The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 30, 1850, Image 1
i :./..' \ \ ' ‘ 71 ;.•. * <v ■ AtSXABDKB B. VATtOHi : A TTORNEY AT LAW—Qfflec, oa Fosnh stmt, - A BniMmp • i JM»y - : ALEXANDER FRANKLIN, AOOnsj tX Ow, J\. Fosnhtt. : »Tt3-ly , I DAVUTfc. TtJTTLK. Attorney at law and commissioner FOR PENNSYLVANIA, fit. Lora, Mo. pnnßptiy tmwcrca. • oetP»ly i'AV::-,;! i* *■ * } bvidbi - •. ; .%'i ,^v-;\xXUTVir 5 -»\ ,\\ , -y* ■*s’ ’, '''**F! f ‘'.•"*■;•)•;• jj*, *j.' .J-V&v Uj-iri, j.’., . '*'X - -i ‘ ’v " ’ir V'i'ift?):'- ' ! T '< -\i' v : ; * “Tw *1! ;., • 7 v* ,t J 4' f Si yij jf*H X S.\ **.* $ ■ - * | i '.* •vvi'f S-'.'V'isi •if) • • yi; . ’l't •„ J , •. . v . v** i»’' > ■. ? •?*• »• '*.«.».» • vO:» i •{- « * {•’•*' «“ ■’* 'Uisi * ,V *’■ •VrsvM, • • * PUBLISHED BY v . WHITE * CO. ? B.JLWKTT] [S.RSMBT. : «airtx But cncai, tin© nun, nn ©oom to I ; ItaJWp, t ...... —«7,M pCT UmUt Trl-wS “ Weekly, tn advance)— —• *i® ' | 80. - o Clubs, at a reduced ntt. ail Cl 09 IDYSETIUBO I .i agreed upon ... - • ! BT Tl C! PITTIOC&GB PMM* Om Bq«* i e. nOUoet orNospcrell or Icu) m one i < ertion*——••—•••• ••—•••®i2 i • OneCqai ; >,emcb additions! insertion*** M* . I ' Do. eneweek W® : Do. twoweeks— ——*••• W® > Do. • threeweeks— V® . jDo. on* month*—®»J® , ■> Do. . two months "iw ; Dc. toco monies—•— •••• .*i®® !.* . Do. tour mouths—**—— I®5J * Do. six months •- —* l*> * - . ! . * DO. IWtIVA rarmlha. • I»,W 1 Standing Cord (5 lice* or let*,) per annum* 10,00 , • OoeBqaarv,ehaiigeab!eeipleasare (pert®* ' MS) cxeiasivo of tbo paper—* Ss »°® u - For each additional sqairv, inserted over one ttoma, ana to each additional sqaare inserted unde* the year* Syxaics, half price. •• . i Advertisements exceeding a square, end not over gfteeo lines, to be emerged os a iqean and a bale ■ publishers not accountable fof legal advertisements .beyond the amount charged (or their publication.- - • f to office, to bo charged the : same as other advertisements. 'i Advertisements mi marked enthe eepy to a sped* Sed number of Inieitluas, will bo continued till forbid, aadpaymenieaactolaeeord. • • •. . ; Tbo privilege* of yearly advertisers will bo ccnlnod rigidly to lieu regular business, and all other edrer* ituemenu not pertaining to their regnlaz business, as :agteedfcr,tobepuidexfra. • ■ • • ' * All advertisements for charitable xnitUanons. fire ;eompanl»s, ward, township andotberpubilc meetings, and such like, to bo charged half price, payable strictly th advance, •. : Marriage nodees to be charged SO cents. • • BeathaoUeesinsertedwitbostcharge,nnlceaaeeoa*' panled by ftucraUorUatloas or obitaary notices, and when so accompanied to be paid to. - Regular adrenisera and all others sending comma* nleaaeas, or teqairing nodees designed to etil atteo* - ■ Uonis Fairs, Soirees,-Concerts, or any pnblie eater* - —♦«*»«— where charges are made (or admittance— all notices of prirste associations—every notice do : signed to call attention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual Interest, can on* . ■ Jy b* inserted with the understanding that the same Is : mbo paid to. Ifintended to be inserted In the loea 'column, the same will be charged at thorns of not less thaaloct is per line. • • n ] Bishop nr FlstNedces to bo charged tnpla price. . ‘ Tavern license PetiUons, tS eueh. Legal and * advaitisementa to be charged at • fell prices. - Beal Estate Agents and Auctioneers 1 Advertisements - net to be classed under yearly rales, bat to bo allowed discount oi thirty throe and onn third per cent. Dora the amoant of bills.- ' want* on toinmi ta sult rum ■ One Square, three insertions— Do. - each additional Insertion* *.*• 37 ; One Square, (to lures.)oneinsenica—*sBcts. Do. cachaddjtianaHn»enloa**tS “ All transient advertisements to be advance. ... WWTRACO,Gazette. . L. 11ARPER, Pocl ROBT H. RIDDLE, JoazniL ‘ JAMES P. BARR A CO, Chronicle. • FOSTER A BROTHER, Dispaeb. . i . JOS.SNOWDENthlsreary. : JAMES IV. BIDDLE, American. -PrrTtstrias, Dec. 1, ISO.' ‘ - •; - • BUSINESS CARDS. A *- Cttf>gr.H.Cng»«al«rifla Mftrrlimti A. and Dealers in Frodaee, No. a.Marfcet street FfcuborxL “ : decB 1 JoMk'BUIUH; ; A TTORNBYand Counsellor at L*(w. and Oomtau* J\ Steraer far the Btata of Peansytvunia, St. Louis, : Ho. (lats of Pitubergh.) •: * ' J. . - ,Rxrzaxvcsv**PutsbarKht Bon. W. Forward, Bhsp lea A Miller, M’Candless A M’dUre, John i£ Parke, A temple. JPCotd A King. aaglAdty^ -t, —. «n«n. i, raxxnm. SAIBDAITBB&STT, , A TTORNEYB AND COUNSELLORS Ar LAW, A Fovth atteet, between Bgi<ttsgld end Grant, ■>mibargli. Pm. : ■ ion i. jams. • wsenmo. t labob*vbiksd» a TTORNEYS AT I*AW, Fouttt OrsaL * A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Oftee on Foartliat, be tween sad Grant at, Pitttbnrjb. T~wx. tueiLST —loss a. cwura. ; w, g. r WOCPWAXfI- ■' ’■ ■¥! I Tg JUAAIXt. BAGALKY. WOODWARD a Co, Wfcoloaato Gro cers, Market atrecU Philadelphia. botD ; i puubergfe AlkalTWerki* 'TVENHEIT, URRkY A 00, Masataetarenof Soda IVi.b BleachxnrPowder*.Mariatfe andßaittene Acid*.. WarehoMo No.—Water atreet, below Perry. ; . poTgVIT ' • • ; - nssKß ci saarn, aaoMB iiith •> <SeAUN A ROTES, Wholesale tod Retail Dngr 1 tjgutt, tsmr of Liberty Clair gtreer^Pta*. . I'AiiNEHTOCA * Wholesale end • ‘Qa tail .Druggists, comer Wood and rot «»■ - IT I Saylor, Attorney at i«w, rarfm, lst door above BnHaScld. novlA3m •t onirKHfßSs6Sr«iE“ — r !■ no. w spruce aTßiarr, pa it. apklphu, V'lONTDiUEBtopn hisp»rtie#UrottwttoaioU» ; | i ggifißCßt of DiHtMl Ot thfi SKIN, SG&OfUL&t ■nd Disuses of the THROAT. > „ • • Offly hoajc *A. M.. IF. sad 7P. M. I : OCt&d3»* . ' A. MeANULTY A Co, ForwtUn* u 4 C«» fj.' r" la * t " n Mercian!*, Canal Ifeoa, Piu»b«g^F» T.i fus^TßATsasssrsir 5SSSE=rS5H^^TS«iiri5*EM J jTtOLEMAN/fIAILMAN t. Co,BUtamj •' f ,pj,,ni. »ad iaiptio Bprias«y Htameied AXIM* HJJ'Sd “touiKcL lroSrfc*. WWtoMB oa Water «ad Front tfie«u,Pm*bwrt. j'nr.n—M* "Em, 6%alen us* Co«l»T*hmtap tad Mrihg* T7jfeuSl“KfENSEnr(U;'^|,’aisfl^ K + cojWhsleule GrtS&r*, Ccwmtiioo w*rsii*Jttcrchaatt,»od detlen in Pn>*»c» Woodit,between <4Md admeex*. • -- iTutiiiKY, Attorney tad Coweeitot «!-*»» I * Cincinnati, 6hio. Collection* In SoMhfcrn Ohio, i «on ln Indiana, andta flillT attended to. Commuwwer forth* ijtranU, tot uiio* Depcaiiioii*, tekßowtedfneot*, Wn.Beli i Bos, OmltCliMti* Carothcra. Wm. E*di Uioch to P*w J. C. Hfcyiogt*-—— —' •A* H. ditto.; finKVPOQLB 4 OLABKE) rvIRWABDLNO AND COMMISSION MEBOH- FaNTS, and dealer* In • Window GU**, WMm Zmd. Aa. No- »tWgecond ««- •'* ~wli. rtt IORWAHDING * CUMMJSSION KERCOiNT» Kft. Utßcccpd Wcct, Pitubttgfc. w“hitu na,K, , £S» ‘ y...i...m.ig.1i8i1J rv»TTTttii«mmmlFuMUJalM ■! Allegheny. • ——— ■ ■ 1 ■■'■• i : fSrieM Wooleni. LU-”™- cnaotlM tit «■ »»■ H ttSi, 41 KortH w*ur ft, felgwcrthw^y, t CO-* («»CC«»Of raatwwtluP*. • ■••••'" ’ TO T HAVE •nodMed'S bVmoVAY wlii ■»• In U* WILLIAMS. Wrn.ll.\m*a«~—— LELUoV»T* WH. Q, VULUBI . rt BANKERS AMD EXCHANGE BBOKKBq, KonkEut eotzterefWoed tadTUid ttnMt^ jtni . • ; Pittwow* r4*. ntmtstcm. •. . *cs**i -raAlAll BlcitET * I jjttier» in ProdttahfW^* Wfcttf.ndiOTPwmtßatgtfcPittibnfrh. ' coth_ J" NU. A. CAUGUEV, AgtiU (or til. I*l» MicU|>& Une vo ikkver and tte Lake*.—Oflwo oathocotßcref Water and ymithfiehl n. 1 J J*o» Jpfan tt. Joseph puwonfc JS. UILWG&TH k CO, Wholesale Grocer*, and • Agent* for Guard Powder Cfe, No. tf Woodst, yitabargh. ■ •:. -•• ■. • de»y_ loan *• pn ' wt, * T TL. mxrn sawonL JB. DILWORTJI It Co,Wfcoleu)e Grocer*, Pro*. _ doee and Conran mien Merchant*, and XfCQt* tor the liusrt Powder Co. of : N. y, No. *7 Wood tt, pitiahmrt. . • ■■ . ». *OtB • JOHN M- TOWNSKNUtUniftnaao Apothecary No.« Market it, three dootaabore Third at Pttw ■ will batei eoMUnUy on hand a weU (elected mS joytauni of the beat and freaheet Medicine*, which h* - M u oaths tnwrt leaaeaabls tens*.- FkytieUns aeadlas ordera, wiU be ptoagnly mended to,and wp* ! !.. iSSnrhh article*, they may.wlya;>camrenataa. Cl» phinieiana Fre*eiipwm* wui be aeeamelj and ■ gfcwp.-snaredfttotto P**tawn*l».aiaaThaa«of f alargeitosbof frwhtadgoodPerf*! • taZrr ' I*l3 ! TT HARHISON-sSWELL, Coaaaello* aTLaw.-Ofi | J ’ fi ce on Poonh it, abora SmiOi&eld. ootMt •; *g- » canpieLD, (late of Warren,Ohio.) Comal*-, 1 «(on and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale sLW in Weitera JLeaerreChecae, B*a*r. fm end! «~sjUj,,aßd We*tera Prodaee iwwratfy, Wator £i?Waen galthfiald aad Woodv ag3 , VmtN'WATr. (recoeaeoi toKwalt AOebbart) J °who;Vaalfl Grocer and CotnaUtkm Marchaat, X JUSl‘rodaeo and Piwbwjh ««&• ffffiiJbertrand * Co.-&L*ce**>n to i A Co, Cammi**on Mraehanu* * Xd Us Bt. »*“» Sg 1 prater andW front Btreea.Pitttbargh. : ’ --- fjo7S4 Wood mylto***. the pittsburg ouns. J!gl@SSliP taugL ' " J DKTU,>Bhi Jnuv il MELLOK, Wholesale and Retaildaaler and Musical Instruments, School Boots, cilff*-flteel Pen*, Grills, Printers'Cards, and JS£iS?j6i«t*llT,Na.aWißmtofA ■Y®nrßa*sE"fe! or taken in trade. seali -■ J~ oSH»TON 4 STOCKTON.-Booksellers, Prtntcra «ad Paper Nanufactnreta, No. 44 Market bl, pin** bench. - Jo 4 _ ’’ - RmaaasFXsmi. J Bk. FIATS, Wholesale Grocers, Cemoistlon # Merchant*, and; Dealers in • Produce, Roand OBrch Paildlag*. fronting on Liberty, Woo* and «th' greet*. Picsbnrgn, Pn. : • - myS .?■ ' YAhthS Wholesale Grocer, Ccmmlsslog if Merchant, and dealer in Prodace and Pittsburgh K* paf »etnrcs. No. 84 Waterst, Pittsburgh*-laale J& SWEITZEB, Attorney at'Law,cflie*3dsw • opposite 8l Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh,' will else attend promptly to Collections, im Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. • SHbHP TO . ’ ' Blacks lock. Bell h. (to. Chnreh A Carotherv • >Pttt»bt«fh. . , D.T. Morgan, . 3 . . Vl . oci3dly • T7*JER 4 JONES, Forwarding and Cotamlssion Ner* IV ehams{ Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mean* .(sewed articles, Canal Vd2l PBBB MILL, PITTBDUKQU, PA* ; KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO., ManufaCtorOn efr I superior 4-4 Sheetings, • Carpet- Chain/ 06s-y twine and Batting. . • JaftHyttoa Vunriu lnn Wsrki, v ( . , LEWS. DALZELL 4 manufacturer* cf all ri*. I*e*Baj,Bheet,BoHerlron.and Nails.of the best Quality.- Warehouse, H water and 103 front M. ? • janll : • } •: * T ■ WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward* 1 1- lag and Commission Merchant, Dealer in’ Pitt** fiutgnMannfaeturei and Prodace»Noa; 31 Waicrsto an aaa Front m.- ' ISiSt^RICKETSONTw importer* of Brandies, wince and Begari,No*. 171 and 174. corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitt*, burgh, Pa- Iron, Nails, Couon Yarns, . 4c. 4o« edn* .auntlyoahand. -■: ’ ~ augig • loan irotu- jus n. irsnx. wum c. ao» McGILLS 4 ROB, Wholesale Grocer* and Commis* lion Merchants, No; 104 liberty sl, Pittsburgh. tad. . * -_i a » UKPH Y, WILSON 4 CO-(lalo Joncs, Murphy 4 iVI Co.) Wholesale Dealer* In Dry Good*, No. 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh. - • ' not 23 . a * A'tTHKW WILSON, Portrait and Minis JH- wr. comer of Post OSes Alley and Fourth street, entrance on 4lh near Market : ? > decddtf. . ■•'- ~ • '■ • 9BURUM STEEL -WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. i nun jumm, rasn t. euro*. : . v^ 1 - JOWHAftWOO, ■ MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister nice!, plough steel, steel plongb wings, coach and dips no spongs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in nun (eable eastings, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings generally., eotner ofßocs and Front at*, Pittsburgh, \T HOLMES 4 SON, No. H Market st, second • door from comer ef Fourth, dealers la-Foreign and Domesiio Bills of Exehange, CeTtifiCareaofDepo*. it, Bank Notes and Specie. mad-on ail Ihs principal eitiet throughout the United States. . dehp- BUCKMASTEB, AUXUL i third door abort Smithfielt Conreyaocieg of ail kinds dene : r earn and legal accuracy.'. . Titles to Beal Estate examined,-Ac. ' PttUP* UKBRV BUHBOOE, i FS4N STREEP, between’ Wayno and liand, has resumed hts professional duties,- gi'nag iastruc* nnn* on the Plano, Guitar, and in Vocal Music. - anglfcdtf . ) •; BBM imuu Wood—Alii qairttititi of Ottett kad< ISfIL TctSj dou Bp la-qa»rttrv half; asd : .Ccambiian UercbißU,' and dctlets Ic'PttubdTffc Uasu/MUIKS. ■: •’ ir7 . ym.MBMt ~ mumx • «*«►».BCBiagS. t. t -ufjws j'MkF't flnoSk. „ Grocer, BccufjU^. ft Distiller, dealer in Prodace. Rttsbnisb Marrafao nr,. *n<t kind* of Foreign and Donulio inn andLlqaor*.No. 11 Liioxtr etreeL Oafcand nTery Urn stock of superior old fcloaoagahela wkUxey, sruek will be soldlow for calk. -• - x. ex. asrsoLSa,. \-i' • ■ REYNOLDS fc BHES, Forwurdtor and Cennaiuton . Merchant*, tor the AileukearJuverTrade, deal into Groceries, Prodace, PiilsHrgh••Jtaatttoeiart* ted Chloride of Idine. . ; ’i .Thebl*he*tpriec* l ia cash, paid at all tonestor conn* nrrag*. Corner of Penn sndlnrja »U. *• tang* nOBEBT DALXELLfc Oou Wholesale : Grocer*, K, caounisdon Forwarding Merchants, dealers m Prods ce and Pinsbnrgh Manntsetnres, Ltoerty sL Pittsbsnh. Pa. i ' - ••tejgj Rokr. A. CUNNINGHAM,. Wholesale Oncer, Dealer to Frodsee and Pittsburgh Btonafaenms <»<■. 144 ÜbcttT «L r > • ~ W senuciutii • '■ .yttiMLH wail** 1 - OHACKLETT PjFonlgß and Domtifie Dry Goods. No.WW^Wft £~TTW. HARBAUGIf, Wool 0« to Flour and Prodnce generally. *gJ?nrardlDf ana Coststlssion Merchants, No. 63 Water it. Pitta. a. tamoa; Hnotwa ' -jotra *foßoi*,»a*TiAißi. SELLERS h NICOLS) Prodnee and General Com- S ifni MerehaattTNo. 17 Liberty ft* Pittsburgh. Sperm, linseed and Lard Oila. C F. VON ton dace, bare removed to their new warehouseiold stand) corner of Frowst Chancery Lea*. ParkkVV be»t. wholesale Greccretond Ccmnats- I ties Merchant*, and dealers la Produce. * No. 3S rood m, Pittsburgh.- '. • ! -^ a ~- w a uiauMutt. WU: * CO- Wkoiettlo. Grocer* IS nd SO Wood ftreet Pixubtigh., bct97 _ —"'■WTi’HrMIMHW'tBSB, ‘ ■ >n Txrnm.K3ALl> OEOCRB9, RKOIIFYING DIB- Tl| f t.RßiLmad WINBtndUQUORMKRGH* *CTfL MMSapcnea of Sods Ask tad Btetebing ftwdar, No. MoffiSty *l, Modi Stak - - - ... i- • cSmabrim^Merekuß* InIroo,N«l»>Gi*»» JJttwYttM, «ad rcaerulir, wwrtf Wood *ndW«tfT«nr<U. Pitttbaryiu W; 2J Mt££teAno.aM ta*rtr P, enA;-'- ' ,v; WILMN* Wateke*, Jewajnr. butci-W «, orefally af H tw.TtrfllPT ■'W" ; W<gd«a Market atreeta.' : ~ . ; .. __'j JLn iilurr: WE. MußrUii WMJeuie irn »***“ “* . Foreign »oi .lto»e«ie Dry Goods, no«h east eornerof Maxtet«adFbBnh«ts. - ■' n < a 1 nrriL'YC&NO * Co-— titiien la letter hUoj, W 143 Liberty «« w, Ket «L Lilil iin ’ J ' •- WM- TiMBUN. . attobhst a* iiWj ~ i But firr;pfl ' v , • -rfpnd to coUeetioiii tad'»U etnar boil* VF&^SSS* vkta in- ui Arauutm K-SSS-S W«t>- 7 fly ~ ■ ggTfcCo*Woodti. I ■ •./ 3«*7_ pettioeew iTcp.’L . L£sS& BT^^. A H T A^g? a JBBSfa petal. n°. « w«af «»?«•. HOTELS . Tr “' FOO9TAIBT BOTKk light street b alt IMP gB a THlSestablishment loaf “l beinc one of the most eonxmodioa* in the eltyo;r . Bausncre,ha* recently ondergoao.very exten ds* alteration* and Imptbrements.' An emiro new wbf has been Added, containing ntmcreMiindeify rrtofSSfcpMtaenfcli** «1» beencompletejy itornsixKUndfitted•» la amornniqnenndbeaati* fee* the whole anaogement of the House baa betaremodeled,with * single eye Se proprietor*, towards the eom&n end plfi*«o of their Oueeu, end which they con£dcni]y u**cn will challenge companion with any. Hotel iathe Uftiom -ThriittblewiU always be snpplied with wry sab* «nd luxury which the market adordt; served SS nq«rior style; while in the Ae, proprietors _fn KeVriTudon* on their part, and on the part ©f their ujututuTtorender tbia l&riwortby the' waUnacd SfSJJSt* of their friends and thepehue generally* . board have also been redaedd 10 the bU &?SaiJr,.' ‘ «.»!«“»• u < S5S?Wct«« W«m of »1- N* IS&’SiUWOTey begsege'w and firoa the off’ ' ' Tl) iyTiTurnnE nopgsr. • eoon JfA.. iS new tad exeoilem Hotel £|&sjs®®*- wf sssa a and the g b _Hg_Fffff£rkiM ciexpcaae; have bees coßfi9Ubto fc«h«t»of proprietor. ■ brick fTtHB wrbacribef ofltojb* ***?» ..iiiy, a 1 WORKS, .abo™ of Seam Engine, 11 In d*T>, manafactnnng tlflO* —S.'S throe .acre* ::a* taken from the baak,).P«f d*L .-u 4 »iln* and land on the Allegheny nmrOn wwejiMeM •heda, mieUnband clay •hoTdt, tpadet, fee, ewiy ee fan Winy I me nee operation* at an boon ntalce. Fnec. I the patent right to eao eaid For I paymenimaaatatj. WHbocti[be l*&“*iSftES!f. utsas**"-, •DRCSSELS CARPBTS^W, i) parekaaan a large and bdndaoiteo • , f®9S*£LJ2 fIiSBRANCE. LIFE INSURANCE! TitnUa /Mail life Inumuiee CoEipiaj. MMxa ornmex azsucm 25 m cist. - OnplU)| •iatf t OOO, 1 . JAMES DUHNO to CO, Agents a:-Pittsburgh, Pa. t •• Bttiiß da. soxc7»3,as tauiov, imr nxtn. JastosHer, Jr. ‘ u Ij. JosephC. Potts,Pres’t. Beniamin FULi' , l -G. A:PeTdie4ri*,Y.P. John A. Wearu ' | Eli Morris, Secretary. ’ Jonathan Flar, Treasurer. SIW TOtX. ■ CotnptrellerofNewYork. Gcorxo Wood.. . John F. MaeUe.". 'David DadlerHeld: Joseph Hoxie.< --' J 3 Hli Exe. Got. Hninet. I Ex-Cot. Vroom, W. L. Dxyun, D. 8. Sen. I luw Wildrtefc XL C. O. D.WnU.Ei-U.fl Sen. (Wm. A-NewnlUU. a Ex-Gor. M. Dickemn. nnmDlnn. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A.Sidney DoinolM. D ; , 'V: W-Oettard, M.R 31 Werrenit., N. Y. 301 W«lnnt«t,ml>n. \Vm.M!K.Mot»nn,M.a, H. B. Dell, M. D., . GnotxoM’Cnofct M.IX. Allegbeny city, Pe. ‘Rid Aeenu M tSi tofflpnny, nt PmifenrsAlnre nmh erixod to tmke eTCTT fim elus rimfc on iii® tt o ndue fu/k-tfttMntrJit* ftr too. trom lie «tt«l »te* of pre* twinin ■« ohUffOd DT Other COfSpßllieS. • .. ' A mu 30 years of an, taking ■ Policy of Insurance fi*rOne.Tl»ett*endDoUa»— - ■ , Torun for one year, pay* only. *B>so- , do*" seven u ■ * 1 “ 810,80— annoally. do- Lifetiloc, * 817,80 " • • . And in the ium proportion for any ansi sp. to 65000, vbleh. is the extent taken on any one life. This company commenced operations on tie lit Oct-, 1348,'and ita monthly buslneaa up to the let Oct, 1810, •bows • progress txemdini that of any other Life Com pany on record. The first dividend of profits will be declared to the axuredoo the lit January, ISSO. pampMwta containing the various tables of rates, and nil the on the important ■object of life Assurance will be (hrniahed on appll* • cat&nto JAMES DURNO fc CO, Agents, ■ del7 -v- 1 Odeenßuildings. FIBS UIVBASOB. nriHE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AMD FIRE IN. X BURANCE COMPANY.WiIIiune Policies of In eurance against Loss ea Daiuox by Ftxx, upon Dwell inn and ranltare > Btorea L poodi ]L fte a Aen on appu eatioato - . JAMES DURNO A CO, Agents, .. del? . . • _ . . Odcon Buildings. HEALTH IHBCAASOE, at.PUUbarfh* Tbs Spring Garden Health Inwrante Co, OP PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL *lOO,OOO, INSURES Males and Female* against the Expense and lw occasioned by Sieknes or Accident, by •a immediate allowance of frost 83 to 83 per week, for one, two, three, or foer years. The method of effecting-thia Insurance, and the manner of awarding the sick allowance, will be folly explained by the Agwu. ... num 'Aperson esa insore against SlekneM or Aeeident whieh will detain him boa his ordinary basinets, as follows,Tim -’in i . 1 For one year, by paying 84£0, and receive 83 F week. For two “ “ ■ W “ u i “ For three ** * ** 7,93, « * * " Fotfonr • u - - u “ « u , Or. for a period of four yean, the sum of 814,40 paid asnomlly, will aecnra 8s par week while sick. Every fieeetsary Information will be afforded on the •abject of Insurance generally. by . . JAMES DUBNp* CO, Agenis, dcl746m . v Odeon bandings. ii—Ofiiee,' Foarth st, sooth tide. v : .. f,i*> uid;llialth lßfatuie<« TH£ Neto** Life ud ilealto Insaraace Company 0 ( lncorporated br too Leg utotare of penfiSTivuiUrMarcb, 180. >Cbaner JwrpetuaL Cwitll.tlOOXOO. JUXZI LOW** TSXJI AHT P*SSHL gpuri CoifiXTt ud fell 0 per cent, tower few toe sn«l rate* of life laearaaee, u toe following com* pirieeo win •how:' Thu»,a per»oa of rfc<s age wWin rariorfertlOO for hfe,mn*» p«rto toe Girard IMB - SSpB, Pena Jttnmal, 88J6;' Enaitabto, jjiOfc New £ulm<). New Yotk uiijW®i Al* b&n/ti,** £je and Heal*, w DacECTrTTt—Bnnrael ROrrick, Char to* R Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert P. Kinf. Charto* P. Hart*, M. W.ßeeTe,|K.D, CbaaO.B.Campbell, LewtoCobpetSr. Rodman Baler,Uwn E-Cope.. fcetoeak-Bawel D. Ottwhj Presi dentKing; Becretarv—FmneUßUckbnipe. inalicattoß* vsTbereea»ed;aaderery airea br ■ —•- - •• •:'••;! ofiee, Comawreial Boots*, comer cf - Wood and Third m. Pmabnrgh . pipe An MAfliaKwromßOß* rfniK4NfIURAI«CE CO. of North America will X a »"»*« permanent and limited lnsanutee on pro bity la thi* city and rieinlty, andrn shipments hr F.V.I ttitexa. Lake*, and by Be*. Tub prepertlee ot this Company are well invested, and fcrnuh an trait* able fnnator the ample lade aim nr of all person* who b. H WtM , *T%sPran&aJir* inn mace Co. rf PkHtuidpkia. T\tpgirry>Bfl.—N. Dane her. Themu Ifart, •• • CharlesQ. Baneker, Secretary* ■ , .. . "CntinM tomahe lnTf"**i perpetual,or .limited,, cm eTcrr description of property In town or Ooanuy, airateeaalowasaieeonmmeniwlUisecßrity. ' To Company have reserved *lari«eonoMseatFnna» wklch'wia their Capital aadPwmlams, safity invest- - rratUshad: agreeably to an met of Aaaembly, were a* . . . Temporary toans OuSW.—* —— 37 «l£3M9*n' • Swee their Incorporation, a period of i» years, they have paid apward* of one mil Eon fo whandrod thoas marl-dlyOgee M E corner Wood ana 3d rts •toss a. cckoeats. , : fjuPißMylTaaU'Caßpaay Fo» Inuucso. Lnm m ouxmAtumm. tnHßfint Life Inference Company is urn U. state*. X. Incorporated Maroblo,lfiU»-<ba» ter perpetual. - .. , f rtWnwi the »nder*lgned to reeem appl* Inmraaee, on which pelieie* wilt to bfwd, '■vstXgSssrSfonb-iptxh BATS. CAPS AND BONNETS. '"'LL- ' n»coßx>*co~ Jm (Bacoe*o<att*PCoTd felOn*) • HL laahlonablt BaUart, Cbnaor of Wood «nJ Ftfik &«**■ T) ARTICULAR attention paid to oarßetaHTrade. Jy Gentlemen can rely npon getting their Hat* and Ooa ftor MxabUihnteatof the amiornmoand Wtcaxanßzr, of tho term tm»,and at the Mwm jay with confidence that a* regard* otaim 4tod rates. It will notaaflijrina comparison ;wuh any ;beo» tat Philadelphia. ftbw FITTIBOBQB FBHALB , IHRTITDTIfi •rpHB SceondBe»aion ofthla Inrtltntton. ander the J_ eaieof Mr. and Mr».Goaiw»a, for theoraent aeadenuc year.'will commence on toeJfiratof Febraa,in(heaam«tmUdin**,No.BaLa>erty«itreet.-- . Arran*emesfe have Jwen made by which they wiu T>eaMetofiimi*h To«ng ladiee feefiltie* wall® ano ia the Weal, tor ebuinln* ajboteag b Engtob. eal, and Ornamental education.. A f«U| eoor«e of fh>* lirfUj^i mi re.*«>#al Lecture* will be. delivered dartnytb# winter,- Uloiuated by apsuatu. Ttodo. js»£SKißsdte?^ Sy£^SSBSLS&^f»SS^ rilfctha PrindPalehope tomentaccntinaattonef tha ro ' ■. jaafrda •• - a •- • •• 1 • • • ‘ 1 . • BELL AH® BRASS FODSDBf. . a , a FDLTGji.BeU and Braaa Foosdcr. ha* re - 60 ballt and commenced bn»lne*a at hia old *tand •jaxwhere ho will be pleased to *co hiscideaitoia* . ««ii fHendi. • - 1 CharS,Steamboat,and Bell* of every ilia, fromlO SSSBE^SasSBStfSESaE^ tamed and ficithed In the toatgetmannet., . _ ‘AS^sas'asßs^S^^ " , 1 FLANNELS. : iyt '*» MUKfUV conUiwcito keep oabuidi* foil W KMortoefit of U* WeJ*b Uoit»rio*mble Flao* Ji infiSSweert * *»pp>r «(«“> uSal”™?# SSSSS I jm* * 11 itolißj o&sses. sss B [S2rfflss«« "■ "»”• "ScSra SaJkuwXJ, JwlP ...' Firrt*tr«ci,bel^n WoodfcllaikjeU_ • ■,., Jort Arwind.. Cl ACRED SCENES AND by J- T. o Ucadlf, wllfcorl*lB»J **lyn» TMi-oHujlSaUU ßui&rM >■ *• »«nUta»t o*> lto&!«fvCd?rl3iia ft", CUUud *' S w *aLTt^»H2in^li- ' Sow to th« time toßmbacribe. /"vFFICIi cf Scott's Hapltttt'pj H» ?0M ill tbs and Blackwood; I i „ llonii k Willis’ Hosts Joaroalj Tnbllshed U new York weekly)« per annum.' .. „ - lloruculmralist, monthly, n per. yew* Invaluable. 'ffce Cultivator, monthly; SI per amtwn. .= ; ' The AfrfdultaraUat, monthly; •! P e n| e * r - ■ _ The Democratic Buview, monthly; taper annum. * B * n ‘ m ’ AU «“ l %jra D ISS EWOOtt Jaak . ’.; Bookseller fclmporter.o3 Wood »t_ A FEW itrj Sn> GUITARS, Jut roe’d ft™*" _ b “ Ubr %“^?SSßBfv^£ W boxug.. -g**"*- >»:';■ •; ndo U» do jo ' ,i / t . le.4© lCxll 4® 4® laiwouJifcr^kr ■ : -' '. r i, '~ r ■ -.mi 11,1 'gi ;GH, WEDNESDAY MOENING. JANXJA PITTSB . CO-PARTNEBSHIPS. Diaeolattom of Putatnblp*. BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, tha firmhem»; fete existmf aoderthe atyle l w BUSHFIBLD * LEADER, has been dissolved by Henry Leader tell ing his entire Interest la told firm to John WeGfll. - AJ» basinets connected with the firm of Bnshfielda: W*®* tr will be settled by 8. B. Baibfield k Co, a** dnly authorised to make nil collections *»®*sX£r I eb.W BU6HFIELD A LEADEK- PiUibttrgb, Oct 77 1 1640. j N. B~S. B. BDSBTOLDfcOO.«iUcootioi«lJ« .wholesale and retail Dry Good* andGroeery tmsineo, ; at the old more room, No. 890 Liberty st, where they will be pleased to have .their fnenda and customer* .heir t Co! T Hon. James Campbell. Divid 11. White. Alexander Cummin**. W.J.P. Whha t P;U. • Dissolution* • ... ■HE paitnenbip of die unde nafn ed ij* *5 , r _uienljip of the Uiiuw _ jf Bagmlcy fc Smith, »u diuolred by m«twu eoatent oa #th September, W, the intereitofJ. H. South, whe retiree., TfM boifaett of the firm will be settlM by their »ocee**er*, vim. tC, U K»IB wiLUA^T I BAOALEY, Pitab.rjh.Oct.e.m ibaao k. smith, j . 19»nd30 Wood »t, under -tfi»fira of.' - WM. BAQiaKY * CO., PUubwghj . i : ud BAO ALEY, WOODWARD & CO, ftil***- • Dissolution • t co-FortnorsMp. > <j fpIJE eo-ptnoenhip heretofore exiitinj hWJPJSS? X mbscnben, under the style of . Bro T , •on, wu dbkolTed on lie Ist Inst. br JSSyi The subscriber will condhne ihe.WboleisJs OtodJJ tj snd Commission Bosineu,« , SJSa5 f • •land, t« Liberty St. oeti A.CPLUEKTBOIN. ; *« xawa, i PttUborgb, OcU 3) 1849. ti£sES i smith Work. grata Bo&a built u> order. , fSISSSSiSA^^^SiS uda for tteamhoau, California emigrant*, or rail tom respeetfolly inTimsttaaboat men and others to call ana tee oar articles and prices beg" parcharint elsewhere. Us the withdrawal of Mr. Fred crick Mtulcr. . The bsiioeo will'be eoatlaacd by c . ander the firm of|HENRY HANNEN *«>•™*! house No. ICB Second st, where wo will Itr.MSW „ PP U C . of .operio. Wi»j™ CUu. [ANNE!;r ; HENRY HANNJX HUGH PitUbargb. Ana. 27. M», 11ENRV UM3TKAP-; mb„.i«uJACOB L. ton uu. <n. bui»u», te £^r^ssfsSfi!c6. . ... _ ' wts ‘ Jily 8,1849. NOTICE. : fpHE partnership heretofore exlwlax ftna I of A. AC. BRADLEY, i» dissoWedbythe.decohie ofXlr C. Bradley. Tho bwiwas will te earned oa by A. BmliaTi who will settlothe badness ofithelate £T RKVfiVAr-—A. Dxasut has restored his Fcnadry- Warehouo from No. US Secrad meet, * . * Wood street, between Fire: “*.£,42 warehouse lately occupied by O. A- of will keep constancy ©a hand s ffwereli f CuUnjr», Urates, Stores, Cooktce Store*, Ac. )y? 3 __ rttsoolnUoa* ! j rfIHE emitaenUji heretoforeexisua* betwoe# «■ 1 ssbsenbets, In too mb* of Constfcbte, ButMO£ C<Lu this day di»«Wed by inntuafceonseut. [ Me»ra. Boiko A Bunco will settle tke cent, Cot which ouno oftlic coition. •THOMAS BARNES. 1 fesaasirESKs ACo-where they will be pleased to rec«reU»<i pa treW ofthe eowmoreofttayw* Uj«gfi^ THOMAS BARNES. In retiring tna tto I with sincere pleasure recommendMesrrt.Bnt«e « tor... to tie of «, P*M*- Feb. 0, l&tt. NATHANIEL CONSTAII Li feblidif r ? FORWARDING & COHHIi STUART A SILL, Groce,£?2* nh*um Merchant*, No. dealer* la Uioeeriea, Floor, Wheat, RTe,W*^ W 0» llarier, Pork. Bacon, Batter, L*ni, Timothy and Flax Seed*; iron, Nail*, Ole**,At!-*C , Ac. Paitiealar eueallon p*ii to lie aale. of Wemet# Mier* A Horner, BbfciD*k nUACa, Jtt«UltAjßoe t •**«■£»«, Smith £©*£l Jaaeatiay, A M’MUlaa, Ma**4l«L J0t.8.. Mofmcn* E*4* St. LoaU. __ L n»»iy 6B®BSiSS IT7*Prompt attention jiTta to lie patchaie ntd »al# ofail kind* of Prodaee. , J.- ' Rim to-John Wou A Co., Morphy, W J»a * £°- Pknbnnrh, Poj Lawton A Hill, MahUm Marita. Wellnifle,O-pohaH.Browa ACo., OT\%g, EltoaA Co_Philadelphia; B.W. SaodgrxtJACo-£ft«A Naee, New Gabon, O; Ft. Skinner,.Hon. j.p.Keller, Yeosgatowa,O; W.USl*o dan. Cleveland, O. . ; » B f?— GKOB6B COCXUiAS. j CommUalon and Forwarding HwWi* no. 28 wood *f., manwH) < , , CONTINUES to tnuuaei a general Coouniwqn but* new, especially m the pnrebase and sale ofAmen ean Mannfaetnre* and Prodnee, and In iteeirjnf and forwarding Good* eoa*ign*d to hi* care. AaAgenlfet the Uansuctiires, he will be constantly lapptedwith the principal article* of PiusbWgh Manufaetare a* U» lowest w&aale price*. Order*, and.,consignment* are, respectfully aoueited. j : l" 7 Ptaa UftcfetaMShop* | BWIGHTMAN— Manafaetam ofill kind* of cot* . ton and woollen mac tine 17, Allegheny dry. Pa. above work* being now in tall *ad**ece«*f*l »■ -ration, I an prepared to exeeita otitrs with dupaitt for all kind* of machinery inKylnia.rTeii rfekera, spreader*, eart*, rrio«*i»f natbawt railway*, drawing frame*, apeedere, ihiaasila, Jooaf,jwoolen , card*, double or single, for merchant or Country work, male*, jack*.&£4*!lae and handiathesand gen eral. All kind* of ihafting made to order, orplka* grr en for cearing faetoriea or mill* at reaaonable charge. ftzru to— Kennedy. Child* ft Co, Blackitoek, Bell A CoJlunx.Pennoek *Co-»Ja*. A.Gray. —— —Tcrpmuttfa*. ; JOHN D. &TCBBARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer, No*. 331aad SO Stanionitrett, NEW, YORK—Do not No.3Spruce «treet—Would call of Primer* to hi* improved Printing laki of y*noua kind* and Order*, at the following price*lS Extra fine Jet Blaok, for Cart and Wood! Cot* . . Sd 00 and 3 fd per lb. Pine Book Ink • * 0 « “i lou “ Boosrk • ♦ -040“ j 0 53 u Newatnk - 0190 30 “|QsS u Fine Bed Ink • 75c 100.150 u \ 8 OU “ Blue, Yellow, Green and White 75e 100 1 M “ Gold slxe at 89 per lb, andJßronxe at 50, "5 et* and 81 per 01. 7 ! . A ipecltnen of News Ink can be wen on thi« paper. For eale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, 1 Pittiburgs, Pa. - - - ' - Ohio. octkaHa. 0. Morgta k Co. CinctsnatiJ Morton & GrUwould, Lonlsi JAHKB W« Wl flodern tod Anti S3|Tnisi>SmsT,frmtßciaß. , S..f^,S J r.-fcgsßSgm suitable for Steamboats, Hotels and private dwel* linn, constantlyon hind and made to order. : The present (took oo hand! cannot be exceeded bp I ear manuraetory in the western coanlry. Persons 1 wishing to purenaso would <l6 well to give me a call.' ulaa determined my priced shall please. Part of the stock eonaiiuifr- I 1 TetaaTete; Buffet Etaqele; Louis XIV Chain; Qieen Elizabeih chairs; Tea Foyse: Fruit Tables; Toilet Tables; • L6uis XVCommoden Preneh Mahogany Bedsteads: Piano Stools; SO sofas with Plcshanduair-elodtcoTars; . 60 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; 40 do* Parlor I do 30 u Fancy do i SS centre Tables; I to psir Divans; 4 pair pier Tables; .15 marble.lop Dressing Bureaus; 9 Wardrobes: 6 Secretaries and Book cases; 80 marble lop Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; | 0 pair faney Work Stands; A very largo assortment of common chain and other furniture too numerous to mention. {p* Steam Boats famished on the shortest notice, onTontho most reasonable terms. _ ‘ deeii Dlaphraga ffiTuri tar Bydraat Water* gm Tills is to certify that Ihaveapj J?i- pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co* MBA Sole Agent* for the tale of Jemung’s Patent Diabnihgm Filter, for the ci|. Tut tios of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. - » " JOHN GIBSON, Afeent, for Walter jMGibsontjO Broadway, X Oct 10,18*3. We have been cslng one of the above title lei at ths of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it Is a useful invention, and we take-pleasure In recommending them as iw; foi artiele to all who love pure water. Orden wul be i ‘ts? u d v?S^ gmrfihls FiuirQpM k l, n I a FOR PURIFYING WATER, I ,H Which readers turbid water burp by >lk manvinx all substances natsolsblom I wa«r. ITtecrotonwater in|N. York, rftfflanftdnf slthrmrh elear and pure to the eye, yet ; TOPBH/1W.1.M it posses an boar through this I VO WVM eockt abowa a large deposit VfiQr . ißrnnw snbstanees, worms, Re. This l is the case more or lea* with all *• »., .£ .SEISES savi*■ “'^w^iiSon, eereeref FWtth and Marketsts k o.* W.BABBAUO& n i*m fiMiR miscellaneous- i OOWELL, ; iut larnltnre. frvw 1 DtNim urd Cocoa qr boie* jtui Coecc thrill rac’d and for MISCELLANEOUS " w. *j. e&sni B«o»Bladiffc \trE enmed In the WofWood andTbird »tr«t*, weare prepared to do any work la our Bae , t i,v *w« attend to oar work personally, a™ *•?*“ Ktiok will betf ve“ In regard u> its neatness and ?*-. "SS Book* releJi toanypauera and beond tt^ rtStSHy. BooksinnumbenoroldbpoUbotwdeura fally or repaired. Nameapatoa book* in gUtleww* nwe- that' have work in oar line are iaTiwdlocalL Price* low. -—' -Beales. Cooking Stowes, Grates* fee* ■BrASSHALL, WALLACE k CO, Round Cbvreh, aaaJSsMfcsa&^fxjs thecitixeni and the penile generally* octg/-cu Pitt Baeblß* Works and Foundry* t ■ v ymwnaoH, it JOHN WBIGHTkCo, ere prepared to build Cotton end Woolen Machinery ofeverydescription, saeh jtssSMSSSwß&fefe'SSa Pressing Frames, Igtoms, Card Grinders, k-c-Wrought Iron Shafting tamed} all rises of Cast Iron, Polite*i and Uajuren oftne latest patterns, slide and hud Lathes, Sdwols of all kinds. Castings of pTcry description famished on *hort notice, patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, fce. Bteam Pine for hjH- SgTaetoriei Cast Iron window Sashi and fancy Css iSSwTenera&y.. Orders left at the. Warehouse of J. PaLnw k Co, liberty street, will hare prompt alien- to Bliekstock, Bell fc Co, J. K.Mooreheadfc' Co- O. E. Warner, John Irwin k Sons, Pittsburgh: O. O.fcJ.H. Warner, Steubenville. lanlp__ MBW COACU FACTORY, finaitTW. M- A. WHITE It CO, woald respeetftUy inform * the public that they bsvo eroeied u shop on oek, between Federal ai<i Sandusky street*. They ere now making and are prepared to receive orders for avery description of vehicle*, Coaches, Chariot *, Ba* Toache*,Bugßie* > iPlußU)ii* I ke n *c, whiehfromlheir long experieuceia the mannfaetureof the above work, and the mellitie* they have,they feeleonfidenubey are enabled to dework on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their line. Paying I>aiticular attention to the teleenoa of mate rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work, we therefore nsk the attention of the public to this matter. N.B. Repairing done in the beat manner, and on me most reasonable lerrpa. ' jaafctl * i PIASOII ' , ... THE subscriber offers tor tale a largo and splendid . assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’s celebrated jEolian Attachment. The above instrumentslure war ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coan trr, andwill be sold lower than any brooght from the East I F. BLUttE, No IU wood st, I gd door above fitb N; a-City Scrip will be taken at par tor a tow of he above tiwnncn- m?» *• «*• • JwASTBC* TYAILY u the BALTIMORE,' PHILADELPHIA. X) NEW YORK BOSTON ArfowKW ORLEANS UKN EttAL AUENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, Yoons MEN in vrboie*ale und retail store*, tad otter reipectable butlnra, to net M Book-keeper*, Sale*. nca, Pone re, Barkeeper*, Waiter*, Fenner*, Coach men. Cm Agentf, Bpoi: and Map. Agent*, Cobectort, Overseen in oil tranche* cf bjtune**, Ac. Wo nor* at all time* a large nombet ofgood situation* onhcnd, whtclipay from 3UO to *2,000 per annum. Those m want of sanation* of any kind would do well to give a« a call, an we have agents in each of the above ci tic*, which will enable u* to place every »H>Ueani in a aultable situation at the ahonest notice. Wo have a lanta acquaintance in ail the above named cities, which-we trist will enable u» to give entire setisfac* tioa to all who may favor ea with a call. TAYLOR * TAYMAN, No. » Second st, between Bonth end Gay. ' N.B.—Person* living in any part of the U. State?, and wiahinc to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above cities, wIU have their wants tmme dlateiT Attended to by addressing aa a line. Ipost-peid) aa by SSdoinx they will curtail both trouble and ex. Mnae, which they otherwise would incur by coming ftlftsr 11 '* AQWC "’ No.« Second etreet, Baitiataro, kid BENNETT * BROTHER^ QPRENBWARB MANVFACrUBSU, fterckoust> to. 137, Wood itrcet, fdttburgk. ■ nnd"i wl i.i»*Btt«aiulT keep oahanda food tsaorv .aS/ B (bio] Ware, of oar own mnnoiaewie, ud fiPSperifirquaiitr. WheleaaleandeoantryMer* W ehnnienrerapeetMlyiaviiodto flail and ex .B;m for themaaWe*. H*e «n determined to eeU huercTbefore beeaoffcredte the pair* mi* Order* test by atall, accompanied by theeuh or Ityrefereaee. will be promptly aocnded to. aylft_ THE ABBOBBTBSt i mHE aneaiwn of the poblio i* mpectauiy eaued to I jh*ieUowingeenibeatea: . M*. S. Eauso-Having te*md eqaantiry of Gold WiSod by 7®w ATC«K>t«r» l*od the melt prore* vest lamnaaat. correct; end recommend to* q*e of U nine to California, u th* be*l meutodfox eb> “*?"• & b«u,. vPiftb*t|bi March p, 1849.' J. . Pmontßi March 7,1949. ' TVarfiir Having examined the 1 ? Areo bsu» d marmbetared et you nest*, 1 do not herniate Meoafcaasdtitetbeseoef thoeo gtauemea who are ■»■*•>< afflnM. It give* aeloM approtimaHoatOlheipwtle grarl tr of met&U. and vmfi ecrtatnly enable ifcd adreworu u tace ruin'when hi* plaecr L* yielding Gold. _ marl* Ycare, rap*?, J.HIkPCLINTw.k-_ I - fiUIXRUiBBBR CLOimS&^ie*ireewved forth* California Expedition, a complete auortment oi Own Eloitie Clothing,-ax price* tinging from «5,» to 9ilXtHbrsaitofeoai/pant*and hat. For aaleatthe D,P< “- V ° ‘ WOOj ’lt n PHILLIPS " fmsnruu, e*pvlfl, IM9. M*. TfiOfl. E. IHBBERT-—Deal Sir. Your WRI TING FLUID vtW* now beta utfjjr ®°T® “«* a rear, and on looking oret tba anuiei. oada by it, wo fed tho color a brifttt bias blast. Uitple«santW write with, flow* free, and doea not elor tbe pen like the ordinary ink* in nee. Wuhin* Tea the ready »ale ~«• "'&'s«& t cO . For aals, to*ciber with Urbberi’a Bed Ink, and Ma chine Copy Ink, by D- A. Fahneiitock & H. P. AUetbenyCiiy.and by the manafacwrer. T. K. UibLerU DmggUi and Cbemut, comer of Libcr ly injFf" if, Pitubargh. octlJ wtitfin MUin. JOSSCA QAICIA. 'WItfcBIB ‘"“•pAHJ*!!, niHHA » op ißncfctun to Hoi»*aT« Uma> 4 Co-1 TJAJMEBS, EXCHaSBB BBOKPB8; 154 «•!«* i» ja ForeignendDomeMie Ejtcatng^C«|jl£eA|a> of Depoiite, bank Note*, end Specie—rcari* itrepi, the Bank of ntt*wrf b- Current m> nry received on depotUfr^BlgbVCUeckaft? tale, end collection* mads da nearly au the prinaiptl pplnl* lo Hie United Bute*. . _ . < . . . • The highest premlom paid for Foreign tad American made aneentignmenu of Prodaqf, thip* | j*4 Fwti« on liberal term*. *l° CHEAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE lOSCO VERY! P*7gjcy Swoixd J*irca*T Ist, 150. Patent cratuevtr attention JhiUtiScfiu, Bunout, 800 l Cost, WnttM patf. ■ LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON. mQB TABLE* far surpassing every other in vention ofthe kind now extant. They eon be ex* leaded from ten to twenty-fire feet, and when eloied theleavesare*)!containedinside: they, are made to all rise* and shapes, and an admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large prtrate families, ferm jur when closed a complete eentn table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Then angles are Inral sable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and eonren a aloeplog apartment into a Bailor or sitting room, as they conbe opened and shat si eonreslenee, and when shot, the bedding is enclos ed. A great taring in room and rent. All the bed steads when dosedUmn » beaytifjil piece of fcrnitare fo ß^KO^ES^neatanduseful article torparlor ©Sees, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened amosteonrenient bed stead. whonelosedaperfeetDeskand Library alone la visible, 'i these articles need no recommendation: the baoaiy ofthe wholei*. they are warranted not to gel oat of repair. It will be for your interests to call and examine tbe articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. S 3 Third atrcbi, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above “"ff- pl °1 f .t!!"”w°ff6omvELi. LOWELL FLETCHER, AtiCODBL AND FUSE SPIRITS, CornerTront and Vine streets. Cincinnati, O. ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pare Spirits, Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will bo promptly at coded to at lowest market price. mchlfitdly. BoAomgaliel* Livery stable* «a ROBERT It. PATTERSON has opened sUrViis lam stable on First st, running through to Second it, between Wood and Stnilhfield the rear of the Monangahela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of &beri<^Ali‘yg^l**** ts nrle». Horses keputthve- HEW BOOKS! HBW BOORB| THE Constitution and Standard or the Associate Reformed Chaieli in North America: Bvo, bound Side, or Notes for the History of tbe War between Mexieo and the United States, written in Mexico, and translated from the Spanish, with notes: By A. O. Ramsey. ' Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland: By H. U. Stanton. The Works of President Edwards, in 4 volt; a re priot of the Worcester edition, with additions, and a copious general index. The Mountains of Egypt, or Egypt aWUnessfbrlhe Bible: By F. I* Hawks. U. D-, I*. L. D. Memoirs of David Hale, late editor of Journal of Coatauroe, with selections from his Miscellaneous' Waitings: By Rev. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and Uis Daughter bp J. K. Paulding. Hos G rut cos, or on Inside View ot Mexico and Cal ifornia: By Ideal. Wise, U. 8. Navy. ; Familiar Letters to Young. Men, on various subject*! designed as a Companion to the Young Men’s Guide: Bywm. A. Aleott. The Poems and Press Writings of R. A. Dsna: 9 vs Nineveh and its Remains: By Layard. For solo by IXI.IUTf & ENGLISH, Junta ' ■ No 19 Wood st ML&LLANBOUS LITE&ATO&fc, AT LOCKWOOD’S, 03 WOODBTOBET. BROWN’S Americhn AnglePo Guide; full of illus trations, Uhno. Paulding's Puritan and His Daughter, lirao. Df. Hooker’s Phytielan and Patient; Uhno. . Mr*, li lii' Hearuand Hornet! Bvo. Neander’s Lifo of Christ; Bto. Neanderii History of Christian Church; 3 vols, Byo. Rev. Dr. Spring’s Memoirs of Miss Murrey, Bvo. Amertean Almanac, 1830,8v0. _ - JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, JanlO DookseJlcr A Importer. C 3 Wood st. WR. bxs in (tore and mr sore uy . JaoB WM BAOALEY fc CO FAST COLORED PKIHTS. WE. MURPHY invites the atiemionof buyers to t hispreseat choice stock of Prints at 12| cents per yonLnf Gut colors and newest styles. *Also—Newest styles English Chlnises, *oml« » A ! foli assortment of small figured light Prints end Chintzes, bofl; blue, pink, lalock, purple, *«,, U7*\VhoJc»ale Rooms up stairs. 30, 1850. i)RY GOODS, &c -,~FiYS«i v :raßSiuir B&AinEtv WlilTE AND. DROWN iDOSUESTIO FLANNELS WE am now receiving' from the feetoryn largo «appty of them good*.vrbleh we .are nflrag low *er tbaasaea goodseuabehadelsewherein. this ear. WAaMßeawdiiabUachlair.thatleiorea the good* oar obioet being to produce goods not for show only, ftlSPSerooraxir U» F*yeoe J&ralkctinin, Co,^ Hnnhijjtf, m iSSS 1 .!! Cis7bfiir. lota D.H., ui;>bD u UMirrwjJUs »lMn,'.Wmlil. I: i ; “ American Woolan Ooodrr. !, THE wbicribcrh*» •'“SJISSBSSS P ribbon bound, * ed plain and barred Jeans, 1 8ieobantUle gmiMietoW. The above goods am all: consigned d s? t J2si2d maker, and vnll be sold ter/ low fpr casbOTojTW«« notes. oc 129 RLQSLHw^^tqp" o^*^ C&RBCTHIfOT lias commenced, to receive « • large assortmeat of Woolen Ctofcrta Md Hoods; Hsakin, Thibet,’ elotli, moss delaia;and blanket Shawls, e«fih men, worstid and wooltn Horn; Pougee ««i Hdku.; silk and satin CraTataand S«xCH Cimosano Fringes; Irish' Linen, TablACoren, Cr«K*, Bibbons, Lace*, bleached bad colored Muslin*, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, Sewing Silk, Cotton*, ders, Pins. Permission Csps. gold Jewelry, gold and surer Watebet, 9 D “ Ib,>P??V 1 b, >P??V Si and table Gallery, and: many oiber gooda which eoumry, and city Merchant* are tespeetfally Invited a exasuna. ♦P“* HiCANUFAOTOBK andwillkeeponhand1 Pam»ly 2S,SSrs.«BS«hiffiMSS Woolen Yam, which they! will sell a*Eastern prieet. Warehouse No. IU Second it, Pittsbargh, Pa. Factory, New Haven, Fayette eo. Pa. sptM TTTEhavojort received niargeand complete stock W of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy. Goods, sulto ble for the fall trade, to which, with every daseriptiM of Looking Glasses manufactured at our own f «ia power shop in this city, we ask the attention of West* •" “ d “HSSnSdT A BAWYEH, (piao comer Wood and Fsunh sts DRYGOODS. nCBPRYi WlLSOfi *oo*l No. 48 Wood &*., Pmsatnum, A RE now receiving thclr ti*4al loppbes of Gocds A (or the Fall season, which they wtU bo btppy to exhibit to their old customers, and as many new ones as may feel Inclined to present themselves. • a of their stock, that the Western retail merehant wUI find with them aU that his cptomen who have formed the unprofitable habit orrepemng to the Eastern cities tor their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to eaU, as a eaadid comparison*of pri ces would in many owes resnit to vS? tke expense of going further may bo obviated by bay* ingtoPittsburgh. _ _ SBAOXSfc&TV * WHITE* * • DRY GOODB 408BER8, W M WOOD STREET, * k a RE now receiving a very large atoek of fresh A Goods, of rteent pnrehaseand importatioo,which they wiU sell to the trade at such prices as cannot fell tartm »«U md tT .fßina our Rock before purchasing elsewfc*—. - myfi _i ' Wraocbt sud C*at iroa BalUn|< " mUE subsenbers beg leayo to lafonn thepublio th« 1 they have obtained from the East all the late end luhlonable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses and cemeteries. Persons ynihiag toRTWWb. h*AS« some nauerns will please *a»t aaa examine, and jndge LrthmnsSvM. Bailiiii will be furnished at the abort* •tt notice, and in thsbest manner, at the comer of Oyster*! Oyatarat ! BURKE fc CO'S DaUy Express is now regularly d* Uvering Can and Shell OYSTERS, which are of fered to dealers and famUlcs at the lowest prices. Quality warranted eoual 13 apy brought to this par. b? J. a DID WELL, Aft W«I ft Also—At the following depoui—Bel* a Brryar. eor ner Smiihfield and Second su; & lleaxleton, Dtscxmd; Mereer A Robinson, Federal st AUe«beay. oeuo rqnnnwßgingßPßß ~~\ TTriLL remain open for visiters until the Ist Janus. W ry, ywo Oysters and other Refreshments nit. ed to the season will be kept The Greenhouse eon* taiaing a luge celleeUep of rare and choice Plants, wlUbe open to visitors. ! Roquets neatly put opal short notipo throughout foe teßtfr iaaves the Allegheny cud of thSi<M- : Olslr Street Rridge, every half hoar daring foe4ay» running to foe Garden; and foe ferry boatTCapliln Walker, rens from foe Point, landing n short dhtones shore foe Gar den. Paxnee wishing to ' sTcn^ ll f' accommodated with a return Omnibus at 10 o’eioe* P.M. Kept on Temperance principles, airf etosed ou anday. «ptl3 I J. M’KAIN. I iwfti. BEHOUti. aa rWKOB.BILTBKBBBq»B hhd 'pjwSlilM Her ehaat, has removed to NoJsf Front* between Wood and *miihßwld etroetfc ' *P» tXTFhsvT'Kwae PUMPS, made on an improved W plan, so as not to freeze in foa eoldest weather. Persons wanting such ahieles, are invited to call and smfoeoat BCAIFE A ATKINSON’S, mT 33 |»t, between Wood Market its . View ef Fiuii %MY TIKW wHI be published la asshort| dtp® VI ■> possible; end I ou assart «T 4Bfefdtu>V> Ssw.naai6^»flsSßs -ssaar* N»w Yosa, Dec. gib, l£<g.— splendid Assortment op gift BOOKS AllD ABSDAlilftr IHOI rTHfi OEM OF Triß fiEASON,wilh sixteen defeat engravings; edited by N.P. wllUs. Tbe sacrta Annual, e Gift tot ell Seaionr, bp H. FI Orel Keepsake,'for 1830; with lorty »l* beeaii fd colored engraving; edited by J. Reeso- Mi A. ** Gis?fcem?ee of American Poetry; odiwd bjr B. W. of Natan, or Poetical Language 6f Flower*; by Thomas Miller. ' _ _ _ .. Tbe Forget-Me-Not, tat 1830; by Mrs. E 8. Bad*. Tbe Mom Rose, 5 “ byJtfrs.lLP-Howard. The Snow Flake, j*f - beautifally Übtftratad. The Chaplet of Literary Genu, with colored cape- TI X Home Offering, or Glimpse* of Home Ufa; by a Token of Remembrance. Tbe Hys9latb,or Affection's Gift» fbr^SO. The Gem, for 1 WO; edited by Father Frank. Apples of Gold in Pictures of {JUrer, by E. B. Fal- I °nora , s Gem, or the Boquei fin all Seasons; with besutifel embenithmanu.’ • Tbe Drawing Boom Scrap Book, with seventy 111 as- of Womentby Mrs. Jameson. The Heroines of Shakspeare; with forty Are engra * IMw w 1 No. TV Wood meet, between Founh g c «3 ; and Dstmood alley. asmvalbi ANNUALQI VSSSaSBSm&p k Bauelas; UUlof Frieadrbto; Floral Keepsake; Boaaaee of Nature; Hysctaeh Child’s Keepsake; * Christmas Blossoms; Gift Leaves of. Am. Poets: Ooldea Gift; Friendship* Offering; Poet’s Offering; Re ado's Female Peeti of America; TboßrilUant; Proverbial Philosophy, ill.; Sacred Annuals; Harvest Gleanings; Snow Flake; Keepsake of Friendship; Bides hound in velvet tod mo-. joflttf&rocri&N, d e sa i eerier Market and Third its. FLOUR— ISO bbU In Store stud for sale by jjl* WJJU JOHNSTON, 114 Second «t Chrlitmu and Sew Ytai’i ipproaeSlng! I ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, nlta !jde for ike coming holidays, at LOCKWOOD’S: ifkarljj OF AMERICAN rOET&Yi Illuminated by T W. G. Mapleson, Esq-, 4u, elegantly bound in dark meroceo, gilt edges, antique style; Stfi w*tame of the happiest effusions of Holman, Long fellow, Bryant, wUli*,WbiUier, Halleek, Sprague, Sirs. Sigourney, and Mrs. Bnbury, among oth ers. enrieh the volume."—[Watchman. , • “There vp printed most delicately and peifsetly, In Uthoarephio German Text,onUiUtaiboard, cash page boin* framed by u rich Illuminated arabesque border, In gold, cirwr, and colors, wUh vlgnetu wrought In the borders."—[Commercial. v xThe first illuminated volume thatbsa been attempt ed on this side cf the Atlantic—and with regard to the beauty of designs, and the execution of tlim, may bo laid w rival/tf not surpass, any thing of the kind In “IAYSOFTHE WE3TEHNWCPLD—CWrnn apiW&St hv Mies Bsrard; “The Child’s Mission,” by Mrs. fcm bnry— folio. lU.toia,lcdiii lho molt .opeib ‘“VMTIth tortet. .nil »I«ooM« Mimedta Co'S, .lloor. Rod colon! bound lu mototco, C . mul'o .i,l er foraun« Ud mon olo.inl .nd in etarohobook of itTund ewrprodocedlnthlocoon uy. Frice, ,13. r jA®a{l. LOCKWOOD, d. 19 *nd Impencr, O Wood ft Siw Books* . 9YCTEU of Aoelont ond MedlmrM aoompby, A SSSo of Bolmol. «4 CoUopq I>7 Ctart* A °r 8p.01.b idternlore; by Goo. Ticinor. 3 T °itT WO «n d 'bC ip lit e. or tbe Wh.'ein»n'i ' deq : conierThhd and Market Sts. S" inKTsnd short time BILLS OP EXCHANGE, pay able in Clneinnau, Lecisrille and 81. Leois. pur* ehsaed on the meat favorable terms. 1 «*■ ;j| w.nomi»fcgoN». m'HETIfiRCY BEAT; fSougkta Suggested oy tbe I LonPs Prttjret,: by Gardiner Spring, D. D. Jut published and rewired by exnreihrfor tale ax the' Presbyterian boos-boomsTts wood etaet, upstairs. .i| . j . , . Also—The Anraebobs of Groic'hirlkcf Rev. Dr. I Spring. -••• -q ;••• -Jaat. ;, [•EPICAL eelt Dr. TWaJendVßemptnut, GENUINE, oWineLete. Tina Towneend if no doe* tor end rarer Wes, bat wu formerly awcrkeronreH* roeda, easels, And th« like. Ye* haewMeslkoWlie ofDr^foTth» purpose cf gainingcredit foremttneto iM. He, it Bsaduut out cards betded "Tricks oj i Qncb)" io which ha says, I here told the eta mb* for *7* week.- l^glroS.’P.ToemtMMliS oo Irhe will-prodiwe one single aolUary proof of im- TOi la *o caetta&tbe netla not to do deeeie«dje#d pcrehno none bn* the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Tpwnse&d’a Sarsaparilla, baring on U the Old Dr.’s likeness, bis family eoti of arms, asd hit ajg» ottaro tarottlbe eou of eras. JACOB TOWNSEND. - Principal Ofiee, IQ Nuns st, New York City. I - OLD 9 DOCTOR { JACOB hPH TOWHSBHD, THB OHIOIMAL Wj&l&m DISCOVEKER; tuctuuu . TOWnEBD'BAaItf&B]LL&« I . Old Dr. Townsend U tot ahoatTOyean of ace, and has ton* been known u tho AUTHOR and DISOO* VERES of tie GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWNSEND BAEfIAPAWLLA." Being poor. be m compelled to lima its manufacture, br which meant to has been kept out of market, and the tale* circumscribed to those only who had proved its worth and known Its talne. This Gxatra.aKn Unxqeaujo PixMJumos U manuAetazed on the largest scale; and is called for ferousboeUbolenxth tndbreadth of the land. • Unuke you ns & P. Townsend’s, U improves with age, and never okite£es,:bat for the better; bcnaaseU u prepared on rolenfifie .principles by a selenUicmaa. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, andtheiafest discoveries of the ArCnave all been brought Inter©- quUltiaa in tbe manufacture of the Old Dr.*s Saraap ■- nils. Tbe Saruaparillarocutt Is wall known tomed- j f nl m-p, wrntilM ptf4j<<tnal pmpartfoa, and aamti pro, perries which are inert or useless; and others, which, & retained in preparing it for use, produce fermenta tion and add, which Is injurious to tbe system. Sana of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost in tbe prepare* non, if they are not preserved bye scientific process, mown onfy to those experienced in Its manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly off in va* tor, or as an exhalation, under heat, are tho very ee* sends! medical properties of the root, which gives to It all its value. Tho - QUOISB OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all tbe Inert properties eftheSar* sapanUa root are first- removed, every thing capable ofbeeomingaeMer of fermentation, is extracted and rejected; then overy particle of medical virtue is seea* red in a pure and concentrated fens; and thus it u rendered Incapable of losing any of its valuable ant healing properries. Prepared in this way, it is made the mo« powerful agent in the CUKE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES. lienee tbe reason why we hear commendations on ever; side In its fever by men, women and children. We find it dolus wonders in the care of Consumption, : Dyspepsia, and liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Costivenees, all Cutaneous Erup tions. Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising from IMPURITY OP THE "BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from anequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, eold feet and eoldeallis and hot flashes over tht body. It has not had ita equal in roughs a&d colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and goatie perspiration, relaxing etxie* mra of the lungs, throat, and every other part. But in nothing Is its exeellense more manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and cage* of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in eases of floor albas or whites, Failing of she Womb, Obstructed, Soppteased,or Pain ful Menses, Intgulanty of tbe menstrual periods, and the like; end is effectual la caring all forma of the Kid pey Disessed Qy icnonng obstructions, end reguls ting fee roasfrl system, it gives tone and strength to ferwlole body, and cares alifepasof NERVpUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, tad thus prevent* or reliere* a great variety aTetber diseases, u Spinal Irritation. Neuralgia, bU Vim*/ Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Pita, Canvuinons, Ac. I* not this, than, ns Mxxado iw ru*EKCBan.T Men! BntcananyofrtMftUlup. be said of S. P.Town •eadtlntaripiarueieT This ycanr man’* liquid u not tqt* “COMPARED WITH THE OLD DB.*B, ! beeaase of tho Grand FacVhat the oae ia Incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er. DOES; it aoars, ferments, and blowa the battle* containing it Into fragments; toe soar, affid liquid u* plodlng anddimagingothergoodt! Ma*l not this hor* rible compound be poisons tftthe system! What! pot acid Into a syocm already diseased withheld! what castes Dyspepsia nut acid! Do we not all know, th&lwbeatepaioorainqarstomachs, what miaehiefe it produce*!—fltuulence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver coaplaintdlarriuM, dysentery, eholie and corruption of the blood! WhaiuScrofuabatanacid humor in the body! What produce* all thohamora which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rhens£Enrsipelu,While Swelling*, Fcrer-Sores, j sad'all ulcerations Internal and external! : It ItAoUt* I tsg under heaven bet an acid substance, which soars, and the* speila all the Baida of the body, more or lea. What causes Rheumatism hat 91« w acid Bald, which ' -‘-nateaiuolfbeturpenvwjouua and elsewhere, ir> id infiauyagtne tender and delicate tissues riutlot - .... .. nraa 4 acts* Zi« of nerroui diseases, of Impo* ruy of the blood, ofderanged cirtfoiadons, and nearly 1 tit the aliments which aifiiet homaa natom. Now, la it noi horrible to make tad tell, tod Infinite ly toim u> us thia OSDRIKG, FERaKNTINO, ACID “COMPOUND* OP B.P. TOWNSEND! j and vethe wo old (kin have it cade mood' that Old Ja» eob TownMad’a Genuine Original Sarsaparilla* is an Imitation of hit inferior preparation!! Heaven fort id that we thoald deal la an anielo whieh woald dinanl resemblance to S. P, Townsend*! %n}cls! 'and which ahoald bring down -epos the GldDr. each a aopntaln load of complaints and enminsdnaa 6ea agents who have told, and par* ohason who have aaod S» P. Townaead*s Fermenting Coapeoadl Wo with it understood, beeasao it .it the absolate moh, that S. P. Townsend* article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend* Bartapaiilla are heaven-wide apart* and ! infinitely dissimilar, that they are enliko in every par* denial, saving notone tinglo thing in common. tt is u> arrest fraads spun the twotxaatie, to pear balm Into byaSnltTt to kindlo hope in the 4e*p*lrotf bfwna, to rettaro he»Uh ud bloom *i gofinV> tie enuined ud broken ud to buUbloarmj^ ami FOUND the opportunity and means to bring his Gians UNIVERSAL CONCEN TRATED REMEDY. ; within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need u, that they may learn and know, by Joyful ex perience, Us tvi—'mihiw rowxa to bxu. t For sale by J. KIDD A CO. Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr. J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Firth ward, O. W. GARDNER, tith ward, Pittsburgh »ptJ ' PBOFKiiOR'RaBKY’fI tuicopilßE: OUS OB KBDIOATCD COKBOVBO. • NFALLIBLE asdbesa a eeuOß« of the Scalp, tad euisg Eruptions on the ip,DUeases of the Glands, Museles and luvcgu mema, and relieving Stings, Cuts. Braises, Sprain*, Ac, Ac. With this preparation, “there is no such word as Oil” The first Joanials in Ameriea, medical men of tbp eminence, prominent eitlreni of all pr pfetsMßs, and ladies who nave used it Cor years In their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with oue ac cord, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriancefuid curl to the hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff; heal ing wounds, earing contusions, sprains, sUnga, Ac., and relieving diseases of.tho skin, the guilds, ana the museles It has no equal among the multitude of com pounds advertised in the publlii prints,*or used In pri vate practice. In cheapness as wel{ qa efijeaey, Bar ry* TTieapberoqs i» iii The affinity hfttsree&tbh mpabraoea which coos ti lt ate lhehfeiiL and the hair which draws Its sustenance from this triple envelppe is very eloie. All diseases of the hgir originates in the skin of the head. If the pores of life scalp are clogged, or if the blood and other Quids do not circulate freely through the small vessels which feed the roots wish moisture and impart Life to the fibres, the Is scurf, dandruff; shedding of the hair, grayneas, dryness, and barsenesa of the ligimenls, ana' entire baldness as the ease may bo.— Stimulate the akin to healthful action with the Trieop* herons, and tbe torpid veateU, teeovpnnx their activ ity, wul annihilate the disease.. all ajfcdunt of tho shK and of ike substrata of museles and Ihtegumenta, the proeeu and tbe effect are the samp. , • It U upon the skio, the mveulaj fibre, and the glands, that: the Tiipoofceroaa has iu specific setion, and in all %seclions and lujerios of these, organs, it is a sovereign remedy. , , Bpld, in largo bottles; price S 3 cents, at the principal Offlce/137 Broadway. N. Y. calc by R. £V SELLERS, ttnfil Pittsburg. 'fliamUAla Afft) sUBOrdAL OJfkHJSr No. «», DIAMOND iLUSY, * : Urn toon Mm Wood mow , wvdsmarket. . , . bn. BBOW*, hootof reguiartyedueated to the medical profession, and been for seme time £ noeni praetiee. now confine* hU attention u» the trettwenl o( those prime end delicate com* taleinuTor which his opportunities uid eiperiesco peculiarly Quality him. 14 yeera esaiduoaaly devoted i asiwssssssrond *u n»»- ©fItoSSStSSJ ’S^SsSSsftssassssa ! Sk«es3&s SS^d&^ffaassap SSuifent menner,pourted wt by ei«^{e*pcnenc« t ttadylud la»e*ttfiuen,»hieh U is innmswbleibr those pracUee of. medicine to give to Bnpturv-Dr. Brown elsolnrUoi pet •oas afflicted with Hernia to ceil, as he has paid parttt ilex attention to this disease. CANCERS also cured. i gun diseases; also, il * Palsy, atenSpaedQyfvreAl either sex living at a distance, by' fi.tift* disease in writing,; giving an tbe rymp» toms, can obtain medicines with direction* for use, by ■ddreariag T. IX, post paid, and cadet* * & &fteaNo.CS Diamond alley, epporite the Wavetly Brown's newly discovered tester I dy &r Rheumatism is a speedy and eeitain remedy lor i taatpalnlUtroshle. It never fells. (Knee and Private Conioliing Roams, No. M Us* saend alky, Pittsburgh* Pa. Tha Doctor Is always at fOTCocuranopay. 1 ■ • • P ■>. W. T IViittCoai'UUNTv—Aaoinereortpaitowedby Livlßrtha cnst&ftL only true tod genuine Liver PUL- •• • : Annan, Brown 90,1517.. Hr, R.B. Sellers—ln April Urt *7 wHb w«t *u*ek*~ edwithLiver Compltlnis,tod hadthe mwjm «• ohJileltaa, wbo tried various reaedles without pro ducing any good effect Having beard of 7°» r «*•* bitted LtverPUU, I cone laded iteaWr twiii 1 mrebtwd one box of Mr. Scott, of AbeMeen, t““ ' :>-. ‘ -.wr S V.-v - ■i. xm ko. M«. HISTEIMSEORI DELIWABB atJTPAIf -Ml* SPBASCB r -. OFFICE, IN NORTH BOOM OE.EXCBAWSK Q» TTard Street, ittirbfobi*.. mUE following suiemeu ©fib tffSJii ofthßCqa* -JL pwitUpabuihedlaeonlOmitrinUi apnmitoa Ofiuehnner. . I .. Premiums ttcnotd durtag tb f*sr ittdirtr'Vß* - 9X6U74 99 74,378 Of On Marias and Inland BUka, On Fire Bisk** . Etnui Prrrauuaj 'dtnng tit far ttiAuf t obovsr' “ Chi Marine *n4 Inland ilUk*>, *lBS,g® g On Fin - " mi.flll i3^ur« , *ni other Pro£l*i : Lcuu, EtptlUf, Ic-. junng »«*» M irina .nilnlind NiwijMloil L“"*> S KnLetMi. 1 .«!»,!» 71 •,344 47 - 14,783 <B *5» 68 Siatioocry» *®**_^|2L2 Return Pro mi urns, Re-insurances, . AmusT chartes. Expenses, Rent, Salarlei ' Tkt Atutt qf At Coap&zyart atfdkms^ Bonds, Mongages and Ground rents, • - 2 United Buies Bix percent Loon, . *j3~X m Pennsylvania, do do : ''*ss22 Do Fivo do -do j BjBCO Philadelphia Cliy Six per cent. Loan, i?*s2 » BOlt Receivable, . ®W» ® 70 Shim Stock Union Bonk tof,Tenues- . _ •oc, • WM* ,00 do ' do Merchants and Hanafsc- . ' • taro* Bank, Piusburgo, l. VpO to 120 Bharea Stock American Mutual Insar* ' aneeCotnpany, l^KQol 5 Shares Stock rniladelpbla and Havre do . ■ Ones Steam Tow-boat Company, . W 0 W 20 Shares Block Delaware Mutual Insar* • ’ eace Company, 18000 9 Bharea Block, Philadelphia Exchange Company, • * •• \ v98j09 100 Share* Stock Pennsylvahia. Sail-road . Company, 6,000 00 Cash on hand, - 6J14 44 Scrip of Mutual Insurance Companies, 7O Balances in the hands of Agents, and Pro miomson Maxine Policies recently Is sued, <1 . 64400 93 Interest doe, * .JHXMS - notes, IOOJBOOQ NorXMrta 6XB, 1049. The Board tf Director* 'have this day declared a dividend of BIX PERCENT, in cash, on U»Capital Stock and Scrip of the Company, parable on andex trr December Ist, ISO. Also, e dividend OFTEN PERCENT, in Scrip, on the Capital Stock, and earn ed Premiums, certificates for which wifi be issued as above. ' • • DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, H. Jones Brooke, Edmond A. Bonder, Henry Slots, John C. Dtvis£ Hugh Craig, : Robert Barton, Gnip) Serrifl, John K. Penrose, Wm. Byre. Jr, ; Sameel Edwards, Cbarlea Kelly, • . George O. Ldper, J. G. Johnson, Edward Darlington, William Hay. Isaac H. Davis, - Dr.& lkomas, William Folwe 11, JohnSelleia, , F JotaS-NewUn. Spencer Mellyain, Dr. B. M. Hastes, J.T. Logan, Pittsburgh. James C. Hand, D.T. Morgan, do Tbeophilua Paulding, Wm. Bartley, ‘ do wiLUAir martin. President. GEORGE SEBRILL,Vice President RICHARD 8. NEWBOLD, Secretary. By the Act incorporating this Company, the parties into ring property therein, are entitled to. a snail ef the profits of the institution, without subjecting them •elves to any liability beyond the premia at paid*. The Capital Stock and Subscription Notes are pigged by the Charter for the payment ef lotacS; and the profits of the Company are directed to be invested ■<]it re main in the posseraton of the Corporation, as a fund for the farther secanty of the assured. This land will be represented by Scrip, bearing an intereatnf six percent divided among the Insured and Btockhold , are, pro rata, upon the amount of earned Premisaia : ana Capital Stock. • Jtn4dtf 1 A Present for Tour Family* r MORBIB A WILLIS’ HOME JOURNAL Prausssa WkxiLv—6lrn amnhe. . “The best paper in the Union.” (Evening Star* ‘•Bather get in coal than go withouti?” Post. New subscriber* can be supplied from Jan. 1, !3S> r if immediate application be made (either personally or by letter) tube Office of Publication, 03 Wood at. ' janlg J, D. LOCKWOOD. IEA NUTS—ISO tacks for tale by janis hardy, jonfsaco MOULD CANDLES—IOO bxs in store and for tala by Jan 18 HARDY. JONES A CO BACON hams—City Cured in store and for sale by janlS STUART A BILL, 113 Wood st XTEW NEGRO SONG, by B.C. JLN nel, go down to do Cotton Field.”—* new Ethio pian Melody, jasirec’d and for sale by ; ■ ■ . janis J H MELLOtt. 81 Wood sx Cbram CHEESE—47 boxes large, In store'and for sale by janl9 HABDYVJONES A CO POTATOES— 140 sacks in store and for sale by janlS HARDY, JONES A CO /"I UNNY DAGS-fiOO Just rac'd and for tale by \3TjaaL3 -! BTUABT A BILL _a, in st«ra ud forma by STD ABTfo SILL H-JO hl,d..N o, M w ciofclfflg;,* DRIED PEACHES—ICO bo on head ted tor tola by jtn!7 McGILLS A 808 . RIKD APPLES—A small lot, choice, for aale'o i consignment by jan!7 fIIcQILLSABOB iT/g CLASSES—SO bf bbls NO, io start tod for sal POTASH— 6 eaaks (or sals by ' * ! itnlT McOILLSABOB • 1 EgBEOIDBRIEL A LARGE assortment of French Wrought Capes, Collars, tod Caff*, but be (bond, very eheap,;tl jtau a a mason a CO’S, o Mtiket »t FIRSITRICK— I*4oo rac'd tad for tale by•- ianU V/ B A W BABBAUOH , IYiUKD PEACHES A APPLES—A few hundred /bo ree’d tod for sale by ' '_ ••• _ _.-ftald ,8 A'WHARBAPOH RUTTER-14 bbU in cloths; ’ 7r 90 kegs “ faratloby. = janll - - L S WATERMAN - HKESE--60 bzi W B»<m bud ud (or ule by janl6 '*'• J FLOYD prims iUioou, (oTMtoby _ L 8 WATERMAN •gEANs-Sa bbli and 8 iicto WMie^orMdabj S EED—3IO ba prime newCloTer Deed; ' fiO ba itrietly prime UmotbySeed: in mom and for sole by ImU« ~L, 8 WATERMAN TgßACgra—im Fmchei; ~„n Sa i .tTbatus— ao bbli Adimi’.to mow aim for — S JARFLOVD' CLOVER SEED—4O bbU m#»4 ■ml for «ale by Jonlt . JOHN WATT ACO SCORCHED BALT»-4bl>l*ta jaolg . H*BDY t JONEBfc CO • [VI )»nii L 8 WATERMAN SHAWLS —A very ebolee article of tfouflbf Loot Shawls, at law prices, el . •>» lanlg r - A A MASON A CO’S Q 1 CASKSMuspienASoa*»Bod»Aibjn»nomoari i Ol for tale by jeri9 Jfl DILWORTH AOO T • Brown flannels—Jam mo’d, u l adfotic«ai supply of Cook's fine pressed Brown Flanasi*. Job* GEO COCHRAN. «* Wood »t TyCCTHEAT bbU Mo 1,-m basfl and ft MtBILLS It 80S ARD—33 kefs and i I tale by jaal7 CIDER— 25 bbls Crab CMer, . '" ‘ . . 6hf bbU “ u lartreeM and for Mlobf, • BURBRIDOBt WILSON.A CO, lani7 Water meet kyTOLASSES—33Q bbla NO, newerop, Jutreett VA and for aalo by ' ■ - > ia”? BURBRIDOE. WILSON A CO IX7INDOW GLASS—IOOO bxr, asstt die* fiber? burbriLge, WIIRON t OO IEABLASH—6 casks ree’d and for title by janlT MPBBBIDQg. WILSON A OO [7INTER LARD OIL-10 bbla bam, (wiU «tt r freexlnr potnW jam recHJ enitbr sale bT janlf - -. ftßf.itfgaaa NICOLB JAME 3 A HUTCHIBQM *< BEEP-9 bbto left red'd asd for sal* bT Ojtnli : RHBV, MAITBEWB A OO Window glass-*co boxes Beatrixes, Un, and Smith A Hama's Brsnds, fat state sad for sale by laal* RHEV, MATTHEWS ACO T^LGUR—2SS bbl» KxtnTtnUj sad Jj - 70 M . Flos; * - 7 u ptixnoßTOlafWeodtoftJibT 'LSWATEBMAB*J_ 31 Witci sad ti Frmi«c mnssr*-** TANNERS’ j2ff* ■ JAMES PAL2ELW«4 SOLE j~ABDj-a> tejt No l, oil i.Ma«u j f«»|»J TD pOTA|H-U out! ill Boro ia4 a, j‘J’ a i ? LOT D ~F‘j^ia ia3 ~ I ° M “" rrm *’JiJ™ EaUOJ. fjy fa«.,ow»« , o *Kfeir l , , a&j. cloths urw» 23 ceß “ P" ywd) 5 Ayißffiiacga _ j tia (TOM) jvsi fsa,73t 08 tamlatow )AL»ELL_iT