The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 01, 1850, Image 4

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of ill uaUUMiT'irm
(too amVCMKh, MUami IteedMuCgiaStoaDog..
5 trine. lifo Of Jeremiah Evans Esq-. BotoPyj**””*'
! Hammy »f Uis Gospels, deVito
to the abev*, all it ltfTT^V^Sinnft^, 7'iy~
toe eaXrftverinJgdftT*. gggs*g**!*gigjy-A
■ vt *d'*feE jPH^l^C#;*f:--/;•-•;• '.V.
* BOT7TfoWTw»*inc®i I.«**ttmrettaf tfasoagh
A ihfl'«iMcf.XMW»totP»*P«BaaK*fgy-toTJi»
jpSuofi, 1 discovered a singular Metalio substance*
and •ab*gfteiH)!rW*jfte& toil U hid been known-for
yean, aa#«upposed to be of-as ue ftmlae, bat from
us uniformity of texttfre aad 'iintffiar appewoneej 1
wu led -brbelkhittemSgbft bft/made uaefal, bat for
what panose I bad not »be leaslidea. 1 commenced
■yexpemaenisby fitning 14 belling IV ftftdpalvtr*
and ao strong wu my eonfideneetoat there wu ▼else
to tola, I bare attended to no other badness; attoeex
piratioe Of about twoyear*,-
by redattof It too ftaapo*ilM,ab*«WwitfWitoliiH
teed oil m'ftbout toe consistency of thick paint, and
applying this command witoa.brittl4:Bnninrwj*nng
la o few i&oBtoa tomb > jjetfaxnow or
due; sotoat toe sabslandovrlwftkppueajrfaiahte ally
slate la a liquid date, and too larw.mOoant of silica,*
gfawttw naffoeaia and biaekoxiM'ofltODtoatitcoo
talnedTitmdered If botoweithar lead fire proofs as lha
longer exiosed, toe buderfiad mate Detmaaeat It
seems to lleeinnfc'and-aj.tbe coating (assy ft tarns to
state) i»«f Itself udtotnatfbta<byfiyuea6seqaeatly it
protects tke troed covered .with Unomtomafrjand.
where there i* no air, toertfu aobUu or combustion;
toeretemtoe woodrnll aetuady ehar, before toe slate.
covsringwlllgive way, aj^liTUCi
I cooddered tofe discover* of toe greatest Import*.
Knee, and spjmed toGoretniafinlferapatcqfarxay'
rawntton or foadry'fidblng thstT'iStnria
bow be remunerated (or all my onttayin lima aad mo
ney. The government.
ee to me Letters Patent foi-thb eofy right to manatee*
tare, tell and as* my taprarementra tostunalhetaro
of a “Weather aad Flre Proof-Composition. or Arti
ficial Blato.«rwfonrieeijy*antir:-.:..: ••. r. '*
Ang«ttl4,*M». yi-T- -rri WM: ELAX&. r,
malementof Mr.,Ulakei andbeufeSro *to be sabstaa*
tialiy comet, ftjvye ore knowu£to most of toe state
ments toertln ebriuinedt andwcvrtn farther »iue, tout
we do BOlheUere that ißcTceVer .yrad a patent more
toneitly and deservedly"
gran tea; u be ptusuednti expenmenlikfluftllcmbst
indomitableperse retinaeander toe most discouraging
circumstances, as-toe public had not toelSait oonfi*
deneo tow tocre eanld be; uny,toinr vttoable mads
from toea&bstaaees-ile iberaXorehflatMncosntetfoT.
years toe Jeen tuul scoffs ofncarlr toe.whole epaunu
nity. Notwithiundlni' ftllthls/bowu indefatigable
to toe experimanta, and wedo not.
believe that there is one wn htatoowand who would
hare persevered under til toe rirtamdancM. Bathe
hu at tin triumphed brer all obstaelesj-aod we.-to*
liere there is now bat ooe opiniea tu awarding-him
tos mcrilof this valaabl* discovery. ■ — - '-•■•«••
GEO. W. CRANE, i f >Jadieea«f
•-•• LEWIS aCIIATPIELIH^ \ Tnutoes
■ _ HENJ JONE, , T
.WhLBVERETT, Tbwaihip Clerk.. "
I haveasoertaioed that there Cre Individuals engaged
la digging, rriadlog) aad preparing for sale, toe above
menOoMd aGneral, id he mixed with otL cad uedpre*'-
osely as I ase my. patented article; ( have been to
. those persona and ifcown them my patent.' -Tbar **7
they do doc Intend to infringe or trespass apon my
: rights^toettoey have aright ta dig, giiodj'and sell too
/powder,lf they can find porehesers; that they are not
bound to know what toey are to do with tost it is
no iaCongetsea) nntli Itia mixed with the oti to make
toe compound, and that too to who boy, mix and ase it,
but take too retpoaaibUity. Most'of them aey that
toey believe tout the patent Isgood against those tost
mix ■»»> us the compound, and' sosto haVe said that,
what toey wanted to use toeysboald certainly purch
ase of me, as they did not intend, to make toeatelvu
liable in any way. Nowlfeclmyaelf indntybonndto
expose toll beremebdfrani trpoa thepabliei aa 1 can
call it by'oo milder name, where niman sells end
ceives pay for.aa citJcle, toe nse'of whichhewell
knows subjects’the-purehksef-aOd itocr to afire taea
tioa and &a& ' Brnos of those who are engaged in this
sefariotu trefle, will anqaesuonably eentend to the.
public:tokC'tay. patoat wdl not stand, and that l dare
so;prosecute. Now,touketouargiunentswayfrom
jtcm.lwmtoaomoof.toMo who were promaiming.
that my patent vrarof nb value,* andmade toe follow' ■
tog proposition: tost they mivtoselecmjndge and two
lawyers who have hadaonfo practice tflpaant eases,
and we would submit toe patent to them, and- iftocy
decided that toe patent wu good; that they abostd stop
all fartoer-procecdlngsJh too busiriets; but if they
should dtolse that (t wouid tioV la their opinion, held,.
1 would agree to let toom go on and sell all they could,
witooat saying any thing to toe public about them.
This proposition toey would not aceeda to. JSofar «s
toe validity or my is concerned.'-1 •'do Jtotcai.
pend entirely opou my owu judgment,altooojh I bare
toe fulleit cenSdenec in lq«bati batrasabnugrd It to
many of thejadges,and isveral of too most eminest
paienr lawyers, who have, wnhoutcrcepdoa, dscided
toat in
tn my ducovery.
1 grind the article to a fine power, aad put it up in
barrels, toe which aro marked: VCulks 1 ! PatxstFixx
an Wxkrfrxx Pwor Afisvtcux Bnawt® * ' - ‘--
I therefore glve-uotlse- to all who
above mentioned mineral Tot toe purpose set forth in
my patent; except from mo or my-.auibotited agenUL
tost 1/fthaU bpid toemloastric;aeeountaUluy r Aad
' sHall eommence tolls at law against those who Ihus
Infringe upoamy nghL . WiL BIAKE.
• gaaioa,MeduwtCo-jAug. 14, tolft.- : , f -
CTTWO TOSB of too above Fire and Weather
Proof Artificial Slats on hands and for sale. The
above wo eito recommend, for we have beenanogit
for some 4 veers, and know it to be what U ta set forth
to every ptmieutar. • J. A If. PHILLIPS. Agt, '
oa»a74om--^-—-' No A Wood it ■
iF. &-CO.,
I H*. 09 9ft«itb Btnet( FlUibufibi
| bow in Store their fall assortment of . ' '
jTrimminffl, Glorex, Hosiery and Late Goods
ADiPTEDrofEa*w*ai* oTc vcrycliiaor.TJercFaiiu'
ta'ffCtfnmoicO. No _j>n!n* bare bwr spared to ‘
present Ihb utnsi and most- fashionable style cf
Goods in their lift?. Their slock consists lnpaitoftbe
■fciiowtefTTV • - •■••••..''••• .: - ■ ' ••■ J'
) •. MEgS tZTWMMKVes. ■ -
; Fringes !aad Gimps/ofeveryvarietjvnewstyles
JgßreoGallooai: Algcrino andlmperial Braids; wide ;
jand narrow gilt and Wonted EmbteiSeriny Braid*
ifijaredandcut VelTrt'Ribbon*7 plain do do; Corded'
■Mantua and plaia Fatia Rib boot, tor trial
‘whiteaod colored Silk Laces; extra wide do do, Ear
' flooneecwitlr * fall, assortiqeqt.of Dross Battens;
Dresses Finked, Bumped or Eobrpideitdio order.
- lagp
. Embroidered Lace andMoslin Capes, Chendterifts.
; Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French
■Worked lngreni variety: L«ea Veils,"
Lappets and Opera Tie*: MonrofrTgChemlrece*, <3a!*-
lurs, Ctrits; and' Half *SJOdVo*;: Linen'Lawn JrdkCr,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Llnnndoj
real thread Laces and Ednno:'lm; ep do; Bobbin,'
Lisle, Lkttt Mosdnand Cctnm-tggings and toeiibip.
fiiefc new ttjrle.n6nnct Ribbon*, Preach Pace Flaw* ’
er*, BonnetTaba, Yelrets, Bruin* and Florences, Silk
Illation* end and Tipa; r •:
Beit.jßEflaftctarc7-WUh. most appibretf fastenings,,
and eneteesi color*. .'An tx ieu*We waortaent al ways'
. .yJßosmsr: •. ;
A «Teal':T*riei7 of Silk, Wool, Coltoa/Merin* aa4
Cashmere, fijr Ladies and Misses; Tartan Flaids.mod'
; a fall assortment other styles fancy and plain Child* ■
jrea 1 # Hose; [newest styles Infant*’ Boots find Sock*;
IGentst Grampian,: Vtspnin,.MeTuio,Couou and fine
[Wool Half Uott.
|< . v GLOVES,- -: - *r
i A-fali as»rtmnm for women sndehfldren,
i among which are Derby Ribbed, Foloselle and plain
iBilkj*ibbtd sod plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Her*
ilin; Caiaimere, Merino, Fcr-iiced Beaver, heavy and
t fine BaeJukin, Military «nd'JAile-Tb f ead and. Couoa*
• 5 * WOOLEN GOODS, > t .
Saeh a< Ladle* 1 and Childrcn’B .Uoods, Children’*
Woctyn’floek*, Knit tieaifs aod Boas. Children’* Gail*'
ers'aad Long writs, Worsted Cods, Knitting Worsteds
and Woolen Yarn*; California Cim/ctta; also, fine;
Cashmere Bearft, for Ladle*. 1
1 Zephyr *nd Taper-ry Worsted*. Canvas* Patterns,
: Fhtoaan4Ea*'jfiSilk».RriKol&?jdFerfdßoards, Pa*
| per Flower Materials; Lamp Mats, Tidies, jwd Lhn
i brelduiedWoric. AUoreLmlies’BjUaml MeriDoVests
< French
• WotkedCapsandWaistsforinfaniijandSwia's-down
■ Trimming*. ~~•*•■ —; —•- •- -
; ; • -GENTLEMEtraWEAIU V. "•
' 1 Fine Shirts, Cravatsond Collars; Merino, Bilk'and
I Couos'Wranpex* and Drawers; Suspenders, Shoulder
• BnwesM4ifre**intf Gowiisi'SiiE'iiad Linen lldkft;
’ Gloves aad-Jlosiecy. *" ; '
French pafienu carved andpitinghell Back Comhc
ißsasw and XA'do;-Sbell Side and Long Combs; Im,
;do; Buffalo, Satin and Bosewood Hair Brurhos; Shell,
;JJaffalo aha Bug. Hora DressiagandliiioivoryComlis:;
: ; wi«h « or N*u and Tfceta Bnuhes.
j j Welheiiir***C*ld Medal" Perftimsry.
. ' : . , ? VARIETY GOOD 3,. 1 ‘
; Wocdle*!Pins,Tagesj gteelßaw indiPuraes,
;-Buttontwnd Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Ba*keu,
■ i Pax*©Twi»t and Sewing*, Pino Rosewood Desks aai
-! ;Coaf Binding* A Galloons ‘Faney Work Baskets
: Ciodk Cord and Tasseto, • Portfoboa, Pamcrtres add
i Blind A Shade Trimmings. : Ladles'Stationary, • •
j PulpUß Banner Tassels,- French-Cork-Soles, . >
i Upholsterer 1 * Fringes, - Silk AOing'ia Umbrellas,
; Bad Linen, ! u*s>d width** Paper Menial a Hollands,
1 Eeylisn *->ii Cloths, Elastic Bonds A Webbtug,
: Fif’d Chints Binding,’' ’' ■- Corset and ftboe Wero.
; ui, aaj, « w.m'.
; ,\j CDmodkVCarpet Wsrenouae, No. *73 Fourth ia a
Duther sopplyoi Corpeisi-W tie latest and mastap-:
. proved atjrles, to which InWfe.thft attention of
: tjtfflpifronTaciyimd those wishing to famish Honscs,
to (Si and bxsmfte the largest asratiment In the city,'
which.wo yriU sell ehsttper.than erer btsorecflfered la
lha'westertiinarkef ru>7S3 " WM'CLINTOCX '
~ Boanilsff Loag Shnwls. < >
• str B.MUKl'llVnasree’onsnpplrofthe ahoTo
W-o nrtielelef thnbest qaalityj aiso, plain Blaek
Qnioet Lane Shawls; black bomba?iaes, Mourning AH
'pabead, Persian'Cloth, blnek Coburg s,\ Panneuas,
gaSuaeres, Moss da T- ,!n « and French Merinos, black
’ Cravats and Mourning Collars, Mourning Bonnet Rib*
;• bens, neck do, and a full assortment of Mounting
°“ 3 *'“ , 'SaIN , HI.ACK SILKS,
i A lam assortment, including a few pieces very wide
• and SBperior. 'Boyers are Invited to look nt them, at
! North Bast eornerof Foarth and Msrkct its.
1 Wholesale Rooms up stairs, where n large assort*
j meat of Now Goods has lately boen received. [nvfiO
Wa have been informed by Mrs- Rose of scare par*
formed on her by Dr; Jayne’s Alterative, which
proves it* superiorly overeveryoiherrcmody of the
, kind. She has been afflicted for the Inst sixteen years
• with NECROSES or WIUTE SWELLINGS, attended
wnk aleerattons and eafoliatlon of varfotis bones, dn*
nag whiehuru many pieces have been discharged from
the irental bone of the ennina, from both her arms,
.wrists and buds-and from both legs, and from the left
femora, bone, and from the right knee, besides painful
nicer*onctflerpartsof herp«too,wh><hhaTo baffled
the skill of aamsberof thenwrtcmiMMphysieianiof
oof city—daring most of the time her sufferings have
been exertnoung and deplorable. About three months
•lnee ahe was induced to try Dr. Jayne’s Alterative.
mlcer* to heal, while at the tame time uergenerai health
hx* become completely restored,»o that »bc towweiirhj
S 3 Iba nors than she did before she commenced tho ua
ef this traly saleable prapauoai—{Bat-.Eve, Post. .
t tafamaaoa, inquire of Mre. Rose, No. 123
ram *** “Sf
nKidbr 1 ' “ e4lcto “ .ir.niKj Jrjn-.. B. BLOW
Cheapest Bm« Bidlsiu
■ ... «TflggQgl,D.
ttOAWomwOT AiDcosomos
Ff Mtw. XQdnmJStft
■■ (v,«ntf XkmßffiafO, SLOAN’S O!NTUBNT£b*
Aa4 1» rsjadly superseding all other Ointments and
.“Jffluu new in dm tor tho core of the following dia
ambit bnlae.
®**ked. fc£«l%>ru£boae, windbooe. windfall*, .not
fvu».eaUa* fi «p«Ti»ftwwasT t Csala, siiteSt. «WW
j«WTMiii )I j*iiiJjtt«eki.foundered feet,-aerate heaor
freaatf mango or botae distemper. . tmu>m ”
..Vf. T J ,w ?f l * i ‘! r <3* r " tlltaflmnimlon ani fe ra
partly; the Mood, iuuaeirtfceikle, cleanse the waJ*
23SB&aBBjmg£*i as«—
«m. iruiuSi 2SSSJ
SSSSSSS»W-, *>jssjg*«
.. ] Cra?dDcpcv,o Uko 11, Ciieag., lihccV
• •••?' i ' ‘jij' vv 'JyKppOOp''
RxtraiLfigm the-.’fOalenu North Western G aiette.’.
•A^ri 10 'W'PwkOintment and Condition Pow-
on ny fan. aid
•tMrawjtJßoroeed his eonduloo more than 600 pe
jteixL w the cost of the medicine And a cowwtueb
M>T*<*>b*ldsrcd worthies* by myself
10 S°o<l health and strength
of the pointer,
**y «*taf• cowl hare.
' ..
one of ary children,' when na
T-?_i •; t #°'iweeawofut«eoala,andwa*horned
fro® head lofcef The best of medical aid
and ahenlfan wab'fiyeA to the child for foor or five
Fgffl.T*? I?** 1 ?** day’* andertnjn tnereas
wad* eruteal period ope of my neighbors reeonnaen*
ded and prdMued to me a'box ofSloan’* Ointment
4nd\ih ten \ktix fifteen mlnote* alter the tpplieailoc
.Ej.F»inHtmesvu» the aggravated sores of the suffering
child, the pain eeased entirely, and he speedily began
Ip recover. -Hy ; revideoee U in Holt township. Ver-
Wilma soumy, and Bute of Indiana. >
r c ..... M THEODORE la TAYLOR.
■; Chioago,-Aagast M,-lfiß <
ApriLl3,lB4B. .Foot mile'* north of Chicago (onthc
road to MdwsokiOCook eonoty, Illinois..
Mr. Sloan—Dear §in One of my. honea had a large
.Lany tnmnron hiipwindl hone,lmmediately under the
eollar. which lamed him and’ rendered bit service* ot
very, little vataft/I fiuthfnlly applied several bottles
of frvTßjJot!*Nmo and Ho ns Liniment, without the
least benefit. 1 Utea procarcd Wilder’s Celebrated
.Ifered Ointment, and ased that enlU I became, folly
1 satisfied that JL.vraald never relieve the animal. Ft
. nnily.l obtained aibox ot your truly valuable Otnt
cm>naad in less, than 60, days from the first applica
tion the utmor entirely disappeared, and the hone war
well. I Yoon, -. "'EDWARD ARMSTBONO. -
If popular epinkH> ts-eay criterion of tie worth o f on
article, we JuritMhe iftcrednlotu to read at least a tew
of the many volantarr certificates that appear In oat
eolaans respeeung the great variety of reoarkabla
cotes eflected by tfio usoot “-Sloan's Celebrated Oiol
tnont and Condition Fowdeta”
Th“« remedles no longer remain among thorn o'
-doabuol utility, they have passed from the tide of ex
periment, and now stand higher In reputation and ax*
becoming morW. extensively osed than all othtr arti
cles of .the Wad.—Mith. City News.
Tfcar Sloan—Sin Pkootend by the bearer m aev
aapply./Of roer Hone Medicines. They axe the beat
andei of the kind, that l have ever need. ncrer hav
i« beeadiaappoimed Jn ihelr.efleet, aa 1 hare been is
the use of other*, even the Boat celebrated Ointment*.
Liniments, fte~ of the day. • 1 Uke very nmch thi* fea
ture in theta, vim that they do all that la premised, and
gj»a trial on* is contrained to add, that
.He' ordinary cinxmests and lirdmenU it is well
known.are severe arid partial in their operation.—■
Sloan's Ointment is mild yet thorough—it reaches end
-xemnvis the it gives real and permanent
telift£ For-parity;/mildness, safety, certainty, and*
thoroughness, Sloops Ointment exeels, aid is rapidly:
vnrpereedtnffaU ether Ointments and Liniments boss
In use.-j- ■ 'v^.. • .
• ;Dnta*aGßOT*,lii,Oct.9i,l&ia.
_ Mr. Slots—Sin; I have tested the vitae of you
Ointment in ihe cnrc oT reltletaako bites, sore throat,
jsnii, and umny-qtherjniaries,. and in every 'case it
has Bareaued'purexpectatioas. A* a. family Ouu.
(hate never ceenjts equal, &sd for beasts wr
•can’t.fet along wliheat. it.
. Mr.SZoaa—Dear Sir For a considerable length' •*
use I was seriously wuh the then malic com-
Pbriar,rend applied ffedy-the vazioos finiaems, ptlai
aiuere, A % without obtaining any reli#£ AAerwhiek
your ag«.atatthl« place influenced me to try year
Ointment, and within two weeks from the time 1 com
joeneed using It/lbe pain ceased, and I waseffectniliy
eared, and shall recommend all who are similarly ar
flfeiodwifothe distressing complaint, to procure you
excellent ointment without delay.
yours, • - • OSCAR F. MOTT.
.UPnnesviUe, Peoria co., May t,t94S. .
ID" From the Hoa-1L V. 8. Brooks, Agent of the
lUiaois wad Michigan Canal Packet £ou Company.
. CKtcauo,JuneM,-IMsS
Dr. w.JL Sloan—Dear Sin For the . fen 30 years 1
have had occasion to uso many hones, and have used
the great variety* of‘liniments and ointments in ate,
bat bare never found any. thing equal to your oint
ment for injuries on horses. Within the last two
months Ihave applied your ointment to some SO horses,
for vurioas injuries, and in every lutariee it has pro
ved a sovereign remedy.
- TwomUeeiouth of Chicago, Sept 14, I&IS
Dr. On Thn ftlh intrant gje Min tail sfin*
ger bitter entirely offbj ahorse. We immediately ap
plied your celebrated ointment, which relieved him c I
-pain inis few minutes, andr prevented the fifirerftom,
swelling the least particle, and the wound is beating
tepidly. ECspty jours,' S. BROCKWAY.
S&.SJoao—Dear Sin About three years ago I was
severely injured in one of my lees by the felling oft
Ipjie-orwoodwbieb'beeestoned large running ulcers.
Nearly eifoxydOetMlft'Grieafttriedtae&ie them; but
tried in vain, util from sympathy und improper tree:,
mem sty othei leg. became as bad as the one original*
iy wounded.'{‘despaired of ever "being, well again—
Thu irrordcrlfiet (might neglect no means withiu my
' reach,. ('purchased of yopr agent in Galena some. u
yoot ointment, and you can judge of my 5 surprise as I
graritortc better thus'l can express it,-u? find myself
entirely well before I hod finished using the second be x
These feels {..make known .that others afflicted may
believe and set delay using so valuable an ointment
ai yotm bus proved *to be. Rexp*y yonr grateful Arid,
.. .Gaienft T 'llL, D«B 19,19Ja' ' EVAN DAVIS.
/•-- j -/-ONLY.SfIDATB.
.ißcforo fbilowing otder, Messrs Vaughn ACo
purchased uJurgusappTr.ofßloun's preparations.
... - .I. . jicMs, Mich. Feb. 24,1943.
8. &.Hibbaiffi»Deur Bln I amostof Sloan's Condi*
lion Powde* apd-Hot»a,.Ointinaju TTie sale far ei
coeds nr expectation.; If you etn manage to send me
4-doirn OnttmtiiVIwillptyfor them the'first tipu
thusyoa ereberr, tadpresume I shall bo able to tell
a Bosns of Ibe year. It will be
ati’object tOiTou. as wcD as lo to keep no con*
stanUirsuppiied.’ Very reip*y yoan,
«*;■ ’ • : • BoBiVAUenNACO.
_ Sr. Lons, Feb. 22,1919.
Dr: About two year* ago, while ratlins
on the Mississippi - tiver/inpaiainr over the rapids,!
.was plunged into the water, and try ths raft dashing
against a rpek, crushing ny left leg and otherwise so*
nooslyiejunag TO, *o'muc& that ! lon all sensibUity.
.When eoosclpasneu returned I found myself in 8L
Louis, surrounded weeping family* Good nor*-
ing ani medical aid, enabled me In about two months
t» nobble around dntb'the'astittanee ofaemteh. The
woandk-oaly.pinrdaßy heaied, leaving large running
sores at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and matter bflhe'muStoffleniive character. My
pains were inexpresiible. at times my suffering was
so grentthat deathsronfd have received a hearty wei
come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my neighbors)
ad vised me to try year, Ointment. -1 obtained .a box
applied it aceontingtodireetioo—the sores soon began
to assume n healthy appearance, and in three monibs'
1 was entirely cared, and enabled to do hard labor.
Yearobettiant servant,
oi . . -HIRAM W. THOMAS.
We, the undbTtigned, neighbors of 11. W. Thomas,
were acfjualutod with theease above stated, and know.
Inr ihe-etreamnances,'. most eheerfnlly confirm ‘said
Thomas'atahjaent. ■- . .. REV. J. DOUGLASS,
. ' - dooii NEWS. -
. . - Cmcaoo, Jan. eth, 1819.
W.TL Sloaa—Sic One’ofmy bprses washoof bonne 1
and aNbwohodcdih'thsstiffe, in which he took eold,
and became so etippldd that he could scarcely travel.
By (he free' application of yoar valuable ointment, his
hoofs-were sood softened and the stifle penaaaently
eureA 'lhave also osed lhe Ointment in the easeol
Poll-Evil nnii on isevere galls with equal success.
On a finger that was very painful it opera
ted like a Ac, A. VAN ORDEN.
' Ploan’s Ointment, and Condition Powder are ae*
-’knowledge*by ait who have used them to be the lest
remedy Jpr borics abd canla that has been discovered.
Fresh wmiM*, galls, spavins, bruises, ringbone, poll
evti.'fted in short every outward diaorderor injury cno
,be cored' by (his wonderful- remedy. The Powder l<
designed for'inward sixains, distemper, hidebound,
fatigue fromhort exeirelke,-diseased eyes, Ae.—Lake
County Chraoicle.-7 •*»' •
! - • Wmkuxvx. Cook Co. Feb. U. 1549-
Mr. Sloan—Bin I have n fine young horse that was
taken with the scratches tosi ull. 1 paid out about
tbrde / dotlars fei r nedleina'')o cure him, but be grew
worse. I then bought nbox'of your ointment at yoar
.office when to Chicago last, rather doubling!)*, out I
tboughthwonldtry 1l Judgeefmy surprise andmy
epioion of iu beitefielal qaaiities, when I found mj
hotie's legs smooth and well in four days from (be lime
1 cpmmeneed applyisgib Your obedient,
Mcretban fifteen years qf unrivalledisoceeu In the
cure of every variety of external disease© and injuries
<uch as sprains, braises, cuts, burns, cutaneous erup*
J 1 ® I ?*’ i'b** “to breasts, chapped hands, ehJlb
faiuns, biles, ulcers, eoras, pains in (he baek, sides, or
other parts of the system, rattlesnake bites, Ac! bears
ample terttmony that Bloaa's Ojntmcnt i s jostthe thing
forthnhour. .Certificates without number have been
received by the Preartetor from disinterested individu
als, giving details of remarkable cures by its as«.
/ Granville, MJlwaukie eo. Wu„ Oct. 7ft rtua
_ ilr, Sloan-Dear Sir Recently my horws An
frith a log cham_attached, which cut and •iherwl J
injured them senotaly, so much so that I considered
my team ruined for basiaess. Fortunately a friend re
commended tho use of your Ointment I went toMiu
wankie and purchased n box. It eoon removed the
Inflolnmation, andln a few days the wounds h ft u.<
The great benefit derived Rom the use of ycur Omt
meat, eo mr horses, induced mo to scoutim you with
lhe fact, beJieviog 1» publicity would benefit you an*
tho public. Respectfully .vouri,
And - ha* beeflah' n. common stying, that Sloan*l
Ointment and CaatUfioa Powder are rapidly supersa
diux all other rcmedle&for all diseases-of horses and
ewto. The beotuyof tha medicines eonfjis in theij
parity and safety,«y may BjAfiMevcrso
needy without any daajjerdf inldng cold,.oh any ether
injury resulting from oso, and nbver fid)
r . '
ta«UW,*llr,a»u, = ,
ay nix oax na grata
wiiciitiu u«
(tuciullui, uta'eli/ RoomJj
sssssssaisjs&sr ■ -
aSkfM^ii9 M fe° e J e ’? recke Also, Vuetics,
“ « uSSreredaoi
rti^?M*5 k comprises more than 1000 pieces Thibet
Ptrwnctxas, Alpsceas, Lyonese, Op
eraasriPdissoaoths, will be said from SO to 40 per
cent less than nsoal prices. '
' lchp '* ta “f W SILSS - red “'
a ? Cashmeres and De Lains, entire new styles.
Goods, Mounting do., Embroideries,
“foboMj Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, ftc.
cues Flunels, 70 eases new style Calicoes, to ca
•es Bleached Muslins, ICO bales llrown do., 70 bales
Tlckisga- Also, dm ti», Casrimeros, Jeans, CasrineOi,
u| extremely low prices.
Together with an immense variety of ether Goods,
making an assortment one of the most extensive in
the country—all of whieh have been marked down at
much lower priees than their extensive annual sale In
January last.
They invite an early calL as mohy of their ehoieest
Poods will be sold.
G7"The lowest price named at first.
Jana . A. A. MASON A CU n 60 Market sL
“fforwsy Plains” Blankets.
W, R. MtJRPHY, at North East comer of Fourth
« and Market streets, has lately received a sup
ply of the above superior make oMUankelo, and in*
vites those in want of the article fb look at be*
fere baying. He has also on hand Home Made Blau*
kets. ■ good heavy article, whieh he is selling low.
Also—Home Msde FLANNELS, brown, barred and
whitejof a superior quality.
«*T fe|j end worthy the attentionpf dealers!^
k%^ I * n -rP'*JaSTISs 1
“s£i*asi ajwsssa s, r ssits
of Fills, and some syrups,
Wia sw i d J or «Em disease, butSSsr
5J* ‘-Tr* 1 worse. I finally concluded to plaee
u*® «*» of a physician for better or
SSM fertiutatety, just at this time, I was told
L N, , b! i* c 1 f 11 of *U* rl>te, that a friend hud
tS?uiTw “j b ?* of Sellere’ Inver Pills from Pittsburgh.
o.. ha ? h"® sll ** l him very vouch. I forthwith
seat for a box of your Liver Pilis, and by the time I
was done naing them, I was satisfied that It was lust
the medtmae that suited my case. I sent for tnore,
and took five or stx boxes, and found myself almost
entirely cured; but In March last I caught a severe
cold, which brought back the disease, and in a short
tune I was as bad as ever. I again bad recourse to
your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for
six weeks, and occasionally since, and-! con noway,
thjU I cani now say, that I feel Utile if any sympi«ms
of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is an
good now as it has been for the last 10 years.
My neighbor* ask mo who was my doctor. I tell
them that Sellers’ liver Pills was my doctor, and by
the blearing of Divine Providence the means of curing
me. lam confident that when the nubile become ac
quainted with the value of your Liver Pills, tho de*
mind for them will increase. Many of my neighbors,
to whom | have recommended the pUlt, can teatify to
their valae, as well as to the faeu above stated.
Respectfully yours, GzonxMnxxa.
,Yo rat Prauc.—The Otigirtal, only true and genn
uine Liver Fills are prepared by R. E. Bellert, and
have his name stamped in blaek wax upon the ud of
each Box. and his signature on the jouutde wrapper.
Ca All others we counterfeits, or hue Imitations.
spt<7 R. E SELLERS, Proprietor, 87 Wood «t
Juynua? Expectorant.
D„ „ IS4L
H- D. JA\ NES: Dsaa Brxt—( feel bound to you
and the ulfiicted public, to avail myself of this cp«
portnmtv of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects
ofyour Expectorant on myself. Haring been afflicted
for several yews with a’severe ebugo, hectic favor
and Its concomitant diseases, and teemed only doomed
to linger cut a short but miserable existence, oadl the
fell of 1839, when, .beingmore severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pro.
senpuons of two of the most respectable physicians ia
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
eontolarion of sarvivinr hut a few days or weeks aj
farthest—-when the la a gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who does ail things in the
ase ofthe means—uad contrary to the •xpecistiousof
,my physicians and friendwl was in a few days raised
from ay bod. and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my buriness, enjoying since beuer health than
I had for tea yeare previoui.
Respectfully yours, Ae., Jjx W/Esrat.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, IQ
Fourth street mari9
ill JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately after
baring attended my brother, wbn died of consumption
in March, Ibid. I was taken sick with the Consnmptioo
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced «p low with the
disease, that for fear yews I was unable to attend to'
my business, either at home or obroad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. During the above peri*
od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o •
regular Physicians and medicines, to Abo amount of
•300, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July, 1843, 1 commenced l taking Dr. Jayne’s Medi
cines, and have takenthem more or less ever since,
and believe that it was by persevering in'their use,
that I can now truly say that I have completely kcoh
veredmy health. I Believe thatJayoe’slJattaave Pills
sod Expectorant are the best family medicine# now in
I reside in Springfield, Otsego eountt, N. Y n and
earry on s furnace and machine shop do thatplare,
and amnot interested la any manner in tna sale of the
above medicines, and this certificate tor the ben*
efit of those adhered. ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y., Bcpt 19 1943. <ja4
aic"a'“FX‘L'L' aooDB«“
ALEXANDER A DAY, comer of the and
Market street. eotifrr their friends end the public
that they have received their stock of Fgli and Win
ter GOODS, direct from the importers, rqanufacturers
end auctions at the east. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods is lam, and presents strong auras*
lions to purchasers. In Ladies Dress Goods and
Shawls, the most splendid and fashionable floods of
the season are now offered, at remarkably tow priees
consisting In pan of the following
Newstyle Broeha fig*d Cumelion Silks: '
Ool'd and Black Sana Du Cheoes und Tare Satins;
CoPd Camehsn Grodejbiaes, of the best qualities;
Black glossy Groderieas of the eeUbrated Eagle
Ihe üboro rsmrd Black Bilks are wartantednot to
eat in the wear; for dreases and mantillas they are the
best imported. ;
Neat fig’ll Canteliaa Satin Du Che&e, the handsomest
Silks of the season.
New style Broeha Silk figured French 'Merinos, a
new and splendid anisle for ladies’ walking dretaea.
Silk Embroidered French De Laines, for cresses and
cacks. an entirely new article.
Cashmeres, l)e Laines, Merinos, Aipaceaa and Par
meuos, a large assortment.
Broeha Long and Square Shawls, of the best quail*
Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark*
ably cheep.
Hplendiu Terkeri Shawls, st greatly reduced price*.
Cornelian Broeha fig’d Silk Shawls, iu great variety.
Crape Shawls, white und colored, in great variety,
Best' Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices;
Lest Sedan real French Cusiimeres; new style Amer*
lean Caasimeres: super Satin Vestiugs.
Freneh and Belgian Black and Olive Cloths, for La*
dies’ Cloaks.
A splendid assortment of American and Isportod
Blankets, at remarkably low prices.
A large and complete assortment now on hand.—
Many of our present stock of Bup!a Goods were
bought front the manufacturers previous to .tko present
advance in prices. A principal pan of otr stock of
Freneh and English goods have been purchased at the
great Auction Boies in Philadelphia and New York,
whieh enables us to offer decided bargains In almost
every description of goods in oar Uno of business.
Cuuntry filerebants. Merchant Tailor*, and all
wbotesalo and retail buyer*, are invited to an early
examination o( our s'oek ana prices.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market tt.
oettt north we«t corner of tbe Diamond.
■iti ncYatto or mtk uutwai
WR. MURPHY, at north east comer of Fourth
• and Market sts, is now renciving fats second
supply for tho season, and eno oiler inducements id
buyer* rarely to be met with. His assortment of
Is very.full, ceuttsiiog of French Merinos. Cashmerea,
Coburgs, Lyonese Cloths, super Printed V rench Ctuh*
meres, at prices considerably lower than they could
be bought early in the season. His stock of
I* large, sod embrtees many of tbe beautiful itylos
now on exhibition at Franklin lustmue, PhUad’a.
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim*
mings, Ac.
Of various style* and qualities, plain and embroidered
Black Silk Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps andFesthcrs.
Of the newett atyles, and a! lower prices than usual;
and rich changeable Silks and Satins, for MortUl at,
A«h and a large nock of >-
at lowest prices. And in tbe gentlemen's department
• will be found freth
Black Doeskins, Winter Vestings, Fancy Catsimeres,
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Cravuts, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Ae ' ;
(BjhMerchacts are invited o visit the Wholesale
Rooms, Bp stairs. ' ,
AverY Wonderful ouKu-anhiinne
Mcucex, Mercer eo., Pa., Sept. 164(1.
R & Sellers: Dear Sir, 1 bought one bottle of your
Vermifuge at tbe Iron City Furnaee store, at thl* pi ace
ar.d it bat performed what wocowlder out here* won
derful euro- on one of my boys eight years old; he lit*
been unwell for some years, so much *o that 1 had giv ■
en op all hopes bfbla recovery, 1 was advised by o»i
of m* neighbors to try a home of your Vermifuge—
and Lam sappy to inform yon of it having the'desirei
effect of relieving my sou. Ho passed, in the ibor
space of SI bout*, 101 worms, some of them yea«ur
log oa much as 19 and 14 inches long. 1 feel boand u
Jusliee to give you the above statement, so os yev rosy
moke any use of my same thtu yon think proper.
Yoon, vcryrcipeelfally,
JotUTiun S. Lttle.
Prepared and sold by R. ti. SELLERS, 57 tVood
street; and sold by Druggists generally In the two
eitlcs. . . . ©Okie
Afe'RUP—Prom \y. K. Bodan, K«j., Clerk of tbe
Court of Quarter Session* of Beaver County:'’
Mr. R. K. tellers;' Sir, Some time in the winter my
wife was afflicted with a severe and dlstrotsrageougb,
and hearing of your Invaluable Cough Syrup, 1 pnr-
Chased a bottle from 8. T. Tximale, of Bridgewater,
nod after taking a portion of it two or three evenings
on going to bed, she found immediate relielj as also
several friends faava been relieved in severe eases. I
am therefore satisfied tho: it is a safe and valuable' me
dicine, nod would reedmintnd it to those who may be
afflicted with severe conghs and colds.
March 23,1841 W.K.BODEN.
lOTJoidby B. E. SELLERS; «7 Wood street, and
byDrepiiU generally tn Uto two cities and vicinity.
lAk.LT Ci^rTHS—a cates Bloc and £rab Fel
A? Cloths, jnst rac'd and for sale by
novia 4fl Wood st
UAKLBI' MOUS. DK LaINS—W. K. Mnrphy has
last ree’d a lot of high colored Mou*. dolAlns,
»peh as Cherry, Scarlet, Ac» at the low price ofSSe.
peryard. Also, Plain Drab, Brown, Ao, at ie|
cento P«r yard; and a larga assortment of nettf atyles
fietrted Mous. de Lalns, at various prices, togsther
with a choice assortment of Dress Goods generally,'
Kb 4 .". c - i “* K *.
act HATNRDEN A CO. eoutnme to bring' persons
BHUyfrcnsany part of Erglasri, Ireluri. Bcouand or
* upon the most liberal terms, with their
usual punctuality andartc&iion to the warns com
fort ofemml grants ‘We do-not allow oar passengers to
be robbed b y the swiedllng scamps infest the sea*
ports, a# wv< take ehtrge of them the moment they rq*
portthemsetvea. and see to their well being, anode*
»paten them without any detention by the first ships.-
t\ e say tijs fearlessly, as we defy eno of our passen*
Sre to sb ow that they were detained tS>*ux*s byas in
veTpoo'i, whilst thousands of others* are detained
months, until they could be sent in some tA vrafr, at a
ehSp ra‘«, which too frequently proved dieir eolfies. '
We intend to perform our contracts aonorably, cost
what it may, and not act an was the ehse last season,
with et'ier officer*,—who either or
when ic suited their eonvenienee.
Dfafoi drawn at for any sum from fl to
, joaaiv. BomrtsoN,
, .' European sulGensial Agent,
fsM • »ofthctreat.enadoorUalowW*«pd?
JM. i 84 - Sfeasi.
Writr«nand Olowolamd Fxasassar Ltna*
, Canal Paeket—SWALLOW. I *
“ ■= « -/OCEAN.
CW&JSP 1 * abov ® Pt^ ke ? lßtTe Beaver every day
,V (Uundaya excepted J and arrive next morning at
Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stage* for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of thwpfeces
before rnghu Onoof the packets leave Warren drily
rio P-AL, and arrives at Beaver In time to take the
mominy boat for Pittsburgh.
*PI3 corner Water and KmLMf*[d
Caawvoxo A CaaMsxauw, Cleveland, O ) n
R. G. Pjkxxs. Beaver, Pa. J Pr °P rt *
fTMUS Line will be prepared on the opening of navi*
JLgaUon.toiransportfreight and Passengers from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
the Canal and Lakes.
The facilities of the Line sre unsure used in number,
quality and eapaelty of Boats, experience ol captains,
and'emciencyof Arnnu.
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland^drily, run
nlrtgm connection with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first class
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Aasm*-R G Parks, Beaver, Pa.
Jeaae Baldwin, Youngstown. Ohio.
M B Tuylot, Warren, "
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
Wheeler A Co, Akron.
Crawford A Chamberlin, CT ' ‘and, G
Rears A Griffith, Buffalo, h. \ ;
Office, eor Water and Smithfield its, Piuuarxh.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. a—Cspt Gilson.
“ LAKE ERIE, ; “ Gordon.
TUB above regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, have cosmenced making their daily trips to
and from Beaver, and will continue to run between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
follows: .* f-
Michigan No. fi leaves Pittsburgh drily at 9 o'clock,
A. AL, and Beaver at P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver drily at 8 o’clock, A.BL, and Pitubargb
P. M. *
There steamers will run in connection with .
R G Parks' Express Packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor A Lefliingwell’a Warren Paekets:
Union line of Freight Boots for Cleveland;
Ctaike A Go’s Pittshurgh and Cleveland line Freight
R G Parks daily New Castle Packets.
CLAJIkE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Pittsburgh.
meh3l cor Water and Smlthftefd sts
1S4!) -
TtHEProprieiors of this old established and popular
A daflv lines cooristiDgof SIXTEEN first class Canal
Soots, twned by themaelve* and running m ronuee*
'ion with the steam boat* BKAVKR AND n*i,rn
•20PK, are enabled to offer unequalled ‘facilities for
foe transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opdninr of Cana) navigation, to ail points on tne Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N.'York canals and the Lakes.
E. M. FITCH & Co. CJeTdiad.
Areats, Dnirr.
J.C.BIDWEIX, Ajreßt,
Water covet, Fuufeugh.
i.c. umrzu*
PiUtbßrjtlt. ?
FofWMdias HerebanU, " ,
ilKAYtin, PA-,
Aptnufar thaPitUhurgk tutdCletdand Ltni,Tint
tttrgA and Em Lias via Brit, and far. titan
iocit Btavir and Cal*6 Cap*.
Slaving pnrehnaed the large tad nbatamial Wharf
Boat iui boiti for the Monongahala Pactetr, hare
with the addukui of a Warehouse, thd moat ample ac
commodation* 3or rewiring and forwarding, and
pledge their aramt attention, proaptuesa and deipateh
to conaignmema to their care, and rely on their friend*
for a uiaL , . martf-dly B. A 8.10.
TEST BECT3VF.D, * new artcnnent of PIANOS,
0 from Jlie manafactoriet of Cuicuinto, Do*tca,
and B*coi A Bans, New York.
AIJSU-yA Tew elegantly carved PIANO WOOLS,
for >a)e at tn.inufaetsrer*« rriera, bv
JOHN 11. MELLOR, « Wood tu
Sole Agent fur Chiefcmnr'a Piano*.
deg| , , v , for Weatevn remvtrlvania-
■ ~ iveo&d litud Ftsaos.
ONR second band Piano, S octaves, price 850.
IP “i “ 5» “ ** 4A
l -•* “ w SI “ “ 4a
For sale for cashiat the above prieeaTby
.lets ! I JOHN II MELLOUohI Wood st
Hfif) VfoLlN 'VL’Ai EliS—arena’* <iaaiirp~'Vuarg
■ I Bcttoot, altered and coontcied from tho lest Rnu*
Ibfa edition, to correspond with Hpohr'a Original
School tif Violin playing, by his pupil B. C. HiU. ‘‘lf
any areuments arereqaired to recommend this work,
tt ob,fervrd that Spohr himself adheres strictly
to the srsiem Hid t'pwit in tho above work, and that
he ha* by the same mode of iniiruetloo. produced a
greater cumber of distinguished pupils than any other
master in Europe.”*
A oupply of the above Juit rec’d. (price 87.) and for
rale by ••• de<7 JII MELLOR« 81 Wqsml st
A N EMINENT Physician from the
jA East,of9oyears standing,offer* to uealaileaaes
ef a Delicate Natare with promptness and socreey.
Ills success in Buffalo and'other largo : rilics has
been proverbial. Discharge* are moderate,and his
cures permanent. Old cases of Gleet, Stricture, Scro
fula, Fluor Aibus, Rheumatism. Ague,riyp hi Us, or any
ehronle or inveterate cases solicited.
A core warranted, or ehatgo refunded.
OrncEi, St. Clair street, 2 doors from the Bridgs.
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases of any ditease
: in Pittsburgh to eaJL as>ls:dly
‘There are more thine* in heaven and earth
Than are dreampt of in philosophy.' l
THE VIRTUES or this remarkable remedy, and
the constant application lor it, to the proprietor,
ha* induced him lu have it pat op in botllu with la
bel* and direction* for the benefit of (he public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from n well in (his
county, ai a depth of four hundred font, is a pure una
dulterated article, without any chemical change, but
just as flows from Nature's Great Lahratorr!! That it
contains properties reaching a number of diseases, it
no longer amatter of uncertainty. There are many
things m the B'cann of nature, which, if known, might
be of vast utcfalnea* in alleviating suffering, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
It up In Louies, it had a reputation for the cure of dis
ease. Tbe constant and daily increasing culls for it,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, to a
»sro indication ol us futnrs popularity anil wide
spread application in the t j»o of duease.
Wo* do not with to make n long parade of certifi
cates, as we are conieioos that the medteine esnsoou
work iu wsy into the.favor of those who suffer and
wiib to be healed. Whilst we «lo not claim for it a
universal application in everv disease, we anhetiu
imply say, that in a uumber of Chroniu Diseases it U
unrivalled. Among there may be • enumerated—all
diseases ef the mucous .tissues, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (in iu early stage.)
Asthma, and all diseases of the air pauages. LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Dmrhsa. Diseases of
the Bladder and Kidneys, Pams in Ujo Back or Side,
Nervous Dweaaes, Necrulria, Palsy, Rheumslie Pams,
Gout, Erfcipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Burn*. Scalds,
Bruises, oid Pores, ln cases of debility re
sulting from exposure,or loog and protracted cases of
dtiease, this medteine will bring relief, it will act as
u general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in sueh cases,
imparting tone and energy to tho-whole frame, remov
ing obmucltans, opening the sluggish functions, which
cause disease and a broken constitution, and giving
increased and renewed energy to'uil the orgaus ol
Life! The proprietor knows of several cures of
.PILES, that resisted every other treatment, Fel welt
under tna uso ol tho PFUROLIiUM for a short time.
The proof can bo given to any person who desires it.
None genuine without tho signature of the proprietor.
Sold by.tbe proprietor,
S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, near Seventh si.
Also by R L BELLEKH, 07 Wood st;
corner Wood st. and Virgin alley; who are his
ftori-diy regularly appointed Agent*
No. S 7, corner Market and Fifth—or 49 Market,
T,„; , tween Third and Fourth sts.
HE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole
•ri* “d retail, the following srtieles, vis:
Wash Tubs, stof Chums,
BathToU, Half Bushels; .
Wooden Bowls, p c ck. and Half Pecks,
Brass Bound Buckets,
Clothes Pics, Towel Rollers,
''oodMlUMleV Bread Rollers;
Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ae., Ac.
povl4 NoC3 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
J * Mn«pr«tt Sana* Patent Soda Alb.
*JOf\ CASKS Glai* and Soap makers’BodaA»b,
O&*J unponed-dxroet from Uib above relebraied
manufacturer*, to p«r cent American teat. arriving: and
for tale by novfl . Wfe M MITCHEkTBEB*
LIQUORS —17 ni pipe*. UramJy--Omrd, Dupuy', Am
■ '■i pipe* Holland Cila: '
400 bbU Whitkoy; for sola by
FSACHINQTuWCQ?— ai cuu ju MviirvtA
pona» brand, a luperior aniele, for tab by
>Jf\ CASKS hluiprutrs Boda A»h, andlti'casks
4 *J Bleaching Powder, arrived per iup Oxeobridge.
ud bow coming oa by cintl, for sale by '
N. B-—They will receive, during the winter, Urge ,
fßppUnyi«NewOrletna. narto *
Sellers^ awly- ml _
S. IS. Seller*: J- think it right for the benefit of others
to gtata sons (acts la relation to year excellent
Jr Medicines. . ' -
1 tow need yonr Venniftxg* Iwgmy in Brown *»a*
By, one viai freqaently answering for expeUlnr.. tge
qoanlitiea <iay Ito £00) worn* from two ehildrtt- I
bawslaoased year Liver Pills and.conghSyrnp *n
my family, and they tors ia every inattoee produced
itoefleetualred. ...
As I am «ngaged la merchandising, I am able to
state that I bare yet to tear .ef tbs nratuilnre where
yoar medicine* baw been ased ia my «eeuon of .the
coantry. D» eonelamen, Im«T*UtetbtU they are aJto
medicine* a! the day, and are destined to haw a very
exiaasiw pspolanty Ycair»,rctMcctfaUjj,
Prepared and sold by B> .! P.JtB,NoS7 Wood
street, and told by Dntggua generally ia the jwo ci*
ties «ud vicinity.- ®T3I _
/V&iSA'IfCURB OF LIVEa COMPLAIjfif 1 . fafEa
IT original, only tree, and genalne Liwr PilLi* '
; Baaxx Ctxn, Ohio cettaty, Va. >
J .-i
MT.B.E. Bell ere: Dear Sir—l think it a daty I owe
to yoo and to the pablle rtnera ly, to stato that 1 have
been aide ted with the Liter Complaint fora long
end so'badly that an abeeaa formed and broke,
whieh left me la a very low state. Having heard of
year celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by.AR
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my pnysieian, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give them
auur trial, jpnrehased one box, and found them to
*ie last what they are recommended, THE BEST Ll*
VEE PILL EVER OSEB; and after taking foar boxes
I find the disease has entirely left me, and I am now
perfectly mil. ; Ee.peeHHly
West Liberty, March rt, 1845.
- I certify that I *m personally acquainted with Mr
Column,and eanbemrteitimony'to the truthut the
there .*eni£cmte. AB SHARP
T&e genuine Liver Pills are prepared and sold by
RE4 ' LLEBS, No 67 Wood street, and by druggists
intile wo'etues. . . . .
TO THE PUBLKX—The original, only tree and een*
nine Liver pills are prepared by BE Sellers, and have
bis name stamped in Waek wax ap«i the Ud of each
box, and his signature on the outside wrapper—all
others are counterfeits, or base Imitations.
apltf B E SELLERS. Proprietor
IftROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop
1 Blur ClergnxmaottfcePretesUntMcthodutChurch
Tee undersigned having been afflicted during thepast
*ia;etwUhsaiae**e otthe stomach, sometimes pro
ducing great pa in in the stomachforten or twelve hours
withoa:interui»Voa,and after having tried vanous
remedies with, *' ' rffeot was furnished with a bottle
ofDrDJayne’sCi mauve Balaam; This he used ac
cording to the direct oris, asd found invariably that this
medicine eausedifa'e pain to abate in three or four min
ales, and in. fifteen or twenty mlmtteseycry uneasy
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine wasaf*
terwardsuaed whenever indlcadonsol the approach of
paiawerepercetved.andtheptin was thereby prevent
ed. Hocomineed to use the medicine every evening
and sometimes m the morning, and in a few weeks
health was so far restored, that the sufferer was reliev
ed from a largo amonmof oppressive pain. From ex
whence, therefore. ie can confidently recommend B
b Je»ne’.C«tmlltoti»« Sabin, »« * “'"tor, mtdlcin
foT disease* ofthe stomach and bowels. A iJHINND
Allegheny elty.lyOl
' For sals In Pittsburgh at 'U‘PEKIN IEABTOR
78 Fourth street, near Wo y undjalso a ilia Drug
BtoreofH P SCHWARTZ. V* rial meet. AHcghney
TSi ouxst uxxnr roa_
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchi tin, Lit*
•r Complaint, Spitting Blood, DU&eoltr of Breath'
iuTpainln Se Side andHreastj Palpitation ot
the Heart, Influensa, Croup, Broken Can.
siiutlon. Bore Throat, Nervous Pobili
l*. and all Diseases of Throat,
ureas l and Lungs; fljooostef*
flMtual and speedy euro
1 over known lor any of
ths aboyo dbea*
os. la i
TWsmcrGelne isbo longer «aong «hi«o ofdotshtftU
atlittr. It has passed away from the thoasands daily
upon the tide of oxperunent, end now stands
Sther ut reputation, end becoming more extensive*
Ir «wd than uny other preparation of medicine ever
■vodaeed for ttt rebet of suffea&g man.
-llkaa been utrodeeed verr generally through the
Ctdtad States aaa Eurepe,ead “e*? •« •*
Importance but what contain, some remarkable evl*
Of its good effects. Fw proof ofthe foregoing
SSSaents, and ofthe value and effltaey of this mcdi
men ofthe first respectahUity-omn who have higher
viewa of moral responslblUy and laatice, than to cer
7iZ « (-sea; because It will do another a favor, and
themrelvesne WastiM*. Such tevtlmoav proves eon
eiaaively, that its surprising exeellcpce & established
brits intrinsic merits, and the
tw at nubile opinion* Tfc« Instantaneous relief it af-
Si££d tSowotiSnc lafiaeneo diffused through the
whole frame by hs use, renders it a most agreeable
—'i f"' l '* “iEfemraEßii .
BWl*. otn, lotto* from cooM|etiiioti. totputra.,
Tolmuin!. be.r u.uoonr to the lifth of. fhtor, or
XtUltor (hot, ...h loUmonp, bole, Contrary to tkeu
SoVtdlr town*. .«d corpora,, coerce. eooYietioo of, andeotnmenmittralf to *■!*«■*• “
enleenal credence."—O'liofftof. acral Mexiau.
Mai AiSrara cm. or Const »no.r:-
nmunr wu . remedy Ural Ira* Ibenra mreeerafol
in'deroeme |Uil( Connunpuom f.i Dr. B«me'.
Syrap of Wild Cherry, .Irenpbeii. be
nSaSTiid rppecr* io te.l bo oleera on bo Icora,
orcmuT no* ill rick Wood; power ponced by bo
•ber edicino. Cnntm Co, April 23b, lddt
Dr. So .yno-Denr fir. I »eilly boliorn yonr Cob
poind A/rap nf Wild Cherry ha. been be memra ol
nrmy my life. I ennybt n oerera cold, which grade-
Illreraw wom, illeisled wlb n raeera ennyh, bn.
feumhdoUbe reawdle.which 1 hodreconraeb, mill
berculn. nnlil my coo exhibited mil bo ryoipiomi of
PnlmonnyConinmption. Erety blny lined neawl
ly bat friend, n woU n mynlf, pr, np hopn of
mrreeorcry. Af bu thno Irn roeommendedlo uy
Toorbranhlo medielnei I did mi wib be men h.n-
K lira’ll: SSbotlb bwl bo e&cl u looran t£o
eooXhTeoutnx me u> olgeiioraie freelTi Mdhy be
JRSSi !S» ,Sa
Wanitrful Cura r/ A MakaUit MtrJtUr. ,
Dr sin I feel. debt of yraUmd. iu
u roe—end »doly bbe ahielrf yeneraly, lo oler
mrh.mtolnum.ny to f.rorof your Compmmd Sy
—. er Wild Cherry. Borne bran yen. mno. I ni
TtoluUy nuehedwlb cold gr.J ie2iir.mii.cncf b.
rinSr wUeh ni neorapomed wib . diraentoy
JSS pto to bn bream and head, a rery eonidera
touraebny. of ollenir. muon from be Inara, npe
etoliynpen ebunye ot wonher, hownrer Hiyhu Al
SMI fell ro ilua tomi my condiuon, bat ni pretiy
iron colrtoced bulwu rapidly yotoy toto connmp.
Son! I new dally weaker, tod ntonyb era. teareo
hgito tolralh .bolt, orgpeahoboTe awhitper, raeh
wnihoexend *aywaritoenofniyInara Diriioihu
ton Ihxd tried ruioira prepxmioiu and prnenpiiaiir,
bntlnnad norchef-BTowtoynll be lime warra Jam
.dined mid perraaded by a dear friend to
Wilmington lo male irimof yonr Byrwi nf. WUd Char
ly. Imnil eotueij bal prerwagly I had been proja
d£wl ayatail paleal mrifieian, and lam gull ayaint
bora coming oulnf lha hand, otnmperin, but ojider-
Sidlng yoor claim, to bp proieri oa and praeUco of
Sodieiw, and hartoy impUeit fubtobo xaymy of my
IrieadmTlbnbwib pureharad of Dr. Shaw, one of your
raeau, a few booiea, and coamencedim are. My dim
earawra at b». ttom of ® or »monlbi' guadiay, con
aequeatiy ilwa. deeply ranted, 1 fraad, howerer,
considerable relief from U» ora .f be brat fear or bre
botUn. Bel leinf a pnbUo ipeaier, I freqeenily at.
tempted lo pleach wilt my inereulng rirengb, and
thereby replored bora mrala bat had already begun
S 3 to ihil way, doubUen, my cure au y rexUy
In Mcseaueace cf acting thus Imprudent'
fifteen bottles before fwaape.-
fcetlr restored I have no queauon, u muehmtii
number of.botUvS would have made me sound, bu
the above indtsoretten. Bywpoltuytti the fev,:
uh habit, took -waffo® distressing cough, ,put ast-.,.
to the discharg® ®f mutter from tho lungs, and guv
them und the emitre sjrstem good heulth. I huve defei
red offerimt thi» cchifleate until now, for the purpos.
of being perfoc-v satisfied wilts the pe™uncncy of the
euro, and now taut I feel perfectly well I offer it with
pleasure. F*
Dublineffuaty, ti.O.
Jmpontnt Cautunr— Bead! Bead!
There iVbut b* e genuine preparation of \V lid Cherry,
and that is Dr. Hwatss’s, tho. first ever offered to the
tmblie, which -as. been Mid largely throughout the
United Statu a*l somo parts of Europe; and all pre
paration* colic*, by the nano'or Wild CheiTy hare
been pnt out stwse tala, under cover of aomn deceptive
elieumstanccs, >« orderiogive currency to their sales.
St »lilUo observation, no person need mistake the
rcnalne from lL false. Keen bottle of Ute centime ij
enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likeness of William Pena thereon; also. Dr. Swayne’s
signature: and .« farther security, the portrait of Dr.
Swayne will U added hcreaJteff so as to distinguish
hit preparation‘torn allethen. Now,Uit was not tor
(he great curative properties and known virtues of Dr.
sJwayne’a Cow«wiind Syrup of Wild Cherry, person*
would not bo endeavoring to give currency to tkelr
“fictitious not*- inn” by stealing the name of Wild
Cherry. Remunber, always bear in mind tho nine
o( Dr. Swayne od be not deceived.
Principal Ufrse, corner of Eighth and Rase tteeou,
Philadelphia. __
For sale whiAtsale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW
DEN, cor Sdaal Wood «u; D A FAHNESTOCK &
Co, cor Istaiw Wood, and dth and Wood its; WM
THORN, 53 M«rket it) S JONES, ISO Liberty at: JAS
A JONES, eoi aland and Pann su; JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegbeaj city, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. . octia
Dr. Wi P. lnlsnd’i Premium Plutsr.
DB. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil
udelphia, now oilers to the phbllc his Indian Veg
etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, alter
long and tried experience, has been laiiifaeiorOy es
tablished. To all women who may be afflicted with
Prolapsos Vteria or Fallen Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure audspeody euro in the
short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with
ears and rest—discarding all tho countless instruments
and expensive bondages to long in ase. Thu he feel*
conscientious in stating, Inasmushas he has notfailod
in one cum out of three hundred and fifty-three pa
tienu. 1
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Sack, at
tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Piaster
in affording reliefer effecting a cure. For sale by
L Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market si
Drtun A Reiter," Liberty and Su Clair ats
Dr J Sargent w Federal st and Diamond, Alle
gheny eity
1 Jacques A Co, w Denaan and Diamond Binning
ham. ; • to 3
KE BELLF.ILS, Druggist, No 57 Wood street
• Solo Ageut for the sale of Dr. Townsend’s Gen
ulne Sarsapanlia, has just received tfttl doten of this
Ureal Spring and SnmEer Medicine.
Purchasers should recollect that K E Sellers is sole
agent for Pittsburgh, and DM Curry for Allegheny
city _ ; _ap3
EXTRACT OF COKFKE-An article whleVisVa
pidly coming into use as a wholesome, nourishing
and delicious beverage, being more pleasant and pal
atable than common Codec, and fureneaper, as a small
paper costing only ten cents, will go as far as four
pounds of Codec, llanufiacuired by
JOHN 8. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bold at wholesale by 0 A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
corner of First and Wood and Bixth and Wood streets,
Pittsburgh. : apdl
38 Camp Diankeu; 30 officer coat*; 13 pri Pams:
IS naira nett lined Mining Boots; 13 Isthmus Uags; li
water Tanks, J> and 13 gallons each; SO canteens,!
gallon each; 1 do* Bucks Tun Money Belts; tdo oiled
cambrio do do. The above goods for told at the Cali
fornia Outfiting Establishment, No fl Wood st
mehM , J & 11 PHILLIPS
Assorted spices-pui up for amiiy use, in un
eons, enclosed m a tlidinglid box, containing
Mustard, Altpice,
Cinnamon, Ginger,
Cloves, 1 Pepper,
Warranted pare. For salc at the new Spice and
Moused Factory, corner of Ferry ALiberry su. '
Anvlls— WroaghtIron Anrus, irom Uiu iemper
aaeeville works, wnrranted; will bo constantly
00 jiw-
• . raw aooKßi
-fflonoorint-ttßipiey ;*
BeaeaU of fthaierfe: compriimg u AoalT*U ot
D a “ d « r «sSSi: i-r
on Christum Bspdsm; by BaptistW. Noel,M
• The OgUvies, a'Novet • 1.
Falrj lUn fiem ell Nations; by Ambon* It Men
talbu; with SI illustrations byDoyfe 1 *
Jim rcc’dby | JOBNSruN * STOCKTON.
delO . j comet Tmrf and - Market streets
Sew mad Elegant Gift Books!
O Headley, with eleven original design* by Barley.
Poems and Prose Writing*, by Einhard u. Dana: 2
»ola,BMislin :j - .■
. Ulamioaied Gens of Sacred Poety, with six iUoslra
tions engraved on steel, by John Sanain. .
; 1 Jut received by A STOCKTON,
dcBd , . ii --yeara'erTMrd.aod Market sis.
PHYSICIAN And Patient; or a Frit e tie al view
of the mutual dntiu,relatibas of the
Aledleal Provision and'tbo Cottununpy; by Worth*
The Works ofiMlehael Do Montaigne; comprising
his Essays, Lettera,Ae.'
Nineveh and its Austen Henry Lay*
ard, Esq., D. C. Li . . ... .
Glimpse* of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished Toar
in 1&17. By 8. T,: Wallis. - - -
- Tapper's Proverbial Philosophy, cew.edition; liios*
truteo. Jut received by «
novSI , earner Market and Third street* •
Lockwoods illustrated works—inn*
tninated Books—Books in richly eorved binding,
11 laminated and UI nitrated—Boots superbly boaod in
Velvet. SUk, Morocoo, and Com, ositlon, in imitation
of the Middle Ares—Bibles and' Prayer Books, bean*
tifally bound in Velvet and Morocco, magnificently or*
namented and Illuminated. For sale by
. dc2? Bookseller A Importer. Wood it.
Christmas ud Sow T«mr Approaching!
In Magnificent Antique Binding, for the Holiday*.
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller nod Importer,
<Q Wood street, has received abeautiful collection
of Illustrated Boclti, bo and ic the most splendid man
ner by the best London and American binders—omoay
them may be found*
Pearls of Amcri
Poetry; magnificently illnmii
Lay* of the Wad c m World; illuminated in fold and
color*. I
Wordsworth’s Cr«c« richly Ulnstmted.
The P’eacber; illuminated by Owen Jones, and
ho and * curved synod.
Tho Song of Songs; ttluminnted by Joites.
Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts; illuminated by
Heroines cffibakspcire; illattnied.
Mi*. Jameson’* Charaetcrisues of Women; iUostn
ted. For sale by, JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
dcltl <a Wood street
EEDBURNs Ills Fust Voyage, by Herman Mcllviile
author of ‘•Types," “Omoo," Ac.
iiittory of King Alfred of England,’ey Jacob Abbott:
with fine engravings.
Bidooia the Sorceress; by Wm. Melnhold.
novffl ; comer Third and Markcutrect*
"On* of Uu IHast Renariali* Wonts of the Age.f
NINEVEH AND ITS BEMAINS; with an account
of a visit to the Chandman Christian* of Kordis
tan, and the. Yezidis, or Devil-Worshippers: and an
Inquiry into the Manner* and Art* of the Ancient As
syrians. By Austen Henry Lajrard, Esq., D. C. L.
With Introductory Note by Prof. E. Robinson, D. D-,
LL,D. Illastratcd with Id plates and maps, and Vi
woodcuts. 2vel*6vo,clrtb,Bl^o.
“The book ha* a rare amount of graphic, vivid,pic
turesque nanative Tribune.
“The work of Layard is the most prominent contri
bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for
- many year*.”—Christ, lnq.
“Not one excels in interest the account of Nineveh
and it* Bains, given by Mr. Layard.Washington
Intelligencer. . ;
“As we follow the diggera with breithlers interest
in their exeavutiops, ana suddenly fled oorselves be
fore a massive figure carved with minute accuracy,
now lifting its gigantic head tram the dust of, WOO
years, we are ready to cry out with the astonished
Arabs, ‘Wallah, it is wonderful, but it is true!’"—ln
dependent. 1
For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,
aoTlfl , ; 63 Wood at
Sew Books,
THE WOMEN; of the Old and New Testament
Edited by E-'B/Sprugue, D.D. 1 voL Imp. Rvo.,
elegantly bcundjalß exquisitely finished engravings;
with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen.
POEMS lIP AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.,) a new
and enlarged edition: illastratcd by engravings from
original design* by Wier. X vol. square Bvo- elegant
ly bound ana gilt.: Also—A variety of splendid Anna.
•Js end Gift Books.
Sewell’s Child's Firs; Book of the History of Bon
vol. IStao. i • ..
sue of Carpenters; Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
yer*. Lumbermen, Students, and Anizans generally?
’being a thorough acd praencsl Treatise on Meninra-
Utm and the Sliding Bale, By D. M. Kiper, A. M.
Boise’s Treatise on Greek Prose Composition.
Ollendorff’s E3emeniary French Grammar. B>' Prof
Greene, of Brown (Jr.iversJiy. I yol. ISmo.
Roediger’s Geseniut' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant
. Gescuiui’ Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis* Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables, l
vol. (sheep.)
Tbs Englishman’s Greek Concordance. 1 vol. (mus
An then's Classical Series.
Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. l vol. Bvo.
do do ’ unabridged. IvoLdlo.
B tree's Notes and Questions on New Testament.
Whntely*! Logie.
Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History. 3 vol*. and ‘2
vol*. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. Ifiiio.
Mormoga among tho Jesuits at Borne. 1 vol. (elolh
and paper.)
Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol.
(eloth and papier.) j
Rogue's Tbeologlcsl Lectures. 1 vol. 6vo. (cloth.)
Alder 1 * Prouoonciig lltble.
Boyer's French Dictionary,
bruin's Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS,
DOVI3 Apollo Buildings. Fnarth at
NEW BOOKS JtfS'l r Hr.O£J\'EL*.—l'tie wo<s* o
Montaigne, edited by H. Hulitt,' comprising his
Essays, Letters, and Journey through Germany and
Italy, with notes Grom an the Cbwaeataton, Biograph
ical and UiblicKTraphica] Notices. Ae.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the ilolive*
and Methods of Good by David
Plage, A. Painetpal-of the Bute Normal School,
Albany, N. V.
Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the U. States
and British Provinces of-North America, by-Henry
PovO "• comer Thin! and Market sU
Th«; Oldan ~TI
JAME 3D V LOCKWOOD, Bookrelier and Importer,
«0.«3 Wood street, hu for sale a lew copies com*
piet& tine rcaaiaderot tbs edition,) of ibis valuable
vork, devoted lo the ;Pre»cmtioa 0/ Documents, end
other authentic inform tiion relating to the early ex
plorauotu, settlement and improvement of the country
around the head of the Ohio. By Neville D. Crair,
Piumurgh, InSTol* isvo.
00*10 ’ J. D. LOCKWOOD.
LIBERTY: A History, with a view of the
XV Liberty of other Ancient Nations. By Samnel
EUtott, Esq* lUaaraied with twelve engravings, exe»
euted at Romo. X vols, Bvo., Uniform with J*rescoit‘»
Historical Woriu.
Just published uad foratte by
J&MES D. LOCKWOOD, Bw>*»elto»nd
norlO ! v ' Jmpones. iq WooJ «t
fANNii r KKSECfiIN ITAiuY; BulhorwdttfiUwL,
**Tae reading of this book hat impressed us with a
rateh hlg her opinion bf lu author than we had fanned
from perusing her oihfcf writing!. It displays a deeper
tone of ibOßgai, united 10 more pure womanly true of
feeling than my other production of the female mind
with which we are acquainted."*—Ere. Mirror.
**lt ia a verr agreeable and readable book, written In
Fanny Kemble 1 * hen ptyje—bold, aplrited and emer
laming. We recommend it lo oar readera aa ilia best
publication cf the season.’'—Reading Uaa.
“It eonuuni the Journal.of a travel through Europe,
and residence in Italy,’ and it one of the pleasantest
and most interesting hooka of the season."—Cour. and
Enqurer. i
“A very characteristic book. We have read it from
title page to Colophon'wilh unabated interest. A vi
vid picture of life in Rome. In alt respects eminently
reauable.*—Knickerbocker. 1
For sale by i JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
oovlb Bookseller A importer, BJ Wood at
Llthofraphlc Establishment
OF WM. BCIIUCUMANN, Third .'at, opposite the
Post-Office, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill
heads, Showbills, Labels, Architectural and Machine'
Drawings, Business and Visiting eugraVed
or dra* a on stone, and printed in color*,' Gold, Bronze
or Black, in the most approved style, and at the most
reasonable price*. oetl&ly’
K~EU BUTf EK-33 kegs for sale by
FLOUIt-rStJbbls Family Flour, for sale by
MUTTON HAMS—dbbts'for sale by
CIHEAP MOUS. DE LAIN!:—O cases good style,
i fast colored M. do Lajnr, at tbo extremely low
price of tie. per yard.,* 'a A MASON A Co,
dc!4 " No 60 Matkc.t at
FitOir—OdoLcaus iresh reaches;
1 s■; “ bottles do.
—t - Pine Apples:
S'“ H Cherries;
3** w Strawberries;
3. ** M Tomatoes;
s, 3- “ half gal. bottles Pickier,
r 3 “ * quart do.
3 . “ tancy do.
RecM and for talo at tbs Pclua Tea Stere, <0 Fourth
street _ dec lb
Rvk PLOUB-U butsrec’d and inr anlo by
dedt WM II JOHNSTON, llg Second M
RECEIVED THIS DAY, at the India Robbe De«
pot—l ease Women's Metallic) Rubber Sandali;
4 '• “ ;t '* ** v Slippers;
A “ u , ** “ liusiinsf
l** MUtes’ “ “ Slippers;
t “ Men’* ■ M ** Overshoes:
I • - Sandals; '
1 “ “ leather.soled “ Overshoes;
All of which will Ire sold, wholesale or retail, lower
than at any bourn in tho city. JA 11 PHILLIPS!,
novXL No 6 Wood street
PEaI.KD t*KACil£B—s Dbtsjust iec’o. tor sale by
dclt» _ _ J» A NYHAttUAUtJH
WINDOW GLASS-OW bxsTass’d iiiesTreo’d Vn<)
for Bale by delb. 8A W ftAKBAUQH
tjUTTER—I3 bbts and Vu aega, packed, m prime
gj ohier tor shipping, for salo by
drill) t L 8 WATERMAN
SdiiA ASM— JiO casta to arrive hrr Kliiveold. tor
salo by devil ' TASBEV AUEsf.
BLAOK W ADuiNU-iubalcilarrc sueondllelTV
just rec’d by SHACKLfcTJrf A WHITE, 3
.dcM i-_N°^_Woodst
'T/'HdKffi-tf— * caaea auper French Black atik~v7
T xettes, exua trimmings, rcc’d per express, at
dcai aa mason aco’3
SUNUIUUS— a bale* Ctiiionj ObUtNo'i Laid
44 l»ag* Feathers; 1 tierce “
lb caeks Wool;
Otloz Lamb Skint, with wool:
a do* Sheep skim, •• •.
3ioi ' *?• “ dressed:
To arrive on atouner Fort Flu, and for tale bv
acu iSALAii DiWy&catTom,!
jTI INSENQ—i bags Clari Ced. fo} aa io ES “*
WICK jkftlcCANDl.r-Qg
rmsuS—ioankarnme. for aaio by
l—i-_ Wu:)(* MeCAJiDLKSS
llOilSb CuVfcuS-fiOHtnKlinio Jior»i'cE7r7^
*r. '° J
V- dria .! * J KIUDa CO
Alcuhuh-u ouumi tOO . a
■iiSS :.. 1 . J KIDD L CO
RHHSr 5 MIU leeil u .or Ulc by — ■"
a»at^asasaßasßr ta
’«*». No 97 Front as
■ aaspßALnsin A
COLLECTIONS.—Draft*’ Notes and Acceptances
payable in any part of the Union,collected oathemos
favorable terms. *
EXCHANGE on New kork, Philadelphia iind Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Sour*. Louis u,d
New Orleans; constantly Cor sale. -
BANKNOTES.—Notes on all solvent bankaia ilo
United State* discounted at tha lowest rates: All kind*
of Forest and American Gold an<j SilvcrCola bought
Office No. BS Market street,'between 3d aad dth.
Pittsburgh, Pa. .:, ■ oct*S •
FORKIQ3I kxchanqk; T
UHiLS on : England, Ireland, cnd-Scotlaad bonght,
amount at the Cajrcnf^Ha^aofExchange.
Also,Drafts payable la any pan ibf. tlte Old Counties.
(£OQ. £\ to £lOOO, at the raw ci W to the £ Sterling,
Vlthonl deduction crduccaat, bf-JOSIfIJA. ROBIN-
and General Agent,'office &h st one
coorttenof woo<L ■•• ' octlStt
aiLia - r • •- jaswiiß tarot
ttunra.l "7 1
__ hh» mn ft.
JL? in Foreati and Domestic Bill* of Ercbaiigr. Ce*.
nfieiuea of ueposite, Rank Nolo and Coin, comer of
3d and Wood meets, directly cppositaEt. Cluulea Uo»
tel ■ • - maysßAly
yyitixajka auiios- , •■ -
> Indiana, ■ '
' ijftntacky,
• • fiwwHtrt, •
i . . • Bank Notes:
parchased.atthelowtstratea, by • r
_ • 35 Market street.
MJ Newport, 5
'rUUdelpMa,ud -
* -. . Baltimore, ■ ■ •
Constantly for aale by * N.'HOLKES 4 SONS.
_«tU • . • 55 Market at
mbs rticaotso.'t • ■ «,V. c; rjLTOx,';-'
I*ll E undersigned, successors to Ant art * Ntehbl* -
iod, beg leave to informthe citixensof Rtabhrgh
and public geucrally, thatthey bate rebuilt
GLK kOU>DRY and are now in fill) and
have purl of their patterns ready for the
Amongst which arcCaofcmg Stove*, . Coal and Wood
St. re*, with a splendid aiMight Coal Stove, which ii
now superceding in other cilie* the 'common round
Stove, Also, a cheap coal-Cooking tjfcvo; well adop
ted for small families, wlih a fall assortment. of com
mon aud wantel Grate* We woaJd paniculorly in
vite the atiemion of person* building to cal) at our
warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid
article of enajumeijed Grates, finished in fine '
entirely new in this market.
Warehouse, No. lift -liberty *t, opposite Wood it
eogtaidu ■ NICHOLSON 4 PAYNET ■
Ofiei of tlse Dslawars fiXutsaal Safety 1b«
iitranee Company,
PnulansLrHTx, Nov. Sth-IS49J'
Tim Board of Director, have, this day. dedared a
dividend of TKJLJ’ER CENT, urserjp. out of tho
profits of the Company for the year ending O -tober 31,
1319, certificate! fur which will be iisaed on and after,
the first day of December next.
Alrd, a dividend of SIX FEB CENT. In cash, oruhe
capital stock and scrip previously issued, payable u
above. RICHARD S. NEWBOLD, Sce*y
no7io F. A. MADEIRA, Agt n Pim’g.,
piTTSDcaon iirportati<v*s*
/~1 YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the Gilt Comb, 103 Market su;Piusbargh,.Pd.
Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others 'visiting
Pittsburgh to parehase Goods, are respectfully invited
to call and examine the eric astro assortment of Eng
lish. American, French and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Good* at this establishment are impart
ed direct by myself, and purchasers’may rely on get
ting good* from first hands. - 1 have the largest oason
ment of articles, in the variety line, in the city of
Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for coah or
city acceptances. The Stock consists, in part, of
Lnce Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ilibbona.
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk,
Spool Cotton, Topee, Suspenders, Duttons, Fias, Noo
dles and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver .Watches, Cold Jewelry, allkxndaoi
Broshes, Combs and Razors.
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistole, Clocks, Silk 4
Cotton Purses, spectacles, Biee! Fens, Mniio Boxes,*
Carpet Bugs and Baskets. !
Bindings, Findings nndTfimrainga.
Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large varie
ty of Fancy and Staple DRYGOODS-
C. YKAUEtt ta also agent fer tho celebrated. La
ncaster Combs. povl7
Rcadlßeadt -•
SELLERS’ COUGH syRUP.-Frcm W. K.po'dca.
Esq.,Cier * Court of Quarter Sessions of
BonverConr ' -• ’ ■■■%
Mr. JL &. Sells a -51 Roms time in tho winter jay
win was affilei ii mic a severe and distressing coegh,
and hearing if your.nvalaahto Cough Syrpp.'l-pnr
etnued a boiile u*a S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
and after taking a partion'of it two or threa evening*
on going to bea. ana found immediate relief, as also
levero' mends have been rellevedln severe eases. (
am therefore satisfied that it ivo, safdacd valuable,
medicine, and would recommend it lolthgte who may ■
bo afflicted with severe Coughs andColdi.^... .*&.—
. t March C 3,1513. * W.K.BODEN.
Prepared and sold by It. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood at,
and sold by druggius generally, in Pittsburgh and AJ.
i Tht chirtlsrs Coal Company, ,
BOOKS will be open for subscription to the stock of
“The Chartism Coal Company," on and after
Monday, thetMih day ofScptcmbcr rest, at iheoSti's
of 2. Vv» Remington, l'enu at, Pittsburgh-
Gnat KngUsh Remedy*
FOR Concha Colds, Asthma and Coairamptfcm! Th*
UREAI' AND ONLY REMEDY fortbe care of tbs
above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN RALSA.M OF
LIFE, discovered by lie celebrated Dr:'ltuclicjvcf
London, England, and introduced into the United States
aider the immediate superintendence of ihe investor.
.The extraordinary success of this mnUcLne, is tiu
care of Fulmonary diseases, warrants the Aaerleos-
Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible car
us that can be foued in the eommuaity—cases that seek
reUef in vain Romany of the common remedies of the
day, and bavo.been given np by the most disiiii'&lshed
physician* as confirmed and incurable. The llnngurj
as Balsam has cured, and trill care, the most desperate
of cases. It is no quack nostrum, bate standard Eng- ;
LUh medicine, of known and established efficacy.
Every family In the United Elates shcrld be (applied
viib Ddchon’s Hungarian DaUsm of life, notordy to
cioiueractlho consumptive tendencies of the climaie,
b>: to be used as a preventive taedieine is all cases cl
colds, coughs, spitting of hlood, paia ia the side and
chest, irritation and aotenesa of tho long*, brochiti.%'
dlrtjculty of bresting, hoctie fever, night sweats*emsci
aiiim and renerci debility, asthma, inilaeara, whoopicj'
cough ana croup. - 1 .
fall direc-'
tipns for the restoration cf health. •
il*nrap!ilct3, edhtminisg a mass of English andAmeri*
ehJt certificates, and other.evidence, showing the un*
equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may bi
obtained of the Agents*' grafoitonaly.
before—made on the most approved Kutcrn plans—
and ibosi fashionable Eastern pattern* aadeolors. Also
THE CHEAP ROLL, or IK)£roN BLIND, on hand
or madetoorderof alUieei.and atall^ricea.
Century .Merchant* sail oilier* arc idTUed to ealland
examine the at*ove for themtclTca.aa ail will be told
wholesale or retail,and a liberal depletion mad* t>
wholesale poichtxers.
Hast side of lie Diamond, where Vcnitian
Blind* of all the different size* and. colors
kepi on hand or made to order oho '
: “ W ike latest and most'approved Eastern fash
' * lons, at the shortest notice and on the mo*
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Canains of all tliu different sizes and
patterns, on hand and for sals lew forcash". Old Veni-‘
nan Blinds pointed over and repaired, or taken In part
payment for new. H M WESTKRVELT, Pro’pr.
N. B —All woi* done with’the best material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the mostfas
idioos. * • auglO-dly
Allegheny city, Aug. 10, IS4& *
~ . PrrTSßcaon,March27,l942,
Mr.RL Scilers-In jueUce loyoaandyourkcota
parable Cough feyrap, l ix-g lease to state, for the ben
efit of Iho community, that my wife ho* been several'
times olflicicd who a most distressing couch' I pur
chased, in Jan nary last, a bontc of poor Syrup, erhieh'
caieda eouia of two months' sanding. •• About one
■non* Vince, |se cough returned, amt was so severe
that she coaid haidly.move, from weakness in the
breast; I sent for one kt!o of your Cough Scrap, and
a part of one boub cued the cough • ■ IgaveWother
to a Joumej min whu was severely sllUcKd, who had;
to ute his own words, ‘•eaten enough eough candy ml
SS “ •—-rM
WSStfMBk st &BU&&
itreet, atd sold by Druggists generally In tlio W
iJ del* .
GRATJBFUL for the Very liberal encouragement I
havo received for to many years, I ha5T«Wr.
mmed to enlarge my bnsi ness coasSrably lutme
.engoccd a competent Foreman, I will • ba i' H .hul ,!
fi 1 all onlcn, promptly, and do the v£ric fa on,
style nnd at fair prices, mid ask the aoemloa of
my r lar K® ,loc k of UPtIOLSTE-
H\ m°? DS i and Hods, Muttrasses and DcddiiiffTour-'
toM Materials, Damask* aud .Moreeus, Corniced Frin-
S P lix »»4*oU®r D.mJ*. und:
• , Bn Ml »h2lshnicntof the
tended to Cr * rC *^ CClfa y • OUe i ,e d and promptly at*.
N. B.—Carpets made and pot down.
Kn> War. NOBLE;
■1 J. A; BRt»\VN weald respeot*
Kollyinionn the nubile, that he
[keep* on bund at bis stand cnihe
west side of the Diamond, Alie
nnmwif Veiliuan lUinit*; al#o Y«-
nltiaa Shutters are made to or
derin the best style, warranted
equal to any in tbs united States.
His llllnds can be removed with
out the aid of n screw driver.
Having purchased the sux-k,
tools, ana wood of the cabinet e*-
tablishmentof llamsayA M*Clel
land, I am prepared to furnish
llieir old eu-nntoers. as well a*
A. i.u ..tic.. •.
A S-S N ° * W ifi-tmovrS.
=7,Vr an oieesnt plain RosewoodO oct Piano*
K„.V. n v V«• superior tuue,afldverymoderateprice.
c a, it*‘iw’ * - ILKMOHSC:
dell Y MLW.WcsdwtTu.-;
VV tor removing Tartar, Canker, and all
substance* destructive to tho Teeth. Ills delicious tif
vho tnste, clesn«ing thn mouth, healing and sirocgiheu
uig the gams, n.;d the breatm. •.......
i*or talc, wholesale tuidrelaif, by _■ ‘
dctlO RE SELLERS, 87 Wood «t
VV Just rce’-t, an ittvoico of fall jejsvVUcd patent le
ver Watches, 18 carets fine cases, which l can sell a*
iow as thirty amt thirty five dollars, affd warranted to
keep good time.
Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com*
priiiag ibo various and latest styles, ejtdfcest pattern*.
\V, W. WILSON, WatehmikeJand
dels Proof Mattel u4f mb ttc««h .
to ad entire «et, oa the *«edott principle, witkabaa^
ttfalrepresentationof tie natural mn nninmn iha
orirfni •EApe-oftlwftßß,".'..'. . . -,.™- -
N.B^—Teeth extracted with little ar M»l.
.Deeeyed Teeth permanratly Saved bypluMuikift;';
touting the tooth ftehe, which la ontth heaj *???«(?■-
tlayit, though it*hpuldbo.deno ia &Te nisstea. or
ercainstantiy^’. • •' ■nm.7?
• BAtmi . • 1 ■
LUNGS.—The unprecedented ißeeoawU&kSu
~ eroded the use of the > -
J ir :'! •" • •■• .GINSENG--PANACEA • '
i null the various forma which Irritation of the ton it-'
;tame*, has indue ed its pTonietarßfahttoeairSitei"
- ; r . ™-
The changable weather which mark* oar foil
wxnferiuraths, la always a ftuitfol source of .
These, if neglected, an hut tha prteurson A that mi
destroyer,- *"*
The.question, then. Timr ihill trn nirr ttii rtmtiujii jn" ‘
the bndf htnr shall we get dear otter «■*» usd *
olds? is of vital importance id the nubile..
will be found la the Ginseng-Panacea.- Inpreef of (hit
we have from tmto to tune pjMiihed the eartifieatsa «f
dozen* of oar beat known rllixens, wh*h*vsexpa*V- ; - -
erfeedltsetuatfrepowers; These»withum*s*w tta.v
datony from all pans of the country,—Gam
Misisten of the Gospel, *«., together with, pcpicti sof,:.
icufrom the *-r . 1.-
we hare embodied In pamphlet form, and say bdksi
gratia of ai monatry.
have been wed lathis city. •• • ■ • .
throughout the Unned States and Canada, and weeks t
Icnge any man to point cat a . ■ !
n Vhieh,-when taken aeeordlMto dlraeC«».«aii fc#i *
forothelssgshadbccomnfcaliy disoxgaaiiMrlt has
ever.failed to - •“ • •
T7hy; then, need the afflicted heaitau? Why mart tt
fee umtrable nojtramsjgctien up bytuk • ownindmi-'
veisv.lertho atmtiaea name of soma eaehmsd uhy»
tiriaa, and puffed into notoriety by cenifiemes ci par*
,tona equally unkoownt Whilst a medlelne ef * - "
Is to be bad,whose vouchers an at
bow,—msnr -of whom it has .
- In order that this invaluable oar be plaeed
.within the reach of the poor well the ilea, wa km'
patihepriceat : - . ,
Joit one half the usual eest of cough medsdnes. not
fur sale by dor areata in nearly, every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to rive' full informs-'
ticn relative to it -. T. SALTER, Proprietor. ,
.. . Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.. ,
MERCURY, Di other Min >"
erai. —lt baa power to.
there ia ac&rcelyA dis
ease external or Intern al v
I have used It for the last *■
sixteen years for all dlsaasn of th« ehac, involving
theutmosl danger end raspcnsthillty, ana I declare
before hehvon.snd man, tnat not in one ease has It
foilad tDbpnefit when tha paiieniwvwithintheteanh;
ofoonal means.
- I have hkd physicians learned la the profession. I
have minihers.ofthe gospel, jndre* of the beneh, al
demeniidwyersjgentlemCnof ice highest erudition.
sad tanltitadie or the poornse It in every variety cl
.way, and there has been bnt one votee—one universal. .•
ISGOODJU ' ......
RHSUMATISM—It removes almost immediately
the Inflammation and swelling, when the pain ceases.
(ll>. the ‘directions around the box.) •: .
i* - DACJIE—Tho salvo has eared peruns of the
hemtasbe'ef twelve years standing, and who hail*
aro Helped with like success.
SCALDImiAD—^We have eared eases that aetaaHv
dsftcdevety thing knowm as well a* the ability of Af
ues fo twenty doctors. * One man told ns he had spent „.
3iu on ha childrenwithon. any benefit, when-a flrw*-'";-'
of Ointment cured them. ■
TETTER—There is nothing better for the-ewe of
•Tetter. .- 1 -.- • - .. . 1 one of the besttUagsin thdwerid-for"
- PlLES—Thoasands are yearly cared by Uda'Ctot; ; . j
tnent It nsvxa fails in giving relief for the riles.
[n~ Around the box are directions for tuineAP.4£ *
lister's OinontxifsT Scrofula, Liver Cew^lai*i, 4 .ErjptrmL) j
ho, Tttur, OiUbtaifL Scald Heady Sort Eyes, Qmatfe,
Sort Throat, BnnehxXat, Bereut 'Affktim*, Paine, Do- "
core eflh* spine, Htad ache , asthma;Dsafoss, Ear sets,
Burnt, Corns, all Distates lA* Sktn, Sort Lipe, Pxtn
flo.At? ’Srodlint of Ute -Umbt, Sons, Rktumaiim,
PitaTceld. Feet, Croup, StetHed or Broken Breast, Toefh
adu.jßeueintbFace, ?:' ■'
COLD FEET—Liver Oaxaplaiot, pain in the Chest ~
end Side, falling off of the heir, or foe other oecompt-. 1
ckscolil feet (This Ointment is the trae remedy.) lr v , - :
is a sure sign or disease to havo eold feet - ' • '- j
. CORNS—Oeearionalluieof the- Ointment wißat*;
ways keep corns from growing.-. People need never'
be troubled with themiTthey Bseiifreqttewly.'‘ M
This Outmentis good for any part of
or limbs wheu inflamed; In some eases if shmld be--.-,
applied often. - . .• J
tCAUTlON—NoOintD.entwillbe'genßinaunlmae 1 .
name of JAMES MCALLISTER is written with span/' :
on every label. , '
■ For sylc by my Agents in all the prineipal eities and
towns la the Unued tjtetea.. ' '
3 ; ; -- - Sole Proprietor of the above medieisa.
jjJT* Pnneipal OCce, No SS North Third Street, PhD- .
sueinbia.' 1 .
Aaxxrtm Pimetmos—Brann A Reiter, corner'of '
:Libeny.end St Clair sis; and L vyileox, Jr, r eomer of
Market st and the Diamond, olio corner of 4th aad
SralthCeld.stj; J il Cossel, comer of Wplnutand Parin ' -
stt, sth ward; and sold at the bookstore -ia-SmithAelA
Sfofld door from Second st: in Allegheny eity by HP
Sebwanxaod J Bargent; by JO SntitlklpriugLt,Blr
mingUaraj D Negley, East Liberty; H Kowtand, Ue-
Keesport; J Alexander & Soa, Monongahele City: N
B Bowman A Co, and J T Roger*,; Urownsville; John-
Barkley. Ucaver, Pa: are wholesale agent*.
, fofofT-deodly . v
Facts for tbe Public,
. In relation to that unrivalled family Salvo, -:
TESTIMONY of a' respe'etahlo Physician.—Bead-*
the foUowtngvaddressed to my AgonifttE.-JV.JBei-> ’
ryjve’s thex, CiueumaU: . - .'
" CacctsaTT, Fob. 13, ißfc.’hT:
. Sin- A sense of duty compels mo >to giro my tribute. **
to Dailey’s Pain Extractor. Being opposed to eoaek-’ i
cry and all noamnus havinr for tneir-object
motive*—bul realising much good-from the .
J'ain Killers”—i am induced to tender yon this eenlS- u '* J
tie. 1 have ustd it ia my family, in myprsciice, ■"* :
whh' all tha happy awt. wonderful enacts that eonld .
poMiblr .be imagined. . . , . . IL J. Biomx, M. D; -
. Dr.llrodie is the seriiorponn-rcf Brodio fc Levf, : ' -
Draggisia.' 1 :v - ' — J - - : ' .Ho
InJkmtxaM BJuuvtetiim.-. --y r.*:;
i The feillowing testioonfal cones from a aoareo Ml j
miliar » many of those traveling on ear .Wc*|ega trv •
ters. ilr. Clime,; the wetland favorably knownpn>» : *'
tiriemr of the ■ Parkersburg Hotel,' ia husband to We
aay whoselener I annex i_ • v -f- - ,
, P*aiDtssr»a,Vd,Aprill3,lBiy. --,
1 To Hcgry Dailey, Cheoilst. ilavin* fer- f
merly been long.atulctod sVith iafliau&ittsy
Kheoraaiism, waich. appeared to finnly sealed as to
deiy;all ordinary appUanees to allay the teveitr pila*'*
atieudim'it, r was induced to trjr yonr MagieoJ Path -it
Extractor; and it having edected,-almosta*tfbym*>'(
gtc‘,ar. immediate relief, and alto, to all appearanees;.v
aa eniiro one perfect cure, l am induced far the bene-'
fit of others who may be oMicted with pain, eaosed by- -
any kind oi LnHammation, tn write uryea, deelariar '
that in ciy . opinion, founded on oetoal experience '
yemr .Magic*} P«in Extractor Is the most valuable die-'
covery of the present dge for the immediate extraction
ofbodily.pajn; It-it aaalmott immediate and a per- , ‘
feet cere for Boras 'and.feealdk,'end all extent*!in*’ ■*
j- riavLßj many acquaintances formed by theh visits ' -
at my,husband's ho;c! in thuplace, I bave supposed
by your showing them these few luxe*, U may possibly
be of beuefit both to them auffyoarsell! - -
; ;= EunnaOtte! : -v
; ircnlert&lhtha hope tbsl Ur*. Clime will psrtias the
: publicity 1 ,’ivn to bet. letter, a* well on the score .of;*
hnmauuy ua of it* being the surest^'mode of bringing ll
lo'tbcritiUce'of-uerfViendai— H.DaUST.) '
•!.' • ' Fthn Cuud. . *
; 'Extract of * letter, dated* • * ••
c - BxLxurx,Ky.Nor.®,
; Mr. tLDaUeyt' ( lhavewied jottf Poiaßttraetorta ,
• a cusp of felon, in my owa family,’whleh it relieved ;
and cored In d very snort Umc.° In k***» ypnwra- -
hpeetfuily, .' Ji*. M. Yoon*.
: ID* Boms and Scalds, Piles, Bore Nln»lM» Breken .
Breast, Sores, Cau; Wosad*. ond-.aUla-
Cammation. yields readily to the wonderful properties..
of this nnxrvtlled family .salvo. But, hhllw some pro l -; ;
portion that yon will rccclva benefit from ute genuine,
you wiU beznjared by the delsienoa* effec!s_of-tto
f' sad apptr f* 7 * 10 lidinventor,
H. DatLBT,, 415 Broadway, «f
Utotised agents. JOH7TDISIORGAJ4,
. Ceoeral Depot, 'Piusbarnu'' *
. Henry V. Sehwartr, AUegboayv Agent; J;-JUker,
.■Wheeling, Va.; James. W ipbuston, MaTsrpo, Ky^
¥. Merryweaiher, Cinei»au.O, Lmterof Depot,
i N. a—ln tbe severest Bsros and Sc aids if extracts
the pain ia a few minnteg-lf never f«Ur f jm« •
SfeJSSSSte nsburgm^^^y^-
. SsW lOFK- ead «yUryMerchaau\frH»iDriira r 'PsUt4
this, uye-«un», Foreign .sniT Amcn&aa FerfomeiT.
fcWamle r, 1
mferutuofl) argali cU>e r omclcs in their Lio* of bast-;
Vsw VorV. FsMn ' Tt A. FAHVMTUO hP
CURE Folt>YoiM3,•• • ~ f
-cuAjron ox sxrsxiut. •• - ' : '
T N order to afford all possible seettrityto the pubbe.
: Jt as well as to themselvraf *gminm
siunn from eoanteriUitnir, the proprietory bra matet'
a ehouge tn the exterior wrapper-er fable of theu^fer-*.
mifuge, Ihe wlricnl* a steel engrwngef 7 *
ilic most cxijutsite. design end r
lutitMloced st a very great expense,’ olid ls fremAo- 1
biainofou artist ef the Cm
and the erocaUca «SS LVS*,! * •
portrait «• ®o« prominenti bat So wromSif ;
reqa,”primeawwtite leuertbu. fineW
b , c pMttauSS^SSSSfi-. :>
Wneu heldc? to UiolightuslcnsM. ,i.»
<t* i( the impression had been m*3« £2* -l - 1
nie proprlctorbw lt .Mimio^efruWli
tested by the certificates and r f barwtr^c*.
of reipectnble eeiaen* In diffwJgJSS*Jf SKT
trv, ami should iaduco families always to keep a vial
o f tho preparation in their possestlon. 1 1 if mild u» icy.
operation, ond may be adatiniiured witkpcrfecUaio-J
ty to the most doUcate infant. • .*!. , ;•
- The only genaiaeia prepared by-- ■
sptgr B A FAIINESTQCg. >
stare and far sale t^T
IM> ENoUBH*BrWtW#ti 'i