ESTABLISHED IN■. 178 b. miLMHED R\ WHITE &. C O > * WliifK , [». KJJCUT. «**rrrß bo 1 to Ciuli*. ill n reduced T*^- RATIOS OP ADVERTISING AGREED ETON BY THE PITTSBURGH PRESS. Ol.r MjiidPi.llOline* Of NoiiJ *0,30 ■r rn iin •. - I>v3 inott'rc. |h. ll*roc week three mt-n-n. tour nion h* 1K». twelve iiiorntia- Standing Card (fi line* or Ir«»,| j Otic Square, changeable ulp.cHi nuoij exclusive of the |>u|*cr- For cacb additional *qu»re. in«e and for curb uddliional aquare in* ly rale*. half price. Ad\eiiiM>mcnU exceeding a Mid fiilten line*, lo be charged a* a *«iui Pubit'lK-r* not uecountable for ie| beyon 1 Kir amoatit charged tor then Announcing candidate* for oitcc, same on other adveruoemenu. Advertisement* not marked on the copy for a tpeci fied number ol m*eruoii». will he continued ull forbid, and paymeincSacieJ accord Tl.r privilege* ol yearly adeerti**;r» will be rnnhncd nridiy u. tbcir regular uuimrv, and all othar adver tiarincnl* not pcriaiiung to their rrgubr bti»ine«s, agreed lor, to be punt extra. All adv. iU.emrut* .or i .-tituUon*. hrr compaiui-*, ward, town-nip . i"»< meeting*, and >u. h like, to be charged Iml. put r, pay able strirtiy in adviiuce. Marriage notice* to be charged M cei.f 1> on. initire* inserted withoutcbarge. unless t.crom panirtl 1.) luneral invitation* or obituary notice*, and when *o accoiupau.ed to be paid tor. Regular all» •« ml mg er.rninu rnconoii*, .or requiring i.ourc* designed to call mien tion lu lair*, Soiree*, Concert*, or anv public eniri tair.nients whrre cnarges are made nn mlmillanee— all iiouctß Ot private u»»ocintmn*—every notier dr airurd u> cal! Bltcniion to private enterrme- cuicuii.- ud or intruded to promoie individual l. icre»i, can on ly be inferred with the Biidcratiunlnig that the -anir i» ui be paid for. If miendecl to be .ii*vpml in tin- lno* column, the aame will be cbarge.t ui tn> rule of lr.«. that) lb c< t* per line. Vs.<*o ni over line month, ted under Ujc year- tire mid u ball rpat udvertiscnienti it puhiicaiicn. to lie ebary > d lb' Uubop a l'tsi Notice* lo ho charred mpte Tavern Ltcen»e Petition*. cnch Legal and Medical adveruscsocti •* to t.c charged at hilt price*. Real KcLaie Agent* and Auctioner-rs’ .SUverti.ruiesii* not tn Ik- under jguriY rale*. hu to he allowed discount ■•! unity three and one Hurd pt-t cent, from tb-- 01 bill?. tine ><(>iute,’.luce ’tt»ertion» Do cut'll addiuuni.t insert. ■!»••• ii'VKart»KMKn* ix wmn One Mjuare, lid lines.) one umTUo>' • • -5*J cl». IL. each additional *' A.t u nn-ui t advertisements to pat t'tn advance. WHITE A CO . Oitxetu. L HARPER, Pom, ROUT M. HIDDI.I-- Journal. JAMES I*. BARR A C«'„ Chronicle Ft >STKK A BROTHER, Dtspucir ' J( iS. SNOWDEN, Mercury J *.MKS W. UJDULF- American Pinert-iron, Dec. I,I?TJ. [JUSiMSS I'ilhUS. ALEXANDER SI. WA’5 AOS, ATTORNEY AT IxA W—Oflier, on Fourth rtr*- Muirs. jun O-y ALIA. MI.K FRANKLIN. Attotnr.y at Law Ji.uiii . novCMy WAV ID C. TDTTLE, ATTORNEY at law and commissioner FOR PI ..NNfc YLVaN! A. St. Lot *. Mo All roiuiiiu.ueatlun* promptly answered. oetct-ly AII.MSTRt i.NO A CRUZKU, Conununou Merchant* and iK'iilrr* in Produce, No. thi Market street Fttl»l>uri;l drrr_, ATTORNEY uiui Counsellor nt Lav.. mud Cotitmi* ato irr lor the Slate of Pennsylvania, tiL Lou.* Mo. (lot; m Pittsburgh j RsrxatNCC. —Pittsburgh: lion.W. Fi rtvard, Hi.inp ton A WUier, M'Cundtcs* A M Clare, Joint FI Park.' •j i. nor3>-ly rsxuui tl BSacjii *.: .)ur.s kKrrt.k fjRAU! h. Itm'Eß, Wl»f>V.kic a!,.l Kclai! Urut, I» ruu, tamerot Likcny x-iti Clair dreet*. t.untt, Fa tunyi: BA- "j'AHi'iKsroOfk & «'o., imd lu • uul Druggislis I uriicr W o 1 tUIAKLhS X»AYI.' !v. AUorjic) ai, Tlmd » / 'l»i door*tio«i! **m iitilicl*!. ' _ o.'u PAii TUJDGIi, M. U., NO 195 Sl’UlOh a I'Ut.KI, CO.NTINL'KS tO Rit e ! (iu ih-u;n. tttUuUoll l«» «.«• Uf«tmrr.l of <■: IhU SKiN, M-KllH and DUeaicaof ihu TIHIOAT Office hour*: *J A. M., I l’ .M., and 7 1 .M ocl&dara* ] "jobs *• chaiu- t w. B SM.ow. & SMNNKH, l orwardii* and /Merchant* No. Mantel -U J*i!t«nurKli Cl a. iMeANUt.TY A Co., Forward!!* and miuion .Merchant!*; Canal I'iiuhurgl. 1 •> U. GRANT, Who,cate Uruerr, Comim-im, «j**l Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water it. aol- DvqaVino'Spring Stool and Iro» (10LBMAN, ILAILMAN A Co, tnnnufaetunir* -f j Coach and Kiipuc tarings Hammered Aalts, Sprit* and Dough Steel. Iron, Ac. W armours *-n Water and Front *»recu, I’liiiiburgh. ~ Alao, drolda UiJ Loach Trunin,:** and Ma-ical it Caeling*. „ ocllJ • wm7 a. asoustl, J*Kia l. BSsnifT. ENGLISH a UENNKIT, date Engliah, t.a)lß,rlicr * Co.) Wtolc»>«:e tirocri*, Conum««iuli and i-ur •w aiding Merchant*, wid dr aim* .a J’roduce and J nu fcorgti Manufacture*, No :J7 Wood *L, t.etw< -n :d and udtirceu. 011 i*y J. ILEMO. Atinru.y *i»il CaujicrlU.r at Law, •fTi. Cinclauiiu, Ohio. >:..ncctfcni» tu Southern ouu>, And in Indiana, and u. hcntuelty, promptly and earr* • fully aUended to Count*** *»onrt *oi the Muir 01 I eni.- •ylaama, for taking Uepowtinn*. a'-knowlcagu*enu, to—ilou. VVm licit A >un. Cura*. Church A Carothcra, Wet. Hut*. K*<|- Wiliucic A Daris^ T. C lireyiogle a. 11. Clarke. UttEY FOGLK A CI.AUKE, itORWAKDIM- AND COMMISSION MERCII- I a.NT?, and dealer* in W.ndoar dat*, White Lead, Ae. No. 10s >ccond »L ■'•••' Wll. U. JOIIXsTOIS, EORWAKDINU & COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. US Srcolid ttreel, l'iH»i‘Urgti _ acM «muw.Hin ' MJ*» ». vaasca. CtKOROE W. SMITH A »•»»., Urcwera, Aiaislnn r and Hop Dealer*, I'm *h X’ltunurgii. *pita! COCiiRAN. Co titan oil and iorwarcui* IjT Merchant, No. 2U VVoodurrtL rmeburg.V myl. ■ lioSlK i*KAOHK FACTORY. HAMILTON ffI'EWAUT, manufacturer Of Hrary Blnrungs, Check*, Ac., Uebrcea s'W ay oi Allegheny. MJ^ln-diy TT ' LEE, lßuec~M«or toilutphy * D-y» I . ,cal * *1 *■ erand Commission Mcn-im'ii, tor uie •* r o Amencan Wooleiu, Liberty. .vpomic *' l “ w*. BtxLD, Baltimore. a t. accxsoa, towaim uixt-u, I cjuirica. o.c.«'caJotoH, jobs *• wABNua, > HEALD A UUCKNOII.To.'-rco ComimsMon Met -oBuia,4l North V\ aier «i, A 16 jNort:t Wbiiyc*, Fiuia. __J j i>ov-i»-.f a.a.auni. WJ - r Hardy - , jones a <* . ioaiw<--.-i, Jonei A Co.) Conmmtinn am. Forwarding . .■ i* .ihanU, dealer*, in I'lttshurgh Manafartuitd *»w • •. i'ltuburgh, l*a. rncavv NOTICE. I HAVE associated l. 11. MeVAY with me m ihe Exchange and Uaukin* business January Itt, l=hu W.M. 11. WiLLIAM*- Wo. 11. William. I IJ. McV..y WM. U. WILLIAMS A CO., bankers and exchange brokers. North East comer oi Wood #ml Thir.i street- jonl ' I’ittsbih.ii. cicirr, aosxer metat. IHAIAJI DICKEY a C«. t Wholesale (.rnrers, suasion Merchant*, and dea« John'S-Vilwori— Jorroa l>..*.»r.h ■a d DILWURTH t CO, Wholeiair r Jlur cr». uul . Agents for Hazard I'owder Co., No. iff Woo i *i.. Pittsburgh ioV?t a.'mvwouTK Ji*. DILWUHTI! & Co, \V‘.r # dnc«* u>’' Coinnu*...<.ri V-r for the l'owc'.er < o »t s >.r«i!lV Lr-c. rfl'rv JOHN M- TO'VNSKND. Df«i;si«t »s«. Apoiirrrnr> No. «3 Market »l- Tturil « putr* i, n r«b. will l»»vc con«untfy on Sard • well .clr.-tr.i „2nenloftlio Upland Mcdir.ut-. wlooh b« will Kll on lhe “?V Wnn. Phyo-ruiw orilrr*. will l»r r>rata}:*oy auendrd in, and mt- «rt»de. lh«-y m«v *d, *, r-„ ul „, 1 P irT* phy»ici*»' w,y i, r apremdv u«v. M.i-hli.-.d, norj-Jy —■^-|» - OANriKLI). ii»l r fiC’A jrrt-i.. (lain,) Oflnuni** I «ion au*l Foiwartii:* . ii'rhnut and wSolen&le •" in WrCtm t'.'-T-r. HuUrr. l*,,i , r .j dC*' eT . \Vr«t*rn I’roHirm \V a!^r »*»►» >■ J *£fS^&Z2gS2LXSXZ detiej l ?. ... ftn j jin'.! ■!«•«■•.». Pitwt.unrh Pa r«vr. "i-auiS- A HUTCHISON. a Co.-h ? i, hl , o n * «>>. PomnuMum Merchant* ol the Sucar Kc-hcry “J #«.“=' w 1 Janl, -i I=: jr'll«aie I>m«*i*s.andden’. » r i I jyr J*;i‘ ’i*. i’.t.'lt' o,i». V urttl Ac., No. He' W, . -,ft in— -*t- -‘BPCea-or to Jo*cpl, V» ...—pOia-Vr*.-. •>. :i|_ i \ ~i) u.\ vit*. AuritPiirer, corner Stn au*d Wood ]i > n MKi.l.uK w ht’irw.c and Retail deicer I" Mu- r Muax-iu J»C. l lIK»l Uonat, .t. **i« - Ster I''•»*. lb AC4 i. Manufacturer* of v mpi-nor l-l r'lieentntv Carpet Chain, Co*>y i_^-';-_ar:«!_nntim c . jaW-lyUon Venuvltu Iron Work*. T ‘WS, DAI.ZF.LI. A Cc . manutiieiurers of all si ij . * fin;. M.n-1. L....rr Iron and NiuD of the best ;un . \\ areliour.-,iv.itr and 1«3 trout *-t L*» WaTKK.'l.\>. Wholesale iiroeer. Forward* » n Men lianl. tK-aior in PitU* bun '■ .Mnnuf icturv. n.i.l priMtnn- .Sc*. l‘t Wntri *t.i ax.d •: Fro.;-. j-J7 wn. yiLt.KH. PhilmU. . iv. hii-arTMJ.v, Pisutiurßh. Ml I.i.KU A Kt.'HhTSuN. V' m.iemie < Jroe.-rs, and imiKiiiera i.t lirniuJ.cis U .nr. amt >cear«, No«. iMid i;t. .-..nrer <»i --...1 tnviii ..reef. P::u liutj a. I*-i Iron, Nn.:». Collet: Varu., eon >tan it on hunt! itucll Mtili.*i> A*Hl >h. \\ hoirMi-r l irueci .'aml Coiiiuiis. -ion Mrrrt.:,i ;,. No IM !..Seny m . PuiM.unTii. JV.) . UFtn. WILJMIN A Cu.i.alr Murphy .V IVJ Cl.) U no:.--:...- Pm., r* m l»i" l.ontL. No 4- Wt-o-re-l iMI-liu ij :• tlllll.U \V U>oN. I’l.rifHUniui Mll.iatU.rfitm wVl lei ItOOlll-. i-ori'rr »l Po-l I Uher A .-> - « i f—lU ‘1 Fl'.'Ul Klill SJ'KF.I. W(*KK> aMi MMU.NG AND AXLR FAiTi *H \ JUNES A. iiLIUG, 014 " *' *'*"“*' MANU'ACTI KKKb of mu! sl rri, plouRl! •ire!. Strrl plouKli --vi :!-.. rnarh and etlp. •call e I-it-111 it-. lU'-niuii.r ■ -»■!. {• - .u: t ilnlll It 111 I 111 111 pi fenrraily, corner oi K,~. t •:* . IMiM.un;.‘i, Pa ' 1,-tr!) NltOl.M t-> A. jij.S. No .MarVn »i_ .rcoiid « door iron, i nr:i.-r t>: Focun, iinm-i. m t'orrirn Slid ti 11,.,.: l-uclm ~.;e. l>: .iL- . tle.«o! I)cI>o»- !• it .lilt - and Sprv.r \’ Ul'CkMAb'rt-.K. A 1.. Lav * .'■ - .‘iSirr, Fouilh sc, il r lluru door ai*! NN bTUF.IT, »>•»• i„,d lKui-1, l.a* Uom o'i the J lane, liumir. o--ut m V«>.-a; Jlun- :-Jel4:dtf bCCr.4 PKlitN Tl£A STlt|lS.-.\ii fu Fourth |Si4 si., nrnr Woim—-A- .piaubUm of (.r-n and ICa.ll Tea*, mice up m iiujii-u, iih.i. and one pJund puekueeii •• iroxn An < i». 'per pound 17* A. JA ' .vl Arc mr p. » .11 I'm Co K cutties, Lirn t. a. CU.,’ No. iva l.uirny »lrre:. Ptll‘ijuri:h. Wlioii'ale liroeei.-. I'roducc anil CcutU'Ui<»ion .'•icrchamv ami i!rJ.t:> xe I’iK=turpu no: ; aoi;>'iN. Ttiov atrrcv. aaML u. aosw>s ( rtt.ltf .Mi'hTRF- ttnii.iw/l.ruiVi, jirciityiiiß ;i -nlirt. deßiet ill Prmiu.-e, Pu.vliu:.;h Manufac urei «i - d a I oi t'i' aiid Poinc.tie Wines i:'‘ 1 ui-r*. No 11 1.i1.r.y -ir-ri. Ue hnii'i a very tnrt «livk of ■tprnor o.d Miilionputicia wut^scy, i. •• r.niM Li*. 1. u sues. if l VNut.Pr- a bIIKK Forwurdiiip and C*miniv*ion V ■'lerchnnl., for lie Ailr*beny Hit?t Trade, deal rr* o l.rocencii, Produce. Pm.l*tir*!i Manulnciurrs ’J c- mu !o L paid t. i me. for coun ry n: • corner «i P-t, i *mt I rw.u «i- lanSfl pi :;F.RT ItAi.ZF.i.i. A Co , U n0:..--.ln Uroecrs, i.i> • enimi»«uiix iuii". i'orwnr.iuiK Merceani*. doaleri ■t Pf.-loee kiii! Piii«purch Minuficiure*, Liheriy |_ . I':. IH,«_ 1»l in A Cl x.M. \\ ..o •• n.e Urnecr. w 'll •Clvl.i-riT i WHJTIC Whoieioxlc licater* In u 1 1 -uiei ii id Dniiimiio Dry 1j00.1.. No VU Wood *U O . W lIA l( IJA lull Woo: Dialers C, I Flour m-d Primurr MAhfLANO. OK LKK> Ml'OlA |*ri>du<-<‘ m.« i.. '•«»«,- O i' ■•• ion M -rruui-t.. No IT *t., l*u;M>urp'c Whoti-hoc uro -o*bii m in Piu_-,our*h jluimr-'i-vi 1 *-- m: 1 Pro tacc i.i?f rnnmvej u.etr new siit'. iii>u«e.inld stand) So. ... corner of Front and r-.i-.vrry Lano I'A"S«M -V bKST. U iiwsa.e j»ror*-r* mid i:omuU.v . c,i NJfr< aunts. cjul d-mrr* lit Produce No d 5 Ac. -L. IVt«!.irr v .i . [>!U2 \. II WOOt>W*!U>’ ••• • -Al.i’U IIAUALLT 117 M U-.fiAt.KV A. Cl'. "'HKhaic litoirr., 1* W »nd »' Wood O.rr.-. l*.a»oUf/!i IIOV-J7 Jt M. JIITCHELTRKK, i\ •tOI.KSAI.K fiKOCKK? I . KKC nrvtNfi I)l£- V\ TiLLKKr*. ami WINK and LIQUOR .MERCH ANT < Also—l mj-orter* of Soda Ai»b nn«l pleaching Pow.'er, No. toil Liberty si.. (oppo-itc Sixth »t-,) Puts- MIIH - *«»_- lUIIT. 5. Wttfl. " * PAVtO MtiSDLUJ 11? !CK k. M'CA N DL.KSS, (successor* to L. A J . D VV Wick,) Wholesale Grocer*. forwarding and C.Jrwr ry. Silver Ware, V\ . and Military finm; ■, < or’icr oi Market and 4th »lre. ■*. Pittsburgh, Pa .V it.—Wutd.r* kik) Clock* cure illy repaired. _ dec > II • KST ' IIfIWKN-Commia.ioK mid Forwarding \\ Merchant. No. vn From between Wood an«l M.a.-i .irc-t* fch24 it i h. >jUKPin , Wholesale and Retail deaierm Vl Foreten and I>orue»ue I>ry Good*, north cast c .f. -of Market and Fonn;. -t* »«C . ler« in Produce, Iron. Nii.t, liliM, and PHU bur-!. Mauuiacuue* generally. 152 liberty *U Pi«»- bun't • ' drf - _ Ti,* W Wn.r-IN, fb-.ler m Wniri.e*. Jewelry V\ , Silver \% are, St.. r«ry GoC.I*. Ac .No s^Mar W'Sl TIMItUN ATTOUSEY AT LAW, ltniitr, Pa ai»;i| ni«) attrndto nollretioni and ail Other Pun- V» "'ne..d Armstrong eoo • e* Refer to J * R. Floyd. Li!>er:y «t 1 W\V. Wallace, do I Jtnri Marshall do f Pittsburgh, d r Kay ft fto.. Wwl ) J nn7 PETTIGREW * CO., I 'll 't ", ,-fo H T K A M » OAT A<• KN T S **=3cs3 oinc«uo«M.Au.ra*U HftSßSran ocLII No. 42 Water *trcet. HOTELS FOCNTAIS HOTEL*, f. I 0 *1 T STRKKT U A I. T I M 0 R K THlf* e*talili»hment long and widrly known a* N&l being one of the rao«t eommodiou* in the city ol £f£> Dalliroorc, ba« rv'-emiy ondergone very exten »ive altrrnlinna and improvement*. An enure nctv wing ha* been added. cunUumne numerous and wry ■leenms apartment*, and eitcn*iTC bathing room*. Thr lAdie*’ department ha* ai*« eomnleteiy reorgunifd and fitted up in a mo •utu<)ne and beJtuli ful dfle. In fnrt the whole arrangement of the liopw ha* been remodeled, wall n sonrle eye on the part «.f the p uprieiorv toward* the comfort mil pleasure of llieir liue«t>, and whieb they confidently u**ert wio ehnlh-nce comparison witn any tfoiel in tne Union. j Ul . ir ,„|,!c will alway- lie *upplied with every *uh- and luiury wlnrh the market afford*. *erve>l ap in u superior *1) le; while in the way of Wines, k< . Uirv’ aill not lee *ufpa»* r d in ••oncluMon ibe proprietor* beg to *nv, that nothin* will be left undoni on their part, nnd on tie part of the r SMi'.’.ant*, to render tin* Hotel wonhy tlie conUnti. •• patronage of their trie iul* ifid the pul-he grnrrnily . Tbs: phor* fur hoard h tve ulwj liecn rrdured In H. following rate-. i Julie*' Orduntrr, *1,.5 per day I ielitl emen's - !>' N U —The Kaggage Wagon oi the llou»e will n. wnybe found nt the Car and Steamboat Ijunlmr*. whn t will con vry baggage to and from Uir Hole., fr- e of cii-irgc ina,.t' I.AHIAHTISK IIOI’SK, •and li.e puldic general) T'-c sj-aodto re;i.!» r|l one or tor »!;«'»• •om o/ta l Ho plea • ant llulra y. jl'' -c-rrir «iidlnef'- fOT rTe;IV-4I V r ' JA. nil Mu’lt.M- i-f«>pnetnf K-.c.ii*-. 1 "," t ' t r ;“,*,£*! .' e , Hiriu.liti* *: ii«'- »«u. •>* v 4 • , *,..1 '»r '" iiinkv mK.KRMT. HIU s.-I.J - '-'Ki-i | -'.V V « ufrr.Ki offer, tn i.urr...-"* i. . «■ ».*o.U«rut Oi Ihf i.o*l «n.»«.vn.i U/u».rl» t.arjwU. ih*M rv. > iK-iurf ..a.-. ■ iii ini* rtiarkeJ. OH till! e**iWno »ur tlwl p.neliuUUK *-l»eWhcr«. VV M cu:>TllCk. '■> Koanii M •]fcJ|WHHHj[j^lA»w' MllSo) Jamea Horv Ji, Benjamin Rah. John AJWear< • ' . .V „ ItrstToiii., CompirolleroflWWJ Gtorrc ’Wood.-”' ' John F. Mmekieii ' David Dwtley-rcl Joseph Holie.; Hia Exe. Oov.bla W, U Dmrvm.’U g; D.W*Le*.' Ex-Gov.Jl.*'" A.Sidnoy ' 02 <\ ffm.M’K. Gmtjs V A man for One 1 To r»n do db And lathi which £» Thin ofaows 4, piny ei: Tua.Ci iMuretfc PamfC and all,-' »übje6* citio* wilt fol!ot Foro Fot'n For U ForTc •1.e..: tn.iii Lie piraie*l for'ife/K patSaod. continent v irots-lfce W^e*. »landing andpeht. *Wt« moneTed mcu pc cot* cily ®f Uartforc faaoaj Umnjtiteßt ib» rigid nnv bate funned and ' •eriptioa. fro Hkxtfc fri* ever - J than n, >rholc geiier H- rvery SUle of ' p»y Uie iaiuimer Kg<i*t. n AlUM«*»r signed, null. crUAgan pettton-pf prttfiiana Cmqto'' loA» Fox I) fl'llß' 1 ti OapU lluvii calion* acconlu made kr "'IIT*.. of everr K cnri;«>e» of ; K-rnn. ir/- OtCec L SV.TT N. B—The. of:lhi o:id libcrC, fur !o«» bU tifu niv':un< UiC CfWli j,- comuiUfilf]? muff Cotnpl onm'litnt ka« ,',|,rriin>n o l PARTJCt Identical Oap» (roaMDi Mrunuuauß7»t CotntfT Steel rr*peetAtll/I*s*! we can **T **“ ami rwc*,tf;«fll nouje La I’tuUdel (■II IMILT •*. y-.wl;tj:rn Tiaraig o i»»qaA tvctrag i ' > -•-■■«*' 4»’« 160‘PAETNERSHIP& , -l. • of Putnerihipt 'DTmdtllAL CONSENT tffi* day. 1 JPwtf etttitficltnjir N. 8.-~ft. Mi BUfiH FH-UaD ft CQ. will continue.the 'tybojeaal* ni]d retail Dir Goods ana Grocery tatsineii,' Mlhe olflTdort room. Ho. 230 Liberty «U where (hey. Jfulhe pleased » hav«; theu friend*,and (anooen pall anieiamtne their mock of cood*:'- ' " k '<-J aetata'-- 8. B. fiCSHFIELD ft CO^ ■ -• • / < BliiolsUon. •, - , . sI’HP fannetsfaip of the underairned, onairth# firm CM. &Bmlih,wtt«. ISAACIL SdUTiU , * - , ABTr4 l E!^lriP.^AV - iii, Bafoley hariiw uio stated-with him IVst ThUodatplua,, 'John 81 CosgntTe and Ralph Boaaley of PidsKufjh, IttUltoqtfimßlhe. Wholesale OrooetV Bb*i*h»,ai fiua.< It BCdUWhod *l. wider ttiefrm ef f , ■ I&BAQALEV ft CO., t’hulitfrgh; WOOnWARZ)kCO; PhilaA'*. , [ ’.JBi«ol]Mioa of .QorParl^inhtp. T6e| o-partnership heretofore eiisunebetween the raoaeribere, under the »me of Bfowjt’ft'Cßlbert-; 1 »op,wh»'i!gi*|*Woo’me (*!4oa»tui- 134- fr§ULßEsrtfON. . .• JTEe ibeoihor will continue the- Wholesale uroce- Tf pnd Commisiiou Bonnes*, ah herrtbfbre. nftße old US liberty m. oets A. CULBKSI&ONx i jCs.KAirm. ! > luminmu.; ■ . - BCAJFB ATKIN SOS t Xi*mr., tmrtxirWtob 'l'm-MAMitt, 1 rntaMcmi, •sfV>NTlinpKA.nanaiteiart *tt iuuli, p£ .CyM'KR, to.TIN ANObUBET IRON WARE. AWWack ■tamhworr j * i • , - • , auentipft rives to cteoro bolt work. ■' jJ iford on band* a of Copper utd Brau XeVtTa«*J'ia Ware, Ac. Ac., Swawboat Cooking Store*, rttftW'je Foyjei, vaxiom *iic»—fc vcrf eonventenfar* tiilejir California OT/mt road: neaiO boai'mwi and ■flier* M«AiCttsd:*ea tmr txul>e» a*U price*. before afSfcnin* eWwbere. _ iy:l7 Dissolution of Putn«rihlp> 'V&pttUSeftdrip • of iN£S Jt ca, 'ly.Jltuxneu, Aluller & Co., in \)if Window :$ (Dan* ouwnew; it rtd* dny'dlMofred- by oT MrvFrericnclr MsJlfr. uelbjuineu will.bccwuimied by the andernilrned, Jt'rjiMfiritr of -HRNRY HaNNKN &-CO.' Wot*-, *ij|e!Na; l®d Stroud *t, where yto will Jjst* tzzr-JX 'j>U£| ) of.fnj>eriot Wiuilow^Ghu*^^^^^ ' yr ~^T'. ,- .7 SOTIOtt. . _ e lining ttndrr the (inn iLkC. VKXDLHV, U dlacolTca by the dewtar# fof fltt.C. Bradley. Tie butinest will be carried on by. | who will *eUle tha bwjnens of the late • "A* Buslxt bfthreQOTrd hi* Foundry • iWfcftbome, jV»ni, No. 113 Second ureei. io'No. 19 • WeaJ '•treev'boraeen F!r« nad ©ee&ttd utreeu, to tic ; xarahtra*e4B*eH occupied by. (A A*-Berry, where he jWll Keep coßftintly.on hand a jfenerat iMomaenl of 1 olthtg*. Grate*, Store*. Coohuiy-fetoTo*. *«. jyl'l jfvTTt 7 V OUnlftUoib rt\HK co«partnan}ut>£ereu>fare e lifting between the vjt> kulficnbet*. in the tunc bf Coiuteole, Berko A UECfii'lhU da}* dissolved by mots*] eontat Mann. B*rke*fc BtreehmH Settle the business «f the. oon «m the Ihe ooaeentr NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, s''• 7„ - . . EDMUND 11UKKK. " ' ' ■ TUOILAS BARNES. itiroea haT® tfci» day esaoeiated liicowelrf* HSOf-IIUKC&fr BARNES, /or tho, purpose imria* Fireproof Safe*. VeullDoor*, Ac. e •tana, a/ihe late firm or Constable,'unrke :re ike.? will ph pleased to wmeetbe pf»- tbcCBJ wtoeteof Act hooka end their friends. •'a EDMUND Bl'ttKi-1 L> V I -e >"> . TUOMAS UAJUNIIs. ' frofp the firm Of Constable,.Burke & do-, f > |Bit&'»4ACf!.r* J*leuare recommend Memrs. Burke A fiiralflrtAtire efeAfidmee of t«7 tnrnd* and itie public. NATHANIEL tONSTAULE. S -i\» CAIU>. A. T. Tllo*. K. »iU. itVASthtirilA*, Uioecra, and I‘rtxliiCe and C'lta -4SO. 118 WuoJ »t. Pnuourgh. e&lenlji'Cboceriea, Flour, Wltca:, ft;»,Oau>. «'orn, ilmeon, Butler. Lard, Chfcir; Clover, * 9re M>en & iluuer, RobL Uni 'iftllk.Co., UH3UI* A. Ror. Hnmnt,.fy. Smith $. V.o. Jftiies Mty, Kii>R * Mi'oriirad. riil«i)ureh Fmn<-i &. M’Millmn, Munman. Jus. t*. Mornum, ll*q., Loin*. ‘J'UJb.I,, jro*» oeeo fcuoa, ' iliry wlc vis lore jos.i a. crai». laie oi N Li*imn, O t*. eau>' u* , GJUiIO *HKIIfRKUt Vi HNKRAU \ ttwaiimmi uml ForwunJ VX inr MfCCiliV' l - ><■ •-■'i *L, I’lltidiirgli. IN SD'f rumpt niK-miou *,veit 10 tl***’ purrhasrAinl *«ir c( all kind* o&l*mrtu-'i- W«u A 0*> n Murphy, WiUon A 0"- f L.a»*cm h Mil!, M£ilon Marlin, Jehu 11. llro A-n A 04i., . liiiioU A CtftJfhilaaflfenla; U. *V. A Co., lircßt A Nlcc. NerfEubon, O.; Fr. Sktnnrr, lion. C. D OoEji, * *CiuciAfl«ti; S'-V Kfiinr. ; W. L. Htaii tUirtfOtofraJ&il, O. . V, juii«4 f;, ; oocinUs. - _ Forwarding sfecrcbont* :?•} < aB?3B wood st., riminau, '/hOhTOnßitttlttnma a general Coouiusuoq bail* ai/UttMl AffSrfSllyjo >be purchase and sale of Amnn. and Produce, ami is receiving amT rarsWrtflS?lja*S coiuigned'io his care. 44 Agent fct ttte. Maoufaettftes, he will lioßs3ttnd«J3B.ianu>nstteiuKßWYOßK-I*. , call the attention p( , 'Tinted hj;,ki* iwprovod Printing Inks, of various. i tlnd* and orders) hi the following nricea: --s~\ ■ 3nra fins JdMßaeit, far Card and Wood m • ilfiWi Ij-t.,- r - WOO aud 3Wt per H). tKne Boot Bit, • • ,0 75 “ 100 •' , (Boo* rk . ‘' - o 4f> « oso •« • : • :N***lnk£*r - oia. oao “ um > fonejte4l*k -75 c .i.oo. iAO “ aou •' [Bke,jTel{ow, Green and Wlpte 75c 1001 3j 11 : at «t per'lb, uAd-Bronseat 60,75et*aad , n ?.. I afewcaciagaof jfcwi'lnk can be seen on ihu paper. T%?*ai6 by r joßNacroN astockton, i • .-i • ..... 'PlttOatgJj, Pa.• i YP/JJ&)rßg^Jtfip.,Cij]cinn*iJ,Ohio., . ■.. . , Stdrtoa A Grtswonld, Louisville, Ky. . 'octfedCm I jabkTw. woodwell, I%'d^rlilntiffafr farnitiTf, K 3, Totsd STasxT.ViTTssnaen. 1 < MIHM *A •large and aplendid, «iniu 'JTiHMis 0 r Bmuson,; for Steamboats, fIsEDBHRsA •■MBHofcihaadorlvate dsrel- -v* Unn, constantly on uaztd.and made to.order. - The prewat jitock on hand cannot be exceeded by 4by oanolaetriy in“the* , wesien» country. Perlonr WuStap td purchase mdl do Well to give me acalt, . til om dotermiaed shall please. Part of : thd'ltock consists In-- . TeteaTeteJ Bnflei Etaq'die; ‘ '' Louis XTV Chairs; M«,-Qaeea.ElizabcUi chairs; , • sBB*&r-•• ! * Prtntlf.Mahortny Bedsteads: Piano Stools; ’ ' ! > fißoofai-VrillbrlMh and Hair-cloth oovart;-- , ,-20 Mahogany. Jtocking Chairs; 40,d0r Parlor ' no ' j ■ 3»’ u 'Paney*-do •; { * -. tscentra -Tabled;' j • ... V( . ) - SPpgiir Diwyi»i.4 pair pier Tables; . ;t „ l Iftmtple top Dressingßaretuk; . " : ' fl Wardrobes; 1 H Secretaries knd U Z: i tomazbla top Wash- Stands; : - r ‘V » 4 - 4 pair Ottomans; • * * B pair fancy Work Stands; r t 'l'A‘tery largo aoaortmeat ofconunoncharn anddtbrf l to mention. (I .. (f~y*Sfeacl'Boat« furnished on the shortest aaipnlbcpost reasonable terms. decls j 1 .DlipiraipSl'lHsrTl'Or ilydfaatA^stirt' - 6 '• J * *3| ' Ttflß Ik to •ertlfy-ihat I have n,.» ■, pointed Livingston, Iloggen ;,.0 Agenu for the sale of jenoljiq'^ Patent Diaprahrin Filter, for Alic bi|* • ; ties of Pia»bur|h and Allegheny. < 1 JOH.N tJIUSUN, Agent, - . - fax Waller A 1 Gibson, Uly Broadway f. - Oct 10,1843. ;.'Ts’e have been using one of the above article* at uis' ;osat of iho Novaliy Work* for three month*, on and (cel perfectly oaushed that it is a useful invouin.s, hrakretoke pleasure hi rteommemling tlicm n* » »r.J?Tte.«ro|n*"» i Wr.ia^.*h f ork l dew authe otbac. By, tds eoy proctxvthe foaiatiofwater U changed, end all eccum datfoiurti laurafe rebstanees are dnren off daost . ImtactlT, itrHiuMtcnxerewine the Filler., It alio pouereu tfeei edwunßxe of being a ttop coci» Mc “ cues will bo-very ccareoleniand economical. * > • Itw^,imkehed I 'where.ttterew Mypwrare Wgbj •; oettr eomerof PwithadMiitoitl,, sal* «Petta79 Ffcmk«riBt j d»£U .-I 'r £ ; t * - Liu si •« jt jin? 7 i MISCELLANEOUS ? • Book; Binder** '• , above butineas, ocmer Vy of I Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where ure are‘prepared l© do any work In our IWe with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and’lain*- utetion will be given in regard to its neatnesi ana du rability. ! • 1 niunk iSboka ruled to any pattern and bound *abr oaka bound carp roily or repaired. Names ptu on 'books iii gOt letter*. Those ihsf have work in our line are invited, .to calL prices lotw; ; mrJfctf | Cooking Stoves, Grata*, dkc. - MAiiIIALL, WALLACE* CO., Round Ohnrch, coindrliberty and Wood sired*,, manufacture antroffenfar sole Platform, Floor and Cdtfnter Scales, eCtbomdstimproved quality; Cooking Stoves, for .wood' and of various size*, Parlor pnd eonanenl Qretet, Hollow Ware, kc. ate. They alto mauofoqhtte the Kiiehen Range, which bo* given such gendrai MtisCaction to those having, it in nse, to all o( which''tier would respectfully invite the Attention of • ikopaizfc* *itd the public generally. •ocvP'dtf SANUFACTfURED TOBACCO—The subscribe*' ,*r*ufl call the attention of the eity trade-tad :rs generally, ito the following brands Toboepos, in'slote ami to arrive, whlch.beinr consignment* di> red from manufacturers, he i&enabled toseß at .east ern prices^ t it® I blsß W Crenshaw 3s; 70 f. u •• dames Madison fit; Lamartine ss; •.v X) I u 'Mirabeau s*i , tl I u Putnam 5* and l*i 15 | M Roberts k Sisson ss; • - H I “ Oscar Bari - ss; tl. • “ • Johns k Lewis Is; 3 I “ Warwick, sopr Is;' 49 i “ Henry k James sa, Is end 9s; feb«-- LS WATERMAN Pitt gaehins Works and .Foundry* rtnvnoaou, ri. ' JOHN WRIGHT k Co., are prepared » build Cotton sud Woolen Machinery o(overt, description, such, •as Carding Machines. Spinning Frame*, Speeder*. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spooler*, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, kc. Wrought fron Shifting tamed; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pollies and Hanger* Of the latest patients,*]ids V>d hand Lathes,: and tods of ail kinds. Castian of cvpry description furnished on short notice. Patterns wade to order for Mill Gesrtng, Iron Railing. Ac. (team Pipo for heat-' ing Factories, Cast Iran window Sash, nnd'fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J.' Palmer k Co-, Liberty street, will have prompt atten tion. j Refer to Ulacknock. Belf k Co., J. K/ Moorehead A Co, l». K. Warner, John Irwm-k-Sort*. Pittsburgh; G. C- k J. li. Waruer, Steubenville ianl# »W COACH FACTORY) Aixvnrvrr. • MA. WHITEk CO- would respectfully inform ■ lh* public that they have erected ashopou Lauock, between Federal ai d Sandusky streets. They, arenowmhkingand are prepared to .receive orders f«j. every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot’s, Ba zoucoen. Buggies, Fhwtons, fee., kfc., whieh from their, long experience m the manafaeturesf,the above work, ana the facilities they have; they fed confident they are .enabled to do .work on the most reasonable Senas with lh»«c wonhngiaruetes iu their line. . , , , Paying panlrplyr attention to the keleeuon of naze" rial*, atuThavlng none but competent wsßooen, they : have no hesitation in saanuuung.thqr work. We therefore oak the attention of the public to this mailer. N. U. Repairing done in tba beet manner, and an Uia. moat reasonable terras. jaSO:lf_ PIASOBI THE tubsoriber Offers for sale a iatgo and. splendid,- assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac* uon Piaaos, with and without Coleman's celebrated■ Ak>iiair Attachment. The above instrument* are war; routed u> be equal to any manufactured in this coun try, and will be sold I owe: than oar brimght from the' East. Is DLUMis, No M 2 wood at. 2d door above sth N» B.—City Scrip will be taken! at par for slew of he above assortment. myd , F. D. WABTKB, , . DAILY at the BALTIMORE, PIfILADELPnrA'. NEW YORK. BOSTON ANDNEW ORLKANti . OKNKR.vL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MEN in retail Hares, and other rfeapeglable badness, to act', a* ilook-kcepcra/Haiea iucu, Porters, Bar-keepers,'Waiters, Farmers, Coach oeu, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches ofbasine*v*c- We have at all time* alqrge number of good situations on hr ltd, which'pay from 300 to HflQO per annuht. Those in Waiitbr stmstiotis ofanykiad wohld .do vfnll io give as a call, qs we have agynts in egeh of the s'love n bet, which will enable US to place ttbery. applicant in a suitable stmeimn the shortest notice. -We bare a large acquaintance ut'all the above named cities, which wejrost will enable u* togive entire satisfac tion ie all-who may fayOr us with aic all TAYLOR k TAY.M AN, No.'W Sheond sL, beiwedtt South and Gay. N.U— Persons living ia »ay port of the U. State..*, ami wmtuug to obtuu n aliuauoa in Baltimore, or ei ther ot'the'aboTe cities, will have iheirwanu im me diately attended to by addressing u» n line, ipost-paiil) a» I.) ru dome tliry will curtail both trouble and ex. yen**-; which they ntnerwise would, iucur by coming to ibe cut. aad xcceinx employment for ibcm»e!ve*. Addro*. . TAYLOR &.TAVMAN. Mo TJ Second •trect, ' LinJuinore, Mil BENNETT A BROTHER, QFJSEasVVAUL itA.NUFACTI'RI.U.'-. Birmingham (nra* Pltuburgd,! Fn. Vtartiuwc, So. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. y~»ppt WILL nomtanUv Ktepoa «»«$«• 4&&J&ai\oi Wm, of oar own - n A Dl goid sail Jiltcr l bread, Curd unj Braid. a wi Spai.glet Uwliion, Cor embroidering au.l o’uri ur Hum. n«&i work. A‘*>ld u:»d w:ver Tassels,Fnsge> ami Luce Jrwdry of the Uic«t (‘■•binn*, in great variety. Watebes ofnap'-rior .|aai.l> and Ocaouslii paurrßs, ami lor sale at Eastern price*. W\V WILSON, ■xug? eornct Market and Foaria *l* * THKS-EUM BATHING UTABLIBII :A, MKNT—Opeu from 6 A M. vo 11 R. M. Mingle JiftUi Sicento, or 4. lor 1 dollar. Ladies department open from U to It A>-AI. and from 'i to 3 P. M. The Refreshment Hatoan* are AneQuallsd in »ty'< attendance. Becberclio lee Creanu! aygii ' T. M’FALL.'Prbprieuiri • ; THK AHEOHKTSBr « 11HEaaeatifioprUiepBbUs. il retpectmiy coital ts Uie following certificates: i i,Ma S. Eainti —Having tested a nuanlily of Gold wesghed by-youf Arecmctef. i iirul tie result proves vaur instrument correct; aim recommend tie dm of & *id these gobig to'CalifornieJ as lb a ban method far ob timing tie real tal u ujeh^Hes^yours^ PitObnrgh, March 9, 13491' ! Prmnctca, March 7,1649. , Me. EatOW— Beer Min Uaving examined the‘?Axeo« lacu.y’snaoiiXocUirotl at your rooms, I do not hesitate, to commend It te the use of'those'gentlemen who are about removing to California in search tif Gold. It rives s close approximation to the specific -gravi ty or metals, and will certainly eualile H>e adventurer to ascertain wbmt&iis plactru yitfUing Gold. pi»tU_ .. VoßDrtw.’yt. AJL hteLIjiTPCK. . INUa RuMer recetvSf'fprlLV Cniforiim' Kr^^dKitm,' T tffwtTp Wif i lLsionfcent i Gmfc'fiasde -Clothing; sli (iflcdtonipgfenß fanny MS#) |» ierSi ■••■»•• 1 -V -J A H PHILLIPS I . B>Bißiyi>slaAtosnMgti'M«« ROBERT 11. PATTERSON boa opened he large stable dn?im'at,rnfminr through o tiMDodevbaureda WyodaAl soithfieid the ,-cf r if the. Slo(ionrahcla House, tlrely new stock, of Horses and Carriages or dlitymndlatemstylca. -Hones keptatlire* ;st manner. > , ■ >■ _jyihlly ilfttbu rißUi IBfgTITOTiO :6nd Menton of. tkis-Institatibn, under the f Mifc and Mrs* Gobboeu, ,fdr. the present academic year, trill commence on!the first of Febria ry next, in the shine buildings, No, ftl Liberty street, Arrangement* have been nude by which they trill be able to famish young ladies, facilities equal t» any ‘ in the Westjlbfbnuuung a thorotgh English, Clssn.- eal, and Ornamental education,. A full course ofl’iu* lisonhical and Cbemicil Lectnres [trill be delivered during tia-Mmef, illustrated by apparatus. The do? 'poarunenu ofVocal and Instrument} Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting,'wilieach be under :ibeeareofaesoipetent Pfofcsaor. Bycloseattention to the moral and rnlclleetgai improvement of their pu* nils, the Principals hope to merit Wedadnuationdf the liberal putroaagd they have -hiibtno eiyoyod. Fot terms, see circular or appN to the Principals -jakOidU ” * -• ' ~ : rT^1 Pmasnott, Mept is, tws. MIL THOM. K. lUUqgRT;i-Daai Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID we hsitre now been using more than a year, and od looking oyer tho entries made by it, we firm the eotor, y-brigut filae blacx. It ispleuant to write with, (lows free, and doed not Clog tne pen tike the ordinary inks in use.'k.Wishing'Taa the ready sals , tfs menu demand, we are, yofjs regretfully, : Fbr salt,tofethvf with Uibberfs Rod;lnk, andMa ohiue Copy luk, by B. A. Fahnestock A Co i. H. P. gchwara, Allegheny City,'-and by 'tbe manufutdrsr, TT.-Ji. niUberi,-J}fUggist and Cbeoust, corner of.Liber jy,and Smiihaejasts, Pictrfiupth. oCU3 1 WATxaxaa nuin. jobiu* ruitKo. w>r. s. tuinr PAIsBUSBf MANNA * CO., { - (Successors to Huoiey, il&nna A Co.) : T>ANKERS, EXCHANGE HBOKERM, and dealers; t *o< Itt Foreign and Domestio Exchanged Ccrtificaies' Ofikposiic, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street,! nearly opposite tbe Bonk of Pittsburgh. Cnrrehr roo* ( I MV icßstved on Checks ibr sole, and; nuectiaaß made oq nearly all the principal points iu -the Utfitea Mutes. ■ i for Foreign and Amec.mii .Gold- . , , 1 ; . Advances made eneontignmenu of Prodace, ship! ped on-liberal terms. j. ~ GREAT IN VENTIONI-LVALCAIILE USCOVERY! i . FaTaarßttagp IMP, Patent cios*kv«T extension .TaMa, sofa»\ Buranti, flotl Castx,Wrdi*g'biik*. i- LEVER 6P iKONV I a IDS TABIjKS fat;jißrj>«3Mhg every’' oilier m* 1 veuuon oi the kind now extant; Tbeg can be ax- : fended from ten to iwcaty-fivoiftej, andwhea closed ,ihe leaves an all coulaincd iawde; they ertf made tO'i til kizcs and shapes, and are far ! 'Siramhonia, Hotels, and largo private-umlHei, fora-’ 1 h« when eloied a conalela centre tfcfcle. " * , •! SOFAS AND UUKFJ^S— t TJfese drtcleAnfe'ln»aJ- , sable, partica laxly to-those;jvi£o, wiah-do-ecood mi*e room, amt convert a sleeping l apanmfitrt r Into a parlor or sitting room, aslheyican Unopened and sb*t‘ at convenience, and when «hul,.lha bedding is enclose cl, A great saving ia room uid ratiL All the bed* steads when closed lonp a beaatifaTpieee of fttraUabo lureparlor or aiuing rtbm. .. . . , . BOOK OASES—A mat hna asefttl article for parlor or drawing room. -I !•. • . . WRITING UESKS-rFor law offices, coaming room,' ami other office*; whet| opened a-mdkieoitvfenient bed* stead, when closed a pgrteet Desk end Library alofte u visible- • • ’ All these articles njed rto.'teeommendaßOn: the Yeasty erthe warranbcd..iim u>gei ontoi repair. It will be for yoar interests to ball and txamiOc the articles, altherntnafabturer's store. No. V 3 Hurd CrteiTPillsijidgh ,; In addition to theahova ' .advantage*, they are pfcof against bags. ~ mchlfl ‘ ' f - j JAMES, W WUODWBLL. ~iowKi,i nkMSs, ' • KuArscmxk a*r<. - l . -monel am pcrk smeits, Corner Front and wine street*, ClhttoM**? Os -/ORDERS frees’ v Raw or fl ooded to at lowe»%ajmtet ptit*. * 'tweffiJWlyt ■ 1 » ' -sYSTEMf-o'C AteleM antlWdra*«lGeomph y I A*>«th*WO*f School*mdO<*lc«tsi Jjjr.Cihwl 8 ! A fl£Srrors?ani««i'W»eraiure; tjr.CeoT.jteicapr. 3, , Ad»cnture^,«dfWhwfd. : in the Hotaewd Cretoat Us HJamnodareirjtyc,^ \ (W»BONsJ ; The itfEScv ska 2? B**ie«6d<&i'W' Lort* PraVer, pabiuhed snA raecbrnd £llEBDYTEaiAfrßopK, no slurs. . > * . h* - --J i Hi: > Also-The iHtutMuitf Us Crom by.tii fccnC Dz* ißpriaf. * ~ , • „..' J ,V3wu P - ' ••> .• .p.' .\. r* •’* V : - --••>-:-t v • , ’• h - - *■■--.-• i r •* » H « ... •••.•':.•»•;:' t-!' |-. .H ~ ‘ K * ; •* L ™! 1. ,4b*-**'*. * > “*> ■ jj, £ . r !.n \ciii ft ' FBJEMIVI* WHITE ?4NP PROWNI.DO,M^ WB.kta bow reeeiring'froftt.Ua. inpplytf ihs« sooditwWeh ■ WW. - erthan steh roodieap m had elsewhere in «. Wo on DO acids Id bleaching,Mat(»Jer« t -the eeived jhaUrit 6r«nijsa*oT«T' all elhfcrittarfs «xiu»u- W attheHmAnwibeßyASWdmra!£ws i **»■»•-**i City, by Mr. Join' Dain9sW'aUolatfrtjjs*?{Xwp.Hl£ WUdqwp,”FsderaUt...*;' ‘'-I • I cue BO psijrSteiinJieaVßlankeaj tibboijbotßuJj - r ' * SO paim-Dark.Ge&tiiinftil&'Btiio BlankcjSr p-.yerj.sp* perior article.', _- ~ V , ;;,•**« . V, 8 cases Grey and BUe'lflatteeiGtwinfcN 40 pieces TwbedtSteobetmUo otakeiri.casoutKft]: •edplainiand barred leans, BtCnbcaTilld rttifflswonri r she above goodaare mS flshktfifr nuLker, pad mii bp topa^otaw^pf. /Ttj AttßfCTfljioT haiciaaiencectoreceiw i 4U«- Wqoitt;ComS3AHtuid, Hoods; HasUn, woolen Clovti? Thibet, cloth, uwui de GfiirandWaMbsf BlU.wlV' eash * oert worsted and woolen Hoop; Hfliitj Jailkaodjatta Cravat* aollßeajft? Qdnpiwia. Fringe* Iriff£fofiTabUCoTei’fcCT#pes B Bibbou** fcaeet iieaebed bad eolorPd M Tsbby Patmri ThrpwfojftapEg Battpns, Gum Saspeo*. dets K Pnis l Tereß>sionCaps>tAMh4nes, edomon.and; go Id Jewelry, nid and siwer Wat««di;lSiSHf, pock*' et. and | table tuiary, many 4therfloods wjush, countW andeUyfierchanuare rtrfJjecastlyMan»M oeiaipirie. • 1 •'■:•'•? ;>"<>-<■ .1* " Pa V sow®* .XJAmrPACTDBE and will kp» on IVX and Steam Boat Blantons, •PoatoftU. anaandri • blue, brown and drab;Blnnkto»K : i TTryE have lost received e‘larre and complete stoekl W o/ CLOCl£S,>Vax&y ana Finoj Goods, suita-; ble for the fail trpdet, to Which, with.every description ofLdoklng Grasses' ppyrershopinthisxitrjycO asfethp attendop of W’cstv era Merchants and outer dealers. ' , "‘ r t " • ,!*E.fNEDYfcSAWYBErr.r^ ~- , apu» f. - i-. conierWood andFoarth. ‘ • 1 DRYGOODS. -Mr..l-/fe HCaPBT^WIbSOjI . . Np,49 WoooSi.j.^maotrasp,.. .j£ r ... A RSjwwreceiyinr their usual suppHeioC ©ids' ' A Jfar tha*Fail Jesfcnpwhielt they wili lw-h^mF®l - taiheir.rdiLcißtpmersi and aa.many-MWflfies as may feci inclined wpresent theinselTe£'^s ' ,f ' 'Always taiinrgraklpalnt-to lay insajcc'mmdiasf 1 aro adaptodtQ lheWnnu o(tho'^yestera4ra4Uj |r % t> i long ekpenenee enables them to fio,'lbey*eaSf Wit hl maeh.oooflcteirde, and wiihoittenieiindQA'*<4sUib - of (imo atock, that the Western retail; njettham yrllT find with them all (hat his euitomers ThoH ■ who ijaTb formed the unprofitable luntft'ftf repairing, to tha Eastern cities tor their stockl.otPty Good*, would doweirioeaD, aka candid eed#uum&otptlv . ceswpnld in many ca«o that; , Ihocxpenaeofgoiagfarthermayb«Twvialedby,bny- ’ Ine in pittsbunrh. * ; *'rs4..-ywl4ptl4 - I ,' IHiCKUTI *rxratt!f«i« i /l . ; DAY GOODS } . , . T f ‘ r\ . ABE noWTceeWinf 'aNery : Goods, of ecee at purchase «»ljmpo rUxie/broi&fthtuirifhtie^ :t •Uyfl "^ J V r ?W rottSKi rfUCKnJH«nD«n ber.leSf9toinfara4lnM&4e.nff: I fcey have obtained from'-'the EaltMlf tStnaroliniif! fSttlotiSfile dlfciia£;c*ll fend r tswfttf!, fend- frafeo; foTlheraaelTes. Batlingfrrili tg foTTtislini’At Ifefrffeq&j est notice, andiniho/tifls) manner, Al Uto ‘fconier'w Craik and Kebflcca'stt«*> Adlfcghenpeltfelp-t'-'-i -v zi aufßMftf: ~ ;,>^A^lo^fc piffifc. > j 11 UOXf> A j Jirerinf CaninStoeilQVSTE&S, litldKurejoft fwi to-dealer*; JfclYamiLle*, Bl Jovrc/ljPuijejL Quality wojnuiietvtiitlal» anf brooght id tha tnati 1 Tfet/and forUlef by • •'/ ; -'• ■■■j'-L* ;• r.i > a|»[>—At the nor Pmiihifcld'andß4e6{iiLosi'frl!taleias t tHd»aodi< Mefcer 4 BoliioMiu FV4oraimr,AU£»eny? ; J odttt' • ; —s^jfarwtftfDWiGMr 7 ""— WrLL remaih ©ieafor Milter* nniil.ihalit Jango-; xy, 155 U-, prhteri and oihcr Refrcshmentt soil* «i fp the irasoa will Vokept! tttti(ireerthotse, don*' uiaina a largeeoliitettonof xaremand choicePlant*, mil tx opc>wdt>. vi*itsrSf Ifoqufis neatly paten at. »hiAt no tied' l&roagkenT ‘ tte v seß*oti. 'An OmniboV leafeeo tte Allegheny lh«iSL plait Street, Uriiisc, every half liopr daring tho oay,.ruiailcig to-lit Ualdefc; and tho ferry boat, Cafttaig-tValker, runs (nil the Point, tarring y ihfftar. • dc4 Portie* wishing xo «pend tbo edtaiag; will be' ttiommodtlejl wtth, p_»*«aTP a^fp ; P. hi. Kent no Tciarcranfie prideinles, amrcTfrctTeir uoday. *pt!3 S. tfjCAIN. ' T' lUOUk.i •; !■•?- " < B.MILTgSBKnfIER Comsuspjdi'Mer- remnvedio No.yVFrotH, i>ctrreea Wacj. aial tisuth&eld iijoKs. •• ..:• li/S hive~*ome ffUhLTO, made Oi) ab 'Vi phut, eons cot Jo freexwtn ihacoidcit weather. Perron* wanting tveL oniele*. *rriinvited to call and see themM . ' tiCAIFE* ATKINSON’S, rertS ' ' t*t. Market *».- VUw (Of FUUMUgb. ;. ■u. j ■-.... EV VIKW wift he p*l»U»J»4m InAdefctj •i.'leuil uA be*«y difejseoaoaa— to. u)i otter whtle*tr. i*euto«i; wboiloaliL , rfjtfi*-Tew < »eVk«wi«ee. ; * ' B.' WMtTFWKinv t, Dec. aih,.1549.-{dcil ' 'SPLENDID-AS3URTME2iT;QF’ rpiiE GEM OPTHE«EA&QNH»ttkfIixittD elegant -1 «iafTWDa*v' B4il4db)f pi. P. wfllis. [ Jni| Annuel, a.GUtiffp ell Seasons;*by^l. jThs FlotailprCTkisferlflWlwitii fil colored eMT«Ttar»i*dfi“ by J: Keu4.l •? r-K y) -••; T Efcaflits 6rStmnfry<*h llUaihiaed AamliMefrlWO.; I Gem of ljtcraryClitJar by EL* ' Tlie-Ojtal, » rtreGlft(brilie Uolj-pofii l .• k,< / .» Ilurrot;Cilranjnjs,i»a,Holiday, Boofr-rby -ll*. A,. Dwight . , " ■ . ~.i ; Gin Leave* »r Anirieo Poetry;: ediifid:by ; Gnjwoid.'i /a ..... , r . . ..... ■! t * * •’• I The Romance of WaixrTß,' or Poeliesf lAnydagogf. Flowers? bf Thomu Miller. ■ •- 1.'.-j'- Tie E‘oryi«-Me-Noi,larl63ft,bTMfß.B.B.ffiiai,Ut. - TUc flloi Roie, -byMrr. K-KHraari. ■njeiiftowFlui*,,. Tfte Chaplet pf Library Gems, wiihcojpred cngra*’ ■inr*.' •. - *■ * V v^: Tbe.llpmeGffhrinf.orGUnipscebfiuociio.liueGbE/ iC.Emboir. 'Y '.-Y ‘ ' T ’' ? *** •’Qe'uift of Friendship, .k- Teken-of acmcmDraflgff. TBqJiyaciiUii, or Affection's Gifu for 185C4. j: Tie Gem, tor 18S0: cdltttTby Father Frank." .- Apples of Goldin rletnitr of SHreR- by ows, • >■< t-~ i' t "... i. ;,. «0‘ It 11. h:''i 1A ' Flora’* Gems or. the Bonnet fer.all Seasons! wife wantiftil embellishment**' a ’ ‘‘ f ■ l '• - ■ yi ? Tbe Drawing Boom Scrap Book, wiferp’fo l f iltoK xeuons. -\ -.j • . ;i ’ • Tbe ChartcieVfitjea of Wckacni l>Jf> Mzk Jtntffsartl, •Ihs Heroines of syilhlcny fiTO cmti ricKS.Croiadrewingsbypoiiaeatattidt*. t - > in every.stjde'w Wadi®*; "> * No« tVood*ttost,!botwcdP:Fepnb,- .. .... | , , .and ibempna jiley^ • : . AJIHUAX.B) 1 : : - ! ; . ra^ EAFLETOof Memciy: Lidy’btJlftr ‘r >'B-j-I rGems of tie Seasons] -Gema of JJeaatyL.i.;:.; - Rauelu: Gift ofTriendsbip] FloralKetpisjcfc; • Romance of Nature Hyaclncb Child's. j&epmJl«? Chrutm***Blot*trmsfOtftLeaTesofAm.jPeeiaj - Go Dreams,” byWm. C. Bryant;'lanhoittfp.e ' Life,” by Mrs. 8. tJ.Dowe; -Tho Jtghtrtpmeth,**;] Mrs. Embury; “Tbe'lß ornament at Acre,” try H, w, 'buiyriSjirroltViiaSiwiM- «* tysmenpwb manner *r-Mapie«m£ with . ' of^aiage^ui r :|WKgSfflffL'2!Slhtf n?JjP re **- AwrnAMßmwAiiSi® dpt to - ML 'i&jeilvedjsid: , • r ~ . •> QiAMNqw Newark CUy. f -TStrf Tt *i r .^tfinaftfla' Jdx*il Tqtgfci 6 #sfce?Aii* t'of "St? aalM'cirtdffiiertbtdW' ir--wbn®*4;prarre s/Vefeto, sad tti«&et]Da**ftt&»'ftnj| msflsa^plß ua^ifmv3Wn!Aetot^36tteSj&«b> W'nr.r-H*?™ £*&y&?3a fS’iSd-toSiSSf ■ Ilyorii* wonders la caaiiof ffuar ttibas orWjiiaa,'' FaUitfio* ttife StfßN&tta, ot ft3£. j^pisjs^siiaga^te^ :ttaf we ggaesaDyrtena'i gived strengtir to •S“ , ■' rS^^ se^? u £P I^l ?y m ( at lff ß i fwanJpar 'Bt. Vitas Settee, ekjofeßf & not tpts, Uen.Tp»MißiciiKi»»yjaLßi&fm»*rv^f T y t j, But can say or theic sen (priii lerii* article? >ThsfyAto« -mAhif r\ to .- Co3p^Jlßß^rfniTHfiQLpPß.«, f -,t. odiog and iapas^flthbriroMS^ttirtftwafafcnv' f^sssss^sssssgtss^ ?»'p oUucc*t-flidnie^ t heartbnmi: paij«StSTrofihe i** 1 t,Urcr comply tf^^a^^merj.phriiicami «cqr option oftiheOiHanVid Aft or in tire body? ?-IRiaCfMMcrlfcH-&b fcbmbr* ,wf (to. bnnfftoa.lynrtjotftof - i“ o3SSFS^S^Mw®fe ; iW vdiuuesKbeaaiatuta'burtsotut'acaffiUdiwldcb' ini luyuesuvaif kctwpeu ilw joimsitod ekoirhete, lr. iuttg' and in linn tog rfati feridet *fc(fa«rdito yVe widiiwMpenWcl, bocasastiiiOilitn: absbCmnx trrnii, 'ToWMendyfSkbaJiiU’Ula are'bea ; rt^Wjdo^KTOrt,and i aiai tooy.unj la every pari UooJu,itaYiugnkqt ono singio ttuQgTQJAnQiuoii.' r * .' It u to attest tnads anjortoSiaie: lo m’ ; despairing boMra r to'restoTb itoaiu juidtToooiand gdrltagteetmtojtodand br^t^fa^tfdjiaiibW' y&'^^BKK^CoSSfiSrEITOIITEp pw'WiV imi* >h e jScrofaUorlO&f’a Obttiß&TCata* | -jßl<«aE^i^«ißjn»k»«Pnrale»iooiiBF«£& • e xheißQ«w tal arahilMe, f _ .Byrapibnt, Scwllca or I*i&ba*or£«&3 diiettm *4rttini a» s&eW flU^MtßSUanusajsav^mwvdtateitUlK Mcdionml pftftmtico of, BvmpanJl*, eotnbined'.wmi aa'raMt’eqoeaftl.aUit Cko'i&oit jaMiry wteub thatr dttfikdw potent vlnp-'b* ofthe iteroisfekt kuigfeßu ap&y iLhw.'bert joftiUrW»Wlt. JjdVoniir br patient* them .•eivft,' by phyaid tix, fti/lf l*» najeltef Ofcit mfflutfiosg yooopyarpjiUonr. and ib& etopjoba-■. lion oC'wej’Oblie] aad: ku .etienlitbcd, oa "HtoWtr nieTit^* i dot itortla ; rartQu.-nuaaouiifrieui«.lti&tiuta of: gamttprilU. Ih»ea*ekJiiTe'bpeJirtfea,‘*w£l3rtto» honnwnbfftii ttStta«*&idfaina*n4»a aailTttaiii. hMOlTeadr'dofte for ihethowaa dt wbeafvo ngdjt. it, u capable wf doing fornhe-niflUcaTWin rai!enbrOaa aftMtfsnathe foqouii ffilWlfliMW Infwe* new Tutor Guoartoot tie.wßoQ anlAilrttmfef £i CfßS.oBsoaoym.jv- *v* , c Xfc* following. »»Ue|*d wd-r*i.w]U Wwea-rpferi: 'nanenlcub 6FSiiljSws*t# mtao of YtfcVofnH.-. cotd— *ttb£ktt*!fito alfcaiaiila IjrtUciefef^v, -t -?.\i ; ,Sor Meß&aiSanairQartte tcfi,-'BT«ltelbf fbOUteafflia*: (ia ißdactomo w W • aLmltf' be JUl'tipeafTrtefc**«:»tjd,ljfl wiftftnvoor bbUleptodoted’d feetted feft fippfahta in* tor more tbu anypmchpqea aae nidevir ukda? anm&H UK'sMd ttfcfcdUltaiat re wo red. tx w now & e£ fected; *m bar healta feaajanoad:!»bflwW ff **r'fltt dlaenec'/vM rYWeta- Oor neighbor* «re,oujal6*nw£to tbeJO'ficlßland'fifaV ; yis^ Extract from a lUftftteStrt frdi'M?, »« YiL: - yoar ud ofSiaWMot/lMaUi,, A •*: • ~■*.% ~• * m? p!StSi»^g®fSWiSS3S to bßtoafiUjQlnrUule or'tu&e of lh<£v mucolihiV mbV Trill ina&anfcfflgittd lttihippu : »fipw: .pf.ltß JOoi, ,£he cr’pcrieacc of IhotUafid* b*S prored iUWßcacyfnctifiajtboTTrtoMdjWMdtforwhieifU; . 4 *aj otoer, perbtpt, it liut ■modiino iue/oL In'pfepV' pwCwo^teii*^ uf a'c Wage'of «e4A^:—{uoaie'Jo&r> kn& Aall. b/ju" 1L &] 'lKfl&NDSJMB|laVßad*tai«aus r >op Voiioiictnou i i ■vsssaiasss^^mss [ byptft.«Wffa»aad|w&r,:e sBl*4*4**^ ■ - -y , ..-,j $ , •:. : -i\ X-6 { '■.l' >:4’Vw : -’rr' -= vr)^s| :{ ‘ 1 * ' ’»•«< .-rV/-;: {.’• j: F'-/, >./•.• Wf -? I j. - '•ti U-i£9; c*ii t-ir (j tmaoHfc& 4.1*4 - f ■' - Wfinei^t*aa4?|^^r?r^3. •:• ‘ r »7Mrt• -y._ . princi***!*#.. U>ii‘''T-T*'“ Tr^K w '.'r'--*-—. '■*■ .• - . taiuttst? fijifasWWioUfftgMuirfjrwcoH" aflitgjoty'faactior»lft*.-Ba*bi.-0 .oil nsto’.sand.ttorardtfcftioi&jjitouitt- ■■ bi^SoS 1 A lObefenmr: 3 aft - * “ lha.h?«t l Jhsi(Kil,,ttM Btumi-jpiwg!,;;, ,& M*W»S , raß9WjßW®9»Sril»wB being deaoffiir.edtyUiocon-' : to M and" ■ felril-'-r-A. J ' '- 1 '" " ( 3ins«isp iaijt ijS ■■' ■■■' Serf Jog B» tktanilff, rdri&fra adi a trnuftfl : - i no*gh-My topehm, torpoCta.ieufei )o nuji»«jlifoiiiex»»iulii«fflij > i l .wji!iHi» etti% rilil n&’ege aa;lF^ll£C* 7 :aad*^ear^.ga ;0 i , , n . -';-. wKJ^ffiS 1 fl£"'^lSfile,liiadorgml4i^'.toVjli )|n£:- a< led, ii-tiny as ; a,is»H> in 'air'oTa t '. ah s.iianJ 4 ,wlyl^fevea'wioreter i anQXO'f' ,0 "!* ha HoLiiinlMaaieß ; :t2> £” ysJ >;m »s#::-* . %;KaV. ' rs f '‘P ,: ‘. Ea *oii*g££:lt i d&itaAta wiihbfi •> a-• i‘co prordßaervatitiifi ih% 1 > 6&ii ®*V -Bwh IJJst iiatt fclita. i l . •. :£rtn : and.tmsiifpecUdgteJaperwcmJci bethe. , 3 ; •■;•.;? ,«fIL tr . • 4tpt j&Mra* '* >•- •- %i§t ':•.•■' ■wpi > , > {cra^^rte^mf6miatf'daormig6rim)retui , >'f[y»*l 'u*aguftM^9i6ughfica ,,i .*!stps**£jpitewsm :-• : jsQsK4mJ.y^iCsaaw o lhe Bpinkonfie --* .• a Smhnftc- nailrinaYl BrMiaHir*!itfX °'*< * • , three the Tnould bf Jwuitiflm ' -■'-* jast from that mcdidcame -.up . forip exactness and sharpuQ&y, r m raUino^^^etailj-of.jf-fijta^iinpre^jiQp^ ? ,jj ; 4tii ljußsiart Ifraotio. \ ake the wqrtdroaw?ia, 4 • tboj to '-■' ; -- ho sprritj^Oia l tat He-aim; .- aihKDdepi^aiiit^aSB,to.-^mq%;that I :betttir^iaEelyt^j9r^qff^ye ( tsor&{^“^ ;. t -,- Tfl^igSjrt O, stfef l a-^ amfcht ■ ■ • :'• &$&) t‘4STo?MftrtP ;pae. : tti •,. >. J "- ® j.M^e, : rachig*mih.ded'ottraj^la^ : 11 •>' Pr^'mSnafMrrii 7 l&i* ■ ; * idP : ttie q .^^oflQna/ia6ih^r fa?-ihegreaJie*/j ,g * .i xihw^rtakrt^hip^aniysjp^j^j,. i wy.wucS j. l with io■■■•■ lit'buUmog ]ou*.or.ibc;iuaif »iie, or.toimpnJXfjrffl - 1 K^aWssWist £nnbns}tboHS&lliau,”)* mu3bcrfotfc«B»4lN*SWfl£ •■ ■^SSwsoSp2^L^^*-Co^ , »wl' : oiAeatnAtrt*v«i&.7 -«-J a,}-!-,r«. , i>?s-j*i:* «■' • .. ‘ aiiUtf '■■■*■ pi*) Sn-M .•faidbftflWHSWia. .'T ‘ I* 'ChUKb?s^4fc&^i? SSSSKfS3SHraBa«B»}O£ r V. Mlti»g mijqfr- • ■*•■;■ £v. " • ■ , A.y. i*thowJlc proprlefflrjoPßAiHW*A3JH%tZl>' ' < mosJt&Ui>i^ri®iHy--.- v » ' lJb# f&xrir*ad£<*4?«f t4a •-.^.i'-^viii-is's--. r«? 0i \‘f ' /j;?.'}: v'-i? *'i*. ,i .f Vltla'J £s’> i'. ":' «' * ** y * “>* *«> !•** ***«- • *3«S W * v,jj «£ r;air;-t-/■ ■:.:.•