The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 21, 1850, Image 2

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    the ' mroftmutf RAZETTE.
W. jMßfc»Two. Ti»fTWrf. ftrcet,
CbSm Swaowitemfenh* etty. Ajrem*enM'»
JSinScidpCLoßtSufedta Ilia*w.U.recciTc' prompt
Tgr.pnPAHHIC WEWg> **♦
_ •' T- "‘m, ITm thi ooTT have deemed ii advisable to reject til Valentines
TnDnrotcl seel to. them this seawQ, u eveo thoee with •
X 0 m Tecao Mjts.—An tddxets a handsome exterior are sotnelime* found to con*
Vtta'tig Men’s Mercantile .Library and tain offensive mnmvea within- It has been found
Him hantiW *—♦?«"«• of Pittsburgh, by Solomon necessary to resort to this course elsewhere, also,
* ’ ve find, kind the effect in lome cities, especially
w. Roberts, Esq* vi*. in Baltimore, has been to curtail the number sola.
This eloquent address, which is peculiarly inter- TUe fo | lowing fan, , he Boston Transcript, Is an
jgjgg to every Pittsburg her, will be published in dentally true in its averment of fact, and just in
MS eano entire. Oft Saturday ooralng. This will its expression of sentiment •
. -,tm- nni ifcr Weunderstand there was an increase over last
gjeo tbo tbowaada of our cittxeot who bad not the lo *** received at the post office, although
jJetswu of bearing U delivered, the privileged a failing o fftn the number left by the penny post.
■eeduJt'lt by their fife-tides. Persons wishing Many costly Valentines, in elegant envelope, and
f» a aumbarof extra copies wOl give notice at °t» which the postage had been
wssawwoi awswiiw. by thocenons to whom they were addiessed; and
tko eoonier. ' wo foam that upw.ard.of 400 Valentines thos_re»
- -— ” ' . , jected, were returned to the post offloe. Tht
The editor of the Post say*—in arejoioderlo ptac iiee of aorao stupid young coxcombs of send
<m exore«ebaof»C»tith*tthe iron strike, in its log impertineot or indecent missive*, under the
«***>• *oaU b.U« ettree of no Kudo d1..r0»- w"«ol=°do .5? TOmi?ow’
that a •*Paddkr requests him to state,tbit there distortion, a*indeed it would be difficult
leao distress, sad not likely to bo any, while the to ray whether an insult were cot couched under
red 0U0wb.,., eontluoo to
act as liberally as tbev have heretofore. himself of the Uwnao of the anniversary, ip ipwli
Tfceromay be ao distress, as far as the Post'sin* t l»dy,or wound her fueling*, muslbea very ir
fwaaiU U aware of, but that there I* not likely to redeemable apecles of blackguard,
Fmn if that Doftioo One word to the, vender* of Valentine*. They
be asy is*#* very certain. Even If that portion a lbcij , own bQl ( nci , by selling Utoee wretch
of tbp." strikers” who are without fundi are ed J carrieatarta intended only to inaulttbe reclpl*
wQUftC to Uve on charity, when they have the - eat> -jhereslly tnitefoland unexceptionable V*l
aeau of .eanLzur au independent livelihood, aa entlne is excluded because el the bad one, and
■ *. • - ,‘m’ , . . , A »«ain thus the ettatom falls into dltfavor and desuetude,
tbaPoof* tafarmret Intimttre, yet it re oot centre JJJj t jJ a o£ inhere mlreive. were
that the fountains of charily may not bo aoon in a spirit pact'atcnt with fii-ndshlp
dried up. "The moat benevolent will aoon tire in an( ) perfect respect, there would not be quite so
neh a cease. But U the Port editor, and hie in- many rrjected Valentine* at the port offiee on the
fcrma&t, acquainted with all the caeea of distress. lslh ofFchroory.
We should be sorry to think thinkers are not mi- ' ~
7 . THxExAor Roads.—This may empbnUcally
ay, very many,.among the necetaitoua who have , „ nf lh( „
.?• / , v * v • be coiled "the road era. The “one idea o! the
' been deDrived of tbeir ordinary aopplica by the , , , ■ . ...
t u ; , t_ r, n ~ nation is that of'road*. It is a healthy notion—
strike, who would not instinctively thnnk from u , tm k .
nacMat lhreplttreco doled 00l by chreily, while bet.e.thre lb.l oforelcreg •W.lre.l Brek.. Tire
Uwjtaf. hethhred .Length lo libor. It re ro.d.of. ore lire .jreboU of ,u cm!,...
ereLg three ,h.t dittrere will be felt. Tho ow *“"• Dr - Bo»bo«ll ThePl.okßo.d .ppore.
■i tZon with witch retiree. U reited off re. J“« “»"• t3 «»•« preUcoUtlT
? pcllret to atch rereMeo red well trehioood mind., rbc '[ hre been lolly treted, red the,
red Uar .offer io eitrree. Thi. whole m.ttee ~.l Loot oo etlrev.gretl, h,gh .. to be .bo.c
. .T 7 , , i. i. m. _ the rcachofcommon minds. At a recent meeting
efraiaiaf fondamettrtaleauikea—of healthy men ; r,
i.' ia Indian*, for the puruote cflakmglnjopopaid-
Uviag on chant j—i* of eali-Amenean origin. It 1,4 *“ • r . e ,V>.. ...
, , * . „ „ n oration the construclion cf *everal of these roads,
itronxlr of a foreign cod, where Poor . . „ _
,* 7 . . B , . to terminate at a common point, the fjllowingee*
Hooee Unions, and other appliance* degrading to . J ,
u . ■ . t mate of cost was presented, it being upon the
elvfUcaUocu are interwoven With the whole time-
tura ofaoeiety. • highest rates:
I» a country like this, of boundlesa territory, and Sl^J o pe^t^i|o^g7 , 3 4,400 feet permile.
niialtabte resources, and where labor is always pj an t, 3 inches thick, 8 ft.
la demand, it should be the pride of every citizen 42£16
*to a couscious senee of independence— m .. ”
Total feet per mile, ; 46,W0
At $29 per 1000 feet, r $932 80
Grading and laying plunk, SI per rod, 329 00
Enginering. superintendence, and con*
I' tingencier, 10 per cent.
Total coal per mile, $1
•ad b» able to njf, that hi* own binds, nn«tor the
tiin—frif nfPmtriilrnrri.HTTi supplied all bis wants.
*ll to bom blessed to give thin to receive"'—there
it • pleasure In giving and,while the world Is
be denied to any who have the means and dispo
sition to eiyoy it There to a tease of obligation,
however, In receiving, which, is painful to most
minds, and which we do not desire to see lessened
in on glorious country. In the over populated
countries of Europe, this feeling has not the same
scape for its indulgence, but in America its fullest
-perception and keenest inflictions can be felt bin
in* narrow sphere,
•fleets Will nerve the arms and animats the hearts
cfonr rising general iocs to todnstry, patience, and
perseverance, that they may ever enjoy the noble
Americao privilege ol trae independence.
... The Poet Tinai the 8 b erltT.
■I ’ agtisrt our very worthy and .enetgeUo Sheriff, for
’. tbs precaution taken by him to prevent any dhiurw
bancebetween the PnddJers on the day of their
procession, and the workmen at present engaged*
in the mills* In order that the trae state of the
cisa msybd fairly understood, we append a port
lion of the Post’s remarks.
Sberlff Cortls.
This functionary must prepare togivoaaacconn
of his conduct Theootraffe which he was the
means of perpetrating on Monday, cannot be pa*s
cd without severe condemnation.
J. Some of his friends say that be is “in easy sort
ot a malt; and one who is easily imposed n pon by
dtrigntog men ;** that he was “ deceived by ibe
Ulse representations of certain persons wc j were
anxious to provoke (be workingmen to riot.” t hese
etenses will not do. Tbe Bheriff of »o great a
eonniT as this, ahoold not atow himself to us de
It to well known to every man in this commodity,
that the Pnddlert aed Bailers repudiated every
thought of violence; passed resolutions in favo-of
cider; that order was, and is now, their policy;—
-and that no tkxtaii «vre madt. Tbeir meetings
were ail open to the Reporters of tbe citv press, -
and toothers Whose object was simply to listen.
. The Sheriff should have made,himself sequnia
tod with the trae tute of affairs.' .He should have
: esquired whether, or not, tbe employers, atutie,
_ ware not tbe persons who dcaiiediim disturbance
So much for the Post, and In reply, wo venture
to affirm the Sheriff was not deceived, although
we are tod to suppose by tbe coarse of tbe Port,
- that that paper would have been glad If he bod
been. ' Sheriff Curtis knew fall well, by pest ex
pmtonee,llto dangers which always atteod most
demonstrations of this kind, aad although no j>re«
* viont tntentfon on the part of those engaged in tbe
pfren—lnn may have been formed, as we presume
was tbe ease in this instance, still we know that
lhe moto serious riots that have ever taken place,
bate originated without previous arrangement—
having been spontaneously cheated by some dr
enmstonee occurring immediately at the time of
iti taking place. A passing jeer or tsnnt from one
party or tbe other msy cause it, Oao bad man In
a crowd might excite feelings already wrought op
by etreumstances, sunh as at present, exist be*
tween the Puddlers and the mill owners, which
would be attended with most serious consequent
The oondnet, therefore, of Sheriff Curtis, in pre
paring for any emergency whichmight occur, gaye
evidence of energy and forethought, and evinced
a detemtoatioa that no riot or outbreak sbootd oc
cur during his his careless
ness, cowardice or neglect; and, Instead of cen«
" sure,is deserving of commendation, and tbe hearty
thanks of tbe friends of tow and order, cf those
who feel a proper and deep interest in the fitir
fame of oar eity. A feeling ol security and a con*
fldeoce in the majesty of the tow, and m ihefiJd
ily of Us ministers, not before enjuyed since fbe
late disgraceful riots, his already been the good
result. Tbe Post should also consider, that Used,
borial ooone, not only recently, bnt for months
and yean peat, may also have had its effort in fQ
doeing the Sheriff toexerctoe due caniioa In this
aaoer; as it to very certain that tbe Itflaeneo ol
thil.paper, whether designedly or not, ws preiend
. sot to say, has fendsd to . array one class of the
community against Ibe other, and to pr.-xln m l ea „
- vy, haired tad malice” between the employers
and the employed, and in fact to subvert r*'t erist
ing instltntioDi, without giving us the faintest fes*
tenable tope of any thing betier.
We hope sincerely, that Sheriff Curtis and onr
civil authorities will, notanthstanding the demur*
datipnsof the Pott, continue to pursue the eeme
• measures whenever they may deem it necessary,
for the preservation of the p* of the city. Tbe
publio will, wc fosl a wired, approbate and sustain
them Into.
Happy to recognize where*
everwei And them, wo have additional p'eaiajc
in fifing to the Democratic paper from which we
copy tt, doe .credit fortbe following:
From the Albany Argui. ' • ,
A skulk motto.—Tbe Legislature of Indiana
’bavi«£ taken Hie accessary measures :ofu/|rard
nbloeC of Indiana marble •10 ‘ Washington. to be
placed Jo tho National Monument, Governor
WngM bi> reqoeited that the following ipa
trietlo eewlment be engraved opon it; “Interne
(,irr n» North no South; nothingSuttho U#u>*, ,r .
Thai U a coble sentiment, wcrtay lo come front
■ Demoerario Governor, Ilia at tblv time the
Trml of the Democracy^- 1 'Nothing bntiht
Uic* n " • j
4 A csabcs rot ftmßoosr BeccoLaTau«4-tlr;
JOi* «ye lh«l the only Wl made bsecftajOsU
fcmTa lm the*- aeat from England' edd tho .unhid'
States n*d the found, it is nppoeed, will be Cor
t|ii par l&So two tented than sand toca. Goal is
delivered from Eofitad et, $35 e ion. The coal
et Vaseoone costs $l9 a ren toget It oat ol the
oUeee.o«iegi»ibsexpense of tabor,andthe ia«
ooaveßiAflpe of miAinff. -
We copy the following article in reference to
the bending ofValeatines, from a Baltimore paper,
and commendil to tho.attention of our readers, as
it applies equally well here’. We understand that
a large number of tow and insulting, as well is
indecent Valentines, were received, through the
Port Office, addressed to members of our moat re
spectable families. Wo trust that the practice
may either be entirely abandoned or so reformed,
uto prevent, in future, likeihsuUa. It Is at best
a '‘custom which would bo more honored in the
breach, than the observance.”
Talettuos— Tbe great 1 extent to which vulgar
tastes and propensities have come to be indulged
by the sending of Valentines, most needs, if con*
tinned, soon render this otherwise annual
custom obsolete in practice. We understand that
many families in Baltimore, as a means ot protect
ing their members from insult, and the'youthful
mind of their children from the unclean things,
Beans ano BcALM.-rS c * rc * ] y • week passe
which tbs feeling* or newspaper readers are cot
painfully excited by published acconts 01* dreadful
accidents by fire, or steam, or boiling water. We
are confident, therefore, cf rendering a service to
humanity by giving larger publicity to the follow
ing passage from a highly .interesting paper in the
last number of tho American Journal of-the Med*
tc*rsoen«*r wrT, of Hospital Prac
tice at Bellevue, byD.M. Kee*rp». ~, —.
Bonn.-* Among the taost numerous cases brought
into the surgical wards of chanty hospital?, every
whew, may be reckoned the injurivareceived by
borne one! ee»ld«, which, when exteiaivo, ate too
■uncu-r-wi..- -i-i-trw treatment of these injorioa we
bare bad great experience and uniform soceess,
when the patients were; brought In moo after the
injury. No fatal caee of recent burn or scald
has occurred in the hospital, although several have,
been extensive and severe. The universal treat
ment of all such cases i* to coverthe parti with
wbrsten floor, thrown over the wounds by a
dredging box, which,- if thoroughly done nuio
exclude the sir, and prevent 1(8 temperature from
reaching the suffering Heroes, will aflbrd. instant
relief flora pain, and allay all that servoat irrita
tion which is Urn chief source of immediate dan
ger in oil cases of extensive burns. We have had 1
opportunity to te«t this practice m lernble burns
occasioned by explosions ot gunpowder, in scalds
from the bursting of steam boilers, in exa-nples of
prison* while drunk falling into the fire, and olb.
era in wh<ch the clothes were burnt r,ff the bojy
by the conjbueiion of spirit gs'
these ca*ea, and in.u'nic of''
portion of the body, had eseaj
♦taod-uff, tn a few < f them rooiei
were literally baked, to that exl
wated supurstion and along hi of
and had afterward to be esdi
application of Uio door wm iu
cur only remedy, and litis wjw
or more days, while iue sruio <
demanded it. The superficial poi
or scald would offtfl heal now
Ime ; and the solutions of cc
l-»s deep, which remained opei
were then dresred with lime
nieaot of a feather, to wbleb creoaote wa* added
if the granulation* were alow, or the I sbogbs lar
dy in becoming loose. Under ibis jdrea*iog tho
ijio«l formidable boros have been healed; and,
even.when the face ass been involved, there has
been scarcely aoy considerable deformity. la one
of onr patients, lha face being horribly burned by
an accidental explosion of gunpowder, the grains
of powder being imbedded in tbo skin., eery great
apprehensions were indulged that the discolora
tion thes produced would permanently disfigure
and deform the countenance: Hot, after the per*
•latest application of the flour for three toeeeaslve
days, and until the tumefaction of ( lbe free and
head had snbatded, it was found that, with a lew
applications of the lime watrrdreatiDg, the ciea*
taxation was complete, and even the disccloration
was removed.-
If thla simple rctnedy were resorted to in the
severe scalds sometimes occurring from explosions
of steam boat boilers. Sic., there canbolitilodoobt
I bat the fatality of aaeh burns would be very rare;
while the popular and mischievous- methods of ap
plying raw coton, oil, molasses: salt, alcohol, spir«
it» of turpentine ungar of ledd water, ice, dee., to
extensive and dteplmrnt % are oil of -them injurious,
aurf, olten destructive to life.
RtnraxiKo awat with a Sitnurv— The New
York Herald gives an amusing account of a recent
affair in that city.
Titg Ntw Wp tu> aiid Tns New Sheriff
Our ucw SocrilTWas aoiuewhat (nitwitted on laid
Monday, under the following circumnancee;—Tfre
steamship New World, just- finished and ready for
tea intended for the California station, lying at the
dock, was levied upon by the Sheriff, on Saturday,
t week ago, for a claim of $50,000, ssi>l to bo due
a Mr. Furnace. Mr. Deputy Sheriff
served the process, and placed the vessel as she
laid at the dock, tinder the charge of several aids;
iu order to keep possession. So far sogood. 11m
on Sunday morning, Mr. Csnulogbam catne on
board, loeeeif all was right, a'xmt eleven o’uloek.
asd in a abort tinus thereaiter, found that the en
gt-aer'.wa* firiogep. The captain waaon board,
ami Mr. Cunningham remarked to him:—«• Why,
captain, whatore you firing up for?” **tih," re
plied the captain, •* tho machinery, by laying at
the dock, has become alltllerusiy, end we want
tn keep her anfiog, rbsl *bo won't spoil” Thus
ihe matter railed, aad ibe conversation turned to
ruae other topic,' when. all at once, the ropj*
Wern east off from tbe dock, the engitie set in mo
tion. and oat rlml'the ve*«ei into the stream.-*
*■ Wbal’n tlua for?” raid Mr Cunningham to the
captain. The cijKoio repiled laughing. “Oa. doo’l
be aJraid, Mr. Sheriff, we only wont to «ru it
around b lilllcrifisicujof lying at the dock; theie
it po basnie»B on Sunday, and we may *•
welldo tbia ae any thine else.
Finding the ve»#el putting out to tea, Mr. Can*
oingbnrn became astufUd that tho taplain vm
humbugging, seized him by tbe collar, and called
to bi» aevefal aids who warn with him to ataial
Hm ia making tho captain put haejt. No sooner
wet ibis attempt mad*, than ilia captain giro a
whistle, which signal w»i aniwered immediate'
ly, and the whole of tbe crow, who were previous*
ly concealed, sprang on deck, armed with bowie
kaives.-pittoU, coliasses, and other deadly weap
on*, t) the aid ci their captain. At the appear
iioeeoftbu U-gabodjr of derperale looking men,
Mr- Cunningham anti his aid* found they were ea*
trapped. ‘•Como,” said the enptain, ‘•put tho aher
rlffand fiinaid* on shore;" and no sooner was tbe
word gtvro, than,over went tbe deputy sheriff and
hi* aid* down the ride of the vcstcl into a boat,
and were/owed off, piiehcdcut into tbe asnd on
tbebeich on Staton hland shore, and the boat
returned back to tbo ship, and away she went In
rapid style, putting on n Huh more steam, app«r
ently to nld them in their flight to California. Mr.
Conniegbam and. his aid* were compelled to
trudge some three miles, almost ap to their knees
in mod, before 1 reaching : the ferry to embark for
New York, We presume the, sheriff will, in fu
ture,be more careful in allowing the engineer oa
tip next vessel thpf have ia charge, to work the
m*t off the gutfthfnery. . .
James Letutox, of New York, for whom
the original manosetipt pf Washington’s Farewell
Address was porchisod at Phi/adelpftja, has a for
hose which yields $130,000 per annum. Hpis a
bachelor, and a man of tbe most’princely liberal/*
jv sod benevolence, II I* .yard that bia charitable
Correspondence of lha Pittsburgh Gazette.
Washixotob, Feb. 16,1850
A rumor has obtained tome: currency which
•Melts that Mr. Clayton; ha*, determined to wuh
dnw from the. Cabinet. If not utterly without
foundation U la so nearly destitute of any, u to be
unworthy of credit. The same rumor stales, that
in case of the retirement ofMr. Clayton, Mr. Crit*
teodea will be a second time invited to enter the
Cabinet. This is a speculation which any body
can make withont fear of losing more than the
investment Aa a pendant to lies report, we have
another, that Mr. Meredith would consent to a
transfer to the Stale Department, and that Mr.
Evana of Maine, might be persnaded to vacate
his sell in the commitsion upon Mexican claims,
in order to take charge of the.finaaccs. Various
are the surmises and guesses as to the causes of
these contemplated change*, but as the changes
themselves will not take place, of course there is
no text whereon to hang a comment. Neveribe"
lest, enough of them will be. made through the
public press, by numerous amateur diplomatists,
who, having lost the more profitable employments
they held under the former administration, now
stand ready to seise every opportunity to show
bow much more they kaow of State alTaita than
Geo. Taylor or any of hla Cabinet do. Foremost
among this respectable and useful class are the
luminaries oftho Washington Union, who will, no
doub', take up the rumor, and make the tuott of
it in their candid and amiable way.
1 do not know but that, in ri taring the other
day to the stite in which several nomination* for
foreign appointments were held iu the Senate, 1
made tome allusion to the current report iba'. Mr.
Schroeder, sou in law to Col. S«aton of the I itclll*
gtneer, Charge to Sweden, was In danger r>T re*
jectiou. I think there is uo marram for such an
allegation. TV aotpiatUon baa not yet been re
ported to the Sonne, from the committee to wh ! ch
it belongs, and is ia the same situation ea tbe mass
otolber appointments that have been commani
ciied to tbe Senate. Among Rome rejections for
cauie, that may be anticipated, U that of Charles
B. Delevan, Commercial Agent at St. Tlioma?,
W. 1., a very lucrative appointment The com*
plaint against Charles is, (bat be Is not quailed
for the place. h|ow, I'rather suspect that a more I
potent cease of diasatiafaction with his nomination
Is, tbat tbe amount of feet accruing at Sr. Thomas !
is foand to be such as to excite the cupidity of
political aspirants of rhthar stronger influence and
higher pretension than Mr. Delevan, wbo ( bow*
ever, ia a very plcwcqt and popular utan. Bat
l fsar that tbero is no help for M*. D , and tbat be
will find that he struck too high in aiming at $5OOO
a year. P .rhapa a fair compromise between him
and hia opponents would be, to send him back to
Piclou, where the pickings do not elect d twelve
or fifteen hundred dollars.
Mr. H ann *B* D f l* l ® Minuter to b&« re
visited the ecenescf his former gloiy. He looks
like one who had gone through the fire ot adver’
aityand the waters of stlltctiou, and ft was this
broken appearance, possibly, that led some Euro*
pean correspondent to suppose that tbe fire water
bad gone too frequently through the honorable
minister, But of that, no more. Mr. Heontgaa
has retired from public service, and deserve* tbal
hit part coarse should be reviewed with csndoi
and justice, and not with the asperity of poliii b
Mr. Webster made a few remarks yesterday
agreeing with Mr. Badger, that the applicant c
California for immediate admission, presented
some difficulties, but none that were insuperable.
An erroneous idea prevails, that he will address
the Senate on Monday, in continuation of his re
marks. This ia net to. Clemens of Alabama,
will make a slashing and tearing harangue against
every thing that is not in and ot the South, fie
will declaim against Northern aggressions upon
the South, and attempts to exclude the chiton*
from the new territories in faco of tho fact that
both the Senators from the new State are southern
meo. ' -
Mr. Webster dees not prop&ie to atko any
tlxborat} speech during the present contest.
WaxHCWTO*, Feb. 11, 1 S»_
The Slesrs|«sTr«st)r usd The CtUoit
-W>. CUftOß*>Str ( Webster.
The f*ct* of whleh 1 bare endeavored to keep
your readers advised, from time to time, are cow
coming oat. There has been no treaty made con
cerning the Nicaragua qaettieo, as has been ao
atootiy asserted by many editors and correspoo
: dents, bat a prtjit naa been adopted, and wdb
aomo very singular and curious results. It wan
probably during the week before list, that Mr.
Clayton presented Mr. Bnlver with the rongb
draft of a treaty tor tbe settlement of most cf the
difference* arising from the ctata of affairs in
Central America. Mr. Bnlwrr no far accepted
this sketch of an arrangement aa to engage to
present it to his government, but, at the same
time, admitting that hia powers were not ample
enough to authorise its unconditional acceptance.
Now it is said and believed that on Sunday last
tbe pr* jit was considered ia special Cabinet meet
ing and was not approved cf, thus affording a
proof that Mr. Clayton's policy was not cordially
supported by hit colleagues. Bat wbea tbe facts
appear in an official statement, l have reason to
believe tl/at it will be discovered that tbe ouly ob
jection to Mr. ClayWs proceeding, if any objec
tion at all was made, was a technical one, and
turned upon tbe diplomatic effect of offering an
amusement of this kind to a minister of a for
eign government, wbo> not having fuQ power*,
could not commit himself or bis government by
entertaining it li will be found, also, if this dis
patch from the Secretary ol State ever eee* the
light, that tbe proposed arrangement was a good
one, end such a one as'wo shall be willing enough
to procure and adhere to ia the end.
But the occurrence has given occasion to the
rumors to which t briefly referred yesterday. Mr.
Clayton Is reported to havo ictimaied s porpw.
of resigning, but there is no probability of it 1
know, from good authority, that Gen. Taylor baa
declared, recently, that he bad nu desire toebaage
any member o! his Cabinet. It is true, however,
that Mr. Webster has bad several interviews
with the President, of late, which have excited
curiosity and comment, because he baa n«t here
tofore been upon those trirp* of cordiality and In
timacy, with the Whig chief magistrate, which
bis distinguished position would entitle him to
maintain. Of course' gorsiplog has been busy
with the fact referred to, and baa taken Mr. Web
ster by the aboutderr, without hia consent, and
deposited him in tbe Cabinet. Mr. Webrler has
far different views.
Very few aeem to look the Imputed diflbol
ttee, in the way of (ho admission of California,
In the face. The great in*J inty prefer the time
serving plea of compromise. Tima even 1) nig
last, the Chairman of the Committee on Territo
ries, is preparing hie compromise—Mine notable
project for ndxlng Calfbruia up with mett-rrs with
whteb California has properly nothing lo do. Ills
plan wifi be ready in a few days, poaaibly to.tnor.
row. It teems to be agreed that norther Mr. t'laj’a
compromise proposlton, nor any oilier that has
been brought forward, haa been received with any
thiug like the favor of (he Presidential reo •mmen
dalmo to take prompt action the adm ssioo of
the State, but to lei the teinturirs alone unlit Ihe
people thereof ahdl have declared their j telett a*
ces aa to the matter at issue.
)? 1 understand that Col. Fremont baa forwarded
hi« reiigif'.ion, as Commie'looer of the Survey to
run the Mexican Rouadary Line, and that Major
Laiiy, of Maine, who did sneb gUlir.t serv-co io
Mexico, is lUely to be appointed. Jumna.
Fur the PiUiburgk fintstt
Musas. Eniiou—Huft 1 doe* it hnppeo, that
wbiln you printers.aro so particular in-charging,
wbat many think a very high price, for adver
tisements inserted In yoar advertising column#,
yet advertise gratuUously for all tlreation 1 That
it ia so, is very evident upon looking into four
commercial columns. There I cec the goods and
warciof men advertised who never on nuyoccs
sion patronise the printer. I* this just cither to
yoorseUes or these who patronize you! I trow
not. Who Wutild want a belter advertisement
this to see alt tbe stock ho receives published,
with his name attached, in the list of imports, io
all the commercial sheet* of the city. It may be
all right to give an exhibit of tbe imports of the
place, bat 1 think the printer does not act with an
eye tingle to his own interest, when he connects
tbe name of the importer, and he not a patron,
with the goods ud wares. CUaiOSITf.
Calqwu. in Cunroxnu.—Wo are Informed of a
tale of 20 pounds of Calomel (n California, for the
ronndstim of$23 ) 000. This Is any thing rather
1/rap throwing-physic to dogs, tmJeee the men who
i 1k... *»■.. .auipt,,t*ia«4 nf.lS*
' -
Tn Railroad.— Bow are ihe
gentlemen of toe Committee coming on with tbe
•nbscriotioas, designed to fill op the stock and ie- {
core the speedy completion of this great work?
Every tiling can b 4 done by energy, and every
thing* ought to be dose. We are glad to learn that
a ■ inglememberofthecommittee, a weti known
gentleman in Market for tu»-
ioeaa spirit aod public spirit,; has already secured
subscription* for twelve hundred shares. Oie
third this success obtained by other members
would secure the whole sum needed, and reward
Philadelphia with the speedy tpecticle of through
trains—and endless ones, at that—fall of freight
and passengers, thundering into town from Pitts
burgh Courage, men of Philadelphia, ye who
hold ia your hands the rich destinies of this glori
ous city! Flag not, falter not, hesitate not. Let
all who have the means, contribute to the good
work. The Erie Railroad is hastening last to
ward the Lake, aad bo is the Baltimore road to
wers the Ohio. The Pennsylvania Railroad may
—and ought to—beat them both.— Phil. North
The Boston correspondent of the Ssleo Register
One of the passengers by the recent arrival from
California, is a young man who baa met with a
surprising change of fortune. He. is the son of
one of oar first men. With his unesaal energy
and. intelligence In business affairs, there was
combined a love of pleasure, to which he gave
way ao much, that la spite of their efforts to save
him he sank Into the lowest depths of dissipation,
and at leogtb shipped as a sailor on a voyage to
tbe Pacific. The wish of tats relatives and friends
to forget him, now seemed likely to bo accomplish
ed. Snddenily the Gold Regloo excitement arose,
and with tbe first intelligence from the new city of
San Francisco, came tbe information that the ban
iabed rout was a partner in one of the most wen!-
ty houses there. He bad turned over a new leaf,
to dm an old phrase, and. after making himself a
valuable assistant aa a clerk, hia employer* took
him into partnership. He purchased land enough
in good time to yield him extravagant profits; every
thmg prospered with him, and now be returns to
Boston, 25 years of sge, sod worth $lOO,OOO.
Madisomaud Dixon's Littx.—The Commission
era on the part ol Maryland, Deleware and Penn
avlvsaia, consisting of the Hon. H. G. S. Key,
Geone Read Riddle aodJ. P. Eyre, appointed to art
refix tbe boundaries between the three States,
are now in thfaCiiy, lor tbe purpose of concluding
their business with the Topographical Bureau.
We l«arn that ihe Report nf this Commission
will give the history and whole particulars of ibe
interesting geographical line (Mason and Dixon’*}
ao oflea alluded to by Ihe press and politicians
yet but little underetood by the public.—{Nat in.
ol 12th.
Whkxs ts thk WjLDtx-NKas. —At the beginning
ol this century it was iu Ohio and Indiana. Twen
ty yeara afterwards it was iu Michigan, Wiscon
sin, and so forth. Last year it was in Minnesota
Territory. Next year we shall have to seek it to
Nebraska and around the Lake of the Woods.
Where tne steamboat goesi, there the wilder*
ness disappears. And tbe steamboat is scan to
startle the ladiau, and wake the echoes of the for
est above the, Falls of the St. Anthony; for a boat
is now building there which the St Wal "Chron
icle .and Register’ efthe l&th of January says “ia
rapidity progressing. ’ The time for launching
her has even been taxed —“as soon aa tbe river ia
clear of Ue." The boild*-r bails from Bangor, Me.
the opposite extremity of the Untoa due east, and
i* said to be highly skilful workman.” Tta*di*
menaiona of the craft are 103 feet keel, 120 feet
deck, 26 feet beam, aod wilt draw twelve Inches
light. The machinery is in course ofcoastruo
lion at Bsngor, and will bn at the Falla by the
opening of navigation.
Steam navigation ririynr trade” above Ihe Fails
of the St. Anthony I Poetry may as well gather
up its farmed* and emigrate from this land, un
less U can be content to find its theme* ia tbe
workshop and the crowded street.—Ciaewmors
Book* Jait Kceilvid
THE Complete Work# of John Banyan; 8 vols, «f
m l vot, illustrated; musUu gilt and gut edges.
Alitchell's Biblical and dubbath School Geography
a new work; 1 sol, !Bmo.
PtACTICAL P|tff.»imi»fl»y.—Genii Smith has Town's Analysis and Hpe-'.ler
manifested his sympathy U>t the oppressed Afri- Ufa of John Q Adam*; by V\ m 11. Sewatd; I vol
can race, in a way lhal abundantly prove* iisdn- l 7££ B # n Mr< . „ emßni; , , cl , 12b#; n n.lin;gdt.
oerity. A committee in toe city ol new tors, on Soath'a Bermoas—scrmous preached upon several
whom Mr. 3. devolved the. doty of selecting one occasions, by Robert South, b. 1).; a new ediuon, 4
hundred aod fifty respectable people of color at volti including Posthumous Discourses,
recipients of bit bounty, acknowledge tbe receipt Sw * ,heep ' “*”* £[ o iiorKi\s
ofaeventy five deed* of land for m many men, * ApcUo Buildings, Fount m
with *lO tor each of them; and ol $5O tot seven*
ty five colored women. Deed* and money, in A Oeaat National «ork,
ihe aaioe proportion, have been given (o four htto* ] THE GALLERY OF ILLUSTRIOUS AMERICANS
dred and twenty five men. and an equal number D*fu«ntotyft* If Bra<iy.—Eugmvrd 4y Ob'
1 of women, In other parts of tbs Stale. These gills * Avignon.—EJiteJ if *n'A tf Literary
amount, in tho aggregate,to 550.C00. This ia tro- . Afr*.
tygenerocs. Tbe following ia from Mr. , ttndF.R lt t] c be published, daring the year
Smith's idler to bis committee. ! |J i&u, twenty lour I‘onraiis and-Biographical
I aeud you herewith 75 deed* of land, and *750 ! Hsetebesof American cUiaens, who have become lb
t S:;: ! irs^^srSKi'K.* skjseest
i _.* e^ll ei *' atWUB ! and nothiagwUl bo spared lu render It a wormy and
land I hone thev! will malr?<bl!? , eodutinv monument to O.e great wen of the Republic,
lane, l nope uu>y wiu ®**«Jtaa of -sum- ,1 cae- i Ttm TyMnnaphv wit* *«* *sseut»d a* esrefu.iy and
not even rrad, mhch leaocan I answer, all toe MX- tat* styi* u »b*rnrTari.:p« tbeausiws. The
lers which I receive. ; entire work will be on lb* hunt impanarruii.i nxaer-
To the romoiM-a lA dm ether coonHe** wl«»,
semi deeds, aod ten dollan with ear n, a* Ma* l i e i ur e, l*> comprehensive is us spirit The bums
receive from Ihemlbo nemeaoftho mates whom ! of Cime «»n only wtU boadutiard. wheaa talent* and
thev aalect. Mf rdli to the females whom' they ' pub'** service* bars won far them as honorable fame
t . i .. n ..J £. ,iu . Im Ureucbout Hia nation. Each of the great departments
aalect, l ahaU not be able to completa Jn a let* h>a iu r ,p,„e„uuve.. Art and later.-
space of Ume lben * year or IB monthf, a* my • „rc universal In tbeir spirit, and iliisGuilery isin*
1 firal duty with the moneys I receive is to employ , teuded 10 be a wonhy au<l rmUnng modumcni 10 the
a large share of them U. cootmmsf to reduce the > great meu of ihe Republic, wbo«« eebievemmis and
treat amount of debt, which l aliU owe. It IS fame conniuta the rbh-l glory of w nsuon We
k re * i_i u rw , n .ik rao 1 ho»e that a»e,y lorerof art and fnend of oarglorioaa
probable, however, that I shall every month pay . w j u fe «pond laour appeal for eucoaiageateni,
the temiUsof one or more eoanuee. 1 tm j k> cwnmca<ial>lo an auertakug, that tu
With great regard, vonr friend, . publication may tuakr an era in tbe progress of Aia-
GERtUT SMITH. encan Art, and. by jcrouping ilw lUasTriaos men of the
. Union logsther, consolidate it Hill more finely.
... _ . As 1 o w*rk of this kind h»» appeared in Amt ies,
WaoLOaur'Mtail**-—Henry Tomp*in»,sgeU mlil j e prim ih#j aeuaiaiu Karore would pi* ‘e it
iboot 30 fvaia, has Jill lor ho ! bryond the reach of non o< oar eiuren*. the pul *•!«-
aliemot to murder bis three sislera ID Townsend, i c.r» base u* mem a large ci«caiauo<' by
Obio. The, re. 1.0 io a hoow lojjeiher, .ed, u(i- if'fS~ " r " ’
on retorniag hotoe on Friday evening, Hepry, Two Npi or- now pabli.btd, eoniaitung Porna 1* of
eitbout provoeslioa. attached them Wilh aa me. • prudent Taylor and lion Jolm C. Calhoun.
One escaped to her father's bouse, about fifty tdds ! JAMES U. UKtKWUUD.oi Wood* ,
bK The other two tutors were fjund.wcllerihg , fcbft Agent for Wcslera i>t.pcyiy«dia
iobliwb He bad knocked them down and frees j aoTiCIC.
tnreiTlbeir scull* with the aie, tod then cal his ; TTriSUINO in relicre tnywir from the datirs of at*
threat. There was tcarodjTa hope of tbe girls Yy- rending to tw management of th« rrankltnCet*
•nrvivie* ihouah the monster's own wound w*s u>, Mill, t wuuld ollrr for «slr 000 half of my interest
ia the conevrn, provided I could do *0 »o same p.'raon
001 laiat. wnn ] d | M wiUiiir to taka the msnsrtmrnt of ll>o
*“ Mill, and would be accepuble at a psrtner. The Mill
Tbe will of the Marqnis d’Allgre is *t this mo- ,» now in good runnlrg order, and odurs as favorable
men. the .abject of great in
died worth nearly three millions Merunf. ny law, t(MM would bsprcfrricd.
ha could 00* leave awsy from hia only daughter | IiEOBGU T. TINGLE.
more than bail his fortune, this he did; aod, after , febll-et ■ W’hecing, Va.
having given large sums of money in such a way -jo Ist,
that many poor persoos in different yarls of tho . THREE STORY URICK DWELLING lloUctF
rtjgniry became rnddealy comparatively wealthy, »>n Thud street, near Ross, coaiatslog d l>ed
he left three peraona as hia reMdatry legatees, chambers, a parlors, and kitchen. Potaesslou given
«o were rel.lejl to whotohe b.<llrefo.- ROOM ee tie center of Bor. e»J
ed to see several yeara before hr* dealh. Amongst , r „ i now wco , ll( .i p T Me**?*. Young, as a gro
other airange whiipa.he had large Ingots cf gold at } Eesutte of \VM. 11. MrCGNNKEt..
hi* country seal*; aomoof these have diaapptared; 1 fobs; u.» corner M'atkes*nd_Pift'**t« ;
far have Bern found at one ofhischaleans, worth i Q an y t
fitly thousnad poonda; one in ihe form of a stick, TjtßfiM Up' Ist April ttesi. the c*iore Room and C«l>
was worth thirty thousand francs. . I? >ar, on the renter of Market street and iso L'ts
_ . : Blond, now occupied by Wm. T. Albree A Co.
' CcvTOtt Kotfas, | I febJLCt
Sail Faanctioo, IJiec. 31,1649.) I.OU for Bale.
GotTLXStmc The steamer which sails tomorrow ; vtte olf«r for *ale,on moderate terms:
lakes out twelve hundred thousand doHara, rank* ( VV i,u That lot «f groand on Pennsylranta Av>
ivg in til, (ll reported) during the month Of I)tv enue, near Coagreti «t. being about 151 feet in d eptb
cecober tsro miUiaos one hundred sad eighteen , by about W feet .J inches in width.
. Ijn - 1 lij 1.- v.« »r Ib i 84. That JwOl on Pennsylvania Avenue, just l>eyord
thousand dollars In gold dost. You may safely jj f Watson's property- bring II J feet deep by J 5 feet
say that ocn third more has gone out nnreporlrd. : lnc i, e , | n wiUth.
Yours, J. COLLIER, Collector. -3d. A Lot on tbs Hill, jstt behind the W Lot alove
To Editors National lateJL'gencer. i named-being 130 feet feet deep by to feel t( uicbe.
1 wide, cXleudtng from Gibbon in Locust *t
i) W. A A. 8. UKLE
Attorneys at Law, often in Fourth it,
f«I>?l 3w above Bnmbfield. _
The event* which aro transpiring in Prussia
are invested with much interest. According to !
the Berlin correapondeat of (be New York Ad* . !" ' HOTICK.
vertiwrr, Prussia Will I*o the thealm of the nest j wjKNKV lIANNKN A. CO., and lIAKCUM X 00 .
ravoJaticnarjr movement in Europe; and when it : |x of i'HUburgii, bum; obtained from mr «unUry
come* il Will scarcely bo loaa than an earthquake. ' aceepiancea, amouoUug u» about thirty five handrtnl
Prwißiick William i> makio* blma.ll oj.ou. by -*’ inlabipmaala u. »r anj
‘ . , * . | . ■ tiivlui niic<* rrplettM *»iU coodt osi of inv hand"
blipobbc mraaimia, ami lb. popular lit am-h of lb. . „,j „p,„„u,„.-ibu (. i„ ib.i I,™, of
Chamber* it coming into direct ooliiaton Wiib bin. i paper will bs paid by ne For iky L-n< lor cub
producing csnuperaiido anddiagnitio the Velingl \ advance* *ud damage* agalnti waid pnnk*, I have
of tkri people towards the monarch. ! rauaed a win of rcirig.imuaehmentto be .ervrd, and
• * • j have bed up all ntbpcuy of tiwira lo l.e found m lh>*
. '! . V.. ' ' ! atiae a Jrciiiun i i lha Cosuncreiai Coon
Appolnlraafita by (be Preairfanl. fobfU-st o a KKLUI.M.
By and with tlu advice and foment of the Smatt. Crßeumini, f eh. J 5,
Benjamin Everett Smith, a I Maryland, to be ; HOTIOB.
■JCouauloftbe UoiteJ Hutea for Tdrke litand. '|'l B. KKLLUM, of, having aeen proper
Alfred Mitchell, of Now Jemy, lo fc« Consul of iO. »« »**«*£“' 1 J '*• V •"!*’ T ** r ?‘ cv,pd
.. . ■ 4j. . , . f’A ... i. a . , ; our aotru* out of bi» band*, and «ive notice or hi* r«.
the United States for Ibe port of Cork, in Irelaflil. t# p»y .ccrptancr* und«r wntrh ho wa» rr»po/i
-tiarvrf CHeaano, of Lodiaiana, to betx.nnil of ; «jt>ie for a lauUaiMomtf—Thi* It to notify all whoia’ti
the United Stale* for Ibe port of Chagrey, in Now • ear concern, nutfut tearonnah?raeior»t.. our mind*
Oregtda ! we deemed it ptuileul lo lake our f+vj-my and tbailnf
T.™.. Turner, nfNe. York u,bj. .1 I <;■ fir'f'j!
ibe Untied Statea .for Bahia do Ssn Salvador, in 1 ceß j„ u ,-, a ie« made by Kellum, aretoore ibtu aoB-
Brazil. cnvrr con*, cbarjrct and advancer made by
Samuel Smtpann, of Virginia, ts be C,.nau| of him, leavmr Lioi only bound for ibeiinpn t accp|»-
the United States for Bombay. , 'ancea. wh,ch i*av o> be. n guaranteed to hm. t.y aU-
Wiltl.m Y. tiogers, of MissJaS/ppi, to bi Consul •: -pm<*'bla hunee iu IUJ(?fEN CQ
of Hie Uiiiied S.alea tor Vera Cru*, in Met'co. { pmnUurph, Feb '.'o, t"iO—(ret>:i at' ~
Amoa B. Corwin*, of Ohio, to he Cdutul« f the f ~“TT7,„ "" " '
Horace Smith, of Penony!varna, to bo Consul of ■*■ Paper, 11 "
ibe Untied StHtea for Portugal. jn„n bil* Medium Rap and Straw Wrap t'api
Dtniol La Roy, of New York, to beCunniiof' wo “ Ormbi* tv©«*n It amts <li. «i,
the United States for tfio port oi Deuos. in Sar- . Kukll Ca P ■ nd Lpl ‘" ‘,a«,pf
Cniiles L Fiiircbraacm, of the .District of Ci»
latnbtt, to bp Consul of tho United 3t«trs lor
Stadtgardi, io Wurtemberg.
Siaovuia PniKuuxNON.—a block rainbow was
•cen by the citixeua of New Bedford, Tuesday
evening, about 6 o'clock. Its direction was from
the Northwest lo tba Southeast; It waa Visible
about 10 minuter.
Toxqloqicsl.—Yonng ladles are lllro arrowa—
they cannot be not off without a beau. Sjuj« Is*
diea have two smogs to their law, but the meat
judicious have two bowalo one airing.
A OavAT Cojiuncun F*or.—“Time is mo.
ney/’aaid a debtor tu bit creditor, “and there
fore, it you will giro me time, it it jolt the aame
thing aa if i gave you mooey."
During'ibe fate caovaii in Michigan, a am.
geoo daotiat an excellent speech 10
one of the interior (owns. A lovjfoilow belong*
jog to the Other party intemipi<?£ hltu with the
* Wnat do you ash to pull« tooth, DoctorJ"
•1 will pull all youra for a shilling, and your
noae gratis, M replied the speaker. '•
riixraM Luton by J. W. Kelly
William street, N. V.,Md for aafa by A. Jaynes, No.
70 Fourth street. Thu will be found a delightful arti
cle of beverage in families, and particularly tor sick
rooms. i
BaiciYDxoma.—An Improved Ctiocolsie prepara
tion, being scombinatioa of Cocoa mnr Innocent, In
vigorating and palglable, highly recommended partic
ularly for invalids. Prepared by W. Uaior, Dorcbos
ter, Mass., and for sale by A. JAYrtliS, at the Pekui
i®a titoro. No. 7lt Fourth ab 1 loehlt
«U. O. fillHT,
Dentist. CnmerofPourlb
©*. MeLAttVLrn* Pom.—'This grent remedy for
diseases of the lira, isof rancholderdaie-than It*
imwd«ctiaßtothepnblJe. The existence of ko m»ny
quapk remedies, heralded aspotseuingthe most mar
veldae qualities for heeling til diseases, diiga«ud «a
accompli tied tod well edaeatde physician, who o*a*
ally felt seme dretd of being confounded with the
crowd ,of pre lender* id the me dieel art, whose nos-
tras,, iere pert’ded In every newspaper *» sovereign
remedies for all the ills that flesh U heir to. The rep.
nteatatioos of these to whom hli PUU had given re
lief, however, and the urgent soliclutloai by physi
cist with whom he had aisoetated in hie practice,
and who bad witnessed the wonderfal eures effected
by hi* remedy, at length mdneed him to mako It pnb
For sale by J. KIDD * CO., No. M, comer of Fourth
tnd Wood «U Pittsburgh. (fcbW-dAwlwS
I haothtr Witness an the Sta»«
Ida. S. M. Kxxs:—Allow me to erpreu to ynn my
heartfelt thanks for the great benefit I havo received
from an article called PETROLEUM, or Boca Oil, of
which yon are the aole proprietor. 1 had ©cession to
aae it about tho Ist of January, in a violent attaek of
Rheumatism, which was very painful, flying about
from place to place, accompanied with much swelling,
•o as to keep me in constant torture. 1 used tho Pe
troleum externally, a few applications of which re.
moved alt pain, and every symptom of the disease.
I am pow entirely well, and would take this ceeailon
to recommend the Petroleum to all who may be suffer
ing under the agonizing pains of Rheumatism or kin
dred diseases. [Signed} Gusoa Wrnaxa,
near Perry House, Pittsburgh,
general advertisement In another column.
feb!B • * ___
laprovimsnu In Usatlitry,
DR. G. O. STEARNS, law of lloston, Is prepared to
manufacture and set Block Txctii . lu whole and pans
of set*, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suelion Plates.—
Tootkxl-bicoaxb in nvt Kirnrras, where tlm nerve is
exposed. OfOee and residence next door u» the Slay,
Fourth street, Pittsburgh-
Ranavo—J. B. M'Fadden. F. 11. Eaton- ls 1»
TKTE arc now receiving our regular supplies of Do-
W mesric and Foreign DRY GOODS, which we
are prepared to sell at the lowest market prices to
cash buyers aud promplbntinesa men.
Wo would ask the attention of City and western
Merchants tn cur rt ck, believing we can offer many
inducements to purchase from ns.
febSl Dry Goods Jobbers, W Wood »t
PIECES beautiful styles 4 4 Freneh Prints;
OU 3 cares Mom de Latu*. good styles;
Also—Mourning Goods. Linvus, French Wiought
Capes, Collars and Cuds, Uress Silks, Mantillas. Alex
anders* Kid Gloves, Pine French and Scotch Ging
hams, all of which have beensetected with great care,
and will be found ut low prices at *
f r b2l _ kOJtlarket sl_j
WB. MURPHY lias rereived a further .upply
• of Tuiked Red Twilled 0.1 Chintz, for curtains,
I at bweit price, at the North East comer of Fourth
! and Market sis. • febVl;
MOURNING ALPACCAS—Bombazine Finished
Aloarcas. tor Mourning, to be found at th* Dry
aoodt House of \V R MURPIIY,
febil corner Fourth and Mstketair
Altastlen Wanted.
A SITUATION is wanted to assist in a Wholesalo
nr Bn til Store. I y a young man of good abilities,
urbo can give good references. Employment more an
object than salary. Address—"J. 1.," Post Gdice,
Scene of REV JOHN WESLEY, published by
subscription, engraved bv Win. Overand Getlsr, of
London, from the original painting by Marshall Clax
loo, hasiuit been received, and is now for sale by
f e b?l Apollo Huildlnts. Fourth at.
V O rrsto* Medium Tea Paper;
I oil •* Hardware do,
j Wi gro»* snornot Whiio linunei Uosrd.;
M*> reams Blue Factory Paper;
100 - do Caudle no. For withy
IN the Court of Common Plenj.ot Allegheny Cuatt
iy; No IMiftMcberTerai, loAh
And now, February lith, ttIJO, ibe aecoont of John
Gamble, cummitieo of the |>ef«.n and estate of De <o
tab Heed, a lunatic, presented in opeu Court— Am al
the same time Ibe peillion ol the said Juhn (>nu ble
prrMiited, praying Ute Court in grant him a discha ge
irom his sail trust.
Whereupon Ilia Corn l direct notice of ibe Ctini of
i sai l account, and ol the said application for a < is-,
charge, to bo giveu by sis Publications In a now,
jioblUhediu the city of Pittsburgh, that said ic
count will bo allowed, and said trustee diudun ed
trem the further duties of his trust, on the *3d day of
March, leW, mites* cause be shewn to the r.ontmn.
. febsi-dfcwam ' »KO. H. HAVS, Pi,,
IN tiie Court of Common Plea*, of Atleghouy Coum
ly; No. 6* of March IB17:
Aud now, February Wib, IMO—the accounLof Wm
U. floss, coramnica of iheeatatn of Jnhn Kora, a iu
iiaito, piesettled in open Court—Aud- the Coon order
iliat Dilng said acuount be given by llireo
iiuldteatious in the Pittsburgh Uaiotln—and lita‘ said
account will be allowed on tho JQd day of March,
IMll, unless cause to the contrary tie shewn.
fcMl.dflhwlta UW3.B.JUYB, Pro.
American Uotal for Ran,
rpo I.KT— Tlie American Hotel, on Penn street, op
-1 pdsite tbo Canal Uasin, from the Ist of April next
Apply at this office. foblS
portable f atlor (Ifiaahpuu,
TUB tabaeribsr oOara for sale, a suiubts and ronvo
nlent ease, for preaerviug and blooming Winter
aod Ppting Plants, being entirely Iree from lbs dry at
inoipbero and dust, aolniarioua to the aoeceatof keep
ing Plants with safety in rooms. The public are re*
speeifnll? Invited to call end examine lbs case, filled'
with Plant*, at the warehouse of & N. Wlekenham,
corner of Wood and Sixth its, front the co<leetioti of
I/ffbtl 011 —* tb " N ° I'
gUOAH-*, bhtla i.« roo’d •^'gS'f.^zEU,
-pW-w tti. tm, ttcMydfb. ‘dal'zeli.
J IN6EKD Ol*^^ggsS,l;^SU r
•f eMI iwlibeiiyrt
Ps;S k,i ”““ ! s{
I fcra BENNAI ~‘ b "° ‘°' “ioHS D MORGAN
E 5| r ~ M “* -’*■“joj&P MORGAN
Sg E -* t^‘‘”“J,!C SSSiftMSfeAN
rMPEn—i »»»%»#■ % oB(iM i
SUGAR —74 bbdi now omp, Jut ree’djod lor Hie
(ebil , >7 tad 89 Water it
MOLASSES— £00 bbU PlnnUtion;
04 “ BuftrUoMe;
100 hf bbU “ “
mil '““■•,^ r , MATrHEWBtco
LINSEED OlLr-10 bbli In itore ud for ttle by
WINDOW O LiASS-500bit tw’d, for tale by
SODA ASH—Jrt cuke Steel A Scn’e meke;
10 “ beet qaalltr* in *u>re and for
'HITE BEANS—39 bbU in atore and for sale by
SOUP— 109 bJ»No 1 Cin. Rorin, for itle by
COPPER— S cult and 0 pipes old Copper, for *sle by
BAC. >N—hTSm lb* City Cared,'in nore, for sale by
TAIID-2S bblaand 60 kegs, in atoro end for *»U by
i frlril V J B DIMVOBTH A CO
BUTTER— Sfllkegs in Horn end for tale bjr
t'eligl j J 3 DILWORTHA CO
POWDER— 9eO keys Blanirg;
KM “ l>cer Rifle;
So “ Ky. do;
aiO 1 u do do; jn»l receiving tn 4
for tale by febttl ACO
POTATO E3-*M Ibii in store and for salo by
febSl [j WM U JOHNJiON
EGOS —4 bblarec’d and for ealo by
fob*! _I ■ WM il JOHNSTON
YINEGAR— ibbta Cider, for silo by
fcbit 1, WM H JOHNSTON
LARD—ia kejn for sale by
PRINTS— d eases, fast col’d, at fje, joat rec’d by
fobtl . 1 A A MASON ACO
YE FLOUI&-3U aacka (»Ibs eaeh) forsale by
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—2i »k* prime, for*iln by
fcbtt : ; BTUaRTA_S!U._
APPLES— Ss[bbl. Bcmanitei, for aale by
febrl ji STUART A SILL
Tb« flabictlbin bara formed^« Co-
Partnanbip aadar tba flraaf
At Ao. 77, 'Marlh strut , an tA* Nonh-nd* t
Between Second and Third Street*,
Their|»«aorunenu will eomitt of
Pstim ana Dibs Goods oorni llt,
I Dleaebed and Drown Muslin*, and the mail variety of
Staple, Fosfco* ass Dokbtic DIIY GOODS. _
They are now receiving an ENTIRE NEW STOCK
OF GOODS, selected witltparucaler aitenlion to the
iateu style* in (be market, parebaeed at low pilees,
I and will be sold at swell profile lor cash and approved
I erediL
I Merebanu vuitiny tbe city are invited to examine
I tlieir .lock THOS. P. SPARUA WK,
Maurice a wurts.
1 J»n- t«t, 1g50.-(lcbttt-dIwAw6LT
FURS! FURS! FUR3I—The •übicribers will pey
for <!oon. Mink. Moak Uai, Gray and Red Fox,
I and all kinds ol skipping Pars, tie highest sastcrn
(prices MeCOHDACo,
I lebJO corner Fifth ind Wood «t«
naiprait St Boas' Patent Katin Asia.
q;)Q CASKS will shortly arrive, direct from the
OvO menofaciurers, via New Otic an*, per ship:
; Alai a, Doadicta, Jesaica, and Austria, which will t,
I soU, ou arrival, at the lowest market price, by
I fob'Al * 160 Liberty et
flyn,ey will alto receive large scpplte* daring the
ipring via Philadelphia and Baltimore.
MACKEREL— A few hf bbl* best qaaliry (Maua*
ehuMiu iiupeeiKMS) IBil»,ia store and lorsakiby
fcbTONo 160 Liberty «t
Dliaalntlon ef Co-Partnanhlp.
THE Co-Partnership heretofore tiinisf beiwet
'♦•Sebroeder. Usgaetsn A Co ," was roattailv di
•uived on tbe icth day ot February, WUUan Renro
der withdrawing from the nne.
Tv Rail Redd Contractors*
PROPOSALS wih b* received at the O&ee of the
Chartin'* Coal Company, in the City ot Pitts*
large, for the Grading. Masonry, Conatrueiiou and
linage Building of.a kail Road, from the Ohio River,
at McKee'* Rocks, fosr miles up the Chanter's Creek
Valley. krosOsal* wilt be received for the entire jub
of grading and conjunction, or for only portion* of the
work. t
AarijUMir igenrity will be required from tKe eon
lector*, end * preference will tic given «o tncn re*
iporuibte bcu *i will eontieet lu complete the work
« l be ihunrii ;time.
Plan*, rpeoißeeiidiUL, tad ell nttnitrjf iafatraiiii
will be farnubed on epplicaUea to
2. W. BEMINUTON, Manager,
Or- JAMES DKVELIN, Kiigifierr.
llfli-.-e Cbtrtiet’r Co*) Company, >
Penn aiteel, PiUtbargb- (
MATCHES— 60 cron for tale by
febvu JOHN 1> MORGAN
CREAM TABTAK-3 bbl* for aale by
fob* . JOHN 0 MORGAN
SAL PODA—* cuki for aale by
ELM BARK-l bbl Superior powM, for aale by
I AO DYE—I bbl ground, for rule by
\7"n.NISON4UAMa—t:oo lb* for aale by
OIL— 10 bbl* Fluaeed, for ulo by
febao 141 liberty i
PRINTING PAPER—A full tupply of all ihe dif
ferent *Ue», on hand and made la order.
POTAHH— 10 ca&k* for tain by
fobJo_ _j BRYNOLP3 A 81IKF.
P ATENT TUBS—I 6 do 2 Trey Tab*, for aalo bv
Blackwood** HkftilM and |h« Bratiak
'((■•rtarly BltUvii
TnZ: Tkk Loattos Qtaxtixly Rxvibw;
Y Tkk Epuikuuu Kxyisw;
Tkk Nosxa Bbituh ttamwj - ■
Tub Wdninm RBvncw:
And— UiacfrvftoD's Kotxieaati M*a*xia*.
For an? one of the four Reviews, 53,00 per annua.
F*T Blackwood uodtfael Reviews, 10,00 *•
Payment* to be made In all ease* in advance.
Pol.htbed fitnultnueously in New York and Pitta-
I'Brßti; Office) &1 Wood »trrcl.
O'Blackwood and Edinburgh Review for January
are bow ready.
rpllK tol.tittlbert, bating been appointed agent* for
X ibe aale of SalCby lateral of Ibe very brat nut*
•faeturcra. Hit; odw ou hand and will cuntuiuo to
keep a conttent iiipply.
Order* tint warehoQie, or with Peter Peter*
»on, will be promptly filled at alt time*.
febld'if i _ Canal Uatia. PittihuraU
r |IALLOW—*Ji bbla jtui ree'd and for aale by
X fobiy _ SAW HAUBnUGH
SHEEP PELT&-1000 Sheep polo, in ttnre and fur
anleby JcLJ9 SAW HAUHAUqiI
DRIED PEACHES—I&J hags ree'd and for «ale by
BUTTRH— 10 bbU prims Poll, rac'd and for aa'e by
(UIEKSR— Wibxt WR, In atora and for rale by
jUi SAW lIARBAimif
SUGAR— 1® hbda NO, iu •!*•» and for tale t>y
CILOVKK 3EED-WU bn for tale by
j (ebltf SAW lIARBAUGH
BULK PORK- 1W» lt*> rec’J and for tale by
frbtO- ! SAW IURHAimu
WINDOW CLASS-SMlbxt an'J, for talc by
TULLoW—' 44 bbls Jutt ree’d and for tale by
MOULD CANDLE9-7S bn Ju.t reoM and fur rale
by tehlß J 0 CANKIKI.O
BULK PORK-Is«i Sbouldert;
Xi 7 Bidet; ju»l ree’d and fur tale by
frblP IBAjAII lllt'KKY A tUi
BACON— 'W bhdr umM, ja»t rec'il and for tale l,y
tbbW ISA I All UiCKKV A -t
LA II It— Hi bbla No ItJUat rer'd and for k«V by
fr 1.19 ISAIAH DIi'KKV a oi
InKATtIEHS-lU»»e**J«‘ ree'd ai.d lor tale by*
< r«bi#_ j_ iSAiiiii dickeya<o
CIOTTON-# bale! Batting, ]utt ree'd and l»t «n!e |, f
i jeblb • IBAIAII DICKKV .V t'H *
BlaelDtoab Uto4><
JUST RECEIVED—I doi CoauJ «nd } dot Hungn.
uan Capt, of tbe Alaciotoih make, a ‘pfondid nr*
11,1 c. for »nlu ailbe tudia Rubber Depot, a Wood »t.
febill .. J * H PHILLIPS
RUBBER GOODS-IS pair Long Legging*;
pi pair Sbirred Lfgguip;
y AitCtthlont, round andiqaarr,
li Pea Cotiti
1 arota No 1 Ring*,
1 do No y do;
1 do No 3 do, imt ree’d and for tale al the
Robber Depot. No fi Wood »l.
TUBT RECEIVKq-an aatorwenl of Fancy Arti
clet, iu the ludiaiKobber line, no a titling of U«*lt,
ol Men. and Dolli.j Alto—pull tftttaet of dirtereut
character*, lor tale ftt the India Rubber Depot,
feu*? ; J A H PHILLIPS
Ohio ud PtßßiylTula n ( || Uoad. ;
fpllK Stockholder* of the Ohio and Penntylvania
I Rail Road company are hereby notified to pay Ibe
fourtb instalment of Five Dollare ou each of
stock, on or before ibe SOtb day of Manb nail, at the
office of U>e Company, In Third at hemofote.
teblB-bi_ WM. LARIMER, Jr.,Treat.
CILOVER SEED-ai bbla for aale by
LARD-ttSkrga No I, hruale by
iREESIv—SJ3 bit WHj for aala by - /
r fSil ■ - WfCgfc MeCAWBLESS
St T-PPATUa—30eaaka ree'd and foraalfrbr {
feblS corner Wood wd Water rti
OU. BUTTES—4 bbla Froth, jail ree'd and for
sa’ohy feblS ASWaTSONO ACaQgKB ‘
1/GOS— i bbla Freab, tajurejudj for aale by*
RUSSEL’S original Panorama of “A VOYAGE!
BOUND TUB WCaLD," will bo open at Apollo
Ua'.L, -rut* (Friday) mxiao,'February lit, for a «borl
lime only. Tbia unrivalled Paso ram a, the joint pro
duction of Baningioa and Busk!* alter two yean of
atudloua application, ia one whienhaa been exhibited
tomany Uuratanda in oar Eastern, of our
Wester* Ciuee, and famishes one of UtegMitexfiupg
and novel exhibition* ever brought before the public.
- 95 cent*. Goor*opei)atGj o’clock,
curtain ri*»» al o’clock preciielT- : < ' febt
Fob Fits ETxaiß63 axo Tara. jAyTTixireoxF.
SIGNOR DLIT2 baa the honor to announce that he
wilt giro entertainment! ia WILKINS HALL,' on
Monday, Tuecday, Wednesday, Thursday. and
Saturday Evening*,February I9th,l9lb,SOth,
2Ut, and 23d.—and Afternoon Perform
ance* on Wednesday and Saturday,
February 30th* 23d, at 3 o'clock,
liyffhe Learned Canary Birda will go ihratigh their
truly astonishing and highly pleaaing performance!..
The Ventriloquiata wui m of the moat amuaiog de
The Magical Illusions will be of the moat aatonith
ing ch*raeter.
AdnisiionßS eenta; Children half price.
Door* open et 7; to commence at ?t o’clock., feblC
Lumber Yard for Beat,
I WILL LEASE, for one to five year*, Seven Lola,
aitnated on tbo comer of Butler and Will In* sta.
Shovel Factory of Mc'ura.
near foe Dew exicnttve
-Marshall & Neltea. ,
Also—Tnree Lou on the earner of Baldwin tad
I ibertr ats. calculated for OSes and - Lumber Depot,
for Rail Road. JAMES B. MORUAN,
feblO<tt* - ' Niattt.Ward.
Lornbir tor Bale* -.
POPLAR Scantling ud punk, Cherry Boarda,
Plank A Scantling, and Ath Plank, for sale by
febl6*o.* JAMKiB. MORGAN.
CLOVER SEED—II bbla jee’d and far tale by
MOLASSES, Ae-SH» bbla 8H Uaule Ground;
8 “ Loaf Sugar. just reeM
mnl for aalo by feblS JAMES DALZBLL ..
ibi prime LI., for sale by
c fcbltj S p VON IiONNHORyi AGO
BROOMS- 190 doz Tarioos qualities, for »»lo by
DOLL UUTTER—IO bl*l* for tale by _
IHEEAE-SO bit prime WR. for aata br'
WHITE UEANS-IS bbl« fonalo by '
1 ABO—IO btiL and 8 k«a No 1, for tale by
frblB ' US I jbertr ilrecl
(\ LASS—lOQbxs brio and Witf, ijul ree’dandfor
(j »a3c by fella A CULBERTSON
L"oXf SUGAR—SO bbli Lowering’* Crushed and
j„. ..CJ M jge 0, EitTjK)N
'\f l^ aKB - la 8 f °'
‘ ANDHCAPES, Penian Fcilirilie*, Mexican See
j nerr —beautifully duigned on wall Paper —(or
iiobv Wf MARSHALL.
f"bl8 No 87 Wood at
OAK PAPER—A perfect imitation of Oak Grain- (
ina, an Paper, with MoaMinea andiCotmees to
Di*teh, «uitable lor wain*eoung*. aale by
W P MAUS'IALL, Wood ib
febH ~f bcfn Fourth and Diamond alley
DofllaldU Sugar Cured Baal. -
TIIK subscribers ate Agents for tbeae celebrated
Hama. They arc prepared expreuly for family
me, will keep for aevetal year*, and are uttiuipMteu
,y i, U.C ™.in-i ’SJKfESjNoSoBD * CO,
feLl9 No 45 Water st
GREASE— 16 bbis, writable for machinery, on hand
and for sale by WALLINGFORD A CO,
fcbW ; : <5 Water It
lARD OIL-1* bbla No 1, a hue arrieJc. ror aaje by
HEMP— 13 bales newerop, very roperifrquality,
tn arrive and for aale by
CIORN BROOMS—63 <lox Extra Large, far sale by
} feblS -• WICiT A ftIctIANDLESS
-rpABLE~SALT— 6 bis (V lb paper*,) for sale br
B “UTTER—3 bbla Fresh Hoib fast loe'd,'for sale by
('tODFiSK— SOtiO lbs last rreM and for aale bv
RICE— 5 tierces Fresh, for je‘c by
Molasses a sugar—
gja bblt new Motenet;
3S hhds prime Sugar, in store and fot tale by
SA KLTV FL'3fc>-A. frsiti lupplj«i exira juit iwjM,
for tale by feM A CJJLUtiITtfON
PLANTATION MOLAfcKES-gHS l»bit re r d per *it-
PtaJem. lor tale l»r
Uoutil* rcfmril. to/ tnlc low lit
feblf lUJttOBID«E,\VII.S<IN A.i:o
Toiinniiwmttti:~ ,u —
SCALED PROPOSALS will bo received unlfl Prl
dnj, llte 824 d*jr of February inai < *» tbo OtQco of
luc Chartin'* I'-oal Company, in Pena airecl, Pilla*
tank, for die following rawed timber:
3GJISO feet lineal, of white oak plank, 4x12 lachea.'
34,W»J « w u r nii*,3x7.
piece* of while oak timber, 8 Joel 6 in. loaf,
The timber to be round and of ihe belt quality, and to
te delivered at the Undine at McKee*4 Rneka, on the
Ohio River, two and a half miles below Pittsburgh, by
the tenth of May next.
Z. W. REMINGTON, Manager,
fcbISJAwT Ofiee Pena atreet, f insbargh.
To Iron Haanfactamv,
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received aalit Fri
day, the *J4 day of February ln»t> at tbs Office of
me Chaniei’a Coal Company, on Fcxui atroet, Pitt/*
burgh, for the following described Iron:
Bu tons Plate Roil or liar S|s| in., of good quality,
To be delivered at the tandina at McKev’s Ruck*, on
the Ohio River, two and ahaifmiletbeluw Fitubwrgb,
by the tenth day ot May neit.
The tonn-ot ibe bar may be aeen on appliealioa ax
theoffiee. Z. W. RK.MINGTON, Manager,
feb!3 Of&ce Penn atreet, Pmaba^h.
\ LOES—Sio Ins prime Dry Cape;
.'i lit) do Soeolrinc: for sale by
COFFEE— 75 bus Ria, in store end for s«3e by
frbW U 4 Liberty it
40 u l* H: jsst rac'd. far tale by
SUGAR— J-AJUij.N' 6, for stie by
KiUE— 3J tierce* fresh. arriving ud for *a'e by ■
feMA liberty at
FLOUR— ll«* barrel* Extra;
120 barrel* Seper&nc;
t 3 barrel* fine, on hand and for sale by
CORN —IOJ aaeka Yellow: for tale by
10RN—dQtaektreeelrlng per cr. Melton, ui<i for
■U tale by febW JAMES DALZEL ..
W' IN DOW’ GIAB9-K0 t>xi ua'd. tn tlnre and for
tale by _JW>l3_ JAMES PALZELL
81/KIMS— iIS wnt Keliy is. Co. Teun Dloom*, lor
«al« hy feblS JAMES DAI.ZKLL.
Sodern aod Antique Farßiturr.
S3,Tin*n St-, Pitts erne it.
frrtjftSj-gggW. Jt W. TV. . /pm
Respectfully informs the" ■HP*’
r»°hHc that he has com- JL.
ptrtcd. bi* spring stock offinSß
I'IIUNtTURE, the iaiffist and-most varied sts'nimeai
ever offered for sale in this city, comprising revere!
sett* of Romwooo, Mahosa.nt, arid Hues \Vx lvttt.
cutved, oinatncnial and plain, suitable Mr Putihri,
Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will l>e sold at
(lie lowest prices.
I’erenns desiring Furniture of ary description, are
rpertfolly iursted 10 cal!amicxiuiaeliisstock, wJurh
| embraces every description, from the cheapen and
plainest to the most elegant and costly, of which the
lollowiog comprise* apart:
Tele a fete Sofas; Tele a Tele Divani;
Conversation Chain; t-Siiabeihian Cnsire;
Bnerpuon do. Louis XIV do-
Krten*ioa do Buffet Wti^ue;
What Not*; Toilet Tnhler;--
Louie XIV Comm adore? bake of Yotk’sCaacfc: -
*0 Sofas with Plush anil Haircloth covers]
10 Divans. do". -do do;- - ■*
4udt>a Mahogany Parlor Chain;
10 M Boxwood 'do do;
Id “ Vl’k Walnm do do;
41l “ Cane J*ett tlo; ’
4 •• Mahogany Rockicg. do;
3 *• do Piano stools;
So Mirble Top Centre Tsbies;
5!0 do do Wash gland*;
3tt Mahogany Bedstead*;
13 do Wardrobes:
IS ni'k Walnut ' do;
a Cherry do.
A very * Mfffl aasortmenl of Ooramon Chain aod oth* <
ei too tedious to mention.-
ity* steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice.
A IT orders promptly
PS—Cabinet Makers enn hosopplieJ with all sorts
of Mabogauy, WaJuui, and Veneers, at ccmilcribiy
reduced tHicet. . . . this
DsaiauTcond! ”
Fima the Tritune.
A FRIEND, whose word "tans; reliable, an-> who
hs4 no poml.le Internal in ibe matter, fu; «na ol
gratitude, (Wires us (■> ray, - that be has Ik«ii cured of
invrit-fki'- dnsiucs«.tiyii,eu>ct>f "Sr»n , a’» l '» , nd v ‘‘ un<l
Oil " a PtnnJe’i'ti i medicine, wiiivti n cot
lor »a!e in this oily, tut which !f* thuiki ov;bt io to,
tor ihe goed of the »fui«'ie-J. lie has a »i»lrr ('to bus
also been cured by ti, 110; U'Kcnily sdvi-u:s nil who
tie •offering troindtafnrvivia u>- Uiii remedy* with an
assurance lhal, units* tl.e l-e exuaordiosiy, the
cii(cn«put will prove ai'tindanily saeunttrul.
For sale at THE I'FKIN TKA NrcißK,
f«Vj TO Fenrth «t. Piiuhnreh
AUfTJONKKUS, ?fo fl North Third Sirert, three
(tool* stove Market, Philadelphia. I’e,
l.args aa'c of Herd ware. Table auJ Pocket Cullery,
I!mmii«, Whip;. Trace Chairs, shovels, Uiautt Cook*,
Waiieo, 4e„ Ac., every evening—Coun«ei*ma a large
assortment of lorke, bi»lis, hinges, tacks, kui«| aad
U»k». pocket knives, iSknra, blank toots, wagon and
gi* whips, table and tea spoons, waiters, tray a, bias*
candii'ilckr, screws, |i\tu»to !««• and halter cboim;
r lstrs. pencils, salute pirths, #totrei»«nd tangv, steel
pens, travelling trunk*. P*»d*f a*»is, Hates,acconle-"
oii*. guiu. curry ceinh*. toads, ivory atiil
t art romto, I.tact s and bits, peat! buttons, gilt poods,
band o'iJ I'nr* „»««, thread, flu aod round bastard
bir.v banJ-sw do, to hooks, enofiersmnd trays, car*
».c:itei’« puircis, rules, meowing tupos, shoe black*
mg, snuff toss*, iron S4|uvc< try waop, butcher aud
inl>te aircia, shot toll*, v«* sereva, carded cuUejr
Brta CauatoElscUon of OOlfiai-a. ‘
MtltP. StoekbdMcrs of the Eri* Cabal Connaav am
. L notified that an Itoctiou will bo held at ihaV?
flee of said Company, la Erie, on Monday. ibc 4ih d»»
Of March, to ehoeao«erea U rectors Cor tto iil
OIL CLCFflld—We have now >q ireta thn ir.hT
« d best aisortaren, of OU ClcSa
irred in this market-reniing from si Inehs. wu
« fret-all oTwhick art Mom.tto iSSriTJi Jd
trannlnetarera, and of the rishoat
WayespecttoUy tatltadealer*, to eali nSaSmSi
TVanhonse, » Fbnnh atrecv«od Wtaiii* e«S2rt‘
yßeottefswpaitluaaif elsoislmja. ■*»**on
CUMlifEßbl, TWEEDS, Ac,
1 0 new stylo Cashmeres;
I«3U do Fashionable Tvretdt;
« do sopeiioi Bake French Cloth;
JoU Mliveitt W&L INGDVA,
Vy Jolua D. Davla, Aa«ttaai<
Baxl Stai at ilncKea.
. On Thgrtdrr etmltir. > O'tlatfc.' iu ihfki
CommercialSn]eiKoorat,eornrr Cf WdodlM-Fftlb i.
atrcett, WiU be told, wiihoftt rcaerre* for cjuk •’.
MabareaSioekinßa&kof.Pitubaifk J
i 51 do do Exobtnm&nk oTFlnabwri;
&bt9 ■ . .;7oflN aMVisjiL*« ■
./• Penmftory SaU Gooix, . - ' *■
OnThursday morning,February n,»t lOo’eloek, at ' ‘'
&• Commercial Sale* kooks,'comer of-Wood and_.
Fifth streets, win be ■old— • - , •
▲ large atock of seasonable staple and fancy Dry
Goods, among which aro raperfiee e lotas, eanlaMtaa, •_.>
saunetta, flannels; blankets, tweeds, jeaaa, iUk,alpae v
eas,eashaeres,delaine, plaids.gioghamveMieoo*
ehecks, eambrie and jaconet Baiuns, paieor thread, ;
sewing silk, spool and sewing eouoa. thawla, silk
bdkik, fancy vc«tfags,'e*atsiidTei: sUknadlMUag
. Ai * o’clock, • 11 A
U : GroekHeai QaieaawarofFanHHt* » *•• ■*
Vo" n ff hyson and imperial tea, IS bWanemof, 1
cask codfish. Yirgioli wfcaeeflftaeahswwn.-ohia* aid
glassware, shows, eadet, forks, wire
pinrpaper,fliamejclocks, lookingglasses,Ac. 1
A large and genera) assortment'of aew and veoohd
hand hoasehohl asd kitchen fmltare.', - -* 1 ’
; | .v -"ATTO’ClOek’,'
\ FtsbionaMe ready mads clothing, leather tad «wa>
vacs core red .ttndks, earpet and teaOwr bigs, fine
eatleryj shot gtss; goldaßd'cUm watches,'masuial
8T E AMP A C IC* E-T i. 4 N Ej
ENCOURAGED hr the liberal piironagd extended
lo all reaalar and well condneisd Lints, tho own
er* of the following fine steamers hare arranged them
intoa Line between PlUibargh andLoßlgnUe.'
One of the boats will po*lUtelr le*v« Pittrbtirgb on
eeery Moxnar.'Wa»SESl»aT,,and FlOit, Evwoas,
alOo'eiock-fsllernotfoU.* • ' ’",
The first boat of the Line will atari on Monday,
I February *sih. ..
• aieamerGeneseo*.-••••••-Captain T. Noore.
« Z.Taylor--i-*-- “ - M-Laeas.
** Nominee F* J. flelitb.
“ Mu Vernon “ ' H.JTonnta.'
« Fairmohnt—“ • W. Ebberi.
Captain Wiulum J. Kochi*,
firm- k • This splendid beat was ballt by the
> IlTiv i J 'ownersof the steamer Isaac Newton,
and others, for the. daeinnatt. and
■SBBSaßMPiiubnrih Packet trade, andwii.
commence making hex re*olar trip* (a uto line, on*
I SUNDAY, the 17iauisU ; -• i
I Tor freight or piusge apply oa board, or to-
The splendid fast reapior steamer
r do°*|h LOUIS McLANK, W. $. CooweU,
UMMnp. master, (basing ottdetgsno a. tbor-
repair,) will ran bereafterat a
packet-Vetafaeo Piusbargh
and ‘Wheeling, leaving • Piusbstgh every: Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mo mingy at 9 o’clock. Ppr
freishi cr oessan apply on board, or to
‘ JatS ' W.B. W>IEHtKR,AaegL- •
| . . r The splendid first steamer
■ IflSwgMl Marshall, Master, will leave Ser the
I cnSßCawSMabove and air Intermediate portion
1 Hus day, Feb. Si, ct 10 o’clock, A. M.
Fonrciahtor passage apply onboard. febtt
_I The splendid perket steamer
CbMJTmrS Cipu CateOn* leavee'fbrtkoabove
vnOaßßind all intermediate pom this day
attOo’elock, A. Ml >! ' • ? f --,\' •
For freuhtcrpaasagelmpnlyonboara,oMo
' for sr, Locur;
■ „ *"■« «ptnndld «lfawer ’ •
. ft • - WYOMING,
-.Boßta, aftnsr, wiU te*T« for tbOT©
BMWmwIiTn 1 ' 1 "•* intermediate poruthi* day,- Sia; %
tost, at 10 o’clock, AU. . * - • f
. • For freight or route apply on board. febll T *
' ..-m 4/' TUe fins new liaht draniht Reamer i'v
v&trtßSSl HaeleaOj • matter; wuiteare far-dto /
BKMPttaWßabose- and airiafcrmeidiaio parts «z> ■•••
B*njd»j, the Um, at 4 Vctoctr, P. *»
Forfrei/ktqr panafo apply oo botrtL *.. . , .
I . fcim ,-1 ARMSTRONG ACKOZEB, Art* ,-■
-■ The tpicndia itn steamer
- CFO.AV. KENDALL, ■' ■'
• iiw!ipciw Notion. Miner, will learo for tbo <
■■■■BfiSflMataea and oil inienaeduudlaodiags,-
on this day, at 10 A V.- ; -•>-■,■
. for freight or postage apply on board.- ■••. >«m ••■%:;!
ri -.- |, ; Theeplesdid steamer.FOßTPTrT,
> ff. i, Miller.mastej, .trIU ;leare'for sbora
MBBgBffB andallictermadiineporteati thU diji,<
(BEHHB&HBBthe Sin iust, at 4 o'clock, P« M.
- -For frelrtu orpwpooo. ooplr oa boards oe-ta- ■■>»-•
fchai - - GfeuTTMILTENUEIiaHR;Ag* 1
-.. Theapkndid steamer /
nKSnCWrM Coot. Cope..will learn for the a boro
■KBBEHBBuhI all intermediate poiu; oa-.Als;
dor,the SOtb intu, at 4F. pesitirely.
For freight or passage ap>ljr oa board. "M 9
,n 'i> ** l V r, "*‘ ■«»»—«f' : •''.•••• ■••'. O
■ cßOSffigflt Irwin, master, wtu iears •tor abort
■SSBEaBOBud Intermediate porta, oa (Me day. ?
llje loth last, at 10 o'clock, A. M. •• .' . ’ '
. For freight or passage apply oo board or to
mfn- a The splendid steamer '
tfcwpwßa Caot. James H. Haaleu, anil Igara as
111 lit IMGMfeboTBi oa tbli day. Febnury s&tb at
4 o'clock. P.M. - V v ;
For freight or passage apply on board, or to . >
iiwi—» k. The splendid steamer.
itCTTZA FARMER,'' - ; .
~ Benedict, natter,' vrlU keava fi» tha .•
■BoUßSKßabeve and all interaisdiato porta oa -
Friday, the 13th lOo’cUielf, A. hL
For freight or passage apply onboard, or to
-■ mn - k - The splendid fast passenger pooksl
• Priee, master,- wiU leave tot
BHBSSaMBIha above aod all into mediate ports
Friday, at 10 o’clock, A.'M.
- Fortreighiorpnssage, apply on hoard, or to
yvtficw* K. The splendid steaincr -
. Capt. Klinefelter, wiU leave Ist abovo
KBUBSESBBBDana all intermediato ports- this day
at 10 o'clock, A. M. . .. s.
For freight or paiuge apply on beard.
. , Tb« £imcteaaer. *
qEteteSw Smith.' autrrf fotbsw
■DBBCanB port <m tbit d«y iho 13ih Jm, .«tIB
o'clock juK. . ~ ,
Fflrft*igb:orp*i*ageappl»onboart.»r t*'\
fcl>t3 _JNEWTON JONES, Agt
onni- if The fine pawengef (tenner '- 1
W»li Fiatur. BsHter t :< wUl> Uawtfiwr Iks
MtßoHSßnaUuTe ud ail latenqc&nia p«tp
on tbu day,the 2Ah ui»t.ml4.o’clock, VM.\
For freight and outage apply on board, toto- , -
febli- . ,-r,/ ~ Ti ll MIITEXBKRGBR
“ r PORST.LOUI3. " ‘ ■'■'■'■-.'i
jmjh Tbe ratendld steomer"
- R C.Gn>r,attfsr, win Imt* Artflf
SHBHDSHVabove ud *H ioicrßieduie pe*a oil
Ihis <Uy, the )9ib bu’_, u 4 otdoelt, P- M» /' <
For freight or susaraippiy onboortr’jiio
feb» . . - , .J N jttflKA lit
''i'■ • cud.
O Ftecl Worfci—MtnsCulfMn of Am. B. Spiiejr
niiPtongh Steel.* AUe—Spiing-a, Alien, Viee*»'Afc*
rila.Ac. They ihrlte ibton&AUaaofMerchants ■*>«*
caaumera to their ite< k. before Fnrehi*icg_ei*ewhere.
Too; warrant tbe*t artwleato becqoo! to may modoiii
this conalry or imported. : • ' fcb>4
*oo*ooo BaufcoU Coal Wuudi
PEOPOSaLH wiU bo recei*e4 by a A.NeANGL
TV* t'O-i Canal Oailn, Penu. atrter, PiltibwlK
until Ut Marco next, far about 100,000 batheli Moaon
cibcla Coal.- bat fualiff, lot Uaapurpvtea, lobe'4«-
Tivored on board Canal D&ais at ibeir Wuebouc.
Penn otreet.laTcntcioxiMbedelivery 6Cohuhfilt6oc
day, doting iho cotaingaeawn,} comraeaeia* about lit
May next .
• 'Jbe Coal suit bo aereened fro* from alai* and
dirt, and weighing *o» buUaASUft* totbb boaheL
Term of payment wul bo eiuji,
— 1, PUubnrgh.
LAMP OIL-U 4 fall for «ate by .
iec’d and foritle by ' '
A^r7 3lb,,Mpc '^^w^s&‘<’
f 1 M*}? aIVK by/
V.**" 1 * ...'.. i KIDOACO
-KM ibt fof ttta by
’K«MILLIO>i-<»a« C*4fleter fo, ,ne by
— c t> i H J KIbUACO
j‘._ | M.wwbl.r . feua: 1 JXIDOteOO
A^ l k?ft Vj ' ' ."
ttfc<B . RfcsßLtßßa
6bl * U 1 «ttrt tor »«la by r
-~AJgp«9. MKM.y.aa \ nicolk
■YftMa*" UEU -"‘
)t>U b>r sale by
WUITINU-M bbli ißr-vftoi £panT»b, far mJ« br
JJUITEg, Ao—lU btiU nod 3 krgt Batter;
4aackal-'caUier*; foraalab*l v.
Jakes PALafeU*
lIU bbl**ei-d Oii; T
U ' 1* “ W.mcrL*rd, Nol: •>*. !
10 “. do do No*: 6r MeVg..-
fcbis j .. - . smjjuUkNicuta
TT'K-NZOiC Ml’orwie bV
RBaKLLF7rf?CS7 Woodrt
A dlfrfo ACll>-7ilWforulr. by J - '-"7
A fcblS . - . /jiPwntM
-*J3olb» lot ute
, ' ttKSgACTSj
’IVACON—ISO bhd* prime Hum, SidfSTfc sto*X&a&
JJ 6iUc*E»awiBwlft*»9CH*m*;„
. OK* J4iU«r ( Brown & H*afn*«
60 ut*,9 CL pried Beef /•«'
' feblS * • * MICOL9
n^&KklToiL— bblt tor lale hr "
}«W jbcawfielp
O.VNfiY"IiAUS-rSWiO|a*l rec’d *Dd for **lol>7_
, \ T Itinfl MaKVronLßfc CLAKKB
i a jfvOub caniTCk&—xw bu joM rce'i on caaSfar'
l'-mcniuutfor amlabyl