: MISCELLANEOUS. wnnirit BOOKIt ' ~ ! WTOTrteHl aUtePKES BYTES! AN I°° K ROOM, I ulrtWood etreet, »«d ferwlc tiEytraprices: Oeaeahu* Hebrew Ltiaeo*, Tewnaeßd’aAiTengdßent W the Bible, • Ne»*** 4 Uls r^*4 ta fi* l ** cloa ««'< Chords TruUsemt CetixtUo Dee* , ibeCo«eel«.toEnfl£aA>do,Beon% Bi bSeVeU,Boeton edition: PvuhH Bible Gazetteer, JJedb*r*t’» China *««! »u I»» nil.be regalred in addition to the price of lha mm. norl9 B E MeGOWAN TO TBS PUBLIC* .A BOUT,four year*sinee, Iwutraveling through J\ the Beau cf Ohio; 'while (pending a few day*ln . .. Staton, X discovered a singular Metalie substance, . and subsequently teamed that U hod been known for ). yeai«,aiidaappoiedtobeofnoweorTaise t bßi.rroß iu anlfermitj ofienare, and singular appearance, I : wai led to believe it might be made useful, bat for what purpose 1 had not the least Idea. I ccmmeoeed , my experiments try burning it, boiling it, and pnlver isng it, and compounding it with various substances; - *. and so strong wai my eenfideneeihaitfcerewia value in n, that 1 gave ap my entire time and means in the prosotatloh of those expcri»cnu;:and from that time in this, I have attended to no other business; at the ex* pUation of about taro yean, 1 finally disco re red, that, by redoeing it to a fine potader and mixing it with )in> - seed‘oil to about the consistency of thick pointy and f applying this compoand with a brash, that this coating in a few tannth« woald become a perfect atom or . slate; sothaithesnlmaneowbenapplicdwaaaetaalty slate In a liquid slam, and the large amount of tiliea, alosuna, magnesia and blsckoxide of ironthatiteoo taiDed/readenditboUweaiherandfireprooQ as the longer exposed, tho harder and more Permanent it seems to become, and as the coating (alter it tarns to slate) is of Itself Indestraeuble by fire, consequently it protects tho wood covered with it from tho air, and where there is no air, there Is no blase or eombastion; therefore the wood will actaatiy char, before the slate eoraringwiil giro way. -I considered the discovery of the greatest import* ance, and applied to Government for a patent for soy jn«w»*ion or discovery, fondly hoping that I ssoold now be remunerated for all my osttay in time and mo ney. The government, without any hesitation, grant ed to roe Letters Patent for the sole right to marmfae tare, sell snd ase my improvement in the manufacture of a “Weather tad Fire Proof Composition or :Arti fieiil Blum." 6r feanoenjean. I a August Id, lfcO. • J WAI. BLACK. WE, the inhabitants of Sharon, hsv ead the above atetementof Nr. Bloke, andbelieva no bo sabstaa-, Ually correct, as we are knowing to won of the auto-' menu therein contained: and we will farther tiat4, that we do sot believe that there ever was a patentjmore honestly earf laboriously earned, or more deservedly granted; as he panned Us experiments with the-mast mdomltible perseverance under the moat discouraging elreumstanoe* as tho poblie had not tbo least confi dence that there eoald be any thing valosble Bade from the substance. lie therefore had to encounter for years the jeers and scoff* of nearly the whole eoannu nity. Notwithstanding all this, ho was indefatigable la the prosecution of his experiments, and we do not believe that there is one in a thousand who would have persevered nnder all thelcircumstaoce* Bathe ' has at last triumphed over all (obstacles, and we be lieve there is now bet one opinion In awarding him tha merit of this valuable discovery. GKO. W.CRANE, 1 *) Justices of UORACEGIBB, [ V the JONATHAN EVERHART), S Peace. LEWIS C. CHATPIELD, S Trustees-. • R- W. MILL,. > of BENJAMIN JONE, 1 Township. WM. EVERETT, Township Clerk. ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. CAUTION . TO THE PUBLIC. 1 have ascertained that there are individuals engaged - -«to digging, grinding, end preparing for sale, tho above mentioned Mineral; to be mixed with otL and used pre cuely as I ase my patented article. I nave been to . those persons and shown them my patent. They say they do not intend to tnfrince or trespass upon my .. rights; that they have a tight to dig, grind, and sell tbo powder, if they can find purchasers; that they are not . bound to know what they arc to do with it; mat It is no infringement until it it mixed with the oti to make the compoand; and that those who bay; mix and use it, . Bast take tho responsibility. Most of them say that . they believe that the patent is good against those that mix and am the compound, and some have said that what they wanted to ass they should certainly purch ase of me, as they did not intend 10 make themselves liable in any war. Now I feel myself in duty bound to expose thisbarefaced front! upon the public: as I can call U by no milder name, where a «■" sells and re ceives pay for an article, the use of which he wall knows subject# the purchaser and user to a prttecu i tien and fine. Some of thoso who are engaged hi this nefstioas traffic, wiD unquestionably contend to the publio that my ruteni-wtil notetand, and that I dare Ml prosecute. Now, to take this argument away from . .' .acts,! went to some of those who were proclaiming - . that my patent was of no value, and mode the Mlow ing proposition: that they mightseleeta judge and two lawyers who have bad some practice in patent eases, and we would submit the patent to them, and if . they decided that the patent was good, that they should stop all {briber proceedings in the business; bat if they should doeuc that it would not, in their opinion, bold, I would agree to let them go on and sell ail they could, without saying any thing to the public about them. , This proposition they woold not accede to. So far as the validity of my patent is concerned. I do not de pend entirely upon my own judgment, although I have the fullest confidence in it; but 1 have submitted it to many efthe judge* and several of the most eminent < parent lawyer*, who have, -without exception, decided that in their opinion it was good, end would proteeime in my discovery. I grind the article to a fine power, and put it up fa barrets, the which are marked: .“Blass's Fatxxz Fan ass Waavsta Psoor Aannaai. Start' 1 1 thereforeglve notice to ail who buy snd ase the above mentioned mineral fonhe purpose set forth in ay patent, except from ma or my authorised agents, that d shall bold them u> a atriet accountability, and shall commence suits at law against those who thus ; Infringe upon my right. WM. BLAKE. Suaaoa, Medina Co, Ou, Aug. H. 1640. l;ri»’Q TONS of the above Fire and Weather Proof Artificial Slate on bands and for sale. The 1 above we can recommend, for we have been using it for some 4 tears, and know it to be what it is set forth in every panic alar. .J.A H. PHILLIPS, Agt, noyg7-d3m , No fi Wood at EX CELS I OB! E. IT. EAT ON & CO., He. 09 Fourth Street, Pltubargh, Have now fa Store Iboir full assortment of trimming!, Glom, floilery and Lace Good! ADAPTED to the wants of every classof Merchants and Consumers. No pains nave been spared to present the newest and most fashionable style of , Goods in their line. Their slock consists in pan of the following: PRESS TRIMMINGS, . Fringes and Gimps, of every variety; new styles . figured Galtooa*; Algerine and Imperial Braids; wide and narrow Stic ana Worried Embroidering Braids; Snred and on Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded antna and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; black, white and colored Silk Laces; exua wide do do, tor flounces; with a full of Dress Daltons; Dresses Pinked, Staisped'or Embroidered to order. . LACE GOODS. Embroidered Lace and Marlin Capes, Chemi reties, Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, Praaeb Worked Collars and Cuffs, in great variety; L«ce Veils, Lappets and Opera Ties; Mourning Chemisettes, Col lars, Caffs and Half Sleeves; .Linen Lawn Hdkfs, plain embroidered and bemaiiiched do, plain Lined do; real thread Laces and Edgings; lm« do do; Dobbin, Lisle, Lace Mast in and Cotton Edgings and inserting*. BONNET TRIMMINGS. Rich new style llontiei Ribbons, I’reneh Face Flow* cn, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Satins and Florences, Silk lUuloni ynd Tnriaions, .Bonnet Frames and Tips. IUD GLOVES. Best mann/aetnre, with most approved fastenings, and choicest colors. An extensive assortment always on hand. HOSIERY. A great variety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and Cashmere, far Ladies and Misses; Tarun Plaid*, and a fall assortment other styles fancy and plain Child ren's Hose; newest styles Infants’Boot* and Bocks; Gents’ Grampian,' Vironia, .Merino. Couon and flee Wool UalflW GLOVES. A foil astorunent for men, women nnd children, among which are Derby Ribbed, FoloseJle and plain Silk; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Ber lin; Casaimcre, Merino, For-lined Beaver, heavy and fins Buckskin, Military and Lisle Thread aud Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, Sack as Ladies’ anil Children’s Hoods. Children’s Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarfs and Boas, Children’s Gait era and Long Mitts, Worsted Cuffs, Knitting Worsted* and Woolen Yams, California Comforts; also, flno Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladles. LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds. Canvass Patterns,. Floss and Emb'gSilk, Bristol ana Perl’d Boards, Fa* ' per Flower Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidies, oretdered Work. Merino Vests and I frewer*; Embroidered Sack* ajidPlanuel*, Preach 1 WorkedCapa and Waist* for Infant*; and Swan's-down Trimming*. GENTLEMEN’S WEAK. Fine Shins, Cravats and Collars; Blcrino, Silk-and Cotton Wrappers aud Drawers; Suspenders, Shoaider Braces and Dressing Gowns; Silk and Linen lldkis; Gloves and Hosiery. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. French patmros carved and plain Shell Back Combs; Buffi to and Im. do; Hbelt Side and Long Combs; Im. do; Buffalo, Batin and Rosewood Hair Broshes; Shell, Buffalo and Eng. Horn Dressing and hue 1 vary Combs; *? V*?»sent of Nail and Teeth UntsUes. WethenlPa “Gold Modal” Perfumery. VARIETY GOODS. Needle*, Pirn, Tapes, Pi«i Bags and Per«e*. Battens and Bteel Good*, Berlin Wire Uukcu Fine Twin end Sewing*. Fine Bom wood Desks and Coat Bindings fc Galloon*. F«ncy Work Usskcu Clonk Cord and T***els, Portfolios; Papicnrr* sod Blind Shade Trimmings. . Ladies' Stationary, * Pmlpit ft. Banner Tassels, Freueh Cork Boles, UpholsterePn Fringes, Bilk ft (iing’w Umbrellas, Buff Liner, su’d widths, Paper Maaun* ft Hellands, English Oil Cloths, Manic Bauds ft WebWnr, Fix'd Chintz Binding, • Corset and Shoe Lareta. «’ l iAhPiiT- v "“' g MioriJlS! CABFfcTP"—liee'd thisohy, u V/ Climock** carnet Warehouse. No. 7i Fobnh st, a farther supply of Carpets, of the latest aod most'ap proved styles, to which we invite the attention of Steamboat men, add (hose wishing to famish Houses, to call and examine'the assortment in the city, which wo will sell cheaper than ever betom offered w the western market noiil W hTCUNTOCIi JloanUßf ZiD»B Bhawla *lir R. MURPHY bm* ree'aa supply of the above VV * article, of the beat quality; also, plain'Black Tube! Long Snawl*; black ttomlmriuea, Mosruing At paeeas, Fenian doth, black Coburg*, i’aromtas. Cashmere*. Mou* de Lain* and Frcneb Merinos, blsrk Cravata and Moarnlng Collar*, Mourning Bonnet Rib bon*. neck do, and a full assortment of Meonung Com* gcueralnr. Alto: PLAIN black silks. A large aiwrtinent, including a few piece* very wide and superior. Buyer* are invited to'ln -K.E. SELLERS, Wood street, and JOHN P. SCOTT liberty it, Pittsburgh. Birmingham, by JOHN C. SMITH. Allegheny City, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an Tha Butaad Cheapo at Bom RodlslM IN THE VEStD. SLOAN'S OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, Haw sanMcf a great warn*. - Fsr Parity, faft t».s*tindnsebuu.BLOAN I BQmTMCMTGW. Aad is rapidly superseding all other Ointments and Liniments now fa aw fer the euro of the following dls eases: , • Fmh »«»!•, pUM of»U MniU, .prmlM, bnrisu cracked heels, ringtone, windbone, windfall* pot evti, call ns, »paTtn*,*wwnev, fistula, titfutTroaLaa lameneas,sand crack, foundered feet, scraiebcsor gteasomanre or tome distemper. Tho Powder wfl! remove airiaflammatioo and fever punft the blood, loosen the akin, eleansa the water and strengthen every partoftho body: andhupreved a sovereign remedy tor the following ai«*..triT * Distemper, hide bound, lon of . appetite, inware strain, yellow water, Inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly cal ».?*£ complaint.) which proves so fatal to many val uable horns fa this country. It is also a safe and eer tain remedy for coughs and colds which generate «o many faul disease*.. W. B. SLOAN, Gnutd Depot, 40 Lake st, Chicago, lllinoia . THE PROOF. - Extrmet from tho “Galena North Western Garette.’, By the use of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have entirely cured a fistula on my horse and otherwise improved his condition more than 600 pe cent on the cost of tho tfieOicine And-a cow which was so feeble as to be considered weiuleta by myself and neighbors,was restored to good health and strength by tho use of less than half a package of the powder, and is now doing better than any other cow I have. Small Pox, May 13,1848. WftL\VINCENT. THE BUFFERING CHILD. Thereby certify that one of my children, when ni - ked, fell into a large fire of live eoala, and was homed severely from., bean to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was given to the child for four or five. days without any relief—each day’s suffering* tnercas ed till hi* groans could he heard at a great distance, al which crtiical period one of my neighbor* recommen ded and presented to me a box of Sloan's Ointment, and fa less than fifteen minutes after the application of the oiatmeat to the aggravated sores of the suffering ehild, tho pain ceased entirely, and bo speedily began to recover. My residence uin licit township, Ver million county, and Bute of Indiana. THEODORE L TAYLOR. Chicago, August M, IMS. j EXTRAORDINARY CURE. April 13, ISIS. Four miles north of Ch eago (cm the road to Mtlwaakie,) Cook eoonty, Itifaei. Mr. Sloan—Dear Bin One o t my honda had a lane bony tumor on his breast bone, inuradinttly under the collar, which lamed him and rendered his services oi ♦err little valae. lfeith fully applied several bottles of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the least benefit. I then procured.Wilderfs Celebrated Hem Ointment, and used that until I became ’folly satisfied that U would never relieve the; animal. F> nally I obtained a box ot your truly 4alnable Oint ment, and fa less than 80 days' from tool first spplica tien Uto tamer entirety disappeared, andrtho torse was well. Yoon, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. Ifpopnlar opinion u any criterion of the worth of as article, wo Invite the incredulous to read 4t least a few ofthe many voluntary certificates that appear fa oar l columns respecting the great variety ofl remarkabU cure# effected by the c#e of “Sloan'i Celebrated Ofat meal end Condition Powdera. 0 ■ • These remedies no longer remain among those o; doubtful utility, they have passed from tbo tide of ex periment, and now stand higher fa reputation and an becoming more extensively used than all other izti elea of tho kin> ct at this place indue need ms to try your Ointment, end within two weeks from the tlmw I com menced using it, the pain ceased, and I waicffectuatiy cored, end shell recommend all who are similarly af flicted with tlie distressing complaint, to procure yout excellent ointment without delay. .. „ . Rcsp’r yours, OSCAR F. MOTT. - Prineevule,Peons May LIMA (!T From the Boa. H. V. S. Brooks, Agent ot the lUintiit end Michigan Canal Pocket Heat Company. Caicaeo, June tt, lMag Dr. W. B. Sic on—Dear Sin For the last 30 years 1 have had occasion to ase many tone* and have used tho great variety of liniments and ointments lu use, hut have never found any thing equal u> ffour oint ment tat Injuries on bene* Within the lest two months! have applied yoar ointment to some 80 horse* for various injunci, and in every instance it has pro ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFF. Two miles south of Chicago, Sept 14, IMA Dr. Sloan—Sin Oa the 6th instant my #on had a fia gerbitterentirelyoffbyatone. We immediately ap plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved turn o t pain in a few urinates, and prevented -the finger from swelling the least particle, and the woasd is heating tapldiy. Resp’yyoon, 8. BROCKWAY. DOCTOMNG LN GALENA Mr.Blooa—DearStn About three jem utlvu severely Injured In one of my leys by ibn falling oft Silo of wood which occasioned Urn mining ulcer*. [early every doctor in Gelena tried to cure them; but Uied in Tula, until-from sympathy and improper trees mentmy other leg became- as bud as tho one origin al ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well agein but in order that I might neglect no means within my reach, 1 purchased of your agent in Galena some or yonr ointment, and yon can judge of my surprise an I gratitude belter than ] can express It, to find myself entirely weUbeforelhsd finished usingthe second tx x These fact* 1 make tnojrrithat other* aflUeted may believe and not delay using «o valuable an oinnneni aayoar* has proved to be. Bexp*y yoor grateful frVL Galena, CL, Doc. 19, IMS. . EVAN DAVIS. ONLY SO DAYS,. Before the following order. Messrs. Vaughn A Co porehased a Urge supply of Bloun’* preparation*. Staton, Alien. Feb. <4,1845. ’ 8. K. Hibbard—Dear Sin I am out of Sloan** Condi, lion Powder aud Horse Ointment. The salo far ex . ceeds my ex peetauoa. Ifyoa can manage to send me 4 doxett- Ointment, 1 will pay for them toe first tin* that youare bere, and presame I shall be able te sell a lam quantity in the course of the year. It will be an object to you, as well as to myself, to keep ma eon. ftantly supplied. Very reso’y yours, S. 8. VAUGHN A CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER . St. Loti*, Feb. 53,1919. Dr. Sloan—Sin About two yean ago, while rutting on the Mississippi river, in passing over the rapids, 1 was plunged into the water, and by the raft dashing against a rock, crashing my left leg and otherwise se riously Injuring me, so much that-1 lost all sensibility When consciousness returned I found myself in Sl Louis, surrounded by my weepingfsmily. Good nurs ing asdmedical aid, enabled me In about tiro mouths 4o nobble around with the assistance of a crutch. Tee wound* only partially heated, leaving Urge running sore* at the knee, which for many) months discharged blood and matter ofthe most offensive character. My .pauu were inexpressible, si limes my suffering was to great thaideath would have received a beany wei come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my neighbors; advised me to try yonr Ointment. I obtained a box applied it according to direction—the sores soon begaj: to assume a healthy appearance, and la three mouth* I was entirely eared, end enabled to do bard labor. Yoor obedient servas l, . HJB.AJJ W. THOMAS. We, ihe undersigned, neighbore'orfl. W. Thomas, were acquainted wilhtha case above stated, and know ing the circumitaneea, most cheerfully confirm said Thomas’ statement. RKV. /. DOCOLASd, JAWS* WILSON, PETERiAAID.— GOOD NEWS. Cucaoo, /an. Bth, 1849- W. D. Sloan—3ir One of my horses was hoof bound and also wounded in the stifle, in which he took cold, and became so erippled.that he eould scarcely travel. By the free application of your valuable ointment, hi* hoofs were aooa softened and the stifle permanent!) eared. I have alw used the Ointment is iho ease of FolDEvilandna severe galls with equal success. On a mashed finger that was very painful, It opem ledlikaacliaH*vYOurs,Ac, A. VANORDKN. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE POET. BUan’s Ointment and Condition Powder are ac knowledged by all who have naed them to be rite l e*t remedy for horses and eauU that has been discovered. Fresh wounds, galls, spavins, braises, ringbone, poll evil, and in short every oatwsMdiserderor Injury can be eared by this wonderful ' remedy. The Powder Is designed for inward strains,; distemper, hide bound, tkiigae from hard exercise, diseased eyes, Ae.—Lake Coauty Chronicle. ‘RATHER DOUBTINCLY, BUT 1 TOOUGHT WOULD TRY IT." Wicsurrz, Cook Co. Feb. 13,1343 Air. Bloan—Sir I have a.fine young horse that was taken with the scratches leaf (all. t paid oat about three dollars for medieix£6*lf | cure him. but be grew worse. I then bought a box of yonr ointment at yoor office when In Clueagw rather doubungljr, bat I thought I would try iu Jadgcjafmy surprise and my opinion of its beuefieU! qoxhuei, when I found my bom’s tegs smooth and well tto loar days from the time t commenced applying it Yourobedieut. E.F. COLBY. ' PACTS FOB THE PEOPLE. More than fifteen yean of unrivalled aaceeta In the eurtof every variety of external discaaea and injuries •urh *• sprsifls, braise*, eats, born*, rotaneoae erup ir-'W llp ?- * cn hreiata, chapped hand*. chiO blajn*, hues, nicer*, corn*, puns in the back,' aides, cr ®the* part* of ibe ay stem, ratilfcanake bite*. Ac. bear* ample Miasm that Sloan's Gintaem it joit the thing for the hwir. Certificate* wiikoat number have ueen received |.y the Proprietor frei dl*lnten*ted individu al", giving detail* of remorkaljto care* by iu use. A WISCONSIN jVTTNESS. Granville, Milwinkie ho. Wia> Ocl 13. iuso Mr. Slow— Dear Sir. Keecdtly my Sonet with a log ebain auaehed, wljieh cat and injured them aeneasly, ao maeh ao that 1 considered my team ratted fortnuiaeia.l Portanately a friend r” commended the tue oryoar Ointment. I went to mil, wmakie and parefajued a b«. It aooa removed the Inflammation, and in a few day* the wound* healed The great benefit derived frota the use -«f your Oint ment, oa nr home*, Induced tea to acquaint yoa with the faet. believing it* pabtleJ y.woold benefit yoa and the public. ' Reapeetfdlly yi are, . C BORGE COMSTOCK. IT IS A POSTIi 7E FACT, And has become a coauai a eaying, .that Stoaa% Ointment aad CondUlaa Fow for are rapidly supena ding all etberresedieafor.au 4i*ea*ea of homes and Lvaiue. Tne bcasty of the taelieinca eoadat* In thd) I (•wntty aad safety, to .wit; thaV may bo ued ever *o I freely vrithost say.Cange r 0 fukiag cold, or aay other I injury restrigs* frem their frequent aae, aad wnr fogl followed. JrMmlyt ■ ft«Kl.&aa«*lgiU efl>r7Go4xU, . J HAPPEN Jt co's AT tax osx mcz txou ep I Offlc*« * a - mi fi a*i . I rft HAWRDEN & U>. commeo tobring‘persons _ A. A. MASON & CO.. tfl^kftoa anypartofEngland,lreland.Scotlandor TITILL commence on New Year's Djv. lfefiO. and *“T*' “P 011 .^ 6 “o*l HLcral terms, with their vff continue through tbo mamh of Janaarrcimn* Punemality tadatunoon to the want* and corn* which time lhe £ n 60 w wp«»enger. to (Including ail their Wholesale Boom*.) will be thrown rwiedUnr »ea*ipa that ia/tstthe *«*• op«a fat Retail Trade: and theiremire Wholesale la * e cfa jnr« of them the moment therro* dioek will be offered at Retail, on this ocea*ica, at E?-!?,.’* *°. d *** J° lb^ ,p well be raj, and de* f.UTon,o nra uu« IMll ™iss„. ’ s't^luS Z„iV.,? 7 j¥^°£ ly ■'“P*- lalawwacd; tiO eases Flaanels, 70 eases new style Calicoes, w«a» ,.. ricking*. Also, Cloths, Cassimares, Jeans, Cassineus, AO~ry, 4?;, at extremely low prices. Together wiih an immense variety of other Goods, Wfcfvcn ammhlnt. making an assortment one of the most extensive in Canal Packet—SWALLOW. 0 the country— all ol which hive been marked down ai _ m _ “ u , —OCEAN, moeh lower prices than their extensive annual sale In /!”£> °> “t® above Packets leave Bearer averv dav January last. • ~ . \J (Sondsya excepted) and arrivenextmendne at They invite an early call, as many of their choieeu * v ®«% when they connect with the Mail Smeei for Goods mil be sold. _ Abon aadClevdaad, arriving at each ofxhetepUces D7*The lowest pnee named at first. before night One of the packets leave Warren doily & K B B TSsr u “-'- tc “. w d r“'!^ JOHN a CAUGHEY. Agent, corner Water and Smh^ldsu • “Norway Pl>lm«* Biuikeu. UT ®- MCJBPHY, at North East corner of Fourth Tf • and Market atieeta, baa lately received a iuiv ply of foa above aapenorzsake of Blankets, and tu rues those in want of the article to look at them be fove bnyinr. He has alto on hand Home Made Ulan, teu. a rood heavy article, which he Is aellinr IoW. A Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and white, of a superior quality. ‘ i-f&Sl 7 " 1 . FLANNELS, to which be invites the attention of bayers. tJE&t«u r I?J.- pl 7 of t*® o4s * recently opened in the np . " lolr *’ »»*« «• uionmcnt * WrUiy lbe attention cf dealer*. QELLERS’LIVER FILLS tf/TiTai u6L'w*~= Hr* D r tt.il ~ «Wtt*,Pa.,Bopt.»,lM9. in ® IK * ur neighbors to try a bottle of your Vermifuge— and I am happy to inform you of it having the desired effeelof relieving my son. lie passed, ui the shon •pace of 21 hows, 1M worm*, some of them nearer ing a* much as U and 14 inches lung. I feel bound in jostlee to give you foe above suttrment, so ns you may make any use of my name that you think proper. Yours, very respectfully, JotUTuari 8. Lttlt. and sold by R. RSELLKRB.S7 Wood ctreeq and sold by Druggist* generally in the two , cities. nnvlS < RBAPt ttJCAD I*-riELLKH»’ cubUti SY RUP—Prom W. K. Bodcn, K»q. t Clrtk of the Court of Quarter Sesiiom of Betver countv: Mr. R. K teller*: Sir, Some time in tbe winter my wife waa afflicted with a severe and distresaing cough, and bearing of your invaluable Cough Byrep, 1 par chased a bottle from 9. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after taking a portion of ii two or three evening* on going to bed, abe found immediate relief: a* alto aeveral friend* hare been relieved in aerere naaca. I am therefore vaUified that ill* a aafe and valuable me dicine, and would recommend it to Uioie who tony be atflJetcd with aerere cough* and cold*. March : W. K. BOpEN. IP"Sold by B. £. SELLERS, M Wood atroet, and byßnigaifta generally in the two eitiea and vicinity. defl ■ ■aIEL’I' OLtiTilß—y ease* Slue and fireb Fcl Ms Cloths, just rev'd and for sole by MURPHY, WILSON A CO, aovl3 48 Wood at SCARLET MOU9. UK LAJN&-W. ft Mu.phr hat jdst ree’d a lot of high colored Mou*. dcLaln*, saeh aa Cherry, Scarlet, to, at the low price of *Sr. per yard. Alao, Plain Drab, llrown, Ae, at lilt to ls| eenu per yard; ud a large asaortmem of neat nylea fignreoMou*. de Loins, at varloa* priee*, together with a choice assortment of Dress Good* generally: inch or Fancy Bilks, FYeneh Merino*, Cashmeres, Cobargs and Lyoneae Cloths, at the - N. E. eoreer of Foanh aad Mairket ata. Wkalaoali Rowaaupauire. aovL9 1849; " figtejF UNION LINE, OH TIIK PENN’A ABO OHIO CABALS* Cuwtobd * CiLuaxaun, ClcvelaniLO > R. U. Pasu, . , Bearer, pi. < rropr I *. THUS Line willhe prepared on the opening of navi lr*niP°n iretjrfat and passengers from nTTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to anr point on the Canal and Lakes. Hie faeilitiea of the Line are oniuniasted In number, quamy and eupaeity of Boats, experience el eaptaina, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leeree Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily,mi ning In connection with the steamers „ LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Rushnr* b and Bearer, and a line of first clan Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. Aeune—R G Parks, Bearer, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Voutigttown, Ohio. M B Toy lor, Warren, *> Cyrni Prentiss, Ravenna, Wheeler A Co, Akroa* Crawford A Chamberlin, O * Seen A Griffith, BuJEalo, N. \ . _ _ JOHN A. CACGHKT,Agent, Waiar and Soithfield sts, Piusburgh. BEAVER PACKETS. Blearner MICHIGAN No. S-t Cant. Gilson. u LAKE ERIE, M Gordon. THE abqve regular ar.d well known Bearer Pack ets, hare commenced making their daily trips to and from Bearer, and will continue to run between Piusborgh aud Bearer regularly during the senses as (allows;— \ Michigan No. S Icarrs Pittsburgh daily at i o’clock, A. M., and Bearer at S o'clock, p. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at ft o’cloek. A. M_ and Pittsburgh at 3 o’clock, P. M, These «teamen will run in connection with R G Parks' Express Packet Line, for Erie: Taylor A Leffitngwell'a Warren Packets: Union Line of Freight Boats for Cterelanc: Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lisa Fraixhl Boats. RU Parks daily New Canle Packets. ’ CLARKE, PA RKB A Co, Bearer. Axesta. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittaburgh, richr.l ■ cor Water and Bmithfiefd •?» riTTSliCEfia ASD CtEVELifIU UNE, ON Tire PENNSYLVANIA AND OIUQ CANALS. rpilE Proprietors of this old established and popalar 1 «UJv lin*. con*litinjtofSlXTEEN iratclM»Uacai Boats, t'vned bjr themselves and running m eonnee* uon with tlieucua boats BEAVEE AND CALEB COPK, are enabled to offer oneqaallod fiuilUics for the tr&osportation of freight and passenger*} on the opening of Canal navigation, to allpoisuoathe Penn* tplraniaand Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. E. M. FTrCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTIIEH, - - Anno, Beaver. J. a BIDWELL, AgoaL mart W’ater street, Pittsbargb. *. e. hrowru, n. w. c..to>w«lz, Pittsburgh. BIOWELL * BROTHER. forwartliDS Bcniaab, HKAVKH, PA-. 1 Agenit'for tfu Pittsburgh eudClmlaad L »»«, Pitts burgh and Sru lint via Brit, and 'fur Man boau Buaver and Caleb Ceps* I liaring jtarebaaed lieiarge ud »uh*t*ntial Wkarf Boat just built far lie Alenongahela racket*, hare with the addition of a Warehonae, lie maci araplo ac commodation* - for receiving ami forwarding, and pledge tlieir utmoet attention, prompted* and denpatch to rooienments to their care, and rely on their mend* for a trial. morally IL A l)RO. JUST RECEIVED. a new aiaortmenief PIANOS, front tie Taanaftetorie* of Ctncxnm, Uo«ion, and DacoAA New Vork. ALSO—a few elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS, for Hit at aaQßi'aetur**r ! i prire*. l y JOHN if. MELLnR, M Wood U, Sole Acer* for Cblckenn j'» Hanna. dciM | for W»«icn> Pcan»T]«>nia ONE second hand Pisno, A ocuth, pries *5O. 1 " “**»*•* * U 1 - “ • fi* « “40. I •* •* “ 1 i u ' “ JB). For snle for cash at the above pric's. by delS JOHN HAIELLOR.t-1 Wood st ' TO VIOLIN PLA Sprite's G&Vn> Vtoua Scu«ol. altered *nd connected from the ]*« Eng lish edition, to correspond with Hpobr** Origieal ' Scnooi of VMitin playing, by hi* papil V. C. IlilL "If any arc ate.rrquireu to recommend this work, Umay beobsrrved thatffpobr himKlfadheres strictly in the »y«etn laid t'own in the above wprk, and that be has by the same mode of instruetlon. produced a greater number of distinguished pupils than any other master m Europe** A supply of the atove Just ree'd, (price 8?.) and for , sale by de‘ 7 J U MEf.MtB. El Wood si A N ESU.\FJ'iTamlvxp»rienced Phyiietan from th* aI But, of 90 year* »undieg, offers to Deal all cases of • Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy. Hisiaceess in litifrlo and other targe cities hat been proverbial. His charges ere moderate, and hit irnrc* permanent, old carer of Gleet. Suietare, Hero* Tula, Fluor Albns, Rheumatism, Ague, Syphilis, or any ’-tirome nr mvetente e««es solicited. A eurr warranted, or charge refunded- Orr.cc*, St. Cialr street. 9tToci;*fssiM ise Bndga. Teeth Kztrsetrd. Advice to ihe poorrraiis. N. 11.—Hr A. solicits the wor*l cares of any diseti* in Piusbiirgh to call. apHrdly PKTROLBI’fI, OR ROCK OIL. “There arc mure thine* i<» Leuven and ennh Thnii nro drcainpt of lu piiilo’ophy.’' IliiK Vlli’lUKSol >hi. icifiarkviio sews'y. and Uir eo-utaat ai-plienliua 'or it. La tie proprietor, has induced Inm l* it t-m up in boUlct with la ,l«rl» |tlil directions for th,- benefit of tho public. The PETKt'LKL'.M L* procured from a writ in this county, nt a depth ol four hundred feci, ia a pure ana d i-’irrait-d article, vnbou tu.j enemicol change, but ;u*i bn d.>ws from Nata eaUrcstLabratnry:: Thatit i:omatn» pioper'ies re«e)ii:r< am raher of i» no linger a mancr nf uncertatri-y There are. many things in U,e arcana »»f hnUtT'.wb'eb,lf known, might («’ol vu4l useful,me* m siieviaiiug .utferin?, and re ruinng the bloom of health and vigor to truuiyi-a tsi frrer. Ijjnt beforp the pruprii'tor thought orpalting it up in Unites, 11 hud a'repatntion.for Uie core ol tin* vsse. The confiant and daily increasing Cuba foi it, and soverol xeumxkabls euros il hq* aerforwed, is a *are indication or its future Popularity ainl wide rpread application in tho mrs of disease. We do l ot wish to make a lung parade of certifi cates, as w« are enfiseious that the medicine can soou i work it* way Into the favor of tboio who filler and with to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a universal application in every dryeusc, we unberita* ungiy say, ihst ioa ndmbaro/ Chronic Diseases it i« • nrivalied. • Among tbeie tuny be enuiorratcd—all dfocaro of the in aeons u*sacf, such at CIIKUNIC OftONCHins. CONSUMPTION (lu iu early .urc.) Asthma, and til diseases of the air pmuages, LIVfcH COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarlura. Diseases of ■tie Hlidder stnl Kidney*. Pains in tlm Hack or Bide, Nereoa»Di*eaic«.NeuralgiL Pai.y, Khcßin.tio I'uin*, tlout. Kry»ii>elQ%, Tetter, Itmrwoims. bums. Scold*, Itruiie*.*>'o Bore*, &e., Ac. in cases of debility re sulting Irani exposure,or loug and protracted buses of di»ea*c, title medicine will bring relief, ii will act a* 1 general TONIC anil ALTERATIVE in such ease*, imparting tune end eiftrgytoihe whole frame, remoy tng oburuetlpnr. opening the sluggish functions, which cause disease sod a brr.ken constiiuiion. nud giving mereased and renewed energy to ail the orcans of The proprietor knows of tevernl cure* of PILEB. that resisted every other treatment, ret well ondcr ib» use ol the PEI'fiOLEUAI for a tliurt lime. The proof con be given to any person who desires it. None genuine without ihc signature of the proprietor. Sold by the proprietor, 3. M- KIEU, Canal Batin, near Bcvcntli *t. Alao by R E SFXLKH3,67 Wood *u ' and—KEYSER A M’DO WELL, corner Wood »u aud Virgin alley; who are hi* TUBS AND CUURNSi PINE AND CEDAR WARE hIANEFACTORY. No. 87, comer filarkct n&d Fifth—or 49 Mnikcl, T tween Third and Fourth at*. HE tubteriber keep* constantly on hand, whole sale and retail, the following snides, via: Wash rob*, Siolf Churn*, Mem Tubs, Barrel Chain*, IladrToh., Half Bushels, wooden Rawls, Tecks nod Half Pecks, Wash Boards, Bras* Bound Backets. Clothe* Pic*, Towel Rotten, Wooden Ladle*, ' Bread Roller*, Clothe* Bukeu, Market Bukeu, Ae., Ac; RaMUKL JvRUFSKN, nov|4 No C 3 Diamind alley, Pittsburgh ttvipratt *;loni> Patent boda Aab. J'ASKS o>a«> and Soap maker*’ Soda A»h, imported difeet from tne above celebraioa manufacturer*, ea per eeui Ameiiean le*t, arriving and (?!«*£- n "*L__W*MJUITCIIKLTRUK LiltbOllS— 17 in pipe* UnuiJy—Olard. Dupuy. Ac; dp i pe* : H L t»*'' , - < - S c» L* N K Kum; 400 bbU Wbi*key; for ralo by DOTS Wt M MirCHK.LTRRF BLHaCHINO pLMiVlffclll—sfu’ciuka Jai Murprail ft 1 8on»' brand, a guperior ariiele, for ule by "Q' n \V ft M MiyCIIKLTHKK 'Tz-v CASKtt Muapratfa BoUa Axth and 111 cask* f *J Bleaching Powder, amred per iblp OXeabrldrc, and bow cosing da by canal, for taloby -j» canal, lor mls by k W A. M MIXCIIELTRKP ; N. H—They will receive, daring ibe winter, large npplieavU New Oilcan*. novM Sellers family .medicines—*™ Mcdicmca ot the day. 1 ' . .1 Gjubui'S «4T!os, Ohio, May i&tfl. R. I think it right for the bene Gt of oihe n* to nita tome facts la relotiou to ytur excellent Fami ly Medicines. 1 hare tutd year Yeraifage largely in oy own fam fly, ono vi*t frequently answering for expelling! rge qoantitiea lo»y Ito 2*toj worms from two ehildrci J Save alto «*ed year Liver Pill* end Coagh Syrnp ,c my family, and they have in every instance prod need the edectdttircd. At I am -ingnged In merehandbing, I am able to itate'that t have yet to bear ef the hnlfaifure where yoormedie nei have been used in my aecuou of the country. In conclusion, 1 may Kioto that UIC7 are thi medicines cl the day, and are destined ;n bare a very exienrivepJpalamy • Yours, re‘..>«:cifaf!r, . . ... „ ’>*• - l^rcOTTi. Prepared and sold by B. ’ I KS, No 57 Wood street, and sold by Druggi j-Fcenetailyin ihe riroci* lie* *ud vicinity. m;sl ? VfekXff cO'RE'oF-Li VK& Cdia 4 L'AiNT; by'he Or original, only true, and genuine Uver PUL ‘ . SuotT Cuzx, Ohio county, Va.) Mirth 2flth,lMD.‘ ( Mr. B. EL Seller*: Dear Sir—l think it a doty 1 owe to yoa and to. ths public genera *y, to state that I have been afflicted with the Liver Complaint for, a' long tune, and so badly that an obcesa formed and broke, which MR mb itf a very low. stata. Having heard ot your, celebrated Liver Pills being, for *jeUJAYflJB’3 CA&aiA&TIVS UALSAJH. If*ROM the Rev AsA SHINN, a well known and pop r ular Clerrraanetlhe Proteatant AletbodiatGhnrcL The ondcreißneJ having been *HUcled during the pen 'vm:erwith * diaeaic o;the atomach,tomctimei pro dnc>np greet p?>a in the atotsmeb for tenor twel*ahonn withoatintcrai >'on,nnd after barim tried •varJoev troiedirt with. efleet waafsrniahed witbajuottla at Ur OJajrne’aG. motive l'alsanu Tbt* Ue oCgd ac cording to the dfn»Pr.B«vayne> ComoMnd Syrup cl Wild Cherry, fi *uen*ilien k the •rvtan, and appear* to bot.l l«e ulcer* on tbo lunsrt, ere ant % new and rick blood; power poueued by no otkar ediciae. CawTxa Co.. April 25th, iS4d. Dr St »yhe—Dear Sir I wily 'belie w yoor Com. wood S/xspof WiM Cherry bai been the raemu ol MVUiKnjiue. I caught a severe cold.wbieh gradu ally grew worse, attended with a aerere cough, iha( rousted all ike remedies which 1 had recourse to, still increasing until my ease cxhlhiied all the aywmioms of Pulmounry Consumption. Every thing 1 tnrif atoned to hare»» effect, and my complaint increased ab rapid ly that friend* aa well a* myself, pure up all hope* of my recovery. At thii time 1 wo* recommended to try your invaluable medicine: 1 did so with the most bap ay retalia. The 6m Wule had the effect to Joooan the Jonah, causing me to eipeclnr&ie freely; and by the dss l nsd sited aix bottle*, 1 wm entirely well, and am aow as beany a man as,! ever was In my life, and 'would bo happy to give any InformationreapecUajmy case, that otber «uilerera way • deny® the beufcht far which lam *# fraie&L For the troth of thej above statement, Iremr yon to Peter Hash, Groeea- W«i»t Chctfir, sm. of whom I purchased iba mediemor RespfSiiilly yours, . Jareas Motaaa. Wonderful Cun of • Methodist S&Auitr. Dr. Swam*—Dear Sir. Ifecladohtofgravitudadae to you— and a duty to tbe altUetsd generally, v> offer ot humble testimony tn favor Of your Compound Sy rap of Wild Cherry*. l Vr J 1 fiolently attacked with cold aid inflammation of the Lunev, whlen was accompanied with a dislreuir.g eoflgV puin 4* tho breaataml head, a very cp?«dera ble discharge ofoffensive mucus from the lungs, e-spe cially upon change ot weather, however slight. At first l feiteo alarm about my eocdiuop, bat was pretty soon convinced that 1 was rapidly eoimump lion. I crew daily weaker, abd at length was scarce ly ablo to walk about, W sjwak above a wlurprr, was therXcced'M weakness ofttiy lungs. DcnagUa. time Itai tried various preparation* and ptcfcrnidw.ua, but found no reuef—growing all the time worre. Just hern I waaadvued ard persuaded by a wear friend m Wilmington to make trial of yc»t Syrup ot Wild Cher ft. 1 must eon.c» that cjcstoaHly l had been preju dlcod against patent moiDoiues, aixl I jua Kill against those e otair.s out ot the bauds of emperfes. but tsuder stamltug your f‘vim* to the profesrion suid pmetier of medieitic.and having implicit iuiib tu tU»saying ®rm> Aietida, 1 forlhwult purchased of (J;. tthAtv, one of your agents, a fow Ualcs, and co.tsa«Jietd:t* u**e. My dis ease was at tb*. tun" «f'-our S 3 toonUui' sunditig, mu. reticently it was deeply seated. I found v bawever, CuosidervUU ruuel from the esc of the firvi tour or five bottles. Hut being a pubhe speaker, I frcquesiily at tempted to preach **itu 07 tnureasiug strcnstii, «:u thereby luptursd those vtwei* that had oin-ndj hejjnir lohcaL in this way, duubtleM, my cure was grratly reurded. lit r-wquctice of acti:ig thus ituprudctU* j bed to usc tvcwivc or liftccu boUiM btk»re 1 was pa. fcctly restored 1 have no question, a nainlicr ofdKmwt would hove made me sound, bu the abovii mdiscrotiou- The Bytup allayed the for isb habit, too* -*i*| the di.»y:tjdug onpgh, put «it to the di«chatfs of tualtcr frcun the tuug*, ami gav tbera uuu the ck.uc sysum gotnl hraiUi I Hive defef red odo nag tht* corulieate «uul now, for the |o4 • of being f«rfcc .« salu&ed.xviUi the perinancncy el Uw cure, nntt now that 1 feel perfectly well I ®U?r it wnh >leaaare. RkV. J. F. Jou.ia.v. Dublin cornin' N. C jgosfu tnl Caoitoß —Read.' Read.' There n eutM • genuinepreparaUi'i»«.f\V*ldCherry, Slid that i* Dr. HuraTKii'*. tho first ever tilfcn-U to the nubile, which .u Co. cor IstittK Wood, and Cdi and Wood *U, \VM TIiURN.UM-rket si; S led l.merty «i, JAs A JONEi, cot -stand and IVmi si.*; JOHN MlTt'lt. ELL, Alisghea. City, and by all respectable deatn* m Btodtein*-; ortia Dr. AVTP. lniand's Pram j am PJ«at*r7 DR. W. V. INLAND, of the .Medical Oolfe i;r hf Phil adelphia, now ufler* to Ui* politic hi* li.tlinn Vev ctaldc i’n miuui TUsiey, Uic i)uk(iU>-» ot which, aftor tong atld nbid experience, has been smi.lnrtonlj e«- tabUshod. To all women who may bo atllicit d with Hrolnpsu* Utcria or Fallen Womb, lie r.-coimncod* hi* pla.icr, guaranteeing nsurc mid speedy cure in the ihort space of from two in thee wceka, if applied w.iii care tuul rest—discarding all ‘J.c countit*** uuiiumn,;. and oipcnsisr bandage*«o long in u»e. Tk* he ion. eniisciouiious in »unuy, ma.mueh n* be Una not fo.ird in oue rase out of three hundred and jm tieuts. Also (or Rheumutura and Weak ftreau or Hack, at tended w ilii puin, there i* nothin j to excel tin. i'lnstcr in affonlicg relief or effecting a cure. For sub- by L Wil.-ox. corner of Diamond and Mnrkei.t Braun A Reiter, " Liberty nnd Sl Cintr sis DrJSnrgeut “ Federal Majid Dututat-d,Alle gheny city Jacques A Co, “ Denman and Diamoad Dundus baa. icj RE. BELLKK& DruKgitt, No 07 Woou MreVi • Arrut for ihe »ale of i>. Town-end'. Uc». tuuc SarM*|i«nlin, htujuxt received utXi aouu of IUI - Spring and Sacnter Medicine. I’arebaurs abould r*eoHcci itmt It £ Seller* i* (u lc a*ent for Fitubutjtb, and DM Curry lor AMeubcuv ciijr . _ a[>i TV'XTBACT OP COFFEE—An article wiiicli ta ru- XA piJlr comma uaouto n a wholexomc, noutiatnui; and dc'ii-ious bai stable Iban commau iumec, and far eiienper. o* aamali paper enaunj only toft- ci>nt», will go aa lar as inut pojuidi tifCoaee. Manufactured i>y - , . J OIUS Ji. MJLLEit, Piiudwrrh, Pa. Bold 61 wholetaltUy U A FaHiNEsJVCK A Co. comer oiTtwl apd +vood and SiiUi and Wood meet*. Pittaburjih *>!. opal KNIA HUUUKR GOODSU-Ju.l received, <_/ 3S Camp Blapkeu; SO officer coat*; ttt pr» i'iuim; 18 paitt welt lined Mining Boom; 1$ Ung»; 'J water Tank*, • and W *Mlou» each; Hi canteen* { gallon enehj 14« Backek.n Money Uelu; I do oiled cambric do do. Tko above good* for *alcj»t 'be Cali fornia Oaifltlug EiUbUalisneni, No 3 Wood taeW4 • J&. H I‘iiiL.Lirs Assorted spicks—put up for futmiy u»o, mun ea&s, enc!o*ed ia a *hdin* lid box. coiuhjiuu* Alaxiftnli Alspier, Cinnamon, Oiugcr, Clorej, Pepper, Warranted pare. For xaJc at.ibe ne* dpice *nd Mututtl Factory, comer of Ferry k ,u. mylg . . JOHN II tIFT.t. AiN Vi LS—Wroagfil irou Anrji*, jtomi Uie ?unL. r , ucoyille work*,warranted; will, be.coiiiujuiv eu band and (applied u» Order, by _ -i.r «7» QUO CVCiJEAN, M Wood .BOOK TRADE- T ,, , t ;,r AR , KJemehts ofßhetorie: eotnpritlnr ■„ «„ , . the Law* «| Moral EriAenen «n#»/* S' ol Htehard iWb.il* “* of ,ft"ut»iob: by jou Clrulun Batten; by Baptirt W. Noel.M The Orilrie*, a Word. . fkles, from *B Nations; by Anthonv R. M n « talba; with 21 illustrations by Doyfe - y “* 4100 J Tr, JOHNSW tSTOCKTO.V, . ?£!?: etmcrTmrd maph, „.,L. - Now and Eltgaat OlftBooki) SACRRD SCENES AND CHARACTERS; br J T Headley, with dwrea original designs bv j>*rf e t r’ocmsand Prose Writings, by Richard H.Dana- a vol<., muslin ’ * lUamiramd Gen* of Saered Poety, with si* ilin.tr* bona engraved on rteeL br JohnSanain. Just received by : JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, , dßfc> ; entner Third and Market its*. ..J ’ B«W IlOOjU* PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View of thb mutual duties, relation! and Interests of the Medical I’rc.easioa and the Cammaniiy: by Worth ington Hooter, M. D. 1 ite Won* of Miebael De Montaigne; comprising Ju* Essay*. Letters;Rc. By Wm. Huleic • • Nineveh and iu Remains. By Austen Henrv Lav. orH, E.q., D. C.L. '■ Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished Tow in ISO. By S. T. Wallis. Topper’s. Proverbial Philosophy,new edition; illns tratril.' Just received by ! j JOHNSTON & feTOCKTON, 1 novgy Tcorncr Market aid Third streets | 1840-501 . Lockwooifs illustrated works—niu miaaiod Boole*—Books in richly carved binding, inuitanaied and Uhuuoied—Roots superbly bound in *elyet, Sufc, Morocco, and Com, oiitioa, in imi union of the Middle Ares—Bibles and Prayer Books, beau* ufully uoand in Velvet and Morocco, magnificently of* namented and illuminated For sale by . _ , „ JAMES 1). LOCKWOOD, Bookseller A Importer.,. .Wood sL Chriitau and Hew Tear ApproAchlngl EfEU-ANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, U Uoliday*. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, •*J Wood street, has received a beatUifuloclleetioD of Illustrated Books, bound in tb»mos‘Wallah, itu wonderful, but it u usd’ n—ln depeadeoL For sale by norlfi JAMES D. C3.Wood « s«v XlooJca. VVOMEN^jof New JL Edited by K ‘rTol' lmp.fiTo.. eirguatl jr, bemad; la exqtuaitel j finished e nrmvinrt; w l&,.w£ r tfß on *i >y . celebrate d American ferrymen. POE.NTB.Iiy AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.) • new and gujarScdeduioD; iJlaatratod by eniimTuus from oneiael deafens by wier. • i rot. square ly baond mid giiti Also—A Yariejy of tj.lon did Anns* el* anil Gift llosks. . • SewelP* .Child"* Flr»x Book of the Hiiunr of Rome. 1 »01. imo; ' -*- 1 - -•■■■■- * THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted {artist n*c of Carpentera, Shipwright*, Wheelwright*, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Sinaenu, and Anhcua gene rally: ueiug a tborocgh and practical Treauie od Menton uan and iheiJlHjtßy Rule. Br D. M. Ea*ef, A. M. ‘lf.I** 1 ** * Treauie on Ureek l.»ro*o Compotltion. Ollendorfl’a Elementary Flench Urtmcir. By Prot uw«Df ; of Drown Unlrerrivy; 1 rot. 18 no. ’ . Hoeijigef 1 * . Bff «**» No*** «pd. yiesUonioa New Testament tthalely’t Logics ’ MoiheuD?* Ecclesiastical History. 3 tol*. and S r«l*,<»hcep.) i Vcsiiges cf C.taiioa. l»ol.l?ao. Morning* an-jug the Jeion* at Home. 1 vdL (ctoih niw paper.), I , Scenes wf,ere the Tempter. ha* Triumphed- 1 sol. iclolhaad paper.) , j ®“5 ae ‘-» Tcc°logical Lectares. 1 vol 8?e - (doth.) • . Alder's pronounritg Bible. Dofer's French Dictionary. i S»aarfs Horace. For sale by . B HOPKINS,. - | noria . i • Apollo Bailings, Fn'orth «t | NEW utkfXtQusT Ur/Jhi v til).—l'ut a vne J Montaigne, edited by H, Haxlilt, comprising his Ueuer*, end Journey through Germany and Italy, with owe* from alltUeCommeauuors,ttograph* leal and littfiie-rmphienl Notice*, Ac. i Theory and Practice otTeaeiung? or, ike Motives anil Method* of Good 'School-Keeping, by David I'lagr, -V M.. Paincipal of the tftate Nonna* School, Albany, N. V. Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the U. Stiles and British Froviuce* of North America, by Jlennf rt -n Iler'xrl JOIINsTDN A STtsCKTON, norti ; ' comer Third atitl Market sis Tb* Oldtß Tlßtti ' i'\ Bookseller at d Importer, no. CJ Mood Bireel, bn forvale-afcvcopieseoa r-*ele, (Uie remmude* of ibe edition,) of th.e trainable SPf*sibe £ra*cpr«jionof Doeiuueau, and »uuOM AN LJUERXYt A History ', with a view of the lv Liberty ,oi other Ancicm Notions. Br/ Samuel hJlloti, Esq ‘lltastraled villi iwrJre engravings, exc i-uuid at Homo a vola, Hvo., an;fora with rtesevus Historical Wnrta* i - Jut published and for sale, by ; J Ahlta D. LOCKWCHJ 0, Booksellef and .^PV- 0 -v—-- ijapi irter, C 3 Wood B LIANNi KKmBCU”IS ITALYf auihoriiwfeditJon. *• SS&StSSiJr 1 *w*««m«** »**« "The readiug oi thls-boo): baa impressed c* with a aach higher oiuuiiu of Its ruilhor titan wo bod firmed fruui perusing her other. Writings. lUdiiplsydadeeper iojw vi Uiuurffii, united iq more pure womanly grace of feeling ihaiLnuy other pr oduction of the ftuiuie mind with which we are acquhiiued.' l —E vo. Mirror. ‘•ltii a very agree ah ««l ami readai ile book, written In i nimy LeaiUc's best «ylc—bold, spirited add enter* tiintiug. VVe recommoud it to our i eaderm aa the beat pulituauon of the '*aaun. n — Keadm e Gax. ' -n contains the roarual of a trave l through Europe, .nid reriUcuea in Italy) and is one of the pleasantest .•S'"! *n»at interesting rooks of tho ao>uon. v —Cour. and Enqturer. “A very characteristic book. Wo have read U from tulo pug* to Celupbvui With unabated interest. A vi vid picture of life m Some, lu ail respects eminently reauaJile.*—Knickerbocker. JAMES D LOCKWOOD, noris Bookseller & importer, “ jcuie ir— VnUil - —ados,(cons ircsh reaches; . 6 *• bodies do. <» ‘* |** Piac Apple*; J j-* Cherries; 'l “ V strawberries; 3 •* I M Tomatoes; tt “ jhalfjtaJ. bodies Pickles: 3 “ oust: do. 3 ** innuy do. RffM ami for sate at the Vekio Tes Stere, 70 Fourth < tivet | __ ileclft UVK FLOUK—!.I bbts ri c'tlund"(or side oy dcJt WM H JOiHNSTOW, 1W Second »t IitUKIVKII THIS PAtl at ibe India Kubbe De» lv jioi—l ca«a Women - * Metallic Rubber Sandals; * " 4 | u “ Slippers; “ I** *‘ Haskins; l Ml»;cs' 1 “ *• Slippers; t Men’# *• ~ Oveoihoos; 1 “ “ ** u Sandals; . I,** “ leather;soled - Overshoes; All or winch wld bo auid, wholesale or retail, lower Unui m any house ixi--Jio city. J A.ll PHILLIPS, Wo 5 Wood street t’hACi It?—a üblit jn«i tce'd, iot sale ov A 8«W JIAKUAUGH ; W IftbOW CLAMS—3oOvis, ree'aand {oT »A W IUhBAUGII JjUTThß—lSbbtaTand ill kegs, packed, lu prime A> oMer tor shipping, fat mIo l>* ’ r . . L BWATERWAY, SoiiA ASU— 2* casks lo tniTß per Huiggold, (or __ TABSKV A DKaT- L»LAOK NyADDir.o-.io 1 ulea large sizeand hVatt ) ju.iirec’d by SHAOKLETTA WHITE, dr - , _ _No_o»Wood*t- ITUt.ITES-r* vases super ' exlr * trimmings, ppe’d per cipress, at —- T MJ**!?. J WICK A McCANDLESS. |H lK^ l ‘, ,uiß:3 r'ibliaeksimneT for rnie by L - d «‘ 7 .. NVirfc ft MfCANDLI'A-S UOilac, CoVEoa--cn,mn El *suu Tlo.se Covers, s very heavy and splendid a» ucle, just recHl ano , Ctoy* U“-, bblto More A 1 S tol, ~ ia »“■ l co ElitiS-si Obis j.'re*n, >ust ree’d .and >or sale Py dc*>_ ’ * i ITU ARTAteILL, I UKE CaRT’A HIGHT-I Cat pet Bi« U»4»rij ij aabjeet to dune*, for Lake C« xtwngbt, which be will Please call tqr. it k MII.TEWBUtOKR.:. . ncdl ' ‘ No 87 Front ft ! - j EXCHANGE BROKERS . M, HOLSTES * SOW, Bank«>.* t i.eß»«k• r•, S BILVF H • .. COLLECTIONS.—Draft*, Note* .and Acceptance* payable in any pazrofthe Union; collected on the most KXCHANGEon Kew Yorfr, PWindelphl* mad Bal timore; also, Cincinnati, Lcoisvtlle, Safnt Loom and New Orleaua, constantlyfcramle. -■■••• - BANKNOTES.—Note*on all folreat bank* in. Uxe 'United State* discounted at thelosrejt rate*. Ad kind* of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought ami wld. • : J .» j.v Office No. 63 Market «titet, between 3d uad 4th, Pittsburgh, Pu. ■_-••• wca ’- gTnnASflA* ; JLf any amount'at iW Current aCo, Draft* parable in any part cfth« oetisu tuxa tasrrr’ [*awaxfl*AW* |>ANKERS ANDBYmNtiR BFO&RS.deelere O i-a Foreign and Domertic Bill* of Exchange. Cer* of Depoflle, Ban* Note* and Coin, corner of M and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Chariest He re 1 - . i • • ; .:. paytycty yuiDS— Indiana, Kentucky, 1 Missouri, . Tf.nv Nous; jar chared at the lowan rate*, by N. HOLMES A SONS, • e P“ 33 Market nreetr. g^^S^KJOHAiraiE^g^hVciiSkT^a - Constantly for iili by ' N^OL^S 1 * SONS. “Pi 3 ... . . .. KMarketsL- MISCELLANEOUS. BAULB FOPMPRY. ;obk hxuoisux a. w. e. satkk. . f pHEundersigned, puceesrera.’to Arthur* A Nichol i. aoo, beg leave to inform the citisent efpjtisborgh and public generally, ihalthey have rebeilt the: EA GLE FOUNDRY andare n-itvl in fall opemun, and have part of their pattern* ready for the market:— Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and' Wood Stave*, wuli a splendid mix-ughl Coal Stove, which it now superceding in other cities the common' mend stave. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well mdfp-. ted for i mail families, wilt a. foil assortment' qfcom moo mnd mantel Urate* We Would paricularly in* vUs tho attention. of persona building to cal) at our warehouse before purchasing, and examine usplendid article of enammelied.Uralc*, 'finished la finest?)*— ’ entirely new In this market. ... V,. Warehouse,,No.l£L Liberty *t,‘ opposite. Wood '« attffflaiU .■ .NICHOLSON A PAYNE.: Offlee of the Delaware ButualB4fityln< rarmneo Cempeajr- Pfluintiraia, fith.ietil. riE Board of Directors havetihls day, declared a dividend of TEN PER CENT, in acrip, out of tho profit* of the Company for the year ending October 31, 1640. certificates for which will be Issueoen aad after the first day of December neXh .'i • . . „ ' Also,* dividend of SLA FEB CENT, iueaabi on the capital stock and »ery» previously issued, payable or above. RICHARD a NBWBOLD, Bee*y noviO ?■ A. MABEIKA, Agt ; Fjtu’g.; PITTSBURGH uaponTATioos. e YEAOFJL Importer and Wholesale Dealer in • FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! / / Sign of the Gilt Comb, lOd Market st~Piti*bofgh, Pa.* ‘ Wertern -Merchjuu*, Pedlar*, and othora visiting Pittsburgh ta purehaseUood*, are respecifellyiavitea to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng lish, American; French und Uennan Fanoy Good*. Ail Foreign Good* at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get* ting good* from first band*. 'I have the largetl assort ment of articles, in the variety line, in tho eity of Pittsburgh—ail of which-will bo sold (owfor casaor city acceptance*. The Stock consists, in port, of. ■ Laeo Goodij Hosiery, Glove*, Ribbons. • • Silk Cravats, Bhre and Potent Thread*, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Duttons, Pins, Nee dle* and Cutlery, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kind* of Brcihes, Combs and KaxOre. Fereamloa-Caps, Revolvers, Pistols,docks, SUk A Cotton Dorses, Speeucies,.Sled Pens, Musi* Bum, Carpet Bag* and Baskets. Bmdmgi, Finding* and Trimming*. -. < • Toy* ana Fancy Goods; together wiffi a Urge varie ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. i C. YEAGER is also agent for tho celebrated Lan eester Combs. ndvl7 JEUadllUadr T-r -! SELLERS’ COUGH JdYRUP.—From W. K. Boden. Esq., Cler .. c:*k Court of. Quarter Sessions of Beaver Cour.. .... * Mr. B. R. tidie s -*i Some, time In the winter my wi'b was atHictri win. a severe and distressing cough, and hearing *f /cut utralnablo Uoogh 1 par chased a bottle fru'W» l tog leavo to Blau*, for the ben ufil of the cwnmualty, that my wife has been several dme»a±ieted wimaraost distressing consb. I pur cfaased L iu January last, a bottle of your Syrup, which “"t fc , eOUsfl ,° r »»«» Bwnthi’•Uisdlog. About one. ■nouihelneu, the couch returned, and vti u nerere l “f# “ oTe L.from weakness ?n the breast, 1 *eui for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and .o P »&°i 0,16 bo^u I cured U»e Igavo the other ° » who was severely afflicted; who had, “ w ‘-«ten enough cough candylo cure all lie people in Pittsburgh* if Uiocontly hud been as good ns more senied. ’ Yours, respectfully, Prepared aiul sold b) ■tet,’ and aold by" Vfui GRATEFUL for the very liberal encouragement I have received Torso many years, 1- have deter mined 10 enlarge my bc«incss considerably. Having tnjMedaconn.etcnt Fotcman, I will be enabled 10 ail all order* promptly, and do the work in oar Basal atyle and at flu.* prices, and ask the attention of mer ehaitU and citizen* 10 my large stock of L’PIIULSTE* Hi OOODS and Ltcdv Mnltrasxct and Bedding, Our* tala Material*, Daiaarts and Moreens, Cuni'ccs, Frin gea, Bordetings, Tassels, Split anil Holler II ind*. and every article usually kept in an establishment of the kind. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at* tended to. N. B.—Carpets made and pat down. •~*»*-n WU. NORLR. ALLEGHENY, VENITIAH BLIND, . AND CABINET WA.’EKUOM. ■i J. A. DROWN would respeci- Ifally inform the public, that be )kee|ts on baud at ids stand on the west ride oi. the Oiumood, Atle gheny ciiy, a complete assort* went of Veuitian Blind*; also Vc* nliian Shutters are tq a< lc to or der iir the best style, warranted equal to any in the United States. His Blinds can be removed with out the aid r> fa screw driver. laud, lam prepared;;to VurjU»h ibmr .old customer!, as well aa the public at large, with eve rj thing in then line.- - Agency, Noh wood street, l uisburgh.- :[ _mebJC J J-Ai BROWN. J User roc’ll, an elegant plain HoaewoodVoetTpiano’ from the celebrated mauufaeioty jof Nanas &. Clark, N. V., ol superior tune, and very u.oderat* ohee For »ale ty iL KLEHEk. tifio _ ' wells. W ILUAMS’IVORV PEARL TOOTH POWDFR lor removing Tartar, Scurvy, Cai.ker, and au •übstanees destructive to the Teeth, .t is u, l«nou» t-i ■he taste, cleausmg the mouth, heating and utrena.beu mg the gums, and punfjing the bream. For sale, wholesale and retail, by d«!0 • =■ R KSELLERS. SJ Wood «t IY7ATOHRBU—CIiEAPF.R_.THAN EVKKI - »■)*■) an invoiee of full jewelled patent If w Watches, IS carets fine case*, which I cun sei. a. tow as thirty and thirty five dollars, a. d wumnicd to I keep good lime. . Also—A splendid a*aottiaeo» of JF.WELBY, «o»J pnsmgue.varicms and latest styles, apdhast pautkai;.i W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, daU earner Market aad Frank eucatt, • medical. to an entire act,' on the ruction prlaeiSef' r £?«s h *^L ttfal repreecntation ef the natnmln£^i.Sil« Jsff?* orurinul shape of the. n«-mtonn* the ‘ N. : B.—Teeth extraated with Utf® ifv. • Decayed Teeth permanently saved bvuiKz’ renting the toeffiaehe, which is «aei,%i,7**iPS»P*^ tnaia.ui:tlr A _ : "•CSH? or JALTE&'B GINSENG PANACEA, TO TIIOSE BUFFEKIMO WITH IllSFjiom LUNGS.—The unprecedented mCeat ttended the use of the - - ■ ■“'* baa . GINSENG PANACEA a all the various forma which Imtaiion ofihalssM •umra, has indaoed the proprietor agalatoeSiflir lion to this ■ WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The changable weaker, which mark* ear An u i winter month*, 1* always a fruitful source ef “* COLDS AND COUGHS. .These,. If negUctcd, ara. but the preearsonaf that Hu ■idjoyer, . coSBMPHON. ....... The queries, then, how shall we nto the destroy» tt the badT how ahal! we get Clear of ear owihi and olds? is of eitalimpoßanee to lae public, . THE GRKAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found in the Ginseng Panacea.' Htprotfoftkls wo have fewt emu to tana coKiohcd tho ceirtifcttt* el loseni of our beet known ritauu, wlurhsvd experi enced Its curative powen. These, with a mass or uo imoay frum all parti of the country,—from-. MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, aCnistea ef the Gospel, Altogether wish copk>a*a*| ice* from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet fora, and nay be ke4 Aare been used in this city. . thousands and tens of thousands throughout the United Btatea end Canada,'anil vt eke : i which, when taken according to direction*, And ba* (on- the lungs had become fatally a fcaa ever felled to '• i i • • • EFFECT A PERFECT CUUI oi Why, then, need the afflicted hesitate! NVhy. rmaort t* tho nostrums, gotten up by urK ' ottb IndlvM saliu ier the tisumed name of some ca^hraiad lician, end pofied into notoriety by eenileKts g; pm> ion* equally unknown? whilst a medielnh *i UNPARALLELED EFFIOACY : ; i* to ba had, whore vouchers era at m—Wo have eared cases that aetaallr daflarfevery thing known, as well as Iheabiflty of fit *oa o twenty doctors.. One man told ap k° “d spent g.-uca his children withoa any benefit, when a few antes of Ointment cored them. •' TETTER—There is nothing beUsr foTrlhe cars of - BURNS—It U one of the.best things in tie world Cat Barni._-_j _■ • _ - .. . . PlLES—Thousands ue really eared by this Oint ment- 1( stv la Ml* la giving relief for the Filer; ID* Around the box are directions for tiinjrJfMJ- Hate's Ointmmt/or Scrofula, Live Cowrplaini, Erytipt las, TtUe, CkUblairu Scald Htad. Sort Efts, Ovine*, Sett Tknai, Bnnekuat, EmoutAfftctionxj Feint, Jht tcsttfftiiaSfint, Head edit, Bums, Cornt, oil Diatesa ef At Ski*, '-Son tip*, Puss yUt, t[C~ UtetlUnf if At Limit, .Sort*, ?Wuvinatian, Pile, aid Tits. Croup, BiotUtdorJtr~oh»»3irieu,JbeA Bekt.JLrutintAt Fact, ' GOLD FEET—Liver Complaint, eiia ia.the Cheat end Bide, fulling off of the hair, or the other' keeompa niescoldfeeb [This Ointment U Urn true.remedy.) it is a sore *ign of disease to have cold fret^.. CORNS—Occasional usd of the Ointment willal ways keep corns' from growing. People need never bef. troubled with them ulhey use it frequently. '.. Thu Ointment i* good for any pah of ihe'body or-umbs when inflamed, In some eases, k should be applied often.: - ';•. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genninaanleuibs name ofiAMIS MCALLISTER Is vnioe&wiih a pea on every l&heL • , .V'* - For sale by my Agents in all the principal cities sad towns In the United State*.'" - • ' JAMES McALUSTES, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Office, No S 3 North Third street, Phil* tdelphla. ~ - j .- : •;> * PRICE S 3 CENTS PER BOX. Amisu is Pxm*»OH—Braon A Belter, comer of IJbeny.andSt Clair sis; and L IVheaxj Jr R comer of Market at and the Diamond, also comer of 4th tad Smithfleld eta; J If Consol, coroerorWatnatand Penn tta,3thwanl; and soldi at the u, 3d door from Seebnd at:-in'Allegheny city by HP Sehwsru end J Sargent; by J G HmUh,>Dniggi«, Bir mingham; D Neplcy, Katt Liberty; • H Rowland, Mc- Keesport; J Alexander A Bon, Monoflga&els City; N B Bowman ACo, nud J T Roscw, .Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver, Pm; are wholesale agents, felOT-deodly ‘ • ’ . Facto for the FabUc. to reUtiou to that unrivalled family Aiive, DSIiItEVS aililClt MIS BimClilß. f I 'ESTIMONY of a'respectable' Phytituia.—'Read - tlie following, addressed to my AinhtJdr. F. Mer- 7 ry weather, Cincinnati: ■•-'■• 1 “•,■•■; J ■■ CraeGcun,Feo;'l2,ie4s. I Sir A sense of duty compels the To grve my tribute t toDilley’s Fain Extractor. Being opposed lo quack- $ cry and all nostrums haring for their object sum tor i motives—tut realising much good frodi ‘tni “King of J Pain Killers”—l am induced lo teadcr you this certifi- ? cate. I have nsed it in my family, iamyprictice, and < with all .thu happy and wonderta! effects that could possibly be imagined. ' U.J.BtUtiT*,M:D. Ur. Brodie ir-the senior partner bf'BTodie A Levi, .Druggists. • •' • InJUmnetorj/ .Rfeutpcrfudu. ; The following lesumbtiial comes- fram 'a'source fa] miliar xt tnany ofdaosc tract nog oa our'AVpstem wm» ters. Mr.tiUme. the well and Tarorablf knowdpro prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is.'baihasito the lady whoso letter! annex; - - f - ;. ■ ... ?mu«nia,yt, Amtf 13.15 D. To Henry Dailey, Cbcmlzt. for vinerty been loug afflicted with rioleul iftfiamoatory £ UheßmnUrm,. which' appeared, sofirtalir seated as to • | defy.aU owinary epptianees.to alUylhi’setere pain ? attending it, I was induced to. try yoitr'ifagieal Pain 3 Extractor; andli having effected, alntokldpi/byms* 1 gic, ar tmiuediate and olao, 'to all fippearanees au entire ano perfect care, lam foditced'far the bene- i fit of others who may be afflicted prith pain, caused by j any kind of inflammation, to weite "to yon, declaring ) that in my opinion, founded on. sotaaTcxperienee ■ your .Magical Pain. Extractor is the tapei valuable dis* corcry cf the present age for the iouwdiaiaextraetißa I ofbodily pain. It is au almost Immediate and a per- i fafcieurc fcr Burns and healds, and'ilTAxternalin- ‘ aammatio.L . _ •. • Having many acquaintances fonhed of thei: visits .atmy husband’s homl in lhi«plae«r^^ tT * supposed by your sbowiug them ihtse lew linhk, it .may possibly be of benefit both to them and yoeraeß' . , Kitxixgnt Gina. • fleatemin tho hope that i!r*.GUa» will panlpathe publicity I give to her letter, .as well on the tebre ef nuiaanity as of as beiug me iwreai mode «tf bringing it to the notice of her friends.— ll. DatAgT.J .. Feb* Cored,. Ettnte: of a letter, dated ' _ i.-'- _ . ' . Esutanr, Ky. Not, 23,1348. t ■ Mr. IL Dnlieyj “I haw tried year P»in Extractor la a case of feioa, in my ownfinuly. which it reUorod and eared in a very abort time.” : w batu, yours re* (Deetfally, • Jsa M. Yotrao. tD“Homsand Scalds, Pjlea.SoreNirpfes, Broken Breast, Eruptions, Sores, and all In* flammatioiv yields readily to ueiwondccral properties of this anrivailed family salve. Bat, in the same pro* ’ portion tbsi you will receive beaeQtdra&ffce genuine, you will bo injured by the aoiolenoas effects of ths counterfeit salres. ■ z.i OAUTION-Be sure mad apply.**!* tothe inTenlor, If. Daautr, 415 Broadway, Newt York,-At to his as* thorued agents. . . JOHN i> MORGAN, • ■ _ . _ ,ff cn Depots PilUbnryk. Henry P.Sehwartx, Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker, Wheeling, Va.i James W Johnston, JUaysville, Ky; F. Meny westher, Cincinnati, 0., General Depot. N.B.—lathe seTerestßarns andßcaWAit extracts yv lha pain in a few minmes—it never fails * jal< ' V- ' u. 1* FasnsToca, >ftosbarrb.. j O. W. Pah*otuc,J - j WhDluAlt Drjf g(ov« i* Uu City tf \ THE emleralraed are extensively eanxed U the 5 w Ar.« bulco, u k2«'3S?s b * in 1 tits eity of new * gtx» siX3 are prepared to npply Pm*frr tad American Perfomrry, i. tian .er, ******* kMnudeHe Chemical*, (of their own i - J Mit.oi a lawaa ibsyato hepa> 5 »f.M«d ia this «r any eastern aUr. V 3’ N>w\nra.y«hte -a *. pAHMcrrocr u c £ : CURE : FOR WORM 3. >t B. A. PAHSKSTOCK’S VEttniFEQE, | 1„ -t ‘ VftUktttZ. 8 N order to afford *ll poMlbloueCiirilj* 10 the pablic, % as well as to themselves. against fritid and Impo- faimi trout counterfeiting, thnftroprieims have made \l a change in the exterior wrapper or (able of their Ver* t-’ llli! “*=*which la a rvej engraving of i latmost exquisite design and wottmanahlp, bu bees f Introduced at ■* very great expend. and » from ih* urotn of an artlatoftfae firti talent". Thodesign i*oe*> ■; and'tire execution elaborate, aexermtdfcure** 0 * ■ ■ portrait are most prominent, bat -V**** j *ca*“printed m white Uuereon artdaod daWf/* - } graved ground, should be panieular)sV«x»au fl f~"* { NVhen held a? to lire llghnne icueta, fhsdia# «*-';*• j letters and eTeryUneihowereriaimHejUrowh**"?* * whole of this part of ihe i *> it the impression had been I ly, although it printed oailnUji *r° • paper, 'flu* should in all cases tfe-obscrved. _Aj»- bei upon each doien UaJsoprinlcd.-ia-m' l aides, and should he examiued ia lha sh® o _ • - 1 This preparation ha* now atoodtbqtfrt,*" years trial, and is confidently recomtt-t®®” *** •Jr® and effectual m-diclne to .nSideLl system, the unexampled »acfe»»%^??f.TilftwM ua administration in every ease whe» . really alflicied with worms, certainty loaders u ihy the aueuuonofnhysieiana " ~r .. Mahl ,v. | The proprietor has mode it hia ; result o' us use m such case* a* eaBW Wiwa^" 1 * ; Knowledge and observation-and. h» , it id ■rpdacethem©tl*a:uiaryefl*«*’rP®V“*' : ly after nearly all thp ordinary, pMP“B u ®*j* I mended for worms had been previooiTy reuned to withosi any permanent advantage- T ~V ‘ \*Jsl - tested by the certificates and