—TOE I’HTSBUK SH GAZETTE- PUBLISHED BY WHITE de CO PITTsBSAOU MONDAY MORNING, FEB. 4, 1650. are earaesay rcqneatcdtohand la 1 kelrfavora before and u early in thadayaa Ira eti cable. Advertisements not inserted for a aped td lime will In tan ably be charged until ordered eat | PHILADELPHIA KOttTII AMERICAS. :: AdTenlsexnenifnndaubtenpuonjlotheNonhAtner •a and United Buie« Gaze te. Philadelphia, receivei nd forwarded from this o£Eee > r CiacneuTi:—C. tY. Jam-*, No. 'H-mnon street, ;; •Qneinnati.isoiuaeeiuforthk city- .«UTertijeinenia , and wbaetlptiont handed to ton. will receive prompt aiteiioa. | ; DT’BEE NEXT picß Fon LOCAL MATTERS* TELEGRAPHIC NEWa w. PHTitfaittyWASTED. A pressman who it tboroaghly acquainted with hit buainess, and whotandertsaada the running of a Cy linder Power Pretr, and the management of the Steam / Engine, ean hear of an and permanent situation by applyl ng to thia office. jjy p or iniareUnJg articles the reader is refer* i jed jo onr first page. - ■ - itjjrafTgyr CooiaL—This institution it loci ledtt Metd.ille, in tbit State, a fine, healthy fluurishiag town, inhabited by an intelligent sal | - ■/. moral people, and situated aboat fifty miles north ; of Pittsburgh, on the road to Erie. The' College ■ Is endowed on a tingalsr and original plan—one 'YlWkiah hat proved highly euccesafal and eminent y !' useful. Thit plants, the talc of perpetual echo* ' Unhlp.' The price or auch a scholarship is $3O, : ; . and entitles the possessor to keep a student in lh‘e institution perpetually, if ha chooses, Creeof.charge . for tuition. ~A large cumber df echolarahips have •: been eold* and an omplo fond has been realized - and invested to support the faculty on the proceeds ; arising from interest. Thus th operpxual scholar* ships have secured a fund sufSrient to give a per : p/tual support to the institution. Armed with a |: scholarship, a young man has his tnilion paid for as long a time os ho chooses to stay, and the ex* peases "or boarding being very- low, a .collegiate * education is brought within the reach of all. Thi consequence fe, that about three hundred students i axe regularly in attendance, and the number is ateadllf increasing. Thcro u, however, one want ; remaining, thst of an additional bnildicg. Thera ■j . Is now one largo brick edifice, and some smaller building*; but a great necessity exists for another, ■! whbh ills expected will coat about S6OOO. The peopleof Meadville have subscribed about 52,50 D, and promise to do more, but the Trustees hope to derive some aid from the liberality of the people of . Pittsburgh, as that college otfords them a most ex cellent opportunity of educating their boys, and is r - of great utility to the whole western part of the State. To secure this end,*tbey have appointed one of the Professors of tbc institution, Rev. Mr. ’ Haicxrt, to visit this city, where we hope he will meet with a cordial reception, and . a hearty re -1 spouse to the objects of his minion. ' “Hare ’« to yon, Harry Clay.” | The firmness, dignity and elcqocnce, with which J t Ur. City, withstood tho onslaught of the southern : Senators, oa the occasion of hit presenting bis res- 1 dotions, show that ho has lost none ol his native Ate, and that the iorco of his genius is not abated. t j Ur. Matos, of Virginia, and Ur. Davit, of Missis i : - alppi, made some very.severe remarks, reflecting « Ur. Clsy*s declaration that slavery ‘docs not ex ]st, by law, in the new territory acquired from and expressed their astonishment that each declarations should proceed from a Senator from a slave State. Mr. Clay commenced his re* ' - ply by declaring that he was ready'for the argn - 'meat when the proper time came—tint ho woold - > tell the gentleman from Virginia, and the gentle* man from Mississippi, that he knew his duty, and that be meant to express his opinion, of oil awahW Ho then proceeded'ns follows—as ported io full la the National Intelligencer:— “ I am extremely sorry to hear the Senator from Mississippi say that he require*, first, the exiea* ■toil-of the Missouri compromise line to the Pad* Ac, and also that be is cot satisfied with that, bat requires, if I understood him correctly, n positive provision for the admission of slavery ;South of ' that line.' And now, sir, coming froth- a slave Sut*, as I do, 1 owe it to iny«cif, 1 owe-it to truth, I owe it to the subject to say that no earthly pow er coaid ioduce me to vote for a specific measure for the introduction' of slavery where it had not before existed, either South or North'of that line. Coming as I do from a slave Slate, it is my solemn, deliberate, had well matured determination, that no power, no earthly power, shall compel me to vote Cot (be positive inircductfoji of slavery either South or North of that line. Sir, whiie you re proach, and justly, 100, our Brivirh.ancestors, for ; : ' the introduction of (his iiifimuion upon the conti nent ef America, Ism, for cul*, unwilling thst the poateritv of the present inhabitants of California and ofNew Mexico shall TCproach n* far doing just what we reproach Great Britain for doing to ns. If the citizens of those Territories choose to establish slavery, and if they come here ' ■. 111(011009 establishing slavery, I am tor admitting them with such provisions ih their constitutions; bat then it will be tbeir'owa work, and not ours, and their posterity will have to reproach them, and not up, for forming constitutions allowing the .institution of slavery to exist among them. These are my views, sir, and 1 clinic io expret* them ; mad I care cot how extensively or onlveraally ety veiehmexistt oettktn any fortvm of the ternary ccgttired.fa/ rtt • ‘ from Zlexiee He hotoa a fireeily contrary opios ’. ion to mine, as he has a perfect right to do; and we will not quarrel about that difference of opin ion." Jopoc Patto.v.—This gentleman, after oa &rda> Otis and honorable period of tea yeas’* service, as Presides! Judge of the District Coart of Alle- gheny County, hu left the eum dignitatum of the >bearb tad resumed the active, Bad we truet more 'profitable practice cf his pr: lesion, in ccuaeetitn . with, Williim Bakewcll, Esq., one of ccr most . U'eated aod rising young Lswycr*. The enlarg ed experience of Judge Patipn, together with his Ugh legal attainments; will doubtless command aa extensive practice. IstroßTisr Decision ok tot Stratus Cochtof : Pcoitlyasu, Relative to Divorces bt tqe ... ItfatsLATUXK.—We learn from the. Philadelphia ' ‘ Ledger,that Judge Coukcr, of the Supreme. Court ■- of Pennsylvania, on Monday last, delivered the ‘ opinion cf that tribunal in if-.c esse of Toner vs. Jones. That decision in foct that or vorat iy thl Legislatureforututes ttnthin thejurit rfidtejft oftkt Courtt «» divora oust, art uneonrti rutional and null. The elfect ofthladecisioa will >be to invalidate ccven eighths of the divorces granted by the Legislators since lS3!l TUeprac* : l lice hu been very loose, and divorces have been i granted in cases where the remans have bren frlv oloos, and the'eames allege i s-ob as were entire ly within the jurisdiction of the Courts, if tpplica \ lion had bsea made to them. Too constitution of restricts tire powers ofthe Legislature, in divorce eases, to causes not Within the jariadici Uon of tbe,Conrtr. These tribunals have anthor- Uy to grant divorces avincuh mfrmoTutjn ca-es of impotency, bigamy, afiukry, wiifol desertion far | two yetis, and erne! and birbuotrs treatment; and, save incompatibility of temper, these are aN . mod the only causes far which a divorce would • 'bd. sought. The Legislature, however, hive di ' vetoed parties withohtstvgard to the fact whether 1 i the Courts have euthoritytodivorcc lor the elleg . 1 ted cause*. \ a Judge Barusides dissented from the opinion of ■ (fee majority of tbo Court. . ' :The correspondent of the New York Tribone, - at Washington, writes the following: , The Post Master General is devoting an unn«a&l . demo cf care and attention in preparing for pub- Uealfoo the list of Poet Offices, Post Routes, &c, in ii B United Stales. U wi» be oom accurate and complete when finiihed thanaoy tiuit has is sued from that Department for yearn and year*— "The greet inaccuracies that have Jjereloloro pre vailed in this important official publication, prow oat of the grossest neglect cf charged with the preparalitn of the manu-cript lilts. No pains ha* beeo rpared loremedy oUsuch defects on the \ * part of Mr. Collamer. ... Blr. Bnelianan has been here for several days,hnv ifif been drawn hither for the purporo cf netting os foot a more systematic plan to undermine Gen. and tn render more sutebis own selection as lbs next Loco-Foco nominee for the Presiden cy,-. Soma parts ef Gtm. Cass’s apeecb cm the Wilinot Proviso, has taken the wind out of Buch anan's Mils, and tendered a third roviaioa sod ak . tottloft of hie forthcoming letter accessary, before making ita appearance in tbe;pubtic print*. Toere fa some of the neatest balanced deception and chi* eanery going on between the managers of there i- thro fteafdential aspirants toward each otter that -■"waanfer known.. In a I will HA the , veil, that the editors cf the Union ! " ' , hind ■ the ecenes, without “ peeping through a 1 . Buchananfeelsconfideniof I ' gave**, and fa in high spirits* so far as getting a nomination is concerned. II It Baled Hat Mr. AD tot lawrenco hra' mo „titi ta nepAiettoS « Imd of three mfllioMcf jdUui lit Umiov, for Ike Emera- B.tlnai Tb» If«W|Vorlc3llin«T*Uattli« VraT Ia» fOie 5B» ** I? §»4 ndlM, The Western R*il B®»** Correrpondenee of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Znmnus, Jan. 30,1650. Mi Enrrox;—The exdtHaenton the subject of rail roads, throughout the Slate of Ohio, la greater uow then al any former lime. Tb® common roads ! are mo bad, al this aeasoa, as to be the dread of travellers, who strive in all directions to reach the tow rail roads now la use, or the national turnpike, as soon as possible. The towns situated upon these lines advantages over others, that the people oXalmosl every town in the State appear to be contriving ways and himm to ob» tain rite beaefitiof rail road facilities. This feel ing rightly directed may re salt in great good, bat it is to be feared that, in many cases, parties are committing themselves In favor of particular routes, without taking the trouble, In the ftst in stance, to find out which lines are most feasible, or will be most useful and profitable. . The Legislators being in session, there is much excitemenlon the subject at Colombo*; and, on the evening of the 26th instant, by the permission of the House of Representatives, an address was delivered in their ball, by Solomon W. Roberts, Chief Engineer, of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road, on the railroads of Ohio and Pennsyl vania. lie described the three great rival rail road t, leading from New York, Philadelphia, and Balti more Into Ohio, and gave the distances from point to point on the different lines; showing the great advantage io distance which the Central, or Pittsburgo and Philadelphia road, has as o roote to Philadelphia and Now York; and, from the greater part of the State of Ohio, aa a rente to Bal timore. The rail road distance from Wheeling, by Camberland, to Baltimore, being 390 miles; to Philadelphia, 490 miles, and to New York 550 miles; while from Pittsburgh, by Harriabnrgb, to Baltimore is 333 miles, to Philadelphia 356 miles* and to New Y0rk,446 mile*. In addition to which a ton of produce, going to Philadelphia, from the interior of Ohio, will in no have to ateend a greater grade than fifty tost per mile; while between Wheeling, or Fifth Creek* and Baltimore, it must go up grades of 105 feet per mile on the Laorel Hill, and liOfeel-per mile on the Allegheny Mountains. He requested geoUemfen to examine these mat ters tor themselves, from the reports of the com* ponies and the best official sources of information, and not o rest satisfied with half knowledge, nor to decide hastily with which great route to the cast their lines should be connected. He gave a minute description of the Great Cen tral'Rail Road of Pennsylvania, and of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road, or “ hack bane, line, ” Us extension from Pittsburgh into . Ohio* without crossing the Ohio river—over which stream no bridge, fit for rail trains, has yet been or is likely to be canalntcKjd. He showed the advantages qf construction of rail road connection from Columbus, Newtfk, and Coshoc ton to the C back bone une. ” V He was listened to with great attention by a Urge audience, for about an boar and a half, ahd it is to be hoped that some cf them went away with a determination to study the subject for them* selves. B PITT. FROBt WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Washirotok, Jan. 30. In the Senate, to day, we have had a long talk about giving away Unde Sam's domain. It came up thus—Mr. Webster, some weeks since, intro duced a resolution for giving to actual settlers, upon ceiu.'a conditions, a quantity of public land, sufficient tor a farm. Mr. Seward, at a later pe* , riod; predated another, offering to ute Hnngarian ( political exiles a quarter section each; and, (o ( day, Gen. Houston cornea forward with another, ( proposing Hie much more magnificent end com prehensive plan of giving every poor man, who ■ has not enough of the .world's goods to make him comfortable, as much of the public land as, by ac- tuolly occupying, would suffice for that very de- airebie purpose. I have not space to go into the ( debate,which was very interesting, ahd which I , commend to your attention. Mr. Msngura said he was not in favor of giving away the public proper ty in quite so wholesale a manner, but as a gen* oral breaking up was coming, we might as well have a general spoliation. He, therefore, should, al the proper time, move to give double the quan tity earned to every body that wanted it,nnd if the donse was too lszy, or was unable to work it, be would throw in a negro apiece. This would be cariyiug out the system to its ultimsie wash, and wou Id be doing the thing genteelly. Gen. Cawsaid, 11 behold the advantages cf a good name, and. the value at character. Had 1 projsssed such things as the Hon. Senators from Massachusetts, New York, and Tdxss, I should havu been proclaimed a demagogue from Maine to the Rio Grande," which, to do the corpulent old gentleman justice, was no more than the truth. Thhi sort of thing may be popular, but I feel constrained to say that my individual opinion is most decidedly opposed to it. The public lands •will go fast enough at a dollar and a-quarteran acre. They aoed-Jtot be given away, as an in ducement to immigration from European coun tries to this, because that Is coming, at present at least, fast enough. Yea need not give them to poor people, with the view of extirpating that clars from society, tor, though you may give people lands, you cannot unite them keep them, and if your design is to have no landless men in the community, you would be obliged to make a divi sion and distribution every Saturday night. The truth is, whatever the motives, this giving • away oflanda tor the asking is the merest flummery in the world. If a man or woman wants enoegh far a homestead, fifty dollars will now purchase it* This sum can toon be procured by any aereon ca pable of making a good use of the land when ac quired. It is probable that the announcement of Gov. Brown'* nomination is premature. In truth, my belief is that it is not intended to fill the Russian minion at present. I rather lock forward to the suspension of diplomatic relations with that gov ernment, by its own omission to send a minister to this republic. Mr. Bodiseo, who has so long _persoaared the majesty of the Czar, at this capi- tal, whetbersent In Siberia or cot, will probably never again return here in a diplomatic character. Col. bentoa la again in g reat trouble concerning thecredit oTCoI. Frcmonf, and the honor and glo* ryiof bis own Immortal family. There is exhibit ing here • nondescript animal called a wooly hory, which has become widely known, through the agency of ahow’ bills, as the wonderful - pbe nomer on captured by Lieut. CoL Fremont, on the river Gila. CoL Benton promptly visittd this cu riosity, not outof compliment to tho brute, bat to denounce the man for nsing the name cf Fremont, so interminably allied with the fame and glory of him, Senator Benton. . The audacious 'wretch of an exhibitor treated the Lionel's admo nition and menaces with quiet,contempt, and went on taking the " fips and levies" as ifnothing had happened. Bat to day the Senator reuewed tho war, and had the individual referred to brought np with a warrant for taking in the curious and credulous, and getting their m< «ey, by the false pretence that GoLFremont had had any thing to do with the beaal, or had ever r-een it. It i» a»M that the man was bound over to an swer tho ohorgo in the sum cf $5OO, but I ban hardly believe it.— Where will not Col. Benton again breakout? Alas for the foiUes ot great men! • Junius. FUOSX SEW TORE. Correipepde&ec of tho Pitubargh Gazette- ' f New Yoax, Jan. 31j1i150. Tho w&uher is most unseasonable here,, and not at allfcoaducive to general health. Tb as far wo have not had a single day of slelghinfhut have experienced Instead, a succession of rains as abundant and freqoent as a scene in April. The result of this is favorable to our poorwho have under the most advantageous clrcun utan ecs, hardships enough in the winter. . Oar custom house,this great refugo or |bo fili a rolome eat» of the excellence ofiili-medicine. U baa bed % uul, it hu nude iuelf pc have is oar poueixion handreda of ordai lowing: Viiniru, N. Y., Dec Messrs. Kidd & Co:—Your travelling ag< to, a abort time since, a quantity of &TL PiUa The whole lot told very rapidly, a highest salitfaeiion. Indeed,' it U conside .medicine of the kind ever offered' for u tend me another supply as soon as poitibl For sale by J. KIDD & CO, No. €B, corse and Wood*; Piuiburgh. [feb2. A Cara tad Oertifleauiat Hi [P*fixio w*ax a aaio o» ttt» PsTacp.x»».— I hereby certify that about two weeks ago 1 was »eiz» ed with a violent attack of acsßsfiagand puffing Choi* era Morbus, wiih very distreulng pains in the stomach and which was completely relieved by two teupoonfal doses of Petroleum, taken in a little wa ter. - After having taken the first dose, I slept soundly and comfortably for three hoars. [Signed] HENRY WISE, Jr, - 4 On board the steam boat Ariadne. Pittsburgh, Dec. l!th, IBtB. I am,Captain of the Ariadne, aid was a witness to the astonishing effects of the Petroleum, in the ease of Henry Wise, who U cne of the hands on the boat. . [Signed] NIMROD GBABELL. Pittsburgh, Dec. 11th, 19W. Q7Seo general advsmsemcnt in another column %s!3 IsaprOTsmenla ib Uenttatry, DR. G. O. STEARNS, late of Boston, is prepared to manufacture and set Block Tutu in whole and parts of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plates.— Tooraaras cross' in kvk aumss, where the nerve-t* exposed. Office and residence next door to the May or’s office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.* RsviXTt>—J. O.M'Fadden.P. u. Eaton. JsIP PixrmnrLttos asaa*.—Prepared by J. W. Kelly ntUlaanreet,N.Y.,andforsara by A.Jaynes,No. 7t) Fourth street. This will be found a delightful sili cic of beverage in families, and particularly for sic* rooms. Barn's Bicka.—An improved Chocolate prepara tion, being a combination of Cocoa not; innocent, in vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly for invalids. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorches ter, Mass, v and for sale by A-JAYitES, at the Pekin j,ea Store. No. 70 Fourth st* mchU «e-/ DR. D. DOST, vSlSßwftgmp Dentist. Comer of Fourth and Deeaurr,. between Market and Ferrf meats. rwtl-dlviE SIAIUUED, On Tuesday evening, January SCtb, by Rev. D. 11. Biddle, Mr. W. M.Haanamoan,]fotmerly of Ctncinua. tij to Miss M. Aasx R. Baiia», eldest daughter of L. Ballard, Esq, of this city. Cloaks! Clocks! A GENERAL assortment always i on hand and for sale low, by the case, by . fcU;. C YEAGER, 10$ Market it : DifiMlottoa of Co»P«rta«rstilp. THE Co-Partnership existing between the under signed, under the stylo of “F. 11. Eaton A Go-" wa» dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. itfth. F. 1L Eaton, having purchased the entire interest ofW. P. Marshall, who retires, will attend to the settlement of the.business of the late firm, at the old stand, No OX Pourth street. F. H. EATON, feb3 W. P. MARSHALL P. If. JCATON, T\BALER In Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings. Fancy 11 Goods Rlubatu, 1 sees and Embroidehe*, Zephyr Worsted, Patterns and Canvass. No G 1 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. A full sapply of-Fins Shuts and Gents' Under Garmenti * . - : frH-tw ONIONS-3S bhls reetd and for sale by fcM WM H JOIINBTO.V.na Second it WHITE nBANS—IO bbls ree’d and for sale by febd jWAI It JOUNSTUN POTATOES— M bbls in store end fofnle by febf WM H JOHNSTON F'IOFFEE—CM tic ks Rio, oh hind, for sale by L/fehg • A CULBERTSON, MS Liberty st SAPhTI’ FUSE—A fresh supply o(extra, ju«tn , c'd, itvt sale by ; fcbi ACULBF.kTSON BtICON—tO.OOO lbs Sides, Haas, and'Shoulders; in smoko house, for sale by fcbd KIER A_J 0 Co nsi B s rto_ iLGOMS—IO tons Juniata, in store and for sale by » feb4 . KIER A JONES, Canal Basin 'UBIC BOXES—4 cartoons just ree’d, for tale by . f«M C YEAGER, UH Market at SUNDRIES— 10 grou ass’d Pocket Book*; SO * ** Pones. sudoi “ Pen Monies; rec’d and teU CYEAOER,:iCB Second GOLD A SILVER WATCHES—A Urge assortment always oa hand, at wholesale, by fdb-j C VEACKR. 109 Market it MADDER— 1,200 lb» snperlr, just reic’d, fur sale by f,bt /UIDLJACO.tQ Wood it ULOURJSULPUUR—CtO lh« for sale by r feb4 J KIDD A CO, CO Wool H CREAM TARTAR—*OO lb* in store mnJ for tale by fct>4. J KIDD A CO, CO Wood tt CHLORIDE UME-4.C00 lbs onjtand. for sate by febi J KIDD A CO, CO Wood tt TURKEY UMBPR-300 lbs for sate by feat - J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood »t B?fjf Odd Fellow ibonld Snhfribc. Volnme»XU.>XllL, 1850. GAZETTE OFPHE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE. Tho Gazette and Rale ha* nowtbo support of the Order to an extent that makes as determined not only to deserve tola aoorobatioa, bnl to add largely to ear lilt of readers, arid the following which era mere liberal than bate overbeen offered by aay newspaper or magazine in the United Bia*e>. We cite m «b** Gazette and Rale, every year, KIGIIT HUNDRED PAGES OP CUOICE READ ING, in a atyln that can be boand, that fonnirr a book which each yeor make* more voluble. The character of the Gazette and Rate is too well known to need explana’ioa here, and it Is enough to remark that it con:ain«, irom tune to time; the proceedings of ibe Groafl Lodges of the New York and also ofe.bcr S*at*f( accounts of Celebrations, Institutions of New Lodges And occasionally, a Complete Directory of all the Lodges In the Union. Iu liilsrattr Department is filled with Original Tales of the highest excellence, by the most eminent-writers in our country; Popular Tates; Choice Miscellany; the rarest Gems of Poetry from the English Poets; fke'cbe* of Travel: Anee dotesjjkc., and oceasinna’ly illustrated with Deanlttal Wood Engravings. Being equal in its Literary character to any Weekly in the countiy, and being thns perfect in its Odd Fel lowship department, it la worthy of a place on the table of every brother of the Or ter, and Indeed i* in diiptnilble to all whe wish to keep fully informed of the work nfour now glotiout Order One copy, one year. 9i 00 Twoeupics,one year,•••• ....... 350 Devon copes, one year, each —.... l so J Twenty copies -'••• 20 UQ Thus reducing it so that every lodge can get a first class paper cheaper than the cheapest local paper. Read the Following' The particular and especial attention of the brother, hood is desired to the following extrait from a letter from that dUtinftuUhed brother, James L. RJdgelr, Ksq., Grand Cor. snq Rec. Beereiary of the R. W. Graodl.odsc of the United Slates, 1.0. O. F. “The GOLDEN RULE is to ma a most welcome and valued viiitcr; and since it has fallen into your bands. 1 have witnested lugradual and steady im provement with great pleasure. It is now become, in my lodgment, bt van rai skst rxaiODieax. is vhs oavn; and Ido tract, that a discerning and iiitallt gent Brotherhood will, by a liberality worthy of your great exertions,enable yon still more to augment its usefulness to the Order at large. With treat respect your friend and brother, JAB. L. RIDGELY.” Opinion* of BXambara of O. L.efU. Butil. Believing that the interests of the I. O. of O. F. as welt as of society at large, will ba most effectually promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the promulgation of iu principles, we would earnestly recommend to our brethren theGaxrrra or rnzUjnorr atreGoinin Ruts, as now conducted by Crsmpton A Clarke, a* a valuable medium for the exposition of the designs cf Odd-Fellowtlip, and as worthy the cordial support of the Order. Thomas Wildcy, P. 0. Sire. • John A. Kennedy, P G.6)re I P G M James 1, Ridgely,ofMd, R W Q S. j POM Rev. Fi M P Wnls, of Mata, R W G Ch. P U John K Johnson. efOa, RW G. Mar P G Petes Fritz, P G M J W titobes, P G W M Al ten, P G Wm A Wells, Grand Representatives of Pa. Wm Curtis, G Sec of G L of Penn.- pmllb Skinner, P G Mar G L of U 8. PGM John W Anderson, Pti Solomon Cohen, Grand Representatives ofGeorgtv. VO M Henry L Webster, Grand Rep of R I. /YU F P Theobald, P G M W R Smith, Grand Rep. MTAfaine. r«iOM EC Robinson, P G Rep cf Virginia. SSI O J D Frost. }rGrand Rep of Mas*. SlOOto It Dickson, POM John Fairfax Smith, fiGrsnd Representative* of Delaware. 2&g O M Samuel Read, P G Wood, Grand tier* InMOtmtiTes of New Jersey. F VP G Taleott Burr, jr, PGM John II Manley, Grand I Representative* cfN Carolina. p U John'SihbT, POM RO Shaw, Grand Rrpre. sedatives of Alabama. PGM 'WW Moore, PGM John T To wen, Grand Reprv sects tire* of DUuiet of Columbia. - PGPStephea Drown,GrandßepofN Hamp -PG 11 Norton Andrews, PG James StrawbrlJge Grand Reoresenuiive* of Louisiana. POD N-Barrows, Rep G Lof Mississippi. T” “" POlsalahFo.be* P U Wm A Moffeu, Grand Rep resentative* ©t Missouri- __ __ PGM Geo W.. Wilson, P G Elijah Morton, P G J Peacock Reef GLodre of Tennessee, P G Frrd S Garritt, Grand Hep of Ark. P G John WHunt, PG BP Zimmerman, Grand •SK'fßS^SSlSi.r.rK.v. Thaddeus Davids, D G Miner of N Yi Beniamin J Pent*, G Secretary of N Y. P 0 John J Davis, P O James W Hale, P O WW Dibble., Owl Htpreunua... of u NY. Oeo H Andrews, P G Master of N Y. Postmasters are authorized to remit money to pub- Hikers, and all money mailed in tngsenee of the Post master, and duly forwarded by him, Is atour risk. In all cases where pottage on subscription is not paid, it villi bo deducted from the amount credited to to- »b. «.d lb O AJ^ S fc CLA feb4-dSAwtApISTJ No. 4) Ann tt., New York. > • - William llakewcU. RWBU t t*« t» Wl|ti»n Hall isw m Britain Patton• • ♦ PATTOI * B. a TTORNEYS AT LAW- Aor»BUtrw,B|«ABt iopknYH.lmp’l, and Blaek Tear; 4 bbl. Timothy Seed; j.. 1« “..CiowSeedi » .. « 'Potatoes: 3 bbu lyhinn*;. . 3 «*, Madder,. 150.000 Ky-Bejan; - so Tobacco; i I3ira* Crown* Bled. Wrap. Paper; 1 8 ks gy. Feather*; CO do* O Broom*; 40doi w*lnotßockei*;tOdodoTßb*; * 33 sks Peattam; - • -r.; so bza and 6 bbl*£a!ar*tiu} 10 iaksPotaih, Pri“° arucie; • c “ • Sebrehed Fall*; 20 « and fid bkl» SodaAah; . - 'l2 . asd io bz* German Clay; .. jwi t>t« «nM fll*t*»iftmn7z9 to 81*30j 160 Ui Nail*; 30 kr* Laid; • - ; *3O “ BotienSiooaTow-Baf*; _■ Onhahdandfar*alobr ffeb-tj TAS3E7&BEST Lira’s Ltvza with certifi- I Wherever jpnlar. We Uikeiha fol- i jndd’e Hedleeted liquid Cutlohi Brim, orwy kind of fna* woandj, *b» tor tbcirpenon* through .BCUe«t,.»nd lie improper or Sem^eof loolimlM 6od lS‘ able toUhen, and alter a fair trial wUlcoaticerilw ; rfeellenl eiibiliule for mlhe.lTe pfuterof kU Irindr, without any of it« Incon v oni e«f m, *t ud medicated a» to allay all yam immediately end moil little applied any wheteonthe turfaea of the • r , **-«i'* fcrmaitfirm, smooth eoaUny^vary io, 1647. at left with lne> Liver id gave the red'lhe best Jo. Please akin, immediately tortni » «nn, similar to too natural cuticle prosmrakb be freely washed with water and aoap, wUbeut any Jt by the most eminent physician* o. Wew Eflaland, and other parts of the country. ! - For sale ottLT by K E SELLERS, 57.W00d »t _ tt—The trade supplied althe manage rarer a COAL WORKS; FOtt BAI»K # THIS property lie* at ihe tipper end of Umtawn— a abon distance below tb© mouth of Mmgo Creek. The rail road and the necessary buildings ore new, and the mine has been worked just enough to pat it in rood order. The Pit open* within 25 yard* of the riv er, and the inclination from it I* just sufficient to canr the ears to the boats. Tbejwater at the landing is good—per milting boat* to bo loaded at oil iranwi and the moath of Mingo nabort distance above, afferutan amplo harbor to protect them from.lho floods and ieo of winter.' The Tract connected .with. tbe*e work* cociiiU cf 3tW Acre* Coal, Ijing in the neck of land between Mingo Creek and the Mooosgahelo- All thing* eotuide red, thirproperty combine*, perhaps, as many advantage*, and hold* out nzfip.s incuse menu to the etpiialist. as any on the liter. • The enure tract 1* offered for sale: but, io suit purchasers, a portion .may be referred. Price reasonable and terms very easy. Forfortber infonnaiion enquire of " - | JOSEPH 8. MOSHJSON. febl-dlm"- , j Fourth meet, near Wood. «c I ■ ■ ■ ONLY ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WIBTAB>B BALSAM OF WILD CUEHRV, the' great remedy for CONSUMPTION! And the belt medicine known to for Asthma of every stage, Liter Complaints, Bronchjds, Influenza, Bleeding of the Long*, Shortness of Breath, Pains and. Weakness la the Side, Breast, Ac., ;and all other . disease* of the PULMONARY OEOANS. A very important disease oter which this Balsam ex l erts a very' powerful influence, is that of .a DISEASED LIVER. In ibis complaint it, has ttadonbiediy proved mere efficacious than any remedy hitherto employed, and in enmeroos lniiances when patients had endured long and severe sniTerlng ffom the diseases, without receiv ing the least benefit from various remedies, and when Mercury has been resorted to in vain, the use of this Balsam has restored ttmLiver to a healthy action, and in many instances effected permanent cores, after every well known remedy had failed to prodoeo this desired effect. i , Besides its astonishing ellcaey in the disease above mentioned, we alto hod if a very effectaol remedy in Asthma, a eompl statin which it has been extensively used with deemed dueeesa, oven in cases of years’ standing. Withthetaereaaeofintetllgeneeheigrown op s knowledge of thevlemeets of health, asd a' re gard for them, and commenaurately with the etrides of science have we acquired the means of arresting dis ease, and averting its ravsgea- Notwithstanding (be progress we have made, siatiitiea stow that even now, one sixth of the whole population die annually of consumption. One ,-f the most important discoveries of the age, is ameliorating the eoMltlon ofthts large'elais of suf fering humanity, is : •" DR. WLJTAR’3 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Wisur’s Balsam of Wild Cherry is a doe ITerbol Medicine,_soa)poiedJehiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and 'the«nuino\eeland Mon. (the latter imported express ly for the rare medietas! virtue* of which arc-olio combined by a new chemical process, with th'ff'CXlract o t, Tar, thus rendering the whole oompound fbe most certain aad eSeamoes remedy ever discovered fori . CONSUMPTION OP TIIE LUNGS. Still further evidence*rbf the rema’kable curative properties of this inestimable preparation: ' . . Brsuuvaxc. Brnwa co.,(X, Aug. fit. 160 • - Mewra BaadforJl A Pork: ‘Oentiemen,- About six weeks ago 1 received the agency of Witter** Qalsua. of IVl'i with some rclactancooa mypart,' for the rroson that: 1 bad been the ogesi of so many. pills and other nostrums, which were creaked cp to be someihing wonderful, but which turned oatta the end to be of so account whatever, except to tba man naetnrn. But l eundifTy admit that tbi* time I hare, been deceived, forihecitreordinarycureseffeetedby Wutmr't Balsam have.convinced me that “good cun' come out of Noiareih.” Your agent left mo one do*- tn bottles, whieb ore allgduo—having been the means of curing several obstinate esses of Consumption— •and no aistak*; for. what I see and know 1 am bound to believe. One eCfe'la particular: 'A young gentle man in Winchester, Adams county, O n 10 miles fro u tbit place. V7aa cured pf Consumption when the doe tors has given him op>or at least could do nothing for him, and it was the intention of his friends to convey him to your city, and plsce him under theeare of tome envnent physician!there. But a friend told him of Wistart Balsam, and that bo coaid obtain it of me. Ho cent for it and before the second bottle was gono he was sound end well, and attending to his everyday business Aa thrre are several inquiries for the medi ’cine, it would be welt to forward on additional supply without delay. : Very respectfully, yours, : LAMBERT NKWLAND. The above, from I*. Newlund, Esq-, a highly respect able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to tho candid atjdbUooef all tbase who have doubted the great mem of WUiar’s Wild Cherry Balsam. Remember the original and only genuine' Wiiur's Balaam of Wild CberrTi wm introduced la the year 1833. and baa been well tested in all complaints for whleh It it recommended. For 17 years it has pioved more efficacious as a remedy for Cough*, Colds, Infla rma, UronehiUs, Asthma, and Consumption in its in cipient stages, than any pier medicine. " • LOST VOICE. Ae.» RESTORED! - 'i Nxw Bxosoud, Aug. 10; 1843. Mr. 8. W. Fowle: Haring seen many certificates pnbliibed In relation to Dr Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry, I take tills opponanity ofoffering a word In in favor, which yea are also at liberty to publish. A few nton'hs aiiice my sfife’a longs became soaocb of. feeted wt'h a«odien cold, that she lost her vo>ce, and nuff-rcd severely’frcm puna in the breast. Her aitua* lion canted ,tter friends moeb alarm. Haring heard yoor Balaarp'rtronjly, recommended by those wha osed lt,l pnrgha*ed abottlo from year agent la tbit Since, bhb took itaeeordlng to directions, anditpro- • need a wonderful eSleet Before using one bottle afao - had completely recovered her mice, the pains tabs id* ed, tad her health was toon (ally re •established.' Years, truly, i HENRY 0. BRIUUTMAN. To DjcoamsannDrurainsMactasx—Thl eel* ebr'eied and mraUtblo remedy forthe cure of Corn amp* lion. Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by its own me? rits, been rapidly,taore and safely working iu way through the opposition of quack* and counterfeiters, until, by its true ralae nod intrinsic exeellenee. it kat gained for itself a inciretf'.lailß popularity, and estab lished tuelf ia the eenfiderfee o( an lnteili*enl and ea* iiehftded public, from one end of the continent to the The testimony of thousands who bare been re* lteved ! and cared by this valuable article, will show that inlands onrivalled—at tbolhead of alt other me* dtcinesrforihe cars of diseases for which ills recom mended. The genuine Dr. Wistaria Balaam of Wild Cherry is now fur sale by duly appointed Agents, and sdi respectablo dealers in medicines, in alt largo cities and all ioportant towns throughout the United States, Parcs <1 per Bottle—Six Bottles (or BS. Sold by J. D. PARK, (sueeeasor to Sand ford A Part,) Foarth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General ; Agent for the South and West, to whom all orders mast be addressed. ; L Wilcox, Jr James A. Jones; J. Kidd A Co; B. A. : Fahnestock A Co» PUtabargh. L. T. Russell, Wash ington; \V. 11. Lambenon, Franklin; 1* B, Dowle, Utdontown; H. Welty, Greensburghj S. KouwsjScmer set: Scott A Cilmbr*. Bedford; Reed A Son, Hantiae don; Mrs. Urr, HolUdaysbnrg; ICldebran 1A Co, Indi ana: J. tf ■ Wright, KUiannfng; Evans a. Co, Brook ville; A. Wilson A Son, Wayneaburgh; M’Forland A Co. N- Callender, Mead ville: Burton A Co, Erie*. J. Magoffin, Mercer; Jdraea, Kelly A Co, Boiler, 8. Smith, Eeaver, J. D. Bdmfflertoo, Wanes; F.L. AC.S. Jones, ondersport; P. Croaker, Jr, BtowiistlUo. febt-dAwty(i»lT ' Dissolution, THE Co.Partneriulp heretofore existing under ute ■trie of “J. H. Clouse A Co,” is this dav dissolved by mnfaal consent. The business of the firm will bo settled by L- 8. Waterman, «l their old stand. No 104 Liberty street. L. 8. WATERMAN, few i J.U.CLOUBK, Haspratt fc Son*' Patant Soda At A. OJIO CASKS will shortly aniro, direct from the 040 manufacturers, via New Orleans, per ships' Aula, Boadieia, Jessica, and Austria, which will be f e b2 i • ICO Liberty at rrT-'f hey will also receive large supplies during the spnng via Philadelphia and Baltimore. Saw Deoks Jnat Rieetvstl, : WARAUA, or the Charms ef the Nile, by William Flint's*. : • People I liavo Met, or Pictures ofSociety and Peo* pin Of Mtrk; by N. Parte* Wtlllf. The Uiitle Sommer; being transaripa from pertonal observation* in Paris, daring the year lhltf; by J. K. Marvel, author of “Fresh Gleanings." marrei, JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ■f e b3 corner Third and Market sts WP MARSHALL, {late of the firm of F. 11. a Union A harm* onrcbued tie stock of Paper llan? in**,Harder*, Ae., belonrinj to the esuie of the laic Samuel C. Hill, ml eoujTna# the buioen at the old stand, h»d respectfully solicits tbo eoatiatt auce of its former patronage, ana that of hU friends “•*>‘“no'ct ii HASI>V. JONES *CO ■ jHoar Bacon. amrma.FlolWui j^Mßoaua - xunraD tbs wobun RPBSKL’B original Panorama of "A VOYAGE BOUND THE WORLD” will be opes or Apollo Hall, ibis (Friday) xvxxnta, February Ist, for a short time only. This uarirutlcst Pasoram*, L the Jclnt pro-: deetlonofßunihgioaaadßutscl.aftertwo years of studious application, isono whieh has been exhibited tn any thousands in oar Eastern, tod several cf: our Western Cities, end fareUbes one of the mosteicltmg and navel exhibitions ever brought before the pabUe. cents. DocrsopeaatCiePelock, certain risr* at 7to*eloet , pieclsely.- ! - ~ i fobl AontBiOAN ARROW-ROOT; ,/ : I do Bermuda \do ~ do, oeitfurdtui ; l do'.PeiriStgo;. J _ Preston. 1 * concentrated extracts of Lento*, Tamil*, f "“ IebT JBCIIOONUAKEHkCO Loses, Fanes Goods, fc., at Austin. On Monday morning, February 4tb, ai to o’clock, is Ike Coauaereial.Sales Rooms, cornet of Wood and Fifth streets, will bo sold— ... A Isnre nock of. Variety and Fancy Goods, consist, lac of Thread Lace*, Edgings ud Insertions, Ladles' Collars and Chemisette*, Mantillas, Fine plaids, Hangarian and Faney Shawl* and Scarf*, li n . aa Bo*ott»'Snd Collan 1 . As*»3 aad-Peail Battoas, Women and Children's Worsted and Ccßon Hosiery, Woolta'ileod*,'Caps and Comforts, . Patent Th»sd. gpodlesd SkeinOottoiu Silk. Kid and WoritedGiotes andMiUR Fancy and Dress Hdkft. Fringes, Qntihog. Paneti Fsaer Soap* Scissors, Pocket and Bread Knives, Ladies’ -Hellenics, Silk Balts, Steel Oat*, GnaGasrdi; Bwhes; dloots aad Eycs»Keedtes, Li sail and Oil Cloth Table Covers, ' Gents’SUk Cravat* cad Hdfcfc,Cashmeres, Detains, Lioseys, Albort Cord, Cloak Ltninye, Saanets, Ae, Men and Boys* Cloth, Plash and Far Caps; _ f lit pairsLadie*’Plm Gam Shoes; .. /CHAMOMILE FLOWERS—B bb?t feFrafc by' V/'feW. ' • J BCHOOXHAKER fc CO QFONC&—I case Extra Fine; < O . 1 ease Common: t . I bale Coarse; iorealebr ' feb» - J BCHOONMAKEB *CD DDQAIt—SO hiuUN O, new crop.’ just we'd and for- O rale by.; -.. ■■ fctg ; ScQjLLSA 808. ■ \f oCassoms o, In bbls sad hf bbls, insl’raimd' ax tori* br feba McGILLS A BQE- for sale by ■T febi;! , . \MoCILLBfc ROE DRIEfiiIftiACHES— IM) ba on band ltd ii»f raj by.. .feba McGILLSABOE ttUKD APELES—M>bushels, eboiea,,fot sale ’ consignment by - fcba . McOILLS Jt ROE rpEAS-»pb|s fresh YHud Imperial,for sale by 1 feM MeGILLgAROE SOAP— £0 bxs prime OneiiuusL for taiebr febS. . -McOILLSfcROB 'ARD—3 key* prime, Jest rac'd end fcr rale br . Jfebj • '' BREYFOOLB A CLABKK. 103 flad si' bbU febt~ ' ■ -•. • STFremutm mrgg bbls elg«n.Undlag and far. by ROBERT DaLzbul^ febS ' * ' ' • • liberty street IHEESE—WO bxs inatoie mad tor sale by. Meb2 ROBERT PAtZBLL, liberty si nOLL BUTTER—In bbts, ferrate by r X feb ROBERT DALZELL, libCitT st tens Xeliy *. Co. Tea. Bbomv Just rac’d and for sale by;. : . febd • • ■ JAMES DALZELL RICE— Sic* reeU per steamer Brilliant, for atle by fcM JAMES DALZELL a iB%£»LL : For sale by feb I • ■ CH GRANT cqhant LarO-W bbls to arrive per Fen FiU, for rale by 3ibl ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front st BACON— U bbds asserted) 4W Hams, la balk; to omve per Fort Pat, tor rale by . febr I DICKEY A CO, Front st JaDif ffswWork. i Dark scenes of history, byaP.R. jW», K*q , Author of‘*Tbe Woodman,*-*KJcwn* n aIBEDWABOORAHAMici Railway Speenlators; by Catherine Sinclair, Aalto Jonraey of Ufa.” JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ; jin3l Center of Third and,Market. Blanks for duff's cook keeplng^-Rc eeived this day several, complete sets, .. : Jta3l JOHNSTON A STOCKTON VtlTSt Flip Carpet* Ttr -MeCUNTOCK is Bowopenisathehandsomeit TY r and mist soperb Imported Velvet Pile Carpet ever before offered in.ihismariteVto which he invites the attention of purchaser*. * .-•, CJ* Car pet Ware £00103,73 Fourth st ' janJl BaffHsUaadl-BaffßoUißdt TAKE W. MeCUntbek has this day reerived aeraral eases of the Knest and best Buff window Holland, to which ho wonid mos: respectfully call the attention of his easterner* and the poblie in : general, :; (iyCarpet Ware Hoomr, 78 Fourth st ~v , ■ jan3l ' S~UGAR CUBED BEEFdTfft) HA&S—I» bbls of Sugar Cared Beet Rounds; 60 lie rw* Sugar Cured Uams—Evans te, Swift's—for sale by - Jan3l SELLERS AMCOLS. T* INBEED OIL—7O bis in'good order, for sale by • jj janit . SELLERS A NICQLs. BACON— COO piece* b acon Hutu. : •• SCO • T °. Side*. ■•■... 600. “. SboldenjutCrotarsoks feostt for isle by ■ - . - jtnSl SELLERBfc NICOL 3. kp tuorui), for **le bj Jji - . J.SCUQONMACKEBJkCO. idflill . • S 4 Wood street. ttiSCtfo OIL—3U bl*« lor nte tw ju3t " IXtiCttDOlL—3Ubl*»forma by jj j«a3t J. SCnOONMACKbR at CO. S^'TS.'lDßl'iil’iTlNE— '.flJbl* in (tood order, !omi by ja&U BCHOOSAIACKER&.CO.- ISAIAH PICKET A CO, Freni tt DBIEPFfIUXT— 2DO ba prints Petchst, (halve*;) 40 bn do-- Apples . init fee'd, JtcS9> . JOHKWATTACO ALUi W—7 tbl* jnsi recti aal for sale by; “ jantt 8 AWHARUAUGH SHEEP PELTS—6OO Sheep pelts, in store end ft sale by ; tanSB - S* WiIARBACGH T3EATHER3—3OOO Ibsprimea for sale by ... 1 JjangQ SfcWHARBAUGB IULK PORK—22I pes Uor Hatred, ja«t lamUnjr.for I sale by }anVg B A W HABfIAUOH . Louisville lihe—im bbi* in cure and far salt by JattP 3 AW UARBAUOII E*LOUR— SO bbls extra In store sod fersale by ’ • 1* jura SAWBARBAPOH fIHEESE—3EO bxsWßfia store and for sale by .. . SfcVVUARBAUGH GORN— SOCWbo toamrejforsale’by jaa2> - . • : SAW HARBAUCIT ba'Keds« in store and for sale by*; janO -CRAIQ A SKINNER .WOOL-* ucki iQ isan tad for tala br . W jan \9 CBAIQ it gfeINNER PORK— 1200 Ifc* Bvk,litsi recM and for tale by Jantt 1 . ' CRAIOfcgDNNER /CHINESE VERMILLION—3O Iba lo*t teeVi and lor yraaleby ]anSB J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood at 'AND PAPEB-'3oort4Jni(Baiitii , i p»tcat)lnftore I andforaalaby - Jang) - JPPD4CO OLTVEOIL— IG baskets-for sale bir jan» -■ - TJtoDDACO T IQUOEICE— vOlbj (teffneff) jtmree’d and for tale Jj by - }aa« J KIDD A CO HARLEM Ollr—2 groat (genuine) on band and fox mile by jiiifl .: ':JKIDPACO N O BCGAB—Qt hhd* (now crop.) Inu reeeiftrd ,’aibUbrialeby A CULBERTSON,. . j*ng>: . . • v 145 Libertyat ’ XT O: MOLASSES-W bbl* (twwerep) iwt ree'd la • and for sale by ■ A CULBERTSON, ■ • Jana.--. . ~. .. - 143Ubcttyat RICE— 5 tierce* (new crop) jaatreeVi add for saloby Jan® • A CULBERTSON SALSRATUS— 10 cask*, snoerlor coalitr. for sale by janSO - A CULBERTSON ROLL BUTTEK-4btil* Jut roc'd and for »alcbT : jana A CULBERTSON SUGAR— 33~liMa NO, Jon re cM end fbrulebr ; MILLER& BICKETSON, Jap £9 Noi 173 and ITllibenyit^ CODFISH— a te< on band and (or sale by Jana _____ ISAIAHDICKEY A«X>, Front»t CHEESE— 300 boxes fur tale by Jana - ISAIAH DICKEY A CO FIRE URICK Je TlLE—Foraalebr ' jmffl I9AIAII DICKEY A CO RICE— 30liercts pdmo Cbuleiunrtt, J«t rcc'J and for «a!« by janfl) MILLER A BICKBTBQN \TUBTARD—CO bxa ±lb eana u L©ar laJirid” Mb*- ill ■ Jte» ■ MILLER A RICKETBQN PBODUCE— tJ kegs Butter;' ' • ; - 160 bx« Common Cheeie; ' 48 bx* Cream “■ -/ r . 3 bbla Lard; 3 hu Flax Seed; ea ecnri«nment tad ]anS>- MILLER & niCKiTTSON MOLASSKS— 10 bbls best quality St Junes Refi nery, Sugar Moose, In store end for sale by Jtn.o MILLER A MCKETOON PULVERIZED LOAF fc POWDERED SUGAR— CO.bbI* Noe 4, 0 and 7 Loaf Bagar; l> cawa Lowering’* ... H -. : . j- - 4o bbU ' . crushed “ 1C u ' , Putreriiedj in more and for sale by j«n» i MILLER A RICKKT9QN COPf EE—KS bip Bio; .W ** .Old Got. Ji*w in cun'and'for {»pgP 1 MILLF.It fe RICBKTBQN nig by ' ji touagXuUM'UUmy laiilutt, . WylU tt. t Mar th* conur rf fPiu&iit gim, Ptfii'g. TIIE Second Sewlon of this InrmuiionVrill com mence on tBo lit Monday of next momU, iFebrn ary,) under the superlimaacncoofilm p. DAVIS and Daughter*, into Frlrdpali of the Female Seminary. LoaiiTiUe, Ky, .i' 1 ' For tetmi, tea Cixealan, or apply to the Principals. nittncß: .•. ■ . 7" Rev.lX Eiiiott D.D n •: „ Res. Win. Presica. .** D. 11. Riddle, D. 8., *• 8. hf. Sparks; “ .. . .Gen; J;K. Moorhead, “W. D. Howard,. • Richard Edwards, Esq. jsn-a-ct • . ■ NOTICtt. WrANTEB—A aiuglo min wbatlion'OjUrDader mndstho management of Ctiw*,anilcan milk. To one.who eaucoree welrrecomnicnded, pood wage* and a steady litmllon will bo given. Apply to JattfS - C. M. RoblNBPf», Knetm tp» . DRIED FF.AUIIE3-30 ba jut ras'd tad for sale by _ ianUS CRAIG APKI.NNKR LARD Oil-* Lt>i s wiuter sirmued, receivingper stesmer Ohio, and for sale br "_i jaaL-O . - JAMES DALZELL g AVED HER LlFE—Sellen’ Verraimga iltfo art- Lcxcmos, JanoaryS»jJWP. Mr. J. M- .WiHon—Dear Sir, The vial ofSalleti’ Vcnnlfe jc 1 boo?lit from yoa, aome lime ago, brought from toy clrl Qve Ye*r«old, the aitoaiiuiug nmwt ol 6vo hundred worm*, i believe »he would bare lived a very abort time. butfeithUmediaoe. * . t Vroptrrd and sold by tt, E SELLERS, #7 Wood C; «old nl* / » by DruygUti generally in tbs two dliia. ; _ jar, S 3 SKO Krs—icb'oeo Kentaeky. jait rtchTand"tor aaii jiSS 0 "^‘“^ABIESBALZEIi. Cr.OVF.il 80 ilDSd - bureeM and tor tale by • WAR McOUTCHIvON. <, MMOTLIY BEKD-33 bit recMand for sale by f _ -llnffl WARMcCUTCHEON TOW DAOS— O «IcX ree*d and for sale by ■. i . " lantt . WfcRMcCUTCHEOtt POTATOIS— W bbls jest rec’d and for sale by haid „ WAR McCCTCHkON TALLOW—Wtbl^ree , d*ndftiT«aleby: , lantd - ■ ' SAWHARBtPffIr piO ARS—IOO.QW t*A&t>— 100 keg* Nol, toriale by"-"-.. “! —“ Jan**- - aAWHAgBAUaiT •OBAMIIAttiCHOOL, : David-Flock, .Federal Sirat,AUsgkeny Gitf. TilEcezt *e*tfonwin rcmmaseo'cnßfondtr. Feb. of boy*,’« - codrrsof rtatfy and rsrxtm Wiaimujilon defied to dMelope a detirablo rytataeuy of charo-. itnlUy them for,lie man xupccti. . Tdltiflu—sio for fiWmontki. .Af plication •• *- s HAMBURG, - - Colw*!!, matter, will leuvc ioraibo^B •iMemedi»iff' t>ort» »hu .day ily oa board. cUUoetock* A.*L For freight or pass FOB WABASH BIVER. ik_ Thafpleadid tt« enter i ' iflSrIA CINDERELLA, ' •tfSSnßcaß CapL Jaxnea IL He»|ett, will letT* u MBsSSHnSabovo.caUonday, February 4th el 4 P’doek. P.H.. ... . • •••'.' For freight ot patten apply on board, otto . - . * JNKWTONJON'ES Agt FOR LOUISVILLE. : J ■ityyrA *■ UfflStSfflF^ ■ ISKwBBB KinMT. mMier.wilf lean? for the ■SHasHSSfa aborts imennedlaw porta on i thtii day,tbafci last, at 4 o’elodr, P.M; •.. , : For freight aod DisaaxeaDDly on board .on* feb ~a WHEELED Act FOB ST. LOUIS. #*£&** k .The tplendid Meaner - -—- rJXcjZLA . mt. vtaNON, aKFMffmiR '■ Komtx, Blister, will leave for the ■BraSaHMabove and all Intermediate ports on thia'dgy.the 4th Iml, it 10 o'clock, a. M. :: For.freight or puup apply on hoard. feb3 - BUND AT PACKET FOR CINCINNATI, it The splendid steamer " anfcotßfty Benedict. msitevwiU leave tor tbo BBnBBBBBKaboTO and alMfitermedlaic pont on Bandar,Jhe 3d February, at IQo’cloek, A. &L Fbf Might or passage apply on board; or lo . . feb9 - GEO OhULTENgRROEiI, Agem » >, / .FOR ST. I«vn* ik Tie splendid /ut nuiiuif'tteamer BE'FJLLF * - Suae, muter, rill - leave for • above ■■ffijSSanßaad- all tnterai diate ; ports on 3axnr*. dsr.ttieSd att, si 4 o'clock. P M. For freight or.passsee, apply in beard, or to febr: '••■•'Vy PKTTDSREVV.fcCO.Agts USOBASC The .Delaware - mutu ttANCK COMPANY.—Offi Exehajree, Third street, Phiiad* Fuxfa>cxLsCK—Buildings, 1 property is tows and cwjbtbt, itfTnnyw by fire at the unrest ra : filuoxs Iswusoe—They al roes and Freights, foreigner ct tpeciai policies, os the assured I sLxas TuattforiATtox—Th ' lisa' transported by. Wagons, Boats acdSieam Boats, on it most liberal teitas. ••••:• • iL SAFETY INSU !C, North Boom of the Iphia. .••••** urehandise and other asored against tou or sof prenunta. l • -• o insure Vessels, Car uttrise, asder open or nay desire. : . raicolnsnemerekan* - Bail rood Cars. Canal ; era and Ukesj on lb* . i Edmund A ; . Sonder, Mnt-BJ’aanee, Sam».-- -ard DarUngtou. IraSß Newlia, DrBH Dus* - a Paulding, 11 Jonea 3mir, Georgtf.Semil, - ly, J O Jotaaoe, WU lellere, Win. Eyre, Jr. BOH—IX T. Morgan, Di&ECTOßS—Joseph U. Be John O Davis. Rabortxteram,, el Edwards, Geo 0 Leiper, Ed* B Davis, WDliam Folwell, Joh ton, James o3 A Ca,tsi Mar vot£ of i'SSH.** °F* n hnotherJarge in reoehiambroidesed Ewoing.Dreuea DUGAR k MOLAS3ES-1I) hid. ptis, N O a«s*r,' (neweropy ' 'V... 6CO this prune NOMolssS' r UnSI BUHnniDCR WH^ONA^CO jAUKLINOd-tb bbls loi by . , CH GRANT * I received a-superior lot of Green aa* Attack Teas, and for sale by ■ _ • J * ACULUERTSOS,.. _j«ai , ■ ; • iuub«]?«S ■DqaXffaCfAl*-2» bxTNo l. CmrbrandrforM^T: It* IseH . : . ' WAT KAfIAt.KV A CO_- BlMkwMd's Ibfiilas ud tha Brflßh '4aMtulyßivltwi, . . ■ T/tZ: TnLosooaQttaxTxm ftxmtr, -. / •. Y'.' Tni Bnttnrtfla Rxvtxvr, - Tsui Noun Bxntsu llcwxw; ' . < • Tub Wmmoarm Bcnsw: ■ And—Buczwoon's Eutssetau Msoszivx... . . •• TERMF:: : ' ' ■ Forawy-ona of iho four Reviews.- atmuxm. Tor,aU foor of theße views, ■ For Blackwood’s Msgaiiae, 3jo “ For lUsekwoodtcdthedßoviewf, 10.C3 * . Paymems to be made in all ease's in sdvsotv. , Published siaalmncoetiy la New Ywk aad rnJ*- buwh; Office, 63 Wood street jsnlg l . JAMES P. LOCgWOOD. fjVALLtIVV—-7J bbls U l',or« au*l tot ssio w . X jams - j n caNFIEI.P V 13