The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 07, 1850, Image 4

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    * w natSCEEMOTrr
ZtSbeMo, Neauder** History of tteOaittUnßeli-
Ctea asd ttawh, Nmorfs Troupe go Caisxtaa Itoe-
Me, 6 Toil, Boston «diaos P»nih*s Bible Otietteer,
HeOanScßasead its Fteraeets, Dr. Wood’* Leei
’ tares mßwedesborfUßisa* HoU’sMluSoaary Anet
deles: aad bust ixoesesunx works, la addition
*bT sfrttTo» efl ** tusnaa men. aorta.
gSKflSffr reads* for
(fiTff|i»uiifl lUni. Persons who ouy'viah-to
tateviews of :tkdreo«mry seats pat oa the tup ess
dotob?a*kt&f spftteatioato the aademgaeJ, toy
tfass before tbafith last To defray the expense el
lbs rtlsWv mv-"ill be melted la addition
to tbe trios o< tbs sms. non» EE McOOWAN
| , POTHO.
A iBOOT few Ttci aiaee, I im trereiing'throng*
A. ttaftuoof Okie; while opending «
EEuaLHteortrt& e rfngaler Meulie »ob«tonoc,
tod «Bwq«enUy learned that h tod :bccn ho**””*
Tna»«*4 nrpjpooed lobe of no sheer
smvurasf tfgs ssrsAt
prwweßtion irSo*e «I* ritt 2 l £S? «itoea>
to I kfra Ww«uiwii to no otherbnwnem*; at me ex-
St^ 1 J?K£?SSw feSfflrs&hfe 1 *
by rodmeng ino • too
nod oUte nboot the conaUfopey of thiex point, and
uaMiif this compound with a/brttih, thMCbii coating
uo 7 dnv .moafca’wonld beeotae; o perfect Mono or
T tyw MthMthflj^euoceirtynoppnedwoooetnolly
sIM« in n liquid ttafo, end the area amonnt of silica,
■iWm ■tyaMt oad block xideof Iron that it cod
uteedTresdereditbethweath tondfeeproofi as the
foaier exposed, the harder i ad more permanent U
nmo la become, and ae the jesting (after it twin to
tlste) is of ittelf indattractibl byfir&eonieqoently it
pretsetatho wood eevered ■ rith It tom the air, ond
when there la no air;there is 100 biaxe or combustion; i
therMon the wood will octaaJy char, bebro the elate
oorertof will give way.
I eosiUoted'thd diaeorery of the freMeat Import*
use, add applied to Got eminent for a patent for my
lawoiou or diaeorery, badly hoping that I o&oold
bow botemaaermiod for all my ootlay in time andmo
nayi - Tto gOTOmaent, without any hesitation, grant*
«d to mo Lenar* Patent for the sole right to mannfae*
two, sell aod eso my improTeaent In the manabctnio
of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Axti*
idol Biota," frr foezteen yean.
Anguild, 180,
Hiereby certify that one of my children. when na
ked, fell into a luce fire of life coals, and was burned
severely from head to feet The best of medical aid
and attention was given to the child for foar or five
days withoat any relief—each day’s sodarinrs increas
ed till his noans coaid be heard at a neat distance, at
which critical period ono of my neighbors recommen
ded and presented to me a box of clean’s Ointment
and in less thu fifteen minutes after the applieatioc
Of the eintmeat to the aggravated sores of the suffering
1 child, the pain eeased entirely, ud he speedily be ran
to recover. My residence Is in Halt township, Ver
million county, and State of Indiana.
Chisago, August 91, IMS.
WR, ltia he* ead the above
wiwent of Mr. Blake, and believe He be substan
tially correct, As wo are knowing to trust of the state
ment! therein contained,- and we will farther state, that
we do not believe that taere ever vu a patent more
teaestly and laboriously earned, or more deservedly
granted ** bopaxssad Me experiment* with the meet
mdomitabtepereevnranceunderthemost discouraging
aa the pmblle had not the lean cenh
doaoe that there eoaid be any thing valuable made
from the aabstanee. Ha ihereforehao to encounter for
yean the jeers and seeds of aaarlr the whole c«ama
tOty.: Notwithstanding all this, be ws» indefatteablo
In the prosecution ©FBs experiments, and we do not
baiter* that then ia one nan in a thousand who would
have porvorered all the circa in sinnres. Bat he
baa sf teat triumphed over ail obstacles, and we
IteTO then is now bat one opinion ia awarding him
* ttu merit *f this valuable discovery.
: GEO. W. CRANE, . 1 Jastiees of
BJW.BDLL, of..
; BENJAMIN JONE, 3 Township.
. WML EVERETT, Townahip.Ctark.
■ ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. (
I have aaoertaiaed that there are individuate engaged
In dining, grinding, end preparing for sale, the
imiiiMJi he mixed with oil, and used pro*
atsalyaslaae ißy patented article. I hare been to
thoee persons: and shown them my patent. They say
they do not intend to infringe or trespass pop mr
tights; that they have aright to dig, grind, and sell.the
powder, if they can find purchasers; that they are not
total to know what they *re to do with it; that it is
so infringement until it is with the oil to make
the tftttr ‘rv nA t and that those who bny, mix and nse it,
muxttaie the responsibility. Most of them say that
they believe that the patent istood against those that
m4y —id thm s"" umc have said that
' what they wanted to use they should certainly purch
ase of me, as they did not intend to make themselves
liable la any war.' Now I feel myself ia duty boand to
expose this barefaced fraud upon the public; as l can
tail it by oomUder name, where a man sells and re>
eeivespayforan ankle, the use af whieh he welt
knows' subjects the purchaser and user to a prosocn
tko and fine. < Boats of those who are engaged in this
nefarious trufic, wBl unquestionably contend to the
pahlio that my patent will not stand, and that I dare
aetproaeento. Row, to take this argument away from
mem, I want to some of those who were procteiaung
that my patent was of no value, and made the follow,
izg proposition: that they might selects judge ana two
lawyers who have had some practice In patent eases,
and wa weald submit the patent to them, and if they
decided that the patent wasgeed. that they should stop
all fknhar proceedings in the business; bat if thev
should decide, that it would not, in their opinion, bold,
I would agree. to let them go on and sell all they could,
without saying any thing to tho poblie about them.
This proposition they would not secede to. 8o far us
Um validity of my patent is concerned. I do not de
pend entirely open my own judgment, although Inave
the fallen confidence in it; bat I have submitted it to
many of the judges, and several of tho most eminent
potest lawyers, who have, without exeepdon, decided
that in their opinion it was good, and would ptotect me
ta ary discovery;
I grind the ankle to a fine power, and put it eg jn
barrels, tho which are marked: “Btsrs’s Paxsxr Fas
an WxatsxaTaoov Ascnrxeut.SLaTx.” ,
I there tore give notieo to all who buy and ase the
above mineral for the purpose set forth in
my patent, except from me or my asihoriiedagents.
that I shall hold them to a strict accountability, and
yW«ii commence suits at law against those who thus
iafOngo anon my right. J * W&L BLAKE.
Ssaaos, Medina Co-, 0., Aug. 14, IBW. t
■ILri'WO TONS ef the above Fire and Weather
Proof Artificial Slate on hands and for sale. The
abeve we can recommend, for we have been using it
ter aeme 4 Vears, and know it to be what it ia set forth
in every particular. LteU.PUILUPS.Agi.
Mrrf743n ’ No 6 Wood st
E. H. EATON & CO.,
■o. OB Mamrth Street, Pittsburgh,
Hava nowin Store thsir full assortment of
May sg% filoves, Hosiery and lace Goods
ADAPTED to tho wants of every class of Merchants
and Consumers, No pains hare' been spared to
preoeat the newest and most fashionable style of
Ooods in tbaif line. Their stock conxistsupanofthe
teUowinr. i
Fringes aad Gimps, of every variety; sew styles
figures Galloons: Algcrino and Imperial Braids; wide
ud narrow Sd* and Worsted Embroidering Braids:
figured usd cut Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded-
Mantaa and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; blaek,
white and.ootored Bilk Laces; extra wide do do, for
fffsnsfv; with a fall assortment of Dress Buttons;
pinked, Bumped or Embroidered to order.
BabraUered Zuce and Muslin Capea, Chetnixettea,
Brdakfaatand Retiring Cap* and Half Sleeve*, French
Worked CdUan and Cufik, in great variety: Lace Veils;
Lima and Opera Tics: Mourning Chemiteoea, Col
i«W) Ca& and Half Biecves; Linen Lawn Hdku,
and hemniiehed do, plain Linen do;
nil thread Lace* and Edgings: 2m. do do; Bobbin,
yjrf®, Ijwi My«bw and Cotton Edging* and Inserting!.
Riakaewstyla bonnet Ribbon*, French Faee Flow
ers, ffwirw* Tabs. Vetveti, Satins and Florences, Silk
and Tarlelona, Bonnet Frames and Tips.
Hinsjactore, with most approved fiuteoinfv
•ad choicest colon. An extensive »ssortmeiHalw»yi
os hand,
A great variety of BUk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and
Ctahaere, for Ladies tad Misses; Taxtaa Plaid*, and
a fall aabrtmest ether styles fancy and plain Child*
ran*! Hose; newest styles Infants’ Boots and Socks;
QeaU 1 Grampian, Yigenia, Merino, Cotton and ace
Wool HairUoso.
A fltH assortment for men, women and children,
tmoagwhieh are Derby Bibbed, Folasetio afd plain
BUte ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois lined Her*
UajCassimere, Marino, For •lined Beaver, heavy and
tw Baehakin, Mllitary-and Lisle Thread and Cotton.
, |V Ladies* and Children's Hoods, Children’*
'Woolen Seek*, Knit Bearfe and Boaj. Children 1 * Gail
ervand-Lcnf Jaitts, Wonted Caffs, Knitting Wonted*
“And Woolen Toms, California Comforu; also, fine
CBskaieroSesilh, for ladies.
XeshTT and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvas'* Patterns,
flees and Smbfe Silk, Bristol and Part'd Boards, Pa
per Flower Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidies, and Km*
ereUered Work. Also—Lames’Silk and Menno Vesu
aadlkawets; Embroidered Sacks and Flannel*, French
Worked Caps and Waists for infants; and Swan's-down
Fine Shuts; Cravats and Co 11 an; Merino, Bilk and
Cotton Wrappers and Drawers; Suspenders, Shoulder
Brad** tad Dressing Gowns; Silk and Linen Hdkfe;
ttfert* and Hotlcrr.
French patterns carved and plain ghell Back Combs;
Sifihlo tad la. dv, Shell Bide and Long Combs: Ist.
do, Buffalo, Satin and Rosewood Hair Brashes; Snell,
ana Eng. Bora Oressiag and fine Ivory Combs;
Witt an assortment of Nail and Teeth Broshes.
WuberiiPs “Gold Mortal" Perfampry.
Needhs, Pins, Thpes, Bteel Bags and Parses,
Button and Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Baskets,
Fane Twist and Sewings Fine Rosewood Desks and
Coat BUdingt A Galloons, Fancy Work Baskets
Cloak Cad and Tassels, Portfolio*, Pspicnres and
BUndft made Trimmings. Ladles' Stationary,
Falplt A tanner Tassels, French Cork Soles,
Upholster*** Fringes, Silk ft Ging’m Umbrellas,
Baf lines hiss'd widths, Paper Masons ft llollamls,
SulUa tHrJiolh*, Elastic Bands ft Webbing,
VBr*d Ghlntsßinding, Corset and Shoe Lacers.
/^lBPKfifacAkFKTail— Rac'd this tV r .Ai’-
1/ Ctinlock’iCarpet Warehoaso. No. ?J hearth at, a
tether supply tf Carpets, of the latest and mostap*
■isved-StyleSf ta which we invita (be attention or
for wishing to famish Bootes,
to call aad ,f "* ll * the largest assortment in the city,
which we will *e| cheaper than ever be tore offered in
Swestemaaiktf. covSI WhTCUNTOCK
> Boantag Long Shawls.
TKTi B-MUKPHV uss ree'da supply of the above
VV • article, of th> best Quality; also, plain Black
Thibet Long Baawls,blaek riombarines, Mounting At
weeas, Persian Clch, black Coborgs. Paraetus,
h|.w>,w Mm detains sm] Frenchmerinos, black
Cksralt a°ff Mpanting Collars, Mounting Bonnet Rib*
Me*, neck do, arid a fall assortment of Mourning
A large assortment, ineitdisg a few pieces very wide
iad superior- Buyers an invited to 10-ik ai them, at
Nerth’Bttt'Comer of Fottih and Market »u.
Wholesale Boom* up stars, where a large assort
tatef New Goods has lady been received. {nvSO
Wahave bees informed W Mr*. Ko*e of near* po
fernedsnher byDrs Jayae’e AlUr*ttT*,wEelt
lu MperionnroTerewiT oihcrieocJ, of the
C.I W.. has been afflicted Ut the last sixteen years
er WHITE SWELLINGS, attended
wtih aieefftiifn* and enioliailui of various bones, da
mowhichumemany piece* have been discharged from
rtMirantaJ bene of the oraaiaa, from both her. arms,
rnttsu and hand* .and tom both legs, and tom the left
the right
■leer* on outer parts pf her person, which have btffled
JStjil kt, «l itlooUklialTfcWT tffeelߣoß tar,
MKmSuuib.ZaW*™* ll " comacMOdUioM.
F »£'l£; uraS®. “ <i» r™” *** non.
fcrAßttaMc&ctaro advertised by W.B.SLOAH
ere sold by
~B.E.BELLEE3, Wood Kroet,uaUOnNP. SCOTT
lAettjriUPinibnrrfu •
; Binnlnxhaa>, br JOHN O. SMITH.
The B«it ■■■< Chftpcit Bom B*dlelni
'And is rapidly •aperaeding' ell other Ointment* and
'Linimeatsnowinnseforuiocaro of (he following dis
Fresh wounds, gaHs of ell kind*,
masked heels, nngbono, wihdbone, windfall*, pel
eviLcallas, spavins, sw**neT, battle, *itfoit,«tnib*
laaanass, sand creek, foundered foci, aeruiehea or
Mutoeon or hone disttmpor.
Ihe Powder will remove aad fever
purify .the blood, looeeo the akin, cleans* the water
ui strengthen every part of the body: end has proved
e sovereign remedy tor the following
Distemper,- hide bound, lots' of appetite, lawen
attain, yellow water, Inflammation «f the eyes, fatigue
from herd exercise; also, rheumatism, (eommonly cei
led stiff eotsplaintj) which proves so fatal to many tel
uable horses in this country, It U also a sale and cer
tale remedy for coughs and colds which general* ae
many fatal disease*. W. B. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Lake it, Chicago, fiiMy -
Extract from the “Galena North Wei tern Gazette.’!
By the usa of Sloan’s Ointment end Condition Pow
der, I have entirely eared a- fistula on my hone and
otherwise Improved his condition more than 000 pe
eent. on the cost of the medicine And a cow whieft
was so feeble as to be considered worthless by myseU
and neighbors,was restored to good health and strength
by the ase of less than half a package of the powder,
and is now doing better than any other cow I have.
Small Fox, May 13,1848. WM. VINCENT.
April 13,1948. Fear miles north of Chicago loathe
road to Milwankie,) Cook county, Illinois.
Ur. Sloan—Dear Sin One of my horses had a large
bony tamor on his breast bone, immediately under the
collar, which lamed him and rendered his services of
verf little value. I faithfully applied Several bottles
of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bene Liniment, without the
least benefit. I then procured WUder’s Celebrated
Home Ointment, and used that until I became folly
satisfied that it would never relieve the Fi
nally I obtained a box o! year truly vuluebls Oint
ment. and In less than 00 duya from the first applies*
tton the tumor entirely disappeared, end the horse was
If popular opinion is any criterion of the wonh of an
article, we Invite the incredulous to read at least a few
oftho many voluntary certificates that appear in oux
columns respecting the great variety of remarkable
cares effected by the use of u Bloan’s Celebrated Oint
ment and Condition Powders.”
There remedies no longer remain among those of
doubtful utility, they have passed from the tide of ex
periment, and now stand higher in reputation and an
becoming more extensively used than all other axtl
clcs of the kindi—Mich. City News.
Fox Rrvxa, June 12,1643.
Dear Sloan—Bln Pleasa aend by the bearer a new
•apply «f your Horae Medicines. They are the best
enisles of the kind that I have ever used, never hav
ing been disappointed in their effect, as I have been ir
-the useofothers, even the most eelebrated Ointments
Liniments, of the day. I IBre very much this fee
care in theta, viz: tht they do ail that Is promised, and
upon a thorough trial one is eeattained to add, that
“naif has not been told."
Respectfully, M. DUDLEY.
The ordinary ointments and liniments It is w*L
known.are severe and partial in (heir operation/-
Sloan’s Ointment is mild yet thorough—it retches mad
removes the eanre, hence it gives real, and permanent
relief For parity, mildness, safety, certainty, and
thoroughness, Slosh's Ointment excels, and is repidi)
rorpe reeding all other Ointments and Liniments now
inns*. j '
Bxxaz’s Gaovx, EL, Oct St, 1648.
Air. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of yum
Ointment in the care of .rattlesnake bites, sore throat,
bunts, and many other Injuries, and in every case it
has surpassed our expectations. As a family Oint
ment, 1 have never seen its equal, apd for beasts w»
can’t ret along without it.
Mr.Sloan—Dear Sin For * considerable .length of
im e t was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com
plaint, and applied freely the various liniments, paint
killers, A % without obtaining any relief. Afterwhlch
your ag>, ci at this place influenced me to try yoai
Ointment, and within two weeks from the time 1 com
menced using it, the pain ceased, and Iwaacffectually
eared, and shall recommend all who are similarly at-
Ecicd with the distressing complaint, to procure yon;
excellent ointment-without delay.
Rcsp’r yours, OSCAR F. MOTT.
PrineeTille, Peons May 1,1848.
FrpmtheHon. ILV.S. Brooks, Agent ©C the
Illinois and Michigan Canal Packet Boat Company.
Czscaoo, Jane 2-i, 184®
Dr. W.B. Sloan—Dear Bin For the last 30 years 1
-have had occasion to ase many horses, and have bsed
the great variety of liniments and ointments in ase,
bat have never found any thing equal to your oint
ment for injuries on heroes. Within the last twe
months I have applied your ointment to same 80 horses,
for various injures, and in every instance it has pro
ved a sovereign remedy.
srMuciiTMiiui « .
Two miles soath of Chicago, Sept 14,1648.
Dr. Sloan—Sin On the Bth instant »y son had a fin
ger bitter entirely off by ahorse. Wo immediately ap
plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved him of
pain in a few minutes, and prevented the finger from
swelling the least particle, and the wound is healing
tapidly. Resp’yyosxs, 8. BROCKWAY.
Mr.Sloan—Dear Sin About three yean ago I was
severely injured in one of my legs by the foiling of a
Kle of wood which occasioned large running uleere.
early every doctor in Galeua tried to cure them; but
; vain, nntil from sympathy and improper treat
ment my other leg became as baa as the one original
ly wounded. 1 despaired of ever being well again—
but in order that 1 might neglect no means within my
reach, I purchased qf yon t agent in Galena soma U
yom ointment, and you can judge of my suipnse an I
gratitude better than I can express it, to find myself
entirely well before I had finished usingiho second tx x
These facta I make known that others afflicted may
believe and notdelsyexmg«o valuable an ointment
as yoors has proved to be. Besp’y your grateful fr’d,
Galena, UL, Dec. 19,1643. .EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order, Near*. Vaughn A Co.
parehaaed a large supply of Sloan’s preparations.
Jscook, Mich. Feb. *4,1819.
8; K. Hibbard—Bear Sir lament of Sloan’s Condi
tion Powder and Horae Ointment.- Use sale (at ex
ceeds my expectation. Ifyoo can manage to tend me
4 dozen Ointment, I will pay for them too first bint
that yoa an here, awl presomo I shall bo able to tell
a lure quantity In thd coarse of the year. It will be
: an object to too, as well as to myself, to keep mo con
stantly supplied. Very A CO.
St. Lons, Feb. 22,1319.
Dr. Sloan—Sir. About two years ago,'while railing
on the Mississippi river, in passing over the rapids, 1
was plunged Into the inter, and by the raft dashing
again*t a rock, crashing my left leg and otherwuo se
riously injuring tag, so much that -I lost all sensibility.
When consciousness returned I found myself in Sb
Louis, ssrroundodby my weeping family. Good nurs
ing and medical aid, enabled me In about two months
tolxobble around with the assistance of scratch. The
wounds only partially heated, leaving largo tannins
sorts at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and matter of the most offensive character. My
pains were inexpressible, at times my suffering was
so great that death would have received a hearty wel
eomc. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my neighbors)
advised me to try your Ointment. I obtained a box
applied it according to direction—the sores soon began
to assume a healthy appearance, and in three month*
1 was entirely cored, and enabled to do hard labor.
Your obedient servant,
We, the undersigned, neighbors of H. W. Thomas,
were Brno-lr 1 ** 1 with the ease above stated, and know
ing tho circumstances, most cheerfully confirm said
Thomas' statement REV. J. DOUGLASS,
Catcsao, Jan. Bth, IM9.
W.B.Sloan—Sir: Oneofmyborseswashoofbound
and also wounded in tho stifle, in which he took cold,
and became so crippled that he could scarcely travel.
Bribe free application of your valuable ointment, his
hoots were soon softened and the stifle permanently
eared. I have also used tho Ointment in the ease of
Poll-Evil and cm severe galls with equal recces*.
On > mashed finxer that was very painful, it opera
te?Uke Ac, A.*VAN ORDEN.
Sloan's Ointment and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged by all who have used them to be the levi
remedy for horse* and eattlo that has been discovered.
Fresb wounds, galls, spavins, braises, ringbone, poll
evil, and in short every .outward disorder or injury can
be cured by this wonderful remedy. Tho Powder 1*
designed fi>r inward strains, distemper, hidebound,
fatigue from bard excTeise, diseased eyes, Ac.-*lake
County Chronicle.
Wtcaurra. Cook Co. Feb. 13.1819
Mr. Sloan—Sir: I have a fine young horse that was
taken with the scratches last faJL i paid ont about
three dollars for medicine to cure him, but he grew
worse. I then bought a box of your ointment at your
office when in Chicago last, rather doubtingly, but I
thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my
opinion of its benefielal qualities, when I found my
horse's leg* smooth and well in four days from the tin
I commenced applying 1l Your obedient,
Morethsn fifteen year* of unrivalled success in the
cure of every variety of external disease* and injuries
such' as sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, cutaneous erup
tions, soro Ups, sore breasts, chipped bands, chill
blains, tiles, ulcers, corns, puns in the back, sides, or
other parts ortho bites, bean
ample tenunonr-that Sloan’s Ointment is just the thing
for the hour. Certificates without number have teen
received by tbe Proprietor from disinterested individu
al*, giving details of remarkable cures by its nse.
Granville, Milwankie eo. Oct. 13,1848.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Bin Recently my horses ran away
with a log chain atuched, which ent and otherwise
injured them serionslT, so much so that I considered
my leant ruined for business. Fortunately a friend re
commended tho use of vour Cinlment I went to MB
wukie and purchased a box- It soon removed the
inflammation, and in a few days the wounds healed
The great benefit derived tom the nse of yourOtnV
on my horses, induced me to aeauaint you with
the fact, believing it* publicity weald benefit yen end
thepnblie. Rerecctfally rearm , „ -
rrifl a positive fact,
And las become a comoura ttyiaf, that flleita%
Ointment and Condition powder nre rapidly sapeno
ding all otbet remedies for all disease* of bone* ted
gfrnW The beauty of tbe medicines consist* in theii
BBxity sad safety, towiu they may be nsedeversc
Sely without *ny danger of taking cold, eranrothm
<■>««» rereking from their toqoem use, aad never faff
tp m if tn fSjowwi,:' /ylkvifS
! Eimi-Aaausl gals off Dry Goods,
ax xss oxx rm or
A. A. MABON & CO.,
TT7ILL commence on New Year’s Day, IBSO, and
\T continue through the month of January, curing
which time the whole of it>ifimii»n«ji»ii»hfi«inii»«i
{lncluding all their Wholesale RoomsJ will be thrown
opes for Retail Trade; mid their entire Wholesale
Btoek will be offered at Retail, on occasion, at
folly on rokxiu urn than usual prices.
Their Shawl Saloon contains more than 3000 Shawls,
ttnipruing every description of Long and Square
Wool Shawls, Cashmere, Broche, Ae. Also, Vuettes,
Cloaks, Mantilla*. Sacks, Am, at an immense redan*
tun from usual pricea
Their stock comprises more than 1000 pieces Thibet
Cloths, Merinos, Paniaettas, Atpaeeajf, Lyonese, Op
era and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold iiea 80 to 40 par
eeat. less than nasal prices.
Alto—TlM) pieces rich plain and fig’d fIU-tra, redu
ced 30 per cent.
80 cases Cashmeres and De Lain* entire new styles.
Also—White Goods, Mourning Embroideries,
Laces, Ribbons. Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac.
80 ease* Flaanels, 70 cases new style Calieocs, 00 ca
ses Biesched Muslins, 100 bales Brown do. 70 bales
Tickings. Also, Cloths, Cuasimeres, Jeans, Casslnetts,
at extremely low prices.
Together with an variety of other Goods,
Making an assortment one of the most extensive in
the country—all of which have been merited down at
much lower prices than their extensive annual sale in
January last
They invito an early call, as many of their choicest
Gobdswili bo sold.
lowest price named at first.
Jaa2 A. A. MASON A CO n CO Market it.
xSonrtj Plata*” BUakau.
Wil MURPHY, at North But corner efFosnh
• ud Mulct streets, has lately received * rap
piy of lha above superior sake of Rujikeu, and In*
mea those in wantofthe'artlele to look at them be*
fore baying, lie haa alio on hand Home Made Gian*
beta, a good heavy article, whieh ho la celling low.
Also—Home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and
while, of a superior tjoalixy.
Alao—-Twilled Starlet FLANNELS, to whieh he
Invitee the attention of bnyera.
„tLr"A la m anpply of Goods recently opened in the
Wholeaale Rooms, ap stairs, makes his aacorunent
very fall and worthy the attention of dealers.
Bcnn, Pa., B*pt. gs, l&tt.
. * —D*« Sin I feel it is a doty I ows
to the pnblie, as well as to the credit of toot Live? !
Pills, tb state the good effects produced by their use in
my own case. During the month of June, IMS, 1 took
venr unwell, my appetite failed, and my strength was
entirely pros listed, with sere re pain tn my side and
shoulders. I was told by medieolmen thattny disease
was a sere re attack of liver complaint. I took seve~
ral boxes of M 1 Lane's laser Pills, and soms syrups,
which 1 yras told was good for that disease, but alter
all I was gettifig worn. I finally eonelsded to place
myself under the core of a physician for better or
worse; but, fortunately, Just at this time, I was told
by thellev. L Nibloek, of this place, that a friend hod
: seal him a box of SeQera' liver Pills from Pittsburgh,
which had benefitted him very much. I forthwith
sent for a box of your liver Pills, and by the time I
was dona usingthem, I was satisfied list U was jut
the medicine that suited my case. 1 seat for more,
and took five or six boxes, and found myself almost
entirely cured; but inhlareh last 1 caught a severe
cold, which brought back the disease, and is a short
time I was as bad as ever. 1 again had recourse to
your liver Pills, and look them every other night for
six woeks, axtd occasionally since, and 1 can now My,
that I ean now say, that 1 feel little If any sympiaats
of the liver Complaint, and my general health is as
good now as it has been Cor the Last 10 years.
My neighbors ask mo who was my doctor. 1 101 l
them that boilers' liver Pills mi my doctor, and by
the blessing of Divine Providence the means of caring
me. lam confident that when the publie become ao»
qualued with the value of your liver Pills, the do*
maud for them will incicase. Many of my neighbors,
to whom 1 have recommended the pills, can testify to
their value, as well as to the foots above stated.
Respectfully yours, • OxoxaßMttxxs.
Toths Pmuc.—The Origins], only tne and gens*
uins Li Ter Pills are prepared by R_ E. Sellers, and
have his name tumped in blaek wpx upon the lul of
each Box. and hu signature on.the outsldo wrapper.
others are eonnierfetis, or bate imitation*.
t P c^7 R. E SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood «t
Jaynti' Expaetonaat*
Situ. Colombians e0.,0., Apr. 84, 1941.
DR. D. JAYNES: Dxxa Sou—l feel bonnd to 70*
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op*
portnnitr of giving publicity 10 the extraordinajy.effeel*
of your Expectorant on myselfi Having been afflicted
for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger'out a shortbul miserable existence, until the
fall 01 1638, when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pro
sc rip uo 01 of two of the most respecuble physicians in
the neighborhood withoot deriving any benefit, or tbs
consolation ofaurvivinr but a few days or weeks aj*
farthest—when the Is .t gleam of hopo was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who does all things Id the
use of the means—aid contrary to the expectations of
my physicians and friends, 1 was in a few days raised,
from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying since better health than
I had for ten years previous.
' Respectfully rours, Ac., Jaa W. Evnu-
Tor sale In- Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 78
Fourth street. • " marts
JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately after
saving attended my brother, who died of consumption
in March, 1843, 1 was taken sick with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so tow with the
disease, that tor four years 1 was unabie to attend to
my business, either at homo or abroad, being for the
most time confined to or bed. Daring the above peri*
od of time, 1 had expended for medical attendance 0
regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of
yffio, without receiving uny benefit therefrom. In
July, 1944, 1 commenced taking Dr. Jayne’s Medi
cines, and have taken them more or less ever since,
and believe »hmt it was by persevering In their use,
that I can now/truly say that I have • completely reeo*.
vered my health. I believe that Jayne’s Sanative Pills
and Expectorant are the best family medicines now In
I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y n and
Carey on a furnace and machine shop in that place,
and am not interested In any manner in the sale of the
above medicines, and make this certificate lor the ben*
efitofthose afflicted. ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y, Sept. tf 1843. _ _ jal
ALEXANDER A DAY, comer of the Diamond and
Market street, notify their friends and the publie
that they have received their slock of Fall and Win*
ter GOODS, direct from the importers, manufacturers
and auctions at the east. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods is tares, and presents strong tone*
lions to purchasers. In Ladies Dress Goods and
Shawls, Che most splendid and fashionable Goods of
the season are now offered, at remarkably low prices
consisting in San of the following
New style Broeha flg'd Camelion Silks;
Col’d and Black Stun Da Cheoes and Tare Satins;
Coi’d Camelian Groderhlnet, of the best qualities;
Blaek glossy Oroderiena of the celebrated Eagle
The above named Black BUks are warranted not to
eat in the wear, for dresses and m»ntilla» they are the
best imported.
Neat fig*d Camelian Satin Da Cfaene, the handsomest
Silks of tne season.
New style Brocha Silk figured French Mennos, a
new and splendid article for ladies’ walking dfossea.
Silk Embroidered French De Lames, for cresses and
sacks, an entirely new article.
Cashmeres, De Laines, Merinos, Alpaccas and Par
meuos, a large assortment
Brocha Long and Bqaare Shawls, of the best quali
Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remaik
-ably cheap.
' Splendid Terkeri Shawls, lineally reduced priees.
Camelion Brocha fig’d Silk SnawU. in great variety.
Crape Shawls, white aad colored. In great Tariety.
Bist Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices;
best Sedan real French Cisiimeres; new style Amer
ican Caaaimeret: saper Satin Vestings.
French and Belgian Black and Olivo Cloths, for La
dies* Cloaks.
A splendid assortment of American and imported
Blankets, at remarkably low prices.
A largo and complete assortment now on hand.—
Many of our present stock of Staple Goods were
bought from the manufacturers previous to the present
advance in priees. A principal part of oar stock of
French and English goods have been purchased at the
great Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New York,
which enable* us to offer decided bargains in almost
every description of goods in oar line of business.
Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all
wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early
examination of our stock and prices.
ALEXANDER ft DAY, 73 Market st,
oetSk north west corner of the Diamond.
’iO BDYatta or tmx ouuuoi 7
WR. MURPHY, at north east comer of Fourth
• and Market its, is now receiving his seeond
supply for the season, and can offer inducements to
buTera rarelv’to bo met with. His assortment of
Is very full, consisting of French Merinos. Cashmeres,
Coburgt,Lyonese Cloths, super Printed French Cash
meres, at prioea considerably lower than they could
be bought early In the season. His stock of
Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles
cow on exhibition at Rrankitn Institute, Philad’a.
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim
mings, Ac.
Of various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered
Black Bilk Laces. Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satins ana Velvet Flowers. Caps and Feathers.
Of tbe newest styles, and at lower priees than usual;
,nH rich changeable Silks and Satins, for Mantillas,
go: and a large stoek of
at lowest price*. And in the gentlemen’s departmeni
will be found fresh
Blnek Doeskiils, Winter Vestings, Fancy Cassimeret,
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravat*, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Ae.
are invited o visit [the Wholesale
Rooms, np_«iuir*. ' oefri
Atil£KY~ , \VONUEKPUL CUHtti— 9 c,L uc.n a *
Mucxx, Mercer eo., Sept. 38, IMP.
R E. Sellers: Dear Sir, I bought one bottle of yoar
Vermifuge at the Iron City Furnace store,atlUsplaee,
and It has performed what we consider out here a won
derful cure on onq of my boys eight yearg old; he had
- been unwell for souxajear*, to much so that 1 had giv
en up aJI hopes of his recovery. I was advised by o»o
of my neighbors to try a bottle of vour Vermifuge—
and 1 am nappy to inform you of it haring the desired
effect of relieving my son. Ue passed, ut the short
space of 34 hoots, 134 worms, some of them measur
ing as much as 13 and U inches loag. I feel bound ut
justice to give you the above statement, so a* you may
make any use of my name that you think proper.
Yours, very respectfully,
yyy Prepared and sold by R. H SELLERS, S 7 Wood
street; and sold by Druggists generally in the two
«tue*. ; no*!*
RUP—From W. K. Roden, K»q , Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver Coantv:
Mr. R. L- Hellers: Bir, Some time in the winter my
wife was afflicted with a sevete and distressing cough,
and hearingtof your invaluable Cough Snap, I pur
chased a bottle tom S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewgter,
and sfte r taking a portion of it two or throo evenings
on going to. bed, she fount! Immediate relief; as also
several friends fasve been relieved in severe case*. ■ j
ea therefore satisfied that His a sofa and valutblo me
dietne, and would recommend thou who may he
affiteted with severs coughs and eolds.
March *9, l&U. W. C. BODEN.
KT-Soldly R- E. SELLERS, 67 Wood street, and
by Prosaists generally in the two-«itie« and vioioitv.
dofl -< |
(jttL't' CLUrttS—3 eases Blue and Drab Fe
r doth*, just rac’d and for sale by
" norlJ . . <8 Wood ft
just ree’4 a lot of high celored Motts, do f■«*»«,
sacs as Cherry, at the low price of yj.
peryard. Also, Plain Drab, Brown, fte, at t!} to IB|
cents per yard; and a luge assortment of neat styles
Sored Motts, de Lain*, .at various prices, together
iha choice assaranenuer Dress. Goods generally,
such as 'Fancy Silks, Preach Merinos, Cashmeres,
Coburg* and Lyeaeso ClothvtU the
: N- E. wraer ofmrth tad Market sts.
.Whelcsaie Rooms tpstain. botU
Passsaasr auu RsAwtiate OflUa*
»» HANRDEN fo CO.'continue to bring persona
JWbftwn any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or
upon the most liberal terms, with their
asms! punctuality and attention to the wants end com*
fort of emmigrants We do not allow our passengers to
be fobbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea*
, ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and sea to their well being, and de
spatch them without any detention by the first ships.—
> Wa aay this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen
ger* to show that they were detained 43 h-nr* by us in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others » ire detained
months, until they eould be sent in some »,d rraft, at a
eh2 P rale, which too frequently proved dteir eoßns.
We Intend to perform our contract* eonerably, cost
what it may, and not aet as was the ease last season,
with ether officers, —who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any soot from £1 to
£lOOO, payable at any oftheproviscial Books in Ire*
Unit frngfhnd, Scotland and Wales.
European si.d Genital Agent,
feU Fifth street, one deer belowwoodi
1849. ffifaijjCza,
Warran aad Clsvsiaad FamanrLlxla
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
“ “ -OCEAN.
QNB of the above Pockets leave Beaver every day
(Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at
r> *rren, when they connect with the Mall Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places
before night. One of the packets leave Warren daily
at 4 P. Ml, and arrives at Bearer in tim« to take the
morning boat for Pittsburgh.
MB TAYLOR, ’ do f Pro *
apl3 corner Water and Smlthfield its
s3a*lLZ2b 1849.
Cuawroxs A Ctutoxaus,Cleveland,O (
R. G. Pasxs. Beaver, Pa. $ rropria
mills Line will be prepared on the opening of navi*
J. ration, 10 transport freight and Passengers from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
the Carini and Lakes.
The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed In number,
quality and capacity of Boats,* experience el captains,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run*
ning In connection with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of firstclaaa
Steamer •, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Aactrs —R O Parks, Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Taylor, Warren, “
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
Wheeler A Co, Akron.
Crawford A Chamberlin, G , ’and, O
Sean A Griffith, Buffalo, N. » .
Office, cor Water and Smlthfield its, Pittsburgh,
Bteamer MICHIGAN No. X—CapL Gilson.
“ LAKE ERIE, “ Gordon.
THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, have commenced making their daily tript to
and from Bearer, and will qo*tunue to run betweeu
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
follows:- • - *
Michigan No. 9 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o’clock,
A. M-, and -Beaver at 8 o’clock, P. Sit. Lake Eric
leaves Beaver daily atB o’clock, A. M-, and Pittsburgh
at 9 o’cli>ck, P. M.
There steamers will run in eonnestion with
R G Parks’ Express packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor A Leffiingwell’s Warren Packets:
Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
Claiko A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lias Freight
R O Tarks daily New Castle Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGHEV, Agent. Pittsburgh,
mch3l cor Water end Bmithfield stt_
jMsdL 1849. agfeijgja
THE l’roprietors of this old established and popular
dailv line, consiitingof SIXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, t wned by themselves usd running in connec
tion wiUi the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE,, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passengers. on the
opening of Canal navigation, to alt points on the Penn*
svivaniaand Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes.
E. M. FITCH A Co, Cleveland.
Agenu, Beaver.
J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
mar* Water street, Pittsburgh.
j. c. am will, d. w. c. atswiLL,
Pittsburgh. Beaver.
Forwarding StrebanU,
Ajrenlt for tk* PiasburghandClmeland latu,Pitts
burgh and Eru Line via Brie, and for Hearn
booU Beaver and Caleb Cope.
Having purchased the large and- substantial Wharf
Boat lust built for the Monongahela Packets, have
with ihr addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ae-
commodauons for receiviug and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch
to consignments to their care, and rely on their friends
for a trial. marJ-dly B. A BRO.
TTJST RECEIVED, a new assortment of PIANOS,
tl from the manafactories of CBicxxaiaa, Boston,
and Bacon A Ratzs, New York.
At.Si I—a few elegantly carved PLANO STOOLS,
for safe at manafaeturer’s prices, by
JOHN H. MELLOR, 91 Wood n.
Sole Agent fur Chickenng's
de94 far Western Pennsylvania.
Meond Baud Pianas.
ONE sceond baud Piano, 0 oetaves, price 650.
1 “ - “ S» “ “ 45.
. 1 “ “ “51“ “40.
j .. » " 6 “ “ SO.
For sale for cash at the above priers, by
rrio VIOLIN PLAYERS—-Srotta’s Glaxo Vidun
1 genoob, altered and connected from the last Eng
lish edition, to' correspond with Spohr’s Original
School of Vlotln playing, by his pupil U. C. HilL “If
4ny arguments are required to recommend this work,
It may oe observed that Spohr himself adheres strictly
to the system laid down in the above work, and that
he has by the aamo mode of instruction, produced a
greater number of distinguished pupils than any other
master in Europe.”
A supply of the above just rec’d, (price f 7.) and for
sale by de 17 J II MELLOB. 91 Wood st
A N EMINENT and crperieaeed Physician from the
A Cast, of SO yenrsvtanding,offers to treat allcases
of a Delicate Nature with promptness and seereey.
Hiasueeess in Buffalo and other large eitiesbti
been proverbial. His charges are moderate, add bn
cures permanent Old eases of Gleet, Stricture, Scro
fula, Floor Albas, Rheumatism, Ague,Syphilis, orany
chronic or iuveterale eases solicited.
A cafe warranted, or chain refunded.
Orrn>.St Clair street, 3 doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. Adnce to the poor gratis.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the wont cases or any diseai
in Pttuburgh to call. _ acUrdly
“There ere more things In hen Ten and eenh
Thun an dreaiopt of In ptalctophyj l
THE VIRTUES of ilua remarkable remedy, and
the ronaiani application for it, to the proprietor
- - j ‘ - to hi
r , a> tho propriet
bos induced him to have it sat Dp in bottles with i
belt and directions lor the benefit of the pnblie.
The PETROLEUM it procured from a well in tin
countj, nl a depth of foar hundred feet, Is a pare ana
d idle rated article, without any chemical; change, bat
just as Sows from Nature’s Great Labratoryl! That it
contain* properties reaching a number of diseases,.!!
no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are many
things in the arcana of nature, waieh, if known, might,
be of va« ntefalness tn alleviating suffering, and re*
storing tiie bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. 1-ong before the proprietor thought of putting
it up in I'Otucs, it hod a repuiatiou for the cate of dis
ease. The constant and daily increasing calls for u,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, Is a
sore indication ol its future popularity nrf wide
spread application in tho cure ol disease.
We du not wish to moke a long parade of certifi
cates, as we am conscious that the medieino can soon
work lu way into the favor of thosfc who safer and
wish to be healed. Whilst we do not elaim for it a
universal application In etcrv disease, we anbesita
lingiy say, that in a camber of Chronic Diseases it is*
anrtvailed Among these may be enumerated—all
diseases of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS,. CONSUMPTION (in its early stage.)
Asthma, and all diseoaes of the air passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Dinrhma. Diseases of
the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains in the uaek or Side,
Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains,
Gout, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Hums, Scalds,
Bruises. O'a Bores, fcc., fce. In cases of debility re
i salting from exposure, or long and protracted eases of
; disease, ibis medtein- will bring relief. It will aet as
disease, ibis medicine «...
a geßersl TONIC ami ALTERATIVE in aaeh cases,
uopsrtint; lone and energy to the whole frame, remov*
mg obstruction*, opening the sluggish functions, which
cause dilate and a brnren constitution, and giving
increueit and renewed energy to ail the organs of
Life! The proprietor knows of several cures of
PILES, tbmt rtffrted every other treaimeut, get well
under me use ot tlie PETROLEUM for a short lime.
The proof can Uo riven to any person who desires it.
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor,
Sold by the proprietor,
8. M. KIKR, Canal Uosln, near Seventh it.
Alto by R E- SELLERS. 67 Wood st;
corner Wood Virgin alley; who are bis
nonf-dly regularly appointed Agents
pine and cedar ware manufactory
No. 87, corner Market and Fifth—or 4B Market,
iween Third and Fourth it*.
THE subscriber keeps constantly ou band, whole
•ale and retail, iho following articles, vis:
Wash Tubs, *tntf Churn*,
Meat Tubs, Barrel Churns,
Bath Tob*, Half Barbels,
Wooden Bowls, Fecks and Half Fecks,
Wash Boards, Bras* Bound Backets,
Clothes Pics, Towel Rollers,
Wooden Ladles, Bread Boilers,
Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ae., 4c
oovl4 No G 3 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
j, - -■ " ‘ '
.. Hupratt 4b Soai 1 Patent Sod* Alb*
CASKS Glaia and Soap makers’ SodaAib.
060 Imported direct from the above celebrated
manufacturer!, 80 per cent Amctiean teat, arriving and
for ante by no*fl W &_ftl MJTCUKLTRKE
LIyUOKS— 17 01 pipe* Jirandy—Ourd, Ihtpay, Ac;
a pipei Uolland uin;
5 eika N K Hum; >
400 bbla Whiikey; for aalo by
BkEACHiNG POWDER—*O uili Jaa WospraU ft
Son* 1 brand, a superior article, for sata by
*JpL CASKS bioaprait'e Soda A»V, "and 10 cask*
I O Bleaching Powder, arrived peraoipOxcnbridge,
“* CSam «“ b ' “mSIELTBEE
-They will reeeivo, daring the winter, large
■aytUeiTlaNewOTleaiu. eovJI
Modiemeaof the day.” _ ....
Gas ham’s Htatiob, Ohio, ftlsyPi, 1949.
R. E. Sellers: I think it right for Ihc benefitof otheri
u>state tame facts in relation to year excellent Fatal*
hr Medicine*.
I have us id your Vermifuge lavgevy in mytrwn fam
ily, one via: frequently answering for expelling! rge
Quantities (aay Ito 800) worms from two ehudrsa |
have also arod your liver Pill* and cough Syrup «n
my family, and they have in every ins twee produced
theefleetd«*ired. , , ~
As! am engaged in merchandising, I am able to
state that I ttave yet to hear ef the firatfailure where
vour medicine* have been used in my section of the
Country. Ist conclusion, I mar state that they are U«
medicines «1 the day, and are destined to have a very
eitensive pspoianty Yours,ret recttal.
Prepared sad sold by R. ► 1 PHB,NoS7 Wood
streetfand told by Druggu * generally in the two ci*
it,, and vicinity- ®t*l
IT original, only true, and geutune Liver Pill.
® n * Ui *v snoxi Laixa. Ohio caunty, Va.)
March BSth, lb-19. }
Mr R. E. SeUera: Dear Sir-I think it a duty I owe
to you and to the pttblie «ne» jl. l , h *‘ * have
been affiicted with the Liver Complaint for a long
ume.ind «o badly that an abeew fanned and broke.
which left me in a very low atate. Uaving heard of
yoir celebrated Liver Pilla being for **lo A R
Bharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
ayphyaician. Dr. E. Smith, 1 conclufled to §»« them
a fair tnaLl purchased one hox, sndTgg5 nd T gg. n |^TV.®
'« hist what they are recommended, THE Biai l.i*
YFRPILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes
I find thedisease has entirely left me, and l am now
perfectly well RespectftAly youre^
Weit Liberty, March 28,18**-
I certify that lam personally acquainted with Mr
Coloim-.,and can bear testimony to cl the
‘tm genuine Uver Pini are preparedsnd »°ld by
BEd LL£RB,No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
iB XO tIieI’UBLIC.—The original, only true and gen
nine Uvct Tills are prepared by aksoW and haw
his name tramped in blaek wax upon the ltd of each
box, and his signature on the outside wrapper—all
°^™r.' 0 ““ ,fdU ’ < 'RE““LE I RI, , p™p.l,u,,'.
OBOM tho Ret ASA SHINN, a wellknhwn and pop
P alarClergymanotlheProtestantMeUiodUtCbajeh
The undersigned haring been afflieteddnrtnglha past
ointerwlth a disease onho stomaeh, sometime* pro
4«dn ia U.« .«n«»chtor Jtaor wel.ctow.
: without intermi . on,and after haying tried *awu
remedies with. effect, wasfurnished with a bouls
ot DrDJsyne’lC» mauve Balsam: This ho used ae*
cording tothe dJrectons,asd found invariably thnuhis
medicine causedlhe pain to aba'e in three or tour min
uet, and in fifteen or twenty roinuteievery uneaa*
sensation waiemlrelyquieiod. The 'JW“:
lerwardsused whenever indications ot the approach ot
palnwereperceiyed.andlhepain was thereby prevent
ed. Ho continued to use the medicine every eveamg
and sometimes tr. the morning, and in a faw weexi
health was so far restored, that the suflerer wsi reliev
ed from a large amour.tof oppressive pain. From ex
psrtence, therefore. v e ean confidently woommend D
D Jayne's Carminative ilalsem, as a snlutaiymedlcin
for4l.M~. oflh.nom.Bh mi b0 J sfjj' h€ „ A^M D
Fornlo In Pituhorjh »t .PEKIN I KA “£? *
73 Fonnh street, nesr'Vo *- snd alio s'thvLrug
Btore ofH P BcAwa«Tl. V* rral street. AUegbaet
* v/qi.ttAaLifPlMCOVgbYl
tin a*XAT UMBT »0*
Oosiumpiion, Couch*, Cold*, Aathms, Bronchitis, Llf
■r Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difleultv of Breiih
luir, Ain in the SIA and Brent, Pwpiution ol
the Heart, Inflaeaia, Croup, Broken Con
stitution, Sore Throat, Nerroua DcMli
rr, anil all Disease* of the Throat,
Breast and Lungr. the most ef
fectual and ineedy cor*
ever known lor any of
the ahoyc due**-
ISShou reputation. and i*i.ecpming more exteniive
nrodueed for Ik* relief oi *uflenng man.
P U he* been introduced verT generally through the
HniMd fltatea ixu Eat' pe, ana there are few town* of
btttwhnt contain *ome remarkable eeI
feSSTS to in.?l«n«“- For proof of the roioeoio,
JSSSrAm,wKflho *»a oOc.ct of thi. meJl.
„ j aacn , f CV r 0 f ibe mur thou
else, the pr p which hare been pretented to aim by
SKI fiTu. boeooio ll will do number » f.vor, or.d
uo lnjsolicc. 9neh InTtlmonp pm.e. ron-
S5S«ll?!h“lu oorpHolHf oieolloato .. .nubUilmil
S.T£ffiuln-oeTiu,nnd Iho uqaeuumaMo oolhon
"J *J7 oniniou. The inatantaneou* relief, n ef
wd the soothing influence diffused through the
SSl“itfo Tendon l.n no,, xr-nbl.
“» rf F f o' l! “* ffl ‘ C gBIE M BEB!
owkoo non, nntin, trom nnn.rlrnrinn. unnkejb
•niimunlv bear testimony to the truth of a thing, or
-ZSSular ifSJlueh testimony, being contrary to their
int#7ecu and purpose*, coerce* conTietion of
S’.'“2 fndISJSf. Self In . .pnnliU »»' »
!?ii?..Ltrredcnor n —O’llogan's Moral Maxims.
BKM)Tnr: iiomkckiitikicates.
- «TT,.i Ccaa of Bruiosaar Concxmwn
SSSTi“wKSlidkUoodi powf po.rer.ed bjtn
nltnii idintnn. Co. April Sib, 1641
■Dr WiTne—Don, Sir I norilr tnlinrn ponr Oora.
nmrnil S.rrpof WildChtrrybn. boon no mono, ol
1 caught a severe cold, which gradu-
wo™.,iSSiid with n noon ooo,£ Ihm.
which 1 had recourse to, «uU
oiblb.ud .11 lie
£ teufrien.Su well J my«l£. gave ap •» tope* of
nJwooverr At thia time I wa* recommended to try
my a» . | w wtih the most hap
,onr ra-nlMblc nndlnnA cfcc| „
Wmitrful Cur, cf n tlahoJirt Minor.
.u sir- I foci adebt of gratitude due
»si£JSftdS?J.^lifflnttd pnrilp, n o®,
2w 7 2mbletefttaony in favor of yoar Compound Sy
“T 5? wild Cherry. Borne three year* since I was
eold and InfUmmaUoaof the
toon and at length wa. Icarus.
l* on :, nhast. or speak above a whisper, such
Dnrin, Ihi,
bn! fo .°bd nnld pornonded b, n denr friend in
Wto’TO»lo*3iSl,i.Uf roui Syrnp of WiU Chrr
„ li!"‘iii d,.' l bnd born pirjn
medicine,and hosing of yoar
l iU «w
Sf miiublt lime of X or » month.’ .mndmi.onn
*tloWHdeenlT seated. 1 found, however,
seqnenUv it P T a»e of the drat four or five
K. St bemg V?ublie.peaker,l frequently *t
bottles. *" my Increasing •trenrth, and
thftabr reptilrtJ those vessel* lhat had already begun
tnereny rupiurv doubtle**, my cure wa* greatly
twelve or fifteen bottles before I waape.-
} l have no question, a muchraaii
nn e would have mode me sound, bo,
Sa&vetaSacteß"*- Syrup, allayed the fert
Ish habit twk -way the dUtressing cough, putan-.
I!r tViVditeharsa of mafxr from the* lung*, and rav
*y*«® *°°* »«***. *fe:
this certificate untU now, for the purpo*.
rwnVpc- f sslisficd with the peTOßncncy ot the
Dublin county. N. C.
bnportani Caution — Read.’ Head.'
There it butv e genuine prepaiauonofWttdChcrtT,
*, .1.., i. iw mwitkili the first ever offered to ibe
!SIS. wbS • been Iflpy 'b'-'jbojH lie
[ e.«l eomeperteor Woe: erdell prc
onroione die. by the oeme of WtlJ Caerry bon
been pot out .ion ibis eodei of nme deeepuee
etreuni.tonces... order).fin cuireney to Ibelr .olee.
By .little obnn.uon, no petno need ouetUe He
ienolne from tb fnln. E*fl. bottle of tbe leerne n
Innloped wit n bennllfnl .tool en.rn.inj wrlb tbe
ÜbeneMOfWiinnmPetuitbeteoni nT.o, Di.Swnyne’e
Sinnlniet end ■* fnrtber .eennly, tbe portion of Dr.
ninyne will lndded berdtor, «i >» todletinjoub
hi. prepnrntion nil .there. Now, 11 llwu not lor
Ibe emit enrnun properue. nod kntnen ylrtuee ol Dr.
awovne*. Confound Byrnp of Wild Cberry, pemon.
would not be ondeooonne to dim eorrency to their
“betitione not-erne" by etenlind tbe nnme of Wild
Cherry. Kemtwiber, nlwnye beer In mini tbe nnme
01 Dr. Swnyne nd be not dcceimd.
Principui Olbee, comer ef Kidbtb end Rueo tteeete,
wh'-tiele end retell by IMiDKN & SNOW
DEN. cor lM ui Wood at*; D A FAHNESTOCK A
Co eor Ut an-' Wood, and Cih and Wood it*; \VM
T110RN.53 M-*ket st} S'JONES, ISO Liberty st; JA9
I JONES, co. viand and Peim at* JOHN MITCH
ELL. AileiheOi city, and by all respectable dealers in
Seine/ ; «>»
"nw, \VeP« Iniand'i Prtmliim Flattsr.
DR W.i*. INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil
adelphia, now oilers to the psblic his Indian Vrga
etable Premium Piaster, the qualities of which, after
lonx and tried experience, has been satisfactorily es
tablished. To all women who may be afflicted with
Prolapsus Uteris or Fallen Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure iu the
short space of-froro two to thee weeks, if applied wuh
eare and rest—discarding all the counties* instruments
and expensive bandages so long in Use. This he fuels
conscientious In stating, inasaueh as he has not foiled
in one case oat of three hundred and fifty-three pa-
U *Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bank, at
tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Piaster
in affording reliefer effecting a cure. by
L Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market at
Braan A Reiter,.* 1 Liberty and St Clair ata
Hr J Sargent “ Federal st and Diataouo, Alle
gheny city
Jacques A 00, “ Denman and Diamond Birming
ham- ic3
Tft H SELLERS, Uruggui, No ft? Wood ttreei,
Iv, Sola Agent for Uie talc of Ur. Towntend’a Gen
nine Snnaparme, baa Just received «xi doua of liui
Great Spring and SuraKer Medicine.
Farcbuen *hoald-recollect that R E Seller* it sole
agent for Piutbargb, and U M Carry for Allegheny
city tv apft
'’ACT "
EXTRACT of COFFEE— An anlelo which iwa*
njdly coming into use as a wholesome, nourtsiuni
mid delicious beverage, being more pleasant aud pal
atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small
paper cosun* only ten cents, will go as for as foui
Donmii of Coace. Manufactured by
pottaiis w JQHN 8 Phubargh, Pa.
Bold at wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co
corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets,
Pittsburgh. -
California rubber goods—Jon receded,
38 Camp Ulaakett; Woficor corn; 13 pn Paul*
18 pur* nett lined Mining Bools; 13 liUunn* Uagi; :
water Tank* * “d IS gallon* each: 60 eantacn*,
nlloa*aeb: 1 do* BackUJi Money Belt*; Idooilei
cambria do do. Tko aboro good* faraalo at the Call
fornla OuiUlinr E»tablUluaenl» No 4 Wood it
me hi; i AH PHILLIPS
Assorted spices—Putop forTmiiy B *e,i a u»
anno, enelooed 10 a tliding ad-box*- 1 containing
Mniuml, Alipioe;- -
Cinnamon, Ginger,
Clore*, , Pepper,;
Warranted pare- Per, rale at ibo new Spite and
Mastaed Factory, earner of Ferry fc Liberty au. *
->'B. Jl ' aM
AW lrou Anviu, iron Ue relate
anecrilloworta, warranted; will be coaiinntiy
on band and eopfUei to order, by
m* aBO£bOMLU4,«W.o4n
The war wmi Mexico, by r. a. BJpier. a
Elements of Rhetoric: comprising an Analysis or
the Laws of Moral iJSvldence and of
Richard Wbalely, 0. D-
Essay on Christian Baptism; by Baptist W. Noel, U
The Orilries, a fjord.
Fairy Tales, from all Naiioos; by Anthony R. Mon
talba; with 34 Maturations by Doyle
de>9 comer Tnird and Market succti
How and Elegant Glit Bookai
Headley, wUh lolsven original designs by Darley.
Poems and Prow Writings, by Richard H. Dana; X
vol«., moilin
Illuminated Genu of Sacred Poety, with six illustra
lions engraved on i teal, by John Sartain.
just received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON,
drift comer Third and Matltet ata.
law Book a. |
PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View
of the mutual duties, relations and Intercut of the
Medical Profession aud the Conunanlty; by Worth*
injrtoa llooser, hi. J. -
Tar Works of Michael Do Montaigne; comprising
his Essay*, Letters! Ac. By Wm. HaxletL
Nineveh and its Remains. By Austen Henry Lay
er Esq., D. C. L.
Glimpses of Spain; orNotes of an Unfinished Tour
in 1847. By S. T. Wallis.
Topper’* Proverbial Philosophy, hew edition; Bias*
tialcd. Just received by
novSl corner Market aad Third streets
minated Books—Books In riehly carved binding,
illuminated and tllustraied—Books superbly bound in
Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Comj osition, in imitation
of the Middle Axes—Bibles and Prayer Books, bean*
tifully bound inYelvetandMorocco,magnificently or
namented and illuminated. For aale by
dcH? Bookseller A Importer. Wood eu
Chrlstmta aad Haw Tsar Approaching!
In Magnificent Antique Binding,for the Holidaym.
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
63 Wood street,,has received * beautiful collection
of Illustrated Books, bound ic tho most splendid man
ner by tho best London and American binders—among
them may be fonndi
Pearls of Amen: • Poetry; magnificently Mamina-
Liya of the tVeiura World; illuminated In gold aad
colors. j.
Wordsworth's Greece: riehly Illustrated.
The P-eaeher;/illuminated by Owen Jones, and
hound * carved wsod.
Tho Song of Songs; illuminated by Jones.
Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts; Illuminated by
Jonts. .
flerolnos of Shakspeare; illustrated.
Mrs. Jameson's Characteristics of Women; illustra
ted. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
de!3 j 63 Wood street
[Hew Boohs*
KEDBURN: Hid First Voyage, byHermanMcllvUie
author of “Tybeo," “Omoo," Ac. ,
History of King Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott;
with Ann engravings.
Sidonta the Sorceress: by Wm. Meinbold.
novil j comer Third and Market streets
“ Ons of tke Mot} Remarkable Work» of the Age?
NINEVEH AND ITS REMAINS; with an account
of a visit to the Chandsan Christians of Kurdis
tan, and the Ycridls, or Devil-Worshippers: and an
Inquiry into the Mhnners and Arts of the Ancient As
syrian*. By Austen Ifoury Layard, E»q_ D. C. L.
With Introductory Note by Prof. R» Robuuon, D. D-,
LL. D. illustrated with ill plates and maps, and VO
wood ecu. X velii 670. cloth, 51,20,
“The book haa a! rare amount of graphic, vivid, plo
tnretqne norrativo "—Tribune.
“The work of Uayard is the most proai’ient coutri
button to the study of antiquity, that has rippeared for
many ■year*."—Christ. Inq.
“Not one ezcels|in interest the aecount of Nineveh
and iu Ruins, given by Mr. Layardl"- -Washington
luteUigencer. [
“A* we follow the diggers with breathless interest
in their ezeavatiohs, ana suddenly find osrselves be
fore a massive firure carved witn minoui accuracy,
now lifting lu gfeantie bead from the -dust of 3000
years, we are ready to cry out with Uu 1 asionithed
Arabs,'Wallah, it is wonderful, but ill* true!’"—ln
dependent. \ ,
For sale by 1 JAMES D. LOCB WOOD,
novlfl \ *Q Wood st
■' Hew Bosks,
THE WOMEN of the Old and No*' Testament
Edited by E. B. Sprague, D. D. 1 voLlmp.bvo.,
■elegunily bound; 19 -exquisitely fitn*‘icd. engravings;
witn desenpiioiit by celebrated AdetiesJt Clergymen.
POEMS BY AMELIA,(Mrs. Wqlby, of Ky,) a new
and culargtd'tdtUon: Ulastraied by eng ravings from
original desigiu by Wier. 1 vol. sqn are ovo.. elegant
ly bound enu gilt variety of splendid Annu
als and Gift Books.
Sewell's Child's First Book of the History of Rome.
I vqL !Bmo.
use of Carpenterm, Shipwright*, \ fheelwrighu, Saw
yers, Lumbermen, Studenu, and Artisans generally,
being a thorough and practical T realise on Mensura
tion and the Sliding Rule. By D. M. Kapcr, A.M.
Boise's Treause ou Greek Pro sc Composition.
Oliendotfl'-s Elementary FreucJi Grammar. By Prof.
Greene, of Brown University. J vol. ifimo.
Roediger’s Geseblu*’ Hebrew Grammar, by Conant.
Gesemns’ Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis' Trigonometry and J-ogarithmie Table*. 1
vol (sheep.)
The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol.(mu*-
liu.) -
Ambon's Classical Series.
Wetrsier’s Dieiiouary, re'dsed ed. 1 vol: Pvo.
do do urabridged. 1 vol. 410.
Barne's Notes and Question* on New Testament
Wbately's Logie.
Mosbeun's Ecclesiastical History. 3 vol*. aad 5
vols. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. ISrao.
Mornings among U»e Jesuits at Rome. 1 vol. (cloth
and paper.)
Scenes where tho Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol.
(cloth and paper.)
Rogue’s Theological Le ctures. 1 vob 6vo. (doth.)
Alder’s Pronuoaeiig B ibie.
Boyer's French Dictionary. -
Smart’* Horace. For. aale by - R HOPKINS,
uovt3 Apollo Building*. Fourth s!
NEW BOOKS JLifrßtiljVEL>.--Tlie wore, o
Montaigne, edited by H. Haxlttt, comprising hi*
Essays, Letters, -md Journey through Germany and
Italy, with notes irom all the Commentators, Uiograph
ieal aod Bibliographical Notices, Ac.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives
and Methods of Good School-Keeping, by David
Plage, A. M„ Paincipai of the State Normal School,
Albany, N. Y.
Frans Forester’s Fish and Fishing of the U. Slates
and British Provinces of North America, by Henry
noyd comer Third anti Market »l*
ThV OldenTlxxM.
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, BooHerier aad Importer,
ho. 03 Wood] »treel, ham for male a [ c*r copies ©otn
piete, (the remainder or the edition,) o f thli valaabla
«r-ork, devoted to the Preservation of ) laments, and
other authentic information re!vans • x> the early ex
ploration*, mettiement and Uaproremei »t of the country
around the head if the Ohio. By N- iville B. Craig,
EH-, of Pituborgh, la 9 vole. Bvo. •
uoria J. D. LOCKWOOD.
ROMAN LIBERTY: A Hlttory, w jth a view of the
Liberty of other Ancient hath mm. By Bmonel
LllioU, Eaq. lliutrated with twelve engraving*, eie*
cated at Rome. 3 voli n Bvo., utufor. n with Premcou**
Historical \Vor4».
Juu publicised and for u.'e by
J&UES D. LOCKWOOD, ) tookceUer and
nor 10 Imp* mar. 03 Wood «t
ltao. 7ft eu. ÜBd. FANNY KKMELE’S YEAR
“The reading of lh,s book hu asp retted us with a
mach higher opinion of its author than wo h 0.4 formed
from perusing her o’Jser writing*. ;It displays a deeper
tone of t&ooght, on ! .ted to more pa re womanly aTaee of
feeling than any o* jitr predociion of the ictnsia mind
with wbleh we are acquainted." —Eva. Mirror.
“It is a very agreeaMe and readable book, writxenUt
Fanny Kemble'* best stylo—bold, spirited and enter*
taming. We recommend it to oar readeis as the best
publication of tho season."—Reading; tiax.
"Itconiatr.athe Journal of a travoi through Europe,
and rcsiden ce in Italy; and is one of the pleasantest
and most Interesting Looks of the s» jason."—Coot. and
“A re',"y characteristic book. We havo read it from
title page to Colophon with unabated interest. . A vi
vid picture of Jife in Borne, la aU respects eminently
For sale by - JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
• noTIS BoaloelleT A Importer, U 3 Woodst
Llthognptde KstahUlhmsnt
OF WM. SCHUCHMANN. Third aty opposite Umi
Post-Office, PUu'eurgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill*!
beads, Showbills, Lal*els, Architectural and Machine
Drawings, Business said Visiting Cards, A*., engraved
or drawu on stone, and printed iu colors. Gold, bronze,
or Uiack, in the moat approved style, ami at the most
reasonable puces. octlfely
K Indies*
I,>LOUR— 80 bbls Family Flour, for sale by
MUT fON HANS—4 bbls for sale oy ;
(IH’EAF MOUS. DE LAINS—3 cases good style,
J fast colored M. de Lams, at the extremely tow
prtue of lie.per yard. AA MA SON A CO,
dcl4 No M Market st
Ivuksh KHDlT—ado*. cans ireah I i*eacltes;
l j . ... g - bottles di i.
6 u " Pine Apples;
- 3 “ •* 'Cherries; ..
3 “ “ tHraa 'berries;
3 “ “ Toma toes;
3 “ half gal. boU. es Pickles;
3 M quart do.
3 “ taaey do.
Rec’d and for sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth
street. dccli
RYiT FLOjk— 13 bbls' ree*3 an d tor sale by
dca WM HiOUNST'PN, na Second st
RECEIVED THIS da Y. at th e , India Bubbe De*
pot—l c~i«* Women's Metallic Bubber Sandals;
4 ** “ u “ Slippers;
5 *« “ ' “ “ Bussms;
1-« Misses* : “ “ Slippers;
l « Men’s - “ “ Overshoes
I » “ “ Sandals;
1 ** “ leather'toled •** Overshoes
All of whieh will be sold, wholesale or retail, lowet
than at any h'ouse in the city. JA 11 PHILLIPS,
novel No & Wood street
I »EaLKD PEACHES—S obla jaswe- ’’d. tor sole toy
IT deli . S & W H AHBAUCH
W" INDOW GLASS—SUIOX*, a isMaii es, rec’d and
for sale by dct» »* WIU ÜBMJQH
BUTTEn— 10 bbls and *> kc« e, packi A, ui prune
order lor snipping, for sale b y
dctfO L 3 WAVEttMAN
UDA AS fcP-ib caakt to art ;ve per Ringgold, lof
sale by 1 deal : TASSEYAHEaT
"aim: W AlililNti--iO ball a large atzeand heavy
Just rec’d by SHACK LETT A WRITE,
defll __ » No M Wood at
super freneh Black Silk Vt
xettes, extra iruoi flings, re e’d per express, at
SUNDIUEH— b balm Cotton; 49*bblt No 1 Lord,
44 bag* Feathers; 1 uerce “
19 sacks Wool;
G do* Lamb Skins, with wool;
3dnz Shdep Skins, ** “
3 do* k “ dressed;
To arrive on steamer Fort Pitt, an d for sale by
dc!4 ISAIAH DICK! 7Y A CO, Front st
liXEATH Eas—l9 sacks pntae, i* «r sale by
{ dc!7 _. • , WICK X McCANDLESS
UOBsr . OoVEnS—O Gum EIM tie Horse Covers, a
very heavy and splendid artis <le, just reaM and
for sale lo w, at No.dWooi streeU by
flAS'ft B OIL—I bbl la store and for sale by
\J dr.«J» . J KIDD A CO
A I (COBOL—I# bbls just rec’d and for *Me br
dc» t__ • J KIPP ACO
EoGS —3 bbls Frcab, jut rec’d and »or sal* by
,dc* wn'ABTAWLL..
]W£ CABTWRJGIIT-I Carpel Bag **«
j ssbjeet to charges, for Lake Carre 'Tfffbt|W*gf“ * l
V. nouui * ROMS,
Bsaktri, Bzehaagt Brokers,
i«Amnn< 1*
COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances
payable in any part of tho Union, collected on the most
favorable term a.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore: also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis aad
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANKNOTES.—Notea on all advent banka in the-
United Ptxtes discounted at that osreat ramr Ail kinds
of Foreign and American Gold aud Silver Coin bought
and wlu.
Office No. SS Market xtztet, between 3d and 4th,
Pittsburgh, Pa. -■ > OCt23
1 1ILLS on Rnirfarwi Irelsnd, and Beotland bought
JJ any amount at the Current Hites of Exchange.
Also, Drafts payable in any pan of tha Old Countries,
from At to £lOOO, at the rate to the ffi Sterling,
without deduction or diseoant, by JOSHUA ROBIN
BON, European and General Agent, office Bth st ons
door west of wood. oetlSU
ALLxa'salxxx.l (xsWAXs'kAmt
gnsavwm 4 ptna,
-P in-Foreipj.and Domestic Bills of Exchange. Cer
tificates or Depoaite, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of
3d and Wood ttreeu, directly opposite Si. *7tiaviea Hj>*
teh • mavtsdly
« Missouri,
iCsnh NOtMt
parohaeed at tha lowest rates, by
sepl3 ,3$ Market street
itdladaipkls, and
~ Raldinor*..
Constantly for sale by Tf. HOLMES A SONS,
sepia 33 Market O.
loin* mciiotsoii *■ w. 0. rtna
rpHE undersigned, successors to Arthurs A Nichol-
I M n, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh
and publte generally, that they have rebuilt the EA
GLE FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, and
have part of their patterns ready for the market:—
Amount which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stored with a splendid air-tight Coal Btove, which is
now aupereeding in other cities the common round
Stave. Also, acbeap coal Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for small families; with a full assortment of com
mon and mantel Gratea Wo weald particularly in
vite the attention of persons building to eall at our
warebonse before purchasing, and examine a splendid
artiele of enammeiied Gratea, finished in fine stylo—
entirely new in this mprket , .
Warehouse, No. ill Liberty st, opporite Wood iit
Offlee of the Delaware Hutual liftty la*
luruee Company,
PnTT.tnitJglA, NOV. fitb. Ifilfi.
THE Board of Directors have, thisday, declared a
dividend of TEN PER CENT, in eenp, out of the.
profits of tbe.Company for (he year ending October 21,
1849, certificates for whieh will be Issncd on and after
the first day of December next. .
Also, a dividend of SIX PERCENT, in cash, on the
capital stock and scrip previously tuned, payable as
above. RICHARD 8. NEWBOLD, Sec’y.
noviO P. A- MADEIRA, Agt n Pitts'g.
CYEAGRIL Importer and Wholesale Dealer la
Sum of the Gilt Comb, 10* Market su Pittsburgh, Pa.
Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others swung
Pittsburgh te purchase Goods, are respectfully invited
to eell end examine the extensive assortment of Eng
lish, American. French end German Faney Goods.
All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import
ed direet by myself, and purchasers may rely on get
dnr goods from first hands. I have the largest assort
ment of BTticle*, in tho variety line, in the city of
Pittsburgh—all cf which will be sold low for eaan or
city acceptances. The Block consists, in part, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.
Silk-Cravat*, Shoe and Patent Threads, Searing Bilk,
Tapes, Buspendert, Buttons, Pins, Nee-
Gold and°BUvcr Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of
Brushes, Combs and Razors.
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Bilk A
Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Musts Baxes,
Carpet Bags aaußaskeu.
Binding*, Finding* and Trimmings.
Tots and Fancy Goods; together with a large varie
ty of Faney and Staple DRY GOODS.
C. YEAGER is also agent for tho celebrated Las*
easier Combs.
Raaffi! Raadl •
Esq icr Court of Quarter Sessions of
Reel's s -4i Some time in the winter my
wi-e was affitetei wot. a aevere and distressing cough,
and hearing sf /«nr evaluable Cough Syrup, 1 pur
chased a bottle trsat S. T. Triable, of Bridgewater,
■nd after taking a portion of It two or three evenings
on going to bed, she found immediate relief, as also
rsovera' friends have been relieved in severe casea. 1
am therefore satisfied that it is a safe and valuable
\ medicine, and would recommend it to those who may
'be aifiieted with severe Coughs and Colds. • •
1 . .. " w *r oniTVN
! March 2S, 1543. W. K. BODEN.
1 Prepared and sold by R- E. SELLERS, 57 Wood at,
and sold by druggists generally, In Pittsburgh and Ai
leghny. QPHP-
Ttu CtauUar* Coni Corapony.
T>Oora will be open tor eaoacripuon lo the etoek of
| n ‘•The Cbartim Coal Company," on and aflat
Monday, the S4ih day of September ia*L, at th > ofiot
Grant Xagilth B«m«ay<
Foil Coach*. Cold*, Asthma and Consaiaptloa? Ih*
GREATAND ONLY REMEDY for the eare of tha
mbova diseases, la the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by I be celebrated Dr. oachaa, oi
London, England, and Introduced Into the United Slate*
onder the Immediate saperintendenee of the inventor.
The extraordinary success of thi* medicine, in «*•'
eve of Pulmonary diseases, wimau the American
Axeat la soliciting for treatment the worst possible ca
ses that can befonnd in the community—caae* that seal
. relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the
'day, and base been given up by the moat diiUnpuahed
shyakiana as oonhnned and movable. ITte llanguri
en Balsam bnaeared, and wilt eare,the most desperat*
of case ■- It is no queek nostra at, bat a standard Eng-
Ush medicine, of known and established efficacy,
Every family in the United Btatcs shoald be supplied
with Buchan’s Hungarian ***'»■« of life, net only to
ooantermetihe consumptive tendencies of the climate,
bn to be used as a premndTO medicine ia all eases ol
eoida, eooghs, spitting of blood, pain in the aide and
ebect, irritation and soreness of the longs, brochiiis,
difficulty of b resting, hectic fever, night sweats, emad
etion and general fiehtiiry, asthma, faflaenia, whooping
igough ana croup. ,
Sold ia large bottles, at SI per bools, with fall dlree
dons for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Am vb
pin certificates, and other evidence, showing the on*
equalled merits of this grew English Bemedy, may M
•Wlltf 8? STHSSS3& ik.«
St and \Vood and Wood and.dth sta. JaOdAwS
East side of the Diamond, where Vemtian
Blinds of all the different sixes and colon
are kept on hand or made to order aftc
the latest and most approved Eastern fk*h«
' lens, at the shortest notice and on the mos
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa*
reney and Paper Cnruins of all the different sizes and
patterns, on hand aadfor sale low foreash. OldVenl.
tian Blinds painted orer and repaired, or taken in part
payment tor new. RU.WEsTBRvELT, Pro’pr.
N. B—All wei* done with the best material and
workmanship, and wananmd to please the meat fas*
idioes. a**lO-dly
Allegheny city, Aog. 10,18&
Noth tao Likslt!
PimsutnH, March 97,1547.
Mr. B. E. Seller*—la justice lo yob and your Incom
parable Cough Syrup, I beg leuTO lo (tale, far the ben*
efit of the community, that my wife his been several
time* atfiicted with a most distressing cough. I put*
chased, in January last, a bottle of your Syrup, which
cured a pougn of two months’ (landing. About one
month since, the cough returned, and was eo severe
that she could hardly move, from weakness in the
breast; I tent far one bottle or your Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bottle eared the cough Igave the other
to a journeyman who was severely afflicted, who hod,
to use his own words, “eaten enough cough candy to
cura all the people in Pittsburgh," If the candy had
been ae good es rebreeonicd.
Youre, respectfully, AumßKan.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SKLLEBS,67.Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
cities. dels -
GRATEFUL • for tht Ttry Liberal encouragement 1
have received for to maay yean, I have deter*
mined to enlarge ay business considerably. Having
euand a competent Foreman, 1 will be enabled lo
fill ell orden promptly, and do the work in oar aiaal
ttylo and at fair prices, and aak the attention of mer
chant* and citizen* to ay lam ttock of UPHOLSTE*
BY GOODS and Ikdt Mattresses and Bedding, Cur
tain Material*, Damasks and Moreau, Cornice*, Frin*
get, Bordering*, Tassels, Split and Keller Blind*, and
every anleleniaolly kept in an eitablljhaait of the
kind. Order* respectfully tolicltod and promptly at
tended a.
N. B.—Carpel* made and pat down.
■ J. A. BROWN would reaped-
Tally inform the public, that he
keep* on hand at ala *tond on the
west aide of the Diamond, Alle
gheny city, a complete assort
ment of Veni linn Kind*; alto Ye
nitisn Shatters are mado to or
der in the best style, warranted
equal to any in the United State*.
Uis Kind* can be removed with
out the aid of a screw driver.
Having purchased the stock,
toots, and wood ofthe eabioctet
cablithment of Ramsay* M'Clel
land, I am . prepared to furnish
their old customer!, as well as
ith every thing in ihdr Une.'
the street, Pittsburgh.
THTree’d. an elegant plain Rosewoods oct Piano*
from the celebrated manufactory of Nann* fc
Cl.lit N. V, .1 .nperiol pri...
W for removing 'Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, and'all
rebalance* destnetive to the Teeth. . ilia delicious to
the taate, eleauaing the mouth, healing and strengthen
ing the gums, aud punfytag the breath.- .
For sale, wholesale and retail, by V'. :
AdO_ R R SELLERS. ST Wood si
Jsatrec’dj an invoice ofjfail jewelled patent lo
eer Watches, 18 carets fine eases, which 1 can seli aa thirty amt thirty Ave dollars, and warranted to
ke ipkndid assortment of JEWELRY, -ecm
jnumg the various and Uteaa styles, and best patterns. :|
VV. WttBON, Watehaahn and JewSarT
. w;-* } ; .fwwrjiynt }
MSfc BE ? C? Tf I ?i 0 * new three etsry brink
offWßi on Smithfiald meet. eaa dorr belnr
yJinXPeißhM Te« 2 iiueTtedfrtraeae
to an entireset, ontheruction principle, with a been,
ttfol representation of the utanl pnn rettonsa the
original shape oftho foee.
N. B,—Toalh extramed with liffle or so pai«,
“ Deesyed Teeth permanently saved,by plugging. ***;
‘Venting the tooth aehe, which is nosh better tfc»n e»>
ring it, though it should be done is fire bUsbiss, ox
etrea instantly,, ««dr
LUNGS.-=Xhe unprecedented necea which ku
Beaded the Me of the
ft all the various forms which irritation of the tun a*.
•Hines, hss induced the proprietor again to call tttsa.
The ehaagablo weather which marks our fhH mnrj
winter months, is always e fruitful scarce of
These, If neglected, an bsttbepncancnef ikstfou
The question, then, how shall wenip the destroyer in
the bud! bow shell we get cietr of ear coughs tad
olds! is of vital importance to lae public.
will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. laproofofthia
we have from ten© to tana published the certlfiestrs of
doteus of our best knows eiuzmis, who have experi
enced its earatire power*. • These, with a mass of tss
dmoay from all parts of the country,—from
Ministers ef the togithsr with eopioaanol
lees from the
we hike embodied in pamphlet form, end msybe hat
« i “ uof “ t hdot^ofdBm“ , “ i - -■
ta TßOrosw» ANd'&NS OP TnOBSAKDS
throughout the United States and Canada, and we «ha
a whieh, when taken according to directions, and b*:
fore the lugs had.becoice fatally disorganised, .R has '
ever foiled to
Why. then, need the aflieted hesitate! Why nsen ta -
the imw’rable'ncsaams, goian *p byuakt owuindlrid
sols* ler the asrnntes name of soma eeehratad phy
sician, wdpaSed into notoriety by eertiAcstes MW<
tons equally unknown! Whilst a medicine el
le to be had, whoso vouchers are at home,' ear aaighl
benr-aany of whoa it hu —-
la order that thia invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
pit the pries at
art one half the usual cost of coagh medicines, nil—
for sale by oar agents In nearly every town and village
over the west, who am prepared to give fall infonaa
dea relative to It T. BALTER, Proprietor.
" -• Broadway, Cincinnati) Ohio.
—1 t«.n c»*d i'.fo: the lul
sixteen yean for.atl dissasss of the chest, involving
the utmost danger and responsibility, sad 1 declare
before heaven and man, that not In ena ease he* it .
foiled to benefit when ihs patient was within the roach .
of mortal means.
I have bad phyaiciaas learned to the profession. I
have ministers of the gospel,
dennen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudbloc.
and multitudes or the poor use it in every variety of
waT. and there has been bat ooe voice—H»ne universal
IS GOOD’” • ’ . .
RHEUMATISM—It.removes almost Immediately ..
tlic inflammation and swelling, when the pain ceases.
(R _ the directions around tbs box.)
... , D-aCHE—The salve has cored persons of the
fcea&aebeof twelve year* standing,
“sJIGj lIEAdI-w'c'K™ cored ooe. tiu
itiaSe.te.rr thine known, as well as the ability of flfr
issn i" twenty doctors. One man told us ho had spent
g,us-on hi* ealldren withoa any benefit, whan a few
aevts of Ointment eared them. . '
r TETTER—-There is nothing better for the euxuot .
*DURNS—It is one of the best things in the woiid for •;
8 BlLES—Thousands are yearly csred by iMs'Olm* .
meat. U texvu foils in for the ' .f; ;
rrr Around the box are directions for uslnxJPiL
gtufie Ointwwufer ScnftdaJUw Compton**, &¥&+
Ir*. Tisrn, CWsSaia, Staid Seed, Sen Sya, :
&»* Tknat. BnneXuu, Poms. Du
—.. i,f t\. dpi, i», timd echs. gtttawo. Dtafom, Bar tit, ■-
Eun is, Conufett Diuaut tftktSin*, Sen it ft, Pm
win At, Swdteig efth* XMb, Sera, HAswuim,-
pHa, cold FuL Ctv*p, Swtilad er Btthtn Ertoit, 2b*A
* 4 pain in the Chest
and Side, falling off ef the hair,or the other aeeompa-' _
eies cold foctTiThis Oatmeal is the true remedy.), It.. -
U a sate sign of disease to have cold feet., .__ I
CORNS—Occasional oseof the Ointment wultl--; I
wots keep corns from growing. People need never
be troubled with thui if thgruse it frequently. . •. .
firs-This Oietinent is goodior any part of the body.
or umbs when inflamed. In some cases it should bo
Ointment will be genuine unless the
aamo of JAMES MCALLISTER is written with a pea .
on every label.
For sale by my Agents in eH the principal cities and
towns In tho Pmtedßtates. _ L Ll , ,
Sole Proprietor of the above SBedicina.'
. C7* Principal Office, No a 3 North Third street, Phil
■£Tnhia. ' l
1 Asxnrs a Prmstraoa—Braun A Reiter, comer of
Llbuty and 8t Clair and L Wilcox, Jr, comer of
Market st and the Diamond, also corner of 4th sad
gmitbfield stK J IlCassel, comer of Walnut and Peu
its. 6th wart; and sold at the bookstore in Smithneld
stTbddoor from Second «c. in Abeghrarcity by. HP
Schwarts end J Sargent} by J G.Bmllk, Diuiglst,Bir»-
wiingti.m- J) Negley, East Liberty; U Rowland, Mc-
Kecsporti J Alexander A Son, Monongahela City; N
B Bowman A Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville;’ Jooa
Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents.
fcbg-deodly ! . -- ",
In relation to that unrivalled family Salve,
TI2STIMONY of a'respectable PhyaiclaiL—Read •
the following, addressed to my Agent; Uf.P. filer
Sir. A tense of duty eompels me to give my tribute -
to Dailey’s Pam Extractor. Being opposed to quack- <
ery and all nostrum* having forltheir object sinister
motirej—bat realising much good from the “King of;
Fain Killers’ 4 —l am induced to tender you this eertUU -
cite, l.have used it in my family, in my practice, and
with-aQ the happy and eronderml efieets that oobM
possibly be Imagined. 11. J. Baontx, &L D.
: Dr. Brodle Is the senior partner or Brodie A Levi,
. Injtamßutton Bketmetim*
The following testimonial comes from a soiree fa]
miliar >o many of those traveling on oar Western wa
\ ten. Mr. Glime. the well and ravorahly known pro
prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is hasbandtotho '
lady whose letter 1 annex: ’/:
• 1 Paaxmstso, Va, April 1$ 190. '
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. Ac.—Sir. Having for
merly! been long afflicted with violent inflammatory
Rheumatism, which appeared so firmly seated as to '
defjr all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
attending it, I was tedaecd to try year Magical Pain
:Extraetot; and it having efleeted, almost as If by ma
gic, ar. Immediate teller, and also, to all appearances
an entire ana petfcet cue, I am indaeed for tbo bene
fit of others wno may bo with psin,eagsed by
any kind of Inflammation, to write to yon, dceiariag
that in my opinion, founded-on aetnol experience
i yoar Magical PaioJhXtraetor Is the most valuable dis
covery o?the present age bn the immediate extinction
of bodily pain. It Uaualmost immediate.andapei 1 '
feet core for Barn* and be aids, and all external «j>
flammation.. ' - L t- '
Having many aeqaaintanees formed by their visits
K,nd'» h—• *- mrpoted
at my haaband** hotel in thia place, 1 have; *»tf**°S
by yoar showing them these lew tinea, it may poikbly
ri entertain the hope that Mr*, dime will p*rdon^«.
pablleity 1 give to her letter, a* well on the '
h amenity aa of its being the wrest mode of bringing n
to the notice of her friends.—U- Daiur.) ■
Fete* CutuL : _
Emmet of a letter, dated . __ ... • „ , c , O
ExuroSfj ST- J»°j; 2'i_lBt3- ■
To- bS*. •»< s«u>. W». u *'J‘!?fc’l
Breast, Eraptious. Sores, Cot*, Woapajj, and sU ln£
flamouition, yield* readily to tko wonderfnl propertied
of thU unrivalled family wire. Bet, in the a&nw prof
portionthat yon will reetiTe benefit from the senoinel
youwlll be injured by tie doteteriotu effect* of tbfa
M CAtfnoS-S« «w* and apply *"fff to the laTeaioi,
H. Daiiir, 415. Broadway, *T
*"&***» acnlrtiLw
F Cincinnati, 0., General Depot. . f
S a—lfl tie severest Boms and Scalds u extracts
jjja poia u a few minatee-h new falls»- jnli- .}■*
v,ua r
iut* im tb* oitj Jr
.' Bow ittkt ■ |
THE undersigned an extemLnlj encaged la tits
Wholesaleoni boiingp as No. dPJohn street* ia
Via atty of Saw York, a® an prepared to «n»ly
Oratriatr ted esanuy Merchant* with Drugs; Paint*
o,l*. l)jf*stafls, FWaign.and[American
tftn-ior. Waaler liMiadst*# Ctoairal*. (of their owa
aucrutioa) and til other ankles ia their Use Ojhinti
«eaa.of a aapttto totality aa low aa they*
shesed in this cr any eastern city. "•“*•••'
Ni*v«rt Fabt* a A.raifyfcyrocrhn
b. a. yaffiigiTocgHi TSRflirroß*
CHaaas of khiul vurm.
IN order to afiord ail possible seearftv to thewkW*
u well uto themselves. against Cracd anuHiopb
ntioa frota counterfeiting,, the proprietor* hsriT-tdad#
a change in the exterior wrapper orlibioWtbeif Vo*
mifage. Thenew label,which Is a itdel etogrfcring of
the moat exquisite design and workmanship, ha* been ,
introdoeed at a Terr greataxpense. tad fcft-omiho*
brain of an artist of the first talent. The design knew,
and the’execution elaborate. govern! flgurtsand’h
portrait are most prominent,.
roes,” printed in white levers on a red and-fiiMlr ee
paved ground, should be particularly
Wben held ap to the light the shading of the
letters and every line, however minute, throughout the.
whole ofthis part of the engraving match a* exactly
as it the impnsaton had been euus upta one side <m*
ly, although it is eetaaUy erintedon both aide* oftao
paper. This should Id ail sues bo observed. A*jr
bel upon each doien is also printed in rid upon*®*
■idea, and shooid be examined in the same manna*
This preparation has now stood the test ■ * *54
years trial, and is confidently recommended is *
and effectual madielne for expelling worms new
system. ‘lhe unexampled.successthat h**h®j?jn
its adainiitratioa in every esse where theP*B^” M .
really afflicted with worms, eertainiy read«*.i* v .
thytheauenuonorphyawlaae. • - ..rutwib*
The proprietor has made it anoint to
resalt of its use in. such cases os caao
knowledge and observation—and he inTarieyf
It 10 wodaeelhe most salutary
ly after nearly all the ordinary preparatu»*.
mended for worms had been prenos«r i /!*r:TjT # j,
without any permanent advantage.
tested by the certificates and statements » ■ s 7^ a ..
of respectable persons la different parts *fj*“ ”° w— .
try, an* eboald induce. families always
ty te the matt daUeate infant ' • • • j - ."
. "IS* •"‘-JSSBB&Sh* "*gfe-