The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 25, 1850, Image 4

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'sssssm^^^sisssssb- aVL
Humsorof tto.Co*^s*»* ®bW <M**tteer#
■:BOOT fow T^^l^^SSorSiSiHn
; «»*jj^sisEssi/ti«»r
u, UUoM-ti lolsM,!* ■, , o mmen'"<
ibtnw OuAial■»• >f»?iSgi if and pnWer
" UuusiiTand cogpoM^oC ore w— vtljw
ST*«n» f w«*pof&«s“*ssjnewt lathe,
ia n; ihatu fteanp I*V .„ .nd 'from that to*
. tnss£iasa^ SS fgsassss&
' »hani*,B«M«*sf“Hr^ ll . r firt proof, « Uio
. C7SilS!lsL”r’S^rri
-:: St’ "vfS,”“»”’n™™-ic~!'c<,oipouuc,. « Am
idol S!»ur."tafotwon ynn. ■ WM buooj. ’
•» - \ Aajattldj 16W.‘ ”
tltllr corrected we ste k vm firthe r «*», that
menu tber«l?cootalnfd;M>dwawim«ng p J2ntnoie
wo do not believe tbit ttus ever ***. -* aTilncdlT
hobenlT and laborioa»ly
granted M.birporiaed hndUcoataticr
widCT^^ , l j ie leaitcenh
ol»Wß*unoeJ»,M-the J»«w» »*?. nade
doivce\h»t-tbcTe.cpnldl«Myibw|^ ncottmerfor
(row the Hethemeren w commo*.
yttn theJeert-andwoffi &f «“howuindefaticibie
bity. Notwlthiiaading. all- JM*■ we f 0 M i
is the proaeentlofl of hlB who would
' fl ““ ril, ,S F ■■ ■>-*»£“ “ r
, :
'ALLEN UOWE, Treuarer.
they do not intend to tnfnngc or .P. .
rigtoj tliet thtj have anghtnot
pewder, if fcey can £nd it ii
boud to knowwbat they arete d® »« m „ t< .
ao infringement ttntil It U'andiuelt,
tha compound; and that thoac who buy,
. *«sS?otiw mwmalbOity.. that
... they believe that the patent is good ajalMt
:cnzandue thceompeand, and aom nnrch
.'wtatlhey wantedtoaae they
. tie of me, aa they didilSVwi m^eH?nduty bound to
: table In any way. can
STt^S!S»p3 (^;s^
•i ess
; while that my -patent will not***f?’ * „. .Lm- from
; * act prosecute. Now, to take *hj**fSV croelaimine
• xenLlwentto aomeof thatt .who were p
' fhatmypatentwa* of noyaUe,.and mad*
• Zprobka: tiiatthsy.«ghtael«ta)^M™
'. Bwwwhoha»»hid*omeptacucemp«ent«»«»,
: iSdwewodldaobtaiMlmpatent
decided thai the patent wa* if ihef
all farther Pfcmeedings *° o^^pinlon.bow.
difM la.their opxnuMH
\V wSuld iffefc'lelet thou, goon
1 withoat saying any thing u» tho pnbuo .. M
- .Thiapropoauion they would not accede to.
• pend entirely ipea-my
.■ a^KssftftSSHHssa
: ■s-jsotiu.»• «■« issasjjwiss
barrels, the wbteh are marked. ■
AXsWxarntr,Paoo» A* micu I V>Eit?h',i*”knduae the
! aras'SS SS
:. ss^r-s-“
Saaaos,Medina Co.j.D^Aog.H,
irrTWOTONS oflhe above Fire and U<eaihe
above we can - recommend, for we ba . ( f o jy,
. • <brw^d4Tc«^andknowumbe^»tu««^
; ( . -
F. H. EATON & GO.,
So. OH Fourth Street* Pittifcnrghi
lUye bow in Store tjiei r faH ossortment of
IrimßlnW filoTts, Jlositryarid tate.eooiU
Tbci inpMtofthe j
; m,mirr ::: BR ESs.TRiMMiNas: ..
Ptinre. nlGtar>,-«r «m v.riciy: m«. «yj“
; ffi^saasssyffiSwffi
' - SaredenTeot VeWct Kibtxm*; plain do. do;' C®rt~
SSSufAml plain Saiin Ribbon*, for black,
j sffi?Jnd colored Silk Laec*
wiih'-n fall avaoitroent .Of-D«M l«uon»»
' S«w^niired ) 6ui»j«d»rEinbroiilercd.lo order...
‘/ ; . LAOS GOODS: ~
•»' 'h’m t GL&VES. ••;;•-'•
manufacture, with moil.apptore<l
';■ ~ .JS3SSKS!*.
' W hosier?. :•* ..
i j’iCO.HJiiw.W Silk, .Wool, Cotton, Menoo and
. W <K.,liVf.W. GL()V]2i
j :^ffirrK; r srsagjgjß
anv-”nhtled and plain Cnrtimere; Cbamoia tJae» |tc *
; _•...- WOOLEN GOODS, ' .
-' ■ 7-jjiet’.&od Ctalflrcn'» Ilood*.Chiidren<
i Sssagisms^». for. Ladiei.
! . ■
yffrtH rJpi f ndWaists to r Infants, andSvran w?j»
F»BUrti,Cira»«>d Collun; Wenno, SU* i““
Cotton .Wrapper* and Drawer*; Sniffer*, Bb«»jder
Brace* *nd Dremoß Gown*;. Silk and Linen Hdattj i
OloTe* and Hcaieiy. . .... ,
French pattern* carved and plain BbelliiaekConib*i
p ft « aadJoL do; Shell Side and Lon* Comb*;lm. ,
da- BaSmlo*B*dn and Rorcwood Hair Bntrbe*; Snell,
f-tn*. Horn Drawing and fine I vary Como*; ,
- with *n aworunent of-Nail and Teeihßruihe*.
. VOold Mcdai" Perfulnenr..
• j - ■‘VAWEtV GOODS. '
tUmtlti. PiiiLTapc*. ; Suet Big* and Fane*,.
•SmJSwdaWlGood*, Berlin AVire Baker*. '
ffl^. o .p—; lt - Br ; l V«*fwlrgf*. vino Rh»*w«od Detkaaod
cJSbESm!* Uoltoni v™r "'«■» u*.k«u
cSSrtortli"! IWII, . eonfo | m,j'.pieiue. toil
1 ;
SStT , BmU, Bfoto * W.bWn ? i
- ■ , Cowl ■!»!«■«»
* *-1 -
- ":-'.-.
i : :
r V t3XS^f!^r«SS &,“ *'!
i N»rAJJ»«iw>t»rt:crPerß»ihiuidMtrlwiV«-•. r
" ‘ - CT wh»t*««t"Wrtamiwimaltt. >!***” ffigjL f
i ‘ ' UteST.txy. gggPiu.tgy o )
IT23 em 4Si.hMWceu'wfiictfd tot ifre !*« uxteeo yejrt |
J -wWehli«»e btSti
' ~ • \ at Mnanber-o/. thtOQrtiwalPeat *?.
• ■ : • nmt-of tbetma ket:ia£erifi**&***-
; ; s^vi . 'SsssrftaSS %S m!«VAher*s*j! :
" , S
■ .ifiS£Stf33!a*33S
1 *• sS&gS&'rrr?”**
C’. »“l\>'£ -%■• J, :--‘;ii''.:s-' '■' - a“. : -'■ ; ■.,. rf V' -iv i .\i ;-•- '• - .-f v■■•• ■. .
a^ i - - ■
?s!sBBJcs! a®
... n<n>;i id v t -j>
H** ■* rV**
- Jr,»**s!Wg2SSs *:l' D(her otn»i«tr «&d
«»i tojtf •
'JSfr tte VtoEfcsZ&JgS'l*S2*£L££i
■ bdnnJ,- low of aopette. 'fo»*n»
■ttiK tdtow ymiCT. tnfltfnwttttth oll»ey«»>jM}p>*
.ftmJuitf exefei«3d|d«|fcwa4d«MMttO^TMt
- Ontsd Depot, 4QLfck« *V Cfclt*f#j , BHßfcfii..
. ' THEFBOOP- - -
Extract ft«a xbo; «Galw
By tketiMOf&loaa’a Ointment and OandldonPow.
ier? l have eadretyeartd* Bk»l*'.«t:i«rhom and
etherwiae lm®r©red kU condition more titan WO p*
ItmbT «^a
ked'fcU iAto it
•overtly from keai to few. '2?.SS!?«S£ smm five
and attention was given 'to tk»
S»T« without txj Alet-Mct
cdtUlM* ilttatnoMoMl* bjMt«
•tick intie tl tatriotl «e of my jrtKSVoXm-S
ded oad ptettr-iedloEO e
•nd.ißlM. than
BilUon e«4l. “* TAIUIB.
CUeaitt,^«*wt **, IMS-
Hona wMinj, ind Vted tfUtf Wtil 1 b*®*®®
S, iad in lew thanMdlTi from lij tr.l lgpl«k
! POPtJLA* OPINION. ■ ■' :
Kw“tolmorr certlftctte. ■PP«»l» *»
I Flfifih. City N4W>« ■
! IaBSMJ bab |
.De»rBlo»tt-Wn fta«*2S
■appiT of your HomModidaefc
SS«of itoUtt* "ffcSTSifE
L Orti I T T SS « !■>'
known an serera and P«n{g*to 1
i relict For parity, mildness* tnfety< JSf 1
‘“ ““we cW
o^S’£Sf£ re , . h ?l^«‘uS^Sl
bSSTula*”! *Ui«W«tfc* * nl .i““S?ns n5>S
hi, «iir»o«»l on MpecanoM.. A*
I mentlnsTe-OCTer seen Us oq**l» *a* -W* "*" w *
I pylon* ■“• MOEB M. JOHNSON.
•v Mr gismo—Dear gin Fof a eoaaidefabto e - n * I
ime 1 rf»i «rTi""*>T afflicted wuh the no®*
igjj&ZXSßS*"** »»■ to
mcaced aifaiy ti, lha w *imUariy af
with the diitrettlng cocnplmint, tpproenwyow
Dr.W.B.Slo«li~:De«lBir. *s!*; JSXjnHed !
have had oeeaiion to n*e many home*. »nd aaTB ow ,
~ JLZT, -Mteir of liniment* and ©tnunenu la ue,
■red a roTerenn remedy. ~ . -
fs-tm 11 ** —ath <af taie»g»i l*» ,
pain it a few «unste»,.#a4
■welling Ui» Icwt p»iu*le, «od
iapi*§£ S.BWMI"**'
Ne»r*y every Ajffieria „.,hy «.«t improper irp»>
Refisra tbe following order, Me*«W.Va«An AC?
vtrr * 00,
! ' ; HiaaiSSIFPI BIVEB.
■ ; Sr.Loou,
. Dr.Sloui-9ir.,Ab<witwoJ«u.«J».
£?««SStoSKSIfi •‘“J
| Yoar obedient w thOHA&
lot lh. clreianM"". “““S^-JrioEOLABS,
xSotu’oumm.u. - S2ia wnSoN, -
i OOODN ss^^a ( >»s a4
iw. awM-sr g?arffSß3a^®sf.
aUowoand** j® *j£*£®?k ponld *c«e«ljr u*«l.
««BWrt, , bU
lty tho fro VOa iba ftifl* penoaaMtly
ffoStsfy** «* *
Jtell-Eril *ndon “ Tr SffwVrwy l^ * l < ff£ r *‘
; fern*
be eared by b o *adl
powiry Chxoaiela*
b S&‘ I ISSvJSS.SWs'
I StfSLb£lS£SfSStig^
;bom'« lefitiaMHh aod weQ lufoat dtrffr*®**® V® -
jl eotaraemeed *pplyiaj ii. Yottreb^iCT^^^y
Mereiksa fifteen y*m of ««iir»lle4*Beee*ifiU»e
Cure of eterr vcrtetr of exiffral tuesHi «n4tqj»nea
•oet>M«pm&*>bnU«s,«uai tamu. evieneoascreP’
lii)of. sore Up«> tore breaiu. chsned bends.
blsloif bUes, sleets, corns, pels* hi fee beck, suee,*oi
otberoutsofUwk|«tea,-rutiMUka beets
.Mie testuaemr tbn Bleurs Ohneatls tost the tkia«;
Certificates-wUioia somber here bees
by the Proprietor fromdifteasrettediadiTt&K
Sf, pyi"f fictalis of restatfcahU cues by iu use...
. Granrilte, MUwsskie Oet. IS, ISO.
Mrlioan—Dearflir Eeesnttyaty torses raeewty
_ i i h e« «ui otkervias
SrLdthen jeliottsiy, soßsehso tkttl coas>4en|
fat kesisesfc Portonstsfy a mead t*
“JJL'^SdStbotmoftost Cmtoest Iwmttsttib
eatf ; MrehtWsr bo*- It won imovtftks
JESiS^Lsafila afswfisysthe wcseds hsski
££*£?soiES&4 fto»tta #»_sf jkmaSk
r \\ rris*. rotsmv* pact,
.telttfiPty fi^odi,,
■ *x m on ms non or].
A. A: MASON t CO.,
TTTILL-cotmhcncic caKcw Year's D*yj IBSO, ud'
,fT "ebhlianetklOßfhtfcottonth of January, curing
trhlthUae the Whole of their immense estabiuhmcnt,
(Including all their Wholesale Rooms,) will be thrown
opta for'Retail Trade; and their entire Wholesale
Btoek will he offered -at Retail, on this; occasion, at.
folly oaa rocraucn than usual prices.,
TaeirShawl Saloon contains more than 3000 Shawls,
comprising eTdry deaeriptloa of Long and Sqaare
iWbolSaawii, Cashmere, Broehe, Ac. Also, Vuettei,
'CloakafMaiUillas; Backs, Ae< at an immensemine*
ttOQ Cram ttxaal psieea. -
. TUlratock comprises more than 1000 pieces Thibet
SSclSSmcm aid Oa Uinj HjS'
<Al*o—"White Goods, Moaraing Embroideries,
Ribbons, Clouts *ndHostenr» T*Jf anJ,n *?;.*f -
Vmi FlaaSs, TO cases new style CaUeoea, w ea
'sesSeaehed Muslins, 100 bales Brown do., bates
tSSSEaliSCloths,Caasimeres, Jeans, Casslnetts, .ratoons
BSC7Sfali.ntii.iu o». ofriut io
iha all ol which hire been marked down at
■ Si.'iflSSf. JKS STiMi «W»" at»«l »la la
J ' aarir .all,» »“T f r
‘I Q ?^“JSS!Ua n^datlfL
.: 'X Aa, AtaftQN Market St.
"uinrmy Pl*uu" BltnltiM.
•gwr t /iL MDBPUVi at North East earner of Fourth
•W'i AndMartelalreett, baalately receiveda«up-
Dlvofthanbow superior maheof Blankets, end In-
TMt thoea In want of the asdeto to took at them be
fore bovine* 'Ha baa alao on band Home Made Bias*
frffi IteavyanleiOf which ha U aelliag tow* j
I *Mad* FLANNELS, brown, barred and
lO which h.
[ invitee ibe attention of boyers.
- : ITT’A large * apply of Goods recently opened in the
Rooms, ap *talr*, nakcs his assortment
t very fall nod) worthy the attention of dealers.
I aovW !
Fiiff'rgßWMJVßg MLLa Was MV DUCTUK
JH . limn, Pa., BipL IS, IW9.
E. Sellen—Deu Sirlfeel ft l*a duty low
to the publiej as well ee- to the credit of yonr uret
Pills, to state the good eflcclt prod need by tbei» ow lo
ny owttnao. wring the month of lane, IBIS, I toon
▼err easrell, my eopelito lofted, and my strength nj
entirely prostrated, with HTere pus Is my woe *P“
ffmfaUfa. I was told by medieal men thorny disease
waaatereie attack of liter compUinu l tooh osre*
ml boxes of SPLeaefelirer Pills, end temosyrupt,
whleh I wan told vu good for thatdisease, lot alter
tOLmas getting worse. 1 finally eooclsdcd to place
mynlf eaderiEe care of » pbyslmn for hotter_et
I wowm bet, fortenotely, jeitotthis time, 1 we* tow
br tbe Ret. L Nihloek, of this piece, that a friend had
MBtUa a box of Seilers* Liter Pill* from Pm»U«rsK
which had benefited him tery much. I forthwith
esotfbr a-box of your Liter Pills, tad bythe time l
twas done asing thorn, I was satisfied that it was Jest
the toediciM th at sailed my case. I sent for moter
aad took fit&or. tlx boxes, and found my»elf almost
oatirely eared; bat IsMareh laitlcaoght a aetere
coHJwhJel b«ok Ito <u “i“’o.; n i l ° 2
tfanolwaiasbadaserer. I again bad rec f a ” e ,.~
yotr liter Pills, and took them erery other night for
ErwtlUi, endoecasioßolly: since, and 1 con now nr,
that 1 eaa now say, that I teel little if ant •T“pw**
of the Liter Complaint, and my general health Is as
•ood sow u ft hos bCcn for the last Khyears. ..
*Mt neiS)OieMk me who was my doctor. luU
4h*W thatoeUert* liter PiUs was my doetor.and by
thoMetsing of Ditine Protidence »he tneansof eorlnr
mL ■iameoefidealthst when tbewblie beeome ac
minted with the raise of yc«r Uter
mshdkr them will increase. Masyof my ncighbon,
to whoa l hato recommended the pUls, eaa testify to
their tales, as well as to the facte shore stated.
BsSSctfeUy.yoeis, OnoaoeUawa.
Totkb Peauc.-'The Original, only wee and geiup
tin Uter Pills ere preparedby R. B. Sellera and
-hare Us n*" l * stampeo la black wax epoa the lid of
eoeh Box, aad hts signatere oa the ontslde wrapper.
nyiil otiers are eoeaterftttt, or beshlmit^oiis.
R. E- SELLERS. Proprietor, S 7 Wood st_
Jtroti’ ExMCUrißt< Columbien* co-0., Apr. Si, 184 L
T\B. D. JAYNES: Dxa» BtK—l feel bound to yo»
T/ laid the effiieied public, to trull mywjfof totoop*
SSrwSiyofgmn* publicity to toe e*r«orduierj £f«u
ltormx beenußUcted
brniefiTjretn with c eerere cou*h, teciicfeTtr
; tadiu eoneornitentdueteee,endteemed«“****?“?•
1 to Unger oul e ebon but miserable existence, vftlto*
Slioi18», when, being wore eererely
karin* resorted to ell my former remedies end toe prc»
SSjSeneoftwoeftoottott ropeeteblc pUyeleiea* in
JJfSeigbbertoodwitooutderiejn* «»y benefit, <“L *•.
few deye or wgke «i
I ftShetl-wken toe It* gieum of bopewere^ 1 10
I v«aiifcrFh*d recommended to me your Expoetorenv—
) iliend io oyVciiMi*, enjoying tincc better heelto tone
II bed for ton yeere prerioue. . ffftniL
I Fourto erect. E*£f!—
2.,SSnlnedu>nr toto. Dortattlo obo;' r«ri
«d of tune* I expended (at raedieal attendance o
renlnr ud medicine*, to the amount ot
yS%tWi receinnc any_beneht
KJ* ia» i commenced Inking Dr* Jayne a HedK
rJ? h *„ takes ihem more of le*. over wnee,
Sm U mi by peneverin* in their «**»
££Una now onlywyihmltare eompieietT
lbelieTetha SanativePill*
•SSluSeSwt«e beat family medicine* now in
'“ire.Ua to Spitofltold, Otfjo eo«MT,
; %Sg£SS3t m P"‘'Bfi£*sr
toSoKrfSro&Sd, « lowpnce.
eo “ i * ,1 “» *" ffiSES I dbbb&oods.
“The abovenamed Black SUka are warranted not »
cai in the wear, for dreaaea and mantillas they are the
Satin Da Cbene, the handaomeal
B NS f 3ta»S;«uk ■«*»»?
•w and splendid artiela for tadie*’ wajkm dl *****:
BilkSabroulered French De Lalnea, for ore*** and
*SC^t».'lS^sto. fc Alpo.o- ul Fo
Breehnlaw*and Sqaare Shawls,of iheT^ttqaaa-
**?i*id Lon* Shaw la, of the newetx deaigna, remark
2£eW« Twiltad CMU, pr«»;
Leu BctUn real French Caiaimere*; eew atyle A ** r
Prtaeli uid BalgfM BU«k *nd OliM ClolAi. tor U*
A .plenUl “ 4 '” POri
££2* fcoalbett»nafaetareni prerloe* to the P««>bi
,|3SS7 JKiSsmm, u. tart *> •« «"r
north welt eomer of the I>t»D»w» J
■ tuTTm* «ovi»»» .
-«-»«■ o MURPHY, ai north ea*t eornor of Po«r«h
W r^, W M«»kcl eta, u BOW reeemo* h* *ercn4
®>® *'
u tojsk. Wtr ‘J^SS^iT*
Of n»«A»d »«rj A-ai-oro “T>«- v ""' Tn *'
will be fewd/mh- p ANrY ~u „ *p CLOTIW,
Af *• l cu kK
A V ““stoli, Mewr >•'. ''■ ' “'T'- ?■ ', M ” ,
_ _ a ~ _ Dear »»»r I ho«fht 000 Louie of roof
® irrn Cur Farnaee *»*>«:. BlthU;pfaee,
V S^k2rMrfortaSwha«»'» c *«»‘ i *» wl ‘ be f?^ w^ 0 i I
attl H aaa| m« boy* et<bt year* ©l4; he bad
dertUlCttro-W t w oiocb *o that I bad git*
JfS I w»» «4».ted hr O' l ©
enopwl bol Ue of roar Vermlfoßc—
of »/ n*»l£“STto iSlm yoo *f It bat in* ibe deatred
andl mi o«PP7 to'owTOr H# paUcd) , D *fcm
■•**** •WlhoK “l«r»».*o*«w of lh«B, onoAor
; «** e * of *fc2?U*B4 I* »neb*e low 1 f«» bou,lrt »"
in* »* ■**J I above aiatement, wujtw may
i i■■ i Tri i l'tt— I
w I w™' n*t-. cl,,k •' I
I.V County: !
Court of ft“ r, f I ijf*lu7 U So»* iim« in iho winter my
Mr “• Sen 3 diurewiejceolb,
coajh Strop, 1 por-
Kiheerirrl ol 7“’‘i T Trimlile, or Briajeweter,
cheted • bottle from 8. _ - or throe evenitute
***_*?''““& ffiTfooJd Unreedlate relief; ee oho
ee 1”*“! “ ..uctoJ In eetero euei I
eatertl friend* hare “oil eedeeloeblo rno-
SB UrfJCfotO ***ffi*“ lt 10 lh»0 Wit® O*T
diciae, tod woald tteoffiMM «
Xua with oetere eotrjhe ond eoldr jtoDEN.
jblt ourruK—o <"'■ ““ ur " *' l
Twywt? aSc, PUia finb,JJmwd, to, •} tti »«»
per »*rt{ wd »iMff* ■mw**®*?* B “ l
[trtnLTujwitn »■« v trios* price*, together
i'3±jA\ >_Lv'
CO’S v J_f
tut B«altUi»>. O***.
lIANRDENACaeonunim wbnM petaoM
JRfron tAy part cfEr*land, Ireland. BMflandof
AHSWaleti upon the most liberal term*, with their
usual punctuality attention’ to the wanu and eon*
fonofeuuaigranti W’e do not allow car passenger* l©
be robbed bythe awiedlin* scampsJhat infesUbe ■»*
pom, as wo take charge of theta the moment the* re
port themselves, and «ee to their well being, and do*
match then without any detention by the am ahipa.—
We uy Hue fekrlessty, aa w? defy one of our passen
gers to ehow that they were detained 4S Hun by aa in
Liverpool, whilst thousand* of other* » ere detained
months, until UJey coaid be sent in eoa* *A at a
chip rate, which too frequently prove*. *heir coins.
We intend to perform our eontraev aonorably, cost
what It may. end not act as was the ease last season,
with ether officers,—who either performed not all, cr
when i» suited their convenience.
rjrin., drawn at Pittsburgh for any sam from £1 to
£lOOO. payabld at any oftheprorisclal Rank*in Ire*
land. Enel&nd, Beotland and Wales.
European aid Gem tal Arent,
r.hi Fifth atroeLono door.below wood;
Wamnaad Ohvslamd Pau*n|«r Llpii
Canal Plcket-SW ALLOW.
« |« —OCEAN. • ;
fvNB of ihe above Packet# leave Beaver every day
i / (Sundayaexcepted)and im>t next morning at
Warren, whed they connect with the Mall Stage* for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at eaeh of these places
before night. One of the packets leave Warren daily
at 5 P.M., and knives at Beaver in time to lake the
WarTCDj ,
M B TAYLOR, do i
api3 comer WateraadSmithneldit*
CaawroD A CirsnaiumttCleveUnAO >
B. G. Puts, Beaver, Pa. j • *'*
TIHIB Line,will bo prepared on the opening of navi*
ration, to transport freight and Passenger* from
1-irrslluilOH .nd CLEVELAND, u m point oa
the Canal and Lake* .. .
The fscilitle* of the line are onsurpassedin number,
quality and dtpaeUy of Boats, experience ol captains,
“"'‘"'■'{IEEEmEANDIScHioAN, ,
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and atoe of ttrst class
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Aaonv—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Taylor, Warren, “
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
Wheeler & Co, Akron, :
CTawfßrd A Chamberlin, C. . and, O
Sears A Griffith, Buffalo, 1%.*.
' Office, ear Water and Smithfleld vts, Pittsburgh,
Bteamer MICIUOAN No. »-Capt. Gilson. J
« LAKE-ERIB* - .Gtonion. ,
TltE above regular and well, known Beaver, rac*-
ets, have eommenefed making their dally trips to
and from Beaver, and will eouunae to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
'“'feu No. 3 leaves Pitt.buTgh daily alB o'elMk,
A; H, and Beaver at 3 o'clock, l‘. M. Lake Ene
leaves Beaver daily at 6 o’clock, A-hL,and Pittsburgh
at 3 o’clock, P. M. , ~
These steamers will run In connection wua
R O Parks’Express Packet Line, for Erie; •
Taylor A Leffiingwell’s Warren Packets;
“ 0 A P< s k U“"'. A * e ” l *-
A s±afr».
. 1849.
TMvE!t.»l.«.(.[BimEl fir.tclu.CMjl
Boats,cwnM by themselves and ro^ngmeonnee*
SSWlth the gteam boats aND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled fkeiUttea for
3^- s: as
Agents, Beaver.
Water street, Pittsburgh.
..AraWßi,. ■•■■•••fc.S *
PitutmrsU. *
Aftiur for (A. PiularjA
bZrgL WKn. Li«» ™*Bru, ** d fi r
loots ibover and CairJ Copt* ■ . m,mrf
,^ , »‘T?s , ss*tfsssgre.
Sthtie addition of a WsreAou»e,lbemostamplgac
L~ss--»*£sssr t '*
nBW afsiusv**
J 'from tho manufactories of CBttxxat?o, Boston,
r „ulr u Wood «.
Sole Agent for CHekenng** Pwnoe,
* for Western Pennsylvania.
ftoooalt uiia
ONB .roonO bond I‘IU'O, «•“"“■ »■?• *S
1-“"“ 4 ; ; «
f„U.. fo. c„h
r*Wi"©l.»r>»4''tC , AV’C63!—SfOH* 1 * tO»A»ft ; VwtSH
altered end coanceted fran the l*n Ebk*
Sohool of Violin JSSS'nf m Work,
nny o r ibiii Bpobt blmoolf odhona olrieUT
n.S« “ foplf linn «7 «»■>
-gaßSKtowtefe -jzS
fall. Floor Alfcm>>Bhe«BW>ga.A<y l B)rphUU,yg7
«*r wwitr*;® CUM oolielie4.
* cur" *«rT»asrt. or chjlf« reftuxaed.
I orVrv* St CJiiMlfaet,*iio©f»rromthe Brti*o.
TeHB Kitr««ie4. AdTK»tofa4
N y. ~Ur. A. loliriti the worn ea«» or mt <J|*®*»*
I ui fill-’ a fab loculi.
.itvn, are oera thing* In heaven aad earth
•n«.»n ere dreampt ofln phlloiophy.”
rt'itl-' VIRTUE* of tbit remarkaolo remedy,. ana
I ibr ••niiitaiil application lor -it, to the prwtator,
U. tedc-’ed bin to have it pat *p la botUea wub la*
twi» aii-i direction* tor the benefit of the pabUe.
TLr IiTTROLKUM l» procured (m a well la Uu*
f«ra<at, St • depth of tour hsodred fent, i* » pore ana*
d«iwrV>rd article, without any chemical chMgo. bat
iu.t «• tinm from Nuinre*a Great Lubrttonr.! Thatil
iiKUaiH* proporiiea reaching anamhetof dlaeaac*, la
;„l«, nß rr.matter of ancertaintY. «?» «• »anT
I’une* m the artana of nature, which,lfknown, might
b, <5 ranaaefalneM ut aUaTtaUng aaffermy.and «-
tn« hloom of health and elf or to fanny » «£
..... * i.anc before iha proprietor thoafht of polling
« itpoutton tot ik.Mte of ill
row '1 uotouiuol ood iillr
a..i orvrrol r-n-.*rko'.HO rom il hoi
iteration or it* foiuro popularity and wide
•prr.d u(tplieatioa in the ware of diaCMC.
* We do not wlih to make a.lonf parade of eertifl
catra a* we are eonaeioua that th* medicine can war
work in war into tho favor of those who aoßer ar
w bThr aTed. WhUit we do not claim tor'
neMjf.BuUeaUoO in ever* diieaao, wo mboatta*
n ,l« •,y uUi in a number of Chronic Di*ea*a*
...f.JaIA AIUOBJ U»« m»J bo onnjneraW—»«
di-enres oftbo maeou* o**ue», tncli a* CHKUNiu
Aailima. am) all disease* of the air pauage*, Livkk
5* Dividerand Kidney*,- Pain* in tha Back or Side,
NcrSon. I>i»ca«c»,Ncßtai«ja,rai»y, KheßmaUcPainh
Goal, I'jyripelM,Teller, Ringworm*, Seald*,
liniM*. Old Sore*, A*., care* of d®” l ***
tubing irora e*po*uie,or tong and prcnraoied cajc* of
dneaM. tlda aiedieine will bring relief, It will act a*
a'gencialTONlC and ALTERATIVE In «*«*«£
impanlnK moo and energy to the whole frame, remoj*
opeidngUo ilogfi^
canto di*e**e and a broken cou»iiinlkin. and gtring
increased and renewed energy to ell the organ, of
Life! The proprietor know* of eeaer*! c “ r . *
PILES. that restated every other treatment, get wen
Ud«to?£eof L PETROLEUM far I
Tun proof can be given to any pereon who dewre* it.
None yennine without the ngnarare of .the proprietor.
»nld by the proprietor, „ , . _ .
a. M. KIKK, t'-anril Ca*ln, near Se«nth wt.
Al*o i>y R J 1 SELLKRS>W«*‘ .1;
and— KjKYftKK * hP DOWELL,
corner Wood *tand Virgin alley? wboere hi*
no*a-diy regularly appointed Agent*
No. 87, corner Market and Fifth—or 4R Matket,
tween Third aid Poortli at*. ,
ritJH’ «üb»erltirr krrp* rootiaflUy on h*Qdi WBOie-
I pale >nd retail, tbo loliotvtti|f article*, to:
Wash Tuli*, - Surf Churn*,
Meat Tubs , Darrel Churn*,
BathTohv Half Buahei*, :
Wooden itawl*, Peck* and Half Peek*,
\V**h Hoard*, Bran Bound Backet*, .
Clothe. Pic*, Towal Roller*, J
WoodetfLadie*, Bread Boiler*,
Clothe* U askew, Market Ba*keu, Ae-, Ac.
no vi4 No C 3 Diamond aUey,PitUbßr|h
*Bom' Parent
OABKi* Ulat* and Soap maker*’ Bt»nA»n.
.y/J imported direel from toe abo»e celebrated
manufacturer*;® per tent American leAarrmnfdnd
sr..i«bv note WJHAMiTCHELTBEB
1 ntard, - Dopay> 4o|
v luUOKa—n ttpipei Bf*ady—»
T . lVt *plpcaU4lUßdUifl;
6 c»a N E Bom{ .
■i*2sV“*“ br **wa?ffiaiß.«fai
N. B-TtaT 1ll»«rt*,«Hl Ito lriwtop»
i njplicrvU New*rte*«i.
SaLF.RA l'AraLY MFilflNfS-fr 1 '!-''
I R.ESellonfl <Alo»HW»sS!, 6 ,'°[tw
to.utr uno ftu, i« reloDon lo
SS“uo!Si Toffirer wil" S JJP '5
tgtoSn' tod 4.7 fioro in ovoiy ir.Boc. prodoetd
ioornfiondlDw, \ .•»' ■»'» »
Stateu*ai i»»*\ , • L. n U mH mmr sec'ion of tlie
SSSStirt * d«. “Vsitriuof'?” ITOV
-Ymb. «<
' _l .nil anldbv R. ■ I |.ftS,NO57 Wood.’
• **—«» ■« *^sr ci -
G- • 1
BB0 " I&,ie4». \
M . B P fi-uen: Dear Sir—l think It a doty I o*e
which left mo in * 7- pjjj, being tor sale by A R
SgffiS KSSKS-r* 8
»!l P ,y2^s?co™“d'ed?'Tl°reUE3T°
viiaPDJ wIrDSED; Md four Polo.
BES^e;?? “““ “" n °”
perieWywelL Respectfully ypy COLEMAN^-
\Ve»t Liberty, March *», MW*
Colam.•.,»n4eimtw*riCTu»a U , a R SHARP
Pin. «e' prepared and .oldby
BK *i£eKno 57W06d atreet, and by druggtati
f^, , s»^sa^ssMSaS£sassrKS
bn^iHSef l uSSf 5i tied varioui
"St" *c hiu«d‘a?*-
“ e4fc ‘”fS *sfcea P o““*OT SSiu.«»°ry UMMT
sfw:? 2K§~H-£Sk -rarsa
cdftomaJarieamonm«M)ppi^ enU P recomn . rilJ d
p*rieace,tl»reOTe» 7 «**“*«**““ ■ *,»!u»ary meuiein
D JbTnc’bOinmn*'"' “f'JShilJu. A MUINNI)
IUlU( ofUu.iom.d. ut bo Jf“ hen^cl! j.j 3 :j: .
For.»l. In ‘l ‘ul^Dnij
i ass*
Diaeaac* of ibe Throw, .
ureut and Lung*; the moat ef»-
facta ml mad ipeedy cur* .
avei.kaown lor any or - l
I tb* abtjfd disemß- ,
SSSSs^ss& f^>, ;
Importance bucwft* Fof proof . o ah o foregoing
deaee of ll * of lfaminedt*
(tatAߣBH< *X4 ioaen a fewcflbe inatT thou*
eiaa. tin hi e h hate been presented td nimby
tiadtemlißionlala*"-lablUty—men vho have higher
Bta Of *® fim| and jumtlee, than to cer*
ttowaofoorß “will do-another a favor, aud
llfjr» » ett » Ti-iSSce- Snch.iMiimouy pn>»e-eon*
l fc aB **lpe* no iCcUent# a eitabhfhrd
•la»Tely,,thatiW , “J r^*j kC anthon
by It* IntnaMonen n iri rtantioie<ni* relief It af
tfj 1 •Sf , l k.4S&« influence dilascd through the
nnriy for tbe >lfl»e ;
• ..tine from con*elOfttlojiji impulee*.
•Whan wb. “SLKtitte rruth of a thing, or
volwianll-btacte*^®® “ being contrary » lt * lf .
partteular fact* •»*“? eaetet* eoimetiou of
Ui UUtfi, • a Moral Ma»«a. . .
9TUJ. AUOttnm f a* auccewfai
Th*ra never * f C oLumptioa. a» Dr. Swnyito-a
in wSScSSSf* 11 »trcngtbei»* the
CoBl * o J lßd H KtW Mai il»e ulcer* on the lung*.
other ’rdiciao.- ... April dWh, Uj*.-
_rv*e Sin l enrUy believe your Com-
Df. 9a *yttO-;t>$ i *T, , ?r erT y ha» been the tnehn« of
pound 9/rup of cdW ,- wh | ch raiu
; Wiving my bfe- V*j£sl*nlK a mevere cough, Ui*
1 ally grew 1 had rreomr»eio. atilt
fttiatcd all the •ympiom* ° (
nattlmy < **~ vvenr thing l tried termed
Palmcmart y 7cnp’aint increawd wi rrtj ’ W *i>
to have no ' ffect, “7i l ?; mT*elf,gaV<r tip - nil hope* of
ly that friend* a* arelt^,|£ s F wa/-ree<>mineiided \n try
my recovery. Atw*‘ jdMW id, thnmomlhap
your in**l w*J® RS?bonAe had the nfie« to Uf» «t *{“
pymoltm. and by the
•“•K® wan entirety w.tll. and mm
tjmBlhadaaed»“.“®“^T e „ r war in my Ufa, »->'l
Bov a* iaformation<e*r<ciit)K tty
would be happy to give any th?T .^ e the tenelii far
Bum thitetlnt "jW ? c r the truth ot the afca.r
whlchl«m r >o x xtt Both, Ctooer, Wu
lOUertentj Irefcr T» » , Mtl i ßme d:dna ;
BT h»mblMCSiiiwny- o« lhrP « year# twee < , w **
rap of Wild Cbcrrr- *»“ d • d infiammnuon 01 the
SSeaxly tucked with a dt.t«...«fr,
Lnnrt wk^b and head, averreoniideta-,;
the caf
cblß<ficharieofofießM«> boweaa* ibght. At
daily *>“*%£ JEy eoiiditioa, bat wa* pretty
&nl i felt■«> rUhUy-foinjrlttWeonwmp.
«eoa ecmdacedTK r . J,,d»ftaa*tb wa* uearcu-
Sra. abotoawliiiper, *ecU
ifabteiowalk .Duty^lkla
«u tbee*ceed>** "•‘“£ para iioai prr«npuon*,
1 had tried wanout ptTP ~n lhe worte. Jam
bat found by a dearfHenil m
ben) I waa.diued and^^ Sr > Bp f Wl , duher .
Wilmington lo nr C i l Q l wly.U akl P*iu
ry. 1 ma»t eon*M* «“ and! an Mill again*
dkudagain*handle!cropffic#, bnt under!
lltort eomioso£«tM-Bg£ r ,, 11011 an d practice<*
•landing fcnSieK faith in tne of tug:
medicine, of Ur. ouccrf yout
friend*, 1 P d ©ommcnrodil* use.. Mj
•genu, a few.**®’**J o/ajor '£» mouth*’ it»adliv;,eon--
S«»Waaa\thMiuM«^ v roand , however,
•Suently ix ""•* of the fir* foar or tvt*
tiniidenihlereucf frcqocn t| y at .
1 bottle*- ®. P U rey incre aaiiig Mn:i'gUi, ant|
tempted w *^ 0 " 11 ). had already begun
tS«by rttpturei dn»« *<• - WM f rvM 3
nheali intW* VZI»‘SS ofacS* thua imprudent
Warded. WforTTwaapo..
I had u> n£> ruction, a much ■mull
feetly *J£ B ld have made toe *ou*d,bu •.;
aamb«t)fJjo ulfc^J”^W^ l e syrup allayed the fi-r.
tboaboVelni»or«®^ e .Uiuetmngcough, putau
t«h habit, U»h »w*y ® from the lu»g», and fn»
w the d»«hW.« -ood health. Ihavcdefei
SKans zs 'wV^T'j'^r'
county K- c
n nr ,tvin—li&ldf' Htcd!
preparation of Wild Cherry, ,
There i» b*t ita» &w ever offered to. the
andthall* !>£ M *\ ’ M |j largely Usrourhmn the
public. “**_ „. rU of Europe; ana ®U pre* .|
\jtAXci “ ?.l£ of Wild Cherry have
□*r«tlon« Ui« cover of mine deceptive !
been put out ihm« currency to ihoir wiet.
ein:amiunccf,*eofderJ gi miiiake. the, '
By ScV bottle of the geumne tf
fWt«“ from * aeet engraving, vmU the
enveloped wit ehcM J Wi Dr. sw»e«.
Ukeaess efWun*» rene w . the portrait of Dr. 1
‘^ are, *o to distinguish
Bwayne wdl UaMc Now, tut »*• noUor
bis wmaU ~U oWll virtue* of Ur.
of Wild Cherry, persons
gwnTue’e Coro-oond i?e curteo cy to then
would not bow»de*vonii«w 5> nmm £ of wild
“ P'k “ J R ‘" ■“«;
StjJgftjJSf Sif'u ATAHOTaTOO^
DEN i cot i« mil Wood^ , » a “* d w «od*Ui .WM
Co. c °o¥LV«'j£.. ati 8 JONKdi IS*> liberty st; JA9
T 4&“ “tlVnd m?d Penn itii JOHN MITCH*
SiSSS »* by n «"P““ bta . w-uJ*j
D B, J , ?-u.i2i?«ViJ>oirp.n»Hr. Indi.i. Vc B .
“.llillc of «hl«h, .OLT
eiaole \**£j l -_ t , er i ene V l ban been satisuotonly. **•.
& women who m*y ho nillicted with
Wbl *hed. u « Fikirn Womb, ho recommends hu
Prolapsus uwnu m #nd speedy euro tu ; ihe
p u“if r ?.S>
c< ? long m n»e. THi* hc fbcU
Hid expenti t {nutaueb' e* be has not failed
f a Cw«|™ “**»« "******* P?;
Ue sit, far Hheamanm and Weak Urea* or .Back,;
wjtbpain, tbero i. nothin* to excel U»u JNaalei
“.(TArdiM relief or effecting a enre. tor tale, by
m »*wm»x ownSof Diaawnd Market*
L Wilcox, coio»‘ (jheriy and St. Clair •»
OrVB«W^ Wr '“ Fedaral Bt and Wmmtn:«*AUe*
< t'lJo. Denman ant! Diamond Qirmmg-
, |K | i iim»«uL Ku .»« A nod 'airtet.
and DM Curry for Allegheny
arucl« which
coming uho aw at a irholewme, nounshUtg,
f‘W c beverage, being more pleaaent.ajid pib
■**.fl.u?SSSAsSS?Slte^«" | l fn.Up'r.w troll
atableth»n . teft cenW) vail go at iar.a* fuar
pßpe d. C «rCoSee • . v , .
poandi ofConee. MILUEH, Piuabnrßb, l'ft
whoie»ale by B A FAHNESTOCK Co,
„£$ o“r£ »4 arts
■ Piiubßrjh. • , p« •*.
GOODii—Juu received,
co.Ui UprtfwUi
Joii^nen Bocu; 13Utlupu* lU«$ J
l® ptiT n£i^B7^S'-Uldl* *altO!\» eMhj « CKDVWIU, i
fillon cteb. 1 t },ofe good* for tale at ibfi Call*
SSbiSuneat. No 6 Wood It..;' '
j&jj MIIU4PB
“ aonnTPD BPICES—Potup for family u'KvU li'n
ASKS3jS|« *«»«' *S*S:
. aSSSoa,;; ,
'* For’.alc Bt P Se’ne»'ft»iee^iad
TO hudud nwßod JJjjcSoSiuH, » Wddd «
riMir. WITH MFiXICO, by R. 8, Ripley 9
Mm& of- Rhetoric* comprising on Ansly.ris of
the Laws of Moral Evidence and of r«moston; by
Richard Whately,D-D*- "... ' wSin-r nr- 1
■■■“ Efliiy on Cbnjuao U*puaa;_ljy Baptist w. N°-!. M.
Ileia .-. i comer Third and MarkfyUTrr'l
N.w BBd am Boofc.. _
{ Sow BOOM. •■ • •
l,as£bE W..C
-.‘■jsss-isfgass-s VE& «»r, L, r .
" Gi£si?o?sU;« ste# ?*“
! w ‘»*-
imted. MM V"* n *%xgfy tt ''i t STOCKTON,
: Mtfi ' I comer Market and Third «trcrl*_
~ .r:.7i , iij49«3oi ■
T OCKWOoi>« ‘illuStAa™) WOMBjjWj-
Li mutated) ln *W>|T bt _ h o uud in
illeuUuated and illCitratcd—Uoo*a *“P’' lb J
Velvet Silk,'Morocco,,niitl m
lifully bound in Velvet and Morocco, mtKtiUieeniiy or
namemed .ml Ulußia.lcdj^^^'^vooD,'
| Christinas wd Sew T«« AppraaeblMßl
In Magnificent Antique Bindingjor the Hobday t.
assssfejsftfts®} sess
1 ““iSy. of ti*« Wc.lMfl. World: iltuiojnatedingold.n^
Co W«d*worth'«GrMCc:!tioWy iilnslr.wd.. .
The rpmehen-TUuailriaied by Owen ./ones, and
, bound in fthrT<*rt wood. 1,.
1 -The Bone of *»«»! fUaminaied byJone*- ;,-
1 Flo were nod their Kindred Thoughts, illomlnsteaby
of Sbskspcare; illasttiiniL • ...; •
Mn.JaideMt’iOorMttMjtt* o* Womnn^Uluatra
P*"* 1 ’
H«W Booka.
REDBUBNtnisFimVoyugWbT Henna-nMellvi
with fino engraving*- ;, L
nov-Jt; , corner Third end Market Mm:i«
u Okb of the Mo'ft Remarkable Worki.of tha Age- ■
XTINBV.KU ANt> ITfc - REMAINS;- with an *««*»*
JN of avisiliotbeCUandmim Christian,
t*i and the YexldM or a. d au
Inquiry itiio the MsnnsM and Arts oftheAncien.A
svftnnV Ilr Austen Ucnry Uyard. F*q ; D .C. L.
Wiih Introductory No'.e liy Pfol-F»- Robinson, P-IJ-i
llln*ti#ted willf KJ plaits and map*, end 00
■ W wj i i,e , bJojt*i l a*'a MweraMTU of|grfcphie, vivid,pie
'“”nie vr«k orUyaMiau»«»«prominenteontn
batioß id the study of ttmitimiy, that has appeared for
m^Noi ¥ inint"rt»t ihe aecannvat Nineveh
and its Rain^ 1 given by Mr. I*yord”-Washlagum
wfefidipW the d}g«t» with hreathleM inttresl
}n their excavations, and suddenly fird oor *** T ” ” :
lore a roaiMwsTirurft carved with nunaia accurMy,
now lifting «s gigantic head from th® dust ©f JJJ»
yean, wo«te-£iiay ; «»-ory^tn d '
tijalis »t i« wopderfu!, but it ts mie. -) n
Hew Books.
TiHE WOMEN ofittd Old and New Tesiataeni.
L Wited by KB. Sprague,*.D. D. i vnLlmp. bro-»
beutM; 18 exqa.sitely ftalsbed reßravinfM
With ilocnptioii* hy l elcbralcd AnierteanUergyinei .
; IHIKMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, a ue r,
enlargcdedilloni lUo.iraicd by rngnivingv from
iripool tolm, i-T 'V"- ‘ 1 "'i Z°. IaSS?
fly bouiat and git. Also—A variety of ijileadidAmiu.
I* 1 SeweU’s'cSldV’nm Book of the Hitiory of Rome.
'are of Carpenters, Wiipwrlghu, U heelwn|ht*. S»w
yer*. and Artisans eetiemUj •
.wittgaihorOßgiiandpraciienl MenMira
unn and the Shdint Rote.' By D M. Kapcr, A
[ op.tiitek CompnMi.on
i tHleijdoifl** Jilemuutary French ,f.rammar. By l rof.
.(irecnitof Brown Uciycrsity. I vol. lento.
! BoedigerV Cescmus’ Hebrew i.rammar, »>i i-onuoi
■. ilewaiaM Hcbrcw .
lAOomis’Trigonometry and Logantnmlc xanies. i
Greek Concordance. 1 vot.fmc
-lln.)' ••• • . : L . •
5 Anlhoi’aUlawltal'Sencs. • • { ' .
' L Webster’s H.euinpry, revved cd, 1 vol. B vo.
' do r *‘ do : •. ouabndßcd. tv^l.^io
<-‘ lume'i Holes aafl Quwiions on New Testament.
- l Wbatelfls Logic, •. . . s
iNorhcitn’s Eccic»J»*t«cal l|istory. J vols. an
vbls. tib.cp.l - ....
Vraoges of Creation 1 vol. I«m«. .
■Mortitoc* utaouß the Jesuits at Kotae. I>o • (
Where thcTVmpiei .has Triumphed, i vol.
lioeinrea. I vol- ><«>• idullt-l
' \iilder I hrronoim«il«>T : 1,,l ,,h t*- •' a, *‘ "*
S>>tc , *Frcurh Diouonanv . tr m>K!\'i -
jimarYkJlonice. For hale l»y ,u "'c.J.i'
3 n<M3 ApoUoßutldtnas..Fomthat
W ‘ylonuijtne, edited by H. llnsUtu compmuig hin
'Ualr!vrltk nbtrr from alUheComtneniaions BtogjapU*
"S Fi.k»g .f lb« U.
• ' . euroef Third and. Market st. _
r“ •?.' . ' 7h«dd«B Time. - •
JAMES D- Uoofcieller ami Importer.
No. 63 WtM ha* for *ale a r«w rop'««w
picxi ttUc icjoaimWtof iho edition,) of tin* **»“*»»
Vartf.drrcndUoUe oT Document*,««
eibet&uiiet.oe ihformifcOH *•»
|i;orauo«i, rcitlewenl find improvement ©rib<- c"V** l ;f >
aroupU the bead of the Ohio. ’ Hr Neville B Craig.
XVLibeVty of other AncirAt Nu.ion*. 1
tiUtJtC E«i.. litttJttmtedmtU twelve engraving*, eir
euied aTuomc. 2 voU, bvo-, umiona with t reacott a
iJaorleal'WaA*.. ■
f J»SS U Loi!»!f«.D,
itovii' ' Importer. taU oo.! *l
H ;l2mo. T 5 cu. MKS. FANNV KEMbLL S t »SA«
uFCONSOi.&IifJN. , ~ _
leading «f tkil book ha* irapm&ed u* with
mark tuber opinion of t*. *«t h P r we had fonaed
froitiDeru*ai' r oeroUier writing*. ltdi*pla}#odeej>er
tone of tnountiU'JJitited lotaor© pnrowoina&iy Brace of
rn-fiogtl..lI S mToil>« r™dueiion
«i?b? ;i ‘‘°| ,b ” > /Cll , raP LOCKWOOD,
° tT 1 • OJ_W~4
, i Htbott.pLlc E.UWHKo.M
Xp avsl wiiuciisiANN, Tliltd "t,
«**■*» ~
roLtanablu rnce*- . :—2®i“>
MSP rf " A ” a ~ 41,! ’'*' lt ’" , ‘^CACTIE i ,D
Vii:r.Ay,'.\loUS r ca«« irood-nyJc,
. i, • ■.,
■J. • r ',' • 5 '•'■ *•■ Fine Appla*; '
3 .*• - Cherric^i
•!" 3 •* •* .Btrawtipcrits;
• , . • •:•' n ** '.■=■** ToiUHi<ie*;-'
—;{• •> hilfsol- t'oUlci' Fleklei;
;• 3 “ quail do. ;■■
i '■ •y. . 3' «i ’taitcy do. .
f R.eU anj F« Mr •» ,b ” *‘' kul *■» S “" : ’ 7 “£”s lb
UK-M.‘ •' ’'*'■•■ ,- * '
!» v via" RKiilK-Itt W«U rec'il *uid Inf * l >" W
IH, deaf _ W“l i' JOMNCTONinaRcwWIg...
’-» x krvTvVij'rmH D.VY', lha India Uulil.t !>*■*
li““ «' •r “•* a*- 1 * *s“rs*iS;
* '’ ' * t[ Z ’ - “ ‘ Uu»kia»j
' ' ’r '* Ais-net' “ " 54«pjh*ji;
j l r ‘ i r. ,, ' ,v - , «
i -i *. u ie*ihcr;wle<J u Ovcuhoci}
: All of Mirk Ml 1.0 “ l V Vl '° l |'S"
T^i'Tfi^fTTiroUKii--ft.DMujoM ire**.»«»» tuitx iiy
If i - y - : ft-ic Wi»ABKAI « H
T"i rcu*o »nil
otiiriifc»i UfSS«» **,.&&*,>> r;«»*
» £«*» sWATUItMJ-
N-7T»Tti\^A^H—to utiivc |i. r linigxi Ul, Jot I
S ,“i? - -«J
VTi'A‘i , niTS r ATfi)iNO— jol>nkfe4»Tp*i.*-.e»uilUcavy I
"dS _ NoW.Wwvdi.l__ I
Super FrcpM, ifuitK »i«"V« I
“Tfrvmnr»'t.mV»Ooltnn; • 4SW.UNolli.rd,
.< Ui ? l *? lUW 7u,a«» F «Hbrfis-, IbNttO “. I
1- WouJ; •. I
!•. •*' (trfoir.nmUHklat, with wool; 1
a iluz Klitep Kkin«, '* • • I
3«loz “* •“ ■ -drewed; •
T.» ntriv-c mi Fort Pm, nnd for »a!e by .
• tlclV: lr» A>A It DIUKKV t, CO, l-'ioulrt '
GlNfiliNO—1 l>*fls Clarified. fotiftle by ■
dcJ7. ~ WICK&McCANI>LI&*_'
tmkaIIIKIU*—IS *ncki pnme. lur »uln by
ilfStelVll .1 . , Wfcp'MeCASOMgy .
I'Toib'U Li.iv t.n3 —o Hum Elastic tlornbCoYcMi.a
H- ?ftV bcavv and pplenaid article, id»{; n*cM and
„ N». 5 woo, ,u„, br llpmLl
C/CsTOlt »u>ro and Ctjr.*alo by 1
. _ •»-•-■- •• ■ ■• M JSIPPfcML.
\ LOillluL— Vi Libia Jiuirec’itontrifor iole by ’
' "Alicici- 1 ■'■•; iitiPPfcij!!
I " ,e^ ,u, ‘ **!Stuaot"
jj.untawi to ehkriPfjfor Luke c ,K»*Ss)iMcbl f
■ ; fTnOLOKB * SOMS» ' r .
_ ~ " k xchang* Otokiri,
. ffi l)UUtllll \
» M.*M «r~., M..~0 W I
Piluborßb. F». • . „-!■.■= —— |
r- g ;SS«-
SON, Kurojwmand General owes ®« cU ,. u
door wr«i -'’ wood. - 1 —,
•* , • -•
inn.iuittl . RAHIk,
I)RO*.nS, teM.
-x> in I'urriox rinJ lXmicrtJc lid)-* \**~ f
i&Jnte* of lk P «<i«S .B»nk »>t«-wd C?»n, wroctjf
5d ami Wood nu-c;\ dircr.tly oypMrte St Charlca.Ho*
iWw’wita WD'SijPT *
W olna.
** • 1 hdftxu, ,
« Kuiurij,
. iJicik/Not**;
pa rrt.-.-a I ' i ',. ME3 ; sons,' .
scnia as Martel
' cW , , ~ .
.... - Baltimore,
C 0 •- * HOLMg & SON-^
. . sepl? aniikti».__
baule popsprt.
1 1 7o». be* leave u> inform the ciuieiisofPituburßh
i».roub*io efueralty, that they have rebuilt the I.A-
C, YFt»U.*DRY ttndaren<jw in fall operauo.., tmd
ted for rmnll fami!lc*,'wUh a full “ ,otl “f" l lll 0 [1
S*. »nd motel cm. ‘We g-'S’Sj"i*. .
viie the attention of person* bttildui£_l£> coil »t «iur
before imrchtuinr, and exunue;* >*d
article of tintnnoeileil Grate*, finished in fine style-r
entirely new in thin market' Wiw! «t
u agLi&gnA^",
Office of the Delaware Safety In-
inrancc Company*
’ ' • •' piiuJkOtLPOU, Not. sib, le4U- .
THE Board of Director! have, thi* day, ore , VVv?
dividend of TKN FKRCb'NT. oi Ac
nroCu ol the Company forth* yearendlnß Ovtob- r3l,
Tor which will be iasuedon and •',!«
<S*B '
I,° V|o f-A. MAPKIKA, Ar- fr_-
/I . YKAGEIU Importer- and '* n
«sn* of the Gill Comb, 1(« Market *x.. Pttuboryh,Fa.
• iv«irni Merchants, Pedlars, and other* vmiimut
ISfbJiisSSn’i'f“ uSi
This Htoch coorni., in put. of.
g£BteSSfti)*; WtopaJon. *—
’ toBISS Wficheo, GoldJewdrp, «H brt-o[
oaster Cotnb*-
nitdi Itatdi" i
vn«* rolifJM HYRUP:—Fnno H-Botea,
S '• ° f <*■"“' Beu‘ou» pi
■eSPlftfttf*«-*J 3““ " 1 ”“'V
•m "y"?!;;'. ci'S! 1
“.?x“,d r u.«3iS'S?«»s
Qoml Company* •
rnSCORPO RATED.)' •• ■ •j'
will be open fa* saUetipuon to
B OanfeEWCoapwy,” p*
; MobU« , «u* alita U»y « ! SepicmbeT m*L, at the etiicr
*--t Great Emgll»h K«»«ay. L,
Aflbmsi and Conromittlonl :TL*.|
{2SJSSS3, afl Imoctaceaißß lh»United
, I
eart or Pulmonary di«ajw»,
!„ -rtiifitinr for treatment the worrt-po**tu.e v |
arathnt ran l><* foand in ‘ '-f£. I
in Tnia worn any of the common teroediea o;
st! ,!aMe Wen riven opt>Tniostdi«nigin‘h«s
Tin HoßKeyir
h/mbewaM a preventive medicine to •tt-c«e.- : Ot,
g£p^ feS ~«sj.
’ ttnnd V/o<slHPtl Wood and jnJJfc
„ i,*jbrc-m%jeoaWncwVpptircedKniternrlcn*-
ei.iumr tkr »Uw« •»'•**'>*.2!!
•totaol**' retail, and a Itlrrra! ecduclton «M.«W
wbolc» -.!c jiarehawr*.
• : wjUK 1
« VENITIAN blind manufactory
' Wii « F-iM sido of the Diamond, whore Yeiutian
■ minds oi 1 *!! the different sizes and colors
JefiSp^ r ~ kepton hand or mode to order afte
.JPwTj the latest andmostapproved Eastern fluni
U lo n*,at the shortest. notice, and on the m?*"
Boston roll °r spilt Blind Transpa*
retry l&cSiain* of«U **
pSmniitflEna »Ur.lielowfoTcuh. OldW
* iji-AUwdi-- done with tbfe best material and
workmanship, and.snirranlcd to plco-e the-most fnn-'
1 Alletfueny.eityi Aug. 10, 1B*?« ‘ * '• T/
I•' Mr. R. E. tfcll*rfr~ln justice to yoa and your thooin*•
1 parabU- Cough Syrup; 1 l*p leave to state, foftbe ben*
I ettt of tho ccmmauliy, that my wife haebecn several
I lime* emitted wiUi amoii distressing congh. lipdr*,
I chased. in-January last,* hotUo ofyonr Syrup, wbroh
I cured a cough of two months’. standing. About ;ot»0‘
I month vbteo, the cough returned,’and was so severe"
I that abc could hardly move, mim’weakness in the
I breast: l sent for one bottle of year Cough Syrup; b»1
fa part of one Kotile cored the cough 1 ' 1 gave the other
I u» a journeyman who was severely afflicted, who had,-
1 to use his own words, ‘'eaten enough ooogn entity to
‘I euro all the people jui. Pittsburgh," If the gandy litd
T“b<uu» a* good us represented. '* ‘ ’
Yonrs^rcrpectrully,. .. AUTUto B.Krrvn.
■ ' Rtcp.ired.aud sold oy. R. E. bHLLUIISj'i? Wootl
I itreei, nr.d sold by Druggists getlerMly-Jia the taro
I pities. _ r - '.'/'T '
GRATEFUL for trie I very liberal eneouragemeut .I
jia/e received for so many years/I ’ have deter*
I mined ;•> enlarge my butiiiess considerably.*' Having-'
I engaged a. competent Foreman/1 will, be chaMrd to
• I fill aiUirders promptly, and do the work in'our il«uat
I style and ut fiur prices, and ask tbe'.atlentioh of m'er--
1 cham&utd ctuzen* to my large stbckofUFllOLsTh*
I RY GOODS and Bods, MuUrasses nnd Ucddiug, Cut"
1 tala Materials, Damasks and Moreens/Cornfccs, Fritt*
»I ees.B‘.rdrrin£S,Tasw:l», Split and Roller Udiidivand
l-every uriiclo usually kept in an establishment <-f the
i; fkind.. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at-
I N. B.—Carpets made and pur dowm M<iurc
I * . tVM. piMnl.r.
~\M) CABINET WA.'l-ayO.'L... t
J. A.ilUt»\VN would
For ».ni** by . at 1. W. Wosdwclbt. j
I -,r.TS'ivoKVT.EjS^SooTiirowiiSi.-
W’UOJAbIS ivu * u jj Ctt rry- CouksTTand all
lor to theTceflf It is delicious to.
| substances de trucu mo uth,heaQng and sirengihea*
iho purtfyutg tIU breath • -. ;
I *"v ,h ££
I , H K SELLERS. fi7. Wood «t;
W full jewelled patent fc
*. \Vaicltes. 19 carets fine eiiea,. which lean sell a*
Tow ns thirty and thirty five dollars, and warracird jo
, MUndidaimnineni. of .JEWELRY ,com*
, —fcMAßimiietts and l*teat«yles, and beat paitmna
| Vr r' a n** a7t t Watchmaker aftd'Jewster, p
[ mdec; ui lamti
SEMOVEDIo»ihreerterybttelf' ~--•*
•JvS3HDk'onßflulkfidil«re«t, l oJM dtfrMni;' ••>: ••
J -~ 4 -l-Lit r ainli itrwi. T«Uun*cnf«l(wa'4aa' -* J‘ ~ .
to in diiir&aet,onthe inctionprtnetpley -vithmbeM.'-
SM iwSSuion of f" cu-ra|m|4l
C! r^a° r i^oTiiaiitaoirSbWf
rine ivilrcrf ItihcttUb* 4«o® m nloyMr a»
j 1 - : t --i* 1 * r ®“'
gAI»TKB.'S;. . . .
r RAN ACE A 1 ' 1 ’"
rrio those suftebisg, with diseased ,
X- LUNt»Sj-Th« iinpreectoited aottn which tar
' tteti'Jej tie |ue of toe • •J- 1. ' • • :
.*. - | GINSENG . PANACEA I v , -
. a ail ihe Tarioo* form* whieh irritation
romcj/haii tadowd the ««».
ti °'"' >,! ‘ !3 wbsiEEniL VRF.PARATION.: . ,'.V
The * chkoeaMe wenlfcw. wlueh mart* OM GU tad
wf->T ojbnlhs, U »lw*y* a fmilftil eoufce of
wir '“""\, OLDi ; I AM) COUGHS. ,
Tb'cy:-if ArtlratthejirectureoTlof tlllwl .
; • ciisimmoji. .
to liatO how SS3m(«l cle«.3oht OOTll»»»4, <’
ddfllvif'ViUl imphruhee tothe , ,
?o - !> -
iDnUiffs «f;thaGo«i»cl,fce>i»seU»erwUheeptoMM| -
jcc* frm OURNAL3 OF TUE ShY,' ' ” ■ -
we have embodied » pinphl9*.fotm,toamTl»*««
tbromboat the Umied Slates and Guild*, w 4 w* e*»
n i Whentaken accordingto direction*,endb#» • •• »
[an U.« iahfrfbadbeeOina fatally U fau •...<
-WUl.i’Jcn,Tieedtheafflictedfcteiutet Wiry tasertU
Oi'a nostrum*, gottaauft oy nn* • ownlttUw* *
a«]»B ler the warned nemo of some co sbrawa ysj*
lieian, end puffed into notoriety by- certificate* NJti*
tone equally unknown?. WhtUiimedieiojel ...- ,
(• to Vo bid, whdse Toucher* ere at home,—o«ra*l*n| ,
horseman!? of whom It hai . . . ,
a Hatched from the ghave. •
• «>r3et jhat this iaTalnablc medicine my^oa^piaca*
iitiii tiiejreaeh ofthe poor u well the i
Jnat tu half the Ttraaleotoof coagbrncmclae*-.,!* t»
for aale by our n»enL» ia nearly ctot lor™aitrrrtiast
| ‘ , j Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio-
M > A UiL LBTE J g
; ...
their «od ■.; -; j;t
there i» scaicel^*^d|i~
SSaSSi; 1 :;!,
TOuVornTMENT,..,-*| el.,
thflinaamm&uoa and*+»eirinc,'»rttauwp j
(R the direction* snJtiodJSß hoM. _) . f ~■■•»?>.
» , ••. P-ACiU>rTh6«aWo>M cured porwn* o ** bwlu .•
w v «• *w
| TSssiiAi oui Otai Sen tW i» B« «H* «*• e *?•*
7?™ir ‘SfJrfS “™!as -
& SMor B'»K« r»a
■seci««: ;v
ki.d%K faiuns offer the hwr t or the other mowbm-.,
nle<eoM tVeL iThi* Omimeat is the tree remedy),lt.,,,,
r of (ji«e*so to hare cold t’set , ,1 .
CoS2EoSJ&m»I u.O ef lie OiMme» ■«£2- a
WmLee'n torn.'-(run pot Tie;:. feople nerf npret
he Rubied with tlient ii'they °*e it frcqoendy. >
Tht» Ointment » good for any part of tho DW 3j.£)
or UmbVwhci. inflamed. • towweiw it fhoald ~
wniienwiihappi t , *
°“ t “?«Ky my Asenuta'* 11 the pripciptl -£.
mmitjl.t t>' «‘"“ a “."“’jiMEs jIcALUSTEH,!.. -U.
■ C
—«*. •'•
RiuKley, wbolewuo -. ,- nor 1 *
fcb27-deodly“- - •' y: V?
•> i k ;£Eß&s&nEfeiS£ >*?s•
X tbe adJr««d tatniAjeßt, MKr-ttMA-»
rywpatiicr, CineinnaU * ’ 1
Sir. A.«nae«'rdutyeompdtme »B»™“y«W|g. *-
to Dailey's r*uh ExMmctof.!-JteWVßPlgy Wjp* |
cry mul all nostrums having tor UWtr '°%suSfiSlr*■»*.
Pain Killer*”—l uni induced w tender yoa this • .
SS tii<i»»s< i^’,, rsigisßjs3 J.
with alt llttrhappy and wonderful'cgeUthMcwM
poskibly be imagined.' * •• .> H. J. Jj f
‘*llr. lJrodie is the senior partner of Brodio & t 5
Dniggtstt j r 1 Rliomatitm. !: ; r i , .
The /’oUowiug ter tirnonlalxomos from i
miliar to many of those trayetmg on og . r ,} v r c *^° V
urt Mri Glime, lha well and iavorably
ptie-or yartersborg Hold, » hnsbandtfttoe if
Kff oaSSt-SSeb abased >o-&nrty seated o» « O
defy-nll ortinary appliance* lo allay the«▼«*
attending it,-I was mdueetl. lo try.,•
Extractor, and ithavtng eflecifd,
Sc, ar. immediate rebel, and also, to all ®PP e "KS* !
!*cn«ire aoti perfect cure, 1 amtnduced tortile
fit of oihcwwbo may bo alllicicdwub pain,caa*edt#y
any kind of inflamraaijon, townie toy on, dec! arn^ —
ihW :tf tny opinion, fbunded on actual experience
1 your Magic pi Win Extractor rt themost ??!”££sSl
edvciy ctftbe prewnttlge tor tocimtnedia£
i odluulilj. p&io., lt isapalmort iramcdiaie andispeß. l ';
1 feet cure .tor tfanu ; and scaliU, and
MiTnving many acquaintances'formed by xheii
attny huMtandV hotel In tolsptncc, I have
t»y your showing them thtse few lines, •
111 i rurrtain the hope that lira. Ulime
nuhlitify t give to bet tetter. “ it*
fluwimty woniVbrin5 the««*«
to the notice of her friend*.—ll-DaU-*T-1 - •, $
ij ...pflonCutai 1
; i d *SL,orfr, iais&**jß-l)
i Mt. H. Dallfy:.'-! KkfaSJrti*
.^^ < S^vS^Ks's£»!ii l S3fc^aS^"
of this unrivalled tonulT •“ from Uia gwwooyr
feifffi!stSir« «**:« •
il. DaIXXT, <l5 Broadjvay, oJ|N foonGJlfl. 71
Ihorucdoseat*.. TJ Depot; RJwbarglu •
Wheeling* . J Cincinnati, Ueneral Depot' - . ’- 4
: N. „i,.mm—uuever tolls' •iaH-* ,
A -itr of Nini- YoTlt t *Tft:«ra prepatea K> «q»piy .
i>ros C j its acd ewctry Mereteuus with Dtig«» t faiafr .
1 H r t 0 .- ttve-«nfli, and American.- Pcrtowery* •
ft tf *'*»•»' Maudes'* Chemicals, toftheir Qwn
Si 1 -'*ol cnber articles intkcirliwofbwi* .
i “Lf of & Aperto vqaaliir** ®* tbeyaaa bcw;
r:*" <fii • ciittp f syu wogitfs^ 1 - 5
- cuiaaaor zxmHst.wKa.rrEX. ...., .
IS enter to oftoVd alt aonible eecariiy lo too pubbe,
(1 ; well ar to themselves, ngai net frmpl- anw tamo* •
Mtioit (r»m rnuntcrff iiing, tne proprietors
acb>mi;c »« liic’rxirrior .wrapper or table of tWr -Vet*
. I hd uev.* IntfCi, whieit i» a'suci rujrmvtng'hl
Uic u>u-a=i<|im!lo tlc~tgn aiid ororkmansliijA baa D^du.
introduced->tl-a very great iexpenM, an»r iifroOtutP
;txaut of dnadlsiorUie first Ment' Tie design it n*W,
and ibe excemioa elaborate.' flcvfcrat figures and A
1 ourtra'a are‘mnvt prominent, baiA&e Trent‘•VCTWJ*
1 rDBC,!* pristfeilln whit® - letters (ni a. red aod.fioyy *?*
I uravr.d'rfrtiumt, should l* particularly etmnn>j)d^r*
' When lield n.»to iho liglittueltincis, shading ot |ao
\ letters and every line, bnvvcvtr minute, throughotnto® •
I whole otolas l»tin„of the etigravutg match, as cxagUT
as ii the impression hud been, made* upon onosldopO’. •
ly, altoourU it-is sctually tifinted on bvth side* Of U* .
paper.. This should; hi all cases be ob«crv<d. -.
i>el'uponcachdoxan ia also red, ?P°?jT" -:
sides, and should l«i oxamiocil in thiraame mwiw*t_ _':
This preparation has rvow stood tho tert ot
years trial, and Is confidently
and effectual iu*iitoinc for expelling worms vggjS
system. ‘lbe uocxorajtled saecovatbal
Its administration \n«vciy^where UtPpwwi,.
really afflicw-d with worms, ceiutaly readers**
thy too attention orpbysictaiU. ; . to*
Tho proprietor has,wado it a point
ttaollof ns uce m suc> c*»ei *M:anie^ l £ OßD 4
iknawledfo andobtx-rvauon-and trt ‘ n
it to produce the most salutary ed««--t»^
If alter neorly all the. ordinary prepaf«i^ efßrt( y t t 0
mended for worms had been pptvtmtsjf
without any pcnoaueia .advantage. jaijjcds
l tested by the ccrtlbcaiei and MMU .
j of scipecublo per»caj la different till
try, and ahouUi ruduco.tonnlies »lw*T*,Tt
•tyio the m*»l dcJiuata infant. ■,
ys' 1
*. 20 ‘
1 ■ .
I .
il tB*WT«*S“S