BOOK ROOM, rfVßT»ee’d«lUte^«»®,* f *fJ2e atEasternprfees: ■ * IC *v W^? od Arrangement d^cniu^ , Hebrew Q, e ctmitian HeU gigo end Church, EsqroßoWnsen’sGreek &»> “** 0 /&c£ftl?ffEn3U do do, e<«r. ffi. Heniour oT®®Si£ai Pawb** Bible Ga«ue«, Dr. Wood’. Un* J*f“s?«lSS£cmaoiim,. HohHMamonurJ Ante- »»>“. to , / rfSsass&MSM-} |/r «g£gte@r, ISSffffiSK wbiinnee. ™tffititbad been bnownfor 5S S£w o' '***’ mrß tn rf singular ePPoerxnMj 1 i h rB l p ht be made nsefal, bar for -fifftbolewtidea. I commenced I ffiSSSr iTboiling it, and P«lw I with vanoas rabitincc*; : ™2s7S£fiiencetbatifcerewr«Talue : 1 i ,£ my entire time and mean* indie 1 -~~ T ,2ftrberiment*! and from that time , l to nooiherbasiness; attheex- I otbi*) 1 I finally discovered, tbn, ' SS2SetMt?w*)S«■»“ « i,h 'to; i hT ’-"~ Sniiltocy of thick paint, and fffSS'sSSltSoid >«"to" a po^oto•■ Sot is a Uqnid ai ire, and the Inrae nmonnt of “lice, StZiw laid black oudo of iron that it con- JHS!nmdered i bollt weather anil tre proof; aa the kmnr tnrtfdi bo Junior and more permanent it MMUto beeoae, and a* the coating (after it turn* to - aicMl la of Uaelfi ideitmctible bv fire, continently it ■iMcti tie woo L eovered wiia it from tie air, and •rim there there Is no blase or combustion; (hetefora tie wood will actually eh»'» befim.ti* elate • the diwoyery of the greatest import* ■«»«- mg applied to Goyentment for a potest for tny tawmoQ or diaeoreiT*' fondly hoping that 1 would now be remunerated for all my outlaylatino and no n*T. lie cerenaeut, without any hesitation, grant* edto Be Letter* Patent for the soloright to manufae* tafOi sell end use my Improvement in the manefeemre of a "Weather ud Fire Proof Composition or Aru i detalßlate." to fourteen years. M tffP _ At|dltl4,»tt v , WM. BLAKE. wre do not bellOT#Ujai mere ever wu a• P*»“*_“S£ booecllT and laboriously earned, or more deseHrcaiy SSSZ MbeSSwd bl* experiments with the fromtbeaubstance. lie therefore for yean the Jeer* end seeds of nearly the whole commu mt» Notwithstanding ell this, ho wan indefatigable saifae proaecntion of hie experiment*, “*jf Jf" “? °?J iJSrl that there iaone mairlnathousand who would benpenerered under all the £ hasai lest tritmphed over »H obstacle*, wt* we h jl tier* there is now bnl one opinion in awarding turn | T LEWIS C. CIIATFIELD, £ Trustees BEMAMJf?JONE, i TW. WM. EVERETT, Towiulup Clerk. ALLEN lIOWE, Treasurer. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. * 1 have ascertained that there are individuals engaged they donot Intend to infringe or trespass uponmy yleuK that thej have a right to dig, grind, and sell the 'poster,if they can find purchasers; that they are nol bend to know what they are to do with ic that it is no Infringement until it la mixed with the oil to ®“ e tbe compound; and that those who boy, mix and use it, must lue the responsibility. Most of them *»y that they believe that tte patent la good against those that mix and aae the compound, and tome hare taut mat what they wanted to ase they should 11**?““* aao of me, as they did not intend to make themselves »«hU in uv way. Now l feel myself in doty bound to expooe this barefaced fraud upon the public; as 1 can ea& ll by no milder name, where a man selb re eelves pay for an article.-the use af which ue welt keowa cntt)ecu the purchaser and riser to a « w »l Some of tboae who are engaged in this nefkrioru traSOj Will unquestionably contend to the vabUs that-ay patent will cot tuna, and that I dare not moaeeote. Now, to ttko this argument nway from mem, 1 went to aeme of those who were PJJ^JV/fow 5 Satiny patent was of no value, and made the follow lat nropositUni: that they mlcbtselect a Judge and iwo lawyers who have had soma practice lo patent eases, and we would submit the patent to them, and irthey that the patent was good, thatthey should stop all tether proeccdlnra in the business; put u iney ' ahoold doeloe that it would not, in their opinion, ho a, 1 would agree to let them go on end sell all T C ®*M, wilhoat saying any thing to the public about them. This proposition they would not accede to- bo * af " tbe validity of my patent is concerned. I do notes pead entirely npoa my own judgment, although I nave Gefallest ©ooMenee in it; but I bave subruittcd it to many of the judges, and several of the most cmuiem patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided that la their opinion it was good, and would protect me mmy discovery. . / , - ! I grind the article to a fine power, and put it up in barrels, the which are marked: "Blakc-S l xTum lias axm WxiaaxaPwmy AxTirictAuSurs' , . I therefore give notice to altwl-o buy and use the above mentioned miasnil for the purpose set forth in ibt patent,'except from me or my aathcneed shyt'f.hsii hold them to a strict accountability, ana •“ shall commence suiu at law agunw. those whoihu* iafhnge upon my tight WAL BLAKE - Co, O, Aug. 14,1849. ’ TON3 of the above Eire and Wcaiher Proof Artificial Slate on hands and for sale- The ' : above we eaa recommend, for we have been ocjtg it far aomo 4 tears, and know it to bo whnlit« fet form EXCELSIOR! E. H. EATON & CO., S«. WFOWrtfc Street, FUtatmrgb, B>t» bow iaStore their full assortment of TrinuniDEit fliovci) Hosiery and Lace Goods ADAPTED to the wants of every clot* of Merchant* •od Ccnsomers.Jfo pains have been rpared to rrtKSt the newest ami most fashionable style of Offeilslß lb*’* 11"* Their stock consists in part of the following: DRESS TRIMMINGS. Fringe*, and Gimps, of every varieiy; new style*. finrofOallsona; Algerine and Imperial Braids: wide nd narrow Bilk and Wonted Embroidering Braid*; figured and eut Velvet Bibbons; plain do do; Corded Mantaa and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; blaek, arkh. jjii colored Silk Lues; extra wide do do, fy aMMuig with a fall assortment of Dress Buttons; SmneiJPinkod, Bumped or Embroidered to order. LAVE GOODS. Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chemirettcs, Breakfast and Retiring Capa and Half Sleeves, French Worked CoUari and Cuffs, in great variety; L«ce veils, Ixraoeuand Opera Tics; Mourning Chpmixcues, Co.* tuaTcefls and Half Sleeves; Linen Lawn. Hdkfs, r i»7?i embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do; real thread Lues and Edgings: Im. do do; Bobbin, tj.Uj Lfi-* Mniiin and Cotton Edgings and Insertmgs. r. BONNET TRIMMINGS. «A new stylo Bonnet Ribbons, French Face Flow eta. Tabs, Velvets, Batin# and Florences, Silk Unions and Tail*tons, Bonnet Frames and rips. rrm GLOVES. Pffrt manufacture, with most approved fa*', ud colors. An extensive assortment HOSIERY. A great variety of BUk, Wool, Cotton, Merino an.} for bodies and Misses; Tartan Fla'd*, nnd • fail assortment other styles fancy and fl* ll , l mi’s Hose: newest style* Infants’ Boots and *■«•«} Goats’ Grampian, Ylgonia, Merino, Cotton and In.e .“""'r. GLOWS. ** fill ifooi uuent for men, women and children, aawnt which are Derby Ribbed, Foloscllc aud plain Blifc rthbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Ber- Scbnatsere. Merino, Fur-linedßeaver, beaey and - fo|o Military aud Lisle-Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, flack as Ladies' and Children's Hoods, Children’s Woolen flack*, Knit Bearfs and Boas, Children's Gait ers ■>& Lon* Mitts, Worsted Call*, knitting Worsted* • aai Woolen Yaina,’Californim Comforts; also, fine ' Cashamra Bear!*, for Ladies. ' INDIES’ DEPARTMENT. ZeahvrandTapestrt Worsteds, Canvass Patterns, FUoaaad Emb’g Silk, Bristol and Pcrf d Board*, Pa per Flever Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidir«, nnd Em broidered Work. Also—Ladies’S'lk amt MerinoVe»t« and Drawer*; Embroidered Sacks aadFlanueD, French Worked Cap* and Waists for Infants; and Swan's-down Triamlncs. ; GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. ■■ FtoofiUrts,'Crarau and Collars; Merino, Silk and CoODD Wrappers and Drawers; Saspenders, Shoulder Braeooand Dressing Gowns; Silk and Linen Jldkfs; Gloves and Hosiery. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. French patterns carved and plain Shell Back Combs Bcwotnd In. do; Shell Sice and Long &unbs Im. • do; Bnffs’Oi Batin and Rosewood Hair Brushes; Shell, pef*!** and Eng. Horn Dressing and fine ir«ryComti«; with on assortment of Nail and.Tecih llrushe*. WetlmrilT* *Gold Medal” I’crfemrry. VARIETY GOODS. Needle*, Fins,Tapes Steel Bats and Torses, BatMft* and Steel Good*, Beilin W ire Baskets, Fane Twist and Sewings. Fine Rosewood Desk* and Goat Sindian A Galloons, Fancy Work Basket* CioahCord and Tassels, Portfolios,' Papiertrci and mad A Shade Trimmings, Ladles’Siattou&ry, Faipit A Banner Tassels, French Cork Sole*, TTnMttirr , ‘ Frioges, e*ilk AGing'ra Umbrella*, nlfUMm,«.»'il width*. Paper Muslins 4. Holland*, SiwiLUUUCloths, Elastic Bauds A. Webbing, IgdChina Binding, Comet and Shoe Lacer*. ygTTFfeftt! CARPET?:!— Rec'd thii Ony,at W.Ai’- i j ciiatOek*a Carpet Warehouse, No. 70 i-ounh «, n totter sappiy of Cart***. of d»«- ana moil af niauJ tfflct. to wkich we inTite -the attennen ol Steamboat men, and those wishing to furnish House* la call •■*«* examine the largest assortment in the city .riU-n will will ehoaper lima e J“JSS?S^SEi“ market. novtft W M CLIJS fUCK HoaralngZiOßg -nr MUKPIIV UI leCd » mpply of lh- seek da, and a fall' aisoruiitnt of .Mooming fr*“"®UN’BI.ACK SILKS, a im»l mortinrnt. including a few niece* very wide ■»j jywiM JJoyer* are invited to look a; them, at HMk c««t corner of Fourth and Market ■ Bnwu up «ta;n. where a large tLMort ••Sof M*wiv2o VSL JAYffiTS ALTBKAT!V mtjfc■»>%#»« lnformed by sln. Ko« of a core d«t teMtMkr frjrDr»J*y»*'» Alterative, wkwb ita taserlorty OTtr C7crr otl*er remedy of the hiJucßafllicted for tha l*«ttizteen 7ear* WIIITB s WKLUNW?, juiended ZnZaiutrma&i end fnfoliaUon of vanes* bone*, do imaatlflb UflM many piece* bare been tliieharxed from 27uMtft4 Uns frf ensmum.fmn bo& her uw. m«| a*d fcasdt.aAd fiwa bplb l***»* n< * franube. left fctfft* and free* Jbe riphv kwsa. j»« WnJ b«tae4 . £2rtiU*f •«■*!'*'<*lb« reontwruiicmpbynci.niof 21SWffHJ* ro folipwad.. ftrMnrlyS SLOAN’S COLUMN. JJ7* AH the Medicine* advertised by W. B. SLOAN Wood street, and JOHN P. SCOTT U &'ff^HNn. fs rrrn. AlleebfnTCity, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an D. Mi CURRY-. Tha Beit and Cheapest Horae Etedlcina IN THE WORLD, SLOAN’S OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, rr .Am nwiwarn*. For J'vriif, Wild run. So/*. no*d ThenugXnat, SLOAN’S OINTMENT Exctii Andis rapidly Mpereeding ell other Ointmenifl Nerve uud.Boue Liniment, wiibout the least benefit I then procured Wilder’s Celebrated Home Ointment, and used that until I became frilly satisfied tliat it would neveT relieve the animal. Fi nally I obtained a box ot your trulyvaluabteOmt ment,and in less than 60 days from-the first applies tion Uie tumor entirely disappeared, and the horse was .well/*Woutß, . EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth o(*an article, Vc invite the incredulous to read at trust a few of the many voluntary certificates that appear in out colnmaa respecting the great variety ot remarkabW cure* effected t>y the use of “Sloan’s Celebrated Oint raentapd Condition Powders.” These remedies no longer remain among those o doubtful utility, they have passed from the. lido of ex periment, and now stand higher in_reput»lion and an becoming more extensively used than all otbtrortl clasoflhe kind.—Mich. City News. the HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD. Fox Ritix, June la, Ims. Dear Sloan—Sin Please aeml by the bearer a new eupply of your Horse Jledieino*. They are lha beat aruclea of ihe kind that 1 bare ever eacd, never kay uuj been diaappo'tnted in their effect, as I Lave boan ir the use of other*: even the most celebrated Omttnenia Liniment*. Ac., of tha day. 1 like very much this fea ture In thus, viz: that they «lo tllthal wpromued,aiut upon a thorough trial one i» coauaincd to add. the* “half has not been told.” Respectfully, THE DIFFERENCE. The ordinary ointment* and liniment* it 5i w«L known are severe and partial in their operation.— Sloan 1 * Ointment is mild yet ihorough-*-il re ache* ano removes the cause, henco it give* real and permanent relief. For purity, mitilness, safety, certainty, ant thoroughness, Suva's Ointment, and u rapnuj surpereeding ail other Ointments aiul LlrumenU now 10 um we cant get along wrrnouT it. Brass's fisovx, 1!L, OeL S4,ISIS. Mr. Sloan—Sin 1 have tested the virtue of >0 Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore thros burns, and many other injuries, and m every case ha-* surpassed our expectations. As a family fur meet, I have never seen its equal, and for hearts v "vJSSf 0 ”' “• MILKS M. JOHNSON. EXCELLENT OINTMENT. Mr Sloan Dear Sin For a considerable length oi ime I was seriously afflicted witn the rheumatic com p!aint,and applied freely the-various liniments psm« killers, A % without obtaining atiy relief. After which your mg* nt at thi* place influenced me to try youi Ointment, and within two week* from the Urae l com ■nenced using it, the pain ceased, and l was effectually cured, and shall recommend all who aro similarly at dieted with the digressing complaint, to procure youi ercellerit ointment wnhr-ai "dar-, xrr ._~ RCsp-y you?*. OSCAR F. MOTT. FrinccvilK Fcpriu co.. May l, ISI9. PromtheHon. H. V. S. Brooks, Agent 0! the litiwois and Michigan Canal Packet UotU Compary. ’* CniCAOO, Jane it, IsVe Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the lust »' years 1 have had occasion to use many hor*es, and have used the great variety of liniment-, un-i uintmcnt* in nse, but have never found any thing equal to your oint ment for injuries on horses. Within the lost two months! Have appliedyourtdntmenuoootnet-ehorses for various injuries; and in every instance n ha* pro ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFF. Two miles louth of Chicago, Sept-I*, Dr. Sloan—Sin On the frth instant my sen had a fin ger bitter entirely off by ahorse. We immediately ap plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved him 0 1 pain in a few minutes and prevented the finger trom svelKns the least particle, and the vround i» , h , r . n^“s lapidly. Resp’y your*, S- BROt-KWA\. DOCTORING LN GALENA Mr. Sloan— Dear Sir About three year* ago I was severely injured in one of my leg* by. the falling of a pile of wood which occasioned large ruimng ulcer*. Neatly every doctor in Galena tried to cure ui«n; but tried in vain, until from sympathy and improper trea*. meat my other leg became aa bait a« the one. original ly wounded. 1 despaired of ever being well. a-oin— but in orderthat I might neglect no imrans within my r-joch, I pureha*«d of your agent in Galena some of yout ointment, and you can Judge of py surprise an I gratitude better than I can express it, to find rayseil entirely well before I,had finished using the se.-onc lx x These fact* 1 make knowii that other* aimcied taay ' believe and not delay using *0 valuable an otnimen; us your* has proved to be. Resp’y your P**™,« d - Galcna, HI., Dec. 19,1919. LVAN DAVIS. ONLY »1 DAYS. Before the following order. Messrs. Vaughn A Co purchased u large supply of Sloan's preparation^ . Jaci?ov, ;Mieh. Feb. St. IrfH. S K. Hibbard—Dear Sir. I am out of Sloan's. Coudi* tiou IWdef «ad Horse Ointment. The sale far ex ceeds my expectation. If you can manage to send me 4 dcien Ointment, 1 will pay for them the first umi that you are here, and presume I shall be able to seu a larce quantity Pa the course of the year. It will be an object to you, as well as to myself, to keep me con stantly supplied. Very ™P^^ AUCHN fc co . SIIS3SSITPI RIVER. St. Loch, Feb. iSi, 1.149. Dr. Sloan—Sir A 1 out two year* ago, while ratting on the Mississippi river, in passing over the rapid*, * was plunged into the water, and by the raft dashiug mmst a rock, crushing my left lee and riotuly injuring me, so muck that I lost all scnwl.iluy When consciousness relumed I found my*clr tn . t Ix>ni«, surrounded by my weeping family. Good nurs ing and medical aid, enabled me in about two month* to bobble around with the assistance of a crutch. The wounds only partially heated, leaving large running sores at the knee, which for many months duc.harged blood and matter of the most offensive character. My pains were inexpressible, at times my suffering war «o areal that death would have received a hearty wel come' Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my .neighbors' advised me to try your Ointment. I obtained a box applied it according to direction-the sores soon began to assume a healthy appearance, aud in three month* 1 as entirely cured, and enabled to do hard labor. Your obedioal servant,» 111KAM W. THOMAS. We, the undersigned, neighbors of 11. W. Thomas, were aciiuaiuied with the case nt.ove staled, ami know ito «ircuo.liu.M*, mml to.ißrn uid Thomas 1 statement. j VdFS WILSON ’ PtfrEß LAMB. GOOD NEWS. . _ Chicago, Jan. Ah, lfM9- W. B. Sloan—Sin One of my horses was buof limiut' and also wounded in the sidle, m which he took .-.old, and became so crippled that he could Hcareelj travel, lly the free application of your valuable ointment, ,ii« hoof* were soon softened uinl th>* stifle peruiam.nUy cured I have also used the Omiuicnt in the case ol Poll-Evil and on severe pu il * Wllh c< l oa . l l, , u f C V. f '«« On a mashed huger that w» very ilopr** ted like a charm. Vonrs.Ac, A. VAN OKDEN. •TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Sloaa'a Ointment and Condition Powder nre ac knowledged hy all who have uvd them to be Jie lert remedy for horse* and cattle that has been di«covcre<-. Fresh wounds, calls, spavin*, hnn-os, ringbone, poll evil, aud in short every outward dtforcJer or »«"Y b«* cured by this wonderful remedy. Jlie Powder i designed for inward maun, distemper, hidebound, fatiyue from bard exercise, diseased eye*, Ac.—l-ake County Chronicle. ‘RATHER DOUBTINGLY Wiraurrr, Cook Co. Feb. 13. It'll* Mr. Sloan—Sir: l have a fine young boric that w taken with the scratches last fall* 1. P al [i ,,ul n,,fl three dollars for medicine to cure him, but he gre Worse. 1 then bought n box of your ointment at fo office when in Chicago last, rattier doubimgly, »u thought I would try iu Judge sf my surprire and t opinion pf ils licoefieial qualities, when I found r horee‘« lrg« »mooth nni well in tour day* from the lit I coiameueed applying it- Yonrobeilient, E. F. COLBY FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE Mere than fifteen years of unrivalled siicci eurc of every variety of external diseases Sind Injuries *ucb a* sprain*, bruises, em«, burns, caisncous erup tion*, sore bps, sore breasts, chapped hands, chill blains, hUes, ulcers, corns, pains in the back, sides, or other part* of the system, mule*nske hiics, Ac., bear* ample testimony that Sloan’s Ointment is just the thing for the hour. CcrtiDcutcs without number hnvo been receives! by the Proprietor from disinterested mdividiP a!*, giving detail* oi cores b> iLs u*c. A WISCONSIN WITNESS. ' Granville, Milwanktc co. Wis„ Oct. 13, ty*. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir: Recently my horses ran away with a log ehaitv.auaebed, which cut. and otherwise Inioral them seriously,' so much *o thatl eons'dem! mV team nyned for business. Fortunately a friend re vomm*ltde«nhe nW.cfyour'Cinlmeni. I went to Mil waukie nod purchased ,a. box. Jt soon removed the inflammation, and in a few days the wotmds healed The ere it benefit derived from the use of your Oust menu on my horses, induced me to acquaint yoo with thofacu believing tu publicity would benefityou and U.C >"■* lle - Son COMSTOCK. ms A POSITIVE FACT, BinisAnniil Sal* of Dry Good*, at me on rxtcß mix 07 . A. A. MASON X CO., WLL commence on New Year'* Bay, 1550, usd continue through the mouth of January, oaring wmcn time the whole or their immense establishment, (including nil their Wholesale Room*,) will be thrown open for Retail Trade; and their entire Wholesale J-ocs will be offered nt Retail, on this occasiou, at raUv oxx rounrit lxu than ttsucl price*. Their Shawl Saloon contain* more than 3000 Shawls, comprising every description of Long and Square Wool Shawl*, Cashmere, Broche, Ac. Also, Vtzeues, Cloak*, Mantillas, Sacks, at an immense rcdno uon from usual prices. DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS, i Their stock comprises more than 1000 niece* Thibet I Cloths, Merinos, Famine tut, Alpaceas, Lyoacse. Op era and Pelisse Cloth*, will be sold from SU to 40 per cent, less than isnol prices. , Also—3oo pieces rich plain and fig’d BILES, reda* cedrOnereenL , SO cates Cashmeres and De Loins, entire new sty lea AtiO—White Goods, Mourning do- Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves sad Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac. *teases Flannels, 70 eases new style Cancoe*, W ca fibj Uieachcd Maslius, 100 bales Brown da, 70 bales Jinking*. Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Jeans, Cassineits, Ac ,at extremely low prices. • , _ , "Together with an immense variety of other Goods, making an assortment one of the most extensive in the country—all of which have been marked down at ranch lower price* than their extensive annual sale in January lon. Taey invite on early call, a* many of lhetr choicest , Goods will be sold. lowest price named at first, land A. A. MASON A CO., 00 Mstki't it. ' uSorwsf Plains” Blankets. WIL MURI’UY, at North East corner of Fourth • and Market streets, has lately received a sup ply ofUie above superior make of Blankets, mid In vites those in want of the article to look at them be fore buying. He has also on hand Home Made Blan ket*. a good heavy article, which be is selling low. Also—Home Mado FLANNELS, brown, burred and while, of a superior quality. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he Invites the attention of buyers. C7"A lonic supply of Goods recently opened Indhe wholesale Rooms, up stairs, makes bis assortment very full and worthy the attention of dealers, novl7 ( SELLERS’ LIVER V lLLcfsvArTfiFY - iX>cAiß~ - UttTLKH, Fa., Sept. 25,1840. Mr. R. E. Sellers—Deal Sir: I leel it i* a duty I owl to the public, as well as to the credit of your Liver Pill*, to ttate the good effects produced by their nse in my own case. During the month of June, I&U, 1 took very unwell, my appetite Tailed, and my strength was , entirely prostrated, with severe pain in ray side and j shoulders. 1 was told by medical men that my disease 1 was a severe attack of liver complaint. 1 took seve ral boxes of M’Lane’a Inver Fills, and some syntps, which I was told was good for that disease, bat alter nil 1 was getting worse. I finally'concluded to place myself under the care of a physician for better or worse; but, fortunately, just at this time, I was told by the Rev. L Nibtock, of this place, that a friend had sent him a box of tellers’ Liver Fills from Pitlsbargl\ which had benefitted him very much. 1 forthwith sent for a box of yonr Liver Fills, and by the time 1 was done using them, 1 was satisfied that it was lost tlte medicine thor suited my ease. 1 sent for more, and took live or six boxes, and found myself almost entirely cared; but iaMareh lost I caught a severe cold, which brought back the disease, and in a short time I was as bad ha ever. I again bod recourse to your Liver Fills, and took them every other night for six weeks, and occasionally since, and I can now tty, that I chn now say, that I teel little if any syoiptttts of tbc ; Liver Complaint, and my general health Is as pood now as it has been for the lost 10 years. My neighbors ask mo who was my doctor. 1 tell them that callers’ liver Fill* was my doctor, and by the blessing of Divine Providence the means of caring etc. I urn confident that when the public become ac quainted with ibovaluoof your Liver Fills, the de mand lor themwill tucicoss. Many of my neighbors, to whom 1 have recommended the pUIs. ran testify to their value, as well as te the fuels above r tided. Respectfully yours, (tiaies Mills*. - To tux riiiuc.—The Original, only trua and seas* al&e Liver Pills are prepared by R. R Seller*, and have his name stamped in black waxapon the lid of eaci Uox, and bit signature'on die oauide wrapper. in* 1 All other* are counterfeit*, or base iraiiatioiu. tpcW IL R SELLERS. Proprietor, J 7 Wood «t Jayaai* Espictoraab Sites, Colambiana e0.,0., Apr. 94, 1841. DR. D. JAYNES: Data Stm-I feel bound to yo» and the aillicted public, to avail myaclfof this op* portunity ofgiviug publicity to tbe extraordinary effeeu of your'Expcctoraui onmyself. 'Having been afflicted for several years with a severe coagn, hectic fever and its concomitant diseases, and teemed only doomed to linger oat a short bat miserable existence, until tha fall of 1-39, when, being more severely attacked, ar.d having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre» seriplionsoftwo of the most respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or tbo consolation of sarvivinr iut a few days or weeks aj , farthest—when tbe ls,t gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to mo your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who does ail things in lha asc of the. means—and contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I-wai in a few days raised ; from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to | to my business, enjoying suiep better health than I i bail for ten years previous. I Respectfully yours, fcr., Jsa. W. EsrtU. I For sale in Puubargb, at the Pekin Tea Store, 79 Fourth street- m ar J9 :,L DUDLEY. MR, ELIJAH EATON’S CERTIFICATE TO HR JAYNE—'This certifies, that Immediately after hnvng attended my brother, who dird of consumption in March, I was taken sick with the Coniumpuon or liivcr Complaint, and was reduced so low wun the disease, that lor four years 1 was enable to attend to my bovine**, either at home or abroad, being for-the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of time, l had expended for medical attendance © regular PnysieiAtu and medicine*, io the amount of fcdisi, without receiving any benefit thcreftom. In July, IMS, 1 couunrncrd taking Hr. Jayne's Medi cines and have taken ihem more or le**ever since, and believe ihac it was by persevering in their use, that 1 con nowinily say that 1 have completely reco-. vered my bcalU*. i that Jaynn’s Sansnva Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines now in 1 reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y., and irry on a fnrnacc and machine shop in that place, id ani not Interested in any manner in the sale of the :,ove medicines, and make this certificate tor the ben it of those afflicted. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y, Sept l« 184 e. i»4 men FALL OOODBI ALEXANDER A DAY, eomerofthe Diamond and • Market street, notify their friends and the pnbtte that tney have received their stof k of Fall and Win ter GOODS, direct from the Importers in anal acts re rs and aaeiions at the east Their stock of new style and fashionable Goods is large, and .presents strong attrac tions to purchasers. In Ladies Dre*s Goods snd_ Shawl*, the most splendid and fashionable Goods of the season are cow offered, at remarkably low prices con*mini* in part of the following UADI ES’ DRESS GOODS. New *ty le Urocba tg’d Camefion Silks; Col’d an-i Black Satin Da Chene* and Turn Satins; Copd Cameltan Uroderhines, oflhe best qualinpx; Hliirk glossy Groderiens of celebrated Eagle manufacture. . Tbe above named Black Silks are warranted net to cut in the wear; tor dresses and mantillas they are the best imported. - _ _ ... Neat fig'd Caraeliaa Satin Da Chene, the handsomest Silks of the season. _ , .. New style Broeha Silk figured French Mennot, a new and splendid article for Indies’ walking dresses. Silk Embroidered French DcLaines, for Cre**e» and sacks, on entirely new artlele. , Cashmeres, Be Laines, Merinos, AJpaccai ana Far meuns, a large asxmmenL SHAWLS AND SCARES! Brocha Long and Square Shawls, of the be ft quail- tie*. . Plaid Long Shawls, of the newett deugns, remarl ably cheap. Splendid Tcrkert Shawl*, at greatly reduced price*. Caxnclion Rrocha fi?M Silk Shawl*,in great variety. Crone Shawl*, wlmc- end colored, »n *Te»» variety. CUITUS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS! Oi«i Sedan teal French Twilled Cloth*, all pricetj be«l Sedan real French Ca*»imcrc*l oew.ttyle Amor te“ French and Belgian Black and Olive Cloth*, for La dies' Cloaks. A apiendid assortment of American and imported Blankets, at remarkably low prices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS’ A Urge and complete assortment nowon hand.— Many of oar present slock of PUple Goods were bought from the manufacturer* nrevious to the present advance in prices. A principal part of our stock of French and English goods have been purchased at the great Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New 1 ork, which ennblcs us to offer decided bargains in almost every description of goods m our line of business. Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, aud all Wholesale and retail buyers, are invited m an early examination of our s'oek and once*. ALEXANDER A DAY, 7S Market st, north west corn erof the Diamond. - oF DiiVtiOoojir WK MURPHY, at north east comer of Fourth # and Market »w, is now receiving bia second supply for the season,’and can offer Inducement* to buyers rarely to be met with. Hi* assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS I* very full, consisting of French Merinos, Ca dime res, Gabors*.Lyoncse Cloths, super Printed trenail Guilt njerea, at prices considerably lower than they could he bought early in the season. Hi* stock of LONG SHAWLS Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles -now on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Phllad'a. • BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new uqd very baudsomo styles, Velvet Trim- SACKING FLANNELS, Of various styles, and quahlict, plain and embroidered li{ ac g silk Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs, Bonnet iialins and Velvet Mower*. Cans and Feauter*. HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than usual} and rich changeable Silks and Satins, for Maruilaa, STAFLE AND HOUSEKF.EPIN GOODS, at,iowr?i price*. And in the gentlemen’* department PRKNCII BLACK AND FANCY CO.j’D t’LOTUS, Blnck Doeskins Winter Vesting*, Fancy Csssimere*, Undershirts and Drawer*, Silk Cisvan, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, Ac. aro invite.! o visit the Wholesale Room*, up «tair>._ f "‘' nn _ ' * VERY'WONDERFUL CURE’—» hi, l. b»s' A vermifuge: Mkejtf.r, Mercer co., Ps., Sept. ‘JS, 1949. R F-Seller*: Dear «*it. I bought one botilenf youw Vermifuge >*t the Iron ibty Furnace »iure. at this place, ard u Ini" performed what we rounder out acre a won derful cu/e. on one of my buys eight year* old; hebad been unwell lor some >«:«*, so moeli so that I had giv e.n Up all hopes of his recovery. -I was advised by one of my neighbor* to try o bottle of your Vermifuge— aad 1 am happy to tnwrm you of It bnviap the desired effect of relieving my win. He passed, in tho abort .pace of 111 bout*, ICI of them meosui ini. i* much a* W and li inenb* long. 1 feel bound Ul mi'tic'- to ri*e you the above statement, so ns you may mnke’any use of my name that you think proper. Your*, very revpeetfully, JotuTiun 8. Lttlx. ir7*i’rcpsrsd and sold by R. K.SELLERS,B7 Wood street; and sold by Druggists generally in tho »wo mties. nflTls ' RUT I THOUGHT V*BADt’ COUGH »Y -II uUI’ From W. K. Uodcn, b>q., Clerk of the £>ortpf quarter ricMionsof Beaver County:. m- R y jicilero: Sir, Some Uine in the winter my witV wa* afflicted with s »vra ami distressing cough, a: d heanui? of your invaluable ’>TitS—3 cmc* Ulae and Drab Fei r Cloth*, just rcc’d and for *alo by *■ MURFIIY, WILSON k. CO, . 4a Wood at SCaBLKI' MOUit. DK I.AINd—W, E. Murphy bu jut rec'J a Im of high colored Moat, do Lain*, „oeh u Cherry, Scarlet, Ac., at the low price of 2Sc. .per yard. Alto, Plain Diob, Brtrwn, Ac ,at K'ltolsl cent* pci yard} and a large nttbrtmem of neat'atylea jicored Moat, da Lain*, at’ rarioat pricea, together *nUtacboice at so mo cm of Dream Good* generally, jiuch at Fancy Silka, French Mennot, Cathmeret, Coborga and Lyooeae Cloth*, at the n. K. corner of Fourth and Market Whclctilo fiooma upitaira. aor!9 . PtlMEftl •»« EinUUjM* Ofllti HAN EDEN i CO. continue. to bring persona ; ■MlWfitwß any pan of England, Ireland. Scot! end of 1 SKBEWales, npon lie non liberal terms, with their caul panetsality and attention to the wits and com fort ofemmigranu We do not allow oarpassengers a be robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the sea* Ku *e take charge of then the moment they re emselres. end see to their well being, *na de spatch them without any detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of parpSMciK rets to show that they were detained <8 h*»m qr hi in' Liverpool, whilst thousands of othen * are detained months, anti! they could be sent In some *4} craft, at n ehgp rate, whieh too frequently proved their eoSins. ’ We intend to perform oar contracts eonormbty, eoat what U may. end not act as was the ease last-season, with ether offlecr*,—who either performed not' all, or when it sailed their convenience. , > ~ Drolls drawn at Pittsburgh‘for any son from £1 to £lOOO, payable at any of tho prorisctal Banks in Ire land, England, Bcotland and Wales, JOSHUA ROBJffSON, Earopean std Genital dimit, f«U Fifth street, one door below Wood. 1849. «ga»E— Warns udClmludFamaK«rLini< Canal Packet-SWAX-LOW.. 7 ". “ “ —OCEAN.' ' ' /■\NB efthe shore Packets teave Beaver every day \J (Bnndays excepted) and arrive next mofning at Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before night One of the packet* leave Warren daily atOP.MT, and arrives at Bearer in time to take the morning boat for Pittibsreh. CIE 8 LEFFINGWELL fc Co, Warren, > M B TAYLOR, do J rro * • JOHN a CAUGKKY. Agent,. ap!3 . comer Water and Bmithaeld at* Steaga 1849. .ifiSE UNION LINE, oar tub psnau aid ohio oahals« Cuwtoxd A CniMsxMim, Cleveland,O > R. G. PaxxA Beaver, P*. I™*** TUIIS Line will be prepared on the ©peeing of navi ration, to transport freight and Passengers' from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, t© any pom! ©n the Canal and-Lake*. The facilities of the Line sre unsurpasseain number, quality and capacity of Boats, experience ol captains, end efficiency of Agents. • ~ ■ , . ■ One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dslly,tan ning in connection with the steamera • LAXE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh andß Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. AOKTT3—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. M II Taylor. warren,' “• Cyras Prentiss, Ravenna, __ 'Wheeler A Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, C? i ' 'and, O Sear* A Griffith, v ; JOHN A.CAUGHEY,Ag*nt, Office, cor Watsr and Bmithfield sts, Pittsburgh, mehsltiy , DKAVBR PACKET!. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9-CcpL Gilson. “ LAKE ERIE, M Gordon; THE above tegular and well known Beaver Pack* cts, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will couunue to ran between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season,us lollowe: ' i '* ... Michigan No. 8 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, A. M., and Beaver at 9, o'clock, P. M. Lake Ene leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A. hL, ondPiUsbargh at 3 o’clock, P. M. . These steamers will run in connection with R G Parks’ Express Packet Line, tor Erie; Taylor A LeffiingwcU'a Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Boom tor Cleveland; Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lias Freight Boats. R G Parks daily New Castle Pockets. CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver. Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHET, Agent, Pittsburgh, mcUl _ cor Water sad Bmlthfiejd sts USSS 1849: aaa=a PmSBUBBH IND CLKIBUS# LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANAIA THE Proprietors of this old established and popular dsilv tine, consisting of SIXTEEN tret class Canal Boats, twued by themselves and nrnning m coanec* arm with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to Oder unequalled facilities for the transportation of freight and passengeri. °2 Die opening of Canal navigation, to alfpointsoa the Penn* tvlvamaond Ohio and N. York canals andtholmkes. 1 E. M. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, j. Agents,Beaver. J, C. BI DWELL, Agent. BRT g Water street, Pittsburgh. i. e. nrowau, ■" - »- w. c. nmwau, Pittsburgh. Beaver.- bidwell a brother. Forwarding BrrtianU, BEAVKR.PA-, Agent* fa Uu PitUiurghamiCtevtiand Inn*, Put*- bnrgh and Eru Lint ,via Erie, and foe tUam boat* Beaver and Caleb Cop*. Having purchased the larse and substantial Wharf Boat just built for the Hoaooghheta Packets, hare with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample oe* eommodadons for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch to consignments to their care, and rely on ihetrfncnds for s trial. muMtr B. A DBO. SBW PIASOI. _ TUBT RECEIVED, a new assortment or PIANOS, «| from the manufactories of Csmotßu, Bostoa, and Bscou A Ravza, New York. . ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS, for sale at manufacturer’s prieesJby JOHN tl. MELLOB, 61 Wood »U Sole Agent for Chlekennc’s Pianos, * tor Wosicru Irennwlvanl*. itcoml Usad PUaST “ ONE second hand Piano, « octaves, price %3X. * 1:: : a . Ju «* «*#•» “«. For sole for cash at the above prices, by . d C *.j JOHN H MELLOR.PI Wood st rfUTVIUEiN PLAV r Gaaap Vrous I Scnoot- altered and connected from the last Eng* lish edition, to com»p«d with Spohria OnpMl School of Violin playtof, &/ Ms pupil U. C. Hill. H sav arguments are required ib recommend this work, observed that Spohf himselfadheres strictly to the system UM down la thd above work, utd Uml he ha* by the same mode of jtosintetlem produced a greater number of distinguished pupils than any other sopplyoPtSo above last ive’d, (prieo *7.) and for jk supply «uj» J fl yoflfa a wood st_ A N EMINENT and cxpariciced Pkpaktufrontbe A. E»*t,ofSOye»««t*adinfioffentotreeleUei»e* of* Delicate Natan with premptnesa and seeney. Hlssoeeess ia Bnfftie ana other tarfo dnea het been proverbial. fli* charge* an moderate, and his caret permanent. Old case* df Gleet, Strietore, 8«o -fol*, Floor Albns, Bhttunatism. Agae,B jphliis, or an? chronic or inreieraie eases solicited. A'can warranted, or chain refunded. Omexi.Sl. Clair street,idoon from the Btidgs. Teeth Extracted. Adalee tq the poor gratia;, N. U.—Dr. A. soliciu the worst eases of any diseass m Puubsrgb to call. __ [ spindly | PBT&OLXBDB, Oft OOCK OIL. . BLANKETS! •‘Tfcemare more Uunev to heaven and earth Than are dreanrat of in philosophy.” , TUB VIRTUES ot this remarkable remedy, and Use constant application for It, to the proprietor, baa induced him to nave it pot op in bottles with la* beta and direction! for the benefit of the public., The PETROLEUM la procured from a well In this county, at a depth of four handred feet, ia a pare not* daltorated article, without any cbemietil change, bat lust a* flows from Nature’s Great Labratoryll That it contains properties reaching a number of diseases, is no longer a matter of uncertainty. Thera are many things iu the arcana of nature, which, if known, might be of usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf ferer,'Lone before the proprietor thought of patting it up in bottles, it bad a reputation for the cure of dis ease. The eonstaal and daily increasing calls for it, and several remarkable cures U has performed, Is a sure indication of HU future popularity aud wide spread application in the core of disease. We do not wish to make a long parade of certib cates, as we are conscious that tho medicine can soon work iu way into the favor of those who suffer and wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for U a onivenal application in everv disease, we unhesita tingly say, that in a number of Chrouie Diseases it is unrivalled. Among these may bo enumerated-all diseases of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (in iw early staged Asthma, and ail diseases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diaitwea, Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains ut the Back or Side, Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Palsy, RhetfoitldPams, Gout, KryslpeU*. Teller, Ringworms, Bum*, scalds, Bruises, Old Bores, Ac., Ac. In eases of debility re sulting from exposure, or long aud protracted ease* of disease, this medicine will bring relief- - It will act as a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE I*«dlOgee*, imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, remov ing obstructions, opening the sluggish functions, which cause disease and a broken constitution, and giving increased and renewed energy to all the organa of Life! The proprietor knows of several cures of PILEB, that resisted every other treatment, get well under the use of the PETROLEUM for a short time. The pfoof can be given to any person who desires jt. None' genuine without tho signature of the proprietor, Bold by.the proprietor, 8. U. KIKR, Canal Basin, near Seventh «. Also by R. E- SELLERS, 57 Wood ah and—-KEYBKR A M’DOWELL, , comer Wood sU and Virgin gUey; who are his novu-dly regularly appointed Agents PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY. No. 87, comer Market and Fifth—or *9 Matkst, tween Third and Fourth su. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole sele and retail, the following anleles, vu: Wash Tubs, BIO? Chums, Meal Tubs, Band Churns, Bath Tabs, Half Bushels, Wooden Bowls, Pecks and Half Pecks, Wash Boards, Brass Bound Buckets, Clothes Pica, Towel Rollers, Wooden Ladles, Bread Rollers, Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ac., At SAMUEL KROESEN, novU No <0 Dtamoml alley, Pittsburgh J. Hatpratt dfc Boas' Patant s*a» Ajfcu •JOF% CASKS'GInse and Soap makers' SwdaAth. O*>o imported direct from the above **|*£“*®4 mnnufoctarors, 69 per cent Ameiieim wst, «Ti^^«id for sale hy novd W SUMITCIIELTRi.K LluCUiO— 17 ht pipes Brandy—Otaird, Dupuy, Aej 9 pipes Holland Uin; scsksN BRum: . 400 bbls Whiskey; for sale by _ WAM MirCHELTREE BLEACHING TRJWDKR-w casks Jad-husprau A W b'^d,. "P"^”-isVff 75 “ d “* “ b ' “witSStmfnSLTBBB l N. B.—Thcv will receive, daring tho supplier** New Orleans. oovw HAttMteM & CO** Spy,f m‘ FAMILY MEDICINES— “Th e 7 are Iks ' “““““g SUSjrt&nos. OUoik.rlM». ■ o C_ nailers: I think h right for the benefit of othere JtiZVSSmi lSlrel.2h to ycor axeelleot Fum- I, llhSmiSuJI I hSmiSuJ yoarVemilejo torrey m my »-«<*“- l]T on. Tiw frdtptently aniwering for eipeUiny! tge qScttS.. («y I*o 800, worn! from two ohlldm I SiiLoaladlyoarUnrFlllaaal Uowasynip .O “ r toSy; end.they taro looyety namoeo prodoced wngalied 13 tnerehicdLilnp, I .wo able to ■tSeUietlUeVyettoheerel the Om failure where ISSaSiotiw. kayo beat tuedta my teeuoit. of the cotuttryTlti eonebuton, 1 mov mm that they ate U. SSSia «l the IBIU. $ M - * e. Seller*: Dear Sir-I think it» daty I owe to yen and to iha pnblie *enera ly,» *t«te that I have ass'jsi'&fsilrttssaa teffigsSSftfSs afafrmai. Iporeha*ed one bbiU. *ia inct whal they are tecommended, TUE uwl -Ui WrPII£evKRUBED; and after taking four boxe* me, and I am bow perfectly welt Re.peeifully jow^ We«t liberty, March SfljlWi. leertify that I am perwnaUy acquainted with Mr Colemst ,and can bear tetlimony to tje truth oMhe ‘‘KjSiSuwrßn. ■» prepared and .oldby Hgj -LLEBS,NoS7 Wood street, and by druffgifti hoiTaxtd hi* iißnature on the caulde wrapper—ou •sa-g* TUBS AND CHURNS* mLJAVHK’M CAltniHATiyic balsam ssfssa #SJSSb»SSSe oahe «iom»eUjwnncumei pro- S=f“2"S2isV= sg^kSaSSSSS »H*.SSSS&SK3T «?SaiSS-SS3 SEWS*™'* s£"IK'SSSSdS... *« ™s; "S. •d (no 4 1 V se^ 0 ”> l c o / n O Mnfid«jUy 11 fc,d, ; m....tu.«Ko»«ti.»dbdw f l.. lieii A c . i mms Fbr..l.ldP».A»i- ;' TiFoonh street. «c»r*Vo ;• ana eiw «» u> « s BloroofH PSUIiwAKTZ. » >t»l HM.U. C0BP0D1U) B°ftcf DP W'ILD CDBBBT. rax saxsT UWT voa .. , , , stjtatfon, Sore ThroalyNema* Debijl’ ty. Dud E» »«eoae# ®[ ** 'fereast and Lung*; the most et* feotaal and speedy oare over known lor any of the above diseas es. » * DR fIWAYNE'S’ «*—kamiad Syrwp Of wild Cherry! , , ■ n ? longer among those of dunblfol „ thonswd. daily sgStearaas ss •sissr^ iapottmiieo p OT proof of the foregoing d**co of It* telbo and efficacy of this modi* t t»ttfl»nls,and o tofert % few mncy thou cta*f which have boon presented to bim by «ad w.mnomeO* who htiyc [wgn , r Si?,?' 1 ." SSSSbililT and inline, Ik.n lo nor 'E** r.???. because U will do another • favor, and Soch testimony proves eon thefitteives n» W“' • , n »«.xcellenee »• established eluaively*,lhat»U an* uhqncslionable authori by Ua intnnaUrelief, it af. | fT of P ®} >1 w« w,ihing influence diflosed throws the ™“ d » (or Ike • ffI ‘ c^ LMEMIIK . R; STSSS\ worldly ‘•“'“iSlf.'t'Srff In n .penial manner tn tti train, Moral Mniimi *° ITm SSLD?fIEIioMBI»:iITIFICA T »- or VCUSUSAIt CoastTt rrlOT— Stair A"®™” remedy that has been a* sxjcoc*»iul There never was* **■£ piion, as Dr. tfwayno'. J?mnfSJ*?«Tranof*VHdChany, A attengtUem. the C# " pOUn l? to heal the ulcers «n the lung*. gS£yl£* Kir Urn*; Power Or no - «!>•' COTSTO Co., April 2M.,I*K. rw a. Dear Sir: I verily believe your Coin- Dr. * ayttr , nv,..y has Iwtn the wc>ui» ol PO“f d ®Ci?te 0f Uaaght a severe cold, wtueh grtulo . roTpip or Me- w im . eon s U, aUygrew worse, wbiph j hju i recourse to, sull resisted exhibited all the symptoms of Increasing until «T«»“ Kvcry thing I tried »cf,med Pulmonary my complaint increased »o rapid »have > npeflhet,«w mycomp up B ,j hope* of ly that friends as T recommended to try my recovery. Altnis u»> witb mint bap- Toor hod 11*0 «r«l Ur Ir»«n He w rcrolu. r»'“W^sL tU) „ te freely; and Iry He : asKWfes Hftßffiiiiga euteaentj I '', r "J°° l 'l„h..e4 Me m.Jidn. ... * , KS5?»«£Ki? to of I« Compound Hj ■y huBPtC thrre years unco I ra rspoTWlld Ctenr- *^® ld d l u nanuc»lion of the ! i^nUjr^K k £r «eSp«»rf * diairwuing Lmict, .which w« be#(Jj B Tery eoa*Hier»* eottw, ITJrfffemi»*■ mucus from the long?, etpe bleutsehugo we *ifecr, however slight. At l 72?ro*SJut“T condiucn, but w«. pretty *«» ■ **“,3° Li 2trl was ripUUy going into cnnsump- ind at length was marco tidn. I P*»M »»eoJt a bore a whisper, such ^^.“SSmoncodI lu ole. Mydio «2»u,» of a) or 25 monlhc nfodi.-.y, oon «»*8 waa attn»kU«* i found, however, **quently |t use of the first four or five considerable reuef f "° bUc 1 frequency at bottles. mJ u‘crea«n« strength, and tempted to vessel* that bad already begun marirSoViloS,“» »>. « re >.iy to heal; in thi* way, of acting thus rntprudeut’ retarded. . fifteen bottles before! waspe. lbadtoß« w % e “ K much atoall feetJy r«£«f Ba deW sound, bu rup|inayeJ lhe fcTt th i?fc b^ e distressingcough, polar- imaurr from the lungs, and fi* l o' «v»tem good health. I have defm them and the eM 7 fie#w * u ti| aow , for the purpos. rtdolbmrg tlua ° Crd wilh Oses permanency oi the perfectly well I oiler u w.tb jure,and oowshamew v j. p JoSDAIc pleasure. ~ - Dublin county. N. O. important Caution — Read.' Rtad! of Wild Cherry have P*** 1 * 5, «£l- ,W under cover of tone deceptive M» P“ l , j»m® currency to tlieir «Uc«- S re “?, , ,^hS.irlo' l no pet«o» need imiidM the By »little OM. KocV bottle of the genuine t* E!Sl!£i? wil l * LinUfol tteel engraving, vnih the HjSfJlftlo Penn thereon; oleo, Dt. Muyiu'e ‘f >vud «*>„, ,* 7 ». ggiJSsrffls&sz? 7*“ ““ f )Si«ipM Ofkie, corner, of Eighth and Race iteeeu, Pt^:ife 11i wht..,.. 1 e ond nrv cor Sd tal Wood -D A rA‘*‘*l>iutph 4 cfoor UtanhWood, and fitli and Wood «-*; W M TtlnßN l3 plates and maps, and 90 wood onto. avals. 8?©. doth, 84,60. “The hook lias a rare amount of graphic, virid, pic turesque narrative "—Tribune. •‘The work of Loyard is tho moil prominent eontri butida to the study of antiquity, that bis appeared for many yeara.”—Christ Inq. “Not one excels in interest the aeeount of Ntneven - and its Rains, by Mr. I*yard.”~ Washington Intelligencer. • “As we follow the diggers with breathless interest in theiroxeavailons, auo suddenly find ourselves bo lore a massive figure earved wiiu minute accuracy, now lilUng its gigantic, bead Irotn the .dull of 3000 years, we are ready to' cry out with the astonished Arabs, 'Wallah, it is wonderful, but it Is true*’"—ln dependent For sale by novlfi JAME 3 D. LOCKWOOD, A3 Wood »i Htw Book*. 11 HE WOMEN of thb Old and New Testament. FJiled by Jv B. Sprague, D. D. I vol. Imp. 8vo„ •elegantly bound', la exquisitely finished ergruviogs; with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen. POEMS UY AMKUAVIMn. Welby, of Ky,) a new and enlarged edition; illustrated by engraving* from original designs by Wier. I vol. square eiegaut ly boand and gilt. Alto—A variety of splendid Annu al* and auit:iK 1 “ “ leather wled ** t>vrr»hoE All of which will he sold, wholesale or mail. Inwe ikwaiMvliow *n the city. i* » i'llll.Lll**, No 6 VN owl street T>Ei\LtU I'KACIIfcS-—»» bbls jW rreM, lor *ai* l»y J/*dcU> tJ it W lIARIIAUGII. 11 TINLmHV uxs, us’d sixes, rcc’d anil VV ftusatoby dels Bft W HAHttAUUH BUTTKII— 1U tibia and l!u ken», pucked, m prune order Ini shipping, lor sole hr jri LH WATERMAN cmk« to arrive ner Ringgold, iot „!e by drill TASBBVft UtsT^ —LACK - WaDUJNG—IO baiei.laree Vile amfiTeavy j7.i rcc’d by SIUCKLETT ft WIIITK, j p2 l __ TTJZKrTKcI—•* 1 —•* euei super French, tiiack silk Vi V leties, extra manning*, rec’d per expreis, at • • f dc--*o A A MASON ft Cit'd CUNWUKS — 1 hair* Cotton; 48bill* No 1 Lard, 0 41 bags Feather*; ,1 tierce Is angkA Wool; C dox Latnb Skim, with wool; . a dox Sheep Skins, “ “ 3 dox “ ** dressed; To nmve on stcurner Port Piu, and Tor sale by dell ISAIAII UICKEV ft CO, l‘mot *1 Ginseng— 1 IsgsClaiifed, for sale by del? \VSCK ft McCANUUga, I" .IEATHERS—Ia sacks prune, tor sale by „ < dcl7 %Ylci!*McCANm.E93 . HOItSt; COVKaS—G Gam Uuue llorss Coven, a very heavy and splendid article, just rcc d anti for sale low, at No. 5 Wood street, by , deal J ft II PHILLIPH. CXasTUK OlLr-l bbl la store and tor aato by / j C £) . J KIDD CO LCOHOIr-id bbK just . dear. . J iriiE"CAKT<.VRIGiif-l CarpetJU|S la »o«i : : UB *^fSSSi? NOTEg.DRAFTS^ACCEPTA^^^ “as^^^ limorct also, Cincinnati, LottttyUie, sauu New Orleans, «oii«lanUy fort»ie. v - fc { BANK NOTES.-No«* omU■ 2J?2JJjSI kind* United State* di*coanted •jAVSSwiwivfloin'boMkt ofForeign and American Gold and . *°Offieo No. 33 Market street, between »d *!&' ***** Pittsburgh, Pa. . , s J JILLS on Ei{luia,lrcluid,ui4B«>U.a , Ita*U i any amoanf atihe Current to, Drafts pavable In anypart of th# Old from £1 to £looo,.at the* rare £ oanuSl without deduction or discount, by JO3HHAKOBJN. SON, European and General Agent? effie* W» * door west of wood. ~ ' - '- QMdftL. r'riuit ) IBWlPk^* KRABtR a bahbu Bankers and exchange brokers. dealers in Foreign and Domettlo Bills of Exchange, w a icares of Deposite, Notes and CXia, center o( 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St* Charles Uo-, WSaTKIUi PUSDS— ' ' • '■ • • -Indiana^ Kentucky, Missouri, Bank Notts) purchased at tha lowest rates, by . . j 57 HOLMES A SONS, W pt3 35 Market streaL . BlLLB'OP'K!C9RAa6K>Sigl»cSeelii 0n... New,York,. ... , Piiiadslphifcand 1 •- . • Baltimore, , . Constantly foy sal# by ■ - N. HOLMES A.SON3." M pl3 ' ,-j 35 Market «t miscellaneous; EAtILB FOPSPB.Y. join* tncnoiso* ;o. W‘O:TjLT7rTr. THE undersigned. successors to Arthurs * Wiehoi •on, beg leave to inform the citlieii* of Fittibu rgh and public generally, that they have rebuilt the HA* OLE FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, nnd havo part of their patterns ready for-the market. Amongst whieb are Cooking blovea, CoM and Wood Stoves, with a splendid mir-ught Coal Store, which i* now superceding in other cities the cqmmoir round Stove. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well Adap ted for small families, with a fall areonmenv of com mon and mantel Grates >Ve would particularly in vito the attention of persona building to call at our warehouse before purchasing, and examine * splendid article of enammefled Grates, finished in fine styi©— entirely new in this market. ... . '"sags- N '°-‘ gl Office of tli# Dslaware Satnal Safety tss« inrahee Oemptny, NOJT. 6UlilB4fl. THE Board of Directors have, this day, declared a - dividend oLIKN PEII CKNT. ln•«■!>.'»«<* >£* nrofiu'of the ComVauy for the year eaflteg October M, is«, certificates fbr which will bftis*aed«9And after th AtaS f FKR CENT.* in cash,on the 3S? l '“ ct * r 'iicVffis°NE\™SSb!S^.”“ covlO F. A. MADEIRA, Agt^Fitrt’g- - PITTSBUQan iMPOkITATIOSB. CYEAGFJL Importer and ln . FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! • • - SiirJl of the Gilt Comb, 108 Market *U Pittsburgh, P»- ; 9 Wdstem Merchants, Pedlars, and others TUiling Pituburch toporchasoGoods, are respectfully invited to call and examine the extensive assonmem of Eng lish, American,French and German Fancy Goods. a\i Foreign Goods at this establuhmcnt are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers maT rcly cn get dn* goods/rom first hands. I have the jargtltaeaon ment of articles, in the variety Une, in.the,city of Pittsburgh—all of which will bo sold low for cash or eire acMptanees. The Stock consist*, In par\of' Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glovev.Rtbbona. . Silk Cravats, Bhc#«odp«eniThread#,Sawnig3tlk, gpoOl Cotton, Tapes,Buspendcr*, Banoni,_Puis, Nea- Gold antTsflrer Waiches, Gold Jewelry, «U kinds o! Brushes, Combs and Raxor*.' -- - . PereStßionCaps, Revolvers, Pirtols.Cloeki.lilkA Cotton Panels bpectaclet, Steel Pens, Mnslo. Boxes, Cerpet Begs and Baskets. Bindings, Finding* end Trimmings.. Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large varie ty of Fancy and Staple DRVGOODS. . f C. YKAGEK i* also, agent for the celebrated Lan* caster Combs, r s£liL Q«tdt Bttdl SELLERS’ COUOH SYRUP.—From W. 1L Baden. E»q.. Cter Conn of Quarter beuwM -of f C Wj’e • Some time id the -winter my iri'eww illllciii *mc *aeTereanddi*trwsingc«agß» and beuriitß -«f /our .ortloable Cougb Sriup, 1 put* chutd u bouJo u*a S. T.- Tnmblc, of Bridgewater and after taking a portion of it two_.or lireo erernn on going to klm found immediate relief; u r era* trieml* Lave been relieved in veverecases. a therefore eawfied that it U a safe and ruinabk medicine, and would recommend it to Ujom woo may bo ufliicted with severe Cobjlu and Colds. . SlureUiS. ttJW. W. K. BODEN, I'rejnred and sold by 1L El. SELLERS, 67 Wood M, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Af Icyuny. _ ■ - •Tto* Chtrtltri Coii OomfMff • [INCORPORATED-] - BOORS will lc ©pen for mibacripucm to tho atocfc a -The Cbariiert Coil Company,” on and after Monday, the »Ub day of September uut, ut aAoflic# ; Great KafUih BerneSy. TTOR Couch*. Colds, Asthma end Consumption! Tt* r QRKAt AND ONLY REMKDT forth owe of 0* above diieuu, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OE LIFli discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bneban, d London, England, and introduced Into the United Slate* andet the immediate superintendence of the inventor. TbS extraordinary success of this medicine,' 4b 4h* care Tof pulmonary diseases, warraws the American A«nl in soliciting for xreariaeal the wont s« that can be found In the community—cases-that stet relief in tain from any of the common remedies of the day,'and have been gtTeanpbyfaemo«disangtufl;«J. ■physicians as eonfinnod and tncorable. The, Hangup an Bklsam has cured, and-will care, the most desperate ofeises. It Uno quack nwtnum but a standard Eng ilsh medicine, of known and established effieaeyf K«ery family in rise United Stpieushoold be. supplied, witk Dachau's HaagaxLsjt Balsam" of Life, not only tt; counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, h Q tx> be need as a preventive nedlcina in all dases m 'colilh, coughs, spitting of blood, pam" in the side and ehest, irritation and soreness ortho longs, weenlti*, ; difficulty of breatinr, hectic fever, night sweats, emad auoo andreneraldwrility,asthma,isdaenza,waoojmf *°s£m in la < rgel>ottl(*, at SI per bottle, with fall tlons far the restoration of health, f ' . Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ameri can: certificates, hud other evidence, showing the no* cnuklled merits of this great English Remedy, may be nr”" ■' -jw—a— T before Penile onWfflwtepproaedEaiteni plans and most fashionable Eastern pattens aoueolon.A*eo TIIE CUEAP ROLL, or BUS TON BLIND,, on hand Ofmidetoorderofaueixe*,and»»aHpricaa... :s • • Country Merchants and others are mailed to e*U ani examine the above for lbetafelte*.a» aU will be sola wholesale or retail,and a liberal deduction made ts. .... 4 WKS'fKUVELT . THE STAR OP TSlfi WEST 1 VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY WjA Eftfi side of lbs Diamond,' -where Vemtina ; Blinds of all tho different sires and colon m* kept on hand ormadeto ordtr afto jPV Uio latest and most approved FJjrtem fash* ions,*! the shortest notice and on the mo*. reasonable terms. „ , .2' ' • Also, the cheap Boston nil or split Blind Tianspa* reney and Paper Certains ofnli the different sixes and patterns, on hand and/or sale low foreash.- Old Vent* iinn Bunds painted over and repaired, or taken in pan payment for sew- R M.WESTKJtVELT, Fro'pr. •• N. B—All woi« done with the best materiai and workmanship, and warranted to please the cMstfu idiocu. • anglO-dly Allegheny city, Aog. 10, ISO. ■ SEU N< iELLERS’ mPJJRIALCOUGHSYRUP-Tsw’* PrmauioH, March t7j1&42.- Mr. R. E. Seller*—ln justice to 7011 and poor ineom* parable Cough Byrup, I beg leave to attu, for the ben efit of the community, that my wife bs« been several times afflicted with a moit dtureniny cough.- I pur chased, in January last, a boule ofyoar Syrup,which cured a cough of two month*’ it coding. - About one month since, the cough rrtarned, and waa *0 severe that iho could hardly move, from weakaea* in the. br«a»lj ( sent for one bottle of year Cough Syrup,and apart of one bottle cured the cough -1 gave the other, to a journeyman who waa severely afflicted, who had, to use his own words, ‘maten enough cough candy to cure «U the people tit Pittsburgh," if the candy aid been as good »s represented. -' .<_■» Your*; rvipeetfally, -k"~' Atrssn 8. Knm. Prepared and sold by R. ft. SELLERS, 67 Wood street, and cold by Druggist* genercUy in tho two cities. _ ■ 1 • • - de>B. : A CARD. GHATEFULfor the very liberal encouragement) have received for so many years, Miavo deleft mined to enlarge my btxsioeas considerably..' Having engaged a competent Foreman,;! wtil be enabled to. fitlatl orders promptly, anil Jo the work iu our usual »tyle and ui fair pnees, and asktbe attention of met* chants and ciuieut 10 my large stock of iII'HULSTE* KY t.OOIiS nud lleds. Muttra sues and Uodiiiug, Car* lain Material*, Datnatbi and .MoreemqCoruicc*, Frio* gee, Horde-rings, Tassels, t'plit iunt Duller 11 icdi,and every article usually kept iu an Rslx&Uituuriuoi' the kind. Orders respectfully soiiriied and piuaunly at* tended to. • ■' ’• • i •. N. lh-~Carpels made nod put down. . ' VVlf. NOHI.K. ALiißGaßirr vehitiab dlibd, ANDCABINKT WA.IKKOOM. J. A. URUWN would respect* ■rally inform dm 'nubile,' that be] keeps oti band at nU stand on thoj west tide of tie ihaniond, AUe*j gbeny city, a complete ment of VeuiuutHliads; also Ve-J oitian Shutters are made to or der in tbe best style, warranted equal to any, in the United Stated Ills llliuds cut be removed out. tbs , aid "of a strew, driver* Having purchased tn> stock] tools, and wood ofthacshiaclcs* lablthUtnctitorßamuiyA, M’CleU land; 1 ant prepared lofurittsb tbeir old -eustotaerm. .as well as ■Hr n!l >,i: e at larce, witbetery thiitgltftheif Uuo.- ; JijnT rer’d. an elegant plain BaieweipdC odL'Pfaab* from Ibe celebrated |iia?u(*ctonr { of Nunns k Clark, N. Y., ol superior tane>andve^aotfem^grieO. by ' iu ; j-W.AV^SSW.! W ILLIAMS’ IVORY-PEAHLTbanrPOWDKi: for removing Tartar, Fcsrvyj.Canker; : andall. substances destructive to. tbeTCetb.-'h isdedioidut to the lute, detuning the mouth, hedlidc andCtroDgiheh* ing tbe gams, and purif/loglhe breaUL .' > -> • - For sate, wholesale and retail, byv; >-*; ••• •-? ■} dfciO . RESELLERS.C7 Wood«t f , WATCHKBXI-CHKAPERTHAN-KVER-.- Just rcc’d, an invoice of fall jewelled paienr le* ver Watches,ld carets fine eases, whjeklcaaaell u low ai thucr and thntyfive.dollars, and warranted lo *'!£»—i splendid prising ihn various and lalen tty lea, and best nwpsnt« , r AV-W. WILSON, Watchnaler**dAowsli& > T delB corns* Market and Feardt str«ntt£ id tor sale by , •J KIUUftCO [QKEB& ii; O,W.TODM, BonSuZi eijnti *txcet. TMkMjatMihSlSl'i •" m «n Ai>rim get ca flic ruction pmaaple, willi m tiftdtCßreseatitienof <** ‘ < with Etd« W-nopaia. tiagii;tho*ih ; itsioawbedooe lH;fiTt. -, '■■■'■' i ■’ r 'r ■■'-■•-- •;' 'T- ( ' gALTKB'a *• • . *'• '■ QINSENQPANAC,EM 'fpo TBOSB. 3UETEBINQ. WITO DtBEASKtt ■, I LUNGS.—'fte ftaineaeifeßttS’«ttc«ei» wMa> to : . *****? r&mb panacea • • ; :; a ill the Vuims form* whichlrriaUon of the ling* yj-Wtndaeed-the-pgBr^r.»■• ■ r ' UNPABALLKLED.KFIICACX ; >4 .. ~. Uto be had, whose Toucher* are at horttif—o* l t®l*l horfc—raanV ofwhotnftha*' v r —*■ T^NATOHUO.FEaMTUEGIIiUE, ila ordec this invaluable medicine may be placet wLihlatbe teach of the poor aiweU the nth, we M»» |l “ th ' Ptio so’llLT ri«TV d 1 0»®»4 : '- j : jsst one half the . usual cost-of cough meuieinet itte tor sale by oar Menu in nearly every town ana TUia<» overthewest, Who sinprepared to rivef fall mfonna- •< ... . den relative«o It.. .. T. SALTfcB, Proprietor,. Brfadway, Cincinnati,Ohio. silfoenyaan feraUdtoimcfto* ln»ot»in* aadldcclaro • . kiixTen and |wiß - tsilootlß on# tufl hu It • rmU*A u benefit when the witbln the teecli. -r. of f^feV^lairiiedln tie^sjotowien.'• t.. i. • - tSee-»ayiii*- w M’ALI4BTEB f *oo* OINTMENT *- - B KHHraiATISM-It ■ thyiHiumiwtifln tad fwellinjf*when *k® P" 11 ceM# ** (& the directions around the do*-) , . «■- Uais?«3Jvsr.sssSSSSS - •M Bslped with like success. - .j Wehkreeu red caaaa that aetnaliy- . 5 daflWeVery thing known, as weJ as twenty doctors. Pee miatoldas *>****“»%?* tS onl lua childrenwithoii ■any benefit,-when* , s , **»•§ 01 Ointment cored theta.: .~. •> .■• .^t'-; •» .... j *?TETTEjR— I There U nothing better for tie ettre el - • *UUBN&-H Is on* ofthebest ihinfaia Ota world tot mo yearly iry. thisOint aavjlmnt f«n* In gWing-nllef •. fry* Aroradthc box wdyectrans for lu&£i Qinmtntfa Crttplainti %*?***' ■ i luTnuti Ckitisin,■ Scarified. &« '« Sat Throat. Browdlaas, UtrvouJ AjTattay, Jw*a», Du? •ass ef JlsSnu. Htaiackt, aria** D*£ußi ‘ - 1 Burnt* ConSyttU DueasM «£tfs Sii*, ?>•'•'■ . sia, Ae., Swllmf ef the «mM, Sere, 1 Slvrr Complaint, pain in the Chest i ‘‘ ’ * and Side, fallinyoffof the bair, or the other aceompa-.; » mes eeld feeu - (This Ointment u.the true, remedy.) ll . U a sdre sign of disease to hare cold feet ; CORNS—©eeeskmal aso'of-ihuOimmenU'wilJnl-,;.; t-u wayskeep corns from growing. People need, neTer be troubled with them ff they use it frequently. w*. fir*. TtU Olauaentia^oodfor any -part Of y H P,.. ; , Schfrnru and J Bargenti 6y J O Smilh, Dmryiit, Blr min|bamj, D Negley, East Liberty} H Bowtartf, Mo- Keespbrtj-’J'Alexander kSootMonongabalaCi®. N.. •' B Bdwaan A-Co, and J T Rogers, BrorrusTdle; John Barkley, BenTeT, Paj are wholesale agenl*. l ; • - feW7-deodly • . ~ .. ' .y^r., Fact* fin (b« PoHlCt • ‘ In UiM*nriT«Uedfaßil» i DiLLBf’S MAGICAL PAIS BimCTOB. ' rin&mONY of a mpectible . X ilka following, addressed to tnyAgent, Mr. F. Met-; i ) rrmuher.CiaciniaU: - ; ■ dir A sense ofdatyepttpelsmo w give my tribal* to Dalley’l Pain Extractor. Being oppotedtoipiack eryiand all nostrums having for their object sinister . _ hot realUmy tncßfl pood, front loa u &ua o(. r Pain Kilkw^—l am indaeed to lacderyoo ibiacertifi- • \ eatS. 1 iitTO OKd it in my family, in my practice, uni. i.witlt' all the happy and wwnderial effect* that c0n1d.,,..... pomibty bo imagined; - -.-•• r H.J. Bunts, M, D-. . .pr.Erodle Is the senior partner of Biodie ALevl»,.r JfrtggUls. ■'•" i ' '••••;• >' . { •’lnflammatory Rhamatum. , . , The following teiumowal eomes . from asosrcefa] ' ~ , mill nr in in my. of ihtrae traveling On OKtWeilern WO- /, ten. Mr. Clime, the well oad UTorably knownpro- ; i prifetor-.oftha.'Parketsburg Hotel, I«vhßsbandto r the' J ‘ lidy. whoso letter lannex': ‘ Va ,Apnl 13,1840. * ■' To lfanryDnlley, Chemist. Ac.—Sir Having for- f merly been longsiuieiedwith violent inflammatory. Eheninaiiun, wßelf appeared oo firmly seated as to dtfy alt ordinary appliance* to allay tie severe pain attending it,'l was wdaeed totryyoar Mogieairain , - Extractor; and It having efleetedf almosraajfbjf ma-/’ rii, or. Immediate relief, and alto, to ail appearances on entire aaQ perfect eirre,’ I am. indaeed for the bene* fit of others wno mayte anUcipd with pain,canted by - •' aijy kind of inflammation; to‘writs-'tb you, declaring that in ny opinion, (banded on oeraal exportencer j - yfnr'Wjigieal Pain Extractor ia the moat valaablo dis? ; covery of the present age for the immediate extraction... ocbodily.paia. an almost immediate and *per% f«tcarc for Bums and tealdt, and . all external in., flimmation. f (lUmgmany acquaintance* formed bythofcyistta oi my husband's betel in this place, Ihavo supposed bp yoor showing them these few lines, it may possibly,-) bpofbenefitbothiothemandyoiirself; /•■:• •- •..! ~ . \ ‘ ■» . : Prjir»*rTWflanra. -j : ! n entertain tho hope that Mrs. Clime will pardon the . publicity I give to her lener,- a* well on the aeorexof tmmnnuy asofils being the surest inode of bringing it . tb tho notice of her f:tend*.—lf. Daturr.] , - - . iFtldnCtutd. Extiaei of a letter, dated ‘ •.•' ' - Bxutojff, Ry.Nov.{B,lStS. i Mr. H. Dailey: °l have tried yoar Pain Extractor in ' a cate of felon, in my own family, which- nrelieved and cored in a very shorttime.” in "haste, year* re spectfully,. ■ Ja*. M. YotmOi - ..- f (JT'-finrna end Sore Nipples, Broken - Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cals, WoandL and, all in— iammotion, yields readily wthe wonderful properties;' oflhis unrivalled famUysal*e.’>Bat,lntheaaa»fi;prp-C T portion that yon will receive benefit from the genuine, I yoa be injured by the deletenons effecu of the | counterfeit talvci. h . . r , T CAUTION—Be sare and apply only to iheinvealor, fi. DaUJT.4IS Broadway, NcWYottortohi* *■- thoriiedagents, r r i , - JOHN DMOROAN, ‘V. . J '• General Depot, Piusbargh.' I Henry PJ Bchwaia, Agenti 'J. Baken Wheeling, JameaWJohnstoaiAlaysviDe, F.’Merryweaiher, Cinelnuau, 0, General Depot.: - ■: [ N. B.—ln the severest Baras and Scald* it .extrapm |h" pain in a fewmlnaic*—it after, falls* , ...]ni4 . i*.a *' A.U.UWi.N. y.euy H. L. frFmibnrgh. •-/•< ltort 1» ih* Oltj fci •••-- • ■ > THE undersigned art extenaitely eoxaced in thfe Wholesale urarf btttinuhat No. 48 John street, in .the city 'of Now rVork* wS in prepared to apply iDniriia: and eoanirr Merchant* vuh Dnn palms, [Otis, Dyiwßufl*, Fttfcn ,eitd American Terfamem Han-w, ««*•« a Hinder'a Chemicals, (of Urtir own : mronsdanl ■K’aUatoerankleslntodrUneof best* elty, - * Max»Vnr>i. y»}»ts tt A y*UV2rTOCTrfci? l'‘ _ • 'Cuuß : rtitti.woiufj?r7 * D* A. P&BBT&STOCK’S VKH|]IPDOB< • I' , i c ? u ”******r**!t*i‘\*aAnzK. *r »' * N oniarto afford the pubho, , u well as to themselves. against fraud amlimtb uuoa from eountorieijing, too proprietors bm mate a chirgfltnTiieeaerior wrapper or table of toeir V*K > uufuge. The new Jftbel, which it s tire! engraving el : UtejnosveXQdisito.dttlgnana workmanship, hae been j introduced! at >'yerY great expense, aud ui from the i brain of an artut oftbe first talent.- The design is new, ; anU..toe eiccuudifelaborate. f t»erera> tigare*and n portrait are mow-prominent* bat the word : ktiersoiift tedandfinelru* ; kraved groand, should b« pnrUeularlf cXftnupedj ; When bdd upto too light tiio letters, shading oC'Cle ! ]e«era«d«eTr««te } ftowe»etraiinite,torcuMoaitoe , whole ofthls part of ton engraving match as exactly .as l( the impression had bean, nnde tipotionc aide'on* Iy» although it is actually printed cm toih aide* of too paiwr % ,Thu,«hpuld iaallcft«* be obxfcraedL JUa* t>«l upon each doteu Wi]«o printed tit red :upon both atdes, and she nidbastfa mine d,lrr the KUtle manner/ Thu preparation • ho'mow wood toe tesfof ; meny yem ML and J* recommended m a *ala •od effiwv>ul ttedleme ,for expelling worms from toe ,«yit«n» -/bo, anrtftttpJed.sttcdesa Unit has attended ' iuutmimstndorf where the pstnatwu • really affiieted wiiiwcrms, certainly traders n wor* toytho aueottoti«>rpby«tejanii.v'' •- Tbo prrattetor has made, ila point to ascertain too reshit of its cae in sacl^ca > ca >■' fum* 1 whfttw I knowledge and ohsetTatiais—anil he Lavar lebly-fbUnd ■ it to produce ton mosuaiutary eflccis—not aafremtent* . iy alter warly all the ordiiury .preparaiiona recant* _ JdCTdejr.fer worms had been previously Ttaoned to i«m , u« > Thla bsrja si*. tMtedbythe certificates and auuneattofihwdreaV afrespoeiabthpersena.^iftdiarTcr.t parts o/ thnetnin tt/tind shoulddddoeo 'families always to kccpaslvnit . ofUteptcparatjchLitheirpossession. tilaauldrniia * -Tha holygeaauioisprepiredby ' . z'jtjptß .v ■; U/CgAHHtSTOOte'tttabdrah i :