The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 24, 1850, Image 2

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requested to hud ir.
hnj fevers beforeS r. aL, ud as early in the day as
•raetleable. Advertfeeaenii not inserted for a «pee}>
led time wfll invariably he ehtreed util ordered oat
•Onmaratir—C. W. Jamea, Wo.-i Uarrisonstreet.’
Qneianati, to wa aye at for, that city.. Advertisements
handed to Jum will receive prompt
is referred to u article on onr
Wa commend the benevolent anggesttons of
•Howard"]. to the attention of the Christian pub*
Do. Oompoaldbea much, more happy world,
ware ail the jevils-which originate from theeon
fjf o»ftnw tcjgofed from the earth.
rapbio despatch from.Harrisburgh, to
i| Tribune, states that Mecare. Fean to
feider, Whigs, were yesterday elected
ma. We congratulate them on their
DasouraosorTEsUmos—The lettere ofoor
Washingtoncorrespondent, jirpn to. dap, wQlbe
tend intensely interesting. A conspiracy to die*
eotva the Union is no doubt In existence, and on
the firmness and wisdom of General Taylor mat
we depend to extricate the ship of state from im*
pending difficulties. That ke will be fonnd eqnal
to the oocaaion we have no doubt. '
A N*w Jtnwx.—-Telegraphic despatches m
Bounce that Ux. B. McCunu, Esq;, of this city,
has been nominated by Gov. Job niton to the of-
See of President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas ud Quarter Sessions of AHeghenyCoun
ty, about to be vacated by Judge Patton. Ur. Mo*
Glare is of that well known firm, of MeCudieas
end Mediae. : Be is a native ofthe county, ud
aqoye the - respect and confidence of its citixeai.
Aea!awyer,he is well read, udbu had an ex*
tensive practice for the last twenty years. He will,
no doubt, make an efficient, industrious, ud up*
fight Jadge. Our best wishes attend him in the
performance offals truly arduous and most import*
.ext duties—in the proper discharge of which, the
peace, morality, safety, and happiness of the corns,
minify greatly depend.
JwaxpAtTon** Coxmsaiox.—Since the publi»
CetlOX Of the f«)w>mnii trstlm'flf anr aflireapondenl
* A rearm*,”.we have ascertained that he is wrong
In reference to the date of Judge Patton’s commie*
■ton. It U dated on the 20th of March, 1810, and
Us &tQ ten years will not expire until that time.
Then was some two months’ delsyto making out
the commission, after the Senate'bad confirmed
the appointment, which vu in Juttary, and that
is the reason of the doubt expressed as to when
the commission expires. The difficulty will be
got over, we presume, by no new appointment
tahmg effect until ten years alter the dale of the
«vwwmi««ir(n_ tw the meantime, wo understand
Judge Patton—from motives which are very pro.
pet>—will take no active part in.the fuitber-du ies
of the Court. This will ca**** no embarraasme at,
however, as the term is nearly doted, and all tbfe
business before ii has been drape red
P. 3. Sinoo the above was in type, ano her
from “Azcanns” has been rect it*
ed* to which wo refer.
Tin wjr>Ti*«T. Cxatccica.—We have received
the January number of this interesting and able
p—iwdfcflij published by Lindsay and Blakfeton.
Philadelphia, under the editorial management of
fir* Francis Gorney Bmith, a. gentiemu of high
profonopal reputation, ud intellectual ability—
• large amount of matter, which will be
Toy Intererting to tne medfeal profession,
those who Jove to study the caueet ud -cores of
disease in its virions phases.'
Tot Cottom Facroitts.—lt was stated in our ,
QOtemas, a day or two emce, thatjbe Cotton Mills
fal this vicinity were about to suspend work for *
the-present. Tins resolution had been, agreed
span ■ i a meeting t>f the proprietors, at one time,
and a e were so informed. Subsequently the
quotha was reconsidered, ud thecoodniion
- Was to go os for a short time longer, to see how
the operations of the law which compelled them
to discharge all persons under .sixteen years o£
•ge, for the purpose of obtaining three months
■dndmg affected their interests. We learn from
two ofjlho factories, that they bad no difflcclly in
•applying thwplapes of those discharged, ud -
(heir offices wereT' crowded with applicants who
with certificates, either that they were over
•tatpsm, or had received the requisite three
months’ schooling daring the ye&r. There is
lyym (o fear, however, that in many instances
these certificates are not strictly true, the neees*'
, yftfc* of the parents or guardians having tempted
them to adapt improper means to evade the
/ipytinm of the Isw. Most pitiable scenes, we
learn,.were exhibited among those who were dls*
charged, who declared with tears, (hat thp pro*
oseds of tb*i> labor were necessary to support a
widowed mother, or a tick lather ud helpless
brothers ud sisters. The law was inexorable,
however, ud they bid to go. j
Tbo Intention of this no doubt bunue,
but It 1 1 very defective in its provisions, u«j oper
ates w holly on one class of persons, ud among
that di is, it imposes no restraints on a dlsnonest
pftfT"*, who will give a false certificate, while on
lbs cc isctectkms its..whole weight fells. Can'
tfr— i not;be remedied?
We consider that the proprietors of Cotton Mills
Jisi itii grrit credit for bolding ou under the most]
discourtgiag circumstances. TJte priee of cottooj
is now Co Ugh, ud the stocks of goods ooUiand
am ao i ary, that it stakes the prosecution of-the
' quite precarious. When to this fitadded'
' the. loti .consequent ou the operation bf the ten
hour Ir r , which is manifestly unequal, and -tbere*
fomusiort, it is matter o! surprise that they are
abb to dpatiftuo. their business stall, and iatfead
' deservo commendation.
Qn the ten hour law, we wish to make njfew
nmarife. With the design of this provision, we
ffftd'xb fenit,but object to udi in*
Jostieoof its ' operations. As cottfinedtlono| to
(bja afate, it is calculated to break down our
qyj muufhctories for the benefit of thore to
sister states.- It'has pula complete stop id the
«aaetioa>'of factories-in this vicinity, while they
•re growing up in every state of the Union. ;We
eoaaidet das neither wise nor juat, but have made
minds to sabmil to if without further dls*
ctnloa,' until, the people shall see proper to re*
voke or the Iqyialation of other states shall re*
flava us from'the inequality.. Bat sheer justice,
we think, ; requires that the law should operate
equally, within the bounds ofthu Commonwealth.
. Wexadezstud that more thu one hundred mills
an sow.wmking twelve hoars a day In this stale,
and that the ten hour law is only enforced in Phils*
*dal{diia : and-Allegheny counties. The mills .of
these counties have, therefore, not only to contend
with the factories of the other slates, bnt with the.
laqjs xagoriiy in this.-
■ ;Wa pnt tt therefore to the good mum ofthe legis
lature, vhedfer a law Ja called for, end fe wisely
- kept upon the statute books, which puilicepinaon,
infertho largest part of the state, renders a dead
foaer. ■ • ■
Pax the purpose of contrasting the expense d
rul roads built opoo wooden steepen
with thooe laid upon stone sleepers, the New
York Express pnbiilhes a statement from which
it appears, that, daring the years 1816,'47, and
18, the expenses of ranging the Provident* rail
road tad Worcester rail road (both with wooden
deepen) were respectively $89,679 and $182,060.
Xha expense* of the Lowell rail read with stone
- .deepen, daring the came period, amoanted.lo
Thus it appears that tho expenses da
liag thethreo yean of the Providence and. Worr
~ ' eeetar .'roada together (embracing 169 miles o*
- track) wore upwards of eleven' thousand dollars
leas than those cl the Lowcll road, of only fifty
- three nfles of tracks . ..
AHun'Cmx Ixvastos Eanomoa.—A dispatch
ftom Washington, received a: New York on Friday,
- matin* that government has been apprised again that
JCcaba Invastonista are about to make another at.
mot to cany oat their patriotic purposes, aad as New
wS u pft*"*** ©»» to be sow, as it was before, the
lot of the most Important operations, ths paid mtna
U, ril sgog »*kneW >!rboiswho,» and “whatt
Fhliadelphia BaUstib,' however, says that the.
andaxvea* tax the new project to, it is be oh
'SShmasorthiton of the Yaoatan, or perhaps on
zUfodtrenient Wand. At all eveati, It to not to be;
General Cass and the Wftaot Proviso.
. . This gentleman, as will have been perceived
by onr telegriphje reports, has eocne out in s
lengthy • document, in oppoaition to the Wilmot
Proyfeo, and has declared his intention to redgn
his at a proper time, as be cannot obey the
lostnrctions of his Suie upon the subject. We
sppspd his concluding remarks. c _,
; «My aentiments upon the Wilmot Proviso are
now before the Senate, and I am precluded from
voting In conformity with them. I have been to*
atroeted by the Legialature of Michigan, to vote in
favor ofthis measure. I am a believer in the right
of instruction, when fairly exercised under proper
circumstances. I acknowledge the obligations of
instructions. I have received,|and cannot act in
opposition to my own convictions of the trie
morning of the constttuttotu When the Hm»
comes, and t am required to vote upon this mea
sure, as a practical one, ina bill providing far a
Territorial Government, I ahall know bow to re*
•radio ay duty to the Legislature,' with my duty
to myself by. surrendering the trust I can no lon-
Thrae who have watched the cause ofthe dis*
tingafehed - Senator from can hardly
have foiled to perceive bow ardently he has been
working, to place himself in the
His recent elaborate speech upon Hungary, was
, gotten up for the purpose of creating popular sym
pathy, not for Hungary, but himself. .la this,
however, he has signally felled. Whether this
last rat, in which he deserts his own‘State, and
throws himself into the arms of the South, will
gain him any forther-rpolitical strength, remains
to be seen. We have no doubt the Sooth will
eagerlyembrace this Northern Fraternixer with
Southern principles, and make him their eandi*
date for the coming Presidency; bnt it remains to
be teen, whether the Democracy of the North, af
ter this avowal of his sentiments, wD! again pro*
pote hia namC as a candidate for that high of*
Those who know GenL Cass well, know tha*
ho poasfsft an ambition of the most inordinate
kind. Office, office, has ever been his cry. His
anxidnseye has tor years past been placed upon
the Presidency, and to gain which he la ready to
sacrifice much which men of better and firmer
pnndples would acorn to yield. For this ho is
willing to disregard, the .feelings and expressed
wishes of that State which has so often conferred
1 upon him distinguished marks of her confidence
and array himself la direct hostility towards her)
There is an. ambition, says the great poet, who
wrote “not for an age, but for all time,” * which
often overleaps itselfi” And this, we conclcde |
will be found to be the ease with General Casa.—
He wiU never reach the Presidency, even through
the moat strenuous efforts of southern slaveholders.
We congratulate the southern feetiooltls upon the
great aceesaion juat made to their number, in the
formidable Senator from Michigan, who will be
found an able worthy confederate cf Foote,
Clemens, and Company. Whether, however, he
wiU bring them • ranch efficient aid, will depend
opon the Democracy of the North. If they are
in favor of sustaining northern principles, In pref
erence to yielding snbservienlly to southern dicta
tion and southern interests, GenL Cass will very
soon find himself in a most unenviable-minority.
For tks CaztttM.
Miu Wetix—-In my note of yesterday, I was
under some misapprehension as to the facts, ud
beg leave to correctthe error. 1 gave the date of
Judge Patton’s commission, as stated in a pamph
let,- published in 1818, by John &. McFadden.
In a ‘•chronological ‘table,” which be famished of
<> the Judges and officers ofthe different Courts of:
Allegheny County, Pa.” I find the following en> ,
tries: Benjamin Patton—date of commission, Ju
ly t, 183 d, to hold till the end of the next Session
of the Senate.*’
“Same, Jan. 22, 1840, for ten’years from date.”
11This would leave the case free from donbt—
ud I was so rprised to learn that a majority of
the bar “were of opinion that his term cf office
was not expired. A friend has examined the re
cord—end finds that in truth Jndge> Patton’s last
commission Is dated SOth March, 1810 ” *-to bold
for.the-period of ten years from the 22djan.,
1810," agreeably to the provisions of the constitu
tion,dec. -
It is this, strange qualification Ofthe tenure,
-which creates the difficulty. The Senate had not
adjourned on the 20th March, and of course the
first commission was in fall operation- Why then
does the new parchment overleap the old, ud
thus shorten the oonatimtional period nearly two
mouths. The Governor could not do this. He
has power to ferae a commission to fill a-vacucy,
“until tbs end of the Session of the Se nate,” or a
commission for the whole term of ten yearn. This
last he cannot shorten by running it back opon the
How.ean this matter beexplained? Z think.only
in one way. The Governor issues the first com*
mission oisntmei. The office is held subject to
the confirmatory action of the Senate. This, I
presume,.was had on tha SSd January, 18(0—and
{ he tenure was fixed for the ten years—and (aa I
interpret* the spirit at least, of the Constitution J
(ram. the dale of the original appointment. It
seems* however, that the Governor thought that
a new commisaioh*waa proper* and, accordingly,
iuaed ono .on the 20th March; referring hack,
however, to tbo real date when the office began,
according tolls understanding of the Constitution.
If this is not the troth of the case, there.are sever
al difficulties involved. Judge Pattons’ first com
mission was either operative nntfl tbo 20th March,
or he was acting without authority from the 22d
January to thit day. No ntnaetiv* power oould
be given, by the new commission* titf validate his
official agency in that interval. If the commission
joflst Ju1y,1839, was In forceuntfl the 20th March*
the Governor could not ahorten his constitutional
term of tenure by running back upon the other
ad interim period.- lam satisfied that be was re*
ally nominated and confirmed on-the. 22d Janua*
ry, and. that the commission was delayed, Cor some
cause not known to us. ARCANU3.
For th» Ftttthergk QasttU.
Borrlttt.Uu Dlitlngaiihed Fhllxntlirc
plat.—His noble example worthy of
adequately express the pleasure I ex
perienced from the perusal of Mr. Borritt'a speech,
delivered - at Worcester, Mssssehnsctts, on the
even! egthe ISUi mat, and published in the Ga*
zette of Monday last. In every line it breaths the
pore spirit ofbenevoleace, and in every paragraph
embodies sentiments of unequivocal attachment
to the' universal brotherhood of man. It does
equal credit to the head and heart cf Its gifted au«
thor, and can hardly fail to transmit his name to
the latest posterity. By the virtuous and intelli
gent, his memory will bo cherished, while good
.ness retains 4 toothold in our disordered snd snf
The taro excellence of the production in ques
tion, is as refreshing to tho suind of the philanthro
pic as the cooling water brook Uto the thirsty
or the tong looked, tor haven to the tem
pest tossed mnriner. In o»ar journeying* through
the wilderness'we occasionally meet with a beau*
tiftl green spot like this, upon which the eye rests,
and'tbeheart dwells, with ‘ unspeakable pleasure.
Of the sincerity of Mr.'Borritt'a motives, in an
terfng upon his mission c f mercy, some tolerably
correct idea may be form* id, by the great sacrifice
be made. With limited ■ pecuniary resources, ha
left home, kindred and • reentry l ■ crossed the At
lantic—journeyed on foot, with his' fcnspshck on
his back, over no ineon* Jdabto portion of Europe
—wrote letters innumembte«-held daily interview*
with the leading member* -of eociety^addressed
the; masses with wonderful effect, and was con*
stantly projecting snd rnnturiog plans tor the gen*
eral extension of peace and happiness among man*
kind. In-these Herculean labors ho was unceaa*
iogly engaged, for ab*,ut the space of four yeart.
His only reward is tf ,0 spprovitl of a good consci*
once, and the happi nets inseparable from a noble
and disinterested crjurse of coudaot. In his case,
if in no other, the vile tltnder on Ltnmtn nature,
that every man bts his price, is mot.* tnuwtpkant
. ly nfuttd.
The good nr jcompllsbed by bis extraordinary
and successful efforts, in tha eanse rffsufi ering hu
manity, will never be folly devotop*l la this
world.—-The shy of Judgment alone will iliadoje
it. Simple • justice, however, to bis^discernment
snd persevet acee,' requires the avdwei that he I
: succeeded to removing the.bittter enmity that had !
tong characterised the intercourse between France
- and England; and in convincing many of the most
1 distinguished men of both countries, jihat the cul*
1 Uvsttonof tojkincfpte*ofPre»andofJ?V«tiHiiaJ
1 JBolatietUiia their tree policy.' His gjest kinds ess
, to tnd sympathy, tor, the starving Irish, Is
i also worthy of specisl notice. To the Jnflbring peo
. pie efthat unfortunate conntry he rendered sot* Can
tial aid, and, in various ways, evicsed the nttoost
' irieridsihp. • • I
Should this werid become, want beCw rer*
ih Divine Bevelg&on confidently it .] vill,
wsashxHcoasstotheaadsoftho Lotus
therefore menee tho antiejpeted reform^ by
abudonit r ihe practice,.udsubduing the spirit
°f war, which atroogly. .operates in the. hearts of
the children of disobedience, and powerfully laflu*
encca the demoniacal action ofthe Inhabitants of
the pit L We cunot engago in a more salutary
work, thu “beating swords into plough-shares
ud spears iito pruning-hooks.” An active lead
er in so praise worthy u enterprise, would be en
titled to as much honor as the President of the
United States* To possets the talents, ud occupy
the poaitioa.neceaaary to qualify a person for this
glorious work, might justly be regarded as a bless*
lag ot inestimable value. Of ou influential etii*
sens, thus highly favored,who will give counte
nance and rapport to the immediate formation of
a “Peace Society and League of Brotherhoodr—
It is gtory enough to tread in the footsteps of so
illustrious' a predecessor as Eiihu Barrett, bat it
Is infinitely more to follow the Godlike example of
the “Prince of Peace.” j
These erode views htve been thrown oat, in
order to' agitate the subject, ud to induce our
well-meaning intelligent citizens to give it that
degree of reflection, which its importuce obvi
ously demudg. ft fe respectfully suggested wbeth*
er a meeting of the people shoold not be promptly
ud a committee tpp tinted to draft a con
stitution tc be submitted to a, subsequent meeting,
at which a permanent orgi nxation should take
place, ud officers be regnlt riy elected. As pro*
crastlnation-fe not only thb hlefof time, bat the
enemy'of efficient and well directed effort, delay
should not be permitted to paralyze oar seal, or
cool ou ardor, most admirably calcu
lated to diffuse peace and happiness throughout
• the world. ■' l Howaxs. .
For Ou GastU*.
Bun 8a—I; perceive by oar Legislative pro
ceedings, published in one oftheclty papers, that
M&lhias, a member from Philadelphia,has in*
, traduced a bill in the Senate, '.abolishing, the U*u.
ry laws cfthe State, Which, 1 think, few who are
acquainted with the business of this , community it has long been considered a
nselesaandcumbersomerelicjofbygonedays. Rut
why all the exception* in Mr. Mathias’s bill?—
Why on any particular transaction? Let it
be aa broad and as plain as words can make in—
Why ean a man not bargain money, as be
would lor his land or for his merchandise? Is
there any thing more saered iefa dollar than there
is*(n a dollar** worth? Surely not It is high time
those superstitious notions should .be abolished,
and that we should be as free -from antiquated no*
lions, with regard to money, as any other proper*
I ty.' Our Usury Ltws have done much evS, and
no material good, unless it is a good to keep large
i amounts of money lying useless on deposit in our
I banks and ia the hands of individual*, until the
possessor* can find such investment! as they can
: be ealiified with, which may, and freqoently does
keep large sums of money locked up for a great
length of time; by which the whole community ia
more or less injured, and in many insuncesj
i money has been sent to other Stites for invest* :
men! where the laws are more liberal. Let the
bolts andjbars which.have cramped our money
transactions, be at onco broken, and let money be
free to 'flow into the basinets where it is most
Untight be well to pass ft l«w fixing the rate of
interest at six per cost per snnam, when no writ*
ten contract exista between the, parties Ctr • high
er rale—bat in the name orcommon sense; let ns
hare no farther restrictions.
Tbebill introduced by Mr. Muhiu give* the
parties the privilege cf making their own con*
tracts, with regard to the rates o! interest in the
first instance, but after it becomes a judgement,
then the defaulting party would have the interest
fixed at the loweat possible rate, while the person
injured by the money being withheld, is cot only
put to the trouble and. expense of following the
dcfiinlter through the various kinks of the law to
recover what should have been paid at the time
agreed upon, and in many cases the expense of
collecting amounts to morn than the entire interest
in the thape of lawyet'a feet, time bat, dec.
,Tecotiv« of certain Soantbern States. Its mem*
bcra are to bn appointed by Stale authority. It ia
to assemble for the accomplishment ol abject* di
rectly at variance with • the mobility of the Union,
sad it is the duty of tha. President to suppress it I
But let that paaa lor the present
It is not for mo to decide upon the reliability of
the reports to which I hare referred. Every
reader wiii do that for himself. Bat it is fifht that
the people in all parts of the coonUy, should know
what is done, and what ia contemplated and talk*
As the law exists at present, we may purchase j ed of here.
a note off hand, from an; person bat the payer or
maker of the cote,, at any price agreed upon, no
matter how much or how little —a pronnaary note
foroco thousand dollar* maybe,booght for half
that many cents, ifthe pirtiea>ee proper to make
anch contract, and no law is broken;* the aaoe
may be said with regard to judgment*, morgages,
dec., dec. No restraint exiila in regard to the su
re tie* usually given in inch caver, and none should
—they may be booght and sold at any price, no
matter what. Bat iftbe least trifle more than six
per cent is charged for tbe use of money, a crime
agtinstour laws ii committed, end a forfeiture ei
jy« Xs this not a distinction without a difference?
la regnrd to bankr, they shonld be reitricted to
six per cent per annum. Also many other incor
porated institutions which are in the practice cf
loaning money. They are inatitated by the people
for the public good; and should not require an ex*
cess of Interest. A Fzisxd n» NsxD,dsc.,
For the Gnzttit.
“Hosoa to whom Hoxox is Du*."—One whore
engagements require him to pass through the
streets, Iron one city to the other, in the even
ing*, from Bto 10 J o’clock, has noticed with un
alloyed pleasure* the peace and quietness of both
cities* which prevail since the accession to au
thority, of their Honor*, Mayor Barker and Mayor
Fleming. The striking contrast between the noise
and rovdylsm* the regular congregation of bo is*
teroua aud turbulent boys at the comer*, and
aloog our most publio thoroughfare*, which here
tofore so often made "night hideous," and the
eomfort now enjoyed, by orderly citizen*, is so
agreeable that it calls for at least a passing eom*
tnendiiioir. Cim
r A Cuwoua Pact.— The whole population of tho
United States coaid be compressed intothespace
b| one single square mile, and each individual be
allowed sufficient room to breathe in. Fifteen in
ches square would suffice lor this. There are 1,-
700 yards ia a mile, wuich being multiplied,"gives
63,360 inches; aud this product divided by 15, the
number- of Inches occupied by each ladtsidual,
would place 4,221 of them in a row to extend the
length of a mile: and the same number of rows to
complete a square mile would consequently nnm*
ber 17,842,576.
Tiutt withßxazu- —The treaty between
our government and Brasil, was duly ratified at
Washington on the lSth instant, sad is officially
published. According to its stipulations, our gov*
erameot becomes responsible lor the claims of U.
States ejttpen* against Braxil* in consideration of
which Braail agrees to pay our government, in
instalments, 530,000 millreaa, Brazil li an currency,
the whole amount tearing fl per cent, intereslfirom
July Ist, 1819.
Dasonvmo tus Maxsiaob Vow.—At the last session
of the Indiana Legislature, a member introduced a
proposition that the Committee on tho Judiciary be In
structed to Inquire intotheexpedlency of so changing
the law, both civil and ecclesiastical, ns to make tho
marriage covenant to extend no longer than during
the consent of tho parties, and that they may abandon
each other at pleasure.
ji Appointments by the President,
By and with tk « adoica and consent of tht Senate:
Hqqtj D. Maxwell, of Penaiylvtnis, to bo Consul
of the United Bute» for the port of Trieste, in Austria.
Janes Wright Gordon, of Michigan, to be Consul of
the United States for the port of Peroamboeo, in Bra
sil. ; I
«Cnaeemly Haste-Preelpltate PUgHt.”
Seoswr cu>, in hii »P«ch on Au«n«, ■•id to
Qutlle, itot Oencffli Cu. hod not monuonod
.-wThpAnrecinilalo flight, made under cirontn-
Z%: Wo aiinde to hi,
°^t^St.^so J «n, thn. .toil wo.
uoomEof lt« Oonoral Taylor TO ala clod to
ihfl Presidency, and that latwta Casa, senior, was
Oil., junior, with “onoeemiy hiuto*
„potottd by Praildont Poik Cbujo to Boma j
JS thuonly »few d»y» bolbro tho Inuniurition,
ho took hi, “preelpiuto Higbt," Witt the.know,
lodgo and cSSnt, if not node; dto iM» of
Cast, senior, ito ««rps judginent of the
vta a ease fa point, and must have been
familiar to Senator Casa.
“’Tam’T Lm*. A certain UwycrJtWd hl»
portrait taken in bis favorite altitude -ftlading
with one hand in ihls pocket. Hia friends and
clieata all went toj ace it, and every body ex
“Oh, how like! it’s the very picture of him
An old fanner only dissented—“ like”
Exclaimed erery body—“ Just ahow us wherein
’llio’slilM.* !
“’Tain’*—no ’tain’ll " responded the farmer.
•Don’t you see, he baa got hia hand in his own
Docket:’twoold boas like again if bo bad U In
accEtebody M;.
r ; ..: tbdu vflnnovoi.
. Correspondence of ths Flttibugh Gasses.
Serious Arpeet of Use Ilsrery qasitloSM
" Cehiptraey ta'dlMolrs ths TnlaßM
TntssnaUauu ot the South*ns Corn*
Wszxnoroa, Jan. 18,1850.
The Slavery qaeation has aaramed a somewhat
new aspect lately. Thereta no doubt aisQ that with
in a few days develppements have eome to Hght
which will fill all good citizens and lovers efthe
Union with the most seriotu- apprehensions Tar the
fate oi onr confederacy. tmn»j ihe varioaa
movements of this eeaaioo, which distinguish it
from oil its predecessors, is, theretasal of tho com*
mlttee of Ways and Means 'to' take any action
towards the preparation of the appropriation bills.
, 1 have before advised yon of the position of the
committee with respect to the House. It Is ire
quired, by the ruler, to report «D the principal *p»
propriaiion bills within thirty days from the Mr**
cf Us appointment The Intention of thisitgnlo to expedite the public business in general,
bat psrticalariy to place under the inspection of
the members at the earliest passible period of the
session those measures in which every one of
them and all their constituents have on
interest The disposition of the publio funds, and
the application ef the taxes drawn from the peo
ple, *re the peculiar concern of the popular branch
of the Legislature, and, as snob, under every free
government ore regulated by the strictest ruler
and this is one of them.
Bayly, the chairman, refused for seventeen
days to call this committee together. At length,
on thol7ih of this month they were "it whwJ |
and not even then to consider the appropriations—
another meeting will not be heldantil Monday the
81st instant. These fitets taken ut connection
with tbe following rumor* may have an impor
tance and significance which'cannot be easily ex
It is reported that certain members belonging to
the extreme Southern party have eome here with
the deliberate purpose of dissolving tbe Union, that
they have openly declared such to be their object,
and that if they foil In the efiort to effect it (none
mode they wiQtry ethers. The mode now to be
attempted is said to be to stop the appropriations
I hear from many sources, and from some of the
highest respectability, that there ore eaventy
Southern member* in the House who stand pledg
ed to that coarse. Whether these rumors are
strictly and literally trae,’cannot for the present
be asserted by any one not in the councils of the
persons implicated, in the designs referred to in
them- Bui tere we have tbe one remarkable
/oat, inexplicable upon any other hypothecs—
The committee of Ways and Means refuse to act
at all when immediate action upon a specific sub
ject is made their duty by the order of the
It lx trae; as I have before said, tbit the
tee have bad two meeting*, namely one yester*
day, and another to day, bat the sahject of its do*
liberations was-not the appropriations, but Ihe
proposition eoDcerniog the expenses of collecting
the revenue, which has paamed the Senate. Bet
many Southern men say it la no metier how tbe
work be done, dissolution most come. They say
it has been already begun by the protracted dis
organization of the House of Representatives.. A
general Southern Convention will be held in Jane
at which it is already proposed that a Constitution
«hal| be formed for a new Southern confederacy.
That Council, in my judgement, cannot bo safely,
nor constitutionally held The Constitution is ex
press in Its prohibition of any agreement between
the several stales for any purpose whatever. This
iCoovenlion is tho creature of tho legislature* and
The House has fjoied 7 ow*y' another day in
somo half dozen attempts to elect a Door Keeper.
Throughout 1 the whole v>f them, Mr. Toils, the
Whig candidate of yesterday, who waa almost
swindled oat of his election by tbe Uet of sneak
ing meddlers, received almost the entire vote of
bis party, but C. L. Weller, a brother of tbe late
Member uf Congress from. Ohio, efihat nameffan
op on tbe Democratic side, from a small minority
vote to 104, within one of a choice. All tho Dem
ocratic Free Soil men voted for him, as on Thurs
day they voted for Mr. Tufts, being anxious to
effect an election. On the last trial, it seemed that
tho discreditable contest had been ended, by tho
choice of Weller, for it was ascertained that ha
had 101, against 103 feral] others, when that mar
plot Holmes, of South Caroliaa, and a New York
Whig came in, jail In timo to save their votes,
and two.led tbe opposition to a tie; making the
vote stand, Weller 101, all others 104.
Thoogh it was late,l confess that I was sorry to
hear Mr. Stanley say that the Whige now want
ed to adjonrn, and meant to do it, by calling the
yeas and nays aotil the Democrats yielded.—-For
I would rather see even a bitter Honker, as this
Wellerdoabtieas is, elected, than tbe continsanee
of the present state of thingi, for even a day long*
et. Jumps.
Waikpotow, Jan- 20,1650.
Hor* of the Dtssolntloa Schemes—Henna
of Cotmte motion—Du tjrof the Presi
dent—Villainy of Calhoun—Ortfnalxn
tlon of the House.
In speaking* yesterday* of the rumors that are
flying about thickly as force* leave* la autumn,
concerning plans and designs hostile to the Integ
rity of tbo Union, I should have, said that the
scheme of resisting any end all appropriations for
the support of Governmsnt was said to be con
tingent upon the refusal of the northern member*
to cooperate with those from the Booth la the
settlement of the slavery question upon x basis fa
vorable to the pretensions of the Utter. In cor
roboration of the statement I then made, relative
to the general disposition among * portion of the
southern members to secede, I may add, that more
thsn one of them have expressed their fimf belief
that this is the last session of Congress that would
be held under the present Constitution. A south
ern Democratic Senator informed the advocate of
a certain important measure, that he considered It
of very littie consequence bow his application was
disposed or, for that* in the course of a year, be
and his friends should have no jurisdiction over
matters belonging to this confederacy. His lan
guage we», ‘‘the chances are .ninety nine in a
hundred that we are on tbo eve of dissolution.*
It is the unlvertal belief of those who allow
themselves to be disquieted, by tbeae remora of
evil brooding, and to come, that Calhoun,' that Sa
tanic spirit, and arch conspirator—aa F. P. Blair
long since called bins, the modem Catiline—ls the
instigator of these fell designs against tho peace
and prosperity, nay, tho very existence of hit
country. He sits behind and pulls the wires, and
moves the poppets upou the board. That he does
so was well exemplified In Douglass’ exposure
of the trickery of Clemens, tho other day, on the
California resolutions. This man, who opetujd
his career in the Senate by a most false and libel*
loos assault upon the whole people‘of tho North,
private citizens, as well as pnblio officers, and cln
Thursday appeared to eager in pursuit of a pert
Bonn! conflict with Gen. Shields, la well tinder,
stood to bo a special tool in Calhoun’s bands. It
Is believed that thn leader, who was not la the
Senate, Instructed him in planning that identical
expedient for getting s sectional vote of North
against South, which bo avowed to Douginas, and
which the Utter exposed} and that Uwa*,alsoL
by Calhonu’s direction, that, after being thus rude
ly unmasked, be delivered himself of the fierce de
nunciation against tho northern democracy, which
incurred the disapproval ef even soph qpirita as
Foote, Jeff. Davis,' and Dickinson. Respect for
this great oraclo of crime, and muter and patron
of criminals, is no part of my nature. I must de%
aonaco~bim for that which ho manifestly is,a trai
tor tjo his country, and an enemy to liberty and
poptjlar government. Re would rather be the
despotic chief of a petty and savage elan, than
any thing but first In dignity in this mighty sod
glorious republic. I cannot speak of him in the
language of charity. I have done that in framer
years. I have since seen and' staddled more of
' the mss i end believe him to be such u l heye do*
nounco him.
- How, if disunion be staring us In the face, what
istobedonsf Ongbt the north In a spirit of mo"
deration and patriotism to retreat from her posi
tions on this question. Should the north aid In
the application of California for admia
aion u a Free State! Should lha Free State*
acquiesce in the-client extension of aUvery over
the free territory af Now Mnfegf Should w*
tolerate i’aeatftinxsaeehcrein thfefcderildj**
tries? To aUofthese'queationa, it appear* tome,
NO, is the only answer. Bat l would make some
concessions to tha Sooth* Under tho constitution
wo ore bound to deliver up fugitive slaves. That
Is not* well observed.' While aUvgry 4 in any
part of the ocsfedexacy a legalized Institution, let
us respect it as such. Let tu agree that fugitive
■laves w ihaU be delivered up,* whenthey escape
within our borders, and let us make legal pn>*
virion for delivering them up. That is ■ great
point, and is certainly tie only one upon which
we can yield at all. On all the other* ire areal
tcgelifer right, and in duty to our country,
otoselvcs, and ear potterity, zarrendernn inch,
let what will eome. Wo cannot onpremise*
If slave representation be extended jto another
foot ~ct territory, the Union ennnot stud. If the
iastintion be diffhsed yel farther, tho power of
control over a different and hostile cows win de
port from oar race, and the south wfl] become first
a St. Domingo, and then to continent a new
Africa.. Wo of tbe Free Sates cannot bo yet
briber degraded from oar equality with the whites
of tbe south by tbe representation of slave pro.
peity in additional stales; nor can wo forever sub
mit to ace our fellow creatures booght and told at
th« very doors of Ihe capitoL Uis wrong and im
politic toreqoirs it ofus. This is neutral ground,
and a peculiar, and to as, affective institution,
should not be forced upon u» here. I would give
increased guarantee* for the eeeorityiof slave
property in the slave states, in return for ooa
eesrion by the tooth W oar oritrion* and purposes
with reference to territories now free.
Bat what vfll lb? President &>1 That U* great
qoestiaa, for ta thehand*of the chief magtitre’
bov lie the deatiftiea of tbia repnblio. iliet'
- there a&oQ bo bo *eeenifih t BO
oniotf, there shell bo peace and order, If sot
will tad harmony. Let him but eaythb,sndi
will be union* and peace, and order, uu withi*
•etUeoent of these distracting eatiofuitoi For
they matt bo settled, and that presently. The
task is a weighty one, but stare energy and !ta
will suffice to meet it. The
country believes that Gen. Taylor possesses them.
Prosper M. Wetsore’s defalcation U
The government have prosecuted for jit. They
will doavict him of the defhnii, but will not get
one dollar of the money.
The House spent the. day again in the attempt
to tl-r* a door keeper* and have not succeeded.
They have postponed the farther execution of the
order passed on the 34th December tost* to pro
ceed with the election of the Gtotk and these in
ferior officers, until March &» 1831, by the vote
oflOO to 93. The effect of thto was supposed to
be the retention of the old door keeper, a whig*
and the postmaster e democrat, fistjthe demo
crats will* oa Monday, make an attempt to prove
that these officers do not hold over, and that there
fare the is now without these officers. The
dtopote may occupy another week or two, but it
will no longer have precedence ovev any otter
basinets. . j
Aube adjournment, to day,a crtxy Ban ascend*
ei the Speaker's stand, and began to address his
fellow n ,lllM> « below. He was laughed at and
led away bT the officers pro cm. ' I Juwcs.
Coiools.—A lady requests os to exidaia, for her
Information, the meaning of the won| ‘‘consols,'’
to often used la the reports of London■ financial
operations. We presume that ebe desires only a
general Idas; to impart which it trill be sufficient
lor ua to ety that** eonsoP is only an abbreviation
of the word “eonaolidaied.* At varioua times the
British Government has borrowed divers anas of
money, payable at different dales and bearing dif*
ferent rates of interest.. Occtsioaißyj the - Mocks
issued, as-endencesoftbeao various debts, have
been -taken up, or called la and aaasrjstoek isaued
ui their stead, payable at oae fixed lime and bearing
one fixed rate of interest Sack a stock ucalla
a consolidated stockor a“ consol"; and to distil*
guisk It from other*,the rate of interest tt bears is'
geseally mentioned; thus ere read officer cent
consols, 3 per ct consols, dec. 4c.-Mw Irri Csna'
etsrna/. !
Tcxoiathic.—Jbo Buffalo! Commercial teQa
the following good ode, on the colored population
'f Wisconsin: |
"A ‘colored pnssio/ ia basieen at UQvrakte
who had left the nffiirn in the hand* of kin pvt*
ser, while be nbonld take a abort trip Beat, reeent>
Ip back from Detroit ia the todowiaf
“How is thinp going onT
The reply ha received
‘‘Things is workla-*
Tbit «d ■uiofoctary. Bat when jha rataraed
to Uilwaakie tba aabrraatie mao feoad that hii
partner bad ©old oat tba Mock, appropriated tba
proceeds, and ran away with hU absent friend’©
Things had wotked 2
Tortigß !t«ms. ! j
Pan ire much wore abroad during the present
winter. They ire tiled in trimming dresses u
well ii cloaks. Sthletire wofn ini the »treets
end ermias in the camgr, er it evening parties.
To ermine, the richesldrcases only arq appropriate.
Our New York ebgunti had belter mike i cote
of this. | “
The detain* of the etreeti in Aberdeen oosti
$5OOO per annuo. The sweepings nil for $lOOOO.
Perfumed pocket alma&aea iris now eirded by
the Parisian tidies.
SoniT has been affloggted into England in the
shape of oil cike.
The Catholics Is England bow bare 674 chap
els, SSO prests, 13 monasteries, 41 convents, 11
caUrges and 850 sehoola.
is'said lobe ib effectual core for boras.
>Tbe London Uedleal Times, tpealdsg of tbe
students st tbs' Londoi Hospitals wearing mous
taches, say* they are useful in. pointing ottt tbe
vainest, idlest, end most conceited id the classes.
Newspapers are prohibited -la the Faria Hospl«
Tbe anther ol “Pendear is, ° .having recovered
his health, is shoot to resume that work
Beljpaa is shoot to hive • National Bank.
The Cirmvtl in Pari* was kept with more than
nasal revelry. It approached to the frantic.
John Dongas, the African traveller, is dead.
Another edition ol the poems of W. C. Errant,
has been pabliahed in Eogtand by (Sark m Co.
Henry Heine, a eelebreted eo&vert from Jodi*
iaa to Christianity has relapsed, and is aboot to.
retozn to the faith of his fathers.
One fourth of the ravenoe in Orest Britten, is
derived from texts on dnnks and drinking.
Practically, one. quarter of the French pbyti*
w«p* are hommpalhlilt.
To supply London, daily, with milk, 60,000
eowsara required, yielding gallons.
Thepopolatloa ofßelgium te4,337,185. Every
acre maintains three men.
It is rumored Jenny Lind is costing to thiseooiry
with Mr. Balfc. ; “
Jdles Chevalier, the correspondent of the Tri*
bone, hss a publication office in London.
Twenty thousand copies of the Art Journal Jor
January have been published.
In all condesShg steam engines, it tesaid the
phenomenon of freeing te occasionally observed.
Photography has lately bean s&eeessfnlly appli
ed to glam plates, instead of paper..
Cty-Lirxa CoarLAm.—He only remedy ever oflerr
ed to the publie, ‘which has never failed of working a
core, when directions ere followed,ls UeLass’s Live.
Pill. It has now been several years before thepabUct
and has - been lntrodneed in all sections of the Union*
Where it has been ased, i t hu had the most trinaphan*
•aceesr, and has aetaally driven oat of ese all dther
medicines. It has been tried anddr all the different
phases of Hepa.u, and has been found equally edict*
domain aIL ' . .
For aala by J. KIDD A C(k, No. 49, Fdarth
and Wood ft, Pittsburgh. QaulMAwlwS
A Gan and Carttflcato a* Bests*
I hereby certify that aboat two weeks ago I was e<S>
ed with a violent attach of wmUmg and yairgtegC hoi*
era Morbus, wiih very distressing pains In the
and bowels, which was completely relieved by two
teaspoonfd desea of Petroleum, taken tealittiejwa*
ter. After having taken the first dose, I slept soundly
ud comfortably for three hoars. (Signed) 1
On board tbe steam boii Ariadne.
Pittsburgh, Dee. 1!tb,19<9.
I am Captain of the Ariadne, and was a witness to
the astonishing efiaets of the Petroleum, in the case of
Henry Wise, who Is on* of the hands on the boat.
Pittsburgh, Dec. Uth, IBtt.
general advertisement in another colama
FuarwLwoa ovoam—Prepared by J. W. Kelly
eleofbeveng*teteallles,and particularly for tick
lion, betel a combination of Cocoa nut; Innocent, in*
viroraitev and palatable, highly recommended partio*
ularlvfor Invalid*. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorehes*
terfinan., andforsalo by A.JAYNEB, auheftekia
xaa Store. No. 79 Fcnnh st- mohl4
Sapieviaehti la Dattitry.
DR. O. O. STEARNS, Utecf Boston, Is prepared to
■odn m Tro to wtol. yid pua
olid, upon Bn&tltmaf Atngtpheria Btcilm K«uv
Mazkat had ftny.teiMts,
I :ff
/ ; *.
On 8 *?? 1
B. B»bc«k, tt. w. a to w»
Uum n. mw of incfiaßfestgs
~ With fta «hm«#tfea««B«»fii*i<Mte, wabtefft.
uietl ©f the Uttrat * *•** b 3 r - lie
happy ecapi*.;
. • DIBIT* -
mendel, Aoare KHLBi ia tbe *2l year of
HU*frieoda ead adqaaiattace* are requeued to at
lead hi. faaeral, ilia derate deWk S”. 1 ?
aldroeo oa Flmlai etteat, aWM* Nott Commaa,
APeffceay city:' irota H. Patter-,
eoa’a, oa Foartl »tree t, ail jeaTl^
Vh! MUTKHWtiUra willeWStM© tfcali
Only three olghu more— B mT '’
day Ere&iof*. Jaaaaxjf Mifct ®*®» *®“*
For paiticclan »ee ¥tot tw ~'
A GIRL to do Homework. A pomonent «w*Uoo
ttfridK 04 "**?* *“ ** bT “•JjSlf
UU OF Itoloa.
a ss?sasw«w&asasaK
can ec rainy ti , I: jiflW I J. C. BIDWELIa.
A LARGE tad Kfloenl auennenl 0*
Wuitiul G JSsoSeoi* Jut •“* ,Ol
. h .i.» l . u , d,«uii,bj ENEy ; -SCHWiBI2i
Fcdml»ttc«, AUeghr-
SUGAR k MOLABSE&—to hide prime N O Safer,
(newer*' ‘
600 ttta primeSio Molti*-
| to, (new crop;)
f TOBACCO-33 ken «twUt, Jintjte’dini fer*ile
just ! ' W«cr»trc«t
JUST r«elTe4*nd for «!*—
19 boxei Paha Bmk
10 “ Almond ana Toilet 8o*p:
iaaSi .! Caaal Basin. Peaai
_ —i l Jait received, one elegeat Rosewood
SSB| Oiocteve Plena Forte, from the cele* '
■ V ■ V“JI fented feetorr fit T. Gilbert ft Co,
If V I |V Boston. Thisinitrnnwnliireauks-
sweetness of tone, and elasticity
s firm is considered one of the
verydnt In Boston/and their Pianot, for eleganee of
exterior, beauty iof tone, mod doration, are act inrpaxs
ed by those of aity other stake. For sale oa rea»clia
ble terns by | . H.KLCBEB,
jaoX j at J. W. Woodwcll’c-
/10RN—600 lacks Shelled, In store asd for sale by
Vyjanai j: Wood »t
•CTENlsbN—MOOpoondt ia store asd for sale fay
HA M3-City Cared In store and for sale by
SHOULDERS— Prime for sale by
POTATOES— 1000 bs Galena and Illinois, jnstrec'd
and for sale by JanSt STUABT A BILL
LABD—33 this No 1, to anise, for sale by
ffIALLOW—4 bbU to arrive, for sale by
T ETTERfI Testameatary, with the will annexed,
4j having been granted U> the eabseriber,, notice is
hereby riven that all persons indebted to tho Estate of
Janies biodall. dec’d, are reqnested to make immedi
ate payment} and those having claims to present them,
properly aathtnUcsted, for settlement, to.
Tenat-wdiS JQttNWILLOCK, ExT.
. Improved Jtelodeona. ■ •
TUST received, a lot of Carhardt’s Patenthfoiode'ens,
V perfected tod-'improved by Messrs. Mnreh A
White, CiitcianaU—comp rising 4 and S octaves, on
, aandaemely bronxed iron frames—a superior article in
point of tone and durability. For sals on reasonable
terms by h U. ItLEBER,
janai. }' at J. W.WoodweH’a
NO. 87 Mattel to eel, Pittsburgh, Pm, keep coasient
ly on hand and make'to oiderallkioosof Vials,
tfoules, Ae. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of sn«
perioronalityJ I
Partienlar attention paid to Private Moulds. .
aov3My j ; •. : ~
I; Beildleg Lou. " ' q
FOB BALE, on very liberal terms—Filly Nine Leu
of Groand, sitnated an Penn, Wayne, and Pike ats,
and the Deq***B* Way, according to a plan to be seen
- at this oflec, where terms and conditions will be made
known. ! ' jama
TCSt RECEIVEU—S dox pur Lodie«’ Wash GiOTes,
tl m *plradld aruele, Cor aaie at the India KobberDi
pot, No. 8 Wood street. "
jut 33
T«laibl« LbU *#» Bala* .
SIX BUILDING ito, an Second street, between
Ferry and Bedoabt alley, each to feet by 75 back
to a tew wet alley. TheyamdesinhleftrrpTivaledwell*
inea, and will be acid on Use, Apply to
j JOHN caldvvell a son,
Jan23>la : 1 eor. See cod scand Kedoabt alley.
BY EXPKKBS, Jast rwfc
Bobber Overshoes, fa ■
jtflO • T ; ].
d—d case# Men’s Metallic
sale at No,# Wood sc
PERSONS: wishing to save from £3 to 30 per cent
la parehhtlng Dry Goods, will please call at A. A.
MASON A CO.'S, dO Market street. who*e extensive
Wholesale and Retail Booms an daily open far retail
trade. I jtnZ)
ALA HOE lot of Trimmings, Ribbons, Uotiery,
Gloves, Ao., redneed SB per cent, below asaal
prices, may be found at SO Market sl .
jan» j ' : A A MASON ACO
SB AWLS,Blankets, and all kinds of Winter Goods,
telling at manufoetarer’s pricer, by
jans 1 A A MASON ACO
i ;• boat or giil>U t
A PROMISSORY NOTE, dratrn by Edward Hill
A, and James- KeCaughtry, for One Hundred and
Fifty .Two Dollars, payable te Wm. At. Dawson or or*
der, and by hia endorsed, and alts endorsed by David
Laker, axri afterwards endorsed by Wm. M. Dawson;
dated, Finsbtrgh, January 19,160, at twelve months
after dale, (torment having been stopped, it is only
rateable to the last endorser. to whom the finder will
please return the tamo, te Allegheny city.
• tentt-St* ~ •• ■ -
J.. 1 Htw Hulei
O LEMUEL; or. Going down to the Cotton Field; a
new and very popular. Ethiopian Song, as snog
by Christy's Minstrels, New York. Composed by 8.
C. Foster, Esq, aather of “Undo Ned," “O, Susanna,”
Nelly wtj;a Lady, by 8. C. Foster.
Ben Bolt—the genuine copy; by Nelson Knees*.
Speak Gently; a very popular song*, by V. Wallace.
Indian's Prsyen by tha author of c Bo Kind, Ac.”
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home.
Thou hast wounded the apint that loved thee. ~
Flirtation Polka; by Suakeseh.
Alice Polka;; by Sernas.
Caral Walts by Profeamr Rohboek;
Aliqoippa Walts; w
Atalaata Waltz; “ Ktebor.
La Place da Penes* Grand Waltz; by Osbourne..
The wild <ewsr* soon-will ehed their bloom;, from
tha open of Loete de lAmaemoor.
Cortcs,o* May Day in Tha Olden Time; by C.E.
Howe.j ,
Easy Vaztetteo* to Last Rom of Soamer,” by
Her*.' '' ' I - "!’ . •~ '
Thou Art Geoetseng tram the opera of Amelia.
The Groves of Blarney;'from Bethovea. -
When tho Moon co the Lake Is Beaanng. - .
A Voice from the Waves; dostto by C. Glover.
Jots that We've Tasted. . . .
Make me no gaady Chaplet; from Lac retia Borgia.
Low Backed Car. - ><?’•
Dearest Mae; with easy variations for beginner*.
Bonaparte's Grave. •
We are Happy and Rea.
Fashion Potea; by J. B. Hewitt
Ree’d and for sue by JOHMH MELLOR,
janfiS ‘ No. 81 Wood street.
'N. B.—A large Stock of cow PIANOS, to arrive this
week. • s • ' -.•* ■- '•
OUQAR A COFFEE—fOO hhds (u«w crop) Bogan
O r ' »• - . fioo bags Bio Goner
For ealoby I : : Wm BAOALEY A CO,
jtnSS ' Nos 18and80Wood st
Plantation MOLASSES-soobbis n o, for sale
by ; ianO . WM B/UULEY ACO
D AISINB A RICE-800 bzs Baneb Raisins;..
Jtv l tOtesFreshßieejUadtegfre:
steamer Lowell, for sole by §
lung i • - WM BAOALEY ACO
Clover! seed a lard-is bus ciom seed;
1 : - M “ Lard;
Landing and for sale by
For Iteßfe
A ROOM on Market street, sear Water, suitable
foraadAce. Enquire of . ' > GEO. R. MASSEY, Water st
dIOULDERS-ti eiaks, tn salutes: landing and tor
P sale by ; '. tenO HARPY, JONES ACO
SUGAR— tflhhds NO, landing per Hsmbore. and for
sale by 1 i. - JAUES DALZELL,
janCT ! : • ■ ■ ' ~~ 84 Water street
SUGAR A hhds new crop Sugar;
• | t- - If bla Plantation Molasses;
GOLDEN SYRUP-6 bbts eadlS hf bbls landing
from steamer Hasbunr. and for sale by
Sundries— 25 tes Fresh Rie* v
; ’ TO bzs Bosch Raistez;
audo « « •
- i ! : tObbll North Carolina Tar, landing
llt °‘ b ° Vh°EY? HA^r tCT3 l on
TTiOn the! isle of Domeitle. Woolen and Cottoi
J 7 (fofids, qlto, Dcslente all kinds of Tailors Tnm
Sings, No. JB7 Wood street, fourth door from FUih
W A Hill A Co. janSB
• ! . BIOLOGY I • *
BOYLE a BATCB will eontteso to Lecture and
Experiment, at' ibe£Apoilo, upon the wondemt,
instructing and atassteg developemeat of the Seienee
of Mind every evening thu week.
Persona of andenbtedehsneter who come forward
voluntarily out of toll be deprived of
, the power o< Bpeeeh, Hearing and Sight, at Ute word
of the operator. They will be made te forget their
own identity, and that of their nearest friends end rel
atives. Water will be turned to wine, or brandy, so
perfectly, as tn produce all the effects of intoxication,
ami a ernst? vaaterr or other exattuto xno imm<
mo sxpxsutiQßSwiU be petfonaed.
- Thegreatimportance of this Sclenes as a *v»«Tn,t.
agent, u sack site demand the turn Used attention and
serious tevestigation of every, lover of troth and of
. A class fat InsfrMtisa will bo fomted as soon as
convenient 1 / : •- uwoaAo
'• ‘No}'W Rnsßr, Coicini?t,'Osn.
lit) QUlPimMtltfy BUeUOootvta&eoU fronibe
W UerehttUtadliuuAeisxenorPitubßrsMad
ywiid rtfsT to r <■■ -■'
. Mewi*. Wjfcß.TLftflllpi, Ftaibatih.
• v •* \ Browa t fWUp»ioir 7 *'
Jolaß-tteFiStttS, «
Bio oniTinrand tonal
v )«a l ' x pMUtairft
Bjr John D« Davli! Anctiomira
Dry Goads, Halt, Capa, Bout, Shoes, Gumdoatlu,
fc,, at Auction. . '<
At tl>e Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood
tnd Fifth streets, on Friday morning, the ?sth in*L,
at 10 o’clock, will be told—the stock of a retail note,
comprising cloths, tatinetxa, tweed t, casiimere* of r*-'
colon, red, white and brawn flannel*, baited
flannel, alpoecaa, merino*, de lain*, buttons, satih,
cashmere and de lain shawls, tilk, aatin and
hdkfifc*atpenders, ladle*’ collar* and capes, fringe*
andfnisnf, glove* and milts, mafia. hoods, hosiery,
bonfiefcnbbons, linen and oil cloth table-cloths, men’s
and boys’- hats, cloth, fttr and plash caps, men 1 * and
boya’ boots and shoes, women’s and misses’ bootees
■mi slipper*, women’s and men’s metallic gum shock
j*n» JOHN D. DAVIS, Acet.
Super Cloths, Castimeres, and Corduroy.
Will be added to the catalogue sale or fine Ftaris.oa
Tuesday morning, the »ih Inst, at the Commercial
Sales Booms, eorner of Wood aod Fifth sireets—
-4 pieecstaper French and English Cloths;
8 “ J Saxony, London, Cdden Brown do;
8 “ Mixt Broad Cloths;
9 “ black and fancy Castimeres;
3 “ Corduroy and Beareneen. — ;
Catalogue Salt rf 143 dozen Fins ‘Skirts.
'On Tueiday moramg,29th Inst, tt'lo o’el’k/aitho
Commercial Bales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fidh
streets, sold, without reserve, on a credit of CO
daft, lor approved endorsed paper; on sum* over WOO.
—an excellent assortment of Fine Shiru, selected ex
pressly for this market, comprising; Mathn Shirts, lin
en bosoms, stitched plaits, broad and narrow
plait shirts, withlinen bosoms, collars, hC-jiuperior
shirts, with French embroidered bosoms; super shirts,
with yoke neek'and French sleeves; extra York Mill
Muslin and English Long Cloth Shins; do. with splen
did open work bosoms, ho. s
janl7 JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct.
*-■ w
JUGAB k MOLASSES—4O hbdt N. O.Sugar"
' 75 barreliTN. O. dlolutea,
orriTlnr per tleamcr Winfield Scoti for tale by
jintS 111 Liberty »L
. ■'ILOVEK SEED—l‘<» barrel* “prime new" nrrir*
' ing and for aale by
j,na 144 Liberty tl
17LOUB—50 barrels “ Extra-"
’ . ICO barrel* Superfine.
“5 barrels fine, on hand and for aale by
KICK— 13 Tierce* prime “now crop "landing and
S IL MOLASSES—9S barrel* St. James Refinery.
14 half do do do for
Jana . -
e 0 low by J S DILWORTII A CO
jana- _ .
Jana- _ ___
ennn pieces bulk pork.
OUUU W kgs Boner. ■ , v
10 bbla Roll do, in More and for iale by
MOLASSES-40 bbla receiving this day, and lo
tale low lo dote the lot by
kga'No. I « Twist, receiving per
steamer Hindoo, and for rale by
jams No gl Water at
IRANBERRIES—2O bbla in ttore and for rate by
Jana !I3 Water tf
NO. SUGAR—B hh<l(, new crop, landing from
. steamer North River, and for Bale by
NO. MOLASSES —Id b»l* N O Molasses, landing
« from *ieamer North Fiver, and for aale by
RICE— 18 tierce*, a prime article, landing' from
steamer Nom River,and for sale by
FRESH ROLL BUTTER—7 barrel* this day re
ceived, and tor sale by
SH. MOLASSES—2B half bbla S. 11. Molasses, in
• store and for sale by
EOLL BUTTER—9 bbls in store and for sale by
THE Subscribers to the Stoek of the Citizens Insu
rance Company will please take nciiee that an
Eieetion for nine Directors of said Company will be
held in the Rooms of the Board of Trade on Monday
the 4lh of February at 4 o'clock, PM.
By order of the Commissioner*, -
janai tot Feb II- D. KING,
Per Seat*
fTIHE Large Brick MANSION, at Braddock's Field,
X with requisite ground* nrottud it, suitable for the
perpoio of a respectable inmntr.r boarding bouse. It
is believed that sneh an establishment aitlua beaotilul
locality would do well. Enquire at my office, cornet
Wood and Fonrth ureets. ;
ARD—I4 bbls and 5 kegs for sale by
ROLL BUTTER-7 bbls for sale by
fHEFSB—SO bxs WE, for aale by
> ROOMS—ICOdox, various qualities, for tale by
SMOKED HERRING—SO boxes for stle by
SUGAR— 9 hhdsnbw crrip,Torsalc by .
tierces for sale by
CJ HOT—SO bags, u*M Not, for taJe by .
Q j»n*l 9 F VON BONNHORgT k CO
ROCK roWDER—ICO kees for tale by
IJKAfHEKS—3b tacks for tale by
r jon-Jl C H GRANT, 41 Water st
DRlt-.D PE ACHES—27 tacks and 6 bblt for tale by
janitt OUGRANT
j*n2l _
UiAXS EED—IO baTor sate
janai - •
Parßli peachi
LaUB— £9 bbls Leaf, for sale by
NO. SUGAB—34 ihdsN. O. Sugar, jut received
» aad for sole by A. CULBERTSON,
jsnil 1C Liberty at
\T‘ O.MOLASSE3—IO.bbIs NToTMeissiw, jlm
il • received asd for solo by,-A. CULBERTSON*.
jonSI - r ~ tC Liberty si
TEAS— Just received a superior lot of.Grttn and
Black Teas, aud for sole by t - -'*'
jonSI 1C Liberty st.
11. M OLASisES— 33 tibia a. 11. Mslbsks. ctibal
• and tor sale by A. CULBERTSON, .
land! 1C Liberty st.
LARD— 75 bb:s No l, in store and for sale byi
\A7 MITE BEANS—SO bbls in store and for sale by
FLOUR— ISO bbls Extra family, m store nmlior
HOPS— 6 bales jut rte’d and for sole by
BUTTER— SO kegs Extra, in store and for sale by
l/LUUK —MO bbl» lu store andtor solely "~
V Jana WM U JOHNSTON, 11S Scccbd st
POTATOES— 43 bbls rec'd and for sale I y
OLL BUTTER—2 bbls for sale by !
rpOMATOES—2SW jugs for sale by
B*iLU.¥>a VuiCotlilfiß-
INFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating, and bens.
tyfying the lUir, removing Scarf, Danaraff, and ait
affections of the Scalp, and caring Eruptions or, the
Skin, Diseases of tbo fluids, Muscles and *me«u
meals, and relieving tttiugs, Cut*, Braises, Sprains,
4c, ate. With lilts preparation, “there h no sneh
word as faiL" The firs; journals in America, medical
men of tbo highest eminence, prominent eitixens ofdli
professions and ladies who hato used it for years in
their dressing room* and nurseries, admit with one ae
eard, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and
curl to ihd hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff; heal
ing wounds, curing contusions,, sprain*, stings, Ae
and relieving diseases of the akin, the glands, and the
muscle* it has no equal among the multitude of com
pound* alverusedln the public prints,or used tiTpfi--
vate practice. la cheapness as well as cfficaev. Bar
ry’s Tnecpheroui is unrivalled. *'
t*The affinity between; the membranes which const]-'
atuie the skin, and the hair whiehdraws iusustenance
from this mpleeovelopo is very close. Ail diseases
of the hair originates in the akia of the head. If the-'
poresof the sealp are clogged, or if the blood and
other fluids do notetrculate treely through the small
vessels which feed tbo roots with moisture nnd impart
life lo the fibres, the is scurf, dandruff*, shedaior
of the heir, graynesa, cryness.-and harsencss of the
ligaments and entire baldae** as the ease may be.~
Stinralaic the skin to healthful action! with the Trieop
herons, and the torpid vessels, recovering their activ
ity, will annihilate the ditease. •. I
In all affections of lbs skin, and of the substrata of
museles oud integuments, the process and. the effect
are the same.
It ' 'be skin, thr the
•t it mon the skin, the ooteiiiu|ltlirci and Utc
glindr, tint the Tricupherous huiu'spcciljcicUoo,'
and in ell affection* and injuries of thejo'prgaas, it U
s sovereign remedy.
J*oid, iti large boulcs, price 25 cents, at the principal
Office, 137 Broadway, N, Y.
CE7“Por »ale by R. E. SELLERS,
jtxo-1 pmiborg.
HAVE )'ow in store a Inryeahd general assortment'
Ol I'KY GOODS, which they oli-r in Oity ar.d
i.ouolj Mcrubnitt* oi tniiieeJ price*; -and which tney
will sell in great inducements to cub buyers, or for
»pi>ro«cil credit.. jaolP
To tha BloekboMtri of the Chanltra
t Coal Compaay,
NOTICE i« hereby given, mat, in pursuance of the
Act of iho General nrtrmMy of Ibis Common*'
wcalto.letitttled "A'l Aci to Incorporate ilie Cbartiera
Coal t'ajmpar.y, in the County of Allegheny,” an Elec
tion Mill l-c held at the Mon&ngahefa House, in the
City ol Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 7tlt day of Feb
ruary nrx*, ntd o'clock in the afternoon of that dar,
for no purpose of electing Director* of the told Com
z. \v. remington;
_jar.lil-;rr Commissioner*.
COUNTY LOAN, 979,000,
TILE r<>nimi*.ionerB of tlie County or AHegbeur
bavins been authorized, by an Act or Assembly
pawed'me Wb day of January, IsSQ, to borrow, on
temporary loan, a «um oi numey r not exceeding **v.
isn nva TuotriaTO mluu, to be applied to the re.
demption of County Scrip, the certificates'of loan
to be eituipt from all taxes, except for Bute pur
poses. *
. (PROPOSALS will be received; at the Office of said
Commissioners, in the City of Pittsburgh, within threi
week* from the dtio hereof, from such p««n,orcE/
porrtion* as, may be desirous ol taking the whole •
any port of sold loan. or
SI3 thousand of whleh to be redeemed on the li>
of April. IM*. J 5 thousand on the Cm of April ; d, . T
and 30 thousand on the Ut of April, Isa-mv *
bo paid seml-aanually at the Office of it * -H** 1 *°
Treasurer or may be agreed r ‘ Connt 7
WILLIAM D* r vvin&
« iantt-lm*
rftri. **• a. The fine passenger steamer .
CotweU, master, will >it* fc, u*
■KBlaßßabove and all Intermediate pens
on Thursday, at 10 o’clock, A- M*.'
For freight and passage apply on beard. - t«"Wi
• Tho *plentfd&gtg»ea|*r ptok tt
A. Cox, muter, will l e «y* fcr
OKBsSHtoihe above and all inumediusborta
lhi> day at ie-o%loek, A. M.
For ticisni or pauage, appl’
Jaoi* O
« aijz i>* b. The splendid steamer
. ff. - A Z. TAYLOR,
egCatffla Laces muter, will leave for the
■BBEaSEBBabove and all Intermediate ports os
this day,the 23d inst, at ID o'clock, A. U.
For frajht or passage apply 00 board. jaalS
The splendid that running steamer
UIUIS McLANE, W. 8. Conwtll,
UhNEShS 1 issuer, (having undergone a lbor>
repair,} wul ran hereafter ae a
regular packet between Pittsburgh
and Wheeling,* leaving Pittsburgh every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9 o'clock. For
freight cr passage apply on board, or to
ju4 ; W. B. WHEELER, Agent
mnis well known line of splendid passenger Steam*
I era 1* now composed of the laigeat swiftest, be*
fimsbed and famished, and most potrerfttl boats on the
waters Of the West. Bgcry accommodation and .cents
fort that money can proem, hu been provided for pas
sengers. The Line hu beerrin opertUionfor five yean
—has carried a million of people without the least iaju*
ry to their persons The boats will be at the foot at
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the reoe>
lion of freight andtfie entry of passengers-on the rent*
ter. In all cases the postage money mustba paid Is
advaneo. _
T AAG NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, wll
leave Pittsburgh every Sundaymonkngat 10o'clock;
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 r. M.
May SSI, 1947. ;
The MONONGAHELA.Capt. Bronx, will leave Pitta*
bargh every Monday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling
every Monday evening at 10 r. x.
Tne inUBRMA No. S, Capt J. Ktmimm, will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Tuesday evening alt 0 r. ir.
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt S. Et U,Wlll
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday nonua fat II
o'clock; tVheelmgevery Wednesday evening a IOp.M
rnvnassmmsi. .
The BRILLIANT, Capt Gases, will leave Pitts
burgh every Thursday morning at Wheeling
every Thursday evening at 10 p. a.
.Hie CLIPPER No. 3, Capt Puts Duval, srill leave
Pittsburgh every Friday morningatlOo'eloek; Whu
ff# every Friday evening at 10 1. M.
MUSLINS, of suitable widths for Pillow Cases,
conrtantly bn hand.
_Also— Sheetings.'from 11 to 3 yards wide, and an u
sortment of Towelling acd Table Diapen, and house
keeping goods generally.
! aljo—Tickings of the most approved manufacture,
ineluding very ssperior of extra width, at the Dry
GoodsHonseof WR MURPHY,
•’ East corner of Third and Market sts.
nyWhelessle Rooms up stain. )mnl9
AYF.RY fine article of Mourning Long Shawls,
full size, jut received, former price fit, and now
only 83. - A A MASON A CO,
r jan!9 • CO Market street
LARD— 2) kegs fresh, for sale by
GREEN APPLES—in store and for sale hi
jangt WM II JOHN
SAFES— a second hand Safes, tor sale Iqw'hj
BlMkwood'i Uagulai tad the Bi
Quarterly BerUwe.
YIZ: TbsLoxsos Qc*m*LT Hivixw;
Ta« Esixßtrtaa Eimw,
Tax Nosrra Bxiruu Rimr,
Tux Wonnnm Eimr,
And— Ed!x*c*ou iiioizia*.
For any one of the four Review*, 93,00 per auusm.
For ali four of the Review*, 6,00 • “
For Blackwood’* ' . VO/* B v
ForßlackwoodandU»e4Review», 10,00 iv. u ’)
Payment* to be made in all ease* In aeyanoa.
foblitheil timaltaneetuly in New York and PiUtr
boreh; Office. 83 Wood *treet
y.iß - James d. i.ocrwood.
EDGINGS & FRENCH MEBINO9 are telling very
cheap at jtnlfl 'A| A MASON fe CO’S -
/•^Al.lhnns— lo _mt«. fm cjolors, at Ctc farmer
price Jiatf I^AHASOn&CO
LUE CHECKS—I care very dsrk Shirting Cheeks,
jut opened by SUACKLETT A WHITE,
t .* r '
iROWN SHEETINGS—SO bales hearr«-4 Brow
1 Sheetings, jnit rec*d and for sale at old prices o
{LEACHED BHIRTINRS—A good airortmeni (
Bleached Goods, in ito/e aad for isle by
PICKINGS—S 3 bales Tariousirrade*, on band an
for sale by .. . SHACKLETrk WHITE,
; «a fIA IV..J 1 - I
I’ALLOW— SObbU,teeviaadCor i»le br
50,000(Conunon)jiutreiey And^^ebT
ABD—SO keg* No 1, forsalety
SHEEP PELTS—SOO Sheep pelts, frr store end ftr
HOPS— 7 hales prime, jait rec’fi and for sale by .
janlO BtWIIaRBAU/.ih -C
POTASH— 23 bbls just ree’d and for sale by*'
jan!9 S AW llAHtf aUGH 1
GUNNY BAGS—I,SOO in store and for r-ia v T .
lonia • SAW m-FftMfrlH
CHANDLER WANTED.—An expov^iencedChand*
ler will hear of a good situationooplviog to ;;
i«ri» ; s * v .y HAfiSfAUGH,
COPAL VABNIS —l3 bbls F urm tnre;
10 hl’uVj deg ,
•’kegs Jo;
2 blr. Coach do;
3hf bis do do;
. „ 3 kegs da - do; foe tale by
lg AIAH DICKEY A CO. Front st
/CHEESE—3SO bo’xes for
V/ jenlO . • ISAIAH DICKEY 900
SUGAR— 8 hh d*, for sale low to close eontignmeat.
DpTASH—I 5 casks, first son, for sale by
iCOBCHTjD SALTS—'JO bbis in store and for sale by
A TILE—For solo by .1
T)L ITER—2O boxes dairy, mode expressly for fiai- -■
X) ly use, ree’d this day and for safe by <
J*nl9 , J A RFLOYD -.
T3UCKWHEAT; FLOUR—3O sacls ree’d this day
JP and for sale by janl9 J A RFLOYD -
HONEY —000 lbs prime, in comb, rec’d this day and
for sale by jan!9 J A RFLOYD
10RN MEAL-G sacks and 27 bbis arriving and for
Janlfl Wauir street
tOBN—B tacks and 21 bbis Shelled Cora forsileby
TYTHISKEY—3S bbls superior Old Mon. Bye, for.
Jump CT . Water street
ATEW BACON—WO Hams, «M Shoulders,'and 390
i.l Sides, in smoke house, and ready for4 cl ‘t*Su <,r '
sale hy • ; janlS TASSSYABfi^T
POTATOES-150 bbls Balu Bins*, forsslobY
IDIA SENNA-400 lbs Just fet’d »d &r sale by
Isolß •? J KIDD A CO, Ct) Wood »t
SAL SODA—IOOO lbs in store4fcd fo r ,»?lebyl • •
jmlP • /mpp A CO
JN. BED-30 bbis rec’d and tor sale by
|ujg J Kli)D k'CO;
CASTILE SOAP—2SO lbs fur role by
SILVER SAND—4 bbUjust rec'd and for sole by
BUTTER— 12 bbls Boil, in eloths; 10 bis do; L 2 kys
packed do; for tale-by
jan!9 j B CANFIELD, Front at
TALLOW— 75 bbls is Store and for sale by
jams ' jb canfielp
SCORCHINGS-0 easks in store and tor sale by
tIHEESE-ISCO bxs prime, in store and for sale by
/ janl9. JBCANPIKLD i
SALERATUS— 75,bxs and 10 casks, for tale by '
C HANDLES—10 bxs Moald, for sale by* " -
LINSEED Ollf-20 bbls for sale by .
Juris 1 r : J n CANFIELD
UNNY BAGS—2OOO just reeld and for sale by
/N ItEEN APPLES—SO bbuTgood wintcr) for ssleby
pUTTER—‘JO firkins good Roll, to cloths,forsolo by
Oimis , breyfuglk a Clarke '
IHKKSB—a small lot, for sale lowio cloie contlr :r
J wwrx by janlfl- BRRYFOGLEft CLARP £
I?GCiS-- w Mil* t?CK»d, jom tee'il and for **le t . . -.
UACON—U),I*w) lb* Ho g Boas' ' nfim /Z
1> 'iaokchoutc,(or»alBby •' *i prune, w
QOAP-j) bx* Palm Soap, ja« * *77 * '
O Pik«NoO,Bndlor»aleoT rse J P« f tle * Bef
iania • , •
his preaenl UJoaueolioucfburrflW
p'tVrs;«?/",c„W :“» k » f FH.U « I=l «**
I *6o-a.««,«,kr r ro „ui*.
“s‘. r"?*%gr
S^2?,S HEl> SALTS—4 bbis in store add
Si J J=!5— n*imv, j»ne9>po_
CUEKSE-lTboxe.lanfC.iattertWy 0 '
V*«e oy jan!B u.oni^inMiatfcTO
ATOES-HO sacks In store and for
. ,an!B sianmr. ro.Vbd ACO
f t UNN Y BAGS—*OO just rec’d and fcrjg* ft.',
CHEESE— COO bn prime, in store aadtoj {*!?«s
_ J*a»d _ • STUART fo-jILL
SUUAR-iO birds N O, new crop. >n« {**•£ ffifJP 1
sale by jao!7 jjrf)tLL3 A ROE
Dried peaches-ico bu cn
.st_ i.?.l'.T- .
“UIED APPLES—A fmall lot. ci«ce»
1 consignment by J«nl7 McGILLS A*u
TiiroLASaEB-» hr hr:, n o, « ««•»“* fcr ,ILo
K M , n[LL3 t ROE '
P^ISSf* °“**"Wue* sob:
on board, or (o