The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 07, 1850, Image 1

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6. S. Wiitt* ] nxmar.
bo: .oraas, thud rmrr, bxxt boob to
jD*ilyp» r—— ——*7,ooperi
Tfi»VVee* ,-y•-»■■■•— «
Weekly, in niranee)—•••• “
80. o Clab*, at a redaced rata.
One Sqo* .e, (10 lines of Nonpareil or less)
I one • lertion.— §w m
One ?q®' re, each additional insertion.- • ft.y
I ■ Ito. cuoVNk—;.«~ 175
Do. two wwti.—-•... 3,00
»*o. three week*-—— <»00
_ Do. one month-g’oo
*4. Do. two months 7,n0
ti- lh ■ three moma*.--. p,oo
V {*>• lour months ...... 10,00
a. Do. nx month* 15,00
IX>. twelvemonth*....— 18,00
Standing Card (0 line* orles*,).per annum- 10,00
One Square, ehongenbleatplcasar* (per to*
tram; exclusive or the paper-.-—....... 23,00
For each additional square, inserted over one month,
ana far each additional aquorc Inserted under the real
ly rates, half price.
Advertisements exceeding a »quare, and notorer
fifteen lines, to be charged aa a square and a hall
Fublishtn not accountable far legal advertisement*
beyond tbn amount charged lor Their publication.
Announcing eandiomea for offiee, to be charged the
same as other advertisement*.
Advertisement* not marked on the copy lor a speci
fied number of insertions, will bo continued till forbid,
and puymcntcxieteJ accord. . •
. The privileges of yearly advertisers .will be confined
ngidly to their regular business, and all other tdver
tisetnenis not pertaining to their regular business, as
agreed tor, to tie paid extra.
All advertisements for ehariiable institutions, fire
.companies, ward, township and otter public meetings
and such like, to be charged halfprice, payable atriour I
in advance. - ' I
Marriage notices to be charged SO yntt.
Death nonces inserted witiioßicharge,iiitie*s accom
panied by funeral tarnations or obituary notices, and
wheu no occouipßn.ed to bo paid for.
fiegultr advertiser* and ail other* sending commn
mcatious, or lecturing notices designed to call aue n .
non to hairs, Soirees, Concern, or any public enter
tainraenti. where charges are mode lor dominance—
all nntictv of private association*—every notice de- i
aigsed to call attention to private enterprises calcula
ted or intended to promote individual Interest, can 00-
!l 1— i“‘i r ! cd htider*landing that the same is
or ' ,fl,llei “ l cd to be inserted in the loea
*?,'?» lt,c . ,aine will be Charged at the rate of not less
than 1U ci t* per line.
, £*;, 3 . *’**l Notices to bo charged triple price. I
Itirern License l’ctiiicma, S;| each.
ftt!lprSec« ,Ul *' ic,i,cal advertisement* to beehargedatj
tw * 6ly * Auctioneers’ Advertisements I
under yearly rate*; bat to be allowed
'V ,,rt >' three and one third per cent from the j
amount of bills. r I
tSH ci sxa.T nmi
Onesnuare, three m.«cnion*-~-- •Ili®
Do. each 37
AEVMtissMEtr* is wxxurrrxrxr.
-Oae (iOhnei,) oue laaertion* •••««*.
.... Do. each additional inienioa' *sS **
All Irwmem advcniicineiiu to bep&h&n advance.
W UITK & CO., GaMtie.
L. IIAHI’ER, Pott,
A.MLS I*, lunm & CO, Chronicle.
! JOS. SNOWDEN,Mercury. r
I JaliiLS \V. IiIDDLK, American.
,1 HIRAM KAINE, Evening Tribune.
Ptmacson, Dec. i; imp.
ATTORNEY AT LA W-^-Ofliet*,■ on Fourlhstreet,
aboTO Snuthfield—Lowrio'* Boildinjts no stain
ALEXANDER franklin, Attorney u Law
_toprth tt. noTia-lr
David c. tuttle! •
' _All cotainujicatlona pfomptly ■n«wered- oetS^ly
ARMSTRONG & CROZKK, Cacunuiion Merchant*
anti Denlcn m Produce, So. as Market street*
riushoncL.' derq
A™ T ,»,.'?. ofil!rH^z SKTan
TTORNLV and Counsellor at Law, and Comais*
aio jtr for Die State of Peonsrlyania, fit. Louis.,
Mo. (late oi PuuburcS.)
' -••* RsFr^i>cE3.-p l its!>un ? h: Hon. W, Forward, Hemp
V —ion A Miller, M : Candlt»» a M'Clare, John E. Parke,:
i will A Vunple, McCord A Kidg. j
T-inuaun. r.yetnxrtr' I
Attorneys and counsellobs at law,
Fourth street, between Sniiutfield and Grant. I
-wsbargli, Pa. _ julA*
A TTORNEYfi AT LA W,Fourta street, near Grant.'
A jalfctf
jA'xxicswiarkm; I
A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on. Fourth »t- be
tween KmiUiiteld and Giant st. Piusbnrrh.
’ ipti&dly • N
W. K. irootia'tin.- —...—mt-wi wcaut. !
BAGALKY. WOODWARD A ■Wholesale Gro-,
ccra.No.Stfl. Market ttrcct, Philadelphia. norSI j|
- PiiUbßrtmuktiTtrwkS r *‘s _ ",
BENNfc.Tr, HfcIHH V' A CO, Mt BBlaciunnof Stdi
Aah. Bleaehin; Powders, Mu ri»Ue and Sulpherlo
Adda. Warehouse No. Water kireet,belowFerrr.
rupau ii _ - . acme* ■■grr»i
-p&AUi. & KEITER, Wbeleule uA Retail Draw-
Jij gut#, i »tner «f Liberty and Bu CUurnrteu, Phu
bßTgn, Pa _ mayl4
BA> ft Co., Wbolenlc mTSt*
♦ tali .Druggist*, comer Wood and Cth in. jyl
C'tHAULi.S NAYLOR. Attorney ai~Law t Third it,
_ /_l«t_dooT above Smithticld. novlA3m
roan a. c»*ia. w. *. aiiitska.
CRAIG ft SKINNER, Forwarding and Cotataiuion
Merchant* No- art Market »t, Pittsburgh. «ptd
CA. McANULTY ft Co., Forwarding and Con
• mission Merchant*, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa
me hi
CH. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and
. Forwarding-Merchant. No. <1 Water it. talk
DnqDunt Spring* Axle* ht««l and Iron
COLEMAN, r HAITIAN ft Co, manufacturer* of
Coach and Kliptic Spring!, Hammered Axle*,
Spring and Plough Steel, iron, ftc. Warebouae on
Water and From meets, Piusbargh.
Alto, dealer* ut{ Coach Trimming* and MolleabU
Calling*. octia. ;
~wtC b. cisusb. nxo j. aiajiair.' l
ENGLISH ft UENN'ETT, (late English, Gallagher
k. Co.) Wlio!r*aie Grocer*, Commission and For*
warding Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce and Pitta*
taiga Maiiufhcutre*, No. 37 Wood at, between i!d and
ltd »trcct*. octl
EJ. HENRY. Attorney and CooncelJor atLawj
• Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* in Southern Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care*
fully attended to. Commissioner lor the State of Penn*
•ylvania, for taking Depoaiuona, acknowledgment*,
ftc. ftc.
Bzm to—Hon. Wa Bell ft Son, Curtis, Church ft
Carothet*, Win. Hay*. K*q., Willock ft Davis. aSS
Ira Mewfjf Andrew Fleming R. K. Fleming.
FOR the sale of Dimestie, Woolen and Cotton
Goods, ai«o, Dgoler*la all kind* of Tailor*’Trim
ming*, No. 127 Wood street, fourth door from FtUh,
Rcrcuctcc Messrs. Wa. A. UiU ft Co n Banker*.
jan ■&
J. C. Useyioglc -A. H. efirke.
Forwarding and commission MERCH
ANTS, and dealer* In Window Glass, While
Lead, ftc. No. lO* Second ft. iao9*v
w ix. _n. joiTsston;
Forwarding a commission merchant,
No. I IS Second street, Pittsburgh. dcH
GEOKC.E W. SMITH A CO., Prevrert, Ualstera .
ud Hop Dealcrt, Pitt«t Pttubnrfth. tpa» je,
/TEonCiK cue I IfiXN , Oommi ttion antTVorwardlni
KX Merchant, No. W Wood street Pimburjrh. myl/
HAMIL'iON STt’VVAKT, mnncfactarer of Ilea*?
Shirting*, Ctecia, Ac., Rebecca nreet ciljr of
Allegheny. novIS-aly*
HLEG, (mcccstcr 10 Morphy A Lee,) Wool Deal*
• er and Conunmioy Merchant, for ihe tale of
American Woolens, Liberty. opposite Bth »t feb!7
**. HSjlu), BaJuraorc.
Ho* e* w cxvxoti, >Oll7l a. watira, f
EALD&BUCKNOR, Tobacco Conuninien Mct
c&uu, 41 North Walei d, &1C Nonh Wharvea,
ran*. norM-tf
-f'-T. 1 ?? 1 * m. i. joan. _
HARDY, JONES A C o n (rcccatior* to Atwood,
Jonei A Co.) Coranuiaion and Forwarding Met*
‘toteta.ia Piiubarrfa Manufactored Good*,
Fiittbarat, p*.- • mrh27 • WOTICB.
HAVE tuocwied ». U. MeVAY with me in the
Exchange md Banking buiiceia.
Junntry Ut,mu. WU. If. WILLIAMS.
Wo. 11. WilUanu... i I. B. M«V»y.
WM. n. Tm.I,IASI9 *• CO.,
Norm Eaueomer of Wood »nd Third atreeta,
'■ Ji2l PimttuH, Pa.
_ _ MtUT WC«T, JA,
•*_TBA*!AI! DICKEY A Wholeaale Gro»Ta.’c<rm>
A *»l Valera la Prodoee.Noa.M
Water. Front i'jwu. Pitttbnrfrtt. bot«
‘si 1 w .Vrf ■• for tk« Uks Erie and
O Mubtaan« »° Utarer and the Lake*.—Office
_ on the corner of >V ater and Bmttfcfield «u. jani
John S. Ullfforih . h,l 7.7
tl • Ayrnu for Hazard Powder <Co., No. 77 Wood at.
Pmabargh. dcS-j
* Co,
a)* doce and Coraainton Merchant*,
for the Hazard Powder Co. of H. Yy !& wwiSd £
Pittabargh. - _• dotfl 4
JOHN N. TOWN3R«uTomCTUt*aa Apothecary
No. 45 Market *u, three doon abort Third w. pimi*
>arffh. will luive constantly otihtnd a wtll aeleeted
tortment of the heat and Medicine*, which JiS
will tell on the non reaaofiahte tenaa. Phyaielhia
lendinß order*, will be prempUj attended to, «rd «np.
olied with crLclw they may rely* upon as feaaint. -
Itr Physicians Prescription* mil be accurately and
n»ayP**r* ,TdfrOTath * totsuftena^aianyhearof
'to day or night. . „L
Al» iOT * !,t T* **«* °* p*»h “ d r»d PerfaJ
niorr._ Li I.
J— TlAllKf SOJTSKWELL, Coontelior atLaw.-ofi
A See oh Fourth m., aboyc SmjthSeld. novS-ly
—n. "CANFIELD, (late of WarrenTOhin,) Cmßmii.
i * iort and Fnrwaroing Marihaet,' and whole tale
; n 'Teatent Ueserre Chelae, Batter, ‘ Pot and
p.„i A»h, and Western' Prodopo generally, Water
treet, between ggilihSeld and Wood, Pitta berth. ap3
YotTrLWATT, (sucoenorto 1 " ‘
J' •Wholesale R/oeer and Qo;
dealer in Produce and Pmabsrgl
nar of Liberty and Hand strata, |
VamVS _ a.~liutciuson, A
J l2wi.UttteJ L (aon* Co ? Co
IndArenV ®f ** L I*eai»Bt«
Do. 45 water osdtfl front ttreeta.
THE FlWSßllftH
J . No. M Wood etieet. Pm*Vur*b. •f UB «
j °.?s
Wood • ftreet, one door Scwh of Diamond Alley. Pitti*
JAMES~K£B& Jr-, * Co- (neeeuor ta H
PtrU.) Slip Chtadlen, Water itretl
*9 rnreu, Pitabcnrh. -oce
10HN IL MELLOE, Wholewle ud Ratill d«l7r
J in Msuie *nd Muic&l Initnuaenti.
Pwei, BUm, Steel Feiu, OoSjTpSS.Stel? o
Satoaty scn«r»ll7,NSrenvSl‘2“p i SJ, t < H'' i h ‘’ *■“
boyjhurruiktn ia ireJr J „-, 5
JOII.NOTON * srooiraßKTKEffisT-SHf
. *«.« uis,;s n
JOSH FIATS. ~ ~ p.
as sß&gfi»frL£*3» *s
Grocer, CmmiLoH
J« ettJo22*f Z p?’ .Attorney « Law, office'34 k
y QppotUe Sl. Charlea HoieL Piuaburith. will aJu.
IT If® F®nrarding and Conuaiuion fcler-
MJI. cijuiu, Dealer* in Produce aadPiluborgb mann-
aroclca, Canal B&ain, near7dnt dtt
££&£ L*|u»i PiTTBßuiion» pa.
upener 4-4 Shectuiti, Cunt Chtin, C o c ry
i-wuie md Bitting. r j&aMyUon
_ VtißTiu Iron Works.
| EWtS, DALZELL A Co n nisofunren of ill si
U tea Bar, Bheet, Boiler Iron and Mailt of the bei
inalajr, Warehouse, M inter and 103 front u.
S WATERMAN, Wholesale" Grocer, Forward*
a ing and fVimininion Merchant. Dealer in Pitts*
burgh Mamifaetures and Prodace, Not. 31 Water su
and 03 Fropt ft.
,j _ —rBH-iDKL»nu—
Liberal adiaacea node on consignments.'
WK. trnLti. Phil ad*. C. w. ncxtnoa, PitUbargfa.
TAr ((.LEE A RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer*, and
jXL importers of Brandies, Wine* and. Segar*, No*.
17* and 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts
burgh, Pa Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, Ac. Ac. con
stantly cn hand. ao*l4
loan sretu. rat. s. m’oux. wsun c. aoi>
cGILLS A ROB,-Wholesale Grocers and Commit-
Merchant*, No. 194 Liberty at., Piusburgh.
WILSON 4 CO, flaw hy 4
Co.) Wholesale Dealers iu Dry Goods, No. 48
Pittsburgh. nova*
MAITiIEW WILSON, PonrsdlandllituiairePaini
ter. Rooms, corner of Post Office Alloy and
roortn street, entrance on 4th near Market.
nuae roams, ;onn ». <jtno«.
_ . JOSKB AtinGO,
ANUFACTUKERS of spring and blister steeL
iSX plough steel, steel plough wings, eoaeb and clip
tie springs, hommerod mm axles, and dealers in mal
(cable casting*, fixe engine lamps, and coach trimming*
fwteraliy, comer of Ross and from sis., Pittsburgh,
■ (ebb
FJ HOLMES a son, No. 6i Market st, second
AledoorOotn comer of Fourth, dosder* in Foreign
and Dommue Bills of Exchange, Ceru&cates of Depos
it, Uank Note* and Specie.
L C7“ i Colleciions mad on all the principal eities
throughout the United States. decl?
N, BUCKAIA2TEE, AiPttsaii—Office. Fourth «fc,
• third door above Smlthfleld, aoslh ride,
UoaTeTßoeiiig of all kind* done with the rreaie*
care and Ural aeCarney.
Title* te Real Eaiate examined, Ae.
Pilot. ttEHRY Rmumnyf.
PBNN bTUKKT, between Wayne uid Hand, ba
reaaaedbo professional duties, rinnr untrue
oou oo IkePtaao, Guitar, aad in Voeai Music.
feSj PUKIS tKA STOSH.—No. 70 Fourth
■ltPi nearWood-AJI quantitiesofGreen arid
Bluta Teas, done up in quarter, half, and
onapound packages, fanring from so eu.*per pound
Up**- iTd A. JAYNES, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co.
NO. S 7 Market Pittsburgh, Pa., keep constant
ly on hand and make to order all fcmH, 0 f Vtaia,
Itottlea, Ac. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of *a
perior qoallty.
Particular attention paid to Private Moulds.
.UIUSUM, LICTUi * CO', Mo. UM Label; meet,
XV PjtUtmrph, Wholesale Grocers, Produce ud
Ooragiiuirtn Alcrchsnu, and dealers in Pittsburgh
IJOSKBT ilOOKKTWtioieitle Uroeer, Rectifying
tV -Distiller, dealer la Prodace, Pittsburgh Huniac*
we* and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
bJ Uqnors, No. It Liberty street. On band a Terr
uge stock of snperior old Mosonnhela whisker,
thick will be sold low for cash.
.1+ o. asTSKany^
i > KYKOLSB 4t BQEE« ftmidiu CttnmiuiM
tv. Werchmnt*, for tie Allegheny kitct Trade, deal
«n in Groeeriet, Prodnee, Piucooreh Vuiaftctsres
uid«JhiorUle of Aiste.
The highest priceuia each, paid al all lizzie* for eoaa
ry raw. Cornet of Pena and Irwin su. tan 33
ROBERT DALZELL A Co. wiojeult Grocers,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealer*
Jl Prodacd and Pittsburgh ManuCaetsrcs, Liberty it.
t'lim.pfKh, I‘fc. teliX
ROBT. a. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Mannfoeiures
T 44 LiHmv st iyia
•> iuui. ■,
SIIACKLtTTT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealer* la
Foreignand Domestic Dry Good*. No. 99 Wood «u
PttuuurxS. ifehl7tf
Cpit W. HARBAUGU, Wool Merchants, Dealer*
Oi in Floor and Prodoce generally, and Forwarding
and Commission' Merchant*. No. S 3 Water sL, Pitt*.
SELLER 3 A NICOLS. Produce and- General Com
mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty si,'Pitubnrgh.
Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. .
SF. VON BONNHORST, RCo., Wholesale Gro*
v eers, Forwarding and commission Merchants,
Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Weatom Pro*
d*ce, have removed to their new warehouse,(old stand)
No. US, corner of Front at. and Chan eery Lena,
'■tabßEV it BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commit*
i. non Merchants, and dealer* in Produce. No. 33
Wood «t, Pittsburgh. pa 23
w. n wooewaao salts uaqalkt.
W6L lUGALEY 4 CO., Wholesale Grocers, 18
_asd 30 Wood_*treel Pittsburgh: novt!7
ANTS. Also—lmporter* of- Soda Ash and Bleaching
Powder, No. 160 Liberty sU, (opposite Sixth sL,) Pitts
burgh. actgl
D. wtea,
VV Wiek,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass,
Cotton Yarns, and Pittsbargh Minafnetnres generally,
eor*+T of Wood and Wuer «treets. Pittsburgh.
WW. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Furnish*
• ing establishment, No. 844 Liberty at, near the
canal. marts
Tir W. WESSON, Watches,Jewelry, Silver Ware,
YY • and Military Goods, corner of Marketand 4th
streets. Piusbargh, Pa. N.B.—Watches and Clocks
earefalty repaired. ■- deed
ATTEST BOWEN—Commission sad Forwarding
VV Merchant, No. M Front sl between Wood ana
Market streets. feti&
RTTiUHI'HV'. VVboleKaTeTndTteiai! deaierin
a Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east
•‘H’er of Market and Fonrth til. , - aujpfl
wit yours. nra. a. wcciol
WM. YOUNG A Co.—Dealen in leather hide., Ae.
143 Liberty K. /*n&-ly
WA A. M’CUTCBEON, WholesaleGrocers.dea
• lers in Produce* Iron, Nails.Glasi, and Pitts,
Manufactures generally, J&l Liberty at, Pitts
banth. dec?
WW WILSON. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry
9 Silver Ware, Military Gooda, Ac, No. 67 Mar
ret «L nav7
.Butler, Pa
«lm attend to collections and all other bud*
YV nets entrusted to him in Bailer and Armstrong
coonlieSjPa. Refer to
J. A R. Floyd, Liberty at 1
W. W. Wallace, do I
James Marshall 'do f Pittsburgh,
dly , Kay A Co., Wood st- ) jan7
nrr - L PETTIGREW * CO.,
fcmWWta OrytcxaaOYiM. AilxhACo,
MuSSBCSBBI octal No. 43 Water street
roe© atm inuaaioa, raoramoaa
ST HIS establishment long and widely known at
being one of the moat commodious in the city of
Baltimore, has recently undergone veryexten
■ltu altefatlona and improvements. An entire new
wing baa been added, containing numerous and airy
Bleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
TneLadiei’ department baa also been completely
reonranixrl and fitted up in a mo mnlqne and beauti
fy •■•yle. In fact the whole arrangement of the Bouse
has been remodeled, with a single eye onthepanof
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure ol
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel inthe Union.
TTieir table will always bo supplied with every sub
suoial and luxury which the market affords, served
ip in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac,
they will not bo aarpassed.
In eoneluden me propnetora beg to ear, that nothing
will be left undone en their part, and on the part ©f their
Assistanta, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and tbopublie generally.
The prices for board have also been reduced to the
following rates; . ' ___ .
Lames’ Ordinary, P* T
Gentlemen's “ . I|N* ' ~, ,
N. R—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Bwanboa; Landings,
wluch will convey baggage to and from tbe Hotel, free
.of charge. mayAi
***** «» rouuru akb eaaKT entxxxx, ytTtotnea.
M THE subscriber respectfully announces tbai
he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the pubUe generally. The boose ana farm tare
are entirely new, nnd no palnsor expense have bees
•pared to render h one or the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The mbseriber is determined to deserve, and there*
• •**** ef public patronage.
ocUi-dly JACOB HOUGII. Proprietor.
Ewan R Gebban,)
oniicion Merchant,
i Mann/aeutres, ear*
*itubonrt Pa. iaSS
Oo.<—Sneeesson, to
aainion Merchants,
am SagarKcAnery.
Pitabarjfc. •
VINEGAR— 16 bbls pure Cider, for tale by
illiirii I !■
VBOa. tITTU. ng. ».
(successors ioLAJ.D.
A FULTON, Bell and Bras* Founder, has re
built and commenced Loftiness si bis old Hand
where be will be pleased to see bis old custom.
and friends.
Chureh, Steamboat] and Bells of every size, from 10
to 10,000 pounds, east from patterns of the most approv.
ed models, and warranted to be of tbe best materials.
Mineral Water Bumps, Counters, Railing, 4c., toge
ther with every variety of Bras* Cnsliugft, if required,
turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole proprietor of Bsbbit's Aim-Arrsi
non Jlxtal, so justly celebrated for the reduction ol
friction in machinery. The Boxes aud Composition
can be had of him at all times. _ ( ja'Jo;ly_
WR. MURPHY continues to keep on band a full
• assortment of the Welsh Unshrmcable Flan
nels, and has recently received a supply of the finer
qualities. Al«> Swansdown Flannels, u scarce enl*
ele and well adapted for the wonr of invalids, and
others wanting sometlung warmer than usaal. Also,
Persian.and tiause Flannels for Infants wear; to
gether with a full supply ol American manufactured
Flannels, of different qualities. Also, SHROUDING
FLANNELS, of all tbo different widths,at the North
East eornerof 4ib and Marketsu.
UJ" Wholesale Rooms up stairs, where desien will
always find a good assortment of new style good*.
A FEW ten in® GUITARS, Jn*t tee’d from the
’ celebrated minnfictory of (i Y. Minin, and Car
ill® by Jins J. H. MKLLOR. 81 Wood «t.
Trenton fiatn&i Life Insnranee Company
Una or Mkxnm kzdcccd 25 m cere.
Capital* 9150,000.
JAMES DtJBNO A CO., Agents at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Janes nor, Jr. I Joseph C. Pans, Presn.
Benjamin Fish. I G. A. Perdicaris, V. P.
John A. Wean. J Eli Morris, Secretary.
Jonathan Fisa, Treasurer.
[nvTou. | nnuiszLruu.
Comptroller of New York. I Hon. James Campbell.
George Wood. J David il. White.
John F. Maekie. | Alexander Cumminri.
David Dadley Field. W. J. P. White, P. M.
Joseph Hoxie. |
Hit Eie. Gov. Heine*. |
W. L. Dayton, U. S. Sen. I
O. D. \V«|J, Ex-U. 8 Sen. |
Ez*Gov. M. Dickeraon. |
Ex-(»ov. Vroom.
Isaac Wildrick, M. C.
W in. A. Newell, M. C.
»cr*on. I Hon. S. R. Hamilton.
(W. \V. Gerhard, M. D.
3L*i Walnut*t, Phil’s.
H. R. Bell, M. D.,
Allegheny ciiy, Pa,
me Agenuoi um company, at Pittsburgh. are anth*
on led to take every first clan risk on Lite at a rtdve
of tventyjlvt per tint, trom the usual rate* of pre*
inium as charged by other Companies.
Doane. M. D
A raan3o years of ate, taking a Policy of Insurance
(or One Thousand Dollars—
I To run for one year, paye only
do seven “ “ u 81ti«0—annually.
.do Lifetime, “ u 817,80 «
And in the same proportion for any sura sp to BSOOO,
which Is the extent liken on any one life.
company commenced operations on the I it Oct.,
1843, and its monthly bcilnets np to the Ist OcL, 181 P,
shows a progress treading that of any other Life Com
pany on record.
The first dividend of profits tWJI bo declared to the
assured on the Ist January, ISSO.
Pamphlets containing the various üblcs of rates
and all the necessary information on the Important
subject of Life Assurance will be fumiahed od annii
eauon to JAMES DURNO A CO., Aeenl*
d cl7 OdeonßiuM'-
SURANCk COM PAN 1 will Usoc Policies of In
•orance iniflii Los* os Damage by Fuse, upon DtrelU
my» and Furniture, Stores, G«nds, 4c.. *c ' on appli
cation to JAMESDURNOACO, Arcnw,
“ c,< Odeon lluildior*.
•AIaTH ISBUKAICE, mt Plttabnrffb.
The Spring Garden Health Insaranee Co,
INSURES Mule* and Female* again*! lie Expense
ami bos* oeca*ioaed by Sicknc* or AceideiiL by
an Immediate allowance of from f 3 lo fcgj per week,
formic, two, three, or foar yean.
The method of effecting thia Insnnnce, and the
manoot of awarding the lick allowance, will be fully
explained hr the Agent. '
A person can imurr against Sickness or Accident
which will detain him from his ordinary business, u
follow*, tjc '
For one year, by paying $4,20, and reeeirc W *• week.
For two “ “ 0,20, “ •> 4 “
For three “ “ 7'IS. “ “ 5 ••
For four “ “ to,*3, “ “ « a
Or, for ■ period of four year*, the turn of $14.40 paid
aenniuly, will iccure £d per week while nek.
Every necewary information will be afforded on the
ibjecl of Iniurance generally, by
JAMES DUR.NO k. CO, Agent*,
J3deon Umldinga.
Llh and Xlaalth Insurance*
'|'K2 Mutual Ltfe and Health Insurance Company
J. of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legi«Jamre
of Pennsylvania, March, 1*49. Charter perpetual.
Capital, 8100,000. lUtxs Lowaa -mail sat Px.v»tl-
Tama Conrawr, and full ito per cent lower than the
tuna! rate* of Ufa Insurance, as the following com
parison will show; Thus, a person of ihe age of 30 la
taring for 8100 for life, mast pay In the Girard Rljc—
Pen " *•»»»*. *%*? Equitable,
®*>Wi New England, 82,3 a; New York Life. Bi3C: Al
bion, Bi,4S; Life and Health, Philadelphia, 81JIL
Dtaacrots.—Samnel D. OrTiek, Charles D. Hall, W
P. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes, M W
Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. D., Chta O. B. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I- Rodman Barker, E. 11. Bailer, Edwin
B. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orriek; Vice Presi
dent—Robt. P. King; Secretary—Francis Blackburne.
»pplieattons willbereceived,and every information
pvea by SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt,
Office, Commercial Rooms, comer of
Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh
HE INSURANCE CO. ol North America will
make permanent and limited Insurance on pro
perty in this city and vicinity, and cn shipment* by
Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties ol
this Company are well invested, and famish an avail
able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected by insurance.
myli WM. P. JONES, Ai
it, <4 Water «;.
| 7%s FranJclin Firt Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
DIRECTORS.— Charles N. Buckcr. Thomas Han,
Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith,
Geo. W Richard*, Mordeeai D. Lewis, Adolpho E.
Boric, David 8. Brows, Morris Patterson.
Cnaaus N. Bancua, President
Charles G. Rancher, Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpciaal or limited,
on every description of property u> town or country,
at rates as low y are consistent with security.
To Company have reserved a large continsentPnnd,
which with their Capital and Premiums, solely invest
ed, aflbni ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the company, on January lst,Tß4fl, as
publuhed agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as
fellows, viz:
Real Ei is to
Temporary Loans
Stocks •
Cash, fee.
• *1,047,433 41
M,754 S 3
00,001 63
31,3*1 23
3.V01 37
. •l r 3«,4W 71
Since their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
nave paid upward* of one million four hundred thous
and dollar*, lo**e* hr fire, thereby affording evidence
cf the advantages of insurance, a* well a* the ability
and di*poiition to meet with promptness oil liabilities.
Office N E corner Wood ana 3d els
Tbt PimujrlTtalK Comp tay
Foa Inaac&Jici os Liva ash Gaaxruta Annum**.
THE first Life Insarance Company in the U. States.
Incorporated March 10, lslS— chapter perpetual.
Capital ftSOo,ooo—all paid in.
Having authorised the undersigned to receive applt*
cation*: lor insurance, on which poticici wilt be issued,
according to their proposal* and rates, which will be
mode known to applicant! at hia office. No. SO Wood
■treet. spU GEO. COCiIRAN.
4HPCORD * CO~ jnriTh
(Successors to M’Cord A King)
VaihlonabU Hatt«r;i|
Comer of Wood and Fifth Streets.
PARTICULAR anentioa paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hat* and
Caps Crom our establishment of the nni uinuu and
woxntannir, of the latxs? situs, and at the lovbi
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, art
eapcetfluly invited to call tuiJ examine our Sloes; as
we can say with confidence that as regards (jcaUTT
and rates, it wifi not snlTer in a comparison with any
house in Philadelphia. frbi;
THE Second Session of this Institution, under Uie
core or Mr. and Mrs. Uosuot.t, for the present
academic year, will commence on the Aril of iVbrua
tj next, in the tame building*, No. 33 Lilterty street.
Arrangement* have been made by which they will
be able to fnmi»h young ladiet facilities ctjnal te any
in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Clasu.
eol, and Ornamental education. A full course ofPin-
Usophical and Chemieal Lecture* will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern
Languages, Drawing and Painting, witleneh be under
the cure of a competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
pil*, the Principal* hope to merit a continuation of tha
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
term*, see circular or apply to the Principal*.
It o»t or Stolen,
ON the evening of Monday last. ?ih in*lJ3 ban*
dies and 17 bars of Iron, (marked W.McG
from the wharf, ulxive the Mooongiibcli Bridge. Any
information that will remit in the recovery of the
above namad Iron, will be rewarded by calling on
janlO Flrttatreet, bePn Wood AMark et.
Now Books - Jaat Arrived,
IKadljr, with original deaigns by D-irley.
The Poem* and Prone Writing* of [L li. Dana.
Physician and Patient, or a Practical Viewol the
Moral Duties, Relations and Interest* of the Medical
Profession and the Community; by W. Hooker, M. li
The Puritan and Hi* Daughter; by J. K. Paulding,
author ot the Dutchman’* Fireside.
Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal
ifornia; with Wanderings in Peru, Chili and Polynesia;
by Lieut. Wise. For *ale by T'.
How is tbs tints to Smbaerlbs..
OFFICE of Scon** Reprint* of the Four Quarter
lie* and BUekwood; 310 per pear.
Mom* A Willi* 1 Home Journal, pnbliihed in New
York weekly; SJ per annom.
Downing'* iloraealuiralist, monthly; 33 per year.
The Cultivator, monthly; Si per annum.
The Agriculturalist, monthly; 81 per year.
The Democratic Review, monthly; 8:1 per r
Tho Danker*' Magazine, do
I*n3 Bookseller A Importer.
.1 per annum.
;GLASS—Ado l>oxe« bill) window glar
aw do 10* Id do do
01 do 7x9 do do
|2O do Ox Id do do
i'dO do 10x14 do do
la atoio aadlfor tale by
Jao) 8. ft W. HABBAUGB.
Dlwoltttloa OfPirtiUMhlß.
Y MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto*
fore existing under the style of BUSHFIELD A
LEADER, has been dissolved by Henry Leader sell
>ng his enUro interest in said firm to John McGill. All
business connected with the firm of Bushfisid A Lead
er will be settled by 8. B. Bnshfield A Co., who are
duly authorised to make all collections ana adjust all
Pittsburgh, Oct. 27, 15 U.
N. B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will continue the
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
«the old store room, No. 230 Liberty it, where they
win be pleated to have their friends and customers
call and examine their stock of roods. 1
■ ocOi BUSHFIELD ft CO._
_____ Dleaolatlbn,
'T'llßpanncrihip of the undersigned, under the firm
J. of Bogaley ft Smith, was dissolved by rnatnai'
coaaent on 25th September, W. Hartley purchasing
the interest of J. R. Smith, who retires. The basinets
oi the firm will be setUed'by their successors, Win.
U»?aley ft Co., at Nos. IS and 20 Wood *l
Pittsburgh, Oct. 8, '4B. ISAAC R. SMITH. *“
CO-PARTNERSfITP.—Vn. Bagtley basing atso*
® l * ,e d with him Wo, H. Woodward of Philadelphia,
John 8 Ceggrave and Ralph Bagaler of Pittsburgh,
wui conunue the Wholesale Grocery Basinets, at Not.
IS and 20 Wood st. under the firm of
. WM. BAGALEV ft CO, Pittsburgh;
and BAGALEV, WOODWARD ft CO- Phiiad’a.
Dissolution of Oo*Psrtß«nhlp.\
fPUE co-partnenhip heretofore existing between the.
J. subscribers, under the style of Brown &
ton, tyas dissolved on the lit imt by mutual consent*'
Pittsburgh, Oct. S, 1848.
The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groce
ry and Commission Business, os heretofore, at tbo old
Hand, 143 Liberty ft. oct3 A. CULBERTSON
*•"**- n- Kim. jstna athseor.
anwru Wood uoMuir, Pit itaumn,
d'-LNTINUK to manufacture all kinds of COPPER,
srmtii Wofk.
Ptetun Boats bailt to order.
Special attention riven to steam boat work. 1
Have on bends a tine assortment ofCopper and Brail
o ,n Ware, Ac. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stores,
Portable Forge*, rerioas sizes—a very convenient ar
ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
We would respectfully invito steam boat men and
othen to call and sea oar articles and prices before
purchasing elsewhere. jjill
Dtiaolmttom oT Partnership.
rrtHE copartnership of HENRY HANNEN A CO.,
JL tormerly Hannen, Muller A Co., in the Window
a d Colored Glass business, is this day dissolved by
the withdrawal of,Mr. Frederick Muller.
The business will be continued by the undersigned,
under the firm of HENRY HANNEN A CO. Ware
house No. 10a Second st, where we wiU sbt. icsus'
supplies of superior Window Glass.
Pittsburgh. Aug. 57, HO. HENRY UMSTEAD
fpHE undersigned have this day associated with thorn
X in business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, end will con
unue the business u heretofore, under the firm of
July 2, 1 Si 9. jyia
THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of A- A C. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease
of Mr. C. Bradley. The business will he earned on by
A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late
firm. ■ |
REMOVAL.—A. DsxSLn bos removed htsPoundry
Warehouse from No. 1)3 Second street, to No. 19
Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the
warehouse lately occupied by 0. A. Berry, where be
will keep constantly on hand a genera) assortment of
Castings. Orates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, A'e.- jyl3
DUselutleßi -*
THE co-partnership heretolore existing between the
subscribers, in the neme of Constable, Burke A
Co., it this day dissolved by mutual consent. Messrs.
Burke A Dames wtll settle the business of lb* con
cern, for which purpose they ore authorised louse the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
in the name oi BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose
of manufacturing Rro Proof Safes. Vault Doors, Ac.
Ae_ at the stand of the late firm or Constable, Burke
A Ca, where they will be pleased to receive the 'pa
tronage of the customers of that bouse and their friends.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co.,
I with sincere pleasure reeommend Messrs. Burke A
Borne* to the confidence of my friend* and the public.
F * b bSitf*. Nathaniel constable.
_ «■ t..m, , TnM. » tTTT
QTUART A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com-
CP imwoa Merchants, No. 118 Wood «- Pittsburgh.
Dealers In Gioceries, Flour, Wheat, Rye, oitis. Corn.
Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butler, Lord, CheeaeTciover
Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nalls, Glass. Ac Ac!
Ac. Particular attention paid to the sale of Western
Karttxsezs—Messrs. Myers A Hamer, Robb Dal
wit A Cq., M’GiUs A Roe, Hampton, Smith A. Co
*; Feoner
A M’MJlan, Massillon. Jos. s. Afornson, Esar st*
101LV a. cKAUT, lute of N. Lisbon, O. w. a ixinnaa
Commission and Forward-
Vjring Merchants, .No. 28 Market Pittsburgh, Pa.
UT’Frcmpt nucution given to the purchase and sale
of ail kinds of Produce.
Ravza to— John Wait * Co., Morphy, Wilton*.Co.
Pituburgh, Pan Lawton * Hill, Mahlon Marlin.
o.iJ°tn HGrown * Co., Grieg, Ellioli A
Co., I tolade phia; B. \\. Snodgrana A Co. Gregg A
Nace, New Li.bon, Fr. Skinner, Hon. OD. Coffin,
Cincinnati; J. p. kell«r, Young*town, O.J W. L. Sian
gan. Cleveland, O. aog24
OEORQB cochrab.
Comnlnloa and Forwarding* Hare haul*
*0.20 woos ox., rrrratrasu
CONTINUES, to transact but*
\J nest, especially in lie purebate and tale of Ameri
can Manufacture* and Produce, and in receiving and
forwarding Good* coiuigned to hit eare. AsAgentfor
the Manufacture*, he will be eonatamly supplied with
the principal article. of Pimhurgh Manufaiuiro at the
lowest wholesale price*. Order* and consignments
are respectfully solicited. wj
Penn Machine thon.
HWIGUTMAN— Manifactuer olail kinda of cot.
• ton and woollen machinery Allegheny city, Pa.
tne above worka being now in fall as Auecetaftl o»-
e ration, I km prepared to execate orfar. with di.iaieh
for aJi kind* of machinery in ay lire, itch a* willow*
picker*, spreader*, card*, grinding taaalJnea.raiiwav*'
drawing frame*, speeders, thieaaila, loom*, woolen
card*, double or uncle, for merchant or country work,
mule*, jack*, Ac.; slide and handlathetand tools in gen'
eraL All kinds of shafting made to order, or plan* giv.
en for gearing fieionei or mlilt at reasonable charge
* . ™>-kennedy Child* * Co. Illaek.tock, ifeli
* <--0., king, Pennock ACo.Jaa. A.Grar
PrinUQ * Ink Manufacturer,
v r* ant * Stanton street, NEWYURK—Dc
poI No. 3 Spruce. ttreet-VVduld call the attention of
‘ r, s ,ert “ tu* improvei Printing Ink. of various
hinds, and orders, at the following prices'
Extra hue JcLßlack, for Card and Wood '■
Fineßook Ink '. J “ »«' "•
Bookrk . . . „j“ „
g c ”>'", k , - • 018 uso “ o M -
Fine Bed Ink 75c 100 150 “ 9 ix» “
Vrll° w , Green and White 75c 1001 50 *
Gold uc at 8a per lb, and Bronie at 60, 75 cts and
A ipecimea of New. Ink cnn l« .een on ibi. ptner
I'ittiburgb, I*n.
C. Morgan * Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Monoa & Gruwoold, LoalsVilic, Ky. oet»rf6m
fflodern and Antique Pnrnitnre.
BO, Titian Srxxrr, Pittsbcssh. 1
A l&rge end splendid ue-mneifv
* assortment of Furniture, BS|g®sSfc»
suitable fox Steamboats, X£E£Eh|Ku
Hotels and private dvrel*
tiiui*, constantly on hand and made to order
The present clock on hand cannot be exceeded b*
any mauuractoxT in the we.tem country p*™™
wishing to purchase would do well togivTme
aa lam determined my pneec shell plSase pinn)
the stock consists in— r rMI °*
, B»ireiE U , e . 0i
"^ics , , n " k,n ' ch r ,i
30 « Fancy & 0
85 centre Tables;
• saSrt^Mnssr* 4 --
i pair Ottomans; ’
Spairlaney Work Stands-
A very large assortment of common chair. . «,k-.
furniture too numerous to mention. 00 cn#lr * ““Other
JLeffifcSg Ssyira
_ A Oct. 10,164 a.
*&«£, *r «■ •• <».
"■"■“"Jr roared M 4 eSEySoSt” b *
XU?«*cibx« FiitaHSjnjMkT' ~
6 m, F ? R ™iuFYißa w^ler,
JI Which readers turbid waler pare by'
jfeSfiPi temoTingail sabstaaeesnotaolublein
jV eroto .? wa “ r to;N. York/
T3lQjjfjC®*iihoarb clear and pare to the era Tel
\\\E2//f ~"When it paisas aa hoar through tils
filtering eoek, shows a large denosit
iapara sabstanees, worms, Ac. T>.«
is the cake more or leas with ail hydrant water.
The Reversible Flllerer is neat and darabie, aad Is
not attended with the inconvenience incident to other
Filterers, as It U cleansed without being detached from
iho water pipe, by merely taming the key or handU
from one tide to the other. By this easy process,- the
eoorse of water is ebanged, and ail acemoUfiona fo
impure substance* are dnven off almost instantly,
without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses lha
advantage of being attop cock, and as such in many
eases will be very convenient and economical. *
It eaa be attached where there is any pressure high
or low to a cask, tank, tab, fee. with ease. To b« had
of the sole Agent, 'A, W. WILSON,
ocil? comer of Foanh and Market sis
NEW RAISINS and Corot Hhell*.—fiO q r boxes
fresh Raisins: S baps Cocoa shells rec’d and for
Hie tithe Pekin Tea Store, 79 Fourth ttmt decU
we are prepared to do«nj
fitted. w«attend too ir
■etion will be riven it r
r ability.
Blank Beoks rated t> k
■lantialljr. Book* in no ml
fully orreptired. Nuns*
*n>o(e that have wark t
Price* low.
Seal*!. Cookini r
iU. comer Liberty at d '
and,otter for tale Platfo m,
of lie moatlmproved qui lir
and coal; Egg Stove* o(
common OraUa, Hollo w
manufacture the Htehe i 7
general satisfaction to t if
which they would reap t
the citizens and the pub ie
tin* X r c
net, 8p
.Pitt Utchlnt Workj and Poandrp.
& Co., arc prepared to build Colton
and W°olea Maehiriery ofiTerr description, sack
as Cardin* Machines, Spinninj Prime*, Speeder*,
fame*, Railway Head!*, Warpers, Spooler*
preadßfltaißM, Loom! Cart Grinder*, &e? Wrought
Iron Shafting lamed; alllsizea of Cast Iron, Palliea and
Hanger* pftio Jateel pattern*, elide and band Lathee,
and tool* of all kinds. Casting* of eTerjr description
fi!7rs?” COttorl notice. Patterns made io order for
Mill Geannfciron Railing, fce. Steam Pipe for heat
inf Factories. Cast Iron Window Bash and fancy Ca*.
twn generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of S.
PoJLner t C 0. ,( Liberty street, will hare prompt alien*
Ur nI BlukklocV, Bell & Co J. KoMooreheoil 4
« 7 . „ Warner, John Irwin it Son*. Pittsburgh: O.
C. &. J. IL.Wtmer. Steubenville. I
MA. 'WHITE A CO, would respectfully inform
• us public that they have erected a shop on
i-aeock, between Federal ai<d Sandusky streets. They
ore now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot’*," Ba
naches, Buggies- Ptueioos, Ac, Ac., which from their
experience in the manufacture of the above work,
and tho facilities they have, they feel confident they are
enabled lo do work on the most reasonable terms with
those wanting articles in their line.
Paying particular alumina to the selection of suite*
rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they
have no hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore oak the attention of the public to this matter.
N. 0. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
most reasonable terras. Jatf&tf
f|>HE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid
x assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's celebrated
AZolian Attachment The above instruments are war
ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coun
try, end will be sold lower than any brought from the
F. BLUME, No lUI wood st,
Sd door abovo 2th
N. B.—City Scrip will be taken at par for a few of
be above assortment. myj F. U.
DAifej’" ifte Baltimore, Philadelphia.
GENERAL agency AND commission office.
* ©ung MEN in wholesale and mail stores, and other
respectable bminew, to act as Book-keepers, Sales
men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach
men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors,
Overseers in all branches of business, Ac. We have
at all times a large number of good situations on bend,
which par from 300 to Bi,two per annum. Those in
i want o? lunations of any kind would do well to give
si a call, as we have ageuis In each of the above ci
ties, which will enable os to place every appUeant in
a suitable situation at the shortest notice, we have a
large acquaintance in all the above named cities,
which we trust will suable us to give entire satisfac
tion to all wbo may favor us with a call.
TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. » Second aL,
between South and Gay.
N. B.—Persons living in say part of the U. a tales
and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei
ther of the above etties, will have their wants imme
diately attended to by addressing us* line, (post-paid)
as by so doing they will curtairboib trouble and ex
pease, which they otherwise wo aid incur by coming
to the city, and seeking employment for themselves
No. CP Second street,
Baltimore, Md
BENNETT * BROTHER: manupactukebs, 1
Birmingham, [it««r Pltuborgh t ]Pa«
Warckcnuc, JVo. 137, Wood itrtsi, ritfiburgh,
vgwA WlLLeonslantJy keep on hand a rood tMbrt
ifS/aent ot Wart) of onr own manniectare, and
ttW sapetiorqaahiy. Wholesale and country Mer
ehanu are respectfully invited lo call and ex
amua lor themselves, as we are determined' to tell
cheaper than huavar before been offered to the pub
lic. - *
E 7” Ordera test by meil.aeeonipeniad by the euh <
ny reference, will be promptly attended to. myifl
THE attention of the public is respectnuiy called to
the following certificates:
U*. 8. Esxik»—Having tasted a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer, I find the result proves
youeinatrumaat correct, and recommend the use of it
to those going to California, as the ben method for ob
taining the real value of Gold. Hasp, yours.
v, . J- B. DUNLEvY, Cold Baatar.
Pittsburgh, March 9,1619. .
„i; _ « . Pimwian, March 7,1 80.
M*. Eam»—Dear Sin Having examined the uAreo
■ydCr,” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hamate
it to the use of those gentlemen who are
California in March of Gold.
Itrivei a eioae approximation to the apeaifie mil
ty of metals, and wiiieertaialy enable the ad venturer
to ascertain when bis placer ia yielding Gold
maria Yours, resp>y._ J. HThPCLINTOCK.
- Ca'lmnua Expedition, a complete assortment oi
Gain Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from u,
•llpO for suit of coni, omits and hat For sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at
?£S3! J&n PHILLIP.
_ Pmsauiioil, Bepu ID. 1849
MR. THO 9. K. HIBBERT:-Dear Sirf Your WRI.
TING FLUID we have now lieen using more then
a year, and on looking over ibe entries made by it, we
find the color a bright blue blacx. It is pleasant to
write wub, flows free, and does not elog the pen like
the ordinary inks in use. Wuhing you the ready sale
.iu ments demand, vre are, yours respectfully,
For sale, together with Uibbert'* Rad Ink, anil Ma
chine Copy Ink, by It. A. Fahnestock A Co, II P
Schwartz. Allegheny. City, and by tho manufacturer,
T. K. HibLert, Druggitiaud Chemist, corner of Liber
ty and Smiths eld su, Pltuburgh. octlS-
(Successors to Ifatser, Hanna k. Ca 1
AJ in koreign and Domestic Exchange, Certiiicstcs
of Dcpouie, Bank hote&, uui Sotcle—ronrth otreeu
nearly opposite the Rank of Pittsburgh. Current mo?
nev received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and
coUectionj made on nearly ail the principal points in
the United States.
Gold* W,llc * t prcaiaia ptid &r Foreign and American
Advances made on consignraenu of Produce, ship
ped on liberal terms. *n3
Pateti Sac cam Jairouti Ist, IW3.
Patent cras+Uver extension Tables, Sofas, Bureaus,
Book Casts, Wanting Desks.
rpHB TABLES far surpassing every other in
j. ventionofthe kind now extant. They can 6e ex
tended from ten to twenty-five fret, and when elosed
the leaves arc all contained inside; they arc made to
all sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted fur
Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, form
ing when closed a complete centre table.
SOPAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a
psrlor or silting room, its .they can be opened and shot
at convenience, and when that, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed
steads when closed lorm a bcauOfnl piece uf furniture
for a parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms,
and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
is visible.
All these articles need ho recommendation: the
taintv of the whole is, they are warranted not to ret
out of repair. liwiil be for yoor interests to call and
exnmino the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No.
efl Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above
advantages, they are proof against bars.
Comer Front and Vine »
ORDERS from Pittsburgh
Raw or Rectified Whisk
ended to at lowest market pi
noaontahtla l«i
aft ROBERT 11. PA
large stable on ]
the rear oft!
with an entirely new Jtock of
the best quality and latest ttyli
ry in the best manner.
THE Constitution and Sla:
Reformed Church in Non
in sheep.
The Other Side, or Notes foi
between Mexico and the Un
Mexico, and translated from i
By A. C. Ramsey.
Sketches of Reforms and Re
and Ireland: By H. B. Stanton
The Works of President Ed
print of the Worcester edition
copious general index.
The Mountains of Egypt, or
Bible: By P. L. Hawks.D.D.,
Memoirs of David Hale, la
Commerce, with selections /
Writings: By Rev. J. P.Thotr
The Puritan and Ills Daught
Los Gringos, or an Inside Vi
iforaia: By Lieut. Wise', U. £.
Familiar Letters to Young M
designed as a Companion to th
By VVm. A. Alcott
The Poems and Prose Wrhii
Nineveh and iu Remains; It
. For sole by ELU<
--- janld
miseTEaKeous L
BROWN’S American Angl
trations, 12ao.
.Paulding's Puilian and Ilis '
Dr. Hooker’s Physician and
Mrs. Hills' Heart* and Hum
Neandeps Life or Christ; Bv
Neander's History q/ Christ
Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoirs c
American Almanac, ls6o- 8*
. „ JAME:
.. JanlO Bookseller A I
W ACHJaSraHii-;
• J ana j
WR. MURPIiy taviiet U
s his present choiee stoei
f®* l colors and ne
rt «*'***"•
AUo-A full assortment of si
and Calottes, buffi bine. oink.
4c. fiJKV
kill's GAZETTE.
, FEBRUARY 7, 1860.
A m an by the same of RUEL CLAFP has enraged
with a young man of lie name of S. P. Townsend, and
uses his name to pump a Sarsaparilla, which the?
call Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, d«>.. )r ft
GENUINE. Original, etc. This Townsend is no doc
tor and nerer. was, but was formerly a worker on rail
roads, canals, and the like. Yet no aasttnies the title
of Dr. for the purpose of gaining; credit for what ho is
not lie is sending oat cards headed “Tricks of
Qnacks,’* in which he says, I hate sold the ate of ay
name for *7 a week. I will giro 8. P. Townsend SSOO
If he will prodooe one tingle solitary proof of this.—
This is to eantion the public not to be deeeired, and
purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend’a Sarsaparilla, haring on it the
Old Dr.’s likeness, his family coat of arms, and his sig
nature across the coat of arms.
18, Book Binders,
i in the tboee buiseu, comer
aird ctreeto, Pitubargh, where
injr work in our line ufith de*»
jir work pereooaliy, oajd aao**
regard toil* nealneua&d da-
any pattern , end bound *nb*
nbcr» orold book* bound cere*
:• pot on book* in gilt letter*,
in oar line an Invited to e*IL
, Storii, QrkUi) 4e*
uACE&CO., Round Church,
id Wood streets, mannfaeraro
m, Floor and Counter Beales,
llnr; Cooking Stove*, for wood
of various sizes, Parlor and
sv Ware, 4c. 4c. They also
i Ran re, which baa given such
io*e having it in use, to all of
ctAilly invite the attention of
ie generally. oet37*dtf
Prißofpal Office, 103 Nassau ft, New York City.
01*p DOCTOR:
Old Dr. Townsend Is now aboat 70 Tears of an, and
®A£® A.RAIULLA." Being poor, ho was compelled
tohamiunannAearo, bywhieli meansUhaabeen
tept oat of {market, and tho Bales drenascribed to
ir*® °™Z had proved us worth and known Its
ThJ:Ga*a» *7® UnßjTiiuu PairaßATicnt is
manufactured on the largest scale, and Is called fat
throuboot the length and breadth ofthe land.
Unhae young S. P. Townsend’s, it inprores with
J^ Terchai, SV’ **?* forthe better; because Hi
M.rVE Prtnetples by a sefeodSe man.
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest
JW,u I "f* , C J *? Ar V haT * !*« brought into re
*a*n»tactare ot the Old Dr?s Sarsapa-,
nba. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to med*
leal men, contains medicinal ptoperties, and aome pro
perties which are inert or useless; and others, whieh.
SET'S' 4 M ‘’"if 1 P™ 1 "'” ftnarati
uon and is injurious to the system. Some
ofthe properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that
they entirely evaporate and ore lost in the preoara
non, if they are mil preserved by a scientific process,
known only to those experteneea in its manufacture.
Moreover these volaUle principles, whieh fly offin Va
por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the verv es
nini.“sS‘".BS =n, " of ’ 1 “ ’“'l***™ “
i “ *° prepared; that mil the Inert properties of the Sar-
H“'L*/ 00 ! ■« fir« removed, ererjr thing capable
cfbedomJcgacui or of fermentation, it extracted and
i rejected; thenerery particle of medieal rinue la eeea
red to a pure; and concentrated form; and tins it U
rendered incapable of loalng any of its valuable at l
healing propertied: Prepared in this way, it is made
the mostpowerful agent in the
Hence He reason wiy we hear commendations on
w^n*Ht?ilii ,^I Of J bT ? en u’ wwoen children,
we hnd It doing wonders in the core of Consumption,
’n Uompiaint, and in Rheumatism)
p & v^ UTeneM > «U Cutaneous Erup!
tious, Pun Pj**« BlMehes, and all aCeetion# arising from
hpoucuet hmarvcllopi efliciey in aJI complaint!
.ruing from from Aeulityofthe Biotaaeh:
'tfL C i!££ a lf ircn J^ 10 !!* determination of blood untie
’ W, pIU H D ? Of*a heart, cold feetandcowhand*
cold eailla and hot flaahea overiim body. lifaunot
**** »» cough* and cold* and proaitww
f5 pe *“j. lu l on * and gentle pereplration, relaxing itrin
lßtf ft 1 * 18 lnßg», ; throai,,nnd overy other pan.
Uat fn nothing i* lu exeellecs* more manifestly teen
and acknowledged than in all kind! and Si “
It worki wonder* In ea*e* of floor alba* or white*.
Failing ofthe VVomb,Ob«trneied, Soppre*»e(LorPa^
fnl hlejuca, Irregnianiy of the menatroat period*, and
!jL® H?*» aud 14 effectual in curing all form* ofthe KM.
es * e *- :. b F removing obstruction*,and regain*
{MftFEE 1 11 P,T« “to «3 .treShto
the whole body, and cure* aliform* of
and thua prevent* or relieve* a great varietV ofoth*.
S”““j “ Ininaion, IESLIKTIt. !*£
£“£«> “weening, Epilepuc Fit*. Coavulimiu, *1 |J
not thi*, then, *n* Manient* xooPu-Ejnimrri •»TvL-i!
Dut can any of the*© thing* behafdbfS? P TmK
tend’* interior article! ThS young man*. Iloald
tieoaureof the Grand the eMUtaSaMU.
” sgg?*fs« “* NEVKK SPOILS, whitegfX
er DOES, .it aoure, fennenta, and blow* the bottiL
containing it into acid“odd e£
Maatnot 22*bor
nble comooaiui be pouonou* to the *y»tem? What!
« peudoee*!—'flatulence, hmtbSS P Jpi&Kf ti 2
bean, liver complaint, diarrhea, dy«nier£cbolicVnd
corruption oftho blood? Whatli ScroihliVi,,*„ JS2
.*“• 11161 l>od 7 J >Vhal produee* ail the humor*
? t u C r»w tnuB 'cji? .EWpuona of the Skin, Bcald.He«L
Salt Rheum,ErytJMla»,White Swelling*? FeTor«9tira«!
*ndall id«irep#n6:intern»l and external! It i*nss
ing under heaven but an acid aubaunce, whioh *Sre.
ana thua apoildaU the fluid* of the
What causes Rheumatism but a *our acid fluid which
lnatutt.tea lu«lfb.i»et n the Joint. M4«lUwffiS fj
nulio* .nd inSmntee the tender end ddteiLiSoe,
Upon which tt acu? So of uervoua diseases. «f i—•
•II tee alternate whirt«tfict human n«m, 1
li l u'S& h °
Imitation of hi* inferior preparation!: *^“ lua » 60
ucaven forbid that we ahould deal in an „«ini.
wteehJWottld tear tee moat dtamtt rieShfieJ u a.
-F Townsend’# article! and which should hrin# i
upon ike Old Dr. each • rnonnuln load ofSmptetaS
end er.mln.uona from ajenia who hare aoldTSu!!!
ueolar, U«lu, no. ona etnjle tkm E in commnn/
It la 10 arreat Itaadj upon Ike unfortunate, to pour
balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in So
de.painns koioim to reaterc health and bloom and Tk
jot into too oroaked nnd broken nnd to knSkluSnn!:
and FOUND the opportunity nnd mean* to hrimr Li.
wiihm the reatjb, and to Uo knowledge of all who
need n, that they may learn end know, by
pencncc, it*T**tacsapor row** to uni'
For «am by J. KIDD * CO., Whole**!# Arent for
1 «Vti r .“ J ‘ SMITH, BiraSnghJS 1 £
Ja SAKGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J CA*iki i ’c;»k
wariG.W._Gi^.^>^;gtS^,S U ‘
f ° r ren ® w »°*. invigorating, and bean.
1 Wing >J>® Hair, removing Scarf, Dandruff. and ail
afccuona of the Scalp, and coring Eruption* on the
Skin, Diteasei of the Gland*, MateJe* and Inlets*
menu, and rdierlng Sung*, Cats. Broiae*, Sprawa,
** > &c -. ' v preparation, ‘‘there Uno tneh
word a* fail. _ The firtt Journals In Amcriea, medical
men of the hlghett eminence, prominent citizen* of all
?. r,u ‘ li l,dle » who ha*e nted it for year* in
their dreefing room* and norserie*, admit with oneac
f0 K r ! ,ap * r ‘«ng 'rigor, glo**, JturnrUaoe and
cnn to the hair, eradicating *c«rf and dandruff, heal*
log wound*, caring contusion*, iprain*, ating*, fcc.,
and relieving dUeasea of the akin, the gland*, ind the
muscles it ha* ho equal among the multitude^of com
poand* advenbed in ihe public prints, or used In pH-
from thl.tnplo envelope i.very clo.e. A»di£S£
of tne bairoriginatc»mtho*hm of the head. If the
P?” * rc flogged; or if the blood and
other fleid*do,noi circulate freely through the mull
*f** e \*r‘f h fc B ? 11,0 rooU with moisture and impart
«r C ,i? ( Cbfc *’ llB mull *• * cu rf- dandruff, sheddtag
of the hair, grayneis, dryness, and ba/senen of the
in all affections of the skin, and of thd sabiiratn of
mateles aud integamenu, the process and the effect
are mo tame.
l‘J* «P° a *«». *e muscular; fibre, and the
glands, that the Tncopheron* has its speclfio action,
o££ct 23 » u, “ P' l -*'* l
U7*For sale by R. E. SELLERS,
W'*?* 1 ._ __ Pittsburg.
E hate some PUMPS, made STiT&ipSSSi
I,ol l° f ”«“ » toe coldest weather.
Peraon* wanting *uch articles, are invited to call and
sec them at 3CAIPE A ATKLNSON’B,
ls- between Wood Market it*
View of Pittsburgh.
reels, Cincinnati. O.
MY VIEW will be published in u short a time
as possible; and I can assure my subscriber*,
ana the public generally, that it shall be turuioK—
both in fidelity rf detail and beauty of execulion-to
any other whatever. Let those who doubt, wait h few
weeks and see. E- WiIITEFIELD.
Ntw \oaa, Dee. Sib,
Wreafht'aad Csit IroaßalUng,
rpilE subscribers ber leave to inform the public »h«t
I they have obtained from the East ail the late and
fashionable designs for Don Railing, both for houses
and cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please call and examine, and judge
for themselves. Railing will be famished at the short
est notice, and in the best manner, at the comer of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city.
aaglP-dlf A. LAMONT A KNOX.
or Alcohol, Pure Spirit!,
y, will be promptly ni
ce. mcbiSnlly
i Terr SUbii,
UTKKSON has opened
1 Irst at, running through
i n Wood and Southfield
J e Monongalicla House.
lorses and Carriages of
l< s. Horses kept at live
. irVrilr
dnrd of the Associate
i America: t-vo, bound
the History of the War
ted States, written in
e Spanish, with note*:
BURKE A CO’S Daily Express It now regularly de
livering Can and Shell OYSTERS, which are of
fered to dealers and families at the lowest prices.
Quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar
ket, and for sale by
J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, Water it
Also—At the foilowing depots:—Rris A Berger, cor
ner Smilhfield and Second sit; E. Hnaxleton, Diamond;
Mercer A Robinson. Federal st -AUcsbenr. oetiS
ormersof Grehtßritain
wards, In 4 voir; a re
with addition*, and a
igypt a Witness for the
. L. D
Forwardinff and Communion Mer
chant, baa removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood
i e editor of Journal of
I out his Misceilsueous
m by i, K. Paulding.
:w of Mexico and Cal-
:n, on various subjects;
i Young Men’s Gnido:
id Smithficl.d »trcets-
A PfCMDt for Your Vastly,
Prausßto Wiult—62 m
■ gs o( R. A. Dana: 3 vs
1 r Layard.«
“The beet paper In the Union.” lEreningStar.
“Rather got in coal lb an go withoutif” [Boston Poet
No 79 Wood ft
New rnbacribera can be anpplied from Jan. 1, llfeo,
if immediate applicationbemade {eliberpenonafiTor
by letter) nt the Office of Publication, 63 Wood at
r’s Guide; full of illus-
►aughter; I2mo.
Pauent; lkmo.
s; Bvo.
Btaam Brick Work* for Solo* ”
THE subscriber offer* for sale, lie STEAM BPtqf
WORKS,; above Lawrenceville, comprising a
Steam Engine, 3 Boiler*, 6 Mould Machine, eupable of
mauuiaetanng 80,000 Pressed Brick* (out of cry elny,
u taken from the bank,) per aayj with three acre* of
land on the Allegheny river, on which Ore 4 KUni and
•beds, machine and clay thedA, wheelbirrowa, trucka,
•hovel*, (padea, every thing requitlto to com
mence operation* at anbourenotlce. Price, including
tbe patent right to uae said machine, BT,fim iißin or
payment made easy. Without tbe land, SAOOO. Far
particular*, address HENRYMEBRITT, i
augU7-dtf __No 118 Monongahela Houw)
(SaXJCOES —10 case*, faat colon, at C*e:7ormer
J price 10c. jtnlfr A A MASON A C©
a Cbarcb; 3 volt, Bvo.
Mbs Murray; Bvo.
nporter. 63 Wood st.
n store and lorssle uv
s attention of buyerrto
of Prims at. iu| cents
ve»t ■ty.l.ei.
l Cnintzes, from 13} to
toll figured light Prlnu
alock, purple, orange,
stairs. iaoih
BI.UR CHECKS— I ease very dark Shirting Check*,
jasi opened by SHACKLETT A WHITE,
99 Wood street
Oyitenl Oyitaril’
IXTE are. now receiving from the factory a largo
▼ v supply of these good*, which wo are selling low*
££,than seeh goods esn be had elsewhere in this eity.
Weuje no acids In bleaching that injures the goods;
our object being to produee roods net for show only,
t > ana durabiUtyl and as such they re*
ceived the first premium over all other goods exhibit*
ed at the lata Allegheny Agricultural Fmr.
For sale at the Blanket Depot, No. 53 Market st, and
at the ware rooms of the Fayette rv.
No. US Beeond st . ..
mankett of our Manufacture are sold in Allegheny
Qty, by Mr. John Dean, and also at the “Two Big
Windows,™ Federal st. ocU5
American Woolen Ooodii
rpHE subscriber has on band, (received the present
J. .season,l eonfigued from the manufacturers, the fol
lowing Goods, which he is authorised toelose at prices
▼cry low:
30 pieces yard wide Bwred FlanneL
250 pairs White Bed Blankets, ribbon bound, six
wands to the pair.
1 case SO pain Bteambo at Blankets, ribbon bound, a
rery superior article.
4 eases (200 pairs) Grey Mixed Blankets.
SOpairs Dark Gemradoilußlne Blankets, a very so
ienor article.
8 ease# Grey and Blue Blanket Coating.
40 pieces Tweed, Sieubeaville make; 1 ease assort
ed plain and barred Jeans, Bteuhen*llle mannfsetery.*
The above goods are ali'epnsigned direct from the
maker, and will be sold veSJ low for cash or approved
notes. oct29 If. LEE. Übertyst oppositeSih.
CARBUTHMOT has eonuneneeo to receive a
• large assortment of Woolen Comforts and
Hoods; Haskin, Berlin,buckskin and woolen Gloves;
Thibet, cloth, sous da lain and blanket Shawls: cash
mere, worsted and woolen Hose; Pongee and linen -
tit* &nd satin Crants and Scarfs; Gimps and
triages; Irish Linen, Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons,
Lsees, bleached hnd colored Mastitis, Tabby Velvets,
Patent Threads, Sewing Silk, Battens, Gum Suspen
ders, Pins. Percussion Ceps, Almanacs, eommon and
gold Jewelry, gold and sliver Watches, Combs, pock
et and table Cutlery, and many othergoods whieh
country and city Merchants are respectfully invited
o examine. "1 spt!9
Rd'ANUFACTURE and will keep on band Family
ivx and.Stetra Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels,
blue, brown and drab Blanket Coating.-Satinets and
Woolen yarn, which they, will sell at astern prices.
. Warehouse No. 112 Second st, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Factory, New Haven. Ffryctto ew. Pit. entril
VV 2IAT S e wd eemplcto stock
» T of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Goods, saiu
ble for the ftlltrade, to wldeh, with every description
of looking Glasses manufactured at our own ■»»■*■«
power shop in this city, we ask the attention of West
ern Merchants and other dealers.
*pt*o corner Woodand Fourth sts
No. 48 Woon Sr, Pirisaunag,
ARE now receiving their, usual supplies of Goods
lor the Fail season, which they will be happy to
exnibit to their old customers, and as many new ones
as may feel inclined to preseal themselves.
Always taking greet-pains to lay in such goods as
are adapted to the wonts o(the Western tredo, which
long experience enables them to do, they eon say with
much confidence, and without entering Into a detail
oftiietr stock, that theWcltem retail merchant will
find with them all that his ehstome re require. Those
who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing
to the Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Good!
would do wall to call, as a Candid comparison of pri
e« would in many eases res nil in the conviction that
the Misuse of going farther may bo obviated by buy-
ARE now receiving a very large stock-of fresh
Goods, of recent purchase and importation,which
they will sell to the trade at'tueh prices as cannot fail
to give entire satisfaction.
City and Country Merchants are invited to call and
examine oar tf ock before parchasing elseww-r.
myB -
balsam of wild cherry.
THE tallowing article w« copy with pleasure from
ih* “Boston Mercantile Journal,* ©f March, imp,
and we hope than! any of oar readers are suffering
from any of the complaints whieh it is said to eon,
they ♦ill speedily avail themselvesj-f iti
It was well known many yean ago that the wild
cherry bark tree of this climate possessed valuable
medicinal qualities. Indeed this fact was known to
the aborigines, and decoctions of the leaves or bark of
this tree has ever been regarded by Iheirphyaieiini as
one of the most effectual remedies in many diseasre.
This fhet, several yean since, arrested the attention of
Dr. Wistar, a highly respectable' practitioner of Vir
ginia. He investigated with eure tho healing proper
ties of the wild cherry-tested its effects when admin
istered alone, and when in combination with other re
medial are m*. He found that its natural virtue might
be greatly improved, and by combining U with ingre
•Hems whose propertiee were all weQ proved and gen
erally reeogulsed, a medicine was produced which
constitutes a remedy of great importance In pulmona
ry affections and dis ases of the chest and threat
diseases which are preverbiailyprevalemiaourcities
and large towns, and often prove fatal, swelling tha
bill of mortality to a much greater extent than is tie
ease with most others, we had almost said all classes
of disease. .
The genuine Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry has a
fee simile of the signature of Henry Wistar, M. D.,
Philadelphia, and Sandford and Part on a finely exe
cuted steel engraved wrapper. None other are gen
: We«rejaitia reedpt of tho following Tolnauuy tri
bute to the cnratiTe power of Wistaria R-'-i-n of Wild
Cherry, from E. Hill, U. D., of Ml Clemen*, Michi.
gan, who U a physician of high landing, and an ex
tenure draggist;
, MrCLnsas*, Mieiu, Oct. SOth, l&W.
To *7 e .^ ffiie iH al » Uu, , ma ? certify that Mr*, k nob.
eru, of this rill are, three or fear week* after eoafiae
■ent, wu attacked with a riolcni couah and neat
?i!i^r Uao# j aad ,•**“** hastening to Uie paw with
1 prised her to am Wi*utr>* Balsam
of Wild Cherry-—*he did ao, and "with that rateable
medicine alone was restored to health, and ia oew7a
Cherry* of **® ▼*!«» of Wtatartßatefea of Wild
Head on and be convinced (till farther of the remar.
kable virtae* of Wutar’s Balsam of Wild Cherxr:
Means. Sandford A Parki Gents, As a matter of ins.
tlce toi yoa. and for tho benefit of the public, 1 would
offer the following stateaeniofa care effected by roar
medicine, known ms Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
of 18 ? 7 ®» • ife >waa soTerely attacked
with Peripneumonia, or Pleunsy, which resulted In a
«med paiu In the side, accompanied with a se>
▼ere eougbj she was attended by some of tho best
physicians u> Chicago, but ttf no purpose; for weeks
she suffered, without relief coughing incessantly nlrht
■P 1 * d * jr '- 1 came to the conclusion that all
dies knownfto the physicians could not help her, and
was induced to try your Wild Cherny. Iprocurcdone
bottle, and commenced Bring it according to dircc.
Uo J u t before it was all gone—tho cough atopped, the
pain in her ado left her, and with tho aid of another
bottle she was restored raxrxcr hsilth. In eon
“deration of these circumstances, I would recommend
it to the public as a valuable medicine, /'r£=s
- respectfully, H. N. QARBATT.
Gaano Rato*, Miefc, Oct. 8,1849.
Bead the/oßavnng item i*r r
Of all the cures that have been recorded, there are
certainly none eqnal to the one first mentioned, which
plainly shows the curability of Consumption, even in
some of its worst forms:
1 n P<*»*,Laieco.,la-June
• ?' s***’ 81*1 A* I hare aacep cotamisera-
Uoa for the afflicted, permit me to me you a brief
hi»lory of my afflictions, and the benefits derived, from
the use of Dr. Wirtaris Balsam of Wild Cherry.
In July, 1844,1 was attacked with a fever of the tr
phod character, whieh left me in a very debilitated
sute, when in the fallowing winter I was taken with a
aevere cold, which reduced me to such an extent as to
Fve me the appearance of a confirmed consumption.
Uioirf under « •erera eoesb—eipeeun.te3T It t«i
oealjond was troubled with eold fact and night sweats.
1 also frequently raised blood from my lanes. I coo
tinned in this state, gradually Waking under the dis
case, until Jan nary, 1847, when I was again onaeked
vnth fever. My friends despaired of mywe, and my
Physiciani thought I could survive but a short doe.
My extremities, especially my feci, were constant!?
cold, and almost lost their feeling. Under there eii
cumstaneea it may truly be said that I was a living
skeleton. I finally determined to quit takingmedieine
prescribed by physicians, and try Dr. Wistart Balsam
of \> Ud Cherry, and. from the first week that I »«■>«»-
meneed taking it, I can date a gradual recovery. 1
continued its use six months, at the end of which
i was cured, and have enjoyed good health ever since,
and cheerfully recommend the Balsam to all those af
flicted with disease of the longs, and would say to
those commencing its use, not to be discouraged if two
or three bottles do hot effeel a cure; but persevere as I
have done, and I have ho doubt but »im «■■■»! pf
ud will be 'blessed with renewed health at I have
<cn. Respectfully, years,
'^TITOES—S bbls
POTATOES— i bbUNeih&naockt, for «■’*» by
Dried aFF
*LRs£—s laokt new, tor sale by
DOZEN BALSAM FIR—For tale by “
U i*a« J KIPP & CO, No.OP Wood «
uuc* to call parcui£re,t>r. n
No 160 Liberty it
eeived pet eiprew, at A. A. AUsos A Co.*, No
«j rtukct .treet, another Urge invoieo of High Color
ed Opera Clothj and French Embroidered Eteninr
*"*«»»»• janfl
• Mis by
rN FOrL-Ts"!
/'^bUNTEHPATiks—Colored and Wiuia Coumcr
\j pun, of naadrome paueroa and. large me*—for
tale low by- janta W R MURPHY
B frost, «•’<!, jast ree’d and for
jaolf J KIDD A CO
Ibijoit ne’d
tor tale by
\ff OLASStS—It!O bti|» prime Plantation Alolama,
iXJ. In oak bbu and good order, for aale low br
ICO Liberal *t_
i —3o bbli prime, for iile b'r
F‘ eatueks=£T
i«» 3
licks this day ne*d by
SUGAR— U bhdsprimeN-O-forMleby
WTSTxSw GLABS—3OO bi*, aw’d tltee. for a«!e by
ROLL BUTTER-45 bbUinsoodorder,.for mle by
naiei Uew lioucd Ik cmac*y. fr em p, ree
H o m*onil«nmentwuHbr»aleby. . •
—tatioNEH’S gum—a •apply, ion rte’d sad For
tele it lbs Rsbber Depot, by •
—L,ACK {SILK LACES, iaciuilios a few pieces of
rxtr* width, 13 be found, At
VOL. XVII. NO. 156.:
JH’TSBURGH gazette.
A pamphlet haa been published bfblr.
Capron, the gentleman who intrbddcS’ the
mystenous rapping to pnblio notice toe,—
purporting to be an explanation of the «nmdr
which have so much mterested a peat ma
ny people “here and elsewhere.” We ccm.
aider this to be an excellent speculation on
the_ part of oar Wend Capron, and butthat
it gives the reader not the least clue to clear
op the “mystery,” we don’t know but he
was right in so far satisfying the publio
mind, which has become so awfully <Hs-.
turbed by this knocking. By the way, we
may say that we don’t believe that any ifov
able “spirit” would fibr so very badly and
foolishly as this eame.rappinggeniuehas,'in
most Of its -“icflmninnjffpti nn<l P/vfcyfa..
Democrat. •- .-'..i
TheNewYarkTribone, afewdays since,
gare an extended notice bfthapaxnphlet no
ticed above, occupying nearly two columns
°; . P*pw. AeiUl more sensible npnc*
of the affair we find in the New. York Cem
mercial Advertiser, a paper that very'gbno
raJijr expresses correct opinions on subjects
which u investigates. We hope tohavean
opinion to give on this subject by and bye.
We have been seeking the opportunity of
hearing the mysterions raps, and seeing the
wonderful and startling sights for some time)
betas yet the spiritdoes not seem inclined
to permit ns to be initiated, and the girls
' holding an old grudge against us for some*
thing we formerly published, are, or seem
to be, determined to keep ns at a distance.
In the notice, sayai the editor of the, paper
above quoted, are .blended, in'the most on-'
nous manner, appearances of solemn belief
in the “spiritual" nature of the lappinghnm «
bug, .with shrewd suggestions leading to the
conclusion that it isj humbug—the simplest
odmisaions of readiness to concede that there
is something supernatural in the heix, With
rational deductionsgoing to show that evOn
the -alleged facts stand miserably in need of
proof, to say nothing of the assumption'that
they cannot be accounted for, even if alls w<
©d to be truly narrated.
, Now it seems to‘us'that two considers
tions are quite enough, in the mind of any
one not absolutely without common sense,
to induce the irresistable conclusion that the
“rapping” and other mysterious, phenoine- '
na the production of mere human artifice.
One is the absurd, pfterile, childish nature
of all the operations ' ascribed to the shppo
sed “spirits.” It is rather too bold acsll up
on our credulity) when we are asked to be
lieve that the tremendous powers of an un
seen world are developed, merely in holding
chairs fast, against theendeavors of strong
men to move them, tilting over tables, .pall
ing combe out of ladies’ hair, tumbling hats
about, and answering silly questions, of!no
possible import to any kind of, wodd, sben
or unseen. The other consideration is that
we continually see things much more won
derful than any of those described, in the
performaoces of Adrien, Blitz, Alexander,
and other compeers.. ’ These men do things, : '
before our eyes, which as utterly confound
our ability to account for them, as do the
mysterious rappings, Ac., of the pretended
spirits -at Rochester, ana elsewhere. - .Our .
eyes, all our senses, are at fault, are trifled '
with in the most preposterous manner, by
their ingenious manamvres. Yet we never
hesitate about assuming that what they do,
or seem to do, is mere artifice; that we are ‘
Cooled and joggled by their dexterity. - Why,
.then, are we required to believe that' an
equal or even greater dexterity is not ade
| quate to the seeming marvels which are re
corded, perhaps with gross exaggerations,
in Mr. Capron’s pamphlet? Why, in the
face of perfect knowledge, that, skill and
practice are capable of doing thing* incom
prehensible and incredible, after tho rnannoy
of Adrien cr Alexander, must jve refuse"to
believe that skill and practice can‘achieve
other things, certainly not moreincomprsi- -
hensible and incredible.— -Buff. CL
Amvskmxbt akd Pbatke.—Mary Ann. was
a beautiful girl, eighteen.ox nineteen .year*
of of an esteemed and intelligent ferny
fy* Though aeknowledging'ftome religion,
she believed with some of ify more wofld
\j professors, that it was right to indulge in
fashionable amnseraenis. She was very
fond of balls and dances.
In the.time of a revival, when her yoahg
friends were becoming pious, she was
by her family physician to dedicate her eonl
to Christ
u Ho.w can I think,”-said 6he, “ofbecom
ing pious,' when, in doing so 1 shall -debar
myself of the privilege of attending balls! '
Our minister says dancing is wrong. If the
Rev. Mr. ——— was out pastor,- I think 1
would venture to be pious, for he allows thj«
innocent amusement”
“ it wu in vain that I trieds&ya th& phy
sician, “to convince her of this delusion, and
Solemnly reminded her that she would yet
see the difference between a life of. amuse
ment and a life of prayer. She listened re
flpectfnllyj and not without a tear, but clung
stiU to her favorite amusement.”
Ere long the.physician was summoned to
her bedside. He found her dangerously ill
with typhus fever. He alladed to the state
of her soul; bat she told him she was too
weak then to converse with him; yet aha
requested an interest in his prayers. - i • -
After an absence of several noun he re
turned, and found he; on the brink of diaso- ~
lotion. WeQpote her physician’s wordafor
the remainder of the story. '
“The patient had fallen into a state of etu
por; so fearfully ominous of the fatal termi- -
nation of the typhusrfaver. The longue and
lips were covered with a dark tenacious fur,
tire speech was scarcely intelligible; and the.
eyes were partially closed. A sort of low
murmuring or moaning was heard from her
half opened lips. Yet, when called by nawa
she would open her.eyes, and seemed
cognize those around her. Bhscontintxedm
this condition for. aeveral hours, during vyhich
period she occasionally uttered the most
heart-touching and unearthly groans I ever
heard from a mortal being. They distress
ed me—they distressed us all. v T
| “At last, putting my mouth to her ear, I •
said—Mary Ann, do tell me what mean
these unearthly groans which we hear from
von ?—What is the matter, my dear child?
Ifit is in your power to tell me, do I beseech
you. And never shall I forget the reply.—
She opened her once beautiful eyes, slowly
raised her pale and attenuated"hand, firing
on me alookthat made my. very, soul ache v*
sqch was its-solemn intensity—she said,
with an audibleaessof her voice that utterly
astonished us all, < Doctor, Doctor, there is a
difference bdtecen a Hfe of amusement arid a life
of prayer. o,itu hard to die icithcmt 'an ta
foest in Christ P if •' -
j Many not a nsa .whose actions do. not
correspond with his sentiments * because
the pasaionshave dethroned reason, and ha '
is prepared to commit every crime to which
an evil nature unrestrained, can instigate
him. The state of that man who regards
not bis own idea of right and wrong, is de
plorable, and the less you have to do with
bint, the better. •
fiarry not a man who is in the habit of
running after all T ihe girls'in the countiy;.
because the affections are continually wa
vering, and therefore cannot sbe perma
nent. j
Many not a man who negleri
ness; if- he does so'when single]
worse when married
Doctors or Diyihity made jwCJBW.-*
Tha rapidity with which the Dj fS/i is
swelling, may be inferred from the follow- f *
ing record of the Presbyterian A (vocal®" -
Whole number 66j Foreigne s 10: Old
Scheol Presbyterians 11; New School,' •;
Congregationalists 6; Unitarians 2; Epi*o
paliana.t; Methodist* 9; Baptists l; Lumen*
1/ Of the 60 Americans, 34' aji graduates
of differed Colleges. Of tha depeeofLL.
D«, the same industrious hand ha \ prepared
tha appended summary: Whole lumber 31;
Foreigners 4. Of the 27' Americ ms, 16 are
graduates of 8 different colleges. -Christian
u Mi
[any of the sentences record
lure are not inspired in Ihemsel
the words of Satan- or of
the Scripture report relative ie t]
none is directed , by divine ins
John Brown,
is bis;btui«
he will do
I id iot Scrip
-1 res' being
i ‘ijieni’bnt