The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 11, 1850, Image 1

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I ! t.EVmit] (t. HAJBHT.
• amm vq mens, thud mxrr, rbct door to
tsb rtmr office*
; Dailypa r.— perannum.
■ Tn-Wee' .too u
Weekly, in advance)— •*•■ xflo **
■ Do. oClabs,itartdaeed rate. :
one I isenion ..—-.gtl^O
One Squ# le.eacb additioualiiisertton*** o£f
Do. one week —— 1,7*
Do. two weeks.— 34®
Do. three weeks*— *.*♦*•••• <45
Do. one month*-" *l®
Do. two months————■••• 34J>-
Dr. three montas-*** -f®|}
Do. roar months
Do. six mouths —— •**— 12,t® -
Do. twelve months**** ••
; Standing Card <8 lines or less,) per annum * 10,t»
; OneSquart,changeable utplesssre (per an*
■t nam) exclusive of the paper—— *3i w
i For each additional square, Inserted over one month,
ana for each additional square inserted under the year*
' Tyrates, half price.
’ Advertisements exceeding a sqaare, and not over
fftcen Uncs, to be charged as a sqaare and a hall
r Fab Inhere not accountable for legal advertiaements
beyond the amount charged tor their publication. ’
1 Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the
same at other advertisements.
: - : Advertisements not matked on the copy for atpeci*
. fed camber of insertions, will be eon tinned till forbid,
and payment exacted accord.
i 1 The privileges of yearly advertisers will be confined
rigidly to their regalar business, and aO other, adver*
tiseacsu not pertaining to their regalar business, as
agreed fe#, to be paid extra.
1 All advertisements for charitable institutions, fire
companies, ward, township and oiherpubUe meetings,
and aaeh like, to be charged halfprice, payable strictly
in advance.
1 Marriage notices to be charged SO cents.
’ Death notices inserted without charge, unless aeeom*
puled by faneral Invttatlans or obltaary notiees, and
when so accompanied to be paid for.
! Regalar advertisers and all others tending comma*
- ** tueahont, or repairing notices designed to call alien*
; doe to Fairs, Soirees, Concerts, or any public enter*
; ittrnnenu. where charges are mado tor admittance—
. all no ties* of private associations—every notice do*
' signed to call attention to private enterprises eslcala*
, ted ot intended to promote indißdoal Interest, can on*
Jy be inserted with the understanding that the same is
.. who paid for. If intended to be lnserted in the loea
. eotania, the same will be eharged at the rate of not teas
. litas iOc« is per line.
I Bishop or FisiNotiees to be charged triple price.
! Tavern Ueeaso Petitions, *3 eaeh.
: Medical advertisements to M charged ax
fell prices.
i Real Estate Agema and Auctioneers* Advertisements
not to be elasacu under yearly rales, but to be allowed
discouttei thirty three and one third per cent. Dun the
’ amount of bills.
wexxlt ob m*wniLT in wilt ritns
One ttquage, three insertions— flJiO
Dp. each additional insertion 37
•t : , ummanna wxxxLTrara.
. • One Sqaare, {lO lines.) one insertion-•*•50 eta.
* Do. each additional insertion* *•<4s “
1 All transient advertisements to be psitCin. advance.
WJUTE A CO^Gaxette.
L. HARPER, Post,
ROBT mTrIDDLE, Journal.
JAMES P. BARR A CO, Chronicle.
JOS. SNOWDEN, Merenry.
, JAMES W. BIDDLE, American.
HIRAM KAINB, Evening Tribune.
: Pimnaen, Dee. 1,1819.'
ATTORNEY AT'LAW—Office, on Fonnh street,
above Saithfleid—Lowrie’s Buildings—op stairs.
i*nf*y ’
Fourth SL novl3-ly
U commoai cations promptly answered. ocCO-ly
.*X RMSTRONG ACBOZER,Commission Merchants
A and Dealers Inpyoducs, No. 23 Market street’
Fntalmnrli. r ’ * decS
“ 998ff83X5835;
A TTgRNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Coamts*
A stirrer for the State of Pennsylvania, fit. Louis,
no. (latsol’Pittsburgh.)
! Rirrasncxs.—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp
'lon A Miller, M*Candleaa A M’Clarc, John E. Parke,
d.taells A Semple, M*Cord A King. asgUtdly
Vh.'ml.h. j. psxssrxtt.
Foarlh street, between Smith field and lirant, 1
1 nnabargb, Pa. juls
j nni.L|HL nM __ wtcTsintt.
AT LAW,Foortastreet, oeaxGra&L
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on Fourth ft, bfi<
. tween end Great ft, Pittsburgh.
M. K. woo»w*»f— *• — -niLra uaun.
"WOODWARD* Co, Wholesale Gro*
,!■ eera.No.ClMariei«trcct. Philadelphia. aortt
Fiuibnrih Alkmll Worki*
B ENNETT,BERRY AGO, Uniutaetiumr> of Soda
a«V Tflfofhtwj Powdcn, Ma ristie and SoJpberio
*»<*« Wazeboose No. —Water strect,bciowFerrT.
• i
; immii mv% j noui ism..
ppAllfi; & KETTES, Wholesale aad Brail Drag*
la Sate, earner of Übertr aad 81. Claii etmu,Piu»*
barnaTFa i m*jH
J9«_uli Dmggjja, cc
• la» doer shore to
CK A and Ho
mier Wood and 6th »t*. jyl
}&, Attorney at Law, Third at,
4ii>hft«-M. nostS-3m
, Forwarding and Commission
darket at, Pmsbargh. spts
y Merchants No. gfl
■k Co, Forwarding and Com
its, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa
minion Mercbi
itestle Grocer, Commission *a<
rchant, No. 41 Water »L aaM
, Forwarding M
MAN k Co, manufaeturur* of
ic Springs, Hammered Axles,
tecL Iron, Ac. Warehouse on
ts, Pittsburgh.
m<»>i Trimming* and Malleabla
Coaeb and Blip
taring end Plough I
Water and Front *tre
; Alio, dealer* mJC
! & racuss. Jim s. iixiun. •
I TTOGUBH A UEN JETT, tlata English, Gallaahey
!Jll * Co.) Wholeial s Grocer*, Comnuiiioo sad For
warding Merchants, »*d dealer* in Produce and P«u
bnigliMannfoetares, No. 37 Wood su, between Sd and
Idiuteu. I 08X1
El. HENRY, Attorney and Coancellor at Law,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection! in Southern Ohio,
mnd in Indiana, and In Kentucky, promptly and eare
fally to. Commissioner (or the Suae oi rcnn
•yhrania, for t«M"g 'Depositions, acknowledgments,
We. Hell A Son, Coni*, Church A
;Oorotb*T»rWaLllay*jE<*q^WiltockA Paro. aBS_
Ira Ucfaey Andrew Fleming K.K. Fleming.
T?OR the tale of Domestic, Woolen and Cotton
Jt Goods, also, Dealers in all kinds of Tailors’Tnm
’Sngs, No. IV7 Wood street, fonnb door from Fifth,
i iywwMntg Messrs. Wn. A. HiU A Banker*.
1 lapg
; C.~Broylogle'~——**••• A. H. Clarke.
!tSORWARDING and commission mescii
if* ANTS, and dealer* in Window Glass, White
ft«H a*. No. 10s Bceend st ]sa»-y
Jjd No. 1U Second street. Pittsburgh. de!4
i icaaea w. atm. Jiiss. vnin.
6EORGB W. SMITH a CO, Browers, Malsters
Hap Dealers, Pitt st, Pittsburgh. epttt
! VNPftßftliCOcHftAN. Commission snd Forwarding
i\J Merchant, No. «0 Wood street. Pittsburgh. my!7
! MoMte LKAdina factorlTl
I TTAMILTON STEWART, manufsetnrer of Beary
I HBMrtß, AC. R.b..« ii J^M^Ol,
ku Woolens, liberty, opposite flthst febl7
, a. >. srcxaoß, sdwau rsaxs, l^hfladA
'DEAU^BDcicpSß^Toba^’ Mer*
North Water at, A 1« North \Yb^es,
i a.*, ausi. ~ w. r. loszaT
i TTARDY, JONES A Co, (laeemcr* u> Atwood,
! JO. Jonas A Co.) Comsusstoo and Forwarding Mer*
| okants, dealers In Pittsburgh Manafaetnrcd .Goods,
1 Ptttsburth. Pa. *“ acM7
! T have Msoclited 1. B. Me VAT with me in the
| JL Exchange and Banking business.
i January in, iso. WM. 1L WILLIAMS.
Wb. B.Wfflitau—-
bankebs amd exchange brokers,
Nottk East earner of Wood a ad Third street*.
l«nl • PimiresH.
r mol WtUTt liwtw tittiiw, a
TSAIAH DICKEY A Co., Wholesale Grocer*. Con*
I *isaioa Merchant*, mxd dsaim fni aett Nos.M
Whitt, and tP7 Front street*. Pittsbnrrh. .
3|M>.A;CAUGHEY, Agent tor tha Lake En»*nd
|Sieb4*a. Lice to Beaver and ibe Lakes.—Office
on the comer of Water and Smlth&eld its. ]an4
! tv —-•••.—Jo.epb DU worth.
JB. DILWORTH A TO., Wholesale Grocer*, and
• Agsnu for Hazard Powder Co., No. a? Wood it,
i gittabergh. •» dcfry
iAU*.ou.worra. unn nLWDtrn
: 18- DILWORTH A WesfoGiS££Fk.
J • dec* and Conuauuon Mmhanu, and Agents
firth* Hazard Powder Co. of K.Y,stWoSSsl
Pittsburgh. •• fotfl n
JOHN MT , Apotbcury
No. 4# Market at, three doorttbore Tbjrdw. pj t 3
, honk, will bare constantly on hand a well selected ac
' : Sraaantofthe beat and fr**hc*t Wedjciae«.whkk b*
' - 5m mil on the mort reasonable term. Pbyaician*
i SaST orders, will be. promptly attended to. and .«»».
! SSgwith articles they mt rolyapoa aa genuine.
’ F*Sw physicians Prescriptions will be acearamly and
- sjtfy prepared from the
' or night.
■Vjo lor tale, * ltrg* stock of freak and pod PsrfaJ
JE! j __— !»«
ytititlUiiON SEWELL,
: A gn Fourth st, above Badthficld. novMr
1 (late ofWarren, Ohio,} Cotutto*
J aloe ami Forwarding Merchant, sad wholesale
/ Western Reserve Cheese, Batter, Pot and
"Pj.j.,«nd Western Prodnea generally, Water
j SmthScld and Wood, Phtsbanrh. at%
i <«eceaeor to KwaJtA GebbinJ
1 u wv«iraaie Grocer tad Commission Merchant,
: iJFSfProto” and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, e*£
rfhertfond Band street*. Pittsburgh PtTft»
Hatehiwn A Co„ Commisakm.Merchunts,
of the Bt Lotus Steam Sugar Refinery!
aod« front strtstf, Pittsburgh.
—^^^rr*-,-. ;; . _,--■— . J . ------- _|_ : ' [ -~"'^^' rr '’'^ K vj- , -, r '~ ' : "' ’’ '"'":''''' 1 - ' % ' - , ■ I '
. ■ ■ - i , ••
,HED IN 178 b. | PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 11. 1850. YOL. XYH. NO. ~159. I' j v
Dran ""'
or Du&ead Allcr,Pius
hnrrfc. jtfll
J-~ 7TMKH iCKKg. Jfi, fc Co- (neeeuar to Jowpb O.
n»ri*.l Ship ChmUer*, M W«ter ttteet oc3l
YUHPnr DAVIS, ABcutmoer, corner Wi and Wood
tf ureeu. Pimbnrgh. ■ octB -
JOHN H. MELLOR, Wholesale tad Retail dealer
la jinsie tad Musical Instruments, School Boon,
Paper. Slates, Steel Pena, Quill*, Primer*’ Caida, and
Stationary generally,No. 81wood at, Pittsburgh.
gT 1 Kajr* bought or taken >a trade. *epis
. TOHNSTON fc STOCKTON. Booksellers, Printer*
O and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market it, Pitt*.
barghl s jeB
RtcßaxD Plots.
J k ,f FLOYD* Wholesale Grocers, Commission
9 Merchants, and Dealers in Prodaee, Round
Cfeorch Baildinn,. fronting on Liberty. Wood and Glh
streets, Pmibnnth. Pa. . myB
1M1.3F.M.* Wholesale Grocer,CcmmUsiop
Merchant, and dealer in Prodace and Pittsburgh
Manaftctarca. No. St Water »t- Pittsburgh. janlf
JB. BW£ITZER, Attorney U Liw, office 34 iu
« opposite Bt. Charles Hotel, Plush arch, will also
promptly to Collections, la Washington, Payette
and Green counties, Pa.
Bltcksioek, Bell A Co., )
Chorcb A Carothers, VPcabuxgb.
P T. Morgan, ) oetadly
1/ SKR A JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer-
J\. chants, Sealers in Prodnce -and Pittsburgh manu
tacmrod articles, Canal Basin, near7ih st. d<l
KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO., Manufacturers of r .
. superior 4*4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Co e fj
twine and Batting. Ja3o-lytion
VsinTini Iron Works,
LEWIS, DALZELL & Co., manufacturers of all si*
xes Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron sad Nails of the best
Duality.' Warehouse, 54 water and 105 front st.
}anl9 ■. '
LI WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward*
• ing and Commission Merchant, Dealer In Pitts*
butgh Manufantures and Produce, Not. 31 Water su
and Cl Pront r- • ]27.
—wif^Mtawii —
ICT* Liberal advances made on consignments.
Jaut4*flm_ ___
wii. KiLLiß,'Phiiada. ’ e. w. Brannon,'Pittsburgh.
MILLER A RICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers.and
importers of Brandies, Wines and Began, Nos.
174 and 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts*
burgh, Pa Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, Ac. Ac. con*
stantly cm hand. aag!4
ions stool. jam. D-M’etLL. wiltu c. bos-
Rif eGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commit*
iU sion Merchants, No. 1M Liberty *L, Piusbnrgh.
MURPHY, WILSON A CO, (late Jones, Murphy A
Co.} Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 48
Wood street, Piusbnrgh. novtS
ITTaTTHEW WlLSONTPonraUandMHinanrPaln.
IvA ter. Rooms, comer of Pott Office Alley and
Foarth street, entrance on 4lb near Market.
dccd-d tf,
tsxac roan, joaa r. qutm.
Manufacturers of spring and buster, steel,
plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip,
be springs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mol
{cable eastings, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings
jeijerallj*, comer of Ross and Front su, Pittsburgh,
HOLMES A SON, No. 55 Market st, second
• door from eoreer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domestio Utils of Exchange, Certifieatesof Depos
it, Bank Notes and Specie. -
Q 7” Collections mad on all ths principal cities
throughout the United Stares. d«el7
NBUCKMASTBB, ALeratun—Office. Fourth »u,
• third doer aWle fJmithlield, tooth tide.
Conreyaaeing of til klnda done wtth the greatett
eart and legal eccniecy.
Tjllca te Beal Batata examined, Ae.
iKNN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, bu
\ resumed bu profraskinal duties, giving in*true*
lb ©u the Puuo, Guitar, and in Vocal Music.'
Uaglbdtf _
mai P£bQIPnCA 7O Fourth
ISVa at., near Wood—All quantities of Green and
IbHb Black Teas, done op In quarter, ball; and
one pound packages, ranging from do {fts-per pound
tIM fti A. JAVNK3, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co._
NO. 87 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa- keep constant*
ly on hnsd and make to order all kinds of Vials,
Houles, Ac. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of so*
perior quality. '
Particular attention paid to Private Moulds.
OIiISON, LITTLE A CO., No. 1W Liberty street.
Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Prodnee and
Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh
Manufactures. J)'7
RUUKKT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rcenfytng
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac
tnres, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wine*
and Liquors, No. U Liberty street. On band a very
large stock of superior old Monongubela whiskey,
which will be sold low forcash. apld-.iy
b u* UIW.W, •• •»
l> EYNULD9 A BHEE, Forwarding and Commission
LV Merchants, for the Allegheny Riser Trade, deal
rs in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manure tores
nd Chloride of Lime.
The highest eaah,paid at all times for eoun
ry rare. Corncr ofrenn and Irwin sta. ianffl
IkODEKT DALZELL A Co- Wholesale Grocers,
|\, Commission nnd Forwarding Merchants, dealers
n Prodnee and Pittsburgh lUanufaemres, Liberty su
Puishargb, Fa.
ROOT. a. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer In Prodnee and Pittsburgh Manufactures
144 liberty sL >7lB
a c. saaesuerr, tho*. a whit*. ..
SHACKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers la
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. W Wood st.
—t'w. HARBAUUII, Wool Merchants, Dealers
• in Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding
sad Commission Merchant*, No. Si Water st-, Puts,
■wrrn ___
.Axle, Stoat and iroa
r ssllxxs; rtrrssnoß. joks mcuoia, jussTLaiin.
C| ELLERS A NICOLSj Produce and GenersJ Com
ij mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty »u, Pittsburgh.
Sperm, Unseed and Lard Oils. ’
F. VON BONNHORBT, k Co- Wholesale Ore
• cart, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures ard Western Pro
dace, have removed to their new warehooso,(old stand)
N 0.35. comer of Front it. and Chancery Lane.
nov7 ' • '
WASSEY A BEST, WholesaleGroeera andCommis
'l giox Merchants, and dealers la Prodoce. No. 39
wood sv, Pittsburgh. P* 83 ..
«X asAuLXT-
w. B wboowaxs aaur» aaoalxr.
WM. DAGALEY A CO.. Wholesale Grocers, 18
and 30 Wood street Pittsburgh. norJ7_
ANTS. Also—lmporters of Soda Ash and Bleaching
Powder, No. 160 liberty st, (opposite Sixth kL,) £»«*•
burgh. * ctZt
tn.wtt. wrml.tM
10SX ». WWX, iramn
WICK A JPCANDLESS, (sueeeumrsto L. A J.D.
Wiek,) Wholesale Grocers, ForwtUug and
Commianon Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass,
Gotten Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,
eor»»r of Wood and Water •greets, Pittsburgh-
Ww ; wau.ACE, Mill.stone and Mill Furnish
* inf establishment, No. *44 Liberty sL, nemrUte
eanai. n *~
•\\T "W*TWlLSON,Watches,JeweDT.BiWcrVVarei
W • and MilitaryGooda, eorner ofMarket and dlh
«IWU. Pitubnrjh, pi N. 8.-W«lehe* mol Clotk.
-arelhlly repaiwl. dec *
TirEST BOWEN—Commissioa and Forwarding
W Merchant,No. W Front at. between Woodmid
“Market streets. fe ”*
\V. Foreign and bomestie Dry Goods, north east
corner of Market and Fourth st*. a”* 3 *.
• mt tocuo, mo. a. b*cbxx.
WH, YOUNG A Co.—Dealer* ithleaihet hides-Ae.
H 3 Liberty 1 Ml
Wfc.R. jrcUTCHEON, Wholesale
• ten in Produce, Iron, NuilMJlew, MdFitu.
bnrgh MuiufMtnree IS* Liberty
Ww WILSON. Dealer In Wateb**,
• Silver Wan, Military Good*, te. No. 57 Har
cet »t noT7
Butler, Pd
tn im. «iMnd to collection* and all. other bail*
VV ness entnuted to him in Bailer and Armstrong
counties, Pa- Refer to
J. A R. fiord, Liberty ft. 1
W. W.Wallaee, do \
James Marshall do (PlUibanb.
dly K*t A Co.,Wood **• ) ]*sl_
UESQRSS Omciuon M. AixagA Co,
MBBiBH oet3l Wo. 4a Water street
•L B. MeYsy.
iw* ju>« \ ,rTT .
STHlfl establishment lon* and widely known a*
being one of the most eotnmodioas In lie eity of
Baltimore, has recently aadergone very exten
eiae alterations and improvements, An entire new
win* ha* been added, eonulnln* numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive hathia* room*.
Tbo Ladies’ department has also been completely
reorganized and fitted opin a mn mnJqn* and beenti-.
fhi iryle. In fact the whole arran*eaent of the iiooso_
has been remodeled, with a tin*le eye on the part of
tho proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
l their Onest*, and which they confidently assert will
challenge'comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be sopplied with every sab*
stanial. and hurnry which the market afford*, served
«p in a saperior itylr, while in the way of Wines, fce.,
they will nnt bo M/passed. - ..
In eonclaiisa i*e proprietors be* to say, that nothing
-will be left codon* on their part, aad on the pan o r their
assistants, to render ihl* Hotel worthy the eonunoed
patronize of their Mend* and the pablie generally.
Tbepriee* for board have also been redoeed to the
Allowing rates: .
lAdte*’Ordinary, ®l,Wp«rd*y.
_Gentlemen’s ** „ . __ ...
If. it-Tbe Ba**a*e Wagon of the Honm will al
ways be bond at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage u and from the HoteUrree
of charge. may2U_
coian aw toutth ajw slawt rTixrr*,n7TiisTßoH.
JtaA TltE aabteriber letpeetwUy aiinwneea that
-fifth* hat now opened hit new and
"“*£or the accommodation of trarelen,
tad the peblie fenerally. The hoow and furn mw
-»W entirely new, and no paint 01 expente hare been
waxed to tender it one of the mott comfortable and
pleataiii lloteit in the city. ,
' The rabteriber it determined to deterra, and loer
I fd«aolicil*,nihare©fpnblicpatn>n*M.
| peUt-dly JACOB HOPfIH, rxoj
VINEGAR— 16 bblijpuro Cidrr, bjr
•/OHn «.-CM6tATX.
Trenton Anhui Life Iniwanet Company
urn or ruatrtrx kxducxd S 3 rc* enrr,
Capital, 8150)000*'
JAMES DURNO A CO., Agents at Pittsburgh, Pa.
an*«t> Of SISXCTIOS, At
James Hoy, Jr. ' I
Beniamin Fish. I
John A. Wean. |
trams, xxw mm.
' Joseph C. Pmu, Pmi
j O. A. Perdiearii, V. P.
| Hi Morris, SeereUry.
it, Trea«irer.
Jooalbta n*l
Comptroller ofNew York.
George Wood.
John P. Maekie.
David Dudley Field.
Joseph Hoxiei
His Ere. Got. Haines
W. ik Dayttm, U. S. Sen.
G. D. Wall, Ex-U. S Sen.
Ex-Gov. M. Dickerson.
Hon. June* Campbell.
.David H. While.
Alexander Cumminrs.
W.J.P. White, P.M.
I Ex-Gov. Vroc in
fuse Wildriek, M. C.
We A. Newell, W.C.
Hon. 8. R. Hamilton.
A.Sidney Dome, M. D w. W. Gerhard, M. D.
‘ 38 warren sl, N. Y. 301 Walnut sl, Phil’a.
Wn. M'K. Morgan, M. D., H. R. Bell, M. D.,
George M’Cook, M. D.. Allegheny eity. Pa.
Pittsburgh. Pa
The Agents©! this Company, u Pittsburgh, are anth*
orired to take levery first class risk on Lite at a rsrfue
no aqf tictnfy-fit • per. ewil. from the usual rates of pre
mium as charged by other Companies.
A man 30 years of age, taking a Poliey of Insurance
for One Thousand Dollars— e
To pm for one year, pays only 89,80.
do seven w ** “ 810,20—annually,
do Lifetime, “ u 817,80 u
And in the tame proportion for any sum up to 85000,
which is the extent taken on any one life.
This company commenced operations on the Ist Oct,
1648, and Its monthly business up to the Ist Oct, IMP,
shows a progress ttuedlnf that of any other Life Com*
pony on record.
The first dividend of profits wQI be deelaxed to the
assured on the Ist January, 1850.
Pamphlets containing the various tables of rates,
and all the necessary Information on the important
subject of life Assurance will be fornished on appli
cation to JAMES DURNO A CO., Agents,
del7 Qdeon Buildings.
BURANCB COMPANY will issue Policies of In
surance arainst Loss ox Dastaex by Flax, upon Dwell
ings and Furniture, Stores, Goods, Ac- Ac., on appli
cation to JAMES DURNO A CO, Agents,
delT Qdeon Building*.
HEALTH INSURANCE, at Pittsburgh.
Tbs Spring Garden Health Iniunnee Co v
INSURES Males and Females against the Expense
and Loss occasioned by Bieknss or Accident, by
an Immediate allowance of from 83 to 88 per week,
for one, two, three, or four years.
The method of effecting this Insurance, and the
manner of.awxrding the sick allowance, will be folly
explained by the Agent.
A person can insure against Sickness or Accident
which will detain him from his ordinary business, as
follows, viz:
For one year, by paying BL2D, and receive 83 P week.
For two “ ** “ ** 4 “
For three “ « 7,95, M “ . fi “
For foar “ “ 10pS, “ “ * “
Or, for a period of four years, the sum of 814,40 paid
annually, will secure 83 per week while siek.
r Every necessary Information will be afforded on the
subject of Insurance generally, by
dc!7«dflm Qdeon Buildings.
Life aad Health lnniitaeii
TIIE Mutual Life ud Health Insurance Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, March, IMS. Charter perpetaal.
Capital, •100,000. Ram tows* roan airy Psajavb
vajox CokrasTf aad fall SO per cool lower than the
usual rates of Life Insurance, as the following com
parison will show: Than, a person of the ape or 3U in*
rating: for 8100 for life, mast pay in the Girard 83d*—
Penasylvanta,*3£B, Penn Mutual, SSJfI; Eqnitahle,
82,M{ New England, New York Life, Al
bion, 82,48; LLfc aad Health, Philadelphia, Bt£t.
IhuscToaa—Samuel D. Oniek. Charles D. Hall, W.
F. Boone, Robert P. Ban*. Charles P. Hayes, M. W.
Baldwin, M. M. Rerre, nl. D-, Chaa O. U.
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, K. H. Butler, Ldwin
R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orriok; Vico Presi*
dert— Robu P. Kinr, Secretary—Franeis Blackburne.
Applications will be receiTed.shd every Information
given by SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt,
Office, Commercial Rooms, comer of
OCC27»dly Wood and Third its, Pittsburgh
TUB INSURANCE CO. ot North America will
make permanent and limited Insurance on pro
perty in this city and vicinity, andru ihipmmis by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. Tbe prope. Jes ol
»hi« company are-well invested, and famish an avail
able funa for the ample indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected by insurance,
mylfl WH P. JONES, Aft
nt 44 Water st.
Jit FranlKi i F*n liunrana Co. cf Philadelphia.
DIRECTORS.— Charles N.Baueter,'Thornes-Han,
Tobias Wayuer, Samuel Grant, Jacob S. Smith,
Oeo. W Riehardr, hlordeeai D. Lewis, Adolpfco &
Bene, Hand S. Brown, Morris Patterson.
Cuiiuu N. Basel**, President.
Charles G. Baneker, Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
oaorerjr description oX property is town or country,
at rates as low ss are consistent with security.
To Company haro reserved a large contingent Fand,
which with their Capital and Premiam*, safely invest
ed, aflbrd ample protection to the assurod.
The uieti of ute company, on January I*I,IBM, aa
pabluhed agreeably to an act of Assembly, were aa
follows, vie:
Temporary Loans
. Stocks •
- Cash, he.
• (1,04?,438 41
M,7*l 83
w,ooi es
. 61.593 33
• 37
•1 4SM« n
Binee their incorporation, a Period of IP year*, they
hava paid npward* of one million four hendred thou*
end dollar*, lowe* tor fire, thereby adordiof e rid cnee
cf the advantage* of luarance, a* well as the ability
nd dispoulioa to meet with nromptneu all liabiliae*.
Oftce N R corner Wood and 3d sta
Tbi Ptsai/iTUU Company
Foxlsswakcbou Lives mOuiiruiA Aaacmxs.
I>UE first Life Insurance Compact in the U. Stales.
Incorporated March lb, tsD—cba ter perpetual.
Capital >Mo|Doft—all paid ta.
Having authorised the undersigned to recerve appli
esuoastor Insurance, on which policies will be iss ted,
according to their proposals and rates, which will he
made kuown to applicants at his office. No. £6 Wood
street. sptl GEO. COCHRAN.
ja (Successor* to bTCord A King) HA
faihloaabls UaUs^s.
Corner of Wood end Fifth Stnets.
PARTICULAR attend©* paid to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen eaa rely apoc getting their Hats and
Capa from oar establishment of the her xatxuaio and
votDumr, of the um srmxs, and at the uvuj
mtn. _
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, art
respectfiuly invited to call and examine oar Stock; as
we can say with confidence that as regards ycsLm
ami nuat, it will not safer In a comparison with any
house fch!7 •
1 tius Second Session of this . Institution, under tha
care of Mr. and Mrs. Gosnoan, for the present
academic year, will commence on the first of Pebnta
ry next, in the same buildings, No. Si Liberty street.
Arrangements have been made by, which they will
be able to furnish yesng ladies faemues equal to any
In the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Class!.-
eal, and Ornamental education., A~Tull coarse of Pin*
1 isophical Chemical Lectures will be delivered'
danng the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The do*
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern
Languages, Drawing and Painting, willeaeb be under
the eare ofa competent Professor. By eloso attention
to the moral «"«t intellectual improvement of their pu
pils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of tbs
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, see circular or apply to the Principals.
JaXO-dti •
A A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re *
built and commenced basinets at'his old stand
where he will be pleased to see his old custom*
ere friends.
Church, Steamboat, and BeUa of every aiM.from.lo
to 10,000 pounds, east from patterns of the most approv*
cd and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pnmps, Counters, Railing. Ac., toge
ther with every variety of Brass Castings, ii required,
turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A F. is the sole proprietor of Baisir's Awn-Ami*
nosMXISI.SO Justlycelebrated for the redaction of
friction la muWrr. Tba Bole, uid Co”t2‘ , “‘">
can be had of him at all times. JaAfc»y_
WR. MURPHY continues to keepoa buidafall
. nuonmatofUa Wd.h Dnibrj.tabl. W.n
cels, aad has recently received a supply of the finer
quiuiUe*. Also Swansdown Flannels, a scarce am*
dlo and weU adapted far the wear of invalids, and
othscs wantinx something warmer than usual. Also,
FlaSneU for Infant, wear, to
getber witk a fall supply erf American
Flannels, of different qua.ities* Ah», *HHIOUDINO
FLANNELS, of all the difibreot widths, nl the North
East comer of 4th and Msrkct sts. t
in-Wbolrsslo Rooms up stairs, where dealers will
always find a good assortment of new - style goods.
Lost or •*•!•*» . ...
ON the evening of Monday last, 7 l l, *' M Ac: ,; l
die. uf » £•>• d Iron, lm*.bßd W MbO * <•*■!
iroo, .11. ■»cTS^aKinUßs."
j.nlO Fir.l mol. bßl'n Wood AM.tb «l.
Sow Booko JiuTßiln ll '
IKidlr. wild orlpnol de«l*ii« br Da.wy-
Tlr For in* ood Slow Wnuni.of K. ..
SbTiieton ud F.bcnl, or » Ff.Bllfl.l Vib* o, uio
Moral Dolio*, KeloUoo* *nd louren. “A
Fruit..ion ood ibe Commnnilri b/
Tbo Forfun uid ill. DoojbMD I’T > K **”“"*■
anthor or the Datehmsn’s Fireside. . - .
Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Me*l«o * n «
Itornta; witS Panderings in Peru, Chill and Poljrne»i«i
b ' S Wl “W.,.„fe , A ,1 £a.1,1»H.7«W00d..
Vow la ihs tleao to ■•bsovtba^
OFFICE of Seott’s Reprints of the roar tluartei
Morris A Willis’ Homir'Jonrnal, published In Nei
York weeklf; fit per anfiom. __
Downing's Uoruealtorslist, monthly! §3 par T e *
The Cultivator, monthly; tl per annem.
The Agriculturalist, monthly; fl per year.
The Democratic Uevlew, monthly; AJper annum.
The Bankers’ Magaairve, do 85 do
J«nB Bookseller A Importer. 81 Wood it
o«U*ra. '
A FEW rerj fine GUITAR*. Jnrt ree’fi from (be
eelebraifo mtoß/actory of (j, K. and lot
IB le by JtnSJ. 11. MEM/>ft,tf| Wood ft
ILA33 —£OO bo lea Miitr window g7**s.
300 do 10x13 do do
61 do 7x9 do do
fto do pna do do
fiO do loxld do da
In store andjfer silo by
Dissolution of Partnership.
BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto
fore exisnngunder the style of BUSHFIELD A
I.RAORR) has been dissolved by Henry Leader sell
ing hit entire inlerett in eaid firm to John MctiilL All
butinett connected with the firm'of Buhfietd A Lead
er wiil bo sealed f>y 8- B. Bushfiehl'A Co- who are
duly authorised to make all collections ana idinrt all
Pitabnrgh, Oet-37, ISO.
N. B. BUSHPTELDA CO. will eoniinue the
wholesale and retail Dir Good* andGroeeTy basinets,
it the old store room, No. 230 Liberty at, where they
will be pleased to have .their friends and customer*
tail and examine, their ctoek of gooda.j__
ocffl m \ 8. B. BUBHFIELD A CO.
min? partnership of the undersigned, under the Sna
X of Bagaley * Salih, was dissolved by matoal
eoasent on 29th September, W. Bagaleypurehasing
ihbinterestofJ.B. Smith, who retires. The business
of the firm will be settled by their successors, Wm.
Bagaley A Co- at Nos. 18 and SO Wood st. '
, Pittsburgh, Oct. 8, *49. ISAAC B. SMITH.
’■ CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Wm. Bagaley having asso*
elated with him Wm. 11. Woodward of Philadelphia,
John S. Cosgrave and Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh,
will continue the 'Wholesale Grocery Business, at Nos.
IS and SU Wood it. under the firm of
WM. BAGALEY A CO, Pittsburgh;
and BAGALEY, WOODWARD A CO., Philad’a.
Dlaaolutlon ofOe-Partninhlp
milE co-partnership heretofore existing between the
X subsenbere, under the style of Brown A Colbert
son, was dissolved <m the Ist Inst by mntaal consent.
Pittsburgh, Oet.s, 1849. A. CULBERTSON.
Hie subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groce
ry and Commission Business, as heretofore, at the eld
stand, 143 Liberty st. otll A. CULBERTSON.
wx. a. scsrrx. jununasos.
Riir. BKrtrzxa Wood mUinn, Prnovwn,
/So.VnNUK to manafaetsre all kindJ. of COPPER,
with Work. J
Steam Bonis built to order.
Special attention given to (team boat work.
Have on hands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass
Kettles, Tin Ware, &«.&«. Steamboat Cooking Stoves,
Portable Forges, variosi sires—» very convenient ar*
oele for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
Wo would respectfully invite steam boat men and
others to call and. see oar articles and priees before
purchasing elsewhere. ffd?
Dlssolutlanof Partnership*
THE copartnership of HENRY HANNENACO.,
formerly Hannen. Muller A Co- in the Window
e-.d Colored Glass business, is this day dissolved by
the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Mailer.
The business will bo eontlnned by the undersigned,
ander the firm of lIENRY HANNEN A CO. Ware
house No. ltN Second it, where we will hov*
supplies of snperior Window Glass.
Pittsburgh. Ang. *7, M 3. HENRY PMWTEAD
■ i Oopanasnhlp.
TOIIE Undersigned have this day associated with (hem.
X in business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, and will eon
tinne the business as heretofore, ander the firm of
j»iyg,i»m. Jyw
mint partnership heretofore existing ander the firm
I of A. AC. BRADLEY, is dissblvedby the decease
ofMr. C. Bradley. The business will be carried baby
A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late
firm. _
REMOVAL*—A. Busin haa removed hit Foundry
Warehouse from No. 1U Second street, to No.lfl
Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the
warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where be
will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of
Caning*. Grates, Stoves. Cooking Stoves, he. Jyt3
THE eo-punnerthip heretofore exiting between the
subsenbers, in the name of Constable, Burke A
Co- Is this day dissolved by mutual eotumn. Messrs.
Burke A Barnes will settle the business of the eon
eem, for which purpoeo thoy are authorised to ujro the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
Tho undersigned have this day associated themselves
In the name o?BURKE A BARNES, for the parpoae
ofmanafoctaring Fire Proof Safes, Vsnlt Doors, Ac.
Ac., at the stand ofthe late firm of Constable, Burke
A where they will be pleased to receive the pa*
uonara of the enstomsn of that bouse and their friends.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Boike fc Co-
I with sincere pleasure Tceommend Messrs. Bdrke A
Barnes to the confidence of my friends and tho public.
A. J. nVUI. — mtum
STUART A SILL, Grocers, and Prodace and Com*
mission Merchants, No. 118 Wood si. Pittsburgh.
Dealers in Groceries, Fleur, Wheat, Rye,Oats, Corn,
Barley, Pork, Bacon, Uoucr, Lard. Cheese; Clover,
Timothy and Fla* Seeds; InuvNalie, Glass, Acs#*;
Ac. Particular attention paid to the sale of Western
Produce. 1 '
Kirutsem-Mcsin. Myers A Hunter, Robt. Dal*
xell A Roe, Hampton, Smith A
James May,' King A Moorhead, Plosburgh. Fenner
A M'MiHan, Malsilion. Joa.'H. Morrisou, Esq., St.
Louis. sp«tt:fy__
tons a. cslaia. late of N. Lisbon, O. w. a injures
GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward*
log Merchants. No. A Market it, Pittsburgh, Pa.
(JT’Prempt atiention given to the purchase cud sale
ol all kinds of Prodace.
Kara to—John Watt A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co.
Pittsburgh, Lawson A Hill, Million Martin,
Wellsvilie, John 11. Brown A Co., Grieg, Elliott A
Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Snodgrass A Co-, Gregg A
Lisbon, O.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Coffin,
Cincinnati; J. P. Krll«r, Youngstown, Oj W. L. Stan*
dan. Cleveland, O. aag*4
Commission and Forwarding Berchamt l
80. £0 WOOS ST., miDCUI,
CONTINUE to transact a general Commission but*
tie**, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri-
can Manufacture* and Produce, and in receiving and
forwarding Good* coutigned to hi* care. A* Agent for
the Manufacture*, be will be constantly supplied with
the principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacture arthe
: lowest wholesale price*. Order* and consignments
are respectfully solicited., 197
Pann Suklni lbop<
TT WlGHTMAN—Mauifaemrer oltU kinds of cot*
Jl* ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny dry. Pa.
The above work* being now iaieli asassecennl op*
erotica. I am proposed to exeagi* oiftrs with dispatch
for all aind* of machinery in ry lma, u:h as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding routines, railways,
drawing frames, speeders, thjossOs, looms, woolen
cards, double or single, for merchant or country work,
mules,jacks,&e^slide and handlotheiandtoolain gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans gtv.
en (or gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Rena to— Kennedy. Childs & Co., Blaeksiock, Bell
A Co., King, Pennoek sCo., Jas. A. Gray.
JOHN D- M'CREARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer,
Not. 331 and 333 Stanton street, NEW YORK—De
pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of
Printer* to his improved Printing Inks of various
kinds and orders, at the followingnriees:
Extra fine Jet Black, for Card and Wood
Cuts - . . 63 00 and 300 per lb.
Floe Book Ink - - 0 75 u 1 00 “
Boot rk • • - 040 u (i 50 “
New* Ink • 019 oao w o as «
Fine Red Ink -73 e 100 150“ SOU “
Blae, Yellow, Green and White 73c 100 l 30 u
Gold eixe at 9a per lb, and Bronze at 50, 75 eta and
91 per ox.
A (peelmen of New* Ink ean be aeen on this naner.
Pitubarrh, Fa.
C. Morgan 4 Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.
hlonon 4 GrUwonld, Loalwillc, Ky. oetflidUm
Modern and Antique Furniture,
B3, Thud Stuit, PrmicMß.
/OB A iarge and splendid
uMrtswai of Furniture, eNBOW
soluble for Steamboats. IBBBSBbBBBL
BHBB Hotel* andprivaie dwel
iinra, constantly on hand and made to orderT
The present nock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any maaaractonr in the western country. Persons
wishing to purchase would do well to give me a csJl,
as lam determined my prices shall pleas*. Pan of
the stock consists in—
Tele a Tote; Buffet Etaqeie;
Louis XIV Chairs; Queen Elisabeth chairs:
Tea Pot set Fruit Tables;
Toilet Tables; Louis XV Commoder;
French Mahogunv Dedeteadi; Piano Stools;
SO sofas with Plash and lluir-elotb eovsrs;
60 Mahogany Rocking Chairs;
40 dos Parlor do
30 “ Panov do
SS centre Tables;
90 pair Divans: 4 pairpler Tables;
IS marble lop Dressing Bureaus;
6. Wardrobes; H Secretaries and Book eases;
80 marble top Wash Stands;
4 pair Ottomans;
0 pair fancy Work Stands;
A eery Urge augment of common chaits and other
furniture too nutrtorgiii'io mention.
ID- Steam floats, furnished on the shortest notine,
and on the most reasonable )4rmi. declS Vill.r. fD'r llfdrakt W.t.r,
4* ' TIHH is to certify that I have a|»j
JHL pointed LiTlngiion, Hoggro A Co.
Afflk S<ile Agents for tho srtlo of Jemiing’s
Pawnt Dianrthgtn Kilter, for the ell
JL§ tlesofPltuburah and Allegheny.
for Waller M Gibson, 340 Broadway,
I Niil
' * Oct. 10,1040. .
We hare been aslnc one of the ahoro articles at tha
office of the Novelty Works for throe months, on trial,
and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention,
and wo fake pleasure In reeommendlng them as a u*ej
fol article to all who lore pure water. Orders will b«
thankfully received and promptly exoeuted.
HtrsHibla Filtstinv botki
a for purifying water,
I) Which renders turbid water pure by
afek. rereoringull aubsianee'snoiaoißbloin
#%3|S9l watfr. The croton water In N. York,
■*w3H»lwt»lthoagh clear and pare to the eye, yet
X¥\ssjnf'“ff’ l *bon 11 passes an hour through this
filtering eock, shows a largo deposit
NiBF impart sahiunee*. worms, Ac. Thu
Is the easninorß or leal with aUhydrent water.
The Rerenible niterer Is neat snd durable, and la
not attended wilhtha Inronvsnlenoa Incident to other
plltefcrs.aa It Is cleansed without being detaohed from
the water pipe, by merely taming the ity or hand)*
front one side to the other. By this easy prooess, th*
eoatr® hf water Is ehunged. and all aceamulationsfo
impure tobstanees at* driven off almost instantly,
without unscrewing th* Filter, tl also possesses tha
advantage bfhelng astopeock,and issues n many
e«es will be very ennvenlsnt and teonomleal.
Itean bo attached where'tbei# I# any prewar# Uffb
or low to a cask. tank, tab, Ac. m.c TV. b. bad
of tho sole Agent, „ A.'V.tSILSON,
OCIIT onmarnf Fourth tod Market ijs
■jtfK«rmisTSS'.i;a c«y» fiai.'.-su.. b.<7.
I\ fresh ftalsinsi 9 bags Coco* shells reo’d and for
fit Ii t?.,"f lirt T" UN.L J.OI.
w. A J. aim, Book BUim
VLTHu, ml) in lie .bavc bn,::irf»,
TT of Wood Sd Tlird imtu, Puubnrjb, where
we are prepared to do auy work in onr line with dea*
patch. w«ysesd to our work personally, and »»ns
faetion wflTlfc gives in regard to its neatness end da*
lability. . .
Blank Books ruled to any pattern' and bound sab*
ctsntially.' Books in numbers oreldbookj bound care
fully orrepaired. Names put on books in gilt letters,
nose that have work in our line are Invited local!.
Priees low; mygktf ,
■ lealiiaCooktucfitemOntsi, *e«
jv| corner liberty and Wood, streets, manufacture
aadoffer for sue Platform, Floor and Counter Seales,
of the most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood
and coal; Egg Stoves ot various sixes, Fjilor
common-Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They also
mannfaetnw the Kitehen Range, which has given such
general satisfaction to those havipg it in use, fo all c!
which they would resoeeiftiUy Invue the auenupn of
Ihecitixenstadthepubllegeaerally. oetS7*dtf
Pitt Euhias Works and Fsundry.
pmSBOBOIt, u.
JOHN WRIGHT A CoWare prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of every description, such
as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speedev,
Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spooler,,
Dressing Frames, Looms, CardGrindere, Ac. Wrought
Iron Shafting turned; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pullies and
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tools ofull kinds. Castings of every description
famished onuhort notice. Patterns made to order for
Mill Gearing Iron Railing. Ac. Steam Pipe for beat
ing FaeterieZ, Cast Iron Window Sash and ftuicy Cas
tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J.
Palmer A Co, Liberty street, will have prompt aueii*
lion. '
Refer to Btacknock, Bell A Co- 7. K. Moorehead A
Co- G. E. Warner, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh: G.
0. < J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. ianlß
alias hxht.
MA. WHITE A CO- would respectfutly inform
• the public that they have erected a shop on
Lacocl, between Federal urd Sandusky streets. They
are now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ba
rooehes, Buggies. Phctons, Ao n Ac., which from their
long experience in the manafaetnreof the abovework,
and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
these wanting articles in their line.
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
rials, and having none but competent workmen, they
have no hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore aak the attention of the public to this matter.
N. D. Repairing done in the best manner, and on lie
most reasonable terms. jiaonr
THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid
assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’s celebrated
aa»Hsn Apantunani. The above instruments are war
ranted to be equal to any manufactured in thar coun
try, and will be sold lower than any brought from the
East F. BLUMS, No 1M wood si,
Sd door above ftlh
N. R—City Scrip will be taken at par for a few of
he above assortment. my 9 F. a
Daily u the Baltimore. Philadelphia.
Young MEN la wholesale and retail stores, and other
respectable business, to act as Book-keepers, Sales
men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Walters, Farmers, Coach
men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors,
Overseers in all branehes of business, Ao. We nave
atoll times a large number of good situations onhAnd,
which pay from 300 to 82,000 per annum. Thota Id
want of situations of any kind would do well to give
us a call, as we have agents in each of the a*>ove ci
ties, which will enable us to place every applicant in
a suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have a
large acquaintance in all the above named ernes,
which we trust will enable us to give entire »attrac
tion to all who may favor aa with a caJL [
TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. SO Second at,'
between South.and Gag.
N; B.—Persons living In'oay part of the U.-fltates,
and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei
ther of the above cities, will have their wants tmjme
diately attended to by addressing ns a line, (post-paid)
as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and! ex
posse, which they otherwise would incur by coining
to the city, and seeking employment for themseljrcs
Address, A TAYMAN,
' No. 4» Second street,
Baltimore, Md
BlrMlufcui t (Maf Pltti!»ar*h,lPfc
Warduxue, Ao. 137, Wood itnet, vUttintrgh.
' MgrNWlLLeeacuaUr keepoahud«|w><l u*on>
filb/neot of Win; of oor ova muaucime, 'and
Wholesale *ndconmrj Mer-
TBif ohannartrupectniUrmTitedto eell&ndlei
ftniM for ibeAMaveti *» we era tletenmoed to |mH
eheapertbtakis#verbdbt« been offered to the peb-
D 3P l Orders Mat ty m*il‘,MCompaiiied bytheei
ity reference, will be protaptly encaded to. mj
— %■
4 . ths ajucoubtkb.
rntlß attention of the public is respectnuiy esUdd to
J. .tbefollowlngeenlßcates: I
K*CM»'”H«Ting tailed actuality of Cold
weighed by yotf'Areepeur. I find the mollprdres
root ifistremeabfforredt; ana recommend the mo if il
to thoee going tfrfaUfqfliia, u the beat method foi ob
taining the |
~ noifauiwaabiaW. i^T
Pimsroas, Merek7,lWfl. -
Ul Emm—Dear Bln, llaclng examined the** jmd-
Bffl-, 1 * manafaetared at year rooms, Ido sot begun
to commend it to the ate of those gentlemen who are
shoot remocing to California la eeiroh of Gold. I
lttiTesaelose'asproxiaudontetha enedlie
tyot metals, and'Wtuceitauly enable the adreacam
to ascertain when his placer Is yielding Gold. |
jaarW Yocrs, reaper. J. H. hPdJPTTOck.
TNfiiA RUBBER CLOT HLNQ—Jut rceetodfoftbe
X California Expedition, a complete assortment ot
Gum Elastic Clothing, ai prices ranging from to
panuand hat ror sale si the
India Bobber Depot, No A Wood it. I
Pntasuaoß, SepLiS, i’dto.
in. Tnos. K. HIBBERT.—Dear Sir, Your WRI
i.VX TING FLUID we have now been using more than
a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, wo
find the color a bright blue blaca. It ia pleasant to
write with, Sows free, and does notelog taoponltke
the ordinary inks in use. Wishing too the ready sale
its merits demand, we are, yours respectfully,
For vale, together with Uibbert’a Red Ink, and Ma
chine Cop* Ink, by B. A. Fahnestock A Co., li. P.
Schwaru, Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer,
T. K. IltbberL Druggist and Chemist, eoroer of Liber*
ty and Bmiihncld sts, Pltuburgh. oell3 .
WATmuu rsLMn, reran* aaatu. wm. a. saxt
(Successor* to Hussey, Hanna- A Co.) !
It in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Deposit*, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo*
ner received on depoaito—flight Checks for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the principal points In
the United Buies.
The highest premium paid for Foreign snd American
Advances made onconsignmenu of Produce,
ped on liberal terms. ap3j
Patktt Sacraxn Jorruoav Ist. 164 b.
Patent cmtoJever extension TaUu, Sofas, Burtaxu,
Book Cam , Writing Dak*.
rrQB TABLES far surpassing every other in*
X ventiou of the kind now extant They cun. be ex*
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when elosM
the (eaves are all contained they are made to
all sixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboats, Hotel*, and large privalo families, form
ing when elosed a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BURKAUS-These articles are inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can m opened and shut
at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed
steads when closed lorn a beautiful piece of furniture
for a parlor or sitting room. ""
BOOK OASES—A noat and usefol article for parlor
or drawing room. I
WRITING DESKS—For law ofices,counting rooms,
and other otfiees; when opened a mostconvenieutjbed
stead, when doted a perfect Desk and Library alone
is visible. '
Ail these articles need no recommendation: the
beauty of the whole is. they are warranted not to get
out of repair. It will be for your interests to call and
examine the article*, at the manufacturer's store, No.*
e 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above
advantage*, they are proof against bugs.
. Comer Front and Vina streets, Cincinnati. O.
ORDER 9 from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Spirits,
Raw or Reelified Whiskey, will be promptly ai
ended to at lowest market price. mchlS:dly
jloaeaiabsto Livery stable.
«W| ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened
fairs the largo stable on First st,running through
to Becondst, between Wood and Smithfield
the rear of the Monongahel* House,
with an entirely new slock of Horses and Carriages of
the best nudity and latest styles. Horses kept at live
ry in the best manner.
THE Constitution and Standard of the Associate
Reformed Church In North America: «*▼», bound
in sheep.
The Other Side, or Notes for the History of the War
between Mexico and the United males, written in
Mexico, and translated (tom the Spanish, with notes:
Uy A. C. ilamsey.
Sketches of Reform* and Rcformersof Great Britain
and Ireland: By 11. U. Stanton.
The Works ot President Edwards, In 4 voir; a te
print of the Worcester additions, and a
copious general index.
The Mountulns of Egypt, or Egypt a Witness for the
Bible: By P. L. Hawks. 1> U . l„ L. D.
Memoirs of David Hale, lata editor of Journal of
Commerce, with selection* from his Miscellaneous
Writings: By Rev. J. P. Thompson.
The Puritan and Hi* Daughter: by J. K. Paulding.
Lot Gmifiot, or an Insida View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia: Uy Ucai. WUe, U- S- Navy.
Familiar Letters to Young various subjects;
designed as,a CumpaaiorTto the Young Men's Guide:
By Wm. A. AieoU.
’The Poems and Prose Writings ol R. A. Dana: d vs
Nineveh and it* Remain*: By Layard.
janld • ~~ No Tfl Wood st
BROWN'S American Angler's Guide; fnilonUus
trollon*, Ittmo.
Psuldiug's Puritan and Ills Daughter, 12mo.
Dr. Hooker’s Pbytieltn tad Patient; 19mo.
Mrs. Ellis' Hourtsand Homer, Bvo.
Neandfl's Life of Christ; bvo.
Ncander’* History of Christian Church; 3 vols, Bvo.
Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoirs or Miss Murrey; Bvo.
Amenean Almanac, IU0; tfvo.
JsnlO Bookseller A Importer, M Wood st _
WU. OilKEaE—duTbis in store and Tor *alo i»y
, land WM BAO A LEY A CO
WR. MURPHY Invites the attention of havers to
, tut present choice stock of Prints at lUi coots
per yard, nf fast color* and newest styles.
Also—Newest style* English Chinties, from 19# to
l«l eents.
Also—A fall Bitortment of small figured light Prints
tndCblniies, buff, blue, pink, Islork, porpte, onnp,
Ae. Wholesale Room* op stairs. Janld
A by tho name of iKUEL CLAPP hat enraged
with a young man of the name of 8. P. Townsend, and
uses hi« name to. put op a Saruparilla, whieh they
oall Dr. Townsend'* Sarsaparilla, denominating ft
GENUINE. Original, etc! This Townsend u no eoe
tor and nerer was, hot was formerly a workeren nil*
roads, canals, and tho like. • Yet he assumes ths title
of Dr. for the poipose of gaining credit for what ho is
ML lie is ifpdmg oat cards headed “Tricks of
Qoacks. n in whieh be says, I have sold tho use of my
Same for #7 a week. I will giro 8. P. Townsend *5OB
if he will produce ono tingle military proof of
This is to catttion tho pnblle not to bo decejTod, and
- parchiuenonebat the GENUINE ORIGIN ALOUD
Dr. Jacob Townschdl Sarsaparilla, basing on U the
Old Dr.’s likeness,'his family coal of arms, and his «ig»
M B„«n».U..MK.t[mM. ACOBTOWNgENtt
Principal Office, 109 Nissan st, New York City. .
m.n ' • DOOTOB.-
or tii » annum
Old Dr. Townsend U now about 70 yean of in. and
. has long been known u the AUTHOR and DISCO
BARSAPARILLA.* 1 Hein*; poor, he was compelled
to limit it* maim/actura, 'by. which .means it has been
kept oat of market, an 4 tlie sales circumscribed to
those only who had proved its worth and known Its
valoe. ThiiOaaaD AjaiVntqaalLDPßOAaaTloais
manufactured on the largest scale, and U called for
throughout the length'and breadth or the land.
Unlike young s. P. Townsend's, it improves with
age, and never changes, ;but for the betten because it
is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific man.
The highest knowledge lof Chemistry, and the latest
discoveries of the Art, have all been brought into re*
quiiition In the manufacture ot the Old Dr.’s Sarsapa
rilla- The Sarsaparilla root, it la well known to mcd*-
Icai men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro*
perries which are' inert or useless,’ and others, which,
if retained in preparing it for use, produce ferments*
tion end acid, which is injurious to the system. Some
of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepare*
non, If they are not preserved by a scientific process,
known only to those experienced In its manufacture.
Moreover these volatile principles, which fly off in va
por, or as an exhalation, ; ondcr heat, are the very es
sential medical properties of the root, which gives to
it all its valoe. The j_
is so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Bar*
sapanlls root are first removed, every thing capable
of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and
rejected; then every particle of medical virtue is secu
red in a pare and concentrated form; and thus it Is
rendered mdapablo of losing any of its valuabtoani
healing properties. Prepared in this way, it Is made
(he most powerful agent in the
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on
every side in its favor by, men, women and children.
We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption,
Dyspepsia, and ldvcr Complaint, and in Rheumatism,
Serofola and Piles, Costiireaess, all Cutaneous Erup
tions, Pimples, Blolehes, and all affections arising from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy In all complaints
arising from Indigestion,!fram Acidity of the B(omaeh;
from unequal circulation; determination ofbtoodtothe
head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and eoldihands
cold ebiiit and hot flashes over the body. It has not
had its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy
expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing stris
tare of the tongs, throat, and every.other part.
Bat in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen
and acknowledged'tban in all kinds and stages of •
It works wonders in cases of. floor albas or whites,
Failing oflho Womb,, Obstructed, Suppressed, orPain*
fol Menses, Irregslanty.of rite menstrual periods, and
the Uke; end is effectual In curing all forms of the Kid
ney Diseases. By removing obstructions, and regula
ting the general system, it gives tone and strength to
the whole body, and caret ail forms of
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety or other
diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus
.Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits. Convulsions, 4e. Is
not this, then, thbMbuoh i ou Paa-Em* lt Nnst
But ean any of these thingS'-be said of S. P. Town
send 1 * interior article! This young man's liquid isnot
bee ease of the Grand Fact, <hal the one is incapable
of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er DOES; it soars, ferments, and blows tbo bottles
containing it into fragments: too tour, acid , liquid ex
ploding and damaging otbergoods! Most net mis hor
rible compound be poUpnooj to the system! Whatl
nut acid into a system already diseased with aeid!
what causes Pyspepslabotaeidt Do we not all know,
that when food sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs
It produce*!—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the
heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, cholic and ;
corruption of the blood! i What is Serofuiabutan acid
humor in the body! What produces all ibe humors
which bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Scald Head,
gait lUjeomTEryripelus,White Swellings, Fevsr-Sorea,
and all uleerallouß internal and external! It is noth
ing under heaven bat an acid substance, which soon,
and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or less.
What causes Rheumatism but a sour aeld fluid, which
insinuates ksaif between the Joints and elsewhere, ir
ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissue!
upon which it sets! tSojpr nervous diseases, of impa
rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly
all the uilraeuu which afflict haman nature.
► Now,is it nothorrible (o mike andKUjaad infinite
ly worse to use this
and rel be woatd fain have it understood that Old Ja
cob Townsend's Gcnolne Original Sarsaparilla, U an
Imitation of his inforior preparatioa!!
HcaTcn forbid that wo should deal in an article
which weald bear the most distant resemblance to S.
P. Townsend's aniels! and which should bring down
open the Old Dr. such aj mountain load of complaints
and criminations from drents who have told, and pur
ehaaert who have ased> S. P. Townsend's Fermenting
Compound I I
We wish it understood, because it is the absolato
truth, that 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wido apart, ami
infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par*
dealer, having not one single Utingtn common.
It is to arrest fronds open the uniorutaate, to pour
halm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the
despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi
gor into the crashed and broken and to banish infirmi
fid FOUND the opportunity and means to brine bis
ilbin tho reach, and (o the knowledge of all -who
hred it, that they may learn and know, by jo}>utex
mriene r, itsTEancKroictr rowaa to neat,!
••Fur sale by J. KIDOACO., Wholesale Agcut for
Western I'enasylvaniaj J. SMITH, Birralngbau; Dr.
J.SARGKANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL Filth
ward. o. tV. GARDNER,aih ward,Piusbargh. tpul
T NFALLjBLE Tor renewing, invigorating, anti beao-
J. tyfyiug the Hair, sejaovutg Scarf, Dandruff, and all
affections of the Scalp, and caring Erupt : oo* on the
Skin, Diseases of the Glands, Muscles and Inlets
meuia, and relieving Stings, GbU, Uraises, .Sprain*,
Ao. Ac. With this preparation, “there i* no caeh
word as fail.” The first journals in Ameriea, medical
men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of ait
professions, aud ladles who have used it for vein in
their drcsoiug rooms nod nurseries, admit with one ac
cotd, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and
carl to the hair, eradicating scarf and dandruff, heal
ing wounds, caring dontasioas, sprains, stings, Ac.,
and relieving diseases iof the skin, the glands, and the
muscles it has no equal among the multitude of com
pounds advertised in (ho puhlic prints, or used In pri
vate practice. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Bar
tv’s Tricopheroat is anrirailed.
«*Tbo affinity between; the membranes which const!-
stpta the skin, and the pair which draws it* sustenance
Qem this triple envelope (every clo-e. All diseases
of the hair originatesln the skin of the head. If the
pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the blood and
other fluids do not circulate freely through the small
vessels whieh feed the roots with moisture and impart
life to the fibres, the result is scurf, daudrnff, shedding
of the hair, graynen, dryness, and harseuess of tho
ligaments, and tenure j baldness as the case may be.—
Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the Trieop
herous, and the torpid vcisels, recovering their activ
ity, will annihilate the disease.
in all affections of the akin, aud of the substrata of
muscles and integuments, the process and the effect
are the same.
It is upon the akin, the mnscularjfibre, and the
glands, that the Tnebphetoas has its specific action,
and in all affections end injuries of these organs, it Is
a sovereign remedy. !
Hold, in large bottles, price 25 cents, at the principal
Office, 107 BroadwayY. t
UT-Forsale by R. E. SELLERS,
Jirffil jr». Pittabnrg.
WE have some HUMPS, made on an Improved
plan, so as not w- freeze in the coldest weather.
Persons wanting sneh articles, are invited to call and
see them at ; SCAIFE A ATKLNSON’B, Ist, between Wood Market at* .
View iof Pittsburgh.
MY VIEW will be published In as short a time
as possible; and I can nature my subscribers,
and the pnblio generally, that it shall be serauoi—
both In fidelity cl detail and.bcanty of execution—to
any other whatever. Let those who doubt, wait a few
weeks and see. E- WHITEFiELD.
Nxvr sth, IS4P.—{dell
Wroaghi aad Cut lroaßaUlng,
milE subscribers beg leave to Inform the public that
1 they have obtained from the East all the late fcnd
fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for bousea
one cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns wiUplease esli and examine, and jadge
forthempelve*. Railing will be famished at the short
est notice, and in the best manner, at the comer ot
Craig and Rebecca aireets, Allegheny city,
anggt-dtf : A. LAMONT A KNOX.
Ojrateril Oyitsni
BURKE a CO’S Daily Express Is now rerularlyde
tivering Can anti Shell OYSTERS, which are of
fered to Ueatera and families st the lowest prices.
Quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar
ket, and for sale by _
J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, Water it.
Also—At the following depots:—Reis A Burger, cor
ner Smitbficld and Second su; K, Heazlcton, Diamond;
Mercer A Robinson, Vedcral st .Allegheny. ffetlfi
jESgggg? s. b. agent,
and Coratmuion Mer
chant, haa removed to No. S 7 Front, between sVood
and Smithficld ilreeto. °I!
A Prceotat for Your r»mlly.
Prausttts Wiutt—BJ ran atinnu.
«The belt paper In the Union." (Ereninff Pur.
“Boihcrget In coal ihan go wilhonlif” (Doiiou Foil.
New subscriber* can be inppUed from Jan. 1,1830,
If immediate application be made (either peraonallpor
, f u.,| « u, e of f.bhyuoo^Y.^p^
" gtoam HrlekVVorlll for Bali,
THE aubacnber oflera for aale, tho BTEABTDRICK
WORKS, above Lawrcneoriile, comp riling a
«team Bnrine,» Boiler*. 8 Mould Machine, capable of.
mannfaemnng Prewed Bncks lout of dry clay,
a* taken! from the bank,) per day; with three acre* of.
land on iho Allegheny nver, on whieh are 4 kilnjasd
abed*, machine and elay shed*, wheelbmowa, truck*,
Ihovelij ipadea, Act, every thing requiiUe to com
mence operation* at ;an hour* nouce. Price, inctadlnr
die patent right to om laid machine TITJTtm Hm 0/
payment made easy. Without the (and; •3,000. For
partienlan, addreaa i HENRY MERRITT,
aug37-dti No 11S Mooongaheia Home.
(~\aLICOES— 10 ernes, fact color*, afflje: fbrmer
J price toe. janlO A A MASON A CO
BLUE .CHECKS—I eaae very dark Shirting Checks,
iait opened by BUACKLETT A WIIITE,
faaW 09 Wood street
No nama hu appeared mof?
among the British Rina than fiti* DM OIJU*
foad. Hi* energy and mighty intellMt
ed the face of the nation siad formed *
brated epoch in the annals of hifl raboi *v*
▼ions to hi* riwiA the people were -flunk m
the riarkoift ignorance and most ferocious
barbarism; he first, with & degree of sue*
cess, applied file Aschimedian lever of edu
cation, oj which the masses of the Anglo-
Saxon race have been gradually elevated to
their present noble ana commanding posi
The throne that was bequeathed to this
great monarch was demolished, and.his wild
dominions were overrun by the hostile
Danes, his people were distressed ;and dis
couraged, and hia hopes were at ome at an
exceedingly low ebb. But his noble spirit
would not bow to his misfortune^; he set
himsalf to repair and re-establish fallen
fortune, and .to regain the possession of the
throne and ppwer of his feeble ancestors. A
few passages in his history a touch
ing interest. While yet a youth he was driv
eu to; the fastnesses and woods, where he
took up his abode with the pastoral pities, as
a homeless wanderer, in quest of ;a refuge
from the fury of the cruel Danish conquer
ois fiiatnow infested the entire country. The
clan with which he found protection and a
home, long remained ignorant of file regal
descent and heroic character of their guest £
they entertained him, according to their cus
tom, as one of the many friendless strangers
that were then roaming about the kingdom.
They askedno questions for conscience sake,
and the poble heir, ■ onhis part, was quite
willing for the time to remain incognito.—
During this sojourn anting the shepherds, a
slight event occurred, which to us is note
little amusing. Alfred had been engaged in
a hunt on a certain day, and after having be
come weary with the chase, he returned to
the tent ana seated himself by. the fire. The
good dame was preparing a repast -for the
family against they returned from the chase.
Among other articles the homely cake was
baking amongthe embers, and she comman
ded Alfred to watch irtilL it should be pre
pared for the table. But he was busily en
gaged in warming himself adjusting his ar
rows and drying his moistened bow-strings,
and entirely neglected his important charge.
When the matron discovered that the staple
of hex intended repast was already consum
ed in' the fire, through the inattention of her
hapless gnest, there were no bounds to her
rage. She gave him such a fatbfol admo
nition as seldom reaches the earn of kings:
“ Yon always appear well pleased to eat my
warm cakes, though yon are thus negligent
in toasting them.” The royal. pupil wfs
well contentto receive these instructions, ao
companied with nothing more severe than
wertla. 1 >
But as we intimated, Alfred did not . re
main long-in his retreat He gradually form
ed an acquaintance with the neighboring
tribes, by degrees revealed his tree charac
ter, and began to form plots and conspiracies
against file conquerors of hi* country. When
ms followers had become sufficiently numer
ous, he pushed his marches towards the
Danish encampment; and that ha might
know the exact position and strength of the
enemy, formed the daring resolve to enter
the tent of the king in the guise ot a musi
cian, and thus bring back to his comrades a
statement of their prospects. He accom-'
pfiahed this heioie undertaking, and return
ed to-his camp without being known. He
fanned the ranks of his brave little army,
and conducted them with boldness andeneD
gy to the enemy’s encampment, where,hav
ing observed the assailable position, his ar
my entered and put the Danes to a perfect
rent What he here gained by an able gen
eralship, he retained, and continued to make
farther conquests, till the Northmen 1 were en
tirely subdued, and Alfred firmly seated
friii) *Aif on the throne of his .fathers. *
Immediately on this event, he engaged in
a radical reform of the English laws, or rath
er he invented laws. Those by winch the
kingdom had hitherto been governed were
nothing more than the slight regulations that
obtain among barbarous and pastoral tribes.
This monarch was centuries ahead of his
generation. Issuing from the wilderness and
from among wild men, he adopted the hu
mane laws of a civilized people, the rudi
ments of the lawa that now govern the An
glo-Saxon race in both hemispheres. To
his .noble genius are we indebted for the
foundation of the common fa to, the trial by ju
ry, and the independent spirit diffused
throughout onr institutions, it was an in
spiring sentiment, and one fully appreciated
by his later dependents, that the great Al
fred bequeathed to us in his last testament:
“ It it juit that the English should forever re
main free as ihiir oxcntkoughls.
Like Cssar of an earlier, and Napoleon of
a later age, his noble talents were equally
conspicuous in the field and in thacabinet—
he knew both how to conquer and role men
and make laws. Contrary to the maxims
of the dark age in which he had the misfor
tune to live, Allred sedulously, applied him*
self to the culture and menial elevation of
his people. He sent his men into the dark
quarry of the multitude, to bring out and
fashion rude spirits, priceless as the Parian
marble or the yellow gold. Himself set the
royal example of study in the scanty scien
ces and literature of nis time; and indeed
the history of bis mental struggles and suc
cesses, is the literary history ot his genera
tion. so far as concerns the English nation.
In tqe days of this prince, learning was re
garded as an nnkmgiy acquirement, and ve
ry generally despised by crowned heads.—
Many a king has found a place in the British
annals, who was unable even to write his
name, and necessitated to substitute the cross.
The material, the groundwork of the schol
ar was boro with Alfred;^but the circum
stance that kindled his ardent mind-iutoa
love of study and learning, was characteris
tic. Judith, his was seated one
day in the midst of her family, perusing a
book of Saxon poetry, composed by Aldhelm
and Codman, two celebrated Saxon poets.—
With a happy judgment,. she proposed to
make a present of the book to the one who
wotdd first learn to read iL The other prin
ces deeming the reward disproportionate to
the task, retired from the field of emulation.
But the ardent mind of Alfred was captiva
ted with the offer, and he diligently applied
till he made the acquirement, re
ported it to his mother, ana received the
book for his reward. Not content with what
would then beregarded as his gigantic labor,
he determined to read the classic authors oF
Greece and Rome in their native tongue.
For long years he addressed himself to hw
beloved task, and eventually obtained the
happiness of communing with those great
spirits in"the very words they used. He be
came a ripe scholar, a grammarian, a rheto
rician, apnilosopher, a historian, a musician,
the prince of Saxon poesy, and an excellent
architect and geometrician.
Actuated by a strong love for his people.
pnri an unqnenchable desire for their mental
and moral diligently sought
out the learned men of his own country,and
invited learned foreigners to his court, and
munificently rewarded the exertion of their
talents. He added the influence of his own
example, and became a translator and au
thor. .
He engaged in a translation of Boethius’
Conßolations of Philosophy, the Histories, oi
Aroaius and Bede, and the pastorals of Greg
ory into the Anglo Saxon. Alfred did a
greater work than this, fie gave to his rode
Saxons the Word of God in their vulgar dia
lect Some authors affirm that the task was
not completed; others that it was finished
by some of the scholars that gathered about
his court; however the case may be, the be
nevolent and pious intention of the monarch
isevinced by a deed of such rare merit
This sketch oi the great Saxon would be
incomplete were we to omit to notice his id
dy—a iHtng seldom observed among the
barbarous potentates of the ninth century.
With Him it was nota bareform ora splen
did series of ceremonials, it was a work of
the heart: it fashioned his character and im
pelled him to the noblo and pious deeds that
filled his entire life. Though no learned from
the efieminate .Homans the general doc-,
trines of Christianity, hismore ex-,
perienee and ardent devotion led him to
transcend the teachings of that corrupt hier
archy. Contrary' totheinstroctions and in
the face even ofth# anathemas Dfhis church
—he gave the people the Bible, arid diffused
among them a taste fbr. literature andthe
arts. It was the piety of Alfred that, impar
ted to him such alove -for his subjects,) that
elevated them to the rank of men, and strove
to render them contented and happy. He
cherished a love of* justice and truth, and so
far as possible engrafted these noble trait*
Upon the people he was called to rule;inso
much that a chronicler of the Ntenan times
in giving brief sketches of. some of the pro
cedmg kings, names him by using-the simple ■
but expressive epithet of. the “truth tel
ri-a » The devotional habits oi this prince
are worthy of better times md a mhre gener
al imitation. He was accustomed to attend
divine service daily; and especially the eu
charist; m firing use: also prayers and
psalms in private. He absaiveaestablished
hours of prayer, being pyeiythiruiioui both,
night .and. <uy; and~freqnently entered the
in the night-time,-/after lamenting
with sighs and deep groans hia want of wis
domandgrace.. ,
The last instructions of Alfred to his son
deserve to' be quoted for the. pious and pa
rental spirit they breathe, as well ks for the
political wisdom and file love for the people
they exhibit "
2 :‘*My l son, sit tbeendw beside toe, and i
will deliver the tree instmctidn. '- Uy son, I
feel that my honr is-coming; my counte
nance is wan; my days are almost done.—
We must now part. - I shall i go to another
World, and thou wilt be left alone in all my
and a lord to thy peoplef be thhu the chil
dien’s fatheranatne widow’s friend; com
fort thou the poor and sheltexihe weak, and
withfljl thy might light that ~ yvhica is
wrong. . • « • .... •
And, son, govern thy self bylaw; then shalL
the Lord love thee, and God above all things
shall be thy reward.'. Call then upon him to
advise thee in all thy need, so he shall help
thee the better to compass that thou would
esti” ,J - • ~
The eondtuioii of his life-exhibits the pa
tience of the Christian under sufferings and
trials—a patience and roiignstion seldom
witnessed in the closing scenes pf a mon
arch’s life. His entire file indeed was but a
pilgrimage mafired by. lufiering a constant
pam. The SaxSi physicians were unable
to afford any relief, or even to detect the na
ture ofthe diflfmiw. He was necessitated to
suffer, arid endure it unrelieved;' 1 ' Dr. Town
ley observes: “It is not among the leaslad-
Tpmthlaf circumstances of-this great prince
that .he withstood the fiercest hostilities that
ever distressedanation,cultiratedliteratore.
discharged his publio duties, and executed
alibis schemes for the improvement of his
people, amid a perpetual 'agony ep horrible,
that it would have diaahW a eommonman
from the least exertion?’
The character of this prmc<» is depicted in
the following yivnrnfltin but expressive sen
tences of Sharon Turner: “Tint victorious
warrior, this sagacious statesman, this friend
of distress, this protector against oppression;
who, in an age of ignorance, lovedfiterature
anddiffasedn; who, supersti
tionbonldbe rationally in a sta
tion of royalty could discern his faults and
convert them into virtues; wai called from
the world in the fifty-second .year of his
age.”' •
“The reign of Alfred,” sayd.-Hannah
More, “iseminently the study;of kings. In
hiim, tbejnost vigorous jexartion of public
justice, was united with attachment to pub
lic liberty,” “This prince,” says. Dr. Gold
smith,. “ seemed boro not only to defend his
bleeding country, bnt to adorn humanity.”
Arid the eulogy of Mr. Hnme ( on. Alfred will
not be inappropriate in this connection.
“The merits ot this prince, .both ia puhlic
and in private life, may with advantage be
set in opposition to that of any monarch or
which,the annals of any age or na
tion may present to ns. He seems, indeed,
to be the model of that perfect character
which under thedenomination : of a sage,
philosophers have been fond of delineating,
rather as a fiction.'of thfcfr imagination than
in the hopes ©fever seeing it really_g listing
—so happUy ,were all his virtues/tempered
together, so justly were theyblended-andso
powerfully did each prevent the other from
exceeding its proper Doundaties.”—History
of England, VoL l.p. 69.
, The noble qualities that adorn and distin
guish the character of this Saxon ruler, ren
der him worthy onr study and remembrance..
He was in his age a perfectly unique per
sonage, and by the moral grandeur of his
bearing, reminds ns of the majestic oak,‘
which rears its branches far above all it*
neighbors of the forest, and impresses onr
minds with that power and internal vigor
that have resisted the blasts of centuries, and
amid whose giant arms the tender vine has
clustered ana the feathered tribe has found
shelter and repose. Such was. Alfred, one of
thegreatestot Britain’s kings.'
The chronological dates of his life jdemand
only a passing notice. Ee was j boro at
Wantage, in Hampshire^England Aj D. 849,
ascended the'throne of England, Al D. $7l.
and died during the. first year of
the tenth century. . . ■. |
Many reminiscences of Alfredhave been
preserved by bis townsmen.-and bo great are
their love and reverence for this monarch
that-the millenary anniversary of his birth’
day has been celebrated daring the present
year. The occasion was observed by all.
parties as a holiday—the shops were closed,
Cosiness suspended, and the day devoted to '
hilarity and mirth. Tne festival was ren
dered interesting by the presence ol many ;
distinguished, personages; especially of]
Tapper the poet, and Pr. Giles. In the eve
ning a public meeting was held} at which
the following resolves were^dopted:
1. That the old Grammar School of Want
age be revived and enlarged under the titio
ot King Alfred’s College.
2. That for the purpose of accomplishing
this good work, a general snbacrip'tion list be
opened immediately, to which all of the
race who reverence the name and
memory of Alfred, are invited to contrib--
ute. , - .... .
3. That, for the putyiose of aiding the sub
scription) and at the same tune of presenting
subscribers with a record of the great Alfred
and his Jubilee year, an edition of his worka
in one volume folio/ splendidly illustrated,
be immediately undertaken by compbtent
Anglo-Saxon scholars, to be coiled the “ Ju
bilee edition of the Works of King Alfred the
4. That every subscriber of three guineas
and upwards be presented of
the above work.
5. That the governors of the town lands,
being bv virtue of their office, , the guardians
of the Old Wantage Grammar School, be re
quested to become members of this commit
tee, and that the committee be empowered
to add to their numbers.
Smoky Hollow, Deo. 20.
Zion’s Herald.
> Duma or thx You*o«—Let not the sea* o
son of youth be barren of improvements so —•-
essential to your future felicity and honor.
Now Is the seed time of lile, and according 1 !
to .what you sow you shall reap. Your char*
acter is now, under Divine assistance,, of
your own forming; ycurTateisin some
measure put into your own hands; ' Your na
ture is !as yet pliant and soft. Habits have
no as yet established their dominion. Prep,
daces have not pre-occupied your under**
standing; .The world has nothari time to
contract and debase your affections. All
your powers are more vigoroue.and disem
barrassed, and freo, than they will be at any
luturo poriod.. WhateveivinipuWyou now
give to yonr desires and passions, the direc*
lion is likely to continue.. Consider then the
employment of this important period, as the
highest trust which shall ever be committed —’
to you; as in a great-measure decisive to
your happiness in time, and'in eternity. Oh,
trifleitnotaway. _
A drunken hum made hit .way into a me
nagerie some time since, and the keeper,
fearful that hetrould get huit r 'told him to
leave die place. An Irishman who was
looking bn said to the keeper? -
. (lone,;rarethU
is the cght place for him, dbnTyon see ho
has been making s batU of himself V>
' -Never make .money m* tbe ezpcnss ot'
yourrtputalion;> nv