- Ijppt'X r> < f'.'A - s •• fs J * Ml .'- * bi * • ’ —w. TV..: xgeiltaurotsa deemed by ill mmxatt, fcr il* cbrWiin. benorolenro *nd • ' * w Jbie»«l« Md wmk ' T 1" *“**"£ “ ltea :.• - "’finalfaw Bedford, on a whaling Toyage,/ eome- a year was lon or Ufcby wine i iwaits, ihepaitkailani of which we have no* learn t.Vn ?• Ut)o Pacific, where he perished tomwaaU Wa deeply aympathixo with caret* I 'tttoed inend in this painftri bereaveaent* ■ ■* . ... ■ ■ '3 •' ~ :■ .“w^i: .;jj4 ft Sr* » K ' ’ v ' • *r * * * ' " . ■**, ,} , V v - 1 j'-t-i i j. ». “X *** *> , ». ,- r^,'.r.;;;*: : :-r-‘ '* f 1 4 ' k \ fNv »••!<. ':• v'.s'SjT., *. 4.‘4: 1 ->V V : v v"..\ - :;•** ■Mo.’:-* -J'xi;, .fc s* ■-V«v. >‘vv v *i;' '£'••* *• * Wpilfl iiillßS? ' *‘\ v-v» ♦ -•-, ,WV •«*• •'. V, i. •».'.>• .;•£*?, v‘. -\.vV--- v-vr-^' v, ’f?v*w . . “ A . ■* * v * * i , V N'^<: r' /,.• - k ; •: ■y' ;• IHF ?'!TTS?lI:-iJ}V UAZETfIS- PUBLISHED uY WHITE fc CO mvmsoH• - MOHDXT MOHHIKO, 2B,' ISSO. } .*»e*rae*tty.teqie*to«to&*nd i* -«riy lflXhottT *' i&MlMTreo&mta*. On ■ ck ? an •]*> &* to Mr.' Huleit,of » Senile, ■gßofonOßoiantaihaHo™.. W“ ta> ' lm Heir Territory question. ' ijja pobtictl lon of liie lite admirable Me* j of Ow.Teytor, on the X«rri*oritl Qaestion, I ttapab&6 ttlnd ha* bees intend; occupied on lie I mode. cf ; «etilistf ,U»e elaming difflcuUiMj * ; wtochhtTeirowtt op from the detennioatfoa of! iltgM|tn«oaa portioD of ths I ■ 1 fatal? seqnind.aoiU ;■ r. ■’ 'Tteimmdukeßbjr ihoMe»ageU*lmb*tmu% • ••• ' ymilly approved *riho North* WhileUdoeal adtgA totbeexte&t detired by some, yet it it] tnfeca «Q eminently »fe' ■ 't** 1 pfttdeat poeltion, and ancfa a» become* ■ Pre*i'. of tbs Union. 4- With regard to California, 's*>- Message' ,(boald tg prefctly satisfactory to" all. ll recommends «P ftiaiaifa oftbenew Stale, as soon as the ap* • b jSjrnudly made. As the constitution qfcptdd etclndea ala very, toe peopleoftho North te& have noreasoa to objoct,'. and aa toe South - te always Mpporukl too doctrioe that too States Itov* ateotato control of their own domtotlo inati » thttoss, they have no fight toobjeef, and .cannot 4oso with any showof consistency. There iano then to relatio n to California, toe. recom-j jttenialioca of IhoPreaidect being eminently wor ftoy ofadoption. i IniWaidtothe territories of Deseret and New there la ton harmony of opinion; but! > U' , f 4*free state, within another year, and thus decide • rfcrlhesaelvet toe case egaihst Texas. j tin e'very view of the question, then, we think 1 *’ has recommended a just, safe,and j ' ewisa policy, and we hope be will be cordially aos-. retoml by. too Whlga to Congress, end by aU otaera :a *b»~'hevo . m ore attachment to country than to -yfy Such a course we believe will be. the most : -rttetfve to foiling the disunionisu of any other.. . 'Jfteyaro now‘seeking for some show of provo* aflbrd them a lame excuse for their tre*. •IoBablencheme»-tbecaoderftte«nd prudent conn* -gab of. the President-have overwhelmed them. .• c;: with confusion and dismay. •' - rW Mmwrt at flximt.—Mr. Hanucgßa has' ' ■' and wo hope to bear before long of/ rtbolrballof t fowmore. We think the present ■ ■■ jqnfr'JnTiT**** at the Courta. of Brussels and • JbmS be changed without tbp. interest* of tht wa*ciißs anv material fojuiry thereby* ( ' {Thefiatpoa*e«*3neoU:ernierit thanbcingaion tB tam of Mr.> propdieito mako tho ;‘t' . goToninteot» conreoicnco.omlotolhiiig boro to Hooiora. -j, Virjrtr' ■attmim'm .»«* X°“-- * •-: Ctn&U Cook .—Hie' subscription ia New lars, atesttmcnial to this daring Sailor, who reader* such valuable aid totho crew and passengers, r *u* Caleb brioahaw amounts' already to over $3OOO, and*'Will; says the' Commercial, probably %v v oewan :»SQOO-*cfcre it if finished. A gold box r«sd;tl»' tal "™* TOiU J I “. ZkofMpeot ml wopolhT *• *«■ uroU tioto. Tide reception bp Present Tiylor -vtt«neh as most h*TC bee* pili tying trt w»' faeiiaw u soldiers and’ patriots. They bave since diced with the.Presideni, the Secret** ryofStatie, Winlhrop, anitbe Mayor 1 ofite dty,and fctTe bee&Vf«ited bjr many oflha incut distidfcoiibed members of Congress of both puties. Mr. f helps delivered s Toy aonnd, able, and concOiaiory apeeeh in the Senate ,to day, upon the slavery question. It was heard with more ’tuentioa thin any speech delivered at tt»« eeasioa. The. Immediate oocaxion was the printing : of the Vermont resolutions, inatrecUsg her Senators toopgoae the extension of slavery. In the Home there was a little finny overthe contested ejection, In low*.. From Ibe debit* . was evident that the Demoattc aide of the House had prejudged. the esse, end are determined to keep Thompson in* quite regardless ofthe merits of Mr. Miller’s elsim—nothing definite was done.— I think Miller - has right on his» side—hot that Thompson has might on his. It Is possible, thongh not probable, that the election may be declared nnUjtnd referred back to the people. • Mr. day is said to be preparing a plancompro* miaingthe of the North sad South on the Slavery question. The lobby members, whose name is legion, are in great tribulation at the existingstste efthinga. They are of two.clsasea. Those who oppose or advocate' appointment* and confirmations, and (frw. who have charge of private bills, contracts, aid other business, depending upon the move ments of- They my that whatever might become of the eopntrjr, about which they are particularly solicitous; a fight *f»f ari all ap propriation* would thereby run them, and, there fore, Ui#p or no Union, slavery, or noalavery, they want the money. Try the issue, any they, upon anjf other plea than Jhts of flopping the sop-- plies. They are indignant at the interpolation of the “money counts," and tbo'great action pending between the North and South. The ekcitementauho.CspUol upon the slavery question, among the Southern members, is increas ing at a fearful rate. And It V very remarkable the caeitemeof is. all on their aide: Whigs and! Democrat fom ,the frwgtgtes remain, ' as loall outward appearanoe*,.MWla»yatarffcioM- 1 pasted a portion- of last evening a *to»s aion upon this subject urns in progresa between a] number of members ol both Houses, belonging to both parties, and both diviaioaa of the Union, and < Jrom the terms in which the Southern men exprea aed tbc£|elves, H evident that they lyxnpa. if . not to tho fpQest extent, in. no incon siderable. degree, with, the ipi# cf Clingman'a most extraordinary speech of yesterday, la par* licnlar, they trowed that the project cf opposing all appropriations, until their demands, as regards the questions at issue between the Nerth and South shall been complpd with, had been deliber ately adopted Ip a sufficient number to cany it out* That a serious will he made to ef fect this object ia now almost certvn, and U is of a character to exeite the deepest atsrm, to ad-j ; vocatee Indeed admit that it will most likely lead to jfrnr* of personal violence upon the floor, that may tawf/fal termination. This they say they are prepared far, hr* if it occur, it was the cold blooded declaration oif CUngpua, and echoed in my hearing by some of bis honorstie gspociates on the other aide of the House, not a quorum: would survive far-the transaction of business *— What meaning has this.language, if it be note' threat that if disturbed In their scheme of breaking up thdjjqsae; dr of coercing the majority into the legislation they deftand, they will strew the floor. ; with she corpses of tbop wb? /t# them. But I hope and treat.that, the great mijority of the Southern members disapprove of ihe-'sptft ot Mr.'Clingman’s speech; T hear it staled to days that very few indeed can be found to aobecrfbe ' & copies far circulation among their constituents, j s eompliment which all of them would no doubt i'WgUd to phy-him, ednW flilf uflawwtltg *PfM* | to endorse, even by Implication, the sentiments i contained fa it.' 1 . Jtnuus. rnpp worn. Correspondence of tbs Rtubsrgh Gaxetm. Nrw Yoax, Jan. 23, JB5O. The Message of General Taylor, In relation to the past and preaent policy of the government in California affaire, does cot meet the approbation of-the Democracy, who want the President to assume Legislative-power. and 'settle the funds* mental laws of our new State upon 'the alavery question. Gen. Taylor .has, with the sagacity cf a patriot and accomplished ataiesman, left Cali*; forrilato»T whether or not she will bo borne to the - ground with the incubus of alavery, and rtJ fdtes, slaveholder though be is, to lend the power ofthegovernmaai to perpetuate what be or any other sensible man knows ip p disgruc? to our otherwise stainless national reputation. The Whigs, on the other hand, are' mueh elaied, and feel that in any eveot the President and the Whig party will, uponthU-question, stand honorably be* Ore the country *n4 the world. Among the marks of progress, £?xjr be mention* ed the compleSioa ©fa new Church in Brooklyn, Or the Rev. Henry W. Beecher, a sen of the e&: centrio Beecher.' Ita'tnlerior resembles ia theatre, with t£r«e rows of.seats or paws, affording room withoatetswdiog, for twenty five hundred per* «ohs, which ta a ftmfjl audience for this divine to kuract. U maynotbo eaLniejeatinfcto your (air readen, to know that tho “aewing circle? meets at the parlors of the church, two elegant rooms light* ed by gas chandeliers,' sod made comfortable By all the affluences of » drawing room at home. This is a fiunons improvement on the custom of “meeting round,” and does away with the neee*. aityfor preparicgre/teshmealsfortho parish,and exposing people of large hearts but-limited means, to a rivalry in entertainment with neighbors, who have mow money than real devotion to the cause' ofihe church. To bo sure, a good many think that the absence of the stimulus of a cup of tea, and cake made after “such » nice and cheap” reoefpe, may cause leas work to be done, but ithia is only sunnise, and must bo settled by future The trials are gqne. It is currently reported here, and the moor is no doabt tree, that a line of steam ship# has.been contracted for, to run between Panama and Chi* na. The line once in operation will giro na a hasty cup of lea indeed, and ahortea the distance from Cbittit at least £lty days sooner than has been made, except by tho overlaid Indian route. Bhips hare been chartered at Eastern porta for two years, to carry eoal from New Holland to Pant* ma,for the use of the New York ships. As a matter in which your agricultural readers are interested, it may be noticed that an agent U tere,to wake an arrangement, by which the dro vers of Ohtowthe West may be saved from losses now inflicted upon them &y the bad location ot out cattle market, and the cattle broken, who stand between tho drovers and botchers. It is now in contemplation to establish a new market on the Jersey side of the river, and to aell without the aid of a broker.and for cash only, It is also in contemplation: to change the market day to Thnnday from Monday, and thus relieve the dro vera (com Sonday work, a day on which they al low that operation* to the extent of; $25,000 to $30,000, are often made new. Tbe Western dieven have tbe power, and are determined to make tho fat botchers of New York eueenmb. For exchange by the*steamer to day, the mar ket closed at 8 0 B}, and a good supply left. A good demand exists tot government .stocks, of which tbeferelgn remittances, has been fair. The recentsales have been a quarter of a million, at 113 i, which in the fkeeof oar national want, and the slavery excitement, does not look ss though tho people were afraid of disunion. .The stock of bullion in the city is now ten millions of dollars, loaaynolhiog of * oflUon lent to the ; banks of Sa vannah, to enable them to settle the Flemish ac count, lltafr books ah<»y«*tbfo the year in.thowsyofeoln./ . . v . '•* v Coflbe an the leading items just noW.The former stands at 13}014> for ordinary aod fsirj and the chief hoidea atiff, though weak xOgfiseei the market at i off the highest rates of the t^vn.' CoIGm has soldo! lSieenta for Rio extent,an advance of 100 per cent from theiaSt of last year. Floor hti'isßen 6013} pc bsjrel for common Sato. OTaa ii daH— Provuionr ..-tUull, with u downward .look. No eliance in lioo. Lead is firmer, bet the market is a whole is it active. • C. The following is an abstract of the bill for ao thcrimg a general system of Banking, read by Mr. rugara, of to the Senate, on tl£e 31st fast. It spoean to nx to be an excellent bill, and certainly protecta the bill bolder against all posst* UHlyoflott. We hope U may become a law Section 1. Requires the Auditor General to tatue to be engraved each quantity of circulating note*, like bank note*, of the different denomina tions issued by the incorporated banks of tb« State, as may be neeeesary to carry into effect tbr provisions of this 0c1,.-aud such notea shall be counter*!rued, numbered, and registered tn pro per boottS in the office of the AuditorGeoeral, and 5 s«h persons as the Auditor General shall ap association of peraona, not less than five, formed for banking purposes, ' shall lawfully transfer to the Auditor General any 1 'portion of pnblic stock now created, or that may K IC created, by this State, or the United soch association shall be entitled to receive front tho Aouitor General snob quantity of arcu r??:_ _ u ma v bo demanded, countersigned and registered as aforesaid, four filths ofaaid stock rrL.rrj.t-mt of at least firepercenl per annum, Mdrtdiell not Jo I.wfol lor ft. Auditor Gerer.l Jo Uto soch .took at . rate above .1. par value, 3. 3ocb mwoduiOß i. hereby authorised, after hsvina etecqled end signed such clrcnlaUog notea in tbe mnnner required b, law, to melee , them obligatory promiaaory notes payable on do. raand at the piano of busioewL within this State, of such association, to loan and circulate the same according lo the ordinary course of banking bust- Sec. 4. In ease any bank 'issuing anch note* ■ball at any timi hereafter, on lawful demand, during usual houra of business, (nine and tbreo o’clock) reluac or fail to redeem etch note* in the lawful money of the United States, the bolder may cause the aame to be proteated lor non-payment by a notary public, and the Auditor-General, on re ceivlng auch proteat, shall giro notice to the mak ers of anch note to pay, and If they do not for ten dtyy, the Auditor General ah all immediately there upon giro notice, through certain papers, that all the notes of auch association will be redeemer out of trust funds in his hands for that purpose, nnd the Auditor General ahalUpply fanda 10 tbe payment pro rata of auch notea* - 1 See. 5. The bills or notes so countersigned, and ; payment of which ahall be so secured by the ! truster of Public Stock, shall be stamped on their i faces “Secured by Pledge of Public Stocks. i Sec. 6. The public debt ,to be deposited with the Auditor General, ahall be held by him exclu sively for the redemption of the notes. ‘ Se©.‘ 7. One quarter of one per cent, eemi anno i ally on the par value of the stocks transferred, shift be applied by the Aoditor General to the 1 sinking fund for the extinguishment of tho public i 8. Allows the Auditor Genera', if auch as* : locution do not pay auch bills 6u demand, ha apo- ; 1 cified in the fourth lection; to sell at public sue tion the public stock ao pledged, or any part of it, and out of tfce proceeds pay said bills. ' See. 9. The pittas, dies and matenalr, for print ing such notla, to remain in possession orthe Au* duw General, each association to pay the expense , incurred in procuring them, and printing the notea. See. 10. Tho Auditor General shall not coun tersign bills or noleafor any association exceeding i fourfifiha ot the pnblie debt deposited by such as- B °Se&ll. Any number of persons not lesa than 1 five, may caUmish oEceaof discount, deposit and etiolation, upon term* described in ihja act; but , ,lhb aggregate amoatHOf capital stock cfasyasso* , ciation shall not be lesa than 150,000. Sec 12. Every association establishing the bust* nets of banking, shall make a certificate which abaft specify—l*l, .the name a*sumed } 2d, rtus place where the operation* of discount and deposit* are to be carried on: 3d, the amount of capital stock; «th, ; ihe Wfcia andplace* or resident ot the shareholders, and nutober of chorea beldby respectively; and fth, Uaepenpa alwuch . anch association shall havg been foratid.. Seo. 13. The certificate ahall be filed in the or, j fioe of the Recorder ortho County; and the Secre tary olthe Commonwealth. ;L, I Sec. 14. Soch association to have PK c . f t 0 “ ry on the bnsineaaof banking by diictfinung bJli, nolea and ptber evidences of debt, by receiving depMiftr lyiriOfl atf gold and silver bull ioa,foreign mIS isiVslhof cne of their own namber »* J?re• .. See. 17. All contract* of any bank under uus : tet and oil notea and billa issued by the same, abaft be sirred by the president and cashier there, of* aft nulla ahall bebrought mi.the name of the abodatioo, and any person having -demands aaainatanch bank.may maintaio action against it; and’aftjndgmeats end decree* obtained or render ed against anefc 4rioct*iioo, for say debt or liabili ty, abaft be 1 enforced only against the .joint proper, tv ot the association. r ‘Sec. 18. No shareholder ahall be liable *n hi* in diTidail cp»oi, be pod '&aed, or "uraar eoaMset, deb* a* etgtsemenf. unlen tbe uuele. of auocitlioa by bun .'feed ■ball b.»o declared that tbe abarebolder aball be so liable. ... Sec.-19. Banka established ooder this act may Mi and convey real estate. , *• jvlft bp jeectwj far its Inflate accommodation in the coo*m«pt IranMCKonof Us business. 24. Snch as abaft l» moitgaced or-' conveyed toil in good fifth in fat isfaeUea of debts nrevioualy contracted in the coorve of its dealings; or 3d, Soch as it abaft pnrehase at sales under judgments, decrees, or mortgage* held by such aaaoeiatiao. No bank under, this act ahall pur chase, hold, or convey real estate in any other ind all conveyances' shall be made to the President or such other officer aa shall be indi cated In the articles ot areoeiaiion. gee. il. Every bank uudpf thia act ahall. on the grit Monday of January,'April, July, and October, in every year, make up tod -transmit t>the Audi tor General * full statement of tbe affaire of the bank, u» follow.— i Ist The amount of capital actually paid to. 2d. Tbe value of all real estate owned by auch bank. • * '73d. pumber of sharp? of etock held by each bank. j 1 *. 4th.i Amount of debts dop the bank, specifying tnf b as are due from the monied or other corpor ations; also, amount secured by bond nod mort gage or judgment. .... sth. Amount of debts due by said bank, specify ing such aa are payable on demand and are due toother bajike. - 6th. Amoout of rml other evldences ; of debt issued by said bink.'" 7ib. Amount of profit and low of said bank nnce its last preceding statement, of dividends declared and made during aame . period. .. 6lb.‘Amount ol Increase of capital, stock, and names ol ail persons who shall have become parties to aaaocinlion. or may have withdrawn ained last ' preceatoz report Sec. 2f. If tt ban>: ngglects to do this, the Audi. 1 tor General shall proieeJ to dose Bp and redeem the circulating notes of such; bank,'u before pro vided for, refusing to redeem its notes. ] See. 22. If nay portion of the original capita] he i ! withdrawn for any purpose whatever, whilst any 1 debts of tho bank,except circulating notes, retrain ] I unsatisfied, no dividends shall be made until the | 1 deficit be made up. , . _ .--5,J 5 , Sec. 23. Tho Auditor General, the Secretary of i the" Commonwealth, a4d the State Treasurer are I : to bo a board to examine tbe condition of banka I from returns made, and il they discover that, the ; collateral security baa «o depreciated in value that, tbe bill holder in in danger of losing, in that case j tbe Auditor General shall give the President or | Cashier of said lank notice of tbe opinion of the 1 Board, and request such bank to inereaae the ae | curity to-an amount specified by the Board; and if I the banfc*6oald-Ail tu complv, the Auditor Gene i nl may proceed to clow the businesi. and reduce I the circulating notes, as before provided. • 8ec.24 Every bank established under thia act : shall be liable to pay the holder of any bill, of which payment shaft have been refused, at the rate of twelve per cent per annum, from the .time of such refusal. Seo. 25. All notea is*ued under this act payable at the bank which ittoea them. flee. 20. The atoejtandbd;videodsof aft banks formed under tbl* act shall be. subject to tome tares which are sow or may bereafer be provided by law taxing hank dividends' and stock*. See. 27. If the tnard of examiners have reason to believe the returns made bv any bank fraudu lent, they have power to appoint examiners. 23. Tho Legislature reserves the right to amend, alter, or repeal this act, so ts to do no in justice to the corporator*. an4 Vittabarph Rail H,o»a. A meeting of tho, Board of Directors of tho Clevelasd and Pittsburgh Bail Eoad- Company «, held at their offloe, ia Revenue, last week. We understand there was a lull attendance, and much business trsnueted. Permanent plans were adopted for completing the road witbio the t.roe tpedfled ia the eoolfact with Messrs. Chsmberlm fle Co. Entire confidence is (pit that we shall have the cars running upon seventy miles of the north ern end oftbe road by the first of Novembernext. The best of feeling prevails along the line. The Rights of Way are all settled, and most of tho de pot grounds rocured. Contras sre for wood, for foel nt different points. EsUtnates wtheamounl of about $30,000 have been paid during the past mouth. Soon after tho spring open- tie iron horse, with bis tremendous power, will be brought upon the road, to aid w its con >trwShave truly a “working BoardcrDlreciori,” who deaervo all honor for par* mvsranee. Our editorial blood circulates more briskly as tho time approaches whea we are to shake hands with our good friemU in Cte.elsnd, in about an hoar’s time, after leaving Ravenna. “Look out for the engine when the beu rings. Rovtnna Whig. * l lhopt you will be ablo to support me,** said s'young lady while walking out one evening with her intended, daring s somewbat slippery stale of tbe sidewalk," Why, yea," said the : some what hesitating swain, “with a little ass [stance from your father." There vunss confusion, tad u profound gfleMi. jr9.-*Sccx ThsßostikiHi JH Com.—When Prof.Webslet.’ #u Into tbe municipal court oa Samrd'' to h» Tr in dictment against him Port of thatjCity says;) A’few tamale* before or i 0 he entered the coart room, moving with • qalr k, nervous step, and was led to a chair behind Ur e bar, and in front of the dock. The expression 4 0 f bit coontenanoe w*a that of a peraon jaair « covering from aome aevere illness, and permute' j for the first lime to leave hia - chamber. It was manifest that his feelings bad not beeu adjuster, to the extraordinary teens in which he forme d the principal object, and there was an air or e xhansiion and anfiering in the has* ty and uneertriia glance he cast around him. Not a moment of delay occurred in disposing of the business fov whieh he was brought up. WMrvjt* ibloemcv.oa, Mr. Phillips, the Clerk, called upon the prisoner io rise, and he promptly obeyed the order, resting his hands on the rails before him The clerk then, holding the indictment in Hs hand, said, in a foil and distinct voice—“ John White ( Webster, the grand inquest fo r the county of Suf folk, have returned into this court an indictment I wherein you are charged with the mnrder of | George Parkman. This indictment will be certi fied up to the supreme Judicial conn, where you | will be called upon for trial thereon, at such time as that court shall order, A copy of this indict* l meat will be furnished to you. This court now orders that you wiU be taken back to jail to be there kepi in custody, until discharged by due i pourse of law." Notwithstanding the unquestionable effort be i made to listen to tbe clerk without displaying any external sign of what was passing within his bo ram, the nwfal declaration, u for tkt mvrder of Grorga Parisian,” caused a momentary change In hitfoaiures; there was a contraction of the mus cles of the mouth and an increased puller over *pread:hi» (ace. Thu instant the order of the court was announ ced by the clerk, Dr. Webster was removed as rapidly os he had entered. The whole proceed* ing did not occupy four minutes. The appearance of Dr. Webster indicated noth ing beyond aflllction, aod when his long establish ed position in ille, the terrible charge broogfal ngaiqs! him, and the distressing condition of his large' and interesting (amity, are considered, bis 1 present situation most be regarded as afflictive be* yond ail conception whether he be gqiky or inno- ' i Among the spectator* were many who attended hi* lectures in and elsewhere, and many others who had hehrd him testify'ln court in <*m of murder by poisln, and we may venture to tay that not one of either class could bring themselves to realize fully the dreadfbl change in his aitqation. He wa* withdrawn from the coart ere they could persuade themselves, either by bis living presence, or by hearing his name call'd, that the well known, lively, resiles*, bustling, now amiable tod now petulant Professor Webster, was a prisoner at the I bar, charged with the wilful morder of an old friend, even more distinguished for personal pecu liarities than he was hitpself*. The audience gen* lernlJy were' profoundly affected by his appearance, and'not one vindictive expression even whli pered in refr sfibrt will be be made to ' A horrible oa DoUon Prflrie, >d Olu, j the sthto*L The Marshall' Democrat gives the particular*, from which we gather, that John Knight sold to hit brother, Joseph Knight, a wagon, for which he was to dig him two wells, or pay him fifty dollar*. The work on the wells was partially performed, and then abandoned. John then sued add recov ered judgment. On Friday, Joseph went to his brother's house, and made an attempt to take his life, with a bog knife, but failed; and then told him unless he gave him a receipt against lui judgment, by the next morning at 6 o’clock, he would slioot him. Complaint waa made against Joseph, and a warrant issued, bat the officer fail ed to lake bim. John returned home, and loaded his gnn, as he laid, for th& .purpose of defending himself, should Joseph attempt to entry H>ut bis threat. Next morning, soon after break fait, the children announced that Jeseph was approaching, with his gun. John took down hiagun,and step ped oat ofthe door, sad when Joseph eame with- j in tfie yard, he told him not to approach or he 1 would shoot him. Joseph without making any ret* popse drew up his gun and aJmthttbrother through ] the h'cfrU Wm. Knight, another prolue?, barely 1 escaped with bis life.. Joepb then re*loaded hie | gun, and started for homo. OS’his way, he told a ueiehdor whnl he dose and requested bim to'go r and sec whether hi* brother. was dead. Oa * reaching home, he started off, but soon return- I ed and told his wife that his lib was a burden to | aim, am* yoi}ld uot credo justice. He II was then cammiUed to await his trial. GENERAL ITEMS. RouesctTATtvt no* Cauroauu —-Amot $ ihe p&s-'eagen m the steamer Cherokee, from Chiffres, vu the Hon. Geoff e W. Weight, one of the oe'w Representatives to Cscgres* from Cali fornia. fee fcnuga a fftwt tp ifee 8:1:0, from T. Butler Ring, relative lotbe gold beaxim.qaart* ofCaliTonu*,_ of nteioas specimen*. ; ' The militia force of the several bates, by the tut returns, armed and equipped, for service, amounts to one million, seven hundred and loity* nine thousand and eighty two’ Several Jewish {aMUm eju)gr»l e 4 rot ? Bohemia to tho Doited Staler, with r a view cf founding a Jewish settlement in Wipccßrin- A drove of dear, daring a laid trip of the oars from Sandoiky, ran alongside ol the train for sere, rai miles. It was a novel sight for the paaecngers. AnctxirTPaTSNTlxsrauxoT voaCauicHSmr* kus.—U appears from Lewis’HitioryJi .linn, that in the early times of Massachusetts^it *as the cuspra]".* q tpaq to pc abonrjbe meeting houses duritg divide service and wake iketieept i*. He bore a lan* wand, at one end of wbieh W*a a ball and on thejotber was a fox tail. Whenheobsrrved tho men asleep, be rapped them on the head with' the knob, and roused aeuslbiUties of the ladies by drawing the brush liighlly aerots their face*—those ware the days of rub* afid snubs. Clerical Statistics.—' Throughput our entire country, the clergy numbers, oo an overage, one to every thousand souls. Our population is about 23,000,000, aud iu all denominations, according to recent accounts, the oumberof ministers ii23,WB - of these, however, are not engaged in no* live duties, others arc employed in leaching, and others again In still other pursuits, leaving for min isterial Miviees about one to every tbposted. Savwoh IssTrnmoas are spreading throughout the west, and are found to operate most klrutfleial* ly, as they have been more particularly /□ Pkila* ddphia. To the industrions working classes who thus economise (heir earnings, our great metropo lis is, no doubt, indebted "for mueh of fa rapid growth, in wealth, active aapital, enterprise, and the •inexampled multiplication of comfortable homesteads. Pewwtlvaku VsznsoH now rearhe* the New York markets via (he Erie railroad. ' Search fob Sra JoHi*FtattaLW.—learn from the No w York CommercisJ that a letter has£een re ceived in that city from Lady Jane EVaaklii, in which she asks advice and information from the party to whom it is addressed, aa to the expedlen* cy of her coming over, with a view to the ar rangement of an expedition,- at her own exhsase, for (he renewal, next Spring, of the search ibr her lost huaband. She meditates the purchase and equipment of two small vessels, with wbieh she hopes a more successful result may be obtained han that which has &o cruelly disappointed her, under tho command of Sir James Ross. PiTTnßoaoii B&st Buitmso.—No fifty ouc sleatnhnats were bnllt and fitted out at Pitts burgh dbr(Qg tbe ;ear lfrifr, with a tonnkge of 7200 tons. Theyafueor'ihe boats ranges from $5,000 to s{o,ooo each. Pittsburgh, command ing as sbo be uken by yen* and hays, Ae-«Ae.lMr. Morgan wished id knot* who bad a right u> voter : The Caalrman replied that ho wonld decide that to the congregation. Mr. Morgan answer- ed, partly, that the Chairman eoulil’nt do ii, —or words to this effect. T. J. F. Aides, s trustee, mo red that Mr Morgan be excluded from the bouse 4 for his iaperti. aease, 1 ’ cr said U be did cot set witl) more 'tttjt el and order, be (Aldcn) -would move,.Ac., fee.; which it was is not distinctly recollected. Ilowerer,, •ereral rotccswert beard to support the motion. The I Chairman did not pot it- Had tt been pot, there eooid J . hare been no_dsobl as to the way it weald hare gone, i : The opposition appeared to hare flanntd, first to gel, ' ii c control of the meeting, by forcing a sodden organ | and If foiled in this, to break op the assembly ! by riotoaa conduct, seeing they eonld not accoinpliah, j £eir wishes. If we except the remarks of elder Wil j Aideu. trustee, jhc enure speeches of the; i erening were mado by the sire the re- j I Bub of the Chairman, which were most insultingly i Interrupted by the minority- ; Mr. Morgan made threo 1 I speeches; Mr; Anghinbangb made two; Mr. Dihm tried [ about twnlre jtimes, but was tinable to succeed, alwsys : ruing at th*!wtoag lime; MrtJTite mode seTeral re- j | marks; Mr. JamesMooreendearoredioasiijt. These j and a tew outers were toe principal oues, saostituilngj Ita themselves iho opposition The disturbance, at timet, was disgraceful. AloneUme,uo less than ni** lof the opposiUon were on the floor,—all of them talk- i i ugi _eome to the congregation, others to the Chair-1 1 man, and others again to aooo of thrmselres. Noth-1 , iß g ihort of dlreetarrest eould bare kept thrm qnieu | A reckless determination to carry their cwn point,— and utui, wo, in ift face ©U fif Ito ced the natfam flf deepentiflo. It wus a death ! rtruigle, Remarks hgro been made upon the Chair. , —»'i ruwiswr, •**!*" 61 *h» aeeting, as being headstrong aad violent; b#» bow many oonld hare stood as ealm as.he,-where he stood? We art free to confess that hi* M arm *f fle *h n b «' lel de * serred by theee troublesome law deling abettors of diaorganiuiion, than Ms alterrp** \o the-, to or d-r. Wuyheoidno.«seUwtuiowdp4e»tndit ' wbl jutfge upoa'whcn* fails' the condem nation. The more intelligent already h d | Certain it is, N?W SehooUwt *,** f»io«d oaring by a i def elopement of this hind. If ifeeso aad «ch Uke am her advocates, and such their spmt, it behoores the; people well to mark these we know to ike contrary. New School men are ant neb. The! light of prosperity begins.to shine upon the Fifth' Omreh; aad to sue as the dawn of the morning, after | the datkness of night, Is a prelude to the biasing of the no, so sure hat the “set time to favor" this Zion =p- DU l * frp*rgoiif*»-indeed, and id earnest- Many wilt, fib account of thpif timetomnnis, fear di*- aftrpw. consequeneesj but their fears will deceive them. God novei in a mysterious way, Hit wonders to perform; 110 plants his footstep* ;0 tha **>•> And anus vtos vaa sTflaja’ Blind unbelief ts sure u> cn, And tetn hi* works in vain; Goi is his own interpreter, And Kt leiii •This Mtiee of “rwo wasiV' be \\ reaumbered, only applies when the congregation fmU to hold Its renlar annial election, for trustees, at tho staled time. This regular annual requirea sjdy "POMcnwr __ pansawarett p~7»imrxrr» Conan bt tk* Uu or Ob. M'Lakx’b Lw*b PrU»—*■'» diaeaae (with, perhap*, theringle exception of c'ananmplion) U *o mock dreaded In the United Bute* Originating la a direaaed date of the Ut«, it iaofteaiconfottnded with eonaump tionitteU by tho unhappy sufferer, who pine* away an* ill death releaaea him from pain; T« l » remedy U with* in the reach of all, *hlct will relieve all 'ea*e* of the kind, and work a apeedylabd effi»ciaal care. Or. OliVer Morgan, a diiungulihedphy aiclaa of Vir finia, with a very extensive practice, has aaed theae Pill* la all cases of Dyspepsia, and with complete sue eesa. Certificate! in abundance are in the band* of : the proprietor* of thla lavalvahle medicine, (J. Kidd & Co, tyood itreer, corner of Fourth', Pittsburgh.) The following, however, from Ohio, will apoak volume* to thoaeaoffering from any ortho ditease* which ori»o from a diseased liver. , , ' Bicnon, Jencraon eo., O. Means. J. Kidd & Oo.—Tui* l* io certifyAhax my wlffe has been affileted, for several year*, with the fol lowing paiaa, at period*, more or less; Pain in the right aide, about the edge of the riba, extending to the right ibtmiden pain In the back part of the head, and above the eye, accompanied by weakness, lots of ap petite; and almost constantly confined to her bed. Since Augoit, she has a«ed three boxes ofDr-M’- Lane’* Liver Pill*; and 1 have now to atate, that by the use ol these Pilla, the baa boon benefited In no or dinary degree. Under the providence of God ahe now enjoy* good h’ealih, aad'U able ig and Ereniag piper* cop: Dissolution* mUE Co-Partnerahlp heretofore eilstinjr airier the ' I s»ieot»Savenr * Bp»«ldinj," U thU daydia •Jaed by mutual conaeot. Wd gpanldin* U aath ; - - DAVJP SPAULDING- I WiBTSDt Ar.roi.-taJo iiadMwtah. A permanent eitaatfen s£* ViSSt b* by VALUABLE FABH PO& lAXiB* ' IN pumanee of an order of the Orphans' Conn of the Beaver, at NbretuWTenn,.lBtt, -will be exposed to sate by public vendue, on the pro* 'mite*, near the borough of Heokstowa, on TuesflsT, the Sth day of March, 2630, at 1 o'cloek, P. M- a .•TRACT-OF LAND, flam tho Estate of David Mtue- I singer. dee’d,) situate uf Greene township, said Coun ty, containing 388 ACRES; about SQO aeres cleared I in a good slate of coloration;: and on whieb are I erected TWO DWELLING HOUBES and ono Los I Barn. It contains an abundance of Uitnminoos Coal. The rein is 4 feet thick, now worked, and affords coal of a superior quality. The wood 1 land is well timber* ed. It is one of the best grain growing farms in the county, and can with little expense be converted into • araziog farm: the eleared land lylfig level, and well adspted to the growth of timothy; and: elever. Its lo cation gives U many advantages,bda* within Itmiles of two steam merchant Mills end two steam Saw imisrthn same distance from the Ohio river uds Steamboat Landing, affording a rwu at daily Inter eonrse with Piusbnrib, and evonr lac Uty that steam I and water gives for the tesdy *nrf_r*Pid I of produce to market The Fa™ he surveyed before the day of osale, an* a division line run,divid tae it Into two Farms as nearly equal « W £,“J l will be offered separately, and “I* M two uacu or [ ode, as may bo mwt for the interest of the estate. Terms—One third ofthe purchase money, in hand, foe residue in two equal aanual lnstatoants. bearing ' h ' Ata',. I Hookstown, Jan. 11, lßfiO.— [jtB2S-w3tT ...igw mURANCfi. Bb-ffeatfflA FBOTECTIOH rmß AHD QNffiHA MABINEINSURANCECOMrA- NY OP HARTFORD, CONN. • crtotrotiTXD nt 1825. Ai'nnfci Premium, Capital Slock, and Surplus Fund, ■1.000.000* This 015 and responsible ids policies on the mostifavorable terms on Bwgjw Houses. Household Furniture, Store*, Stocks of Goods, Warehouses and contents, jX?3£p 0,i * , » Ac Ae„ airuinst LOSS OR DAMAGE.BY FIRE. Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, against the hazards of laujra Tuanrowano*, and upon the C^e C prowetiM Insurance Company hazing, In iho last t!5 years. paid hajtt WLUoai ofdoixaßs at their several 7 agencfit throughout £* "died SiaiMUdthe British Provinces, have established a inst reputation for solvency and ffrir dealing, whieh challenges com parison with any! Jtber.lbsnxanee company™ I the continent of America. The annexed extract from an article on the snhieelof Insaranee Companies, taken from the “New York Day Book,” exhibits briefly the standing and policy of the Company. " men’ of the ancient and always pros perous city of Hartford, have for half a century been fkmoos throughout the Union for the care, discretion, rigid honesty,and unvarying success,with'which they hove formed and managed corporations of this de scription. No Hartford Bank or Insurance Company has ever failed! These Companies have for more than a whole generation scattered their risks ht near ly even* Rule of the Union, and have never failed to pay the innumerable losses whieh they have insured -•ainst.” **All losses arising apon policies isjned by the under signed, will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gea end Agency omee, located at Cincinnati, O. A large ponion .of the funds of the Company, (including all premiums received at iho Western agencies,) is do* posited with the Oeneial Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, for the payment o! Western jmd Sotithern louea. Apply to PAYETTE DEOWN, Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. jiniaal&n pOiL WOOSS'EOn BILE. THIS property lie* at tbe npper end of Limestowa a short distance below themouth of Mingo Creek. TUe nil road and the necessary buildings are new, and the mine ha* been worked Jest enoogh to pot it in eood order. Tbe Pit open* within 2$ yard* of the nr cr. and the inelination from it is Just sufficient to eany-l ibe care to the boau. The water at the landing is good—permitting bottle to be loaded at all seasons and tbo month of Mingo a abort distance abore, afforta on ample harbor to protectihea from the flood* ana ice of winter. The Tract connected with these walks consins of 300 Acres Coal, Ijing to the neek of land between Mingo Creek and the Monongnheln. All things conaidered, this property combines, perhaps, as many adfantages, and holds out asfine inducements to the capitalist, as any on the riser. The entire trait is offered for sale: bot, to suit purchasers, a poniott may bo reserved. Friee reasonable and terms eery easy. F„, ,mlmiororam,l °" IaSEPHg. MORRISON, Fohnh street, near Wood. COAL LASD AMD BULL PAOPBRIT FOB BALE. I OFFER for aale NINETY ACRES, situate* near Use Booth of Mingo Creek, in Washington county, Fa- two mites below Mooongabela City. The load Is all of an'excellent quality, wiUt a good propomon of it cleared-the balance well Umbered. Borne C*et SP iiSEfttSEia Borrrqsi lawl »b BE ; ACRES, afekt o,- Itsp, and bcaodid-on the north by acdi of Hr, WUler, 1 ©! tbb ean *y IkwU of Jpta 1 \Vi wh, on'the south by land of Jfiha Iran*. on the west by the Uttd'Of Qaa ptUei suiaJUract ftluioi mtaaia In the township irog, oonuimai about tehee aNDone half \Tennsof Sale:—One half Wbe putt la hind, and the o\er half to be paid In tisve yea? tram the day of sale, to ye secured by boa® and mangaae oa the premises- The said property to.be sold as the estate of Eaektel Job, late of said coanty,deceased. • 1 WILUAW BAKKWELL, Trustee, Appointed by the Orphan*' C^ad. SCHOOL, tbsUt FttUrel Allegheny Ct/y. TUB next session will commence on Monday, Feb ruary 4th. This School offers to a limned number of boys, a cootie of study and system of decreed to develope a desirable symejew? 0/ ebarse teriled thoroughly tor*e most respecta ble eoUevee leplleitirafor id»*«*lao can be made at the School Room, ot ox the subscribers'.private •room, in Ixwin , e ' HowfLibeiiy.*tte«U rjiubnnh. . < Refer.to Hef. DH. Riddle, B **•» Pu ‘ , m Thoms* M. Howe, If. P. Schwsru, 1 J.F.GBJGOS.T.nnk.,. Allegheny, Jan. For B«mt» ItHE large three story BRICK WAREHOUSE, No. lldKGrty the Wood, oo copied by P- W. Uaywutd, (lete FoUausbee 4 Hay ward ) as a wholesale Shoo Store. Poascaston given immediately, if required; OT at any tfae before the first ofAnril »tid house Btn excellent tepair. For par -00 uayivabd. Lard OIL-5 bblsiwiater itraiaed, receiving per ““ “James DALZELL. - SEfIARS— 100,000 Keciaekf. Ju*t rec’d and (or sale fej ““ Ca " i r"°'-! l> LMli3 DALZELL Ci ftVER SEED—SO bu reeKl and for sale by abto i W 4 B McCUTCHKON TOT* SEED-» HM.C^CHEON tALLOW-W bbls,-rec»dand for «lob] L^SST W tttn A *' “"“e’&> habbauoh "TT°iy k.fa prim., nm ’y^aAMABSa. tu In NOTIOK. *nSa ■ . • C..M.ROBINSON,Reicrro ip. CAVFiP P FR LlFE—Seller** Vermifuge la the anl : cle ' LttnwTOjf,'Va-,January 80,1848. 1 Mr i M Wilson—Dear Bir;'Thb vial or Beller»' Vertnlfoee l'boeghi front you, aomo time ago, brought from my* girl five yean old. the astonishing number of five hundred worms.' I helievo the would have lived a verv abort time, but for thia medicine. Prip.rcd —Lkp B. « BELLEHS, O Wood )« sold also by Druggists generally iu the two jan2i - ; ; _ Boat, TMIQM the first day of April null—oho large two J; burned DUIC K DWELLING HOUSE, handwme iv situated on the Ohio River, adjoining theburoutjhoi , I h.,.. S || 'B l d i^A S | a U HBTCHIBOW A CO. CORN MKAL-* “ wkile, In non 'ud.lor iktfkf tan'24 otUAivt a bIIJj IvLOUR— »w bbl* In store aud for tale by 1 jauS* _ BTUAHTA SILL tv YE* FLOUR—In store and for sale by fulfil jj~_ STUAUT ABILL B’ UTTER—Iu kegs and boxes, for sale by janM STUART& SILL CRAB CIDER—3 bbli inpcrior, Just rce*d by } jauid STUART ASiLL vi fiVRR WHKIWIn store and far snle by J j,nt4 STUART A SILL TIMOTHY SEED-A M*aU lot in store, for sale ' h _ jsa-'t STUART t * SUGAR-l4k> hhU» (new crop) N O, in stole rale by •' janXfi JAMES A HUTOBISQN 4 CO , ICE-40 tes (new crop) in store and for mis bv~' janSt JAMES AHUTCH(Anw 4 CO Fresh ROLL BUTTER-7 bamH thia day re. eeived,andtorealeby JansM ARMSTRONG 4 OROZER QKSTABLIM, AUCTIONEERS a COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, tt Finn Sr., Cincmaun, Onto. WOULD respectfully solicit Consignments from tha Merchant* and Manufacturers would refer to: Messrs. W. A K. B. Phillips, Fittdburgh; k “ Brown,' Phillips A Co- : u « Chambers, Axnew 4 Ca,“ ' ' Johuß-MeFaddea ACo, “ James DKiaU,Eafr, I ,* jattfiMm* AUCTION SALES. By Jolts D. D»Tli| A«ctlOMir< Vestings, lruh Luuns , §r., stf Acufeon. Will bo added to die catalogue of Fine Shirt*, io be old on Tuesday morning, S9ui in«e fpieeet super FrenekUßd Wool Black Cloths}"' '• 1 “ fine twilled btown Cloths; 2 * fine green Cloths; 4 u super blaek Cafiimeres; 8 “ striped and fancy Cassimeret; 3 “ Berge; < I 3 u super Irish Linen*; . . 8 “ Alpacca LotUet, Alpine* and Nennes; 9 “ Velvet. Cashmere and Merino Verting*. janffi JOHN R DAVI9, Aaci j Super Cloths, Corduroy., j Will be added to the catalogue Bate of fine Shirts, on Tuesday morning, the 29th intu, at the Commercial 1 Baie* w bo Just ree'd and for tale by j»n btrivo, ior talo by jart’H ‘ISAUHDICKKYA CO, Front it ..LOW—4 bbb to arrive, for sale by ,nS4 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO Improved lSt]odtons< TU£T received, a lotofCaibardt’s PatcniNkJodcnaa, tl perfected and Improved by Alaasti. Match A White, Cincinnati— and a octaves, cu aanrisoiprly.btwcod lnrn-imses—a sttt'erisrnniele m' poiafoftoreaafidnnioUhr.-Fdr sale on'reaaonabla tenTAh/ *'* 7 - H. KLEBER, Toafc, ; ; - ai J. W.WoodwcU*. glass wake, BISls nJ, '^ IS- §fuSST d mSu’ S^-tessasisajEriS?® 1 Houles, Ac. Porter and Aliireral Water tiotUct,of**- jo.lretM «Sj for Mle tj r' pcnorjulflT. | innlS . ' JH MKLLOJL 81 Wood It Paittcataruienuoa paid to Private Koatd&. ~• l - • . j __ nev3o-ly { « Building Lots, FOR SALE on veiy.libera\'^io*?—^Elfiy Nine Lots of Ground, W'ayuc x Pike cu. . and the Duquesno Vifay, according to a y.janiobctveit at this qCjc, wqere terms' and'conduiou* wiU U made >A . : * • • . jan23 l LADIES’ WASH J | TCST RECEIVED—2 despair Ladies' Wash Gtarrs, O b spleodil artic'Ci at the India P,abberl)e* pot, No. 5 Woci atrtet ' «A-.. Jang, __ J A 11 PHILLIPS Yolnahl* Lota for Bale. SIX BOILtMNG LOPS, on Second •trcetr£«nrten Kerry and Redoubt alley, each SO feet by ?S Imek to a ten feet alley. Thqyare desirable for private dwelt* in**, «utl Will be told on time. Apply to ‘ JOHN CALDWELL*SON, I jtnStlm cor. Second sl and Redoubt alley. DY EXPRESS, ju»t rec'-d—4 case* Meo 5 * Metallic 1> Rntbet Otenboes, for tale at No. 5 Wood »t Ijanrt J AIIPHILLIPS GREAT IBDtJCEMKNTa. PERSONS wishing to *tve froo 2Su> SO per cent. in purchasing Dry please colt at/. A. AIASON A CO.'S, tQ Market street, whO-w-CXF*r.iivo Wholesale ns4 Retail Rooms ore doily open for retail trade. . -janS3 A LARGE, lot of Trimmings, Ribpou?, llOMwy, Glove*, reduced 30 per cent below «»aiu price*, may be found at eO Martel si latdO , A/XUISONACO SHAWLS, Blanket*, ar*4 Cl ol WlnteT Goods, selling atmumStetarer’*pricer,by 5 Jangl Wl •' A A MASONfc CO f Rew BCuilea OLEUt&L; OT| Going down i-jjas Ccnion Field; a new and very popular Ethiopian Sopg, ns tans by Christy’* MimtieU, New York. Composed briS. ■0 Foaler,Esq., “UncleNed,"**o, syunna » ■was a Lady; by~£ C. Fo^cr v Ben Bolt—the genuine copy; bjf Nclfon,Knetus. Bpeak Gently; a very rcpa'ar aengrbry. Waiiaea. Indian’s Prayer; tyr iManthpr of-Be Be Kind Loved Oqea at Home. : - Tboa wounded the spirit ikaj loved tkee. Flirtation Polka; by StruosclL ' Alico Polkh; by Sprain. Carat Waite by Pte£o»aor flohboelt. Alisulppa Wolu; u Ataianti Waltz; . u Kleber. 'y La Fluee de Ferles* Grand Waltz; by OsWtrrne. i . The wild flowers soon will shed thur bloom; frou tbs opera of DneiadeLammermoor. /. Corlns, er May Day in the Olden' Tine; by C. E. Uowa. Euy Variations to u Tha LastgMo of Sommer," by •Hew. Thou An Gone; tho opera of Amelia- The Gwraoi fllaiaay; ftent Beihoven. When tise Soon oulho Lake is Ueainin*. Jl Voice from Urn Waves; doolie by C. Ulqve:. Joys that We*ve Tailed, ~.. » Make ms nofaudy Ctupleii frotaLw«ila3or*it. Low tUeked Car. ’j? Dearest Mae;with variations lor beglKnors. Bonaparte's fyate . Wo an Happy and Free. Fashion Folks: by J. IL Howitil lUc’d and for sale by JOHN U. MELLOB, Jan2J . - ! No. HI Woo^jircct. N. B.—A largo uaekpf-nsw PIANOS, to arrive this week. i SUGAR A COFFEE-1200 hhds (new crop) Sugar; - * 'OcObags Rio Codes; For sale by tVM UAGALGV A CO, Jan2J Noa lfl and W Wood « PLANTATION MQLAfiSES-ttO bbls N Q, f« by jan» _WU BaQALK\A.LO RAIBINS ARiCE-2i>obxaltanehlln!rioSv •• SO tea Fieah Hice; liwlir , rcnJ steamer LowellT for sale by .. _ ' ’ janZi &co CLOVER SEED 4 LARO—u LW'j oVcr Wi; * i^arJ, i&Ouing und fot sale by . ■' jinsa JKr t . *'<** . A ROOM or. Msttttfc/’ jee t, neaf Water, suitable tor im oiicc. Yi**T .[m of jonig-tf . Water at i last lajt co SUNDRIES— 1 25 let Fresh Rieej -•• 1 70 bz> Banco Raums: • soM do “■ ySbbla North Carolina -Tar; imping from steamer Hamburg, and for sale by . , j ianS RUBY, MATTHEWS & too BSRSBTi FbRUIIO 4 00,, j COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j FOR the tale of Domestic," Woolen and Cotton Good*, in all tind* of Tailors ICnm sungv No. I*7 Wood street, fourth door fromiflfth, Pittsburgh.' • < Er fecna: Meins W-A Hill A Co. jura '*~yOPF£&—ll3 Bags Prime Rio arriving and foi aal' Ijfby BROWN AKIRKPATRICK, JtnM 1 - ; 144 Liberty si WOOI#— A tadu la ttoro and (or tale by - - jUtS . CRAIQA BJUNNJ SR J ... ... s , ' STEAM BOATS for Nashville. • , T 1» cpleadid «mskx - ifT ii; J ■ t genkta, I USamfßt . Willing lnn fc» I I - ; —*-•• • -■ ■ j ' j FOR CINCINNATI, lii Tbeiplcadidttaamr ‘ « COITAL HANNAH, Kinney, master, will tear*s?abova ■£££3W»aiid alf interaediata porta today st 4 o'clock, Pi M. I * Forfreightcrpassagc apply onboard. l.nM ; FOR OALUPOUS. tv "Th® splendid fast naming lutasr t ._,J BEVrnjTp~* WBW Stoao, master. will tears fc r abm i all tatenacdista pens ea iki, I day, UteSflthimL, at 4 o’clock, p.M. ** UU ! For freight or passage, applyon beard, or to - i ja«3d . PcTHOHEW A CO. A**t FOR ST. LO UIS AND ILLINOIS BTtnai - -M.A. Cox, anil leavt fo* y i Tis—Utf above and all interasdlau pens ihtsdavatio o’clock, AIM.- - pw« Per traight or passage, apply on board, or to ’ JunSS 0 B MILTEN BRRGRR PITTSBURGH AND WIfEEUNG PACKET, f.—-j, .' ’ Tie -splendid fast ranking steamer fJCRTja’LOPISMcUANE, wTSSceawelli __SSE?s?*«3 master, (having udetfoaa a thor na&&SdBZ8 oo ft h . wpu»») wul na he realtor as a . „ "S* l " P«lmt between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, teavisg Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 8 o’clock. For frcifU er passage apply on board, or to j»m , ; . W.B. WHEELSB, Agent CINCINNATI A- PITTIBCIufa DAILY packet line. rpIUS well knows Una of splendid passenger Btaa»> JL ers is now composed of the largest, a baa finished and furnished, and most powerAu beats aa the waters cf the West. Ereiy accommodation and ebnrg« every Friday mcmiat'etlOo’clock; Wk**j n- every Ijriday evening at 10r. st. SHAWLS —A very choice artlela of Mourning Long , Shawls? ut low prices, at. •; _r inoia ■ A-A MASON A CO’S 01 CASKS Maspratl A Ben’s Soda Ask, xn store rad 01 fur rale by Jtnß J 8 DILWORTIIA CO BROWN FLANNELS—Just rac'd, an additional supply of Cook’s fine pressed Brown Flan eels. j aitf GKO COCHRAN, gft Wood «t BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—SO seks rac’d, fke sale by •iahS CRAIG A BENNER LAKD— 23 kegs and ft bbls andTor sale by janl7 . MckjLLS A ROE CIDER -25 bbls Crab Cider; _ Shfbbis u u jus» rac'd and for sale by BURBRIDGZ, WILSON £ CO, - Janl7 Water straot 1 - MOLASSES-3WX bbls N O, now crop, lost raoHB aud for sale by jani.7 BURBRIDGE, WILSON A Ofr Window glass—igoo b», auM sue* Bar bean's make) for tale by i janl? BURBRIDGE, WILSON A. CO> PKARLASII—d casks reo’d andfnsitala by. jmtl7 IIURBRIDCRWILSONACOx GLASS— OCO bn Eas’d, i>store and for sals by ian’.T JOUNWATTGge CLOVES SEEIb—COO bn prime new, for Kale by Janl7 ■ JOHN WATTACO BUVi^R— 5 bbii'Frtsh Roll, for sate by < ““ )nnl7_ JOHN WATT A CO CHEESE— 50 bxs pnma WB; 7^ SO cks Gosksa: in store and for sale by J_anl? JOHN WATT A CCb DRIED F&VIT-Snoba new Peaehe*; . 40 u Apples for sala&iv lur.U JOHN WATT ACw» SIIOUI.DERS-Ciiy Cared is store and Cor sale by junta STUART A SILL A Present fur Your kanlly, MORRIS A WIDLIS.’ HOME JOURNAL Ptcutovd Wkexlt—BJ ra» aaaun. ■, • ■ fc Tbe best paper in the Unroa.” - fEveo* f,gat*r. “Rather get in coal than go lBo».«on Post. -New subscribers can be supplied fror if isunediate application boma4e(eU>-^- senea iu 7or by letter) nt the Office of Pubiieaur . gj wood it. j pTIoCKWOOD. »EA rocks by , i» nt B HARPY, JONES A CO MOULD CaNDL 7^ —ma bv« in store and ter tale by . HARDY, JONES ACO . IANNERS' OIL—SO bbls Strait’s Oil, for Bale by • lama JXME3 PALZELL, 84 Water St IOLE LEATHER—2OO aides Spanish, for aato tew* > by James dalzell lARD— SO kegs No l, on hand an&fot sale br 4 jiinlS J fc R FlilTn PEARLASH— 25 bbls Adams’, on hand and for rtla> by __ janld JAR FLOYD POTASH— 11 casks in store and ter sale by -■ janiC JAR rLdrib >a prime. £°r **-’o by ■ .• JAMES DALZKLU IRATiIERS—IOOOII janlß- ■ IVTAILS—SOO kegs Oliphanprbrand. for sate by. 1\ janlO. • •• JAME3DALZELL NEW BACON—HAMS, SIDES A SHOULDERS?— 30,000 Jbs iu Smoke Home, ter sale by , - KIBR & JONES, Canal Barf*.' janlO _____ near Seventh tricel ONIONS— ID bbls ree'd and ter sale bj *anl6 CBAiaSSKXNNBR jICKORYNUTS-rlO bbls la (*&»*»* fertile fry BUTTER —8 bbls (Plaingsove)Fresb RolLiost rteM and ter sate by janlfl J A R FLOYD X REACHES—SOUba.tneloseeonriynmeat.tersalaby • jantO | STUART ASILL COBUttU CLOTHS are selling very eheap{iao* •*> low as 25 cents per yard) at . :■■ * . janlit A A MASON A CO 'S . LAiIPBLACK-SO bbls In store and for sale by* taaia J KIDD A CO, 60 Worrit- GUM KINU—2S lbs (Tiue)jnst rte'd an I te,ttlstT jama JMDO4CO GfripKNCILS— giosa, n\tby_ ital* , JttDP*CO_ TIN FOIL—IS lbs jnst rec’d and lorssle trr iania rinPPjfcCO FlStt SOAiI ~ M bTTHkWB Jt CO_ CLOVER BEi janl4 JLOUK— ssa wn yaud Scperfiu* 3 - 7 “ P^jacßTcjiniiaretiMlfomleby L 8 WATERMAN, T -V»tet tad flj FroamZi VoL&fiSßa-SS’ hhd«N. O.Sajw.: - 75 barxtla N. O. afolisau, nTisgp*' (tetuner Wm&eld Seoalbrule It BROWN KIRKPATRICK, Ml liberty til ' gL'GAR *■ 'V .ovER 9BKD— I2O barrel* •'prune new** anir j injr aud for *aloby ■ - J brown * kirkpatrick, janA? 144 liberty «t IM.ouit— *>'ua(teia~ Ultra." . ~ lioi.krrel* Rnpetfine. tv barrels fine on hand and for mis b 7 j tnW BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. RICK— li'fierce*.prime'• new crop”landing *od formic by s BKOWN A KIRKPATfUCJL jutrA! ." y O' H. MOLASSES—2S barrel* 8L June* Re&cery. O. 14 half do ilo do for mte by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK. lALEV A CO »>nBBL3 SUGAR IiOUSB MOLASSES—For **!*> OU low by • J S DILWORTU * CO . janfti. ' ' • IriAUUI*S PLANTATION MOLASSES-Fbr*** iUUhy ;J S DILWOBTH A CO / ; jtUtj • ' ■ : Xftfiffc pieces bulk fork. UUUU SO k*» Butler. , - t lObblaßoUdOjiaatOTeandforjwwfL, ■ janSM • J 8 DILWORTB Aj|£j gp-iuuawgtgM. »°^ 0 #4No. I 0 Twitl, *** X stetmor Hindoo, nad fonole by :.um JAM, S£i %2L2- jauai QaANUEERI Ei - ? bU. j ,. iSftS^^ N- O. SUGAR—a hhd*, new croft J** 41 ** tnm m *t«Ußer North River, *ai JwjKftrfcffa L co _J*KSi RUKY, MATMHBWO * w N: O.MOLASSES—4BbBUN OSWf2S’kT flda * ■^n™*rt^tgBS&%CO K ICE-15 tiereu, • prim® •ridfLi*®**** f jr ttle by . MONACO