V.- : ; ~ s~.y -' THE MTBBP/ 4li. GAZETTE. .PUBLISHED BV WHITE ft CO PITThBCBOa SATURDAY UOHHIHO, FEB. 23,1850. are earnestly reqaeeted to hand la •oxfaren before Sr.*-, aad as early lathedaras paeueaM*., Adrcrtaeaeata not inserted for a tpeci* XM.tfae will Invariably be charted antll ordered oai isij - C. W. James, No. • iismson street, , p ear agent Cot tbs- eity. Uoveniseaents iptions handed to him w-fl. receive prompt Philadelphia io&th abbbioah. Advertisements aad sabscnpuons tcMheJforth A®** aa aad Doited States Oaae tte, Philadelphia, reeeited nd forwarded from this office. > BJpre* NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL HATTERB | I’j ' , TELRORAFHIO NEWS, m. Tho-titiclo of out correspondent, “Troth," i» . icoetTod, btit la onavAdably laid'orer until oar v . ill, Bomn’ Anuiw.-Oar reader* win not regretthe space occupied this morning by this ‘ excoHeat;prodaetiofl. It a one of those prwtica appeal* which cooes lome to the latere* ta, the , pride, and the civic ai aehmenta, of every reti . - tod, especially, of every native and lover ', of Pittsburgh. We have, hitherto, as a people, j • too litUo pains in beautifying, improving, nd tendering attractive, the city of oar hom* t , where all oar interests ate concentrated—where i -We expect to live, to die, and be buried. We Ur. Roberts* Address will have its desired and legitimate effect, in promoting a greater aaiotmt of chrio patriotism. - ' Woundentand that Hoa. Dwx* has -given the Pennsylvania Railroad Company a free : right of way through hit. Springfield fannj about a mfis or lets fronr iam very liberal * action, on the pari.pfil&fitrutieinia, as tbe prop - aty is Yery valuahleiJbai we do sot doubt that he ' willfiniliy receive, in th» Jncreased -valoe given —-Jto all the property in the city and neighborhood, ' ; l»yctir eastern and ’western rail roads, feU rema ■nention ior the sacrifice. Oar'Western Rail Roed-The Conneetle: vrttb Erie. r Below,, we give an extract of a letter Grom a ‘'gentleman of Erie, largely engaged in the Pitta . ' . bush and Erie Rail Road, to a gentieman'of this dty, wUehbrags ns the gratifying 1 intelligence v'-’VtKat ihs rail road Irom Erie to Enon Talley, .Rea* Tsr'Cennty, will 6* computed bp the time our ■ ■muUrnroad u fiuukeifrom thi* dtp to that potnt, '' This news is so unexpected and gratifying, that we should be alow to believe it, did we no: know ' the high authority from which it comes, which gives to it a semiofficial character. Oar readers will thus see tfr«t by the time onr road is completed from this city to the western border of Coinmbi* urn ooonly, Ohio, that we shall have two nil road connections with Lake. Erie—at Erie and. at Cleveland—and when it is extended to Massillon, i which it will be about the same time, we shall . * bar—», in addition, as a feeder, tbe Ohio Canal, in ’ ha whole extent of three hundred miles. Less (ho bs* years will accomplish all these vast re* nits ' vaatj not ao much in the magnitude of their •otmtnietioD, as in their e fie eta upon the interests of this tfity. Who can estimate tbevaloe of these . Improvements to Pittsburgh, in promoting all Us Interests, and developing its incomparable advan\ tagea. These cheering prospects should have the '' efifect of atlmalating onr citizens to make every necessary exertion and sacrifice to press onr rotd on to its final completion as hut as the nature of the work wiQ permit. Tbe following is the ex tract:— "Dux Six—l am gratified to have it in my .power to inform you there is no! a doubt remain* 1 log thit our company will be able to b uild the rail , road (ram. this place .to connect with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road at Enon Valley, to • be completed as soon as that: portion' of the Ohio . and Pennsylvania road is in; operation from the Talley to Pittsburgh. This connection I consider one of great impohaace, both to Pittsburgh and* to make tbe connection perfect, we pro* • pose making the same width of track you use, so that paasage and burthen cars may meet with no detention or delay from transhipping. M; im • ’ wesson is, thsl tbe constmctioo of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road, with tbe connection of ours to Ere, will render the 'continuation of the road to Welisville wholly unnecessary, as there can bo little or no business on the eouth end of the Cleveland road to the river.” Hasaxx Boxumtxci Rouznjan accomplished . singer and musician, recently from Paris, has ar rived in onr city, and intends to make a perma jneol location here, providing she receives a pro per share of patronage. Madame Ronth brings • the very testimonials, as to her abiliiies t ■ we cordially recommend her to the patronage 6f the community. We understand that it is Mad ' ■me iL’e intention to give: a public Concert, in tike course of the coming week. She is stopping 4t the Exchange Hotel. ''; PimatnMß Mtnxux.—We are much pleased .lokam tnat Dr. B. W.Morris, ono of oar eater* ■. ffUlng citixens, u about to establish a Museum la oar city. Saeh a source of amusement is much oeoded, caunot fall—if at all deserving of sap* : : port—to prove highly successful. Oar city lacks, - • exceedingly, more i healthful end proper 'sources of amusement, which reader other cities po attractive, saeh as galleries ol Pictures, Uttso ..uas, Public Institutes, and Libraries, 3cc., nod a ; . tad well selected Museum,one that will io« . struct the mind as well as gratify and amuse the '■ eye, will prove a great desideratum. I This We nnderetaad the proprietor inteods it to be, and from his well known energy and taste, we ' are ledtoespect that he will givo us something - * command the entire satisfaction of tbs community. < • kpoiloHsliis to bathe present Localtef the Mu* stma, which will probably bo open to the publli in the course of a fortnight. ’ -1 ftaXABXSMU. Stoci Maxxrr.—Tbe< Philadel phia Ledger, of Tuesday last, says;—“Since this ' t ' t jjmj week, there has been a ■ btendy rise in the •lock market, and, with a very larger business, ■evert! stacks have advanced almost beyond pro* ebdent.' The more aubstantial eecariiiee bare not . moved much,bat the “ fancies,” andthose stocks 1 {feat, from their very low price, offer a large mar- I * -ghi for • rise, r are very buoyant. Money is com '! pkratlvelf easy, and we have rarely witnessed a weekofmoreexcitementoatbo stock exchange. Every body seems to be rushing in, as though they thought if phrekasss arp not mads today, bhfore to morrow the bargains will be all brought out of the market. - 1 < FBOH HIBIUIBCHQII. i Oorreipondenee ofthe Pittsburgh Gazette. i HaaaxsßUKoW, Feb. 19th, 1850. ’ This being private blit day; nothing of general Interest was,done in either House. There was an «ffhrt made in the House rof Representatives . get up the new county of Redstone,but at the tug ' >... geWlon of Mr. Walker, it was laid over far the 'present. - j Several private hills were passed ia the House; , but none of them, I believe, particularly interest* lag to your section. . in the Senate, Mr. Lawrence, of Washington : concluded his remarks, commenced yesterdiy, in of the new county of j Monougahelt. : He -jrms aery severe upon the editor of the Wishing* " MbOSsussmt, whom he represented as having - pandered; abused, and vfllified every honest man i is the county, and as a sort of drab; who was os •notorious for his sling and obtmo as tbefishwo* i , . ’men ofßilbogegate tbemselvea. He certainly ! made this worthy gentlemen, whoever he may bo, i. . gtink ia the nostril* of the Senate for some min- I utee* prom his description of him, though a Lo- 'colbco, l should consider him rather/feijr. . ! -He wu very ably replied to, by «Mr. Dirale, wbosUtod that the great mass of the people of ■U'the counties interested, were opposed lo the proposed dismemberment of their territories. opos the question of transcribing the billibr a u ' ?: 'tkirdicsdiDj» it revolted is the negative—yeas 5, »the bill vu lost. ' n ; There is a bill oflike character, ntOl pending in House, bot Ido not think It will pus. These co'unliesj arc generally looked ; yrith diriaror, ualeaa the applicant can de« ""aMOitnie thither creation will add strength to tfaLocofoeo party, the his no chance whatever t - v of even VfslE consideration at the bands of the . “ We most not only strike while the iron is hoi, at we must strike until we make jit hot." It is this perseverance that is the secret id success. If our hearts are in the work, we wifl| not only find opportunities, but we will make opportunities. That which it easily obtained is sm to be lightly valued, but that which has cost us bug continued striving Is not easily given up, and is never forgot* ten. _ \ Iln your Institution you have combined the two objects of a Mercantile Library and a Mechanics* Institute. In such a city as Pittsburgh this com* Yours, very respectfully, R. E. SELLERS, ) ALEX. GORDON, > Committee. JAS. ROBINSON, ) Messrs. R. E. Sellers, i Aiei. Gordon, > Cbmmittee. . JjIXQ RoBIKSJN, ) Gentleman— compliance with your request, 11 wUlingly place the manuscript of my Address In I your hands. It may bo that some persons in this I city will no*, like the plain speakiag ot a part of it, br t the pointing out of deficiencies is the first step towards removing them. Tue more wo improve | the natural advantages of out position, the strong*: er our local allachmontn will become, and by this this the whole community will be benefited. I£l have done anything to draw public alien* lion to your excellent institution I 11870*00; spok* ea In vain. Very respectfully Yours, SOLOMON W. ROBERTS. ADDRESS. Gentlemen of (he Mercantile Library and Mechanise' Institute ; The subject of the Address, which I am about I .at your request, to deliver, is—The Destiny of PITTSBCBQn, *JTO TUR DtTTT OF HKB YoVRO Mo. In the beginning of what lam about to say to yon, permit me to remark, that the invita* Hion with which I have been honered by “The Young Men’s Mercantile Library and Mechanics’ Institute of Pittsburgh," to deliver an Address be* | (ore them, was unexpected by me, and that since l reoeived it, iny lime has been much occupied by professional duties,' and in travelling to promote the construction of those railroad.*, tho speedy completion of which is so important to this city. In throwing mysetf upon your indulgence, let me beg you to remember that it is not to be expec* I ted thatone, the basiness of whose life has been I practical science, and who has been trained up I from boyhood as a Civil Engineer,can compete in I a literary production with members of wtiat are j called, by way of distinction, the learned profes* I aloos. I know that Pittsburgh has produced many | meu.deservedly eminent in those higher walks of! human effort, but it is not to them that I address I myself. . 1 It is to you to young men engaged In vart« J 00s commercial, mechanical, and manofActuring I pursuits that 1 wish to speak; and 1 ask you to re* I oeive this Address as coming from one of your* 1 •elves, from one who is himself a learner, and I who reeks no higher distinction than to be useful I to that Keystone Commonwealth, of whfch he is 1 proud to be a native, and of which we ail are j citixens. I You live in a largo manufacturing city, and you I have firmed a literary and scientific society for I mutual improvement. In this you have done well. One qf the greatest advantages rf city life is the fa cility that tt gives for ouch associations. . The imagination, which delights 10 revel in a world unlike the real one, paints areadian pictures of rural excellence and rural happiness, hot stern reality seeks in vain for their realisation. The poets tell us that “God made tho country, and I man mado the town;® but certain it is, that where I 15 e town now is the country onee was, and an I untold amount of mental and physical labor hail been exended to effect the transformation. Agriculture may be admitted to be the first ne cessity ofthe human race; but agriculture depends tor its success upon tho mechanic arts. Without the blacksmith, where would be the ploughshare; and without the killwright where would be the bread we eat? . j When we survey that vast pdtflee of civilisa* 1 tioa jrhlch is the glory of humanity, we do not see its lotuest monuments rising amidst a purely agricultural people. They are to be looked for where coal and iron abound ; and where the frri dal union tffin and tester baa brought forth the ] suaaengtne, and. peopled the earth with a pro* l gency ot mechanical servants to man, stronger than Hercules, swifter (than Alalauta,aad ever 1 ready to do the bidding of the muter that made Puuburgh is pre-erameaiiy ■ city of co»l and iros. Standing on a hlll t ihe base of which!* washed by three most noble river*. Us place is marked by-a-clond by day and a pillarof fire by aishu The coal smoke, which is the sign of its industry, b undoubtedly s source of discomfort to its inhabitants; bot I have seen mote coal smoke in London and Manchester ib&b that which troo-: : hies ns here. It is a raist-ke to suppose that the highest social refinementcsnnot fioarish in such an atmosphere, or that excellent health cannot be enjoyed in it; bat it is certainly an evil, (as every i thing is that diminishes beauty,), and an evil lhai| can be and ooght to be'lessened by smoke coaau* tning contrivance*. j The painting of the houses of a light stone eol*! our woo'd give the city a mnch lighter and more, cheerful appearance. . i Thorough gas lighting in a city is one or the most effectual means of preventing accidents and | crimes. Pittsburgh has great facilities for it, and is already well lighted. Pore, sofr, and whole some water abounds in what may be said to b*un-i limited quantities; and. It dirt is ijmndant, its an tidote is equally so. Permit me to say that it i ought to be more extensively used in cleansing the city—and especially the side walks, which very much needil. The groundptotofPi'Uhorgb is well adapted logooddrotnageTbut that has not yet been accomplished, as it rosy be by a proper pyalem of sewers. i . . , Many of the aide walks require to be repaired, and the owoers or properly ought not only to re pair them, but also to make them conform to th refiliation level. Laws and ordmanceswhieb are not enforced are worse than useless. Osen cel lars, not now fenced in,should be safely'enclosed, and whoever leaves a cellar door dangerously open at night, ought to be fined. The crossings fit the street comers are made of round stuns*, and a few hundred dollars expended in laying good, hard flag stone* at the principal crossings would be aelgual public benefit. 1 have do donbt that the ladies would feci grateful to any member ftf tho City Council* who would bring It about. Pittsburgh and the surrounding town-, inclu ding the City of Allegheny, now contain nearly one hundred thousand inhabitant*, being about the tame populaiioo as that of Philadelphia JO years ego It is unfortunately troethu Pittsburgh has not the reputation hurog stranger* of being an a greeable place of residence; and ibis tan natter whleh ooght to be remembered, for it is of more importance than many people suppose, nod has been one cause of ibe superior growth of Cincin naJi. It ia the part of true wiedom to look at facts as they arc, and, where improvements sreneed ed to take the preliminary step* to obtain thorn. Philadelphia has grown in forty years from • city of 60 000 to one of 400,000 inhabitants, and that notwithstanding Us foreign trade has Mien off. Good and cheap fuel, good asdebeap walsr, good and cheap gas, good paving, and good ..ramsge ■ have contributed powerfully to produce this re sult. Clean streeta, good walking, and hondsome shoos will taako any city aUraotive both to citizens and stranger*. . Without the labor oftho mechanic no etty could exisL Every great city iso monument to the glorv of tin mechanic arti. When standing in Lndon, :u>d«.-ihe gopher, and philanthropist, Benjamin Franklin. Be strove by every means in his power to benefit the city which be loved, and his name witt shme with lustre while the lightning flashes in tin sky. It baabeen said of him that “ho tore the lightning from heaven, and the sceptre from tyrant*. Bat be did mare. He was eminently the philosopher of common sente; and bo taught unceasingly the great truth, that liberty without law.and power without knowledge, are but the madness of folly. Hie sayings of teatentious wisdom may well fee treasured by every young nun who wishes to be useful: and who would fed with Franklin, that “be that hath a trade bath an estate, and he that hath a r-t»"g hih an efiea of profit and honor.” Great libraries spring from small beginning*, and I trust that that which r» have begun, will con tinue to grow In siae and in usefumere for gener stions to come. Every etiisen of Pittsburgh, who iTable to do so, ought to feel himself bound to contribute to increase U- . tl , As a Mechanics Institute you should endeavor to collect all those books ou practical science and the mechanic arts, which the member* of a great manufacturing community may need for reference or instruction. ... The mathematical and mechanical sciences are the most perfect branches of human knowledge. They train the mind to accuracy, and teach ui i to follow truth, step by step, until we arrive at de monstration. ~ . , The clear conception of a few great truth* « reooetry, and of (he laws of motion, fe awoaderf.il protection againstnanvdehuieh*. HaVhojtndof- ; stands that great law of cause and effect, which la called the law of virtual velocities, will not be de luded by the chimera of a mechanical perpetual motion, or expect to produce impotaihlo retails by mechanical contrivances. As in literature, the cultivation of* pore taste make* men revolt from penurious publications; ao In apienee, the acquire mentor sound principles enable# them to detect the pretender, and to guide the igrar*Bti ■About twenty five year* ago “The Franklin In stitute of the State of Pennsylvania for the promo tion of the Mechanic Arts” was established in Philadelphia, by a few wnest lovers of useful, knowledge. That institution hsstong stood at the . head of similar societies in oar country. U, numbers about two thousand members, respeetible perrons to become members, aod those thst are already ao ought to endeavor to induce olhf— to join thorn. As a general rule, the more a rr" works fol an iaatttmion df this kind, the more that labor becomes a pleasure. The powerful im of thepress should be invoked in your behalf, sift it does more than any other one thing in our ctrhniry to mould public opinion. In Philadelphia, we have the Philadelphia Li* brary, of about 50,000 volumes, the Mercantile Library, and the four libraries of the Philosophical Society, the Academy of Nstnril Sciences, the Athenosum, and the Franklin Institute. Each oz these six instiiutioos owns a large library, con tained in a commodious budding | erected for tbe purpose, and owned by tbe institution itself The building recently erected by the A|lbeDaeom, front* ing onTWashington rquare, is one of the finest specimens of street architect ore in Philadelphia. By tbe constitntion of tho Philadelphia library, founded by Frank!in, any person whatever ie per* mined to read tho books within the building, bnt nono except members esn take them ont of it. In-addition to those just mentioned, the Appren tices library contains a large number of volumes, forthoaseofboys and girts*, andihereare many other libraries belonging to religions and other societies, with the particulars of which I am un acquainted. An apprentices library is much need* ed in this city. Bot I am aware that it may be said that mnoh liii amounts to nothing, as it is not applicable ’ittsburgh, because the cases are not parallel is very true that the cases are not slik»; bot re should make a comparison between tbe tries thst existed in Philadelphia when that was the sise that Pittsburgh now is, and tbe tries now existing here, we should-find the ill far from flattering to Pittsburgh. . city requires some thing besides a of Inhabitants. Every great city could advsn iotniy dispense with asny ofita people. One a of good abilities end education, of honesty of pose, intelligence, and energy is worth a ban* d of a contrary character. Although, it may be creditable to ourselves, it U .undoubtedly > that the villages and cities in New England much better provided with the means of in* eetual culture than most of the towns in Penn* ranis. jook at Lowell, for instance. It is a monulac* iag city, with a population about oue third as to as that of Pittsburgh. U was begun about snty five years ago, and its reputation tor Intel teal culture is almost as widely spread aa tbe ie of its cotton fabrics. With neither cheap il, nor cheap Iron, cor proximity to the places m which tho raw materials are supplied, see wit has flourished. We'aee tbe results of su* rior intelligence, and they ought to stimulate ua exertion, that we may not continue to he oul ne. Lnctll has a library if hhs thousand 1 umss, to which 1 lent of the Board of Trustees is Washington i ring, and tbe Astor Library will probably per* 1 taste the name of its founder. | Tbe proprietors of large manufacturing eatab- 1 hmeats ought toepromote the growth among i em of institutions such as yours. The manes 1 the ignorant are tbe harvest fields of the dems* i igne. When a man bis to deal with intelligent! tople he knows thst be can gain nothing from , em by degrading himself. To reach his mark 1 iis compelled to elevate hit aim. When level* , g down becomes unprofitable, men will go to ork to level up. But there it an evident necessity nongos for the one of all good influences, to coon* rad the evil tendencies of the efforts of those who >ecnla!e upon the ignorance of many of the eople. False theories are impressed upon the atmc mind, they pervade oar legislation, and j ins prevent Pennsylvania from obtaining that rosperity to which the State is entitled from her eographleal position and her mineral wealth. In our country we have no privileged dimes, nd no law of primogeniture. Property is eon* lanily ohsnging h awrt *r Tbe children of the rieh re the parent* of the poor, the children of the oor are the parents of the tieb, and the wheel of irtnne it continually turning. Of all the States in tbe Union, Massachusetts Is tost distinguished for the completeness of her oil road system, and for the intellectual culture f her people. There is more connection between bese two fads, than many may at first suppose. The cheap end rapid transmission of intelligence if newspapers, of books, of letters, and of the wople themselves, spreads civilisation with maxing celerity over the land. - The eivi! engi neer is the pioneer of light and knowledge, who sot only brings in his train the best means of en* igbtenmg the people, bat also enables tbe people ogo forth with every facility to eeek lor know* edge for themselves. The eye, after all, is the. »st instructor. That which we hear is ofieu for* pjtten, while that which we see la almost always ■em-mbved. Ia the langqste of tbe law, hear qty is no evi« ience/.bnt an eye witness U tbe beet of witnesses, fie who quickens and cheapens tbe means of travelling confers unnumbered benefits upon his felfow dtixent The magnetio telegraph fa a wonderful invention for the Instantaneous truss* mission of a few words to a great distance. Its wires may be called the nerves of feeling of wide spread communities, but rail roads are their series of motion. ffiil roads convert travelling from a toil into a plea*ore, they enable all clones of the people to travel at all seasons of tbo year; they teach im* portent lessons of punctuality which are sore to be remembered; and they enable men to confer to* jether, and to understand each other, not as through a glass darkly, but feco to face, and In each other, presence. By saving time we length* en life, and aid inopcoing'the doors of the temple ofkeowledgo to the entrance of the multitude. He who looks only at the commercial advantages of internal improvements, and forgets their moral influences, has a very narrow and imperfect view ofthe mission they fulfil. Let us look for s moment at tbe unparalleled position of this city. - Prmsussu u th* inn gat* opened bit « ature, as the Eastern entrance to the kaypy valley cf the West. Of that valley i which is the most glorious amphv theatre on ike face of the earth, for the future in— uatfherf dtnlisation, this ie the portal. Through this passage we are qboiit to lay a first class iron railway, to serve for ages as tbe great central highway of the nation. Everyone of yon, who aids this enterprise, does more than serve himself>-*he serves his ezly; he serves tbe state of which he is acitlxen; and be serves the Onion to which that State belongs. The fatare destiny of Pittsburgh depends in greet messureupon tho completion of this andor* taking. Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Pcnnsylvt* ala are one in iqterest, and are, or ought to be, one in feeling. United they stand, divided they fell. Threatened with competition on the north and on the south, and already deprived of mueh trade, by tbe railroads in Ohio leading to Lake Erie; we are both “ driven by the fear of evil and attracted by the prospect of good." Our tine is the shortest route from the great free states ofthe west to New York and Philadelphia. It does not bridge tbe Ohio river, nor in any way obstruct its navigation. Not s foot of any part of it will be subject to siavehold* ing legislation. All cf our Bta’e rights will be free State rights, from the tide waters of tbe Atlan tic to the Mississippi river, a dlstance'ot s thou sand miles from east to west Six railroads will compose the chain, of which yonr own “Ohio and Pennsylvania" road, 180 mile* in length, will be the second link. Pittsburgh Is already a great city, and its destiny is to become a much greater one. When to its natural advantages are added those artificial ones ; which are now in lmmense increase of | Us copulation must take place. Throned on a moun* tain of e3*l, and robed in a c|oud of smoke, here we are destined to baye a grant manufacturing me tropolis. Wnat shall be the character of its peon plef This is a most important question , and its solution will depend very much upon the young men'ociw begining to take an active part upon tbe stage of life. Those fathers of the city, who still htve reoDspicucros share in its affairs, mart soon cease t> hive It. They matt quickly be gather ed from works u&la rewards. It is tho coarse of nature, and a law from which nothing can exempt as. * Tiieg rolls its ceaselmeourse. Tbsraee of yore Wbo danced oar iafkaey open tbdr knee, Asd told oar marvelling! childhood legends store, Of their strange venture*, happed by land or tea; How few,all weak and wearied of their force, How are they blotted from the thing* that be 1 Wait, on the verge of dork eternity, Like stranded wrecks, the tide returning hoarse, Ito sweep them from oar sight- Time rolls its ceaseless coarse V' Who then shall fill their vacant places ? Which of you is preparing himself to fill an eminent place (a the service of the city of which you are titb tea* f—for the greatest among you is ho who shall most serve the others.' Now this U not to be done by befog a noisy pol. itician, nor by thrusting onesscif forward into pit* ees which he is sot fitted to fill. Opportunities eomo to those who are prepared to take advantage Of them. Those who are unprepared they serve to ridiculous. Ao ignorant man, placed m a post of high honor and responsibility, is apt to ap> pur like a criminal in the billory. He is not only apt to appear like one, but he is apt to be pelted like one, and not to be able to defend himself I^rdßacon eays,* 1 that amsh whole young in yetrs may be old in honors, if he hu lost no time. 0 The truth or this saying is exemplified in the his* tory of that.eminent statesman, alter whom your eity is named, and whose arms are graven on your city seal. William Pitt, “ tbo pilot that weathered Ihe storm” became minister of Eoglacd when a very young mas, and oonducted her affairs with consummate ability in the midst of the greatest difficulties. Standing high m his integrity and seeking not to enrich himself, he resisted the blan dishments of • court and the allurements ol plus, ore, and devoted bis days and nights to the servioe of hia country. Far be It from me to extenuate his errors, and lam bo iqpofagfetfer war; boil be- lim urn, to it. ta»&* ta «•» “ imnuoesi ( fa*wteM*s«lT« ®*f '“£*** •“* dtuAitfiSm 4 * thorad jMntbes“»' t "**V ™ cf blood. Wbaorerdifiswott** bits to Fin's cbtraeter, csitsi* it b ihst jroor Svbmtto A»oT»Bft SiS? aousptes of jwtifel con in ®odetn magnitude beforethe edmina* eye» or the Amer- of high p«fHWB«P «* adherence to doty, in nw» f n«u]*-~ try. than all her mine* of the pykp.FffgiL- His name haa become w» thtooghont the htsfcSow countrymen, blot Unwell ad Tied } 'tad limb, by any power, the living body of oos Union whichhe left uitNevei wtU peo* pie of the Keystone Commonweshh consent to [be fen of that noble areh, which BUkM £*mcft» ixensof the VmtU N«J eT “w sent to tear that atar-epesfled banner, which floats from erery mast, and is emblem or our nationality, ta the ends of the “S&moT thy father and thy mother.*ijUj* commandment with pwmlac. Ve aro bcmcd honor our native state j-would that w» aUtored and honored her moio—batwhile waters flow into the Golf of Mexico, «d her ewt ern waters into the Atlsntio ocean, let “ never consent to the disruption of the wide spread tent*, lonr which lies spread ont between them* It may perhaps appear to some that I h»”»'°this addressed toomaeh in pcai» of improve ment, and too little respecting tbebenefils derived from polite literature. But I have ttidwhal appeared to be proper for me to say and for youto hew. Of its many imperfections lam very sensible. It has been written in fragments, at intervals of time snatched from other pursuits, and subject to many interruptions. Two points I havo been anxious to impress up* on yon, the importance of seq Hiring aeemnU know ledge sad of cohivating a taste for reading. Sci* entUic and literary societies are established for these pnrposes. Science is accorata and classified knowledge, as contradistinguished from the crude theories, half knowledge, and taking for granted, which we to often meet with, and which but “iced to bewilder end daxile to blind.” love ol truth is the first requisite! of a scientific man, and accura* cv of observation is the seared. The dark sgbs have passed away. Men of seienee no longer make a mystery of knowledge, bat strive to make it elear to all who wish to taara. It Is but (be amatterer and the pretender who do otherwise. As to polite literature, we need not fear that aay one who has once acquired a taste for good books will aver be'disposed toDeglset it “Age cannot wither it, nor custom stale Us infinite variety.'* It 1 famishes an unfailing theme of conversation of the most delightful sort, and enables ns to bring to gether the brilliant materials of the put, for the ' purpose of shedding iastro upon the present; as the son, whtdh has already sunk below the hori > son, covers the cloads with more gorgeous dyes > than be did In his meridian splendor. lx> what we t wlO, the poetry of earth is never dead within us, • and the cultivation of a high, pure, and ennobling i taste In literature is to be coveted as; long as life mav last _ Yotjih may hire its peculiar pleaiarea> bat "our day* are like a flying abide,” and thejebadowa of evening aooa loogthen around a*. Oar mental ac» qoisxtiona are oat of Lbs reach ol the neeld#nta of ?ortnne, tad may be enjoyed u long as ibe Divine Goodoea grants ns the blessing of aso and mind in s sonnet tody. The hetlibyUborersleepssweet ly on hit hard bed, while the loxorion* votary of i pleasure tosses noeasfly on his conch of downwind finds no rest. There is no greater fallacy than the ▼nlger notion that the possession of wealtlTean confer happiness. “ Give me neither coverty nor riobesj? was Ibe prayer ef a sen who knew what was best Cat him to pray for. Hen : may devote their days and nighta to money making, and toil till they are bent with age, to eeeamnlate Ebrtanea for their 'children to squander, and they hod it <1 last to be bat vanity and vexation of spirit. We ahonld team to measure the (worth of onr labors by their usefnlnras, bat we abonld nee the word oaefalsess in its largest signification. While life lasts' we can never be stationary in a moral and iniellectoal point of view. We matt go either for* ward or backward, and it is the sense of progress which should give as aatlfaction. Bat“ to scorn delights end Uve laborioas days,* requires self-de* nisi; sad so, ahhoogb we acknowledge oar doty, and sooth onraelvea with the intention of doing it' we procrastinate it* performance; and strive, bat strive in vain, toeonteat bqrsclres with pttUing off until to morrow wbsl ought fo be done to day. «*Uahappy be, who doth his work edJoarn, And ’lilt to morrow will his task delay > That laiy marrow ahsU be Uke to day.;' Batisenedayef ease tee msehto borrow! Yes,rare; for yesterday wasoneeto marrow. That yesterday Is'gone tad no thing gained, And all thy fkalUesi days wiUthas be drained. For thss bastomre towmnears etll) to ask, And wilt ready be ever te begin thy task. Who like the hindmost chariot wheels art ca»4 Still la be near, bat sever reach the Im.® Thus it is tha!,.throagh the habit of propiaatle nation, men, “like the hindmost chariot wheels,” lag behind other*, bear the heaview share of the burden, and have the least to do with directing the coarse of events. i When the golden opportunity is gone It is In vain that we regret that we have tost it; and when, through the want of some timely precaution, it finds ua unprepared, we have no ode bat ear* •elves to blame far the remits of our negied. J Carefiil preparation and constant \r*tcttulness ■re the conditions of stjccas sand safety. The want of a small boll may sink a great ship, or dash a railroad train to pieces. (When we read the-biograi&ics of thoea who have • acquired peal knowledge, or who have achieved eminence in any profaaton, wa tee that it was by long eon tinned effort that the bright reward was reached; had that while the end crowned the work, It was by patient wot king that the end had been attained. Bat Pittsburgh should be'something more to yog thaa.yoQt workshop ; you shoolg learn to love 4, io adorn it,andbeaq!i(yit |« yonr tome. Eeum pc rate in all things, and strive to be content with your local habitation. We need no worthier field of labor than Pennsylvania, She la worthy of far worthier sons than we are. Onr Stale isonibc eve of a great commercial wvoluliqo, analogous to that which. New York experienced on the com* pillion of the Erie canal. The ' opening of obr central line of rail roada will effect this. In another I ear the new tide of prosperity will begin to flow. Twe are derelict of oar doty,or unworthy of onr vocation, other men will reap tho harvest where we have sown the seed. The prosperity of Pennsylvania I rests upon an iron foundation, but if needj (he labor of intelb gent freemen far (is development ; Cos] and Iran •re the pillars of onr industrial edifice, and i bey are both frond in abundance 40 both sections of the State. In leas than thirty y» ary tho poal trade of Eastern Pennsylvania kaagrowq from nothing to"morc~lhaothrep?ioilliftna of toes per annam, worthmoMlhiatwelvemflUontofidtilare. Ibe* Uevo that the coal trade of Western Pennsylvania is capable of a corresponding exteatioo. Pittsborgh la not only the fiatnral metropolis of Western Fenmylvanis, bat also of a large part of tba State of Ohio; the richest wheat region of ; America, through which onr Western Railroad will shortly penetrate. Surely we may well be proqdof (Pennsylvania. Rond of her early history; prond [of her contin ued progrrea; and prond of her Gttore hopes.— There is a lime coming wheo (hoi' history of the world shall be re-written j when the page ol blood ahrilbo no more called the page! of glory; and when theolive branch, shall suae far brighter than the sword.- Then onr early history Will beam frith, like a dear star iq a dgrk «ci lemjjeatuoM night; far it is worthy to be written, with ;an iron pen on a rack forever, that 1* Frnmsn.VAXXA watrotnroxn arnxxDiorPxACX.” ’ . B*w Btyl* Ctrp«U, JUST received, sene hiadsoae otter atyle Velvet Pile end Tepeetry Cerpot*. direct i from Bartend, ■ad wiU be eoid es low *» tie seme qaelity cen be perdieied in the Alientfo Oiuee>__ W McCUNTOCK, 78 Foartk at, Pitubargh OIL CLOTH S—Ttio larteit assortment of Oil Cloths, in sheet*, to eat to toy sits repaired, isto b.fo.Bd™ w aicuwAoS, febaa i n Feanh >t Blue DRILLS—# bales best heavy Baffalk and Stark Bias Drills, opened sod forsUa by . fetS gHAOHLETT 4 WHITE TTFXVETT CORDS—6O pieces, of various styles and ’ feba U °* ,J * 11 HhACKLKTT A WHITE y COTTON YARN—IOOO lbs on hand and for sale by febM JAB FLOYD W EAPH N 0 PAPER-*. .M-.LAJ.i „ JfcRFLQVQ and foi ttlo b] MOLASSES—M 7 obit new cropPitnUliou, lust <«r M..IU W^fon, pOTA9B-l» «jf. j% fLoYD £ A h. 1 ff ATUft - M “**' * J * ai ’ '"IrpIoyo p.PTTEß—Mbx.tri.T^Ur.^glg^oYD p^YEaSEEB-AObM.togg^W^ T AR-T. tH. N C^< ru^msofi cq MACKEREL— , N«J.! 4® dpi fe ba3 J A HUTCHISON A CO L EAD * 9UOT -’SS &°JS3« b, - LJ ftbz j J A HUTCHISON A OO Rirc* 7i ua Carol!ox, in tun and ftr aald by JAHUTCMBQX ACO DRIED PHUIT-40 bnprimo Peaches; 0 bn- do Applet; far nip by feb93 J D WILLtAftsTIIO Woodrt • T OMA a T°‘ g -» 80-i,., ft. »j. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—A pue article for nle by fetoP JD WILLI AMS YKNISON— HO prime Cued Uamt, for uls by fetaO j.D WILLIAMS UOLL BUTTER—BbbUfretb, in elotbt, Jutree'd and for ule by BREYFOOLE A CLARKE, faliQ . l 108 Soeond 1 _ LARU— dbbUNol, for tala by ! __ fabO BREYFOOLE A CLARKE DUCKETTS—B# do* Beater,’fa more *?d forttloby J) febS3 BttKVrOQLBACLABKB, CORN BROOMS—UD do* for tale by fobC . BREYFOOLE A CLARKE 171 RE BRICK A CLAY-We can wpply all ? Mh. Brtek -s Miyss «■ -XrBW BRIGHTON SASH-40 bdl» urt. for ttk br n fcbC BHE7FQOLB fcCL&IEB LASSES—W bhU Tliaftiaiß *0 “ Bli*aesBH;JattTee I d'«nd » MILLER A BICKETSON, *» : • 173 »nd 174 Liberty «t>. HAUTE SATUKSE WINE— IO gr eut»)m ree’d and for sale IT MILLEB A EICKFTdON, feba - ITS mi 174 Liberty t\ HOVICB. ins, JAMES BAILIE would rWpeetfuliy inform JLVI the friend# and customers of her late husband, that the continue# the WINE and LIQUOR basinet#, at the eld more. 85, Chestnst atreet, Philadelphia— •here eaa be found, a great variety of Wijiea and Ltqaora, of various rndei and vintages, consisting In Mn a Sherry. Port, Madeira, Claret Hock, Ac. Brandy. Gin, Monongahela, arc Irith Whi*key, St Croix Bam. Jamalea Bri*'* l *, Brawn Stoat and Scotch Ale. Alio, a aery “superior” lot of Ckmnpaxoe, from various vinyaras, pat un by special order, all Of which will b« widV biptiSt M. J. BAILIE, BACherautauPhila.. < ftMMln Next door to Congreas Hall Hotel. FOB BALE, A LOT OFJfROUND, SO feet front on Bank Uoe| ranninr back to Rebeeea at, SSO feet; a Cottage Bovae and Carriage Uoaee in rood repair. Thie pro perty is beaxtifallyritaated on the Bank of the Alle gheny river, and it ecnrilered one of the mostderi ra tio and pleasant aitnatiena in the City of Allegheny. For price and uma apply to 8. BCHOTER.. üb33 No UO Second tt FOB BALE, mHREE ACRES OF LAND, tltnate about miles' , from the City, sear the reridence of Roe. Richard Lee. on the Greeqsbnrgh Turnpike, suitable for Coun try Residence*. Alto—lW Acreaof Land, situated la Franklin town* -*hip, about 16 miles from Pwsburjh, near the Frank* Un Boad, Alto—A Let of Ground, near the new Baris, i a the Seventh Wardv being 100 feet square, on which It a two atory I rick Dwelling Bonae. For particulars sad teona of sale, enquire of DAVID D BRUCE, Altorner at Law, febS3-ln FtfthaLbet’o Woodandteitbfietd. VALBABLH FARM FOIL BALE, SITUATE In Moon townthip, Beaver Coanty. eon -1 tailing aboot ISO ACRES, TSofwhlch are elear* ed. and the reridne well Umbered. There la a tlarge Orchard of Apple. Peach, and Cherry Treet, of good oualliv on lu alto, a comfortable Dwelling Hobs© and Barn. Th« land win good order, well watered, and but 29 miles below Puuburgb; l* mile* frew PbUlips burgb, on tte Ohio river, and only S miles fromi the dtMl, .i Roche*ter, of the Pennsylvania tnd Ohto RaU Boad. Tie title it Indisputable, and the land will be told on reasonable temt. Potteuiongivcn.lfne* ecttary, on the lit of April next. . Tbit tract ot land, /remits to market, and situation in a part of the coo airy where real ea* ute it rapidly riling,in value, makes it deuxabje for ihe inveaunent of capital; and. for gardening and sgri" FSrSSsr fabC Attorele* at Law. Ith at. Pittsburgh- • BY the ftnt of next April, a TEACHER to ftjl the efiee of Principal ofthe REST WARD PULUC SCHOOL, Wheeling, Va. The auccesaful «PP“Cant meat tatltfy the Truaieee of hit ability to waclijoe leading brasehea of a Collegiate education, ana to om* nage aueeetetolly the affairs of a large school A P«£ ■oais desired wbo intend* to make teaching h‘» “““T ness, and who wishes a permanent tiluauon- Abbarw. salary willbejriTen Application# accompanied bf testimonials; addressed to the nndertigned, Wheeling, will be received until the&rstof Slareh. Lom* “^^^BP-RTSON,) WM. P. WILLSON, VTrtKsei. WM. GEORGE, } Wheeling Feb {feba i_- UalU4 Btot«* PaUßt Office,) Fkusut 10,1550. S ON t he petition of Juui Criswell, of Pittsbnrgb, Pennsylvania, praying for the extension ot a pa tent fronted to said CnswcU for an improvement in prepannx oleafinona seeds for pressing, for seven YfVrr from the expiration of said patent, which takes plaeaonthefitstdayoi Jnly.lMl: } It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Ofiee on the first Monday in May next, at W o’clock hLt and all persona are notified to appear and shew eanse, U any they have, why said petition ought not lobe granted. . 1 • Ordered, also, that this- notiee bo published in the BepnbUe, Intelligeneer, and Union ■ Washington; North American and Gazette, Philadelphia; Tribune, New York;-Journal, Providence, R. I; and. Gazette, Fittibargh, Pa; once a week fbr three, ineeewire of Patents. Fifty Dollars Bewsurd* STOLEN, on Sunday, 10th February, IMA * RED SORREL HORBE 9 or 7 7«n old, about Mi buds kith, star la his forehead, ruki under tbAßad die, trots in hornets, n switch toil, eteu Umbt, no blemishes ca them that I recollect oft had on a saddle, doable rained bridle, ■srt'ny** and hand Taken by a low. heavy aet German, talks pretty {Odd ftnr»«h. abost five and a half feet high, dark complex* ion, heavy black whisker*, blaekitair, blaek far hat, black or Mae blaek eloth dress eeal and puts. Any oerson aeeuriag the mu and bone will be entitled to ibe above reward—or TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS for the Horae, Saddle, and Bridle,aeoared tome inthe sasjjr^T^^^sasssss? 7 Wheeling, Fdb. U—[fcbP - - BhwtiPi lalii ON Toeaday turning. 9Kh’ inst, u 10 o’clock, at the General Taylor House, Water street,;above, «iil be sold by order of Carter Cams, Eiq, Sheriff, the entire stock of famitate, bar fixtures, Ac ; of that noise, consisting of superb masical clock, wnh mahogany .case, which plays <3 overtures, ehonuses, giees, Ac, representing a fall band, fiaepian© Cane, roaewood ease, 4 mahoguy card cherry dm* ing do: It do dot-14 huh post bedsteads; 1 low post bedstead; It feather beds and bedding*,-!* arm chairs; fi common chairs; mahogany bsnut large French plats minor; 8 French engraving*, gilt frametr da mask eartalnst'a ply Ingrain earpets; transparent and , venitian blinds; large cooking stove ud fixtures; 8 Franklin stoves; akiteken ranges; iamughtboilerr; a large refrigermtore; qneeaiware; kitchen utensils; liquors; deoanterr, bar fixtures; marine time {ueee; laxgeqeaa&ty of expensive g»s fixtatet; Urge retort, gasometer and other apparatni for making xas, Ac. At the stand in 4th street, in the rear of 8. Jones A CO*! flanging aftff the fcbOTe, IOUf mawgany eentre table* with marble tops; a do tables withaeparbinlaid Barblete?si~l do easd table; spring msi mahogany Mfc 9 mahoguy divans, with spring hair aeats: 94 fine bastlo chairs: superb French plate nunor.gilt frame; 4 splendid Napoleon pictures, do; 8 100 French engravings, do; Urge w slant wardrobe; fine mahoguy book ease; choice books; snperior in* grain earpets; dsmsik e art aim; cooking stove and fixtures; 9 Franklin stoves; glus jars and confection ertr; 'shelving; eonniers; gas fixtures, Ac. Twmi,, fiHiPtr*™*, [feb33] JOHN DDjAVIW. A net . SOTISB IB HEREBY GIVEN that t*s feUowing named per* hu have (led, in tee Reft'*W» Office or Alleghe ny eoapty, aeeoant*. of their cation u Administrator*, Exeeetort, end Guardians, tutd that said account* will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of s ~ /Emanuel Btotler, Ex’r of the Estate of Barbara • Bright, dee’di 1 ' Bamael McKelsoy, Adm’r of Estate of George Bailey, dee'd;. Ac draw Bedell and 0. Canninjham, Adm’ra of Tiomaa G. Brant, decMi j Jtnci Porter, Ada* of Eatate i( Nanejr Portor r JaoMi m Akanadar Ounahan, .Adm’r of Estate of llanry Berg eater, dee'd:; C. 0. Seeljr,' Ada*r of Estate of John Henna. deeM; Joaeph E. MeCabe, Ada’r of-Eeuto of Jacobilren nimar ean,'dee*»"» a license Jo keep a Public Hows of En tertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound,. wUlpray* tYc, the subscribers, cuireni of the borough aforesaid, do certify, that the above petitioner is of; rood repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travel- era. till thel *«M tarern i* neeeiaaryv B«fflael Boumr, John Naore, Daniel Bcry. D, N&- Elite. RcbU Nlion.'nio*. W. Jone*,-Wm. Ltvioguon, Formhe. Cltylon F. Child*, Henry Keanedy.- - - - , D. Edward*. » feW^w3t»9 B;fL Jonc*, BROOMS— £3 dei Com, la itore tad for sale by febtt . A CULBERTSON (' 'IHKK3B—OO bx» Cretan '•- ,• • . 75 « EngUthptlry; tortile’by 1 fobJH IP WILLIAMS, lIP Wood «t {SUNDHIES—I anek Peathera; CO doTTow VamT" O so dm Woolen Boek«r • Xc«u do Yarn; ! l piece White Flannel; 19 a Zinc Washboard*: (or n!e by fthfX ; *JDwILLIAiIS , S" NKATIIS—W do* Patent scythe Swath*; ferial by febtt JAS A HUTCHISON * CO ?**•»* soda Aon. cno CASKS will ihonly anta, direeti from tbs 040 aaaafactnren, via New Orleans, per chip* Alain, Boorflrit, Jcaaica, and AnatrU, which will bo eoli, on arrival' at the lowest market prlea, by W AM MITCIIKLTHEE, feb>o 100 Liberty at will alio receive lam eeppUee doting the epnng ▼UFadhUelpMa and Baltimore, AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE MINSTRELS. WILKISB HAI«L~SECOND FLOOR. TN7ILLIAMS* ORIGINAL OPERATIC TROUPE, VV fannetly known as the EMPIRES, rerpect faily anas once to the cuisens of Pittsburgh, ihenhev propose giving a'series of their popular CONCERTS, commencing on Mosnav Evxscw, Fssacan Bfch. and continuing every evening daring the w«ek, at \YIL . KINS HaLL, lowis moon, on.which occasion they will introduce their own Original Music, together with all the popular Ethiopian Melodies of the cay. Musical Director-——----Mr J. F. TAUNT. Mr. G. B.JJROWN, the champion Hone Flayer of the world, is attached to this Trocpr, and will appear each evening in Solos, Dueus, Ae., in air of which he studs unrivalled. i Mr. G.G. SNIDER, alias Jonoxxaa, the Du'.ch Daiky, .will appear nightly in one of his obligate**. ' tET Doors open at Cl o'clock; tn commence pi "l precisely. .Tickets.SScenu; to be had at the pnnei pal Hotels, andal the door. . >e!i22s3 ' BOUND THE WOULDt RUSS£D*B original-Panorama of “A VOYAGE ROUND TUEAVORLD,«wiU be open at Apollo llalljTßU (Fridsy) xvExiXP, February Ist, for a short time only.' This unrivalled Panorama, the joint pro daeliDnof-Burringu>a and Riuecl. after two yean of smidloos application, is one which has been exhibited to many .thousands in our Ear tern, and several of our Cities, and furcuhe: one of the most exciting .and novel cxhiiiuiona ever brought before the pabtic. jo"Admiuioa,9s cents. Doorsopenaldi o'clock, euriain rises at?l o'clock-prccisely. foM ■_.S I Q N O R BLITZ Tox'Fivs Emutas act Two Arrrxnooss. LEABSKD CANARY BIRDS! VENTRILOQUISM AND MAGIC! SIGNOR DLITZ has the honor to announce that be will giTe entertainments in WILKINS HALL, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, aud _ .Saturday Keenir.g«, Febtuary lSllt, 13th, SOth, dtst, and 2Jd.—and Afternoon Perform ances'on Wednesday uni Saturday, February '-*Wh .* Utd.nt 3o’clock. CTThc Lenrned Canary Utrtls will goihroa-h their truly n«ioni>bing anil highly plelrinj; p-rformence*. '• T&e Ventriloquism will be of the most amusiug de scription. ' The Magical ninricns will be ti the most tuionish mg charocter. ' ■ ' J Admi»ion 85 cents Children hV.i price. Door* open atto ccrmiatncc nt 7$ o’clock, feblfi AmericanlloteTfor Beni* fFO LKT—Tte American Hotel, on' Penn street, op . potite the Canal Basin, Irom the in of April next. Apply at this office. . fablC • MPKRIiI. THREE PLY CARPtra— Ju«l rec’d' . . tram the maanfaetotrra, at v:ry low prices, at fetol . W McCLINTOUO, Fourm st IMC & SUGAR—aoo bbl* l.ouuivflloLime;. ■ J.. •9bbd(iNGBtJs*r; : forMleby AGORDON_ DUFFIELIPS WESTPHALIA HAMS—2d licrcea ..of this celebrated brand, jtiAircoMnnd for sale by ~~~fcb22 ; SELLERSA NICoLS _ DBIED APPLES—(O bo in store and for tain i>T febtli • ' 1 •• • . i : J& R FLOYD DRIED PEACUES-50 bo inkiere and forsaie by feb*d . i ’ /j & it FLOYD SHAD & UERRINfiS-ForYaleby fcbtM It D.Vt.ZELi, a CQ, Liberty st tiRGE CHEESE—2O fcx» sopfnar, on band ond for mis by BDALSSELL'ACO, fcfrtt ; liberty street — i SjREEN- APPLES—CO bbli in spire and forsnle by I JT fcli23_ BRIIY FOG LKJfc_C LMI K K T\RiHD (ibis In store and tor sale by JJ feb« i BREYFOGLE A CLARKE GLNNYBAG9— 60 in store and for sale by febSl . . DRKYFOOUS A CLARKE; TOBACCO— 10 hhds Ky. Leaf, ju»t rce’d. far sale by . .. A CULBERTSON, r f r U2S : US liberty street Htjilt* American l>iw Hotted and Mantua, al ways on hand and for sale by ' febsa ! JA3 A HUTCHISON ACO OANCY CABSIMKRKS—3 cases new rpring styles JJ or Greens, Green Mix, Brown, and Drown and Green Mixed, and ether yarietius, }n« ree’d by fttiSl SnACKLETTA WHITE. 99 Wocd «l SLATE LINENS—I ease 4-4 colored Linen*, jas* rec’dby. tiLtillACKLhriT & WHITE, febaa ... 80 \Vooii n • "JRODUCE— ISkeg* Butler; SWbx* Cheese; Bacon, . Beeswax and Timothy Seed, on consignment and for sale by . MILLER A RtCKETSON, ' _ fcbfrt . . . 171 and 174 Libetiy s\ ■ ICE—S 3 tierces instore and for sale by - i, febtS - ' MILLER A BiCKETSON SUGAR— 32 lihdi New Orleans; 30 bbts Nos 4 and 7 Loaf; \ 40 u LoTering’a Crushed,- 11 «, do lC] Pulverised; In store and tor sale by feW< MILLKR A RICKETSON SUGAR A MOLASSES—I6O hhd* N O Samir; j OUQ bbis Plantation Mo* asses: for sale by ’ fetes JAME 3 A HUTCHISON A CO* NOTICE. BERGER & McKEE, hartnc a**oeiaied with them Jiini S.'Nsolm, in the bouueys of mnnufaetßr- Int Shore!*, Spade*, rork*,ffcc., tbs firm of iiergerfc McKee wu therefore diuolrt-d on tho 20th IntL, .and ;» new firm formed under the name of w lfer*er, McKee andNeg'e?.* The btuiocM of the tale firm will be •etded by.Wtn. McKee. wMia mithorixed to doao,' at the warehouse of lierger, hleKee & Negley. • JACOB 11EBGEB. WM. McKER • CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE nndetsJgucd haw this day fanned a Co-Pen* hership amler the name of ‘•Ecigcr,. McKee nod Negloy," lor ihe manufacture and kale of Shoreia, Spade*, Forks, Ac., and respectfully solieil the patron age of their friends and the pabUo. , Warehouse No. 14. cower of riont and Wooi gtJ. JACOB BEBGES, Wit McKKK.- • fehgaSt JAMES tf. EOftiLEY. DISSOLUTION. rpOE poxinership heretofore eiistinghetwcen Jsmes X Tassey and John Best, ia the .Grocery, Produce and Commission business, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 14lh.in«i.. Mr. John Best having pur chosed live entire iiterest of James Tassey, in tho firm, the basin*** will be settled by him, at their old stand, No. 35 Wood'at. JAMES TASSEY, ■ fch3» . JOHN BEST. FOR RALE. THE ondenigned offers far sole ihe entire slock of Groceries at the late firm of-TASSKY A BEST, with the store fixtures and every thing sellable to ac commodate the transaction of a tenvy l>u*inr*»,whki» has fat on built up byfcve years closd attention, and a Urge castom obtained, the goo-t tvUl cf which will be tranaferfed to the purchaser, and piMsevMonof U»o warehouse given on the first «’ay of April next, or ioonerif required. -The sleek will he reduced if re quited* And payment* made easy for gcoJ paper. Bo sood aa opportuniiy of an estsMishca baeiue>s is set* on -offered. And but far other engagements requiring ay attention, would not becivtn op. ttattai*elorr ii-fonnaiioj cm be obtained oatbe pr«' raise a, No. 35 Woail «uwt. A Wall Lost or 2tU!ald) DBA\VN by Alderman Bnekuattlrr, to which bis oamolsaUicbed.au subscribing witness. Any Lezstnt finding the tome, and leaving tt at tlie office of k JJ» JOHN'S, Exchange Building, St. Clair ax, witl be suitably rewarded. '.fcb&t-St Sellers’ Vermifuge, P' HAS NEVER, in a single instance, failed to ex pel-Woms. •• ! CUiXt Cotrt Hocsc, July 22.1847. Ur.R E. Setters:. Yea wilt recollect that when wo wereiufiusbargh, fa November la«t, you prevailed da as to irr to year Verraifoga, to teat iu virtues. We did so, and through snl't what we pur* chased, wklek-gavo it a fair reputation. In May tact ty« purchased more, which; tyai d»»pov:d of immedi ately, Wo then'ordc/id marc, which retched us on tho l3lk of the present month, and on yesterdiy wo scjd tho last of two dozen bottles. V/r. 'find it so val* noble a medicine, that'every person of a family with* es to have it io their possession. Tfcsse urho have putehavd irwbuld be perfectly willtos to give Certificates of In rxcellency. Out of UteiiuauUiy we hove vcnded.it has never, tn a single instance, f tiled to expel worms. X©M friend; i . Wat C. Miu.ua A Co. %v3?cpared and said by It E. SELLERS, S 7 WooJst, ifia hpfd by Druggists generally m ibe two cities. •*■'. ~ ~ ulL—tf bbls No 1, rccVl and forvaJe hy : . JAMEd PaLZKLL 'QUGAR—€O Jib'd* Jdsl ree'd ami for *oJ«i by O.tebal - . JAMES DALZBLL FLOUR— 10 bbls Extra, rte'd and for rain bv . fcbft - JdMKS DALZffM, I~INBEEDQIL— 3 l>bU]u«i irh’d »n J for esfr. by : . .-ROBISON, LI m.is A C 6, .•< *feb3f/’ _ U>f liberty n TIBAOHES—H3 lio rrima OLio, ffnlv», iu*trcc\i i- • tltdfor Mtio Jiy A C ULHB SI'IVON, : H 5 Liberty «t INDIA* SENNA-lbaio for sale */ fcbSt. J 01ir< D MOItOAN ‘TMhß^«Wlb».«M’d l for**joby 2 Jci tthiv. •■•-• '> JQIIND MORGAN O PONGfe bale* fine and coarse, for rale by O' feb&w - _IQMN D MOHOAN TUNIPF*R'UFRR!ES—I bole in sale by J. feMIV? - - JOHN D MORGAN bbdt new e mp, juit rcc’d and lor aalo by RHKV.MA'miKW'SfcCO, feba - . - ■ ■ ■ - g and Water It . BFIUSaDS.Y GOODS! XtTti aso now receiaioff rnr-plir.* of Do- W- mMli« #n«l,m.ar!ielimtca to' cash buyer* and prompt bctineri'jnon.' We would as* the attention ef-City and Western Merchants to ear ft-ek, bcUering'Wc c*n offer many indaeemeat* to purchase from c«, ' SUACKJiTJTP&WmTn, febat ••• Dry iGot>da JciiS»cfa, vo WwJ n . hocus suw .coons'. or\ pvepEZ beautiful uji-s 'i a Vro icb prints; UVs leases Monads Loins, good ... .- _ tteodri'LtM-ni, French Wrought Cape*, Collars and sili:3, Ma:uiii«*, AleX anam’EdGloTeit, Rne French and Scotch Gl&s- Uam*. all of whiehlutvu been v»lr cinder ith great care, am! will be found at tow prices Ht A-A MASON 2z CO’S, . t)0 Market at . TWIUED BO&ELET cmSTZ. \X7 ':B» MGRPHV* bo* receded a farther simply ,TT' *:ef Suited BedTwtiled OI forenruta*, ailtwett price, at the. North liott con.er of Foortb tndMarkctsts. - - fabsi-' TITOUHNINU ALPACUAS—Bnmbaziec Finished MJL'AlDscca*. for Mficrrun*. lo be fwmd at the Dry Gocds House ci • W IISiURPiIV, frb2i . : , - corncr'FooMh and Market its Situation IVaatedi • A • SITUATION ]* wanted to iuiU in a Whrfcrale 2%, -or Retail Store, by ayoongreinof good sMiitje?* W&o.can jilto rood references.' Employment objicl than salary-. Address-—I,” I*cu Office, Pimbargh. «cbsl4gj TUB SPLENDID ENGRAVING of the De** Scene of REV. JOHN WESLEY, pubh*«J & / f eabieripUon.'engmTcd by War. Ovcrana London, fromtho orieinaf palcting bf MaxsMk'j*** 'ton, has lost beta received, and it now forwue” R, UOPUNSi , .. febZl • Apollo BoHi»n«*.Fo | »* t » **•- Book* Jnst Received, f THE Complete Work# of John »uc7So;ATpJ*i 8 * 0 » in I voU il’otirstu-i; mutiin rut and pU/dyt*. Mitchell’* Uialicai and SabbaUt School Gcogr®? 1 " a new work; 1 yol, I‘Ar.ct. Town’s Analysis and Prefer. . ' '.-..-.r . 'Life of John Q. Adams; by Wra.ll- Secrardj l *■ ijrno; uraiUn „ . poem* by Mrs. Hemansr 1 vrd, 12a* Sottih’s'^ennoiw—Scrmom prrscljeJ o?on **' C T*. •cculm* by Hubert Scats.-U. Hi » newcduioa.4 Yolt; inclodicg Pouhomou* Diy'.:urirtt’ tJ*me-i »o&.ia i; sheep.extra; I f■ r T JOHN BEST.