THEPITTBBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTIBUftOU. FRIDAY! MORNING, FER 1, ISSO. lE7*Asmamf ereearaway reqneetedtohead la •eufaore before, «ad u early in tbedaraa tradeable. Advertiaeawntanottneenedfora speei. led tltuefll invariably be charged eatii ordered bet PZm.ADBLPmA KOKTUAajB&IOAV. Advertlfeme&if aadntiecnpuono to the North At»> en Bad Doited Stales Gateta, Philadelphia, received at fonrazdedfrota thio office ComnuTti—C. W. June*, No. H?rr*oc street, Qacmoati, U oar agent for Uu riiy. .auvertisetnents •ad übaenptioni bended to hi". wiL receive prompt BEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTERS Telegraphic p bws* %c. PRESSMAN ANTED. A presnaairwho is tboromjhlr aeqoalßted with hi* bwfaen, and who ondersiandf U» running of * w* liader Power Frees, and the m/Jcogemcmof the Sieem Engine, eenheer of *a easy ajjid permanent eituetion byapplyingtothisoffiee. | E7*2iea4«r t pleue tom to oar first page. gUffheay City Affairs* The goohcft* of Allegheny have paued a reso directing (bo Mayor and Presidents of Conn* cßs to mefnefiolixe the' Legislature for power to lay a Wear Tax, By this we understand, a tax to in paying the interest on the debt created by the erettion cf Jha Water Worts. The Ux which the city Is now authorized to levy, if we mistake not, is seven mills on the dollar, for city purposes, and two mills for the poor, making nine mills, a pretty high tax; and when to this is ads State, j County, and School Tax, Ono would ■appose thatthe people were sufficiently taxed al ready. If the water rents will not pay the inter* eit, on the cost of the works, and the current ex* peuses,fteUhet show* thut this erection was pre mature, or that there has been some extravagance in constructing them. Of this we can judge bel terwhenlhe aceountsare published. However, as the debthas been incurred, the interest should bohonestiy paid, and the mode adopted by the to raise the mesna may be as good a* , any, with' the pnvuo that the so called Water Tax ahall be ilevied only on properties situated on | streets where the water pipes have .been laid. A I considerable portion of the city has as yet derived no benefit whatever from the Water Works, end probably j will not for years to come, fit h»s neith* er pipes nor fire pings, and is no more benefiued by the. Wafer Works of Allegheny, than those of PittsburghJ The inhabitants of tbat part of the ci ty have to incur all-the expense, and suffer all theJnaoitbaienccsofbeeping np pumps and -cie tens, and'employing water carts* and are expos* •d to aQjtho danger from fires, which existed be forelhe erection cftho Works. To ux them for -fte benefit of those who derive a direct advantage from the expenditure incurred, would be manifest ■ad great Injustice, and we direct the especial at* . tehtfon of; our Senators and Representatives to the master, that if they recommend the prayer cf the Councils to be granted, they will see thai the law directs a just discrimination to be made. flowjmnch Allegheny ii actually indebted, we have no official •means of ascertaining, until the ' accounts'are published; but as the Councils have appropriated 521,000, to psy the , interest for the year, we rray assume the debt to be at - less! $4(2f,000—& most alarming increase within 1 two or three years. With such an enormous debt, with not one street entirely paved in the, city, and -With htary expenditures annually required to grade aind pave streets, the prospect is rather ' gloomy, unless come plan can be devised except : trusting altogether to taxation. Such a ‘plan has forsombtime been lalfced of, and is tbeonly one A that cU be devised. That plan it, the aypicprias { tun and talt, cr ef tka Commons for du usu ifthtcfo. Without entering into any argument at present on the legality of such a proceeding, one thing is V ;' petty j&ar, that the Commoners have the power I • of refinquishing their rights' for certain specified purpose?, or else the Western Theological Semi* had no title in the property they have lately j •' to the city. The Commons, as at present aitn* ated, are a public nuisance, and the cause of in* vclving the city in grea£addition*l .expense,- in f carrying out every improvement. Streets must be made over ihem'watcr pipes laid, and, various other expenses incurred, without any remunera* . tiosin re tarn. If some judicious plan,—that of • Henry Irwin, Ejq-, is ai very good one—is adopt* • edanid carried oat, the city will bo greatly besatU j ' ged had improved, her public debt paid cflV or at least : mtJchdimiciaicd, and ber revenues much increased. We Councils £f that city will frV* this matter into immediate' consideration, and give toil the time and attention which its import* •ttoej tojthe city demandsl ■ Oca Crrr Oxantincai.—Some of the ordinan ces cf our city ere exceeUiogty'original as wcltaa •musing, and speak much fj>.ihp v wisddm'cf the Framers. The following.'if earned cut, will afford a large Revenue to the Mayor's fund. By this law, uwe read itj any grocer or shopkeeper who, on JfafVw Days, daring market hours, shail cell any the article* enumerated in- thp_eection below— or toy person who shall purchase the' same, shall besatyect to a penally of five dollars. Now, if Mayor Barkor carry out the setto its strict con* ■traction, our shopkeepers and others wilt , bo ba- Ue ia a large demand opoattheir extra V ! s. ' A mom absurd law than this, appears to us, could setmly be framed, arid we hope onr present wor* thytsolons will amend it as scon'as possible. We vein favor of sustaining the legitimate business ef the ifntrk»*j oa for as is proper,bot we conceive onr citixens have a just right to purchase thffr flour, butter, eggs, raenl and fruit, wherever, and whenever they see fit to do so, without being flood for it. Here is tho'act, and we caution all in time to look oot tor the Mayor and bis officers. 7th Sept. 1816, see. 9, “That no perten shall cx. pose to tale, or pvrehau, on market day?, daring market boors, any kind of dour, meal, grata, meat, fish, poultry, batter, lard, eggs, cheese, fruit, nuta, or anjl kind of vegetable*, except at the said mar* kei K'" l ***, coder the penalty 01 five dollars* That BO ; pet*on or persona, sh&ihon market ia market boars, porebase any of ibo before cno» jjjeraiid articles, to retail or sell sgdifl, under the penalty of.twenty dollars.” ' iii _fiw You mho Eats Rail&oad. —Proposal! tre adrejtised la tho New York paper*,' lor the construction ofthi* road from Hornclsviiie toLake Erie} the work to bo completed add ready Tor m bytko 3Utday of March, 1651. j The extern lo be pot under contract is about one hundred and twenty fire miles. The rapidity wilt which rail roads are built now is really surprising.. One year is! cnocgb, it seems, toj commence : and finish a railifoad. t 'Acta one year New York is to bo conaocied With'Lake Erie, is it sot of tho almost importance 10 Philadelphia that her great work should be fr !•>■«»<* to Pittsburgh is tie same time. What is to hinder it, except lie want of means I Is it wise to withhold tio means necessary to itaimmeditto ooapletiou, when so moch money has been spent, on„which interest has to,bo pald,aadmnch of which is lying perfectly idle! | The came reasoning will apply to our Western Soad* We have commenced to build it, and are •pending money.°n it. If >t can bebi'm m one year* will xt not be wretched enconomy to be two ©r three. yetra in'constructing it. i While’.U is the money is idle, and the incidental ejxpensea are going on. As toon ns finished, it begins to cam money, and to dispense its benefits dirobgboattho eommonlty. Let n>, then, have it finished in on grscrJ What aay the President and directors to this proposition ? V | The Colombo*, Onto, State Journal, of the 29;h nltj announces that Solomon W. .Roberts, Esq., Chief Engineer, of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Ridroad, was to deliver a lecture in tho,Hall of tbeHonse of Repre*eataiive>, upon the subject cf the road, on that evening.. Too ability, xeo), which Mr. Roberts displays io the iaaheras of oar great Western Railroid, are wor ' thW ef all Ptaisr, and merit the warmest thanks of the this city. He lain labors most abnn • 'bat, and in journeys oft, to promote Us success and hcatenitacompletlon. Kr* Mnnmx tj Rraii.—Ne«l B. Brown, ■ ofToMOt*. hnobeca «le«odby Ih, Prmldtnt to PletdpWmtoT u> 2“** '•- .i' tieoArtbrtrP. B^by,ofAUbtmo-^ieo^or Biowaioatotaiatooofa, Anon V, fa 1847. ' ffi.-inhoiiioitijreiMoondcOotail penoial T,„„. «*»-■ Ho ttimnptai by eon-j * '-■' ».-nn,l> principle* tad meacare* to to I n BIIIV ‘"ddiioMdonoleowmivol of VTauirMoe, and hioiacauoiano <to NoUobH spto* r: *? -K : Rll'' f !. 7“ VBOvwiiaiifiToi. •orrespeadenseof the Rtnbarfh oaxto *v Washtsoto.**, Jan* 25,3850. Mr. Cllnfm.xi »»a «*• pvopo.e<l* Demon** J •»“ n*a pus*.Jlrttlm I do m. know wfietker rUMfei jm R*a« mention, on Use fi*J o( the of dusmus« Kcenl trcuon.No hurcnfne, to tin jo, «n|Ult. •bio confirmation. fnjnlNiefi ** of* ll * l than tim. to timo ippmed tlw™. reUttre to tin fiuirn. and porpme* of tho extrcmo and nnpnn dplod notion to whiei ho talonfit. Ho tnutod that ho carried in open hind, end then went on to develop. n pUn or dilution, embnoinj fint, a a project for subverting the existing government by .topping ill appropriation, f next, n «chem.for producing a physical conflict upon the floor of the House, to be attended by fatal results; and, lastly, a pro position for forcing each of the two great tee* tionsoftbe confederacy, to aet up a provisional government for itself, with a view to permanent separation. Clingman said this might be. called * high treason, the highest tbe world ever taw. 1 On the contrary, I should call it the lowest and the ; basest treason to which a leaky and garrulous con. •pirator ever gave utterance.. Bat 1 intended to request your readers to notice that every one of these points, developed in the voluntary confes sion of one of tbe plotters, has been exposed in the coarse of ibis correspondence. A very inter- esting part of the progtaopie, is the provision for the fight on the floor. This was first proposed, it wilt be recollected, by Jefferson Dsvis, in the Senate,. In the. form of an invitation to Messrs. Seward, Hale, Chase, and Corwin, to have agTand set to with pistol and bowie knife, with him, and a anitable nnmber of his compeers. The only fit answer to all such propositions is, that northern gentlemen are not sent to Congress to fight, But to argue, to work, or to vote.. The people of the northern and the southern state* have abowo, on too many fields, their courage and prowess against a national foe, to need to prove it in such scenes as those above alluded to. All such threats and suggestions are in wretched taste, and should bo promptly ruled out of order whenever Indulged in. Whatis yoorlegislatnrelgoingto do in respect to the pending slavery controversy. The Demo% crais of your delegation are trembling in their shoes, lest they shall be instructed in a more deci- sive manner than at the last session. There was great rejoicing, therefore, when, on Thursday even* iftg, I think it was, there came a flyingveport, by lightning, that tbe old resolution* of instruction had been rescinded. Mr. Bncbsntn is on the ground to administer counsel and comfort to bis friends, in case of emergency. Mr. 8., you know, from being an ** Old Federalist,” has only changed to an •« Old Honker,” no gteatjonmey after aH He is playing for .the presidency, and i* here, no doubt, at «¥» great crisis; to assure tho South that, come what may, be is a warmer and closer friend to them than Cass. And ho has greatly tho ad- vantage of Cass, for, whereas that distinguished Democrat i* obliged to pat hia servility Into print* and thereby greatly reduce his .chance of obtaining northern support, Mr. Buchanan can safely give each aide ‘'assurances of tho most distinguished consideration," without the other being a bU.lhe wiser lor it. His game is the best. But both he and Gen. Cass wilt probably find that whoever may •aueceed in fobbing the first ace, the other three wiU tom up in somebody elsea 1 boots. In respect to Stale resolutions, it is, probably, of not much consequence whether any new ones be passed or not. Tho last one* are as bindingasif passed at tho present session, and If they are not strong enough to hold members to their doty, no others would do it, lhai is quite clear. The eourae of your Democrats, in-voting for. Cobb, la quite conclusive, to my mind, that the slave driver’* thong is bui to be laid on to be obeyed. Still tb:*c« will be apt to be kept right by the mere three ot dreams lances. California is the great question. Wfll ahe be admitted 1 She must be. There is no northern man, however craven and abject in spirit, who will vole to keep her out. Then, as to all the other questions, nothing will be lost to the cause of freedom if they go over for an other session, possibly for another Congress. The southern member* know and feel this, and, there fore, these threats of disunion, provisional govern* Iments, stopping appropriations, and fighting on the floor. The propagandists feel the ground slip ping fiom under their feet, ct kinc M* daunt ia. There is oao little matter, however, upon which your Legislature might profitably bestow its alien, lion. Maryland is getting rampant by way of edg ing up alongeide of Virginia. Shell about to pass *□ act making nigger testimony competent as ev idence against a white man ftdm a free Sate, though of no force against a citizen of a slave State. And already Hoo. Albert Constable has been appointed to go toHuntingtonJCounty, Penn sylvania, to defend from Maryland, named Little, charged with kidnapping. Now of course I knots nothing of little’s guilt or innocence, but tho appointment of Mr. Constable is a singular proceed! ag, and promises some exceedingly ugly rcmeniscecces. Let ms premise that I know Mr. C. f and, like every one else that knows him, ad mire him for-hia ability, his eloquence, his gener ous and jovial disposition, and his numberless dtber fine qualities. Bat it cannot be forgotten* and should noti that some seven years ago citi zens or Massachusetts complained to their gov ernment that men of color, also citizens of that Stie, were unjastly, and, without due legal ad/ ; thwiiy, confined in Charleston jail, South Caroli na.: Accordingly, Hon. Samuel Hoar was sent to Sooth Cajolina to bring the case of these men before the eourts of that Stale. This venerable and respectable agent of the Bute of Massachu setts had hardly set fool on Sooth Carolina soil before he was 41 expelltd " therefrom by a resoln* lion cf the Legislature, forcibly executed. There va» net a man in South Carolina, that land of chivalry, who conld be found to lake'up the case of one of these colored citizens of Mnssschuserti, whereas there aro doubtless many competent gen tlemen in Huntingdon County,Pennsylvania, ready JO defend LiUle for nothing. There la, therefore, no necessity for the presence of the Hon, Albert Constable there, as an ageat of Maryland, and it is for tho Stale of Pennsylvania to determine wheth er, under the circumstances, it is consistent with her dignity tnather own attorneys should be Ml aside in his fever. Junius.-**. WumsaTO*, Jae. 27, 1850. I learn that the Secretary of ike Treaaory h** ordered the dismissal of all the weigher*, ganger*, and measurers, now ia the .service of the cniloarf department. It is a*moat important movement, and will create a great deal of dissatisfaction among mercantile men. Bat the measure is ren* dered inevitable by the wretched blonder of the j law of 3i March, ISIS, requiring the entire ex' pease of collecting the revenue to be kept within $1,560,QCQ a year. In no ether country in the world does the government impose upon its mer chants labors indispensable to the assesament of ita own charger, and not necessary for tbo porpo tea of commerce itself, and any enactment which ih&Il operate to the oppression of that great tnter eaL cannot be popular nor permanent. Bat Con» i grew has decreed that a work shall bo executed for 81,560,000, which the experience of-demo? i critic administrations, and_ the exhibit of Mr. , Meredith plainly show, cannot be performed for ' much under three millions of dollars. And this I law, since be cannot get U repealed, Mr. Mere. ! dith proves himself determined to execute. The j party whtch originated and passed it, are already ashamed of it. The financial organ in the that party, Dickinson, “the Homan,” as the "sole incendiaryargan at the aeat of government* calls him, has been obliged to come forward and advo cate the suspension cf the restrictive feature of the act. Bat the democratic majority in the House will do Botbing. Eight weeks in all have been fooled away, and five id ace the election of Spea ker, and yet nothing baa been done upon any subject, and there ta no certain prospect that an; action whatever wifi be had upon this matter. The orders issued by the Secretary on Thurs day last, require tbo summary cismlatai of be iween.two and three hundred officers in the dif* treat collection districts, of which over a hun dred will be discharged in Hew;York. The sav ins thereby effected may be estimated at $220,- 000 a year. The revenue cutter service will have to be dispensed with altogether. The amount ah lowed to be expended during the current hall year, for the! whole service is only •780,000,! wbereasbeforo Ihe creation of the' new districts In 1 Texas; California/ and Oregon,aiidbefore the e*- Üblishmenl of the expensive warelwasjng ays an, j, wo ftt Tutwldiiloulo ibeisnio. reiulreeu rapeadi. Inro'ofil ion W.OOO per jeo, oojbil tad tbo lit. tls Sunder of Hiotadppl ronmlMd •« Wiformer j port, tbew c*n tardl, bee doubt ttat be would bo demanding, too tbo talf pair, u »ueb u Ur poliiicilHeude wbbto ellow bli taeoeuorfer Uio whole yetr. _ ' , : loiBBnww? ejpeot tto Cmrewowii, y Austria beyond the diplomatic pale of ebiifteadosi, to come op again, ftr diecasahiß. Foots the Thunderer, hu the floor apoa it, and he ii. expected to give ua a tuto of the “Erclea rein." I have only to repeat wbal I have aaid be* fore open thia proportion, U will be rejected; and that by a decided vote. *lf ncceaaary, no dopbt, Mr. Beaton viU riae to pot an exiinfulaber upon it JUNIUS. VBOH BABBtBBORQ. Correapoadence of the Plttabanh Gazette. ■ Ju. 28,1850. I neglected to state in my letter of some daya ago, that on the motion to take op the resolution* of instruction in favor of a protective tariff, that Mr. McCtintock, or Allegheny, (who ia weU koowo; to haw been elected aoiety opoa hla pledges to topport that measure,) voted in the negative. This will no"doubt astonish many cf the Doctor a aUtnenta orboth parties. Iris wen known that no Locofoco could ever have been elected from Alfe • gbeny County, ifhe was not thought,at least, to be aonnd upon *hl» vital subject Every person knew perfectly well that Doctor M’Clintock bad held him aelf out to the people of Allegheny, as on ultra ; uriffitei He might therefore, have kepthia pledget ; without exciting the least anrpise, the only aur« 1 prising! thing about it is, that he has not kept them, i especially after they were ao pnblicaliy made. Sot thh Doctor has an evil genins here, who b I perhapisjostlytchargeable with this dereliction— one Benton Kerr, who sticks to him like a Dutch £Jncle,'snd who baa no doubt succeeded in 'per tttadiojg him that* promises made to tho people are always made in a Pickwickian sense. There resolutions will come up ogain in a few days, wheoi it Is whispered tho Doctor will reverse bis former vole, and thus pul him rtetus in-curia again [n tho popular forum. You will have obser ved, perhaps, this tho mover of there resolutions, Mr- cjmrch, has been formally read out of the Lo cofoccT party, by the wblpper in of the Ktyiione. Perhaph thb b tho fato that baa deterred Doctor McClmtock. But we shall see. In tke House, la day, the Speaker announced the spiecial committee on the dispute between the State (Treasurer and the Canal Commissioners. It consists of Messrs. Beaumont, W. A. Smith, Smyaer, Rhey, end Reid. This has been very properly termed a ‘‘committee to censure Mr. | Ball for paying the interest on the public, debt, 1 without resorting to a temporary loan.” Mr. Ball j b now in Phibdelphia, where he has gone to st tend tq the payment of the February interest Hia answer to the Senate reeolntiona may be expect* ed immediately alter hia return. And that it will, be aa able defense of his conduct, and a moil I •ecathlng rebuke of the condoct ofthe Canal Com* I mbslonen, ail who know, do not entertain a sis . i gle doubt Mr. Ball is one of those systematic, prudeaf, cautious, conscientious men, who aW J ways looks to ulterior consequences, and who b , thereftffe always prepared for any emergency. When ho takes a position, all who know him are ! folly satisfied that it can be sustained. Mr. Walker prelected a petition for a new coun ty, to be calhd Bedstone, to be taken from ont of parts ol Washington,' Allegheny, dec. Ia the Senate, Mr. Dram presented the pro ceedings cf a meeting of eilbena of Allegheny, Armstrong, and Butler counties. In the proposed new county, to bo formed out cf parts •aid counties. Theorder oflhedayfatbeSenate waa the res- olution* in regard to an appropriation far the benefit of Keeler, Clark, and others, arising oat of a clerical error. Mr. Streeter spoke at length in favor of the appropriation. It t« oppoaed by Mean*. Darsie, King, and ethers; and *tiH Uea over far farther conalderatloo. CGBDEN. For tie Ftitshtrgk Casetu. “Young' Men'ii Mercantile Library and Hechaale* Institute.** v A brief itatement of tho condition of thia iottL tntion has been published, and ahova that alrea dy a Library a timbering some 1200 volume*, baa been eofieeted. And from examination 1 canJ testify that the aeleciiona are generally very good. The Beading Room la veil topplied with newapa*-. pen tom varioui parts of the country, and on the tables are to be (bond the principal Reviews and fotientiP* publications- The item la large, con venient, and pleasant to be In. The member* can have no reason to complain aa far as comfart is concerned. Yet, notwithstanding all these advantage*, it ap pears that the institution does not meet with that .“sympathy* and encouragement which it de- j serves. And may I not say that the active mem* 1 ben do not manifest that kind of interest which is really necessary, to make bath Reading Room and Libraiy attractive and beneficial. In this progres alve age every body reads the newspaper; book* are cheap, and most persons have at many es they care about. Those especially who are busia ly engaged in mercantile and mechanical pursuit*, are not generally disposed to employ their teaura time in reading books. There is no attraction then far any who are thus aitoated —no benefit is ex« perienccd, no interest is manifested, aci they be come indifferent. Would it not "be advisable then' to adopt some I plan that would awaken an increased interest— I that would cause eaeh member, lo be j interested—that woold draw individuals cat, to J use a common expression. And is there any thing I better adapted for doing this, than discussion! Were the members (especially the* younger members) to organize a Bodety, meet once every week, have a particular subject fordisetuaioo, it I every meeting, have committees appointed to consider various mature, and report tbereon In writing. The result would be (in my opinion) the creating of a. new interest on the pah of every member, in the welfare and progress of the iaMh tattoo. The books of the library would bo sought after, and read for information— and this informs* tioa woold bo brought oul»a discussion. News* papers and Periodic*!* would also become valoa* We, and be appreciated according to their worth. The annual contributions would bo paid cheerful* jy, u d applications for membership.greatly in creased. lo the course of line, the Hall of the Aaocin lion might become the place where mechanics coaid exhibit ibjir uwenoity—where; they could abowthelr models, plans; etc., aod explain tbeir utility; Almost every evening in the week might be profitably employed, aad the Young Men’s Li brary nod Mechanics Institute might, jn fame Acj> gree become to Pittsburgh what the Franklin In stitute now ts to Philadelphia, aad the country at largea great public good Yakkr Notion#.—No one reading the follow iog, will hereafter question ihepie-ua (pious) rep utation of old Connection!,' it ia now \ established beyond'a peradveolnre— M Tbejpie,linde of Cop* necticnt u,carried on ia New York i«,extend ve. Theulicle is minn factored at New Haven and •enlon to New York every day, fresh for aale. There ia a general depot there for the dainties, an-l the amount ofhusiaesa there transacted may he inferred from the following yearly sales: ToApriT3o,lBtr> - •• «• 1840 • « “ 1847 •> “ 1548 To Aogu»tl,lBl9 Swnr in thi Nxw Yorx Gusto* Hooss.—' Theie was great excitement In the New York custom boo»e,on Saturday, in consequence cfatelegraph io dispatch from Waaffington authorising collector Uaxwoll to discharge a large norober of his em ployer*. We staled yesterday that fifty had recei ved notice toqoU on Saturday; bat the New York tetter of last evening, in the Philadelphia Ameri can, say*: « About one hundred and twenty officers of va riou* grades have been discharged from tho cus tom house to day, in order to meet the reduced ex pense* for collecting the revenue."; “There* was a gtod deal of grumbling before, al the prospector«abort'saline*;on (he first of Feb rnarv.batit l* ootrighl rebellion now. Sundry clem, I understand, hare ■ent*nthetr resign a* lions, and more are preparing to follow soil. A great many of tbo ‘ night watch’ have bad notice to quit." ■»_ Tbs PsssKtt Wnrrra w Bobova—Mr. Walsh, under date of January iOlb, write# from Paris as follows: 1: •‘Throughout France, the fall of enow has been heavier than any the present century has tarnish' ed; the ease appears to be the same in the middle asd.Dartbeni parts of the continent. The cold hai beea'lotens© ia Italy and Spain. An American , relative who set oot for Lyons' on the Ist instant, baa written to me that ho suffered more freezing is the diligence than bo had done in the open IbbtiV.h' stage*, In the days of yore, in the depth of witter,” The Presbyterian Church, at San Francisco, bn*e agreed to pay their ministers a salary of •HyWpwjrw. ' FOREIGN ITEMS, RECEIVED PER STEAM- £R NIAGARA. There -are 50 battalions of Austrian troops in Bohemia. Tha Austrian Emperor,’in a recent ordinance, says of the army, andapeacaestab* “Wo have secured peace at home and abroad; by the help of God, and by tha virtue of our own rights, we will maintain it; but if (which may Hea ven forbid, the country should be again endanger ed; by enemies tom within or without, should imposing, military fames be again necessary to in* sure Ua safety and prosperity. lam firmly con vinced that those soldiers who now return to their homes, will, at my call, again rally around their standards, and accustomed to victory, and led oa by. experienced chiefs, will again main tain the ancient glory of'my house—-the ancient glory of the Austrian eagle.* 1 The atrocities committed by Filongierfa in Paler mo ere equal to those, committed by Haysanin Hungary, and King B imba seems envious of tbe , fameoftbe Red Emperor; he recently practised a scheme for obtaining mouey which surpassed In ingenuity the cleverest devices of the swindling community. During the yean 1848—49 the pro visional government of Sicily raised certain autos of money by a volantary contribution lor the port chase of arms, ammunition, and, among other munitions of war, of two steam frigates. Aeon: tiderable portion of Ibis money, which remained' unexpended, was.given op to. Bomba on tbe aura render of the Island, as were the arms and am munition, and steam frigates, which had been purchased by the remainder. Having thus plan* dered the whole of the proceeds, of these volunta ry contributions, he now calls upon each person who held the office of finance minister, to refund from his private property the whole of the turns thns collected, tbe which asms, or the prodnee of them, be bad himself seised. An American Potestant minister had twelve sf his countrymen joining him in worship at his own house last Sundsy, In the Via 8. Butinello. Tn« pc Lee were acquainted with the circumstance before night, and the American Charge d’Affalres, Mr. Coos, waa apprised that if the offence were repeated, tbe minister would be sent away tom Home immediately. General Kmetx,lately a General in the Hungari an service, who entered the service of Turkey, has been appointed Governor of Bhumia- The Pope’s Nuncio in Spain is exerting him self to raise a legion of volanteers for service In the Papal States, but the arrangements are not yet matured. January 16th, the King of Prussia was to take tho oath to tbe new constitution. The right cfa Sub Marine Telegraph between England and France gusratees that this telegraph shall, by tbe aid of a single wire, and of two per rons only (iheone stationed in Fraocc4fld the other England,) be capable of printing, ia clear Roman, type on papevlOO messages orfifieen words each, including addresses and signatures, all ready for delivery, in 100 consecutive minutes." Amorg the items in the -Napoleon, is one comparing the flnt'Coasul and bis namesake with Washington. ; Parliament has treen summoned to meet on the 31st fast. I Mr. Sidney Herbert’s proposal for a subscription to aid tbe ill paid aeematressea of the. metropolis and neighborhood In emigrating to British colonies, where the presence of virt r ocs women is a need I of civilisation, has .been responded to by many of the affluent. Upward oT 816,000 have been sub* I scribed for the purpose. Mr. Heald has arrived in London. The tamper of hi* wife ia not improved, pod she is left, at Ca> . dlx, tom whence Heald made bis eaeape with I his English servant from the Hotel lameoe*,(wbere I they were staying! oa Christmas morning,) bed is supposed to have! gone to Gibraltar. Lola waa furious. She went in a French dleamer that even* ing with her two friends, foreigners, who are ia her party, to Algesira*, and sent limenea another I man by land; to that IT Heald did not. succeed ia | getting on board tbe Pacha, she hoped to eatch I him. Tcbxet.—Letters tom Oonnantiuople, receiv ed at Malta, staled that every thing was quiet in I tbe political world, and that only some secondary 1 points remained to bo settled. I 3,000 Hungarians have accepted amnesty; 500 are to remain in Turkey, and about 80 are to be sent 10 Greece, if that country will accept them. I Constantinople is full of troops* Strong reinforce* I menu sent to Vairs. At Vienna, eni the 37th, a sentinel fired at and killed -a student, who had refused, in 1 li miting terms, to cease smoking hit cigar, in obe* I dienca to the sentinel’* order. Letters tom Kiagsofoxt announce the aeri> oas illness of Georgey, tbe Ule Hungarian Geri-. ieraL Tbe Wanderer has letter* tom Bhum!a, staling j that Kmeiy, late Hungarian General, who lately; | entered the service ci the Porte, has been ap pointed to the port of Governor and Commander. I of the fortress of Shorn!*. I General Count Wtbaa, who commanded the I Imperialists when they were defeated at lUab I by tbe Hungarians, has committed suicide at Ve« I rone. -The typhus fever was raging fearfully at Vienoa on the 26'h ultimo. No fewer than 32 medical men had been seized with it torn Visiting their patients. Bcxnraa rax Dzan.—An association baa been formed, at tbe City of London Mechanics’lnstils* i tioo. to promote tbe practice of decomposing tbe I dead by tho agency of fire. The members prt> I pose to burn, with becoming solemnity, such of , I I heir dead as shall have left tbe remain* at the diiposAl'of the association. Theeniranee fee is I*, ana the council meet to enrol members, fce. on the second end last Wednesday is each month. A London letter, ofthe Ufa instant, says: A line of ocean steamers is about to be establish )cd between Hamburgh and New York. The first I vessel of this new line is the Helena Bloman, of 1 1400 tone; sho is iron boil!, and has extensive as -1 commoditioni for second and third class passes- Igers. The owners expect to reap a harvest by | conveying emigrants at very low rates. Tbe I Siomaa will leave Hamburg on tbe 6th of April, I and will sail under German colon. It is expected I that sbe'will make tbe paiitge in twenty two days. I Rome—Tbe Pope has published a very long I and a very violeal encyclical letter, in which he 1 anathematizes Socialism, Republicanism, and, I obove all, Protestantism, as the root tom which I every other evil im springs. I Tho Commission of Cardinals has thrown into 1 prison fifty priests for having id mini tiered spiritual consolation to the wounded Republicans in tbe hospital daring the siege. I A letter from Rome of the 30th uIL, in the Cen ] tUiuiurui, says: A few nights back eimuUans euily in all the principal. towns of Romagna, tbe druggists shops were broken into, and all tha poi lsohous substances carried off; nothing else was {touched. Tbe qsanlity of poison thus lakes is I sufficient to kill ail the inhabitants of the Pontifical 1 stater,and great apprehensions been produced Iby the ad. An arrest has, however, just been made, which may lead to a discovery of the par } ties concerned in the matter. The Advocate of ] Salmi, Governor of Feai, has been arrested and j taken to Ancona. There waa found at hia red* I denes an enormous packet of cockades, two tri ce lo red flags, several pairs of pocket pistols, a I great number of poinards, three of which were j prepared to receive poison; and, lastly a corres pondence In cypher with the chiefawf the Italian > 1 revolution. One hundred and forty ooe colored emigrant! embarked on board the Liberia packet, at Norfolk, on Friday last for Liberia. The aleatn boat tonnage of Louisville, accord ing to present registry, amounts to 15,583 loos.-*' In 1816, it was 8,17 S tons. A MEMBER. A New York letter stales that theteatimonia) to Captain Cook, (who was instrumental in saving the lives of the psuengen, by the ship Caleb Grimsbaw,) ha reached eigbt thousand dollars, and the committee do not intend to atop .until it roaches ten thousand, A New York letter of Saturday evening, pub lished in the Philadelphia American, says: “About 120 officers of various grades have been discharged from the Coslom House to dav. in or der to meet tbo reduced expenses for collecting the revenue. The National Intelligencer says; 835,431 103,874 144,510 203,335 15,297 A literary friend informs us that the distinguish ed authoress, Miss Bremer, b about to visit the metropolis, accompanied by her friend Mbs Ann C. Lynch, the poetess. A Washington letter iu the New York Herald) jays: 4 1 just team (hat Mr. Meredith has given oir ders to discharge ail the weighers, gaugers, and meainrere, and fifty inspectors of the New York Custom House, os the first of the month. A Cue sad Cartlflesu at Bsaui whax ts urn or tub PavaoLsuw.— 1 hereby certify that about two weeks ago I was seis ed with a violent auaek ofeemtcbig and ptoyiaftlhol* era Morbui, with very dlstreitiegpalni lathe stomach and bowels, which mi completely relieved by two tesspoonful doses of taken lnailule wa* ler. After having taken the first dose, I slept aosndly and comfortably for three hours. (Signed] HENRY WISE, Jt, On board the steam boat Ariadne. Pittsburgh, Dee. lltb, 1840. I am Cspsaia of ilia Ariadne, and was a witnesato the astonishing effects of the Petroleum, iq (he eupqf Henry Wise, who is one of the hands on the boat IBJgned] NIMfiOD GBABELL. Pittsburgh, Dee. Uth, 1849. general adTamatment In aaother eoluma **de!3 Fxsxnrx Lxwjb by J. W. EeOy William street, N. Y-and for solo by A. Jaynes, No. Btreet. This wUI be foaml a delightful artl eleofbeyer*geinfamflie#,aad.particularly for slex y °p?j*rtßaoxA*—An Improved'Chodolate prepara tion being a combinatioa of Cocoa not; innocent, in vtroraiins and palatable, highly recommesdedpanle* olSvforinvalids. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorches tejuass., and for solo by A JAYNES, auhnPekw 'AeaStoto* No.7® Fourth at. xephll mr-tr ua« o. bviVi Jlsiket a&fi FbnyjStttfitSt US* OV 7UBTTBB9' T> EHAIMNG fa thsPittsbargh Pest Ogre, from the ’j&iahtoths3lstofiJasßirr.-lsa. Paraeu* eall* fig for- them.wiil please «*7 they are advertised. La4l«a’ lilht* AdamßarahHogeArmetit Maria 3' Ashby Ann A - AgnewACP Arnold Margaret Atkinson Sarah Armstrong Inb*s Baird Hiss L Bell WG BothweD Loalsa Baker Bully Benedict MraEDßradley Frances Baldwin Etiza Barry Elizabeth Bradshaw Han’hJ Ball Eliza Best Sarah BrfatjtElJx* BanferdSasan Bill Aim . ■ BnreMargaret Barber Sarah Blackford Margh Brown Virginia Barnes Ann!* Btnn Margaret Bark folia BarneaMargaret BlnnlnahamJaneßortt Julia Bateman Mary Black Mary Busby Barah Bayne Margaret JBUixMafy Bailer Ann Beatty Mm Bae’l ■Carr Elizabeth Clsyland Mrs Campbell Merg’d Carr Mary Ann Clough Kaebel Canon Uly Carey Mtrr Campbell Ann L Cashdollar Caih’a Clark ThertilV Campbell IsabctiiCesidsy Sarah Cochran Marti Collins Nancy Covington Mary rwafi >wyn«t> Cook Jane Coyle Cath'm saw . Cooper Isabella Collin Adeline Coleman Saaaa B ’ Davis Mary Ann Donnelly Nelly,, Droogu MargH Deris WJ Douglasi laabelleDuff/ Mary Diver Hannah Dugin Hannah Dixon Mary .Elicit Ann Jana EwaUßebeces Earing Ehr’lhß Evans Jane * • I •, Rtzpatrick Mias FreUiMary French Sarah FlynaMargawt FreelyCsih'iie Ftr MaryE Frazier Jehu M Freeze Emetine Fallen Ann Galagbex Cath’neGlbhs Ann GriennerMury A. Ganran Elen Gilliford Helen Gruber Martha S George Mary Gner Martha Hades Chrirtini Haxbasgfc Aon* EHealy Henneh Ilszerty Heru’taCHirdeaSereh Healy Mergl , Hunes Margaret Hut Beaty Mery Haler Miry J Hartmaa 11 rg*t Hitchcock Uarft HeßimonCaroUneHasptinanHen'ia Hoppee Ano HamiltonClcotraHanplinan I' A HagueHenneh Havea Lydia Haey Bora! I. Irvine Min Ivory Banal A ' J Jackaon Rebecca Jenkins Ma y . Jeokias EUt'th jetaop.Mre ;i K. Kano Sarah Kelly Ellen Kidd®© Droiiila KayaHannah KellyHanmh Kirby Abigal Keith FUzabath Kelly Man Knotting Hannah Kelly Elizabeth Knox Jaa l . L Lante Harriet Leith Mrs ( haa D Lodwiek E J Lea Jana Lowry Fllen. LabbeckMeryE B MabryMlu Meek Mrs 15 Moortr Mary J Mahoney BidnoyMellor CatVno Moor Ann Malooey Ann Mlddletoo Mar'l JMoor Maria Marko AlicoAnnaMiller !sab site 8 Moore Sarah C . Marin Mary Miller Job iS MalUn Ellen Marshall Eleanor Mortae Mi ry E Mallia Mra Jao It Martin Sarah E McrtieMn Kj He McClatshey lUn'McFarlani MxeMMeKee Beeliel J' MeClaroHealahßMeOinaeai Cath'eMcKelvy flosan’h MeConnel Sarah McOlnty J ane MeLase Emma C MoCoyEUz’tb McGowan Eliznh Me Lana .Sarah • McCoy Nancy MeGriffSamb McPherson Rachl McColly Sarah Melatosh. cnette McShane Ellen McCatcheon Isab* , " ! . - NeekmsMarihaWNovnaen Mary ANizon Maty, , N«sbU Sarah Nawton Jc aepb'e Nook Mrs falwd Jane Nicholas I Eery Norton Elixhh CHDonael Fanny OUphaat 1 telliu Owcoa Agees.' O'Hahyi Mary Oirashy i Uxa f; „ Palmer Margaret Peels Bar aahß Porur Cath'se , PedinHary . Pennock Sarah Powell Eliza Bath Patterson Ellen Philippa Cith'ne Proper Jane Peas non Mary Piper Ellen Parry Win H Patterson Hebe's l •M ' QslnaMaryC. QnitaenGir lUxcSoud Rleo Betty Roberu EUtlrth Sußsey Mery Blehards Ana Rodds Mery Raymond LydaHUehardMaSanhßetetar Sarah Be *e raft Mary Riddle lane • Bsdolph Mary R Reddick Elisa Robb Jane - Rankle Mary Reynold* Harriet Scott Mr* Jno W StspteiJNaney Swift Kate SeoUMantant *Sb*ridaa Satan Bwigon Margaret PcoU Be rub SoodgnatEJ Stewart FJltabeth Seller* Ckarioße StanleyJesephlaeStejrart Catherine Shannon Sarah Taylor Loeiada Thompson FrYs RTidbsll Raehel Tarlor Sank W Thompson MaryCTocns Adallno Teno Mr* HaxrietThompeen Wary J Tbcaptea AnnDlboapsonSaranE Yartpfl Mr* W -WamaariCatk’fla Wan Ketla WileoxMreleaß Wall Helen WateoaMatyA WUaon Helen Wallace Mary Walla Celia Wybottrt W»d Ann While Kisxiafc. ’ WardJaae Wieka Sophreota 1 Y Toaag Henrietta Yotng MaryM 'S' Ziouaermta France* GeaUeaia'i Uit< A rent Geo Alter DanlW F Aebeeoa Sami Alexander Wo Arcaetranr Joht Aintvonb Wd Allen Enoch Arnold Wm Adasa Ftedk Amieb Albert • Armriey Aaroc Aiklee t O Alien Exefctel Anbnn Robt Adams Geo Alexander Jna Alter* John : *<*««■« Hath Altaian The* : Arnold Joe Adame Oil Andenoa Alexr. A*kiaeJa* Alien Geo Andenoa Joe Aihby Wo Alston John M Asdenon J 8 H * AsiUnSaa! Adam* Matthew Anderson Thee Add wm ; Amick Philip U AndrisenFr • Aahfleld John Bailer Jotfaaa Semis JuM Braden John" Baker John Berry John Braden JasM Baker Tbotaton Barkley John II Bracken Jas Baldwin Thos Beals James BransueyerJW Banco John - r Bedell DanJ J , Brice The* J BoUlcyMr Bedel' Ban) ' Brosnahaa Baal Barclay John Harford P 8 > Broadwater P Banes JehnOA Beek Chaa ; Drobat Henry : Barker Wm Blngey Tbo* Browntey O B Barron John Blakely Wm > BiiaknerJO BarcesserDant Belhart Bryce John Barky John Blair Fredk Bruner Jacob Uarocs John Q Bteler Auguttef Hryee Wm BaneaC H Blanchard Alfred Drueher Leonora Bark Fred W B-tbee Laeien Buchanan The* Bareev Wm Blackford AM Sr Bonghmanß Barton John Blakely Neal ■BatgeTttW Barnes Almond Blaine Wm , Dal fort Buneon BamUS Btcgemalf John Butler GW BaeeeTbos - Bird PhlUp Burke Robt Barker David H Blythe DO 1 Berko Finley J Barnard Danl Blackion Sami: Barke Wm Bark Fredk . lUrney Thes Barte Edward Barnes Oliver W Bluett Jas Burgcu R®b« Bayard John Booth Walter . Bares Samuel Bauhellor Chas Bowers J S 'Barnard Danl BixterEdw BoleoJssS Bereoe Dennis Barelay Wm Buttonh John Butler Thoa Bell John - Bogar%Jas ; lluiby A Little Bell Jos Sr ' Boubait F , Burgess Rnbt Ball Frank IfoydJF BassalowJks Bell Cbas S Boyd Alexr Barley Robt Bell Jes Bond Henry Butler Wa P Beany Is* C ‘ Boyd Oeo D . Byrne Thru J Beaderr Jacob A Bodden John Bradley « R BeamerMC • BowennasterJ Bradley-Robt Beaver J Bradley P W Benaet John Bebb John _ j CaffrThos dart Jaa . Cochran Lewis , Calvert Wo H Cleary.Path j : Corroaemchd ; Cantor S 8 CfelUad W Cowley J L Cantwell Jaa N Clanton Simou P Corbcu O W Canon John , Coates Jaa Cj : Corbett Tbo* Carte Patk ' Coates Eaborne - Cotton Z U Csrey Tbo* Coau Chas < Coniter A K Caroey<Chas CobbasAdam . CoaUerJohn Carson Jut CoekinaThoa Coulter Ateir Canon Sam) Coeain Jas ‘ OowelsDE CarnahanWilsouCoffin JtsO , : Cowan Robt W Carpenter D H Cofin GW' Cowan Chas Carlisle Wa D Collins David l ConveryJas CarbisSaml Colfer Walter Creighton Bob! Carrol Cbaaneey Coletanr Danl Creaton JI Care Patk Cobb John Criswell John Csrrtieh Peter Cole Wm CreaJohuM Cashbuugh Jacob Calvin Jet S - Cribs JB Carnahan Abm Colvin Wm : Cretan Mteha-1 CsuULetd Ist Coleman Wm : Crawford Jaa B Cats Michael Coleman J Puss Crawford Alexr Cas*ei> P M Coleman C ‘ Crawford John Campbell Jaa Coleman John Crawford Chas Campbell EC ColbersJobaA Crawford Isaac Campbell Jat P, Conway JAo B Crewdey Alexr Chslfant Francis Connell Cor P i CrawderJohn Chest Thoa ConnallrPatk , Croft Christr < CbUds J k Bro ConneU RJchd ; Cummins* Cbas Chnrah Henry Conner Bqbt Ganulnghaa Jes Christy Thos O Combs Pereily j Cunningham J H Clark Mathew Cofin B&den i Caoainghaaß Clark Mr Cook Issue - : Camming John Clark Deal Cooke Deal - Cuddy Deunit' Cork John W Cook Sami ' ; Colbert Garrett Clark Robt Cochrane Wll Curran Robt Clark P Coehreu Can( . p ■ Davis Rev T A Deane Paiep ; Oereon Michael Davis Hugh M Dean 8*0)1 ■ Donavoo Dennis Devla Sami W Desmond C . Donnelly M Dtvis Win Desmond John " Doyle Jos Davis Silas DeGanitßS- Dsnag.tvTho* Davis Wall yslgblon John XroagtqJohn Davis WaUen DeatyJas Dorkin Michael DayldsbaSgml Dexlefuant Duff Robt DavisoirJobn Dillaoey Wm - DaffeyJohn Dnviua Dixon Cathbert Dunn Wri* C DsrJas Dlekson'nqeh DdnnThoa DsyDanV ■ Dlokey Chrutlah Dunlap Thos Daniels Tbo* Dippef ifeisrieU Dunlap Uev 8 B Dsnlels Geo P Denehoo John D Dnngee Boston Dais Alpbeus Dougherty Jus Duncan Jos Dailey Michael Dotson Joan Danean Jackson Dolton Jes DowdaJoh<i • Duncan A ' Dennltton Geo Do Wolf W Danean Wm Dennison Capt D Dofey Robt Dyer K Dce&s Rev J L Denoughy Ber- Dyer Jaa Dean Cap; Damfoj^a» . Ears* Henry EdmnndWm EmlgGeoH Earfy Wrh EgertonThoi Elmore Peter Eaten Jobs Brill Thos KytbeJß KaititndJobn Rder J»« Evans John E Eckert J EUiottDS ; Evans DM Edwstdt Jm Hltett Robt Ewing Ayf Edwards Jenkin Emhart Jacob Ftstt Alnn Fuher Sami D : Fowler Simon Paries Tho* Finley Jat Forisler Jacob Featt Geo L Findlay Jas L Foulks E L Fesalar Wm R Fteeson Eann . Foard Thos Perron John Fleming John Ford Enoch Fherry Wm FJTm , t £?Uy Sam! Feswfek David FoeterJohnM FreverAhm Ferguson Mm! 8 W FryWm J Femaon Robt Forsyth John Jr Francis Jos PirKsonJa* Fomthe Alexr Friel Jaa , FomenThos Fori Henry , FraneyWm . FfiSerJotoO Fester JAn K Fred John ir,ih)mc CsptT FqsWfW^ Gaddis W 8 Goalden 8«ul Grayson Wm Gaddi* Bhadfdri Otmld SamJ Gready Patk' Georke Robt - ' Geald JoaJr - ■ Greaves Henry R GageHiramJ Gould Jo»W Gregg John GalKhar Jas Golden Francis H Greta John OaiUher Alexr Gorton AO ; finer Jm ¥ GaUartetT Gormony rate Grlodredjoa Gets un Patk Oomly w» : graham ®wl „ Gmaaloaß Goohart John - Graham Ear IB BartenerGeo GreenJad Graham Wo Glbaon AUrid Grant Wm Graham Jas mini TrTf-* Grabenheia : Gray Carroll QUebristJM J« 1 Dentist. Corner eftartk and Decattr, betweca oett-dljin GloaUiex* ' ; Grant FMl* Gudgeon Jaa G. Glass k McUeeiy Grace Wm GnseomWmH r Go»dJohn.. . ....Grade John HallWm Harrison Wm B Hill Jacob HtaQtoaWa Hay* DitU Hinton Thai HallJohnP- Hay* John H. a J. John .~ , Hamilton Chu Hiiiinger Wm Highgata Tbos / Hamilton Wo P Hatehiienezer,Hod* I Jn / Hablee Bofsa E Havlta Baml Hjrne* Michael Hahnjas Harden John Haxta Peter Hawn Abram Hibbard John Haynes Geo - Hayden AW Holmc.Jc. HaineaLewla HiT«»n David u2wsw«m Balnea Jttchd Hazlelt *j°S£l\v« n HaithJoa Heath Geo! B -IlaAn Henry Heany Jaa Howwd Miehael Hamer Jacob!? IleekerHconr h !»«««• Haneock'J P \V Hemiagray Mr /aona J P HaneJohu. Hdlcryßenry/ , Haney Jaa Hc«ty Jaa / 2“f h c * J jS“ E Hanea Alezr . Herd Ja» •/ {j®*?*? jB"? Hanna John Hendorsonßnbt Hughes Nest . Human L.viil HentoiokSW "“f Hartwell A 0 Ileademm Bobl H»SS*MFr Hoiper Sanford IlenajloaH Hal'd rn'Mim ia J j5S h. 5& E o”“ Harnp Sami Herr&trHenryM }{■ A Harrison John /Hiatt Wm r Horboit Cmrod Higgins Riehd »an«eju:rB Harper Hugh HUI A P HyaU Hezekiab Harvey Jeaae Inglesby L Irwin John A Irwing Ingham John B Irvnn Jar JaeksonDrßMSJefferyWm _ B Jamison Tho* E Johnaon A ** James Wm Z Johnaon George Jones Rlehd Jaekson Soml JohnsonThos Jo«»"«^.oC Jaekawiy Seth Johnson Sami Jonea n Jaekaoh Henry JohnsonC IkSm, h Jameaßenj Jobmon AbrahamJ ones Jamea H JenWnaen Johnson Job Jono»;AmhonyC Jnry Stephen Johnaon Selby P Jones Rees JenkinaJabez • , i Keenan Robi Keller OiwnM Si”*'Xt sssf!?.. s®ss?* iwfa.fß. KUei Kelly Nathaniel gSI&W Kerney Martin- Kelly Miehl F Kennedy Cbaa Kerr Caramel W Wrier Jacob Keeker* Louta Kimball plwd 5® U KeelvWmACo Kline John hoawiea u • Kerly G W Kingsland Philip KrraerJ E Kernan Wm II Knowles Miehl hrtmer llev J D Kan/Daniel Kirkland Mania PKnroGeoF Kennedy Alex , J v Jobs* Margot fbaiE ■ Lamb Geo DG WLeeeb James C Little Wm Lafferty Bobl Leyde FVedk if‘l? E c Lanin rath Leech Vrancis Llghlcap John C Lastly John jr Lewia Walker Lytle Joseph I< Layton John E Loe Hon Geo II Loppler Barnett LawerC Ley Fwdk Laker Bent II Lasghridge Jaa Lindsay Joseph Lornnr John Lewis Horry D Little Joseph Lloyd mao LeyeoekHogh LlncbßevJC Lyons John Lewis Henry Lindsay Master J Lytle Henry M Leech Jamea Lindsay Witt. Kj Lewis Joafatia O late St Loony Man W P MenlmanJoo Miller Jos Warner Mr agtkeMlnser Jno Moles Zaehariab Mallery Tratnaa. MiUa Geo 8 Momooth Bobt Maize Thoa Millinger Jno Morris Rlebd Maloao Mr C Miller Henry Monen Thoa Martin Peter Miller David W Morrta B P M arahallCaptWm Miller Jefferson RlorslauGeo Martin Jno A MUter Robert Moyers G» Mastera Wm Miller Jaeob H Morris A R Marlait Jaa Miller RobtC * Mom* David F Mason Mr Miller DG - Mowry S C Master Wm Mitehel! Edwin MoOdyCra MarthcnaJno A Miller Miehl Mowry Wm Mason Joa jr Mitehall Wm II Alonan Felire Mellinger Alartin Miller Robt Morgan H H Newton Alex A Miller Bombard Morass Geo W Means Joa Alilebell Wm MonoghaaJasA MeMnJas . Miller Jaeob MontairWm Merrel* Jaa Miller Richard Mollir Key Mean Sami Miller FA Morgan Aim Mechling P W Miller Wm Moses Levi Mellinger Arnold Mdler Geo Monagban Andw Mowry Geo R Morrow Wm Mardoek CIV AlonrooJM Marta Ldwd MonnDswid Morgan John Myers Jacob MhIItW Mnldoon Henry Marphyhianeis A MorranOC Mailer Geo Murray Jonah Moon Danl Mnllarkn Miehl Murray Bsnh cw Morrison Bywn Myers Mr \ MorMwMieM Mone A Asghan* Mardoek Sami C Morphy Henry P baogh Myers Alfred ' Morphias . MoneD " Malloy Jno i . Alonison Jno Muller G G MeBeth.ll II McFlroyJM McGredy ttml Meßratney John MeFJheneyßaml McGilyerv MeßrideGeo MeKlhenerßobvMeGUl Wm MeDride jUox McDonnell J McGowan Jno Meßrido Stephen De Don aid Danl J’MeGraw Hugh Mcßride Alex II MeDennouJno P McGee Edwd Me Seth llemphiUMbDonald J MeGorcm Jno MeßridoWmF MeFarlandC MeGinnisaThoaS ATeAdamsGeo MeFhddeaTL McGoiia Dennis Mcßride Ja* McFarland W T MeGae A_ McCulloagh Geo McFarland Geo HcGmtyThps McClelland Wm MefaddenW L McGregorTbos McCall Wm Mclotyre.Danl McLain David ( McCaffrey J Rav.iMelUwajne Jno MeLaneJaaO - McC&ndleas Joa Mr McLane JnoDr Me Candle** D Hagh McLaogbten Jna AieCaalin John r'Mclmosh Alex McClane John MeClnrg Thoa AlcßlmmenWm M'Macua Jno MeCtarkanHP MeKelver Hugh McAnnUy MeCannHogH McKee Henry McMaslersoa Jao MeCantfleaaX D MeKay Jolw MeMil jnStwl McCabe Jaa MeKentnn Alal’w MeMalh David McClain DM MoKtbbenJohn Jaa MeCawley Alex McKeever Miehl McMunajrJno uSSmiJkJar McKalrpyJaa McMillan:Dajul McSrSUk Wm McKiall BaM: Majay Timolby McCormack J MeKaand John McQuiston Alex MeCaaker Pater McKnightJoha MeCullv John F MeKeaoTboa Mc\ay John McCreZly W E McKee Tho* _ Mcßobens A SfeCraeken Jno AlctJlowen Danl MoMillanJ S MeCraley FraneisMcflaxry Miehl McMaateraJas McßoberaJao Me Cowan Jno MeiUllanThosT McEtherTon Wm : Neeoer Danl Noble IPS- ' Nicila Wn. NabMQ Jaa Niekle llogh Noons Thos Naclv Thoa Noonan John NlcholaJno Newell Tho* F Netting Stml Nbek laaae Newman’Jas'R Nobba Joilah Niecols Jno Noble Thoa B NesbettJaa _ Owens Jo* Oyer Miehl Oiler Mlclil; O'Farrel Danl O’Bryan Loke Over Mr Givey OF O’DoanelyMartlnO’BfOgfan Ji O’Dryan Sami. P&tton John Perry John Philips Jacob £*tinn D 3 pent W 1i Potter Tilly P*non Henry Penrose DavidM Pool Thos pS££ Veter Person J . ' Porter James Patton Sam? Pearson Joseph Palan Jemet-> Parmer MatUiewPblUipa DaTiS ; ?SiJS. fc iui SSSW-taH/ Ri£&“ Ktenon L D Ptwbaj TboS B. Jnee A M S& Peake rJ John ! Qnade JOM QwrfC&nroJ ft Ratlicaa Jos Richurd-on R M Rogers R E Rea The* Richards Dan! J; RobintonAreh Rainbotts Wm BUebie Geo Robertson A S JUlistonßobt lUelly :: RoUertaon Jno Ilea Andre Rice UcoorMicWßobertion Fran U Rapn A RidgardlC W : Roluoiau Jos .. - ReaUTno Kice Peter : Bod«er# Goo Relehan Chu RI.CT J« •- M*** 1 ?* TerA RedsOTkk A L Richardson A ltz A Reese Reese Rooacy.Jno .* Rbbtnjoo Mr , RedgateJos Roberta Thos ;:RprtCbas Roes David Roberts Geo >: Rafler Juo Jas Ream Bob! Rost Henry j;R«»byJno iwd Wm Koiwq JVan! : Roane Wm RenolfaWm Roberts Jas W ; Russel Alex K?dW Rowe Harnin Rhine Jno A Reed Sam) W Robb Jas H I: RihnMichl Rinehart Thoe M Roberts Ge> W [ Jacob Ropp Ryan Danl - Sample Jolio i> UppatJ £»».' gw*" ■>“ g u Jpii Calvin Sheridan Philip - Speller L iSSmr iSx Shields Joseph O-Smr Geo D Sanderson ff*tM Bhield*'W H ; iSUevcni VVm Sswrer Nathl Slider Jesse rß'anley Abm . Scot?Ale* **** Slekmatt Geo -SterretlU P Scott Tboa : Slieker Jfc Craton Stevens Chat A Scott JnoW Siam* Andw | Stephens W E Seolt /Uex Sliker Joseph Starr Geo D, Seanlln Mai’w Silver John Sieinmeyer Jno w n Skinner Win Bteelo John SjL Slider Jcf.o SUSbrt llenlT Scott John W . Smith Thos Stewart Harmon Scott BenjF Smith UP Stevenson Wm Srebrist Henry Smith Joseph ; Btewart Cb*« fzmmnim Qiioi Smith U t Btsfcntoti Mr Sears Wm Smith kKrinsfieldStcvensoa Wm fiesbrooks II A Smith Tbos— Stevenson Sami SSSffi Jcerph Smith Jno A , Stewart Matthew Severenee I» Smith Wm Stewart James Senior Joseph• Smith Isaae Su-ranwh* Reed S?»lhonJo?n Smith Utehr Stevenson WE fituil W O Smith Geo Btewart John BK&SS ISM-Idvla^oee Ratt Alex Simpson Geo 8 Stinee; Oust** Sowers Danl Simpson Thos S Stirk \V K C„T« ffimUil* |»UH.o W Rbliss O P Simmons TTios Stoat N HWUn-Owen Smcdley Fk Co Sullivan Jas ShfooinWß Snivel* Henry .Sullivan Jno ShnockWL Snodgrass Jus Schwarts JitcobL Ihlrtlewc, WbileSnyde r fenj N ®d]Sj v q_ Soeyde P Sutherland Jos SkuuMlot : ajaviif o * ll !” Hdoin Join U Bpe.T «A SolltrK U Sheridan um Springucru Aif , Taylor Geo A Taylor Geo W Thompson G Taylor Wro H Thompson JosephThorapsnn Job Tavinf nAiiJ TltoansoaJno Teed John Tanner if' TliLpton Wm J Tomptom J B T.?lo?Thoiuu TrrVlnoW :• Tarlor Jai ' Thompson ttobt Tiles John Tata John Thresher This F Toben Martin Tsylor HHlary Terry Bate icv T\>dd Stephen R Tafoors B Thompson Cspt J rn*reuoe Jowph Taylor Joha, cocrThoma* Ateenoa Tidbal Aaron tSr Thompson Moore . Underwood. Jno Urban Alfred Uphill Jacob Upslill E Venn Henry Varner Vickery 11 b W Walsh Thoa White Jno Will Philip • Walters Jas Whitfield Wm WiikinaWraW Wade Isaae White Uriah K WlilittUnah Wallace Robt White Sami . Wiimet Johnson Walker AbraJiam While Jno ; Atlh’y Wallace Jno While Williamson KH Walker Thos D Williams Isaao Wiltxe George Walker Wm U Williams Jno. WUlarSam* Wallace Hugh Williams Oat id JAVUkms John Wat«On Robt Williams I.ueiat Wickertham Jas Warner Thos William* Harvey Witman Geo Wataoa Afex M Williams Henry W»hle Andw Wayno Clafk’eU Williams F.vau WilUimsoa Geo Waisen John WiUUra* 'Vbei D Wolf Jmcph Wanes Gro WllsooEß ; , Wolfe FMADroa Walters Sami WHionJO Wood Jas WalkinaGco W'llsonWmH Wood* Wm Watts Wm WlsonWmit Woodis llqntoa WestTnci* 1 wii*an Jacob : Woodbnra Jss West 111 Wilion David Wolf John Welsh DavilO Wilson Heoj . Worcester Thos Wert Jas ' Wilson Mal’w L Wood Clement 3 West Joseph L" .Wilkins AA Co Wra*n George Wells Jas’ Winters Thos WrlrhtOsearF Wells Elijah Witherell I. Wright John Weaver Jolinjt Wilkinson Wm Yotm; John jr ; Xantrf John fiAM’L ROSEBURG, P. M frnwiaa, Febraary 1, IQ», /abBffDTHBWORIOI TklTSMili*B nrilinhi Panorama of a A YOVAGH V inSmwilleffP»! eortaln at *1 o , otock pteciaelT- , - A two storiTbbick*dwelling hodse A f utHay »^.^°^?W.HWatoraL_ mTHE aahacriber will •* U . or rabie Country Eeiidence. in AJtotenT Bated on Ohio Lanc and west of the Common. The koue U brick building, ta,_completB order. “There l* > cy , riage Honae, and good water oa tha which comprise two aeTes, well improrad, every desenplion of Fruit. Also—* spring wje «0“' smoke boose. Posaearion given donngthe month cl March. tsbl-tf JOHN GEBHART. Uoneagahaia Brtd|a«. A N Election for President, Managers, ana Ofieeia l\. of the Company for erecting a Brlsgeorer t&o River MonongahelaJoppatue Piniborgh, in the ty of Alice bear, sn!l be held at the Toll Boaiej Oh Monday, March4th^lSSo,at3o > dock<P.Al. , ' . /ebt»wa*B j JOHN THAW. Treasnrer. SUNDRIES— 4 keg* Lird; Juckißm; 2 Ub Fltzwed; 1 bbl DriedApple* ! (ebl OH GRANT OATS —CiO bo for solo by frbl LA HD—US bbl* to arrive per Fort Pitt. foe bale by febl - • ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front «t BACON— U hbds asianei; 443 Hams, to balk; to arrive per Fort Pitt, lor tale by fobl I DICKEY & CO, From it • DARK SOLVES OF HISTORY, byO. F.B. Jasea, Emi* Aotbo? of‘ Tbe Woodman,” ‘-Gowrie.” siREOWAUDGBAHAMior Raitway Speealatots* tir Catherine SloeUlf. Aothor of “The Joamey of Hfe” JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, janM. 1 Corner ofThlrdnnd Market Blanks, for doffs book keeping.—bo* this daT severe! complete sett.' jS" T JOHNSIONt BTOCgTON . WMeCLINTOCK is nowopetOnij tbehandacmeu , and most toperb Imported Velvet PiUs Carpet ever before offered in this market, to which he invites the attention of porehaaert. ' . '■' - • tp‘Carpet Wareitoomt,?S Fonrth at. .lantt ■ Baff Hollandl. BoK Helliadt , fITAKE NOTICE—That W. MeClimock hes this day I received several caeca of the finest and bes Baa Window Holland, to which be would moat respectfully, call the attention of hie easterners and' the paolie to -(o*Carpel Ware Rooms, 75 Foarth lb jan3l SUGAR CURED BEEF AND HAMS-|D» bbU of Snyar Cared Heel Rounds; SO tierce* Boyar Cared T| ,N S ED OIL—TO b.. 1, BACOIS— COO piece* bicon Him*.' - goO - Side*. • • ’ . 600 “ . “ ShoUenjutJrootßi home for sole by J»n3l “* * co. jan3l • 9tWood«weL »'ca KNOW alt men who are alek and afflicted with dis ease of ihc bladder and kidaeya, with rheamatid paint In back or Hwbr, rtiffjolola, oUaonc, .Tonntafi; nicer*. Ac,-that they con be euredby taking.tho ro iroltum! You majttalkabonlltt being* noatrom.aa oineb ax you pieaxe,' bat this doe* cot. man Jt ao,.f<?l. wwvltftott -raumuinvitai itbas virtue* which are net contained, in any outer remedy. The man vrho 1* racked with pain aad_tai terms from diaeaao. can for fifty «nu, get relief from any of the ills enoomerated above. Header! -it coat* very little to make atrial. lure—no compand; pat ap for the pwpoa® of uapeuag on tho comoenity; bat it ia a remedy elaborated by the mailer Jhand ofnatnre, and babbles up from the •omofourmotliercanbiaita original parity,anew*, feta to taflering bnmenity a ready remedy, a Certun andebeapcore. , .. Vi,~» I: ha* cured Pile* after other medicine* have failed to render any relief It ha* cared Hboamatiia ofJecf standing. and of the word and meat painful It ha* cared Cholera Morin* by onn or two doaas: tt ha* cared old eases of Diarrhea, Jnwhleb ewywn remedy h«» been of no avail. Ana local remedy In burns and aealda, It is betiCT than' any medical earn pound or ointment that wo know oC 1 t will eUTactu blaln* or fronted feet. la a few application*; andoubt. ed testimony can be furniahed ortho trout cootamea in the above aulemen t by calling on Baxauel U. aier, Canallmia,7thatrccu oretthetofiha^ageott.. .-•• • Keyaer k. McDowell, eonter of Wood atxaetiw* - Virgin Alley; R. E. Seller*, 57 Wood street, D. A. El liot A D. U. Curry; Atleghcay city, «• the ageaie. janJl : ' • Inltlali. Weitern Star Council, No. 104. Iron ChrCoanell, No W. To any Diipieniaiv Artist. Steamci Loyal Hanna. R S. Teutonia D\*Lion, 353. R. 5- Giraßa, Division, 3di: CiH GRANT JaniiPVnr Week. Yclnrpua Carpal* SELLERS A NICOL - t> FTB. TU RPENTINU—2O Mi in rood order, O by itd3l J. BCHOONMACSER > CCR. PROCLAMATION. GUySmokehoniu. THE lubacriben, : taTiDg’:onr large Bmpkebowd* are prepared, at all limes, •to washy ÜB| *ns •moke Pork oa re*wnab!e tennt. • • ' : . . KIER * JONES, Proprietor*. j*a3l ; ~ - Canal Basin, near 7th at i Aflftfl LOS BACON lIAMS; ' ' . OUUU 9000 lbs Baeoa Sheoldersf }ast reo’d oa consignment and Tor sale by , I',' jan3l KIER 4b JONES nn aAa LBS Baron Shoulder*, in Smokehouse, .£U,I/UUaudlorsaloby t t>Llul-Q -;nn?| PBBfc JONES - WAHTfiO, A GIRL to do Housework. A pemanasl eittaUon at good wagea eta be etWrinfla* this Place. ’ ’ ' Jang • BOLIVAR PIRE B MCK-25,000 in store amLtor sale by lanSt _ • KIER A JONES * Waatedf ■ A SITUATION by a hearty young Wow, as a Wet None. Name and reference ftoen,by*a* gutting at ibis Ofllee. - • •• - i ..-iargMt^ Blecuoat AN ELECTION for Offlcer* /or the ‘•Company fir ereeiinir a Bridge over the Allegheny Birer, «p> posite Pittsburgh, in the County.of Allegheny,” will be holder: in the Tcii Home' of the • Company, at the Pittsburgh end, on Monday, Uareh 4th, nl 1 9=clocfc, p. M. JOHN HARPER, Tteuarei. )nn.Tfl-dAwlflT ‘ . * and far tale by a'cULß] IM1» / T:.|^ •IKEfc WATER PROOF PAINT—M bbU Miaeial t*olt ■ w -..•J-, .. , -.1 • wai-wniw "OPS-a bases on band and for sale to/ ' . jaaJd ISAtAH HICKEY A CO, Front «t TITACKKREIr-10 qr bbl* Ne 1, extra, for sale to [Vt jsnjO 13AUH DICKEY A COs B^«"c^»isgs^saSfea For BUe. Twv. VACANT LOT, in Alle&heny.eomerofbiid die alley and South Common; 30 feet front by 110 Sect deep. Also—Tbs T ot on Sonth Common, SOI feet Crons by 110 feet deep, with three story Brick Home, occnpied by Dr. Dale. ■ •* . Al«a—The Lot on Sonth Common, 37 : feet front by 110 Teel deep, with two story Brisk Home, 'oeeified by Mr. Arnold. Alro—Fire Bnildlng Lots on Bank Lane, each 30 feetbi inches front by OS feet 9 inches deep to urwpatb of ennal. - Also—The Lot on north side of liberty street, Pine, burgh, (pvt of tot No 134 in Woods’pltn.) 60 feet front by 110 feet deepfto Brewery alley. Apply to .■ • janStf-dan cfco.Bß 'Dividend. TUB Directors of tie ‘•Pittsbortb and Boston IDn • log Company" hare this day declared a dividend of 87 per sbare, payable ©a or after the 11th Fbbmry. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the office of J. W. Clatke fc 00. THOMAS BL HO WB. janSO-td Trcasnm. . RO*jL BUrrEH—9 bbl* Fresh, lost ree’d and for talo by lanSO . i B CANPIPLD LAIU) OIL—3 bbla Winter Strained, per steamer New England, tor sale by. _ Jattftt JAMES OUClOllu. RFCbJVBD this iJir,iAW. McCLINTOCK’B CAR PUT WAREHOUSE, new nod handsome Kyle BJIECT OIL CLOTHS, which we wilt fslto fit *O7 nits hall, room, or vestibule. : We Igflte the attention of those wishing to assortment 3)cfote purchasing elsgtshete. • tD»Carpct V/avehoota, No 7S r< mrth »u jans9 New Oriean*; • (JJX 25|bbU8#tM«oo*Q ‘ 6 kbbl* Golden {Jim*; tot Mile by iaj.ifl ; . JPWILLUMa YESISON— 54030 ll’l potior Hams, in cure asd tale Ijjt JDWILUAMS, janvy, * ’ . No 110 Wood Dl-xa SKINS—IOO lb* fot «ala by *' jmtP JPWWAMB GIKGSESG-laMkfor>#lftb> 7 , * J DIYILUAMB SOAP— 100 bxs Botin, foraaleby - - . im«> ' - TDWUJJAMB* CANDLES— 10 bx* Star; . - . . O ** Sperm; 25 Pieann,ri . • 20 “ Bjpptdi uc tala br • }a»2D_ 5 D WILLIAMB CIUEESE-IMbM Cream; - j *0 EngliahDairy, to. “ Camawa “ feraaloby •’ jautO. ■ JPWILLIAMa T‘ ABD—ttl bbk and ft keif* for *ala by vnnsa BFVON BONNUOBSTfcCO ROLL UUTTEU—IO bbla (or talo br- jangg S F VON BONNHORST h CO G HUMAN CLAY—IO etuk« bale by linvO BFVQNBONNHOBBTfcCO WHITE DEANS—I 3 bU* foiaale by -- j*nM> 8 ? V£tfj BONNHORST A CO inmUAOCv*—u>jpk«, Ynrlooi brood*, for sole Us 1 8 K VON BONNHOR«T A CO ' i -- • To li®t» M A desirable Retidenefl, tiiMtedonlto Bi»er nan*. Ilra Ward, AUtfEeny CLy.-Enqulre at this .Office, cl of Mr*. Mo Always,: ea tbs preroaen. ~ For Rent* TWO HRICK DWELLING HOUSES. la Oft Bee» ,„d .nd Thin. Al»nrte» » Law, FontU it ■ Horsey, Flaming A Co, uavx so s uatf, PfiOXf PAVmTF.MANUPACTIiRINOCOMPANY, • w«a*a superior Family Ulaaketo,U by IS qrsj 3>i pair Steamboat «• . « py7 H; - -goo *»• *«» . 2® 7ft i ' 160 do red and white Ilpt*» do-. !0J do colored do v 9) pieces 84 white Flannel, warranted ell woo% luo do 44 do do ;do . • do • > jin do 04 do do do :do : 15ii do 34 red . do • • do —do 73 do 34 yellow do - do do> • ALSO: - Salineu*, Twoedf, Jeans sod WoolcnTan>>at east era manufacturer** Prices. {»-Warehouse, No 127 Wood it; <thdoor fitraTlfth. j»n?9 OFPIQB TO SENT—Oa second sfory, No St Wuri eu' PeweMlmi circa is; April. . J nSo " ISAIAH DICKEY k. CO, From «_ STOfIE TO RKST-20 feet front by 40 deep— No 107 Front M. i’essesuon riven ltt April. l*n*9 19AtAHT?lCERYfcCaFrocttt VINEGAR— 15 bbls pare Cider, fi* tale by inb« 8 F VON BONNROHBT t CO CLOVER' SEED—dO bbls pruno new. in stern and for tabby JuS JOHN WATT A CO STEAM BOATS 1 - ■ . Tka iplirndid ueuaer tfSfitgsF ' Ebbert, natter, »ttl lcare for &• ■BSSSsSsSmboTe and all uuermediue pan* oa itw l*t, at 10 A. M. •••—-•• For Irclfht or apply m bftatd, FOR CINCINNATI.,' ' •- Tbe iplcndid *tesuctr i tfC!£U& FARMER, \ idBSgSSt Benedict, muter, will team fot ihv~ ! CHBifiBSBBB*bOTo and all intermediate pom oa sC Satarday, the 8d Febrouy, ax 10 o’clock, A. M. FOT freighi or patftfe -f«n3! GEO 0 BfIL'fENBKRUEfi, Areal ————FOR~tOUISVILLE. : . yffia&g£» Maclean, master, win leata for the and all intermeidiate ports oa | this day, tbe lsj laat. atd n’eloek, P.M. | "■ P SMST^i?* , C&ZEB. Aiff., ! - FOB WABASH RIVER.. - : . _ ' . •':•••' Thosnlanaidateamcf *Tcdidkrei<i*a» ...... UMdV Capt. Ja&eaK. Hailett, wilUeave cl ' B da BatanUr» ld, at a* - FOR LOUISVILLE. LfljMßwMft l Eimer, master, will learn, for tto , and all intermediate potta, " • • ■' ' FOR NASHVILLE . . .'n!B»pleailld fieawer - Tnikta*. Mfrtef.-wIU leara for *bj»T# • •mam*? r the 81th last: i } JTOR GALUPOLT3. _ . - HB . __ ■■ .: • >rh««wt»ndiil fast numing steamer. * ' REVEILLB, e yptSafi gipßft jauier, will leave for inti. , fBH&EiSBBaiid all, intermediate port* oa Sati*> dey,.lbeshhiast. l ßt4©?elo<k,-P. M. -., ■ 7 toy " i r* , V^?MßEW J *Co!*«l.'' : ••;•:• ••.- fok«t. iajuih. •. ,r : . ■' ; w The splendid steamer ifCSLft MT.VEBNON, • itomXrC(Ba& ■' Tounti, muter, will kayo *®r ■HBaßEßMabore sad all Intermediate poru ©a. this day, the Ist last., «10o’clock, A. M. ' . For.ucifbi or passeyo apply on board, fool , CX9CIHBATI * PITTSBURGH. DAI L Y PA C ICE T LI NE. mms well known line of splendid passenger Steam* j I era ia now composed ortbe.laigeslj*wiftesi,b*a finubed and famished, ead most pborerfaJ boats on thV watery of Ibo West. EYeryaceommodatioiiandccsi* fort titaunoocr can procure,hu been provided fnrpav ceaeeza. The Line has beta in operation for five ye« 4 —fc**©anied a million of people without the least inju* ~ rr to their persons. The boats will be at the' foot of •. - Woodstreet the day previous to tuning,' for the recep* tiou of freight aad the entry of passengers on the rceja ier. in all cues the passage money most be pala is advaneo. WHDATPACKET. - x • - r AAC NEWTON, Captain llemphUV wfo . leave Pittsburgh every Eundayraoroiag-al io stelothf, Wheeling every Soadsy evening at 19 v.». May ta,1&47. _■ BOSDAT PACUfiT^ The MoNoNGAHELA,Capt9raBt,wllHeave Pitt* bargh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Whirling every Monday evening at ' TtatrotirMßKEK He lIIBEENIA No. 2, CapL J. KISiOTOT, WE lean Piaabin* mrrSmif moialjr M» »We»li. ZX**gESSfißS&!ffi2£.i. He NEW ENGLAND No. A CapL 8. BI.H WIU : leoTe Pituharrli ererr Weiaeijl.r mormn .el H o'clock; \Vh«llnje«nrWAtatalaTerealo, a l>» 'THcbSIaAx PAokET. . • ■ The BOILLLANT, CapL Glacx,' will learaFlUa binaA araiy Haieday meniln, al» o’clock Wbaeliaa f• Ihe CLIPPER NA», CapL Pass Ucval, wilAjeav* Pittsburgh every Friday mominf ci 10 a» ovary Filder«v*nlzi«etlo TVEIED FRUITr-SOO boprimePeaches,(halve*;) J\. -|_l . 40 be do Apples; inn rec‘-J 4 ; foreale by' lanO JOHN WATT A CO~ flt a l.txiw~7 hhlaigst rac'd aad for sale by;! •• ’ i QEEP. PELTS—SQO Sheep pelts,'ln 'flora , antf for' | fflftby . . land ' ~ ' 81W HATIDAUGH IEATUEBS—2OOO lbs prime, for sale by - - . : 1 1 * " •’ aAt WHAtUIAUGU -^ BULK PORK—23I pcs Hog BbaHd,JditUndinir.for tale by lsn» ■ 8A W HAROAU6H;- X OUXBVILLE LIME—IOO bblrin store and foraafe' Jj by - jan2> Btff 11ABBAU0»V r !f?LOUB—SO bbls’aJUn in aura and for sale v J - “ g lata » SAWHARP^Vm,r GHBESB-000 bxe WB,iastflieuid Bafe |ia» ' ' 3 W fIABBAUGH CORN— SOOObatoanive,foraifobj Jan» S hi W UARBATOff POTATOES—SO bo Reds, le store ahdforiale by ; jan» CRAIG A SKINNER . : IA/OOL—Ssxeks tS ttore aad for tala hy - ff Jan£» ; . CRAIUAPKII pOBK-imibs Satfc,jnst ree l d'aad*for7aJe g jaag CRAIG A BKtHSf in gfHINESB VKHifTLLION—OO lbs Jut rac’d*' L; sale by Jang AKIDD A CO. SO \Y' .w“-, f jggjT 1 - - OUVB htifceu Cor ikle by • j*na - -•-■■•■ jimiDjt.oo T IOUOW.CB-40 l»r <r « M „ a tot ££*!■■ JKIUD*CI> fT°“ I se^mc) J ott hand tad vjtao , • fjgpD *CO ;Utda ( "ARLEM 01 Lfa«*tohy j^;o.spi ‘.new •rop.vjnitrectivfi - »A CULBERTSON,; * - . . : I4ff Liberty tt . and for tale by jtnan ,■ r jGAK—33 bh'l* N O, joji recM «nd for Mle by j.. miller A Dicraraoy, i; Noi 17a aad 171 Libert? «t. 10DFISEJ-—£o te* on h*reJ*ndfor«a!©by - Jjntt ISAIAH PICKET.'ACO, Front «t IFIEESE-SOO boxea'for «ale by" rfmgg • - 13AIAII DICKEY fc CO PRE ERICK 4 TILE—Tor sole by i" " IioSS - - I3AJAH DICCEY ACfrS n ICE—3O tierces prime Charlestown.' Jatt rce’d sdil XV for sale by JanO MILLEB n RICKKT3OK- /VrG§TARI>-dO bxs X lb cans “Long Island” Mus iJX turd, on consignment and for sale by ~ ‘ JanSfl . MILLER A RICKETgQN: |KOI)UCK~*I3 key*.Ballot; • ... - • . ICO bx* Common Cheese;[ 46 bx* Cream w :-!- 3bbULarti ' ,13 bx» Flax Seed: oa eoadraioest and It n« MILLER & RICKETsgN~~ \fOLABSES—4O bbla beet quality St James Befi* 114 nery, Sugar lionse, in store and for auto by ri jan» MILLER ABICKgTSOJt PULVEBIZEDLOAF fc POWDERED SUGAR— ■X'-.Vt bbla Nos 4,4 and 7 Lonf Sugar; - u*'- t' '5: ocasea Lo^|;ei^ins , * ' “ " r , U.fabU y<.“'iS*wbed “ I. _ ■l# PuytuMd; in store and for ialoby - Jan 29 Hr MILLER«MGSETSOf* /“'IOFFSB-IWba**Bioj . •; v • 60 *» - Old CaTwJar*;^' |ri tiara *si Tor IMS9 - : MILLERfeBTCgETSOVI Ira Horsey Andrew Flraißt”>»<U.K.Fle’aiLag. DERSBT, FLEMISG & COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, ' * FIR tbe sale of Domestic, Woolen"tad.-’ Cotton Hoods, elm, Dealers ia all kinds of Taflor»*Tntß mlpjjs, Ka. 137 Wood meet, fcnrsh door ftonxlittb, Hamnett* Messrs. W*» A. HOI A Co- Bankers. ~i«jrQ ■: ■ lAdlis* Zilunrf instUnte; IFjftesf,, near tie copur tf W<uk\ngton t Fau'g. THE' Second Session of due ImUtotienwiHecia nenco on toe urMoaday if next ooatb,lPc{>rß> ' try,)under the saperiaisnceDcoof Mr* F. DAVISand Dagbters, lata rrirelpels of the Female Seminary, For iempT»<b Oxonian, or apply to ibo Principals- IVttUUfT,'. . . r .D, Elliott, D. D, - BeT. Wnu Preaioa. ~ t * A, 11. Riddle, '- u S.iL Sparks^. N. Weit, .? .Gen. J. K. Moorl- ' ■:(. ■ - HOT|C*. .. # " SsSSSSfiuSE jug C.;H. HOTIINBON. B«ct« ip. Dy > ED m c I I ES -40 ta l^ f M.^^ r LAUD OiL-$ bbis winter strained, reeeivint per stammer Ohio* and for sale I*#* JAMES DAI.ZELL gAVED HER LlFE—Sellers' VermifageTu ltd arp* 'V* 1 ». w ,Lxna»wx, Va, innusry2a,’lft». : „ Mr * , J * M*.Wilson—Dear Sir, TtuTTinl ofSelim’ 1 frexamyrirt fivo year* old- tb« nastber of firs hundred worms. I believe she woaldUavo lived a very snort time, but for tbu medicine. - . £" W* by E. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood stf ““by.UiajjUt* gefierall) ip Uio two cilltit.., Sugars—loo,ooo Ks&tsskVi Wi lew ip etoe comlgnaeauW. —I* 1 ” - v ' JAHISDALZELL -flMTOai SEEO—fiO ba ite’d'and. for *%la'br • VitaSO W&R-McCirrCilEON IMOTUY BEED>tt ba neVI ud for • ile br: AQ9—C 4o» reeM ud far eulfl by , I»b3D , Vf h RItfeOCTCHED^. POTATOES-90 bbla Jwi r«‘d and for ole hr' X j*aag , , W&RMcCUTCHfiOW icc'dy dfat LISr 11 * 1 no ~ •TjWKDAfpLES-aba la wore uul 3J i»nS3 CRAIOfcSgP* S^ ieans-a fa. thusmi. w^'seife 'E'^OPR—7S bbte in non and for **te fcT . JIMH C 8 AIO A. PgfNTJKg.W ti /jgc *yu to .M a ..U t> mNSFB /~\ATB-600bttingtOTnaB4fer«al<fc7__ Vfltaa . ®J®£pip -ft iop) jutree’d BftTfiON, frSUbewy »ii.. i and for Mi*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers