ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. . PUBLUIIftD BT WHITE 4 CO. ft. >» *— -- • («. aiz>BT.. ■Anns sot reaLD sruxr, iaxt sobs to mrort'crncx. tS&K p "u*“*°- Weekly, ißidruuHmM.. « Do. e Clabe, tt•tvteeed m U4l CS OP ADyiKTIIISO AGREED UtOft . BT T» C PITTSBURGH PRESS. OuSqv *e, (10 liar* of Nonpareil or le«) oae i rienioa*—— ~One &qu re, each adduiouu iawmon- •■ o£s oaoweek 1,7$ po- taroweeka—:y*> three weeka—— , «u month.-.—-..—-. 3,00 JJo. . two months--———— 7,00 •>- | Dt. three months*— 9,00 Im. lour months ... • 10,00 £>. six months. •*• is,oo Ott. . twelve rnnniti,.... . ■ ■ lft.oo Funding Cara (6 lines or lets,) per annum- IBjOO Ouoß<;uare,ehanteab)enipkasar» (per an num) exclusive of tbo paper*—* £3,00 For eaeh additianfi aqure, inserted overone month, ind for each addition! square inserted under the year ly rates, half price. Advertisement! exceeding • square, end not over fifteenUues, to bo charged asassiura and a ball Publishers not eccoinuble lor legs! advertlsementt •' beyond the eharged for their publication. Announcing eawUdutea for oficeY-U* to-charged the ua« u other advertisements. Advertisements not mu bed on the copy for a speei fied number of insertions, will bo cos tinned till forbid, uid payment exacted nceord-.: Tbo privileges ofvearly advertisers vrill be confined rigidly to their regular business, and all other adver* . UsemeaU not pertaining to their cegnlar business, as agreed for, to bo pud extra. All advertisements for charitable institutions. fire companies, ward, townahip and otherpoblie tnecungi, and each Idee, to be charged half price, payable atrietiy advance. , Marriage nonces to bo charged CD cents. Death notices inserted without charge, unlessaecoffl panied by fooeral invitations or obltaary netleea, and when io accompanied to be paid for. Regular adveniaen and all others sending comma nicauont, or repairing notices designed to call atten tion to Fain, Soirees, Coneeru, or any pablie enter tainments. nrhere charges are made for admittance— all notices of private asacciuUcns—every notice de alsked to call attention to private eaterpnsea ealeola ted or intended to promote tndivldaal interest, can on ly be inserted with the undemanding that the aamc ii to be paid for. Ifintended to be inserted la the loea column, the same will bo charged at the rate of not less than ID « ta per liny Bishop jr rial Notices to bo ehuged mple price. Tavern License Petitions, Cl each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged al fhli prices. ' Beal Estate Agents and Auctioneers 1 Advertisements not to be cloned Under yearly rates, btu to bo allowed discount of thirty three ana one third per cent. from the amount of bills. > wmiT on m-vuuT a san-v ruruxs. Os* Square, three insertions—— *1,50 Do. eaeh additional insertion— 37 aiMHWnn LM WUUI (UU« One Square, (10 tinea,) one inaenlca- • **so eta. Do. ■ each additional inaeruoa->55 M All train Lest adrertieementa to be paifin advance. WHITE A ca, Gaxeac. .x. L. HARPER, Poet ROBTM.BIDDLE, Journal, * ‘ JAMES r. BABB 4 CO, Chronicle. FOSTKB A BROTHER, Ditpach. JOS. SNOWDEN. Merenry. JAMES W. BIDDLE, Americas. . HIRAM KAINE, Evening Tribute. Pirraoaaa, Dee. _ BUSINESS CARDS. Benjamin Patton*....... Williamßakewelt.' PATTOB * BAKBWBU, ATORNEYS AT,LAW-Office la Tilghman Hall, Gnat itrtct, near the Conn Honae. • feba ALBXAIDBB K. WATSON, Attorney at law—office, on Founb atreet, above Solthlield—Lowrie 1 * Betiding*—dp alnira. jana-f ' _ - ; A CkXANDEB FRANKLIN, Au*nwy at Law, J\ Fourth at. ■ . novlJ-ly DaYU) C. TUTTLE, Attorney at law ano oommissioneb ■FOR PENNSYLVANIA. Sr. Loco, Mo. • All coauauiicatkme'pfomptfy anawetcd. octSHy 4' RMSTRONG ACROZER, Owatnivalnn Uereaanta and Dealer* in Prod see, No. tet Market street! iltural*. ’ „ decB —jsHjnnsoisiM; —■—“ ATTORNEY and Coanaellor at Law, and Conran*. stirier for the Slate of Pennaylvania, Su Lotria, 'lo. (late ol Pioaborgh.) Himivn-PiUabnrgh: Hon. W. Forward, Haap ton A Miller, M’Candlcaa A hPClere, Joba R.Parke, djiell* A Semple, M*Cotd A King. aagl4:diy t. n. amts. j. r rrxuxrr. BAIBD * BTBRRKTTi ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, . Fbartb atreet, between SmlthLeld and Oram, •Mubargh, Pa. Jal# LABOB dfc PBXBBD, TTORNEYS AT LAW, Foarth atreet, ncar^Grar.t- anm ■■ n i«,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Offic* on Foarth at, be tween Sollhfield and Grant at, Pittabargh.. aptlfedly ' -• ' w. n. wooDwam— *—matin ueiin. i AGALEY. WOODWARD A Co., Wholeaale Gro* > cere. No. 881 Market atreet, Philadelphia. novti7 PltUbargh Alkali World. BENNETT, BERRY a CO, Ua nwnctaiera of Sod a /t«V Bleaching Powder*, Ma riatlo and Sulphene Aeida. Warehmue No. W ater itrett, below Ferry. notkO-ly • ymmn |UVS. ' eCOM* IBTXL I ftRAUIU R REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drag* |> guts, «rner of Liberty and 8l Clair «tree», Pin*- nnrLP* • job*Adnata. . w i*i“ ua^‘ CIBAIQ A BKINNER, Forwarding and Commmioa f Merchants. No. MMorket«. Paubargh. *pls 7'» A-McANULTY * Co-, Forwarding and Com nussion Merchants, Canal Basin, Fiuibargb^Pa •1 h IiBANT, Wholesale tirocer. Commimop and Forwarding Merchant, No. il Water at. Mli paqaciM Bull mm& ink j /'tOLEMAN, r HAILMAN * Co, masslketanT* of 1/Coach and Eliptie Springe, Uastserod Axle*, Snring and Flovgh Sled, iron, Ac. WarehocM on Water and Front streets,PitUbttrgh. AHo, dealers ut Coach Trimming* and MnUeabta Calling*. • °g.Uj- 'wa. a. xxQLZsn, iamb t< sxsbxit. ENGLISH a BENNETT, (late Englifb, Gallagher A Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, Connuuion and For warding Merchants, and dealen in Prodacoond PW** bargh Maoajaetarei, No. 37 Wood si, between *Sd and 3d meet*. . __2211. V> J. HENRY, Attorney and Counccllor at Lay, Ti. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohi*>, and in Indiana, and inKeaucky. promptly and earn fully attended to. Commissioner lor the Stoic of rear* ■ylvonisf for Depositions, acknowledgment*, Tt>-Han. Vfn.Bell A Cards,Church A Csrather*, Wtn. Hays, Esq., Willocfc A Dmtia. *tg_. itaiiertey Andrew Fleming R. K. Fleming BEUBEY, FiiEttiaO *• 00., j COMMISSION MERCHANTS. - L FOR the sole of Domestic, Woolen and Cotton. Goods, alio, Dealers to all hind* of Tailor*’ Trim mings, No. U 7 wood street, fourth door from Fifth, Piitsbcnh. jtnuutscc Mcurt Win. A. Hilt A Co., Banker*. jan£t ■ j. C. Brcyioglo*——*•••—-*-A. H. Clarke. BRETVOOUB A CLJkRKEt warding and commission meech- H ants, and dealer* in Window Glass, White fcad, Ae. No. lOb Second st. )an»y —- —■■ ururjuimaTos^ Forwarding a commission merchant, No. 118 second street, Pittsbnrgh. _ del* ' Avntfll IV. IXXIH* **HUB. rar TloHlt tEAUUIi VAUTUHtf. ja^ssrffla^Kßßsrsa^ Wootaa, Liberty. wx. uu, Bslosoro. *.<.wcuw» l pyiP . j pblluU. J% c hints,4l Hofih Witir st, fc W N«U» w»gJ«S rant. • - pbtjwu TTAEDY, JONES fc Co., (MBCWW* W AtwoaJ, SiX^KSJS P«. * “SHL - 4 _ Wn. 11. WUUuna .J. B. MBV»y. WH. n. WILLIAMS » CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nwtk Eut corner o( Wood and Third »treeu* )mt jiromnkE*! WHO OICtKTi Him J*l PIAIAII DICKEY 4 Co, Wholesale Grocers. Cow nissioa Merchants, and dialer* in Produce, Nos- Water, and 197 From streets, Pitlsborgh. s£2*. JNO. A.CAUGIIEY.ArenI for the Laie fcrieaa Michigan line to UeaTcraod the Lakea.—Offie oa the corner of Water tnd Badtbficld sia. jant John a. DUwonh- ■■ Joseph Dilwonb J& DIUYVOBTU 4 CO, Wholesale Grocers, arul • A*«nu for lluart Powder Co, No. *7 Wood n, Pittsbanh. . . ' deS-y lonomawesTH. losxra Da.wu*m- J- S. WLWORTII4 Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro* • dace and Co maun ion Merchants, and Agents lor the llaxard Powder Co. of N. Y, No. 37 Wood it, pitubaigb; ■ • . • • sold JultH Draff in aad Apothecary I No.4SUarkctcL ( thm door* abovenUrd'M. Pitt 4 I barfh, will havo emul&nthr on hand a well •elected >4 epronent of the beet tad fmJmi Medieine*, which he : will hU «a the non reaaoaabte term*.- Phyddaju ■ending ordetTf will be ptocoptly. to, end sop* plied with ardeiae they may rely soon si ccaaise- M dT Phyeiden* PmertodoaewiU be aeoarately and smut prepared fioaifca best maienali, at any bnr of . a» day or night. jUaotor taltt a lari* clock of fresh aad good Pcrfai m art. - • ln!3 ■r~~ , JWR&WON WiWKU* CeuMltof at Low.-Of- I, fieeoaFoenb«t,aboraSmUfcficld. . novMy JB. CANFIKIIb, (ln» of Warns, OAio,) Commif • eton nsd Forwarding Merchant. and wholesale <Je«Jer in Western Beoerre Cheese. Bauer, Pot Pciri Aib, and Westers Produce generally", Water ueeubetween BinithSeldand Wood, Pittsburgh. »p J" OHN WATT, InntlMl to Kwott A d3S«r,l Wheleuld Grocer tad -CotnminloQ Jklereiitrt. dealer In Pmdtcfl tad Pituburfh ManufaeorK*i cot* err of Liberty *ad Hand Krceu, Pa. I*3B . Tames* Ao HlttchiboNT u> J LowuHsteUm fcCo,. Consdxlon Merchtai*i tud Af eetr Of the Bu Lnli Steam Bstar Refinery- No tfiwuera&dftl float etreeti, PUubnrfb ,• teal JOHN H. UKLLOK, Wbotetale iitMuietndliuieal Inmin»njent», Bcto©i Boox . fiyß*i»!»nfkioM*k*nlßU*d*. #<ptf THE PITTSIHUGII DAILY CARDS. JBCIIOONMAKER A Co- Wholeaale Dra*g»t*, » No. M Wood atreet. Pimbargh. ■ ; JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholeaale preggiiti and deal* cr In Dye Stada, Painta, Oila, Vanuabea, Ac., N 0.03 • Wood atreet, one door Sooth Of Diamond Alley. Pina* burgh. ; janl_ ‘IOHN D. Davis, Ancooacex, comer Sth and Wc-tf tl atreeta. Piuabargb. o«. JOHNSTON A STOCkfON, ftlnter* and. Paper Mannlac tore ra, No. 44 Market at, Pitta, tiargh. ■ ■ led JA R. FLOYD, Wholeaale Grocer*, Commiaaion # Merchant*, and Dea!e-i in Prodace, Roond Chnreh BaUdlfigs, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th atreeta. PitUbarg u Pa. • myß STACIES Grocer, Meiehant, and dealer in Prodhce and Pitlaborg® Manafaemrca. No. 94 Water at, Pittaborgb. janlQ JD. BWEITZEB, Attorney at Lav, ogee 34 at, « oppoaiie Sl Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will alio attend promptly to Collection*, la Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. REFER TO i Blackrtoek, Bell A ~i i . CfcarchA Caro then, P. T. Montan. J • K' ' lER Is JONES) Forwarding and Commission Mer Dealer* In Produce. andPlUsborghmnnu :in red arucles, Canal Batin, neax7ih »t- o*l Plena hill, Pittsburgh, pa. Kennedy, chilps a ca,Mnnufaetarer* of ▼ superior 4-4 Slice tine*. Carpet Chain, Co e /y swina and Batting. : jaflMyHon Vesuvius Iron Works* LEWIS, DALZELL A Co., manufacturer* of all el l-zee Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron, and Nail* of the heat quality. Warehouse, fit water and 105 front at janlh B WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forwent* • inr and fiflmmiuinn Merchant, Dealer in Pius* burgh Manufacture* and Produce, Nos. 31 Water bU* and 83 Front it l* 7 HKBCEQ * ASTELO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JEP Liberal advance* made on consignments. . jan!4 dm _ wk. miiaa, Philada. c. w. nermon, Pittsburgh. A BICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer*, and importers of Brandies, Whites and Sugar*, Nos. 17* and 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin street*, Pitt*, burgh, Pa Iron, Nails, CoUon .Yarna, Ac. Ac. con* stand y on hand. . * *ugi4 ronn-ireiLu nt d. m’oiu. - waltxb c. aas* MeGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocer* «mdComnu»- tion Merchant*, No. I*Jl Liberty su, Pittsburgh. fli Co.) W’hotesa.c Deulcts in Dry Wood street, Pittsburgh. l*o'malt«nd"MsuatßTePai nter. Rooms, corner of Pest. Office Alley and Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market. dcc&dtf prirsßUßuu . "woKks~and spring AND AXLE PACTORY ttaae lom Jena r. quieo. JOHK3 * amGG, Manufacturers of spring and buster steel, plough steel, steel plocgh wings, coach and elip, (ic spring*, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mol eable castings, fin engine lamps, and coach trimmings generally, comer of Rost cod Front Hi, Pittsburgh, S HOLMES A BON, No. 65 Martel su, second a door from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign Domestic Bills of Exchange, Ccrtihentesof Depot* rt, Bank Notes and Specie. Q7* Collections mad on all the principal cities throughout the United States. dec!7 NBUCKMASTER, AUHIBAM—OfIce, Fourth »t, • third door above Southfield, south side. Uonveyaneing of all kinds done with the greatest eare and legal accuracy. Title* te Beal Estate examined, fce »UOF. lIKIHY auUBOOR, PENN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, bu resumed his professional duties, riving' untrue uon* on the Piano, Guitar, in Vocal Music.' ' aogUtitf • ' 7ii Fourta EM it., near Wood—All qaamitiea of Green and Block Tea*, done up in quarter,-half, and one pound packages, ranging from 50 cu.*p*r pound Jyd A. JAYNiS, A|L for PekihrTeo Co. BBUIHOBB, WELLS * CO., manufacturers of gbeen glass ware, NO. *7 Moiket street, Pittsburgh, keep constant* Jy on hand anil make to order all kinds of Vials, bottles, Ac. Porter and Mineral Water bottles, of sa perior quality. Particular attention paid to Private Moulds. norgiMy ; OUli*ON, UTTLV * CO., No. Ittt Übenf street* Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce sad Commission Merchants, and dealers In Pittsburgh *■ ' ]y7 lot. UTTUU - HU. B- KOKXMW. EOBfcjrr MOO RETWholesale. Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer in Produce, Piiubnnfh Msnufac are% and ail kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines iodLiqnors, No. 11 Liberty street. On band a very lam stock of superior old. Uooengahela whiskey, which will be »old low for cash. apl&ly REYNOLDS* SHEE, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,forth® Allegheny Hlver.Tnde,deal train Groceries, Produce,-Pitabargh Manofaetarcs «nd Chloride of Lime. Thehigheft price f. In eash, paid at all times for conn ryraga. Corner of Won and Irwin ns. ‘ ' DOBERT * Wholesale Grocer*, tV Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers ji Prodnce and Pittsburgh Manufaetsres, Liberty ft. PitisbarKb. Pa.- feb ” - OBT. A. ctJNNUSGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Produce and-PiOtbnrgh Monnlactaref *«v. 14« liberty ti » /ia b EEMOVAL. gg^ OB OB. ?^Ttt»nKBO*B u;d Conmunioo. Her ohant, hu removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood •nil SmlLhfirld meet*. * p * TBOk *. WJUTK-. Oi&CKLCTT** WHITE* Wholesale Dealer* In a Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No. W Wood at. PUubcrgS. _ _ feblTJf CS —iTWi HARBAUGIi; Wool Merchant*, Dealer* D- in Flour and Trodnco generally, and Forwarding tud Commiasion Merchant*, No. S 3 W ater Pitt*. • FiTiunan. jobh wtcHoia, mabtlakd. riViTiTgia b NICOLS, Produce tad General Com y aiiuion Merchant*, No.. 17 Liberty *L, Pittsburgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oil?. S' fTVON BONNHOR3T, A Co., Wholesale tiro* ..eera, Forwarding and Commission Merchmitt, Dealers in Pittsburgh' Hannfaettiree and Western rro daee, hare removed 10 their new Hand) No. 3ft, comer of Front *t- and Chaneery Lane. ritASSBY t. UKStrWhole.aJe G roeen andCommls tjPa Merchants, and dealen in Produce. No. 33 Wood «l* Fiuabnrgb. ' . P* ls *. ‘ — vrx/aAOALrr-- - • •• •• ■ •'-■■Jons *.co*«*at*. W. O WOODWAM• ■ • ...mAirn BAOALXT. WM. BAUALKY fc CO, Wholesale Grocer*, 18 and SO WoodstreetPitUbargh. novS7 _ W. A 11* aiTCQKLTiIEE, TT7HOLESALE GROCERS, RKCriFVING DIS- W TILLERS, and WTNE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Alto— Importer* of Soda Ash and Bleaching . Powder, No. 180 Liberty it-, (opposite Sixth *L,) Pms borgh. * * c .^— itOJOLft. WlCty DAVTD *?ASDUW TTSriCK &~M'CANOt<ESS, (taeceuora to U k. J.D. ~W wick.) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding and Commi«s2on Metehaau, dealer* in Iron, Nari»,Gla*a, totton Yarn a, and PiUihttJ-ti Manufacture* generaiiy, fprvr n f Wood *jid Water -tree:*. PitUlmrcn. WYV w/>t,l.>nF. MiU atone mod Mill Ftuaifh , ing establishment, No. 844 JLiUrt? at, ne*r U»o ....... IB »125 iVSe, W • and MiUtaryGood*, ccirter of Market and 4th ■JecU, Pittsburgh, Pa. N- I' —Watches and CTocki eerefttliy repaired. ric< * VirMT BOWEN —Comiciasion and Forwsrdinj W Merchant, No. *0 Front «l between Wood tui« Market atrseU. MTTePHV, VVOoiesa-'e and RetaiTdealerti • W • Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north ui eomerof Market and Foorth ita wk. tocbo, nro. a. irttm [xr&L YOUNG fc Co.—Dealers la leather hides, to. W 143 Liberty «■ i"*: I *. HTUTCBIOS* Wfc a. M’CDTCHEON, WholeiaJc Grocers,de * lers in Produce, Iron, Neil*, G>a«i md burgh Maiiafftctures geaeraUy, 15tf Liberty «t, rit burgh; „“££? 'WSITTT&ibuNT I ATTOQHKY AT LAW, Sutler, Pa tirn i. attend lo coJleeuoa, end *ll other busl- YY nf tnimiMd to him in Botlar *nd Amttronf eaudut P*. blet u> ’ J. &R. Floyd, Liberty it-'i W.W.Wtilaee, do I James Minhall do\- jPltttbargh. dir Key fc Co., Wood n. ; J J«n7_ . PSTTIOBEW * CO., ■ BTEAM BOAT AGENTS idCMBISgI OmcaasovaM. A'ujmACo, BBSHM oet3l No. 4S Water street rw«* J.OLEHR, Book Binder*. HfE are«uir«ngsged in the above buitneit, comer YY of Wood and Third street*, Pittsburgh, where we ere prepared to do any work in oar line with dc*. •'patch. We attend U> our work personally, and **u«- Faetion will be given iuregardtoitt neatnea* anJ du -1 Books ruled to any patten* and bound sub ■tantiallT. Books in number* or old book* boaml care fully or repaired. Name* pot on booh* in gilt letteie. ThMe that have work in our line are Invited to call. Price* low. m >' 2lhlf ~~Koalas. Cooking Blow**, Grates, Ao. 1 rABP 1 ** T - T iWAIXACK* CO. Bound Church, I iVI comer liberty and Wood streott, manufacture Endoffcr for tale Flatfonn, Floor and Counter Scale.. I ha* givei[.u3j SSSaUalUfuetfoa to tboM&avin y. It In um, to all oi I respectfully invite the attention of Sg !L 5^!!L of Depoaitejßank .*’» pimbarith. Current tno- n«U> fntatgW ped Eat* on liberal term*. ■ Lowi:urwSfouSß, MaSTTTACTC*** OF AliCdaeL AHD FflKB BP I BITS, I Comer Front and Vine streak. Cincinnati, O. ORDERS from Pitube'rgh for Alcohol, JPjfJj; Raw or Rectified Whiskey, wdi be prom?“/ | ended to at lowutt,market price. mchla-diy _ BeaeaKahala JUlvarr Htotolo* & ROBERT H. PATTERSON ha* opened the large *table on First it, run"*®? to Seeond at, between Wood and, Bmitlificld ■Unln the .tar of the Moiumgahela House, with UTi ebtirely new stock of Horse* und Carnages ot the beat quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live* ry in the bei manner. n f * l W PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21. 1850. SnACKLBTTAI.TVHITH, HAVE now in'store mdargo and genera! assortment of DRY GOODS, whieh they offer lo City ud County Merchant! at reduced price* and which they will tell as gt atiadueemenirw dw® buyer*, or for approved ere : ’ * J* l **- 0 BENNETT * BROTHERj QPEENSWAEE MANUFACTURERS, BtnUiKßußduuFitttbnrchiJPb Wartioute, Ko. 137, Wood tired, FUttburgk. mbcs WILL constantly keepon hand a food assori iffifK/ment of Wart} of our own manufacture, and tßßff laperioroualtty. Wholesale and country Met- W chants are respectfully invited to call and ex amina for themselves. a* ws are determined to tell eheaper thanhaaeTeroefora been offered to the pub* ■He. (Qr Orderaient by mail, accompanied by the curb er tiy reference, will be promptly attended to. tnyltt Penn Oaolilnethobt HWIGHTMAN —Manufacturer oiall kinds of cot* • ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa. The above works being now in full and successful op eration, 1 *m prepared to axeiite orftra with dispatch for all kind* ofmachinery in myltne, taeh as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding masUnes, railways, drawing frames, speeders, thiatails, looms, woolen cards,<fottl>]c oreingle,for merchant or country work, mules, jacks, Ac.;slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shafting mode to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rxrxa to— Kennedy. Childs ACo., Wackstock, Bell A Co., King, Pcnnock A. Gray. BELL AND BRASS FOUSURY. A A FULTON, Dell and Brass Founder, has re; built and commenced business at his old stand where he will be pleased to see his old custom ers and friends.* Church,Steamboot,and Bells of every size, from 10 tolo,ooo pounds, east from pauerns of the most approv ed models, and warranted to be of the best matenals. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Ac., toge ther with every variety of Brass Castings, U required, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. i* the sole proprietor of Bassrr’s Aim-Atra- Ttoa Metal, so justly celebrated for the redaction of friction in machinery. The Boxes and Composition can be had of him at all tiroes.. jnghly ON. a. scaitx. iambs atkissox BCAIFE * ATKINSON, ft* em, arrwxo Wood Atm Hum, Prmscaoß, />JNTINUK to manufaeture all kinds of COPPER, V; TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black amith Work. Steam Boau built to order. Special attention given to steam boat work. ilaToon hands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass Xeules.Tin Ware, Ae. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various sizes—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. Wc would respectfully invite steam boat men and others to call and see our articles and priees before purchasing elsewhere. JT:I7 INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Hnlml Lite iiuurante Company BATX9 07 raxMitm xeoocxd J 25 rxs cccr. Capital, 9150,000. JAMES DURNO A CO., Agents at Pituburgh, Pa. BOAKD 07 PIXKTTIOX, At James Hoy, Jr. 1 Benjamin t-tsh. I John A. WentL | Jcnathan Flu Joseph C. Potts, Prc*‘t. G. A. Ferdicarts, V. I*. Eli Morris, Secretary. Tieasarer. rnttAbdrsta. Hon. Janie* Campbell. David 11. White. kiw tost. Comptroller of New York. George Wood. John F. Maekie. David Dudley Field. Joseph lloxie. Alexander Cummins*. W.J. P. White, P. M. kxw JEBIXT. Ills Exe. Gov. Haines I Ex-Gov. Vroom. W. I* Dayton. U. S. Sen. ) Isaac Wildrick. M. C. «. D. Wsfl.Kx-U. 8 Sea. I Wm. A. Newell, M.C. Ex-Gov. M. Dieketson. Hon. S. H. Hamilton. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A.Sidney Doane, M. D. W. W. Gerhard, M. D. 33 Warren sI,N.Y. 301 Walnut su, Phil’a. Wm. M’K- Morgan, M. D., 11. R. Bell, M. D.,. . George M’Cook, M. D-, Allegheny city, P*. Pituburgh, Pa. Ibe Agenuof this Company, at Pittsburgh;'are auth orized to take every first class risk on Lite at a rrJuc non of twmjrJito p or *tnt. Iroro the usual rates of pre mium a* ehargod t»y other Companies. riAxru. . A man 30 years of age, taking a Poliey of Insurance for One Thousand Do!Ion To mn for one year, pay* only 89,80. do *even “ “ “ 81U,'A) —annually, do Lifetime, u u 817,“ And in th« same proportion for any sum np to 85000, which Is the extenttakeu on anyone life. Thts company commenced oj>e ration* on the Ist Oct., 1&43, and iU monthly bnoiuea* op to the Ist Oeu, ISI9, shows a progress aettding that of any other Life Com pany on record. The first dividend of profits will be declared to tuo assured on the Ist January, lfcW. l*ajnph!et*‘containing the various tables of rates, and all the necessary information on the important subieet of Life Assurance will be famished on appli cation to JAMES DUHNO A CO, Agents, d C I7 Odeon Buildings. T PIHK'INSUtUNGIC. foraace acat&tl Lou ox D»***o*by upon Dare It lag* and Furniture, Stores, tJoflu*. te., ae-, on »pp»* cation to JAMES DURNO* CO, AMU. j e j7 Qdeoa Building*. HEALTH I»«UHABiCK, M FHUHnIb The Spring Garden Dealth ininranee Co, OF PHILADELPHIA—CAPITAL 0100,000, INSURES Males and Female* against the Expense and Loss occasioned by Sieknes or Accident, by an immediate allowance of from SO to S 3 per week, for one, two, three, or foar year*. The method of effecting this Insurance, and the manner of awarding the tick allowance, will be fully explained by the Agent. xuma A penou can iniare again*t Sleknew or Aecident which will detain hlm-troo hi* ordinary busuic**, m Po?one yw, by paying «4,a0, and receive *3 V week. For two u ** ***"- “ \ u For three “ .g - Or* for** perirwl of four year*. ihc rcm of 814,40 paid umullr»w'» were *"l* r „ .v,. Every neceajary uifonua.ion wul be naoruea on ins ■nbjeci of Inmonee (teoermlly, by JAMES DUKaO A CO, Ajenif, del7*d6m' Odeon Uiildii.f^ Lift and Health Insurance* THE Uotcai Lift end Health Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated bT the Legislature of Pennsylvajuu* March, 1643. Charier perpetual. Capital, 4100,000. JUm u>w*» i«u *«T Pwitkii vasia Coxrasr, and fall 20 per cent, lower thou the usual rales of Lift Insaranee, as the following eotn p.ruon will .low! Tl»«.f« por-on of for *lOO for life, »■« P*T PrniJ7l»uiio,«al», Pool »«»{!. W® 8*2.01' New Borland, S2JG; New York Ufe, Al biS’S® and HeSin, Philadelphia, • Drascroa*.—Samuel D. Cirnck, Charles D. Hall. W. F. Boone, Robert P. Kins, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reere, M. ! Lewis Cooper, L.Rodman Barker, E- H.Bailer, Kdwin R - OOce, Commercial Rooms, corner of ortf7-dIT _ Wood und Tlurd sts. Pittsburgh ~ FLaK AJfD JlAUl»ld INSUnANCIC TUB INSURANCE CO. ol North America will Sake porusnem and. limited Insurance on pn* pertv in thiscity and vicinity* and on shipments by Soil, Hirers Ukor, •nd *7 »»• .E" Jif'S'Siu this Company are well invested, and able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by insurance. ™T. p WM. P. /ONIS. Agent, 44 wur. «. ISDKttSITYi He Franlliii Fire Insurance Co. of PhUaddpkui. Directors. —charie* n. xunckcr, itan, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Owl, o’ Geo. W Richard", Monlecal D. Lew, Adolpho E. Bone. David S. Brown, Mom* pauereon. Bone, WMia =>• N . iUacua, Present. Cbarle* 0. Bancker, Secretary. - Cobtinne to make insurance, perpetoal on every description of property in , * eoßnU7 ’ at ralei a*low aj are ecupUteni with security. To Company have reserved a large conU “ f *f“!]^ 1 11 r ‘ ( ?’ which with their Capital and Premiums, safety invest ed, aflord ample nroteetion to the assnrod. foe aaaeu of the eompany.ou Janaary Ist, 1S«, published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were fellow*, vti; Mortmei .Real Eatate Temporarv Loan* Stock* Cash, ‘ •),£»,«* 71 Since their incorporation, ■F T ®/ h l * have paid upward* of one million four hnnUrra tnoa* ILdoikn.W, w fi«. ‘ uto of the advantage* of insurance, a * !?‘ l lL^biUtii;* „d d, P «uo„ • maxl-dly OSce_N E corner Wood and 5d «U Vuvin g c uiwiersignert to JfP.j* cations for insurance, on which which will he’ according to their propeaals and rale., which w.llbe street ' tloWn 10 *apU Cllt>ta “ GED CUCIIKAN. HOTELS FOUNTAIN lIOTBL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. tooo *tn> TBcarroji, raorataroas. mTIHS estahliihment long end widely known as Icing one of the most commodious in the cty of Baltimore, ha* recently undergone very citrn •lro alterntiona and improvements. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy ileening apartments, and extensive bathing ww Tf ie tries’ department baa also been completely reorganized and filled up in a mo ftunujue and beauu* fafuffi. In fact the whote arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on :£«panor the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently aa*en will challenge comparison with any Hotel in tho Unlr>n. Their table will always be supplied wiffi ** e O stanial and luxury which the market affords, served up In a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac., they will not ba surpassed. . - In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, “St nothing will bo left undone on their part, and on the part of ffieir assistants, to ’render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following ratee: . „ Ladies' Ordinary, P eT < * ay * Gentlemen’s M li B ®. . N. 8.-The Baggage Wagon of the Ilouso will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free ef charge. ' m «>- J LiHARTIBE HOUSE, oounts o» to earn ahd stoat maxis, rmuMMO; A THE subscriber respccllully announce* that be has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, gnd the pttblie generally. The hoase and furniture Moantirwy new, and no rains or expense have been (pared to render it one or tho most, comfortable and pleasant Holds in the city. r The subscriber U determined to deserve, and there* Proper. COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution off Pojftnow^lp* BV MUTUAL CONSENT III; 4 *SiSSSiif.'gt fore exUtmg noder U.O .trie of BUBHFJLLD A LEADER, ha« been diuolred by Hour, Utter Kl - ing his entlT* interest in said firm to John McGill. All business connected with er vrtllbe Killed i, 8. B- Bookfield A Co, duly authorised to make all collections and adjurtall elafcuL BUBHFIKLD & LEADER. Pittsburgh, OcU 27,1849. N. B—9. B. BUSHFIELDA CO. will continue the wholesale and retail Dnr Goods and Grocery business, at the old store room, No. 230 Wiorty at, where they will be pleased to'have their friends and customers cilUr/domino Oeu Mg gfgg”ft nEU) . • NOTICE. ■ - ** mUE partnership heretofert effiitln* under toe firm X ofA.AC. BRADLEY, iadissolvedhyihedecease ofilr. C. Bradley. The buxine!* will he earned on by : A-’Bradley, who will settlo the business of the late fiI REMOVALA-A. Duaht.xi has removed hu Foundry i Warehouse from No. 112 Second Mreet, to No. W Wood street, between First and Beeond streets, to the warehouse lately occupied by C. A. Berry, where he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Caning*. Crates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Ac. Iyt?_ Dissolutions THE co-pannenhip heretolore existing between the tubtenbers, in toe name of Constable, Burke A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mean*. Burke A Barnes will settle the business of the con cern,for which purpose they are aulhorise-dto use the namoofthe coneertL NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name ofDUBKE A BARNES, forth* purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, VsßllPootb Ae. Ac., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke A Ca, where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers ofthatioMoandtheir mend*- EDMUND sUKsa, TUOMA9 BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Cenatable, BurkeA Co., 1 with riticere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke s Dames to the confidence of my friends and the pabue. Feb.», 1840. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, ' ~ • FORWARDING & COMMISSION. j, A j, Tardeii Commtaalon MetoEamts, NO. til Old Levee at.,N.Orleans, keep constantly on hand a large assortmentefßrsndiesoflhetoUo*- tog brands, which they offer for sale as agents for J. Do rand A Co, Bordeaux, six: Maglory, J. Eraud, J.Durand A Co, Laroehdle, J. J; Durand Cognac, A. do Monies un, A. L. Hleville, Mondore, Jean Louis, Ac; also, Au chor Gin. Bordeaux Bed and While Wine* in easka and rfises, •elected with ease by John Dorand A Co; besides Champagne Wine A Sweet burgundy Port. [fcb7-lv* a. j. vrezar. not. a. rax. STUART A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com mission Merchants, No. 118 Wood it. Pittsburgh. Dealers lu Groceries, Floor, Wheal, Rye,Oats, Corn, Barley, Tork, Bacon, Butter, Lard, Cnee*e; Clover, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nails, Glass, Ac. Ac. Ae. Particular attention paid to the sole of Western Produce. Rxvxeksces—Messrs. Myers A Hunter, BobL Dal xelCA Co., M'Gills A Roe, Hampton, Smith A Co., James May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner A M’Millan, Massillon. Jot. S. Morrison, Esq., St. l#oais. loan a. calioriate of N. Lisbon, O. w. a. sxtmdi CB.AIG * SKINNER, GENERAL AGENCY, Cemmission and Forward ing Merchants, No. 25 Market sl, Piusborgh, Pa. (p-Prompt attention given to the pnrebase and sale of all kinds of Produce. Rxna Watt A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Lawson A Hill, Aiahloa Martin, WelUviDc, Oj John 11. Brown A Co., Grigg, Ellioti A Co, Philadelphia; B. IV. Snodgrass A Co., Gregg A Nace, New Lisbon, O.; l’r. Skinner, lion. C. It, Cothii, Cineianau; J. P. Kell«r, Youngstown, O 4 W. L. Stan dart. Cleveland, Q.. . augtM UKORGE COCHRAN. Commission and Forwarding Hsrchanti 25 wood sr., rrrcsacaoH, (CONTINUES to transact a general Commission bust j ness, esperiaUy in the. purchase and tale of Ameri cas Manufactures and Prodace, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As Agent for die Manufactures, he will be constantly (applied with the principal anieles of Pittsburgh Mannfaclnre at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. ft>7 MISCELLANEOUS. B*COOD * CO., /sagft JB . (gueeenort to M’Cord A King) BMW 0«4 Fashionable QsttsrX, "Fo Comer of Wood and Fifth Streets. PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from oar establishment of the bext xaixauLe and woanunnur, of the l*tkst mut, and at the LOWB7 Merchants, purchasing bp wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and examine our Clock; as we can say with confidence that a> regards oentnr ■ml rates, it will not suffer b» • •omnarison wilbwAPT. iiTphilsdelphia. ’’ * cot — IVTIWV SCRg. JOHN D. M’CREARY, Printinglnk Manufacturer, Nos. 331 and 333 Stanton street, NEW YORK—De pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would eaU the attention of Printers to his improved Priatihg Inks of various kinds and orders, at the following prices: fine Jet Black, tor Card and Wood Oats • • 82 00 and 3 00 per ib. Fine Book Ink - - 0 7$ “ 1 00 Boo* nk - . - 040 “ OHi “ Newslnk • 018 0 21) “ OS4 “ Fine Red Ink -75 c 100 150 “.2 0U “ Blue, Yellow, Green and White 75c iOOl 50 “ Gold oixe at 82 per lb, and lironze at SO, 75 eu and 81 per ox. A specimen of News Ink can be seen on this paper. For sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ; Pittsburgh, Pa. I C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. | Morton A Griswould, Louisville, Ky. octlhdfim SEW COACH FACTORY, xLuxeaxsT. MA. WHITE A CO, would respectfully inform • the pubtie that usey have erected a shop on Lacock,betwecnFederalaj-d&anda*kystreets. They are now making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot’s, Ba roueacs, Buggies. P baton*, tc, Ac., which from their long experience in tho manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they ale enabled to do work on.the most reasonable terms with these wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and bann* none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this nutter. N. Il.’Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms.* __ Dlaphractn Filter, for Bydraat Water. * _ THIH is to certify that I have apj SB pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co, AUrwk. Sole AgenU for the sale of Jennlng’* lutar Patent Draprahgra Filter, for the ei| TOi tics of Pittsburgh end Allegheny. . - H JOHN GIBSON, Ageut, . (or Waiter M Gib sou, 349 Broadway, _ 1 N. Yi Jk Oculo,l3fts. We have been using one of the shove articles at ths office of the Novelty Work* for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention, rik! we take pleasure in recommending them as a use; fui article to all who love pure water. Orders will ba thankfully received and promptly exeented. oetlb LI VINGsTON. ROGGEN A Co Pitt Uachlaa World and Foundry. m7»vxeti, r*. JOHN WRIGHT A Co., arc prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every description, such os Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warper*,Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pullics and Hanger* of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kind*. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. Btenm Pipe for heat ing Factorial, Cast Iron Window Saab and fancy Cal lings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liberty street, wilt' have prompt auen- Refer to Olackttock, Bell A Co., J. K. Moonhead A Co O E, Warner, John Irwin A Sons. Pittsburgh; G. C. A J. H. Warner, Steubenville. ian!9 -pIAHOSt THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and wiihout Coleman’s celebrated AJolien Attachment. The above-tn»«rmuenw arewar ranted in be equal to any manufactured in this coun try. and will be sold lower than any broaght from the lii L K. BLUMB, No 112 wood st, 2d door above 6th N. B.—City Scrip will be taken at par for a few of be above assortment. rayj F. B. .•1,047,433 41 M,72-l tO 00,001 fcS 51,423 25 Ori.btH 37 Pimaoteii, Mept. t», lew. MIL THUS. K. HIBBERTj—Dear Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID we have nowbOen u»ing inure than a year, and on looking oyer made by it, we find the color a, bright bluq.btaec. Ii l*pleasant 10 write with, flows free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing vou die ready sale it* merits demand, we are, your* respectfully, ; iM.MPSONACO. For sale, together with Ilibbert’s lte«l Ink. and Ma chine Cony ink, by U. A. FahneriocW A to.. It. I*. Schwartz, Allegheny City, und by Ui* manufacturer, T. K. Ilibbert, Druggist and Cheiuul, conier of Über ty and Winithfield »U, Pittsburgh. orlia A Preaent for Your Family. MORUIS A WILLIS’ HOME JOURNAL-Week ly— Si per annum. ’The best paper in the Union ’—l Evening Star. • Halter get iu eoul than go without it.”— (Host. Ft l*ub!i«bed iu New York and Pittsburgh every Sat urday morning. . , . New subscribers esn be supplied from January’ **•, IS3O, if immediate application bo made icillier person ally or by letter) to the office of publication, W Wood street. feb7 J. D. IAILK WOOD. SAVKD lIKRtMFE-Sellen 1 Vtnuilujc u ihearu eld Lumstos, Va., January 20, Ifl-W*- Mr. J. M. Wilion—Dear Sir, The rial of Seller* Vermifuge I boagbl from you, tome time ago, brought from my girl five year* old, the aaumiahiug number of five hundred worn*. 1 believe abe would nave lived a very abort lime, but tortilla medicine. Prepared and aoid by R. li. BEtXfc.RB,*«>* Wood ,l i sold alto by Druggiau generally in the two cities. __ janSd VelvetPlU Carpal. WMeCLINTOCKU* now opening the handsome • and moat supeTu Imported : Velvet Pile Carpi ever before offered in thiaimarket, to which be in*"* tho attention of purchaser!. „ i ITT*Carpel Ware Rooms, 7i Fourth at Gnat Arrival of Hoar Good*. THE ettbsctibers ate now prepared 10 offer lull greater inducements to parehesersof Dry Goods. Ttieir established low pricea and immeiue receipt of Gooda, (bating received oyer 100 package! of new and deairable gooda,) comprisein part; , 104 dot French Wrought Collate and Capes; 10 p* Rich Dreaa Silka; 100 pa Alpaccaa, from UO to 60 cents per yard; 5 cases Mooalin D'Lams, from 10 to 24 c par yard; 24 “ Merimae Prints, all aiylcsj 4 “ - Mourning u from 10 to l«|c per yard; 10 “ Ginghams, good styles, me jrer vara. . Sheeting*, Sh?run«, and Hoaaekeepmg Goods, in great vancues, all of which writ bo offered at extreme -11 "^s""’’" .AMABOSACQ-8, to jqsmrarts,. w=nynr=^s? MISCELLANEOUS WA9TKC' Daily u the Baltimore. Philadelphia. | NEW YORK. BOSTON AND NEW ORLEANS I GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE. Yoong MEN Lx wholesale and retail store*, end otbei, respectable b mine**, to act-a* Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bar-keeper*, Waiters, Formers. Coach* men, Car Agent*. Boot and Map Agent*, Coueetqra, Overseers in all tranches of business, Ac. We hue atoll times a large nttJnberofgood situations onbrimi which psjf from 300 to 92,000 per annum. Those is waniofsitnatiotisofany kind would do well to give b* a call, as we have agents In each of the above ci* lies, which will enable os to place every applicant in available situation at the shortest notice, we have a targe acquaintance in • all the above named cities, : which we.tnui will enable as to give entire satisfac* I lion to all who may favor ns with a call. 1 TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. S 3 Second il, • between South and Gay. N.B.—Persons living in anv part'of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei> theroflhe above cities, will have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing ns a line, (post-paid) as by so doing they will.cartel! both trouble and ex pense, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN,* No. W Second street. Baltimore, Md THE ABEOnKTKRi THE attention of the public u respecuuuy ciilsd to tho following certificates: Ml 8. Eaxnts—Having toted a quality of Gold weighed by your Areometer, 1 find urn result provet your instrument correct; ana recommend tho ate or it ufthose going to Californio, aa the best method for ob taining lac real value of Gold. Rctp. yours, J. B. DUNLKYY, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 0,18(9. PrmnxoH, March 7,1819. Ml Eaxme—Dear Bir. Haring examined the‘'Ateo meter, n manufactured at your rooms, Ido not hesitate to eommend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. !t gives a close approximszioa to the epeciiic grarl ty oftsetaJi, and will certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when his placer u yielding Gold, jnarllj Youts, rerp’y. _ J, R. hrCLINTOCK. I' NDIA RUBBER CLOTHlNG—Juitreceived forthe California Expedition, a complete assortment oi Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from *5,31 ip '111,50 for edit of coal, pants and b&Lj For sale at the ; tidie Rubber Depot, No S Wood it. dec'JO J 4 H PHILLIPS GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE MSCuVERV! PavCCT SBUUUD JaltcaaT Ist, D4l>. Patent etoseimr extension Tolies, Sofas, Bureaus, Book Cases, Writing Bests, LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON.. THE TABLES far surpassing every other in vention oi the kind now extant They can be ex tended irom ten to twenty-five feel, laud when cloud the leavea are all contained inside; they arc made to all sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, fann ing when eloscd a complete ceutre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable, particularly to those who ] wish u> econo mise room, and convert a steeping apartment into a parlor or tilling room, as they can oe opened and shot at convenience, and when shat, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a beautiful jueee of forniure for a parlor or sitting room. BOOR CASES—A ne»l and useful article for parlor or drawing room. . WRITING DESKS—For roods, and other oJEeer; when opened a inoet convenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these article* need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole is. they are warranted not to get out of repair. It will be for your interests to call and examine the anieles, at the manufacturer** store, No. 83 Third street, Pittsburgh, lu addition to the above advantages, they are proof against bugs. _ mcTIS _ JAM EH W WOOPWELL. Htsam Brick Work* for Mala. milF. subscriber offers fotjale, the-STEAM BRICK X WORKS, above LawrenceviUe. comprising a ' Steam Engine, 3 Boilers, ff Mould Machine, capable of manufacturing 20,000 Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay, as taken from the bank,l per day; with three acres of land on the Allegheny river, on which are ( kilus and. sbeds, maehius and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks; shovels, spades, Ac., every thing requisite to com mence operuious at an hours notice. Price, including the patent right to use said maehiue. *7,UUj—Bwns oi payment made easy. Without the land, SAOUO. For particular address HENRY MERfUTT, aug¥7-dt( No 118 Mooongahela House. WrougituffCattlroß Railing. THE subscribers beg leave to inform the publie ihat they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for bouses ana cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure band some patterns will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short est notice.and In the lest maimer, at the corner ot Craig andßebeecastreets, Allegheny city. aag9*dtf A. LAMONT A KNOX. Ojrstarat OysUriV BURKE & CO’S Daily Express t* now regularly de livering Can-ond Shell OYSTERS, which arc of fered to dealers 'and families ml the lowest price*. Quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar k '“t" b h'. 0. BIDWELL, Aft W.,„ ... iWE^SfcSSfMSSStT neramlttMA | oclli on *» unpre.rf W plan, to as not to freeze m the coldest weather. Persona wanting such articles, are Invited to call and SlSSutt SCAIFfe A ATKINSON’S, BIV2S tsC between Wood Market sis . BKW BOOKIt XSW BOOKSI THE Constitution and Standard of the Associate Refonscd Church in North America: fivo, (pond Bide, or Note* for the History of the War between Mexico and the United States, written in Mexico, and translated from the Spontsh, with notes; By A. C. Homscr. Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain end Ireland: By 11. B. Stanton. The Work* of President Edwart s to * vok» » «* print of the Worcester edition, wit i additions, and a eopioui general index. _ .... , . The Monnlftias of Egypt, or Egy l a W lines* for the Bible: By KU Hawk*, 1).0,LU». Memoirs of David Hale,, late e< itor of Journal ot Commerce, with selection* from his Miscellaneous Writings: By Key. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and Hi* Dang hten by J. K. Paulding. Lm Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal* ifomia: By Lieut. Wise, U. S. Nayy. FSmiliar Letters to Young Men, on various lubjecu; designed as a Companion to the Young Men’s Guide: By Wm.A. Aleott. The Poems and Prose Writings ot R. A. Dana: 2 vs Nineveh and its Remains; By Layard. For sale by ELLIOT! A ENGLISH, » No 70 Wopd »t A*Pr.mMt for Ycmr oriumlljr. MORRIS A WILMS’ HOME JOURNAL Preumin Wkili—9J ru asstm. ‘•The best paper In the L'nlon.” fEteuingStar “Rather get in eool than go wiitoniM'” l Boston Post fiew subscribers can bo supplied from Jan- l, IPSO, if immediate application be made (eitbefpersonally or br latter) u the OIEco of Publication, 03 Wood st. * julO J. D, LOCK WOOD. lew Books Jail Arrivraa. SACRED SCENES AND CiIARACTLKS, by J. T. ILadly, with original designs by Darlcy. The Poems and Ftose Writings of R. H. Dana. Physician and Patient, or a Practical View of the Moral Danes, Relations and Interests of the Medieal Profession and the Community; by W.llooker, M. u The Paritan and Hit .Daughter, by J. K. Paulding, aalhorol u»o Dntehmsn’s tireside. , „ , Lo* Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal ifornia; with Wanderings in Peru, Chili and Polynesia; by Lieut. Wise. Per vale by • detll ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. W.x>d »t MISELLANEOUa LITERATURE, AT LOCKWOOD'S, 03 WOOD BTUEKT. BROWN’S American Angler’s Guide; lull of illus trations, lfimo. Paulding's Puritan and Ills Daughter; l‘2roo. Dr. Hooker's Pbysieian and Pattern; DEmo. Mrs. Eilis* Hearts and Humes; Bvo. Neander's Life of Christ; 6vo. Neander*s History of Christian Church; 3 so!*, i jo- Rev. Dr. Spring’s Memoirs of Miss Murray; tfvo. American Almanac, 1860, fevo. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, janlO _ Bookseller A Importer, M Wood »u Bow !• the Uni to S«baevil». OFFICE of Scott’s Reprints of tbs Four Quarter lies and Blackwood; 010 per year. , ' Morris A Willis’Home Journal, published In New York weekly; ti per annum. Downing's Hortieulmraliat, monthly; >3 per year. Invaluable. I The Cultivator. monthly; $1 per annum. Tbs Agriculturalist, monthly; tl per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; S 3 per annum. The Bankers'Magazine, do Si do J JAMES D LOCKWOOD, ' Jan 3 Bookseller A Impornlt, CJ.Woud it BH&CKLKTT * WUITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, IK) WOOD STREET, ABE now receiving a very large -lock of fresh Goods, of recent purchase and iinportauon.whtch they will sell to Ibe trade at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. City and Coanuy Merchants arc invited to call and examine oar slock before purclia«un: rlnewi>--'-. mytf _ _ DRY GOODS. nvapuY, wilsow a go., No. 48 Wood St., PiTisutunu, ARK 1 now receiving their usual mtpplies of Good* lor the - Fall season, which tury will be happy to exhibit to their old customers, and a- many new ones as may feci inclined to present tlnnuenlves. Always taking great pain* u> Iny tn such goods ai nre adapted to the wants of tlir Wi-Mrtn trade, which long experience enables thaw i>* do, iliey can aay with much confidence, and without emertug into a detail of their stock, that the Western retail merchant wjII find with them all that hi* customers require. Those who hero formed Uto unprofitable habit of repairing uj the Eastern eilies lor their storks of Dry Goods, would do wall to call, as a candid campari.on of pri ces would in many eases result in the conviction that ibe expense of going further may be obviated by bay ing in Pittsburgh. »PH3 UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS. WfL MUKI'IIY continues to kcejron hand a full , assortment of tko Welsh Unibrtakable Flan nels and baa recently received a supply of the finer unaUUes. Also Swansdown Flannels, a scarce arti cle and well adapted for Out wear of invalids, and oUters wanting something warmer than usual. Also, Persian .and Uanse Flannels for lnfanu wear; to retbei with a fail supply of American manufactured Flannels, of different qualities* m*o. HUROUDING FLANNELS, of all Oie differenl widths, at the North East eomerof 4th and Market sis. UT* Wholesale Rooms up stairs, where dealers will always find a food assortment of new style foods, j-na I -!Ki FAST OOLOBSO PttINTS. , WR. MURPHY invites the attention of butreh to i bii present eholeo stock of Prints at l?l cent* per yard, or fast color* and newest style*. _ Also—Newest styles English Chintzes, from 12J to 16| costs. Also—A foil assortment of small figured light Prints sad Chintzes, buff, blue, pink, lalock, purple, orange, AcT~ Rooms upstair*. janta C“ lAUCOKB—IO eases, fast colors, at o{e; former ) price 10c. janlV A A MABOJfA_CO__ Blur CHECKS-l case very dark Shirting Checks, tost opened by tJHACKLEIT A WHITE, /.ffia 99 Wood street BLACK SILK LACES, Ineludtng a ftw pieces o« jST wlllh ' “ bero ‘ mJ *" lo WAfgpuy 0 ' MEDICAL. PHOPKBSOU B&KBY’S TOICpPHKfU OUB OB OEpIC&TBD COBFOTJHD. INFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating, and beats*’ Jyfying the Hair, removing Scurf, Dandruff, and ail affections of the Scalp, and caring Eruptions on the SUn, Diseases of the Glands, 'Muscle* and Integu ments, and relieving • Stings, 'Cats, Bruises, Sprains, Ac, Ac. With this preparation, “there U no sueh word ns fail.” The first Journals la America, medical men of the highest eminehec, prominent eUlzenaofaU pr ofcMions, and ladies who have used it for yeara in their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with one ac cord, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and curl to the hair, eradicating scurf nisn dandruff, heal* ind wound*, caring eofiSniona, sprains, aungs, Ac., ami relieving diseases ofthc skin, the glands, and the mascles it has no equal among the tnolutade of com pounds advertised In the public prints, or used in pri* vate practice. In cheapness at well as effieaey, Bar ry’s Tricopheron# is unrivalled. ■ ' • • The affinity betweenj that membranes whiah const!- stnte the skin, and the hatr which draws it* sustenance from this triple envelope Isveryelore. Al!diseiuea of tho ;hair originates in the skin of pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the blood nnd other fluids do not circulate freely throagh the toaij vessels which feed the roots with moi«wre and impart life to’ the fibres, tho result is scarf, daudruff, shedding or the hair, grayness, dryness, and barsenes* 9i U» ligaments, and entire baldness n* the ease maywfc-* Stimulate the skin to healthful aetion with ihe Tneop herous, nnd the torpid vessels, recovering their activ ity, will annihilate the disease. , . . , In all affections of the skin, and of the substrata ot mpseles and integuments, the process and the enact are the same. It is upon the skin, the muscular, fibre, and the glands, thst the Tncopheroas has its specific aeuon, and in ail affection* and injuries of these, organs, it is a sovereign remedy. , . , Bold, in bottles, price 22 cents, at the principal Officej 137 Broadway, N. Y. ' rrr For sale by R. 15. SELLERS,; f'lusbury. PROCLAMATION. KNOW all men who are sick and alllieted with dis ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic pains In bnck or limbs, stiff joints, old sores, running nicer*. Ac, that they can be cured by taking theiTe troleam! You may; talk alioni tts being a nostrum as Diuch ns yoa please, bat ibis doe* not make it *o« s for we proclaim in the faroofan honest community, that it has virtues which are not contained in any other remedy, 'fhe mnn who is racked with patn ondsaf lenngfrom disease, con for fifty cent*, get relief from any of the ills enuomerated above. Reader ! it costs ▼cry little to make atrial. Tni* Petroleum is no mix ture— no comnoml, pot op for the purpose of imposing on the community; built is a remedy elaborated by tfie master hand of nature, and hubbies tip from ttie bo «r>m of our mother earth m its original purity, aiid of fers tosoffering hnmani y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap core. . . ■ , It has cored Piles after other medicine* have failed to render any relief. It baabured Rheumatism of Jong •rinding, and of the worst and most paintai character. U has cared Cholera Morbur by one or two doses; It has cured old coses of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy bos been of no avail. Asa iocal temedy ut i* bolter than any medical eon pound or ointment that we know of. It will eare chil blains or frosted feet, in a few applications; undoubt ed '.testimony can befaraished of the truth contained in the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Caftat Basin, 7th street; or either of the agent*. Keyser A McDowell, comer of Wood strict and Virgin Alley; IL £. Sellers, 67 Wood street, D. A. El liot A D. KL Carry, Allegheny city, are the agents* Jan3l \ - CAUTION EXTRA A man by the name of RUKL Cl-APP has enraged with a. young man of tho name of S. P. Townsend, nnd uses his name to put up a Sarsaparilla, which they coil Dr. Townsend’* Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE. Original, elc. Tin* Townsend». no doc tor and never was, but was formerly a worker o» rail ro6d*,«anals, and the like. Yet he assumes tho title ofDr. L ibr the purpose of gaining credit {°7 wnut he is not. lie is sendlug out cards headed Tricks ot Qaocks," So which he says. 1 Jiave sold the use or my name for *7 a week. I will give 8. P. Townsend 8500 ifhe'wil! produce one tlngle solitary proof of this- This is to caution the public not to be deceived, and 'purchase none bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD .l)r. Jacob To wnsend’s Sarsaparilla, having ou it the Old Dt.’b likeness, his family coat of arms, and his sig nature across the coal of arm*. ' .... JACOB TOWNSEND. Principal Office, lt)2 Nassau ut, New York City. : OLD DOCTOR. JACOB JageS TOWSBESD, THE ORIGINAL vtggJß DISCOVERER ennmti ' TOWNSEND SAUSAFAIUisItA. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 yean of age, and ka* loin? been known a* the AUTllOß'and DISCO* VEH Ett of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Bcins poor, be was compelled lo'iunu its montifaciure. by which means it has been kepi out of market, and us sales circumscribed to ‘tiio'C only who had proved its worth and known its value. TtraGuin) asto Unsqeaxxss PaarAßonon is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for throughout the length and breadth orthAland. --• ~- -• iialtso yggpc <Uarror iKe betten beet use it TTprepared on (ckentific principles by a scfpniitoman. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discovcriet of the An. have oil been brooght into re* quisiuen in the maauiacture o! the Old Dr.'s Sarsapa rilla. The Sarsaparilla is well known to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro perties which arc iuert or useless; and others, which, if retained in preparing itfor ess, prodaee fermenta tion and acid) which is injurious to the system, _ Some of the properties 0< Sarsaparilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepara tion, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly effin va por. or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very es sential medical properties of tho root, which gives to it all its value. The GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA it *o prepared; that all the inert properties of the 3ar« sapanfla root are firit removed, every thing capable ofbecoraing acid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue ia •ecu* red in a pore and concentrated form; and ihns it it rendered incapable of losing any of its valnable an i heaiing'propertiev Prepared in this way, it ia made , the moit powerful agent tn the CUKE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why wc hoar commendations os every aide in iu favor br men, women and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Cosiivencss, all Cutaneous Erup* tions. Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising from i IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy In all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach;. from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the bead, palpitation of the heart, cold feet end col&haada eold euiiis and hot flashes over the body. It has not had Ita equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing attic* tare of the lung*, throat, and every other part. Buiiu nothing is its cxcellenrc more manifestly seen and acknowledged than iu all kfuds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINT*. It work* wonders in cases of fluor oilius or whites, Failing of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pain, ful jlcusct, Irregularity of th«menstrual periods, and the like; and la eilcctuiil in curing all form* of the Kid* nrylhsenses. By removing obstructions, and regal** Ung the general system, it gives tone and strength to tbo whole body, and cures all forms o( • NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents or relieves a great variety or other diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitas Ounce, Swooning, Epileptic FiU, Convulsion*, Ac. Is not thin, then, tin Mxhicwktoo Pax-EasorctitT Nairnt But con any of these things be Mid of S. P. Town* *eucP&ulterior article!. This young man’s liquid unot in l.e COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.»B, because of tint (fraud Fact, 'bat the one u incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, white the oth er DOES; it wjui.-, ferment*. und blows the bottles containing n into fragments; the sour, acid liquid ex plodlug and damaging other goods! Must not this hor rible compound be poiiouous to the system? Whatl put 'acid Into a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but acid? Do wc not all know, ihat |wbeu food sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs it produce*?—fiatnlcnee, heartburn, patyiuEou of the bean, liver eomplaiMt, diarrhea, dysentery. eholic and 1 corruption of the blood? What !• Scrofulabiit as acid : btmor in the body! What produce* ail tba humor* which brine on Eruption* of'lhc Skin, Scald Head, Salt KhcusMtryupelas, White Swelling*, Fever-Sorts*, and ail uleeranons internal and eaurnalt It is noth in< under heaven but an acid substance,-which tour*, auti thus spoil* oil the Holds of the body, more or less. What cause* Rheumatism but a sour acid Haiti, which insinuate* kiolfbetwecn the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating and luflamiag the tender and delicate tissues upon which it act*? So of nervous diseases, of impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all ilie ailment* which aHhct human nature. Now, i* it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite ly worec to use this USUKING, FKR«ENTINU. ACID “COMPOUND* ..on j» TOWN'—"' OF 8. I*. TOWNSEND •lid yet lie would fain have it understood tbit Old Ja* cob Townsend's OentUHeOri»;mal Sarsaparilla, is an inntßUou of bia inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we should deal In an article Which would beur the most dislaut resemblance to 3. I* Townsend's urticlv! and which should bring down upon the Old Ur. such a mountain load of complaint* and criminations from agent* who have sold, and par* chasers who bare used S. F. Townsend's Fermenting Compound! W'c with ii understood, bet-auae it it the absolute iruth, that tf- P. TowiiMud’t article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar; that they arc unlike in every par* licuiar, having not one single thing in common. It U u> aireti frauds upon the uulortanaie, to pour balm into wounded bumuuity, to kindle hope in the Jc»liinnn* botom, to restore Health and blooui and vi got into the crushed and bruken and to banish iu&roti ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and meant to bnnv hit GbaM> UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, wilhio the reach, and to the knowledge of all wno need it, that they may learu uud know, by joyfcl ex perience, Hi t us w¥:.oii.vr fnwaa to iiaatl For aatc by J. KIDD & CO., Wholesale Agent far Western I’uiui-yttaitm; J. SMITH, Uinnlngliam, Dr. J.SAKGEANT.AUinchuuy; Dr. J. CASSELL, Filth wurd.G. W. GARDNER,J?tb ward^Pituburahj.p«3_ LIV EK Cl I.M PLAlNT.—Another cure perfor aed by using tbn original, only true and genuine Liver Adsedkvm. II«ov*a co , (X, March 20,1847. • Mr. It. E. Sellers—ln April last my wile was attack* ed with Liver Ouiujilmut*, and had tho ilUvieo of two physicians, who tried various remedies without pro* dueing any good effect. Having beard of your cele brated Liver Pills, i Concluded to give them a fair trial. I purchased otto box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen, tad gave them according it* toe direction*, by which she,was greatly relieved.—l procured a'second box, which entirely cured her, ana tho now enjoys excel lent health. I have used meat myseil, and pronounce them the best family uicdtiliue I ever tried. Yours, Ac., _ hL*uiX'UtAU.T. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, I*7 Wood st: told also by Druggists generally In the two cities. . lantC View of Pittsburgh. MY VIK'W will be published tit as short a time as possible; end {.can assure my subscribers; and the public generally, that it shall be both iu fidelity ct detail and beauty of execution— to any other whatever. Lei those who iloobu wall a few weeks and see. K. WiiITEFIKLD. NrwYoiu, Dec. 3th, 1349.—{ddl ■ ■ - ' Gvltars.' ’ ; \ »«y Eni GUITARS inn nc’d from the IX. celebrated manufactory of & P. Martin, and bi ■ale by jonk J. 1L MELLOILSI Wood sill OLL BUTTER—I 6 bbD in good order, for saledrr XV tans - - • : WM BAQALEY ACO ■i Sobblilrood wiiuer) ferule by Ufianw BREYFOGLLA CLARKE tie. M EPICAL. Jadd>s Htdlo«t*A Mqmid CbUoU* This is covered, for dreuuvrßsTWj'Seride, Cw»,ChU* mains. Bruises, or any find of fireeJj wtHmde, also for ■or* Nipples aremedyusequaled. This aniele is intended for fain Dr use, and anosMbe found in tho possession of every, family in ue .land. Mechanics who an in constant danger of injury to their pertons through aecidenL-and thelmpreperpr careless nae of. tools, will find thlaanlelo to be invalo able to them, and after a fair trial will consider it in* dispensable. -It is an excellent substitute for adhesive plaster of all kinds, without any of its inconveniences, and is so medicated as to allay all pain Immediately and most perfectly. • i A.-very little applied any whereon the surface of the ■kin. immediately forms a firm, smooth coating, very similar to the narnral Oatiele or enter «*in; which may. . be freely washed with water and soap, without any in* jury to the wound. Theanideufreelynsedsnd.hixhly recommended by the most eminent physicians of New England, and other puts of the country. - For soloosiv by R B SELLERS, 07 Wood st B*—'trade supplied at the manufacturer's pnees. - . .... feb4 111 RV&BT BOTTLEB. aauuio ntox an ncnntx srazs as tax noon oa naan os na nsnac, vm Scrofula or Sing’s Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cnta* nemts Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes,- Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pnln of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie Symptom, Sciatica or Lambago,—and diseases arising from an injudicious ute of Mercury, Aci dic* or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—-Chrome Osnstitudoßal Disorders, Ac. In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the Medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent-simples of the vegetable ungdom: and it has been so fully tested, not only by patients them selves, but also fay physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendations and the approba tion of the public; and has established, on its own merits, a reputation for vaunt and smcaci for supe rior to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases bavo been cured, such as an not furnished in the reeorda of time pain and what U has already done for the thousands who nave used it, it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and. strengthens the fountain springs of Ufe,'and infuses new vigor throughout the whole animal’ffame. ANOTHER OURE OF SCROFULA. The following striking, and—as will be seen—per* manentcareof an inveterate case of Scrofula, com* mends itself to ell similarly afflicted: Sourayorr, Jan. 1,1848. Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the afflict ed induces me to inform you of the remarkable euro effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the case of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the ScrofiUa on differ ent pans of the body: the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a year, and finding so relief from tbs remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be* low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it jhnnld be laid open, which was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard oil and were Induced to use, Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more any prescription the had ever taken; and before she used six bettlea—to the astonishment and delight of her friends—the found her health quite restored. It is now over a year einee the cure was ef fected,and her health remains good, showing that the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all knowingto these facts, ana think very highly of Sands* Sarsaparilla. Yours with respeet, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Hu* ris, a gentleman well known in Louisiana co.. Xhavo cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with and of a scrofulous family, . w TtkXran --SBftrß*is*r*aTT.t.A,—lt seems almost unnneesssa ry to direct attention to an aniele so well known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, buip wests often who wish to use tho extract of SartapanUa, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the *■**. but containing little or none of the virtue or this vatu* ■ able root; ana we think we eannot confer a greater benefit on our readers than in directing U*jr w»t«« to die advertisement of the Messrs. Sands, lu another column.- The bottle has recently been enlarged to held a quart, and those who wish areally good article will find concentrated in this all the medicinal value of the root,' The' experience of thousands has proved its efficacy in curing the varioas ditrasrs for which it is recommended; and st the present time mere than any other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, in prepa ring the system for a change of season.—[Horae Jour* nsCScpt. 1918. Prepared and sold, wholesale end retail, by A. ILA D. SANDS, Druggist and Chemist, 100 Fulton street, comer of william, New York.. Bold also by Drug* gists generally throughout the United States and Can* oda. Price tl per bottle; six bottles for 85. Por sale by L. WILCOX, Jr* B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO„ and EDWARD FENDERICH, Pittsburgh. Al* >o, by Dr. 8. SMITH, Bridgwater. [de!9-deodAwT DOCTOR WllTm BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. THE following article we copy with pleasore from the “Boetca Msrea&dW of March, 1549, and we hope that it any of* oar readen ere aafferieg; from any of the complaint* which it ia said to earn, they will ipeodily avail thenuelvea efit: DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHEERY. It was well known many yean ago that ihs wild cherry bark' tree of this climate possessed ralaablo medieioal'qualltiet. Indeed this fast was knows to the aborigines, and deeoetions of the leaves or bark of this tree has ever been regarded by their physicians as one of the mostefieeuul remedies in many diseases.- This fact, several years since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wistar, a highly respeetabie practitioner of Vir ginia. He investigated with care the healing proper* ties of the wild cherry—tested its effects when admin* titered alone, and when in combination with other re medial arents. He to and (hat its natural virtue might be greatly Improved, and by combining It with (ingre dients whose properties were all well proved and gen erally recognized, a medieise was produced whlek consulates a remedy of great importance in pulttroas ry affections and dis usee of the chest and.threap— diseases which axe proverbially prevalent in oar cities and large towns, and often prove-fatal,.swelling the bUI of mortality to a much greater extent thpn is the ease with most others,* we had almost said all classes of disease. ~ The genuine Wlstufa Balsam of Wild Cherry has S foe simile of the signature of Henry Wistar, M. Dt, Philadelphia, and Handford and Park on a finely exe cuted steel engraved wrapper. None other are gen? We are just in receipt of the fallowing voluntary tri bnte to the curative power of Wiitart Balsam of Wild Cherry, from E. Hall, M. D., of hit. demons, Miehl* : gan, who Is a physician of high standing, and an ex* tensive druggist: Mr. Cunon, Uicb, Ocl fifth, l&4>. To the afflicted, this may certify that Mrs. B. Rob erts, o 1 this village, three or four weeks after confine* mem, was attacked with a violent eongh and great prostration, and seemod hastening to the grave with fearful rapidity. 1 advised her to use Water's Balsim of Wild Cherry—she did so. and with that valuable, medicine alone was restored to health, and is now living proof of the value of WOtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. . E. HAD. Fhytieian and Dtnggot. Read on and be convinced still farther of the remar kable virtues of Wistai*t Balsam of Wild Cherry: Messrs. Sandford A Paikt Gents. As a batter of Jus tice to you. and for the benefit of the public, 1 would offer the following statement of a cure effected by your medicine, known as Wistar’s Balts mof Wild Cherry. In the spring of 1317 my wife was severely attacked with Peripneumonia, or Pleurisy, which resulted In a deep seated pain in the side, accompanied with a so were cough: she was attended by some of the E&t physicians in Chicago, bat to no purpose; for weeks she suffered, without relief, toughing incessantly night and day. 1 came to tho conclusion that ail the reme dies xnowntio the physieixns could not help her, and was induced to try your Wild Cherry. Ipreenredone bottle, and commenced using it aeeordlng to direc tions; before it was all gone—the cough stopped, the pain in her side left her, and with the aid of angttfr bottle she was restored to rxxxxcr hxaitu. In con sideration of these circumstances. I would recommend it to tho public aj a valuable medieine. - > Yours, respectfully, ' R. N.6ARRATI. Gxatid Haros, Mich., Oct. 6,18t9. Btadt/ufoUotnng Thttsumialt. Of all the cures that have been recorded, there are certainly none equal to the one first mentioned, whleh plainly show* the curability of Consumption, even la some of iu worn forms: tion for the affUetcd, permit me to cive'voa a brief TOi Ctio ifL ta ' 1 beae^a derived from ** *», of -Dr. Wtaartßaliam of Wild Cherry. to July, IBM, I was attacked with a fever of the ty phod character. Which left me in every debilitated state, when In the following winter I was taken with a wren com, which reduced me to such an extent es to give me the appearaoca of a confirmed consumption. 1 labored under a severe cough—expectorated a great deal, end was tumbled with estid feet and night sweats. I also frequently raised blood from my longs. I con tinued in this state, gradually diking under the dis ease, until January, 1017, when I was again attacked with fever. My friends despaired of my life, and my physiciani thought I sarrive bnt a short time. My »TtT-^T'jti<^ 1 especially my feet, were constantly eoid, and Ust their feeling. Uzider these eir* cnmsUseci it may truly be said that J was a living skeleton. I finally determined to quit taking medicine prescribed by phjaieians, and try Dr. WUtmrt Balsim of Wild Cherry, and from the first week that I eoo mcaoed taking it, 1 can date a gradoal recovery. I oontinaedttinse six months, at the end of which time I was cared, and have euloyed good health otbt since, fliemd with iuisne of the lungs, esd woold eay m those commencing iu use, net to bo discouraged if two or three bottles do not effect acure; but perse veto as 1 : h»wa done, and I have ho doubt bat nine eases oat nt m will be bletred wfah renewed hosbh ul hsvs boea. Rcsoootfulir. Tugs. - .* JOSEFS JACBSO.N VOL. xm NO. I6Biiiji£: MISCELLANEOUS.' B*AUIITEU»I OISTMKSTt. Conlfinin g no i&retsry, nor otAeriUtmrsL. ; i « THE 'followinir Uitimaaial «urivenbribeetde-' *' i.w* bmtedDr, Wooster Beach, the author of theorem medical work entitled “The American Practice d > Mediciaeand Family Physician.” ‘ ~ :. - ‘■Havinf been made acquainted with theineredienta ~ -‘••.O -~whieh compose McAllister’* All-Healing Otnttterd, . and having prescribed and tested it ttr several eases in '■ my privato practice, 1 hare no hesitation la saying or." ■ . certiM"* that it i» a -Vegetable Remedy t containing no mineral substance whatever thattuingwdi«a*»:*irtf combined as and used a» directed by the . . . Proprietor, are not only harmless, bmof great valae. being a truly aeientifio Bemedyof great power, andt... f cheerfnlly recommend -it as A compoaniwhich has • *•- dosemneh good, and which UmUptedtotheeareof.... u. agroal variety of eases. Thoagh lhavenevareUher • v* t4ommendedorengtged.ia the sale of eeerei teed* r c^X£ u,li “ T^'?v.T E Su%*’bS“.,,,. HewYorkVAprilS3d, 1948. ; - .V.: BURNS.—a is cob of tho beat thing* in ih® world • PlLl23.—lhonsands are year hr cared by th£» Oinl* menu- ItheverfansinglTinirmiet . . For Tamers, Ulcers, and allkinds _of_Sores» ; -Üb*l y t :* 3 None* knewitaratoeioehseadf-s -jy Swollen or Sotb Breast, they would alw*7* apply ll - , ; In such cases, if used according to directions, u five* J relief in a verr few hours. : j>/-j i Are usd the box are directions for using Me . Ointment for Scrofula, Liver CcmpMnVErysipclaa, -*• * Tetter. Chilblain, Scald Head, Boro lEyw,Quincy,. f ;vJ! Sore Throat, Uronehues, Nervoaa Affections, Pain*, Am ; Disease of tho Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, DeaDwta, * ; Ear Aebe, Barns, Corns, all Disease* of tbe Skin, Sore I lips, Pimples, Ac* Swelling of the Limbi, Sotos, . • , i Rheumatism,Piles, Cold Fe«t,Croop, Swelled or Bro* , ken Breast, Tooth : Ache, Ague in tho Face, Ae.m From the Reading Earle. J * There was never, perhap*, a Medicine brought be** ...yj fore tho public, thaihs* in so short a timo'won seek a , reputation a* McAllister'* All-Healisut or Werlff Salve.' Aimotl every person that has made trialofit j ■peaks warmly in iuprsiie. One has been cared by it of the most painful rheumatism, another of the piled,'' 1 *■* a third of a troobleaozoe pain In the aide, a foajth of.a> ' S' swelling in the limbs, Ac. if it does not givolnune* . dials relief, in every case, it can do no' injury, being ,; ' t appliedoatwaTdly. *_ ■: v,,t. vl Aa another evidence of the wonderful healing pew* er possessed by this salve, ws subjoin the Allowing 1 c era deatc. from a respectable cltjrcacfMaidencteot , township, in thiscoontyr. , Maidencreek, Berks 3O, lM7.f Messrs. Ritter A Cot—l desire to Inform you that !.• wns entirely cared of a severe piinin the back, bj the use of McAllister's AU-Healing gahrr, whieh.l par* '.,'j chased from you. Janfferedwiihiiforabeaisn year*. nnrf n night *u enable to sleep. Daring that tune I ‘ tried vanoot remedies, which were prescribed tar tne " •- by physicians and other persons, wuhoatrecciviof any, . relief, and at last made trial of this Salve, with a re* ■alt favorable beyond expectation. 1 aanow.ennre*' c ,'J ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful \ and sweat sleep, t have also used the salve sine* tor • 1 tooth aohe and other complaints, with similar happy ._ result*. You friend, Joan lloLStsascu. james McAllister, • ' v> Solo Proprictorof me above medicine. . Principal Office, No 23 North Third street, Phllsdel ’ phlr PRICE 33 CENTS PER BOX. . ... Accra u Pirrsaoad h.—Braun A Reilcrrcorner ef Liberty and St. Clair atreets; and L. Wiieox, Jr., cor*'- nerofMarketstreetandthe Diamond, also cornet of'. Fourth and Smilhfiold •treats; J. 11. Cosset, corner 'Of ' Walnut and Penn streets, fifth Ward; sad soldaitha' •,< Bookstore in Southfield street, fitidoorfromSoeoiuL..,. . In Altefheny City t>yH.P.sehwaruaodJ.'BaigMt.- By J. <i. Smith, Druggist, Birmingham: D. N«cley,i . ;. East Liberty; 1L Howland, McKeesport; J.A*oxander A Son, Monongabela Qty; N. B. Bowman A Co., aod- ' ‘ J. T. Horen, Brownsville; John Barkley. Beaver, Pa; ;t. John AValker, Jr., Elisabeth. fetilteodly . B«w BXaalCi 0 LEMUEL; or, Going down to the Colton Field; a new and very popular Ethiopian Sony, u sang by Christy's Minstrels, New York. Composed by 8. C.-Fo*ter t Eaq-t anthor of “Undo Ned, 0 “O,Soman*,” Nelly waa a Lady; by 5. C. Foster. . . v Beaßoit—the geaaine copy; by Nelson Kaease. " ~ Speak Gently; a Tory popdarscnj-, by V. Wallace'. Indian's Prayer; by tho anthor of c Bo Kind, 4c. n Ho Kind to the Loved Ones ht lloae. * ' ' Tbos hut wounded the (pint that lored. the*.- *>;, [ * Flirtation Polka; by Strakoseh.. 'Alice Polka; bySpran*. • Caral Waltz; by Professor Bohboek. *• Aliqalppa Walla; “ “ . . . Atalanta Waltz; u Kteber; - • - : La Piueede Periea’ Grand Wabxjby Osboarao.;,, ....,, The wild flower* soon will shod their bloom;' frost the aperaofLnciade Lamaertsoor. Corine, or May Gay is the Olden Time; by C. K. Howe. . *' ’ Easy Voriauoaa to “The Last Rose of Bannacr,* 1 bye i Her*. . Thou Art Gone; way fromthe opera of Amelia.' The Graves of Blarney; from Bethovea. •. v . , When the Moon oo the Lake is Beaming. 1 A Voice from the Waves: dseue by C. Glover.’' - ’ ■" .— l#y»tnarvyoß3am4. ' ~—*■— ' -r . . - Ghapid; from LscreUsßorjU. , We are Happy and Free. • . FuhioaPoika: byJ.J|. Hewitt. Reo d and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOJt,' _ No. Bl Wood street. ’ - N.B. A large stock of now PIANOS, tb arrive this rriAKE NOTICE—Thai W. Me'Cllntock has this day I received seYcraleases of the finest and besMAUft Window ijo U and, m which hfc would moaiiespeetfaU;. call the attention of his customers and the public in general. ; Ware Boon*, 7} Fourth ev SUGAR CUBED BEEP AND UAMS-100, bbU of Sugar Cared Beet Round*; SO Uerees Sngtr Cured llama—Evant A Swift'*—for »010 by t • ” Jea3t , SKU-fcBS A NICOL 3.- T INBEED OIL—7O bit in good order, for sole by JU ian3l SELLERS A NtCOLS. i>ACSN—GOO pieces bicoa Haas. *■ ; " J> BUO - “ Sides. : • 11 --**>l 5(X> « “ Shatters frit fioafSMfro hoasa for sale by jta3l BELLEBS fc WICQL3. i4*£»*Morted,for*ai#by - ~ l j J. SCiIOONUACKER Is CO. bis, tor mis ey ‘' , jTaCHOONjaACKBttACO; CHHESE-«30O bzs WB.iistore snd for uUby". jtaso S it W liAJLBAXfOH POTATOES —60 bu Reds, in store and for sale by.. JantS ; CRAIG & SKINNER WOOL— sacks in store and far sale_by • jansO CRAIG A SKINNER PORK— 1290 lbs Balk, just ree’d and for sale by .; . . Jang. CRAIG A SKINNER IHINEBE YERMILUON-C0 lbs JnStree’dandfor t sale by jump J KIDD A GO, V) Wood st- SAND PAPER—39O reams (Smith's patent} in store and for sale l»y jang J KIDD A CO iUVE OIL—IO baskeu for sale by: ■ - ' jantu . J KIDD ACO T IQUORICE—SO lbi (refined) josi rec’d and for silo L ?y laa» - J KIDD A CO MAKLE&I OlL—k igross (genuine) on hand-and for aale by. • janlW ,-- : JKIDD ACO • NO. SUGAR—6O hhds (now cron.)Just received . and for sale by 1 A CULBERTSON* -: janTtf . . • ~ US:Libcny-ot _ NO. MQlASskB—BO bbU (oewofbp) jam rep'd • and for sole by A CULBERTSON,* - _jant®__ ■ ~ - • ■ tULlboiryat (new crop) join rac’d anti for ssioby Jan 39 A CULBERTSON BOLIVAR FIRE BRJCK—iSJMO in Store and/or jan3l KIERAJONES MACKEREL— 10 qr bbD Not; extra, far janUU__ . ISAIAH DICKEY ACO Fire a water fhoof faint-w faDUAiuscrmi Faut, tor aal« uy JanXI ISAIAH DICKEY k. CO BEAVEK BUCKETS ATUBS—Forwle by - j»o30 idAIAU PICKBVrA CO CAUDLES— 10 bx« Star; 0 ~ Sperm; 23 u BiSariuef 20 “ Dipped; for wifi by '-v ~ . Jm29 ' _ i D_WILLIAUB r -100 bxs Cream; ’7O - English Dairy;.-j - .•. -m-s bo “ Common u forsaloby J D WILLIAMS CLA Y—ld casks for sale by * • S P VON BONNHORST k CO vJ i»BSO bacon 11AMS;' . , vuw UXO Itu B*coa Sbonldexs;' ju»t Te«’d~«n coaalgnmeai tnd for Mia by / •• > • _Jm3I KIBRAJO.NJES. OUNDRIES-IO gross su'd Pocket Books. V , O 2D - - Pane*: 2Udox Pert Monies; rac'd' and for sale by fob 4 . C YEAGER, IWSeconds* ri OLD A SILVER WATCHES—AiETi® assoxpnent \jr always on by fcM C YEAGER, 106 Mutest t •A/TAPPER—IffIO lbs sa peril*. Jan rca’d, forsaloby ill f«b4 /.KIPDACO,COWoodM _ CLOUR SULPHUR—GOO lbs*for sale by : ' r fold - J KIPPACO.cOWoodst CREAM TARTAR—OOO lbs in storeond forsileby feb4 J ITTDD A CO,6QWood it CHLORIDE LIME—LOCO lbs oa band, for safoby fob* J KIDD k CO. CO Wood * TURKEY UUBER-wnlbsforsslebr fob* J KIDD Woods; Sundries—»bhdjnoesgar; . . O lio “ ** Uolassesj- •• -IS “ 88 “ - 50 pkgs Y U, laipl, and Blaek.Teas; 4 bblsTlmothySmj" : 15 - Ciorer Seed: . I 12* u Youiocj: 3 bbls Whiung; a « Madder, Ky. Segan; 30 bxs ffs Tobaee« •. . 13* rms Crown k Med. wrap. Paper; 7 ikt Ky. Feathers; CO do* C Brooms; 40 dox'Waliat Backets; 10 do do Tube; ttsasPeaNau; au bxs and « bbis Saleratac J l-.? I io c*ks Potash, prime ameiei. ~ i 6 - Scorched Salts; on * - end 24 bbls Soda Ash; i 12 “ and io bxs German Cttyr • 450 bxs ass'd Glass, from 7X9 to *U3O, 150 kgs Nails; 30 kgs Lard; ••* * a I JU s Sutter,-M aosTowßags; On hand and for sale by Ifcbti TASSSY k BEST 20 000 LC3 B * coa laSmckeWse, f Jan3l andiorsala by ' \ JOWBB 1 CASE AMERICAN AHRUtVRUCI - ,, 1 do Bermuda. do' - do, best garden; 1 do Pearl Sago; Preston's concentrated extracts ofLetfioiifVaniiJn, and Natmeg; for tale by • . v *. i r-v fetef . J SCHOONMAKER k CD PEoWfiaS-a bbbTfor sale by V fgb * J SCHOONMAKER* CO SPONGE —i caso Extialine; .. 1 case. Common; 1 bale Coarse; lor sale by feba : J SCHOuNhIAICKR k CO OUGAB—SOfcfcds N O,'new crop, jost reeM and for IJ eatoby. foltt- McGllLgfoßoE as GLASSES-# o, in bbls tad kf bbls, to sM rasa ill for sale by fobs . ttcGiLUtfcflOK .** i;rV-;»v -if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers