vr ~" 1 : - .. *<■ , , ;r\ , ■ '>'■ ' - _J- ' * TBLKOttJIPnttD v FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: cohassssioßit* W.uaiNaTcix,'Feb, 13. Sautt—The pelitioa presented by Mr. Hale* yotarday, from a number of Udie*ia New Hemp* aHrSi prayisg tluat slayer; be excluded from the Uniloriet of California and New Mexico, wai re , eelred without debate, and referred to the Com mittee ou Territories. i A. number of petitions wero received and re ferred to appropriate Committees. • -Hovu—la the House, to da;, the bill for re cording conveyances of vestal* was passed. A bill fa farther extending the time for locating 1 the Virginia military land warrants. Was passed. Wasvuictox, Feb 13,1650. Seutx—Mr. Dickinson reported back the House amendment to the Senate’s resolution, suspending the act UmiUnj the expenses of collecting thie res veouefeom customs, with the recommendation tfcal (t be concurred in, with the additional amend* nent named. Tbo Senate then proceeded to the consideration of the bill for carrying into effect the late treaty with Brazil. The bill, after some debate and amendment, was passed. The Vice President laid before the' Ssnate a message from the President, transmitting an an* . theotlcated copy of the constitution of California t A motion was mado by Mr. Foote that the docu ments be laid on the table, which was rejected. “/ Mr. Benton moved th&tthe subject be referred to « select committee, end that Mr. .Clay should * ' be chosen chsirman of that committee. 1 . The Vice President said that the motion could - only be entertsmed by the unanimous consent of the Senate. “ ' Footebtjepied,and stated his reasons. AQer Mae convemtton, the message and con* . "alhnlioa were ordered to be printed; and that the farther consideration of the subject be postponed . tfll to morrow mcrnSng. A message was receivod from the President, sut* fag that iho information called for in relation to the • Correspondence with OnatimaU, Central . America,:would be cheerfully communicated as soon ns found compatible with the public in . taresL / ; After some further debate, the Senate renamed ~ .V .'Mr. Clay’s compromire resolutions. Mr. Davis, of Mismssippi, had the floor. He said ho had been disappointed fa the conrye adopted by Mr. Clay. After some/time spent in Executive Session, he Senate adjourned. FOUNDERING OP TkE RHODE ISLAND. ' ■ New Toax, Feb. 13. - ... The steamer Rhode Island, hence for foundered when three days cot. She was than* doned by a portion of the crew and passengers, who took to the boats. They were pieked up by* a whaler, and taken to Providence. Tea paasen (era were left on board, who are supposed to have perished. CINCINNATI MARKET. CutcuuuTt Feb. 13 The river has riten thirty inebea in the list 21 hoars.' It is raining to day. ‘ Flour—Tae market is firmer, with a fair demand at foil pricer. , Whiskey closed at 19jc. Provisions are inactive—sales of 133 brls No. 1 Lard at 3|. Linseed Oil—Sales nt $1 05 per gallon. NEW YORK MARKET. Nxw York, Feb. 13. r 'otttoa—Wo notice a further decline fa Cotton, dace die arrival of the steamer. Coffee—The market is dulL Flour—There .is a fair home demand, bat prices have a deoliofag tendency.. Corn—The market is less firm, but there is a fair demand at previous rater. Flour—The market is dull and prices are heavy. Common to’ straight brands are selling at $4 67 0 S 3 per brl. Grain—There is a good enquiry for Wheat, with sales of .common Ohio at 03c. Corn is active, wilhsalesofwhite.and yellow a: 6le per bush. Coffee—The market is quiet. .-Provision*—Pork with tales .of old Mess •1910 23, nadot new si $ll per bH. Sales of . now Prime al $9 per biL Lard is less baoyanl— tales at C( 0 7s. Cat Meats are dniL Whiskey—The demand is. better, with sales at 231021 c. CtoUoa—Since the arrival of the Europe, prices Jure declined Ic. VAI/BABX.E BEAL ESTATE FOB. BALE. f trE will offer for sale at PnMle Vcndae, oa the vY premises, an Tuesday, the 25th day of Februnry, 1650, lx not sold at private sale previously., SPRING HILL FURNACE, with which u connected a Grist MUL , ■ * Also—l£oo acres of Famine Land, with stone Men tion House, Btables, Baras, several Tenant Houses, with all the appurtenances necessary to cany oa rite Also—3soo acres Mountain Land, opott which then are several good Mountain Farms.- : Several neWnre banka have recently been opened on these lands, far* wishing sn abundance of ere near the Fnrnaee.;: . ti«iv—On» Steam Engine connected with the Fur* nans and Grin Mill. This property Is located immediately on tho.'rnsd leading from Unioniown, to Morgantown, Va, about midway, and about three miles from Cheat Riv er. Wood for making Charcoal is convenient and abundant The Furnace Is now in blast, and opera*, ting successfully. This property will be told altogeth er, or in paresis of from fifty to two hundred acres.' Men ofeapita! and enterprise, particularly creditors, are invited to examine the property. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Duncan will always (one or both of them) be found on the premises, and will take pleasure in giving information to any person wishing to purchase, who may cal) at the premises for making examinations. Also—At the same time and place, wilt bo exposed to ft* a large amount of Personal Property, consist* lag of WO tons Pig Metal, some Hollow ware. Cast ings, Ploughs. Horses. Wegons Gears, Farming Uten riu, Household and Kitchen Furniture . Bale to commence at 10 o’clock, A. at which lima the terms and coaditiooa of silo trill be made knows. A. PATTERSON, jas.tiqbison, feUMSt Assignees of I.TC. Punean. fenn flntn&l Life Iniurance Company. OFFICE— NO. 81 WALNUT ST„ PHILADELPHIA AT a meciinr rf u e Board of Ttmtwi, held Ereoiafi DANIEL L. &lILLEH, Eiq.wae annul* ooaaly raeleeled President, and Wo. M. Clark, Etq, VJee Preaident. forth® coiaing year. The Beard ofTnuteee have thu day declared a«nP dlTldendof FIGHT!* per eml bj*ob tho eaih premi cm*, received in IMP, certificate* of whieh will bt i#* (■MOa and after the 4Ui of Febrnatyoext; they have also declared a CASH DIVIDEND of eix per cent KUte aerip dividend of last year, payable ax the of the Company, after the fltb proximo. Is eoofomiiy with t&e charter, the following aute* ■eat of the baiineii of the Company, to January lit, ■ ... Prealaaa received to Dee. 31, 181®, 57M3181 Ittaraat, 4,I«CT • *71,360 00 Ueufs. Tbomu, Boyd, _ _ (W«ae, and Huston. OO **pea»es: Salaries Advertlainf, - Aftsey elurcef, Commiiaiona, *«,*<, - • 11^7734 823,77731 *l7,tti6o famtßttau-eiioo CO, t/Bited Slate* fi*, _ „ * imn, Coat, 94,70) 00 15,657 *5, Penn’ar*, lean, !«*»<* « . 10,7>ttM, do S’ a, «*• 9fi99V3 OO, Che*, and Del Ca- . , dal, o’#, lout,' 9.03195 Si itu Commercial Bank, 3,303 90 19 ah* Girard LUe lot. Co, 41019 , C«>k on hand, Mplltt Lean* ob Mortgage Stock* aodpcllcie*. S.2S9SI Dae from Ageau, b7 latereu oq Lomu das, bat V - -Bet collected. -144907! Billi receivable, bearing In- ' _ lerett, 6 18,71565 Quarterly payment*, SfiiS 19 Ouarantec Capital Note*, 60,000 00 d-'Kiel l. miller, preSeS.” w*. 1L CLLtw, Vme Pr»aidenu Jons W. Uvaaoa. Secretary. rkUadelpWa.Jan.lS.JBa?.- ,reWy 07*AU LIFE Policies panicipetebi '&«• profits. Office Western Insurance do, No 39 Water st, Pimbar*h. febS-dsltwlt9 Thomaa Parkiuoa, MACHINIST AND MANUFACTURER—Lathe*, M Tobacco, Uooiiu and large Screw* of all kind*; 'Hf * earning* and Urn** Work* generally. Comer efeerry aadTim *tre«ti. «lMEanb*eribcr,baTln* purchased ike Factory of iJmem Fatterzon, Jr., {oealed at Ike above stud, Mid recpectCdly inform kie Irieud* and the pubUe 3-. h*l*«epared to fill any or'ere m hi* line, on the iSLmEable term, and with d.*paich, and will fcelgraicfal/of \i*it l’ atr^l i *^ MA3 paRUIISON. • yiirtbantb.Jan.l,lKo. haVIHG Ji*r>or«l of ray e»tabliihiaeot to Mr. m Imn Pii ,IiI ’ i " i,l t * Uke the iibrfiy lo •olicU ffi’SS lb * C< “/ fti ' nd ' *, nd “S •"! i 1 :'" emfidtnt lb.l *nr l 4»" "“'I"" 1 willb ' J, City Snokibouit. TUO -■l.serlberf, baripr Marlatjo Sia»kehou»e^ .k?PMI on rtMOMbl# ItICW. • «oaek« ret* OB kjer 4 JONF-S Proprietors • ... Cam! Bailn, near 7ti» »t , >B ‘ ■■ irr'TiJ — "DO~sln~rf»'politein iiotb andl to ”i*WI»AEBUJOH COMMERCIALRECORD. PITTSBURGH BCUhBD OF «Up» r " COMMITTEE FOR FEBRUARY- ww. aaxxxx. Arr >vsli sad Dipartaws of Sells* Easter, ftlafl, via Philadelphia, fine 3 a. as. closes It *. Western Cin» l "" ,u and Louisville, dae fl r. ic, Baltimore and Washington, doe 8 r. it, elo- NorthW*es« ra,via Cleveland, due X 0 a. K .elosei9 a. is. Erie and Western New York, dee 8 r. a. closet 8 a.*. Ktuannieg, doe 7 a. ia, closes 5 r. *. Wprn Aiussninn or ns Cnraxs Sreixxzs —Partnff the winter months ths steamers composing the Canard Line will sail from New York, Bostdn and Liverpool, as follows: • • j Cambria, from Liverpool, for Bottom Dee. 1949 Canada, “ for N-r Y o rk,“ as, ■“ “ forßoßon, Jan. 12,1868. u.’* “ for New York, “ 28. *«-j .** “ forßoston, Feb. ». “V ' forNewYork, u S$ “ £ forßoston, March D» ' « U a fotNewYork, “ Bd| « f‘ “ for Boston, April «, Canada, - from New York, for Liverpool, Dee. 12,1949. Earops, from Boeton; for u w 10, Hibernia, Tm New York, for u “ an, Csrobna, Pm Boston, for u ju, o, iB6O. Canada, from New York, for u >• S 3, “ from Boston. for “ Feb. 8, **' from New York, for *• “ aS “ from Boston. for “ March 0, u from New York, for “ **oo:' “ from Boston, for « April 3, ? ■ from New Yotk, for “ u l?! “ from Boston. for « Hay Pittsburgh Blocks, and Money KMket. rssiOAif 13, 18S0. ] Parval-Ofr Aak ae. fpd. ed. Bank of Piusbargb-CapUal, ± IXvfoend, (BJsy and Nov.) 44P eent-*- 80 Ol 81 ExebaageUank—CcaitalßLOOUXADiv. j (MayaodNov.Mp ct-—®

nd j. „ SO SL to Pittsbursb Gas Co.—Dividend. (Jan. and Jolyjiqpceni- » g S ? S Hand Sueet « “ —— » t N. Liberties “ ° •—•••• ® . Western Insuranee Co—•? ; ®* Ohio A PenniylvonU Railroad, SlSpaid 60 Pennsylvania JUilroad——— Puuborgh City loan-—' JJO « Allegheny County loan - JW J® ?i Allegheny City loan--*— ■***“••’• 100 84 M PmsVgkßoitoaCopperMin.Co,divoff 20 1W ICS Ncnh American “ “ 10 sates, SBf Pittsbargbk Isle Royal “ “ i (last sale,*lB 00L , . , * J Pittsburgh, Cineionatl A Louisville Tel- j egrapnC»—CapUal£l7o,QOQ’,Dividend, { January,April, July and Oetobfr; last, j 4Feenljsaares,BM 50 • S Atlamie A Ohio Teiegraph Co— Capital, 1 Jan* t uary, Ajuil,' and October; snares, 850 •• Nothing transpired in tha market yesjsrduy,beyond the regular home demand, and every thing was quiet at previous quotations. . FLOUR—The market continues quiet and ddll, with no change fa quotations Limited sales from first bands, at tIAO, and from store at 84,6204,*5 y bb!. - PROVISIONS—Western and eiiyeuredbaeonbams are-selling atBf; sldee al6|, and shoulders at IJdUo 4P fe. Country cured bacon is sold at lower figures.— Sales sugar cured bacon at S|ooe, and of dried beef alee?*- BULK MEAT—Sales of tJV) Bi bulk meat, sl'4e, cash. LINSEED OlL—Sole of 5 bbU, at 05c, cash. BUTTER—SaIes 8 bMa roll, at 19|014. Keg bmur i.daU,etBe F Cu GROCERIES—The market is quiet, with moderate solesVfNOSugar at 4fos£;cZ N O Molsises-at 880 27c; of Rio Coffee at 170174. Taa Paovsios following is a. compir* ative satemsut of iho imports of P/ovitions at liver* pool from the United Ftau from Ist 9epc, to 6th Jan'y, 18(9-49. 1943*49. 1840-80. Pork, bbls 2,161 -.2,^6 Beef. ti»- .■■■.'■■ ■ - 0 333 Bee/,bbls*— : *,«* Baeonie*ks-*«— —.... SOI .£} Bacon,’ bxe.~——r—• A}® Lard,ttes-— —4- L 1,479 Lard, eks—s 1 —•• V »»« • , »• Lard bbls--—•'HAa Lard kg* .*««« Cheese,ek« —— W ■ tfisl Cheese! Vxs 7UC4 Tallow.hhda-----r* Fleur, bbls- Wheat, bush W7S 650,660 CornTb.t* * * - ••*^l7 Counterfeit 93 notei of the Farmers* A Mechanics’ Bank ofHartford, are in circulation, nt Elkten, ML Counterfeit 810 notes, on iho Lancaster Co. (Pa.) Bonk, and counterfeit 83 notes, on the Btomford Bonk of Connecticut, have also made their appearance there. 1 New Youx, Feb. 13. kNiw Boreas, principally to the small quan i no sates to this market to re* port. A-parcel ofo3o bbls, receised by (he Harbinger, was eohl in Boston at Uoe gall. * Whsto—There is more inquiry, but the transactions are light, the.views of holders Ming.above tboee oi bp-era Wo notice sales of 1® bbls handsome N W Coast, at 670, ICO obis South Seasnd hutnpbssk at 43e, and CO bbls bluk at the same price. Wnaio Bone—We have no transactions to report.— Last sales in New York at 32c for N W Coatt, and 10 for Bouih Sea. , RATES 0E DISCOUNT. BATES OF DUCOU! I, BOIiSU Exchange Brokers, No. 5’ PetuujlTral&i fl an kc f F itubargh P ar Exchange Bank •—.Pail Merck. * Man. Bank •pas BkanfWuladelphia—*pi Girard Back Pi Bank ofGennaatown- *Pi 11 ChesterCoaaty«»«pi .-** Delaware Go.*■••pi « Manigomery Co."P; ** Nonaiuaberlaad* *p: Colombia Bridge Co.* - pi Doyleatewn u*ak—*par Fanners'Bk. ReailiQfpar Famers’Bk. Baeka Co. par Farmers B'k LaneasVpar Lancaster Co. Bk.*• • ••par Lancaster L)fc..—par IT. States Bank—-—-SO Brownsville Bk.* ••••••?« Wathinganßk. ••*—•••! GeaysbarpiiDk.—•l Chamber*ourg**\—• “ SMqnehaana C0.8k.~ Lewiatowx—♦*.*— *7 MiddletAwn - —.** —• I Carlisle] u Erie Bit*"— d> 1 Farmers* and Drovers' . Bank,;Wayneibarg.» I Hanubatg —“ llaiieadale*——t Lebanon .pr PoasvllJe—• Wyoming fork Bk. Weaißranch Bk. Relief Notes —— MAHBk. PitU-de* Scrip—PW*b. t: Covaxyl ” Allegheny, i State Bk.and Brandies I MeantPleasant* * 44 StcabenviUe— •••• •• St Clairsvilla—— —• Manet U••——•• • New Lisbon* Cineinniti JJanki Oolnnbue • do- i' Cuieleville**—• Zanesville u .Putnam!-- “ Wooster —«•» —«- MaaiUloß *-*—’■ • Sandusk'/ • ••• ** 70 Geun I Norwalk**.* •—•••••• 70 CleTelafld' I Xenia* •••—*. ** Dayton* i Western Reserve*—— * Franklin IPk Coltabes 1 Chlllieothe *' Lake Erie —• * Seiota** '* •••••••«—•* ** Lancaster • ■ 10 Hamilton*•—l3 Granville 50 F*rm’r«B 1 k Canton—— 50 Wrbaaa* -•—• SO JCaitßek/i Bk of Kentucky I BixfLoiriiviUe * Norbern Bk. Kentu’ky* 44 ■ear Ran) SltMl THE Co-Parnwranip hi style of u J. ILClooie by nraual content. The b •attled by L. 8. Waterman liberty street. &b9j FOR SAIAS—Two large street, neat the cemei leb9*et J i sHDaoiosaiEf. ANOTUF-Blarge invoice of those desirableTrencb Wroeabt, UaaUa*ApplicaUen, and Lace Cape* end Collars, just received at febB ! A a MASON & CO, Cli Market tt T LABOB Jot ofChoiee Uorniel and Cap Kibhons; •A also, Jenny Und and Velvet Drew Trimmings, eloaier out at greatly redueedptices, ai . i- feo9 1 A A MASON A CO< 00 Market at '"a —jt~MAebN“jri£®r£a its jn»t recelrrTocase* A . coed styles fast colored prints, u,tho low priee of Cj; 1 ._J on oiaiika* tir MeCLtNTOCK u now reeelvmg the newest W . Style TepesuyOU Cloths, which we Will « u t wfitanyslis wn, halt er vesUbnle. We respect* fully Invite an egarainatfoo of oar assortment u out Carpet Warehouse, Fourth street. ' ehB pWUR-WEW. F“‘M‘“ B “»,rUAMA“OIi r TJLANTAIHIN Moliuisß-2» I>U. re'll per nr. r “ let ’ r JAMK3 PILZKI.L DUGAR-S0 hhd. N O t landing fnn « r -Dlodem, O sale by faU9 MMKHDALZELL COUNTS y SOCKS—M do*, a superior article, josl ree*d and for sale Jow by C TBAG EB, fobs , 109 Market St cUttrtNDEßjj—l6o cinoom French; . O 75 do - American: foraalo by c YEAGER, 108 Market at MOI^LfTCANbLES— 204 bx» jail iee’d onconiifnr meat tad for calc by fcb7 __ HAHPV, JOKES fc CO | Home L«t|«i Cotto* Good*. CHECKS 4 BTRIPES—IO pieces, of y&iioas pal* iemi| for »«Jc at the ra«narse>nri*r’e price*, by I . : HKKfIRY, FLEMING * CO, ' feb* in Wood «trr*t LINBBEII OlL—!t9 bbU for ule by J** 13 ; J n OA^FTFT.n GUNNY BAO9 — •OOOjanreeMaodforitlcbT ifebld BR6YFOOLB A 9LARKB \\,,i ■: -.u -w ' * • ■ Orricc Prmstnuu Gazrrrs, | Thursday Morning, Feb. 14, 18®. { OU Market. iT—COKUKCTEJDB* :b * sosb« . , 9 Market atreet, sear its • Indiana* rSuteß-t &Bcaoebec* I r 3*aieSerij> • • -'•• ••« •• - Virginia. ExcfcuseHK.ofVt.-‘ I Fuacfiilk.'ofV*-—? Bk. oflke Vtßey,— * Bi-of Vlffinia—*— — “ U.fcM.flf., Wheelmi * do Alorg-*oiown---- | _ N. W.Baak V*—• i it 'do ireU*b*fg—— • I do _Paikflnbarg—• •* T*nn«u«ii Sk.ofTennessee**** * # Far. A ilercb’l* Bk— ** PUnler*’ Bk.*— u Union ■■—■» ** - Uluoorl • Slsleßkof Missouri— I < Korth Oftrolinti Uk.ofCape Fear- 3 Merck’* Uk~Newbcm* 8 Stale Banker. —'3 Booth Corolla*. CaodeaUk * Bfc. ofChtrleston****- 3 Cootaeretaißk ■ I Bk.efGeorxeto*ni—• 3 Bk-ol Hamburg 8 Merchant* Bx—— 3 Piaster* AMeena’sßk* 3 Bk.of South Carolina-• 3 Barrlaad. Baltimore Dks.***~»--pai Baltm’eAOßßScrip *lO Cumberland Bk.ef Alle ghany* I Fax.Bk.of Maryland-- “ Farmer*’ A Mechanic* “ Bk. Frederick****'-.. u FrederlekCo.nk.-x* u Ifagemownßk - ** Mineral Bk— I Patapieoßk— | Waafitngtonßk—* «• Bk.ofWeitau.iter**.* u Blehlgaa. Bk. of St’ Clair* *»» ■ - Bk. of Rhrar llalaec* Michigan In*. Co 6 Far.AMecb’sßk 6 Wlacomsla TorrlPpi Mar.kFireln.Co.sli] o’* I CaiadM. AHsolventßoaks--*-'* I Bank of England Notes st -oriitr. Oold * Bpoela Vain*. Napoleon* 3 80 Dneatt*'— ISO 3 30 Eagle,old 10 00 Eagle, new 10 00 Deeblooß*,Spaniah v l# 09 Do. Patriot*—*•*— * IS SO Sovereigns- 4 63 Guinea*—o 00 Frederiek»d*oia—* •87 69 Ten Thaler* 7 60 Ten Guilder* * 3*9 Lesiid’ors 4 SO Ezthaag*. New York . •*—*■ iprra Philadelphia---*— Jpnn Baltimore • • fpt» i.par. Interior B’ka*—* leretofore existing under tne e A Co,” is this day dissolved bunuet* of tbe firm will'be in, stiheir old stand. No 164 i* 8. waterman, J. H. CLOUSE. o Bailding Lots on Webiief ir of Grant App-jto FINNEY, Sr, 10 Water »t PORTOFTITTSBCRGH. Kzrn^J Htera were 10 feet 6 Inches in the channel last evening, end falling. * • j, , . ARRIVED. Caleb Cope. Murdock, Dearer. Michigan, Brlet, Bearer. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsvtlle. Yjroquu,' Galloway, Monongaheia City. Fashion, Peeblu, Elizabeth. . Atlantic, Portion, Brownsville. .. Bsllic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden. Headriekson, McKeesport •jfamet Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. CUsper No. 8, DuvoL Cincinnati. Jefferson, Cincinnati. (DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. ’ Beaver, Gordon, Weltsvllle. Michigan, Brie*, Bearer. Vtroqua, Galtosray, Meaongahela Cut. Camden, Hendriekson, McKeesport Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlaaue, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis Melmae.Conset, Wheeling. New p«gte«Mt No. 8, Dean, Gneinnati. Monooraheta, Stone, Cincinnati. Paris, Smith, New Orleans. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. LOUISVILLE—Hamburg, (r,z ST LOUlS—Connecticut, 10*. LOUISVILLE—Farmer, 10 a. Hi IMPORTS BY RIVER, Wh»liti|-pn Lons McLsss-09 pcs iron, D McKeivy; 14 bills sheet iron, Beck A Barnes; 47 saeks com. Brown A Kirkpatrick, !3do barley, R A Camp bell, 1 bx, U Lee; 2 bxs produce, K Heazetton; 10 bbls flour, J Diehl;7Ssksoau,7bbliflour > 9bgsdo, 9 lots furniture, owner. Beaver A WaUswlllo—Pxa Bum-9 bbls lard, 9 xegs lard, 1 bbl butter, L S Waterman; 73 bbls flour, E Heazelion; 18 sxs wheat 3 bbls flour, Caaghey; 3 bxs batter. 1 do eggs, W Harrison; 3 boxes butter, C Wallingford; XX bbls float, 6hogs, 120 dor brooms, 9 ska wool, owners. Pxa Calks Cora—B2olead kgs. W Bell; 38 bbls flour. E Heaxcltoo, 5 do do, X bx tin, X bdl eopper. owners; 32 dozbroomsjj M Kuhu; 1 bxpsrk, J D Da Tit; 30 bbls floor, Wm Kerr. Sandy A Beaver Cansd—Pxa C B Lam Tatua—42B bbls extra floor, 200 rats wrapping paper. EHeaxehoa. Cincinnati—Pxa Jxrrxtsox—3 bxs mdse, S S Fahnestock: l cheek line, O Blackburn; 5 hhds, 8 coils rope, G Ledlie; 10 tierces nee, J Painter; 10 do do, R Moore; 10 do do, Borbndge, Wilson A cm 200 bbls mo lasses, Wm Bagtdey A co; 30 cks soda ash, C Ihmieo. Fob Locnroxa—The fine steamer Uamburg, Cspi. Klinefelter, leaves as per advertisement, this day, at 10 a.m. r;.. It will be seen by advertisement, that the splendid rtmr Conneetieat, Cmpt Price, will leave for 8t Louis and the Illinois river, this day. Those who may be going to the Upper Mississippi, will see by the depar ture of the that a fine opportunity is offered. Tus PxssSTLVAXta.—We are pleased to see that our old friend, CapL Gray, is again In thb field, with his fine steamer. The Pennsylvania now lies opposite Wood street, and will leave ia a few days for 8t Loots. - Thesp!cndidstmrFarmcr,Capißenedict,isnowtnk* leg freight for Cincinnati and LoaUviUd, far which pans, she will leave 11 a few day* UfBSTK&iI IUBUBASCE COMPART OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J. Funur, Jr, Bcc*y> I R* Mn.r.xx, Pres*L Will Insure against all kinds of risks, * FIRE AND MARINE ALL losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A home Institution—maneged by Director* who nr* well known in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain tha char acter which they here assumed, us offering the best protection to those who desire to bo Insured. DtllCTOia—R. Miller Jr, Geo. Black, J. W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Dunen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. BL Lyon, Jus. lippincott, Thoa. K. Llteb, James M l Auley, AJex. Nimiek, Thoi. Scott Orncx, No. 39 Water mreet, (warehouse of Spang A Co„ ap stairs,} Pittsburgh. ja4^ly LAW ROTIOK. THE appointment of Mr. MeCLURB, as president Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylva nia, dissolves the- long existing partnership of Me* Cundiees A McClure. The unfinished business will be attended to by Mr.MeCandlets. , WILSON MeCANDLESS, . WM. -B. MeCLURE. WILSON MeCANDLESS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Fourth street, Pttts , burgh. jan29*lm GRIT A. BLIHM, AUCTIONEERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 17 Ftrrs 9r, CcransAn, Onto. WOULD reipectfullr solicit Consignments from the Merehants andMsu>afaciarenofFiiuburgh,aDd would refer to: Messrs. W. A R. D. Phillips, Pittsburgh. “ a - Brows, Phillips A “ u Chambers, Axnew A Co., u JohnD.McFaddcn u jentet Delseil, u jentM-lm* 43 bales Dew Rotfed Kentue kVileaap. reo II ouromigrußcaiand for sale by novgKlp A GORDON INFLAJXKATOBY RHEUMATISM. THE AMERICAN RHEUMATIC BALSAM!^ A' NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable Kingdom—a sure and permanent cure for all Rheamatie Complaints, such as Inflammatory, Chroole, Acuta end Mercurial Rheumatism; Goal, Lumbago, Spinal Affections, Ac. This mrdieme has long bees sought fon : It has been ■aid that Rheumatism could not be eared; hut there is a remedy designed by nature for the care 6/every dis ease that the homes system Is subject to. At last a re medy has been found that eures Rheumatism of the went form—oo# of the most velaable vegetable pro* dactioos of the earth—the greatast and most important discovery of the age, and a wonderful blessing to the human family. UcureswithoataickeniagordebUita uag, and renews strength and vigor is the whole sys tem. U baa cured, during the past three months, over 600 eases that were considered incurable. CerU&eate* of the eararive propenies of this modi* cine eaa be seen by calling on th* Agents. None genome onlets pot sp with an engraved label noon tbe outside wrapper, caned by the proprietor, K. TURNER, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by , 1L BMYSER, corner Third and Market stPiusurrh. Bold also by G. P. THOMAS, No IC9 Main at, Cincinnati, O. feb7-dA*flaB ETtry Odd bellow iboslrf Saburibe. Volmmea XU—XUL, 1890. GAZETTE OFTHE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE, He Gixetto and Role has now the support of the Order to an extent that mokes a* determined not only to deserve this approbation, bet tq add largaly to ear list of reader*, ana therefore we propose tl.e following nw TKMHB, which are more liberal than have ever been offered by any newspaper or magaxtso in tbe United State*. We aive is the Gvtette and Rale, every veer, EIGHT HUNDRED PAGES OF CHOICE READ ING, in a style that can be bound, thas forming a book which each year make* more voluble. The character ofthe Oaxette and Rala is too well known to need explanation here, and it is enough to remark that it contain*, from time to time, the proceeding* of the Oread Lodges ofthe New York, and also of ether S’tle*} account* of Celebration*, Institutions of New Lodge*, aitd occasionally, a Compline Directory of all the Lodge* in the Union. Its Llteraiy Oiputmtat Is filled with Original Tales ofthe highest excellence, by the most eminent writer* in oar country; Popelar Tales; Choice Miscellany: tho rarest Cent* of Poetry from the English Poets; Sketches of Travel; Anec dotes, Ac., Ac ; and occasionally illustrated with BisaUfnl Wood Eagnvtn|i. Being equal in its Literary character to any Weekly In the eoantiy, and being thus perfect in its Odd Fel lowship department, it is worthy of a place on the table of every brother of the Orrer, and Indeed t« tn diipeniiblo to all who wish to keep fally Informed of the work of oar now glorious Order . „ One copy, one year,**- **••• •« Two copies, one year,*- 3M Seven cope*, ono year, each l» Twenty copies***— —♦ ® Thu reducing it so that every lodge can get a uni class paper cheaper than the cheapest local paper. EUad th* Following: The partieularend especial attention of the brother hood I* desired to the following extract from a letter from that distinguished brother, James L- Ridgely, Esq- Grand Cor. and Ree. Secretary of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United Btates, I. O. O. F. “The GOLDEN RULE Is to fit* a most welcome and valued viilter; and since It ha* fallen into your hands, I have witnessed Its grades! and steady im provement with great pleasure. It ts now beeooe, to my iadgmenl, it rsa tk* »mt rDuestcai iie tk* obdxx; and I do trust, that a discerning and inteui gent Brotherhood will, by a liberaltty worthy ef your great exenton*,euble yousUll more to augment It* usefulness to the Order at large. your friend and brother, JAB.L.RIDGELY. Oplfilofii ofßimbsr* of G- I».of U. States. Believing that the interests of the I. O. of O. F. as well a* of society at large, will be «no« effectually promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the promulgation of its principles, we would earnestly recommend to our brethren the Gsxxrrt or tb* Umoa a» Ootuxs Rots, u now conducted by Crumpton A Clarke, us u valuable medium for the exposition of the desigu cf Odd-Fellowsblp, and u worthy the cordial support of the Order. Thomas Wiidey, P, 0. Sire. • John A. Kennedy/P-G. Blre. : PGM Janie* L Ridgely, ofMd, R W 09 . , POM Rev. E M P Weds, of Mass, H R G Ch. PG John R Johnson,efGa, R WO. Mar p O Peter Frite, P O M J Stoke., P u W M Al. | len, P O Wm A wells, Grand RepresenUtives of Pa. Wm Curtis, G Sec of O Lof Penn. ; Smith Skinner, P G Msr G L of U 8. , I •POM Johu W Anderson, P O Solomon Cohen, Grud Representatives of Georgia. , PGM Herry L Webster, Grind Rep of R l. PG F P Theobald, PG & WBBmllh, Grand Rep. i “Po'm E C Robinson, P O Rep ef Virginia. rOJ B Frost, Jr, Grud Rep of Mass.. - , Cm(lh P O Geo B Dickson, P O M John Fairfax Smith, Grand Representative* cf Delaware. ? P O MSamael Read, P G Wood, Grand Rnp* resentatlves ofNew Jersey.. . pGTaicou Burr, Jr,;EGM John II Manley,Grand Rnpreseriiativea of N Carolina, , _ _ P G John BiLby, PCM SO Shaw, Grud Repre sentatives ofAtibama. . P G M W W Moore, POM JohnTTow*rs,GrMd Rcprcsentativeeof Dfstrietof Colombia POP Stephen Brown, Grand Rep of N ll*mp PG II Norton Andrews, P G James Strawbridf* Grand RcpresentsiiTes eflrfulsiun. / PG D N Barrows, Rep G L of Mississippi.' p G Isaiah Forbes, P U Wm A Moffett, Grud Bep* reaentetives of MLsanrL _ _ p G M Geo W Wilton, P G EU.-ah Merton, P 0 J Peacock Rep* G Lodge ofTennessse. P G Frrd 8 Gsrriu, Grud kep of Ark. * p G John W Hoot, PG BFZimmerman, Grand Represcnutlves ofMsrytsnd. tHmeua 9 Pott. Grand Muter of N Y. Thaddeut Davids, D G Matter of N Y. Dwijtmln J Pentj,G Secretary of N Y. V G John J Davis, P G James W Hale, P O W W njbblee, Grand Representatives of N Y. Geo u Andrews, P G Muter of N Y. postmaster* are authotized to remit money to pub lisher*, and ail money mailed in picsenee of the Post* master, and duly forwarded by him, is at oar risk. In *ll cues where postage on subscription is net paid, it will be deducted from the amount credited to those who send It Address UIW CRAMPTON A CLARKE, fsbf-dS&fflApUT] No 44 An at, New York. ' LOCAL MATTERS.' " xxpoxtkx) tor td ptmscxas DAILY «iZxm We were mistaken in saying, yeitarday, that the Morse line was the only direct ow to Washington. We have since been Informed that the O’Reilly line also works direet to Baltimore and Wasfcin&tcrj. Tax Matos axs tux Pouct Caaocrrix.—mayor. Barker has appeared is the Tribune with a letter eon* taiciugAu etatement af the difficulty respecting appointment of ths night police. It is calm aid tem perate in its tone, and it deserving of consideration. As we published the communication of the Committee some days ago, the public it sow in potsesaieh of the facts, on both sides, necessary to form a judgment. We hope this vexed question may be speedily and ami cably sealed. i Tbkutx Juo. W. PxxßLsn—Weaeo itaioono eed fa the Marcary-of yesterday morn fag, that the (Tteoda of this deceased gentleman have idelere mined to offer a reward of $3O for the recovery of his body. i District Court.—Conn met yesterday, Hope well Hepburn, Justice, on the Bench. The ease of J. Q. Maguire vs Bobert Rot eris, David Davit, and William Watkins, was 1 aken np. Plaintiff ia a pQot, and .defendants bad [con tracted with him to take tome cast boala down the river, but afterwords contracted with another pilot who took them in hia stead. Plaintiff sued cn the original contract, and recovered $69 and cost*. John Hickman vu Andrew Sole*, as ejectment case for a lot fa McKeesport. Jury in the box. Coart adjourned till nine o’clock this morning. Rcsixll’s Panorama.—Those who have oot yet witnessed this fine painting, wQI have no lime to lose, as it will leave in a (ew days. Daring hi* stay fa this city, Mr. Rasseti has exhibited it to thousand*, aod we have heard bnt one voice re specting it—that of praise. BLANDKR.—Watson, the man who area commit ted by Alderman MoMaatur, for obtaining money under false pretences, piocured bad yesterday, and brought an action for slander against Hughes, the man who laid the fa formation against him. The latter, it appears, had spoken of him else where as aviadler, thief, dec. Three hall grown girls, of dissolute character, have been hanging aronnd the wharf and other public placet daring the fast few fine days, and annoying tha passengers with profane and inde cent language. We wonder why the police per mit this outrage on decency to pass unnoticed. Arrxstxd. —Two men, J. C. Logan and Levi Logan, were arrested yesterday, by Officer Hague, on suspicion of haviog been concerned in outtisg open the asfa of Messrs. Hson 68 Sargent, brokers, on Wood street, some months since. They en tered bail fa $6OO each, for their appearance In Court. —The alarm of fire, yesterday evening, was railed by aomeofthe b'hoya, anxious to have a run “wfd our machino.” MAYOR'S OFFICE, Pittsburgh, Wednesday, Feb. 13. Mary Jane Davis bad been released from jail, and as usual with her, immediately taken snooker spree, fa order to get fa again. She was not brought Into Court, the Captain cf the Watch deeming her too degraded to appear even at Ibe Mayor’s Levee. B*muel Montgomery, a boy from the country, charged with vagrancy, waa discharged. John Fowler, drunkenness and disorderly con* doef. The Mayor remarked lh*L this man waa an old eitixen, and a personal friend of his own, bnt that on that bench be intto so nos. Fowler waa fined $1 cents and cost. \ Beoj. Hett, bad been drank, and fallen from hi* horse, last night. He was fined 67 cents and cost Tho*- Bryariy, a wealthy farmer, and an old cf. fender. The Mayor reprimanded him very se verely, and remonstrated with him npou the in jury which be waa doing to .his family. He fined Mr. Bryariy $3 and cost, and threatened him with 30 days imprisonment, for bis next offence. Karl Faligiver, a German, was fined 67 els. and coatf lor drunkenness. Jos. Bell and Patrick Fisher, were brought up ''for wan dering about the streets at a late boar last night, under the iofineaea of liquor. It appeared, however, that they were stranger* in the city, and as they were puddlers by occupation, were not able to get employment during tho present tarn out, and consequently were out of meant. The Mayor discharged them. MAYOR’S OFFICE. ALLEOBXTir, Feb. 13. Francis Craig, n tailor, wu brought up by liis employer, Jas. Cowling, for malicious mlsohiol; Cra : g haying waolonly torn a coat which he had been making far Cowling. He wu ordered to lake the coat and pay the value. John Abby and Ignatius Eaitley, wero fined $2 and cost each, far disorderly conduct. Wm'Whßrfieid, keeper of the notorious dog gery called! English Mary’s, wu fined S 3 and cost, for selling liquor to minora. Oeaßfsu CursA From the New York Tribune. A FRIEND, whose word is most reliable,and wh* has no possible interest in the matter, but ou of gratitude, desires us to ssy, that he ku been enred of inveterate deafness, by the uso of “Scarpa’s Compound Acoustic Oil,” a Philadelphia medicine, which Is net for sale in this city, but which he thinks oagbl tu be, for tbe good of the stßicted. He bu a sister who bu also been eared by in lie urgently advises alt who ue suffering from deafness, to irv this remedy, with an usoranee that, unless the ease be extraordinary, the experiment will prove abundantly successful. For sale at THE PEKIN TEA STORE, f*h3 70 Fourth sU Pittsburgh JUST RECEIVED—A new work on Mechanics. Engine Work, and Engineering; Dictionary of Maehlnee, Mechanics, Engine Work, and Engineer ing, designed for Practical workingmen, and ium in tended for the engineering profusion. Edited by Oli ver Byrne, formerly Prot ef Mathematics, College of Civil Engineer*. London. This work it of targe 6vo. site, containing nearly 3000 pages, upwards of 1500 plates, and 60U0 wood eats. It will present working drawings and descrip tion! ofthe most important machines in the United Btale*. Independent of the results of American iege* nutty, it will eootaln complete praetieal treatises on Mecnsnle*. Machinery, Engine Work and Engineer ing; with all that is aural In more than 81000 worth effoUovo’ames, magazines, and other books. The great object of this publication is to place before prae- Ueal men and students sneh an amount of theoretical and teien’ifie knowledge, tn a condensed form, as shall enable them to work to the be trod vantage, and to avoid those mistakes which they might otherwise commit The publishers are determined, regardless of eoot.tn make the work a* complete a* possible, and it L hoped every one desirous to otrtaio the work, will procure it u issued In numbers, and thus encourage the enter prise. Publishing in 40 number*, at 86 eenu per No, to be oompleted tbit year. fT7“ First and Seeond Nos. for sale by febß R. HOPKINS, Fount, st DUaoluUoza of Co*Partaarslilp. THE Co-Partnership exleuuff between the under signed, under the style of **F. H. Eaton A C 0.," was dissolved by mntnal consent, Jan. 30th. F. H. Eaton, having purchased the entire interest of W I*. Marshall, who retires, will attend to the seclem-rot of tbe buiuis of the late firm, al the old stand. No SJ Fourth street. F. 11. EATON, febU W. P. MARSHALL p. n. acATOir, DEALER In Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings. Tenef Good*. Ribbons, Lacesand Embroideries, Zopli) r Worsted, Patterns and Canvass, No 63 Fourth etreeL Pittsburgh. A fall supply of Fine Sturts end Gnus' Under Garments. frbt.im SUGAR A COFFEE—ISO khdijnew etopj'ougsr, 6CO bags Rio Coffee; For sale by WM BAGALEY A CO, Jan S 3 Nos 19 and 30 Woud «t P'TaKTaTION MOLASSES—SWibbI* N O.fof ««ie by jan-O WM BAGALEY A CO RAISINS A HICE-3Uobx* Bunch Raisliif; 30 tes Fresh Rice; landing from steamer Lowell, for sale by Jama WM BAOALEV A CO CLOVER SEED A LARD—I 3 bbltUlo' 10 “ Lard; Landing and for sale by _ WM BAOALEV A CO Sl/GAU i MOLASSES—IO hbdi N. 6. Sugai ; 76 barrels N. O. Molasiei, arriving per steamer Wtnfiela Scott for isle by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, jao2? 144 Liberty «i. FLOUR— 60 Dartelr - Extra.” ICO barrels Superfine. 76 barrels fine, on bend and for ssle by jantt BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. WHITE DEANS—IS bbts far tale by jantß 8 F VON BONNHOR9T A CO TOBACCO —100 pkgs, various bravdo, for sate by Jana B F VON BONNHORST A CO LMt or iteliai A SMUT MACHINE AND PIPE, msrke.lM.Sher- Iff,” was taken from the Wharf, at the Lake Erie’s landing, on NnV. 3M, last. A suitable reward wit! be given fornny information concerning iu JanS4 J. C. fiIDWKIiL. ("ILOVKR SEED—X3S bq in store and for sule by >JanS» WJIARHAUGII BiriTFilt— In kegs and boxes, far sale by jan34 STUART A BILL CRAB CIDER—3 bbls superior, just rec’d by _ j.nri y STUART A StLL_ R~rCE— (uew crop) tn store and for saie by j unfit JAMKBA HUTCHISONA CO FR£hOnUJLL BUTTER—7 barrel* this day re ceived, and tar salu by janfit ARMSTRONG A CBOZBB MULasBES-ooobbls (new crop) In store and'fbr sale by JtnfiS JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO T EAD—IIOO pigs Galana, in store and for sale by Lt Jan3s JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO LADIES’ WASifeloVes. JUST RECEIVED— 2 doz pair Lsdies’ Wash Gloves, a splendid aruele, for bus at tho India Robber De pot, No. A Wood street. . . jiofij j a irpinLMps Dissolution. DM. LONG, having purchased the interest ftf • James Kerr, Jr., in the firm of James Kerr, Jr. ; A Co., the Ship Chaudlcry and Boat Sure basinets will be eanted on as heretofore al the old stand, No 36 Water s treat, between Wood and Market, ander th* style of ftbS-la LONG* DUFT * 00. ~ miscellaneous. Saw Boakil HISTORY of Spanish . Ziteratnre; embracing all tho time between lb* l»h and ibe early put of the 19th eentariefj divided into three period*. Kane’s Elements of Chemistry. ■ . A Coplans and Critical English Latin Lexicon, founds ed-oa the German Latin Lexicon of C. Eh Grorgec By Riddle A Arnold; first American edition, carefully re vised with a'eopioas dietionary of proper names: By Prof C. Anthen. Dark Scenes from History: Bf G. P. R- Jams*- Kings and Qneeni, or Lila in the Palace: By J. Ab be U. „ Sir Edward Graham, or Railway Spcenlatorc By Catharine Sinclair. Duff’s American System of Book Keeping, by cob* ble and single entry. Liddell A beau's Greek Lexicon. Chalmej’* Institute* of Theology: 9 vols, complete. Gieslioi* Ecclesiastical His lory* 9 vols, now ready Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book. Also—A fresh supply of Am. 8. 8. Union Books, on hud and for sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, febO 79 Wood at Orders tVUThs Takam TO IMPORT all kinds of English, French, or Ger man Goods, a good many of. which I hare sample book* and ends. C YEAGER, feb6 103 Market street mUBS-33 dox (large and a mail) for oale by 1 febfl WICK A McC kNDLESS 'Rjf’pULD CANDLES—6O bxs saperior, for tale by gjL febfl WICK A MeCANDLESS YAHIEGaTED SOAP—2* bxa for *alo by fobfi WICK A MeCANDLESS ROSIN SOaPI-OB bx* for sale by febfl WICK A AIeCANDLES3_ ALLOW—SO bbls jail rec’d and for sale by , leb6 SAW HARBaUGH CORN— law bo in store and for tale by let* SAW HARBAUGH BBGS— 40 dox Twilled, for sole by febO SAW HARBAUGH MESS A CLEAR PORK—IO bbls for tale by febd • SAW HARBAUGH DRIED PEACHES—S 4 bag* reo’d and for sale by fcfcS SAW HARBAUGH JBoUu Attachment. TUST received, a splendid 6} octave Piaso Forte, O with Coleman's celebrated patent JEeleu Attach ment, from the factory of Noons A Clark, New York. Also—Oa the way, a lotof low priced Pianos, from the tame celebiated makers. For tale low by H KLRBER, at Woodwell'*, Sola Agepi tot Nunns A Clark, for feb* Western Pennsylvuia. WHITE BEANS—« bbls in store ud for sale by W feb7 ARMSTRONG A CROZEtt LOUISVILLE LIMB—«S bbls Fresh, in store ud for site I>T feb7 ARMBTRONQ x CROZER ' ROLL BUTTER-5 bbU Fresh, in eloths; 33 keg* Prime; jnu rec’d ud for sa'c by feb7 ARMSTRONG A CEOZBB GREEN APPLES-XOO bbls in (tore ud for sole by feb7 ARMSTRONG A CROZER fIWBLE BUTTER—IO bxs prime, for solo hr JL_feb7 JBjCANFIELD Q UOaß—lßhhds prinM, per etr. Crittendenrfor sale O by « feb7 JB CANFIELD CLOVER SEED—IOO bbn in store utd for sale by feta JAB A HUTCHISON A CO RfcitlN APPLES—I6O bbltfa ctore ud for sale by It fcb3 BBEYFOGLE;A CLARKE .TYRIED PEACHES —10 bbla fa atore and for sate by U febs BBF.YFOGLE A CLARKE GUNNY BAGS—ISOO fa store ud for sale by feta DREYFQGLE A CLARKE POTATOES—S 5 bbls in atore and for tale by fcbS BREYFOGLF. A CLaRKF. GROUND PEPPER—3J bxs fine, for sale by fobs WICK AMeCANDI.E99 TABLE SALT—XO bxs fine, for tale br fobs WICK A MeCANDLESS IIOCuLATE—I4 bxs No 1, for sale by fobs WICK A MeCANDLESS ON NET BOARDS-6J gross (blueud while) for sale by fob* WICK A MoCANDLESS RAPPING PAPER—I4O reams Medium lUg; 130 ** Crown “ 110 “ CAM. Straw; Ou hand and for sole by >_fcbS WICK A McCANDLESB_ STEARINE— 5 bbU new landiog, and for isie by ftbS ISAIAH DICKEY A CO AMS—IB9 ttnamoked, now for sale by fob* ISAIAH DICKEY A CO MUSPRATTS SODA ASH—*ts casks m store and for sale by febfl J 8 DILWQRTH A CO fiHJBACCO—B hhds Ky. Leaf, ion rer’d. for islTby X fobs A CULBERTSON, 14S Lihehy fct PIG IR'JN—SCO urns Mis so ori. warm and cold blast, for sole by feb* JA9 A HUTCHISON ACO baaeastir Comb Factory Agency. mHBSE celebrated COMB 9, manufaetnred at LU- X' coster. Psu, are the best tod cheapest ertieto mu* ofoemred in the world. Every Comn, fa each pack, ia warruted as the sample on the oaulde: If not so, they can be re in rued, ud the money will be refunded. To retail merchants, these combs are the most profits ble Biade. Call mod examine them. febfi C YEAGER, 109 Ma»k«t it I AfltMi kegs NoT£*a£jut rec’ffudfoiriila'by g fobs J S DILWORTIIA CO Clocks) Clocfcal A GENERA!, assortment always on bud and for sale low, by the ease, by fobi C YEAGER, 109 Market it QNIONB —35 bbls ree’d ud for sate hr feb4 . WM H JOHNSTON, li* Second at SODA ABH-j» eosks, of superior quality, just rec’i and for sate by lebf * HARDY, JONES A CO >bu jassa N ThGTATOES—SO bbla fa sure ud for sale by Xrfo*>4__ WM H JOHNSTON COFFEE— 989 sacks Rio, oa hand, for sole by _ feb4 A CULBERTSON, 1«3 liberty ft BHCO?«— «M»0 lb* Sides, U*ms, ud Should; inere smoke house, for sale by '. feM KIER A JONFA Const Bute BLOOMS— 100 toot Kelly A Co. .Ten. Blooms, just ree’d ud for oale by > fchit JAMES DALZ ELL RICE— 3us rcc’d per steamer Brilliant, for ssle by feb* JAMFS DALZRLL SUNDRIES—* kegs Lard; S tacks Rags; 3 ska Flaxseed; I bbl Dried Apples; For oat* by fob! C 11 GRANT OATS— 250 bu for sale by febl CH GRANT LARD —S 5 bbls to arrive per Fort Fin. for **te by febl ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front f. BACON— ll hhdo assorted; 446 Hstas, In bulk; to arrive per Pert Piu, (or sale by febl I DICKEY A CO, Front si LjTPTSVTUItPENI'INE^k)’ bl* in gSßonfar, for sale D by Jad3l J. SCHOONMACKEB A CO. ROLL BUTTER—In bbli. for sal* by fob ROBERT DALZELL. Liberty »t Oovbil Combsl nn GROSS super Polka; 10 do do very fine; ZU 90 “ . ail'd Redding; 13 “ super English Horn Redding; . g ii ** pocket Combs; 500 “ *’ Wood “ 1000 tloz ass’d Fine Ivem 30 “ Shell Sid* Combo; 10 u super lam Buffalo; 300 gross ass’d Side Combs; rec’d and for sale by fobs ~ C YEAGER, 108 Market st £TXpETY~FI/3E— A fresh supply of extra, jauree’d, O (at sale by r fob* A CULBERTSON A Bleaslsc to CM* World* DBS. DREBBACU, KUHN A PRYOR’S DYSrEP TIC for the care of Dyspepsia, Sick •r Nervous Headache, affection of th* liver, bilious, ebolic, cramp or spaoms In the stomaeh. chronic dys entery, female irregularities, rheumatism, Ac. Approved by the Medics! Faculty. A great aud good medielne. For sale only bY * RESELLERS, Drogrts!, feb9 67 Wood st, Pimbarirh SUNDRIES— 750 gross Agate Sturt Butmns; 350 do do Susoender Buttons; C5O do aosorted Pearl do 150 do Lasting Vest do 60 do Satin do do 600 do allotted Gilt do 75 do do fine Coat do 80 do do Cost Bindings; On head and for sale by C YEAGER, fab* No 108 Market street THREADS— 490 lbs Yeager’s superior Pst. Thread; 1000 dez do 6 cord Spools; 1000 dos Coates’ do do; 6COu doz ass’d; ree’d and for sale by fphfl O YKAOER, IQj Market tt " OLL BDrXKR—B bbls primc treih. for is!d by lebB WICK A MeCANDLEHS DRY" oy _fobU WICK A McCANDM SS PARED'PEACHErt— 6 larks for sale by fobs WICKA MeCANDLKSS - ft7*AFPLRS—3 J sacks forsole by fobs _ WICK A McCANDLKUH W HITE BEANS—TO bbls and 12**eks (or sijir '•»» fotiH WICK A McCANDLSSS BLooMS— IU tons Juniata, lti store an3lor suir by feM KIKR A JONE 9, Canal Ba^in MUSIC BOXES—4 cartoons jost rec’d, (Or*r.u> i.y febl C YEAGER, 109 atork^rs’ Great Arrival of K*w Good*. TUIK subscriber* are now prepared to offer still greater inducements to purchasers of Dry Cmd*. Their established low prices and immense ree- iptn Goods, (bcvlng received over IUI packages oi new aud desirable goods,) comprise in p*rv IU6 doi French Wrought Collars and Capes; 16 p» Rich Dress Silks; IUO pi Alpneens, from 30 to 50 cents per yard: 6 cases Mosshn D’Lnins, from 1U to 35c per y..rd 35 ” Metimae Prints, all styles; 5 u Mourning 41 from 10 to !2)e per >ard; 10 44 Ginghams, good styles, 18|o per yar.i. Sbretinrs, Shirtings, and Hoasekceping Good*, 1 great varieties, all of whieb will be offered at eiirc.ur ty low prices, at fell* A A Mason A CO’S, no Mwrk-r »t Velvet Pll* Carpet. WMcOUNTOCK it nowopenmc tbeband.wmeit , and most superb Imported Velvet Pile Carpnt ever before offered in this market, to which he invites the attention ef purchasers. lD*Curpei Ware Rooms, 75 Fourth st Jan^t] New Booko Jut Rsootvod. p WARAUa, or tho Charms of the Nile, by William 'Farnle*. People 1 Have Met, or Pictures ofSoelety and Peo ple of Mark; by N. Parker Willis. The Battle Summer; being transcrips from personal observations in Paris, during the year lhliq by J. K. Marvel, author of “Fresh Gleanings." JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, febfi corner Third and Market its Jam**’ N*w Work* DARK SCENES of HISTORY, byd P. R. James, Em. Author of “The Woodman,” ‘•Gowrie." SIR ED WARD OH AH AM; or Railway Speculators, by Catherine Sinclair, Author of “Tbe Journey of Life." JOHNBTON A STOCKTON, jsnfil Corner of Third end Market. 9*w Pianos. . itt | Just received,one elegant Rowwood 6|ogtavo Plano Forte, from thdcele fTW“n brated factory oi T. Gilbert A Co., I I » I I ■ Boston. This iniirttaent is remarka ble for brlllianoy and sweetness of tone, and elasticity uf toich. The above firm is considered oco ofthe very first In Boston, and their Pianos, for elegance of exterior, beauty of tone, and deration, are net surpass ed by those of any other make. For sale on reasona ble terms by H. KLKBEIL )an»« at J. W. Wbodwell**. A Pr««*at for Yoar Family. MORRIS a WILUB 1 HOME JOURNAL —Week ly—BJ per aonam. •The best paper in the Snion "—(Evening Sia/. “Rather get in coal iL"—(Dost- Past* Published in New Yorfcread Pittsburgh every Bat* urdayraornirg. J-JC New nbsenbere eaa be supplied from January-fat, Ib9o, if Immediate application bo made tdtber person ally or by letter) to the ofise of publication. (Vl Wood ■tmt- &D 7 > VP. LOCKWCjOU. ~y" Klectlaw. A N ELECTION for Officer* for. the “Company tor A eree&D* a Bridge everthe A!lenh««T Btv-r; op posite Pittsburgh. in the County of All«:gfceny 1 ”vrill i«o holden lathe Toil Uouso of the Company, at the Pittsburgh end, on Monday, Mereb 4tii, at l o'clock, P. M. JOHN UAKPBB, treunrtr.S laoOO-dAwtdT A CAUTION— Aboot the ONLY ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, the great remedy for coasunPTiom And the beet medicine known to man for Aithma of every itege, Liver Complaint*, Broneliiiis, Influenza, Congbs, Colds, Bleeding of the Longs, Shortness of Breath, Pain* and Weakness in the Side, ~ Breast, Ac , and all other diseases of the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very important disease over which thisJlaUam ex* ert* a very powerful influence, is that of a DISEASED LIVER. * In this complaint it ha* undoubtedly proved more efficaeloosthan any remedy hitherto employed, and in enmerou* instance* when patients had endured long and severe suffering from tlifi.diieases, without reeeiv- St the least benefit from various remedies, and when eresry has been resorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam has restored the Liver to a healihy action; and in many instance* effected- permscent cures, after every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect. .. .. Besides its astonishing efficacy in the disease spoto mentioned, we also find it a very effectual remedy in Asthma, a complaint in whteh it has been extensively used with deetded success; even In cases of years’ standing. With the increaseof intelligence has grown up a knowledge of the elements of health. Sad a re* gard for them, and commensnnitely with the Made* of Science hsve we acquired titemetutsof arresting du ease, and averting its.ravages. Notwithstanding the progress we havo made, statistics bsow that even now, pno sixth of the whole population die annually of consumption. ■ I < Ond uf the most important discoveries of the axe, m ameliorating the eohduion of this lane elass of inf tonus humanity, t* I DR] WISTARtt BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Wiitar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry is a fine Herhsl Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and the genuine Iceland Moss, {the latter imported express* ly tor this purpose.) the rare medicinal virtues of which are also combined by e new ehemicsl prqee**, with the extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole compbund the most certain and efficacious remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Still further evidences of the rerqutkable curative properties of this inestimable preparation: • Rmsu.vu.ut. Brown eo-, 0., Aug. 2L IMU Messrs. Sandford A Park: Gentlemen, Aboftt six weeks ago 1 received the. agency of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry, but with some reluctance on my part, for the reason that I had been the agent of so many pill* and other nostrums, which were cracked vp to be something wonderful, but'which turned out in the end to be of no account whatever, except to the man* uacturer. But I candidly admit that this time I have been deceived,,for the extraordinary cures effected by Wistar’a Balsam have convinced me that “good enn come out of Nazareth.” Your agent left me one doz* en.bottles, which are olicoae—having been the means of curing several obstinate, caws of Consumption— and no mistake; tor what I See and know 1 am bound to believe. One cate in particular: A young gentle* man in Winchester. Adame county, 0., JO miles fro n tbit place, was cured of Consumption when tht doc tors naj given him np, or at least could do nothing for bint, and it was the inleniion.of Ids friends to convey him to your city, and place him under the care of some eminent physician there. Bat a friend told him of Wiitar’s Balsam, and that he cooid obtain It Of me. He sent for it, aod before the second bottle wij gone he was sound and well, and attending to hi* every dny business As there on: scverel inquiries for the medi cine, it would be well to forward an additional supply without delay. Very respectfully, yours, LAMBERT NEWLaND. The above, from L. Newland, Etq n a highly respect able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to the candid etiention of all those wno Lave doubted the great merit of Wistar’s Wild Cherry BaNum. Remember the original and only genuine Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cberrv, was introduced in lha year 1833. and has been well tested In all complains for which it is recommended. For 17 year* it ha* proved more efficacious a* n remedy for Coughs, Cold*,lnflu enza. Drocehitis, Arlhmu, and Consumption in tu in cipient stage*. than any other medicitio LOST VOICE, Ac;, RESTORED! * New BxurosD, Aug. It), ISIB Mr. S. W. Fowle: Having seen many eerti&cates Enblished in relation to Dr Wistar’t Balsam of Wild berry, 1 take this opportunity of offering a word in it* favor, which you are alto at liberty to publish. A few months since my wire's fangs became so much ef fected with a sudden cold, that she lost her vo-ee. aod suffered severely from pains ia the bt/kst. Hersitua* tioneassed her friends much alarm. Having beard your Balsam strongly recommended by those who used it, 1 purchased a boule from your agent In this place. She look it acconliug to directions, and it pro. daccd » wonderful effect. Before using one bottle the had completely recovered heir votes, the paint tabtid* od, and her health was soon folly reestablished. Yours,truly, HENRY G.BRIGHTM AN. To Dacoeitra ana Dsaltss is Medions-— Thi cel ebrated and infallible remedy for the cure of Conicmp tioa, Asthma and Lever Complaint, has by it* own me rits, been rapidly, sore and safely working iu way through the opposition of quarks and counterfeiters, until,by its tfuc vnluo aod intrinsic excellence, it has ■mined Tor itself a most eoviable popularity, and estab lished itself in the confidence ot an intelligent and en lightened public, frera one end of the eoulineniia Utn other. The testimony of thousands wbobsvo hem re lieved ond cared t>y this valuable article, will show that It stands unrivalled—at the head of all other me dicines. for the cure of diseases for which it is reeom* mended. The genuine Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry U now for sale by duly appointed Agents, and all respectable dealers in medicines, tn all larce cities and all Important towns throughout the Utitled States. Fold 91 peijßottie | Six Bottles for 93. St*U by J. D. PARK, (successor to Sandford A Park,) Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent tor the South and West, to whom oil orders must bo addressed. L. Wilcox, Jn James A. Jones; J. Kidd A Co; B. A. Fahnestock A Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Russell, Wash ington; \Y> U. Lamberion, iFianklin; L. B. Bowie, UniontoWh; H. Welty.fireernburgh; S.KountsSomer set; Beott % Gilmore, Bedford; Reed A Son, Itonilnr don; Mrs. Urr, Hoiiiaaysburg; Hildebr&n l A Co. Indi ana; J. K. Wright, Kiilsnning; Evan* a. Co. Brook* ville; A. WiUen A Son, Waynesburgh; M’Farland A Co, N. Callender, Mendville; Barton A Co, Erie; J. Magoffin, Mercer, James, Ke)ly&Co, Butler; S.Smith, Beaver; J. D. Bcnmenoo, Warren; F, L. AC. S./ouei. Coudersporc P. Crooker, Jr, BrowttsvtUo. feb4-dAw|yfl»»T COili WOIiEtH FOJI BALH. THIS property lies at the oppur end gt' Laaestown— a abort distance below tue mouth of Mljigo Creek. The rail road aud Ibe necessary buildings are new, and the mine bu been worked just enough to pot it in good order. The £it opens within 23 yard* of the riv er, ami the inclination fr«a it La justf-uflicieni to carry Um cars to boat* The water at the landing, is sood— permitting boau to be loaded at all season*; and is mouth of Mingo a. then distance above, affords an ample hubor to protect them from the floods and ice of winter. The Tract connected with these' works consist*©/0!© Acres Coal, lying in the neck of land between Mingo Creek and the Monocgahela. All things considered, this property eombiues. perhaps, as many advantages, and bolds bat aafiiiainuacemenU to the capitalist, as any on the river. The enure tract is. offerer! lor sale: but, to suit purchasers, a portion rosy, be reserved. Price reasonable and terms very easy. For further Information enquire of A MORRISON, feb t-dlm* Fourth street, near Wood. DISSOLUTION, THET CO-Partnership heretofore existing under the style of “Cope A Breyfogle,” is tills day dissolved by mutual content. The business will be settled by J. C. ilrayfoilc. at their old stodd, So. lte Second street. ■ * 'L S. COPE. Jan 9 J. C. BREYFOGLE. CO-PARTNERSHIP. JC. BBEYFOGLE, baring associated with him • A. H. CLARKE, for ihe purpose of transacting the Forwarding and Commission business, will con tinue that business at the old stand of “Cope A Brey foglc,” and retpectfully askn a continuance of the fomerpaironego of his friend* and the public gener ally. The business will be conducted under the name and style of BiutrooLS A Ciaxks. J. C. BREY FOGLE, A. H. CLARKE. Piusbargb, Jan, 7,lB3o.—QanP Usrsey, Fleming A'Oo,, H*V* FOB; BALE, FROM FAYrnTF.MANUFACTLUIKO COMPANY,, so eases superior Family Blankets, 10 by l*J ffir-e, North Boon of lie Exchange, Third itrcet. Philadelphia. Fibe ISJCHwnL— Unildings, Merchandise and other property In town nnd couptst, insured against loss or dimue by fire at the lowest r»tc of premium. Mibixb In«u«*ara.— They also tmuro Vewela, Car roes and Freight* lorelgnor coastwise, uuder open or Special policies, as the asturjul may ce«ra. lKj.aOTTßajnfo« rurtos.—They also insure merchan dise transported ly Wagons, Railroad Curt, Canal BoaU and steam Boats, on riser* and lakes, on the most liberal terms- , , . „ . DIRECTORS— Joseph 11. Beal. Edmond A. Bouder, John C Davit, Rolert Burton. John R Penrose, Santa el Hdwude. Geo O Leiper, Kdwnrd Darlington. Itaac R Davit, William Folwell, John Newlln, Dr It M Hut to u. James C 11a-ul, Thnophiins Paulding, It Jones Brooks, Henry Sioan, Hugh Craig, George Bpencer Mcllvain, Charles Kelly. J Q Johnson, Wi|. li.m Hay, Dr S Thomas, Johh Belinra, Wo. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURUU-DT. Morgan, Wo. Baraley, Jno. T. Loeui. WILLIAM .MARTIN, President RtCHAU 8. Newtvou*, Scer-tary, Tnr office of the Company, No. 43 Water street Pittaliunth. JanQrdtf P. a. MADEIRA. Agent gAVED JIEB.LJFE —freUcri' Vctmlfujc ii Utcani- LsxwsTtti, V*. January sj, 1®49. Mr. J. SI. Uilsou—DeariSir, The »ia| of ScUeis’ Venolfoce I bought Iron jod, some time a-a, breu«bt from my kul fire years old, the uioniiUltiK Mun«er cl five hundred woima t believe >h* would Wee lived a very abort time, but for ihMracdtnnj. ( Prepared and soul by K. K StXLthS, -7 Wood it; •eU also by tfrogjuu jecerillj in tie two ritiei.; jantt I 30U8E8, LOTSr P ARMS; &■ Foderml Street Property, , EOS SALE, at Aoctloa, on Tu«»J*y, u t ISlh lul. .at it o’clock, P. N„ that-larga-asd convenient DcrelUnr Howe, with the LoVSI feel front on Federal »trwt, AHei&eoy, hy 100 dfcejtea Roblmon »trw, w an alloy. • • -1 ••-~_The whole of the tdjoioißf uJiUnorore^preip- Also—'The whole ofum >w— .» '■r'v.'lv, ■ enf. op 10 Lacoek street, presenting a front of mieet on Federal «t«et,'bjrTCO deep loan alley, wLllLeio'd io building lot*. ; ‘' '* . AUo—So Tea Lotsfronlingon Lacoek meet and Hunt l.iin. To perrons desiring a pleatant location, either .or residence* or basin*** porposes, central to bout clues, and the advantage, of onitdlng agreeablet© modern improvement*, the above presents a good opportunity, and is aboot the last chsnee. Terms at rale oa lue premises. 9 CCTHBBBT, Gen’l Agent, fehs-w SctitbCeld street Fof Biatt THE SECOND AND THIRD STORIES of Ware house No s Market street. seit door toMulyxay A Ledlie’s Glau Store. Enquire of febs JOHNSTON A STOCKTON For Boat* M THE old Scotch HUIDRY GOODS STORE, ■BS on the corner of Second and Grind els, with dflßh lie Dwelling attached, if desired. Abo—A fine Brick COTTAGE, conveniently tiuu ted in Allegheny City. Enquire of BOIIT. ARTHURS, Attorney at Law, Grant ft, below Foarth. A Farm for Balc t CONTAINING 160 ACRES, about half of whleh u cleared, situated In Washington county, Ohio, about five miles from the Ohio ilivcr. Possession given Immediately. Enquire of \ ROBERT DALZELL A CO, feb7 liberty street For Kant. "1 A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE in Hay street. Enquire of febl . JAMES DALZELL, 91 Waterst. For Bant or BoU< MTITE subscriber will sell or rent his very desi rable Country Resilience, in Allegheny city, sit uated ou Ohio Lane and Allegheny Avenue, west of the Common. The house is a large double brick building, In complete enter. There is a Car rivge House, If table, and good water on the grounds, which comprise two aerei, well improved, containing every description of Fruit. Also—a spring house and smokehouse. Po Fair Bent, A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, cn Liberty street, between and Walnut streeu, Fifth Ward, at present o;«jpied by. the subscriber Possession given on the I*i April. Enquire of janlGjT WM. VOUNO. ltl Liberty st. For Ucat, THE BASEMENT corner of the Diamond ar.c Union streets, oral! odspied to any public business. It hat been oceuoie.l an a Coffee, or Eating Establish* nent, for a number of years. ALSO—Several Offices ud Artist's Room*,.well lighted, with entrance Iron the Diamond, over the uore of the subscribers north eeft corner 01 the Dia mond and Markusucel. Abplvto jania- ALEXANDER h DAY. b'Ott UIT 1 AX, two pleaieutly situated Brick Dweliirur Houma, with the ground* adjoining, «t Oakland. Possession can be given on the firm o! April neat Janfi HARDY, JONES A CO. For Hint, THE Back Tart of the Warehouse mw occupied by myself, ana fronting on Front street. ianB C It GRANT,R.Watcrst A GOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, tut Smithfield street, four doors from Seventh, west side. Inquire of S. SCUuYER, Jan? - f ’ UoB^CODd6t, FOR REST—A Drjr Good*, on Market si, betweeo/Pftttlknd Fourth. Possession given on the Ist orAprirouW : "l Alio—Several ROOMS and OtFßjEfcVPdSfetsloa given immediately. E. RgSttAM, . dels Office over the Post Office. Thodst. . M FOR RENT.—The WAREHOUSE nt pro- ESWseut oecapied by Messrs. Bailey, Brown A Co„ Water street, from first of April next. - norjq JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO MFOR SALE—A Brick House, (but one year boilt,) and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny, near old Bridge. Price low and terms easy.— Inquire of jyll 8 SOHOYER, 110 Second st FOR SALE—Five lots eligibly situated in u» n_«*- Uhing town of Birmingham. The lots are situa ted on Denman street, numbered iu F Bauman’s plan “5,79,60, SI nnd 84—Lot No 75 fronting 40 feeton Ma ry Asa street, 70 feet deep; the other four 40 feet front each,'by 60 feet deep. Terms—Greater part of purchase money' may re} main for six years, secured by mortgage. For panic! ulara, mature of BgCHOYEu, mjrW. _ UP second st Y ALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PKNN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between liny and Mitrbnry streets, adjoining the house and lot now occupied by Rlehard Edwards, having a front of t!d feet, and in depth 150 feet, will bo sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4th st, near Wood.' oet2l-dtf J EVENING DRESSES—A. A. Moon A C0.,00 Mar it ket street, will this day open another large in voice of those French Embroidered Evening Dresses n very desirable article for Partiei, Soirees, Ae. janll _ _ ; ; “NORWAY PLAINS" BL&SICRTI. THESE superior Blanket*,'made of the softest and finest wool, can always bo found at Dry Goods llonse of w R MURPHY, janW N E corner Fourth and Market sts SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES! ALEXANDER A DAY, corner of the Diamond and Market street, ate now selling off," at reduced prices, their stock of Winter Goods, consisting of Shawls and Ladies’ Dress Goods, in great variety. Also—Blankets and Flannels,Cloths,Csssimes. Satin eiu. and a full assortment of heavy Cotton Goods. Confident that better bargains cannot be. bad clso wheio, we invite the attention of buyers. ALEXANDER A DAY, j,nl2 75 Market street. SIGHT and short lime BILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay •ole In Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis, pur eliK«ed on tho most favorable terms. , pt a N. HOlffilFS A SONS.. HUDICAb AND SURGICAL OFFICER No. 05, DIAMOND ALLEY, a '• w ' few doors bolow Wood street, to- DXL BROW*, having been flß|B regularly educated to the medial profession, and beenfor Mmiu time Jff/OHBjEH'Xin general practice, now confines E»®|BEiHnFJ\ his attention to tho treauheut cl fcfcraftW those pnvate and delieale toit • n£§ESl?#s&v plaints for which Ids opportuniiitO f and experience peculiarly qualny^ \T\v§S&- ' bta. Is yearsassidaoaily devotid* tostuuy *• treatment of tho*.e eompUunts,(daruig whlcu time be bai had more practice and has cured more pv tents than can ever fall to the lot of auy private; prac titioner) amply qualifies him to Oder assurances of ,pfcdr, permanent, and satisfactory euro to all olHieted with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising there from. Dr. Crown wooldlnform those afflicted with pnvate diseases which nave become chronio by time or .ag gravated by the aso of auy of the common nostrums of Ute day, that their complaints can be radically and thor oughly eared; he having given bis: canful attention u» the treatment of such cases, and succeeded In hundreds ofinatances ut caring persons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred disease* which often result from those eases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites such as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will bo given theta, and their cases treated in a careful,thorough and Intelligent manney, pointed out by a long experience, study,and investigation,which it is ini possible for those engaged in general practice of medietno to give to one class of tuseasa.. ' Cs*Hernia cr Rupture.—Df. Brown alto Invites per emu atilictod with Hernia to call, as be has paid partic ular attention to this disease. CANCERS also cured. tjtia diseases; also if t, Palsy, am., spesdily eaied Charges very low. N. it— Patients of cither sex living at a disuse*, by •taung their disease in writing, giving all tho symp toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by addreiuieg T. BROWN, -M* D., postpaid,andencW i 53 Diamond alloy, opposite tha Wavarly UnrTiiTWX—i>r. Hrown’s newly discovered remo dv ur Rheumatism is* spoedy sad certain remedy Mr that trouble. It nekerfalM. 0», C p tad Private Connate Rotre*,' No, CsDis .noiid alley, Piosburgb, Pa. The Daatar is always at ‘ SPBUO-ARBAIOUSIIT. * Tuv Daily Liwj •/ Eajtnst:Pae£tt Xaafr, and • Rati Rent Cara, •- * ... TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, vtaffie Great Central Roil Road and PentTa Tptk—Sixty Uour*. . ■ Fax*—Ten Dollar* through, I 636 miles RaU'KOad. | 150 do Conti;' ' roa vjuactaa*. THE PROPRIETORS have built an additional Lina of superior new and comfortable packets, to connect .with the new Central Kail Road.' On the opening of navigation, a packet will leave every roorninr at six ®‘elnek, and every evening at dim o\:locfc eroadng •If* p< !' m Ss 5* n K ;*f in *JkckKmn, uk« the splendid Cart of the C-ntral Rail Road, 800 miles to Philadelphia. A limitednumlwof-paaaengeraonly will he carrid on these packets, so as to insure evwyWt. This route, for safety, speed, and comfort, U noL equalled by onv now in use to the Eastern Cities. For passage or information apply to , W. SUTCH, Sloconruhela House: Or to D- LEECH A CO, Canal Basing - _N. tt—On the Ist May next the Central! Rail Road will bo open to Huntingdon, which will shorten the tune through several hours. febll . JSL RBIsIAHOK FIVE DA YXINK, rox tse cowmncx op sntciuxstxxaßn raexaea wtru sms *a» exerswrr, istwuta PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. f'i OODS forwarded by this Line areearried in tha nail train to Chsmbersburgb, andareimmediate ly loaded in' Wagons going night and day through to Pittsburgh, The none* are stationed every IS mile*, which insures the prompt delivery of goods within the time promised. The Wagon* will leave out warehouse daily, (Sun. day* excepted.) at 2 o’clock. 11.I 1 . ItL Shippers are assured that no more good*' will be taken each day than can be puaemalty canted through. JAMES M DATIS t CO, fii7 Mai ket street, Philadelphia. JOHN M’PADEN A CO, Cu*l Buis, Pirabargh. JOHN McPADEN A CO., Foxwaksßs ACosacta •ton Nncuaint, Cana! Basin, Penn street, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS A CO- From Paeroxs ajto Coax- Kta&iua Mexchakis, 527 Market, and 41 Commerce sl, Philadelphia. ; • C?” Advance* made by either of the above, oft Flour, Wool, and other merchandise; consigned to them for CSIOS LINK. ; '■r' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1850. THE MbrcTibcrs.now having mmceeufol open* lion on Kxprets Wagon Lice between.tittabunh and Philadelphia are prepared 10 teceipi for 0000 lbs freight daily. Each wnv deliverable through-in six days, Sundays excepted. HENRY GRAFF & CO, Canal llaain. Pittsburgh. DUTILLE HUaiPIiHEYB A CO., 107 Market »u Phil’s. 'IS LINE. - EXPRESS WAGON LISE. TiIKOUGH IN FIVE DAYS! riIHK. rahseribersaTti prepared to receive COCltpounds X. Freight daily, after Monday, l(hlt inst., to forward to or/tom Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by Wuoo, ■ throngh in Fite Days Rates as low üby any-other conveyance at this reason of the year. --.John McFaden a co, Canal Daain. Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A CO, licit No g*-*7 Market at. Philadelphia. mOSOHOAHELA ROUTS. Only 73 2111 e • Staging* Via UfowuLviHi and Cumberland to Ballimnra and Philadelphia. ipHK morning boat leave* the wharf, above the i bridge, daily, at S o’clock precisely. Tlruo ,w ÜbilimoreJM hours; nma to Philadelphia, 40 Loan. Tl'o >:vctS*j< boat Ica.-oi'daiiy, (except Sunday cuing*,) m -to'clock. p&sceugers by leaning on the e.vftiiuß boat, will crofi the mouruim in stagas twit day, m>,l thus avoid night tiuvcl. - .tkcuie your liote'.s a: the Office, Uonongahet lluu*e, or SL Charie* Hotel. • t>cil3-lv_ _ J. MESKIMEN, Arrem iVIM'iEE AIUtA . JttaiEDfT. EXPRESS WAGON LINK THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! . , TJIE subscriber*, having suspended their canal op erations uutil the opening uf the Spring Naviga tion, have estnUishsd uu Express Luts by Rail road and Wagon between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, UY which they are prepmed to forward COW pounds cues day, and receipt for the delivery of the same In 1 days. Teey beg tours to assure their friend* and the pub lic that tb-ir arrjagemeuu regarding rotes, regularity and despatch, txnnot foil to give shtiafantioato all who favor mem with .-tcir conu'iands. . .lieu VfiUi I‘iei* CTWI-UMt . _ TAAFFE &. O’CONNOR, con.cc Pear, ami Wayne *u. PiUsbarth. THOMAS BEBBLDUK. 7 . Mjulel street, Philadelphia. WO} aEE» 'VO' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. jHUSI 1850. Bxxa conn mx old cofrxvroo*. ! ' BINGHAM’S EXPRESS WAGON-LINE, 'TO AXO FtLOM PUtshargh and PhlladelplUa. AS the business on the cana! is about being elotoi for the season, wo would inform the publioiiat wo have Hgais brought the Conestoga Wage ns into ro n' utiera, and will be prepared to forward Gooopounds >*, (commencjug on Monday, the 261 h inst.) A Car leaving-Philadelphia daily by the mail train for Chant ber’iurg, and the Wagon*' traveling day and nighty ensutes the delivery or Goods in five day*. Apply to WAX. BINYHIAAL Pittsburgh, IUXGILuM A DOCK, No. l£l Market street, ' nav*JU * * Philadelphia.. WINTER ARRABOESIEST. 1850; EXPRESS WAdOTt LINE PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. Tne Five Days, (Sundays excepted,) ranhlng Day and Night. . - vl THE public i* resprctfdlly'tnfonned 'hat this Line, which ha* been in successful operation the two previous winters, wilt again eotnmsnco running on Monday,'the tSth of November.' A Car will leave Philadelphia nnd Chambersburgh daily each way with the Mull Traiu, and from Cham bers burgh with relays of horses nunungday and mghi. We are prepared to torwunl COOO lbs might daily by the above Line. Apply to : !••■'* I). LEECH ft CO, Pittsburgh, or to—H ARRIS & LEECH, No 13 Soata Third sirvet, Philadelphia. novtJO-dif \ NEW HARD WARE ST RE SIGN OF THE PLANE AN I* 8 AW. Vo. 78 Wood, strset, Pitt burgh, HUBER AND LAUFMAN, imports ondessters in Foreign and Domestic HAUL tVARIC, in all its varieties, are now prepared to aril as low auJ on asre(ir.oneble termsuscan be'porehas jJelaewhe We solicit our friends, and the public rcucrally, to call andexamiue oorstoek, which catnrsit tn part of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, such as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screw!-. together witli everynnjele usunllykept in HardVm:v Stoics. We invite the attention of Carpenters and generally to oar umortineni of Tools, wfticli csveoeen.. selected with great care, mid which we are u. ed to kII «o as to give satisfaction. apBm.VwT- } ■ n>* .nt Kxnuxisnotmoie repul sive than a bad, putrid brea’h, or dart, yellow diseas ed teeth. if persona have these it is their erwn jaalt— thev con, for two shillings, buy an article 'that will mate their breath pare and sweet as lls Syiey «flir • 'Arnstn. ' It cures diseases ofthe Gums, spungy or’ ulcerated, and for the Teeth it Is unequalled, retaovingthe tartar, fastening the teeth in the gums, and dean them as white as the snow ef ths /renew Norsk. ■ ■ Bueb, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste, and, without praising it ourselves, beer what one ol our roost respectable sad scientific Dei - tisis, Mr. E. Field, of New Tork,-says: “i have both used and analiaed this beautiful and im palpable article, (Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste,) ard eon rcconuuetul it as possessing allthe qnalidesclain - ed for it n Reeder, we can is? no more to convince, only that if you uy this onre you will b« .well pieaar L It is put up in beautiful Englisk China Pots, cent*. Sold by the Agent, Wii. JACKBON, 84 Libe <- ty street Pittsbunth. • anrrfcdAwT i;y-au. ooot errtxans are nonornoty SMartni the following ere the actual qualities of a Os-boulo ct Jora's Coral Hair Hestorauve. If they. dooVt car wo>d, theycannottheso highly respeetabto citizens, wb*> have tried ic— * ■ ' Mr. Geo. Becset, iujtiire|jarcatkaii!lif «!Jea it i»ib the aim ainuural,. eal thr. ului.astcr, clear, living white; at tl.e *ame tlta* acirne aa a eonuivac on the akin* tnaktue it aolt ao4 fw.miii Solti by tte Ajcent, WM.JACKSON, ltlf.nl, Pitubarjtk- Price Si cent*. aag?:d&wT ~\n~ bmruora am iai: ilhesnieal SoapeaDses s rrec4>er«p:rauon. and • iHr mine time mcitfies, soi'uiiia, and ine «kli> rivL'ts it the texture and beauty tii an uiliai I *. Liccuvj, j*alt litamt abb 3owy, ate *oon bo’ only heiUeu, hut cure-4 by tU use, a* at loan aeven l ujr*t cifcnu m New York know, who use itiutvea rasea, *a»i liaii it ttufailiuj—n» tu»o in I’ier-t*, Ulotcudv Fa:c*t.'lu«eit. and the reader. U nguia auured I w>oUl not cruelly sell it for the above uuleu I knew*. to ha ail 1 atite. Those who are liable to Ciuras, Caacaxh, oa Cuarco t\=vn, will fin ' this a co , e ., Any one altUciea. with any of tbo above, dram* ilar direaaei. will find this all anil even tnora (a lflura* ble in lie nrvpcrtiei) than 1 stale. - But. leader, the aion-s are llvoded with JnJttttens,' and he sure 70a art for ltalian d eaxieal aoa. » aolU by WM. JACkSON, f 3 Liberty etteett pj«*ntri:h. twgfcd&vfT l>rop«rt7 Allf*lx«ay OHjr tor *»Ur.... T:tK Kal)uril'• GKO. IV. Bi& ITU ft CU*. IKFOBM i'jeir fricnd**-i».Ui:saVUc*tli« thayhaT b« lenjeranycotioei?? Um muWlh meallu I’ei**ueei,know a ;.U fitiharr. tfrew* titiHjr remated their eat ~4 vimasisto tUrOiri, B!U;WE»Y,UIKr Kr*«- “ . ■/jUJUS* (*./■