*TKI.KOI . «e committee. SstuTx—Mr. Mangem presented resoletions from a town meeting in Wilmington advene to leg illation by Cocgres? on the question cf slavery. Mr. Hale objected to the resolutions, and raov* ed that they bo laid on the table, which was •greed to, nays 2—yeas 48. SECOND DESPATCH- -The Senate, after some unimportant business, resumed the consideration of Mr. Clay’s resola* tioos. Oa motic a of Mr. Maugum, the ladies were ad* milted to tl s floor; every corner of the hall was crowded tc suffocation, and the most intense in terest prevailed throughout. In regard to the institution of slavery in the District of Columbia, Mr. Clay contended that it could col be abolished in good faith, without the conditions named in the resolution. With these conditions, the prohibition of the slave trade in the District, which hc'proposed, involved conces sion by neither section of the Union. All admit* ted the right oftho Slates to prohibit the slave trade within their border?, and the right had been extended by the Southern -State*,—Kentucky, among others. Surely r then, upon this point, both aecticns might, and ought, to make a common In regard to the recapture or fugitive slaves, he would go with him who goes farthest. He held that every man In the community was bound to assitl in arresting the fugitive Cram labor, and felt that the South had groat cause of complaint oo this subject. He, considered It tbo doty of Congress to passlaws reeulaiiag. this matter. After n-briof alltu-ion to the last resolution, Mr. Clay proceeded with tm appeal in support of the whole proposition, and continued to speak until the hour of adjournment. EXPLOSION OF TAYLORS-MACHINE ES*. TABLISHM ENT FURTHER, PARTICU* : LARS; --'- ■ J "* New Yonx, Feb. 6. Thirty one deaj bodies were recovered from the ruins to day. It is Mtppoied that the whole number billed will reach fifty. The Workmen tire still engaged in digging. ■j Ciscijoutj, Feb. G/ i The river hes fallen fifwrn ierhes within be I 24 bourn. The wcntLer is moderate, with V some appearance r.fraia. Y A. fair business is thing in the leading articles L of the market, w.th to change in prices NEW YORK MARKET, scat report. FJour is without change. Transactions in Com and Wheat nro ratted, with some shipping de mand. Whiskey a in moderate demand, end sales lim ited. News of the nnival ol the Europe is momenta* rily expected, which has a tendency to check tnmsactiontf. zvc.i.ta a sport. Nrw Yoca, Feb. 6. Flour—We.nctice a letter demand,in the mar ket, and prices are firmer. Ssies of mixed and straight Onio at S 5 122*3 S 3 per brl. Gra/n—Wheat ; s rteady and firm. Sale? of good Ohio at IGCflllf). 5 Corn, fa in good request. Provisionsuro inactive. Sales ol old and new. mess pork at 51025 H; prime, at $$ 00,29 50 (or old and new. Larri ia unchanged. Lead—American is held at $4 75 per lb.. Whiskey is dull, at 21c per gal. The Eoropa is now due. BALTIMORE COFFEE MARKET. Rio Coffee—Auction sale of 1200 bags at 14 0 Ise per lb—4ooo hag a Rio were withdraws, aK thou eh l?i|c were bid. COM, WORKS FOR BALK. THIS property lie* at l!:n upper end of I.imeMf'xvn— a short distance below the mouth 'if Mingo Creek. Tuo rail road and the necessary beddings are new, anil the mins ha* been wurked just enough lo put it in good order. The Pit opens within Hi yard* of tu-s riv er. and the inclination from u u just sufficient u> carry the cart to the ho-tt*. The water at the landing n> good—permitting bunt* to be loaded at all season; and ue mouth of Mingo a short distance above, affords an ample harbor to protect ibetn from the Roods ami ice of winter. The Trict connected with thr«e -work* consists of 300 Acre* Cos.', lying in the neck of land between Mingo Creek and the Monongahfla Ail thing* considered, tbit prarerty cotnbiue/t, perhapi, a* many advantage*, aod t.ol J» out luCne itidujrcienti to tha capitalist. a« nhy on the nver. The enure trat tia offered for sale; hat, to suit purcha*en, a portion may bexr served. Price rro-onaMe and terms very easy. For farther information enquire of , JOSEPH S.'aiORRISON, Fourth street, near Wood. IN ftUAUT DOTTLES. 701 TUX KKUOI'AL AXD FD3UHEXT COM OP ALL DUSUPD ■ ' AlUlSa I BOH AX IXPCUKSTATB OP TUI tlCvli . o« uabit op ruEiTsrra, plz: Scrofala or King ; « Kvi!, Hlieuraatixm, Ob,unate Catn reua* Eruption*. Pimping or Puituleonn the I'ue, Blotches, iJi!e«, Chronic Sore Eye*, Ring Wunn «r Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of th« Hones and Joint*, Stubborn Ulcers, Pyphjjtic Symplon*, tfcinlica or Lumbago,—and d;re»*e» art nng from an imudicious ose ut Mercury, Aci* Uss or Droprr. Exposure or Imprndeuce m Lite; ■ < Alio- Clrnmic Conn'JtaiioMal Disorders, &e. In tbit preparation are strongly roneeulraird *ll the ‘Medicinal properties cf SarsapanKa, Combined with the Btoftcsrcuial aid*, tLo most nlutnry production*, the ma*i potent simples of tlie vegetable kingdom; sad Jl has been so fully tested, oulv by patients then •elves, l'ut *l»o by phy*iahr», that it hn* received ujieir ttcqtitliheJ recotnmei -i 3«liotti' und lire upproba* don M the public; arA bur established, on *« own orient*, a rcpniaiian for v*LC-t and xrvtcacr far npo vior 10 tin? various cocpoanrls bearing the cams of ilarsspsri j*. Uiiearai have been cored, eccb as are not lunuxLed in jb» records of time pul; end what it ha* already Oen- Crr the thousand* who have used it, it l* capable cf dotiijj for the rolltinna rufl tuUering and •inrgjlmff with diteiuJ. It cleanics, #od •trengtaen* the fountain .spring* of life,' and Infuse* «w vigor throuFliaut the atilmtijrame. AKOTUER CURB <»P SCROFULA. Tue following ttruiiig, an-'l—ia Will be seen—per manentcurecfattUveurato cow Scrofula, Com rsend* iteelf to all umilariy nfliietcd; m...~ o„.u /- *f**WHrotrr,Conn,Jaa. 1,1 S-tfl. a- , P c ? u '-'mr J i t Sympathy forth*) sffiiet ei.La,?SC»^f^.l e in£ ‘' ni *X oa 6 * th« remarkable care effected by,} tmr Sarinparnla, In the ease of my wife. She wi * "T™ w “h the Scrofula on differ greatly enlarged, ant her limb* tautb swollen. Af cr suffering over a year, and fending . B 9 relief from the • vcwedie* used, llm uueore atUekcd omV lev, and be low tlic knee Mcr physlciaa adviaed It e i Cu a ’ Tnii- 1 “ ce - tw without any permanent Lei.elx In this wtaauou we heard cf, and wereU»daordi<» use, Sand*’ S*mnnrl»i» tv! *!!. hotlle produced a decided and fovorabte W *og her more than anypre.cnpUon she Lodever taken ami before s.V used nr uoufos—io the n*tnnl.wl«< mini delight h< ber Ifeub-riai ftu»4 bet LtAiufS r , “P i l‘' ‘ VA, its crew’.,? uia bfr IcnlU, teatumgeoi, .tartn, ""ui M proved dta efficacy i& curing the varioas dlreaws for which it is roeom«u'B'^ <1 » “{d h*e Pirsent Ume more than *nr other, jwrbapr, i» iht* med.clno nsefrt, }q prepa : rjjgahe sywm for * change of *eo*om—{ilome Jour. and *oU, wholftsaltfandrifiail. by jl B, ft IX SAND?, Drog&irtond Chemist ICO Pui wa iJtwl . earner ofDrng - *i*u generadv throughout thelJoilcd »utes and C*S- Slo.' fyicofl per bottle; fix hottl<-» fevtS Tpl. br li II. A.i AUBiKSTOCKJ ACoVInd EDWARD FENDEBlCil,ihUsbarghTAp w, by Di. 9. SMITH, JfriiffWiacr. licibtefairT 7 " PITTSBURGH’BOARD OF TRAD* COMMITTEE FOR FEBRUARY P. LOIEPJ TOO*. H. WJL FttUbargh Steekii u>d Money Ottkiti FESRVART S, 1850. PAT Til* or-A*k ue. fr’d. ed. Bank of Pitu'jarrb— Capital- 81,200,000; Dividend, (May and Nov.) 4 een *’“ ® 51 Exchange liana — Dir. (May and Nov.) 4 * cU aalea, *«f* • • Merchant*’ aDd Mauafaetnrera Bank— Capimi, SCOOOOO; Dividend, (s!ay and Nov) 4 f eenl ;60 51 53 PilubarahGaa Co.— Dividend, (Jan. and JalTldrcent 50 50 fioj Allegheny Bridge Company**-*—-*--; SB 05 37 Monoorahelo “ u aalev, soo} 25 30 21 Hand Street u “ SO N. Libertie* “ u —— 50 weaicm loaotance - Co— 50 51 Ohio A Pennvylvaoia Railroad, SlSpaid 50 Pennaylvanta Railroad-—— 50 Pituburgh City loan- - - 100 do Di Allegheny County loan 100 00 oi Allegheny City loan------ujo 94 F « Pilub’gAßoaton Copper Min. Co, div off vo 102 ira North American ** “ 111 ■■■«>• •ni PiruburghA hie Royal “ « n es ‘ 231 (loaiaale,*!:! Ml) 2 Pituburgh. Cincinnati A Loniiville Tel* egraph Co—Capital,9l72,ooo; Dividend, January, April, Jaly and October laiu 4 P cent; afiaret, <5O; aale*. $5O 7 50 Atlantic A Ohio Telegraph Co—Oaoiial nary, April, and Oetoben kbares, 950- kaici, 910 _ ~ ’ WAeiirsorox, Feb. 6. Ornc^PrrrsßtKGii Gxzettk, > Thursday Morning, Feb. 7, i«iu. { There was imperceptible chango in the general mar kel yererday. The weather wu cold, anil very Rule was doing in ihe way *f sale*. TUe riser continues ate good height for all tlie pur poai of trade; hot owing to the extremely cold weath er, Ice has began to make its appearance upon the sur face of our rivers, and for ibe past few days consider able quantities hate issued from the Allegheny. From the lateness of the season, however, we need hunity anticipate much impediment to navigation from float ing ice. ' Par Cincinnati, Louisville, ami St Louis packets aro making their regular arrivals and departures, and, con sidering (he severity of the wejuher, a foir business has been doing on the river. t Tin WuiskxtTrack.—But few persona have a cor rect view cf the amount of Wbisaey annually consum ed in this city, in the manufacture of Domestic liquors, Alcohol, Darning Fluid, As, Ac. 7here arc tour distil leries in the immediate vicinity cfihitf-iiy.whlebeon same aboat 3UP.OQD bat of Com and Rye yearly, and produce EOSO.WO ga’ls of Whiskey, valued at 5*75,000. The following are the names of the proprietor*: Alrx Young, Sami Smith. Powers A Weightman. anu 4 K Tysnn. Thc«e works are all driven bv steam, and consume 3,000 tons of eoal anuaally. Tltcy employ from 70 to SO workmen, and the amount of capital in vested cannot be less ihan'half a million of dollars.— Resides iliii amoum, there were received last year by the Columbia Railroad, 66it£3 galls, and by the Dela ware Canal 1,43* £IS galls, which added tot ho amount manufactured by the ' tty iliMillerir.; tsakr* 3 043,0(0 galls, equal to about 10(,53* Uhl*. To this wr most add a eon«.deraMr amount received auimally' by itie Dehuylkiit and Tide wairr Canal, and New Yrsrk.wbick would swell the total amount to 1*60130,WG bbls Phil Com List. Poll ass Ijxd—WVnnl street and Sycamore were, ypatrrdav, filled-with long processions of dray*. iou,|. « d wita Pork aid Lard.outheir way to steamboat*, fur shipment. This great and commerce moving staple of ours, will in a few mouths, be scattered-ail over tee world. Let citizens of other towns ridicule Cincinnati as they will, about her hogs, we have agreeable satis fa'liou in declaring tbntthe advaneemeutof oureity to the fqurth in the Union, it mainly attributable to that l&sure loving animal.—Ciu Gas. Spirit of the Domestic M&rkats. St. I*oims, Jan. 28. Romp A T^ad—We notice the sale of *0 bales tair Daw Roticd hemp from store, at sllo—rocks in store amount to CPU bales, a portion of which is o: the crop of 1549 O'd hetsn i* held at *(«>tfl*sj new i.as t-ee» >old from 595 in $llO F ton. No sole* of lead reported, £4,l*ll* ajked by the largest holder in th-. nnirsct, hot no irirtsacfionsbave been effected at over SI os yet. Flour—Dull, and t’l? bnlr «nle* reported to eav w-re IDOblna fine ai , end lbO bbls seruud brand citv at Sf.cu. New York, Feb. 6. Wheat—Sales of 1,G!2 ska good at 110 c. nml U 0 »«• prime at 109 c bus, exclusive of ska. Receipts are gradually o i the increase. Com A flats—No sales of corn reported. I!TJ sksoats ehipptug ordcL sold util'-j #*'bas. suck* lurlu- Provirions—We hear of the following sales from pork houses—to,U«.o 2>i shoulders in dry salt, at air; .7.6(0 heavy siiles, cut square and cured in dry tall, *it 3}e, deliverable in ten days; tin M,t* and 12c0 tre* No I kettle rrodetrd lard, aTOO bbls yn:ow, and £0 bbls'white rrease ai3-Mi round: tEOJ Incoa hams new at 6c, and 60 tie* hams m dry ta:, at 4Jc. 13 Groceries—Sales Ul hbds prime N O Sugar from •tore, aid}?; tUI bbl* iVr platiui'.na molassv* in lot*, from the Levee, at 27c. Small sales of pnmo Rio C«|. fee at lie, but holders are not disposed io set) liberally at this rate, 13310 c aro the limits of eskiiig rates, and note offerirg below the first figures—Rep. Flour—The only sale reported wa, HU bbls at 51,73. N O inspecuon guaranteed—email iou eouunim.o sell from wsgou* at $4 (531.70. I'roxitions—Tr-e tales to day were eorfinrd to bb) pork, ami compriied 400 bb’.f. Clear $lO, isu do do, at 111 I*l vi 0 do do, and sU> do nu private terms VVh skey—The demand has been quite good to day, and toe market Arm ot yesterday's quotations. Sales of itxf this from railroad, high proof, at If }, 11,1 and 1 17 do from do,l« Linseed at‘7J. Baltimore, Feb. 0. Seed—A tale of *Ubtils clover from store, not wcil cleaned, at 81.39.—Gax. Louisville, Feb 1. Thera is a fair degree ef ammatiou prevail!- g i-i the market, though the sale* continue lituiied. Pr-res «re well Rictntatned on nil th* leading product*. 7h« weather .a cloudy ard lowering, and the riser is falling fa*-. Clover seed is in fnir demanJ. ai b 1,3034,75 but. Flax seel eomm&nd* 81.3591 bu. Ltnired Oil we quote ai rs©Woc. The flour'inaTket is maintained, wrh tales of light wheat bunds, 81,37Jft53 in lots. XVe qante sale* oi good flour from store in lot’, at $5.25, retail sale* at SAfi-C for family brand*. Wheat >s very scarce, and we quote at 8101.05 p bar, for prim- Jut*. Salt* of eoru at 55340 c. Oats, in demand r.tifSSfctJe io lots, and retail tale* at 35>. Groce/ie* are arriving more freely. Rio Coffee i» very firm, with tales of 110 hg» at 15c, and retail salsa at ISititlii, Sale* of 75 hhd* N » Buga', in vennu* lots, at 4* 04 Jr as per qualify. theirs of IVontaiiou ou> laircs ax — Journal. Nsav Oiliiiii, Jsr. 20. Seles of Colton yesterday were ocniiacd o at 4G, luid 300 an I 109 nl 47. Of Oats, XI rka Hi Loai* -it ft>2, and tvw oi AS. Of Pork JUJ bbU men at tfP.i’d— mailing at s'J,io2 OfiH, roo*Uy tiio former. IH La d, et>o kegi m fic, and 910 hlih tm bracing 93 tiresve at 4jc: At bl.’i and irr« nt s|; 4*3 ltd* (403, kg and 41.) at A|. 3! at f| md A 13 Jfi— Uul. AN ELECTION for OCkers for the ‘•Company for erectir a a Bridge over the Allegheny Hirer, cp poiite Pijihorgb. in lac of Allegheny,” will r!■ in *oi:rij. for Mic by IJ J. SCUOOXVIACKKR M CO. jjILOI "4 Wfwvl .I»cTt LJNsr.KDOi; ;«nll CHEESE— StO bXJ WB, ia *lore and for *oI»- by janay S & \V HARUAUC.II POTATOES— 60 bu Ecdi, in more ami for ?&ie !ry jan-Al i’RAU» h Sk'INNKH WOOL— 'J sack* ui cloru ami for sale by CRAIO * SKINNER TJORK—!2tW lbs Bulk, just ftc’d and for rale t.v I JmgJ C2KAIG & SKINNER CIHINIISB VKHMI_LLION-.3oJl.»]u*tree'-i nmlfor j sale by J KIX)I> A Wood «t SAND PAPER—3W trams (Smith’s patent] in storr - .ijjJ tor »*lc fay j»nv9 i K1DI) A CO OLIVK Olir—lo btukeU for sale by janu-J J Kinn ». GO 1' IQUORICE—M lbs (refilled) ju«t ree’d and for rnle j' by jnn'Ai J KH)I) >v itn HARLEM OIL—9 grow hand and for «ate by N O. tit'OAR—CO bhds (uetrcrop,) jut reeeirort , bu.l fortaJe by A CULUERTWN, jurt? _ JO_LQ*eny (t NO. MO&XBSE3—OtTLbI* U No I, extra, for sale t>T *n > ror ,W» ISAIAH DICKEY kCO gUI.AR A COl FIRE A WATER PROOF PAINT—IO bbltMlneral Faint, for sale uy Jan»* ISAIAII DICKEY ACO IJEAVER BUCKETS h TUBS-For »*lThy "lanStt ___ ISAIAH DICKEY k CO riAh'fiLES— lbbiaSur;' ' V 1 Sprrm; ** 2Ti “ f?i“nrine; . W “ .D ppcC: for sale by Cj.cM j D WtI.UAMS UEESK-ICO brV'Crenm; ~ 70 “ Engllih Dairy? "SO *• Common “ for j&le by J I»\VILUAVB jmW' CLAY—IO ea«k* for »ile hr V.- J*nt4» - _ up VON UONNHOKST* CO nflftf \ LIW HACON HAMS; ‘ ‘ m«»i • 6000 * b * lltpn ' l Shrm!.ler«; ju*t ree’J ©:i eonlljpHncnt uia for »*lr by jtn3l . _ ’ LARD—IObCtTI _ OATS-600 ba lattore ud for i«i« i>y - • CRAIG L SKJN'NF.R fi” 48 49 CtSCWVSTI. Fell a Klecttoo. bacon Ham*. “ Sides. “ Sholdcfi jot: from smoke SELLERS * NJCoL* fcl», tot «nlo by J. SCHOtfNMACKhR A CO. J KIDD k CO RAISINS A Il!C&-200bxf Eluncli Raisins; •SO tes Fresh Rice; landing from steamer Lowell, for sale by jan* WMBAOALKV&CO Landing and for tale by ju«3 _ WM BAGALKV&CQ SVUA.IL A hiidiN.O. Sugar. 75 barrrl* N. *>. Molantes arriving pe* fteamer Winfield Scott b IMIAVN ft KIKKPMKICK, j„ n 2i __ M< Übhny »t /iToV’KK BEBU-15> barrel* “pmiw nevr " arriv uißandfor»aiebr oWN & KfakTATRJCJv, im.-o H< Liberty «. KIKR * JOVKB . ' lu slorc a&il for »ale bv ' !«KA>O A HKI.VN'KR ) Rttol—IThere 1 There were 7 feet 0 Incfeei in the ehocnel l»at eveoiag, and falling. , _ , ' ARRIVED * CtUeb Cope, Murdock, Dearer. Michigan, Dries, Beaver, leaver, Gordon, WVlNville. Vtroqua, Galloway, Moiiorigahela City. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Parkison, Brownsville. Battie, Jacob*. Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport Jan.es Nelson. Moore, Whaeliog. Clipper No. S, Davol, Cincinnati. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Mardoek, Beaver. Reaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Michigan, Dries, Beaveg. Vtruqna, Galloway, Monongahela Ctt7. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville. AtUutie, Parkicshn,Brownsville. New England No- 7, Dean. Cincinnati. Louis McLane, Connel, Wheeling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, at 8 o. *. and 6 p a. BEAVER PACKET3,B a. k. and 4. r. jl WELLSVILLE PACKETS, 9 a. X. NASHVILLE—Geneva. ST LOUIS—MI Vernon, 10a. m. NASHVILLB-Fon Pill. 4r.M. WHEELING—Jas Nelson, oa. v. Stkastboit CotLtnoT—S. W. Pass. Jan. 21—The . steamship Ohio run into llio tow boat Diana, bull way down the S. W. Pa**, and »ur.k the propeHor Col St.ui : ton and the Dinna, which were attached together. Tbc number of the tßH&iug has not yet been ascertained.— Cupt Steele’s pilot, (of the Diana) both rngn'ce «, the : male, ami the carpenter, are all uninjured. The Diana 1 was sunk on the ilali, opposite the city —N O Pie. IMPORTS BY RIVER. Wheeling-Pus Lons VcLakk— I box md*e, W Hmjtbaro; IB *aa corn, Hays; 4 otd* butter, Cummins A Sniiih,.46 bbls boar, same; *lsdoz brooms, JC Utdwol!; *9 bbl* flour, l hx imJse, lot furniture, owner. Beaver A Welluvllle— Pxa Bkavm—49 bbls alt-. KoMti'on A Reppcrt 411 eke b w flour, Cummins A Stinth; *u i.bls flour, J McCully. ST£Rfi INSURANCE COMPAN 1 * OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL SIOO,ODD. J. Futoxt, Jr., Sce’y. | K Mtuunt, Jr., Presh Will insure against ail kinds of risks. FIRE ANI) MARINE. A/paid ,BC * WlJl bC libCraUy auj,ute ' 1 *° d promptly A home institution—managed by Directors who are wqll known m the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain Utt char acter which they havo assumed, aa oflering the best proiecUon In those who desire to be ln*urcd Diukttoks—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J W. Batlrr N. Holme*. Jr., Win. M. Holmes, C. Ihinxcii, Geo. \V. Jackson, Wtu. M. Lyon, Jas. Lippmcntt, Thus. K Lilch, Jumt-e M’Auley, Alex. Nimict, Tbo*. Scon. Omnx, No. 39 Water street, (warehouse ol Spans A Co., up rtmrs,) Pittsburgh. lutidly LAW SOTICJK, THE appointment of Mr. McCLtIRF. a* President JUilt;i* o( Uie Fifili Judicts! Di.iricl of I’etiuiyiva lua, dissolve, the long existing parturr-hlp if Me. Clitdte*. A hleC.'ure. Tbc unfinished bu.niris wiil bo aticmlrtl to by Mr. Met landless. WILSON MrCANDLESS. WM. U. McCi.t RK WILSOS McCANDLICSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW’, Oiliue Fourth Street. Puts jana'-lm GKST A. DLIN.V, AUCTIONEERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 17 F.rxu Sr., CtMisxstt. (j»i«*. WOULD respectfully solicit Con«ignntrr.t« from the Merchsrt* and hianuiactUrcr* of PiiLsburgh and Would rcler to : ' ‘ Messrs. W A R. H. Phillips, Piilsburgfc. “ Drown. Phillips ACo . ** Clumber?, Agncw ACo John B McFsddrti A Co.,- « -lame* DuGci!. E«r,.. « jun2*.|t!,* City Bmokehoaits fJIIIK having four lnr«ro Sm«k. ht.us.-s. X n'e (Ifcp;,ted. at ul, iiiurs, i u Blll | stuosc Pork ou res.uimbln term*. KIEK A J< >NEIS, Proprietors, J*U‘R . Csuui Uu>iii, irrar Till St GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Dsvu' BlucM, Federal Strut t Allegheny Cuy. r I , HK next *rs«.oii will comm-nce on Monday, Feb- A retry 4ih. Th 1 * School oifrt* it* a bnnttd tnrmbr-r oi hoy*, a rour** of »tudy and sysie„i ui in«truetion dvsigui il to fvveiojw r, drnraioe »>njmrtrv of rimror ter, and thoroughly qualify them for the mott rc‘pecia hle colleges. Tuition—S*o for five month*. Application for admt».io-i can l*«i made s| th- Senoo’ Room, or at the .iporrnirr*' private roocn. m Irwin', Row. Liberty street, Pm.norgh. Ke.rrto Krv. 1) )| Rj.tjte. I> J}., Rev W A Pa>- suvaut, H Childs, Tnorna* .M tlou-c. H. P Si haart?. U L. ( oltuiur., J. F. GRIGGS, Teacher Afiegficuy, Jan. *4.— Ljai,*6-J**. SALEItATL’S —10 casks, superior qun itv, tor *ale ian» A Cl 1.11F.RT.-ON ROLL BUTTER—t bbi»iust recM and for sn.n by janS* A I*l i.m;Kl-«»\ SU(»AR —J'J ufids N rre'd and fir ,a|p by MILLER A PICKI-rrsoN, Nos 17* and 17 I I.ibcnj st (CODFISH— *t> tc* c*:i lian.l ur.d lor snieby J ja»*fi bAUII DUKEY A t.O, Front st CII»KhUSE-3Ud boxes .or *a!v br / janaa ISAIAH DICKEY A CO f’JKE BRICK A TILE—For -ai< i-y ._ _ ISAJAJI DICKEY A CO RICK— 3U tirree* piiruc Charlestown, just rocM and fnr .nle by jnryO MII.LEK A UCKETSOX. MUSTARD— On bxs Ilb ran* “Long I*lan J" Mu«- tsrd, on cou*ignciL-nt and tar sole by MILLER A RICKKTSPN I)RUDL’CE— 13 k-g* Hutier, —— _ 1 60 bxs Common Checsv; * bxs Flux Seed; on conMgnrjent and •'or sale by j«a MILLER A RlClCl-rr.-oV MOLASSES— 4(1 bt>U l-e»l quab.y gt Jame.-fUfi uerj, Sujar House, in store *.id for * 3 ie r,y jaaiK MILLER 4 KIOKKTtfuN PULVERIZED LOAF & POWDERED SUGAR— W) bbis No* I, <1 and 7 Loaf Sugar; 0 ca-c* Lowering's '• ■Hi bids •• cru-betl •* HJ •• Pulverized; in store and for »al MILLER A RliiKhTSuN LARD— ■ 'HI hols and S keg* for rate be jart£o F VON BONNIIORST A CO Roll butter—io mo* for «uie by :*nw ■< F VoN BONN HORST 1 CO CUFFKFr— l“ J bags Ru. Si *• Old f.'ov. Javt; hi mop* and for »ile l? jai.ao MHXKK A KlOKtriXiN DRUID I'K.VOHK.**—Co bujt*i rw’d Bull tnr sale Ur jar.2s CRAIG ft SKINNER LAktiOl.-.i l>i.i» '*•ll,it; *iriui»to, rcceitmg per rtssmer omo, u:J for u*.e t»y juu-JJ _ JAMES DALZEt.L SA VKU 11 tIR LlFlv—Sc• i cr«’ Ver'n.ii‘u.-e'ia tSe'ani del LairSßTCt. V;». Janu uy to, i>4i>. .Mr. J. .V Wil*on— Iknr Sir. The rial oi Seller** Vermifuge I bom In Irons you, soma time uco, brought Irons my |firl fire year* old. the aiinftuliing numf.cu ot bee hunrited worm*. I Irlirvc »lic u»>:J iuve uvr.d a very ahnri tune, but for (hi* larj.; 4j e. Prepared and in.M bvR L SKLLKIU. 57 Wood .t; io!d ilo Reccrailj in tlie two cute*. j-ijiJfj _ _ SF-GaRS— iMMtf.CI Ker.tuck y, just rcc'd unci (or »uie low to close consignment by . iantfl JAMli* OAL/HU. CibOVKli SKliU—Mi t>u tcr'cl a>i,i (nr Mir hv / jm* __ WAR Mri l TIMIKoN rfiI.MOTUV SEMU-fJS hu rrc'dam! for »nle'by 1 jaa’43 W AJt .\leCiny.ll_i;ij\ i TOW DAG.*—<3 dut recY ami for *al« by 1j * ii'Jd _ WAR MeCUTCHKON POTATOES— UU bbl« joil rte'd nml for **lr Uy janVC \V A R MrCCTCIUION f|'A MA>W—SU bbls, recHl amt for rale by 1 jajiWi _ _ SA W HARIIaIiGII ( llUAKS^*iuu,UU(i(Common)just rcc'd ai.il for »nle by • jani'l S A W llAliKALtm TARIU— lou keg* No I, lor sale by J jantjej s it \V HARHALWII Blackwood’* Ragailn* and the Dratlab t)aart*rly iUrlitri. VIZ: Ton Lemnos t)c*arKßt/> Raview; Tit* KbiNiitcoti Rkviow; Thk Niistm Bkitish Review; Tut Wt-nVLirru* Ricviaw: And—Dlsci wools* Fjji.iuur.ou Ma>;*/jxs. TERMS; For any one of tbe four Review*, SI,Co ycr naiium For all four of ijic Review*, e.uu For ittnekwond’s. M'ii;;i/i»r., :i,Mi For Bisrlr.vocii and tlie t Review*. iti.tiu Payment* to lie mudo uj til em-e* in nd7ance. Pubiiibcd simultaneously in New Vork and Piu.s burrli: Office, 63 Wcod street ■*>■»« JAMFS l> I.H' , k'lVr‘OD »| , 'Al.j.U—7o Oblstfl store iui•)• I joiila Jlt MiKl.n OCnRCUJNGS-d casks liTsforr mi -a!- *.y "" II J it I'ANKll'.l^i Si) OAK fc MuLA!<*l-&—tl>hfcos pmi.e N O Sugar, inrwrrnpil 900 l l>U prune N O Molass es. inrw crop,) janjf A CO CYkaCKUNUS— U bbiVjor sale l>y / jantfl C II GRANT TKak— IuTT received i superior lot oi (irccn and Jilifk Teas. nr.d lor sole by A. OW.UERTSO.V, Jamil , 115 Liberty *4 RIiSIN SOAP—sBO bx» No l. Cm. brand, (or «sk by juii° W>!' lIA(i.V.KV*C(» CHIEK3E— ifcO bis prime, In smrr nud f<*r ■mi* bj i janl- J I! CAM''IKLI> SALERATUR— 75 bi» and 10 ca»kv (or sail by jonlH J U CANFIELD (‘IANDLKS —lu bit Mould, for sale *'s j jmiin J Jt CANFJESLR LEN3KKD U!L-i!»bbl. lor sole t.r ;ttUlT' J H CANFIELD (1 UNNY HAGS—ttttW ju»t reed and lor »u»r by J janlS HKKYKOGLE A CI.AKKE CTEEKN APi'CES—Ml bbl* (good winter) mr sale by x jinlf- HRKVPfMiE.K fc CLAflXt* RICE— is tierces, « primu article, landing Irotu steamer Norm River, and for sale by }*n» ItllEV, MATTHEWS 4 CO K—l?JO bhd* (new ernp) Sugar, ■SIO bug* Rio Codec; WM UAGALKY A CO, Nos IB and 'ill Wood Ft Plantation molafses-mo bbi* n o for sale t, y jan'fj W.M HAGALKY A Co C LOVER SEED A LARD—I 3 bbb CJovur Seed; 1U “ Lard; IJLOUK—» barrel* “■'Ultra." 1 l«i bmrrrJa Superfine. 79 barrel* fine, on hand and for «ale by Jtnf3 BROWN 4b KIRKPATRICK. LOCAL MATTERS. Exported Foa tub raTsamtoa dailt gazette Rntrvißea tub Poor. —Our citizens wilt ha re ao opportunity, to night, ofgiviDg their mite in j id of the poor oi our city, and at the tame time « ■mply compensated by listening to a discourse' >t “ w eel sound*, rarely to be met with. We hare no doubt Wilkins Hall will present ■ charming eoi-p tfoeii of beauty and fashion. „ Csi * LL '* Pasoaaxta.—We cannot ts commend this interesting work of art. Those w. to have feasted their imaginations with Melville’s e i chsntiDg descriptions of the aunny isles of li e South can have gratify their eyes with a graph :c delineation of the same scenes upon canvass.-- Mr. Russell's explanatory remarka are also high y entertaining. Police Rxj»oETs,Feb. 6.—Six cases were broug it before the Mayor from the tombs this morning.-- Four were committed, one fined and one dischar ged. A boy, arrested in the Diamond market for tne larcency of $1,50, from the stall of Mr. John AU kin, butcher, was committed for farther hearing. 033 -er Hague arrested a colored man for steal ing three clocks from the store of Mr. Sand*, cn Fifth Street. He was taken into the back rcom cf Alderman Steel's Office, but while Hague went to speak with n friend in the next room, the fellow made good his escape. The ctocksjwere valued at nine dollsrs each. ' 1 meeting op tiie councils. 1 The Councils met Tuesday night, pursuant to ad« In the Select Council, Mr. Murray took the chair, and called the meeting to order. The clerk caUed the roil, and read the minutes of the pre ceding meeting, which were, on motion, nnprov* ml. Ir The chairman annom 'the first busi ness in order was the ei. n Guardians ufthe Poor, to fill a va-mi >ard, which occurred owing to the ler.u oimii.- . ji two mem bers havii.g expired. The President read a letter from Dr. J-hn McCracken, ofiering lum*elfos a csndidate for re-election. The following gentlemen were proposed.’ On^motion, the nominations cWed, and the, Council proceeded to ballot. , . 1 2 3 4 6 John McCracken, 2 2 10 0 K.T. Frirnd, 15. G G 9 lo Joseph I’ennock, ft fi 3 2 Wm. M. Edgar, 7 8 7 7 7 Alex. Mack, B fi 8 9 7 1 harle- Rowan, 9 ‘J y y jo K. T. Fnrnd and. diaries Rourun we*e the declared duly elected, having a majority of all lb presented a resolution, authorizing the l-manm* Ccinmittce to employ additional DounsH, rifth-y deem it rwivm&ble) to a»si»t E. M. bhnblmt in the Wheeling Bridge care: carried. The report nl tUc Finance Comiittee, providing Ortho etnr.guiihment of the public r’ebt, was ri-cd Dr. ilnitk pu-s-culed several amendment*. A long dc'Mi.- en-ued. Mr. Edgar moved Hist that hr reirrred back to the Fmancu Commit ler This ni;.M on was noi seconded. During Hi,, dehatr, Mr. Lorenz stated that the debt on tic i-ilv amounted to 51.025.C00.' Mr. ivlitsH*. motion tor recommiiiul was brought lorward, and seconded—but withdrawn. Dr. Black's amendments were then adopted,and the report p- emended, was passed. Several petition* were presented. One from idr. John Aigeo, of the Eighth Ward, declaring fbn- t rc ying upon the good filth or the city, he ha 1 enu'Vd ng'u brick dwelling house*, ou the corner 01 Cnesnut sad Harbor Siryct*. He wt* & poor man, and beheld the earnings ofa whole life swept av.-fiy, since the grade of the streets had b-ion altered, and hi? houses rendered uncle**, lie wbi unwilling to bring »uit against the city, tbnurh he w*s o»iurcd b« could recover. Rut if the nmii-r was not M-ttied in two weeks, he would fee! it hi* duly to enter soil The pcunou was referred lo the committee on MJrel*. Tne tiuauce committee reported a supplement to ilmr lorni-r re |>ort, which was ad.vited. The coiDim-iecon investigating tt« condition of the Canal, at fje Monongahela r.v«r, handed tn a repon. The proposed fewer is intended to ex len.i boui me Seventh Street Bridge m the Mono::- rav.-ii*. fhc Clerk of the C.mmon Coum-i: handed in s rcsoiiit.ca parsed :n ibe Ccmrron Council, ap p.rovieu cf the course of tie member- of the police committee, in the dispute between them and the Mivr r. j Tr.c market committee handed is n report. I They had examined the matter in controversy | between the Mayor and tne Clerk of the Marfc-t-, j Mr. Grvcu. They were unnoiinourlv cl opinion i th*t Mr. Green v/as right, end the Mayor wrong, 1 and. instructed Ibe rtcrfc to proceed aa he had heen iu the habit of doing. The report contained seve ral other rbuoes .relative to the market*. The f}«ie«;'.on r.f the Second Street Merkel.was celled up. h wemi ihs* the ground wn given to the city hy James O'Hara, for the porpoise of buiidiog n market bum-, and tho Gioncils had sf.erwnrds | allowed private citizens to build on it; and collect the rents It n the intention of the Councils to extmgui-h claim, and tike the market into tU'-.r own hind*. The report was adopted. -v Tne comtiMttee on nly printing read a report authors.og the tressnrer to settle the bills ct Me«»rs R’dills »n«j Hiddic, and it waa isid over on the th.rd rca'M.g. A coiiunaice of three wa* appointed lo audit : the accounts of the liuurdtacr, of the Poor. A report 01 the policee.oraißiilee was read. Mr. Dsy. one of the members of that committee. Mated that at the fir«t meeting, the committee, uicludiag tie Mayor, were unanimous as to iho sppolnw menu of watchmen. At the next meeting the Mayor deuu-d that he bad been present. The committee alien-.| the list to plcsso the .Mayor. At ibe Kov* r.l ice mrctmv, lie ro»e and said that the coui'oitlec might do as incy p|-a-ed, bnt that he womd pin ihoec on the wauh whom he pleased. A iter fom«i di*eas‘i*t reliable, nrv-t who ha» i.o possible iniere*: in the matter, l-nt <*! • of KH.mu.Jc, d.'Mrr* ut 11. ay, that be be* been cured of iiivrtrivle iV«!i.c •*, bv the use of ‘•Seurpa’* Ci>ui|>our.il Acnu«'.u Oil." n I'h.-a'!rl|iliin inrd.- uie. which i« not inr «nb- in ibt« rt:y, bat wiiteli be think* ought to br>, for the good >,{ tfa c afflicted. He has u st«ter who bn* uUu hern cured by ii. Ife urgemly advise* a'l who me sutenne Irpm d«-ifn-;sF, to try this remedy, with an i«s*nranc«-that, u i!r*» il;o cn»e be eeiyenrdinary, tbe « SiM-nmeni w»b }>to*e. ai.ttmUilily *ucre«*ful Fc r .:.'c at Tllll J'KKIN TEA STORK. . _ _7n_Fonnh st^l’iiishnrgh Judd'* NstUcatcd M<]util Cutlet*. f p!llS i« riiiloubit ill. me pre|ntration p*er di*. I rovrnl. 'ft .lre.-i.. ? Itjrn*. >i,-a.d.. Cut* t'tni bl:t;ii«. Itfui*.;*, oi any kin ! of fr»*b w<,und«, nitn lor • or- Nippies a r-ui-ily uilr^ualrd. This *rti»!e t« miended fur (niiitlv uv*. ami sl.ouid be bund 111 Tbc posse.sum of every family m ibe i*ml M.-c haute* who are in eon.iant danger of injury lo their person* thrmi.-h nr-nleuL nml Hie improper or er rs:n*F* U-»- of tools, will find this urilete in he ilivulu* abm .i> th-in. nml after a fair trial will commior it in i'isp*n»nhlr. It i* an eirellent «uli»!itiite for Qiihrnivn plaster oi all kind., without imyof tr* inroiivenieii-e*, nml t* inedirmed u* m uliay all pain iiumediaiely ami n,„»i jn-rfecfly, A very tni’e applied tutv wbcie on tbo furfscc of ike ► Im, umneiliately form* n firm, siaoe.th eoßung, very / Mimlnr to the natural cuticle or outer skin; whiehuiay be fr.elv washed with water mid *o.i|i, without any in jury to me wonnd. I he amp -t« irr-ly used ami ht-hlv reeonitnrndpd Uv the must eminent physic ian* of New England, and nth-; [..in. oi me country, t or by u K SKLI.KRtt, 37 Wood *i 1! —The trade supplied ut tlie mnnufactiifer's l' l "•••*• .... _ . M rnin', Inrertor* of the -rittsbuntb Aud Boston Min- L INK Company’* linvc tbu dny declared n .lit '.Jend ol *7 per *L»rc, piiynble on or after the JUti rtluuorv. J.sstcrn stoaktK'ldcj.s will he paid „i [[, n olfi-r of J W. t:iarke A Co. TUO.MAS ,M. IK)W!* jvi3o-td ’I reanei-r jr.mO YKNI^ON— StfOfl Ibt • u; IVIM.IAMi*. _ No lii> W 1.1.11 it DK»rU 'iKfN.'-lW ion /or Mile |.y ~ " ~ j"-** . J n v/im.iams I !S l aaek for aaiu tiy w j*•*-.<» j n vihLJA'Ms IMi t'XB Ro«l'' t for till-' ilf J DWtI.MAMS —4 bs.is lo urmv, for *ai« ii* A. L_ ISAIAH DICKEY A CO SL'IiAR— lli UtiJ# NO, landlouper Hambunr.niiUor * ae .'"f JAf.JKS DaLZELL, . . Water ulrr^t /IMANm.RR WANTEO.— An experienced CUand- W ler will bear of a good Kituntlon by nnplyinir to J an,lr Si W HAKIJAUGII ( lI.OVHR SEED—Iu iio/e and for rale by STUART k SILL f PLMo’hiy s4iKO— A *mall Jot in uore. for iale by BTUABT&BILL khi« (new crop) N O, in *lore ' JAMEa a riUTcinr N □, in (tore and for C no’ULUKKS-6scruk»,i» salt, iu«i tandini; and for £1 •■*!« by jartZ) HARDY. JONK3 & CO R T *? K “ , 1 5 7* er c e ».prime'-new enrnMardin* and jM« a ° ’ b *OWN &■ KIRKPATRICK. gUGAR ViR)T iBS~*7 hiid* uctr crop £itr art i~ . « Ms Plantation Atoluten: landing from iteamer Hamburg, and for iale by. RHEV. MATTHEWS* CO IpiiATHLH3— !I0 tacks for tile by _J22?! CH QUANT. 41 Wt D*!si I'EACIiES—B7 tucks eoil 6 bbU for ia!e by C II GRANT D*»» APPL^oXBSforSjeITr —*.'• ' 'g at — - Cir GRANT FhAXriKflD— 10 bu for title by - - CH GRANT ■pABKD P£ACli(&-T 6 bu for stJcliy" - ”* J. I'MSE • till OBA.VT Y»p£Er4» UireitfoTsiltty —•;- lJ |m2l C IfGBANT aak Par Me/ch. ii Man. Dank -Par .iti.off hilaJelpbi*-— -Paj ~irj:d ilanlc--- par ilAi.t ofGvrmantown- -par •' Cheater County* • -par “ Delaware Co,- --par iSMarletatreet, near It* Iscllauii State IPk & Branches- S'ateScrip - -•♦•••• Virginia. Exchange Uk. of Va> • Firmcr«BkJifVa'—— Qk. oalieValley, 11 Bk.of Virginia —- AJ.&SI. Bk., Wheeling do MortaoiowL--* N. W. Bank Va—• do Wellibnrg*—•• do Parkeraborg—• Tinniutt, Montgomery Co.--pax “ Nonhumberbui(i--par ttoiumbi- li ridge Co, - - par Uoytecuwn Bank--—-par Furoera'Bk. Faneri’Bk. Buck* Co. par Farmers B’k Lancas’r-jitr Uancaatci Co. Bk.- * • -par Laitcaster Bk.--~ • par 0. Slater Bank 30 dtowusvdie Bk. par Washmgion'BL- •• • -i Seuyiburch Uk.— -. 4 Chambcraborg-•» iusqoehanna Co. Bk.-- Lewistov >■— Middletown # Carlisle *< Krie Bk.- 010 Farmers’ and Drover*’ Bk.of Teonei6ee 6 Far. & Hereh’ußk “ Plamera’Bk.— “ Union Ck.—« State Bk of Miiaonri*— I . Sortb Ctroliaa. Bk.of Cape Fear 3 Mereb’s bk.,Newt>cm- 3 State Bank —. 3 Bonth Corolla a* Camdcnßk • 3 Bk.ofCharieaion*-'*-* 9 Commercial Bk 9 Bk.ofGeoncetuwn«*~* 3 Bk.ot Hamburg 3 Merchant* £k~—— 9 Planters ftMeeU'aßk' 9 D»t;k, Wtyneibarj.. | L | Harnsbcr? - •< I flonodale-^—»■ fll icbanon .p»rjJ Pi,aj»ille-—« VVy,->ra:nf .. f ' Vork Uk. I Wd»: L»'r«nch Dk. | ttelicf Npier. | UA M Uk. Pmi.do* " i Scrip—l*itub. 1: Coantyl " A o&o. r ' “I Bt«tißk.aua Brincht* 1, MountPlemant “ Steubeimlle—— of Booth Carolina' • 3 Mtnrltad< Baltimore 6k*.••••*.--pai Balto’efcOßßßerip >lO Cumberland Bk.of AUe* fhany | Far. Bk. of Maryland-* “ Fanner*’ It Mechanic* “ Bk. Frederick « “ Hajentownßk - « Mineral Bk——| l , atarncoßk~~> | Waahingtonßk- ■ .... « Bt. *.—• Marietta • JSletUgtß. New LiaboD' ofßt Clair--—— of River Relgcn— ihigan in*. Co 5 .i.Mtch’ißk S Ltooaila Terrlt’y. r.JcFixefa.CoJUilvi’e | Caaftdaj. Cincinnati Banin- Colutnbu* do* CircfevtlJe—« ZancßTillo - " j ; Veo»ier —— —■— - 7l> M*Millon ——•—• i SaoJtwk/ 70 Ce&afcft • ••• ••••» •••• | li Norwalk •••• Ttt Cleveland I f 1 Xenia**—— • *' Jl Payton- “ jl i[\U wlTcmCanti 8 |B«nk of EaglojidNoiM *4 ?0 r fstr. Ueld £• Sp«ol« Val nt Napoleon*a 80 Ducat* 9 15 0 8 20 hagle.old* • 10 80 Eagle,new ...... 10 00 Doabloona,Spanish. 16 00 Do-Patriot*—- % 13 56 Sovereigna 4 83 Guineas 500 Frederickid'or*—- **7 £0 Ten Thaler* 7 80 Ten Guilders 3 00 Lositd’ori* < fiQ Ssahaas*. New York • *pno Philadelphia • ••—— ipnn ttaUirsore —— ••• .{pm .par. Interior B*kf*— .Western Heeeiwe- “ Franklin B'Jt Colombia “ ChlUicothr - -r— “ Lake Erie-** «* Sciota “ Lancaster • ————,lo lliun.lt/in *l3 t'Jrancilie 50 Fc'Jni’r i B’k Canton —5O Wrt'iJia -M f£a atackji Ck of .'Ceniuekv f Bk.of Lojisyille Norbeni B«- “ ■aw Yark-~Cttv Hanki : A CAUTIOBT—A bool '*l A.N'K GENUINE \ WILD CHEKRV, tbe fie coxBca And the hell a in man tor Adbma c roroniiiint*, Bronchiti*, Bleeding of the Lungi I’nina and Weak Drcgit. &r., PULMONAR A vrrr imporUL'il diaeate o <*rt* a very i;ow«rfal DIhKASE In this complaint ii tm* i*rtiractiiu< than any rented) cumcroui luytanrea when p ai.il revere •offering from U m( the l*a*t beuefil from vt Mercury hat been retorted HaJuun ha« restored thnLlv in many ni«innce« rffeete« every well known remedy demircl rfleet. it the ONLY ORIGINAL W 1 STAR'S BALSAM OF rut remedy for ifdieine known o( every tiue, Liver , Influenza, Cough*, Cnlilr, t*, Bhorineta of Breath, ikneaa in the Bide, nod all other :Y ORGANS. over wbieb iiil*.B»tMrm ex* Influence. i* that of a > undoubtedly proved more if billierto employed, end in puienla hud endured long ice diMases, wiiboat receiv* rariou* recnrriiea, end when d 10 in vein, u,e ok of thin iverto a healthy aeuae, and sd permanent core*, after * had failed 10 produce tiui HruJrj* iu astonishing efficacy In the disease above mentioned, wt also find it ■ very effcetaal remedy in A«tbnia, a complaint in which tt ha* been extensively u*cd with derided success, even in cue* of fear*’ standing With the increase of intelligence has grown up ■ knowledge of the element* of health, ud a re gard for them, and eonunrjuarntely with the stride* of urirtier bivn we acquired ihe wean* of arresting dit eue, and averting It* ravages. N'Otwilhnaiidlr'g the pnu'ft’s* we have made, statistics iuw ihat even now, «ioc sixth of the whole population die annually of r i>!i*Lmpuoii. fine vt the mo*l important discoveries of. thejxe, jjj cmcuorasii.g ilie cohuiliou of tin* large claai ti? mf* term? humanity, i* DR. Wi?TAR»« BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. llsUam of Wild Cherry i* a fine Herbal Medicine, composed rhteflr of Wild Chetry Dark and the genuine Iceland .Mo**, (ihe taller imported express ly tor iV* purpose,p ihe rare medicinal virtues of which are also combined by a new chemical process, anth i.ie extract of Tar, thus tendering ILo whole compound the moil certain and efieaeious remedy evrr discovered for CONSUMPTION OK THE LUNGS. Sul! limber evidence* of its remarkable curative pmpertir* of thi» inestimable preparation: KcMß:xvn.Li. Brown ro , O . Aug. SI. Messrs. Sandforu & Park: Gentlemen, AboQt six "»o I received the ageuey of Wistar’a Balsam or W iM Cherry, hut with some relacunee on my pan. for :ite rrason that I had been the agent of so many tills and other nostrums, which were cracked Bp to l-o something wonderful, bat which l a mod oat in the •ml io be of no account whatever, except to the man uacuirer. Bet l candidly admit that this time X have been deceived, for th« extraordinary oureseffeeiedby wtitar 5 * Balsam have convinced me that ‘-good can tome oat of Nazareth." Year' agent left me one dox* cjj bottle*, winch are all goae—having beea the meant of curi'dc several obstinate eases of Consumption— sod no mistake; lor what I «e*> sod know I am boand to believe. One. case in particular: A young gentle man m Winchester. Adams county, 0., Hi miles fro a tin-n.ace. was eared of Consumption when the doc luM has given him up. or at least could do nothing for • him, and it was the Intention of his friend* 10 convey • 11,01 •» yoor city, and place him under the earn of some ctn.neat plivsictnn there. Bat a friend told htm of j w jr» ttuisain. and that he eouid obtain it of mo. • Hr sent tor il and before the second battle wa* gone 4 h" vri “ soand and well, and attending to bis every day I business As there err several inquiries for the medi cine, a would be weil to forward an additional supply without delay. Very respectfully, yours, LAiIBKRT NEWLAND. I 71ir tbovr, imm 1,. Newland, Esq., a highly respect- ! able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to , tue candid stieuiion of all those who hare doubled I the great went of Wistar’s Wild Cherry Balsam. , Remember the original ami only genuine Wmir'i Balsam of Wil»J Cherry, was introduced in the year ami ha« been well tested In ell complaints for which m m recommended. Eor 17 ymra li has proved more efficacious a. a remedy for Cough*, Colds, Jtiflu enia. Bronchitis. Asihtna. and Consumption in tti in* ctpicut stages. ihan any other medicine LOST VOICE, 4c., RESTORED: IIftiKJBD, Aug. 10, ISIS. Mr. S. W. Fovrlc; Having aeen many certificates pui>li«hei] in relation to Dr Winar's Balsam of Wild Cuerry. 1 take this opportunity of offering a word in iu favor, winch you are alto at liberty to publish. A few mnn'ha since roy wife a lungs become so ranch aA feried wi'h a sudden cold, that she lost her ro>ce, and suffered severely from pa,n# in the breast. Her aitua it.>n caused her friends much alurm. Having heard your Balaam strongly recommended by iho'o who usrd it, | purchased a bottle from your agent in this p incc- She look It according to directions, and It pro duced a wonderfal effect Before osiug one boule she hnd completely recovered her voice, the pains subsid ed, and ber health was soon fully re-established. Youra,truly, HENRY 0. BHUJHTMAN. To h«romrrV*s® Datura* t* MtouVsir— Thi» cel crmrrt and lofulltWe remqfly for the cure ofConaump *on» Aiihma ami I.iver Complaint, baa by in own roe* fit*, been rapidly, *urc and lafely working iu way throurh the opposition of quark* and counterfeiter*, umit, by it* true value nml uurmtic excellence, it baa Binned for lUelf a mast enviable popularity, andc*tab li*hedi:celf in the confidence of an Intelligent and eo li*htcnr«l public, from one end of the continent to the oihcr. The n-Mitnony of thoaaand* who have been re li-'VH Slid cured by thi» valuable article, will show bat it 'Hindi uunvoilcd— ot the bead of all other me* liners, for die cure of diteaiea for which it u recota ru-udrd. TU-; genuine Dr. Wiatar’i Balsam of Wild Jhrrry m n«w for sale by duly appointed Agent*, and ill rc*pc<-tablc dealers-in medicine*. In all large ciitea md all important town* throughout the United Suite*. Taict *J perJDoule J Six Bottle* for 85. F'»ldby J. J). PARK, (guceeaMrtoSandfcrd A Pure,) Fourth and Walnut street*, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent for the South and Writ, to whom mil ordcr« uit bo addrewed- L. Wilcox, Jr, Janie* A. Jones; J. Kidd A Coj H. A. t’Slinrainck A Co, Pittsburgh. U T. Russell, Waab inninii; W. 11. Lnmlierton, Franklin; L. a Bowie, I'nnininwn; 11. Welty, Qreensbargh; S. Koanußomer* s*coU A Oilraoro. Bedford; Rood A Port, Ifauting. dmii Mr*. Orr, lloilidnysburg; llilriebran 1 A Co, Indi. ann; J. K. Wright, Kittannlng; Evans k Co. Brook, ville; A. Wilion A Son, Wnynrsburgh; .M’Fmrlind A Co, N. CalleedcT, Mendvillc; Bunco A Co, Erie; J Marroffin, Mercer; James, Kelly A Co. Butler; M. Smith* Braver; J. I). Summerton, Warrcni F. L. AC.B. Ji-ne* OomWvport; P. Crooker, Jr. Brownsville. frl»1 dAwlyli«.T COUNTY LOAN, 970,000* rpHK ComousMumcr* of iho County oLA : legheuy J. -having li«en authorized, by an Act of Assembly, pu.»ed Uie etli day of January, IeSO, to borrow, on temporary loan, a rum 01 taoiicy, notexcecdim; acv- r«TT nvu tiiod**xi> uollsks, to bo applied to the re drmption of County Scrip, the certificatea of loan to on exempt frdrn all taxer, except for Suuc par- PROPOSALS will be receiyr:!"xt the Office'of raid ’ommiirtonert, in the City of Pittsburgh, within three t reks from ihe diite he.rcof, from «uub peraons or cor* '•miona nt may be desirous of taking the whidu or iiV part of »*id lean. tiioaramfol which lo ho redeemed on the In day f April, JMA ii thousand on the Or»t of April H-54 n l t£ tttuu«*nd on Hie I« of April, leS5— mteis.t to r l"‘» l eeuii-annuiuly ut die Hites ofUe County remurrr or eUcwhere, a« may be agreed upon. , THOMAS PEHKINS, l WILLIAM UI'NSON, JAMES MITCHELL, „ County Comrclxiiorera. Cnmuiasioiier’a Oluee, Pittsburgh, January 13511 . tnllSMf ’ Hew Blastc, 0 LEMUEL; or, Going down to the Colton Firld- u new and very popular Ethiopian Song, oa »urta i.y Clin*ty ; * Minstrels, New York. Composed by S. <• rotter, Emi., aathor of “Undo Ned," “U, Susanna,” Nelly wa« a Lady; by S. 0. Fetter. Ben Bolt—die genuine copy; by Nelson Kreoss. Speak Gently; a very popular aou<; by V. WmUaee. Indiana Prayer; by the Aathor of “Be Kind. Ac” Be Kind to the Loved One* at Home. Thou Umi wounded the spin: thai'lovcd thee Flirtation Polka; by Sirakoscli. Alice Polka; by Sprium Carol Waltz; by Professor Roltbocic. Alinuippa Waltz; “ . u Atoianta Waltz; “ Kleber. La Place do Perles’ Grand Waltz; by Otboorne. . The wtd (lowers soon will shed their bloom: from Ibo opera of Lucia de Lamraermoor liowe* 111 ’ ° f M ‘ y lbo o!den Time » by C.E. Easy Variations to “The Laa Rote of Summer.” by lien. ’ ' 2Jou Art Goar: »oeg from the opera of Amelia. The Grove* of Blarney; from liethovcn. When the Moon on the Lake i* Beaming. A Voice from the Wares; duetto by C. Glover. Joys that We've Tasted. Make ofo no gaudy Chaplet; from Lac ratia Borgia. Low Backed Car. Dearest Mae; inth easy variations for beginners. Bounporta’s Grave. We arc Happy and Prec. Fashion PoJka; by J. |l- Hewitt. RecM nn4.foriale by JOHN 11. MELLOH, JanXJ No. el Wood street. N. B.—A large slock of new PIANOS, to arrive this week. , POTATOES— ttXKI bn Galena and lllinoi*, lo»l recM and for sale by jar/.'l STUART A SILL LARD-ai bbls No 1. to arrive, for sole hy . jantH ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front st STEAM BOATS FOR SAINT LOUIS. ' (rmv* K Tlt .olcod.d p, ck „ V UMkW „• ISAAC NKWTON. T for freight c* P«»««e. »ply otj b«»rt, or to ftl>7 i J. NEWTON JONEo FOR NASHVILLE jft-jB/m ik ■ The eplendid neinift jw&nVjtflft Siting, Mister, wUf leave for abnre ■■■BntM intermediate ports mu iM* imr *’ ' P* AgenL * FOR ST- LOUIS. nrt»r h_ The splendid steamer r IK iTfiiiP MT. VERNON, bi« for salo by J*rtß S F VOX BONNHORST k CO TOBACCO— 100 pkgs, various brands, for tale bv 8 F VON BONNHORST k. CO boit or Stolan. A SMUT MACHINE AND PIPE, narked “J. Bher 'if, *m taken from Ow Wharf, mho LakeErie£ lanhinK. nn Noy.JWd, Imu . ; °* A lau&Mfl revranl wilt b c fWforanY information caiieeioinpiL jana* • J. c. pLOVER SKKD-ltt3 bu in!»toto ud forYnte tw — V/™* SA W ItAEBAUUH T>tnThß—ln keg» and boxc», toraileb* ■£> JadS* - STUART k SIM, "'IRABCr “ C'IRAU CIDKR-3 bl»b superior, Ja*t recM by '*“*s STUART A. SILL 1> let-—« ic» (acw cron) in noro and fir iito by JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO ]?RBS1I ROLL RCTfKit-7 bartcii thirty re £ ceired, and lor tale by / ®* > an ' i ARMSTRONG A CROZER M 01,APSES—600 bblTTi tale by jttnU JAMES A HUTCHISON fc CO i P‘s* Caloia, Jn more and for mlc by 13 Lj !*«*•<» JAMES a mrrcmsoN a co p LADIES* WASH OLOVEB. TtST RECKlVEU—SdoxpturLadic»’ Wash Glore*. M a «pl>sndid article, for sale at tlie India Robber D&. pot. No. A Wood street. j*" 23 - - J JtH PHILLIPS * LIVES COMPLAINT.— Another cart perforated hr trnnj the original, onljr true and genuine Liver „ ~ .AuwrET.'Drowneci., 0., March 3P, 1547. Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln April iaM my wife wit attack ed with Liver and had the adrtce of two physician*, who tried vannrfa remedies without pro* ducingany good*ffect. Having heard ofyeurcele* bratea_Liver Pill#, I concluded to giro tnetaifiir trial. I purchased one box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen, and gave them according to the directions, by which she to greatly relieved. I; procured a second box, which entirely cored heri aritfiahe now enjoys excel* leiy health. 1 hare uaed them mytell, and prononnee them the best family medicine I ever tried. Yours, ke, . Muiu Built. Prepared and sold by R. B. SELLERS, SI Wood it; told also by Droggisu generally is the two cities, lanlfl Evening drk«sk.s—a. a. masos & ca.oouu ket itreel, will this day open another large in voiee of those Kreneh Embroldortd Evening Dresiei a Tery desirablo article for Parties, Boireet, Ae. Jaoll i_ SHAWLS. AVERY fine anlele of Mourning; Lone Shawl*, full size. js»t received, former pneefiU. and now •niySd A A MASON * CO, janlfl ; ’ CO Market meet Black English crape, for Trimming, to be found at the Dry Goode House of W B MURPHY, ; - lanll N E comer Fourth and Market its Now PU»H« Just received,one elegant Rosewood octave Pianoforte, from the cela- ItTM! brated factory ot T. Gilbert A Co, *• ,*;.** Do*ton. This instrument is remark** ble for brilliancy and eweeiocttof inae, i aml elasticity af touch. Thu above firm is considered one of the very first in Rotten, ud their Pianos, for elegance of exterior, beamy of tone, and duration, are net aarpass* ed by those of any other make- For sale on reasons* I ble lerpta by 11. KLKBER,,, iand4 aIJ. W. Woodwelj's. | •. ■ ■' ! • • ■• - 'Pap • A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING ROUSE, caßay street Empire of _feM J AME 3 DALZELL. >4 Warn r st M THE subscriber VridwtU or rent hls-very deri rable Co on try Remdeaee. in Allegheny eny.ait* aoted on Ohio Lane ana Allegheny Avenue, h^ll°{^ b S J . Ccom,wl * T* l ® *»«»• i* a'large doabU hnek building, in complete order. There is a Car* S*od water on ike groandf, j° tnprt * e two “*••» well improved, containing *T®^ r _de»crtption of Fruit Also—a'spring konae and smoko hsnse. Possession gives during tM month of *‘ ,feh - (ebl-tf JOHN GEDUABT. O^E7,?®. T J? a***-On second story, N»« Possession riven Ist April. l *o B* ISAIAH DICKBV A CO, Front St SISKS .WKSSSssiSajv" StlS i,i ß k“sww e iy® BC ?, «Utod.alie jßiw ;g£ A «a?svasfß^Bu%s T*£ | feet dS^T 7 ®°** Ccmaoa i» front by Uti ! iifljSSTrfS!! If?.? 0 . 800111 Common, feet front by * **"• ,toT7 Bridf Boom, occupied tent! Common, 87 feet frontby bf&ZlSStl^*" 0 "” 7 Brick 1100m > “'**** ! , Also—Fire Building Lots on Bank Lane, each » n^iartgi^ 01 feet 8 inches deep to towpath Also—The Lot on north side of Liberty street Pitts. -k27.*J? J pw \° r I* l JfolMln Woods* plan.) 60 feet front by 110 feet deep to Brewery alley. Apply to janao-daot GEO. BREhD.ft Wood st ■ | Talublt LeU for *aJ«« QIX BUILDING LOTS, ob Second street, between O 'Ferry and Bedoebl alley, each SO feet bjr 73 back to «100 feet alky. They are desirable for private dwell, and will be sold on time. - Apply to J.V .JOHN CALDWELL * SON. eor. Seeottd sl tad Bedonbt alley.' FIR BALE* on very liberal terma—Fifty Nine Lot* of Groans, sitn*tedonPeim,Wtyne, and pike eta, and Ute Duqucsne Way, according to a plan to be seen at this offioe, where term* mod «iu he known, , ■ • jaaSS . For Boat* ' A ROOM on Market nreet, near Water, xuitable for an office. Enquire of imtt-tf GEO. R. MAS3EV. Water »t For Riat, rTIIEIarw three story BRICE /WAREHOUSE, No. A ,18® Liberty etreet, oppoiite the head of Wood, oe* ; copied by F. W. Hayward, (late Follambee A Hay. ■ ' Poneitlon given immediately, if required: or at any time before the first cfApriL said house i* in excellent repair. For par ticulars enquire on the premises 6C “ _ J*nSO la P. W. HAYWARD. lUBANCS3. For Sia^ FROM thei first dar of April next—one' large' two : stoned BRICK DWELLING,HOUSE, hundjome iy situated on the Ohio Hirer, adjoining the borough of Manchester, with about four tens of land;. a number of Fruit Trees; one large biiek Barn and Stable, and other out buildings. Apply te J*"«S JAMBS A. HUTCHISON* CO. A SMALL COTTAGE HOUSE, in Allegheny city, on Esplanade street. Rent low. flnqalre-of- JAntO TASgKf A BEST, 33 Wood it For Boat.-:- . ’ ROOM at the corner of Pena and Hand streets, now occupied by Mr. Jone*, us a Drug Store, rossesnon siren on the first of Ai-rii next - ■ IMiP-u A. W. LOOMIS A, LOT OP GROUND, suitable fora-Briek Yard, 'the city line, in the vieltuty o? ooao Bridge, will be rented for a term of years. An p'r to E. D OA ZZ AM, TO* erect, imi* . Office over the Post Office. For Boat* A BOOM on the second story of the Warehouso No. gd Wood street JanlC A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. S? o»eet, between O'Hara and Walnut street*, FUth Wart, at present ojuapled by the subscriber Fo*se*«on green on the tit ApriL Enquire of Janld-tf WM. IOUNQ. lit Liberty st • For ttoat*' THE BASEMENT comer of the Diamond and Union streets, well adapted to any public business, it uas been occupied a* a Coflee, or Eating Establish ment for u number of years, i- Office* and Artist’* Rooms, well lighted, wuh entrance from the Diamond, over tho store of the subscribers, north west comer of this Dia* mood and Market street Apply to - I*” 1 * „_ , _ ALEXANDER A DAY. ..f 4 ®* T »• two pleasantly ‘situated Brick Dwelling Houses, wnh the grounds adjoining, at uaxland. Possession can bo given on the first of April next jtnfi HARDY, JQNE3 A CO. Z. W. REMINGTON, , Commistlonera rriHEßack Tail of the Warehous# now occupied by ± myself; ana fronting on Prom street CH GRANT, 41 Water st A, For Beat* STORE in Msrket street, near Liberty. 1 Duxrty streets 1 * Stcre oa the come rof Markefund .hfiS’Tf Di«llin*.«nd Store on Pena .met, near “”aK “* w **- '“I" 1 ,' 5 ” 1 . . .DATO) GREER, Paanit., iae7.tm* 3 doors from 8. K. comer Hay st Telitt, A GOOD THREE BTORY BRICK DWELLING, en Smithfield street, four doors from Seventh, west side. Inquire of 8. 6CUOY&R, —j. lo ?- IltlSecondst, R < ?&?“ ir S-L A STORE, wen fitted up for Dry A Goods, on Market st, between Third and Fourth. Possession given on the Ist of April next .Alae-Several ROOMS and OFFICES.; Posretsioa green immediately. . E. D. GAZZAM, . dcia Office over the Pott Office. Third at JafTroa. WAREHOUSE at pre- JgjßT sent occupied by Messrs. Bailey. Browu A Co on .Water street, from first of ApriPaext -gP** B JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO 4ak. SALE—ABnefc Htnuto. (hmono yeu asd Lot,oa Hohinw itreet, . . atx * old Bridge. Price low ud tannj cmv.—- jyai 8 BCHOYBB, UP Becond.rt BALE—Fiyglotseligibly utameo-tn taan^». ishlng town of Birmingham. The lots are sitna* Denman street. numbered In FBaamnajpa plan 73,79,60,81 and 83-*Let No 79 fronting 80 feet on Sla ry Ann afreet, 79 feet deep; the other 1 four SO feet front eaehrby 80 feet deep. Te***-rG«uter part of pure have money may ret main for six years, secured by mortgage. For panic! ulara, inquire of 8 BCHOYER, 1 -..-?*** 110 second tt . r ON PENN STJUilffi f FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Pena street, between Hay and Marbnry streets, adjoin:ns the house and lot now oeeapled by Richard Edwards, front of a* feet, and in depth 190 feet, will be aoid on favorable teraa. Title unexceptionable. En» ' C.O. LOOMIS, iihst, near Wood. ! octal-atf Hsrisy, Plsmlai A Oo^ __ Hav* yo» uu, FROM FAYETTE MANUFACTURING COMPANY JoeasesaapenorFamilyßlankett,lobyUqrs:- ’ 200 pan Bteamboat 'do - Sby 7 ft: • . 900 do do do 4 bv* 7te 190 do red and while Horso do . , 100 do colored California do , ALSO: • ' ' ' 50 pieee* B*4 whits Funnel, warranted all wool; 100 do 4-4 'do do do do 100 do 3-4 do do do d! l» do 3-4 red do do do <5 do 3-4 yellow do 'do do ALSO: T wee^» Jeaaj “ d Woolen Yam, at east ern manufacturer 1 * price*. 09-Warehoaae, No 127 Wood at, 4th doer from Fifth. r»ffvEirit' yA for sale by l ? i ' a r 4 b **“ pnmo,jß« ree'd aad for sale bi~~- SAWHARBAUOUr ,RJKJD APPLES—2O ba lo sure and-for tale by Janas CBAIG & BKINNEIg ‘J'J’JKR— 10bbU Ohio SoUt ineioUa, today rec*d tor »alo by jm2S CRAIO fc SIOKHEg BEAJJB— A few bbls Small White, for sale by CRAIG A SKINNER “SOaWAT PLAMBW BLAmtßf, THESE «ope*>r Blankets, made of the softest and finert Wool, can always be foand at Dry Goods uoowof WB MURPHY, N E eoreor Fourth aad Market its • ■BX.LIBGOFF AT.BJBDUCKDi PfUOBSI A LKXANDBR A DAT, corner of the Diamond and Market street, are now seiUnr oS, at reduced pneefc their stoek of Winter Goode, consisting of .* w «, aa T lAdid*’ Dress Goods, In great variety. Also—Blanket* and Flannel*, Clothe, Cas*imes,S#tin> S nt * * aieortment of hear? Cotton Goode. Confident that better bargains cannot be had else* where, we invite the attention of buvers. ALEXANDER A DAY, . Jaal* 73 Market meet. GVo’IDbS'sYRUP—« bbie aad IS hf bblj landing I from steamer llambnrr, and for sale by _ j*nl) RHEV, MATTHSWBACO OIOHT and short time BILLS OF KXCHANGETpsF O able in Cincinnati, Louisville and Su Louis, par* :ha*ed on the most favorable terms. BBDIOAI* ABO BCBOIOAL OFFICE, «No. 01, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few door* below Wood street, to* DEL, lAOWI, btrisf been regularlyedueated to the medical profession, and been for >ome time in general practice, now confine* hi* atteation to the treatment oi those private and deUeate com* plaints forwhieh his opportnnitics and experience peculiarly qualify him. 14 yearsasiddnously devoted to study A treatment of those whieh time he has "had more practice and has cored more pa* tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedy, permanent, and satiafaetory care to all nJfiietsd with oaucaia disease*, and ail diseases arising there- Dr. Brown would inform those aiHicicd with private diseases which have become chronic by time or eg- Ktvaled by the as* of any of the common nostrums of e day, that their eotnplaint* can be radically and thor oughly cured; be having given bis etrefnl attention to the treatment of each cases, and succeeded in hundreds of Instances In coring psrsons pffetflatrunnion of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases whieh often result from those eases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites such as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult hhn, when every satisfaction will be given them, and their eases treated in a careful,thorough and intelligent manner, peutted oul'by alonrexpenenct, study,and investigauoa,which it is impossible for those engaged in general practice of medicine to give to onectusofcLiseasa. : „ . . _ ' Q7Hernia er Rapture.—Dr. Drown *i*o isvUas per tossafflicted withHeraia to call,a* hahaspaidpajua alar attentioa to this disease. CANCERS also cured. Jtl _ •• • ’Skin diseases;also U *, Palsy, sit, speedily aired either sex Uvinroi adisitnee, by u Diamond alley, opposite ths Waverly ’ 1 * newly discovered nme :d, l** speedyand certain;remedy for SimSm trouble. Itrnever fail*. - • .1. ■ “Offca and Mraio OgWftMat Rooms, Na,.W Di*- mend »ney, Httsbaigb, Pfc; Tb/s Xtoetortr always tx bone.' • ■ tryPfo sure no pay; non and for For Beat or lali. FoTiauT Brlok Yord for Boat* For Burnt* )E&D—£o bblT prime now, in state and jtngg JOHN WATT ft. CO N. HOLMES * SONS. P .MMI. ; auuBCB ny& oa t libi, ' *** CO3TXTABC* Of XUCSAKnxZJkS9TACXA«S», i witb anaco ass cnJJOBTT, wtw*x* 1 -• ;; PHILADELPHIA AND' PITTSBURGH. fir < £?.JP.J?- rwar l iad«refaUßedtu®*' : •’ "Mo^SrfnrnishtUiAcrtUMjttt.'' ZL?“ *» lp«*etwltT - onU .' u j^ESMDAVtStCXJ. i»7 Mar fat street, Pbi**d*w«_i * JOHNMVADHIfctfi?’. ik - Caß*ißMiß,l»todSSk< AOi _s',S» «cMDH* tco. Fonrunn * Can.. ' Unctwm, Cssii Ellis. Pma mcei, Pitninzgl, ...- _i*Wg *- D* Vl» * CO. Fun Ficrsa in C» - SftT' 07 “»*«. *»>« CoanwE; '.a vniQßhinm., WJ.KTE* AMAMCHOTOT* „ 1850. flSSSti.. r Sf V* P"PW«* w receipt into '\ - HESRY ORAPFfcCO, * • . ■ £»B«1 Baiin. tHttaWffir. ■ -.. • lltWfcl DCTILLE HUMPHREYS - _ _J_aa*dfa ~ n piuiV > ■ ■ bxpiues* mooi i.ira..... 1849. niHF JF H^ OUGH m FIVE DAYS! - , : iffiten? V* » receive fiCOMmfl* *» «* i«a»^ , « »k^?’'rt5 r MotidetilOihin«t • > conveyance at ihii eeason or the year. • - ’ ~f 7 a :j . John McFaden - & co,* ..u-* guial Ba*ln« KtttbinA.-: •' \ . >» ■ ■ • *.#SKMsaBt-,, : . BOBOSgAHALa luiCTgi L 'OmiT H Mil*9 Vim BrawwvilJ* an* Cumberland to BaMiw* * - Philadelphia. . > ™ rpBB BomltSff boat leave* tbe -wharf, 'ahnyth* v : ■ evening boat, will crow the mountain* la stave* aezl 1 ' -'•- day, asd tin* avoid alffht ™ « Secure your Ucketa at the Office. 'lToww.***..! _ *=. House, or Si. Charles IfoteL ~ . 1177*7”,, ° cU3 - 1 y J. MEBEIMEN, Airral v EXPRESS WAGON LINE -THROUGH IN —• FIVE DAYS! : rpUE mbieribers. having impended their <»««»* 11 J. eratioa* nntU the opening of the Spnar Naviirw- - . tioo t h*vc establishedon Erptcoa finpby . We«a between Philadelphia end rtinbatwh, hr ■ whteh they tie prepared to forward 6000aosadteaek day. und receipt for the delivery of the taste ia < dan, *i’ T l 7 r c *' l«*»o to aunre their friend* end lha rmb- • - lie that their arrangement* regarding rate*, rmndariiw'—- had despatch. cannot foil to give . - > favor them with their commands. '' - - .. . ' TAAPFE A O'CONNOB, \ EeoraerPennand WaTne*t*,Piß*ba?gfc, •'.-v,' . , THOMAS : '.. da* 378 Moriel street, Philadelphia. : ■< • ! GEE, WO! GEE, WO» WHTEB ABHAWOKBrnra. Am* 1840. KXU COKES Tn» 0U» COHBTOde. BINGHAM’S EXPRESS WAGON thnv; v- TO aITD rxox >— ‘ . ■ 'Pittelrargn and Philadelphia. - 4 ? ‘ A 8 the bnsmeas on the canal ia about oeiajf oJosed '' T - v ' tA.for the (eaxon, we wonldinform W 6 have a (tin brought ibe Conestoga Wagons lstDre* 4 gaisllion, end will be prepared to forwardoOOfrMSßd*'i '•** 1 daily, {commencing on Monday, tho Mih test) ACar •• leaving Philadelphia daily by the moll train for ChtaK' benburg, and the Wagon* traveling day and nhrkt. easmea the delivery of Goods in five day*. AppStO l! -' ; . „ WM. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, *-'.■■■? 1 BINGHAM A DOCK, NajoWtalwSw. - norjQ . Philadelphia. '- : _ ; WPITBB ABBAKGEOEIITr 1849. mszt EXPRESS WAGON LINE •' .1 . • TO ASD T*o* >' •PmSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA: y '■*r Tat Fite Day*, (Sandnp exempted,) .^T* fpHE pabUe !■ retpectfapy informed that tbit line, '**:''* a? whies baa been in cneceaaAil operation the two '• prcTioo* winters, will again commence rtnninroa Mend sy,f the S6th of- November. A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chanbersburjh" ; daily each way with the Mail Train, and from Cham^ 4 bertborfh with relayiof horse* running day We are prepared to forward CDOO iha weight daily by• the above line. Appjyto •. , . - . . D. LEECH *CO,?ittahsnb, *«•«> .<■ or to—HARRIS A LEECH, ’ : * - * No 13'Sonih Third atreet, Philadelphia. noTtro-dtr ft w HASX>*W & BE.BT BB - W JPPood itMai. Pit* frorab*! >} 141 , **“ AND LAUPSIAN, Impono ** eatfc*«]ete~ *~ ■IJL Id Foreign end Demeeue HABD WAXUh in-- *mu roricdci, are now prepared to »pII as low and” SSf* weipneble tonuiuu be pnreb&seJ elsewhere. w *> solicit our friends, end the public tunerellT. to end ezentloe our nock, whl©£ fnny'y nj paHof.iiri' K>6KET«SpS?aRmt ; SCIBSOSS, SHBARS, RAZORS, HouseTrimming*.'' 4. such u Locks, Loiches, llingcs end Screw*; logelfie* * * wnii every ftruelo uraeUrkept lit HerdwivrcStored' V? ■ * 116 etientlon or Carpenters and Bieshanlea';*.. 1 generally to our assortment of Tools, wiuch here oeen'“"~ ; selected with greet cere, end whieb we ero d-terrain, ed to sell sons to give eaii«facUoe. •ive lain a bad, putrid breath,, or dark, yeUov dams* , ed teeth. Ifpersonshayetheseit ia tkdrnwn fault— . *; they can, for two ahilUngsL bay an arid* that will v> pure an 3 sweet ai Ui Stitt Mr 0 - •»J ? Qr ?V* the Gums, spengjr or nice rated, and/or the Teeth Jtu onMualled, removing the iirtVrl fastening the teeth In the gums, and deu theta ad '-' 1 white aatheraawo/the/rwa jfcni. - Bach, reader, are the properties©/ Jones’* Aatbef : “ , ' T/ Tooth Paste, and, wltboei praising it otuaelrea; hePk;' -'-* what one el oar most respectable and Der- •»*•*•- ***£» Mr-15. Field, trf New York, eayst •- “I haYe both used and ansHsed this beaalifal and h»2 polpable article, (Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste,) and u aaposaetiing ailthequaUtiesclaiu ®d I *? r ,r* n .Header, we can aay no more to entwine*. irr only that ifyoutnr this once job will bo'weQpteasfci : . « It is pat ap la beauxifol English rthirV p.-t£. & r jg cents. Sold ov the Agent, TYftL JACKSON, ® libe I* '*’* ty street. Pittsburgh. : - aagdai&WT . l&T.Aiiooo* cmapm are nonoratrty the foilowing are the actnal qualities or u 3a. bottle c/' jorn’s Ccral Hair Bestorsttre. If they doaht car ‘ ***^ e * e respoetaole elans' Air. Geo. Beeket, 41 Ha st, New York. -j lire. MatildaßecyesjMyrtlear.BrooMyn.V . d Mr. Wm. Tompkins, W Eng st, New York.! ;-.ii Mr-Taof.Jaekaot4Montoanlslaad,nearPitUbat|{h ; H. £ Callen, late barber steamboat S. America. And more than a hundred others state, though -nit mast suffice, that It s»UI forco- the hair to new on iha >' head or face, atop it falling off, strengthen the rc «#, : • , rcnwmng'.Kuf and dandruff from the roots, maVuu * red,.or gray hair assomo a’fine dark look. and. - • keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, clou and • ’• beantiraVa "very, yerylong time. . , Sold by the Agent, wAI. JACKSON, ©Liberty at, Pnce 57|, so cents, and one dollar. - ) tLT LAIttES ARE CAUTIONED AUAJNSTIJ- \ •'* BIN|G COMMON PREPARED CHALK! “ > i Hoy are not aware how AightfolJy iojarioulf U > *' - J to the jikia] how eoane, how rough, how u!> and unhealthy the akin «p» - pcara afaruingpreparedebalU -So* •idea it iiinjonoas, containing a '• . . ■ . *• large quantity of Lead! We have prep area a beantifel nestable an trial ■« which wo eatf JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHJTPjTV It ia perfectly innocent, being pntifieiof alldelosn. • V ontqnaliues; and itimparta to dtoakurVsatnraL|.eal* thy, alabaater, clear, living white; at the wmi - • acting u a coametie on the akin,' ««»'*# it toft an! ' , unooik Soldby the Agent, WAL JACKSON, t® Lib-• ''* eny.it, Pittaburch. Pnce SS eenu.- anaTatfe »T fcarrmo** -***- " la..ita-JVflU' ltC I fan Chemical Soap eaues a fre* perspiration, tad ft the mnetune modifies, softens, and whiten* ta* akin • firing u the textare end beaoty of an Infant I *. - Scran, Silt Rxsnt abs Sam, aw soon sol entt. healed, bat eared by lu see, as at least seren lmw fiion* in New York know, whs ue. it {a neh suet - >f and find it unfailing-os alee in “ r<» l*uirt», ilLomixa, Furcjau, or any other sk* n di* cue. The reader Li assured that this iS'aes,Son Lrosabd Sou Buis^-pf.ft*'*" and nae it, and the reader is again aaaand I rould . . net cruelly sell it for the above unless! koewi.to bft .. all I state. Those who are liable to Chaus, CiAcaatn oa Cruras ftn, wQi in* this at cure. Any one afflicted with anrof ihoaboro JtahO'' liar diseases, will find this all and even more pJairu* ble in Its properties) then I tute. ■ - - / Bet, reader, the stores ere Hooded with Ifiituions, and bo sure you ask for JONES’S Italian Q'eaieal Soap. Sold by WE JACKSON, 89 LiMtr street.'• Pittsburgh. '< Property la Allogbeay City jo* mmiiT" rriHE nbacnben efler tot nlai ouWe ehme* • . I Lota, limete ia the Second Ward, tontim sir ' Camnen rroand, oneary lermi. Inqnraof-’ W.O>U. ROBINSON, Atty *i L**, St C air tt~*~ or ofJAfIROBINSON.cn th/l>rtmlMß. ■nMfcwtrr »•. • . , ' •••' «Ko.W*SatTh # CO4 TNFORM their ftitßdenndUte»ibUeth* , th*7ltM» '• i no longer any connect .twuthheir leit eiubiiih' ment In Pens »irecl,kno«: op tLcPiUi&argft Brewer*' hs«in( removed their caL 4 bau&ouio IUiPOITvr •' BBKWRHV.In P»r mtrart. -. wylfco TIT* i > NEW AND VALU ABU INVENTION!' GLIJM'SVWIHOOW LOffi AND SPEUIB. ; TP&mrtßtDacnaalD.iStiC : : IDS U m utisie of rnunlno lo all perwtiin* - racedia building, or wUio*etwkoha»ealieS : ‘'' boiit, tad are without winlow fastening ..WhlSTf. . fanurtei a perfect nbttltttr for polUea 2d wd«£tS^‘ V »*yu««f «leait»to each 'window.DrSEtß ; £. -. • fcSlgte ‘ :iAMXSDAL*«LL/ i. ■.. - w v «, wJai