The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 28, 1850, Image 1

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. »• Jt wrtrrt] . [a. baiobt.
QAirr »cttcwoi, ibou> rmn, iuut dooe to
. . Vssxa:
Dallyptact .«»». >7,00 per annum
Weekly,(in adnsee)e— — —•• 2so
■ -Ha.' to Club*, *t a.redaeed rate.
of NoopareUorle**)
• «m ia*enibo****— .$0,50
•, Do.' ot*week - 1,75
•Do. rwowceki- . 3,00
Do. three week*.—— 4,00
Do. one month--••••;—••« 0,00
Do. ■•' - two noaiti 7^o
Du three months • 9,00
Do. tour momhi ..,.55... 10,00
Do.. slxmonlhs ....... 18,00
’ Do. - twelve months..-.-—•• 10,00 .
: Standing Card (0 lines or leas,) per annam-JO,!®
One Square, changeable aiplcasure (per an- •
- nuft) exclusive of the paper— £5,00
For each additional square, inserted over one month,
ana far etch additional square inserted under tlie year
ly rates, half price.
Advertisements exceeding a square, arid not over
fifteen fines, to be charged as a iqaare and a half.
.Publisher* not accountable for legal advertisements
beyond the amount charged for their publication.
Animtrlnc candidate* for OSes, to be charged the
tame as other advertisements. .
■Advertisement! not marked on the copy for taped*
Col «r insertions, will be continued till forbid,
and paymeatexaeted accord-.
The privileges efyeariyadvenUerswUlbe confined
rigidly totheir regular bnsiaesa, end all othsr adver*
tiiunents not pertaining to their regular basinets, as
agreed for, to be paid extra.
, All .advertisements .for. charitable institutions. fire
companies, wanl, township and otherpuhtic meetings,
and such like,lo Recharged half price, payable strictly
in advance.
Marriage notices to be charged SO cent*.
. .Death notices inserted without charge, tmlesa accent
pahied by.foaenU invitations or obltaary notices, and
when to accompanied to be pud for. „•
Regular adrertlsera and all others sending commu
nications, or requiring notices designed to eall atten
tion to Fair*, Soirees, Coneerts, or any public enter*,
tahttaenta erhereehargea are made (or admittance—
all not!cis of private associations— «vcty notice de
signed to eall attention to private enterprises calcula
ted of intended to promote individual Interest, can on
ly bo inserted vrith the nademandingibat the same is
to be paid for. If intended to t.e inserted in tbeloca
colnsin, u»e same will be charged atthe rale of not less
ihaalUer ta per line.
Bishop or FislNotices to bo charged tnple price.
Tavern License Fetltioiiß,«tl each.
fttU^Kec* o'* 0 '* advertiiemcjjta to be charged at
Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers' Advertisementa
not to be cl used under yearly rates, but to be allowed
discount o< thirty three undone third pet cent, from the
amount of bills.
- ViiiiT ea TO-wmiT lv xtajlt rareas.
One Square, three insertions—-~ -.-81,50
80, each addiuoanluuerbon---- 37
mw.iaM m ,ta u wuui rsru
One Square, (10 lines.) one insertion* •» eta.
80. • each addnjonaUnjeruoa**ss \ u
All transient advertisementa to be pataln advance.
WHITE A CO., Gazcue.
L. HARPER, Post.
ROUT M. KIDDLE, Journal.
JAMES P. UAUK A CO- chronicle.
JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury..
JAMES W. BIDDLE, American. .
Prrmnton, Dec. l, ]&ia.
ATTORNEY AT. LAW-rOHicf, on Fourth iircet,'
• »Ujto SmithEtcM—Lowrie'* BaiUhocs— up •lain.
J«o?-y • ..
J\, Foanbst. - .w . i novlS-lr
Attorney at law and commissioner
All cemmnmcßUoai promptly ajmrcred.* octgt-ly
A nWOTKONG £CROZER,Conimisikm Merchant*
Xk and ifcnlen in Prodace, No. Si Market rtreef
FimbnrgU [■ • decs
ATTOUNEY ui<l Cbuuellor at Law, and Commit*
•ioicr for tbo State of Penucylvama, Losia*
'Jo. (lats ol Pituborgh.) •- -j ••
larEamcaa.—Pittsburgh: Hon.W. forward, liainp
•ton & Miller, M'Caudless ii M'Clare, John K. Pjuke,
•ijoeUs &■ Simple, M-Cotd Jb King. • »ggU:diy
* ZattCr f-
■ Fourth (licet, between gtmtnficld and <*raut,
•Tgibnigh,- Fa. ‘ jiu» -
'jetnTs. look. ~ ’ jmi.c.ruiiD.
Attorneys at law, rounn meet, near Grant
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on Fourth »l, be
tween Smith field and Grant rt,, Pjuaburgh.
' Wn ; IfMU" jmi j ..WBHu.a.
rtr. h> wooj>w*e». — saltu asoauv.
IAGALEY. WOODWARD A Co., Wholesale Uro
> cera, No.ffil Market street Philadelphia., no vdr
puubnrgb Alkali Works.-
BENNETT, BEAKY A CO, hla nutaeturen of t*-da
A»k. Bleaching Powder*. Ms ri*tie and Sulpherie
f etd«. Wsrehotue No.—Water itreet, below ferry.
• norSO-ly ‘ ' . . i '
fxxsxun lutii. ncoxux axxrxx.
DRAUi ; A JIEVTER, Wliolesaie and Retail Drug-.
Q gists, t srner of Liberty and St. Clair sueets, Pitt*-'
urga, Pa .. mayi4 :
Y) <A- i’AIINESTOCK & Co., Wholesale and He*
n. uii Dprgtpsta, corner Wood and CU>_bw. jyl^
CHARLES AAVIjuK. Attorney al Law, Third”**,
lat door above JtoiUtfield. _ norlS-tlm •
OTh. pautiuogb; n. d.,
CONTINUES to c»vb hit parC.calaJ attention u> the
treatment ofDucaae* 01 the SKIN, SCROFULA,
aod DUea*e* of Ihe.TIIKOAT.
Office bour»: V A.M., IP. M, arwl •P• M. •.
> >
~7ovm a. cbaio. v w. a. wusirut.
CRAIG h SKINNER* Forwarding and Commission
Merchant* Market at, PoubarjiK »P^
Ci. WeANULTV A Co., Forwarting/ud Com
* minion Merchants, Canal Baain, riiLborgfa Pa
_ ■{/ • rncW
hT’TP*NT, Wboiexalo(irocer, Comm£a»nand
m forwarding Merchant. No. 41 ania
Stcailtnd irom
COLEMAN*, ' BAILMAN A Co, manii/aetarer* «f
Coaeta and Eliptie Spring*, Hammered Axlei,
Spria* and Plough Steel, Iron, Ac. ‘AVareboune ea
water and Front erects, rttuborgh.
AUal dialer* in! Coach Tnomian and Jdalieaul*
cStok '
'■ -gfn_ a; J7v»r.imt, tUOI J. BCOTCTT.
T?NGUSii’& DENNETT, (late CallaKh«
Hi J» Co} Wbole*ale Grocer*, Commwjion and t-or
wartlnK Were haul*, and dealer* In Droduee and Pitts
turxi Manufacture*, No. 37 Wood n, between cd and
3d urcet*. J*“-
*-x 'j.'miNilY, Attorney aud Conaeellur at Law,
Hi- Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* in Southern Ohio,
and In Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly andeare
folly attended to. Commiitioncr for the State of Penn
■ylrania, for taking Deposition*, acknowledgment*,
*a»xaTO—Hon. Wra-Bcll'i Son, Cortl*,Clmieli4
Carothcra. Win. Hay*, Wil'cck & I>*ti.% • «£•*_
J.C. lJrcyfogle.~ -•••A- H. Clarke.
r ANTS, and dealer* in Window Glass,. White
.Lead Ae. No. 10s Second «C jaaB-y ••
“-T W'U, urjUHNKTOH,
fd ' Nn. 113 Second street, Pittsburgh. dc!4
GKORGE W. SMITH a CO., Brewers, Moisten
luid Hop Dealer*, Pin st, I’'‘iDbargb.
CrEtfEuK COCiIRAN, Commissioni and'forwardinr
I* Metehtnt, No.gtlWftgdatrcct. Pittsburgh. myl>
TTAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Heavy
H HMninri, Checks, &C-, Kcbecc.t Street,, city 0(
Allegheny. ; nori^-cty
TTfT.EE, (successor to M'urphy A Let,) Wool Deal-
H - «and Commission Merchant, for the sale ol
Ataerieaa Woolens, Liberty.J>PP®«i. l i^ l, Js L _J e il l l.
itnaasaLb, Baltimore.
: a-mscxso*, xbwaeduxaio, , tphilada.
: >.C,K'CA](XOS,IOO.I L WAKfIO, » , ,
HEJILD k BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mtt-
u North Water st, Al 6 North jJoT3<Mf h
■a.*. Bsaor. . w*. touts,
HARDY, JONES A Co, (saeceswrv 10 Atwood,
Jones fcCo.) Ccmmtsjion anil Forwarding Jler*
chants, dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods,
yitUhsryh, ps. * * PCh-r?.
I HAVE .uo.;,:.?“ ELjSvaY will in. in Urn
Exchange and Banking business,
January in, laid. WAI. 11. WILLIAMS.
Win. H. I. B. McVay.
North East comer of Wood and Third streets,
janl Prmucacn. !**•.
*~7 tcsiau"Stcxrr, - ~ sosurr ntcxvr, is,
TBAIAII DICKEY ACo, Wholesale Grocer*.Coin*
1 mission Merchants, and dealers in Prodace,?SessB
Water, and 107 Front streets. Pittsburgh. - r.os^_
JNO. A.CAUGUEY, Agent for th* IJikc Erin and
'Michigan lire to Hearer and the Lakes.— Office
on the comet of Water and giaithficld su. Jai.i
John STllilwonh .—.Joseph lsil worth
r 9- DILWORTH ACO , Wholesale Grocer, and
. Ageou for Ilsisrd l*owdcrCo., No. 37 Wood it.,
pauburgh. -y dfs-y_
'• iormi tawoEnt.
■f S. DILWORTU A Co, Wholeiale Grocers, Pro*
•I m dues and Commission Meribanu. and Agents
(or the Hazard Towder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood st,
PltUbargh. • -.-I— f’_pl6_ <
JOHN U- TOWNSEND,Druggist and Apothecary
No. 45 Market »U three doon ahoveThird st IHttrt
burvh.will have: constantly on hand a well selected as*
aorunentoftho best and fresher! Medicines, which ha
wrill sell on the owt reasonohle terms. Physicians
Ending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sop.
iHftdwith article* they may rely span ms genuine.
" rr-p Physicians Prescriptions wtU b« accurately and
.ffiSy p. -pored front.the bust nuptial*, at any hour of
i^Also^oV»*£> 4 1m I* «*- ock ot f««h andgood Perfc*
io#rT* 1 • lul3
' SSKWELL., Counsellor si t-sw.-of.
J t tee on Founh st.. above Smtih&eld. nors-ty
f ’ w amn t Ohio,) CommTs-
I «ion ami Forwarding Mtrebast, andwholatale
X«ter in Western Butter, Pot and
s*s*4and Western Produce generally, V, ater
between Smith field and Wood, Pjnabargh.: apj
•w’nilN WATT, (snccessor to Ewalt & Gebban,!
1 \Cholesale Grocer and Communion Merchant,
S.i-r U Produce and Manufactures, eor
n LW itnd Hand gtrccts. PUHbargh Fa. ]o»
‘SVtfEa'A.'HUTCHISbN, A Co.-Baeccsror,jo
,T Hutchison A Co- Comimsalon Merchants,
-• HLfteht. of*® 9t- . Louis Steam Saßmr. Refinery.
r Doat streets, Ptiuhargh.
& moss; W>^
JOHN B. MORGAN; WlwrieaaleDruggist,anddetfi
er in I>vc Btufl>, Paints, Oils. Vamuhei, Ac., No.fci
Wodd street; one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitts
burgh. • • ' :
TAMES'KERR, Jr-. * (sueeessortA Joseph O,
J Pavia?)Ship Chandlers,3o WaterttreeL oe3l •
Aucuoneer, comer sth and Wood
streets. PiUibitrgb- oct9
JOHN H MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
In Music and Musical instruments, Sebool Bodxa,
Paper, Slates, Steel P«M*wHs, Printers* Cards,, m 3
Stationary generally, No. £1 Wood at, PltuburglL
If7*Rßffi bought drJaken intrude. »epi3
TuiiNSTON A STOCRTON. Booksellers,' Prmtera
gj and Paper Manufacturer*,.No. 44 Market in, Pitts
burith. ' led
~j outs ytJojjh ,K?cnA*DEuDT5r
JAR. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission
a Merchants, and Dealers iu Produce, Round
Church Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and Oih
streets, Pklibnnrh. Psl_ i . • niytf
TAMES BALZI J-L, Wholesale Grocer, Ccmmission
«| .Meiehanl, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
Manufactures. No. S 4 Water sL, Pittsburgh. ’ XaitlG
J' B. SWEITZER,. Attorney at Uw t ofiee34iu
a op pome 6U Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also
atcad promptly td Collections, in Wtshinjrtan.Fareue
tad Green counties, Pa. if .
Blaelutock.BelldsCo.. *>
Church &. Ctrotlien, >Pnubnrtfc.
l>. T. Uoixan, ‘ . j ocl&ily
FIER * JOHES, Foiwanllßff and Coouaiuion fJer
iV- Dealer* in Produce and Pittsburgh tnanu*
tactured article*, Canal Haim, near ?tf» «L • .
17 ENbKDI i CHIUB A CU. t Muialaeumn of t
IV > »aperior 4-4 Sheeimy*, Carpel Chain,
Trine and-Uouiitg. jaaO-lyiton
VeiUTiai Iron Works.
f KWI9, DAL2ELL k Co., manufacturer* of all si*
JLi zea liar, Sheet, Uoiier Iron and Nails of the beat
Warehouse, M water and 105 front at. .
frill 3 r
L 0 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward
• ine and Cot&miKtion Merchant. Dealer in Pitts*
booth Manufactures and Produce, Nos. 91 Water su
and «2 Front sl . ' i 27
wa, muu, FSilaSa. c. w. bicextson, lHUih'urzhT
MILLER k RICKCTSON, Wholesale Grocers; and
importers of Brandies, Wines and Scgars,Nts.
17? and 174, comdr oflibcrtr and Irwin streets, Fitts*
burgh. Pa. Iron,. Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac. Ac. eon*
statitly on hand. ,augt4 • .
ioun kfeiiL. r jas. n, u'oill. wurn c; box-
V* eGILLS &.RQK, Wholesale Grocers and Commia*
iXI. siou Mercliauts, No. IV-t Litmny sL, Pittsburgh.
MURFJIY. WILSON k CO, (late Jones, Murphy k
Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 43
Wood street, Pittsburgh. _ norJS-
X/JAITHFW WILSON, Portrait and MiruaturePaLrw
IVX. ter. Rooms, comer of Post Office Alley and
Fouitk street,'entrance on 4th hear Market -
nsse joma, - . loan j. ocisa.
Manufacturers or spuug. ami blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip.,
lie wirings, hammered-iron axles, and dealers in mol
eoliie castings, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings
generally, comer of Russ and Frout su n Pittsburgh,
***• ’ • . fehl»
HOLMES k SON, No. 55 hlarkel at, second
• door from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
,tnd Domestic Hills of Exchange, CertificaiesofDenos*
<l, Rank Notes and Specie. '
10“ Collections toad -on all the priucinal cities
throughout the’United States. • .. deel"
UIJCKALASTER, Alihiimin—(JCier, Fourth ft,
XI • liilrd iloor above SmiitiScld, sonth side.
Coareyanciuff of all kind* done with the grexief-l
cure nnif legal accuracy.
Title* tc Real Estate «-Tatn;-. fc j 1
■ , PMOV. meHBY fiUHBOOk, '
PENN yTHEET, between Wayne and Hand, Lis
resumed his professional duties, ginng inrlruc*
uoqa on the Piano, Goi;ax, and in Yoeal.Music.
auglVdtf ••
. ££Vjl?£lUai TEA “uTFomh
g£>a| si, near Wood—All qnaatiiies of Green and
■gn Black Up in quarter, half, ohd
one pound packages, ranging from so cts. 'per pound
•UO. jyJ A. JAYNES, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co.
iaZiBISON, urrL>; •tco.jNo. m Übeny meet,
Xv Pittsburgh,.Wholesale Grocers, Prodace and
Commission Merchant, and dealers In Pittsburgh
Manufactures. jyy
■ tnCT> toßisoir. Tnoajjmx earn. a. aomon.
kvOUfciKT Grocer, Rectifying
XV Distiller, dealer ut Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac
ture*, and alt kind*, of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, No. U Liberty' street. On hand a' very
'arfie slock of superior old MonocgahelK whiskoy,
which will be sold low forcash. ap!s:ly
V 0. XmroLM, J. L. SUKX
ij BYNOLDSftSUEE, Forwarding and Communion
[l Merchants, for the Allegheny Kiser Trade, deal*,
irs itt Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures
and Chloride of Vine.
Tbohighestprkea, in eaah r paid at all limes foreoan
ry rat*. Comer of Penawna Irwin *ts ianlhl
ROBERT DALZELL A Co- Wholesale Grocers,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers
■U Trainee tmd Pittsburgh Manufactures, liberty it.
PitiH'ureh, Pa. feteM
ROiri*. A: CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Oroccr,
DcalerJn Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacturer
>n. t<4 Liberty st • h*l9
S'NIACKLEIT it'.WJOTE, Wholesale Dealers in
Foreign end Domestic Dry Goods. N 0.99 Wood st.
TiUshurgß. . • .feblTtf
'«TtVrilAßßAUGllVWool'McfehsjiU, Dealers
3,, m Flour and Produce generally; and Forwarding
and Commission Merchants, No. 53 Water si, Pitts,
burrh. • ' • - '' , •
1 stujar, mrsßcaou. - . ]<>]tn.hurßi)u,?LaaTi^xn.
SELLERS A Nicolas. Produco and Genera! Com
mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sL, Pituburgh.
S|«rrm, Linseedund Lard Oils.
S 'fC YON BONNHORST, A Wholesale Gro
, cere, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Dealers in Pituburgh Manufactures and Western Pro
duce, have removed u> their new warehouse,(old stand)
No. SS, eoraeT of Front st and Chancery Lone.
r |'ASSBY A BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commit*
A rioa Mereha&u,' and dealers in Froduce. No. 35
Wro-1 «l, Pitlsbargh. __ _ patt!
v. a asLrn bsoalit.
WU. BAGALEY A CO- Wholesale Grocer, lfi
and SD Wood street Prttsbargh. > n 0v27
ANTS. A!»o—lmporter* o t Soda A*h and Bleaching
Powder, No. 100 7 -iberty bl, (opposite Sixth
burjh. oeuP
ions n. wjcXj VA.YTD jccawduo*
WICK & irCANOLESS, (neeecton to UkJ. D-
Wiek,) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding and
Coiamission Merchant*, dealer*- in Iron, Mailt, Glass,
Option Yams, and Pittsburgh Mahttfaetare* reneraily,
of Wood and Water street*. Pitttbnrgh. _
- w, WALLACE, Mill atone and Mill Fnnwah
, ing establishment, No. SH Liberty at, near the
canal. 2 gy£S .
\JLf. \V7WiisQ^fr\Vaiche*iJewcir7,b r riTcr Warßi
r¥ • Military r;ao«iii, corner of Market and 4(h.
ctn*U, Piuabnrgh, Pa. N.B.—Watches and Clocks
carefully repaired. ' . ' 1 dcc4
TSfEST ilO WEN—Commission < and Forwarding
iV Merchant, N®. W Front at between Wood and
Lnrltei streets. _ _ ieb24; •
W —tC' MURPIt V . Vvitofcaai'e*and Itruui dealer In
• Foreign and Dooeaiie Dry Goods, north ea|t
corner of Market and Fourth sts. aaglU
t/R, icrmo, • mo. *. trees*.
lirM. YOUNG & Co.—Dealers in leather bides, to.
•yy U 3 ! nberty ex. _■ d*n£*7j
witi. u’cmrjisoji. • iobt. st'ctncnzoN-.
TT.7- &, K. M'CUTCIIEON, Wholesale Grocerajdea
. Vt « lore in Prodace, Iron, NaibuGlasi, and ritu.
generally, Liberty st^PtU*
WW WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry
• Silver Ware, Military Goods, *«., No. 57 Mar
act «l . nov7
WM. 'fIMUON. -
• * Butler, Pa
WILL fattend to collection and all other httai*
ocm entrusted to him in Duller and Armstrong
ecuml«i,Pa. Refer to \
j.hK Floyd, Liberty »t. 1
W.W. Wallace, do I
James Marshall do (Riluliunjli.
d!y_ Kay A Co., Wood at. ) ta:i7
w. PETTIOaifiW * co/,
jg»sr<BPß Otticeadovb M. Allxs&Co,
■OOBEaBia ocfll No. 4»f\Vater street
Toss sjrp iiirmoa, rsoriijroxs.
MTHIB establishment long and widely known a*
being one oftbe tKostcommodiodi in lie city of
'.Baltimore, baa recently undergone very exten
sive alteration* and improvement*. An entire new
win# has been- added, containing muqeroua and airy .
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms* I
The Ladies' department bu also boen completely :
reorganised and fitted op in a mo rnniriue and beauti
ful style. In faet the whole arrangement of the lion**
hut been remodeled,-with a single eye on the part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure .of
their Gnesu, and which they confidently assert'will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in tho Union.''
Their table will always be supplied with every' *ob
mnial and Injury which _the market affords, served
sp ina superior ityle; white in life' way of Wines, fee.,
they will not bo aarpawed;-
In conclusion the proprietors begto say, that nothing
• left undone on their part, and on the pan of their
usaisunts,to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices for board have.also been reduetM to the
following rales: ; •" ‘ ■-
Ltoiiet l Ordinary, 11,75 p« day.
N. Uinifß Wagon of tbe Hoom will al
way* be lobM at the Car and Bie*nboat Landing
svrhich will baggage to and from the Hole!, frw
efcatfse. ' •
counx of Tocrra **» *»A!fr «TWsrr», nrnmrtcn.
. ■ T|l£ subscriber aeapeeUally announce* that
he baa cow opened hiiy <r and excellent lloiel
JK'Afar travelers. boarder*
,od tho pnblie Inn
■mi »nttrelT neww and DO paina of expense have .been
pleasant Hotel# in the city.- . .
1 The eabteriberia determined to deserve,-*nd there*
rpaK mbISS ” stofor»'«.
lind on this AUcfiheiiy mcr, on »>ucli nio 4 «IUU and
(beds, machine and clay abed*, wheelbarrow*,
•borda, tpodca* Ac, erery thing reeditw to com*
meuee operations at an boars notice. Price, including
the patent rijht to oae add machine. C7 t ooo—want* d
payment made easy. Without the land, g*Ow.! ror
ponicnlara. addrcii • » HENRY• MERRITT,
amrg7-drf • No 119 Moaongahcla Hottae.
Brussels carpets.—w. m*cuj»tock. ofle« fe
poichatenatarseand handaome aaaortment of
the moat approved'patterns of Urvaaela Carpets.
Cheaper thap ever before odered in thia market .Call
and examine oar stock before psrehaund elsewhere.
dctJ W H*CUNTOCK,75Fourthst
imiinuai imiT ftmm
Trenton Mutual Life, insurance Company
tins or r&xumt exdccsd 25 fk&cdit.
Capital, $150,000.
JAMES DUENO fc CO, Agents at Pittsburgh, Pa.
masd or tuiscnon, at tiestor, ncw jiun.
James Hot, Jr. I Joseph C.’ Potts, Pres’L
Benjamin Fish. j G. A. Perdicaris, V. P.
John A. Wean. | Eli Morris, Secretary.
Jonathan Fisa, Treasurer. * •
siwrott. |. - rnmarnu.. i
UomptrollerofJS'cw Yotk. I Hon. James Campbell.
? < i o, *l e Wood. j David U. White. :
Jpun.K. Mnckie. , Alexander Cummings. :
David Dudley Field. W. J. P. White, P. M. !
Joseph Jloxie. J
lEt-Gov. Vroora.
Ifaso Wildrick, M. C.
Um. A. Nrwetl, M. C.
Hon. 8. R, Hamilton.
... sew n
Ills Exc. Gov. nalncs. 1
' v t KP«y{on. U. ; S. Ben.
O.I>.WaH,Ex-U:8 Sea.
nxHJov, M. Dickerson. |
A.Sidney Doane, M. D W. W. Gerhard, M. D. ;
3* Warren »tl N.Y. 301 Walnut nt. PhD’o.
'J m * M*K-Morgan. M. D- It B. Bell, M. D.,
M'Coofc, HL D. Allegheny city, Pa.
' ' r Pittsburgh. Pa.
The Ageouof this Couip&ny, at Pittsburgh, areantb
onjied to take erery first cl*** risk on Lite at n rrrfue
non tf y*r ettiL Irom the uiuat rates of pre
mium as charged ny other Companies.
. “inan3oyear* of agrjtaklng&Policyoflnsurance
for Ono Thousand Dolforv-
To run for ono year, pay* only 89£0.
.do seven “ u u 810,20 —annually.
do • lifetime, “ “ 817,60 “
And in the same proportion for any aura up to 85000,
which In the extent taken on any ono life. .
•Thiscompany commenced operation* an the In Oct.,
1346, and its monthly butines* up to the Ist Oct., 1610,
«how* a progress erreaiing that of any other Life Com
pany on record. • 1'
The first dividend of prpfiu will he declared to fhe
wared on the Ist January* 1950.
'Pamphlets containing the various table* of rate*,
and alt the necessary information on the Important
subject of Life Assurance will be furnished on appli
cations JAMES DUKNO A. CO„ Agents, '
del* , Odeon Building*.
A SUiIANCK COMPANY will Issue Policies of In
surance against Los* oa Damage by Finn, upon Dwell
ings aud Furniture, Btnres,t*nt,ds. Ac., Ac- on appli
cation U> JAMES DURNO A CO, Agents,
"Odeon Building*.
HEALTH INSURANCE, at Pittsburgh.
Tile Spring Cnrdm llealt|i Insurance Co,
INSURES Males an<l Female* against the Expense
and Lois occasioned by Sickncs or Accident, by
an immediate allowance of from 83 to 86 per week,
for one, two, three, or four years. •
The method of effecting this Insurance, nnd the
manner of awarding the sick allowance, will be fully
explained by the Agent.
KXAJtrua. _
A person can insure against Sickness or Accident,
which will detain him frotp his ordinary business,.as
follows, vin
For one year, by paying 8130, and receive 83 Y week.
For two *• “ Aso, * 4 “
For three “ “ IfiZ, « « 5 •-
For four u u 10,v5, * •* . «; 11 •
Or, for a period of four years, ibo sum of 814,40 paid
manually, will secure 86 per week while sir.fc.
Every accessary information will be afforded on Uio
subject of iusorunee generally, by
, dcl7-d6g> v , - _• __ - Qdcon Bail olcjs.,
Llf* and Qtalth Insurant.
THE Mutual life and Health Imarance Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, Marrli, 1613. Charter perpetual.
Capital, 81 Ratxs Lowe* tjum art PaxxsYL
tart* CoutaXT, amt full 20 per cent, lower than the
ureal rate* of life Insurance, os the ftltowine com
parison will show: Thus, a person of the ageot » itv
soring for 8100 ibrltfcr, mart naym the Oirard 5235
Pennsylvania, 323 d, Penn Mutual, 8130; Equitable,
83,01; New England, 8238; New York Life. 8830; Al
bioh,'Bi,46;ldle and health,Pfcilad,elphla,BlJ>l. \
Diaicroxs.—Samuel D. Orriek, Charles D. H.tll, \V.
F. Beone, Robert p. : King, Charles P. Hayes, M. W.
Baldwin,.M. M. Reeve, M. D- Clio*. O. li. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker; B. I!. Batter, Edwin
R. Cope, (‘resident—samnel D. Orriek; Vice Presi
dent— Robt P. King; Secretary—'Frond* Blackbaroc.
Applications will be received, nml every information,
givenby SAML.FAHNF-STOCK.Agt, >
Office, Commercial Rooms, cAmcr of
octs7-dly Wood and Tlurd sti; Pin.vhurgh
- ljrsPßAjn7Ss ;
HANCE COMPANY*.—Office, North Room of the
Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia.
' Fina Isscaasob—Buildings. Merchandise and other
property in tow?: and coc.vm, inrered againrtloss or
damage by fire atthe Jowen rote of premium.
Maaurx tasruxes-—They also insure Vessel*. C*r>
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, us the assured may desire.
LnarDTaasirostATlOß.—They also insure mcrehan
dice .transported by Railroad Cara, Canal
Boats and Steam Boats, on river* and lakes, ou the
most liberal.toroia.
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal. Edmund A. Souder,
Jolm C Dnvi«, Robert Burton, Joan R Penrose, Sam a
el Edwards. GeoG Lcipcr, Edward Darlington. Iruae
R Davis, William FolweU, John Nowlin, Dr R M Hus
ton, James C Hand, Tbeophiics Paulding, 11 Jones
Brooks, Henry Sloan, nugtrCrafe, George Serrtll,
Spencer Mcllvain, ChtrieaKelly. J (7'Johmnn, Wit
liarn Hay, Dr BThomas, John Sellers, Wot. Eyre, Jr.
Wm. Bagaicy, Jno. T. Logan.
Rtctuus 8. Nxwaoui, Secretary.
P~r Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street,
JulStdtf P. A. MADEIRA, Agtyh ;
rfllK INSURANCE CO. ol Netlh
X make permoncm and liau’.nd Insurance ou pro
perty in this cUv and vicinity, and in r.hipinents by
Ounal, Rivers, Lakes, and hy Sea. The propenict At
litis Company are well invested, ami famish an avail
atile fuiiii for the ample indemnity of ell prrsous who
desire to bc.pioteetedby insurance,
myli WM. I*. JONES, Agent. 44 Water si.
The Franklin Ftn lnsuranec Go. of Philadelphia.
DIKECTORS.~CharIes N. Bancker, Thomas ifon,
Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant. Jacob R. Smith,
t*co. W Richard*, Mordecoi D. Lewis l Adolpho E.
Bone, David S. Brown, Morris Paticreon.
Chabxxs N. Bancs**, President.
Charles <?• Bancker, Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or liraiird,
oa every description of property in town cr rouutry,
at rate* a* low a* ore ccmsutent with security.
To Company have reserved a large contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest*
ample protection to the acaarotL
The or lets of the company, on January Ist, ldl2, as
pobliahcd agreeably to an act of Assembly, were a*
tsliows, viz:
Real Estate
Temporary Loan*
.gleets •
Cash, Ac.
.t1,W7,0j 41
W,72i hi
- M
. ' 31,323 ‘25
• Since their incorporation, a period of 19 year*, they
have paid upward* of one mU lion four hundred thous
and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
cf the advantages ofinsaratiec, as well a» the ability
and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
Office N K corner W ood ana 34 ms
Till PinaijrlTknU Company
Fos Isnicisc* os Livd *ao CEiWnno Aaserrin.
a 'UK first Life Instranee Company in the U. States.
- Incorporated March 10, ISltf—chaiter perpetual.
Capital *soo,ooo—all paid m.
Having authorised the undersigned to receive appli
cation* for insurance, on which policies wilt he is.upd,
according to their proposal* andratca, which willbe
made known to applicant* at hi* olficc, No. W Wood
street. ipU (JKO. COCHRAN.
(a, M'CORD * CO.,
JEM irjdccesßit* to M'Cnrd A King) whA
«■% Faihlonablt Hattcr'a,
Corner of Wood end Ftjlh Street*.
PARTICULAR attentioa paid to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely npon getting their Hau and
Cap* from oar csublisfainent of the best uatoi-alt and
wtaounanri of the utbi stiles, and at the Lowtorr
Country Merchant*, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to call and examine our Sun k', n*
we can say with confidence thnt as regards (ftMUTi
and rate*, it will not tuffer in a comparison, with any
house In Philadelphia. fehl?
jgw A FULTON,BeiI and Brass Founder, haw re*
Hi bniit and commenced h isinesa at liis old ■mini
where he will be pleaded to sen his old rualora-
and friends.
Church,titcambont,onrt ,Bell* of ever)- size, from 10
•to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most upprov.
cd models, and warranted to ho of the Lest materials.
Mineral Water PumpsConiitcrs, Bailing, kc, lose
iherwithererv variety of Bra«i» Castings, U required,
turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. if the sole proprietor of Babbit 1 * Aim-Ansi-
Ttos Msxal,6o justly celebrated dor the reduction of
friction in machinery. The Boxes and Cinnposiuno
can he had of him at all times. ’ jaSKlily
WR. BlUßi'ilV continue* to keep on bond it full
• assortment of the Welsh Unshrinkable Hum*
oat*, untfhtti recently received * supply or tho fin«v
qoaUUes. Aito Swaiudown Flannels* a scarce orti*
cle nod well adapted for the wear of invalid*, and
other! wanting something warmer than u*aal. Al*u,
Persian .and Uoaae FlahueU for Infant* wear; to
gether with a full aupply of American monuiactureij
Flannels, of different qualities* Also, SJIKOUDINO
FLANNELS, of all the different width!, at the Norih
East corner of 4th and Market »lc.
U7* Wholesale Room* up stairs, wnere dealers will
always find a good assortment of new style goods.
•;— Leat or Stolan,
ON the evening of Monday U»tj 7thinsi, —13 bun
dle* and 17 bara of Iron, (marked. W.McO &l'» )
liom (ho wharf, above the JVlontrtigahela undge. Any
information that witl result in iho recovery of the
above nuuad Iron, will be rewarded by calling on
JanlO Fim meet, bet n Wood itMatk et
*' HtTr Booki Jait Arrlred.
H«.adly, with original designs l>7 D.«rley.
. Tim Poems and Pros© Writings of H. H. Dona.
Physician and’ Patient, or a Practical View of the
Atorai Dime*, Relations and Interest* of the Medical
Profession and the Communit)'; by W. Hooker, Nl. 1>
r \Tlie Puritan and Hi* Daughter, by J- K- Paulding,
authored the Dutchman's Fireside. ...
'J»s Gringo*, or an Inside Viewer Moxico and Cal
ifornia; witn Wandering* in Peru, Chili and Folyneeia;
by Lieut. Wise. For rale by
deal a English. to wood »t
Hew ia'tbe time to Ssbscrltie.'
OFFICE of Scon’s Hepnnli of the Four Quarter
lies and Blackwood; Sto per year.
Morris & Willis’Home Journal, published in New
York weekly; 83 per annum.
Downing's Horticahurilut, monthly; 83 par yrar.
1310 Cultivator, monthly; 81 per annum.
The Agriculturalist, monthly; SI per year.
The Democratic Review, monthly; S 3 per annum.
The Bankers' Maguine. do 55 do
Jsn2 . Bookseller A Importer, 61 Wood s! _
GuitarsV ' r-
A FEW Terr fine GUITARS, Just rce’d- from the
eelcCroled manufactory of C. F. Martiri, and tor
tale by Jmn3 J. H, AIELLOB, 81 Wood it-
- Dissolution off Putnirshlp,
pY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto-
O fare existing under the style of BUSHFIELD A
LEADER, has been dissolved oy Henry Leader sell
ing his entire interest in said firm to John McGill. AU
business connected with the firm of Bushfield A Lead
er Will be settled by S. B. Bushfield A Co, who.are
duly authorised to make all eolleetionaana udjurt nil
Pittsburgh, Oct. 27,1649.
N. B.—S. B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will continue t>e'
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
ut the old store room, No. 220 Liberty st, where they
will be pleased to have their friends end customers
call and examine their stock of goods.
* Dissolution.
'I I HE partnership of the undersigned, under the firm':
X of Bugaley A Smith, was dissolved by mutual 2
consent on 29th September, W. BagaJeyjmrehtudng
the interest of J. R. Smith, who retires. The business
of the firm will be settled by their successors, Wm.
Bugaley A Co., at Nos. 18 and 20 Wood sl
Pittsburgh, Oet 8, >49. ISAAC R. 9MITII.
CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Wm. Bagaley haring a*ro
ciaird with him Wo. 11. Woodward of Phllaaelphio,-
Joiin S. Cosgrove and Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh,
will continue the Wholesale Grocery Business, at Nos.
1£ and CO Wood st, under the firm of
WM. BAGALEY A CO , Pittsburgh; -i
octfi t
dissolution or co>Partntrshlp.
f PIIE co-partnership heretofore existing between the
JL subscribers, Under the stylo of Brown A Culbert
son, was dissolved ou (he Ist Inst, by mutual consent
Pittsburgh, Oct. 5, 1840. A. CULBERTSON.
The subscriber will continue'the Wholesale Groce
ry and Commission Business, as heretofore, at the old
stand, 143 liberty octfi A. CULBERTSON.
rawTT- BErwxsn Woon sno Msmxxr. rrmstmon,
dSJNTINUE to manufacture all kinda of COPPER,
smith Work. •
Steam Uoau built to order.
Special attention given to steam boat work.
Hare on hands afine assortment ofCqpper and Brass
Kettle*. Tin Wore, Ae. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stores,
Portable Forges, various sires—a very convenient ar
ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
We would rcvpceiftilly invito steam boat men and
others u> coll and see oar articles and priocs before
purchasing jyt!7
DlsFdlntlon oflPsrtnirahtp*
THE copartnership or HENRY HANNENACO-,
formerly ilannen, Muller ACo., in the Window
a d Colored Gloss bouncy is this day: dissolved by
the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Mullet.
The business will be continued by the undentorned,
under the firm of HENRY HAN'NEN A CO. Ware-
ltk<Becoiid st, where wr will bav«o92?t>S’
supplies of superior Window Glass.
’ Pittsburgh. Aug. 27, HENRY UMSTRAD
rpiiE undenignett bare this day associated with them
JL in business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, and will con
limit the burineii as heretofore, saker the firm of
July 2, 1649.
mUE partnership heretofore existing under the firm
J, of A. AC. BRADLEY, is diasolvcdby the decease
ol Mr. O. Bradley. The business will be-earried on by
A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the lato
firm. . . . • • •
REMOVAL.—A. BsanLXT has removed his Foundry
Warehouse from'No! Ilf Second street, to No. 19
Wood street, between First nod Second streets, io the
warebostn lately oecopied by ti. A. Berry, where be
will keep coiiJiantly on hand a general assortment of
Castiog*. Grules. Stove*. Cooking Stoves, Ac. jyP
THE copartnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, in the name of Constable, Burke A
Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent Messrs.
Burke A Barnes will settle the business of the con
cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the
name of the concern, NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
id the name oi BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes. Vault Doors. Ac.
A'p- at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Butkc
A where they will bft pleased to receive the pa
tronage ©fthecastomeraet that house and their friends.
In retiring from the Cm of Constable, Burke A Co.,
I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A
Dantes to the confidence of my friends and Die public.
STUART A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com
mission Merchants, No. 118 Wood ft. Pittsburgh.
Dealers lu Gioceries, Flour, Wheat, Etc,Oats, Com,
Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard. Cheese; Clover,
Timothy ami Flax Seeds; Iron, Nails, Glass, Ac. Ac.
Ao. 'Paniealap.aueation paid, to the sale of Western
Produce.' * • 1 •
RxrauucES—Messrs. Myers A Hunter, Robb Poi
zed A Co., M’GiUs A Roe, Hampton. Smith A'tCo.,
James May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner
A M'MElan, Massillon. Jos. S. Morruou, Esq., SL
Louis. spUWJy
luii.’t a. cßxia, late of N. Lisbon, O. w. sl sxuuru
Gt F.NERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward-
T mg Merchant, No. 2R Market sL, Piusbarghj Pa.
ir>*rroutot attention given to the purchase and sale
of all kinds of Produce.
H rrxs to— John Watt A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co.
Pituburgh, Pn-t Lawson A Hill, Mahlon Martin,
Wcllsviile, John 11. Drown A vo., Grigg, Elliott A
C«- Philaoelpltia; It. W. Snbdgmas ACoi, Gregg \
Nare, Nrw Lisbon, Cl.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Coffin,
Cincinnati; J. P. KelW, O.; W. L Stati
on n. Cleveland, O. > ' aug94
ComzzzJ salon and Forwarding More Bant*
no. *JO woon sr., rrmstmen,
CONTINUES to transact a genera! Commission busb
nesa, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can .Manufactures and Prodaec, and in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to his earc. As Agent for
the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with
the principal article* cf Pittsburgh Manufactnre at the
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments
are respectfully solicited. 197
Penn BathlMlhop, .
HWIGIITMAN— Mantfaeturer ofall kinds of cot
« ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa.
Th« above work* being now in fell and sdecessfil op
eratinn, I am prepared to execute Offers rritk dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in ay Ims, rich as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding mol fines, railways,
drawing frames,' speeders, thiossUs, looms, woolen
cards, double or single,for merehantor eauntry work,
males, jacks, Ac.; slide and band lathes and tools in gen
era!. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv
en lor gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Kent* to— Kennedy, Childs A Co-Blackstocfc, Ilcll
A Co., King, Pennoek A Co., Jas. A. Gray.
- - *TOpai»TeiiB“;
JOHN n. ATCRBARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer.
No i. :m and XU Stanton street, NEW YORK—Dr
j>oi No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of
Printer* to liis improved Printing Inkt of various
kiud* and orders, althe following prices:
Extra Sine Jet Black, for Card ami Wood
Cuts - • Si 00 and 3 00 per lb.
Fine Hook Ink
(loot rk
0 75 “ l 00
0 40 “ 0 so u
Finc Red Ink
0 ta 020 “ 025 “
75c 1 1)0 1 40 “ 300 “
Bloc, Yellow, Green and White 76c 1001 SO “
Gold cite at O*J per ll>, and Bronxe at SO, 75 cl* and
01 peror.
A specimen of.New* Ink can be area on this paper.
Pittsburgh, Fa.
C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Morion A Gri»would, Louisville, Ky. oct9:d6m
jambiTw. woodvvell,
modern and Antlqne Fnrnitnre,
B3, Tinxr Stsltt. PrmsrxaH.
A large and splendid jsggnSS&wi
aiMDTUsent of Purmtnre, wtafSjEQftjgi
suitable for Steamboat*, flgj£3S9BSl
fflUlim Hotel* and private dwiel
line*, constantly on hand and made to order.
The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any manuraridry in the western country. Person*
wishing to purchase woold do well to giro me a call,
as lam detenuined my prices shall please. Part of
the stock consists in—
TcteaTete; Buffet Etaqeic;
Louis XIV Chair*} Queen Elizabeth chairs;
Tea Poyse: Fruit Tables;
Toilet 'rabies; Louis XV Commoder,
French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools;
SO sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covers;
50 Mahogany Rocking Chairs;
40 doz Parlor do
30 “ Fancy do
' 35 centre Tables;
go pair Divaiut: 4 pair pier Table*;
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
6 Wardrobes: 8 Secretaries and Book eases;
80 marble top Wash Blands;
4 pair Ottomdns;
8 pair fancy Work'Stands;
A very large assortment of common chairs and other
furniture too numerous tolnenUon.
|f7* Bteata Boots-Tarnished on the shortest notice,
ami nu the most reasonable term*. deols
Dlnphraim PilUrVYor Rydraat Water*
pi TIILS is to certify that I have apj
pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co,
Agents for the sale of Jenning’s
’©fi9 r Patent Diaprahgm Filler, for tho ci|
IJp ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
for Walter M tiibron, 51tf Broadway
X Oct. 10,180.
We have ticen using one of the above articles at ihs
nfi'-o of the Novelty Works for three month*, on trial,
and feel perfectly satisfied that It is a useful invention,
nnd we take pleasure in recommending them as a use;
fui article to all who love pure water. Order* will be
thankfully received and promptly executed.
R*vsrilhls Filtering OMk,
M Which render* turbid water pure by
ytfafcv removing njl •übstance* not soluble in
/rAC&aI water, The croton water in N. York,
rf'f!<!SXy\taS**ltbQaah c ; ear and puro to the eye, yet
»v3EPfcr"* w l> ei *it "pease* an hour through utij
filteriug cock, shows a largo deposit
impure snbitknce*. worms, Ac. Thu
Is the case more or less with all hydrant water.
The Reversible FUterer i. oeet end durable, and is
not attended with tho inconvenleneoiaddont to otlteT
Fillrnra, a. it is cleansed without heingdetaehed from
the water pipe, by merely turning the key or handL
(ram obb aide ft the other. Ur U>U but procw the
BOO.W o( Water ft Ohßlljed,*nd *ll aCOUmoiltioiU ft
impureß. .re dri«ea off almeal Initactly,
withoat BBtcrcwine the Filter. It alao poiienei tha
BdtBBIBBBOfbBIBBB.IBpBOBk. mulßßßtlßll in IB.BJ
CBM. wtii be eery con.oßient and oeonoinißll.
It cia be attached where there 1. any praam* UA
or low to a cask, tank, nth, (he. wth earn T. ba had
of the sole Agent, , _ A,W. WTLSON,
octjy earneraf Fourth and Market «u
XTEW RAISING mad.Cofcpa nr boxes
JN fretb-Rainlhsi * bag* Cocoa *hellsrccMandfbr
Tate at theTckin Tea Store, 70 Fourth nreet d«IS
W. 4J, BLKHB. Book BlafisrA
XtTE areioll engaged in the above business, corner
I ¥ « Wood and Third streets, where
we are prepared to do any work ia our line with des-
Siatch. We attend to our work personally, and sans
action will be given In regard to its neatness and du
, Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Books in numbers or old books bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books in gilt letters.
Those work is our line are invited to call.
Prices low.: ' myghtf
Beslis, Cooking glotss, Grata a, 4e<
lU comer Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture
and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales,
of the most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood
and eoal; Egg Stoves or various sixes, Parlor and
common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac. They also
manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given suefa
genera! satisfaction to thosohaving it in use, to all of
which Uiey would respeeiftiliy invite the'attention of
the citizen* and the public generally. oct27-dtf
JjX would call the attention of the city trade and
dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos,
in store and to-amve, which being consignments di
rect frommanufacturers, be is enainled to sell at east
ern pricto: • . -.
13rt-bxi&W Crenshaw ss;
7# }’ “ James Madison 6s;
84 4 “ Lamartine Ss;
33 1 “ Mlrabean ss;
23 j u Putnam ' fie and la;
IS I *} Roberta A Sisson Ss| ,
8 I •< Oscar Burl fit;
B | ‘I Johns A Lewis Is;
3 | “ Warwick, supr Iff
48 | u Henry A James Ss, li and 8s;
fcbtt L 8 WATERMAN
Pitt ■lehiasWerki and Feudry,
JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery or every description, such
as Carding-Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders,
Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers,
Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. wrought
Iron Shafting turned; aU sixes of Cast Iron, Pulltes and
Hangers of too latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tools ofall kinds. Costings of every description
furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for
Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe Tor beat
ing Factories, Cast Iron window Sash ana fancy Cas
tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J.
Palmer A Co., liberty street, will have prompt atten
Refer to' Blaekitoek, Bell A Co- J. K. Moo rehead A
Co- G. & Warner, John Irwin A Sons. Pittsburgh; G.
C. A J; U. Warner, Steubenville. isn!9
M- A. WHITE A CO- would respectfully Inform
• the public that they have erected a shop on
Lacock, between Federal ard Sandusky streets. They
aro now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ha*
roaches,-Buggies. Phelans, Ac., Ac., which from their
long experience in the manufacture of the above work,
Muftho (adhtiet they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
those wanting articles in their Une.
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
rials, and having none but competent workmen, they
have no hesitatioa In warranting their work. We
there tore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
most reasonable term*. * jtMUrtf
THE subscriber offer* for sale a large and splendid
assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Piano*, with and.without Coleman's celebrated
jEohan Attachment. The above instruments are war
ranted ip be equal to any manufitetured in Ibis coun
try, and will l>o told lower than any brought from the
East. F. BLUME, No 119 wood sl,
2d door above sth
N. D.—City Scrip will bo taken at par for a few of
ho above assortment. myB. _ ____ P-
Young MEN in wholesale and retail stores, and other
respectable badness, to act a* Book-keepers, Sales*
men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Walters, Farmers. Coach
men, Car Agents. Book ana Map Agents, Collectors,
Overseers in all branches of business, Ac. We have
at all time* a large nomber of good situations on bend,
which pay from 300 to I2JKK) per annum. Those in
want of situations of any kind would do well to give
us a eall, aawo have agents in each of the above ci
ties, which will enable us to placo-every applicant in
a suitable situation at the shortest notice. Wo hare a
large ocquatutaace in all the above named cities,
which we treat will enable us to give enlinisatisfac
tion to all who may favor us with a call.
TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 60 Seeond sl,
between South and Gay.
N. B.—■ Persons living in any part of the U.
sod wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei
ther of tho above allies, will have their wants imme
diately attended toby addressing as a line, l post-paid;
as by so doing they will curtail both trouble ana ex*
peusc, whieh they otherwise would incur by coming
to tho eitT, and seeking employment for themselves-
No.WSccpnd street,
mrJfrdtf' ’ Baltimore, hid
BlrmlKgfcmxß, {mar Pittsburgb,] Pa*
ftare&oure,: 137, Wood tirtei, FilUbwgk.
keep on hand a good assort
' jBK/mgai ol Ware; of our own manufacture, and
t|y superidirtalitT. Whoiosale end country Mer
■ , ehantljr r<-«pse«ftdiy mailed tn ealiand ex
'iuaiga fiw thagaebresi is we .ffß.detenoioW to yell
ehespar than has ever bafere been offered to thapub
Orders aunt by mall,«eeompamed by thecash or
tty reference, will be promptly attended to. iuylft
IH* TII E LAi)i hiS—Just received, a fttli'oasortmen
of gold and silver Thread. Cord and Braid; also
Spangles and Bullion, for embroidering smlother or
namental work. Also, gold ond silrer Tassels, Fringe
and Laec- ‘
Jewelry of the latest fashions, in great variety..
Watches of superior quality and beautiful patterns,
and for sale at Eastern prices. WW WILSON,
aag?' corner Market and Fourth sts
MKNT—Open from It P. M. Single
Bath 25 cents, or o for 1 dollar. Ladies department
open from 9 to U A. M. and from 2 to 5 P. M.
The Refreshment Saloons are unequalled In style
attendance. Recherche lee Creams 1
angtS T. M’KALL, Proprietor.
TllEauentlonoflhe public is respeetmuy called to
the following certificate*:
Ala. S. Eexcu—Having texted a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Areometer, lfind .ua result prove*
your instrument correct,' and recommend the are of It
to them going to California, a* Ua beat method for ob
taining uie real value of Gold. Reap, toot*,
4 J. B. DUNLEVV, Gold Beater.
Pittsburgh, March 9,1&49.
Pimsuias, March 7,1940.
Mo. Eaia*—Dear Sir Haring examined the “Areo
meur,” manufactured at year rooms, I do not hertstg
to eonimcud it ta the ua of thoao gentlemen who are
about removing to California in search of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to the specific gravi
ty of metals, end wia certainly enable tho adveutnrar
to ascertain when hi* placer U yielding Gold.
marlS_ Yours, rexpT, J. K- ATCLINTOCK.
iNlilA RUBBER received for the
California Expedition, a complete assortment of
G(tm Elastic Clothing, at price* ranging from to
8t1,50 for suit of coat, -pant* and hat. For sale at the
India Robber Depot, No S Wood su
decs® J* 1| PHILLIPS
f Ronongthila bivtnr stable*
tf\ ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened
g lanre stable on First si, running through
/“rtV to Second ft, between Wood and Bmilhfield
Wdwßiu.,ia the rear of the Monongahela House,
with an entirely new nock of Horse* and Carriages of
the beat quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live
ry in the best manner. jyadty
IUIE Second Session of this Institution, under the
. eare of Mr. and Mr*. Goebois, for the present
academic Tear, will commence on tho first of Fehrua
ry next, in the same buildings, No. fij Liberty street
Arrangement* have been made by which they will
be able to famish yoahg ladies facilities equal te anv
in the Weft, fer obtaining* thorough English, Classi
cal, and Ornamental education. A foil eourse of Phi.
lisophieal and Chemieal Lectures will be delivered,
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de3
parunenu of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modem
Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under
the care efa competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pu»
fills, the Principals hope to mem a continuation of the
iberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, see circular or apply to the Principals
jaJMtf . ;
Pmutraon, Sept. 18, imb.
MR. TllO9. K. HIBBERT-.—Dear Sir. Your WRI
TING FLUID we have new been using more than
a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we
find the color a bright blue bluet. It is pleasant to
write with, flows free, and does not clog tho pen tike
the ordinary inks In use. Wishing you the ready sale
its merits demand, we are, yours respeetfully,
For sale, together with Uibbert’s Red Ink, and Ma>
cluue Copy Ink, by 11. A. Fahnestock ± Co- H. P.
Schwarts. Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer,
T. K. Hibbert, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Liber*
ty and Smhhfield sti, Pittsburgh. octlJ
wiTxusla rautxa. rosnua hash*. wx. a. turn
(Successor* to Hussey, Hanna A Co.)
in Foreign and Domestic-Exchange, CeniOcates
of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh- .Current mo
ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the principal points In
the United States.
The highest premiugt paid for Foreign and AmerL
Advances made bn consignments of Produce, ship*
ped Eat,i ,on liberal terms. apv «
PsTkirr Skcuoxd Jsmjsar Ist, 1843.
Patent cross-lever extension Tables, Sofas, Bureaus
Boot Cates, Writing Bests,
TUB TABLES far surpassing every ether tn*
vention of the kind now extant They can be ex*
tended from ten to twenty-Gve feet, and when closed
the leaves are all contained inside: they are made to
all sizes and shapes, and are admirably ■H*pi<vt for
Steamboats, Hotels, and targe private families, fann
ing when closed a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping.apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shut
: at convenience, and when ahnt, the beading is enclos
ed. A great-saving in room and rent. All the bed
steads when closed iorm a beauUftal piece of furniture
for a parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CASES—A neat and tueful article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For law offlceSfCountinr rooms,
and other Offices; when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
is visible.
All these articles need no recommendation: the
beauty of the whole Is. they are warranted not to get
oat of repair. It will oe (or your interestg to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No
-63 Third street, ruuborgh. In addition to the above
advantages, thtnr are proof against bugs.
BAXtryacnrxxi ox.
Corner Freni and Vine units. Cincinnati, O.
QRDEBB from Pittsburgh for Alcohol' Pure Spirits,
Rawer Rectified WSLskeyJwtU be promptly at*
enoed to at loweu.nurket price. mehlfcaly
DRY tiOODS, fcc-
WE are now receiving from the factory a,large
supply of these goods, whieh. we ora selling low
er thus sueh goods cut be bad elsewhere ia this city.
Wouse no a&ds in bleaching,thatlnjures tha goods;
our object being to produee goods not for show only,
but for comfort and durability, od u meh they re
ceived the first premium over all other roods exhibit
ed at the lato Allegheny Agricultural Fair.
. For sale at the Blanket Depot, N0.'53 Market at, and
at thi ware room* of this Fayette Manufacturing Co.,
N ffisLkfuefcur Manufacture are
City, {by Mr. John Dead, and alto ax tire “Two Big
Windows," Federal st | , , .
Axaortean; Woolen Goodnt
rrtHEsubsoriberhasoinhand, (received tbe pwioi
JL reason.) eonegned from the manufacturers, the foi*
lowing Goods, wlueli hb is authori*ed to elosoat prices
very low: i
30 piece* yard wide Barred FlanneL - ..
SSojpaln White Bed Blankets, ribbon bound, six
pounds to the pair. .., . . .
I ease 60pairs Steamboat Blankets, nbbon bound, a
very superior article.
4 cases (200 pain) Grey Mixed Blankets.
60 pairs Dark Gentiatlella Blue Blankets, a very su
perior article.
8 eases Grey and Blub Blanket Coating.
40 piece* Tweed, Steubenville make; l ease assort
ed plain and barred Jeans, Steubenville manureetory. 1
Tbs'above goods aro fill consigned direct from the
maker, and will be sold very low foreash or approved;
notes. octffl 1C LEE, Liberty st. opposite SUl__)
Zl "AttBUTHNcrT has commenced to rcecive a,
largo assortment of Woolen Comforts and;
Hoods; Has kin, Berlin.buekikln and woolen Glovetf'
Thibet, cloth, moos de lain and blanket Shawls; cash :
mere, worsted and woolen Hose; Fongeo and Itnert
Hdkud silk and satin Cravats and Scarfs; Gimps and.'
i Fringes; Irish Linen, Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons,
Laces, bleached hod colored Muslins, Tabby Velvets,
Patent Threads, Sewing SUk, Buttons, Gum Satpen-i
ders,.Pins. Percussion Cans. Almanacs, common and.
gold Jewelry, gold and Isilver Watches, Combs, pook
et and table Cutlery,{and many othergood* which
country and city Merchants are respectfully invited
o examine. ' sptlP ' ‘
MANUFACTURE and will keep on hand Family
and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels;
blue, brown and drab Blanket Coating, Satinets and
Woolen Yarn, whieh they will soil at Eastern prices.
Warehouse No. 112 Seeond st, Pituburgh, Pl _
Factory, New Havcri, Fayette co. Pa. sptla
TTTE have lust received a large and eomplete stock
ff of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Goods, suita
ble for the fall trade, to,which, with every description
of Looking Glasses manufactured at our own steam
power shop iu this city,'we ask the attention of West
ern Merchants and other dealers.
sp 120 comer Wood and Fourth su
No. 48 Woon Sr, Pmncmoa,
ARE now receiving iheir usual supplies of Goods
tor tho Fail season, whieh they will bo happy to
exhibit to their old customers, and as many new ones
as may feel inclined to present themselves.
Always taking great pains to lay In sueh goods as
are adapted to the wanu of the Western trade, which
bog experience enables them to do, they can sav with
much confidence, andi without entering into a detail
of their stock, that tho {Western retail merchant will
find with them all that MS customers require. Those
who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing
to toe Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Goods,
would do woil to call, as a candid comparison of pri
ces would iu many eases result in the conviction that
the expense of going further may be obviated by buy
ing in Pittsburgh. *PH3
ARE new receiving! a very large stock of fresh
Goods, of recent purchase and unponslion,which
they will sell to the trade d such prices us cannot fail
to givo entire satisfaction.
City and Country Merchanu are invited to eall and,
examine our stock before purchasing elscwH*—.
myo i
Wrought and Oast Iron Kittling*
THE subscriber* beg leave to inform toe pub He that
they have obtained {from toe East ell the lato and
fashionable designs for; Iron Roiling, both for houses
ana cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please eall and examine, and judge
for themselves. Railing will be famished bX toe short
est notice, and in toe best manner, at toe eomer of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city.
mugO-dif i A. LAMONT A KNOX.
1 Ofitirtl
BURKK A CO*ti Daily Express 1* now regularly de
livering Can and Shell OYSTERS, winch are of
fered to dealer* and families at the lowest prices.
Quality warramed equal to any brought to Ihi* mar
ket, and for sale by I
J. Cl BIDWELL, Agt, Water at.
Also—At the following depots:—Reis & Berger, cor
ner Smiihfield and Second its; E. Heazleum, Diamond;
Mercer fc Robinson, Federal st AUecbeny. ocilA
WILL remain open Cor risiters until the Ist Janua
ry, IS3O. Oysters and othedßefreshmeau sail
ed to the season will be'kept. Tht Greenhouse. con
taming a large collection of rare and choice Plants,
will be open to visile?*. Boquets neatly put op at
short notieo throughout the season. An Omnibus
leaves the Allegheny lend of the 8t Clair Street
; Bridge, every half hoar during the day, running to the
Garden; and the ferry] boat, Captain Walker, ran*
from the Point, landing a short distance above theCiar
den. Parties wishing to spend the evening, will be
accommodated with a Warn Omnibus at ft) a'cloc*
P. M- Kept •w-TMapereneeprineiptes.'asd closed.on
unday. aptia J.M’KAUtf:
frlJ—* ; ÜBIOVU.
8. B. AGENT,
and Commission Mcr
einnt, has removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood
aijd Smithfield streets, j ; ana
th/E have some PUMPS, made on* an improved
*jv plan, so as not to | freeze m the coldest weather.
PSruoii* wanting sack articles, are invited to eall and
see them at SCAIFE A ATKINSON'S,
|tbv<3 Ist, between Wood Market sta
View of Pittsburgh.
MV VIEW will be published in as ahoft a lime
u possible; and 1 can assure mr subscribers,
and the public centrally, that it shall be scraioa—
both in fidelity of detail and beauty of execution—to
any other whatever. Let those who doubt, watt a few
weeks and see. E. WHITEFIELtC
New You, Dele. sth,jlS49.—{dell ._ f
splendid Assortment of
riMIE GEM OF THE SEASON.with aixieen elegant
X engraving*; N. P.WIIU*.
The Sacred Annual,* Gift for ail Seasons; by U.
WcM. •
The Floral Keepsake, for 1650; with tony ilx beuuti
ful colored engraving; edited by J. Keen.
Leaflets of Memory, Co lllanunated Annual for 1850.
Gem* of Beamy, or | Literary Gift tor 1650; by R
PcreivoL j *
The Opal, a Pare Gift for the Holy Day*,
Harvest Gleaning*,---* IBliday Book; —by MJ A.
Dwight. j
Gin Leave* of American Poetry; edited by R. W.
Griswold. j
The Romance of Ntriore, or Poetical Language ol
Flower*; by Thor&o* Miller. ,
The Forget-Me-Not, tor 1850; by Mrs. E. 9. Smith..
Thetfois Rose, 1 w by Mr*. B.P.Howard.
The Snow Flake, j u beautifally illustrated.
The Chaplet of Literary Gem*, with colored engra
ving*. |
The Home Offering, or Glimpse* of Home Life; by
E. C. Embury. !
The Gift of Fnendihip, a Token of Remembrance.
The Hyacinth, or Affection's Gift, for 1550.
The Gem, for 1850: ejdlted by Father Frank.
Applei of Gold in Pictures of Silver; by K. 11. Fal
low*. ;
Flora's Gem. or the; Boquet for all Seasons; with
beautiful embeiuihmeats.
The Drawing Room Scrap Book, with seventy illus
tration*. < |
The Charaeteriitics of Women; by Mrs. Jameson.
The Heroines of Shakepeare; with forty five engra
vings. from drawings by eminent artists.
Bibles and Prayer Books, in every style of binding
A sail the taste of purchasers.
No. 79 }Yood street, between Fourth
• dc2i l_ and Diamond alley.
LEAFLETS of Memory; Lady’s Gift;
Gems of the Seasons; Gems of Beauty;
Rasselas; Gift or Friendship; Floral Keepsake:
Romance of Nature; Hyaclnch Child's Keepsake;
| Christmas Blossom*: Gtft Leaves of Am. Poets;
Golden Gift; Friendship's Offering; Poet's Offering;
Reade’s Female Piets of America;
The Brilliant; Proverbial Philosophy, ill.;
Sacred Annuals; Harvest Gleanings;
Snow Flake; Keepsake of Friendship;
Young Lady's Oaariug;
Bibles and Prayer Books, bound in velvet and mo
toceo, with rlasps. 1 Reeelved by
dcSO corner Market and Third sis.
I? LOUR—ISO bbls in store and for sale by
f deU WM H JOHNSTON, 1U Second st
ChrUlmai and New Yeart Approaching!
j ble for the coming holidays, at LOCKWOOD’S:
by T. W. U. Mapieson,*E*q., 4to, elegantly boqnd in
dark morocco, gut edges, antique style: 811
“Some «*f tho happiest effusions of Hoffman, Long
fellow, Bryant, Willis, Whittier, Hatleck, Sprague,
Dons, Aire. Sigeurneyi and Mrs. Embury, among oth
ers. enrich the volume."—tWiichmuo.
“These acif printed most delicately and perfectly, in
lithographic German Text, on Bristol board, each page,
being framed by a rich illuminated arabesque border,
in gold,siiver, and colors, with vlgaelU wrought in
the border*."—{Commercial.
“The first illuminated volume thathas been attempt
ed ou this aide of the Atlantic—and with regard to the
beauty of designs, and the execution of them, may be
■aid to rival, if not surpass, any thing of the kind in
Europe " . _
“Love's Requiem," by, Charles Feaco Uoffman; “The
Mother of Moses," by Mr*. Osgood; “The Land of
Dreams," by Wo. 0; Bryant; “Lee; in the Cup of
Life," by Aire. S. G. Hbwe; “The Nfght Cometh," by
Mrs. Embury, “The Tournament ut Acre,” by H. W.
Herbert; “Greenwood," by Mrs. Pindar; “ Worship,"
by MUa Bayard; “The Child's Mission," by Mr*. Em
bury.—Small folio, UluuuDoied in the most, superb
manner by Maplesoti, with borders and vignettes
primed In gold, silver,'and colon; bound in moroceo,
in a massive style,—(arming the most elegant and re
cherche book of the kiud ever produced ux this coun
try. Price, 119. F jasesl). LOCKWOOD,
de!B Itookseiler and Importer, 03 Wood st
new Books.
A SYSTEM of Ancient and MedimTal Geography,-
tor the use of Schools and Colleges; by Charles
A History of Spanish Literature; by Geo. Hcknor. 3
vol*.—vol. 1 received.. . ,
The Whale and his Captives, or the Whaleman’s
Adventures, and the tVhale’s Biography, as gathered
in the Homeward Cruise of the “Commodore Preble;"
hr Rev. Henry T. Cheever.
Chalmer’s Institute*:of Theology? 3 volt, lust rac'd
- jcca comer Third and Market sts.
SIGHT and short time BILLS OFE3CHANGB, pay
able la Cincinnati) Louirrille and. St. Louis, pur
ebased on the most favorable terms. ,
THEMERCY SEATpfhoaghts Suggested by the
Lord's Prayer, by Gardiner Spring, D. D. Just
published and received by express, tor sole at the
up stairs.
Also—The Attractions of ihs Cross; by the Bar- Dr-
Spring. jonl
;i ,
= Cionos bxtba. , .•
A man >t iha basis of BDEL CLAxP kit
with aye <og main ofthe name of 8. P. Townsend, ana
n*eshl*i-itneio-pmup • .Sarsaparilla, which they :
sill Dr. u'owniend’a Sarsaparilla. denominating it
GENUIN::, Original, ete. Tm* Town Send is-bo doe
tor and n* ver eras; batwaa famteriy a wcrkeroa «U»
w«J,ci! ib,indiiie like. “Yet be ussmesth»title
ofDr-fo'r the purpose of gaining credit for what ns is
i* seadla* out card* headed “Tricks «f
tgnnnks," in which he lays, I have sold the wo of toy
gaae for S7a week; I willgive S, P..Town*end<««>
iThe.-will predoes one single rolitsiry proof of this.—
Tola ta to caalioa the public not to ba deceived; and
purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla. having on It the
Old Dr.’* likeneia, hla family coat hit
natare acreaa the coat of traa.
- . i , - r • . JACOB TOWNBEND.
Principal Office, 103 Nassau at, New York City.
or tbx oenjcui
Old Dr .Townaoad ia now about 70 years of age, and
has long been known aa the AUTHOR and DISCO
SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, he was compelled:
to limit its manufacture, by whieh means it has been'
kept oat of market, arid the sales cireamachbed to
those only who "hid proved its worth and known ita
value.. This GaaSs aits Uksqoallks Pasraxanon is
manufitetured on the largest scale, and is ealled lor
throughout the length antfibreadth of the land. ,
Unlike yoang & P. Townsend's, it improves with
age, and never changes, bat for the better; became it
is prepared on ueienufie principles by a scientific man;
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest
discoveries of the Art, have all been brought into re.
quisition in the manufacture ot the Old Dr?s Sarnpa*
nlia. The Sanaparilla root, it 1# well known to medt
ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some proi
perties which are inert or useless; and others, which,
if retained in preparing it for ose, produce fermenta
tion and acid, which is injurious to the system. Some
ofthe-properties cl Sarsaparilla are so volatile that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepare*
non, if they are not preserved br a scientific process
known only to those experienced in ita manafsctaro.
Moreover these volatile principles, which fly off id Va
por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very aa.
sentiai medical pro pemes of the root, which gives to.
it all its value. The ' ' 1'
is so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Sar
saparilla root are first removed, every .thing capable,
of becoming acid or of fermentation, is 'extracted and
rejected; then every particle ©fmedical Virtue is secu
red in a pare and concentrated farm; and thas it is
rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable ami
healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is maoe
the moit powerful agent in the
Hence the reason why we hear commendations oh
every tide in its favor by men, women and children.
We find it doing wonders in the cure of Consumption,
Dyspepsia, and Livei Complaint, and in Rheumatism,
; Scrofula and Piles, Coni vents*, all Cutaneous Erup
tions, Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arums from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints
arising from Indigestion, from Aeidity of the Btomaeh;
from unequal eircnlation, determination of blood to the
head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold hands
cold chills and hot 'flashes over the .body. It has not
had its equal in coughs and eolda; and promotes easy
expectoration, ami gentle perspiration, relaxing strie
tore of the lungs, throat, and every other pan. -
But in nothing is its execllense more manifestly seen
and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of
It works wonders in cases of floor albas or whites,*
Failing ofthe Womb,Obstraeted,Bappressed,orPain
ful Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual period*, and
the like; and is effectual in earing all forms ofthe Kid
ney Dueakes. By removing obstructions, and regula
ting the genera! system, it gives tone and strength to
the whole body, and eures all forms of
, and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of ether'
diseases, as Spinal Irritation. Neuralgia, -fit. Yitus
Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ac. Is
not this, then, tbx JJxmcim too ras-EiU3Em.T NxssT
But can any of these things be said of BrP. Town
send's interior artielef This young man’s liauid u not
because of the Grand Fact, <hal she one is incapable
, of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er DOES; it soars, ferments, and blows the bottles
containing it Into fragments; the soar, aeid liquid ex
plodingaaddanagingothergoods! Mustnot this hor
rible compound be poisonous to the system! What!
?ot aeid into a system already diseased., with acid!
Vhat causesDyipepsiabutaeidr Do we notoJi know,
that when food soars in ourstomachs, what mischiefs
it prodaee*!—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation ofthe
heart, liver complaint, diarrhma, dysentery, cholic and
corruption ofthe blood! What u Scrofelubutatiacid
humor in the body! What produces oil the humors
which bring on Eruptions ofthe Skin, Scald Head,
Salt Rheara.Erysipdas, White Swellings, Fever-Ssre*,
and. all uirerauons internal and external! Jt i* noth
ing, under heaven bat an aeid substance, whietf sours,
atiu thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or less.
What enssea Rheumatism but a soar acid fluid, whieb
iusinuuies itself between the joints and et.cwhere, ir
ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissues
upon which it acts! So of nervous diseases, of impa
rity ofthe blood, or deranged eircnlation*, and nearly
all the nilmenu whieh'ntflict human nature.
Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite
ly worse to use this ?
*nd yet he would fain hare it nndemood that Old Ja
cob Townsend’* Genuine Original (Sarsaparilla, is an
Inula lion of Us inferior preparation!!
Heaveu forbid that wo should deal ia-ah article
which would bear the most distant reseinblaneo to 8.
, P Towusend’s snide! and which should bringdown
upon the Old Dr. snch a mountain load of complaints
i and uriminatiens from agents wbp hare sold, and par*
chasers who have used 8. P. Townsend's Fermenncs
Compooncf! . , "
We wish it understood, because it is the absolute
truth, that 8. P. Townsend’s aniele and Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and
infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike in every par*
ticuiary Chsiag-not one single thing i a common.
It is to arrest frauds upon ibo unfortunate,. to poor
balm into wounded-humaniry, to htndi* hope lathe
despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom an 4 vi
gor into the crashed and broken and to banish infirmi
ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has 80UU1IT
and FOUND the opportunity and meant to briar- his
(surd universal concentrated'remedy,
within the reach, and to the knowledge of-all -who
need it, that they may learn and know, by joyful eg.
perience, its Tnasaourocrr rowsaTo hul l
For sale by J. KIDD & CO*' Wholesale Agent for
Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; - Dr
J.SARGEANT, Allegheny;-Dr>J. OASSELK Fifth
ward, O. W. GARDNER. 6th ward, Pitubdrgh. r 'spt3
for tux XXKOVRL urn rxxxAjnorecuxxovou.*«»»«■
xxtsuro roox ox otreax stxtx o* tux olood .
ox tuxrr or tux rxtxu, vn:
Scrofula or King’s Evilj Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions, Pimple* or Pustules on the Face,
Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm
or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement ana Pain of
the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcere, Syphlltie
Symplons, Sciatica or Lumbagok—and diseases
arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, AeL
kites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in life;
Ai»o—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, Ac.
In this preparation are strookly concentrated all the
Medicinal properties of Sampanlla, combined with
the most effectual aids, the mast salutary produetleua,
, the most potent simples of the vegetable Kingdom; and
it haa been so fully tested, not only by patients them
selves, but also by physicians, mat it box reeelved
their naquolified recommendations and the approba
tion of the public; and has ecabtished, onTts own
merits, a reputation for vsLSXjand xryteacr far apo-'
rior to the various compounds bearing the name ef
Sarsaparilla. Disease* have been cured, sueh as ore
not furnished in the record* of time put: and what it
hss already done for the thousands who nave used it,
it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and
-struggling with disease. It {purifies, cleanses, ■ and
strengthens the fountain springs of life, and infuses
new vigor throughout the whole animal frame.
Tbc-foLawing striking, an4—a* will be eeen—per
manent cure of an inveterate ease of Scrofula, com
mends itself to all similarly afflicted:
SooTHKJtT, Conn., Jan. 1,1848.
' Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the affiiet*
ed induces me to inform youjor the remarkable care
effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the ease of my wife,
■ She wu severely afflicted with the Sorofula bn differ
ent pans of the body; the glands of the neck wen
greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After
Kuifering over a year, and finding no relief treat the
remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, tod be*
low the knee suppurated.' Her physician advised it
should be Isid open, which was pone, but without any
permanent benefit In this situation we heard of. and
were induced to use, 1 Sands' Sarsaparilla. Tho first
bottle produced a decided and favorable effect reliev
ing her more than any prescription she had ever laletu
and before she used six bottles—to the astonishment
and delight of her friends—she found her health quite
restored. It is now over a year since the cure wot ef
fected, and her health remains good, showing thatlhe
disease wu thoroughly eradicated from the system
Our neighbor* ore all knowing to these (acts, ami iMny
very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla.
Your* with respect, ' JULIUS PIKR
Kxtraei from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Har
ris, wgeiulemon well known in Louisiana c©., Vaj
“Gentlemen, I have cured a negro boy of mine with
,our BMupwilta, who'vu. nuked with Seroful.,
and of a scrofulous family.
“Yours, truly, | N.W. HARRIS.
“Fredericks Hall, VaJ July 17,1848." " -
Saxpe’ Saxsarxinit.* —lt seems almost uannccksaa
ry to direct attention to an ankle so well known! and
•o deservedly popular, aalhUpreparati on, bat potent*
often who wuh to ue thq extract of are
induecd to try worthless compoaods bearing the name,
but containing little or none of the virtue of this valu
able root; ana we think) we cannot confer a greater
bcne&l on our readers thari tn directing their 'attention
to the odvertisemen of the Meua Sands, la another
column. The bottle h&sf recently been enlarged to
held a quart, and those who wish a really.good article
will find concentrated in thla all the medicinal value
©r the root, The experience of thousands haa praved
its efficacy In curing the varioet diseases for which H
Is recommended; and at the present time taore than
any other, perhaps, Is this medicine useful, in prepa
rii£ thotynLu tor a change of *e**tm.-{Uomo J oulf
sold, wholesale and retoiLby A. B. A
D SANDS. Druggist and'Chemist, 100 Fulton street,
SroJrofVauSrNcwVork. Sold Also'by Drug-
SS irßßerallT througboat the United States mad Can-
aix bottles for Si.
*v a r ffiobrirvVTLCOr.Jr2.B> A. FAHNESTOCK
k So FB!Id£rICH, FittsbxrghjAJ;
XbyD^fl- SMlTH,Bridgwater. ..[dnlWeoSAwX
yOL. xm NO. 147,,
J made ao.c< w '*^ i, *pt - t
THE eitiien* and basiaess of v
reipcctfuliy informed that the.MorseTelegraph 1
Lines are now in complete opemioabetween this or*
and Baltimore/Waahingtoa, and other EAstera Ciue*,
connecting at Washington-City with the Mona lino, ‘
the only one South to Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston?
Augusta, Savannah, Mobile and NewOrieans—and
connecting In this city with Unea tnnnigg-Wm and
North to the principal towns and cities in the vaUey of
the Mis*i»iipsU and on the Lakes.’ Thfese 1 Lines wffl
receive and tend message* aeeknap.aa anymker
f.inWj and the operators and clerks will be fhand ge»
tlemanly and accommodating. -«•
nrp-Offiee in the lower story of the ST. CHARLES
HOTEL,'Wood street. >.,janB-fc»
THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing- andertha
Style Of “Cope A Breytogle,” is this day totuin 4
by msuul eonaent The bomness Will be settled by J.
O. Breyfogle, at their old stand. No. 108 geeeodxtfttA
Ift com-*;*.*
JC. BREYFOGLE, having istoetatod vridf tHi
• AH. CLARKE, for tha purpose of - transact! og
the Forwarding and Commission basiaess, will con
tinue that basiaess as the old stand' of “Cope -A' Brey
fegls,” apd respectfully-asks a the
former patronage ef his. friends and the public gebef.
ally. The basinets wiU be conducted «*»«—*
and style bfßaarvoetafcCtAaxß. •
Pitubargb, Jan, 7,lBMMjmO
’Tham— ......
LvA Tobaeeo, Housin and large Screws of at! Kinds;
Brass Castings and Brass Works generally. Comer
of Ferry and nm streets,.. • , _ v ;
THE subscriber, hsving purchased the FhßMT'df
James Patterson, Jr., loeated at the above atsmd,'
would respectfully inform his friends and-the poblle
that he ispreparea to fill anyor'en sn hislnjn,oifthh
most reasonable terms ana with dispatch, and will
feel grateful for their patronire. * • J - i;:-?
~ ■ ■ • . PABONSON^,
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1,1650.
Having disposed of my establishment fc>, M;
Thomas Parkinson, I take the liberty to solicit
for- him, 1 the patronsge of my friends and the pubUe,
feeling eonfioent -that any favors eonfemd-wIU be
duly appreciated and promptly attended to.
. Pittsburgh, Jan,l,lSBo.-<jan7-d3a . . • :
LIVER COMPLAINT.—Another euro perforated by
the original, only trno arid genuitmLim
{ Aaxinxo, Brown co., 01, March 30,1847? -
Mr. R. E Seller*—ln April last my wife vrasattaek
ed withllhver Complaints, and bad the advicoof
physicians, who tried various remedies without pro
ducing any good effect ' Having hesrd'of yoareele
brated Liver Pills, I ooneloded to givo themn feir,
trial. 1 purchased one box of Mr. Scott, ef Aberdeen,
and gave them according to the directions, by.'whleh
•howas'greatly relieved. J procured a second box,
which entirely cored her, anu she now enjoyS excei
lent health. I have used them myself, and pronounce
them lbs best family medicine I ever tried.
Your*, Ac., . .J_ Msssxx BtsstV.
Prepared and sold by B. E. SELLERS, CT .Wood it;
sold ajso by DruggislsgenerallJrDi the two cities. .
Janlfl •• ' • J - •'■
pßOPiisbok fliauvs imuupusut>
T NFALLIBLE for rene'wing, invigorating, and beari
tl tyfying the Hair, removing
affections of the Scalp, and coring .Eruptions, on. the
Skin; Diseases of the Glands, Moseles and Integu
ments, and relieving Stings, Cols, Bruises, Sprains,
Ac. Ac. With this preparation, “there is no such
word as fail.” The first journals in America,'medlkal
men of the highest eminence, prominent eitiien* of nil
professions, and ladles who nave used it for ycari in
tlieir dressing rooms mod nurseries, admit with one ac
cord, that,for imparting vigor,-gloss, luxuriance and
curl to the hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff ficai-'
ing wounds, curing contusions, sprains,
and relieving diseases of. the skin, the glands, ond the
muscles it has no equal among the maltiiudo oTcom
pounds advertised in the publie prints, or used itrjrri- -
vote praetiee. In cheapness as tgeU as efficacy, Bar
ry’s Trieopherous u unrivalled. - ■'
affinity between! the membranes whteh-consti- '
state tbe skin, and the hair which draws iissustehanco
from this triple envelope fs very cloie. All diseases
oftho hair erigmatesln the skut of life:head.» I? the
pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the blood .and
other fluids do not cireulate, freely through- fbo
vessels which feed the roots with moisture and imnart
Ufo to the fibres, the .result is scurf, dandruff shedding
of the hair, grayhess, dryness, and barseiriesa‘oT4ho
ligaments, and entire bxldnesgo* the cosemay be-
Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the'Trlcop
herous, and the torpid vessels, recovering theUtetir
ity, will pnnihilate the disease. ■
Ini all affections of the skin, and of the subsrintU of
muscles and iniegnmcnu, the process aad-thfleffcct
are the same.
it is upon the skin, the museularjfibre, 1 aad-the
flaods, thu the Tneupherous has its specifiAaetion,
tn<l in all affections and injuries ef. these; organs, it is
t sovereign remedy. - .. i
Rold,in large bottles, price 25 eeats, at the principal
Office, 137 Bfeadway, N. Y. , / “
lE7“For sale by' I R. F- SELLERS;
jan2l -r i. -, r . , Pittsburg.
On Third Strug,jfafarfrfpAta: .
THE following statement orths'adairaof thpCom
pany, is published in conformity with aprovistoa
of iu charter. , . •' *— _
Prtmiupu received dunngtha gear 'ending Octa
far 31*. 1849,
On Marine and Inland Risks, <161.174 07
On Fire Risks, *- • = i -74,570 09
<2&5,754 06
Earned Prrmuvu the gear ending at
On Marine and Inland Bisks, <ISS£S9 CO
On Fire Risks, 06,330-SB. r
Interest, Salvage, and other Profits, ; 74
‘, <363,000 90'
J lasw, Expe*w,fatduTvtgseme-timer-
Marine and Inland Navigation Losses, <i2B£ls S 3 '
Fire Losses, . 7i91l 43
! <109,156 71
Re inrn Premiums, 9,344 47
Re-insurances, 14,783 60
Agency charges, ~ / • 9,671 69
Expenses, Stationery/Ae*' 0,096 63 -
. ’''' \ .
Ik* Asset* tf the Company ere atfelloisti
Bonds, Mortgages and Ground rents, • ; 33
Unucd Stales bn percent Lean, . , 13/J5O 00
Pennsylvania. do do' - ’ lftjflOO 00
Do Fire do do . , 9,900 00
Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan, ' 10500 00
Bills Receivable, ■: M£7o 51
70 Shares Stoek Union Bank ZofTeohea*
see, 3,150 00
50 do do Merehanu and Maaulhe* r.-: j i
tnrers Bank, Piusbnrgn, . - O6
130 Shares Stock American Mutual latar-" '-■*
ance Company. - : : , .t-LSOOOO
5 Shares Stock-Philadelphia and Havre da
Grace Steam Tow-boat Company. , ;, j-600_05.
SO Shares Stoek Delaware Mutual Inssr-v:' vr '
ance Company, <,: :' ; 200 0j
3 Shares Slock. Philadelphia '•
Company, 00
lOOSharesStockPeuuylTaniaßaii-road' -
Company, 6JXO 00
Cash on hud, ' > 6J14 44
Scrip of Mutual Insurance Companies, . . 3JR6 70 .
Balaneesinthe hands of Agents, and Pre
miums on Marine Policies, recently!*--' ir >
sued, - . 64.336 93
Interest doe, ~ ’ JJN 00
Subscription notes, IQOJWO 00
. . r Ntvaiu STB,
The Board of Directors 'have'this' day declared a
dividend of 81X PER CENT. in. cash, ootha Capital
Stock and Scrip of the Company, payable on and af-,,
ter December Ist, 1849. Also,a <urWend OFTEN 1
PER CENT, lb Scrip, on the Capital Stock, and eara
ed Premiums, cemficaias for wnlch will be issued as
above. ; .. • -
Joseph H. Seal,. H. Jones Brooke,
Edmund A. Boeder; * Henry Sloan, '-. ' i
John C. Hugh Craig,
Robert Barton, George Senili, . ~ r
• John B. Penrose, Wat-Eyre, *-
; Samuel Edwards, - Charles Kpliy, r -
George G.Leiper, J; G. Johnson.' “ '
Edward Darllngtou, William Hay,'- . : ;
Isaac R. Davis, Dr. S. Thomas,
William Fel well, John SeUcr*,
.Johns. Newira, SpencerMellvolh,
U?-R-Huston, J-T. Logan, Pittsburg h.
James C. Hand. : . D.T. Morgan, do
Theophilua Paulding,; Wm. Bagmlcv. ''' d{)
GEORGE SERRILLr Viec Preaident.''
RICHARD 8: NHWBOLKSeeremrr rr^
. By the Aet incorporating this Company,' tho rmrtiei ,
insuring property theraia, an entitled to a sniaxcf -
the profits of the lustituilott, without subjecting them- 1
selves to any liability beyond the premium paid: i
The Capital' Stock and Ssbicnpffoa - Notes ore
pledged by the Charter for the payment of looses'; and
the profits of the Company an directed to be Invested '
ana remain in the posaoruon of thc.Carpor&iion, os a '
fund for ihs farther aeeunty of the assated. This fond.
will be represented by Scrip, bearing an Interest of six
per cent divided among the Insured and Stock hold
er*. pro rata, upon tho amount or earned' Premiums
and Capital Stock. - / .JmUdtf .
THE Constitution oqd Standard of the; Associate :
Church in North America: BVO,.bound;
The'Sklifir Side, or Notes for the History oflha War
between Menco.and the United States, written in
Mexico, and translated tom the Spanish, wrih notes: ;
By A.C. Ramsey. , . • •• .
Sketches of Refiarms and Reihmen of Great Britain
and Ireland; By H. B. Suntan.- , . - -
. Tho Works of President Edwards, to 4 volm a ro
prist of the Worcester editton, with Bddiffon*, i aada
copious general index. . ‘''-I -.t-F
The Mountains ofEgypt,« Egypt aWitoess for the ,
Bible: By F.L.Hswks.D.DyL.X- D. ;
Memoir* of David Halo, Tate editor of JOanul of '
Commereorwiih -seleotiaas from Ms Muceltaneoes ,
Wriungw By Bev.J.P. Thompson. ' »
The Puritan and IBs Daughter, by /.KtPanldtnx.
Ims Gnngos, or an Insiee View. of Mexico and Cal
ifornia: By Lieut, Wise, C, 8. Kavy.
Familial Utters to YoongMeAoairarioastnhjects:
designed os a Companion to the. Yoxog Men’s Guido:
By Wm. A. Aleotu ' ' :
r TheFoemjandPrweWriiiottsofß.A.D*na;ivi .
Nineveh and its Remains: BjrTLayard. , ,
Forssleby ELLIOTT A ENGLtSfr,
jaaU •-: . . ; iNofßWoMst
-—HBEaANEoostarESSfoa^ 2 -
Paulding’* Puritan and IBs Daughter.
Dr. Hooker's Phyaieiari -
Mrs. Ellis' Hearts and Hamesj €*». , ' >; V
Neandert Life of . - " ' -
Neandet’s Hlstorycf c toisffan"chareh: 3 vols, 8n»,
Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoir*of Un Bffwixyiflvm
American Almanac,lSSQ; Bvd. • • .77?.v"- .