ESTABLISHED IN 1786. published by W H ITE A CO. ». a, wnnr] !«. baiout. •mm sut’srDws, tsdu> stout, ksxt doos to %eb rorr omct -D*ilrp«® r*t— — ••J.OOper annoi: TrMVee'.y- iflO u Weekly, Cn ettraaee)*— —• *jW u Do. o Claht, tt a redact tale. Itai C 8 OF ADYK&TISISG * -•».- r agreed upon BY T! fi PITTSBCBGH PRESS. One Sqar >e, (10 line* of Nonpareil or lesa) one.< nenioa- - OtwBsw«,eeeh»sdlUonaiins«nion..» <£& Da one week—.»~— 1,75 Do. tnowetli— —... - Do. three weeks-—— 4,00 i Do. ' one month—— —— 5,00 Do, - two moaths ■■..>. 7,00 j De. ’ three months 9,00 j Do. tear m0nth5......i0.0D i Do. ail Bombs 13,00 l Do. _ twelTo months... Id.OJ Standing Card (flUtiei or lets,) per annam* 10,80 One Square.changeable atplearuro (pci an* - aom) exeliuire of the paper*-—*** 35,00 For eaeh additional aquare,tnienedoTerone monlh, i ; a*d foreoeh additional i<ju*re ln*erted under tfco year* ■ Ijr rues, half phee. _ AdrertUentenu exceeding; a rqoare, and sot over fifteen lines, tote charged as a square and ahall . Ifablisher* sot accountable for legal advertisements beyond the amount charge! lor their pablicalien. ; Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the ; tame aa oteer advertisements. Advertisements nctmtiked on the copy for atpeei- Aed comber of insenjuns, mil be eottlioned till foibid, * and accords Tie privilege* of yearly advertisers will bo confined rigidly to their regular basinet*, and all other adver : tueioeflU not pertaining to their regular business, aa agreed tor, to be paid extra. All advertisements for charitable initiation*, fire , companies ward, township and other public meeting*, and each like, to be charged baUpriee, payable strieur in advance. • - Jdamsge notice* to be charged SO cents. Death twneesmsened withoatcbaigc,imleMacecm* panted by invitations or obltaary notice*, and i when so abeorapamed to be paid for. £egalar advefiisen and all other* sending commit* • ideations, or.repairing notice* de*igned to-eail nuco* . tlofl to C*ir*rSoirees, Concerts, or any public enter tainments. where charges are made lor admittance— < ■ all uoticts of private associations—every notice de« i eallatleation to private enterprise* ealeula* i ted or intended to promote individual interest, can on ly be Inserted wills the undemanding that the same b to be paid for. (Untended to-be inserted in the loea ; column, the same will be charged at the rate of not less : ifcuiec' is wr It no. i . Lisbcp. srf’mjjotiees to bo charged triple price. Tavern License Petitions. S 3 each.. ! ddvertiseraeitis to bo charged ax Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers’ Advertisements ; ??* to . classed under yeariy rate*, out to be allowed fliseouut ol uarty three and one third per cent, from the , amoeiit of bills. OB IH-wnilT Cl DAttT PATHS. One Squire, three mreriions-—— «!,» - ttch additional inscrtiQa»*>* 37 . AsvssnnßS£.TTs a 'wxxxltpapxb. OsßSquue, (10 Unes.) ooe insertion. -«>6o ct». ... , each additional insenian-.sS u AJI transient advertisements la be poiifin cdToneo. . WHITER CO.,.Garette.' I- HARPER- Ptn, r.OlPTiirRiDDLfe, Journal. JAMES r. BARR A CO, Chronic!*. FOSTER & BROTH uR, Dispach. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JA&IES W. BIDDLE, American. HIRAM KAINB, Keening PnTtsoßau,Dec. 1, itO. BUMims (IAKDS. ALEIANDBR 21. WATSOK, Attorney at law—oisee, on ronnkittett, above Smilhficld— Lovrrie’* Boiiduif s up stairs. janU-y . A LKXAN UEK FRANKLIN, Attorney at Civ, JX. lurunhst. novIS-ly * bAVlil C. Ttrr'Tliß, Attorney at law and commissioner FU R PENN SYLYANTA, St. Loms^Mo. . All communications promptly answered. oet23-Iy A BMSTRONO ACROZERf CemntiAAton Merehuts -IXand iOcalers ia Prodccc, No. SS 'Market street* Pwahuntk ' • • deeS - aomranEssiasp A TTORNJ2Y and CoanieUor at Law, and Comal** •XX ara'ier for the State of I’enusylTama, Su Louis, Mo7(lat«o( Pittsburgh.) • Xaixai’icxa.—Pittsburgh: HoaW. Forward, Ituap tea & Miller, MX'andte** A M : Clbtc, John E. l’arke, d.taella A Semple, M’Copl . k. King. aug!4:dly T. K.auas.. >t r«raaa»TT. BAIIU> * BTEBEETT, ATTORNEYS ANJJ COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Foanh ttreet, between Smltnfield and Grant. '’imfrargh, Fa ■ jnls_ Joan w».c. reran. LABGS ft PBIEHO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street,neer Grant ‘ jclfttf ~ ——ZAMEaFTKXEum ATTORNEY AT LAW.—office on Fourth tL, be* tween Smilhiicld and,Giant st, Pittsburgh. v. b. wooawAjts -aaun aaaixxr. IAGALEY. WOODWARD ft Co., Wholesale Gro > cuts, No.Cl Market street, Philadelphia, nova? PKtoberrt AlknH Woiki. BENNETT, II KILL i' ft CO, Manutactarers of Soda Ash. Bleaching Powders. Mn ristic and g&lpherie Adds. Warehouse No. Water street, below Ferry. ■. novgUy naszas tt navs, - otoaex unit f>RAUK A REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drog- JD gute, inner of Liberty and St. Clair itreeu, Piu*- pargn, Fa mayli • B A. i’AiINESTOCiC & Co., 1 Whotettle • uii -Dnyrpxu, corner Wood uid <UI» tu. /TUAKLta NaYLOK. Auorney n~ * y Ut door chore amiiaSetd. CRAJG a?. BRJNNER, Forwarding and Commiuion Merchant* No. iffl Market st, Pittsburgh. spt3 CA. MeANULTY A Co;, Forwarding and Com • mission Merchants, Canal Botin, Pittsburgh Pa . mchu U. UUATiTj Wholesale Grocer, Coammsioa *ad Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water st* main Baqatiat Ktttl and from COLEMAN, r HAILMAN A Co, manafafttarata of Coach and KUplic Spring*, Hammered Axle*, Epring and Plough Steel, Iron, Ac. Warehouse on Water and From streets, Pittsburgh. Alto, dealers ing Coach Trimming* and Malleable Casting*. dctlS.. ENGLISH A DENNETT, (late English, Gallagher A Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, Commission. and For warding Merchants, and dealer* in Produce and Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood tU, between Vd and 3d streets. oetl In J. ILENRY, Attorney and Connccllor at Law, y. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection*' in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Eeatacfcr, promptly and care felly attended to. Commissioner for the Slate of Penn? sylvanix, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, Bon to—lion. Wm. Bell A Son, Cortis, Church A Carothere, Wm. Hcy.«. fcVj., Willock A Uans. a^S Ira Horsey Andrew Fleming it. K. Fleming. IIEKSEY, FLEMING A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOB the sale of Domestic, Woolen and . Cotton Good*, alto, Dealersin all kind* of Tailors’Tnm ■mnp, No. Ik? Wood street, fourth door from Fifth, Pittsburgh. Mctgrj. IViL A. Hill A Co n Banker*. 1 Jauu3 ; J. C. Breyiogle--- A. H. Clarke. OBEYFOGLB A CIABEB, T?OBWABDING AND COMMISSION MERCH- F ANTS, and dealers in Window Glair, White Cead,Ae. No. tQs Second st. jaafr-y - , ~—wn7u. JolTssrofi, Forwarding a commission merchant, No. U 3 Second street, Pittsburgh. deli GEORGE W. SMITH Brewer*, Malsters and Hop Dealer Pitt st. Pittsburgh. ■ sptO Commiuioa and Forwarding |j Merchant. No- g> Wood rtreet Pittsburgh. myl7 : sagffifssssfJssssßf nc, HLEE, (ntecerror to Murphy A Ue,) Wool Deal • crand Commiuioa Merchant, for tale «1 American Woolens, Liberty. oppoMto Cut «t fcbl7 wtaxtiiTßaltimoie” ~ , • aj.uccisos, *dwa»iouab, JFhilad*; ■ n. joint a. WAunxx, J TTEAIJ) A BDCKNOR,Tobacco Coipmirtion Mgr? North Water it, Al 6 North Whirret, u.Butr,' WM.riroirea. HARDY, JONES A CoZ (sueeeasors WAWWi Joae* A Co.) Commission and Forwarding Mer enacts,’dealer* In Pittsburgh Manafsetared. Goods, Ptttsbarah. Pa. • * . mch<7 NOTICE*’ | "" I HAVE associated 1. B. UeVAY with me In the Exchange and Banking business- • ; January Ist, fefft. Will. 11. WILLIAMS. Wm. H. Williams. I,D. McVsjr. WH.II. WILLUHfI A CO., Bankers and exchange brokers, . North East coreetofWood tnd Third streets, ) rianl • ■ • Prmscasß. i’a— : jsljAH *Co J Blaien Merchttu, and daifen la Predace, Wtaer. and 107 Fnmtatrtcti, Pju«barrh. nflTfl^ 3'NO. A-CAiA»Ufc.*,Aten» the Lake Brie end' Ulehiiui Line re lieawraM the Lake*.—Office 2 <m the corner of wawr and Bmith£ e ld lU . ' )an< •f^iEwoiratss:-ww3SS^ tlh Agents for llaxaiigPowder Co., N 0.37 tlT, Pittsburgh. _> ’ . . d f s.v lesJl. PttWfllcW 1 . t! • ifljpa pn*"^ JB. DILWURTH A Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro • deco and/Comsuruoa Umhanu, and Arena for the Heart Powder Co. Y„ &a wiod2 ! Fiiahnrgm •» - mt JOHN M. finialm.wo ApotheMry NO. *5 Market tty drew door* shore Third*. Piuß ' benrh,wUl haTe eo«anilyonha.nd a well selected e 2 ‘ 1 aaranest of the freiheet Medielnea, which hi . Sm cell on the nfMl ressonabla term*. Phyiieiaos , order*, will he promptly attended to, and rep. • Zuedwith article* they mny rely upon as genuine. 1 RIT Physician l Prerenptions will b« aeearuely and : JSBlyprapared’fronitha Ixttaalerislijataey hserof or night • --'alsoWsate, :l SBWEiX,Coun*eilora(iaw^-o^ ! J (ec on Fourth »t, aboro.Smithfield. . pord-ly i ; oTWarren, OMa,) Comal*. i J aionaml Forwarding Mgrehantand wholesale ; SwUr In Western Batter, Pol and Ftearl Ash, and Wewin Prodoeo generally, Water ; bCiil.fleld and Wood.Piarbinh. a^ oHTT'WATT. (sacceuor to Kwait a GebbarO wholesale Grocer apd Gemmation Merchant, dealer In rrodoeo nrA Pittsburgh Mansfaeinreaj cot* : Hyfruhnriy nni Hagdjflwts, Pitabargh PiTteSd • a hUXCIUW>N,_4 00.-9*eee»ora to - J \Zfmrit QatoMson Cmnmit»lon.Merchants, Md AMti'Of the St. Louis Bteam Sugar Refinery. n»al . THE CARDS. JSCHOONHASER ftCoi/Wholesale JDmggists, • No. 84 Wood street. Pittsburgh. ' ' . . JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist,anddeal er la Dye Staffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ftc;,-N©.B3 Wood street, one door Scuta of Diamond Alley, pis*, harsh. . • • .rani JAfiIES KERB, Jr- ft Co, (successor to Josephs. Davis.) Ship Chandler*. 30 Water street. oc3L JOHN D. DAVIS, AacooaeCT.conietfith .nA streets, Pittsburgh. oct g • 10BN, Uf MJOAOR, Wholesale and BetaUdStar u in Mnsie andMasieal Instruments. Betaol alra, Duel PenMW“*> SfifSS Bujtojir KneriUj.No. SlVood Piuitari? ° _Uj"Rns.boaßhloriakenlalrti!e/ ®^i s lan# L*i... ■' ■ ■ , T f.R-RWVD.'WhoI.BUBOroS^S^S-oa. ana Dealer} to PrSlnee” Bonad “ Üb “* w “* “ d «* ■T 'Vholesaie Grocer,CcomissioO Jj Met chant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Maitnfactnm. No. 34 Water sl. Pittsburgh. janl? J, »,^r^e S Bey* l1 * ' . . REFER TO Blaekitoek,BeßftCo. > Cbareh ft Carothers, FPntslmrth. D. T. Morgaih j qcljldly IflEßft JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer- Ol chants: Dealers in Produce andPittsbargh maau i>ciored articles, Cana! Basin, near7th it., dfl PITTSBURGH, PA. 1/ ENNEDY, CHILDS ft CO, Manufacturers ©fa Am, taperun 4-V Sheetings* Carpet Chain, Co e ey IWtne and Batting. ■ >ja.TO«lyttcfl LEWIS, DAI.ZFII« ft msnufsetarenof all sF res Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iran and'Nails of tho best jaunty. Warehouse, M water and IQS front st. jan!B •- S Wholesare~Grocer,Forwsrd' • trig and Commission Merchant, Dealer in Pius* burgh Mkntdaeturei and Predate, Nos. 31 Water sl> uacg Front r. • jf? KERCSR dft AHTELO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ET Liberal advances ftiadc or. consignments. Janlt-tm wm. snxxas, Philada. c. w. atcxrraos, Pittsburgh. MILLER ft RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and importers of Brandies, Wines and- Segars, Nos. 173 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts* burgh,Pa Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, fte. fte. con* tlantly on hand. angl4 roan sratLL. in. n. jtgill. wimi c. toa*. XTeGILLS ft ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Cominis# iU, sion AJ etchants, No. l&VLibeny it, Pittsbnrgh. Ail URPIIY, WILSON ft CO- (late Jones, Marphy ft IVX Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 48 Wood street, Pittsbnrgh- nos£l Art aTTIiHw IXJL ter. Rooms, comer of Post Office Alley and Foanh street, entrance on 4th near Market. rieefrdth PUTSUUBUU STEEL WORKS — ffl<D - SPIUNG T AND AXLE FACTORY. - HA-lC7C*l3y . lOBH ». QVIM. JONES ft. Q,UIGG, MANUPACTUREKS of spring and blister steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and elip, lie springs,hammered iron axles, and dealer* in tan! fire engine lamps, pud coach trimmings corner ofßoss and Front sta^Pituboi^B, N- HOLMES ft SON, No. &3 Market, st, second • door from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificates ofDcpos it, Bonk and Specie. fE/“ Collections mad on all the principal cities throagbonrthc United States. . dec 17 NBUCOIASTEK, ALgKEMs»«-o&ce..Foßrth st, • third door above Bmithfield, south side. Conreyaneing of all kinds done with the greatest care and legal accuracy. - Titlesle Real Estate examined, fte. +oct3h»ly PROP. HENRY RORDOCK, PENN STREET, between Wayne and liaitd, hue resumed h» professional duties, giving insane* UO&s on the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Music. anxUidtf ■ • . . sat-aft PEIUM TEA BTOBJL-No. 70 ftunh Cm su, near Wood—All quantities of Green and Black Teas, done up in qaarter, half, and one pound packages, ranging from &0 ets. "per pound »I,SO. jyi A JAYNES, Agu forPekiuTeaCo. &EISINGER, WELLS ft CO., MANCFACTURERS OP GREEN GLASS WARE, NO. 37 Market street, Pittsburgh, keep constant ly on hand and make to order all kinds of Vuts, Uottlcs, fte. Ponar and Mineral Water ColUe*, of su perior quality. Particular attention paid to Private Moulds. novaO-ly I>UIUSU.N, urrLE ft cu., No. hw Libeny street, XV Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce ana Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. jy7 1> UHEKT MOOKE, ft'bolesale Grocer, Been tying JLV Distiller,- dealer ux Produce, Pißebarpi Maoniar- Hires, end all kinds of Foreign and Domic«tie Wines end Liqnore, No. U Liberty street. On hand a very large stock of raperior eld Moaongahela whiskey, which ,will be sold tow for cash. ; apliJy L. a aarroLns, x._t~ vass. REYNOLDS &SHE&,'FaTtrardu£ and Commission for the Hirer Trade, Ueal in in Groceries, Frednce, FitUborfh _ftlana£aetcirj ted Chloride'oTLlmc. The highest price*, in caah.paid at all time* for eoan ry raga. -Corner of Pena and Irwin st*. ’ iartffi ROBERT DALZF.LL A Co, Wholesale Groeen, Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, dealer* ;n Produce and Pittsburgh. Manufacture*, Liberty at. eiu«l»urgh. Pa. • - ' tel-tM KUBT. A CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, - Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Msnufactures »4t Liberty tt- ■ iTtl iw, 'iTtird st, naTis-3m SHACKLEIT A WIHTB, Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. M Wood st. Pitliljurgfcj ’ febWT £ W. HABBAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealer* 0» in Flour'and Produce generally, and Forwarding tad Commiuion Merchants, No. S 3 Water *u, Pius, bnruh- ; r. fZLLXxr, rnruraeiL ' joeji xtatota, xauti^su. SELLERS A NICOLS, Produce and General Com miuion Merchants, No. 17 Liberty Pittsburgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. S F. VON BONNHOBST, A Co-Wholesale Gro . een, Forwarding and Commiuion Merchants, Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Pro* dace, hare removed to their new wmrehou*e,(old stand) No, 35, corner of Front st. and Chaneery Luma. fiussKVaUKaT, Wboleiaic Grocer* andCommis- J. sloa Merchants, and dealer* in Produce. No. 35 Wood si, Pittsburgh. _ w. a wooDw*x»v""**'*»aixah*osutT. WM. BAGALEY A CO- Wholesale-Grocer*, IB and 30 Wood street Pittsburgh. noVU W. if H. 'BITCHEI.TR£ E , TT7HOLESALB GKOCF.RS, BKCriFYING DIB* W TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—importers of Soda Ash and Bleaching Powder, No. ICO liberty »u, (opposite Sixth st-,) Pitts burgh. [ * clg l ■OB* C. WICX, OAT® *^CASUUM VRnOK-A M’CANDLESS, (succeuoi* to L. Al. D W Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwardiap and Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nailt, Glass, Lott*u Yams, and Pittsburgh Manaiaetcres generally, of Wood and Water »treets. Pittsburgh. 1_ %l'r W. WALLACE, Mill stone and MUI Furrust W . ing establishment, No. 544 liberty st, neaxDie saial. *• ma«_ Xkr W. WILSON, Watebes, Jewelry, SUtcr 'Vsre, VV . and Military Goods, corner of Market and 4th ftTMtil Pittsburgh, Pa. N? and Clocks - earefally repaired. . dee^ -‘TiriEST BOWEN—Commiuioa and h’orwarding VV Merchant, No.» Front st. between Wood apd Market streets. . . VSr R. MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealerin W • Foreign and Domesue Dry Goods, north east eorner of Marke-.’and Foarth sta. . aaggl wm. touro, nsa a jpcus*. YYTM. Y'OUNG A ln lealhef hides, A*. W l<3UbtTlTtl 1 - - - .Yim. WM. M COTCDKOa. • W* A R. hL’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dea * lerv in Prodnee, Iron. Nails, Glass, and Pms. burgh Manufacture* generally, 153 Liberty rt, Pitt** borgh. decg WW WILSON. Dealer In Watches, Je»eliy * -SilTer Ware, Goods, no. 57 Mar let sl - no^< • 'WSf'fiSIDUN, ATTORSIEY AT LAW, . _ Butter, Pa. WfLL ala* attend to collections and' all other bail ees* entrusted to him In Batler and Armstrong Bounties, Pa. Belef to j. A R. Floyd, liberty st 1 W.W. Wallace, do I - James Marshall do' [Plttsbargh. dly ' K*y A Co., Wood st. •) '■ Jsn7 „ Trf - PKTTIG&EW dfe CO., . BTEAM BOAT AO ENTS kfC |! TC!SRt Omci abot* M. Allis A Co, oet3l No. 43 Water street. HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREETBALTIMORE. rooa axo raussroß, rßomxrosa. MTHIS estabUshmcat long and widely knowtras being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvement*. An entire new winr has been added, containing numerous aniairy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing room*.. T£eri*dte«’ department has also been cocaplUely reorgante*4endfined an in a moruniqueand telau retuvle. in fact the wEnla arrangement of the House k«£sr£lS2.S;wM> • unjl. <r« <m tb. p.nof JSf mM,fStonl! uanfds the eomfon and pleasure of thelrGneit%and »hieh,they f ll 1 challenge comparison with any Itetel the Uninn. SfiS *>«» friends and the publtefetienJlr fcr b<axtl Ut. bon u. lb. 6U ■«•»«*» ; ways be found linear and Load which will convey baggage to and fro* lb* Hotebfree ef charge. - maysu^ uaiaras boos*. comm er toituts asp sun «*•***■• M TUB sabseriber respectfully *oaoance*th*» ha* now opened his new and exeaDwt 6» the accocu&odatfon of trayelera. hoarders, and the publie geoerally. Tim boose and iunutate are entirely new,and no paiasor expense pxTe bed* spared to render it one of the aest comfortable ana pleasant Hotels ia the city. . . The subscriber Is detemiuod ta deserve, and there fereeolieits,aahareefnhUeßatrenage. 'I oetl4-diy • JAOOB nouCH. Proprigtar. - ~ITTWFGAN-II hhls pare Cider, for sale by V \*SB , , BP VQNK»atRO|SSTRCO ytr- •*> PiTTSBIIRGH BUM tiIZETEET ' INSURANCE. LIFEINBURANCE! Trenton Hotusl Life ImorasM Company nxa or nsxm kxddcks 25 rxa enrx. Capita],*lso,ooo, JAHTO SUKNO'4 CO., Agents al Pittibnrgh, Pa. or asxcros, at tuxtoi, ovtout. Kor, Jj. I Jortph C. Patu, PrciU. BemaalaKih, . O. A. Pcrdicaria, V. P. jcm A. Weart, .. | EU Morris, Secretary. . . 'JgnstliaaHix, Treasurer. ComptroUereVNewYotk. Georra Wood. John F. Mackie. ' David Sadler Field. '• Joaeph Hoxie. Hl« Eic. got. Raines. W. L. Dayton, U. 8. Sen. G. D. Wall, Bx-U. 8 Sen. Ex-Got. U. Dickersonl MEDICAL I A-Sidney Dotne, JdLD ' 38 Warren it, N. T. Wm.M , K.Mcrgmn,M.lX, Georg* hFCook, it D* " , Pittsburgh, Pa. IbeAgcnti of this Comps orised to take ercry first e. *w» Cfruvn/ftScw pm mat. t ainm at charged by other l A man 30 year* of age, ■or One Thousand Dalian .To n*n for one year,’pay* only 89,80. 'do ' seven M ** “ BOigi— annually, do lifetime, “ “ 317,80 “ And in the tame proportion firr any aom an to 85000, .which U the exteat takes on any one life. This company commenced operations on the l«t Oet., 1648, and its monthly bo tineas up to the Ist Ocl* 1849, tbowtaprogreu aaMdtngthat of any other life Com pany on record. . The fim diTidend of profits will be declared to the assured on the lai January, 1890. ! Pamphlet* containing the various tables of rates, and all ike necessary information on ihe important •object of Life Assurance will befurnished da appli cation to JAMES DURNO A CO„ Agent*, del? Odoon Bui dings. FIRE INSURANCE. fTTHE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN- X BURANCE COMPANY willisana Policies of In (uraneo against Loss oa Daxsas by Fm, upon Dwell ings ohd Furniture, Stores^Goods, Ac- Ac- an spph cation to JAMES DURNO A CO, Ajrtnts, • de!7 Odeon Buildings. HEALTH INSURANCE, at PltUburgh, Tin Spring Garden Health Innmnee Co, OP PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 8100,000. INSURES Males and Females against the Expense and Lota occasioned b- Steknes or Accident, by an immediate allowance of from 83 to 88 pqr week, ferone,two, three,or four years. The method of effecting this Insurances and the manner of awarding the auk allowance, will be folly explained by the Agent.- A person can insure against. Sickness or Accident which will detain from bi« ordinary business, as follows, Tic For one year, by paying 84,20, and receive 83 W week. For two “ “ 6£Q, “ “ 4 “ For three “ 7,94, « « « “ For four ** u “ « 0 u Or, for a period of fear reus,* the sum of 814,40 paid annually, will secure 89per week while tiek. Every neceusryinfermstion will be afforded on the •object of Insurance generally, by . JAMES DURNO A CO, Agents, dc!7-d6m Odeon Baildingv Lin and Health luaruea< THE Mutual'Llfo mud Health Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 1648. Charter perpetual. Capital, 9(00,000. Rants towxa thas ast Pasttmo tajua Coxraxr, and fall 20 per cent lower than the weal rates of life Insurance, as the following com* pariaon will show: Thai) a person of the age of SO in earing for 9100 for life, mast pay In the Girard Pennsylvania, 93,98, Penn Slataal, 8398; Eouitafile, 84,04; New England, tyg: New York Life, Al bion, 82,48; LUo and Health, Philadelphia, Diucroas.—Satnoel 0. Orricfc. Charles D. Halt, W. F. Bcpne, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes, U. W. Baldwin, &L M. Reeve, ni. D., Chaa O. B. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker,B.f).Bntler, Edwin R. Cope. . PmHrnt— I ffemsel B. Orriek; Vice Presi dent—RobL P. King: Secretary—Francis Blackbnrne. Applieationa will be received, and every Information given by SAUL. FAHNESTOCK, Agt, Office, Commercial Rooms, comer of Wood and TTurd its, Pittsburgh FIRE AMD H ARISE INSURANCE. TUB INSURANCE CO. of North America will make permanent and limited Insurance on pro perty in this eity and vieiniiy, and on shipmra* by Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties ot this Company are well invested, andfafctdi an'avail able (ana for the ample indemnity of all persona who desire to be protected by insurance. myli WM. P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water st. UDxnnTY. Tht Frau&in Ftrt Jtuvrana Co. of PhOntUtykio. T'llßECTOßA—Charles N. Rancher. Thomas Han, JL/ Tobias Warner, Samnel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe E. Dorie, David B. Brown, Morris Patterson. CunuxrN. Bsncum, President. .. CmrlesG.Baneker, Secretary. .. Cuntinno to make insurance,' perpetaal or limited, oa every description of property in town or country, at rules as low as are eocaiitent with security.' To Company bave reserved a large contingent Fand, wbicli who their Capital and Presunme, safely invest' ed, afford ample protection to the asured. The aaseta of tie company, on January lit, ISO, aa pstlished agreeably to an act of Assembly, were at fellow*, viz: Mortgage* Real Estate Temporary |^Mn « ’ StocXa • Ciuh,Ae. •51,0*7,438 41 94,791 63 96,«H 65 • 61,52) 25 '33,804,87 SI<3S,4S9 71 Butee their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they have paid upwards of one million foar hnndred thous and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly; Ofice N E corner Wood ana 3d sts Tin PißMflvtala Compaaj Fob InaxrAßCß os Lira ass Ouam« Asssmca. Til£ first life Insurance Company in iho U. States. Incorporated MarchUk ISlS—ehai ter perpetnaL Capital $500,000—411 paid in. Having authorised the undersigned to receive appli eaiioxu lor inturuee, oa which policies wfll be issaed, according to their propoeaU and rates, which will be nude .known lo applicant* at hit office, No. SO Wood llßtt iptl GEO. COCHRAN. HATS, CAPS AM BONNETS. M H’CORD * CO., ' Jlvf (Successors to &rcprd A King) •(k Vaihioaable Batter!i, Comer of Wood and Fifth Strretj. PARTICULAR attenxio* paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely npon gening their Hats and Caps from oar establishment of the sot aimuu and woauusiHX?, of the Latin styles, and at the unrasr rscia. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, an respectfully invited to eall and eg amine oar -Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regards <jc*Lm and ntes, it will not suffer in a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. febl? PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE IUIE Seeood Session of this Institution, under the eare of Mr. and Mrs. Goeaoas, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of rebrna ry next, in the tame buildings, No. fit liberty street. Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to famish yoang ladies faculties equal to any la the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Ciasu; eal, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Phi* lisophieal and Chemical Leetures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatss. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Untie, Modem Languages, Drawing and Punting, will each bo under tboeureofacompetenl Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pt>* pils, the Principals hope to merit ueoniinuatloa of tht liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For circular or apply to the Principals. BELL AMD BRASS FOUNDRY- A FULTON, Bcty and Brass Pounder, has re §8 built and eommeneed business affair old stand he will be pleased to see his old custom- and friends. Church,Biemabo*t,and Bells of every sire, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approv ed model*, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, toge* ther with every variety of Brass Catlings, W requited, turned und finished in the neatest manner. • A. F. ia the sole proprietor of Daßnt7*a Aim-Amt- Tlon hlxraL, so jnttly celebrated for the reduction of frietion in machinery. The Boxes and Composition can be had of him at all times jaStfcljr UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS. WR. MURPHY eomindea to keep on band a fall • assortment of the Welsh Unshrinkable Flan nels, and has roeeetly received a supply of the finer quaUllea Alio Swansdown Flannels, a scarce arti cle and well adapted for the wear of invalids, and others wanting something wanner then usual. Also, tertian and.uatue Flannels for lafants wear; to gether with a full supply of American manufactured Flannels, of different qualities- Alio, SHROUDING FLANNELS, of ail the different widths,« the North East comer of 4th and Market sts. Wholesale Rooms np stairs, where dealers will always find a good usortaent of new style goods. jan4 ' Lose or atolsni ON the evening of Monduy last, 7th Inst ,—l3 bun dles, and l7bari of Iron, (multed W.McG.ACo.) from the wharf, above the Monongahela Bridge. Any information that will ’result in the recovery of the above namad iron, will be rewarded by eatling on BCAIPE 4 ATKINSuN, jsnlO First street, befn Wood AMark et. hiw Books Jout - Arrived. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, by J. T. HbOdJy, with original designs by Dailey. Hie Poems and Prose Writings of tL 11. Dana. Physician and Patient, or a Practical View of the Moral Dutiea, Relation* and Interests of the Medical Profession and the Coamuniiy; by W. Hooker, M. D. The Puritan and His Daughter: by J. K. Paulding, author ot the Dutehmsn’s Fireside. Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexieo und Cal ifornia; with Wanderings in Peru, Chili and Polynesia; by Lieut. Wise. For sale by dmtl ELLIOTT 4 ENGLISH. 79 Wood at How l* til* lira* to lubnribs. OFFICE of Scott's Reprints of the Poor Quarter* lies and Blackwood; $lO per yeu. Morris 4 Willis’ Ueme Journal, published in New York weekly) $i pur Downing 4 * Uonicnltnrulist, monthly; $3 per yeu. Invaluable. The Cultivator, monthly; $t per annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly, $i per year. The Democratic Review, monthly) 83 per annum. Tie Bankers’ Magasine, do #3 . do JAMES D LOCKWOOD, jud Bookseller 4 Importer, (P Wood st A FEW vciT fine GUITARS; just rac'd from iho A ceffibraled manaftetory of O. P. Martin, and for aaiflbr lans J. H. MELLOB. fll Wood «t. WINDOW bores exit! window glass. *» do Mxll do do Cl do 7x9 do do |J9 do 9x19 do .do |9O do 10x14 do do PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 12, 1850. COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution of Partsirihip> BY MUTUAL CONSENT thia day, the firm hereto fore existing trader the etyle ofBUSHf lELD A LEADER, has been dissolved by Ue&ry Leader. sell ing hi* entire interest in raid firm to John McGill. JUI business connected with the firm of Bushfield A Low er will be sealed by 8. B. Bushfield A Co. who are duly authorised to make all collection* ana ad}nrtali : claims. BUBUFIELD A LEADER. | Pittsburgh, Oct. 27,1649. N. B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will continue the wholesale and retail Dir Goods andGroeerybasiness, at the old store room, No. 890 Liberty at, where they will bo pleased to hare their friends and cßitomcfa call ana examine their stock of goods. I octal 8. B. BUSnriELD A CO.I [-Hon. James Campbell. I David H. White. Alexander Cumniiura. W.J.P. White, P. M. Dissolution. _ ■ TUB partnership of the undersigned, ander the firm of Bagaley it Smith, was dissolved by mntnsi consent on 89th September, W. Bagaleypurchasrag the imerestofj. R. Smith, who retires. The holiness of the firm will be fettled by their successors, Wm. Bagaley A Co., at Nos. IS and 20 Wood st WILLIAM BAGALEY, Pittsburgh, Oet 8, <49. ISAAC R. SMITH. Ex-Gov. Vroom. Isaac Wlldrick, M. C. Wm. A. Newell, M. C. Hob. 8. B. Hamilton. JCAMINER9. W.W. Gerhard, M. D. 3ttL Walnut sL, Phil’a. H. R. Bell, M. D., Allegheny eity, Pa. uy, el Pittsburgh, are auth :lus risk on Lue at a rtrfue tram the usual rale* of pre- Companies. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Wm. Bagaley having asso ciated with him Wm. IL Woodward of Philadelphia, John S. Cosgrnve and Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh, will continue the Wholesale Grocery Business, at Nos. 18 and 20 Wood it, ander the firm of WM. BAGALEY A CO., Pittsburgh; nnd BAGALEY, WOODWARD A CO, Phllad’a. oet» Dissolution or Co-Partnsrsliip. fpIJE co-partnership heretofore existing between the X subscribers, under the style of Brown A Culbert son, was dissolved on the lit Inal. bv mutosl consent. M. B/-BROWN, Pitlsborgh, Oet. 5, 1649. A CULBERTSON. ; a Policy of Insurance The subscriber wilt continue the Wholesale Groce-. ry and Commission Business, as heretofore, at the old stand, 145 Liberty tt. oets A, CULBERTSON. SOAIFH * ATKINSON, ftassr. itnm.l Wood ajto Masxkt, Prmtnrsen, /"WNTINUE to manufacßtre all kinds of COPPER,, V*» TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE Also, Black smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. Sneciai attention riven to steam boat work. Have on hands a one assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles. Tin Ware, ±e. &e. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various sire*—a very convenient ar* tide for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. We would respectfully invite steam boat men and others to call and seo our articles and prices befota purchasing elsewhere. bUiolatlon of Partnerstap* TnE copartnenhlp of HENRY IIANNEN A CO-, formerly llaunen, fit oiler A Co., in the Window i.d Colored Glbu bußincas, is this day dissolved by (be withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Mnlter. ... . Tho basinets will be continued by tho under the firm of HENRY lIANNEN A CO. Wire* house No. 103 Second it, where we will taT. ettuzus? supplies of superior Window Gloss. JOHN lIANNEN, HENRY HANNEN, HUGH ROBERTSON,. Pittsburgh. Aug. 87, Mg. HENRY UMSTEAP Cepirtutriiilpi mHE undersigned hire this day associated with them JL in business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ,and wiU eon ' tinoo the bsiineu as heretofore, under the firm of • B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. July I,IW. Jyl3 , rpIIE partnership heretofore existing under the firm 1 of a. AC. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease otAlr. C. Bradley. The business will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late firm. REMOVAL—A. Biaslxt hu removed hit Foundry Warehouse from No. 113 Second street, to No. 19 Wood street, between First and Second streets, lo the warehouse lately occupied by O. A- Berry, where be will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Castings. Urates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Ac. jjrl3_ Dissolution, THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name of Constable, Darke A Co., is this day dissolved by matualconseaL Messrs. Burke A Barnes will settle the business of the eon cam, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. TVs undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, Ac. Ae., at the stand of the lato firm of Constable, Btirke A where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Barke A Co., ! with sincere plessure recommend Messrs. Burke A Barnes to the confidence of Bty friends and the public. Feb. 0,1949. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, febld-dtf FORWAfiIiING & COMMISSION. OTOA&T A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com j3 mission Merchants* N<Ml3 Wood JPinsbargh* Dealers In Gioe«rie#, FJour, Wheat, Kye,Oii», Com, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard. Cnceso; Clover, Timothy and Flag Seeds; Iron, Nails, Glass, Ae. Ac. Ac. Particular attention paid to the solo of Western Produce. • «- Rmmcn—Messrs. Myers A Hunter, Kobt. Dal tell A Co., MOills A Roe, Hampton, Smith A' Co., James May, King A Moorhead, Piutoargk. Fenner A M’.Millan, Massillon. Jos. 3, Morrison, Kop, Bl Louis. «pt2C:ly Jons a. caato, late of N. Lisbon, O w. a. sxßtxxx CRAIG * SKINNER, GENERAL AGENCY, CamcniFiuon and Forward ing Merchants, No. ifi Market sl, Pittsburgh, Pa. IT?*Prompt atteution given to the purchase and sale of all kinds of Produce. Rum to—John Wau A Co., Mnxphy, Wilson 4 Co. Pittsburgh, P*4 Lawson 4 Hill, Mnhton Martin, Wellsvuta, (X; John H. Brown 4 Co., Grigg, El I toll 4 Co., Philadelphia; U. W. Snodgrass 4 Co, Gregg 4 Nice, New Lisbon, O; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D- Coffin, . Cincinnau; J. P. Keller, Youngstown, W. L. Rian dan. Cleveland, O. augdf Commlaelon Bad Forwarding Merchant l bo. 99 wood ST n mrwacn, CONTINUES to transacts general Commission bust ness, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can Manufacture* and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to his cam. As Agent for the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles,!?/ Pittsburgh Manufsetnre at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments . are respeeifutlr solicited. |97 Penn Uschlns Shop. HWIOHTMAN— Manufacturer o(aU kinds of cot a ion and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa. The abovo works being now in full setf »accerrfrJ op eration. 1 am preposed to exetste otisri with dispateh for nit kinds of machinery in Let, st-Jf as willows, picker*, spreaders, carts, grinding masiinrs, railways, drawing frames, speeders, ifaisssils, looms, wdolen cards, double or siarlc, for merchant or country work, mutes, jacks, Ac.; slide and hand lathes and tool* in gen eral. Alt ktndaof shafting madeu>order,-orp]aitsgiv en for geuing factories or niills at reasouabie charge. Ruru to—Kennedy. Childs 4 C©„ Blackstock.Beli 4 Co., King, Pennoek 4 Co., Jan. A. Gray. TO PRINTERS, - " JOHN D. M'CREARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer, Nos. 331 and 333 Stanton street, NEW YORK—Do pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would eallthe attention tof Waters to his Improved Printing Inks of various kinds and orders, at the following prices : Extra Ann Jet Black, for Card and Wood Cuts - - - $3 00 and 300 per lb. Fine Book Ink - - 075 “ l 00 •• Book r.k - - - 040 44 030 41 News Ink - 018 OSO “ 093 « Fine Red Ink • 75e 100 150 « 300 “ Bine, Yellow, Green and White 75c 1001 50 44 Gold sixo at $3 per lb, and Bronie at 50, 75 cts anil •Iperoz. A specimen of News Ink ean be seen on this paper For salo by JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. Morgan 4 Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton AGrlswonld, Lonlrtille, Ky. oetSalflm JAIMES W. WOODWKLL, Modern and Antique FnrnUnrc, 63, Thik> Brain, nmmsH. em. J fof Steamboats, EBB Hotel* and private Awe\. m * a lino, constantly on band and made to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceoded hr any aanotaetoiT In the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to giro me a call as lam determined my price* shall please. Pan of the stock consist* in— TeieaTete; D&flet EUqeie; Loots XIV Choirs; Queen Elisabeth chairs;- Tea Torse: Trait Tables: Toilet Tables; Loots XV Coauaoder French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano gtooir 00 sofas with Plash and liair-clolh oorsri -50 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; ’ 40dos Parlor do • 30 M Facer do S 3 centre Tables; SO pair Pisans; 4 pair pier Tables; 10 marble lop Pressing Bnreaot; 8 Wardrobes; 8 Secretaries and Book casts; SO marble top Wash Blands: 4 pair Ottomans; 8 pair fancy Work Bunds; A very large assortment of common chairs and other fa mi tare too nnmerons to mention. Steam Boat* furnished on the shortest notice, and on the post reasonable terms. dtclS Dl.phr.(i» tfiUfiVio,- U,ar*.lW.l.r. Nft THIS U to certify that i have epj .JSU P°“ lU! . d W»«n(t«ion, Roggen A Co. wjUjM S° le Agents for the sale of Jeiuiing*i Patent Dtoprahipn Filler, for the Cl| fT tieaof Pittsburgh and Allegheny. -gSIiM , _ , JOHN GIBSON, Agent, jJ r W Gibson, 319 Broadway, m Oct 10, iwa., We hare beenuilnr one ofthe above abides at tha office ofthe Novelty Work* for three months, oa trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it la a useful tnvcntiou, and we take pleasure in recommending them oa a u*ej fularticle to all who lore pore water. Orders will ba thankfully received and promptly executed. oetlP LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN ft Cn arnnlbK IRltarlnFcToofiT ' a FOR PURIFYING WATER, 11 Which renders turbid water pure by idafew re mo vine ail substances not soluble in JT&B&i water. The croton water In N. York, »ffrZPßTaH^although clear and pure to the eye, yet “when It pastes an hour through Util Vifigy filtering cock, ahowa a large deposit wßw impure substances, worms, Ac. Tins la the case more or less with all hydrant water. . Tha Reversible FUlerpr is neat and durable, and 1* notattended with the Inconvenience incident to other Plltarers,call (a eleajiaed without bclngdetuchedfrom the water pipe, by merely turning the Itey or handL from one aide to the other. Uy this easy,process, th»’ course of water la changed, and. nil acenmnUtiona fo, impure subsUneea are driven off almegt. instantly, without Haaerewiag.the Filter. It also twsessoaiha advantage of being a atop cock, and as each In many ■ euaea will bo very convenient and eeoconaeti. itean be attached where there U any proaaara Ugh or low to a cask, tank, tub, Ac. be bad. ofthesolo Agent. W.W..WILSON,’ ocU7 eoroerof Fourth and Market ate. VfEW"7uisiNa and jCocoa tsneiia-W qr boMa HI fresh Raisins: S bus Cocoa ahelia ree’d and for p& W bS, w rourtk twU' ‘ deelff - ■ ■...! Jl v^l/j ; •• .-v.i J .-■! 'I 60. ; ... .<*/. ■ . . ui- >»i*k iutw jifioi'l t / GEORGE COCHRAN. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. W. *J. QLKNS, Book Bladen. . . TITE are sun engaged lit the above business, comer fp of Wood andThirt streets, where we are prepared to do any work influx line wtth des patch. We attend to ouy work personally, and satis* uetioo will bo given in regard to its neatness and da* rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and hound sub* stantially. Booksinnumbersoroldbooksboundcare fully or repaired. Names put on books in gilt letters. Those that bavewerk In our line ue invited toealL Prices tow. > ' mygfctf- ' Beales, Conklag Star—, Gratss, Ae. \f AKSHALL, WALLACE A CO, Bound Church, iXJL comer Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture and offer for sale Platform,- Floor and Counter Scales .ofthe most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood and coul; Egg Stoves or various sUes, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ae- Ae. They also manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given such general satisfaction to those having it in use, to all of whieh they would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens and the public generally. oct37*dtf -Pitt Bachlas Works and Foundry. HTtnnwH, ra. JOHN WRIGHT A Co., ore prepared to build Cotton : *nd Woolen Machinery of Ovenr description, such as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought Iron Shafting tamed; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pollies and Hangers ofthe latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ae. Steam Pipe for heav ing Factories. Cast Iron Window Sash ana fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten tion. Refer to Blaekutock, Bell A Co- J. K. Moorehead’A Co-G- K. Warper, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh ;JU. C, Ai. H. Warner, Steubenville. tanlflj • BEW COACH FACTOBY, xuxohhtt. MA- WHITE A CO- would respectfully inform • the public that they have erected a shop on Lgeoek, between Federal aim Sandusky streets. They are now making and are prepared to receive order* for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot’s, Bu* Touches, Buggies, Photon*. Ac., Ac., which from their long experience m the manufacture ofthe above work, ana the facilities they have, they feel confidentthey axe enabled to do work on tho most reasonable terms with these wonting articles In their line. j Paying particular attention to the selection of mat rials, and haring none bat competent workmen, tbiy have po hesitation in warr&niuig their work. Vfe therefore ask the attention ofthe publie lo this mmtltr. N.H. Repairing done in the host maimer, and on the moat reasonable terms. Jaflhtll PIANOS! THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’s celebrated' jEflllan Attachment The above instruments are war ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coun try, and wBl be sold lower than any brought from the East. . F. BLUME, No US wood st, 3d door above Sth N. B.—City Scrip will be taken at pur for a few of he above assortment. my 3 F. B. WA9TBD, Daily « the Baltimore, Philadelphia. NEW YORK, DOS TON AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE. Young MEN ia wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable btuiness, to act as Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach men, Car Agents. Book and Map Agents, Collectors, Overseen in all branches of business, Ac. We bare at ail times a.large natnber of good situations on hand, which pay from 3UO to $2,000 per annum. Those in wait! of situations of any kind would do well to give us a call, as we have agents in each of tho stave ci ties, which will enabte ns to place every applicant in a suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have a large acquaintance in ail the above named oitiet, which we trust will enable as to give entire satisfac tion to all who may favor as with a call. TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No.W Second it, .between Booth and Gay. N.B.—Persons living in any part of the 0. Stales, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above eities, will have their wanu imme diately attended to by . addressing us a line, (post-paid) aa by so doing they will curtail both troablo and ax pensc, which they otherwise would Incur by.eoming to the city,'and seeking employment for themselves Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No.£B Beeoad street. |mySsaltf Baltimore, Md BENNETT & BROTHER; qfkenswake manufacturers. Blrala|b«a,.[o«Br PltUbtmtb,] Pa* . WareKoou, No. 137, Wood straf, rittiburgk* «*OWlLLconstantly keep on hand wood assort fgflMmentol Ware; of oar own manufacture, and Cay snpcTicrqoalny. Wholesale and country Aler «*■ i«h*iri* are respectfully invited to call and ex »pir« for u ve are determined to'aell cheaper been offered to tha pub ticW* ' ‘ i D7* Order* sent by mail, accompanied by iheeuß or uy rr'eTcn«j will be promptly attended to. myth i THE ARBOttSTER' a attention of the public is respectmily called to (Otlourins eertinrettr 9. Eaxm*—Having tested a cusnUiy of Cold d by jour Areometer. 1 find, too result proves strum cal correct; and recommend the ssoof It »going to California, as tho best method for ob the real value of Gold. Besp.yours, . J. B. DUNLEVr,GoId Baaur. Pittsburgh,March 9, IbtP. Pmoffua, Marrh M*. Exits*— D«arSir. Having examined tkS u Ar»- mcit.',” otannlaetured it your room*, I do sot herniate to continent] it to tlte um of ikoM fteoUeoen who it i about removing to California in search of Gold. It rive* a ctoie approximation to the cpeciSe grav ty of metals, and wu) certainly enable tie adveman i to ascertain when bi* placer u yielding Gold. marl* Yours, resp'y. J. B. M’CLINTOCg. 1" NLIA RUBUKB ClxjrillNCi—jail receiVodVorti s California Expedition, a complete assortment t Gum Elastic Clothing, at price* ranging from S4/B j itt-SO for suit of coat, nanu and hat. For tale alt)* India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at • decSO J A H PHILLIPS 1 \ finiacaou, Sapt. ifc IMS. MR. TIIOS. K. IHBBERIb Dear Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID we have now been using more than a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, ere find the color a bright blue black. It ia pleasant to write with, flow* free, and does not cleg toe pen like the ordinary ink* in use. Wishing too um ready sale . its ment* demand, wo are, yours respectfully, SIMPSON A CO. For sale, together with Ilibben's Red Ink, and Ala* chine Copy Ink, by B. A. Fahnenoek k Co. IL P. Schwartz. Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer, T. K. IlibbcrU Druggist and Chemist, corner of Ldber* ty and Southfield sU, Pittsburgh. oct!3 -warxEKaa rausix roettra uanna. - wa. k. haur PALRER, 1 LANS A 4 CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates oiLepctiir, Beak Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bonk of Pittsburgh. Current ney received on deposits—Sight Checks far sole, and collection* made on nec**7 aO the principal points in the United Slates. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advance* made onconaignmenta of Prodncejship* ped fiat,* on liberal terms. _ tpd GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! PaTErr SacnukD Jarrtaat Ist, ISM. Patent cross-lever externum Toils*. Sofa*, Bureaus, 800 l Cases, Wruiiitr Ptriy LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. ritDE TABLIC3 far surpassing every other tn i vention ofthe kindnow extant. They can be eX tended train ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are ail contained inside; they are made to all sixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, form ing when etc sod 1 complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable, particularly- to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into • parlor or sitting room, a» uioy can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving in room and rent. - All the bed steads when closed tons a bcaunfut piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A neat and asefttl article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, andother offices; when opened a most convenient bed stead. when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. ‘ All theao articles need no recommendation: the beamy of the whole is. they ap warranted not to get out orrepair. It will be for yoar Interests to call and ex amino tho article*, at the manufacturer's store, No. 83 Third street, Pittsburgh, la addition lo the above advantages, they are proof against bugs. meklft- JAMES W WOODWELL. LOWELL PIiKTCHKB' ALCOOBL AND fUBB BPI BITS, Corner Front and Vino streets. Cincinnati, 0. • ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohoi,Fure Spirit!. Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly at ended to at lowest market price. mehthrdty Reaeugehsla Livery Stable. ufv ROBERT IL PATTERSON has opened large stable on First si, running through n7\ W Second st, between Wood and hmithfleld —**“*sts.,in the rear of the Monongaliela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages or the bestoualtiy and latest styles. Horses kept at live ry in the nest manner. IvadtT NSW BOOKSI BKW BOOKS! THE Constitution and Standard of the Associate Reformed Chur eh in North America: evo, bound in sheep. 'i he Other Side, or Notes for the History of the War between Mexico and the United Hiates, wiiiicn in Mexieo, end translated from the Spanish,’ with notes: By A. C. Ramsey. . , Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland: By Stanton. The Works of President Edwards, in 4 vol<>: a re print of the Worcester edition, with additions! and a copious general index. - t Memoirs of David Hole, lete editor of Journal of Commerce, with selections from hia MtieeUcneeai . Writings:.By Hev. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and Ilia Daughter by J. K, Paulding Lo* Gringos, of un Inside View of Mexico and Cal ifornia: By Lieut. Wise, U.R. Navy. “v“ Familiar LeUers to Young Mon, on various aab/ects; designed as a Companion to the Young Men’* Gbide: By Wo. A. AicolL s The Poems and Prose Writings ot R.A.Dana: 9vs Nineveh and Us Remains: By Layard • IWt » Tl For talo by ELLIOTT. A ENGLISH, ilU> ■ - - ; No 79 Wood sf ATIAOKWOOD'BiO3 WOODSTnBE'T. B“™ito?iC: ric " A “ Bl "'‘ u “ d 'i fJKrjS* and llls Daughter 12mo Dr. Hookert Physician and p«J ew . " Mrs. Bilts* Hearts and Homes; Bvo ,> I , . Ncanderis Life of Christ; fivo. ..Amencaa Almanac, JBSQ; fivo . * r> James d. Lockwood ■ _i... *■ lmkrui?SxSE&m. W. K. OliKEAE—thu lixa ia atore and mr »aWbT: •J an9 _ WM BAG ALE Y Ittb : . iIfAW COLOILBO PAIUTS* n : W• hl» prcw nt cholcn 'fiooV prints « «?•«£' frorn Ulu,' UJieeaa. ■• . . -i’Sr 1 - M *»«rwaM or null Soured U t bt Pltau MEDICAL. CADnOIV BZTHA. A by (be sane of RUBL CLAFP has enraged with a young man of tho name of & P.Townsend, and' tuesfalsnameto pat op a Sarsaparilla, which they sail Dr. Townsend 1 *; Samparilla, denominating it GENUINE, Original, etc. Thu Townsend i< no doe* lor'and neverwaa, bat srna formerly a worker on rail* roads,eanala, ana tbs like.-. Yet be astsmes the title of Dr-for the purpose of gaining credit for what be is not: Re is icndinr out eards beaded "Frick* of Qnaeks’Mn whlcbltnsayij l have sold tbeoseof my, same for *7 a week. 1 will give 9. P. Townsend *5OO .if he will produce one ilnvlo solitary proof of this— This is to eastloa the public not to ,oe deceived, and purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr.Jaeob Tnwtuend'a Sarsaparilla, baring < the Old Dr.’s likeness, Us family .eoat ofarms, and his sig* nature across the epatef arms. • __ i JACOB TOWNSEND. Principal Office,; 103 Num «*» Ncw York City. OZ>D DOCTOR: JACOB »1 TOWNSEND, ■ TIIE ORIGINAL IS&3S 1 DISCOVERER or tsi , . , CETUfot .. TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA* Old Dr. Town*cnd U now about TOye&rs of ane, and has long been known as the AUTHOR and DISCO. VERES of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, he w&* compelled to limit its mamiiheture, by which means It has.been kept out of market, and the sales circumscribed u> these only who had proved iu worth and known, its ▼aloe. This Gaian attn Urrcqtiiixun Puriaartoit t* manufactured on the largest scale; and i* eailed lor throughout the length and breadth of the land. Unlike young 8. P. Townsend’*, It improve* with age, and never changes, but for the better; becaoeo it is prepared on scientific principle* by a iriecliie mas. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art, hare all been breaght into re* quiution in the manufacture of the Old Dr.’s £ arsons* rilla. The Sarsaparilla root, It la well known to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro perties which are inert or useless; and others, wmcb, if retained in preparing It for use, prodode'fermenta tion and acid, whieUis injurious to tho system. Some of the properties of [Sarsaparilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the p repara tion, if they are not preserved by a iciciuifld process, known only to those;expetleneed in its maimfaeture. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly oSla va por, or ns an exhalation, under heat, are the very es sential medical properties of the root, which gives to Ualliu value. The! GfiSUIJTB OLD DR. JACOB TOW&END’S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that til tbg inert properties of the Sar sspanlla root are Erst removed, every thing capable of becoming aeld or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue is secu red in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered ineapable of losing any of iu valuable aQd healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every tide in iu favorbv men, women nod children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Gbstivetren,' all Co tan eon* Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches, ami ail affection* arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. Itpessesies a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Aeidny ofthe Bummehr frets unequal circulation, determination of blood to the 1 bead, palpitation of tee heart; cold feet and eoldjhanda cold chill* and hot flashes over the body. It naa not had iu equal in coughs and cold*; and proas teg ea*y expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing * pic ture of the lungs, threat, and every other part. Bat In nothing is iu excellence more nuun/sstly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and stage* of FEMALE COMPLAINTS works wonders in cases of floor albas or whites, Pariing ofthe ful'Meascs, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and (belike; and is effectual in earing all forms of the Kid ney Diseases. By removing obsauction*, and regula ting the general system, it give* tone and strength to the {Whole body, and enres all fermsol J NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevenu or > relieves a great variety of other diseases, aa Sputal Irritation, Neuralgia, Su Vitus Dunce, Swooning, EpUeptio Flu, Coovuliions, Ac. Is Ml this, then, tk> Minton too Pux-ExramrrLT Neve! But can any of these things be said of R P. Town send’* interior srtieleT Thu young man’s liquid unot to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD Dll’S, because of the Grand Fact, that the one la incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it soar*, ferment*, and blows the' bottles containing it into fragment*; the sour, acid liquid ex ploding and damaging other goods! MastaoAhishor nblo compouad be ■ poisonous to (be system? What! Pgt acid into a system already dlaeand srith acid! Wbal causes DyspeptlabaUcM! Do wt noml! know, -Utstwben food dots Inoar what mischiefs itprodoeeat-flaxalimce, heartburn, ‘palpitation ofthe heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, cholic and corruption ofthe blood? What'is Scrofula but an acid hamor ia tha body?; What produce* all the human whteh bring on Eruptions af the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rbeqm,Ery*iprlas,Wbi s Swellings, Fever-Sore*, and all ulcerations internal udexternal! (l issom- In* under heaven but as acii substanee, which sours, ami the* spoils all the fluids if the body, more or Iqo What cause* Rheumatism b u a sour acid fluid, which insinuates itself between th< joint* nhd eltewbere, ir ritating and inflaming the te ider and delicate, tissues upon which it acu? So of c nvous di*e**e*,*or impu rity ofthe blood, of deranged circulation*, and nearly *ll ihcailßxecuwhichaiflict human uatare. Now, is it not horrible to make and seil.aixl infinite ly worse to use this .' , OSURING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND* OF 8. F. TO WN3END! tod Tel he would lain have it understood that Old Ja cob Townsend’* Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation ofbie inferior preparation!! Ueuvca forbid that we should deal la aa niliele which would bear the mod distant nuemblsneelo S P Town •cod’s anlelei aad which should bringdown upoa the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints' and enmtaauon* from Menu who hare sold, and pur ehasers who hate used S. P. Townsend’s Fenaenutix Compound 5 < we with it understood, because it is the absolute truth, that t*. P. Townsend’s artieie and OW Dr. Jacob Towheend’s Sarsaparilla are heavoo-wide opart, aad infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike in every par ticular, taring not one single thing tn cannum. It it to arrest fraodfnpou the unfortunate, to pour balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—that old DR. JACOiI TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to brine his Gaasu UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY* within the reach, and to the'knowledge of all who need it, that thoy may leant and know,. by Joyful ex perience, its itsascxaperr rinrxx To n«»»-« For sale by J. KIDD A CO* Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham. Dr. J. SAIIGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSEuf'Filth , ward-G. W. GARDNER, Steward, Pittsburgh? spt3 PIIOFESSOR BA&RT'S TRICOPRKR OPS OR' MEDICATED CQJXFOUHD, TNFALLIBLR for renewing, invigorating, and bean- X tyfyingUaellui,removingScruh;Danorufl; andoii asecuons of me Scalp, and curia* Eruptions on the Skis, Diseases of tbs Glands, ftiutclsi lnletu* ®*nu» and xclieTinff Sting* Cots, Braises, Sprains, Ac, t«. 'Vilh this-preparar.oo, “there is no saeb wordnsfoiL" Tbe&rttjo'Trnaia la America, medical men of the highest emtnence.proouncnt citizens of all professions, and ladies who hire used it for fears in their dressing rooms mod nurse rie«, e.umit with nee ac cord, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and cart to the hair, cradlostlog scurf and dandruff, heal ing: wounds, coring; contusions, sprains, mines, *c., and relieving diseases of the skin, the glands, aad the muscles it has no equal among the maTtituiio of com pound* advertised in the public prints, or used m pri vate practice. In cheapness as well as effieaey, Bar ry's Tncopheroui is unrivalled. s&Tba affinity hetweeu* the membranes wh,oli eontti ■tnte the skin, and '!>* hair which drawsits sustenance from this tr.pie envelope is very cioie. All diseases of the hair originates In the skin of the head. If the pores of the scalp are elog-cd, or if tbo blood and other fluids do not circulate freely through the small ve.seis which feed the roots with moisture and impart Ufe to the fibres, the 1 result is scurf, dandruff, Oi the hair, groynes* ary nets, and borsenrti of the ligaments, and ientiro baldness os the case may be.— Stimalate the skin to healihfut action with the Tricep heron* and the torpid vessels, recovering their activ ity, will annihilate tbe disease. In all affections of the skin, acd of the substrata of mascles and integuments, the process , and the effect are the same. I» U apon the tkin, the mtueular’fibre, and the gland*, that the Trtcopheroa* hai it* tpeeifio action, and in all affection* and of theu organ*, itia a sovereign remedy.. ■Sold, in large bouids, priee 23 cent*, at the principal Office, 107 Broadway, jJ. Y. llo*For sale by R. E. SELLERS, . Piu*bnnr. M/K taTe seine pCjlft, made on an improve,'] T * plan, so as not u freeze in the coldest weather, renont wanting tacit articles, are invited to call and see them at , SCAIFE It ATKINSON**, ntTltt lit, between Wood Mark . tu View of Plttibur|h, Mi VIEW wi(! be pobliihed In as *hanatime poaible; and I can! assure ray subscribers, and the public generally, that It shall bo sorxsioa— both in fidelity of detail and beauty or execution—to any other whatever. • Let those who doubt, watt a few weeks and see. B. WiUTEFIELD. Nsvr You, Dee. 6th, 160.—[dell Wrought and Cast Iron Balling. TUB subscribers bee leave to inform the riubiie that they have obtained from , the East all tho laic and fashionable designs for Iron Railiug, both for bouses and cemeterieo. Persons wishing toproeure hand* some patterns will please call and examine, and joilqe for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short* est notice, and in tha best manner, at the corner oi Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. augg-dtf A. LAMONT A KNOX. Oysters) Oysters)' BURKK A CO’S Daily Express l* now regularly tie* livering Can and Shell OY’dTEUS, which are of fered to dealers and families at the lowest purrs. Quality warranted equal to any bronght to this mar ket, and for sale by ,J. C. BIOWELL, Ago, Wofor Also—At the following depots:—Reis A Dcrvcr, cor ner Smithfieid and Second si*; E. Hestlcion, Diamond, Mercer A Robinson. Federal st Allegheny. octld bnw>A. BBfIOVAL. uWI ■ d.hiltexbehoeb • & a Aobavr. Forwarding and Coqtmtiiion Mer e iam, has removed to No. 67 Front, between Wood aid Smithfield streets. •*_ sna A Preaant for Your Family. J ORRIB A WILLIS' UOME JOURNAL rriusnui Wxxxlt—SJ ru asses. ‘‘The best paper in the Union. 1 * [Evening Star. “Rather gut m coal than go without iv” pJostcn Post. New subscribers can be supplied from Jan. 1,1650, if immediate application be made (either persoaaily or Uv letter) at the Office of Publication, dAVood at * , . jtnitt JcD. LOCKWOOD. gtsam Drlck Work* for Mala, . . THE subscriber offen for sale,' the STEAM BRICK WORKS, above; Lawreneeville. comprising' a Steam Engine, 9 Boilers, t Mould Mochine, capable, of tatnnufactunng m,UX) Pressed Bricks (out of ary elsy,’ •s taken from the bank,) per dayj wilh three, acres of laud on the Allegheny .nver, on which am i kilos and Shdds, maehioe and clay sheda wheelbarrows, trucks, shovels, spades, overy thing .requisite to* com mence operations si anhour* notice. lTicetinehidinx the patent right to use tajd machine, 87^000——pi«■ paymestflisdeeuy- 'Wtlhout.the;(ao(]cßsDoa For ■•iwiaaSMSßfELr.. nALICOES-ilO eases, [ari'eb]er*,itsjK Ifortaer L; prieelCc, .-. Janitt -•, ..A A MASON ACQ ThfiUtCHECElriirit very'dark Skirting Checks. X>jutopeaedby . J ■WWoodstSSsy j j-aii J 5 *iit ii' ujm,L " " ; :V'.'o i'" tol. xyil PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. MILTOK'B FARADISE liOST.j Wbittier 1 . Book or 01d Pom*ia addSlod em . Sketches. furnishes some' {interesting memoranda of many noteworthy iflffll'Rndi places- Among others," he Thom as Elwood, whom Isaac Penzungto^'.intro duces to Milton. 1 He will intrndnrj> na into 4 toLTdß’s nnraio room. “ ‘ He [lsaac Pennington] had/ says EU wood, ‘aa intimate acquaintance wuh Df. Paget, aphyaician of note in Londoo, ami: he with John Milton, a gentleman of great note for • learning throughout- the 1 learned world, for the accurate pieces he had writ* ten on various subjects andfoccasioos. ' { “ This person, having filled a public sta tion in tire fanner times, lived a private and retired life in London, and, having Jost his sight; kept always a man to read ier him, ‘which usually was the son of some gentle man of his acquaintance, whom; in kindness he took to improve in his learning. « ( Thus, by the. mediation of-my fiiend Isaac Pennington with Hr. Paget, and through him with ,'John Milton, .was I pennitted to. come to him, notasaservant to hirti, nor to be in the house with him,- butcniy to hsve the liberty of coming to'his house at certain hours when I . mid read to hinusuclf books aahe should, appoint, which was.all the favour I. deored. . .. ’: . . a£ Ha received me cotuteonflly, as well for die sake'of Dr; Paget, who intrqdpced me. RsofTsaao Pennington who recommend* ded me, to both' of whom he bore H goodre gpecL And, having inquired divers things of me, with iespai;t io my. former progres sion in learning, he dismissed me, to provide myself with snch accommodations as be most suitable to my stndies. “‘ I went, therefore, and took lodgings aa. near tohisnonse (winch was then in Jewen street) as I conveniently could, and from thenceforward went every day in the after* noon, except on the first day of the week, and, sitting by him in his dining room, reaa to him such books in the Latin tongue as he pleased to have me read. , u ‘ He perceived with what earnest desire I had pursuedleaming, gave me not only all the encouragement, but all the help he could. For,’having a curious ear, he understood by mv tone when I understood what. I read and •when I did not, and accordingly would stop me, examine me, and open the most dim cult passages to me.* ” At another, time,ln 1655,' when the plague was in London, Milton derires to‘escape, to the country, anil- consults his friend Hlfwood, who writes: TBB MANUSCI.II i OF LOST. 11: Wherefore, some little time before I went to Aylesbury jail, I desired by my quondam Master Milton to take anhousefor him in the neighborhood where I dwelt, tha be might go out of the city for uie safety of himsetf and his family, the pestilence then grovnng hot in London. I took a.jtretty box for him in Giles Chaifoht, a milii from me, of which I gave hiin notice, and intended to have waited on him and seen him. well set* tied, but was prevented by that imprison ment But now being.released- and retain ed home, I soon made a visit to'hirn to wel come him Into the country. ...Jkfter some common discourse had passed between us, ho called for a manuscript of .his, which, having brought; he delivered to me, bidding me take it home with me and read it at my and when 1 had done so,.return it to him with my judgment thereupon.’ “ Now, what does tha reader think young Eilwood carried in his grey coat pocket across the dikes and hedges and through the green lanes of Giles Chaliont on that autumn day. 7 Let us look further: ‘When'l coma home, and had set myself to read it, 1 found it was that excellent poem which he entilled Parodist Last.-: After Ibad, whh-the bestat i tendon, read it through, I made him'another visit; and, .returning his book with due ac . kuo wledgment of the favor ho had done me ini communicating it_to me, he-aiked me how I liked it, and what I thought of it,'wMch I modestly but freely told him; and after some further discocrse. about it, I.pleasantly, said to him, f Thou hast said much here of Paradise Lost; what hast thou •to say of Paradise Found? 1 He made me no answer, but sat some time in a muse, then broke off that discourse, and fell upon another sub ject. J / r - * “ c I modestly btii frpely told him whaf I thought of Paradise Lost!’’ What he told him remains a mystery. One would like to know more precisely what the first critical .reader .of that song ‘ of Man’s first ‘ disobedience 7 thought of it* Fancy the young Quaker and blind Milton sitting some pleasant afternoon of the autumn of that eld year, in the * pretty box’ at Chaifont. the soil wind through the open window lifting the thin hair of the old poet! Bickslidden England, plague-smitten and acedrsed with her faithless Church and libertine king, knows little of poor i Master takes small note.oihis puritanic verse making. Alone with his- humble friend, he aits tuere conning over that poem which Lu fondly hoped the world, wb’rh had grown all dark and strange to the author,- * would not wiliihgty let die. The sugges tion in.respect to Paradise found, to which, as. we have scan, I he made no answer, but sat sometime in amuse,’ seems not to have been lost; for, ‘after the sickness was over,’ continues Ell wood, ; and the city welicleans ed,'and bseqtne safely habitable again, he returned thiihor; ana when afterwards I waited on him.thBxe, which I seldom failed of doing whenever my occasions drew me to London, he showed me his second poem called: Parodist Gained; and, in a pleasant tone, said to me, 1 This is owing to yon, for you put it into ray head by the question* you put to me at Chaifont, which before I had not thought of.’ ” THE VILLAGE PATEIAECH.' The following is a truthful and instructive view of age dit solving in death. It is copied from a book just published by J. Snow, of London, entitled “ views ofCalvary:” Edward B——; the name nmttewnctj few would recognize the humble, grey-head ed deacon of the little ohmcL at ——; but that name was long wnce “ written in the Lamb’s book of life.” -in alittld cottage, which, like its.tenant,* bore the marks of age. lived this venerable Christian. Attached to the cottage was a garden which, like his heart, wax wuli cultivated and fruit ful. Whilst his hands were going through tho vkrions processes of horticulture, .Ed ward read many a commentary, on passages in the sacred Scriptures. Looking ;u the scenery and the man, I have oiien fait the sentiment, “ Earth smiles around, with boundlessbonn tybless’d, And heaven beholds itsimagemhis breast” Probably be had never read the lino, ‘•'To look through nature up to nature’s God,” but he did it notwithstanding. His life was a commentary on the genuineness of .his faith. Humble, prayerful,, deeply attached to the ordinances of religion, and benevolent even beyond bispower—but Edward econo mized within view of the' cross, that he might help to spread its ‘saving^-truths—all who knew him, read in him a “Rving epis tle of Christ” Speaking once of the clergy man of. a neighboring parish, he said,‘‘l have known him fox many years—he is a benevolent man and a kind master, and his moral character is all, th« can bo-wished; but 0, *iTj I wish ho would preach more about Chnst, the cross of Christ* the grace of Christ, ondrthe spirit of Christ to his poor parishioners!' Nothing wifi them from ddrknesa to light but mat. 0 theft ray poor prayersmay be heard for him !”«■ 1 . This rvillage patriarch had not seen’the great .travelled ten miles from his loved garden, and never mingled with what usually passes under ,tbe name of soci ety, and;, yetnis knowledge of man, of the raottyes.that prompt to deeds, ofthepassions 'of Iheihdraanheart, and of.the only rdmedy for the confosioft that reign's thera.'wastery ! ahdftr those whb ’ knew-h o t cret,‘surprising/-Whence, then?®ii£eso re? suits!’and how camo thls humble'garden® to know so much about man! ~'Why,jost this:'. Besides “ Boxkitt,” twohr.-.three old, ;s»' Vi.-1 :• . -l: JJ'* •<-, '-2 ' .y.,L j-di- c‘.*i{»w ; arLp volumes oi Puritan sermons,'* few choica tiada, arus7 of conraAj- tifaniti?" l <{ Pil-' grim,” Edward ox wnielihD loved and prized beyond all the pleasures of tho wccU; aad hahad read it, studied it, prayed over it, wept over it, sing ovetti, wntil he was as fannliar_with Its cbiilents'ii he was with the fruits6fhU_gardea.. He meditated upon, God,. and studied,the humaq heart in its pages* It led himto the'ciQssjjf Christ, in wmch by grace' hedauly tanght ; him to prize an eTangelical ministry, to lot® • the hremren. ib rerere&ee.the Sabtaih, to do good unto-ml maii, as fie'had bpwwtanity and ‘to hreatheihat 'charity, aridtfr cultivate that catholicity of feeling whch aie «lw*y* beafifel, but especially so whetf Ate? chareo terize' old age. Edward died air-he lived, near. - v—; '.’l'.! *ynfo'doto*„' tSere bnly,~is the power to sire. There hope isrites'^espair: No mockery meets youV ho'decephon them. The spells and charms that blinded you be ' ‘fore, • - • ■ . All vanish there, and fasoinate no more.” PMNTEBS, AUTHORS AND KBWHFAPERS. '■ Willis thinks that allaulhorsihould serve a year in ariafwspaper offiei’’ : v . There is no-m effectual analysis ofstoU as tiie procesrof type-setting. v As he . take* up letter byle!ter,of a lphg or cbmphuc sen tence, the compositor. becomes Jmwtarid cally aware ot where the sentence rnffif have been shortened to save detects, petitions, Incomes impatient of redundancies, recognizes careleas.or inap propriate use of expletives, rad a habit of putting an pdzmring value on char and brevity. .’We venture that it: would alter the whole pharac*cl o£Asierica& literature;.if the authors (of, car.vary final nation!) were compelled bofeire legally re ceiving copy right, to have giyea one year to labor at the compositors case; 1 We nave said nothing of the art •of nice: puiiduafton, which is' also acquired in a priming office, and by . which a style is made as jmuch more tasteful as champagne is by effervescing. Journeymen printers are necessarily well instructed and intelligentmem- Tt is part of a proof-reader's, ’mark or’ff quanT” against , every passage, in a neW'bogk which he does. not clearly, comprehend. Authoa who know, what is profit by these quiet estimates of their meaning? and many a weak point, thatwould 'hive turned aTJLiU eraiy reputation if left tmcoiracted for the reviewera to handle, has been, hquelesily put right' by a proof-reader's unobtrusive “ qui m Of most books,, indeed* we would rather have the criticism of the workmen in the office where it was printed, than of the reviewers who skim ana pronounce upon it Mr. Bryant, in speaking of newspapers, said : Books are the precious metals" in mas* os—newspapers corned- them ft* general use, put them into: the most convenient forms, and passed them from, hand to hand. Newspapers, he said, erethen&hexsof books -—who would know when a book .was pub liahed but for the friendly information of the newspaper?' He added, that he. had been sometimes tempted to regret thirthewise, witty, or eloqimirt:things whicheppeared in these “ folios of four pages,'' as they are call ed byCowrax, should not be inscribed on more durable tablets, instead of igping the next morning to. wrap parcels ox light kiloh en firesjbritne. was mUy aafrofiwri with their fate when, he.'reflected.‘that they had first been read by thousands, and th&4 whatever - was’good in'them had passed into, the gen eral mind. ' . PROCLARJLTIOS. •T7f NOW nil men who are sick uni afflicted with die •Jlv-ease of the bladder and kidney*, with rheomatie psiruinJiaek or lirtbs, stiff jtdnli, oldiiores, running alcera, Ac, that they can, bo eared by. the Pe trolenta! Yon mayjLaJk aboai iu being a noetnun aa raneh aryoa please, ba{fhledoestidt make U so, for we proclaim lathe race of an honest- eetnwunlry, that it mb mimes : whieh are not contained-la' any otber remedy. who la racked vrilk pain and aaf (enng from diteaae, can for fifty cento, gevrelieffroa any of the Hid enmunanued above. Header! it coats vfery little to make atrial. Ttis Fetrolepiß id no mix- eeapond, pat op for the ptupoftf'pf imposing on thoeoamonitn' bat tt iso remedy elaborated by the master hand afnaxare, and bobbleasp from the b»- ■om of oar mother earth in its original parity, and of fers to suffering hupasi'.y a ready remedy, a. certain andehespenre. • • '■•'i i It has eared Pilea alter other Rare failed to render any reliefi It has eared Rheameifcaa of long •landing) and of the worn aad mostpalnlal character. It bas eored Cholera Morbos byeno '.or two doaes: it has eared old eases of Diarrhea, in whieh every other remedy has been.of no araH. As a leeal remedy tn burns and scalds, it Is better ibap aay medieal com bound or ointment that we know of. It will core chil blains orffoKed feet, la a few appllcationij endnabt ed testimony cm be furnished of the troth .contained in the above statement by calling on Samuel H. Ber, Canalßasio, 7th atreet; or either of thengehu. Keyser A McDowell* comer of Wood, street and Virgin AHey; R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street,, D. A. El fiot A D. M. Cony, Allegheny city, are the agents. Jan3t . i IS ftUAnT V> - roa nrx asacovai ass rncauucrr ants oir xu* Tasauat axmso no* an wren* eras* or ta» moon eiiusrrerTsisTSTxaCt VK fterofola or King’s Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Can* neous Ernpunns, Pimple# or. Pustule* on the Paco, Blotch**, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes,'=Rlcx Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement too Pain of the Bones and Joints,.Stabbora Ulcers*. SrphilUe Bympuuis, Selatleh'or LunibsgOj--*£a diseases - truing from an injtxdielous use or Mdrearr, Aci litcs or-Dropsy, Exposure or fmjrrtdftneo in Life; Also—Chronic Consdatioßal Disorders, Ac. r - In this n reparation are strongly concentrated all (ha Uedielnal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with Use most effectual aids, the mostsalstur productions, the most potest simples of the vegetable kingdom: and * it has been sofallr sol only by patieats tnem* selves, bu'&u by physicians, that U has recetred their unqualified recommendations • and Utd approba tion of tUejmblle; tad ha established,-on'its own - merits, a repaufioa for Taunt and smetOT fsr npe> rior to the various compounds.'bearing, Urn name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been oared, etch as tie not famished In the records of dm*, paslr and what It has already done for'the thousands who onTe used It, it is capable of doing fb* the sUlUbsiatill entering and • strangling with disease. It. purifies, »t— -strengthens the (oantain springs-ofltfivajhl Lofltsa ne vr vigor throaghoat the who&Anfcnal tfnma. ANOTHER CURE OFBCPfUirT.* Too foUowtng striking, aad-HtawZllbeaeea—per =a.'.entcnre of an Inveterate euseof Bdrofttla. eom«< meads itself to all similarly afflicted.*' '• /••■t:.. . •' z'-. _ Soctpow,Coam, 3A t,lSta. AlsMrs. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the-afflict ed tQdaees me to inform yon or jtae. remarkable care ' effected by year Sarsaparilla, in the case of my wife.'' She was severely afflicted with the-Seraftla'on differ* - eat parts of the body: the glands of the neek were graaUy enlarged, and her limbs ranch swollen.' After : aaffering over * year, and fiadlng-jwj relief .from the remediesmsed, the dlseiso.attacked one kg, : and bo» . loir the nee suppurated. Her physician ndviaedit -should bo laid open, whlch was cone, bm without any permanent benefit. • lsdtlsalmstlenwa%aardofi and' Wire indaeed to use. Sands' SaaapariUa. -'The first;, bottle produced a decided and favorable offset, relieve logher more than any prescription aha had ever taken; ? and before ahenaed six borue»~lo thfi'i*teM*hmentL and: delight of her friend*—she found her health finite u restored.! Itla now ovet a year •ineethdettfc was ef fected, and her health remains good; shoving that the disease was thoroughly eradicated froth the system. Our neighbors afo all knowing to these beta, ana two* very highly' of Sands* Sarsaparilla. - ' Yourf with respee*, JUUUS'PIKE. . Extract front a letter received tan Ur. ffcW. Hat. Us. a gentleman welt known in “Genileinen, I have cored a negro box of suns with your SarasparUla, who was attacked with Scroitta, and of a scrofulous ramify. ■■ ■ V f. “Your*, truly, - - ' • • N.W.HAHBIS. “Fredericks IlaU, July 17, JUHB. n ' , Saks*’ SamarauLLA.— lt scene elractruaqneeaua ry to direct attention to an .article to wdi known; asd so deservedly popular, asiMipreparaiiqn,bstpsUftaM often who wish to ase the extract-of Sonapsiula.-ara Induct d \b try worthies* eonpoands bearing the sane, bat containinglitUeor none of thovut&em.j(his?ral** able root; and we think we egnnet confer a greater benefit ©iV our readers than in directing thetr to the *drcrtiscme*t of the Mem*. £uU.'& tnothef cottumu Th# bottle has'mcdntfy'bccnr'e&lsrged te. belle cuart, and theee .who wlah areally good aniels will find concentraied-ln thia all- <p#Au»fp|i valoe of the root* Tho expertcccedf thousands haa proved its efficacy in curing the various disease* for which it is reeomnendcdi-aad at the-present time men than any oOicrV perhsps, is this medicine uaeflil; in preps ring the tyiteat tor a aeaaos>*(Ue&e Jour nal, Bept.JS49., ...: •*• , ... W) :., ' : Prepared and sold, wholesale and. retail. by A. B.A? D. BAND 3- Pntgxist and'CheaniVlCiO Fnlton street, comer bff William, wild sJio by Drag gUtsgenetaifythrougtutttt&DßbddStdteaasd Can- Bda, ; ,frice*lpcrbottie;atxbonl«*£ . , Per tale bsL. WILCOX* Jraß. A. FAHNESTOCK tCO, and KOtYAHUFENDEfiJCU, Pittsbargb. Al Dr. S. ISHITII, BrUxwafcf.^dexCteodAwT o\-, O exti» w:dii, o\m foaad. u Hr* pricc<v» ti*t» U,;. j 1Wf15.,,., T7\T>Sji*&J* W IY y *:w'-'k s->vh-.3 ti [. t-usisi t-i sis-a? eu'WS-’.itt \ h, ir ,£iu..a,..>• •>•■:*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers