The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 23, 1850, Image 1

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    ESTABLISHED in 17St>.
x>. ». wmrr ]■ [a. turoar.
Qazirrrs But .discs, noBD nun, xm do ok to
ln sdrsnce)-—.. 2,00 «*
i>j. o Club a, st s reduced me.
Our e, (iciiino of NonpmreilOT Uti)
1 one • nenlon —. 60J0
One ’r, eieh Bddiliouu insertion- • o£s
J-f* » one week , 1,75
O. two weeks 3JOO
n. three week*—- 4,C0
V'. . one month-.—5,00
in two momhs—— ; 7,00
three num'M 0,00
{>“ lour months *lO.OO
P" »ix months —•••-• 12,00
‘*o twelve months-• ——- * • 18,00
Marking Curd (8 lines or lersj per annuo*
B'<lulrr. 8 '< lulrr . eli.njMble «iplr«.orc (per .n
-num) exclusive of Uie paper***- 25,00
*' o / additional square, Inserted over one month,
arm t or e*u:h additional square inserted under the year*
I) Mies, hull jmce.
Adve!ti*cnj en u exceeding a squsre, anil not over
• i? c ."<- ,, . ue *l Xo charged as a (quart end a half
i| uuiujicru not aceoumable for legal advertisements
beyond the amouut<hsrgcd lor.their publication.
Auuonnciik candidate* for office, to be charred the
lame as cthef advertisements. 8
AdvertL*«u :nli not ranked on the copy for aapeci-
Cetl number« r InmnJui.i, will be continued till forbid
and payment jac'ed accord.
->>'• ICCUfti
. T, ‘ c w r . r, M k/ Wot ? e V ly •d»«U»cr. will be confined
ngidiy to tbcif regular bu.inew, aud all oOiar adver
u*eru«ri u not pertaining to their regular butineas, na
pgrcrtl »ot, to be paid extra.
» Aii advert! icmenu lor charitable tn*titation», fire
coni|ii-.iiie». ; ward, townihip and oiaerpublio meeime*.
"*« Bjvoiice I *' lo ** <Ultr2c ‘ l urictJy
M«ma<e notice, to be charged 50 eenu.
Iteiih notice* inserted prhboutcharge, qnleraaecoto
panted by fouend invitation* or obituary udUcea, and to uccou,pained to be paid for
ailreru ' er « oil other* lending comnu-
Lo'Moi'wmrBo?re« n^ n ° UceS
nn Concens . °r *»* rublic enter
tiiuimcnu. where ehargci are made lor aomiaance—
mc^lfurVr e * Moci,lll6D, ~* ve, 7 nelice oe *
nfi «r n,,oa ,O P n, »« enterprise* calculi-
U 'nSwhl 1 ?" individaaUntcreit, can on
n,l,r ;K? ,bB out lcr»tanding that the name it
ro un.iTibe lni * < *dcd to be inerted In the foea
Urea y«c» u p?iisS be aithcntoof notlMß
to charged triple price,
i j % tnt bicenre Petition*, 8d each.
fuilVncca* ‘^ c ‘* to bo charged at_
mn t«» bp'^. t h.«^? ent f BRd Auctioneer*’ Advertisements
n ' ld « yearly rate*. tm to bo allowed
fln^ K “ LT nr OAH.T rims,
una .“square, three insertion*——
In ' ench additiouaHnnenion.--- 37
anvsnraiMxsr* in -wxxxit rxrzs.
Oue Square, (lOiine*,) one insertion-••• 50 cu.
*n.~ . each additional iiuertion- -S3 “*
. *» transient to be paid.m advance.
•AVIIITE A CO., Gauttm
y HARPER, Poll,
JAhIES I*. Harr & CO., Chronicle.
EUSTKR A Hit OTHER, Dtipach.
* SNOWJJBN, Mercury.
JAMD9 W. HlDDl.p. American.
~ HIRAM KAINE. Evening Tribune.
PiiTsintau, Dee. 1, IMO. -
fie PJ main Willi™ BikmlL'
A rOHNE) BAT LAW—Office iu'Tilglun&n Hail,
~~-9j.! al J !L ' ccl ’ Mar iio Coun House. few
AT LAW—Office, on Fourth iiree
SmilllficW *“ L3wr » c ' 8 BcUdiny*—np «i«?n
ASr FK f kuh '
daVid c- tcttEe; r ~
Ail communications promptly answered. oetZMy
A &’ CR(jZKß,Coaumaf!oa Mercttsius
iw.aii^^ 6 " “ No. a Market juSi*
A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Commit
e,K?^r r p ' mu,iY, “ i *' *•
d «>ell> & VapJc, M’Cord A. King. augl4:dly ’
t. n. anu. “ i ~ *
Attorneys and counsellors ax law
tourih street, between Smitiificld and Urant!
-.moorxti, ra. n
A TTOI.’NEV S AT LAW,Fourtiiein:et,riearOruiL
- jßifctr
A TTOBNEY AT LAW.-OlGts on Fourth il bi
£1 tween SnutLEehl and Grant »t, J'iuabvcfcT
■ptlSally- "
ittAUT"-'. ••ioua 1. COSOB4TZ. •
w. n. wood<pui*«~*>— uqiut
._T>AGAJ,EY. WOODWARD &. Co- WlioleaaleCro-
JL> ecra, No.tttl Market street, Philadelphia. notsE
pluibargb Alkali Works. ’
BENNKTT, BKRhV t CO, Manßiscturerx of Soda
.Ath. Bleaching Powder*. Mu rutiu und Suipheric
Acid*. W arehqufc No. Water itreet, below Ferry
porSO-ly ' - . ■*
. 'Kputi ci fcIIACX, 6KOHBK urru.
I >KAIiI- t, UtUTER, Wholesale tuul Retail Drui
-U *Ul*, tamer of Liberty and dL Clair streeu, Pii£
burgh, pu may 14
tout* a. caato. w. saxtsaa*.
tlßAlli A SKINNER- Forwarding and Commiseior
' Merchants No. lid Market at, Pmsimrgh. spto
1 A. McaNULTY ft Co., Forwarding and Coat
J* raisiiou Merchants, Canal Buin, Pittsburgh Pa
1 mchi
/ > u. oKnM, VVhoiesaio Grocer, ttouimisuou *tnl
V » Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water st. auli
iiw<jn«sa'» Steel «md Iron
__ / <OLKM AN,' HAILM AN h Co, manafactarer* of
V/ Couch and Elipiic Springs, Hammered Axles,
Spring ami Steel, Uou, he. Warehouse on
Water and Front erects, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers ing Cqgth Trimmings and Malleable
. Ca.«tii!gi. N oeua .
Y7M. V.. 7/UtfS J. BXXItXTT.
ONIiLISH A UENNfTrT, (late English, Gallagher
4* Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Coranusaiua and For
warding Merchants, and dealers ia Produce and Pitta
corgu Munuiactares, No. 37 Wood st, between Ud and
s . - 1 octl
. i/' <». Hfc-MtV, Attorney and Cowuxllor aiLatv,
-- Aj« Cuicinnuii. Ohio. Collection! in Southern Ohio,
n. ij in jmhena, and in Kentucky, promptly and care*
fully B'.v.i'ilo.i 10. Commissioner lor the Slate of l*eu!.*
ByWnnia, for taking Depositions, • acknowledgment*,
Kama Tt»—Hun. Wn. Beli & Son, Cent*, Church A
Carnthrn*, vVm. Hays, Esq., Wiiioch & Dana. aSS
• 1
iia ileirey Andrew iCFJcmuiR,
11ER8EY, FLESIiaa * CO.,
17OR (he »aie of Dsiiiciic, Woolen end Cottoi
(•cods, alto, Dealer* m all kind* of Tailora'Tftni
iiiirig>, No. ii!7 Wood street, fourth door from Ftld
Hcrihtsi.c Mcufi. Win. A. Hill & Co n Bonkers.
JTC !Wc> loifle*
—~.*A. M. Clarke.
A NTs, and «!ralcri in Window Glut, Wfciu
At No. ita Second *L jnnO>v
w ii. ii. JolfSirosT" :
T, 1 0^ u 'A ni,l?,ti * COMMISSION MERCHANT,
17 No. 1J- Second street. Piiutinrgh. dc>4
<ikouqk *\ Jas»s*d; Tiuia.
GI10K(»K W. SMIT4! Brewer*, Sinister
nuJ Ifop Deafer*, Pill *t, Pnuborch. *pii>3
f I'KOHiiK <Jl»cHKAN7C(Tomi*«onan3Tonrttrsli:l
\T M'-rcltcnl. Nft. S 3 Wood firm. Pitubcnrh. rnyi:
HAMII/lON STEWART, manofacinrer of lirai j
Shiftidj*, Checks, Ac., Rebecca meet, ci:y.-d
Allegheny. norU-dly
HLEE, (sueeefcor to Morphy It Leo,) Wool Dci I*
• er and Commission Merchant, for the sale p{
American Woolen*, Liberty, opposite 6th It. fcbl?
"vx. heals, Baltiraore~ ' " ~ '
p. C.K’CAUyori. JOKS A. WA2SKI, V
aEALI) A CUCUNOR, Tobacco Coraraisaion filer*
cbacu, 41 Norik Water st, AlB North Whsrvr*,
I'iiiin norpO-tf
A,A.nAsnr. ’ wx. r. ronxs.'
TTARDV, JONES k Co*, (successors to Atwood,
Q. Jones A Co.) Cotnreisoon and Forwarding filer*
caan*.i t dealers in Iliubarrh filuafsctared Goods,
I’mxbarrh, )’m. * «ne.b27
IVia. li. William-
Korlb Eut corner of Wood end Third •ueetj. :
i»nl PrmacjiCH.rA-
IHiIAJi bicxxr. SU9IXT DICUT.7I’,
fSAIAH DICKEY & Co., Wholesale GreeeT*. Com*
J) micsm Merchant*. and dealer* is Produce,
Ua.ter. and 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh. - nov°_
} NO. A.CAUGHEY, Agent Jbr lha l4t< Ule lud
Michigan. Line to Leaser and ibe Lakes.~o£ce
on the corner of Water and gmithficid su. jan4
John l#. ihlwonb-——■ .. —Tjoscrh Dilrronh
f 8. DILWORTD & CO., Wholesale Grocer*, rad
*> . Agents for Hasard Powder Co- No. 27 Woolm.,
Pittsburgh. ■ dcS-y
rout* #-nitwornt. . xosxrrt niLWouni.
* S. DILWORTJI * Co, Whole aale Grocers, Pro
• dace end Commission Merchants, and Agent*
<or the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y« No. 27 Wood «u
. Pittsburgh. , C jo .
TpWNajafDjiftacfinaarl Apothecary
It -» tJir * c <foors above Third bc Pitt*?
bush, will bate constantly on hand a well selected as*
•oronentofthe best and freshest Medicines. which be
will sell oa the most reasonable ferns. Phyaicitn*
sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and mp.
plied with article* they may rely epos as genuine.
'Xfi7“Pby««rin* PrcseriMioas will be-aecnrateJy and
neatly p. “pared ftem the best materials, at any bear of
nt driver night
Alro'lor tale, alary# stock of fresh andgood PerfaJ
tr*+T.- J j |u!3
* Y Counsellor at Law.— o 7
t 9 « Ceeon Fourthat,abovoSmuhfield, no*3-ly
JD. CANFIELD, (lata of XVarren, Ohio,) Commie
• tion and Forwarding Merchant, andwholerale
~-dealer in-Western Reserve Cheese, lhmer, Pot end
Pear! Aah, and Western Produce generally, Water
'• lyr et» between Sml'hSeld and'Wood, Pittsburgh. dp
?‘*fOMN WATT, (successor to fclwan & Hebbarj,'
*r Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant,
•.dea'cr ia Prodner and Pittsburgh Manufacture?, cor.
"frer ofL'i'crtr and llond ctreets. Piuibureh Pa. Jai/d
ifc'AMKtt A. VIUTCii&ON, A Co.—tcecestora to
•a l-<rn% Untehison A Co- ,Conual»*ion Merchants,
agd Agents of the Pl LontsSlcam Sugar Refinery.
Kl.O water and 33 front streets, Pittsburgh.
"j OHS H. M KGI/Glt, Wholesale and Retail dealer
nl in Mu'io endMu«icol Instruments, School Loon,
PapfT. Slate*, Steel Pen*. Quills, Printers* Cards, and
pmuoi:-*ry generally,No.Bl Woodsl, Pittsburgh.
U3*{lagt bought or taken ia trade. scplJ
f ociIOONMAKEB * Co., Wholesale DHsgtst#,
»l SI Wood «tfgft. Pnt’b.argh. - ; ■ •
OIT.NDh'<7H(iAN, Wlioletale deal
er in D7B gw*, Paints, (nia. Vainubes,Ac- No. 9:j
Wood * tree i, one door South of Diamond Alley, pine.
burgh. - . '
TUTIfTSTDAVIS, Auctioneer, coroerWftni
»l ureeti. Pittsburgh.
JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Bookiellen, hrin: c ?a
tad Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Marie; «•_ I'iy*.
borsK * j *r,
• • Richard Pijirn
j.®JS 6 raatj
252 “i*
) Vh ° :c » cI *urocer, CcmnuttTSn
J. SpoS 2 jj\&
Dluk.ioct, MicSf 1 -? 0
lER & JONES, Fonr&nliar asdCommiuioa Mi
l n, £o<suc ' J *udPituborch m»r
cwed article*, Canal Pawn, near 7th bu <!-ji
ENNEDV, CHILDS A CO n Manufactnrer»ofv
' l ?Pj r D r I* 4 SUteiinjt, Carpet Chain. Co«>y
and Batting. * ja3Mt>»»en
_ V«mTlni Ifan Wi»k«i ; r
I DALZELL ht Co„ manufacturer*of *llll
- gl J cet i Boiler Iron and NniU.of iho best
’* *ri^loU * c ! M water and 10i front u.
LS WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward*
• inr and Commission Merchant. Denier in Pitt.**
! n 7A*i anuf * cl,lre * w,tl Produce, No*, ai Water trt.»
ami ca Front it. ..^
general commission merchants.
, 11/"Liberal advance* made on coniitmmenU.
JanU Cm
IJ**- i?* 1 . 1 ?, 1 FkjUda. c. w. aicxcreox, Pittfcburvh.'
ILLER A RICKETSON, \Vhol«t*ale(jroeefß,iind,
iji inporters'af Brandies, Wine* aud Scgarn, Nos.
17i, and 174, corner of Liberty ami Jrwiu hipcu
burgh, Pa Iron, Nail*, Cotton Yarn*, Ac. Ac. con
stantly on linnd. augU
IP 11 * a *f to,U “ WALT** C BO*-
[y| CGILLS A RDL, Wsolctaln Grocer* und C.iinti.i<-
Merchant*, No. I'Jl Ltl*crty *L, Pittsburgh.
WILSON A CO., (laie Jones. Murphy' A
Co.) Wholesale Dealers lit Dry Goods, 4o
>*ood nrest, Pmsburgh. _ _ 'nnvij
7W| ArfULAV WILSON, Portraitw/iilMioiauirel’iuii
gTA ter. Room*, comer of Post Oficc Alley and
r oarth street, entrance on 4ih near Market,
it** r. «««».
AWUFACi LRPUUi of rpriiu; and Mister r;ecl f
plough itcel, steel plrfusll'-win« l V..ttrh and din
ii C ?f nn S*ihammered iron axles, and 0 talers in mal’
[cable Cnaang*, frre engine lamp*, and conch mot nunc*
generally, corner ufßnra arid Front PiiiibarsTi,
t SON, No. to. Market st, second
*, ;i*iJ:^ Of . ,ro i? n° rT l c . r of fourth, dealer* in Foreign
Util* of RicLinjjc, OeryfieateaofDeno*-
't, Hunk Note* and Specie
on. til the pruieical eibe*
■liroughout the Dulled Whiten. *
NBUCJCMASTEE, ALaisttxxa—olLeo. Fourth at,
• toml door bumhtcld. *ooih side.
+Si2 a ' t^?? Lnci F ie all k ' Joi ‘o wuli lire grecteri
core ana legal accuracy.
TiUe» tc Real K>ta>o examined, 4c,
PilUVi UlsfiUY KUHKnnK. ,
T>ENN STREET, between Wayne *>o Hind, bur
,TL. Kinaed ha professional dnues, cjnnjr nisiruß-
Uem* o<a the Piano, Guitar, mid in Voepl Musi*.
aajtHwll ~
g&a~P£l£liii twn
BXw *Urneai VV°ctil—All quamilic* of Green and
doa ?. B P In quarter, hall,'and
ooepoaad rmiriiig froinSO cu.>cri.ottJid
®y*r:. .sJH A- JAVJiES, Agl.j~or Pciiu’&ja*Co.
NO. S 7 Market ttreet, Pittsburgh, Pa., keep constant
ly on band and make to order nil kind* of Viai*
uottle*, Ac. Porter and Mineral Water Bottle, of w
pertor quality. 1 * w
Particular attention paid to Private Moulds.
- PQV-’U-ly .
Lil'lLK tt CU., i\o. i;*3 l*lt)cny^ et'CCE*
. Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce* usd
Uommijtioa Merchant*. and dealers in Pitubcrvii
Manufactures. Jr 7 K
KQBT. acaaox Tao*. Lmxx- iujq. c. toei*>s.
Groeer, _ Reeuivjj;-
iv DwtUler, dealer m Produce, Pit:*!<er?h JHapufac"
.urw, nud ail kind* of Foreign and Domestic Wmcs
*nd Liquor*, No. U Liberty street. On hand c very
arje stock of superior old Monongaheln whlsitcy,
which wiil be *o!J lotv for cash. apl&ly *
jiixicr J L.J*. "" -• "
- UTXOUI3| * T_ T «nw»
KEYWOLD3 &, 3IIEK, Forwardinjr and Comraisdon
Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal
«d Chlodde^?iie tollaCe ’ “T**•' H.»!*cMrr-
Tbchigncstprtces, in cash, paid ai ail times for enon
ry rag#. Corner of Pena and Irwin *ts. imiJU
ROBERT DALZKLI/ & Co., Wholesale Groren.
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers
£ Prodace sad Pittsburgh Manufactures, liberty ai.
Pittsburgh. Pa. teh .s
Rpirr A. CUNNINGHAM, Whoielmle-Orcw-
Dealer m Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*
?44 Liberty ct i |via
Forwarding and Commission Mer
chant, kas.removed to No. 6J7 Front, between Wool
End Bmithficld street*. nnv
a. c aiuctLSTT, rHua.x. unma.
BilAChUTi' ft WHITE, Wbolesnic Dealers la
Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No.M Wood st.
nusourgh. feblrif
S* JTW. HAftBAUGH, W««rjae'rehiaits’f£sler»
o tn Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding
tni Commission Merchant*. No. S 3 Water su Pitt*,
L l .^‘l ,a ?i nrrsacaeK. jqh» oicuuls, *ukti.\xu.
CLLLERS A NICOLS, Produce and (iear.ul Coni-
O mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty #t-Ptiaburgh.
Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils.
SF’ VON UONNUORST, AOo^AVnolesalctiro.
• cen, Forwarding and Commitrion. Merchant*,
Oealen in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Pro.
dace, have removed to their new «toud)
No. 35, confer of Front ax. and Chancery Lane.
’I'ASSKY ft BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Commit
-1 sion Merchants, and dealers in Prdduce. No. 35
*Vood «rt_, PiUsiinrrrh. p. ->»
VEolesale Gr r
WM. U«i/ALKV A CO- Wholesale Grocer*-. If
and 40 Wood street Pittibucpti uovJ7
W. *». niTCUELTREB, ' *"
Wholesale .grocers, Kj;critviNG dis
tillers, ami WINE and LIQUOR MERCH
ANTS. Abe—lmporter* Ai«a and JReacliing
PowdeT, No. ICO Liberty »L,.(<>pp<xitc Sixth *L,i Pms
baryh._ . . «, nctgt
IOUS s. Win, DAVIt,
XITICh* 6b M'CANDIKSS, (sneresvinteL. A J.J)
77 >Yiek J Grocer*, Forwarding and
Ct-mrobsiofl Merchant*, dealer* in Iron, Nails, Glim,
Loitpq Yarns, and Pittsburgh Alanufacture'.-gcnerully,
nfWood'ond Water -trrct*. Pmsiiorcb-
LIT VV. WALLACE, Mill stone oad MiH Funiffb
\j • ingeiiablislunetu, No. 3U Liberty at, i^vrihe
_ . " CinrJS
WiCSoj'i, TV uteres. Jr welr>, r-ilVcr Ware,
• and Military Gooa», fnrnrr of Market and 4tlf
■tree:*. Pmsbcrgh, Pa. M. D.—-Waicbe» and Clock*
carefatly repaired. iiee-1 ■
WKST BOWKN—CoinimMUn and KerwsirdSnir
Merchant, No. SO Front 8U between Wood and
Market strcr.t*. f«*lrJ4
« Foreign and Domenie Dry Goods, north east
ennjcr of Fonrth «:«. nuglU -
wai Jso. »T>fe::slr
WM. YOUNG & Co.—Dealer* in leather hide*; &a.
143 Liberty ft. ,An&ly
W* R- M'CUTCHEON, VTholeaaie Groccre, ifr».
• f«r* iu Produce, Iroa, Nails, Giaaa, and Pins,
burgh Manufactures generally, 1 Cti Liberty at, I’uu
burgh._ dee2
WM''TfSiߣ.<Nj " '
BullzTy Pa
WILL *lao attend to collection* and &JI orhsr
nets entruitcd lo him in Outlet and Armsben*
counties, P«- Refer to
J. A R. Floyd, Liberty «t.>
W. W. Wallace, <3t> I .
Junes Marshall do f Pittsburgh.
dly Kay A Co-, Wood si. ) jan?
Omccaeovs SI. ALLU&Co,
BWgBIHIIPIagJ octal r.'o. 42 Water street.
-L U. McYay.
TV. A J. GLENN, Book Binder*.
TTTE aresuil engaged in the above business, corner
T f of Wood and Third streets, Pif.sbnrgh, where
we are prepared lo do one work ta nur line with flu*.
f'tteh. We attend to our work personally, and eau*-
detion gives in regard :o iut n.-atnese and du
Blank Book* ruled to any puitem and bonnd sub
stantially. Boakr in nambi-rx oroid books bound care
fully or repaired. Names pot on books in gilt letter*.
Those that have work in oar lice arc invited to call.
Price* low. ' frayJmf
Beale*, Cooking iitovei, Grate*. Ac.
Marshall, Wallace a co, Roumi church,
-Comer Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture
and offer for tale Platform, Floor and Counter Seales,
of the most improved quality; Cooking (Moves, for wood
and coal; Egg Stoves of various sizes,' parlor and
common Grmei, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They also
manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given rueb
general satisfaction to those having it injese, to alt of
which they would respectfully invite iEe attention t>f
the and the public generally. oci27-dg
watxbxxb rajjsk*. zosoio* uansa. w*. s.iuir
(Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co.)
is Foreign and Botnctde Certi.'knirs
ofDeposite, Bank Notea, and Specie—Fourth strvet,
nearly opposite the ittak of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney reemred on tlepoilte—Sight Cheeks for sale, and
collection! made on nearly all the principal point* (n
the United State*
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Amen ;an
-Gold ' , . f.
Advances made on consignment! of Produce, ship
ped Kat,« on liberal term*. • *l^
juscrinryxs or
ncoaei akd pbbe sp'jbhs,
Comer From and Vine streets. Cincinnati, o.'
ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Spirits,
Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly at*
ended to at lowesi-omjLet.prior. in'-lilSidly
9Xoxtongati«iir~ilTV«ry Htabl*.
*f\ ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened
large stable on First st, rOttriinp through
L 1/A 10 Seeondst, between Wood,and Cntifiificid
•““■*•*l*.,in thenar of the Mouoneahela'J|ousc>
won an entirely ccwr-udcfc of Horse* and Carriage? or
lhe be«quality atnflaiesl stvlea.' Horse! keptnl &ve*
ry lath* host manner. ' * jyjdfy
H f '- : no/jwtvooobtreet, *
AVE bow to store a Jarce and central u«irM. n .
vountv Merchants »i reduced pnees: and which ih?r
wUlseiUu jr \:jndoeemer.:*w euh buyers. orfZ
spororedw • • • ; i a ,;, # ror
filralagboia, [noar Plttabarch.i P»_
W'a«Aoo«; No. 137, '.Woodjfrut, Pitilburah
Jggft WILL cow tin tiy keep on hand a rood
flgjHWncm Of W«rt; of onr own manufeetnre, -n*
«opcriorquxluy. Wholewte and country Mer*
m T ehsmadttjtapeetfhUy invited to ealland ex*
Mua* forihenuelve*, u ws arc determined to sell
eiieapcr taanku ever before, been offered to the pob-
KT Order* sent by mail, accompanied by theeiuh or
»ry reference. win • tie promptly attended tn. mylfi
Fean UaehlßcSbap.
WlCHTMAN—BTantfaciorer ortllklndaefcot*
• ion and woolien'oachineir, Allegheny city, P«
■i no, above work* being now! ja fail tad mtceestfil m.
eraiton.l am prepared 10 exeaato otitra/wiih dispaieh
for al! kind* of machinery in ay hr.% t xih as willow*,
picker#, spreader*, ;eanl»,*nndicgnteme*,railwirv*
speedeA/ ihiuiliu Wfams. tcoofcn
eards, double or stile, for merehaniorfoiimry Work ■
male#,jacks, and bond latbia arid tools ifi «tJ :
erai. All kinds of shafting made to order, or platf* erv.
en for gearing factories or mill# al reasonable cf&rgc
* »—Kennedy; Child* A Co* lrackMoctliteU
A t-0., Kin>r. Pennoek fcCc-, Jas.A. Gray 1
.■£'PULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re*
flXf * n “* t **l“ commenced basincs* at Lis old stand*
he will be pleased to see his old custom
era and friends.
. ft^?.« h,S ‘ e s mb<>al ’s lld «fe«ry sixe.from 10
to 10,000 pounds, cast from pattern* of the moot itrprov.
ed model* and warranted to be of the best t.
Mineral Hater Pump*,Counter*, Railing, 4e„ toee
mrLTi , v »f iet y of Crass Casting*, If required,
turned and fiuilied in tho neatest manner.
. ki? M,e Proprietor of Ba. Ban's Atm-Amn
to J s ‘ l,y cc,pb ™«d for the reduction of
SS b?hiSJ2f h,nefJ [; The BoXe# '-'ompo.ttira
can Be had of him at all times. v
,7 "’“ioAIFK * AfTKIWROR*™"-
s''*^rlvr?* r * x " Woo ° *»»Ma*jutT. Pmancaan,
I ! T,! lo{ CUPPER,
Steam Itonis built to order. aitemicn given to steam boat work.
m £ ne ***ort£2tni of Copper and Knwi
/ V- " u rc,Ac. Ac., Steamboat Cook
1 finable Forgo, various wxc-a very convenient »r-
CB!i, ' ftn ‘ ; “ nigrum*, or rail road
athe£^?‘n M, ? tctfuHyln ' ,U 0 * lenm boal *OOO
Tfcnton fllnlna! Life lnsQrante Compao]
- Capital, *lOO,OOO.
JAMEs DURNO A CO., Agents at Pittsburgh, Pi
boabo of Bianmos, at iisxron, saw jimt
Jnmts Hoy, Jr. I Joseph O. Font, fir.'r
Deiyamtn Fish. U. A. Ferdirunt V P.
Johu A. Wear*. J Eli .Morris, Sec:ctary.
Jonsthan Flit, Treasurer.
saw toss. I raiLAiaiLmu.
Comptro'leroiXVew York. | Hoo.JarnesCAiunbcll
j David ||. While.
1 A&xander Cummittes
David Dudley Meld. W. J. P White, P M
Joseph Hoiie. - - | '
... .. saw JBCSIT. ‘ ,
Ww Lre.Gov. Haines. j Kk-tior. V ro am. %
J} • V; a *«• 1 ,,a,c Wldnck, M. C.
C.. D.W«il.ii.U. S Sen. | Wm. A. Neweii. M. C.
El-Gov. M. Dickerson. Hon. S. K. Hamilton.
A.Sidney Doaae, M» D. IW. W. GcthaiU. M D.
*h N- Y. 301 Walnut «t, PUfl’a.
Wm. M’K Morgan/M. | H. R. Bell, M. D.,
George M’Cook, SJ.*D, I Allegheny city, Pa.
Pittsburgh. Pa. |
The Agenu oi this Company, at PittsburgE are auth
orised to take every firsl-clus risk oil Lilc at a rt-fue
tu>n of luvnrjfiffw per e*nt. from the u«ual rates of pre
mium as charged ny other Companies.
. Amaii3o years of c*c,uUinga Policy of lusurance
For One Thousand Dollars—
..To run for one year, pus only £9^o.
<!o seven u d “
on Ufetimo, “ “ *i7«o »
And in the same proportion for any sum up to tSOCO,
whieh is the extent taken on any one life.
Thn* company commenced operation#on the Ist Oeu
Isss, and its monthly business up to the Ist OcL, ll?l*J,
shows a progress errs eding that of nny oilier Life Com
pany on record.
The Gru dividend of profits will be deelared to the
assured on the Ist Janaary, IfehO.
Pamphlets containing the vnrlous tables of rates,
and all the necessary Wormauon on the imf-ortnnl
subject of Life Assorauce will be furnished on anuli
cauon 10 JAMES DURNO A CO., Aran
Odcon Uuildings,
MJKANCE COMPANY will issue Policies of in
surance oifiiiirt Loss o« Dav&os by Ftas, tipon Dweft
mev unit Furniture. Siores. Goods, Ac., hr., on uppii
cauoa 10 JAMES DURNO A CO, Axe nu*
** c l" Odcon iJuiloingJ.
Tile Spring Garden iieailh fbsrir&nce Cuh
INSURES Males and FerasJei agsinat Ute Expense
and Lois occasioned by Sickncs or Acculent, by
un immediate allowance of from S 3 to 5a per week,
for one, two, three, or four years.
The method of effeeunr this Insurunee. uad the
manner of awarding the sick, will be folly
explained by Um Agent.
A pcn-pn can itifurc ntciu<.«t Sirkneu or Accident
which will dcunu him from hi* ordinary btwncfi. at
fol'owr, vtr:
Kor one yenr,bypeyits-54.31, atul receive 83week,
l'ortwo •• “ 6tV". 4 •»
For three M u •» “ * **
For four “ “ -10,vo, a “ c “
Or, fnr* peried o'" T'-.c' venx*, the sum ofSM.4O paid
u> nattily, win ~-r,.r? «•* r -r wr-lc while »iek.
Every arr > » inioiina’ixn r»iU be afforded on the
tubjeci of laiuranec pt-tieraicy. by
• , . JAilEa DLILNO A-CO, Agent*.
dcl?w3Srn Otleon Uuililitigs.
lilf< and Xl«*lth lnaaranee*
THE Malaal Ijfe and liciu'.U Insurance Company
nf Philadelphia, ltteoiponittfl by fo* Lepi*inure
of Pennsylvania, Mini h, INS. Cbaner perpetual.
Caoiloi, SIOOjPOO. Rates lmweb thas akt
tajua CuMPAfn, and fall at) per cent, lower than the
tuoal rate* of Life Insurance, u die following com
parison wall thaw; Thu*, a perron of ‘he ajte 01 3i» in
suring for SIOU for life, mn«t pay in thr Girard 84JSC—
PrmjarlTßnia < fci3C,.Popii Mutual, e*JO; Enuitntile,
BiM; New England. New York Lite, Al
bion, &MK; Lite and Health, Philadelphia. JU,VI.
Diabctom,— Samuel f) Orrick, Charles'D. Kail, W.
F. Beene, Robert P Kin*. Charles p. Hayes, M, \V.
Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M l> t'har O II Campbell,
Lewie Cooper, 1. Hodman Daraer. K. 11. UutW, ritwin
R. Cope. Prcndeui—?atnael X). Oriick; Vice Presi
dent —Kohl. P. King; Sepreurv—Francis Blacfcburnc.
Applications willbereceived,ami every information
given by BAML. FAIINKSToCK, Agl.
Office, romnierobil Rooms, center of
_ _• _AVood and Third sis. Pittsburgh
•riMJK INSUItANCti CO. or North will
J. makepertnan.-m a/:d limited Inauraocc no pro
perty in this city and vicini:/. aitdrn *ki;uuem« t.y
Canal, Civcrs, Laken. amTt > Sea- The nroperurs or
thin Comimnjr ore well invented, anti Cornish an awtll
aliie fund Cor the ampin Indemnity of all persona who
deatre to tie profee.t'l l»r inaur.uice.
myU \VM. I‘. JONHS. A
The Franklin Fire Insurance Cc. of Philadelphia.
DIRKCTOR*.— Chitrlea N. Biuicker. TJ.o.n»* U-rt,
Tobina Wognc t, feaznucJ Grant, Jacob /{.Smilti,
Gee. W Richard*, Morilerui I), letrrn. Adolpbo fc.
Hone, DQ7jd 3. Itrnwa, Mi>rri« Pauemon.
<!iuniJt» N- lUsckxh, President.
Cuarlen G. lianeker, Secretary. •
Continue to make tolerance, perpciani or limited,
on every description of property in town or country,
at rate* as low as arc coto'isim:: with eecunty.
To Company have reserved n cor.tmeent Fund,
whlrh with their CnpitaJ'and Premium*, safely invest
ed, afford ample protection to the assured.
Tint assets ol Uiu compuny. on January Ist, IS-19, a*
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were a*
follow*. viz:
•• Keai' Estate'*
Temporary Loans
Cult, ice.
sir’tevtas 7i
Fjnce their Incorporations period of 10 fear*, the)
have paid npwaidj of one Jion four hundred tbons
nnd dollar*, loscca L>y hie, thereby affcnlitig evidence
of the advantage* oflnaarancc, as vrrll ns the cl-ility
and disposition to meet with ororaptnr.M ail lutdlmca.
Office N K ror ier \V«iiJ und Ikl «*
Tilt Pennsylvania Company
Fok Ijiskcasce o.i Lives *>d (IxAirrtna A irtcmu,
IMIE first Life Insurance Company in the t* State*.
Incorporated March 10, Iblh—cha. ter perpetual.
Capital SSOO.WrO—all piud in.
Having authorised the undersigned to receive appli
cation! for insurance, on which policies wilt be issued,
according to their proposal* and rules, which will be
made known to applicants nt lib oifiee, No. *JU Weod
?oes arm TUCEOTon, rtioruitfroca.
MTUIS establishment long and widely known as
being one of the most commodious m the city of
Baltimore, ha* recently undergone very rxien
srve 'alterations and improvement*. An enure new
mnghas been added, containing nuracrcu* mid mry
Sleeping apartments, and extensive bashing rooms.
The Ladies' department bus-aim been Completely
reorganiud and lined up in a mo runi'iue and bcauu*
ful stylo. In fact the whole, arrangement of the Hou»c
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of
the proprietors, toward* the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
choll.engd comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their wide will always be supplied with every tab-
M4niaJ and luxury which the niarkei a&frd*, served
-up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac.,
Uiey will not b« surpassed.
In conclusion .&e proprietors bey to say, thnt nothing
trill be left undone on their part, and on the part of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
rhoprices forboaxd have alro been reduced to the
following rates:
Ladies’ Ordinary, fl,73per day.
GsnUeaen’s “ l^o
N. n.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will at*
found at the Car and Steambos; Landings,
winch will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge. mayiflf_
o'j^ oi: *Tu Aim exAA-i srarEia, rrngßcaon.
4», THE sabicnber respectluily announces that
'f* tuiw opened bis new and exeellcnTHotei
for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
tad lap public generally. The hou«e anil furniture
«ro entirely new, and no pains or expense havo-bera
spared to render i: one of tho too*; curafortablc and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is deiermined to deserve, and there
for* solicits, a share of public patronage.
«tU-dly JACUii HOUGH; Proprietor.
s ’! •’ 1
£3* M’COBJD * CO., J .
J£B (Saeeessor* to M’Cord A King} cBES
Comer of Wood and Fifth Strut*.
PARTICULAR attention paid to onx ReuUt Trade,
Gentlemen can rely upon gelling iheir Haii and
Gaps from oar establishment of the Best mtituu and
wonitsarxtnr, of the la tot mu, and k l the Lower
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale! art
respectfully invited to call and examine oar Stock: a*
wc can say with confidence that a* regard* ocaur?
S?^‘i.°?uiSSiK“ irc, ‘°* c °° l> ‘ ti “ n
SJ? Printing Ink Manufacturer
No«. Ml and XD Stanton street NEW YORK—S>
potNo.aSprueestreei-Would call the attenudn of
Printers to fats unproved Printing Ink* „( v-tfious
kinds and orders, at the following priec* • - - r5 -
Extra fine Jet Black, fijr Card and wood
„. c ® : * * - $2 W and 5 to per Jb.
Fine Book Ink - . 075 »• 100* •»
Boot rk • . uiu ■“ oso «
New* Ink • ois oat*• o «$ *
Rue Red Ink . 75c 100 150 •* a txj ‘i
Blue, Yellow, Green and While 75c 100 I 5(1 «*
Gold size at 92 per Ih, and Bronze at 60. 75 elk and
61 per oz.
MA. Co., would respectfully Inform
. the public that they have creet-d n-sliopon
Lacock, between Federal ai d Sandusky streets. Tliey
ore now making and are prepared to receive order, for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot’s, B*.
rouches, Beggieo. phatons, Ac., Ac., which from their
lime expeneucr in the manufacture of the #bve work
and me facilities they have, they feel confident t he y are’
enabled to do work oa the oust reasonable terms wuh
those wanting articles in their line.
Paying particular aucutiou to the selection of mate
nais, and having non* but competent workmen, they
nave no hesitation In'warranting their work? We
therefore ask the attenlion of the this matter
N.B. Repairing dontf in the best manner, and im the
most reasonable terms. jahtiiif
Diaphragm PUUr, for Kydraat Wht»r.
e* T 11 1? «t® eemfy that Ibakenrw
JflL. pointed Livingston, Koggea A Co*.
So)e Agent* for the sale of Jemung's
Patent Diaprnhgm Filter, forthcejl
Yf ties of iriUsburvb and Allegheny.
for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway,
m Oetlo.lMS. '**'
We have been fc«ng one of the above articles nt tbs
office of the Novelty Works for three month*, an trial,
and feel perfectly satisfied that tt i* a user'oi invention!
ii'd we lake pleasure in recommending them ns* u*e
foi article to si: who love pure water. Orders \yill h*
ihaiikfuliy received and promptly nettilcd |
Pitt MacUls* Works sad Foundry,
rirwecirtuf, r*.
JOHN XN RIGHT A Co., urc Prepared to build Cotion
and Woolen Machinery ofnrerv deseripneii, »ucb
n* Carding Machines, Fpiruung Kramer fcpetdrr*
Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers.
Dressing !• ramc«. Looms, CardGrir.der*. Ac WrongnJ
Iron Stalling tarned; ail sixes ofCn*t Iron, Pullirsar.d
Hanger* of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and umils of all kinds Coaling* of ovary description
fomlshed an short notice. Patterns made to order for
Mul Gearing, Iron Railing. Ac. Steam Pipe fo f !,, at .
mg Factories. Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Ca*.
uiigs generally. Order* left at the WnrehmuecfJ
I aimer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt alien-
igcct. 44 Water *t.
KtftMo Ul.cki.ocj, feu t c, J. K. It
Co., o. h. s\ anier, Joun Irwin A. Son*. iVijttmreh' <;
C.JtJ. Steubenville. ' «hW
THE «ab*eriber offer* for **le alarjteand splendid
•iwrunem of rosewood and maWinr pmad Ac*
uon Fiano*. with and without Col-tuta* celebrated
Aolitui Attachment. The above mst/uraeuti orewnr
ranted ir Im rand lo ony monuractuwd iu Ibis roun
tr>-, and bo sold lower than any brought from th<
k* !Urt - F. ULUAIE. No MS}' wood m,
... t » cj ... W door above ith
N. B—City Scrip will bo taken m par farn few o
be atwvfl asToruue>'t. myi p jj
•*l,M7,4rja 41
• 04,734 Kl
■ 51,5:3 ts
3VW 37
ITX fIM.> we have now b«n uJn* riore than
a year, and on looking over the entries made by it. we
find ibe color a bright blue blnec. In. pieaWu w
frco, anJ doe* no: clo* the pen like
the ordinary ink* in use. \\ uhing vou the rcarjjr tale
its menu demand, we are, yours respectfully,
„ , ] SIMPSON & CO.
For "ale, together with HibberV. ltd Jut and Ma
chine Copy jink, by 11. a. FaUneitr-ck & Co., 11. p
and by tae nianufaetnm,
T. K. Jlibbcrt, Dnispji and Cheir.m, corner ol Liber
ty and Smttlibeld «tg, Pittsburgh. ocU3
ly—Vi per annum.
Published in New York and PiU.’-burch every Sat
urday monurg. ’
*uri*c.ri*iv*r* can be supplied from Jahuary Ist,
11 ' immediate application bo made icttAcr perron*
uily or by Ictterj to tbe ollicc of publication. Cl Wood
,;rcct - f<-‘-7 J D. LOCtvWIJOI).
S^Tei* 0 I,Efl £Lli'E~Seller*’ Vctmuugo is tticurU-
„ . ... Ltttnn*)*, Vn. January”*), IMP.
Ptr J. SI. \vil«on—l)vnr Sir, The rid of Seller*’
Vermifuge I taught Irom yon, some tine ogu, brought
from tny cut five year* old, the astonishing i.untner ol
fur hundred worm*. I believe the wonld have itved
a very »*jort ume. but for thl* medicine.
Prepired and told by R. K. SELLERS, 67 Wood it:
*j-uSj l>ru! ’ s “ u generally in the two ctli:*.
TT _ Vslwst Pile Cornet.
VV ™ c pLI>iTUCK ii nowopemngtheliandiiomest
» " • 111111 ra?*t aupetb Imported Velvet Pile Carpet
ever before offered in Hit* market. tn which ho Invncs
tho attention of parchaser*.
HJ*Carpci Ware Room*. 73 Fourth it. janUl •
T ..P*®**.Arrival of Now Goods.
HE subscribers are now prepared to offer Mill
greater inducement! to purchasers of Dry Good*,
rnetr established low price* and immense receipt ol
Goods, (having received over 100 package! of new
and desirable good*,} comprise in part-
JC3 dox Frerch Wrougnt Collin mid Caper;
JO p* Rid, Dross Silks;
loop*' Alpaeeas, from -JO to 50 cent! per yard: •• t
-6 case* .Mopuhn D’Lain?, from 10 to tUe per yard;
26 ■* Mejiinac Print*, all style*;
2 “ Mourning “ from 10 to 12}c per yard
-10 *• Ginghams, good styles, l*(c per yard. * *
bisecting*, Shirting*, and HomsekeepintfGood*, 'in
great varieties,jail ol whioh will be offeredat extreme*
ty low prices, BI
feld?. A A MASON k CO S, CO Market »t
17 LOUR—to bbl* Familyi in More and for sale hr
* fcW, 8& W HARQAIJGir
Dlaaolutlon of Partnership.
MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm*borelo
fore existing nnder the style of BUSHFIELD A
LEADER, hat been dissolved by Henry' Leader tell
ing hit enam interest in laid firm to John McGill. Ail
butt nett eonneeted with the firm of Bushficld ALead
erwUlboacttled.byS. B. Bnthfield A Co- who are
duly authorised to make all collections and adjust all
Pittsburgh, QcL.87,1849.
N- B.—Sj B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will continae the
und retail Bnr Goods and Grocery business.
«the o.d, No. 290 Liberty rl tvhdfe they
wilt be pleated to hare their friends and customer#
eau and.examine their stock of goods.
Tt v heretofore existing tinder the firm
H RADLEY, is dissolved by the decease
ofMr. C. Bradley. Tho business will be carried on by
A. Bradley, who will settle the business of tbo late
, 2EMOYAL-—A. B&aslxt has remo vedbts Fonadry
Warehouse from No. U 2 Second street, to No. IF
wood street, between First and Second tueeu, to the
warehnnsc lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where lie'
wul keep constantly on hand a general aaiortmeut of
.Castings. Onues. Stover. Cooking flinwt, /tn. jyta
T„_ iHiioTutloit.
Hh. co-partnership hereto tore existing between the
subtertben. in the name of Constable, Bnrkc A
uo.,is this day dissolved by ramaal consent. Meats..
Larke A Barnes will settle the butlfioss of tho don
cent, for which purpose (hey are authorised to nse die
name of the concent. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
to the name or BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe*. Vault Doors, Ac.
Ac- at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke
* where they will be pleased nrreceive the i»a
-trooßgo of the customer# of that house a ndtteir friends.
In retiring from the Ann of CohstaMeTßurke A Co.,
I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A
Itartioe lo the confidence of my friend* and the public.
*'fcbftifif 0 * Nathaniel constable..
■i,* .Ttv* o *' u<rcn»..,
]\ * • ,H oll J L***® st., N.Oricans, keep constantly on
A* Lsuo h large assortment of Brandies of tbv/ollow
lug-bt undt, which they otfer for sale us agents for J.Du
* if°n dc^ u f ’ Z.' z: M «S ,o *y» J-Inice. J.Duracd
AU. Urochelle,J.J Durand Coguuc,,
~' - Je ai «"»lore, Jean Louis. Ac; also, An
chor Gin. Bordeaux Med and White Winexin cuka hnd
ca»es, selected witu cure by John Durand ACc: besides
Lnaiiipagnc Wine ASweet burgundy Foil ffeli7-IV
a. 1. srraar. this b. jim
STUART A sill, Grocers, and Produzc and Com
iniH»ion Merchanu. No. US Wood st. Pittsburgh.
, '* 3 ‘ rr :/ n piocenes, Boer,- Whea*. Rye, OtW, Com,
Bar.ey, I ork, Bacon. Butier. Imrd, Cheese; Clover,
riuiothy and-Flax Seeds; Irom Nails, Glass. Ac. Ac
i*roducc rUCnlar auenU ® a -P-“ d 10 046 » tJ o “f Western
Ritecs-sCO—Messrs. Myers A Hunter, Unit Dal*
j.m* a?” “f?' 11 " Roe - Hampton, Smith A Co.,
Ktog A Moorhead, Pmsborgb. Kenner
* U ’ * ,tr *' ti " £*}., St
toun *. cjlsjb. late of N. LiTboh'.O. w.**. ui!«iu
ILNERAL AGENCY, CortyniMion and Forw#rJ-
T tng Merchanu, No. Sfi Market #t, l*iUsborgh,-Ps
.ftfte'ffir 11 wue porcta « Bßi3 '***
“14 Co., Murphy, Wilton A Co.
& Hili, .ifablon Martin,
p ?L, Il *n | l* Blown A Co., Grigg, Eiliou A
Co- I hiladciphia; B. W. Snodgra**- A Co., GreiC' A
Naee, New Lubon, O.; Kr. fckiouci, Hon. C. 1L Colin,
S' SISiL; o 11 "' u >
Gommitilon and Forwarding Slcrohants
so. 20 rimscafis. * * ■.. \
to transact a general Comhusatfin but!*
V-/ nest, especially m the purchase arid sale of Amerl
can Manufactures and Produce, and in receivlriJand
forvntrjiing Goods consigned to his eare. As Agedt lor
the Manafaetnres, he will be constantly supplied with
tba priiicicaJ articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at Oie
lowest wholesale price#. Order* and consignnienu
are respectfully lolicitcd, jg 7
A specimen ofNew* Ink can be seen onthiananer
For tale by JOiJ.N&TON ASroCKTON/
l'tititiurfb, j’a.
C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, OUo.
Morton A. Gr»»v*oetd, l,oul.«v>Hp, Ky.
A E* reseat for Your L'amlty^
‘•Tlie be«t |>nper in tbe Union f ‘
•Rather get in coal than gn without t i.«- f[tost. Post.
Young MEN in wholesale «mi retail and other
respectable, business, lo act as Book-keepers, Baie»-
men, Portera, Bw-Yecoers, Waiters, Fanners, Coach-
Agentaßoof and Map Agents, Collectors,:
w All branches.of business,' Ac. We have
at all tuoeaa large nimiberefgood situations on hand,
which pay from OWto 82,000 per annum. Those in
warn of utuauons of any kind would do well to give
Hi * *2M» H Lave agenta in each of the abovo d
ttes, which will enable us to place every applicant in
a suiubUsiteaiion aithe shortest notice. Webave a
1 “T° ) aetpxauuance La all the above named cities,
which we trust will enablous to give entire satisfac
tion to *n who may favor tls with a call.
: TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 6P Seeond st,
. i,' ' ■ / between Sonth and Gay.
N. B.—Persona any pan of the U.Btalea,
Sr“ , Wto obtain a'Bitaauon in Baltimore, or ei
ther ofthe above dties, will have their wonts Imme
diately attended to by addressing us a line, (post-paid)
» by so doing they will curtail both trouble and ox
*nid» they otherwise would incur by oonting
‘®*“® e>ty*’ and seeking employment lor Utesueiyes
**!«». , TAVLOEi TAYMAN,
No. 59 Second street,
i PySs:dtf Baltimore. Md •
'flu,Battention ofthe publie is 'respecuuuy called to
,X_tbe foll&wing-eeriiacatesj
>*Mb. B.£axup—Having tested aqaxntity of Gold
'reigned by your Areometer, I find the result proves
your instrument correct; ana recommend tLo use Of It
to those going to California, as tho best method for oh
tuning the real vaine of Gold. Resp.yonrs,
„ ‘ /. B. DUNLEvY,Go!c Deatar.
Pittsburgh, March », IBW. 1
' -j PtmxuMß, Marsh 1,1*9.
Ma.E*xn»— Bearßin Having examined the “Areo
meter,” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate
to commend it to the use of those gentlemen- who are
nhoiit removing to California in search of Gold.
llgivesadloseapproximitioniotho specific gravi
ty of metals, and will certainly enable tho toventnrkr
to tuceruin when his placer Is yielding Gold.
CLOTilfNG—Just received fofUie
A' Callronua Expedition, a complete assortment ot
«. l V l LrJ t * t ' C '®* olil ‘ n Ki **• Prices ranging from 95,30 to
fHr*l for suit of coat, pants and haL For. sale at the
India Rubier Depot, No 5 Wood iL ;
_ ! I Ts.TI.Tr SxCCOXD JA.ITE*KX 111, 1!>43.
Patent ctossJevcr extension Tables, Sofas, Bureaus,
Boot Cases , Writing DcsLt.
T f ._~I*sX§* 0y WROUGHT IRON.
lIE TABLES fax surpassing every other in
vention ofthe kind now extant. They can toe ex*
icuditf Irom u-n lo twenyr-five feet, and when closed
laeieaTea are all conboioed ituiddi they are made to
Ml him and shape*, and ere admirably adapted for
j.-lcauboaia, Hotels, and large private families, form*
ln ?* , j}e n closed a cmaplete centre table.
BOPAB AND BUREAUS—These article* are inVal*
aatole, particularly to those wfc> s wi»h to econo
mise room, aad convert a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shat
at convenience, and when shot, the bedding it enclos
ed. A great saving |p room and rent. All the bed
ateaat wpea-eloacd lona a bcuaufal piece of furniture
f°r a narlor or utung room.
BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor
or drawing room.
For law offices, counting rooms,
unaeiher offices; when openod a most convenient bed
■tMgwieaeiosfid a perfect Desk and Library alone
Ail,these article* need no recommendation: the
■?.*““‘7°*“** "^oli?,{*i are warramed not to get
Le tc >T your interest* to eall and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer’s sum, No.
t-S Thud street, PiuabttrjtA In addition to the above
advantage*, they axo proof against bugs.
Work* for M»l««
r T H 'ief. U oK a ril>cr offar * {ot “ lc » STEAM BRICK
A 'VTJRKS, above Lawrcnceville, comprising a’
Steam Engine, S Boilers, C Mould Machine, capobfe of
manufacturing ttUMU Pressed Brick* (out of dry clay!
Z,3F*,n*1 b \ bnk *r n *n •«»!» threo acres of
loud on the Allegheny nver, ou which are 4 kilns and
shed*, machine and clay shed* wheellurrotrt, trucks,
•hovels, spades, it, every thing requisite to con?
menee operations at aa boars notice. Price, in»in|»m>
the patent right lo use said machine, flTMfi of
payment made easy. Without tho land, §5,000. iFor
1 P* n,c address HENRY MERRITT;
augv.-dtf ~ NollS Mooongabela House.
Wrptsght and Cajtlron Balling.’ "
f|MIE subscribers beg leave to inform the public »hat
i they have obtained from the East nil the Uto and
fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both fqr hcsjjei
aua- eemetene*. Person* wishing to procure bund
tome pauerns will pleare exit and erminx and judge
farthamselrea. Railing will be furnished at the short
«l coupe, and in the best manner, at the comer «t
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny eity.
Oysteral OyturiT
T>UBCE% CO'S Jfcitfv Erprei»-i* now renUrlf do*
JD livertng Cm and Stall OYSTERS, which tit of
fered Jo dealers and familjes at the lowest price*.
Quality warranted equal to any brought to this bar.
set, asd for sale by
... J.C.BIDWELL.Ajt, Water**.
Also—Aube following depots:—Rel* ft Berger, cor.
net gimlhfield and Second at*; E. Hearieton, liiainoodi
Mercer ftßoblnsoo, Federal »t .Allegheny. pelts
some PUMPS, made on an unproved
f y boo, to u novto frce» in the coldest weather.
.Feraose watunf sack article*, arc invited to call and
see then U SCAIFE ft ATKINSON’S,
“ m*B? ' I>t. between Wood Market ati
„Akw. books: .:«£«• uookbi T
'PUB Coastitnuea and Blaniard of tbs, Associate
.X Kefonoed Chareb in North Aaeriea: Bvo, bound
in sbeep, __ '
The Other Side, or Note* for iho History of the War
between Mexico and the United State*, written in
Mexico, and translated from the Spanish, with note*:
By A. C. R*miey. :
Sketches of Reform* and Reformers of Great Britain
and Ireland: By 11. 11. Stanton.
The Wort* of Preiident Edward*, in 4 toUj a re*
prict of the Worcester edition, with addition*, and a
copious general index. •"
■ns Mo-nun of KfypuoT Eprpl • Wltacuforlie
Bible: By F. L. Hawk*. I). D„ L. L. D.
Memoirs of Band Hale, late editor of Journal of
Coinawte, with selections Koa hi* Miscellaneous
" Hting*: By Her. J. I’. Thorop*oo.
• Tha Puritan and ifj* Daughter: by J. K. Paulding
Lo* Gnngo*, or art Inside View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia:. Dy Ldettt. Wim, U. S. Navy.
1-aaUiai Letter* to Young Men, on various lubjeeiii
designed as a Companion to the Young Men’s Guide:
By Wm. A-AleuU.
The Poem* and Prose Writing* or R. A. Danm 3 vi
Nineveh aud iu Remain*: By Layard.
For sale by ELUUTI’ k. ENGLISH,
...'““L. - No 70 Wood »t
A Prestnl~?ar Yanr n-*ns|7yT
PraUssxs Woily—ft* rtz ajcnm.
-The ben paper In the Union." (Evening Star
-Rather get in coal than go without it ” [Boston Post
New rabseribeg* con be supplied from Jan. I, iB6O
r immediate application be made (either personalty or
by latter) si the Ofiee of Publication, IU Wood *l
_ ""Now - RookTJait Axrlvid, ‘ - *
ltrtJly, with original designs by Dariev.
•flie Poem* and Prose Writings of R. H. Dare
Phyitcta" and Patient, or n Practical View H the
Moral Doties, Relation* sad Interests of the Medico.
Profession and the Community: by W. Hooker. *.| D
The Puritan and Hi* Daughter:. by J. K. Pauidinc.
aotborot the Dutclimm’s Fireside.
Lm Gringo*, or on Inside View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia; WHO Wanderings to Pent, Chili aad Polynesia;
by Lieut Wise. . For sale by
deal ELLIOTT k ENGLISH, 79 Wood «
BROWN’S American Angler’* Guide; full of Illus
tration*, ISmo. '
Paulding’s Puritan and Ilia Daughter 12mo
Dr. Hookeria Physician and Patient: ls)mo.
Mrs L.lis’ Hearts and Homes; Bvo.
Neander’s Lifo of Christ; Bvo.
Neander’s History of Christian Church; 3 roll, Bro.
Kev.,l*r. Spring 1 * Memoir* of Miss Murray; Bvo.
Amencao Almanac, itoO; bvo
l *olll Bookseller A Importer, Cl Wood «t
0 flow Is tha tlma to Sabaerllts.
rrICE of Scou’s Reprints of the Fdut Osanei
lies and Blackwood; Sit) per yenr.
..Mpff** A VVillis* Home Jouniml, pnhllihed in Net
lork weekly; 94 per annum.
ln^“'^ing' B Horocdlmraiist, monthly; S 3 per yem
The Cultivator, monthly; ft per annum. ~
™ AgrieulturatiM, monthly; St per year.
The Democratic Review, monthly; U per annum.
The Uonkeri* Magazine. «I« do
Bookseller & hnporLcr, B 3 Wood «i
dry goods jobbers,
M WOOD BTllKtrr, 1
A j OW rec ® T 'nff a *ery I a rye »toek of freak
X\. (Jooaa, of recent purchase and importation,which
they will Mil to the trade at such juice* aa cannot /ail
to give enure satisfaction.
Citjr and Country .Merchants are invited to call and
examine our rrock before purcliasinr el'ww*'***.
_ m y^
No. 40 Woos St., I’iTisscxoa.
ARK now receiving their usuul svpnlie* of Good*
lor uie Fell teuon, which they wiil be hopny to
exuibit to their old customer*, aiiU many new one*
n» may feci inclined to present ttiemrolve*.
Always taking greai pain* to lay in raehroodou
nrc adapted to the want* of the We»;ernttaiic, which
hJJii* experience enable* them to do, they can *ay wUh
much confidence, and without entering into rxidttil
of tneir stock, that the Western retail merchant Will
find with them all that hi* cuttoaers require. Those;
who have (armed the dnprofiiable habit of renairirur
to the bjuiero citiw tor their stack* of lQrv Good?
would do well to call, a* a candid compart,™
cc* would in many csmii result in the Ooavletion tint
the eXMRM: of going farther may bo obviated by buy.
big tn Pittsburgh. *pss ■
- ..w»BLE
WR. MURPHY centime. to keep olfbamt a f B I|
• aMoriment of iho Welsh UoihjinfcaLlerNn
ban recently reccWeda«pply
quaUliet. Al.o a«raiw*lown Floaqdi. l , c ' fl „s ™, f
cie and'weti adapted for the weer 'of inlS
olhtr. "•mins .omeiiinj w.rmor' u.n luoi]. aEo
l'cnion ami Uoum Flannel, for Infonu wear -S.'
(ErWhole..le Room, oj where flealen will
‘‘ Si 6 ”' 1 I °" d u “ n «“'o(eew.,,le jooS.
W M " URP ! ,I C J* U» MlenSpf bnjer* 10
'< ' j * t: ” or ' c *loct [if Prinu.oKWi cent*
pc; Toid.of (nil colon «m ne.c.t '
MSm? " Jl “ Eojluh Chinjaei, froolSi to
to. Ip-Wtolcnloß^g^n 3''
e 2f c fi lk “ ealoT *i u Cie > {ojnv
price Ue. jwn. ■A A MASON ACP .
CHECKS-! ewevwWiwkaiiminjCheak.,
jolt opened b/ . SUAOKLKIT A WlilT-K,
■ ’ ; 09 \Vood»trcet.
BLACK LACES, ineludinir a ft* piecerof
• Widl ° 1 ta^founji,Mlaw^jie«s,^K«lcu»of
' f. •
up . -ur. .si ■ .
P ?2™ s<m uiaufs tiucophkkl
; r^^ss^as^sgjij-s
word TUc fim joamil i2cSi
men of the highest eminence, prominent citlSsn* ofaJl
Pif t ? fe *® on ?> nndladles who Jjitb used it for year* in
iheir dressing room* iod nuraerie*. admit witiowlc.
glow, lakurianee tad
earl to the hair, eradicating scurfand dandruff k»ai.
ing, wound*, curing; contusions, sprains, wings, Ac.,
and relieving diseases of the akin, the gland*.ami the
muscles it has no equal among the mufdtnde of com
pound* advenUcd in the public prints, or used inert,
▼am practice.. In cheapness u well as efficacy Bar.
ry*s Tricopheroo* it unrivalled.
The affinity between! tie membrane* whieh conni*
•rate tie ikin. and tie hair witch draw* it* sustenance
ifom thu trtpie-onvelopd is very c)o,e. All disease*
or the :hair originates in tho skin oflhehead. If the
*caip, arq;Blogred,or if tho blood and
other Buds do not circulate freely through the small
vessels which fcedthe roots with moisture and impart
life to the fibres, the re*uJlis<*carf, dandruff,shedding
ioi the hur, rraynes*, drrneis, and bareness of the
Wimemi, and entife baldness as the case may be,—
Stimulate the skin to healthful acdon with the TVlcop
{.tro^i anU £?, ,or^ d recovering their activ
tty, will annihilate die disease. • *
_fn all affections of the skin, and of tho substrata of
nmsrie* and in teguments, the process and the effect
are the same.
,? p ® n 1 and the
fn?in Tncu P h s”>“» ha* it* specific aetion,
•nlia all affections and injuries of these, organ*, it U
a sovereign remedy. . ’
ssu , r;, , - ( r.t c * *■ ,i ' i ’ ru " ll ’* l
lE^” r “*» R. E. HEU.ER3,
• *ll men who ere tick and afflicted with di*.
■ly ,eu« of the bladder and kldnejs, with rheumaile
pain* in hock or limbs, stiff joints, old tore*, running
ulcer* 4c, that ibey can, tie cored by takinr the Pe
troleum! You mayjialk about it* being a nostrum aa
ranch as you please, but this does not make it so.' for
we proclaim in the face of an honest community, that
it has virtues which ’ro not contained in any other
remedy. The man who is racked with pain and suf
fering from disease, can for fifty cents, get relief from
anyoftheiUsennsmerated.above. Reader! it co»u
very UUto to make atnal. Tni* Petroleum is no mix
lure—no compond, pm up for the purpose of imposing
on the community; but It is a remedy elaborated hr
the master band of nature, and bubbles up from the bo
som of our mother earth in its original purity, and of
fers tn suffering human! y a ready remedy, a certain
and ebeap.cure.
R ha* cored Piles after other medicines have failed
to render any relief. It has cared RhesmntUmoflocr
standing, and of the worst and most painful character.
It has cored Cholera Morbus by one or two doses; St
has cured old cases cf Otorrhea, in winch everr other
remedy has been of no avail. Asa Iceal remedy in
burns and scalds, it Is better than aav medical .eoffl*
pound or ointment that we know of. It will cum chil
blains or frosted feet, in a few applications; uadoabt
fd testimony c«n be Aimished bf the truth contained
In the above statement by calling on Samuel M.Kier,
Cana! Basin, ?tb street; or either of the agents,
tfi McDowell, comer or Wood meet and
Vimin Alley; R. E. Seilers, 57 Wood street, 0. A.KI
- Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents.
A man by the name cf BUEL CLAFP has encaged
with a young man ofthe name of 8. P. Townsend, and
uses his name to put up a> Sarsaparilla, whieh they
rpamivs°Jr il^nd !* BaA^ ari i! t ’ d «t<»nfax*«ng it
GENUINE, Original, etc. ; This Townsend is no doc
tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on rail
roads, eanais, and the like. Yet he askumea the title
o. Dr-for the purpose of gaining credit tor what hois
® ot - H« i* sending out card* headed “Tricks of
(Juaeka,” in which he *aysi I have sold the use of mv
name for *7 a week. I will give S. P. Townsend 8500
if be will produce one single solitary proof of this.—
This Is to eaotion. tbe publle nnt to be deceived, and
purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
PTj^!f£ b iT o * rMe, ) < !’* BMWP«riUa, having oh it the
Old Dr.’s likeness, bis family coal of anas, and his sig
nature across the coat of anna.
Principal Office, IftJ Nassau si, New York City.
01I > oocToa
op ' rnjl OKmtti
Old. Dr Townsend is now about TOrcamof age, and'
has tong been known as the AUTHOR and DISCO.
B Swap*R?M 1 ?!? 7, 2rf ORIOIM^ L “TOWNSEND
ho wascoapeUed
S’.!™)“ MMUfteu™, WwUcl KUI ithJbeS
keju of market, and the sales circumscribed to
those cn<r who had proved its worth and known ita
..l«. rtti. us.™ .to umma, itoSlS, “
manufactured on the large*! ecale, and iacalltfdfor
throoghoutlhc length and breadth ofthe land.
Lnliie young S. P. Townsend’s, it improve* with
age, and never changes,- bat for the better, beeaaseit
to preuiued on adendfie principle* by a M&ntfScßUL
The highest knpwtedga of Chemistry, and the latest
discoveries of toe Art, have oil been brought into re
“*a®io«are of, the Old Dr.’s Sarsana
rilla. The Saraapanlla root; it UweU known to med
leal menjeontains medicinal properties, and come pro
penies which aro inert or useless; and other*, which.
If retained in preparing it for use, produce forme nti
tmn and acid, which is fajunoo* to Uc s/.i-hLSoma
of aumperilla are so volatile that
thejr entirely evaporate and arc lost in the prepara
tion, If they are not preserved by a scientific proeS*.
•”« 10 **»■* experienced in iu
Moreover these volatile principles, which By off in T a*
por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very es-
is to prepared; that a!i the inert properties of the Sar
sapanlla ipot are first removed, every thin* capable
of becoming acid or of fcnaeatniioit, is extreme? and
nyected; u»«n every panicle of medical virtue is .«u“
red in a pure and concentrated form u, ai i, i.
rendered uienjabi* or iwlng any of its valaablo an i
healing properties. Prepared in this way, ii is bums
ibo most powerful areatin the w “*°
Hence die reason why wo hear eommeadatim* on
« d ®toiu favor br men, women a« effiem
W-e find it doing wonder* m the ware of Consumption!
Dyspepsia, anTLvez Complaint, and in Rbeomaiiitm
Seioiuia and Piles, Costivcaeis, all Cutaneous Kron?
l “ r * I ' ll1 * ' ro,n
(ram unequal circulauqpjduiefallnalino7blJ3wifi
hadiu equal in eough* and colds; and promotes can?
expeemrauoa, and gentle.periplration, relaxing siric
mro of lha lungs, throng and every other pan.
Bat in nothing is tu eiceUenretnore manifestly «ean
fut Meases, Inrgalatity of the menstrual penodsTand
the like; and U effectual in eunng all forms of the Kid
cey Diseases. By removing obstructions, and reeuia.
h P.T? ' , " O “0 Mrennli u>
the whom body, and cures all forms of - 5
“ d »™ « ''.liiyt,» rre-TmASV Zua n
‘"“■t “ SpiMUrotnliw, Sooiulgm
“•W!i Swaoonw, fep.fcptio flu, Con.Sbion., », i
nottlin. Then, Tun Itofc, ton F..-R,:,, ctti, N.,n;
Bni can any of thews dut*. bo .Aid of A pV„y?.
.end'. Inlenor nrtioloT Tlua jroonj ».»■. liquid am
becao« of the Grand Fun, ib.i me one to lucaeabte
while °£'<Z
er DOES, it sours, fomentl and blovn ts e bottles
ecmmnipg it into fragments; ik« sour, uc-d TUnui?lc£
i pioduig and dunagingothergood*: Mustnmiils h«.
nbie compound be poisonous to the sgaim! What!
put acid into a system already duea*ed with aefd*
What causes Dyspepsia but acidT Do wc “otTll know
that when food soar* in oar stomachs, what Lschie/s
it produeetl—flatulence, heartburn,, palpitation of the
bean, liver complaint, dtarrhma, dyseiuerv, cholic and
corruption ofilm blcmdlf WbausScrufoiMan Sd
h “ mo . r .4. ,he ivtyl What produces ail the humor*
which bring on Eruption* of the Skin, Scatd Iliad
Sait Rheumlferysipelas, White SsraJUnamFe w£om
and all ulcerations internal and external! lllinou>
tog uuder heaven but an acid substance, which,cure,
aou thus spoils all the fluids or the body, more or lets!
What causes Rheumatism bui a sour aeld fluid! which
insinuates itself between tho joints and elsewhere, ir-
X !’
irworu'mu. 1 |£7 IW " “ d “U. «na ihluila.
OSDR'NG, f ™““™O I[> AC,D ) ,COMPOUND.
and yet ho would fain have it understood that Old Ja
cob rownsend’s Genuine Original is A
imitation of Ins inferior preparation'! ■ ** 111
lleoveu forbid Ibu wo .hould d'e.l l n M art.,,
wblch would boor life moil dinanl resombllaooto s
P T °T SffS * nlc ’ * ! “ d »«tk bSTdown
upon the Old Dr. .ueh a raouniaia load of complaint,
and crimination, from njonu who ha.e .oldi “id Dull
B' P - T.W M ond%°K';s&"£
We wish it understood, because li >■ the shanima
truth, Uiut S. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob
Sarsnparilltt «?<• heaven-wide opart, aud
S&Sfi, are unlike ineK
tieuiar, having not one «m 3 ,e tniugju eontmoi/
It ui to arrest fraud* nj>ou ILO unfortunate, to dout
halm into wounded humanity, to kindle hopo in the
despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and ei
jor 1510 llic cnj.M anil l.rokan and 10 taai.“i“ „5.
OK*.ii» UM v bR>AL COaNChNriUrKD /IE.MKUv!
within the reach, anti to the knowledge of all who
need it, thattbey may lenin and know, t»y joy ml ex
perience, its Tum.' powkk to uul 1
For sale by J. KIDD & CO., Whole,.leAvem for
J.aMifU, Ihrniinglii-u. Dr
e * l:cn >' Dr. J. CAMhLk Fifth
wruo. ij U. OAIUJ.NfcIR, etli ward,l , ui»:iurt.»li sjm
LlViiit COMPLAINT.—Another core
tuucff the original, only true audgcmtme Liver
»r r» ,AS KaDECX Urown eo -i March 20. IS-J 7.
Bc,letf ~ lll A P fl ' uiv wife was attack*
Liver Compliant* \id bid the advice of two
psyitciana, who tried vari.'u* remedies without prt>*
dßUmr any good effect. Having heard o( your cete*
orated Liver Pills, I concluued t.-» givo them a fair
trial. ) purchased or.e box of hi r. Scott, of Aberdeen,
and gave them according to the directions, by vrbtuh
“0 was greatly relieved. I procured second box,
which entirely cured her, and s!\o bow enjoys excel*
Jeatheaiih. 1 have used thcmrayselt, and pronounce
them the bei; family medicine I eve* tried.
: _ * OQI »i £«-, Massu Built.
Prepared and .old by R. E. KELLERS. 67 Wood «L
*° iantfl Airußg ' Ml fi cne rally in the twa ciUct
Vi«w of PJUibargb.
VIBIV will be published la as short a lithe
u possible; ud I can assure my subscribers.
generally, that tt shall l*> toramoa-I
both in fidelity cf detail and beauty of execution—to
whatever. Let those who doubt, wan a few
Hoars' 1 ,ee v li wmVEKiEt '•
Dee. sth, ISttt—{deli
■u ■ ..
"Nv Qaiuyii ’
A ' fiDo GUITJJtS, Just rrtfd from the
celebratciHoußfaeiory of C. F. Minin, juiil foe
gg?- \ •>• U- MELLOB. *1 \V*«| \S\
G iJ^ TI3B - a g^jj~2'i£asgs
Comtanbtg mo . rllmawy, mar. ethir Minent, ; '
THE following .tusumomaJ , wsj/ivea by the ede*:
brated Dr. Woaster Beach; the author of the great
Medical work -entitled .“The American Practice of
Medicine and Family Phyiician.” . . I %
‘•Having been made acquaintedwithtidlngredtejiU
• which compose AteAlli*feriatAll-HeaUiig:OiaosCßt,
and having prescribed and tested it in several cates ia
my private practice, I have so hesitation fa saying or
certifying thtt ilts a Vegetable .Remedy, containing
no mineral substance whatever: that its ingredients;,
combined a* they are, and used a* directed by the
•Proprietor, are not only hanale**, bat of groat valne,
* c,ent *fi c . Remedy of great powen and I
ebeerfojly recommend -it as a eompoond which has
Goao.mucbgoodj-aad which id adapted to the cure of
a great vanety of caaeai. Though Thave hewrelther
recommended or engaged in the sale of aeeretmedi
ctne*» for the tntlv honest, conscientious, hu
mane character ortho Proprietor of thih Ointment,
and the Tilae of hi* discovery, oblige tao to soy thus ’
much regarding fa \Y. BEACH, D. D.”
. Now York/ April 23d,i54&
. is one of the best things in the world
for Bum*. ° • .. >
PlLES.—Thousands ore .yearly cared by this Oint never fails in giving relief.—
For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has
noeouaL . ,
• If Alothonjand Nurse* .knew its value in coses of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would alWaysanply fa
In such eases, if used according to direction*, it rives
relief in a very fewhours.
Around tho box are ili ructions for uring Me Al lister's
Ointment tor Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,'
Teuer. Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat. Bronehitet, Nervous Affccuona, Paint,
Disease bf the Splne,‘Jlead Acha. Asthma,-Deafrifis,
f-ar Ache, Barns, Corns, ail Diseases ofthe Skin, Sore
Up*, Pimples, Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
ken Brean, Tooth Aehe, Ague fa the Face, ±c!
From the Reading Eagle
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought bo.
fore the public, that basin so short a tiino won tech a
reputation as McAllister's All-Healing or World
Salve. Almost every person that ha* made trial of it
•peaks warmly in its praite. One has been eured by
it of the mostlpainfulrheuiutriism, another ofthe piles,
a third of * troublesome pain in the aide, a fourth of a
swelling in the limbs, Ac. If a does, not give imme
diate relief, in every cose, it can do no injury, being
applied-oulwardly. !
As aaoiacr evidence of the wonderful healing pow
cr potieseed by tbirsilve, wo subjoin the following
certificate, from a respee table citizen of Maidencreek
township, m this county: l
Maldrne.feek, Berks co n March 30, ISI7. -"•
Messrs. Ritter 4 Co:—I desire to inform you that I.
was entirely cured of a severe pain in the back, liv the
use of McAllister's All-Healing Salve, which ! pur
chased from you, I suffered with it for about yo years,
and ai night was unable to sleep. During that timol
uied various remedies, whiah were prescribed lor me
physician* and other penon- f wuhout receiving any
relief, and at laat made trial cf this Haive, with'otc-.'
■olt favorable beyond expectation.. I am now entire
ly tree from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful
and sweet sleep. ) havi also used the Salve since for
tooth ache and other complaints, with' similar happy
result*. Your friend, Juan Huu>um*ctt.
„ , „ James mcallister,
Sole Proprietor of too above medicine.
jPwiclpal Office, No Sd North Third street, PhUadei-
Aomin in PiTMtaoß.—Braun 4 Rcfter, center or
Liberty and Sl Clair street*; and L. Wileox, Jr., cor
ner of Market street and i&e Diamond, also comer of
Fourth and Smithfield streets; J. 11. Caste!,’“corner of
Walnut and Pena streets. Filth Ward; aud sold at the
Bookstore in Snmhfieid street, :W door from Second
In Allegheny City by 11. p. Schwarts and /.Sargent.
By J. U. Smith, Druggist. Birniiijjhacu; D. Ncrier.
East Liberty; 1L Rowland, McKeesport; J. A'examlcr
4 Son, Monongahela City; N. U, Bowman 4 Co., and
J. T. Rogers, Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver,Pa:
John Walker. Jr., Elizabeth. rchtlecdty
Jndd*a Usdioated Liquid Cudols
rflHlS li undoubtedly the beat preparation evertli*-
A, covered, tor dressing Borns, Scalds. Cuts, CUil
blaius, Bruises, or any kind of fresh wounds, also tor
sem Nippies a remedy tmequalcd.
This article is intended for family use, and should be
found In the possession of every family in the lsnd
Mechanics who aro'ta constant danger of injury to
their persons through accident, and the improper or
careless use of toolsrwill find this aniele to be Invalu
able, to them, and iftar a fair trial will eonsider'it in
dispensable. vs ‘ .
.. , L l l, j #b ®at! tote for adhesivc plaiier of
all kinds, without any efct* iflconwßtfenees, ffiS is so
to ultoy nil pain immediately ond mort
A very little applied any wheie on the rurftce ofl>n*-
skin. immediately forms a firm, smooth eoatlng.f verv
atimJar tn tha natural eutieio or outer skin; wbieli may
be freely washed with water and soap, without anT in
jujr to the wound. ... . ' .
The article is freely used aud highly recommended
by the most eminent physicians of New England, and
other pans of tho country. J
'f l 'l>y R E SELLERS, 57 Woftl it :
B—The trade supplied al the manufacturer’s
*«729 UQISVAL 459 rZSSUSnTCCS* or aM . m
; Screfulii or King'. KrU, S2sKK*ob.ib.i« Con
’ Btouil?SSS'chS?'' £ P ”S« 1 '' °" F( “*■
**«•> Bing Worn
1 ta»fe33£!L* , .Head, Enlargement and Pain of
*?4 j£ ? mt *i Stubborn UJeere, SyphiUic
■ s^tev^ais^issßgj^^-
’ ike ££3 dfiv*> **f•» “ Ml “IttW
poieal of tho vegetablekingdom! ud
1 *?t iT te, {* < *». “ ol only by patients item
*w»Ur but also by physicians, that it bus received
reco ®“endations asd tho taprebA
i' £ “ -,? f P abl “; «d box established, on Us own'
ttruggfW wuh disease. It purifies, cleanses? and
strengthens the foentam spring* of life, and itfiiies
nr.v vigor itueachoui the whole animal frame
_ another cork ofscrofula/
' - 1*? fohowing sinking, and-« will be seen—per
man'.u cure of an inveterate ease of Scrofiii(L_eom
neadt itself to ail similarly ai&ieted:
.. „ Sociaroar, Cftnn , J«n. 1 lem
{ar '•« nlßteV
ed induces me to inform yoa of tie remarkable com
effected by your Sarsaparilla, In the cave of ay Jrife
w “■wrereljafiseftejlwith theScrofula £?s£
£2JP,¥“ u el«<l« of the neck were
grwly enlarged, cad her limbs muck swollen. After
suffering over a year, and finding lo relief iriimtbe
remedies used, the disease auaoked one leg, and be!
k kn , e « ‘ippnrated. Her physician advisedit
£S£? n !£» 1 i >d °2? a ’, ak ' 1 c > *** b »i without any
permanent benefit la this aituaiion we heard of. end
were indued tj> use. Sands’Sarssparilla. The tort
bqtte produced a decided and favorable effect, rciiev
m^ y she had evcVukel;
*®}b' f o r e au bollk*—to the astonishment
“‘flight of her fncud*—she found her keahh qu.te
restored. It is now over a year siooe the care vu ef
fected, and her health remains good, shoving that the
&*“*, thoronirhly eradicated from lie systetm
Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE.
-jJUtraet from a letter received from Mr. N. W. liar.-
ri *L? gentleman well known j n Loaijjana „ Va:
*«?:*.» oeft ’» h4T ?cored a negro boy ofnuno with
ISS .?“£s!« tali?* u “‘ kttwiUl s ' n,ful "-
iTA »„ MJ *“*»■
S . iM * l *** nj seoma almost unnnecessa
ryt© direct attention to *a article so well known, and '
so deservedly popular, as thlspreparatlon, but parienu '
often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induct d to try worthless compounds beariogthe nan£?
but oontsiulng little or none of the virtue of this valu- i
•bio root; ana we think we cannot confer a greater
s&saau; <
will find concentrated in this ell the medicSaT value
of the woe, The expenenoe of thousands has proved
Its efficacy In curing the varioas diseases for which it
is recommenced; and at the present lime mow than '
any other, perhaps, is thu medicine useful, in weoa.
SSI&Jt’jSS' B of i
Prepared and sold, wholesale'and retail, bv A tL * (
D. SANDS, Druggist *nd Chemist, street
epruer of Wilium, New York. &.ld also bv l)r£ i
gists generally throughout the United States and CaS. 3
ada. Price 11 per bottle; six bottles tnr w\ - r
Yor sale by L. WILCOX, J r n H. A. PAHNEST.-Mrir
* CO, and Edward ffiSh 0 ??
O. h. Dr. 8. SMI 1 11, nridew.w. ~ J
ParaiaS^ '33^ s*
Tobacco, Iloaiin dnd .rf L 2- be . !, «
Bra«,C4sUngs and. Brass \Vorks r?* 11 * I *'
offerej- andTlrst streets. K«nerally. Corner
TUB subscriber, having purthared tti. p . ,
James Jr.. SeaS u iiT.f l6Xor7 °, {
would respecuhUy iufDrm hu friends »-»a b .t 7e
that he i. prepared to fi»any o?«, h« C pub L ,e
moi; rcawnable terms ami k De ’
fcei grateful foMheirpaironige. P a:I J wiil
nuibai|k l Ju.l l ie». THUMAS 'AhsiNSOJt.
7°. f ««**W»i»nent to Mr.
1 t * ko lh « liberty to «i.c«
f• t «*"»So of my fften*i«'£)id U.e pobl.e,
ifidem that any fovora c.fnrerrcd will bo
•lated and promptly attended lu.
'•W PlaßM>
Thontu Pi
for him the
feelin? coni
duly appreei
PiU»bttrgh, Jan. M:
Juitrtceireii,oue elegaat Ro'emsod
Bsn Ofc octave Plano Forte, from the eelc*
brated factory o> T. Gilbert & Co.,
■■ " I 1* ttostoo. This instrument is rcmarka
bus for brilliancy and stveetnetsoftone. anti elasticity
tutooeh. The above firm is considered one of the
very first in Boston, and their Pianos, lor elegance of
exterior, beamy of tone, and duration, are uot sarpais*
ed by those ofany other moke, Fflrsslaoi.
tile terms by »_J?L.,KLEBkR,
rantM ati: W. Woodsreli'q.
-.TI T R. MUR**H V keeps ctuouniljr os bind an cou
jj . lonnem oi Oleaenea Linen TirS'.i Diiprrat of
•itaercol wulih* «ud qu&Jitiea. Alto—Tstife Uioih*
sad Napkin*, Toweling Diaper* and Towel#, «nU *'
full assortment or noase farnlihisjr jo&da.' • YrtiU'
DlaaaliiUon of Ce«Fwgt»«rahfp* L
The Co-Parmmuip exittwg •hemrafa.lfaArSMet
signed, under the stylo Esfao.^fe ;^o«
was mssidvcd .by taaluai conicnt,-Jarii jaSPi.-F- H.
Eaton, having purchased the entire interett.of,\y. r.
Marshall, who.retires, will attend to the off
fobs W. P. MARSHALL.
9* .' * •
TkRALERtn Gloves and Hosiery,Triominn,F*aey
1 J Goods, Ribbons, 1 tcca aMEmhrolderiei{Zt(kyT
Worsted, Paitenta and Canvas*. No-8S Foanh aueeL
Pittsburgh. . A. fall supply, of Pine Shirt* and Genta’
- Under Q annccta. ~ ■ fobi-lm
4 Ruglish, in the Book and Paper BuriaWfoqraa
dissolved on the Htb -tost, by matmal eonauiL Tb*
basinet* will be coudoucd at -the .old ■ ataad. No. 7*
Woodsireet,uttdenhefiraibf‘ , AiH.'Eftkil“«
by wnom the bealnes* of thefoemer-paitaqraaiptwin
be aettfod. ~, _ SAMUEL ELLIOTT,
fcb!3 •- A. H; KWLIBHf ?
‘•' v< iis
DM. LONG, havli.g parchaaed tbe iatatddtjof
• James Kerr, Jr.,in the firm of Jante# .Kan, Jx>
&co, the ship Chandlery and Boatßtore.bjumaaa
will be carried oa aa heretofore at the oldsfanfi/Ko 91
Water street, between Wood and Market, amfea tha
«>'toof ‘ - febfatm LONG,DUFF4OP.
Co-Partncnhip heretofore exifling tfadel'' tha
X style of “Copo 4 Breyfogle, o is this daydlasol rad
by mutual ennsent. Ihe bulness will be setried hytl.
C. Breyfogic, at their old stand, No. 10S Sdmfaffltraav
rk&COF&I ; n
- $ RRR> FOGLE, having associated with him
• A. if. CLARKE, for the pttrpow of transacting
u»6 *crwarduijand Ceamiaamtt buiaaaai
of “Cope 4 Bray
and reipeetfolly asks a eontißnaea hf- tha
sr tter .^ lt ™ n *« oof »»* friends andthapabifa guar
“*?• f hasiness arill be eondaeted under the um
ana style of Binroeis4Cuuta i:’i ,:.i: n
' Ptttsbmrgh. Jan. 7,1830—p««a :
m«,r. , Diaaolwtiota. ' u
'T’IIE Lo-Partncrsuip heretofore eTUiin,
X stylo of “J. IL Clouse 4 Co,” is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. The busuxass of the firm will be
settled by L. S. Waterman, at their old stand. No 1M
Liberty street, . . L. 8. WATEKhLAJf,
- £££ ~ J.IUCLOUaE^^
HE citizens and business men of Pfasbaikh are
respectfully informed that the Morse TtiurapU
Uacs are now ft.compleieoperatioabetween this ctnr
and Baltimore, Washington, and other Eastern Quau,
connecting at VVashuigtpa City with the Morse line,
the only one South to Richmond, Raleigh, Cb&riestoo,
Augusta, Savannah, Mbhtle and New Trrirsftt tonil
COunecUifg in this city with tina. rnnnlny .nit
Noitn to the principal towns and cities in the valley of
the-Wtiiiirippi, and on the Lakes. ’ These: Lite* will
receive apd scad messages aa cheap as any other
Line, and the operators aud clerks will be found ns-
Hcmanly and
i». ( ?^ lfi ™ in } l,oJo,r,:rBUir * ofu > e ST, CHARLES
HufhX, Wood street janS-tai
Combat Combat
QA GROSS super Polka; 10 uo do veryJtaer • -
“v 50 “ ats'd Redding; s
IX “ super Rnglian Horn Reddlsgl •' '■* “
* “ “ .Pncsel Combs;
£OO “ »oi.d '
lOOftdozae’d Fine-Ivory; ’ -
3U) , ‘ ShcllSuto Comim . ,
id “ super large Buffalo;
!!W grosi ttssM Side Combs; red’d and for sale by
, e -5 .. , _« YEAGER, 103 Market *t
li'anS“oS bj 5 ° b * S ‘ tVV t«e"«
1 Naw aituic.. r
dt\ LEAiUEL; or, Going down to Ike Cotton FSeld; a
V » e .w “d very popular ElUiopian Sougiju yung
by Chruiy * .MinsireL, Now York. Compared by fa
C[ I-o*ter, Esq., author of “Uncle Ned,” “o,Buaahns, a >
was aLdjij'by S.C.Foster." v ’ 1
- Ren Bolt—the genuine eopy; by Nelson
S'peaiUeruJp;,*. very popular song: by Y-Wallace,
ludjan’s Prayer; by tha aathor End, Itc."
Bo Rind to the Loved Ones aUlome. : -7;-->
5- Thou hast wounded the spin: loved
brtation Polka; by strakesch.
lice Polka: by rtp-au. . ~
qw.’ Wdij; Ljrfrefcw.rßolibosk. '
' Auquppa Walu; “ u
YW“ ua Wjijz; . « Beb«r. . ,' •
: ifer d Grand Walts; by Osbourne.
hSa^’- M#y 047 in .'*• oidtn TUnej by C, E
Vwia^°M 10 t * T3l * Bose of Samarer,” by
.jfiif! ®l l/’n? °as Ina *• «pe» of Antrim.
f Bl4mc J 5 from'Bethorea.
the Moon on the Lak* la Beaming.- ‘
*.{.TtSS? d ““ ™ lora -
4 1fram LumUßMiii
We are Happy and .Free.
r' hr J.H. Hewitt. .
R °i?n^ dfpr iaio b V . JOHN U. MELLOR,
Nlu—At— . w'-- No. st Wood sweet
week. A tKt ltock of now PIANOS, to arrive this
Tj BofT HoUandt BuffßollaatU
AKE NOriCE—Tbkt W. : McCllntock has this day
received several ctecs of the hnest and bast Boff
vi tudow Hol.and, lowhieiihe would mostresseetfully
guoerM. ** le3llou ®f hi* customers aud thepublieia
_ Ware-Pooms. 75 Fouiih it. "jan3l
S l i,? AK S UK ™ beef aSd~HAjSs-lOu bblTTf
SUjar Cured JJeel Rounds; 60 tlcreea Sugar Cored
u*mv~Evahs4 SwnV*—forsale by
LI3SKKD OIL—7O bis m good order, for **le by
IjACOiV- 600 piccesTaccn
JJ fcto. “ *• Side*.
HoMetoruSb, “ “ S'" too took.
- SELLERS *. Kir/itJt
—•lf-rr'r- nM.i.r,nBtMWJU.
li ig* ft •toiled, for saloliy
aw Wood net.
I iAact® hts, lor"Mle t>r "
PSg° ES - J ° - *«» *
W° o^ a uck« tn itoro sad for ulo by
-** J :uup CBAIO ic BKINN^P
P9*^r ISOO Jb*Baik,in*i rec*d and for. tie try
S^i^r*’ Ap - Elt “’ 3w te .' UIU ISmitlrt jjuueiu) la wn
uy jaasg jytnlbfcCO
OLIVE OlL—io bukeu for ole by
. .. J EDO ACO
r iQL’OiliCE—2O lbs (refined) jutree’d u4 tat tala
J«2» J KIDD * CO
AULLAI OlL—a.groM (jeaaine) on band to 3
for sole by - j ßn29 a ,'j
O. SUGAR- «'• - r
SUGAR— 6O Unti (now crop.) jm neeivad
«• auil for *a!c ly A CUL4&BTBOfL
IC Liberty #*
0. MolaSSEs—vo bbU (new crop) last rac'd
* *o** lor »*la by a' CULHfcurftON. ,
K'iS' u """ <“«» «t«w juitM'dTSIEFUiiTT
i ’ IRE «lUOK-a,00(. in nnn rad fc,
iraby , JA>Kll . KlKE*Jol?£a
ATiiS REL—10 qc t,LI, ; No *> «xu*, for U]C by
J.OJII ibAiAii Plumy A CP
F'rS»tft>SJ iIOOF
H t ±^^ RaaCKLrly * smieby ~
w • > 4 ~ Sperm;
“ Sieanne;
‘ M “ lapped; for rale by
janS __ _ JD WILLIAM*
/ ItKTbii Cream; ; —*,■"
\J 70 - tijiuu Dairy; . i: ’ *
i.«a “ “ Cuimnoa “ ,'fcraaloby
I*? I .® —' ’ JD WILLIAMS
Jl bRWAN CLAV-w caakafor ulaby
ftnnn LBd HACO * HAMS;
in,. ,«M on
gross u*’d Pocket Books; )T
-,ia-r^^i,^^assi y4
j tm>l> * Woadw
U*i*HUK7-000 lb( for a«]o br
_ ' - i KIDD &. CO, tlTWood at
im* Tahl'ajl—wo ibt m item tad'
V- f g b * . J KIDD k. Ct\*~
QHLOIUDE LL\lB-4,Coo]b* on hud, for ni« by
J JUDO ACO/gQ Wood w
f jw ie a tor axle by' 7 ;
- I> - rct)t JKiPD A cn. to w«vi.,
42 U.NDBI£3-_co hhdaW OSajar; “
, - + UO “ “ ikltrfaMea;
4 U « 8H:
Pkg* V H, Imp»i, »ad BUek T«^
4 obia Timothy Seed;
l 18 .** Clover Soed; '
la* « I'ctatoe*;. 3 bbla Wlutinr
3 u Madder, ISO.OOO Kt.Beaeia:
30 bz> ft's Tobaeco;.' , ~ *
f J Ji nni Crown & Med. Wrap, fapan
I 7 ais Ky. Feathery OOdoi CBroootr
1 " 40<Jo* WalaQtßaetelajiododoTßb#
3Unal’ea.Nou; ■
I SW bxa mud 0 bbla Salcrtioa; * v
I 10 caka foltaby prima »rjff L
-0 ** Scoicbed |tf?
: » H and tt bbla Soda Aah;
I 1?. aod 10 bxa tieraaa Clan
o«L„a^ror^; tr “SSS)“?/^v^r&aT
20.U00. L »?io^S" l ' I '" , ' I ” Smo *~ lu>“ '
*nd {S2£J i Y«a , .TJ d ‘ r p**hjumii,
. 1 Cl>fl
'felii 1 6 »*e pdriaieWW 1 • .
—!—•••• igeH(WiM!aArp»a. Co
“oSi" for
6Q Wood »t