The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 23, 1850, Image 4

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: Pww» Bible Gazetteer,
ant) itr r<WP«S p» 'V**9 i '*J**“
tareaonffiwdSW*M*m, fielrtMiMfonaxy Airee-
SS.” “w^oAerinteresting worka,-in nddjtfn
****** • ®*t2*
1 srfirfiMT.AlfP. VICINITY, will be ready far
ifiaeajrrarerlß 10d*y*i • Feraona who may. wish to
haveviy»sa of their country rest* pw on tbs nap. caa
it to bt —«>iny application to tbe-undereigiiea, aey
tfaa befe*tih*Wßin*t To defray the expensed
tbe view* w« r-..-.- ' -ill: be required la addition
to iht price ef tit* man.' aovlß EE McGOWAN
A BOUT .font yean alace, I art* traveling through
A ike State of Ohio; -while spending a few days to
Bnrtm. I dfecoveied a singular Metalie aabstance,
• ted aoMeOuenfly learned that It had been known for
yean, tod opposed to be of no use or value, but from
ttaiaifeßßltyef texmre and singular-appearance, I
was led to oeliere It night be. nade useful, hot for
what pttpoao I had act the least idea. I commenced
mj experiment* by burning It, boilinf i*» ««f P al Ta r:
Wprfe and iwmpoe"^ l » anih vanou* inbsiances;
aod ae amok was nr edafideaeoihaut ere wa* value
Is U. that mre np my entire time and means ta the
Jtraneeution Of those experiment*; fr«® that time
o this, I have anended w no other boime**; atiheex*
ptrufen of abcat two year*, L finally dueovertd, that,
ay redteinx itloa finepowder and miring It withnn
aead aUt?aboal the ccnrinntey of thiet paint, and
applying this compound with a bnuh, that (his coating
ia a few months weald become * perfect atone or
t t»w- to tVyt the rubstanee when applied waa actually
alalaia a liquid state/and tho large amount of silica,
mi blank oVlflaaf iron thalilCOfi
raised, roadered it both weather and fire proof; aa the
longer exposed, the harder-and more permanent it
teems to become, and aa the coating (after it tnzsa to
alata) la of itself uideitrnetiblo by fire, consequently It
protect* the weed covered with it from the air, and
where Die re ia so air K there la no blaze or combustion;
therefore the wood will actually char, before the elate
I considered the discovery of the greatest Import*
snee,Juid applied to Government fee a patent for fay
savMdpn w discovery, fondly hoping that I snohld
sew beresiune rated for all my outlay In time and iho*
ney. ttbo government, wiibout any neaitaiiaa,greim
en lo dm Letters Patent for the able right to manufac
ture, sU) and BM By improvement in the luenafactiro
of a "Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Arti
ficial a!aie. B (hr fourteen yearn. \
Atgut 14,1649. • WM. BLAXb!
WE> iho inhabitants of Sharon, hav ead the aboVe
etltemeet of Mr. Blake, and believe Uo be substan
- Dally comet, as .wo are knowing to most of the sutp
menta Ike rein contained; and we will farther state, that
we do not believe that there ever warn a patent more
honestly and, laboriously earned, or more deservedly
granted; as he pursued his experiments with the most
• *rfcsitahleperaeveraneeunderUtemo<tdiieouragihf
etrimutaaees, as the public had not the least confi
de nee that there could bo asy thing valuable made
from the substance, lie therefore had to encounter for
yean the Jeers and tcofi* of seariy the whole commu
nity. Notwithstanding all this, be was indefatigable
lu the prosecution of ms experiment*, and we do not
bellsva that there is one man in a thousand who would
have persevered under all tkeelreumsianeea. .But he
|ma at last triumphed over all obstacles, and we .be-
Leva there Is now but one opinion in awarding him
(be merit of this valuable discovery.
GfcO.W. CRANE, ■) Justices of
B.W. HILL, }► of
BENJAMIN JONE, 3 Township.
WfcL EVE RETT, Township Clerk.
- ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer.
Ikave ascertained that tbetearo individuals engaged
In digging, grinding, find preparing for sale, the above
macoaaod Mineral, id be mixed with oiL and used pre
cisely as I use my patented article. I have been to
those pdrooas and shown them my patent They say
they M-aet tniand tb infringe or trespass upon mT
tights; that they hayej a right to dig, grind, and sell the
powder, If they eaa find purchasers;- that (hey are nol
bound to know what they are to do with it; that It is
no Infringement until it is mixed with the oil to make
thoeampoaad; and that those who buy, mix and nseit,
must take (ho responsibility. Mott of them say that
; they believe that the Patent is good against those that
mix and use the cempound, ana some hare said the
what they wanted to ase they should certainly parch
ass of me, aa they didlnot intend to mako themselvei
liable In any way. Nowlfeelmyself indutyboondu
expose this oareraeed fraud upon ihe public; us I can
call it milder aa sc, where a man sells and re
ceives pay for an ar icle, the use of which he wcL
knows ■ object* the I urehascr and user to a prosecu
tion and fine. Some o' those who are engaged in thii
nefarious traffic, will unquestionably contend to tbe
Bah lie that my patent will not stand, and that I dare
. not prosecute. Now, intake tala argument away from
mem, I went to some of those who .were proclaiming
: '■ that my patent was of bo value, and mode the follow
ing proposition: that they mightseleei a Judge and two
. ~ lawyers who have hud some practice in patent esses,
' and we would submit the patent to them, and if they
v decided that the p&tenilwns good, that they should stop
all farther proceedings in lbs Dullness; but if they
should decide that it whuld not, in their opinion, hold,
I would agree to let them go on and sell all they could,
without saying any thing to the public about them.
This proposition they wbald not accede to. So far as
the validity of my patent is concerned. I da notde
pvnd entirely upon my dam judgment, although I have
tbs ralleat confidence ih it; but I have submitted it to
many of the judges, and'.several of iho mnst eminent
patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided
that ia their opinion it was rood, and would prctcctme
ta my discovery.
, I grind tbe uniele to a fine power,-and pat it up in
karwU, the which are marked: “lluzi’sTaur.vr Eiua
*» WnaraxaProoT Asrincui. Slats." '
I therefore give notice to all wm» buy and use the
abgyn (Motioned mineral far Lkc purpose set forth in
my patent, except from me or my authorized agents,
u that I shall hold them to a strict accountability, ana
shall commence suit* at law against thoso who thus
Infringe upon my right. • WM. Hl.AtfV-
Saasos, Medina Co-, 0., Aug. 14, IdU).
TONS of the above Fire and Weather
Proof Artificial Slate on hands and for sale. The
above we eon recommend, for we hive been using it
fer some 4 Tears, and know it to be whut it is set forth
ia every particular. J. A It, PHILLIPS, Agt, .
BQTfi7-d3m No S Wood at
E. H. EATON & CO.,
So, 09 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
Have now in Store their full assortment of
i ffliiuiiißgi, Glorcs, Hosiery ami lacs Goods
ADAPTED to the want* of every elassof Merchants
and Consumers. No pains have beea rpured ia
| present the newest and roost fashionable style of
; Good* in their line. .Their stock consists in partof the
! following;
Fringes and Gimps, of every varioty; new styles
figured )GallOOiu: Algerine and imperial Braid;; wide
and narrow Silk and Wonted Embroidering Urrido;
firered and cut Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded
Manuts and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; bluer,
white and eolored Silk Laces; extra wide do do, for
•ounce*; with a full assortment of Dress Buttons;
Dresses Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Maslin Cape*, Qfemixettes,
Breakfasrud Retiring Capa and Half Sleeves, Freneh
Worked Collars and Caffs, in great variety: L«cc Veils,
Lappeta and Opera Ties: Mourning Chemisettes, Co!-
lan, Ciff* and Half Sleeves; Linen La cm Hdkfs,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do;
real thread Laces and Edgings; Im. do do; Bobbin,
Lille, Lace Mania and Cotton Edging* aad Inserting*.
Rich new at7le Bonnet Ribbon*, French Face Flow*
an, Boqaet Tabs, Velvets, Satina and Florences, Silk
lUwona and Tarietons, Bonnet Frames aad llpa.
i Best manufacture* with most approved fastening*,
and choicest colors.’ An extensive assortment always
I A fre4t variety of Silk. Wool, Cotton, Merino and
Cashmere, for Ladies and Mines; Tanan Plaids, and
a fall audiUuent other styles fancy and plain Child
tan’s Bose; newest styles Infants’ Boots aad Socks;
Gents’ Grampian, Vigooia, Merino. Cotton and £nc
Wool Half Hose.
A Atll assortment for men, women and children,
among which are Derby Ribbed, Folcselle and plain
Silk;'ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Bcr
' Jin; Ca*sltnere, MeTiao, For-lined Beaver, heavy and
fine Boekskin, Military and lisle Thread and Cotton.
' Saeh a< Ladies' and Children’s Hoods, Children's
Woolen Socks, Knit Scarfs and Boas, Children's Gait
era aad Long Mitts, Worsted Caffs, Knitting Worsteds
and Woolen Tarns, California Comforts; also, fine
Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvass Patterns,
Floss and Emb’g Silk, Brisrol and Ferfd Boards, Pa
per Flower Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidies, and Em
broidered Work. Also—Ladies’Silkand Merino Veits
and Drawers; Ehnbreidered Sacks and Flannels, French
Worked Capa and Waists for Infants; and Swan’s-down
Trimmings. • •
Pise Shirts, Cravats and Collar*; Merino, Silk and
Cotton Wrapper* and Drawers; Suspender*, Phouider
Braees and Dressing Gown*; ailk and Linen llukfs;
Glove* and Hosiery. ■
Frnehpatteni* carved and plainSbell Hack Comha;
Bagjda_aad Jm. da; shell Side ami Long Combs; Jin.
do; Brfalo.&aUn and Rosewood ilair Bnuhe*; Shell,
mAio aad Eng. Horn Dressing ami line Ivory Corahs:
with an assortment of Nail and Teeth Broshe*
WataliJV“Gold MrtS”“S)
Needles, Prat, Tapes, Steel Bags and Parse*.
BaHons and Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Baskets,
£ am rJ , L'* 1 «"« Rosewood Desk* aad
•Coat BJofinf* Galloous, Fancy Work Baskets
Cloak Corf and Tassels, Portfolios, Paplenres and
Blind Jc Shade Trimming*,
PaJpU & Banner Tassels, Preach Cork Soles
TjphoJfterer’s Fringe*, ' iilkfcCingm Umbrellas,
Baff linen, aw'd widths, Paper Mauiasfc Hollands!
BtfkftOilCtoUtV Elastic Bands IsuSS
Pig’d Chintx Binding, Corset and Shoeii-arsTa 6
#"l/LRPKri5! thu any, at W.M'.’
V/ CUmock's Carpet Warehonse, No. 73 Fourth tl a
iartker sapply of Carpets, of the latest and mottep.
proved styles, k to wctch wo invite the anemion of
titeamboai men, and those wisbuig to furnish Houses,
■ t» eail and examine the largest assortment in the city,
which vro wilt tell cheaper than ever before offered u
the.western market. nov?) WN’CLINTOCK
Boaralag Long Bhawli.
Wf 'JL MURPHY Iju ree'il a supply of (he above
Vf of ihe best quality; also, plain Block
Thibet Long ttuawls,- black Ifcimbarines, Mourning AJ
-paeeas, Persian Cloth, block Coburg* Parueau,
Cashmeres, Moos <le Loins and French Menuos, block
Cravats and .Mourning Collar*, Mourning Uonnet Rib
-boMj neck do, and a foil assortment of Mourning
-Uooc* generally, Also:
' A luge assortment, inclniling a few pieces very wide
ui4 superior. Buyers are invited to look at them, at
North East corner of fourth and Market «H.
>. ; Wholesale Rooms up stair*, where a large n«»ort»
»eitt of New Goods baa liuely [uvao
1 : V ~-~ DR. JAYNE*a^TEKAtiVK.’
i Wshave been Informed by hits. Rose of a core per*
> formedoaher byDr» Jayne’i Alt«r*UVo, wnich
proves iu superiority over every other remedy of the
■' Mnd. She baa bees afflicted for the last sixteen yean
v with alee rations and eoibliatioa of various bone*, da
• "wySieb tune many piecesbavebeen discharged from
tbs treats] bone of the cranium, from both her arms,
exists aad binds.sad from both legs, andfrom the left
' femora, bone.andfron! the right knee, besides painfßl
«leers on outer parts of her person, wbch bsve baffled
■ tip f ym of a number of the most eminent physicians of
oar most of the time her sufleringshave
beeaoxezatsnac sad deplorable. About three months
ebo'wss induced to try Dr. Jayne’s Alterative,
- ' wtoehbasbadanastosUbiotlyhtppyeffectcpoDher,
.r; m renmvntg all pain aad swellings, and essatag tbs
*L pfrytaheaL white at the sametiae hergeneral health
h*at)tH!(Hisi nmplrirlTrrrrrnd|«ofhnttSinTiniTsrrfglii
, tS lbs «ore than she ud before she commenced the asel
;. if this inly Talnablaprepaaon.—{Sat. Eve. Port; I
Fbr tether Information, inquire of Mrs. Rom, No. 1391
erSZiabi 11 " UtS **** Vlmtetibj W.B. BLOAB
DffiDß&y l ' 7 ’ by BCHWABTZ an
B<n and Cheapest Hem HtdlelM
Bmmmtaagrmntwu. Tor P Zrity, af!Lt nmtl g a f l .
fjr.anJ Tkcrvufbua, SLOAN'S OINTMENT Exut*
And ie rapidly. taperwding alt other Ointments and
Unimesuaewioue fortheeareoftheibUowiiurdia
eases': .
; Fmh woands, galls of all kinds, sprains, bfSse*
cracked Weis, nngbone, wind bone, windfalls, do!
evil, callus, spavins, sweener, fisala. ritfStTrfralnn
lameness,sand crack, foundered feet, serntehhaot
grease mange OThene distemper.' -y.
Tbo Powder will remove aulnfiammajienendttwv
pari/r the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water
and strengthen every part of the body,
a sovereign remedy for the following diseases p
___ ' w a BloaS;
Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chieag^iJlkola..
Ertnrt from tha “Galena Konh Western Gaicne.',
*Ji r i u e “** Ointment and Condition pqw
entirely cared a fistula on my horn and
ptnerwue r tmoreved his condition more thin 606 no
cent cn theewtoftho meAelne' And a eow which
*5? *S *S?” e 4110 60 considered worthless by myself
restored to good health aadstrengtir
by the Use of feu than half * package of the powder,*
« “„ a S w better than any other cowl hare.
Small Pox, Mayl3,lS4B. WM.'VINCENT.
. la«*by certify that one of my children, when ns
sed,foU into a large fixe of live coals, and was burned
KTerely from head to feet. The best of medical aid
and attention given to the efalld for four or five
days without any relief—each day's sufferings meres**
ed till Us groahs eoald be beard at a great distance, at
which critical period one of my neighbors reeommea*
ded and presented to me a box of Sloan's Ointment,
and in less than fifteen minutes after the application
oftho ointment to the aggravated-sores of the suffering
child the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began
to recover. My residence is in Hell township. Vex*
million county, and Stale of Indiana.
Chicago,. August £4,1949.
April 13,1819. Four miles north of Chicago (on the
roaa to Milwaakie,) Cook county, Illinois.
Mfr. Sloan—Dear Sir: One Of my horses had a lane
bony la tsar on his breast bone, immediately under the
collar, whieh lamed him and rendered his sendees ot
Text little value. 1 faithfully.applied several bottles
of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Rone Liniment, without the
least benefit. I then procured Wilder’s Celebrated
Horse Ointment, and used .that until 1 became folly
satisfied that it would never relieve iho animal. Fi
nally I obtained a box ot your truly valuable Oint
ment. and in lets than 60 days from, the- first appiic*-
tlon the tumor entirely disappeared, and thohorse war
well, lours, EDWARD ARMSTRONG.
If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth of as
article, we Invite the incredulous to read at least a few
of tho tJMny voluntary certificates that- appear in oai
colamnS respecting the great variety of remarkabl*
cures effected by the use of “Sloan’s Celebrated Oint
sent and Condition Powders."
These remedies,no longer remain among those of
doubtful utility, they have passed from the tide of ex
periment, and now stand higher in reputation and an
becoming more extensively used than all other arti
cles of tha kind.—fiUch. City News. -
« ttFoi Rtrxa, Jane 12, IMS.
Dear Stout—Sir: Pie&uJ send by the bearer a nan
nppty of yonr Horse Medicines. They ere the beai
articles of the kind that I bare ever used, nerer har
ing bees disappointed in their effect, as I hare bean ii
the we of others, e?ea the. most celebrated Ointments
Liniments, Ac, of the day. I like very mush fea
ture la (hem, nxi that they do ali that itpromised, and
anon a thorough trial one Ucontrained to add, thr
“half has cot been told. 23
The ordinary ointments and, liniment* it ia wall
known are -severe and partial in their operation.—
Sloan’* Ointment Is mild yet thorough—4t reaehei and
remove* the cause, fceneo it give* real and permanent
relief. For purity, mildness, safety, certainty, and
thoroughness, S loss’s Ointment excels, and ia rapidlj
surperccdisg all other Ointments and Liniments nos*
in nse.
„ _ Bexam’s Own, 111, Oet IM, ISO.
Sir. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of your
Ointment in the euro of rattlesnake bites, son throat
.-Cams, and many other injuries, and in every ease i’
has surpassed our expectations. As a family Oral
mem, I have never seen its equal, tu.d' for beasts wi
can’t get afoug without it
Yours, Ac., .MILES M. JOHNSON.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir Far a considerable length o:.
■met waascriausly afflicted with the rheumatic com
plaint and applied freely ibe various liniments, palm
killers, A % without obtaining any relief After which
your ag-.m at this place uidae&eed me to.try yout
Ointment, and within two weeks from the time 1 com
menced using it the pain ceased, and Iwaseffectuallt
cured, and shall recommend all whb are similarly ai
dicted with the distressing complaint, to procure yoni
•Jtcellrm ointment witb?ut delay
„ . ResrV joom, OSCAR F. MOTT.
Fnncenhe, I’eoria cog?*lay 1, lbta.
1177 From the Hon. H. V. S. Brooks, Agent of the
Llinois arid Michigan Canal Packet Itoai Company.
„ _ Cincaoo, Jane SI, I&4®
Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sir. Fnrthe last 30. year* 1
tave had oecasioa to use many hones and hive used
he great variety of ‘iniment* mid nintntcfils in use,
>ut have never foandany ih-n» equdl tn Jour olat
pent for. injuries on harsrs. Within the last two
jnouths l have applied your ointment to somesO hones,
lor various injuries ami in every instance it has pro
ved a sovereign remedy.
Twomiles tooth of Chicago, Sept-lf, 1843.
Ur. Sloan—Sin On the Elh instant my -bob -had a fin
ger bitter entirely offby a horse. We imroedihiely ap
plied your celebrated otnunesl, which reU*red him cl
pain in a few minutes and prevented the Anger from
swelling tho least panicle, and the wound is.healing
tapidly. Resp'y S. BBOCKWAY.
Mr.Sloan—Dear Sin.-About three years tago I waa
severely Injured in one of my legs by the felling of a :
pile of wood whieb occasioned itrrge. running ulcers.
Nearly every'doctor in Galena tried to core then; bat
tiled in vain, until from sympathy and improper treat
ment my other leg became at bod as the one origincJ
ly wounded. 1 despaired of ever being well agafu—
out in order that I might neglect no means wilbte my
reaehy I purchased of your agent in Galena suae u#
yoai ointment, and you can judge of my surprise an i
gmiitudc better than I can express it, to find rayse ft
entirety well before I had fiuished using the second l* j
These facts I make known that others afflicted msy
believe and cot delaj*usng so valuable an ointment
asyours has proved 10 be. Resp’y your grateful fr’d.
Galena, 111., Dec. 19, 1519. EVAN DA VIS.
Before the following order, Messrs. Vanghn t Co
purchased a large supply of Sloan’s preparations.
' ' Jactsox. Mien. Feb. 24,1849.
S. K. Hibbard—Dear Sin 1 am out of Sloan’s Condi
tion Powder and Horse Ointment. The tale lar ex
ceeds my expectation. if yon can manage to send me
4 dozen Ointment, I will pay for them the first umi
that yoa are here, and presume I shall be able to «eU
a quantity in the rourre of the year. It wilt be
an object to you, as well as to myself, to keep me con
stantly supplied. Very resp*y yours, '
St.Locu, 22,1319.
Dr. Sloan—Sir. A 1 oat wo yean ago, while ratting
jo the Mississippi river, in passing over the rapid*,)
was plunged into the water, and by the raft dashing
against a rock, crashing my left leg and otherwise it
nously injuring ns, so much that I lon all sensibility.
Whencan*ei(*o»ne*i returned I found myself In St.
Louis, surrounded by my weepingfamily. Good nurs
ing and medical aidj enabled me u> about two months
to nobble around with the assistance ofaeralch. Th<
wounds only partially heated, leaving large running
•ores at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and mailer of the most offensive character. My
pains were lnexpresnble. at times my suffering wit
so great that death would have received "a. hearty wel
eome. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of njy neighbors)
advised me to try your Ointment. I obtained a box
applied it according to direction— the sores soon began
to assume -a healthy sppearance, and In three month*
1 was entirely cared, and enabled to do hard labor.
You obealent servant,
We, the undersigned, neighbors of 11. W. Thomas,
were acqoainied with the case above slated, and know*
inf the circumstance*, moit cheerfully confirm said
Thomas’ statement. REV. J. DOUGLASS,
Chicsco, Jan. 6th, 1645.
W. B. Sloan—Sin-One of my borteu was hoof bound
and also wounded in the dtifie, in which he took cold,
and became *o crippled that he eoaid scarcely travel.
Ily the free •pplicatkm of your valaable ointment, hit
hoofs were soon softened and the stifle permanently
cured. I have also used the Ointment In the case ol
Toll-Evil and on severe gilU'wlth equal taceesL
On a ma*hed finger that was very painfab It opera
ted like a eiia’cn. Yours, ko , k. VAN ORDEN.
SloudV Ointment end Condition Powder wo ac
knowledged b y ail who hare used them to bo the ten
remedy for horse* and cattle that has been discovered.
Fresh wounds, galls, spevins, bruit ee, ringbone, poll
evil, and in short evqry outward disorder or Injury eaa
be cared by this wonderful remedy. The Powder 1*
designed for inward strains, distemper, hidebound,
fatigue from hard exercise, diseased eyes,-
Coanty Chronicle.
WicaLtvru, Cook Co. Feb. 13, ie«
Mr. Sloan—Sin 1 huvc a fine young horse that was
taken with the scratches last (all. l paid -oat a boot
three dollars for tficdieine to care himp but ho grew
worse. 1 then bought a box of your omtoient at your
office when in Chicago last, rather doabiingly, but I
thoaght I would try it. Judge «f my turpriie and my
opinion of its beneficial Qualhies, when S found my
horse's leg* smooth and welljn four days from the time
I commenced applying it _’ r Yonrobedient,
cdSSJiS-llftS I'V' ° f ne«n M it.
cto ,»n. of ilia n.i™, rii.iirtTSiSSft.^Sui
Granville, Milwaukie eo. Wu rvi
Mr. Sloan—Deaf Bin Recently my liorshVlj Ml
with aiof chaiiLSitached, which cut
injured tliera ■crituly. i.i f «!?,
my team ruined for himnet*. Fortunately
commended the as© of your CmtmenL 1 wemf-ifn*
waakic and purchased a box. it toon S"*
inflammation, and in a few dayrthe
The great benefit derived from the use of yonr*cat L
meat, on mr horses, indaoed me to acquaint *«■ *,7,1
the-facLbelievingits publicitywoaldbenefi/vfln BT Hi
iheptblie. . Respectfully tobis, 7 .
And fits become a common saying, that Sloan*
Ointment and Condition Powder an rapidly superse
ding all other remedies for all diseases of horses and
! cattle. The benty of the medicine* eosxbta ia tbels
parity and safety, to wit: they may be ojedeverso :
freely without any danger of taking cold, er any other I
Injury resulting from their frequent nee, and mr s.n
to asra if are followed, jyUnjtyt *
AS TBZ oxarsax OOXK <v
THILL commence on New Year'aDav »»°» ,ml
aa 's s> ■ UnnSKaSbnU,
'wSSrff ««w than 1000 pieces Thibet
CSotht Menn*, p 4r , iaetuij Alpaceas, tycoe*e,Op
-15.*?? P sf u * e wtil be told from tiu to 40 per
ctnt leas tbia »»»«' prises.
41**-3«ptecearichplain and ftrt RILES, redu
ced OOper eent . 1
Cashmeres and De lain*, emirs new strifes.
Alio—White Goods, do., Embroideries,
Loses, Ribbons, Gloves and-Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac.
SUfisses Pla»nels, 70 cases oew.stylo Calicoes, Uiru
jes Bleached Merlins, 7O bales
Tickings. Also, Cloths, CsssimeTef, Jeans, Cssiiaeut,
&A, st extremely lew priees
Together with sn iotmense variety of ether Goods,
staking an sswrtmeat one of the most extensive iu
tbs country—all of which have been marked down at
msehdower prices than their extensive annual sale In
January last.
They invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Goods will be sold.
03*Tbe lowest price named at first.
, janfl A. A. MASON A CU, 60 Market st
"Sorway Plains" Blankets. "
TST R- MURPHY, at North East corner cfPourtb
¥ ¥ « and Market streets, has lately received a sup
pty of the above suphnor mskc of Blankets, and m
vttea those in wont of the -article to look at them be*
{ore baying. He hu also on hand Home Made Blno*
ke ft * s<^ d he 5Ty anlcle ’ »hich he is telling low. •
E*-pvm Made FLANNELS,bretrojbarred and
whits, of asuptriorquaUty. ’ • '
Also—Twilled Searlet FLANNELS, to which he
invites the attention of buyers. *
Mccwl T opened in the
L* °P Bt3ir »' ««« hi. assortment
~ry£l.and worthy the attention of dealers.
rau “5 “ "f ronr
£iu? x s* ° e hTfane's Liver Pills, and soma ernes,
Z^L 1 w *s, toW *** *ood for that disease, bat attar
™^“ x J eUi ?* wor,e ' } ®B»Hy concluded to ploee
, n^ e J tQO we of » physician for better or
OTjJ* l * time, I was told
CT lI' Ni £« c £’ °* Jht* place, that a friend had
"“‘w® »ho* of Sellers’ Liver Pills from Pittsburgh
wbmh had benefitted him very taneh. 1 forthwith
sent for a box of yonr Liver PiUa, and by the time I
was done using them, I was satisfied that it was last
the medicine that suited my ease. I sent for more,
and took five or ex boxes, and found myself almost
entirely cured; but in March last 1 caught a severe
cold, which brought back the disease, and in a short
time I was as bad as ever. I again had rccoerse to
your Liver Pills, and took theta every other night for
six weeks, and occasionally since, and lean now MV.
that 1 can now cay, that I ted little if any symntMls
of the Liver Complaint, and my general health Is as
good now as it has been for the last 10 years.
My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. I tell
them that Hellers’ Liver Pills was my doctor, and by
the blessing of Divine Providence the means of earing
me. lam confident that when the nubile become to*
quoin ted with the vales of poor Liver Tills, the de
mand for them will focieasa. Many ofmy wlvhboti,
to whom 1 have recommended the pills, can testify to
their value, as well as to the facts above ttaied
Respectfully yours, Grass Uolxl
Tom Ptrauc.—The Original, only true and gena*
au» Liver Pills are Preparedly IL E. Sellers, and
have his name stamped in black wax apon lha fid of
e *£h Box, and hii signature on the entside wrapper.
All others are counterfoils, or hose imitations,
vptfr? R. E- SELLERS, Proprietor, 67 Wood «t
D„ ,BAtJaL,Columbiaaaeo n OJApr.S4,lSU.
R. D. JAYNEB: Dui Bxxr—l foe] bound to- yoa
and tho alQieted public, to avail rayaelfof thisop*
portanity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of your Expectorant oamyselC Having been af&ie led
for several year# with a severe cough, keetio fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short bat miserable existence, until the
fall of 1339, when, being more severely attacked, nnd
having resorted to all my former remedtes,and the pre
scriptions of two of the most respectable physician* ia
die neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or- the
consolation of surviving hut a few days or weeks al
farthest—when the Is.t gleam of hope was about to
vanish, 1 had recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who does all things in ithe
use of the mean*—and contrary to the expectations of
my physieians and friends. I was in a fow days raised
from tuy bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying tinee better health than
I had for ten yeare previous.
Respectfully yours, Ae., lu. IV. Eanti.
For sale ip Piuibargh-, at the Pekin Tea Biore,7o
Fourth street martf)
JA\NE— I This certifies, that immediately alter
having attended my brother, who died of consumption
in March, lt*4i. I was taken sick with the Consumption
or liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the
disease, that for .four years I was unable to attend to
my business, either at home or abroad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. During tae above peri
od of time, 1 had expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medicines, to tho amount of
*ao. without receiving any benrfit therefrom, la
luln I=*3, 1 commenced taking Dr. Jayue’s Medi
cines, end have taken them more or less ever since,
and believe that it was by persevering in their use,
that 1 can now truly say that I have eomoletdy reco*.
vend my health. 1 behove that Jayne's Pills
and Expectorant are the best family medicines now in
« I reside la Springfield, Outgo county, N. Y., and
carry on a furnace and machine (hop in that place,
and am not interested in any manner in tho »»i* of the
above medicines,- and make this certificate tor the ben
efit of tltoca axilicted. ELIJAH EATON
Springfield, N.-Y., Sept Id ISIS. _ )a*
ALEXANDER & DAY, corner of the Diamond and
Market street, notify their friends and the politic
that they have received their stock of Fall and Win
ter GOODS, direct from the Importers, manufacturers
and auctioas at the east. Theirmtoekofjtew style and
fashionable Goods is large, and prevents strong attrac
tions to purchasers, fn Ladies Dross Ooodi and
Shawl*, the most splendid and (ashtraable Good* of
ihe season are now offered, at remarkably low prices
* consisting in part of the following
New style Brucha fig’d Camelion Silks;
Col'd and Black Satin Du Cbenes and Tare Saties
Col’d Camcliau Groderbines. of the best qualities; >
Block glossy Groderiens of the
maunfocutre. )
The aboi-e named Black Silks are warranted not to
cut in the wear; for dresses and mantillas thsr are the
best imported. u
Neat fig’d Camelias Satin Do Chene, the hsndsomest
Silks of u>e Mason. \
New style BrochaSUk figured Freneh Merino*, %,
new and splendid artiele for ladies’ walking drcVrrtT
Silk Embroidered Freneh De Laines, forarene* aad
tacks, an enarety new artiele.
Cashmeres, De Lalues, Merinos, Alpaceas and Par
mcuos, a large assonment
Brocha Long and Square Shawls, of the best Quali
Plaid Long Shawls, of tha newest designs, remark
ably cheap.
Splendid Terken Shawls, at greatly reduced pricer.
Camelian firoeha fig’d Silk shawls! In great variety.
Crape Shawls, white aad colored, in great variety.
Rest Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all price*;
beat Sedan real French Caasimeres; new style Amer
ican Qasumerea; super Satin Vettings.
French and Belgian Black and OUve Cloths, for In
dies’ Cloaks.
A splendid assortment of American »nd imported
Blankets, at remarkably loir priect.
A large and complete assortment now on hand.—
Many of oor present stock of Staple Goods were
bought from the manufacturers previous to the present
adranee ia prices.. A principal part of our sloe* of
Preach and English roods bare been purchased ai the
great Auction sales in Philadelphia and New York,
which enable* ns to offer decided bargains is almost
every description of goods ia oor of business.
Coontry Merchant*, Merchant Tailors, and all
wholesale and retail buyers, are iavitod to an early
examination of our s*oek sou prices. _
ecd north west corner of the Diamond.
iita or uuv uuuuai
WB. MURPHY, at north east center of Ponnh
• and Market its, is coarreeeinnf his second
supply for the season, and can offer Indneementi to
layers rarely to be met with. Hit assortment of
Is very foil, eomisiinf of French Merinos, Caihmeres,
Cobaxjs, Lyonew Cloths, super Printed French Cash
meres, at prices considerably lower than they could
be bought early in the season. Ills stock of
la Urge, and embraces many of the beautiful Ryles
now on exhibition at Franklin Imtitole, Fhiixd’a.
Of new and very handaomo style*, Velvet Trim*
minx*, >«.
Of Tarioas aiyle* and qoalitiei, plain and embroidered
Black Silk Lace*, Needle Worked Collar* and Coff*,
Bonnet Satin* ana Velvet Flower*, Cop* end Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at lower prieea than usual;
and rich changeable Sliks and Saties, for Manilas,
Ac.; and a tsrge stock of
at lowest prices. And in the gentlemen’s deportment
will be found fresh
Black Doeskins, Winter Vestings, Fancy Casstmeiea,
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Ac.
we isvited o visit the Wholesale
Booms, cp stairs. oe:3n
Avery' Wonderful cube:—scLLLaai
Uncii, Mercer co, Pa, Sept. 29,1649.
R E. Sellers: Dear Mr, 1 bought ooe bottle of your
Vermifuge at the Iren Cay Furnace store, at this place,
and it has performed what weeonfideroßthereadron*
dcrfolcure on one of my boys eight yean old; he bad
been unwell for some yews, so much so iballhadgiv.
rn up all hopes of his recovery. 1 was advised by one
of my itrighbors toiry a -bottle of your. Vermifuge—
and < am happy to inform you nf it having the desired
effect of relieving ay son. He passed, ut the short
space of 64 bouts, 161 worms, some of them measur
ing as much os Iff and 14 inches long., I feel bound iu
ju«Uce to give you the above statement, so ns fr.a may
make any use of my name that you think proper,
yours, vary respectfully,
Joxa-nua fi. Lmt
ETPrepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, £7 Wood
street; and told by Druggists generally in the two
cities. ■ novlfi
vuJfiAIM 3V
LV UUP—From W. K. Bod«n, Esq., Clrrk of the
Court of Qoixter Sessions of Besver County:
Mr. it E. Sellers: Sir, Some time in the winter my
wUe was afflicted whhasevereanddistresalngcough,
and hearing of your invaluable Cough Syrop, I par*
chased a bottle from 8. T. Triable, of Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or three evenings
on going to bed, she found immediate relief; as alto
several friends have been relievoJ in severe cases. 1
am therefore satisfied that It Is a safo and Valuable me
dicine, and wuuld recommend it to those who may bo
afflieted with severe coughs and colds,
March 38,1643. W.K.BODEN.
{TTSoId by R. E. SELLERS, 27 Wood and
byDrugalsts generally in the two cities and vicinity.
I|tELT CLOTiIS—3 eases Blue and Drab l-Sl
. Cloths, just rac'd and for sale by
mbvM 48 Wood it
jjcAKLErMOUd. DB LAINB-VV. R. Maiphy his
islt* £ e * lot of high eslered Mens. da Lain*,
£^l« Ch Vf 7, %; t * !e k* e *»M lba low price of *Je.
rt j ,in w«b t Drown, Ac,at 13* tol?|
8«f»S e MJ*J d it 4n ? *t ,Mfe “•*«■«« Of MM stylos
•Ch . m nrleu prices, togsthsr
"‘S aoiTW«iir.
■ ’ , fc COV
jb» HANRDEN fcCOUeentmse. tobans miso&s
’of" ' '<t,lH*ad.Seb?Luiar'
may-pert of Btfand, oaaTor
•vales, aptm the woatfiberal terms, wtthjheix
1 ***** Piraeuulity tod anestioa to the wants and cob*
ntitofesoßignstr WedonotaHowoorpasscßaemo"
be robbed by the fwledling-aea*p» that tafcst the lev
poni, ti we take eharge of them the moment they re* i
pert thesuelTea. and see to their well beiox, acdde*'
■PJtteb them without any Retention by the fim ships,—:
1 We aajr this fearlessly, u we deiy <me of oar bassen*
cera to show that they were detained 49 >-«r* fir u ia
Liverpool, whilst thousands of othen » are drained
taontha, ontilthey could be meat in some -,*/* at a
thS» nut, width 100 imp jrnl, protet.Uitir eoSut.
We in lend to perform our cootraat# toaoxaßly east
what it mar. and not act is waath* case last aeascn.
with mherofflcers,—who either pertowed actanTcr
when it noted their convenience. ■
\ JEKU drawn *1 Kluhursk to «iit «ua fhtn il it
£WKBc“S'dIW!S2f ,il
JjEt&nisJb 1849. iTTfII i -Mi
Canal Pocket—SWALLOW.
I “ “ -OCEAN.- ’-••
Beaver everyday
exeepted} and arrive next montfugai
Wuißn, when they eonnenwhh the Mail Sugesfor
if?? gllL Om of the psikou looto Winn Otilr
w ir»-( Fn ,
*P» comer Water and Smithficld tti
:ifel •. 184ft- "-aggjfc
Caowvoap A ChuhiwllVi ClevelamLO > - ,
fL G. Pirn Beaver,Pa. j
Line will be prepaid on the opening of navi*
the Canal and Lakes. N *v
The facilities of ike line are tutsurp osscd in number,
qnallnr and capacity of; Boats, experience ol captains,
and efficiency of Agents,
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dally.ran*
rung in connection with (he stemaera
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line offintciass
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Agcttb—R o Parka, Beaver, Pa. I
J*»e Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
A! B Taylor, Warren, 11
Cyrus Pnfruue, Have ana,
Wheeler A Co, Akron.
Crawford A Chamberlin, C > *un<LO
Sears A Griffith. Buffalo, N. , .
00. JOHN A. CAUGHEY,Agent,
Office, eor Wour and Bmithfield sts, Pittsburgh.
mehfiltly __ • •
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson.
u LAKE ERIE, “ Gordon.
rIIHE above regnlar and well known Beaver Pack*
X, eta, have commeneed making their daily trips to
and from Beaver, and will condone to run between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly daring the season, aa
follow*: • » •
Michigan No. S leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o’elock,
A. OL, and Beaver ai 3. o’clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily at 9 o’clock, A. ML and Pittsburgh
at 9 o'clock, P. M.
These steamers will run in connection with
B G Parks' Express packet line, for Erie]
Taylor A LefitingweU’s Warren Packets:
Union line of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight
B G Parks daily New Castle Pockets.
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, *»,
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Pittsburgh,
nch3l - - cor Water and flmithfoia m
USSafr 1849. jt»i. juaa.
gBBBBE&l BS3EEsssa|
Proprietor* of this old established and popular
1 dailv line. oonalating ofBIXTEEN first clots Canal
Boala, aimed by themselves and running in connee*
Qonwitb the Rena boats BEAVER AND
COPE, are enabled to offer ueqnalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Canal navigation, to alfpoinucntnc Penn*
■ylvamaasd Ohio and N. York canal* and the Lake*.
E. M. FITCH & Co. Cleveland.
Agenti, Beaver.
I. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
mart Water street, Pittsburgh.
>• e. kiuwaii, n. vt. e. Unwin,
Pittsburgh. **
Forwarding flerebanti,
Agent* for the Pittsburgh andClevdand lan* t Pitts
burgh andßru Lint via Eru, and for steam
boats Beaver and Cold) Cape.
Hawing parehaaed the Urge and anbauatlal Wharf
Boat just bailt for the Monongabela Packets, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, the most tropic ae*
coramoilatioDa for reeeiwing and forwarding, and
. n 'd
to consignments to their care, and rely on thrlr mends
for t tna>. mtutt«<U7 U. 4 HKO.
TTJST BECEIVpD, a new assortment of PIANOS,
U from the manofacuries ol CracxESuia, Uonon,
and B*cox ft Rates, New Yot*.
for tale at manufacturer's prices, hr
I JOHN H. MKLUiR, tik Wood sc
sj , Sole Afetrfor Chicken**'* Ptanes,
/c 94 • for Western Pent»«Tl>arua
7 Second Usad Ptaßoa, ""
/*\NE second bend Piano, 6 octatet, price SSO
\j l “ “ ’ “ 5J “ “45.
1 “ “ “ 5 «
} or «&Ie far cuh «l tb* tbure prier *, by
del* . JOHN H MKLLOK. M Wood .1
TO VIOLIN PLAY ER5—-Sporta'* Ujuto Violih
Scuoqj, altered and connected from the 'an Knf
Jith edition, to correspond wilt Snobr-'a • Original
'School of Violin playing, by hi* pupil 'll. C. Hill, “if
any argumenta are rtqaireu to reeommrnd thin work,
It Buy be observed that Spohr himself adhere* strictly
to the system laid •'own in the above werk. and that
|be ha* by the snae mode of Instruction. prodoeed a
treater number cl duungmrhed pupils than any other
caster in Europe/ 1
A supply of toe above Just rec'd, (pries ®7,l and for
sale by del? J It MKLLOB. 81 Wood st
AN EMINENT and experienced Physician from th*
Edit, of SO yean standing, offers to mat allcaae*
of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secreey.
Illasaccess in Buffalo and other large cities ha*
been proverbial. Ila charge* are moderate, and hii
rure* permanent. Old ease* of Gleet, Strierare, Scro
fula, Floor Albus, Rheumatism, Ague, Syphilis, or any
chronic or inveterate ease* solicited.
A ear® warranted, or chain refunded.
Omen, St. Clair street, 2 doors from the Brides.
Teeth Extracted. Adviee to the poor gratia.
N. 15.—Df. A. folleiu the worst eases of any disease
in Pmsbargh so eali. aslLdly
“There are more Bung* in heaven and earth
Than are'dreaißpt of In. philosophy."
THE VIRTUES of (his remarkahle remedy, and
the constant annlieattca for it, to the proprietor,
has Indneed him to Dave U pat pp in bottles with la*
belt and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well in this
count j, at a depth of four handred feet, is a pure ana*
doitcraied article, without any chemical change, bat
}ast as Sows from Nature’s Great Labratoryl! Tnatlt
coniaini properties reaching a number of diseases, is
no longer a mailer of uncertainty. There are many
things in the arcana of nature, which, if known, might
bo of vast aiefulness m alleviating suffering, and re*
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it op in bottles, it bad a reputation for the eure of dis
ease. The cpnsuet and daily increasing ealts for tt,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, is a
sura indication of its future popularity and wide
spread application in the cure of disease.
We do not wish to make a long parade of certifi
cates, as we are conscious that the medicine can soon
work its way into the favor of those who suffer and
wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a
universal application In everv disease, we unhesita
tingly say. that ia a comber of Chronic Diseases it is
unrivalled. Among these may be enumerated—all
diseases of ihn mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS. CONSUMPTION (in Its early stage,)
Asthma, and ail diseases of the air passages. LI VER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, IXaxbaa. fhJcases of
tbe'Bladder and Kidneys, Pains in the Baek or Side,
Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Pams,
Gout, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Borns, Scalds,
Bruises. Old Sores, la oases of debility re
sulting from exposure, or long and protracted cases of
disease,this medicine wilt bring relief. 'lt will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such cases,
imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opetdngtko sluggish functions, whleh
cause disease and a broken coniilimioa, and giving
increased and renewed energy to all urn organs of
Life! The proprietor knows of several cures of
PILES, that resisted every oilier treatment, gel well
under Ute use of the PETROLEUM for a short time.
The proof can be given to any person who desires it.
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor.
Sold oy. the proprietor,
'■'S. M. KiER, Canal Basin, near Seventh si
Alm by R H. SELLERS. 57 Wood sU
. corner Wood tl. and Virgin alley; who ore his
norj-dly regularly appointed Agents
No. 87, corner Alarkri and Fifth—or 49 Market,
twern Third and Fourth sis.
subscriber keeps constantly oft hand, who]**
i sale and reuUl, the following articles, vir
WashTttbs, PtotT Chora*,
Meat Tuba, Barrel Chum*,
Hath Tobt. Half Bushels,
Wooden Bowls, Peek* and Half Peek*.
Wuh Boards, Ilra<> Bound Buckets,
Clothes Pics, Towel Rollers,
Wooden Ladles, . Bread Rollers,
Clothes Basket*, Market Baskets, Ac- Ac.
novli No 83 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
J. nttipratt 4 Boas* Patsnt Soda Ash',
: *J£)F\ CASKS Glass and Soap maker*’ Soda Ash,
'lmported direet from the above celebrated
manttfaelßrert,S9 per cent American test, arriving and -
for sale by novfl WA M MITCHELTREE •
LiqUUKS-17 nl pipes Brandy—Olard, DupuT. Ac:
•J pipes Holland Gin;
400 bbls Whiskey; for sale by
Bleaching PoWDst-w hus jas tiupnitA
Sons’ brand, a superior article, for sale by
17c. CASKS Xlosprau’s Soda Ash, and JO pasEs
< U Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship Oienbrldrc,
and now *oaun* on 67 canal, for sale by
N. B.—They will receive, daring the winter, lart*
supplies ?U New ©ttoflps, sovW
Sellers tawl? medii
.tf edicinea el the d*y.» ' :
GaaiuaHi gratnaaOMo, ■
- • R.EoeOei»: ItUakitriffettetbebesefitirfetten
to stale eeae facts la relatiaa to ycc* excellent F««fc
|j IlCdieisa*.
- < X bare *Md tot Yomlfcre large? Isayeva fin
ny* one ria». frequently answering for expiffinyl tn
quaadii««(Mylto9oo) wonna fraarwo cbiMna |
bare aheaad'Tear lire? Fill* aad.Ueugb Syrn va
my family, and they hare la every Instance predated
UuJefleetaaiired. v^- .
A* I a® <sngaged is mecchasdlainf, lam able to
state that Have yeiiehaaref thefimfeilore who*
yotti Medicate* have been rad in my section of tie
coantry. lii conehLcotf, I may state that they uo »i
medicines'ef the day, and ere destined to, hate &nn
extensive popularity .. Yota, rcioccrialfy, • *
: Prepared art’edd by 8.- K I
street,aßdscldbyDrsggu.**eaeral]yia the two el.
desjsodvicinity. 1 ••■•-' •• . •• my3l
UF original, only true, and genaine liver PIIL
Ssohr Can*, Ohio coaety,?*)
March£Bth,lfiU. (
to you and to the pnblio genera hr, to state that 1 hat*
boon afflicted with the lives. Cmßblaiat jin a lona
time, and so badly ibatanmbceu formed and broke,
which left me in a very low state. Bavin* beard *i
Soar celebrated Liver, fills being fot sale by A R
bup, in West Liberty, and recommended 10 me by
my physician, Dr. B. Smith, I concluded to gwe them
a fair trial; Iparehaaed on* box, and found them to
'.>e ioxt what they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking tear boxes
J find the dlaeaso has entirely left me,, and 1 am now
perfectly well. Eejpeetfiuly COLEMAN
West Liberty, March as, 18«!
I certify that lam personally acquainted with Mr
Coletm: ,and can bear testimony to thetreth oi the
aiWa certificate. * A R SHARP
The yenuins liver Pills are prepared and sold by
R Ed. LLERS, No «7 Wood street, and by druggists
in the wo ciuea • ,
TO THE only true and ran*
nine Liver Pills are prepared by RE Sellers, and have
bis nemo stamped in bl tnk wax open the lid of each
(•ox, ami his nynatart on the catslde wrapper—all
oUiert are connierfeUs, or base Imitation*. •
apb) , ■ R B SELLERS, Proprietor
t;* ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a wellknown and pop
1 BlarClergymanoi heProtestsathleihodistChuen
• Taeundemgnedhavyngbecnafflieteddorfngthepaxt
winter with a disease oiihe stomach, sometimes pro*
dneiny greatpaln in tbestomachfor tenor twelve hoars
withontmternu >*on,and after having triad variona
remedies wittis , effect- was fnrniihea with a bottls
otDTDJayse’sC: mauve BtUanuThla bo assdao*
cording to the direct ens, usd (band invariably that this
medicine eaosedthe pain to abate in three orfearmin*
me*, and in fifteen ortwenty minatesevery an can
sensation wa* entirely <j ale led.. The medicine was aA
terwardaaied whenaverifidicadonsolthe approach of
painwerepereetved,asdthepainwaa thereby prevent.,
ed. lie continued to aie the medicine every evening
sad aometimesicthe morning, and in a few week*
health was re farrestored, that the sufferer was relic*
sd from a large amonniof oppressive pain. Fremei
Eiricnce.iberelbre.'iecan confidently recommendD
l Jayne's Carminative Ualsam, as a salatary madlcin
:ordusisesefthettomashandbowola* , ASHINND
Allegheny eityjyn
For tale in Pittsburgh at u IPERIN IKI STOR
79 Foarth street, near Wo c and also at the Dreg
glQreofH P SCHWARTS. F* era! street, Allegheny
TJI> HUAI MMX! , . , _ ,
Ooumuptlon, Couto, Cold*, Aiiimi, BtomUUi, U».
•r Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breath*
lor, rain in the Bite and Breast, Palpitation©!
tbe Heart, Inlaenxa, Croup, Brokeni Con*
elution, Sore Thrpat,Nervoa« Debili*
a, and ail Disease* of the Throat,
Breast and Loathe moat**,
tetual aad apoedy eur*
*tm known lor any of
the ebgye duets*
as, U
imp •* wuaotami
Tlii*madlalae iaooionger among those ofdoobtral
atllitr. It has passed away from the' thousands daily
swashed upon the tide oi experiment, and now studs
Usher u reputation, and isjbeoomlng more extensive*
•*o«ed thim up other preparation of modieina aver
nrodaoad forth* rebel of nlenngoia.
Itbu been uuodueed tot generally through the
Unitad Stales end EniPp*,ud there are few towns of
bat what contain soma remarkable avi*
e f its rood eteeta. Por proof of the foregoing
«na of the value and efficacy of' this medi*
cine, the proprietor will Insert a few ef the many thoa*
sand tcsumenlals which have been presented to him by
e>ca of the first respoetabUity—men who have higher
riews of moral rerponribillty and Jostiee, than to cer
tify to facts, because it will do another a favor, and
themselves no isjssdce. Saab testimony proves eon*
elasivelTithatitaurprisincexceUeaee is establishod
by iu intrinsic merits, and the oaqaestienahlo aatheri
tv of poblie opinion. The InsOmtsneoaa relief it af*
lords, and the influence did used through the
w holo frame by it* use, render* it a meet agreeable
rart, for U*
men. aeting from eenteleatioas impulses,
voluntarily bear tastimony to the truth of a thing, or
particular fact, such testimony, being contrary to their
worldly interests and purport, coerce* conviction of
its troth, and commends itself in a special manner to
Stiu. AmnaaJt Ccu ov PnnesaiT Cowmerno*—
Thar* never waa a remedy that has been m ueeeasfe)
in desperate eases of Consumption, **Dr. Swayne’i
Cenwound Byrup of Wild Cherry, It •trengtheat the
■yuan, and appears to heal the alters an the lungs,
ereanty sew and rich blood; power possessed by ho
other -idicine. ....
CBISTXX Co~ April 83th, IM3.
Dr. 9* ayno—Dear Sin I eerily betlereyour Com*
oouad ft/run of Wild Cherry has been the meabs of
Eri£myme. taught a 4rerecold,which ««d*-
allvetew worn, attended wuh a aever* cough, that
>£ .11 rnuJle. wtleh I k»l MOUIJ. 10, Mil,
[neieuing .Mil m, «“• .JjdSilei fU U, irasloau of
Pulmonary Consumption. Every thing I tried seemed
to have u efleet, end my complaint increased so rapid*
ty that friend*as well a*myself, gave ap all.hope* of
my recovery. Atthlatimo Iwa* reecmmendedto try
ssJas!*ttßfi!!s sasaissis
32fhS?2S SlSfiSi s<Sl»a»}s*^i,*i*».
oowai hearty a man as I ever was la. my life, and
Wonderful Cura tf a Mtikedvt Miinttm.
Dr Bwayno—Dear Bin 1 feel * debt ofgrad tads die
von—«sd ft duty to ihs afliated generally, to pfier
qt humble teiamony la faror of yearCompoani Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Same tkmwnuN I w»
rtScnll j attacked with cold and infismaadpa « the
Lungs, whieh waa accompanied wtth ft distte sing
eontb, pftla in the breast and head, ft *ery ceniu era
ble diacWe of offenaiTO omens from the langs, - ape
eially Bt*on change of weather, however *hghl At
Im i felt bo alana aboat my condition, bat wei p etty
toon convinced that 1 waa rapidy going talo eonsi mp
liou. I crew daily weaker, and at length was set re*
ly able to walk about, oripeak ftboce ‘Whisper, ach
waa ihe.*xeeed l ngwe*kne»*ofniyl»ngu._Durin| this
time l had tned »*rioti*preparation*and prescript otu,
bat fa and no reuef— growing all the time worm, fat
hen 1 vuftdiued and pernmtedby ftfevifined*in
Wilmington to make triftfofytmr Syrupof Wild Che
rry. 1 taait eoo.«s that arevioasly l had been preju
diced erainal patent memtines. and l am still against
thou coming owl of the hands ofemperfea, bat wtder
mintingyear fWim* to the profession and practice of
medicine, 7 end having impUettMih in thoaajing of my
MendsTl forthwith pnrehi*edofDr.Sh«w,caeofy©ar
utnM few ladles, «nd commeneedUiase. My dia
eCowai at th** time ofSOor mending, con-
UQuently it was deeply ««ed. I . however,
wtUiderable renef from tho au of tho Am four or five
bottles flat being ft pahUc speaker, 1 frequently at*
tempted to preach with my incrcaaiw strength, and
thereby raptured those vessel* that had already began
to heat in this w*y, doubtless, my care was greatly
retarded. In eoasoquenee of acmig feu imprudent*
t had to BM twvtvo or fifteen bottles before I wasp*.
faeUy restored I have no question, a Baeh small
number eftbottlv* would have made me aoand, ha.
feo abivo indiscretion. TheSyrap allayed.the fan.
i.h habit, took .way the distressing eough, pat am-.,
to theffiuhaiyft of matter from tho langa. and ga*
them and the eaare system good health. I have defer
red offering this certificate wnttl now, for the purpose
of being perfeo-tf satisfied with the permanency of the
oare. and now that 1 feel perfectly well I offer it with
pteuareT Bxv. J. P. Joans*.
Dublin eoanty/N. d
Important Coutrenr^Brnd!Read!
There is bat m e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
end thills Dr. Swim's, the first over altered to the
public, which »tes been sold largely throughout the
United hates and some pens of Europe; end ail pro
aarado is callev by the name of- Wild {%crry have
been pal oat aiuse this, andcr cover of seme deceptive
eircamfunces, -a order i» give eartency to their sales.
Uy a Unto observation, no person need mistake the
reauiad from tL; false.'Each bottle of feegoauneis
enveloped wit • beaotifal steel engraving, with the
likeness of Wilburn Penn thereon: also. Dr, Swayne'i
signature: sad -a farther security, the portrait of Dr.
Swaynq will tv* added hereafter, so as to distinguish
his preparation *ioa all others Now, Hit was net (or
tho great curative properties and known virtues of Dr«
BwsyneFs Compound Byrap of Wild Cherry, persons
wonid hot be endeavoring to give earreney to their
Petitions &oeMsm» n jby stealing the name of WUd
Cherry.] Remember, always bear in mind tho name
of Dr. Bwayne »«d be not deceived.
frineibei Ofeto, corner of Eighth and Ekoe steeets,
Philadelphia. .
For tale whwtaale and retail by OGDEN A SNOW
DEN, cor ad and Wood tts; B A FAHNESTOCK A
Co,-cor Ist an- Wood, anddth andWoodsts; WM
TllORNl« M«*keo»-8 JONES, 180 Liberty stt JJt3
A JONES, eot «iand-and Fean -its; JOHN MITCH}
ELL, Alieghea. city, and by all respeetablo dealer* in
‘'cinsj. octl3 n
Dr. -J. • r.laliiM Fnalu Flu Ur. '
DO. Wu p. INLAND, ofthe Medical Collect bf Phil
adelphla, sow oilers to the pnbUe Us Indian Yes
etable Pntalaa Plaster, the totalities of which,
lon* and tried experience, has been satisfactorily e»*
tablubcd.! To all women who may be afflicted with
Prolapse* Uteria or Fallen Womb, he recommends hia
plaster, cnarantselnc a sure and speedy eare la the
short space of from two to thee week*, it applied with
e"» ud itM-fcJcudln* tl Hie ommltu umnwmm
Ai»ofof BbeusauuauA Weakßreut or
tended with pain, there li nothin* to eieeJ this Plwier
In affording relief or effecting a enre. For ealo by
L Diamond and Market*t •
Uraut & Keiter, “ liberty and Bt, Cteix eta
Dr J Sargent » Federal n and Diamond. *»«.
gbeny ei«T
Jacqne* k 00, • Denman And Diamond Bimta*.
bam. • • .
■fontfar.Wiubwfb, taJ°
U| T ■ aps -
ESTRACT OF COFFEE—An eniclo whiei ij r»*
Bldlr earning into ikui whoieiome, no within*
miadelleicneUeTorege, being DonpieuZat endpef.
tteblo thin common Coffee, end Ur cheeper, u ■ «ull
SOU ..^holo
eomer of Fim end Wood end Sixth end Woodatneu!
Putabnrgh. . . Bp gi
39 Cusp Blankets; SO officer cowt It m Pmu!
IS pun nett lined Mining Boots: " «■-
water. Tanks, • »ndl U aaiioni each; $0 canteens, i
gritoaeMhi ldo* Baekaba Motor jfeiu; ldobUed
cambric do do. The aboTo goods for tala at tha n«li.
fornU Oatfltinf EstaßlkWot, No 5 Wood °“ i
Assorted spices—put bp nit fußiiT iM >■ tin
Cinnamon, Ginger; ' •
Cloves, Pepper,., ,
Warranted pare. For aale at ibe new Brie*' and
Albstaed Factory, eOroerof Ferrp A Liberty ri
»W • ' ■ JPIIM k HKT.I.
on hand and Applied to ardor, by . U * l
M SXW BOOKS! : : —..
JWWA* WITH MEXICO, by 8.8. Ripley; «
Riehard Wbately. D. D. *~mob, oy
oa Chris&an Baptism;by Baptist
i The OaOviee, a Novel. ‘ *
. Justree'dby JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON.
_ del9 i cower Ttiird and Mar ket atrfTta
Now aid BUfaat Olft Boekn
O. -Headley, with elerea original dodgas-by Dadey*
Foema end Proae Writing* fey Richard H. Dana l
1 •:> ..... -. . . , v ~’ .
lUuHdnatod Gens of Sacred Pocty, with tlx ißosai'
Hons enyrared oa steal, brJehnSuxtain-
Jmx received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON* .
deg : . corner Third ami Market tU.
‘PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT} or a Poetical View
X ef the mutual duties, relations and interests of the
Medical Profession and the Ceauasniiy: by Worth.
ia*totrllooker,'M-DUa r:;< ,
• «t Works of Michael De. Montaigne; ecmprlsiax
hit Quays, Letter* fee* By WnL HaxletL '
Nioeveh and hi Remain*. Bv lutes Ihunrlaiw
art,E*q.,D.aL. . , j ...
.Glimpses of Spain: or Notes of an Unfinished Tour
la iM7. Bys..iTwamt:
Tapper's Pro verbal Philosophy, now edition; Bias,
traioo. Just received by - ..
i . 18AQ-30J
JLJ rolnatcd Books—Books la richly carved binding-,
riinainatod a&d:illutrated—Books superbly bound La
. S®*! Morocco, aad Coa; osition, la imitation
of Uie Middle Ana—Bibles and Prayer Books, bean.
utally bound InYelvetandMeroeeo,magnificently er»
nsmented and illuminated. Per tale by
deg Bookseller A Importer, Wood st •
Ohtlitaua ud New Tear Appreaehlagr
ia Magmfiemi Aaftjßs Binding,for tJu Holiday*.
JAMES D.LOCKWOOD, Bookseller aid Importer,
n Wood street, has re caved a beautiful collection
or lUustrated Books, ,bound in the most splendid man.
nr by the best London and American binders—toon?
them may be fottndi
Pearls of Amen: Poetry; mag nificently iUosdnai*
ktycof the vVeattßt WorldjlihnElniledingold and
Wordsworth’s Greece* riehly Illustrated.
The j'-cacher; illuminated by Owen Jones, and
bound.'* earredwood.
Tat Son f of Song* illuminated by Jones.
JoaCaT*” *^ e “ Thoughts;i»«»mtn«i*dby
Heroines of Shmkspeare; 01 nitrated,
jus. Jameson’s Characteristics ot Women: illnxtra*
ted. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD.
_ «» «3 Wood street
B«w Bookie
wSSeS2 ,^S^L& * d am»«,
Stdoaia the Sorceress? by Wm. Meinhold.
aorta ; comer Third and Market •
m Ouseftlu Mott BmerkaUt Work* of the Agt?
WNmvjsH AND ITS REMAINS; with an aeeonnt
Av of a visit to the Chandman Christians of Kvrdis* 1
tan, and the Yeridis, or Dexil-Wonhlppers; and«n
bqalry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As.
fCjfna Br Anaien Henry Larard,Eiq-> D. C. L.
With introdoeiory Note by Prof. E. BobSsoti. D. D-.
LL. D. Ulastnited with' IS plates and '•”* M
wdewa. SvelaBvo.eloth,»4 l ».
. book has a rare aooaat of graphic, vivid, pio>
ttnesqae narrative."—Tnbano.
. “The work of jLayard is the most prominent eo.ntri*
ballon to the stady ef antießity, that has *ptiered Cot
*aav.yeaia.«-ChristlSq:. vpoosta u»r
/»« coo excels la interest the aeeonnt of Nineveh
aatMu Rains, given by Mr. Layard.”—Waahiaju»a
i foßow the diggers with breathless interest
ia their excavations, ana suddenly find ourselves be
tora u massive firm carved with minsta aeenraoy,
now Hftmg its Mantte bead from the dust of 3000
V®*", «, are. ready l* cry ont with the astonished
it Is wonderful, bat it is tmel ,M —Ia-
ef til* Old *ad New Testament.
L E««*d byji B. Sprajee, D. D. l vol. imp. Sto.,
e*»nuy bound; 18 exqalshely finished ennsvlnfs;
by celebrated American Clergy®**-
POEMS Sv AJdKUA, (Mrs. Welby, of Krjl new
dnd ealumd eduloniUluuited by engraving* from
enyißSl Wler. 1 voL square tvo.. elegant
*!» *adGlftlto*fc*, variety of splendid Anna*
. Flm Book of the History of Borne.
1 VOL lento.
mo of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Sew-,
rtn, Lambenscn,-Stadeau, end Artisans generally:
oeiaf end practical Treatise eo tteann
the Sliding Rale. By D. M. Kaper, A. M.
Boise « Treatlso on Greek Prose Composition.
OUeodortJs Elehentary Flreoeh Gramms.'. By Prof
Greene, of Brown University. TveLlftno.
Boediger's Gesenlss* Hebrew Grammar, by Count.
Gesentas* Hebrew Lexicon. ■
Logarithmic Tables. I
Eofuibniiij's Greek Concordance. 1 voi. (tans-
Anthoa'a ducieal Series.
Wcbiter't Dictionary, rtTiaod ed. I vol. 8»o.
“0. .. ~<to_ 1 voL 4u>-
Barae*! Notes and Qaesdoos on New Testament.
Whately’a Logie.
Moaheita’s Eceleaiastieal History. 3 vela and 3
vela, (sheep.) .
Vestiges of Creadon. ! 1 toL lBmo.
Mornings ame&f the Jesoita at Roac. 1 voL (cloth
and paper.)
Scenes where the Tempter has Triamphed. 1 voL
(cloth and paper.) i
SESsSSSSite” I, ° LB '°- <o:^-)
Boyer’s French Dictionary.
Baum's Horace.' For aaio by B HOPKINS,
pw’W ' i ■ Apollo BalUinr*. Fosnh at
XTtW Kok»iu#tiistJistvisp.--fa« wura* o
Av Montaigne, edited bp H. H>»tnt comprising hia
Lssays, Letters, and Joamey throagh Germany and
Italy, with notes from aU the
leal and Bibliographical Nodees, fcc.
Theejy and Practice of TcaeMnc or, the UoUvea
end Methods of Good School-Keeping, by David
of the Btote Normal School,
FtaokFemter'sFUh and Fishing of the U. Bute*
and British Provinces of North America, by Henry;
oev« corner Third and Merkel >u j
TMa Old'ea Time* I
Bookaellcrand Importer,!
“ .** 0 -®3 Wood street. has Car ills a lew copies corn*!
ptete, turn remainder of the edition,) of «!»>■ valuable!
**?[*» *o lie Preservation of Documents, and)
other authentic information Telacnr to the early exs
and improTeaenl of the country!
oioond tto head of the Ohio. By Neville B. Craigj
f-q-, of PiiUtorjh, in 9 tolj Bvo. t
noT l° J. D. LOCKWOOD. |
LIBERTY: A History, wua a view of the
“berty ®f other Ancient N«uoa*. By Samaej
tjuon, IXj. Illßitrated with twelve engravings, exe
enied at Roma. 3 vole, Bm, uniform with Prescou'i
Historical Work*. ;
Jost pablishedand for Mis by
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
_ novto Importer. 83 Wood ft
| W 11 IWU M
* &&3S lo^*- FANNY^ I^
reinm* of this hook 1«* impressed u withl
Bach higher opinion of lu enUtor thin we bed famed
fromperusingheralher writing*. ItdispUytideeper
tone ©f thought, united a© more pare womanly grace of
feeling than any other production of the female mind,
with which we are aeohaiated.n—Eva. uirna. > t
Mt i* ■ very agree able tad readable book, written in
.Fanny Kcmbte’t beet wjit ■ hold, eplrited aod. enter*
tailing* We reeomatesd it toon readenjmtbe bei
pabUeatioa of the teasea.**—RemUng flax.
“It eontmmsthe Journal of a travS through Earep<
and residence in Italy; and is one of the pleosames
and moat in cere Klnf looks of theaeuea.’ l —Coar.and
.“A very eharacteristiebook. We have read it from
uUe page to Colophon with onabated interest. A vi
vid picture of life in Homo. In'all respects eminently
readable.”—Knickerbocker.. ; ~.. <
For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, i
novid Bookseller A importer, 63 Wood tV
Lithographic Kiubllihasnt
OF Wit BCHUCHMANN. Third at, opposite the
Posi-Ofice, Pittsburgh.—{laps, Laud&pcaK
beads, Showbills, Label*. Architectural and Machine
Drawing!, Basinet* and VuiUag Cards, t Qrravfcd
or drav a on atone, and printed in colors, Geld, Broulo
or Black, in the moat approved sQrle, and at the most
reasonable ynccs. : ' octiStly
EO SUTrEß—33kegs for j&le by
MUTTON HAMS—< tibia tor sale by
dc!7 . . , JH CANFIELD
CHEAP MOUSi BE LAINB-3 cases good style,
ftst colored M. da Laws, ias the extremely tow
pceaof Ue.peeyknL , A A MASON A Cu,
«toU ; No CW Market at
i>MASU FKUIT—« dox- cans iroalTFeaclics;
V d•* boules do.
5 u - APP ,e> 5
J ; Chemes;
v u 1 .
3;“ halfgaL bottßieklw;
3- “ quart do. .
3: u tansy do.
- Reekl and for sale at the Pekin Tea Btete. 70 Fourth
Kreet. .i.• - ..... docld, ■
EVE FLOUR—I 3 bbUrae'daodferatlaby
tea WM H JOHNSTON, uSsecend st
Received this day, *t the India sabba, Be*
pot—lease Women’s Metalllo Rubber Sandafrs; .
4 “ ** M ' Slippers;
a “ “ ' •• - «• - iiiaiaui?
.1 “ Misses 1 “ “ Slippers;
1 “ Men’s “ “ . Overshoes;
1 • u “ “ • Sandals; •
l u “ lealher'soled " Oversboes;.
All of which will be soM, wholesale or retail, tower
than as any hosse in the elty. J A H-FHlLLiPSr
novkl No 6 Wood street •,
EALKD PEACHES—6 tobUJnst rcc’d. iottale by
IXTiNDbW sliest reoM aHd
W for sale by dels S A,W HAHBAUGH :
BirrrLß-13 bbl* .and 3U Kegs, packed, tn prune
order for shipping; for sale by -■ ; :>i
SODA ASH—Sf casks to amvo per Ringgold, jor
saleby deti 1 TAS3EY ABEpT ..
10—10 baJeslenre size and heavy
Note Wood st v
Lack WaEI
1 just rec’d by
Ifrlk BITES—* eases taper French filaefc sok "57
T xstus, extra trimmings, reeM per express, at <
bales Couon: 1 ta~fihl7>joT
O 44 bags Feathers; ltierec ‘.w:
18 tacks Wool;
CdoxLsmb Skies,with wool; I
3 dos Sheep Skins,, i
340 i • “ ■>*'• dressed;
To arrive on steamer Fort Piu, and for sale bT. ;
4o» ISiIAH BItICKY t CO, from tl
/TINBENO—I - bags ClarifiedTCar talc bv , \
U dc!7 4 j WICK k MeCANDf-ih a .
tEArilEß^— lB eacka prune, for ealo by P~“
del? .•> ■- WICKAMcCANDLKSfI
P&UECuVli»B—doom Etssuo Horst CoVcn,a
yenr heavy and splendid article, jost rce’i and
(orsateiow, atNo.A Wood streetby T
_ .4ea ;
rUhTOfl OIL—I bbl tn store aad for sale by I
\J JcO t ; . ■ i KIDD Aj CO
bUe ]tuirec*d and for sale hi
. I .. > J KIDD j
bbls Frelfi, lost ree'd and ler esle fcr :
deg- - •• » ■ STUART A faLL_
I‘Uro CAKffWßlOiflr-1 Carpel Bag: 4n {store; j
±j MWholto elkiittei tor LakefJsScinrtfhuwlteli hr
wffifia»eaUibr. aDkULTENBWEpT , J
tett T TKjmpttkr s
-wi Bouai *nn ;,• * *
gukirii *!.**»«*
w . . .icti nvirrH ■■ '
COLLECTIONS—Draft*-Notes and Acceptance*
payable in any pint of the Union.collected ea lie most
New Qtlcans,' constantly for sate. • • • i-'iw.
BANKNOTES—No»on oil aolsent io&ksln. tie
UWtedStates discounted .AHkinds
and 4 American Gold andSilserOom boojit
Offiee No. fi» Market «xeot»
' - _• > „• - ,Clg
f°N,&»peatf and General AgedV ofiJeo flUi Sc®??
door wen of wood. - -: -..rocflStr, 1
-M u Foreirn and Dorttstls BOis
[*t PtPWIIB/.Ranfc- ted CdOfCVtatlpt
M ud Wood «£££
FinhueduttelewwntMb b*
CoialjllUT for ul. by , 80.K3.
wu ....... j :°" •
johs mcnoLson , e. w; a. fits*. -
IHE undersigned, successor* 16-Arthurs-*'NiehoU'
. ton. Ixg leeveto latorsxihe cltftcns ofPittsbureh
and public generally, thallheirhaTe , 'rebttill rtm «>■
GLE FOUNDRY and are now la fall operation, and
hit©, pan of. their pattern* ready for the market:—
Amongst which are Cookicr Stores, 'Coal ud Wood
Stores, with asplendld air-tight Coal Btove, which la
now npcreedinr in other Cities the. common roand
Store. ■ Also, a cheap coal Cooking Store, well adap
ted forsmaii,families, with a full assortment of coo*
moa and mantel Grates. We would particularly in*
rite the attention of persons building 16 eaJl ax oar
warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid
article of enammeiled Grate*, finished in-fine etyto—
entirely hew in this market. ■.
Warehouse, No. ldl Liberty at, opposite Wood at
tug«fcdtf , NICHOLSON A PAYNE.
Oißssofibs Dilawars MatnalltAtylna
PHiLanunna, Noe. fith. ISIP. •
THE Board of Directors dap, 1 declared •
dividend Of TEN PER CENT- in serip, Ottief the
profits of the Company for the year ending October 31,
IMP. cenificaie* lor which will be issuedan and after
the first day of December next.
Alston dividend 0/ BlXPEßC£NT.incub,6nthe
capital stock and scrip previously Issued, parable at
above. RICHARD S. NKWBOLD, 6ee*y
■ ■ corlO P. A. MADEIRA, Aft, Pitts*.
ri YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the Gilt Comb: IN Market sti Pittsburgh, Pt
! Western: Merchants; ••Pedlars,, and others ratting
Pittsbargh to porehase Goods, arereipectfallj invited
to call and eiamino the extensive assortment of Eng
lish. Americas. French and GermanFsacy Goode '
■ All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import*
•d direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on gra
Ung goods nom first hand*. I have thn largest amen*
meni of ankles, in the. variety lino, in the city of
Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold tort fiffciuhor’
city acceptances..-.TheStoek consists,impart.of •'
. Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbon*. > <
[ Silk Cravats, Bhoa tad Patent Thread*; Sewing Silk,
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Buuoois,.Ftn*> Nee*
dies and Cutlery. .■
> Goldacd Silver Waiehts,GoldJewelry,aUkinisof
Brushes, Combs and Razors.
■ Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Plr.ols, Clocks, Silk A
Cotton Purees, spectacles,* Steel Pena, Maslo Boxes,
Carpet Bags art Baskets. • 1 ■■■ 1. ‘ ;..
; Bindings, Finding* and Trimmings. :
t ToyssidFancyGoodutOftUicrwlthalareeTari©*
tyof Faney aitdSUpIe'DRYGOODS.' '
iC. YEAOER'is also.Bgentferthe eebbrstsdLao.
easterOombs.- -- . r.s, povl? -
Rssdt Bondi - 1
O &q a Cler Coart of .Qusrter Sessions of.
-Beaver Cos?' , . ~, ,
; Mr. R. E. Bells * -41 Some time in the winter'my
iwiis-wasaflllculwiut.a severe end distressing cough,
and hearing if /ear .nvaluable
jebased a bottle Us, o S. T. Bridgewater,
Jand after takingapenion of It two or three evenings
on going to bed, sne-fbttad-imaediaie relief; us also
iseverel friends nave been mUeTedlaeevesecases. I
jam therefore satisfied ihm it is a safe and valuable
■ me'dieine, and would recommend it to those whs may
: be afflicted with severe Cough* and Colds.
-March 53,1843. : W. K. BODEN.
; prepared and sold by B.E. SELLERS, 57 Wood St,,
and sold by druggists generally, in Ptasbnrgh and Al
lcghny.> - . • r . octap ; ' ‘
. The Chart! ere Coni CompanyT ".>
BOOKS will be Open for sUbtctipuon to the stoek of
‘‘ThsCianlefa Coal Company,” on end after
Monday,thotflthdayofSeptenberinii, atthaofflci
ofZ. W.Remington,PennsfiPltuburgh. >• -;• -
iptaaitf ;. T. W. REMINGTON.
Grant Riglitli Bssaiay,
F)B Cough*. Colds, Asthma'and. Consumption! -Th*
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for thecare ofthe
wva diseases, is’the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP
LIFE* discovered by the eelehrated ißr.tßaehan, of
London, England, and introduced into toe United State*
under the immediate superintendence of theinrentor.
The extraordinary success of this jj, j], 4
cure of Pulmonary warrants,iheAmetiean
Agent In soiicidngfbr treatment the went pouibl© ea*
■g*that r»n ha fanndin Oiw ih«l
relief in vain froa any of the commas remedies of thh
day, .and have been given up by the moat distinguished
an Balsam has cund, and will cure, the most despentsi
of cues. Iti*noquhckaemntm,buin.*tandardEu*!
tiahmedlelna-af hnawn amt .
Every family in the United Butea should be supplied 1
with Bachan’s Hungarian Balsam..otLife, not cwy to"
the ©Hmate,'
bu:<obe'utedasafpreventiveeMdictneinaU eases 01
colds, coughs,-spluing of blood, pato-in. the tide uadi
chest, irritation and sereceu oflh© lungs, brochilis,'
difflealtyef brettingrheetic fever, nightsweaxmemtei> ;
ation and general debility, vrooonins ’
eoughand-eroup. --
Soldinlargob«ttles,«*lperboule,with fhlldirac
tlons for the restoration of health. .- -
" ‘ Pamphlets, eaotaiaisga mass of English and Ameri
can certificate*, and other evidence, sboaring tho tta» !
equalled merits of thisjrcat English Rencdj, maj ba
obtained of the Agents, frraaiiuroetr. - \
For sale .br JJ AFAKNESTOUJC AC*, earner of
staadWoodaadWoodandfthit*. JeSdAwS ;
wriH East side of the Diamond, where Venitiu
Blinds of all the diflereat sizes and colors
kept os hand or state to oHcrsfls*
II * the Itiesioadicset approved Easternfhsh*
v ions, anheshortsaaoticoosdoa the am
reasonable terma
Also, the cheap Boston roll or splij Blind Traasoa*
rency and Taper Cam las of all the Afferent
pauems, on band and fbr sale low (or cash; Old Veal,
uan Blinds painted ever and repaired, or taken in pan
parmautornew. B M tVESTERVELT,
N. D—AU wot* done with the best auientl ahd
wprkaanthip, and wamnjod to plena the most fu
tOloOa.-l • aerUkdlv
Aikgfaeay euy, Aag. 10,190. • ■ _>
-.1 ’ Prirkicaaa, Mimvw m.
parableCoagh S/rnp,l beg leave to stale; forthebea
eSt of the comaonlty, thetmy wile hubeen aeverel
times afflicted with a most dtsveoiiup ecu A I na*.
ehaswl, la January last, a bottle ofyStrStapl which
enred a eoaga of two aiSa
•nonth since, the congh retsrncd,- and »u
thal-shc coaid huSy move.
bretsi; l rent tor one botUe year Couth 8m
a part ©tone botUe eored the cottgh V lg!s®osM
to a Journeyman who was aererefy afflMmt wtobEr
to nsafaisomtwords, eacmehcoortcidyS
. 'fSSm&jL-i.
meet,, aid sold-by Dregyizi* generally in the two
V- - M. ' • delft j
-ite the very liberal ecenrteeznent r
IT have reocivedforsom*nyyeir*,iSaM dinLw
m&ed to enhme ay buinesa f
e “P et en*f««»ho,‘ I will be eiiafiSJm
dU aU orders promptly, and do the work in-etfuiS
sale and as fair prices, aad ask the attentionofnK!
ehanu and citizens to my lam stoekof UPtrnr jme
RY GOODS and Beds, Hattreseesn*&sSK2flSS!*
itamaait* andMoreeS^SJfe^
ZFP WtofWMHykept fnatfTtubli*hmento?to«-
■' ‘N.U—Carp«u made anddown.
" -‘J-: y • WILNOBL*
IflßjfhUr inVomr wonld respect
mS’wett tido of ihe ttSSSSI'IiS
BBW ghcay-eiiy r a complete assort*
SBHment of Veiutian Blind*; alto Vo
BBHniuanShimers.aro made tocr-~
9B ter in the best l style, warranted
mm fqasl to any in tha Umiedfiutes.
BB Bis Dltadt can be removed wnhV
gW«s»Jba aid 1 of a screw driven
OSS Having purchased she stock,
BB tools,and wood oftheenblneteo
aSßiablistuneniofßamsay A MVleT-
Sßland, I am prepared to fatnUh
HBI their old as
.thepßhUc*tlar».wi*ev«TtUa*lnAefrUnA ■
■■ Ageney, Nob wood street, Piushurgh..
mc£y -■ J.A.BBOWN-^
TCtyTreeM, an elersni plain Rosewood 6 oct.-R.^ n s
ll from the - celebrated msnafaetory, QfNanns A
FcrssJp by . : , atj. W. WwSw?A«:
fbr removing Tartar, Scarry, Canker; and an
sabstaßces'dertructlve to the Teeth. It is'deiielee* u
tho usic, eleaatlsg the mooih, healing and stnonheh:
ing the gams, and pvttyug the breath.
For talc, wholesale and retail, by ,*
deXO E B SELLERS. 6t Wood st
splandiAaiscttaent of JEWELR Y, eo»
t W» inn Note! PO4 rnntKmt;
id «D emilD W, «£g» jraclioa tiiaeltlJrWttTfcSJ"
sS^X^r«“* I,cU K
N.R—Teeth exsnftied with Urfe « n®Wn: " ' - : , t
«X’S‘.^S!^^fSSi5 r tSfe , 3f
riwilTthowti il.toal<lb«
wd iaetoadg;. • - - or
•'•--V V* a&LTKa’J -
J, LUNG&—The imp rr r n leiritr it 'tirnnu-wSTw*™
"uotdedibaaeeftte.?, •; “***■
■a ill the Ulrica* forms whieh Irritationof A»'to*»u.
luaea, has iadsoed the proprietoragain todJiir^"
lfea weather which cuii oar fen
water monthi, I* alway* a frultfol souree of ••••■*?*
TTirwr. tiv but.the precursors of tui^y
‘T"' cosmwMS.
IW quamioa; them, how shaii wantothedettrcytiia
lie hoiT tew thill we get clew ef «ar oo&gks and
.aM«? -iii of Trial tmncrtanco to tac cuhlie. - • .
will bo found lath® Ginseng Panacea. laproefoftUa
we here Orem tune to mac pushed the oertiScerit of
of-car beet known eltixtns, who have experi
ence# fee curative powera. There, wftb amass of us
tiaiony from >ll parts of the country,—from
Mialsten'of the Gospel, Ac, wgathsr with eoptoua oaf
jeeifrom the
we bs vs eabodied;fet-paffiphJet&na,ucdmiybthu .
have been ussd in this cirr. - • t
throughout thnUmtedSmms and Canada, and week®
&: which, when taken according u dirtetiena, tad
fore the longs had beoo&a foully-disorganized, u has
ever foiled to - •■-,:• •-/■'
Why, then, need the aflletod hesitate) Why resort ts
theaiuwrableoosmmiAgotteaupbyanioowniiuUvid- .
eels* Jer the assamea name of soma esvhretad phy
sician, and puled into notoriety by certificates rt par*
ions equally unknown) Whilst a medicine #1
is to be bad, wboae vooehen are at horns*—out neigh] •
of whom it baa
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reaehofihA poor Baweii the rich, we haya
pwthaprieeat .. ....... . ..
?: : t OSL-r «F»T C»BTBs
rest «te half ihe asaal cost of eocjh medicines, ms
sale by oar agents in. aeariy every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to tin /fell infonaa
doo relatm to U, ' . T. SALTER, Proprietor.
Broaawiy, Ciaclnaati, Ohio. .
their putrid matters,'and
'then heals them. .
there dfo-.
etzteen years toraU dlasasaa of the ckest/'inTolTing
the WBfoitiinngervßd'responsibility, and I declare
before heaven and that not is one csso has it
(Ulad fa benefit whan the valient wu within the reach
of mortal means.
1 1 hare had physician* laateed ta ihe profession.' I
hay* ministers of the gospel, Judges of the bench, al
dermen. lawyers, ramemen of lEebighest erodiuon. __
and ranitltE&esar uto poor use U‘in every variety 0!
way, and there has been bat one voice—one enlvenal
wico^sjrnx— YOUR OINTMENT
removes almost immediately
the inflammation and swelling! when the pain ocaeca
(R the directions around the box.)
r i D>ACHE—The talvehu eared persons of the
hcßfiQfhe of twelve years smnding, and who had it
regui«xevenrweekao that vinnUieg took place. BAR*
as* Mined with like reeeesa
SCALD HEAD—We have eared eases that actealiy
dafi ad every known, as well as the ability of fix*
saasro twenty dwtora One man told us he had spent
RjW on kis children withoa any benefit, when a few
M»sa of Ointment cared them. -
• TETTER—There Is nothing better tot the care o(
- BURNS—tils one of the bast things In the world for
Burns. • •
! PlLES—'Thossands are yearly cared by this Dial*
neat, It mvxi foils in giving relief for thePfle*.
I the box are directions for usingfiPAf
b&i Oi*»mtittfbr Etrefula, Lit# C<mplabU, Eryiipt
las, 3ta*> OtfUrfawa' Sentd Knit, Serf Eye, Qvi*ep,
Scrt Threat, Bmukuesj Ncrenu Afftdiant, Pams, Du-'
‘*amftUßrina,Htadaeit,*tti*na.Daifiua l Ear*cki,
Burnt, Corfu,ett DimemtftktSb «% Sonupt, Pint'
pits, SwaWeg vf tiu Aim)*, Bero, JUcumdrust,
iPilw, nid Fnf. Creep, BwilUd or Bttktn Ertat, Ttxru
'scb,dpi<i»ailto, Aadc. -
1 COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain in tho Chest
and Side, felling elfof the hair, or tie other eceempa
nieseoldfoet. ITUs Ointment is the tree remedy.)-it
isasaresigeerdiseaeetobaveeoidleet .
CORNS—Occasional nse of the Ointment will al
ways keep corns from growing. People need never
be troubled wtth them if they use it frequently.
good for any part of the-body
or uabawhea inflamed, la some cases it should be .
applied often.
CAUTION—Ne Otntrqentwili be 'gthulne cnleuthe
name of JAMES MeALLIgTgR la wriueawithapen
on every label..
For sale by my Agents ia all the principal eities tad
townsia the Unned States. -
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.'"
Principal Offiee,No^NorthThird street,Phil
■ Asana n Pimecsss—Erann A Reiter, eoreer of
Liberty and &i Clair «uj anil L Wileox, Jr, comerof
Market si and the Diamond, also comer of 4th &ad
Smtihfieid sts; J H C&ssei, comcr of Walnut and Penn
stsJ6th ward? and sold at the bookstore hr BaiiihfieJd
•t, 3d door from Second it: in Allegheny city by HP
Schwarts and J Sargent; by J G Smith, Druggist, Bir
mingham; D Nealey, Earl Liberty; H Rowland; Mc-
Keesport; J Alexander A Son, hlonongabeln Cim N
0 Bowman A Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John
Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale hsents. -
.‘ ' fetag-deodly* • *•
;• PieUferttiPnbUe,
- ut relation u that unrivalled family Salve, •• -
fpESTIMONY or a respectable Physician.—Read
JL the following, addressed to my Agent,hlt F. filer
tyweather, Cincinnati: . . . .
~ . . : -Cnrcnnun,?eb. 12,15a.'
> Sirt Asense of daty compels mo' to rive my tribata
to Dailey’s Pam Extractor. Being opposed to qatek*
cry and all nastrems having for ineir.ohjeei smkter
inonve*—bar realising mueh good from tho u Kia*of
Pain Killen ti —l am induced to tender yon this eerafi.
cate. 1 have need it in my family, inmy.praetie A and'
with all the happy and sronderfrtleCeeu thaicoakt
ptt»ahrbe imagined.. , H. J.Baonts, M. D.
„nr. Brodie is tha senior partner of Brodio A LcvL
Druggists. . ■
Jxfiammaigry Kktuaatiriu r
, The following tettintomal comes from a scarce fol
<miliar lo many of those traveling an our Western wa
ters. Hr. GUme.' the well and favorably known pro*
pnetor.of the Parkersburg Hotel, l* hiubandto the
JadJ whose letter I annex;
_ ■- : ' Panitnssaxo, Va, April 13,1519.
To Henry Baliey. Chemist. Ac.—Sin Haring ftr*
JJJriy been tong afflicted with violent inflammatory
Dheasnnsm, which • appeared so firmly seated as to
defy all ordinary appliance* to allay the severe pain
attending it, I was tndaeed to try your Magical Pain
Extractor; aad it having efleeted, almost as if by ma
gic, ar. immediate relieCand also, to all appearances
an entire ana perfect earn, I am indueed for the bene
fitor others who may be afflicted with pain, ceased by
any kind of inflammation, to write to you, declaring
J“*t >*t ttf foanded on setuai experience
yosr Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis
wvery of Um present age fer the louncdiwo extraction
Of bodily pain, it is an almost immediate and 4 per
fect erne for Barns and fceaJds, and ail external ia
xlaviag many aegnaintanees formed by tbeh visits
at my haiband’s hotel in this place,' I have toppetrd
by yoar showing them these lew lines, it may possibly
£e of benefit both to them and yoarselff
• *_ . • • • . ■ £aUMBK7iI UUU
«J **HMt*iil hope lint Ur*. Glimo wiii pardon the
pßoactty I gitytoher Idunr. u-wcilontia (core of
inmaaity«*©fiu being the aarcat mode of bringing it
u> lie nodto ef her friend*.—H. Dalut.J ■
■' Entaet of a letter, dated
„ - „ Bsucost, Ky.N0v.29,1949.
Mr. H. Bailey: “I hare tried you f’tia Extractor ia
a-caseeffeloa* ia BT own family, which u relieved
and eared in a very short lime." la haste, your* re*
*P£tftOta Jas.m! VocaaT
. Ey Saras and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipple*. Broken
Snastf .luntpdoni, Cuu, \Voonds,'and all in*
flsßtmition, yields readily to the wuuderfni properties
w thl* unrivalled family *alve.- But, in tbesamo pro
portion that yda will receive benefit /rant the reotuhe*
yoa will be fpjnred by the-deleterious effects of the
cpontertWt salves.
CAUTION--B« wire tod apply cnlf to the Inventor
IL Dajxkt, <l# Broadway,'New York, or to hlsaa'
Ihorized agents.-- JOHN D MORGAN,
' ** ” ' '' M-' ' General Depot, Pimbairh.
Hoot* P.Behwtm,Allefbeny, Agbm; J.Baker,
Wheeling, VAj Jtmos W,Jo_hnitoo, JlaytTiJJe. Kr*
; P. Merrywetther, Generalßeoot.'
A® *e*ere*t Barn* ted Bcalda ii extracts
the pain la a few minutes—it never fails* ; jaU
£ t ftSSS;„K. A ' U - n7^
3 T?w , *Ei t . ,m th , Cltrtt
. . _COEB FOR \v6R.Ma.' ' ■"
°* *• g^s^?B . Tol?K ’ B TshungppE.
PJSlsHSr®! 33^^
455SfO' Irtfc ofUwiiVer.
m«d?S^ o^‘?.' 1 5 la,f * °o •redtad fihely en
_.«?,vl j!?!?.. A**® fngniTinjr .Btatcii as exiedf
w had been ttnoa one tide on* -•
- ■■
o *.UkCterr CWO wheraihe pdtfeaW
KS"S?2.^ l Asi^,r^^s%
**£2»i«|ir pennaaeiu advkittaaeVTW* Art i,A T
letted by Urn eenifieuea and submenu of hand"* l *
& n ?ES C W.J? r ! ow fn different pant of the e«o.
«*>?*"*■ ,
_«gm r < ‘°“ l °B‘A l iSHNEgTticg. pna>°B>__