i ■::: I- I, -; ' r ' ; ' p " '" ‘'-—— ' MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1850. —• | PDBliaUEn BT ’ j WHITE 4. CO. j ' b.*b. won*] - [i. Kiiam. USXni BUI BUBO*, THIXD UinT, nUI' MOB TO - ''v/' T1M1! ; bl DtUrp* » 1 Tri-Wc JS I tl Weekly, laeiTtaee)—7- •*** *£® Do. » Ctabe,*i e»4*c©4 t»i*. KA9 CD Of ADYJSBTIfiaO agreed upon ! IVfl C PITWBUBQH PBUERS* One Sqm »®> (U> tines of Nonpareil er !«**)' on i tienion***—~^«**** One Sgat ft, each additional insertion*** | Do. one-week*....**-**** *•£ U , • Do. rwoweeks**.—• Tno I ~ Do. lhfeeweek*.~— ;J@ I Do. cue month***—■*» yiw , Do. two months**** - "*• ——-?*«” Dr. ihreemcntas**** .■’“l I Do. four months ...—*W» Do. , six months* ••> •*•*— W® Do. twelve months**** —*■■»•• W” . Standing Cart (« Uses o» fteej per annum* 1V» One Square,uhnngeableutplnassTO (per* o *!! num)e*ehmlveoftim paper*— **•*••*•* **£“*. ana foreaeh additional square inserteduodertho year* | ]t rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding a sq****, *“ £o*®T W fifteen Unna, to be charged aa a square end a halt - - pabUshen not accountable for legal advenlsementi ' berood the amount charred lor their publication. _ Ansoaaclng candidates for Office, to be charged the v* same as other advertisements. ' • . . 1 1 Advertisements sot marked on the ecpy wa speei- *f. • led namber of insertions, vrtllbe continued till forbid, of’rMJlr will be confined . ricldlT to their refuse business, and all othar-udver* I tisaaents not pertaining to thkir regular buiinesa, as J v **2? l u§ratiseme«u*ft^heritable mill lotions. fire! - eemannlas, ward, tovhaklp and othetpublie meetings,) afidsachukfl,»*>• charged hilfpriee, payablestrletiy in advance. I ' jjbKrtage notice* to be eharged 63 cents. - ftofth notices inserted wUhouteharge, unless accent* eaniMLby fanerml invitations or obltnazy notices, and «juia so accompanied to be paid for. . . Aegslar advertisers and all ethers sending comma* - lUstLfer or requiring amices designed to call atten* Den to Pairs, Soirees, Concent, or any public enter* tsiamema. where eharfees an made tor admittance— ail notieta of private associations—overy notiee de* ' gined to call auention: to private ehierpnscs eslenla* 3 or Intended to promote individual Imemi, eon on tj bo Insetted with tbelundentanding that the tame is lo be paid (or. lfimended to be inserted la. the loea . . eotsmn,tho same will be charged at the rate of tot less ftatflße* t» pet line. ' : - Bishop or PDlNoticfcs lobe charged tnple price. V*»yprw Volillwwa WO M.S ’ . i ltgoJand Medical udrotisememu to be charged at hi] pneas. | | Jteal Estate Agents and Auctioneers’ Advertisements hot to be eisssed undetyesrlr rules, butto be aUoweo discount of thirty three'andoae third per cent, from tee . amount cf bills, ; . ' y ' vnut oi Trnvzmt n wn wv/ One Square, threellnsertions^—r**’*’^**^! - Do. each additional Insertion*-** 3/ . Aumauiipin wourtm. . Oot Square, (lb lines,) ooftinsertico—i* ets. ' Do. ‘ each adnulonallnsertion**o. *V _ . v AU bawient advertisements to be paldjn advance. Will Je. A CO-, Cazeue. : L* HARPEBj Post, . BOirr &r.BIDDLB, Journal. JAMES P. BABB A CO., Chronicle. FOSTEB A B&OTiIEK, Dfcrpaeh. . JOS. kWOVYDEW, Mercury; J&AIBS Wi BIDDLE, Amctican. ••. A HIRAM KAiNE, Evening Tribune. Pimansau, Dee, i, iStf.: fujggxMr'x**....... .WllaßtkoWfcil. ' PATVOi!*BiKBWEbfi. „ _ A TORNE^SATLaW—Ot« la TtfsMilffl Haa, A n»mstreet, mat lixCoui: dotte. I feM ■ & WATCOS, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, eaFoanh ureet, A flaiUiflel^— Lowric 1 ! Batuliags»-«p itau*- ■ A LEXANDER FRANKLIN, AOOTUtt « u», J\ Foatihst. ' ypim -^'T^iX-. ATTORNEV^ AT LAW AND CO3UQ!StONEB FOR PENNSYLVANIA, St. Eora,Mo. P ymußlfitow* BfßMtjy smtttcil.' QCtO»ly TEMSTRUNG A CK&EEfk, Ceaamiim Merenana jOcatoi i* Prodmce, No. IB Martet^eet* A TTORNEY and Coamciioi ttLew, aid A' for the fit*a of Peanif tram*, 1 .S*. L«?i** tan A Milter, irc*sdk»«M I Clsxe > John ttt*arte, djsellsASaßplaitPCori A King. wtgUMj . ■ AIRD * ITKOaKTT, 4 , i TPORKEVa AMD COUNSELLORS; AT UWJ A Foa& atxwf between tatthfield and Grant? stt»bß«b,Pa. «•■•■ ' I ****— + Wl wiii«n ' “ - W*.C. • LAROBBnUBBD, „■;•• ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fdwth •irett* beu Grant , . ' „„„ ; ]«**»— cn F«nh «t, b«- meu SmilUeld aa4 Grant tv FttubuiA . . w - uu'B **o*unr. TkADALfY. WOODWARD A Cfc, Wkejewle Gro* P MtriCcl Brett, yialidclfrbU. aoTXI • rttffrnrgfr i»»fc«ii-• • tbKNNKIT. BERKY k CO, Mb attUetarer* of Sod * 'R *!a Kemehinf Powder*. Mb rUtio *ad Bulpbene rnTwnelaiJ No. WBXer Ferry. BorgHT ' tSSSKWffIkE. Whiled. TR-pli, inner of Übcny ond St Clnir mooli, Piu»* l A. MeAKULTY A Co., .rorwarfiag and Co® , Mcrehairt*, Canal Baala, ltt,b «Jjj}jJJ s C' ii i:itANT7Wh , rl*^ ,l * l«™. *° BSI '-X v c*t ' S'- v jji.'j'SW^h::*!; ,V-.-,'_'v \V:- * CO»t COMMISSION MEECHANTS, ■ tfca Mie of Pwocitlc, Wooleajmi Comm Pftcd? JSS, Dealer* in alUlnd* cfJSdWTr®- av»ffw5 J l«yWood'meet,feanh door fiw»PWU», Jltrni W"- i. Hill l,Co,JU«ktn. Jartfl- * *? : V J “*£, \* * % *\ 1 * f -H i* \ ,{» *\ >,»*i x£\:s ;»■• 4 •" : 7 c hrettxn vA* H-CUIIUK ! BBSTVOOIiB * CLABKXf ■rvnWABDINU and COMMISSION MERCH* TTOSwrio? demfcn to Window WU» itoSeeoadrt. .; •* 'r. ;•)%*& -ma. IW» _ "T _ jT jiiQ B. TXLu> vriuiiTONßTKWAßT,B»nttfMtttfer.of B«*»T \. :w TT£BllF m \ iSsSSISI 5 \ wa^uto iphOtdi. ■nitLDYT'jONEa t Co, (..ccmanWV.'VgJ. ■fetowsasa^ »o. ll.\yim«n»- n— — Vin”"^*' WQ, H» WUibfAttl * ®°*» i BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N«ik Eut eornrof Wood ■ad Tairt •y*:V»t. . •. Uni • ; pmwtmn. : ’'tuurn wtrt. -. '/*&***.******& ■ r jam% «. BTVWOIT*. I OUTS PILWOITH. '«■ m \ BltAVOßTUJtCo,WboleealeGrocers,Pro *l- feet tad Ccaunlulea Merthuiu, tsd Menu £rifeelUxard Powder Co. of N.Y., No. 27 Wood Ft, B)yihw«k. ' • ■ I »Ptt JufOl M. TOWN9KND, DntKUl tad Apothecary Ko. 4s Kmet tL, i&iee doon tboreTtiid tk nos wh.will here ccaitentty oa hud a well selected uj nfthc bartend tretheeliMedacitte*, which he Bnialti oa the mon ruMoebleterms. Physicians ZSuSr aiders will be pronptly tueadedie;eadeep* rfuJiSiiti *itiele*u»y tt*yr*lj;BPOßUfeniijie. Q riSLphMieitnePrctenmaiiewulbetnßmalyaad . proofed fiom the. beet ttttMlels, tt toy hear of Mdcf - a lp|» etoct-of jfteeh tndyppd FaifaS A RfUtfOtf SEtVELU there MtHy WtrreD.Otka ComailV J B :£rkfldForwmrtln«Kewtanu aaTwholeeale •r < \Ceetaru BeeerTa Ctyete* Batter,- Pot end PrwSwt iwmtlly, Water tadwSdTPitttbifou ap V• • t r i BUSINESS OAKDB. -johr i. nuun. TBAIAII DICKEY: b Co* Wbol««l* Crpeen,C«a» 1 i£j£toaMttS«aXMdd«*ltnm Prodac©,No».is wtot. «5l 107 Front ftraett. Pimbttryh. V 3NU.A.C4U(iHfcY,Apeni for Us* MieWjia. Unow Beaver aaAtbe Lafcefc^pfieo >oatho comet of Wale? tad Bauth&ctd »tf. ‘-r j*a* • rU.n tC tiiloenh ... pit »onh ■ & DILWOKTH 4 CO, Wholesale Grocer?.and i|* Afeaulo«'l!aaaidFowdjßtOo.fNo>77Woo4ai., Ptaabamfr. . ■ - 1 : oe>7_ gVitnTXYATT. (««eec»*or y Bwit betbinj >o ■ TAME? A.AiZmA Cfl-’Cdmaiutaa MeteUau, .J Lewi* aSSfiW Reiner?! V I * |J , ~ ■.,-, Itib. Vgholti«y'»~ i Rcuit denier : • *** pSi, QillU, PrUuan’Cinlt, •Ml “ f l* CARDS. v vsi fe ~Wl»»e«>U Drtftutf. J . n£_m\v~i .ligkgsgg^- banA. __)!.. _ - ~" ■■■ ' l *^~ , AseooßMTa ctraetfcfc th- ? TsiSSsssssassssisss "jobs ties 3. t - ~ Ricuaio Flo re. " Jkg, FLOYD, WholesaleOroeen, Cenmilnion a Merchants, aad Dealers la Produe. Betnd Chireh BaUdings, fteaflof oa liberty, Wood and eih FitttbaTgß, Pa. ' ■ . tayB YTMEt* 1 *!-™'*-) W* l * l — **_n«v»»T, tVmmlMlnn kl MeieAft&t, ind deftler ia Prodace tad Pittabure® vj.rrfortaret. No.M Water «u Pimbartftl janlo JJL BWEITZKB) Attorney at Law,ofiee 34 aw ■ opposite Bu Charges Hotel) Pittaharjh, will also aocad promptly to Collections, in wasttnjtoa, Feyette and Green eoaatks, Fa. ' : • REFER TO Blackstoek, Bell A Go, ■) Charch A . VFttobaxf h. . D. T. Morgan, j ~ ectSdly 7 IER A aoNE&FoTwardlag sad Commlsawn Mei* X ckants. Dealer* ia Predate aadPitt*l>Brfb®aa«* I stared aniclc*,Canal Baain, aasr7tli at. • ™__ PUI MIU, FIXTIBVEUItti TTENNEDY, CHILDS A CO, Mnnnfreturen of ▼ «w a^Agffl! V». UKHRY BOHBOOB, r>ENN STRfc’W. between Wayss a*tl llaod, fc»* i reruaertbu pTcfeaaloral donee, fijpm ia»trus» 3os» on ihe i*WE9,fiaim, and ia Vocal Moaie. I 9» r..; cpTaoiT W iOßßuHTui'iui * uu« No. a* waeny tueeb £* Srt. Whotettio. Cio*£*, Prodoce tad JU.i M i>mMeTtktiiak.tad dtttot in .Pwutmuh ViUßfcUTModaiO^®^** lo Growr, HtWfclSS lv uiniiitr, dttlM a Piodtee, Fmtb*r«tik- . ~->j-,.«gwy , .->j- , .«gwy iri la Gioeeriei, Produe, PiUibarjh Muafreuire* l'iußMTlV T: ™ 1 - * Gw^r*, • H ausataim «*d Forw»nliM K«ciMU,7o»ji EEBOVIL.. i *nd Communion Mcr- No.S?Front, !«««*“' mult ±9? ■ ■ iii v vnttYC. WHITE, Wholesale Deaton ln S‘fSS M A Good* New vaajf. Pimbatti. ——-_r- -.— —ti iv u tPHtnr.H. Wool HtKUßj*, B*"* l * p^ss.’a-oss&s: S'SS?»£rc r 2S!SfiS."r m Bpenn, tdmecd end Lari OU* - aT F VON BONNHOEST, JtCOiWtoiesateOro -8 LtZ tararitot«Sd AwaSion.Merchant* kSJSS M»“£utarei and Wettern Prt>- fessss l ” - •joaif *. co*«*iinfc "yriL IiUUT' ——-—: BAvm ircAKSUBi *?rir^2*M , CANPLEBS, (neceuon to U * i* D? Wj!S?JS^*S^SSSS!^ •*«/ iwom aim f»nu«a» ,1 . S ** «■• s«* On*l- __l i ■“ w*ttbe*,Jeweirr,*sil«rW«^ etrcfitllr repaired* • • ir ■ LUkglcMlA UIA la jSUfStSSf.atrsSSS: „ . VStm’wftlio* Co^DMlM* to leuhcrkUnto. i&£S&S3SZ -'"laWv «.]“>*■ ’ dee2 WB. ■'CTTCBIW. \xr ab.U'cutcuM W . lcn toPtodWfclJ bsrgb ffwntoMM geow •banch. ~ : J utafta bSu? 4 $ SSSmSSi »““‘ ri i.«m( I |jwi] KlSSiaf 4. l , BENNETT 4 BROTHER;, Wxd tt c a ‘; fjfab'gb *®*P 08 hand • F® 4 •**“«? SB/neotol W*rt{Zfou own meßsiecure,and IMI R Be rioTAttalny~'Wbokule ud eoaniryMei- WSSlixoreipeetfailyuiTitfcdto eUlend el ■rnina fcJjSattclTMTM wo *r* determined to hII ohftpor th*r boon offered to the pib & Order* «*at by m*ll,»eeaap*aied by the cub or SwfaS. will be promptir attended to. myl_6_ tt WXGIW^N-SiS»£hctßX«ro&klnd«ofMi -1. ton and woollen machinery, Alleghenyelry. Pi. The ahovewortt-beingnow to fell ua MMetdu »■ eraiion,! amprepased 10 e leastsoiftrt with diipuek foraJUinde- Bfmaehinery in *7 but, nth u willows, card*, «lonble« etswie, for merehantor country wort, lacks, ilLde and bandlatheaandtooUtn gen eral Alt kind* of shafting madeto order, or Plans giv en tor rearing factories or milli at reajonable charge, Bsvn to—Kennedy. ChildsA Co* Blaekstoek,Bell A Co, King. Pennoek * Co, Jas. A. Cray. BEfrT, ASP HHABB FOUNDRY* A A FULTONsBeII and Brats Founder, hat ref bail! and commenced business at hi* old stand where he will bo pleased u> see his old eastern* era and friends. ' , _ ' ' Ch«rch 1 8teamboat,and Bells of every el**» from M> to IOtOOO pounds, east from patters# of the mostapprov ed modelsTand warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pomps, Counters, Railing.' &e, toge* ther with every variety of Dram Castings, if required, tamed and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sola, proprietor of Bairn* Ajm-Ami* Tton MatAL, to Justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in machinery. ' The 'Bores and Comjwtitioa «■-» bebsdof him stsitl times. • • Is30:1y . JOAIPB * ATKISBOK, _ C/TOff AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Bltck- snuthWork. Steam Boats built to order. Social attention given to steam boat wort. ; ■ve on bands a fine assortment of Copper ana Brest Kettles,TtoWare,*e.Ae. Steamboat CcokmgßUTTei, Portable Forres, various iixps~s very convenient ar ttele for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road *^ewoSdrespectfullyinvite ream boat men and. others to eail and see our articles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. . . IT~» INSURANCE. LIFEINSURANCE! Trenton Bntnal Lite lunrante Company linn or ruMitnt udccd 25 ks ckjtt* Caplt&l, 1150,000. u JAMES DURNO A CO., Agents at Pittsburgh, ra. »oi«t> nr Ptixrnoii, at twatos, k*w r««pr. Jamea Hoy. Jr. Jo * e P^/* NrV' pith. I G. A. Perdieana, V. P. jSaSSvSft. I EU Morris, Secretary. Jonathan Flax, Troasarer. referees. I nmsoamnA. I Hen- James Campbelt. 1 David 11. Whit*. Alexander Cumminss. W.J.P. White,-P.M. naw Tova. I CempttoilerofNew York. I George. Wood. i John F.Maekie. j ; David Dudley Field. { Joseph Hoxie. I Bis Ere. Gov. Haines. I VroonE W U nirton. U. 8. Sea. I bn WiUrtci. H. C. Ex-Gov. M. Dickerson. I Hon. 8. U- Hamilton. “ MEDICAL EXAMINKRS. A.Sidney Doane. M. D. W. W. Gerhard, M. tt WWrnta tb, N. Y. XI Wai nBl PfclPa. Wo. M’K Morgan M.D-, IL B- Belt M. tt, George M’CootM.D, Allegheny city, Pa- The at Kw*™*** ‘ orixedtotake every *rn class nak on Lite aiawsiie tian afnwwfirjCev pw mt. from the usual rates of pro* miuu as charged-by other Companies. 1 nunx ' A w" 30 years of see, taking a Poliey of insurance for One Thousand Doubts— Torn.faroacy«ji,p»r. ojr do seven u u * aunnally. do ; Llfeumo, ‘ ,** . - wn And inthe aamo proportion for any op to *>**■«, which is the extent taken on any ooe Ufe. . • This company eomn»ne.ed operation* on b « t,1 % ISIS, and its monthly business «p w the. Ut Oc», 1649, shows a progress cKsfdmg that of any other Life Com* ?TJe°fim C divideod of prod# will be declared to the usaortdon tbe-tst January, 1630.. ' Pamphlets eontalnwg the various t*hle» cf rate*. • rtHBTSToiEjtSoitV ■ Tin: tbenton mvtval like *n® BURANCF. COMPANY will «»*** 1 olicie»_ol in sarance against Los* cm Davaus by Fis*»upouDw* health ibbubascb, •» pit«bw*h* The Rpilng fitrden Health IninraßW Co., OP PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 8100JX30, yNSURES Males'and Females against the Expense. T uul Los*occasioned by Bieknes or Accident, by an allowance of from; S 3 to 8a per week, manner of awarding the sick allowaueo, wilt he fuuy explained by the Agcnt^^^^ A nenan can insure against Sickness or Accident wMenwil? detain him from hi* ordinary business, as Ko"»IS-.bTp.,l»8vr* ««l" MCT“‘- For two w M « « « Fer.titrea “ “ „ « 1 *• Orfforaperiodof foor sum of P»ld manually, will seeuro«3 perweek wh»le met Every neeesaary Information will be afforded on the .■bjeelof . CO , • . OJeop B Sliding*. _ Lift aad ilialtfi Uimrtae*. Jut* Usual Life and Health ißtsnnce C«ap*Bjr of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the l^flslaimre P°e f t£SitiX f'afritsl IIfIOOOP, RiTH LOW** TOißiSt SfSr?rs«a9T. and fcU *0 per cent lower than the nuSTof&fe iMornnee, as ?£ SSSonwin ahows'Thaa* a person of itouaw^ IgeSHSSfi&KS j i p tn&f- Secretary—Francis Blaekbnrne. o te 'S£SSS4 ESLKi?i2£fiS,“> l >T “ The propeitieeot c«i*i, IWTe«,i£* »T . UE I famuli to t*»lW Sbto taT&ftS til perwa. »*> Oerire U> be *.«.<■ 1 , _ t »«ft"“ *■ Bw SvSSn'. Prudent JSsSS^eSt 13 * :ssfe»,w» rtUow*, viu Mortguea Real E*iaie- Temporal* Lo*“* Stoeu • Cub) tc. 11,338,49 S 71 Sine, flute JMfg «f WJ^ditog taw Mia SSSTSriSt et««w mnd dollsrt) low* by firjh “er 7 y „ , be acuity cfibe KlTtnuifici ofln»oriuice, m.^ " u#wlilie £ “* VoARiWkR L r OTFIN,A| t n., Office N K ggl M *!?, *#§ip§?3 sms's made known to applicants at his < - KOI , COC im A N. ! street. Qptt lIM ~ 1 _ ,eU| renter irgh, where e with dem and aatxc* -■« ud do* TELS gilt letter*, iled lo ctlL myVO-.tf foubtaih hotel. light STREET BALTIMORE. f&L Tllln e . , eufl iniodioo» in u»e cii> of m kk hu been re»«leM, "J*,?/SKfori .nd plenum of SMESSMS, S* ssi '»«•“■«» *•■ • «fflpigneWinaftßw»ctUttrgundyPoH- (fcb7»lyf j-r.gTVftsr. \ t*o«» ■. *n4-,, STUART ft SILL, Grocers, tod Product andCo&’ mixtion Merchants, NoTlw Wood tt. Dealer* la Qiocerlca, Floor, Wheat, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Batter, Urd, f»eesa; C1o«t, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Ntila» 01m, ft«. Particular attention paid u> the tale of WcKera Messrs.. Myers A Ilanter, Hobl. B*> teiifcCo, M«Gille A Roe, Himpioiy Bomb ACo iusu UiTi mo* A Moorhead, Pittxoargh. Fenner A M’MillsD, H‘ ,lillfl " Jot. 8. Morrison, Esq., 8U Louis. . V 1 ”"* G^SKSfflfffii'SßSSraifisst. IC7* Prom pTauen lion given to tba pare base tad salt, . ofall kinds of Produce. Bun To—John Wan * Morphy, Wilson A Ca, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Lawson k Hill, Mshloa WeiUviQe! O.; ioha H. Brown k Co., tirigg, Kluott A Co-, Philaaetabia; B.W. BnodgrassA C«s Grogs A Naco, New Lisbon, O.; Pr. Skinner, Km. C.JX Co&n, Cincinnati: J. P. Keller, Youngstown, O- W. L» Stan-, dart. Cleveland. O- la «** OKOaOB OOCBEAI. Cemntuloa and Forward in# BsrekaaL no. as woon nrnacasn, CONTINUES to transact a general CqmiMiitoa bog* ness, especially In the parebase and talc o/Ameri can Manofiaetores and Prodoee, and In receiving vtd Sniai»PSri“J£S& ££&%] the principal articles of Pittsburgh MMn*t»cian a* iJ» lowest wholesale prieaa Orders and consignments are rerpeetfully roficlted. ?*•_ ■ MISCELLANEOUS- _ UNCORD * CO- 4 AB&i H (Successor* to M’Cord ft fang), |9jHk' A pashtosakls Baliert, Cbrwr of .Wooi andJ?iftk •. PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely tpon getting their Hats and mean sty with confidence that as regard* CfCsirtT and rate*, it will not rafts in a comparison with any hoara ioPhlladelpbia. J*ML. TO PBHTBRRIt JOHN D. M'CREARY, tak Muafiwtam NO,. 331 and 333 Sunton street, NEW YORK—Do not No. S Borneo sue**—Woald call the attention of t’knieis to hie improved Printing Inks of varion* kinds and orders, at the following pr»ees: “■ss* c * rf »°& 3 <» k. n.. M"“. • ■ ss «is :■ jsntf» •. »ts ?« -:• ■; Bise, Yellow, Greco and White 7So 1 W l j}® . G«W six© at 8* per lb, and Bronx# at W, *4 el* and f, A«oeeimea of News Ink can be aeeaon(h» paper, portals by JOHNSTON k Morton RCruwouldi LoalSTilto, Ky. octfcdom “ BBW COACH WCTORT» . I ft ilffUf. Mi WHITE a CO- woild respoetiUly iafc*» „ tu public that they hare erected a shop on ockthelween Poderil a»4Sandusky streets. They main* ud m prcpiral to rtCTlj. orier. fcr “ rr detripZ. rouehes, Bnggies, Phmtons, Ac., which from tnetf lone experience in the manufacture of the ibore wortr, •ndthe Iheililics they hife»they feel confident the yare enibled to do wotk on the most rratonable terms with sslKhsks jsesutsk: « therefor* ask the auentkm of the pißle to this mswer. N.B. Repairing done la the beet manner, and on die most reasonable terms. DliDhiwmVfltsr, Uispnnf» THIS Is to certify that I hare erf B> ■ pointed LlTtnpton, Roto * BolaAgenu for the sale of Jean Lai's BVpiimt Qlkpnh|B Filter, for the ci| y for Walter M Glheon, 30 Broadway, N*Tl d-issiSssasas SIS? SKfSKSKi «-»•»*«*«!“Sfig ftii»nleleto*ll'rtioloTepw.^ ler * Ori.f.wt.l M BOOGF.N A Co 1 Buhlas Work# «d Feandry. * ■■■ !■■■!] lIV. VA_ JOHN WRIGHT fc Co., art prepared to balld Cotton Woolen MwblnofT c< \ e,or Z v^s^ P a^ , -s^^ ss&tsfeE§ sui»« of Cut Inm, Pnllie* and I iunjeraork UtSt pattern*,alide and bandL^bea, ;Ss:S«p7ffl Sf™ SSiSiIT » ‘riu». mSicKb T fcut * 9d door abo»« wa N. D.—CltT Sen, will bo ukeiu ~•» f"t ■f» • he abQTC a*aorUne n U tai* ■f1,(M7,4D8 41 . M. 794 83 tw.ool 83 61,50 i* . 33 iTTtIMMH, »«PU l», I*** MIL THOS. K. HIBBEBTs—Dear BIT, \ear\Vßl - FLUID we h»n ww been u* rear, end on looking of e? the entnee »ade bjr it,, we t/d le Slot . b^glt l W. -“«»■ , k “ write with. flo»« *«®i “ d &*•, nOl c,O * k v “* J£!l ~i« the ord-*i»T7 take la w. Wilting you the; leedy >** it* met- » ..«. J°w 'XtounV ca For l»le, together -ilk Hftberfe Bed lot, ei,d Me ■wggs^&*=& A Pnitkt Ar Te»t Family nJTOHßlS A WILLIS’ HOME JOURNAL.- Week jyi ly—ti per annum, “The bo*t piper in the Union **•*':, “ Rather get in coil Hum go without u."-(Uo.t. Po»t Puldiehed In New York end FUl.lmrjb every Sel nlry of by lenetl w die ottee of nrrei- |CU7 * , O A VKI> UEBILIFE—6«Uor»’ Veimifage UUu O el*! ~ LxxnmToi,, ■Old »lK> by Dniggim ««•«»> “ Uo lwo eittM - Valval Pflfl WMcCUNTOCK U l “ fK^Sjpi! t;SS£IPSsH sfS^JsagSE®* B ' B “.S^SfflisawHßSn-. *5 i ‘JsKlLfUrSSa"* „{° I “ o i2frt!S£ ««> !lo*«akeeping goods, la wUI bo offered si aurejoo *» b g , b s rt '“’ “ * a MABONA ays, eo Uoikei n pOtfBiWT^WSP miscellaneous TVAILY ulhe Ss^ft2SW?JrWSifflMtfffi issff number of good situations on hind* wkiehMy WjOOO P« wut ofsitattions of any kind would do ’•*11» f"J asaeall,uwetirt agents in etch of the ties,Whichwillenabtous topl*e«e»«7 •FR|j?*!L l 5 JfSiable situation at the shortest notice. '»ehtTe* uSTtcastiraLnce ui tU the those nan ed clue*, wluehwetrastwill enable a. to give enur saiuTae tinn to all who nay favoPus with a cull. .TAYLOaZTAYMANjjta-fcf 3 Say. JOaSisssss saresyssss tieroftkaabovecities, will base ihetf w diatelr attendedto hr addressing us a lino, pou*j«U) ir±i Easy- x • A 0 ®* I ** No.»Seeooi atreet, mygfcdtf Baltl »o.re 1 Md THB ABEOfiBTBBr mUE attention of the public Is respectful JL the following certificates: Tte. 8. Burn*—Having tested acuant welshed by your Areometer. I and the n year instrument correct; and recommend t to those going to California, as the best me ulnl« CK _ marli Voors, resp’y. a. B. hUCUUvrocK-_ r«*ltrffotH« . California Brpediuoo, -a complete assortment ot Gam Elastic Clothing, * pnees ranging I n«n ®W® •II AO for salt of coat, pants and hub For sale at the todnt Bnbber PcpotTWod Wood GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE i'ISCOVERYI PatlJll B*Ctm«D l«tj 1949. Patittf crossover extension TabUs, Sofas, Bureaus, jUrf Casts, T Voting Desks. LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON, mns TABLKB far surpassing every other in vention of the kind now extant. They can be ex tended from tea to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leases are all contained inside-,, limy are made to all sixes and shapes, owl are admirably adapted tor keamboaUj-Hotels, and large private families, term or when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inral mmble, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and conrert a sleeping apartment taw a oarior or room, as they can be opened and that at convenience, and when shat, the bedding is enclos* ed. A great saving la room and rent AU the bed when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture useful article for parlor ° f WRn!&QD£SKB--For law offices, counting rooms, and other offices; when oponeda most convenient bed ttesAwhcs closed a perfect Desk and Library atone kjfti these articles need no recommendation! the beauty,efths whole is, they are warranted not w get oat of repair. It will be for your interests to call and examine the articles, at the manufacturer t store, rso. 83 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to- the above ■*“3ls- *** ” pro jAtsS! w Toopwei-u lU4ra Brlek Work* for 84l«» „ milE subscriber offer* for salo, tie cfEAN üBICK 1 WORKSi above LawrcnceriUej comprising a Suva Enginfo * Uoiler*, 6 Mould Machine, capable or mamKaeturtag Fretted Uncks (out of dry e*»r. as taken ftoa tie bank,) per day; with ibrre acre* of IfnJ oil U»e Allegheuy river, on which an * kilos “ a ■beds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, tracks, Shoves, spades, Ae n every thfeg “,52®: CMnee operations al an boars notice, frneo, including the pale at right to nse uud machine, V/m^mat *of i uvmeut rude easy. Wulioat the (and, Eor SSSnUnrSdrMa HENRY tfEORJTT, p aarCT-dtf No US Mouongahela Iloase^ *• Wrought and CMt lfo*lUUlng. mHE subscribers beg leave to inform the public ’Hat T they have obtained from the East all the late and Chionable designs for Iron KatUag, both for houses aadcemeieriea!* Person, vrishiag to procure hand !f£a patterns will please call and examine, and judge for themselves- Railing will be famished at the short* «l notice, and in the tut manner, at the corner o' KNOX. V - « Oyaierat TTfcDRVE A. CO'S Daily Kxprew H sow regularly e!l OYSTBUsvwt*** are ol jKd to d**ter» nnd (aciihes at ibe lo*wt pne»« SujiUy warranted e.}uaJ » aay btoagJt to ibn n.ar- f ,l * for tMi * ly j. c. BID WELL, Agl, Water it. « V Al«>—At theft/JJowias d*POtai-~Hoiafc UcrgeM-or- Ber Baulbteld lad Second •*»» F *J, l , c V el ® a ’ Manwr * RoUuoa. K*denl«t^»l«tanT._ fe-r u ‘ SvS M. between WJlyjai * IIKW BOOK** SEW BOpl£*l . I TIIK CouUtnUon and Standard of the Associate J RefSSl Cfcartb in North America «vo, bound Side, or Note* lor the lliitorjr of the War I beiween Mexico and the United biale*, whiten in | ood translated from the Spanish, with note*: VfßefannJ and Refonnersof Oreai Britain and Ireland: By II- B- Stantom The Wort* of President Edward*, in 4 tol*, ■ print of the Worcester edition, with addition*, and a C of't*yp t,or E*ypt a\Vitaeu fox the 'Bible: By F. L. Hawk*, I>. D„ L. L-D. . Memniri of David Hale, late editor of Joumal of Coßuaaree, with teleetion* froa. hi* Miscellaneous "flS'Kite Ai/iS^Sv K.,^6. Loa Gringos, or an lniide View of Mexico and Cal ifornia: By Lieat. Wiw, U. 8. Navy- I , .. . 1 Familiar Letter* to Yoong Men, on Jartoa* snbleflts, a* a Companion to the Yotwfr Men • Gmdo: Nineveh and its Remain*: by ELUtor ienoush^ AlPrenal for Tfo»r rJmliyT MORRIS A WILLIS’ HOME JOURNAL PrfustD WnuT—s3 xn ahssm. ‘•The be** p*pe* la ihe Union." fErening Star. "iUxher get la coal than go wilhoutir" {Dolton Port. jmio _— r - a ~S>w~Book* Jnil ATrlr*i« t ~~ SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, by J, T. lfcadly, with original design! bv The Poems and Prow Writings of It Physician and Patient, or n Practical View ol the MonriDsiics, RelaUons sndlntereiii ®/j Profession and the-Community; by W. Hooker, M. D. Tbo Puritan and Hi* Daughter, by J. R. Paulding, . w ,Knr ei the Dutchman’* Fireside. . , by Wue 7, Wnoii it misellaneous literature, AT LOOKWOOB'It ?3 WOOPDTIIKKT. BROWN’S American Angler’s Guide; full of illus trations, 12mo. Paulding’* Puritan and His Daughter; 13iso. Dr. Hooker* Physician and Patient; lil»o. Mrs.’Eills’ Hearts and Homes; Bvo. Neander** Life of Christ; Byo. , . A lllittiT c lm , a.n Cliorch; 3 .01.,e.0 Rst. Dr. Spring’s Memoir* of Miss Murray, B Goods, of recent purchase and|tinportaunn.wh,oV they will sell to the trade at such prices an cnai ot fall to rive entire satisfaction. ' . City and Country Merchants ore invited to call and examine our «oek belorc purchasing else--- - myB , _ DRY GOODB. hvrphYi wilson * co No. 48 Wood St., Pmsscnaa, A R£ now receiving their usual 'aopplirt. of Goods A lor the Fall season, which tney will happy to exubit to their old customers, and as many new ones as may foci inclined u> present tbemeelver. Always inking great pains m lay it. such goods a* are adapted to the wanu of the WcAtcrn trade, which long experience enables them to do, they can say with much confidence, and without entering Into a dsiatl of their stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that Jus curtomers require. Those who have formed the unjirefctnblo habit of repairing to the Eastern cities tor ihcir stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to call, us a candid compuisou of nri* ces would in many cases result in the conviction that tho expense of going further may bo obyiated by buy ing la Pittsburgh. »pna UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS. W It MURPHY continue* to keep on hand a full • eawrimebiof ike Welch Uruhrinkebla Flan* udbu recently received a tupply of the Oner quautle*. Alto Bwantdown Flannel*, t tcarce uni* ela end well adapted for the wear of invalid*, and etbar* wanting aoinething warmer than uatfal. Alto, Fenian and Uaute Flannel* Cor Infant* wear; to* stherwitha full *apply of American manufactured . • 3HROUDINU i, at the' North Flannel*, of different qualities* Am FLANNELS, or oil the different widi Kut comer of 4lh and Market sts. |o*WUoteaale Booms up stain, where dealers will always Bod a good assortment of new style goods. j*n4 ' ______ FAST COLORED FEISTS. WB. MURPHY Inrile* the attention of Injtn to i hi* present eholeo stock of Print* at Hi cents peryard-of fa*lcolor*anJnewe»i«iTlet. Also—Newest styles EcglishjChinue*, from I*l to * Also—A fell a**oruaent'of small figured light Print* ind Chintzes, boll; bine, pink, lalock, purple, orange, Ac. Room* pp stair*. J* nia . Gassst* BUIK CHECKS-, CUO«7'»EiL?‘ i '“"f l Sf ek '! tss?** ** ai ‘ A:r aji.' BLACK SILK lacks, including a Cew pieee* of cxu. widlh, u to torn*, ■' ‘•’IPS'iMbSuV js&U MEDICAL, paOFKSSOB. BABBT’S TBICOPHKB 008 OA BKDIOATBS COHPOVBD. TNFAUJ'BLK for renewing, Invigorating, and beau nfrin* the Hair, removing. Scurf, Dandruff; and all i n»iioo»of tho Scalp,ami earing^ Enfnitm ea the jikia. Di«ea*ea of the Gland*, Harete* and laiM»* SS&, and relieving stlngvCat»,Bmi*e», BptaCis, S Ac Will* thi* preparation. ‘‘them I*. no aueh tmdMfluL** Tbofiraljaulrnalijn Amencm medied SeiTdrSStt room* andnttnerte^admuwUicnaae. in« wound*, coring confusion*/ iprains, stings,,Ae., Tmeli which feed the root* with aeUarc and impart Ufere&e fibres, the result 1. of the hair, myne**,«yne**, aud aareenea* oiure Ugamenu,and -entire.baldne**aathoeaiemy iffimnlUMhc iklato hullMiil «*» *jJJ SITSjSi leroua, and the torpid veiteU, recovering their acu , »v. will annihilate the iliaea**. ■. .t y jn all affection* of the thin, acd of muscles aud Integument*, the preeei* and tho effect 'upon the .kin, the muieularlfibrm «■* *[» gland*, that the Trieopheroo* ha* iu ipeclfo acuodj and in all affeetioo* and injanoa of there, organ*, u*» ly of Cold nil prove* io are of u hod for ol>* 'i Deaur. * price 25 cent*, al tho principal Office, 137 Broadway, li.Y. PBOOL AH ATIOH. T/' NOW all men who are tick.and alßieled with di£ V oare oMhe bladder and kidney*, with rheumatic pain* in back or lunb*, itiffioiou, old jorea, waning nicer*, Ac, that they can be cored by taking tbe Pe troleum! Voa mayi'-*'* about it* being a nottram a* tiiieb a* you pi care, bntthi* doe* not make t re,tor wc proclaim miho face of an hone*t community, that hhaa virtne* which »re not contained in any other remedy.- The man who i« reeked with pain end™/- ienng from dlicase, can for fifty cent*, any of the ill* ermnme rated above. Reader! “ «om* verv liuio to make a trial. Thia Petroleum la no mig lure—oo compond, put up for the pureoseof imposing onthecoamunity; butJt is a remedy elaborated by -Se master hand of nature, and bubble* np somlofour mother earth in it* original purity, fcre to suffering htunani y a ready remedy, , certain after other medicine* have to render hnjrreiiet It ha* cured mndidg, and of the worit and moat painful character [that cnredCholera Mortm* by one or two do*e*> M has enred old case* of Diarrhea, in which everToiher remedyba* been of no avail. A. a ‘ocal remedy Ut bnfnsand scald*,!! U better thin any medical < mb pound or ointment that we know of. It will care chiJ Slain* or fro*ted feet, in a few "SSmA ed loittnjony cm bo furniihed of the truth ia the above »l*temenl by calling on Samuel hL Bcr, Canal Bull),7th street; or either of the agents. Keyser A MeDowaU, comer of Wood ™- e J l °~ Virgin Alley: R. E. Seller*, 57 Wood nreet, 151 Uot A D. 5L Curry, Allegheny city, are the agent*. j»n3t ___ " CACTIOH RXTBA A man by .the name of RUEL CLAFP ha* engaged with a young main of tho name of 8. a they call Jlf. TownsbntPe Samparilla, dcnorninating tt OENUIIiE. Original, ete. Tht* Towarend t* nod«- SSwwrwM, bit was formerly a workeren mil reJuTcanal*, «l»d «*•-, , Yel ta ,VS?S , iSfi2S ss ufsass ss^g-gaaS purchase none bnt the ObNUINEORIOIJt Dr. Jacob Townsend* Sanaparilla, “ V*® Old Dr.* likenere, hi* family coal of ana*, and hi* BI S nature acres* the coat of xowNgEND . Principal Office;Naawu it, New York City. OU ) JBff&k k DOCTOtt JACOB TOWHBBHD, 'THE ORIGINAL «g| SgtJß accnna TOWSSKSD BABSAPABXIiLA. OM Dr. Torrosood D now thorn•'W*™! Ini lm* luvn kISVD u (is AUTHOR WO DISCO* VKRER ©f use GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA-” Being poor, he wa* eampelleo 20 liuui its manufacture, by whiek mean* it kept tilu «f market, and foa aalet cireon?cnbed to those only who had proved its worth *nd known Itt value, i This Gaum ua Übxqbaujq manufactured on the larjeat scale, and i* called for forougboiU the length and breadth ot the land. Unuho yoang B. P. Townaend’a, U Improve* -sth arv.arel Mverehtnres, bat for the better) boctasu It U prepared on aclenufle principles by a aeißttlte C9fo TbeolghMt kaowledgo of Chemistry. lap lug* 1 diseoTcriea of tha Art, have all been Wgwht info »- oalsitian In the manufacture ol lha OM Dr?* Sar*a£a» nlla. The Sarsaparilla root It la well known to med leal men, eoatalaa aedieinal properties, and some pro* oertiet which are inert orusolese; and oUiera,whtnh, if retained in preparing it for we, produce formeaU* tlon and acid, which U lojiftioaa to tha ay atem. Sotao ofthe propcrdea.ot Sarsaparilla ere to that thcT entirely evaporate and ara lost In the prepara* uoa, Lf they are ft®* preserved by aacieaudc process, known ouijr to mow experienced in its manniectura. Moreover focse volatile principle*, whieh fly offln »a por.or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very ee- Mntial medical proporuts of the root, which give* to 11 *“ |U ~ , “ r Tb ”oK»O.IIB OLD DR- JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA u u> prepared} that all the inert properties of the &ar* aaparilla root are first removed, every thing capable j ofbeccmin* acid or of fermentation. Is extracted and ; rejected; Sen every parriele efmedleal rtrtne U seea. 1 red ina pore and eoucentratad form, .and the* Itu rendered incapable ofloalngany of ! wJ healing properties. Prepared in thD way. It ta made | - lienee the reaaon why we hear commendations on 1 everrside in its favor bv men, women and children. We find it doing wonders In the care of Consumption, Dyspepsia, andliver Complaint, and In Rheomatum, | Scrofola and Piles, Coatlveneaa, aU Caianeon* Erep* , tions. Pimples, Blotehea, and all afleetlons aiutng f»m 1 ’ P IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. ■ , It inH »»«•*■ a marvellop* efleacy in all complaints j sSsAKsas! head, oalpitsrion of the bean, cold feet and eoldihand* eeldenillaand hot flashes over the body, it has not bad Its equal in eooghs and colds; and promotes easy , expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing itric* tare of the lungs, throat, and every other part. But in nothing la Its exeellenae more masiiestty seen tad acknowledged than lo all hinds sad stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonder* In cases of fluor albas or whites, Failing of the Womb. Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pain ftUMeases, iTregnianty of the menstrual penods, and the like; and l* effectual in ounng all forma offoe Kid* ney : Diseases. By removmg obsLraetioas, and regula* ting the general system, It gtves tone and strength to the ■whole body, and cares all forms of , NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents or relieves a neat variety of other diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, 8L Vita* Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, CouvuU tons, Ac. It not this, then, tux Mintons too Pax-Exntxxn.v NutdT But can any of these things be said of 8. P. Town send’s interior anielet This young man's liquid is not■ COMPARED WITH TIIB OLD Dtt.*B, because of the Grand Fact, that the one Is incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the ofo* i «r 'DOES; it soura, Dementi, and blows the bottles 1 containing it into fragments; -the sour, laid liquid OX -1 pioding and damaging other goods! Most not this tor* 1 fiblo compound be poisonous to foe «ysteoJ What! < out aeid into a system already diseased with acid! 1 wbatcaueesDytpepslabataeiu! Do we not all know, foal when food soura in our stomachs, what mitehlefii 1 ii produces!—flaiulenco, heartburn, palpitation of the. is&ss asatf«a < E3Sisa , as hirnor In th, body! Wku pradnet. lb. Jnncn, end all ulcerations internal and extern alt 11 is noth in* under heaven but an acid substance, whloh amirs, and this spoUs all foe fluids of the body, omre or less. What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which Insinuates itself between foe Joints and elsewhere, ir* ritatiffg and Inflaming foe tender and delieate tissues upon which it aetst Bo ©f nervous diseases, of Impu rity of foe blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailment* which ofllicl human nature, ■ Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite- KsYKVE^JNOj^gI.^MPOD^. and vet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja cob Townsend’- Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an im-liuon of hn inferior preparation’. He ten forbid foal we should deal Sn an article w £} '** would bear foe most distant resemblance to S. J, . n ,end's artlcUl and which should bring down upon u»e Old Dr. such u mountain loafl or complaints a ,d criminations from agenta who huve *otd, andpur clinsers who huve used 3. P. Townsend’s Fermenting understood, because It is foe absolute truth that 3. P. Town scud's article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar, foal they are unlike in every par ticular. having not one single thing lu common. It Is to arrest frauds epon foe unfortunate, to pour halm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the desnsrinug bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi tft.r Into the crushed and broken and to bam»hintumi fy— foal old DR. J ACOU ToWNaBND ha* SOUGHT ■nd FOUNDfoe oppottumiy and means to bring In* U,aS£uNIVER3AL CO.N&EN MIATED KKMEDh within foe reach, mid to the knowledge of all w a « need it, foul they n»y learn and know, iiy joyiuicx berlence, ItsTksascKros-vr rowsa to ukaj.l .ale by J. KIDD A CO-. Wholc-at.- Again for Western Pennsylvania; J. HMITII, Jft- J. BARURANT, Allejfheay} J>». J- t.A>HhLi., Futl. warAG. W. OAtIDXER-tifo want. Pitu-urgh T irVERCOM PLAlNT.—Another core perforced by JLi using foo original, onJy true and genuine Uvr Pill. Aanotxßi Brown eo., (X, March 80,1847. Mi.R. B.Seln»-ln April lul cd with Later Complaint*, and had the adtice of two nhyrioiana, who tried tenon* remedlei wubont pro duclox any Rood effoct. Hating heard of yonr eele blaied LavarPillaj 1 ooncladed w» gtte them a fair uSI I pnrchawd oae bo* of Mr. Scott, ef Aberdeen, emiaave themaccordiur to the diroeuona, by whkh the WeteatlY redcre* I procured a .econo to*, which entirely cured her, and me now enjoy* excoi* ESteJSS” u.r. wi Owmnif.oil.Jfaf prooo.nc. & Ih.Utaul, ‘ '%'S. y„p.”i'i«aVoM ir R. E. sellers, «7 w. ( •olda?io by Droggi*'-* generally ia the two clue*. i ' kanlA .... vt«w Of Plltslmrctk. Mv VIEW wilt b«"po bllllied In as then a time as possible; and » e« **** * “7 •abwribet*, Sjst"- u " k ~rst&ss&' mStYW Dtt.M, 18U-fri.ll A PEW very fine GUITARS, )nit ttcM from tie celebrated manufoetory «MIP. Mania, end for •ale by jenft 1. ft. MELLOHi6I Wood st.| 1 jjoiaguDrrH.-.. tbu medical. JmAd’l JJqu»4Cnflof.. _ . .lOTtrtJ, tot to*«M 1 “/SJlrtSta, IStot tmtilpplM ».Wf'USSSiSu TO «,«ndrtwlll». Thu article-u fimadlnthepowession <*«*»** *}*"*, «riSurTW ■Mechanic* who ara.ta eoa«ta»i.dwi*er or wjsry w their penon* tbronfh aeeldert. earalw*aae of tool*, willSadtbUartole able.to them, and aflerafair mil will eon*toe raw dl subiUwta for adheyiTa P l ***! all kind*, without any of it* ineonTeajenees, aiw *■ *® medicated a* te allay all pain Immediately •' n ® mfl * l little applied anywher* on lie lorfaeeofika akin, immediately forms a firm, maootb eoadM.«fr tisaiiar to the natural eatiele or ooterakin; wnteftmay be freely washed with water and aoap, without any -n* B^»o > aniele°ts , &oely used and highly recommended by the most eminent physician* of Now England, ana other part* of the eountry. • ■ ; For tale oittT by ft E SELLERS, 57 Wood «: : B —The trade supplied atthamanafsewwrt tg QVAXLT BUTTIiEJB. rot til* uxoval ass nnuum ctrt* or au. aousa .wimnwi Aaixrpa«»TaT«oytg»»xooa . Ot HABIT or TBt SfITZX, TOE Scroll ila or JOng's Evil, Rheumatism, pbrtlaate Cuta neous Eruption*, Pimple* or Po*mle«ontfio F*cC, Blotehe*, Bile*, Chronic Sort Eye*, Ring Wem or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bone* and Joint*. Stubborn Uleera, SyphilUc Symplon*, Sciatica or oUe**« arising from aa injadielona n*a of Mercury, do titea or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Lift} Aieo—Chronic Constitmioaal Disorder*, kc. • In thl* preparation are Krcaglyconccniratod all the Medieinal propertie* of-Saaapanlla, comhinedwith the most effectual aid*, the mort salutary production*, the nmct potest simples of the vegetable kingdom: and H ha* been to fully teited, not onlf by patwnta them *alve«, bat also ny phy'rieian*, tnat it ha* recelwd their unqualified recommendation* and the approbS don of the public; and ha* established, on It* own merit*, a reputation for taut* and xtticact far **pe rior to tho Tariou* com pound* bearing the name Of Sarsaparilla. Disease* have been eared, rack u are not famished lu the records of time past; and what it haa already done for the thousands who have aaed It. It Is espsble cf doing for the millions Kill mfiering and arorgung -with disease. -It pttrilk*,'elean*M, and strengthen* the fountain spring* of life, and lnft>*c* The following striking, and—** will be Mea-per manentcareofanlayetorate esse of Scrofula, com mend* itself to all similarly afflicted: . I Sotmtron, Co urn, Jan. 1.1848. Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the afflict ed Maces mo to inform you of the remmrkoul# cure edecud by your SursapanUa, in the ease or my wifo She was severely afflicted with the Sorefala on differ ent pans of tho body; the gland* of the neck were rtestly enlarged, and her limb# maeb swollen. After Suffering over* year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated, lier physician adrlsod;it should be laid open, which wii done, but mahout any , permanent benefit In this situation we heariof,. and were indueed to use, Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The first «rod need a decided and favorable effect, rellev in* her more than any prescription she had ever taken; and before she used six bottles-to the asiomitncent and delight of her friends—she found-her health qarte restored. It is now over a year since the car* was ef fected, and hor health remain* good, showing that the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the Our neighbors are all knowing to these acts, and think ret, hljUy of Sand* 1 S.t.apirtlla Your* with respect, • JULIUS rilui| . Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W 1 Har ris. a gentleman well known in Louisians eo., Vau I •kJenUemen, I have cured anegro boy efmlft* whh | your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked With Scrofula, < N.W.IIABHIB. “Fredsrick* llaH, July 17,1848." Sssu*’ a r*' , ‘* r "-‘— ll seems almost uanneetasa* rv to direct attention lo an article so well known, and eo deservedly popular, **thlsptep*reUoB l bti*«tteits often who with to use the extract of Shrsaparuto,' are Indoentto try.won&less compound* basting the name, but containing little or none of tho virtue of this vain | able root; ana wo think- wo cannot confer a greater ! benefit on oer reader* than ia directing their suentibn - of the Messrs. Sands, In toother DISCOVERER column. The bottle ha* recently been enlarged to beiue flint, and tboso who wish n really good article' will find concentrated in this all the medic Inal sake of (he root) The experience of thousands has proved iu efficacy in caring the various diseases for whleh it 4a recommended; awl aitfcs preaent lime more than any other, perhaps, is this medicine uaefoL in pfepa* ring the system far a change of tenon.—[Homo Jour* nal.yept-ISii. Prepared and aold, wholesale and retail, by A- B. A. D. SANDS. Druggist and Chemist, 100 Fulton street, •comer of William, New York. Sold also by Drug* gists generally tbrongboot the United States and Can* ada. Price SI per bottle: six bottles lor *5. ' For sale by I* WILCOX, Jr., B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. ned EDWARD FENDERICH, Pittsburgh. Al o, bT Dr. 8. SMITH, Bridgwater. [dclP-deodAwT DOCTOR WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, THE following article we oopy with pleasare ten fom “Bocoa Journal," of March, 19W, mad we hope that if any, of oar readers are suffaring ten any of the complaints which it U amid to care, they will epeedily aTiil themselves of iu DR. WIST AH’S RAIAAM OF WILD CHERRY. It «u well known many years ago that the Wild cherry bark tree of tilt climate pone wed Talaablo medicinal qualifies. thii foot was knowato the aborigines, and decoctions of the learcs or bark of this tree has ever bean regarded by their physician* as one of the most effectual remedies in many diseases. This fopt, several yean since, arrestedthennenlkm of Dr. Wistar, a highly respectable practitioner of yir ginia. Ho investigated with care the healing proper* ties of the wild cherry—tested its effect* when admin istered alone, and when m combination with otharro* medial areals. He found that its natanl virtue might be greatly Improved, and by combining it with ingre* whoso properties were all well proved and gen* erally recognised, a medicine was prodneed which constitute* a remedy of great importance ia-pulrama* ry affections »«d dis asms of the chest and throat— diseases which are proverbially prevalent in out chics and Urge towns, and often prove foul, swelling the bill of mortality to a much greater extant than U the ease with most others, wo had almost said all classes of disease. The genuine Wlstax*s Balsam of Wild Cherry baa* foo of the signature of Henry Wistar, M.jBW Philadelphia, and Sandford and Park on a finely ex©* cuted stoel engraved wrapper. None other are geo; nine. j We are Justin receipt of the following voluntary, tri bute to the curative power ofWistaria Balsam of Cherry, tern E. Usli, M. D., of Me Clemens, Michi gan, who is a physician of high standing, and an .ex tensive druggist Mt. Ctxrtiss, Mich.. OcuStth, IMJ. To the afflicted, this may certify that Mrs. B. Hob* ena, of this village, three or four weeks after confine* Bent, was attacked with a violent cough and great prostration, and seemed hastening to the grave with foarfol rapidity. I advised her to uso Wow's Balsam of Wild Cherry—*b° did so, and with that valuable tnMji»ip« alone was restored to health, and is now a living proof of the value of Wmar's Baforaof Wild Read on and be convinced still further of the na»r. kabie virtues of Wisut's Balsam of Wild Cherry: Messrs. Sandford k Park. Scots, Asa matteroQas* Uce to you, nud for the benefit of the PV&A22ES! offer the folio wing statement ofa cure effected bv jour oedieine, known u Wi star's Balsam of Wild Cherry, la the spring of 1847 my wife was y verety attacked with Peripneumonia, or Pleurisy, wfiieh.resulted in a deep seated puu in the side., accompanied wifo a so* rereeoogh; she was attended by some of the best physicians in Chicago, but to no.purpose; for weeks •he suffered, without relief, aoughing uieessanUy night an<> u:iy. 1 came to the conclusion that ail the renw* djt, .i.uivii'U) the phyaicians could not help her, and «va* ui'iuccd to try your Wild Cherry. 1 nrocuxedoae i,tuid commenced using it according to airee* tibiis; before it was all gone—the cough stopped; foe in ice* ride tail her, and with the aid of another huiiU* *!«o was restored torzuracT utanni. In con*, aidcruuon of these circumstance*, 1 would recommend it t<> tUf nubile as a valuable medicine. A-oJis respceuully, R. N. GARRATT. • (iiisn Rjirrns, Mieh n Oct. 9,1615. Reail (As foUowmg 7Vifuacniai ,„ or *ll (be cure* thit bate beeu recorded, there are certainly noue to‘the one first mentioned,which plainly shows the curability of Consumption, eten ia tome of iu wont forms Caown PotsT) Lake co., la, Janie IS, 19(8. J. D. l'aifc:' Dear Sir, At 1 have a deep eoomlser** tiou for the afflicted, permit me to Rive you* brief history of my afflictions, and the Uenents derived from the rm of Dr. Wittar 1 * Balsam of Wild ChenT. luJnly,lS44,lwaiattnckedWufcafoveref the ry phod character, which left me ia a tery debilitated •late, when in tiie folio wine winter 1 *u taken with a ■even cold, winch reduced too to meh an extent m to r*e me the appearance of a confirmed. consumption. labored under a sorer* cou^h— expectorated a treat deal, end waa troubled with eotd feet and night •weat** l aUo frequently raised blood from my land*- ,* tinned In this state, (fiadonliy «tkm« ease, until January, 1»17, when I was aestn aU«aso Jbbfeter. My (Pend, dc.pilrcdcf u£ e T phytkiui. iliwski I ooUJ «iSSuuSIT My ex ire miner, especially ipy £*«t» J**™ . ham< , cI L 3j. .nd btaoil IoM eamstancea it taay. truly .bo pr.«rib«d b,Pkr‘ k “*;“S,SS'.eikuilTo=>- EfWUdCbeiry, reco „ W . I acncti i*bi»,: 'V iJJj. », uTc cod of wbicb lun. continued its use *“ “TJu?ed rood health ever since, 1 lb. EShm u> billing >?- and Un _ would sty to dieted with notto2»discbt»»*Bdiftwo "TSSSSK «•"; m i»S«* mi or three, hott l ' b bl l>nl e**e*oal of ti lliti «’“■ ™*««1 ■> l b»*» ten will •»* y.^,r u u Y . years, • • been. ***** " jqsEPU JACKBON MBCELMNEQUS,j : -sv. 0 LEMUEL; of,Oolng down tomtits Cotton Field;* new and Very popalanEthlepitn Song,' as sang by Christy* MinsoeU, New Yeifc. Composed by 8. C Foster, En, aathor of “Undo Ned,® “OtSasa&na,” Ao:---,r. Nelly was a Ladr>hyS.C. Foster . Ben Bolt—the genuine eopy; by Nelson Kpeass. • ~ gpeak Gently; a very popular song; by V. Wallace. Indian’s Prayeri by the anthof of 8 Be Kind, to.” Be Kind to-tia Loved Ones at Heme. Thou bast woandhd the kelnt that toted thee. Flirtation PoUta; by Strakeoeh. -• Alice Polka; by Sprang.., Carat Waits; by Professor Ronbock. ~ Atiaaloßa.Waitt;-:~ - ,7 zx I‘. aaSSSwahm •*.. Haber.--, La Pince do Perlea' Grand Waltz; by Osbourne. ' Tb 9 wild Kewera aMn will shed tbetr bloom; tea ArtGonCL sesglfteTtho op®ra of. s The Groves of nkroey} f.wa Bethoven. . When the Moon on the Lake Is Bea»nr. • > A .Veiee tern the Waves;, da cite by C. Gloyer. , Makers SgSaycSiieti from LnereUi Borgia. Low-Backed Cat* Dearest Mae; with easy* variations for beginners. • Bonaparte* Gravo. ,We are Happy and Free. . • ». Fashion Polka: by J.H. Hewlu. • Ree'd and for sale by - JOHN B. MBLLOS,' . janZ3' _ No. Hi Wood street. N. B.—A large itoek of new PIANOS, to arrive this week. - V - -- -"'l Bfiff • fTAKE NOXICB-TUt W. MeCliaisek bu thU dar 1 received MTeni cuei of the finest and beat Baa •'Winds# Holland, (o which Lo weald most rwpeaifallT call the attention of hi* cutoacn and the in general i*” 3l et Win Booau. n Foirth n SUGAR CURED BEEF AND HAMS-tW bbU»( 8«f«r Caied Beel Rounds; 60 tierces Bt»f*r Cared ii&su — Eyuu A Swift’*— lor tele by ■ JuoJI ■ . SELLERSA NIPOL3; LINSEED OIL—7O bli in nod Arden for tele by Ju3L SELLERS A NICOLB. -600 pieces bteon Bam*. 800 « u Side*. '» : 600, u H Sbaidenjuifrosußieke Loose for cite br 1 ■ ju3l SELLERS* NICOLS. >kn ■Mortal, for *■!• by . ■ -;- _ J. BCHOOSMACKKR * CO. - jtn3i -• flNSEgol Li jiall- J. BCHOONMACKEB&. CO. Cg~” u gST^IS , H poTATOta-a b, Etd., )MueUn Howtad tat uleby -"-• - ,n*fl CRAIG A SKINNER P^” B^B * 1^1, “ rj g»BSg , rowEa ftHINESB VERMILLION—3O IbolMX re«M tad lor Qttloby i*n» JKIPPRCO,fIOWood« i AND PAPES—3OO mat (Smiib'a ptseetMa tlore > tad-tor ttlt by Jin» J KIDD A CO XIVE OUf~lO bukeu for nlo by I j*aa ~ ' JPDPfcCO 'W J^IQUOBIOE—» fiegff-* , sf* :g ssteag i NO. SUCAE-00 hbds (new erop.l Jon received »ondfofuteby A CULBERTSON, . jta»- j _• Itt Llbeny_»i_ N“STHdCASSEa-W bbU (Mw cr©p>'Jnit rac'd » and fofule by A CULBERTSON, . j«n99 | HSUbcnyet RICE-6 ueiets (new crop} jutrac’dand for »«lc by jaaO | . A CULBERTSON . FIRE BRICK—3mOO-to it Jtn3l PER TbOUVAH jj gale by VTACKE&EL-IQ qr bbU No 1, extra, for aalc by fl£L janX ISAIAH DICKEY A CO Fire a Water proof bbutnnerai Paint, for aale by • ■ * • • janJO : ISAIAH DICKEY A CO Beaver buckets rtubs—Porraie by jmSu__ ISAIAH DICKEY A CO CANDLEB— 10 hxi 9ur, ;e u Speto; • «5 “ Biearloe; ~T‘ CUEESE— 100 bit Cnvu , “0 44 Knjlliii Dairy] " 50 ** Common u .for»alaby .. ions 9 l - JP WILLIAMS /I F.BMAN CLAY—Toeukite tale by i ? \TJwiVB 3 V VOWBONNHOROTA Ca^. Rnnil BACON HAMS-. ~~~\~ "• UUUU 0000 lb> Bacon Showlden;. jiut rec’d on couiinuaent tad for *al« by ' )m3i; . - pkra Jones gUHDBIES—Wgiojnaaj'dPoeiartßooluj Sodox' “ PonAloniet; rec'J »nJ tot into by tcM .C YEAOER. Itß Second it GOLD a SILVER lantaMoniucnt nlw»y« on band, •rwhoieaalej by I , f g U ' C YEAOEB, jOSlfortW n . MADBEE-I.SUO lb* lopertr, jut we’d, fcM JKIDDfcCO,,y ,* > Woods! ob I y a. CO, C 9 Wood « , —»<—ooq lbs in tion« \d/or sal* by _ . J KiDP & CQ,|6O Wood H CHLORIDE LIME—4,OOO lbs»n band, fbi sal* by feb4 J HDD & CO, 0D Woods! T?LOU& SULPIIUB—fICOIbtior nle T fcM J KIDD & CREAK TA.RTAR-900 ll>s in More*) feU - JEiDDACOj SUNDRIES— SO hhds N O Bngar,* . ISO “ “ Moiaases; '. IS “ 8 H « • SO pirn YII, lop’l, anil Black Teat; 4 bbu Tiinotby Seed; U •* Clever Seed: . < 129 “ Potatoes; 5r bbla Whiting; 3 “ Madder, 130,000 Ky, Began; 30 bn Pa Tobacco: -' j . 13$ nn« Crown A Med. Wrap. Paper; 7 aka Kr. Feather*; 30 dox G Brooms; 40 dox Walnnt Buckets; 10 do d» Tubs; 33sksPesN