bouse and furniture
are entirely new, and no pain* or expense have beea
•pared to render it one or the moat comfortable and
pleasant Hotel* in the city.
The fulwnlKf i* determined to deserve, and there*
fore -elicit*, a ahare of pobiie patronage.
oetl4-d!y JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor.
‘ H'COBD dt C 0.,. dfO
jB (Bueces*or*lt« M’Cord A King) ~VB9L
Faihloaabl* lUlt«r>, "Fw
Corner pf Wood and Fifth Sirr* t*.
PARTICULAR atlrndoa paid tn oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen ca-i rely u r nr. getting their llau nod
t ug* froilTbar esuhiuhracm or the can suTKauut and
wouaxxnsnir, of the umar *TtL*s. and at the lowbt
F Country Merchant*, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to call and examine our stock; aa
we con say with confidence Ihm u» r-gard* «7*urf
and ruca. it will not suffer in a comparison with tuty
house in Philadelphia.
JOHN I). M’CRKARV, Printing Ink Manufacturer,
No-. sHand 511 Stauinnstreet, NK" iUKK-w
-not No. 3 Spruce street —Would call the attention «l
Printer* to hi« improved Printing Ink* of v-inoo*
kinds and orders, at die.following prices :
Kina line Jet Mock, for Card and Wood
Cut# • • - «2 ot> * n< l fl w P eT ,b -
Fine Uo«k Ink • - » »‘J ‘ “
Uooa 1 k - - <> <l* 0 ,0
iKtink • in- »«o n ;;
Fine Red Ink Tic 1 00 t 50 <*l
Hlue Yellow, Green and While ?Sc l W l
tiotd sixe «> $2 per Hi, and Bronze at id, 73 cts nn«.
81 per os. .
A specimen of Newa Ink can be seen on this paper
Pittsburgh, F*.
C Morgan A Co- Cincinnati, Ohio.
Morton ft Gri«would, LoutavtUo, Ky.
MA WHITE a CO., would rc«peetfulljr> inform
. (be public liiol they havf ercrle.l-a shop <•»
L.cik, tolic.,l u«l .Hr.l.. I k,,
„c „„„ nuking nnJ .rc wcpima w "•■»>»«
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot »,»•*-
rouettes, Buggies, Phttton*, Ac., Ac., which from their
lone experience iff U*e manufacture of the above work,
wnf Urn facilities they have, they fed confident they are
enabled to do work on.the most reasonable term* with
ibo»c wanting article* in their line. ,
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
nul*. and having none but competent workmen, U-*;y
h>ve no hosiuiuon in warranting their work, "c
therefore a.k thdatiention ofthe public to tins matter.
N. il. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
mostfreawithle,terms. , * ' ' Fllt.r, for Il».ir«»t W«Ur.
p,mp * THIS is toetnify that I have apj
jBL pointed Livingston, Roggcn ft Co.
/BSfo Sole Agent, for ike .etc of Jenin,'.
gfiy Patent DUpruhgra {filler, for the cij
iSlr iteaof Fituburali and Alleßlmny.
for Walter M Gibson, 519 Uroadway
JL N Oct. 10,1843.
Wo hilve peen u«ing one ofthe above article* at tbt
f,Btro of the Novelty Work* for three month*, on trial,
5 ® satisfied that it 1* a useful invention,
and we take pleasure in recommending Uiem “» a “ ,e i
fut article to all who love pure water. Order, will b«
[Ukfe,,, rcceired
“ put nexlUne Work. Al>rt Foundry.
nrTsnrian, rx.
JOHN WRIGHT A are orepared to build Cotion
and Woolen Machinery,ofcverv igoeriruon, su« b
an Carding Machine*. Spinning Frames. Speeder*.
r£awhie Frames, Railway Ueml*, W arpen, Spoolers,
KSS ySSS Coni, Card Grinders, Ac U’
Hon Rhafting turned; all sites of Cast ,r “ n , ' 1
llanxers ofuie latest patterns, siidc and hand Lather,
Lnd fwl. of all kind*. Castings of every description
Ainrisbed on short notiec. I atiern* ■»«d< to ordi r tor
Mill Geanng, iron Railing, ke. »J» « hrab
in? Facuwie*. Cast iron \S md»w ._xtb and fancy Las
fnrs generally. Orders left at the \\ luenouve ot J-
Ser A Co., Liberty street, have prompt alien-
U Refer to Hlack.tock, Bell A Co^J- K - *
Co., G- R- Warner, John Irwin A Son*. P.tUburgh , G.
C. AJ. 11. Warner, gveolienville. .
piAMoai , . , .
TIIE offers for .ale ■ Ittffe »nd tplftsdid
wlu ‘"SLuSrS" tS'-Joj"" ,1 '
Sa* l - “j door move Sih
N. 11.—Clip tScnp mil I* ■»*“ “ pn ' ' or J '
.be above n»«phmr*n _ . . _ . 1-
.81,947,433 41
. 94,724 £7
. yr..fUl *5
51,523 25
, fb,HH 37
Mn Tlioa. K HHJREJrr— Your Wtt\-
TING FLUID wr hare now been using more tkaa
STmLiiC, « —r»»"
p'S'szsX «“*"«£££? ir ,^;“»i*'t'-
chine L°py I « ? b y |he niaifufnriurrr,
TIT Hlblin, Drug J'l ““ ll Chemist, comer of Libor
-s'L"!S&<2t.»S=24: -““•*-
I- vi.i’V UL TTEK-3 bbl* in *tore and fur sale t>y
:orning, febrtja:
Young KEN in wholesale and null store* »od oust |
respectable holiness, to eet »' Book-keepers, galea- ,
men. Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Fanner*. CoacE
men; Car Agents, Book *ad Nip. Agents, Collectorii,
Overseers in all branches of business, Ac. We have
at ail times a large number of good sitoadonsonhtnd,
which pay from *bw» to f 2,000 per annum- 11 1^ o‘* 0 ‘*
want of situations of any kind vrnold do well to g>™
nr a call, as we have agents in each of the #»««>■
’ ties which will enable ns to place every
: e suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have a
large acquaintance In all the above named cities,
which we trust will enable us to give enure saUsfac
tion to all who may favor us with a call.
1 TAYLOR A TAYM AN, No. 59 Second aU
between South ana u&y.
N. 8.-Varsolu. Il.iog In any P"." s “'“’
and wi.himt 10 obtain a iitanuon in Bnluoorn, oa
tber of the Jbo.n aiiiaa, -ill b*"> Heir
diaiely attended it. by eddreiaiti* a. a Lnc.lpoU-pnjdl
a. by Vo doinc Hay will aulail both trouble ana ax.
pania, which thay olherwiio would '»am by aorairn
,e ' kl "VA”®l n TiYMir
’ N 0.59 Second street.
Baltimore, Kd
THE mention of the pwb'ic u r»pecuuiiy called tfl
the following
Ml. 8 F-ttmt—Havi- . iti’.Ttl » quantify of ootij
weighed by your ArowmcUt, 1 U»d the iVL s «
your instrument corrects »n<f recommend the *»«"•»•
to tho*e going to Culifomii. a» the bc«t method lor
“*»“* At «l 8.. U:
Pittsburgh, March », lo4Si.
PtmouEon, March 7.18 ti».
Ma. Eatuta—DearSir Having examined ihe
tdcu manufactured at your rocm*, Ido no ‘
to commend it to tte o»e of those geiiUemwi are
about removing to California i» search ofCnld.
It gives a ciooc approximation to the *T en s*
ty ofmctali, and will certainly enable lie adventtuci
“iS?* to ’ l B SVuNTOOK..
TNDIA RUIWKft CLOTHING—Just recc|V^^°„ f , lh “
X California Kipcdition, a complete assortment 01
I*po.. rf.. Wood ... fl , lLUI>s
Patent Recife id Jahuabt Ut,
relent tfott-lever atcjuion Tahiti, Sofa*, Bureaus,
800 l Casa, Writing DuLt.
TUB TABLES far surpaosutg every outer in
vention ol the fctml now extant. They can be ex
tended irorn ten to twenty-five teet, ana when elowsu
the leave* nre all contained inside; they are made to
•II size* and shapes, and are admirably adaplcd-Jor
Steamboats, Hotels, and large private lamtlla*, loria
inr when clo«*d u complete centre table. .
SOFAS AN 1> BUREAUS —Thcie articles are inval
uable, particularly to lho»e win wish to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apartfltcut into a
parlor or sluing room, as they can be opened and shut
at convenience, and when shot, .llto betiding l* cnl ;l°**
ed. A great saving in room and rent. • AU the bed*
•tends when closed iorni a beautiful piece of furmtnte
for a parloi or sitting room.
BOOK CASES —A neat and useful article for parlor
or drawing room. __
WRITING DESKS —For law offices, counting rooms,
and other offices; when opened a moslcouvcttienl bed
stead, when closed a perfect I>esk and Library alone
is visible. , ~
All these article* need no recommendation: the
beauty of the whole is, they arc warranted not U> gel
oat of repair, it will be for your iutrrosu to call and
übsubc the articles, at the manufacturer’s store. No.
tQi Third street, Pittsburgh. In addiuoo U> the above
'‘“s?, *** *” ""'■'lSwXK.D'va.i.
Stttn Drlek Woik>f«rBftli>
THE subscriber offer* for sale, Uic STEAM BRICK
WORKS, above Lawrcnceiille. comprising a
«ieam Engine, 2 Boiler*, fl Mould Machine, capable of
raaaofactunueSU.WW Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay,
a* takeu fioai die bank.) per day; with three acre* of
land on the Allegbcuy river, on which axe 4 kiln* and
sbedt, machine and clay sheds, whcelb-»rr«w», truck*,
.hovels,- spades, fcc., every thin* requitlle to com
menee operation* ut an boor* notice. Pnee, including
the patent right to u*e *aid machine, -*7,ooo—Mn» el
payment maae caiy. Withool the WflUb
particular*, oddreac HENRh MKRttllX
aoyff-dtf No UeMouongahela House.
WroVgblasd Cajtlroa Railing.
THE subscriber* beg leave to inform thepublie that
they have obtained from the East all the late and
fashionable deigns for Iron Railing, bolh for bon.c*
ana cemeteries Person* wishing u» procure hand.
*ome pattern* will plc«u«e call and examine, and judge
for themselves.' Railing will be furnished at the ihort
e*i rotice, and'in the best manner, at the corner ©i
T£s5 T oSy-tKsox.
Burkb aco s Duty Expj!»*'• regularly d T
Ijeetin* Can and Sccll Ok SThRS, which are of
fered 10 dealer* and familie* at the lowe« price*.
QuSity warranted equal 10 any brought to tin* mar
‘f J. c. BIDWELL, W. K r ...
AJ»o—At tliit fallowing depot*:—llci* A Utreer, cor
ner SmiUifieldlond Second »U; L. Ilrailcion, Diamond,
Mercer & Roluuwn. Federatet .Allothcny. _
L?£r.r ~f
rovtii l»L Market «n
THE Coniuiniion and Standard of tbo Auociate
Reformed. Cnurch in North America: »*», bound
i,l 'l he'oiiier &de, or Note* for the History ol the War
between Mexico end tite United wiuien in
Mexico, and translated frota the Spanish, with note*:
U Kefnrm* and Reformers of Oreai Britain
and Ireland: By H- U. Stanton.'
The Work* ol President towards, iu < vols, » re
pru t of the Worcester etuuon, with addiuons, out) n
copious general index- _ .... .
The Mountain, of Kgypt. or Erjrpi »'V iuiesa for the
Bibl-: lly F. L Hawks. D. 1). L. I. D
Memoirs of David Hale, late editor of Journal of
Commerce, with selections from his Miscellaneous
V The n f i unuut'and HiUWtfhmr’by J - P au,dl "?-
Lo.* Urtngus, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal
i/urnia: By Lieut. Wire. U. & Navy. ~
Familiar Ultras to k ouug Men, on various subject*,
-desii'tied as a Companion to tne koang Mens Ounlc.
Hv Wbl A- Alcott. _
Tlio Poems and Prose Writings of R. A. Dana: - vs
Nineveh and iw Remain, ‘ r y*'»V , .....
rnrsMc by Fi.I.IUTI
A pKliiil for troisr iromlly
prßLKun* WaaaLT—rca aiwe*.
The be*t paper in the Union.’ 1 „15 ,eu,nS o ,a !‘
•Rather get iu coal Ui.ut no without it” l Bos ton Po-t
NVw subscriber* can be supplied from Jan. l.l“' 1 -.
if unrui-diair application be made (cithcfpersoiii«l , ‘ of
w»jj «.h«
k«« Boom Jait ArrlT«d.
Sacred scenes and characters, by j.t.
Ucudly, with ortgmnl designs by Dwtey.
Tl«e Focus and Ptows ritmai of R. H. Dana.
Physician and Patient, or o VraeticaJ View of the
Moral Duties, Relation* and Interests orf iho Uedieal
Piolestion and the Community; by W. Hooker, M. u.
The Porium and llis Daughter by i. K. Paulding,
author ot the Outchmin’a pire«Wa.
Los Gringo*. nr nn intide View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia; with Wandering in Peru, Chiliand Polynesia,
l»r Lleul Who. For sale by
1 dc’Jl KLLKHT A ENGLISH. ?P ftwl, «i
BROWN’S American Angler's Guide; full of illus
trations, lt!ino. . , ...
PauldiuuDi Puritan and His Daughter, I Ana.
Dr Uoowr's Paysictau and Patient; liflito.
Mrs. Eli*' Hearts end Humes; Svo.
N-under’s Idfc of Christ; Hv«>. , . „
Nrauder’s History of Christian Church; 3 vol*. t**o
- Dr. spring's Memoirs of Mi** Murray; evo.
‘fflta D. I.OOKWOUU,
janlO Bookseller A Importer, M
Bow t* the time to Smbaerlbe.
OFFICE nf Scoit's Rrprints of the Poor tjuartcr*
lie* and Blackwood; »10 per year.
Morns A Willis’ Home Journal, published in New
York weekly; S 3 per annum.
Downing's Horticultural!*!, moathly; *3 per year.
The Cultivator. monthly; 81 per annum.
The Agriculturalist, monthly, *1 per year.
The Democratic Review, monthly; W per annum.
T„. U-lcr,
■jand Bookseller i Importer, <Q Woodjit
ARF. now receiving a very largeftock or freak
Goods, of recent purchase and l|apßtWUt»i,w!ucl<
they will ««li to the trade at ca«u prices os eauuui fail
to eivo entire satisfaction. , , , ,
City aud Country Merchant* are invited to call and
examine our *ock before purchasing elsewb—
my9 _ __ ;
No. 49 w*oo St., Prmstntan,
ARK now receiving Ihetr usual supplies of Goodi
mr the Fat: «cnsun, which they will be happy to
-.•kiuhit to ’heir old customers, and as many new onrs
as inuy feel inclined lo present themselves.
Always taking great pains to lay in goods no
arc adapted to the wants of the Western trade, wiiieti
Inug riiicnrnce enables them lo do, they can *ay with
much confidence, and without entering into a detail
of their stock, that the Western retail fiterchont will
find with them Ml that hi* customers trequuc- Those
who have formed the unprofitable habit of iDpttinng
to the Eastern cities tor their Dry Goods,
would do woll to cull, as a candid comparison of pri
ces would ui many ea«:» result in tho conviction umt
the expense of going further may be obviated by buy
ing in Pittsburgh. «pt!3
WR. MURPHY continues to keep on inytd a full
a assortment of the Welsh Unshriqkablo Flan
nels, and has recently received a supply of the finer
t|ualifie*. Also Swansdovyuf tunnels, a scare* arti
cle uiul well adapted for the sjear of invalids,..and
others wanting something warmer than usual, JUkC,
Persian and Gau*e Flannels for Infanta wear; to
gether with a full supply of American utanufuctated
I’launcls, of different qualities. Alst), HRROUIiINO
FLANNELS, of all
, East corner of 4th and Musket *u.
|o*‘Wholesale Rooms up stain, where dealers will
always find a good auoitoent of new style goods.
WR. MURPHY invites the i»tt**utinn «t buyers to
< In* present choice stock I'rtut* at l'.'J cculs
per yard, of last colors and iieiyejt '
Ai*o—Newest style) Lugiicli Oainues, from IUI to
Ai*o—A full as*ortrneni of •mall Sgured light Prints
iiiid CUiiiUf«, buff, Muc, pink, laloelr, purple, ocuifc,
ic. R/* Wlioletale Room* up »iair*.
CIALICUES— 10 cases, fast colots, as OKj fonuct
/ price lie. jaulli A A A CO
B~ LUS CHECKS—I ca*« yenr dark Shirtiug Ojecks,
jusl opened by SUACkLEIT a ') lip i,
jantU lO W nod *t«cct_
BLACK SILK LACES, including • few I"e« e f °[
,2u wljlh ' lJlou ‘” 1 '" “7\f a MtfifiiY
INFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating, and beta*
tvfrink the Hair, removing Scurf, Dandruff, and all
affection, of the Scalp, hod coring Krubuona on the
Skin, Disease*-of the Gland., Murelea and Integu
ment*, and relieving Sting*. Cuts, UniiM., Sprains,
*c, Ac, With this preparation, ‘‘theia.i* no .ueh
wifd m fail." The first journal* in America, medical
men of die highest eminence, prominent eiuson. of alt
nr ofe.sion«ranL l.dif. who have used il-for year, in
K Sg Aca. and nurseries, admit with oao ac-
S&o? imparting vigor. g'os.. tuxpnanecand:
curl to the hair, er*d>* scurf end dandruff, beal
fog wotmd.7«.mg comusioM. sprain*, SUngs. Ac.,
and relieving thread. of.tbe *ktn, the glands, aid ihe
mascle. it has no *qaui among the multitude of com
pounds advertised in the public'>nnw, o'- used m pn
vate practice. In cheapness a. well a. efficacy, Bar
ry ! . Tricopberou* is tumvall?d. , .
The affinity between* the membrane* wbieh e°n«ti
•into the .km, and the lialrwhichdruwiiu
from this triple envelope it very eloitu AU dl
of the : hair originate* in tho akin of .£« he * d *J f “2
pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the[Wood .anil
other fluid* do not pirculatb Fretly through the email
vessels which feed the roots with raolstoro and i®P“J
life to the fibres, the result U scarf, dandruff shedding
of the hair, grayness, dryness, and harsencs* of tho
ligaments, and entire baidne*. as the ease may'be.*-
Stimulate the skin u> healthful action with the Itieop*
herous, «»\d the torpid vessels, recovering their activ*
ity, will annihilate the disease. . , . /
in all uffeenon. of the skin, and of tho substrata of
muscles aud itttugumeuts, tho process and tho etleca
axe the same. .. , ~,
It Is noon the skin, the mnseular.ubre, ana me
glands, that tkn Tiiciipherous has its -pecific action,
>m J in all affedinns and injuries of there; organs itU
a sovereign remedy. . ,
Sold, in large bottles, price 84 cem*, at tho principal
Office, 137 Broadway, N.Y.
|T7*For sale by R- I- SELLERS,
jtutfl __ Pmsbnrg.
KNOW all men who are tick and alliieied with dis
ease of tho bladder and kidueys. with rheumatic
pains in back or tupbs, stiff joints, old sores, running
uloera. Ac, that they can be cured by takinc the Pe
troleum! You may 4 taikahouut* being n nostrums*
rnnch a* yoo please, but tlu* does not make it to,, for
wc proclaim In the face of an honest community. tm»t
it ha. viriues which -re not contained m any other
remedy. Tho man who is racked with pain ami suf
fering from disease, can for fifty cents, get relief from
any of the ills ennumerated above. Header , it cow*
very Utile to maka a trial. This Pctrolcum ts no mix
lure—no compond, pul np for the purpose of imposing
on the community; bul it is a remedy elaborated b>
th. master hard of nature, and bubble* up from the bo
som of our mother earth in it* original purity, and oi
ler* to suffering bnrnam y a ready remedy,# certain
and cheap eofo. ... . , .
It ha. oared Pile* after other medicines have failed
to render any relief, it has cured Rheumatism of long
•unding,and of the worst and most painful character,
ll ha* cured Cholera Morbus by one or two dose*; it
ha* eured old cates of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy ha* been of no avail. As a local remedy in
burn* and scald*, it is belter than anv medical com
pound or ointment that we know of. It will cure ehil
hlaihs or frosted feet, in a few applications; undoubt-*
ed testimony can be furnished of the truth contained
in the above statement by calling on Snnmel M. hier,
Canal Basin, Tib street; oi either of ibe agent*.
terser A McDowell, corner of Wood street and
Virgin Alley; R. B. Sellers, 57 Woodstreet, D. A. U
: liol A D. M. Carry, Allegheny city, are the agents,
A nun by the name of RUEL CLAPP has engaged
with a yoang pan of the name of 3. P-Townsend, and
ntes hi* name to put up a Sarsananlla, which they
eail Dr. Towtuend's Sarsaparilla, denominating it
GENUINE. Original, etc. Thu Towureod is no doc
tor and never was, bat was former y a worker on rwl
rinJuTeanal., and the liko. Yet he assume, the title
of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit f> r
not. He is rending oat e.ri. headed Trlcfa or
Quack.” in which he say*. I have wild theure of my
name for 87 a week. I wtllgivaS. F.Townreod S5OO
ifhawill produce ono single solitary proof of Un*.
This is to caution the public iwtto be Reived, and
purcharenone but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend*. Sarsaparilla, having on it the
Old Dr.*s likeness, hi. family coat of arm., and hi* sig
““ 0( ““Jacob Townsend.
Pri.cipal Office, 1« Nasian st, New York City.
Old Dr. Townsend 1* now about 70 rear, of agejand
ha. tone been known as the AUTHOR ur.d Ul-SCO
SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, he was compelled
to limit it. manufacture, by which mean, it ha* been
kept oat of market, and the ■•ale. aireumscribed to
those only who had proved it* worth and known its
value. This GasJtn aim UnKqoaixzs PaxraaaTion i.
manufoctared on the largest scale, and is called for
throughout the length and breadth of the land.
Unlike young 8. F. Townrend’*, it improves with
age, and nevci changes, bm for the better; became it
i* prepared on scientific a scientific man.
The highest knowledge of Chemfotry, and the latest
ducoveriesof the Art, have all been brought into re
quisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr.'s Sarsapa
rilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it 1* well known to med
ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro
perties which are inert or useless; and others, which,
if retained in preparing it for use, produco fermenta
tion and acid, wniiih i* injurious to the *y*ie«. 3«nie
offhc prop-ities of Sa'-*apari!lu arc so volatile that
Ihuy entirely evaporate and are lo«t in the prepara
tion, if uic, i-rc noi pieserred by a scientific prccets,
known only to tiiore experlenred m 1U manufnetDre.
Moreover there volatile prinriple. which fly offin va
por, or a* un exhalation, under hcau arc the very es
sential medical properties of the root, which gives to
it all its value. The
m so prepared; that all the men pr.>pcruc» of the Sax
repanlla rooi arc firsi removed, every thing capable
of hcroining Hci<> or of fermentation, i* extracted and
rejected, inci every' parade ofwdieal virtue u* secu
red in a pure a;<d cnncer.traied form: and ihn* it is
rendered incapable of losing any of m valuable un
healing properties. Prepared m thi* way, it i* maue
the niort powerful agent m the
Hence this ruareit why wc hear commendation, on
every side in its favor bv men, women and children.
We hud it doing wonders in the core of Coneompuan,
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and iu Rheumatism,
Sc.Tdfuln and File*, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Erup
tions. I‘unplcs, lilotcnos. and all aficcuons arising from
dry goods,
27, 1850,
It po*fcC6»c« a marvelloo* efficacy iu all complaint*
aiuuiß trom liuiig-iuou, ftalP Acidity of the Stomach;
itoia unr"ua> circolftiiou, dclernumuian of blood to the
hcful. piljMUUon of the bean, cold Iceland eoldjhandi
ooW eiuli* and hot over the body, lthaauot’
hail its equal in t oughs and cold*; an:! promote* easy
expectoration, and p.cntle perspiration. relaxing auric*
torn of the lung*, throat. and every other part
ltot in nothin»is i« excellense more mamiestly wen
and acknowledged than in all kind* and stage* of
It work.' wonder* in cases of floor alba* or wluieii,
Fatima of Uie Womb, Obstructed, Hupprwied, or Paiu
fttl Mcutea, Irregularity lUc iueu*inial period*, and
itic litc; tyiil i* effeutonl in cattcg *H form* or the Kid
ney Uise-'ikea By removing ob»aueuon»,aud rogula
Una itc general system, it give* tone and streugth ’
nbe whole bodv, and core* nil form* ot
thus prevent* or relieve* a ijrcit variety ol other
diseases, a* Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, Su Vuiu
Dance. Swooning, HpilepUo Fits. Convulsions, Ac. It
not this, then, vita M tniciM Ton I‘ac-Eairncrn.T Nacnt
But can any ofthe»e thing* be soul ol a I'.Towu
•end's interior fttttuleT Tlus youijd tntw’i itauid is not
because of the tiruml Funl, 'hot ion cur i« lucupuMe
of Detcnot&lion and NEVER MIMILS, wlule the oth*
cr DOES; -it sour*, ferments, am’ blows the bottles
containing it into fragments; the sour, acid liquid ex
ploding autl damaging other goods! Must not Uu* hor
rible compound be poisonous to the system! Wuatl
nut acid unn a system already djtoissed with acid!
What catties Dyspepsia h«t avitft Do we not all know,
that wltcnToqd guura in our itamaeli*, what mischiefs
it produces!— ttatulence, heartburn, palpnalion of the I
heart, liver complaiut, diarrhea, dysentery, ebqUo and
corruption of the bloodt What is Scrufiria w* acid
humor itr the body! What the humors
which bring on Eruption* «f 15,9 Mould Head,
Suit Rheum,Eryaipcls»,\VU*to Swolhuji, Fcver-Sorea,
and all uliieruiifliiJ internal and external! It it noth
ing under heaven nut an acid substance, which tours,
and thus spoil* all the flnids of the body, more or loss.
What cause* Rheumatism but a sour acid Haiti, whisk
insinuates tuelf between the ioinu and *l»cwtert, It
ritaung and inflaming the lemfcf «tt\d delicate tissues
•upon which it acist Mg ufitefvons diseases, of Impu
rity of the blood* fif defatted circulation*, M tl nearly
all the ailment*aflucthuman nature.
Not?, is 41 not horrible to aiufce and sell, and infinite
ly worse to use this
awl yet he would fain hare it mtdotsiaod that Old Ja
cob Townsend's Gcutitup U;ij|iaal Sarsaparilla, is an
imitation of hi« inferior tiroparauonl!
Hpa« e d *°thid t"* l W* should deal In an article
which would hear the most distant resemblance to S.
[i TosTi'wnd’* articUl and which should bring down
upim tun Old Or. such a mouiiloin load of complaints
aiid rrimroations from agent* who hate told, and pur*
chasers who hate a*cd 6. F r Townsend's Fermenting
Compound !
Sb wt»n It understood, because it i» the nbtolaie
that S. V. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend 1 * Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and !
infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par*
licolor, having not one .single thing in common.
it i» to arrest frauds dpou the uutorlunaie, to pour
balm wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the
despairing bosom, to restore nealth and bloom and vi
far into the crushed aud broken and to onrush inurmi
tv—that old DR- 4ACUII TOWNSEND haa SOUGHT
and FOUND the opportunity aud means to bring hit
Gan kb universXl conukn ritATED Remedy.
within the reach, and in ike knowledge of all who
need it, that they may Ivaru ani know, by joyiul ex
perience, lU TU*tUCXKDK.It row** to uKau l
Star »ale by J. KIDD A CO., U holcialo Agent for
Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, ilirratiigha.'u, Dr.
J.SAUUEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. UASSt.LU F.lth
ward. G. W. GARDVKB.B'h wahl. Ht’.Ui»u<irh sptt
LIVES COMPLAINT.—Au-««r core performed by
using ihc «»"'* uno 8,,d E cauinc u,cr
A»x*d«j», Bfowo ?0., (L, Mareh », 1“47.
Mr. R. U. Seller*—ln April last my wila wa* attack
ed with Liver Complaint*, anti bad the advice of two
pbyaicum*, who u;cd various remedies without pro
ducing nay good effect. lUvtW Usard of your cele
brated Live* PiU*, l : ennolttdod m give ura a fair
trial. | purebred *»« box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen,
ancl gave theta acoordln* to the direction*,' by which
she was livailr relieved. 1 procured a second Lox,
•wtuchHiiurefy cured her, now enjoy* excel
lent health. I butte used firm myaeil, and pronounce
them the be-lfai-1' laediciuo l ever irietL
Yooi, Ac . »U«t* 861H.V.
'Prepared umt so u by U. K. SKLLiyiS.M Wood at;
•old also b> Dfur 1,1 *>« fienerVK »’-»‘-* c ,v, ° CIUC »'
~ r Yltvr of Pltuburgta.
MY VIJ£W wiH be published tu as short a lime
~ Dokiihlo; and i run assure my subscribers,
and me public grtiuaily, mam shall be surxuioa
boih in fidelity cl d< uul ami beau-? of cxccutiou-to
■ in- nttier whole • . i,ciUutsO wuo duubl, watt a few
».U, tt. v.-.intiELD.
Niw Yi’ii r> jib, 18W.—I'let.
A FEW very fine tiL'ITAIW, ju*t ree’J from th<
celebrated tnanufaelury of 0. F. Martin, and fo:
aaie by jams J. H. MELLOK, el Wood »t.f
RUIIIU&TTER— lb bbU in good order, tor sale l by
/ t'KKEN AI‘i , LES--vO bbUlgood
Confotnriiff «o Itenury, nar cth* JJwmrJ.
THE following testimonial
‘.rated Dr. Wooster Beaeh. the uuthorof thegreat
medical work entitled “The American Praeuco o!
McAlfirt SSSK;
ul tmn, f .nd ICMiA n m
my private practice, I have no beMtatitm
certifying that ins a Vegetable Bemedy,, <s
no mineral substance whueven that tu
combined a. they are, and used a* direeted by U.e
Proprietor, are not only harmless, but ot 6«£ : j f 7,
being a truly scientific-Retaedy of great power. amW .
Cheerfully recommend it as a compound which has
done much good, and whteb Is ad. Pted to iha ;
a great variety of cases. Thoagh I have never eohor
recommended or engaged in tho .ale m
eines, regard for tho trulv honest, .
man? character of the Pwriato. of Au Ointment,!
and the valoo of his discovery. ®S ll |R,®£fi > n »>
ouch regarding it. 'V- BEACH, D. it.
New York, April 83d, 184 A .
BURNS. It L* ono of tho belt thing, la the tdorld
Thousand, are yearly eared by tbU Oint
ment. It never fail, in giving relief. .
For Turner., Uleore, and all kinds of Sorest It ha*
“°u"SSlMti!»nd Nnr«:s Iracw it. ~ln. la cue. of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply it.
In .ueh cases, if used according to directions, tt give*
le Around*the box are directions for n«ng
Ofotmeut for Scrofula. Liver Complaint,
Tetter. Chilblain, Scald Head, Sons Lyes, Quincy,
'tore Throat, Uronch«iea,-Norrou. Affecuoiis, I aina,
Ear Ache, Burns, Corns, all Disease, of the Skimsore
I io« PintDlcs, Ac., Swelling of the Luttbh ®°re*i
R^u»iU P m. Files* Cold Feet, C«up, Swelled or Bro
ken Bietui, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, Ac.
From tho Reading Eagle- _ . ■
There wa* never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public-, that hu ln *o abort*Ume ««a.iecj»
repataiiou a* MeAHniet « All-Henlin* Of ?» t
Salve Almort every jjereAn that havmade trial •ij R
■peak* warmly mUapraiaa. One M»»
iul themoc painfnlTkeoni«rti*m. aether offliepilW.
a third of a troublesome pnui in the iide, a fwirth of a
•welling in the liraba, Ac. Ifi» d 9*‘KIJL
diate ireueijn every ease, it ran do no Injury, ©eiqg
“ P AajpoSS'JJlSiiice of Hw wonderful '
er poafeMft by thi* *Hve, wo «ab)otn Ae followinc
certificate, from a respectable citizen of Maideocreeu
towutbip, w this county: «» _L «*» iaiv
Maldenercek, Tterka eo;, March-30,1947--
Mrur*. Killer A C*-I desire to infpm J°? l , lha A 1
wm entirely cured of a aerere pain in the hack, by Uc
u*e of McAllister's All-llcaling Salve, which 1 pur-
SM from you. 1 .offered willlt for aboot W ym
and at night wa* onabld to sleep. Daring .that urn* I
tried varioui remedies, which were prescribed, to* me
Mi® “nsr*
tooth .che niid olier eompltunu, with iinllK “PM
Yo ”"‘"Samea
Pole Proprietor of me above medicine.
Principal Office, No S 3 North Third street, PhUadeN
Aum is PiTrsßUioß.-Ur*aa*, corßßr .f
Liberty and 8t Clair etreeu; eed L. Wllecx, Jr., eor»
net of Market street and the DistnonJ, also comer of
Fourth and Smithfield streets; 3. K-Castet. eoraer of
Walnut and Penn streets, V ifvh Word; and MldaUhe
John Walker. Klitabcth- frhtyodtv
Judd’s SlidlekUd I*lq»MCati«la»i
THIS i* undoubtedly the bestpreparation crtrdis
covered. <or dieising Boro*, Scalds, Cats. Chil-
Bruites, or soy kind of fresh wounds, also for
soroNipples a remedy ÜBMualed.
Ttit article i* intended for family we, and shouldbe
found in the possession of every family in Uie_itnu.
Mechanics wbo are in eonaunt danger of injojy to
tbeir pcnone through accident., and the improper or
e unless n»e of tool*. will find this article to be invalu
able to them, and after a fair trial will consider U in*
Excellent *uh«tltate for adhoaive plasterof
all kind*, without any of iu inconvenience*, and ia *o
medicated as to allay ail pain immediately and most
very little applied any where on the inrfaee of. the
•kin. immediately forma a firm, smooth eoatlng.-very
similar to the natnraJ cuticle or ostler akin; which may
be freely waahed with water and soap, without any m-
jurv to the wound.
'/he article u freely used and highly recommended
by the most eminent physicians or New England, and
other parts of the country.
For isle oslt by - RE SELLERS, 57 Wood st
iryN. B —The trade aupplied atthemanufacturer •
o rices- s°i_
TT HAS NEVER, In a ainglo Instance, failed to ex*
pel U nocsx, Va., July 83,15W7.
Mr. R- E. Sellers: You will recollect that when wo
wercin Fiiuburgh, in November last, you prevailed
oo as to trv to your Vermifuge, to test Us virtues. '» e
did so, and through the winter wo sold what wo pur
chased, which gave it a fair reputation. In May last
we purchased more, whieh was disposed of immedi
ately. We ordered more, whieh reached u* on
the 13th of the present manth. and on yestetday we
sold the lait'of two doxen bottle*. Wo find nso val
uable a medicine, th« every person of a family wish
es to have it in their possession. .
Those wbo have purchased it would bo peneetiy
willing to give certificate* of lu excellency. Out of
Uie quantity ve have vended, it has never, m a single
instance, f tiled to expel worms.
Your friend, W*. C. Minixi i Co.
Prepared and sold t»y R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood it,
and sold by Druggists generally in the two cities.
feb«: _ _ _ . _
a Amt "w few doors below Wood street, tt-
W piu BBOW1) hivilif bee:
regularlyedneated to the medic*
profession, tod been for tome tim«
In general practice, now conftne
He#SPHdPl^'his attention to the treatment .c
iSsfegßSHßj&'ihose private and delicate com
w93flfflKß'f r plaints forwhieh his opportunity .
V » gnd experienbe peculiarly qualify
x^XySß*-\ hint- 14 year* assiduously devoted
to study tt treatment of tboao complain le>(danngwhlcA
t me he has bad more practice at;J has cored more pa»
tents than can ever ftall to the lot of any private prae
\ tioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of
speedy, pennanenvand satisfactory care to ail anuetod
with diseases, and all diseases arising- there*
* r *Dr Brown wonidinfonu those afflicted with prmte
dheases which have become chronic by time or ag
gravated by the tH of any of the eoamoa nostrums of
the day, that their eoroplamts oan be radically audthot*
ouehly cured; he having given hii careful atteouon to
t&e uv-.uoeat of such eases, nod succeeded ir. h endreds
of iiumnces in curing partons of inflammation oftho
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases whieuoften
rmuit from those esses where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites sue*
as hove been long and unsuccessfully treated by tuber*
to consult him, when every satisfaction will be erven
them, and their eases treated in a careful,thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed onj by a tong experience,
study, and investigation,which iu» impossible for those
engaged in general prwUflS of Bthdiclna to give to
one class of oUeasf. _ _
in* Hernia or Ruptura.—Dr. Brown also Invttaa poi
son* nkUicted with Hernia to call, as hqhuptidpartis
ular attention to this disease.
CANCERS also cured.
Shut diseases;also ii k .
Charges very law-,
N. a.— FhUents of either sex living at a distance, by
stating sdr disease in writing, giving allthaiynfp-
obtain medicines with directions tor wo, by
addressing T. DROWN, M. D., post paid, and endow
2iOc* C ’No. 63 Diamond alley, oppositslho Waverly
BrownVnewly discovered reme
dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy iol
that painful trouble. It never fails. .
ODice and Private Consulting Rooms, No. W l>is
moml alley, Pittsburgh, Fa. Tbs Doctor is always at
No MTS no r>mr. O . ft. IMP
* NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable
A Kingdom—* ears and permanent enro tor all
Rheumatic Complaints, Meh a* » ...
Inflammatory, Chronic, Acute and Mercurial
Rheumatism; Gout, Lumbago,
Spinal Affection*, Ac. .....
This medielne bu long been sought for. If b **.*
raid that Rheumatism conld not b* cured, bat therel*
o nmcdr OciipKol M liolojo (or *00"™ *,'2?™
oo» that *o homoo .T«om i. ooHcel***« I
m.dy bu buo JoonO ,Urol core. RheooloM* it *0
wom form—one of the most valuable vegcmble pro-
Jotlioo. Of*. «»d
discovery of lha age, and a wonderful blessnr to the
buratn family- Itcureswithout sickeningor debilna-
UM Md renow* .trength and vigor to me whole syt-
XX Thai cared, during the oast three months, over
SOOeasea that were considered inewabla.
Certificates of the euretive pnperbM of this medi
cine caa be seen by calling on tba Agent*.
None genome uole** pa: up «SJIJISLf'n!
upon the outside wrapper, signed by the proprietor, ft.
TU «10^ D “‘ r,l °' H.BHTBER, '
corner flirt ond Mitkci Hu^orjk.
Sold also by ’ G. F. tHOMAo,
boiu aiso »j N)j m Miin |lf clßeitulwi( o.
SAVED HER LIFE-Seller*’ Vermifuge is the arti
c*e‘ Lannwon, Va-January 20,1819.
Mr J. M- Wilson—Dear Sir, The vial of Seller**
Vermifuge I bought item you, *omo Umo *B»r brought
from my girt fit* J«»r» “Id. the astonishing number of
five hundred worms I believe she would have Uved
a vorv abort time, bat for this nwdieme. _
prepared and sold by ft. El. SELLERS, STWcod st;
told alaa by Druggist* generally in the two cities.
Thamu Parkinson,
IVI Xohaeoo, flonsia and large Screws of all kinds;
Brass Castings and Brass Works generally. Corner
of Ferry and Vuu streets.
TIIE subscriber, bavin* purchased the Faetory of
James Patterton, Jr., wasted at the abo*o standi
would respeeifaUy intern his friends and the public
that he is prepaid tn &U any off er« m hi* line, ® a
most reaeanabie terms and with dispatch, end win
fcdpMWfe. pARKJNSON .
I Pittsburgh, Jan. 1,1630.
HAVING disposed of my ‘tjuJu
Thomas Parkiusmi, I take the liberty
for him the patronage of “V <iened will be
feeling eoufideot that any , * v * r * . . e .„
doll- .pptocioleO fyJ5gg,*flTTi!KZON. Jr.
Wo \r iirhiiY keeps constantly on hand an **•
fotimenlrfWeached UnenTable IhupcrVof
* . ,‘TiIV and Qualities- Also-TaW C.oih*
Oißereiil wriJih A p. and Towels, and a
““li heu"' furnishing goods. fcbll
----- C, ajibuthhot * .
Hau m-i returned from the Eastern Cltte*,' and l«
ffin-s largo variety of seamnuMo Goods, to
•Fae ro*peeifai»y lavite* the auectioflof tneich
"o&n..No e»Wood.l. . fcblt
TVRINTINO PAPER—a full supply of ail theAif
r fereoi sixei. on'ktod and made to order.
ATGrtsi astloaal Work*
Dagnerrroiyyu by Brady.—Engraved i?
Avigmn.—Ediled by aa'Auaeutsom tfl/Htrin
Mm. .
UNDER this title will be pabitihed, during lha yta»
ISM, twenty four Portraits and Biographical
sietcfcesof American elfiuna, have become: IV
lartriooitntheeervieooftheeoaiuiy. Ereryportion
of the 'work will reeeive tho most carotid attention,
nnd nothing will be-»parod to reader it a worthy tad
enduring monument to-the great man of the Republic.
The Typography will ha exeeatfdaa aarefcUy and
in aa rnoetb >tr!e a» the enfrattegalhemaelvea. The
ciiiire work will be on the finer: imperial folio paper,
pitblie aarwieea ka»a woo fbr.tbcn an hoaorablejaa*
thronrhool the nation, Each of the great department*
oflifeWfll hive Ha'repieeentatitae. ’Alt »d
taro are uni venal in.lbeir thi*Opil6tfi»u»*
tainted ta bo" a worthy and cndnnng monument to tfle
great weir ofSheßepabHei who*© MhirreoieiU* *“*
xiae eeutitßie .the.chiet glory -of Urnnation. *ve
hope that evary lover of ah ana friend of ©BTftorioAa
Union, will respond to ear appeal far eneonragamem,
. "unencable ■"* undertaking, that Ui
tnO aid in *o comtaenaable'an k. ->ff» _
pablieetlonmay make an crm in the profreaa of
etirtn Art, and, by gro oping the UUwiioM:a«a of thtf*
Union together, eonroliaaleintill note finalr. .
■ A» rp w<rk of tib kindhar appeared feiAmrrtca,
and the-prices they ftutain in Berope "would pi**®.* l .
i>»ona lm rcafh of mou ol oar ciiixeiw, lie pnpiua
erT\avtf Yrsohrfd to merit a Jirge-eircnldoOi bjr
charging# ter y low price,-viz: ti pet No, ot-VO for
the entire aerie* of S 4 No*. . . _ ■ .
T»o No*. ere mwrpoMiibed, containing roitraiuot
Freaideat l ayJor and Hon. John C. Calhoun.
JAMES 0. LOCKWOOD, O Wood at. •
feb'Jl Agent far Weatera l»flpn«y>Ta»ila.
A CIRCULAR icnt m by e-friend, announcing the
fonnaiioitot anew .Tram po nation Compapji to
onr late Ageum el Baltimoni and Colombia, impel* U»
thus early to appti*e our friends add the public uat
kaeh-aaket no alteration.whiuaTcr in our business,'
•eve the chasge of our agents < Broer
warehouses at thoro points, both of which ** uT«
effected aiiraatsgeouily forour*eWe»Midourctt*ipm-
* r Withthoexperieaceof ftfteen yean in tbo-Trant*
Donation boswessrselfiespccl, a* well a* a regard for
the intelligence ol oar puree., forti.l n.wt»lit»
erednlity of ihcpuSltc,- or eater feritt aaiuement by .
lengthened professions lu print* We begleaye,thflre~^
fo»£lodU,in reneiWteim*, that* oor;amnffo«*uV
art eowi&rabfy exteuddd} tha cpnrenlenoo *udea
pacitr of our warehouses, at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Columbta, onrerpaned; oortaeiUUe*
forregnlarity soddiiputebincreased;andottr wnn*a»
liberal a« tint of any other mpotulble Une. and iliit
our freight, whether in depot or in trenail, la alwaya
insured free of wpen»f to the owner*- : .
Wo appeal to our past conduct aa an earoeit or oar
future, andeonlldOntlr look forward to a
of that .patronage which.haa.eref been «o£=*Wdjr to
deserre oiid our pleasure to acknowledge, under
tuch imprenio**, we shall be prepared at all tune* »
neet honorable competition; uto«e resorting to any
.iu Uo cnUeeld r.f'SoNNOR,
of r.n» •»* w a j.. a g|-ggta
STB Market ati Philadelphia;
And by the followlnc Agents: • . ■
JOHN McCULLOUGM A CO, 03 North st, Baltimore;
F. B. BURK A CO»*SDoam> at. Boston; :
W. A J. T. TAPSCOTT A CO, W South at, N. Yor*s
JAMES WHEELWRIGHT, Cincinnati. lfrb> •'
Dissolution of C©*F*rtn«rsbtp.
THE Co-Partnmtdp exUuog between the under
aimed, ander the stylo of “F. U.pSafon A Co
was oissolred by mutual consent, Jan. SOth. F. IL
Eaton, haring purchaaed the entire lute real of W r.
Marshall, wha retire*, will attend to the settlement of
the basinet* of the late firm, at the old stand, No M
Fourth street. F. IL BATON, •
fab* W. P. MARSHALL.
F. n. afiATOK, . ■
DEALER In Glare* and Uoiiery,'fnmmings,Faaey
Good*, Ribbon, Lace* and Embroideries, Zephyr
Wonted, Patterns and Canras*. No 63 Fourth street,
Pittsburgh. A full supply of Fine Shirti and Genu’
Under Garment*. ___ febfrlm
miE Partnership heretofore existing between BUou
I *. Engliah, In the Book.and Paper Business, wa»
jTUolred on the 11th Imu, by mutual consent. The
business continued at.the old.stand, No.7*
Wood street, under the firm of “A 11. English fc Co,
hr whom the bu*lne*aof the fotmer partnership will
be settled. SAMUEL ELLIOTT,
DM. LONG, haritg purchased the interest of
• James Kerr. Jr.,ln the firm of James Kerr, Jr.
A Co., the Ship Chandlery and . Boat Store business
will be carried on as heretofore at the old stand. No*
Water street, bitveen Wood and Market, under tho
Myteof ' ItbMm LONG, BUFF A CO.
THE Co»Pnrtnerslup heretofore existing under the
style of ‘•Cope A Brcyfogle," u this Cay dissolved
by "»"<"■! consent. Thebntt&eas will be settled by J.
C. Brcyfogle, at ihelr old stand. No. 108 Seeondatreet.
' L. S. COPE,
JC. BREYFOGLE, haring associated with nun
# A 1L CLARKE, for the purpose of transacting
the Forwarding and Commission business, will con*
uinie that business at the old stand of “Cope A Brcy
fogle," and respectfully asks a continuance of the
former patronage of his friends and the public gener*
ally. The business will be conducted under the name
and style of Bixtxooui A Ctaxxx. ,
PitubargVJan, 7, 1850—{jan9
THE Co»Partnersuip betetofore existing under tae
style of “J. U. Clouse A Co," is this day dissolved
by mutaal consent. The business of the firm will to
settled by L. 8. Waterman, at their old stand, No 1M
■ Liberty street. L a. WATfaKMAM,
Combat Combat
nrt GROSS super Polka; 10 do do rery fine;
&\J » “ ass'd Redding;
I*l u super English Ham Redding;
6 “ “ •'Pocket Combs;
500 " u Word “
1000 dox ass'd Fine Irory;
S 3 “ Shell Combs: •
' 10 »* super large BuffnloJ
200 utoss ass’d Side Combs;, ree-'d and for sale by
trbi* O YEAGER, 1W Market »t .
Slow Unite.
0 LEMUEL; or, Going down to. the Cotum Field; a
new and very popular Ethiopian Song, a* ,Bl £
by Christy’s Minstrels, New York. Composed by S.
C Foster/Esq., author of “Uncle Ned," **6, Susanna,"
was a Lady; by S.C. Foster.
Ben Bolt—the genuine copy; by Nelson Kneas*.
Speak Gently; a very popular •““ V
ludian’s Prayer; by the author of c ße Kind, Ac." _
- Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home.
Thou hast wounded the spini that loved thee.
Flirtation Polka; by Ptrukoieh. i
Alice Polka; by Sprana ~ ,
Cnrai Waits; by Fcotesmt Hohbock.
Aliqulppa wain; ’* “
Auuauta Waits; w ■ Klebor.
La P'ace de Poxes’ Grand Walu; by Oeboarne.
'fiie wild Bowers soon will shed their bloom; from
the opera of Locla de Lammermoor. , _ „
Coriaa, or May Day in the Olden Time; by C. E.
11 Essy Variations to “The Last Rosa of Summer," by
Art Gone; son* irons the opera of Amelia.
The Groves or Blarney; from Betbovea.
When the Mooo r on the Lake is Beaming.
A Voice from the Waves; daetto by C. Glover.
Joys that We’ve Tasted. ■ / _
Make me no gaady Chaplet; from Lncretia Borgia.
Low Baeked Car. ,
Doamt Mae; with easy variations for beginners.
Bonaparte’s Grave.
We are Happy and Free.
Fashion Polka; by J.II. Hewiu.
Rec’d and for sale by JOHN 11. ftTCLLOE,
liS No. 61 Wood street.
N. B.—A largo stock of new PIANOS, lo arrive this
week. ■ • ■ ' - -
Buff Holland! BiffHoUttdJ
mAKE NOTICK—That W. MeCllaloek d»T
1 tecciTed Mvenl cO*e» of the fincil and beat Boa
Window Holland, 10 which be would mot\te*peetfully
eal] U>e attention of hi* eiutomen and tie pnhue la
>et Ware Booms, ?g Fourth st
Hursty, Flaming * Oi
from fayettk manufacturing comp ant,
»)«a*eas«pertor familyjßjenAetsjlPby I3qr»;
a» pur Steamboat do sby 7 It;
2UO do 'do. >'■*' do 4by 7 It;
jso do red aud while Horse do
100 do colored California do
50pleee» 0-4 white Flannel, warranted all wool;
100 do 4-4 do do do do
llu do 3-4 dd do . do -do
ISO do 3-4 red do do do
73 do 3-4 yellow do do do
Satlnetta, Tweed*, Jeans and Wooten Tarn, at east*
ro maanfaeunert prices.
{D»Warehoa«e, No Uff Wood st, 4th door fnmFmn.
~an» •
BUtekwaod’i naftxlna mad ins Bretla**
(iairurly Rttlnri.
TZ: Tub Loboob Ocxaraai-T Renew;
The EDCtstraaa Renew,
Tu* Noam Burma Renew;
Tbb Wuuwuiaa Renew, 1
And—Rnscawoo» , s Kmgroyn MaflAxun.
For any one of tfie four *M)Oj>er aimam,
For Blackwood and lbe< HeTlew*, 10,00
* Pay-menu» be nude iiuULc**e« laddnau
pjblubcit *imoltan«iß»ly m New >ork and Piltt-
«nd d fidi»barBli ReTiew for Janairy
are now ready.
~ TtlTtt PJU Cirp«t<
WMiCUNTOCK is now opemnrtke handsomest
•Dd most supeib Imported Velvet Pile Ctrpei
ever before offered in this market, to which he invites
»fa.ri. «. ian-H
Orsst Arrival of Mow Goods.
THE subscribers sro now prepared to offer still
neater inducements to purchasers or Dry Goods.
Taeir established low prices and immense receipt ol
Goods, lhavtog received over 100 packages of new
and desirable Roods,! comprise in part:
jaSdoxFrereh Wrought Collars and Capes;
10 pt Bich Dress Silks; .
100 ps Alpaceas, from SO to SO cents per yard;
S cases Moulin DLsias, from IQ to site per yard;
25 •• Merimne Prints, all styles;
5 u Mourning u from 10 to lS|e per yard;
10 u Ginghams, *°°4 styles, I2}c peryard. '
bheeungs, Khirunrs, and Housekeeping Goods, in
great vdyietie«i albof which will be offered at extreme
iv low prices, at
febS A A MASON* t CO’B. 6b Market at
New Plaaoa*
—Jostreceived, one elegant Rosewood
fiC£6W Si octavo Piano Porte, rmm the eele-
Vf 4 rM grated factory ol T. Gilbert * Co.,
11*1 I • Boston. This mstnoaent is remarka
ble for brilliancy and sweetness of tone, and elastieiiv
nf touch. .The above firm is considered one of the
very first in Deaton, and their Pianos, for clcgaaeeo!
exterior, beauty of tone, and duration, are apt surpass*
ed by those of any other make. For aale on reasona
ble terms by > H, Kf.KHga,
ian« at J. W. Woodweu’a.