The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 14, 1850, Image 1

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W H I T E 4 CO
b. s. wait* I l*. ka»«. j
lau\ in-ww, thud nun, nui doox to (
‘“j- i \ Ttn ton omct.
j '< 11111:
Dtir** *7,00 per anna®, j
«%&£. r rSS 2
.Weekly, in edvanee}—j
’ n£. 6 dabs, at-a reduced rate-
...... iu.l U OP ADTORWDS®
( neS<iup .MlUliaeeofNonpartilerlcM)
v. one i ***S ! Si
ObeDqtti fe,eachadditionalifliertien*** U£U
'/ Do. . one week * **”
J Do. ; woweekf* VJJ
i.. Do. ■ three week*-- «.®
■ , Do, ; one nmnth«»»r—» 2'J?
• Do. two month**-- JJ2.
- Ik. ■ three mouth* j;™, ;
Do. lour cinoh* ........ib.w <
•.* 4 Do. *ii month* —•*“
■j,_ Do. twelve month*--*— ••****
Bundicy-Card (9 Unci oriew,) perannnm* lu/»
>.i r Oue Square, changeable at pleasure (per an-'
qbb) exciiteiTe of the papeT— ••••*•'*■• 53,00
. For eech additional square,lascrtedoverotte monutj
~ and tor each additional aqoare ttuertedtutoeriheypu
-.<• ■ '‘lyratea, half-price. • .
r -i i.. . AdTcnueacßti exceeding * vqnxre, and not over
+ ; fifteen Uueis to te charged a* at quire and a hair. ~
t Publishers not aecountablVfor legal advertisements
' beyond the amount charged (dr tbeir publication.
Announcing eaitdkatei tor oficc,- to be charged the
aane asother advertisements, i'-
Advertisements net marked on the copy‘fora tpeel
- fad unfllicr of(iu*cniu&»t will be continued till ioiluii,
and pajmeatexactaJ accord. '*r. "V
i . -I be privilegesoryeariy advertisers vrillbe eonineb
i yt.idij to theu regular buaiuei*. and all other, adver-
I ; Haeincnu hot penainuig. to their, tegolar buineiu, ai
I ' - urted for, in he paid extra.
?• ' AU advertiaemenu tor charitable tnstitetion*, fixe
<- wanl, township and other public meeting*,
4 tM rh like, to be charged halfpriee, piynbissUieUy
la advance.
. Marriage notice* to be charged SO cents.
- J)*athnoti«aiiaaerttdwithoiit«bajg»,unlenaeeoin*
pgjdcd by Itinera! invitations or obltnary notice*, and accompanied to be paid for.
. gcguiar advcrusera and all other* rending comma*
. clcauom, ut repairing police* eeaifued 10 eall atieu
bon to.Faita, Soiree*, Conepxia, or any pnblic cuter
lainiaenu. ttiicrr charge* are made for
*ll notice* of private aseociaticua—every notice. de>
ugaed to call aUcauou to private, cuierpmea 'caleuia
ltd or intended u> promote axrividnal Interest, can on
ly bo weened fnu* tbe understanding that the »&meu
lobe fur. It micnucd to be insetted in'tbe loca
column, the sanrs wtli be charged atUwrala of dot le»*
Utauluci upcrUoe.
- Bishop jx P'mNciiee* to be-charged tnple price. ,■ ;
leveio LTeeß.se Petitions,&coc£
and MciUcci atfreniscscs.s to bo ciauxea at
Atll pneos. .
Heal Estate Agents and Anetio^c«n , Advertisements i
ttot to be claucd uxuler yearly iele*< out to be ottowea :
diseuaut ul unity three and one Umdpcr cent- Innaita
aaionM of bills.
■ flxxni [Ol tp-wuilt nt s*a.i ran**.
One iiaec 'usexiitm**—• dt;_~
Do. eaeb addilicnaJniaeiticn-** 37
ivnusacrn n ynaiutttfo. •
Oce flqeare, ttO lines,) oue insertion. • • *-Q eta.
Dw - eachadaitioaalinKrtlon..*3 “
AD transient adeeniaemeuta to bo adsunce.
WHITE A CO-i Gexerte.
poy'r M. BIDDLE; Journal.
JAMES t*. HARK A CO., Ckroniele.
FUST EH A UllOTIlK&i Dispach.
"Jud. SNOWDEN, Mercury.
JAMES W>HH>itUS,Aiaeriean.
~ HIRAM KAJNE, Evening Titbane.
pms2taaa,Dee.l, ibtt. *
! ’ Bcafv&ut r&uoD Wiliiaa Bakowell,
: PATTOW * BAKKWfitI., '
.... 4 - TORNKYB AT I*AW—Office in Til*hman Hall,
j *j. A Or»ut »ucct, nt m tfaa Cofart Hau»c. fob* <
. j , ia. WAVSOSi
j, . 4 “XTOHMSY AT LA.W—Ofliee, ©a Fonnhwtet,
!_ . aboTe btaiUilicld—Lowtw 3 * BttiWtny*—
|? ' _ '
.iV ' 4 LKXAmjfcJt'FaAttKX-lNj AOomey
! - c ft*"* l ** ...: - notiMy
C. TCTTI.B.: • •
All eommonictttioni promptly anrwercd. oetSHT
“A BNbTRONG fcCßOZEßtOommusioa Meretmnu
J\ and jjenier* in Pzodaee, No. H Martel' etreei' l
Puubnrik • • __ _ :
—■ — - JoiJmmCAjdria,
r, A TTOONEY and ilounseUor u Low, Comma*
Ariosi far tLe.Sime of PcnmylmnU, fitloiu,
MoT(l»te ol Pituburgh.) ■ , ■
i iP.n.hnrgh: Uon. W., IIsUSJI
los A Miller, fipCtodleM * M’Clare, JobnK, Porte,
i.wllr A scmpT&,'M*Cord A Klflff. ~~
~ T, M- J. T STimBSTT* ,
BAIRD * BTKfLRKTT* - - -~-
Attorneys anu counsellors a r law,
- Fourth aireet, between fimltnfieM And ’Grant)
<*JUbttrgll| Pa. •'
■rT ~ 1»ABOK* FBIEHD, —:
• . -"jAMgarfrT 77" ■
~£TIQVSEY AT LAWT—O2ico «s-FtmtUiJL»w*
A: tirwn SmilliieU «nd PimburjL:
attfcdly- •-••••- I ■' -1- -L‘
«:;»» ». COSSKAYZ.
» WOOBVAKD---—iALfO M6*ut.
BAOALEY. WOODWARD A Co., Wholesale Gt»
***piiubu|h Alktu ‘Works*
BENTOJIT. DBKUtf A CO, Maaaterlurmof e«a«
Ask. inecetunr Powders, Ma tistic and bolpherto
Add*.' Warehouse No.—water *trtei,be]cwtcirjr.
aoT»ir i_ -
. • «BM» **"**:
riRAUIx A pKJTKg, Wholesale and Retail Dreg*
Q rata, aaraerol Liberty and St. Clair stree^Piti*-
/ • . M f..ifl ~ W. a. sxtnsaa. ,
! ; V'tßAlO A SKINNER. Forwarding and CotmniMion
; ; Merchants No-SOmarket tt, Pittsburgh. spiJ
- - A.’MeANULTY A Co., Forwarding and Com
1 »_ ;«n Merchants, Canal Daain, pittsbargh Pa
' stebu ••
t" VM,OHANT, Wbolesaletsroeer, Ooutmwewa end
• Forwarding Merchant No- 41 Waterat-anlti
W* **»
OIEMAII/BAILMAN A Co, manafisewtara
Oageb-«ad-jfllptie Springs, Hammered,.Axlea,
... BprlSfund Plough SieeU Iron, *e. ‘ WnrehoßM on
I -- WwwmndFremivTctrtjfWttopttrglt .v - .
1 ; 4t«o, d-.aler» m{ Coach Tnmaunga and. Malleable
tt UENNETT, En*ti*b, '’■tiigter
* Co.) Wbolt»»le.Urac*r»tC©Mu***isi Foi
- vtwg iletthasiu, tod de*ser» to Prodaee and
i ‘ p»nuf»i-large, No. 37 Wood BW, t*CIWtCII .d:uu*
• «*reet».
j, eiknuv, Auuxucr anti Cottaceltof Law,
- Onclnaali, 6ldo. ‘ Coileclion* Ui Soittliera OJuo»
«Bd ia and in Kenucky.prompily audctw
out anendoduL CommiMiowci (ortho time of Pena-
Ua - Depoiiuons. tchnowledpneaa,
*BTO ti-llon. Wn- IViU 4 Bon, CMS, CkolcOi
CaroSer*, Wp. ilayi, V> Uloek A i>aTi«- ■ ..
In fieney*" *'AndrewFieaii»r*‘***ti. It Rcmisf.
&eiuky» FLamxo * co.»
•noS tla «aie of Diincruc, Woolrt and- Cotura
Tl* Denier* ia all kind* of TaUer*' rnm-.
jh«p/No! IX7 Wood *Ucsi,-fbarth door tnm fifth!
P bSU£ck Mena ffa A- lim A Co, Banker*. *
"X c° tnjiogt*- .a.:H. Clark*.
F aNTS, and dealer* ia."Window 'Vhile,
ft-j, jJe. No. »th second *• ■ )aiJ'-T
- I ~~WHriI» JOH3fgTOfc,
i >« second *\n*U fitubwjii. **<
J__ . lUU3B. TTOlStt.’
v£T?!u T fcCO, BK«r», Mataai
Wtl jl»ruuUurgti. , iptc
rrjsggfjgiSgfJKSSS - >■->
' fffesfflSSSsS l^?®
'-■ea;ugwLi«M.ui»trtr.»M!«a»*‘ > - feb —
I ; IF
vT Twi. a viuum * co ’„ a
fstehntMerAisu, ud in Pmd^eti
bESmSti Pinnwrtn_- U -«Ig_..i
JKU. Ji.CAUGliJ'.V,Ajcot <* “i*
Itteklxta Uo«4A Ve*Ttt*ad sbe Lake*^*® 0 *
m ttoSraT ofWatcr xnA femiihllehl »t*-; >M
T t PIUVOJITUA.CO., Crown.««.
' 4 * Ac**» to* lUuid Powder Co„No..tf7 Wjg «.,
tsauii nr
muowmL.*sßSs ntiweirit* .
J-jB. DILWORTII t Co, Wholesale Orocer e, Pro
• iKt and CosQainioß WarebanU,
lor the Itamd Powder Co-of W. YjAo.gyw»i)
bmh.wtUb*»««o*itin\lToahtn<J ft well aeJected ft«»
' m i ■ ■■« at the best w»4 freabeat Me4iclne». which ho
«iU teU «o the own reaeoeaMe leim*. Phyilelana
•ndlat order**will proaptly attended to, and »Bp»
|iM frith article* they auv rely neon u ytnnine.
r *ff7 nyrielane Pmcrietiofie wIU be aeearately ftns i
, mSoj prepared Iron iho but materials, at any beer of
ho AST or ttieht. i
. Alootef sale, a large atock oflrtth and good PerfaJ
• von. - . _ »**“-
, portly
J~ft CANPim>, <ftsTf'Wemni, Oblo,) ConimJ*
• atoitftndPorw&wiGft Merchant. * ndW o. .«3
dealer to tVeitem Ream Cbeeee, Batter. Pot miJ
Ftarlftab.and Wfatem Prodnee generally, Water
~'*«V between frnUhScM ftn<t Wood. Pitubaian. »P •
] ' * <re*y
JOHN WATT. laaeteaiot to Kwa'l * ,V..^
Wbo!»t*Je Oroett uiSi
teUr in ProdaraendPittabargh Mtutolaeiaree. cor-.l
SrtfUbeitreS» Head elreelkPKteb!«iP£j!=-
UwU Uavktaon * Co., Conioii~iao >lr,tl,*T,u
nlAltnU of.lbe 8L I*o[«8««f »««
ffe. 43 water and 01 from alreeta, Pittabergn.
V l ! " J
; >1 is Metis end Metical ■"'t.™” 1 :;”- I „.c£di°e»d
■ • Paper, BUtea, Steel d.Mbßiaa
BSoialT «e«rally,No, BlWood at., putaberge.
lakaoUusdc. . ,!?*•
riii i>mxin K<ai haiii gazette, f
J6CHCWNMAKER WliolMaSe Drorail*,
t \o. frt Wfvxi mreeU-PnubnTgh. r
J' OUN P. iMOnOAN. 'Vfcoleiale fitrajfjUuand deal
er iaPyeSmfl*, Salats, OUa, Vamuhes, No.M
Wood itreet, one door Scam of.lKaniood Alley* PiiU
banth. V_. .V-' - •. - •• . jaai
OlllTD. DAVIS, AueiiOi
. mrteu. Pittsburgh. . ~
JOHNSTON '* STOCKTON, BootßellenL’pntMr*
and Paper Ncittfaetarer*, N 0 .44 Market at, Pitt*.
borab. 1,, r - jcO "
~JOItWrtiOTP. . ’ .. .. K*r»r«VT> r-*mTpT
‘ ' * ? R- FLOYD, Wholesale 6ricer*, Camouaioa
tl. Merehsau, aod- Dealcta In'. Produce, Round"
Cfaureh Baudioga, frotuinjoa’tibenyl Wcxxi airfCUi
<tTeet«. Pituhanb, Pa. ■ />; . > toyg -■ 1
' ‘AMES DALICIILL, WboletalaCrocer, CcrotniwioP •
V Merchant, and' dealer In P&daee aid Pittsburgh
Mmafaetcrea. No>*4 Water aU Fitutarsh. joalft
,1' R. SWEIT2KU, Autanoy.’ai Lavr, office tMetf
V « opposite St. Charles JlMel.' PUisLufgb, will also,
.mend fuompily to Coileclions,in Washington, Fayette
and Green counties, Pa. . . .
REFER It)- -
Blackstock, Bell & Co., *)
.•' CbarehJt Cvothersi > Pmsboreb.
, . U T» Morgan, s •
r 113* * JONES, Fonrardms' arid ConraiMion Net*
L ebtrila, Dctkfa in Prodncd and Fituburfh mann
\emrctl articles. Cattalßajlß, ncar7th si t .
KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO.J Manafaciurers of r ,
•aperiot M ShceUcfJ*, Carpal* Chain, Coyjr
wine and Hatting. )ajhMy**o»i
V«»uvlu».lnm Workt. . . j.
EWI3, DAImSELUA Co,mamifceuir*rsof allyl*.
't *e» liar, Siicr.l, Boiler Iron and .Nail* of the be*'
•ualitv. Warehouse, Winterauditsfrom m. -
• frnlfl . i - 1 ~ - : ) • ■■ 1
' ', » WATtULMAN, Wtolaple te;.. Ft.rwinl j
I t, ini and Coannieslcn 'Slerch'Uiij Dealer in Fill*
'ninja Mauukenue* and I’fOdßCc.'Not. <U W ulil *t.
aode-J Fronts.; ' • ‘ ■
•''' SOBRCKB ‘
• TW aH»n.rtlU~ t
• advances made da eoniignmenia. .
Jauli-Bo -
wit.»axta, PhilnAa- £w. riciktsoii, Pittsburgh..
MILLER AIUCKETSUN, Wholesale Uroeere.itM
importers of Brandies, Wines and teyurs, No*.
ITttand iM, corner of:LiDetiy aid Jrtcia tlicfllf,T>U»-
burgh, Pa . Iron, Nails, -Omuni k'aruii A c ** l '- c<m *
atunnypabatiri.. V.
lonjj irJiuJuV■ js’isiu- w*xssii'c. uo**'
Me£nLLS«RQE,"Wnolesn|e Grocer* 4nd CoimfiJ**:
iion MereUtina, No.' tU libeny-sU. PitWmttU.
t«0 * ! ~ f '' ‘'- 1 *’ - C J, .
i,4 ÜBPHY, WJLSOjfA CaoLwJoaiaCMurphyA
VX Co.) Wholesale Dealer* lu Dry Gdods, No. 49
Wood street, Pittsburgh. _ j _noTiSj_
MA'fTI!LWAVUi ; UN','Fo:Uiinoidiaiiiii*tnrcViiui-'
ter. Room*, 'corner of l*dst. Office Alky, and
Fount »tteol, entrance on ton near Maikei. \ A . j
tltcC-dtf. ~ ' _
rrrreiiUßuii steel, wuufcs _an)> -SPSing
’MACioSXI. . JOUM »•
MANCFACTUKKKS of «prin* and blister »itp\
ploB(kttcclt<teel'ploQf^i«'ii:{C s < couch dia cUn
tic inripgf, gainingrgli tfOU axis? Had 4''tlieX» In'inxl
(etble calling Cjp engine ct'ieii irtntuiiugii
generally, corner of El>:s and. Ftoui«,*na4 PUisVjrgW
N HOLMES & SON, No. 85 JtUrKci fU, aecuud
* door iron comer oi Feunn.deaierp in >'« eiju
atd.Domestic UUlaofExcbauce,Oenifieniejof Dc,m>»-
a, Hank Notts Kill Specie. 1 ■
!£/♦ CoDeciioin mad cm a!l dw principal cit.cs
Uiroaghoui lilt deir l- __
: IiUCKMASTtUl t Awjbiwa?-—Ofcce, Foardi **-,
, Uilpd door above Smithtfeld, SQSib *ide.
Conveyaiiclopcf oil kind* done. \*ixh tiic
eareunfl leral arenraevi
Tide* to Heal Estate examined, fee. •
PUOF. IIJiSUY uuuuocu,
• YENS STBfclfcT, between Wayne and Hand,' has
b * rcaamqdkis profwtonal duties, ginn? tcsirue*
Son* onlhc Piano, Uoiur. and in VoeaLMu»»c-.
■' ,, ... > . ••*■ __
THA STtfttM.—No.-W Fourth
Wood—All qaaauiie* of Green nnil
Ejn§Jl'B!ji£k T«»i,*ilcne op in quarter, hali, mid
aEisiisoKK» c^*».
’xTD.27ftlaikci«Utei,FSa»biuch;'FaW keepeiinMaqi
\ ‘ W oabond and. lattice .to' oidetau Jurw» of Vials
itoules, ttc. ;.ForiCT.aadSmeral.Water Uoitie» 1 «f-*e'
perior ... .. w ,,
PniticnlarattMtloh paid in rnratcMoald*..
.tiovsuAy. li- c '
—UUI atiSTISTI Lt* *s CO., do. itin Liberty «uee:>
PiUa&nrtb, Wholesale Groce»,j Prodw* and
ilcicWiu, .and dealer*/ir: Pituburgh
Uacafuclure*. - A ’IT? '
*oß»t*d». , tbo*. t4pts-. .a»»L.g fcwmit.
UilKllT MUOILE. Whtfealt Grocer, Readying.
Distiller.' dealer in PrtSuec, Phirbersh Alanufoe
mrer, and all kind* ef Forei/ra and .Domestic Wtaca
•nA liiptoia, No.liLibern-ctroei.: oa hand .a very
ttjre Hock of inpcrior oid Monocgahrla WiusXoy,
wMcfawiil be told lore far caih. ■ .aploJy .
-4->KVNOLDS*BHSE,'F«war&>rn»} Ccmmi**too
Ti ilerelumu, forth# Alle^oyltoeTTTaJe,de6.l
-• at a riiubarffh. M*n«rfac:Bre»
tad Oiiando of iiato. ....
• -Thohighcsxpricr*, la ea*h.p*ifl tr*Utuoe»fiwt«n
•ry fagt. 'Crtriief ofrciuiana Irwia W- . : ,Br r 3 _
Co-'”VVSSfe*aie Grocer*,
TV Crtnini»v;ou»sd-t'orw3i ■imy Merchant*, dealer*
al’rotfoee ftnd- MamiftettaK*, LU*m* •
flu»h»ryfc. Pa:
TToirr. JL CUNNINGUAM, TVfeoieMte Groce
K, Dealer is Ptodoee and Phubun?h ManalafAure
w*. *44 IjhrrtV «t- • : • «V»-
* « ‘ - MfIVAL.
r-y ■/^/ignuiWinrEUßEttOim
and Coamuaium Met*
chanti baa removed to N 0.87 FtftOt t i»Alwe«n Wood
and -Mmitftfijpld ttreel*- • - ■ i 1P‘ J
" j C, «T-r, .. fli&t. K. wnITJ.
&. Wlim, VVholeMde IWleri In
poreiru and Domestic Ury ft \% ood rt-
V»U»iuiTti. , ■■ ?? ta ?L
wr HARDAUuII, AVooi ; 3|cfcfciaiWvpcni«rf
>»_ m Fioor and Produce gcncrelir, and torwurdmg
uid Coßli&Usldn -Merchant*, Nd. ius.
-■' ’ '\ l " ! j
t : sfLLEiaj rvroncßsH. ioEW
N tension Merchants, N*o. l?Xibeifirjt-i Pnnfrurjjh.
'Sperm. Linrced and Lard Oils.
O F VON IJONN»Ofe«T. k C*t, WhoieeaicGro
-3i:eCTK'Fdrwirili)irf'#jnJ;_CoiJVJU»fifn. Mcrcbauu,
iy-Mlcn Id Piuabuttb Mahafecturca c» I l ro*
iicc, have rumored to thefr fie* *Wehoa<e,toUJ eiamlj
So. VS/ebrasr of-Ftott*4.*ad-Chancer> L&nm
*io«7 • ’ 1
l Cor.rd»
JUSFtSV i'IiEST, Wholesale Grocery*nd o©**--
i tioi Merchant** and dealer* >0 Prodace. No-1 W
Wood tCt Hhuhorfh. .'P 3 ®*,
~'" r laojiUKT ;-vWU •.co*«MTt I .
' w. O WOODW*»® •••HAtill XhOALXT.
WM. BiuALEY t. CO, Wholesale Grocer, IS
*nd SO Wood street Fiitebanrii. « n ®.y>‘
- w. *• u. BlTCnßt'i'lißEi
ANTS Also—lmporters of Soda A*l» and Ujeac.uns
Powder, No. 100 Libertf sb, (opposite Bfxtb »t,i f in*.
bdrrt. ~ —_
TXf ICKABPCANDLESfif I»ae«rwar» to U to. J. D.
J\ WleWWbnlesalr Grocers* Farwardinp ujid
Commiiw^WcreluLnU,dealers ialren,Naiis,ula«*
Cotton Yarn*, and Pittsburgh Manufactures «n«raljy,
ff>rvr* of Wood and Water *i fr n rgb. — _
\m r yy ~w*i.i.Af?R,M>U none
VY , in* eatabiishment, No. 244 Liberty at,
'Sy"W^n3oTJ7WatcßeeTJe^e^ s ‘!” ? ’ ft >is
carelaflr repaired* ; _____
XITEXi DOVV^N-Oommmion F S£S ~i* s
VY Merehant, No. »0 Front »u beween 4V<»d «md
i£irk«i *treeti.__ ____ ' ' ~ A K ,-\-
W"‘ kT'MUKi'UI. Wi.ele*aie.a*d Retail deuJei In
■' Fotbirn and boiaciiie Dry Good*. north <*ft
of Mark* and Fourth «U. _ BU .<r^L
- r ,i7,ft jao. i. a'crs*.
Wjtf. YOKING k Co.—Dealer* ir. leather hMrjfca.
iJ3 Liberty et. . ......
• \~~~~ —r*7 r~± - • uncr. m'cctchxq:
w Ts!m*utcheon, wm™;* '""«sv a 'J
Vv . ten is Frodoee, Iron; aul ! >tt
burgh flannfacture* generally, 13-4 Liberty >
—7-WftrtlMJtttN. '
■ Ev xisr, iV*,,
P *i.ttFtord .wW-M
• W,W. Wallace, dfl' !
Jcmn Manual! do f Piuebarehi
dir Kay fc Co., Wood »t.
- Uspfef&Sl * Omc*A*OT»M-Axi*siCo,
octal ' fto.'Ca'Waier meet.
Book Binder*.
WE areaull en*«ed in the above lm*ir.r*s, corner
i.rwSd imdTbird street* Pittsburg,, where
we are prepared to do any work la oar line
wteh.- \Ve attend to our work perrol'nlly, and «li*-
Aetifru will be given in regard unu neatncM and do
>l*oi!!&.B«>tanM rni .•«»»>} ,"*■
•fflssfejss , ft
mie Ihit taTerroik In oar line ore lo tnl!.
Price* »ew. ' ' - '”L_:
Cnofctttg Btotf, tiraf, *c.
WALLACE t C0 n Bound-CJjureh,
552S I ffiteifisasSH.™.* it t» <«,» «ii “j
r^TVwor. - joraeawaWA- wick.hast
- .« i!r Huut. llinna & Co.)
«*kkmu I Schanoe^ cokeiis > Rr,d "“k"
TM*'^SuaSDomestic Jsxeban*e, Certificate.
Xji&F°f Note*. and Specie— iourih atreet,
<rf ®sE M iS«UH?theSank of FittaWh. Current mo
netrty ®pp®y^L’ssiL te^-Hir:bt Clieeke for*ale,mnd
-dßtrpriittlpal.lMrim in
«uk ““
twd tow on liberal , .
.Corner Frost ami VlneWeel*. Cineinnfcti, 0.
QRDKRB from l*m«barrh for Aleohol, I’ure
R.wor Rectified WhUk«r. will i*c P. f ""'V, U r r
•mklml in al Ihwmi tnnrkri •
ltoio*ii*u»«llT!*'»▼ •r> BUffi I** 1 ** ' ■ ,
A - ROUHKT 11. FATrKtt*»UN to apenep
Tijtpitha l»r*o liable on llnut, ruunuif HiN'W-
U> ftwondat, between Wood ntid bmltlifieio
ihe ,e»r of the- Mouonenhela House*
with an entirely new aiock of llent* ana Cufrlii;c» of
the betlquajiiy and lain! itylr*. llano kipi el b*o*
ryJaUttVtt manner..
HAVE BOW ia itoro m leife andfeaermlawnaent
of DHV 00009, which they ofle» to City aad
UoBUy Merchant* « reduced pneeij ond which they
willKlluct uiodueemcaia to cuh buyer*, or for
wumed-crc i*“ w
BENNeVt * eKw l HER,
r BlmlXi»a<i MU PUtilmrah,]Pa,
ftareiotMt-tfo* 137, Wood str*t, Piiltburgk.
i Mtf\WlLLe<nmuuly keep on head a mi own-
XXsmentof Were; of onr own manafaetare, and
■gSS aoperiorQßilujr. Wholesale and country Mer-
HSJ ehaiiis are reipeetfally mailed to call and ei
iaiaafor u we: are determined to tell
cheaper ihaahaseTerbefora'beeo offered to the put*
inr Order* tent by mall, accompanied by the eath < r
tty reference, will be promptly mended to. mylG_
Penn laeUßeahem
H,\ WIGHTMAN —Mansfheturerorall kindsofem-
B ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa.
The above work* being now in fail and laecetifai op
eration, Inn ptrpayed'lo exeaato mar* with dispatch
for all xlnds of machinery inriy We, raeh a* willow*,
picker*, spreaders, cards, grinding maalinet, railway*,
•irawing frames, speeder*, UueuiU, loom*, woolen
caßt»,<foahloor single,for mcrekam or country work,
slide.and bond lathes and tools in gen
eral: AU kinds of shafting made to order, or plana giv
en far gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Bank to— Kennedy, Childs A Bell
A Co., King, Pcmtock A Copies. A. Gray i
bell and brass foundry
• ja ' a FULTONiBeII and liras* Founder.has re*
CB baUt and commenced business at his old stand
Mil. where he will be pleased to see his old cnitora-
Charnh, Steamboat, and Bells ofevery »ise, from 10
,o ttJ.mat pouipU,casl from patterns of the raostapprov
%d model* and warranted to be of the ben material*.
-Mineral Water Pumps,Counters, Railing, Ac., luge*
uter with every var>etyofßras* Casting!, il reqaired,
turned end finished in the neatest manner.
A. F is the sole proprietor of Bsaurr'a Arm-Amt*
nws Mctsl, ao jostiy celebrated for the redaction of
friction,in machinery. The Boxes and Composition
can be had of him at all times. jagfcty
•,vi. a. ifmt. reran xtkxksos.
k;* rm- xcrwxxs Wood- urn M enter, wnnrass,
CONTINUE to manofactsre aU kinds of COPPER,
srulh Work.
Bteam Boats built to order.
■ Special attention given to Ream boat work.
• Bare on hands a fine assonment of Copper and IJrasa
Kettles, Tin Wars* Ac. Ac. Steamboat CookmgSioves,
i'ortabie Forges, vtrious liiei—a aery convenient ar
ticle for steamboats, Califamia emigrants, or rail road
companies. ...
' , Wcwoald respectfully invite steam boat men and
other* to coll and see oar articles and prices before
parehasiitg elsewhere. iT'J?
Titotor Uolntl Life Inmcete Company
Batts op rxxatnnr ksdcccd 25 rex cent.
Capital, *lOO,OOO. -
JAMES DURNO A CO., AgenU et Pittsburgh, Pa.
rxcm>s, asw rain.
Joseph C. Potts, Pres’l.
G. A. Perdtearis, V. P.
Eli Monte, Secretary.
Betas or stmxrttc?, At
Jam** Hby, Jr. 1
Benjamin Fish. 1
John A. Wear,. |
Jonathan Flsi
Hon. James Campbell.
David >l. White.
jrxw Tosa.
Comptroller of New York.
George Wood.
JotiuF. Mackie.
David Dudley Field.
Joseph lioxie.
Alexander Cummings.
W. i. P- White, P. M.
I Ex-Gov. Vroora.
Isaac Wildrtck, M. C.
Wm. A. Newell. M.C.
Hob. 8» K. Hamilton.
W. W. Gerhart. M. D.
XI Walnut sb, I'hil'a.
H. B. Bell, M. D.,
Allegheny eity, Pa.
His Exc. Gov. llnines.
IV. Li. Dayton. V. 8. Sen.
G. D.\Va!J,Ki-U.S Sen.
Ex-Gov. M. Dtckerton.
• A. Sidney Deane. ftE D
-i . 3i warren st, N.Y.
\Ypt.JPK. Morgan, hLD-,
George M’Cook, M. D
-- • Pittsburgh. Pa.
• TYe Agvnlsof thi* Corapt
orized to take every first c
p«r leaf. I
rniarn as charged oy other
at PUuburrh. ate aafli
elaM riak on Ufa at a rtdvt
tram theiuaal mea of prt
r Companies. ,
Aman 30 year* of •«, taking a Policy of laioranee
for One TLouitmd Dollar*—
To r»n for one year, pay* only f 0,60.
- do «tmj “ “ *• •itwfP-waoaUy.
• do Lifetime, “ “
And in the aame proportion for nay aum ap to
which it the extent taken cm any one Me.
- Thi*eomoany commenced operation* t>« the let uct-,
1648, and u* monthly bacineaa op to ib«t «si Ocu PhU.
.abewa a progteaa etwdnag that of nny tuner ufe Com*
Pl Tite > fir*f dividend of profit* will be declared to the
-a**ured on the t« January, 1350.
FcnpMet* containing the Tarioc* table* of rate*,
anti all the neecaaary Information on the. important
nHeet of Life Aaanranee will be forniahed on appb
cation to JAMES DCBNO A CO-Agents,
*lde!7 ' Qdeon Entitling*.
; viuu issmuacic.
J_ l SURANCK COMPANY will u*w l‘PUfie» of «”♦
«mtnit cl PiMaQI by Fl»*,opoal)»eU
,,.deiT- r. - •'■ OJroa.HiHilicy*.
HEALTH IMUHA9CE. at Pt*Ub«rgt».
Tbt Sprint Garden Health Iniarance Cm
TNSUUES Males and Female* against the lixpeow
I Lots occasioned by Weknes or Accident, by
aa Tpwp-dlaf allowance of from S3 lO 64 per week,
furono.twn, three, or four year*.
Hit- method of -rffecUn< Ou» Insurance. and the
maimer of awarding the tick ailowaure, will be fully
explained bv Ibe Agent
A person eaa litsare againit Sickness or Accident
w h|eh will detain hh* fnunhia ordinary business, a»
Fofmie Year, by paying $4,20, and receive $0 P
■BffiT; ; • i r.
Or]foru perioddf fonryears, the nun of $U,4®
- -
j dcl7-ddm Odequ _ ,
•7T* mad Heal Ilk lnnu4bt*<
ffIHE jKnnal Ufa end Hjailb Insurance i ompeny
■I of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature
ofi Peonrylrama, Warrh, L-19. (fawr pwjm
ci«ii*|,si«M»li. . Rstxa tnwaa tuaH **t Pr<-e»n<-
vSta Cajjranv, and foil s» percent lower than the
oalal re lee ot Ufe Insurance, as die following cotn
panaon will show: Thus, a person of 'H®**® o ‘*L in '
■will* :or SUK» for life, most P*T in die Girard •Si**—
F?iiMr4*Mia..«3S l Penu UotaaU «-»; Mg** 1 »'«•
$£01: New Envlaitd, $4,36; Now \ ork Idle, Sir**, Al
SSST£SJIK and 'lieS* Philadelphia fIM-
InattTO**.—Samoei D. Ornck, Cnarles D. Hall, W.
F. Ucofic, Robert P Kin*. Cnwic*
Paid win, M. M- BeetreTM- Ihf O. 0. < bampbell,
Leiwis Coorar, I. Rodman B-irket, L. H. Butler, Edwin
5 1 Office, Commercial Room*, comer of
octST-dly " WoodandThild »t*. Pittsburgh
TUB INSURANCE CO. M Nonh America will
make permanent and limited UuariiaM *»«t pro
perty 1$ Ain ehr mJ ™»gt7. *" J V*
Canal, Hirers, Lake*, and by 7£™«TC uV*P
thi* Company are well Invested, and Artush an avail*
able fond for the amplelndemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected hr insurance.
*"1?” P WM, P. JONI'S, Af*
Tie FeaiilM Fen J™t«» Ok »/ fWaJelpki*.
N. Dicker, Tb"nm. H«n,
Tnbi». Wagner, Samoel bn.l, J«ob H Sell.,
lies. W Bictamnli, MordkciU D. ' Ai.u.pbu k-
Doric. David 8. Drown, Morris Patterson.
** Oi5UU| President
Charles G. Banekcr, Secretary. .
Conunne to make Insurance, perpetaai or knuted,
o* cTery description of property uiujwncr country,
at roars as low as are eensutoni withsecanty. '
To Company have reserved a large eontiy
which with their Capital anS Premiums, safely Invest
.ed, afford ample protection to the
■j'he assets ot the company, on January l*t, IS«i
•published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were
fellows, viz;
Ileal l>t«te
Temporary Loans
HtOCKS ' • •
- Cash, &€-••• r.
*I,3*S4W 71
Binrc their incorporation,» period ofl9 F ea *j*i
hive paid upwards of one million font
narl-dtr Office_N E corner Wood and 3d »u
'"xhi ptaaivlTtaU Conpta f
, Fo»lWMAW*osUviia«>o«*«J" 0 A n Jnjm»
T ll iriKr.v”r t c:\“^:
AS, on wllnh polloio* *" ““A
ocpordingpolpeir propowis nnO r«e»,
mye known .» .■ H- c o£, utAN-
•pH Tins emhllthraent lon* andwidcly k no^ “
E 3 Vine one of the most commodious In the e»y of
Eg, Baltimore, bM recently undergone very exten
U,;x will nol bo b „ „ „,,
In conclusion the proprietor* o * ,£*»,«,. of their
Wii; bo lo» nndona onjjj l WJJ « It? oommoofl
following raioa: gi 75 per diy.
Ladies’ Ordinary, •i’jQ
sEAff=i£ S--* «2*fr
af charge. „ "
co *3O o» roosm awn ““"T-Valhr announce* that
JwL THE w b * eri, *lwl new Sull exeelteni Hotel
Kabo ha* now opened bl« n uaveler*, boarder*,
•“forth# accommodation of . furniture
inl lho public 4^r £££ here bee*
oFfl.. nu... eomft.rt.ble «d
iwm, “»>►
* ***** of SS»iSosx?l4 Proprietor.
Dltaolotion of PmrtneraUlp.
T>Y MUTUAL CONSENT this day, U» firm hereto
r» fare existing under the style of BLSHFIELD A
LEADER, lias been tliiwlved by Henry If»«»? J :
Lng hie enure interest in raid firm to John A i
bull tier* connected with the Jinn of Baihfiela A Lean
er will be-selllrd by S- B. Basbfield A Co- who are
duly auihoriaed to make alt collections and adjust all
Pittsburgh, OeL 27, IBW.
N. B.—f*. B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will continue the
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at tho old store room. No. SNO Liberty at, where tney
will be pleased to have their friends and customers
call ana examine their stock of goods.
octOl S.J!.BII»imELDACO._
NOTICE. , . .
THE partnership heretofore existing under the urtn
of A. AC. BRADLEY, la dissolvcdby the drceime
of Mr. C. Brtdley. Tho Jiosiiiesi* will be carried on ny
A. Bradley, who will seUlo tlie business of Die late
REMOVAL—A BxADtrr has removed his Foundry
Warehouse from No. 112 Second street, w t*a. lV
Wood street, between F.rst and Second stroei-j. o I We
warehouse lately occupied by. C. A. Berry,
will keep constantly on hand a general assortmento
Casunga Urates.Stoves. Cooking Stoves, -
TUE co-partnership beretoiore existing between tne
subscribers. in the name of Constable, U»rko *
Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent 41ea»
Burke A Beniee will settle the business of tne ion
cent, for which purpose they nre authorised to use Utc
name of the coacern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
Tue undersigned have tills day nssociated themselves
in the name of BURKE A UAItNEd, tot tlie purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors &e.
he., at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke
A COt whore they will be pleased torrcceive the t"j*
tranace of the customers ol that house nud their trieuus.
In retiring from the (Dpi of Constable. Burke A Co.,
I with sincere pleasure recomraeitd Messrs- ”“***.“■
Barnes to the confidence of my frieuds mid thepuuuc.
j, A J. Taxdoa, Commission tfcrehaati,
wjO 31 Old Levee st., N.tlrlean«,keej»eonJiißntly.OU
hand a large assortment of Brandies of the follow
ing brands, which they offer tor sale n» agrots for J. Du*
rand A Co , Bordeaux, via- Maglury, J. Eruud, J
& Co, Larue belie, J. J. DuratH Cognac, Monies Un.
A. L. Ulevillc, Motidare, Jcnu l-oans Ac;al-o,A«-
ehorGin, Bordeaux Hcd and White Wines in casks and
eat*-*, selected wnu eirc by John Durand A Co, l-e-nles
Cstrupagne Wine A Sweet burgundy P»'t (fe!»“-ty_*
a. J. rrrsKT. tiios. k. siu-
STUAKT A SILL Grocers, and Produce and Com
mission Merchants, No. U« Wood #l. Pittsburgh.
Dealers lutiioi cries, Flour, Wbea , Rye,Oats,,
Bar.ey, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lord, Chccuo, Llorer,
Timothy and Rax t*eedsi Iron. Nails, Glass, Ac. Ac.
Ac. Particular atiention paid to the sole of Western
Produce. _ .
Rxrxaxxns—Messrs. Myers A Hunter, RobL Dal*
zeli A Co.. M'Gill* A Roe, llamptoii, Smith A Co-
James'lay. King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh, benner
A M'AliUtui, Massillon. Jos. S. Morrison, Esq-, SL
Louts. sptttfify
joh.n a. cuis, loin of N. Lisbon. O. w. s misnkb
GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward
ing Merchants, No. 28 Idariet <*k, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ffPrroiiim attention given to the purchase ana sale
ofuiJ kinds of produce.
Kerin to —John Watt A,Co., Murphy, W ilson A Co.
Pnuourgb, l*a_; Lawson A Hill, Atahlon Martini
Wei;»vi2e, Ou John H. Brown A Co., Grieg. Elliott A
Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Suodgrasi A Co-Gregg A
Naec, New Lisbon, U; Ft. Skinner. Hon. L. D. Coffin,
Ciucinaau; J. P. KWl«r, Vouugstown, <>.; W.L.Btan
daru rievrliuitl, U. ’ augJ4.~_
Commission and Forwarding Hercbtßt,
so. «j wood ct-, rrmsouaif,
CONTINUES to transact a general Commission busi
nc*», especially »n the purchase and sale of Ameri
ean-Klauufactures aud l*rmluee, and iu receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to his earc. As Agent for
tho Manufactures, he will be entuiaiiily supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufucinrc at the
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and cunstgnmenis
are rexpecimHy solicited. l 9»
Efr (Successors to M’Cord k king) ftwL
Faihlonabls Ilwttara,
Comer of Wo&i and Ptfth Strutt.
PARTICULAR attention paid to onr Retail Trad*.
Gentlemen can rely upon geiung ihtir HaG and
Cans from our estabtishmem of the BEfi msteuuls and
wogXiUJfsmr, of the haTm mtAs, and «n the wwbi
r *£>arur7 Ugrpbants, purchasing by wholesale, ars
respectfully instied tr> eatl and examine our Stock; as
wo can say with cooU.mtit t&al as regards nciUTt
and rticu, it will not suffer in a comparison with any
house in Philadelphia. •_
PIMIK Second Session oftliis Institution, under the
I care of Mr. ai*l Airs. Gowiosn, for the presemt
academic year, will on the first of Irbrua
nr next, in the same buddings, No. W liberty "trecL
Amutgements have been made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies facilities exaal t« anv
in the West, for ohtaiuiug a thorough C.xsn
eal, and Ornamental education. A full course of 1 n»-
lisopbteal and Chentieal Lecturer wtll he delivered
daring the winter, iliusiraied by apparatus. The de
partments of Voeal-aml Instrumental Music. AlfH.ern
LADguages, Druwiug and I’iunting. willc-ieb emlcr
the cure ofa competent Professor- By ei'»»a attention
to the dioral and tatcilccionJ iinprovr.meiii of their pu
pils, the Principals ho(« to ment a continuationicf the
liberal patronage they hare biiheno enjoyed. For
tE nnis see circular or apply to the Principals
JOHN n. M'CBEARY, Printing Jnk Haaurnctarer,
N**». 331 andbtaninnstreet, NEW VuHK—De
not No. 3 gpruee atrect—-Wonlii call the atieutmn of
Printer* to hia improved Fritting Ink* of v.nous
. lul i* and orders, a< the following pr<ees :
L’Tira 6ne Jet Black, for Card and « ood
C y , . . . 82 in and 3fO per lb.
Fife u-ok lok • - 075 - Ito “
Uoc* »k • • • 04# • «| oO
New- Ink • . 0 IS t> ao t* a»
Pint Rrd Ink - tfc |W l» “ *<L ‘;
lilac. Yellow, Green »i,d White 75c l U) 1 50
Go«i sixe a' 8k per 11, and Urouxe at i-J, 7) ct* and
81 per ot- .
A fneeiawn of New* Ink can be *een on tin. paper.
For »ale by JUiINSION A STuCK ION.
>. Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. Morgan * Co. CincifiXpli Ohio.
Motion A Gr-gwouM, Lom>viitr. Ky. _ oelO:<: -ra
Bodtrn and Antique Furniture,
S 3, Thikd Stuxxt, Ftmactoii.
>M»IM A large and splendid tfKWQS*.
assortmentof Furnlitjre, gftjjnfih 1 r iiUtf
-H- writable for Steamboat*,
Baaiß Hotel* and private dwel
ling*, constantly on hand and made to order.
The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by
anv mana actory In the western country. F.-r*ons
wiihni# to purchase would do well to give me n call,
a*lain determined my pnees shall plot*#. part of
the *u>ck eas*uu in— _ _ „
Tcu: aTetej ftalTet Etacjeie;
Looio XIV Chair*; Queen I-Jtzabeib eliviu;
Tea roy*c; I" rul! .
ToiletTal'ie*; Loai* XV Loinmndei;
French Mahogany BeilMcud*; I’iano Stool*;
60 *ofoa with Vltub and Hair-cloth cover*;
50 Mahogany Rocking Chair*;
40 doz I’arlor d«<
30 H Fancy do
25 centre Table*;
2U pair Divan*; 4 pair pirr TsUlei,
15 marble lop l>re*>>it;g Iturran*;
» Wardrobe*; « Secrctarie. and Roo* c***eß;
sti marble top Ws*h sttuid*.
4 pair Ottoman*;
6 pair Innry Work Standi;
A very large. a»»ortm..-nt of rmmnnn chair* uii i oti.ei
(urmture too nutnernu* m tscim*n..
|£j- Steam Hvat* lurnifhed ou the *hor;c.*t nonce
and on the non reasonable term*. CcelS
, <4 Water st.
MA. WHITE k CO.,' woold re*pectfully inform
» the public that they have #reetrd uduioou
Lacoek, between Federal tu dSamlunky suve’v lliey
are now making and are prepare*}to receive order, for
overy dcieription of vehicle*, Conclte*. Cl>mi<i>i *. no*
roucbc.», Uußgie*, I'hKtnnrstc., Ac., whit-li unit their'
lone experience in the manufacturenfthe unotf work,
and the facihuct they have, they fceleonb.ietn mey are
enabled to do work on the most rcosmiabli-« wtih
tho*e wanting article* in their line.
Faying particular attention to the ■election <>: mate
rial*, and having none but competent workmen, they
have ns hewUttion in wairantiug their v.-<*-». " c
tlicrehire a»k the attention of tint public to it.*» uuuei.
N. H. Kepairing done in lhobc*t manner, tw-on Ute
most reasonable, term*. iaW:t!
DiifhragsxrViltsr, for Ilyrfr* , *t X' at#g.
Ui»pnr»B*B » TinB » u tocer J fy , im , | huv-ihp!
H pointed Livingston, Hoggin A Co.
Agent* for the Mile of JruMng s
YRr I’ Diaprahgm Filter, fortfaecif
lflr lieiofPitudmrgii nml Allrgi eny.
. B u , —JOHN GIUStiN, Ai;>'itt,
for Walter M Gibson, :U'J limudway
V N.Y. j
X Oet fO, l&^t.
We h#Te been u*ing one of the above article* it th*
2 o L f the Novelty «fof for three mon.}•. «« »«- -
and feel perfectly sau-tCed that it is * UM U \' ' J,*
and we lake pleasure lit rocominending Ui« m u* n u*e
fol article u> all who love pure wnlr.r. «Jrjer* *»•! b«
fl,„,kf»ny MW .V 9.
Pitt Mwchtao Work# i-uUi.dry.
• 81,047,438 41
94,724 M
ca.wn 85
. 51,523 21
. 4 J*£’X 7!
riTnnur..»ii, r».
JOHN WRIOHT A Co., nre tireparcd to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of even de.enj'umt, such
a* Carding Machines, Spinning Frame., feeder*.
Dravringrrantes, Railway Heads, Wan-crs, Spooler*,
Dressing Frame*, Looms, Card Grinder*, Ac. w roughl
(ran Shafting tamed; all #«« ofCn.t Iron, Full.e* and
Hanger* of the latest patterns, slide and hand Laihr*,
asd tools of all kinds. Casting* of every dernpiiwi
fornUhcd on short notice. Pauerti# «r.ade to order for
Hill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac- Steam
mg Factories, Cast Iron Window t?eah nnd fancy Gas-
U,?g. generafly. Orders left at the Warehouse of ).
Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will te prnmj i atten-
U °lefor to Blackttoek, Ufll A * If-»jMreb«il A
C0.,0. E Warner, Jonn lnrtn A Sons. Fauburgh; 0.
C. k J. H- Warner. »ieubetty.4t —L?lL‘^
THE subscriber offer, for .ale a large and splendid
assonmeui of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
non Ftanos, with and without U»ieraa«\ celebrated
H• -“* 4 WIK 8. k {“5 p whS o .i
2d door üboveoth
N. B.~Ciiy Sen. will I*. taken u p«r for . fcw ol
Ue alujve (•..orime’’'. _ * ‘
- i iire.bUHuTi, riept Jtf, l!»49.
MR TIIOS K HinilF.HT;—Dear s«ir. Vour WRI
TING FLUID we have now beeu using nttfre that
a vear and on looking over the entries mode l»y It, w«
Lfl“tS n g 'k, U« H,rplc«,n,u
write with flow* free, und doe. not clog toe pen hi*
Z.;??«“•» •*"
„„,u -* »•«" 'ssnsg-* cn .
s* 1
uihw.«i-'Aiieebeiiy City, «nd by tae manulaeiuret
It K Hiblert, Druggis* and CheaJit, eor.tcr of Libel
j ty and Bmithncld it*, FUtili«r|h. . wild
Young MEN in wholesale and reuiljtore*, “ d B °„ , &V
respectable basinets, to act u ” Pc r*J°aies-!
menT Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Fwmers, Coteb
me£ Car Agents, Bookand 'Msp AgTOU, Collectors,
Overseen in aLlbranches of busltieM, Ac. We have
at all times e laxge.namberflfgood<imauonioiibwHi,
which pay irom 3Boto CtfiOO per naAsm. Those in
want of situations ofany kind would do well to gwe
as a call, as wo have agents In eaeb of the aN»ve *}'
lies, which will enable as to place every aoplieantm
a suitable situation at the shortest notice. Wo have s
l lam acquaintance inf all the above named ciues,
which wo trust wi|l enable as to give enure sausfac-
I lion to all who mar favor us with a calf.
TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 50 Second ft-,
: t between Seosh and Gay.
N. B —Persons living lit any part of tte TJ. Bwws,
and wishing to obtain'd situation in Baltimore, or ei
ther ofthoabove cities, will have
diatelv attended to by addressing us a lUie, (post-paid)
as by so doing they will cortailboth ttnuble and ex
iiense, which-they otherwise would by coming
to the city, and seeking employment forlhcrns elves
No. ttSeeond street,
Baltimore, Aid-
pjijlß attention ef the public U mpecttuuy eaued to
'X the following certificates: < I .
Mu. 8. EalMs—Haring tested u cnintiry of Gold
weighed by youi Areometer. I find »• _re*»lt prow
your instrument correct; ana recommend the use of »
to th(u>e going to California, u (bo best method for ot>
»im» s Uv„ n>.l Cuut.
Pittsburgh, March 0,1649.
Prrmrtoir, Styreh 7,1W9.
Mo. Euxnt»—Dear Slrt Haring examined the u Areo
me.r r. r ruojiulactured at your rootnr, Iso cot hesiio .r
to ronunend it to ihs oseof those genttemeo who ere
at .out removing to California in search pf Gold.
it rives a close approximiiilontothe toectfic grmvl
ty «i metals, and trmeertniidT enabln' i*e adventuret
to when.his placet u yielding Colu. .
m*rUf Youft. J. tt. hPOLINTOCK.
1 S‘DIA HUBUKB'CU/rVUNG—-last received (orthe
X Csllfotnie Expedition, a complete assortment ei
Gain Elastic Clothing, at price* ringing tVom #fi.s<> to
iIIAJ for suit of coal, pants and haL -Fttr sawaiUir
India Rubber Depot, iNo 5 Wood si.
dertiu . _ Jfo H jPMLMPB
pATCfT'SKCtriXfi J*JlOAJrt l*tj IMO.
Patent crost-hrer almuion 'PaUtJ, Sofas, Bureau*,
800 l Caw, Wniivg Detl*.
tlllfi TAQliEtj -far vnrjnusing eT«ry other in
vr.niinii bribe kind now extant They can lie ex
tru.lril train ten to twenty-fire (cot,.and when closed
ihc leaves are ail contained inside; the? are made to
«[[ 4isn« and shapes, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboat*, Hotel*, and large private families, form
tag when closed a enuplete cense table*
SOFAS AND BUREAU:*—There article* are inval
uable, particularly to thoic who wUh to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apattfieiit into a
parlor or rilling room* aa thoy cas be owned and * hut
nt convenience, and when that, the beoilibg'i* enclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent All the lea-
Mead* when closed lona a beautiful picas of furniture
for u parlor or silting room. ■■
UuOii CASKS—A neat and rueful article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms,
and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and library alone
it visible.
AJI these articles need no recommendation: the
brautybrthe whole if, they are warranted not to get
out of repair.. It will be for yonr interests to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No.
'KlThinl'atreet, Pittsburgh. In addition lb the above
«TaF lte ' "° i ” < j f .'ay"^“feoDWKi...'
Steam Brick Work* for Sale*
rjiHF, subscriber offer* for sale, ike STEAM BRICK
WORKS* above LawrencevUle, comprising a
Steam Engine,d Bailcr*,flAlojld Machine, capable of
manufacturing S.UUCU Pressed Bricks tout of dr)' city,
os taken Iron the bank,) per day; with three acres or
laud on Uie Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and
sheds, machine and etsv sheds, whcelbsrrowt, trucks,
ehm-c.s, spades, Ac., every ihlng reauisite u* com
mence operations nl an bouis notice, Price, inehoding
the potent right u> use said machine. S7.oUo—owns oi
varment made easy. Without the land, SdjaKl. lor
naruralnn, address HENRY MERIUTT,
augSTnltr _No hlounngahela Uotue-_
‘ WroughVaa'dCaiUrqaQaUlkili
THE tobteribcr* beg leave to Inform the nubile *hat
liwy bare obtained front the East all ina late and
fashionable design* tor Iron Railing, botli tor house*
ami ccmr.erio* Persons wiihing to procure hand*
»ome patterns wilt please call and examine, and judge
for in cm selves. Railing will be furnished at the short
ed nonce, ar.d in the best manner'* at tbs corner ot
Oysters! Oystersl
BURKE t CO'S Daily Eipma l* now regularly de
livering Can and Sbpil oyaJERS, vrbteh «*« ofi
feted to dealer* an«l families W tie lowest prices,
tonality warranted equal to scy brought u> thts^mar
,°’"J'br j.C. DID WELL, Aft, TC.w ...
Also—At the following depcu:-Rei* AlLrgef,cor
ner Bmiibfield and Secondstt; Eilteaxleidn,Diamond,
Mercer A Robinson; Federalat w&Ueabcuy. oeuS
|i/E iu*d«~oa en unproved
VV plan, so as not to freett in the COldett weather.
ssizr* {ssaassaassaf
mv'2s t»u betyacn sts
“'"aKflr BOOKIt BWWijW
THE Confutation aud Suodard of the Associate
Refo'sued Cbareb in North America: tree, bound
lli 'l ne'tlther Side, or Notes fof the History of the War
between AJeytco and the United States, wrmeo in
Mexico, and Wynplaied frpm the Spanish, with notes:
Reform* end Reformer* cf Great Britain
and Ireiai.d: Uy li it Htanton.
The Wvrti of President Edwards, in 4 vols ■ re
prtrt of tbe Worcester edition, with additions, and a
content general index.
The Mountains of Egypt, or Egypt a W itners for the
Mibte: Uy K. L. Hawks. D. IU.LD,
Mcniuus of David Hale, late editor of Journal of
Commerce, wttb telcciioa* rrqw bis hlitceUaneoot
W-il.ngi: R/Kev J. P. Thooipton.
The Puritan and His Daughter, by J. K- Paulding.
Lot Onngus, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal*
:fortita: Uy Incut. Wi»e, U. S. Navy.
Familiar l.elxr» to Young Men, on various subjects:
Jctigned at a C-mpenun) to tfje yotjqg Man’s Ljjtie:
Uy Wm A. Aleoit
The pecan sit» Prose ruinge ot R. A. Dana: 2Vs
Sineveh ar.d tu ttennuat: Uy l.axsrd
;ajlt * No T 9 Weol ft
“A Present for Your PattUy.
Pr«j*am Wxxsur— fl ru assck.
• Tbe best paper In the Uuion. n [ETeningFiar.
' Ru ber get in coti than go withoutil*” [Boston Port
New rebteribers oan be supplied from Jan. 1,1550.
if immctlium sppaoauon be made (either prftfingliy or
by letteri nl the- Uttee of Publicmuon. 6) WVid si.
1 janltl J. D LOCKWQOQ.
New Seeks Just Arrlwed.
lUadir, Willi original design* by Dxrley.
The Poems and Prose Writing* of R. H.
Pbyiictau and Patient, or a rrsetical View of the
Moral Duties, Kfiatione ami Interests of ite Medical
Proles«icn and tbs ComiuDniiy; by W. llooker, .M. U
Tne Puritan and Hit Dsucbtcr by J. K. Paulumg,
author ol U»e DBichmm’t Firetide.
urtngos. or an lntide Vlevy pf bjegico and Cal
ifornia; with Wanderings in Pen*, CMltabJ Polynesia;
by Lieut. vVlso. Fur sate by
1 deHl ELLjOrT A ENGLISH. TP \Vood ti
BROWN'S American Angler's Guide; full of illus
trations, Rimo.
Paulding 1 * Puritan and Hi» Daughter; ISmo.
Dr Hooker's Physician sod Patient; JSnto.
Mrs E.-Ua* Hearts and Humes; Bvo.
Neander's Life or Christ; fcvo.
Neander's History of Christian Church; 3 vol*. Bto.
Re*. Dr. Spring's Memoirs of MU* .-lurrsy, tyo.
American Almatut:. t92ft, Hvo i
jantn Bookseller A Import*-!. 61 Wo. .1 »t.
Now is Cha llmo to Mhurlbs.
OFFICE of Scott's Reprint* «.f ihe Four Quarter
lies and Rlaekwood; $lO per year.
Morris k. Willis’ Home Journal, pabiiaheJ in New
Vnrk weekly; 6J per annum.
Downing's Horticulturalist, monthly; $3 per year.
Tbe Culnvator. monthly; 81 per annum.
The Agriculturalist, menthly; $1 per year
The Democratic Review, monthly; (Wpei tmum.
The Rankers’ Magazine, do 83 *1»
jnoi Bookseller fc Importer, C 3 vved *t
B|f AcktspTT f WPJTi:,
ARE now receiving a very large stock or fresh
Goods, ofyecpnl purchase and imports,.,!*., which
they wilt sell to the trade at such prices as caa..ot fail
■o give entire satisfaction.
City au'l Country Merchants are invited to ,*.*!] and
examine our stock before purchasing clsea* -*
ARE now receiving |bnr usual mippbei- of Goods
lor the Fill! •naVf-n, which tney will 1- br-ppy to
exhibit to thetr old customers, and as uim.y new ones
as may fee! inclined to present tbemseivee'.
Always taking great pains to lay'in such goods as
arc adapted to the wants of the Western trade, which
long experience enables them tp do, uioy eaa soy with
much confidence, and without entering into a detail
oMUeir stock, that tbe Western rcthil merchant will
find with ibctn til that his customers require. Those
who have farmed the unprofitable habit of repairing
to tho Eastern cities lor their slocks of Dry Goods,
would do wetl u> cell, as a r&ndid comparison of pri
res would in msny eases result in the conviction tuat
ihe expense of going further may bv obviated by buy
ing in Pittsburgh. spdfl
WR. MURPHY coniiiiucs to keep on band a full
• anomsoiit of the Welsh Unprintable Flan
nels, and has recently reoelvcd a supply of tbe Oner
qualities. AI«o Rwau«do\ya flannel*; « scarce arti
cle end well adapts for the wear of invalids, and
nthert wanting soraell ing warmer than usual. Also,
Frisian and liga*e Flannels for Infants wear; to
gether with a full supply ol American manufactured
Kißimels, of different qualities* Also, SHROUDING
FLANNELS, of all tbe different widths,al iho North
East corner of 4th and Market sir.
Wholesale Rooms up itsirs, where Jealera will
slways.find a gpqd qssor;meu; of new style goods,
WR. MUnpilY invites the stirntion of buyers to
1 his present choice stock of Frinti at U 4 cents
prr last colon and newest styles.
Also—Ncwe*t styles English Cainties, from tffi to
tel rents.
Ai*o—A fall assortment of smsll figured light Prints
and Cbmtrcs, buff, blue, pink, Isloek, porple, orange,
Ac. IL/'Wholo.ale Room* upstair*. jsitlrt
CtAi.JCDES— lit cases, fast colors, at •Hfi . ro i , “ Bf
I nrtce Ifc janlU A AJIAMOIV A Cl»
BLUE OHEOKS-1 case very <*Ǥ t h, ?A"f l SSf
jest ripened by SUACKLt.IT i WltlTK,
j5,,19 U:*__Wood«^rrti^_
BLACK SIL* I.ACKS. including a frw piece* 0
jlSt' l,u ' ou “ i ' “ “"W* atm-UY*
14, 1850.
INFALLJBLK for renewing, invigorating, and bean
tyAine.Uu: Hsur, removing Dandruff, ami all
affection* of ih« Scalp, and coring Eruption* on the
tffcin, Dltcaaca of the Glands, fijusclei and lutegn
meals, and relieving Stings, Cuts, llrolses,. Sprouts,
& c With lii« preparation, “there is uo such
word as fail." The firsijouraais in Amdriea, medical
men of the highest eminence, protmncnvcuiiens of all
Drofesrionvand ladles who hire uswl t for yearsm
their dressing rooms and narwries, admit witn o«e ac
cord, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, laiurianeo and
con iothe hair, eradicatingteurfand dandroff, heal
inc wounds, earing contusions,:sprains, stings,fte.,
and relieving diseases of the skin, the gjunds, and the
muscles it has no equal among ths
pounds advertised in the puhUc prim*, •» u»*l
vate practice. In'eheapneM as well nstfficacy, l>or
state the skin, and the Uirwhlchdraw*
from this triple envelope It very eto-e., AU discuses
of the hair originate* in tbo skin of thd head, 1* fhe
JU ,ro «lo K ,d,or If*, btooa
other fluid* do not circulate freely through the email
vessels which feed the roots wtthmoisture
lile to the fibres, the result U acurf, dandruff, •heading
of the hair, grayness, aryness, mad bareeness of the
ligaments, and entire baidncit as the case may be.
Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the riteop*
heious, and the torpid ve*sels, recovering their activ
ity; will annihilate the di*rase. _ . .
In all offccuon* of the skin, and of the substrata ot
muscles aud iu’.ejotnenu, the process and the eilecl
are the same. . , ...
It is upon the:»kin, the mnseulsr fibre, ana tne
glands, llni the ‘J'rieopUerous lias its specific action,,
an t in all affectialis and injuries of these organs, it I*
a sovereign remedy. •
Sold, in large bottles, price t!S cents, nt the principal-
Office, |J>7 Hroada ay, N. V.
' ILTForsaie t»y
RNOW nit mcii who arc sick aod ulflieted with dis
ease of the bladder and Kidnejs, with rbeuma.iv
p.iiia ui bock or liipbr, stiff joi'iu, nlit Mjret, ruuotng
uiitrt, 4c, that ihc>* can l»c cured by ttkiui* too Pe
troleum! Vcb tflly t i«lk nbom its being a nostrum a*
n och sn you Out this docs hot make it so,- for
we proclaim m tin: lace of an honest community, (bat
it has virtues wfcleti ‘re not contained in any «U»er
remedy. ‘Hi® man who is racked with pain and suf-
Jeiing Irom d'seaie, can tor fifty cent*, get relieffrom
any «.ftftc illfc ennnmeroted above. Render! it cost*
v-ry Hatpin make auiil. Twt Petroleum Is no mix
ture—nocorapond, pat op for the purpose of imposing
on ihetoMßinanity; but ilia a nm-cy elaborated by
the matter hand of nature, and babbles op from the bfr*
»om of our mother rartb in it* origiaal parity, and of
fers to auffenaff huraam y a ready remedy, a certain
and cheap cure. . . . , ,
It hat cured Piles other mediemsa here failed
lo render any relief.. It has cared Rheumatism of long
Handing, and of the Worst and most pslaJot charneter.
)i ha* cured Cholera Morbus by one or two duvcoj.u
has cared old cases of Diarttuu, in which
remedy but been of no avail. Asa local remedy •Itv
barns and scalds, It is better than anv mediqa* com-,
pound or-omimenl that we know «.f. it will care chil
blains or /rooted feeu hi a few applications; U'Mouot
ed tctumjtiy ein be famished «. ihe tints
ro the above sutouie.nby caUing ou Samuel M. htcr,
Oanat Batin. 7>h street; o. either of the aaenta. • •
Reyser St McDowell, comer ot Wood strict iuiu,
Virgin Alley; It- E. Metiers, 57 Wood sired. U. A. El
liot A D.-OL Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents. >
jar.3l ; __ j .
A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has engaged
with a young man of the name ofS. P.‘Townsend, and
uses his name tn pai op a Sarsaparilla, which ie«y
eall Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, denomluaunß it
GENUINE. Ongitial, etc. This Townsend u no doc
.tor and never was, bat was formerly a worker on Tai*-
roads, canals, and the like. Yel he assumes Urn m e
Of Dr. for the purpose of gaining credi t fo*jjj>at h« t*
not. He is sending out card* headed Tr.cka of
Quacks,” in which ho says. I have sohtlhe use of my
name for S 7 a week. 1 will give S. ?. Townsendl s2**
if ho will prodaea one single solitary proof of tot*-
TUU to to caution (lie publle not to w deceived, and
Dr. Jacob Townsend’* SarsapariUa, bating wit we
Old Dr.’s like ness ,Jiii family coal of arms, and ins *l5-
116 '’'““jicOBTOW.NSP.KD.
Principal Office, 102 Nassau st, New York City.
old Docroa
jiCOB fK|'‘* OVJISE!,Of
try tub - . OXTfULtI
Old Dr. Townsend U now about 70 years of age. and
has long bees known a« the AUTHOR and DISCO
SARSAPARILLA," Befog poor, be was compelled
to limit ils-snanufacture, by‘which menus It baa been
kept o«l of market, and too *alo* dreutEreribed to
those only who had proved Us worth and known tls
value. This Gian ajt> Papjga!.i.tT> ptWßA'no* »
manofoetared on the largest • *cci«, add is calicdfot
torotwboauhe length and hfeftdto ofthe land.
L'uuie young 8. P. Tuwniend’s, it Improve* with
age, and never changes, bat for the belterj because it
i* prepared on scientific principles by a sctentlSc man.
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and toe latest
discoveries of toe Art, have nil been brought Into re
quisition in toesaonuractore ot the Old Dr.’s Sarsapa
rilla. Tlie Sarsaparilla root,itia well known to med
ical men. contain* medicinal-propertifs, ar.d pro
perties vyhich are inert px teciep*;' and others, which,
If rtlaineii y* piepiringitfor use, produce fermenta
tion and acid, which h injurious to toe system. _ Some
of toe properties el SarwptmUa ere so volatile tout
they entirely evaporate and are lost in toe prepara
tion, if they are not preserved by a seicatifio process,
known only totoosc experienced in its uumufaetpre.
Moreover these volatile principles, tyiiieh 8r flJfiu va
par. or oh ekjuilwihia,' difdcr heat, are toe very es
sential meilicai properties of toe root, which gives to
it all its value. The
it *0 prepared; that all toe inert prai>erties of toe Sar
aapartJta tool are first removed, every toinr ersabtc
of becoming acid or of fenoeueiture. ii «*V*«tv4 had.
rejected; then cv?nr &vpcte ofmcdkil virtue »> roes
red in a pure ;rfnn bfeneetatrated fora; and thus it is
rendered [hdapanle of losing any of its
beating properties! Prepared ta this way, it u maue
. toe moft powerful ageot in toe-
Hence the reason whv we hs*r t,o#UStfUlal«m* dr
every tidd in l}s tutor b* idea; Woacu and chhdreh.
We'find it doing rs in toe can of CoueumpUop s
Dyspepsia, ami Uvet Complaint, and in Rheumatism,
Scrofula and Piles, Cos.iveoess, all Cstaneoos Erup
tion*. Pimptra, nioiches, amlalUurcuons arising from
It possesses a marvellous c IFenc? iu «U cotaplamu
arising from U)dig«-r;iou. ft'Au Ability ofthc Stomach;
f-cm unenwai circulation, determination of blood to the
head, palpitation of the heart, cold feel and eold.har.ds
cold chili* and hot dashes over the body. It has not
had its equal in cough* and colds; and promotes ensy
expectoration, anil gentle parapinuioiH rdasiaj .uifl
tare of tie lungs, throat, and every part ;
Rat in nothin j Isiu ereeltrn;e more maniicstly soon
and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of ;
It works woudersin cases of Uuor albus or whites,
Failing of the Womb.Obstrueicd,
ful Menses, Irregularity of the m?nate**i periods, and
the tue; and is epical ia curjofl au forms of the Kid
ney SitJasea: UJ IcmhViag obsiractions, and regula
ting the general kyuem, it gives tone and strength to
the whole bodv, end cures aliform* ol . I.
and thus prevents or relieves a variety of other
diseases, as SpinM Itriuuon, Neuralgia, St, Viits
Dance, Swoohriig, Epileptic Fits, Convulnous, Ac. |*
not this, thru, TUB AIKPtctHK Toe rR*-K:tfi7tiTrtT Nkti?T
But can-any of these things hesaidotS. I'nwh
scad's lulerior article? This yrjri liquid is hot
because cf tii* Uraiin Fact, 'hat rite one is iccnoahle
of Deterioration and NEVER SI’UILS, while Ute oth
ler DOES; it 1 soars, ferments, aud blows tlio bsttks
containing it Into fragments; th# sour, tcui liauid eix*
ploding aud damaging other gawds! Most not this bdr
nble compound U poisonous to the system? Whhl!
pul acid into a system already diseased with acid!
What eaosea Dyspepsia but nciu? Do we notall know,
that when (rod soars in oar stomachs, what misrlucf*
u pnvJnces?-flatulence, heartburn, hfme
heart, liver complaint, uiarrfcs. dysanWry, cholic ahd
corruption of the lilaod) Whit uderoruta hut *n ad id
humor .a the Body! What pitnluce* *ti the hunnir*
whieß bring oh Erupuon* of the Skin, h.ald
yalt Rheum,Erysii>cla*,White bwellings.
nml all ulcerations internal and external? 11 iq noth*
m< nndcr ueavcp hut an add substance, souls,
ami thus spoil* ail tho fluids uf tbe ooi?. mote or le*s.
What cautcj Hh:uida'r«m but a soar'acid fluid, which
insinuate* iuoif between the joints and elsewhere, ir
r.Uling and tnflamiug the lender and delicate Usiuc*
opou which it nets? Bo of nervous di«- re», of Imj.u
nty of tl:o blood, of deranged ami nearly
ait the tu'mccit which ataict ficrr.uikititure.
Notv, is it not horrible lo dtJ*. .iud sell, and inHiiite-
Iy woue to use tW
and yet he would fain have it understood that 014 Ja
cud Townsend’* ticuuuio FitfsuPSrtiUii, U an-
Imitation of his inferior pren&mtta&U
Ile&vtf} forbtjl th;\t t?e would deal in an article
whioh w*j,id V-nr uio moil diatom resemblance to S.
(' Townsend'* anlcl*! and which should brlit?down
upon the. Old Ur; such n mountain loan of complaints
and erimiuation* iron) agents tvbo have sold, and pur*
chaser* who have esed S. P. Townsend’s Fermenting
Compound! ,
We wish it understood, because i\ is the absolute
truth, that 8. P. Townsen, 4 ’* enisle and Old Ur. Jacob
Tow&sciid's £a:sivj»*riiia arc hcttveifwidc apart, a-d
infinitely lihsimUah that they are unlike ui every par
ticular, Laving nut one stogie tningnt ceinmun.
It is to arrest Irnods upon the un'otluna.e, lo poet
balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in thr
despairing bosom, to restore Ueultli and Mojuj.oml vi-
Bur Uito the crushed ami broken t;:;,d h* banish )a!ir..ti;
i)— that old DILJMK*U iO'VNSMNDhassUbt.MI
and FOUND ine opportuniiy ami means tu bru>g ln«
Gi*S»universal comokn ruA run REuiti.y
within die reach, and lo the knowledge of all wnc
need it, that they may l«yirn ami kusw, by joyiulci
oericnce, iUTßAf«scn.vt»ksr rowsa ro
For sale by J. KtDU fc CO.WhoWale A«rnt fat
Western Pennsylvania; 4- SMITH, Uirmlnslia-u. Dr
J. SAKUKAtsT, All««neiiy; Ur. J. C.\*3i.J.U FttU
Ward. 0. W. OARDNEHjUh ward. _simi_
LIVER COMPLAlNT.—Anolhcrcnre performed bj
utiog the onguiat, only true and Liver
AJtut)FCt, tftaV" <**., htarch «0,1M7. I
Mr. lUK. Selien-Jn April Ujimy wife wa« auack- ,
ed wilt. Ltver Complaint*, and h-ul ilia advice of two
pin iiciaun, who tried various rnnedlM wuboot pro
ducing any *ood eject. Having beard of your celo
mic! Liver I’illv, l concluded t» Rive them a Taif
mal I purchated ooc box of Mr. Seen,of Ab«;dieo,
and uave uinn according to the by which
the vr«« greatly relieved. \ purred a •reomJ box,
which ciiurcly cured U»r, and she now enjoy* exce>-
leni hcalii, i Have used turm ray»ell,nnJ pronounce
them thffbe't family medicine I ever tried.
Vooi*, he.. M**»m H&uur.
Prepared and »o!d by IL E. SCIXEttS. 5“ Wood it,
told olto by Drufß** l9 generally lathe two eUW.
View of Pittalmrch.
MT VIEW will be put'liabed la as tbona tim*
possible; and I cm assure my subscribe!*,
and Utr public generally, ihatit«ball i*-d-eiios
liotb in fidelity r( detail und beauty of rxceution-lo
any ether whatever. Let those who doubt, wan a fc*
week* undsee. K WiUTEFIELO.
N*w Voax, Pec. Sth, Idifi.—
1 Gultara,
AFEW*very fine GUITAR?, )n<t ree’«l from the
celebrated manufactory of.C. F.. Martin. ami fu
tale by ' ilnfl J, 11. MKI.LOK.BI Wood «t.»f
ROLL UUXTKU—Id btoU HI tmj order, tor tat- ">
iaiihi • WM UaUaLEYA «.o
GUEIr.N AIHT-E»—Sttm4i (good winter) fonal'by
Jcidd’a Medicated Llqold Cutlcl*.
THIS is undoubledly toe best prepar*Upn everdis
covered, tor dressing Barns, sealds. Cats, Chil
blains. Braises, or any kind of fresh wrfands, also for
•ore N ipples a remedy nnetjnalfd. ’ .
This sniole it intended for family use, and should be
found in toe possession of every family tn toe land.
Mechanics who are in constant danger ofinjaryto
their persons through aerident. and to* improper or
careless use of tools, will find this artiele to be invalu
able 10 them, and after a fair trial wilitoosider it in
It is an ezeellent substitute for adhesive plutar of
all kinds, witoootanyof Its inconvenienees, and it so
medicated as to allay all pain immediately and most
A very little applied anv where on toe surface of the
•kin, imjpediately iorms a firm, acaooto costing, very
similar to ton natural cuticle ot outer ekin; whiehmay
be freely’ washed with wateraitd soap, without any in
jury lo toe wound. !
Ibo artielo is freely used and hlghlv Recommended
by toe most ctoineni physicians oi New England, and
other parts of toe country.
For sale o.vlt by It F. SELLERS; 57 Wood st
IETN. B—The trade supplied aitoemanafaciurer’s
prtees. feM
ro* tbi mswovau un> masunevr cc« or aix suusb
aamno raow a* usrvas szars or the blood
Scrofhla or King’s Evil, Rheumatism, Obrtinato Cota
oeous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face,
Klotchrs, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm
nr Ter,er, Scald Head*, EnlnrgemeatiuufPaui of
the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie
Symplons, gclatira or diseases
- arising from an iniudieroua use 'of Mercury, Aci
utesor Dropey, Expos ore or Imprudence in Life;
Also— Chronic Conrtitutiucal Disorders, Ac. >
i intuit preparation are aironfly concentrated all the
Medicinal propemr* of Sarsaparilla, combined with
the most effectual fttdt, the tno«t salutary production*,
i Uic ooet potent aimpieb of the vegetable kingdom; and
U bos been to fully tested, not patlem.Mhem
lielees, bat nloOuy physicians. that It boa received
1 their anousUfted recommendation* and the approha*
lion of ue public; and ha* csubl : *’ied, on its own
a reputation for vaunt and utticact far sapo*
r:or to the various compound# leariug the home of
Saretporilla. Diseases have been cured, tuck at are
not funuihed Dt the records of ume pul: and What it
has already done for the thousand# who care aaed It,
it if capable of doing far Ue millions still s tillering and
ftrfljfcffUß# wth disease. It purifies, and
strengthens the fountain springs of lift; and inftisei
new Vigor throughout tne wnole animal frame.
The following striving, and—as will be seen—per*
manent eure of an inveterate ease of dercfhla, com*
mends itself u» *ll similarly afflicted:'
SocraroTT, Conn., J*n. 1,1&45.
Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, tiyiapatky for the ofQicl
| ed induces me to inform you of the remarkable care
; effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the cose of my wife
j She was severely afflicted with the Scrofola on differ*
1 ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were
greatly enlarged, and her limbs mnchawollen. After
suffering over a year, and Ending no rent/ front the
! remedies used, the dlreaao attacked one leg, and be* :
I low the knee suppurated. Hor Physician advised it I
i thon'd be la}4 ckb, which was Cone, hut without any j
permansaUbouuit In this situation we beard oC and !
were indaeed P> use. Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The first 1
bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, relict- ,
ing her more than any prescription she hail ever taken;
and before aho used six bottles—to the astoiiishipent
and delight sf her friends—she found her health quite
restored. It is now orer a year since iba**ur« was ef
fected, and her health remain* gfcpi, showing that the
disease was thorougbre from tko system.
Our neighbors au snowing to these facts, and think
very highly of Sands’ Sarsaparilla.
Ybart with respeet, JULtUS PIKK.
. Ki tract from a latter received from Mr. N. W. Mac—
ns, a gentleman well known in Louisiana cts., Va.:
‘•Geotlcmco, I have cured a asgro hoy .of mine with
your Sarsaparilla, who was allocked with Scrofula,
aftd of a aaroiulous family.
“Yc*" ■ •*’■**■'
"Van, truly, • .
“Frederick* ll&U, Vil, July 17..1M5."
* Sitra'Biksjltasilla.—lt teem* almotltuar>a*eeM»-
ry to direciancnismto an article so trad
•o deservedly popular, a« thia bulpatienu
often who wiilt ton*e Sartaptiula, are
induct <1 to try wgrtUta* compound* bearing: the name,
but little or none of lUc virtue of ihic valu
•Ue.fiwt and we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit ou our reader# than in directing their aueuuon
to the advertiaeuu tof the Moura. Sang#, in another
column. The bottle bu recemlj heea enlarged to
held a quart, and thoce wjjo pruha realty good article
will find concentrated In lais all the medicinal valae
of the toot, Tke.experience of the as in da hu proved
it; in curing the Tarioa* diaeaaea for which it
is recommended; and el the present time more than
any other, perhupi, i# ihi* modieLne u*eip|, iu prepa
ring the »ysteo for a chango of «aa<st\.—JHoiao Jour
nai.Bept. ldtd.
Prepared and sold, whr>\caaU and retail, by A. B. &
D. SAND 3. DrunjtU and Chemiit, IDO Fallon itreet,
corner W \FtUbitti, New York. Sold alio by Drug
get* apdfcrally throughout the United St&lea and Can
ada. Price Si per bottle; *ix bottle# for 84.
For aale by L. WIIXOX, Jr, B. A. PJkUN*e3TOCK
too, and BDWAODEKND&mOU. PiUaborgh. Al
o. by Dr. 8. SMITH. ldelS-dendiwT
mm wi&tar’s
THE fallowing ardele we cepy grith pleasure from
the. *-Boston Mercantile ■{s&£&*!,* of March, 1519,
ana we hope thqt \( «uy of oar readers-ara.saff&iUg
from ue complaints which it is said wcnre,
(her will speedily a rail themselves oC iM
It was well known tsAfl# years ago that the wild
cherry bark ttH tit'this climate possessed taiaable
qaalities. Indeed this fust wu known 10
the aborigines, and decoctions of tht leaves or bark ol
this tree liu ever been by their physicians at
one of the moat effectual remedies In many s-
This years since, arrested the ananuon of
EU. Wistar, a highly respeetable pruMhioner of Vir
ginia. Ua investigated case the healing proper
ties of the wild ehe^xy—Sealed its effects when adiain
isle red and when in combination wuh other re*
seems. He found that its nw«ral virtne might
he greatly unproved, and by wmbining it with ingre
dients whose prop*sties were all well proved and gen
et ally rtusguaed, a medicine was produced which
consumes a remedy of great import&soo ia pulmona
ry affection* and dis aset of tha chest and ihroal—
ihseases which art; prevalent in our cities
and large tswa*> and often prove fatal, swoUingJhs
bill «< mortality to a much grcater'exient than is the
ease with most others, wohad alntott said all eiasict
of disease.
The genuine WUtv'u Balsam cf Wild Cherry haaa
fac cj Us signature of Uenry Wistar, M.
haiiaiielpbia, and Sandford and Park-en _a finely exe
cuted Bled engraved wrapper. None cUox <i.e *tc»
We are just in of the following roluntary tri*
t" i'," 1 uiTUivc power of Wisteria Balsam of Wild
Cherry, from E. li&fl, M. D., of Mt. Clement, Michi
gan, wbc is a physician o£ high staudiefl,. and an ex
tensive druggist-
f,ji. CLexaitß, Mich., Oet SOU. let!*.
To Ue nfflieted, this may cenity that M.c B. IL>l>
erte, of this village, -three m io*r wc-s after cwtlme
ttcut, was a violent cough oadgici.t
piostrauoti, itr.d seemed battening to UC grave with
fearful rapidity. I advised tor to *aw Wistar 1 * Bslsara
of Wild Ccerry—-ho'dU sa, and with that valuable
m-dicuto alone ;c-j>rad to health, and is now a
living proof of ti.t value of Wiriar s Ua'« ;m of Wild
Cbarty. ** >‘ AL 4
Physician and Druggist.
Rend on and be convinced still further of the remar
kable virtaeiTof Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry:
Messrs. Sandford ft Parkt Gents, As a matterof jus-
Uce to you, and lor the benefit of the public, I would
offer tbe following statement cf a cure effected by your
medtrine, known as yVieur’s-liatsam of W ild Cherry,
in the spring of lbl7 my wife was severely attacked Peripneumonia, or rieansy, resulted in a
deep seated pun in the side, with a se
vere cough: she was aner.acfi by some ot tbe best
p'lVficiaiu in but to no purpose) for weeks
Miib-red, without icllcfi eocghiug incessantly night
-»n4 a-**- T came to the couelusion that all Uy> reme
dies to the physicians could not Itfiy her, atul
*•„ induced to try your Wild Cherry. •Iprocuredone
llollir , mill commeuccil using it according to dircc - -
tioi:>, in-fore tt was all gone—the cough stopped, the
punt la her side l?It her, and with the aid ot anothei
Wile i-lic wm restntu 1 to rsaxEci Inara
sidemuoa of these circumstances. 1 would recommend
it to the public at a valuable nted^ffne.
Y»ur», respectfully, R.N. GA&RaTT.
Gsa id iLroa, AUc&i OqV U 4&.
ilenJ fiibteiag Ttohsimiab.
Of all the cates-Ualbavo been recorded, there are
certainly none equal' o the one first mentioned, which
plainly shows the cur ability of Consumption, even is
some uf iu worst fan is;
Cuows Pm rr, Lake co., Isu Jm«J If, tStt.
i. D Park: Dear ? r, As ( Lny« a deep commisera
tion ior the aiilicteiL pxstwi me to give you a brief
tustoryof mv citation?, anti tbe benefits drriveU from
thou;?of Of. Wittar’s Ualt&m of Wild Cherry.
In July, lb4l, 1 was attacked with a fever n! the ty
phml character, which left tnc in a very dcbibiatstl
state, when tn tf» following winter 1 wti taken with a
sevexu cold, which reduced me to «uuh on extent as to
!ivc me the appearance of ii confirmed cotL-umptioo.
labored under a tavern rough—expectorated a great
deal, »• ud *}» troublcf with cold feet and night sweats.
I also frequently rimed Wood uum isy lunss. I coo*
tinued Li this state, gradually iwiklng under the dis
ease, until January, when » was again attacked
wilh fecer. .My tricuds despaired of *ny lue. and my
pUysseiaas thought I could - survive »*«» » •hof'-Wne-
My extremities, caaectaily my feet, were constantly
"oKtfSS.XI feeHar. UuJ.rlho.?eu
truly be said that I was • living
skeleton 1 filially determined to quittaking medicine
' leie ihLi *,i- rkhv-irisns. and uy Dr. wtar’s Balsam
SFw! mClwn>/w»d fwm the torsi week that I cam
«*»rLd uiinr it, 1 can dute a gradual recovery. I
mt, ! C ate six mui.ths, st tbo end of which tone
i°«m and Bare eojoyrdgood bealth ever since,
i n reconiniend the Balsam to ull thnye t£-
5 SLd” SiuL. cl lie IW«I *»““ “T “
SSL eonuaene.iig Itaaia, net m be dbcoaraged if two
“iT: botues do not edeet a cure; but persevere aa I
f Ire oous, pad I have bo doubt but mne ; Cares uji of
■ Jr. will to* blessed with renewed, beoith oil have
2.V Respectfully, yours, ' / .
ft. XYII. N'
;IT«vr MtMlpv •*
O LEMUEL; or, Coin* down 18 the Cotton Field; a _»
new »ad very popnlw BJtjopUmBony,M*nM .
by Christy’*Minstrel*, Newport, • Oonipcjed by S. _ >.
C Foiier, E*q-, aalhor of w Unelo Ned.” “o,Satanna, £
dec. |
Nelly wu a Ladr. by S, C. Foster.
Lea Boll—the |annme copjr, by Neljon *«“»:
Speak Gently; » very popular eonm by V. Wallace.
Indian's Prayer; by iheihaihor of J *Bo Kind, Ae.”
Be Kind to the Loved Ope* at Home.
Tbnabasx weeided tho aplnt that loved thee.
' Flirtation Polka; by Suakeseh.
Alice Polka: by Sprang _
Carol Walic by Professor Bobbock;
Aliqnippa WaIUJ “
Auuasta Waltz; Kleber.
La I’ineo do l'erles’ Grand Walts by Osbourne.
The wild flowen aoon wilt abed their bloom; from
the cperaofLoeiade Lunmeraoorj ■
Corum, or May’Bayrin the Olden. Time; by C. K.
H Ewy Variation* to “Tho Last RoooOf Sommer,” by
Tuoa An Gone: song Iron! the opera of Amelia.
The Grovea of Blarney; from Bethoven.
, When the Moon on ibp Lake H Beaming.
' A Voice from the Wares duetto by C. Glorer.
Joya that We’re Teited. _ , _
. Make me nogaudy Chaplet; from Lncrctta Borgia
Low lUekcd Car. • :
Dearest Mae; with easy rariations for beginner*.
Bonaparte’* Grave.
We are Happy and Free.
Fashion Polka; by J. If. Hewitt.
Rec’d and for sale by JOHN 11. MRLLO&,
]ant3 No. g| Wood street.
N. B—A large stork of new PIANOS, to arrive lbi»
BoirUoUandt BaffHellaadl
TASK NOTICE—That W. MeCilnUwk has this day
received wveralr.aocs of the Cn-it aud beat Bulf
Window Holland, to which be would roes: rrsoeetlully
call the attention of his enforcers, and the public in
lE7*Carpet Warp Ilootav 73 Fourth tt ’ jaaSl
Boy*r Cured Bret Koond*; 60 ueree# Sugsr Cured
-Huni—Krtns fc «ale by '
.• |)ao3l SELI.KRSfc MCOLS.
1" iINSEEJJOIL—<u Ulflla rood order.’for *alr by
- piecca Yucoif lUms.
X> fit© “ * Side*.’ ’
fiui “ Shoblera jail from >.iooko
hoane for »aJo by
15 kf »A*ro»trcl, forrala lit
g 4 Wood street.
INSJ.EDOIL—jObKforniUJby.' ¥
CIIEE3E-3CO bxji \V B, ia core sod,for sale by
,su» 8 fc W HARBAUGH
POTATOES—SO In Reda, in atore and for aele by
YTrOOL—3 seeks u core end for sale by
)ORK—I3O9 lb* Buk,jusl ree'd and.for rale by
CHINESE VERMILLION—3O lbs Jnsi ree’d end for
■elcjiy JanSO J KIDD da OQ, CO Wood »t
SAND PAPER—3OO ream* (Smith's patent) In store
end for gale by . jingo , - J KIDD ACO
OLIVE OIL—IQ baskets for sale tor
' JQUOBICE— 50 lb* (refined) itutree’d and for aelo
JLi_by jenW . • J KIDD ACO
HARLEM OIL—3 groa* (genuine), on hand end
for gale by jaoSO J KIDD A CO
NO. SUGAR—CO hlids (neiretop.) ju*t received
, and for sale by A CULBERTSON,
janiP __ _ ,US Liberty it
' 6. MOLASSES— 00 bbls (newerop) jut ree'd
.1 1 and for sale by A CULBERTSON,
'146 liberty at
RICK-0 tierce* (new erop) ja*ireebTand tor sale by
BOLIVAR fire BRICR-33.PC0 la .Core and for
ulo by _ _ JoA3t_ HER A JONES
MACKEREL— 10 qr bbla No t, exbal for aale by
jnn3o h., i ; ISAIAH DICKEY ACO
7 JRE fc WATER PROOF PAINT—« bbU Mineral
? Paint, foi 'aalc uy
CANDLES —10 bzi Sun f: v
6 “ Sperm; ? - .
23 “ Kiearine; : " ’
20 u Dipped; foi aale by
CViEKSK-ioo bra Cream:
l 70 “ Engiisn Dairy; •
So u Common ,-*• fot*»!ebx
/I F.RMA.N CLAY—IC en«tt* fori>atc ffjr
UvUu 500 U lbs Bacon Sbboldon;'just rcc’d on
consignment and for sale by . ‘ I
CJ UNDRIiS—in gtos» «mM Pocket Books;
O SD “ - Vane*: * < * •
SOdoz . u Port Monk*; tpc’J »nd
teW C YEAGER, 108 Sceood#T_
GOLD it SILVER WATCHES—A largcfraaortment
' mway* eakand, ai wholesale, by": .
febt O VEAUER. 109 Market at
'ADDER—I,3OO Iba avperir«ia*LmPd, for aale by
. feb4 /KIDD fc CO. CO Wood at
I?LOUR SULPHUR—COO lb. for tale by
f fcb4 ■ J KIDD A CO]6o Wood M
CREAM TARTAR—OOO lb* inlawre and for aale by
feb4 J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood at
CHLORIDE LIMB-4 AO lbs on handt/or .ale by
fcb4 2 KIDD fc.CQ/oO Wood at
TURKEY UMBER—3OO Ibt for sale by
fob! J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood n
SUNDRIES— 60 tihd* N O Sagar; " '
ISO “ ** Molaaae*;-
16 « 611 “
60 pkg* Y 11, Imp’!, and Black Teat;
4 bblaTnaoiby Seed; 1
16 •' Clover seed; .•
ua “ Fots'oet; 3 bblt Wbiung;
3 “ Madder, 160.000 Ky.Segara;
30 bxa 6’a To!»»cco;
13) rm« Crown ft Med. Wrap. Paper;
. ? aka Ky. Feather*; 60 dot C Broomt;
. 4bdoxWalnalliockeUjlOdodoTnbtj
*0 bit and 0 bblt Saleratu*;
10 ctkt Potuh, prime arucle;
6 “ Scorched Salta; '
2*t • ** . and i*4 bbl» Soda Ath;
U “ and 10 bxa German Clay;
460 brt aas'd Glut, from 7x9 10 94x30;
160 kg* Nail*; 3u kg* Laid;
30 “ Rotter; 20 oot Tow Bag*;
On hand and for tabby tlcb*! TAS3EV & nggT
DA AAA LBS llacoi Should: rJ, In Smokeboute,
andloraabby .
1 1 do iicrmada - do . -do,' belt-garden;
1 do Peari Saga;
Preston 1 * concentrated extracts of Lemon, Vanilla,
and Nuuaer, tor aale by
CHAMOMILE FLOWERS-3 bill for tale by
fobd .. 2 SCHOQNIdAKER A CO_
S^TuaGB —1 oaae Extra Fine;
1 ewe C«mnott)
1 bale Coarae; tor aaleby
SCO A R—6o hbd* NO, new crop, juti rac'd and for
tale by' feba AicGILLSA RUE
*7f OLASBES—N O, in bb'la andkfbbl#,in *t*re and
M tor aaio by faba McGILuS A HOE _
POTASH— 0 casks for tale by ''
febd ; McGILLS AROE_
DRIED PEACHES-ICO bu mTKniratffer sale
by fetoff . MeGILLS fc_*OK_
DRIED APPLES—SO for aale~oo
cotwigumem by -febtf McGiLLS A ROE
r P JiiACOO—Slj^kgTa** r d descrj ii; ns"and brandy
i for sole by fchd AlcuILLWt ROE
pkga iresb Y ll and'liaperikl, for sale by
febd AlcGlliLS fc ROE
einnati, forsale by
McGills a nos
a* bxa pri
O «e«J. ..
JunreeM nsdttfjate by
j tebd UKCYFOGLEfis CLAHKK, ICH find at
Pr-.CYNS— 0 bbU rcc'd on eonsignioeal, aud tjrsale
f e t>j ’ • j? 7 Front street
CLOVER SEED—ttd bbls clean, iandiug and tor sale
febX ___ * Liberty suect
C~ HKESE—FOO bxs in store usd for sale by
fct>3 j ROBERT DALZELL, liberty si
Port,'Madeira, Sherry and Sweet
Malaga Wines, for thle bjr the e«Jk orinquaw*
lilies to sail purchasers, by
nevd ' No 180 Liberty »t
ceived perexpress, at A. k Co b, No
ftj .Martel street, another large invoice of High Color
ed Opera Cloths and French Embroidered Evening
Oreuea. . jan®
Cll. PENCILS—SO gross, us’d, inst ree’d and for
c sale by • janlfi .JXIUDACO
rIN FOIL—iS lbi just rac’d aud iur»«-c
juli l . ~ 1 -■f KIDU Ano
COUNTERPANES. —Colored knd-WaHo
pone*, of handsome f atlerua *nd large
tale W bf janld W R'MURPHY
WbLASSES—I&ObbU pricw i'lutuiien AUlauet,
ai o. k bu. «»;? jtaracuttrais,
b 0,13 IWLibtm*
fo, y CAXnEU>
P^n.E^^>^y |lS g^» nß( , CTß
bd« pnue N. 0.. for mio uy
iiLASS--300bxs, tru'd she*, for aale by
io;t, a prime artiste. Uadiog from
>nu Ri*er, amf for #ala or -
RICH— 15 u
steamer N
UU.M—Aaappiy iMfrrecu *ud lor
»*!« at ibo fUbber-Itepoi, by
"a j&n pmi.upg
TALLOW—; i Lbls la Store aad ids sola by
ja3 !» T " JUCAftFIELP
k>COßClUNG£—*es*ks IU storo sad lot sslrby
oUUAtt A. M jLASSfc*—ll> bU*piiffi'e N OBarsr.
O Inetrtr^s)
•• CCOtblspritoeMOMalm
-3 - os. (new erow)
CIKAC Kl4Sli?— l3 outs jot uue by, ■. x-l
J jsji-1 <*■**
Tk\y— ju«i rerencii •» tHpcßvitai o£Cre*a saS
Black Teat, aad (tt tale bf ■■ .
• , :
I*n2l '" ■ • —’■-■A- MS liberty It.
usm saAP-239 nieNot; Crav c tsaS, to riak bj.
■••Et-*’ loj>x»Hfse, »mtre mdtartalabyj;
4 U!EKS£-'iM
\J juiis
D ALEUATUS—7i bin and lOeaxkf'rt* aale by
.'O.iaalS [ m \' i H CANFIELD
_ ..:-N . . _