3 I ESTABLISHED IN 178 b "■ l' t PVBUSHKD BY i C WHITE » CO. r' „; * | noni niuno, mu timr, kut Boot to L \ i '■ : , tsiKt: • f/.-. 80. to Clab*, at aredaeed me. £ 1; KATKS OF APVRUTIiISO it * AGREED UPON . 1 : Ry TIIS PITTSBURGH PBESk § One g<! tare, {lO line* of Nccjiarc LI or lei») C oim Insertion ••• • ••; ■•'***• * *’.‘ ‘ ‘ '*r2t 8 . Ooe square, each additional insertion* • • OjS • ; S i 80. .. eacwsek W» 2 • * 80. ;• two week*———*v V® ' 3 ; uo. tbteeweeki.—i» i 8 ~ Be- • -PM month* —— —— *•» 6,00 • H * 80. two months 7,M> , B Ik; : threo memos —■ 0,00 Mtani K Bo* . mar months ......10,00 - , & Bo; six months . IS, OO 5 a 80. twelvemonths**.* ••• IIM® • g Standing Card (S tines or le**o pet annum-10^0 « OneSqMLfetfhangbiMeaipleasnto (per an „• £1 <• nam) exclusive of the paper*-*** 24.00 pt Foretell additional aquare, inserted over one mama, • & ana for each additional square inserted under the year « ty rates, half price. —_ |2 AdvettUementa exceeding a square, and not over W fifteen lines, to be charged aa a iqoare and a half . E? Pabbshen not •eeoumablo for legal advertisements S beyond the amount charged for their publication. Announcing candid tteg for office, » be charged the FJ nmeaa other advertisements. *■ • fa . Advertisements aotuatked on the copy fora epeci r! fied number of wtilba continued till forbid, fu andpaymemexactadUaeonk : . E! The pnvltcgesofyearlyedvertlseruwUlbe confined £3 rigidly to thetr regular basinet*, and «U other adver . £l. tiaftneats notpenaining to their regular business, at - e 3' agreed for, to be paid extra. Vl-S - All advertisements for cbariiablemsUiations/fire §5 > campuUSrWanl,townshipandoibcrpub>ic meeting*; • S 3 - and aueh like, to bo chargedWipriee,payable strictly »: la advance. » IMarmge notice# to bo charged 60 cent*. Death no lieu inserted without charge, unleaa aecon* panted lnrilaUcn* or obituary notice*, and when so aeeoaptuedtobe paid for. : Regular advenisera and all other* lending comma* tucetion*, oi tec siring notice* designed to call attea* tiou to Fair*, Soirees, Concerts, or any public enter* lalnmenu' when charges are made ior. admittance—, all notieta of private associations—every notiee de* | eignedto call attention jo private enierpii*es 'ealenla*J ill • led or ihiesdcd to promote individual interest, can on- fo® Jy be inserted with the andentanding that the same ia to be paid for. Iflmended to-be inserted In the toea • MJ colaan,the. tame will be charged at the ruteofnotleaa g than lbci A is per line. L j| Bishop. MFutNoticea lobe charged mpleprice. ,»5 TavernLicenuFetitiona,C3 each.. V] Legal and Mcdiul adveniacmenta to be charged at £ fall priee*. |* e| Beal Estate Agents and Auctioneeri 5 Advertisements i rj net to be classed tinder yearlv rates, but lo bo allowed £3 . • discount el thirty three undone third per cent, (zom the - u aaoubtefbUls. wmu oa T».wzxu.T ra nso-T nnn. i One IHinaie, three ißsenieni*—«*‘«**’*9l^> » Do. each addltiosaiinsen»u***« 3? *5 JLUvnmzacm is wxmmra. H OceSqtiKre,iiOilnes,)ooelnseruo&<"'£Oeu. !Do. each additional insertion. -VS. “• All tnnsic&t adveftißacms to be paid invulvance. WHITE A CO- Gazette. L. IIAREEB, Post, Journal. JAMES F. BABB A CO., Chronicle. FUSTbB A BAOTHEK, Dispaeh. ibi h * JUS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. - & JAMES VV. BIDDLE, American ‘■9 Pnrsuuaou, Dec. L>btt. ' I BPSUiESS CASUS. ‘ I AbBZiaDSB B. WATSOH, 9 a TrORMEY- AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street. {> above Smithheld—Lowrie'a Building*—up stairs. i janHr-.-.-... _ - A LEXAMifeJt FttANBUN, Auorney ax Law, , - novKbly daViuc. tCxtle, a TTOBNKV AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER •A FOR PENNSVLVANIA. fit. Lori*. Mo. All eommunicauana promptly answvrwL oei23~ly . . a ■ A BMSfIttONO A CROZER, Commission Merchant! -■ E A aodlßculcn mProduce, No. tS Market street* fi Puubuntlw • de«B * _ D A.TTORhIRY aud Coaascllor at Law, mid Cotnmii- lb ~ A. stoier tor th<rState o( Fennsyivaa»,-Et. Itotus, noT (lats ol Fiuabiugh.) • Hmrxai^cc*.—Putabugh: lion, W. Forward, Uamp l * p ton A Miller, STCaMki. A MHSure, John E. t'arke, «> d.ijcila A Semple. M*Cord A King. uugU:dly _f t rrvtnaam. W '•»i BklßO* ITTBBETT, ,JI . fl A TTOHNKYS AND COb'NSELLOIIS AT LAW, ia . H A 1 Fourth asrect, between SmtXhfirld end Grant, :-;J nSsburgh, Pa. - iali Tf •;*•« raw ~ ~ vn*. c. vuixao. 5 ■-.- •a . LABOB «- FBUMV, > A TTOFNEYB AT LAW, Founnineet, near Grant. *. ,*s3 A. ••••-•- jalfiitf w . JA*Uil».'KJ£iSii, ’ A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on Fourth at,, be -I'.' jL aa. tweaa Smithfield and Gram at, PiUsburgh. ..I ; • apOffidly : —* -*, v ‘ vx. uulkt-* - jooa a. comxavs. * *,* w s. wooswaao.***—»—nanra asasLxr. * BAGALEY. WOODWARD A Oo„ Wholesale Gio ecru, No. *2l Market street, Philadelphia. noysiT pltufaurgh MkaU Work*. Bennett, berry a co, Ma numeturers of Fod > /t.V Hc«etong Powders, Mu riatie andSulplwite . Acids. Warehouse No. — Water street, below Ferry. • faxsxm n uaseu, stouou utru. w* nBAUM A RETvER, Wholesale sod Retail Drag* v of Liberty and St Clair meets, Pitts ;'i;n bargi,Pa • . J ’ p a, A Co, Wholesale and Re- » f»« tail Dnur gists.comer Wooi andflth sts- Jyl_ ;• .1 NaYLLR, APotnev at Law, *rhiid *t, . } lit doer above Stuiinbeld. novlo^ha 2 orarpAWßiDds. r-d ; ,', ; • NO. tM SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, /CONTINUES to Eive hit particular attention to the i ('/treatment of Diseases oi the SKIN, SCRQPUI.A, 1 Jf and Diseases of the THKOAT. . wu. Office hours; 9 1 P. hL, and 7 P.M. ocxAdaro* • tOBM A. casts. - A BRINNER, Forwarding and Connuuoo Q Merehmnm. No.»Market »U Pituburgh. »pu . ’:•« A A. MeANULTY A Co., Forwarding and Com V: r i M im Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh's Staal Aad lvo* i ;‘: ?3 rtOLEMAN,’ MAILMAN A Co, mannfaemrara af| ■••jia v t Coaeuand Kliptie Springs, Uammered Axles, L*T3 - Spring and Plough Steel, irou; Ae. Warehouse on r; *1 Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. _ „ S* Also, dealers ini Coach Trimmings and .Malieabli ■:il\ _J? cU: * ox. a. xsouis, uxn i. i> ENGLISH & BENNETT, (lata Eoßltaih Gail«her u Co.i Wholesale Grocers, Ceauussiou and tor wmnßiur Merchant*. and dealer* in Produce and T*u*- fcmrfvSana/acDire*, No. 37 Wood between ed and 3d (tree u. I « j. UU4UV, Attorney and Cetxnctllor at Law, Pj. Cincinnati,Okie. Collection* in'tsomheruOmo, iwUaaa. and in Kenincky, promptly and eare* fattr attended to. Comminioner lor the State of rena* aylTania, tor Deposition*, acknowledgment*, to—Hon. Win. Hell t Son, Curm, Church » dro titer*, Wp. Hay*, Km-, >S tllock A Davt*. J.C. BraylOgla* A. H.Clarke. OLABSE, FIRWAHDINO AND COMMISSION MEB.CU* XHTA, and dealer* la Window Ola**, Wkito No. Kto Second _«i - eSBKSWWra *«x, j^vSK.. It aad Hop Dealer*. FiU »t, PiU»barglt. gP.55- GSffigiSgSRiSSwSSeiSS HOBS league factory. -rr*IS«LTON BTBWABT, mtnttfacuirer of lUory : —' *-rp¥) Woolcrj, liberty, oppotim ah »*• fltl7 _ p«»u>. Dalomo>6> «. I. KOUIOE, CWiM Olio, l phUul.. Jd.eluu.u,UNoni Wuer ; M,»l« North Whirry TTARDy/’joNES fc Co., t*BoC*»Mr» H Jone* * Co.) Conua»“° n F ? r T? r^ n rn£u! Suu, dealer*, to Piiubnrjti Mmur*£rarcd (*o«iJ, Ba*Sr*l»,P«.* . »«k^_ — *rr~' —: : —moTXCBS* lUaVE nnodnie4 L B. MeVAY wilh me lu tbo muLum. Wn. 11. WUIUm* WH, H. VILLI&HS * CO. f BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Eon eoroer of Wood and Third otrceu, -}.«» rnmcwa. iiuu Dicin. -- - . fSAIAII DICKEY b Co* Wfcoiuala Grocew, Oom -1 Minion Merchant*, and dealer* in Prod act, Nom»*o Water, and IW Front itrcett, Pimbcrgh. noT -— JNQ.A.CAUGUEY, Agent for tfco Lake Erie and 'Michigan Una 10 Bemfer.aid ibe Lake*. —Office on the cornet of Water and SiaUhficM at*. '• Jan^_ John 8. LWwonh-—-—JoaephlKl Wonb Ja DILWORTUkCO., Wholcaala Grocer*, and • Agent* for ilaxard Powder Co., No. V 7 Wood »U, JOB9I.2XX.W6STH. ' lOCXTB KU.WOKTB. JB. DIIAVOBTH fc Co, Wholetile Grocers, Pro* Oneo aad Commission Merchants, and Agents (or lfc« lUard Powder Co. of N. Y-, No. X 7 Wood st, Pitttfcaffh. spifi JUiOTM* TOWNttKND, Dnmui u<l ApcUicfary No, 4S Market at* three door* ftlxrre Third H. Put*" h-rfh.will hate Conitaatly onhand a well aclcctcd mJ Mf mest of the best and freihest Uedicine*. which ba will ifll ob tho amt rcuooable icnai. Physician* ZZjut,w crier*, will.be praopUy attended to, and up. Hi Erf with arueles they may rely noon u genuine. *frr phyiiclan* Preterieuona will be accurately and P“tPateriali,atanyUarof i«f 1 * »'- ock of fraah'tnd food PerfaJ m -|. . . lei 3 • biHTIN BEWEIjU Counsellor at Law.—of- T on Foanh sU, al>o»o Snuthficld. oo«My (late of Warren, Ohio,) Ccmmis- and Forwarding Merchantand wholesale m .ur in Western Eeiorr« Cheese, Batter. Pot-and IfSOkMA' Western Prodaco t««raliy, Water f' U between gnjitfefteld and Wood, Pittsburgh. apj ‘Smm'WATT.'TracM* 1 ’ 01 10 AOebbart,) Wholesale Grocer and ComHussKWi Merchant, al p*^ ueo and Pittsburgh Maaafaettres, cor ■ SaTTfiiiSiiiwNi * “ TA**S_ aCo. Coountaaion Merchants, ■ kjiSsS-V*? Refiner,! .'SfiSfiKerrafi** ftoijnuo.u.puul'.'li -1 ’.'r -T=gmioSSHXti3rtc37''l'' k “ l " -, rl -J) ? ;«£»* we« 4 kimi, PmMll^l ... . I i ’ ••' luVirfiAH ifj ASJ .'. THE PITTS IHIMII MU! ®UETTI. JOUN D KOBOAN r Wbo!e«»l«DTMgt*^mdJe*J; er in Dyoßtud*, Pafnu, OiU, Varmibes, tc., No.«J Wood (tieet, one door ttouUs of Diamond Alley, Putt* *>tryh. . J»al TAMES*kKItfL itt k Co* (iaccc**or lo Joieph~G. V D>Ti«,>Bhif> Uuodl<sr».3fl Waier ttfcol. oc3l JOiiN' !>.' DAVIS, AacuoMeTreomcrAth tad \Vosi ttrreu, PimbßTKt. -. ; oct3 JOHN It AIELLOS, Wholesale ami Retail dealer in Alaaic ajadAtuieal Iminuaeuu; School iiooi*. Paper, Slate*, Steel Pena, UaiUs, Pnnwr»’ Caidi. apj suiuonary generally t No. til wood it, Pitubargh. . aeptt ' J~ OILNSTU.N*. end Paper Alanalactarera, No. 44 Market at, Pin*. batgh. jrC Plotc. • jlaauaj Etqip. J& R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commix Urn • ' Merchants, and Dealers in Produce, Bound *3mrnli UnUdiogs, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. mya JANI3 UAliZKlili, WhoZcMle iirocer, Ccmiuiuoß hletehani,nnd dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh "«gc the tares. No.** Water n, Pittsburgh. jaalO J' D. SWKITIEE, Jkixonty at Ltw, efice 34 *l, « oppotite St. Charlea Hovel, Pittabaixfc, anil also uun«i promptly to Collection*, in WaaJunjiaii, fr'ayetta and Green toasties. Pa. i REFEB TU Elackitocl, BeU&Ge., ) - Cbßrch It Caretben, iPihsbiTYb. l>. T.'Morcan,- ) IT I KB & JONES, Forward mg and GomaisMOn Met* JQI chant*, Dealer* in Produce and PUUbanSh nana* fkctnrrd aniclra,Canal lUain, itearTtbst. *l2l J'KuBBI BiLL,* iPITIaBUUtiii, PA* " KENNEDY, CIUUS A COh Mauafactann of r •spetlor H Sheeting*, Carpet Chain. C**>y a wine and Batting. jaJU-lyUnn Veinvtu iraa Werlu< tEWIS, DALZELL A Co.,uaaafaenren of all si* u(. Bar, Sheet, Boiler iron and Nail* of the heat 4»*lii£. : Warcheue.M water andlttfront»t I , 8 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, forward* Uo in* and-Conunu»ioa Merchant, Dealer in Pmr bonli Manolaetnrea and Frodnee.Not, 31 Water *t-» awfdd Front n. , i J-p wn. aitttn, ThHaSiL e. w. tic* man, P»ualmr*h.' MILLER* RICKETSON. WholesaleUrOeerfcand importer* of Brandies, Wine* and (‘egor*, No*. 17* and 171, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitu burgh, Pa Iren, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac. Ac. eon* atantly oo band. • 4 aojrlt letuureui. j*». n. wcoi. . V4xm.c. *ot> MtGILLS It ROE, Wholesato Grocer* atid Coauai*- »ioo JJcrehaau, No. 1M LiOeny *L,PiiUfaaTßi». Murphy, widson * co,(i«te Joae*, Marphy * Co.) Wholesale Deaim iu Dry Ooods, No. <ti Wood attest, Pittsburgh- covCS MATTHEW WiDSON.PoruailanaMjmatarelW. • icr. Rooms, corner of J*oai Otbco Alley uul Fourtkalreei, entrance on 4tk near Market. dcctMUf.- FrrteuußGit.steed ' r works and spring AND *tt.B FACTORY oast roam, ion t. tnu. jom * auiGo, Manufacturers of spang and burner steel, plough steel, steel plough snogs, coach and clip, no springs, hammered Iron axles, and dealers in mai Jeable castings, fire engine lamps, and coachtrunsuon generally,eoroer of Rocs ami Frout m, Piusbareh, Pa. feb» N HOLMES * SON, No. 44 Market cl, trctmd • d oorfrora corner o i Foanfc. dealers is Foreign andltomeatie UilUofExehange, l>m£caie»ofDepo»» it, Batik Notes and Specie. IP'Conetiion* xaad on all ibo principal cities irouchout tlie Unite*! Stale*. • . dcclT NUUCKAIAtfTKR, Alsuuuh—Office. Fsanh tu, • third door atavo SraithficlJ, south tide. Conveyancing ofatl kinds done with the greatest care and legal aeenruey. * Titles te Real Estate examined, Ac. PROP. HKSHY UOHUOOK, PLNN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, haj renamed bia praCeuionsl dutiea, riving tnvUnc* Uon* ou lira Piano, Coitmr, and-in Vocal Untie. nugl4;dtf to Fourth IS)|| il, near Wood—AU quantities of Green ani. Clack Teas, done up in qnaner, half, ani; one pound package*, ranging from SO cu. "per pound tIJO. jyd A. JMTfia, Agt. tor Pekin TcaCo. No. 1W Idbertj'ttreet. Wholesale Grocer*, Produce and Conuniuion Mercbaiil*,-and dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures. }T? sovt. aostsoa. thoi. littll **kl. a. aosiaon. SOiIKKT Recafpng . j>mUlcr, dealer la Produce, Pituburgh.Manutec> and all kinda of Foreign and Comeitio Wine* ■nilliqoon, No.ll liberty street. On bind a ver. Inree stock of superior old Monoogibela whiskey, x-lncJi.will be sold low for easb. aplStly u «1. S*TsotD*, 1. U tittt. IIKYNOLDSA.BHEE, Forwarding and Conumtuon- LV -Merchants, for the Allerbeay Bitot Trado, deal in in Groceries Produce, Fitlalimrgh Manufacture* uid chloride of Lime. . The highest priees, in cub,Mid at all time* rer coon rjrraz*. Corner of Venn and 1 nria »x taiua |>C»BKRT DALZELL k Co., Wboleaalo Grocer*, £i, Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, dealer* in Piodaee and Pittsburgh Manufactures liberty »t* Pituburth, Pa. • ***** RUirr. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Produce anil Pitubor*K Mannfaeturea • '44 liberty at. >TI- B- c. tuxaucn, *- w * ntm -. SHACKLE!? A WHITE, WholevUo Dealer* In Foreign and Oocbcjuo Dry Good*. No. 99 Wood it nu*oun?h. feM9xr_ /J' 4; w HARBADGHp’VVobI MercScnU, Deier* O, in Floor mad Produce generally, aud Forwortme CotnmlMion Hcitbuu, 'Nt.43 W*ttr iL, Pilti. j>arr h. __ _ 1. tiiints; rrmacuGiL j«u» wcaojo, maotloot. SELLERS .A NICOLS, Produceand CcncralCcm- mission Merchant*, No. 17 Liberty *t-, Piu»burgn- Mm, Linacedond Lord Oil*. : p VON UONNIIOKST, t Co., Wholesale liro , cer*. Forwarding and Ccmmi**ion Merchant*, Dea'Rn in Pitubureh Manofactnreaand western Pro 4ttd-, ha»e remoTed to their new warehoa*e,told stand) No. comer of Front »t. and Chancery Lana. o»7 * XsaEWßßST,'WhotMale Grocer* end Ccmal*- uoa Merchant*, and dcaleri in Produce. No. 35 w«d *L»Piu»burjb. _J •joiut a com aarx. n■. hiimiihi--- -—— -- -- —. W. II mAtrUtxaUXt. WftL BJ.UALEY to. CO., Whole«*le Orocw, 19 vul fflWood iireet PrtUbargh. ntrrZl ‘ 'V. ft S< BITCBELTBEE. IX WHOLESALE GROCERS, RKdIFYINO DIS YY TILLERS, and WINE tad LJQUOR MERCH ANTS. Alto-lmponenof Soda A»h »ndßjeacMog Ponder, No. 1 80 liberty *t-, (oppowte Siith •L,)PitU bprsh. * eCD ions D. wic*. BiT n> l Tf A £ o }' , n WICK * M’CANDI<ES9, (saccewort u> L. *J. D. Wick,> Wholesale Grocer*, FoTwudunr »nd UmumlniAD Merchant, dealer* m Iron, totc*n Yam*, and Piuaburgh Manufacture* generally, ofWood and Water •trreU, Puttburgh. yk'r.. \y, none and MUi Fnnuab- W • Ing eitabliibaenl, N 0.544 Liberty it, ne "Uie canal, ! ——■ W‘ Vi. WILSON, '.V.teK.Tlcw.lri.S.lve' W*/'* . and Military Good*, corner of Market and 4th KtMU, Pbubnrgh, k N. tt—Walcht. u.d Ctock. carefully repaired. 066 * _ WEST BO\VKN —Commisaioa ud ForwatdinJ MtrcbanvNo.W Front »t- between Wooden Hn'kel streets. __ _ .. . r ./l**- X»r —R^MURPUV / T\Vhales’ale and Reuil dealeru \Y . Foreign and bomestle Dry Good*, wnheu corner of Martel and Fonrth_«t«. - ; rrM. YOUNG * Co.—Deaiar. Jo leather hide*, iei y 143 Liberty «u _ fcILM'CUTCIIEON, VV&plctule Oroc.™,if.- V V ,I<t» in Prodace. Iron, and Pitts burgh Manufacture. generally, 1W Liberty »UP«U»* burst. -2*Sl— WW WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry . Silver Ware, Military Good., Ae., No. «7 Mar set at? . ne " r7 — : ~ ATTOBSBY at law, . Butler, Tie . Wnr aim ktiend to collection. and all other bull* Bailer mod Ara.tn.ng W W. Wallace, do l James Marshall da fPiiuburgh. . dty Kay A Co-. Wood «t. ) - “ PKTTIQBEW * COh BOAT AGE NT S ' Omcs a*ov> M. Aiutx A Co, JmSSSm OCI3I . No. 48 Water rtrect. HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL* LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE, yoao atm THtafiom r»om*ro*«. a THIS eitablishment long and widely known a. being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, ha. recently undergone very eitrn dve alteration, and improvement.. An entire new wing ha. been added, containing hntneron. and airy sleeping hpartmenu, and exteiuive bathing room*. . TteLadie.’ department ba» al»o been completely teomnlxad and fined up In a mo ftdnlqne and beauu fal itrie. In fact the whole arrangement of the House ha* lien remodeled, with a .ingle eye on the part of the proprietor*, toward, the comfort and pleasure of their Gue.u,and which they confidently ewert will challenge comparison with any Hotel In the uninn. • Their table will nlway. be .applied with every »üb y.Bi.l end Injury which the market afford*, served up in a .nperioe atyle; while in the way of Wine., Ac, they will not be Mrpas*ed.- • . . ‘ In eonclußoa the proprietor* beg to **T, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their ■» T i.i»nu, ta render thi. Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friend, and ihepabuc generally. ? Tbeprieea for board have al*o been reduced to the Ordinary, «l,7spetday W aj pß Qf u, e lionMWillel way* U fonnd at the Car and SWtmUmt Unding*. which win convoy baggage to and from the Hotel, free afeharge. 2i y -’- .1. B. MeVay. lahabtihb houbb, Min < or rotrtiß iRD etairr arajai*, ni'iiincn. ” . t he subscriber re«peeuuily announce, lhai fm h. tu uo» opened U* new »"> •“«»«■»■ JEUfcrUi. »ocowuodMion_or llMelen., toeeden, tf," public pnerellr- ,T>“ *•»“ •»* f " m new. and no pain* Dr expense have bean ?ulS’’“ou««f lb. ww eunfortubl, .=d ■n^lbieriteMeSudnedlo iaent, tad ibure “t",,°fSAoSffiugu.l-n l p.lub,r. 1 g utm Drlek Work* for Bale. mHF. »abi«riber offer* for .ale, the STEAM BRICK I WORKS, above Lawreoceville, comprising a sLm SiS.« Bo*!*"’« Mould Machine, unable of manufacturing 30,000 Enwedi Brick, (out of dry cla>, a* taken from the bank,) per day; with three acre, of land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kiln* mid sheds, machine and clay .bedi, wheelbarrow., track*, ihovel*, .padet, every thing gemilute » row. menee operation* at an boar, ncuee. Fnce, Including, the patent right to aw Mid machine, S7,ooo—w»n» oi payment made euy, Without the land, K D ' particulars, addre** HENRY MERRITT, aagY7-dlf No lid Mof.ong.licla Hou«e-_ I BRUSSELS CARPETS.—W. MKlunoca offer, to > purthawn a Urge and handsome awortment or s nut approved pattern, of Bruisel* Carpet*] eheapet than ever be fore oflered in thia market, uaii and examine our stock before purebaring elsewhere, defi . . w M’C LIN TOOK, 74 Fourth .t ..no-. \ (■; , LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Bntml life I turnon'Company ba xa or hnm bsoccsp CspUal, «IBO»OpO. TAMES DVRNO A CO., Ajeni* »i PiUAbttrgb, Fa. *OJIXX> or Dlllt'lWH, AT TTWTOH, K*W IBUST. • Hot, Jr. ! C. i>otu. Pr«V nfttFUfa I O. A, .Pe»tJie«rf», V. P. | Hi *' "* ‘ KU Merria, Secretary. i, Trea**rer. •' >£m A. Weir i. .. ' Jonaihin Fl»*> REFEREES. I . . rSU-ASBLTHIA- Ifon. James Campbell. David li. White, i ittenmlerCosttalnM. ; W. J. P.White, t». M. KXW YOU. I Comptroller ofNew York, j George Wbod; . . 1 John F. Meekie. ' i' Dsvid Ppdley Field. ’* 1 Joseph Uozie. " ' \ , I KTtr lUJtr. Ifil lixtv.GoT. Hainea. | Ex-<Jti*. VTaoni. AV. L. Ceylon. V. 11' 8 *** WiMriek. M. C. O. D. Wall. Rr-IT.s ■sia. |Wm A. Newell, M. c. MEDICAL KXAMINLBS. A.BMney Doane.M.D M. U. 31 Warren it, N. Y. I ** Wo, ApK- Morten, M. D,, 11. B- !*«»• M- D ',. _ (fcorge M’Cook, M. D. "Allegheny city, Pa. PUubortb. Pe. | . , . The Agent* of thi* Company, *t Pituborfh. ere oath* orited to take «m firit elwa rf»KenlAi* eieroJue bM iftwinxf-fift pee ttnl from the wadi retra ot pro* mmiQ a* charged ny other Companies. • exevnx ; A man 30 year* of »«, inking a Policy oflmorenre for One Thomand DoUnre— •" To me far one year, pay* only 89,80- dn •fern** * “ Bio.to ■ aaneeHy. d«> : lifetime, ** u **• And in ih* itmr proportion for any ran up to ■SUM, wbirb it the extent taken on anyone life. Tfct* company commenced operation* on the J*iOci„ loi-, end nr monthly tm*im«a«p lojh? IrtOct., leW. •how* ■ progm* txrttding that oC KByother LUr Com pany on record. / The ftr*t dtndcnd of profile will be declared to Ihe e»*urei!on the lit Janaery, 1830. ’ (1 t*empbfet« containing the ration*• table* of rate*, end ail the neerenry infermaiion on the”important rabieri of Life Airaranre will be familhed on appli cation to JAMES DUUNO fc CO n Agent*. drl7 Ode on Botld-np*. nas IVIDBAHOK. rniIKTRKNTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE I*. 1 tfUKANCB COMPANY will tauePolieie* of earmre iciimi LomoaDiaAoaby Fi**,npoti Dwell. iap» Funniurr, ftiorc*, Ortod», Ac., ic., on appli* caiiento JAMES DURNOACO, Apnis. • del? .. " Odeon Bartoioic*. RKALTD IBSUOAXCB, at PltUbarcb. Tbe Spring of Philadelphia—Capital twfloo, INSURE* Mile* uni Female* the Kapron «ml Lni« ocrn»inned by Siekne* or Accu!em, hy mn immediate allowance of from *3 to per week, for ye«T». Hie method of «• decline. thi* In»ur*oee, and the manner of awarding the kick Allowance/will be fully explains! by the ApcnL A pmon can iniara agalnH' Sii*kae»i or Accident which will detain him from hir ordinary ba*in«a, a* follow*, »ix: Foi one year, by paying •*#», and receive 53 V wee*. FoMwo M .**.•; €jso> “ “ a For three u n_ "iW* “ “ 4 “ F« four “ “I 10 > ?JS » “ “ ._* 0 year*, the ion of BlM' v paid •9 per week while tick, formadon wilt be'afforded on ibe trncrally.llf l l£3 JDURS’u k CO, Ages!*, f i_ Bajldlnga.^ Or, lot > period of foq uo&alty, wilt worn I Every Decenary inf sahieet of Iftsarnnee t . JAI£ ! ur» ud H(idU) laiartaci.' mm; Umotl Life bird Health lararaaee Company 1 - i of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legulatore of Ponniylvaaia, March, 184 S. Charter perpetual. Capital. 6100,000. Rim Lowxa tuob out Psawrn- Vjjha Coxpivt, andifuli SO percent, lower than the urtal rale* or Life Insurance, aa the following com parison will show: Thus, a person of the ot 30 in auxin* for 6100 for lift, mast pay in lh« Girard €4Jd— Pemuyivanii, 633<y renn Mutual, BdJO; EquiioMr, 82,(vt New England,Ttajfc New York Lift. Al bion, t*t4B; Life and Health, Philadelphia, 61,01. Disxctois.-— Samuel D-Omck. Charles D. Hall, W. •F.Udooe, Robert P. Kin*. Charier P. Haver, M. W. Baldwin, 21. M. Ree+e, M. D-, Cliar. O. B. Campbell, Lewta Cooper, 1. Rodman Barker, K. IL Boiler, Wwtn R. Cope. D. Orrick; Vice Peru dept^—Robb P. Kin*; Secretary—Panel* Blackburn*, hnulirauona will be deceived, and every information "by - BAML- FAHNESTOCK, Ari, Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of •Wood and Third sfo. Pittsburgh ! IftSURARCK. SUOk FOOTKCTIOS PIBK ASD !JSc>* MAWNBINSUttANCKCOMrA* NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. MS?' sscoiMlxTO Ci 1525. • AimßasPremiam*, Capital Stock, and Surplns Fund, •I.OOOfOOO. i , , ■n»i» old and responsible Company continues 11 Is* nfrpoliciea on the most favorable term* on Dwelling Hoists, UotudtoldFuroiure, Store*, Slock* of Good*, Warehouse* and content*, Mill* and JSHXS?, 1 ®" 6 *’ jt.kc,, iniut LOSS OK DAMAGb BYFrRI- Alw, on Good*, Wire* and Merchandize, agonist ihe liaxard* of IslaWb TaanarbaTaTtoS, and opon the Cargoes of Sea Vestel*. . . . . The Protection liwßrnnce Company having, mine bit a year*, paid V*rt mluoiis o» mllub at their several agencies throughout the United Slate*and the Rritiah Provinces, have established a just reputation for.solvencyand fair dealing, whieh challenge* «*n pahsea with any other insurance company on the continent of America. The annexed extract from art. article on the aaWeet of Insurance Companies, taken IrOL! the -New York Day Book,” exhibit* briefly the standing and policy oftbe Company. ' ‘ “The'moneyed men’of the ancient and always pro** perou* city of Hanford, have for half a eentury been /afnuu* throughout the Union for the care, discretion, rigid honesty, and unvarying laccess, with which they have formed and managed corporation* of tin* de scription. No Hartford Bank or Insurance Company bas ever failed! These Companies have for more : Umn a whole generation scattered their risk* in near. I |y every State of the Union, and have never failed to x'ty the innumerable lowa which they have insured tt *AU*o««e* arising apoa policies issued by the ander sirned, will be promptly adjasted and paid at the Gen eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O. A large portion of the fund# of tho Company, (including all premiums redtrred at the Western ageoeies,) i* de posited with the General Ageat oi the Company *i iSuclanati, for the paymeut of Wwtent and Sjmthera losses. Apply to FAYETTE BROWN, A rent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. octfrddm _ IKSCRAIfCIC. rrilK DELAWABK MUTUAL SAFETY INHp 1 RANCE COMPANY.—Office, North Room of tbc Kxchusee, Third street, Philadelphia. Pa* ißuaancn— Building*, Merchandise and other property In towji andcotnrrar, insured against lo»« or damage by fire at the lowest rate ?f premium. . ailStOT Ibsssajics^—They also insure Vessels, tar* goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as the assured may desire. - IjtLairoTaattsroitxaTloti.—They aUo Insure mereban* dise transported by Wagwis, Railroad Car*, C-annl Boat* and Steam Boats, on river* and lakes, on too : most liberal term*. , ' „,' .._ „ . . ! DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Sender, John C Davis, Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Soma Cl Edwards, Geo G Letper, Edward Darlington. Isaac R Davis, William FolweU, John Newtin, Dr R M Mu*- ion, June* C Hand, TbeophUu* Paaldiug, H Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Sernll, Bpcneer Mellvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johusen, \S il liam Hay, Dr BThomas, John Sellers, Wm. Byre, Jr. : • DIRECTORS AT PITTSBUBGU-D. T. Morgan , J MARTIN p[eliJ „ L j Ricsaas 8. N'xwxold, Secretary. ; ; |u* Office of the Company, No. ** '£*“* ’ .Fiusburgb. jnlfiallf P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. FIELK AHD UAEUKE IJIBUBAKCE. . n’ctTTcaaoji* The INSURANCE CO. ol North America w»U make permanent and limited Iruurance on pro perty In this City »nd vicinity, and «-n Bhipment» by Cans!, River*, Lathe*. and by Sea, Jh* tlii* Company are well Inverted, and fnrnuh an avail able fandfortho ample indemnity of all perion* who dertre to be protected by in»oranee. mylB * WM. P. JONES, Ajceat, 44 Water «t. niDKHZfITY* The FranJUia Ftn Insurance Co. of PhiLuUlpkui. T\IRECTOBB«-Ctaile» N ;Befleker,Thoma»Mart, Jj Tobias Wagner, Samuel OrMt, Jacob R. smith, Uco. W Richard*, Mordecai U. Lewti, Adolpho L. Bone, Davit] 8. Brown, Morns Iguenon. C&iiLXi N. Duituii President. Charles G. Bancker, Secretary. , Continue 10 make insurance, perpetual or United, oa ©very description of property in town or country, at rates as low as are consistent with secuni) . To Company have reserved a largo contingent I- 011 J, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest' cd, afford ample protection to the assured. »'»«& S£SS Steen £ Cash.** 3. fipa«,4B2 7_J Since their incorporation, a nwriod of l® \ ,he * hava paid upwards of one roilfion four hundred thou* sasrsiaj^a*a£srt"S^Asjji^ aiarl-diy __ Office N K corner \Vood and Jd *U made known to applicants at h oKtt ’ co oilKAN. street. sptl .... aaelphia.- Fire Bisks upo »*„j no ß |U»ks upon hulls or of every description, and M«'" e “ roos favQr *ble cargoes of vessels, taken upon u*c ln tf» W«ta.» WII Hntae. S N5T37 Wnttf, nrrnr M ", k .t|. Srapiny lishmentof the Agency cla i m opo „ them n«f -nJ litemlnr . w J ‘,' h „^ U, ,«!ly *«■“■ <l» «"»> ‘I operation of its charter » j ifetre of the yielding to each person !"«£> ju , o |ving GET in any profits of the company,w .t IM --f o r e ** possessing responsibility whatever, a Q f every obnoxious fea* ihoMutnal principle d«T«rd of every ou. u* .tfre, and in «U attractive form. 'hats. CAPS ANDJONNETS. PARTICULAR woasMAflSitr, of the UiUt rfruta, anu ”££lll7 Morch.nu, porcbulnt 1-7 PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING*. JANUARY 25, 1850. \ Dleaolutlen af Partnuihtp. T>Y MUTUAL CONSENT this day. the firm hereto* IJTore existing under the style *>( DCSMFIKI.D A LEADER, haabeen dissolved by Henry Leader tell* »ng hi* entire intereet in Aid firm to Johq McGill All bniiteM connected with the firm of Baaufield fc Lend* or will bo settled by S. B. Basbfield A Co 7 who ere dsly amborised to mike oil collections ana adiart all claims. DUBHFIELD A LEADER. Pinabnrgh,Oel.S7, 180. N. B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will contiaoe the rhateaak and retail Dry GoodsandGroceryboaineta, t the eld store room. Na 230 Libsrty st, where they nil be pleased to have their friends and customers all and examine their stock of goods. octal B. B. BUBFIFIELD ACO. : ' till!■!■«<!■» Tnn partnership of the node riijned, snder the firm 1 or Bagalry A Smith, was dissolved by Mutual eoaccnt on Oth Septemberi W. lUgnleyrmre basing the interest QfJ.&.IUBUh, who retires. The business of the firm will be settled by their successors, Wm. Uanley A Co- at Nos. IB and 80 Wood st. WILLIAM BAG ALEV, ruubuib, on e, *u. Isaac h. smith. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Wm. B**mle7 htTlaf **»o with him Wo. it. Woodward of Philadelphia, John S Cotfravß aad.Ralph Daffatey~of Pitubareh, will rnnbnoe the Wholesale Grocery Baainna, a» Noi. 1* .mJ 50 Wood st, nader thefira of WM.DAOAUKY*CO,PitUbor*h} »ud UAUALEY, WOODWARD k CO, FhilwTa. UCIU •. 'Dl»r —woranip DiNolntln «f 00-Portmonbtp. fpi!K eo-p*rtner*bip heretofore exitainp benreeo the 1 robocnbers. under the etyle of Brown A Colbert •*n, wti diuolred on the lit iasL by nntnnl.ooneent M. B. BROWN, A. CULBERTSON. Pitubanh, Ocl.fi, 1649. Tbc sabseriber will eoniittno the Wholesale Cr«>et* rr and Cofiuaitston Basinets, as heretofore. aufaqold mud, m Liberty si. oetS A. CULBERTSON. •OAIFB * ATKIBSOSt F*« *n, mms Wood ato Msxzct, Y'WNTiNUF.tomtnafeetaraali kinds of COPFER, V> US AND SUEET IRON WARE. Also, Black snub \york. Steals Boats bailt to order. Special attention riven to steam boat work. Ifsva'on hands a fine assortment of Popper w Brass KetiksiTin Ware, Ac. Ac. Steamboat Cocking Store*, Portabi* Forres,anions sixes—a aery cotnrenientar ucle fo< steamltoata, California emigrant*, or ml road , e *\% - wooid respecifnlly Inane steam .boa* men and others to call and see cnr articles and prices before psrrhuinc sltewhCro. _**:*!_ 'miaolatton of Psrtairwuja - rIK- copartner*hip of HENRY HANNEN A CO.» formerly Hannen. Muller A Co., In the a d Colored Gist* business, is tbisdsy dlssolaed by ibe withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Mailer. , The besinrss will be continued by the. andertirnen, astder the firm of HENRY HANNEN ACO. Ware- Louse No-IW Second st, where we wilt Sar-etrsUf .. PP U.. uNN HENRY HANNEN. HUGH ROBERTSON,. PittAcrth. Aar.r.HP. HENRY UMSTEAP _ . rIB BadeT*l#ned S*«us* drjr BMocUled wllb Aea inbtwlnetf JACOB U 80 UWARTZ,*nd wtf>eoo “”* l “ i “" “ TfSunestockVco. Jyia Julyf,ism. ; aoTicK. rpHK partnership heretofore elirta# voder me firm 1 of A. AC. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease ofMrj C. Bradley. TTio business will te carried on by A. Bradley, who' will settle tho business of the late liT REMOVAJ*—A- Bunurr haa removed hiaFoandry Warthoaae from No. Ilf Second street, to No., 19 Wood street, between First end Second streets to to. warehouse lately occupied by O. A. Beny, where he will keen constantly on bond a genera) assortment; oi„ Castings. Orates, Stores, Cooking Btovca, Ac. Jyi3 'iMuolwUom* >' rrtilE co-pannership beretoforeexlMing between the X lobicnbert, in tae name of Conetaotor Borke A Co., U this day dissolved by mutual consent. Heesia Burke & Barnes will uettlp the baainesa of the con cent; for which purpose they are aaihoriwd to vse the namt of the concent. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE * EDMUND BUHKE. THOMAS BA&NK& The underalgned havetMa day associated themsslrei lathe nano or BURKE & BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Tire Proof Safe*. Vault Door*, fte. Ac., 1 at tho stand of the late firm or Constable, Burke A"_Co-, where they will be pleased to receire the pa tronage ofthe customer* ofthat bouse and fiends. THOMAS BABN^fi. in retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co., Iwiih sincere pieanue recommend Messrs. Burke A Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public. Feb. 0,1549. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. .fchliWtf f6rwari>ing & commission. *. i. steam. ruoa. i ioi. STUART A BlLL,tirocers, and Produce and Cora mUsion Merchants, No. Us Wood si. Pittsburgh. Dealers la Groceries, Flour, Wheat, Rye,Oat*, Loin, Barley, Pork, lUeon, BuUer, Lard, Cheese; Clover, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nalls, Glass, Ac. Ae. Ae. Particular attention psid to the solo of Western Produce. . , _ , HmsKScu*—Messrs. Myers A Hunter, Kobt. DuL tell A Co., MKJllls A Roe.' Hampton, Bmtth A Co , Janies May, King AMotibeid, Pittsburgh. rennrr A M’Millan, Masnflon.' 'Jos. 8. Morrison, Esq., 8t- Loois. spC»:ly jenis a. caato, late of N. LisboihO. w. a simrrsa CRAIO ABKIISEUt n KNF.RAL AGENCY, Cemmlstioa and Forward- IjT in* Merchants, No. *1 Market »U, Pittsburgh, Pa. 40*Prompi attention given to the purchase and sale of all kinds of Produce. -Reran To—John Watt A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Mtisburgh, Pa.; Lawson A Hill, Mahlon Marun, Wcllsuille, John H. Brown A Co., Grigg, Klliott A Co.. Phslaiiclpua; B. W. Snodgreas A Co., GreggA Noce, New Ijsbon, O.; Fr. Skinner, Hon. L. D. Coffin, Oincnmoii; J. P. Keller, Youngttown, O.; W.L.titan 4nri, Cleveland, O. . ; *ufN GEOBGK COCHRAN. Comnltilon and Forwarding ■•rehaat 1 ao. SB wood rr., ramsaoß,. CONTINUES to transact a general Commission bust neM, especially in tie parchase and sale of Arnett* can Maaufaetarea and Prodace, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to hisxare. As Agent for the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied wtih the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and ccnsignmems' arr respectfully soucitcd. d»7 . Poatt llaehtMlbm, HWIGIITMAN— Mantfaetaxer ©fall kind* of cut* . too and woollen machinery. Allegheny dry, Pa. Thu above works being now la fall and succesOil op era Lion. 1 am prepared to cxetlte oifars with dispatch for aJliindt of machinery in ay Uns, taeh as willows, nickers, spreaders, cards, grinding mat tine., railwars, drawing frames, speeders, thiantls, looms, woolen cards,double oreingle.for merchantor country work, rauleZ Jacks, slide and handlaihesand tools in grn* eral All kiudtof shalUng made to order, or plans giv en r or tearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.' Karsa i»-KcnneUy. Childs A Co- Blackstock, Bell. A 00-. King. Pennock & Co., Ja*.'A. Cray. TOPBJBVBBS. JOHN n. M’CREAHY, Printing Ink Manafaeiarer, jio*. 331 and 333 Sun ton *uret, NEW \ ORK—l»e pot No. 3 SprnceTTTeet—'Woald call the attention of l’rimer* to *bl* ii iprured Printing Ink* of eanou* kind* and order*, it the following price*: Extra line Jet Ula k, for Card and Wood Cot* - • $2 TO and 3 00 per lb. Pine Book Ink • • •!5!! i u Boo* pk • * * ©4O “ 060 * 019 0!»“0«S “ I pine Red Ink - 7Se ITO 160 “ aTO - | Bloc, Yellow. Grt en and White 73c ITO 160 “ Gold »ixe at S 3 |*r lb, and Bronx® at 60,76 eta and Si per ox. A tpeeimen of New* Ink can be *een on tin* paper. Por *ale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. PitUborgh, Pa. C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton A Gri«woold, LooiaTillc, Ky JAHBB W. WOODWKLL, Eodern and Antique Fornilnrc 80, Thtsd Prmsgaaa. >Mn A large and iplendid utonmeni of Furniture, WWBHaUWt -H- ™.i««Mw/far Sleamboau, OBBi Hotel* and privato dwel lings, eonstsntlyion hand and made to order. The present stock on hand eannot be exceeded by an? manufactory In the western country. Fen»n* wishing to purensae would do well to pro me a call, as I am determined my price* ahaUpleaeo. Part of the nock consist* lo — , Tete a Tele; Buffet Etaqetes Led* XIV Chair*; Queen Eluabeth chair*; Tea I’oyte; Fruit Table*; Toilet Table*; i Loui* XV Cmnmoder; French Mahogany Bed*tead»; Plano Btool*; CO *ofaa with rluih and Hair-cloth oarer*; 90 Mahogany Rooking Chairs; 40doz Parior do 30 u Fancy do 25 centre Table*; SO pair Divhas; 4 pair pier Tables; Ift marble top Brewing Bureau*; 8 Wardrobe*; 8 Seeretarie* and Book c*»r«; SO marble top Wash. Stand*; 4 pair Ottoman*; 8 pair fancy Work Stands; A very largo assortment of common chair* and otne furniture too nunierou* to mention. (p*'Steam Bows furnished on the »hone*t none* «n«i nn the most reasonable term*. dcrlft ffllUirVftr Ilydrimt Water* am 1 THIS is to eenify that I hayr apj W pointed Llyingston, Hoggen ft._co# Agent* for the *ale of Jenning 1 * Patent Oiaprahgm Filter, for the cl| ~Vy tie* ofPituburfC and Allegheny. _ ■ H JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Waller M Gibson, 349 Broadway I N. Vi A OcL 10,1848. We hate oeen using one of the abate article* at tba office of the Novelty work* for three month*, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention, mid we take pleasure In recommending them as a uaej fat aitiele to all who lovo pure water. Orderswtll be “Sl' L. d V?NO#K * » , H Which renders turbid water pure by , removing all substances notaolublo in j3BEBh water. The croton water In N. York. JyftSmflW although dear and pure to the eye, yet CftT*9[/]r**when it passes an hoar through this VOarSff cuering oock, ahows a largo deposit \ypr impure substances, worms, 4e. Thur u i.nTwt«S3i With the inconvenionco Incident to othar t'uterers.aa uuc turning the key orfaandl* Ute water pipe, by oen»r _ l g» < eur p reeettl the $ ESffiHft nri b «l£fwE!* toe FUter. It also potsetacslha 0f A * enl * eomet of Fourth and Market au N- —kw uniRiNH and Coco* Shell*.—«i qr'boXM b rM.h K ß^tinx't ba*« Coco* ftbclUrcc'd and iai «ic KSto*sX», VOFporlh .m«. 4«clS miscellaneous iifiookP , pse tbo*' ifitree* W. t J. omil Book Batm \lf K*re(till inpndm the tbooebuilncu,corner W'« < Wood ftodroitd otreeto, Piluborgk, wktr« we are prepared to do any Work In ©nr tin© witn «*»• poica. >Ve atlead to ©nr work personally, and •*d** faction will be given In regard to in neatnftM ©“ au* rabllity. . . Blank Hooka ruled to any pattern and boana •#> nainiaUy, Bookainnambeneroidbookabovndcan* fullyorrepalred. Name* put on hooka.in gilt letter*. Thoao tbpt have work in oarttine are Invited to call. Pricealow.. . , ]. j - mygfctf "Seiltit CooklacKsvm, OrftUii • i*tabhh.ai.t. | WAT.~AnKA.cO-j Bo and Church, . WL comet Liberty and Wosd street*, manufacture and offer foi sale Pisiform,; Floor and Counter 9e*l**j oflhemoatlmprovedquality; Cooking Siotc*, tor wood and coal; Egg Stove* oflVariona aizes, Parlor and common Grama, Hollow Wort, .fcp. ke. They also manufacture the Kile ben Haage, which ha* giren inen general satisfaction to thoaewtavln* It In ok, to all of which they would re*peetfully invite the aitenuon ot th'e citizesa and the publle generally. oe«7-dU MANUFACTUKED TOBACCO—The rabicribo' would call the anon lion j6f the city trade and :ra generally, to the folforing brand* Tobacco*, in atom and to arrive, whieMelnr eonalgimenu 01- reel from manufacturer*, hete cnabled to aail oi eaat* ern price*: . r 139 1 bza B W CrenaMaW 4s, 70 I' “ James Marfiaqp' da; ©g i ** Lamented V + sa; 33 i “ Mirubemr fc, ' ‘ da; S 3 | u Putnam da and la, 14 | « Roberta fc Bagoa 4a; 81“ Oscar Bortif ,< 4*; 9| u JofaJukUfwa la; 3 1 “ Warwick, ißftr la; (81 « Henry k Jamn da. la and 8k . fcbfl - t [ L B WATERMAN.. 'pittßuhlaa Vtflu and Foundry. JOHN WRIGHTk Co., an* prepared lo bnlid Colton and Woolen Machinery epeverv description, aneb ea Carding Machines, Spinning Frame*, Speeder*. Drawing Frame*, Railway Head*, Warper*, Spooler*, Dre**tef Framea,Looma,Cattf Grteder*,ke. wrought i iron Shafting tamed; aliiixc4ofCa*tlron,Pullieiaud Uuicert ofthe latest elide and hand Lathes, amFtocl* of all kind*. Costings of every desenpuon furnished on short notice,* Pattern* made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Balling, kd Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and faney Cas ting* generally. Orden left at the Warehouse of J. Palmerfc Co., Liberty street, will hare prompt atten* Refer to Blnrkrt"**, Bell k Co-, J. K. Uoorcbead k to- O. E. Warner, John Irwin k Son*. Piiuburgh 5 G." C.fcJ.lL Warner, Steubenville. jan!9 rtKUsaTXiasov. HIW COiOH FACTOBTi auuohbot. ... , , MA. WHITE k CO- woald reapeetfiUly. Inform . the pabUe that they have erected a shop on Lscock, between Federal wd Sandusky atreei*. They are now making and are prepared to receive order* for •very description of vehicles, Coaches, Chenot**, Ba rouches, Baggies, Photons, ke., 4c., which from their long expericncetn the manufacture of the above work, alia the facilities they have, they feclconfidentthey am enabled to do work on the moat reasonable terms with these wanting articles In.their line. Paving panic alar attention to the selection of mate* rial*, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. >Ve therefore a*k the attenlion ofthe public to this nutter* N. B. Repairing done In the beat manner, andonriie most reasonable term*. _ PIABOSI * , THE subaoriber offers, for sale a large and *plendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac -4,0n Pianos, with and without Coleman’s celebrated JKoUan Attachment. The above instrument* unwar ranted to bo ecua! to any manufactured to ioi» coun try. and wtli be add lower than any brought from the Biil. F. BLUfdE, No 119 wood st, 2d door above put N. B.—City Scrip will bo taken at par for a few of be above aaaortaeitt. my*J *• I WAITBI'i TV AIL Y at tbo BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. I j nkw yqkk. bostonand new Orleans GENERAL AUIPICY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Yoon* MEN In wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable busine **, U ul u Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, iisr-keepers, Waiter*, Fannem, Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collector*, Overseers in all branches of business, Ac.. Wo lisw at all times * lane number of good situations on bend, whichp»y from a«ao,»iOW pci henna. Thole*• want otuuialiotuofany kind would do well to give u» a call, as we have agents la each of the above ci ties, whieh will enable oa to place every applicant in i a aoltable aitaatlon at tba shortest notice. \\ e have a larre acquaintance in all the above named clues, which we irisi will enable as to give entire satisfac tion to ail who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR A TAYhIAN, No. 59 Second si, ' between South and Gay. N. B Persons living in any part of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei iheroflhe above cities, will have their wanU imme distely attended to by addressing us a line.lpost-Dald) ai by so doing they will curtail both trouble and ex. acute, which they otherwi»e would incur by coming ?*■ ™ *■“ ’ No. 59 Second street, Baltimore, Md BENNETT * BROTHER, OPEKNS'VARn MANUFACTURERS, BlrmJ»B b * m tl* #ar p *> Warehouse, No. 137, Wood Mtrect, ritUburgh. wawNWlLLcoasiasuiy keepouhand ngood assort* «» War*) of our own manutacture, and dPraDerlorquality. Wholesale and country Mer- are jevpectfnUy invited to call and ex uniM ter themscl*«. a* « »« determined: to sell cheaper fJt«ohas«T*tb*fore been offered to the pah* for Ordersoent by Ball,accompanied by tbecoah or wiliijyr to. my 10 riioTHK LADIKS—Jaii received, a fall twotwen 1 of cold and fiitvcrThread, Coni and uiald; alio Posncles and Bullion, for embroidering and other or namentaJ work. Ai*o,gold onJ silver Tassels,Fringe and Lace. ... Jewelry of ihe latc»t fashions, in treat ranety. Watches of superior quality and beautiful patterns, and for *ie at Eastern pric« a W W WILSON, wagi • comer Market and Fourth «u ATBBSjBUBI BATHING ICTADLISU MENT— Open from OA.M.to 11 P. AL Stngli Hath S3crate,oro fori collar. Ladle* departmen otwn from t» to U A. M. and trom ii u> 3 P. M. The Refreshment Saloon* are unequalled m «yl attendance! Recherche Ice Cream*! T. M’PAI.L, Proprietor^ ” TQ£ AOIdOSKBTIdBr rvtHE aUentinn of the public i« respeeuuily called to 1 the following certiicnlea; , Mi. S. Kaxins—liarlng teeted a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer. I find ute retail prove* veer instrument correct; and recommend the u*e of it to thow going to California, a* the best method ter ob taining tiio real value of Gold. Resp. yours, • J. B. DUNLKvV, Cou Bsattr. Pittsburgh, March 9, !£*». Praanaou, March 7,16-19. Ma. Earns*—Pear Sir. Having examined the “4reo oieU~, n manufactured at your roams, I do not hesitate to commend it to the nee of tboee gentlemeu who arc , al/oat removing to California in eeareh of Gold. It give* a close approximation to the specific gravi ty of metal*, and wifi certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when hi* placer U yielding Gold. marU Your*, respT. £. R. hI’CLINTOCK. INDIA RU'riHKtt CLOTHING—Jim received ter the I California Expedition, a complete a**ortmetit of Gam EUtitte Clothing, at price* ranging from %Zfiu to fUJOfor aaltof coat, pant* and hat For sale at the India Rubber Depot, No S Wood *t „ \ J A H PHILLIPS ■ Honongabila Hvsry Stablo. II. PATTERSON ha* opened the large stable on Firm sx, running through to Second *l, between Wood and rimltbfiejil sta.,in the rear of the Monongahcta House. with an entirely'hew stock of Horses anti Carriages of ihp. licit auality and late»t *tyle». Hone* kept at live* ry in the best manner. _• JyVdt jr nTIBBVIUiIi FB9AL£ INSTITUTE ritUE Second Session of this Institution, ncder the . care of Mr. and Mrs. Gentoin, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of t-ebrus ry next. In the same buildings, No. fid Liberty street Arrangements base been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities egual t» any in the West, for obtaining a thoroagh English, Uassi eal. and Ornamental education. A full course of Phi* Usophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. Thedr nartments of Voeul and Instrumental Maaie, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under ibo care ofa competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to ment a continuation of the liberal patronage they base hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals JaAMltf _____ Pmasmaou, Sept. l», IM». MR. THOS. R. IIIBBERT:—Dear Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID we hate now been minx more than a sear, and ou looking over the entries made by It, we find the color a bright blue blacx. It is pleasant to write with, flows free, and does nol clog the pen like ibe ordinary inks in use. Wishing too the ready sain JU menu ta..ad, .n,, ,o». co For sale, together with Uibbert't Red Ink, and Ma* chine Copy Ink, by B. A- Fahnestock A Co p 11. P. Schwarts, Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer, T: K. Hibbert, Druggist and Chemist, comer of Liber ty and Smithneld its, Pittsburgh. oclßl wsrxsMsß riun. j<*bua HiJraa. ws. a. ua*t PfilißEßi HASH A * CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna 4 Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates ol'Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on deposits—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points Is the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameri can Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped on liberal terms. up*J GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! Patust Stcoaxs Jaucaut Ist. 164». Patenl etossievtr extension Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Book Casts, Writing Petit. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. Tnß TABLES far. surpassing every other in vention of the kind now extant. They can be ex tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they urc made to til sixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, ana large private families, form ing when closed a complete centre labia. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into u parlor or sttupg roam, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shut, (he-bedding is enclos ed. A great saving in room and rent All the bed steads when dosed form-a beautiful piece of furniture for u parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A Boat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting room*; and other offices; when opened a mostconvamcnt bed* stead, when closed a perieel Desk and Library alone is visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the ofthe whole is, they are warranted nol to get out or repair* liwill be for your interests to cull and examine the articles, at tho manufacturers store, No. 63 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above •"sas* U " T *” pr °;iaSw\%oDWELi. LOWELL FLETCHER, staimracrmua or iLCOUBL AND FOBS SPIRIT Corner Front and Vine streets, Cincinnati, O. ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pare Spirits, -Rawor, Rectified Wfiiksy, sriU be promjdy »l ontiad mat ioweavaarkei price. mehjrniy FAYRTTK PREHIVU BLAIRSTS, WHITE AND BRO\VN DOMESTIC PLANNERS WE are now reeplving from, the factory a large supply of these good*, which we are selling fowl er than aacb rood* can be bad elsewhere in uus etty. We we no acids ia bleaching, that Ware* the goods, our oble« being toprodueo goods not for show an IT, but for comfort and durability, *»l ■* *“V eetred the first premium over all other node Exhibit* ed at the law Allegheny Antealteral Fur. _ . , For akUrat the Bianlret Depot, No.« tod it the ware room* of the Fnyeue Manafae taring Co, N Bul?kSof oS 1 W«»* « »«>■ wiTiS 5 fis*rieaa : WMUA , ! • THE subscriber baa on hand, < rec 'i*^i*Jl P tEVfoj. '"EfE* t<»»d, .i, P °l ß cuefiop»£jBie«iibo*l BlwriKU, ribbon “A * verjrauperforartiele.!; • T--.’" u/' &S£®2&y«SS!SES; .«*•* periotmniele, j _ , ■«. asffisg maker, and will be told very low for ci*hOT*PP™™? notes. oct» tr . w^rjhA^sVopuodtßaik^. /*T - AttßUTinroT hiseommeneec»reeei»ou L/» large assortment of Woolen Omafofl».A£®. Hoods; Hqskin,'Berlin, buckskin uod woolen Gfovw, Thibet, doth,mowde Ida and blanket Bbawl*,,ca*h mere, worsted and woolen Hose; Pongee und/iiaen silk and satin Cravats and Scarfs; wwrpswo Fringes; Irish Uuen/IWtoCover»,CW* »»»«*» ,Laces, bleached hnd colored Muslins; Tabby Yclvcts, Patem Threads, Sewing BUk, Buttons, Gum SB *Pf®T derkfJHns,PereussionCant,.Almanacs, eommoow*. gold Jewelry, gold and suver Watches, Combs, poca et and table Cutlery, and many ofoer goods wh»b eountry and city Merchants are respectfully o examine. i' r 1 , *P“ V - V CAMUUiD. I J ■ Manufacture and wiu keep on htod Famiiy and Steam Boat Blonkcts, DomesUe FltonelSv blue, brown and drab Blanket Coating, -Satinets and Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern prices. Warehouse No U* Second tt, Pittsburgh, Pa- - Fnctory, New Pd .-.sptlay TI7TJ have Just received a large and complete atoek { of CLOCKS, Variety and Faney Goods, suite e for the fall trade, to wbieh, with erery.deseripuon , f Looking Glasses manufaetured at'our own swam power shop In this eitv, wo ask the atwntfoa of West ,Unh"'‘ ,ral iptSO ; corner Wood and Fourth its DRY GOODB. B ÜBP rf Y» WIlilOS * CO.» No. 49 Wood St, PmsaUlSß, ARB now receiviigiheir usual auppUeu of Gtmds for the Fall eeasoa, whiclriney will bo happy to dibit to their old eastamera, and as many new ones as may teelinebnedito present tbemselrea. Always taking great pains to lay In such goods as are adapted to the wants of the AYestem trade, which long experience enables them to do, they can say with much confidence, and without entering into* detail oftheir stock, that the Western retail merchant wiil find with them all foat his customers require. TV«e who have fonaed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eastern cities ior thelt «toek* of Dry Goons, would do well to call, t* a candid comparison of pri ces would in many case* result in the conviction that the expense of going further may be obviated by buy ing in^Pittsburgh. : , P a 3 SR&OKiKTT * WBITK, DRY GOODS «IOSBERB, 99 WOOD STREET, A RE now receiving a very large stock or fresh J k Goods, of recent purchase and unportalion,which ihey will sell to the trade at each prices as cannot tall to giro entire satisfaction. <• . City and Country Merchants are. Invited tocall%nd examine our «ock before purchasing elscwa*” •. myil i : ' ’ CastfroaßaUtax, milE sahsenbets I beg leave to inform the public that they have obtained from the East all the late and ashiouable designs for Iron Bailing, both for houses ana cemeteries. Person* wishing to procure hand some' pattern* will please call and examine, and Judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at theehqrt e<t notice, and in the best manner, at the comer of ■ Oyitsrsl Oyitsrsl , ; ThURKS A CO'S Daily Emewlii cowjegularlyd*. 15 livering Can and BbeU OYSTERS, which are of-, f, red to dealers and families at the lowest prices, quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar. hl ' olr ""* br ; J. 0. mmvELL, Aft'vur Also—At the following depots;—Reis A Berger, cox* nrr Bmithficld and Second tts; & Hearieton, Dtamond; TUorccr A Robhuen. oetlo _ —OKEESWOriDCIAKuitK “ Wii.i. remain open for visiters until the Ist Janua ry, 1&50. Oysters and other Refreshments suit ed to the season will be kept The Greenhouse, con ‘turning a largo eolleecon of rare. and ehMeo Plante, will be open to Visiters. Boqueu neatly pat up at *&ort nolieo throdghont .the season- An Icnves the Allegheny end of the 8t Clair Street Uridge, every but hour daring the day, running to the liarden; ana the ferry boat, Captain Walker, runs from the Point, landing a short dlAanee above IheGar dta. Parties wishing to spend the evening, will be nreommadated with a return Omnibus at 10 o’cLoe* P. M. Kepton Temperance principles,and etoradou uuday. ; *ptl3 ~ J. M’KAIN. *—*»<>*, ; SEBOUIi. Lwy-AVIRO D*2ULTESBEROSR “®^®"®"™®® , J i \>rwardlng and Conzmisuon Mer chant, hat removed to No. <?7 Front, between Wood and SmlUifield streets. ,0 * - i i"7"|Thave some”?UM PS, made oa an improved kV plan, so as nol.to ffeete in the coldest weather. ,-nons wanting such articles, are invited to call and :e tttem at i BCAJPE A ATKINSON’S, ri>-US i l«t. between Wood Market at* \ m y VIEW Will be publubed In as short * time KL as po«*it>le;:and.i can assure rit subscriber*, and the public generally, that it shall bo scraaio*— noth lu fidelity (f|deiail and beauty of exeeutlon-to fSEasr?'- ““‘““rwiiS'EnKa” Naw You, DeC. Sth, IS49.—{dell SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GIFT BOOBi &SD AJISUALBfor 18501 TIIK gem of THE SEASON, with sixteen elegant engravings; edited by N.'P. Willi*. The Sacred Annaal, a Gift tor all Beacons; by H. W The Floral Keepsake, forlStt;vrith torty si* beaati ! ful colored engraving; edited by J. Ke«e. Ueadeu of Memojy, an Ulammatrd Annaal for ISSO. I tienu of Beauty, or Literary Gift tor IBM; by b. I i’ercivaL _ The Opal, a Pare Gift for the Holy Days. Harvest Gleaning*,—a Holiday Book;—by M, A- of American Poetry; edited by B. W. The of Nature, or Poetical La&gatge of T!ns by Thooea Miller: „ „ „ e Fortet-Me-Not, lor ISSU; by Mr*. S. 8. Sallb.. it Mom Rose, « by Mrr. B.P. How»ra. io Snow Flake, a beioufolly illustrated, be Chaplet or Literary Oeaa, with colored enyra* 'i bn Home Offering, or Glimptea of Homo life; by HC. Embiry. ' 1 ' ' ’ lije Giftoi FnemUbip, n Token of RemetnDTnnce.- -The Hytcinltu or Affection** Gift, for 1850. The Gem, for lb»; edited by Ember Frnttk. Apple* of Gold m Picture* of SUyen by K. B- r al- Gem.or the Coquet far *1! Season*; with beautiftri embeuishmenu. t The Drawing Room Scrap Book, with seventy Ulus* of Women; by Mrs. JamescxU Tae Heroines of Shakspemre; with forty five engra* Tings, Iron drawings t»y eminent aniils. Bible* and Prayer Books, in every stylo of binding to auit tbe tasto 6f purchasers. _ For sate by I ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, No. 79 Wood street, betsreen Fourth dc2J , and Diamond alley. AHIO&LBI ABWALII LEAFLETS of Memory; Lady’a GiIU Gems of the Seasons; Gems of Beauty; HasselaK Gift o( Friendship;Floral Keepsake; ; Romance of Nature; Hyaelnch ChUd’s Keepsake; Christmas Blossoms; Gift Leaves of Am. roots; Golden Giftj Friendship’* Offering; Poet’s Offering; Reade'B Female Poets of America; The Brilliant; Proverbial Philosophy, ill.; Eaercd Annuals; Harvest Gleaning*; Snow Flake; Keepsake of Friendship; Young Lady’s Offering; . . „ Bibles andd'iaycr Books, bound in velvet ana mo* ■ eeeo. with data*. Received by - ' r JOHNSTON (t STOCKTON, d c *2o cornerJdarket and Third su. FLOUR— ISO bbls in store and for sale by dcU ; WMH JOHNSTON, IU Second it Cbmtmai ind Hew Yeai'e ipproiedlng! Elegant and substantial books. *aita blefor thexominrholidaya,«Jjg«WpOpWs r EARLS Of AMERICAN rOETR\ l Illuminated brT. W. O. Mapieaoo, Eaq., dto, elegantly bound in dark morocco, gilt edge*, antique •tyre; lII* -Some of the bappieil effuuona of lloaman, Long fellow, Bryant, WtlU*, 'WUitier.llulieek, Sprague, Dana,Wi. Btgoamay, and Mr*. Embury, among oth er*. enrich the-volume."—{Watchman. “Thew are printed most delicately and perfectly, in lithographic German Text, board, eaahpago beL« mimed by a rich illuminated am barque border, in gold, ■ii»er, : and colon, with alf nett* wrought in ihc b*inlcri. n -HCommercial. _ ,c Tbo fint Illuminated volume thathaa been attempt ed on thts aide of tho Atlantic—and wjUt regard to the beauty of deaigna, and the execution of them, mar be aatd to rival, tf noijraiptsa, any thing of tho kind in “laysofthe WESTEBN'VCFU).-e«u«»- ‘•Loro’. Requiem," by CherieaFenro Hoffman, rhe I Mother of Mo»eV by Mrs. Oerootlj The L«d of Dream*," by Wm. O. Uryant: the Cup of Life,"by Mn.»iG. Howe; “The Mn Vrabum “‘The Tournament ul Acre," by IL- w. iiVrberf “Greenwood," by Mra. I‘indan “Wonhip," by Mi»a’Bayard! “The Child’* Minlou.” by Mr*. L»- burv.—Smalli lolio, iUutmnated in the moit anpcrb try. Brice, fid. JAMES l>. LOCKWOOD, id Importer, fIJ Wood »l (lets Dtookj a RVCTFid of Ancient and Mediaval Geography, A for 0-W School, ind Collect by fcheilM mSoW of Spwl.li Ulerulnre; by Geo.Ticinor. 3 While* •nii'ui. Captive., or tho "Whaleman's -v n fl . Henry T. Choorof. rt :^o"i»Tii{&fer d 07 Jc29 . corner Third and Martet sts., , .harttime BILLS OF EXCHANGE pay' N a is Cincinnati, Louisville and SL Lonifj pm* flhuod on the most favorable term*. :c -eb*asTT> . . . rrtßE*'lfEff6V gEAXythoaghla Boffeited by the 1 Lord*. Prayer, by Gardiner Spring, D. D. Jnrt pabtlshod and received by express, far sale at the PJUSSBYTEIUAN BOOK BOOMS, 73'Wood street, ap stairs. j. .. s - Also—The jAitracuom of the Crass; by the Bov. Dr. Bprinf. : • Jaal ~.. ; l *■"- '• •”* $i f * -. ’ivitS*.;.;-* ~..; •., .... . ;• ;-•■ - j- --: . 4 ..~. -- f .‘. n " ;: V "/ . a» t^ CK i, 1 - t, *. V. wt ... •uhTrXf j Bum of lie B*«cus ' pat OTJiSwWto^JjJJgSMU MW torfettßcver vu, bat *u formerly * WOX^eT road*, «iWI : udtbir bto-:-'Y«t to of Dr_ fonie poreoaoef jTUniE|re«^^J ljr u ®at W ITieadiSr oot* e*x& *«#*; J * jfttofcM »* whlahtoaara, I-htToiiMjh* w v«£l twnai for*7 a week. JwißfiTeB.P;T*wnmn<lW» if to will prodaeeobe«ln*t*«sUanfjtoof'Of. ““*'“'l TUa iatp-eaaiießttoMbll&BOttD to deeeiTedjßoj* nxetaad none bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Or. Jacob Tomuend l * Bamptrilla,bating J»H V 1 ® Old Dt.*o {amity ooatqf aim*, atidjdi al<» natai® aerocs tto coat of anaar' 1 *' • I JACOB TOWNSEND. ' PrUdpal Ofll&Of IQ3 Nuiatt at. New YorVony. • - ' DOCTOR: .. iICOB. . TTWISEM.- I THE ORIGINAL VE3B■* DISCOVERER TOWlifltt IABIAPAMbIiA, ( :• no* aboot 70 yearsof axe,' and haslengCen'kiaidif ts“tU APIHOK and DISCO VERER ef the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND ESAPARILLA.” .Beingpoor, ho waaeotopeUod o Hamit* maaafaetnre, by whlelr means it haa been Ttlßf,{This Giatorasm Uttqwxxxn Paxfuunos is jaanaMßtared on tho largest ; acalei and in called Ihro&uosUho length-aalpreadih of the land.' 1 *• yffTii. yemaw ft. i*. Tmimsenffrfr ft improves with imJazm actor ehahges,' bstfortbe hetterr bbeaoaeit jamplred on sdennflc principles by a scitffllflemaa. Tho highest knowledge of Chemistry, .and the latest ' discoveries of the Art, have all been >rottght into re*, anitftldain the jaanniactare ot the Old Dr.'s Sampa** rUla. Pie Sarsaparilla root, Uls well known to mod* leal men, contain* medicinal properties, ahd mao pro* penicdwflleh are toen oruelem? andothera, which, ifretaiedlapteparingUfor tue, produce fermenta tion am acid, which, ia injurious 10 the system. .Some oftbepropenie* of Sarsaparilla ore «o volatile that Utoy.- epthcly.evaborate'tnd are lost la the prepare tien, Lfihey adneipresdithd by n srienttfle process, knowi only toOtose experienced ia itt manafeetare. hloremir these vdntUe principtefc which fly offm-va per, etas an exhalation, nnder beat, are the Vary es sential mediohl properties of the rootpwnien givn to italiits vane.' The' ' ' ! - OKROIB ; r ■ OLD DB. JACOBTOtrowSTIWBABSAPAHILLA is so prepared; that tilths inert properties oflho.Bar* tananlla root ore (ret removed, every. thing capable of becoming acid or offcnnefltotlon. U'ertraeted and rejected! then every ptrtideofmedleaJTiitaelaaeea* Ted is a pore and concentrated forac and tbo* ill* rendered loeapatlo of losing any ;of it* valuable and healiqg properties. Prepared in way, it is mace the men powerful agent in tie CORKpFINNUMERABLE DISEASES. ' Hesccite retsonwhy we hear eotnaandaiioason every side In Its fever by nen, women andehUaiya. WefindUdoingwrodereiatbocoreof Cftaiamptioa, Dyspepsia, and Urer Complaint, and ia Rheumatism, Serosua and Pilei, Costiveneta, all Cataneboa Erup- Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising IM } IMPURITY OP TUB BLOOD. '' It nolle swat marvcliotu efitaaev-in alt compUlnla arising from Indigestion, Cram Aridity of the Stomach; ffemropequal circßUUo%detertninanon of blood to the bea<£ palpitation of tap-heart,'eoidfeet andeoldJundb coldpblila nod hot flashes oveitbe body. It has hot had fu equalln eougbaand eolds;and promotes easy ' expectoration, asd-gemia perspiration,' relaxing iuic tore pf tie langt, threat,- and every other part. Bet In nothing U its excellence more manifestly seen arid acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of r FEMALE COMPLAINTS. , It Works wonders in eases of finer albas or whites, Failing of the Womb, Obstructed, Buppre*sed,orPain* fat Mosses, Irregularity of the aonstroal periods,' and the like; and. U effected In caring all forms of the Kid* nejuKseases. By removing obstructions, and regala*. Ungithe general system,!! gives tone and strength to the whole body, mid eares aliform* of T NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY,'. anq thus prevents or relieves a great variety or other diseases, as Spinal Irritation! Neuralgia, •Su Yaas Dance, Swooning, Efcileptie Fit*. Convulsions, Ae. Is not'this, then, res Mabtcxsa too Fx»*Eaansm N am? Bat can any-of these ihhsga bo said of 8. P. Town send* interior article! Thu young man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.’S, ' because of the Grand Pact, that the One Is Ineapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth* I or {DOES; it sears, feme ms, and btows the bouks I cbatafoiug it into fragments; too sour. acid. Undid ex*, i plddtng and damaging other goods! MustnoUhis hor i ritds compound be poisonous to the system? Whafl put aeid into' a system already diseased with acid! , What causes Dyspepsia bat atria? Do we sot all know, thirwhenfoodsoonixioarftoßiaehs, what mischiefs it Srodnces?—ffamiencctheartbom, palpitation of the ; horn, liver complaint, dtarrhcca, dysentery, eholie and corruption of the blood? What u scrofula bat an aeid honor In the body!' What prod sees'aU the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,White Swellings, Fever-Sores, and. all alterations internal and external? .It is noth* i under heaven but an acid substance, which soars, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or less. Yfhat causes Rheumatism bate soar aeid fluid, which insinuates itself between thojoints and elsewhere, ir* «mt Inflaming tha leader » n< l dwlinala . tissues upon which ft acts? do ofnerrous diseases, of impu vftyoftho blood, ofderanged circulations, and nearly the ailments which afflict human nature. ; Now, Is it riot horrible to make and sell; and infinite* IX worse to use this OSUBiNG, FBRuENTING. ACID “COMPOUND’ i . . OF B.P.TOWNSEND? •hd yet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja* I cpb Townsend’s Genome Original Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation of his inferior preparation!!: . I Heaven forbid that wo should deal; in an artlele., Which would bear the most distant resemblance to 8. P Townsend’s article! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. saeh a mountain ioad-of complaints and eriminatloas from agents who have sold, and par-' ebhsers who have tspd 8. F. Townsend's Fermenting Compound! •. . .. . We wish it understood, because it is the absolute troth,’ h »i 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide opart, and infinitely dissimilar; that they aro unlike in every par* ticular, having not one singlo thing in common.. It is to arrest frasds upon the unfortunate, to poor balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi* cor into use crashed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—that eld DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT aad FOUND ths opportunity and means to bring bis GunD UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn and knew, by joyful ex* pericnce, its TaamtcxHsnr rowu to nut.! For sale oy J. KIDD A CO., Wholeaale Agent foi Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Binning ham; • Dr; J. SABUKANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, FUlh -retd, G- W. GARDNEB,'6th ward,Pittsburgh, spta ’ittsbarffti. AJOSD» I*o* AS KrtTOftaXßOßtH* BLOOD j. OB HABIT OV TEX ftXntX,VXS: } Scrofala or King's Evil. Rtoorrutitm, Obstinate Cotar oeotti Erupuens, Pimples or Pustolesontho Face, Blotches, BUet, Chroolo Soro Eye*, Bin* Wens or Totter, SeaM Head, EnlargeaentamfPnlnof the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, SyphUuh . ''Bymptoas,.Bciaiiea'or'LumbngOy“aad diseases tilting from an injudicious use of Moreurv, Acl tile» or Dropsy, Exposure or imprudence In Hie; Also—Chronic Consiitwlounl Disorders, Ac. . ’ In this preparation are strongly concentrated til the. Medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined wun the most effectual aide, llio most salutary produenon*. the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it has been to fully tested, not only by patients them* selves, bat also by physicians, that U has received ibciruc qualified recommendations and the uproba* tion.pf toe public; aadhas established, on its own merits, a reputation for vsurx and xtrcact tar •spe* nor to the various compounds bearing the. name M Sarsaparilla. - Diseases have been eared, such a* are not famished In the records of lime paati and what tt i has already done far the thousands who hare used U, it is capable of doing for the millions util) suffering and straggung with disease. It punfies, eleaase*, and strengths* the fountain sprinxi of life, and infuses nww vigor throne hoot the whole animal frame. 'another CURE OF BGBOIULA. • The fal.owiflg striking, and—aa will bo reen—pet* raiment care ofan Inveterate case of Scrofula, com mends itself to ail similarly afflicted: -r gonxroxy, Conn., Jan. 1,1848. . Messrs. Sands: peatlemen, Sympathy for the afflict ed ioducea mo to nfomyou of the remarkable e*« effected by your Sarsaparilla, In the eaae of my wife. She was soverely afflicted wuhrihe Serefala on differ* enf JSu of the body, the glands of the neek wore areally enlarged, ana her limbs mueh swollen. After suffering over a year, and finding no relief from the £awU?« wed, the disease attacked one leg, uni be fowthekoee suppurated. Her physician-advised it ihouS be laid open, which was done, but wuhoutany permanent benefit, In this •itsauou and srare Induced to-use, Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reflev ini hat mere than any prescription aha had ever taken: and befare she used six boule*—to the-astonishment and delight of her Mend*—she found her health quite restored. IllsDoworerayeaxslneelheeurewatef. footed, and her health remains good, thawing that, the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all knowlngtothese frets, ana think very hJrhly of Sands’ fiarsapariHa.- Yoare with respect,? JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter-received from Hr. N. W. Har ris, a gentleman .well known in Louisiana eo. t Vm “Gentlemen, I have cured a negro boy of nuns with your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofala, and of a aerefttlous family.. “Yours, truly, <• . N.W. HABBIB. “Fredericks Hail, Va, July 17,1818.” Sanm’ Sajbajajuiaa.—lt teems almostuncneeesaa* ry to direct attention to an article so well known, and •o deservedly popular, as this preparation, bat patients oflen wfcowuh to uaa the exuaet of Sarsaparilla, are indaecd to try worthless compounds bearing the name, bateonttiaing Uule or none of the virtue of this’rein* . able root; and we think we cannot eonfer a greater benefivou our readers In directing their attention to the advettisemerlof the'Mesari. Shads, In another column. The bottle has recently been enlarged -to held a quart, and those who wish a rcaUr gpodsructo will find concentrated In this all the medietoal *•>«• of Iheroot, The experlenee of thousands haspreyed lU efficacy in eurinf.tho various d»seaaes for «lc» Is re commended; and at the present time “ore than Saw BMluu imt no. 145. i . A aOBEffIOH MB eAfIMBB- *“L*W» or A CUXOB -TBIT RXVU WiS.. fr . ..t'-i*’ ' : j; j...* :nxicxß* : -:\\ TPT-pr. 2; i*-Vky pH* ThUnnestion wupiopsaadedtothalAVi by the prophet Jetamuh- U~wr«» la the v alliances which they hid made with the A*-‘ " gyriamj and Egyptians. This ill-fated poo i>?r ' : :n * pier aiejre?¥Mi6ntad as an unfaithful woman, who forsakes her lawful hnsbaad, and 'goes ■; About ip sCarch’of ttrangelaveiK ,Tbd.pr6>> :; phatdinounee*theirwickedae«*, indlo»- ' tells thtor punishment The alliance with 4 syria had proredTery unfortmute.’ (See £4 ChroaJ *8; l* r -2t.)He wams'.thsm fiat 'i,; *> the coyenaht with Egypt shouldb6 attended) -'3 with a[ similar rqsult * <J Why. gaddest Ihotcr-.-« :aboutwmuchiobhihsethywayttiitaelaoj'. : shalt be ashamed of Egypt) u thou wait > AihMrtwH of Assyria. Yet thoudmli p> forth -from Aim, sad fn?n« haids upon thine head thou witlt not prosper in therm” r ! > t iii'Thdre is too much gadding about ncrwae well as.iQ the days of Jerepuah . . L, Gadders ranoui: , K .. men' idltr. HegadsaboUf from oneplace to anotherwithout any useful pur* >’• «• t pose if employment/-’Hissoleiuiaieto kill . - time.) You will find him standing.about, - . cornets; lounging' about stmevtarera,,,* .. workshope,anrtsfflimtim«mpTmringoffi<yie|.. •, , to-the annoyance of editors; his,, breath is - ; tainted.with tobacco, Iw^lm. tattling geiitTy whose, delight is toga' froahpuse to house, collecting and' •'' pablihing news--grows eloquent 'in'dee-; -T canting or her neighbor** faults ind^. y/ ' infirmities over a cup of tea. • None of thisr, - d dissjrare ever suspected of being excaa*- '.£> siyely charitable. T.- .... , n Z.j-TU fieanre-uekoig, gadder, goes to ballA theatres, horseraces, fashionable wa teriifc fitnSeato mike up. by the exctfemeafql wine andcards, for tne want of. softTbappi*.' '' neaieto..' . .. •; * '-' f • gadder.. This class 'will ” 7 bafeiy numerous in a short rime.' FbUti- : cal gidden are mostly office seekers, who <: like for their motto “ alPs fair in peltries.” . -Tfaeyare extremely fond of the “near peo-, ! .;, pie/ 1, and will do almost anything to be sup* poned at the public expense. This made* picible character, r '. > . 9 —The religious gadder . Some of this clue are very clever in their way; .bnt no reluoce can be placed upon them. Retlgida, } , is lhore a matter of huts anH - /eeiing'' wrth' than of frinnpU. They lore to cad from one place of worship to another. Are " teiy fond of novelty, more so than of the. ff from their actians.*^*S^W^-,. ' them' are unatable in their religions opinions;. • - theresntt of gadding; snd.none are emi'. : neptly pious. It is impoasible, in the nature _ .ofithmgs, that they should be. Letno pas-, . t tor calculate on their co-operationj for in that cake he will surely be disappointed. Per- ' hays at the very time when their presence'' > is £nost desired in their own church, they are ‘ offot some other place, whither curiocty or a [petty ambition to be thought /iierai, has : , -, dijiwn them., v Therrcquireconstant coax* irig, humoring and flattering, to'keep'tbeai.; latoleraWe order. The are of no little im- i ; pprtance in their own esfimation, and some-t - times gite no little trouble to the chnrckr* * * are generally worldly minded, ,asd > f their inconsistency is so pupatde that thai: or no confidence in their ‘ [ There are numerou* other gadders, but we . tare not time to notice them aIL OEnrotr 11. We askyou to consider the question, ‘ Why gaddest thoa about so much? ” 1. hit edifying to yourself onrothers? 2. Is it honorable or becoming ? -3.—ls it profitable? ILL Consider that yoa mnst give, ah, ic dount of your gadding.-— Metik, jPirot ., >, - CbvxsxL to brisk, energetic ind prompt. The world is full of boysand too, who drawlthrimgb life,and decide ion nothing for'themselves, bat jart'dwg§* ’one leg after the other, and let things, their own wav. Soeh people are the doll . stuff of the earth. They hardly deserve-sr much credit as the'wooden trees, fot-the-' trees do all they can, in merely and bearing only leaves and seeds*.-fiat . these poor, drawlirg, draggling boys do not turn their capacities to profit half as far as . they might be tamed; they are unprofitable', like a rainy day in harvest time. Now the brisk, energetio boy wil| be con tinnally awake, not merely with ms bodily, eyes, out with hi* mind and, attention dnr- ; ing the hours of business. After he learns, what he has to do, he will take pride in do ing it punctually and weli, and : would be ashamed to be told what he ought to do with* out telling. The drawling’beyloses in five minutes the most - important advice; the prompt, wide-awake dot. never has to be taught twice, bat strains n«d to make him* scdf up to the mark, as far as possible, put of bis own energies. Third-rate'boys ’are j always depending on first : rate boys : depend upon themselves, and. after a little ; teaching, just enough to know what is to.be ) done, they ask no further favors of .anybody. ' Besides, it is a glorious for a boy to ; get this noble-way of selfcreliance, activity and energy. Sach an one is worth a hun dred of the poor, draggling creatures who : can hardly wash.their own hands! without ; being.told each time how it is done! Give . me the boy who will do his own /work . : promptly and well, without askingj except . once ter aU,-at the oeginnmg, any question; the boy whobas his wits about him, is nev-» 1 er behmd-band, and don’t let the grass grow 1 under his heel*.—Caste* Hum »?, Bct3l—M. Thiers,thagreat French Minister, seven yean before thelast revolution in France, wasa poor boy, a dis tributor of new®patera, at the office of the «Contitutioaal.” He afterward supplied the editor*® chair j he led on the popular mind to revolt: and finally contributed to seat f»ni« Phillippe on the throne of Chariea X, and placed; mmaalf. in possession ofthe portfolio oi polignac. Guizot, Phfilippe’a Minister, was the editor of the Journal des Debate. The great BrakineiWas formedy a reporter to the London Chronicle.Brough* am and Siriames Macintosh were also' re porters to the Times. Beringer, thelyrical poet of France, also graduated among types and ink. Being asked recently, if no ware really aorinter, Bemnger replied: "Hat I was, and a famous tine, too; nor do I ever .takenp a book without ecazming the title* page, tor I always excelled in composing ti* tie-pages. Handbills, too,: I used .to.like to work upon; and wml remember ojae ifos Jfondoy, when, all alone inthe office, por- Ingover.anold volnmeof poe&y,aiaoidfar- " mer came in with an crder.for some unction . placards. Thoogh I had not been in an of* see three montns, I took the composing*. stickinmy hand, set up the type, then lock* eduptheforaijputhtopreaa, ping upon* fnsket, worked off the presenting imy master, next morning, with s Siecimen, and the-matey ! had • received. e was so pleased, good min, that he nve | me the money and half a day to spend n in; and a happy haU*day hwas.”- . BiuasnßßAM voramiT.- AAPOinON,BdUndßn**FDoderittsi«» bain and commenced buiaets atMi wCaisndy where he wilt be plowed weeUi cnudfriends. Bells af every. itta, neatto , sacttsAST' Mineral Wmtet Paap*, Co enter*, Bslli&X; **•?• therwithererr verier? ofßnuw CM&BCV» tßf«lna» tamed widfiefthed la ihaneatcjt naflaet.---.- A.F. l* the tele proprietor of Bask* 3 * AftMJ®; Tiow Mir* l -) frmuf celebrmied for the redarUoa 0* friction io machinery. The Boxe* tad Coaiponoea can be hmd of him at all time*. . : i jiSOely ON HAND and for ealo law to dote' coßiiziimcn*rr 10 bbl* KngUih VeaiiUa Hpdj 10 “ Satdoda: ■ 160 “ No 1 Rouaj 3 u Chloride Line; - & boxer Palm Sosa; 100"“ BtilUh Lastre. '7 JOHN' MTADEiI A CO, - d*3l C*n*l:B«Jcß,j > enggxee< • THR Fayette Maaefaetaring Company have ream red their Wholesale badaea* id the ttMarteenUv • occipted by Knui. M. IL Draws A Brother*, No- 117 i Weodftreet.. . ioMv - .: ~t. 'i Asi* ‘T-V* A i.'-n.ft r< ). ■■■ .7-.UJ4 ' ’•3f? •. %/%' !•, r 'l/ ? -j ■; ; ) ’.Yv? cvf' • - f. *•» ' ' -i v/,»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers