The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 22, 1850, Image 3

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    •rf*. ' !
WssßitKmnr, Feb 21,1650.
Sxjut»—Several rerolntions and petitiona were
presented and referred.
Mr. Seward presented a resolution giving some
national testimonial toCapt. the British
bark Sarah, for his noble conduct in rescuing the
passengers and crew of the Caleb Grimthaw,
which »u passed.
The Senate resumed the’eonalderatioo of the
opectal order of the day.
Mr.JMlller had the ftoorjand addressed the Sen*
ole at some length. He said the President had
for Richmond to participate In laying the <»r»
her stone of the Washington Monument/ The
omen was good, and he trailed the foundation
■lone might do much to strengthen the foundation
■tone of the Galoot
After pictnring the prosperity of the Union, Mr.
Miller proceeded to review the slavery question.
Mr. i/Liiltr way to a motion to adjourn
notil Monday next.
Hotax—After some unimportant business, a re
solution was passed, that when the House adjourn
it adjourn to Monday next. -
The House tbsn went into cotnmitteo of the
Mr. Bisaell had the floor, and, after speaking of
lha dissolution, which is in the month of every
southern mao, he said he oould apeak for bis own
Stale, and avar, that if ever danger menace the
Union, Illinois will come to the rapport < f the
Government. Ho spoke for Illinois, and thought
that he coaid for (ho whole North West When
he said that there was not a man there who would
support a diasalution of the Union—add they
would awear, by tho Eternal God, as he now
did, that it shall oot bo done. He spoke at con
tlderable length—forcibly, logically, and pstheti*
After some farther debate, the Committee arose,
and tho Home adjourned. t
1 Baltwoxx, Fell. 21.
Hon. H. day arrived in this city, thla morntng,
and took lodgings at Barnnm's Hotel. Horn on
his way to Philadelphia. A nnmberof ladies and
gentlemen also arrived, oo tbexr way to Philadel
phia, to attend tho grand Whig Bill, to morrow
New Yoke, Feb. 21.
•The steamer America is folly dne at ilalifiur.
PmtADixruiA, Feb. 21.
Sngar—Saloi of 473 hbda. N. O. Sngar, at g|.6o
05 60 per 100 Ibf.
Molasses—Sates 460 bbts. N. O. Molnsse* at
27* 0 27$ per gallon.
noon xxpoaT.
Nxw Yoxx, Feb 21.
The anticipated’arrival of the America, with
two lntelligence from Europe, has
checked transaction* to day. Cotton and bread*
atnOa are firm, bat little is doing. Provisions are
doll and unsettled.
Tho Eoropa and the Hannan sailed yesterday
£>r Europe, with‘large freights, one hundred and
two passengers, and sixty seven thousand letters,
exclusive of the eastern mails, which arrived too
late to be entered.
Nxw Yoxx, Fob. 21,
xvcniio uroST.
Cotton—The sales to day reached ISOO bales—
fair upland and New Orleans at 13* 0 131, mid
dling !2f a 19).
Floor—The market la unchanged, both as re*
gards prices or demands. t
Provisions—Thqro is not mnch doing in pro*
▼talons. Sales were moderating at previooa pH*
l*rd—The market is unchanged, both as re*
gards prieea or demands.
Grooerie* The market lor coffee is dull Ssgar
we have so change to note.
Wtmfcej—We noto sales at 26c per gallon.
Cmcimuit, Feb. 21.
Flow—Nothing doing in Floor.
Whiskey t* drooping, with sales at 191 0 1 !>j
per gallon.
Lard—Sales ot 1400 kegs at 6c.
Bulk Meat—Sale* of piece*, shoulder* si
3c per lb. Nothing is doing in bbl. Pori.
The river is falling slowly.
IJUBBBR GOODS—IS pair Long Ltnliirr
J\ 19 pair Shirred Legging*;
9 AirCtihinn*, round andaaoare;
IS Pea Coau;
1 grew No-1 Ring*;
1 do No’J. do;
1 do No 3 do; jn*t ree’d and for *a!e at ibe
Robber Depot, No S Wood <t.
J *jl Phillips
JUST RECEIVED—An aaaorunentl
elea, in the India Rubber line, ronl
of Men. and DoU«. Alto—Foil Stall
chancier*, tor taJe at the India Rubbri
fcDitf J A I
Obi* tad PcnaiylTanla Kali Hoad.
THE Stoekholden of the Ohio and I'etuitylvania
Rail Road Company an hereby uolihcd to pay the
fourth instalment of Fite Dollar* on learh tfiare of
atoch, on or before the fifth day of March next, at the
office ol the Company, in Third at, a* heretofore.
teblß id , WM. LARIMER, Jr^Twaa.
Card. ~ I
SINGER, HARTMAN ft CO., Sheffield Iron and
Steel Work*—Manufacturer* of Act U. Spjirg
ami Ptonjh Steel. Alio—Spring Axle*, Vice*, Art
viit, Ac. They invito the attention of Merehanta and
eonaamers to theiratoek. beforepurchmttngelwwbere.
They warrant their anieiea to be equal u> any made in
tbi« country or imported. j frbM
100(000 Bnihili Coal WanUd.
PROPOSAL*, received by C. 1 ‘ ** - * NUL
TY A CO-, Canal Katin, Penn atrr 'jurgh,
until let Jdareh next, for about foaon
(fahrla Coal, bnt quality for Gu pp l>e ile
ivered on board Canal Koala a* ‘boate,
Penn eueei, (averaging in’
day, during ibe eonungaeaaon,}
May next.
The Coal mutt be scree net
dirt, and weighing nolle** than i
Term* of payment will be eaah.
C. A. Me'
fcblS-trf Canal
CLOVEJi bbLD-n bbi* icev
MOLASSES, Ac—» bbls 811 Battle Ground;
6 ** Loaf Sagar, jaw ree’d
for aalo by feblS JAMES \DALZELL
FEATHERS— 2500 Jb» prime lIL, for .ale by
BROOMS— 150 dox various qualities, far rale by
Roll butter— to btu for tale by
CHEESE— 50 bis prime WB, for aale by
WKrrE BEANS—IS bbla for sale by
L ARB—10 bbla and 8 krs No I, for sale by .
/CLOVER HFED— ITfff ba just rac’d and for sale by
feblß 148 Liberty street
/~1 LASB— 100 bzs Bxlo and 10x12, just ree’d and for
\J isle by feb!9 A CULBERTSON
T OAF SUGAR—SO bbls Loverinß’s Crushed and
• /■‘Prized, jut rec’d ahd for sale bT .
M ' 8 a^cuZuf.rtson
T ANDSCAPES. Persian Festivities, Mexican Bee*
JLi Aery—bcantUolly detiraed on Wall Paper—tor
• al *rT.o W P MARSHALL,
fcMB - _ No *7 Wood-et
OAK PAPEB— A perfect imitation of Oak Grain
in*, on Paper, with Moaldiiura aad Corniees to
match, amiable for waiateotiura. for sale by
M Wf MARSHALL, Wood irt,
f** l *" beta Fonnh and Diamond ailey_
•*»»* Oand Hama.
Jl ab *^w^ eTv w Afents for these celebrated
"« Prepared expressly for family
use,-will kcep forsejrerai years, ttB
by any «n the country; warranted stand *
f . to Wallingford a co,
febls :* No 45 Water s'
« Wain a
IA" 0 "-" m. ».
HEMP-13 ball! newerop, ttr, ..pnio, q> . ]ltT
ic arrive and tor sale by H
l ”w F SWif* e ’ for •* Jo l, y
TABLE HALT-A bts (1 lb pst>er«7) for saiebr
feblS - WICK A MeCA-NliLKa*
I UTTER—3bbUFreah Roll. j«n rer’d,for tale bv
► fcbie . WICK A McCaNDLeSh
/CODFISH—2OOO lbs just rac'd and for sale br
<y_frblß WICK AMeCANDLKg^
KICK— d tiereea Fresh, for sale by •
jno bblt new Molau**:
■ 35 hhdi prune Bagtr, id ctora usd for tale hr
SAFETY FI)»K—A freaa tupplyolextra. ju«ire C ‘a,
IbT'ttle by febl A CUt<BKBTSON
PLANTATIdjnTOLASSES— 3» bblt rc’d per sir.
Dttden, ror aale by
■ TipT.f- BlrrlfcJt-4 bbli Fresh. lent reeM ,snd for
'K. tale by frblß AKMFTHOND k. CgOZBB
, bbla Fre*b,in uort sod for pale by
j feblfl AttAiaraONQ k. CRtfZEtt
■'TWWbB, *©—W total* «fld 3k“g» Uniter;
- .ft i a '* Lwd: - I •
. , : .I. ; tucks FeiiUri: foruie lrv> .
"f t bIS ■ • J AMEff "DALZELIi
Lamp on*—lß nil for isle by | '
. _ Orric*, I’iTTssrseu Giimr. ?
Friday St. tsSP. $
The market yesterday, exhibited a fair degree of ac
tivity. The weather w*»|p!e«*tnt for outdoor transac
tion*, and in a general way, ronsidermbte bciineis was
FLOUR—Several «naU lot* arnved by river yester
day in the absence of buyers, the larger portion
was stored. From fitst hands, we continue our quota-
tions, at &t,&OQ4&}, and from store in limited lots, at
•1,G20t.73 f> bbl.
Kt* pLoea-UV note sales in « small way, at $1,25
Supplies are very light, aad some holders are asking
• 1.37 Thai.
JtrcxrmaiT— We notice an advance in Buckwheat
Flour, with tales iu small loir, at 5t,7592 f bbl.
GROCERIES—We find no change In the Grocery
market S*!ei of h hhds N O Sugar, at <|e,.4 moa.—
Bales of N O Molasses at sPftffle **• gall, which is a
(light improvement
BACON—I„ ih. <r. r „r s .„.nu
■* ‘"""K- quol. Should.,., .i (1, S„|„
.1 IS* plOn ham. ui Gl®.,. f ft, ..... .„..d
.i.ud, OI ujtfu..
HULK MKAT-Sul. oriß.ooo.ft,, hce-rnun.l si 4.
4 Bo«, Ini o.i; sod of s, rat, ft, h „ mi , 5Jr f fc '
J.ARU-Suies of 44 Mils and 415 k „ t oH|c for , IUU>
aad Ac for kegs— 4 mm These lots were made up of
• prune artiele.
H UTTER— Bates of 3 3 kr*. m two Ifi-s, at “ioP|c
and of 10 bbls prime rail, at 13013|c W lb- '
< notice, a quiet market, with small
Ules, at, for good com W R.fiffol; for ere«m, f.JitfGle,
»hd for Goshen, 7l0=i(« a.
CRACKERS— A regular business is doing si} the fol
lowing quoted rates:
W*ier Cracker*, per bM
Hutler ■ do •• '•
Dyspeptic do “ ••
I’lloi Itrcnd. « ••
Hu|ir Cracker*, per ll>
FISH*—TUo market cnntiuoe* firm, with quite • good
demand, at the following rale*: —No 3 MarknrH, nt
SI7JS p Mil; No 2 is selling at f 10,5 c, and No 1 at 811..
siioSls 4> l,bl. Other <lcs<*riptn*n» or fish are firm, nt
folly quoted rate*—say, for Salmon, Mil. and 82?
& tierce. Sates of Salvador Herring at 86,25, anil com
mon Eastern, 85 M>l; Lake Fi«h may tm quotcj nt
87 530??; Cod fish, «,50 p drum; ami Hoik, nt 82,73
FEATHERS—Tho regular rate* from store arc.‘!Jo
Me, for good western.
. FRUIT—New crop Raisin* are scarce, and are sold
at 82,50 p box; Sale* of Almonds, (scarce) at 20c p
of Groond not*, at p bushel; of I’earfcns at ,'c
P t - Bj; of Filberts, at 71c; of Creiun nuts, at Glc; of Starts
Currants, at 9c, and of Engl i«h Walnuts at 7}c P fin
Oranges, 8707,50 per box, Figs, 10019 c P Ej '
SOAP & CANDLES—SaIe* of City and Cincinnati
manufactured roain soap, at4o4|cper El. City man
ufactured Star Candles are In fair request, at 21022 c;
of mould tallow, ot lOe, and \>f common dipped si Oe
jWJIISKEY—SaIes of ReetlGcd, at 2k ga!(.
ASHES—We hear of no sales of Ashes to uny Inrgt
extent—prices are unchanged.
A Great National Work.
Dagmerrrotyp** by Brady Engraved by D'-
A rrignon. — Edited by an Aitonalion cf Literary
UNDER this title will be published, during the y<*ar
1850, twenty four PortraP* and Biographical
Sketehe* of American citizens, who have become il
lostrious in the service of the country. Every portion
of the work will rccoive the most careful attention,
and nothing wili be spared 10 render It a wormy and
enduring monument to the great men of the Republic.
The Typography will be executed us carefully and
,m.aa superb style os the engravings themselves. The
enure work will be on the fine*! imperial folio paper,
16 by 21 inches, made expressly fot this purpose.
This work has nothing sectional in it* scope; It will,
therefore, be comprehensive tn its spirit The names
of those men only will bo admitted, whose talemi and
publie services have won for them an honorable fame
throughout the nation. Each of the great departments
of life will have its representauves. Art and Litera
ture are universal in their spirit, and thisGotlery is in
tended to be a worthy and enduring monument to the
great men of the Republic, whose achievements and
fame constitnto the duel glory of tbc nation. We
hope that every lover of art and friend of our glorious
Union, will respond to our appeal for encouragement,
and aid in so commendable an undertaking, that its
publica tun may make on era in the progress of Am
ericatLArt, and, by grouping the illuttmiu* mcu ot the
Union together, ennsoltdatc it still more firmlv.
As i o w«irk of this kind has appeared i:i America,
and the prices they sustain in Earnpe would place it
bryond the reach of moil ot our citizens, the publish
ers have resolved to merit a large circulation, by
charging a very low priee, viz: flpcr No., or 820 for
the entire senes of 24 No*.
Two No*, are now published,containing Portrait* of
President Taylor and Hon. John G. Calhoun.
fob’Jt Agent for Western Pennsylvania.
Blackwood's nagatlus and tbe llrstlsk
(Quarterly Rsviswi.
T7IZ: TiraLoxDOK Quaarau.v Review,
Y Tus Ecisibeoh Kkyisw;
Tna Noam Batruu Ktviavr;
Til* Wwatsirn Rkvikw;
And—BLarawoop's pitiNauacH Maosz.ihl
Far any one of the four Reviews, Bn,b° per annum
For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, in,no ••
. Payments u> he made m ull case* in advance.
Published simßitatif-ously in New York nn.l Pit:*-
borgb; Office, 6J Wood strrri.
fTY^Blaekwood ahd Kdinburgb 11-view for January
arc now ready.
fetiifll _ _ JAMKB D LOCKWOOD
To Lnmbsrmtn.
SEALED PROPOSALS will u- received un.,l Po
dny, llie 221 day of Febiuar) inst ,nt Hie i itlicc ol
me Cliuiurr'i Coal Compiitiy, on |Vun »trt.-i, nn«
burgh, for the following Hitvcd umber:
3ti,U«) left lineal, of while r.slt j. in iE inch-*
30JKO “ “ ntil».ta7.
7,3 th! piece* of white oak timber. * feet din. long.
5j7 inrhr*. »
The timber to be sound and of the br*t qnsbty, and In
t* delivered at the landing at McKee’* Mocks. on inn
Ohio River, two ami u half ruilca below Pittsburgh, by
the tenth of Mai next
Z. W. RKMINtrroN. Manner,
fetl.t-dfcwT Office J'onu itrect. l'nt«l>urrh.
lof Fancy Aru
kitting of Butt
ke* or ritffereui
ir Depot.
To Iron Manafactarars.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be recemd mu! Fri
day, the 2dd day of February m«t, at the nfSee of
me Chanter’* Coal Company, on Penn street, .Pum
burgb, for the following described Iron:
6U tons Plate Rail or liar t!|x) m 1 ot gooff quality.
To lie delivered at tire lauJnu at Ale Kev’s Koek«, nr.
tJ.e Ohio River, two and a half tailrs below I'm-burgh,
by the tenth day uf May next
The lona or the bar mav be seen on application at
the office. Z. VV. REMINGTON, Manager,
febl3 Office Penn street. Pmai-urglt.
Modern and Ji ntiqrie Fnrnitnrci
S 3, Tlitati Ft., Pnrssraan.
plcted tin s|Tniij; stork
TURNITURE. the largest and moa:v3ricda*«artineni
ever offered (or sale m lina my, roroprinug aeverul
nut* of Rosewood, .MaitooaaT. and Jiurt. iValsi, r.
c tived, ornamental and plam, suitable Parlor*.
'rawing and lied Room*, all uf which will be Fa .d nt
iclowest prices.
Peraona desiring Furniture of any description, nro
peetfully invited to call andcxaisliie In* »mct, which
mbtaeest every desenptton, from the cheapen ami
tamest to the moat elegant and co*l!y, of which the
>1 lowing comprises a part:
Tele a Tele Sofas;* Tele a Trie Divans;
Conversation Chairs; Ktiznb-Liion Caairo;
Reception do Lout.* XIV do
Extension do Buffet Fjti.,ue;
What Nats; Toilet Tabic*,
Louts XIV Comraadore; Duke of York's Court*,
00 Sofas with Plush ami llaif-eloth cover.
50 Divans, do do do,
40 dot Mal ojany Parlor Chairs;
10 u Rosewood do do;
13 11 Ill’k Walnut do do;
40 “ Cane Seat do;
' 4 “ Mahogany Rocking do;
8 ” do Piano stools;
SO Marble Top Centre Trbles;
SO do do WoahFtaadi;
SO Mahogany Bedsteads;
13 do Wardrobes;
18 Bl’k Walnut do;
8 Cherry do.
A very large assortment of Common Ch-tiry and oili
er Furniture too tedious to mention.
(0* Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice.
AlTordenpromptly attended to.
P. B.—Cabinet'Makers can be supplied with all sorts
of Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at conuderably
reduced prices. fcblS
Dsafnsii oartd.
From the New York Tribune.
A FRIEND, whote word it mom reliable, and wbo
baa nopouibie imereti in the matter, l ui one of
ifratirode, detirea ut to »a?, that be ba< been cored o<
inveterate deafne»«,by the uteof “Sen rpa’t Compound
Aeonttie Oil.” a Philadelphia mcdicli>e, which in
tor taie in thin city, hot which he think* oucht tv he,
for the food of tbo afflicted. He bat a ti«ter who hat
aito been cored by it. He onttmly nd» -
-- ..ently advises all who 1 » r Ann
suffering irom deafnees, to trv this remedy, wr'i on *
>ur*nee mat, nnle*» the cue be rxtrsordmary, ib- ' A HHCULAR rent u* by n friend, announcing the
rperiment will prove abandon:'? -oeer.fifi-i. * , A formation a t a uew Treniportsiion Compsey, by
For solo at THE FKKIN j ha HTORR, our late Agent* at Usliimord and Columbia, impel* u*
feb2 TO Fourth »t Piushareh < t^>u< ear, y to apprise bur friend* and the public lhal
‘ vTrrrTnmii air J lucl * mn * e » ““ alteration whatever in our bumnes*,
KXECDTOQ'B S.U.S. th, ,ii„. olau, va,-,,! Ik.uu ,f„,
ON SATURDAY, the !SM of February, wj|j be ei- warehouse* at ilm.c point*, both ot winch we have
posed to sole, at 11 o'eloek, A. M., two Hilliard • effected advantageously for ourselves «nJ our cuitora-
Tablet, Hall Coca, Mace*. Ac., and room furniture, the ct »-
property of JwmsAddal, dec'd, at (be rooms, where "'lth *be experience of fifteen years in the Trnns
they eaa M teen. Terms m«d*: known at sale. portauon business, self respect, a* wc'l a* a regard for
febl3*3lAlt22d_ JOHN WILLOCK, lla'r 1 lhc intelligence of oar patrons, forbid u* to tsx ihe
CAnOITIaTOteea'bTNEVV HOODS are ticmr o ai i v f re<,uhl y oi the public, or cater for ns amusement by
received at A. A. Sla«on A Co, r-o .Market street * rn Kthcned professions in print. We bee leave, there,
of all the nevrandfashtcnablestylcsandcolora, winch * or( '* ,o *»y, •« general term*, that mtr arrung-uneats
iboving been purchased previous to the reeenl great “ rp COl **'derably extended; the convenience and ca
advanccs) they are enabled to offer at very low price*. o( oux “ l Pittsburgh, I’luludcinhia.
Their assortment of Housekeeping Ocods is now com- and Colombia, unsurpassed; our fneiliiic*
tilcte. to which they particularly invite the attention of ~r ,e *. ular, ‘y wd dupatcb increased. and our term, as
nurebafcrs fells liberal as that of any other responsible line; and that
purctia*rn. icuiu_ _ our lr ei K m, whedier in depot or in transit, « always
Insured free of expense to the owners.
We appeal to our past eouduct as an earnest of our
future, and confidently look forward to a continuance
of that patronage which has ever hrm oar study to
deserve and our pleasure to acknowledge. Under
such impression*, we shall be prepared at all lime* to
meet honorable competition, those resorting to any
. other wc »hsli neither envy nor imiiaic-
wilt lie coudueied us usual, hy the proprietor*,
corner of I’enn and Wayne sis, J'ituhurgh;
. , Z7rf Market st, i’hiladclpiiia.
And hy the following Arrntr:
JOHN McttllhUiUtJtl A CO, GS North si, Daltimore;
t*. H 111 IKK A t’o. vs I loan* it, Uoviont
W A J. T. TAPSCOTT A Of), |» South .L N York;
JAMES U HEKI.WRJUIIT, Cincinnati. |r-b?
TOBACCO— 10 kegs Hedge A tiro, b twisi,
, ~ , iU bx* ussM 4’*, for sale hv
r*,n paid fur a T( ifc
Tbomai PukiAioa^
IVI Tobacco, Hoa(in and Urge Screws of all kind*;
llru* Caatings.and lira** Work* generally. Corner
of Ferry and First ftreets.
TDK «utr*enber,.bavin* purchased the Factory of
James Patterzon, Jr, located at the aboveeuml,
would respcetlnllr inform hi* friends and the public
(hot he is prepared to fill any ort'ers m hi a line, on the
«on reasonable terms ana with dispatch, and will
feel grateful lor their patronage
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, IfcSO.
HAVINO <ii*po»rd of my e*tnbll*hmcnt to Mr.
Thoaaa Parkin*on, ! tnkr. the liberty to aoiint
for (lira itm patronage of my friend* and tb«- puofle,
feeling confident that any favor# rnnlcrtrd will br
duly appreciated an>| promptly attended to.
iu«jiurtb, Jan: 1. man.— ! imi7-ttm-
but* hou, {.ui up iu Plum*;
■ lore .ad & jJJ* 2 VbN P Mkw, » * R »* • rtid,e '
— b i? : RHEV, MATTHKWB a. no
Tor. , City BmekibouM,
'krt*o rrua r»d* *«T* “ ,ur »»«X« Smokehouses,
A^iiL^ 41 1 ,cctl «* •«wie ur 1“.
A AMS • ' a,M “"M ec ’ d Md7or«Uebf
? ~r*vr
' • '-••.?•••*' ' J • -''J ■^.•..;vV*'---, r -. : - - -•-• . {p- ■ •; " .- . - :v'po";
* XTXX -“There were 6 feet 6 Inches} in Uie etunnel
iut aveniag, uuj fining.
„ , . „ . ARRIVED.
Caleb Cope. Murdock, Beaver.
Michigan. Bries, Beaver.
J*»»er, Gordon, WelUvtUe.
Viroqua, Galloway, Mouougahela City.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Atlantic, Parktson, Brownsville.
Baltie, Jaeobs, Brownsville.
Camden. Hendrickson, McKeesport*
Messenger No. 2, Woodward. Cincinnati.
Louis McLane.Coonel, Wheeling.
Ohio, Stoops, Cincinnati.
Caleb Cope, Mnnloek, Beaver.
Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.
Michigan, Bnea, Beaver.
Vrrnqua, Galloway, Monongahela CUT.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport
Fashion. Preble*. Elizabeth.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Adamic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati.
Jamr* Nelson, Moore. Wheeling.
North Ktvcr, Calelinc, New Orleans
NASHVILLE.—Fort Pitt, In.
ST LOUlS—Schuylkill, 10*. u.
NF.IV ORLEANS—Gra. \V. Kendall, 10* v.
Fob St Locis—Ttie fine simmer Schuylkill, Cspt
Marshall. will leave lor'the. shove and all intermediate
p<m» thi* day.
For Saw Ozi.kaim— I The splendid p.irkui.yUrsmrr
Gsmge W. Kendall, having been unavnidadiy detain
rd, wilt positively leave lor the * Sonny South" tlti*
1 Tnx Cincinnati. —This splendid new Pittsburgh
and Cincinnati Packet “raised steam" atjan early
hour yesterday morning, and made a trial trip to
Beaver. The day was pleasant, and qutle a crowd
of our citizens accompanied Captain Kocmz on
this, the first movement ot bis noble craft—ail of
whom were more than delighted with the pleas
Mire* of the trip, and the bind attentions bestowed
upon (hem.
- 4250
We arc pleased to learn thatlhe, Cincinnati per
formed most admirably, and" Is destined to be a
fine runner.
We will publish, to morrow, a description’of
this noble specimen of Pittsburgh steamboat bnild-
Steom Boat Building at PUtibnrgh In
1 Hll and 181-1,
Wc have in our possession a file of Nile’. Register,
primed in the ymr 1914; and among the curious snd
interesting items contained m this old nr.d valuable
work, wo find mm- statistic* in relation to i’.tt’burgh
Itrambont building thirty nine year* ago, which will
be read with interest by the atcambont adventurer* of
the present day.
Thu first wo notice is the steamer JYjuciuj, bui.t in
ISU, and intended to run in the trade between New
Orleans and the Fall* of Ohio. A correspondent, un
der date of Pittsburgh, April at, IPI4, write* to Hales
& Seaton, of the National Intelligencer, as follow*
“This morning the steam boat Vesuvmi, intended n«
n reeular trader between New Orleans and the latlx
or Ohio, led Pittsburgh. A considerable freshet in
lbs river render* it probable, that notwithstanding the
great sire and drvtt of the vessel, she will pat* the
fall* without difficulty, after which she will men w.ih
l o obstruction m the rest of her passrje. There is
now on the stocks hero, just ready to be launched, a
boat adapted to the navigation of t'.e Ohio above ihs
Jails, which will l-e-fiui»bt-d in time to meet the Vesu
vius, on her return from New Orßana, at the falls.—
The hosts are built by Mr. Fulton, under the agency of
Messrs. Livingston and Latrnbe, for companies wh'cb
have vested very large capitals in the establishment.
The departure of the Vesuvius is a very important
event, uot only for this place, but for the whole w-*i
•cm par; of the Union, and iu influence will be felt
over the whole of the United States. * * • •
' * * * * About three years ago, • steam
boat of 4UO tons bartheo was buiit here, uud now nav
icatcs the .Mississippi between New Orleans and Nat
chez. The Vesuvius, which, with another boat of the
tame size and eositruciloa, now building, is intended
to form the second link in this chain of navigation, ta of
4J-0 tons burthen, carpenters ha*
ICO feet keel, tel feet Tmehea beam, and will, when
loaded, draw from sto .8 feet of water The whole of
her hold below deck, excepting a-near cabin for ladies,
and the space occupied by her machinery, is appropri
ated to the cargo. On her deck i* built, what in a ship
would be called a round house, encoding nearly half
her length, and elegantly Surd up as u cabin, - having
t* doable berth* on e*er aide. Previously to her de
parture, she bad been several time* tried tn going up
and down the Mooongaheln and Ohio, for 4 or 5 mile*,
■nd performed very satis far torily This morning, April
24, every thing being in perfect order. «s e passed at in
o'clock up the Monongahelo, in front of ihe town, toils
eastern limits, and returning down the opposite shore,
went down the Ohio, firing's salute. Mon of the citi
tens were assembled on the b«nk «« «b- passed
“I it order to witness hoU 'a-eertoin b-.-r -peed, I cross
ed ihe Allegheny,and mounting a very capital horse I
endeavored tokeepparo with her along the toad which
skirls die river. But she moved so rapidly, that sfic.r
nding three mile* end a hail to | gave op
the niirmpi. In one hour and thirty second*, she was
at Middletown, is miles below Pittsburgh, where sev
eral gentlemen who had proceeded in her so far, come
n-hore. If Therefore, the current In *he Ohio, be rated
at lour miles an hour in the fresh, the has gone at the
rate of 8 miles an boor in still wot-r. In comine u»
the rapid below lb:- town <>.i .Mrmlay last. She pa«seil
tho »bore at the ra'e «n foar inne« in an hour, a speed
which would exactly agreewuh her descent thr« mom
mg ”
111 reference to ibe speed of (he Vesuvius, we noucr
tbr following remark:
“Hjc strxmboai V-iutiu* made the followirr pas*-
age Itora PitLshargh to New Orleans from Pittsburgh
t«> Iniiimlle, CJ lii’ur*— from (nunrillr io Natrb-/.
lzi| hours—from N.-nekez to N-w Ortmit*. xi b»nrt
Total from Pittsburgh to Now Orlean*, £f7hours "
Ike steamer* Huffala and Enurynu, were built at
Piiubutgli (or viciuii)) m »Mt. In reference to ihr*«
smamcT*. Mr Niles, on page ;yi. vol fi, r.l*e* it,a fol
lowing notices :
•The «ienm boat Huffalo, of •>., ton*, bn* been !nonrb
• ■lai I ‘ut- f-iirch »he i« <lrM.:xed i>. pi,- regularly be
'ween thai place and Loui<vtlle.nx. fr » monUi; and n»
«iie will draw, when all her tnael.i..<-ry « 0 u board,
Im a lect 0 inches. ui* exp.-eird ,h- will run a || tgtn ’
“The -trambos: }*•••• i.« liridgrpnn t.n
the R «lie!j, :.,r.v. J at |\ „„ rj,,. -.ui'nii,
dr.iguri) av a packet between lhai place ami the falls
u( the Ohio. Her power wu highly approved s*i tr
wa« tried again*! lln* current of the Mnnongshaia, „n
--HUillfbißb an.l rapid (or the *ea«tm, »l.e made :ij
mile* an boor; the returned with the stream that .li«
t.mce in 10 minute* "
Wheellng-Fua Jake* Nkuom—ai dor broom*.
3 Mcl'lurkat) * ro, IMbbls floor, J McOully; » M eka
wool, Clark A Thaw; a bzs spire, fl June* & eo; 14 l»Kl
•»bi»key, agt Reaver pkt;S7* p»« I. meat J For.yth.t7
Mill floor. It A Cunningham; 013 p« meat, fi «k> .red.
tl do truit. 2* «■ d imache.. J Hnu'.len; l‘J do do. J J)
\V tllintnt; lt'l bill* flour, 9 do c vert, Armvtronc -V Crn
/cr; 13 Inil. paper, W 1* Marshal; 13 M.|. flour,
k Skinner, 37 do c seed, IMIS nr, I. i.irut. a kce. lard
Braver *• Wells vtllr - I‘xu c'.lsb Ooce-31
iibia c *ecd, McClurkan A m; 4<l bbl* pork, Graff kro;
71) larJ. 5W ju pork. I M iiaru«, 11 u r t>:iu tell, }4O pe«
I. 'meat, 5 bbl* flour, J niaek A ro, |MI dp do, U Cub
l.or:*i>ri; I c»k. M Rowe; M bgs potatoes, MrFart.nil
■J» live hoes owner; It bbi« dour, J Millumm, Ini mar
keting, r„> bgs h w dour, owners t* hbli flour, 5 *k« l>
w do, M It Clarke.
Louisville— Fra Lniai lla.vha—.TOiki fenthen,
King A Moorhead, IK* r«k« i.acon, |U) I.M. molaise*.
Carson A McKmgbt; 7V71 p« b meat, OC-ounor A Al
tin»nn; 27 t.hd« shoulder*, Graff A eo; ISO hblv tnol»*i
es R >1 King; to qr caikr wiur, Miller i Rickeiaon; -
lih.l. baenn, Uilworthp l * do do, VVm II Johii«ton;*JUbhl
haroa, Seller. A Nieol«, 90 ska corn, J Yeager, dlCacka
do, O Forreitcr.
PkuOrio—SObbls whiskey. Martin; b!« vhoulders,
O'Connor A Atkinron; fiJ tc« hams. <1 ckf bacon, Har
bauvli; 30 hbla whiskey, J Rrvan; li bbls hams, Pollers
A Nieolr; 2TO do lime, A Gordon; 70 ek» baeou, Canon
A McKniehi; o<n ham*. Uingham; 4(0 tk* corn, Myrn
A Hunter. 19 bMs D cks bacon, M Allen A eo; l!t seks
feathers, 3J bbis Ix-eswax, J S Clark.
Cincinnati—i'n Curran— f> bbls whiskey, J
Saunders; 419 do molas.a.. J Me.Drvilt A bro; if boxes
perfumery, D C Kneelaud. IS nesla cages, Wiekrr
sham; '£i nbdt tob, Culbertson; tUilo do, Wuliing'orij A
eo; C okt giiuong, Murphy. Wilson A co; 45 bis drugs,
II Ti ora.
CAPITAL 1100,000.
J. Ft»s*T. Jr„ Se«*y. | K Muxan, Jr., Frost.
Will iarnre again«t all kind* of btki,
firs and marine.
AI.L losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly
A home institution—managed by Directors who are
wed Known in tire community, and who are detcnmn«
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char
acter which they have assumed, ax offering- the best
protection to those who uesire to be Insured.
Diuscroxs—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Dlack. J. W. Biitler.
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. D. Holmes. C. I.'imren, Geo. VV.
JsckMn, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, Thos. K.
Liich, James M’Auloy, Alex. Nimick, Thos. Hcou,
Orncs, No. 39 Water street, (warehouis of Spang
A Co., up Hairs,) Pittsburgh. jutidly
WIAH'-l Ur. hlttHi J'riic
differetii sruUct ol Wool. I,y
- Jl LF.K
HAS jU MMI fr.ioi Hie KcrcnUm™, >i,d, ■ l.reo 'miriy of xoaxirmlilo (food*, let
Which be Ic.pcclfiiU, iimu, . u *,.noi. of morob
-snl» and pedlsrs. No S 4 Ww| »t/ febll
•-W MUBPIIV ronitinilyon band an •»-
fV • lorimentof HleEebcd l.inen Tab!,.
dißireD* widlba and qualities. Alao-Ttbie cu>A»
and Napkins, Toweling Disport and wCols, and a
lull assortment of houso furnishing goods. rebtl
*PQgTjtp rot Jthi rrrmrseH daily aixtrrx
PtJiLio Lxcruxt.—At tho request of the Society
for the Increase and Diffusion of Useful Know
ledge, of this city, Wo. J. ToUea, Esq., will de
liver a lecture thia evening, at 7 o'clock, in the
Sixth Ward Public School House. His eobject is
“A Rail Road lo the Pacific." The public are lu
lled to attend.
District Court. —This Court has been oeco
pied during last days, with thecaso of St.
Paul’s Church va tho City of Pittsburgh. We were
prevented by severe indisposition from reporting
d for yesterday’s paper—-we give a statement of
the facts, however, to day.
The action is brought by the Plaintiff, Bishop
O Connor, for damages lo the amountof $20,000,
for injuries received by the Cathedral, from the
alteration of grades on Fifth and Grant Streets,
since its erection.
Messrs. Loomis, Metcalf, and McCandless, ap«
pcarrd for P aintiff; Shaler, Williams, and Khan,
for Defendant.
Il whs proven that on the np;> licalion of the
congregation,to the councils, for a grade in the
■unrnier of a recolution waa paused by the
latter, fixing the grade at 10 feet below the sur
face of iho hill, as it iheD stood, and that tho city
regulator gave the grade accordingly. The*con*
[rogation proceeded lo erect (he chnrt-h in- ac*
cordance. In 1536, n farther grade of 10 feet wan
authorized by the raunriln, and in 1841 a Mill
farther reduction of 7 feel, in all 27 feel bolow the
original and 17 feet below Ihe grade giv»
en by tbeetty regulator, on (lie faith of which the
church wui erected. The Plaintiff alleges that
now, the church standing 17 feet ahovo the street,
the foundation i» uncertain, and that it must be
taken down and rebuilt.
It in alleged l*v the defence, that the increased
va'tio given lo the property hy tho grading of the
street*, amply compensates for the injur; done to
the edifice.
The case was ably argued hy the ronneel on
Imjili alder, yesterday, and after a masterly and
impartial charge trom Judge Lawrie, tho Jury rc«
tired, with instructions to bring in o scaled verdict,
this morning.
i Proceeding! In Allegheny Councils.
Councils met last night pursuant to adjournment;
in Seleut Council, Mr. Robinson was in Iho Chair.
Af.ur the role bad been called, and the minalea
oflast meeting read and approved, a petition was
read Horn Ibe High Coastablo requesting an in
crease of Bn'nnt/Referred to Police Committee.
A petition lentil John Irwin and others, for tho
opening of Street, on Seminary Hill, was
referred to Committee on Streets.
A report of ttys Finance Committee was read,
slaiirg Ihntfiu Incrcaso of (axes would be neces
sary to meet the current expente*, and olTering a
re-nluiton to incrcaso tfau tax on properly to ten
mills on the dollar, for city purposes, and 2 mills
for ibe poor. On motion, the report was accept
ed, end the resolution adopted.
A resolution was also adopted directing the
Finsnce Committee to place all claims doe the
city into the hands of the City Solicitor, within*
structions to collect them as speedily os possible.
The Committee on Markets read a report re
commending an increase of $3 per annom, to the
rent of each stall, in the New Market House, and
that Rome repairs be done to the buildings. On
motion, adopled.
A report from tho Committee on Surreys, res*
peeling a bouse obstructing West Street, and of
fering a resolution instructing the Street Commis
sioners to bare it removed, was, on motion, a
d opted.
The Committee on Printing presealed a bill from
Mr. Purvianee, of $6l, lor city priming. A mo
tion was made and earned that the Mayor bo au
thor-zed to draw his warrant in favor of Mr. Pur*
tuoce, to the amount.
A report of the Ordinance Committee, respect*
icg (be Inspector of coal, wood, &<•., was ac»
Some claims were preseated by Commuted on
Fire Eagioea, for repairs doue lo tho engines.
On motion, the Mayor was authorised to dri(W>fcii
warrants in /over of claimants for the respective
A resolution was offered for the laying of a
water pipe from the main lo the engine house, for
the purpose of foeding the (toiler. On motion, ad
A bill of SI 17, .from Squire Voegtly, for some
ground rented by the Water Committee, for the
pnr|>o>c of making brick for paring too bottom of
the reservoir, w«« presented. On motion, the
M*vr was authorized lo draw bis warrant In ;
lavor of claimant. |
S,me other lull* presented by the Water Com*
imti*re w-re <ii»|H>-<-d of in the xme manner.
Home r.rrther r-K)luUoa» wore th«-n offered by
ihe committee on markets, establishing an ordi
nance for preventing people from ihe country
from rutting up meat mlo pieces less than quarters;
diroolmg the weigh matter of. the market to do*
liver his reports as required by ordinance, Are.
Oo motion, adopted.
The Clerk-of the Common Counntl presented
in Joct supplementary to aa ordinance, C»r the
prevention of the water being nacd l>y peraona
other than the occupant* of the lots for winch the
pipe* were laid, tinder a penally ofss.
A statement from the Mayor, that appropriation
No. 9, was exhausted, being read, It waa moved
and seconded that $3,000 be a£dcd to said appro
priation Carried.
A rcrdutioo wan nttemd that Rolicrt Moore,
ttperintendant of the Water Works, rt-r rive 81100
a his salary fir the present year. Ou motion.
The Mayor presented a firm of an act to lie
teni to the Legislature, relative to the iistiing of
sand* fur redemption of City Scrip, was approw
id The Mayor being instructed to add a section
uniting the debt to $OOOO.
A snpplement to an ordinance ontitlod an ordi*
nance lor levying a special tax for improving the
pavements, &c., was presented by the Clerk of
tbc Common Council. This bad been passed by
Common Council, and was intended to impower
Councils ou petition of the inhabitants to make
appropriation! fur atsiafng to defray oxpeoso of
the same. Tbo Select Council refused to concur,
and referred to Committee on Streets.
04 motion, Councils adjourned till (he let
Thursday of next month.
A Battlx royal came oil yesterday morning, on
tbc corner of Fourth and Wood streets, between
two athletic colored men. One of them used a
wheel barrow over the head of hia antagonist with
os ranch ease as if it had been a common rattan.
Mayor Barker was soon on the ground, however,
in person, and taking the combatants to fils office.
Milled the dispute by Cuing the one who made
the assault $3. He had taken umbrsgr, it appear
ed, at an indignity ottered to his lady love.
Biqnos Burnt performs this afternoon and even
ing in Quincy Hall, Allegheny City. He will
doubtless make a sensation among our gogd
friends over the river. To morrow iifniruoon and
evening, we ahail have him bank at Wijkina (fall.
First Herald op Smuso.—Wotaw k number
of fine looking, frcslfshad, la oar streets tL-ia morn
ing. We presume they found their w< y over the
Aileghanies, from the banks of the Ld.iwsrc or
the Chesapeake. Whcu the Railroad is tinished
to Philadelphia, fish and oyalcrr, ircoh iroui the
sea, will be every day found in onr markcL
Police.— There wero fivo or six vases ol the
usual kind, drunkenness and disorderly conduct
Ixrfore the Mayor yesterday morning. They were
disposed ol in the customary manodr.
Lhk CotwEßJ'xtr Com.— Wo were shown last
night, one of the neatest counterfeit coins wc have
seen. It wns apparently jbat issued, though it
bare the dale of 1&19.
Fiat. —A fire broke out at about half poet eight
o'clock yesterday eveuing, in the Red Lion Hotel.
Owing to the timely assistance and prcseuco of
mind of two or three persons, however, it waa
fortunately extinguished before any material
damego ensued. The alarm of tiro about ten
o'clock was wilbont foundation.
1 DIE ttre-ond Session of this tn.lilpitou, under tbs
earr of Mr. anil Mrs. (ioenoiui. for the present
academic year, will commence on Uiin day. Monday
February lULti, in the same liuilituiK*, No. &j Liberty
street 1
■ Arrangements have been made by which they wilt
be able la furnish young Imlics facilities equal (• any
in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Claati
eal, and Urnume.uta] education. A full coarse of Pbii
ixipbira'. aud Chemical Ignores will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The
narttnenu of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern
Languages, Drawing and Panning, willench »e under
the care ofa competent Professor. Hy close attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their po
fiils, ll>e Principals hope u> mem • ennuuuation of lha
llw-rsl patronage they have hitherto enjoyed, For
terms, see circular or apply to the Principals.
EOSE PlNK—'iM inferior, for tale by’'” J '
W' • B.LKKI •
OOL SEALER fc'Commiiiica Merchant for the
wle «f AmeneaaWoolea Good*, LI benT (tract,
ita FITUi. febtfry
: W. P» aiBSDALLt \
_ (scccnsoi TO'iAHPtt a nu,)
TMPORTKB & Dealer in Freneh and Amertean Pa-
JJ per Hangings and Borden, Window Shade*. Fire
Hoard Print*, &e. A Uo—Writing, Printing and wrap*
pins P*P«i No. STWood street. Between Fourth street
and Diamond alley! wear aide, Pitubur*b, Pa.
fpHEOLOGICAL, Classical, and Sunday School
I Boekaellert, and dealer* in all kind* of Writing,
Window and Wrapping Paper. No. 79 Wood street, bo-
and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa.
THE appointment of Mr. MeCLURE, aa President
Judge of the Fifth Jndleia) District of Pennsylva*
ma, dissolve* the long existing partnerthip of Me.
Candies* A MeCluro. The nnnnished basinets will
be attended to by Mr. MeCandleha.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offiec Fourth street, Pitts
fawmb. jan3B-lra
No. 17 Firm Sr., Cihctsjutt, Ohio.
WOULD reupcei/allT solicit Consignments Iron the
Merchants and Mansflutnrers ofPitUbnrcb.and
would refer to :
Messrs. W. tUD. Phillips, Pittsburgh.
“ Brown, Phillip* A Co., u
“ Chambers, Agnew ACo
John B. MtfFadden A Co- «
.lames Dnliell, "
_ Dissoiatioa ofCo.Ptru«nbip.
riMll-. Go-Partnersbfp aiistinr between (be under-
Jl signed, under the style ©f*P. IL Eaton A Co„ n
waa dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. SOlb. F. 11.
fcj«inn, having purchased the entite Interest of W r P.
Marshall, who retire*, wilt attend to the settlement of
Uxr business of the late firm, at the old stand, No 63
H.urthilrcit. f. H. EATON,
ieb - W. P. MARSHALL.
HALER In Glove* and Hosiery, Trimmings. Fancy
Good*. Ribbon*, Lare* and Iznbttijderie*, Zephyr
Worsted, Patterns and Canvas*, No 03 Fourth street,
l*m»hnr*b. A full .supply of Fine Shirt* and Gents’
Under Garment*. ftMdni
THE Partnenhlp heretofore exlslingbetween Elliott
A English, in the Book end Paper Basinets, was
involved on the llth Insu, by mutual eonsent. The
business -still be eontinned at the old stand. No. 7V
Wood Street, nnder the firm of "A. IL Ejigliih A Co. ”
by whom the business of the former partnership will
letj l3 A. R ENGLISH.
DM. LONG, having purchased the interest of
• June* Kerr, Jr., in the firm of James Kerr, Jr.
4 V,°.’ BMP Chandlery and Boat Store basinets
wilt t»e earned on as heretofore at the old stand, No 36
W airr street, between Wood and Market, under the
•tylrjw febß-lm LONG, DUFF A CO.
THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing tinder the
«ylc of “Cope A Breyfogle," U this day dissolved
by mutual eonsent. Tbo basinets will be settled by J.
C. Breyfogle, at their old stand, No. 109 Beeond street.
L. 8. COPE,
?.«?f99.LE, having associated with him
»L CLARKE, for the purpose of transacting
the forwarding and Commission business, will con
tinue that business at the old stand of “Cope A Brey
fogle,' 1 and respectfully asks a continuance of the
former patronage of his friends and the public gener
ally. The basinets will be conducted under the name
and style of Bxxttoolx A Claiu.
’ Pittsbargh, Jan, 7. ISSfl.—pang
Dias elation.
TIIE Co-Pannersuip heretofore existing under tne
style of “J. 11. Clouse A Co,” is this dsy dissolved
by mutual consent. The basinets of the firm will be
settled by L. 8. Waterman, at their old stand, No IS4
Liberty street L. 8. WATERMAN.
feb3 J. H. CLOUSE ’
Erie Conel—Eleetlon orOfflsin.
THE Stockholders of the Erie Canal Company are
notified that an Election will be held at the of
fice of said Company, la Erie, on Monday,'the 4th day
of March, to choose Seven Directors for the
year. febll-d3w W.M. W. REED, Bec’r
OILS— 1(0 bbl* Linseed Oi!; .
13 “ Winter Lard, No I;
10 “ do do No 3; Cor sale by
HSNZOIC ACID—TO o* for sale b
> febld RESELLS I
Acknc ACID-75 lbs for sale by
febia R E BFET.RRa
t’ARTARIC ACID—3» lbs for tale by
febia RE:
BACON —lao bhds prime Hams, Sides, A Shoulders;
Ao tes Evans A SwilVs 8 C uems;
0 tes Miller, Brown A Htokin’s Hams;
SO bbls 8 C Dried Beef Rounds
T INSKEI) OIL—So this for ssie by
UNNY BAG9—3OOO just rccM and for sale by
L A/TOULI) t^ANDLKS—WO bxs jest ree*d on consignr
f iyi. merit and for sale by
ion bbls N O Molasses, cypres bands;
7 hhds prime N O Sugar; on consignment and
fcblO Water street "
OLOTiIS —VVe hare now in stors the largest
V 7 end iMtit assortment of Oil Cloths ever before of
f<-red in this market—rangisg from 37 inches wide to
31 fret—all of which are trom the moot approved
manufacturers, and of the richest and newest styles.
We respectfully invite dealers to call at our Carpet
Warehnu«e,i?a Fourth street, and examine our assort
ment before purchasing elsewhere.
fe bl3 w McCLINTOCK
1.) PIECES new style Castimerea;
I 3” do Fashionable Tweeds;
6 superior make French Cloth:
Jusl received at \VM. DIGBVB,
UB Liberty st
HEM P—43bales IkeWßoucJJientueliy ITcicp' rcc
«»« roosignmenl and for sale by
JARO OlL—iu bbl« No 1, in store and for sate by
(IIIKKSE— WX» lt>» WR, in aiorr and for tile by
1 BITTER—3 bblr in ttore nod for aale by
SOCK dot Woolen, in (tore ami for rale by
WHITE UEaNh—< tibia in atom aniTforaale Fy
HOPS —I bale In non end foraaln by
OI'CAK—H) hbda prime new, ree’d am] foKaaie by
HEKKING— Ou bf*T» in a lorn and for eato by ’
1, LEATHERS—f. tackiin atora and for amie by
171XHJR— ifIXJ bill Extra Family, in atari* etyj for
. • ale by fell* ARMSTRONG * CROZER
lARD— sobbla No l,prime; rae*d and for sale by - "
RIO COFFEE—I£v bafi pnmo new crop, joji r«'d
and for rale bjr
_ Water atreel
Combat Combat
i)A GROSS igper Polka; 10 do do Tery fine;
4>Vf M •• ata’d Redd In e;
la u anper EnjrUih Horn Redding
• “ Pocket Comba;
Mo “ “ Wood “
I Duo dor aa*M Fine Irory;
3U “ Shell Side Comba:
10 " taper lam BofTiilo;
Sin groat aaa’d Side Comba; recVl and for aale by
... _ O YE&GER.lWMarketat
HICK— 10 uercea jotfree 7 a aniTTor rile by
WINDOW GLASS—SOOO bu, ail'd aixet, (Eber>
betn’t make,) for aale by
SUGAR— 00hhdaN O, jnat ree’d and for aale by
CODFISH— 20 druma in ato re and for aale By
IOAP—26O Lia Rosin, in atora and for rale by
fcM* No 37 Wood at
>T\V BACON— 33,000 lbs Hem*;
23,000 lbs Shoeldert;
30,C00 lbs Sides; in smoke house.
Cenel Busin, Sieenib street
and for sale by
tfOdot Cons, to Here and for »ilc by
Tk*w teleobapb office.
Ut cuixena and Easiness men of Pittsburgh ora
respectfully informed that the Morse Telegrapn
Lines are now U complete operation boiweeu Uua city
and Baltimore. Washington, and other Eastern Cities, *
connecting at Washington City with the Morse Line,
the only one Sowh to Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston.
Augusta, Savannah, Mobile and New (Meant—and
corniceung in this city with Unes running West ana
North to tho principal tows* and eitie. in the volley of
ihe Mississippi, and on lha Lakes. These Lines will
receive and send messages as cheap as any other
Une, and the operators and clerks will be found gen
tlemanly and accommodating. *
ii/ ( ??S ffi w in J U,olowor * u,, T r « f *• ST. CHARLES
iiortL, Wood street. JuulWm
, No. os, DIAMOND ALLEY, a
• below Word street, u-
W Dn.“*ROWJf # having been
regularly edacated to the medical
Profession.and bcenfor some titan
genertu practice, now cor,lines
\ his attention to the treatment of
thMe private aud dclietle com
>§nBS«3s*rf plaints for whieh hia opportunities
1 ' nnd expenenoe peculiarly qaality
\ \\X»> ' him. 14 years assiduously devoted
to study A treatment of those whieh
“■ J• b “ k “l -ore pimum «n. hu circd Scrop“
ccl. Itcc cur ccr f«JI u> the lot of .nr prirmte prtT
tluonct) unplj citdlhu hint,to 09cr ...nrutec. 0(
speedy, pormsmem, and satisfactory enra to oil afflicted
from di ** M# *’ 40,1411 <ilueses arising thsrf-
Dr. Brown wonldiittbm thou afflicted with pnvate
dtsaaseii which have beeeoe chronic by Umo or t*-
gravated by the use of any of the common nostrums of
the day, that their eomplamU can bo radically and 0»r
-oughly cured; he having given hia earefhi attentianto
the treatment of each cases, and succeeded inhardreds
of uisißncesin carutg parsons of InflammaUon ofUie
neck of tho bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those cases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly invit£ tu3
as hare been long and unmcetrfiUy treated by others
to consult him, when every satisfaction wilt be given
them, and their eases treated in a careful,thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed out by a lotir exnetiencs.
study,snd investigatiomwhich it iJSfflbtoWSfc
engaged in general pracUea of medicine to give to
one elm of disease. *
ETIIcmiU cr Brown >lu incun p»r.
GANCERH also cured.
N- ot **U»er sex living at a distance, by
stating their disease in writing, nvin# all the symp
tom*. can obtain mcdiaae. with hnctSnt tar «m, by
addreuwf T. BROWN, bL D. t post paid, and aadoa
ing a fee. r
No. <8 Diamond opposite the Waverly
- Brown’alewly discovered reme
dy for lUtearoatisiniseipeedrand certain remedy lor
thatpainftl troable. It never fail*.
Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. CS DU*
moodalley, Pittsburgh, Pa. .The Doetbrts always, at
hojne._ • > ■ J ' >'• !
D .8,100.
(EFIVo ear* no p«jr.
~i ' ~
t s '
, miscellmeojs. 1
Tenmaer, ud General Jail IteUw £andl££to
Sutnet, ondSamnel Jones and WilllLn Kere,Ron?
Associate Judges of the bum Conru, In mad I
of AUefhenyjdued the JUhdayof"lbmajT I
*° ? bjC* l 0 a onr L0i 5. 0a ® eight bondmi I
and fifty. «md to mo directed, for holding a (W hf
Oyer and Terminer, and General Jsil Dehverv .> «£! I
g«rt lk«o, in the City of Ktubw*|f2£s?i£ft
Monday in March next, at 10 oVlock, A- M. I
Pttbtfs notice l* hereby given to all Justices of the I
Peace, Coroner, and Constable*, of the County of AI I
leghany, that they be then and there, in their wooer I
penes*, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, exaS-1
nations, and other remembrance*, lo do thou thin.. I
which, to their respective offices in their bchalC an* I
pear to be done—and also, thoae that will eroseeete I
ths prisoners that now are, or may be. in the Jail of I
said Co an it of Allegheny, to be (hen and there, to pro- 1
secule against them os shall be Just. |
Given under my hand,at Pittsburgh, this Uthday of I
February, in the yeariof ear Lord, 1620, and Of the I
Commonwealth the ?4tb. CARTES CURTIS,
feblMAwtdT ; sheriff. |
A N PIiECTION for Officer* for the “Company tor
creeling a Bridge over the Allegheny River, op
polite Pittsburgh, in tire County of Allegheny,” will
bo holden in the Toll House of the Company, ai the
Pittsburgh end, on Monday, March 4tb, at l o'clock,
P* M: JOHN HARPER, Treasurer.
j*n3o-dAwtdT '
wiLD CHERRY, the great remedy for
And the best medicine known
to man tor Asthma of every itage, Liver
Complaints, Bronchitis, luflacnsa, (toughs, Colds,
Breeding of the Langs, Shortness off} re nth.
Paint and Weakness in the Side,
Breast, Ae., and all other
disease* of the
A very important disease over which thisJUlxam ex
erts n very powerful influence, is that of a
In this complaint it has undoubtedly proved more
efficacious than any remedy hitherto employed, and in
etmeroui instances when patients had endured lona
Md severe suffering from the disc are*, without reeelv*
iitg the least benefit fromj various remedies, and when
Mercury has been resorted to in vain, the use of this
Balsam has restored the Liver to a healthy aeiion, and
In many/instancei effected permanent cures,.after
every well known remedy hod failed to produce this
desired effect j-
Besides its astonishing efficacy in the disease shove
? e ,w. » we it a very effectual remedy in
Asthma, a complaint Ir. which it has been extensively
usedwith deeded success, even in cates of year*’
standing. With the increase of intelligence hsi grown !
U P ■ knowledge or the elements of health, ud t re
ff**® for them, and commnnsurately.wiih the Mtides of I
science have we acquired the me*uaof arresting dis- I
eaae, and averting its ravages. Notwithstanding the
progress we have madei statistics show that even
now, one sixth of the whole population dio annually
of consumption. ; ' I
One of the most important discoveries of the ace. in
ameliorating the eohaiilon of this targe class of suf-1
fenng humanity, is
“ Jgn33-lm>
WUtar’s .Balssm of wjjl? Cherry is a fine Herbal
Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and
Uerenuino Iceland Moss, {tire latter imported express
ty lor this purpose.) the litre medicinal virtues of
wtuen are also combined by a new chemiea) process,
with the extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole
compound the most certain and efficaelous remedy ;
ever discovered for , 1 j
Still further evidences of the remarkable curative,
properties ol ihisincslimsble preparation: '
Rcß Brtrjvu co., O, Aug. 91,104®.*
Messrs. Sandtord A Fork: Gentlemen, About six
Zrwit Jfs..l‘ T . ed !\* •ffeneyof*Wi«iart Balsam
of Wild Cherry, but with some reluetauce on my nan.
for Ure reason that I had been the m?eu: of to many
pills and other nostrums, whieo were cracked' up to
be -omeiUnf wondertkl, bat which vurned out In the ,
end to beof no account whatever, deep: to the man
nactnrer. _ But I candidly admit that this time i have
?“ n^ e ,s®i T ' d . for thoextraordinaiyearei effected by
Wii tar's Balsam hare convinced me that “good can
come out ofNaxareth." Your agent left meone doS
en boulet, whieb are allgone—havingbees the means
of curing 'several obstinate eases of Connunnttoo—l
and uo mistake; tor what isee and know I ant bound
tobelleyfc One ease In particular: A youngrentle
man In Winchester, Adamaeojmty.O, 10 mtleaftow
thlsplacmwai cured of Consumption when the doe
tore has given him up, or u-le&st could do nothinr for
him, and tt was the intention of his friends to convey I
nra to your city, and place him under the ears of some I
eminent phreieian there.* But a friend told him of 1
Wistaria Balsam, and that he eonid obtain It of me. I
lie *ent, and before the second bottle wis gone I
he was sound.and well, and unending tohis every dsy I
basinets. At there are several Inquiries for the medi- I
cine, H would be well to forward an additional supply I
withdut delay. Very respectfully, yours, ' 1 I
The above, from L. Newiaftd,Erq,ahighly respect-1
able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to I
the eandid attention of alrithasc who 'have doubted I
the great merit of Witter 1 * Wild Cherry I
“XT geoiine WlMirt
Balsam of Wild Cherry, wu retrod need i n the rear
*®?\ ,ni ? has been well totted la all complaints tor
which u D reciiomer.ded. For 17 vean it has proved
more efficacious tu a remedy for Coughs, Colds,lnfla
enxt, Crottelmis, Asihma, and Consumption la its in*
eiptsat stages, than any other medicine ;
»T, q ... r , A»,. ID, IM3.
, ”♦ Fowle: Having seen mask certificates
puhluhed In relation to Dr. Wistaria Balsam-of Wild
Cherry, i take tow opportunity of offering a word in !
its favor, which you are alto at liberty to publish. A
few norths sutee my wife’s lungs became so ranch af-1
fee ltd wuh s sudden cold, that she lost her voice, and
suffered severely from pains in the breast. Uer utoa
tion caused her friends mach alarm. Having beard I
your Balsam strongly recommended by those who I
ufodii,lpureba«ed a bottle from your agent in this
Slice. She took it according to directions, and it pro
seed a wonderful effect. Before ualng one Louie ahe
bed completely recovered Her voice, the pains subsid
ed, and her health was soon fully re-datsilisbed.
our*, truly, HENRYG. BRIGHTMAN.
To Dkuosbt* avp DtaLm in Maranw-—Tbi- cel
ebrated snd miaUible remedy for ihe euro of Comubp
uou, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by Uv own me
nt« been rapidly, sure and safely working its wsy
“rough the opposition of quick* and concterfeifers.
unW, by its true value and intrinsic excellence, u has’ I
ettned lor itMlf a most enviable popularity, and e*lab- I
listed ilseli m the confidence of an ImelUgent and en-1
lichiercd public, from one end of the continent to the I
other. The tetumonyof thousands wiiohtvo been re-1
tieved and cured try ltd* valuable aniefe, will show I
tost d stand* unrivalled—at the head ol all other me-1
dieinrfs. forthe cure of diseases tor whic. ; it is reeom- I
mendfd. The genuine Dr. Wisur’s Balsam of Wild I
I, H/ ** now ‘‘ ,r ** le by duly appointed I Agents, and I
ali respectable dealers in medicines, in aJUanrecttie* I
and ali important towns throughout the United Slates. I
Fates fll per. Bottle | Bix Bottles for ti. <; I
Sold Ljr 3. n. PARK, (snceeaaor to Sandford A Put,)
Fourth and Walnut street*, Ctneiaruni, Ohio, General
Agent for the South tad Went, to whom til order*
must be addressed.
L. Wilcox, Jr, James a. Jonea; J, Kidd A Co: B. A.
Fahne*u«k A Co, Ihiiiburgh.; L. X. Russell, Wash-
JUfton; W. li. Lamberton, Franklin; L. B. Bo vie,
Uiuontown; 11. Welly,Ureensbargh; S.Koum&Somer
"t; 8co» A Cilmore. Bedford; Reed A gcb, Hunting-
\ Vr, K bl i Wmanmng; Evan* *. Co, Uroak
wile; A. ilmo A Sou, Waynesburgh; hPFarltnd A
Co, N. Callender, Meadville; Burton A Co, Erie; j
Magoffin, Mercer, James, Kelly A Co. Butler; S.Bmith.
Bearer, J. ft Rummenou, Warren; F.L, AC. S. Jones,
Condertport; P. Crocker, Jr, Brownsville. **
fcbi-dAwty(i*lT j
IB rLAHnXTOUY UllttUtiA’Puai. —
ANEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable
Kingdom—a tare and permanent eure for all
KoeuDiaiic Complaint* aoch ak
Inflammatory. Chronic. Acute and Mere trial
Rheuiaaiura: Goat, Lumbago.
Spinal Affection*, Ac. ,
Th»» medicine ha* long been sought for. It ha* been
■aid that Kheamauim could not be cured; but there is
a remedy designed by natare for Ibecure of every dj*.
cum that the harnau system it riibjen to. At last c re
medy ha* been found that cure* Kheamaiisni of the
worst form—ene ci the most valuable vrgetablo m.
auction* of toe earth—tno greal&st and monimportant
discovery ol the age, and a wonderful blec.-lur to the
human family, L cures without sickeningor debilita
ung, and renew* strength and rigor to the tvbolo in.
*2?* »«• curod. during ihe put three month*, ceer
600 case* that were considered incurable.
Certificate* of the canuire properties of this medi
cine can be aeon by calling on the Agcnu.
None genuine unless put up with an engraved label
KmTCK 1 ““ pro >"'“ r ' «■
B«J4 *>y If. SMYSER,
corner Third and Market at, Pitt*i>imrh.
Bold also by G. F. THOMAS,
, „ No 109 Main it, Clneinnatl, O.
if !)7-dAw4tnfl
THIS property lies ai the apper end of Umettown—
t thon distance below the mouth of Mingo Creek.
The rail road uud ihe neceaaary luilding* are ew.
and the mine ba» been worked (os. cooogi to put itm
goodordcr. The Pit open* witnin yardaofthurlT
er. and the inelinalioii from it is just sufficient to carry
the car* to the boat* The water at the landing is
sood— permitting boat* u> Ikj loaded at all seasons; and
ie mouth of Mingo r shor uiitance aboro, affords jui
ample harbor to protcet tbem.from the flood* and ice
of winter. The Tract connected .ab Uteke work*
consists of 300 Aeres Coal, ring in ihe neck of land
between Mingo Creel uuu ihe Monongaltela. AH
thing* considered, this property combine* perhaps, as
many advantage*, and hold* out aifiiit inuueenmntsto
the capitalist. a* any on the river. The enure tratt 1*
offered for tale; but, to suit purchaser*. :• portion may
be reserved. Priee reasonable and terms very easy '
For further Information enquire of r .
Fourth street. nor Wood.
Haruept Fleming A Oo^
so case* (uperinr Family Blanket#, 10 by Id qra;
COO pair do & by 7tt;
200 do do ~do 4by7 lb
140 do red and while llnrio do
IUO do colored California do
fiO piece* 0-4 whito Flannel, warranted all wooL
100 do 4-1 do do do do
1(0 do 3-4 do do do do
160 do 3-4 red do do do
76 do 3-4 yellow do do do
Salinetu, Tweed*, Jeans and Woolen Yarn, at east
ern taanuficturer 1 * price*.
Off" Warehouse, No l!D Wood it, 4th door from Fifth.
RANGE COMPANY —Office, North Boon of tho
Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia.
FlMlEtciasct—llaildingsi Merchandise and other
property in tuwm and comma, insured against loss or
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
Maim also Insure Vessels Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, os (he assured may desire.
. ItiLAßflTasmrorrA'noK.—They alio into re merchan
dise transported )<y Wagons, Railroad Cara, Canal
Boats aud Steam Bouts, on rivers and lakes, on the
most liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. SeaL Edmond A. gooder,
John 0 Davis, Hel en Ourton, John R Penrose, g«mn:
el Edwards, Leo G Lei per, Edward Darlington, Isaac
R Davit, William Fnlwell, John Newliii, lit B it Hat
ton, James Clla id, Tbeophilm'Paulding, H Jones
Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Benill.
Spencer Mcllvain, Charles Killy, J G Johnson. Wll!
lism Hay, Dr S Sellers, Wm. Rvr j»
Wm Bagaley.Jno.T. Logan. f- «organ,
Uicuaao S. NcwaoLb,Secretar' - u
[TJ“ Ofiiee of the Company, N'
Pitubqrgh. jtnfchdtf P. A-
Now Pis-
Of octave Pli
f«wry T oVt~Wilbert“i'c£)
c, r w^*«.nJ<Mntiiion,anriit>tlvfrpai»^
“* “iS®" «2o*E
EVlamjby J " KtEBEB,
A- Mra* : ,M J, W, Wotdwcli’i.
A Within » n?nt
%£ 9f ex«U«u FraiL Tlii property it AcsinblV,
J 2?•? «*Meaee r or ter/ardenlnr par-
P®Mfc Bnalreof :. \.y«; W» 11. M. PUBBV,
net cf Boolie 4 P»«T. «>r-
Mr ar flay aed Liberty »a. - fcMMw* 1
I •Vo Zi«t* • • . .. . .
Sj-?fTjrd Miller, &q, oexi doer to (tie real
«ene* of ik. mbacnber, io Allegheny. Thii
8 bed I? 1 * ! pl*«d la prime order, eoataina
k»t*hea Mriore, dime* room Si by .11, and
*ssSiiabESV^m lu^eoMljaity. to boih eiiiej
y«d."“‘“Ml Meltable mUeooe. Hrdraaiinthe
B4*T^’ o iyr£,"“ iiß "« bwdiioJ, « tr uu
—■—lfetMl wm. aomSßni«*ir
! ite^Fern'tS.?.» I W.K.,
etrfcet, oa reuo^4b^l , r^ nni S? fro ®. Water to Fim
No 110 Market n
BMtdals To Leu
BIIAT beutifal aitnaiioß for a Private Reridenee. i
on .the tank of the Ohio river, inihebotoavTof l
aaneheater. For term i apply to
«bl» -GEO COCHRAN, SB Wood r
To L«t|
"N ALLEPBKNY,within..
IN a*——r-'-r—••qatxe of ihem»Aei, k
.nombcrof ihrea atory Bnck Dwelling*, with baek
bandings. There ore eight room* in each koue: ud
Ul4 yirdi in paved, with hydrants in lb» tame. Rftn
FOR BALF—Tfcree PwopOngood order; woaJd
ifcwerforweUtfrom05to 70feet deep.. Esquire of
JAMES BAY, Sudaakr it,
rear Baptut Chnrch
j For lain
XkTB will sell at a bargain, one or NAYSMITH’S
nMiriek & Tonne’s improvement atucbed. It ia in
good order, and can be seen at onx work*. It ia ad*
myably., adapted to drawing iron,' and shingling
DlOoms. For farther inTormation apply to
_L__ „ Fedaral Street Proparty,
UOR SALE, at Auction, on Tuesday, the 19th Lost,
I J- ft S o’clock, P. RL, that large and convenient
Dwellimr Heue, with the Lot, 91 feet front on Federal
atreeL Alleghany, .by 100 deep on Robinson street, to
: aa alley.
i The whole of the adjoining unimproved prtro
e7%°/ to-lueoekltreet, presenting a front of SlOfeet
«««*» by 100 deep to an alley, will bo told
in.bnildiM lota. .
Lota fronting_on Laeoek street'and
To persona desiring a pleasant location, either for
l residence* or basinets purposes, central to both cities,
I and the advantage of tmiiding agreeable to modern
improvements, the above presenu agoodopportaninr,
ana is aboat the last chance. -Terms at side on the
8 CUTIIDERT, Gen’l Agent,
-■ fabl-u Smlthfiolq street
-Tor Rant,
iaa No 6 Market street, next door to Mnlveny
e l * Glass Store. Enquire of
A Farm for Sale,
CONTAINING 160 ACRES, abonthalf of whieh
is cleared, slanted in Washington eonnty. Ohio,
aboat five miles from the Ohio River. Possession
giken immediately. Enquire of
fc b7 Liberty street.
■’ Far Raat.
JX tit Hay street. Enqsireof
febl ■ JAMES DALZEM.. 94 Waurst.
For Seat or Balt*
S^HErabse riber will sell or rent Us very desi
rmbla Conntrr Residence, ia Allegheny euy.sit*
nated on Ohio Lane and Allegheny Avenne,
west of the Common. Tbo hottM is a large dwblo
oner bnudinr, ia complete order. There is a Car*
nfge House, Stable, and good water on tbo grounds,
whieh comprise two acres, well improved,
every description of PreiL A! o—s spring house and
smoke bouse. Poaseaslos give* daring the month of
March. , fcbl-tf JOHNGEBIIABT.
o*tjT lC ® TO 2LKBT— On second story, No OS
Water St.-. Possenioaglven Ist ApriL
> Jan» ISAIAH DICKEY k CO. Front st
S^Pfff-2 0 ****~» feet front by <0 deep-
No 1177 Front sl Possession five* Ist ApriL
■ Jang - ISAIAH DICKEY k 00, Front st
a A desirable Residence, a?uai*4 oa the River
For Bala.
THE VACANT LOT, in Allegheny, eonteTof Mid
isei deep lleT Cottaon » ® {eet fr»w by 110
r.^/ ,(V “7 b ® I _^. onSonthCOTl,mon * feet front by.
tJ- o D?ihsL P ’ wUi Uuw * tonr Driek U^ue i occupied
101 08 S®** Common, Z 7 foet front by
two story Brick House, oeenpied
jAbo-Pivo Beßdiag Lots on Bank Lane, each 90
y*jNHachei firont by W feet b inches deep .to towprth
. Alfo—TbeLot on north sideof Liberty street, Pitts-
? Br f b» (P*ri of lot No 134 in Woods* plan,) 80 feet Boat
by ito feet deep to Brewery alley. Apply to
janJO-dgm GEb. BREKD,B4 Wood 1
Valuable Loti fbr Sale.
SIX BUILDING LOTS, on Second street, between
Ferry end Redoebt alley, each 90 feet by 75 beekt
to a tea feet alley. They are desirable for private dwell
ings, and will be sold on time. Apply to
malP-lm cor. Second stand Redoubt alley.
F°a SAhEj on very liberal term*—Fifty Nine Lou
of Grand, airaated on Penn, Wayne, and Pike su,
««m the Dnqaesne Way, meeardiof to a plan to be seen
at uua office, where terms and conditions will bo made
known. j.ngi
Por Rent*
A ROOM on Market street, near Water,.suitable
(oran office. Enqnlreof
jang-tf GEO. B. MAB3EF. Water it
. Wmw Btat«
THKUrretfawrtaryßßJCK WAREHOUSE. No.
;!?. b o ty^f s?*’ oppo ? l “ the bood of Wood. oe.
Ssilu!L»L^2J^*9* oe ' ft,,re * Po®M«ionWa
S?S2f te siii or uiunytimebefore tire first
orApnJ. Said house isia excellent repair. For oar
liculara enquire on the premises of ■. ■ * > *
jmSß lm • F.W. HAYWARD.
For Rsmt,
FROM the flm der of April next—one lam two
•toned BBJCK DWELLING HOUSE, handsome*
•y situated on the Ohio Hirer, adjoining the boronjhof
Alanehester, with about fear acres of land; a number
or Frail Trees; one large btiek Dam and Stable, nad
other out buildings. Apply t* non
AT© l4«f .
SMALL COTTAGE HOUSE, in Allegheny eity,
on Esplanade street. Rent low. Inquire of
l*”** TABSEV A BEST, 5 Wood »
A, Brtak Yard fsrttsatT
LOT OF GROUND,suitable fora Brick Yard,
!*" **■«** “a*. »the vicinity of
v«uo will bereated for a term of yeara. Ad.
r>J“ „ EDI OAZZ4M.TH.iI Sit'
Office orer the Post Office.
For Rut,
A ROOM on the second story of the Warehouse
No. 80 Wood street. ’ janie?
KAk w rt L ,lrwt ' bclwcea O’Hara and Walnnt streets
•FuthWard, a; present o.tupied by the subscriber!
PoeaessionrtTeoonthelstAprU. Ennuireof
JanlC-tf WM. VOUNOTTb Liberty st
For tjinL
T KB BASEMENT comer of the Diamond amt
umoa streets, well adapted to anypnblio business,
it nas been occupied aa a Coffee, or V-sUng Establish,
ment, fbra numberofyears.
i. •^ I S o ffS Teirtl Oaeea and Artist’s Rooms, well
lighted, with entrance from the Diamond, orer tho
store of the subscriber*, north west eorner of the Dla*
mond and Market street Apply to
■ Alexander a da y.
1? tC „■,,** T » *5O pleasantly tltuatod linos ;
rLwu? i£ Uou ***» wh !‘ ff»#ads adjoining,at
Possession cairbo rmn on the first of
April next Jaa3 HARDY, JONES * CO.
For Rent,
THE Back Part of the. Warehouse now occupied by
myreu, ana fronting on Front street
0 H GRANT. 41 Water st t
To Lai.
on Smithfield street, fear doors fromTSerontb.
west side. Inquire of S. BCHOYHB,
fca F 110 Second st.
Foa a icax—A STORE, well fined up for Dry
Goods, on Market st, between Third tend Fourth.
Possession given on the Ist of April next;
Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Possession
giTen immediately. E- D. GAZZAM,
doia Offlea over the Post Office, Third st
sent occupied by Messrs. Bailey,Brown Jfc Co.,
on Water street from first of April next
AA FOR BALE—A Brick House, (bat one year
-Bra built,) and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny,
"nearoW Bridge. Prioelowand terms easy.—
Inquire of jy*4 8 SCHOYER, 110 Becond st •
FOR SALE—Five lota eligibly situated in uo a* JTT
ishing town of Birmingham. The lots are situa
ted on Donut an street numbered in nia*
73, n, 80,61 and 8»-Lot No 75 OsntinggOfset
ry A« n street, 70 feet deep; the other four SO feet front
eaeli, by POfoet deep.
- Trrms—Greater part of purchase money mar ml
mein for six years, aecured by mortgage. Forpinlel
olars, inquire of BBCHOYQL *
n J“ KUT. i uliLiff 6 .. rt _
V FOR SALL—A. Lot of Ground situate an iv-
«'ioBWAY FtAlag»
—j*? l * HE eorner Fourth afldMßßfc^itf
A L l!Sk^ D « a k earner of the Diamoad and
!K?* V*Ui 0W off *t rwUeed
“fWlater Goods, cousistin* of
L * dl “ Drew Goods, iagxtu ranety.
AUo—lHankcM tad Flenneli, Cloth*, CaWnioi.Seim
«», tnd assortment of berry Couon Goods.
Gonßdtnt that better bargains etnnot bo btd else
where,-we Invite the attention of barer*.
73 Msrfcet street.
'/ Janlt
OlUfiTaad (bortumc tvXUMA^ufc^P^-
O nbls in Cincinnati, Loni«vUle and St Lotus, par-
Ab*Md on tkomoat favorable temu. :
~ ckBP&vH
T>tCEIVEI) this day, at tha Carpet Warehooso, No
Xv 7S Foatth *l * new and rich style of super In*
cmn Carpets.' Also— Fine Ingrain, 'which we offer to
Michasen u eheap-as any eastern house.
febia • : W McCUttTOCr
OU Gloifea* . < ..
tir MeCLINTOCK u now receiving the newest
W • style Tapestry OU Clethd, which we will eat
to ti any sixe room, halt. cr.v«iUlmle. ‘ We resneei.
tiny Unite an ctaaiaafleneTtwr assortment aiodr
carpet Warehouse, 75 Fourth street. (tw
2Vo DmSf Uaua<f Exjtrta Pari* JBoaU, l and.':\
’ . Sait Road Carti '"
Via toe .Great Central Rail Read and Penn’a Canali
• Taa—Sixty Hours.
! Fsa*—'Ten Dollars through. •'
1 ' 836 tnflesrSßoad.- .
190 do CtuL
THE PROPRIETORS hare built an additional line ‘
of superior new and comfortable Packets, to connect ■ • 1
with too new Central Rail Bead. On the opening ofz-~
navigation, a paeket will leave every morning at
o’clock, and every evehisx)at tuuo- o'clockrcroasing '--
too Ponexe Rati Rosd in diylirtt; at Jaekstowa take
toe splendid Cars of. the Central a«j| Road, 900 mil**
to Phtiapelphia.: A limited tiwnbir of passcngereenly ?
will be earn'd on these packets,so as to inaare —if>it ■'■
This mate, for safety, speed, and comfort, is not '
eqaalled by anr now in ase to toe Eastern Cities. '
For passage or information spply to
W. 3UTCH, Mononrahela noats;
1 Or to D.-LEECH A CO., Canal Batin.
N. B.—On too Ist’May next toe Central) Rail Road
will be open to' Hantingdon, which will shorten to« '
ume through several hours. ' ■ febll • ••
&fi J&i.
, *Ol na coarxTAßn or xKscmmzz Ai&ranaiH
with inap m onmuaTT, mwiH
forwarded by ihi* line are carried in tie "'
®s ChambewbuTfb, and are immediate- - •
KttSSSuiL to Wa * oni night and day tiroagh »■
*” I'Mioaed'every 15 mile*,' whiek '
prompt delivery ofyoodiwithintka' tine
. "£k° ' v *gons will leave obt warehouse daily. (Boa.'
daw ejceptei) u * 0 « C !oek, P. M. ’ =
a ”F C4I that *» non foods will be >
Umm«h h . lhßa etn *» ;P»*ctMUy carried
827 Market meet, Philadelphia.
_ Canal Baain, Pittebwgh.
- Si
PoiWABDOa * CoaoßK !.»
ioji MItTTUCT, Gaul Bitty o, Pena * tree l, Piuebftjgh. •'.■l
at DAVIS k CO- Punm Factoßt ajo’cos.
iSSIf 2=7 *” <l M «. :
Wool, ud other merchaadite, Consigned to them far -
U«i . .
rpHE sabseribers, now having in •neccnfU open*
i!b/pM!SS I Et reM W **° D H 8 * between Piltsbargh.
MdFhiladelphi* are prepared id receipt lor 6000.i1*
do, ‘' rer * l ' l ” u, '°"* h in
’, - Canal Basin. Piosbanrh. -
. ■ Janl-rlgm : Jo7Marteii,Phil>a. ■
rjlire *ab*crib«r« nreprepnred to reeeiTe 6000po«nd*
A Freight dROy, after Mondav, 10th iniu, to forward
to or from PhilailelpJua and Pmsliargh, by Wsxon,
iST!2?£. m FiVB s*J** • a* tow üby nay other
conveyance at this action of the year. . /
john McFaden* co,
Canal Basin, Pittsbargk.
_i dcC No 337 Market st. Philadelphia.
"*'***' w * i q g in B9HHBBB.
Only T 8 Hlle> BtagUf,
Via Brownsville and Camber!and to Baltimore and
' Philadelphia. -
FITHE nomine *boat leaves too whirt above the
J, bridfe, iafly, at 8 o’clock precisely... Time to
Baltimore, 33 houraj ume to Philadelphia, 40 hoars.
Tho evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday *vl:
“top,) at 4 o’clock. byTaMnTw S
evening boat, will eroae the moanialne in stages next
day, and tone avoid night travel. c
Secure yoor tickets at too Office, Uonongahs)
Home, or St Charlee Hotel. “• /
ocao-ly J.MBBirmrflg, Agent -
> —:
JlllS 1850.
express wagon line through in
rIE eabeeriben, having impended their op*.
eration* until the opening of too Spring Navigo*
non, hare established an Expreea Una by Railroad and
between Philadelphia and Rtisborgh,. by.
which they arm prepared to forward 6800 poena* each
day. and receipt for toe delivery of too same in $ daya.
~ They begleave to assure their friends and tho pib
llo that their arrangements regarding rates, regalariry -
and despatch, eaaaot fail to giro satisfaction to all who
UTOf them with their >mimnit»
comer Penn and Wayne sts, Pittsburgh.
_ de7 S7B Market street, .
mMk 1850- fflßfet
_Hxaa mm thx old cosmroos. •
1 *m »wt\ nnw—’
r Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
A 8 the business on toe canal ip about being closed ■'
for the season, we woaldinform thepaeliothat,
we have again brought the Conestoga Wagons into re*
auiiiuoa, and will oe prepared to forward COOOpoands
daily, (commencing on Monday, toe SStoinst.) A Car
leaving Philadelphia daily by toe mail train for Chaw-x •
benburg, and. toe .Wagons traveling day .end. night
ensures the delivery oi Goods in five days. Apply to ~
' WM. BINGHAM. PiOsbargh, *'
BINGJIAM A DOCK, No. 183 Market street,
novSO Philadelphia.
wiayjaa. ARBAaokaiKNg___:; r
smm, iBsd. mm-
tv M&MM
Toce FiveUnys, (Sundays ciceptcd,) running Bay
FJIIIE public It respectfully informed ihattMs lisa,
- J. which haurbeen in successful operation the two
previous winters, will again commence' ranninrefi'
Monday,’the 2Cth of November.
A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chsmbenbttrgb
daiiy'eaeh way with the Mail Train, and from Cham*'
beraburgh with relays of hones running day and night.
We are prepared to forward
the above line. Apply to
». LEECH A CO, Pittsburgh, •
No 13 Soath Third street. Philadelphia.- .
. novSMtf • .........
. They are not aware how frightfully injurious it is
to the skin] how eoane, bow rongh, how sal*'•/'>
low, yellow, und unhealthy the skinup*. 1;. -
peanafterusingprepaiedebalkl Be- -■ I-. TT 1
sides it Is injurious, retaining a ' !
' Urge quantity of Lead!
. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article!
which we call JONES’ BPANISH LILY WnTTf. ' :
It is perfectly innocent, being perilled ofall deleenl •'
ons qualities; and it imparts to the skin anataral, Leal
thy. alabaster, clear, living white; at the —■« tim»
aeting as a cosmetic on skill, making It soft and ’
smooth. Boid by the Agent, WiL JACKSON, 89 Lib
eny st, Pittsburgh. Price *5 eents. uugTaiAwT '■ _
[ET all ooot cmxmo ai* nonorabiy earned that
theiollowing are the aetaal qualities or ada. bottle of ■
Jonas’s Coral Hair Restorative. If they doubt oar
word, they eannet these highly rospeetaMe eltireasl
who nave tried it—
Mr- 0«». Becket, 41 Elm «t. New York.*
Mrs. Matilda Beeves, Myrtle av. Brooklyn.
Mr. Thos. Jaekaozu Montour* lilaad, near Pittsbu' gh
H. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat 8. •-
And.more than a hundred others state, theagh this
must sufiee, that it will force the hair to grow on the
head orfaee,stop it fallingofl; strengthen the whs,
removing seen end dandruff from the roots, making.
Ught, red, or gray halt assume a fine darklook, aid
keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, dean and
beautiful, a very, vtrylong time.
Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, K> Liberty-*;
Price 37|, SO cents, and one dollar. ; j
,ET TnatLatu oram* mraia is not more repai'.
•ive tun a bad, putrid breath, or dark; yellow
ed teeth. IfpereoaihaTetheaeit ia their own balUi
they, can, for two tbilUnn, bur an anlelo that Jr»
mako their breath pure andaweet aaOc SfttyJWf^
*] ? ftio Gosu, tpaiigy or'tilftertud.
aad for the Teeth itia onoqaalled, tobotU» tho tutor!
fiuttemnf the tealOn the sou, «ad tieto S
white aa the mm'/'tkijtosm.ftnh. . f
Bach, reader, no the propenie* of Jones’* Amber
Tooth Pane, and, withoatpraising jt oorKlrevhepr
“I hare both ued and attained this beawifrl and to
palpable article, (Jones’. Amber Tooth Fame.) and
peoembg all the qoaliSa&aim.
•d for it” we can say no more to eonrtaea.
jTfei jgg£ l 55L* ,p an " JUftfca*-lttl
iM cnrmieal Soap emg afrwpenmrittaLanda
thauae time moUfiea, Boftea*, aadw£tswfa.a «ht»
itthemtawaadbeartrf«wiwftnn« -
kiSulJVif^ifSu 1 **•*«■»**• •oea-noroaly
■*•» *» “ I“* Mors-
Pudw, Btottaxs, Fucna,or uy etker •» ndis
•*"*, The reader la wared tbaufia i« t»a<dea
puednoßtrem,aoa«cnal will prove, leooM ana*
Berato at lean 60 persona eared of
Bon Haas, Son Lxaiaxn Sou Bun.—l'ay |c —
enduooit, and ike reader ia again asaaretfl weald
not cruelly eell it for the aboro wnleaa I knewi . to be
aUlttato. Those who are liable to
Caim, Cilcuzs 01 CBans Ran, willfln;! thia
care. AnyondaflUctedwiihaayortaoaboTe,oraUD»
ilar.dlaeaaea, will find thla all and eves more (admire*
ble In lla propeniea) than I ataie. "• -
Pat, reader, the atorea are flooded with Uailttkuj.
and bo aaroyoa aafc for JONES’S Italian' CJ'eniijeal
Soap. Bold by WM. JACKSON, £0 Liberty atroot.
Wtubaqh. aodfcdAwT
iiv nABDWA&s if-«a
VO* f 8 Wood itTMt, Pltt«tai«h< '
TTUBRR AND LAUPhIAN, Jmpone.-* "(Ttoikr*
AJ, in Foreign and Domeaue RAIU>WABJK. in
aQitawietira, are bow prepared to arU-a* low mod
oa u reaaocaMo tenon Mean bepnrelussdalnwlM'a.
We mCsU oar Wand*, aad.ihapabiio-gtinerafly,i
call andexamino oaritoek, which eonrjUinM««J
KNIVES and FOSKS, PotllCT iffS?«SvK?
aachaaLock*.Latches,Oisnaand Serew«JSSUf»Ki
wUhamMScie iTnS^Se^S
W» in»B« the eumiion of CmmummSSSS^S'
ed to ..II«o .SlO ri.Q tin.rJli.l w *
Pmp«mx «• iU«*n.»yoit 7 for Sal*.
. ■£B£XXF?^f*®Sb£ ,m
b “ ,n *Sn£?i“ w^