MJA6NETIC TELEGRAPH. ■■viiatEDtmxaiupßio 10?.TBE PITTBSimoH DAILY GAZETTE .... COSGBKISIOSAA. 'I- • L WasniiwTO^Jan.29. Seat!©—Mr. Clay oabmlued *. propdtftfoa'to •rtUc the vhole of s’avery. \ Ho to now •peaking. . . WV; / Mr. OUjr proposeatd admit Ciliiornlt, lo reduce the boundary of Texts, and lo establish terri tonal Gpternaieut*;for all the. temloriea.' He koped the Relation be had. oScredwoold be adopted.’ He bad reflected vjtb |reai care upon tbo object, aad knew that the resolution* bad been poaceived la a spirit of harmony andcoa* oenknL - Fint, he thoogbt that Ctlitbrnla,with •übabtobpuddailes, ooghtio be admitted iato the Veka a* a Bate, California bad more reason tor the.floiuae the ; bad panned, than Michigan, tor vhat she had done. There had been irregulari* : tie% bat they should be overlooked.. Second, that slavery does not exist in CalUbnut, nor is U likely : to be latrodaoed there.7-lt is Inexpedient for Con grats to popose slarery restrictions.«: Mr. Gay la iiill speaking. axcoxo mi?ATcn. ; MR. CLA.Y'SRESOLUTIONS. TOe following arelhe resolutions offered oothe California slavery question. ‘ 'Whereas, U being desirable, for the peace, conoord, end harmony of the union of these States, : to settle end adjust amicably all questions of con* : troveray between them, arising cut of the ihitiin tion of slavery, upon sfeir, equitable, and joat baalt-4hercfoie,. ” Resolved, That California, with satiable boon -1 Varies, opoa hpr applicitiontobe admitted as one 1 or the Stales of this Union, without the imposition ;by Congress, of any rcrtricdoa io reaped-to the - exclusion orintroductiou of slavery witbia those boundaries.- ; Resolved, That, as tlavery does cot exist by l*W,*nd is not likely to-bo introduced Into any of these territories acquired by the United States from tho .Republic of Mexico, it is expedient for Congress -to provido.by law, either for its intro* dootioa info or its exclusion from any part of said territoiy, sind that appropriate temtorialGovern* melts ought to be established by Congress on alj of said tirfrßoties not awigoedas boandarieS of : tiro proposed State of California, wUhontlbeabol* i of aiy restriction or condition of the subject ■ dT slavery*' Resolved—That the. western boundary of the < State of-Texts ought to be fixed io the Rio Del : Karto, commencing one'marine. league from its and running' up. that river to tbs southern : liio of New Mexico, thence with thiat line east* ; arardiy, asd Bo continue In the tame direction to ; the line established between the United Stales and : Spain.- • Resolved, That it be proposed , to the State of 1 Texas, that the United Stales will provide fortho ' payment efall that portion r"f.legitimate and bona : fide, public debtoi that State, contracted prist to its annexation to us, and for which dalles of for* • nignJmparta were ptedged by said State to its j creditors, not exceeding the sum of dol* : las, in consideration ofdntiea as pledged, having ' been no longer applicable. to that object after . foti* annexation, bnt having thencefotward be* come pajablo to the United States, and upon eon. dltion also that said State thill, by acme solemn ; smd.anthentid' act of her Legislature, or of con* ; mention, relinquish to the United States any claim which It badlo any part ofNewMexico*. Resolved, That it is inexpedient to abolish ala i -very in the District of Columbia, whilst that tnsti tutioo cootinpe* u> in the Stale of Maryland, i without the consent of that State- - -without the : consent of the people cf tbs Disuiet, and without juat eompensaiion to.the owners.of slaves within : the District. - Resolved, That it- is inexpedient to prohibit, I ‘wilhln.the District,' the slave trade, and trade in i «!aves brought into it from Statci.orplacet.be ; !yond tho limits of thcDirtrict/citherto be add therein as merchandise, or tobe transported to j . other markets without tho District cf Columbia. ; ' ’ Resolved, That mote eSbctnal provision ought • \to be made by law for the restitution and delivery i • of persoos bound to service or labor in any Stale, who may escape into any other State or Territory i ofthuUnion. ' Resolved, TbttCbsgress has no power to pro*; ShW« or obstruct trade in slaves' between slave ! forifffagHgtfifr*,' that admi«al6h"cr exclusion of i "slates brought from one into another of them, do* pendsexehnivelyupon their ownpartieularlaw^ •V ThesejrevolnUons,‘aaid Mr. jClay, iirvolred no gyttfcw of.any they were founded ■wpaa.*'basis of .mutual forbcaianeo and eonce* tian—concession not of mattm of principle, hut «if mitten of feeling merely. . .Mr. Clay concluded wUh a most eloquent ap* pealla behalf ofharmoay,peace, and mutual for* • bsarance, for the sake of the Union. “I most say,” says Mr. Cliy, “from all tbit I i tom heard or read—from alt the witnesses, that I lave seen dr'conversed with— I from ell that has ' -transpired, and l# transpiring, I do believe that • motVUhin one foot ot the territory acquired from .Mexloo, will elaVery ever be planted} .and believe it could hot be done through the force and power «f pubfioitftbosity.” • Housx^-Ncthlhgofiniercit transpired in the : ’ House. The w»ible day was taken up in the die* oatsion of the Milage geest ion. \ STEAM BOAT EXPLOSION. CinonnuTt, Jan. 29. ’ TFhßtfr«TMwa: Joaepfrftba New Prions for , ScLooi»w*s blownup, tod bnnil to ihewalet'* edge, new Napoleon, at tbo month of Athnni 7190,011 the 23rd io«UbL Sbe had a foil cargo, a largenoniber of emigrants, fifteen of whom trera killed, and 38 severely scalded. Many of > . ;&• wounded have since died. I'. Captain Baker of tbo St Joseph, bailed tbo Sooth land et tbo wreck, and take, tbo aw j. -Tivos off. Tbo yawl of tbo Sr. Joseph was engo |. - .-gad in picking op tboao «bp were blown into tie j; arlftr.. . • . ■ I i-. After the boat was broaght to the show, Cap*. Baker, with ihe existence of pvt of hie ere v tod I „fhla naaacagcw, cacccedcdin raring Ike i <: iron ebett.*wliicb. contained lHrteen or fetmeen ;■ 'tamdreddnllarr. lieioekikemoneyoni, eonm i «d and handed ll lo ibo clerk of the Snolh America i’ to nirkeeptor. .Tto next dny Wanked blmto ll ' to pa, off kit crew; and lie cferk rented lo giro ! kin morelhnnlhree hnadreddoiim—claimraglhn i'Jjiiin&Mgfaitii . .. . : -Capt Baker toil hU clerk Hopped al Mempha I ' tnooSnpel,'by low. 'ko clerk of Uo Sonli America !■ ' lo dvoop tho money. Tbero waa eonrideraUe 1 «jSleiiienl abMompliin in rOlntlnn lo il. Serino. j ' ; toeala ware inode to mob tbo boat. If tbo money l Wt*n»6ireo_o| New Its. 25. Tbo Glint* ca« hni cammenced in Cireoi Cent and it fxmiinr mnch interest I : ~i CINCINNATI MARKET. ! •• Cntcwittti, Jan* 2®* i* ' ; FloM-lfco Market i»*cUr«, with **!«• o{W ' sbantUofefcolee brand* at W9opcrbrl. | 'WM*keyha«adfaEeadl9lolWP er S*jj’ > , . [ Balk Ue*t~S«Je* to the extent of <330,00011*-« 40 i Wfroud. •• j ■•••; WbrU prime lard at 61 per lb * Coff»« U tola at Ida per potted. : .- BALTIMORE MARKET. • .. Baltmo**, Jan. 2®* ‘ ' Thafionr andgnln *ea*ket U wiihoot change. P'' 'Coffee—Tim ■*!*• of ihs past two dayeb*** amoonl* «dt»3sQfrtef»BiottlSe. Holder* now **k ICe- Tho '-totalitaek hw oahood in the market amount* only, I • -j37sper 100.oa th, jna! to •) J 6 to 6 75 net, and averaging S 3 f rota. ft ' • HEW ORLEANS MARKET. ■ *N»w OiKUO.Jui.23. j .4, Tl«'.cuMHi lotton >■*»» oeeirtA Cooon U in tbit market,’and sugar b»* adroneed *• B *“* j- ili';.wfJkitatWole. SsleatoolanesaiW*. Nxw Oxusxs, Jan. 26. ’ T - S*ie#of Rio Co fro transpired to diyulJH v :.; ; IMMERCIAL RECORD. VmiBIIBGII fiOIAD Of VMOB ' ' COMSHTTKE FOR JANUABT. « y. ’ uirni-»■ »t. it. xerwx- V.~n, nwo* Pltttbwgk Bloekii »ai n«Mf. Marfcat* reXVAXT I*, i®M* rirnl>Ofi A SllOars—We notice very light scppUsa in the market, and prices are nominal. BROOMS—We notiee fall sappUes in tho market, with sales at priees ranging according to quality, frem Btd2toS3£srdox. : ' BLOOMS—We have heard of no sales daring the week, 8350?O0tos, are the raiiag figures, 4 and 0 months. BUCKWHEAT—The market is fully sappled, and dsUiat«i,SO to:*l,tt ? 100 btC BUCKETS & TUBS—We norice the receipt of sev eral considerable loti dariagjlho week, and sapphes ere qehe falL Sales"of backets from awe,, at $B,BOO 3£S l andofTubsatsWOo*3odo*- CIIEESE—The market. If aaytiuog, is inactive,and tales have been confined mainly to the ehy trade at, for eea.W ; E,6o6*e; firrCreamd|97e,anJ forGoahea?*e rfc- - . - f CRANBERRIES—Light supplies are held in the' market, at 8707,53 for best, and 84,30 for a eomson article obbL CRACKERS—A regular business is doing at] the fol lowing quoted rites: WaterCreekers,perbW -—■-■■■■ ■ $3,78 Bauer do. ......4,50 ssisSl 40 « ••• rust Breen. 1 •••••» •*,■» Sugar Crackers, per ib —— 7 COTTON YARNS—We notice a farther advance in Tama The following U a corrected list of the various articles under this head:' rptuoTais.- 13 etc par Ih -—S3 14 a* u gt 14 a 15 O « a 17 - u 99 19 - -gj 19 “ “ » u-y No. 8, ct»jier lb-' jl# No. «7* “ * ——do 11 U' Q* u * to *» « £ s ** * do “ «10l . « « ———do •* “ g “ sexes TASK. No. per fo.-4« No. 800,ruCperdc* B 4 “000. “• w 900, ••* “.-..-do •4tSS « u. { “iSo; *♦ “-v-do CauirChain, —^—B3 CandlewickJ—l9 CorcrietYarn,-** ——•» BagPUlLng,• rr* Twine,--* S BasiaftNo 1.3,3—13,11^1 CORDAGE—Ftar tha.vinous articles under this head there is a regular steady demand at tha. following prices: - Manilla rope, by noil, —— 9 •* do • ..cut, —ana White Bope, by coil,—— l*e £ do eat,*— —We TarredPope,by coil,——•.—■“ _ do „ cut,—*— We * * Packing Yarn, fiat,-— —■••lOc “ .do common,'—••• »e “ id coma. Vanilla,- 13ftQ&3fi0O4pi 9 d«** .. do 9 coU,»—lSa “ Kb Hemp, « t 9 dot. . . do -9 eoQ, *--lOe *.fc. Mmills, tl« Hemp, BTJe 9 dos. Kyanlsed Cordage is add regularty at 1* |e 9 » COTTON SHEETINGS— Pittsburgh aasafaetared cheating* an sold readily from the Bill* at 7(e y yard Cor Nonotook, sod 8e for Pena A No 1. , COPPER—Sole*of Cliff MineeakaaadU*otiattf 08Oe;of olwei atfic, and of eld copper all9eo ft. . DRIED PBUIT—We oetlee an improvement in dried apples,with sales of 400 bas,aeaperierartiele,al9l;3r 0 bn—9l,93oJiss are aboax the ruling figttres. Peoeh es ora qaletj witb coles or 9*4*0?»18.* ba.'.P*al*d Pdaebea ore and are cold at 9440 0 ba. DRIED BEEP—Begnlor talas in tierces, at 8e 0 ft- DRUGS, MEDICINES, k DYE STUFTSMBi* aab ielned ic a corrected list of prices, I ‘fi( some of the Boat prominent articles' Aloes. Bw*« ■- .15017 liqaoriee root-- 70* Alom.- “ 310 4 ; “ ball--ISO9O Asafcetlda. ft*..-. 14085 Lee Dye 0040 Arrow Roct,“ ...>lOOl9 Magnesia,Cart—9so33 Aaacftmu. “ ..*.lOOll Madder Umbro—*l4ol6 Borax, reined-—830*5 Mrnh,T«ikey----2DO» Balsam Pern-94002.75 Oft Vttnel,-« • 405 do Coparia.-9:033 “ Caror.seaieejJWO BiimiutwTw ft*• -40 5- “ Cassia-—3.000340 cSSheTrif,.-.440045 « Cte*es ....«WJ« - Chloridelime, e*k, s*o 5 •* Lemon—*3soo34s CoeUhOal 1,5001,75 “ Cream Tartar.—*so» Opiain, TnrkeyASOOfl.OO Copperas. I*o 9 Qainino <^5O4,M OiiF‘ 11*013 ttkabtrb. root—>3Bos* Calls-—.——SHOW Sal ABonao- —16090 Osm Arable—soo7o Sol Boda——• 406 u Ceoal.—i—39o6o Senna .18090 u Tnuroeinik,>soooo Tartaric Add*..-44050 « AeSne 16010 Vitriol Blae..— UOl9 • «. Mastic-..- 1,95 Camwood, bbU—6*o 6 Ipecac ...17509/30 Faette f Juan, powdered,9ool,oo Logwood, ehlpped, OS* litharge•••*• ——4*os* *, FLOUR—Daring the pest week, tbs receipts o! dear base been very light, and ooihlng has transpired u the market, showing any miteilal Tonatioa bon out hit week's quotations. The sales from first hands would probably not exceed 600 bbls, ata r0nge0f94,45,4400 446 0 bbl.' Froa store tales have been confined to regular dray load lota, at 15,6904,75 F bbl.•' Sales by single bbl at 94420445 ObH. Rti Ftooa—BeppUes are limited, and there is a fiol r demandinthemsrket,st94o442| obbL ' Com Miat—With tight sapplies In the market, we Bsy quote the article nominally at 97,250940 0 bfcL . FISH—The market continues qaito firm at last week’s qaotoUons. Bales of Balmos,'9l9 tot bbls,. and 90.15 e Heroes. Maekerel No 1915j;N0 9,9104* and 1f03,974*0 bbl. Bales of Labrador Herring, at 9040,' and eom.Ea*teraJat 9540 0 bbl. Lake Fish auy be quoted U 984* OhW; CodFlshat 91,750 FEATHERS— With aqoUtmarket, we 4140 gped western at Wa;F B. : FRUIT—New etop Raisins are aeareo, and have U< Ttaeed to *3£o F box; Belee ef Almonds at of Orocod ants, e< tS#7oa obu; of Feitm at 7e fltiot Filberti.it 8e; at Cmam nan, at T«; of Stats Conaaia, at*oßlc,»*d of EsgUshWalantsat te F P °OROCERIE3—Tbo market baa ben qakt, and sales Cff .g t 0 moderate transactions, at tally qaoted raise. Weimtice aTarther improvement la Rio Cotes, and Ui« United aappUea now la market, an bald very firm wife r B> with an 4dt toeing tendency. Thereeslpu of ftjrar and ilolasaee haro boea ralr,->wppUea hare coodLnbly inert***}, bat we find no aarUtlaa ia Orion Sale* ofN O Sagarbate lolou It » to ID bhdi, at 41 to «io r ** wkleh otay bo *Jwa aarimnllocisa"*- SaleeofNOKeUiaeitttttftte, JfLoif Ba**» it B»l°'i MiofWes wtuescfti. GUJO-r*' &.»»*>«* utwa «| «u«, (huM. no fcUowln. lia ofpite.iur «S g»g':'.r.^ag H ‘ B»S=33g iSbyl?*^—*S M by »'••-r-—'r**' 7 * 4 GRAIN—We .note aaiea of 400 baa Barley, •« **•: tod of 600 bni Corn, at «e F ba. Oita aniaUJ”** qo*»:fromatomat3so37c. Otberfraloaawan»iaa.» and we have no reportable tale*. : : , nOP9-Btit»le( Ilia of Euun.wm u Be, «■“ «< Western at ttle P fe. . . ' HAY—Bales from wipo at UA « “« rivet at UO.SOF ton, for good timothy. ! i Uon saoNtne—fllorstko opening of Tbo fall trad* a good badness has been doing ia the Iron marfot at the following rang* of pries*;—Fist Bar, 9 44091*, to*, oerdlng to rice; Rocad k Sqomr* Bar, 1 440d|;'B*a8 11m, 9 4-60fej Hoop Iron, Jlo7e;Bb**tlroo,4|ote. lua+rl* » M, m r Iwfil 84 to «,RM* H •'H 9 ■Sales afe by tho shoot, and 4*« 0 ft wiaaeast.-..,. LARD fltkv have boento a foir extent at s*os* iabbUand kegs... LEATHER—Iire market its ureal firm : Bess for an deseriptioaa. New York sole is selling reg ulirly at of Raltiaote sole atSIOSSeO 6* t BALT—Wo note mlea frea s»ra atBIJ9OIAS 0 bnthel. MARINE 3INSURANCE—Rate* of Insoranca of eargoea of steam and keel beats: - " SJ » * - .to Loalsvillo, 10» a u . to St. Lotus, Mo^— ——*01* -« • « to Boonvilw, do -l*®; • « tolndependenao,.- 3 02* « “ .to Galons, IIL, U»U «. « : mMcmphia. Ten.,— —^•—-fwli- ■ u M to N. Orleans.-- —-1 Oil From N. Orleans to Pittsburgh,; kg}* Bt Louis,—i*— ROH • OlLS—Salea of 40 bbls Linteedj at 90395e/0 gall- No 1 Lard oil is sold at (30350, aadNoS at4siM9e 0 gall. Sales of Tanner's eU at 81C018 per bbU POWDER—QsxanPs Riflo ml S3£s, and of Rock at per keg. POTATOES—SaIes of best Neshusoek at acid good common or mixed at 0 bbl. 31033 e; Ctoves 23c, and Nut- megs at BL9OOI£S 0 ft. ' TALLOW—SaIes ol mBnofiUUo»ax7e,ontime. Bhcf tallow Is selling at 7* oft* . - WHISKEY—The marketlsfrUly supplied, with sales of Rectified at gall- ; ; WOOL—Wo noUce very Uule doing al present—tht are tha mw| ' |>| quotations: For Common*——■■» ...■ ■■ ■ 25c0ft. Ablood**.— 870 « « ,1 do :—29c « « f do : 30c u « i do _——.33c “ “ Full Blood 35i « Prime u .... —. ——.37*c’ H Catlls Markets. AUttBBR, Jan. 33. , BEEVES—The offerings at the .yard on Monday, were Umiisd, probably not ovet9Qohead,whleh sold It $lOB5O KO, neL ; SHEEP A HOGS—No sheep were offered. Waqaote logs by the small lot, at $401£5 per 100,. ! PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Brvxn.—There were 13 firet.filnebes in the ehanoei last evening, and falling. ARRIVED. Caleb Cope. Murdock, Beaver. Michigan, Brie*, Bearer. * Beaver, Gordon, Wellmlle. Vlroquu, GsUoway. Monongabclt City. Fashion, Peebles, Eliubelh. Atieaiie, Parktson, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs. Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, MeKeesporL Kentucky, Meclean, Louisville. Loais MeLune, Counel. WhecUng: Embassy, Bennett, t>t Louis. Consignee, ———, St Lome. DEPARTED. Celeb Cepe, Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Welteville. Michigan, Dries, Bearer. Vtroqaa, Galloway, Monoonhek City. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Baltic, Jaeobe, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Hibernia, Baebelor, Ctacinnait. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Gleacns, Reno, Cincinnati. . BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, ai9 a. u. and 4 w. r- BEAVER PACKETS, 6 a. K. and 4. r. M WELLSVILLB PACKETS, 9 £ a. CINCINNATI—New England, 10 a. WHEELING—LonU MeLsne, 9 a. M. , • Fon Ctßcouuxi—The splendid paeket steamer New England No. 8, leaves as above, this morning at 10 Vcloek. - _ IMPORTS BY RIVER. ClMlmiati—Pn New Eiiaurn No. 2—4 empty mb bxs, i McGuire; 84 bbts whlaaey, English k. Ben nett; 15 exp pkes, Baker A Forsyth; 10 bbls hominy, W M Gotmley;» bxa, Bingham; 5 bbls lard oil, J Daizallj Bdo do; L A Buckoesn; 25 bbls bams, 33 bxs eigsre. 45 bblsfreaee.Harb«afb;lpkgbooks, J HMellon lbx, lpek*do,KayAco;lotesbams,CbUls do, D Leech A CK lfl bbU grease, 13 do lard oil, 3 hhds fob. WalUnr* (OKI A eo; l bbl ltd oil ,8 do d applea,2 bxa do, JS Dil worth A co. Lonlivllli-Pn Kaaruuav—3 hhds, 2 bxs lob, J H r ty,n«M; us bfi wool, C U Grant: 1 esk brandy, J M Coopen2o b*s uathers, 6S hhds bams, .Carson- A Me- Knuhc 3 hit dsev skins, D Leech A eo; 3 bxs books, li Greff; 85 hhds sugar, Burbridge. Wilson A co; 1 lesih •r trunk, J Tennoek, 18 empty bbls, 8 do kgs, A Wood ward; 1 lane, l small cable, O Btaetburn; 91 buds hams, Kier A Jones; 7 bbls lard oil, 0 do tanners ell, T Crotsan A son; 20 ire* hams, Harbusgk 8 bxs, 9 kegs mdse. Baker A Forsyth; 20 esks hams. 7 do shoulders 15 bbls pork. (0 cap kgs, WB Hay s; 9 hhds hums and shoulders, 19 bbls pork; 1491 sides do, Myers A Hunter. 1989 bams. 19*4 1333 aides, Joan Black A eo' - lt.heßto>Pn Eareafr—tP hhds sugar, 37 bbl* vv B Holmes A eo;2eases copper, 31 boxes tin plate, M pig* teed, l Perfce Jr A eo; S hhds segar, Brown AErtpatnek; 8 eell# rope, 1 pump Jts MIIII - 5 hhds teb,2 bxs doCDLoeeh A eo; 8 kgs ginseng, -tmi*do,9 eks do, 1 keg wax: Murphy. Wilson A eo; 87 bbteiowlc 38 sacks oats. Bell era A Nieote; 123 bags corn,2Jdo shelled do, Wick A McCandtets. PxxCowoaxa—4 bit calf skint, W Bryant; 500 dry hides, JB Bayard;« hfcd* *a*ar,37 bbls molasses,Tae* aey A BcttlS bbls whiskey, J Bran; • hbds tob, Wal. tioVibrd *co;3 bbls lard, g do baeon, * bdls skint, Eng- Hsi* Bennett. ; RATES OF DISCOUNT. «pw GolnabUSridn Co.*-par Doy knownßiuU-~~*pw Fanner*’Bk. ReadiM*par FUaen’Bk. Baeka Co. par Fanner* 0% Lineai'T-pei Lancaster Co. Bk. par Laneaaterßk.*—• pkr U. State* Dank- ■ ■■ »~-30 Brownrnlle Bk.*~««*«par Washington Bk.* • *1 Geayabarcbßk."***** I Chaaiberaoarg-“ Snsqaefcanni Co. Bfc— Lewistown*-***-.***** ■“ Middletown * i ** Kne Cl.'-— * «10 Farmers* and Drover*’ Baak,W*yne«b*rf>« I Hanuboit—, Hoarodale '■■■»'♦ I Lebanon ......••.par Bk.cf Tennessee— * 5 Fax. A MerdPts Bk— H Planters’Bk.— •“ Uuioaßk.*— u BUsovurl • ButeßkofHlfaottri Bk.of Cape Few*-*** S Uerth’s t' State Bank 9 loath Carollka. Bk. of Charleston • 9 Commercial Bk* 9 Bk.o/Gtnrxewwn*'*— 9 Bk I Norwalk... ? : OereUnd f j Xenia—— 1 D«TW°— M Weitern Rewire*—— 11 Frusliaß’k Colambis “ ChllliMths »■■'■ ■ “ UkeErio “ Lancaster -——•—l# Hamilton—.•••••—*l9 | GranrlUa*.. M Ferm’ri 0»k Canton—» Urbane R«atMky< Bkof Kentiekr*—... I Bi.efLsalarille * Norhern Bk. Kenta'ky. M . ■rwr York—CitT Beaki Hlohlf«a» Bk.ofBt Clair*—-» Bk. of River Ralacn Michigan Ins. Co 9 Far.fcUech’aßk 8; Wlaeonaln Terrify, Mar.Affrala.Co.Mihv'e I . Canadaa. AUeolventßanka *• B Bank of BnglandNotea , —f»7o# A sir. OoldA8p«cli Valne* Napoleon* *•—■—• 360 Dueati—***3 13# t 90 Cagle,old* 10 60 Cagle,new •••••'• 1000 Doabloona,Bpantih. 10 00 Bp. Patriot I® M Sovereigns 4M Guinea* •®J Frederic ksd'ers— ■97 60 Ten Thaler* ?60 Tan Guilder* 9 00., Loal*d*or* 4 60 Erabaage* New York Iprm Philadelphia*pm Baltimore —••• if. par., Interior D’k**— WBlfggl lIIBBABCB COBPAHI OF P»TTBBU(»gH. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO. 1. Tam. Jr, SwT. I „It Mnw Jr., Prill WIU Lottr© araiiul all kind* of full) FIRE AND MARINE. All low** Win lo liberally adjlifted and promptly by DirMtsn who are waUkuwa is tbo community, %fSSS“ •dbyprompMewMdliberality lomaintaintheebar aeterwbleh they bar* aaasmad, ai offerinr the beat proteetloaiolbott whodeiln to ba luareO. DnittW-1. Miller. Jr., Geo. Slack, S. Boiler, N. Uolmea,Jr, Wm. U. Holme*. C.JhmttO, Oro. \V. JaekaonTwia. M. Lyon, Ja*. Upolneou, The*. K. Liteh, jamee M'Anlay, Ale*. Nliaiek, The*. Beou. Omci, No. 39 Water atreet, (warehouao of Span* A Co«ap itair*,) Pimlmrffa. MRROBB * AHTBLO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —f aiXAP*i»au— advaneei made on eonalxnmonu. jaalf-tm ; AVKBY fineaniele of Moaxoia* UpS Hh»wU, fall «iu, just recclreKESS&*-A. A. AUeos « Co., a Man i ket fiXMt. will this; day open another ivye ta /vie* of these rryaeh Embroidered EseninsDrew*** a rery desirable artiele for Parties) Soirees, ko. jaoll mBB Co-Pannenlup heretofore «UUn* voder the I firm of Juni Caowlw fc So*, U dUtelted by the fffMM of Jenter Cmtatt. The bulaett will be eoa* tioved by the inbaexlber. who will tattle the ee eovnt' of the Ut* firm. JOHN M’D CROS3AN. tfftnavtthelv Boate, Dee, B, IBtf.—[dcSS-ltn y^RefTriSNOS—lfi bbii lor' Kj fHjjtCTmt reeeiTed a npcriox lot of Green vim jr" _ luuNnrft (OS—l4 bbla lor wie 67 CH GRANT LOGAL MATTEB& uiTXD 90& tux pnreßosps ,uaii.y sizuii Ohueh fiedientlOß. - BTThe Mission Chnreb, on North street, Alleghe ny, will be opened for pubUe worship,-on next .Sab bath, at 10* o'clock, A. M. Rev. Mr Pusavant will preach the dedication sermon. The religious and be nevolent psblie are respectfully invited to attend. A: collection will be taken op to eld the congregation; an object whiea is worthy of tho attention of all who have a heart to sympathise' with the needy and the de terring. ‘ ■ lanM-4t laraxsasT Care—The ease of the. Trustees of Bt. Fanl's Church vs. lha City will be tried nextweek,in the District Coart TbisUareiiorgreatioportance, and ts an ution broeght against the city to recover damages for the injury sustained by that building, in lowering the grade of Fifth and Grant streets. The damages are, we understand, laid at BSCOO. Several of lh» most eminent counsel in Pittsburgh are retain ed on behalf of the Church. MEETING OF THE COUNCILS. The Select and Common Councils met but night. - In Hie Select, the President, Mr. Marray, took the chair. Present, Messrs. Black,Coyle, Kay#,lliP, Jones Kelly, Lorenz, Morrow, Rinehart, jWilson, nod President. Oq motion, tho reading of the minutes wax (lie* pented with. On motion,'the resolution laid over on the previous evening, providing for the employment of one or more additional Counsel, in thecaae of Saint PauFs Chnreb, was passed and ; coscarred In by the Common Council. A petition on the part of some fanner* from the country, taking the priviledge of standing in tho yard of the Black Bear Tavern, was referred to the Market Committee. Mr. Jones offered a resolution, authorizing the committee on city property, to take down the ateeple ofthe Old Court House. - Action on the resolution deferred tQi the report, of the committee appointed for that purpose, is read. Aresolatioa was presented, providing for (he appointment of some person to place numbers on tho various houses in the city, the expense of Which numbering is to be paid by the owners of property. This was amended to the. effect that the committee on streets be instructed to procure some person lo properly number tbe housea la the various streets. Read three limes and adopted. A report from the finance committee was hand* ed in, providing for the establishment of a sinking fond to extinguish the city debt, as well as for ah improvement tax not to exceed three mills on tbo dollar on all real estate, for the purpose ofimprov* tag the streets and sewsn. The report was ac« cepted. A motion was msdo to publish a eopy of the Act proposed for tbo above purposes, by the Flnaseo Committee. Carried. A petition relative lo the greding and ptviagof a portion of West and Front streets, wss read and re ferred to Committee on Streets. Action concurred in. Bobert Hit!, of tho Ninth Ward, was sppointeda member of the Commiueo on Claims and Accounts a&d City Printing. Mr. Edwards wss appointed a member of tbs Com* miuee on Fire Engines and Hose, and City Property. Thv ordinance referred to the Committee od City Printing, authorizing tho publication of tbo proceed ings of tbo Councils in tho Journal, Post, tnd Chroni cle, was returned from the Common Council, with the Chronicle stricken out. Mr. Lorens moved that they be published in the Staiu Zeitong. ' * After several amendments, a motion was znsiJe for the indefinite postponement of tbo subject. Lost: yeas 3, nays b. On motion, it was postponed until tha next meeting. Tho following resolution was presented: Resolved, That tho Police Committee be Instreued to extend the city watch to Robert street, in the Bev i enita Ward, and to Marion street in the Eighth Ward, and to Dinwiddle street in the Bctcnib Ward, a> d lo Wilkins street in the Ninth Ward. (Referred to Po lice Committee.) A bill of Mr. Glenn, police officer, was referred to Police Committee. Action concurred in. A petition from Mr. Wn. Word was read, prtjnng that certain monies paid by him as lazes on property vacated after a street through it hud been declared open, be refunded. It was referred (0 Commiueo or Claims and Aeeoasu. OXDituxcx RstrsoTino tub Maxxxrs.—A con siderable confusion has been caused since the en forcement of the laws in relation to huckstering, dec., by tbe igooraoce of the people concerning their naiare, we publiah a eopy of the city ordu unco for the benefit of the public. 7lh Sept. 1816, sec. D,**Thal no person shall ex* paw td *ile,orfurrhtut, on market ’dayV7'duricg market boors, any kind of Roar, meal, grain, meat * fish, poultry, butter, lord, eggs, cheese, fmU,nuui or any kind of vegetables, except st the said mar* bet houses, under the penalty of fivo dollar*. That no person or persons, shall, on market d*y>, within market hours, pnrehaso any of tho before enamors ted articles, to retail or sell again, under the penalty oftweniy dollars.” Rmitnio.—Mr. Wilson has returned to town without having arretted the scoundrel who awio. died him oat of hit watches. He was traced aa far as Killaaning and can scarcely escape. SiuceUie above was wrilten, wo understand that the rascal baa been amssted by-’Mr. Doyle at Son> ereel, Pa, and the stolen properly—iho watches, ehiines and tho hone, recovered. Dtstuct Lowris Juitice—Tie District Coart bar been occupied, for the lost two days with the case c&Lee v* Lee, an action of ejectment for a farm, near Bakerslown. ft wentlo thfejory yesterday afternoon. Sfcilcrand Melton foe Plain and McCandless for Defendants. Mavoa’a Orncs, Jan. 29.—Two women of cole or, from a house of bad repata in Virgin Alley, were brought up by, tbo.walch for druutonnexe anff*di*ordcrly conduct. They were fitted. 67 cU* each. John Kook, a colored boy, was fined 67 cents tor the aame offence. Two news boys were brought tip for tbo larceny c f a small quality of change from the drawer of iho Morning Post office. The boys were qaito yoang, and, as they appeared penitent, and promised re« formation, they wore discharged. ' A colored man laid complaint against another for assault and battery. The man charged with the offence waa arrested, but the complainant foiled to appear, uf, u he was charged by de* fendant with having made tho assault himaeff, he, alto, was arrested.. Both were fined. A moo named Oliver waa arrested for laving purchased a load of oats at tbo river, daring mar* ket hoars, in violation of the city ordinance. As Mr. Oliver plead ignorance of the law the fine of five dollars was reduced to two, with the costs. John Vcoa was arrested for exposing spoiled poultry for sale in the market sqoarts Ashe ap* peared to have been igooraatof fis condition, bo ; discharged upon payment of costa, and the surrender of the damaged portion of his stock. Rscivxuxa.—The unfortunate lunatic who inflicted io ghastly a wound on hla throat, last Sain rday night, It, an understand, In u fair way of recovery. Matoa’s Ormh Allsouxut*—The Mayor’s polie are idle at present, lha good behaviour of the citizen of Allegheny canning thorn to rest oo their tars. CORN MEAL—tO bu white, in store ami Or sale by i.i3t BrUAKTtgILL FLOUR— 300 bbls in store*and for sale by . STUART fcgftL BiYE FLOUR—In store and for aalfl>7 , , L,Jtntt STUART A SILL, _ Sll. MOLASSES-** lamts St James Rfflecry. . • U half do do do lor •ale by BROWN fc KIRKPATRICK. . r- •JfIuULS SUGAR MOUSE ftfOLAHSKS-For Mle OU low by J 8 DILWORTH A CO iacta _ - inf\BllLB PLANTATION AlOMasM-Pof lain IUU by |J S DILWORTH A CO jtnfcl conn PIECES BULK PORK. OUUU SO kgs Bolter. , t 10 bbls Roll do, In store and for **feh>’ jangi / H DILtyORTH ACO Oi l BALES WAtfI’ERIHIOPS-Forsfl* by 4>i) jantt JSDH.WOBTfIfItCO. receiving this diy, nodie iVA sale low to close the lot by _ JaaW JAMES PALKKLL TOBACCO— IU kgsiNo. I « Twist, retelvtng per steamer Hindoo, and for sale by . JAMAS DALZKLL, jama No « Water St jinVj * S Water it U JOHNSTON ftg A ‘‘ FLm - | ° l^feroN Safes-, mood bofd srfuj«f • J* j"*ya_„„ janSt WM h JOHNSTON O H7ftTOLAKBEB—*3S bbls bTH;! Htbem.on bti !?>• andiorsale.by Ai'CULBBRTOON, v 1 . lit Liberty st LAUD —73 bt>l ■NoI, in store ARMSTBONO A CBOZER WHITE uore liid forsale by janXt ARMSTRONG A CROZI-.R FLOUR— UO bbls Extra Family, in store and fo ValeJky JaaS ARMSTRONG fc CKOZER bsle. iuit rec’d and tot sale by jaSt ' TbUSTRONO A CgOZER VkUWEtt—SO kers Extra, in store and for safTby J> jantt P ABMCTHONfi A'CBOZER: f^LOUB — 240 bbls in stare and for sale by 1 yisA WM H JOHNSTON, W Seeead ft MISCELLANEOUS. COUNTY LOAN, $15,000. T HE Commirtlooers of the ' County-of Allegheny having been authorized, by. an Ael of Assembly, passed tbs Sth day of January, lefiO, t* borrow, on temporary loan, a ram of money, not cxeeedmx asv xxrrnrt thociato sotuas, to bo aprjiioct to fo® re demption of Coonty Scrip, the certificates of knut taibe- exempt from all taxes, except for State pur- will be received «theOfiee of said Commisrionerv, in the City of Rttsbargh, wnmn throe weeks from the date hereof from rath P* I * on *s r i CO < £ pqntlou us maybe dziirootfot taking the whole or *3y pan of said loan. . , 85 thousand o( which to bo redeemed on the Ist day of April, lfcSL SStboosond oa the first of April, ltM, ujd. 25 thousand on the Ist of April, 1655—. interest to bq paid Kmi-aimaally at the UAe* of Ge County Treasarei or elsewhere,** msy be agreed open. THOMASPERKIN& WILLIAM BENSONf, JAMES MITCHELL, County Commissioners. Commissioner 1 ! Ofiee,Piusbnrghi January 83,1620. ' JaKSMf « SBACKLBTT * WRITS, j NO. 99 WOOD STREET, HAVEnow in atore a large and general assortment of DRY-GOODS, which they offer to City and County Merchants at red need priees: and which they will wil os gr at inducements u> cash buyers, or for approved cro . . Ja«l9 To thoi Stoeklaotdaro off tho Oftsrttars Coal Company* NOTICE is hereby given, that, In pamance of the Aet of the General Assembly of foi* Common weelib. entitled “An Act to Ineorporaie the Cbeitiere .Coal Company, in the County of Allegheny,” an Bee piou will be held at the Monongshefa House, inlira City el Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 7lh dayofreb tuary nrzt, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that dav, tax t&e purpose of electing Directors of the said Com* jutny. I JAMES DUNLOP. *1 1 Z. W. REMINGTON, \ Janlll-te , Commissioners. Per Rent* milE Largo Brick MANSION, at Bniddock’iilw X with requisite ground* around It, suitable for lie pnipofe of a respectable summer boaiwof boase. It je believed that inch an establishment allais beautiful locality would do well. Kaqolro at my office, corser Wood uui Fourth urcclt. janSMf JAMES W. BUCHANAN. ThOBM Farklmsoß, t/fACHJNIST AND MANUPACTUHER—Lathes, IVi Tebsceo, Houiia and large Screw* of til kinds; Brut Casting* and Bran Works generally. Comer of Ferry and hirst streets. ' THE snbseriber, having parch*tod the Factory of James Patterson, Jr., located at the above stand, would respectfully inform his friends and the public that ha is prepared to HI) any offers to his line, on the most reasonable terms and with' dispatch, and will fce ' S “' rdfcr ' i ' I,P,U SSSMA S PARKINSON. • Pittsburgh,Jsn.l, IWd. ; HAVING disposed of my Ur. Thomas Parkinson, I lake the liberty to solicit for him the patronage of myfrieeds ana the pablie, feeling confident that any lavor* conferred will be dal? appreciated and promptly attended to • . JAMBS PATTEBZON, Jr. Pittsburgh, Jnn.'l.lP3o.—(jan7*d3ai CIIIANULKK WANTKU—An experienced Chand ; ler will hesr.of a good sitoation by applying to JanlJ 8 fc W HAuBAUuU (WALVARNIS —ldbbls PUnnttro; J lOhtbbt* do) 8 kegs do; t bis Coaeh do; ahfbls do do; 6 kegs do do; for sale by jantO ISAIAH PICKBV A *'Q. Front st SUGAR— 6 hhd», for sale low to close consignment. jsoltt laAlhll DICKKV A CO poTASH-.s ...1., t SCORCHED SALTS—SO bb|t instore and for sale by janlli ISAIAIt DICKEY A CO BUTTER— SO boxes dairy, aide expressly tot fsmi- It un, ree'd ibis day sod (or tale by janlD JAR FLOYD BUCKWHKAT FLOUR—CO ucti ree'd this day and (arjiftla by Jaaltf JAB FLOVP > HUNKV— ib» prime,in comb, rce’difitaday and for tale by_ jgniy J A tt FLOYD /IOUN JdEAL—6 saeka and 7? bbl* arming and (or -O sale by UUADRIDGE, WILSON A CO, janlfl. Water street Oj BN—* - i ac kr ~r mT 'l l bbls Bbolled Coru for tale by jtnia . IHJRDIUDGB, WILSON ACO WHISKEY—& libit superior Old'Moo. ftys, for ■ale by tfURDRIDUE, WILSON A CO, jititf __ ' Water Mreet NEW BACON—MOHtmt, 4« Shoulders, aad&O ■ Side*, in smoke haase, and reedv fordaiirery.foX tale by ; ’• Janl9 TABBEV* BEST P‘ OTATOKS—ISO bbls Belt. Bluer, for rale by gani» TASSKY AIIE3T NDIA SENNA—t frcM and for rale Ur [/ jin 18; J KIPP A CO, 60 Wood H SODA—IOOQIbs in tiore and for rale by janiy J KIPP A CO YrEN'. HKD—JB bbls recHfand lor rale - by V junta J KIDD ACO CXASTILE SOAP—22olb* for rale by j i«alO J KIDD A CO POTArtll—S 5 bbls jut ru'd and for sale by jsnld • SAW HAROAUOH rS UNNV UAGS—I AOOin store and fer rale by %JT j*nl»_ . BtW HARHAUOH SILVER SAND—( bbls jaat rec’d andfifor tale by janifl __ . J KIDD *CO BUT do; U kgs packed do; tor rale by junta J P CANFIELD. Front *t CHEhSE-60 bar WR, for sals by V ~ janSl j B F VON PONNIIQRST fc CO CLOVES * TIMOTHY SEED-For sale by janSt B K VON BONNHOBST * TO D ROOMS—lfo dos, varioM oaaliiies. for rale by •irjwJi •- - - i inro^ormaoHSTsco SMOKED UERftlNG—to boxes for rale by Janet , B F VON BONNHOBST *CO STJoaK— 8 kbds new crap, for tala' t»y Ijang, 8 PYuN BONNHOBST* CO tierces for sale'by Jarett B F VON PQNNHORST * CO SHOT— do bag*, sit'd Nos, fer tale by _jan« 9 F VON BONNHOBST * CO ROCK* fOWDER—IOO kest for sale by ja.cn 8 P VON BONNHOBST * CO Features —so racks for tai« by JnnSl C H ORA NT, 41 Water tt DKIEU P&ACUES—37 taeki and 0 bb'U for atle by j«o3t CII GRANT IkKIKP APPL£9—sTbUTfor aalo by Fj*ti3l CII GRANT IT* LA X 8 i«Se by' \ janSl C II GRANT PXRI'ID PEACHES—6 bn for itlc by jan2l Oil GRANT T Alll>—bblaLeaf, for salabjr IjJanat CU GRANT SI IOrffEX?*RS-99 hal/bbla 8. JLTMoUi*e*TE ) • More and for ule by _j«n33 RIIFY, MATTHEWS A Cg KO T n«!uU s flfftß— * bblt m aiore md lor «aW fay jauia BHEV SI ATTUEWS * CO ih Q.UAHT BOTTLXI. roi to* JuacoTU. ahd miinsr ctmx or au. Datum ausum nos ax Dtnrya >tat> or tu> uooo . tOiHAxrrorTaxtTVTDtt.Tß: :rofula or Kinr’i Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cat*' nctraj.EiPßUoai, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Bites, Chronic Son Eyes, King Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement ana Pain of the Bones and Joint*, Stubborn Ulcers, Svphiltic, Symplons, Sciatica or Lumbago.—and diseases; arising from an iniadiclotu ste of Merpury, Aei me* or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudoncem life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, ice. la this preparation an strongly concentrated all the Rlediciimlproperties of Sampartlla, combined with the most effectual aide, the moit salutary prodoetions. the icon potent simples of the vegetable Kingdom: and it baa beert ao folly tested, not only by patients them selves, but aUo by physicians, that it has received their unqualified rceommemUtions and the approba tion of too public; and has established, on its own merits, a reputation for VAbtrm and smCACT far supe rior to tiio various compounds bearing the B»m> of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, such as are not famished in the records of time pash and what it has already done for the thousands who nave used it, it is capable cf doing for the millions still suffering and sunxgling with disease. It pprifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of We, and infuses new vigor throughout the whole animal frame. ANOTJIKR CURE OPBCROfULA. The fohowiug sinking, and—as will bo seen—per manent eure often inveterate com of Bcrofhla, com ' mends itself to oil similarly afflicted: SotrTsrexT, Conn., Jon. 1,1849. Ucim. Bands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the afflict ed induce* me to inform you or the remarkable cure , effected by year Sarsaparilla, in the case of my wife. She was-eeverely afflicted with the Scrofula on differ ent' pans of the body: the glands of the neek were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be low tho knee suppurated. - Her physician advised it should be laid open, which was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation wo heard oil and were induced b> use, Sands' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing ber more than any prescription she had ever f>»p; and before the rued six bottles—to the astonishment and delight of ber friends—she (bund her health quite restored. It is now over ■ year tinee the care was ef fected, and her health remains good, showing that the diseato was thoroughly eradicated from Ihe system. Oar neighbors are all knowing to thesefhets, ana iMnb very highly of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. Voore with respeet, JULIUS TIKE. Extract from a letter received’from Ur. N. W. Har ris, a gentleman well known in 'Louisiana co., Vo.: ‘'Gentlemen, I have cared a negro boy of mine with your BanaparilU, who was auaeked with SerafUa, «nd of a scrofulous family, benefitoa our readers than lb directing their mteatioa to the advertisement of the Messrs. Bands, in another column. The bottle vu recently been enlarged to held a quart, and those who wish a really good artiele will find concentrated in this oil the medicinal value of the root,| Tho experience of thousands has proved in efflcaeyln curing the various diseases for which it {• recommended; nod at the present »»«* more than any other, perhaps, Is this medicine users), in prepa ring the syncm for a change of season.—(Hams Jour nal, Sept. tdid. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A- B. A D. SANDS, Druggist and Chemist,- ICO Fallen street, corner of WillUm, New Yotk. Sold: also by Dreg gists generally through out the United States and Can vis. Price tt per bouiejilx bottles for *3. For sole by L. WILCOXIjr- B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., and EDWARD FENDBBSCH, Pittsburgh. AK to, by Dr, 8. SttEnV BrUftyatcr. (delMeodJtwT .'w i "'• MISCELLANEOIkS. i HKW TKLBaRiFH OWIOB. THE citizen* ahdfbnslacss acnof PfttibnrA are raspeeUally informed that the Mona Telman* •« »®»l* complete operation betweentS* euy fend tnd other Eastern Clue*, connecting at Washington City with tin Mono tJ'n«s the only one South to Richmond, Raleigh, Avgusts, Seranoah,r Jtobtie tsd New orirans—end connecting la tide city with line* running West tad North to the principal town* end cities ininerulioy of the Miitiuippi, end on the Lehes. The*e i-t* will meira end *end messages u cheap es out ather line, end the eperetbr* end clerk* will be found gen* -tlmznlr end zee cm modeling. ' in the lower story of the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Wood meet ]«"Mm \ OUBOLUTIOH, THE Co»Pertner*hip heretofore existing »»»«*»> the style of ‘'Cope A Breyfogle,” Is tbl* day dissolved by metaei consent The business will be settled by J. C. Bmyfogle, et their old atend. No. 109 Seeoadslreet i • L. & COPE, jmfl ; ■ * J. C. BREYFOGLE. . CO>pmnBIBIP« JC. BREYFOGLB, hiring- usoeieted with hits • A. 1L CLARKE, for the purpose of tnsseeting the Forwarding end Commission business, will con tinue thetbusiues* at ti» ©ld stand of‘■Cope A Brer* fo(ie. n end respectfully esks e eestinnenee of the former patronage of lbs friends end the pnbtie genet* elly. The bexinets will be condseted wider the mine end style of BxxTrobti A Clasxjl 1 J. C. BREYFOGLE, A.R CLARIS. Pittsburgh, Jan. 7. ISSO-Dang - - . _ Biarnl. rrsm Feyeue Manufacturing Company here reme -1 red their Wholesale business to thestore reeemly oeeapied by Messrs. M. IL Brown A Bralhets, No, 19 Wcod street -j IsffHw : milß Snbterlbers u ithe Stock of the CWaena Ia«- J. ranco Company will pleaao uke ootiea.that an Section for nine Director* of laid Company- will be 1 held In Ut&Boooa of the Board of Trade oa Monday I tbs 4lk of February av 4 o’clock, F M. By-orterof iheCeinmmioner*, jatrtl toffeb H. D. KING, Sec, riTALL/UVV—7S bbls U store tad for sale by X Jtfllß JB CANFIELD easts in state tod for sale by jsaia r J B CANFIELD £UIEEBE— JSCObis prime, la by SALBBATUS— 75 bxs and 10 casks, for sale by Jsnlfl JB CANFIELD /HANDLES—4O bxs Would, for sale by jaolfl i D CANt'ltiLP LIN9EED OIL—2O bbU for sale by .jaolS -. ; . J D CANFIELD GUNNY BAGS—WOO ft U roc 'a Md for ule br l Jfcnlß bBBYFOOLKfcCLARW'E" bKBNAPrLGS4MbbIs(r* JmIS ' ■ BBBV) 'roodwimeT) for aile bjr 'FOGI.E b. CLARKE RICE— IS lier#e»i • prlm^Mtiel*-landing Iron lUunerNeiiiißiTer.andlbrtslebT 1 , ” RH BY - , MATTHEWS & CO SUGAR ACOFFEE—SO hbda {new crop) Baf*n i SCO bar* Rio Coffee; WAX BAGALEY A CO, Not IS and 80 Wood «t n AISINS * aiCE-eco bxa Banes Baltina; * tea ?re«h JU?e; Ufttflny/rea iteamer Lswell, for tale by * * ~... jtog ■ ; WM DAQALEY ACO CLOVER SEED k LARD—Ii bbia Clover Seed; i • , 110 “ L»rti Landing and for «*!• by juf] WU BAGALEY Jc CO For Boat* A ROOM on Market Btfect, near Water, MiUble for an office. Enquire of , ... jangPif i GEO. R. MABBET, Water at S''' h« caafca, In salt, Fan landing and tor I ale br jarfO _ HARDY, JONES ACO SUQAH A a»Uf«r.. 7* barrel* N. O. Molataee, arriving per * learner Winfield Scott foraale by BROWN * KIRKPATRICK, janSS _ Mi liberty at. - CLOVER SEED—ISO barrel* •*pnmn new "- amt. B T EOWN * HEKPiTmCK, . Mi liberty at Y?COOJ£—4O barrel* •* Extra." JJ 160 barrel* Saperfine. 76 baneU fine, oa band and for late 117 jtaM : BROWN A KIRKPATRICK.- jaagk 1 . CfL'OAR A MULAIW'E&^7 r bbdanewerop He*Bri J 5 j <4 bU Plantation Moluees; i.wllm from tteamer Hamburg, and tax aale by ' jpre BBEY? MATTHEWS A CO /IOLtIKN SYRUP-* bbia and Id bf bblaianaing \JT from steamer llambara, and frraale by. jaog ■ BUEV. MATTHEWS.A CO SUNDRIES— SSlcafreah Rteej 70 bx* Baneb Baltina: SObfdo ” * . » bbli North Carolina ;Tar; landing from ateamar Hamburg, and Ihr aale by jin33 RHEY, MATTHEWS A CO tioPFEE-U3Baga Prim* Rio am vine and for aale J by .DROWN A KIRKPATRICK, jtnW I*4 Liberty *L NO. BUOAR-* bhda, new crop, landing (tom “S.Y^UiTMHEWkCO_ Xf~Q. MijLASSEs—*B bola’N O Molawea, landing IN i from North River. and for sale by fana : BUEV, MA7TUEWB ACO CUEESE— 50bxaprime WiBj So ell Goshen; In store and tor aale by j t0 |? ; ' JOHN WATT ACO DRIED PRUIT-rSOOba now Peaebea; \ ,to “ Apple*; for aale by jmn i j JOHN WATT ACO uy Cared ta twra and tot bale by / tfinfAßwaiv.f. Q jan!9 I L/aNcY soap—w box* r janll \ i lELLUO OPPATBEDUCED PBIOBIi ALEXANDER ADAY.corner or the Diamond and Market ttreot,:are now eelling oS, at redweed priees, ibeir *u>ck bf Winter Good*, conaiatiag ef Sham* and Ladies’ Brea* Good*, in great variety. Alao—Blanketa and .Ftannala, Cloth*, Ca*«imei,Saun etu, and a fall aaaonment of heavy Couea Good*. Confident tbu better bargains eannol bo bad alae* where, wo invite tbe attention of haven. ALEXANDER A DAY, t in ia - 75 Market atteet GLASS— 6CO bxs asa'd, in Store and for sale by jaal7 1 : JOHN WATT ACO CLOVER SEED-4100 bn prime new, for sale by jjjir i johnwattaco UTfKli—s bbl* Fresh Koil, for sale by jtal? V JOHNWATTACO BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—I 39 sack* ree’d and for sale by WAR McCUTCUEON, )an7 • j 1 133 liberty st Kgo DUTTER—IC keg* good, in store aud for sale by ianß - ' BBBYFOOLEA CLARKE - frjSns ffM ? s i&g y u^asasSis»c^^- T)g eU *-™ l "°''*‘WcAxnz.u, ; fIUTTEB-U bH. M.h MI.» t wasaassr Roll BUTTEB—IS bbla In xoodordsr,
Mataa A Co.’a. No oo Market atroot, anovbar la*ja inyolca of High Color ed Qp«ra doika and Piaacfc-Eabroldeied Efeaiflf DroaMa. •• [• if j ■>. jing . 0 Rots,«asM, just rac’d and to Janl* ' JPPPACO rN FOIL—IS Iba juat iec’dwßd lor tale by las 13 j ; J KIDD A CO ufOBWAT FLAIHB” BLAHKST9. THESE tnperior Blankets, made of tbe aoflest and UneauWool, eaii always bo fonnd at Dry Goods Uoaro of ’ ' W B MURPHY, jiali N E comer Fourth and Market ata /~TA 10 bbU Engtivh Venltiin Fed} ••• to •* saFsoda: ; iso « Notßosuu • i 3 u Chloride LubcJ ' ••, S bates Pain Soap; .• • 100 M Btitish Lustre. ■ JOHN IPPADEN * CO| ; Canal Bamm Pena sotn jnii” ■ 'HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, A* 77; F«*Baat, •“ T3ROM the -first day of April ama'» oas'large two if sttriedBBICKDWELUNG HOUSE, tua3wme hr oathe Okie River, adjoining the borough of Manthester.withabcuifarnereiof land; s somber of Frail Trees; oa* Urge briek Bern, and Sub Is, and B toabssSy. j * s g» m^m9 o tlt co. ! To Lot* A SHALL COTTAGE HOI iSK, la Allegheny city, 'cnQplanade street Memlow. laqmree ]tn|9 • TAfifEV X UKBT, 33 Wood St •,■ • i .. . • For l(oat* „•■,-• A BOOH at the eonei *)t r#r.n end Head streets. £L now occupied by'Bli.i;*iir*, aa.a DrogSto- _■ Possession rivenoathe At to:. April nejt ' janlß-tT ■A.W.LQpya I Brtek Yaa <* fi or BaaU — : - 4 LOT OP GROUND. *u aMefora Brick Yard, and(toutedDearth lathevieimtyof Bridge, will be reau .if; t- term of years. Ap* plyto [ • E.D. AH,Thirdafreet, iMXt ■ ttj’fTCMboPoitOfflee. T For Borne. i v . ABOOM oa the seer .i>; story of the Werthoase No. W Wood ease . Janld P*» Usst, ATHREE STORY D .*Ch DWELLING HOUSE, kmtww m O liars endWelnotstreeta, Rfth Word, at present occupied by the übseriber Ptaaesrion given on the UtApriL Enqalreof 0 Isalfrtr V> a yoUNQTIb Liberty at . : : Bor gtamu 1 fTIHB BABEHENT. 1 oner a tboDiamond see J, Union street*, wen, -deptedtoanypnbiie ba*ine*s. It has been oecopled .* s Coflee, or Establish, mem, tat* number o. j oars. . ALSO—flereral t rite.» and Artist's Booms, well lighted, with emm rom the Diamond, orer the store or the subset tiers, north west eornerof the DU mend and Mark** .utet Applv to - janiA a day. F' tww pleasantly‘stiaated'Brick Dwelling in uses, wh. the rrmnde adjoining, at Oakland. I Pcm sioa ean be rivan on the first of April neii , fais) t. ARDY, JONES A CO. | Bar Beau THE Back PtriotWait Maanowoeenpiedby myself, and c ' 7 ro. 1 street. i»nB T ~ C-nlO VNT,4lWaterst ' l Far Bans. ASTO 'Bin Market street, nee ' ibertv. Al«,«—-The Store ea the eon. rof Market and Liberty* t ■■ Far Bamu ' : A IWO BTOBY BBICK DWELLING >• USB J\. on Hay street Bonaire of ~lan7 JAMES PALZELL, 84 W» ml IttllK »■ A GOOD THREE STORY BRICK DW - UNO, on Bmlthfield street, far doers from - eventh, west side. Isqalre of 8. SCUM EB, Jan 7 no 8 end at, li’lJß, RKsi-A convenient Dweiline 1 loose, on Federal street, Allegheny dty. with al arge yard. Tosaessiongiven on the Ist of April. ALSO—Several Booms and Offieea la * lusbnrgh, near the Post Office. E. D. 0/ ZAM, • dcM Office, Third st, ever that* stOfliee._ L’uu a AUK—An iron Fuaadry, Ills k smith and Machine Shop, with Sic am Emgine >f IS hone Bower, rood «tock of tools, machinery, psi rnt,fluk*, UdJea, nrnaeea and ovess. all now in aee aodut good laanlnjf order. Said premiaea hate ISO &i« froatbyOO deep, wilh priTilegu of an adjoining lot 4 by 90 (bet Bela* one of the oldest and be* elands in be City of Cincinnati, with a liberal patronage. Ap.' Tto • del? DAVID STWTOWfcCia * vnati. O. |?cl| »A STORK, well Cum tip lor Urjr _ Goodi, ooMarketemwiweeaTtard . SFcertlL Fowcmoa fiTcn on the lit of April next..' - - Al«o—Sercral BOOMS andOPFtCES. oveulcn jircn immediately. ED.Gi iAM, • dels, Oflee otct tko PotOfflcc, tardat. M voa wahehoi «i p«- MH «em oeesplod by Messrs. Belter, Brw., n A Co* ■"• m Water street, froaflnt oTAyrtl afl.it.. ■ • botSB JAMES A MPTCBISO ACO JbA A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suit*-lo for t Bgw Variety or Cealleneii’a FamiiMaa S. e. AW ""so—Several toobs suitable tot ofiecs or Ary tzrfa room. E D OAEZA^>, oetlBtf Offlco Hurd street, oyer Post Aaa. « THE very dcniabta mldence laAl'enbeay City, lately occupied by B. W.Prindex pft«—riTfg tense, apply at tUsoflee, crtoW.W. WIL SOW, Market st. - ocß yOS UKST-Tbs masten Doom tw* ' ml ofecepled by Mrs. Atwood, tinned at Oakland, JB&»itkSD seres of trouad attached. Tbe Mass iespaeiosi and eeoveaicnt, aad the rroasd well lm proved. Apply to JIABBY, JONES A 00, s astft - Water tt 'A* FOIL Hft 1■ hWAraich Home, ibn cna Tcai 'W bnilui end Lai, oa Bobhuoa creel, Allegheny, near old Bridge. Price low end terns eaiy.— * Jytt 8 SOnOYEB.no Second H TOOK KENT.—Itu three Korrttnck i>welUo< j; Houe, qo liberty, betweea Ul7 end hUrbnrj itreet% sow oecajiled 6yW. Greheot, Jr. Porarnoa siren tmaedlMeljr. Kwjsire of Wo. Grebut, or U Die Boeknon of . •• JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, corner Merkel ud Third ■treetal _ TjtOß SALE—Fire fola eligibly stunted la tne nasi* f liblng lows of Birmingham. Tbe lots are shee ted on Denman street, numbered in FBuiau&'iplu 73,70,60,81 and 69—Lot Nn73 fronting SO (baton Ma* street, 70 feet deep; the other foor 20 foci front , cosh, by BO foot deep, Tom oteeter part of nnhut buit uy nl main for «U years, Mewed by mnrtetga. Forntticf ulau, Inquire of • aSQHOYER, myl« i - 110 second st -IT-ALtJiaEB-EEir ISTATiiON PENN STREET . T FOE SALEWA Let of Ground eitnale on Penn arrest, between Hay and Harbor? streets. adjoining the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, haviac nfro&t of S 3 fast, aad haAopllilSO Cml wilFbs •old on favorable tem*. TUlo unexceptionable. Fn. qairs of C. O. LOOMIS, 4lh at, osar Wood. octM-dtf • rule by J KIDD* CO BSCTQB »««M": BALSAMOF WILD CHERRY. THE following article wo ecpy with pleaaarc from the “Dosti Mercantile Journal,* of Mareh, 1819, and wo hope that if any of oar readers are sttffering from any of the rwiplafata whiehit U aald to ears, they will speedily avail thsaualvc* of lu■> DR.WISTAR’3 wntmaig OP WILD CHEERY. It waa wed known many yarn ago that tho wild cherry bark tree of thiselimate paewued valuable medicinal qualities. Indeed this fret waa known to tho aborigines, and deeoetions of the leaves or bark of this tree Aaa ever been regarded by dycii physicians us one of the most effbctaal ramediu In many ai«<—~« This fret, several ys»*s since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wistar, a highly respectable practitioner of Ylr ginla. lie investigated with earn tho healing, proper ties of tbe wild cherry—tested Its offsets when admin* itteredaloos, and when ta combination wuh other re* medial ayewA He tend that its namru] virtue might be greatly improved, and by combining U with Ingte* dienlewboeo properties wets all well proved and gen* erally teebgaind, a modiclns waa produced which constitutes a remedy of (Teat importance in pelmona* ry affection* and dii am of the chest and throat diseases which an proverbially prevalent in ear cities and large towns, endqfisn prove fatal, swelling the bill ofmortality to a meek'greater extent than lathe ease with most others, wu had almost said all classes Of disease. . He (canine WUtoris Balsam of Wild Cherry kaaa. toe simile of the signature' of Henry Wlmr, M. IX,' Philadelphia, and Saadiord and Park on a finely exe* ehied'atael engraved other are gen; uige. "... ~ '' r! ’ We an jut in receipt of the following voluntary tri bute to the cerativo power of Wistaria Balsam of WUd Cherry, from E. Hail, hL IX, of Ml Clemens, Miehi gen,whoUaphjtleiancf high standing, and an ox tonal vadrngglaff Mr. Cuoctss, Mtoh- OeL *oib, 1849. : To the alßietod, this mag certify that Mr*. B. Bob erts, of this village, three or fear weeks after confine ment, was attacked with • vis lent eoogh end great prostration, and seemed hastening to the grave with thartVU rapidity. I adrieed her to nse Wistaria Balsam of Wild-Cherry—she did so, end with that valuable medicine afattfl was restored to health, mad is now a living proof of the valae of Wistaria Balaam of Wild Cherry. B.HMJ, FfcysteUa and DraggtsL Bead on and bo convinced still forther of tho remar. ; kablevinses of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry: Meant. Saadford A Park* Gents, As a matter of jus tieetoyoe. end fertho benefit of the public, I would offer the following statement of a care effected byyoar medicine, known as Wistaria Balsam of WUd Cherry. In the spring of 1647 my wifo was Mverely attacked -with Peripneumonia, orPlesxisy, which malted in a deep seated pain in the aide, accompanied with a so vere eoogh: she was by some of the best physicians In Chicago, bat to -no purpose; for weeks the coffered, without reUeLeeaghing incessantly night and day. I came to the conetnsion that all the reme dies xnownftovhe physicians coaid not help her, and seas induced to try yov WUd Cherry. I procured one bottle, and commenced a sing U according to direc tions; before U was all gene—the eoogh stopped, the pain in her side left her, and with the mid of another boule the was restored to nuet imtn. In con sideration of these circumstances, I woaU recommend it to the pnbUoaa a valaahlo medicine. Yoon, respectfully, _ B. N. GABBATT. Gain JUm*Mich, Oetfß, ISO. EtadtUfoUawt^Tatmcmialt. Of all the cores that have been recorded, there are eertainly none equal to the one first mentioned, which plainly shews the curability of Consumption, even in sane of Its worst forms: Cnosni Faux, Luke e*, In. Jane U» 180. J. D. Park: Dear flir, Aa I hava a deep coantleerm tion for the afiieted, permit me to give yon a brief history of my afflictions, sad the benefits deriTcd from the ase of Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry. ■ In July, 1844,1 was a necked with a fcrer of the ty pfaed character, which left me in a vpry debilitated sure, wh«t in the following winter 1 arts taken wit* a sever* com, which reduced me to so eh an extent tu to Five me the appearance of a confirmed eopnunption. labored under u severe eovgb—expectorated a great deal, and was troubled with eold feet and night sweats, I also frequently raised bleed from my .Isms. I eon tinned in |> * l * stole, gradually under the case, until January, VM7, when I was again attacked! with fever. My friends despaired of mytife, and my phyaiciane thought 1 eoeld survive bat a soon time. My extremities, especially my foot, were constantly cold, and almost lost their feeling. Voder dr cnmsuacca limey traly be said that I was a living skeleton. 1 finally determined prescribed by phytic lan*,and try Dr.Wistaria Balaam of WUd Che try, and from the fiat week that 1 coo meneed taking it, r esa dam a credia) recovery. ’1 ‘ eoatinaed its use six months, at the end of which time 1 and have antoyed nod health ever sinse, and cheerfully ~4 the nt to all those af flicted with'dfoeua of the say to thoy cornmni ring its uso, hotto be docooragedUiwD or three bqttiea do wit efieei a ears; bat persevere eel buy? dene, end I hive ko doubt but nine earn eat of ten- will m Massed with renewed health 1 have been. BttptetikUy, yours. V 'U. JOSEPH JACKSON. : Pure* tl peg Bstde-fIU Bottles for BA ■ BoidbyJ.D4PAßK,(sapeeoortoBandforiAParxj Faonh and Walnut greets, Ctacinnatf, Ohfo, General Agent for tbe’Soaih and West, to whom all orders nputbe.addressed.- .. L.WUeox, Jrj Junes A. Jones; J. Sdd A Co; a A. Thhaestnek A Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Bamdl, Wash ington; W. It Lamberton, Franklin: L. B. Bo wit, UntcntoWagU. Wetiy.Greeuabarjh; 8. XeanfeSomer set; Seou A GUaore. Bedford; Beedfo Bon, Hunting don Mr*. Or»t Bollflayahargr HMebrta i Ms Indt •s! i. tc, wrixhw Kfn-""f"r, Evans at Co, Brook jgv-j^asJßnasft.'^sst TRANSPORTATION. jfisgi f aSUMOEnYEDATLISIr vox m iosniua ox nxscimoataDrtcttiSf I vnutaa no entanwr, sotw , ; pmT.aTiigT.pmA and mrraBPBGH. /~IOOD3 forwarded -by .this line are earned in the.' ; \JT mail train to Chambenburgß, and arc immediate- in Wagons going night and day throaghlo The formes are stationed‘every id mile*, which insures the prompt delivery of goods within the nan., promised. • • The Wagons will leave oar wareboase difly, (Saar.. days excepted.) atao’eloek. P. M. - ■> Shipper* are assured that no mofe goods will be > taken each day than can be [punctually 1 carried threagb.- 1 JAMES M DAVIS A CO. : . .£27 Market street, Philadelphia.' . JOHN M’FADEN A CO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. . JOHN HcFADEN 'A CO., Faxwaasrsa A Cdus* moa Maantawim, Canal Batin, Penn street, Pittsburgh. ■ JAMES M. DAVIS A CO- Flot* Facroxa aro Cost* kudos Mxxcaaias, 227 Market, and St Commerce it, either of the above, on Floor, Wool, and other merehandize, consigned to them for sale. ' ' l*n4 OHIOS LINK. WINTER ARRANGEMENT* 1850/ THE subscribers, now. haviegin successfulopart*. tion an Express Wegon Line between Pittsbargh end Philadelphia are prepared to receipt for 3000 lbs freight dally. Eacb war deliverable through in six days, Sondnysexeepted. HENRY GRAFF A-CO , . Canal Basin. Pittsburgh... DUTILLE HUMPHREYS A CO. „ janffidSm 107 Market at. Philya. 1 EXPRESS WAGON LINE. @Pv4 1849, THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! : • THE subscribers areprepared to receive OOCOpoonda - T Freight dally, after Mondor, IOUa iosL.to forward .. , to or from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by Wagon, through in Five Days. Rates as low aa by any other ~ conveyance at this season of the year. ... john McFaden a co, . Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. - . ■ JAMES M DAVIS ACO, defl No 827 Market at. Pb - : , MONOSGAHELA ROUTE. - • mhhCV Only T S niles Staging, ‘ Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. : rpHE morning boat leaves the wharf,‘above the X bridge, daily, at 6 o'clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 32 hoars; time to Philadelphia, 40 hoars. Tbe evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ev* euingsj at 4 o'clock. Passenger* by leaning.an the. evening boat, will-cress the mountains in stages next day, and thns avoid night travel. Secure year tickets at the Office, Monongahrl' Home, or St. Charles Hotel. . oeas-ly ■ J.MESEIMEN, Agent , . WINTER ARR AN UKKKST. jßtiai EXPRESS WAGON LTNE THROUGH IN : FIVE DAYS! ' SIDE subscribers, having suspended theit canal op* . crations until the opening of the Spring Navigo n,have established an Exp rets Line by Rail road end Wagon between Philadelphia'and Pittsburgh, by which they are prepared to forward COOO pounds each day. and receipt for the delivery of the same in 3 days. They: beg . leave to assure their friends and the pub* . lie than heir arrangements regarding rates, regalariiy 1 and despatch, cannot, fail to give satisfaction to oQ who'- 1 frtvor them with their eoamands. ; ; TAAFFE A O'CONNOR, corner Penn and Wayne st£ Pittsbargh. THOMAS BERBIDGE, STdhlarket street, Philadelphia. GEE, WO! GEE. WO* WINTER ARRANGEMENT. . ■fH-iSI 1849. max cams t&x ols corcstma. : BINGHAM’S EXPRESS WAGON LINE,; Pittsbargh and .Philadelphia. AS the bonneat on the canal is aboatbeing closed 1 for the season, we would inform the public that we have again broaghtthe Conestoga Wacons Into re quisition, and will be prepared to farwaid'GOOOpontiffs dally, (commencing on Monday, the 28th lost) A,Car leaving Philadelphmdaily by the mail trainfor Cham-, benburg, and tho Wagons traveling'day : and -night, ensntes the delivery or Goods in Eve days. Apply i& WM. UtNGHAM, Ptllsbargb, BINGHAM A DOCK, No. 183 Market sueet. t. novSO . . .Philadelphia.. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1849. EXPRESS WAGON LINE 1 PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. Tike Five Days, (Sundays excepted,) ruania&o*y ' THE poblie -is respectfuUy Informed that this like,- whfehhssbeen in saeeesaful epennioa I the two,- prevlous winters, will again'cetamence runningoa meaday,(the £Cth of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chambenborgh daily each WET with the Mail Train, and from Cham*' . benborgh with relays of horses vanning day and night* We amprepared ta forward fiOOn lha ueigntdaily-by— the above-line. -Apply to > -.■» D. LEECH A CO, Pittsbergh, '■ * or to—HARRIS A LEECH, No 13 Soaut Third street,lTdladelphla. novgkdtf • . - •> GKO. W. SaIVU * CO, , " TNFORM their friends and tharnblio tha thiiThsiva X- &o longer any connect'- 1 anS t :eir late ettabßsk' meat In Pehn street, know, a* duViusbnrgu Brewer having removed their enn:* basmaes to. the POINT QBKwKRY. lit Pir street. vh ■MW HAR R W A RJC BTURS - ■ ’ BIGN OP THE PLANE ANP AW, Wo. 78 Wood stnet* Pitt bnrth, ' TTUBER AND LAUFMaN,‘impOßc* , fib eems, and one dollar. . , GAUtbONkD AOAINSTU WNG COMMON PBEPAHEO CHALK-. Thpy are not aware how uightfetiyinjarieu tt.ia to the akin! haw coarse, how rough, bow cal' - and nnaealthy the skin ep pauiuSeresingpreparedehalk!. Be- ’ : sides U Uinjunaus, containing a Urge Quantity of Lendl- . , ' We have prepared a beaatifol'vegetablo nrtlelaS which we eaU JONES* SPANISH LILY WHETis** It U perfectly innoeent, being purified of all del eas quaiines; and it imparts to the akm a natural, i eak thy, alabaster, elear, living whits; at the taw tlsta acting as a eosmetre on the -skin, making tt ioft; mid smooth. Bold by the Agent, WIL JACKSON, SB Lib erty sLPittobnrgh. -- Price S 3 cents. >-• aagMAtsT ' if?* kaorTOdwattp axa UnChesrieal Soaaeanses a free penpmiioa, audit the same time moUfies, softens, end whitens Uto akbr giving »the lextare and beauty of antnrant l !, ScntvT,BaLxßßxnxasDS«itii, are soon no) only healed, bot emed by ita use, as ai leaat eaven. l .^¥S'» 1 2»5L , a. 0^±; puffed nostrum, &i we trial will prove. I can meratoEtlcwtSOpcrsoaseuredof •••*•'.• Sox* Hun, Sosa Lxoa arm Sara Baub>- • bt 5 It. andnaelt and the reader U'again assured I tvoild noti enally. sell it - for the above unleu I knew: to b# alii state. Those who ore liable ta .Ca*jr*^ttucxxn,oxCair*»ftw,willin ihisa cure. Any wre afflicted, with anyeftho above, ;rtim- Uai will find this ail and even more tefimira bto in Its properties) than I state. ' ' • u Bat, reader, the stores are fiooded whh imHations, and bo sure you ask for JONES’S Italian O cmltai Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, 8» liberty strut, Pittsburgh. tagftdWT- Fro party tm AlUghsay City for Mill* WOE subsertbera offer for safe a numbero- X Loto, titanic la the Second Ward, froatiar oatim Commonrround.cneasytertas. Isnuirsol W.