The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 16, 1850, Image 4

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of the Bible, NcsaderVHiitory ef tke fQ»ri4d«n Bdi*
ften eadCharch, Milton's Treatise os CetUUsn Doe*
trine, U:e of Jeftnust Er*rti,'Eiq n BoLinstm’s Greek"
Henbeny of the Go*pel«»'do EorUslr tie ia, fteon'e ©•.
ble, o Tpit Bofton edition: Parish 9 * Bible GiaOetr.
MedhonPiChrc* aod its Prospects, Dr. "Wood’s Isc-
Ttties on Bwedenborgisnism, Hell's hUtsioonr A nee*
dotes; sad msny oJtcr interesting wotks/is 'sddmoa
to the shore, sfl at sssrtjut men. I -•;■ Bor2J 1
1 LEGUKN Y, AND VICINITY;: willbe retd? for
the enjnverin lQdsy*. -.Petsons who may wish to
hate stews of their «mr.try setts fcjit oft the m*p css
do to by asking koplicuion u the' nndenigned, any
time before thoTHuridst To de&ey the -expense of
the view* "ill : bfr' repaired ia addidoa
to the pries afftd iHa. ngTl9*K B McGtPWAN
i :
A BOUT four years since, I vu TrsTtllng through
xV the Ante ef Ohio: while -spending * few dsyi is
Bhaxen, I discovered ai singular-Meulie substance,
aad tabsequenUy leaned that it had been known tot
yews, and supposed to be of no' nee or valae, bat iron
u* uniformly of texture and tin pal or appearance!
was led'.lo believe it might b«-made.usefal, bailor
what purpose Mod toot the lean Idea- -leommeneed
S r experiments by burning it,-boiling tv and palwy
ng it, and ccwpoandire it with vanon* substances;'
and so strong waj ay conMencdtbuttiero was value
to tt, that 1 rtve op my entire time and meant to tbe
prosecution of those experiment*; and fromthittixac
to this, I hare other brines*; attbeex*
pintion of about two Ttarml final)yd:MOW*d,thav
oy redimfig it to a-fine powder and mralng it with tin*
teed oit to aboat tho eouilstensyiof thick painV.j““
apply 'n* tbit compound with abrn*h,th*itm*eo»uag
ip a few months would become* perfect »tone : or
dote; *0 that the «ob»tsn<ewhea appUed was actually
slate in. a liquid state, and the Jargu amountof silica,'
alarums, inagnena dod bTufck oxide of uoathvlitcra'
tained, rendered it boir weather and lift proor, as the
longer exposed, the harder and more pemitoetn it
seems io become, and as the coating tafterit turoSTp'
slate) U of iuelf lndestrueuble by fire, consequently it
protects'the wood eoet red- with U iron the air, and
where there is no air, the re *s no bl ue or combustion;
the retore |be wood will actually char, before the »Ute
coming will jure way. : t
■ I considered the discovery of the greatest import*
uncc, and applied to Government for a patent for my
snvMtiea'or discovery, fondly hoping that I stream
now be remunerated for all my outlay to time end me*
cey. The government, without any hesitation, grant*
-c« tome Letter* Patent forth# sole tight to manefae*
tare, sell and use my improvement in toe manatactare
of a “Weather and Hre Proof Composition ox Art!*-
Actal Slala. n br foaiteenyearar'
Augdst 14, IHO.
WM. BLAKE. . .
WE > toeinbabit*aUofBhaKm,hav eadtoeabev*
ittieaeatef Mr.'Blake, and believo ; ho be substan*
daily correct, u we are knowing to suit of too state*
meets therein contained; and we will farther -
we do Dot believe that Ciere ever was a patent more
bonestiy and laboriously ,earned r er more de*erapoiy
granted; aa he potonea hto cxperunenM wita-taemow
sndemibfolopeTseveraiieeuiideribeniost discouraging
circa tantancoyaa. too pubUc.had cm too lout conn*
dcnce thaltoere' could be any tlupf valuable mad*
from the sabataace. - 'Ho UiereforehM. to .
year* the jeer* and scoffs of nearly the w K*f £•£££
niiy. Notwithwaadioff all this, howastndefat^je
la the prosecution of his endJ7®®f ft %
byStvo that there li one man la a thousand wbowoo-d
hard persevered under all tirefirecnutanees. Bathe
has.'at itc: triumphed over ad obstacles, and wa ; bc»
Ueve there to now bdl one opinion in awarding Wa
the merit ef this vabublo discovery. . v •• j-' *
GKO. W. CRANE, 1 Justices of.
-v HORACEGIBU, . . r. /. > the• j.
WhL EVERETT, 'nrwafhip Clerk.|
, ' ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. .' ’
: •
I have aaeettained that there are individuals engaged
aeelyhiTusemy patented article. I navebe«ito
i theta persons and shown them ray patent They say
; they to not Intend to infringo cr.treipaaa opoamr
4-. - rights; that they have aright w dig, ora*"
“ powder,lf they eanfiniporcharertjthHfteyaraaw
boand to know what they are to do wIA ta matJt to.
, no infringement until Uto misfed with the oil to make
tha eoopotind} nnd that those who bar, mix and weu»
matt taka the responsibility. Most of them aay ijhat
they believe that the patent to pod against ihoae thal
«w<t wampaanil, ana some ban said, that
what they wanted to we they should ecrtaialj parch*
- aae cf me, as they did not intend to make themsdlTM
liable In anyway.. Now! feel myself in daty bound to
expose this barefaced fraud upon the pablie; as t can
caUftb7 wmilderaaow, where a man»cltoiiMro»
©elves pay for an article, the ate of which ho. well
knowi subject* the purchaser ami urer to a proicca
lion and Coe. Some of those who ore encased in this
• nefarious trade, will unqucstionahly contend to the
public that my patent will net stand, and that l;dare
not protecute. take this argument a wayfroni
: ! .atm, I went to some of those who were ptjetojPJfg
that my patent was value,- and made tha foUowr
inn propositions thatthey misitisekctjUnoce and two
lawyers who hare had seme practice in eves,
and we would submit the patent to them, end if they.,
decided that the patent was good, thatlhey *“o*l4 stop
all farther proceedings in. the baslnersj batJf they
should deciae that it would nol,.in their eninion, hold,
1 would agree to let them go on and sell 511.£57 < ;°~“v
without, taxing any thing to the public about them..
This proposition they would not accede to. .ow *»
the validity of niy. patoot to concerned.-I ua not os*.
pen>l entirely upon my own judgment, alutangslbaTD
toe fullest confidence in It; bat I have submitted it to.
' many of the judges, anJrc vend’ ofiho most etament
peteai-lawyere, wbo have, without eseepuoo, decided
that in ’heir Opinion itwas good, and wo old protect me
. umy dt»eovery. i . . . • - ‘ , •
. I grind the ortielc to a fine power, and pat it, upin
barrels, the which are marked: “lllais s i xinxr bmx I
jjn> VVuthe* Psoor AsnncuLtfu.i*. ri • •- -
1 therefore give notiee to. all trio buy and use tne |
above mentioned mineral for the purpose «eV fort* *n i
my patent, except from xoe or my uuitaorisejfegcntv
that I'shall bold them to ASiriemceoants!jlllty r aaa
shall iemmeaec:s%iu at iaw.sgMnst tore who thus.
infringe upon oyrishl. BLAKk.
SuaEo3, Medina Co.; Aug, li, 1819- i . .
irrTWO TONS of the above Tire and 'VVeslher
Proof Artificial. Stole on hamls and for sale. The
above we esn recommcud, for we hiyo been using Jl
for some 4 tears,- and know It to bo what. ti to
iaeverypaniealar. ■ - J. AIL PHILLIPS* Aav
sor£7-d3m ; " -No,«Woods* -
E. H. EATON k CO.,
■So. pa Fourth Btr*ct, Pltaburßh,
Hkvo'&ow InSlore their foil aijortnector
Trimmings, Glores, Hosiery and LaeejCood*
ADAPTED to the wruna ofercrycU*sof Merchsau Consumer*. .No pa:u» liavclrfen tpartdte
present ihecewen nr.d meet f^hiombic - «iyl«
Good ain their line. Their slock toa*Ua in pail at uo
following DRESS trimmings. ;
Fringe* and Gimpv cf every variety: new atylea
firurtifGalloon*; Algerian hnd Imperial llnwd*; wide
rTnit nurow Silt nr.d Worried Brelaaj
fignrtd and cot Velvet Itil'boha; plain do doji Cortra
Mantax and plain Satis Ribbons for trimming; Wact, 1
white end colored Sille Lace-v; icxtra • wide’ tor
flounce*; with e full araonnjcut of uftM Button*;
Preadsa Finked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. .
Embroidered Lace and Mnalin -Capet, Chemixette*
Breakfut and Retiring Capa and Half Sleerea, trench
Worked Collaw tad CuflsridgreaivaneiJiLoee Vena,
Lappet* and Opera “lies; Mourning Cteimiette*,-Cot-,
lanT Caffa and Half Sleeves; Linen fcawrf Hdkfc,
plain embroidered and hemaiHched do, plain Linen do.
Ml thread Lacea and Edging*; In. do do; [Bobbin,
i.ui« t ion Muatin and CottoaEdgingatuidl-iaerunsh
bonnet trimmings. ' {
Rich cew Ryle Bonnet Rioboiif, Frerteh Fuee Flow
era, IfoonetTubs, Velvets, Salina and Florences, Silk
Eiarion* and Tarictona, Bonnet Frwttea and*^lp»..
Beat mannfaetore, with most approved faiienbga,
and choice* color*. An extcnirre aiaoruncal alwayi
othaiid. ....nfi-nw .1
HOSIERY. • • v
A creit variety of Silk, Wee!, Cotton. MehEOttfld
Cashmere, for Ladie? nad Tarteit Plsidj. flml
a tail tiiorua?n‘: othrr ? tries 'fancy aad juun CHIM*
rea’a Ho»e: newer.! styles Jnftnw’Boot* tad Sw**;
l Genu’ Grampian, Vijottlfi, Merino, Cotton Rod ore.
‘ Wool Half lfose. v : • * ■ v ! ’
: CLOVES. ■ i- -■
A'fttll aroruaew lor men. woirwn tod ibiloren,
arnotu which are Derby Ribbed, Folokll-* and plain
SJUJt; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamm* Lined Uci~
Jin: ciaaimere, Merino,Fur-linea Bearer, heavy anti
too BoeJukin, Military and JJs.*e Thread and Cotton.
Baeh a« Ladies’ and Chlliren's Hoods, Children'*
Woolen Saeks, Knit Scarf* afol Boas, Chlitiren’s Gait'
«n and Look MLU, Worsted Cad*, Kmuiaf Worncd*
and ; Woolen Yams, California Camfortaj ai»o, ane
ttearfh, for i .nriif *.!
Zgrbrr and Tnpc&try'Worsteds' Canvass patterns,
Flott and tinb’caJlk, BriftoJ and VerM Boards, I a
per Flower Material*, Mat* Tidies, _iad Krn
oroldercdWork. Al«o-Uuhe*’8«lkwidMerwoVe»ta
and DrawerriEmbroidercdSaeks and Flannel*, French
Worked Cap* and Waul* for latent*; and Swan's-down
Trimolun. __ ‘ !
Pine Shirts, Cravats and Collars; Merino, 011 k and
Cotton Wrapper* and Draweis; Supenders, pboatder
and Dressing (towns; Silk and Lineb Kdkii,
Gloves and liosieqr. ' ’ |
CO u >, ~ .. a
French patterns carved and plain Shell Out Cash*;
Buffalo end Im. do; PheU Side sad Lang Comb*; Im.
do; Baffalo,Bailnand Rosewood HairßrufhtK Shell,
Buffalo ana Leg. Horn Drexiag sad hoc ivery CocU>n
with tn araoruaeni of finil sad Tecta Bnuhes.
WclhetiiFi “Gold Medal" l'erfomery. 1
Needle*, Pint, Tapes, Steel Bag* and Parses,
Sanaa* end Steel Good*, Berlin Wire Baskets,
Parse Twist and Sewings. Ftao Boxwood Desk* and
Coat Bindings fc Golloni,* Work-Haskeu
CloaK Cord and Tasvii, •. t’ortfolioi, Papierjxes and .
Siind k Shade Trimming*. . Ladle*' Summary,'. • •
PuloaA Banner Tassels, Prencb CortrStfes,
Uptoliurer't Frinjei, k Oiac-m IMbKH«j
BaS Linen, nisdindtaJ, Paper Muiilna & Holland*,
ErnrlUn «W Cloth*. Elastic Buds & "Webbing,
Chints DicitOg, Cartel and Stifle l.acer*.
, rJft! GAjtPfc.'l'isy—Uec'd ilu» oay, ni W. .h’*
. ciintock I *Carpet Worehouie/N0.74 i-onnij u,»
j&beraapnly of Carpet*, of the latest and.; non *p
brared Mlt* W wnicb we rotiw the ailenuon of
men, ud iboie wutung u> .foroi* Hook*.
S«Slaad examine the Jor ß eil M.oitment ih the eitr,
wfcSt wc will «ell cheaper than. cVe r bc.cre oCere aln
cb* wwtcnwnarkct. otw-l VVAICLINfOOK
" Bowntng Loop Shuttle.. ,
■¥TT MUBrUY uns rec'da tupply or Ibo above
W . *niele,of.|he best quality; also, p.4tn Black
Ttibrt Long SmwU;Uaek tk>»bajme», M*huuug Al-
SSm, 17r.1a0 Cloili,- J*lack .Cabur gu
Subsetes. Moos do Immsandf reach Slertnos, black
a line ewenmeiu, inciad!!.tc a tow P«ce« kerf wwo -
•nd superior. Layers ore invited to feik at lawn, at
NortK j Kart comer of Fourth end Msrset ti*. -*••; ■:>.
-WMUesalo Rooms up naira, where a Urce w»rt..
of New Goods has iai£!ybe«a_recciTcd.__(av*o
■Wa have been iotonned by Mrs. Bose of
*~~rZienhei by Wn Joyfe*'*'Alterative* whieb
i?e swttority over every other remedf-of the
aSJibeen aflbeted for the' lust sixteen yean
£L>h W JU 02 SUTKLLIXGS, atteuded
aiemSSand entoliarion of varionsboncsjdu*,
JSfwhfchl^o ex&f Pieecabaye Uia dUehargcdfroM
fffirrotal bone of tte botoket anas,
!55.,»vTSi feacds.aad from both leg*,aa<i from the left
SmSmosw paxiwf her pettaa, which have tefflod
“ V-darmTmo* of-the torn hereafiaingshavo.
? w and deplorable-: At ca; three-months
"-fpT AO 1l» grfirtnea aftStiaad by W;B. BtOAJf
eraaadby ?»*■«-»-
ThJ But ul Output
:: l ' ••■i» ; Mg-tro»tp:~ : '■■ >--»
Andie rapidly wyemdlfl* aa oth&p Otauarata’ ofuT
.liniraente «rw fas tse forth® elm *£4* fbßwjtnf dfar
euei: /Y •'.V i> '~-
'. t Fresh weas4a. gaflairfairirtMa, eprain*, braiie%
* I 'TV?
parity the water
jud «trea*thea eVeiypart ©{th® body;
-. JtUteßperrbifla'beafad, Wsef appetite,- Uwam
from lard axerdee; alMLibeinctiaK (Mnwaly cab
led «tiff ftbtaplaiJJt)Whie« proven a* &i*l to atsßy TOi
raablehoneeiathUeouatn'i "It ii alao aeafaa&itmr
uin remedy Tor eaegha tasdectde - whiebrettersie m
►manyfstafdiaeaee*. i_ - W.IL SLOAN,- 1 *■l
. Grand Depct^Jah^Q^cac^jQieeis.
! Yl i •'.'•" ;01 Y-YY
Bnract ftoa the, "Galena North, Weitern GuctteA!
By the oae cf Sloan's Ointment and'Comution Pow
der,-Have entirety eared njtttnla'WHßyhbn® and'
•therwiae itnonnred his eondidomobrt than 500 pc
cent, on the cost of tbh medicine -And a eawwhioA:
vucb feeble aato be eonaldend Jrvohleaa by myatl
by the ose of lea then half ©.package bi tb®'po«wer.
aad'U nowttofar'brudrlllaranjr-etbM.iow 1 hare
' Thereby eeniiy tlreionecrmy children, when***"
ked, fell into * large fixe of Uvweoafo,'aad wMbttrßOJ
severely from bfemi to feet.- 'T%o > b«t o?
and mention ni given -to tire child far ther tn S*».
day* without any «y% shrink* "«***
cd till hi» groan* etmldhe beatd at ■i***™**?**’®
which critical period ono pfwy ntlrtb«t reeotoaw
ded and presumed to hre-a bo* .-of-Blond* Ointment
and fa ii»^t>«iiHtfihon l falhgteaafter:thc
of the. ointment to tire OT*vW4*TO£lbewnf f.
.Chicago,Augiat:M»'lBttL ■' '■ 1 '’j ■
April 10,1813. Four milu%orta cTChJcagp T lontire
roadlo Muyraaklc,) Cook county, HUhoU, • , ',.
~MrJWtt-I>t3 Sir- Qw«/WJffi“> Hi NjWi
bony tumor on hi* breastbone, immediately adder tar
eoUaAwhich lamodidm-and rendered his servtoe* at
very (little value. I fotlhfoUy OppUedacreral bottle*
of jsrl Taylor* Nerve and Bono Unimeat, prithout the
least (benefit. I, then . procured.}VL<istL» gelebnUed
HoraO Ointmeay and naed that until X becamiCfnUT
aatiafiedthatit vrottidnoreireUsTOrtim ankoaLt-n-.
' nallyi l obtained ajto* : ol yoai vult ratable Qmt*
raent; and In leas than 60 day* from the tint appUca*
If popular opinion u asy.ertterianoftho,worth of an
article, wo Invite the Incrednloaa to read at least a ten.
of the " ,a,, y oohmsarr that., ‘rf*** fas' ear
caimans, respecting too great .variety nfnaarkablf
emta effected by the see ot- .f&loaafeGdebrsiad Oint <
ro«.wtrvw^ttieeppwanty.e -■•<. • -i - nv.-i-v,
: r Tkesa'Ttmtdlc* 'no longer remain anmj.thnse o'
do&btfal utility, they have pasied' fromMhe tide of u
poxxaeaty'and now atahd Ugfaerln reputation! art
becoming- mor* extenrirriy used Utaa aU
nUa of the kind.—Ml rh; T,.hc:> j
-• •- Foxßrrpi I Xmftt8 l tM3.v
PearSloaa-SIK WenHsgjidhji*to?l)aptcrt new
wpply of you Hone Medicine*. They, ere tire bt?ri
articles of the kind thutTlarre'evey,4*ea, : neTef nay*,
lag been disappointed in their effbeti as I have bcen tr
tire use of others, evetf tire molt Celebrated Ointment*
Liniments," Ac- of tire day. IHM rtry math-thla S» :
tare in theta, vie that they do ail that is promised, and
upon 1 a thorongh trial oaajteffOhtajsfd to add, that
“ealfhaa not been inld. B . u !•••;.»
1 Respeetfblly, ' „ r
The ordinary «fatrww«r ■lfaHmwn it is wet.'
knowu-aro tevciti and. yartiaFfaiittsi* operation*-* J
:siotu* Ointmentlaarildyetthorough ill iMihtiiM
>»""«»« «tw» *■»«»«, it gtw rj Tnal- aHd permanent
relict - For, parity, uflrineaa, safety, teeatmay t £aad: >
tbornaabnesa tooiU*«tatmßßttgoclAJMfeU.iapidft.
ait other tMninr.nta and-- Llafaatf .now.
i Brtsi%GMT*,pt,pet.T«ilSt3r
' Hr. Sloan—Sir I haTo 1 tested the virtne of your
Ofotmedfin the eare of YettiesaAfe bltea, uefa ti(ra»
.barns, aod ttway «*herin(uriee,.'«3id iii ovgry caso it
has iatpasaed eor As
oent, I have never aeca its far beaats wr
can’t get along wl thorn -It/ 1 i-* -; y'-**’ ■> >- -
Hr.Fioaa—DcuBin•Foraeonalderahlo. length ®*
ime I'waseerionsly'Aflietßd with tire'xbcaniatla coat
plaint, and applied freely Ihb various linimmta,' prist
. hlkrs, if wuhoat obulitincAny relied.. After whte a
your* agsct at tbia,place*fnßbeadkti' l fcre to try tout
Ointatent, add within two weeks fro* tire time I eon*
merited using it, the paia andl wasefifcctalUy;
emed,andshallreeommend altwboare'riatilariy ur
flictad with the dl*tre**fug complaint, .toprocuejoUj
fitfOTT. ,
CT Fro m thB 1 Hon.' H. V. &' BrooloC Agent * tire I
DUnols andMiehiAaCana) Packet Hoat Company.’]
'.C. u i-^Tr“ M
W. B. Sloan—Deu Sin *S>r U«Uat 3U year* 1
hivd bad etfiarioaHQ Mas many moeN an<l
the great'variety of llmmenU and olntmenULia.uie, 1
bat have, never found any tiuaa-Mttal'wyou nint
ment for tiOuriei on theilaat tero
Bombs I have appUetiyaaroimtsenunaanQ^DtenOt
fo r various tajmetr and fat every, itamnee: U baa pxw,
. vetiaaoTcreignremedy. --v .h-.Lfi
. Two miles loath 14,1545.
. Dr. Sloan—Sin'pn.tho&h fuiUnrißT. ton had nfiUr
ger bitter entirely offby hhorse. .Wo uamedlately ap*
ptied you celebrated ointment, -whreh. relieved him of
pain ia a fow mlnuleri and'prevented the nnrer.from,
•wdciag the lcaiiyanlele* and t tKe wo and. Uhe almg
ispldijr. yoeu,.-; ' . f ,S.BROCKWAi.
• • Mr.Sloaaf-Dcar girt.-Abofliihrec .years wl*n*
severely injured hr one of toy levity the. Wear of •,
Sle of wood which occasioned loirs‘ru(i£iW nicer*,
early every doctor in Galeae triee Weiire them; but
tried in vsiivttntilfrpto aysiPWby ifl'cl.nosroper uefc**
tnedt toy other teg became *s bad w tlieimc ongu't>-
ly wounded. I dcspaired-of-jover hoiflg well aituu
but jn order that, l-mighl neglect, im waw.wiuic.pty,
ruaeh, I purebased-ofytfur.aieulitXJuwia wn»tf w
yom oiuisfentt*nd yoa.canjud£P orWY kerpnse an J
gratitude better than l ean erpree* iw-tofiod mytslt
entirely well before I had finished »tfug the second la X
tOtzsao fiaes I mask* knowayhai other* s&tmod rW»J
beUevpand uotdelay Bsingeo valaaiU^ : aß : ,ouam«i:
as yours b» proved to4>e. Resp'y >:£Fr-Sf*toruyr T 4,
.Galena,ilL,PeO,l9,WB. EVANDAVfcj:,,
<-'■ ! ';•'•;•; i\' ; only» days:J.'’
J&fbjtj" "the following order, VanihnTk Ca
•& K.
don Powder and Howe Ofatmeai.-The sale tor e*
eeedstny eipecutien." Tfytmoan thanagaioseoaiaf'
4 dozes' o.ntmeat, lwillp«rftw thwdTho lharxa*.
thai yoa are h«te,:*n4 Pf«««Bi81 shflUJhßßlie to
a Urge' qasntUy in the eotrre wf4ho year. It will he
anbbjact ioyoa,«aweU MiOß^beHtoEoep.atocoo*.
•tuurnppSrt. Yctjr ! * p T^”vyraiw tco.-
■ r : . ; ,-St.LotUvIV».22 ( IM9«: 1
. DriSoan— StnAboonw»yeax».a«Ot\whitomnifla.
.on the MississippLiiver, In paasmg over, too reptw, J
was plunged l«D4he »7. Ua-raftjdaiiuig
agumt a reek, crashing my left leg and otimrwue se*,
,non sly inuring me, aomueh that IlwalifeaubiiitT.
When-coaseiessneM>mursedJ foaiid myself to. SC
Lotus, fltrroacded by»y weipinefamily. Goodoup
-hut&nimedieal ajd. enabled me la about two laODtha
■tonobble around with the ajelstanec of Beruieh. The
woasds only partia%be*wdf UaTiag larre ranmag
•ores at the kiide,-which for many months (hsehhrtod
Stood and matter Of tbs most oße mire eharaeter; hly
parts were toeipressiWe, at timer my- tnffi«iagwaf
so treat that death would have received m hearty wel -
rcomer FortnssuiyMr.iWUsoniloßooriayneigttpn)
adrljedmelotry ; ye«r-OintmenC' Vobtained a iwi
aoblieil it sceonUng to direetiop—the sores soon bOgan
to assume a healUty appearance, and in three mostot
I was entirely cnred.aiid on shied to do hard iaher.: y
■ Yonrobeoieatservant,. > . - s » ;-'i >
. - . > v: W,XiIGUAS-
We, the ondenlgned,. neighhofSr.of D« W., I Thomas,
were acquainted wtthth# «W*>m«awd, mdknpw*,
ing the mM
Taonuu 1 ilateacßt. - .TSra WlSP’^
1 . FETEaLAiIB. .»»;’•
i . GOOPKEWS.- w?,,
-] CincACO, JaaBlh,iH3..
W. B. Sloan—Sin One or«ny hprref was hoof hennd
and also wounded in the stifle, la which he > took told,
and became rp erlppled that be honld icnrfely travel.
Ur the /tee application-of yeurvaloebU otauneni,his
hootswero soonsoftened and the . stlfltf permanently
eared- Ihave also hsedAh* Ointment^dn thocaseof
Poll-Evil and ths severe galls with eqnal «ncce*t..
?sna masted fiwrlha; was
ledlikeachaw^ Ac, A. VANORDEW.
be eared ty' remedy, Tbdßmder is
, M,jBlo«o-SllM I Sr??Sb«
-takenwiththe.scratches last,fall. 1 p4opip thou
three] dollars tor. medicine to cure him,/hnjbqjwjf
worse. .1 then bought a ho* 6ryoar 4 olnifrent-«jrtui
ofljeaT when la ChEago. lut,.raftier dooWngly, wrf
thought 1 would try. lb. /odgoefmy fnrprtse'
opiuioa of lis beneSclal qualities, when Ifouhonty
horse’s legs smooth and" well in tour days from the wee
i.eoopnced applyU* it.U
: : ! FACTSFOftTfIE " . r
: Mnrethan fifteen years of anrivalled aaeeeesto thc
cure of every variety of external diseases and injuries
such as sprains, bruises,enta, btrtts, eataneotuerun*
lions,' sore sore breasta,-efaapMd‘bands r-dtlil
blutns, biles, ulcers, corns, pains la the bade* aides, or
other parts of tbo system j rattlesnake bhes, Jte^hears
mtnplfl testimony thatfilosn'sfNntmcm lapwttho thing
.rorthe boor, cerrificateswiihoutmomber-hovebeen
■ reedved by the Proprietor from dldmomsted indrvhta* -
ids, givtog deufis WremarkaWo cnren by Us ase. -- .
- A Wisconsin
1 Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin ReceiUJytoy horses yanawgir,
with and'slherwisS
toured ttiem-aecetmly* ao mach so thatl considered,
mritm ruined forbusiuestk. .Eoriaoamyaftlspdre*.
commended the use ofyour Ctotoepv J weal tohlU**
The creatb!Btre4l dsriTed-fro«atho«ie : prjreuspmi.'
■.ii-.i.vj' * ’iaVpoamvK faVt' ” 1
'And fcu'beeeme-a
Ointment dtdCoOfflrteif Powdef
ding all other reaedWtof•■tß is«rftt' ( pF|iiM l iiwttij
parity] mid safety, •'to*ftj titoy iai«e- I
ftudy without any danger of taking eolict ahxdue-1
ia. A.MABON eco., ••,
•YTrtUacoamaods aslbw Ytu'i jhrZ ilOk'. vtA '■
Wel tins the whole of their Uameate eiiftMUtaHM)
OinWttinimdr Wbolenia BeonJ vttlgl&HlM
Rm»rTtidct tod
*»oel*wffl be offtrtoet letefteti Tbs *i
ftOrinrontrauathairvuijrtctof 5 •■?<• •■Y
BhkWi tttlaca OOBttißl Vontmaßn Bbbwtl*
-florets CeehraojcAendlbLelh*.
Ato^WbmGoodi.' HdeHuii -to-^S^WMeiiM,,
" rwtib ,torl^^faT]ieir,o©ofo.
tv pt the k*
ihee2falry-»U oi -which leto been el
aa c hj©weicriee%tiea tbei* esMuit© wulteleia.
jarifUt «““!<*
flood! WiU be eold. p ~- •& c>.*
nTtriw lffWflttrH** —■*©*«- , ,„• v
J 4 lSjTvT!xrtt4aoN k. 00,00 itut**-
WlomcrJPUlaa"' BMKltfc r 1 .-.'J
«iMsn]rßaßv«nwr«fFo«nb I
L txuMfukfei meets, harlsaUv received eeep-*
fHt» tiwnr espertor nuke ; ef. Bunkvts, 1»-
me* umaia-wotaftbe -article arlook «ibis be*
.ore toying. He haa alio on band Heme’Mndeßlfto* :
•Wttt*ofafoperiorqtta.’Jty. ’ J .
SJUn-WUk* •Seaxle^Vl^JTdtg^*'wtkibe
ymiea ibe aucntloo-of buyer*. —1 [ j.
: IprM. large *ep}dy>*f Coed* rewiitfy caoaadtn tbe >
Vtoleftale iWorn*, wp l cuM,* Bakes id* wsaenment
▼eqr fail-«n*w«Uiyuin KUflaOoaof'dalm.'-
, . t hb»l7{ .u-m.-v ■■■•*-> >ni <,uo:tih4 • ■
lotOXgy Uvkhi*uH*\Va»' Ki.v,'ix>crt)ft i
• fcopnblie, aa.wdi a«, to the credit, fif.'ToarUm I
iiale tbegbod effect* pfodaeed byTiilruaeio I
mjrofraetao. During Use monaToJ Jam. IWS» 1 look. I
sirj sbwdl, I TO/afi6eutB fkiiedvina nr ttrtnjrtb nil
.eflUrjly pwtr*ied,~witkamrt pain’ut.ny aide ftirfi
aboßUertt'l wi*toiabrwedleiUßeottttttardi*«w 1
•wet fteetefftahaekof Ilm cdafplftlni." liockeere**!
ral bexei'of J BTLabW Lltbt PlUa,' and; tons
•Aieb florae told ahtfjood for that diietM,- "bat war' I
ftlll wiiiyetfliig woree. T.isi&r eonctated to pbcft:f
jßyial/ 'ttJrfertEß eatrbr'ftTilmidan tor bettedcr I
-wenpj'btiy .time, ft war-tnln I
by Us 'Her. i. Nibloek. of thic pUeo,- tiovrffiend bad !
-such-hftd.benfttted U&reTf •mack, JJbrtiWiUi I
*»& fora’bor of yuerLltei Puli, and by;tß9 time. H
,»ac doa« tafatf&enL-I'wu ,ntii&ed tbat nwaa Jwi 1
the. medicine tbit railed mlr ease.' 1 asst for Store.' 1
and tbok Are or >u boxc*. tad lacmdL'mtMlf/ajnoat 1
entirely etrredjtor InbliriJrlaat l ei agar ft ,**TBrtl
brought tsektb*; die tutj' and in * abort I
the* I Vita kibu aa ever. I ag«i«:i*d yecoorfo tol
ydarfirer miai J «bd took tlsa erait ethbrkl|bt:fer ,1
tlx weekai and oeeatloially tinea, and I caa now asTt.
tfcatleannoiraar.tbUZ feellittle'lf-anyaympfodß’!
of tba 1 Lifer CtotpUlnv tad vrf general bealQi.U fee”
food novas It bu bean for (ba Uu IP yexrx.' ■ ■:- m \
: My ndrtberiFaik jaewhdwi* radoctfe 'JHaU i
them wfti my. ooctßT, and by]
tbo Meofor of Dfrtne Proyideiee the etc me of earing 1
me. 1 1 am confident that whetnhePeblie;bocome io* 1
.attaiftidd'sHtb tberftlfteof yonr Urar rtfiy tb» ,’doi
, zamdfor theninllfaqreftafc. Jdiaybf ay neighbort,
lowborn I jfere.reoatgmended the pills, ean,te«tify. to .
feeirrftlsei fti wattai talks foots ftbote awed.': _
r- * flsomjMiiitfi:;,^
; Tana true 1 and gran ■ r '
tdoojUrerHlla ftre.prepajetf'py It B, Seller*, and
thand of;
etch Horn and bra aiggfttraotr tbe arauida'wtipper.
{DTAII often are eomterfetfe,or Haeinltfttlona.-";‘
Taptky ,: ~8.g.T0-t BgH. PiVrietor;B7‘Woodat
• j J«ynftftfcKipo«qTa><> i
l " Baxn, 1B(V - I
T\K. D. Bn>4 feel Bftud'M yoa I
tJ and^iOaffliotodpabttc»to fttaflmyaelfofUiiiop* I
poTtaoity gtrinc pabtlelty ta the asnoadlaary eleesr I
ofyoSkianMtnaßioanyaelfl Bartetsaaftßißtod 1
for ranrai beetle feveri
and aoosml only Aataam*ri
to'lldirdooßierabsntnt atiaerabia«tatane»,afttink* l
aOftS&arheb, eerexalraaaakßd, an*-]
.hariigmoTta* to alloy earner ranedifj and thaptei.]
aaßpUoxarofnrooftbeßoat retpeetablayhyetdaiaiß |
ibe neicbftoiriiaed wiiboat dftfHiar aay.bcßMV «* tbr
eoaoOladcaorrajTi rlny kata-fa*rday«ar aracki : af]
farUtirt Uw stefeboot t*l
‘raaiib; I bad neotSfteodetf'toSto yasrßriWftniiwui' i
and bleaaedbytbat Being doea all tklztd* to-' tbo
me of tbe mfeiii part contrary " w tko tapedafttonacf
'ny Bbrtt&ftaiedd'&tendi.lwaa taa few 40711*110*
fronny bedtudnofta eeftMtd ftydni boo ftf ft toUftjlo J
aaend-tonybaxbiesaienleylngnneft batter teftbhfbs*4
Ih>4 ftttm akiipiertoea. 1 .
-FoaiMi-«trdet:^ Pt - - ~ y : adti3 s - ' ! j
he? in*, attended gy.AwihertjjwMyrf^gMWptioat
or Lhrvt2flm«iatt and wai jedae*! eo.tow jriuiika
{UeiM.toat tor tou-jean Iwaaanabto-toniuadto.
& .baa# jprabroad, betas tor tba
L jßa*t wm aoftfip*<lto«y,bed. r JHitastoeaboTeperiT
■ odLof tin* I bad wpontel tor flufltoaratlrriaaceo.-
reedwiUincMß* Mfl JEWrer* jaiIh».MWW»M
S3ud without receimi .wx • bcaejit tberefron. Jo
Wr. 1845, I eonaeoeea tollfig''Dr.'lft?s«’aHe&K
-tiaeL->bair faewtated then men* dr-ian'aro Woe*, -
MtsdibeUeTa .thatJi ww br-pfnCT«ins iatoeu“to:
« nA Vrymtaranl are the beet family ttedfctiw BOW tor
carry ca a furnace and machine «ho>,ut that place,
t yainjiafMied to aay manner la thatale oClh*
■bob# medj«ne»,*n4»iia thUcanificate tox^l^a 1 *
-rprßT<ffH“»A'Lti dcTotoO *■ a :
1 UjaCANDEKipAY.eonierettfitt ttagoodand
A. Market aoaet, notify their frtcada and.tbß frtoßc ■
ftEat they bato toured TOir'fid^-af Foil tad W»
ftrCOuDS, dlHe<ftaaiU-topdrtet«,Taeniif«ww»
'andaociiona at theeait. Theiratoekofßsv'ffylaadd.
. Cuhiooable Goedei»iarr%aDilpTeaeata*traagaOne
■uow to pari hate Vi.', la fcadieaDrwa uooo> apd
EhswU; uo noel epfeftdid Oocdrttf
stLe *eu*an art now 1 offered* a! ttmarkably low ptieea
;:: -
NewatVld BraehafijHJ Camelioa Ktkfc - - -
uGBPd-and-Blaek B«nn:D«ClMne«aadTßi«9nmn -
' GoPd Cura hart Orefletfcine*. of-the b*»Tq«aiitJear •
’• Jfiaek gtewjrtJrbdertena of lh« t«sebrated Eajto
.aaanfhetare:'' •••'l. l,: a •""• f --* i *• ■•;'*• * •;••
'lbe aw>re Tinned BlAik Bllki are warranted sol to
.eeiinitie wean fotdretie* andstaoiOln they areibe :
"«iiiraponed - ~ • . 1
1 Neut-fis'-d Catoeliao Batin DaChcftei toe hi&dseswn j
-fiakr«f•»h«'*elMd^t ,:, V' 1,1 f l - -
New’■ trie'BrtehaEillr fijrmtd Pitbeli • Menaoe,’a
pew hrU splendid aftftls for lidlp**- araUtUJf dreeacs
£ Silk Efritrofflered Freteeh Be LaiftO,foT oreadcs and 1
rx4ck»Terr cotfailjrbewiltidle/- - *V-\
■' Gusmcre*, lie LaiDsyhfcrinosj'Alpaeet* asd:Faa :
Bietto»,*Urge**»orfi»rat ‘ •' _• * 1,, . ■
i " sakwLS'iimsoAEFSi^y''; -
Long and Square Bfcdrtris.'Wfthe besi quali
eies. -M
- ihenewcst remark-'
tri Stawto mjgreaily rice*,-.
CaraeUon Crocha figM Silk Biawl*,ln great variety.’
Vi Grape Shawls, white' usd colored, in great variety.
-'-CliTilS. nAsaIMEKEi AND VB3TIHP3!
- rim Sedan real 3?m>eh:TwlllrdGloth», all price »i
teii Sedaft Mat Preach Oassimcres; .aesr^siytqjArevi
f /
. iWeh arid Butglan Black «hd Ottva Ctotha, tor
• S A spTraditf aswrthwnr of AaerieSn'and impOTted '
GOODS! : ’
, 'a large ’ahd'homptore assortment nowoahanth—
Many-oi-our- present- stock-oTStapte ’Goods: were;,
.hodgut from thqm«Bufectirrer»paßTio»sto4hs present
adrsnee in prices. A principal, part of our stock of
grhicb enabka uaiobffei4ocWrd bargalris toalmon.
•wholesale and retail buyers, are; tavited toAft early.
-examination of our §:oek andprlcea.
“i ; ,
oei3d " 'north wert comer nt. the Pi among.'. .
~i —<nTßCYatta or iitaV uiuutoiV ,
"vyr r. murphy, ut nook east coraerpf Fourth |
VY , ug Market its, Is now rewiring ail second,
luhnly for . the season, aod esivoffer inducements to
bnTtTvTarelT His aascnmqrt of■ , ,
Is very fan, eonristiarf oTJrenehldaifiofc Castaerw,-, ,
Cohan*, Lyonese Cloths, super Printed French Cash*
:AS res, at prieea.ooosidsliably.lowpr than they epnld
Of new>a&d very handsoae^styles,,.Velvet,Trim*.
Of various stylo and quaUties,pU'n snd eianrMdered
Black Silk Laces. Needle. Wortsd CoUars anif^fls,
Bo ““ B *SoMEilttK§E£tM. r ' ktot
< < tySSfi?J£S&HbTOßSßsw*.«)bsa--
at lowest prieezl Antl in the |etrtleree߻l deptrtmenl
<Aittt'rtB, x
Biabk Ooeskiaa; WlnterVeStlngs, Fancy Omomeres,.
UftdMrhlrisnnd DrSwererSilk Cravats, FocketHand-
are' luVltcd • 0, visit' the "WkWesala •
goomi , .uri«tsW-:'V'' l ' ' • -i. L :;:°ff an —
A VERMiyuoK r "* ,
k ‘iT; .. Jdsacxa,Mercerco^Pa^SeptB3,lSW
;R pear tfir, 1 booghioaoboltle wf yoar
at the-lroh Oily Furnace stoq, at Ihisplaee,
land it hu performed what we coarideroat here a wen*
, dprfals; ve. on one of my .boys righl>aan old: l»e had
• been BSwelUarsome)ea»,tq loach M ihail hod giv*
' ch ua ail hopes of his recovery.. ...I was ad vised by o».e '
. ,of my fidgaoors to wy a.« home of yoy. Yfnnifege—
i .nd lam happy to inform yoeof it baring the deslrtd.
j eflectof reUenof niTtoa- H« paired, tn r «ho short
, .tpscp of «* htmtßjdfil worms, some of them tacantt
, ,gr u mnch.a»l« and l*tocbfc»lohJf.s' 1 feelboand m
. iuTtice w give you the abova statement, toes yOuttayi
. mikeacy us« oftay name thalyoa think proper; i
, i
; KrSX.SEI.LKII3,« Wopdi
VIKAD I 1 ulSAltli<!BU.BlUi'.COJiUll .'bV
i ‘imtoldbrß EL'BfeLfcEfefrrfi?'Woodsiteeft'and,
by to IhMtvp cjUef usd' vietnitr/
- ca*eSi.Bm'o-rM4iLlftilh~Fel
per yard; ana a
Fre acb iKcriAOfA'jCSskffieTbi:'
JIM RmlttttM OiM.
ntßSf fc CO.joutmtata briar. Metros
iMST&tnot Bmtofrlffoad. Bco&ad or
JUftSon to toe wStiftS?com-'
RHfcfaßfeifnpt*'*. We ddtaotillAwosTpufee&xjnto
> reibet by toe ewtedUet eeuapetoet
ifce assent they re*
MnibMMelwK ted>«e to their, wellbeiof. naade
ipe&l toea witooet ear detention by too'fim lilne.—
We kiy,toUfieede«dr« u we defy .one qr oar poSen
fete to ehewtott toer.were detained 4aft»*j bftUio
Liverpool, whilet toosnnd* if other* < ere *•'•<***
meothvrmriltoei ao*l4 be. aewja «usi ,a tntf,« ,
.tbBp;rete, whieh too fraieeatlj proreCtoeir eoShe.*
whet| it m»j>juio.not eetee wutoe.eaeelMtmson,
PnJti dxutmjrfinabsrfb toinyeakfroaxito
(ft WL p*7*He_ at eay of toe nroriecm Etih* l* in.
lead, Enmad«oeattia4.jod-wileei'
T^7Trr g ; jOSHUA ROS^SSOK.'
vJ. "• jassaaa«aaeta
nwfyfceaSotTe. BtiTMeTeirdiT
[ y U3«*wy»exeeptad>and.arrive next mohmnr at
[Wirten, when they connect wiib the Mail Sure* tor
Ikieh and Clare land, ■rrMo*aie*ab «fth*»«ntare»
I betore tigtiL One ortbafsulutßJane JVamn daily
[aifrp.u; and aittrea at>B«areE in tinw totake the
•tomlarWaitot Piuabargb;-* TT-.
l , .Ki |OKB LEPFIMQWKLb* Co, Wmea.l^li:
* »lU B TAYLOR, Wo
r" ‘ : * t! ’ 40HW *CACGHEY. Agent, ,•.
| - • conwWater«ndBari«WffMiti
OH 'TUB PIII'AiAHD butO oAsau.
k- Oiawtou ACaucKSira, Cl Breland, O | ...
I* •R. O. Pam, T: BearerTPaJ ‘ J •
fpHIS Lu» will be prepared totta openinf of eari*
Jrtatieau(etnntportmfa(lu:aad>PMnß«Rs fan
prrtflßUSoH W Cleveland, to any pda on
to Canal end Letes.- - - ..
> v Its fUUltioref ibaliao in OMpmaucdia nimbeT,
queUtrlMd edacity of Boots, expenenoe of captain,
ood 4Btienoy>efAxeats.
'::Om Boot Uorecfittsbwsli end Cleveland (Lilly,reti*.
ntagin cpoaeieuea witb-ttta sttaaen
Between Pittttmwh call Beaver. ond Otitic of inteUM
Stouten, Propellers and'Vessels on tbe Lakes.
: Asm>-R G Parks, Beam, Po. <
•* ■ "•7e**e-B4ldwin< Youngstown, OUe.
. “ .
* * • Crtas'PtnnliiSj Rjcreens, '-
wkeeler* 00, Akron, -
•ia CrsvtetdftGasabeTllD|G , 'sod,O
B*s»A.Grffllth, Buffalo, K. > :
'''offl^oo^Miiw'' 1 Agcey >
. !fl . DBiT£a PACKETS.
, . ' •
... 1 « LAJtBEBIE,Gordon.
f|lHE>i»o»*»fßUi-ind woU lmowti Bearer Fack
,-X cu, hare commenced maklur tkelr daily trip* to
-and; from Besreri'asdarmraunnttto.-raa-oetareea
Pitabttrjb and Beayerjefalariy damfihe season, u
loDewat— " -i
. -MioUnn NxS'ltare* Pinibarrh daUy at * o'clock,
A* hL, ■ and Bearer at 3.0 , c10c!, ’P. M. Lake Brio
fearea Bearer dilly aiß o'clock,' A. IL, and Pttibnrjh
AtSe'eloek, P. M. v- ... >.
- Tbeoa*tea*er»wiß roniaCCMectihawitk
- -JIG-Pari#' Express i*aek*t'line,_tor Erie; .
' Taylor A Leffiinjprell>* Warren Packet*
Union LinaofFreixljJßoaU tor CloTclaaa;
. duke A Co’s PiUabargfc and ClerelsndLiaa Pi»l*h*
fSq Parka' dadylSew Cattle Packets.' .
’ ‘ CLABKE, PARKS* Co, Beared Apart*.
i ! JOHN A. CAUGUEY, Aceat, PitUbmh,
-jyMf t
.. LINE, V"..
fltHEProprietor* of this old emblbhed and pepalai
•-X -dailr Uae,eonsUiutgorBlXTKßNflnUlsisCaiial
Beits. <.wnea brittesaßloes and rasaies m <»oimec-
Doit with the Rena-boats BEAVER AND-CALEB
COPE,' are- enabled to offer anegaal led rthtfitiM tot
(be oanspo nation of. freight aai=passeo*«t»* ett «e
owning of Canal narifeaes, to ell points on the Penn
’fylrama and Ohio and N~ York canals - and the Lakes.
•' ( nn:ir. i- •' E. M. FITCH fc CoTCleTcland.,
. Axestr.Bearer.-• -
XC.BJUWEIX, Agtfll, -
•--»* -Wttef street, rosboigh.
sbSSF «*«•-«
-■:grt»^gy.^»ja^OTH Eß. ;
4 pEAYKB,PAVV' ' _
Lin* via ErU{m& fir ttm
Etaw.oad Colei Cep**. • -.
’.BtTiof parchuedlhaItrg* end sabrtintijJWhtlf
Boot i&u JwiU.'.Cjf tba Mnaoofthels feekeUt tuns
with«M*ddlttoa«C*W*|*hi>MPi tkomo«*iopleM*
f o r reeetaaf tod fonrstfiinf, Md
pfedgs Jhtir Bifflott BBeaiiOß. ptoaptneu and de wttrh
US Coaaignoienti to their ewe, tad rely os their foeuai
1 far*triti.{ < ttamXUy ■ fI.AHRO
- r T ■»»atera»>. T ....... -
for iaie*lni*ntt/'Bciirer 1 * price*. Lt ’
V I JOHN U« MELLOn* SI .Wood nu
| j is. I .' .'Sole Axes! (ot.CliiekenßC’t PUno*.
' • " - far Wettera PcwnwiTaro*.^
..s ■ .... .Vecvssa ltsnd PUBaiT ; f-
ONB see gad hand Piano, (Lociaves, price BSO.
. 1 j « • S “ “ 80r'”i '
.•For»alstorcu»ltattlieabore»ricrt,by _ \ ;
- del* ■.- " ' •*'3QUN H MELLOR.K Wood-it y
rt 40 _ Vieua
1 Beucot« altered and connected, from the last Eng-
Jhh edition, ta cenesptmd.with Spohrie Otigiaal
School of Viotin playing, tnThie pupil 0. C. Hill *'lf
'any arnmenu eye required to recommend u»s work,
it may be ohhe'rved that Spohr lilouelf adheres strictly
to the systemiaid t'own in the above' work, and that
he hater tb* ease mode oriaitnietloo. produced a
greater number of distinguished pupils than any other
moaterlfi Earepe , *‘ - - - •
. A supply of the above last ree4, (price *T. end for
selebr v - dOR ’ • fdit MELLOR. 81 wood it
‘IN EMINENT usd vspurieceed Fhytieua ftca the.
-!aX Esat ] UfSoyetiriatJaidlnr,o9'er> lo treat allrasei
ofa DeUcateNatsrowithpromptneisuidMereey.
' Hlssoscsis to.Bulalo end:«ther large doeehaa
bees proverbial. Hie charges are moderate, and his
earesperfßaah&l' Old eases of Gleetj Ftrieture, SerO'.
Tola, Fluor Albuii BbeuiistlrtWAgue, Syphilis, or any 1
chronic orinveteruteoasea sqiwited. . ..
. .. A cure warranted, or ohreneefunded.
‘ J Orsteus, Bt Clair street, fl doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Eraueted.’ .Adrica to the poor gratis. • >
N. soileitsihu Went cues of any disease
jß ; pmsberghtoeall r . . apltally
~- P*TBOLBtJjtrt>a. aOCtt O'ltT
"There'are hi heevea and earth
Than are.dteaspt of ia philosophy.* •'•
THE VIRTUES of this redurkahle remedy, and
the constant apoUeatlotl rof it, 14 Ihe prep rie tor,
bu Induced hfA UAlve jt pot' up in bellies with ta>
beUanddireeUanstorthcbenefitoMhe puhlio.
The from aweli In this
county, ala depth of four hundred/eet, is uns
doiteretcflartiCie,'withcutanyebetnlevl vhanre, but
jost as flows from Nature's Great Labratorj!! Tnatit
conuina properties re aching'■snember of diseues, is
no longer amatter. of uneertatnirV There ere many
things uj the arcana of nature, which, if known, might
be of vast useiklneu ta allevretiag tafleriog, and re*
storing tbo bloom of health usd vigor to many a raf~
ferer. Lone before the proprietor, thovgbt or potting
(t up in botues,U had a reputation for 100 cure of (lit*
eue. The constant end daily increuuig cell* for it,
and several remarkable core* it baa performed, Is a
acre lndloadoa of its (hum-popularity and wtde
sprdad appUehtion In'the boruoidUeaae.-’
Wo do nm jwish to make a long parade of certlfi*
cafes, as we are conscious that Jhe medicine pan soon
work.4fe.way into tbo favor of those who safer ami
wish to bo healed. . Whilst U[o do not claim for U a
universal applicafton in averv disease, we unhreita*
tingly say, that (n a number of Chroaie Diseases it U
unrivalled. Amoog theatf may haxnmmerated—all
dlsesset of the moeoas.Usseea such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION Oa ito early stage.)
Asthma, and ail diseases air passages, LIVER
the Bladder andXidftqys, Pains in .tbp iJaek or Bide.'
■Nerre us Rheums tic Pal ns,
jUmrworms, Bums, Scalds,
Bruises, 0!u Bores, Ac n Ac. In eases of debility re*
soiling from exposure, or long and protracted esses of
disease, this medicine will bnng relief.. It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE la such coses,
imparting tone and energy to ths whole frame, remov*
tog ebstreCUoas, opening the sluggish functions, which
emase dltesso and a breken constitution, and giving
iucreascd aoi-reoewed energy: to all fee organs of
-Ltfel--Tha'propriotor knows of several cures of
PILES, that resisted every other treatment, get well
uiiderouniu of the PETROLEUM for a short time.
The proof can be given to any person who desires it
Nooafeenuinnwithout the lipuinre of the proprietor,
.BoWwihopnmrfetoEr..-.. . ■
8. M.KIBR, Canal Basto near Seventh it.
UV-!f '.’Afeo by &.EBELLkRB.67Woo4atj
; ! .'ccrnSf WoodsLncdVirgin alioyjwhoure his ••
• . POyfi^tY. 1 - '• regularly appointed Agents'
ibb enuona.
No.*BT,corner Market tad Fifth-or Market,
i • tyeea Third and Fourth su."
rPHR tubsenber'keeps constantly on band, whole*
• Meat Tub i, BarrelCfauras,
! r BathToba , . . Half Bushels,
] .Woodretdtowls,' . .* ;i peeksaud2!iiirpecks,
; Brass Bound Backets,
Cfetteufies.j^;.Towslßoiiew,. - r
--Wooden Uread Rollers,
j Clothes ilmsketo.' ... •Market Baskets, Ao.
dbri4r - •;' INo <0 Diamond allay, Pittsburgh.
J, Rumatt A Aons* Pateaa soda AaE.
OQfVpASKUOJIu and Boxp makers' Boda Ash,
O&tt taportei-threet froui the above celebrated
:maaofadturers, 69 pCreeutAmSiinin test, arriving and
forsalebv novfl • b WA MMITCIIELTR E E
| Dapuy, he;
. ,1: . ‘’? KhW •
• '-.'JttlflObhfeWhlikey; for sale by
! : .-ctawfi -' - i . r - ' ■ ■:W t. MMITCHKLTREE •
, T>LEachLW3 hiWofiil-dtt eaiks JasMujpmt E
XJ Bens? brand, a Scperlot ardolui tor sole by
: nbvd"- 5 .“ v; ’y*■ WAM MITCHRLTBEE
nriiJsXiSltii fdc*piaU’s, uoda/AaL snTlb casks
/ O UlfAchfiiir Powdef,'hrtiVea per ship Oxenbridge,
asd-'jww.coassgoabf ekuai,toreale-by : -
, elistM'j-fi-lU i:w>;TWIiMMITCUKLTBBE i
(4£S£3g» 4 **
O M edict «sof tie day." .. __
Oxi sax’s btatios, Ohio, May ft, Wtt.
, K.'B.SeUere; I think U ri«ht for tie benefit of othen
to cute some feels la relation to yier excellent ¥aaj.
hr Medicines. 1 »
I have used your Vermifuge largely in my own tan
BY, ene viai frequently nnswering for expefflngt. tge
ÜBuntittes (soy liotOO) worms from two ehildna J
have alio am your Liver Pills asd Cough. Syrup m
my family, aad they have in every instance prodaeed
thoefleetoselred. ,- i - _ 1
•. At |am •mfiged la merchandising, I am able to
lift i uave yet to hear ef the first failure where
tour mcdtnmrs ham hr-r "f* tw «"T eeeuoa of the
country. In conclusion, I may state tin they ere tAs
medicinal sllheday, and are destined ia have every
extensive pspulamy ; Yours, w»ecifuflp
Prepared and eold by'|L •' I hRB,NoS7 Wood
street, und sold by DruggtJ.»*enM»lly In the twoel
ties end vicinity; ~ ' J '‘ '
OF uVeh cunrijoNT, b,l«
March Sotb, 1543. J
Mr. 8. E fieDeiej Dear Sfr-I think it a duty I ewe
to tob and to the pailie genera hr, to stale that I have
'been afflicted with the-Liver Complaint for a long
tune, awl so badly: that an abeoss formed and broke,
'which left me In a very low state. Having heard of
year cofobrated Liver Pills being for «do by A t
Sharp, in West liberty, and recommended to me by
av earsieian. Dr. E. Smith. I concluded to give them
a fiartriaTT purchased «mobox,and foan|th«n to
*.w Just what they are rreommendad, THE BEST LI
VJdR PILL EVER USED} and after taking four boxes
1 find the disease ha* entirely left me, and! am now.
■perfectly welt •
i"'-■ 1 West liberty, March ttejlSTJ.
'•'•'l certify that I era,personally acquainted with Mr
Colenut ,and eaa bear testimony to tbc trnth of the
■hrvA >»ftifiaata. «■ .>,.■. t l a SHAar
Tt» sehtune Liver Pills ; aw prepared end hold by
aga r LLEBS, No S 7 Wood street, and by druggists
THg C FfJBLICL—The origiaaLcnlr true and ken*
nine Liver Pills are prepared by RESeUerm and have
bis "»>»" stamped in black wax apen the lid of each
hoi, ami his signature on' the outside wrapper—an
<uk«ia are counterfeits, or base Imitatioc*.
"iT Ve SELLERS, Proprietor.
l?BOM the Rev ASA SHINN,a w^bjownandpop
ninterwhhaotseas® oithe stomach, sanetiiziei^ pro
a«c;nnreatpsi!nintho«teni*ehforun or twelve hour*
withoot;iuerau fcß,«nd k2?S
Temediel witb..- , aectwooftioitodi with » byttU
oiDr DJamefoCi mauve Balsam TMsheisedae
cordtng to the direst ens, aad found invarleblythit this
medfeueeaaaed the paht to abate in three or four min*
SrSd la. fifteen ortwenty miaateseyery uneusj
■caution was entirely q'totad. -The “wiieme wasaf
torwardsnsed whenever tndlcadettsof the approach of
paihwere perceived, andthepam was thereby prevent*
ed. He continued to use the medicine overr evcnini
and sometimes ir.-.h*'morning, audio a few weeks
health was so far restored, that the aaSerer was relief
ed from a large amountof oppressive pain, From ex
perknce,therefore. i e can confidently reeomniend D
O Jsrce’s Carminative Balsam, as a salutMT medfoin
* For sale In Pittsburgh at tiePEKINIISA . TOR
73 Fourth street, near Wo and also
BtorehfH PBOHWARTE.»> «ral rtrect, AltefHgoy
tin cm? mat TOl !
°z°Z&m&S2Sfi%£r j
'foe Heart, Infiuensa, Croup, Broken Con- ,
sdtatlon, Bore Throat, NervootDobUl*
allDiseases of the Throat, j
Breast and Langs; the most d- ,
foetaal and speedy cure ,
ever known lor nny of ,
tho above diseas
es, u
- lyrup of Wild Cherry I
U mm* »1M«
«am TnS.pu*4.««Tf>«i> U» itouttUM,
!SS»d.pontKul»«l.“l>«‘ o ''“. “ dll0 I.“K£
pr jfky d bf?^a?rodttC { ed*rerT through tie
UnuSsuteSAßd Earrpe,imi the» are few town* of
eontam-aome remarkable evl
ffiTonts good efleeta. For proof of the foregoing
ana ofthe value and eflteacy of thismedi*
wtU Insert a few of the maty thou-
SSJaSSs which have been presented tohtoby
SiJrJrfAaErrttespoettbUity—men who have higher
Btoof Ue am and justiee, than to cer
*Li£-JSstha wothing infiueneo diffused through the
renders it a most agreeable
"“"fr tot *** #flU &EMßEßl
owhea men. acting from conscientious impulses,
and auTPOse*, ooereos conviction of
wo*ldly Interests .neciml manner to
umiSmnQni or Pawtojuav Coairxrn(w>-
a that has been as racceafol
eases of Oonsumplion, as Dr. Bwsyne’s
iv«2£S?Bvrepof Wild Cherry, It strengthens tho
SSSSnSSSars to heal the ulcers en the lunrk,
rich blood; power possessed by ho
tdldnB. , CssXTZX COm AprilSSlh, IS4S.
-tw n. imr .T>tst Bin 1 verily believe your Com*
!S , smucii,tTr ho two>u
did so with tbamostha/-
iSm-31 adurew theafflleted getterally, to «tfer
&h!foh£tMtiswßy TOT of 7W Compound By
tty g^ f fotee years since I was
Ef^.ufaUMkedwUhWto and inflammation of tho
■ aas
: Pfe^a'sarSiSiSsss
r n and at length was scarce*
-Uom * or speak above a whisper, such
1 A—— J2s“ s ' w *
• prevtowJ?!^w been preju*
SSkSfS CS SKmd ‘cm o?Imr
!L»to»S too oftfor » mouths* ittndiag.eon* ,
S!2S^X'lt ws* deeply seated. I frand, however,
: stquenuyit f frcSn the use of tie first four or lire
» HM,wiui »T isereuin* »lren*U, ud
; Sfflww. <M>m—. W c f l * ?"* ■, re *V l
Suriid Io»l»»4iwnco of jeto* Ikw I«f nSern'
1 tadß U>— b ““*« •“ to » 1 »“»••
'• IShMlored I'b*w no .ociuon, o mochtmoll
i wooid h*,omodoineooood,bo
■ wSwononTTllo Sjrop olloycd Uu. foot
1 Shhobß IMI .wot to duuot^n*coogh, pol. B-.
> of monoi from to lungo. «d *o.
* <k mt ihn i-.-tre ■vtisM good health, inavedefol
r {ttfiSStSSS® now, for the purpou,
Mrfen.4* aaiisfied with the permanency ol the
pleasure. „ _ •»».«.*. *vw««.
rpublln county. N. a
important Cmtum—Bmi’ Aai'
1 There it butt. » jeuiuno preptrtnon of Wild Cherry,
•ad that Is Dr. ttwtntrt, B» fmetcroletml to the
JSblieT «»<* ••** been told iumly U.r»orho«l the
KJ S 3 sitter tod tome pint of Loropejtoa all pie.
oumxioni etMe- hr the n»me ot Wild (them hire
Kin pul out tltwe tbit, under toeer of tome decepute
elreumiLtacet, •! orderlortre eurrwiey to their ttlet.
Br u Utile olwwtttion, no permit oeed teitiah. .the
i&Jioe from U, ltl«“ Kiel, bottle of the teamen it
entoloped -tru ' t beautiful meet oueruumj, trtth the
llkonett of WUbam I‘ena theroon; uTto, Dr. Swtyart
•itntsuioi ud -t furthor teoumy, the portrait of Dr.
stsS trill Utdded heittlier, to rui to dDiingnuh
hit prepuiuliot.'tomullothert. Now, It It wot not lor
mo emit otttUoo propeniot tnd known tlrtuei of Dr,
dwayneii Confound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person,
would not bo mtdettorint to jit" eurrouoy to them
"(U:ll3out‘nol..tmt” byitealUlf the dime of Wild
Cherry. Renuwdrer, always bear ia-mad the nume
of Dr. Swuyno ad b* not decelted.
* frineipai Oihia, oorner of Eighth tnd Baoo steeets,
uule and retail by OG DEN k SNOW
DEN, coraiajvl Wood fti; B A FAHNESTOCK k
cTcorunuTwood, and 6th and Wood«u? WM
TUORN.63 M«*ket *t| 8 JONES, 180 Liberty auJAS
BLL. AUegbeiu ehy, and by all jeipeetabla dealer* is
medicine. - • 1 ocU^
~Dr. VV< pTuiMtd'iPnnlan Pluiir.
,T\n. \Y.P.lNLANB,ofibeMedicai Coltsgo bf Phil*
II aielpbia, now often to the publio hta Indian Veg-
PreoUa Clatter, tba qualities or which, after
tone and tried experience, hat been aeuatacioruj e*.
tablished. To all women who may bo afflicted with
, prolapsus L'teria or Fallen Womb, he recommends hie
tluter.-naianteelnf aaara and speedy: cure in (he
short apace of from taro to thee wcaka. if applied with
care and rest—discarding all the Mantlets uitlrnmenta
.and expensive bandages an long in use. This be feels
eonscieutioos In statins, inasmuch as he has not failed
in one case oat of three hundred and filtjMhteo pa*
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with pain, there is Miking to excel this Piaster
In affording relief or effecting a euro. For sale by
L WilcsXt corner of Diamond and Marketer
Brann A Actor,“ Liberty and St. Clair ats
Dr J Sargent u . Federal tl and Allt
gheny city
Jacques A 00, “ Denman and Diamond Birmis
haw- jC3
7& gELUKtUtrifouigisi, No 67 Wood BUcen.
A, AflfMkubeialeofDr.Towiuenii’tUcn
■ina flartayunlia. ttn Ibh recelTed goo dorcn of thla
Grctl Sjring tnd BwaEcr MuJicme.
• perchawr* tkq«M recollect thti & K Seller* 1* eole
«eßlfiwHU*bui*b, sad DM Ourry for Allegheny
e«y ’ ; «P» .
OF COFFEE—An article which lire-;
ni pidlr coming into ou w
titd deliciowboveiage, being more oleaaant end peli'
kttUe than eatatnon Oeflee,end fai cheaper, as aunalr.
outer eoaung only ton c * nu , will go a* far as four
Donnds of Coflee. Maautaciffred br
JOHN U.MJLLEK, Fitubarcb, Pa. ,
Bold at to Weenie by B A FAHNESTOCK A Cof
comer of First and Wood end Siph and Wood iitreeu,
(IAT.tPnaNIA BUBBEB GOODS—JoiI received,
j 33 Camp Blankets; HO officer, coats; HI pra Pantti
18 pain nett lined Mining Boots; 18 Isthmus Bags; if
water Tanga, • nnd-W gallon* caeb; 80 eauteens, 4
ralldseaek .1 do* Baokak.a Money Delia; 1 dooileq.
ceabria dodo.- The above foods lor a&leat the Cali*
fomla OaUDlng Eiublithmont, No A. Wood at.
CffJ k 11 PHILLIPS j
ASSORTED op for family use. in tin
«ana, aaeloaed in a sliding Ud box. containing
Mustard, Alaplcc, {
Cinnamon, Ginger, >
Cloves, . • Pepper, .
Wananlod pan* For We 11 »be new spice; and
ilakued Factory, comer of Ferry A Llbonyata. :
. im,t| liwxi ‘ ■_
VnvGS—WroagMima Anvua, iron uw Tamper-
A anceville work*, warrant©*! will be eousiaatiy
---I . .raWBOOKIt . :
BE VAB WITH MEXICO, b, n. S. Eiplnr. >
. vols.
Elements of Rhsioricj'eomprislng'aa of
the Law* ef Moral Evidence and ei Pemaaton; by
Richard Wha»ly, D. o.* ' '
Ekiay on rbris l i«f’ Baptism; by Baptist W. Noel, M
ttlbnj with 34 mustraritea by Pufto* • „
dclO • ’ediroerTairdattdMarketstrects
1 Now aad Rlsgaat Ciftßookit
Poem, 00l ProM Wlilbp, br EJekori H, 1
volSa muslin 1 •
uiqminibitot iff flaereaPoety. witituix luustru
Snr H—■
lledka! Proteuieo cad .tbs CotsOMnityj \vj. Worta
ifittn (looker. M: D. "
Tlw Worfci of MiebaslDe Mobtsine; ccaprtiiaf
aH,E*q.,D. C.L.. . ■*
G'lbapicsof Bp*lai or Nous ©f «a Uaftaieked Xobi
in 1847. ByS.T7w»m», ...
Proverbial Piflo*cphy, ww edition; nin**
trateo. jut received by . ' l '
, cornet Market mad Third atierta .•
. J minuted Book*—Book! in richly carvedbinding,
uminatod amHlluitrated—Books superbly bonna tn
Velvet, Silk,Morocco, and Cothirikitloil,’in rmiUtße*
eftheMiddfe Ages-fiibleaiad prayer Books, beta*
tlfolly boned inVel vet and Morocco, msgntfiftontly ox*
-*>ti |ltnmtwu<i,d FOTSUIOby
deg • Bookseller A Importer. Wood at.
Chrutmaa and Bnr Tear ApprMehiaßi
In Magnificent Anitgtu Binding, fonJuTfotldap.
AUESD. LOCKWOOD, Bookaeller and Importer,
tl A 3 Wood ttrceuhas reeetvec abeautiful collection
of lUutmed Books, boned is the meet splendid man
ner by lha best London and .American blade**—among
tbem may bo foan-ii •••■
pearls of Amen i -Poetry; magnificently fllnmin*-
sated. ■ ;
LayaoMho tfetent WoridjilluttlnatediagoldaDd
•. Wordsworth’s Greece: richly Illustrated.
The J'-eacherj illuminated byOweh; Jones, and
koaod r >’earvedwood.
The Soog of Sonya; illuminated by Jones.
Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts; iHunrinatedby
Heroines of Shakipfcaire; illustrated..
Mrs. Jameson’s Chureeterisaes or Women; Ulustrs*
ted. Forsule by ; JAMEB/D LOCKWOOD,
REDBURNi (Qa First Herman Meilville
author of t< T? pee.” “Omoo," Ac.
History of Klny Alfred.of England, Wy Jaeob Abbott;
With lino engrasufa.' *
Sidonia the Boreeretst'TnrWm.'HelnhoM.'' *
nosSI comer Third and Market streets
m Ons of tJu Most Rtmcria&U Work, cf tAi Agffi
' tfINEYEH AND ITS REMAINS ;with an aceonni
~t oft visit to the Chandtaan Christiana of Ksrdi*
tan, and the Yeaidla,'or Devil-Worshippers: and an
Inquiry into the Maarten and Arts of the Aneisal As
syrians. By Austen Henry Layardy Eaq., D. C. L
With Introductory Note by Prof. E. Robinson, D. Dn
. LL.D. 1 Unit rated with 13 plates and maps, and N
woodcuts. t<Uh,9Lso.
“The book has anra amomnt of graphic, vivid,
taresquensmtive.’K-Tnbsna. .
“The work of Layard !• the most prominent eomri
bntioa to the stndy of antiquity, that has appeared Ik
many years."—Christ Inq.
“Not ooe excels in interest the aeoaant of Nineveh
and its Blips, given by Mr. Layard."—Washington
Intelligencer. i
“As sre follow the; diggers with' breathless interest
in their excavations, ana suddenly find ourselves be
fore a massive figure earvod wnh missta accuracy,
now lifting its: gigantic head, from, the dost of SAD;
yean, we are ready ta ery out with the asionlshtt i
Arabs, ‘Wallah, it ia wonderful, bat It is uuel”’—ln
dependent. a '
Fbr sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,
novid -■ . • • . | 63 Wood st
THE WOMEN of tte Old- and New Testament.
Edited by E.B. Bprugme,D.D. 1 voi. Imp. Bm.
elegantly bound; 19 exquisitely tabbed engravings;
with descriptions by cels b rated American CUrpmen. -
POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welhy, ofKy.,) a new
and enlarged edition; illustrated by engravlngi from.,
original designs by Wier. 1 1 voL square elegant
ly bound and gilt Also—A variety of splendid Anna*
als and Gift Books..
Sewell's Child’s First Book of the History of Borneo
I voL IBmo.
nse of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
yers, Lumbermen, Sts dents, and Artisans generally:
being a thorough mad practical Treatise on Mcnaura- *
tloa and the Sliding Rule. ByD.M. Kapen A.M. j
Boise’s Treatise on Greek Prose Compomtion.
Oltendorfl's Elementary French Gramm tr. By Prof.
Greene, of Brown Uaiversity. -1 vnl; 18mo.
Roedigeris Geasnias’ Hebrew Grammar, by Conant
' Gesemni'Hebrew Lexieou.
Loomis’ Trigonometry and Logarithm!* Tables, t
voL (sheep.) ; •••
Tbs Englishman’s Greek Concordance.' 1 vol.(mas*
tins t * •' . /
_ Anthon’s Classics! Series.
Webtteris Dictionary, revised ed. lvoLSvo.
do ido 1 ' unabridged. lvoLdto.
Bane’s Notes aad Questions on New Testament.
Whately’s Log*.
Mosheim’s Iteclsaiastkal History. - 3 vois.. and a
vela, (sheep.) -
Vestiges of Creation. tvoLlBmo. ,
Montagu among the Jesuit* ax Boos.- tvoL (oloth
endpaper.) - . .
• Beeoea where the Tempter has Triampbed. 1 voL
(eleih and paper.) '
Bone’sTheetogiesl Lecture*. tvoL8vo»(eloUn)
Aider 1 ! Pranoundag Bible.
•Boyer's French Dictionary.
Smart's Horace. 1 For eelo by B HOPKINS,
novlX’ • I- Apollo Bnßdiwifs. Fonrth st.
i.l Montaignie, edited by H. Haalitt, caccprislng his
Eitays, Lettets, and Jonrnev throaghjGertnanyend
Italy, with notes from all the Commentators, Biograph
ical and lbblkijrraphiesl Notices, Ac. ’ ! ,
Theory and Practice of Teaching; at\ the Motives
and Methods i-of Good Bchool-Kcepuig, by David
Plage, A. hL, Psincipsl of tha State IVormai School,
Albany, nTy. '■ ' - • I '
Frank Forester's Fish and. Fishing of [tlte V. States
and British Provinces of North Atneneaby* Henry
W«l Herbert. JOUNsTOfitArSTOCETON, "
• novd ■ comer Thlrd tnd % larket its
Tin OldiraTti
JMaa J>. LOCKWOOD, Booster as d Importer,
No. 63 Wood itreei* haa for Bale a tear .copies com*
pieie, (the remainder or the'edition,) of thU valuable
work, dbvated to the Preservation of Door menu, and
oiber authentic information relating to [the early ex»
pla rations, settlement and improvement of the country
around the head of the Ohio, toy .NcviUeß. Craig.
Keq-» of Piuiborah, 1 n $ voli
novlO i ■ J. D. LOCKWOOD.
ROMAN LIBERTY*. A insure, w.tii oTiewoftie
Liberty of cihsi Aoeicnt Hau»i»J By Ssnsnet
bUioit, E*j. JUcurawd wiih tw«l»e r ngrsTtogsy exe*
cuied Kl RoAe (Ltlions with Prescott's
Histories! Works. ' [• >
Just published tod fertile br- <
ooTlo I ! Importer, 63 Wood «t
CRANNY KEUiILK IN rVALYi euthoruoieditlon,
«T lino. 75c1». :MBS.-F ANNY-KlTMttLE’d YEAR 1
‘•The reading .oflhls book has impressed u* with*
ffl«eh higher cuiinioh of to author ibaci we had formed
from penning her other writings. lid isplaysadeeper
;loco of thougM, united. W more pore womanly grace of
feeling than any other production of Ute f*oule.euao
,with whtehwe are actjaalntrd. n —E*o. Mirror. *
‘•llia every agree ablo and readable book,wriitenln
Fanny Kemble’a bast style—bold* spirited sad enter*
taming, We ttcdffunend It to oat leaden as the beat
poblijotloaef thejtason.”—Heading <2ex. _
-*lt contains the Journal of a'travel through Europe,
and residence in. Italy; end is one of the pleasantest
i and most interestinglooks of the seas*®.**—Conr. and
Ertquren -• ~ _ ‘
“A very oharaeietistic book. We hatre read U from
title page to Colophon with unabated interest. -A vU
vld picture of life in Borne. la mil respe-ris eminently
reenable. o —Knickerbocker.' • L . lJ _,_, t
For sale by JAMES B LOCktWOOD,
Bovlfi y! ' : Bookseller Importer, *3 Wood a t
litttioffrftpfcfc BitabllikaaM
OP Wit SCHUCUMiNN, Third st,.»pposite the
Po»J*Ofcee, .Landscapes,Bui*,
beads, Showbills, LabelstAiehUemTal aitd Machine
Drawings, Jlaaiaw and VisUiM Cards, to.* engraved
or dieoaoa stone, and printed in colors,'Gtdd, titonxa
orilleek, In tie most approved agio, and rJ the most'
reasonable pnoer. - ; ' 'ocdifcly
I?LOUR— €0 bble Family Floor, for tele hr
< deW ) WICK fc ttcCANPLE39
I bblslor tale by •
M"£” N
CHEAP MOUB. DE LAINB—3 ease* good style,
■fo«t colored M. de tarns, at tbe extremely low
price of Uei per yard. A A MASON A CO,
dc!4 • . . No CP Market «t -
I 5 *•' bottle* ' ‘doi*’
8 “ “ - Plan Applet
S “ •* Cbenie*}
3 “ “ BU»wbeirk*j
3 *• “ Tomatoes
3 “ half gti. bottle* nckle*;
3 “ qoan . • do.
3 u taiwjr - do.
Ree’d and Cat aal# »t the Pekm Tom Store, 70 Fourth
meet. * - - .••. r~ - ' ; deelft
fUß—f3TOrrSoSTaßdliif atlo by
WM H JOBNSTOtr. 113 Secoed *t
RECEIVED THIS DAY. It the liidie Bubb* De
doi—l cue Women 1 * Metallic Ri ibber Sandal*;
•4 " ‘ ‘ • 4,4 S«*PPe«i
g M U M «« . UttiKlD^
I « Mlwei’ “ 44 supper*;
I « Men'* •' u . u Oreraboe*;
(>.« •> « “ B*ndal*j
I m “ “ Otenboe*;
All of which wifl beedd.wholetde or Kiwi,lower
than at any hooie in the eitjr. _ JA H A’intAJi'Si
llo ril ' No a Wood meet
i nxj.'ius'd sixes, rac'd and
BUTTES— 13 bbU *nd*T***ui p*e*ed, ui prime
—bbx ASH—B 3 east* to txnve per Huijrotd, for
..inhT •-de» TASSEVfcluifcT |
fmCK^Ab; 1 - 1
n io»( tee*d by
i o—io bales Ut ge tlxearid heavy,
No » Wood u
HZWltes—* ciki super Freneh'Biack mix -V
teueti extra utmming*i recM per exp ret*, u ■ •
deg) A A ftlASONfc 00*8
o UNiUUbS—O bales Celt* a; . xßbblsNol Lari
O 44 bag* Feathers; 1 tierce “
Ifi sac kf Wool;
Odox liaab Skint, with wool}
a doi Sheep Skint, “ «
3 dot •“ ** dressed;
To arrive da uoamer Fort PitLaad for nie by
doll I ISAIAH Dio KM A CO, Front tt
1 jtJi riIEBS—IS tacks prime, tor tale by
F del7 i : WtOKfcMcCANDLBSB
Huftbh OU V.ttittt—o Una Bltitle Ilona Covers;*
very booty and splendid article, just rac'd and
foraalolow, at Wool airecitby
detfl I • ■ : JAHPinmPS
»tbbl to sure aid for sale by
; • ■ J KIPP A CO:
j dcW : ' '
LGOHOL-Übblsjustieo'd and for tala br
L dcg> i ■}■ J KIPP A CO
l I^£~6X&rWjtIQHT— 1 Carpel ti»t to .«?»!
V. BOUCKJI * lOM9, .
Dsaksriy Exehsags Brsk« r V,
Notce and Aeeeetaneea
payahlcin any panofthc Union, eolleeted on the most
favorable , »*" | » ..••. •••
EXCHANGE on New York, Phßadelshla andßal
tirnormalso,Ciadimatit L©awytUe,.Baint.Do«* baf
New OTeans, constantly fbr sale. ■ , ",
BANK NOTES.—Netea on all aolveat banka In the
United States discoantod as tha lowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and American. Gold and Silver Coin bought
and told/ ■ 'j,'
Offlee No: 89 Market street, between 3d axtAitbj
csbergb.Pn. •• oet»..,
“■ -"t fosuolk JbKCHA^O**
. J any .amount atme Cairent Ba»o of &*h*ngo.
A&<s Drafts parable ta any pan of the dMd Coamnes,
from SI to flCOh at the raM(9B9toihe£Steritag,
BON, European and .General Agatt, dice Bh
door west of wood. - ; ,• • • - * octtfiti .-;
amo»lsliux| • -.. , V Iptumtn
■ tnttirvin a BAHBi
InPoreigntndDomsstio Billr of Exchange. Oer
ama ofDeposita, tu-u Notes and Coin, comer of
3d aad Wood streets, directly apposite Bti Charles Ho>
frtßDt- . _ ; -
. ' .Muigßrf, -'
, ■ Bulk Now? '
itrehwcd at th* towul ntea, by
• Vow York, -
, i . ■;. ruiuiipuibua
Oonsmtiy for nl« fry , N. HOLMES * SONS. •
>epl3 •■: •’ • 1
swat jochduos - 'L •
THE undersigned, faceetsora to AJrthur* It Nlchol*
too, beg leave to Inform the eitiiensefPitttbunib'
and pnblre generally, that they have jrebam ihaEA*
ULtFOUMJHYanduenow In nuoneralion, and
have part' of theirpauems ready fox the market—
Amonjin whtoli *»« Cookjaß Blorei, MuidWMl
Store. wlfli * .plendid alwlAlitCMLl Stove, wUcb ii
m sapereedinK to olAttdUm Urn comnonroiind
Store. Abo. • cheap cool Cocking Store, well adap
ted for small families, with a full assortmenlof com*
1 boo and mantel Grate* We. would lpar»tcu!arty. to*,
rite the attention.of personabuilding to call at oar
warehouse before porehasiflf, and oxnmiaM splendid
oniele ofenammelied Grates,, finished in.fine stylfr—■
entirely new in thia market L
. Warehoaae. No. 181 Liberty at, opposite Wood at
. J£gasu NICiioIsON&FAYNE-
Oflea eftba Dal*w*»a Jl»t«klßafttyln-.
- mraaoa OMapaajr* :
paxtAPuraUfMor. Sth. IStfi.
»ha firtt day of December next. , .... /• '
Abo, a dividend of BIX PER CEWT. toctah,on tie'
eaoittl stock and term pwvionslirUioed.-payefiie as
iSore! JHOtfAEDaNEWBpLD,Sec*y* .
norlD 1 P. A. MADEIRA, AgtfPigey-
YEAGER. Importer. and, Wholesale, Dealer in
Bnrn of the Gilt Comb, 103 Market stL Pittsburgh, Fa.
YVesiem Merchants, Pedlara, anf othera -ranjM
Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are cespeetfaily invited
to eali and the extensive uaortment of Eng
lish, AmerfeantFreach and Gcimanpanoy Goods.
> All Ford an Good* at this establishment are import
ed direct by myself, and purchasers may fely on get
ting good* from fire* hands.' I hare tbe largestassort
ment of articles, in the variety line, in the eitrof
Pittsburgh—allof which wIU be sold low Cor cash or.
city acceptance* The Stoek consists, in part, of - •
• Lace Goods, Hosiery,Glove*, Ribbon*
gilk Cravats, Sbeosod Patent Threads* Sowing Bilk, ■
gpool Cotton* Tapes, Saspendere, Bsuens, Pins, Nee*
d silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all hands of
Brushes, Combs and Razors. ■- < • .. . .
percsssina Caps, Revolvers, PisJoU, Gfecks, Silk h
Cotton-Parses; spectacles,' Steel Peas, Musis. Boxes,
Carpet Bags and Baskets.. l: r .
wltwltrifs, Fmdmei and Trimming*. t ■ r... . > -
Toys aim Fancy Goods; together with a Urge varie
ty of Fancy and tttapla DRYGOODS. • •
C. YEAGER b also agent for Un celebrated L&n*
easier Comb* =' - • • BQ*iT ~
Read! lUadt
SELLERS' COUO 1 * aYBUP.—From W. K. Bode*,
Cler - Conn of Quarter Sessions or.
Beaver Cost
Mr. R.B. Bells s-4l Borne time In the winter toy
wife was aifiieud true, a severe and distressing cough,
and bearing *f-/*ar -evaluable Cough .Synrp, l.rnr-.
chased a bottle l/rm S. T. Trimble; of Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or three evenings
on going to boa, she found Immediate relief asulso
several friends havo been relieved In severe cares. -1'
km therefore satisfied that It is a safe and valuable
medicine, and would recommend it to those who may ’
be afflieted with severe Cough* and Colds.
• March S 3, IMS. ; - ' W.K.BODEN.
Prepared and sold by RJE. SELLERS, 57 Wood n,
AI .
ieubay. ■ - QCflft •• <
” yhs Okartlm Oosi C«Bpany.
ThOORS Trill be open for subscripOonJo the atoek of
n - ‘•Tho Charter* Coal Company,*‘cn and after .
Manday.the filth day ofßeptsmber inst/lat the oflica 1
flMUiigihfc Banaeaj.
FOB Coughs,eoMftAsfoms tad Consumption! Th»
tbers diwuti) U foe HUNGARIAN BALflAlf OF
LIFE, discovered by foe celebrated Dr.* Baelran, of
LOodoo, *g"gi»ndt cad introdneed into the United 8 foie*
nndfr tbr ofthe inventor. ■>•
The extraordinary sncecss of this medicine, in tk» "
etre of Palmonanr diseases, wajrant»;foo Americia
Agent in soUciting&i treatment foe wen* s pos«ble ea-
S that can be found in foe community—cases
relief in rain from any offoe commoaremcdiet of foa ;
day, and have been given upbyfoemostdistinguished i
Dhyileums as confirmed and incurable. - Tke Hunguri
ai Balsam has cared, and will care, foe mo« desperat*
of cases. Ulsnoqaaekcestndn,6trta-6anduidEßf
Ulb xaedieine. of known and established effleaey.
ftadlyin foe United States should bo supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Ufo, not only to.
edunteraetfoeeonsnmptive.tßOdeaeles ortho climitr,
ba* to be cases W
ejids, eoughs, spimng^of blood, pain* ndeand;
cknt, miration, and soreness of foe lanph broehius,.
dffieslty of treating, beetle ftver, night sweats, emael
'adea and general debility, asthma, kfoaeitza, whoo^ini
in at fl per bottle, with foil dirt*
tfons for foe restoration of healfo. . '
’Pamphlets, eoatainlog a man of English and Amen*
-in certificates.' and other evidence, showing foe sc*
easaUed . merits of this great EngUsh bs
by 4 Co^eorneto
_ -ouire—ciMie on the moil approved Enters plu*—
md mott fuhloo&ble «id colon. AJ»-
arm*4etoorderoftUeixes.uditiJlpric«i. - •_
i CoohtrjrMerebmuudother**retsTited toetllcl
dxuii&e the ibove for thorn icltm.m »II wUlbesoli;
•heleule or Teuu!,ud t libertl aodßßtioa mid* Ut
«rfcoleulepßrehue». . ’• • -; c ',- : ~ •: _' *
| eptdly . . . A WESTEHVELT
: East tlda of the Diamond, -where Vemdair
: Blinds of all the different sixes and eoloro
. kepton hand or made to’order site 1,
. / the latcxt and moat approved Jtoateroftshri
lon*,at the shortest'notkesadon the nos*
reasonable terms. -
! Also, the cheap Boston Toller split Blind TrampV
reney and Paper Certains of all the different and.,
patterns, on hand and for sale loyr for cash. Old'Yenl*
tian Blinds painted over and repaired, ortaken Ip part
payment for R M WESTKRVELT, Pro'pr.
* N. B —All wtn. and
rortmanshlp, end wanentod to please tho
dioes. ■" - auglO-dly,
i AJle^tcnycity,'Anc.l«,lSß.- ; ;
Sellers* imperial cough syrup-tots’!
Ncnmao Lure It! > • . ■ i c
• - - PrmsexeH, Mareh 27,1847.
Mr. Q. K Seller*—To iasticoioyoa and yonr incom
parable Congh Syrup, 1 be* leave to stats, for the ben*
e&t of. the cosunxnlty, that tay wife has been aaverot
times afflicted trim a most distreatisg cough. - J par*’
chased, in Jan nary last, atomlo of yuurSyrup,w£icb
enred a eoogn of two months* standing.- Abont one
•nomh since, the conch returned, tad .was* so severe
that tho coaid hardly movei'lrem weakness ia the>
breast; l sent for one bottle ofysar Cough Syrup, and
a part of one boule cored the cough ■ Igxve the other •
to a journeyman who was sowtery sfiietad, who had,
to oh Us own wards, ‘•eaten enough eovf a candy to->
core all.the people to Pittsburgh," If thecandyhad'
been as good sirenresentei. -•- • ■'4
Yours, respectfully, ■: Airass'B. Kxsro-, i-
Prepared and sold oy JL E. SELLERS, *7 W ood
street, and told by Druggists generally, in the- two
chlea. - -V . j del* .
GRATEFUL for the very liberal - encouragement I
have received for so many yean, Ihsrre deter*
mined to enlarge my batiness conalderably. Having,
engaged a competent Foreman, «>whi-d to
flu-all orders promptly, and do the work-in. our- esnal<
style and at fair prices, and ask the attention of n»r
ohanu and cilixens to my large stock of UPHOLSTE- .
RY GOODS and Bed*. Matlrasscs and Beddine, Cor*
tain Materials, Damask* and Moreens,Cornices, Frin->
get, Bordering*, Tassels, Split and Holies Bands, and ;
every article usually kepf in'an rstablishmeniof the ■
kind. Orders respectfouy solicited and promptly at* !
tended to. - - * .
N. B.—Carpets mads and pat down.
■. BRown would respect-.'
folly infona the poblic, that he.'
seeps on hand at his stand on the
weirslde of the Diamond, Allot
gheny.eity, a complete .'assort,
meat of VenitiaalUlnds{*l»o Ve*
nitian Shutters are madf:ioora
der In the best style, warranted
nasi to any in theUnlted.Stales;
Uts Blinds can be tainoved With
oat the aid of a screw'driver.
the- Hock,
tools, and wood of the cabinet es
tablishment of Ramsay A M*Clel-
prepared io-fontish
their-old eastoateTs, as well as
meh*i»- * ' A A. BROWN.-
JUST reeHJ, an elejant plain Rosewoodfi ©ctPUno*
from tho celebrated manufactory-of Nuhaa t
Clark, N. Y, o{*uperiortauo,andveijB}«teTaUprtcE.
Fa /eS lflby aiLW^VWwcAa.
for- removing Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, hud all'
substances destructive to .thu Teeth. is daMeioai to •
tha taste, eloaasln* the mouth, healln* and strengthes^ l
in* the fuma, and puafyia* the breath.
Fat sale, wholesale and retail, by.-.- 1
dcdO R EBELLERg.’By Wood st '
T.T Jaitrea'J.anlavojco of foil jeweUed paUnt Ic*
ver Watches, lScams ftxn euses, which I can ecu at'
tour aa thirty and thirty five dollars, aad warranted to ‘
keep good ume.
Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, earn-J
l ’S*^sssssi^@ri
‘ nE3hk EEMOYED to • new three ttarf
QJWBpBa on Smubfield meet, one <toer bcW« < - \
1 TiTfT ghaiitercet .Teethinsertedfrgia,„ .
'lO eh entire setiWrfhe motion principle, wtth e ~ -
titol representation of tttfl Uttnl:e«oirisitona« the
original thape of the faee.
Iv, 8.0-Te«h exsaere® wtWi or no pain. >,
. .
Tenting the tooth ache, wSnfa it nun better thua<to>
ring >tthough itahouldbo doss in-five minted nr
CTcninwantiy^. T vcStot. .
iJL LUNGS.—He ÜBpreoedeoted accesa wfeith feat
' Bended tbo use of the •• . .
a all the various foma which Irritation of the Ingtt*. ■
'ranee, haa.iadueed the proprietor.againtocellaaea..
He ehangable weather vrhielt mark* oar ton, asi f
whiter months, is always a ftuitfkl tirerce of.
Thefe, If Deflected, are but the preeertoti of that All
.terror, , cOSUMtTION. . 1 :■ )
The! question, then, how-thall we nip the demcytrla <
the bud! how-ahail are get dear of ear oonghs tod -
flldit Uof eitiHianoitaaeo to teopahlio.
will be found la the Gin*eng Panacea. Inproafofttto ■ 1
w« bava ftom time to time the ctitifieateeef .
doMpa ofonr beet known e.tuens, who have oig»n«
anted its curative powers. These,vrfihaiai*i«f »■» • * 1
Tfmr»by from all parts of the country,—from .
fllhbtm of the Gotpi I,'Aa, with topic** fill
ceiflrom the -■•■•••«•• • _ •
we hava embodied tn pamphlet tona, and may MlM.'-.
/ pati«cftUTcfoarajre'putiaoc^iai titecoatsCT* ... .*
tavebeen-usedlathtoctiv. • • . *
thrOMhcuttheUmteiS<alecaclCin«dt,and wee*» - *
tenAinymaaiopbiluouta. • • - . ■>• ,"-.V
a which, When taken according to direction*,‘and “■
fore tbeluEgihad become totally disorganised, u hat
rnt tolled to ~ ,
tVhy, tbeaate ed the efbirted hetlt ate! Why neert tei .
•alas ler the assumed mreocf tome ooehrated pkp* -
tldaa, and puffed ihio notoriety by certificate* tv pat* ,•.
lost equally unknown! ‘Whiltl a medicine et * '
Uttifinhad, whose vouchers are at-home,7*«srMifh|;..
borer-many ofwhnm it has'
' Id order that this invaluable medinlne may be plaeM ; •,
wlihin the reach oPthe poor at well tha rich, we bare
. :<c -
Just; one half the usual eon of oough medicine*, nil
{or tale,by our agents in ueorty ovtry town and Tillage .
over tho west. Woo are prepared to dve full infon&a*
•Jen relative to it.. . _T. SALTER, Prcpriotor.
i Broadway, Cincinnati, Obxe, • •
MEBCUILY,or other MiO'
' I fcrre used b for thfr l**l ! ’
’»lXt&ai TW»:for all dlmiu of the chest, tarolTiag
• * and IdeoUro-
the utmost danger and aru,
before heaven and man, thaiaotln osocawhu:tt
(hiled to benefit vrhaathapaUefliwiawiUdathpteaeh ;
of mortal means.
* • In the
I hire hxdphyikians learnt-.. ■ *•
haro ministers of the jadgeA-of the ISK&ii*-''* i
dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the TUgnest gradlfloa. • i
and mumoides o7thd poor *se_hia every ▼ailety.orj
nr, and there hit been bat one tOjco—wotmmmd .
jSGOOD! W ' • ■•• it ■• •••■ —-
RHEUMATISM—It remoTcs *!“«>« igqa*dlatßlT. ;
the inflammation and swelling, when the pata.waiea.'
(1L . the directions eroand-the box.) - • . -
• j• « D-ACUE—Tto mlto has cttreipereone of mo
hefcjtocbecf tweito years; standing, aad wtohMit.
u* ftciped with like success. . - .__
SCALD nKAD—We have cared cosesthatMtMtov ; j
drtadcrcry, thing known, as well M the chiittr •
teoa^o twenty doctors. : Oho mia torn a* he had spot- - J .
os hie children withea any benefit, whena augj
umi ©f Ointment cared them- _
TETTER—There U nothing-better for Ut* osn ot < •
is one of the best things in the worid_ft)t,“ *
•fwLES—Thousand* are yearly eared by thieOiri^.,
mcni. ,H jrcrux fail* in giving relief for the Piles
• Around the box art directions for asm* Jr At* - •
liiur’i Ointment for Scrc/'ula.Lirtr Cew^iaxnt,^rfsip»- ,
tat-Tkatr, am aift, Sort f
S4it Threat, BrontUtae, hereout hfrOtanx, Pates, Dm*.
tauefiU Spine, H**t odU,«jAmo,Dw/nBJ.Ea f ,
Burns, Corns, o U JKisosss cfl\tSlnn, StnliwJft*-,
flaTie., ■ SvtUingref (is Xrtffis, \Bw,JUki»teo**»
piUs. told Fas, Croup, Swt lied or Broken breast, lb•»,
*<As,«4ri*s«»tt«/b<s,‘4 , *-<? e * , . -f _
COLuFKET—LiverComplaint, bain -ut.theChetf
and Side, falling offoT the hair, or the other aeeompm*
nies cold feet. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) It' l3
J* a sure sign ofdiiease to haye;cold feet
1 CGRNBr-Oeeasiouai use of the Ointment wul al
ways keep corns' from crowing—People need Mitt
bo troubled with them iflhey use it i,
; .OThbOistmesufs good for any part of the body .
or umbs when inflamed. In some'ease* it should be it;
AITEfcQN-Jte Ointmeut wilt be genuine-uniesi’tfcß *
name ofJAuES JIcALLISTEE ir written with-* pea
myAgemain all the'principal cities aaif
.towns in the United States. . • _ ‘ ;
... .-JA)l£iS McALUSrhft, .
Sole Proprietor of the above mediclnh;
' iip* Fnnripal Office, No 23 NorthThird.ttreetji.’ljß' '
Aacrtspi PnTssuaoa—Braun A Reiter, comer Ot..
liberty and 8t Claims; and L-WUeox,Jr, comerUr ‘
Market ft and the Diamond, alto, comer of 4th ass.
Smiihfield sts; 3 U Cassei, corner of Walnut and Pean ,
sts, Sth ward; and sold althe bookstore in Sttithatld, '.
et,34doorieoro Second stt hi'AJlegheijy city :*jr JtP'*
Schwarts nnd J Sargent; by I C Smith, Druggist, Hr-. ~
Mingham; D Negley, Hast liberty; II Rowland, Uo*
Keesport;. J Alexander A Son, JJonongahela ChK ‘N.,
B Bowman A Co, and J.T.Rogcrs,’ BrownsVillet’JflM, .
Barkley,|Jea»ei,Eni are wholesale agents.: .'. V.y
; .febiT-dsodly .; . • ;• ■
i ' ; Fftetafortbe fatale, •' ■
• In relation to',that j ;• J
Testimony of a rcspcctsbio. :
ryweather,CLicmnaU: '.r '
• • Cmccrsttr, • 7 cb.TS,lBo.\/
• Bin Aucnsoofdaiyeorapelsmo togive'mytributb-'
toDalley'e Pain Extractor. Being opposed toottaek*
dry. and aU uostruras having for toeSr obieet k sthister;!
much gowl froo .tbo.“Kijg ! cr u ’
Palo Killers 7 ’- 1 -! dui iuduecd to thjs cefol*.
cate. Lhare used it id my'fiunUy, in my " ,
‘with all the happy and wonderful cffects.(hhfc<rxU ;
possibly lid imagined. ‘ ~ ' 'IL J; Bko&a^M.p, e ' ■’
’ Dr. Brodic is ibc -.senior partner of Ilrodic fcLein, 4
•—lnflammatory i ' < : - -
f *nie fotlowutj tesumanlaTdomes from a scarce fo}
miliar w many <xf those traveling on our .Western W*j
tuts.. Mr. Ulilae, pte well ami lavufably
prietor of the Parkersburg llowl, is huehindtoMus ,
lady.wbose letter I annex: ;
; • ■ Paksxassuxe,Vsi^Aprill3,lßO<..”.
:T» lienry ‘Dailey,.Chemist. Ac.—Sir: ilavingfor* ;
merly. bhen : long olllicted with .violent inflammatoiy,, i
theamatisa, which, appeared-so CrdiCv seated. g«-U.
defy all ordinary appliance* to allay the severer paia -
atmndiae lb I was uidueed- to'try your Magieali*aifl -
Extractor; and it basing effected, almost as if by ffla* .
gie, ar.lnuaedistn relief, and also, to all oppearabed*',
as entire aaaporfect core,-1 am induced for the bene*,
fit of otheta who may be anUoicd wiihjuiln, Caused4>y. ■
anykiod of inflammation, to writeto you,-decldriag j
that .in oy -optaion, founded on cXperieflCt -.
yon/ Magieal i*uin Extractor it the most raluahfe,<U»*J
cor try of the prcscut ejjb for the immediate ext/actisn.
ofbemlypain. ltis an almost immediate andupef*j
feet euro.- for ’ltuns and bcilds, and
fismaaiioa v .. : "j
: Having many acquaintance* fonaeiLbylheir.TvnU.
or my husband’s hotel ia this olace, I have suppestd
by youuhowingdhrm theso few lines, it may poisihly,
boofbenefitbothtothcmandyoßrselL'. . i ■,
- . -EuxAsinßtJuic*.
j P entertain the hope that Mra Glime wiii pardaptho,
WbUciiy Igire to hex letter,,a* well oa iso.score or
humanity as of its being the surest mode of bringing it.
to tho notice of her friend*.—ll. Dsixxr.J.. ■. ■
• Jvrfra Cured. ii.:*
; Ertruer'ofaletlcy, dated • •
t ■ Bxt*asT, Ky. Nov. 2P f 1843.
: Mr. H. Dailey: “I have tried your Pain Hxlraeuria
a cos* of foion. •in my own family, which n relieved
and eared in a very sholVtime. ,, in haste, yohraro
spfcetftiHy,' , ro.. ■ Jas.M.Youbul'. l
• Oy Burns and Scalds paes.BoreNjppleXiißrofcßA
Breast, Eruptions,- Wounua, and alt Uw
yields readily fo the wonderful properties
of this anrivalTed iiimily salve. But, in the
portion that you will receive Wneftf from thegeirtiam
yoq.will be injured by the delctcrioas effccu Of th*-
ieouijterfoitaalve*.• - - - -
• OAUTIONr-Be sure and apply only to the Inventor,
lI.IUiLXT, 415Broadway,JieW York, 0r..t0 bjs.tu
thorixodagents.'' -• : ' 'JOHNDMOROANj , r;~
•General Depot, Pmshargk.'-
• Henry P. Schwarts Allegheny,, Agent; J. Bakwy
Wheeling, Va.; James W Johnston,- alsy*vdle,’-Ky*j'
F. Mecryweather, Cincinnati, General Depot* ■
■ N. R—ln the severest Bains and Bealdsit extract* '
the pain in s/cw mluatet—lt never foils 1 ■ • juH'i - v
tt.a.Panae3iocx,7 ~ . Ytj<SUf>
B.LFanxsxocx,>Ptasbuiglu. ~ 7 ’ .17;',- ;
o.W.Fansx>roc,J ,
WholwkU.Dwi Store’la tho Qltf'tf
TIIE uadertigned are.extensively'enraged In tan
Whalrealeßrux budfow at No. 4*-jobn to •
the aity of Nsw Ycrk, aulAre rreparwl toiMspiw.
Dro*rstt' Murcbaau with Drew,
ihfo, Dyestuffs, rcreign and American Perfunreiy, •
: slander, A ever « fflander'a Cheyuicalsvfof their owa /
nf<M -xtioal -ai/ til cihcr ur.ticlcs inthsir liaehf bsw f
.oeat,ol « low ns Diet an b«Fl»5 r i
thasdJla tMtoranr eastern olty.- 1.;....*—»
NBwYorlr.Febirr /
; ;cure for woiiH3. v- 17 !'•
IN drier to Afford • nil possiblo security to th*public,'
as.well us to thomrelvts. egalatt fraud
siuovrota qouoterfein&g, the proprietors utn 'mlM
a change m the exterfoe>wrßnp«r or-labloofiWtJto*
mlfage. The newtabhi,-whichls aeteel ewrevirefttl
the most exquisite design and
introduced at n.veiy great expense, and is from tho '
bralaofun artistoftUefimtalent. -TiusdeiSilcKCW#
uad the execution-elaborate. Several figures and.*
portrait ’are most prominent, bat the
graved ground, should* be parucotkrly exaaiiaeAy
\Vbea held ap to' tho light ine teucis, shading of Om
letters and every line, however minute, ihrouftseaT 1 — •"
whole of this part of the engraving-mateh-re aimsi Y
as il the impression bad been - made upon one aids •*
ly, although it is tctaally prinird at both si<fes-:e&*v
Paper.c Tpls- should la oft
beluponeachldozea is uko printed <a red .
Mdesj-aodahoold be exaayoed same
Thii preparation has now stood the rest
yean trial, and • la confidently reeommcndM
and effectual tWichie for-expelling
syxlein. '1 he naexanplwl success that
its adutinlit nation in every, earn wftert
realhf-aCllcted with worms, certainly icodggy ■ ■
thy the attcntioncfohysieiaiis. -
1 Tho proprietor ha* maun it a point to f}+
‘result of itt use to *aeh'xa«es *x ea»e
knowledge add observatioa—and V lllg * r *lnLiiiinfl
it to produeoue moMraiutary
ly after nearly nll.the onlina/y p>epxr^2iitt A to
mended fpr worm? bad been j*ij
withoot any permanent advantage
tested by foe ccrtiEcotei and
of respectable persona indifferent porw. or
try, and should iadoco ■ families
of ihrfTWf«riLC oa totiusirpo«es*toiis"*Myj^,
eperitiOP, and may be administered
ty tothe mostdelieaiacifaat..: