;-j;. .awimVi'- MISCELLANEO' • BOOKSI'BOOKSI-' >-!> v' (UBT reeMat the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK EtiOU*. No. 7» Wood for Ml* «&*!«»prieeu tSc*enlu> Arrangement of ibis Bible, Meander 1 * Hate** Of feoCbristiaaßeti poo and church, UUtnt'a Treatise oo Ceiixusa Doc mae, Life of Jeremiah Evarta, Eaq- Robinson* Greek Hannony of the Gospel*. do Rutuia do do, Bctaf* BL ‘ WojB vela, Boston edition; PansM* Bible GueQtti, Mwhw» Qua* and its Prospect*, Dr.Wood'ilee« tuts on SwedeabbrgiardsißjTioli** Missionary Anec? dote*; aod bust other interesting .works,.lft'nddition to tbe above, all at kajtxzbrassa. coTgf nuui uP7nrvi¥fißVSstfriix&- JL LEGHENY, AND VICINITY, will be ready for the engraver is U days. Persons who may wish to hmvo views of their ooontry sett* patonthe rots eu. do ao by waking application to the undersigned, any tiaa before fo* ffiik Lott. To- defray the expense of the view* -ill be required in addition to the price of the novlP R K MeGQWAN . TO TBS PUBLIC# A BOUT four year* since, T wa* traveling through. J\. the State of Otfei'whtle spending a few'day* in Sharon, I discovered a singular Metalie, «ab*taaeo» •ad aabeequentiylearned that it had been kag*» yeura. and tnppoaed lobe of no uae or ralee, buiflrow ua uniformity of teztare and alngnlar *PP«"V n ?fBr srfflssrswssssSwm-sss ff «few monuSwold.tatono » P°l •life; ao that the substante when applied was aetaally : ~«lE. in . Uqsid ii.lt, Md tta lam >»« • “““i alomma, mirnesja and blank oxide of iron that iteon ■-tainedT«a3ered it beta weather and fire proof; aatbe longer exposed, the harder and wore permanent it become, and aa the coaling (alter it turns to alate) ia of iueirtndestraetible hv fire, eoareqnentiy it protects the wood entered with it from the air, and where there U no oir, there la no blase or combustion; the relore the wood will neoudy char, before the slate ..ooTaringwUlglveway.. I considered the discovery-of tfie greatest import-: once, and applled to Goternment for a patent for my rew»‘ioD or discovery, fondly hoping that I should now be remunerated for all my collarla lime and mo-* ney. The goreinmeut, wiihott any hesitation, grant ed to me Letter* Patent for the sola right to mumrae tare, tell and use my Improvement In the manufacture of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Aru fatal Slate." for fourteen yean. August 14,1649. WM..BLAKE WE, the Inhabhanta of Sharon, bar ead the above statement of Mr. Blake, and believe *to be sabiun* dally correct, aa we are knowing to nivat of the state, menta therein contained; and we will farther state, that we do not believe that Uiere ever was a potent more honestly and laboriously earned, or more deservedly granted; as he pursued his experiments with the most mdomitable perseverance underthemott discouraging circumstances, as the public had not the leart coon donee that there could be any thing valuable made from the substance. Hefoertforehadineneounterfor yean the leers and scoffs of nearly tho whole eommu-- nity. Notwithstanding all this, he was indefutigab.e ia the prosecution or Bs experiments, and. we do net beliere that there is one man tu a thousand who would have persevered »nd»v ell the circumstances. But bo has at last triumphed over all obstacles, and we be lieve there ia now but one opirnon la awarding him the merit of this valaabie discovery. - GEO. W. CRANE, - } Justice* of ' HORACEGIUR * >■ „^ e JONATHAN EVEBHARD, J Pt««- LEWIS C. CHATFIELD, ) Trustee* J Township. WM. EVERETT, Township Clerk. . /tr.t.KN HOWE, Treasurer. -CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. 1 bare ascertained that there are individual* engaged la diguing, grinding, and preparing for sale, the above aenuoaed Mineral, to be mixed-wife eiLandnxedpre etaely as I use my patented article. I bare been to those persons and shown theta my patent They say they do not Intend l» infringe or trespass upon mr fights; that they have a right to dig, grind, and sell ute powder,if they ean find purchasers; that they are net bound to know what they are to do with it; that It ts ao Infringement until it is mixed with the oil to ntake the compound; and that those who buy, mix and use u, must take the responsibility. Most of them aay that they believe that the patent is rood against those that mix and use the compound, «nd some have said that . what they wanted to use they should certainly purch ase of me, as they did not Intend to make themselves liable in any way. Stow I feel myself In duty bound to expose this barefaced fraud upon the pubue: as I can call it by no milder name, where a man selU and re eeivea pay for aa artiele, the use of which he wen knows aubjecta the purchaser and user to a proseeu. tine and fine. Some of ihoao who are engaged tn this nefarious traffic, will unquestionably contend to the Oublie that my jpafent will not stand, and that I oat* hoi prosecute. Now, to take this argument away iron mem, I went to some of those who were precfo*®“«‘ that my patent waa of no value, and made the ihg preposition: that they might select a Judge . lawyers who have had some practice in pater* cases, and we would submit .the patent to them, an* *> decided that the patent was good, that they £»>>* oil farther proceeding* ip the buboes*; should decide that it would not, in their I would agree to let them go on an* »eB aa they eeuld. ‘withoat saying any thing to the pnbie about them. TUa proposition they would cot scceto to. So •” ** tho validity of my patent ia cozened, I danotde . scad entirely upon my own judges:, although I have the fullest confidence in it; b« * kave ■obtmuedn to many of the iudees. aWi t aev*rui of tho own eminent patent lawiereTwho have, ritbost exception, decided that in their opinion it waid***, and would protect me n» Hy discovery. - I grind the article u* fine power, and put a up in. lha whie, «e wked: sl» . Iltaretora p.. U. ill .LO bay above mentioned far the purpose Mt forth in mr patent, »' MihttnttJ «etiu, thut I shall no If them to a strict accountability, and uhan commence *uils at law against those who thus infringe upon nr ngbt. •• WM. BLAKE - Sunos, Medha Aug. 14,1619. OTTWO ©N3 of the abovo Fire and tVcathcr Proof Anificid Slate on hands and for sale. The •hove we earreeomaend, for we have been using it for some 4 v«ua, and know it to be what it is set forth in every pasioalar. J. AIL PHILLIPS, Agt, novCT-dna No S Wood st EXCELSIOR! E. H. EATON & CO., So. ea Foszth Street, FltUkuilii Bare sow in Store their full assortment of Trimming, Glow, Hosiery and Lace Goods AtfAPTHD to the warns of rrvry etas* of Merchants and Coutnmcrs. No pains have been spared to present the newest and most fashionable style of Goods In their line. Their nock consists in pan of tho following?' DRESS TRIMMINGS. Fringea.and Gimps,'of every variety; new styles figured Galloonr Algerine and imperial Braids; ... GLOVES. A foil aaeortoent 'for men, womeir and -children, among which are Derby Ribbed, Fotoselte and plain BUk; ribbed aad plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Bex* Da; Casilmere, Merino, For-Uaed Beaver, heavy' and fine Buckskin, Mifiiary and Lisle 'rhread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS; Bteh lit’Ladies’land. Children’s Hoods, Children's Woolen Backs, Knit Bear is and Boas.' Children’s Gait ers and Loog Mitts, Worsted Caffs, Knitting Worsteds and Woolan Yams, California Comforts; ■ also, fine Cashmere Scarfs, for Ladies. . i LADIES’' DEPARTMENT. - Stphyr and Tapestry Wonteds, Canvass Patterns, Flan and Emb'g 6llk r Bristol ana Fcrf d Boards, Pa* ped Flower Materials, Lamp Mato, Tidies, and Em* braldeisd Work. Also—Ladies’B'lk and Merino Vests and Drawers; Embroidered Backs aad Flannels, French Worked Caps and Waists for Infants; and Swan's-down Trimmings. ’ ’ GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Fme Shirts, Cravats and Collars; Merino, Silk aad Cotton Wrappers and Drawers; Suspenders, Shoolder Braes* and Dressing Gowns; silk and Linen Hdkisj Gloves aad Hosiery.' ing and fine Ivory Combs; srith As assortment ofar •-* >nd Teeth Brushes, WdlberilTs “OoEflv A - ’ farther «pply «fwpm*» of the latest and most ap proved stylet, to whieh wejinvUo tho-attention of . Btesttboat mea, and those wishing to famish Houses, i w call and iskamioe the largest assortment in the city , width we will aeQ ohsaper than ever before offered ia thoweusrn market, :: uure33| ;. W M’CLINTOCK . gownalag liomk ghawi*. Ttr ' R- MURPHY naa rac'd a supply of the above Yf w'arttde, of the beat quAlity; ajio, plain Black TUoet Long BaawJe; black go tnbarings, fljearning Al paeets, Persian Cloth,.toackl iCobargs, Paraetlas, Cashmere*, Moe* do Loins and: Freoch Merino*, blaek OravaLs and Mourning Collars,' Mourning’ Bonnst Bib boos, neck do,' aid a full assortment of Mourning CoodakSwW.- Also:. \ ■ , ,-i ' PLAIN BLACE StLES, J A Uad wsortnmnt, including d few pfeoesvery wide and «n;>crinr. Buyers are invited to look at them, at North Eats comer of Fopnh and Market «u. Whole**!* Booms cp stairs, where a largo assort* ■uii it Now Goods baa lately been received. [avao DSL JAYNE’S' ALTERATIVE. - r - Wo hATO boon Informed by Mr*. Rose of a euro per*' formed on bar by Dr» J»jmo»f ;Alt*rtit4T»j which erovu itf OBpcrjoiijywexeTeryntherraaedyoriho kind., am h*s been ofifow* for thojlast sixteen years JrtrhJlLCßOSEaor WHITE3WELLING9,aucndrd wtihaloeralions asdeafoUatloa'of.TarioDtboaeSjda-' Rwrohiehnsoanny pieces hive bees dlsehtTged from the iroatal boos of tab erulam,&omboth ber trao; lira nfl't a*gds.aad oam both lep,andft«athe left temra-kOM* tnifirM the right hltpnfbesldespajnfal on etaar pans of herperwo, urfaicb have btffied flZTgllj of a a amber of timmon enrinemnhjWdaasof moct-oAihs tune beriaffensgafauve aventtaock and dep arable. ; Abpttt three motuht Sidte isssm '■B&ssmssg sred,oe.lhaS«&ndwWdghs .fiibe mors than she o 4 b rforo she commenced the n*o lUnrOONre, BTOttE, . BLOAN’B ; - MtyfadßCf advertised byW.B. SLOAN _■ 2*' & SELLERS, Wood street, and JOHNP. SCOTT Übem uVPittab«Tgh. .bwmuum Johno. smith. _ by HENRY F. SCHWARTZ an Tho Bs«t lad.GhiapHt Bene jiadlclme ISTEBTOBLD. - BLOABI OIBTMEBfT ABO CONDiTIOH And’ls rapidly superseding all other Ointment* and Lfoimenmnew ia we for tbe cure of the following dis e*aeu:- - / -*■; Presh wound*. galU of allkind*,, sprain*,, bruise* cracked heel»T ringbone, windboae, windfalls, not evil, eailua, *P*Tl»>*»2? a J r 'is M*fcMs.«wS«h lameneea, amid crack, fouudered .foet,, scratches or grease mange or hone distemper. Tbe Powder will remove alllnfigmaaßanand fover purify tbe blood; loosen tbe akin, cleanse the water and strengthen every part of the bpdyt andhaapreved a sovereign remedy ter the following digeaaea: - Distemper, hide bend, loia -of appetite, in ware strain, yellow water, inflammation of ike eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; alsd. rhesmitiso, (commonly cal ledatilT complaint.} which proves oefatol to many val uable hones ia this eountry. It is alsb 4-safe and eer tain remedy for eengba and eolds which generate ae many fatal diseases. W. B. SLOAN, - Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago, Illinoi*. THE PROOF. Extract from the “Galena North "Western Gazette.’, By.the.nse of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow. der, I have entirely cured a fistula on my bone and otherwise Imuroved his condition mote than 500 pe cent, on the eon ef the medicine Arid a cowwhieu was ao feeble as to be considered worthless by myteb and ndghbora,wai restored to good health and atrength by the use of less than half a pkekage of the powrer, and Is now doing betterthan any other eow I l*ve. .Small Pox, MayU, 1646. WM/VINCENT. THE SUFFERING CHILD. I hereby certify that one of my children, when na ked, fell into a large fire ef live coals, and was burned severely front head to feet. The best of nedical aid and attention was given to the child Tor our or five daya without any relief—each day’s suffedaes increas ed till hia groans could bo heard at a great distance, at whigh critical period one of my neighbors recommen ded and presented to mo a box of Sloan's Ointment, and: in less ’hE" fifteen minutes affor the application of the ointmeni to the aggravated sms of the suffering child, the psinjeeased entirely, andhe speedily began to recover. My residence is in Hell, township, Ver million county, and State of Icdisnsu ' _ ! THEODORE L. TAYLOR. Chicago, Atgust 54,1848. -' EXTRAORDINARY CURE . April 13,16f8. Four miles north of Chicago (on the road to Mtiwgakie,) Cook county, Illinois. Mr. Sir. One of my horses had a large bony tatnor on his breas: bone, inusediately under the collar, which' lamed him and rendered hia services of very little value.. 1 faithfully applied several bottles .of Dr. Taylor’s Nerve and Bone Liniment, withoat the least benefit. I then procured Wilder’s Celebrated Horse Ointment, and used that until 1 became folly satisfied that it would never relieve Urn animal. Ft* nally I obtained a box ot your tntlroaluable Oint ment, and tn less than 60 days from the first applica tion the tumor entirely disappeared, and ihe horse wai welL Yoon,. EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth ef an article, we invite the Incredulous to read at least a few of the many voluntary certificates that appear in our columns respecting the great Variety of remarkabU cures effected by the use of “Sloan* Celebrated Olnt ■mem ami Condition Powders." These remedies no longer remain among those 0‘ doubtful utility, they h&ve passed from the .tide of ex periment, and now stand higher to reputation and are becoming store extensively used than all othivr artl elea of the kin tßoapeeukllyroonv' : ': ‘:' t i-r' r y ; -.ir . ’ ,' ,;;n , uri.posmyEFACT, . : And/Su Kdij bo asedomoe fnfrf wltlwit tny difljtr of taking told* eroßjotbet .-HISOFLLANIidUS temi-Auauai Roio «g pej Good*, ax rax osx ratcxincx op A. A.jMASON & CO., uaTlLLeomaumeoon New'Ysur'a Day, ISSO, and V . on “ n ®° the north of January, during which umo fee whole of their iameuso esubUshmenu (including all thetr Wholesaleßooms,)willbeferown ®P® n , fof Relal] Trade; and feeir entire ’Wholesale Stoek will be offered at Retail, on this occasion, at fotif oxx locjtTß.Lxsa than uoal prices. * Tbetr Sltawl Saloon contains Bore than 3000 Shawls , de *«nptimi of Long and Square nlS?fc 8 M Wl ft. CAlluoere » Brt,che ’ t-Hotne Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and white, of a superior quality. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he invites the attention of buyers. (p* A large f apply of Goods recently opened In fee Wholesale: Rooms, up stairs, makes his assortment very fall and worthy foe attention of dealers. novl7- ELLERS 1 LIVER BILLS WAS MV DOCTOR _ Bunn. Pa-Sept. 25, IMP. H. R Sellers—Deal SinTfeelTt is a duty I ow* to foe poblie, as well as to fee credit of your Liver Pill*, to stale foe good effects produced by their use in my own Base. During the month of Jane, 1942,1 took very unwell, my appetite failed, and my •trenctb was 'purely prostrated, with revere pain in my «de and shoulders. I was told by modical men that tuy disease was a severe attaek of Uvet complaint. Itbokieve of M’Lane’s Liver Pills, and some syrups, which I was told was good for feat disease, Lutaitrr aril vres getting worse. I finally concluded u* pfoir myself tinder the sare of a physician for teller or worse; but,, fortunately, juMatfeis time, 1 was told : by fee~Rev. L Nibtock, of this place, feat a friend bad seat him a box of Sellers' Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which had beccfitted turn very mueh. 1 forthwith sent for s, box of your Liver Pills, and by fee time 1 was done using them, I was satisfied that it. was lust fee medicine feat suited my case. I sent for more, and took five or six boxes, and found myself almost entirely eared; but in March lost I caught a severe .cold, which brought back foe disease, and Ins short time l was as bail as ever. I again had .recourse to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for six weeks, and occasionally since, and lean now soy, feat I can now say, that! teel liule if any sympiMt of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is at 'good now as it has been for the last 10 years. My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. 1 tell .them that Sellers’ Liver Pills was my doctor, and by fee blessing of Divine Providence the means of curing me. lam confident feat when fee public become ac quainted wife foe value of your Liver Pills, foe de mand fin them will increase. Many of my neighbors, to whom I have recommended foe pills, ean testify to feeir value, as well as to,tho fact* above stated. Respectfhilyyoare, GiotoaMuin. To rax Ptrauc.—The Original, only true and genn nine Liver PlUs are prepared by R E Sellers, and have his name stamped in blsek wax upon foe lid of eaeh Box, and hts signature on foe outside wrapper. fT7“AII others are eoanterfons, or base imitatious. «pt 27 R. K. SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood st Jayasi' Expectorant. Sal**, Columbiana eo-,0-, Apr. 34, 1641. DR D. JAYNES: Da*a Snu—l feel bound to yoa and foe affiieled public, to avail myself of this op# pommitTofgiringpablicity tothc extraordinary effect! cfyour Expectorant onmyself. Having been affiieled lor several ye, with aseverecough. beetle fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short but miserable existence, until the fall of 1839, when, being more severely an acted, and bayingresorted to all my foraerremedtes, and foe pro scriptions of two of foe oust respectable physicians to the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or fee consolation of surviving kui a few days or weeks tj farthest—when fee t*#i gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who docs all things in fee ' use of fee tpe&ns—aid contrary to foe expectations of ;my physician* end friends. 1 was in a few days raised ;from my bed, and was enabled by foe use of a bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying since bolter health than - I had for ten years previous. Respectfully yours, Am, Jas. W. Emit- For sale in Pittsburgh, at foe Pekin Tea Siore, 70 Fourth street. marti? MR ELIJAH EATON’S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAYNE—Thia certifies, that immediately after hating cuended my brother, who.died of consumption in March, 1842,1 oras taken sick with foe Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was redcccd so low wife the disease, that tor four years 1 wai uuabls to attend to my business, cither at home or abroad, being for foe most tima confined to my bed. During toe above peri od of tiram 1 had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medicines, to foe amount of *3uo, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1645, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cines, ami hare taken them more or less ever since, and believe feat it yros by persevering in their use, that 1 ean now truly say feat t havo completely reeo-. vered toy health. I believe that Jayne 1 * banative PUl* and Expectorant are foe best family medicines now in UK. I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y., and carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place, and am not interested in any manner m foe sale of foe above nr die tact, and make this certificate tor fee ben efit of those articled. ELIJAH EATON- Springfield, N. Sept. If IMS. _ jalj_ men pall coops'* 4 LEXA.NDER A DAY, eoroerof fee Diamond and J\ Market street, notify feeir friends and the public feat they have received tbeir stock of Fall and Win ter GOODS, direct from fea importer’s manufacturers and auctions at fee east. Their stoek of new style and fashionable Goods is lam, and presents strong attrac tions to purchasers. In Ladies Dress Goods and Shawls, foe most splendid and Cubirnaole tioods of foe season are now offered, at remarkably low prices consisting lu pin of the following LADIES’DRESS GOODS. New style Brocha fir'd Cam* lion SUk#: Col’d and Rlaek Satin Du Cbenes and Turc Satin*; Col’d Cornelian Groderhiues. of foe best qualities; Blank glossy Groderiens of the celebrated Eagle manufacture. The above named Black Silt* are warranted noi lo eat In the wear; for dresses and mantillas they are the best imported Neal fig’d Camclian Satin Da Chene, the handsomest Silks of the neason. New style Urocha Silk figured French Mtuio*, b new and splendid anisic for ladies’ walking dresses. Silk Embroidered French DeL&lnea, for nrestesand tacks, ou entirely new articled > Cashmeres, De Loines, Merinos, Alpines* end. Par mettos, a large assortment SHAWLS AND-SCARFS! Brocba Long and Square Shawls, of the be at quail* tics. 'Plaid L&g Shawls, of the newest designs, reihark ably cheap. - S" leudld Terkeri Shawls, at greatly reduced pneet. jteltoa Brocha ijg’d Silk Shawls, in great variety. Crape Shawls, white and colored, in variety. CLOTHS, CAS3IMER.EO AND VESTINGS! Bttt Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all priees; best Sedan real French Caatimrret; new style Amer ican CassiiPercK super Selin Vrsimrs. LADIES’ CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Belgian Black and Olive Cloth*, for Is* die*’ Cloaks. BLANKETS! A splendid assortment of American and imported Blanket*, at remarkably low price*. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large *M complete asrortment now oh hand.— Many oi our present -stock of ritaple Good* were bought Bom the manufacturer* prertoua to the present advance in price*. A principal part of our itock of French and English good* have been purchased at the great Auction Sales in Philadelphia ami New York, which enable* o* to offer decided bargain! in almost every description of good* in oar line of basinet*. Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all • wholesale and retail buyers are invited to an early examination of our stock and price*. ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market it, ocCtt north west corner of the Diamond. itTblTVatu or litiY uuoosi WR. MURPHY, at north cart corner of Fourth a and Market *u, is bow receivin;- hi* second supply for the season, and can offer inducements to buyer* rarely to he met with. Hi* assortment of LADIES’DRESS GOODS la very full, consisting of French Cashmeres, Coburg*, Lyonese Cloths, super Printed French Cosh* meres, at priees considerably lower than (hey could bo bought early in the season. His stock of LONG SHAWLS I* large, and embrace* many of the beautiful style* sow on exhibition at FtankUu Institute, Phllad’a. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim mings, Ac. : SACKING FLANNELS, Of various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered Black Silk Lace*. Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs, ■Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Frathen. HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than usual; and rieh changeable Silks and Satins, for Manillas, Ac; and a largo suck of STAPLE AND HOUBEKEEPIN GOODS, at lowest poees. And in the gentlemen's department will be found fresh FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY RUL’D CLOTHS, Olsek Doeskin*, Winter Vesting*, Fancy Casiiroere*, Undershirt* and Drawers, StiU Cravats, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, Ac. 09*Merchasu are invited n visit the Wholesale Booms, up »tairt. oeian ~A ’’VERY' WONDERFU L CUitK-» tiLL us' J\ VERMIPUGI3 . Mxxcxx, Mercer co., Pa., Sepu 29. ifAO. R E. Seller*: Dear. Sir, I bought ono bottle of your Vermifuge at the Iron City Furnace iiore»at this place, and it has performed-what we consider out here a won derful cure, on one of my boys eight years old; ho bad been unwell for some years, so much so that I hod giv en up all hope* ofhis recovery. I was advised by one of my neighbor* to try u home of your Vermifuge— and I am happy to inlorm yon of it having the desired effeetof relieving my son. lie passed, in the short space of 21 hoots, 161 worms, route of them measur ing as much as.Jff and 14 inches long. I fee] r w und in justice to give you the above statement,so ss youmny make any use'of my name that, yon think proper Yours, very respectfully, Jotuntiit S. i,mg BT’Freffcreil and sold by RESELLERS, 57W00d street; and sold by Druggist* generally in the two diucA novl6 KADI ktKAD »—''SELLERS’ COUGH sV" BUP—From W. K. Bod*a, E*q, Clerk of the Court of Qaarter Sessions of BoajerCoumy* ‘ Ur. R. K. Sellers: Sir, Soitfe’ti&j in the winter tnv wife was afflicted with a severe and diatretemgcoarii and Waring of your iitvalnahle Cougfriiyrun. 1 our-’ chased* bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater and after taking a portion of it two or three evenings 'on going to bed, she found immediate relief; as also several friends have been relieved in sever© com*. 1 l am therefore satisfied thatitis ante and valuable me dicine, and would recommend it to those who mar be afflietpd with severe coughs and colds. March $3,1841. -W.K.BODEN ttrSolTty R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood bymplkts generally in the twq cities and vicinity. liIELT CLtfTHS—3 cases Bine and Drab Fel * Cloths, just reo’d and for sale hr ' l murphy, Wilson a co. - 110x13 4a Wood st SCARUEr AlUL’tt. J4ta*-w. K. Mutphy has high colored Mou*. do Lain*, aach a* Cherry, Scarlet, Ac, «Uho low priee of U3e pcryifd. Al*o, ; PU]n Prab, Brown, Ae .uIRH to lfc| eaaaoer y*rm l*rge waoriment of neat styles various prices, together with Aicboico assortment of Dress Goods generally, •uck at Fahey. Silks, French Merinos, Cashmares, Co burgs tod Lyoaeao Cloths, at the N. & comer of roujth and Market it*. TOtolanlo Boobs'sp bud* novui TRANSPORTATION l.ltißS. _ l HAB'-''en i CO* "***»»sr Amu BomlttAßco OSoo# HaNRDEN A CO. continue to bring persons H#Xm*r° m any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or •"•swales, spon foe most liberal terms, with their usual Dunctnaltty and attention to foe wants and com fort of emmigrant* Wo do not allow our passengers to be rob bod by the swiedlieg scamps that infest foe sea port*, a* we lake-eharge of feem fee moment they re port themselves, and see to feeir well being, ana de spatch them without any detentiun by tho first ships.— 1 Yt e say tin# fearlessly, as wo dely one of our passen- Gr» to enow that they were detained 48 h*»u”s by us in verpool, whilst thousands of others »"Ve detained months, until they could be sent in some *jl traft, at a c “ mP fate, which too frequently proveti their coffins. Weuucodto pcrforto'our eontraeti eonorubty, cost wb»t it may, and not set os was fee case last Mason, wub ether officers,—who either performed not all, or when it suited foetr convenience. drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to £I««. payable at any offeeprorixctM Ranks In Ire land, England, Scotland aud Wales JOSHUA ROBJi'iBON, , .. Europeansi.dGennai Agent, aiu Fifth ttTMLon* door balnw Wood. . 1849. .sehte-jsßft mmassmm fUuai Warircn udClovalAadPamumLinSi Canal Packet—SWALLOW. ~ O “ “ —OCEAN. NB of the above Packets leave Beaver every day (hundsys excepiedf and arrive next morning at >v arren, when they connect with foe Mail Stages for Akron pnd Cleveland, arriving at each of these places b*'! 0 ™ tiigln. One of fee packet# leave Warren daily at 5 I . M., and arrives at Beaver in time to take foe moriuug boat tor l’iushurgh. m 4 Co, Warren,) M UTAWOR do {Fro. JOHN a CAUGHF.Y. Agent. ss*? comer Water and Smith field sn 1849. UNION UNE, ON Tins PENN’A AND OHIO CAMAJ.S. Cxxwtoud A Cnxscßxaufl,Cleveland,O } D _ . RO. Pxxxb. Beaver, Pa. | Pro P^ 'T'HlSILjne will bo prepared on foe opening of navi- X gallon, to transport Height and Passengers from PITTBBURGU and CLEVELAND, to any point on foe Canal and Lakes. The facilities of the Line arc unsurpassed in ntunber, quality and capacity of Boats, experience ol captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamers LAKE ERIK AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver,andalineoffirstelass Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on fee Lakes. Aoetts—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa. Je«*e Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. M H Taylor, Warren, “ Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna, A Co, Akron. Crawford A Chamberlin, C *ind, O Seer* A Griffith. Buffalo, K '• JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Offico,cor Water and Southfield tu, Pittsburgh. mchfiLly BEAVER PACKETS. Stesnjer MICHIGAN No. 9—Capt. Gilsou. “ tAKKKIiIE, “ Gordoa.' fTIUE above regular and well known Beaver Pack : J. ctn, have commenced making their daily trips to and'ftnm (Uoaver, and will continue to run "between Ptu*l>urgl.\iuid Beaver regularly during the season, as follows: < Michigan No. frleaves ritt«: arjh daily at 9 o’clock, A. M., and Beaver at 5 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beater daily stB o’clock, A. M-. and Piushurgh at 3 o’clock, P. M. These cleamers will run in connection wife R G Paiki l Express Packet Line, for Erie; Tayloc A Warren Packet*; Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. R O Parks daily New Cattle Packets. CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Pittsburgh, mehfil cor Water and Smithfield «» 1549. I'ITTSBDBSfI ASO CLKVtsU.IB UNE, ON Tim PENNSYLVANIA ANDOIIIOCANAI-S. THE Proprietors of this old established and popular dailv line, eonaisung of SIXTEEN first class Canal Boats, t-wned by foemselvet and running .n contofa. Qoa with the steam boats BEAVER AND CAOB COPE are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for tho transportation of freight-end passengers, on ihq opening ofCanat navigauon, to allpolotson the Penn sylvantacrd Ohio and N. York canals and fee Lakes. EM. FITOIIA Co. devniand. BIDWELLA BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. J. C. 11l DWELL, Agent, tuara Water street, rittsburgh. f. C. EISWUX, Pitlsburi’E BIOWELL & BROTHER, rotwnrdii; lertbants, lii : vr.R. pa. Agmtt f.rr tJu Piiuittrgk andCuvtland lam, Pin* burgh end Ert* Line via Brie, and for iteasi beau iVawr end CaJfi Cape. Uavingpnrehased foe large and substantial Wharf Boat iust built for the Mooongaheia Packets, have with the ixldition of a Warehouse, tho mo*t ample ae eomtsodsiions for receiving and forwarding, and pledge ihfllr utmost auentioa, promptness and despatch to consigßiocntß to their care, and rely on feeir fnend* for « trial. marl-dly D. A BRO. SEW PIABOS. JUST JO-CKIVKB. > new assortment of PIANOS, from the manufactories ol CRicxxxnto, Boston, and Dactv A Rsmi New York. ALSO--A few elegantly curved PIANO STOOLS, for «are v: mtiufseturer’s prire*. by JoliN II MKLI.oR, fel Wood *t, r Sole Agent for Cliickcnog’s Piano*. for WoFtern Pennsylvania » Second Baud PlanoaT t ONE *-cnnd hand Piano, 0 octaves, price S5O. *\ •' “ “ 5* " " 43. 1 “ “ 6* “ “40. For *a e cor cash at the above pric/s by del‘4 JOHN H MELLOR. >■! Wood st TO VliVf.iN"PLAYEßS—Srona's Glass Viou.v {tcn. ju, altered sml connected from the la*t Kng 'i,h editi.'in, to correspond with Spobris Original .* ■■•• no! et Violin playing, hr bis pupil U. C. Hill. “If i- argument* are required u> recommend this work, li j»*y )» observed that Ppohr himself adhere* vtrieUy to ibr syri’-m lud i'nwn in the above work, and that Jieha* Pythe same mode of instruetion, produced a greater lumber of distinguished pupils than any other master in Europe." A *npp!y of the above Jn«i reeHL (price f 7.) and for sale by dc:? 1 H MELLOR. fit Wood st A N EMINENT andbxpvneneed Physician from th* a! K#© l -. of 20 years standing, offers to treat all cases of a Delb ate Nature with promptness and secrecy. HissuicecsHn Buffalo and other large cities hat been proverbial. His charges are moderate, and his euresjeTn.uoeiit. Old cates of Gleet, Stricture, Scro fula, Flu-? Albas, Rheumatism. Ague,Syphilis, or any chronic • r inveterate cates soheited. A cure warranted, or charge refunded. . Ornct •, St. Clair street, Shoots from the Bridge. Teeth Kxtracted Advice to the poor gratis. * N. B.—Dr A. solicit* the worst eases of any diseat* m Pittsburgh to coll. __ *DM:dly P’CTROLEDR, OR ROCK OIL* “There are more things in heaven and earth Then arc dreampl of io philosophy.” THE VIRTUES or this remarkable remedy, and the Lonstant application tor it, to the proprietor, has induced him la have it pul up in bottles with la bel* and direction* for the benefit of the public. The 1 fc.TROLF.UM is procured from n well in Urn count) , ut a depth of four huudred feet, Is a pure nna dulterat'd article, without any chemical chaugr*. hut just S' flows from Nature's Great Lubratory!! Thant contain* properties resetting a number of diseases,,is no ganger a matter of uncertainty. There are many things in tho arcana of nature, which,ifknown,might boot vaH usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re storing the bloom of health and.'vigor to many o suf ferer. 1 -onr before the proprietor thought of putting it up in '•attics, it had a reputation for the cure of dis ease. 1 tie constant and daily increasing calls for it, ■and several remarkable cures it haLpftnormed, Is a sure indication of its future popularity and wide spread implication in the cure of duetto, Wc d > cot wish to make a long parade of certifi- ■ cate*, a* we are conscious that the medicine can soon work iti> way into the favor of those who suffer and wi«b to bo healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a univcy*t-l application in evenr disease, we unhesita tingly *ty, that in a number of Chronic Diseases it is annvsilcd. Among there may be enumerated—all di-enkek of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. CONSUMPTION (in its curly atage,) Asthma and all di>ea.*ea of the air passage*, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYPPEPSJa, Iliarhma. Diseases of the Bladder ntid Kidneys, Pains-iu the Back or Side, Nervous Disc uses, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheums tic Pains, Gout, fclryifoeJas, Trlter, Ringworms, Horns, Scald*, Bruises. O d Sores. Ac., Ac. in cases ofldebility re sulting unra exposure, or long and protracted cases of ditense, this inudiein* wilt bring relief, h will act ns n geuer-ti TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such cases, impsrtii g tone and energy to the whole frame, remov ing obstructions, opening the sluggish functions, which cause d;suite and a broken constitution, and giving increased and renewed energy to all tlie organs of Life! Tins proprietor knows of Mvcral cures, of IHLEri, that reii-ted ©very other treatment, get well under the use of tho PETROLEUM for a short time. Tl>e proof can be given to any person who desires il Non-' genuine without tin: s>guuiurc of the proprietor, by the proprietor. S. .\t. Kllvll, Usual llostii, near. Seventh *t ' Also cy K I-SELLERS,S7 Wood st; mid— KEYSKR A M’DOWELL, eonter Wood st. and Virgin alley; who are his novK-dly regularly appointed Agents TUBS AND cnuaifs. PINT. AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY No. P 7. corner Market nnd Fififi —or 40 .Market, twrer. Third iiinl Fourth st*. - rpniC subecrit-cr keep* constauily on bond, whole- X sale and rcloi!, tho following articles, vn: WixshTu!'-, Stou Churn*, Mem Tii!'-. Barrel Churn*, Bath i Half Bushels, Woodt-i llowli, ' Peeks and Half Pecks, Wash Board*, Brass Hound Buckets, Clothes I'ics, Towel Holier*, Wooden Ladles, Bread Rollers, Clothes Buskefv, Market Baskets, Ac-, Ac. SAMUEL KKOBSEN, no7H 1 No Rl Diamond alley, Pittsburgh J. Mnatiratt A 8ona» Patent Soda Aab. •_»,-)= CASKS Glass and Soap makers’ Soda Ash. OwJ nii|>or rd direct from ute abo7o celebraioa maaufucturert|b9pcr cent Ameiican tcit, arriving and for safo hr novft J W A M MJTCHKLTRKfi LUIUORS— *17 hf pipes Brandy- uted your Liver Pill* and Cqugb Syrup in my family, and they have in every iniracco produced fee eOectiltlired. As I tun rngoged in merchandising, I am able to state that I tiuve yet to hear ef foe first failure where your medicines have been used in my section of fee countrv. In conclusion, 1 may tute that they are Ui medicine* cf fee day, and are uestiuei ;o have a very ejtennre pspulhrity Your*, re* ci-tfnljy, >'• . 11. PIWMTI-T- Prepared and sold by R.' • 1 ] BS,No 87 Wood street, r.nd sold by Druggn • »enemJly in fee two ci ties aud vicinity. myfil /•vLrLvrcl’RE of'UVEircoMi S LAU?T,"by”Bo VX origmal, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. Suoxr CaxKc, Ohio county, Va.) - March fiGih. Ifrl9. \ Mr. B. E Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and to fed nubile genera ly, to state feat I have been afflicted with the Liver Complaint for a long time, and so badly feat an nbcess formed and broke, which left me in a very low state. Having' heard of Tour cc'ebrated Liver Fills being for stue by A R Shsrp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by my phyiimn, Dr. K. Smith, I concluded to ave feetq afairtr.al. 1 purchased one box, and founa them to 're just wlint they are recommended, THE BEST LI VER Pi LI. EVER USED; and after taking four boxes I find the disease has entirety left me, and i am now perfectly well. Respectfully youf*. DU COLEMAN. - West Liberty, March i'fl, 1549. I certtiy thst l am personally acquainted-wife Mr i oloct . .and can bear testimony to the truth-of tbe uo'vo . rtificate. A R BHARP To - , i-iiutne Liver Pin# are prepared and sold by RE-t l-LKRENo 57 Wood street, and by druggists In tu* w'-to.ici. TO run I’lißLJC.—The criminal, only true andfen nine Livur l'illt are prepared by H E Sellers, and have h:» num Monipcd In btark wax dpon the. lid of each 1 ox, and hU mcnatore on Hie couide wrapper—all other* nre eoaitu rfeita.or ba*r imitation*. apt« U F. SKLI.KK3, Proprietor CAliinilf ATIVE BALSAM I'lU'.M Uic Riv ASA-SHINN, n wcllkflownandppp ' oU: ‘lerrtmauosihel’roieitanijMethodist Church I'iir ur.'lenurned having lieer.iffiicteddorinßlheptil » net r with p oithe ttomach, tometunci pro- Jae.i.j red, that the buderer was reliev ed from a auinumof oppressive pmn. From r-a parience, throelore. ■ e can confi-jeiuty recomrae.-u L I) Jayne'* Carmmat.rr- l al«am. M « »*‘«iaryiiiedlr Ir fordi*«tAeaofiLe*VMiiit(“l‘ and Itdwels. A.. HIMVJ, ; Aticithen> riiy.ivdl For axleinTiUitiunit a- •M’ l ' 1 ' 1 ?* 114 7S Fourth atTtet, near'V.-,*; aaiLalo at «wt>n«v Store of H F~- • fiitntort.-AE-RSei t VALUABLK D|SCU“VBH¥»_ CONSUMPTIVES, BE Oi\ YOUR GUARD. DR. SWAYNE’S COSPOONU SYRUP Of Wll.ll CIIRRIU TBt aaxrr atswnt fob l , Consumption, Cough*, Cold*, Aathma, pcoseluiia, Ut ■r Complaint, Battling .Blood, Difficulty of Breath inr, pain in the Side and Urewa, Palpitation cl the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con stitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debili ty, and all PUeaMta of'Uie Throat, Breast and Longa; tbe most ef fectual nml speedy ear* ever known torany of the aborq diseas es. li Dll. 3\N A Y N K> 3 Oonpoaad Syrup of Wild Charryl ’ This medicine 1* no .ongcr among those ofdnubtfu! aality it ha*pas*ed away from the ihouaands daily launched upon the tide ol eipeinmrr.i, and row stand* hifher ui Tflnutauon. an*! f becoming.more extensive ly Bxed than any mhet preparation of medicine ertr produced for tbt roltet m sufleang man. • It ha* been .suoduced ren- generally through the IJuiied Stale* at™ Hurepe<*nd there are few town* of lmponiu.ee but what contain »ome remarkable «-*»- deace of u» *ood effect*. hor proof of the foregoing (moments aiA-of the valife and effiCAcyof this medi dee, the proprietotwtll m»erlft few?. iheTOasrtiou ttadteatimonial* whieh hove bcenpftwjitedtohlmby men of the first rripect.biiity-mcu who have higher view* of moral reiponaibiliiy and Ju.tice, than to cer- UfTto UcK fiecittW it will do another a favor, und ttaoiKlvet no tnjuidce. Such testimony prove* con clc*ivoly,thal It* surpruwg crecller.ee te established by it* intrinsic merits and the unquealionahle amhori ty of public opinion. The in.tanuuieou. relief it af ford* and the sooihing influence diffuied through the whole frame by it* use, render* it a mo»l agreeable “When men, acting from conscicntiouj unpulaea, voluntarily bear iciumony to tl*e truth of a thing, or □articular fact, «oeh testimony, being eontmy to thou worldly interMt* and purposes, coerce* conviction of it. tnilfi, and commend* itself in » *P«»al manner to nnircrt&l credence."— O’Hogun * Mont! Maxuns READ TIIE HOME OEETIFICATKS Snu. Arumra. Cb« o, ri...-ur,.j,T Coznramo*:— Thera ntrat ra«* .rcmriy Oral Mratoen »» .uccrat/ul m de»[>ctttJe caseaof ConuunpUoiW, M Dr. Swayue’s Compound Syrup o! Wild Cherry', W ttrengthen. the jytiert, and appear* to heal the alctn an tho lung., ereatu g new and rich blood, j*ow«jf poseessed by no other «.4ttt Cinema Co.. April 2£th, IsHd. Dr avne—Dear Sin I verily heliere your Com pound B/repot Wild Cherry ha* heeutho meau* ol m* life lciuuhtn revere cold, which gradu ally uShded with f ««***» that R.liU .11 U>« rararfra. rawrt l bad raoou.ra ra, .0 1 increasing until ray.ee* cxiiibiird all ihe sjnynoraa of rntHiviin, ’hmff J triravriSMl U> have no effect aedmy cooipluiotuicrrased m rapul ly that friend* n. well a* «avo. up all hope* of myreoovcf}. At thi* urae I was recommended, to try your invaluable ined»«in*i-ldnl so with the most han- I r rrniiu Tbs first bottlahod the effect to loosen the roach, caasm; me u> eipeetoratefrrely; and by Uie djncVbad u*o2 aix bottlc«;rwa*«RuUy welLand am now a* hearty a rt*n a* I e«cr I wa» in tny life, aim would be happy to five *«* infotm.tiomreaweur.g my -a»e that oier sufferer* may derive the benait for which I>n *o grauffal. For theuulh of the abon lUtemcnt, 1 refer you to Ccirr Ravb, Croeer, U««l Chester. l‘a„ of whom I pwctmredtbe medirioo. Ilc-pe«ully y«ur.», du»x*.le«AX. I VonMfi't Cure of a Dr swayae—Dear Sir. I foCi a debt ef gis.tltada.due re Toe—and a duty t© tho ofllieiM gcncraily, to offer m/hcnble te.tim«ny fb favor of your Compound sy rup of Wild Cherry. Some three yw» «l”ce I wav stn'ctlv ottaoked with cold and Inflammation of tlm LmArs, which wa* accompanied with a dutroeung Jou.h, pain in the breast and hc*d. a very consider*- ble dlwltarge of offensive mucus from the lungr, espe c’ally upon change of weather, however slight. At fr*i 1 ipltao alarm ol'out my condition, but was pretty *oon coavtncodOral lvn.* rapidly going mtoeonnutap to,. I R »w dailT weaker, and at length was scarce r able fo walk about, or speak above a whl/per, such was ihcexceed'nr- weakness of my lungs During this time 1 had tried various preparattoas and but foumf no rchrf—growiug u» the time worm. Just hf.re I wa« &itvt.ed and persuaded t>y a dear friend in 1" “ i * l » f I-” ff W” r 'ViU cbt,. it I must eon.«ss that nreviously i had been prejo dirad against patent medtemr*, and I am still against Ihoic eonring out of the hand' of eiupcrJc*, but under »trnduv» voiir e'aimk to tho prof-man and praeace of nedi'rine, aod implicit fetth |h« *»)•»'? of my friends, l fnrlhwUU purchased of Dr. one of your aerms, a few 1-ales, and commeucediW use. Mydi*- edw wm at tb»i dwe of 2Qor m-mlh* standing, con- it writ deeply seated. 1 found, however, considerable relief from the r.v of the href four or five bottles. But bung * nablic speaker,! frequently at tempted to preaeh w»W «y inrmasiiia utrsiietb, and thereby ruptured those vewH tkut had already begun to heal; a this way, dmibile*, my eure was greatly •retarded. In c-«*©qnoncc of acting thu* ImPrudenf T had to usr nwrc or fifteen bottle* before ] waspe. fecliy restored l nave tin aUfriion, u muchsmal' number r.fJwtiUwf would have made me round, ba Uio alrovc ladt-erruon. The ftyrup nlla>cd Jic fev, ish hvlnL took - way tho tusttevuig cough, put ist ■ to the dwhar.v of rontter front Urn lunss. and guv them and the entire *7'"* R°°' LealUl v 1 red offering thl- eortifleaio unul now, for the ptirpoa ifbeuig pftTec.v satisfied f*™**'™*Y ol the cure and now ihal l feci .perfectly well 1 offer it with pleasure. Rct 3 1 • Dublin county N. C iißfwroini CaiUwK — RitU! Head! There t« butt- 1 e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and ihalls Dr. Hw'aTS*'*. die first ever offered to the public, which • nv been sold lanrely throughoat.Uie United Stale* and some part* of Europe; and oil pre- MmUon* collet by the nirne of Wild Cherry have bees nut out *W long iipuse. Tht* he foci* conscientious in slating, iuasmaeh aa he ho* not foiled in one case out of litre© ami fifty-three pa- Also for Rheumatism and WeaklireasL or Back, at tended with pain, there is nothingi*r« er t this Plaster in affording relief or effecting a curi*. Foraalc by L WllcoX, comer of Diamond null Market st Braun A Reiter, “ Liberty nnd Bl Clair su Dr J Sargr.it u Fcdcnl stand Dirunotiu, Alte ■gheny city Jacques A Ho, Denman and Diamond Binning. tcJ ts E riKLI.EiL'*, Druggist. No 07 Wood street, b, Boio Agent lor the nil© of l»r. Town*?,,d’»Gen- nine ftarsnpariiiß. ha* ju«t received 2UU doicn of tlus Orent Spring and MimKer Medicine. Purchasers *nould recollect that H J'. Sellers « *ole agent for Pittsburgh, and D M Curry tor Allcgbcuy city .. °l’ s 1 EXTRACT OF' COFFKIu—An arucie whicli u ra 'j pidly coming into uro a* a wlmUnotae, nourishing and urhetoo* beverag**, being more nlcasant and pal atable than common coffee,and t*r rhenper, a* a *mall paper costing only ten cent*, will gtVa* far a* four pounds of Coffee. Manufactured by JOHN 9. MILLER, Piiuburah, Pa. Sold at wholesale by B A FAIINEsTiJck a Co, corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood street*, Pittsburgh. * apdl CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—J u *t received,' 38 Camp Blanket*; tfi officer coats;' la pf B Pauli -13 pair* nett lined Mining Boots; U Isthmus JUag*; y water Tanks, 6 and Iff gallon* eaeh; 50, canteens, 4 gallon each; 1 do* Buckskin Money Belts ldo oiled cambric do do. The above goods for sale at die Cali fornia Outfiting Establishment. No S Wood *t. meh94 , . Jill PHILLIPS ' ABSORTED SPICES—Pot up for family use, i a tin •ana, enclosed in a. eliding lid box. containing Mustard, Aispice, Cilia amou, ■ ■ Ginger, Cloves, ’ Pepper, Wtnanted pure. For sale at the new Spice* and Mustaed Factory, comer of Ferry A Liberty »u. myla JOHN » H^LL AN ViLS—wrought Iron Ajivu*, irom the Temper ancevUlo work*, warranted;: will be constantly on band and esppUed to order, b WJ9 GEO COCHRAN, U Wood a BOOK TRADE- »W BOOStI T H AR WITH ME3UC0 * bT s of Rhetoric;. comprising an Analysis of ue Laws of Aland Evidence and of Femuwo: by Richard Whatefy, D. D- Essay on Christian Baptism; by Baptist W. Noel, M. p>? OtUries, a Novel. Fairy rtlet, from all Nations; by Anthony R. Mon dba; with st illustrations by Doyle. Just rec’d by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, __dciu comer Third and Market streets New n«d Elegant Gift Books! Q ACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J.T. i O Headley, with eleven original designs by Darley. ! Poems nnd Prose Writings, by' Richard H. Dana; 3 'voK muslin; : Illuminaied Gems of Sacred Poety. with six Ohutra* tions engraved on steel, by John Sartain. Jnst received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, dear comer Third and Market «u. Hew Book*. PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View of the mutual duties, relations and intareau of the Medical Profession and the Community; by Worth* ingum Hooker, M. D. The Works of Michael De Montaigne; comprising his Essays, Letters, Ac. By Wa Hailetl. . Nineveh and its Remains. By Austen Henry Lay* ari, E#q, D. C. L. Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished Tour in ICH?. ByS.T. Wallis. Tcnper’s Proverbial Philosophy, hew edition; Hint*' tralod. Just received by .„ . JOHNSTON ArSTOCKTON; nov*l corner Market and Third streets 18*0-30! LOCKWOOD'S ILLUSTRATED WORKS—llln minaied Books*—Books in richly carved binding, Ujuminated and illustrated— Books superbly bound u Velvet. Milk, Morocco, And Composition, in imitation or the Middle and Prayer Books, beau* lifully bound id Velvet and Aloroeco, magnificently or namented and illuminated. For salo by . , „ JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, * dcia Bookseller A Importer, Wood sL_ .Cbrlatmos nag Hew Tsar Approaeblugl ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, In Magnificent Antique Binding, fortht.ReiiJajs. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, |u street, has received a beautiful collection of Illustrated Rooks, bound in the most splendid man* tier t»y ibt best-imndon and American biodtrs—among them may l.e found; Pearls of American Poetry; magnificently illomlna* nated. Lays of the Western World; illuminatedingold and '^ or^*w °rth’s Greece; riebiy Ulastrated, The Preacher; illuminated by Owen Jones, and bound in carved wood. The Song of Songs; illuminated by Jones. Flowers and their KindredThoughls;illumlnaiedby Heroines of Shokspcare; illustrated. Mrs. Jameson's Characteristics ot Women; illustra ted. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, del? : M Wood street Hew Books, REDBURNi llis Fust Voyage,by HermanMeJlviUe author of ‘-Typee," “Oraoo,” Ac. of King Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott With fine engravings. Sidonia the Sorceress; by Wn, Meinbold. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, novtll .corner Third and Market streets " One of ihs Mast RmartabU Worts ofthsAgt ." NINEVEH AND ITS REMAINS; with an account of a visit to the Chandasan Christians ofKnrdis mii, and the Yeiidls, or Devil-Worshippers; and an mquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Aoeient As synans. Bt Austen Henry Layard, Eiq, D. C. L. nb Introductory Note by Prof. K. Robuuon, D. D LL. D. Illustrated ;witb 13 plates and maps, and 90 wood cuts. 3 volt. Bvo. cloth, 84,20. ‘■Tno book has a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pic turesque nanative •?— I Tribune, The work of Layard Is the mast prominent contri bution to tbe study of antiquity, that has appeared for uianv yean."—Christ Inq. “Not one excels in interest the aeeoont of Nineveh and ns Ruins, given by Mr. Layard."— Washington Inteiligeuctr. “As we follow the diggers with breathless interest in their excavations, ana suddenly find ourselves be fore a massive figure carved with minute accuracy, now lifting its gigantic head from the dust of 3000 yours, we are ready to cry out with the astonished Arabs,‘Wallah, it Is wonderful, bat it is true!’ "—ln dependent. For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, povIS 63 Wood St Hew Books* 11IIE WOMEN of tbe Old and New Testament. . Edited by E- Bi Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. elegantly bound; 1$ exquisitely finished engravings with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen. POEMS BY AMELIA, IMrm, Welby, of Ky-Ja new and enlarged edition; illustrated by engravings from original designs by Wier. I vol. square Bvo., elegant ly boend and gilt. Also—A variety ofspleruud Annu als and Gift Books, i Sewell’s Child's First Book of the History of Rome 1 vol. ISrao. : THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally: being a thorough and practical Treaueo on Mensura tion and tbe SUdingißnJci By D. M. Kaper, A. M. Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. Oiiendorfl’s Elementary French Grammar. By Prof. Greene, of Browu University, t voL ISmo. Koediger'e Gesenlus’ Hebrew Grammar, by Conant Gere tuns’ Hebrew Lexicon. Loomi* 1 Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. 1 vol. (sheep.) Tbe Engbshman's Greek Concordance. lvol. (mas lin.) i Anthon's Classical Series. Webster’s Dictionary, revised ed. lvol. Bvo. do do ’ unabridged. I voL 4to. Berne's Note* and Questions on New Testament. Whaifliy't Logie. .\Jo,helm's Eccieaiastical History. 8 vols. and £ vola. (shtep.) • . , V»-*tixt*«of Cr*«Uph; 1 vol.ißmo. Mornings among the Jesuits at Kamo.. 1 vol (clotii and paper.) Scenes where theTVmptei has Triumphed. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) * Bogur’s Theological Lee lure*. 1 voL 8 vo. (cloth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. Boyer’s French Dietionary. {‘mart’s Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS, novtj) » , Apollo Buildings, Fourth st New books jusTTikokived.—rue worst o Montaigne, edited by H. Haxhu, comprising bis Essays, Letter*, and Journey through Germany and .Italy, with noiet fro In ail the Commentators, Biograph ies! and Bibliographical Notices, Aq. 1 ’ - Theory and Practice of Teaching; nr, the Motives and Methods of Good School-Keeping, by David Plage, A. M.. Poincipai of the State Normal School, Albany, N Y. Frank Forester's Fish ul Fishing #f the U. States ft ml )tnu«h Province* of North America, by Henry Wm Herbert. JOHNSTON A STOCKTONif^ novfi corner Third and Market iU The Oldest Ttmei JAjHES D. LOCKWOOD, BockseUeranJ Impjner, * o. #3 M ood street, has for sale a tew copies com* jiletc, tthc remainder or lha edition,) pf this valuablo work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents,land other auihenuc information relating to the earlylex plurations, settlement and improvement of the country around the bead of the Ohio, By Neville D. Craig, Esq-, of l’ia«eurgh, In 3 volt Bvo. \ . jraylj) . J. D. LOCKWOOD. "Ik OMAN LIBERTY: A History, with a view of the Xv Liberty of other Aneient nations. By Samuel Elliott, Ksq. Illustrated with twelve engravings, exe cuted at Rome St volt., Bvo., uniform with Prescott's iluiuucol Works. Just pablnhed and for sale by 1 JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and _ jio~vlo i importer, 63 Wood k ITtA.NNY KEMillttt IN ITALY: authorised edition, J; Lhno 75 ell. MRS. FANNY KEMBLE'S YEAR OF CONSOLATION. ‘*The residing of this book has impressed uwih a ranch higher oidniwi of its author than we bad fonped from perusing Iter other writings. Udisplay t a deeper lone of tnougbt, united io more pure womanly grace of fcclmg than any other production of the female mine with which we are acquainted.’*—Eve. Mirror. '■lt u a very agreeable and readable bonk, wTittenln Fanny k'erabla’sbeil ktyifr—bold, spirited and enter taming. Wc recommend Uto ony readers as the best publication of the reason."—Reading Gas “lt contain* tbo Journal of a travel through Europe, and residence in lu)y; and U one of the pleasantest and most interesting books of the season."—Cour. and Enquirer. ' “A very chsracieriitie book. We have read it from title pngs to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi vid picture of life lp Rome, iu alt respects eminently reliable."—Knickerbocker. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, novlO Bookseller t Importer, 63 Woodat Lithographic Kitahllshninr v OF WM. SCHUCiIMANN. Third si, opposite the Foii-OEce, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill heads, Showbills, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Dntineis and Visiting Cards, Ac., engraved or draon on stone, and printed In colors, Gold,-Bronxa or lllack, in the most approved style, and at the'most reasonable prices. ’ oettfcly K'EU ai 1 I KK—CCken for sale by •'• -• _dc!7 > WICK A McCANDLESS I,'LOUR—SObbli Family Flour, for sale by*’, J? liui colored M. do Lams, at the extremely low price of 11c. ner yard. A A MASON A Co, dcH No 80 Market st 5 “ bottles 6 “ “ Pine Apples; a “ •< - Cherries;. 3 *' u Strawberries; 3 u Tojnatoes; 3 •' half gal. bottles Pickles; - a “ quart do. 3 “ lahey do. RrcM and for sale at lbs Pekin Tea Stcre, 70 Fourth •IreeL _ j ( - decU RYE FLoUit-iabbUrecMand for sale by dc« _ WM II JOHNSTON. 118 Second «t RECEIVED THIS DAY, |l the India Rnbbs; De pot—l ease Women’s Metallic Rubber Sandals; -!«■ - “ mass l •• Misses’. H “ Slippers; l “ Meii's u “ Overshoes: l t ** “ ** Sandals; fV' “ “■ leaiher.soled “ Overshoes: All will be soldf wholesale or retail, lower than at any house in the city. JA II PHILLIPS, noviil No 5 Wood street" PF.aLEU PEACHES—3 bblsjmt rec’d,Tor saieby dele 8 A W HARUAUUH \\; IN DOW GLASS—St/0 bri, ais’d siics, rec’d end VV fur a.oln l.y dels SAW HAItBAUGII BUTTER— 13 blits and 3t» kegs, packed, iu prune order lor shipping, for sale by ueau L s waterman SODA ASH—re casks to arrive per Kingirotd, for rale l.y deXI TASBEY A DEaT BL ACK Wadding—id botes large size and’lfcafv just reo’d by SHACKLETT A WHITE, 1 * up« No W Wood st VIZETI'ES— -Souses super French Black Silk Vi xettes, extra trimmings, rcc’d per express, at A dctfO A A MASUNA CO*9 \ SUNDRIES—» boles Cotton; kfibblffioV Lari 44 bugs Feathers; | uerce 1 “ 7 Is sacks Wool; Gdoz Lamb Skins, with wool; 1 a dos Sheep Skins, u « 1 3 dos “ ** dressed; To arrive on steamer Fort Pitt, and for sale hv dcl4 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Frsnt st GINSENG— 4 bags Clari&edTfor sale by del? WICK A McCANDT.pgg lAKAfPERS ta sacks prime, inr hf~ - ii'!. cl 7 WICK AMeCANDLE3B HulLsi-. CoVr.ftß-o uttm Etasuc Horse Covered . T.-rfhra*imd.ptoMi4 M Uoi er , MI „ cM ,J a ior sslo low, at No. A Wood street, by J A H PHILLIPS CtAbTOR OIL—l bbl ln store and for sale by • . J KIDD A CO ALCOHOL— la bbls [ustreo'd and for sale by dc” - - J KIDD ACO EUGS—Ubbis Fresh, just rec’d ua tor sale ny de® ; STUART A SILL _ I~U£B GAnrWJUfiUT-l Carpet Bag In More; l aattcst to charges, for Lake Cartwright, which tie willplease call for. 0 B MILTgWBKIfoRR, «•a No 87 Froat st EXCHANGE! ’ BROKERS- a. HoiiKXs Idas, r— ■•■koi, Biok.ri, : *«m nnt.vn IS ! NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD t SILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Note* and Aeeepuace* payable in any part ofthe Union,toDeeUd outlie most favorable terms. » EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore: also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Lotus and New Orlean»jeon*tantiy for sale. K NOTES.—Note* on all solvent bank* in the United State* diseonnted at th« lowest rates.: All kinds 01 5 0T *'? n «d American Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold; : ... pt 9® ce No. 53 Market street, between 3d and 4th, PI tubary li. Pa. . i pcCtf S„.„ VOILEIOH kXCHASOK. ' ~~ on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought ,*5? ““iwt *t £be Current Rate* of Exchange, from’ V,Tj£ lc ia “T P*n of the Old Cotmmea, StthnSnS the rate of Ssj to lhej£ Sterling, or ducount, by JOSHUA ROBIN *n,n iBimw 1 {XOWAID IABM B^?SSn AN ? dealer* M and Wood atrceu, dinjaiiy oppoaiu St Sarlea Ho* - mayggdXy WE3¥BBSTCSB» Ohio, Indian*, Kactacky, Hiucun, . ... iTanfc Molts: parehued u the lowest mien, by N. HOLMES & SONS, •®PHI 35 Market tttr+t JgU.Lß^^lOMASttErgrgOTESti-05^ i’MJndelphin, and Baltimore, Conatanily for uli by N. HOLMES & SONS. jcp!3 35 Market at. MISCELLANEOUS. EAGLE POPBDRY. O. W. O. fATIfI,, undersigned, successors to Arthurs A- NichoV X uni bcgleavr to inform the cilixeuß of Pittsburgh and pablic generally, that they have rebaili tire Eg-. ULk FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, arid have parL Of their patterns ready for the morket:-|- Amongit Which ore Cooking Stoves, Cool and Wood Stoves, wiib a splendid oir-ught Coal Stove, which Is now superceding in other cities the common rouAd Stove. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adop ted for small families, with a fall assortment of com* moo and mantel Grates We would pariicularly ih vitethe attention of persons bnildlng to call at odr warehouse before purchasing, nod examine a iplend d article ofenammeflcd Grates, finished in fine entlrely new in this market. Warehouse, No. 18l Liberty ft, opposite Wood gt auggfrhf NICHOLSON *• PAYNE. Offle* of the Daltwtra Hatoftl Safetyln saronee Conpuifi Pnu-kDELrau, Not. Sib. 1640. THE Board of Directors hare, this day, declared a dividend of TEN PER CENT, in scrip, oat of tlje profits of the Company for (lie year ending October 31, IS4B, ccniLeaie* for which will he Issued on and after the first day of December nexL Also, a dividend of SIX PER CENT inc&sb,on Lite capital stock and scrip previously Issued, parable hi above. RICHARD S. NEWBOLD, SecV. ' novlO P. A. MADEIRA, AgU, Pitu’g. PITTSBURGH IMPORTATIOSB. C'l YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in V, i FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! Sian of the Gilt Comb, ItW Market si., Pittsburgh, Ta. Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others visiting Pittsburgh ta purchase Goods, are respectfully invited to call and examine Uteex tenure assortment of Eng* lish, American. French and German Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers may'rely on get ting goods from first hands. I have the largest assort ment of articles, in the .variety line, in the eity of Pittsburgh—all of which wilCbe soltilosV forcash or city acceptances. The Stock cousins, In part, of Lace Goods, Hosiery,-Gloves, Ribbons. Silk CraTats, Shoe and Patent lit reads, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Tapes,* Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nee dles and Cutlery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of DrnihcsrCombs and Razors. Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk A Cotton Purses, Hpectaeles, Steel Pens, Music .Boxes, Carpel Bags and Baskets. Bindings, Findings and Trimmings. Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large vano ty of Fancy and tiiapte DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER is also agent for the celebrated Lan caster Combs. novl? Roods Soadl SELLERS’ COUGH SYRUP.—Prom W. K. Botlen, Esq., Cler Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver Cour Mr. R. E Bel’.s s -41 Some time In the winter my wife was alflicl:! iron a severe and distressing cough, and hearing *f /eur atvaluable Cough Syrup, 1 pur chased a bottle frsm S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after taking a portion of it two or three evenings . on going to bed. see found immediate relief; as also sc verm', friends nave been relieved In severe cases. 1 am therefore satisfied that it b a safe and valuable medicine, and would recommend it to those who may be ofßieted with severe Coughs and Coldv Match Y3tlS43. W.KBODEN. Prepared onrTsold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh arid A 1 ieghny. oci3o Thi Chsrtlsri Coal CompoajrT :_r [INCORPORATED.} I BOOKS will be open for subseripiton to the slock o! “The Chanters Coal Company,” on and aflet Monday, the 64th day of September insu, at the offie* of X. \v. Remington, Pena at, Pittsburgh. _ spUltdU 2. W. REMINGTON; Great Kagllih Bsmtdy. FOR Conghs,Co!ds, Asthma and Consumption.' Thi GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY of (hi above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, pi London, England, andintrodueedinto the United Stater ander the Immediate superintendence of the inventor. | The extraordinary success of this medicine, in th» cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants tbetAmerleah Agent in soliciting fortreatmentlhe worst possible co ses that eon be found in the community—eases that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished physicians aaconfirmed andlncnrable. The ItutrgutL an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the most desperate of eases. Ilia na quackcostrum,but a standard Etg. Ush medicine, of known and established efficacy, : I' Every family in the United States should be capplieti with Buchan’s Hungarian Balsam of life, not only to covnteraetthe consumptive tendencies of the climate! bu. to be used as a preventive medicine in all cases ©|\ colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and \ chest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, brochitis,- diffieulty of bresting, hectic fever, night sweats, emaci ation and general debility, asthma, inflnwnvs, wboopiny cough ana croup. Said in large bottles, at SI per bottle, with fell' direc tions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, coatamicgn mass of English and Ameri ean certificates, and other evidence, showing the nn equalled merits of this great English Remedy, otay b« obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. For sale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co., comer o st and Wood and Wood and Gthsts. . ju9 any in tbc United States. Ills Biiuds can be removed with out the aid of a screw driver. Uaviug purchased t b e stock, tools, and wood of the cabinet es tablishment of Ramsay k M'Clel land, 1 ora prepared in furnish their old customers, as well iu _E5t J U-ei'rec'd, an elegant plain Rosewood fi oct Piano l from the celel.rstrd manufactory of Nunn* A Clark. N. Y., of superior tune, and very moderate price. For tale by «; KLEBEU, iel9 • at J. W. Woadwclfa. WILLIAMS* IVORY PEARL TOOTII.POWDKR. for removing Tartar, Scurry, Canker, and ail «distance* destructive to the Teeth. It is delicious to the ts/r, cleansing the mouth, healing and atrengtlien ing the gum*, and punfytng tho breath. For salAAvholesale and retail, by dctiu 'K K SELLERS. 57 "Wood st TITATCHESII-CIIKAPER than EVER!— W Justrec’d, an invoice of foil jewelled patent le. ver Watcher idcareufine cases, which I offSi u low as thirty and thirty five dollar*, and warranted to keep good time. Also-A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com 4alS earner Market and Fourth streets. MEDICAL. G«‘ W. BIDDL*, DMtbte ' REMOVED to tnewihree awry brisk VlraVWfe oa Southfield street, one door keimr 4 ‘ r T-‘ r Sixth street Taethiasened fnmaaa to an entire set, oa the taction principle, =wixk a >*»r tiful representation of the neutral gun—noons* tks original shape of ihe face. N. It.—Teeth extracted with little sr no pain. ' 'Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pi*; venting the tooth sehe, which is maeh better th«» tin? it. though it shotfld be done iq fire; minutes, «r even j jnflMv ' __ BALTKH'R I aiNSENG PANACEA) rpO 'rTIIOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED X LUNGS.—The unprecedented- suecesa which has ttended the nse of toe { GINSENG PANACEA n all the various forms which irritation of tha tangs as* mines, has. induced the proprietor again to eall sttan* tiontothis' * _• ••* WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The changable weather which marks our All and winter months, is always a fruitful toarce of V OOLB9 AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, an bat the precursors of that fell destroyer, ’ ' wiAimvnnu T£i question, then, how shall wp nip the destroyar ts the bud! how shall we get dear ofoar.eoaghs and oldsT is of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY wilt be found in the Ginseng Panacea. Inproefofthis we have from to tune published the feeitifieates of dozen* of oar best known eitisens, who have axpari* sneed itecumivepowers. These, withamasses tas Ufliour from ail parts of the country,—from WEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, hCnuiers of the Gospel, A&, together with copioas Co| ices frost the ■ JOURNALS QF-THE DAY,' we have embodied in pamphlet form, and maybs had grstisof any of our agents throughout the eoaatry. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES have bean used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TONS OF THOUSANDS - " throughout the United States and Canada, and wa aha lenge any man to point out a . - *" . .SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken according to directions, and b#i fore the langa had beeoma fatally disorganised, it has ever failed to .. . ' Why, then, need the afileted hesitate! Why reaon ts the mi vrable nostrums, gotten ap by uni' own Individ* aaisu ier the assumed name of soma ce ebratsd ahy* ucian, and puffed into notoriety by cenifiottas m par* ions equally anknownT Whilst a medieina si i UNPARALLELED EFFICACY . Is to be had, whose vouchers are at fitichl bora,—many of whom it has , . SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. ,l T jwvslßahle medicine may ba placed jS«to ““ poo ' *! w ? u “* *•>>« taT * ONLY FIFTY CMTIi fast one half the usual eost of eough medicine*. nil b IJ2 r £F ,, “ ta 8w, 7 eni r to"* and village over the wen, woo are prepared to rtve full informa tion relative to.it. * BALTER, Proprietor. ■ r ‘ Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. M’AULISTER'S ; OJNTMEN J o . @i eraL— It has power to 2. cause all -EXTERNAL rtf SORES, SCROFULOUS g» HUMORS, SKIN DIB gE AS POISONOUS Eg |bdr sue rs, £ .> I bare used itforihe last sixteen years for ail dlsaasai of. the chest, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I deelare before heaven and man, tnat notin one ease has it failed to benefit when tha parientwaa within the reach of mortal meant. - I have bad physicians laaned in the profession. 1 bare ministers of the gospel, Judges of the bench, al dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest eredmoo. sad multitudes of the poor use it in every variety ot .way, and there has been but one voice—one universal volco saying—“M'ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD!” . RHEUMATISM—It removes almost -immediately Ohs inflammation and swelling, when tho pain ceasgf. (R the directions around tea box.) D-ACHE—The salve has cured persons of tha henA+ebeof twelve years standing, and who had It. rcraiar every week so that vomiting took plice. EAR* AO Hh, TOOTH* ACIUV and AGUE IN THE FACE, are helped with like success. SCALD HEAD—We have eared cases that aetsallr d«fi«o every thing known, as well as the ability of fir t#«D io twenty doctor*. One man told as be had spent , f.’tii on his children vrithou any benefit, when a few »ovn of Ointment cured them. TETTER—There la nothing better for .the cure of Tetter. ..... BURNS—It is one of the best things la tha world lor Burn*. PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured fay this Oint-. meat It xavn fails in giving relief for tha Piles. _ . Ip“ Around the box are directions for using JPAL litttt'i Ointmtnt/ot SatfvULlMjr Complaint, Ersptp*- ,■ lot, TrOtr, CkUtlain, Scold Htad,Bori'Bfm,- SoriTknat, Brcmekiuu, Nervous Afftetiont, Point, Du- '' tou of t&tSptnt, Head adit, Ear ' Bums, Comi, ail Diseases eftke Shut, Son Lift, Pin- Fla, qe.,- Stalling cf lAs Limit, 9cm, Rknematiere, Piles, cold Fat, Croup, Svf*Uod or BreLa Breast, Tootit adit, Spat in u* Fact, g-s.g’C. t"~ COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain in tho Chest ' and Side, foiling off of the hair, or the othef aceompa* • nies cold feeL (This Ointment u tho true remedy.) It. . Is a sure sign of disease to have cold feet . CORNS—Oecasional use of the OLntmopt will at-. ways keep corns from growing. People need never-.: ; be tronhled with them if they uu it frequently. £?-.Tfais Ointment is good for any part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In some cues it should bo applied often. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless tho name of JAMK3 McALLISTER is wriuea with a pen oa every label. Foe-sale by my Agents in all the principal cities and io*ru»ln the United Stales. JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of tha above medicine. E 7" Principal Office, No 28 North Third street, PMU •Uelphi*. ,r - PRICE 35 CENTS PER BOX.. Aoctn in Pimicaoa—Brann A Reiter, corner of - liberty and St Clair.sts; and L Wilcox, Jr, comer of 1 Market si and the Diamond, also comer of dthaad- SmiUifield stsj J U Caiisel, corner of Walnut and Pen* stsrfith ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smilhfield K st, 3d door from Second su in Allegheny elty - by H P Scbwartx and J Sargent; by J G Smith, Drugyiit Bir*' ** mfagfaara; D Negley. East LibertyrTl Rowland, Me- Keesport; J Alexander A Son, Monongahelm Cityj B Bowman A Co, and J T Uogers, Brownsville; /oka Barkley, Beaver, Pej are wholesale agents. febslT-deodly i. ' - Facte forthe Pmblte, ;-r lo relation to that unrivalled family Solve, DALIiEY’g HABICAL 'FAIB KITEACMK. 1 TESTIMONY of n respectable Physician,—-Bead • • , tho following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. Me*-*- ryweather,Cincinnati: CwcoriUTi, Ab. 19, IMA ■ - Sir: A‘tense of duty compels me to give my tribute n to Dailey’s Pain Extractor. Being- opposed to quack* ery and all nostrum* hatring for their object sinister*', realising ranch good from the “King of -.' '■ l'oin Killersl am induced to lender you this eertifin. cate. 1 have used it in my family, in my practice, and with all the happy and. wonderful effects that eoakl possibly be imagmed. - - H. J. Ueobix, M. ft' - - Dr. Brodie is the senior partner of Bredie A LeVi.i Druggists. i Inflammatory Rhemnatitm. The following testimonial come* from a eenree fal ' u .nuliar to many of those traveling on oar .Western w«£.<>; ters. Mr. Glime, the well and lavontbhf‘known pro* l pnetor of the Parkenburg Hotel, IsTidsband to the -.. Jody whose letter I annex ., - • ‘ 1 ■ . - PiJtKxssßtJis.Vn, April 19,18 U. ' rS To Henry DalleyvChemist, ce.—Sin Having for- < merly been long afflicted with violent inflamaoimy* ' Rheumatism, which appeared so firmly trued u to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the revere bnln- : -V attending it, I was induced to try your Magical Pain ' ' Extractor; and it having effected, almost as if by me- r '. gie, ar immediate relief and also, to all appearance*' an entire ana perfect cure,! am induced for the bene-] - fit of others who may be afflicted with paln.eaued by ' ' any kind ofinßammnUon, to write toyon, declaring; ;) that in my opinion, founded on actual experience - 1 your Magical Pain Extractor ia the most valuable dia-t‘ e?je*7 of the present age for the immediate extraction' ! orotvltly psln. It isun almost immediate and a per- * -’ feel cure for Burns and Scalds, and all external i*- •' flantmation. < Having many aequalotaneea formed by thei: visa* ~ at my hnsband’s hotel in this place, 1 have supposed by your showing them Uteso few lines, it may possibly 1 bo ofbcnefil bout to them and yourself " . • ru-u.-CTB ' . [I entertain the hope that Ura. Glimc will pardon the publicity 1 give to her letter, m well on the *eore of. humanity na of it* being the surest mode of bringing it to the notice of her friends.—ll. Daiut.] Felon Cvrtd. Extract of a letter, dated ' _ • ••• < BxusexT, Ky. Nov- 29,1943* , - Mr. IL Dailey:. “I have tried your Pain Kxtraeterin a case of felon, in my own family* which it relieved - and eared ia a very short time.” In'hoste, yours is- - epeotfully, Ju. SL Yotss, IO“ Bums and Sealds, Piles, Sore NlPplea, Broken.. t Bre niT,~Enrotions, Woonafc and all i»- flantmation, yield* readily fo ihe woutlcnulpropertlen of this unrivalled family salve. Baffin the same pro-, • portion that you’will receive benefit from the genuine^ - " you will be injured by the deleterious effect* of tht ; counterfeit salves. • , . .. - u . CAUTION—Be sure and apply ea/y to the inventor,. 11. Dsllxt, 4WBroadway,Newport, htfita thorizcd~ngents. JOHN D MORGAN, j • General-Depot, Pittsburgh. J Henry P. Schwartz, Allegheny, Agent; ; J. Baker, !! Wheeling, Val; Jame* W Johnston, .MavreUle, " F. Merryweather, Cincinnati, O, General Depot N It—ln the severest Bums and Scalds it extract* the pain In a few minutet-it never fail** Jail * 11 A-FaaazsToex,! A. B. Hull,N. YiCaiy’i: 1 B. L. Fahxx*toc*, vPittsburgh. I _ wYof«wlT3&rt, sun la tu. Ctt, ar Sow. Yark* 9 THE undersigned are oxtansively engaged tn the ' ' Wholesale Drue buslneea.at No. 40 John street in '■ the city of New York, fflff art prepared to sumly Draaeisa and CWEtry Merchanu with DraroTWUi' Oils, lere;gn andAmeiieaa PeriSSs - , Usurer, Amr AMandart Chenuealf,(of • mforauemi and all other artialea in tirirliaßofbaai* - acts, nf a esparto natality as low as they* an be bu- ' ilinre-J Iq this or any eastern elty. ™ VAvlr.jFabUt It. A.KAMVtYTOCY kC : i , CURB FOR WORSI3. ’ - •* , b. a. faiiskstock’s vsßoirnaa. • ! ansa* or xxtkb'ui. wn* Ma * , . : TN order in afford all Potsible security to the pnhiwi '• J- ns in \tiem, BtUiopeh it u actually printed on Intb sides of tfc#'. paper, riiu should m all cases he observed. A la 555 “P° a * a «“ d ««» i» H»o printed in red upon both, would bo examined in the tame manner P r *P w **ipn ha* now stood the lest of •many yean trial, and is confidently recommended p _* a fie and eflectaal m-dieine for expelling worm', ffom dm system. .Ihe unexampled success that tfim 4 * 4 ita adnumstraiiou in every case where t' M oaoentwtf really afflicted with worms, certainly renders It WT> Ihjr the aUeuUon of physicians. ; * The proprietor hat made it a point to result of its use in-surii ease* B s came within H* Knowledge and observation—and he fnvariebly to® o ** Uto produce the most salutary eficcts—not ocfreqaeol* ly after nearly all the ordinary preparations «««• mended for worms had been previously rosortedrW wlthoufany permanent advantage. Tflis facli* «1- : tested by the certificates and itaieaentsof kindreds of respectable Demon* in different parts of the eount - try, and should indued families always u> keep * vud o( the preparation in their possession. • It Is iU operation, and rmay be pcrfbel ttf*- ty to the most delicate infant. The only genuine it prepared by apcg _B AFAHNESTOC! KoITBT * deal foil in wore and tot i*t» W SNGUAH 4 bjuuuut *