V"V_ X ~'i: ’" THE FJCTBBI PUBLISHED BY, nifllte & C 0 Pi VT|O Dfieu* thubsd&y mobnbhj, Jan. in, isso. • ff»ipnm»*» «wt«dBiaf ft»qtief»dtofca6d la .. . hctrfkror*befere’.#r.*t «ad *• eatlyinthedaTai ' »reeti«aHe.-Ad»«rtfM«n»not named to a rped- Md tin* arflUsTtitafrty be Bfitil ordered oat tniuuMUip&uaofttu : Airrra»yna> tadnbeenpoont to ftaNarfliAocT as ead Patod featea Qaxetc, Philadelphia, iee*lTed sdfcnrardedfrmtftUa •. IW. Jernes, No.-.. Hemaan atrcet, . Qaetrmeti, is oar ayert tor ihm eftr. Aiirertaegeau i ggMgwilpttcaaheadedt»hia>wiL‘ receive prompt V; i S7 > BEBNECrip4GS<>oB LOCAL MATTERS '§£• ! O TBLTOHATOCWKWa..^.. FBESUUI WAHfED. .. JL yrewißin who is thoroiyhly fgaai/ned with his ■'• {;btrfBoMfca&d vhosndentudstbe.nnaing of,a Cy i ; binder Favor Press, andtheminayemenxof the Steam ; t iEoffataj das hax of as toy end permanent sits atioa - We ere ‘iadebted to the Hon.'James Cooper af\ & Senate, fOT'a copy of the Patent Office eep<4&rlBta a * .' Tin Cots Bpmoa— Tho i%a ; "ioiotraoa oar remulujn this mbjici, which .; reqoiroareply. editor of papiri,,;— ' . crident Mini of thu Hdlior is to Hta • »«, i. ■*, ... ; HcsrcJSTta dooripoatha(raspingui crartot orooraJiSrSr ' 4 ' : *** «“W «ho»*l£ EffideUr£ $m» 7 nUeTMbld-pm*nc«T|rirdUedoniio ; ~AD this fa gntmtena aunmption da 'the part' of : .- to Pe*t, ead It nearer jßiUfied. bw language, * : nor by tho ordinaryjiroprielies and common'bon-’ «ty which should dictate strictures on theilan of ia opponaoL n We iave.not theieaat • bthe ten hour law ana general rule— ,i btfl object togrinding, partial and opprgjpuVA /■!•>« ... fefMiltOß. Ve hare oa moro’ sympathies for capitalists, t* such, than fiir. the man Who makes r '- '“» hi, daily Jabor-norus aoct . Cpi. : talists Ido not need sympathy, but they hate a right , .to i«cbiT9ia«lloe aa well a« the rest cTthe eom . ;; t • anaity. We ask far do immnaily for them, boV ■w protest against lava being passed which oper ate solely against onedass of. eapUalisto—thcao : Who give the greatest amount of profitable labor to < < those who most seed it—-while othero are pet* j J&iQed logo Scotfree. . < Neither, would we, or the factory owners, wish . • to compel thetwelro hundred operalivcsof Atfe* ; gbeay to work twelve or fbnrteen- boors for tho "afierable pittance now doled;out.to them/ ; t 1 •***» was nothing in onr remarks, nor'in facts, t to wainnl.tbe editor of the Post to nse soch ex« tggerated langutge, which he most know-conveys a feost false impression. In the first place, the “miserable pittance*’spok-; eaofby the Post, is Aigderwager than it given to J . the aame cits* of persons in. any other employ-j men?; and so anxious are they for this employ- I meat, and “the miserable piitanco doled ont," that the oSees of the factoifies.are cominnallyheset by •pplicaats, While the demand for femala help in ftmiliffi a mom pressing, and at wage* fifly «ud ; one hnndrod per cent higher than was paid before Theee are; Gets which , the • ?°* eannot gainsay. ;Wbyj i&n, ; when speaking , ; c* thesubjed, except for unworthy and interested .» taodves, does the-etifior habitually exaggerate, and labor jo create a’false impression! V ' ,1 .In .tho second place, tho proprietors of the mills ; cheerfully pay higher, wages fcrf.a longer 1 ’ day> work, and cotild better a&rd to do so than to give the present wages, V -j the editor suggests in .a succeeding paras , . Jltph, aboct oor sympaihice fbr tho operatives, is . timply • piece of impotinenoe which recoils open | »nd there'wei are content to leave it. We ; < '-take another extract— , Qssstto asserts chat the Conan burners is do* . ? i?°si*J*»thea,ibatne«'&eto . naa are being haul la th* iaisrior of the Siam! This factiwredisonacaplaafaioa” . ' ? edttor had not porposely negiected a sUU - .' H®***? a»de on this subject, a few days ago, no • kave staltified himself by-asking this l : ' Wethea remarked as follow*: • . I ; ,“OntheTeaHparlAw, wewi»btoiaai«ifcw re i. ■ msxks. With the design of this we find no : fsaltjbatohjecitothe ineqaalityaad trjnsiice of it* .'■ operational A»eoaEoeJ«iaflfttnthi*yt,iw | ; culstbd to break dawn our own manufmetone* for the ; beasStof those ini aisierstttos; ; Ithiu put aeompicie < . >-_*sp to ihsaraettoa of ftetories in this vicinity, while ..•*fc*r**®,growlnf uplneverystaleeftheUnion; We ' caatidar this neither wise nor jest, bat hivemadeup —’ , .oar minds to submit to it without ftmterdiseuisiotf until (he people ahull see proper ta make it, or thOJo . .gislation of otheT state*shall relieveusfiom theine- , • •: ;geaßiy., Bn sheer justice, we think,•Tequireiihat'tho . v lew ahmild opersto equally within tho 'bounds of this | ; Ws uWimanj tAax man than on* '■ * w, * e d ars new lout* a daj| in tUs sad that tho Tea Hour Law is only euforeed ; : in’ Philadelphia and Allegheny couctie*. The mills of 1 theae counties have,'therefore, not only to eiraicnd with the faetoriea.of the other slate*; bol.wiih the this.'Wb put' tho ;gOod sense of the. legislature, whether a law is called. j fißi and iswiselykeptnpon the 'lurwebooks, ,whlch !;• ftMeafimim, in far tho largest part ofrlho Slate, re’a , dors a dead lener.” ; This, we think, folly answeru the Post 5 ! qaea* (j tfoo. Cotton factories will flonrish in. Penn^l-. . vuniu as weD as any where else; on the pnneifdes '• ®f ® Cilr competition. As long,therefore,as the I ten iemUw t # jtbf9wtrr/jm&lic opium rtssins i « .itfter ln'the interior of the Stale, so long -j wffl.fretorks be tmllt. IslhoPost answered^?: , . : Whsl the editor says aboat the Piit Factory is . .. irrovelanL Were wo disposed to CjUow Ita Hut's and drag in: private concerns, . easily show that the . hiln*4jn oonld bemada to retort opmftim-ir .'T 'j Mti Cut'* Bjuolctioss, received by telegraph 1 and published yesterday, wfll exdle -• profound «t» ; • tHoTer UibUnion. Tbe highcbanciercf Uto dtaihgolabed autboiv hie eminent position in ( ,'ftiatearta of the American people, the undoubted .-patiiotf*mwJ&V‘ prompted them, and the cri« 'tical. state of tbe country .wbrnh > called them *' fcrtii wlHsireto themtn importance vhich will s ' _ cnatnanda calm and unprejudiced examination. We ahall defer all cosunenu until we receive an ... faabtdeErered them correctly. For instance, ' I ttdjdXttreaolaeoa aaya that it is wxpedimt to j probibUtfce.alaro trade in tbe Disject .of Colombia. • our opinion, is exactly the reverse of [ wksi Mr. Gay asys. ’ A day or two will brio fr ua ' r ,nbe authentic copy. tofeiher with- bis remarks, - . j woaball be prepared to giro io them an im . -partial aramipiMtAa '■- ' ' ' ) : ; Tb* Gtjr Cooaala having aegfekted to provide : Ft kw fcr rich «■ pafcUcsiion of the Ordinances . . end their proceeding* u give* them, in their vOpfakm; a general circulation cacay inter* ■Qted ia teeing theta, ere trying &» remedy their «rior by aelaeUng and paying two ptherpapcrs to •do * f*rt of the work. Tho role baa boen, herb# totee, that the paper* appointed topubUsn the Or. ; dlaanoc*, ahtmld, tUo, pnMish thejproceeding* of • 'OooadU^rrw^tetoarCityPrbe^aolcoaamt With the drccUtion given io tho proceeding by ,tho papcn choeea by the Mayor, or fornon oth* - ’errecaoo, bow propoeoto pay fat thdr publication* 'itttro ether paper*, Two acggcitiona arise /raa ; ;thi* pwpeaftfotf. One fs, that if Conned* bad aim tended to their appropriate dntfek and kept tho printing in their own bands, where at ought to be, Uwcily would not need to be saddled with this ndl dMoßa!exptnse.The other i»,thirt aa : important to give the Ordiaaaeet, land other city - .Bdrgltt&g, a general circulation, aathe proceed- of.Cbnnefl*, end/we .should thipk mom.iKa.U It the paper* selected, then, 1 ere not sufficient tor '•- the coo perpose, they certainly treobtfbr the > <*her, 'We aay nothkg, oaraeire*, jabemt the pro* iprioty of the ; we merely aisne . r Father*,'who are er - - ideady.dleatiafied, from eomo can*e, either with *. tho kind of etrcalalion, or want of clrculaiioni giv» onto their proceedings. A third suggestion may . bo added, which, i», that while ad the leading Jdpfly papenhitowii send reportenL and give the, ' proceedings iniadvtnce of the city .what . neeeaaity Ja lAero of incurring the !expaa»e eon» .tcoplsmd at all.'; Better aare it for a wide eired • latta of the orjlinances.. Ali wo eak of Councils ;i* to afford reporter proper £acijities,Wd.'wo' , will choerthDy their.-pjoceedingr, soihr aa • 'ire are etmoenied,wiJhoat potting itociiyio Wy ; n n hfuuixaoTA.— MtaassoiA pc.;29th, oitfy-jtmt^Brreieirej,; or a 1 Bronr.---Tho mcart . Violent b»;aea*oßrued £», HrelvehotiTf, wclbct,'T* 'V;; yesterday. Tire ujy.aad this,morning'wo | degree* colder' time acrtorrstandlfig, at jun nae, *t rar&fcw ten, Tbe ikfces deep epoaa level* joomfert, Ire nltodd imagine. o written ‘ -"ceediar —in a succeeding generation, ud will have a most important placa ia. aap his lory of tba Amorican Bepoblic. The pres.nt Tolama is a femliinr'ud rapid narrative of [ho principal event* of his long ud eminently nsefbl life, written by one Bio was eminently calculated Ibr the aervice by his persons! knowledge of tho flloslrlons de»‘ .eeased, and hia torrent aympalhy with hit yiewi oatho greslsobjeclof hnmu freedom. It onght to reeel re a place in every American library— certainly none will be perfect wilhont a life of I. Q. Adams. O. O. Pota, M. a, of Cincinnati, has the ageacyof this work, ud oor eiil.ee. will won haveu oppermnity of pyoenring copies by Of* hands of tak •genu. op -wear *m “yraaq; designed for Practical Working Men. S?w??^n? eod ?? fop lb * Prtfeaaloo: JJf by ObTW ®f»w* Professor of Mathemat* NlVvV.vi W* 0, ‘ ] And allow us to call tbo attention to the fact, l it! capital is not annihilated by being employed in buildiograil roads. For men of business, who subscribe, what they pay oat just performs a cy* w by passing through the laborers hands pad drnlng to business men again, thus greatly beno» long ail parties Speak out then.on this subject. \ ' A CITIZEN. Pittsburgh, January 29th, 1853. For th» Pitttburgk CaseiU. [the isos strike—rolling. Wl Watt*—This branch of labor in our rolling lilts is divided into four distinct parts. There is rati the muck rolls; second, the-birroOi; third, iO sheet rolls; and fourth, the guide rolls.. In the muck rolls the bloom is reduced to pad* died bar. The rollers wages will vary from SI 50 to S 3 SO per dsy. In the bar rolls, tho puddled bar Is reduced to the various sizes of common bar, Iron, rounds, square*, and flat*.» The following are the facts is relation to this branch of the busi ness.- Ist The hones of labor are from nine fo ten per 2d. There are six day.and five night turns in a week. 3d. It la usual to employ two heating furnaces to beat the iron for these rally. - 4th. A turn’s work is eight round*, averaging at least one ton per round—generally a little over. sth. The price for railing varies from €5 to 73 cento per ton. - . . ' ’ 6th. The price for heating is the same as rolfing* 7th. The price of catching is one half that of rolling. 6ih. The wagoa paid a rougher down varies from Si lo SI 25 per turn. 9ih. The wage* paid a heave up are 75 cents per torn. 10th. A sat of hands for one turn at-the bar, rolls constats ©f one roper, two heaters, one catch* er, aao heave up, and a'rougher down. In two weeks, each of these parties make eleven turns cf work and earn as follows.- Say the roller turns out eleven toras ef eight tons per torn, is eighty eight tom#, which, at *7oe, amounts to.jqj gg From which, deduct wages paid to Rougher dowa, 11 torn, at SI 25 *l3 75 Heave up, 11 tarns, at75a.,.. 525 23 00 —l39® S 3 leaving him for two weeks work, > $39 GO The heaters having no assistants to pay, receive each the one half of js«l 60, say $3O 80-for every (wo weeks' work. The catcher receiving one half tho wages of the refer it paid exactly the same as the beaters, namely, $3O £0 for two weeks work. There are certainly good wages to every branch of tho fmsi oe*** Itir, however, only lair to remark, that bt r mill rollers tro oftner idle nod’dtoerebert of Iron to make 101 l work, than almost eny ether dam of workmen,in the works; -their wage*, therefore, are really bnt little if any baler than that of pud dlers and boilers. FAIR TLAY. In * recent number, the Pittsburgh Catho lic used the following language in reference to Mr.jßaiker'a election: "For our part, we think that when others shall have ceased to laugh, we wilLcontinne to have cause of aatisfaction in the fact that when, for the first time, in oar annals, intder ance was openly .and succesafully brought to the hustings, its patrons had to goto the county jail to find a roan to become its cm. bodiment.” . ~ IntoUranuf Wherein? What right*, civ il or ecclesiastical, have been denied to the Homan Catholics ? Hare they been hinder ed from coming te the polls? Have they not been permitted to worship God and the Yirgin Mary according to the dictate* of their own consciences? What have they tocom plain of? We can conceive of nothing ex cept that a majority of the free and indepen dent voters of this city chose to put “Joe Barker”, a man offensive to thorn, into the mayoralty. This is the intolerance! Ah, ! but then, they had to “go to the conntyjaii” for a candidate. Bat was it tolerance or in tolerance that put Mr. Barker in the county jail? it was certainly not tolerance.' Nor will we say that it was intolerance.' Both looked so much like the old tricks that| (< ho ly mother” has beenaccutomed to perform, wherever she had the chance r cutting out tongues and gagging months, incarcerating men and burning them at the stake, for ex posing her rottenness, that the people of this city are in some degree excusable for not distinguishing between the two. It was cot intolerance that brought Mr. Barker out of prison and. placed him in the chair of Magistracy; but the suspicion that the intol erance of Home had somethiag to do in his prosecution and incarceration. It may not have teen so; but the. bare suspicion; was enough for tho people of this free country. They will not brook onythisg that looks in [ that way. It is much to their credit, how ever, that they resorted to no violonee—no fire and faggot—no Irish shillelah—no bat tering down of prisons. Theirgreat weapon was the weapon of freemen—the ballot-box —the terror of despots, and of Home!— 7>iiU» burgh Chris. Adv. New Hocsis.—The total l nnmbcrofnew brick houses of all classes, erected (a thiacity durieptho past year, is ofically elated to |*s one thousand, eif bt hundred and ninety fopr. The march of im provement la not confined to any particular section of Baltimore; it* presence u.visable is every qaar* ter.—Neither is it the result of speculative opera, lions, bat the frail oThealthful, substantial progress fa the developmentof ; oor admerabie natural resorcea and position. .Compared with New York and Philadelphia, tho account of now houses, (a 1819 stands asfollows: • . New York - , new btiildtngr, 1495 j Philadelphia city and liberties, . 3000' Baltimore, IS9} i Bafrimort American. The States thataes to Be.—Some canons perron at the North has been calculating the area of the territory of the United states not yet organ!, ted into Staler, and finds that we have domain enough for fortyais and a half. Stales »s' large m Pennsylvania. Of these, thinv.fi.ve will be north of 36 deg. 30 min., nnd wfli be free States, if that line ul compromise were adopted.. . • Tbe citizens cf Baltimore hate mettha taxation of lha past year with commeaSablo prcmpliinde and oniwwlity. : Darin* Uio yearjhe Cliy Coflect or received far tuer, SS90 1 017. Q7 > belngS6Ms2v 80 more than daring any preceding year, xjjg , Mil propeitf Ulhicmlor ihol Tewratawwo, beiair u inenm dorian Ho jTMrof.tl.aM Mammylntrim. >180,937^50, Prom a Plttibargiir la Calltea^.' Old fifty Dioaaes, Nov. 14,1849.. “ - Having ae opportunity to get this letter ppfttd fa Cincinnati, and having retained from my par* posed trip to the Low Country, I emtoace this chance of corresponding with you, hoping that thlr letter, so efoee on the heels of the one post marked Monterey, may tempt a reply. Three weeks ago I went down teethe dm of Sacramento, situated, aa you are probably aware, on the river of that name, where I had the good fortune to meet with many old acquaintances (of toe overland emigration) from wham I learned that greater success cannot be depended’ on, for winter opperations, than In the dterict In which Ihavo heretofore been; accordingly,! have bought provisions and returned to,the mountain* distant 55 miles, which I rode In -one dsy, on a am all four year old California horse, for which I .paid 75 dollars. His value in the spring will be over $l5O, that Is if I do not lose him. So for aa I could judge by the two senses, via. hearing and seeing, one man out of every hundred has had a kind of gambler’s luck, mniaUfag right into several thousands; while one quarter may have averaged from 13 to 1$ dollars per day, one k^ba* B not made, oh an average, over 6or 8 dollafs per day. The other quarter may be said to be worse off now than on arrival. In staking this calculation I have amply taken my own ex* perience, and the reports oT gentlemen whom I met with down st the city, tram almost *n parts of the gold region, consequently I shall not t you to view it In any otherllghtthanns a almple opinion. I should have visited tome of the inland (own*, as well as San Francisco, bat being a liulc Ojghl eaed at tbe heavy expense that to every movement here, and meeting several gentlemen on whose judgment 1 could rely, I have my own mind, that the import trade ts very riaty, bat that a great and profitable business (a and will continue to be carried on between the ciUea of San Frandaco and Sacramento; fikewise,that a vcr ? huge and no teaa profitable retail trade is and will be carried on (lor another season) be* tween the city of Saeramemo tad the variola ** Diggings” on the Sacramento range. above Monterev, is, I am Informed, weU situated, I but reports of the'goM of that neighborhood are rather conflicting. California wifi, I think, be a J considerable but by no means a great agricalto* talcoantry. Gold digging will pay well for years, j but it will not by any means be so profitable as it i has been. Indeed, the market for labor will, like \ 011 o’-* 1 " ißMkeis, be overstocked, and • reaetioo may be expected. Still no danger is to be ap. prebended aince gold digging will atop U in its downward course, and fix it at, probably, 4 or 5 dollars per day. I Bujfncss, in the hands of good men, will yield largoly, and cominoe so long ts the tide ofemK gration sets this way. The mere feet cfouMtav* iflg uV import nearly all our prorislms Com other countries, and those at great.diatanees, will cause an ever changing priee, consequently placing tbs matter cf profit in the bands of the holder*. The principal articles in demand are flour,'hard bread, pork, meat, cheese, dried fruit, mackerel butter, lard, spirits, wines, bottled ale, porter, to*’ baccc,&c.,fee. Although a large portion cf these articles are received from the State*, will we are indebted far a great quantity to Oregon, Chili, (he I Isles of the Pacific, &c-, You*, flee.. Paiuokc Sxnatxsn.—We (in belovtbo closeol ft spereb recently dell rued la lbs Uoeaa of Bepresca ttU»« If .Ur. McDowell, of Virginia, apea the dare coatrorersy. The passage has.been nock and lastly adailrsd: It ia Mid, air, that at tome dark hear of oar ravels* Uonary contest, when army after army had bees ton, wteadiipiriioii, beaten, wretched, tea heart of the boldest end ftnhfaical died within .them, and all, far an lnuant, teemed conquered, except Uw ansooaaetabla aool or oar father chief, it Is said that at that moment, i rising above all the aararies arosad him, and baeyed I op by the inspiration o { hie immortal wort far all the I malt it coald brief, ho meed aztav this tankas tpirii of hi* associates by this confident and darina declare* tion: “S trip mo (said he) of the dejected usf suffering remnuit or my army—taka from me .all that I have left—leave me bat.a banner) five bm bat the mease to I plant it upon tkcmoanialni of Weal Amita, aad 11 will yet draw aresnd so tbs men who wfllUft as their I bleeding eoastry from the 4a«t, aad set her free."— I Give to me. who am a ten and repraeeatativ* hare of 1 that »aoo Weu Aatßiu, fin tenet a banner the I prapinotumeaaorelharaeadeavaredtoenpporvhelp f me to plant it noon this mountain too «f sir Attfesat I power, and ih stand of Washington, andindad dad an* I brotra, wiU be oar land, and the land of oar children* I children forever. Bo help me to do thin at this hear. 1 and, generation* hence, earns lstore of the Booth. I Mending where I stand, in this earns honored HalL I aad to the midst of osr Jeriiimitn successors, wUI I bless and praise and thank tied, that ha. too. eu ear I of them, ae I of yea, and of all aroaadme These, i these, are my brethren, and this, this, ah! this, tea. ia I my coootry! 1 ■ . I LAD 7 FRANKLI^. Whose fire He 51 have not been interested, who hat not looked with admiration on tfcia.fiahful and I Ting v.ile, in the absence of her hatband? The fifth year is new rolling r reran A dace any infjvmalion has been feeeived from Sir John Franklin,but the eSbrtt of Lady Franklin lor his rescue do not lessen, and she is awn at the North icies of Scotland, fining out or a willing the return of the whalen that visit the Arctic Seas, sod , ttuj ereelioo of • piece of worship to Bon street, Peer iho Court Home. TWr home Is oesri, Aintked—« neat, plain, ediSeo.— Wetutderalud that Mr. Howes Is Üboifcj amour this people with gnat dfflgeace, is aolicitief aid 5?“,°” Hhersl ciiisees towards the compinion of thiebtulding, and wo take pleasure in coSmen ar *i, Wm “L 4? ‘‘T’, 1 "S"*»f our rraders.— Wehaso teen aeqbalnted with Mr. Hewealcr a eooaiderabloperiodCdbeliero himtobe asonnd aeUre.and naefol Cn, laboring wilhmnoh aeal ior'ho welfare cl his people JaMe!. I “s!>’*“ •» too reeommen datimu of his brethren of rations erangeliesl ehnrches in this ehy, to be seen in another mP SOUL -. THE OLD WELSH CONGREGATIONAL CHDBCH, PmsBUEGH. _Thla is Aiaigeoongregation of Wejah peopled- They are til mechanics and opcratlvesT They are qalM t orderly, end industrious cititen*. in f*** *0 »eHjiOaa principles abd doctrinal vie vs they are aound and truly Orthodox. , They are in ****** of completing.a new- church edifice, loca ted near the Court House. on Rosa street? The ewetinff such a building is (bund in toe act, that the lease of therr present house c/ wonhip will expire in another year. . . Thy people do what their means will permit, toward defraying the expenses of their new house. ?.“* *f? no is W ® *be burthen, without id* jj l . 0 ®*) * rady that took usee aithevtilsge ofAniads. in Greitor, and which is eompared with the bloody m '"° rr be,w “ n - Mr. CoatroubodJces, who hsd led to the altar a young lady of the village, open coming out of the nhuroh where the nuptial eeremony had been sol emnized, was attacked and murdered by three Individual^.one of whom vu a rejected rival of hir. Twobretbera of,the victim who were pro* seat fcSled on the spot two of the assasalar, and they were.instantly killed by two others of the Wi'who, after severely wounding the father of toebnde, made their escape, but were pursued and overtakes, probably, aa shots were beard in that direction. Thus, Instead of a wedding, with. Its customary aeeompaalmeats, the guest* and fookerwon had to witness a soeno cf blood* and horror not often paralleled. In a thrice 1 , five per mo* were killed and one daagerouaiyf wounded —the bridegroom e corpse and tbebrtfo a wid ow within a few moments after she became a wife. Nactoo Socuium—Wo see it stated ia the I newspapers that about forty mrfaihft an expect* edto arrive soon from i Pranoeon their way to Ntsvoo, the centra and capital tad bead quarters o! the learlant who, coder ttelr chief and adminls* tretor.M. Gabel, are getting aloof uliutl-*tbsa. With tha expected accession, the whole comber at Naavoo will amount to abont three hundred, we | beltare, which ia rather aam all nuelctul for atteh' j great aad glorious ayjriomcratiini aabavebaeaj anueJpated and predicted. Societies of thii kind, where religion la not the cad and the object, and the incentive and[the mainspring, have not mach floenihed in ths UnitedStatre, and are act deitin* ed to flourish, wa think, lor a long time to come; fat the reason, that with na an individual, with moderate exertion, can live more comfortably, en* joy more happiceaa, and a higher social] poaiton, when labenng oo hla core hook, than when labor* toy mb meaner of a comonnity of which ho ia ; hat • free ton, and a very ineontiderabie! and one appreciated one. In hit situation there ia no proa* poet and no hope of advancement, of distinction, of JndapendeueejOfofg meliorated condition on* der any.aipect, ... .[ Fer three reasons M. Gabefs social establish* meat, and overv one of the tamo hind, (where a sentiment of religion ia not the bond and guaranty of Union, will .ohimatefybe dissolved and merged iototbe surrounding body, social and political.— And thia will happen, probably, aa toon aa the fearians become aeqaatoled somewhat with the SMliah language, and assimilated to onr manners and customs and lavs. They will then perceive, now studiously concealed froni them.) probably, that m members oftbe great American community they will bo vattly better off than aa members of the Icarian Repnb le, which Is better suited liaflnltey to the auteof things tin Ej« rope than to tbo United Bttles—to a condry where there is an excess gf popajation, much pov* erty, and maeh competition among the laboring elatare. There, possibly, the commaalatl prioci plo might be carried oat with some success; bat eanoot be, w® think, among ui Jbr a century to cocao.—•JFajAiSgta* GfoU, A Bom Mas teas on Boothes.—'The Phil*- | lha Time* vooebes for tbs cor* rootacn of the fallowing: • 8 Oa'Thsndaytat awedding piny arrived from the oountiy, emulating of tbe bride ood groom,the brother ol tbs latter, and aereral friend*. \ They pat up at one of oar public hociea, and In the evening, the prelimioariea having boon aJJ ' and the Clergyman in attepdar^, *—**• *a ceremonies were abort to begin, when the groom manifested •ooa diutUsfteUos. The bride tecta* thlrTtnd being high spirited,showed as much independence u the lorn. In U© midit of the confusion which ensued, the., bridegroom's brother slopped up to the bride and said: 11 Since - won’t marrr you, I'll tnirrjr yog myself, if you have no objec tion*" ; “Nsne uj the feast," said, the bride; ‘ftal&aya took you for a better man thaajoQr brother, and I 1 am now folly convinced 01.i1.*. The knot was at once tied, and much gratifies* Uon was expressed at the/hobof the afikir. . - . ft •. POBTBAIT OF THE POF& I The London 'Quarterly ku the following akelch of the character of tho Pops, which will bo read with interest. Tho writer of theutiae horn which; It la taken, la jug), ciftnliy friendly to Iho old order of thing* a t ! Borne, to relieve him from >ll atupiciona of doing injoatlco by froteatant partialitiee: I “Nopereimwbohiiflguredintbeaedeyi of folly snd madnesi baa boon more ruia repreeenled thin Pina IX—none, we believe, who era played to eonypienona a put, was leal remarkable Ibr eminenttfoilitiea of any ! corn Hardly railed endive the lo'wieit grade of mediocrity In talent or acquirement, he araantteriy unprepared to meet the diffitntl txcs of his poniian.With»myitk*l devo tion, wiihs minute ind acropwanaobkerr i once of fonts, land with irreproachable tnor r ml conduct hshkino elevatreriof ' nor any lofty i conception* of the duties ot | man. Obstinate in tnfles and izamorabla to . reason, he readily gives way before intimi . dadon. Softuhd well-meaning, hepotssss* • es neither sensibUity nor active benevolence. > Selfish from want ef imagination rather than L from calculation, he is indifferent to erils he : does not witness, though incapable of resist* ing an importunate appeaL.Hia good nature > concurred wiffihisvvutyto rive himakeea delight in the applauses of the mob. - Yet it is rather from ms timidity that the greater partof his popular concessions, were extort ed. Lovingr trifling conversation,talking of himself and his eaay history with an nndig* nified prolixity] ignorant of basinets, indo lent and unmethodical, kecanwitn difficul ty be indaced to form a resolution; and in firm of purpose in all that does not regard himself, he revokes in the evening the trrs* vokabU decision of the same moraine. Like all feeble persons, he is frequently false, 1 not because falsehood is congenial to his dispo sition, bnt because his temperament shrinks from the avowal ofconviction. His weak :neu is gratified: by cowardly and time-serv ing connsels.! Uneasy in the presence of sn> perior men, hb naturally prefers mediocrity. Incapable of friendship, befalls easily under the dominion of favorites, and is fona of be ing entertained with tales of goeaip and the otuldish bnfiboneries that delight the vulgar. Without being attached to the pleasures of the table, he is whimsically particular in'the observance of all jhis tastes and habits: such is his devotion to i them that neither business nor distress of mind could wean him from them. .In the 1 of the dangers and diffi culties that pressed around him during ithe last few weeks of his stay in Rome. neither 1 sleepporappetitedeserted him; andsodefi- i cient is he it) senkikUity that he actually grew 1 fat m his humiliating. retreat mt Gaeta. A pnnee of such' ajcharacter could hardly fail at any time of exercising a iririiafrr iiifluence 1 on the destinies of his country. Under the < .present circumstances of difficulty, he has been the ruin of Ifiome and the papacy, and ' a scourge to Enrepe. - * ftoatkiiPnuksE. ETDwmu Cc*n> rr thX Ua or Da. U’LiHrt “ m N# disease (with, perhaps, ike single Mwptloa of conißmpjieo) is so much dreaded In tko United Suit* *s Dyspepsia. Originating in a diseased ■Ute of the ttrer, it is dflen confounded with eonsamp* tkaitieU by tbe nnhapp'y offerer, who pines away an* tU death releases himftom petoj.yrt a remedy U with, in ibe reach of til, which will relieve all ewe* of,the kind, and work, a speedy and eaeetaal'eare. -. OUver Morgan, js distinguished physician of Vir gtnia, with a very exit: arise practice, has nsed these Fills in all eases of Dyspepsia, and with complete sue wsa ConiJlcatet ini abundance are in the hand*of the proprietor* of thlajinvalvable mediolne,(J. Kidd A Co^. Wood street, corner of Fourth, Pittsburgh.) The following, however, from Ohio, will speak volsaea to those suffering from any of the diseases which arise from a diseased liver.! , . Eichhojo, Jefferson co., 6, Messrs. J. Kidd & Co.—This is to certify that ay wift has been afflicted, for several years, with the fol* wwing pains, at periods, mare or leas: Pain in the right side, aboat the edge of the ribs, extending u> the ri|ht shoalier, psin in' the back part of the head, and above the eye, accompanied by weakness, loss of ap. petrie; and almost constantly confined to her bed. olneo.Aagnst, iho hsa ased three boxes of Dr. M’- Imne'e Ltyer Pills; end I have new to stele, that by the use ot these Pills, rite haa been benefited in no or dinary degree. Coder; the provideneo of God the now enjoys good health, : and is able to attend to the domes* tie eoneern* of my family. ' j _ ; ] ! JAMES STEWART. Fornls b, J.nDDitOO, No.tt.MiMfof Fomli and Wood sl, Pittsburgh. (jafiSS-dAwlwß - k.Ou* and CertlAeate at Heme, : Rxao wsar a tun or>ro Pasaoisvir.— I hereby eerttfr that about two weeks ago I was eels* ed with a violent attack of esufe&ig and pwgmg ry»l era Morbus, with veryidistretiingpaißS in the stomach end. bowels, which was eoapleteJy reflered by two teaspoonfhl doses or Pcboleum, takpn In a 11 trie wa ter. After having the first mme, I slept roundly and comfortably (br three hours. - (Signed] | I HKNRT WISE, Jr, On board the meaa beat Atiadne. . Kusburgh, Dee. llth, ISI9. I am Captain of the Ariadne, and was a witness to the astonishing effects of the Petroleum, in the east of Henry Wise, who is one' lof the! hands on the boat I (Signed]!*! NIMROD GRABELL. Pittsburgh, Dee.Uth,jlStf. ; geusrul udrsnisemeßt in uothsr eoluma —DR- D. near, SiM SLqtmJlP Deatlsu Center ofPoimh .p I '"ii' |T end Pecatar, between market and rerrv soeUj ; oeU-dlTin »traam--rrepaTed by J. W. Kelly b 7 A* Jaynes, No, I?-^r£i5 rM, S J^wtHtafeandAdalightfUanl clcof beverage in families, and particalarly (br sick ®*°***a«xfeaM Of Wbieh states that the property ms* be conveyed or transferred in suchmea. ner as «i»y be directed by; a of to eengre. gaUon that may bo presen; at • ejeeting held for tot purpose, of which sail meeting at least rvfo wu**> notice shaJJ be given from the poiplt or elerh’s desk. i>a3l-n 1 !p.T,C. MORGAN. * bT Caiheriao fltoeJilr. Author of “To* 5oomo»of ht!*” JOHNSTON A STOCKTON™* _ I*b3l Career, of Third tad Market THANKS POtt DUFF’S BOOK KEEPING.— He -*»ed tali day uu. JOIINSTONfc OTOCirmv V«1t« pil* Omif, W* “^“^^xSSoSav^Te'pS^SuSl •ver before o2e?ed in lUi mirket, to which he Inrhet th« attention of parehaiero; ' tUr gyCarpct Were Roonujtt.Focnhtt. ig?' DnflTHolland! Vpffßaiiaad' fJIAKE ** - -t: NUTiCE—-Ttsi W. McClluiock h«s liU d«T u/, lh " iB »n3> |BELLBft9& W IICOL& nACON-tOOpicea. bacori Iltmi, T J 5 y eco “ > BMe», 1 homo for tale by jtn3l T?M£aV—lskpiuortediforaslThr ~ ’ Ji 4 acmJqxMACsfeßfcca _J“2L. .XWeod^L IIN3CBO OIL—3O bit, for .ala br r_ " • J Jm3l J,BCHoQNtfAfiir»;p SPTd. TURPENTINE—W Wa in rood order by Ja«l j. SCHOOK^ffinV o^ • . PaO€iiABX4TIQJI. L " I T7NOW ail men who an tick tad «ffiUi P |« w t lk Ax . ssjt sWfiMttSapjssiSHS I It hai Tuioea which an not cahtainodili renter. -Tho than wbo ia nekpd | tering froadueue, cantor fifty eanta. 1 any of the ill* eamuaerated ebota* I eery littletonabTatrfal. ThffS«SSS?tti l eo - ,u j ton-no com pond, pot ap for the paracaaS/f^S l ** on thecoaoonim batUUa KmeS^^ffiSSSb! Sh’SS^S^S'Jttf asM^^-^^sjßS’ass I etandlnr.and ofthe womaadMM^2^ U ? onoD< It has cared Cholera MorbuTby^SKSL* haa cored old ecus of JKarrhaal fnwk £ L _ . remedy bu been <3 nomOTTfifaS} -VEEL2 *JJ baroa and aealda, IU» Ku£ ufi\n?med?c2nL£ .SSgSS^&M SkSSJSj ; »mvn A M y AS^?ft l f? >g7 y <,ddllffca » P- A.B« ; 1101 ftiyi Can y i AU< * t » c y «T the ajeau. *1 Ware Boom. ?g Ftmnh «t M B^oidenju«tftom!niok’< fIELLEHS ANicm.q | soviet rrl To one vbo cmS£»StiS!^SS*yy •pSIEB PEACHES-* . % UatokhismsM. «nokePork KIER A JONES . 20.000 j*n3| - Stvna A. JONES WAITKO, A GIKL to do Housework. A psrauaeut situtlea ibis W4 * e ‘ 6XO beard of by eoujuriag (at 'DQUVAB FIRE BRICK— In store sod for JaaSl PKRAJQNE3 A u „. _ .Waatsd^ SITUATION by a hearty young widow, era wet Norse. Name aad refereoeo given, by en* Spring it this Oflee. . v jaaSm icieetlom. A N ELECTION for Offleers for tho for e g?ting « Bridge over the Allegheny Elver, on pesUe Pituborgb. in the CoautyofAUegheaTr,” will ee holden la the Toll Hoose of the Company.-at the Pltubargh end, on Monday, March dtb, at I o'clock, JUllij HABPEI4 TTcubmt. TTOPS—S bales oa hand and for sale bv XX Jaaao ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. Front st M*^g^ l O q r bt | ,N f| l,gm; i , fe y,. 4 fectainchei deep to towp«t*» Alio—The Lot on north tide of Liberty street, Pius* burgh. (part of lot No 134 in Woods’plan.) CO fcetfroni by lio feet deep to Brewery alley.' Apply to' Jan3o*dttl . CKO. BBEFJ&.O4 Wood st Dividend. THE Directors of the ‘•Pittsburgh and Boston Win leg Company” hare this day declared a dividend or <7 per share, parable enerafotthellihFebruanr. Eunera stockholders wilt be paid at iheofieecf i. W. Clarke fc Co. THOMASM. HOWE, JttdXHd... , . , , Treasurer.. , EOLL BUTTEB—B bb'ls Fresh, Just rec’d and for aalaby JanSO J B CANFIPLD LABD OlL—s bbls 'Winter Strained, per -steamer 1 New England,foraaleby ' - JAMEB DALZELL GO Clotfu* .. P^SS.^SiS.?»y; M W.McCUNTOaPSCAB. IV W!T WAREHOUSE, nrw hudifissttrls SHEET OIL CLOTHS, which H* 3 .™* or TMtiottlo. Wo iarjieUie aiientfoa of uom wulung 19 furnish, to eiualno our luortsieat before parchning cUewhern. lC7"C*rpetW»ehea«e,Ko7sFearthp, _j«n"a .. \f OLASSES—23 bbl» New Ortcaot: • iXL - 23 4 bble Sanr Qnu; ' •*■ iibii| o |ita .«a ty I&I£tSN—£QUJ lb* ropemr Ilami, Id store uul. Tl.ntobr 3 DWILLIAMS, » »“« Wo lIP Wabd n DEER SKINS—IOO lbs for sale by JlPg - * P WILLIAMS /2J, INGSENO—I ink for tala by SA.lanW. JPITILUAMB SOAP— 100 bxs Rosin, for sale by i*B» . ; JD WILLIAMS /HANDLES—IO bn Star; - v - J “ spenm ■ ■ SS U Piearine; . .■ „ 20 “ Dipped] for sale by JP WILLIAMS _! 60 “ Conanoa^** for nleby - jm» JPWILtJAMS AMD—SO bbls end S kegs for aala by jjtcsa 8 F YON BONNHOR3T ACQ ROLL BUTTER—IO bbls for tale by i«B» B F TON BONNHOR3T A CO CLAY—IO eaaka for tale by U l«a» aPVONBONNHORSrfcCO X7HITE BEANS—IB bbU for tala by yy I*B2o BFVON BONNHORST&CO fpOBACCO-100 pkgs. various brand* for tale by- X |ang> . 8 F VON BONNHORCT A CO ■, ■ ■•• To Let, •■ • » A deilimblo Residence, shall ed on foe River Beak, Flrn Ward, Allegheny City. Encoire u fob Offiee, or of Mia. MeAlwaynToafoe ». . - j«nya.|f rVO BRICK DWELLING MOUSES, infosSec ea*l and Third WartijPittibarrt. Enquire of . WILLIAMS iTshinn, " jang-Ct Anomies at Law, Foatfo st OPFICfi TO 2UOT—On second fiery, No SB Water at. Ponesnsa siren Is: April, foa» ISAIAH PICKET &CO. Front at REST- Sp foet from by 40 deep— H«*»y» SiaatifA c«^ KATZ TOM mt TT± FROM FAYETTE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ® eaaea aaperior Family Hlankeu, 10 by 18 qrs: 23 pan Steamboat do fiby yfc ‘ SCO da do " do' 160 do red and white Bone do T 4 100; do colored California do ALSO; “ W white Flannel, warranted all wool; *2 do 4*4 do do do do • - }j® do 34 do •do • do do 160 do M red do do •do • 73 ,do 34 yellow do do- do '■ ALSO- Baiiaetu, Tweed* Jean* and Woolen Tarn, at east* era aannxaetarert prices. * *«»!«««• No 127 4fodocr'ftomFUUu XPiNBQAB-lAUilsnraCider.forMleby JL J«>2» 8 F YON BoNNIfOEBT ACO fU/WEB SEED—6O bbU prime new. in stare asA V/fatraleby Jang JOHN WATT*CO T\BIEO FEUrr-SOO ba prime Faaebey, (halreti) - - ■. dtT -Apples Jut reeti. jug tfOHWWATTiftn * w —* bou jast rtoVl 1M for ula by 3*WHAEB>PGH sgs/gqtg-* 1 !*: Wlto. (a tton’and fcr tWHAPRAnnw idlx i Q nteby : toil! -ai“w , iiAii»»Kfr ! j r T OWBVILLB UME-100 bbb In *ten tad ftr tab ±J±r_ Jia» SfcWHAttBAPfIH '6g^^*yjfrsisa£a, bßEed *. i» ««■ wd fcr wJebT jKag - CBAM A BPTOtop O'taS 0 ’ 1 '- 10 t " ltou f ° r b r, • f - ns : — miibeny»t. • eg^fiisss pfiCLDUCt-ia key* Batter; ?bW»L«i; i Fto.sjed; on eoatlramaat and MILLER A BICKETSO* . , Bbx» forwteby - j«ny - a * —>. a l-y. JHILLKafmgKKTawi P U J;XS?I'?, ED .'' OAF * fOWDERED SUOAB o !5“ ‘ N ?> «■» uni 7 Lorf B«JUi . •.? ? 4 * tl LrOWftHnf’i «• t« b £ * , en>*bed “ ,‘® . «l?«rired; in *tor» «od Ibr «*lo by l ,p » MrLLKRARtCKgreOX QOFFElMgtjp^ ln )«c2g MILLER * RICKETSuN I Ira lleney -Andrew Fleainj H. K. Flentfnr; nsassTi nsaiio * co., '■ r COMMISSION MERCHANTS. pOR ibe i>lo of DnseeUe* Wdolea and Cotton I r Goodi,aliot-&caleralnallJrind«efTaUor»’Tß]»' rainr*,. .No. id? Wood eueei, toertii door fwoFilih. Fiuibuigii. Rnmyc Mein*. Wo, A- Hill A Co, Bankers. janX* ; Toobr bedifi’ Literur Initltntej TFjfu tt., mv tU caratr Ptttj’g. rriHE Beeond Seoloa of ikls Institaiion will can.’ I X mnca os lee ut Monday of nexi raomk. Gen. 1 K.UmJuu eSS£%,. j AUCTION SALES' By Jqh»p.p»tu, a«cii.,.„ -- I 3 T&tesa Vrj Gutit, fj., a Fifth ™T“| —*«»*• The contents ef 13 packages amnm! ■»*•!. -i foney Dry Good*, »»"*■— bom an extensive retail store of a lag foal branch of basiaesa-_ - - .T**?.dtcUa- At 8 o’clock, | Groeene* Faraltate, Glassware. Aa « half chests Yenag anon Tear* • 1 .do sapenor Black Tea; | l T *“'< . k eaaka Codfish; j • " 7 dos Coal and Cana] Shotelc ’ 3 boxes aiserted Glasaware; I • A larjre and general assortment oT newand »m l i hand faoareiafd faraltnre, Utebaa wonJif JSS eloelu, qaeenxware, ehlna,- Ac.-- ■ . ?■ wiat *» At o’clock, Varirry too*, luhiosihlo olottln,. « M cmlUi. toM uJ.li.er wuchtl, l .openoTiae, Ui vS 1 ’"TorafulSto. 10 ’””*”I”’^*"***• 1 ”’^*"***• he. nUI ■ ■ JOHN Jh DAYJJ3, Aut. STEAM BOATS ' FOE CINCINNATI. - II Tito splendid steamer• mini? .. - ' farmer, : l namer, wm lean for foo sH” "S FSS.^.uotf'SSti'sT"“ F« f s lthlorpj “• Jto3l GEOg . ifWos tv Tto flap newUrht liKprf „ , ' _*£**&&& Maclean, master, wtii lean for foo ■BIT lil—aboro this day, foe 3ifo lam, at 4 o’clock, v*r ' For rreixht or pamre epply on boud.- -■ _ janai- ASMSTBjQSa A conryp . . ; - FOR \VABA>HRIVT3L* , • K. steamer lit. f r » CINDERELLA,’ ' Capt James H. Naiktt, will kars as JMBSHMaUoTo, oa Booml.r. Fabrur/H, „ am * FOR LOUISVILLE. , -ffiKA - sl “ a {. Kinney, : master, will): lento for foo •■■gßMlMaboTe and all Inteßsedlato «orta «•»fa«t.at« oWook/RiD For freight end panago apply onboard. 07 to: Jaa3l . WBWHEFJ.gg, Qgt . FOR NASHVILLE. - . _TSo splendid «eamer . . Master, will leave for aiovo OISCIBSdTI A PITTSBURGH: mjMS|f^^sSssabS?aar,^ watm* of foe West. Rveryace«amodaxiimaade ™ .** WBPMggffifV *»VdBrinT« Tke BRILLIANT, Capt Gases, trill. luti/pib. bsrgb every Thursday morning at 16 o’clock: Vft£S arery Tbarsdsy eretunx at 10 r. w. v **-v*a«S_ • '-y,i •' .The CLIPPER No. 9> Cast. Pam Dvrul'MlMM' UFIUHAV CK«' ■ • •_ rriro Delaware mutdal sapetv’ i&aL i S^sS®s“fisrS£ usss&B&Sa^sk. ■J^i.ti^SfSSSSS^^ _JLr Office of tha Ccnptay, jfo i» 10^ Knitnilii. J»a«adtf J PIA.MAnPTP> i 1 uwvonoß. , v TTIHE aypoiauaent of Mr. IIeCLUETI-'n, , BSMt diitohrw ifc fls?±&glSwir sftsai«aSß&RSfcs?te :- r - j-MUSEffl^. ■" 1 WILSOS HcCA.SDX.KS*. AT *4W,OffiioFomaTOey'fto. __ faonmg rod Erroh. „■ rfi* 3 ’ 1 * DUaatatlon. : "■ ot«%s£§Sle®SSs -gsafsasaiffi^-. • ’ - OfiAltSiß lOHOOL. - Sloei, Federal Street,' MUeimL. W ferjtlebf 4u!£» —aafomnn.^ "** *" !KC,W ' —• STT.T, CV& CWE ?'*' U ‘ " ~ ■ - • WABTAmi.I. CjS* BEKB-I °“"““>*>'«i«br — STUART fcgp.i. br BTPARTI-.BH.t. ' S 1^ 1 “ UuU|aftw « O, ia ■c '^»t j, «ad fa, iHKr 7 b * ml * iiirair n -• A ItMBTBOMO 4 ci»ftnfg J • JAMES4 WTCBISONt w mni for «!. h y ■ _ pUuyn,. Jam f« HUTCOIdON it CO '■ • lOOqr-M , «.•«*—. . .. Dot u ... : ViSSr 10 . m wore mg gg br* —c&AiQ4gpnyg»^ iMaa ; : CitAlflA BtDCI Wsr^*-wSS Mrtibrnio bi ruble koli, ia e lo&s,k t«ng CgAIQABI