j/y" b W -v <- * - ' .- f ’’...—!. BY MA6SEHC TELERRAFE i UEPUUTID * Teuampam PORTBK PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE [BY nUVJiTS DWATCHr] ; p»iVjtTgT3Bt* f Jan. 31. Edaort Pißiburfk I have tbs pleasure cf announcing that Mr- Gideon Bail, one esteemed Stele Treasurer, U cow In this city, autdis prepared to pay the Stele interest, without resorting to aloaOjingcM end tiixer. Yocre» men truly. COSQBBSnOBALd WAfliriatrros, Jao. 31, 1850. Snam—Senator Docghua prcaenled » memo rial dfned by several bandied merchants eed ihlppers of the city of Chicago, aakiog for the adop tion of'mjaasttres .eeuriog tbo tree navigation o* the river taint Lewtence. ■ • . Mr;-M non nebmined en amendment, wbkrh van inlet dedaa a aubaltato for the hlßjproridie* ■ to*tboht eaptnro of fugitive aleren Mr. Moon thought t£t it would obvinte aU lb. pnampal ob ; Sna titertainod toward, the ongtnel Wl. Mr. Smith made an noßtceenroi attempt to caU op Bradborj’a reeolntion colling on the President lor information, reiatire to the remoraU from oßcea. : a received from the Honae cnnouac lng the death of Mr. Bodolpbna Dlckinnon. ; i Senator Cd rwin moved that the.Sennle do now Adjourn. Art objection being made, tbo motion Wae withdraw m. On motion, a mennage waa read i from the President, Inanaorer to a resolution of i tbs Senate, roiuUre to tbo corronpondenco Which i baa passed bet ween the federal and judicial au : thoiSTat Santa Fe. The Preodent eoindde. 1 Sthtbo opinion .eipremed by President Polk, ! dhaf the boundary o'f Texa| waa a lunation bo.- ; longing rather to, theLegialative than the Eiecn ■tiro bnmcb of government. The centra, bill was ;■ i mmdo theapedalhtrder b Monday. ! The Bensle tbef reanmed. the conaldenlion of ; Cu*’ FMolation wu pendiogdiplomatie ictereoarw ; vrilb AuHUu"'* ?: - i Ur. HanterU' now «pe*k** «gtmauhe re*>ln« i \joq.. . - l Hopae—in the Homo Mr. Wood announced ' the d— l in of. Hoodc-lphns Dickenaon, member Horn Ohio, who died last March, in Waabington He pair* 1 a eulogy on the character of the do oennedjnadoffered ‘theemtomary reaolotions. The Hcere thereupon adjourned, j pwtjnujmd, Jan 31. I Judge McCiure’a nomination waa yeaterday j oondrmed bylhe.Senate. Tbo vole on tbo anb ’ joctaiood,year I"—nnya It. ' The Beading Railroad BUI paaacd tbo Honae* 1 . PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pbiiassuhia, Jtn. 31. , Floor—Floor ia celling at St 75, being a decline ! of twelve to eighteen cent, per btl. NEW YORK MARKET, nooa Bxrorr. : New Yoal, Jan. 31. Floor—We have no Improvement tonolieo rathe ■: He demand Umoitlr limited to the want, or the eity trmde. . ~ __ - Grain—'Wheat i* wanted, tool buyer* aod seller* «• •part in their viewa. There ia a good dipping InqaliT, i bmprieee are nnehangid. Sale.ot old railed Cora at i The market for proviriena exhibit* no change.' Ifaor thing, f “doller. Lard in nnehanged both u r*g*rd* ptiee* or demand*. • I cofibe-Ttere it no new Tenure In the market. Sale* j. ofJwnUUperlb. , i Buf»r—Sale*ofOrle*n»««*M J *- xyssraa KJtroaT. Flour—All descriptions hate been dull !od*y, »»d viMwtilnde lower; «*. of «»mt» w STstralght brand# wesusm and Otne*ee at #l6l® 94 *3 and MHO per brl. * • ' .* Sole* of Obia wheat »t 106 e per bo- S*lc*©t 'western mixed corn *i 02, • Pnrrulaai-The market U uneluaged both *» «• wsrds price* or demand*. Cofleo—Rto U held *t l4|c per pound Whiskey—Sale* at 95c per gab CINCINNATI MARKET. . CutcntsitTii Jao. 31. The river hta fallen 20 inchea. Tho weather ia din and ire oncbangeiJ. Provixiona are atcady. Three ihomwnd kegenf .. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. , ■ NawOjuxuii, Jin. 31. .The advices by tie NU«*ra*ere reeeiv«Un Momuy. CoUan to inn, »» b “■« “"'’'".““i Sibil- y«t«d.y, «> m i" 1 ” 1 - Gxi “*• dlinf 15.1* Safari ftift3tO» •£vsv!*\>* :-5 CnUforol. Oold-O='fd «.... «*»<• Tta rbitodeipbto North Amman b».lbe rollw i4kaU.en.to tf.Uement re,pecUn,.be Si dnJtan CJitorni. receieedm .be Doled Sri. end fcnmrded in .be min. tor eoiniyo. U in doited Ham nißntol M.rce.: Theta. Mtorm.«tdd«ntto^oUmtodButo. ln ibn of by Mr. Carter, oi Mercv. tio lien Secretary Muu,-W. ?[ AtZ-nCarvntitd to out Government byGenet- SgK.’S'KSfr'SSil !T“ c_._ r u -»N« w Orleaae* firoa. tie ant receipt* dft£Ss£lSW.”> lolhepreMCllime, opened «T abent fourteen oontitr . ■ e(0 eiarn S ’ po.irl.bnoT. . •'‘•'uvv:- V.%Y-'rrsL, &spli ;;lVi; ■i:%^4'jri PfP - ToUt'ttV. 8. UhH HrtWe|pW»..-«W».* l# kzCAPTTTUTtajr. ■ J£2- If ■«■»•■• •gj waida ifl forming an estimate fjt-lho balaocaof in of California gold at ■!!£• W tedStatef nunla daring tbo present year will ex < lKfis»S.ma s^Mi.i.Phiuw- jeorlBl9o.«M ' OoUosles.. J :«» 618 50 '“5'!,“ J-s&* - .‘as , .. 6 “'J“■ -SUrer <ptvters 3 *®'22? orano ™wri 539.000 ; 3W4i«e..J...... • -.MS C0pp0ra1r,......-MW*? bt1fVep1....;..:...... »js«- 118 . .1 McamtffcaTiorr. . ‘ ‘ *■■ '* i - Piece*. J* I ®®! 5Urar;............ *»£» C0pper.....:....... 531839 P . IJ-i " iVilv'V te ' iww*-' A itin farther delay will bo experienced in lb» feme of Ibe doable tagie, ia eonacqueocfl of wo imperfection of the die* Nouritbitandingthecla mortorgold dollar?, andihe bear? coinage tomeet Ibe anppoeed want, ibere ia very little demand for ibem at the mint*. A Uw?er bniU him an offiee.in ibe foim a bexU Mg. or ais tqwa. _ Tbo novelty of atrneture at* traded the eitentlonofaooe Iriabmen who were by: they ®ade a fall atop and viewed (be taSdieg very carefaHyv The lawyer somewhat . teamed at ifcetrcanonty, lifted op tbo window, Tt Ida bead 0 t»,and eddreaced them:- '*Wbai 51 yoa eland there lor, ttfce a pack of uuey block* ! te da,gixigg at orycflleet Do yon take itfef a ehnr. *bf“ Oao oftbeot replied,—* f Whjr, indeed,! j chiakfegja, till 1 mw the devil poke, bis ted • « eflbe frfadow.V jtee wa kut’.receited at ibe ppatoflee* - punbm *£» I'eniuyiywfe, directed oa fellows: «3wift • ** the mtilptVKio yoor roole, - or >fep nor stay fev any, Until t M reach Uias Cm'barlne Trout, Ia Pi ttabnrgh, Feaaayh anit-" : imp* wremeata la U*>aii»tTf. , _ w*A, OffTKAHNSyUxa or.BoifWpla prepared W ... cwitt a-ld aetßbocx Twra la whole and part* iS?iui*pon Suction or Atmospheric Suction ® r •2?’.ohxcesu'O ui»£Ti*ainrm,wlicn the nerve u .Office andmideneenert doer tothe way igasn°fe.n.«. ■ r jjlcct. Federal Street, City. _*xi aeuionwiUee&ni'ceo on Monday, Feb" •T®®School effete to a 4'»J!if r * ee»r*e of rtadjr asd ayttea of ? a develop# adeeirable »ytnmetrr of _ SfSdtherSgWy the»,f«* die 01 «»peeta ■j. nf I Itt. si— t \ I ! ~ ' COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTUVBOB BOAJRD OF VBADK . an XKxmun't > COMMTITEE FOR JANUARY. t. LOXZXZ< >• • ■ - ■ ' <T. Kv BOW« WM- IASXXa' Arrivals aad Departures of Ball** EastßT.Alul.yis Philadelphia, due 3 a-k- c , lom * l9 “- Western Mall, Cin>ir"» Q and Lomivuic, Cue »r. r-Ui elo- NorthWoiern.yia Clereland, due 10 Erie and Weetetu New York, d««a r. E.elo»e»Ba- *- trin«itptlng.4aa7 a. IC. close* ».a Wivra Asuwtvnn or tb* Cu'*a*J> -- —Darin* the winter montht the steamer. composing the. Canard line wiU tail fawn New York,Boston sad Liverpool, a* follows §»*£• "s- Canada, „ f or . Jan. 12,1550. a u for New York,- “ 2G, u for Boston, Feb. 9, u New York, M 23, « Cor Boston. March 0, « for New York, “ 2S, M w « for Boiton, April 6, Crndl, from New York, for LiTeijoel, l>ee. Is, ISIS. Europe, from Boston. for ■ u *"> Wihcraia, Pm New York, for . _ ,o*7, Cambna, Pnt Borion, for 8,1850. Canada, from New York, for “ “ 23, *1 from Boston. for Feb. 0, . from New York, for ** • “20, « from Boston, - for “ March #, “ from'New York, for - M “ _ 20, » from Boston, for “ April 3, from New York, for “ “ I*. from Botloo, for “ I- Moy PUUbu|h Stock*) cad Money rascaii B®, 1850. . . p»r nl* Of* Atk* no. fr’d. ed. Bank of Pittsburgh—Capital, 81,300,000; Dividend, (May and Mot.) 4IF eent*** 50 50 51 Exchange Dank—Capital,Bl,ooo,ooo; Div- , ideal, (May and-Nov.) 4!► cent*-*— 5® 47 ,s Merchants' and Maauftctnnjrt’ Bank- Capital, ICOOilOO; Dividend, (May and NsW*r«tti.——— .* 50 51 Bm PiUtbureh Gat Co.—Dividend, (Jan. and . Ja!y)4# , ccnt , “ 2 "S Allegheny Bridge Company—*— fi S ™ Monongaiela “ “ ,a Hand Street M “ N. Libsnie. “ " Weatem Insurance Co-"’——;-;: jjj; Ohio A Pennsylvania Railroad, StSpaia w Fennaylvanla Bail road—— cn *. M Pitttbdrgh City loan— • « Allegheny County loan* * — £ g* m piSSS.t'JctoiCopp.t Minin, Co. 20 JgLjj} NonhiSericn “ “ 10 PiuiborjlittileHoyil u _ - nary, April, and October, mare*, 850; • kit*, 810 67——* " ' ' _ omcx, rmaanaon Giiarr*. I Friday Morning, February £5,1550. j A ,ener»t quielnsM prsruled In lie marliel ycittr. aiy.wiqi no pmspiiblo ehnnp: mqnouiiont Tie W.Kh.l U TBty mUd.-lb. «W« !• in .pltnail n«i,n bis onlsr, nnd bmineu ontkswh.if pisicnled • con lidsisbls iegttc of .cUyiry for tbs K.un. FLOUR—The reeeipa by river wet* limited, and tale* in until lot*, .were effected from firrt bands, at 84,5004,03 (P bbl. Sale* from mote of 53 bbt* tn dif ferent lots, at »MBaV*» bbl. Rt* Flock—Sapplie* continne very light, and the wUcle U told from .tore at 8404,12 P bbl; tone tupe rior brand* held at 54,25(F bbl. . Com Meal—With light tuppliea, we note limited aale*al»osCe rbu. . _ BscxwßUT Ftoc* it in moJcrate demand, at St-w aixs r ioo 6*. GRAIN—We notice full receipt! of Corn and Oats, with tale* of the former at 45c, mod of the latter at 330 34e from firsthand*. Other grain* are quiet, with no change in price*. PROVISIONS— Thtre i» a fair regular demand tor btcon, «l it toI ihonUett. 5» tor .ii», urf ■« toi ptain baisa. Sugar eared canraised ham* eoatlnne firm at f t- Lard 1* m fair request, with *ale» at G\@H& «e>; to, in bbla and keg* . Sale* of dried bee f, at Sc f We note tale* of prime joll in eloth*, at 13013, an extra prime article of roll bnttef wool! com* mand 14016c,bul TCry UlUo i# earning in. 'CftEESB—The market l* quiet. bnt former quota- Vfja* are fully mainulned-**y, for good com. W R. ®oB*e;fbrCwam 6lo*e, and tor Ge*benTlc V to- contintie* 6tm, a} 05c; No 1 Lard at New. You, Jan. 31 53006 c, and No 2 St 45013. , WHISKEY—The market is fall? supplied, with *alei of Rectified at 23021 a ¥ gall. CRACKERS—A regular baunei* u doing atj ike fol lowing qaotedlrate*: Water Cracker*, per bbl * Bauer do 11 3,75 SMS? “ “ -3rr-::v. Sugar Cracker*, per lb —— ~~~ 7 Soda do W#w Plan©** ■ Jttst«ed«d,oneei^*nißo*e*e« ■ji/TithwiM Ci oetaWTtxno F*ne.'«y» **» *s* extenor, beautyof »»*>“\' w, wor •*»«on rewon*. ed by thoxe cf aoy other nu* . r tie term* bf ml J av. WeodorelJ’o. iui»4 •TXIST reeelTed *nd for tile— <l isboie*P*lni Bonp; ,0 *>»«»* . cinal Peng »*. BILL jyioin4>Eß3— Mm» t < » *» l ° b | f T |, A ßTtBll.L- .iiprayei JJ*Jpdeon*« iipSI»%3SS point of ton* *oJ dur*btmjr. ror *Y£ kljjbEß, < ,tj.W.Woodwtil’fc „*HSS B oV W o“S S ot4sWAn ft w «•«>“.»" , re !£££foM&B »* »m~» «**«*• i • natgUy BrUldlaff bota. . . girt ca very liberal term*—Flfiy s^ar^Kssww-- fcanwn. - ladiki* olovks. pot, K©- 5 Wood *uecL -•; t fc H |»HIM,I?S iutQ - G&junua Bonooii, ' - • Lot * ror . qix BraaraiOTj.*" !=*■. »“ M “' * SON, iuZHia c«r Second .1. fm/ltr/sul'l u!W ; qbe&t ihd®obb*sW' PrssONß wiihioc to *a« from 23 to 50 per eent Good*, will plea* call at A. A trad*- jdPMhiyy fijoßd 60 M AAMAfON4 CO O RAWU3. Blanket*, and »U kind* 01 1 Winter Good*. Sj&JS?*onmnfariarcrU ABi)N & C Q ISIK «mK&S? 5" "'i- '. EEuJiTl’ol,*! b, Stnio.el.- ■ | i Auiu& Yn'pJilt*’ Oreod wSm b, CMmtct. r k* p ll e M 1 ibed *<" Wowo} ffom aE wax - “*•».*«» B “” of 9 “"“''" bT Heft- . _ .„ H »ff l Matli»»l> c »* o< ’ A,,,e111 * SaSSShtoAr. b ' c - SSSSmS “i ««r 7»'l* U »»* fo,Ul ‘ ,lntr ‘- Bonaparte’* Grave. We are Happy and Free. • r FMtuen FoUa: by J. H- MKIXOR, i R©e*4 and f« **»« by J "-q M t Wood atreet. | n!B2*UTn.«K» of n.w PIANOS, u,.r.1..1h» OESTtfIBLIKSf , ti ' auctioneers l commission merchants, No. it Firra Sx* Curcißßixt, Omo. xrrotruo mpeeifollr aolirltCoailffji»e«dk A*®‘ -j More.Hanta and Monnfaettiior* ofFiiMbarfMna w ££!."!"“* B '£ I ff l to pi i“ b:.rfb “ Brown. PhUUp» A Co, “ m Chuntfff, Acnenr A C 0.," Jobs B MeF.vlAe# A Co., *j Ji«. DiUed.&q- v _ J*. i?i££L m JL S" finAß—l6 bltdaN O.UiuUnfprr Horobur*. end/or ujoLisk chape, mriimmmu, w qq B mol u lit xnr sxu uou* or jnjgpav. 1 |uii HgooraMFmnbimdMiiktrAU 11 ‘ 1 ) , . -» PORT OF PITTSBDRIjfi^ ware ioreet .tetoH'o»<w«i last areniag, and f*Utnjc. . ARRIVED. Caleb Cope, Mardock, Better. Michigan. Brie*. Better. ; Beaver, Gordon, WeUsvule. Vlroqna, Galloway, Monons*tttU urj- Fashion, Peebles, EHxsbeih* AilawLe, Parkuon, Brownsville. Biltie, Jacob*. Brown rrJle. - Camden. Hendrickson. M*s*W? Tt ' Loaii MeLane, Connel. Wheelir g. Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati. Reveille, Stone, Gilliapolis. DEPARTED. Caleb "Cope, Mardoek, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Weltiville. Michigan, Brie*, Beaver. . r -_ Viroqua, Galloway, Monenrahe)* C*tT- Camdcn, Ilendriekton, MeKeeiport. Fashion, Peebles, EUnbetb. Bailie, Jacob*, Browwwue. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brown*yi|l e - James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling- BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, at 8 a. X. «« • * BEAVER PACKETS,B A.*.«d *• r. X. \ WELLSVILLE PAtftvETS, 9 *• X. WUEELING—LoaIs MeLane. 9 *. X. gT LOUlS—Fairmoont, 10*. X. NASHVILLE—Geneva. Fob Sr. Lome. —The eplendid regular paehet eleamer FairinoUQt,Capl. Ebbort, .liar undergo., log thorough repair, nod improvement!, u op mr St. Lout?, aod will loave lor that point atlO o'clock on id morrow. Thoae going la that direc tion would not do better then aeeuro a paraage on .hut line le point of good running a. U superiority of accomwlaiions, she is hard to beat. RATES OF DISCOUNT. ;T—CORRECTED UY ;tf A BOMB, bates ofdiscou: h, noLMi Exchange Brokers, No. 61 »ft M«ket tired, netr4u i lßiliua« ' Buueß'k *BranchM** I tS*ateSerip • • • .* ** Virslßlk; Exchange Uk. of-Va:-• I • Farneit-Uk&f Va*-*"— ** •Bfoitlie Valley, l u 1 : Bk.of Virginia— r il.h JI. Bk., Wheeling ft| t do Morgantown—l. r N. W.Bonk Va * 4 do ‘Weilsburg—••• f do Patkcrabnrg— “ Taunetaaa* Uk.of TenaeauM Fax.'* Ken-b'if Bk— ■ “ Planter*’Bk.—-••• • , Union Bk.- —■ fIIMOBTIt State Bk of Missoeri— I IKOrtli OarolUaa* Bk.of Cape Feet * 8 Merck’* Bk-,Newt>ern* * Slate Bank •—* *J Hoatb Car6ll»a* Cuaden Bk * * Bk.ofCharle«um— a anaerciai Bk*— *•*’~ * , ofUeorgetown— * .0/ Hamburg— * 9 ircbaau Be—— 8 ilera fcileena** Uk* 3 pinßiyWMl#* Caakofi'iUsburgh **—Par Exchaugo Bank ••••*•£Wj Mcrcb. A Mar.. Bank *Pai Bkarf>a‘hiladelphia*—*Par| Girard Uauk*** *? 4 !1 Rmh orUcnnaaiowa- *port “:ChesterCoaaty***par •« Delaware Co.* **pav “ ' MoalKomery Go, • *rar “ Northumberland* *par ColambtaßridgeCo.*- par Doylettown Bntik*;~*P“ Fanners’Bk. Keadittf«p*r Faraers’ Dk. Ducks Co. pur Fanners B'kL.tmca»7*pai Lancaster Co. Bk. pur Lancosterßk.*— •—* P nt 0. Stater Bank———do Brownsville Bk. pur Washington Bk.**— — **t Geuyrbnn*li Dk.—- • I Chambcnlrarg****—• Swqnchesua Co. Bk.** Lewmown*— *•*•—* “ Middletown —* * Carlisle * **** _ Eric Bx.****** •* • Farmer*’ and Drover* Bank, Waynesburg** I Harrisburg •*— Houesdcie—■ —** * Lebanon P* 1 Petlivilic* —*••♦ * Wyoming* •* ** » York Bk- * WestDranchEk.****** * Relief Notes * SlkMHk.PrttJ.de* Scrip—Pittsb. li Countyl ” Allegheny, Onto. Sute Bk.and Branches * MauniPleasant u Steubenville— *••* • St.Ctairt*ille— — * Marietta— — • NewLisbon* ■ Cincinnati Bunks Columbus do* ******* a Circleville— •*■*’,< tancsville *—* — * H Painam «_ Wooster ——:' V* Massillon * D Norwalk**** Cleveland——*—* * Xenia——* „ OiTton***— —”***“** tt Western Reserve* Franklin B’k Coluobas V Chlllieothe *—— „ Lake Brie (J Seiota** ••• Lancaster ———J" Haflulton-T-*****' "“**irt Granville* •*•• Fsrm’rs B’k Canton—w Urbina .go Herntnekr* , Bkef Kentackv Bk.of !<ooiflvil!e Norheni Bk. Kenta’kr* K,w York—Citr Hack! Bk.efSooihCarolice-* * a«rylud< Baltimore Bk*. Uatuu'eAQßßßcTip *lO Cnruberiscd Lit. of Alle rhany**** I Far.nk.ofMarylanil*- “ Famer*’ &■ Mr<rhanica“ I lii. Frederick u Frederick Co. JJk.—• “ HasertiowuEk “ Miniralßk--- ——- ♦ FaupscoUk*— •••■’" » W nmn&too Ck * Bk.ofw *«teiniler aicblK&n. Bk.of Bu Clair*-'-— — Bk. of River Raixp- ■■ Miekigaalnj. Co*-- •• 5 Far.&Meeb’aUk 8. WUeonsln Terrify. iTWer.*Fireltt-Co.MUw’e * CutdM. Ml»olTtntß«nk* ®. Bark ot Ea*lindNote» M Qold&Sp«eUV<ila«. Napoleon* 3 W Duetts a is© a® Csgle.oia- W« Kagle.new •••• • WM DonblooaijSpaatih. IB CO Do.Pairio;— t*!s Sovereign* $ jj“ Oaiaea* - Frederick*)} or*"*~'ZJ w Tea Thalers J ® TenCcililHf 3 Ofl < Esebanf;«» , New York •♦>•••— Ipno Philadelphia--- JP™ Baltimore —* :* tP I ? par. Intericr IPk#- —*j Loit or Stolen, •*- concerning tt. t J.*.r=J -^—«•— ■- qu4ib BHdit ■ i »pfiV .nil cencral Mtoruaent of Landwl^’* A rccM * n4 for ~lei Aoltnle i»J i'“ U ' YiF.NRY P. SCHWARTZ, Federal »treeL Alkeh*"T- ]arfytw3|S_ WESTERN IHBORAKCB COBIPAN OF PITTSBURGH. cmm 5*0n,000. a_„»* A H. Miulxa, Jr- Preax J. all Klttdk o/Tiiks, " " M Bit AND MARINE- A L L low w» t* *bi«« ed •“* P'®”, 11 , b T Diredonrerto ore -.**»« j”'SKSSit »2s.SS SS “iSS/iSSS f? 1 ®"”!“» b “ D®Tia-l>|M «; ,*£? ihi.ea, fito. W. 4T k ’ : SIttUCEB. a. ASTBtoT GENERAL COMidISSIQN MERCHANTS, —miLifiKijnJA— •UUui maUe 03 coniignmeat*. ftMvp ba -pcW.lt-‘. t«*» "»■ all.l. /-ibab cibEa-3 ui> JJSXSri'aiLi. V 7 ian» . /'ILOVKU BEEU-to «U>« and *•*«£,{£ fc ?n ji V — ! — rpiMOTiiy BKEH-4 «*'l '^abt"bb'i. 111 ■L .i*n=H -- nUOAR—uo hM» crop)TTo, fo 9W. e * * ot O laJr bf i tVM A. HUTCHISON fc Co_ RSf" “* { "° w uSSa *k tißLSlinuL.L. BiTTKn-V butell Ibi* J, I £ "‘aSiuotßOKO * CBOZEB bbuTntrW e top) store * /ld fol ja jg 1 james a mrrcmgoN fcjeg *"■' j pWiao^w^j^/fia, JL *4n •« Mm Perks . . ...... pOWDEE-^^O x sjohf “ “ rt „ u 100 hf “ Deer &o “ BeaHhoflUor* f _ apf“‘ « So i VKBY &o* atiL-io of rfwhe'J'p* nu*nnw A <«n *». i»« . tofvgfiax *»' *nly *d. u> Market »u<*t SfISSKSU isi [ jonll ' *■ L - /“TiTscKi.iNOs-i# uuii joi »•!*■ 1 Black Ten*, *nd to* ">1 CULBERTSON, ■ A HSLUjeWJb. L, to r«*»y AUMsreosu it lyJanH ’ VIZ: The l/oriw>s Qc*rtr* L ’**** , •'fm Edimusoh Ib£V L K *' The Norm URrnui R«^w; - Tmk WwUMUMTEB HKTU ”Vu fl , n iit And-Utxawoo»l • M ‘°' :n ” TERM** «-jfo per «nnuta. .For any one C /A ,,o t (°®{ ’ B$J •* t’or all four of Uie Merlewa, yno “ 'For Hlaekwood’* , W jjo “ For niickwood and the 4 «•*“£* i ' odTt(nci! , Fitment* to bo made In all ca*« d I'it.a- alditillwirooJly m Nc» » or “ " Ur*b; Office,« Wood t .QCKWOOt> POTi.TOKS-43bl >*B«f _ IV6LL bbtf for r IVEB. ObUi'LAlNTl^Aiurifte/TM 9 L usng Ute original, only true ahd: gfinoiao W»« Fill. ;i, m-j .“V'",',; *joii?,3TaN ;■ Ambsuh, Brown (0,0., Mwch Mr It AprUla*imy wifc W’a*^l»« *dwilh Uvet tomplaint4, Mil had lb*#dTjc® ®* thSnni, wbo tried varko* renedlc. wltoW M£ EnJinmiiy Rood effect. Having beard S“""5 uVer l’illa, I concluded In ff»™ i’rTLl* I parcbawd one box of Mr. BcoU, of Aberde. Ul ‘s according to tbe direction*, by wnifib ‘, H f I procured a rccoudbox. HbMSf'TfcSS l urt;l , (Kn«| , “ir , spwi» BOCe SS^VST 1 w • Yon«». . -a j._ RKM.KUB. t 7 Wood»«i in the wo ciilc ,—‘^iVqTrinscEsT^o4*"* ®.^ w °! JJ «« *U» * «H«*. *■ ‘^atuWUY LOCAL MATTEBS. to* th* >irxreraaß hsiktaggro ' Cbnrcb Dsdlcstton. gj-Tbe Million Chnreb, on North atrtct, Alleghe ny, will be opened for pttWe worship, cn next Sab -bub, utlOi o'clock, A- 3L Ber. Air. Psisavunt vnl! preach the dedication sera on. The religion* anu be sevolent pablie are rttpeelfully incited to attend. A collection will be taken op to aid the congregation; tut object which is worthy of the. attention of all who hare a heart to sympathies with the needyand the de serving. ■ Ncwittncw Coxmatin.—Wd are happy to an noance that the confirmation of Wm.B. u President Judge of the Ccturt of Quarter Sen Boons, was confirmed yesterday ui the Senate, by a vote cf seventeen to eloveu. Jndgo McClnre’a eommiaaioa will arrive from Hamsborgh- by dno coureeof mail, when he will lake his aeab This appointment has given universal satisfac tion to all our citizens, Whiga and Democrats alike, for this gentleman is universally respected. We have been requested to publish the follow, ing list of the Officers and Committees of the Mo» nongahela Navigation Company, for the year 1850: President—J. K. Moorhead. Treasurer—Thomas M. Howe. Managers—John Anderson, Tbomaa BekeweU, George W. Cos?, Neville a Craig, JohnL. son. William Eiohbaum, S. R, Johnston, Wflsdo M’Candiess, John Tassey, R- C. Townsend. Secretary—Wimßabewcll. f Committees, on Claims and Accounts—William Eichbanm, Wilson M’Cantliesr, John Tassey, John K Dawson. . •On Repairs—John Anderson, R. C. Townsend, N. B. Craig, George W. Cass. On Tolls—Tbomaa Bakewcll/Jl K. Johnston, John Anderson, N. B. Craig. Pakcjuma.—The Panorama of a voyago round the wotld, now on exhibition at Apollo Hall, is one of the most bcantifut we have ever teeo.— Without ever moving from their teals the specla , tors, in imagination, can start at Now Bedford on a whaling voyage—circumnavigate the globe— kill sundry whales—visit foreign and take a peep nt the tom’J of Napoleon—all for twenty fivocentr. Who would not got Wat» Pit* Bcurr.—One of the water pipes buret yesterday, attho corner of Wood and Fourth street. A large number ofworkmen at oaeocom* menced operation* on it, and, in a shorl time, the damage was repaired. CotmTSßrnT Mosxr.—A large omcnnlof coon forfeit money U ia circulation, rauchof whtchU so well executed as to past readily enaugb, if only earsonly examined. Wo adviso our readers to bo ou their guard. A Maxmotu Pork kb .—We saw, yesterday, a hog raise J by Win. 11. Denny, E*q., at his farm, on Mill Cieck, which weighed, when dreteed.6o2 lbs.; this is, probably, the largest heg ever raised io Allegheny County. Moan Cou?rrntmTxaa. A*a*sTE». Messrs. Hagoo and Reed, of the Independent Police, nr rested two men, yesterday, on Hoard the nleamer KooLucfc, by which they were just about leaving the city, for parsing counterfeit money. One hun dred dollars, of a new issue of counterfeits, on the State Bank of Ohio, were freed in their posset aion. ,Tbey were folly committed for trial. Ftat—A fire broke oat yesterday morning in Mr. Miller** largo capentering establishment, attho comer of Chatham laUeet and the Fourth street road, in which that building,together with afcmall houso in it* rear, wa* boratd-to the ground. Mr. MiOer had left a fire in lhe stove in the second story when he went to breafcCut, sad n few min * utes after ho left it, the building wa* in flame#.— The engines were promptly on lh= ground, but the fire spread w rapidly, that they were of little use- j One chest of tools, and a considerable quantity of furniture was saved. BtateorolOgtcM Table. • Reported weekly for thoPitlsburgh Geiclto,.and for the Smithsonian Institute, Washington City. nmcnrr or tk* tbxsxosetk*. From tkt 25/A 6 iA* 31 rt 'efVu motuk. Date. San ri»e. 9 si*. 3 t m. 9 r x. Dally mean Jau. 25 53 «f. Cl 50 56 26 40 4)6; So •« 27 50 ■ 52 55 54 *4 .2S 40 43 46 —3fl --4 B *lO 30 33 ra . ft 4 3* SO 31 30 41 40 37 31 SO 41 M . 51 44 Matos's Ornce, Jao. 31.— Christina Wonder*! ( ley, ft German, was commiUcd twenty days C:r | 1 Tsgraiicy. "This poor fellow is insane, and for the : last two years has been afforded no better asylum than the cold, damp walls of a prison. Comment is unnecessary. John Calvin. ?*“* distinguished individual waa brought up fcr drunkenness. *t We shall be noder the necessity of rending you up fcr five day*. i Mr. Calvin "said tho Mayor, “ until you get sober edaqain.” . « 0h your honour, I am sober and atet enough this morning,” rephedd Mr. Calvin. m Why then do you pursue this reckless course' yoo will die shortly, if yott don’t stop it, and then j ibe dovil will get you, sod won’t know where to pat you ” • •That’s very true, sir," replied Mr.Cjivin.witn the most imperturbable gravity. John Gaivin was ordered up for five days, with - parting admonition not to neglect the work ofrr fomatim, after bis release. A “Gentleman” was arretted last night lor being • inelruUtJ, as D*n Rice has It, nod cutting seme extras on the street. He was permitted to go home ca bail, however, and this morning, von trt . inventu* i - Mayers Office, Allegheny. Three common easels of drunkenness cnlf, were Jjpught before tbo Mayor, this morning. They were dealt witit in the Wal manner. PrauT.— There was a battle royal, yesterday morning, before a drggery in Diamond Alley, in which one of the combamntswas knocked down, kicted, and otherwise Injured very severely. JETDrirmu Cebid »t tub Us* <jf Dm. M’Lssst’ Ltvn Piu*.—No disease (with, perhaps, the slngl* exception of consumption) it to much dreaded la the United Sufo ju Pyipcptia- Originating inadtseaaed tuio of the liver, u it often confounded with cflusamp ti!>nitseU by the unhappy sufferer, who nine* sway un til death releases him from peia; yet • remedy is with in ike retch of tii, which will relieve nil cute, of the kind, mod work u speedy and effectual euro. Dr Oliver Morgan, ft diitingaitbed phy«ici»n of Vir ginia’, with ft very extensive practice, hat uted theto pills in all catct of Dyspepsi*>&* with complete toc eeti.’ Certificates in abandonee »re in the handaof Ike proprietor* of this Inthlvahle medicine, <J. Kidd A Co, Wood atreet, corner of Fonrth, Pittsburgh.) The following, however, from Ohio, will speak volumes to those suffering from any of the diseases which arise ! from a diseased Uver. _ , , n I RjctnrosD, Jefferson eo., Q. I Mcmy. J. Kitjd k. Co.—This is to eenify thnt my wife has been afflicud, fo; leiefal yean, wiljt the fob lowing pains, at periods, more or lew; Pftin in Jhe rleht side, ftbost tbe edge of the rlb», extending to the rj.ht .boulder, pain in the back pan of the bead, end , above the eye, iceompanied by weakness, loss of ap petite; and olmosl constantly eenfined to her bed. ' Since August, .be has nsed three boxes of Dr. M’- Lane's Liver Fills; and 1 have uow to state, that by the nee ot these Fills, she ha* been benefited in no ©r sHnasy degftw., the provfdence of Cod she now 1 enjoy* good health, and'lit able \o attend to the <i«ac*- I tie concerns of my family. | JAMI 29 STEWART. ' I For sale by J. KIDD k CO., No. W, comer of Fonrth “ I *r.d Wood Pittsburgh. • [janlid-dAwlwa ,f Ureca aiirf JiAWROIIOK. THE oppohiuafnl of Mr. McCI.URE, ■*, l ’' C 'Li!? l Judtt of Uie Fifth Judietil Ditinel of» l £ (U,, / l A*' S;S„d r a,.,.y«..5cO fS , ; , MrOANDLES3i WM. U, MeOLUIJE. IVIbSOR McUAHDLEBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offico Foorlli barxU. IBgUUAHOK. „ property In towra and cooirrßt, iowfoU^f* 110 " r duaaxe by tre at tlio lowest rate of premium. )SIS« «lw insure V«*U, Car •ocs and Freights, foreign or couiwue.nndcr opeaor m H. F««l[ A. Jnrm C l)avis. Robert Barton. Joun R Fenroee, Sato i ei KtfwajdW <»co .G Leiper, Edward Barlingion.lwao R Baris, Wniiai^'Folwell, Jcha N«y2 l ,U* to-TjUfm UAKTII)t Vt „ MUU Riena»oS;NewsoLD,»eer«uirj'- v Ilrc^, ■ j&sr pAUOOeWa««•, (t* «S L to fVf B JJS L/ Itnee icc. AAgftgSg ■ -tlu : Uivi-dusi .a COtHfTTI.OAAr,iTS,OOO. :■ i . litllE-rotnxaiAioners of the Coontyof Allegl«*oT ■I > having been authorized, br- ; an Act of Assett-». j y» passed thcfitbtUy of January, IsSQ. to borrow,, on temporary lean, a sen ot money, not exceeding **»• ott’ sivs’thovsass polls**, to bo sppUed to tho re demption of County Serip, the certificates of-tc-an to bo exempt from all uxei, except for State piu- PROPOSALS wiUbereceiTed"at the Offiea orsad ComtnisSioaew, In the Oity of Pitubnrgh, within three «reek«from the dale hereof, fromsneh persons or eer perrtioas s* may be.desitoasot taking the whole ot. ; any part of said loon. . • ■ . • 23 thousand d which to be redeemed on the Ist day of April, ItSi. 23 thousand on the first ef April, IM*,l end 23 thousand on the Ist of April, 1853—interest to ; be psid semi-auiitaUy at rite Oißeo of tie County , WILLIAM BENSON, JAMES MITCHELL, - • • • « •• county Commissioners^ Commlssloncr , sOfllea,PUuburgh l January *2, IBw. janSS-tf ■ ‘ ; .. ; BBACKLBTT * WHITB, NO. 99-WOOD STREET, I TTAVK bow in store a large and general assortment I Hi of DRY 0001)3, which they ofo- to aw and County Merchants at reduced prices; and which they will sell as gr at inducements » cash bny«rs,_or tm approved ere •. . 1 _ }>ni To tba Stoekholdera of.tbo Otartlari * . Coml Conpujri wealth, entitled “An Act to Incorporate UwChanim ' Coftl«Company. »o toe County of Allegheny," M.Elee* lion will be told ax toe Mononffthefe Hoaw, to the £s= P»tpo* 'rs£tbg JSS'nuNuiP^ pMy * Z.”W. REMINGTON, Ccxassinlooera. tt F«rßnt< • THE Large Brick MANSION, at Braddock’ii H*H. with recjalilte groand* aronnd U, parpoje of • rntpcciable «ummer boarding bjjje. It iibeliered that *ach an eiubliihment atwlt beantuui locality would do well. Enquire at ray oflee, cornai V'tSSJ*'* inu PArklaioat arACniNIST AND MANUFACTUBEK-Lcihe*, M Tobacco, Hctuin and large Screw* Sraa* Calling* and Sreu Work* generally. Coiner of Ferry atul Fim *treeU^ THE laliCTiter, haring porehaied the 1 Jame* Fattexzon, Jr., fettled, at the abo™**™* would rt*peetfally inform hi* friend* and the pnbUe 35? he upnpmi id ill *»/"'‘"CiSh^idVriU taotx iCMOneble term* and with diipateb, and wtu «*>«•*““ for ' t ' l '■’"“thSmaS rABKINBON. Pittsburgh, Jan. 1,165 P. VINO ‘diwoied of my eitabiUhment to Mr. Thom a* Parkinson, l take the liberty to for blm Ibe f Mroiugd of my (need. «rtU.« feeUn* ccr.fidcni lb.l »ny (.Ton conferred will b« d.l, ,ppr.ci.i.a <mi '7”gg,*^niaz ON, 0 N, ,r. rimimreb; J.n. 1. 1E30.—U.n7-d3m f’UIANUI.EE IVANTED—Ati kneed Cb.cd- G ■ towm b... .r. ~.a CtOPAU VABNIB —t3!*bU Pannwro; ) lobllbU do; : okeg* do: ibliCosehdo; . a hftil* do do; : 6 kexs do do; for iota by ISAIAH DICKEY * it), Froam T'lftrm&vtco s^S'' asALT^m '^:;:!^c“^ r rco tr BUITEII-30 baxc» dairy, aide cxpteuly for ftmi- IT ■«. tor ,tto j ‘l a FLOYD B— UITKWIIBAT FLOUK-M ..CM g‘" V D ’ >pd frtt tala by janttf JAR rMJj.*? TiON 15V-4W ibi pnme, In comb, if* H far »*to&T ■ lanl9 J &R y^QX-P TZa tlcki and V 7 bblo inhtarM# tor BURDtUDIfEi WILSON * CO, WwrWMt <M « to ? li S! poXATOK-H-i** bb.. mi; £AL SODA-Swo lb. in More *«4?«j P'gJ.iF - OAt, -- a '»* f “ “*• tT J PHD i3to. FiSAf ~ B *“ iSl&pciil' ;«%• °*>*-'*°* •'nrv ;Srull 7 gh eJLND— IbUjlUtree'd“/hOo»K> . B' i»asasM s " a «’ u k *' “ t " l ° Fro., * B , s:sr _,0> * , B"sMSiyf's™ g^KDT®ituNo_«Wy., f j.^r t co R I SSg Si '“‘ r °VF vSn bonnhorst *co s | .OT^u« , ~.;;yv ^.^rogjlT t c o r^AT m-Uiy—>0 uek> tor •&!« by j M -21 CII GRANT, 4lW«tef i I'\hViUJ I’KACUUrt— a7<ack»andBbbUfor*»lolTy |) jitv2t ■ CHORANT_ ITS <•* % u GRANT > „„ OB^ !>*“§? r« «*>„, B GBANr ~t~ Leaf, (01 Aj jintl ■ • SnrHOEX33IS=34 'iSSa ”* ““«W.MATTHEWS*CO K‘ uixTnm?) i&na a itora and sot uls bj :y matthkwb*co COES ÜBAL-iOUnwhlM.loMm • STUAHT & SILL pg-* 1 " 1 to "* Sw&Vt giLL ult T la “* ""ctuaSt *. WM, S~ li. MOLASSKS—bsrrelt SL4a»e« fce&tery. 14 J»alf dit do do for (i'ebT BBOWN It KtKKPATBICK. ImM ~ >BBLS suuah rfTiußLs SUUAK housk MORASS K5-t'or Hie 3U JovTby i 8 DILWORTII 4, CO Jan£J > IiIIiIBbiST'LANfATIUH UOkMUUM-niul IUU tj J 8 DILWOBTU * CO ... FfiftA HKCfcM BULK fOEt *■/ I OUUU 20 k<. Bauer. ID bbU Bell do, la «twe and for t*!a by j«i,32 _J JSDILWORTH^CO ijTriiALta WESTKBN MdoS'y • Z\J j»n!3J_ J 8 DI LWOBTI j*CO MOLASSES— 40 bbl* reeeiviss iM> day, and tor salo lowloeloae the tot by . . jtiHiM JAME 9 DAL2KLL mODACCO-SI ijuNo. I « Twm, iMcimg per I (tenner Hindoo, and foraate l»7 ' . ■** JAMES DALZnLL, 7 *NoBlWnipr«t_ sObblfia (tore and (or aulebjr BUEV, MATTHEWS k CO 1, SJ Water a l L'iSSr* 1 >C> ‘ fM “WM .1 JOHNSTON S3—ln »torc*ndTor wle by . WM II JOUHSTON G'IUiKN AM*! >«m3l SAFES— Uiecond hmd S«fe», for ■*]« low by j,n« WM II JOHNSTON o tITSfOLASSto—M lit* 8.11. Atilt**«, cnbi S, and for «fcle by A. CUUJEBTBON, K • • • 145 Übcgy «u LAKI>— 75 bbi» No 1, in mm and tor „ lan-t ARMSTRONG h CROZES _ • Vr" HITK BEANS—‘iobbU i» store and for i»lo by VV jmiiat : ARMSTRONG * CROZKR J' UO UR-150 bbis FtoilT, in Ilore iind'fo < yide Jtnai ARMSTRONG fcCROZKH H~dpa-8 bait* jußi rpa’d tu<l tor «ale Jta9l 1 aRMSTBOMO »CROZKR Y > UTTER—su ker« j&ir». in xtors *od for **)« l>T J > im3i ARMSTRONG k. CROZKR 1 >i,oUR—**40 bliit iaVtare anil for >ale by r hftfl _\VM U JOHNSTON, 113 SetoU tl ri 1 6 MATOE&-200 j art for *al« by “ ! X iaa*l W« H JOHNSTON MEDICAL ABD SUHOICAL OFFICE, No. «(l> DIAMOND ALLEY, ■ few 'qoftn baiftw Wood ttrMl, to* ward* market ' Dll. BXLOWX'bATiffg beti rejpUarlyedneated to the medico profession, Kid been for some time In general practice, now eonSnra hi* tUcutlon to the treatment c.l lbo*o piivate and delicate com plaints fur which hi* oppunanitii* and experience peculiarly quality him. 14 yuan aaaidnesaly devoted K, &„"■£?«« wfc * fi. lot 6( »nr ffiu. pArf !i, w«Ti aninlv nealUie* Urn to offer assurances of £s3s?]■m»Kms!“s me « «u«m»u4 will delicMo dUouo* *“ dioo««» etiiUlj Ibore '*» Brown worrld Inform iho«« .OljtUid wllh prmli dioooon which b.M beeomo ebronlc b, lime or •Invited br the bm of any of the common nostrcau of 1 the datTthat their eomplafiauean be radically aadthot- - oortblT cured; bo bnying Rloen bio enrefol ■ucmlon lo ik. Garment of each eaiee, and aneoeeded in handreda owta* penooa onaflanunaiion of the the bladder) and kindred disease* which often widUfKntftboaooaaea where olXpnhffgp eottalpted Ii inhoeeleudcipair. lie pamealtrly invites aae* m have been long end onaoeceaafnlly treated by other* £ commit him, when every latiifactloawUl bo riven .k.m and their ease* treated In a care fill,thoronrh and manner, pointed ont by a long experience, o, nT p llerold^or Rnptara.--X>r.Brown at*o Invites per •ni» afflicted with Hernia to call, at he haa paid paruc •Jar attention to.iht* diseaea. w nAUCHIIS alro eorpd. - . . MW dWugJrieo- pa, fftj, att* «pas4Uy «» c f eiiifi? tez living at a dlttaaee,hy a*aihur their diieaae’ ltt"writing. giving aUthe aymp- I J~*rsJwobtain mcdiciaeawilh direction* for ase, by *©2s*s. J»o>yK,-M. D., port paid, tad ««*«>•' ID Sbc?No- W Btamoadall»y,oppo«uatha Waverly H Rirxtfwaruw—Ur. U rows’* newly discovered reme dvfor llheematitm la a Speedy and certain remedy tor thml nUnfol trouble. It never fail*. ' «, « m Mil Private Oonaalting Hoomt, No. 83 Dl*- JK Ptttabnrgh, Pa. The Doctoria alwaya at *«fei<www- 0 '**** MISCEU4POV& ■ sGwmicaaAFßomoß> ■ THE ciliien* and bcilfiflu men of PHttborgh see r«?peciftUlr infermed. that the. Mono Telerrapb i lujc« are nowla coaraieteepemioa between Ih&euy *nd BaUimofe. Wa*hmjfU)Ojßadother v E««ernCuie*, concertingatWashinnoa City Line, ibe only one Soa& in Kiehmond, Baieigb, Ctarletten, I inniti, Savannah, Mobile-aid I»cw Otleain—ano eomieeti* In ihi* city, wlih lice* Tanning We*l and i Nonb tamo principal town* and ciue» Inuia valley of I «w*- Ml««l»»lppl. and on the Lake*. The*e line* will I receive ana eend.me**age« e» cbein ni anyather SSandthe operator*andeleikawuibefoandgen- Ut^S BT. CHiMjp I HOTEL, Wood meet. ; 1 jang-m DISSOLUTIOS. ;' - : ' * JSGSI iZSEL ffiSSow* wm be Kttled by J. I ' ; | j. C.'saEYFOGLE. ■ ‘ 00-PASTBBW** 1 ?' . ... ud ityle of Eimooui fc BItE yFOGLE, !j. A.IIOLAHKE. Ptmbargb, Jin. 7.lFSO.—ii inii — THE Fiyette SUnufectariiiff C°mpahyjia« «d ihelf WfcoleiaJo batlne** to the iWro km»W «cM?dbyMc£ti M. )l. Ur°*» 1 Krollti»,No.l!n Wood «teet_ : 1 * ■ ””** ■ mHE Sabaeribera to the Stock of the ChJjew !■«« I ranee Company trill plcme.uke nctiee that on Election for nine Director! of aiid Ccmpanr wUI he held in the Room of tb4 Board of Trade oa Monday the ilk of Pebraary at 4 [o’clock, PM. Bjr order of the Comnutkoen. _ . • janfltnlFcb - ; : 1L P. KING, Sec. rpALLQW-7t bbf, tn... ora y* S c.hta .u... y°'°^,a,c "IHEE|E-IK0 buprime, in BtO^ BCANKIKt^^ IALERATPB-7i bl. bl. Uoild, to .d. y cA _ NFIELI) L'iSfa™ Q ll *- 80 “ >U *"* ***-° fa CANFIELD DUCTfE-SO T)ICE —15 tierce*. a prime mueie/ landing f rom EWB c „ CUOAE 4 COFFED-OT kkd. S*™ FWiilebr WJkfBAGALEY * CO, • ]i£j; r . ,No> 18*nd«0Wood at T l i^ A^ ,I<?^ss^ t Q b^B,d5 le RAimNS k. BICE-300 bx* Bunch lUirinr? AUiina * * UW!rT ,. BO U| prci, Rice; landing from Kit BtOALEVtCO /"ILOVER SEED A LARD -U bbl* Cloter Seed; 1J : 10 u Lera; WMBAOALSVfcCO For Heat* . . ~ 1 BOOM on Mirtel <»teVnearWoler, loilollo •“•iStf’®"' “ioKMASSEY,WS<L OToTROM0U» ! . 3 -<« ; « | o : JK iilt , i m übetty nt' ("Tuyrtai SKED—P® '* pru°. e ' uct7 ” nmT > i ”‘"'" I ”" I 'EWKtKIBKPATRrcK, <L 'piSmCSu lontl. - lannu l ; __T_ " * ?gKS&£K&a »=a<*“i«<;*. ■S ‘“WSws & KIRKPATRICK. ■ : ff, l ;?ffJ^ | r |EW3 l l CO fiLDEji SYRlif-t übl* gusmuta-ojgF-^'jq^. *■ Sl^U°North Carolina -Tari landing ftom M«m»r ten ~Xt. tsuo " —'norsßoAira *«*» OT| i’ «, n.,u. 11 S"m«mhbW co_ Sf MoEaSSKSMS tnl> N N , ”“'' N °mm"MifraKws^co_ oii6«u)i!Bsfarc«' 4 "«SuJigV , ss£l' g^JjHoOSFiTRIODIIOEDfMCIIj iSisgSpll WHCK,«» ISKWIto S DAY, ;; 7S BUrkel street. _~ "*■ m "Toni WATT too (3> ; ov;kb seed-38 i« TViS? 11 - 5 if Frt '“ *ra tvoSwbem; '« ■ ' v va Liueny it_ W&iWW b « 8*l». ““^ d K ‘Sf c K4"|lH)N_ K ‘ifi “ UT i^ _l “ k 'ifJA¥rouL|2c^r » 4a -^a^agseM^! SS! TSRito-TMEp-K .fu TJOTORR-13 b»l*Fred* EoU, by * cnORANT YYlSIf^—W t»ajc» Oct* Koiw<Mf crucify.*** Hon eoailgcnwo; fat *^ w J * • : . g qhdos nmr33-<lp ; __; - -- - GUM— A »upply iMtlee’d «ad lot O Babbcr I*P«, bf j & iu»mLLIPS_ C‘j”5 SU r i,im * xt IjW* new crop, PUalouoi V< r U» recoiling and for AGALr , Y &.cn I fIVALLOVV—SJ Lbl» prime Uiiow iuirt r7UOAk-’l3"kM*, no ? n l 2 r i <»!“ b burg, tot «*}c by ISAIAIfWCKEV * OTIEEBE-a«. ■**. ' isffiu Dl'okEviW _. r „ Atm& ViVlKts^rc*»TPorCW y *‘ t(l J dnd »wc for-ale by He cart «)t imp* UUos lo *nU Mrrcnin<WEßi ; i ' 1 1 *‘Vo.kW.Vb«Tt£*l J 47? r TVinJuA tMXITIIS JthVBNINU S*o?£! ffllial F™.!?h Embroil | , ' .-T" / \ *•»' V*, *ale!>y ** nl2 r|.iN it* 'i*» rec ' J * k Jim kn > (•»oini*infbM»s" wlSwpT't- t riViiraK inrorior Uluukcc, timlo of Uto ***\ci» onJ T‘lSS«K«..»i»“>.i>o.to.;f 11 '"TtuW NEeornefFonnh _ fc ÜBI.AI'SjM r»>o«p C A »..a • Uit'coiun'it. «*i » t’KO Jil/i.%—w» aicw Uouicouuier* J*^gyff^.£».<?dSKE. rttffik&xv-tii gi u._ tfraiVSsHT»i)tria-i» IV ianlO I . " PINK VUJUU-10S bU. ■ J. , ,J i lia Second tmet iftOltf. - fS^^SßsSlffiSE W "BUB{rS*n|Kwitro! Liitj kmT'Vlilw Counter* ta4*AN *•«■ n -ttcru! xanl luxe niea—-for \J WKJIBItPHY t*je Inw by v jni rHHKM b h|> p»p c I'iantatiou Moluse«, H^Ss^^-^-ssasa,, _ in 1 ’ ICO Li hem it CBOZBE kbd? CnOZF.iI. rtlfltiSiiriti&otZStf** » clow coaslpupets—. fj iobbUEo«U*l»V«^ l iw»?f4; .. . W.Bod« J ;.-- 130' No30o*iB: •■:.•■(■ ' a, .« .Chloride Lfrnei • V &boxes Plloao«Pi'..r , ; J t 100;“ Biilhlt Lasue. JQUN MTADEN 4«0, Cvxal llown. Pjncv street ■" ; V ' dealers enquire on «o hjiYWABD. 7 junadln ' --r. -— • . nrßWti v ; /‘ t - From the entiJ*yor • storied BRICK DWEUW ir shotted on the Ohio Moot, Manchester, With about four of Fruit Trees; one Ur*o brick Bnm and ® aw *» a.hutchisoh *ca_ A SMALL COTTAGE llOlJSB,ta AHepeAT o<T> on Esplanade street. Bent low/!tore** _°l •_ JunlP TASSBV A- BEST,» Woodsy Wor Rlßtt , ■ • - 4 BOOM oL the corner afPwm nod Hand stttetfc cL : now occupied by Mr. Jones, u s Drug Store. Possession cirea on the firstof April next JanlP-tT. _ , ■ A. W. LOOMIS j Brlek Tud ret Boat* ' 4 lot OF GROUND, suitable for n Brick Yard. A end sltusted neu the eh? tine* is the Tlclnity of Soho Bridre, will bo rented (or »tertnof year*. Ap plTtor Eh D.GAZZ AM, TWrd street, ■ • iaelS ■ Offieo p orerthePottOffiee. _ * ; >eT Boat* ... . A BOOM OS the sesoad stny of the .Weiehoose No. & Wood street; . • : :•• jsalS. A THREE STORY BRICK DWEIfTNO HOUSE, aiffisysn^tfjfasss ' 4 7T7 “ F or tunt, :■ > ' . ■ THE BASEMENT* eornet of the oanpna yed £..f EtnbKr.. nod,«« reran of 0-lAv mooajoajtaikrt •«««>• , A i^XANDF.aADAY.' For Boat* * . "Ty.. THB Bock r*rt of the Warehouse no w occupied by .7 • poi Bsaw . - “AhSSnSrrillW red m Pern lltret,™" the Canal. - Pe**es»Wafi»en oothe I*} April nexy Alio —A Brick Yudinl£« Hlklf . . Also—A Stone (Jurrr la the Eighth Win. rw leiiiem aiten imßtedittely. -, , ~,„ ___ Inquire of DAVIDGREEH, Pennst, iat7.>w* adoorsftonSnßcoHtcr Itoyut. 4 GOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, A on Bffllthheld street, tour ***?? :’ B - ““Sri, —OB. BALA—An iron Founigr, Jtadaij* nOI Machine Shop, frith Steum- Eopne of 14 bom power, good stoekof toots, machinery,patterns, fiesks, ladles, furnaces end owns, all now ranee and “ffS nmnine order. .B«ii hvDU fe*L Clo^n. 11 , wUt« Q. FOB'.BKinWA STORE, wellftrird up tor Dnr Goods, on Market st, between Ttad end Fourth. ..u rin, EH rent occupied by Messru. Briley,Brown A Co* " 1 , Foil luatT,"" “".o—SoTcnri ream iiulßlo to At Office Tbitd i !-• . - THE verydesirable reelde?*® In AUegtenT itfl City, lately oeeapied by B. W. Poindexter, and JgLpouenioe riven Immediately- _ - _ w _ "fSTlnnas, apply aitbtaoaee» nxoW.VT. W&. BQN, Maxtet »t- . • _: ~ oc^— ; voa BJBHT—TIw *»M»on tow wy fej oeSpld br Mil. AWOjl, dnMKI JglwifliSOficiti of unrtml MUUjbeJ. Tb» Mn« A F plj lo r UABDY, JONESIOO,^ X-a ' " PQR BALK—A BricX WoobCt [bttl opeyea* bnflt,) and Lei, ■BMfcceftr olil Bridge. Price tow and yera* e«y>7 SSCaOYEg.UDSccend.gt, I* ?oif"RENt.--Th# three ■»^* nek .-5r13&55 t Houie,'-on. Liberty, between ltayandMajbßiy ttreeus now occupied uy W. Crabegtt 3t. EnqalxeofWja. Graham, or.at 5,0 ft, ° kl “ r “ of . JOHNSTON fc STOCKTON, | Jy27-dtf ‘ ~ corner Market and Third«S££.tN— I ‘tyoP'w/niignTß totaoUrtbiy ctsaica in toe war* h jthlßrt«raofttnsiKfi*m. The lou.arealtaa a a* Denman eirret, numbered in.f BnuauHt plan 7S.T® w.bi ai-fet Mo 7S fronting 90 tbot cn'Ma it AnaKreet, TO feeldeep;the other font »foetsont each, by 60 feet deep. • , . . Teini—Greater pan.of earchaje money may re. main tor «i* yean, aecared by °y , n aJtic i cto^ Bg SoS« Y— XEOXSIEI»ES3rSfA?ScttrPESH^nES FORg*i.v~—a. Let of Groond lunate on r«m SSS’fSSSJSSS & k £SaS£4 ' C.O.LOOMlB > 4ihst,nearWood. • ocl2l*dtf - 1 ‘ :~ r DOCTOtt Wim&T balsam of Wild cherry. THE following article we «py with .pleasure .from ibe “Bettoa Mercantile Journal,* of Mareh, IBW, end wo hope tiiet ti aayof oar reader* ere -reflisrfng fraa ear of tite complaints wUelflt Is sold to care, ihd will speedily avail themselves of ib • SIL WISTAE’3 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY., It was well known many yean ago that the will cherry bark tree of ibis climate possessed trainable I medicinal qualities. Indeed this fret was known to I the aborigines, and decoctions of the leaves or bark of this tree has ever been regtrtedbytbeirpliysleiansas one of. the most efibetual remedies la many diseases. This fiet, several year* since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wiiur,'* highly respectable ptaetWeoex of Vir* I ginla. He- investigated wUh can lha healing proper*. I ties of the wild el^ny—tested itt dkets when admln | tstered alone, and when tn eoaHoation with other re* | areats.' He found that tisnainrsl virtue might | be greatly Improved, and by combining It witb ingre j dienttwbese properties were all wtU proved end gen* l erally recognized, a medicine eras prodn cod which | consntatea a remedy of great importance In pnlmcaa- I ry adretions and dis ases of tha chest and throat— I diseases which are proverblaUyprevaleni in onr cities l and Urge towns, and .often prove fitfal,*'swelling the I bill of mortality to a stack greater ament than is tite case with most others, ; wo bad almost said all classes Of disease. , the genuine Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry has a fan simile! of-the aignatnro of Henry Wlstar, &£•&, Phikdelphia, and fiaadlbrf and Park on a finely exe* caied steei engraved wrapper. None other are gen* *ine.' !•' We are] Wt to receipt of.the following volantarytri* | bate to the eaiaiive power of, Wlstart Bsl ram of Wild I Cherry, from E. Hall, H. Ib, of Mu Clemens, Hub** gan, who is a physician of highstending,and-en ex* tensive 'druggist:; Mr. Cr-ww***, Mich, Oct. 90th; 134» v To the efflioted, this may certify that Mrs. u. Be> , era, el this village, three or fear weeks after eonnne* I ment, was attacked with a violent coagh and great ptostratioa, ami seetnad hastening to the grave with fturful rtSdity. I advised her to iso Wuiart Balsam of Wild Cherry—she did so, and with that valuable mcdicieealooe was restored to healtW and is now a liting proof of the value of Wlstart Bsissm^of 'VUd C “" J ' . F hT *eiJ.£s£k. j . Read da and bo eonvineed still (hither of the reams. I knblo virtues ef Wiit*r*i Balsam of Wild Cherry: Messrs. Sandford ft Par In Geots, As a matter of jet ties to you,and forlhe bcne&lef the public,-1 .would deep seated pain in the aide, accompanied with a «o» i vere couch: she was attended by acme of the best physicians In Chicago, bat to no .purpose; -for week* »hc aaffered, without relief, coughing uteesrentiy night and. day. 1 enure re tire conctnsren that aU the reme. dieaMntntitoUepwaiiCimrewdduqt help her, and I waslnwcenipity yonr Wild Cherry. Iproeuwdone I tioUlfl. and commenced using it according to mree* I lions: before ti was all gono—tte cough stooped, the { pula lu her side left her, and with the aid of another ! bottle she was restored torawwitmaw*- Incon uterationefeircu»sune«i,l would recommend I*. to the public as a saleable medicine. RR __ Radii* foßomng Itomonas/is. Of all the enrol that have bees recorded, there an certainly none eqaal to the ese first mentioned, which ylainty shows the curability of ey*. l» tome of lw wont fptmju . Csuwn Potwr, Lake eo, la- Juno i u, park: Hear Sir, Aa I have a deep eommieera tin* for the afflicted, permit me to me-yeaabrief buierv of my afflictioni, and the benetua den red from , S.?2?fL». WiSSrbaUam of Wild Chernr. . In July,lBM, I was attacked with a fever of tire ty-! phod character, which left me. in a eery detittUajd | •loin, when in tee following winter 1 was uken wiih a cc ve re eo’A which redaeed me to aaehJUi extent as to i*ive roe the appearance of a confirmed coaiwcpuco. 1 labored under a severe cough-Hsipeetnraied a great, deal, end waa troubled with cold feet and night sweats. I also freqaentiy raised biped from ray leaps. I con tinned in thla state, graduallT ondcr the dis ease: ontil January, IM?, wWn 1 waa arsis attacked with fever. My friends despaired of ray life, and my physicians thought 1 coaid aarvive bat a short time. V* extremities, especially my feet, wen eeaatantiy eold, ind almost lost their feeling. Under these cir* eamataaecsit mey tntiy be said, that! was a living •keletoa. I fianily determined to qaittakinff medicine prescribed by physielans, mod try Dr.Wlaiari Balaam of Wild Cherry, and from the first weeh eom* tseueed taking it, I can dais a gradual recovery. I continued its ate px months, at the end of Which time I was cated, end hive enjoyed good health ever sinrc, and cheerfully reeommead the Balaam to all those at* dieted with aiaeaao of the lssga, and woald sayto those commencing iu esc, set to bediscoartgedu two or three bouiea do not efiect a care; bat perseveres** bovo.clonc, ui I bom ho doubt tat nuto cow •**“ tea will be blessed with renewal health as I nave b«h. RcipeclfullT, j JiC^aO^- ?•!■*« pot BoUlo-rSt, ?ot*» • mr J. D. fARK, rrcM ftu>l -J KHiUftC* u r cANPtPxn •Fperirwi Wainat «ve?u, CUwlnMO, we, M9i tot the Be*h «ad .Wert, oWMI mattbeeddreued. . ;_ • , nMfcCe: aA. U Wilcox, Jr, Jew * Weih- Fahnestock A Ofc g oW j #J ;S®ssa^g@|^srac s-I^Ws&sssSS s&®afe».Ksisaite * ; ss&fitn tfearir • • aHHBpBI " ■ T Bxau&raßtFlTSDAt• »c* m-cemumer xtxcajjmx* wna*»a, • - >, 'mm mo *jo cnu»^W ,IU V PHILADELPHIA. AND FITTSBuEGH. . JACOBS ifatwarted by thUUoe are earnrf in the j nail train.to Chaabenbaigb, and ate i®®*®*® ■■ r l(gW In Wagon going night and day .-,.• =: are l5 aiH :• Insntea the pronpt delivery of goods within »• .ua»-. . • • pfOQxitedr'. '■ *. ' • r • . •* • - The 1 Wtgesi will.leave ear warebosn dallfi (eU> day*nxeepted.) a:So'clock,P. hL ‘ • - v - * ; Shipper* are awed that bo note goods .wlUne taken eaeh day thancan: bo ipuetaaUy i earned : JAMES M DAVIS It CO. . •••; . ; SH7 Market street, Philadelphia ■ j . .JOHNWFADfiHkCO, ■ ~.l Canal Basin* Puabargk / i £&^£&b£Bsss2s, sale. ■ • •■■•■••. ■-• •- •-• -*■==- tjnoiuvb - WINTER ARRANGEMENT.. .. mHE nb*eribnt««now bawy to»uecea^«pe»* . . tion an Exp real Wagon Lino between and Philadelphia are prepared to receipt freight daily. Eaeb.way deliTerablesthroagn in ® x ; ' * . - . eaaalßvin.FiQsbugb. ; ' DUHLLB HUMPHREYS 4 CO;.. ....... .. » ■ iP7hlarfcctat..fhU > a. i gTPiaaa WAQOI \ : THROUGH IN FIVp DAYS!' mHE aabaeribetaaroprepared to receivegOMipoanu ■ A Freight dally, after Monday, lOtb iuut© forward to or from Philadelphia and PUtthttigh* by .WagO®. throaghtn Five Days.' Rates aa low aa by any ether “" I^“toK^OHN»&"tIENit CO . . , . Canal Basin. Pittabarffß., . JAMES M DAVIS 4 CO, - des ; .No 2*7 Market et. Philadelphia. OOBOSGABBItA BOIITSi Oalf Tl Hllai BUflagi . Via Browniaille tad Cunberland to Baltueor* and ,-• ' Philadelphia.; mHE siorniaf boat learea.the whan,, awra.the. • I hiidjre, daily, ait 8 o’clock -precisely. Ttoe. to .. v Baltimore,» be wti®» to Philadelphia,« hmna.. . - . beatleareadaily, (««Pt ... ,< «nin») atTo’dock,- Paaaengen by Jcaai^ron y^Twing>*«!,willetauthemoactaln* ui atagc*M* l .. j n*Z-°i? a ‘“ la BKel wraraßaebahomm^ = express wagon line through in . FIVE DAYS! , : . , ■■ : SSeMbSwrepreparedloforwanlMOOpoaaaiw^:,: day. and receipt tot the delivery of the eaae In idayi*. “ftsr t>«|S Imt» to a*B«e their fndad* and . Uoikat their arranstmesl* regarding.rale*.SShKJ ’ ’ * despatch. cannot farl to pro aamfactlen to all who ; .... tarot ten All their “^fc^o-CONNOR, : ; MS • ia7 . • gBMartel tttcct, Philadelphia. - nra- WO! GEE, WO * \yHyTBR inHASQBBMT. ®»IS49. IlfePiSl--. • ww emm to otß coaaTM*«.l BINGHAM’S EXPRESS WAGON UNIV; to ato no* . f • •. Pittibcrclk *&d PhiWrtPUi. «■•• ‘ A 8' tSw • bosuieu on the e*n»J i» eto*«d - ' FhitaditpS* daily by Uia rnU train for Cli*m- , I be»bors,«odlhe Wmi tnyehag. ..day-.wj n{|hj»: - tDOCK, : mSTES jUST* isxpssss iZNs mTSBUOOH AND. PHILADELPHIA. Tme Fitc Da ju (Sundays tuteepiedjlwmlcs Dry .n .■ and Night.'' * THE public is respectfully in/oraed »h#Hbis Uwj which has been m successful operation the two previous winters, will-;a«aia ceonanee nmninjoa . anfl Chambenbnrjh ■ ; . \Y« arts prepared to forward CGOU lbi treighl daily by . o “* bo, “ Lme ' erte-HARRIS fcLBBCIV, ••• t . . No 13 &mth Third street, Philadelphia, porgo-dtf ' L ---' . > * OKOiWiflAiTUfcCO.' * - * ‘ TNFOBU UieltMeaamndthawblicthrthtytaw-v 1 no longer any Jaf» wiabliih meat In Penn street, burn:' w±i Futtbnrtu Bnwe£ • tuvinr rentoTod their.enU‘.« bustwi to tUPOINT ;; 'RSKwKBV. In Pir eirert. -. ~ vrnf*u ■■ t* • VEW H&aDW hKJC &» . SIGN OP THE PLANE ANr SAW, •■■ Ho. TB Wood ftmt| piti.taMOt XTUBERANDLAUFMAN, !«?««;? H la Foreign and Domestte HiSD \.V4UIK* in «Uiurarietie»,Monowprepwcdto»e*i-a« t iff»'«a4 ,r ona»rc*ionabletenii«eie*nbepßtchB.»?-el»eww». >j; y We. aolieit ear frieze, end iheneblioifcnerally,® : . cell endexamine ocr stock, which ccm>i»ts ia non ot .. KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET end FFN KTuVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, HcweTnmmlnp,. ,- «nfh ti LoclnhTri <J>t>,> *i ntnye« «i:it Screws, tojtUter . *th “«TSele WeiarUetheattentionof CeraeatotnadEeeM««, reocrallr to oar aoonmeirt oflbole, which h»TOb«ea ■elected with greet cce. end which we ere d>yn«B« edtnecUeeaatogieeeatiifacdon.' epSnrVwl ■ ; .. % ri»a Uaa • l>»a, p«tiU bteaST« d«ik,7eUow -r ed teeth.. If persona have these it k* fl, l , 1 0W 5£KXI.!•-' they tain tor two shiQtog* buy an. nxiielajhatwtll . ~ make ihcirbreaih pars andaweet ostia ..Spef *w» , diseases of the Gams, fjronfT«' and torthe Teeth Hl* unequalled, renyTtof the tanar. » fssuudns the teeth in the gums, and-clean them as. * whitsaatbesaetfqfrt*/ro«» Jforti. ■' >_ Such, reader, are the properties of ToothPMts,ai«l,withoatpnuains rtoamiw»>M‘ ; r. : what one o( oar most respectable and seientlap yet Dslsahla article, (Jones* Amber Tooth ean reconnaead it aa potacsslnfr all the qanlitto<ril*ln -• ed tor It” Reader, ws can tay no mo» r : . i Agnta. gold bT the Ajttnt WK. JACKSON, .88 .>, tTmeet Pittobureh. mMMT .. . • tO“ ausoet»ernzanane'tocoraoy «•&»**■. Vr'A'' V' thefolewing arc the actual <HtalHlc»«»3»;fe<ff« :j Joart Coral Hair Restoranrs. lf tterjlOMiO® . y.-; 1 word, they cannot these highly respectable .; who hare tried lb— r «l 4i„i. Mr. Geo. Beeket,<l Elm at New York. - A - f . Mra. Matilda 'Mr.Tktt. Jaeuon,nlontoanlaland,nearnaafi« £>.. . H.E.CoUen,lato barber ateamboatS. America. ... , c And more than a. hundred.other* Rate* ttoagh- WA*.-.; mast suffice, that it will force the hair to grow <m “A head or face, slop It tolling off, strengthen the n u, .; removing scarf and dandruff from the wots, mah tnf _ ■ iirht-'rai. or ersy hair aastnna a fins dark look, ana •< >•. • tS?Srr . hSS <»u, ..ft, »»* V > 'feSssp*' anOal&wT ; • - *-•••-• -' ~ ~frr > t-ADiEa ars captionbp AQAnwTP* ■ > COMMON PREPARED CHALK., . They are notawarohowfnghttollytoi«riMai» ,f . •• • i Tfc'TsaßaSfflLSE - lam Quantity of l«cad! . St. clear, UTmgwhitaj at the same Um».. acting as a cosmetic on the jstt»,matf« it »oA end • t assErssjssrßK^SsK-^ P aOTTT t SAi«Rsir»*»»aEi», i a«• healed, bat euredby i» eae, at leasta©Ten 1 by®*- ; SnauxNewYorit know, who w it in sash «(«•» end End R unfailing—ea also in Ldia* puffed nostrnm,as one trial yriUprore. leoau.cmi- ■■ssK , sj& s&'wsiassaassraaifiS:".'! g; P * ss? “ri r “A J s.« ' ; Pittsburgh. "" • ifLw, si o «ii pt m rf jS«wiilNS<>N. on •. :— NEW AND VALUABLE ISVESHOX!. GUNN’S WNBOWWCK i JHD SPRING. mms U anpartpiiMf- or , ilhtfttd are wiUK»i .wmdow Oncajag. -WWe »l. narfect mbsUtata for patter and-weJj>w» , . each window, U affiads 7 sio *afcll faiicoia* that has eve* bceabtott*fll la», and coarenfeiice of ihfe Spring oifM all athsn. bT.eaa-thscftbpteee,.boUiftuLor(be : wistiov us bo nuccd or lowered. It iwjalttJ only lo . I bolmowa to be appreciated. -.... ■■.'■. v , . IPtraaat willing to bay the artiefei or to haVo Acts mu inio their windows, or the. right of selliiixttfor ' gqgniiix in thlmßme, may apphto the sahaenwn at ifieFEHKYHOUSE,oa tho Aifeghcay. riTetyPnfe- . . c.*\H*Ya , .'I'vtUKD KEKi-'—o casks Begir Cared. janxec'Omad XJJa safety jul< 8& w MARBAUGU , SOAH— GO lx* Palm Boepj jutreeVl peri jftkeNefci*&4l9rul«py i«al« y _ UMESDAU IPGB * / \ --*V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers