The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 30, 1850, Image 4

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jfßSrree'd u
oflUBiH., NMnaertßWmyrf'^^lSJJjS.
3Sii«S2"S!EvSfSfW :
Todefraythe «mw of
th« view# • *ill b« required ]o addidoa
ioprice oftoo ■“»- potl9 RE McQOWAN
A. tk. BMW cf Ohio; while oradiof • ih* *OO “
■■o noseqtunUy IcoioedThot It had hoeohoowni^
leoaTondfOTeoied to be of no mo or ralne, oot new
writ Objolu
wu led u believe h wight be ijedo
wfcai ncmoae 1 hud not the least ide* 1 commenced
boiiiogHt ooJ P°i»f
ijCood eoaiponnditig il wilh eenoei enhiune^-
■wd BO ■mmf wul ray confidence thattierc WUI VOltM
tw tV’hftlr*™ "p«v entire time mffl metni In the
innwniiiilnii iVinnin experiment* and from that time
to this, I bare attended to neoiher
vimSa of about two year* I dually discovered, that,
WreSeia* it to a fine powder and mjxUir U with lin
seed vil to about the consistency of thick paint, and
imMii lids compound with a brush, that this coating
£, a few months would become a perfect stone or
■later bo that the substance when appued waa actually
■late la a liquid state, and the large amount of siliea,
•lassas. magnesia end blaek oxide of iron that llcon
imdered it both weather and fire proof, as the
laager exposed, the harder and mere permanent it
arums to become. and as the coating (after It turns to
' alms) is ef itself indestructible by fire, consequently it
protects the wood covered with it (ram the air, and
i where there is no air, there Is ae blase or combustion;
therefore the wood will actually char, before slate
•': oevaring will give way.
I considered the discovery of the greatest import*
•see, and applied to Government tor a patent for my
nwnon or discovery, fetidly hoping that l.ahoald
sew be remunerated for all my outlay in time and mo*'
jwy. The government, without any hesitation, grant*
es to me Letters Patent for the solo right to manufee
tare, aeil and use my improvement in the manufacture
of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Am
idol Bote,* for fourteen years.
August It, ISO. WM. BLAKE.
the inhabitants of Sharambav ■ ead the above
statement of Mr. Blake, and Mere hobo substan
tially correct, as we are ksoimjrVfluit of the state
meats therein contained; aadwewffl fertberstate, that
•wa do not belioTe that there ever was a patent more
booesUy and laboriously earned, or mere-deservedly
granted as he pursaedkU experiments with the moat
rdoai table peneveranee under tbh most discouraging
circumstance* as the' public had not the least cenfi*
dcaee that there could l»e any thing valuable mads
from the substance, tie therefore had to encounter for
yean the jeers und seoffs of nearly the whole comma
nlty. notwithstanding all this, ho was indefatigable,
is ths prosecution of fits experinmat* and we do not
believe that there is one man inuihoussnd who would
have persevered under all the circumstance* But he
has at last triumphed over all obstacles, and wo be*
Have there is now barbae opinion la awarding him
lha merit ef this valuable discovery. '' ,
GKO. W. CRANE, Waitress of
LEWIS C. GHATFIELO, f Truitocs •’
B.W.MILL, v ’>• < '
WBL EVERETT, Townsbip Clerk.
ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer.
■ 1 hive that them are individuals engaged
Is digging, grinding, and preparing for sale, the shove
amaueaed MinersJ, to be mixed with oil, and esed pre
cisely as I use my patented arielc.l I aavebeen to
persons and shown them my patent. They say
they do not intend to mfringo or trespass upon mv
rights; that they have a right to dig, grind, and sell the
powder,if they ean find purcbatcrHlthat they are not
bound to know what they are to do with ic that it Is
i no infringement until it is ™ivsd with the oil to make
too composed; and that those who biy, mix and use it,
most take the responsibility. Most'.w them say that
they believe that, the patent Is good iguinit those that
a>hr and use ihecetapouad, tad. some have said that
what they wanted to nse they should certainly purch
ase of me, at they did not Intend to make themselves
Gable in any way. Now I feel myself In duty bound to
expose tills barefaced fraud upon thejpubliet ua I can
• sail it by oo milder name/whete a man sells and re
ceives par tor an article, the use |»f which he well
knows subjects the purchaser und user to a proseen.
don and fin* Berne of those who are engaged In this
netorious truffle, will unquestionably voT i, » a d to the
Oublie that my patent not stand, and that 1 dare
»o< prosecute. Now, to take thi* urgumen t away from
mem, I went to tome of those who were proclaiming
that my patent waa ef no value, aid made the tallow
ing proposition; that they might select sludge and two
lawyvra who have had some practice in patent cases,
. and we would submit the patent to them,' and I f they
decided that the patent was good, thatlhey should stop
all thither proceedings in the business; but if lher
should decide that it would not, in their opinion, bo L
I would agree to let them go on and sell all they could,
without saying any thing to the 'pqbho about them..
This proposition they woald not aecqflo to. So far as
lha validity of my patent Is concerned, I do notoe:
pend entirely upon say own Judgment althoagh I hate
the fullest confidence in it; but 1 have submitted It is
many ©f thejadgts, and several of tbo most eminent
patent lawyers, who have, without exception, deetded
that in their opinion it was good, and would protect me
ta my dtseevery. . , •
II grind the' article to u fine power! ana putu m m
barrel* the which are marked: “Btjuta'a Paxxxx rtax
aan'WßaraxEPzoovAannaax.B&aix.' n
: I therefore give notice .to all who. boy and use the
. üboTS mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in
my patent, except from me or my adihorized agent*
that I shall b&ld them to a strict accountability, and
shall commence suits at law againMt those whomus
iafnnga upon my ngbi. WiL BLAKE.
Baaaoa, Medina Co., O, Aug. M, 1849.
C7TWO TaN3 of the above Ft/e and Weatocr
Troof Artificial Slate on hands and for sale. . The
above we can recommend, for we hive been using It
farsane 4 tear* and know it to be what it b set forth
in every particular. J. AIL PHILLIPS. Agy.
Boit743n'. iNoS'lVoodst-'
... i* Ofi Pearth Btrsst, pittiburghi
Hava now In Btnre their fall assortment of
Jiimmlngi, Gloves, Dositry sol lace Goodi
-A DAPTED to the wants of every elasaof Merchants
X*.-aad Consumers.- No pains have been rparedto
present the newest and most fashionable style of
uiaoda la.thelr lin*' Their stock consists in part of the
IsUowiag:- w
mages and Gimps, ef every variety! sew styles
figured Galloons; Algerine aad Impenaf Braids; wide
aad narrow Silk aad Worsted Embroidering Braids:
figured and em Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded
* figastua aad plain Satin Ribbons, fortrimmißg; black,
white aad entered 811 k Laees; extra wide do do, for
fioanees;_wilh a foil assortment of Dress Batumi;
Dresses Fluked, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chemisettes,
Breakfeitand Retiring Cana and Holt Steoves, French
Worked Collars aad CnffWin great variety; L«ee Veil*,
tn»MMiw and Opera Ties; Mourning Chemixecea, Col-'
iUre, aim Half Bleoves; linen Z-awa.ildkfe,
Iplcia embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen dd;;
- real thread Laees aad Edgings; Ist. do do; Bobbin,
. tiatii, Lace *ad CoUon Edgings and Insertiogs-'
. Blch new atria Bonnet Bibbons, French Face Flow
' en, BonneT Tabs. Velvets, Batins and Florences, Silk
> and-Tanetons, Bonnot Frames and Tips.
Best tta&slsetsre, withmost approved fastenings,
and choicest colors. An extensive assortment always
on hand.
A great variety of Bilk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and
Cashmere, for Ladies sod Mt Mg »; Tartan Plaids, and
■ fail assortment other style* foaey and plain Child
ren’* Hose; newest styles Infants* Boots ud Socks;
Owns* Grampian, Vignola, Merino, Cotton and us
Wool HsifHose. -
, A Ml assortment for women and children,
among which are Derby Bibbed, Foiooelle aad plain
Bilk: ribbed and plain Cashmere: Chamoia Lined Ber
lin; Casslmere, Merino, Far-lined Beaver, heavy nnd
lao Military and Li ale Thread and Colins,
Seek as Ladies’ and Children'a Hoods, Children’*-
•'Woolen Sacks, Knit Searts and Boat, Children’s Gait*
«n and Look Milts, Worsted Coffin Kniuing Worsteds
.and Woolen Yarn*, California Comforts; also, fine
Cashmere Scarfs, fbr Ladies,
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds. Canvass Patterns,
Pines aMEmb’gSlDc, Bristol and Ferfd Boards, Pa
per Flower W*?"" 1 *, Lamp Hals, Tidies, and Ert
oreUcred Work. Also—Laaies’Sdh and Merino Vests
aad Drawers; Embroidered Sacks end Flannel*, French
. Worked Capa and Waists for In turns; and Swan's-down
' Trinmlaca.
.PbeShins, Cravats and Collars; Merino, Silk and
/-Codon Wrappers and Drawers; Baipenders, Shoulder
Braces and Dressing Gowns; silk and Linen Hdkfo;
. Gloves and Hosiery..
French patterns earved and plain Shell Back Combs;
Badaio iu Ibu do; Shell Side end 2a>ng Combo; Ins.
. do; BaHaio, Satin and Bnsewoodiiairßrarhes; Shell,
Boffslo ena Eng. Horn Dressing tad fine Irary Combe;
.. wii& u Moonuest of Neil end Teem lirataeo.
•'Wetberiir* "Gold Model” Perfumery.
Noodles, Pi ax, Tapes, Steel Bags and Parses,
Battens and Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Baskets,'
pane Twist and Sewings Fine BosenroodDetuand
Coat Biodlagi It Galloons. Pane/Worlc.Basketa
. Cloak Cord and Tassels, - Portfolios, Papienrcs and
Jfllad* Shade Trimmings, Ladies' Stationary,
Falpil* Banner Tassels, French Cork Boles,
UpfioUurcPs Fringes, dllk.A: Glag'm Umbrellas,
BuUnoa,ats'd widths, Papsr Musiins & Hollands,
• English Oil Cloths, Elastic Bands * Webbing,
FitNl Chlota Binding, Corset and Shoe Laceis.
HHFK-l-rt! CAJLf^fa!!—itec’U Uus itajr, at W..*a->
; \J Clintoefc’a Carpet Waxeltooie. No. ‘3 dearth at, a
farther wpplr of Carseu* of Mjo late*t and mo»l up*
stored atyUl, to which; we- invite the ailenuoa of
: Steamboat non, and those wiihuif to famiih IJouma,
10 etU and exusine the aaioitxaem inibo ctly,
< wUeh'wa will Kli cheaper than ever t-eiow offered tu
market song) W M’CUNTOCK
tfoaralßg L«af 8b«wl«.
TIT E.MUKPUY ree'de inppl jof ibo aboyo
W - *jUcl«, of ilia beat qaaliir* a«o, jilmsa- IMaek
ThlbciLonr S&awl*; black tfombwiflea, lUuatJiin* Al*
Bueaa. Per*l» Clotli, Mack Paraeuu,
CaSaere* Moesdc Laiaiaiwil-'rtincUWennos, black.
CnTiu tod Mosrcing Collar*, Gloaming Bound Rtb-
: taM, aeek do, and « fell omnneot of Uoanung
SILKS. ..• - !
▲ laoee oMttmeat, uwladtng » ftw pl«e* WT wide
■*4 inferior. itayera are invited to look at theta, at
jtortAlSerteomerof FonnhaedMitkotiU. - ■
. ;Wlwl«*aftflo<«MßpiuUf*, wbere a large * HOrt „‘
of Jiew.Ooodi baa lately been rccetvciL LovlM
Witafelieettiaftnaed by Mr*. Ro« «f tear#ptr*;
formal oaber byDr* J*y»**« Alt*miv«»wfoh
Vnrnaii* attpex&rftyoTerewyoiherrrttedy’of tke
kSdT«be bu been afflicted for tbejaai Bitteca yew*
' wttlilfECWySES ar.WJUTEBWEUJNGSjtUended
Si£ ■wrttfo"* «na eaiollatkm of.T«TiOtt*baae*.dß»
'Wwrwtieh use many P±e»«* k*»« been diae tajxrd itoa
' «tak t«!Al bos* ot t£e eraaies, Crtta both her umA
! ”■«. mmA Imuti .and tnm both lei*, and from the Itft
lhtxighi fcaeft beaideaparnfaj
■SSeo^wr p*r« a f her per*», wk«h her* »rfied
a aattber ofUano*: eatiafcm j>tojci*4* of
. : ef the tin bar aaltfiatahiva
Abmt three oofttfc*
Aa lbdielafie advertised by W.B.BLOAR
ere sold by - •• • ■ • -\
R. E SELLERS, Wood street, snd JOHN P.BOOTT
UtatPaLfitftbmh. [<■
Birmhgham, by JOHN O. SMITH. • J
Ths Bsst aad Chsspsst Horaa jlsdltlas
. POWDER, i .
fieevsßnwdegrsolMm* F*r Titriti, ittgiam, B«fr
ty,and neresigfifus* SLOAN’S OlNT&lgibrr Bn'
And it reptdly supersiding ell other and
Liniment* new in use torthe eureof UmfeUawinx dij
eases: ;
Fresh wound* galls ef all kinds, apristh* bruise*
erucked heel* nngbone, windbone, wiodgull* pal
; evil, euilu* spavin* nreeaev, fistula, ritfest, atrtinn
Ismenes* sand etaek, toundered feet, serhtebaa er
1 grease mis re or hotae distemper. r~
The Powder will remove aUlnfitmaaiion and feier
purify the blood, loceen the akin, deans* lha wver
end strengthen every part ofthebody: andhasnroved
e sovereign remedy lor the Allowing diseases: 9
i tembertf exeretse; also, rbeumadsm, (eomarenhrcal
kd stiff complairmiwhiSi proves so total remany vat
aable borres In.this country; It is also a safe and eer
tain remedy fer coughs usd colds which generate to
many fatal disease* W. B. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Luke at, Chicago, lilimri*--
Exwact from the “Galena North Westaru Gaxcita.',
By tho use of Bloan’a Ointment und Coodltioß Pow.
do, ! have entirely eared u fismlu on my hene and
otherwise imsravod> hb condition more, than COO pe
Cent, on tho cost of tho medieiaa ' A"d * eow whica
so feeble as to be eoasidered worthiest by mysrll
•nd ndghbor*was restored to good health ead strength
by the use of feu then half u package oft&e powder,
and is sew doing better than any other eow I have.
. Small pox, Msy 13, iB*a. WM. VINCENT.
Tnereby certify that one of my ehUdreu. when ns
ked, fell Into n large fire of live coal* end was burned
severely from heed to feet. Ibe best of medical eld
end attention was given to-the child tor feur or five
days with out.say relief each day’s sufferings increas*
ed till his greens could be heard at a great dittinc* at
which critical period one of my neighbors recommen
ded end presetued to me u box of Sloan's Ointment
end inlets than fifteen minutes after the. application
of the ointment to the aggravated sores of {besafferieg
ehild, the pain cessed entirely, and bo spepdihr begun
to recover. My residence isinHclt tQwnshlp, Vcr
e^llion county,aidStstcof
<2iicago,AngastB4,iSt3. J . .
iAprillAlßiSL Four miles north of Chicago (oaths
rosa to MilwuskieJ Cook county, Illinois.—
:Mr. Bloan—Dear Sin One of my horeeahad ularge
beny tumor on his breast bon* immediately under the
collar, which lamed him and rendered Us services ef
very .little value. I fetihfttlly applied several bottles
of Dr. Taylor’s Nenro und Bene Liniment, without the
least benefit. .1 then procured Wilder* Celebrated
Horse Ointment, and used that snttll beeama.feJiy
satisfied that it wouldnevegrelievethe ■n»g»yi Fi
nally I obtained u box of you truly valsabla Oint
ment, and in lees than 60 days from tae first appitea
flon the tamot entirely disappeared, and the hbree war
If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth of an
urtiel* we invite the incredulous to read at leak! a few
of the many voluntary certificates that oui
columns respecting the great variety of rmarkabls
eures effected by the are of “Sloan’s Celebrated Oint
ment and Condition Powder*® . -
' Tieso remedies' no incw wrw,i>tnaimwi, iKm* rt
doubtful utility,'they have passed from tbs tide of ex
periment, and new stand higher tftrepetition and are
becoming (more extensively uvd all other art
deseftha City New*
Fax 1643. ?
Dear Siam—Sin Please rend by the bearer a new
supply of your Horn Medicine* They ure the best
articles of the kind 'that I hava ever used, never haw
log been disappointed lu their ufhet, us I nave bean in
the oseef other* feven the meat celebrated Ointment*
-Lifilment*Ae«ofthaday. I like very much thisfe*
tare in them, viz: that they do ail that Is premised, and
upon u thorough trial one iseontrainea to add. that
■half has net been told.® ,
Respectfelljr, • ; DUDLEY.
- The ordinary oiptments and >i"iiwmi« U. is waU
known are severe''and partial in their operation.—
Sloan’s Ointment is mild yet thorough—it reaches and
removes the cans* hence It gives real and permanent
relief.' For. purity, «»»£*»■* safety, eeftainfy, und
thoroughness, Suxuih Ointment excel* and toyapUly
rurperceding all other Ointments and Idnimems now
: lnuse.*A. . . - •.•'■—* ■ ' •
Bxxai’sGaov*UL,Oet.S4,lB<S. .
- B£r. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue of yosx
Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bite* aor« threat,
burn* and many, other Injurie* and in every ease It
has scresssed our expectation* As a tomßyOmv
meat, I nave never seen ita equal, and for beasts wt
can’t get along without iL-
- Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin For a considerable length s!
io e I was seriously afflicted with the rheaaatio com
plaint, and applied freely the various-Unimeat* , palm
killer* & without obtaining any relict After which
roar sgvht at this place inflaeaeed me to try jroat
Ointmeat, and within two weeks from the time I com
menced using it. the pain ceased, and t waiefieetsally
eared, and shall recommend all who are similarly af
flicted with the distressing complaint, to procure your
excellent ointment withosl delay.
'Resp’ryuare, OSCAR F. MOTT.
PrinceTille, Peoria 1348. % - .
/ From rim Hon.- 8.Y.5.. Brook* the
Dhnois and Michigan Canal Packet Boat Company.
Cgicsa* Jane Into
Dr. W. B. Sloun—Dear Sin For tho3ast 30 yean 1
have had occasion to uae many horse* sad have used
the great variety ef liniments tad oluimentt In at*
hut have never found any thing equal ta your oint
meat for Injuries on horse*' Within the last two iroUedyourolettßentihsomoSOhone*
for Tariocsipftmc*.*nd la every instanru it has pro
ved a sovereign remedy. \ ■ 5 ’ •
Two miles sooth of Chicago, SepL ii, ISIS.
Dr. SloatwSln On the 9th my ton had a fla*
get bitter entirely offbyohorse.; WeuamedUwlyap
plied your celebrated wattage*, which relieved him ol
pain in a few minute* and prevented the finger from
swelling the least particle, and the wound is healing
l tpidiy. - Ecsp’y jour* ’ fl. BROCKWAY.
■ Ur.Sosn—DeurSur: Aboet three yean an I was
severely Injured in one of my legs by the falling of a
pile of wood which oeetstooed .laree renciog ulcere.
Nearly every doctor in Gateau trio* to cure them; b»i
tried io vain, until from sympathy had improper treat
ment my other leg became as bad as tho one original
ly wounded. I despaired of over being well again—
: but in order that I might neglect nfcf means yrithu my
reach, I purchased w your treat in Galena some of
your ointment, and you can judge df toy surprise as 1
gratitude'better than lean express it, tofiadmsslf
entirely wcllbaigro I brad finished aring the second b< x
.These facts 1 make known that others afflicted may
believe and set delay using so valuable an ointmenr
as yours has proved to be. gratefalftM,
rdalesn T BL IDee.IP,IS«R l Dee.lP,lS«R
' i^n^ONLY»DAYS.
Before the following order, Messrs. Vaughn 4 Co.
purchased a lane apply of Sloan’s preparations.
Xacdos, Mleh. Feb. M, IMS.
;S-K. Hibbard—Dear Bin I am oat of Slow’s Condi*
tion.Powder and Hone OiauaeflL. Th* sale tar ex*
ceedsmyexpectation. Jfyooearimaairetosendme
4 dozen Ointment, 1 will pay lor them u>o Irst .tia
that you are here, and presume I shall be able to sell
a large quantity lathe coarse of the year.' It will be
an obieet to you, as well as to keep fae.eoo*
«^,»p P S«L T °rr^“%; UoHNtCo .:
Bt. Loro, Feb. 9,1319.
■ Dr. Sloan—Sm About two yean ago, while ranior
ontheMissfoaippitrver,lapairingover tho-rapids,!
wu plunged into the water, sad by the raft dashing
against a crushing toy left In and otherwise se
riously injurag me, «o much thet I loss ell eenribility.
When eonacipoanem re tamed I found myself is Bb
LAuia, surrounded by ay weeping family. * Good aura
lac end nedicti aid, gambled me ia about two moothl
tohsbble around wnhthe assistance of a crutch. The
wounds only partially heated, leaving large running
tores el the knee, which for many months discharged
blood end matter of the moaroffentive ehareewr. My
para*were Inexpressible. at time* my suffering was
ss great that death weald here received ehceny wel
come. Fortunately Ur. Wilson, (oee of my neighbors)
advised mo to tty year Ointment' I obtained a bos
applied ii-accorang to direction—the lores soon began
to assume a healthy appearance, end ia three mouth*
1 was entirely cared, end enabled to <o hard labor.
Your obedient servant, - -
We, the undetrignod, neighbors of 8. W. Thomas,
were acquainted with the ease above stared, and know*
me the clreoartaneet, m«t cheerfully eooftnn eah)
IhoßU'iUttaen R£Y>J. IKILGLAS3,
Cmceoo, Jen. Bth, 180.
W.B; Sloan—Sin One of my hones arms hoofboand
end also wonnded In the stifle, in whleh ha took cold,
and became so crippled that ho coeld scarcely travel.
Uy the free application of your valuable .ointment, his
tools were soon, softened end the stifle >ermanenUy
cured. I have also used tbeOmtaent in the ease of
Poll-Evil and bu severe rail* with equal neeets.
•• On a ma‘hed ftsxer.thal was vCty painfaL it opera-,
ted like a ehanvFolrt, he, A VAN ORDEN.
Sloan’s ointment and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged by all who have otfd them to be the l ert
remedy torhoraet and cattle that has been discovered.
Fresh wounds, rails, spavins, brakes, ringbone, poll
eviL and in short every oetward disorder or Injury eaa
be eared by thiswonderfal remedy. The Powder Is
designed for inward straios. distemper, hideboend,
fatigue from bard exercise, diseased eyes, A c^—Lake
County CUroniel«C ; “ ♦
' "t" Wicxurrx. Cook Co. Fsb. 13,1843
’ Mr. Rfoaiv—Sir 1 have a fine young hone that was
taken'with the scratches last foil. I paid out about
three, dollars for medicine to Core him, bntbegrow
werfo. lUienbooghtaboxo/your ointment at your
office when in Chicago-laat, rather doubtisgly, bell
thought 1 would try it. Judge of my surprise and my
opinion of its beneficial Qualities, when I found my
horse's legs smooth and well inf&urdsye from (be tint
I-commenced applying II Yoturobedlen^
• Mere than-fifteen years of unrivalled aweess in the
-eure of every variety of external diseases and injuries
fuchas*prains,bnuse«,cuts l .ttnnu l cutaneouserap
lions,'som lips, sore breasts, chapped hands, chllU
btains, biles, ulcers, corns, puns in the back, sides, or
other pans of the system, rattlesnake bites, Ac, Wars
ample testimony that Sloan’s is .rust the thing
for the boor. • Certificates without number have been
received by the Proprietor from disinterested iadrrlda
ate, giving details of remarkable cures by its use.;
Granville, MHwaakie eo. WU, Oet 111848.
/ Mr.Sfoan—De«rBlr ReecnOy my horses ran away
with: a leg chain auacbed, which eut and etberwiu
Injured them seriously, so much so that I considered
my team raised for business. a friend re
commended the use of yoar Crntmeab 2 went to Mil*
-wvukfooad purchased l * tax. It soon removed ±a
iV.e«iwm«rtßn,and in a lew days the won nils healed
The great benefit derived from the .U|B of you# Omb
neitonmTbones, isdaeedmeto atfquilstyoawuh
thefset, believing its publicity would benefit you and
'.xrisi.rosmyEFACT, -
- Ad tai hoou « UMM i»Tintr l3»i Stou,
aii Kbrr resedic, for »Ii &KUO of >oms Ui4
omk. tt» Uvor of fa ihtb
mural o*l7. a wlc IJW TO'J) “4 m m
; IU. or Drr aoodi,
' AT TSX fRCK rates STOXX op
* a. mason * co. t
TITTLL commence on New Year'aiDsy, is», and
be offered at Retail, on this occasion, at
. taJJyeaxjpna&uasthaottiuslpiiee*
■ They Baawl Saloon contains more than 3000Shawl*
every desenptios of Long and Square
WoolShawi*Cashmere,Broehe,Ac. ; Also, Vueues,
Cloak* Msmilln. Back* kc-, at an Immense redo*
_TbsU stock comprises more «*»»» 1000 pieces Thibet
dotes, Merino* Parimeita* AJpacca* Lyoaese, Op
era umPellsse Cloth* 1 will be sold from IS to 40 pot
cent, less than usual price*'
Also' 300 pieces rich plain' and fig*d BILKS, redu
ced 30 per coat . .
to cases Cashmeres and De entire new styles.
Also—While Good* . Mourning dw, Emhreideric*
Imce* Ribbon* Gloves ud Hosigry* Trimming* he.
'SO cases Flaarel* 30 eases new style Calicoes, CO ca
ses Bleached Muslin* ]OO bales Brown do., <0 bales
Ticking* Also, Cloth* Cantoere* Jean* Casslnen*
A*,utextremeJylowprice* . .
Together with an immense variety of other Good*
making an assortment ««« of the most extensive in
the country—all of which have been marked down at
much lower prices »*<■" their extensive annual sale in
Jinoaiy last
They invite an early call, aa man; of their ehoieet!
Goods will be sold. -
lowest price named at first.
Hun* A. A. MASON A Market st
1 ; “Rerwsy piHiain
\]rr R. MURPHY, at North East comer of Founh
ff « and Mariet street* bus lately received a sup
ply of the above superior make ofßiankeu, and in
vites those la want of the article to look u them be
fore buying. He has also on htnd Home Made Blau
' kern, a good heavy oriel* which he is aelling low.'
'Also—Home Made PLANNED, brown, burred and
white, of usuperiorquallty. 1 . •
Also-Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he
Invites the attention of buyer*
ip-A Itm .upplr of Good, rceestl, opontd Io tho
WSototto Hoom*ii» .uln, ntica U. umriu
TO, fall «nd woitfijr ihe attention of deilerfc
QKIibKHa 1 UVERfliiUi wak my
J DRUB. P*. B»t 89,1849.
Seller!—Deal Sm 1 teoiTl is a duty 1 owa
re the publie, us weU as to the credit of your Liver
TOl* to state the good effects prodoeed by their'use In
my own tea* During the menth.of June, IBtS, 1 took
very unwell, my appetite failed, and my strength was
enttrwy prMtratso, with revere pain in my nde and
thou Id ere. I was told by medical men that my dissase
was aaevere attaekof liver eotnplalnt. I took seve-
of Liver Pill* and seme syrup*
whteh I was told was good for that disease, but alter
all I vnu getting wore* I finally concluded to plaee
myself under the care ef a physician for better «>r
worn; but, fortunately, iast at this time, I wus told
by the Rev. L Nibloc* of this pluc* that a friend had
■eat him u box of Sellers’ liver. Pills from Piiubargh,
whfeh bid benefiued him very much. I forthwith,
sent fern box of your liver Pul* and by the time 1
was done using them, I was satisfied that itwu just
the. medicine that inited my cose. I sent for more,
and took fire or sixboxe* and found myself almost
entirely eared; but in March last I eangut a severe
oold,wUeh brought back lha dlseae* and In a short
time I was as bad as ever. I again had recourse to
your Liver Pill* and took them every other night for
six week* and occasionally sine* and I can nowiay,
that I can now say, that I feel Uuic if any symptom:
of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is as
good now as it has been for the its; 10 year*
My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. 1 tell
them that tie liars’ liver Pills waa my doctor, and by
the blessing of Divine Providence the means of caring
me.' lam confident that when the public become ac
quainted with the value of your liver Pill* the de
mand tor them will ineiead* Many of my neighbor*
to whom lhave recommend ed the pill* ean testily to
their vala* as well as to the facts above stated. . .
.Respectfully your*- GzoukMillx*
To tbs Purnzc.— I The Original, only true and genu
ulna liver Pills ore prepared by R. E. Sellers, and
have his name stamped la blaek wax hpon tbs lid of
eaeb Box, and his signature on the onulde'wrupper.
E/-AU other! are coanterfeu* or base imitations.
sptSV 8.8 SELLERS, Proprietor, 67 Wood at
•Jaynes* Expectorant*
Salxx, Columbiana Apr.34, 1641.
DR. D- JAYNES: Diia Si*—l feel bound to yoa
- and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op*
portsnity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of yoar Expectorant onmyselD Having been afflicted
for several yean with usjvere conga, hectic fever
and its concomitant disease* and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short but miserable existence, until the
fall or 1639, when, being more severely attacked, ur.d
having resorted to all my former remedie* and the pro
aeripttons of two of tho most respectable physicians in
the neigUiorhood without deriving uy benefit, or tha
consolation of surviving bate few days or weeks ui
furthest—when the U-t gleam ef hope was about to
vtnlsb, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
und blessed by that Being who does oil things in the
Uso of the means usd oontrury: to the axpccistioi.saf
my physieiana and friend* ! was in a few days robed
from my bed. and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to mybusines* enjoying since better health i«»q
1 hid for tep years previous.
Respectfully your* Ac., Jx* W. Emu.
■ For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 76
Founh street. * mans'
myra. Elijah Eaton’s certificate to dr
' Ivl JAYNE—This eernfie* that immediately after
having attended my brother, who died of consumption
in March, 184* I was taken sick with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low -with the
disease, that for four yean L was unable to attend to
my buxines* either at tuufie or abroad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. During tee above peri
od oftim* J had expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medicine* to the amount of
9300, without receiving any beaut therefrom. In
July, 184 S, I commenced taking Dy. Jayne’s Medi
cine* and have taken them more or less ever since,
and believe that it was by persevering in their use,
that I can now truly-aay that! have completely race-,
vexed my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pill*
and Expectorant are the best family medicines now In'
I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y n and.
carry on a foresee and machine xhop in that place,;
and am sol interested In any manner m the sale of the i
abova medicines, and moke this certificate-tor tbe tea
afitefthoee afflicted; ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Yn Sept. 16 1846. ja* .
“ rTcb pAll goo'dbi
ALEXANDER A DAY, eerner of the Diamond and;
Market street, notify their friends and tho j>uMio
that they have received their stack ef Fall and Win- -
ter GOODS, dlreetfram the importer* manufacturer*
and unctions at tho east. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods is lair* and presents slroDgaur&e-
Uons to •• purchasers, fa Ladies Dres* Goads and
Bhawl* the moat splendid and fashionable Goods of
the season are now offered, at remarkably low prices
consisting in pan ef the following -
NeW style Broehufig’d Camelion Silk*
Cas’d and deck Buna DnCheoes and’fare Sarins;
ColM Camel tan Oroderhlae* of the best qaalittex;
Blaek glossy Grederiens of the celebrated Eagle
manufacture. ’
Tho aboro named Black Silks are warranted not u
eat laths wear; tor dresses aad mantillas they art tbo
best imported. . : <
Neat fig’d Caraclian Safin Da Chrne, the hundresmit
Bilks ef me season. •
New. style Broeba Silk figured French Mcnno* a
new aad raleadld article for ladlos* walking dresses.
Bilk Embroidered French De Laiae* for Ureases aad
sack* aa entirely new article.
Cashmere* Do Lalnesj Merino* AJpaccas sad Pur
omtto*n large assortment •
Broehm Loot and Square Shawls, of tho best qaall*
Plaid loo; Shawls, of the newest desifns, remark*
ably cheap.
Splendid Terkeri Shawls.'at greatly reduced price*.
. Came lion Brocha fig*d Bilk PaawU, in great variety. •
Crape Shawts,"white aad colored, in great variety...
' Bsst Sedsn real French Twilled Cloths, all prices;
best Sedan real French Cassimeres; new style Amer
ican Catsimeres: super Batin Vesting*.
French and Belgian Sack ud Olive Cloths, for U>
dlea* Cloaks.
A splendid assortment of American and imported
Blankets, at remarkably low prices.
A lam and.complete assortment nowon hand.—
Many of our present stock of Staple Goods were
bought from the manufacturers previous to the present
advance In prices. A principal pan of oar stock of
French and iftwtiA goods have been purchased at the
great Aoetlon sales in FhUadelphla and New York,
which enables as to offer decided bargains in almoa
every description of goods In our line of business.
Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and ail
wholesale and retail buyers, are Invited to an early
examination of onr stock and prices.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market stj
oetSS north west eomer of tbe Diamond.
TO'BCVKtik uk imk utxfuai ~~
W. R. MURPHY, at north east corner or Fourth
• and Market su, is now reeeiving bis second
supply for the season, and can offer Inducements to
buyers rarely to be met with. His assortment of
Is very full, consisting of French Merinos, Cashmeres,
Cobnrgs,Lyoaese Cloths, super Printed Fireneh Cssli
meres, at prlees considerably lower than they eould
bo boughpearly in the season. Hlsstoekof
Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles
oow on exhibition at Franklm Initunte, Philad't.
Of-new and very handsome styles, Velvet-Trim-
Of various stylos tad Qualities, plain and embroidered
Ulaek flilk Laces, Nendle Worked Collars and CuIT«,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers.
Of tbo newest styles, and at lower prices than ninalj
and rich changeable Silks and Belies, for M&rulioi,
tC4 and a large stoek of
Staple and housekeepin goods,
at lowest prices. And in the gentlemen’s depanmeut
will be found fresh * *
BlackDonskius, Winter Vettings, Fancy CntJiuirre-,
Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Craviti, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, fee.
.are invited o vitit the Wholesale
• Booms, up stairs. ■ iv;»’
“T”^E'ITrWUNOKKFLIb. CUKfcl—o bL u, l
Mxucxa, Mercer co., Fa_ Sept. SS, lf-49.
■ R E. Sellers: Dear Sir, I bought one botilr of snot
Vermifuge at tbe ln-n City Furnace store, at thi«|i:ace,
acd it has performed what wceonrider out here n won.
derfol eure on one of my boys eight years old; tic iwd
been unwell for some years, so much so that! had piv.
enopail hopes of his recovery. I was advised t.y or.
of mj neighbors to try a borne of your
and lam nappy to inform yon of It having the desired
effeetof relieving my son. lie passed, in the short
spuco of tH botHS lA* worms, some of them. mea.-ur
ing as ouch as and 14 inches long. 1 feel bound m
! Janice to give yop tjia |hOf e WHement, ao as you may
make any use of my name that think proper.
Yours, very respectfully,
Joxanus 8.
fTTf rtpared and sold by R. E.BKLLEK3, $7 >Vood
atrfft, arid fold by Drcggists generally in llie two
elites. - • •' ‘ novlfi
-RUP—From W. K. Roden, fcAj-j Clcrk of-the
Court of Quarter Sessions of JDevvcr Ceuntvt < t
B. K nolleret feir, Soma time ia the winter my
wife was afflicted with a seven and disireiftngcougb,
and bearing of yoar bivaluable Cough Syrup. I pur
chased a bottle.from 8. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
and alter l*king a portion of it two or three evenings
on going to bfio, she found immediate reliefl ns alto
several friends have beep relieved fnaevare cases. I
■a therefore satisfied that ills asafe and valnable me.
dieine, and would recommend it to those who may be
afflicted with aevere coughs and eulds.
Mareb23.l&43. W.K.BODEN.
in*Sold qt.R. E, SELLERS. 67 Wood street, and
generslijr In the two cities and vicinity.
i.ifcLT Ciirr«s-0. easea Blue and Drib Fe)
X Cloths, Just rac’d and for sale by •
novU : 48 Wood st
just a lot of Ugb colored Mona, do Lalns,
suchas Cherry, Scarlet at the low,p:Jce ofkfic.
per yard.' Also, Plain Drub, Brown, ko , at I<J to le|
ceaaperyaraj tad a large assortment of neat styles
;figuea Menu, do Lain*, at various prlees, together
;Vriibip.dwice UMroqent of Dress Goods geaeraliy,
such ai Fk&ey Bilks,' French Merino*, Cashmeres, -
Coburgs tnd Lyonase Cloths, st the
N. E* corner of Fourth end Market sts.
Wkojcs»l#aoo»»pfUin. mrU v
Pssuu|sr suu Remlttuneq Offleo«
jc> HANRDEN A CO. eontmue to bring persona
MEeiQfcfroin any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or
WMf Wale* upon the rro*t liberal term* with their
nsdul punctuality and attention to the wants and com
fort of emmigrants Wedouotullowourpauecgersto
be yobbed by the rwiedling scamps that infest the sea
port* as we take charge of them the. moment they re
port themselves, und sc* to their well being, ana de
spatch them without any detention by the first ship*—
We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our possea-
Grs to show that they were detained 43 by us In
verpool, whilst thousands of others • are detained
month* until they could be sent In some *A eraft, at a
ehgp rate, which too frequently prove* their
' W« intend to perfonn our contraeu douevabty, cost
what it may. and not act as was the ease lost season,
with ether officer*—who either performed not all, or
when It sailed their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any earn from j£l to
£lOOO, payable at any of the provixetai Ranks in Ire
■land, England, Scotland and Wales.
/V, European tui Germul Agent,
febl Fifth atreetcnsdnorbalftwwoodl
WaxToaaxidClavalaad Faiitniir Lias,
Canal Packet—SWALLOW. *
/\NB of the above Fackeu leave Beaver every day
U (Snnday*excepted) and arrive next ennening n
Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Clovelaud, arriving at each of there places
before night. One of the psekeu leave Warren daily
atSP.SL, and arrives at Beaver in time to take the
morning boat for Pittsburgh.
aT I Sii 6 ' <kL ‘ ci ' w r , 'W
„ . JOHN a CAUGHEY. Agent, .
apl3 comer Water and gmi’hfo>l«t tXt
Caswrous A Ciuaisixhut, Cleveland,O I -
R.G.Paax* Beaver, I’* } PropP*
TUIIS Line will be prepa-ed on the opening of navi
ration, to iransport.freieht and Fasseasers from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
the Canal and Lake:.
The facilities oftfae Lino ore nniorpuied in number,
quality and capacity of Boats, expenenee oi captains,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland
sing in connection with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a Use of first class
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Laics.
A a era—lt G Tarks, Beaver, Pm.
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Taylor. Wanea, M
Cyrus Preuusa, Ravenna,
wheoler ft Co, Akron.
Crawford ft Chamberlin, C ; 'and, O
Sear* & Griffith, Buffalo! TV \ i
Office, cor V.'eier and SmiUifield eta, PiUiborgh.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—CapL Gilson,
i : M LAKE ERIE, Cordon.
rpriE above re polar and well known Beaver Pack*
•1 cut, have commenced making iheir dally trips to
and from Beaver, and will couunuo to ton between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly dozing the acajou, u
' Michigan No. 3 leaves Pittsburgh dally at 9 o'clock,
A. and Beaver at ITo’clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily alB o’clock, A.M~aad PiUsborgh
at 3 o’clock, P. M.
These itteamers will ran in eoaseetion with
R G Porks’ Express Packet Line.forErie;
Taylor & Lefiungwell’a Warren Packets:
Union Line of Freight Boats fbr Cleveland;
Clarke & Co’s Pi ttsbargh and Cleveland Liae Frail ht
RG Parks dailvNew Castle Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS ft Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGiiEY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
tochOl <■ cor Water and Smithfleld sts .
1849. ’
f|II!E Proprietors of this old established and popular
JL doilv line, ecruiiting of SIXTEEN hmclass Canal
Boats, twnea by themselves and running in connec
tion with the steam beats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
tbs transportation of freight and passengers, ' on the
opening of Canal navigation, to all point* on the Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N.Torkeauala and tho Lakes.
E. M. PITCH A Co, Cleveland.
. Agents, Beaver.
Vj, c. BI DWELL, Agent,
mart Water street, Pittsburgh.
). C. KHWetl, n. W. C. EOWXU,
Pituburglu , Beaver.
Forwarding Berthanti,
AgmUfor th 6 Pittsburgh andCuvtland Lou,Pitt*
lvrg%&nd Em Line via Erity and far sUaai
boats Bearer and Caleb Cops,
Having purchased the large .and substantial Wharf
Boat lost built for the Monoogahela Packets, have
wit banc addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ae*
eofflttodsiions for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, promptness anddespatch
to u> their care, and rely on their friends
for a trial. mart-dly B. A BRO.
TEST RECEIVED, a new assortment of TIANOS,
U from ifcfi mnnfactoiies of Caicunixo, Boston,
and Bacox A Kim, New York.
ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS,
for tale at manufacturer!* prices, by
JOHN 11. MELLOR, fit Wood it,
Pole Agent for Chlekenng's Pianos,
<tc24 fl r\t Western Penntvlvania.
aceostd Uaad Pisans,
ONE second hand Pittui. o octaves, price *3O.
1 “ •“ u *1 “ “44.
1 ; “ “ “31“ “ 40.
i u ** ** a “ ««.
For sole for cash at the above pricra, by
delii JOHN II MELLOR. H Wood at
fflOTVlOl.lS* PLAVKRK—SfoniT's Gaolin'' Vtoux
-| Scitoct, altered and conneeted from tbo last Eng
lish edition, to' correspond with Spehr’s Original
School of Violin playing* by his pupil u. C. -HILL “If
Ay arnmeuis are required to recommend this work,
it may bo observed that Spohr himself adheres strictly
ta the sysiem loi>l down in tbe above work, and that
he has oy the same mode of instruction. produced a
greater utunbej of distinguished pupils than any other
toaster in Europe.*-
A tapply of the above Juitrec’d, (pries 87.1 and for
tale by dcl7 J H MELLOR. €1 Wood it
±-~g.-,»?^T^i•• X ."??V.
: A N EMINENT andcxpvfienesi Pkysietan Amu the
4 a. Eut, of SO yean stasiiing, ofiers to treat alleues
of a Delicate Nature with protaptness and sedreey.
ilistoecras -ia Buffalo and ofoer large cities bai
been proverbial. His eharges aie moderate, and bis
eureaneman'ent Old eases of Gleet, Stnctsre, Sere*
fnla, Finer Albus, RbeumsUsm, Ague, Syphilis, or any
chronic or inveterate eases solicited.
. A core warranted, or charge {tfended.
0 men, Bl Clair street, S doors from the Bridge.
Teeth 'Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
N. lb—Dr. A. solicits the worst asset of nay ditesse
ta^ Pittsburgh to call. aDl4:dly
“There sro more things in heaven and carth-
TLan nro dreamnt of in philosophy."
THE VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and.
tho constant application for it, to the proprietor,
has induced him tu nave It put up in bottles with la
bels and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well iu this
county, at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pure ona
dulteraied article, without any chemical change, tint
Joit as flows fretn Nature'sOrealLabratoryt! Thatu
contains propeniei ranching a number of diseases, ia
no longer a matter ef uncertainty. There are many
things mihe arcana of nature, which, if known, might
lie of vastuiefolncss in aliavtiulng suffering, and tv
storing the bloom of health and rigor to many a saA .
farer. Lotix before the proprietor thought of patting
it up in bottles, it had n reputation for the care of dis
ease. Tbe constant and daily Increasing calls for it,
tnd several remarkable eure* it has performed, is a
iartf~iudica!ion of it*' future popularity cud wide
spread application la the t-ore of disease.
. We do not wish to-ttike a long parade of certifi
cates, as wo are conscious that tbe-medicine can soon
work tta woy into llm favor of those who suffer tutd
wish to I{C btaleiL Whilst vre do not claim for it a
universal fpplieiUjn in every disease, we unhesita
tingly sayvthat in a'nnmbcr of Chronlo Diseases it Is
■urivaUdf. Among these may be enumerated—all
diseases of ihe tnneousiUssoes. such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS. CON3UMITION Units early stage,)
Asthma, and all dircasea of me air pmsoges, LIVtK
ihe Bind del and Kidneys, Pains in the Back or Side,
Nervous Direates, Neuralgia, Palsy, Khcumatie Pains,
Gout, Kryslnelju, Tetter, Ringworms, Burnt, Scalds,
Uruirej, U'n t’,, 4c. In eases of debility re
sultlnt from expnsure,or long and protracted cases of
dueare, tbit medicine will brut? relief Jt will act os
a crucial TONIC and ALTERATIVE la sneh eases,
Impiutii)} tone and energy tu tho whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opening ike sluggish functions, which
causediscsse and u br^ken eonstitotlon,
increased and renewed energy to all tne orgaus of
Liie’ 'flie 'proprietor knows of tevcrol cures of
PILES, that tejined every other treatment, get welt
under tho usepl the PEriUILEUM far a short time.
.The proof ean be-rive» to any person who desires it.
Noun genuine without tho signature of tbe.proprietof.
sold by the proprietor,
S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, near Seventh st.
Also by R R SELLERS, 57 Wood st;
corner Wttyd st and Virgin alley} who tre bis
pora-dly > , .i regularly appointed Agents
No. 37, corner Market and Fifth—or Matket,
T t ,_ , tween Third and Fourth s«.
HE subscriber keep* constantly on hand, whole
sale and retail, the following articles, vir
Wash T|jbs fc Btoff Churns,
Ji 11 , 11 * 1 r Barrel Chums,
BathTob? f Halflfoshels,
Wooden lfowls, Peekaand Half Peeks,
Wash Boards, Brass Bound Buckets,
Clothes Pics, Towel Rollers,
. Wooden Ladler, Breed Rollers,
Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ac.
noy H No<o lHamnndiLlloy, Pittsburgh
<!• Rusprstt A Boas* Peteut Hods Ash,
CASKS Glass and Sonp makers’ Soda Ash,
Imported direct from tne abovo celebrated
oauuMCturert, 89 per cent American lest, arriving and
for mlc bv nnvfl WA M MITCiIELTKEK
Lti^UOrtS— 17 tu pipes Brandy—Otoird, Dnpuy, Acs
, 9 pipes Hillond Gin, <
fictksNKßumt i
400 bbts Whiikey; for sale by
LN’OTu casks Jus Saiprau A
Jj Sons’ brand, a superior article, for sale by
r 7f\ UAoEs Alutprau’s Soda Ash, and to casks
I (JBleaebtng Powder, arrived per snip Oxenbridge,
and bow comuig on by canal, for sale by - - :
N. B-—They wQI receive, during tho winter, largo
•upplics Tin Now Orleans, ,&ov3o
Medicines ot the day.** .
Gas Bast’s Bn nenr, Ohio, May Pi, 1549.
• B.tLSeUers: 1 think it right (bribe benefit of others
to atate some faeu in relation to yt*r excellent Fhai*
ty Nedielnaa.
I have used your Vermifuge largely in my own fam
ily, one viai frequently answering for expelling! rge
Suantitias(i«y Ito 300) worms from two ehildttg |
avo also uira tour Liver Pills and Cough Syrup *n
my family, and they have in every iasmtee produced
the efleet desired. ,
Asi am engaged In merchandising, .1 am able to
state that I bave yet to hear ef tbe first failure where
your medicines have been used in my section of (he
country, i lit conclusion, I may state th at they are Us
medicines ol tho day, and an destined to have u very
extensive pspalanty Yours, retneetlul’y,
l*.. 11. Hmrrt.T
Frepaitd and told by R. ' > I l-.K8.N057 Wood
street, and told by Draggu « eeneraily la tba two cl
•' * mjrai
original. only trnej and geneine Liver PUL
Boost Caret, Ohio connty, Va. J'
Mueh3Sih,lB4». < :
Ur. R. E. Seller*: Deer Sir—l think it a dety I owe
to yon end to the public genera ]y, to (tete thet I have
been afflicted with the Liver Complaint for a long
u j s o badly thet an abcdti loraed end brake,
whieh left me in a very low date. Having heard ot.
Soar celebrated Liver Pill* being (or tele by A R
harp, in We*t Liberty, and recommended to me by
my paytleianiDr. E. Smith, 1 eoneleaed to rive them
afurtriaL Ipsrchaied onebox, and foond them to
'leiuit what they are recommended, THE BEST Ll-
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxea
I find the diaeaae farm entirely left me, and 1 am now
West Liberty, Mareh»B,lBV).
I eertlfy that I am personally acquainted with Vr
Coleiav.,andeanbeartestimony to the truth ot the
ai>rte certificate. A B SHARP
The senuine Liver Fills are prepared and sold hy
RES ■ LLERS, No 67 Wood street, and by druggists
in the woe Lies..
ftO THE PUBLIC.—The originaLonlr trao and yen*
win* Liver Pills are preparedly R E Sellers, and have
b'.s namo stamped in blaek wax upon the ltd of each
box, ami his signature on the outside wrapper—ell
other* are counterfeit*, or huso Imitations.
apio BE SELLERS,Proprietor,
the BevAdA SHlNN,awellknownandpo»
1 ularClergvmanoitheProtestantMetbedistChareh
To e uhderslmed has tea been afflicted dona* the past
ointer with s disease due ttomaeh,sometimes’pro
duclni creaipain in the atomachfor tenortweivehours
witboutmterau'»-en,and after bavin* tried various
remedies with. ; • -Meet, was famished with a bottle
ojDr DJayne’iC i mauve Balsanu 'ThUhetuedae
: eordina to the direet ens, sad found invariably thitthis,
medicine caused the pain to abre in four nun*
me*, and in fifteen or twenty minntesevery uneasy
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was af«
lerwardsoseU whenever indiesaonsolthe approach ol
oalnwere perceived, and the pam was thereby prevent
ed. He continued to use the medicine every evening
and sometimes ic‘.he mormn*, and in a few weeks
health was so farrestored, that the sufferer was tellev
edfrom alaryo amontitof opprresne pM. Frem ex,
oerlencc. therefore, le can confidently recommend D
liaP.Sun.iiT. win-«,
Or Suu. ofHa.lom.eii *nd nU "S™”
For *ale In Pittsburgh at '•!*PEKINiPAJ? *<->ft
78 Fourth street, near Wo. a. and also at tbeDru*
BtoreofH PSCHWARTB. »r»l street. Al.gftesT
* Vst.nsßLE DMCOVBiilfl r .
Coasumption, Coughs, Brone
•r Complaint, Bpitang Blood, Difficulty or Breath
is*, Ain In the Si* and Breast, Palpitation ot
Che Heart, Infiuenxa, Croup, Broken Coa
smution, Sore Throat, Nervoas Debili
ty, and all Disease* of the Throat,
oKiiiioiLon|>> Rtemostei
factual and speedy cure
ever known lor any of
ih* atojr^disesa-
Compound Byrtp off WHdChsml
ThUmetUcino is no longer among those of dottbtM
atiliw. It has passed away front the thousands daily
launched upon the tide ol experiment, and now stands
hisbur in reputation audit becoming more exteaiive-
Ivaaedthanahyother pitjumiion of medicine ever
nrndueod for the rebel oi.sufie&ag man.
p latrodueed. very renermlly through the
Dnltad Stales uw Kurcpe,and there are few .towns of
importance bat what eontam some remarkable evi
deneeof its good effects. For proof of the foregoing
■utaments, alia of the value and efficacy of this medi
nronrietor will insert a Cow of the many thou
testimonials which have been presented to hlmby
Sncftbefim tespeeuMUty-mcn who have higher
of moral respoaribUity and justice, than to oer-
S?to facts, beeauo It will do another a foTor, sad
ihouetvesm) Injustice. 1 8uch tetiimonr prevc. eon-
SmUoly, that it* rarpruing excellence U established
bvUs Intrinsic merit*, and tb« unquestionable authon
tv of public opinion. The instantaneous relief it nf
grtSl utd the soothing influence diffused through the
vholo frame by iu o»e, render»ita most agreeable
ittsudv for the afflicted, j •
“When men, acting from conscientious impulses,
voluntarily bear testimony fo the .truth of. a thing, or
SmeSar Ifeet, *ueh testimony, being contrary, to their
STniAoond. on o, rnuos.;, ComTOrno*-
TbmJmTtrw.. a remedy Uml ba. totu .ncceufol
cue. of Conrempum, uDt.Sw.pno’.
7l .uenpheo. lie
IJSS.mia btri Ho ulcet. on Holtmft,
eresm f new iS lick blood; power pouemei! by oo
° U ‘“ ,dklM ' Cmim Co, April Eli, ISII
Dt S» .To-Do.' to I oerily boUctj yoar Com
pouAS/repof Wild Chetiy ba, beta lb. mourn of
a!Si my I*. I rercto coll,wtich.rr«d»;
illrmw worM..trended with . revcio coogb, H.l
SlSdinHo tomttbo.wblcb 1 h«Arecoare. to, Bill
ESSriMmtU =? cm cmUblred all Ho ’fyum of
pSSSn Coareipuca. Ettry Hla, 1 ure<( remaed
m iStoaa offeeb mid my io rep ill-
mVi 'ncodi re well M myrelf, j»r. op ml bojre. ,f
-.,V Attbl. time Imi reoommeadoo totry
rmcrtcrlliable —Heine’ 1 did U Wiib bap-
I, i,, bottle had !ho eSect to 100 real Co
“toSwemrereUee'yi “dby tire
JVmArful Cut* <4 « Methodist
Dr Swame—Dear Sir. 1 feel adcbtofgriuiad* dls
ISXS* ofoleatlro mnctuftam Ure bmc&
.;.i’v r-t-c change el wembet, how.,or tbjtl. At
Srttlffi«o alarm aboalmy ireadiapD, bat wa. priify
Ka cren.iacod Hall waa rapidly gotag jam eoantmp
lrrew daily waakor, and at teagH waa Karcm
war mfloxecodutg weakacaa of my litaga. Dunnglhia
bmfreHdere rtuef-growibiaU Haumo worre. Jam
octtoaaaoo -re p^.l, a ,ded by a dear friend itf
Wlbnington In make trial ofyontSyrap of WlldCbef--
re ImoateoaremHat pierimtriy I hod beea prejo
mend uatnit patent medlemre, aad I am itlll agatotl
Sole “Sag ore of Ho bands ofemporirt, bat aadtt
■rendjagyaot elalmato He profererea andptaetieo of
Sd& and trerreg implicu faitb la Urejaytng of my
Mettda, I foiHwub parebaaod of Dt. Shaw, one of year
Esri?a few b.olea, utdeoauoeaeedtuaio. . My dta
w waa at Ht.llm" ofsoox MmimHa' trending,con,
ZZwuM,ttT it «*■ deeply seated. I found, however,
reUer ftom the use of the first four or five
SSfetTßutKffVfubUe«)esker,l frequently «|
to preach with my ,increases strenith, and
Sbr ruputreJ those vetuels that haJ already begun
tobshl; lnUil»w»T. my cure was greatly
reuxded. In e>*aseqoenee of acting thus ImnruaentV.
1 hadtouse twstve or fifteen bottles before 1 was
teSy restored I have no quesUon, a muehnoaU
of titles made me sound, bn
(he abote Indiscretion. The Syrup altered the fevu
uh habit, took -way the dUtressing cough, put ast» ,
w the fieeharyu of msitar ttoa the aad gav
them and the eaure system good health. 1 have defer
red offering thi* ceruficsto until now, for the purpot.
of fetax>erfee-v satisfied with tho peimanency ot the
cure, end cow itel i feel well 1 offer it with
pleasure. M Rxv. J. P. Joxwm
Dibliiretrenty, N.C.
jl lnpimnu ConnoF-S-rf o<jlr
■lliere is bntos oftnuine preparanon ofwtldChernr,
and-that ia -Dr. RwaTtre’s, tho first ever offered to the
patiic, which been sold largely throughout the
Uohed States and some pans of Europe; ufooU pre
pahtioni canes' by the same of Wild Cherry have
bees put oat eiuso this, under cover of some deceptive
circumstances, -o order ;© give currency fo their sales.
By a little observation, bo person need mistake the
genuine fromhh i false. Each botUe of the genuine is
en vs loped wit- a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likenesaofWiUum Penn thereon; also, Dr.Swayne’s
•ixmtore: and . a further security, the portrait of Dr.
Swiyne will Iv* added hereafter, so as to distinguish
hla-treparatln 'tom all others/ Now, if it was not lor
the great euriuve properties and known virtues of Dr.
Sw&yoe’s Coo-wand Syrep of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be ondeovoxing to give currency to their
“fiedtioas no*** sms” by stealing the name of Wild
Chewy. lUmtsnber, always bear in mind the name
of Dt. Swayne nil be not deceived.
rrmcipal ofhse, comer of Eighth and Race steeots,
Fte sale wht**tsale and retail by OGDEN A SNOW
DEN, e6r 2J a»1 Wood at*} B A PAHNE3TOCK A
Co.-cor Ist an- nVood, and Cth and \Vood*uj_WM
THORN, 63 Mwket st} 8 JONKS, IBU Liberty «f, JAS
A JONES, eot aland and Penn its; JOHN MITCH
ELL, AUejben. city, and by all respectable dealer* In
medicine. ocll3
”i)i, W7p. inland’s Premium Plastsr,
Dl. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil
adelphia, now offers to tho public hit Indian Veg
etatili Pranium Plaster, the qualities of which, after
long snd tried experience, has been antisfactorily es-
ÜbTuhed. To nil women who may be afflicted with
l’rola?*tt« Uieria or Fallen Womb, he reconunenda hit
nloler, guaranteeing a sure and speedy eure in the
shortipaee of from twototbee weeks, if applied with
care and rest—dlsoarduig all tho countless instruments
and etpeusive bandages to Jong in use. This ho feels
eonsefontious in staling, Inasmuch ns bs has not foiled
In ore -case out of three hundred and fifty-three pa-
Alm for Rheumatism and Weak Bra ait or Baek, at
tended with paim them it nothing to excel this Plaster'
in aflurding relief or effecting' a core. For sain by
L WUeer, comer of Diamond and Market st
RraXH A Reiter, H Liberty and 8L Clair its
Dr J Sargent M Federal it and Diamond, Ail*-
gheny eity
Jaesues A Co, “ Denman and Diamond Binning.
b*»w. ■ I*3
Resellers, unisgm, no*7 wood street,
• Sole Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend’s Gen
une earsapanlia, has jnst received iX3Q dozen of this
Great Spring ahd SuraEer Medicine.
Purihtuerv should recollect that R E Sellers Is sole
■cent for Pittsburgh, and DM Curry for Allegheny
etty ' j ' ■?*
EXTRACT of COFFEE—An article which U ra
pkUy coming into use as a wholesome, nourisning
and deficions beverage, being more pleasant and paf
atabla than cotofopa Coasp, and for cheaper, as • small
paper costing only ten cents, wiU go as far aa four
Mends of Coffee. Manufactured by
pouna«ei j OHN 8i MILLER. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold at wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
eornerof First and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets,
Pittsburgh. . % *pdt
Ij> 38 Camp Blanketoj 80 officer coats; U prs Pants;
18 natra nett lined Muting Boots; lx isthmus Bags; 0
water Tanka, * *ad I‘J flallnu each; fio eanteons, 1
gallon farh; 1 doz Buckskia Money Bells; 1 do oiled
eambriadodo. The above goods for sale at the Cali
fornia OutfiUog EctabUahment, No 3 Wood at
ASSORTED APICES—Pot up for family esc, ia tiff
iui, enclosed ta a alidisg Ud box. eoniaining -
Mustard, Alvpiee,
i. cinaxmoa. Ginger, ,
| Cloro, , Fepper,
Warranted pun. For sale at the new Spiro] and
Musiaed Factory, comer of Ferry k Lfberty ata. .
myi3j = JOHN
* C% vlLS—Wroaght ma abtuo, tram the tgeeper-
A aneeriUo work*, warranted; will b« coansntiy
'J'HB WAR WITH MEXICO, by 8.8. Ripley; *
, Element* ofßlwttnc ecoiprisijij ta Analysis or
uta Law* of Moral Eraedeaafiatoi'PenaiswicbY
Kiebard Wbately, O.D> '■ -\..
«a Chrif*'*" Baptism,- by Baptist \V. Noel, U'
. Tbe Ogilfies, a NoreL ; |
Fairy Tmios, Crom all Nations; by Anibany A. Moo ,
talba; with St iUostnuieaa by itoyfe.
ilets corner Tairt and Market meats
Hew ud EUftdt a lit BMkil
O Headley, wiUi eieren ori*lntl by Dailey.
Poem* sad Prose Wriuijp» by Biehud H. Dens; 2
Tol«-mnilin I t
lUsmineied Gens of Beered Poety, wiih six Ulastrm
tioia engmted on alwi. by John Banufl. ~
Jail received by [JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON* .
dc23 | earner Third and Market att.
Saw Boom.!
PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View
of ttie mutual duties, relations and Interests of the
Medical Pwesslen and the Community; by Worth*
rogton Uooaer,M.D.! L ' 1 .
. Tno Works of Michael Da Montaigne; comprising
hU Essays, Letters, Ac. By Wta. Haxlett.
Nineveh and its & mains. By Anstm Henry Lay*
Sid, Esq- D. C.L. 1 i f
Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished Tour
in 1647. By S.T. Walils.! I ,
Tapper's Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; ilia**
traied. Jut received, by ; ! __ •'
nova eornerMarketaadThlrdstreets
16*«-30t 1
JLI minatad Book*—Books in richly csrrad binding,
iilanunated and illustrated—Books j superbly boand in
Velvet- Bilk, Morocco, and Com; ositlos, in itoilaiioa
of the Middle Aaes-Bfble* and Prayer Books, bean*
tifally boand in velvet and Morocco, magnificently or*
namented and illuminated. For sale t>y
deg? • -Bookseller A Importer. -Wood «n ,•
ChtHtmuandisni Tsar Approaching'!
ELEGANT AND substantial books,—
As Magnificent Aatxqu* 'Biniing x fartk» Holiday*.
i TAMES sod Importer,
U <0 Wood meet, his received a bea&lifcl collection
of Illutraied Books, booed is the most splendid man*
ner by the best London and American Mnnsn amnnj
them may be found! .i , •
Pearls of Anteri i .4 Poetry; magnificently illamina*
Bated. ;
the \Ve,i t ra World; illuminated in gold and
Wordsworth's Greece: richly Uhutraied.
The i'<eaeber; tllummaied by Owen Jones, and
bound a carved wood, j.
The Sonf of Bong«_illuminated by Jones.
Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts; illuminated by
Heroines 0 f Shakspeare; illustrated.
Mrs. Jameson’s Characteristics ot Women; illustra
ted. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
dc!3 63 Wood street
Haw Book*.
s*OEDDU&N> HU First HennaaMollville
XL author of ‘•Typee,” “Omoo,” Ac.
History of King Allied ot EngUnd;Vy Jaeob Abbott
with fine engravings;
Sidonia iho Borccrrssrbr Wm. Mainhold.
n0,*31 ~ comer Third and Marketstrects
u On»of tkcMut RnuxriaiiU Work > fftiuAgt.”
"IknNEYEH AND ITB REMAINS; with an account
Al of a visit to tbe Chandcan Christians of Knrdi>
tan, and tbs Yetidie, cr Devil-Worshippers; and an
Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As
syrians. By Austen Henry Layard, Esq n ' D. C. L.
With Introductory Note by Prof. & Robinson,
LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, and 90
woodems. 9 vela Svo. eloth, f lfiO. '
“The book has a rare amoanx of graphic, vivid, pie*
toresqne narrative "-—Tribune.
“The work of Layard Is the most prominent contri
bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for
many years."—Christ Inq. -
“Not one excels in interest the account of Nineveh
and its Rains, given by Mr. Layard."—'Washington
u As we follow the diggers with breathless interest
in their excavations; ana saddeniy find ounelvea be
fore a massive firm* carved with minute accuracy,
now lifting Us gigantic: head from the doit of 3000
years, we are ready l* cry out with the astonished
Arabs.’Wallah, it is wonderful/but U U true!’ "—ln*
For sale by , JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,.
novld i_ 63 Wood »t
THE WOMEN of the Old and New Testament.
Edited by K. B. Sprarie, D. D. 1 vol. Imp.
elegantly bound; IS exquisitely finished engravings;
with descriptions by celebrated American Gerry mem.
POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, efKy-,) a new
and enlerged edition; illustrated by engravings from
original designs by Wier. 1 voL square &vo., elegant
ly boand and gilt. ' Also—A variety*©! splendid Anna*'
els and Gift Booka. i - —* • •
Sewell's Child's First Dook' of the H&tbry of Rome
1 voL i-i. >
The MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT, adapted ferthe
bm of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Baw-
Tcra, Larabcmen, Students, ud Artiuns generally:
being a thorongh and practical Trainee on Weasnxm
lion and the Sliding Bme. B/Dt'M. Kaper, A. U.
Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition,
i Ollendorff's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Greene, of Brawn University. 1 voL 16mo.
Woediger’s Gesenias 1 , Hebrew Grammar, by Cbnam.
Gesenini’ Hebrew Lexicon.' -
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tablet. 1
vnl. (sheep.) i
lbs Englishman's Greek C
lin.) • 1
Antbon'a Clutieal Series. ,
Webster's Uetiedary, revised ed. 1 voL Bvo.
do do t anabridgad. I vol. 4to.
Berne's Notes and Questions on New Testament.
Whately’a Logic/ • -
Moeheim’s Ecciesiastical History. 3 void. and 9
voJa.(ibeep.) i
Vestiges of Creation. 1 voLI&ao.
Mornings among thaJeiaiu at Borne. 1 roL (cloth
•and paper.)
Beenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol.
(eloth and paper.) '•
Bogte’a Theological Leetue*. 1 roL Svo. (eloth.)
Alder'i Proaonaclag Bible. «
Boyer's French Ikeuooary.
Snarl’a Horace. iFer sale by ' B 120PGNB,
nov)3 ; Apollo Buildinrs, Foorth st
NWboons JuaT HKCmV6U.-lW w./*. J
Montaigne, edited by U. Haallu, comprising his
Essays, Letters, and Journey tbrough Germany and
S, with note* from all the Commentators, Biogtaph
and Bibliographical Notices, Ac.
Theory and Practice oTTeaching; or/ tbs HotiTea
and Methods of- Good Behool*Ke«ping, by David
Plage, A. hi, Psiadpal of the Btats Nootaf School,
Albany, &.J. i
Frank Forester'a Fish and Fishing of the U. StaM*
and British Prorineescf North America, by llenry
covd I l oonier Third and Market sts
Thi oVfUm'Ttaac* f.
JAME 9 D. LOCKWOOD,BookaeUerand Importer,
no. 63 Wood street bu lor aaleateweopieseoaf*
pieie, (the remainder or ths edition,) of this valuable
work, derated to the Preservation or Documents, end
other aathende information relanng to ths early ex*
plorations, settlement dad iaproreaeat of the country
around the head of [the Ohio. By Neville B. Craig,
tfrqn of Pittafta tgh i'iai> roll. 6vo.
ThOUAN LIBERTY: A His&ry,with aview of ths
XV liberty of other Ancient Nations. ‘Br Samuel
Elliott, Esq. Blast rated with twelve engravings, h**-
cated at Bnme 3 voli, uiibm with Prescott*
J ast published arid for sale by *
J AMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller aad
noTiP i ; Importer. <Q Wood 1
UANNVntESSLB IN ITALYfautkoriied edition,
“Tho reading of this book has impreaed as with a
math higher opinion of Its tathor than we had formed
from perasmd her other writings. ItdiipUysadeeper
lone of theugu, united to more pnrowcfiauiy grace of
feeling than any ether production of the mind
with whieh wn areacquainted."—Ere. Mirror.
‘’lt is a very agreeable and readable book, written In
Fanny Kemble's beet spirited, and enter*
taiolng. We recommend It to oar readers as the best
publication of ths season. 11 —Beading Gas.
“it contain* lbs Journal of a Brave! through Europe,
and residence in Italy; and U Ane of the pleasantest
and most interesting books of tge season. ll Coot, and
Enquirer. ■ i i
**A very characteristic hook. We hare read it from
title phge to Colophon with anshated Interest. A vi*
vid picture of life in Borne. In all respeete eminently
readable."—Knickerbocker. ' ~
For sale by ‘ • JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
novlfi Bookseller A Importer, CJ Wood st
LUhbgrsphle XitebUshßuai
OF WH. SCHIicHBtXNN. Tbirt u, oppoaiu 0*
Post-Office, Pftuhurgtb—Mips, Landscapes, BUI*
heads, Showbills, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Drawing*, Bulnaia and rutting Cards, Ac., engraved
or drawn on atone, 1 and printed in colors, Gold, Bronze
or Black, in the most approved style, and at the moat
reasonable pnees. I i ‘ octlfcly
VEG BUTTER—33 keg*for eele by
FLOUB— SDbblrFamUy Flour, for sale by
MUTTON UAhiS-4 bbts for sale by
CHEAP MOU&iDE LAINS-3 casee good style,
feu colored-M. de Laws, at the extremely low
price of lie. per yard; A A MASON A CU,
doll j_j No 60 Market «t
iL'BfcStt I‘ltDlT—odoz. cans ireah Peaches;
X? • 6 “ bottles do.
i , ;6 “ “ Pine Apples;
. “j 3 “ “ Cherries;..
I .. | 3 - “ etrawberries;
I 3 * • u Tomatoes:
~ , 3 - halfgal.bottiesPicklej;
; 3 “ quart do.<f
3 “ tancy . do.
Rec*d and for sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth
street \ ■ dcclS
RYE FLOUa-iabblJ reo*d and (or by
dctl WMM JOHNSTON, 118 Second it
RiCUVKD THIS DAV. .1 Hi. luil.gabb. Of
pet—l easd Women* Metallic Rubber Sandals;
■* 4 “ i “ “ M Slippers;
A*% ‘! u “ > V : Baskins;-
1 ?. M Slippers;
1 “ Men's M “ Overshoes:
1 “ *| . .**, “ • ! Sandals:
I“, 7 letlher.soled * Overshoes;
All of which will be sold, wholesale br retail, lower
than at any bouse in the city. J All PHILLIPS,,
luivtl ; No s Wood street '
L>E.\i.&U PhIAUHAS—O Üblsjtt.t reevi, ior sal* by
\ATI NDOW GLASS^dWtasTus'daiies, rtCd and
VV for sale by ; del9 SAW IIAitBAUOH.
B“inTEH-iabbi, m p.a.o, a prim;
order for shipping, for sqlo by
dc3o • _L 8 WATERMAN !
OOi>A A3H—Z3 cuts td tmve p*r UuMto'ld. far
0 laJeby de« TAMEYaK
BLAUk WAJJUlWU—io'bileiUrro detail kc'kTT
Juit rac’d bJT SlUCKLfcfTkWlllTt '
._ i; *_ .. ■Now.rtWn
VlZisi-iKs— «c«:k» super fieaea uiaek aiiT~vT
tnmMUiff, irc’d pet express, at -,
<*<=«> ■ i . A AMAHuN h CO’S
SUNWUfc*-a bUeaOotton; v 49'bbirRif££d.
1 tierce «. *
18 tacks Wool;.-
0 do* Lamb Skin*, with wool: »
3 do* Sheep Skins,
• . 3doi “ *• dreised; . .
To arrive on iicuser Fort Pitt, and for tala bv
del4 WAUHDUJKEY* CO. Front*
G^t^ 0 ”" 4 b ?s* t>T
I[tiSAi-utUW— Iflaaek* prime, fortajoTr
Ul i? liorsa Covesa, a
>•» '“ ,j -*
_ £?•'? l J t ii Phillips
yj . ■ j Kipp* co
ALCOUub~ui bbl* jut reeHl and/or sale bT;
dctt : 1 KIDD k CO
TW. u ?T* tlWi retl, > J®*t rac'd and lor sale or,,
J2l dcS9_ _ i . rt»Ta»T AsSILL.
CAjftWkIGHT— 1 Carpet Bag tn pij>T*i
. JLi.nUwi» dium (or Lika Cartwright, whkh ho
wfflpleMocailtoT. GO|ULTSI<Bk£bSB|-
4rtT Koirnwa
B. BOIiHSS * *o*B, 4
BOBktrfi KiobonKA Orokori.
t * AAU UMLMJ 1.1
. COIXECWONSj*—Dr*R*x No«a and Acceptances
payable In any part of the union, collected on tee most
favorable lens*. .
' BXCiIANGEon New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore: also, Cincinnati,. Louis as.d
New Orleans, eoasuwiy forsale. -
BANKNOTES.—-Notes on'all solvent bknkoin the
United Bute* discounted at tholowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Sifter Coin bought
and sold.
Oflce Ko. fiS Market street, between 3d and 4th,
Pittsburgh, Pa. ©eC3
»oe*io»sioimo,*., ■
DILLS on England, and ScoUanubought
Jj any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
Also, Draits parable in any part of the Old Countries,
from £1 to XfOOO,'at tho rate ol BCtotto £ Swriuijj,
without deduction or discount, by JJOSUUA ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, offioo Sth it j rao
door west of wood. ■ ■ - . . . ;ocasq
.U.W ) r [pwaxo XAgX
atwaorwß A "
Jj in' Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange. Cer*
ofioates of Beposite, Bask Notes and Com, etm»rof
3d and Wood sheets, directly opposite 8i taisxles 1I©»
teV • TaipkSdlyi.
BSVJOtta VCXDfr- ‘
0hi0,.. . ; ■ ■ ••• -i-
KuaeicTt ''
" 'J^kNoui;
peplS ■ 35 Market «trt«t.
J 5 'NewTorkr-- i'w,
' ; , FhiUdfilpUa.aad .
I Baltimore. '
Conitantlj tor nU by N. HOLMES * SONS. ■'
ioeplS . 35 Market*!^
whit mcuonsoji o. w. o. vsts*. •
fpliE undersigned, successors to Arthurs k. Niebol-
X son, beg leave to infarmthe citixens of Pittsburgh
■ad public generally, that they fasve rebtult-ihe. J£A
OLE FOUNDRY and are sow 4a lull operation, and
bare pan of theirpatterns ready for'the market-"
Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
StoVes, with a splendld-air-cight Coal Stove, which U
uow superceding in other cities the common round
Buve. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap
ted tor small families,'with a fall assortment of com
mon and mantel Crates - We would particularly in
vito the attention of-persons building to call'at our
warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid
article of enammeiied Grates, finished in fine stylo—
entirely new la this euikeL
' Warehouse, No. ISt Liberty it, opposite Wood st
aagtßaltt NICHOLSON A PAYNE. -
Offles of alio Delaware Mntnal Safety In*
•nranoa Company*
'•PnnistLrsu, NovVsih.lS49.
THE Board of Directors have, this doy, deelered a
dividend of TEN PER CENT, in senp, out of the
J refits of tne Company for the year ending October fit,
M 9, certificates for whleh will be Issued on and after
the first day of December next. : ■»
Also, a dividend of SIX PER CENT.incaih,on the
capital stock and senp previously issued, payable as
PQVIO • y. A. MADEIRA, Agt-, PitU ! f,:
/y YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the Gilt Comb, IW Market st, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Western Merehants, Pedlars, and others visiting .
Pittsburgh ts purchase Goods, are respectfally invited
to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng;.
»«h, American, Freneh ami German Fansy Good*. :
All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import
ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get
ting goods from first hand*. I have the largest assort
ment of articles, ,la the variety line, in the city of
Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash or
eUy acceptances. The Stock consists, In part, of'
Lace Good», Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk,
Spool Cotton. Topes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nee
dles and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all bods of
Brashes, Combi and Kaxort.
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk A
Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Mneie Boxes,
Carpet Bags and Baskets.
' Bindings, Findings and‘ZYimainga
- Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large Varie
ty of Fancy and Staple DRV GOODS.
C. YEAGER is also agent for the celebrated Lin
castor Combs. ■_ nov!7 - -
Bead! Readt
E*q„ Clcr stV» Court of Quarter Session! or
Beaver Ccur
Mr. R. E Sells e -41 Some time in the winter my
wife was alfl'etsd ma. a severe and dimming cough,
and heating sf ysur invaluable Cough Syrup, I pur
chased u boitie tram 8. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or three evenings
on going to bea, she found Immediate relief, ms also
several friends have been relieved in.severe cases. 1
am therefore satisfied that it it a safe and valuable
medicine, and won'd recommend it to those who may
bo with severe Coughs and Colds.
March 23,1843,.. W. K. BODEN.
Prepared and sold by B. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st,
and sold by druggists generally, In Pittsburgh and Al
legbny. oqW.—.
The Oharttsrs Coal Company*
BOOKS Will be open for snbseripuon to the stock of
“Tbo Chartiera Coal Company,” on and after
Monday, the kith day of September insLf at the office
©f Z. Vv. Remington, Penn tl, Pittsburgh. -
tpgfcdtf : Z. W. ROUNGTON.
Great Bagtlsk Remedy.
a. 1 YoL.(auu-
FOR Coughs. Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY fortheenreoftha
above diseases, U the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, ol
London, England, and introduced into the United Stales
undertheiamediatesuperintendencooftbeiavenior. -
The extraordinary success of this medicine, ia thl
eure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in soliciting for treaunentlhc worst possible cs-.
ees that ean be found ia the community—eases that seek
relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the -
4ay, and have been given up by the most distinguished
physicians as confirmed and Incurable. The Ifungurl
an Balsam hma eared, and will care, the most desperate
of eases. It is no quack no itrum, but a standard Eng
lish medicine, of known and established efficacy.
Every Gsmy in the United States should tie supplied -
with Bn chan’s Hungarian Balsam of life, not only to
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate,
bn: to be used as a preventive .medicine in all cases 61
OTLtf, eougbs, spilling of bloody pals In'the side and
ebest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, brechilis,
difficulty of breating,heetio fever, night sweats, emaci
ation and general debility, asthma, InftucTua, whooping
cough atuTeroup.
Bold in large bottles, at tl per bottle, with* fell direc
tions for the restoration'of health. - -
Pamphlets, containing a rm si of Engliih ,and Ameri
can certificates, and other evidence,' shelving the un
equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may ba
obtamed of the Agents, gratnlumslT.’ -
For sale by B A FAHNESTOCK fc Co, eoraere
ItaudWoodendWoodandßlhsts. , JufiUAwS,
*PBB greatest and best variety evar offered la this city
X before—made oa Urn mostapproved Easteraplens—
aadmosifashioßableEatterapattemsandeolors. Alu
or raids to Older of ill sixes. ind it ill priest*
• Coantry Merchants andetherearetnviiedureellanl
examine tbe above for themselvea.u allwill be Mid
wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedaciion mads-if
wholesale purchasers. '
enldly. A WESTERVELt
nUg East aide of tbe.Diamoad, ■where Vc Mrina
■ Blinds ofstll the different sizes and colors
kept oa band or made to opjerafta
the latest and mostipprored faißT
•-W- ions, m the aboneat notice and onthaaot "
t«pmi. > . *
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transa*.
reaej and Paper Certain* of all tbe different aoeaanii
patterns, on hand and for sale low for cash. OidVem
N. B —All mik done with tbo best material kit*
workmanship, and varranmd to please the most (a*.
Allegheny city, Aug. 10, 188. , ao * l 0"? 1 y
„ PiTOßuaan, March 2? ior?
ehtKd, In Jaaiury loot, a boulo of smo. »H?h
cored aeoagnof I*o nooUa- tuiun,.
•comb .lnee, the coach retained, ud mi 10
jbel ebe coaid hardy Bore. h,lh.
breast I cent lor ana boule of yaar Coaehslrnn 25S
apari of oao bolUe cored tbd rasb^Km’th!,«£lr
“; ’3“ ’e* '"'w MuSStSHfw.
Wof d*i “eaten enough'conch eamivtn
ffitfAKSss3sr^“ fcJ W
•JS'M’oV «. RfiSSsfiSyE*
errMl, oed cold by Uranian ycocrolly iu rh. ££!
SlToliorder.pronpUy, Mddoibo»ork l„ :
2i. 02!25i?ii W *l. “•“>«««:» and Boddiaj, Car
tain Materials, Damasks and Moreens, Cornier*, Frm-
S P UI Wd Roller Domkand
e»enr tnlcle usnally kept i n *uj establishment of the
*““‘ d O rdei * WpeetAtUy solicited and promptly- ai
N. IL—Carpets mode and.pai down.
■fully inform tbe public, that he
(keeps on band ot Ms stand oa the
west tide of .the Diamond, Alle*
gheny city, a complete assort,
meat of Vcnitian Blinds; also Ve
nitian Shatters are mode to or-
Uerin the best style, warranted
equal to.any iatln United States.
Uu Riiadscaa be removed with
eat the kid of a screw driver.-
Having, purehosed tfa e stock,,
tools, and wood cuhecabinetes
land, 1 am prepared to furnish
their' old customers.- as well u
th. nabiie at large, with every thingin iheirUne. I
L’MTreeH). an elegant plain Rosewood OoevKano l
from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns A
Clark, N. V.,ofaapBriortnfie,and very moderate . rie
For tale by KLLU£H,
dclß at J. W. Woydwreih. ;
VV for removing, Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, and all
sabstaner* destructive tn the Teeth. It is delicious to
the taste, clesaiing the month, healiug and otxeomhen.
i&g the gams, and pnruyi&g the breotfi. . . °-
For sale, wholesale and retail* by
deffl R B BELLER3, S 7 tV<wl ..
W JBSirco’d, aninvoice of faU JeweUed patou | e .
«“ I CM Sell a*
**“» iWtty Rto dollars, and warranted to
keep good time. ■ .
aisortmeot of JEWELRY, com*
frJB pOTwrlCarkot aadFoanhstxeox J
greet, «a dcoTteSS ~
- 7**« • LLi r gixth safes. Teeth tasertsd feta one
lo an mUreset,_cn the ruction principle, with a beats
tifal representation of the natural gum—restoring the
original shape of the ftee.
N. b.—Teeth extracted with Unlfi or ne pain. '
j^TasrwSßasßsasflj : -
ring it, though U should be done In five; urinates. TZ 1
, -—-I ~
X LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which has 1
cended tho use of the ' •••
-nail the various forms which Irritation ofthe tangs a*.' ’
tames, has Induced the proprietor again to i
tiontothis * i • '•
The ehaagehle' weather wfaieh narks on fhS ni:
erißter nomhi, is always a fhtitfitl scarce ©TV. ,
These, if neglected, are hsi the pncanen effect Ml
The question, then,' how shall wo nip the dntrepcrtn
the budf howshali «t get aoagha and
oldsT la of vital importance to tao public.
will bo found in tho Ginseng Fan seen. InproofofthU
we hare from ttma to tone published the of' i
dozens of ou best known e idna*, who haveaxyd*
'aaced Its euradve power*. These, with a mass o? taa
timenr from all puts of thaeonnarr-from
of the Gospel, together with eopfoaanol
ieea from tho ■-- • - ~..-• ■ i
we havo embodied in pamphlet form, and any baku 1 -
pßl,of 7
late been need la this dir. ' ■'
throughout the United But» and Canada, and wa aka ’
lease any man to point cat a • :
a which, when taken according to directions, and a*.'
fore the longs had become foully dlsorgamsi lt tu
ever foiled to. •• -
Why, then, need the_aflHcfod hast taut Whyrtautt*'
the rnWrable nostrums, gotten up by ant»own tadlrH< ■,
salts ier the assumedname or some ee ebraiad tty.
ilclsn, and puffed into notoriety by certlteita* >jpaiw' ;
lonseqsallynnkaownT Whilst a medicine of
Is übe had, whose vouchers an at liomsj eu gsflhl ;
horsy—msigr of whomithss
In order that this invaluable medicine may bOplaced ;
within the naeh of the poor as well the rioa, vehaTa
pat the price at
lost one half the usual cost of cough medicines, tt u
tor sale by our agents in nesxly every town and vffiaga'
oser the west, who are prepared to inform**.,
don relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor.
’ ' Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
HEBCURY.or ether Win
th**n £*«!■ iheoL*^**;' ; •
easoexicnusl or Internal,.
; : I bars used it for the last,
sixteen yean for all «tt—of the chest, involving:,
foe utmost: danger and rasponaihillty, and I declaw
before heaven and man, taatnotln one case has it
ftiua to when the patient was within tha reach.
oinoruu nT * wnil - . _
-1 have had phytlclans leaned In the profosston. I
have-afolstets of the gospel, Judges of the bench, al
dermen; lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudmoo,
and siultimdes or the poorase It in every variety ox
way, and there has been bat one voice—one anjvsrval
IS GOOD!*' - • „ '
RHEUMATISM—It remove* almost Immediately
the inflammation and swelling, when tho pain reuses.
(R '• the direction* trosnduta box.) ■ .
• / D-ACHB-The salve has eared persons of foe
headache of twelve yean standing, and who had#
regular every week se that vomiting u»k place,.EAß*
ara helped with like success. •
SCALD HEAD—We have cared eaaesthat aetaalrt
daft ad every thing known, as well as tho ability of at
taenio twenty doctors. Onementelduahohadapent
f.:rs on his cbUdrsn withou any benefit, when a few
mmi of Ointment cured them. ;
- TETTER—There is nothing better for th* , care of
It la etta or the best things la the world for
PlLES—Thousands are yearly aired by foliOiM 1 .
menn It hstxs falls in giving relief for the Piles. -
’ ID-'Around ihe box are directions for uslnjt'JPif*
HttZt OinmaO/er CregfauM,
for, Tttur, Odmin, Seoii Head,
Son Threat, Brondtiuu, Nor out Affiaiens, Psbw, DQ
ttutcflU Spin*:Hoad «dU, Ear aeb,
Rums, Corns, ail Distant tf tbs Shut, Sen tips, Tim
via, Ae., Swelling e/JU Lambs, Sons, tUmmaMm,
Tilts, old Ftts, Croup, BtetUtd or Broksn BnaO, liism
«As, jrusift AuTaes, fife; • > . • . . v
- COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain In the Chest
and Side, fulling offef the hair, or the other aeeaßpa*
niej cold feet TThis Ointment u the true remedy^-Jt
U a sure signer disease to have cold foot. -
CORNS—Occasional qse of tha Ointment'will at
ways keep corns frearrowing. People need aover
be troubled with them u they use It frequently.'
(W* This Ointment is good for any parted tha body
orumbs when inflamed. In some cases ;L should b*
Ointment wOl be gennhte ""'Ttl*
name of JAMES MoALUSTERL written with a pen
on every label. *
For sale by my Agents In aU foe principal cities and
towns la the unued States.-- . . ..-
• . Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.
Principal Olfiee, Nc 29 North Third PhU*
Aoerb a PirrsaoMH—Braun A Reiter, eornor of
Liberty andSt Clair sta; and L Wilcox, Jr, corner of
Market si and the Diamond, abo corner of dthaad
Smithfield su; J H Cassel, comer otWalnulaad Pena
sts, slh ward; and sold' at the bookstore la Smlfoftald
st, 3d door from Second st: in Allegheny, city by HP
Sebwanx and J Sargent; by J G Smith, Qraggist, Bir
mingham; D Negley, East Liberty;- B Rowland,-Me»
.Keesport; J Alexander A Son,. Monoagabela Ciqr: N
B Bowman A Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John
Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents. • 1.7
febJ7-doodly : . . .
. ,Fa«ta for tile Pnblle#
In relation to that unrivalled family flalvs,
rpjESTIMONY ot a reipectabls FtiT*iriaa.-B>
X tha following, addrcwd to my Agtnx, Ur. W»- *££__
ryweaihar, Cincinnati: ..
•, CtBCBCtAST,?«b.If. ibiA
. B>r A iense ofdntjr compel* me
to DaOey’* Fain Extractor. Iking oppw dl ' auek .
ery and alt nostrums having .for tnair
motives—tmi realising moon good froy. ■ Ti. 7. - vviZ**t
Fain Killer* n —l amiailaeed u icadr . -j!l7kis#3H*l
JnfmaaUrf joeumaini.
Tko foltowui, too m.mxct fill
tmiiarw many of tfaow
* cU knownpro-
EBr^toetoffi,-I^ , .‘;?' aMel « u h " k^4 “““ v
!!.—•• Pas*«bwm,V», April 13,1811.
Dailey, ChemUt.
loo* afflicted witA Tiolcoi Inflammatory
rf7iv & ■* in * w*uck appeared as firmly seated as to
ordinary appliances to allay the terete pain
citSr ng It, I wo* induced to try year Magical Fain
and it haring efleeted, aimotl as if by me*
j l , 1 ar. immediate relief, and also, to. all appearances
“ -* entireaua perfect care, 1 aaSndneed for the bene
fit or other* who may be afflicted with pain, eaa*ed by
any rind of inflammation, to write tpyau, deciirfsg
that in my opinion, founded on actual experience
yoor Magical Pain Extractor U the meat valaabia di»-
eorery or the present age tor the immediate extraction
of bodily pain, it in an almott tmmixtiatx uadsper
feet cote for Barm and boaldst’and all external in*
Datamation. , _
Having many fteqnaiatanees formed bytheferfsits
Umy hnsband’s hotel in this place,-1 have supposed
by yon; showing them these few line*, it mypossibiy
be of benefit both to them and yoarseld '
(1 entertain the hope that Mrs. Glime wall pirrioa the
publicity 1 give to her letter, as well on the 'score of
humanity as ofiu being the sarestmode of bringing it
to the , .
. Felon. Cured.,'
Extract ofa letter, dated
Dxlwot, Ky. IBCS
Ur. IL Dailey: “I have tried yoar Fain Extractor iu
a ease of felon, la my own fsaily.whieh it relieved
and cured in a very short time,” • lahmsto, youn re
spectfully, Jaa a. Yovtts.
ID" Burns and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipples,. .Broken
Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cuts, wounds and all in
flammation, yields readily to the wonderful properties
of this unrivalled family salve. Bui, in the same pro- •
portion that yon will receive benefit from the genuine,,
yon will be injured by the deleterious:effect# of the
counterfeit salve*.. - ,
CAUTlON—Besuroand apply only to the inventor,
H. Dallst, dls Broadway, New York-or to hisaa
thoriied agents. JOffli D MORGAN,
General Depot, Pittsbunrh.
Henry P-Sehwaru, Allegheny; Axem; J. Baker,
Wheeling, V*.; Jsmes W Johnston, Maysville, KvJ
P. Merryweather, Cincinnati, 0., General Depot.
N. B.—ln tho severest Bunts and Bealds it extracts
the ptiu in a few minutes—lt never fails*'. faM
t»: A. PasaßTOC*,! A,B.klOU>N. V.COT
D. L. Fasxhtoc*, J-Pinsburgh. • . , 1
G. W. Fuamoc, ) .
Wholesale Drag Store la ths City ef
,B»w vmk, -■*
IWB undersized are executively esjtand In the
. AVbolesaiaDmy^i«|iat
the eity of New York.aQ are prepared
Dragr stsi and csraatty Merchant# with Drum. vSSL
this, Foreign usd Ameriean *
,«P«to r?*alby es tow as
shssed in this or any eastern eitv. , Ka p^
N.wVorfc.F.bia R ArZmiWUffltftP ■
* r ® most prominent, bat the •
ly, tlihongh u U actually printed on betb sides of •
F 1 CM es be observed. Ale*
bet upon each doxen is also printed In red ucabetk,-*
tides, end .should be examined in the same aensa-. -
Pteptrauoa has now stood ths test of
yean trial, and is confidently recommended as a •«*
tad ettoetual tatdieine for expelling worms fir* U*
system, ‘the unexampled sueccMuat his>tleaded
its administration In every ease where thopsnwtsvus
nallv athicied with worms, eeminly rouemitwer
thy the attention of physicians.
fbe proprietor has mode it apoinltoaseertZ
result of us use in sueh cases ■* earns within his
knowledge and observation—*ad be Invariably found
It to produce the most salutary cdsetv. 'Cot uflhtqtent
ly alter nearly all the ordinary preparations recom
mended lor worms had been previously resorted to
without any pennaaent advantage. This toot i* at
tested by the certificates and statements of hundred#
of respectable persons In different pan *f : *b* coun
try, and should induco families always to keep a vial
of iha preparation Inthelr possession. Ills mild in its
operation, and may be administered withperiset safe
ty to tho most delieate mfant
Tho only geaulue is prepared by • _ .
«PCT 7 P A FAHNE9TOCE t .Pgah«rgk