MISCELLANEOUS. : “ ~SOOKS< BOOK!I .. inform'd lithe FKKSBYTKRIANfcOOK BOOH, ' iSSw Wood atieet, Md frr aale atEaitentprieec Townsend 1 * Arrangement -/SSmhS. of the ObrUtian RcU rknrch Milton 1 * Treatise on CetUunfl Doc friSuLbeef Jeremiah F.rart*. i'Jtq- UoUnson'i Creek : Harmony of the f»o«p<l** do Rngluh do do, Seou'i Bi : Lie 0 xoi*. Be won edition; Faneha jjhie Gazetteer, laSoEmi if Fro.i«m Dr. Wood’. Ltc. !2SrlnsiStol«.iiil«’i.m. ««>*’• Mi«ioa.ryil..rr. :"oSi“dour -o,k h in .dd.a.o ito the abore, aU airecia. . no .. rrate“’KX*T> i > p F* T^BD UKffIH, - ACEE- T LEGIItfYY.AND VICINITY, will Ins ready for ; {he engraver is 10 day*. Feraeß* who may wiah to hnveTiewa of their eoantry «e*l» pal on the map eaa dooobrmakia**ppl«atioato the nndemgned, any . timo before It* 24ib inat, To defray the ezpenao of the view* nil be rec aired in addition ;to the priee of the bus. tidtlO r K McGOWAN *o the public* | I * BOOTfour yean since, I was traveling through : A the Slate of Ohio; while ipending a few daysla ifittroa, I discovered a" singular Metalie substance, sed atbsequentfy learned that it had been known for | yean. and tapposed to be of no use or value, bat from IIU aallbrsdiy of texture and singular appearance, 1 w*» led to believe ii might be made useful, bat for what purpose 1 had not the least Idea.- 1 commenced S’ experiment* by burning U, boiling iu, and palver* ag it, and compoaeding it with ranoa* aabslanecs; and oo strong vu tay confidence thtUbere waa value la It,- that ! gave np my entire time and mean*, tn the . ptoeeestion of those experiments; and Troo that time to this, l have attended to soother business; at the ex* plrutlon of abouitwo yean, I finally discovered, that, by reduetsg it to a fine powder and mixing It with lin seed oil toabqut the consistency of thick paint, and applying this eon pound with a brash, that this coating is a few would beeotao a perfect stone or elate} aothat the substance wbenappuedwa* actually slate In a liquid state, and the large amount of siliea, ■taaun* | «n*rn»,ia »nit Mf koviue of iron that It con tained, rendered it boin weather and fire proof; as the longer exposed, the harder and more permanent It .seems to become,- snd os tae coating lifter it tarns to 'Stale) is of itself indestructible by fire, consequently it .protects the wood covered with it from the air, and when there is no air, there It no blase or combustion; the relore the wood will actually char, before the slate cowring will give way. 1 considered the discovery of the greatest import* aoce, and applied toUovernmentforapaieslformy snw»*4on or discovery, fondly hoping-that l icould now be remunerated for all my outlay in lime and mo* aey. The government, without any hesitation, grant ed to m 6 Letters Patent (or the sole right to manufac ture, sell and use my improvement in ihe manufacture of a "Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Arti ficial Slate,” fir fourteen years. Anglin 14, ib49. WE, the inhabitants of Shiran, hav eed the above statement of Mr. Uluke, and believe ho be substaa* tially correct, u we are knowing to nuist of the state- Bents therein contained; and we will farther state, that wn do not believe that mere ever waa a patent more honestly and laboriously earned, or more deservedly granted; as be panned his experiments with the mmt /ndomiiabto perseverance under the most discouraging dreams lancet, as the public hsd not the least conh daneo that there could be any thine valuable made from the substance, lie therefore had to encounter for yean the Jeers and tcolls of nearly the whole commn nlty. Notwithstanding all this, bo wat indefatigable in the prosecution of his experiments, and we do not believe that there is one man iuathousandwho would have persevered under all the circumstances. Bat he has at last triumphed over all obstacles, tail we be lieve there is now bat ono opinion in awarding bun the merit of this valnablo discovery, l GLO. W. CRANE, •) Justices of HORACE GIBB, > the JONATHAN EVERIIARD, 3 Pe»«. » LEWIS a C HATFIELD, 1 Trustees R. W. MILL, > m Of BENJAMIN JONE, 4 Township. WIL EVERETT, Township Clerk. ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I have ascertained that there are Individuals engaged ' In diggthg, grinding, and preparing for sale, the above mentioned Mineral, to be mixed with oil, nnd used pre cisely as 1 u*o my patented artiele. I navebeen to those persona and shown them uy patent. They say they do not intend to infringe or trespass upon my , rights; that they have a right to dig, grind, and tell the powder, if they can And purchasers; that they are not bound to know what they are to do with itj that It u no infringement antit it is mixed with tho ©U to make the compound; «md that those who buy, mix and use it, must toko the responsibility. Most of them say that they behove that the patent Is good against those that mix and use the compound, and some have said that what they wanted to use they should eenainly purch ase of me. as they did'not intend u> make themselves liable in any way. Now I feel myself in duty bound to expose this barefaced fraud upon the public; as I eon call It by no milder name, where a man sells and re ceives par foT an artiele, the use ofwbiehbe well knows subjects the purchaser and user to a prpseeu . tion and dne. Some of those who ore engaged in this nefarious traffic, will unquestionably contend tome publie that my patent will not stand, and that i dare not prosecute. Now, to take this argument away from .arm, I went to some of those who were proclaiming that my patent was of no value, and made the follow ing proposition: that they mlghtseleciajudgeacdtwo lawyers who hava had some practice in patent cases, and we would submit tho paten* to them, aud If they decided that the patent was good, tbatthey should stop all farther proceedings in the business; but if they , should deeine that it would not, in their opinion, hold, I would agree to let them go on and sell all they could, without saying any iimig to the public about them. This proposition they would not accede to. So far a* the validity of my patent is concerned. I do not de pend entirely upon my own judgment, although 1 have ' the foiled confidence in it; bat I have submitted it to •' many of the judges, and several of the 'most eminent patent lawyer*, who have, without exception, decided tbal in their opinion it was good, awl would proiectme in my discovery. I grind the artiele to n fine power, and pat it up in barrels, the wbiekare marked: m ßuiks , s Fatxxx Fax aio Wuran Fsoor abtitsisl Siaix." I therefore give notice to all who buy and use the above mentioned mi neral for the purpose set forth in my patent, except from roe or my authorised agent*; that I.shall bold them to a strict accountability, and. ■hall commence suits at law against those who thus infringe upon toy right. WM. BLAKE StfABOS, Medina Co, 0., Ang. 14,1819. njTWOTQNB of the above Fire and Weather Proof Artificial Slate on hands and for sale. The above we can recommend, for we have been using it tor some 4 years, and know it to be whut it in m forth in every particular. J. A 11. FHILLIPtVAgt. norffiOm No 5 Wood a EXCELS I OK! F. H. EATON & CO., 80. fill Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Have now in Store their full assortment of Tiimmicgs, Glovu, Hosiery anil Lace Goods ADAPTED to ffitf wants of every elus* of Merchants nnd Consumers. No pains hove been spared to present the newest and most fashionable style of Goods in their lure. Their slock consists'in parioflhe following: _ * DRESS TRIMMINGS. Ftlnrss and. Gimps, of every - Variety; new stylei figurea Galiooos Algerine and Imperial Druids; wide 'and narrow Stla and Wonted Embroidering Uraidi figuted and cut Velvet Jlibhom; plain do doi Cordm Mantua and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimtoing; blark white and colored Silk Luces; extra wide do do, foi Bounces; with a full assortment of Dress Dutton* Dresses Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. Embroidered Lure and Muslin Capes, Chemisettes, Breakfast and Return* Capa and l|alf Sleeves, FVeneh ■Worked Collars aad Cads, in great variety; L»ee Veils, Lappets and Opera Ties; Mourning Chemisettes, Col ianTbuffs and Half SleeTet; Linen Laarn lldKfs plain embroidered and bemsiilched do, plain Linen do, real thread Laces and Edgings; lm. do do; Bobbin, ; | f i4fr Lace Muslin and Cotton Edgings and luseriings. SONNET TRIMMINGS. Bieh near atyle Bonnet Ribbons, French Faee Flow rn>, BooneC'/siis, Velvets, Ba'ins and Florences, SUk Ulßcioiu and ifuieious, Bonnet Frames and Tips. £W GLOVES. Beit BUUUiCietaic, jnotx ipprored Jasteningir did ecu color*. Au extccsjve aaoruacaialway •o bead. HOSIERY, A mat variety of Silk, Wool, CoUojj, Merino and Cashmere, for Ladies and Misses; Tartan Haul*, and a mil assortment other styles fancy and plain Child ren’# Ho»e; newest style* Infant*' Boot* and Sock*; Gents’ Grampian, Vigonia, Merino, Cotton and fixe Wool Ualf Hose. GLOVES. A fall assortment for men, women and children, among which arc Derby Bibbed, Folosellc and . plain 1511 k: ribbed and plain Cashmere: Chamois Lined Ber lin: Cutimere, Alerino, Fur-lined Bearer, heavy and ' fine Bnekskia, Military nnd Lisin Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS , gacb a« Ladies’ ami Children’* Hoods, Children** Woolen Sack*, Knit Scarf* auditoa*. Children’* Gait ers and Long Mill*, Worsted Caff*, Knitting Worsted* and Woolen Yams, California Comfort*; also, fine Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies. LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. Zafcvr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvass Patterns, Hess Mid fciinb’g tills, Bristol and perfd Boards, Pa per Mower Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidies, umi Km- Ereldered Work. Also—Lucie* - S'lk nml Merino \e»ti fiyl Drawere; Embroidered Sacks aadPlaunels, French WotfcedCapsond tt’aLu (or Infants; and Swan's-down Tunualnra. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Mae Shirts, Cravat* and Collars; Merino, Silk and Cotton Wrappers and Drawers; Hnspeoders, ShuFdrr Braces and Dressing Gown*; Silk and Linen Hdkis; Gloves and Hosiery. COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. French patterns carved and plain Shell Buck Combs; Buffalo ud lm. do; Shell sine and Combs; Im. do; Buffalo. Satin and Boscwood liair Bru-hrs; Shell, Buffalo and Lug. Horn Dressing and ban ivory Combs; with an assortment of Hail andTceUi Broshes. WctheulTs "Gold Modal” perfumery. VAUIErY GOODS. , Needle*, Pio*. Tape*, ' Steel liax» asdPaiie*, Bottonraod Steel floods Berlin Wire Bs*Veu, | PttnsTiristuil Sewing*, f-ii.e BoecwuoJ peekiand Coat lltadiags k. Galloou*. Fancy W'ork.liatkets Cloak Cord and Taijeli, ronT»lio*,-i'apienret and | Jltiad fc Shade Trimming*, Ladle*’ Stationary, & Uanacr T**ieU, French Cork Solce, dJr»ohte«r , » PniißeS Silk t Giug’m Umbrella*, ! 2Jaf Aioett, atf'd widths Paper Maitiaai Hollands, : y./ij»*h till Cloths. . Bailie Uanil* & Webbing, ! ! Fil'd Cbiatf Binding, Cor*et aud Shoe lmeet*. • TCTFi^^Airp/ 0.,.1»KTa»l UAityKTa!!—Kcc'd Uniuay.at VV.a«‘- tyintoek’* Carnet Warehouse, No. ?j fourth it, & fartheraa|>ply of Carpal*,'of U.e lateit ud irmuop. i nf«ved styles, to wotcli u-o invite the attr.uuoo ol : Sefskltoatiaeil, tutd those wishing to Jantuih House n Ha eaJl undeiajaiite the largest tumrimeut imho cur, , —are frill tell cheaper, than ever Ireture oifrred in (he western rpasfcel. W M'CHIKTOOK Jloarnißi Lons SbtvU tttt (l; jtIUUPiIY iii»» icc'd ft supply of the above *V • a*iiele,of Use l«ft yusltiyi ureo'j pla.u Elack lUifeei Loaf Bhawl*; l>lvi iloiabni;uei, Mourning At -1 Persian Ciolfc, black Cobalts, I’sriuciuj, _J. Cashmeres, Mous do Lain* and French .Mcnnot, b.ack Crarsu and Mourning Collars, Mourning lionnet Rib boat neck do, and ft full of Mourning SIi.ES, ' A large assortment, including a few were* very wide aad superior. {layers are invited w lark »t them, »i 1 North East eontet of Fourth and Market »u. - Wholesale Boom* up atairs, where a largo n**ort meal of New Goods has lately been received [it van D& jAVifif» ALTHRATIVK.. W« have been informed by Mrs. Ro*e of aenre ptf fforaedonher byDri Jaynt’a AltoraXlr*,which nrove* iu reperioniy over every oilier remedy of the • Jh*4 She baa been afflicted for the iait sixteen years Sril*'N«Cßo3Edor WHITE 3 WELMNUS, attended with and enfotiaiion of various bonrs.dn naa which urn* Hi arty pieces hare been dire barged from rfca uontftl boftooi toe cranium, from both her arms, ■Tnauasd band* .and from both legf, and from U>e left femora, bo Be. and from the right koee.lws.de*ba«nfßJ ■lwiSßStarr pam of Ur person, which bare baffled ?hn .kiU at a aft abet of tbo moitemrocniphyaicmnsof ilariax most of **> *«*« saferiagsbaTe been exenuaOflf and deplorable. Aboot three moolis S£K»3«lwf»w; Dr. Alarju.c, »hJch kb Ud u iiuMiMutlr tpppy effccl "pod her, hr remorinj «j] p«ln tnd nrcll ciuißf ih. Ml" •"■"D™ wrrenwMheMtl SSSnyfe M .*• OT» rn **°«* /•Wfrrt SLOAN’S COLUMN. e AUtte Medtelae* advertmed by W.B. SLOAN t Wood street, ud JOILN F. SCOTT Lifvcnyrt, Pittsburgh. “"•“ogham, by JOHN a. SMITH. D^AL^IJER Clty ' br * f ENHYP.SCHWARTZ >a Tb« B«|t ud Cbcaptit Horn HadJeln* IN THE WORLD. SLOAN’S OINTMENT AND CONDITION rr POWDER, Hat* tnmtda prat nsmi. Far purity, ITildnm.Baft if,and T\or(,u[knat, SLOAN’S OINTMENT Bixrit And it rapidly superseding all other Ointments.and Liniments new in ore for the core of the following dis cases: Fresh wounds, galls of all kinds, sprains, braise* cracked heels, rtngbone, wind bone, windfalls,. poi erU, callus, spavins, sweener, fistula, si Hast, strain* lameness, sand crack, foundered feel, scratches ot grease mange or horse distemper. - The Pmw.r win tmflwi «niwfl»mfw>,j rn «n4fgrpr .purify the blood, ioooen the skin, eleanae the water and strengthen every part of the body: and h&proved a sovereign remedy lor the following diseases: Distemper, bids bound, loss of appetite, invar* yrilow water. Inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly cal led stiff complaint,) which proves so fatal to many val nable horses in this country. It is also a safe and eer taJnremfcdyforesughiandeold* which generate so many fetal diseases. W. B. SLOAN, Grand Depot,4oLake at, Chicago, Illinois. ' -THEPROGIF. Extraet from the “Galena North Western Gazette.’, By the use of Sloan’s Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have entirely eared a fistula on my horse and otherwise' irooroved his condition more «h"" 500 pc cent, on the cost of the me&cine And a cowwhica was so feeble as to be considered worthless br myself and neighbors,waj restored to good health and strength by the use of less than half a package of the powder, aud-is now doing better than any other cow I have. Small Pox, May 13,1545. WM. VINCENT. THE BUFFERING CHILD. I-hereby certify- that one of ay children, when n> led, fell into a larjre fire of lire coals, and was burned severely from'bead to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was given to the child for foar or five days without'any relief—each day's *afferinrs increas ed till his groans eould be heard at a (treat distance, at which critical period one of my neighbor* recommen ded and presented to me a box of Sloan's Ointment and In less than fifteen minutes after the application . of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the sufforlni ! child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began j to recover. My residence is in Kelt township, Vcr- L million county, and Stateof Indiana. - i ■ : ” • TUEOCO&E L. TAYLOR. BTJIKF. | Chicago, August S 4» IBIS. EXTRAORDINARY CURE April 13,1815. Four miles north of Chicago (on the road to MUwankle,) Cook eoanty, Illinois. • • Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir: One ol my horses had a large bony tumor on his breast bone, immediately under the collar, which lamed him and rendered his services ot very little value.- I fluibfully applied several bottles of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the least benefit. I then procured Wilder’s Celebrated Horse Ointment, and used that until I became fully satisfied that it would never relieve the ■"""■• Fi nally 1. obtained a box ol your truly valuable Oint ment. and in less than'CO days from' lbs first applica tion the tumor entirely-disappeared, and the horse was well. Yours, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth ofaa article, we Invite the incredulous to read at least a few of the many voluntary certificates that appear in oar columns respecting the great variety or remarkable cures effected by the use ol “Sloan’s Celebrated Oint ment and Condition Powders.” These remedies no longer remain among these of doubtfol utility, they have passed from the tide of ex* periment, and now stand higher In reputation and an becoming more extensively used than all othar art ales of the kind.—Mich. City News. WIR HALF na« NOT BEEN TOLD. Fox Rtvta, June 12,1818. Dear Sloan—Sir: Please seed by the bearer a new supply of year Horse Medicines. They are the best articles of the kind that I have ever used, never hav ing been disappointed in their effeet, as I nave bean is the use of others, oven the most celebrated Oiatmeiua Liniments, Ac., of the day. I like very much this fea ture in them, vtx: that they do all that is promised, and upon a thorough trial on* is eonlrained to add, that “half has not been told." Respectfully, M. DUDLEY. The ordinary ointments and liniments it is wal known are severe and partial in their operation.— Sloan's Ointment is mild yet thorough—it reaches and reaoves-the cause, hence it gives real and permanent relict For-purity, mildness, safety, certainty, and thoroughness, Sloan's Ointment excels and is rapid!) rurperccding alt other Oinunenu and Liniments now in ase. WE CAN’T GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. Beesx'i Gbovx, UL, Oct Ci, 1849. Mr. .Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of yam Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore throat, bums, and many other injuries, and in every ease it has surpassed our expectations. As a family Oint ment, I hove never* seen its equal, and for beasts w« can’t get along without it i Yours, ic., { MILES M. JOHNSON. EXCELLENT OINTMENT. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin For a considerable length of ime I was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com plaint. add applied freely the various liniments, palm killers, >!<*., without obtaining any relief. After which your sg. nl at tins place influenced me to try yeui Ointment, and within two weeks from the time ream* menced using it, the pain eeasril, and I was effectually cured, and shall recommend all who are similarly at dieted with the distressing complaint, to procure you» excellent ointment withcul delay. Resp'f yours, OSCAR F. MOTT. Prineejnlle, Peons co n May 1,1848. tD* From the Hon. IL V. S. 'Brooks,' Agent ol the Illinois and Michigan Canal -Paeket (lost Company, i Cmcxoo, Jane St, 134® Dr. W.B. Sloan—Dear Sir: For the last 30 years I have had occasion to ase many horses, and have used the grant variety of liniment* and ointments iu ase, but have never found any thing equal to your oint ment foij injuries on bersee. Within the last two months ll have applied your ointment to some Mi horses, for variqus injures, and in every instance it has pro ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFF. Two miles south of Chicago, Sept. 14,19t9. Dr. Slhan—Sir: On the Sth instant my .son had a fin ger bluer entirely off by* horse. We immediately ap plied your celebrated ointment, whieh relieved bun o I pain in n!few minutes, and prevented the finger from swelling the least particle, and the wound is healing tepidly. ; Resp’y yours, 8. UROCKWAV*. ' DOCTORING IN GALENA Mr.Sloan—Dear Sir About three years ago I was severely injured in one of my lees by TRe falling of a pile of wood which occasioned large ranr.ihc ulcers. Nearly ever)* doctor in-Galenu tried to cure them; but tried in vain, until Ironi sympathy and improper trea*. meni my other leg became as bad as the one original* ly wounded, 1 despaired of ever being well agaju— but in order that I might neglect oo means viihtr my reach, I purchased of your agent iu Galena soa,e of yourointment, and you eanjudge of my surprise ao 1 gratitude better than ! can express it, to find myse ll entirely well!* faro I bad finished using the second br a These fuels 1 make known that others aifiictod may believe and not/elay using so valuable on .ointment as yours has proved to be. RcipT your grateful fr*d, . Galena, HI., DecMO, 1849. EVAN DAVIS. ONLY 20 DAYS. Before the followirur order. Messrs. Vtuphn k. Co purchased a large tupp'y of Sloan’* preparations. Jscxsox, Mica. Feb. 91, le-19. . 8. K. Hibbard—Dear Sir: I am eat of Sloan's Condi (lon Powder nod Horse Ointment.' Tbe saletarex «cib my expectation. If you eon manage to send me ( down Ointment, I will pay for them toe first tnx that yoa are here, presame 1 shall be able to sell a targe quantity in the eoerte'of the year. It wilt be an object to yon, a* well as to myself u> keep me con stantly supplied. Very reip'jr yours, '. • , B.S. VACGHNtCO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER St. L«u, Fob. 12,1M9. Dr. Sloan—Slfi About thro years ago, while rafting on the Missiialppl river, in posting over the was plunged into the water, and by .the raft dashing against a roek, crushing my left lee and otherwise se riouslylujunng me, so much that I lost all sensibility. AVhea eDttscionineas returned I found myself in Sl Louis, surrounded by tuy weeping family. Good nurs ing and aid, enabled me in aboat two months lohobhle around wuh the mssisiaaee of a crotch. Tbe wounds only, partially heated, tearing large rename •ores at the knee, which for many months discharged blood and matter ofthe most offensive character. My pains-were inexpressible, at times my suffering was so great that death would have received a hearty wel come. Fonnuately Mr. Wilson, (oneof my neighbors) advised me lo try your Ointment. 1 obtained a box applied it according in direction—tbe sores soon began to assume a healthy appearance, and in three month* 1 was entirely cured, and enabled to do bard labor. Your obedient servant, HIRAM W. THOMAS. We, tbe undersigned, neighbors of 11. W. Thomas, were acquainted with the ease above stated, and know ini' the circumstances, most Cheerfully confirm said Thomas’ statement. REV J, DOUGLASS, JAMFM WILSON, PCTKRLAiIU. GOOD NEWS. CmcAOo, Jan. Pih, 1819 \V. D. Rloan—Sin One of my hone* was hoof bound and also wounded in the stifle, (nwblehhe took cold, and became so crippled that he could scarcely travel. Uy the free application of your valuable ointment, bis hoofs vereaoon softened and ibe stifle permanently cured. I have also used theOtntmaut io tbe ease of Poll-Evil and on severe puli* wUh eqatl asreesa Un 8 rousted Eager thol wiw very p*'otol, fiiopcra tet) Ijkc a ebaro*. Yours, Ac, A.VaN UUDEN. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Fiona's Ointment aud Condition Powder are ac knowledged by all who have used thgm to be the I e/t remedy for horse* and cattle that has berm discovered. Fresh wound*, galls.fpavins, bruises, ringbone, poll r-vd. and lu short every ootward disorder or Injury can be cured by thia wonderftil remedy.. The Powder l» designed for inward slrains, distemper, hide bound, Tongue from hard axerewe, diseased eyes,. Ac.—Lake County Chronicle. , ’RATHER DOUBTINGLY, BUT- THOUGItT WOULDTRY IT.". Wicxuvrs, Cook Co.Pcb. 13.1849. Mr. Moan—Sir: I have a fine yoang horse -.that wa* taken with the aonucha* last tail. I paJdool about three dollurs for medicine to core him, bat be grew worse. I then bought a box of yosr oifil-orfit at your office when In Chicago lasi, rather doabiisgly, I'Ut t thought I would try iu Judge ofay surprise and my opinion of it* beneficial qualities, when 1 found my hone's legs smooth and well in loajday* from tbs tune 1 commenced applying it. Yourobeilieni, E. F COLBY. FACTS POU THE PEOPLE. More than fifteen yean of unrivalled success in Ihe cure of every variety of external diseases and injuries anrb as svrains, Urui«es,cms, hums, calsiieonserup ttoos. sore lips, sore breast*. chapped bands, chill btnms, lide*, ulcers, corn*, p ftmj jh e back, sides, ct other pans of the system, ratileinike bites, Ac- beuts ample ie.i:mony that SJoao’s Ointment is just the thing for ihe liiHir. Certificate. without number have been received by the Proprietor from dlsintereslcd individu als, giving details oi remarkable cures by its use. I A WISCONSIN WITNESS. - Granville, Milwankie eo. Wi*.. Oet. 11 iota Mr. Slaun —OesrSir: Recently my horkes ranawa* with a jog chain attached, which eut and atherwiM injured seneu*ly, so much re that I eanadnred my team ruine-d for business. Fortunately a friend to. eoranlciidnl tbo n»e of yoor Ointment. 1 went to Mib : waakie and purchased a box. It soon removed Ok inflammation, am! In a fow.dsys die wnarul* healed The great benefit derived from ibo are of your Oint ment, on my horses, induced me io acquaint you with the fact, believing its publicity woald benefit yon and the public. Respectfully yonn, GEORGE COMSTOCK. IT IS 'A POSITIVE PACT, find has become a common saying, that Sloan's Ointment and Condi lion powder are rapidly superse ding all other remedies for all diseases of horses aad eauio. The beamy of the medicines consists intheii parity.and safety, to wic they may bo used ever se freely without any danger of taking cold, or any other injury resulting front their freoaeni use, aad myer fen 19 eve if inuredUeas are followed. frlVwlyS MISCELLANEOUS- EemUAmnnal Bala of Dry Gooda, at rax oxx ram* oon of . A. A. MASON & CO.) TTTILL commence ou New Year’s Day, isso, and V T conunne through the month of JanuaryTcuring which time the whole of their immense establishment, (Including all their Wholesale Rooms,) will he thrown ytn for Retail Trade; slid their entire Wholesale Block will be offered at Retail, on this occasion, at fully-oxt louxTU Ltn that! usual priees. - Thei r Shawl Saloon contains more than 3000 Shawls, comprising every description of Long and Bquare 'Jf®*£9k*»l*. c «shm er e,Br D ehe,Ae. Also, Vizeitcs, Uoaks,ManuUas.Baeks, at on immense reduo* uoa from usual prices. DREJS AND CLOAK GOODS. Their stock comprises more than 1000 pieees Thibet Cloths, Merinos, Pstamrtlas,!Alpaecas, Lyonese, Op era aim Pelisse Cloths, will he sold from flu to 40 per cent, lets than usual prices. Also—3oo pieees rich plain and fig’d SiLliS, redu ced 30 percent. 1 SO esses Cashmeres and De entire new styles. Also—White Goods, Mourning do. Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac. SO eases FI an nets, 70 eases new style Calicoes, 00 ca ses Uleaebed Maslius, HW boles Brown do., TO bales Tickings. Also, Cloths, Cum! me res, Jeans, Cassinetts, Ae, at extremely low prices. Together with an'immense variety of other Goods, making an assortment one of the most extensive Iu the country—all ol which have been marked down at much lower prices than tbfir exiemive annual sale in January lost , , . They invite an early call, as miny of their choicest Goods will bo sold. IrpTte lowest price named otfinL *7an3 A-A. MASON A CO,, 60 Market sl “Norway Plata*” Blankets. ttt R. MORPHY, at North East corner of Fourth W « and Market streets, has lately received a sup ply of the above superior make of Blankets, and in vites those in wont of the article'to look ut them be fore buying, lie has alio on hand Iloma Made Blan kets, a good heavy article, which he is selling low. Auo—Home Made FLANNELS, brown, burred and white, of a superior quality. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to whieh he Invites me attention of buyers.. Jp-*A large supply or Goods'recently opened in the Wholesale-Rooms, up stairs, makes his assortment very fall and worthy the attention of dealers. norl7 ’ Sellers 1 liver fills-was my doctor ,„„ „ „ „ Rutin, Pa., Sept 45,185®. B«ll*f*—Dea!i Sir. I feel it U a duty l owe m the public, as well as totbeereJit of your User Pills, to slate the good effects produced by ineir use in my own case. During the month of June, Ichs, I look very unwell, my appetite failed, and my strength was prostrated, with severe pain in my ride and •houideri. I was told by medical men that my disease was a severe atmek of liver corapialm. I took sere i? 1 of M’Lane’s Liver pills, and tome syrups, which I was told was good for that disease, but alter I was getting worse. I‘ finally concluded to plaee myself under the care of a physician for better of vrotre; but, fortunately, just at this time, I was told by the Rev. L Niblock, otthli placm that a friend had sent him a box of Sellcra’ liver Pilla from Pittsburgh, which had benefited him very mueh. I forthwith sent for a box of your Liver Puls, and by the time 1 was done ttsing them, I was satisfied that it was just Urn medietno that sailed my case. I sent for more, and took fire or six boxes, and found myself almost entirely eared; bat in March lasllesaght a severe cold, which brought back the disease, and in a short time 1 was as ever. I again had recourse to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for six weeks, and occasionally since, and I can now My, that I can now say, that 1 teel little if any sympm* of the Liver Complaint, and my general health Is as good now as it has been ler the hit IU years. My neighbors ask me who was ny doctor. I tell them that Sell#*’Liver Pills was my doctor, and by the blessing or Divine Providence the means of caring me. lam confident that when the publie become ac quainted with the value of your Over Pills, the de mand for them will ineteass. Many of my neighbors, to whom 1 have recommended the pills, can testify to their value, as well as to the facts above slated. Respectfully yours, Gcoins Mojlxl To tss Pcsuc.—The Original, only true and genu nine Liver Pills are_prepared by R. E. Seller*, and have his name stamped in blaek wax upon the hd of each Box, and hi* signature on the oatsido wrapper. ID"All others are counterfeits, or base imitations. spur R. E- SELLERS, Proprietor, 67 Wood st Jaynes’ Expectorant. Batxis, Columbiana e0.,0 n Apr. 81, 1811. DR. D. JAYNES: Dxaa Sou—l feel bound to yoa and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op* portunitr of giving publicity to she extraordinary effect* ofyoar Expectorant onmyself. Having been afflicted for several years with a severe eougn, hectic fever and its eofecemitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger outashortbal miserable existence, mntil the fall of 18X9, when, being'more severely auaeked, and having retorted to all my former remedies, and the pre* ■cripuons oftwoofibe most respectable |!bysieian* in the neighborhood without deriving, any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few days or weeks aj farthest—when the ir.t gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me year Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who does all things in the ase of the means—asd contrary to the expectations of my.pbysihians and friends. I was ina few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by-Uic use of a boule, to attend to my business, enjoying since better health lhaa I had for ten yean previous. Respectfully yours, he., Jss. W. Ereut- For sale in Pittsburgh, at lha Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street mart® MR. ELIJAH EATON’S CERTIFICATE To DR JAYNE.—Tbt* certifies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in Much. 1844,1 was taken sick with the Coosamptioa ot Liver Complaint, and was redaeed so low wuh the disease, that lor four years 1 was unable to attend to my business, either si home or abroad, being for the roost time confined to mv bed. Dunngtne above peri, od of ume, 1 had expended for medical attendance o regular I’&ytieians and medicine*, to the amount of without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1945, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cines, and have taken them mors or lets ever since, and believe that it was by persevering •& their ase, that I can sow inly say that 1 have com .eicly reco-. vp red my health. 1 believe that Jayne's banative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines now ia use. 1 reside in Springfield, Otwja coanry, N. Y n and carry on a furnace sod machiue shop in that plaee, and an not interested in any manner in the sale of the above medicines, and make this certificate lor tbe ben efit of those afflicted. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y_, Sept 18 1845. ja« aI OB FALL OOODBI ~ ALEXANDER A DAY, coincrofih* Diamond and Market street, notify their friends and the public that they have received iheirtiock of FsO and Win ter UOODB, direct from the importers, maaafsetoren and auction* at the east. Their stock of Uew style and fashionable Goods is targe, and present* strong attrac tions to purchasers, in Lsdie* Dress Goods and 9hswls, the moil splendid and Ushje'nutdr Good* <•( the season are i.ow offered, at remarkably low price* consisting in part of the following ; LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. New style Broeha fie'd Camclion Bilks; Co I'd ami Black Batin Du Che act sod Tare Satins; Col'd Cametian Groderhines, of the Lett qnalities; Black glossy Groderiens of the eelebnUed Ksgle manufacture. The above named Blaek Bilks are warranted net to cal in the wear; for dresses end msntillu they ore tb«L best imparted. I Neat £g’d Cornelian Satin Du Chene, the handsomest Silks of the season. New style ilroehn Silk figured French Mennos, a new and splendid article for ladies' walking dresses. Silk Embroidered French DeLaiaes,forurc**esand sacks, an entirely new article. Cashmeres De Laines Merinos Alpaccas and Par mcuoo, ojarge assortment . SHAWLS AND SCARFS’ Broeba Long and Square Shawls of tho bast quali ties. Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs remark ably cheap. ’ Splendid Terkcri Shawls at greatly reduced priees Camelion Brocha fig'd Bilk Sttawls.ia great variety. Crape Shawls, white and colored, in great variety. CLOTHS, CAS3IMERES AND VESTINGS! tjsst Sedan real French Twilled Goths all prices best Sedan real French Castimercs; new style Amer ican Cassimeres; suj>er Satin Vestings. LADIES’ CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Belgian Blaek and Olive Goths, for La dies’Cloaks. BLANKETS! A splendid assortment of American and imported .Blankets at remarkably low prices l DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and complete assortment now fin band.— Blany or our preseul stock of Staple Goods were bought from the manufacturers previous to the present advance in priees. A principal part of our stock of French and English goods have been purchased at the greet Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New York, whtcheuobles us looffer decided bargains in almost every description of goods in oar line of basiacM. Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early examination of our rock and prices. ALEXANDER A DA V, 75 Market m, octiU north srest corner of the Diamond. voßUYkhs vr mtv uiiiiubT' WR. MCRPIIY, at north cast eorner of Foanh • and Market its, is now receiving hi* tetonJ supply for the season, and can offer inducements to buyers (arelv to be met with. His assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS Is very full, consisting of French Merinos, Cashmeres, Coburgs, Lyonete Clotlu, taper Printed French Cash meres, at prices considerably lower than tbey could be bought early in tbs season. His Mock of long shawls Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful Myles now on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Philad’a. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trlm luinjc*. Ac. SACKING FLANNELS, 01 various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered Hlaek Bilk Lace*. Needle Worked Collars and Cuds, Bonnet Satins ana Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers. HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of Uto newest styles, and at lower prices than usual, and rich objngfgble-Silks and Satins, for ,Mar*jllas, fcc • and a large stock of STAPLE AND HOUSEfsEEPIN GOODS, at lowest prices. And »n the gentlemen’s depaitmcni will he found fresh _ FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY COD’D CLOTHS, Block Doeskins, Winter Vestings, Fancy Catsunerc-, Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, fce. . . , , , ore wvtjcc p vjsit the Wholesale Booms, up «ti>ir»- AVKRY WONi)EK>UL. cTittfcf—S fc-L, L, I.KS' 1 VERMIPUOK Msacra, Mercer eo., Pa., SepL 23,1^9. R E. Belief*: Hear Sir. I bought one bottle of l our Vcrraifpge W ifce Iron City Funiuce store.aitliWplace, ami it has performed Vbut we consider flat here a won derful cure 9 n ope of gqy boy* eight year* oid; f,e had been onwellfor some years, *o much re ihst 1 hud Riv en up all hopes of his recovery. I was advised by «»«e of mf nrigbbofß to iry a bottle of your Vermifuge— and 1 Oft uappy to Inform you of ii having the desired effect c( relieving my son. lie passed, m the short space of 21 tout?. Ifll worui*. some of them ing as much o» U aud 14 i«c|>cs long, j fpe| bopud in iu*lice togise you the above aufefiicjil, to us you may make any use of my name that you think proper. Voari, very respectfully, JotUTtun 8. Lmi tn*Prepared and sold by R. B.SELLERS,o? Wood stroeii and sold by Druggists generally in the two clues. notl • , t»*Ab ,^L B , l^EAplr•SßU*^^K o, «*JUUH »v- It ttSp-From jT lfiW‘ »%, CJ.i* of tlae Coart o» Quarter Se-'uons of Beaver countri Mr R. K tellers: Sir, Somo Umo in ih-i winter ray wife wasaflhctcd with aaerereanddiairoMingceoßti, and bearing of yonr invaluable Coojtt Syrup, I par chased a borjle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after lakiaf a poyuoj) of WO or throe eveuinja tin roiiit to bed, she found ii?J»edlila telje/; gs nup several fiienda bare been relieved lu »«re caars- I aa therefore satisfied that itls asafe and valnlile me dicine, and would recommend it lo those who oiay be afflicted with aererecouglia and eolds. . March AS, lb}3. W.K.BOHLN. ICTtfold by £ E. SEI.IsKRS, 67 Wood airoei. mid by Brugaiits generally in the two citiea and vjeinity. dcB IiUJU' catea lllua tad i>nb Fel JC; Cloth*, jun /ec’d amt Tor ante by MUBFHVi WILSON A CO, dotl3 48 Wood at uakLki- mots. DK I.AINS—w, K Mttfpby BM Just ree'4 « lot af iiicb colored Mcua. do Lain*, inch as Cherry,. Scarlet, Ac- ft the low pile© of Use. peryard. Alto, Platu Dntb.'Brown, Ac, at 12} to let ccnia per yard; and a large assortment of nett style* fifared Moo*, do Lain*, at various prieei, together with a ctwice assortment of Dre»* Oooda generally, «oek aa Fancy Silk*, French Merino*. Cashmsre*. Coburg* and Lyooese Cloth*, at the , ■ iN; corner of Fourth and Market su,. Wkste**ld Koottstrpruir*, nrU. TRANSPORTATION LINES. HARDEN . A CD’s PaiMagsr anu BttaUtaass Offlu. gff HANEDEN A CO. conunne to bring persons tfmfaa any. pan of Ergland, Ireland. Scotland M ißamCWales. upon the most liberal terms, with their usual bonetaahty and attention to the wants tnd coxn fonofemmigrants We do not allow ourpouengers to be robbed by the swiedlisg scamps that imett the sea ports, as we take cbkrge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being,! ana de spatch them without any detention by the Cm ships.— > We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen gers to show that they were detained 43 Fta** by as to Liverpool, whilst tboasnnds of Olivers * vie detained months, until they could be sent In some ch 2 P rate, which too frequently provcC their coffins. We intend to perform oar contracts Honorably, cost wUnt it may, and not act as was the case last season, wuh ether officers, —who either performed not ail, or when it suited their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh lor any sum from £1 to £IOOU. payable at any of the provincial Banks in Iro lault'England, Scotland and Woles. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Agent, fsfit • • 1 Fifth St rest, tr.* door UlowWivkl; 1849. Warren and Clrralaad PAssansl^lne. Canal Paeket—SWALLOW. * 44 - -OCEAN. ONHofthe above Paeket* leave Beaver every day (Sundays excepted) and arrive next mo rains at Warren, when they connect with the Mai! Stares for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places beforemghu Oneofthe packets leave Warren^dally at 5 P. &L, and arrive* at Beaver in time to take the morning boatforPittsburgh. ' CBS LEFFINGWELL A Co, Warren,) ~ MB TAYLOR, ’ JOHN a CAUGHEk’. Agent, apia comer Water and Smlrbfeid its "• 1849. UNION MNE, OS THE FBNH’A ASD OHIO OASALB* Cxawtoxd ACxujtsxxLnriCleveland,O I R.G. Pato, Beaver, Pa. \ Fn Vrf tTtIUS Line will be prepared on the opening of navi- I gation, to transport freight] and Paueagcrs from PITTBIJURGH and CLEVELAND, to any paint on the Canal and Lakes. I The facilities of the line ate ansarpassedlnnamber, quality and capacity of Boats,[experience of captains, and efficiency of Agents. | One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dally, run ning in connection with the steamers LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh andßeaver.and a Uneoffirstelass Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. AaxHTt—R G Porks, Heave;, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. M B Taylor, Warrim, Cyrus Prentiss, Rgvenna, Wheeler & Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, O { 'and, O Sear* & Griffith. Bjiffalo, N. > : JOHN A.CAUGKEY t Agsnt, Offlee, eor Water and Bmilnfield sis, Pittsburgh. mohslriy l • BEATER PaIcKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. s—Capn Gilson. “ LAKE ERIK, T “ Gordon. above regular and well known Beaver Pack* X ets, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will couUnae to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regulaijly during the season, as follows: i* ** j - Michigan No. S leaves Piusljargh daily at 9 o’clock, A M~ and Beaver at 3. o’clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at 8 o’clock, A. M.,asd Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. | These ■ learners will ran laeonneetion with R G Parks’ Express Paeket {Line, for Erie; Taylor A LeflUngwell’s Watyen Packets: Union line of Freight Boau for Clevoiaaa; Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Liao FraJght Boats. R G Parks dally New Castle Packets. CLAREB, PARKS « Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY/Agent. Pittsburgh, meh3l cor Water anu Smlthfiefd sts _ jfii, 1849. PITTBBDRSII AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietor* of this old established and popular dailv line, consisting of SIXTEEN first class Canal Boats, ivned by themselves and running »n conuee tton with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer on equalled facilities for the transportation of freight end passengers, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn srlvanlaand Ohio and N.Yorkoanals and the Lakes. ' E M. FITCH A Co.Clcvaland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. J. C.'BimVELL, Agent, mark T Water street, Pittsburgh. J. r.:iuiwiu, . Pittsburgh. BIOWELL & BROTHER. forvardiss fierehoßU, BHAVER. PA., Agmitfar th* Pittsburgh andClmiand lens, Pitt* burgh and Em Ids* via Eri s, and far tUam doors Beaver and Caleb Cap*. Uaving purchased the large and substantial Wharf Beat ju*i hoih for the Mnoongahela Pickets, have with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample of - ,eorai»odmikm* for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their almost attention, promptness and despatch to consignments to their care, and rely on their friends for' a trial marfl-diy B. A BIUI._ BBW PIANOS. TUST RECEIVED, a new assortment of TIANOR, (| from the manufactories of Cuicttaotfl, Boston, and UtcuN A Rmx, New York. ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS, for sale at manufacturer's pricer, by JOHN 11. MELI-fOl, tl Wood st. Role Agent lor Chirkenng’* Pianos, deSM for We*irrn Hrnn«vlvanta. second Hand Pianos. ONE recoml baud I'Lsno, C octaves, price 850, I “ “ “ #1 “ “45 | “ •* “ St “ “ 40. -- i “4 •*-**»; For sale for cash at tbe above price*, by drta JOHN H Wood st ItO VIUI.IN I’LaW Seeus's Gs*S3 Vioua Scnoot, ahersd sod eonnreted from the last Eng lish edition, to correspond with Bpohr’s Origtoal Reboot of Violin playing, by hit pupil U. C. Hill. “If any arguments are required to recommend this work, tt may l>e observed that Bpohr himself adhere* strictly to the system laid <'own in the above work, and that lie has by the sum* mode af instruction, produced a greater number of distingqlshed pupils than any other ms»ter in Eurnw " . • . . A iBPPIr of lae above tan ree J, (price 87.1 and for sale hr dc:t , J II Wood »t A N EMINENT aoduxpariwccd Fhjilgiqn from the il. East, «f SO yew standing, ofiei* to treat oil cooes of abdicate Naterewith promptness and secrecy. Ills success lu Buffalo and other large cities hoi been proverbial, ills charge!' and hit cures permanent. Old eases of Gleet, Stricture, Scro fula, Fluor Albas, Rheumatism. Ague, Syphilis, ot a ° J chronic or inveterate case* solicited. A cure warranted, or charge refunded. Orytcxf, 8l Clair street, adoors fro;n the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poef jp-iti*. N. 11.—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases of nay disease m Pittsburgh 19 call- v ' apMtdly PBTBOhEIIII, OR ROGE QIL “Thure are mnrojtiing* In heaven and earth Thun are dreatupt of in. philosophy.” ritHK VIRTUES or thia remarkable remedy, and X the contuint application tor-it, tg the proprietor, baa induced bun to have it pttt up in bottles with la bel* and direction* fqr the benefit of the public. The PETRULKUkI i* Procured from a well in thi* county, ■! a depth of four hundred feet, i* a pure una dalteraicd article, withoat any chemical change, but juit a* flow* from Nature's Great Labratory!! That it rtmiainv properties reaching a number of disease*, I* no longer a matter of ttuccnamtv. There are many thinga in the aregna of nature, which,if known, might be of vast usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re storing the bloom of health *nd vigor to many a suf* ferer. Isont before the proprietor thought ot pulUug it up iu bottles, u bad a ret>u|atioQ for the cure of dis ease. The cqihiuh} and duly increasing calls for it, and several remarkable cure* it ha* performed, is a sure indication of it* future popularity and wide spread application in the cure of disease. IVe do not wish to make a long parade of certifl cate*, as *« are conscious that the medicine can soon work it* way into lii* favor of those who suffer and wiib to be hr oled. Whilst we do not claim for it a universal application in ever* disease, we noliesiu dngty «t>y. that in a nurabex.o/ Chronic Dinette) it i* annv*ll’*l- Anjong thpsp bp pnfwefiiied-aJI diseasu* of the mucous turns, aucb a* CHRONIC UHONCHITIrf. CONSUMPTION <i« lu early stage.) Asthma, and all discuses of the air passages, LlvtH COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarhtpu. Disease* of the Bladder and Kidneys, Pam* in the Dock or Side, Nervous Diseases, Neuraieis, Patsy, tUieumstio Pains, Gout, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Bums, Scalds, liruises, Did Sores, Ac., Ac., fn ctjagi (*/ lability re sulting iron efpo*qre,o{loDf protracted ease* of disease, thli medicine will I'Ttngreliaf. R will act as a general TONIC an(l ALTKKATIVJi in such cases, imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, remov ing obstructions', opcnjng the iluggith functions, wbieh cause disease and a Imogen coiiitiiuiiou. and giving increased and renewed <!iefffY Ip orgtfn* ot Life! Ttp uruurifUir knutys of several cures of PILES, that resitted every other treatment, get well under the use of the PETROLEUM for a short lime. The proof cau be given to tuty person who desire* (t. Non- genuine without the signature of the proprietor. Sold by the proprietor.' S. hj. KfEU. Canal Basin, near Seventh it. Altohy K K. SELLERS. 67'Wood at; and—KEYSEIt A M’DOWKLL, comer Wood it and Virgin glley; who are his _ rogolarly appointed Agents TUBS AND GIIVHN9, PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY. No. 87, corner Market and Fifth—or 40 Market, tween Third and Fourth su. THE subscriber keep* constantly on itqnd, whole sale qnd retail, the following article*, rut Wash Tubs, Bw* Churiiu, MeatTub*, Barrel Chums, Bath Tubs, Half Bushels, . Wooden Bowls, Pecka and Half Pecks, - Wash Boards, Uruss Bound Buckets, Clothes Pics, Towel Rollers. Wooden Lfcdje*, Bread Haile's, . Clpihes Biukcu, Market Uiukeis, Ac. SAMUEL KUOESKN, i novlj No 63 Uiamnnd alley, Pittsburgh J. fit as pratt A. Sous' Pat*tu Bod a Aah. ont CASKS Glass and Soap makers’ Soda Ash, i)w importer) direct front tpe qliovo pelebrated manufacture**. W iter oent Anieucan test, arriving and for sale hy novft W A M MITCIIKLTttEE LIUUUK9— 17 hi pipes Brandy—Otard. Dunuy, Aei 7 pipesTliilandUia; ‘ Acrks N E Rum; 4UO bblt Whiskey; for sale by novfl WAMMITCIIKLTRRR % BLEACniNfFPo WDER—At casks Jas Son** brand, a superior article, for sale by nnv'i WA M MITCHELTfIKK nf\ casks hfuspeau’s boda" Ash, and io cask's / a) Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship Oxeobridgc, N. B.—tieT will receive, during th« winter, large nppUefTto NewOrietni, nova - MEDICAL. i SELLERS FAMILY MEDICINES—“They are Iht Medicines ot the day.”. ] Gksßxn’a STATKttt, Ohio, May ’ R.&Sellers: I think it riprhtforthc benefit of offlari to state some facts in rclaiioa to year.excellent Fami ly Medicines, I have a sad your Vermifuge iavgety In my earn fam ily,oneviai frequently .answering for expelling', ire quantities (oty Ito ADO) worms from two ehildrst ) have also sled your Liver Piß* and Lough Syrup in my family, and they have in every instiuice produced the effeet desired. Aa 1 am ingaged in mcrehaadising, I am able to state that I Lave yet la hear ef the first failure whdre yoar medjeutea hate been used in my section of the' country. In conclusion, I may Mate that they arc (At medicines at tbo day, and are destmeil :o have a very. extensive pspuiarity Yours, re;jv*.uul!r, v.. H. I’tsasrx. Prepared and sold by R. i- l ) Jib,Nos7 Wood street, and sold by Druggu ■ aenetally in the two ci ties and vicinity. _ rmrffl /TusSAtcURE of liver Complaint, by te VX original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill, + Beo*i Ourxi. Ohio chanty, Vt. ) March fltlth, 181*. Mr. R- E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and u> the noblie genera ly, to state that 1 have been afflicted with tbe Liver Complaint for n long time, and so badly that an abcets torroed and broke, which left me in a very low slate. Having heard ot your celebrated Liver PUis being for sole by A R Sharp, In West Liberty, asd recommended to me by my physician. Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to pm them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to >e just wfaul they are recommended, THE BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes I find the disease has entirely left me, and I am now p.rt.cHy W.U. H.wctfdi, I--., caLE , !AN West Liberty, March vti, hhv. 1 certify that lam personally acquainted with. Hr Golem*:, and can bear testimony to the truth ol the alxve .-cruficate. AR SHARP The * euuine Liver Pills are prepared mid so,ld by REi LLERS,No 57 Wood street, and by druggists in ute vrooiucs. .... . ’ TO THE PUBLIC.—The onsinal.only true and gen uine liver I’m. unprepared by REScllers, and have b’t name stamped iu black wax upon the Ud or each box, and his signature on the outside, wrapper—all others are counterfeit*, or base imitations. . aptu RESELLER*. Proprietor . IUtTjAYMH’* CARJHIWATIVK BALBA.JH tMlOfllthe Rev AaA BIHNN, a well known and pop 1 ular Clergyman ot the ProtesUnt Methodist Church Zhe undersigned having beenalfiieledduringthepait •vinterwith a disease o:ihe stomach,sometimes pro ducln* great p»*n in the stcmtchfor tenor twelve hours withOßuntermi » on, and after having tried various remedies with. efleet was furnished with a bouts orDrDJayne’sCt tnauve Balsam: This he used ac cording to the direct ens.aad found invariably that Uni medicine causedthe pain to aba'e in three or four min* uiefcand in fifteen or twenty rntputes every unesay sensationwasehurelyqaieted. The mc-hcine v/asaf. lerwardaused wher.everindicationsot the approach of painweteporceived.andthepain was thereby prevent, ed. He eontinned to use tlie medtcuie every evening and sometioestV.'he morning, and in a few weeks health was so farrestored. that the notlerer was rcliev edfrom a large amounvof oppressive pain. Fremes perience, therefore, ne can confidently recommend L D Jayne’s Carminative Balaam, as a fOTdissases ofihestomaeh and bowel*. A MHNND Allegheny eiiy.jy:;; For sal* In Pituburgb a; MI’EKIN 1> A b-TOR 73 Fourth (treat, near Wo < *n«i aims at ihclmig FtweofH FSCHWARTZ. ►- Altegtwnr gTiTiTInLR DistoVSlilfl CONSUMPTJVES, BE OA YOUR GUARD. •. DR- SWAYNir* COBFODSD SYRUP OF WILD OUKUKI. •nr* «*I*T WKX&T w* Consomption, Couchs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, L.v -•r Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breath ing, I‘ain in the Bido and BreasU Pnlpifstoon ot the Heart, Inflacnxa, Croup, stimtion, Sore Throat, Nervous Debili ty, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast and Lungs: the most ef fectual and speedy cut* aver known lot auy of the above diseas es, is DR. SMAVMI’S OoniDoaad Byropof Wild Chaaryt , This medicine is no longer anion* those of ihjuhtfnl exility • It has passed away Iron the thousands daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands Ssher in repnttrion. and becoming more e*amivc- Ivued than any other preparation of medicine crer produced for tb* rebel or sudenng man. P Hhas been produced very cenoraily throng,h the Unitad States anil Knrepc, and there are few towns of Importance but what contain, some remarkable evi- JrZKI <.( t u rood ellects. For proof 01 the foregoing !SK£tJ Of*. cine nod eOioncy "f *'» ™'"- eine. ihe proprietor wtll insert a few of the many thou. uab testimonials which have been prercitted u» him by men of the first respectability—men wm> have higher view* of moral responsibly and lusuec, than lo err tlftm facts, because U will do onolhcr-u favor, end themselves no Injustice. Such testimony prove, eon- Susirely, that its snrpnslngeaccllence u established b v Us intrinsic merits, and the unrjue*t.o«ab!r authori ty of public opinion. The instantaneous relief il af fords and the soothing Infincnee.Uiflused Uirtmgh he frame by iu o»e, renders it a most agreeable “Wien men, netins from coitsctonlinn. impel..,. Tolnnmrily bent leMimnnrtn lire ten* nfn llrmn nr nnmenlar fncl, .uehicnmnny, nc.'Jjr contrary to dioir worldl, inlcrc.w .nd f nryo.e., coerce, enncicrmi, ol li trilL bod commend" iuolf In n bpccla manna n, L-i-li.il »r*rfpiiee O’lloeasi'* Moral Maxims. OWTm UDME CnRTinCATF^. 9nU.Atttrt.iU* Cuts or Fcwosi™ Ooietmrciav,- Tv, ere netef was a remedy tb«t ha* l*on os »ncee»-ful in desperate cares of Consumption, a* Dr, **»■)•»•• . Comwnd Syrup of Wild Cherry, It .•.rene.hrn- the iTstaa. and appears to heal the nicer* on the liuiitj, cream g new and rich blood; power po*re*»«J by .u> other cdictne- Cjrtcrtß Co. Aj-ril 23th, IMA Dr Ft lyre—BeWSlr I verily !«»»*• j-oor Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry ha-. hce» the fficam ol £«£» my We. 1 caught a eevere cold, wkeh gradu al y«ew wo r*e, mended with u «ven- eo«h, tha rc rated all the temedtea which 1 had reewurae 10, *i»l [ncreasin* until my core exhjhilcd a.l ihr. •yrap’.*<n« o( Consumption. Every thing * rcerard m ham no etfrei ipA my caaiplarnnncfcwd *u rapid u s£f”n,K “?l •• »yA r ,r„ .p »/ ». time I waa rwo«w3C«ded to iry Utdrowol. the moat hap py reralu. The 6t« bottle had lUeeßert •..» loo'cu ti.e me to expectorate froely; widfcr the ™ ib Z B J woSlfoebXpT W P TO any-infonnaUoar«Pectin* my ouLtiatwU* infferert n«• denw lie f«S for ~T~\ , oraiefal. lor the truth of the aliov* Mate meat, I refifr yon to l’*«* Ka.'ii, tirucer, tte«t Cheater, Vfr of whom l purchased Be.pwfrolly yoara, Jai«a Mtoa**. w<nl&rful Curt p/ a A’i::trt4f JJt gwayne-Dear Bin 1 frel a *** nf created* die . voo-and a duty u> the atficted geiteiaiiy, W> 01* r m/hombto teiumouy ui favor ®f yocr Compound s y . ran of Wild Cfcvrry. Some lhfreT<'*n uppc l 5?050at57 uUaekcdvrilh cold and t u aaw=;*UoßW the which was accompanied with ft ttUm-nu g JJ3S ~ain in the hmist wJ head, a WT canaidera blo 2iKU*rgt»«foffcn«To »scu» tr*m lie Jungs, c*;>e alalfy^non chance 'of wr«hcr, however slight. At Imlf*K»o alarm ah.C*t W.T condition. L« wa, pretty seen eou*inee4 that lw« don. 1 urew daUV we»b* f i and at wa« scarce !T *Uc to walk about, OF ftpeak. aim** a whisper, such weakness of »y l»nsa Dimnsthin *ma Iliad Uicdvarious preparation,and prescriptions, “5 Amud no rf wef-growing «9i ih*j> tune *w«. Ju<t J“ l tM adfLcd and by a dear friend in Wilminrion to make trial of 7 nur f 7 P I . l ' * !l * fil,cr * ft InsMieeMiathe* ptaviouuy I had been preju dir*d ftfiusut patent medicines, and 1 pm <UI, ftgaiust dioftc coming ovlof ihchand* ofcinperlcs, bub umler uandiDE soar f'tim* w the profesMon anU practice ol SSlcbwfwid bavin* implicit tab in too *ayiug v( my Wend* I forthwith purchased of Ur. .haw, one of your went?* few h-olf*, and commoner-K* use My «h,. ICe w.i .nh.v lime of»ort» mouths'suad**, con tequenlly itws. deeply «*«d. 1 foc.J however, eoiuldetttble relief from the ass of l-e hin four or h-re boule*. Bui being ■ puUV,? 1 frequcuti, m* muA to preach *.* W tflercesin* strewn., and {hereby nip‘n;e4Uo*e vessels lh«*t bail a»T««Jy be pur. tohe-fiuslhUway* doubUeL*, my cure « M Rreauy teUrScd In cvarequcr.ee of! ««ni* £*• Imprudent* ! hftd to use twatve or tflecrtbar.'** before 1 wuapo.- feolly restored I have Witfm'Uo.i, a such small number ofhotu.i w?-ld hav> made mo sound, U» ih- above irfcMJOiwm* The Byrup abu/cd iu lev. uhhftLU. look-WM the di»ii«?.*Miis rouuU, pota*. lo ihe d fcbftjyu of matter (rtmuiic **»*», am> sa* them uml the er.are tyotein RojiA UalUi l have «icfc red offering tin* eeruficatc oWvl n® w . for t!ie yiarpup. of bclnr perfeo-r .n\Uicd wi b the permanency ol Uir core, aii'l eo-» .hot I feel per ccUy we.l ] odor n wil'i p : ca i -t «. Bsv. J. V. Josna.i. Dublin connty. N. C hnpanant Q*»t>** —TL-a. J J Rtu.l’ Tliere i« but v* u feuuice preparation of Wild rPiorry. and that tj Ur. thr f*r«t eocr oiTcxed to U.e nubitu, wlucU -ms been ovU! larficly IlirouahOtlt Ike Unlte4S?tulra ai<d Mine paru of l-htrnpo; and all ptc- Kiaiiln* cnUc by the itami of Wild llberry haw cn rat out sn«e tui#. andcr hover ol «omr deceptive elrenmasancen, *a order logivp currency to then aulca. Uy a little ohaewnuon, uo p non need uututir the renuine frtua tb faUe. F-aeli! liottlc of the ;;rnumo n. enoelop«'d Wit a beautiful *kccl uiiKru7i>iy» wiui the likene** of Wimam I’crnt thefroni «W, Ur. Swaync’s •Irnatur'': and • ■ further acourity, the portrait of Dr. Swayne will l.‘added bereailer.u ns Ujdiilinguiati UU preparollov 'tom all oilier*. Now, uit was net for (he creat cunttiee properties ajitd known vtitur. ot Dr. Swayue’sCooßMouna Syrup if Wild f.herry, pcMon would not bemdeavorinK tolgtvo euacucy to thou ‘•fictitious do«" am»"'by rtenlunp the name ol Wild Cherry. Remcunbcr, alwnysj.eur in mind ibu matte of Dr. tj wayrte od 1»e run dedrived. Trineiptu Ofltse, corner of Biftblh and Kuec Mcectr, Philadelphia. Kor «s'e whf* tfole and reta Iby OfJDKN A SNOW* DEN. eor tM u-1 W«xhl «us U A FAHNESTOCK A Co, cor Ist am- Wood, and 6&h mid Wood WSI THORN. WM-wkctsli lafl Liberty nt: JAS A JONKd, coj afaud mul l‘ei n JOHN hil J’CH- Allcgbeu. city, and by re-pcriublc deuli-rs in medicine. u ocilh _ OrV\V< P. Inlsnd'i Premium Flatter. DR. AV. P. INLAND, of the Medium College hf Phil-- adelplna, now offer* to Ik* public lax I.klihh Wg. eutile I'reminm Pln*tei, the qualities «>f winch, nttrr long and tried experience, ba»|l>eeu sutisriti-torily r*- taliu*L#v. To ail women who may l>c wuii Prolep*i;* Utcciaor Fallen Womb, lie T-eumoicmU l,i« platter, gaarantceing a sure mid «p. ody cm.-, in the short *pnee of from two u> liico woefc*. if nppllcd with cure and rest—discarding uil thr nouiule;>. iii.trutu-'m. and esprutive bftudagpaao long in iuu. Tbu lie fee.a eonscier.ucwJ in •tatinc, inasmuch a* he ltu» uoi iutlcd in one cate onl of Utrec hundred and buy-tluoc. pu- Uenti. Also for Qhetusuuim and Weak Rreast or Hank, ivi tended with pain, Uiuk Is nothing to exr«.l thi< Finj'.or tn affording roLefor cffrciing n cure. Fur sale by L W'llroi.eotucrof Diamond and Hrsun A Reiter, “ Liberty and Si. Flair *ts l)rJ Sargent u Federal stand DiamotJ, Alle gheny city i Jscqurs (c 00. “ Denman and Diudon.t Dinmr>(- ham. if-'i Re. SELLERS, l>ruKg>«l, No b 7 Wood sirrm , Sole Agent for the sateof Dr. Townsend'* (,en nine B*f<«tpa«lia, has jusi received *JU» dozen i.i tins Great Spring amt SumEer Medicine. Purchaser* should tceoliect that K K Sellers is sole ■gentfor VitUbiugh, and DM Curry for Allegheny ol? . _ _ • “P-i EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article wim;tu<ia pidlr coiniug tmo use as n wholesome, itouii»)iing and delicious beverage, being morn pleasant nml pal atable than common Cbffev, ami jut cheaper, ru umqrli paper costiug only tea ccals, will go u« fur ox lour round* cfOaice. Manufactured by* 1 * H JOHN S. MILLER, Pittsburnh, Pa. Bold at whole tajo by lIA FAHNESTOCK A Co, earner of First and Wood and hixth and Wood «iroetJ>, Pittsbatf h ui-tR CIALH’ORNIA BUIHIER GOODS*—Just n-m-ived, J 3d Camp Uiankets; HO officer coat*; 1 tt» pr., pmil*; IB pait* nett lined Mining Coots; l*j lsilmiu. tt»g<<; ;f water Tanks, * and M aoilotw rach; 5U ciinw a*. i gallon each; I do* Buckskin Money Belts; l,ie.oi]r<l cambric do do. The above goods for sale ox U:t Dult fornla Outflting EstabUshmeni, No & Worn) «i, mohU4 J All PHILLIPS ABSORTED BPICE9—Put up for family uw, iu uu •aits, enclosed in a sliding fid box, containing Maatard, Alspicc, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cloves, Pepper, Wamnted pure. For sale at the new Spice aud Munaed Factory, comer of Ferry A Liberty »u. •. _sri“ -—-— J ;uiy" ttty, ANVILS— Wrought Iruu AHVIU, trum uin - i.-iiiiMjr- BheeviUe works, wamtuicd;'will le cdnstantiy pn hand apt) supplied to order, by ’ GEO COCURaN.V Wotk *1 ' BOOK TRADE. TEW BOOKS! The was with Mexico, by.R.s.RirteT: s r*ot»." ! '• • • •'* ■Dements of Rhetoric: comp riling u Analysts of lhe Laws ol Moral Evidence and of PenuMtoni l.v RieUard Wbately, D- O.- 7 Essay on Chris uafl/lapllinr, by Baptist W. Nod, M» Tlie Orilvie*, a Novel. Fairy Tales, from di Nations by Anthony R. Mon tallia; with 31 illustrations by Diyle Just rac'd by JOUNSTON A STOCKTON, deJ9 corner Tuird and Market meets Sew ud Elogaat Gift Books! SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J T Headley, with eleven original deiigm by Daxley. , i’odru* and Prose Writings, by-Richard 11. Dana; * VOtOmulltl' r laminated Gem* of Sacred Poety, with sixillostra tioo* cugraved onsteelfby JohnSaruin- Jnti received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, dc23 ' eerner ltlrd and Market at* Siw Books.' "DUVSICI AN AND PATIENT! or a Practical View JT of.tbe mutual duties, relations and Interest* of the Medical KrcvcMion and the Community; by ; Worth* region llooscr, M. D. ; Tite Won* of Michael Do Montaigne; comprising his Essay*. Letter*, Ac., By Wm. llsiictt. Nineveh and it* Remains. lly Atuten Henry Lay* ord, K*q., D. c. 1- Glimpses of Spain; orNotcsofon Unfinished Toar. in 1547. By 8. T. Wallis. Tapper’* Proverbial philosophy, new edition; ilia** titled. Ju»i received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, novSt corner Market and Third streets 184D-30J LOCKWOOD’S ILLUSTRATED WORKS—Mu* minuted Rook*—Books In richly carved binding, illuminated and illustrated—Book* superbly bound in Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Com, ositlon, In itaiiauon of the Middle Ages—Uiblrs and Prayer pooka, beau tifully bound in Velvet and Morocco, magnificently or namented and illuminated; For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, de*> Bookseller A Importer, Wood st. Christmas and Ktw Vstr Apjwoaeblwg! elegant and substantial books, la Magnificent Antique Binding, for ths Holiday*. JAMES D.LOCKWOOD,\ Bookseller and Importer, C 3 Wood street, has received a beautiful collection of Illustrated Books, bound lc the most splendid man ner by tho best London and American binders—among them may L>c fount) ... Pearls of Amen: • Poetry; magnificently illttmina* tiated. Laysot the We.tirn World; iliuminatcdiagoidand colors. Wordsworth’s Greece: richly Illustrated. : The r* > «*aeben illuminated by Owen Jones, and bound r- carved wood.! - The Song of tangs; illuminated by Jones. Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts; Ulmnlnaledby Jones. Heroines of Shakspeure; illustrated. Mr*. Jameson’* Characteristics oi Women; illustra ted. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, dell 1 ; ' 03 Wood street Sew Books, EEDBURNt ITis First Voyage, by Herman Mellvßle ■ outhofof‘-Tn*o.?‘‘Omoo, , *Ac. History of King Alfred of England, by Jaeob Abbott; with fine engravings. Sidoma the tarceress; by Wm. Melnhold. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, nov3! comer Third and Markcistrects “ One of Uu Most Remariaile Works of th£ Age." NINKVKI! AND ITS REMAINS; With an oceonm of a vudtto rbeChandoan Christians of Kurdis tan, and tho Yezidis, or Devil-Worshipper*; and an Inquiry into the Momieirs and Art* of the Asctcut As syrians. By Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D. C. L. With lutroduciory Note by Prof. E. Robuuon, D. D., LL.D. illustrated with Id plates and maps, and 90 wood enu. 3 vals. 6va cloth, 84,50. “The book htts a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pic turesque narrative Tribune. “Tho work ofLeyard is tho most prominent contri bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for mony year*.”—Christ Inq. “Not oneexeelain interest the account of Nineveh and its Ruins, given by Mr. LayartL”—Washington Intelligencer. „ “As we follow the digger* whh breathless interest in their excavations, aau suddenly find ourselves bo fore a massive- figure carved with minute accuracy, now lifting its gigautie head Irem the dust of SOU) years, we are ready to eryout with the astonished Arabs, ‘Wallah, it is wonderful, but it i* true!’”—ln dependent. For sale by JAMES D.i OCKWOOD, _ noviO ftl Wood »t Sow Books, f|HIE WOMEN of tho Old and'New Testament X Edited »y E. IL Sprague, D. D.. 1 vol. Imp. dvo., elegantly bound; 18 exquisitely finished engraving*; Trim dr.cnptioft* by celebrated >jn»rican Clergymen. POEMS BY AMELIA,(Mrs. Wet ay, efKy«) anew and enlarged editions illustrated, by engraving* from original designs by Wier. 1 voL sq uare tJvo- elegant-, ty-bound atw gilt Also—A variety of splendid Annu al* and Gift Books. tawell'* Chtld’a First Book, of the. History of Rome. I vol. lsmo. ! Tiffs MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT, adopted for the asa of Corpejitens Shipwrights, Wheelwright*, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Siudeut»,-«nd Artisans generally: (•ring a thorough and practical Tret U*e bn Mensura tion and ttm Sliding Rule. By D. M. Kaper, A. M. Boko's Tnuuite oa Greek Prose Composition. UiirmloriT* Elrmeumry >'rench (i rammar. By Prof, fifecnr, of ilrnwn Uaiw.viity. 1 vrd. lBmo. Hoedigcr’s GemcikUM’ Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. (ir,eiuuV Hebrew Lexicon.. taoiuis’ Tugauumciry and Logarithmic Table*. 1 vol. (strop.) Tho Euiftithman** Greek Concordance. 1 voJ.(mus lin.) ' Anthuu's Clof deal Series. Wvtrsier’* Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. Bvo. do do unabridged. I vol.'4u>. Barae’s Notes and Qur album on New.Tcstamcat Wkstcly's Logic. MoHieim** Ecctesla/.tieal Uislory. 3 volt, and S voU. (*hecp.) i - Vestige* of Creatica. I vol ltfiao. 1 Morning* among .ton Jesuit* at Home. 1 voL (eloth and paper.) . . i Peeue* where Tempter ha* Triumphed, l'vol. (elmhand i Bogoc’s Theological Lceturca. 1 vol dvo. (cloth.) AWei’a.PrurtounriMg Bible. ' ltoy tta French Dictionary, __ , PtuarP* Horace. For sole by It novl.T Apollo Bulldin/;*. Poona »t UoOliei jUß'l' J{fcaifAV 7 Eu.— Ihe will o 1.1 Montiugne, edited by 11. llaslm, comprising his Ktsaps, letters, and Joamev through Germany, and Italy, wnh note* from all the Commentator*, Biograph ical »'ad UibluKtaphicai Notices, Ac. ( Theory ajpi Practice ofTr»chti:g; or, the Motives and' Mcibml* of Good Pcbool-Keeping, by David Plage, A. .M„ Painetpai of the Btate Normal School, ; Albmy, N. Y. , [ Frank Forester’s Flth and Fishing' of the U. Stales and Rriti«h Provlnee* of NorUt'Aioenea,' by Hrrtry Wm. Herbert. JUHN»TON fcBTC-CKTONi \_nbv6 r f corner Third and Market »i* The Oldera Time* ' I JAM El I). LtKJKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, No. CXW’ood street, hat for sale a few copies eont- uhr tcinniuder of the edition J of this valuable devoted to the 1 "reservation of Doeomenui and niiier uuiceiiUc IrUonnaiiou relating to the early ex piormioiK, seatcinenl and improvement of the country around the bead of tho Ohie. By Neville B. Craig, of Phunargh,la 3volt Sva. novin i. ILLOCKWOOD._ 170MAN.LIBERTY: A Hhnoo* with a view of the A.V Liberty of Olkcr iAncfcnl. Nutiou*. By Samuel binon, .'illustrated with twelve engraving*,'exe* cuictt *i Rome, ti volt, avo, unifonn with Prcscou's lliuarical_Works, , 1 JuMpubli*iledaadfox»aleby ■ ■ JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookwlter and noyto _ •' j Itupuncr. t»J Wood st T-'ANN Y KESuJLKTiN iTALYrauthorizcdeilition, X 13<uo. 75cU. MRS. FANNY KEMBLES YEAR OK CONSOLATION i. • “Tiir. xcadutg of this book has Impressed us with a nuck hither opinion of,it* author than we had foriued from prruiiug litr other writings. It display* a deeper toue 01 uioagnt, milted to more pure womanly grace of ■citing any other,production of tho temsie wind with winch wc are'acijiutinted.*’—Eva. Mirror. ••Ii is a very agreeable and readable book, written In Fdiniy Kemble’* best Style—bold, spirited and enter taining.. Wo lecoauwnd it to our leaders as the best I'uMiratinn nFthe season.’’—Reading Gaz. “1 1 ronounsiLe Jourual of <* travel thiough Europe, onU resilience m Italy; nod is one of the pleasantest und most inlcrcMiog books ol the reason.”—CouT. and Ljnium-r. • ••A very Chiracicriiue book. We have read it from title pt>se t© Colophon with unabated imereti- A vi vid )uc:urr oi lefts in Rome. In all rctpccU eminently ri suable. I '—Knickerbocker. Tor *ale by * ' JAMES D LOCKWOOD, > i Bookteller ft Importer, CJ Wood at JbUtiographke Batabltaiudaaiit OF \VM. SCill/CUMANN. Third >l, opposite the I’oM'OlJice, Filtahuigb.—Mapt, Landscapes, Dill* bead*, Lauda, Architectural and .Machine Drawings,ilustneta and YuitingCard*,&C-,engru veil ur Ura? u on ju>uc, nnii primed iu color*. Gold, ilroaze ot lllack, id Utc most approved »l?lc, »»»d ©tibauiOal rctuonablo price*. • ocUily KIIU 1 it/'Vl'ilß—33 her* for sale by del? j WICK ft McCANDLESa lALuUH—subi»i» Family Flour, fur sale by r del? WICK ft McOANDLESS MLTIUN IfAMS—4 bM* ibr aaic'i.y del? Jll CANFIELD CMIHAP MODS. DK LAINS—9 ease* Hood atyle. / fail colmrtt M. do Lnjn«, ut the extremely low price of lie. per > ardi aAMASUN&Cu, dr.l4 No CO Market «t 1/K£?t.'FKolT —AUoz-eitiu IreaU i'tacbes, J A '• untie* do. a•* ** Pine Applet; 3 “ •* Cherries; :i “ “ htrawbcrrica; 3 “ “ Tomatoes; 3 *• half gal. bottle* Pickier; 3 '• qotm do. .--;i M, raaey • do. Rcc'd and fur *alo at the i’ekiu Tea Siere, TO Fourth •wcet ■ ' ' • 1 ' •’ dccli '• HVH'FLOIUWia hhlarecM and lot *»le by *”* , ifcgt - W.M II JOHNSTON, m Second st RKCKIVISD Tills ’IkAY, eTtbe India Kulibe De* pm— l ease Women'* Metallic'itubberSandal*; ■ 4 *• ‘ ** •* Suppers; A u ' u “ Jlu.sKius; 1 1 “ Mliwis 1 “ “ Supper*; 1 •• Mnn’t “ “ Overshoe!; “ 44 Sandals; 1 “ ** leather *oled “ Overshoes; All of which will »e told, wholesale or reutil, lower 11. iU nt any house In the city. Jft H IMIILLII’S,- nr»Y*j| No 6 Wood slice! I >ll tI.CD PiiACIIFS—3 bblujuit rteM, tor sule by t del!* _ _*« W II.MtUACGH_ IKj IN lit l VV*GLASS—2uo uxji, nss’d aueV,' ree’d and V* tor auto l>y detn sfeWHAltlUlum % i irrpw*—to bui* ana packed, iu prime O order jor snipping, lor calc by tlc-i) L B WATERMAN . Cfti»A*AS‘»r-i.'Si ru.«» io nrnve j <rr iliugenid, loi O cnli* l.y deal : TAtiSKV AtHKaT , f>TAtTRT\'AUUIW<»—^ large cizcaiid'bonTy L> jiwi ree d l>y SHACKLhTT A WHIHV nral ; Nao9 Wood cl VlZKri'l-is— ii coses super »"c7i'cK" llluck WiUT*v7 zeues, extra umtrauigs, ac’il per express, at , _ A A MASON A CO'S I o Cotton; as l)b|»*No*i Lard. : O 4-1 box* Fenthera; i tierce ** JscjcXs Wool; I tidosLuiab Skint, with wool: I ddoz-Sheep cskiuc, “ I 3 dux'-. *** ,*• drecoed; ITo arrive on steamer Fort Pill, eud for sale by I del4 ISAIAH DICKIiY A CO, Front *t Gil INSKSU-1 ling* ClariGid. fbr'cmieVf rj!eT7 ' ' . WICK ft McCaNDLC93 ‘ iJlvAl'UfcUa —1“ «icta prune, toy sale by flr.ir , _ Wrofc^.MfCANDUKSS Holier. UuVKti9~o Uutu Ula*Mc Horae Cuveia, a vrry limvy u.iJ:*p!coiUil article, jnu rrcM and njr dale low, at No. & WooJ atrect, hy _ d £l u _ .. /All riULL!PS_ ClAS'l'ifU bll« I lib I in Rio re u j for mlc l>r V eW . J J Kjliutco^ Al*COlibL«— ia bbli jusi icoM ami for rale by ‘‘■-•VI ■ - r /KIDD & CO J l)l)l» Frcsli,)u«t tec’d mill tor sale u’y A«loa_ MTUAHT&aiLL IUKK CABTWHidiir—i Carpet llag in* «iorej j Mubjedl to charge*, for Lake Cmiwriglu, wbiek ke : •rill pleaaecaU tor. i O B MJLTKNBfcMUER, : 'MA > -v No 67 Ftoßt ft EXCHANGE BROKERS- 1. BOIsHJU * SOBS* Bankers, Exehaa|» Brokers, ■ ATD SZAIHS ra NOTEaDRAF^ACCE^ASCra^OQLI), SILVER COLLECTION'S.—Draft*, Notes and Acceptances payable in. any P»tt of the Union, collected on the most 3 EXCHANGE’on New York, PhiUdelphia and Gal timore: also, Cineinnati, Sami Louis and ■ New Orleans, constantly for tale. » BANKNOTES.—^Notesjon alt •olvent bmnka ra the United States discounted *t the»tes. Allklnds of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Cola bought and sold. ' . .. Office No. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th, Pituhurgh, Pa. tfQßijiO* £ICHABQK» BILLS on Engfand.lreland,and^ any amount at urn pnnent Rales of Alro, Drafts parable In any P*ft of the OUI Cotmrii», from £1 to £fOOO, at tire rate cfl without dednetion or discount, by JOSHUA RODIN SON, European and General Agent, office Stlt *J ons door west of wood. pctitra. 1 1 ' ~ ' jxpwaaaaaßK "DANCERS and EXCHANGE -t> m Foreign and Domestic; Bril* of Exchange. Cer tificates.ofDeposlte, Bank Notts and Cola, comer of M and Wood streets, directly opporile Su Char^^no* - WKSTKUA vumob— Ohio, \ ■ Indiana. J Ktntieky, Miuoari, tf«wif Notes purchased at ths lowast rates, by : 4 N. HOLMES ft SONS, •epW, _ 35 Market street. ktiladtlphis,aBd Baltimora. Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES ft SONS. •gpß» 35 Market st MISCELLMEOUS. KAOfiE FOUNDRY, jonit mntuLson «. w. o. nrtnt. THE undersigned, tuceeason to Arthur* A Nichol son, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and publie generally, thatthey have rebuilt the Ha- OLE FOUNDRY and are now in full operation; and have part of their patterns ready for the market:— Amongst which are Cooking Stoves. Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which, is now superceding in other ellies the common round Stove.. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small families, with a full assortment of com mon and mantel Urates We would particularly in vito the attention of persons building tq_eall at our warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid article of enammelled Orates, - finished in fine style— entirely new la this market. Warehouse. No. lift Liberty ft opposite Wood si augffliilH NICHOLSON ft PAYN B. Office of tho Delaware JHutnal Safety la* .•ttraaee Coapanj* PniLiniUßU, Not. Sth, IBU. THE Board of Directors have, this day, declared a dividend of TEN PER CENT.in scrip, out of the profit* of the Company for the year ending October 31, IS4O, certificate* fur whieh'wilt be Issueaon and after the first day of December next. Also, a dividend of BIX PER CENT. In cash, on the ctnital stock and scrip previously issued, payablo as above. RICHARD 8. NEWBOLD, See*?-. noviO , P. A. MADEIRA, AgL, Pitts’g. : FITTBBDBQH IMPORTATIONS. C YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale' Dealer In . FANCY AND VARIEFV GOODS! digti of the Gilt Comb, 103 Market st.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Merchants, Pedlars, ana others visiting Pittsburgh to purchase Good*, are respectfully invited to tall and *y»nina the extensive assortment of Eng lish, American, French and German Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods at this e*tablishment are Import ed direct by myself; and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from first hand*. 1 have the largest assort ment of artieles, in the variety fine, La the city of Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash or city acceptances. The Stock consists, In port, of . Laee Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. \ Bilk Cravau, Sbce and PatentThrcsuli, Searing Silk, Spool CoMm, 'rapes, Suspenders, Bullous, Pins, Nee dles and Cutlery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of Brashes, Combs and Razors. Pereuislon Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk ft Cotton Purees, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Music Boxes, Carpet Bags and Backets. . Bindings. Findings and Trimmings. Tots tutd Fancy Goods; together with a large varied ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS.; I C. YEAGER is also agent for the celebrated Lan; caster Combs. - novl? Road! Bead! SELLERS 1 COUGH SYRUP.—Prom W. K. Boden. Esq., Cler Court of Quarter 'Sessions of Beaver Com Mr. R. K. tal'.e s -1i Pome time in the winter my wife was alfi!ettd «ua asevereunddlittesaingeough, and hearing *( yeurrevalMblo Cough Syrup, I pur chased a boutt tc*A 8, T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after taking a poniou of it two or three evenings on going to bed, sue found-immediate relief} a*,also severe', friends nave been relieved In severe cases. ] um therefore saLsfied that It is a safe and valuable medieine, and vroufd recommend it to those who may be afflicted with severe Coughs and Colds. March 23,1843. XV. K. BODEN. Prepared and sold by IL L SELLERS, 57 Wood- si, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and A! leghny. befflp. Tlio Ckartlora Coal Coapaay. (INCORPORATED.! BOOKS will be open for subscription to the sloek ol “The Chaniers Coa) Company,-* ou and after Monday, the 34th dty of September iiut, at thoofflet uf Z. W. Remington, Pean st, Pittsburgh.; iptSlalU Z. >V. BIIMINGTON- Groat Kaillih Rsnidyi FOR Couch*, Cold'. Asthma and Consumption!' Tha G RKAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of ths above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, ol London, England, and tatrodueed Into the United States under the immediate superintendence of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, in tit. cure of Pulmonary disease*, warrants the American Agent in solieitingforueatmcnt the wont possible ea aesthstean be found in the community—eases lb at seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of ths day, and have been given up by the moat distinguished physicians as confirmed and incurable. The liungurl an Balsam ho* cured.’and will cure, the most desperatt of eases. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng. fiihmedieine.of knownand established efficacy. : , Every familyinihe United States should be supplied with Buchan’* Hungarian Balsam of Life, not oaly to counteracuhe consumptive tendencies of the climate, bo. to be used as a prerentive medleme in all eases ot colds,' cough*, (pining of blood, pain In the side and chest, irritation soreness of the lungs, brochitis. difficulty of brenting, hectic fever, night sweats- emaci ation and general debility, asthma, Lnflacnza, whopping cough ana croup. Sold in large bottles, at 81 per bottle, with fall direo tfons for the restoration of health. a mass of English and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, showing the un equalled merits of this great Euglinh Remedy, may b« obtained of the AgenU, gratuitously. For sale by B A FAHNESTOCK ft Co-« career o ■t and Wood and Wood and Cihsu. jiffldftwS - VBIIfiTIAir BLINDS. r T*lißgreateslasd best variety evsr offered in this city x before—made on the most approved Eastern plan*— and mostfathionahlaEasttts patterns and eolorsl Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOtifON BUND, on hand ormodotoorderof all sizes, and at all pricaa. Country Merchants and others are invited to eall an! examine the above for themsclves.ua all will be sold wholesale or reraifiand a libaral deduction msda-W wholesale parchtsers. acidly A WESTERVELT „ THE BTABOF VIIEWBBT A VENITIAN BLIKDiIANUFACTORY nun East «ide of the Diamond, where Vetntion Blinds of alt the different size* and-eolora are kept on hand or tnede to order afle the latest and mo«t approved Eastern fash. Y ioas,attheshoneiluotieetuidoatkomoi reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of alt the different sizes and patterns, ou hand and for sale low for cash. Old Vene tian Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken In part parmeuifor new it M WEsTKRVKLT, Pre’pr. N. B—All wots done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to pleoso the most fab* idioßs. . anglo-dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10,1558. SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Tirexx** Notwno Liaa It! Pirmram, March 27,1517. Mr. R. K. Sellers—ln justice to you and your in com* parable Cough Syrup, 1 beg leave to state, for the ben efit of tho eouimnnity, that my wife has been several tiroes afflicted witn a looet distressing ecogh. 1 par* chased, in January last, a bottle ofyonr Syrup, which cared a couga of (wo months' (tending. About one iiontb *lnee, the cough relumed, and was so severe that ihe could bsrdly move, from weakness in the breast; I sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup mi l apartof one bottle cured the cough tgavethooUier to n journeyman who was severely afflicted, who had, to use bis own words, ‘eaten enough cough candy to care ail the people in Pittsburgh," if the candy had been as good as represented. ; Yoori, respectfully, Aims B, Ktm. Prepared ond sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood •treci, and sold by Druggists generally in the two e i‘ ,e V..„ ; dels ACAH.II, GRATEFUL for the very liberal encouragement I havo received for so many years, I have deter* mmedio enlarge my business eonaidcrably. Ifavfnr engaged a cnmisstunt Futetsan, I will be enabled to hi! all orders proiuj-dy, and do the work in our u«ual style and utfm.-pnceu, and ask the attention of met* » h v'^!wfVll :mX r l , , , i m)r , ,ar * e stock of UPHULSTb> RY GOODS and B«’d». Mattrasses and Bedding, .Cur tain Materials, Damask* and Moreens,Cornices. Fnn* ges, Bordering#, Ta»»el*, Split and Roller IMud*. and nyery article usually kept in on establishment of the kind. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at tended to. N. B.—Carpels made and pat down. vvtf. Mini.R ALLEGHENY VEKITIAS BLIND, ANDHAUINET IV A<' BROOM. ■ west side oi the Diorooiul, Alle gheny city, a complete assort ment of Ventu'an Blinds; alio Ve iiitiou Shutters are made to or der in the best etylr, warranted equal to any in the United States. Uis Blinds ean be removed with out the aid of a screw driver. Having purchased the stock, tools, and wood oftlip cobineles- M’Clel* their old customers, nsweibas -. .. . iwith every thing in their Uue. t ,*mt mi-m an elegant plain Rosewoodßoet. Piano 1 •I from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns ft Clark, N. Y, ol (upenor iunc,and venr rnodeTaH price. 77V ILLUME IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER, W for removing Tartar, Scurvy, Conker, and oil <uh*taners destructive to the Teeth, It is dalicioas to .he uute, eleuumig the mouth, healing and strengthen! ,»c the gums, a«d purifying the breath. ■For sale wholesale and retail, by < i dc*A> R K SELLERS, ST Wood «t tTrATCfIKSIU-CHKAPER THAN EVER*— VV Just rec'd, ait mvmeo of fall jewelled patent le rer Watches, IS carets hue cases, which 1 eon sell as ov a* thirty and thirty five dollars, and warranted to" seep good utne. . Also— A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com* tott • wmrUartaandFwmhfWtt^.:, MEDICAL. ] SBSHft *&oroS?£% SSSSK 4 T«th S to an enure ret, on the rucuoji principle, withVbeatH Ufa! representation of thuuaaral Original shape of the face. s N. B.—Teeth extracted with IMs or no n«in. Decayed pcrnanenUT «aved hypihgro.,,-. renting the teoTl aehe, which is much bette“th««l* ring it, thoarh it ahould be done in five minvtes. m even • rugriiv SAJLTKR’S GINSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE -SUFFERING WTHI DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented sueceta which ttended the use of the 1 1! : GINSENO PANACEA' . o all the various forma which IrTitatioit o t the limn as. suae*, bus induced tho proprietor again to caQattea (ion to | * | '» • , WONDERFUL PREPARATION.!‘ Thti changaMe wvafitcT which marks our AQ winter months, is always a fruitful source of. COLDS AND COUGHS. ! " There, if negleeuidr hat the precursors of that kB ■‘T tCt ’ COSUMPTION’. !:- Tho question, then, how ahull we nip the deztroysrtn the bud? how shall we gel clear of oar ooughs and olds? is of viral importance to tee public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found in the GinrengPanaeea. In proof of this we have ftmntime to Ume puhSthed use certificates of dozens of oor best known eitixena, who have experi euced its curative powers. These, with a mass vf tea lil Sa‘ l fe o PTlSn^ O «A N iINO. Ministers of the Gospel, ftc., together with eopioaa no| iees from the \ JOURNALS OF THE DAY, ' v . . we have in pamphlet form, and may be KM mils of any of oar agenu throughout the country. 1 HUNDREDS OF BOTTLii) ;i , have been need in this city. t THOUSANDS AND TEN 3 OF THOUSANDS tiirouxboat the United States and Canada, and: we c>» o which, when taken according to directions, and be fore the lungs had become filaily dleorgaiused, it has aver failed to ' EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. | Why, then, need the afflicted hesitate? Why Assort to the mWrable nostrum*, gotten up •also ler the arsonted name of aome eo phy sician, and puffed into notoriety by cctti£etto4 m per ioca equally unknown! Whilst a medieine of! UNPARALLELED EFFICACY [ . Is to be had, whose vouchers arc at homer—car cslgk] hors,—many of whom it ha* j . SNATCHED FROM TIIE GRAVE, j In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the peor as well the rico,w»hive : put the price at | OBI.T JWTr CEIT9, 1 lust one half the usual coil of cough modleinos. tt ta for sale by our arenti In nearly every town and village ever the west, who ore prepared to give full informa tion relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor* Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. that It will cm benefit. TupßßßSv* 1 have used it Inr the last sixteen years for ail diseisst of the chcru involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and ! declare before heaven and mu, that not In one easel luw it failed to benefit when the patient waa within ihd reach ofmortal means. ' 1 Ihavehadphyaieiuulaazaedin the profession. I have ministers oflhegespsl, judges of the beucb, al dermen, lawyera. genuemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes or the poor use it in every variety of way, and there bus been but one voice—one universal voice sayfng—“M’ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD!” > - RHEUMATISM—It removes, almori tmraediaiely the inflammation and swelling, when the pain ceases. (U . the directions around the box}' D-ACllB—The solve has cured persons of the headache of twelve years standing, and who hod it ron-arevery week noihatvamitiugtookplnca. EAR AOHF,TOOTH-ACHE, and AGUE IN THE PACE, sro helped Willi like success. .1 „ BUALD HEAD—We have eared eases that actually dafiafl every thing known.* a* well a* the ability of fif isen 10 twenty doctors. One mao told us be had spent f.m on his children wltiion any benefit, ..when a few Mt<> of Ointment cured them. TEITEE—There ie nothing better for the cure of BURNS-lt la one of the beat things in the world for Benia. . ' PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by this CmJ ment It sxvxu fails in giving relief for tho Piles • fTy 1 Around the box are directions for-ttrinir IrAl litur’i Oinßtunt/or Scrofula , Liwr nkyrips lot, Tdtr, Chilblain, Staid Htad, Sett j£f*s, : Qirbuy, Sett Throat, Bmnehitas, Ntnmu Affluent, Pares, Du nh of the Spins, Htad aths, asthma, Jkafnm. Bar eehs, Bums. Corns, all Dixtasts qf (As SW*t, Sort Ups, Pim pies, Svslling o/tht Limbi, Sorer, tVuuaatism, pilsx,'eold Fat, Croup, SwtlUd or Broktn i>rr3jf, Tooth asks. JcutintM Fact, COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain in the Chest and Side, falling off of the hair, or the other accompa nies cold feci. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) It is a sure sign of disease to have cold feel, CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointment will al ways keep corns from growing. People need never be troubled with them if they use it frequently. This Ointment is good for any part of the body or umhs when inflamed. In some cares it should be applied often. . . . CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name ofJAMESHeALLIBTERis written with a pen on every label. For sale by my Agents in all the prineipal cities and towns In the United State*. • • _L, . JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. S Principal Office, No 33 North Third street, Phil* ie. .PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Ausais ci PrmßeaflK—Braun ft Reiter, comer of Liberty and St Clair at*; and L Wilcox, Jr, comer of Market »t and the Diamond, also comer of 4th ami Bmithficld su; 7 II Castel, comer of Walnatand Penn Ms, sth ward; and sold st the bookstore in Smititfield st, 3d door from Second stt in Allegheny city by il P tahwartz and J Sargent; by J U Smith, Druggist, Bir mingham; DNegley. East liberty;. II Rowland, Mc- Keesport; J Alexander ft Son, Monongaheld City; N U Bowman ft Co,.and J T Rogers, Brownsville, John Uarklcy, Beaver, Po; arc wholesale agent*. fcb37*deodly ' » Panto for tha Public, In relation to that unrivalled family Salvo, DiliLßt’S HABICAL P4IS EITBACIOR. TESTIMONY of a respecublo Physieiau.—Read the following, addressed to my. Agent, Mr. F. Mer ryweather, Cincinnati: Cuccccutt, Feb. 13,'lSffl. ■ Sir: A sense of duty compels mo to give my tribute to Dailey’s Pain Extractor. Being opposed to quack ery and all nostrums baving for their object 'sinister motives—but realising much good from the w Kiog of; Pain Killer*”—l am indoced to tender you this eenifi-, ente. I have used it in my family, in my pruttiee, and with all the happy and wonderful effects that could possibly be imagined. 11. J. BsoDtr,M. j). Dr. Brodie UHhe senior partner of-Brodie ft Levi, Druggists. . Inflammatory Rheumatism. ' “ The following testimonial comes from' a source ft] miliar » many of those traveling on our Western wa ters. Mr. dime, the well anil favorably ksoths pro- E'etor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the y whose Idler I annex: . ' > Paaxxasctrao, Va, AprfiiS, 1619. To Henry Dailey, Chemist, ftc.—Sin Having for merly been long mfiiqted with violent inflammatory Rheumatism, which appeared to firmtr seated at to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe p&io. attending it, 1 was induced to try your Magical Pain’ Eztracton and it having effected, almost os ifby mo gic, ar lauacdiate relief, and also, to all appearance* an entire ana perfect cure, 1 am induced for the bene fit of others who mny be afflicted with pain, caused by any kind of inflammation, to write to yo»r declaring that iu my opinion, founded on actual experience your Magical Pain Extractor i* the mosi'-valcable dis covery of the present age for the immediate extraction of bodily pnin. It i* au almost immediate .and a per fect cure for Burn* and hcalds, and all external in flammation. > (laving many aeqoaimanees formed-' fifthe.': visiu at my husband’s hotel in this place, I bake khppesed by your showing them these tew lines, ttntayi>o»*:hiy be of benefit both to them and yonrscli - ■ - " Euzanstn GuiT II entertain the hope that Mrs. dime willpardoi;- e publicity 1 give to her letter, as well on the scoiu ->t hnmanhy as of iu being the surest mode of brir.fi tag n to the notice of her friends.—H. DsUJtr.J - - Felon Cured. Eitract of a letter, dtted : • Mr. H. Dailey: “I have tried your fain Rz tractor m a ease of felon, in my own family, watch-Jl relieved and cored in a very short time.” 1? Yours re spectfully, , t, rs ?' ID“ Bums and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipples, Broken Breast, Eruptions, Sore.*, Cuts,, W (*nd», and all in flammation, yields readily to the wonderful properties of this unrivalled family salve. But, m ‘be same pro portion that you will rcectvebcnehi frougiliu genuiue, you will be injured by the deleterious effect* of Ujo counterfeit salves. . , CAUTION—Be sure and apply enlyto the inventor, H. DatLCT, 415 Broadway, */ ( f„\®«t. ««' * Utorized agenu. „ u General Depot, Piusburvh. Henry P. Sehwartt, A»«heny, dnu; J. -Baker* . Wheeling, Va.; Jamea W {t*** 0 Ky.j F. Merryweather, Cmeiotiau, 0., General Depot. N. B-—ln the severest Burns and Bcaldvlt' extract* the pi in In » fa* minutes—lt never foils*- ■•; Jui4 B. AFaaskstocx.l - . A. H, UaiA| N. .Y. Cuj U. L Fasßisroex, YFiittborgh. fl. W. FsH3**TOC.J _ . S : i... Whoitials DTJf ®y* r *. * a . Ihs City mt HoW.a#klk» ~, . --j rfifiE undersigned are extensively engaged, in the 1 Wholesale Drug buitien at No. 49 John street, in the «ity of Now kork, eßtt are prepared to. eopsly Hfugrisls sod cwnixy Merchants with Drugs, PaStta, jtls, Ptain end Amarieaa .Peifameiy, slander, A «*-e» fchlandcr's Chemicals, (of their own mfOTJtioal all ether anielea in bnsi teis. of » fsperio as low ea they} so be per* Ili*wl It* this or any eastern eity. - • Nsw York. F«l*ra lt_A. fc O CURE Ftfß WOKWS.-i 'HT B» A. FAHNESTOCK’S .‘VEIUHIPfeGE. ciusiB*o?uxT*BtuL>R*rrea.. IN order to afford all possible security to,the, public, us well e* lo tbetu«lves, against fra!uiL«iS itnpo- Rtuou fiotucouiilerfeiung, the prdpriciorslisve'inade a change m the exterior wruppef or JaMc oTtieir Ver mifuge. Xhe now label, which U-a steel engraving of the most exquisite design and workmanship! baa been introduced at, u very great expense.- and tsftom the bramofan nrustofuteflrmalent. -Tbodc*iniu*new r and tho execution elaborate. Bereral and a portrait are most prommem, but the wotdNVuajti rDo*» pntuea in white letters on a rttl uiiaucly en* ?™ Ted graond, should be ptmiaularly exammed.— When-held, w to um tght the letlers, shidlS of the tetters ana every lute, however twuuie, throughout tho whole of this pan of theengraviug maidb' as exactly at il the impression bad been mode upon oae'side cm* iy, although Ills actually printed on b«h side* of the paper. Tms should in aU eases be obscrreJ. AL* lie! upon each dozen is nfto printed in red upon both sldca, and should be examined iu.tha Aamp' mgnner.; This preparation hot now stood yto test of ma>7 years trial, and is confidently recommended as a safs and effectual medicine for.expelUiig.woriaa irOßi J»e system.''the unexampled success That hssk tlenacd Its udminlstnuion in every ease where thepaurntwts really afflicted with worms, certainly xeuaetpß thp the tucntion cf phytteiaua. . ' rim proprietor has made it a pqiul,to aseertiia we result of tu use in such cases as eaiM.withik ais knowledge aud observation—and he it to'produce the most salutary ly after nearly all the ordinary preparauo mended for worms bad been , without any permanent a^tvamage-•'TIl^*•oJ B, tcited by the certificates and slatemeptsOy- V of rcipeetable persotrs in different parts of ®®°“ j try, and should indace families'ulway* t*kmr» i a vmj or the preparation in theirpos»essieß< RM.y 1 ” ‘“1“ operation, and may be administered wlthpoß® 4 *** l6 " ty to the most delieate infant. -«v— -1 • The only genuine Is prepared by ' LfJf. ; lh B A FAHNESTOCK* Pff>barga_ bbis in (tore aodte«i^_ 4*9.. WH3UW««?PfBIT - Vl* ... :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers